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The Northampton Mercury


Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Volume Number: LXXXV    Issue Number: 11
No Pages: 4
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The Northampton Mercury
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The Northampton Mercury

Date of Article: 18/05/1805
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: LXXXV    Issue Number: 11
No Pages: 4
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Vol. LXXXV. No. 11. Ready Money is expected with Advertisements. T Sunday and Tuesday's Posts. From THE LONDON GAZETTE. QUEEXVPAL. VCE, May 9th, 1305. Present, the King's Most Excellent Majesty in Council. HIS day his Majesty in Council having ordered tiie Council Book'to he laid before him, the name of Henry Viscount Melville was erased from the list of Privy- Counsellors. LONDON, May 14. The Emperor of Austria has acknowledged Bo- naparte as King of Italy. A GREAT number of French and Dutch troops have lately been sent to Zealand. As they belong to the different corps cotnposing the army intended to act against England, this movement lias excited a considerable sensation.— Transports to convey about 10,000 men, tire'collecting at, Bergen- op- Zoom, as well as in the island of Walcheren. Some intelligence has at length been received of the progress of the combined Toulon and Cadiz fleets. The Viper cutter, which had " been sent off with dispatches ' foV Sir John Orde, arrived oil' of Cadiz on the ult. after the British the Bay squadron had quitted it. in eOnseqttCttce of which she made sail back for England, and arrived at Plymouth oh Friday. On the 5th inst. she spoke a Guernsey privateer, by whom she was informed, that the privateer had, on the 3d, fallen in with the combined fleet of the enemy, consisting of nineteen sail of the line and eight frigates, and sloops, in lat. 44. long. 15. \ V. steering a South- west course. Accounts are received of the safe arrival of Admiral Cochraue's squadron at Barbadoes. Mr. Pitt has informed the agent for Jamaica, that Government, fully aware of the danger which threatens the West- India Islands, have lost no time in adopting measures for their protection; that exclusive of the force under Admiral Cochrane, naval and railitwry forces have been sent to the West Indies, which will act according to circum- stances. It is confidently asserted, that the Treaty of Alliance which has been so long in negotiation be- tween our Government and that' of Russia, has been at length ratified, and received in this coun- try. It is added, that Government, in expectation of this event, have been for some time making arrangements for the remittance of the subsidy that will be required ; and that an immense quan- tity of dollars has been purchased on their account. — If the above Treaty be acted upon, the subsidy, it is said, will be Jive millions a year.' Two Bills, in which the clergy are much in- terested, arc now in progress before Parliament. One, thft Stipendiary Curates Bill; the other, the College Advowson Bill. The first fixes the salaries of Curates, and gives a permanence to their resi- dence, & c.; the second is to enable Colleges to improve their property, by increasing the number of their church livings, & c.: to this may be added, that the Lord Chancellor, on Wednesday, brought in a Bill for encouraging planting in church, college, and hospital lands; which was read a first time, and ordered to be printed. Friday, in the House of Commons,- Lord A. Hamilton moved, that a Committee be appointed to exalnihe the matter of thu petitions against chir Corn Laws. A long debate aro^ e on this motion; on which the House divided.— For the motion, 03 — against it, 40.— Majority, 23, The Committee was then appointed. Mr. Coke ( of Norfolk), Mr. Western, and se- veral other Members, of the landed interest", were against the above Bill going into a Committee, or that any discussion should take place thereon.— As the Bill lias never been acted upon, no ground of complaint upon that score can be urged against it; but the actual complaint is, that the passing of the Bill has produced erroneous opinion^ and injurious effects: to counteract these, Mr. Pitt and others voted for and carried the question ill' favour of a Committee. R. A. Cox, Esq. and Sir W. Rawlins, the late Sheriffs of London, committed to Newgate by order of tiie House of Commons, for their conduct - at the Middlesex Election, were on Friday brought up to the bar of the House, and there being re- primanded, were discharged. His Majesty has signified his intention of visit- ing Oxford, and examining all the public buildings of that University, the beginning of next month ; from thence he proposes going again to Chelten- ham, and afterwards proceeding to his marine residence, for the summer, at Weymouth. The Chancellor yesterday delivered judgment in the cause respecting the guardianship of Lord Hugh Seymour's daughter, which had been claimed on the " one part by Mrs. Pitzhcrbert, and on the other by Lord Eustou and the relations of, the family. The Chancellor decreed the guardianship of the child to the relations of Lord Hugh Seymour. The Ballet had a new and most abrupt finale at the Opera- House, on Saturday. In consequence of a peremptory message from the Bishop of Lon- don, that the entertainment must not be protracted beyond midnight, so as to encroach on the Sunday, the curtain dropt at twelve o'clock, sans ceremonie, in the middle of the second act. It was not the Opera only that was cheeked tin Saturday. The Noble Marchionesses who have, for some time past, given concerts on the Sunday evening, were apprized, that if they. continued, the profanation of the Sabbath, they would be proceeded against, with the utmost rigour of the law, A long and curious correspondence took place, which was followed by an interview with the Marchioness of Stafford. The result of the whole was, that Lady Salisbury, whose turn it was to give the concert on Sunday night, having no longer the privilege of the Lord Chamberlain, thought proper to countermand the invitations she had given, and thh- e was no concert at licr house'.' Scotland has this year actually contributed to supply her southern neighbours with wheat, having sent no less than 10,000 quarters to London jn one week: that country also exported large quan- tities of. oats last year to Portugal. Lord Stourton has purchased the great Yorkshire estate of Thoriiville Royal, of which he took possession last week. The purchase money is said to be £. 220,000. The following very singular wager was decided oil. Thursday last: — Air. Reed, jun. of VVestdcan, near Chichester, engaged for a wager of .£. 50, to find out, . from a flock of 200 ewes, the lamb which belonged to each. The lambs were kept in a separate place from the ewes. Mr. R. com- pletely succeeded, to the satisfaction of all present, in finding the mother of each lamb.—- Other, con- . siderable bets were depending on the eveut of this curious underlaying. V*/" ANTED, A YOUTH of good Abilities, as ' V an APPRENTICE to a LINEN and WOOLLEN, DRAPER. £ F3" Enquire of W. ATKINS, Market- Harborough. WANTED immediately, or after the Mid- * T summer Vacation, A single PERSON, well qualified to teach Writing and Arithmetic.— No one need apply who is not an excellent Penman and ready Accomptanr, and w hose moral Character will not bear the strictest Enquiry. gdf For further Particulars, apply personally, or by Letter Post- paid, to the Rev. Mr. FALLOWFIELD, Grammar- School, Daventry. W'ANTS a PLACE, as WET NURSE, A healthy YOUNG WOMAN ( a Widow,) with a good Breast of Milk, who can be well recommended by the Lady she now serves. Letters ( Post- paid) directed to C. A. at the Rev. T. L. Hutton's, Buckingham, will be attended to. " VY ANTED immediately, A MAN and his ' * WIFE, well qualified, to undertake the MANAGEMENT of a HOUSE of INDUSTRY, near BEDFORD.— They must be acquainted with the White Lace Manufacture.— References will be re- quired. G- f Letters ( Post- paid) directed to A. B. Post- Olhce, Bedford, will be attended to. FASHIONABLE MILliERY AND DRESS- MAKING BIN ESSES. \ NEIVP 0 R r -\ AGNEL L. ESDMS. E. & P. EADOWS beg Leave to inform the Lad and their Friends of NEWPORT- PAGNELHits Vicinity, the former is returned from LONDON th a fashionable Assort- ment of MILLINERY, if every Description, MODELS for LADIES' 1', ESSES, SPENCERS, See. with FANCY TRIM. NNGS, agreeably adapted the present Spring ihions; MUSLINS for LADIES' DRESSES, DB1TY, Sec. ; likewise a Variety of LADIES' amCHILDREN's CHIP, STRAW, and BEAVER LOS T, I? ROM out of one of Weeks's Boats, on the Canal, between Birmingham and Blisworth, in the Month of November, or early in December last, A LARGE PAPER PARCEL, directed for H. WEEKS ; containing, amongst other Tilings, Books and Papers relative to Taxes. ( f3" Whoever has found the same, and will either bring or send it, or give Information thereof to him, at Paddington, London, shall receive TEN GUINEAS REWARD for their Trouble. A. To BAKERS, Sec. To be SOLD, or LETT, IVith immediate Possession, FREEHOLD DWELl. ING- HOHSE, with a BAKEHOUSE, which has an excellent Oven, new, that beats with Coal; large Barns, e';?, ,\,. Xatlrl' Hnd situate in FENNY- RD' bucks, and late in the Occupation ot Mr. Bowler, Baker. IT'?" The Dough- Troughs, Moulding- Boards, and Implements in the Baking Business, may be had at a fair valuation. *** The above Premises are well adapted for any other Business that requires Room, or for a private Family. N. IS. For Particulars, apply to JOHN DAY, Auc- tioneer, in Stony- Stratford; if by Letter, Post- paid. HOUSE, SHOP, See. PADBORY, near Buckingham. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, A Substantial and convenient FREEHOLD -£ X DWELLING- HOUSE, with a very old- accus- tomed SHOP in the Drapery and Grocery Line, lately occupied by Mr. Gabriel Parker, and now by Mr. William Read, situate at PADBURY, on the Turnpike- Road between Buckingham and Winslow, with a good Garden and Out- Offices.— The Stock in Trade to be taken at an Appraisement, and immediate Possession will be given, . ( J3" For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. WM READ, at Padbury; or Mr. HEARN, Attorney at Law, in Buckingham. GRE. ENSNORTON, near TOWCESTER. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By R. M. JONES, On Wednesday tile 22d Day of May instant, at tlje Hou.' e of Mr. Johriou, tiie Butcher'; f. tras, iV Greensnorton, in the County of Northampton, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon ( unless disposed of by Private Contract, of which Notice will be given) A. LL that FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or TEN! xi. ME NT ( now used as two Dwelling. Houses), situate and being in the Centre of the pleasant Village ot" GREENSNOKTON aforesaid ( only one Mile from Towcester), and now in the several Occupations of John Clarke and James Foster. And also all that PIECE of GROUND thereunto adjoining and belonging, lying contiguous to the Street, containing near Half an Acre, and now occu- pied as several Gardens. fcf* For further Particulars, apply to Mr. HOWES, Solicitor, in Northampton; or to the AUCTIONEER, at Greensnorton aforesaid. vniling Shapes and Coloi for Inspection on TUE. M, ATS, ot the most pre- : which will be ready the 21st Instant, when the Favour of their Conusance will be greatly es- teemed ; and as erery Jxcrthn has been used to merit Approbation, it is hoped a general Satisfaction will be given to those ivho honour them with their Favours. E. & P. M. avail tlemselws of this Oppor- tunity to return their grateful Acknowledgments for the very liberal Encouragement they have recently- ex- perienced, aid flatter themselves ai assiduous Atten- tion to Business, and their ; ery noderate Charges, will insure them a Continuance of Patronage and Support. %* A large Assortment of LADIES and CHILDREN'S SHOES, of every Description; LADIES' and CHIL- DREN'S STAYS, deserving Attention. GLOBE COFFEE- HOUSE, TAVERN, and HOTEL,_ FLEET- STREET, LONDON. MRS.. WRIGIT?, whb for many Years con- ducted the Business of the above House, in- forms her Friends and the Public, that she has now taken it on her own Account; and begs to solicit their Countenance and Support, which it will be her con- stant Study to deserve. CLERGY CHARITY. PAULERSPURY, 11th May, 1805. rpiIE EASTER VISITATIONS of the Rev. the - I., ARCHDEACON ot NORTHAMPTON are appointed to be holden at the following Times and Places, viz. For the DEA NERIES of PETERBOROUGH and* RUTLAND, on FRIDAY the TWENTY- FOURTH Day ' of MAY instant, at SAI NT-. UARTI N'S- STAMFOR I>- BARON. For the DEANERIES of OUNDI. E and WSLHON, on MONDAY the TWENTY- SEVENTH Day of ivfj instant, at OUNDLE. For the DEANERIES of ROTHWELI. and HICHAM, on TUESDAY the T. WENTY- EIGHTH Day of MAV instant, at KETTERING. For the DEANERIES of BRACKLF. Y and DAVENTRY, on WEDNESDAY the TWENTY- NINTH Day of MAY instant, at DAVENTRY. Andfortho DEANERI ES. of NORTHAMPTON, PRESTON, and HADIJPN, on THURSDAY the THIRTIETH' Day of MAY instant, at NORTHAMPTON. At which respective Times and Places the Receiver to the Clergy Charity for the Relief ( if the Widows and Orphans of poor Clergymen, and of; the neces- A Bedfordshire. To be peremptorily SOID, Pursuant to a Decree of the High Couit of ChanceryT before John Springett Harvey, Esquire, one of the Masters of the said Court, in the publfc Sale- Room of the Court, in Southampton- Buildings, Chancery- Lane, London, on Wednesday the 19th Day of June, 1S05; between the Hours of Five and Six* in the Afternoon, FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate at Sharpenhoe, in the Parishes of STREATLEY and BARTON, in the County of Bedford; comprising the Manor of Sharpenhoe, with the Annual Quit- Rents, Fines, and Manorial Rights; and a Farm, called Sharpenhoe- Bury Farm, containing about 336 Acres ot Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, all Tythe- free ( except about three Acres); with the Corn- Tythe of about 360 Acres, ard a Sheep- Walk over the Open Fields of Sharpenhoe aforesaid; late the Estate of Laurence Smyth Clerk, deceased. ( ps* Particulars may be had ( gratis) at the said Master's Chambers, ill Southampton - Ruildings aforesaid; of Mr. Clennell, No. 7, Staple's- lnn ; and Messrs. Hindley & Roe, Solicitors, at Baldock; at the principal Inns at Hitchin, Luton, Dunstable, same" their oifice Essex. Strect Stral) d on or Woburn, and Ampthill; and of Mr. Smyth, the before the twenty- fifth Instant, in order that the sitous Clergymen, of the Diocese of Peterborough, will attend to take the Subscriptions of such the Benevolent as shall be pleased to order Payment of the same. GRAND JUNCTION CANAL. - VTOTICE is hereby given, That the next _ L T General Assembly of the Company of Pro- prietors of the Grand Junction Canal will be held at the CROWN- AND- ANCHOR TAVERN, in the STRAND, LONDON, on TUESDAY the 4th Day of JUNE next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon. E. O. GRAY, } Clerks to the ACTON CHAPLIN, S Company. Grand Junction Canal- Office, Essex- Street, Strand, London, 13th May, 1805. GRAND JUNCTION CANAL ALL Persons having any Demands or Claims whatsoever upon the Grand Junction Canal Company, are requested to send in an Account of the Tenant, who will shew the Estate. Leasehold Residence and Lund, near Northampton. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. S M IT II, At Garraway's Coffee- House, ' Change- Alley, Corn- hill, London, on Friday the 24th of May, at Twelve o'Clock, AN excellent RESIDENCE, in complete Re- pair, seated on a cheerful Paddock, commanding extensive Prospects, at PITS FORD, a fine sporting Part of the County, near the Fox Hounds, six Miles from Nvrthamptcn, twelve from Harborough, and seventy- one from London, in the Occupation of Colonel CORBET. The House contains eight Bed- chambers, Dressing- Rooms, and Closets, Dining, Drawing, and Morning- Rooms; Offices of every De- scription, Standing for two Carriages, Stabling for eight Horses, Granary, Dovehouse, a Cottage, and Outbuildings; spacious walled Garden, stocked and planted with choice Fruit Trees, Shrubbery Walks, and flourishing Plantation of Forest Trees; with ninety- five Acres of rich Meadow and Arable Land, lying com- pact, well fenced, supplied with fine Water, ami Tythe- free; also a Farm- House, Barns, Stables, Out- buildings, and two Cottages in the Village of Pitsford. ( pf To be viewed, with Tickets only, which, with Particulars, may be had, six days previous to the Sale, of Mr. S. mith, No. 62, Broad- Street, near the- Royal- Exchange, London, where a Plan of the Estate may be seen ; Particulars also of Mr. Howes, Solicitor, Northampton; at the Angel, Harborough; Swan, Newport- Pagnell; George, Woburn; of Mr. Wilkins, Surveyor, Rowd, near Devizes; and at Garraway's, FREEHOLD LANDS, in BRINGTON. To be SOLD by AUCTIO^ By Mr. SMITH, At the White- Lion Inn, in Kimbolton, on Friday tiie iltlf Day of. May, 1805, about Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, The following very desirable Freehold. ESTATES:—: Lot'l. OIXTY-' FIVE ACRES, by Estimation, of c5 ARABLE LAND, LEY, MEADOW, and PASTURE GROUND, lying dispersed in the Open and Common Fields of BRINGTON, in the County of Huntingdon, in the highest possible State of Cultivation, now in the Occupation of the Rev. Mr. Favell. Lot 2. A CLOSE of old- inclosed LAND, situate and being in the Parish of BRINGTON aforesaid, known by the Name of BLACKSACRS ; containing nine Acres, by Estimation ( more or less), well known to be the richest Piece of Pasture in the Neighbourhood, now in the. Occupation of Mr. Croxton. Lot 3. A CLOSE of rich old- inclosed PASTURE LAND, lying in the Parish of BRfNGTON afore- said, called FOX- HOI. ES; containing, by Estimation, one Acre, now in the Occupation of Mr. Gaunt. Lot 4. A CLOSE" of old- inclosed PASTURE LAND, lying at the Wolds, in the said Parish of BRING'L'ON, called BUSBY'S WOI. D, containing, by Estimation, seven Acres, now in the Occupation of the Rev. Mr. Favell. Note.— An Act passed in the last Session of Par- liament for the Inclosure of the Open Fields of Brington, which will very much increase the Value of this Estate; and the Purchaser of each Lot may be accommodated with two- third Parts of the Purchase Money, qn the Security thereof. ijT For further Particulars, apply to Mr. DAY, Solicitor, Saint Neots. Northamptonshire. To be SOLD, in such Lots as shall be agreed on, ri- WVO MESSUAGES, in the MARKET- PLACE, in .2 KETTERING, in the County of Northampton, in the Occupation of Miss Pell and Mr. Adcock. Also, SEVERAL MESSUAGES or COTTAG ES, in LANE, in KETTERING, in the Occupation of Widow Jetterv and others. Also, DIVERS MESSUAGES, COTTAGES, and BUILDINGS, comprising the Whole of an Fstate callcd JOB'S YARD, in KETTERING, now in the Occupation of Robert Bland, John Norman, and many other Persons. Also, a FARM- YARD, with the several BUILD- INGS thereon, in KETTERING, in the Occupation of George Warner. Also, TWO COTTAGES on the LEYS, near the North- West End of K. ENTERING, in the Occupa- tion of Charles G'fciy apdifohii Bradshaw. Also, SEVERAL small PIECES of LAND, al- lotted in' Lieu of C. ommct » Rights, and adjoining or at'oresaicl' remises, or some Part of jopyhold ; the Tenants hold | r. Hennell, of Kettering, lying near to. t& the same. ' . ftST The Estates are at Will; and they, or w"' » l , shew th- Cj- w- a _ .._„-. "*" runner i itruwuiars uwy ue nau by applying to Mr. MORLEY, of Peterborough. N. B. The Owner, or his Agent, will attend at the WHITE- HART, KETTERING, on FRIDAY the 7th Day of JUNE next, at Eleven o'Clock, to treat with any Persons who may be desirous of purchasing. TiThe SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. ROUSE, On Wednesday the 5th of June, 1805, about Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the Angel Inn, in Market- Harborough, in the County of Leicester, IN ONE OR MORE LOTS, AVery substantial Stone- built, Slated, and Sashed FREEHOLD DWELLING- HOUSE, at the South End of MARKET- HARBOROUGH aforesaid; with Chaise- House, Stables, andothercon- venient Offices, and a spacious Garden, agreeably laid out for the Purposes . of Pleasure and Convenience; the Whole well adapted for the Residence of a small genteel Family. Also, THREE FREEHOLD and TYTHE- FREE CLOSES of excellent MEADOW and GRAZING LAND, adjoining the above- described Premises, con- taining together about six Acres and three Quarters, Statute Measure, bounded on- the North by the Turn- pike- Road from Harborough to Kettering, & c. and on the South by the River Welland. (' ff The Purchaser may have early Possession. Committee may be enabled to report to the General Assembly of Proprietors, on the 1th of June next, the real State of their Affairs. By Order of the Committee, GRAY & CHAPLIN, Clerks to the Company 12, Essex- Street, Strand, London, 14th May, 1805. HOCKLIFFE, BEDS. To be SOLD lyy AUCTION, By JOHN DA Y, On Monday ths 20th of May, 1805, on the Premisesi at HOCKUFFE, near Dunstable, in the County of Bedford, exactly at Twelve o'Clock, in Lots, npiE BUILDING, MATERIALS of a Four- bay J.. BARN; consisting of Timber, Bricks, Tiles, Sec.; also the GROUN D on which the Barn stands, and a PIECE of GROUND adjoining the same; TWO STABLES, Brick and Tile- built, which, at a small Expence, may be converted into Tenements; andJS OAK SPIRES, in Lots; The abovementioned Premises are situate at the Turn of the Wqburn and Brickhill'Roads, in Hock- fifte aforesaid. MILLINERY, LINEN- DRAPERY, & c. & c. MRS. GREENE respectfully informs her Friends and the Public, that she is returned from LONDON with, a fashionable and elegant Assort- ment of MILLINERY, LINEN- DRAPERY, and HABERDASHERY GOODS, which will beopened for Sale on MONDAY the 20th Instant, ami which she flatters herself will insure to her the Continuance of those Favours she has so long enjoyed. tfT A great Variety of fashionable STRAW BONNETS. Kettering, May 18/ i, 1805. HUNTINGDONSHIRE, TO WIT. * , At the General Quarter- Sessions of the Peace for the • said County,- liolden at HUNTINGDON, in and for the said County, on TUESDAY the 23d Day ot APRIL, in the Year of our Lord 1805, and from thence adjourned to SATURDAY the4th Day of MAY, 1S05, and then and there held before John Richards, Esquire, James Rust, Esquire, Lawrence Reynolds, Esquire, the Rev. William Ellis, the Rev. " Robert Fowler, the Rev. William Panchon, Clerks, and others their Fellows, Justices, assigned to keep the Peace in the County aforesaid, and also to hear and determine divers Felonies, Trespasses, and other Misdemeanors, done and committed within the said County, " J T is ordered, " That in future all Bills or Dc- 5. mands on the County Treasurer be sent to the CLERK of the PEACE'S O F FICE, in HUNTI NO DON afore- said, at least ten Days before the respective adjourned Quarter- Sessions, that the same may be examined, and, if proper, allowed by the Court; and that no Bill or Demand be paid by thi County Treasurer, unless so examined and allowed:— The Cleik of the Peace is hereby diiected not to examine or allow any Bills sent to hi:. Office, contrary to this Order, later than tefl Days before the respective adjourned Quarter- Sessions, but that the same shall remain until the Adjournment of the next General Quarter- Sessions. It is also ordered, That the Clerk of the Peace do give proper Notice of this, by advertising the said Order in the Cambridge, Northampton, and Stamford Papers. By the Court, SHE- RARD, Clerk of the Peace. County if Northampton, Division if Bruekley, Hundred of Kingsutton. APPEAL AGAINST THE PROPERTY TAX, For the Year 1804. " TVTOTICE is hereby given, That the Assess- 1/ N ments are now in the Hands of the Collectors, and may be inspected by all Persons interested; and that the Commissioners intend to meet at the usual Place, in TIIORPE- MANDEVILLE, on FRIN. C » the 31st Day of MAY instant, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, for the Purpose of hearing Appeals against the said Assessments; and that all Persons intending to appeal must give ten Days Notice thereof to the ASSESSORS; or to Mr. FLETCHER, of Northampton, the Surveyor; and that no Appeals trill after- wards be heard3— And that the Commissioners will then grant Certificates of Exemption to Persons whose respective Incomes do not amount to ^£. 60 per Annum, and of Abatement to those whose Incomes amount to =£. 60, but are less than ^. M. oO, to prevent the Stoppage of the full Duty of one Shilling in the Pound on 1 merest Money, Annuities, or other Annual Paynu nts; and that no such Certificates will afterwards be granted, without sufficient Reason given for neglecting toapply at this Meeting. By Order of the Commissioners, F. WYKHAM, their Clerk. Banbury, 14th May, 1805. FREEHOLD ESTATE, At SULBY, near WELFORD, in the County of Northampton. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. ROUSE, In Lots, sonie Time in the Month of June next, if not sooner disposed of by Private Contract, AValuable FREEHOLD ESTATE; consisting of upwards of Two HUNDRED AND TWENTY- FIVE ACRES, Statute Measure, of old Meadow and rich Pasture Land, Extra- parochial and Tythe- free, situated at SULBY aforesaid, and lett to four Tenants, who are under Notice to quit on or before the 1st Day of January next. For further Particulars, Application may be made to Mr. JOHN EYSTON, of Welfbrd, who will shew the Estate; or to R. ROUSE, in Market- Harbo- rough. To be S O L D, by AUCTION, WITHOUT RESERVE, .' By Mr. BRAMPTON, On Monday the 27th May instant, 180S, and two following Days, on the Premises of the late Mr. CHAS. BRAMPTON, of GEDDINGTON, in the County of Northampton, deceased, ri- UIE valuable LIVE and DEAD STOCK, 3- FARMING- UTENSILS, and EFFECTS, of the said CHAS. BRAMPTON, deceased; consisting of three useful Cart Horses, three Ditto Mares,- and one Hackney Mare; three new- milch Cows, two in- calved Ditto, five Heifeis, five yearling Calves, and three weaning Ditto; Sow and nine Pigs, and nine Store Hogs; three Narrow- wheeled Waggons, three Carts, and one Water- Carriage; great and small Har- rows; Ploughs; Harness complete for seven Horses; Saddles and Bridles ; twelve Dozen of Hurdles; Malt- Mill and Bean- Mill { by Hack- well); Winnowing- Fan Corn- Screen, and Barn Tackle in general; two Dozen of Sacks, Waggon- Ropes, and Implements in Hus- bandry ; I. ot of good useful Poles, 400 stout Oak Posts and Piles, See. Sec The HOUSEHOLD - FVRNITURE, and Remainder; will be sold on Tucsdayand following Day; consist, ing of Four- post Bedsttids, with Cotton and other Furniture; Counterpans, Quilts, and Blankets Feather and Flock Beds; Pier and Dressing- Glasses Chairs; Tables; Bureau; a good Eight- day Clock and one Thirty- hour D'tto; two Pieces of Hops, Dairy and Kitchen Reqtisites, in Pewter, Brass, and Copper; Milk- leads, ic,.; Brewing- Vessels, con. sisting of Half- Hogsheads, Casks, Mash- Vat, Tubs; Sec. Sec. f{ 3~ The Sale to begin each Day at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon. *** Three Months' C'edit will be given on all Purchases of the Live itock and Farming- Utensils above ten Pounds Value on approved joint Security and paying a Deposit of£. 10 per Cent, in Part of Pay, or a Discount willbe allowed fvr ready Money By Order of the Committer. of the Grand Junction Canal - ,!>. To be SOLD by A U C T I O N, By JOHN DAY, IN LOTS, n Wednesday the 22d of May, 1805, and following Day, on BLISWORTH and STOS. E PLAINS, on the said Canal, near Towcester, in the County of of Northampton, The under- mentioned EFFECTS, viz. UPWARDS of 150 Tons of new and old WROUGHT IRON, in Bars, & c. ( amongst the old Iron will be found many vcrv useful Articles ) Two hundred Tons of CAST IRON, for Ruii- Roads, Tunnel Work, and other Purposes. Six Wrought- Iron Rail- Road WAGGONS. Five Cast- lion MILLS, for grinding I. ime, Clav for Bricks, Sec.; also well adapted for grinding Bone's for Manure, Sec. Thirty PIT - ROPES, for Cins, & c. from To to 100 Yards in Length, and from two to three Inches in Diameter. Twenty PIT- CHAINS, from 30 to 50 Yards in Length. Fourteen PIT- GINS, with Iron Work, Pullies, Skips, Buckets, See. complete. Upwards of 200,000 new Building BRICKS. A large Quantity of WOOD, of different Scantlings. Eighty Dozenof good FLEAK HURDLES. A great Number*' of BRICK TABLES, MOULDS, and BARROWS. ' ' Two Pairof SMITH'S BELLOWS, two ANVILS, VICES, and TOOLS. WAGGON HORSES and HARNESS: CORN- BINNS, RACKS, and MANGERS. A Quantity of MANURE. LESTER'S PATENT CHAFF ENGINE, with two Knives. One large ALARM- BELL, with various other if ( fcT The Sale will commence exactly at Ten o'Clock, at the Blisworth Tunnel End. ** The above are the Property of the Grand Junction Canal Company, and will be sold without Reserve. N. B. May be viewed to the Sale, by Application to Mr. STANDISHSTREET, or Mr. CARTLIOGE, on the said Plains; and for further Particulars, apply to the AUCTIONEER, in Stony- Stratford. > Warwickshire. WHITE PAPER A^ D CORN MILLS. To be LETT by " PUBLIC AUCTION, To the Highest Bidder, for a Term of Years, to com- mence at Michaelmas next, at" 1 the House ot Mr. Burrell, in Wootton- Wawen, in the County of Warwick, some Time in the Month of July or Ai* ust next, . ALL those well- accustomed, substantial, Brick - andTMe WHITE I'APER- and CORN- MILLS, together with TWO DWELLING- HOUSES ancl GARDENS, and six Acres of rich PASTURE and MEADOW LAND, situate at IVootton- lVa- wen afore- said; six Miles'from Stratford- on- Avon, two from Henley- in- Arden, sixteen from Birmingham, ten from Warwick, and six from Alcester. 65" The Mills are abundantly supplied with Water, and contain every Convenience for carrying on the respective Trades on an extensive Scale. » ** Printed Descriptions. and further Particulars may be had on the Premises; of Messrs. Witham, Gray's- Inn, London; and of Mr. Hopcraft, Crowton, Northamptonshire. N. B. The Day of Letting will be mentioned in future Advertisements. Capital Leicestershire Rams. To be SOLD by AUCTION, In a Field adjoining the New Inn, in the Parish of SALFORD, in the County of Warwick, on Tues- day the 4th Dav of June, . TTPWARDS of FIFTY capital RAMS, of dif- " ferent Ages, belonging to Mr. GEORGE PI, N- RICE.— The above Sheep have been selected, with great Care and Expence, from the most eminent Breeders in Leicestershire, for nearly twenty " Years. G. P. presumes to say they are superior to any ever offered to the Public, having engaged prime Sheep far the last twelve Years, without Intermission, from Messrs. Stone, of Quorndon, near Leicester, whose Stock is well known, and allowed to stand unrivalled in the Kingdom. ( j5T The New Inn is situate midway between Alcester and Evesham, being five Miles from each Place, nine from Stratford- upon- Avon, seventeen from Warkwick, and eighteen from Worcester. N. B. The Ewes of the above Flock will be sold in September. Buckinghamshire. • To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. GR EENIVO O D, At Garraway's Coffee. House, Change- Alley, Corn- hill, London, on Friday the 7thDay of June, 1835, at Twelve o'Clock, AVery desirable FnEEHOLD and Tvn'LE- FHEE ESTATE, situate, at PITCHCOTT, in the County of Bucks, about six Miles from Aylesburv, and ten from Buckingham; consisting of one hundred Acres, or thereabouts, of exceedingly rich Pasture Land, well watered, and conveniently divided for Occupation, with two Cow- Houses thereon; Pos- session of which may: be had at Lady- Day next. gar The Premises may be seen, with Leave of Mr DOVER, ' the Tenant; and further'I'artrdflar.;" hadef Messrs. CHURCHILLS & FIELD, Solicitors, Dedding- ton, Oxfordshire; of Mr. CARTER, Staple Inn, London COTTON- END, near NORTHAMPTON. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KIRS HA IV, On Thursday the 23d Dav of Mav instant, at tiie Earl of Pomfret's Arms, in Cotton- End aforesaid, at. Four o'Clock in the Afternoon ( unless sooner dis- posed ot by Private Contract, of which Notice will be gfven), ALL that capital MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, with the extensive Range of OUTBUILD- INGS, and very large YARD and GARDENS there- unto belonging, situate and being in COTTON- END, ill the Parish of IIARDINGSTONE, in the County of Northampton, and only separated from the Town of Northampton by the River Nine or Nen, lately in the Tenure or Occupation of Mr. Lester, Agricultural Implement Manufacturer ( who is removing his Ma- nufactory to Piccadilly, London.) As the Rail- Road from the Grand Junction Canal to the said River in Cotton- End aforesaitl, is nearly completed, the above Premises will be found a very desirable Purchase for any Person carrying on a Mercantile Concern, or any other Business requiring Room.— Possession may be had at Midsummer next *** For further Particulars, apply to Mr. HOWES. Solicitor, in Northampton. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By J. P. CULL ING WORTH, On Thursday the 23d Day of May instant, at Four o'clock in the Afternoon, on the Premises, subject to such Conditions of Sale as will be then and there produced, unless in the mean Time disposed of by Private Contract, ALL that commodious and good- accustomed INN, known by the Sign of the SWAN, situate on the MARKET- HILI., in DAVENTRY, and now in the Occupation of Mr. Thomas Gibson, who had six Years unexpired in this Lease at Lady- Day last, at the nett yearly Rent of thirty- eight Pounds. ( PT There is a Quantity ef good S tabling, and every Convenience for carrying on the Public Business on an efctensive Scale. *** For further Particulars, and to treat for the Purchase by Private Contract, apply toMr, OAKDEN, Attorney at Law, Daventry. Freehold Estate, Huntingdonshire. To be SOLD by AB. CTIO N, By Mr. ABBOTT, At the White- Lion Inn, St. Neots, in'the County of Huntingdon, on Thursday the ,6th. Day of June, 1805, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, A Desirable - and . very valuable FREEHOLD il ESTATE, of. rich Arable- Land, inclosed and Tythe- free, with two convenient Dwelling- Houses, a Farm - Yard, with necessary Buildings, and good Water, pleasantly situate in a fertile V'ale, in the Parish of ORFORD- CLUNEY, in the . said Countv ; containing 2Q Acres, more, or less, of useful and very convertible Arable Land, - incload and Tythe- free, surrounded with a - fine thriving quick Fence, and good Water in the' same; a very pleasant Dwelling- House, with Barns, Stables,, and other detached Con- veniences, Garden, Orchard,-& c.; also,, a Freehold Messuage, with a Bakehouse, Shop, - ge Barn, and Garden adjoining, _ in . the., seVerai Occupations of " Me' , s. Gaunt, Pain, and others. ( PT Further Particulars may be known of Mr. ABBOTT, Market- Place, St. Neots. v guard against their acquiring additional power in tlie state; for of this we may be assured, that every step we take in this matter will be attended with danger." Lord MULGRAVE declared himself a decided friend to the_ Catholic claims, but thought the present period improper for discussing them. Lord HOLLAND spoke at some length in support of the motion. Lord CAMDEN was against it. The Bishop of DURHAM thought it highly essential that the principles of the Established Church should be inviolably preserved: he professed himself no enemy to toleration, but said, he could not see any security in any concessions which could be made at present. Lord REDESDALE, in arguing against the motion, entered into a minute examination of the tenets now held by the Irish Catholics ; which, he contended, were such as rendered it impossible, without immi- nent danger to the existing constitution, to admit them to arty share of political power. Lord CARYSFORT, on account of the lateness of the hour, suggested the propriety of adjourning the debate. The Earl of. DERBY then moved, " That this House do now adjourn to Monday next;"— which, after a few words in support of it, was agreed to. So large an attendance of Peers has not been known for many years— there were 167 present. Monday, May 13. The debate on the subject of the Irish Catholics being declared to be resumed, Lord SUFFOLK rose. He wished their Lordships to give a voluntary and cordial assent to the prayer of the petition. The time must arrive when the boon would lie granted, and it was surely better that it should be granted freely than extorted. Every one knew that the Catholics'were taught to look to the Union as a measure which afforded them the strongest hopes of a complete emancipation ; but the ohly result which they had yet experienced, was an enor. M/- IL, C IN^ RA. CA r\ F TK!. . I * ' mous increase of taxation. " This was peculiarly „ proper time for acceding to their claims. The greatest I Roman Catholics of Ireland, preparations were making he- the enemy for our sub- i DUIGENAN read and referred to numerous docu jugation. " Let us not reduce," said his Lordship, " four millions of our countrymen to despair. Let us reflect, that one- third of our army and navy is Wednesday and Thursday's Posts. HOUSE of LORDS.— Friday, May 10. ROMAN CATHOLIC PETITION. TOED OitEKVTTi. F. moved the order of the day J for their Lordships to take into consideration the Petition presented by the Roman Catholics. The Petition being read by the Clerk, his Lordship ob- served, tha- he hoped the matter of the petition would be impartially and temperately discussed, and he had no dotibt but the petitioners would meet with ample justice from the House. His Lordship then entered at largi upon the grounds and reasons why the Ca- tholic claims should be allowed, and answered the objections that had been urged against them. His Lordship then said, " If there be any force in the opinion that you ought to refuse to enter into the consideration . of this petition, it can arise from this circumstance only, that we are arrived at the point where it ir. necessary to make a stand, and concede no more. I doubt whether it would be prudent for the Legislature to say, we will now tie up our hands. Whatever system is adopted by the Legislature, it ought to be on principles immutable, and containing lines of distinction so clearly marked, that no man can mistake their tendency or operation. Now, let ine ask, whether the point on which these laws stand is of this description ? You have conceded to the Ca- tholics all the civil. rights necessary to fill all offices, with the exception of seats in Parliament, and the heads of professions* If there is anv disaffection among the Catholics, it is among the lower orders; ami your remedy is, to exclude those persons from that share of respect which YOU could give them. I should think, that sound policy ought to be the re- vere. If you confide in the higher orders, you ought to give them . power and consideration ; and if you are obliged to impose restraints, impose them on those whose dispositions you distrust. Does any mart be- lieve that there would be less, practical advantages from not excluding three or four Peers, of whom we , may state, that we do not distrust their loyalty, for they have given as signal proofs as any men in his Majesty's dominions of their zeal and good conduct? If they came into this House, do you believe they would persuade you to abolish the Hierarchy of this country? Would you be afraid of their influence composed of Catholics, rtoing into the House of Commons ? Few can be so ignorant as not to percei ve what little benefit the cause of' tlif Catholics would derive there. Supposing even fifty Catholics obtain seats in the House of Commons, could they persuade them to overturn the Protestant Government? The same sort of observations were urged at the time of the Union between Scotland and England. There were not persons wanting who told , ymt, that bv admitting the Scotch Members, you i thens which attached upon the latter. ' He could not would, overturn the Hierarchy of the Church of Eng- assent to their present claims, because the whole land You have had for a century sixteen Peers, and j frame of our Constitution excluded Catholics from forty- five Commoners in the House of Commons; and j any shareof political power. At the time he was in I a.-, k your Lordships, not whether they have over- Ireland, he was convinced that a more loyal\ body turned'the Church of England, not whether they have j did not exist than the Roman Catholic nobility and overturned the Monarchy,' but whether you can point gentry; but he could never bring himself to consent out a single instance of a Scotch Member, who has wished to place a Presbyterian Government in the stead ot the present Government? Surely then we ought not on such grounds to adapt a measure tending to throw so humiliating a stigma on a respectable cla s ot subjects." His Lordship, after a most elo- quent speech, moved, " That this House resolve itself into a Committee, to consider the said Petition." Lord HAWKKSBURY rose, and concurred with the No" bl: Baron, that the question before the House should be entered upon and. discitssed with temper and moderation, and went over all the arguments urged by tl* Noble Mover in favour of the Petition. His Lordship then said, " My view of the case is pre- cisely that of the reverse of the Noble Baron. I think you are giving them very little, but that you are parting with much from yourselves. You will give away ' that which not enriches them, but makes you poor indeed.' You would give them power — you would give them that which would make them the State itself. But would the Roman Catholics be sa- tisfied with the repeal of those laws ? Would not they ask for something further ? And when that something further shall be asked, will not your Lordships find much difficulty in refusing it ? The terms of this petition have been referred to with much approbation of their moderation ; yet from this petition it is easy to collect that thev are not perfectly satisfied with the test thev are obliged to take. Thv/ y agree, indeed, to take it, but allude to it as a hardship imposed upon them. I mention this circumstance to shew, that we are not yet at the end of the complaint; and I can assure your Lordships, that we never shall get to the end of'it, until the test be given up. It had been stated, in another place, that it was proper to get fid of all tests This principle has been completely avowed. Certainly this is the fair way of stating the question, and your Lordships have now only to look at the consequences. It will be recollected, that when the Roman Catholics of Ireland obtained the elective franchise, they came forward with an Address to the Throne, at the end of which they alluded to their future expectations. In this manner every concession has given birth to a new demand, and your Lordships must be sensible, that very important questions must follow this, if the present demand should be con- ceded." His Lordsnip concluded a most argument- ative speech with opposing the motion. The Duke of CUMBERLAND opposed the motion. He professed himself a zealous friend to toleration, with respect to every denomination of christians ; but could not, and never would, give his assent to extend it so far, as to endanger that constitution, civil and re- ligious, which it was the pride and duty of his family to protect. He was convince;) that the sentiments of the nation were against the present question, as ap- peared from the petitions which had already been pre- ' seated, and others which were preparing. Earl SPENCER supported the motion of his Noble Friend If he could think either the motion brought forward by his Noble Friend, or the speech with which he so eloquently supported that motion, could J ' ord GRENVILLE, who replied at considerable length, have, in the most distant degree, the tendency attri- Lord SIDMOUTH spoke in explanation.— The House bated hv the Noble Secretary, of injuring the church and ally, the preroje of the people in the choice of their Reptesents in Parliament. The one remained unalterably. ched to the Ctown, the other was ot a very differcomplexion. On the subject of the concessions 1; a violation of his Majesty's Coronation Oath, liDserved that this Oath had been framed and sanaed by Parliament itself ori- ginally ; and surelyrliament would never have committed to the cof a Sovereign, a power of refusing his assent tceasurcs which the Parliament itself might think Hy advisable and expedient. It had been said than opinion entertained in a certain quarter was nical to the measure; but he could answer, that? the constitution such an opinion was unknowt the House, and could not be entertained, or ever rht to be acted upon. The arguments of the Honentleman were then directed to some minor points^ d he dilated upon them with great force. His rems, towards the conclusion of his speech, were verjrong. He observed that the British Empire was e^ ed in a war of much expence with an enemy who ( not wage war against us bv her navy, her army, • commerce, or her internal resources of money, bby her great and united popu- lation. What, on thioctrary, was the situation of this Empire: we had ; r or five millions of our peo- ple, all subjects of i King, who laboured under disabilities which craied and destroyed their ener- gies, rendered them usss to a degree', which would be done away were the disabilities removed. The instant they obtained participation in the common rights of British sufcftets, these men would come forward in the irniy and navy ; they would augment both the ofiensire aid defensive means of the Govern- ment; they woild strcngthen the cuuitiy itself; they would have th: effeqt of lifting it u? from the state into which" it had alien, and the country at large would have caise to bless the day tint had given this respectable cLss of citizens a partiiipation in the coiltmon right- of the people. The 1- bn. Gentleman pursued this strain tor a long time, and concluded an admirable speich, by moving, that ; Committee be appointed to lake into consideration ihel'etition from , The question was then put, when there appea For th » motion, 124— against it, 336.— Majority, — Adjourned. ed— 212. LONDON", May 16. It appears, by advices received at the Admiralty, that the combined fleets of the enemy, which sailed from Cadiz on the 10th ult. had " returned to that port previous to the 22d. The intelligence was brought by the Prince of Wales packet, which sailed from Lisbon on the 4th instant. This is so contrary to all expectation, that if the information was not so precise, it could not obtain belief. Various conjectures, but all equally vague, are given respecting the cause of this return. It has been said that the crews mutinied, on finding that they were destined for the West Indies; but this is founded on no authority, and on very little pro- bability. It has been even stated, that an action had taken place with Lord Nelson, but according to all accounts received of Lord Nelson, he must have been at too great a distance; and besides, it is not credible, that if the enemy's fleet got into Cadiz on the 22d ult. after the engagement, news I in "! f u^ Patrmc, nt. , ... •-..,.., ; » . , .', . , • , i • i 1" the Office ot Lord viscount Melville, with his I of it should not have been received at Lisbon [ PrW;, y . UK, C(, nnivancei the most gross and scan G. STEVENS, TEA - DEALER, " GROCER, and TALLOW CHANDLER, , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, HIGH - STREET, BEDFORD, T> ETURNS his grateful Acknowledgments to - S- V his Friends for the liberal Support he has ex- perienced, for a Series of Years, in the above Branches; and begs Leave to inform thein, he has taken his SON as a PARTNER in the BUSINESS. fpf" STEVENS.& SON assure their Friends and the Public, they may depend on being supplied with Articles of the very best Quality, and on the most rea- sonable Terms; and hope, by a studious Attention to, and Punctuality in, the Execution of Orders, to merit their Favours. Bedford, May 4, 1805. T a MEETING of the principal INHAB1T- ANTS of the C I T Y and COUNTY of COVENTRY, convened pursuant to public Requi- sition at the COUNTY- HALL, on THURSDAY the 9th Day of MAY, 1305, FRANCIS PERKINS, Esq. inthe Chair, Resolved unanimously,— That it appears to tilts Meet- ing, from the Tenth Report of the Commissioners appointed by Parliament to examine into public Abuses, in the Department of the Navy, that there has been, I. I OFK/^ A NF T S\ RA V'I. PANNT IVITAI I 1 1. U: . before the 4th instant, from Lord Nelson's fleet. The most probable conjecture is, that the. fleet j . being destined for Ireland ( not for the West dalous Misapplication of the Public Money. Resolved unanimously,— That this Meeting have re- garded, with the highest Approbation, the indefati- Indies), had, on account of the late northern Zeal and meritorious Exertions ot the said , ' , . , „, . „ Commissioners; Exertions which reflect eternal Ho- gales, been unable to make that coast, and re- j nouf 0„ tbeir ^ flexible integrity and unbiassed For- titude, and which justly * . title them to the grateful turned to port for fear, of meeting with any of j j ^ in the I our fleets. At any rate, it appears to be a bungled j Thanks of an applauding Nation, tleman > business on the " part of Bonaparte; and the re- i Resolved unanimously,—' That it set inoval of all tear of an attack ot so weighty a sort upon our West- India settlements, at the pre sent moment, is a very fortunate circumstance. , , .. . „ i Mr. Pitt underwent two long examinations on ments to piove the danger of entrusting Roman Ca- i - p , , i o i . ' r. . . t . — ij 1. JL. .1 1 luesday before the § ? lect Committee ; after the first, it was moved tiiat lie should be called in again, which was debated b\ v the Committee for l. ord OXFORD supported the motion. The Earl of BUCKINGHAMSHIRE said, that having been the person who, in the Parliament of Ireland, proposed the Bill of 1793, in favour of the Catholics, he could not permit himself to give a silent vote on this occasion. By that Bill they were not only ad- mitted to a parity of civil rights with Protestants, j but were even exempted from certain political bur. to their having any share of political power, while they continued to acknowledge the jurisdiction of a foreign Potentate. Lord CARLETON was adverse to any further exten- sion of the rights of the Catholics. He was the more jealous of conceding any political power to the Catholics, as he knew that they still anxiously looked to a period, when they might be able to reverse all the grants made under the Act of Settlement and Ex- planation, and in the reigns of Elizabeth, James 1. and William III. Lord HUTCHINSON supported the motion. Tile Archbishop of CANTERBURY enumerated the various privileges which had been conceded to the Catholics, by the 18th, 22d, 31st, and 33d of his present Majesty, and expressed his surprize, that after such a series of concessions, a petition like that on the table should be brought forward. Toleration was the brightest ornament of the Church of England; but the privileges now sought were inconsistent with the very idea of toleration. They struck at the Act of Settlement; and tended to gitfe n. it only equality, but eventual superiority to the Roman Catholic reli- gion in a Protestant State. Lord ALBEMARLE was decidedly favourable to the prayer of the petition. The LORD CHANCELLOR said, that he had waited for full information on this subject, but it was one on which he could not prevail on himself to tem- porize. He was of opinion, that any Noble Lord coming into that House, on an occasion like the present, under the sway of party prejudices, could not discharge the duty which he owed to himself, to the House, to his Sovereign, or to the country. In the prayer of this petition he could discern nothing which was not adverse to the law and constitution ot' this realm. It had been mid, that This prfitfon was backed by four millions and a half of Irish Catholics. This calculation he believed to be erro- neous; but, at all events, what their Lordships had to consider, was not the number of the claimants, but the justice of their claims. He concluded by giving it as his decided opinion, that to grant the prayer of the petition, would be to do away the very essence of the constitution. The Duke of NORFOLK argued very strenuously in favour of the petition. The Karl of WESTMORLAND said, that he should not have addressed their Lordships on this occasion, if he had not been a party to several of the large con- cessions made by our gracious Sovereign to the Irish Catholics. He would not, however, agree to the measure now proposed, because he had not made up his mind to repeal the Acts of Conformity and of Settlement— the solemn Act of Union— and even the King's Coronation Oath. The Bishop of ST. ASAPH, Lord EI- LENBOROUGH, the Earl of CHICHESTER, Lord AUCKLAND, Lord HARROWBY, Lord BOSTON, and the Earl of LONG- FORD spoke against the motion ; which was supported by Ea_ rl MOIRA, Earl DARNLEY, Lord KING, and thollcs with power, from their attachment and devo- tion ( even at present) to tiie Apostolic See, and the inflammatory conduct which had been pursued by se- veral priests. He severely commented on the charac- ters tit' many of those persons who signed the petition ; and warmly dissented from the motion. Mr. GRATTAN, in a splendid and eloquent speech, supported the motion, and concluded his address in j a considerable time, when, ( in a division taking place, the numbers were—( i and 6; on which the 1 Chairman gave his casting voice for . Mr. I'itt being [ called in again: and, in consequence, it is under the following animated words:—" By granting the ! stood that he was further examined for nearly two petition the Catholics will not get six seats in this House; but yoq get three millions of spirits. Let your liberty, like your money, circulate every where, but centre no where. Why will you ran in search of old prejudices like a grown- up child, and buy foreign- ers with subsidies, instead of subsidizing the affections of the Catholics by kindness? Bath Catholics and Protestants should be united; both should ficht the hours. His Majesty assembled all the Princes of his family on the occasion of the great political ques- tion which has been recently discussed, and made a most animated appeal to them on the lively in- terest which their illustrious House had in stead- enemy, and not one another. this would do niore for ! fastl. v imd uniformly opposing it as often as it you than a Russian alliance or contingent troops. 1 know the ground upon which 1 stand ; I know the truth of what I say ; 1 can appeal to tiie past. It was the object of many of my contemporaries, the first men of the country, now no more; and yet these men j had not before them the great event that has since hap- pened. Half of Europe is against vou, and vou are divided from each other - but I . unexhausted." Mr. ALEXANDER spoke with some warmth against the motion. On the motion of Mr. WM. SMITH, the House ad- journed to the following day. Tuesday, May 14. and state as established by law in the realm, or shak ing the throne of the House of Brunswick, he could assure their Lordships he would have been one of ihe foremost to resist it. He certainly agreed with tile Noble Secretary, that this was a question which ought to be discussed with calmness, candour, and moderation, but was sorry to observe the Noble Se- cretary himself the very first to depart from that temper anil moderation which had so uniformly cha- racterized the whole speech of his Noble Friend. As to the assertion, that the Catholics of Ireland acknow- ledged any allegiance to a foreign Power, he was at a loss to know where it was found. They acknow- ledged, indeed, the supremacy of the Pope as a spi- ritual director; but, by the most solemn oaths that could bind the veracity of man, thay had repeatedly disavowed all temporal or political allegiance to any foreign Power whatever, and . pledged themselves by every test required of them, to the firmest allegiance to his Majesty, and the established constitution of • these realms; and unless their oaths were to be believed, there could be no security for life or property in any state where they exist. There was obvious, cause, from recent experience, to apprehend, that so long as the system of restraints and disqualifications was kept up against so great a majority of the people of Ireland, jealousies and disgusts must rankle in their bosoms, and constantly expose the lower orders divided- For the motion Proxies .... 49 I Against it Troxies .133 . 45 - 178 Majority against the motion, 129. — o> sSJ ® » < r>~ HOUSE of COMMONS.— Monday, May 13. ROMAN CATHOLIC PETITION. The Petition from the Roman Catholics of Ireland having been read, Mr. Fox rose, and in a speech which fixed the attention of the House for three hours, he stated the importance of the subject, as being of a nature more grave and serious than any that had for a length of years been under consideration, he pro- ceeded to the full discussion of the complaints stated in the petition. These he observed were of a descrip- tion highly interesting, as they involved in a material degree the dearest interests of the Empire ; were they attended to as they ought, there could remain no doubt but that the strength and resources of the Empire would be wonderfully increased, without detriment or hurt to any individual or any body of men. The question was of no less importance than whether Parliament, in its wisdom, would suffer four- fifths of the population of Ireland to lie under disabilities which rendered them incapable of offices, or of serving as Members of the Legislature. He was aware that especially to'listen to the machinations of any de- I » Sre; lt difference of opinion existed in regard to signing conspirators, who would convert their griev- < ^ foncess. ons being granted_ to the Catholics; signing conspirators ances into a stimulus but of insurrection. Tho NIAK1 » i ''' c House would recollect that these men were still ances mio a siimuiu^ ot IU.-, UWI.... JUII. INT. IVOOIL 1 ..... . . - , , ,. , , . , Secretary had said the time was improper under exist- I ^ if • * hat th7 eflu? 11>' V^ 1 twlfh ing circumstances. But surely if, in the present state Protestants; that they paid to the exigences ot the of Europe, any additional danger threatens these coun- ) state Wlth thc same cheerfulness, and that it was at tries, the present is th. most proper of all times to | rhe,. best very Ilar<? f( d c ™ f ! he/„ had no participation gran what is now requested, as it will not only come the common rights of their fellow- subjects. This more graciously than at any future period ( when the ' K al1' the. se. 11, en' " ne- fourth of the population m„ ri wpalthv and mme nower. the Empire, laboured under a stigma, which was was not all, these men, one- fourth of the population Catholics may become more wealthy and moie power- ful, and when the grant would look more like the result of fear than of liberality), but have the elFect of uniting all sects of his Majesty's subjects, with heart and hand, against the common enemy. Viscount SIDMOUTH declared, that while he was willing to go the whole length of toleration, he could not go the whole length which the Noble Lord who proposed the motion had suggested. He believed the character and views of the Roman Ca- tholics to be upright and sincere; but he was sorry that they were placed in such situations, when obe- dience to thc impulse of what they considered to be duty might prove disastrous to the country. His Lordship then took a retrospective view, from which he inferred, that, from the Reformation down to the Revolution, the ncM---; itics of the times had imposed those measures which had been adopted against thc Catholics, and that no instances could be produced, in which Protestants and Papists had agreed in exer- cising the Government of tht country. " 1 est its," said his Lordship, " preserve our Protestant King and Protestant Parliament. A Protestant Parliament preserve! 1 this country from the clanger of a Popish King. Let us follow " the example of our Protestant deliverer ( King William), and whilst we -. reat with / cspen oW R. « n » n Catholic fellow- subjects, talcr as unfair as it was unjust. Wherever that was the case, in whatever nation, that country had always proved weak and inefficient in proportion to the existence or continuance of that slur. He was also aware that cases might be stated, where Catholics had been treated with rigour and severity on account of their religious tenets; but such cases could not be applicable to the practical view of the question, as in those days when it was necessary to restrain the Catholics, the restraint was imposed more upon a Jacobite than a Catholic. Mr. Fox proceeded next to a history of the restrictive acts in force against the Catholics, in order, in the first place, to ascertain whether they had resulted from necessity, and whether that necessity still existed. On this part of the subject he entered into a long train of argument to demonstrate that the necessity no longer was fclt. He quoted the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and Charles the Second, as times when such laws were of importance; but after the conquest of Ireland by William III. that necessity had been gradually dving away. In doing this, the Hon. Gentleman traced the history of the Catholics down to the present time. With regard to the prerogative, he contended that it was divided int J two separate and distinct parts; 1st, the exclusive prrrajativ* of the Crown in dius'uig its own officers; From the great length of the speeches, it is impos- sible we can give a detailed account of the sentiments of each Honourable Gentleman who spoke this day in the debate on the Catholic Petition. The following Members supported the motion :— Mr. W. SMITH, Mr. LEE, Dr. LAWRENCE, Mr. G. 1' ONSONBY, Mr. WINDHAM, Sir J. NEWPORT, Mr. M. FITZGERALD, Mr. DILLON, Mr. J. I. ATOUCHE ( Member for Dublin), Sir J. C. HIPPISI. EY, and Colonel HUTCHINSON. — Sir W. SCOTT, Mr. FOS.- IR, Mr. R. ARCHDALL, Mr. SHAW ( of Dublin), Mr. H. ADDINGTON, Lord DF. BLAQUIERE, the ATTORNEY- GENERAL, Sir G. HILL, and Sir WM. DOLBEN, opposed. it. Mr. PITT, differing in some respects from the Hon. Gentleman who proposed the motion, and differing very widely from many cf those who opposed it, was anxious to state his view of the subject, and the ge- neral grounds on which iie intended to give his vote. It was the duty of the House, in considering the pre- sent question,' to have a regard to all the circumstances which relate_ either to, hi agitation, to the probability ot iw t& ing ' carried nbV, or to fts'being suspended, - as well as the probable consequences that may result from its rejection. He had felt, however, on the best, consideration he could give to the subject, that during the period previous to the Union, the claims now brought forward by the Roman Catholics could not, consistently with the protection due to the Pro- testants, with the tranquillity of Ireland, and the frame of its constitution, be granted : but after the Union lie viewed the question in a diflerent light. He had certainly stated at that time, the great differ- ence that event made in the question ; but he had given no pledge. The words he had employed were upon record, and the authority was of a kind which he had no intention to disavow. The line of argument which he had adopted oil the subject was, that if the claims of the Catholics were then given, they might be granted with greater safety than at any former period; and that it they should be withheld, the refusal would be attended with less dangerous consequences. He came, therefore, quite unfettered to the present discussion.— He certainly had been of opinion, that all now asked by the Roman Catholics might have been granted by the United Parliament, and that if accompanied with proper guards and checks, no danger could result to the Established Church, or Protestant interest, from such a measure. He r<^ mained still in the same opinion, and if his wishes could accomplish that object, it would soon be at- tained, for he had no objection to the prayer of the petition.— cry of hear / hear! hear!) The checks and guards of which he had spoken, were not meant to apply to the religious opinions of the Catholics, but to counteract those circumstances from which the evil so recently felt had originated. If the mea- sure of emancipation had then been granted, it would have been advisable to bring, if possible, the priests into some terms of conciliation with the Government, to render them in some degree dependant upon it, and to render them as it were a link between itself and the people. In making that change in the laws of former times, which a change of circumstances seemed to require, it was not intended to throw every tiling loose. Measures would have been proposed to extend the Protestant religion, and to give it every in- fluence which could fairly and properly be bestowed. Such were the views which were at rliat time enter- tained, had there been found that concurrence of senti- ment which was necessary to carry them into effect. The repeal of the laws complained of would, under such circumstances, not only have strengthened the Church, but the State, and would have been a measure of general safety to the whole empire. Had it been his good fortune to have found it convenient to pro- pose the measure as the first fruits of the Union, he might have hoped to hav^ done so without reviving any of those jealousies or contending feelings which unhap - pily subsist between Protestants and Catholics; but unfortunate circumstances rendered it impossible to bring forward the question inthe way in which it only could be brought forward with advantage. What had prevented him from bringing it forward, he was not now called upon to state. All the information that was necessary on the subject had been given at the time, and his duty required him to say no mote. He greatly lamented that the discussion had taken place at a moment so unfavourable to it. He would ask any Gentleman who looked at the existing opinions of the diflerent classes of Protestants in this country, whe- ther there was not at this moment an evident repug- nance to entertaining the question. The House was bound to consider all the probable circumstances which might be produced eithei by the carry ing or not carry- ing the question. The effect of going into a Com- mittee could only be to excite among the Roman Ca. tholics groundless expeditions. It had been argued, that instead of referring Ihe origin of the rebellion in Ireland to religious opinbns, it might more fairly be said to have been promoted by the disappointment given to the hopes heU out by Lord Fitzwilliam. Now if Gentlemen had that impression on their minds, what would be the wisdom or policy of creating such hope again ? and created they certainly would be, were the Houie to go into a Committee on the general question. On these grounds, he felt it to be his duty to vote against the motion. Mr. Fox made an el « quent reply, and concluded by saying, that liberties superior to other men were not demanded for the Catholics; but the question was, whether, at this moment, it were necessary to conso- lidate the force of the cotntry, by granting the enjoy- ment of equal rights to agreat part of the people } should be brought forward. His Majesty has conferred the honour of &>%• » « hood on Captain Lind, of the Royal Navy, for j his late gallant action in the Centurion, with the Marengo, Admiral Linois, and two frigates. The influx of specie into this country, since the war with Spain, is almost incalculable. La^ t. week 311,000 dollars were sent to London from Portsmouth, landed from the Egyptienne; and 5135,000, which were landed from the i'allas frigate. The most interesting periodical- work which has for a long time been addressed to the notice of the public, is the Collection of temporary Voyages and Travels. This publication professes to give translations of every valuable foreign work of voyages and travels, and to analyze all English ones, as soon as they appear. Hitherto its per- formance has fully kept pace with its professions, and recent voyages and travels, of great value and curiosity, have been introduced into general circulation in this form, which otherwise could never have appeared in our language, or which, on account of their expence, could have been read only by the opulent. The first- drawn ticket on the 13th of May, No. 16,149, entitled to ,£. 10,000, was sold by Messrs. BRUCKSHAW & CAPEL, NO. 96, Royal- Exchange, London. seems highly essential to the Detection of further Malpractices, that the ~ ( Powers so judiciously vested in the said Commissioners ' should be prolonged, and if necessary extended; and that the Representatives in Parliament ot this City be, and are hereby instructed, to promote and sup- port, by all Constitutional Means, the further Cop.- j tinuance of the same, in order that every Department j of Government may undergo a strict and impartial I Scrutiny, and that every Delinquent may be brought I to exemplary Punishment. Resolved unanimously,— That we are Qf Opinion that the patriotic and independent Decision of the House of Commons on the 8th of April, is in the highest Degree honourable to themselves, and advantageous to our excellent Constitution; impressing most for- cibly on the Country tiie Sentiments of Veneration and Gratitude. Resolved unanimously,— That a Petition to the House of Commons, founded on the foregoing Resolutions, be prepared and transmitted to the Representatives of this City. Resolved unanimously,— That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to the Right Honourable Earl St. Vincent, for his Firmness and Sincerity in promoting an Investigation of the Abuses in the Naval De- f » ft mcnt. Resolved unanimously,— That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to Samuel Whiibread. Esq. for his very able, zealous, temperate, and persevering Efforts, in bringing forward and conducting the Charge of public Abuses contained in the Tenth Report of the Commissioners of Naval Enquiry. Resolved unanimously,— That the Thanks of this , Meeting be given to Peier Moore, Esq. tor his Vote on the Sth of April last; and that this Meeting do 1 deeply regret, that the Death of Mr. Barlow has de- prived them of the Power of returning to him their Thanks for his Vote on that Day F. PERKINS ( Mayor), Chairman. Resolved unanimously,—" That Thanks be given to the Worshipful the Mayor for his Promptitude in calling this Meeting, in Compliance with the said Requi- sition, and for his proper and impartial Conduct in the Chair. M. SHEEP- STREET, NORTHAMPTON. LOE begs Leave to acquaint her Friends of NORTHAMPTON and its Vicinity, that she is just returned from LONDON with a new. i and fashionable Assortment of MILLINERY, which will be open tor Inspection on WEDNESDAY the 22d Instant. [ eg* M. L. returns her most grateful Thanks to her numerous Friends, for the many Favours conferred on her since her Commencement in Business; r. nd hopes, by Assiduity, to merit a Continuance of the same. May 17 th, 1S05. His Grace the DUKE of GRAl'TON's COURTS, For the HONOR of GRAFTON. NOTICE is hereby given, That the COURTS I. EET, or VIEW of FRANK PLEDGE, with thc COURTS BARON of the Most Noble Augustus Henry DUKE of GRAFTON, will be held in the present Year as follows, viz. For thc MANORS of GREENSNORTON, WHITTLEBURY, PAULF. RSPURY CHURCH- END, COLD- HIGHAM, PATTISHALI, and HEATHF. NCOTE, at GREENS- NORTON, on MONDAY the 20th Instant. For the MANOR of MORTON- PINCKNLY, with BLAKESLEY WOOD- END, SLAPTON, BRADDEN, ADSTON, and PLUMPTON, at MORTON- PINCKNES, on TUESDAY the 2.1st Instant. For the MANOR of STOK>- BRUF. RN, with SHIT- LANCER, at STOKE- BRUEKN, on WEDNESDAY the 22d Instant. For thc MANOR of HI. ISWORTH, with GAYTON, TIFFIEI. D, COLLINCTRFE, and MILTON, at BLIS- WORTH, on THURSDAY the 23d Instant. For the MANORS of GRAFTON- REGIS, ASHTON, ROAD, HARTWEI. L, AI. DERTON, ABTHORFE, and FOSCOTT, at GRAFTON, on FRIDAY the 21th Instant. And for the MANORS of POTTF. RSPURY MOW- END, YARDLEY- GOBION, and PLUMPTON- END, at POT- TF. RSPURY, on SATURDAY th- 25th Instant. That the JuRbRs at MOSTON- PINCKNEY are re- quested to meet at One o'Clock precisely ; for the MANORS .. of ABTHORPE and ALDERTON, at Ten o'Clock; for the MANOR of ASHTON, at Eleven o'Clock; for the MANORS of MOW- END, YARDI. EY- GOBION, and PLUMPTON- END, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, at the usual Places; and for ail the other MANORS, at the usual Places and Hours. That all Persons who are in Possession of any Lands, Houses, or other Hereditaments, within and belonging to the said Manors, either by Will, Descent, Purchase, or otherwise, and have not done their Fealties for the same, are required to attend the said Courts to do them, to prevent a Forfeiture of their respective Estates; and that all other Tenants and Persons owing Suit and Service at the said Courts, and all Con- stables, Headboroughs, Haywards, and Field- Tellers, are required to attend to save their Amercements; and that all Persons owing chief Rents are desired to attend to pay thc same. J. M. KIRBY, Steward of the said Courts. ToucNter, May 10th, 1805. Annual Shew if Rams, for Letting. W. UMBERS, Of WAPPENBURY, in the County of Warwick, RESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen • Sheep- Breeders, that his SHEW of RAMS, for LETTING, commences on WEDNESDAY the 5th of JUNE; when he will be glad to see those who will favour h'un with their Company.— The Sheep consist of many which were lett on the 5th of June last, with about 20 Shearlings, by a Son and Grandson of the Dishley K. a Grandson of the Dishley R. and L. bred by Mr. Buckley, and a Grandson of K. bred by W. Umbers. WAPPENBURY is centrically situated between Coventry, Southam, Ru^ rby, and Warwick, Wappenbury, May 7, 1805. To be LET T, ~~ And entered upon immediately, ALarge and commodious WAREHOUSE, . situated in SHEEP- STREET, NORTHAMPTON, adjoining St. Sepulchre's Church- Yard. The above Warehouse is well calculated for Wool, Corn, or any Business requiring Room. *** For Particulars, enquire of Mrs. STEEVENSO..', Hosier, Sic. Northampton. FREEHOLD ESTATE, R 0 WELL, Northamptonshire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By RICHARD SMITH, At the Sun Inn, in Roweli aforesaid, on Thursday the 23d Day of May, 1805, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, rpiIREF. MESSUAGES or TENEMENTS, whh I suitable OUT- HOUSES thereto belonging, inthe Occupations of John Tye, Thomas Bringhurst, and William Walker; also, a large Garden near adjoining. (| 3T May be viewed in the mean Time; and further Particulars had of Messrs. YORKE & SHERARD, Thrapston. FOX TON, in the County of LEICESTER. MANOR A5D ESTATES. To be S O I. D by A U C T I O N, By Mr. ROUSE, At the Swans Inn, in MARKET- HARBOROUGH on Tuesday the 4lb Day of June, 1805, at Four o'Clock inthe Afternoon, subject to such Conditions as shall be then and there agreed upon ( unless previ- ously disposed of by Private Contract, of which due Notice will be given), ADesirable and truly eligible FREEHOLD . TYTHE- FREE ESTATE, in . the following, or such other Lot or Lots as may be determined at the Time of Sale; consisting of one- fourth Part of the Manor of Foxton, and 163A. OR. 14P. of rich Meadow, Arable, and Pasture Land, lying within a Ring Fence, with Farm- House and suitable Outbuildings • LOT I. ' A. R. P. No. 1. House, Outbuildings, Yards, Gar- dens, and Orchard l i 20 No. 2. Upper Orchard ( Pasture) 0 1 24 No. 3. Town's End Close ( Pasture) 11 1 14 No. 4. Thorplong ( Arable aud Mowing). 26 1 36 39 2 14 Land- Tax and Chief Rent payable from this Lot £. 3 15s. 7d. LOT II. No. 5. Wranglands ( Pasture) 31 3 35 Land- Tax payable from this Lot £ 2 7s LOT III. No. 6. Flax Close ( Pasture) 28 2 4 Part of No. 7. Middle Part ot Wheatley Brook Meadow ( Pasture) 10 0 38 To COVER, this Season, 1805, AT Mr. WILLIAM ODF. LL'S, Horse - Dealer, Abington- Street, NORTHAMPTON, at One Guinea and a Half each Mare, and Two Shillings and Sixpence the Groom, YOUNG HUE- AND- CRY. He is rising six Years old, perfectly sound, stands fifteen Hands two Inches high, and is of particular ) good Action. He was got by that well- known Horse Pretender ( who trotted sixteen Miles within thc Hour, late the Property of Mr. C. Wroot, of Long- Sutton), his Dam by Old Hue- and- Cry; her Dam was bred by Mr. Parker, of Thorney, out of a Mare got by the Duke of Bolton's Mogul, and is own Brother to Dash and Enchanter. " YOUNG HUF.- AND- CRY will beat Home every Morning, except Friday Morning; at Towcester, every Tuesday; Daventry, every Wednesday; Swan Inn, Wellingborough, every Thursday Night; George Inn, Kettering, everyFriday ; Lamport, every Friday Night; and at Northampton the Rest of the Time. *** All barren Mares, covered by • him last Year, at Half- a- Guinea each. Land- Tax payable from this Lot £. 1 7s. LOT IV. Part of No. 7. North Part of Wheatley Brook Meadow ( Pasture) 10 No. 8. Tanley- Hill Close ( Pasture) 11 38 3 2 2 6 0 28 Land- Tax payable from this Lot £. 1 8s. LOT V. Part of No. 7. South Part of Wheatley Brook Meadow ( Pasture) •„ 9 No. 9. Banlands ( Pasture) ."*.' 21 21 2 34 1 16 2 32 31 0 8 Land- Tax payable from this Lot £. 1 19s. LOT VI. One- fourth Part of the Manor of Foxton, with the Rights, & c. appendant thereto. ( fT The Whole is in the Occupation of Mrs. Chapman, under a Lease which expires at Lady. Day, Further Particulars maybe known by Appli. cation to THOMAS INKERSOLE, Esq. Banker, Market- Harborough; or Mr. EAGLE, Allesley, near Coven- try, where Plans of the Estates may be seea.— The TENANT will shew the several Lots. DAVENtRV, Mtiy 18th, 1805. MISS EARNSBY respectfully informs her Friends and the Public, she is returned from LONDON with a neat and genteel Assortment of MILI. INFRY GOODS, and MUSLlNS, of every Description, which have been purchased at the besr Markets, and which are now open for Sale. NEWPORT- PAGNELL, BOCKS. FLETCHER, FANCY DRESS- MAKER, fully impressed with a Sense of Gratitude for the liberal Encouragement she has met with, beg;; I. eave to inform her numerous Friends, that she is returned from LONDON with a fashionable Assortment of MODELS for LADIES' DRESSES, in procuring which she has spared no Expence; and humbly Friday and Saturday's Posts. LONDON, Muy 17. THE account of Lord Nelson having been seen on the 13th of April off Catfhagena, steering for the Straits, was, it is apprehended, incorrect: it is now positively ascertained that his Lordship was higher up in the Mediterranean at a much later period. Letters have been received by Go- j vernment from his Lordship, which state, that on j the 19th ult. he was cruising off Sardinia, when he received information of the French fleet having / passed the Straits: he immediately sailed with his ) w!?.' . ,, . • , • r- 1 , P, , „ • • . , J ., r ., / solicits a Continuance of those Favours she has whole fleet, consisting ot twelve sail of the line, » hitherto been honoured with, which it will be her for the ^ traits; and, as it is known that the com- bined fleets were in Cadiz on the 22d, there is greut reason to hope that his Lordship would arrive off that port time enough to prevent their sailing again, or; at least, to follow them very closely if tfiey had again ventured to sea. In consequence of the return of thc enemy's- fleets to port, Admiral Collingwoqd's squadron will not for the present proceed to the West Indies, but be employed 111 watching the enemy in the Channel. In the House of Commons, last night, Mr. Grey, after observing that, in the speech from the Study to merit by Attention, and which she will be ever ready gratefully to acknowledge. Ladies, at any Distance, by sending a Gown that fits, may be accommodated at the shortest Notice *** A large Assortment of STAYS, CORSETS, and SHOES, as cheap as in London. To the DEBTORS and CREDITORS of BENJAMIN I . EVER, late of the Town of NORTHAMPTON, Innholder, deceased. LL Persons who have any Claim or Demand upon the Estate or Effects of BENJAMIN LEVER, late of the Town of NORTHAMPTON, lnnholdei', deceased, are desired to send an Account and Particulars thereof to Mr. Joseph Dent, of j Milton, otherwise Middleton- Malzor, in rhe County s. F. & J. TOMrsd | i ETURN Thanks to their Fiids for the 1A' very great Encouragement they le met with; and respectfully inform them, J. 1' cpoN is just returned from LONDON with a. fashion* ASSORT- MENTof MILLINERY, DRESSEj& c. ; which will be ready for Inspection 011 TuEsitr next. Northampton, May 13, 1805, A1 Throne, at the opening of the Session, it had been | „; Northampton, or Mr. John Dunlley, of the announced that an overture of a pacific nature j Town of Northampton aforesaid ( the Executors of had been received from France, to which his Ma- ! the Will of the said Deceased' ; or to Mr. Howes, iestv had declined aivine anv direct answer until ! Solicitor, in Northampton ; in order that they may be • 1 , 1, 1 . - u ' ,1 f. „,; 1 investigated and settled. — And all Perseus who stand he had consulted certain Powers on Iimiebt « : d to the said Estate nent, with whom his Majesty maintained relations of amity and confidential intercourse, and that thc probability of important co- operation 011 the Continent had been held out by the Minister when he opened his Budget,— expressed a hope^ that some communication 011 the subject would be made before the close of the Session. Mr. Pitt, in re- ply, assured the House, that whenever his Ma jesty's Government should be enabled to advise his Ma- jesty to make such communication, they wopld avail themselves of the earliest opportunity of so doing; but at present, the relations between his Majesty and the Powers alluded to, were not such as to enable him to state any thing with precision. I11 reply also to an observation of Mr. Fox, 011 the same subject, the Minister stated, that he was not enabled at present to mnke any communication 011 the subject with certainty. A communication was made to the House of Commons lust night by Mr. Leycester, the Chair- man of the Select Committee, stating that the re- gulations and restrictions under which the Lords, at a late conference, had agreed to allow Lord Melville to be examined, were such as, in the opinion of the Committee, would prevent them ex- amining Lord Melville so as to promote the object of the enquiry.— The proceedings of the Com- mittee are understood to be very interesting and important. Parliament will not be prorogued before the Report of the Select Committee appointed to in- vestigate the transactions of Lord Melville and Mr. Trotter, is made. 1 Yesterday morning eleven Volunteer regiments of the metropolis marched into Hyde Park, for the purpose of being brigaded by Majors- General thc Earl of Banbury and l'lrt ps, and then being reviewed by his Majesty. His Majesty came on the ground at ten o'clock, in very great state, preceded bv a large escort of horse, six grooms in full Royal livery, with led horses, and other usual attendants, and was received with the customary Royal salute; he then rode down the line in front," and returned in the rear, when Wiim tal- fin bis station under the shade of the trees, the brigades went through several evolutions in a good style. The . whole passed his Majesty in review order before one o'clock.— His Majesty loiked extremely well, and was received by the people with loud, acclamations. On Monday se'nnight, at KingVNorton fair, Mr. Cotterill, of Row- Heath, had his pocket picked of a pocket- book, containing 19 guinea bills, ik. 6. bv two boys, one only 12, and the other 14 years old.— The manner of committing this theft is so dexterous, that we shall state it as a caution:— The boys, we learn, went into a public- house, and placing themselves 011 each side of Mr. Cotterill, called for some ale; when one of them poured it into a glass, held it up to the light, and artfully requested him to observe its fineness,— whilst the unsuspecting man was doing which, the other youth nimbly robbed him as above. The boys immediately decamped, but being soon after pursued, were apprehended, and the notes found upon them. \\ f ANTED immediately, An APPRENTICE * V to the CHI LDBF. [ J LINEN, & c. BUSI- NESSES Apply to Mrs. HARRISON, Parade, Northampton ; if by Letter, Post- paid. ( jr- T Plain and Fancy Frocks, and Children's fashion- able worked Caps, made on reasonable Terms. " V/ fT ANTED, in a small Family, near North- * » ampt'Ti, A11 active and steady WOMAN, as HOUSEMAID. She must be able to wash and get up Linen. A Character from her last Place will be required. ( 13" Apply to MJ\ A nr. L, Bookseller, Northampton. MAY 17th, 1805. are requested 10 pay their \ respective Debts to the said Mr. Dent, Air. Dunk- : lev, or Mr. Howes, on or before the 21th Day of j June next, as the Accounts of the said Mr. Lever aie to be then finally adjusted and settled, j Northampton, May 18, 1305. A CAUTION. Public not to credit | 0f « M. IM i. vic- x, me Wife of me, WILLIAM i — LUCY, late of the Nag's- Head, in WOOLLASTON, in I 1 the County of Northampton, as I will not be ac- countable for any Debts she may contract in my Name HPfllS is to inform the i MARY LUCY, the JUDGE & MARSHAL FLA IN and FANCY DRESSMAKERS, HIGH- STREET, STONY- STRAfORD, Hp A RE this Opportunity of ijuriiing _ their H grateful Acknowledgments to jhe Ladies of STONY- STRATFORD and its Erions, for the liberal Encouragement they have reived ; and beg to inform them, Miss JUDGE is returrg from London with a fashionable ASSORTMENT MODELS for LADIES' DRESSES, S P F. N! F. R S, & c.— Having spared no Expence in pouring what is fashionable and genteel, they hope I merit a Con- tinuance of those Favours they hav hitherto been honoured with. Stony. Stratford, May 18, 1805. To be L E T T,| And may be entered upon in a ninth's Time, ADWELLING- HOUSE, situricd in a very . pleasant and airy Part of WEUNGBOROUGH, in the County of Northampton ; comsting of a large Parlour, Kitchen, two excellent Bedchambers, and a small one, with three Garrets, good Cellars, and neces- sary Outbuildings ; also a Pleasure Ground, with or without a Close of two Acres adjoininj. [ C3~ For Particulars, apply to Mr. WILLIAM | HARDWICK, of Wellingborough aforesaid. To~" be S O L~ D~ ~ \ A Convenient HOUSE, situate at Eust- Hdddon, j in the Countf of Northampton, with a good j Garden and other Appurtenances adjoining thereto, 1 now divided into' two Tenements; one of which, j wifh Part of the Garden, the Purchaser may have ' immediate Possession of, and the Whole at'Michael- i mas next. i For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. j HUGHES, Solicitor, Gold- Street, Northampton; or lr. JOHN PERKINS, Farmer, of East- FIaddon. NORTHAMPTON VOLUNTEER INFAKTRY r 8- 1HL above Corps is requested to parade foi JL Exercise on MONDAY and THURSDAY tlie 27th and 30th of this instant MAY, at Six o'Clock in the Morning, preparatory to the third Inspection by Colonel Delaval, which is fixed for the 4th of June. May 18/ A, 1805. g^ T The Drills for the separate Companies will be continued this Week, according to former Notice. BT HENRY PULLEY, LINEN AND WOOLLEN - DRAPER, HIGH- STREET, BEDFORD, EGS Leave to inform bis Friends and the Public in general, that he has just laid in a large Assortment of SHAWLS', PRINTED MUSLINS, CALICOES, ITALIAN CAMBRICS, FANCY- WORKED and PLAIN MUSLINS, of every De- scription; likewise a great Variety of FANCY WAISTCOATS, BREECHES PIECES, and WOOLLENS, of every Quality. $ Cf~ For the distinguished Partiality with which the Public have already honoured him, he is truly grateful; and by the Cheapness and Elegance of his present Assortment, he hopes to engage their future Regard. *** His Goods are now open for Inspection. Daventry Battalion of Volunteer infantry.— John Plo- uer Ciarke, lisq. to be Lieutenant- Colonel- Coin- nandant; and John Godfrey, jun. Gent. Ensinn. Northampton Volunteer Infantry. — Robert Parsons and Charles Longstaff, Gents, to be Ensigns. NELL BRIDGE REPAIRING. NOTICE is herebv given. That, on Wednesday Morning, the 22d of May instant, the Arch over the River Charwell will be uiken down, and all Passage over the same must unavoidably be suspended during the rebuilding the said Arch. Carriages passing through Avnho towards. Ban- bury, will go most conveniently through Deddington ; Horses may travel thiough K'ingsutton to Twyford Bridge. ISS^& fih as witness niv Hand, WILLIAM LUCY To be SOL D, GIG, built by LI'KIN & ALLEN, Long- Acre; low and very easy, has its first Wheels 011, with manry fiTf" Enquire at DelAPRF. - ABEEY, near North- ampton. To be SOLD PRIVATE after this public Notici Woollaston, MayWh, 1805. ~ RI X- AWAV SERVANT: A BSCONDED from the Service of his Master, D\ THOMAS LAKSPEARY, of GREAT- DODDINCTON, in thc County of Northampton, Farmer, THOMAS ROBINSON, a Native of DENTON, in the same County; about I A NLNF.- INCH- W. 1IEELED WAGGON, with j 22 Years of Age, five Feet nine or ten Inches in j Xl stout Iron Arms, in good Condition. ! Height, and has rather a weak Voice.— He is supposed 1 fjdi* For a View thereof, or to purchase thc same, j to be in the Neighbourhood of Yardlev. | apply to WILLIAM DUNTON, Wheelwright, at Olney, Whoev.- r harbours or emplovs the said THOMAS I Bucks. ROBINSON after this Notice, will according to Law. I. O N D O N, Muy 13. PARIS Journals have arrived to the 9th, and Dutch Papers to the 14th instant, not one of which make the slightest mention of any action A , ,„„ ) lv a, Tru" k- and - n: w. Set ot Harness-— The HO RS E | havi , k pi., rc, nor evell ot- the return of the ... • 1 that has gone 111 it may likewise be had. He is 1 „, . => , A ,. ' , ... r„„, .,„, , , ,.,.= , •', • , , perfectly quiet in Harness, and has been rode two 1 oulo!\ alld <-' iu, lz . squadrons to por Immense , for upwards ot forty years ( and within a few weeks I Years in the Yeomanry. quantities ot biscuit, and other sea- stores, have j 0f his death) one of the most attentive and ir. de- been provided at Toulon; a circumstance not un- The Rev. William Denison, B. D. Fellow of Lincoln College, has been instituted to the rectory of Cubiington, Bucks, in the Diocese of Lincoln, on the presentation of the Rector and Fellows of that Society. The Rev. Henry St. John Bullen, M. A. Head- Master of the Grammar- School at Leicester, is presented, by the Right lion, the Earl of Bristol, to the vicarage of Tuddenliam, in Suffolk. Thursday se'nnight a meeting was held in the city of Coventry, for the purpose of taking into consideration the abuses exposed by the Tenth Report of the Commissioners of Naval Enquiry, at which several resolutions were agreed to; for the particulars of which we refer our readers to the advertisement given in the second page. The vacancy in the representation of Coventry, occasioned by the death of Captaiu Bstvlow, is likely to be contested. Mr. Wilberforce Bird has publicly recommended Mr. Mills, brother to the Member for Warw ick. Colonel Marriott is tlie other candidate. The late Sir Philip Monoux, of Sandy- Place, Bedfordshire, who died 011 the lfth uit. at Hat- field, Herts, was a descendant of an ancient family of that name, at Walthamstow, in Essex. The first Baronet so created was Sir Humphry,- in 1652. Sir Philip was born in 1739; aud 011 the death of his cousin, the late Sir Humphry, succeeded to his title and estates. On the raising of the different county militias ill 1759, he ob- tained a commission as Major in that of the Bed- ford; and about 17G3 marrier) Miss lleddall, the daughter of Ambrose Reddall, of Eversholt, in the same county, Esq. In 17dS, he served the office of High- Sheriff for the county, and the next year was in the Commission of the Peace. His conduct in public situations was steady, uniform, and persevering, and in that of a magistrate, truly worthy of imitation. He considered the appoint- ment of the highest importance, and continued IMMEDIATELY by CONTRACT, be prosecuted . Great- Daddingion, THOMAS I. ANSPEARY. 15' i May, 1805. " BEDFORDSHIRE ". ASSOCIATION, For prosecuting Felons, fye. raHIE Annual Meeting of the Members of this 2 Association will be held at the SWAN INN, BED- FORD, on FRIDAY the THIRTY- FIRST Day of MAY instant, at One o'Clock, to pass the Treasurer's Accounts, and fix the Subscription for the Year ensuing. THE ED P F. ARSE, | Secretary and Treasurer. Bedford, 15th May, 1S05. HARLESION ASSOCIATION: W'HEREAS some Person or Persons did, late ? r on Tuesday Night, or early 011 Wednesday Morning last, KILL a EWE TEG SHEEP, in DALLINGTON MOORES, near the West Bridge, Northampton, belonging to Mr. RICHARD EARL, of DAI. I. INGTON fa Member of this Association), and did STEAL and TAKE AWAYthe whole CARCASE thereof", except the Head, Skin, and Entrails, which were found fioating in the adjoining River, with three of the Shanks wrapt up in the Skin : Whoever will apprehend the Person or Persons who committed the above Felony, so . that he or they may be prosecuted, shall, on his or their Conviction thereof, immediately he paid TWENTY- FIVE POUNDS by the said Mr. EARI., andafurtherRewardofTWENTY- 1- IVE POUNDS by Mr. BUSWELL, Attorney, Northampton, thc Treasurer and Solicitor to this Association.— And if more than one Person was con- cerned, and either will impeach his Accomplice or Accomplices, he shall, on their Conviction, be en- titled to the same Rewards, and Interest will be made to procure His Majesty's Pardon. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, AFREEHOLD DWELLING- HOUSE, situate near the Church, 011 the West Side of STON Y- | STRATFORD, Bucks. j ( frf Enquire of Mr. THOMAS WORI. EY, Attorney, j or Mr. ROBERT DAY, Carpenter, Stony- Stratford I aforesaid. favourable to the supposition of the enemy's fleet intending, to re- enter the Mediterranean, for the purpose of proceeding to Egypt. The Moniteur of the 1st instant contains a number of private letters from India, said to have been intercepted by Rear- Admiral Linois. The French Government attempts to justify the pub- lication of these letters, by holding out the ex- To be L E T T by AUCTION, On a Lease, for three or six Years, At the latter End of June, or in July, 1805, if not clisnosed of in the mean Time bv Private Contract, rjpilAT well- known PUBLIC- HOUSE, 011 the I.. High- Road between Newport- Pagnell and North- ampton, in. the Parish of STOKE- GOLDINGTON, Bucks, with the OLD TOLL and PREMISES, and 10 or 15 Acres of LAND ( by the Year) if re- quired. ( jdT The Stock and Fixtures to be taken at a fair Valuation. fatigable administrators of justice that county ever had. To a conscientious discharge of the sveial and domestic duties as husband, father, master, and friend, may be added the high sense he en- tertained of religious ones, which he constantly took care most strictly to perform: while in his intercourse with the world, his conduct was marked with such unaffected kindness, easiness of manners, aud a heart so alive to every feeling of benevo- ample set them by this country. They state the I lence, that never failed rendering him at once, following as facts, which, from better and far i not only an object of general esteem, but of the more recent information, are known either to be ' sincerest regard. The remains of this worthy grossly exaggerated, or wholly unfounded. They i Baronet were 011 the 22d biought from Ilattield, imply, that great disunion subsists among the I and, attended by his tenantry, deposited in the English residents, particularly among the Chiefs. ' family vault at Wootten.— He is succeeded by his That the Marquis Wellesley is detested for his .) only son, Sir Philip, the present Baronet, and has haughtiness, dissipation, and luxury;— that the j left a widow and four daughters, finances of thc English in India are in a deplorable j We understand an engine, capable of return- state; that the war 111 which they are engaged iug 30 iocus full 0f water per day, into the Sum- turns out very unfortunate 011 their side, and still | mlt Level of the Grand Junction. Canal, in the rages in all its fury; that the British European ; par; sh 0f Braunston, near IOaventrv, after it has army consists of no more than 12,000 men; that passed six locks, into or level with the Oxford their losses have beeu very great, which ap- | Canal, is now erecting there; and it is expected pears by the small number remaining; and that it j wm be finished and in use early in June. A large is apparent by the letters ot the Marquis Welles- additional stream is also at this time being ley, that the Company is in the utmost distress. being secured, and other improvements are in contemplation.- For further Particulars enouire of J Pn « ! The dispatches further add, that General Decaen ! These with the ver considerable increase the For further Particulars, enquire of J. BLISS, has succeeded M strengtheningHolkar's arwy with reservoirs have received from the 1 at the said Inn. IIART's HOTEL AND SWAN INN. To be S O L D by A U CTIO N, ON THE PREMISES, By T. IVA il REN & SON, On Friday the 31* t of May instant, at Four o'Clock in thc Afternoon, subject to Conditions which will he then and there produced, ALL those very desirable, spacious, and com- - inoriious PREMISES, Part Freehold and Part 1 Leasehold, universally known throughout England, as well as on thc Continent, by the Name of HART'S HOTEL AND SWAN INN, situate in the Centre of the Town of BIRMINGHAM, in the County of Warwick, together with the COACH. OFFICE, CHAISE- HOUSES, excellent STABLING for upwards of ONE HUNDRED HORSES, and every suitable Convenience for car- rying on the Business upon the most extensive Scale, now in the Occupation of Mr. William Dunn, who' holds the same under a Lease, of which 20 Years were unexpired at Lady- Day last, at the Annual Rent of One hundred and seventy Founds. Also, all that other commodious MESSUAGE or DWELLING- HOUSE, lately Part of, but now se- I parated front, the said Inn, fronting to the HIGH | STREET, and on the left Hand Side the Entrance lead- to thc Hotel aforesaid, now in the Possession of To Wheelwrights, Coopers, and others. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KIR SHAW, On Thursday the 23d Day of May, 1805, at Mr. DENTON'S, at HOLCOT, Northamptonshire, SEVENTEEN capital fine ASH BUTTS, of large Dimensions; SEVEN excellent Ash- framed new CART GATES; FIVE new Iron- bound HOGSHEADS, ONE 8O- GALLON CASK, and ONE 20- GALLON DITTO. { J5T The Sale to commence at Ten o'Clock. To be SOL D by AUCTION, By DENNIS & SON, On Thursday the 23d Instant, at Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the Quart- Pot Inn, Northampton, rpwO FREEHOLD HOUSES, with a large 3. PIECE of GARDEN GROUND behind the same, situated on the GREEN, in NORTHAMPTON aforesaid, and now in the Occupation of Mr. Gaudern andMr. Dunkley. fpf The Tenements are newly fitted up, and have Right of Access to a Well of excellent Water. *** The Premises may be viewed by Leave of the Tenants. HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE. To he S O L I) by AUCTIO N, By CHURCHILL £? TURNER, On Saturday the 25th Day of May instant, 1805, ALL the modern HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE - of the Honourable J. VAN NECK, at his HUNTING- SEAT at STRATTON- AUDLEY, near BICESTER, in the County of Oxford; comprising Mahogany Four- post and tent Bedsteads, with Cot- 1V ' d " two companies of light artillery, and several staff officers and engineers. A letter from Hamburgh of the 28th ult. mentions, that the object of Russia is to endeavour to bring about peace, and that her efforts to this end will precede any warlike operations. It is expected, that M. Novolsitkoff, after laying before Bona- parte, at Milan, the outline of his projet of peace, will come to London, for the purpose of explaining to this Court more fully the views of the Emperor Alexander. The plan of pacification about to be submitted to France, according to Continental report, pro- poses that Bonaparte's title, as Emperor of France, shall be acknowledged; that England shall retain Malta, and Russia the Seven Islands; and that late copious rains, will, it may be safely asserted, entirely remove any doubt of a deficiency of water on that summit during the ensuing Summer. Three children have lately lost their lives in Herefordshire, from being inoculated for the small- pox. We hope this information will be a caution to parents not to risk the lives of their offspring, and their own happiness, when so va- luable a preventive for that dreadful malady is so readily to be met with in the cow- pock. Monday last was committed to the gaol of this county, by the Rev. Henry Rider Knapp, Francis Deacon, charged on suspicion of breaking into the house of Mr. George Allen, of Gi eat- Addington, during the time of divine service on Sunday last, Bonaparte shall receive some compensation for j stealing therefrom twenty- seven pounds five these concessions. If these terms were refused, it jsiulhu8s various bank- notes, is said, the Russian Ambassador was instructed to j The prisoner Bellamy, who received sentence of inform the French Government, that the treaty of j death for a rape, at the late sessions for the soke alliance, offensive and defensive, between Eug- 1 of Peterborough, is ordered to be executed on land, Russia, and Sweden, would be immediately carried into effect. Bank Stock 3 per Ct. Red. 3 per Ct. Cons. 4 per Ct. Cons. 5 per Ct. Ann. — PRICE OF STOCKS. sh. 57| i 58H ym 90a Imp. 3 per Cents. India Stock India Bonds 5% sh. 1 Exc. Bills ldis. 1 pr. par. Omnium . 2?,- 3 pr. other Furniture; bordered Goose- Bedding; large Mahogany Ward- ton, Dimity, and j Feather- Beds and n_ 0 | robes, with Secretaries; Dressing- Stands" complete; I Bureaus ; Chests of Drawers; Pier and Dressing | Glasses; Floor and Side Carpets; an Eight- day re- 1 peating Chamber- Clock ; a handsome Set of Maho- gany Tables, with circular Ends; Pembroke and 111' to une lioici aioresaiu, now in me 1 ussessioii oi „•,, ... . . ... . . . . > , ~ " VTOTICF. is hereby aiven, That, by Desire of j Messrs. Knott & Lloyd, at the yearly Rent of eighty lables; Chairs, with Satin Seats, and Brass ... 1 ...... ... , .: 1 >, . 3 .1 - I -. i'<> ' rw •>/• » *.,• .. I: i. . ." i nailed; neat Sioeboard: Cellaret: Linen- Ch n; 1 .1 ^ several - Gentlemen. Farmers, Graziers, and 1 Pounds. Also, TWO ROOMS adjoining the said others, the FA I R at B RIXWO RTH, in the County ' Premises, in the Tenure of the said Messrs. Knott & of Northampton, will ( as usual) be held 011 rhe 5th I Lloyd, at the annual Rent of eight Pounds and eight Dav of JusE next ( and be continued yearly); at j Shillings. which it is expected there will be a large Shew of Cattle, of all Sorts. For the Benefit of Creditors. SOLD by AUCTION, RO BERT ANDRE IVS, and Wednesday next, the 21st and 22d Northamptonshire, To be By On Tuesday ot May,'' 1805, at Hackleton LL the LIVE and DEAD FARMING STOCK, IV genteel ilOUSEHOLD- FURNITU RE A1 oth « : EFFECTS, of Mr. JOHN SAVAKER, of J ^ Vh^ fe^ te^ em HACKLE TON aforesaid. | - : and ( g^ T Printed Particulars will be delivered at the I Time of Sale, and previous thereto, may be had at 1 the Swan Hotel aforesaid; at the White- Lion, Strat- j ford- on- Avon{- the King's Head, Coventry; Red- I Lion, Banbury; Crown- and- Cushion, Chipping- j Norton; Swan, Litchfield; Three- Tuns, Sutton- ) Coldfield; Crown, Stone; Red- Lion, Wolverhamp- j ton; of Messrs. Robarts, of Wickham; at thc Office ! of Messrs. Sandy,. Horton, & Traveler, Crane- Court, Fleet- Street, London; Messrs. Aplin & Son, Attor- j nies, Banbury, and Charlbury, Oxfordshire; or of the Auctioneers, Dale- End, Birmingham, where a Thc STOCK consists of 30 Couples and 18 Tegs, two new- milched Cows, one fat Pig, three Draught I Horses, and one ln- foal Mare; Harness complete tor live Horses; one Narrow- wheel Waggon, two Six- ' inch- wheel Carts, 011c large and one small Pair ol Harrows, Ploughs, Field- Roll, Hurdles, Ladders, Hog- Troughs, & c.; a Quantity of Bush Faggots and Fire- wood, & c. The FURNITURE consists of neat Four- post and Bureau Bedsteadwith Check and other Furniture; Feather and Wool Beds; Quilts and Blankets; Bed and Table I. inen; Pier and Swing Glasses; Walnut- Tree double Chest of Drawers; six Mahogany Chairs, and 12 stained and six Wood- bottom Ditto; Kitchen- Range; polished Crane, two Bath Stoves, Fenders, and Fire- irons; Oak Dining, Tea, and other Tables; an excellent Eight- day Table- Clock; a Merlin Jack; a Quantity of Pewter, Copper, Brass, See. ; a good 40- Gallon Brewing- Copper and Grate; Brass Furnace, Grate, and Lead Kirb; Mash- Vat, Tubs, Beer- Cask- Thralls, Sec. ; a One- dozen Barrel- Churn and Frame, four Milk- Leads, one Pair of Pails, and other Dairv Utensils. ( PT The Live and Dead Stock, and Dairy Utensils, will be sold the first Day; and Sale to begin at Ten o'Clock each Day. N. B. The above- mentioned Mr. JOHN SAVAKER having assigned all his Goods and Effects to Mr. John Walton and Mr. Joseph Lucas, for the Benefit of his Creditors, the Deed of Assignment now lies at the Office of Mr. Abbey, Solicitor, Northampton Valuable and desirable. FREEHOLD ESTATE, Situate at L1DLING ION, in the County of Bedford, To be SOL D by A U C T I O N, By BROWN' Sf SON, On Monday the 3d Day of June, 1805 ( subject to such Conditions as will be produced at the Time of Sale,) at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, in one Lot, at the White- Horse, at Lidlington, near Ampthill, in the County of Bedford; C'OMPRISING eight Acres of most excellent J Pasture, situate and being by the Side of the High- Road leading from Woburn to Bedford, and near the White- Horse at Lidlington aforesaid, with a large Barn, Stable, and Cow- Hovel.— Likewise, a sub- stantial, good, and convenient House; consisting of a Kitchen, Parlour, good Cellar, and two Chambers ( Brick, Stud, and Tiled), with a neat and good Gar- den, surrounded with a live Fence.— Likewise, neatly adjoining, a good Cottage or Tenement; consisting of a Kitchen, Parlour, and two Chambers, Lean- to and Barn, with a good Garden adjoining. fj~ 3T The Whole of the Premises are surrounded with good Fcnces, and well watered. *„* The Houses are now le'tt at very low and im- provable Rents, and the Pasture for these many Years has been held in Hand by the Owner; and for the Goodness of the Soil and extraordinary Produce, equals any in the Neighbourhood. N. B. For a View of the Premises, apply to Mr. FURZE, at the White- Horse, Lidlington; and for nailed; neat Sideboard; Cellaret; Linen; China; Stone- Ware; Glass; a Quantity of fine old Port; Kitchen- Furniture, Brewing- Copper, Tubs, & c. ( f3" Thc Sale to begin at Ten o'clock in the Fore- noon, as the Whole is intended to be sold in one Dav. *** Catalogues may be had at the' Place of Sale, and of the Auctioneers, Woodstock. Forest. by AUCTI 0* N, for the Signature of the Creditors; and to whom all j further Particulars, to Mr. THOMPSON, sen. Wootton; Persons who are any Ways indebted to the said Mr. 1 or to Messrs. BROWN Se SON, Auctioneers and John Savaker, are requested to pay their respcctivel Agents to the British Fire and Westminster Life- Office, Debts forthwith. 1 Bedford. Salcey To be SO L D By J O H N' DA Y, On Thursday the 30th of May, 1805, at the Rose- and- Crown, Hartwell, in the County of Northampton, ONE hundred and thirty- five of His Majesty's OAK and ASH TREKS, lvir. g in KNICHTON'S COPPICE, Sec. ; also the TOPS of 20 OAK TREES, felled for the Use of the Navy, and the TOPS of five OAK TREES, felled for Repairs. The Sale will begin at Eleven o'Clock. %* Catalogues may be had at the Bull's- Head, Eakley- 1 , ane; Black- Lion, Ilanslope; Place of Sale; and of the Auctioneer, Stony- Stratford. STONY- STRATFORD, BUCKS. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, At the Angel Public- House, in Stonv- Stratford afore- said, on Thursday the 30th Day of May, 1805, at Six o'Clock in the Evening, in Lots, rpilE following FREEHOLD HOUSES and " PREMISES, the Whole of vhich are situate in STONY- STRATFORD :— Lot 1 Comprises a Brick- buil MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, with BAKEHCUSE and OUT. BUILDINGS, YARD, and GARDEN, situate in the HIGH- STREET, and many Yars occupied as a Grocer and Baker's Shop.— Imnediate Possession will be given, if required. Lot 2. ONE MESSUAGE or TENEMENT; with YARD, BARN, Sec. situate in tie HORSE- FAIR, in the Occupation of Richard Joyce Lot 3. ONE new- built DITTO, divided into two Tenements, situate near the above, in the Occupations of William Stairs and Richard Ca vin. Lot 4. ONE other DITTO, ne. r the last Lot, in the Occupation of Widow Bavin. ( JDR* Tile above are the Piopety of Mr. JAMES STAIRS, and will be sold without Reserve, under such Conditions as will be then and tlere produced.— For a View of the same, apply on thi Premises ; and for further Particulars, to thc AUCIONSER, in Stony- Strasford. NO R TIIA M P TO N, S. irL'ED. i-, Kvtwso, May 18. MARRIED.] On Thursdav the 2rl instant, thc Rev. Charles Swann; rector ot Ridlington, in Rutland, to . Miss Sarah Willan, second daughter of Mrs. Willan, lately of Stamford. On Saturday sennight, Mr. Edward Cole Gal- loway, to Miss Burnaby, only daughter of the Rev. Mr. Burnaby, of Wanlip, Leicestershire. A few days ago, Thomas Arnold, Esq. to Miss Lathbury, both of Bracklev, iu this county. Lately, Mr. Thomas Bond, of Willey- Field, to Miss li. Barns, of Hampton- Lucy, both in War- wickshire Lately, Mr. Clark, hosier, of Sapcote, to Miss Bray, of Ullesthorpe, both in Leicestershire. On Thursday last,' Mr. Win., Hine, of Odell, Beds, to Miss M. Pell, second daughter of Mr. William Pell, of Moulton- Lodge, near this town. DIED.] On Wednesday se'nnight, at his house in Hamilton- street,' Piccadilly, Loudon, in his Ooth year, Richard Smalbroke, LL. D. Chancellor of the Diocese of Litchfield and Coventry. He is succeeded in the Chancellorship of the Diocese by his nephew, the Rev. William Vyse, LI.. D. Canon Residentiary and Chancellor of the Ca- thedral Church of Litchfield. Same day, at his son's house in Leicester, of an apoplectic fit, after eating a hearty supper, in his 73d year, Mr. Wm. Simpson. On Monday last, Mrs. Freeman, wife of Mr. Joseph Freeman, of Staverton, in this county, j On Tuesday last, in the 81st yekr of her age, Mrs. Forrester, wife of Mr. Alexander Forrester, brewer, of Leicester. —->-< « > » -— FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE. Commissions in the Northamptonshire Militia, Yeo- manry Cavalry, Volunteer Cavalry, and Volunteer Infantry, sig'ted hy the f. ord- Lieutenant. Militia.— Thomas Bullivant and James Barclay Gents, to be Lieutenants. Northamptonshire Yeomanry Cavalry. — The Rig)); Hon. John Charles Spencer, commonly called Loitt Viscount Althorp, to be Captain- Lieutenant. Peterborough Yeomanry Cavalry.— William Bayley and Edward Llovd, Gents, to be Lieutenants; and James Rose and John Taylor, Gents. Cornets. Wellingborough Volunteer Cnalry.— William Drage, Gent, to be First. Lieutenant; and William Eccles, Cent. Second- Lieutenant. Monday next. COURT OP KINO'S BENCH.— The King V. Wm. Brmcn. — Tile defendant, a person of consider- able property at Steeple- Claydon, Buckingham- shire, had permitted a merry- andrezc, avAs\ number of idle and disorderly people, to assemble in an . open field, his property; Dr. Tatam, a magistrate ' of the county, attempted to use his authority to disperse this riotous and illegal meeting; upon which the populace, encouraged by the defendant, hooted, hissed, and iusulted tlie doctor, who was, in the end, thrown from his horse and much bruised. The defendant, a few days since, received tlia judgment of the Court, which was, that he should pay to the King a line of of .50; be imprisoned in the common gaol of Aylesbury for six calendar months, and give sureties for his good behaviour | for three years, himself in ^'. SUO, and two sureties in </'. 250 each. ( J3H The order to discontinue the advertisement of the SALE of ESTATES in BRINCTON, in the county of Huntingdon, came too late to be attended to. The ASSIZE of BREAD set the 18th Day of The Town of Northampton, TO WIT. May, 1805, for the said Town, to take Place on Monday the 20th Day of May, and to be in force seven Days for the said Town of Northampton. lb. oz. dr. The Sixpenny I. oaf Whsaten is to weigh .. 1 10 1 Ditto Household is to weigh 2 2 12 The Twelvepenny Loaf Wheaten is to weigh 3 4 2 Ditto Household is to weigh 4 5 8 F. HAYES, Mayor. PRICE of CORN per Quarter at Northampton, Saturday, May 18 Wheat; 92,. to 105s. Od. Rye, 68i. Oil. to 74s. Barley, 47s. Od. to 48s. Od. Oats, 24s.' Od. to 26s. 6d. J. GRAFTON, Clerk of the Market. Beans, 43s. Od. to 15s. Od. Peas, 42s. Od. to 46s. 0d.- By the Standard Measure. C0rn- E. cc/ 1unge, London, Friday, May 17. There are some fresh arrivals of Wheat to- day, and about 60 sail with foreign are arrived, much of which being rather out of condition, goes off at inferior prices, and is a heavy sale; prime samples are something higher, being still in request — Having a demand for fine Barley, i; fetches rather better price; other sorts are dull.— Malt, with Peas, at small fluctuation.— But few Beans ot each sort, and are something dearer.— Oats in tolerable supply, and prices at little variation. LIST of FAIRS, from May 20 to June 1, within tlie Circuit of this Paper. M. May 20. Sbcfferd. v . —— 22. Ma> kt;- Deeping and Dunstable. Th. 23. St. Neots, Winslow, taxlefr, Beaeonsfeld, Banbury, Halloughton, ' Loughborough, Hanslope, and Lutterworth, M. 27. Southam and Hinethy. W. 29. Spaldwick. Th. 30. Hitehin. F. —— 31. Chipping. Net toll. S. June 1. Leicester, A SONNET. - t . ! what is Spring, its flowers, its balmy airs, • 7 me", with slow disease itndgrief'repining? A; tvliat - those lovely scenes, where'Beauty rears A varied race, with love and joy combining ! Th' v.- Wis. now. promise in the tender green, . ; : d shade o'er Derwent's " rocky sides; Whw:< '.<? aree » a sportive sunbeam eyes the - stream, Juit turk,. as life. to me, tlifc- rtve'r- glkles. ' ? ' - 1 would muse when glow the sultry hours, A nil the gay... throng, with Fortunes- smiles elate, Bi : .. rili and music vyakc the rural bowers, ' ' N-! r give a transient' sigh'to Misery's fate; TJ .-- - could 1 muse, but Sickness bars my way, Leads to the coudi of pain, and cries, "- Here pass thy wretched day!" Or.'. lines of an interesting publication by Sir Joseph Banks, on the disease ill Corn, called by farmers the Blight, the. Mildew, a- nd the. Rust, comikuni- etried by Mr. .£> t., J. okn Priest, secretary to the Noifoll: Agricultural Society. " Botanists haye. long known that the blight in corn is occasioned by the growth yf a minute parasitic fungus or mushroom on the leaves, stems, and glumes of the living plants; in other words, botanists have found, that in those instances where a blight in corn has taken place, there is found growing in the straw of the corn, a plant some what like, moss on trees, or mushrooms on land; ami therefore Sir Joseph Banks has offered to the consideration of farmers, engravings of the plant itself. By a common magnifying glass, you may see a striped apjiearance on the surface of a straw; this is caused by alternate longitudinal partitions of the lmrk—- the one imperforate, and the other furnished with one or two- rows of pores • of months, shut in dry and opeir in wet weather.' Bv these'pores, which exist only in the leaves and glumes, it is - presumed that the'seeds of the fungus. * aiti admissitm, and at the bottom of the hollows to which, they lead, they germinate and . pn$ h- their minute roots into the cellular texture beyond the Irark, where, they draw the nourish- ment, by intercepting the sap, that was intended bv nature for the nutriment of the grain; th'c corn of course, becomes shrivelled in proportion' as the fungi-( the plants growing on the straw) are more yr less numerous. Hence the lighter the corn, the less is the proportion of ftwr to bran. Somv corn of last year's growth would not yield a stone of flour from a sack of wheat; and no doubt, in some eases; the corn was so completely robbed of its flour by the fungus, that, had it been thrashed and carried to the mill, the proprietor would have found the produce bran only, with scarce an atom of. Hour for each grain.— The next observation is, that every species of corn is subject to the blight; that spring corn is less damaged by it than winter, and rye less than wheat. The spring wheat of Lincolnshire was not shrivelled last year, though the straw was in some degree infected. Barley was in. some places considerably spotted; but the whole of that grain being en- veloped in the basis of. the leaf, the fungus can in no case gain admittance to the straw. Barley, however, has risen lighter from the flail this year than was expected.— Most probably the leaf of the corn is first infected before it shoots up into straw, and the fungus is then of an orange colour; after the straw has become yellow, the fungus assumes a deep chocolate colour: each individual is so small, that every pore on a straw will produce from 20 to 30 fungi, and every one of these will produce at least 100 seeds; hence a few diseased plants must very soon infect a whole field of corn. — Farmers have long admitted that wheat in the neighbourhood of a barberry bush seldom escapes the'blight. Botanists observe that the leaves of the barberry are very subject to the attack of a yellow parasitic fungus, larger but otherwise much resembling the rust in corn. Most probably the fungus of the burberry and that of wheat are the same species, and the seed is transferred from the barberry to the . corn; thus misletoe delights to grow on the apple and hawthorn, but it flourishes oedasiona Uy on trees widely differing in their nature from both of these.— Sir Joseph then offers a few conjectures respecting the malady, lie observes, that early in the spring the fungus will require as many weeks to bring it to maturity as it does davs in the heats of autumn; but a few plants of wheat infected are sufficient, if the fungils ripens its seed, to spread the malady over a whole parish.— The chocolate- coloured blight is little observed till the corn is approaching very nearly to ripeness; it appears then in the field in spots', which increase very rapidly in size, and are in calm weather somewhat circular, as if the disease took its origin from a central position. May it not happen then that the fungus is brought into the field in a few stalks of infected straw, uncorrupted among the mass of dung laid in the ground at the time of sowing? Against which Sir Joshua urges, that the clover leys, on which . no dung from the yard, was used, were as much infected last autumn twelvemonth as the manured grasi;.— An observation then is offered for farmers, whether cattle in the straw- yard thrive better or worse, on blighted than on healthy straw?— Next cornea an important fact, that the seeds of wheat rendered so lean and shrivelled, that scarce any flour fit for bread can be obtained by grinding them, will, except in the very worat cases, answer the purpose of seed corn as well its tin; fairest and plumpest sample, and in some respects better, for . three bushels of su. cb corn will go as far in sowing land As four bushels of large grain. The small" grains towards the top of an ear of wheat have an ample abundance for all purposes of vetcgation. " Observations upon this treatise, tending to produce a preventive or a cure, are of infinite importance ( as every householder at present feels) to the welfare of the public." BtjCKBT, 6th . May, 180;". \ I- L. Persons who stand indebted to the Estate and Effects'. of RICHARD HOUGHTON, late of L0NG- BUCKBY, in the County of North- ampton, Gentleman, deceased, are- requested to pay' ' the. same into the Hands of Mr. Perkins, of KLlsby, in the said County, sole Executor of the deceased, on or before the 2- lth Day of June next; and all Per- sons to whom the said Richard Houghton stood in- debted at the Time of his Death, are desired to send an Account thereof to the said Mr. Perkins, or to Mr. Denny," Solicitor, at Long- Buckby aforesaid, in order that they may be discharged. r|> EIE Commissioners in a renewed Commission 8 of Bankrupt awarded and issued forth against JOHN. STAIN, late of the Parish of LUBENHAM, in the Coiintv of Leicester-, Farmer, Dealer and Chap- man, intend to meet on MONDAY the TWENTIETH Day of MAY, 1805, at Ten o'clock in the Forenoon, at the House of JOHN MUNTON, known by the Sign of the ANGEL, in MARKET- HAR. BOROUGH, in the said County of Leicester, in order to make a further Divioend of the Estate and Effects of the said Bank- rupt; when and where the Creditors who have not already proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the same, or they will be excluded the Benefit of the said Dividend; and all Claims not then sub- stantiated will be disallowed. WM. Sl'RIGG, Solicitor to the Assignees. 12th FEBRUARY, 1805. PURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, madein a Cause PIERXON against BLOOME, the Creditors of THOMAS BLOOME, formerly of ABBERFORD, in the County of York, and late of DAVENTRY, in the County of Northampton, Land- Surveyor, deceased ( who died on or about the 4th of June, 1798), are to come in and prove their Debts before James Stanley, Esq., one. of the Masters of the sajd Court, at his Chambers, in Southampton- • Buildings, Chancery- Lane, London, on or before the twentieth Day of May, 1805; or in Default thereof they- will be peremptorily excluded the Benefit of the said Decree. KIMBOLTON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. ALIST of the PREMIUMS ordered to be . distributed at the Annual Meeting of this - Society, which will be held at the WHITE- LION INN, in KIMBOLTON, on WEDNESDAY the 5th Day of JUNE, 1805. £. s. d. For- the best One- shear Ram- - 2 2 0 Second best Ditto 1 1 0 For the best Two- shear Ditto ... .3 3 0 Second best Ditto .— 2 2 0 For the best Theave 3 3 0 Second best Ditto 2 2 0 For the best One- shear Wether 1 2 2 0 Second best Ditto 1 1 0 For the best Two- shear Wether which shall have been fed on Grass, Turnips, Coleseed, and other green Food and Hay only 3 3 0 Second best Ditto.. 2 2 0 For the best Two- shear Ditto which shall have been fed by any other Means 3 3 0 Second best Ditto . -. 2 2 0 For the best Bull, not exceeding eighteen Months old 3 Second best Ditto. _. 2 For the best Heifer, not exceeding eighteen Months old 3 . Second - best Ditto 2 For the best Boar, not exceeding eighteen Months old 2 Second best Ditto 1 The Cattle to be entered with Mr. Day, or Person appointed by him, at the White- Lion Inn, in Kimbolton^ by Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon of the Day of' Shewing, and to be penned ( under the Di- rection of a Person who will attend for that Purpose^ on the Premises of His Grace the Duke of Man- chester, and ready to be shewn by Eleven o'Clock.— The Premiums will be given to such Owners of Cat- tle as were the Breeders thereof only; of which, as well as of- the Ages, satisfactory Proof must be given to the Committee.— The Rams and Theaves to be pro- duced for Inspection in their Wool, and then to be shorn; and the Committee in determining these Pre- miums, to take the Wool as well as the Carcase into shorn.— No Animal to receive two Premiums from this Society, except the'first Class of Two- shear Wethers, which in Case any Corn- fed Wethers should be entered to be shewn, may be again shewn on the same Day for the Premiums of that Class also. . £. s. d. To the Labourer in Husbandry who shall have brought up, or be then bringing up, the largest Family without parochial Assistance 3 3 2 2 CENT!, PLEASANT RESIDENCE. To be LT, with immediate Possession, UNFYRNISHED, A Convent' DWELLING- HOUSE, with J- Y Gardenstables, and Out- Offices; also from It) to 15 Acref rich SWEARD LAND ; situate in the Countv ducks, in a dry healthful Situation, within a tew les of Stony- Stratford. FTPF For Pieulars, enquire of JOHN DAY, Auc- tioneer, in Sy- Stratford aforesaid; if by Letter, Post- paid. " o be L E T T, And en tenon at or before Michaelmas next, VN eligib FAMILY RESIDENCE; con- sisting a well- built and commodious Dwell- ing- House, oainihg five Bedchambers and three - Servants' Rooi, two Parlours and asmall Breakfast- Room, Kitche Laundry, Pantries, and good Cel- lars, with a Yd, Barn, Chaise- House, Three- stall Stable, and otr Buildings, with a Garden, Plea- sure Ground, d Close adjoining. Ccf The Priises are in excellent Repair.— Fix- tures to be takat a fair Appraisement. *** None bi Principals will be treated with ; and Letters ( Post- id) with real Names affixed, and di- rected to B. i at the Printers of this Paper, will be immedi& elyttended to. May hh, 181 JTLCESTERSHIRE. To be SOLD, \ Capita/ GRAZING FARM, in the Neigh- . bourhool Of MELION- MOWBftAY ; con. sisting ct upwards of two Hundred and eighteen Acres of old Sweari Land, in a Kin; Fence, with a Step- herd's Cottaje, and other Con- cniences, being in all Respecs as eligihie a Farm s siny of its Size in Leicestershire. Possesion mav be had at Mhhaelmas next; and a considerable Part of the Purcha, e- Money may lie on Aloftgage, if wished. ( pf . For Particulars, apply at Messrs. Pares, Miles, and Alston's I . aw- O dices, Leicester; or to Mr. ^ aldeeot, in Melton-. Mowbny. ODELL' ROAD. Nr0TTCE is hereby given, That the Annual Meeting of the Trustees of . the Odi'U District of the Turnpike- Road leading from the South End of Brown's- I. ane, in the Parish of Great. Staughton, in " the Countv of Huntingdon, to the Bedford Turnpike- Road, in the Parish of Lavendon, in the County of Buckingham, will be held at the WHEAT- SHEAF INN, in H. ARROLD, on Tuesday the 21st Day of MAV next, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon; when the said Trustees will settle the Treasurer's and other Accounts, and transact other Business relative to the said District of the said Road ; and at the said Meeting the said Trustees will take into Consideration and determine upon the Propriety of removing the Toll- Gate erected on the said Road, in the Parish of Sharnbrook, to some other Place within the said Parish of Sharnbrook, and also of erecting one or more Side Toll- Gates within the said Parish of Sharnbrook. By Order of the said Trustees, WM. DAY, their Clerk. BUCKS FREEHOLD. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, \ N Inclosed CLOSE of excellent and rich old PASTURE GROUND, called GREEN- ENDS, situated at Bletchley, in the County of Bucks, and near to the End of the Town of Fenny- Stratford, and within Half a Mile of the Grand . Junction Canal; containing 10 Acres, more or less. Also, a FIELD of rich ARABLE LAND, near, called WALDUCK. IIILL, being nineteen ( throughout) Ridges, and contains seven Acres ( more or less). The Estate may be viewed by applying to Mr. Thomas Coleman, the Tenant; and Possession may be had at Michaelmas- Day next. * » * For further Particulars, and to treat for the Purchase, apply either to Mr. Willis, Solicitor, I. eighton- Buzzard, or to Mr. Charles Willis, Wins- low, Bucks. BUCFIAN'S DOMESTIC MEDICINE ENLARGED. This Day is published. Price Sixpence, ( EMBELLISHED WITH A PORTRAIT OF THE AUTHOR,) No I. ( to be continued weeklv) of RUCHAN'S DOMESTIC MEDICINE; orl A TREATISE on the PREVENTION and CURE of DISEASES bv RF. GIMEN andSIMPI. E MEDICINES; with an APPENDIX, containinga Dispensatory for the Use of private Practitioners. By W. BUCHAN, M. D. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh. To which is now added, Treatises on Sea- Bathing— Mineral Waters— Inoculation from the Cow- Pock— On the Recovery of Persons apparently drowned— Midwifery— Electricity. A new Edition, improved and enlarged, by J. ' BAKER, M. D. with many Copper- Plates. This Work will lie carefully printed, with a new Type, on a fine wove Demy Paper, and will he comprised in twenty weekly Numbers, Price Six- pence each, forming one large Volume 8vo.— In the Course of the Work will be given a N umber of useful Copper. Plates.— No. I. containing five Half Sheets of Letter. Press, will be published on Saturday next, and a Number every succeeding. Saturday, till the . Whole, is completed. London: Printed tor R. BUTTERS, 22, Fetter- Lane, Fleet- Street; and sold by all other Booksellers in Town and Country. EASE To be, SOLD by - PRIVATE CONTRACT, or LETT; ALL that substantial Brick- built HOUSE, with sashed Windows in Front, and a Garden, Yard, Bar;), Stable, and other Outbuildings thereunto be- longing; and also a CLOSE of rich PASTURE GR- OUND, adjoining to the said House, Tvthe- free, containing three Acres of Land, or thereabouts; situ- ated in WE LFORD, in the County of Northampton, and now in the Occupation of Mr. John Butlin. \ frlT W t [ FORD is a pleasant Village, situate on the Turnpike- Road between Northampton and Leicester; and is distant from the former 15 Miles, and the latter 16 Miles.— The Chester Mail' and two Manchester Coaches pass through it daily. * » '* l or Particulars, apply to the said Mr. JOHN B, UT1. IN; the Owner, who will shew the Premises. \ v A R ; •. A x' f FLU; N D R A \ v N . HORNSBV & Co. respectfully acquaint their Friends and the Public, that they shall con- tinue selling TICKETS and SHARES during the Drawing of, the present STATE- LOTTERY, ' war. ranted undtA . MI at the Time of Purchasing, which renders the Purchaser equally as secure as if the Ticket- or" Share was hought before the Drawing began. • Outers " by Letter or Carrier executed exactly on the same Terms as'if'pfesent. Prizes paid- on Demand, whether a £.% or a ^. 30.000, at ' -' ' No. 26,. CGRyHfL I, LONDON. t? The St ute- Lot I cry began Drawing < fn Monday tbe. iSth luslcnt. LI, 119...... ,£. 10,000 1: 1,091 1,000 • S. 921 " 500 Ditto next largest Ditto To the Servant in Husbandry who shall have lived the longest Time with one Master or Mistress, or on the same Farm ..... 3 3 0 Ditto next longest Ditto 2 2 0 To the Labourer in Husbandry who shall have lived the longest Time with one Master or Mistress, or on the same Farm '.. 3 3 0 Ditto next longest Ditto 2 2 0 The Candidates for the Premiums to Labourers and Servants to deliver their Certificates to Mr. Day, or a Person appointed by him, at the White- Lion Inn, in Kimbolton, by Ten o'Clock, as no Certificate is to be received after that Hour.— These Premiums to be de- teruiined under the same Rules and Regulations as in the former Year. The Society to assemble at the White- Lion Inn, in Kimbolton, on the Morning of the Annual Meeting, at Ten o'Clock. The Committees for de- termining the Premiums, to be appointed at Eleven, and the Shew to take Place precisely at Twelve o'Clock; after which a Committee will be appointed for settling the Premiums and Rules for the ensuing Year, so that the Whole of the Business may be finished before Dinner. WM. DAY, Treasurer and Secretary. St. Neots, 13th May, lBOo. Salisbury's Antiscorbutic Drops. rpO alleviate the Sufferings of Scurvy, of Scro- X phula, and various Diseases of the Body, the late IRANCIS SPILSBORV devoted much of his Time and Attention. His Success is now before the Public; his Dispensary has been opened at all Seasons to the poorer Classes, whose Circumstances did not reach the Price of his Remedy. Fond of Medicine and its Pursuit, he invented the Patent Antiscorbutic Drops, a mild diaphoretic, without weakening the System, but giving it Vigour by promoting all its natural Secretions. Those wlio are compelled to resort to the tonic Powers of Minerals, if they wish to assist their Effect on the Nerves, no Medicine is better calculated for tile Purpose than the Drops. Another Recommendation, the Dose is small in Quantity, and taken without Restraint of Diet or Exercise. Mr. SPILSBURY is not accountable tbr any Mixture sold, unless the Words " By the King's Patent" are inserted at Length in theJBill of Directions, Bottle, and Wrapper; the Stamp also ( the King's Duty.) is printed in black Ink instead of red.— Bottles 5s. Gd. 10s. and £. 1 2s. Duty included. Sold at the Dispensary, No. 15, Soho- Square, Lon- don ; and may be lisd of the Printers of this Paper; ot Mr. Okely, Bedford; Tuck & Mather, Welling- borough ; and of most Venders of Patent Medicines in Town and Country. LOCKYER's Antibillous Antiscorbutic Pills. npiIESE TILLS were- originally discovered and JL many Years prepared by Dr." Lionel Lockyer, who, in the Course of a very extensive Practice, admi- nistered them in a great Variety of Cases both among R ich and Poor, and established their Reputation beyond anv other public Medicine of that Time. They resist Bile and all Obstructions of the Spleen and Liver, which, unremoved, corrupt the Blood, from whence flow numerous Diseases, as Pains in the Head, Trem- blings, Palpitations of the Heart, Swooning, Vertigo, Hysterics, & c. & c".; thev destroy Worms, cure the Scurvy, Gout, Leprosy, Black and Yellow Jaundice, Overflowing of the Gall, Gravel, King's Evil, Fis- tulas, Piles, & c Src.' Messrs. Dicey and Co. No. 10, Bow Church. Yard, by Appointment of the Proprietors, arg the only Whole- sale Venders; they are sold Retail by Dicey & Co. Edge, and Marshall, Northampton; Robins, Daven- try.; Wilcox, . and Gallant, Towcester; Tuck and FROM LAMENESS AND PAIN, IN A FEW HOURS. THE BRITISH OINTMENT for CORNS, prepared by W. NAYLOR, Chemical Colour- Maker to his Majesty. This most excellent Oint- ment never fails curing hard or soft Corns in a very short Time, and gives Ease in a. few Hours. No other Trouble is required in using it, than rubbing a little on tlie Corn, Night and Morning, with the Finger. The Proprietor begs Leave to observe, the Afflicted may rest assured of a Cure, as this is not, like many published Things, an Imposition on the Public. By Appointment of the Proprietor, it is sold, Wholesale, by Dicey & Co. No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, London; also by Dicey & Co. Edge, and Marshall, Northampton ; Robins, Daventry ; Wilcox, and Gallard, Towcester; Tuck & Mather, Welling- borough ; and by one Medicine Vender in every Mar- ket Town, Price 2s. 6d. Duty included. TOLLS TO LEFT. ~ V] OTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting of i N the Trustees appointed br- an Act of Parliament made and passed in the thirty second Year of the Reign of His present Majesty King George the Third, intituled, " An Act for Amending, Widening, and " Keeping in Repair the Road leading from the Bull I nil, in Dunstable, to the King's- Arms Inn, in " Hocklifl'e, in tjie County of Bedford," will beheld at the House of Mr. THOMAS COATS, known by the Sign of the SUC. AR- LOA F, in DUNSTABLE aforesaid, on TUESDAY the 21st. Day of MAY next; when the TOLLS arising at the Toll- Gate known by the Name ot CHALK- HILL GATE, will be LETT to FARM by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, between the Hours of Eleven and Two o'Clock of the same Day, In the Manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th Year of the Rei£ n of Hisj present Majesty, for regu- lating Turnpike- Roads; which Tolls will be put up at the Sum of ^. 15- 10, being the Sum they were last lett for. Whoever shall become the Best Bidder, must imme- diately pay a Deposit of jt', 100, and give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees, for the Payment of the Rent, at such Times as they shall direct. JOHN GRIFFITHS, Clerk to the said Trustees. Luton, 19th April, 1805. TURNPIKE TOLLS xo BE LEFT. N" OTICE is hereby given, That the TOLLS arising at the several Toll- Gates upon the Turn- ( pike- Road leading from Wendover to Buckingham, in the County of Bucks, called or known by the several N; ynes of WALTON GATE, with the WEIGHING- ENGINE, HOLMAN'S BRIDGE GATF., and BUCKING, HAM GATE, will be LETT by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, at the House of WILLI AM KING, known by the Sign of the BELL INN, in WINSI. OW, in the said County of Bucks, oil TUESDAY the 28th Day of MAY next, between the Hours of Twelve and Two, in the Manner prescribed bv the Act passed- in the 13th Year of the Reign of His Majesty King'George the Third, for regulating Turnpike- Roads; which several ' foils produced the last Year the respective Sums following, viz. at Walton Gate, with the Weighing- Engine, the Sum of £. 709; Holman's Bridge Gate, £. 2i9; and Buckingham Gate, .£. 203; over and above the Expences of collecting1 the same, and will be put up at those respective Sums.— Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder, must immediately pay down into the Hands of the Treasurer one Month's Rent in Advance, and at the same Time give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees ot the said Turnpike- Road, for the Payment of the Remainder of the Rent agreed for, and at such Times as they shall direct; and it is required that such Bidder or Bidders do produce the Names of his Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees, at the Time of Bidding. LANCELOT WYATT, Clerk to the said Trustees. mnslow, 31 » / April, 1805. TllliAPSTOX ROAD TOLLS. is hereby given. That a General Meeting of the Trustees of the Turnpike- Road leading from Market- Harborough, in the County of Leicester, to Tbrapston, in the County of North- ampton, and from thence to the Pound, in the Parish of Brampton, in the County of Huntingdon, will be held at the WHITS- HARTTNN, in THRAMTON, on WEDNESDAY the 19th Day of JUNE next, at Eleven o'Clock in the forenoon, for the Purposeof LETTING by AUCTlUN, in the Manner directed by an Act passed in the thirteenth Year ot the Reign of His present Majesty, " for regulating the Turnpike- Roads," the TOLLS arising at the several Toll- Gates hereunder- mentioned; which Tolls produced the last Year ( clear of the Salaries for collecting the same) 1 OTICE the respective Sums following, viz l. iult- By'. cden Gate. £. x. d. .133 7 0 Hermitage- Lane Gate 125 1 1 Kettering, with Weighing- Machine. . 573 0 0 / slip., 254 0 0 Keyston, - with Weighing- Machine .. 270 0 0 Eilingtm 187 0 0 W: ather, Wellingborough; _ and by efery Vender of Medicines ill the United Kingdom. Price 2s. 9d. a Box, with full Directions. ( t- T Observe that the Name ot " M: WATSON," one of the Proprietors, is sighed in the Bills of Di- 1 rections.— All others are Counterfeit. THE CORDIAL BALM OF GILEAD IS the most absolute Remedy for such Diseases as are attended with the following Symptoms, namely, a great Straitness of the Breast, with Diffi- culty of Breathing; violent Palpitations of the Heart, sudden Flashes of Heat in various Parts of the Body; at other Times a Sense of Cold, as if Water was poured on them; flying Pains in the Arms and Limbs, Back arid Belly, resembling those occasioned by the Gravel; the Pulse very variable, sometimes uncom- monly slow, at other Times very quick ; Yawning, the Hiccough, frequent Sighing, and a Sense of SutL focation, as from a Ball or Lump in the Throat; alternate Fits of Crying and convulsive Laughing; the Sleep unsound, and seldom refreshing, and the Patient often troubled with horrid Dreams.— Much has been said by interested Individuals against Medi- cines that are advertised ; but there is a very important Observation to be made respecting the Cordial Balm of Gilead, that unless its Operation was gentle, safe, and efficacious, it could not have attained the unex- ampled Demand it has acquired; for, as it has rarely the great Advantages of a persuasive Advocate at the Ear of the Patient, so Nothing but his Conviction of its Virtues, by its salutary Effects, can induce Perse- verance ; and yet reasonable Perseverance is certainly most requisite to enable even the happiest Combi- nation of Chymicals and Galenicals to root out Chronic Diseases, and restore the Valetudinarian to Health. Its well- known Characteristic of promoting Lon- gevity has been long maintained; for, by keeping the Constitution, as it were, in continual Repair, it pre- serves the Body in Health and Vigour, and prevents premature Decay. It requires no particular Confine- ment, nor Attention to Diet. Prepared by Dr. SOLOMON, Gilead. Bouse, near Liverpool, in 10s. 6d. and 33s. Bottles; the latter contain four of the former, by which the Purchaser saves nine Shillings. Every genuine Bottle has a Stamp which bears the Proprietor's Name and Address, tl Saml. Solomon, Liverpool," to imitate which is Felony. Double Postage of all Letters to Dr. Solomon, Li- verpool, must be paid, and his Fee of 10s. 6d. in- closed for Advice. Sold Wholesale and Retail by the Printers of this Paper, also Retail by Marshall, and Edge, North- ampton; Dawson, and Harrod, Harborough ; Marriott, Banbury ; Wilcox, & Gallard, Towcester ; Seeley, Buckingham; Richardson, Stony- Stratford; Edge, and Tuck and Nather, Wellingborough; Robins, Daventy; Okely, and Smith, Bedford; Fox, St. Neots; Barringer, Newport- Pagnell; Swinfen, Lei- cester; by the Pr. ntersof the Country Newspapers; and by all the repuable Medicine Venders, Booksellers, & c. in every priucpal Town in England, Ireland, Scot- land, and America who will deliver Pamphlets gratis, with a Variety of luthentic Documents noted therein. 0\ whom mav be had, The ANTI - IHPETIGINES, or SOLOMON'S DROPS, for purfying the Blood, and restoring the System when impiired by the imprudent Use of Mer- cury, have been wind the great and only Restorer of Health and Vigou* in Disorders where Salivation has repeatedly filled.- Price 10s. 6d.— Family Bottles 33s. The ABSTERGENT LOTION, for removing Eruptions from tie Slirface of the Human Body.— Price 4s. a fettle. Duty included. Also, A new tuition of SOLOMON'S GUIDE to HEALTH.— Irice 3s. 1512 8 1 and will be put up at the Sums they so respectively produced. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder for either of the said Tolls, will be required to give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turnpike- Road, for the Payment ot the Rent agreed for, and at such Times as thev shall direct. And at the same Meeting, previous to putting up the Tolls, the Trustees ( wno are requested to attend early) will fix upon tire Spot on which is to be erected the new Turnpike or Toll- Bar ( ordered at an extraor- dinary Meeting), in Lieu of the Hermitage- Lane Gate, and on the Tolls to be taken at the same Bar.— Given under our Hands this 7th Day of May, 1805, By Order of the Trustees, THOS. MARSHALL,.) N, , W, V1. MARGETTS, ^ L- IERKS. AUTHENTIC MEMOIRS and ENGRAVING of Master HENRY WEST BETTY, in the second Edith,, ot DRAMATIC BIOGRAPHY, with considerable Improvements, and additional Plates. This Day is published, elegantly printed in small Octavo, enriched with twenty- two Engravings, Price 9s. in Boards, rpilE THESPIAN DICTIONARY; or, DRA- X MATIC BIOGRAPHY of the PRESENT AGE: Containing Sketches of the Lives, Lists of the Productions, various Merits, See. of all the prin- cipal Managers, Dramatists, Composers, Comment- | ators, Actors, and Actresses, of the United Kingdom; interspersed with numerous original Anecdotes. Form- ing a complete modern HISTORYof the ENGLISH STAGE. " Unbiass'd, orby Favour, or by Spite."— POPE. , OS* From the very favourable Reception which the first Edition of this Work met with, the Proprietors have been enabled to embellish the present Edition with fifteen additional Engravings. It is also on a neiu and larger Type, and reduced in Price. Published by JAMES CUNDEE, at the Albion- Press, in Ivy- Lane, Paternoster- Row, London; and sold by W. Birdsall, T. Burnham, andJ. Abel, Northampton; and all other Booksellers. FXCTTS. IT is a Truth well known and attested, that Dr. BRODUM's NERVOUS CORDIAL and BOTANICAL SYRUP alone are resorted to by the principal Nobility and Gentry, who acknowledge them to be the only certain Remedy in nervous de- bilitated, and consumptive Complaints. The Vi'rtues of these excellent Medicines have been tried with unexampled Success, and stood the Test of Years as appears in the Pamphlets delivered gratis. The BOTANICAL SYRUP and RESTORATIVE NER. vol! CORDIAL to be had at the House, No. 9 Al- bion. Street, Surrey Side of Blackfriars Bridge, in Bottles at £. 1 2s.— Us and 6s. Duty included. ( pf" A. D. SWINTON, the Proprietor ( Son of Dr. Swinton, Fellow ot the Royal College of Physicians, London,) may be consulted from Ten till Three or by Letter, containing the usual Fee. A Five Guinea Bottle contains six at 22s. Sold also by the PRINTERS of this PAPF. R, and by the following Persons within the Circuit hereof, viz. Marshall, Northampton, and at Jiis Shop in 1 larbo- rough ; Edge, Northampton, and at his Shops in Wellingborough and Towcester; Nixon, Leicester- Smith, Bedford; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Tookey' Oundle; Beale, Thrapston ; Collis & Dash, Ketter- ing; Robins, Daventry; Tuck& Mather, Wellingbo- rough.; Jackson, Peterborough ; Newcomb, Printer Stamford ; Wheeler, Aylesbury ; Marriott, Banbury ' Gallard, Towcester ; and by most Booksellers and Medicine Venders in the three Kingdoms. The Traveller's Companion ' and GuiJe ; Including all the BEAUTIES of ENGLAND and WALES. This Day, is published, elegantly print- d in two Volumes, small Octavo, containing near TWO THOUSAND Pages of Letter- Press, and illustrated by sixty- six beautifully engraved Views of Noble- men and Gentlemen's Seats, Public Buildings, in- cluding Churches, Bridges, Castles, Monuments, & c. with a whole Sheet coloured Map of England and Wales, Price ^'. 1 as. extra Boards, RPIIK TRAVELLER'S GUIDE; or, ENGLISH 8 ITINERARY: Containing accurate and original Descriptions of all the Counties, Cities, Towns, Villages, Hamlets, & c. and their exact Distances from London; together with the Cathedrals, Churches, Hospitals, Gentlemen's Seats ( with the Names of their present Possessors), Manufactures, Harbours, Bays, Rivers, Canals, Bridges, Lakes, Salt and Me- dicinal Springs, Vales, Hills, Mountains, Mines, Castles, Curiosities, Market- Days, Fairs, Inns for Post- Horses, & c. The Whole comprising a complete Topography of ENGLAND and WALES.— To which are prefixed, General Observations on Great- Britain; including a correct Itinerary from London to the several Watering and Sea- Bathing Places; Lists of . Inns in London; Mail- Coaches'; Wharfs; Packet- Boats; Rates of Porterage; Postage of Letters; ami every other useful Information, equally calculated for the Man of Business and the inquisitive Traveller. By W. C. OULTON, Esq. Published by JAMES CUNDEE, at the Albion- Press, in Ivy- Lane, Paternoster- Row, London; and sold by W. Birdsall, T. Burnhain, and J. Abel, Northampton; and all other Booksellers; and may be had at the Post- Houses in every principal Town in England, Scotland, and Ireland. : 1 The SPORTSMAN'S CABINET COMPLETE. " HIE SUBSCRIBERS to the SPORTSMAN'S CABINET are respectfully informed, that the 25th Number, which completes the Work, is this Day published, enriched with a superbly engraved Frontispiece of dead Game, from a Painting by the celebrated Rysbrach; an elegant Vignette Title- Page to the second Volume, from a Painting by Reinagle ; a Ground Plan and Elevation ot a Dog- Kennel; and three Sheets of Letter- Press. Price 5s. This valuable Work, which has been completed at an Expence of near Three Thousand Guineas, consists of correct Delineations of the various Dogs used in the Sports of the Field; including the Canine Race in general; and forms a Series of rich and masterly Engravings of every distinct Bieed, from original Paintings, taken from Life, purposely for the Work, by P. Reinagle, A. R. A; the Whole of which aie engraved in the Line Manner by Mr. John Scott; and interspersed with beautiful Vignettes, engraved on Wood by Mr. Bewick, of Newcastle.— It will be found to contain a Collection of superb Sporting Subjects, worthy the Attention of Amajeurs of Field Sports, and Admirers of the Arts in general. In two elegant Volumes, Super- royal Quarto, Price £. 6 10s. in extra Boards. ( i< r Those Gentlemen who possess the SPORTS- MAN'S CABINET in Part only, are particularly re. quested to complete their Sets as soou as possible. Any Number may be had, one or more at a Time, as well as the complete Work, at the Convenience of the Purchaser. Published by JAMES CUNDEE, at the Albion- Press, in Ivy- Lane, Paternoster- Row, London; and sold by W. Birdsall, T. Burnham, and J. Abel, Northampton; and all other Booksellers. BANKRUPFS required to SURRENDER. Samuel Ferrand Waddington, of York- street, South- wark, Surrey, banker, May 18, 28, and June 22, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Murphy, Bouverie- street, Fleet- street. Thomas Lambert, of Jervaux, in the parish of East- Witton, Yorkshire, horse- dealer, May 20, 21, and June 2?; at the Black Swan, Bedale. ' Attorney, Mr. Coates, Rippon. Robert Ballantine Fern, late of Litchfield, wine- merchant, May 31, June 1 and 22, at the Flitch of Bacon, Whichnor- Bridges. Attorney, Mr. Simpson, Litchfield. : Miles Wrigley and John Wrigley, of Saddleworth, Yorkshire, merchants, May 24, 25, and June 22, at the Bull's Head, Mossley, Lancashire. Attorney, Mr. Gibbon, Ashton- « hder- Line. John Watson, of Liverpool, merolm. ii, m « j Ifl, June 8 and 22, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Field. Friday- street, Cheapside. Josiah Phipps, of Copthall- court, Throgmorton- street, London, broker, May 13, 21, and June 22, at Guildhall. ' Attomies, Messrs." Gregson and Uixon, Angel- court, Throgmorton- street. Jacob Clingman and Thomas Cell, late of Kingston^ upon- Hull, merchants, May 21, 22, and June 22, at the Dog and' Duck Tavern, Hull. Attorney, Mr. Fros*,' Hull. Benjamin Lewis, late of Halstead, Essex, money, scrivener, May 22, 2' J, and June 22, at the Griffin Inn, Colchester. Attorney, Mr. Sparling, Col. Chester. George Maine, the younger, of Colchester, Essex, horse- dealer, May 18, June 1 and 22, at Guildhall, London. Amos Goold, of Birmingham, grocer, May 31, June 1 and 22, at Style's Hotel, Birmingham." At- tornies, Messrs. Smith and Arnold, Birmingham. James Stevens, late ot James's- street, Oxendon- street, St. Martin's- in- the- Fields, Middlesex, corn- dealer, May 18, 20, and June 22, at Guildhall. At- tornies, Messrs. Buck, Upper Berkeley- street, Port- nian- square. Angus Macphie, of Ilford, Essex, merchant, May 18, 25, and June 25, at Guildhall, London. Attor- ney, Mr. Russen, Crown- court, Aldersgate- street. Thomas Clarke, of Lambourn, Essex, cowkeeper, May 18, June 1 and 25, at Guildhall, London. At- torney, Mr. Baddeley, Leman- street. John George Nicholls, ot Moulsey, Surrey, mer- chant, May 28, June 8 and 25, at Guildhall, London. Attornies, Messrs. Dennetts and Co. King's Arms- yard, Coleman- street. John Ingle, of Asliby- de- laiZouch, Leicestershire, mercer, June 17, 18, and 25, at the Queen's Head Inn, Ashby- de- la- Z. ouch. Attornies, Messrs. Pestell and Co. Ashby- de- la- Zouch. William Lewis, of Dowlais, Glamorganshire, shop- keeper, May 28, 29, andjune25, at the Bush Tavern, Bristol. Attorney, Mr. Morgan, Bristol. Andrew M'Ewen, of Liverpool, broker, June 7, 8, and 25, at the Globe Tavern, Liverpool. Attor- • nev, Mr. Ascroft, Liverpool. William Stewart, of Liverpool, liquor- merchant, June 7, 8, and 25, at the Glooe Tavern, Liverpool. Attorney, Mr. Ascroft, Liverpool. ' CERTIFICATE to be granted. June 1. John Large, of Allesley, Warwickshire, dealer. MARKETS.— London, May 11. We had but a middling supply of Wheat to- day, and a few picked samples ^ a^ was the case last Monday) fetched higher prices than generally quoted.— Barley is dull in sale, and Malt equally Hat, and rather cheaper.— White Peas have not varied much since our last.— We have rto Grey Peas at market.— Beans of both sorts ( the supply being short) are dearer. — We have not many fresh Oats, and they arc some- thing higher than oil this day se'nnight. Wheat. S. to 76s. pd. Fine Do.. 80s. to8Ss. 0d. Rye 50s. to 54s. Od. Barley .. 33s. to39s. Od. Malt 66s. to 72s. Od. Oats 25s. to30s. Od. HorseBeans42s. to 47s. Oct. Tick Ditto 40s. to 44s. Od. White Peas 36s. to42s. fid. . Grey Ditto — s. to— s. Od. PRICE of FLOUR.— Fine 75s. to 80s. Od. HOPS per Pocket. — Kent, 41. 10s. to M. 12s.— Sussex, 41.6s. to 51. 5s.— Farnham, 71. 0s. to 81. 0J. Rye- Grass, Clover, Trefoil, together with Cori- ander and Carraway Seeds, being entirely out of de- mand, we decline offering prices till next season. SMITH FIELD, May 13. To sink the oflal. Ox Beef, 4s. 8d. to 6s. Od. Wether Mutton, 5s. Od. lo 6s. Od. Veal, 5s. Od. to 6s. 6d. Pork, 4s. 4d. to 5s. 4d. Lamb, 6s. 0s. to 8s. Od. Sold this day, Beasts, 1800— Sheep and Lambs, 8500. NEWGATE and LEADEN HALL, May" 13. Beef, 3s. 8d. to 4s. lOd. Mutton, 4s. 4d. to 5s. Od. Veal, 3s. 8d. to 6s. Od. Pork, 4s. 4d. to 5s. 4d. Lamb, 5s. Od. to 7s. 4d. LEATHER, per lb. Butts, 50 to 5filb. 22Jd. to93id. Ditto, 60to651b. 55d. to25U. Merchants Backs, 23d. to SSJCL. Dressing Hides, 22£ d. to 23Jd. Fine Coach- Hides, 23£ d. to 25d. Crop Hides fiJr cutting, 23d. to 24d. Flat ordinary, 22d. to 23d. Calf Skins, 30 to 401b. per doz. 33d. to ^ 9d. Ditto, 50 to 701b. per doz. 33d. to 39d. Ditto, 70 to 801b. S4d. to 38d. Small Seals, per lb. 44d. to - 16d'. Large Ditto, per doz. 120s. to 170s. Goat Skins, — s. to — s. per doz. Tanned Horse- Hides, 25s. to 42s. Od. per Hide. NORTHAMPTON: Printed and Publisied by and for T. DICEY and IV. SUTTON.
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