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Evidence and Proceedings on the Bill of Attainder for Cornelius Grogan Esq


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Evidence and Proceedings on the Bill of Attainder for Cornelius Grogan Esq

Date of Article: 14/05/1805
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
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( Ireland.) [ i ] / A RETURN to an Order of the HonWe The Houfe of Commons, dated 1st April 1805;— requiring A Copy of the Evidence and Proceedings taken before the Houfe of Commons of Ireland, upon an Ad patted in the 38th Year of the Reign of His prefent Majefty, attainting Cornelius Grogan, Ef|. of Johnstown in the County of Wexford, of High Treafon; fo far as the faid Proceedings regard the faid Cornelius Grogan:— Extracted from all the Documents now exiftirig of the Proceedings of the faid Houfe of Commons of Ireland. THE Right Honourable Mr. Attorney General acquainted the Houfe, that Feneris, feveral Witnefles attended at the door, who were ready and willing to give ZT uie 7ul" an account of lbme Perfons who have appeared in arms on the part of the Rebels during the prefent Rebellion, or who have been concerned in promoting the fame. GENERAL CRADOCK at Bar j and examined by the Speaker: Says, was Prefident of Court Martial on trial of Harvey and Grogan. Harvey was General. The fummons for furrendering was Harvey's writing. No doubt refpedl- ing commander againft Ross. Grogan was commanding General for the Rebel Army, and came frequently in town as Commander, and pafles were given by him to feveral perfons. Rebels efteemed him as their great fuperior, being a man of property. Their trials occupied a confiderable time. Harvey examined feveral witnelfes, and Mr. Grogan but one} and trial put off for two hours, and he then fent word that he could not bring any more forward. Ordered, That leave be given to bring in a Bill for the Attainder of Edward Fitzgerald commonly called Lord Edward Fitzgerald, Cornelius Grcgan, and Seauchamp Bagenal Harvey, dtceafed, of High Treafon ; and that the Right Honour- able Mr. A'torney Gtnfcral; the Right Honourable Mr. Prime Serjeant, and the Right Honourable Lord Vifcount Cajllereagh, do prepare and bring in the fame. The Right Honourable Mr. Attorney General prefmted to the Houfe, according Maris, to order, a Bill for the Attainder of Edward Fitzgerald commonly called Lord 31 " diejutii Edward Fitzgerald-, Cornelius Grogan, and Beauchamp Bagenal Harvey, deceafed, of I798, High Treafon j which was received and read the firft time, and ordered to be read a fecond time on Thurfday the 9th day of Auguft next. A Petition of John Grcgan Knox, of Caftletown in the county of Wexford, Efquire, and Overstreet Grogan Knox, of Gardiner- street in the city of Dublin, Efqnire, Barrifter at Law, was prefented to the Houfe and read, fetting forth, That the late John Grogan, of Johnstown in the county of Wexford, Elquire, deceaied, the Petitioners father, being seised in fee of a very large landed Property in the counties of Wexford and Waterford, by will bearing date the 9th of Auguft 1775, x 2 c. A and
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