Evidence and Proceedings on the Bill of Attainder for Cornelius Grogan Esq
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Evidence and Proceedings on the Bill of Attainder for Cornelius Grogan Esq
Date of Article: 14/05/1805
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No Pages: 1
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•* 4 ( Ireland.)— EVIDENCE AND PROCEEDINGS RESPECTING Bagnal Harvey, deceafed, of High Treafon; and, after fome time fpent therein, Mr. Soeaker relumed the chair; and the Right Honourable Mr. Corry reported from the Committee, that they had made iome progrefs in the matter to them refer: ed, and that he was diredled by the Committee to defire leave to fic again. Refolved, That this Houfe will to- morrow refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to take the laid Bill into further confidential. M, ra: rr, Ordered, That Captain Alexander M'Manus, George Wickham, Wi lliam Kellett 15" d- eAufvfii and his Wife
do attend the Committee of the whole Houfe, to whom it is referred 1798- to take into confutation a Bill for the Attainder of Edward Fitzgerald commonly called Lord Edward Fitzgerald, Cornelius Grogan, and Beauchamp Bagenal Harvey, deceafed, of High Treafon. Ordered, That the faid Committee be empowered to receive a claufe or claufes to fecure the propeity cf Charles Lord Monck, in the Manor of Ballytrammon, in the county of Wexford, from the conlequences of the Attainder of Cornelius Grogan, Efq. The Houfe, according to order, refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to take the laid Bill into further
confideration ; and, after fome time fpent therein, Mr. Speaker rtfumed the chair; and the Right Honourable Mr. Corry reported from the Committee, that they had made fome progrefs in the matter to them referred, and that he was direfted by the Committee to defire leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Lloufe will to- morrow refolve itfelf into a Committee cf the whole Houfe, to take the faid Bill into further confidcration. Sabbari, Ordered, That Tresham Gregg and William Henry Archer do attend the Committee 18iJicAugufei of the whole Houfe, to whom it is referred to take into confideration a Bill for the ^ S8- Attainder of Edward
Fitzgerald commonly called Lord Edward Fitzgerald, Cornelius Grogan, Beauchamp Bagenal Harvey, deceased, of High Treason. Ordered, That Alderman Rose, Stuckey Simon, John Geale, Gabriel Cottany, Arthur Murphy, Bryan Roche, and Sylvester Harpur, do attend the said Committee. Ordered, That Ebenezar Jacob, Solomon Richards, William Archer, William Hughes, Henry Hughes, Nicholas Gray, James Goodall, Joseph Gray, Samuel Cooper, Samuel Lahee, the Reverend Mr. Curran, Ambrose Boxwell, Samuel Boxwell, Jcseph Gladwin, John Cardiff, William Kearney, John Devereaux, William Devereaux, William
Sparrozv, Anthony Lee, Thomas Hoare, James Devereaux, James Murphy, Denis Murphy, Nicholas Dixon, and Clement Prendergast, do attend the Committee of the whole Houfe, to whom it is referred to take into confideration a Bill for the Attainder of Edward Fitzgerald commonly called Lord Edward Fitzgerald, Cornelius Grogan, and Beauchamp Bagenal Harvey, deceased, of High Treason. Refolved, That this Houfe do forthwith resolve itielf into the faid Com- mittee. Then the Houfe accordingly refolved itfelf into the faid Committee; and, after fome time fpent therein, Mr. Speaker refumed the chair; and the Right Honourable
Mr. Corry reported from the Committee, that they had made lome progrefs in the matter to them referred, and that he was directed by the Committee to defire leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will on Monday next refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to take the faid Bill into further confideration. ] ut! a, t The Houfe, according to order, refolved itftlf into a Committee of the whole 200dieAxigufii Houfe, to take into further confideration a Biil for the Attainder of Edward Fitz- 179b'; gerald commonly called Lord Edward Fitzgerald, Cornelius Grogan, and Beauchamp Bagenal Harvey, deceaftrd, of High Treaion;
and, after fome time fpent therein, Mr. Speaker refumtd the chair; and the Right Honourable Mr. Ccrry reported from the Committee, that they had made fome progrefs in the matter to them referred, and that he was directed by the Committee to delire leave to fit again. Refolvedi