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Returns of Sheriffs, Gaolers, and other Persons, Keepers of Confinement in Ireland


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Returns of Sheriffs, Gaolers, and other Persons, Keepers of Confinement in Ireland

Date of Article: 26/04/1805
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No Pages: 1
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. * ' . * 0 28 • , ( Ireland)— PERSONS IN CONFINEMENT :— GAOLS OF LIMERICK, C. RETURN of the Gaoler of the County of LIMERICK. NAMES of PRISONERS. 0 CHARGES againft them, as ex pre ( led in the Whether the Informations were on Oath, as ftated in the Warrant. Length of TIME in Cuftody. HOW DISPOSED OF. FUNDS by which Maintained Warrant. r From Sth Aug. 1803 To during Confinement. John Dwyer - - - - High Treafon Not ftated Still in Cuftody under the Secretary of State's War- rant. Medical Afiiftance and Sub- fiftence paid for by Gov' Dennis Murphy - - » - Treafonable Pradtices ditto 8th March 1804 ditto ditto Thomas McDonnell - - ditto ditto 10th Aug. 1803 19th March 1SC4 Difcharged on Bail ditto Thomas Carey - - - - Robbing arms from the Yeomanry ditto 12th Aug. 1803 20th Oa. 1803 Volunteered to the Navy ditto A Frenchman, calling him- self Francis Murcier On fufpicion of being a Spy ditto 2 ift oa. 1S03 2d Nov. 1803 Sent tfl Dublin ditto Thomas Tierney - - - Treafonable Practices ditto 23d Nov. 1803 2cth Dec. 1803 Released and made over to the Navy, having served three years on board the Fleet ditto John Farrell - - - - Treafon ditto 9th Jan. 1804 19th Feb. I8C4 Executed ditto Limerick, 5th March 1805. 77/ 0! Pope, ProVoft Martial. RETURN of the Gaoler of N A A S, in the County of K IL D A R E. CHARGES Whether the FUNDS NAMES againft them, as ex pre ( fed in the Informations Length of HOW by which were of 011 Oath, as ftated TIME in Cuftody. DISPOSED OF Maintained PRISONERS. in the Warrant. Warrant. ( 1 during Confinement. From To i8th Nov. 1804 John Hughes - - - - Charged with beingengaged in the late Rebellion Not ftated nth Sept. 1S03 Tranfmitted to Kilmainham Gaol, County Dublin Subfifted by the County till the 25th Sept. 1804, and from that day by order of Government. Daniel Dolan - - - - ditto ditto ditto 29th oa. 1803 ditto Maintained by the County Richard Hips - - - - ditto ditto ditto 18th Nov. 1804 ditto Maintained as in N° 1. John Murphy - - - - ditto ditto 13th ditto 2Sth oa. 1804 ditto ditto James Wolfe - - - - ditto ditto 14th ditto 18th Nov. 1804 ditto ditto Michael Dalton - - - - ditto ditto 16th ditto 7th Nov. 1S03 ditto ditto David Cassidy - - - - ditto ditto 18th ditto 18th Nov. 1804 ditto ditto Edward Scully - - - - ditto ditto 23d ditto 5th Oa. 1S03 ditto citto Hugh Mangan - - - - ditto ditto ditto 18th Nov. 1803 ditto ditto Michael Nowlan - - - ditto ditto 2d Oa. 1803 29th oa. 1SC3 ditto ditto Nicholas Flood - - - - ditto ditto sth oa. 1803 28th Oct. 1804 ditto ditto Patrick Fegan - - - - ditto ditto 27th oa. 1803 ditto ditto ditto Richard Coffey - - - - ditto ditto 31ft ditto 24th June 1804 ditto ditto Michael Flood - - - - ditto ditto ditto 7th Nov. 1803 ditto ditto Miles Doyle - - - - - ditto ditto ditto 28th Oa. 1804 ditto ditto James Doyle - - - - ditto ditto 23d Sept. 1S03 29th oa. 1803 ditio Maintained by County Michael Doorly - - - - ditto ditto 29th Oa. 1803 9th Jan. 1805 ditto Maintained as in N° 1. John Edwards - - - - ditto ditto 2id Aug. 1803 28th oa. 1S04 ' 1 ditto ditto
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