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The Northampton Mercury


Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Volume Number: LXXXV    Issue Number: 8
No Pages: 4
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The Northampton Mercury
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The Northampton Mercury

Date of Article: 27/04/1805
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: LXXXV    Issue Number: 8
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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aiiijpt0ii etrturg. • j JS sy m m m?/ Vol. LXXXV. No. 8. Ready Money is expectcd with Advertisements. SATURDAY, April 27, 1805. PRICE SIXPENCE, \ • , ' ( Paper and Fruit » 4< f. Sjd. KJ » ADVERTISEMENTS are taken in by Messrs, TAYI. F. R & NEWTON, Warwick- Square, and at the CHAPTER and PFF. LE'S COFFEE- HOUSES, London ( where this Paper is regularly filed); also bv Mr. SMITH, and Mr. WIBII, Bedford; Ji ivkiiSWi, Huntingdon; Pox, St. Keots; JACOB, Peterborough ; SEELEY, Buckingham; SHARP, Warwick; WARD, Stratford- upon- Avon; LF. ICH, Atherstone; TOOKF. Y, Oundle; RCSIIER, Banbury; by the PRINTERS of all tiie COUNTRY PAPERS; and by the NEWSMEN. K?" To prevent Disappointment, our Advertising Friends are requested to send their Favours as early in the Week as possible. Sunday and Tuesday's Posts. LOxN DON, April 23. THE Hamburgh Mail due on Sunday arrived this morning.— A letter from Vienna, dated April 6th, states as follows:—" While numerous reports are circulated in various places, that a • war ae: un threatens to break out on the Continent, our Cabinet labours with more activity than ever to preserve that neutrality which it has hitherto maintained; and it is certain that all proposals for forming such connections as may lead to war, have been positively rejected." Bonaparte is arrived at Lyons, where he has alreadv issued several Imperial Decrees. After his coronation at Milan, he intends making a tour through the southern provinces of France. The new Dutch Constitution, it seems, has teen accepted; though the sense of the people with respect to it may be pretty well guessed, from the number of those who did not vote being ten tomes greater than the number of those who did: but silence, say the Gallo- Batavian Constitutiou- jnongers, gives consent! Intelligence is said to have been received at the head quarters at Flushing, of the sailing of the Spanish fleet from Cadiz, consisting of twelve ships of the line. It is said to he destined for Ferrol, there to join the squadron which has so long been blockaded, and to proceed from thence to Brest. Viee- Admiral Sir John Thomas Duckworth is arrived at Portsmouth in the Acasta frigate. She has on board near half a million of dollars for the. merchants in the West- India trade. By theAcasta accounts have been received, that the Emperor Dessalines was, at the time of this slap's sailing, upon his march against the town of St. Domingo with 20,0CH) men, under four div isions, each commanded by a Black General. Advices from the Isle of France state, that on the 28th December, Admiral Linois, in the Ma- rengo roan of war, and three frigates, arrived there with several prizes, mostly country ships, anil laden with rice; also the Prince of Wales East- Indiaman, which had been some time missing, which tiie . French intended to lit out as a man of war. The expedition under Sir James Craig, ' which tailed on Friday, consists of nearly 50 vessels, with 50U0 troops on board, and very large quanti- ties of ordnance, ammunition, and stores of every kind. In addition to the Queen and Dragon, this lleet is to be escorted by five sail of the line as far as Gibraltar. Admiral Knight, whose flag is on board the Queen, has taken with him a number of gun- boats; they are to be employed against the Spanish row- boats, which tc- aze and harass our mer- ckutt- vesscls in passing through the Straits. A very considerable bet was laid last week by an eminent speculator, at the Stock- Exchange, in London. He gave 300 guineas to receive .£ ,1000, if the current price of Lottery Tickets is 4 or upwards, before the drawing.— Last Lottery, it seems, thev rose to <£'. 32 5s. and as the sale this MILLINERY AND DlfESS- MAKING. WANTED immediately, Two Apprentices to the above Businesses.- Apply to Mesdms. E. and P. MEADOWS, Newport- Pagnell, Bucks. A C T WANTED, A GENTLEMAN, in Priest's Orders, to take a Curacy in the Neighbourhood of a large Market Town on the Northamptonshire Side of Leicestershire. 03" The Salary,£. 70 per Annum; easy Duty, and no House. %* Letters ( Post- paid) addressed to A. Z. Post- Office, Market- Harborough, Leicestershire, will be duly attended to. WANTED, for the Parish of TOWCESTETi, APERSON who will undertake the MANAGE- MENT of the POOR, and can introduce a MANUFACTORY in the SACKING and ROPE BUSINESS. £ 3* A suitable Application will meet with every Encouragement, by applying to the Officers of the said Parish. *** The Grand Junction Canal passing through the Neighbourhood, will add to the Interest of such an Undertaking. Towcester, April 11 th, 1805. APRIL 25th, 1805. IF WILLIAM WALKER, LABOURER, who some Time since resided at or near Northampton, and formerly of Stony- Stratford, Bucks, will apply to Mr. BHICCS, at the Rote- and- Crown, Gold- Street, NORTHAMPTON; or to GEORGE HURST, of MANS- FIELD, Nottinghamshire, he will hear of Something to his Advantage. I » GRAND JUNCTION CANAL. fTMIE Day for entering upon the Merits df the I Petition against the Grand Junction Canal Bill, now pending in Parliament, is postponed from the 25th to Monday the 29th Day of April instant; on which Day it will come before' an open Committee of the HoHse of Commons, at Twelve o'Clock. The following ( among other alarming Provisions ot the Bill) are submitted to the Public :— By one Clause, the Tonnage on a Barge of 60 Tons Burthen, passing the whole Line of the Canal, which according to the original Act paid £. 11 5s. is intended to be increased to.£. 31 2s. 6d. By another Clause, a partial extra Tonnage is in- tended to be laid on short Distances; by which, a Barge, that by the original Act paid 2s. 6d. foraMile, will be advanced to£. l 16s. 3d. By another Clause, Land- Owners will in many Instances be precluded from having Access to the Canal, without the Consent of the Company. 83" It is presumed that all Canals leading into the Grand Junction will be very materially affected by such an Increase of Tonnage, as it will prevent many Things, and particularly heavy Goods, from being conveyed upon it; NOTICE TO DEBTORS. ALL Persons indebted to the Estate of the late - Mr. PETER CREAK, of YELDON, Bedford- shire, deceased, are desired to pay the Amount of their Debts to Mr. B. Welstcad, of Kimbolton, on or before the 1st Day of May next, or they will be immediately sued for the same without further Notice. Lottery is considerably better than the last, and the Scheme bv far the richest in Capital Prizes, he CCSIa/ uty sciimte" a gotni —** trninia;: his bet, Charles Buxton, Esq. and Mr. Thomas Hall, fee dealer in horses, have lately concluded a bet of rive hundred guineas, which of the two is the best driver of four unruly horses that have not been broke in. Lords Barrymore and Cranley are chosen the umpires; and the bot^ ngs already are said to be considerable. A respectable inhabitant of the countv of Norfolk has been convicted and fined in the full penalty, for a profanation of the Sabbath by digging in his garden. Dreadful Fire.— On Sunday night, about nine o'clock, one of the extensive flour- mills of Messrs. John and Charles Millwood, at Bromley, near Bow, in Middlesex, was discovered to be on fire, and every possible exertion was used by the inha- bitants of' Bow, Bromley, Stratford, and the sur- rounding neighbourhood, to get it under, but without effect, us it soori communicated to the second milL About eleven o'clock the fire had got so much a head, that every exertion to stop it proved ineffectual, and the flames communicated to two other large flour- mills', which were also con- sumed, together with several out- houses and cot- tages. The premises which are completely levelled with the ground by this calamity, were situated at the northern extremity of what is called the Lime- house, or Bromley Cut, being an artificial channel, connecting the Thames with the river Lea. The mills were the property of J. Lockwood, Esq. of Lambourn, in Essex. The cost of the erection of the mills was only J .8,000, they wtre insured at „£. 10,000, but we - understand, in consequence of the prodigious increase in the price of labour and timber, they cannot be rebuilt at a less expence than double the amount of the sum insured.— The other build- ings which have been reduced to a state of ruin, are two granaries of Messrs. Milhvofld, and one of Messrs. Hatch and Co. and a small dwelling- house, w ith a counting- house attached to it. The extremity of a malt- house across the channel was burnt, and the boarded front of a cottage, on the north side, was ripped off to protect the conti- guous edifices. Two barges afloat, the one laden, the other empty, were burnt to the water's edge; a pleasure boat, by the activity of the populace, was rescued from the danger. Had not the wind suddenly turned to. the north- east, the spacious structure of tiie distillery of Messrs. Hatch and Co. and the adjoining village, must inevitably have been involved in the common calamity.— For nearly two hours the fire raged with unabating fury, before any engine was brought to diminish its violence. All the inflammable materials on the adjacent road and bridge, and even the piles in the stream, to the distance of 80 feet from the principal scene of the conflagration, were in a blaze, and presented a spectacle not less singular than terrific. About 700 sacks of flour, and some hundred quarters of corn, have been burnt.— We have much satisfaction in stating, that no person whatever received the smallest personal injury, except one man, who was bruised in the hand by the falling of a beam.— iNo certain cause can In' assigned for the accident, but it is generally imagined, it arose from the heating of the wheels iu the mill. The premises had been shut up, and no work whatever done from three o'clock that afternoon. On Saturday se'nnight, John Waltho was exe- cuted at Stafford, pursuant to the sentence passed upon him at the last, assizes, for setting fir- to a barn at Armitage. - It appears that he committed the ofifcncc for which he suffered fifteen years ago; auotlter instance that an over- ruling Providence directs that all crimes of an heinous nature shall sooner or later be brought to j[ ight, and the perpe- trators receive such punishment as their olfenccj - deserve ! NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. A LI. Persons having any Claim or Demand l \ upon the Estate and Eflectsof Mr. WILLIAM CROSON, late of EVERSKOLT, in the County of Bedford, Maltster and Farmer, deceased, are requested to transmit an Account of the same to his Executor, Mr. Richard Croson, of Eversholt aforesaid; or Mr. Eagles, Solicitor, of Ampthil!; in order that the same may be immediately aitchufted . And ail Per- sons indebted to the said Estate, are desired forthwith to pay their respective Debts to the said Mr. Richard Croson. Ampthill, < Hd April, 1805. To the CREDITORS of HENRY THEOBALDS, late of FENNY- STRATFORD, in the County if Bucks, hmlioldcr. ALL Persons who have delivered in an Account . of their Demands on the said H F. NRY THEOBALDS to Mr. Willis, of Leighton- Bussard, Solicitor, may instantly, by applying to him, receive a Composition of five Shillings in the Potind for their respective Debt.-;, out of the Monies made of the Elfects ot the said Hjiry Theobalds; and all Persons who shall not apply and receive such Composition before the first Day of May next, will be excluded from the Benefit thereof, and of receiving the same. /. eight on - B ussarl, Ibth March, 1805. 12th FEBRUARY, 1805. " jpURSTTANT ton Decree of the High Court Chancer)', made in a Cause PIERSON against BLOOME, the Creditors of THOMAS BI. OOME, formerly of ARRERFOF. D, in the County of York, and late of DAVENTRY, in the County of Northampton, Land- Surveyor, deceased ( who died on or abour the 4th of June, 1798), are to come in and pruve their Debts before James Stanley, Esq. one of the Masters of the said Courr, at his Chambers, in Southampton- Buildings, Chancery- Lane, London, on or before the twentieth Day of Slay, 1805 ; or in Default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded the Benefit of the said Decree. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. ALI. Persons having any Claims or Demands upon the Estate and fiff'ects of RICHARD HOW, late of MARRET - HARBOROUCH, in the County of Leicester, Tammy- Merchant, deceased ( who have not already sent in their Accounts), are re- quested to send a Particular thereof to Mr. Adams, of Market- Harborough aforesaid, one of his Executors, that the same may be investigated and settled; and all Persons indebted to the said Richard How, at the Time of his Decease, who have not discharged their respective Debts, arc requested to pay the same to Mr. Adams, at Market- Harborough aforesaid. Market. Harborcugb, 10/ A April, 1805. TOWCESTFR, April 15th, 1805. GALLARD, CHYMIST, DRUGGIST, » ;, and GROCER, impressed with a Sense of Gratitude for the liberal Encouragement he has- met with since his Commencement in Business, takes this Opportunity of returning his sincere Thanks to his Friends and the Public in general; and hopes, by an unremitting Attention to Business, to merit a Conti- nuance of their Favours; and by whom they may at all Times be supplied with every genuine Medicine of Repute. ( p3" PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS prepared with the greatest Exactness and Attention. B 111 T I S II W 111 T E W 1 N II, Equal to the finest Sherry. THE exorbitant Price of Foreign Wines induces the Advertiser to olier to the Public a Substitute little inferior to the best Foreign White Wines. This Wine is obtained from the Produce of this Country; few Wines have greater Strength, pleasanter Flavour, or are more salubrious; it is grateful to the most delicate Constitutions, and without the Aid of Spirits will keep to airy Number of Years, and vearly improve in Richness and Flavour; it is so disguised in the Preparation, that the nicest Palate cannot dis- cover of what Fruit it is made, though only of one Kind, which may be purchased in every Part of the Kingdom. It is solely the Invention of the Advertiser; and has always been considered as the best Foreign Wine by all that have tasted it, and have not been informed to the contrary; its Colour is nearest to that of Madeira. The above Wine answers every Purpose of Foreign White Wines for Jellies, Sauces, made Dishes, & c. & c. It has likewise the good Property of not be- coming flat after the Bottle is opened, and two Months after that time ( though frequently opened) the last GIas$ is equal to the first. It is proposed to have 600 Subscribers, at Half- a- Guinea each, and at the Completion of that Number, the Receipts, with the entire Management of the Wine, will be delivered to each Subscriber. CfT The utmost Expence attending it will not be more than four Shillings per Gallon, *** Persons wishing to become Subscribers, mav leave their Names with Mr. Jacob, Peterborough"; Mr. Newcomb, Stamford; Mr. Hodson, Cambridge ; Messrs. Dicey & Sutton, Northampton; Mr. Spong, Wellingborough; and Mr. Allen, Higham- Ferrers; where a List of respectable Subscribers may be seen, who have had Specimens of the Wine; aiid at Mr. Woodman's, Castor, near Peterborough, who is the Advertiser. N. B. Those who wish to honour the Advertiser with their Subscription, are requested to give in their Names as early as possible, as the Receipts will shortly be dispersed. To be" SOLD by A U C T 1 O N, By R. M. JONES, On the Premises of Messrs. Pursel, ofWAPPEN- HAM, in the County of Northampton, on Monday the 29th Day of April, 1805, ALL the genteel HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE - of the said Messrs. PURSEI.; consisting of Bedsteads and Furniture; Feather and Flock Beds and Bedding; Dimity and other Counterpanes; Mahogany, Dining, and other Tables; Mahoganv and other Chairs; Pier and Swing Glasses; Chests of Drawers; Clock and Case; Roasting- Jack and Kitchen Grate; Pewter and Brass; Fire- Irons; Brewing Copper, Tubs, and Barrels; with many other Articles too numerous to insert. ! JT Tile Sale will commence precisely at Ten o'Clock in the Morning. " To be ^ SOLl) by AUCTION, By A. Ai. $ 0A'JSJ, At FARTHING STONE, in the Countv of North- ampton, on Thursday and Friday the' 2d and 3d . Days of Mav, 1805, ALL the STOCK in TRADE of Mr. HURLEY, who has declined Business; consisting of 50 Dozen Fellies, 70 Waggon Raves, 30 Dozen Spokes, 20 Pair of Shafts, seven Pair of Waggon Sides, and seven Pair of Cart Ditto; 600 Feet of Inch Elm Boards, and 600 Ditto of Half- inch Ditto; 17 Pair of Hubs, and 20 Axletrees; Bolsters, Guides, Staves, and all Sorts of Wheelwright's and Ploughwright's Stuff; a Quantity of Two- Inch Oak Plank and inch Boards; a Quantity of Oak, Ash, and Elm Timber, in the Log; an Engine for boring; and a Lathe, for turning Hubs; with a general Assortment of Wheel- wright's Tools, & c. & c. Also HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE; consisting of- Bedsteads and Furniture, Feather and Flock Beds, Dining and other Tables; Half a Dozen handsome Chairs, a Corner Cupboard, a Pair of Steelyards, Clock and Case, Fire- irons, Pewter and Brass, Brew- ing Copper and Grate, Tubs and Barrels, with iriany other Articles. if^ T The Wheelwright's Stock will be sold the first Day, and the Household- Furniture the last. *** The Sale will commence each Day at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon. F T- FU. CH. COX, No. 104, ST. MARTIN'S- LANE, . HARING- CROSS, LONDON ( Son of the late Mr. EDWARD COX, of Northampton,) with all due Deference, informs the Nohilitv and Gentry, that he has opened WARE- ROOMS in the above Situation, and commenced Business in the UPHOLSTERY and CABINET LINE ; and begs Leave to ott'.- r to their Consideration Articles in those respective Branches, of genuine Taste and the best Quality, on Terms which he trusts will meet their Approbation, and, he hopes, ensure him their Confidence. iff E. T. Cox having had Opportunity of seeing Business executed in the first Stile of Fashion, from his various Situations, and having just left the Employ of one of the principal Houses in the above Branches, at the West End of the Town, as- sures himself, through Workmen he has engaged of the first Class, he shall be. enabled to give the most ample Satisfaction to those who may honour him with their Commands. GENERAL 1N FIRM ART," N OKT11A J F 1 ' TON, APRIL 20th, 1805. '' HIS is to give Notice, That on SATURDAY the FOURTH Day of MAY next, will be held a GENERAL COllRT, at Twelve o'Clock in the Ftfrenoon, to take the Ri4. t of the Committee con- cerning the pi.^ ent State of this Society; and such Persons as wish to serve the Infirmary, are desired to send tlieir Proposals, sealed up, to the Secretary, on or before Twelve o'Clock on that Day, mentioning at what Rate they are willing to furnish the following Articles for the' ensuing Quarter, viz. BUTCHER'S MEAT, FLOUR, BREAD, made of all good Wheat, in Loaves of 14 Ounces each, MALT, CANDLES, RICE, SUGAR, and SOAP, in order that the most reasonable may be accepted. And it is further requested, that the Bills due by the Infirmary to the 4th of May next, may be then sent in to be examined and discharged. By Older of the Committee, W. 1NGMAN, Secretary'. OUNDLE, Northamptonshire. Printing, Bookbinding, • HutujaaTy, and Warehouse. Paper- I RUSI N ON ASSOCIATION, For prosecuting ROBBERS, THIEVES, & c. THE Annual Meeting of the Members of the above Association will be held at the CULLEN- ARMS, at RUSHTON, in tht County of Northampton, OH MONDAY the 6th of MAY next. - - HUGH PARRY, Solicitor and Treasurer to the said Association. Market- Harborough, tsd April, 1805. rpi 10. MAS BF. ll acquaints his Friends and the 1 Public, lie intends carrying on the above Busi- nesses in all their various Branches; and hopes, by Attention to all Orders, and Neatness and Punctuality in rite Execution of them, to merit their Patronage.— He has likewise an elegant and fashionable Assortment of PAPER HANGINGS, GOLD and SILVER PAPER, and ORNAMENTS for LAOIES' WORK. (£ 3" A JOURNEYMAN WANTED immediately. April 10/ h, 1805. - To be SOLD by AUCTION, By R. S Af IT PI, On Monday the 29th of April, 1S05, between the Hours ot Three and Five o'clock in the Afternoon, at the Talbot Inn, Oundle, ASubstantial Stone - built DWF. I, LING- HOUSE, pleasantly situated ( in the MARKFT- PLAI- F, in OUNDLE, ' in the Countv of North- ampton), for Trade, or a neat Residence'for a genteel Family, now in the Occupation of Mr. B. Knibb. Also, will be sold, in Lots, upwards of 150 Acres, more or less, of rich MEADOW and ARABLE LAND, lying in the Open Fields of OUNDLE, now in the Occupation of Mr. John Austin. pi" Possession of the Whole may be had at Mi- chaelmas next. Particulars of the said Estates may be had of Mr. BAI. DERSTON,- Solicitor, or Mr. JOHN HEWSON, or Mr. J. SMITH, of Oundle. LAVEWBON, April 83, 1805. Y\ 7" HEREAS on Friday Night the 19th, or v * early on Saturday Morning the 20th Instant, A BLACK CART MARE., eight Years old, WAS TAKEN AWAY from L AVEN DON- UPHOE, in the Parish of LA V ENDON, and County of Bucks.— The said Mart is about four- teen Hands high, or rather more, has a wide Blaze down the f ace to the Nose, some white Hairs at the Top of her Forehead, and two white Legs behind, nearly up to the I locks. Whoever wiK bring the said Mare to Mr. JottN PARISH, of Lavendon aforesaid, shall receive a Re- ward of TWO GUINEAS, and have all reasonable CHarges paid. To COVER, this Season, 1805, ~ AT Mr. WILLIAM ODF. LL'S, Horse - Dealer, . Abington- Street, NORTHAMPTON, at OneGuinea and a Half each Mare, and Two Shillings and Sixpence the Groom, YOUNG HUE- AND- CRY. He is rising six Years old, perfectly sound, stands fifteen Hands two Inches high, and is of particular good Actian. He was got by that well- known Horse Pretender ( who trotted- sixteen Miles within the Hour, late the Property of Mr. C. Wroot, of Long- Sutton), his Dam by Old Hue- and- Cry; her Dam was bred bv Mr. Parker, of Thornev, out of a Mare got by the Duke of Bolton's Mogul, and is own Brother to Dash and Enchanter. ( jdT YOUNG HUF.- AND- CRY will beat Home every Morning, except Friday Morning; at Towcester, every Tuesday; Daventry, every Wednesday; Swan Inn, Wellingborough, eyery Thursday Night; George Inn, Kettering, every Friday ; Lamport, every Fridav Night; and at Northampton the Rest of the Time. * » * All barren Mares, covered by him last Year, at Half- a- Guinea each. To COVER, this Season, 1805, At ROCKINGHAM CASTLE, Northamptonshire, at One Guinea each Mare, and 2s. 6d. the Croom, ( GOVERNOR. — He was got by Trumpatori JT his Dam by Highflyer, Grand- dam ' Otluotliea) by Otho, Great- gratid- dam by Snap, Great- great- grand- dam by Regulus, Great- great- great- grand- dam ( which was Wildair's Dam) by Steady.— Steady was got by Childers. 8rr He was bred by the Earl of Clermont, and considered very promising when young, but he unfor- tunately fell lame in training, and never started. To be SOL D by AUCTION, By JOSEPH DUDLEY, On Wednesday the 1st Day of May, 1805, between the Hours of Two and Five in the Afternoon, atlhe House of Mr. William Perkins, known by the Sign of the Old Sportsman, at Steeple- Claydon, in the County of Bucks ( under such Conditions of Sale as will be then produced), A FREEHOLD . MESSUAGE OR TENEMENT, JC\ with TWO BLACKSMITH'S SHOPS and PENT- HOUSE, ONE BUTCHER'S SHOP and STABLE, together with a large ORCHARD and GARDEN, well planted with choice Fruit Trees, thereunto adjoining and belonging, situate at Steeple- Claydon aforesaid, and now in the Occupation of Thomas Grace, Blacksmith, and William Boddington. [ fT F or further Particulars, apply to JOSEPH DUDLEY, Auctioneer, of Winslow. MARKET- HARBOROUGII, April 10th, 1805. NOTICE is hereby given, That in case any Person or Persons now have any Claims or Demands on the PARTNERSHIP heretofore carried on at MARKET- HARBOROUCH, in the County of Lei- cester, under the Firm of RICHARD HOW & Co. which was dissolved in March, 1801, such Person or Persons are requested to send an Account thereof to Mr. Adams, of Market- Harhorough aforesaid, that the same mav be discharged; and all Persons indebted to the said Partnership at the Time of the Dissolution thereof, are requested forthwith to pay their respective Debts to tile said Mr. Adams. NOTLCILS HEREBY GI VEN, rpiIAT the Annual Meeting of the Trustees of I the Turnpike- Road leading from Banbury, in the Countv of Oxford, to the South End ot Mill Field, in the Parish of Lutterworth, in the County ot Lei- cester, will be held ar the WHEAT- SHEAF INN, in D WINTRY, on THURSDAY the 9th Day of MAY, 1895, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon; at which Meeting the TOLLS to arise for one Year, from the 25th Day of June next, at the several Toil- Gates hereunder- mentioned, will be LETT to 1 ARM by AUCTION, in Manner directed bv the Statute made ill the 13th Year of His Majesty's Reign, " tor regu- lating Turnpike- Roads;" which Tolls produced in the fast Year the several Sums hereunder set forth, and will be respectively put up at those Sums ( that is t0SaJi^ M- to fl' 0 o" ll'elton TM- Gate 41 0 U Dove Bridge Toll- GtU 17 0 0 Whoever happen to be the Best Bidders must at the same Time give sufficient Surety for Payment of the Rents at such Times as the Trustees shall appoint.— < Vnd Notice is further given, that those Persons who, for the Purposes - of Occupation of their Farms, are entitled to compound for their Tolls at any or either of the said Gates, mav compound with the Trustees for such foils immediately before the Gates are put up.— Dated the 10th of April, 1805 Iin- TfW By Order « f tl) « Trustees, EBM. BURIVN. LHMINGTON SPA, near Warwick. To be peremptorily SOLD by AUCTION, By DANIEL FROST, At the New Inn, in Lemington, on Wednesday the first Day of May next, and entered upon imme- diately, A FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, J. 1L with the Shops, Outbuildings, Garden, and Appurtenances, desirably situated in the Village of l. EMINGTON aforesaid, lately in the Occupation of, and belonging to, William Biggs, deceased. 63T These Premises are in that Part of the Village where the salubrious and much- frequented Salt- Springs abound, and adjoin Mrs. Abbotts'^ at the Public Bathsy are opposite the Original Sprjng ( where a free Bath and Pump- Room are erecting), and are well worth the Attention of those who' frequent Lemington in the Bathing Season. %* The principal Part of the Purchase Money may remain, secured upon the Premises.— To view the same, apply to the AUCTIONEER, in Warwick. ' To be SOLD U C T IO N, By A. B ROIVNSGRAFE, On Thursday the 2d Day of May next, at the Cl* quer, in Rothersthorpi>, near Northampton, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, unless disposed of in the mean Time by Private Contract, of which Notice will be given. I. L that substantial Stone- built MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, with the Butcher's Shop, Barn, Stable, Pigsties, good Puinp, Garden, and a Close of Pasture, or Orchard, well planted, con- taining at^ out an Acre, contiguous thereto; and like- wise, a good TENEMENT adjoining the same; all which Premises were late in the Occupation of Mr. Robert Marriott, Butcher, and are a very desirable Purchase for any Person who may wish to carry on that Business, or any other Business requiring Room, and are very conveniently situated, being only three Miles from the Town of Northampton. ( i^ For a View of the Estate, apply at the Chequer, at Rothersthorpe; and for further Parti- culars, to Mr. Thomas Marriott, of Floore; or to Mr. Howes, Attorney at Law, Northampton. ' lb the Breeders of Sheep, & e. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. BOO XT, Upon the Premises of Mr. BUSWELL, of Thetford- jiear Market- Deeping, Lincolnshire ( who is leaving off the Ram- breeding Business), on Wed- nod n- and Thursday thelstand 2dof Mav, 1805, 1 • » HK't? K 1TONSJRFD SHEEP, v.- hh* h- r- - 1- bred with the greatest Care and Attention for nearly twenty Years. The Ewes are bred from Sons of Mr. White's J. Mr. Tomblin's G. hired of Mr. Bronihcad, and Mr. Deveral'i G. hired of Mr. Smith, of Stoke- Dry; some of these have been purchased of Wm. Waller, Esq. and Lord Winchilsea, but the principal Part of the Ewes are from the Flock of John Wingfield, Esq. who has hired Sheep of Mr. Stone at great Prices. Mr. Wingtield's fat- back Ram was used by Mr. Buswcll four Seasons. He was allowed by Judges to be the completest Sheep ever shewn in this Part of the Country, and was got by Mr. Stone's G. ' file Lambliogs, and Lambs sucking at the Ewes, are by two Sheep of Mr. Hand, of Redmile, bred from Mr. Wilson's and Mr. Stubbin's Flocks. Mr. Hand's Sheep, for Length of Wool, Size, Quality of Mutton, and Symmetry of Frame, stand unrivalled amongst the Breeders of Sheep. The Sheep will be sold in the following Order:— 50 Ewes, with Ram Lambs sucking at theiji, in Pairs; 50 Ewes, with Ewe Lambs sucking at them, in the same Manner; 50 Ewe- Hogs will be sold two in each Lot; the remaining Ewes and Wethers five in each Lot; also five Ross and Spanish Ewes, with three Lambs sucking at them, two of them are Rain Lambs, and purchased at the Marquis pf Exeter's Sale. The Rams are got by a Sheep trom His Majesty's Flock. Fifty Rams, bred as above; 21 are Shearlings and Two- shear Sheep, 27 of the l. ambhogs are by Mr. Hand's Sheep, and two of them by Mr. Wingtield's LK. A capital Dun Bull, S Years old, beautifully va. riegated with white Spots; some Heifers, by Mr. Murray's Bull, of Tinwell.— The remaining Part of the neat Stock, and Horses, will be inserted in future Paper. ( f5T Purchasers may be accommodated with six Months' Credit, it required.— The Stock may be viewed previous to the Day of Sale, by applying at the House. *,.' Gentlemen are requested at the Sale to wait while each Lot is brought out. ELIGIBLE RESIDENCE, TRING, Hertfordshire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, IN TWO LOTS, By Mr. BERRY, At the Rose- and- Crown Inn, Tring, on Friday the 10th Day of May, 1805, at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, rilWO large convenient COPYHOLD HOUSES I , 1 I T 1 T....\ ^: ... TUIVC To COVER, this Season, 1805, At the GRIFFIN INN, SOUTHAM, r I MI AT noted Horse, KIR BY; bred by Mr- I ABIJAH HILL, of Oflchurch Grounds, in the County of Warwick, at One Guinea a Mure, and Half- a- Crown the Man. tf3" KIRBY is nine Years old, got by Mr. John Moore's Horse, Packington; his Grand- ai. i bv Mr. Hood's old blind Horse, of Packinglon, in l^ icester- i", r tr!, h ^ at ihi^- <>- vi;. u - i. he was twenty- iwo Years old; Kirby's Main was got by the old Kiiby Horse; the old Kirby Horse was got by Mr. Hood's'old blind Horse, which got l'ack- ington's Grand- Dam.— K. irby is a sure Foal- getter, anil no Horse gets better Stock. (£ § " The Mares barren last Year to be covered at half Price.— Kiiby will always stand at Home. %* The Money to be paid at Midsummer next. AJ ( exonerated from Land- Tax), Situate at TRIN G in a very healthy Situation, with good Roads, thirty- one Miles from London, to which Stage- Coaches pass every Day. Lot 1 Comprises a large, convenient, new- built Dwelling- House, late in the Occupation of Mr. John Stubbe, Solicitor, desirably situated for the Residence of an independent or professional Gentleman, and ad- mirably calculated for a Boarding- School on a large Scale, or for the Establishment of a Brewery ; con- sisting of an Entrance- Passage, Lobby, and light Staircase; Dining- Parlour, Sitting- Room, and Study ; three principal Sleeping- Rooms, Drawing- Room, three Bedchambers, and a Store- Room, on tile upper Floor; several Closets, large Kitchen, Cellaring, Brewhouse, Stables, and requisite Offices; Yard, Garden, and productive Orchard; the Whole walled in, and laid out with singular Neatness and Taste.— Immediate Possession may be had. ( PT The Fixtures ( of which an Inventory will be produced at the Time of Sale) to be taken by the Purchaser, at a fair Valuation. Lot 2 Comprises a large convenient Dwelling- House, late in the Occupation of Mr. Bartholomew Rolls, situate adjoining Lot 1; consisting of two Parlours in Front, Drawing- Room, and six Sleeping- Rooms; Kitchen, Cellars, Brewhouse, Wood- House, with an excellent Granary over it; good Stabling, Chaise- House, and requisite Buildings; and a Yard and Garden walled in.— Immediate Possession maybe had. The Fence, to divide the Yard, to be made of Brick, or Oak Paling, at the joint Experice of the Purchasers, and not to exceed five Feet eight Inches in Height, unless by mutual Agreement. *** Conditions will be produced at the Time of Sale. • - N. B. Mav be viewed till the Sale; and printed Particulars had at the Ro'se- and- Crown, Tring; the Inns in the Neighbourhood; the King's Arms, Ox- ford- Street. London; and of Mr. Berry, General Agent) Walton. Terrace, Aylesbury. To COVER, this Season, 1805, At THOMAS ODELL'S, Dealer in Horses, WOBUR » 3 Bedfordshire, ALI. OPER, late the Property of Mr. Thomas I Coleman, of Billington, at One Guinea each Mare, and Half- a- Crown the Groom.— GALLOPER was got by that noted Horse Fidget, which was pur- chased by the late Duke of Bedford of Richard Vernon, Esq. for 2600Guineas; when three Years old he won upwards of 8000 Guiueas: His Dam by Young Mor- wick Ball.— Galloper is a remarkably healthv Horsa, and Master of fourteen Stone, is an excellent Hunter, very temperate, and a good Leaper. He will attend the following Markets:— Le; gbton, every Tuesday ; Dunstable, every Wednesdav ; Hemel- hempstead, every Thursday ; Newp'ort, rvery Satur- day ; and at Home the Remainder of the Week during the Season.— The Money to be paid at the Time of Covering, or at Midsummer next. His Stock is very promising, now rising three and four Years old. TURNPIKE- TOLLS TO LETT ~ " XTOTICE is hereby given, That the TOLLS _ L\ arising at the several Gates upon the Road leading from the East- End of Bromliani Bridge, in the County of Bedford, to the Turnpike- Road leading from Wellingborough to Olney, in the County of Bucks, and on the Road leading from the South End of the Town of Olney aforesaid, to the Road leading from Northampton to Newport- Pagnell, in the same County, will be separately LETT by AUCTION, for ONE YEAR, from the 13th Day of MAY next, at the BULL INN, in OLNEY aforesaid, on MONDAY the 6th Day of MAY next, between the Hours ot Twelve and Two o'Clock, in the Manner directed by an Act of Parliament passed in the 13th Yi^ r ot the Reign of His present Majesty King George the Third, " for regulating the Turnpike- Roads;" which Tolls produced the last Year, over and above the Expeiues of collecting them, the following Sums, viz. Bromham Gate £. 90 I 0 Lavendon Ditto 100 2 0 Ravensione Ditto 70 1 0 and will be put up at those Sums respectively. Whoever happen to be the Best Bidders, must at the same Time give Security, with sufficient Sureties, for the Payment of the Rents agreed for, at such Time and in such Proportions as the said Trustees shall direct. JOHN GARRARD, Clerk to the Trustees. Olney, April 19th, 18C5. " TURNPIKE^ TOLLS7O~ LEIT" " VT'OTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting of i-> the Trustees appointed by Act of Parliament for repairing the Highways from Old- Strattord, in the County of Northampton, to Dunchurch, in the County of Warwick, will be held, by Adjournment, at the SARACEN'S H.. AD INK-, in TOWCESTER, in the said County of Northampton, on THURSDAY the SIXTEENTH Day of MAY next, at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon of the same Day, for trans- acting such Matters as shall be then thought necessary for repairing the said Highways; at which Time ana Place the TOLLS arising at the four several Toll- Gates on the same Highways, called OLD- STRATSORD GATE, TOWCESTER GATE, STOW- HILI GATE, ; nd DRAYTON- LANE GATE, will be LETT to FARM by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder or Bidders, between the Hours of Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon and Three of the Clock in the Atiernoon of the same Day, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of his present Majesty King George the Third," for regulating Turnpike- Roads. jpl" Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder or Biuders must forthwith pay Fifty Pounds in. Advance for each Gate, and produce sufficient Sureties, and give Security, for Payment of the Residue of the Rents at such Time or Times as shall be then agreed on between them ar. d the said Trustees. By Order of the said Trustees, Daventry, AprilVi, 1805. A. Mi E RES, their Clerk. o Wednesday and Thursday's Posts. From the LONDON GAZETTE. ADMIRALTY- OFFICE, April, 23. VICE- Adtniral Sir Andrew Mitchell, Com- mander in Chief at Halifax, acquaints Mr. Marsden," in a letter ( fated Bermuda; 24th March, with the capture of the Cleopatra frigate, Captain Sir Robert Lawrie, on February 17th, by the French frigate La Ville de Milan, after a severe action of three houra and a quarter; and that the Leander, Captain Talbot, fortunately fell in, five days alter, with both ships, look La Ville de Milan, and retook the Cleopatra. " No language of mine ( says tho Admiral) can" do sufficient justice to the perseverance in the chace, and gallant conduct of Sir Robert Lawrie, Bart, his officers, and young ship's company ( many of them being under twenty), in the action with the enemy, which will ever re- flect the highest honour on them." " The Cleopatra mounted 32 guns, and had 200 men on, board.— The Ville dc Milan is a remarkably fine and handsome frigate, about one year old, mounts 46 guns, and had on board 360 men as | her complement, besides a number of officers and \ soldiers of the French artny, going passengers to Europe. The officers of La Ville de Milan agree in saying, that having dispatches on board for France, with orders not to speak to any thing during their passage, every thing was done in thejr power to avoid being: brought to action, M. * a> J. DRUG BUSINESS. B. TUCK • returns Thanks to his Friends and , Customers for Favours conferred upon him in the G RO C E R Y, I R ON M ON. GERY, Sec. BRANCHES, and begs Leave to inform them, that he has now also entered into the DRUG BUSINESS, and taken into PARTNERSHIP Mr. WILLIAM MATHER, Chymist and Druggist, from. London; and they may depend upon being served with the best Articles, and on reasonable Terms, by their most obedient humble Servants, TUCK Se MATHER.. ( J^ T PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS carefully dis- pensed.— PATENT MEDICINES, of every Description, may be had as above ; and also genuine HORSE MEDI- CINES, of the first Quality. IVellingborougb, March 25, 1805, ________________ I7ROM out of one of Weeks's Boats, 011 the .' Canal, between Birmingham and Blisworth, in the Month of November, or early in December last, A LARGE PAPER PARCEL, directed for H. WEEKS; containing, amongst other Things, Books and Papers relative to Taxes. ( J3" Whoever has found the same, and will either j bring or send it, or give Information thereof to him, at Paddington, London, shall receiveTEN GUINEAS REWARD for their Trouble. GEO DINGTON ASSOCIATION, For the more effectually protecting the Persons and Property of the several Subscribers from HORSE and SHEEP - STEALERS, FELONS, and THIEVES of every Denomination, and for ulti- mately prosecuting to Conviction such Offenders. " MIE Annual Meeting of this Association will be held at the DUKE'S- ARMS INN, in GEDDING- 1 , , . , •-,. ,,. 11 „„!,„. TON, in the County ot Northampton, on MONDAY Reynaud, the Captain, was killed by the last s. iot . he gth Day of May ni. xt> at E-, even of th. clock in from - the Cleopatra; he was esteemed an expc- j the forenoon; when and where the Members are re- quested to attend and pass the Treasurer's Accounts, and had served in the j Treasurer's Acco • e's service as an auxiliary officer, { and to transact the other Business of this Society ille de Milan from ].' Orient, the & T Pinner on the Table urecisely at Two o'Ck RW nf ,, » • thrir ! . - IHOMaS MARSHALL, April Id, 1805. • rienced and activc officer, late King of France He sailed in La Ville first of last August, as Commodore of six of their largest frigates, with troops embarked 011 board ' tlieiu, to be landed 011 the isladtl of Martinique; after having performed this service, he wasordered, as the French officers express it, to make a Sweep j through the isl: to speak in stron; do in praise of J .... in so long a chace, except it is in the praise they j modern, bestow on him, his officers, seamen, and marines ' """" for their gallant conduct during so long and severe an action; and they acknowledge, that had not the Cleopatra unfortunately forged n- head of I^ a Ville de Milan the latter part of the action, La Ville de Milan must have surrendered to the Cleopatra." Ki/ l.' d aid wounded on board the Cleopatra. Kiiled. George Trepass, boatswain's mate; Wm. Lewis, and Matthew Shawe, quarter- masters; John j Hammond, caulker; 12 seamen; a boy; a Serjeant, corporal, and three privates of marines. — Dangerously j wounded. Mr. Mitchell ( midshipman), acting lieu- tenant; Mr. Belt, master; Mr. McCarthy, boatswain ; one* quaiter- master, one captain's cockswain, eight j seamen; one corporal, and four privates of marines.— j Slightly wounded. Lieutenants Balfour and Crooke; I Lieutenant Bowen, of the Bermuda ; Lieutenant Ap- j pleton, of the marines; Mr. Standiy, midshipman; < one boatswain's- mate; 12 seamen.— total. 22 killed, ( 18 dangerously and 18 slightly wounded. Captain Langford, of the Lark stoop, has cap- tured off the Bay of Senegal, t'he Spanish schooner Mr. M'KORKELL'S PUPILS' BALI., At the Hind Inn Assembly- Rwm, Wellingborough* WSDNESDAV EVENING, MAY 1st, 1805. MR. M'KORKELL respectfully informs his Friends, that his PUPILS' BALL ( the Young Ladies at Mrs. MAUM'S SCHOOI.), will be held on WEDNESDAY EVENING, the 1st of MAY, and Will consist of a Variety of Slow and Scotch Minuets, the Minuet de la Cour and New Gavote, Cotillions and French Quadrilles, Scotch and Irish Reels, Strathspeys, Chantreuses, Allemandes, English and French Hornpipes ( Parisot and Del Caro's), Vestrie's Scotch Dance, the fashionable new Medley Reel ( con- sisting of the Scotch, Irish, and German Waltz Steps), and an Opera Ballet, en Pas seul. ( pf The Music will be conducted by Mr. Sternberg. *** Dancing will commence at Eight o'Clock, and a Ball afterwards for the Company. N. B. Tickets to be had, 5s. each, at the Hind Inn. I11 a few Weeks will be SOLD by AUCTION, AVery substantial Stone- built, Slated, and Sashed DWELLING- HOUSE, at the South End of MARKET- HARBOROUGH; with Chaise- House, Stables, and other convenient Offices, and a spacious Garden, agreeably laid out for the Purposes of Pleasure and Convenience; the Whole well adapted for the Residence of a small genteel Familv. Also, THREE CLOSES of excellent MEADOW and GRAZING LAND, adjoining the above- de- scribed Premises, containing together about six- Acres and three Quarters, Chain- Measure, bounded on the North by the Turnpike- Road from Harborough to Kettering, and on the South by the River Wetland. %- f For further Particulars, apply to Mr. ROUSE, of Harborough. To be IToTl) by XuCTI O N, By Mr. ROUSE, Clock. Treasurer and Solicitor. 6TD- ESTABLISHED POSTING - HOUSE, ' Three- Swans Inn, Market- Hurborougk. RICHARD ALLEN, deeply sensible of the distinguishing Encouragement he has experi- enced from the Nobility, Gentry, and the Public in general, during nine Years Residence at the above Inn, respectfully oifers his grateful Acknowledgments, and begs Leave to assure them, that it shall be his constant Endeavour to provide a well- furnished Larder, the choicest Wines and Liquors, good Beds, neat Post- Chaises, capital Horses, and careful Drivers; flatter- ing himself that, while on his Part no Exertions are spared to render the THREE SWANS a comfortable Inn, he may rely on theirfuture Patronage and Support. Market - t- larbarougb, April 15th, 1805. SALE OF THE LAND- TAX. COUNTY of NORTHAMPTON. THE Commissioners especially appointed for the REDEMPTION and SALE of the LAND- TAX arising within the COUNTY ot NORTH- AMPTON ( exclusive of the Town of Northampton), hereby give Notice, that they will hold Meetings at the following Places within the said County, on the several Days hereafter- mentioned, between the Hours of Eleven in the Forenoon and Two in the Afternoon of each Day, to carry the Act of Parliament passed I in the forty- second Year of His present Majesty's I Reign for such Redemption and Sale, into Execution, viz. ! At the HIND INN, in WELLINGBOROUGH, on MON- DAY the 13th Day of MAY, 1805; ; At the TALBOT INN, in OUNDLE, on TUESDAY the 14th Duyof . MAY, 1305; ! At the N EW- W H ITE- HORSE, in TOWC£ STER, on FRI- i DAY the 17th Day ot MAY, 1805; j And at the OFFICE of Mr. WILLIAM TYLER SMYTH, j their Clerk, in the Toivn of NORTHAMPTON, on [ SATURDAY in EVERY WKKK.. Those Persons who intend to redeem their OK ELY & BRO W N, Dealers in Foreign Wines and Spirituous Liquor; British Spirits, Cordials, and Compounds, mild and real Brown Stout London Porter, fyc. RESPECTFULLY acquaint their Friends and the Public, their Vaults in the HIGH- STREET, BEDFORD, are open for the SALE of the above ARTICLES; and that it is their Intention to otter to Notice the very best Articles they can procure, on the most reasonable Terms possible.— They solicit the Favour of Orders, which shall meet with strict At- tention, and be executed with Care and Dispatch. March 7, 1805. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. A LL Persons having anv Claim or Demand on A the Effects of the late Mrs. PENELOPE LANCASTER, Draper, Grocer, and Undertaker, at CLOPHILL, in Bedfordshire, deceased, are desired to give in their Accounts immediately to Mr. James Carvill, No. 3, Russell- Court, Drury- Lane, London; or to Mr. George Whitbread, at Sil'soe- Park, in the County of Bedford.— And all Persons standing any Ways indebted to the said Mrs. Penelope Lancaster, are desired to pay their respective Debts to the said Mr. James Carvill, or to Mr. George Whitbread, without further Notice. AFWI. 2( 5th, 1805. ALL Persons who have any Claim or Demand - upon the Estate or Effccts of JOHN ROLPH, late of SILSTON, in the County of Northampton, Baker, deceased, are desired to send an Account thereof to Mr. John Linnell, the Eider, of Silston aforesaid, the Administrator, in order that they may be dis- charged; and all Persons who stand indebted to tin said Estate, are hereby. required forthwith to pay their respective Debts to 1 lie said Administrator, or they will be sued lor the same without further Notice. On Tuesday the 30th Dav of this current April, at! Land- Tax, either by a Transfer of Stock, or by a Pay- Three o'clock in the Afternoon, atthe George Inn, j nient in Money, to tiie Receiver- General of the County To LET]', furnished, Small convenient HOUSE, situate in SAINT MARY'S - STREET, NORTHAMPTON; con- ( jCa" For further Particulars, enquire ot Mr. KIR- SH AW. Surveyor and Auctioneer, Northampton. April 20th, 1805. __ __ NOR THA MPTON.— GENT MEL R ESIDENCE. To be L E- T T, And may be entered upon at Midsummer next, AGenteel HOUSE, situate in SAI.\' T- GILES'S » SQUARE, NORTHAMPTON; consisting of a Dining- Parlour, Diawing- Room, suitable Bedcham- bers, and Attics; Kitchen, Brewhouse; Cellars, Yard, j Garden, and convenient Appurtenances. ( pT The House is in good Repair, and will be found a desirable Situation. * » * tor fu'ther Particulars, enquire of Mr. KIR SHAW, Surveyor and Auctioneer, Northampton. " r To be To L'D A UO T f O - N, ' By Mr. KNIBB, I On Thursday the 2d of May, 1805, on the Premises, I at the Abbey, in NEWPORT: PAGNELL, Bucks, i < ' EVERAL useful IMPLEMENTS of HU- S } O BAN DRY; consisting of one stout Six- inch- i wheel Waggon, one Six- inch- wheel Cart, one Nine- inch- wheel Ditto, with single and double Shafts Carmcrara, pierced for 16 guns, having only two ! occasionally; Ploughs, Drills, Harrows, Rolls, Horses' on board, and laden with wine. Gears, Barn Tackle, and Building Timber; several i r i r> 1 i « ... \ iru~~.* o LONDON, April 25. The American brig, Rising Sun, arrived on the 21st at Falmouth, from the Isle of France, in 102 days, and from the Cape of Good Hope in ( iU days. She brings an article of intelligence, which, if it may be depended upon, is of considerable import- ance; that the army of Holkar in India has met with a decisive defeat, having lost no less than 184 pieces of cannon. A letter from Lisbon throws doubt on the account of Jerome Bonaparte's arrival there from America. The writer savs, " 1 have reason to think that the story nas originated IWir Mr. Patterson ( Jerome's father- in- law) having arrived on board a vessel now in the Tagus." A cartel is arrived from Morlaix, with the first prisoners from France that have been regularly exchanged since the commencement of the war. Installation of the Knights of the Garter.— The splendid ceremony of the Installation of the Knights of the Garter, which had occupied, so considerable a slrtre of the public attention for some time previous, took place at Windsor on Tuesday. The extensive scale of preparation, under the immediate direction of! his Majesty, had given additional importance to this < otherwise highly interesting spectacle, and ii derived i all the charms of novelty from the time that had elapsed since the preceding Installation. At eleven o'clock precisely the procession moved from the Royal apartments to the Chapter- House; and from thence, after the investitureof the Knights Elect, the procession moved down the north aisle and up the middle aisle into the choir. Here the ceremony of offering up the atchievements of the deceased Knights was performed, whiist the organ and the band played I the solemn Dead March in Saul, and the Dirge in I Sampson. The Knights Elect, after having been scpa- < rately and successively introduced between two or the 1 senior members, received their robes and collars, and . were installed, after having their admonitions and their i OHths administered to them by the Register, Garter : King at Arms, See. Divine Service then commenced, being the samel with that used in St. George's Chapel on the Obiit « Sundays. In the Communion Service, at the words i " Let your light so shine before men" a rich cushion 1 and carpet were spread by the Officers of the Ward- I robe, on which hi s Majesty knelt while he made his ( offering ; these being removed, the other Knights made I their offerings. The solemn service finished about six minutes after j five o'clock, when the Queen arose and retired, fol- | lowed by all the Princesses. The procession of the Lots of Iron, Brass, Lead, & c. ; one Wheat Kick; one Glass Four- wheel Caniagv, Wheels lately new ; a,; d several other Articles, too numerous to particularize. ( f'i" The Sale to begin at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon. eorge in Market- Harborough, in. the County of Leicester, in Lots, subject to tne Conditions to he produced at the Sale, A Valuable Freehold and Tythe- free ESTATE., j. X at Wl LBARSTON, in the Count) of Northamp- ton; consisting of a good Farm- House and Outbuild- ings, and upwards of 100 Acres of Arable and Pasture Land, in tile Occupation of Mr. Thomas Burditt. Also, a valuable Freehold and Tythe- free ESTATE, at l. ITI'LE- BOWDEN, in the said County of North- ampton ; consisting of nearly 100 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, in the Occupation of Mr. Thomas Smith and Mr. William Flavell. The above Estates are in high Cultivation and Fertility. *** The Tenants will shew- the Premises; and further Particulars may be had of Mr. PARRY, At- torney at Law, Market- Harborough. Northamptonshire Freehold Estates To be S O L D by A U C T I O N, Hy Mr. ROUSE, At the House of : 4r„. Spenr.- i, the Talbot Inn, in Weltord, in ihe County of Northampton, on Wed- nesday the 1st Day of May next, punctual!) at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, together or in l ots, as shall be agreed upon at the Ti'ue of Rale, and subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall be then produced, Valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, WELLINGBOROUGH NEW ASSOCIATION, r For the PROTECTION of PROPERTY. are now allowed two Years from the Date of the Con- I ' TMIK Annual Meeting of this Association will / liuuired, I M ! tract to transfer. the- Stock, or pay the Money rsquired, I as the Consideration for the Sale; or they may trans- \ fer or pay th.* same respectively immediately, or by quarterly Installments, not exceeding eight in Number. * » .* Every Person intending to redeem his I. and- \ Tax is, in tiie first Place, to apply to the Clerk of the J Com: inssioner.* of l. aud- lax, . tithe Division in which such Land- Tax is ehai. ced, lor the necessary Certificate j of the Amount thereof; and on producing the same to the Commissioners at their Meetings, and stating in be held at the SCHOOL- HOUSE, in WELLINC- BDROUGH, on THURSDAY next, the 2d of MAY, at Three o'clock in the \ fterhoon. THOMAS KMIGHT, Secretary. Helling'o eitgh, April 25, 1805. \ x aluable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate ) Premises on or'betore'Old Midjumme'rlljay next" i Sl in the Hamlet of NORTOFT, and Parish of j ' G ui LSSOROU<; H, in the County of Northampton; j consisting of a : Ue. Miai: e or Tenement, and four Closes j or Grounds ( inclosed) of rich Land, containing toge- ! ther 23A. UR. 19P. or thereabouts, viz FARRIERY. \ N eligible and extensive Business, in the .1. t above Branch, being vacant by the Death of ,,,,„.. •• Mr. R. RUSHWORTH, Persons wishing to apply for what Manner the Land- rax is intenuud to bj re- iecmed, ) the same, rrrav be informed of Particulars by Appli- riK Contract will he procured and transmitted to the | cation, or addressing Letters ( Post- paid), ' to Mrs. * RUSHWORTH, Great- Berkhampsted, Herts. ()-_" • A FORGE, with every Article in the Black- smith's Line, are likewise to be procured. Oak, Ash, and Elm ' Timber, 4' C. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By MASON'& SON, On Tuesday the 30th Day of April. 1805, at Mr. Shettle's, the Black Dog, at STRETTON- UPON- DUNSMORE, near Coventry, in the County cf Warwick, A ROUT 160 OAK TREES, some of large LIL Dimensions, standing, with the Tops and with- out the Bark, with 20 Oak Spires; 260 ASH and E LM TREES, felled and topped; also, 20 strong ASH POLES, in Lots.— The Bark to be disposed of at the same Time if applied for. Party without Delay By Or ier of the Commissioners; WILLIAM TYLER SMYTH, Clerk. Northampton, Ttth April, 1805. | BUILDING MATERIALS^ To be SOLD by AUCTION, By J. KII. PIN, ON THE PREMISES, On Monday tiie 2Stii Day of April, 1805, in Lots, ; | _> ART of the extensive PREMISES, late in the i 4. Occupation of Mr. PURSER, ST. LEONARD'S, : in the Parishuf St. John, BEDI OB. D( who is leaving : the Faring; comprisi:;^ Wheat and Barley Barns, 1 Stables, Wheat and Cart Hovei- Frames ; some House- j hold- Furniture, 30:) Faggots, See. ( j'T The Whole of tlie above to be taken off the The Brook Close Home Close and Yard Far Meadow .... The Twist Close .. G .. 5 A. R. P. 9 1 29 3 15 1 .39 0 13 GRENDON ESTATE, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Tythe- free, and the Land- fax redeemed. To he S 0 L !) by A U (' T f O N, By Messrs. SKINNER, DYKE, & Co. On Monday the 13th of May, at Twelve o'Clock, at Garraway's Coflee- House, Change- Alley, Cornhill, London, IN TEN LOT'S, \> ALUABLE FREEHOLD and ELIGIBLE » COLLEGE- HOLD ESTATES, situate hear CASTLE- ASHBY, a short Distance trom the high Road, only five Miles from the Market Town of WBIWKOBOROUCH, nine from NORTHAMPTON, and twelve from NEWFORT- PAGNELL, in a fine high, healthy, sporting Part of tils County.— The ESTATE comprises the greatest Part of the LORDSillP OF GRENDOX, and consists of near- i WE LVE HUNDRED ACRES of verv good Inclosed Grazing, Meadow, and fertile Arable Land, divided into elieiole Farms, with Farm- Houses, suitable Buildings tor Husbandry, and an ancient MANSION- HOUSE, called GRENDON - HALL, with Offices and extensive Gardens ; the Whole iving very compact ( Tythe- free and exonerated from the Land- Tax j, in the Occupation of Messrs. Sanderson, Frere, Lawton, Coe, Brown, Rogers, Bletsoe, and others, Tenants at Will, at Rents amounting to One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty- seven Pounds per Annum, Capable of Improvement, ( pj ™ Part of the Estate, about two hundred and fifty Acres, is held under Trinity College, Cambridge, tor twenty Years, renewable every seven Years. *** May be viewed twenty- eight Days preceding the Sale, by applying to Mr. Lawrence Sanderson, the principal Tenant, of whom printed Particulars may be had; al » o at tiie Hind, Wellingborough; Swan, Newport - Pagnell; George, Northampton- George, Thrapston; Crown, Huntingdon; George, Woburn ; of Messrs. Dicey & Sutton, Printers, North- ampton; Mr. Gregory, Printer, Leicester; Mr. Rol- lason. Printer, Coventry; Mr. George Wartnaby, Solicitor, Market- Harborough; Messrs. Kinderley, Long,-& Ince, Solicitors, Symond's- Inn, Chancery- Lane ; at the Place of Sale; and of Messrs. Skinner, Dyke, & Co. Aldersgate- Street, London. OXFORDSHIRE AND NORTHAMPTONSHIRE FREEHOLD ESTATE. To be SOLI) bv AUCTION, By Messrs. H" INSTANLET S? SON, At Garraway's Coffee- House, Cornhill, London, on Tuesday the lSth ot June next, at Twelve o'Clock, ON F. LOT, Total 2 J .' j 19 The above Estate is in the Occupation of Mr. Wm. Mollis, under a Lease, four Years of which will be unexpired at St. Thomas next. ( f- IT Apply to GEORGE WARTNABY, in Market- Harborough. 1 Knights reached St. George's Hall precisely at forty j Vy ARK WORTH CASTLE, with the MANOR minutes. past five. His Majesty being seated, the I * ' and ESTATE, in the County of Northamp- Princeof Wales and the rest of the Princes took their ~~ seats at the ltoval table, number, then seated tb King's table, consisting wholly of gold," was said to be worth ,£. 12,000. The Knights dined off silver ton, situated on the Verge of the Northern Part of e. The Knights, sixteen in! Oxfordshire, and within two Miles of Banbury ; con- emselves. The plate on the ' sisting of the Mansion- House and Offices ( the latter ' " * • "' '' { newly erected), with the Park, Woodlands, Planta- i tions, Fish- Ponds, and the Manor in Hand; together When the Knights had dined, the Queen and Prin- i with four capital Farms, well timbered, occupied bv cesses retired ; and then the company invited to dine ' * u" •- « -'- — - at tlie twenty - seven tables set out in the dif- ferent rroins of state, sat down. About a quarter past eight, the tables, eighteen in number, which had been previously placed in the Castle- yard, were co- vered with provisions of all kinds, and nine hogs- heads of ale were placcd on three latge tables or benches, for the use of the soldiers and populace. ' The scene of confusion which ensued when the gates were thrown open, exceeds description, every one being more anxious to plunder than to eat: no acci- dents, however, appear . to have happened. Soon after nine the company who had dined in the Castle returned to the drawing- room, where her Ma- jesty received them in the most elegant anfl affable manner. About ten o'clock the ball- room, and all the other rooms of state, were thrown open. In the accounts of a certain person, a profit of several hundred pounds was made by purchasing Lottery Tickets at ,/.!!), and selling them a few days afterwards at of. 22 fts. each. This must certainly refer to the last Lottery, as Tickets then rose upwards of £.' A the week before the Drawing; and from tine very great demand at present, both iu London and the country, it is probable they will rise to £. 14: or upwards, before tlie 13th of May, on which day the first drawn Ticket will receive £. 10,000. ^ Settlement oj Paupers.— It was decided last Tri- nity term,- ill the Court of King's- Bench, in the ease of a pauper, who had lived in the same place fiyo years ami a quarter, but had originally hired himself at wcrekly wages, that where nothing was said in the contract about time, but a reservation of ueckly wages, it was only a weekly hiring. the most respectable Tenants from Year to Year, capable of great Improvement; and about fifteen Dwelling- Houses, in the Village of Overthorpe, ad- joining the Park, lett distinct from the Farms. The Estate, which is in a Ring Fence, con- tains in the Whole 1073 Acres of capital Land, a very small Proportion of which is Arable, the Rest Mea- dow and Pasture Ground, Tythe- free, bounded by the River Cherwell on one Side, over which there is a Right of Fishery.— Possession may be had of the Mansion and about 100 Acres of Land immediately, and the Remainder at Lady- Day, 1806. %* Mr. Thomas Dickens, at the Castle, will shew the Estate; and printed Particulars, with a Plan thereof prefixed, may be had at the Red- Lion and White- Lion, Banbury ; Star, Oxford; George, North- ampton; King's- Head, Coventry; Wille's Cottee- House, Serle- Street, Lincoln's- 1 tin; and at the Office of Messrs. Bignell & Wykham, Banbury; and of Messrs. Winstanley& Son, Paternoster- Row, London. " N. B. The Estate may be viewed after the first Week in April, upon receiving Tickets of Mr. Bignell for. that Purpose; at which Time the Particulars may be had as above. "" THRAPSTON TURNPIKE- ROAD! "' HE Yearly General Meeting of the Trustees of the Turnpike- Road leading from Market- Harbo- rough, in the County of Leicester, to the Pound, in the Parish of Brampton, in the County of Hunting- don, will be holden at the W. UTE- HART INN, in THRAPSTON, in the County of Northampton, oil SATURDAY the FOURTH Day of MAY next, at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon; and at the same Time and Place new Trustees will Jie elected and chosen in the several Places and Steads of such Trustees as shall be then dead.— Given under our Hands, this 28th Day of March, 1S05, THO. MARSHALL,; , . . WM, MARGETTS, S 1 NORTH A M PTO N S HIR E. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. R O US E, At the House of Mr. Warrington, the Red- Lion, in Clipston, in the County of Northampton, on Thursday the second Day of Ma) next, at Six o'Ciock m the Evening, subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall be then produced, RJ" » wO 1 RE EI IOIT) MESSU AGES or DWEL- - 1- LING- HOUSES ( now used as tour Tenements), situate in CLIPSTON, in the County of Northamp- ton, with the Gardens, Ground, and' Appurtenances to the same belonging, in the Tenure or Occupation , of Mr. Robert Cox, and the Overseers of the Poor ot the Parish of Clipston aforesaid, • or their respective Undertenants. t~ s~ Apply to GEORGE WARTNABY, in Market- Harborough. To be S O L JV" b7~ A U C T FOLST By Mr. ROUSE, On Thursday the 2d of May, 1805, and two following Days, on tlie Premises, at CLII'STON, in the County of Northampton, , "^ HE genteel, neat, and useful HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, and various other EFFECTS, late the Property of WILLIAM PEPPIN, Gentle- man, deceased; consisting of Four- post and other Bedsteads, with Harrateen, Moreen, and striped Man- chester Furnitures; Mattress, Feather Beds, See. ; Blankets and Quilts; Flock Beds, with comfortable Bedding adapted; Cases of Drawers; Bureau; Dining, Tea, and Dressing fables; stufled Easy- Chair, Night- Chair, and other Chairs; a neat- Pattern Scotch Car- pet, 1 IF. 61n. byl2F.; handsome Sofa; Mahogany Dining- Table; Satin- wood and Mahogany Tea- Trays ; oval Pier Glass, carved Frame; some genteel l ots in China and Glass; a very good Fowling- Piece, by Ketliitd; Steel Man- Trap; Fire- Range; polished Fire- Irons and Fenders; most ot the Articles requisite for the Kitchen, Pantry, Scullery, tec. in Tin, Brass, and Copper ; considerable Quantity of old Lead and Pewter; ten- Strike Mash- Vat; Fermenting, Wort, and other Tubs; seasoned Hogsheads, Half- Hogsheads, and lesser Casks; Barrel- Churn, Cheese- Press. Milk- Leads, Butter- Kiinnel, Sec. ; Six- inch- wheel Cart, two Waggons, Ploughs, Harrows, Winnowing- Fan, Sec. ; Horse Tackle, with strong Gearing, & c. ; two Hovel Frames, on Stone Pillars, Sec. & c. Sec. ({ 3T The Household- Furniture, Sec. is intended to be sold on Thursday; the Brewing- Utensils, Dairy Articles, Waggon, Hovels, and other Out- door Ar- ticles, on Friday ; and the Residue on Saturday. Leicestershire Freehold Estate. be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. RO'JSE. keeping, Furjmng- Stock, ami Effects. To be SOLD" bv AUCTION, By JOHN DA Y, On Monday the 29th of April, 1805, on the Premises, at 1, OUGHT'.) N, near Stony- Stratford, niE following EFFECTS, the Property of Mr. Edward Bovingdon, wiio is leaving his Farm; j comprising four stout Cart Horses and Mares; eight Sets of Gears; one stout Waggon, three Six- inch- wheel Carts, and one Narrow- wheel Ditto; one j Field- Roil; three Hovel Frames, with Stone Posts and Caps; Ploughs, Harrows, Hurdles, & c. ; forty ( Sacks and Barn Tackle; a capital Cream- Cistern, Milfe. Leads, Tubs, Buckets, & c. Also, will be SOLD bv AUCTION, in Lots, the KEEP of near 130 Acres of SWEARD LAND, to the 29th of September next, under such Conditions of Sale as will be then produced. ( f3T The Farming- Slock is in excellent Condition, and nearly equal fo new. * « * ' I'he Sale to begin with the Stock exactly at Ten o'Cluck, and the Keep immediately after. To be SOTD by AU CTION, By JOHN DAY, ( pr" The Company is desired to meet at Mr. , Shettle's aforesaid, at Nine o'Clock, to proceed to the I Place of Stde, as the Whole is intended to be disposed s of on that Day. %* The above adjoins the Turnpike- Road from Dunchurch to Coventry, and is within live Miles of the Oxford Canal. ' jPIIE the'Property ++ t For further Particulars, apply to Mr. WHITF- J.. Farm- *<\ N, CaTpenter, Woolston- Heath, who will shew -•• - ' " - ' • < the Timber. SHEEP STOCK, To he SOLD bv AUCTION, By Mr. BRA'MPTON, WITHOUT RESERVE, On Thursday the 2d Dav of May next, on the Pre- mises of Mr. WHITLARK and Mr. PLESTED, nine Shearhogs; also two useful Cows and Calves. '( f5T The Company is requested to meet at Half- past Ten in the Morning, by which Time the Sheep I will be penned for Inspection; and the Sale to com- ! mer. ee precisely at Eleven o'clock. %* Five Months' Credit wilt bs » jlmfo all Per. „ „ , ,, , ~ --•: . ... , - chases above Ten Pounds, on paying a Deposit of ten On Tuesday the JOth Dayot April, 1805 ( if not before j per Cent, on the Amount, and giving approved ioint disposed of), between the Hours ot Three and Five i Security for the Remainder; or Discount, after the ot the Clock in the Afternoon, at the Swan Inn, in I Rate or £. 5 per Cent, will be allowed for pron- p' X Leighton- Buzzard, in the County of Bedford, A Complete FARM ; consisting o£ a substantial LJL Farm - House, with a convenient Homestead and Payment. NEW FOLIO EDITION OF Outbuildings, about six Acres of inclosed Pasture or J Matthew Henry's Exposition on the Old and A'c. t Sweard Grifund and Wood Land, five and one hundred and Testament, <( dow of Bucks, and now lett to Mr. Thomas Hely ( will shew the Premises), at ^. S0 per Annum. ( pf" About 25 Acres of the Land are Freehold, and the Residue of the Premises are Copyhold of Inheri- tance ; liolden of the Manor of Slapton, under a yearly Quit- Rent of i'. l 15s. 3$ d. and subjcct to Heriots and Fine, atthe Will of the Lord, upon Sale or Death. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. HURST, Newport- Pagnell,- Bucks; Mr. JONFS, of Tring, in the County of Hertford, Carpenter; or the AUCTION- EER, at Stony- Stratford, Bucks. To be SOLD bv AUCTION, Hy Mr. BROOKS, On the Premises, by Order of the Administrator, on Monday the 6th of May, 1805, and two following Day CHINA, BREWING- VESSELS, tlie valuable STOCK in TRADE, and sundry E I- FEC'l'S, of the late Mrs. PENELOPE LANCASTER, Draper, Grocer, and Undertaker, at CLOPHILL, Beite, deceased; consisting of neat stained Four- post Sacking- bottom Bedsteads, with i Morine and Check Furniture; fine Feather Beds, { Quilt-, Counterpanes, and large fine Blankets; Bed j and Table Linen ; good Mahogany Chest- upon- Chest of 1 Drawers ; Oak Bureau; Dining, Dressing, and Claw I Tables, in Mahogany, Sec. ; Pier and Dressing Glasses ; an excellent Eight- day Clock; Tea and Table China; three Silver Table- Spoons, thirteen Tea- Ditto, two ' bait and one Pap- Ditto, Punch- Ladle, Pepper- Castor, Cream- Jug, Sec.; stained and strong Chairs; Kitchcn- furniture in general; 30- Gallon Copper, Mash- Vat, > Tubs, Vessels, See.— The Stock in Trade consists of superfine Broad and Narrow Cloths, Irishes, Dowlas, Shirting, Muslins, Calamancoes, Durants, Tammies, Press, and embellished with an elegant of the Rev. MATTHEW HENRY), Number I. ( To be continued weekly) of AN EXPOSITION on the OLD and NEW TESTAMENT; wherein each Chapter is summed up in its Contents, the SACRED TEXT inserted at | large in distinct Paragraphs, each Paragraph reduced to its proper Heads, the Sense given, and iargely ilhis- | trated with PRACTICAL RE. MARKsand OBSERVATIONS ; FORMING A MOST COMPLETE F A M 1 I, Y B 1 B L E. By MATTH Ely HENRY, late Minister of the Gospel. Primed on superfine large Demy Paper, and entire new Letter; from the peculiar Cast of which, and the ) extraordinary Largeness of our Pages, we - Shall give - i nearly double the Quantity of Reading usually con- A LL the neat HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, tained in Works of the same Price; Illustrated with Xi. PLATE, LINEN, CHINA. BREWING- I Upwards of one hundred beautiful Engravings, descrip- tive of the most material Transactions recorded in the Sacred Writings; to which is added, a copious Account of the Author's Life, with Extracts from his other celebrated Writings. ( f3" The great Superiority of this Edition to any ( hat has preceded it, will be obvious to every Purchaser,- the Proprietors having spared neither Pains nor Ex- ! pence in Accuracy of Printing, Fineness of Pape/, i and Beauty of Embellishments, to render it tiie bat Edition of Matthew Henry's Exposition ever published. %* ' I'he Public are assured, that this Edition taken literally from the best London Edition, which was printed from the Author's Manuscript, and not in the least abridged. N. B. The Whole of this Work being printed off", may be had by Gradations weekly, or in any Quantitv of Numbers at a Time, as may suit the Convenience of the Purchaser; or elegantly bound in three Volumes, Calf, lettered. London: Printed and published by J. STRATFORD, No. 112, Holborn- Hill; and sold by all other Book- sellers and Nevvscarriers in the United Kingdom, Capital MESSUAGE, or valuable Brick- j Sarsnet Trimming and Tassels; Shrouds; Mattresses; built and sashed RESIDENCE, si uate in Cdftin- Kurniture; Hats; Gloves; Scalesand Weights, MARKET- HARBOROUGH, in the County of Leicester; consisting of a Family House, in sub- stantial Repair, handsome Hall, two Parlours, and Dining- Rooin; six Bedchambers, Servants' Rooms; a good Kitchen, Pantry, Scullery, and other con- venient Offices; an excellent Laundry and Brewhouse; Coach- House, Wood- House, with Stabling adjoining for four Horses, and Other Out- Offices and Appur- tenances; together also with a spacious Yard, two Gardens and Pleasure Ground, containing about one Acre ( planted with Fruit Trees and Shrubs). *„* This Estate is exonerated from the Land- Tax, and in the Tenure of Mr. Shuttleworth, Surgeon, ' whose Lease expires at Old Lady- Day next, when a | Purchaser may have Possession. 1 ( pf* Apply to GEORGE WARTNABY, in Market- ] Harborough. TURNPIKE MEETING. IVTOTICE is hereby given, That the next Meeting of the Trustees of the Turnpike- Road leading from Saint Mary's Bridge, in the Parish of Little- Bowden, in the County of Northampton, to the West Side of the Toll- Bar at the North End of the Town of Rockingham, in the same County, will be held at the House of RICHARD ALI. F. N, the SWANS INN, in MARKET- HARBOROUGH, in the County of Leicester, on WEDNESDAY the EIGHTH Day of MAY next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, for the Purpose of passing the Treasurer's and Surveyor's Accounts, and transacting other Business relative to the said Road. By Order of the said Trustees, GEORGE WARTNABY, their Clerk. Market- Harborough, April Utb, 1805. Counters, Nests of Drawers, Shelves, Sec. Sec. fi T May be viewed on the Mornings of Sale, which will begin at Half- past Ten o'Clock each Day.— The Household - Furniture, Plate, Linen, China, and Brewing- Utensils, will be sold the first Day. Catalogues may be had at the Place of Sale, and of the Auctioneer. KINGSUTfON IN CLOSURE. XTOTICE is hereby given. That the Commis- - 1AI sioners appointed for putting in Execution an Act of Parliament passed in the 44th Year of His pre- sent Majesty King George the Third, intituled, " An " Act for inclosing Lands within and belonging to the " Manors and Parish of KINGSUTTON, in the " County of Northampton," will hold a Special General Meeting at the House of ARCHIBALD FAIR- BAIRN, called the RED- LION INN, in BANBURY, in the County of Oxford, on WEDNESDAY the FIF- TEENTH Day of MAY next, at the Hour of Eleven in the Forenoon of the iame Day; when and where the Award of the said Commissioners, directed to be made by the said Act, and also by an Act of Parlia- ment passed in the 41st Year of the Reign of Flis / present Majesty, intituled, " An Act for consoli- " dating in one Act certain Provisions usually in. " serted in Acts of Inclosure, and for facilitating the " Mode of proving the several Facts usually re- " quired on the passing of such Acts," will be read over and executed in the Presence of such of the Pro- prietors interested in the said Inclosure, who may think proper to attend for that Purpose. By Order of the Commissioners, BIGNELL He WYKHAM, Clerks. fS « nimy, 23i April, 1805. Price Four Guineas. T. SCOTT, P L U M B E R 11Sate?* Yjlcsei. J. i WATER- CLOSET- MAKER, Market - Harborough, Leicestershire, [" 5 ESPECTFULLY acquaints his Customers and ft the Public in treneral. thit- h* oil. fc the Public m general, tliSt he makes and sells WATER- CLOSETS, upon a very simple Con- duction, which act without Valves, Plug, Slide, or Cock, and hold a certain Quantity of Water in the Basons, warranted to keep sweet and clean, and no; liable to be - out of Order from Paper, which is Su common in Water- Ciosets. N. B. He manufactures GARDEN. ENGINES, mtds to hold twenty Gallons of Water in » he Cistern. Friday and Saturday's Posts. LONDON, April 26. DISPATCHES were yesterday received at the Admiralty from Admiral Sir John Orde, containing an account of the Toulon fleet, con- sisting of eleven sail of the line, seven frigates, and two brigs, having passed the Gut of Gibraltar on the 9th instant. It is said they had 10,000 troops on board ; but this, of course, must be a random calculation. With respect to their desti- nation, nothing certain is yet known. Some sup- pose they are gone to the East Indies, but the general opinion is that they are destined for the West Indies, and that the' island of Jamaica is their principal object.— Letters by the last Ham- burgh mail stated, that their intention, in the first instance, was to join the Spanish fleet at Cadiz; but it is evident, from Sir John Orde's dispatches, BRTGGS's PUNCH- HOUSE. _ Wines, Brandies, Rums, Gins, and rich Cordials, of the finest Flavour; Felix Calvert's Brown Stout and mild London Porter, rich Herefordshire Cyder, in any Quan- tity, barrelled or bottled. BRIGGS begs Leave to inform her Friends J. 1 M. and the Public in general, that she has laid in a large Quantity of the above Articles, of the first Quality, which she is determined to sell on the most moderate Terms. O" M. B. returns her sincere Acknowledgments to her numerous Friends for tTieir very liberal Support, and hopes, from an unremitting Attention, to merit a Continuance of the same. Silver- Street, Northampton, April Ttth, 1805. Black and while Ibices, Millinery, Hosiery, Haberdashery, Gloves, fyc. tfc. RS. COVE and DAUGHTER beg Leave to L inform their Friends and the Public, that the latter has just returned from London with a fashion- able Assortment of GOODS in the above Branches, which will be ready for Inspection on THURSDAY next.— BLACK JEAN, KID, and SPANISH LEATHER • REAL LONDON POUTER and HEREFORD- SHIRE CYDER. DONNE, WINE & BRANDY- MERCHANT and HOP- FACTOR, NEWLA'D, NORTH- AMPTON, takes this Opportunity of returning his sincere Thanks to his numerous Friends and Cus- tomers, for the many Favours received, and begs Leave to inform them, and the Public in general, that he has laid in his usual Stock of real BROWN STOUT and MILD PORTER ( Meux's Intire', and fine HEREFORD CYDER, in Casks and Bottles, which he sells at the lowest Prices. CYDER, 8S. per Dozen, Bottles returned. *** J. D. would thank his Friends to return the Casks as soon as empty. Northampton, April ibth, 1805. that the enemy have taken a very different coursc. SHOES, of the best Quality, very cheap. There is every probability thatLord Nelson would soon be apprized of their movements ; and, in that case, we may reasonably anticipate a glorious and happy result. Twelve sail of the line are ordered to be prepared for foreign service, and, as is believed, for an expedition of considerable magnitude. The House of Commons met yesterday, for the first time after the recess, and tile subjects of dis- cussion were interesting and important. The E. Chancellor of the Exchequer gave notice, that lie Gratitude for the many Favours lay next move for a continuance \ during her - late Partnership, takes should on Monday of the powers vested by Parliament in the Com- missioners of Naval Enquiry. He also gave notice of his intention to move for a si. nilnr Commission to enquire into the Military Expenditure ot' the country, to report the abuses, if any should be J found in that department, in order that the wisdom ! of Parliament might suggest all expedient and j cticable remedies and improvements. Mr. MILLINERY, FANCY- DRESS, and MANTUA- MAKING BUSINESSES. COCKER1LL begs Leave to inform the Ladies of Wobttrn and its Environs, that the Partnership lately existing between her and Miss ELLIOTT is dissolved by m'th'al Consent: and respect- fully acquaints them, the Business will in future be carried on by her, on her own Account, at the usual Shop. E. COCKERILL, impressed with a Senie of conferred on her this Opportunity of acknowledging them, and humbly solicits a Conti- j I nuance thereof; assuring her numerous Friends, that, ( by an unremitting Attention to Business, she hopes to merit their Approbation. - Market- Place, Wobitrn, Beds, April To, 1S05. ROWTON & SONS, Linen- Drapers, Mercers, Hosiers, Hatters, and Haberdashers, RETURN their most grateful Acknowledg- ments to their numerous Friends, and the In- habitants of NORTHAMPTON and its Vicinity, for the very liberal Encouragement they have met with since their Commencement in Business; and beg Leave to inform them, and the Public in general, that they have laid in, from the best Markets, a fresh ASSORTMENT of the most FASHIONABLE ARTICLES in Demand for the present and approaching Seasons, which they trust, on Inspection, will merit t iem a Continuance of the distinguished Favours they have already so liberally experienced, and which it will be their utmost Endeavour to deserve. ( TT WINTER PRINTS sold at very reduced Prices. R U G B Y. rpiiF, BALL for the BEN EFIT of the SUND AY- 3 SCHOOLS of this Place, will be held in the NEW ASSEMBLY - ROOMS, at the SPREAD EAGLE INN, on THURSDAY the 2d of MAY next. SirSTUKELY SHUCKBURGH, Bart.? The Rev Dr. INGLIS, ^ stewards, ( pg* Tickets to be had at the Bar of the Inn.— Gentlemen, 5s.— Ladies, 8s. 6d. HABERDASHERS, HOSIERS, GLOVERS, & c. Market- Square, Northampton. FORSTER & BARRETT respectfully inform their Friends and Customers in general, they have just received a large Assortment of LADIES' STAYS, white and coloured; also LADIES'and CHIL- DREN'S SHOES, Town and Country made; which they flatter themselves will meet the Approbation of those Ladies who favour them with their Commands. ICJ" FORSTER & BARRETT return their grateful Acknowledgments for the Favours conferred during the Commencement of their Partnership, and beg to add, it shall be their Study to give every Satisfaction to insure a permanent Support, by offering the best Goods on the lowest Terms. It being too early tor Fashions, their Shew will be announced in a future Paper. N. B. An APPRENTICE wanted immediately to the MII. LINKRY and DRESS- MAKING BUSINESSES. 1 WEI. T. INCBOROCCH, April 20, 1B05. miE PARTNERSHIP between Miss BARKER pn and Miss HARDWICK having been THIS DAY j DISSOLVED BY MUTUAL CONSENT, Miss their late Friends, and at the same Time inform; them, that she intends in future carrying on the PLAIN and FANCY DRESS- MAKING at her FATHER'S HOUSE; where she hopes for a Continuance of those Favours already received. SPENCERS, PELISSES, FROCKS, & C. made in the newest Taste. W'hitbrcad afterwards, in pursuance of his nonce J BARKER begs Leave to. mum her sincere Thanks to given before the holidays, moved for a Select Committee to enquire further into the matters contained in the Report of the Commissioners of Naval Enquiry. The Chancellor of the Exchequer, deeming such' a motion too loose and indefinite, moved an amendment, importing that a Select Committee should be appointed, limiting the en- quiry to the application of money granted for Naval Services to other branches of public ser- vice; and also for any irregularities which may have taken place in ' the mode of drawing that money from the Bank, and the recovery of arrears, & c. ' After a long and desultory debate, the question was put. and the House divided. — For 0;.. V „,. 00Q— oo- ninal il- 151.— Ma- Mr. Pitt's amendment 229— against it jority 78. The Paymaster of the Ordnance has already re- ceived orders to restore. all balances in his pos- session, and it is understood that irregularities in other offices have lately been checked and suspended. If these inci sures are adopted by Parliament, and sincerely and steadily pursued by the Executive Government, there can be no doubt but that they will be followed by the most salutary effects. Sir C. Middleton has been appointed to succeed Lord Melville as First Lord of the Admiralty.— It is said that Sir Charles, now in his 83d year, who is to be created Baron Barham, has been pre-* vailed upon to accept the chief seat at the Admi- ralty Board, during the few weeks that Viscount Royston, grandson of the Earl of Hardwicke, wants of one and twenty. When that period is accomplished, Mr. Yorke will vacate his seat for Cambridgeshire, for which Lord Royston will be a candidate. Mr. Yorke will then take the Admi- ralty, and his seat in the House of Peers, with the title of Lord Dover. Marquis Cornwall's mission to India is special, by the King's command, for the salutary purpose of conciliating, if possible, the native Princes to the British interest, and thus preventing the cala- mities of continual warfare. Earl Moira has resumed his command in Scotland. His Majesty, we understand, purposes reviewing, in the course of a few weeks, the whole of the Volunteer Corps of the metropolis. At a Common Council, held yesterday, it \ ras resolved to present an address to his Majesty, re- specting the conduct of Lord Melville, praying his Majesty not to suffer him to remain any longer in his Councils; and that such further enquiries might be made, as should lead to the detection and pu- nishment of all offenders. A meeting was also held in the borough of Southwark yesterday, when an address to his Majesty, similar to that resolved by the Common Council," was proposed and agreed to. WANTED immediately, as an APPRENTICE to a SURGEON and APOTHECARY, A YOUTH, of good Education ami amiable Manners. (£ f For Particulars, enquire of Mr. BARMBY, Surgeon, Higham- Ferrers, Northamptonshire. HARDWJCK AND LEE, Milliners, Ii'dierdushcrs, and Slraw- Munufaclurers, SQUARE, WELLINGBOROUGH, RESPECTFULLY inform the Inhabitants of WELLINGBOROUGH, and its Vicinity, that they have entered on the SHOP late in the Occu- pation of BARKER & HARDWICK; where they intend carrying on the different Branches of their Business. Those who please to favour them with their Com- mands, may depend on their utmost Endeavour to give Satisfaction. ( i^ T PLAIN and FANCY DRESSES, PELISSES, SPENCERS, FROCKS, See. made, in the neatest Manner. A WANTED immediately, A NUMBER of HANDS ( Men or Women), to MAKE strong WASH- LEATHER GLOVES; which thev may have to make at their own Homes if their Work is approvedot.— Good Wages will be given. Apply to THOMAS SMITH, Giover, Welling- borough, Northamptonshire. . N. B. This is a good Opportunity to People who have Families. ~ To PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. ASteady MAN, capable of conducting the . above Businesses, may have a good Situation immediately, bv applying to Mrs. A. UNDERWOOD , , _ ( Widow of the late Mr. Richard Underwood), Oundle. I ception of a respectable Family. On TUESDAY next will be opened for SALE, In NO RT HAMPTON, Large and elegant COLLECTION of HISTORICAL and other PRINT", framed and glazed, and in Folios; PAINTINGS, PIER GLASSES, Sec. ; which will be sold much under the real Value.— Gentlemen may have an Opportunity of furnishing themselves with Things worthy their Attention. ( JST ' file Place of Sale will be published in a Hancl- Bill, and left at the George, ar. d the ether Inns, in Northampton. N. B. GOLD and FANCY PAPER, CARICATURES, Sec. April 26th, 1805. Household- Furniture, and Stock in Trade, To be SO L D by A U C T 1 O N, By Mr. KIRS HA If, On Wednesday the 1st Day of May, 1805, on the Pre. misesof Mr. TATE, in BRIDC- E- STREET, NORTH AMPTON, Breeches- Maker ( who is declining that Line of Business.) rnHF. FURNITURE consists of Four- post and I Tent bedsteads; Feather Beds, Blankets, Mat- tresses, Counterpanes, Sec. ; Mahogany Chest of Drawers, Ditto Dining and Breakfast Tables, Maho- gany arid other Chairs, Pier and other Glasses, Car- pets, Bureau, Fire- irons, Kitchen and Scullery Re- quisites, Barrels, and various other Articles. The STOCK consists of 23 Pair of Men's Breeches, 19 Pair of Boy's Ditto, Gaiters, Ac. & c. ft^ T The Sale to commence at Ten o'Clcc N. B. Any Persons having any Demand on the said Mr. WILLIAM TATE, are desired to send an Account thereof to him, at Northampton," that the same may be dischargedi ami all Persons indebted to the said Mr. Tate, are requested to discharge thisame forthwith. FARMING - STOCK. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KIRSHAW, On Thursday the 2d of May, 1305*. on the Premises of the late Mr. B. LfiVER, of MILTON, near Northampton, deceased, OIXTY- SIX COUPLES, O 4 RAMS, 55 WETHF. R and EWF, TEGS, 3 In- calved HEIFERS, 6 useful DRAUGHT HORSES; Waggons, Carts. ^ Ploughs, Harrows, FieW- Roll, Harness for six Horses, Barn Tackle, and various useful Articles. pf The Sale to commence at Ten o'Clock. B h D F O R D. ~ To be, SOLD bv AUCTION, By Messrs. GRAHAM, At the Baptist Codec- House, in Chancery- Lane, London, on Tuesday the 28th of May, at Twelve o'Clock, unless an acceptable Oiler should in the mean l ime be made by Private Contract, ACapital FREEHOLD MESSUAGE, desirably - situate irr ST. PAUL'S- S « CAR F, in the most pre- ferable Part of the Town ot BEDFORD, the Pro- perty, and now in the Possession of J. T. DAWSON, Esq. removing to his Estate in Yorkshire.— The Pre- mises are built of Brick, in a verv handsome and sub- stantial Manlier; the principal Rooms about 23 Feet in Length, and 11 Feet high; with adequate Apart- ments, Coach- Houses, Stabling, BrewhoUse, Granary, and other requisite Outbuildings, in perfect Order; large Garden, Sec.; suitable for the immediate Re- TOWN OF BEDFORD. I 4 T a MEETING of the MAYOR, BAILIFFS, I OL BURGESSES, ' COMMONALTY, and IN- j HABITANTS of the TOWN and BOROUGH of I BEDFORD, enlivened in the GUILDHALL of the said Town ( in Consequence of a Requisition, signed by divers Freemen and Inhabitants), on TUESDAY the 23d :; ay of APRIL, 1805, for the Purpose of taking into Consideration the Propriety of returning Thanks | to SAMUF. L W'. JITBREAD, Esq. one of the Represent- j atives of this Borough in Parliament, for moving, and to WILLIAM LEE ANTONIE, Esq. for supporting, the late Proceedings in the House of Commons, with a View to the Investigation of Public Abuses, and the Punishment of National Delinquents, The following Resolutions were unanimously agreed to:— ( FRANCIS GREEN, Esq. Mayor, in the Chair.) RESOLVED,— That the Thanks of the Mayor, Bai- liffs, Burgesses, Commonalty, and Inhabitants of this Borough, be returned to SAMUF. I. WIIITBREAD, Esq. oneof the Representatives in Parliament for the same, in Testimony of the high Sense they entertain of the Firmness, Energy, and Patriotism,' with which he has so ably and successfully promoted a Parliamentary Investigation of National Delinquencies; and he" is hereby earnestly requested and instructed to persevere, without Respect of Persons, in that Course of En- quiry which has already produced Effects in so high a Degree beneficial to the Country. RESOLVED,— That the Thanks of tins Common- Hall, and of the Inhabitants of this Borough, now assembled, be returned to WILLIAM LEE ANTONIE, Esq. one of the Representatives of this Borough in Parliament, for the uniform and zealous Support which he has given to the successive Motions of his Colleague, SAMUF. L WHITBREAD, Esq. for the Reform of Public Abuses and the Punishment of National To be LETT or SOLD, rnwo new- milched ASSES, with FOALS; One 9- three, and the other five Days old. Enquireof JOHN TITF., Mayorhold, Northampton; " who has tour others to dispose of, near foaling. Delinquents; and that lje be earnestly requested and instructed to continue his Assistance in every Parlia- mentary and Constitutional Mode for more complete Attainment of these great and beneficial Purposes. RESOLVED,— That a Copy of the above Resolutions be forthwith transmitted to SAMUEL WHITBREAD, Esq. and WI. LLIAM LFE ASTONIE, Esq. by the Worshipful the Mayor of this Borough; and that they be inserted in two Provincial and two London Papers. RESOLVED,— That the Thar, ks of this Meeting be given to FRANCIS GREEN, Esq. Mayor, for convening the same, and for his impartial Conduct in the Chair. ( Figncd) WM. WHITWORTH, Town- Clerk. GROCERY AND DRUG BUSINESS TO BE DISPOSED OF. ANY Person who mav be desirous to treat by PRIVATE CONTRACT for a very eligible FREEHOLD DWELLING- HOUSE, with a large commodious SHOP, now in full Trade, situated in the NEW- STREET, OUNDLE, in the County of Northampton, may receive every Information respect- ing the same, by applying at the OUNDLE BANK. ( jdT Letters ( Post- paid) duly answered. N. B. The Stock may be paid for by Instalments, if required, and any reasonable Accommodation af- forded to a Person of Character and Respectability. WAGGONS IKS HORSES, & c. npiIE COMMON STAGE - WAGGONS and S HORSES, lately advertised for Sale at WEL- LINGBOROUGH by Private Contract, will be SOLD by AUCTION, on Wednesday the 8th of Mav; together with a large Quantity of prime FARMING- STOCK; Particulars of which will be given in the next Week's Paper. FREEHOLD RESIDENCE, in BEDF^ DSHIRET To be SOLD bv AUCTION, By Mr. S M I T H, On Thursday the 2d of May, 1805, at Four o'Clock, at the Wrestlers, at St. Neots, Lot 1. A Very pleasant DWELLING- HOUSE; X V consisting of three Bed- Rooms, Parlour, Hall, Kitchen, Draper and Grocer's Shop, with other convenient Out- Ofhces, good Well of fine Water, and Pump close to the Door; two Gardens, well fenced and planted with choice Fruit Trees, a neat Yard, an Orchard thereto adjoining, planted with choice and thriving Fruit Trees; also a PADDOCK of rich ) PASTURE LAND, adjoining to a good Four- stall Stable, a Hovel, Poultry- House and Piggeries, in complete Repair, situated close to the Great North | Road, at WYBOSTON, near EATON, in the County of Bedford, inthe Occupation of Mrs. Sarah Maugham, the Proprietor. Lot 9. A CLOSE of rich inclosed LAND, situated a little Distance from the before- mentioned House and Premises, and close to the Great N< rth Road, with Quicks raised to Maturity, and in a flourishing State, containing four Acres, in the Tenure of Edward Ford, at WYBOSTON. OSi" The Land- Tax is exonerated on the whole Estate.— Possession of the House and Premises will be given at Midsummer, and Possession of the Close comprised in Lot second, may be had at Michaelmas next. V* For a View of the Estates, and for further Particulars, apply on the Premises, or to Mr. SMITH, at Kimbolton. f LONDON, April 27. PARIS Papers to the 21st, and Dutch Journals to the 24th, have been received. The fol- lowing are the most important articles of intelli- gence which they contain:— A letter from the Hague, of the 22d instant says, " The army des- tined for the invasion of England is to go into camp at Zevst on the 10th May next. The troops not destined for the expedition are to be com- manded by General Mioliis, who is expected from Paris.— It is here confidently reported, that the Brest fleet, having on board all the troops destined for the expedition from that port, has put to sea. — The information of Admiral Gravina having put to sea from Cadiz, with twelve sail of the line, is stated to be officially confirmed; his object is to form a junction with the Brest fleet." A proposition has been submitted to the Dutch Legislature for imposing upon the inhabitants of the countries ceded by the French Government to that Republic, as an extraordinary war tax, a sum equal to one- half of their ordinary con- tributions. Bonaparte was proclaimed King of Italy, at Milan, on the first of April, with groat and solemn pomp. Couriers are continually passing and repassing between Vienna and St. Petersburg. The Russian General De I. ascy is now on his way from the latter to the former city; and it is asserted, that the Emperor of Austria means shortly to set out for Hungary and Galiicia, in the latter of which provinces an interview is to take place between him and the Emperor of Russia. The French Government, it appears, contem- plates a vigorous and extensive system of opera- tions against our possessions in both the East and West Indies. It is intimated, in a note in the Moniteur, upon an article of English' intelligence, that while we are occupying Malta, and projecting expeditions against Minorca and Alexandria, we leave Ireland, Dominica, Jamaica, Ceylon, and the East- Indies, unprotected ! By accounts from Deal, received yesterday, we have somp. particulars of the capture of nil)., of the cnemv's gun- boats. It appears that seven of them arc armed with a 36- pouiider aft, and one 12- pounder forward; one of them is timber- loaded, and one full of troops.— They were all sent into Ramsgate harbour. Not a man was killed or wounded on board our vessels. They were stealing round Cape Grisncz for Boulogne; and had on board about 150 troops. —= 3 ® © eec— Blonday the Brackley and Chippingwardon Troops of Yeomanry were inspected by Lieutenant- Colonel Corbett, who was pleased to express much satisfaction at the manner in which they acquitted themselves; and on the following day the Brackley Battalion of Volunteer Infantry was inspected by Lieutenant- Colonel Delaval, before whom they went through the several manoeuvres with the greatest steadiness and attention. The Yeomanry, and the Byfield Company of Infantry,- under the command of Captain Annitt, who, with a laud- able zeal, had marched near twenty miles, were quartered at Brackley; and the perfect order and quiet that prevailed, gained them the highest credit with their Officers and the inhabitants of the town. The Banbury Volunteers, commanded by Major Bignell, have unanimously volunteered their ser- vices to go on permanent pay and duty. Grand Junction Canal.— We are happy in being able to contradict the account which appeared in some of the late London papers, lespecting the failure of one of the arches of the aqueduct over the river Ouse, by Stony- Stratford. The follow- ing statement will be read with much satisfaction by all concerned:— " The Committee cf the Grand Junction Caral Company having seen a paragraph in some of Saturday's papers (. the 13th instant), evidently framed to answer the purposes of speculation, and to depreciate the shares, by a report that the embankment and arches at Woolverton have suiL- r t great damage— feel great pleasure in assuring the public, that notwithstanding a trifling and very common settling arose on striking the centres, since that period not the least increase can be perceived. The state of the embankment and arches is most satisfactory, as appears by the report of Mr. Telford ( an engineer of the highest respect- ability, particularly selected to inspect the whole line), and by a letter received this day, inclosing the most favourable opinion by Mr. Jessop on the subject. The engine injured by fire is the joint property of the Company and the Contractors, and would have been useless at Woolvccton in a few weeks, from the advanced state of the works, and is not necessary to oe repaired. By Order of the Committee. R. C. SALE, Committee Clerk. Grand Junction Canal- Office, 12, Essex- street, Strand, April 16, 1805. We understand that Bache's boats have several times since the opening the tunnel at Blisworth, passed between Paddington and Coventry in 03 hours; a distance of more than 140 miles, although they bad to pass two long tunnels and about 100 locks. A further improvement by avoiding eight of these locks will take place on the completion of the abovementioned embankment.— From Man- chester to Loudon the voyage may be performed in seven days; and from Leeds, Wakefield, and Halifax in 12 or 14, although a distance of con- siderably more than 300 miles, and incommoded with a very great number of locks indeed.— This last long voyage, it may bo confidently expected, will be shortened by two or three days, as soon as vessels better adapted for expedition, become more used on some of the northern canals. Bank Stock 3 per Ct. Red. 3 per Ct. Cons. 4 per Ct. Cons. 5 per Ct. Ann. PRICE OF sh bm mi 73i 74 8Sif STOCKS. Imp. 3 per Cents. India Stock India Bonds Excheq. Bills Omnium sh. sh. 2 dis. sh. 214 To be ( pf A. UNDERWOOD, thankful tor Favdurs re- ceived, humbly solicits a Continuance of the same, which will be gratefully acknowledged. ANTED~ iminediatelv, ADJOURN EYMAX PLU'VLBER, GLAZIER, and PAINTER; who may meet witii constant Employ, by applying to GIBBS & SMITH, Daventry. ANTED, as GARDENER, in a » mtM Family, A steady active PERSON, who un- derstands his Business well, and does not object to undertake some other Out- door Work. He must be well recommended for Honesty, Sobriety, arid good Temper. — A good plain COOK, to take the Dairy of one Cow, is also WAN TED in the same Family. PT Apply to W. SMITH, Printer, Bedford. FARMING- STOCK. To bo SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. THOMSON, On Monday the 6th of May, 1805, on the Premises of Mrs. CURTIES, at RUSHDEN, nearHigham- Ferrers, in the County of Northampton ( leaving her Farm), rpiIE LIVE and DEAD STOCK; consisting of _. L five useful Draught Horses; two in- calvcd Cows; thirty- three Couples, and fifty- three Lambhogs and Theaves; one prime Narrow- wheel Waggon, and three Carts; Harness complete for five Horses; Ploughs and Harrows; Gears; Winnowing- Fan and Barn Tackle; a Quantity of Sacks; a Barrel- Churn ; Milk- Leads and Dairy Utensils; a 33- Gallon Brewing- Copper; Mash- Vat; sweet Iron- bound Casks; a large Lead Horse- Trough, Cow, Horse, and Sheep- Cribs, Hurdles, Sec. ; a Steel Malt- Mill; a large Hair Cloth ; Beds and Bedding, with several Lots of Household- Furniture; and various other Articles. Abo, 24 ACRES of prime GRAZING LAND, till St. Thomas next. ( pr The Auctioneer requests the Company to meet him on the Premises by Ten o'Clock, as the Sale will positively commence at that Time with the Live Stock,— The Whole will be sold in one Day. ( idT To be viewed, and Particulars had on the Premises; at the Sun, Biggleswade; Cock, at Eaton; George, Northampton; the Inns at Royston, Hertford, and Ware; of W. Dawson, Esq. Islington- Green; and of Messrs. Graham, Red- Lion- Square, London. STATE - LOTTERY To commence Drawing on the 13th of MAY. \/ rERY few former Lotteries, although they v have consisted of double the Number of Tickets, contained Capital Prizes ot such Magnitude as the present, viz. 2 Prizes of =£. 30,000 I 3 Prizes of £. 10,000 2 20,000 | Sec. Sec. Sec. 111 the Whole of those Lotteries ihere have been but four Prizes of £. 30,000 divided and sold in Shares. Two out of the Four were sold by RICHARDSON, G( X) DLUCK, & Co. No. 26,883, in 1 Half, 1 Fourth, and 2 Eighth Shares, £. 30,018; No. 12,807, in 16 Sixteenths, £. 30,000. IVho have also sold inthe last and late Lotteries the fallowing CAPITAL PRIZES:— 24,417 A Whole Ticket £. 10,000 14 009 S1' 1 1 Quarter, 2 Eighth, and 8 Six.; , w ( tecntli Shares $ 18,625. .. In 1 Half and 8 Sixteenth Shares . 39,471 A Whole Ticket . 1R 471 $ In 1 Half> ] Quarter, 1 Eighth, and) * M/ 1 i 2 Sixteenth Shares { 18 825 1 Quarter> 1 Eighth, and 10 Six- ' > ... teenth Shares and 10 Six-^ 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,019 20,000 SOLD by A U C T I O N, By Mr. Ot'VSTON, At the Royal Oak Inn, in Leiceste;, on Tuesday the , . . 7th Day of May, 1805, at Five o'Clock in the' Af- j gistrate for the said county, and is sincerely la- ternoon, subject to such Conditions as will be then mented bv all who knew hiin. NO R THA MP TO N, SATURDAY EVENING, April 27. BIRTH.] On Wednesday morning, at his Grace's house, Stable- yard, St. James's, her Grace the Duchess of Bedford, of a son. MARRIED. On Monday last, Major Boycott, of the 16th Light Dragoons, to Miss Smyth, of this place. On Thursday se'nnight, William Ilolbech, the younger, Esq. of Faruiborough, Major in the Warwickshire militia, to Miss Lucy Bowles, daughter of Oldfield Bowles, Esq. of North- Aston, Oxfordshire. Yesterday se'nnight, Mr, John Leak, agent to the Grand Junction Canal Company, to Miss Lovell. daughter of Mr. G. Lovell, of WTeedon- Beck, in this county. DIED.] On Wednesday se'nnight, at the Salis- bury Arms, Hatfield, on his way to London, aged 06, Sir Philip Monoux, Bart, of Sandy- Place, Bedfordshire. He was manv \ ears an active Ma- A lusty woman, of respectable appearance, calling herself Mrs. Egerton, came to the George Inn, in this place, last week, and circulated hand- bills for " Public Readings" at the Town- Hall; on Saturday morning she decamped, leaving several bills unpaid.—- We insert this as a caution. At, the Quarter- Sessions for this county, held on Thursday last, John Deighton and John " Fox, con- victed of stealing a game- cock, the property, of John Reeves, were sentenced to be confined in the house of correction for two months, and there kept by themselves to hard labour. On Sunday morning last, about one o'clock, two smart shocks of an earthquake were distinctly felt at Birmingham, Handsworth, West- Bfomwich", and other places lying in that direction.— A letter upon the circumstance from Wolverhampton, observes, " I, and many hundreds more here, and at Stone, Stafford, NnwrasrJe, were much alarmed by an earthquake, which was felt here some littlo time before one o'clock on Sunday morning. I understand that doors and windows were burst Open by the violence of the shock; inv windows and bed shook amazingly. At Stone, it is said that a horsekeeper was thrown down by it whilst dressing his horses. The concussion was attended with a rumbling noise, but did not continue Ion" here." On Saturday se'nnight, about ten o'clock, a fire broke out at the Chequers public- house, at Bramp- ton, near Huntingdon, which entirely consumed the same, with several cottages and out- houses ad- joining, and did material damage to some others; but fortunately, through the timely arrival of the fire- engines, aided bv the exertions of several gentlemen in the neighbourhood, it was happily got under without any lives being lost. Liberal subscriptions are now raising in different parts of the neighbourhood for the poor unfortunate sufferers. 48,318 A Whole Ticket 20,000 48 752 2 Quarters. 2 Eighth, and 4 Six-> „. , nn 8, 0 (,....... teenth Shares S 0 7,105 In 1 Quarter, 2 Eighth, and 8 Six-, „„ nnn „ teenth Shares S -°' u0° Also Prizes of £. 2,000, £. 1,000, £. 500, Sec. Sec. And a very large Amount of Capital Prizes in former Lotteries, too numerous to particularize. TICKETS AND SHARES ARE ON SALE RY RICHARDSON, GOODLUCK, & Co. Of CORNHILL and CIIARING- CROSS, LONDON, produced, A VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY, in XV LEICESTER, in the following Lots : — Lot 1. A substantial- built HOUSE, with the Workshops, Yard, Garden, and other Appurtenances thereto belonging, adjoining the West Bridge, and in the Occupation of Mr. Robert Bales, Dyer and Trimmer.— The above is situate at the Extremity of I Salisbury the Leicester Navigation, and joining the Union Canal, f' , „,„.|,. is well calculated for Wharfs, Warehouses, or a Brewery on an extensive Scale, containing 5650 square Yards of rich Land, the principal Part of which is planted with choice and valuable Fruit Trees. The Whole opens to a wide and public Street leading to Hinckley and Birmingham, forming a Front of 97 Feet/ Lot 2. TWO MESSUAGES or TENEMENTS, with a Garden, Barn, and Stable adjoining the same, 47 Feet in Front, and contain 385 square Yards, in the Occupation of Mr. Bunney and Mr Pawley. Lot 3. THREE new- erected MESSUAGES or TENEMENTS, situate near the Half- Moon Wharf, in the Occupation of Mrs. Ann Foard and others. Lot 4. A RANGE of BUILDINGS, well calcu- lated tor Malt- Offices or Warehouses, bordering on the Union Canal, fronting 40 Feet to the North, and 74 Feet to the East, in the Occupation of Vinter and others. Lot 5. A complete MESSUAGE, in RED- CROSS- STREET, late in the Occupation of Mr. Hind, with Garden, Rain- Water Cistern, and other Appurtenances; also, FOUR new- built TENEMENTS at the Back thereof, and fronting ST. MARY'S CHURCH. Lot 6. A HOUSE, in CANK- STREET, with an old and well- accustomed BAKEHO USE, in the Occu- pation of Mr. Sheldon; also, TWO TENEMENTS adjoining the same, in the Occupation of Barratt and Mason. ( pT Fora Vi; " w of the Whole, apply to the re- spective Tenants; and for further Particulars, to Mr. KEIGHTLEY, Shambles- Lane, Leicester. On Monday last, at Loddington, in this county, after a very short illness from an apoplectic stroke, in the 67th year of his age, the Rev. Charles Sturges, M. A. rector of Chelsea, in Middlesex, near 42 years vicar of St. Mary's, in Reading, and Prebendary of the Cathedrals of St. Paul and He was son to the Rev. Chas. Sturges, formerly rector of Orlingburv, in this county, and nephew to the late Ambrose lsted, Esq. of Ecton, near this town. On Friday morning, the Rev. Wm. Terry, D. D. rector of Wootton, near this town. On Tuesday se'rmight, after a few days illness, in the 76th year of his age, the Rev. 1saac Whyley, upwards of 40 years rector of Witherley, Lei- cestershire. Lately, at Tamworth, Mrs. Wilson, widow of John Wilson, Esq. a ladv most highly esteemed, and endeared to the poor by her many known and silent charities. On Saturday last, in consequence, as is sup- posed, of his horse falling with him near Dudley Port, Mr. William Hunt, eldest son of William Hunt, Esq. of the Brades, near Birmingham. The Northamptonshire Regiment of Militia, never backward in manifesting its spirit and loy-' alty, has already furnished its full quota of men for general service, under the provisions of the late Act. of Parliament.— A list, of the names of the men who have volunteered, and of the regi- ments into which they have enlisted, which came ^ too late for insertion in this week's paper, will ( \\ r appear in our next. Th Yesterday se'nnight, as Mr. John " Wright, of Worksop, Nottinghamshire, was returning home from a visit to a friend in the neighbourhood of that place, he was, by some unknown accident, unfortunately thrown from his horse, and one of his feet remaining entangled in the stirrup, in that perilous situation lie was dragged at full speed the distance of a mile before " his release could be effected. He was conveyed speechless to the. nearest house, where, iti consequence of the bruises lie had received, he expired at five o'clock ou the following morning. A few days since as' some workmen, employed in the inclosure of Kettering field, were diaging a trench, a box, supported on each side by stakes, ' was discovered a small distance from the surface cf the earth, in which were the bones of a human form.— It is supposed, from the state in which they were found, that they could not have been buried there more than 12 or 14 years. It is said that, a young man, an apprentice to a hair- dresser at Kettering, was suddenly missed about that period, and has never since " been heard of. ( fTJ" The prisoners in the county gaol return thanks to the gentlemen of the Grand jury at the quarter- sessions, for 17s. left in the hands of the gaoler. Corn- Exchange, London, Friday, April 26. The supplies of Wheat arc Sar^ e, with many arrivals of foreign, which has the effect of a further re- duction of full 10s. per quarter since Monday; scarce any buyers at that, and is exnected lower.— Bailey in great plenty, almost without sale, and further declines.— Malt at less; Rye likewise. PRICE of CORN per Quarter at Northampton, Saturday, April 27. Wheat, 80S. to 100s. Rve, 60s. Od. to 7ris. Barley, 30s. Od. to 48;. Od. Oats, 24s. Od. to 25s. 6d. .1. GRAFTON, Clerk of the Market. LTST of FAIRS, from April. 29 to May 11, within the Circuit of this Paper. M. April 29. Market- Harborough ( lasts two days) and Soiyhull. T. 30. Potton. W. May 1. Burnham. 2. We I don, Coventry, West - Haddon, and Purton. 4. Northampton, Erith, and Ampthill. 6. Marlow, Oukham, Risborough, Stamford, Buckitgbam, Ivbtghoe, and Chipping- Norton. 7. Thrapjtm and Harro/ d. 8.- Aylesbury and Market- Bosworlb. 9. Iligham- Ferrers', Beans, 43s. Od. to45s. Od. Peas. 42s. Od. to 52s. Od. By the Standard Measure. Th. - S. — M. — TURNPIKE- TOILS TO BE LETT. NOTICE is hereby given, That the TOLLS arising at the several Toll- Gates upon the rum- pike- Roaii leading from Towcester, in the County ot Northampton, to the Tir;> pike- Road m Cotton- End, , in the Parish of Hardingston, in the said County, j called or known bv the several Names ot FIFFIELU GATE with the WEIGHING- MACHINE and SIDE- GATF DUSTIIILL- LANE' SIDE- GATE, BLIIWORTH | GATE, with the WEI o HI NO- M ACHI NE, FAR- COT- J GATE with the SIDE- GAT* across Hardingstone Pi ISWORTH aforesaid, on THURSDAY the 16thDay ot M AY next, between the Hours of Twelve and I wo o'Ciock, in the Manner prescribed by the Act passed in the 13th Year of the Reign of His Majesty King Georue the Third, for regulating the i'urnpike- Roads; which several Tolls produced the last Year the re- spective Sums following, viz. at 1 ifheld Gate, the Sinn of £ 120; Dusthill- Lane Side- Gate, the Sum of £ 431 Bliswortb Gate, £. 170; and Far- Cottcm Gate ( exclusive of the Hardingstone Meer- Way Sir, which was not lett last Year), the Sum of above the Kxpences of collecting them, and will be nut up at those respective Sums.— Whoever happen to be the Best Bidders must immediately pay down into the Hands of the Treasurer a Deposit of £. 5 on the Bidding made, which will be allowed on Payment of the first Month's Rent; and at the same Time give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turnpike- Road, tor 1 ay- nient of the respective Rents ,*, reed tor, and at such Tillies as thev shall direct. Bv Order of the said Trustees, y WM. TR. SMYTH, Clerk. A TEN THOUSAND POUNDS. rpiIE first- drawn Ticket will be proclaimed on 1 th- I'lth of next Month, and entitled to the above Sum, besides such Prize as will otherwise tall to its Share, perhaps a £. 30,000. It is a well- known Fact, that HORNSBY & Co. were the first who sold two Prizes of £. 30,000 Nos. 3147!) and 42,569. The present Lottery affords the Adventurer two Chances of that Importance, besides an extraordinary Number of Capital Prv. es, such as never were before introduced into any Lottery. HORNSBY & Co. have the Satisfaction of acquainting their Country Correspondents, that the Demand for Tickets and Shares at their Offices has increased, is increasing, and. no Doubt, will continue to increase | as the Drawing approaches; as such, they beg Leave to advise their Friends to purchase their Chances without Delay, as they will save considerably. f-' T Order's for Tickets and Shares, by Letter or Carrier, executed on the same Terms as it present. » » Prizes paid on Demand, whether a £. 20 or a £ 30, pOO, at their old- established State- Lottery- Oihce, 2TI, COR NHILL, LONDON. _ ' TEX THOUSAND POUNDS For the first- drawn Ticket 13th of next Month. HUGHSON's. DESCRIPTION or LONDON, And a Circumference of thirty Miles, Embellished with a beautiful SERIES of ENGRAV- INGS, from ORIGINAL DRAWINGS, deline- ating exact Representations of the most celebrated PUBLIC BUILDINGS, SEATS of the Nobility and Gentry, VIEWS of Towns, Churches, Anti- quities, &' c.: An entire new Work, from ACTUAL SURVEY, DEDICATED TO HIS MAJESTY. This Day, April 27, 1805, - was jiitlistrd, in 8vo. ( PRICE ONLY SIXPENCE), NUMBER I. . ( Containing thirtv- two Pages of Letter- Press, and embellished with an elegant emblematical FRONT- I sr I ECS, from an Original Drawing, by Corbouid, en- graved in the first Stile bv C. Warren, and astrikmg PORTRAIT OF HIS' MAJESTY, engraved by Chapman), the succeeding Numbers to be printed weekly, of Ni'. w WORK, denominated LONDON; beinc an accurate and faithful HISTORY and DESCRIPTION of the BRITISH METRO- POLIS and its NEIGHBOURHOOD, to the Extent of THIRTY MILES, from an ACTUAL PERAMBULATION; which will iorrn a Body of Information respecting this vast CITY and its ENVIRONS, at once interesting and instructive, without the Incumbrance of Prolix- ity, or irrelevant Detail. By DAVID HUGHSON, LL. D. A comparative Deduction of the Manners of the Citizens, the Improvement in Arts, Commerce, and the Police ot this essential Part of the British Empire, will form a pleasing Analogy; and every Class of Readers must feel interested in acquiring the important Knowledge of the peculiar Gradaiions of LONDON— from Rudeness to Refinement— from a Plantation of thatched Cottages to a Metropolis of starsly Struc- tures, the first and most celebrated Emporium of the World! The first Number'will be a faithful Specimen of the Whole; should it not meet tile entire Satis- faction of the Purchaser, it may bc returned. This Work shall be completed in One Hundred and Fifty Numbers, and a promissory Note given in the first Number to deliver the Overplus gratis. A List of Subscribers will be given in the last Number. Our Materials will consist Of such Documents as can be procured from the best Sources of Information and personal Enquiry; no Violation shall, however, be offered to just Probability, considering that Illus- tration should bc compendious without being prolix. The Charters and Privileges of the LIVERY and FREK- MEN of LONDON ; the Origin and present State of the various Corporate Bodies, their Immunities, & c. where they can be obtained, will, in this Work, be most particularly attended to. After exhibiting such a Claim to Approbation, we UNION CANAL. nPIIE next Half- yearly General Assembly of the !. Company of Proprietors of the Leicestershire and Northamptonshire Union Canal will be held at the AISGEL INN, in the Town of MARKET- HARBOROUGH, on MONDAY the 6th Day of MAY next, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon; of which they are hereby requested to take Notice. J. E. CARTER, I Clerks to the said G. WARTNABY, S Company. Leicester, April 9th, 1805. A fresh Supply just received by Mr. MARSHALL, Chemist, NORTHAMTON, and at his Shop in HAR- BOROUOH. MARSHALL'S UNIVERSAL CERATE, For Burns, Scalds, Sore Legs, Scorbutic Humours, Ulcers, < 3c. 0 ORE Leas of all Descriptions, from whatever IO Cause, or of ever so long standing, are cured in a safe, pleasant, easy, and effectual Manner, without the least Confinement. It is equally efficacious in every Kind of Wound or Sor>.-, Scald, Burn, or Biuise, Eruptions of all Kinds, and Ulcers of every Deno- mination, especially sore and ulceratcd Legs, which have been healed in so rapid a Manner, that a new Method of Cure has been established by this useful and never- failing Preparation, of which the numerous and extraordinary CURkS daily received will fully testify. CASE LXXIII.— Of an ULCERATED LEG. North- Shields, March 1, 1805. SI R,— Above four Years agp I by Accident got a bad Leg, with four Set- fasts on it; the Wound baffled all the Skill of our best Surgeons, : tnd increased so rapidly, as last Winter to completely lay me up in Bed.— Hearing of the Number of Cures performed by MAR SHA LL'S UNIVERSAL C ERATE, I applied it, and to my Astonishment, ONE Box completely cured me. 1 send you this to make what Use of it you may think needful; and am yours, See. & c. S. RODDAM, Bookseller. f^ fT Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Messrs. Shaw and Edwards, 66, St. Paul's Church- Yard, London, Agents to Mr. Marshall, in B rxes, Is. lid', and2s. 9d. each; and Retail by Mr. Marshall, Northampton, and thfc general Dealers of Medicine in Town and Country. A; No. of Prizes. SCHEME. Value of each. are 2 of at'. 30,000 2 20,000 3 10,( » 00 . 3 5,000 5 2,000 8 1,000 14 500 50 100 100 50 6000 20 30,000 Tickets. Total Value. £. 60,000 40,000 30,000 15,000 10,000 8,000 7,000 5,000 5,000 120,000 £. 300,000 Part of the Capitals will be determined as follm « :— First- drawn, 1st Day £. 10,000 Ditto,.. Ditto, „ Ditto,.. Ditto,.. Ditto,.. Diito 2d Day .. 3d Day .. ... 4th Day .. ... 5th Day .. .. 6th Day - - " th Day 1,000 1,000 5,000 1,000 20,000 2,000 disclaim and reject improper or invasive Competition. We consider, that " there are few Roads, however beaten, which will not furnish some Supply to a judicious Gleaner;" and should our Endeavours attract the Attention we solicit, no Doubt will follow, that due Credit and Encouragement will compensate the Assiduity of our Efforts, the Extent of our Pursuits, and the Difficulties we have strove to surmount, in amusing and instructing that Public by whom we trust to be patronized and supported. In fine, this faithful and accurate DESCRIPTION OF LONDON, And its Vicinity, to the Extent of thirty Miles, shall embrace everv Medium of local Knowledge; whilst the History shall deduce a Comparison of the Manners of the Citizens, and the Improvement in Arts, Commerce, and the Police of this essential Part of the British Empire. %* The Embellishments to this Work will he no inconsiderable Recommendation, being executed in a • Stile far superior to those which usually accompany Works at the same Price. They will be engraved from original Drawings or Paintings of the most celebrated Artists. Exclusive of the elegant Copper- Plate En- gravings, will be given correct Representations of all the Churches and other public Buildings, neatly en- graved on Wood, which will lie printed with the Letter- Press. A FINE EDITION Ditto,'.".'."!!. 8th Day 30,000 id Day, ,% 1 Dav, 4th Day, 5tll Day, tith Day, 7th Day, 8th Day, 9th Dav, 10th Day, 13 IS 22 25 2!) 4 6 11 13 15 H Ditto, 9th Day L00" Ditto! 10th Day 2,000 The Days of Drawing will be, Monday, Saturday, May . Wednesday, May .. Saturday, .. May ... Wednesday, May ... Tuesday, fuiie ... Thursday,:.. June ... Tuesday, June ... Thursday, June ... Saturday, June PRESENT rKICE. Tickets £- 19 0s- Half £. 9 15 0 1 Eighth £. 2 9 6 Quarter 118 01 Sixteenth .... 1 5 0 liTf Tickets will rise considerably before tlie Drawing begins— last Lottery they rose £. 3 per Ticket in the Week before the Drawing began. ARDY's new- invented BLACKLN'G- POW- DER ( patronized by, and used for, the King and Royal Familv), with Half the usual Trouble, pro- duces the most fashionable and elegant jet Lustre to Boots, Dress Shoes, Cartouch- Boxes, Ladies' black Boots, Clogs, & c. As the above Composition is neither Japan nor Varnish, it will not crust upon the Boot which occasions DECAY ; but, on the Contrary, will soften and meliorate the Leather, repel Water, withstand Heat, and retain its Virtues in all Climates. It neither soils the Finger, nor smells disagreeably. Is. and Is. fid. per Box. Also, ,. , A MIXTURE, CREAM, and LIQUID, which so excellently restores, preserve,, and beautifies the Tops of Boots.— The Cream keeps the pale Colour; Is 6d The Liquid, for brown or tan. Is. flic Mix- ture is for the Purpose of taking out Ink or any Stain; 3s. per Bottle.— The Genuine are signed " Robert Hardv ' 1, Barnard's- Inn, Holborn, London." Sold by him •' the Printers of this Paper and their Newsmen; and most Booksellers, Perfumers, and Venders ot Medicine in the Kingdom. . , , ( IT This Blacking- Powder is particularly recom- mended to Dealers, aud for Exportation, from the Closeness of Packing, Lightness of Carriage, and not being subject to Loss, as most Liquids are, from the breaking of Battles, fermenting Number. N. B. Ill this Edition, the Plans of public Build- ings, Maps, & c. will be finely coloured; which, with the superb Engravings, and the Elegance of the Types,, blended with'ihesuperior Quality of the Paper, will make it the most splendid Work on this Subject ever submitted to public Approbation. London: Printed and published by J. STRATFORD, No. 112, Holborn- Hill; and sold by all other Book- sellers and Newscarriers in the United Kingdom. Our Readers are requested to be particular in ordering; HUGlISON's DKSC11IPT1 ON OF LONDON. A large Supply just received by Mr. MARSHALL, PARADE, NORTHAMPTON. BY THE KING'S PATENT. DR. SIBLY's RF.- ANIMATLNG SOLAR TINCTURE, for Diseases of the Breast and I. ungs, Asthma, Dropsy, Consumption, Nervous Complaints, Scc%— The Caution on the Outside of the Wrapper, aud on the Bottle of the real Medicine, is as follows :—" Dr. Sibly's Solar Tincture .— By His Majesty's Royal Letters Patent."— The Public are re- quested to attend to this Caution, in Consequence of an Imposition which has been practised by certain Venders of Medfcine, who have not only sold in London, but by travelling round the Country, have thereby disseminated, through the Retail Dealers in different Parts of the Kingdom, a spurious Prepa- ration, under the Name of Sibly's Solar Tincture: The Words " Dr." and " By His Majesty's Royal Letters Patent," are left out. The Solar Tincture is sold, in Bottles at 7s. 6d. and 14s. each, and the Lunar Tincture at 10s. fid. only, Duty included. Wholesale and Retail, at the Doctor's House, No. 40, New Bridge- Street, Ludgate- Hill; and by Mr. Marshall, Northampton, the only Vender of this Medicine. WYMAN's ANTl- IULIOL'S PILLS. S a safe and efficacious Remedy for Bilious Complaints, Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, Sick Head - Acli, sour or bitter Taste in the Mouth, tor Jaundice, Obstructions in the Liver, and Gouty Habits, where the Head and Stomach are af- fected, Mr. WYMA N begs Leave to recommend his ANTI- BILIOUS PILLS, their Efficacy being esta- blished on the Testimony of many Persons of respect- ability, who have experienced their salutary Effects. ( S5T They are an excellent Medicine preparatory to Sea- bathing; for Persons who have impaired their Constitutions by free Living; and tor the Bowel Complaints which generally prevail in hot Weather. Prepared and sold by W'. WYMAN, Surgeon, Ket- tering. Sold, Wholesale, bv Dicey and Sutton, No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, London ; and Retail by Dicey & Sutton, Edge, and Marshall, Northampton; Sanderson & Beal, and Tuck & Mather, Welling- borough ; Robins, and Bates, Daventry ; Reeve, Higham- Ferrers; York, Oundle; Beesley, Banbury; Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Queue- borough, Dunstable; Alsop, Luton; Harrod, and Bull, Market - Harborough ; Wilcox, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham ; Hawkes, Lutter- worth ; Smith, Bedford; Gardner, Biggleswade i Richardson, Stony - Stratford ; I(> ggin, Aylesbury; Wards, Hinckley; Eaton, Thrapston; JacoJj, Petei- horough ; Roberts, Southam; Sharp, Warwick; Luccock, Kimbolton ; Emery, St. Neots; Jenkii-„. on, Huntingdon; Tapp, and Darton, Hitchin; Wallis, j Olney ;' Rowell, Rugby; Ward, Stratford- upon- Avon; i Rollason, and Merridew, Covemrv ; and bv all other Venders of Medicines. Price 2s. " 9d. a Box, Duty included. " BY THE" KING'S PATENT. R Y M E II' s CARDIAC ami NERVOUS TINCTURE: 1HE only safe and effectual Remedy for Dis- orders of the Head, Stomach, and Bowels, viz. First,— Head- Ach, Confusion, and Giddiness. Secondly,— Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, Bilious Crudities and Retchings, Yellowness of the Eves and Skin, Flatulence, Pain, Spasms, Heart- bum, Hiccup, Gripings, Cholic, and Costiveness. Thirdly,— For the Cout in the Stomach and Head. Fourthly,— For all such Alfcotions of the Nervous TO OVERSEERS OE THE TOOR GOING OUT AND COMING INTO OFFICE. THIS DAY IS POLISHED, PRICE OS. < L Medium Quarto ruled & printed ACCQ. MPT- j\ BOOK, tor entering the INDENTURES of PARISH APPRENTICES; to which is added,- An ABSTRACT of the ACT. ( f3T By this Act of Parliament it is provided, " That if any Overseer or Overseers of the Poor neglect to provide and keep such a Book, or shall not deliver or teytder such Book or Books to his or their Successor or Successors in Office, within fourteen Days after his or their Appointment, and if the said Successor or Success- ors refuse or neglect to receive the same, such Person or Persons so offending shall forfeit and pay the Sum of Five Pounds, or in. Default thereof shall be committed to the Houseot Correction for one calendar Month." Birmingham : Printed and sold by K NOTT SI I. LOY D ; sold also by L. B. Seeley, Ave- Maria- Lane, London; j and by the Booksellers in Northampton, and all other j Towns ; Where may he had the following valuable Publications-:— j 1. LAWRENCE'S ENQUIRY into the STRUC- 1 TURE and ANIMAL ECONOMY of the HORSE. | Second Edition, printed upon fine Royal Paper, and j embellished with seventeen fine Plates, Price £. 1 Is. J Boards. . I 2. BUTTON'S OBSERVATIONS during SIX- j TE EN TOURS intoNORTH WALES. Fine Plates, ! Price 7s. fid. Boards. I 3. MILTON'S PARADISE LOST, a Poem; a new Edition, with his Life by Anderson, printed upon fine Paper, and embellished with a finely- engraved Portrait, Price 4s. Boards. 4. The SECRETARY, and complete LETTER- WRITER; embellished with a fine Frontispiece, Price 2s. sewed, or 2s. fid. bound in red. S'i VTK- LOTTKRY for 1801, Begins Drawing Monday, V.' tth May,. 1805. P"! " HE Tickets are sold and divided into Halves, .1 Quarters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, by HAZARD, BVHXE, 4- Co. Stock- Brokers, at their State- Lottery- Office, No. 93, under the Royal. Exchange, London, and no where else on their Account. Letters ( Post- paid) duly answered, and Schemes gratis. THE SCHEME CONTAINS 2 Prizes of £. 30,000 2 of 20,000 3 of 10,000 3 of.. 5,000 5 of 2,000 8 of 1,000 14 of 500 & c. & c. And the lowest Prize £. 20. ( flT In the late Lottery, No. 8,035, a Prize of £. 25,020, was sold and registered at the above Office; where No. 19,338, £; 5,0i) 0, and 20,742 and 20,787 Prizes of £. 1000, were sold in Shares. *** Country Orders, accompanied with short- dated Biils on London, Post- Office Orders, or Cash, in Parcel by Coach or Carrier, punctually attended to; and Correspondents may depend on being- treated ex- actly on the same Terms as if personally present. LOTTERIES Restored to their oti^ irral State, Asp TICKETS AMI SHARES SELLING BY J. BRANSCOM H, One of the original Contractors for the last, likewise the present Lottery, and Proprietor of the lucky Lottery- Offices, No. 11, HOLBORN, and 37, GoKKHrr. L; "\" f 7 HERE the first f. .30,000 ever shtu- ed was * • sold in oi. e Half, one Quarter, one Eighth, and two- Sixteenths; also the first Blank ever en- titled to £. 20,000, No. 37,247, was sold in one Quarter, three Eighths, and six Sixteenths; and w here Two of the Twenty Thousand Pound Prizes, in the first and second Lotteries for 1804, were sold as follows, viz. — No. 9219, in one Half, one Quarter, one Eighth, and two Sixteenths; and No. 11,643, in one Quarter, three Eighths, and six Sixteenths; and where the following Capital Prizes have been sold, shared, and registered, namely, 4 a 11 15 SiC 54 of ^ .30,000 00,000 10, OOO 5,000 2,000 1,000 likewise the only £. 3000 Prize ever shared, besides a great Nuinbei of £. 500, £. 200, £. 100, &. c. ( JPlease to observe the present Lottery abounds with Capital Prizes far exceeding anv former one, with only 80,000 Tickets, having two Prizes of £. 30,000, two of £. 20,000, three of £. 10,000, three of £. 5,000, & c. & c. therefore an early Purchase is recommended. *** Schemes gratis, and every Particular relative to the present Lottery, may be had of Mr. BIRD SAI. 1, LICENSED for NORTHAMPTON. 1 TO THE CURIOUS IN FISH SAUCE. T7 A M I 1,1 I'. S in general are respectfully in- formed, J. BURGESS and SON'S GENUINE and SUPERIOR ESSENCE of ANCHOVIES for FISH SAUCE, continues to be prepared by them in the same Manner that has obtained such universal Approbation. for inahy Years past. The long justly- acquired Superiority of that Article, is fully confirmed in the Opinion of the Country at large, and of Persons resident in all Parts of the World, and having stood the Test of Trials ranks it in the Situation it now maintains. vi'he general Utility of their ESSENCE of AN- CHOVIES, and other RICH SAUCES for FISH, & c. induces them, from the numerous Advertisements daily appearing, to caution Families, & c. in pur- chasing ilie same, as hone is to he had of THEIR GENUINE, but at their Warehouse as under. ( pf Every other Article in the Oil Trade, for Fa- milv Use, of the best Quality. Warehouse, No. 107, Comer of Savoy Sups, Strand, London. B U T L E R' s RESTORATIVE TOOTH - POWDER, Prepared from the original Recipe of the late Dr. P. H. Dimsdale, POSSESSES such wonderful Powers in curing the Tooth - Ach, Scurvv in the Gums, in System, as are attended with Depression ot Spirits, | whitening, cleansing, and preserving the Teeth, and Paralytic and Apoplectic Dispositions, Prostration ot j communicating a delightful Fragrance 10 the Breath, Strength, Timidity, Tremors, Ac. • Fifthly,— For bracing and strengthening the whole System, in States of Relaxation and Debility. Sixthly,— As a powerful Antiseptic in Cases of SOLOMON'S GUIDE TO HEALTH. This Day is published, a new Edition, of nearly 300 Pages, in one Volume, 8yo. Price only 3s. with an elegant Portrait of the Author, entitled, AGUIDE to HEALTH; or, ADVICE to BOTH . SEXES in a Variety of Complaints; which fully explains, in a concise, plain, and easy Manner, the most simple Methods of Treatment, ami efficacious Remedies, for the following Diseases:— Abortion, or Miscarriage Asthmas Appetite ( Loss of) Barrenness Bilious Complaints Chlorosis, ot Green- Sick- ness Consumptions Female Diseases Fits Fluor Alhu « , or Whites Flatulence, or Wind Gleets Gonorrhoea Hypochondria, or Melaa- cnoly Complaints Indispositions attendant on Pregnancy Indigestion Juvenile Indiscretions Lowness of Spirits Nervous Diseases Pregnancy Phthisis, or Cough Rheumatism Scrofula Seminal Weaknesses Scurvy Turn - Of Life, Sec. Sec. To which is added, an Essay on the Venereal Disease, Gleets, and Seminal Weaknesses. By S. SOLOMON, M. D. This Pamphlet points out the direct Methods of Cure, from a Bltnriorrhagi or Gonorrhoea to a con- firmed Siphilis. To which is added, an Address to Parents, Guardians, Tutors, and those who have the Care and Education of Youth. Likewise, Advice to Bathers, particularly the afflicted with Nervous Com- plaints. The Whole illustrated anil interspersed with a Variety of authentic Facts, never before published. N. B. For the very excellent Character of this Work, see she different Reviews. U pwards of " 0,500 Copies have actually been « old of " So- Joinon's Guide to Health," as certified under the Hands of the Printers themselves: A Number so uncommonly large must be the best Cri- terion of the Merit of the Work, and the Approbation of the Public. London: Printed for the Author, and sold by MnrhfWs, No. 18, Strand, and H. D. Symonds, Paternoster- row; also by all Booksellers in the tnited Kingdom, Price only Ss. free of Carriage. -> II N • IJM'OM the Nobleman to the Peasant, Intoxica- tion is the Cause of many of the Disorders which now aillict Mankind. When Reason is thrown off her Guard by the potent Force of drinking to Excess, it too often happens that this Imprudence produces another, or, in plain Terms, a Connection with a ^ disordered or unclean Person; and frequently those who are guilty of these Indiscretions are on the Point of entering into the sacred Band of Wedlock, with a discreet and virtuous Companion. What is the Con- sequence of these repeated Improprieties? The in- fectious Poison which has lurked in the Body of the Husband is communicated to the Wife, and entailed upon the O lisp ring, who comes into the World a disgusting Spectacle to all Beholders, and subject to the Evil, Eruptions of the most inveterate Tendency, Sec. A Mechanic, who uses Metal in the Completion of any Performance, that has not been properly refined, will find his Workmanship break, crack, and display a Variety of Imperfections, in Defiance of all Pains and Diligence: It is exactly the same with those who enter into the State of Wedlock without having their Blood properly purified from the contagious Dis- tempers it receives through these Errors; than which Nothing is more efficacious than Dr. BRODUM's BOTANICAL SYRUP, being an admirable Diu- retic, and acting by Perspiration, never tailing tocure Complaints ot this Nature, after they have lain dormant in the Blood for Seven, eight, or ten Years. Although it is so effectual, it is at the same Time so innocent, that a Child, or a lying- in Woman might take it with the greatest Safety; nor is there the least Danger of taking Cold even in the most inclement Season, which it is scarcely possible to escape during the Administration of a Course of Mercury. The BOTANICAL SYRUP and RESTORATIVE NER- VOUS CORDIAL to be had at the House, No. 9, Al- bion- Street, Surrey Side of Blackfriars Bridge, in Bottles at £. 1 2s.— lis.— and 6s. Duty included. ( j^- A. D. SWINTON, the Proprietor ( Son of Dr. Swinton, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, London,) may be consulted from Ten till Three, or by Letter, containing the usual Fee. A Five Guinea ? ottle contains six at 22s. Sold also by the PRINTERS of this PAPER, and by the following Persons within the Circuit hereof, viz. Marshall, Northampton, and at his Shop in Ilarbo- rough; Edge, Northampton, and at his Shops in Wellingborough and Towcester; Nixon, Leicester; Smith, Bedford; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Tookey, Oundle; Bcaie, Thrapston; Collis Sc Dash, Ketter- ing; Robins, Daventry; Tuck St Mather, Wellingbo- rough ; Jackson, Peterborough; Newcomb, Printer, Stamford; Wheeler, Aylesbury; Marriott, Banbury; Gallard, Towcester; and by most Booksellers and Medicine Venders in the three Kingdoms. Putrid Bile, and for counteracting Infection,- or pre- venting and curing Putrid, Malignant, and Pestilential Fevers, Sore Throat, viz. Cvnanche Maligna, & c. prevailing in Prisons,, crowded filthy Places, FIos- pitals, Ships, hot and unhealthy Climates, See. CASE VIII. Obstruction in the Liver, Indigestion, and Debility. A principal Officer in the East- India Service, la- bouring under Obstructions in the Liver, indigestion, Wind and Heart- buru, Yellowness of the Eyes and Countenance, low Spirits, tremors, and oihi'r Nervpus Affections ( which he attributes to the Climate and Manner of Life in India), began to take the CARDI AC TINCTURE on the 11th Instant, and declares, this Day, that it has done him the most essential Service, and that, compared with the Medicines he has been taking during the twelve Months last past, as pre- scribed to him by eminent Men of the Faculty, it is superior to any of them. He authorizes Mr. P. ymer to refer any Gentleman to himself, who may desire further Particulars. No. 24, Paternoster- Row, Sept. 23. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Dicey & Sutton, Bow Church- Yard, and at their Warehouse in North- ampton; and Retail by Edge, and Marshall, North- ampton ; Robins, Daventry; Tuck & Mather, Welling- borough; Fisher, Higham- Ferrers ; Rollason, and Merridew, Coventry; Sharp,- Warwick; Roberts, Southam; Gregory, Leicester; Harrod, Harborough; Munn, Kettering ; Newcomb, Stamford; Eaton, Thrap- ston ; York, Oundle ; Jacoband Florden, Peterborough ; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Hodson, Cambridge; Smith, Bedford; Inwood and Barringer, Newport- Pagnell; Darton and Tapp, Hitchiu; Wilcox, and Gallard, Tewcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Jones, Oxford; Richardson, Stony- Stratford; Hawkes, Lutterworth; and by every Vender of Patent Medicines in the United Kingdom; in Bottles of 2s. 9d. tis. and lis. each; also in Pint Bottles, at 22s. by which there is a considerable Saving. To the AJjiicted with Scurvv, & c. To Mr. J. LIGNUM, Surgeon, MANCHESTER. SIR, rpilE great Pre- eminence your excellent Anti- .!. scorbutic Drops have so justly acquired, easily ac- counts for the daily increasing Demand for them in this Town and Neighbourhood. I have the Pleasure of communicating to you another surprising Cure, effected by the sole Use of your Drops. HANNAH BRADBURN, Daughter of M. Bradburn, of this Town, was most violently afflicted with a scorbutic Complaint all over her Body, which in many Parts had degenerated into large corrupt Ulcers, which were daily increasing, notwithstanding the various Kinds of Medicines she had taken, all of which were of no Use, till she was recommended to take your Drops; five small Bottles of which, how- ever wonderful it may appear to the Public, removed every Symptom of her Complaint, and she is now restored'to perfect Health ; and, for the Good of the Public, desires her Case may be published in what Manner you please. as to be used and recommended by the Queen, the Princesses, the Empress of Russi/ i, the Duchesses of York, Devonshire, St. Albans, Leeds, and Rutland, and most of the Nobility. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, at Mr. Butler's, No. 4, Cheapside, London ; and by Dicey Sutton, Edge, and Marshall, Northampton ; Gregory, and Coombe, Leicester; Harrod, Harborough; Munn, Kettering; Broughton, and Tuck Sc Mather, Wellingborough; Robins, Daventry; Merridew, Coventry; Kirkby, Nuneaton; Leigh, Athcrstone; Hulse, Hinckley; Clementson, Melton; Adams, Loughborough; Beads- more, and Dewes, Asliby; Dodsworth, and Brooks, Burton; F. Wheeler, and Loggin, Aylesbury; Blower, Yardley; Loggin, Leighton; Southain, Buckingham; Marriott, and Beesley, Banbury; Sharp, and Perry, Warwick; Gallard, Towcester; Inwood, Newport- Pagnell ; and by most Medicine Venders; in Boxes, at 2s. 9d. each. ' To Titos. Taylor, Esq. Ao. 9, A'ew Bridge- Street, London* DEAR SIR, [ Eeel it a' Duty incumbent upon me to inform you of the very great and extraordinary Cure I have received from your invaluable Medicine— LEAKE's PATENT PILLS. About two Years ago I was attacked with a Vene- real Disorder, which I treated rather slightly for some Time; but the Disease at Length spreading all Over my Body, 1 was obliged to apply to the most eminent of the Faculty, but their Assistance afforded only tem- porary Relief:— I went through various Courses, of Salivation, and from being rather of a corpulent j Habit, was reduced to a mere Skeleton. The Ulcers j that spread all over my Limbs rendered me a complete Object, so that my Friends despaired of my Reco- ! very. When brought to this Situation, I cOusidered I Death as inevitable; but a Relation of mine com- i menting upon the many Cases in which your Pills 1 had succeeded, 1 was induced to try a Box of them, j which 1 thought rather relieved me; and by Perse- I verance for two or three Months, and following your Directions, Relaxation from I am now, thank God, perfectly recovered, and walking out daily: I doubt not but one more Box, which I think cautious to take, will establish my Health in its original State. It is with the most heartfelt Gratitude that I subscribe myself, Sir, your much obliged humble Servant, WM. PlfcRSON. Deansgate, Manchester, July 1, 1801. For the public Benefit 1 do not* object to the above being published, but leave you to act as your own better Judgment shall dictate. Prepared and sold by the sole Proprietor, THOMAS . TAYI. OH, Memberof the'Royal College of Surgebns, f Rye in London, at his House, No. 9, New Bridge- Street; | Barley . Where, after a constant Residence of more thirty to the AN IMPORTANT FACT. MRS. VINCENT, No. 4, DAVIF^ STRSET, GaosvENoa- SauARE, absolutely is the sole original Proprietor and Preparer, now living, of Dr. GOWLAND's GENUINE LOTION ; and as it is high T ime that the Public Mind be put at Rest oi\ this important Truth, she hereby challenges Contra- diction before the Lord Chief Justice of England aud a British Jury ; " Who like IthuriePs Spear, " Illume the Truth, and bid the Fiend appear." The superior Efficacy of Mrs. Vincent's Gowlartd's Genuine Lotion will be seen in a Letter from the Right Hon. Lord' S HKRBOL'RNF. , to Mrs. Vincent;— " MADAM, " Your Lotion having been recommended'to me by " a Lady, who received great Benefit from it, and " hearing it is much superior to Dickinson's, i beg " you will send me a Guinea Case. " I am, Madam, your humble Servant, " SHERBOURNE." ( PT This Lotion, when genuine, is the most in- nocent and efficacious Medicine in the World, for the Cure of all Eruptions iu the Face, and clearing the Complexion. * « * To prevent Counterfeits, see the Name " M. E. VINCENT" signed on the Label of each Bottle. Sold by Dicey Sc Co. Edge, Abel, and Edmonds, Northampton; Harrod, Harborough; Inwood, New- port- Pagnell; and by all the respectable Medicine Venders in Europe; Quarts, 8s. fid. Pints, 5s. bd, Half- Pints, 2s. 9d. For RHEUMATISMS, RHEUMATIC GOUT, LUMBAGO, NUMBNESS, PALSY, CHIL. B LA INS, SPRAINS, BRUISES, & c. rpiIE following recent Instances of the Efficacy • of WHITEHEAD'S ESSENCE of MUSTARD are published at the Request of the Parties, for the Benefit ot others: — SIR,— Before I had Recourse to your celebrated Essence of Mustard, for two Months, I was under the Necessity of using Crutches; but I herebv certify ( for the Benefit of others) I was perfectly cured by taking a few Boxes of the Mustard Pills, and applying a few Bottles of the fluid Essence, which I purchased of W. Ferrand, Chemist, Stockton. Yours, W. GARJ3UTT. Hambleton Hills, near Stockton, Yorkshire, January 3, 1805. ( CT Mr. Garbutt is a very respectable Farmer, universally known in the Neighbourhood ot Stockton. SIR,— I have much Pleasure in acquaiming you, that your Pills and Essence of Mustard have relieved Numbers of Rheumatic Persons in our N « ; fihhouiUoocl this Winter; among the Rest a Mr. Brooks, Baker, of Pinchbeck, who was unable to follow his Business, or e » en use his Arms; but on taking the Mustard Pills, and applying the fluid Essence, he was very soon re- stored to his usual Health and Strength. These Cir- cumstances have necessarily increased the Demand for it; 1 request, therefore, that you will send me a a immediate Supply, by the first Conveyance; and am. Sir, yours, & c. Spalding, Jan. 27, 1805. T. ALBIN. It is prepared and sold, at 2s. 9d. each Bottle or Box, by R. Johnston, Apothecarv, No. 15, Greek- Street, Solio, London; and may be had of Dicey & Sutton, Northampton; Robins, Daventry; Tuck & Mather, Wellingborough ; and of every other Medicine Vender in the United Kingdom. * » * The Genuine is distinguished, by the Govern- ment Stamp being printed black, and the Name of R. Johnston engraved in it. c> c » s J BANKRUPTS required to SURKF. NDER. Adam Watson, of Stockport, Cheshire, alehouse- keeper. Charles Archer, of Birmingham, haber- dasher. Samuel Sanders, of Love- lane, London, wine and^ brandy - merchant. —— George White, of Whitechapel - road, Middlesex, grocer. William Middlesex, merchant. John Burton, of New- court, Fleer- market, London, carpenter. John Rhodes, of Manchester, merchant. OI VIDKKDS to be made to Creditors. May II. S. Hart, of SwafFbam- Prior, Cambridge- shire, dealer, at the Red Lion, Cambridge. May 21. H, L. Hodson, of Huntingdon, merchant, at the Fountain Inn, Huntingdon. M ARKETS.— London, April 22. I experienced the most unaccountable | ° ur arrivals'of Wheat, added to the quantity left from Pain, the Sores gradually subsiding, j over last week, forming together ail ample supply, " ' " ' ' a further reduction in prices took place to- day; say, in fine samples, abour 10s. per quarter, and more in those of ordinary quality.— Barley is likewise in plenty, cheaper, and with Scarce any sales.— Malt is also down 3s. and 4s. per quarter.— Grey I- ltjs keep up, being rather a short supply; the other sorts are dull and lower.— Beans the same.— Oats are a good supply, having many remaining from last week ; prices not so good as then.— Flour cannot be named higher than SOs. though some quote 85s. Wheat. .. Fine Do . . than 60s. to Sfis. Od. SOs. to 94s. Od, SOs. to 56s. Od. 35s. to 40s. Od. 71s. to 76s, Od. Malt... PRICE of FLOUR.— Fine 75s. to SOs. Od Flops, per Pocket. Kent, 41. 0s. to 51. Oats. .... 20s. to 26s. Od. Horselieans 38s. to - 12s. tw. Tick Ditto 33s. to 38s. Oil. White Peas 85s. to41s. Od. Grey Ditto 35s. to 40s. Od. '( Signed) HANNAH BRADBUtiN. ., , . . Attested by PETER MJOOOCK, Ironmonger. ", g Public, as an Advantage seldom to be obtained, Northwich, 20M August, 1804. and void ot Ambiguity ( j^ r These Drops are sold in moulded square Bot- They are also sold, by his Appointment, tor the tles/ at lis. and 4s. fid.— One lis. Bottle is equal in Convenience of those living at a Distance, by the Quantity to three 4s. 6d. ones. They may be had, Printers ot this Paper, and Mr. Marshall, Druggist, Wholesale and Retail, at Mr. LIONL- M'S, NO. 57, Northampton; Wilcox, and Gallard, Towcester; Bridee- Street Manchester; and, bv Appointment, of Robins, Daventry; Sharp, Warwick ; Rollason, Coven- Howard & Evans, 42, Long- Lane," West. Smithfield; try; Gregory, Leicester; Hurrod, Harborough; Knight, Dicey & Co. Bow Church- Yard ; Barclay i Son, 95, Kettering; Tuck Sc Mather, Wtelhneborough; Mar- Fleet- Market- Shaw & Edwards, tifi,' St. Paul's rtott, Banbury; Tookey, Oundle; liilliBge, Liver- Cluirch- Yard ; Butler, 4, Cheapside; and Newbery pool; Atkinson, Manchester; and by one Person in & Sons, 45, St. Paul's Church- Yard, London; and every considerable Town m Great- liritain and Ire- Retail of Dicev Sc Sutton, Northampton; Green Sc land, in Boxes ot only 9s. 9d. each, sealed up with Taylor, Ampthill; Gardner, Biggleswade; Palgrave, full and plain Directions, whereby Persons of either Bedford; Beesley, Banbury; Robins, Daventry; Sex may cure themselves with Ease, Speed, Secrecy, Ridge, Newark ; Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Tookey, and Safety. Oundle; Jacob, Peterborough; Wilcox, Towcester; I Every Box sold ir Great- Britain is sealed up PSiil, St. Ives; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Collis & Dash, 1 with a Stamp, on which, by Favour ot the Commis- Kettering; Tuck & Mather, Wellingborough; Darton, sioners, is printed, at the SUmp- Olfice— T. Taylor, Hitchin; Simson, Hertford ; and of the principal I No. 9. A*/:- Bridge- Street—- to imitate vvijich is Felony, Venders of genuine Medicines in the United Kingdom, i and all others are counterfeit. y- six Years, in a Practice particularly directed j e Cure of Venereal Complaints, and those inci- I , , dental to the Parts of Generation in both Sexes, with j Sussex, 41." Os. to 41. 18s.— Farnham, 01. 0s. toOI. Oi. that inviolable Secrecy which Men of his Profession SEEDS, p. cwt.— RedClover, 46s. to88s.— White Do. should always observe, he Hatters himself the Advice i 52s. to 98s.— Trefoil, 7s. fid. to27s.— Carraway, 122s. to and Assistance he gratuitously administers to Persons 1 13() s.— Coriander, 10s. to 13s. 0d.- " taking this Medicine, will be esteemed, by a discern- per bushel.— Turnip, 18s. to 24s. Canary, 7s. to 8s, per bushel.— Rye Rape Seed, — 1. to — 1. 4 Grass, 12s. to 2Ss". per qr. per last. SMITHFIELD, April 22. To sink the otlal. Ox B ef, 4s. 8d. to 5s. 8d. Wether Mutton, 4s. 4d. IO 5s. 4d. Veal, 5s. Od. to 6s. 4d. Pork, 4s. 4d. to 5s. 4d. I. amb, 7s. Os. to 8s. 4d. Sold this day, Beasts, > 2000— Sheep and Lambs, 9000. Ntwcin and LEADENHALL, April 22. Beef, 3s. 4d. to 4s. 8d. Mutton. 4s. Od. to 4s. 8u. Veal, 4s. Od. to 6s. Od. Pork, 4s. 4d. to 5s. 4d. Lamb, 6s. 4d. to 8s. LEATHER, per lb. Butts, 50 to ofilb. 23d. to 24d. Ditto, 60to651b. 25d. toSfid. Merchants Backs, 23d. to 234d. Dressing Hides, 22d. to 23d. l ine Coach- Hides, 23d. to 26d. Crop Hides far cutting, « 2Jd. to 23id. Flat ordinary, Slid, to 2SJd. Calf Skins, 3 > to 401b. perdoz. 35d. to j9d. Ditto, 50 to 70lb. per doz. 35d. to 39d. Ditto, 70 to 801b. 34d. tu yMt". Small Seals, per lb. 4' 2u. to 18.1. Large Ditto, per doz. 120s. to 180s. C- oat Skins, — s. to — s. pr oz. Tanned Horse- Hides, 25s. to 42s. Cd. per Hide. d NOUTII AM I'TON: Printed and Published by and for T DICKY and // r. SUTTON. —
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