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The Northampton Mercury


Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Volume Number: LXXXV    Issue Number: 14
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The Northampton Mercury
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The Northampton Mercury

Date of Article: 08/06/1805
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: LXXXV    Issue Number: 14
No Pages: 4
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tvtitvy Vol. LXXXV. { Ready Money is expected ) No. 11. { with Advertisements. f SATURDAY, Tune 8, 1805. PRICE SIXPENCE. - 3jd. ( Paper and P « nt 2Jd. Sunday'and Tuesday's Posts. From the LONDON GAZETTE. SATURDAY, June 1. THIS Gazette contains dispatches from Sir Samuel Hood, giving an account of'the capture of the French privateer L'intrepide, by the bri£ Grenada, off the Leeward Islands; and the taking of the De Zenno cutter- privateer, two days from Flushing, by the Charger gun- brig. This Gazette also contains an Order of Council, dated May 30th, allowing for six months the im- portation into any pun of Great- Britain, of all kinds of provisions, free of duty. — « « OCOISa— LONDON, June 4. Satt\ r> l » v were received American Papers to the Stth of April.— By these papers it appears, that the city of St. Domingo has not been taken by dm Blacks, as was some time since reported: it was, however, invested on the 10th of March, by the am* of Oessalincs; and so closely were tlie Ft « ncb " hemmed in, that vessels, cither sailing from, or efttering the port, were exposed to the musketry of the troops which lined the shore — General FerranH was, according to the latest in- teUt » t- uee, determined to perish, rather than suffer rise Blacks to take possession of the place. The. above papers state, that it was on the 24th of March the Rochfort . squadron sailed from Inn- Royal, Martinique, on their return to Europe. Previous to their departure, an embargo had been bid tor three days on the shipping in the island. A formal contradiction of the report of the loss of bis Majesty's ship Vanguard, in the Gulph of Ftrwiiia, signed bv her Commander, Captain Evans, bias luafii inserted in the American journals.— We • re bapp\ to find, that the accounts of the loss of the Piincess Charlotte frigate is equally un- fauaded. An important correspondence is carrying on between Mr. Merry, the British Minister, and Mr. Madison, Secretary of State, on the subject of impressing American seamen, by British snips of war: Mr. Merry insisting on the right of British vessels to seize native bijrri subjects of Great- Britain, when met with on the seas, and not admitting the principle of naturalization as a se- curity of the rights of citizenship of these States while Mr. Madison contends for the protection of the American Sag. the rights of citizenship, and the laws of the United States relative to natu- ralization. Dispatches were received yesterday at the Ad- miralty from I » rd Nelson. " Alter having passed the Straits, his Lordship remained for a short time in Lagos Bay, from which he sailed on the 10th ult. having received positive information re- specting the destination of the French and Spanish squadrons. However, no positive information ca: yet be given respecting the ultimate destination of the cnemv; but it. is stated in a letter from Lisbon, thai a vessel had arrived, there on the loth ult from the Brazils, the Captain of which stated, that he had passed through the combined squadron ou the 21st of April, near the Cape de Vcrd Islands. From this statement, however, no posi- tive inference can be draw n,. whether their object WANTED; hs Maid of- all Work, A YOUNG WOMAN, who has been used to Children, understands Household Work, and can have a good Character from her'last I'lace.— Wages no material Object. ( ft* Apply personally, or by Letter f Post- paid) to Mr. Switr, Post- Office^ Dunstable, Beds. APPRENTICES. rjpiIE PARISH- OFFICERS of PAVINGHAM, 1- in the County of Bedford, are desirous of placing as APPRENTICES, to Masters and Mistresses of Respectability, SIX BOYS and SIX GIRLS.— Premiums will be given. { pT Applications ( if by Letter, Post- paid,) will be immediately attended to. Pavingbato, May 30, 1805. To be DISPOSED OI^ RPHE IMPLEMENTS in TRADE of a B TALLOW- CHANDLER, in good Condition. £ 9" For Particulars, enquire of C. D. at the Printers of this Paper; if by Letter, Post- paid. T 0 :. NFLI. E, June 8th, 1805. ' HE Rev. T. IL BULLEN's VACATION commences en FVDAY the 21st Instant. To be LET T, And entered on immediately, or at Midsummer next, AMESSUAGE, situate near the MARKET- PLACE, in DAVENTRY, in the County of Northampton, which for many Years has been occu- pied by a Grocer, and is most conveniently situated for that or any other Retail Business. The Tenant may be accommodated with about six Acres of Land, adjoining the Town of Daventry. For Particulars, and to treat for the same, apply to Mr, JOSEPH BULL, or Mr. LAMB, in Daventrv. To be LET T, And may he entered upon immediately, ( Having just undergone a thorough Repair), ALame and commodious DWELLING- HOUSE, situate in the populous Village of FLOORE, in the County of Northampton ( within Half a Mile of the Royal Depot at Weedon- Beck and the Grand Junction Canall, most admirably adapted for a Fellmonger ( having formerly been occupied for that Purpose), or any other Business that requires Room; comprising a Hall, Parlour, Kitchen, Pantry, Cellar, four Bed- Rooms, and Garrets: with two Gardens in Front; detached Offices, a Brewhouse, four- stalled Stable, large Burn, Yard, and Pump of excellent Water, with an Orchard of one Acre, well planted with choice Fruit Trees. ( j^ T For Particulars, enquire at the White- Hart, in Floore aforesaid. i either 1 rrar case UW * X^ i^ islTuii; of their way. The expedition under the command of General Craig sailed on the 10th ult. from Lisbon; and it was supposed they were bound for Gibraltar. The Texel fleet still remains at anchor, ready for sea; but its force has been very much ex- aggerated; for it is known, from the best authority, chat it only consists of five sail of the line. It appears that our Government has most sea- sonably hegun to take precautions agaiust a ge- neral " attack from the enemy at the present juncture.— While the fleet blockading Brest is in- tended to watch his motion* against Ireland, all the ships in the Downs are ordered over to attend, the Boulogne flotilla, lest at the moment when the Channel fleet might be detached towards Ireland, the long- threatened descent should be made upon England. Not only at Brest and Boulogne, but at the Texel, and along the whole line of coast opposite to the British shores, every thing seems to be in readiness for some grand movement. Whether this he merely a feint, like so many preceding, to alarm and agitate us, or whether' there be a raore serious intention, it is equally our duty to be on our guard. Rumours of an intended insurrection in Ireland are afloat, and every precaution is taken by the Government there to prevent tumult. In the House of Commons, on Friday, Mr. II. Lascclles gave notice, in the absence of Mr. W hi thread, that if thtvresolutions to be moved by that gentleman, respecting the conduct of Mr. Pitt, should prove to bo of a criminatory nature, he should move a set of counter resolutions, " unless some Member of the Committe more com- petent than himself should undertake that duty.— Colonel Craufurd gave notice of a motion for an enquiry into the state of the regular army. The appellation of " King's Owil," and not that of " Royal," is the honorary mark of distinction conferred by the Sovereign on the Staffordshire regiment of militia. Sporting.— A few days since a writ of enquiry was executed at the Castle of York, before S. W. Nicoll, Esq. assessor for the High- Sheriff of York- shire, in a cause between John Smith, of Ample- forth, plaintiff, and John Thackray ( gamekeeper to Sir Martin Stapylrop, of Myton, Bart.) de- fendant.— The action was brought for recovering damages from the defendant ( acting by his master's express orders') for shooting a greyhound dog, the property of Mr. Smith; who on the 19th of No- vember last ( being qualified both by estate and certificate), was, on an invitation from a friend ( also fully qualified), taking a day's diversion in the manor of HelperBy, which adjoins the manor of Myton. The defendant seeing the plaintiff and his party, told them he had his master's express directions to shoot all their dogs, if they got into the manor of Myton; being cautioned not to do so, the plaintiff and his party pursued their range in the manor of Helperby; and on a shout being given by some person, the plaintiff's dog passed into the manor of Myton, and the defendant, waiting there for that purpose, shut him.— The plaintiff laid his damages at £.' 10, and on a full hearing of the merits, a jury of respectable free- holders expressed their abhorrence of such an ar- bitrary, illegal, and wanton act, by giving the plaiutiff a verdict for the whole sum claimed; which it is hoped may be the means of preventing similar stretches of imagined power arising from property, ag- tiiist tlie protecting Jav. s » f this kingdom. A FREEHOLD, at AMPTHILL, in Bedfordshire, To be LETT or SOLD, r I'M IE Premises consist of a very neat small 1 House, in good Repair, with detached Scullery, Laundry, and Slable for two Horses, together with a good Garden, well planted with Fruit Trees. ( J3" The Fixtures to be taken at a fair Appraise- ment; and Possession given . it Midsummer next. If lett, the Rent will be =£. 20 per Annum.— For further Particulars, apply to Mr. Ginas, at Amp thill. Capital Freehold Dwelling- House. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By R. JAR VIS, On Wednesday the 19th Day of June, 1805, at Four o'clock in the Afternoon, at the White- Lion Inn, in Banbury, Oxfordshire, together, or in two Lots, as may be agreed on at the Time of Sale, AVer? desirable Stone- built, Slated, and - Sashed DWELLING- HOUSE, pleasantly- situated in the HIC. II- STKF. ET, BANBURY, now in the Occu- pation of the Proprietor, Mr. Deacle, Surgeon and Apothecary, and has been the Residence of Professional Gentlemen for near fifty Years; consisting of two ZP'A I'. sriaivs- in fciont. six wthCarretj • T* er. i. oftt SI top, large comuuxuous Kitchen, Pantries, Cella>, Baok- Kitchcii, Brew house, and Coal- Hotis. , excellent Stabling tor three Horses, with a private Yard thereto; a large Yard, pebbled and paved, lead- ing from the House to a Grass- Plat, paved round, opening to i beautiful Garden, 124 Feet long and 42 Feet wide, walled round, and well stocked with choice Fruit Trees.— The Premises are in good Repair, and fit for the Reception of a genteel Family, and may be entered upon at Midsummer next.— The Fixtures to be taken to by Appraisement; and should a Pro- fessional Gentleman be the Purchaser, he may be ac- commodated with the Shell, kc. Also, a newly - erected Stone- built and Slated DWELLING- HOUSE and PREMISES, adjoining the above, now in the Occupation of Mr. J. fl'. Pearson; comprising a Shop and Parlour in Fiont, two Bed- Rooms, with Garrets over, a Kitchen, Vard, Garden, and other Conveniencies thereto be- longing, capitally situated for a Person in a genteel Business. ( J^ T The Whole of the Premises measure in Front 60 Feet, and in Depth 222 Feet.— For a View thereof, apply to the Proprietor. Also, a = 6.50 PEW in the Church, No. 33. D Y I N TAMES WARD, of BANBURY, DYER, Leave to acquaint all those who manufacture RUGBY SCHOOL, MAY 27th, 1805. rpiIE ANNIVERSARY MEETING at RUGBY J SCHOOL will be hetd on the 11th Day of JUNE, which is the second Tuesday in that Monih.— The Ladies and Gentlemen who intend to favour the Meeting with their Com| . . v, are desired tq be at the School- House at Twelvt o'clock, if they wish to hear the Speeches. ( PF ORDINARIES ani? BALLS at the SPREAD- EAGLE, GEORGE GRIMES, Esq. ? Qf„„„ r Rev. H. R. WOOLtE V, <, Stewards. To LADIES'. BOARDING- SCHOOLS. AWell- educated YOUNG PERSON, of re- spectable Connections, wishes to engage as a TEACHER.— Salary is not so much an Object as an eligible Situation. ( fT A Line addressed M. M. at the Post- Office, Birmingham ( Post- paid), will meet due Attention. SHEEP " STOLEN. WHEREAS late on Thursday Night, or early on Friday Mornir.;-. a fat SHEEP was KILLED in a Close, . ailed Vicar's Field, in the Parish of WATFORD, in the County of North- ampton, and the Carcase carried away ; but the En- trails and Skin, with the Hi- ad ( not skinned) were left in the Sheep- Pen: Whoever will give Information of the OfFender or Offenders, so that he - or - hey may be brought to Justice, shall, on his or their Conviction, receive THIRTY GUINEAS Reward, over and above the Reward of TEN POUND- allowed by Act of Par- liament ; or if any Person eocemed in the said Felony will give Information of any Accomplice or Accom plices, so that he or they may be convicted, shall, on such Conviction, be entitled to the same Reward, and Interest made for a free Pardon. RICHARD ABBEY. Watford, May Sli/, 1805 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, * THAT the Commissioners appointed by an Act made and passed in ' his present Session of Par- liament, for inclosing I. jnds in the Parish of THINGDON, otherwise 1 INEDON', in the County of Northampton, intend to hold their first Meeting, for executing the Powers vested in them by the said Act, at the HIND INN, in WELLINGBOROUGH, in the said County of Northampton, on TUESDAY the 11th Day of Jo HE next; » t which Meeting the Pro- prietors present will be required to nominate and approve a Banker, or otiter Person or Persons, into whose Hands all Monies raised by the said Commis- sioners, for defraying the Charges and Uxpences at- tending the said Act, shall be paid.— Given under my Hand this 31st Day of May, in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Five,' JOHN HODSON, Solicitor. Bedfordshire. To be peremptorily SOLD, Pursuant to a Dccrce of the High Court of Chancery, before John Springett Harvey, Eoquirt, one of the Masters of the said Co) trt, in the public Saie- Room of the Court, in Southampton- Buildings, Chancery- Lane, London, on Wednesday the 19th Day of June, 1805, between the Hours of Five and Six* in the Afternoon, AFREEHOLD ESTATE, situate at S/ wrpcnhoc, in the Parishes of Sr IEATLEY and BARTON, in the County of Bedford) comprising the Manor of Sharpsniioe, with the Apical Quit- Rents, Fines, and Manorial Rights; and a Farm, called Sharpeuhoe- Bury Farm, containing about 336 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Latin,' all Tytlie- free ( except about three Acres); with Corn- Tythe of about 360 Acres, and ti Sheep, vi , - k over the Open Fields of Sharpcotwu ator- said; the Lstate of i. aiuence Smyth Clerk, deceased. Particulars may be had ( gratis) at the said Master's Chambers, in Southampton - Buildings aforesaid; of Mr. Clennell, No. 7, Staple's- Inn; and Messrs. Hindley it Roe, Solicitors, at Baliiock; at the principal Inns at Hitchin, Luton, Dunstable, Woburn, and Ampthill; and of Mr. Smyth, the Tenant, who will shew the Estate. To be SOL D bv A IICTI O N, By IV. WHITE, On Wednesday the 19th Dav of June, 1805, on the Premises of the late Mr. GEORGE GODFREY, of TODDINGTON, ip the County of Bedford, deceased, PART of his STOCK and EFFECTS; con- sisting of a Cock and Stump of exceeding good Hay, about 10 Tons; two Dung Carts, and one Calf Ditto; Half- Hogshead Copper, and a20- Gallon Ditto; Dairy Utensils'; Corn- Binns, Harness for two Horses', a long Ladder, Quantity of Hurdles and Faggots, about 1500new Bricks, a Quantity of Dung, old Iron, and other Articles. fidT Sale to commence at Ten o'Clock. Also, at Fivea'Clock in the Afternoon of the same Day, will be Sold, at the House of Mrs. Osborn, known by the Sign of the Grillin, at Toddington aforesaid ( subject to such Conditions as will be then and there produced), unless previously disposed of bv Private Contract, of which Notice will he given, A valuable COPYHOLD ESTATE ; consisting of a roomy House ( which may1 be occupied as a Farm- Hoifse, or easily converted into two or more Tene- ment's), with convenient Outbuildings thereunto be- longing, situate at a Place called NAPKINS- GREEN, in the Parish of TODDINGTON; and also two Closes of rich Pasture Ground thereunto adjoining and belonging, containing together about eight Acres; and also an Allotment of Pasture Ground adjoining, containing by Admeasurement 2R. 28P. Thr above Premises are Tythe- free, and are now in the Occupation of Mr. George Hobbs, Tenant at Will. N. B. For a View of the Premises, apply to Mr. JOHN MORRIS, of Toddington, as also for farther Particulars; or to Mr. WILLIAM GODFREY, of Pul- loxhill; Mr. EAGLES, Attorney at Law, of Ampt- llill, Bedfordshire; or to the AUCTIONEER, Bedford. ( t5T All Persons who have any Claim or Demand on the Estate and Eflccts of the said Mr. GEORGE GODFREY, deceased, are desired to send an Account thereof either to the said Mr. John Morris, or Mr. William Godfrey, in order tliat the same may be dis- charged; and all Persons who stand indebted to the l; state of the Deceased, arc requested to pay the same forthwith to the said Mr. Morris or Mr. Godfrey. HOCKLIFFE ROAD. NOTICE is hereby given, That the TOLLS arising at the Toll- Gnte upon the Turnpike- Road leading from Hockliffc, in the County of Bed- ford, to Stony- Stratford, in the County of Hacks, called the HOCKLIFFE GATE, will be LETT to FARM by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, at the WHITE- LION INN, in LITTLF- BRICKHILI., on MON- DAY the 17th Day of JUNE next, according to the General Turnpike Act; which Gate produced the last Year, clear of the Cljprges of collecting, and will be put up at the Sum c » ^. 641.— Whoever happens to he the Best bidder must at the same Time pay down a Deposit of aS. 50, and give such Security for Payment of . tit* Rent as the Trustees present shall direct. By Order of the Trustees, THOMAS EWISDI. V, Cterk. . Stuy. St, at/ ml, My, 18* 5. DESIRABLE FREEHOLD FARM, IVhb early Possession. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, AVery desirable FARM, Freehold and Tythe- free," situate at WIGGINTON, in the County of Oxford ; consisting of a convenient Farm- House, with necessary Barns, Stables, and Outbuildings, and seven lnclosures of very good Arable and Pasture Land, conveniently divided, containing together sixty Acres, or thereabouts, in the Occupation of Mr. William Bloxham; Possession of which may be had at Michaelmas next. ( J3* WicciNTON- is situated near the Turnpike- Road from Chipping- Norton to Banbury, distant about six Miles from each Place. *** For further Particulars, and to treat for the Purchase, apply to Messrs. CHURCHILLS & FIELD, Solicitors, Deddington, Oxfordshire. N. B. The Farm may be viewed on Application to the Tenant. G. ' f begs acquaint all those who manufacture their own Goods, and the Public in general, that having, on his own Account, taken to the DYE- HOUSE and PREMISES belonging to Messrs. JOSHUA GREEN & Co. of BANBURY ( who are retiring from their Manufactory), he DYES all Kinds of SHAGS, WOOLLEN and LINEN GOODS, THREAD, WOOL, JFRSEY, WORSTED, YARN, CLOAKS, STOCKINGS, . WOOLI EN APRONS, See. See. on the most reasonable Terms.— The Premises being very extensive, with the great Conve- niences attached, enable him to finish the Goods in the best Manner, and dispatch them out of Hand. All Manner of DYE GOODS, INDIGO; LOG- WOOD, COPPERAS, RED WOOD, BRASH., See. will be sold, of the best Quality, and at the very lowest Prices. Banbury, 6rb May, 1805. FREEHOLD" ESTATE, SIMPSON, BUCKS."" TO be SOLD by AUCTION, By AND RF. IV GARDNER, On Wednesday, June 12th, 1805, at the Sign of the Plough, at Simpson aft resaid, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, rpWO neat FREEHOLD TENEMENT?, with - I- B^ rns, Gardens, and an excellent Orchard, well planted with Fruit Trees, bounded by a good quick Fence, and ^ boat fourteen thriving Elm Trees growing therein, pleasantly situated at SIMPSON aforesaid, lying near to the Grand Junction Canal, in the Occupations of Thonws Butcher and Thomas Gateman ; who will shew the Premises. f£ 3" Further Particulars may be known by ap plying to the Auctioneer, Woburn, Beds. To ~ Tr SOLD bv A UCTI o'NT" By ANDREW GARDNER, On Saturday, June 15th, 1805, at the Sign of the Greyhound, in Woburn, Beds, at Five o'clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as will be there produced, 170UR substantial well- built Brick and Tiled . L COPYHOLD TENEMENTS, with Gardens, & c. situated in CHAPEL- STREW, known by the Name of DUCK- LANE, in WOBURN aforesaid, in the several Occupations of Wm. Butterfield, John Cerr, Thomas Bennet, and Ruth Furr, at the Rent of £. K per Anmim. The Tenants will shew the Premises; and further Particulars may be known by applying to the Auctioneer, JVoburn, Beds. Valuable Sheep and Cow. To be SOLD by AUCTION, IN LOTS, By EDWARD NEALE, On Wednesday the 19th Day of this instant June, 1805, at Ten o'Clock in the Morning, at Stanford. ufon- Avf, in the County of Northampton, AValuable COLLECTION of LIVE and DEAD STOCK, IMPLEMENTS of HUSBANDRY, ftc.— The LIVE STOCK consists Of 111 Ewes with Lambs, 38 Tegs, 18 Wethers, five Spanish Sheep, and one Western Ram; six capital Dairy Beasts, and six feeding Bullocks; four Draught Horses, or. e Yearling Colt, and one Two- year- old Filley, of the Nag Kind; one well- bred Sow, one Sow and Pigs, one In- pig Yelt, and a capital Boar; a Narrow- wheel Waggon; Double and Single- wheel Ploughs; Har- rows; Gearing for two Horses; Winnowing- Fan, Barn Tackle, and numerous other Articles. ( J5T EDWARD NEALE solicits the earlv Attendance of his Friends, as the Whole is intended' to be soid in one Day; and assures them, that the said Stock will be found well worth their Attention. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. ROBINSON, At the Talbot Inn, in Oundle, in the County of Northampton, on Wednesday the 19th of June, between the Hours of Four and Six o'Cloek ( if not previously disposed of by Private Contract), : A SubstantialStone- builtDWELL! XG- UOUSE, - I- I- wult CAMATMIKJOUB. OI6 « « SUADJ » INIA| R, >:• Repair, situate in NORTH- STREET, in OUN'DLE aforesaid, late the Residence of Mr. John Nichols; consisting of four good Rooms on the Ground Floor, a handsome Dining- Room and three Bedchambers on the second Floor, five Ditto on the third Floor, and two Attics, which are large and convenient; also two good Cellars, a Brewhouse, Stable, Yard, and large Garden, well fenced,, and planted with choice Fruit Trees, & c.; there is likewise a convenient back Way to the Premises, and excellent Water. ( p= T For Particulars, and a View of the same, apply to Mr. WEED, the Proprietor; Mr. CROFTS, of Elton; ortoMr. ROBINSON, Thrapston. Buckinghamshire. To be SOLD' by AUCTION, By Mr. GREENWOOD, \ t Garraway's Cofiee- House, Change- Alley, Corn, hill, London, on Friday the 21st Day of June, 1835 ( and not on the 7th of June as before advertised), at Twelve o'Clock, AVery desirable FUEEHOLD and TYTHE- FREF. ESTATE, situate at P1TCHCOTT, in the County of Bucks, about six Miles from Aylesbury, and ten from Buckingham; consisting of one hundred Acres, or thereabouts, of exceedingly rich Pasture Land, well watered, and conveniently divided tor Occupation, with two Cow- Houses thereon; Pos- session of which may be had at Lady- Day next. ( t5T The Premises may be seen with Leive of Mr. DOVER, the Tenant; and further Particulars had of Messrs. CHURCHILLS-& FIELD,. Solicitors, Dedding- ton, Oxfordshire; or Mr. CARTER, Staple Inn, London. OXFORDSHIRE AND NORTHAMPTONSHIRE FREEHOLD ESTATE. To be S O L D by A U C T I O N, By Messrs. WINSTANLF. Y £=? SON, At Garraway's Collee- House, Cornhlll, London, on Tuesday the 18th of June inst. at Twelve o'Clock, IN ONE LOT, WARKWORTH CASTLE, with the MANOR ' * and ESTATE, in the County of Northamp- ton, situated on the Verge of the Northern Part of Oxfordshire, and within two Miles of Banbury; con- sisting of the Mansion- House and Offices ( the latter newly erected), with the Park, Woodlands, Planta- tions, Fish- Ponds, and the Manor in Hand; together with four capital Farms, well timbered, occupied by the most respectable Tenants from Year to Year capable ol great Improvement; and about fifteen Dwelling- Houses, in the Village of Overthorpt, ad- joining the Park, lett distinct from the Farms. CiT The Estate, which is in a Ring Fence, con- tains in the Whole 1073 Acres of capital Land, a very small Proportion of . which is Arable, the Rest Mea- dow and Pasture Ground, Tythe- free, bounded by the River Cherwell on one Side, over which there is a Right of Fishery.— Possession may be had of the Mansion ami about 100 Acres of Land immediately, and the Remainder at Lady- Day, 1806. *** Mr. Thomas Dickens, at the Castle, will shew the Estate; and printed Particulars, with a Plan thereof prefixed, may be had at the Red- Lion and White- Lion, Banbury; Star, Oxford; George, North- ampton; King's- Hcad, Coventry; Wille's Cotlee- House, Serle- Street, Lincoln's- Inn; and at the Office of Messrs. Bignell & Wykham, Banbury; and of Messrs. Winstanley& Son; Paternoster- Row, London. N. B. The Estate may be viewed after the first Week in April, upon receiving Tickets of Mr. Bignell for that Purpose ; at which Time the Particulars may be had as above. NORTHAMPTON, 1st June, 1805. WE whose Names are here- under subscribed, being the BAKERS residing within the'fow/ i of NORTHAMPTON, do hereby respectfully inform our Customers, that WE have resolved and mutually agreed, that neither of us, nor any of our Journeymen or Servants, will, after the 16th Day of JUN^ instant, either fetch or carry any Dinners, Pies, or Tarts, or any Bread, Flour, Bran, or Other Thing, from or to either of our Customers on the Lord's- Day, com- monly called Sunday.— Witness our Hands, JOHN HARRIS, THOS. SERGEANT, JOHN JOHNSON, JAMES ASHTON, WILLIAM HILL, JOHN ASHTON, JOHN BAUCUTT, WM. SMITH, WM. HOWES, GEO. CHECKLEY, GEO. TITE, JOHN STANTON, JOHN WRIGHT, WM. TRASLER, WM. FOX. CAPITAL TIMBER. To be SOLD by A U C T IO N, By LONDON & SON, At the Sign of the Black Boy, in Lower- Shuckburgh, in the County of Warwick, on Tuesday the 18th Day of June, 1805, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, subject to Conditions then to be produced, rpiHRTY- THKEE ELM, TEN ASH, and TWO X OAK TREES, of large Dimensions, fallen and lying at LOWE R- SHUCKBURGH, and in and ad- joining the Park at UPPER- SHUCKBURGH, in the County of Warwick.— They are conveniently situated for Carriage, being contiguous to the Canal, and adjoining very good Roads at mean Distances from Daventry and Southam. ( jST For further Particulars, apply to WILLIAM LAKE, at Upper- Shuckburgh aforesaid, who will shew the same.. Capital Farming- Stock, iS- c. To be SOID ' by AUCTION, By 1.0 N D O N~ & SON, On Thursday and Friday the 90th and 21st Days of June, 1805, on the Premises, at STAVERTON, in the County of Northampton ( two Miles from Daventry, on the Road leading from thence to Warwick,) ALL the truly valuable LIVE STOCK, IMPLEMENTS of HUSBANDRY, and Part of the genteel HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, & c. the Property of Miss L. A. DOWNES, who is de- clining Business; consisting of two useful Draught Horses, and a Draught Mare; two exceedingly useful Milking Cows, a fat Cow, four fat Oxen, and four fat splayed Heifers; nine barren Sheep, 53 Tegs, 15 double Couples, and 31 single Ditto; two fine Porlcet Pigs; Part of a Rick of Wheat; Part of a Ditto of excellent Hay; a Quantity of unthrashed Oats; se- veral Bags of Wheat, Peas, and Vetches ; three Rick Staddles, well timbered; two Narrow- wheel Wag- gons, and one Ditto, with Iron Arms; two Six- inch- wheel Carts, and a Narrow- wheel Ditto, nearly new; Gearing complete for five Horses; a Winnowing- Fan and Roll; Ploughs, Harrows, Forks, Rakes, Sieves, and various other Implements used in Husbandry.— The HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE comprises Mahogany- post Bedsteads, with rich printed Furniture ; Win- dow- Curtains and Cornices; Floor- Cloths and Car- pets; Staircase and Bedside Ditto; Mahogany Dining, Tea, Dressing, Card, and Work Tables; Bason- Stands, Stools, and Fire - Screens ; handsome Mahogany Chairs; a neat Mahogany Bureau and Book- Case, with Doors, glazed; Chests of Drawers, and Oak Ditto; Linen- Chests and Eoxes; a fine- toned Harpsichord, by Kirckman; a handsome polished Parlour Grate, with Fender to match; several Sets of Fire- Irons; Japan Trays; elegant Knives and Forks; a general Assortment of Kitchen Requisites, Dairy Utensils, and numerous other Articles. C3" The Sale to commence each Morning precisely at Ten o'Clock,— Conditions of Sale to be then pro- duced.— The Straw not to be taken off the Premises. *<.* The Sheep are of the Leicestershire Kind, carefully bred; the Cows are known to be good Milkers; and the Oxen and Heifers are of the Here- fordshire Breed, remarkably large, and worthy the Attention of the Public. t+ t Catalogues may be had at the Bear Inn, Da- ventry ; Griffin Inn, Southam; Globe Inn, Warwick ; at the Place of Sale; and of the Auctioneers, Henley- tn- Arden. N. B, Speedily will be SOLD by AUCTION, the capital GROWING CROPS on the aforesaid Pre- mises; Particulars of which will be insetted in a future Advertisement. CHESTER TURNPIKE ROAD. NOTICE is hereby given, That all Persons having any Claims or Demands upon theTrus- tees tor repairing the Highways from Old- Straitord, in the County of Northampton, to Dunchurch, in the County of Warwick, are desired to deliver their respective Bills to Mr. BENJAMIN GURDEN, their Surveyor, previous to the next Quarterly Meeting of the said Trustees, which is appointed to be held at the CROWN INN, in FOSTER'S- BOOTH, in the said County of Northampton, on THURSDAY the THIR- TEENTH Day of JUNE next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon.— Dated the thirtieth Day of May, One Thousand Eight Handred and Five. By Order of the said Trustees, A. MIERES, their Clerk. TOWCESTER ROAD TURNPIKE TOLLS TO BE LETT. " VJ" OTICE is hereby given, That the TOLLS - i-^ arising at the several Toll- Gates upon the Turn- pike- Road leading from Towcester, 111 tlie County of Northampton, to the Turnpike- Road in Cotton- End, in the. Parish of Hardingston, in the said County., called or known by the several Names of TIFFIELD GATE, with the WEIGHINO- MACHINE and SIDE- GATE, DusriitLL- L. ANE SIDE GATE, BLISWORTH GATE, with the WEICHINO- MACIIINE, and FAR- COTTON GATE, with the SIDE- GATE across HARDINGSTON MEER- WAY ( which was not lett with Far- Cotton Gate the last Year), will be LETT by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, at the Hcuse of SIMON STUBBS, known by the Sign of the DUKE of GRAFTON'S /^> MS, at BLISWORTH aforesaid, on MONDAY the 17th Day of JUNE next, between the Hours of Twelve and Two o'Clock, in the Manner prescribed by the Act passed in the 13th Year of the Reign of His Majesty King George the Third, for regulating the Turnpike- Roads; which several Tolls produced the last Year the re- spective Sums following, viz. at Tiffield Gates, the Sum of £. 120; DusthiU- Lane Side. Gate, the Sum of £. 43; Blisworth Gate, £. 170; and Far- Cotton Gate ( exclusive of the Hardin^ ston Meer- Wav Side- Gate, which was not lett la » t Year,) the Sum - of £. 232; above the Expences of collecting them, and will be put up at such Sums respectively as the Trustees shall, at their Meeting to be held 011 the said 17th Day of June next, order and direct, no Person having offered to bid for the same at the last Meeting of the said Trustees, held on the I6th Day of May instant. Whoever happen to be the Best Bidders, must im. mediately pay down, into the Hands of the Treasurer, a Deposit of £. 5 on the Bidding made, which, will be allowed on Payment of the first Month's Rent; and at the same Time give Security, with sufficient Sure- . ties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees of the sa! 4 Turnpike- Road, for Payment ot the respective Rents .. agreed for, and at such Times as they shall direct. By Order of th* Trustees, WM. TR. SMYTH, Clerk. Northampton, M. iy 24, 1805. SPAKUOWS- HERNE TURN S'IKE- ROADT" 1VTOTICE is hereby given, That the Genera? i-^ i Annual Meeting'of the Trustees appoint b ' ActoCP. uUaHSnt for fiffi'MrUQ^ fcc. a.--.' &., m <. • End of Sparrows- Herhe, 011 liushey Heath, througl the Market Towns of Watford, Berkhampsted- Saint- Peters, and Tring, in the County 01 Hertford, by Pettipher's Elms, to the Turnpike- Road at Walton, near Aylesbury, in the County of Bucks, will be holden 011 WEDNESDAY the THIRD Day of JULY, 1805, at the House of JOHN PAGE, known by the Name of the KING'S- ARMS INN, at BERKHAMPSTED- SAINT- PETERS aforesaid, by Eleven. of the Clock in the Forenoon of the same Day, for transacting such Matters as shall be thought necessary for repairing the said Road; at which Time and Place, between the Hours of Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon, and Three of the Clock in the Afternoon, the TOLLS arising at the two Toil- Gates on the said Road, known bv the Names of the WATFORD GATE and RIDGE- LANE GATE, will be LETT by AUCTION, for one Year, to commence on Monday the twenty- ninth Day of the said Month of July, 1805, to the Best Bidder, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty King George the Third, " for regulating Turnpike- Roads;" which said Tolls produced the last Year, ending the 8th of April, 1805, clear of the Salaries for collecting the sai^ e, the respective Sums following:— Watjori Toll. Gate £. 455 10 0 Ridge- Lane Toll. Gate 324 0 6 779 10 6 and will be put up together at that Sum, under such Conditions as shall be then and there produced. Whoever happens to be the Be^ t Bidder or Bidders must give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turnpike- Road, for Payment of the Rent agreed for at such Times as they shall direct; and at the same Time and Place new Trustees of the said Road will be nomi- nated and elected, in the Room of those who are dead. — Dated the 20th Day of May, 1805. WILL. IIAYTON, Clerk to the said Tnistees. CARLTON, CHETXINGTON, & STCVENTON INCLOSURE. WE, whose Names are hereunder written, being two of the Commissioners named and appointed in and by an Act of Parliament passed in the present Session of Parliament, intituled, " An 14 Act for inclosing Lands in the Parishes ot Carlton, " Chellixgton, and Steventon, in the County of Bed- " ford," do hereby give Notice, and require all Per- sons, and Bodies Corporate and Politic, who have, or claim to have, any of the Lands or Grounds by the said Act directed to be divided and inclosed, Manors, Tytlies, or any Common or other Rights, in, to, or over the same, or any Part thereof, to deliver, or cause to be delivered fto such of the Commissioners in and by the said Act named and appointed as shall attend at a Meeting to be holden at the TINKER INN, in TURVEY. in the said County of Bedford, on TUES- DAY the 25th Day of JUNE next), an Account, in Writing, signed by them the said Proprietors, or their respective Husbands, Guardians, Trustees, Com- mittees, or Agents, of such their Rights or Claims; and therein to describe the Lands and Grounds, and the respective Messuages, Lands, Tenements, Manors, Tythes, and Hereditaments, in Respect whereof th. y shall respectively claim to be entitled to any, and which, of such Common and other Rights, in and upon the same, or any Part thereof, and in which of the Said Parishes the same respectively are situated, with the Name or Names of the Person or Persons then in the actual Possession thereof, and the parti- cular computed Quantities of the same respectively, and of what Nature and Extent such Right is, and also what Rights, and for what Estates and Interests, they claim the same respectively, distinguishing thff Freehold from the Copyhold or Leasehold, er l ands in Settlement; or on Non- compliance therewith every of them making Default therein, will, as far as respects any Claim so ncglected to be delivered, be totally barred and excluded of and from all Rights or Title in or upon the said Lands so to be divided as aforesaid, and of and from all Benefit and Advantage in or to any Share or Allotment thereof, unless for some special Reason to be allowed by the said Com- missioners.— Given under out Hands this 25th Day of May, 1805. 1 , E. $ WM. COLL1SON, lS. gned) ;| EDWD. PLAIT. m BEDFORD, June 7th, 1805. R. and Mrs, PALM!• It respectfully inform 13- 1- their Friends and the Public, that they have just returned'from LONI> OK with a laree ASSORT- MENT of plain anAstriped PkiNTEl) MUSLIMS, ETTERS have been received from Pans, i lacscl and plain CAMBRICS, LENOES, WAIST- whiob smto that- Rnmrinrfp has sue^ esterfto : COATINGS, & c. which, with a Variety of other " h, cl1 st? i? - ° ^ te S tQ Articles, will be offered on the m& st reasonable Terms. , The above will - be opened for Inspection on TUESDAY next, with a choice COLLECTION of MILLINERY. Wednesday and Thursday's Posts. L O N D O N, Jane 6. L some of the Ministers of the Neutral Powers, a plan of a'general pacification. It is, however, probable, that he may bold the language which is attributed to him, with a view to delay the Treaties that are negociating between England, Russia, and Sweden.— Sun. The Trench Government lias lately increased the rigour of its restrictions upon the trade between England and Holland to such a degree, that even letters of commercial correspondence between the two countries are now prohibited. DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. WHEREAS WILLIAM DAY, iate of STAGS- OIK, in the County of Bedford, Grocer, hath made an Assignment of his Estate and Effects to Thomas Watford, of Stagsden aforesaid, Carpenter, in Trust for the Benefit of his Creditors : Notice jis therefore hereby Riven, that the said Deed is left at the Office of Mr. Whitworth, Attorney, Bedford, tor the Signature of such of the Creditors who wish to partake , , - , , i of the Benefits thereof: and to whom they are re- 1 wo hundred Houses have been consumed by .1 quejted t0 se„,. i the Amount of their respective Debts, fire at Constantinople, which happened lft April. .— And all Persons who stand indebted to the said A disorder nearly resembling. the plague of i William Day, are required to pay their respective „ , , . , , - . t r> - • .1 i a- Debts to the said fbomas WatJord immediately, or Turkey, lately broke out at Oujem, the capital of , th wU1 b„ sued for the same Scindea, and is stated to have carried off 70,000 1 Bedford, 6th June, 18( 6. persons in a few days. The principal inhabitants 1 . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, I^ HAT the PARTNERSHIP lately carriod ou by the undersigned WILLIAM HENSMAN, of KIMBOLTON, in the Countv of Huntingdon, and JOHN CLARKE, of MATKET- HARBO- ROUGH, in the Countv of Leicester, Woolstaplers and Worsted - Manufacturers, WAS THIS DAY DISSOLVED BY MUTUAL CONSENT; that the skid JOHN CLARKF., and the undersigned HENRY HAI, I, of MARKET- HARHOROUGH aforesaid, have this Day entered into PARTNERSHIP in the said Busi- ness ; and that all Debts due and owing to and from fled from the city on the first alarm, and the troops at length refused to perform the duties of the gar- rison, and marched into the country, whither it is feared they may have carried the distemper. At the date, liowi vcr, of the last accounts from Bombay, it was understood that the fever con- fined its ravajiis to Oujein and its immediate " vicinage. Lord Melville's impeachment, it is said, is to be. resisted hv the whole weight of. Government: the ,-..„.,_.. , , DIM preying letter, of recall are gone over to the ^ Wed f* ° ^ Members who had returned to Ireland. ! '.,,*.„;, 1. ——— Among the. papers in the Appendix to the Re- < To be S O L D by A U C T 1 O N„ SC'I- CRAVF., June 4th, 180r « . VTHfERtfAS RICHARD JESTS, Son'of John ' T Jeffs, of Su tcit A VE, in the County of North- ampton, WENT AWAY FROM HIS FRIENDS, on TUESDAY the 21st Day of MAY, 1803:— He is about 5 Feet 7 Inches high, has black Hair, dark Eyes, and very long dark Eye- I. ashes; had on when he went away a dark Velveteen Jacket, striped Waist- coat, and I. eather Breeches. If he will return to his Friends, or let them know- where he is, it will relieve them from a great Deal of Anxiety; or if any other person will acquaint them of the same, they shall be rewarded for their Trouble. the said late Partnership of the said Wm. Hensman , hem o{ t(] e e h - shaU and John Clarse, are to be paid to the said John ( ' prnuM,. Clarke and Henry Hall, by whom the Business will . in future be carried on.— As Witness our Hands this third Day of June, 1805, WM. HENSMAN, JOHN CLARKE, IIENRY HALL. NELL B& IDGE. THE Passage for Carriages will be open oi TUESDAY Morning, the 11th of JUNE instant. GREAT - BOWDKN.- FREEHOLD LAND. To he SOLD bv AUCTION, By A Jr. ROUSE, At the Swans Inn, in Market- Harborough, on Wed- nesday the 19th Day of June, 1805,' about Four o'clock in the Afternoon ( unless previously dis- posed of by Private Contract, of which Notice will BEDFORD. To be SOLD, or LETT, ACapital FREEHOLD HOUSE, situate in ST. PAUL'S- SDUARE, in BEDFORD, with a large Garden, two Coach- Hctises, complete Four- stall Stable, and Loft and Granary over.— The prin- cipal Part of the House was built five Years since, is finished with enriched Stucco Cornices, fashionable Paper, and Marble Chimney- Pistes; the Ground Story contains an Entrance- Hall 16 Feet by 14, I) ining- Room 20 by 14, Drawing- Room 23 by 14, Breakfast- Parlour, kitchen, Sec. ; on the principal Story, a Library 15 Feet square, Chamber 24 by IS, two others nearly the Size of the Library, with Dressing- Closets,' Chamber with bow Front, and a To be LETT, immediately, 4 Very neat HOUSE, situated near to the il Church at EDGCOTT, in the Countv of Northampton; containing two Parlours and a Kitchen, r- - a . ., -> three Bedchambers, and" two lighted Closets, with t f"?„' T, s? GardenVand < w° smaller Cha. u- •• • - — - •• 6 • . ben,; in the Attic Story are Servants' Rooms, large " Laundry, & c. ; a principal and Servants' Staircases: paved Yard, with Pump, Brewhouse, & c.— Pos. session may be had at Midsummer. ceiled Garrets.— The Cellars are good, and all requi- site Offices are complete, with a walled Garden. These. Premises may be had on reasonable Terms, by Application to the Rev. MOSES HODGES BARTnbr. MF. Wj of Wardington, near Ba- bury. S. VRXT NKOTS, 5th June, 1805. A LL Persons who stand indebted to the Estate i \. Of Mrs. MARTHA HATLEY, late of SAINT NF. OTS, in the County of Huntingdon, deceased, upon Bonds, Notes', or other Securities, are hereby j required bv Anthony Mead Darnell, Esquire, the, I Executor of her Will, to call at Mr. Day's Office, in , j Saint Neots, and fix a Time tor Payment thereof, or i S legal Means wijl be immediately taken for recovering ( the same;' and all Persons, to whom the said Mrs. , Hatlcy stood indebted attire Time of her Decease, are | required forthwith to deliver an Account thereof to said Mr. Dav, in outer that the same FREEHOLD ESTATE, lying " t • • t* i the Select Committee of the House of By Mr: _ CUL L t'NG JrO R TH, On Saturday the fifteenth Day of June next, between the Hours of Six and Eigilt o'clock in the After- noon, at. the House of Mr. Lamley, the Spread- Eagle Inn, in Rugby, in th: County of Warwick be given,) A VALUABLE . oL ii County divide: Thorpe - 45A. '" and i ( f ® been redeemed. *** For further Particulars, and to treat for the same by Private Contract, apply to Mr. K: STIN, at Great- Bowden ; or to Mr. WAHTNARY, Solicitor, M a rk et - H a rborou gh. To be L E T T, And may he entered itpon in a Month's <£ T Apply to J. S. Dawson, Esq. on the Premises; r to Wm. Dawson, Esq. opposite theGrden, Isling- ! ton, near London without a Close < r" two. Acre's adjoining. f,:":" for Par> ic-' lar. s, apply to . Mr. WILLIAM HARDVICK, of Wellingborough aforesaid. To bo SOLD, next Month, by PUBLIC AUCTION, Unless disposed of in the mean Time bv Private Contract, rPKE NEXT PRESENTATION to a MMJTORY, situate near OLNEY * IIQ NEWPORT. PACNELL, Buckinghanv: hire. * » * The present Incumbent is about 66 Years of Age. N. K. For further Particulars applv to Air. TYN- OAI. E, Solicitor, I. incoln'j- Inn Fields. Tc be SOLD bv AUCTION, Ry Kr. ROUSE, On Wednesday the 2i.: h of June, 1805, about Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, ; u the Angel Inn, in Mirket- Harboroujb, in the County of Leicester, IN ONE OR " ORE LOTS, A Very substantial Stone- built. Slated, and Sashed FREEHOLD DWELL1NC. HO!' S H, To T SOLD byPRlVATK CONTRACT, I WOUURN SliEEP- SHliARING, 1805. > E - UNDERWOOD, port fr Commons upon the Tenth Naval Report, which was delivered on • Saturday to the Members, with the minutes of evidence, is a copy of a release between Lord Melville and Mr. Trotter, executed T | | <£'. 1,680 lis. Id.; and stipulates, that the parties I I^ jd, now in i\ ie several Occupations oi Mr. Burdon, I CLOSES of excellent MEADOW and GRA/- IN( lhall cancel and destroy all the voucher*, nxmranda, ! Mr. BlencovVe, and others. j LAND, adjoining the'above- describ:- d Premises, con- av i mtitin"! that ever pasted between them. fjpt' The above Premises will be sold together or | taming together about six Acres ami three i,'- u « « s, ! separate, as will be most agreeable to the Company i Statute Measure, bounded on the N'ort opnetors of the at the Time of Salt;. ' ' j pike- Road from Allotments, at THO in Northamptonshire. Apply to PRA(.' el's Krf. r, who will shew the Premises. *,. » Credit wiil by given to the 25th of March, ir. 05, iipon approved Security. ? th, 1305. PREMIUMS SIVEN TO PROMOTE TIIE UIPROVE- iiEN f of LIVE STOCK, ice. See. I. Premium for J. it Ifetbers. I. To the Person who shill brcc;!, and produce at Woburn Sheep- Shearing, June 1805, the best Two- shear lilt Wether— the Premium of a Cup, value Ten To the Person win shall breed in Bedfordshire, A general meeting of the Propri London Institution was held last week, at the London ' l'avefjj, Sir Francis Bavins; in the chair. c„ cordially has thin plan for the promotion of wlei ature, and the diffusion of scientific knowledge, been received by the. public, that a subscription of near > .60.000 was made- in th l or a View of the P'reoTses, apply to Mr. Be, tnoN, or Mr. Ki. ir? coyo.; and for further Parti- culais, or to purchase lac same by Private Contract, IO i r W.- Wi i. Kt N s, in Daventty, the, public if .£. 60,000 three days for its .. stablisbmeht. This institution for the encoWiwe- Ynent of the arts has received the sanction of his Majesty, and is to be called " The British In- stitution.'" It is not to interfere with the Royal Academy, being designed for the encouraaoment of genius, at the expellee of the higher members of society.. It is understood that upwards of one hundred and thirty thousand of Dr. MAVOR'S new Spellihg- • Bwok have been sold within a period of two years and a half"; an instance of extensive anil imme- diate patronage scarcely to he equalled, but which certainly iij not incommensurate with the real merit of the work, when placed in competition with other books < Jf the some class. A child may learn to read, by means of this work, in a third of the time usually devoted to this early branch of instruction. A greater quantity of foreign wheat will be im- ported during the present summer, than has ever been romcinbered. From 100,000 to 200,000 quar- ters, from Dantzic and other ports are already contracted for, and a considerable part indeed is already arrived. u^ Uv^ au. Old- Bailey, the Recorder passed sentence of death on Joseph William Aldrich, for stealing £ K'i 7s.' in a dwelling- house; Thomas CnrfanH antj John Davis, for a burglary; John T'.'(>•,', r. w forgery; and A. Percy, alias Curctoti, for Ktualuicr in a . dwelling- house to the value of ,/. ti.— 1 ? were ordered to he transported for seven years.— William Jakeman, indicted for the wilful* murder of Elizabeth, wife of Wm. Smith, was tried on Friday and acquitted. Monday se'nnight was executed at York, Ben- jamin Ohirovd, convicted at the last assizes of the murder of his father. The conduct of this tm- happv sufferer since his conviction, has been of the most hardened nature; he persisted in his inno- cence to the last, and endeavoured to resist the sentence being put in exception, which was I obliged to be done by force. Yesterday morning W. Field, for coining, and To be SO i. D by A V ( T I- ON, Mr. C U I. L IN G iro R Til, At the 1; ox- and- Houmis, in Oavemry, in the County of Northampton, on Thursday the 20th oV June instant, at Six o'Clock in t,, e Evening, A Very rich CLOSE of PASIURE'LAND, •" i adjoining the S. averton Road, and lying near th- j Town of UAVENVRV ; containing by Somite Mea- - ure5A. 2R. 3P. in t. ie Occupation'of Mr. j. ms;; s Vincent, who has Notice to quit o. i the gist of De- cember next,— The Land- Tax i redeemed. ,* for Particulars, apply to Mr. LUKTON, At- torney, in Davcniry. by the 1 urn- Harborough to Kettering, See. and on the South by the River Weilaiid.' (|:"- r The Purch;! ' r may have early Possession. A To AJ SOLD bv AUCTION, By Mr. CU1. !. ' 1 Vo/ 1' 6 R TH, \ t Mr.:. A) 0'.,';, the lioot Inn, in Daventry, in the County of f>{ o; thamp: , on Friday the 21st of June iu' Uioi, at Sixo'Ciock in the Evening, under, such Conditions of Sale as will be then and there produced ( unle.- S previously disposed of by Piiyate Contract, of which due. Intelligence will be given,} LL that FREEHOLD MESSUAOE or TENEMENT, containing 36 Feet in FKont, with the Yard, Garden, Stable, and other Out- buildings, pleasantly situated near the Matket- Hil'l, in the populous Borough of DAVEN'l RV aforesaid, row in the Occupation of Mr. James Tilley ; together with 1A. 1R. ltiP. of capital GRAXING l. AND, in the new Inclosure ol DAV ENTRY FIELD, lying near Siowbrook, and adjoining the Chester Turn- pike- Road leading from Daventry to London, now in the Occupation of Mr. Miewas.-, Tenant at Will. For further Particulars, or to treat for the sane by Private Contract, apply to the Auctioneer, in Daventry aforesaid. FISUFRVVTC u PARK, Near l. ITCliMELD, STAKFORDSHIRF. Superior elegant Furniture; trench Ij / asset, oj large Bitnrns'tons; superb Mutkut and other decks; t- iuu- lifut Cabinets ; Brvnx'ts ; Musical Instruments; a/ ull- sized Billiard- Table ; fine rare old Japan, old China, and Services o f ' Frrr eh Cbi a : Linen; ea] ital Tic- titles, by esteemed Masters; choice IP'/ nes, Ale, ana Beer; Greer.- House Plants, 05V. c. To he SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. ROBINS, On the Premises, on Monday, June 17, 1805, and fourteen following Days ( Saturdays and Sundays, excepted), at Eleven o'clock, . I rpiIE unique Assemblage of superlatively elegant ' . S. HOUSEHOLD - FURNITURE ; superfine scarlet Cloth French Window- Curtains, trimmed Brilliant Plates of costly Tables, of beautiful Marbles, FREEHOLD KSTATJ., At SUI. BY, near W I. FORD, in tlw County of Northampton. To be SOLD bv AUCTION,. By Me. R OUS n. In Lots, en Wedner. day the : id of Julv, 1 .', 05, about j four o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the Talbot inn, ! in Weiford aforesaid, ; Valuable FRi'cillOLD ESTATE; consisting j of upwards of J Two HUN'URF. D AN D TWKNTV- FL V K ACRKS, Statute Measure, of la Meadow and rich Pasture ' Land, Extra- paw. hisl and Tythe- free, situated at I j SU LB Y aforesaid, in the sens'ate Occupations'.! of Mr.- Thomas Biggs, Mr. John Biggs, and Air. [ j William WoodforJ, v.' h , are under Notice to quit on J i or bifore tiic i t of January pest. For .'' urtl. er Particulars, Ajiplicatiofi msy be 1 made to Mr. JOHN Eysrox, of Welford, who will shew the Estate; or to Mr. RQUSF, in Market- Hai- bo rough. ' Esf7vT. ES SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAT, On Monday the 10th of June, 1^) 5, at the Fox- and- Hounds, Whittlebury, RPIIE TORS of OAiv TILL^ S, foiled for * the Use of tbeNavv, in HAWKS- PATH, Coon's COPPICE, and KM AI. I-. A OI SI J also, the TOPS of OAK TREES, te! ted for Repairs, lying in the said Coppices. & T The Sale to begin enacflv at Ten o'Clock. * » * Catalogues « mv he lud nt the White- Horse, Silverstone; Barley- Mow, 1' aulerspurv ; . Rein- Deer,- Potterspury ; Place of Sale; and ot the Auctioneer, Stony- Stratford. tween the Hours of Ten and Eleven, at Wdburn- Abbey:- They will be . sheared, weighed alive, killed, and weighed dead, and due Attention paid to Wool, Carcass, and Tallow. In B UCK n >•:.;:, UuntingJttsbire. To be S O I. D bv A UCTll) N, By Mr. SMITH, At the George inn, in Buckden, in the County of Huntingdon, on Tuesday the 18th Day ot June, IS » 5, at Five in the Afternoon, in seven Lots, r § RlE following valuable Freehold and Copi/ huld s ESTATES, situate in the pleasant Village of BUCK. D1. N, near Huntingdon, through which the great North Road from London passes;,— Lot 1. A Homesteao. consisting of two Barns, Granary, and Hovels, Vith Farm- Yard ajid Home, close adjoining, containing together about one Acre and a Half; also 70A. 0R. 3P. by Estimation, of rich Arable and Meadow Land, lying in the Open fields, i Lot 2. An eligible Close of Pasture, adjoining the j Town, called Hunts- End Close, containing ; ibout three Acres. Lot 3. A Close of excellent Pasture Land, called Hardwick Close, containing SboUt four Acres and a Half. ! l- ot 4. . One Acre and a Half of -\ rable Land, by Computation, lying in the open Fields, called Boston s Close. 0* The above Lots are Copyhold of Inheritance, . and being Fine certain Spaying only one Year's t^ uit- ' Rent on au Admission), are equal in Val 1—;, i i . ' p c sjj. Stoke Wharf, on the Grand Junction Canal. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DA )', At STOKE WHARF aforesaid, in the County of Northampton, ou Wednesday the 12th Day of Ju. e, ISOo, I I 1 WARDS of :, n Rail- Road Waggons mid '"> ' Boxes, with coupling Chains; two" Rail- Road Timber- Carriages, eight Pieces of Deal Balk; ladder and Scalfolding Poles, fee.; also tile Materials of five Dwelling- Houses, as they notf stand, Brick andSlate- huilt ; a new Kitchen Grate, with Oven and Boiler, complete, four Feet eight Inches wide; Ash- Crate, & c.; one Cast- iron Oven ; thr^ e Bath Stove Grates- a Quantity of new Gang- Waggon Wheels, and various other Effects. ( pr The Sale to begin cxactly at Ten VClock. T O IV C E S T E R, Northern, pion's'bhc. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN' DA 1', On Wednesday the 19th of June, 1S05, and following Days, rpiiF. fiousEnaLD riTUNrruRF,, PI, A TE, , 5. LINEN, CHINA, WIN^ S, LIQUORS, BEER, J. George," for a violent assault committed upon I with Cold Fringe; magnificent or an excise Officer in the execution of his duty,! ^ oi. ch Glass, in rich Frames; a . , • , t> •< , • > verd, antique, and other scarce n< were, execute m the Olu- Bailey. they died very the ' frames designed and finished in the first Style of penitent; Field being a light subject, manifested | Elegance; singularly beautiful Bronze and Gold Fi- fiens of life for a considerable length of time ! eurts; Or Mouiu Clocks and Candelabras, ot superior after the fall of the fatal apparatus, which was I Designs and Workmanship, in various Devices, about five minutes after the unfortunate men were ! lranU Musical a fid other Clocks; a capital upright e ,,• . I . . riano. bv Stoadart, the Case composed ot beautiful out of Newgate. I he crowd that at- . ^^^ elrea'tlv designed; a grand Piano, a ' his melancholy occasion was not very ; Harpsichord, anil Organs, by the first Makers; a fuil K ought out of Newgate, tended great. To the. I) EBTORS and CREDITORS of FRA\ CIS BEDFORD OLD, of IIAKPMEAP, in the County of Bucks, Yeoman. ALL Persons who still hnve any Claim or Demand upon the above- named FRANCIS BEDFORD OLD, are particularly desired to take Notice, that unless they stnd an Account of their re- sized liilliatd- Table, in complete Order; tine old Japan, in Pannels, Screens, and curious Cabinets; whole- length Vestal Figuies supportingGrecian Lamps; elegant Lamps and Pedestals; large okl China Jars, and antique Ornaments; Dinner, Dessert, and Tea Services, of elegant French China; Bed and Table Linen ; and numerous valuable Effects; at the Mansion and Offices, ViS'HERWiCK. PARK, near Liichjteld, the Residence of the Right Hon. Lord STANLEY SPENCER CHICHESTER.— The Furniture com spectivc Demands either to Mr. Austin Johnson, of! prises Drawing- Room Suus of the richest Curtains, the Parish of Coi. rtenhall, in the Countv of North- , Chairs, Sec. in French Damask, Silks, and Satins; : to Free- POST- CH AISF. S, and HORSES, with various other EFFECTS, the Property of Mrs. PLATT, at the SAAACE.^' S- HEAD INN, in TOWCESTER aforesaid, who is declining Business; comprising Bedsteads, with various Furnitures; near twenty Goose and otiier Feather Beds; Mattresses, Cotton Counterpanes, Qni'. ts, and Blankets; Night- Tables and Bason- Stands; 1' ior antfSwing'Glass. es; Floor and Bedside Carpets; Mahogany Dining, Ten, and Card Tables ; Parlour and Chatnbir Chairs; Clock and Case; Kitchen- Furni- ture ; t general; several Beer Casks, of various Sizes.; Brewing and smaller Coppers ; Mash- Vat and Brewing Tubs, Coolers, & c. See.— lite STOCK in TRAUF con- sists <> f upwards of ft) Dozen of fine old Port Wine, with other Wines, Brandic.., Rum, Sec. ifce. • a Quan- tity of fine Aie, Sec. ; aho three Post- Chais. s, with i'n t- * fc, r-- i.' ^ and various particularized in the Cata- logues, which will be ready for Delivery four Days preceding . the Sale, at the following Inns, viz. Sara- cen's- Head, Daventry, and Newpc t- Pagnell; Angel, Northaiflptifa; Cobham Arms, Buckingham; George, Woburn; Crown, Dunstable; George, Little- Brick- II. Premiums for Theavrs bred in Bedfordshire; I. To the Person who shall breed in Bedfordshire, and produce at Woburn Sheep- Shearing, 1805, the best Pen of three Tlteaves— a Cup, iulue Tat Guineas. II. To the Person who shall breed in Bedfordshire, and produce at Woburn Sheep- Shcarilig, 1805, the second- best Pea of three Theaves— s ' - n-. lae Fire Guineas.—' The same Person hot to have both Premiums. £ pr The Sheep to be produced at the iVk Farmcii Tuesday, between the Hours of Ten arat lil .- icn. The Claimants to produce Certificates tiia't their Theaves were bred in Bedfordshire, speed', ir. g the Parish ana Name of the Breeder. hbid, andare in the Tenure of Mr. William Chapnlan. several Sets of Harness Lot 5. A Messuage or Tenement, with Earns, Gar- j 0th: r Ejects, as will h, den, and Orchard adjoining, of about Half an Acre, and Rights of Common thereto belonging, in the several Tenures of Messrs. Chapman, Ploughman, and Gnmly. i Lot ( j, A Messuageor Tenement, adjoining the last, with Barn and Yard, in the Tenure of Mrs. Bolton, j hiii; Place of Sale; and of ( lie Auctioneer, in Stony- Lot?. A Messuage or Tenement, adjoining the last, I Stratford, with Barn and Yard, and Common Rights thereto belonging, in the Tenure of Samuel Sanders. %* The last three Lots are Freehold, and stand in Situations to form genteel and pleasant Residences. N. B. For Particulars, apply to Messrs. HODSON, Solicitors, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire. iiratield- on- the-' jreen and Litite- Houghton. To be SOLD by AUCTION, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. A most pleasant and desiraUe Itesidrnce, Near the Centre of the County, and in a good sporting Countrv. To be SOLD bv AUCTlO N, By Mr. S M I T H, At the George Inn, in Northampton, on Thursday the 27th Day of June insiant, at. f ive o'Clock in the Afternoon, 1 By Mr. KIRS HAW, | On Thursday the 20th Day of June instant, at Five j o'C'ock in the Afternoon, at the George inn, in | Northampton ( unless sootier disposed of oy Private i Contract, of which Notice will be given in this | Paper), ; A ' Very eligible FREEHOLD FARM; con- | / 1l swung of a good Farm - House, situate at | I'RAFIELD aforesaid, with a convenient Homestead, ! ; Dovsoote; and Outbuildings thereto belonging, all in j ; « o0d Repair: an Orchard and two Flomecloses, con- I ining about SA. 2R. ( more or less), well supplied ' ' r-. HI. Sundry Premium I. To the Person who shall - produce at Wobiifn Sheep- Shearing, R65, the best Boar— a Cap, value live Guineas- II. To the best Sheep. Shearer— T: t Gui/ reai. Second be; t— Four /).; to. Third he- t— Three Date. Fourth best— I tvr. Ditto; Fifth best— One Dirio. If more th » n tin Candidates, to draw Lots, jive Trial to be made on the Wednesday. Candidates to give Notice on the Saturday before the Clipping. IV. Premiums for encouraging Improvement in impUac : ts of JlpricttL :, ie. I. To the Person who shall produce at Woburn Sheep- Shearing, 1805, the bestar. f most useful ncwlv- mvented Implement— the Sum of ivtniy Guinea:. ' iJifro ^^^^ g^ ffft^ h^ fi^^^ i^^^^ suc[ i Improvements in Implements of Agriculture as appear of real Utility, it will be left to a Committee to decide— 1st, Which Implement produced deserves the Preference; 2dly, Whether any. of them merit the Reputation that the Acquisition of a Premium might confer. The Implement to be brought to the Park Farm on Tuesday. il. To the Person who shall produce the Plough which shall plough Half an Acre of L ltd in the best and most husbandlike Manner — a Cup, value Ten Guineas. To the Ploughman holding the same— Tivo Guinea:. Due Consideration will be paid to the Merit of tljc Implement, to the Time of performin . th: iv'ork, the Force employed, and the Cleanness and Dept'q, of the Furrow. V. Premium for Experiments between Te Drill and Br: ad- cau Husbandry. To the Farmer in Bedtordshiie who shall produce the most satisfactory Account of comparative Trials between the Drill and Broad- cast Culture of Wheat, Barley, Or Oats, on not less than ten Acres, be i, g in the same Field-— Thirty Guireas. 83' It is required that the Farmers who shall be Candidates for this Premium do give Notice to the Duke of Bedford of their Intention, that the Crop, may IK viewed while growing by- such Persons us the Duke may appoint. *** It is expected that the Account should contain a Description of the Soil, the Pre, aration. f Manure, if any). Quantities of Seed sown and drilled, Hoeings, Time spd Regularity of Ripening, Harvesting, and I Produce— verified b. vsufficient Certificates, to be pro. ! duced at the Woburn Sheep- Shc. iring in 1* 05. I N. B. It is'required that the drilled Crops should | bo kept perfectly free from Weeds. and the Public are desired not to give anv further I Premises, at ' is. ( Sd. each ( without which no Person Credit to the said Fiancis Bedford Old, as' the said j can be admitted); of T. G . tarr, Esq. Litchfield ; Mr. Trustees will not be answerable for any Debts which t Winstanly, Auctioneer, Liverpool; Hen- and- Chickens, he may li reafiet contract.— Andall Persons who still ! Birmingham; Mr. Handy, Auctioneer, Worcester, s'and indebted to the said Francis Bedford Old, are requested to pay their Debts to i he said Mr, Johnson, Mr. Cave, or Mr. Howes, within tile Space of one Month from the Date hereof, or they will be sued for the same without further Not'ctf. Northampton, 8th Ju/. e, 1805. FREEHOLD, Bedfordshire. To be SOLD bv A U C TI O N, By J. K11. PIN, On Friday the 21st Day of June, 1805, at Mr. Gale's, Crown Inn, Great- Barford, Beds, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon ( subject to such Conditions as will be then produced), . . ALL that FARM- HOUSE, YARD, BARNS, lars, Wash- House, Shop, Range of Butcher's Sham- STABl- E, COW- HOUSE, BREWHOUSE, bles, and two Shops, with a tiled Cover over the same. &' C pleasantly - situate in the Centre of BARFORD A Freehold Garden, Yard, Slaughter- House, two TOWN, now in the Occupation of Mr. Timothy | Stables, and a Wood- Barn, with the Use ot a Well of Hawkes, Tenjnt at Will; with'eighteetf Acres of rich J good Water. ARABLE LAND, in BARFORD FIELD; a| LotThe Copyhold old- established and good- ac- CLOSE of fine PASTURE, adjoining the Farm; customed INN, called the CROSS- KEYS ( now in : King's- Head, Coventry; and of Mr, Robins, War- I wick- Street, Gplden- Square, London. Freehold and CopyltaU desirable Estates. To be S O L 1) by A U C T I O N, By THOMAS 1VOOD, On tbe Premises, on Thursday the20th Day of June, 3805, between the Hours of- Four and Six o'Clock in the Afternoon, in two Lots, Lot 1. A Copyhold Brick and Tiled MESSUAGE J.\ at TENEMENT, situated in the Butcher's Market of LEfGHTON- BUSSARD, in the County of Bedford; consisting of a convenient Dwelling- House, Parlour, comfortable Sleeping- Rooms, Cel- Hottse, Wood- House, Stables for eight Horses, double ( Poach- House, and other Offices; Garden, walled round and well stocked; Dovecote; ornamental Ground and Walks, so disposed as to be kept up at little Expence; with about 22 Acres of prime Pasture Land, in Front of the House, forming a complete Paddock, well planted with Forest and other Trees, and abundantly supplied with Water. ( pT This Estate is very healthfully situated on a fine dry Soil, near the Town of WILLI NOBOROCGH, and commands beautiful and extensive Views of the Country ; distant from Northampton 10 Miles, and London 67. * » * The Purchaser may be accommodated with 15 Acres ot rich convertible Land, at a small Distance from this Estate. N. B. The Proprietor will have no Objection to treat by Private Contract previous to the 16th Instant, but not after that Day. +>+ Apply to Messrs. HODSON, Solicitors, at Wellingborough. ThV CREEN County of nety Sheep nt; and the Place called now, and have been tor several Years", lett to Mr. Thomas Sanderson, a very desirable Tenant, at the Rent of st', 75 a Year. * » * For further Particulars, apply to Mr. BUTCHKR, Solicitor Square, Northampton; or to the Tenant, Mr. SA NDERSON, at Biafielcl, who " will shew the Premises. by with a Number of thriving ASH and ELM TREES. The Hott^ e comprises a larye Kitchen, two Parlours, Dairy, Cellar, two good Bedchambers and Closets, and a large Cheese- Chamber, with a small Garden in Front. The Out- Premises consist of a good Farm- Yard, two large Barns, Chaff- House, a Stable for four Horses, Cow - House, Cart- Hovel, Pigslies, Hert- House, good Btewhouse, Well of excellent Water, with a Lead Puinp, a Right of Common in the ex- tensive Common of Barford for three Cows, a Breeder, aiKl iO Sheep. , The Premises arc in good Repair. * » * The Timber to be taken at a Valuation. fuil Tiade), eligibly situated, and adjoining Lot 1; comprising a large and commodious Kitchen, Parlour, spaci6us Dining- Room, genteel Bedchambers, Gar- rets, excellent Cellarage, and a convenient Brewhouse. A Freehold paved Yard, Stabling for thirty Horses, Lofts over the same, with other requisite Out- Oflices, and a Well of fine Water. The Tenants have Notices to leave at Michael- mas next, when Possession may be expected. * * For a View of the Premises, apply to the REAL JAPAN BLACKING, made DAY & MARTIN, LONDON. ' TUIIS invaluable Composition, with Half the I- usual Labour, produces the most brilliant Jet- black ever beheld, affords peculiar Nourishment to the Leather, will not soil the finest Linen, is perfectly free from any unpleasant Smell, - and will retain its Virtues in any Climate. Sold Wholesale by Day & Martin, No. 7, Tavistock- Street, London; and Retail by their Agents, viz. Birdsall, Bookseller, Northampton ; Norris, Bedford; Jenkinson, Huntingdon ; Newcomb, Stamford ; In- wood, Newport- Pagnell; Harrod, Market- Harbo- rough; Adams, Loughborough; Squires, and Quene- Co. Birmingham; in Stone Bottles, Price Is. 6U. each. AN IMPORTANT FACT. MRS. VINCENT, No. 4, DAVir. s- STRP. r, T, GKOSVENOR- SQUARE, absolutely is the sole original Proprietor and Preparer, now living, of Dr. GOWLAND's GENUINE LOTION ; and as it is high Time that the Public Mind be put at Rest on this important Truth, she hereby challenges Contra- diction before the Lord Chief Justice of England and a British Jury ; " Who like Ithuriel's Spear, " Illume the Truth, and bid the Fiend appear." The superior Efficacy of Mrs. Vincent's Gotland's Genuine Lotion will be seen in a Letter from the Right Hon. Lord SHF. RBOURNE, to Mrs. Vincent:— " Madam, you will send me a Guinea Case " I am, Madam, your humble Servant, " SHERBOURNE." ( pf This I. otion, when genuine, is the most in- nocent and efficacious Medicine in the Worid, tor the Cure of all Eruptions iii the Face, and clearing the Complexion. * » * To prevent Counterfeits, see the Name " M. E. VINCENT" signed on the Label of each Bottle. Sold by Dicey & Co. Edge. Abel, and Edmonds, Northampton; Harrod, Harborough; lnwood, New- port- Pagnel. l; and by all the respectable Medicine Venders in Europe; Quarts, gs. tid. Pints, 5s, Cd. Half- Pints, 2s. 9d. VI,. Premiums for Shepherds. To the Shepherd who shall have saved the greatest Number of Lambs, on the 1st of June, 1805, in Proportion to the Number of Ewes, being not less 200, put to the Ram the preceding Autumn— Guineas. the Shepherd who shall have saved the next greatest proportionate Number— Four Guineas. To the third— Three Guineas. To the fourth— Two Guineas. To the fifth— One Guinea. tyT Certificates to be sent in on the first Day of the Woburn Sheep- Shearing, 1805, signed by the Owner of ihe Flock, and two other respectable Witnesses, stating the Number of Ewes tupped, thp Number of Lambs saved on the 1st of June, and the Age of the Ewes, viz, the proportionate Number of Theaves, two Years old, three Yearsold, and full- mouthed Sheep. VII. Premium for Irrigation. To the Farmer in Bedfordshire who shall, between the 1st of January, 1804, and the 1- st of June, have converted the greatest Quantity of Land i; , Water- Meadow, not less than ten acres, on the be- am! most approved System— Fifty Guineas. ff? f* Due Notice of the Quantity of Land so con- verted, and of the Expence incurred, verified bv sutii cient Certificates, to be sent to the Duke of Bedford on or before the 1st of June, 1805. JUNE 17th, 1S05. Morning. Show of Leicester? Tups, 5 ' V'°' V1 Showot South-') Evening. 5 Sale of Leicestet ( Ewes. Down Tups, Show of Here- | ford & Devon ^ Cattle, Prize Wethers, Prize Theaves, Prize Wethers, dead, Show of South- Down Ewes, I Ploughing, ^ WtKHEJOA- lf. Trial of Imple- ments, Slieep- Shearers, j Second Show ot 1 L'e cestcr Titps,( Show of Hereford^ & Devon Cattle. , Leicester Tups lett. ' < Sale of Hereford and Devon Cattle, j South - Down Tups lett, j Sale of Sou, th- Down Ewes, : Sale of Hereford and Devon Cattle, con- 1 tinned. VLe cester Tups lett, < Sa e of Hereford ani ( Dcyon Cattle i Friday and Saturday's Posts. LONDON, June 7. YESTERDAY, some dispatches, taken on board a Spanish packet by the iEolus privateer, of Guernsey, were brought to the Secretary of State's Office by the Commander of the/ Eolus; they were obtained by the following curious means:—- The iEolus has captured and sent into Guernsey, the Etruria, bound from St. Sebastian's to Vera Cruz, having dispatches on board from the Government of Spain. The Aiolus was destined by her owners to cruise for six months between the Western Islands and the Canaries; on that station, at four o'clock in the afternoon of the 14th ult. she fell in with a stransre vessel, and having reason to suspect she might be an enemy's packet, hoisted French colours, and sent a ' boat on board, the crew of which being all capable of speaking French, con- trived so tu impose upon the Spaniards^ as to induce them to send the mate on board with one of the package', containing part of her dispatches. Captain Longhurst then sent for the Captain, who immediately came 011 board the privateer. This point gained, the boat was again manned, sent 011 board" the packet, and the remaining'- part of the crew taken on board the privateer. By this ex- cellent stratagem the dispatches, consisting of nine small half?, all on the ( leek, ready shotted for being thrown overboard and sunk, in case of being chaced bv an enemy, were saved; ami, from the great anxiety expressed by the Captain of the packet, were considered of such importance by the Captain. of the privateer, that he quitted his cruise, s.- nt his prize for Guernsey, and then made sail for England. He arrived at'Plymouth 01; Tuesday last, and came to town yesterday morning with such part of the intercepted dispatches as were considered by the Port- Admiral at Plymouth of the uiost immediate consequence, s- sted of two small bales, which were immediately laid before the Cabinet Council, who were nearly the whole of yesterday deliberating 011 their con- tents.—' I he Etruria sailed from St Sebastian's 011 the 29th of April; she is an. excellent vessel, a very fast sailer, and was hired by the Spatiish Government at a very high price, to carry the above dispatches to Vera Crux, and bring others back. Yesterday the King reviewed in Hyde Park all LADIES' BOARDING - SCHOOL, NORTHAMPTON. T^ XRS. and Miss FREAKES respectfully inform i f L their Friends, their VACATION commences JUNE 12th, anil the SCHOOL will OPEN again JULY 13th. WELI. IXGBOROUGH, June ? th, 1805. MRS. MALIM'S SCHOOL will close for the Midsummer Vacation on FRIDAY . the 14th Instant; and recommence on MONDAY, JULY loth, 1835. ; : HUNTINGDON SCHOOL. rpiIF, Anniversary Meeting of the Gentlemen P educated at the GRAMMAR - SCHOOL, HUNTINGDON, will beheld 011 WEDNESDAY the 12th of JUNE, at the FOUNTAIN INN. ST L WARDS. Rev. JOHN SMYTH, I PETER DESCOW, CHR. NEWTON, | JOHN FLETCHER. ( f' It is requested, that those Gentlemen who intend to honour this Meeting, will make as early an Application as possible for Tickets, at the Bar of the above Inn. *** Dinner on the Table at Four o'Clock. HUNTINGDONSHIRE. NOTTCE is hereby given, That there icill be a General Meeting of His Mtcjesty's Lieu- tenancy of the County held at the CKOROP IJ> K, TO IICNTIKGDON, o » SATURDAY the 15th Day of JUNE instant, at F. leven 1ICIock in the Forenoon, for carrying into Execution an Order of His Ma- jesty's Privy Council, dated the 23d of May, for the raising 32 Men, as ly a Schedule thereunto annexed, being the Proportion of 9000 Men to be raised in the several Comities of EjtfJund and Wales, for the Year ending the 1st of October, 1805, in Pursuance of Sec. 15 and 10 ' of the Act of'the 44th of His Majesty's Reign, Cap. 56, in- tituled, " An Act for establishing and maintaining a Permanent and Additional Force for the. Defence NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. . . IN Pursuance of an Act of Parliament passed in the forty- fourth Year of His present Majesty's Reign, inti tulcd, t£ Ail A ct for estabhshitig • and " maintamiibg a permanent Additional Force for the " Defence of the Realm, and to pror'ide for aug- " waiting Hot Majesty's Regn/ ur Forces, and for " the gradual Reduction of the Militia of Fa gland" NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN, That a General Meeting of the Lieutenancy of the County of Northampton will be held at the GEORGE INN, in the Toten of NORTHAMPTON, on SATURDAY the 15. th Dayof JUNE instant, at Tzeefae o'Clock. at Noon, for the Purpose of apportioning the further Number of Men directed lo be raised for the County of Northampton, in the present Fear, under the said of the Realm, and to provide for augmenting His I Art, amongst the several Subdivisions thereof. Majesty's Regular Farc'es, arid for" the gradual | By Order of the Right Hon. Charles ' F. arl Reduction of the - Militia of England." liy Order of the Lieutenancy, CiiA. M. WELSTFAD, Clerk of the General Meetings. Kimbolton, 1st June, 1805. A LL GOO D, FANCY DRESS and MANTUA - MAKER, SQUARE, NORTHAMPTON, fy ESPECTFULLY informs. the Ladies, and her A.- Friends in general, that she is rettmed from LONDON with a Variety of fashionable DRESSES r, d MODELS, SPENCERS, TRIMMINGS, and . a. L> . - A THU NAMOILF 11 1 i y el . LL'JC i Order of the Right Hon. Charles Earl of i Northampton, Lord- Lieutenant of the said County of Northampton, CHARLES MARKIIAM, Clerk if the General Meetings. Northampton, 1st June, 1805. various other Articles, of'the newest Kind; and lias also a large ASSORTMENT of fc. hionaile COR SETS and STAYS, of an improved Make. (• 3* An, APPRENTICE is WANTED IMMEDIATELY to the above Business. NORTHAM I'TONSIILHE VE() MAN RY CAVALRY. rgijl E ALTHORP, NORTHAMPTON, J WELLINGBOROUGH, DAVENTRY, TOWCESTKR, and WYMERSLEY TROOPS, are requested to assemble on the MARKET- I'LACF., at „ NORTHAMPTON, at Six o'Clock in the Evening of is ; MONDAY the 10th of JUNE instant, for the Purpose! _ | of' being trained and exercised, under their own \ Officers, in Pursuance of the Provisions of the General Volunte r Act. f]^" The above- mentioned Troops will remain in Quarters from Monday the 10th to Saturday the 15th Instant, both Days inclusive.. LONDON, June. 8. jestv, which ought ever to distinguish tic occasion. -— In the evening a splendid ball was given by the Officers of the 20th, at the Barracks. Same day, preceding their appearance in the Square, the Northampton, CaStle- Ashbv, and Spratton Corps of Volunteer Infantry, were re- viewed by General Bromhead; and went through their different evolutions with great precision. Wednesday the Spratton Volunteer Infantry, under the command of the Rev. Robert Crowtbcr, after having been embodied ten days, marched from this town home. Too much praise cannot be given to the officers and men of this Corps, tot their orderly and gentlemanlike behaviour during their stay in Northampton. Same day the Harborough Volunteers marched into this town, on their route to Daventrv, aud proceeded from hence on Thursday morning. The following are the proportions of men to be raised by each county, agreeable to the Additional Force Act, within the circuit of this paper :- Bedford Buckingham . Cambridge Hertford .... Huntingdon .. Leicester .... .. 65 .. 123 .. 98 . « 98 .. 32 .. m Lincoln Northampton Nottingham Oxford Rutland Warwick Irf June, I SOS. SPENCER, Colonel ' I H'/ !• AD- LACE MANUFACTORY. nPHE Underfilled were directed at the two last * General Meetings of- the Manufacturers, after a NORTHAMPTONSHIRE YEOMANRY, certain Stage of their Mission, to call a Meeting ot Dn .„,„ rv , .... the Trade thev therefore berebv five Notice, that H F, ( roirt. etnen of the BRA. Ch. LEY and to be 1 tli- rc will be a Meeting held at the SWAN INN, in ; .8 CHI PPING- WARDEN TROOPS are requested • N,.„.„ NEWPORT - PACNELL, on WEDNESDAY the 191* 1 to meet for Exercise, on EDCCOTT- LODUE- H I L I , on I I Instant at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, to take MONDAY the 17th 0,1 JUKE instant, at Ten o'clock; into Consideration their Report. I and on WEDNESDAY the 19th, at the s3mj Hour, at J. H. TALBOT, Olney. | PLOWMAN'S- FURZE- COHNEK, in order to be in J.' HANDSCOMB, Newport- Pagnell. CHARLES SMITH, Northampton. Saturday, June jW',. lb05. On Tuesday the Proprietors of the Junction Canal held their animal meeting Crown and Anchor Tavern, in the Strand. 281 .. 14!) . .116 .. 1- 24 ... JS ... 75 Grand at the It was stated to the meeting, by one of the Solicitors, npHEHdmbnrgh Mail due on Sunday has arrived. I that the Committee Iir. l lately called in the asfist- * — Advices from Amsterdam inform us, that ! cnce of Mr. Thomas 1 clt'ord, who had partjeu- a Spanish squadron which sailed from Cartiiagena 1 larfy inspected the whole line of the Canal, and on the 27th of April, met, on the following day, ' the several works and improvements now carrying with Lord Nelson's . fleet, st the sight of which the j 011 upon it. It was estimated, that the works to ' be erected will cost upwards of ,£. 47,000. . lie j and on WEDNESDAY the 19th ! PLOWMAN'S- I-' LR/. E- COHNEK, spected on that Day by Lieutenant- Colonel Corbett W. R. CARTWRFGHT, Lieutenant- Colonel. LOST,' on die 4th of May, 1805, out ol Field near tile Bridge, NORTHAMI'TOK, A DERBYSHIRE HElFEIi, with a white Rack, a red Side, and has two Clips on j at thJ ('; the Hip of the milking Side. Whoever will bring the said Heifer to Mr. ROSE, hampton, shall receive ONE and have all reasonable Ex- cers, came upon the ground exactly at ten o'clock, when the troops, who mustered about 0500, went through the usual manoeuvres, firings, Sic. and at ( ime o'clock the review terminated. A vast assem- blage of spectators were present. The Bill for altering the Act of the IBth of the Kills, as far as related to the penalties by in- formers, on narrow four wheeled waggons, ot six niches,- on turnpike- roads, when drawn by tour horses, has passed the House of Commons. On Friday last a most foul and atrocious murder -, vas committed, in the broad face, of day, upon the person of a young woman, in a cellar in Oak- Street, Manchester. It appears that the deceased resided with her sister, who is employed in a cot- nn- factorv, and whose husband died a short time since. About two o'clock in the afternoon the nu- tortunat. c - woman was observed reeling cotton by some of her neighbours, and about three the body was found almost lifeless, the livid hue of the face indicating the strongest symptoms of her having been strangled Her apron was found upon the fjoor without strings, together with a pair of tongs. Exclusive of three guineas in money, the drawers were completely ransacked of all tiie wearing ap- ' ' L ,. I..., I- ^ . •• ,... 1 II • „ TL .. J !.... 11 . I • .- vn inquest was held on the body on Saturday; but no clue having been obtained that could lead to a discovery of the perpetrators of this diabolical deed, the coroner was under the necessity of ad- journing tlie inquisition for fourteen days, during which interim, it is to be hoped something may occur by which the murderers may be detected. WANTED immediately, as an APPRENTICE to a SURGEON and APOTHECARY) A YOUTH, of good Education and amiable Manners. ( j3f For Particulars, enquire of Mr. HARMBY, Surgeon, Higham- Ferrers, Northamptonshire. W'ANREL) immfedimelv, A JOURNEYMAN COLLAR and IIARN IvSS- MAK E R, who may meet with constant Employ and geod Wages, by applying to JAMES BONSER, Tilrapston, Northamp- tonshire. D immediately, A JOURNKVAIAN NoRTfliMPTON, June 8th, 1305. AS the YEOMANRY and VOLUNTEER CAVALRY are to assemble next Week in this Town, it is intended to lave a LA 1. L and SUPPER E INN, on FRIDAY EVENING the 11th Instant, at. Eight o'Clocfc. STEWARDS. Mr. C. HI LI. YARD, AVymerslev Troon. Mr. W. T. SMYTH, Northampton Troop. . Mr. C. MARKHAM, Volunteer Cavalry. ( J:^' Gentlemen's- Tickets, 10s. 6d. Ladies' : js. 6d. to be had at the Kar of the Inn. CONTRACTS. Commissary. General '..- Office, Grcat- Gforge- Street, London, 6th June, 1303, VTOTICE is hereby given-, That the Coimnis- LV nary- General is'ready to receive Proposals for supplying such of His Majesty's Troops as may be encamped in the Course of the present Year, in the following Districts, with BREAD, FORAGE, i STRAW, and FU E L. Such Proposals to be sent . Time the North Gate will be locked up: in or. or before the, 20th Day of the present Month ' All Persons are - ln'i- eTw lUu- harvnt tr, ( observing that none wilt be received after Twelve o'clock on tint Day); and if sent by Post, the Postage to be paid, viz Jjiiiricfs. NORTH- WESI NORTH- INLAN ® , SOUTH- INLAND, Cmniits. ( Chester. J Salop. > Lancaster. ( North Wales. ; Derby. \ Nottingham. I Stafford. '} Leicester. Warwick. (^ Rutland. ( Bedford. \ Northampton } Oxford. . Buckingham. NORTHAMPTON RACE- GROUND. " VK7" HF. REAS the Trustees of the Freemen's » » Common, called tlie Race- Ground, in North- ampton Field, have given Permission for several Troops of Yeomanry and the Northampton Volunteer Cavalry to exercise thereon next Week, during which "" irne All Persons are hereby discharged ' from hereafter trespassing on any Part of the said Common, and i particularly during the Time the Troops shall be i exercising. E) Order of the said Trustees, | ' THEOPH, JEYES, their Clerk, t Northampton, ftth June, 1805. | To GENTr. EMEN A* TI> OTHERS. [ jmXIAiVJ CHAPMAN, DENTON amptonshire, will h. ive a large Quantity of ; TIMBER for SALE at HOUGHTON - G R E E N I FAIR, viz. Two- inch Oak Plank, from 12 lo 14 I Feet long; Ditto, dry, and fit for immediate Use in ( Barn 1 iooring, & c. ; good Inch Oak Board, dry; ( Ditto, not dry; square Stuff, three Feet by four; j Oak Gates,- Gate- Posts, Pale - Posts, Sheep- Pen I Posts, and Rails ; some I,- closing Posts ; and of whom i every other Sort of Scantlings may be had on reason ! able Terms. Proposals must be made separately for each District, | Iff- i> art of this Timber now lies near Oluev. I ... C..,.;•!, - T » .. - 1 and the Names of two go'od Sureties, with their Places of Residence, must be inserrcd at the Foot rhr- cof. Particulars of the Contracts rhay fee had upon Ap- plication at this Office, between the Hours of Ten and four. STONY- STRATFORD TURNPIKE- ROAD, j^ f OTIC E is hereby given, That a Meeting of Bucks. To DEBTORS A;, » CREDITORS. " WHEREAS RICE SIBLEY VORLEY, of T T TUR A Y3toN, in the County of Northampton, Saddler, has assigned over all , his Estate and Edicts to Mr. John Hill; of Islip Mill; and Mr. William Griffin, ot Thrapston; in Trust for the Benefit of themselves ana all other his Creditors who shall exe- cute the Deed of Assignment: Notice is hereby given, that the said Deed of Assignment is left at the Otlice WANTEI TAYL good Wages, by applying to J. COY, Weedon- Beck, Northamptonshire. To JOURNEYMEN HOUSE- PAINTERS. TXT AN TED, SEVERAL JOURNEYMEN * » HOUSE - PAINTERS.— Good Hands may have constant Employ and goad Wages, by appUing to D. GODSON, House- Painter, LVe. Daventry; or at the ROYAL DEPOT, Weedon- Beck, Northampton- shire. the Trustees for putting in Execution the Acts of Parliament for repairing and widening the Road . . - - - - from the Wav- Post in the Parish of Hardmgston, in I nt. Messrs. Yorke & Shcrard, Solicitors, in Thrapston the County of Northampton,- to Old- Stratford, in the j atorcsaid, for the Signature of such of'the Creditors said County, will be holden at the WHITE- HART, in as may be willing to accept and take the Dividend of GRAITON- REO,!*, oil THURSDAY the 27th Day of I the Monies which may arise from the said Insolvent's JUNE instant, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, ft : Estate and Effect-', in Proportion to their respective the Purpose ( amongst otiar business) of auditing the i Debts, and in full Discharge thereof.— All Persons Treasurer's Accounts, and appointing a Surveyor of Vvho have any Claims on the. Estate and Effects of the '" ~ ' sa'd R- S. Vorley, are requested to transmit a parti- To PLALSTERERS. VANTED, A NUMBER of GOOD HANDS. | swect Half- Hogshead-, and other Effects ; also a light Apply to J. ^ CHAMBER I, A IN, Plaistetcr, | cart and Harness.— The STOCK in TRADE is a general Part) of the said Road. By Order of the Trustees, fMb June, 1805. CHR. SMYTH. To BE S o LT) BV AUT;' T I" ON^ By KICHAK'D . SMITH, On the Premises, at THRAPSTON, in the County of Northampton, on Monday and Tuesday the 17th and lKih Davs of June instant, \ LL the genteel HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, A STOCK in TRADE, and EFFECTS, of Mr. RICE SIBLEY VORLEY, Saddler and Collar- maker; comprising Mahogany Feet and other Four- post Bedsteads, with Chintz, Check, aud other Fur- nitures; Feather mid Hock Beds, Blankets, Quilts, and Counterpanes; Dimity Window- Curtains; Ma- hogany and other double Cbests of Drawers; Maho- gany, Oak, and Cherry- Tree Chairs'; Dining, Pem- broke, Dressing, and ' i'ea Tables; Pier and Swing Glasses; Tea- Urn; China and Glass; Bed and Table I. iner.; Kitchen- Furniture; a neat Fdwliug- Piece; culaf Account thereof to the said Messrs. Yorke & Sherard; to whom all Persons who stand indebted to the said R. S. Vorley are requested to pay their re- spective Debts without Delay. T'V ' r Northampton', or at the Royal Depot, Weedon. ! Assortment, viz. a new Leather Rolling- Press "( Rolls Z-, , rrr: V7 t, VVI< T T- T> I of solid Mahoganv); Saddle-' l'rees, double and single If AN TED. .• Vmuldlo- aged or elderly I « lLEIt j Re, n xritU UrMie- Heads, and Reins; new Yeo- " or FOOTMAN, who can clean Plate, dress t r. ianry Bridles, Pads, Martingales; and Straps; plated Hair, aud will have no Objection to act as C. ame- ' :... „,.. I f.... I. D..;. II . D;,.. keeper.— Also, in the same family, A middle- aged or elderly SERVANT, to . act as POSTILLION and GROOM, and assist in the Garden.— 1' he most un exceptionable Characters will be required. Enquire of Y. Z. at the Printers of this Paper; if by Letter, Post- paid. WANTEdTa'" g^ id COOK; also, X~ AFAN- SERVANT, who understands the Manage- ment of Horses, anil- is willing to do all Kinds of Work.— Good Characters will be required from their last Place ( ff EnquireofW. HARRIS, Esq. Wootton- Hill, near Northampton. WELFORD ASSOC I ATI ON, For PROSECUTING TH1EVKS, & c. rpiIE General Annual Meeting of the Members 1- of this Association will be held at Ihe TAI. BOT INN, in WELFORD, in the County ot Northampton, on MONDAY the 17th Day of JUNE instant; when and where the Members are requested to attend to pass the Treasurer's Accounts, aiid transact the other Business of the Society. (£ 3" Dinner on the Table at One o'Clock. RD. BUSWELL, Treasurer and Solicitor. Northampton, 8tb June, 1805. TEN GUINEAS REWARD. STOLEN or STRAYED, out of a Field near NEWPORT- PACNELL, on Saturday Night the 1st ot June, or early on Sunday Morning the 2d, A CROPPED HORSE, about 14J Hands high, Chesnut Colour, with a Blaze in the Face, one white Heel, and a Wart on his Sheath, aged seven Years. Also, A BROWN MARE, aged, 144 Hands high, has a great Deal of White in the Face, and one Wall- Eye, with a cut Tail and thick Mine. fiST If stolen, any Person or Persons giving In- formation of the Offender or Offenders, shall, on Con- viction, receive the above Reward of Mr. HENRY MARSHALL, or Mr. THOMAS TYE, of Ne-, vport- l) ag- nell aforesaid; and if- strayed, whoever will give In- telligence of tliem to the said Mr MARSHALL, or Mr. IYX, so that they may be had again, shall bfi hindsomely rewarded for their Trouble. Brarloon and Curb Bridle- Bits, polished Ditto, plated and polished Snaffles Currycombs, plated Spurs, plated and polished Stirrup- 1rons, Skirt Collar and Butt Leather, ' Basils, Hog Skins, Collar Check, Flannel, and Russia Cloth; tiO neat Hand, Chaise, and Waggon Whips; Webbing, Girths, Stirrup- Leathers, Saddle- Skirts and Haps, plated Buckles, Harness Ditto, Rings, Sec. ; Cart- Saddles, Collars, Rugsv j four Class Cases, and other Articles too numerous to i particularize. •( IT''" The ! urniture will be sold on Monday, and the i Stock in Trade on Tuesday; and will be put up in I such Lots as will accommodate the Trade and Public! * « .* The Sale to commence punctually at Ten I o'Clock each Day. j A very capitaI Stone- built Windmill. I To be SOL D by A U C T I 0 N, By Messrs. R. Gf E. BLAB )', On Thursday the 27th Day of June instant, at the Red- Lion, in East - Haddon, in the County of Northampton, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, \ Substantial, well- built, smack WINDMILL; . wherein two Pair of Stones are hung—- the one French, four Feet four Inches; the other Derby, four feet ten Inches; a Machine and two Cylinders, and every other Requisite; a Stable, and Pump, with a Weil of excellent Water; together with a small Close, of about Half an Acre; situate in the Parish of EAST- HADDON aforesaid, very near the Turn- pike- Road leading from Dunchurch to Northampton, and about two Miles from the Grand Junction Canal, now in the Occupation of Mr. WILLIAM MOORE, the Proprietor, ot whom Particulars may be known ; as also of Mr. DENNY, Solicitor, Long- Buckby. To be SOi. D by AUCTION, By Mr. HA IVT Y N, On Friday the 23th Day of June, 1S05, at the Plough Inn, in Adderbury, A Substantial FARM- HOUSE, with a good i y Bakehouse and suitable Conveniencies, two Barns, Stable, and other useful Outbuildings, Yard, Garden, and Orchard, with two inclosed Fields, of about eight Acres of rich Arable Land, very contiguous to the said Dwelling- House, situate at Adderbury- East, in the County of Oxford, and in the Occupation of tjie Proprietor, Mr. John Cox. u".' For further Partiiwlars, apply to Messis. WALTORD, COLBY, & WALFORD, Solicitors, Banbury. To be LETT, New- milohed ASS, with a FOAL four Days old.- Enquire of EDVVARD HEWITT, Hill. morton, Warwickshire. A • aaliant Spaniards took fright, and returned toCar- thagena in such haste, thalt some of their ships were damaged in getting into the harbour. A private letter from Gottenburgh, dated the 27th ult. states, with great confidence, that the Court of St. Petersburgh has at length entirely broken with France, and that w ar is determined oil in conjunction with England and Sweden. Wc are unable at present to ascertain whether this Communication exceeds the fact, but wc hope we sltoll soon be enabled to confirm it.— A Russian army is, it is said, shortly to be employed in Po- merania.— Sun. There are at present not less than 115,000 F'rench and Italian troops in Laly; 60,000 Aus- trians; and the Russian . and English troops in the Mediterranean are calculated at upwards of 20,000. The communication between Holland and this country, has been so circumscribed by the op- pressive measures lately adopted by order of Bo- naparte, that, there has been no intelligence imme diately either from that country or from France for several days. The Auckland packet, arrived at Falmouth from Lislxm, brings an account that Lord Nelson, with his squadron, after having been joined bv the Queen and'Dragon, had proceeded for the West Indies, having received information that the combined fleet of the enemy had sailed thither.— The destination of the combined fleets, however, still remains uncertain. It is Vain to offer further | conjectures about it. It is one of those surprising < i' • - 1 circumstances for which it is impossible to account, nantitv nt , a[)( j tj, ne alone a. u, explain. All the intelligence received by Government sanctions most, amply the accounts lately received of the forward state of the enemy's preparations for the invasion of this country; and the necessary measures of precaution have accordingly been adopted. The Dutch fleet, as well as the Boulogne flotilla, is shortly expected to venture out; in con- sequence. of which Admiral Russell, ogreeally to orders received by express from the Admiralty, sailed from Yarmouth with his squadron on Wed- nesday, to resume his station off the Texel.— If the enemy's preparations be now more complete and formidable than ever, so are our means of defeating them more perfect and certain. FORTUNATE LOTTERY- TICKETS. Fifth Day.— No. 2- 1,719, a Prize of £. 2000.— No. 21,099 ( a, first- drawn), ^.'. 1000.— Nos. 14,815 and 24,856, = 4'. 500 each.— Nos. 1679, 6318, 7775, 20,695, 21, J12, and 28,682, =£. 100 each. Sixth day.— No. 7686 ( as first- drawn), =£. 20,020.— No. 13,747, =£. 10,000.— No. 21,238, =£. 5000.— Nos. 642S, 17,959, 5348, 17,295, 1347, 13,143, and 3992, =£. 100 each. PRICE OF STOCKS. Bank Stock . sh. 3 per Ct. Red. . 57| 58 3 per Ct. Cons. . sh. 4 per Ct. Cons. 7ii| 5 per Ct. Ann. . sh. imp. 3per Cents. sh. India Stock . sh. India Bonds . 1 2dis. Exc. Bills par. 1 dis. Omnium . 3J pr. HINCKLEY, Leicestershire. To be LETT, And entered vpon immediately, ALL that newly- erected, large, and commodious HOUSE, intended for an Inn, situate at the Wharf, in the Parish of HINCKLEY, within one Mile of the Town, on the high Road leading from London to Chester, and at an. equal Distance from Leicester and Coventry, with extensive Stables and other Out- Offices. Also, to be LETT, with the above House, or not, at the Option of tlie Tenant, upwards of 40 Acres of rich MEADOW and PASTURE LAND, adjoining thereto, and extending to the Watling- Street Road. ( PT A respectable Tenant will receive every Encou- ragement. *** Application for taking the same to be made to Mr. SANSOME, of Hinckley, the Proprietor. To ~ bc~ S O LD, or LETT, " ACapital MESSUACE or TENEMENT, situate at the upper End of ABINCTON- STREFT, NORTHAMPTON, lately titled up in modern Stile, and fit for a Family of Respectability. KT A Quantity of SASHES and DOORS to be SOLD. *** Enquire of Mr. ampton. LEWIS, Builder, North- ESTATE AT COI. D. ASHBY. To be SOLI) by PRIVATE CONTRACT, ACompact und valuable FreeMtland Ti/ the- fret ESTATE, situate at COI. D. ASHBY, in' the County of Northampton ; consisting of 78 Acres ( more or less) of excellent old- inclosed Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, with a suitable Barn and foddering Hovels thereon, in the Occupation of Mr. John Wic'-. cs, Tenant at Will, at the vearly Rent of =£. 150. ( CT For further Particulars," and to treat for the Purchase, apply to Mr.- B? SWELL, Solicitor, North- ampton. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, AVery desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE; con- sisting of a Farm- Houie, with convenient Out- buildings, and eighty- eight .. cres ot improvable Ara- ble, Meadow, and Pasture Lind, situate at NORTH- MA RSTON, in the County of Bucks, and now in the Occupation of Mrs. Denthfield, as Tenant from Year to Year. C"- T The Tenant will shew he Estate; and Appli- cation for Particulars may benade to Messrs. WAL- DOS D, GOLEY, & WALFORH Solicitors, Banbury; or Mr. WYATT, Solicitor, Wiislyw. — JlOA D MEE'INd rPHE next Meeting of the Trustees of theTurn- I pikoRoad leading from he Town of North- ampton to Newport- Pagnell, in he County of Bucks, will be held at HORTC> N in the County of Northampton, on MONDAY tin 17th Day of JUNE insiant, at Eleven of the Clock a the Forenoon. ROBERT AlBt Y, ( lerk to the Trustees. O^ r Dinner at Twoi'Clock. Northampton, June itb, lBOo. NORTHAMPTON, SATURDAY EVENING, Jane 8. MARRIED.] Lately, the Hon. Wm. Lamb, sou of Viscount Melburne, to Lady Caroline Port- sonby, only daughter of the Earl of Hesborough. On Monday se'nnight, Mr. Durant, of Dun- stable, Beds, to Miss Tripp, eldest daughter of Mr. Tripp, of Wantage, Berkshire. On Thursday se'nnight, the Rev. John Dyer Hewitt, vicar of 1' iliongley, in the county of Warwick, to 5Ii- s Ann Simson, daughter of Robert Siinson, M. D. of Coventry. On Friday, at St. Gvles's church, in this town, the Rev. Thomas Cloud, to Miss Tozer, of this place. DIED.] On Tuesday last, at the Parsonage- House, at Castlc- Asbbv, in this county, in the 6( Sth year of his age. tin- Rev. Edward Seagrave, A. M. rector of that place, and of Westcote- Barton, in the- county of Oxford. » ^ On Thursday lust, in his 58th year, Mr. James Fen ton, many years an eminent farrier in Lei- cester. On Saturday last, Mr. William Birch, surgeon, of Warwick. On Tuesday se'nnight, at Coleshill, Miss Mar- garet Powell, daughter of Captain Powell, of the Warwickshire Militia. On Thursday se'nnight, nt Huntingdon, in the prime of life, Mrs. Montague, wife of ' Rear- Admiral Montague.. —- ai'O& fc-— Tuesday being the birth- day of our beloved j Ry.^ gs^ c Sovereign, when his Majesty completed his 137th j Barley. 47s. year, the same was observed in this town with ' " ' every demonstration of loyalty. The morning was ushered ill by the ringing'of- bells; and at noon the 20th regiment of Light Dragoons ( dismount- ed), commanded by Lieutenant- Colonel Sir Robert Wilson; the Alfhorp, Northampton, aud Wy- inersley troops of Yeouianry, and the Northampton Volunteer Cavalry; the Northampton Volunteer Infantry, the Castle - Ashby Volunteers ' ( who marched into this town on Monday, where they remained till Wednesday), and the Spratton Vo'- t'- ieti proceeded to state to. the meeting the rapid increase in the revenues of the Company, since the opening of the whole line, by the completion of the Tunnel at Ellsworth, and mentioned the five last monthly returns of tonnage . to he— in January 1305, ,£''. 731; February, 310?; " March, ,£'. 5105; April, ^. 5699; May, ,£. 6002.— Tho proprietors wore then congratulated oil the great advantages to be expected by them as well as the public, in the more general introduction of Staf- fordshire or Paddington coals ( so called from being now brought on the'Canal to that plate); and, in order to shew the great comparative value of these coals over the sea or Thames coal, with which London has been hitherto supplied, a part of Mr. Sadler's evidence, lately given before Parliament, and in which he was corroborated by other evidence, was road by the Solicitor. Mr. Sadler states, two tons, by weight, of Paddington coals, to be equal to two chaldrons, by measure, of river coals; and that the present cost of them is as three to foul'., That for evaporating, or boiling water, one- third le-.' i in weight of Staffordshire coals will do the same work as a given weight of river coals will do. At Lemington- I'riors, on Thursday se'nnight, the foundation of the much- desired pump room was laid on the side of the old salt spring, under the auspices of the Earl of Avlesford, amidst a great number of spectators. The four corner stones were laid by the Rev. F. Walhouse, Mr. Wedge, Mr. Campion, and Mr. Satclnvell. Wine and tile flowed in great plenty on this occasion, and the evening was concluded with bells ringing aud other demonstrations of joy— At the same place, a few days since, a new salt- water spring was opened, with very great success, under the direction of Mr. Robbins, on his premises^ near t. o the stone bridge over the river Lem; where it is intended to erect some more elcaant hot and cold baths. Thursday was committed to the gaol of this couuty, by the Rev. PI. B. Harrison, John Adams, charged on suspicion of fte& lins a large piece of oak timber from the premises of Mr. J. V. inckler, of Pattishall; he also stands further charged with having stolen a quantity of butter frutn the house of Mr. F. Ilorne, of tiie same place. On Tuesday se'nnight, an inquisition was taken at Dun ton, in the county of Bedford, before William Whitworth, Gent. Coroner for the said county, on view of the body of John Desborough, who being employed to throw up dung to a heap in the field, was found dead. Verdict— Died by the visitation of God. And on Thursday se'nnight, an inquisition was taken at Hawnes, in the said county of Bedford, before the same Coroner, on view of the hodv of Wm. Abrams, a labourer, who fell down as he was crossing the turnpike- road, and expired on the spot. Verdict— Died by the visitation of Ga l. Last, week an inquisition was taken before Ed- ward Inge, Esq. upon view of the body of Wm. Francis, of. Coventry, who cut his throat with a knife on the 24th ult. and languished in great agony till Wednesday « e'nnight, when he died. After a minute investigation in order to ascertain the cause of his committing so rashautsct, the Jury returned a verdict of— Lunacy. BIRMINGHAM, June 3.—" The inhabitants of this loyal town will soon'be gratified with a sight of our highly revered Sovereign. In consequence of its having been lately represented that the Royal Family intended in the course of the sum- mer to honour this neighbourhood with their presence, the Trustees for c inducting the erection of the Free Church in this town, solicited his Majesty, that he would he graciously pleased to lay the first stone. The King, with that regard which lie always manifests to whatever appertains to the cause of religious worship, has condescended to grant the request, which was signified to the High- Bailiff on Friday. The Royal Party, con- sisting of his Majesty, the Queen, tlie Princesses, and the Duke of Cambridge, it is said, will begin their excursion about the 16th of this month " ' " The Town of Northampton,^ The ASSIZE of BSEAO TO WIT. S set the 8th Dav of June, 1805, for the said Tiwn, to take Place on Moriday the 10th Day of June, and to be in force seven Days for the said Town of Northampton. lb. oz. dr. The Sixpenny Loaf Wheaten is to weigh .. 1 11 0 Ditto Household is to weigh 2 , j 4 TheTwelvepenny Loaf Whtaien is to vyeigh 3 fi 0 Ditto Household is to weigh .. 4 g 9 F. HAYES, Mayor. PRICE cf CORN per Quarter at Northampton, Saturday, June 8. lunteers, assembled in * the Square, when the troops fired three feux- de- joie, which were fol- lowed by a like number of voilies from a party of Yeomanry dismounted upon the occasion, and the Corps of Infantry, in succession. In the after- noon die Yeomanry and Volunteer Officers, and several of the privates, dined at the different inns in the town. The greatest harmony and convi- viality prevailed, and the day passed away with all those marks of loyal attachment to his Ma- Wheat, 88s. to 102,. 6d. Od. to 70s. Oil. to 49s. Od. Oats, 24s. Od. to 2Ss. Od. J Beans, 4U.-. 0d, to 45s. Od. Peas, Ofls. 0d, to 00s. Od. By the. Standtfd Measure. GRAFTON, Inspector. Corn- Efchtmge, London, Friday, Jane 7. The supply of Wheat to- day is cons aerable; the ar- rivals of Foreign are more numerous than for many months past, and great numbers are looked tor; sales are extremely dull as of late, at a gradual re- duction, excepting tor prime samples; but little of that quality brought that fetche> our highest cur- rency.— Barley and Malt are very heavy sale, and rather cheaper.— Peas and Beans' of each sort aie dearer, very few come- to hand. LIST of FAIRS, from June 10 to Jane 22, within tlie Circuit of this Paper. M. June 10. Rvuttl and button. Th. 13. Banbury, Halloughtan, and Utmelhemp. stead. F. 14. Ayitsi'ii'V and Coventry. M. —- 17. - Mani/ n'd and Selton. W. S. - 19. Northampton. • 25i. Newpen- ttagneH, ODE FOR HIS MAJESTY'S BIRTH- DAY, 1805. By 11. J. PYE, Esq. Pott- Laurrat. TJIGH on the winding shores* sublime That Thames' imperial waves divide, Majestic in the trirb of time, Where yon proud dome frowns on the silver tide; ' Honour's and Knighthood's bright abode, By nobles, warriors, patriots trod, What lime from Gallia's vanquish'd coast, Reuirning with his victor host, Triumphant Edward rear'd on high The banner'd meed of chivalry ; While eminent above the rest, With sable arms and snowy crest, The youthful hero grae'd his side, His Country's and his Sovereign's pride: From cv'ry clime, lo! glory calls Her votaries to yon trophied walls ; B: nds her fair . guerdon round each loyal breast. And bids them combat pride, and succour worth oppress'd. The notes of triumph swell again!— I. o ! Windsor boasts as bright a train O t Royal Youths, as brave as those Who frown'd defeat on Edward's foes ; Of Royal Nymphs, as fair a race As crown'd Philippa's chaste embrace: Around their King, their Sire, they stand, A valiant and a beauteous band. Conspicuous shining ' mid the rest, In chivalry's first honours dress'd, For Cambria's l'rince, for George's Heir, Albion prefers this ardent prayer— " Thine be the sacred wreath of virtuous praise, " Thine youthful Edward's fame, but crown'd with length of days." Oh ! still, as this auspicious morn Awakes the Muse's votive lays, Miy peace, and health, and fame adorn The tributary strain she duteous pays ! Ami while where'er his navies ride, Where'er his legions bend their course, Oppre - ive rage and giant pride Yield to his firm, but temperate force! Guarded he stands from inroad's fear, By Freedom's shield, by Valour's spear; Though dark Despair, and Shame, and Woe, Lurk in the wreaths that bind the guilty brow, In George's diadem resplendent shine Glory's unsullied beams, and Virtue's gems divine. * The name of Windsor is derived from Winding Shore. HIS MAJESTY'S BIRTH- DAY. Tuesday being his Majesty's Birth- dav, when lie entered into his 68th year, the. same was observed with the usual demonstrations of loyal aft'ection. The tnorninz was ushered in with ringing of bells; at noon the Park and Tower guns were fired, and at night the theatres, public offices, subscription- houses, and those of his Majesty's tradesmen, were brilliantly and superbly illuminated. The company began to arrive at the Palace soon after twelve o'clock, and assembled in the room adjoining the Drawing- room, till it was completely filled, so that it was with the greatest difficulty a passage could be formed for the ltoyal Family. As soon as their Majesties entered the Drawing- room, the Birth- dav Ode was performed. There were present till the different branches of the Royal Family, the great Officers of State, Foreign Ambassadors, the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs, and a greater concourse of Nobility and Gentry than has been seen for many years. Their Majesties did not quit the room till near six o'clock, and it was seven before the whole of the company could get away. The Ladies dresses formed the ne phis ultra of elegance and simplicity; the prevailing colours were amber and white. His MAJESTY was dressed in the uniform of the Oxford Blues; the PRINCE of WAI. ES in a Field- Marshal's dress; and the DUKE of YORK in the Windsor uniform. The other l'rinccs were in their different uniforms. HER MAJESTY.— A petticoat and train of light green and silver sarsnet, with draperies of black lace, ornamented with a profusion of diamonds; the mantle of the same. PRINCESS of WALES.— Petticoat silver tissue, em- broidered with highly polished steel crescents, stars, spangles, and superb silver fringe, ornamented with large branches ot silver laurel; the train, which was very long, was trimmed with the same embroidery. PRINCESS AUGUSTA.— A white and silver sarsnet petticoat, with draperies of striped white and silver, ornamented with silver foil and bugles; body and train of silver sarsnet, with'a rich silver fringe. PRINCESS ELIZABETH.— A dress of amber crape, embroidered with silver; the ground- work of the pet- ticoat spangled in stripes with silver rings ; the drapery on the right embroidered in bunches of grapes, with the tendrils- of the vine in silver bullion ; and, as a relief to a massy border of silvei foil, which composed ibis part of the dress, two smaller draperies of Vene- tian chain to correspond with the bqtrom; the whole trimmed with bron. d black lace, and looped up with silver cord and tassels. The head- dress a turban cap • f amber- coloured crape, embroidered with silver, with a plume of eleven amber- coloured ostrich fea- thers. PR i NCESS MARY.— The same as Princess Elizabeth, in white and silver, without the lace; train Royal purple and silver tissue. PRINCESS SOPHI A.— Robe of brown silver tissue; the petticoat brown crape, embroidered with silver; silver drapery of rich net, turned up and looped vith bunches of roses and jessamine; sleeves of brown crape, richly spangled and fastened with loops of diamonds. PRINCESS AMELIA.— A white crape petticoat, HARDY'S new- invented BLACKING- POW- DER ( patronized by, and used for, the King and Royal Family), with Half the usual'!.- juble, pro- duces the most fashionable and elegant jet Lustre to Boots, Dfess Shoes, Cartouch- Boxes, Ladies' black Boots, Clogs, & c. As the above Composition is neither Japan nor Varnish, it \ Vill not crust upon the Boot, which occasions DECAY ; but, on the Contrary, will soften and meliorate the Leather, repel Water, Withstand Heat, and retain its Virtues in all Climates. It neither soils the Finger, nor smells disagreeably. Is. and Is. 6d. per Box. Also, A MIXTURE, CREAM, and LIQUID, which so excellently restores, preserves, and beautifies the Tops of Boots.— The Cream. keeps the pale Colour; Is. tid. The Liquid, for brown or tan, Is. The Mix- ture is for the Purpose of taking out In/ f or any Stain ; .' is. per Bottle.— The Genuine are signed " Robert Hardy, 3, Barnard's- Inn, Holborn, London." Sold by him ; the Printers of this Paper and their Newsmen ; and most Booksellers, Perfumers, and Venders of Medicine in the Kingdom. ($ 3 ™ This Blacking- Powder is particularly recom- mended to Dealers, and for Exportation, from the Closeness of Packing, Lightness of Carriage, and not being subject to Loss, as most Liquids are- breaicing of Bottles, fermenting, & c. from the TURNPIKE- TOLLS TO BE LETT. NOTICE is hereby given, That the TOLLS arising at the Toll- Gate upon the Turnpike- Road leading from Wcndover to Buckingham, in the County of Bucks, called or known by t" he Name of WALTON GATE, with the WEICHINO- ENCINE be- longing to the same, will be LETT to FARM by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, at the BELL INN, in WINSLOW, in the said County, on WEDNESDAY the 26th Day of JUNE next, between the Hours of Twelve and Two of the same Day, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th Year of the Reign of His present Majesty King George the Third, for regulating Turnpike- Roads, and will be put up at such Sum of Money as the Trustees of the said Turn- pike- Road present at such Meeting shall think fit.— Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder must imme- diately pay down into the Hands of the Treasurer one Month's Rent, in Advance, and at the same Time give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satis* factionof the Trustees of the said Turnpike- Road, for Payment of the Remainder of the Rent agreed for, and at such Times as they shall direct; and it is required that such Bidder do produce the Names of his Sure- ties, to the Satisfaction ot the Trustees at the Time of Bidding. LANCELOT WYATT. Winslow, 29lb May, 1805. For RHEUMATISMS, RHEUMATIC GOUT, LUMBAGO, NUMBNESS, PALSY, CHIL- BLAINS, SPRAINS, BRUISES, & C. M1K following recent Instances of the Efficacy T1 As of WHITEHEAD'S ESSENCE of MUSTARD are published at the Request of the Parties, for the Benefit of others:— SIR,— Before I had Recourse to your celebrated Essence of Mustard, for two Months, I was under the Necessity of using Crutches; but I hereby certify ( for the Benefit of others) I was perfectly- cured by taking a few Boxes of the Mustard Pills, and applying a few Bottles of the Huid Essence, which I purchased of W. Ferrand, Chemist, Stockton. Yours, W. GARBUTT. Hambleton Hills, near Stockton, Yorkshire, January 3, 1805. 83" Mr. Garbutt is a very respectable Farmer, universally known in the Neighbourhood ot Stockton. SIR,— 1 have much Pleasure in- acquainting you, that your Pills and Essence of Mustard have relieved Numbers of Rheumatic Persons in our Neighbourhood this Winter; among the Rest a Mr. Brooks, Baker, of Pinchbeck, who was unable to follow his Business, or even use his Arms; but on taking the Mustard Pills, and applving the fluid Essence, he was very soon re- stored to his usual Health and Strength. These Cir- cumstances have necessarily increased the Demand for it; I request, therefore, that you will send mean immediate Supply, by the first Conveyance; and am, Sir, vours, & c. spa/ ding, Jan. 27,1805. T. ALBION. It is prepared and sold, at 2s. 9d. each Bottle or Box, bv R. Johnston, Apothecary, No. 15, Greek- Street, Soho, London; and may be had of Dicey & Sutton, Northampton; Robins, Daventry ; Tuck & Mather, Wellingborough; and of every other Medicine Vender in the United Kingdom. *** The Genuius is distinguished, by the Govern- ment Stamp being printed black, and the Name of R. Johnston engraved in it. SCItOl'IIULA, OR KING'S- EVIL! Copy of a Letter from W. NUTTALL, Calico- Printer, near Ainswortb- Hall, Lancashire. SIR, S I am now arrived to that Solidity of Health which renders Life comfortable, and far exceeds my utmost Expectations, I doubt not but a short Account of my Case ( I may add deplorable) will afford you some Degree of Pleasure.— I have ior IS Years been most grievously afflicted with a scrophulous Complaint; it first appeared in my Glands, and pro. gressively extended ail over my Breast and under my Arms. When I first commenced taking your much- esteemed ANTISCORBUTIC DROTS, I had 17scrophulous Ulcers, which issued a great Quantity of very offensive Humour, and indeed rendered my Life a Burden to myself, and of Course distressing to my F'ricnds, to see the calamitous State to which my lothsome Ma- lady had brought me; but now, thank God, every one of the Ulcers are, and have been for Months back, completely healed, and I am now healthy, fleshy, and robust, to which before 1 was a Stranger: Per- sons who formerly knew me are astonished, and wonder at the great Change. I may truly add, to the Virtue of your invaluable Drops I at this Moment owe my Existence; and, for the Good of Mankind, I request you to publish my Case in any Way you think proper. For further Particulars ( if required), the Enquirer may be satisfied ( if by Letter, Post- paid,) by applying to, Sir, your obedient humble Servant, ( Signed) WILLIAM NUTTALL. Attested by R. PARKER, Curate of Cockey. JAMES HALTON, Farmer. RICHARD WALKER, Yeoman. JAMES NUITALL, Farmer. January 15, 1805. To Mr. JOHN LIGNUM, Surgeon, No. 57, Bridge. Street, Manchester. ( f- T These Drops are sold in moulded square Bot- tles, at lis. and 4s. Od.— One lis. Bottle is equal in | Quantity to three 4s. 6d. ones. They may be had, I Wholesale anu Retail, at Mr. I. IGNUM'S, NO. 57, Bridge- Street, Manchester; and, by Appointment, of Howard & Evans, 42, Long- Lane, West- Smithfield; Dicey & Co. Bow Church- Yard ; Barclay & Son, 95, Fleet- Market; Shaw & Edwards, 66, St. Paul's Church- Yard; Butler, 4, Chtapside; and Newberv & Sons, 45, St. Paul's Church- Yard, London; and Retail of Dicey & Sutton, Northampton; Green & Taylor, Ampthill; Gardner, Biggleswade; Palgrave, Bedford; Beesley, Banbury; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry; Ridge, Newark; Inwood, Newport- l'agnell; Tookey, Oundle; Jacob, Peterborough; Wjlcox, Tow- cester; Paul, St. Ives; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; C'ollis Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Tuck & Mather, Wellingborough; Darton, Hitchin; Simson, Hert- ford ; and of the principal Venders of genuine Medi- cines in the United Kingdom. TOLLS TO LETT. " VTOTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting of the Trustees appointed by an Act of Parliament made and passed in the 32d Year of the Reign of His present Majesty King George the Third, intituled, " An Act for amending, widening, and keeping in " Repair the Road leading from the Bull Inn, in " Dunstable, to the King's- Arms Inn, in Hocklifle, " in the County of Bedford," will be held at the House of Mr. THOMAS COATES, known by the Sign of the SUGAR- I. OAF, in DUNSTABLE aforesaid, on WEDNESDAY the 3d Day of JULY next, when the TOLLS arising at tbeToll- Cate, known by the Name of CHALK- HILL GATE, will be LETT to FARM by AUCTION, to - the Best Bidder, between the Hours of Eleven and Two o'Clock of the same Day, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, for regu- lating Turnpike- Roads; which Tolls will be put up at such Sum as the Trustees shall then think fit. Wlioever shall become the Best Bidder must imme- diately pay the Sum ot £. 100, and give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees, for the Payment of the Rent at such Times as they shall direct. JOHN GRIFFITHS, Clerk to the Trustees. Luton, lid May, 1805. N ichlv embroidered in stripes of silver in the Egyptian ' the ground- work of the petticoat was covered r .. M^ Mi^^ HHBMV^ I with a profusion of silver spangles, and the bottom of it trimmed with a rich Vandyked tassel fringe. The draperies of white crape, richly embroidered in silver, with bunches of wheat- ears, interspersed with the British star and showers of spangles; the dra- peries drawn up with bunches of frosted wheat, and rich cord and tassels. The body and train of silver tissue, embroidered with silver. The Duke and Duchess of York went in state about half past three o'clock, but. the Duchess was not able to bear the fatigue, and returned home in tlie course of half an hour. After the Drawing- room, their Majesties re- turned to Buckingham- House, where a very large party was entertained with a concert and re- freshments. TVTEW PROPERTY TAX; likewise PLEASURE _ 1.\ HORSES, LEGACY, SALT, EXCISE, and CUSTOM DUTIES, with other Acts of Importance; are contained in a new Edition, just published, Trice Is. of KEARSI. EY's ANNUAL TAX- TABLES. London: Printed for G. KEARSLEY, Fleet- Street; and sold by all other Booksellers in Town and Country. TURm% E- TOLLS TO nr LETT. NOTICE is hereby given, That the next Meeting of the Trustees of the Upper Division of the Turnpike- P. bad leading from Buckingham, in the County of Pile' s, to the North Extent of the Parish of Hanwell, in the County of Oxford, will be held at the WUITE- HA* T INN, in BUCKINGHAM, on FRIDAY the 28th Day of JUNE next; when the TOLLS arising at the two several Turnpike- Gates on the said Road, called or known by the Names of the TINOIWICK and ASTWICK GATES, will be LETT by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, between the Hours of Eleven in the Forenoon and Three in the Afternoon of the same Day, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, for regulating the Tfurnpike- Roads; which Tolls have been lett for the last three Years at the annual Rent or Sum of sC. 291, clear of the Expences of collecting the same, and will be put up at that Sum, under such Cjndltions as will be then and there pro- duced.-— Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder must forthwith give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees, lot Payment of the Kent at such Times as they shall direct.— Dated this 24th Day of May, 1805. ROBERT . MILLER, Clerk to the Trustees. THE CORDIAL BALM OF GILEAD. To Dr. SOLOMON, LIVERPOOL. Y Wife, at the Age of 48, was taken so ill that she could not walk out of the House, and was for near three Years confined to her Bed with extreme Weakness : She was afflicted with strong Nervous Affections, Trembling, Debility, Lowness of Spirits, and subject to Fits, by which she was reduced to a mere Skeleton. After trying the best Advice in our Neighbourhood in vain, she had Re- course to your CORDIAL BALM of GILEAD, which was purchased of Mr. Simrnonds, of Biandford, by taking four Bottles of which she was entirely cared some Time since, and now remains perfectly well, to the Astonishment of all her Neighbours. I am, dear Sir, your obliged, humble Servant, JOHN GRIFFIN. FWILHAM SHAVE, Overseer of Wat- Witnesses, i combe, near Biandford. ( SAMUEL SIMMONDS, Biandford. October, 1802. Prepared by Dr. SOLOMON, Gilead. House, near Liverpool, in' 10s. 6d. and 33s. Bottles; the latter contain four of the former, by whieh the Purchaser saves nine Shillings. Every genuine Bottle has a Stamp which bears the Proprietor's Name and Address, " Sam/. Solomon, Liverpool," to imitate which is Felony. Double Postage of all Letters to Dr. Solomon, Li- verpool, must be paid, and his Fee of 10s. 6d. in- closed for Advice. Sold Wholesale and Retail by the Printers of this Paper, also Pvetail by Marshall, and Edge, North- ampton; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Dawson, and Harrod, Harborough; Marriott, Barv- bury; Wilcox, and Gallard, ' l'owcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Richardson, Stony- Stratford; Edge, and Tuck and Mather, Wellingborough; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventy ; Okely, and Smith, Bed- ford; Fox, St. Neots; Barringer, and Inwood, New- port- Pagnell; Swinfen, Leicester; by the Printers of the Country Newspapers ; and by all the reputable Medicine Venders, Booksellers, & c. in every principal Town in England, Ireland, Scotland, and America, who will deliver Pamphlets gratis, with, a Variety of authentic Documents noted therein. Of whom may be had. The ANTI- LMl'ETIGlNES, or SOLOMON'S DROPS, for purifying the Blood, and restoring the System when impaired by the imprudent Use of Mer- cury, have been found the great and only Restorer of Health and Vigour in Disorders where Salivation has repeatedly failed.— Price 1.0s. til.— Familv Bottles 33s. The ABSTERGENT LOTION, for removing Eruptions from the Surface of the Human Body.— Price 4s. 6d. a Bottle, Duty included. Also, A new Edition of SOLOMON'S GUIDE to HEALTH.— Price 3s. The PREVENTIVE of the CONSUMPTION of the LUNGS, commonly culled a DECLINE, namely, RYMER's PECTORAL FEBRIFUGE MEDICINE WITH VITAL AIR. AYoung Man, Servant to Mr. PARISH, Silk- Mercer, I. udgate- Hill, in a Decline, who had been under the Care of the Faculty in London, was sent to Reigate, to be under Mr. Rymer's Care, by Mr. Rowley, late of the London Coftee. House. This young Man was put under a Course of the Pectoral Medicine for about two Months, when he had received so much Benefit therefrom, that he returned to Town to his Business. The Pectoral Balsam is prepared and sold, in Bottles at 2s. 9d. 6s. and lis. Duty included, by JAMES RVMER, Surgeon, Reigate, Surrey.— Sold Wholesale and Retail by Dicey & Sutton, Bow Church- Yard, London; and Retail by Dicey & Sutton, Edge, anil Marshall, Northampton; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry; Tuck & Mather, and Bioujhton, Welling borough ; Fisher, Higham. Ferrers; Rollason, and Merridevv, Coventry; Sharp, Warwick; Roberts, Southam; Gregory, Leicester; Harrod, Harborough; Munn, and Collis & Dash, Kettering; Newcomb, Stamford; Eaton, Thrapston; York, Oundle; Jacob, and Horden, Peterborough; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Hodson, Cambridge; Smith, Bedford; Inwood, and Barringer, Newport - l'agnell; Queneborough, Dunstable; Darton and Tapp, Hitchin; Wilcox, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Jones, Oxford; Richardson, Stony - Stratford; Hawkes, Lutterworth; and by every Vender of Patent Medi- cines in the United Kingdom Of - whom may liketvise be had, RYMER's CARDIAC and NERVOUS TINCTURE, for the Relief and Cure of Disorders of the Head, Stomach, and Bowels; Gouty, Bilious, and Nervous Complaints ; Acidity, Wind, Spasms, and Costiveness; Loss of Appetite and Indigestion; Debility, Palsy, Sec. . in Bottles at 2s. 9d. 6s. anu lis. each. DICEY & Co.' sTrue Daffy's Elixir. THIS most excellent Medicine has been faithfully prepared for upwards of 80 Years, from the purest Drugs and Spirits that can be procured, by Dicey & Co. No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, London; and has been attended with the happiest Success in the Cure of the Gravel, Stone, Fluxes, Spitting of Blood, Pains in the Breast, 1- c.; but in the most excru- ciating Fits of the Cholic, and in all Complaints of the Stomach and Bowels, the Genuine Daffy's Elixir is unquestionably superior to every other Medicine in the World:— Spurious Sorts, of a very inferior Quality, are, however, offered for Sale in almost every Town, and some ot them even with the Names of Dicey & Co. in the Bills of Directions, and on the Bottles ( which are also made in Imitation of theirs :)• The surest Way therefore to prevent Deception, is, to ask particularly for DICEY'S DAFFY'S ELIXIR, and to observe not only that the Words Dicey fef Co. No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, are printed in the Stamp affixed to each Bottle, and signed in the Bills of Directions; but also, as a further Mark of Distinction, that the Words Dicey Co.' s True Daffy's Elixir are printed, in large Characters, at the Top of each Bill of Directions. It is sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Dicey Sc Co. No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, in Bottles, at Is. 8d. and 2s. tid. each, Duty included. Also, sold Wholesale and Retail by the Printers ot this Paper ( by whom great Allowance is made to Country Shopkeepers), and Retail by the following Persons, viz. Wilkins, Robins, Bates, & Wilkinson, Daventry; Parker, Merridew, and Rollason, Coventry ; Collison, Brackley; Watson, Aynlio; Mrs. Beesley, Banbury; Odcll, and E. l'vne, Leighton; Griffin and Co. Tring ; Norwood, Amersham; Aynsworth, & Birdsey, Hemel- hempstead; Edwards, Chesham; Barnes, Inwood, and Barringer, Newport- Pagnell; Osborn, Wobutn; Good- man, North- Crawley; Queneborough, and Squires, Dunstable; Lancaster, Clophill; Alsop, Crawley, and Mead, Luton; Brown, Morris, and Green liCo.' j Ampthill; S. and A. Cooper, and Morris, Nuneaton; Bull, Harrod, and Dawson, Maiket- Harborough; Adams, and Gamble, Loughborough; Gregory, and Swinfen, Leicester ; ToOne, Woolvey ; Pearson, Mel- ton- Mowbray; Burbage& Co. Nottingham; Wilcox, and Gallard, Towcester ; Seeley, Buckingham; Miss Jones, Oxford ; Hawkes, Lutterworth ; Wm. Smith, B. Bradley, and J. Bradley, Bedford; Hine, Potton; Bunting, Sandy; Gardner, Weston, and Brooks, Biggleswade ; Richardson, Elmes, Poulter, and Sheppard, Stony- Stratford; Higham, Old- Stratford; Moxham, Fenny- Stratford; Stevens, Bicester; Marlin, . T. Wheeler, Rickford, F. Wheeler, and F. Loggin, Aylesbury ; Wards, Hincklev; Sander, son & Co. Tuck & Mather, Broughton, and Chettle, Wellingborough; Eaton, Thrapston; York, Oundle; Horden, and Jacob, Peterborough; King, Gilkes, ahd Matthews, Chipping- Norton; Baly, Wright, and Stevens, Higli- Wycomb; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering'; Newcomb, and Drakard, Stamford; Bird, Uppingham; Gibson, Oakham; Churchill, Dedding- ton; Roberts, Southam; Sharp, Warwick: Luccock, Kimbolton; Bayley, and Paul, St. Ives; Emery, and Fox, St. Neots; . Tenkinson, Huntingdon; Darton, and Tapp, Hitchin; Hovel, Staples, Eaden, Hodson, and Gee, Cambridge; Leigh, Atherstone; Arch, Shefford; Holland, Winslow; Ward, Stratford- upon- Avon ; Mat- thews, C amp den; Wallis, Olney; Taylor, Retford; Dexter, Wilbarston; and by the Venders of Dicey and Co's Medicines in e< ery Town throughout the Kingdom ; Of tuhom my be had, from Dicey Sc Co's Warehouse as above, s. d . s. d. Dr. Bateman's Drops 1 J| Bathing Spirits - - 0 9 TIIRAPSTON ROAD TOLLS. J" OTICE is hereby given, That a General V Meeting of the Trustees of the Turnpike- Road leading from Market- Harborough, in the County of Leicester, to' 1 hrapston, in the County of North- ampton, and from thence to the Pound, in the Parish of Brampton, in the Countv of Huntingdon, will be held at the WHITE- HART INN, in THRAPSTO. V, on WEDNESDAY the 19th Day of JUNE next, at Eleven o'Clock in ilie Forenoon, for the Purpose of LETTING by AUCTION, in the Manner directed by an Act passed in the thirteenth Year of the Reip of His present Majesty, " for regulating the Turnpike- Roads," the TOLLS arising at the several Toil- Gates hercunder- mentioned ; which Tolls produced the last Year ( clear of the Salaries for collecting the same) the respective Sums following, viz. M. s. d. lJttle- Btnuden Gate 13: 1 7 0 lirrmitagc- L* ne Gale 125 1 1 Kettering, iuiib Weighing- Machine. .573 0 0 Llip 254 0 0 Keyston, with Weighing- Machine . .270 0 0 Ellington 187 0 0 1542 8 1 and will be put- up at the Sums they so respectively produced. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder for either of the said Tolls, will be required to give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turnpike- Road, for the Payment ot the Rent agreed for, and at such Times as they shall direct. And at the same Meeting, previous to. putting up the Tolls, the Trustees ( who are requested to attend early) will lix upon tlie Spot on which is to be erected the new Turnpike or Toll- Bar ( ordered at an extraor- dinary Meeting), in Lieu of the Hermitage- Lane Gate, and on the Tolls to be taken at the same Bar.— Given under our Hands this 7th Day of May, 1805, By Older of the Trustees, THOS. MARSHALL,? n . WM. MARGETTS, $ <-' « KS. FROM the Nobleman to the Peasant, Intoxica- ' tion is the Cause of many of the Disorders which \ now afflict Mankind. When Reason is thrown off her Guard by the potent Force of drinking to Excess, it too often happens that this Imprudence produces another, or, in plain Terms, a Connection with a disordered or unclean Person; and frequently those who are guilty of these Indiscretions are on the Point of entering into the sacred Band of Wedlock, with a discreet and virtuous Companion. What is the Con- sequence of these repeated Improprieties? The in- fectious Poison which has lurked in the Body of the Husband is communicated to the Wife, and entailed upon tte Offspring, who comes into the World a disgusting Spectacle to all Beholders, and subject to the Evil, Eruptions of the most inveterate Tendency, & c. A Mechanic, who uses Metal in the Completion of any Performance, that has not been properly refined, will find his Workmanship break, crack, and display a Variety of Imperfections, in Defiance of all Pains and Diligence: It is exactly the same with those who enter into the State of Wedlock without having their Blood properly purified from the contagion* Tile. ENDOWMENTS OF CHILDREN. NEW RATES and PROPOSALS for ENDOW- MENTS of CHILDREN, by a single Pay- ment, or by annual Payments, and for immediat deferred, and progressive Annuities, may be had, g'. itis,- from the AGLNTS of the GLObE INSURANCE COMPANY in the principal Towns and Out- lorts ill the United Kingdom. THOMAS H. WILKINSON, Sec Pail- Mall, London, 17tb April, 1805. " COOKE's POCKET EDITIONS OF the most esteemed and popular Works in the English Language, including Translations > the Whole SUPERBLY EMBELLISHl-. D. To accommodate the Virtuoso in Embellishments, and the Admirers of beautiful Printing, are published SUPERIOR EDITIONS, printed on Wove Vellum Paper, and containing Por- traits ot the respective Authors, Vignette Frontis- pieces to every Volume, additional Scene Represent- ations, and the first Impressions of the Plates. These Editions are double the Price of the CHEAP EDITIONS, which are sold at only Sixpence each Number; every one of which contains an Engraving, and from the Quantity of Letter- Press comprised in each, the Works are rendered less expensive than the most common and unadorned, as is exemplified by the fol- lowing Prices :— SELECT NOVELS. Solyman and Almena. .0 6 Nourjahad 0 6 Almoran and Hamet . .0 6 Zadig 10 Sentimental Journey .. 10 Castle of Otranto 10 Rasselas 10 Theodosius& Constantia I Of Moral Tafc properly purified from the contagious Dis- tempers it receives through these Errors; than which Nothing is more efficacious than Dr. BRODUM's BOTANICAL SYRUP, being an admirable Diu- retic, and acting by Perspiration, never failing to cure Complaints ot this Nature, after they have lain dormant in the Blood for seven, eight, or ten Years. Although it is so elfectual, it is at the same Time so innocent, that a Child, or a lying- in Woman might take it with the greatest Safety; nor is there the least Danger of taking Cold even in the most inclement Season, which it is scarcely possible to escape during the Administration of a Course of Mercury. The BOTANICAL SYRUP and RESTORATIVE NER- VOUS CORDIAL to be had at the House, No. 9, Al- bion- Street, Surrey Side of Blackfriars Bridge, in Bottles at =£. 1 2s.— lis.— and 6s. Duty included. (£ 5" A. D. SWINTON, the Proprietor ( Son of Dr. Swinton, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, London,) may be consulted from Ten till Three, or by Letter, containing the usual Fee. A Five Guinea Bottle contains six at 22s. Sold also by the PRINTERS of this PAPER, and by the following Persons within the Circuit hereof, vi » . Marshall, Northampton, and at his Shop in Harbo- rough ; Edge, Northampton, and at his Shops in Wellingborough and Towcester; Nixon, Leicester; Smith, Bedford; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Tookey, Oundle; Beale, Thrapston; Collis & Dash, & Munn, Kettering; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventrv ; Tuck & Mather, Wellingborough; Jackson, Peterborough; Newcomb, Printer, StamtoM ; wheeler, Ayleshury ; Marriott, Banbury ; Gailard, Towcester; and by most Booksellers and Medicine Venders in the three Kingdoms. Belisarius 10 Pompey the Little 10 Journey to the nextworldl 0 Candid 16 Jonathan Wild 16 Peruvian Princess 1 6 Louisa Mildmay 16 Adventures of an Atom 1 6 Vicar of Wakefield.... 1 6 Chinese Tales 16 Tale of a Tub 2 0 Lancelot Greaves 2 0 Devil on Two Sticks. .2 0 Gulliver's Travels 2 0 Sisters 2 g Henrietta' 2$ Joseph Andrews 2 t> Female Quixote 3 0 Telemachus 3 0 Humphrey Clinker. .. 3 6 .. 36 .. 3 6 ... 3 6 ... 36 ... 46 ... 4 6 .... 50 Count Fathom... . Tales of the Genii. Roderic Random . . Tristram Shandy... Amelia Robinson Crusoe . Adventures of a Guinea 5 6 Gil Bias., 5 6 Tom Jones 6 6 Peregrine Pickle 6 6 Arabian Nights 7 6 DOB Quixote 8 6 Pamela 10 0 SACRED CLASSICS. Economvof HumanLifc 1 OiBlackmore on Creation 1 6 Deathot Abel 1 0 Addison on Christian^ , Dodd on Death 10 Religion --- S Dodd's Prison Thoughts 1 0: Pilgrim's Progress 2 0 Rowe'sDevoutExercisesl 0 Rowe's Letters 2 6 Young's Centaur 1 OlHervey's Meditations-. 2 6 BRITISH CLASSICS. Goldsmith's Essays... 1 0|€ itizen of the World . 3 0 Shenstone's Essays 16 Adventurer 5 6 The Idler 3 0 Rambler 6 6 SELECT POETS -. 0 6 - .0 ( i -. 0 6 .. 0 6 -. 06 G rav Collins .. Otway. __ Rochester Walsh ... Sheffield 0 6 Lyttleton 0 6 Goldsmith. .. 06 Armstrong 0 G Smollett 0 6 Johnson 0 6 Garth 0 6 Pomfret 0 6 Dodsley 0 6 Warton 10 Falconer .... 1 0 Congreve 1 o| iSavage 1 6 I'arnel 2 0 Shenstone ... 2 0 Akenside 2 0 Watts 2 0 Glover 5 0 Somerville.. .2 0 Thomson 2 6 Milton 3 6 Prior 3 6 Butler 3 6 Gay 3 6 Young 4 0 Pope 5 0 Dryden 5 6 To Mr. Thomas: Taylor, Surgeon, No. 9, Xczi Bridge- Street, London. SIR, EDINBURGH, May 2, 1800. [ N the Spring of 1794, I was afflicted with a Venereal Complaint, which I treated with In- difference for five Months, but was then obliged to apply to a regular physician, who put a temporary S, op to the Violence of the Disease ( by Mercurial Applications) for some Time; but growing, in Spite of all Medicine and Advice of the first Gentlemen of the Faculty here, worse and worse for two Years, 1 was reduced to a State almost unparalleled and beyond Description, being an entire Leper, and ulcerated from Head to Foot. My Head, Throat, Mouth, Nose, Legs, Arms, & c. have been alternately in Danger of becoming useless; in short, 1 have had from 20 to 30 eatinj, Ulcers on my Body, and nearly totally deprived of Sight. It would be voluminous to particularize all my Case— suffice it to say, there never was, nor ever will be, one of a more dangerous, or of a more complicated Nature. I was long looked upon by my Friends, and imagined myself, beyond all Hopes of Recovery; and indeed, in my then Condition, Death was preferable to my more than miserable State. In this dreadful Situation did 1 drag a most miserable Existence, till divine Providence threw in my Way a Newspaper, containing the Case of a Mr. B. at Ply- mouth: My Friends read it, I could not.— 1 sent and procured so'meof your LEAKE's PATENT PILLS; by using which, from Time to Time, am now, and have long been, after more than four Years indescrib- able Distress, in as good a State of Health as ever 1 enjoyed: As a Proof of this, I had a fine, thriving, healthy Child, born to me a few Months ago. In Gratitude to God, and in Hopes of rendering my Fellow- Creatures Service, 1 request you to publish this; and you may at any Time refer Persons who wish to be satisfied of the Truth of this, or further Particulars*, to me or my Friends, by Letter or Per- son. Fenton 10 Rowe 10 Micklc 1 0 Broome 10 Mallett 10 Moore 10 Tickell 10 Cunningham . 1 0 Lansdowne .. 10 Addison 1 6 Shakespeare .. 16 Waller 1 6 Langhorne 16 ( P3* The above Works may be had bound, or in separatt Numbers. PRINTS SOLD SEPARATE FROM THE WORKS. Proof Impressions, on large Paper, Price Sixpence each. COOKE's CHEAP AND ELEC. ANT POCKET EDITION Of HUME'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND, with Continuations by Smollett and others. Com- mon Edition, Price 2s. 6d. per Volume; superior Edition, 5s. per Volume. Hume 12 Volumes, Price £.\ 10 0 Smollett .. 7 Volumes 0 17 6 Continuation 6 Volumes 0 15 0 Index.. 1 Volume 0 2 6 Additional Volumes are printing, which will bring down the History to the present Time. BELL'S BRITISH THEATRE, Price Sixpence each Drama, common; one ShUHnfjL The Price of binding the above IV^ ris, m~ CaTf, is Sixlcen- Pence per Volume, and in Sheep, Eight- Pence per Volume. London: Printed for C. COOKE, No. 17, Pater- noster- Row ; and sold by all the Booksellers in the United Kingdom. —=—, oOOOOOOO a. - J ii BANKRUPTS required to SURRENDER. William Holmes, of Studley, Warwickshire, baker andmealman, June 17, 18, and July 13, at the Swan Tavern, Birmingham. Attorney, Mr. Palmer, Bir. mingham. William Winder and Josiah Wheeler, of Liverpool, merchants. Josiah Wheeler and Isaac Thomas Wheeler, now or late of Liverpool, merchants.—- Thomas Agar, of Kingston- upon- Hull, hatter. Richard M'Namara, of Rodney- street, ' Middlesex, merchant. - Sarah Anstie, late of Devizes, Wilts, dealer.— John Crossley, of Smallbridge, Lancashire, cotton- spinner. - John Wallens, the younger, of Lye, Worcestershire, victualler. Edward Lee, of Drayton- in- Hales, Salop, skinner. — Samuel Hall, of Sheffield, Yorkshire, hat- mar. ufacturer. Thomas Geere and Joseph Carless, of Loose, Kent, millers. John Blades, of Bath, linen- draper. Joseph Inman, of Houndsditch, London, cheese- monger. William Seaiie, of Chudleigh, Devon- shire, shopkeeper. Thomas Ellis, of OUcrton, Nottinghamshire, mercer. -' Henry Jenner, of Nor- wich, linen- draper. John Blackburne, of Liver- pool, corn and flour- merchant.—— William Hemer, of Poulton, Lancashire, money- scriviner.-— Joel Bes- wick, of Stockport, Cheshire, grocer. William Burg, of Bucklersbury, London, warehouseman.—.— Jacob Burgheim, of '. enchurch- street, London, mer- chant. Edward Rowland, of Liverpool, corn- merchant. DIVIDENDS to be made to Creditors. June 25. Thomas Leeson, of Packvvood, Warwick- shire, mercer, at the Black Swan Inn, Warwick. June 25. Thomas Browne, the younger, late of Mill- End, in the parish of Rickmansworth, Hertford- shire, tanner, at Guildhall, London. July 20. Samuel Marston, late of St. Alban's, Hertfordshire, corn- dealer, at Guildhall, London. none son Hooper's Female Pills 1 j Dr. Anderson's Scots Pills, 30 in a Box 1 ij Dr. Radclitle's Elixir 1 ; Bostock's Elixir - 2i Stoughton's Elixir - lli Friar's Balsam - - lli| Pike's Ointment - 1> Clinton's Snuff,& Oil IS Dr. Lockyer's Pills 29 Squire's Grand Elixir 1 9 Godfrey's Cordial - 0 8 Golden & Pl* in Spirits of Scurvy- Grass - 1 1J Bejume de Vie - - 3 6 Betton's British Oil 1 6 Rymer's Tincture - 2S Walker's Jesuits Drops - - - - 2 9 Wyman's Pills - 2 9 they will find a sure, speedy, safe, and radical Cure, for that most dreadful Stage of the Venereal Disease, which is called a confirmed Lues. I am, with Gra- titude, Sir, your obliged humble Servant, J. T. * Insurmountable Family Reasons prevent making my Name and Address public; but creditable Persons, really wanting Information, may be referred to me and my Friends,. by Mrs. S. Clark, Ramsey- Gardens, Edinburgh. Prepared and sold by the sole Proprietor, THOMAS TAYLOR, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, in London, at his House, No. 9, New Bridge- Street; Where, after a constant Residence of more than thirty- six Years, in a Practice particularly directed to the Cure of Venereal Complaints, and those inci- dental to the Parts of Generation in both Sexes, with that inviolable Secrecy which Men of his Profession should always observe, he flatters himself the Advice and Assistance he gratuitously administers to Persons taking this Medicine, will be esteemed, by a discern- ing Public, as an Advantage seldom to b^ obtained, and void of Ambiguity. They are also sold, by his Appointment, for the Convenience of those living at a Distance, by the Printers of this Paper, and Mr. Marshall, Druggist, Northampton; Wilcox, and Gallard, Towcester; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry; Sharp, Warwick ; Rollason, Coventry ; Gregory, Leicc- ter; Harrod, Harborough; Seeley, Buckingham; Knight, Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Tuck & Mather, Wellingborough; Marriott, Banbury ; Tookey, Oun- dle ; Billinge, Liverpool; Atkinson, Manchester; and by one Person in every considerable Town in Great- Britain and Ireland, in Boxes of only 2s. 9d. each, sealed up with full and plain Directions, whereby Persons of either Sex may cure themselves with Ease, Speed, Secrecy, and Safety. ( tT Every Box sold in Great- Britain is sealed up with a Stamp, on which, by Favour ot the Commis- sioners, is printed, at the Stamp- Office— T. Taylor, No. 9, New Bridge- Street— to imitate which is Felony, and all others are counterfeit. MARKETS.— London, June 3. Having a large supply of Foreign Wheat, and several thousand quarters now on sale at the Coflce- house up- stairs, at reduced prices, it has caused a general decline on the market of about 5s. per quarter; with the late customary exception, however, of a few select samples of fine white obtaining rather more money than stated in our currency.— Barley continues a heavy article, with no improvement in price.— Peas of the various kinds remain nearly as last reported.— Jick Beans are dearer.— Good Oats, of which there is no scarcity, obtain good prices.— Flour heavy, at 75;. anil 78s. ; nominal 80s. Oats 26s. to 32s. Od. HorseBeans43s. to 48s. Od. Tick Ditto 36s. to 42s. Od. White Peas 38s. to42s. Od. Grov Ditto 40s. to 45s. Od. to 80s. Od. 0J. to 61. 0s.— Wheat. .. 55s. to 8Ss; Od. Fine Do.. 89s. to90s. 0d. Rye 48s. to 52s. Od. Barley .. 32s. to38s. Od. Malt 65s. to 72s. Od. PRICE of FLOUR. — fine 75s. HOPS, per Pocket.— Kent, 41 Sussex, 41.10s. to 51. 5s.— Farnham, 71.0s. to 81.0s. SMITHHEI D, June 3. To sink the oll'al. Ox Beef, 4s. 6d. to 5s. 6d. Wether Mutton, 4sr. Od. to 5s. Od. Veal, fis Od. to 6s. 4d. Pork, 4s. 4d. to 5s. 4d. Lamb, 6s. 0s. to 7s. Od. Sold this day, Beasts, 1700— Sheep and Lambs, 15,000. NEWGATE and LEADENHALL, June 3. Beet, 3s. 8d. to 4s. 8d. Mutton, 3s. 4d. to 4s. 4d. Veal, 4s. Od. fd 6s. Od. Pork, 4s. 4d. to 5s. 4d. I. amb, 5s. Od. to 6s. 4d. LEATHER, per lb. Butts, 50 to 561b. 22d. to 23d. Ditto, 60io651b. 24d. to2od. Merchants Backs, 22Jd. to 23d. Dressing Hides, 22d. to 24d. Fine Coach- Hides, 23d. to 25d. Crop Hides tor cutting, 22Ad. to 2: i£ d. Flat ordinary, 21Jd. to 224d. Calf skins, 30 to 401b. perdoz. 36d. to 40d. Ditto, 50 to 701b. per doz. 35d. to 39d. Ditto, 70 to 801b. 34d. to 38d. Small Seals, per lb. 42d. to 45d. Large Ditto, per doz. 110s. to 180s. Goat Skins, — s. to — s. per doz. Tanned H. nrse- Hides, 2os. to 42s. Cd. pt. r Hide NORTHAMPTON: Printed and Publisied by and for T. DICEY and IV. SUTTON.
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