Evidence and Proceedings on the Bill of Attainder for Cornelius Grogan Esq
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Evidence and Proceedings on the Bill of Attainder for Cornelius Grogan Esq
Date of Article: 14/05/1805
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No Pages: 1
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•* 4 ( Ireland.)— EVIDENCE AND PROCEEDINGS RESPECTING Relolved, That this Houfe will, in a quarter of an hour, refolve itfelf int> a Committee of the whole Houfe, to take the faid Bill into further confider- ation. ^ The Houfe, according to order, refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to take into further con'fideratio'n a Bill for the Attainder of Edward Fitz- gerald commonly called Lord Edward Fitzgerald, Cornelius Grogan, and Beauchamp ' Bagenal Harvey., deceafed, of High Treason} and, after fome time fpent therein ( it appearing upon a divifion in the Committee that there were not forty members prcfent)
Mr. Speaker refumed the chair. And then the Houfe being told, and forty members being prefent, A Motion was made, and the Queftion being put, that this Houfe do forthwith refolve itfclf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to take the faid Bill into further confideration; It was carried in the affirmative. Then the Houfe accordingly refolved itfelf into the faid Committee ; and, after fome time fpent therein, Mr. Speaker refumed the chair, and the Right Honour- able Mr. Corry reported from the Committee, that they had gone through the faid Bill, and that he was ready to report when the Houfe will pieafe to receive the fame. Ordered,
That the faid Report be received at the next fitting of the Houfe. SMati, Ordered, That the Right Honourable Mr. Attorney General do make the Report 250dieAugufti fr0m the Committee of the whole Houfe, to whom it was referred to take into con- fideration a Bill for the Attainder of Edward Fitzgerald, Cornelius Grogan, and Beauchamp BagenalHarvey, deceafed, of High Treafon. Then Mr. Attorney General accordingly reported that the Committee had gone through the faid Bill, paragraph by paragraph, and made feveral amendments therein, which he read in his place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table, where the fame
were read. REPORT. Mr. SPEAKER, The Committee of the whole Houfe, to whom it was referred to take into confi- deration a Bill for the Attainder of Edward Fitzgerald commonly called Lord Ed- ward Fitzgerald, Cornelius Grogan, and Beauchamp Bagenal Harvey, deceafed, of High Treafon, have gone through the fame paragraph by paragraph, and made the following amendments: Fo. I. line 14.— After the words Edward Fitzgerald, deceafed, the following words were inferted, " as from the fiift day of December « 1797." 15.— After the words Cornelius Grogan, deceafed, the following words were inferted, " as from the firft
day of June 1798 ," 15.— After the words Beauchamp Bagenal Harvey, deceafed, the fol- lowing words were inferted, " as from the fifth dav of June " 1798." Fo. 1, line 3.— After the word the the following words were inferted, " faid refpec- " tive days on which the faid Edward Fitzgerald, the faid Cor- " nelius Grogan, and the faid Beauchamp Bagenal Harvey, are " hereby adjudged to be attainted as aforcfaid refpe&' ively j" and the following words were exDunged, " firft day of November , " I797-" 11.— The word June was inferted, and the word March expunged. Fo. 3. line 1.— After the word Corporate the following words were
inf. 1 ted, " by " any of faid offenders refpedively, or by any peribn or per- < f fons claiming by, from, or under him, hem, or any of them, before the refpeftive periods from which each of them " refpeaively ( hall by this Aft ftand attainted, for good and va- " luable confideration j" and the remaining words, to the end of the fourth line, were expunged. Fo. 3,