Returns of Sheriffs, Gaolers, and other Persons, Keepers of Confinement in Ireland
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Returns of Sheriffs, Gaolers, and other Persons, Keepers of Confinement in Ireland
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Returns of Sheriffs, Gaolers, and other Persons, Keepers of Confinement in Ireland
Date of Article: 26/04/1805
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No Pages: 1
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i8 ( Ireland.)— P E R S O N S I N C O N F I N E M E N T : CHARGES Whether the NA MES againft them, Informations were Length of II 0 W of as 011 Oath, TIME in Cuftody. • ex pre ( fed as ftated DISPOSED OF. PRISONERS. in the in the Warrant. Warrant. r~ From To « 680. John Ryder - - Treafonable Not ftated 28th Nov. 1003 29th Jan. 1804 Difcharged by order of Gov1 Pradlices • i 681. Patk Lynch - - - ditto ditto ditto 25th Dec. 1803 ditto 632. Patk Kavanagh - - ditto ditto ditto - . . - . Still in Cpnfinsment 683. Joseph Davis - - - ditto ditto ditto 201 Ii Aug. 1804 Difchaitged by order of Gov' 6S4. Daniel Fogarty - - ditto ditto
ditto . - - . . Still in Confinement 685. Richd Ryan - - - ditto ditto ditto icth Feb. iSc4 Difcharged by order- of Gov' 636. James Ferral - - - ditto ditto 29th ditto 2ill April 180,1 ditto 687. Mich1 Robinson - - ditto ditto ditto ----- • Still in Confinement 6S8. Lawce Murphy - - ditto ditto ditto. 19th May 1804 Discharged by orde. pi Gov' 689. Willm Gilespie - - ditto ditto ditto 2d April 1804 ditto 690. Thos Kervan - - - ditto ditto ditto 7th Jan. 1804 ditto 691. Patk Connor - - - ditto ditto 3d Dec. 1803 Still in Confinement. 692. Lauce Duffey - - - ditto ditto ditto 5th Jan. 1304 Difeharged hy order of Gov1 693. John Tierney - - - ditto ditto 4th ditto
i5ihFeb. 1804 ditto < 194. John Dwyer - - ditto ditto ditto 8th ditto ditto 695. Hester Donague - - ditto ditto ditto 6th Dec. 18c 3 Transmitted to the Gaol of K'! m. unbam, C Dublin 696. Michl Hogan - - - ditto ditto ditto 5th ditto Difchaiged by order of Govr 697. John Billing - - - ( iitto ditto 5th ditto Still in Confinement 698. John Conroy - ditto ditto ditto 2' ft April 18c/. Difcliarge i ny order of Gov1 699. Thos Cleary - - - ditto ditto 6th ditto Still in Confinement 700. Anthy Clinton - - ditto ditto 7th d: tto 16th Jan. 3804 Difchartjed by order of Gov1 701. Thos Segrave - - - ditto ditto 9th ditto .14th March i3'. 4 ditto 7C2. Richd Sheal - - - ditto ditto
ditto ditto ditto 703. Thos Fitz Patrick - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 704. James Walsh - - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 705. Thos Demigan - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 706. Anthy Hand - - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 707. John Wright - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 708. Mathw Reed - - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 709. Patk Reddy - - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 710. Andrew Gollager ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 711. John Andrews - - ditto ditto ditto 25th Feb. 1804 ditto 712. Robert Ferrall - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 713. Thomas Coffey - - ditto ditto loth ditto 10th Dec. 1S03 ditto 714. Patk Salmon - - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 725. John Lacket - - . ditto
ditto 11 th ditto 14th ditto ditto 716. John Cusack - - - ditto ditto ditto ----- Still in Confinement 717. Patk Buckley ... ditto ditto ditto 3d June 1S04 Difcharged by order of Gov1 71S. Willm Bryan - - - ditto ditto I2th ditto ditto ditto 719. Gerard Graham - - ditto ditto 13th ditto ditto ditto 720. James Johnson - ditto ditto 16th ditto 5th Jan. 1804 ditto 721 James Kain - - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 722. Thomas Burke - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 723. Thos Eustace - - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 724. Willm Cannon - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 725. Michl Cox - - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 426. George Johnson - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 727. John
Johnson - - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 728. John Murphy - - . ditto ditto 19th ditto 9th Jan. 1804 ditto 729. James Kain ... ditto ditto ditto 31ft ditto ditto 730. James Clarke - - . ditto ditto ditto 9th ditto ditto 731. Michl McEvoy - . ditto ditto ditto 4th Feb. 1804 ditto 733. John Riley - - - ditto ditto ditto 31ft Jan. 1804 ditto 733. James Rush ... ditto ditto ditto 9th ditto ditto 734. Bernard Devillen - - ditto ditto 21ft; ditto 7th June 1804 ditto 735- Arthur Devillen - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 736. John Hanlon - - - ditto ditto ditto 29th Jan. 1804 ditto 737- James Burne - - - ditto ditto ditto 16th ditto rranfmitted . to Dublin Cnftle FUNDS by which
Maintained during Confinement.