Evidence and Proceedings on the Bill of Attainder for Cornelius Grogan Esq
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Evidence and Proceedings on the Bill of Attainder for Cornelius Grogan Esq
Date of Article: 14/05/1805
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No Pages: 1
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•* 4 ( Ireland.)— EVIDENCE AND PROCEEDINGS RESPECTING Grcgan; andBcauchamp Bagenal Harvey, deceafed, of High Treafon, be read a third tiire, might be read. And the faid order being read accordingly ; , ... A Motion was made, and the Quezon being put, that the faid Bui be read a third time on Saturday the tirft day of December next; The Houfe divided. Tellers for the Ayes, who 7 Mr. Barrington 7 went out - - - - J Mr, Egan - - $ Tellers for the Noes, who ] Mr. M'Clelland staid within - - - { Mr. Bushe - . | 63 It pa ( Ted in the negative. Then the faid Bill, according to order, was read the third time. The following en^
roffed Claufe was offered as a rider to be added to the faid Bill: " Whereas the aforefaid Cornelius Grogan was, at the time of the Treafon afore- cc faid by him committed, and at the time of his death, feifcd in common with the " Right Honourable Charles Lord Baron Monck, of the Manor of Ballytrammon, r< anci other Lands in the faid county of Wexford: And whereas much inconveni- " ence is likely to arife to the faid Lord Baron Monck, and his heirs, in cafe the laid " Cornelius Grogan s undivided proportion thereof fhall be feifed as forfeited into " the hands of the Crown, without previous provifion made for the eafy partition fC of
the faid Manor and Lands ; Be it therefore enafted by the Authority afore- " faid, That it fnall and may be lawful to and for the faid Charles Lord Baron " Monck, his heirs and affigns, immediately after the paffing of this Aft, and " whether the faid Cornelius Grogan's undivided proportion of the faid Manor and " Lands fnall or fhall not be then feifcd into the aftual poffeffion of His Majefty, " His Heirs, and SuccefTors, to inftitute and profecute fuch fuit or fuits in equity as tc now permitted between lubjeftsof this realm, in order to obtain a fair and equal < c partition of the faid Manor and Lands, with their appurtenances, according to his "
or their title and interefl therein, as if this Aft had not been made, nor the faid il Cornelius Grogan attainted of Treafon, fave that the Attorney General for the time " being of His Majefty, His Heirs, and Succeffors fhall be made a Defendant to " fuch fuit, and that it fhall not be neceffary for the faid Lord Baron Monck, his " heirs, or affigns, to proceed by petition of right or otherwife, fave as aforefaid, to cc obtain fuch partition. And be it a! fo enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That " whether fuch fuit as aforefaid fnall be commenced and profecuted againft the faid tc Attorney General for the time being, as the only defendant thereto, or
againft " the perfon or perfons whom the law or praftice of court of equity requires to be " made parties to fuch fuit, together with the faid Attorney General, fuch fuit fhall " be proceeded on in all things as is now ufual in fuits in equity, wherein His Ma- " jefty's Attorney General is made defendant on behalf of His Majefty, and as if the " faid Cornelius Grogan were not hereby attainted of Treafon, and his Lands and " Tenements vefted in the Crown without office found. And be it further enafted " by the Authority aforefaid, That on the execution and return of the commiffion of " perambulation to be awarded and iffued in fuch fuit, fuch
decree of partition fhall c< be made and pronounced as is ufual in cafes between fubjefts of this realm; and " that fuch decree as aforefaid, when figned and enrolled of record, fhall be bind- " ing and conclufive on His Majefty, His Heirs, and Succeffors, and all other per- , c fons parties to the faid fuit, and thofe claiming under them, and that from and " immediately after the figning and enrolment of the faid decree, the faid Lord lc Baron Monck, his heirs, and affigns, fhall be and become feifed in feveralty ( ac- " cording to his and their title and intereft which he or they had in the faid Manor " and Lands before the patting of this Aft)
of his or their now undivided propor- tf tion