Returns of Sheriffs, Gaolers, and other Persons, Keepers of Confinement in Ireland
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Returns of Sheriffs, Gaolers, and other Persons, Keepers of Confinement in Ireland
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Returns of Sheriffs, Gaolers, and other Persons, Keepers of Confinement in Ireland
Date of Article: 26/04/1805
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Volume Number: Issue Number:
No Pages: 1
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A RETURN of PERSONS who have been detained in the Gaol at KILMAINHAM since the 23d day of July 1803, under the Authority of. the Acts passed in the last and preceding Sessions of Parliament, empowering the Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland to apprehend and detain such Persons as he or they shall suspect of conspiring against His Majesty's Person and Government. N A M E S of PRISONERS. No 1. Carter Connelly - - 2. Gerald Hope - - - 3. John Palmer - - - 4. John Stockdale - - 5. John M'Kenna - - 6. John Killeen - - - 7. Martin Burke - - - 8. Michael Curran - - 9. Felix O'Rourke - - 10.
Michael Mahaffy - - 11. John Ryan - - - 12. St John Mason - - 13. Ross McCann - - - 14. Anne Toath - - I j. James Dunn - - - 16. John Dunn - - - 17. Richard McNally- - 15. John Lawless - - 19. Philip Long - - - so. Thomas Ridgeway - 11. Joseph Doran - - - 21. James Dixon - - - 23. Robert Emmett - - 24. Thomas Peppard - - 25. John Hickson - - aft. Wm. Annesly Holton 27. Judith Develin - - 28. Mary Develin- - - 29. Thomas Duffy - - 30. Michael McDonough 31. Jane Rielly - - - 32. Anne Develin - - 33. Bryan Develin - - 34. Winefred Develin - 35. Timothy Daly - . 36. John Devine ... 37. Thomas Keogh . - 91. FUNDS by which
Maintained during Confinement. Paid by the Crown Solicitor. Ditto E ® D° D ® E ® D° D ® D ® E ® E ® L> ® D° D ® D ® E ® E ® D ® D° D ® E ® D° D° E ® D° D° D ® D° E ® D ® D° D" E ® D ® D° D ® r ®