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Returns of Sheriffs, Gaolers, and other Persons, Keepers of Confinement in Ireland


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Returns of Sheriffs, Gaolers, and other Persons, Keepers of Confinement in Ireland
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Returns of Sheriffs, Gaolers, and other Persons, Keepers of Confinement in Ireland

Date of Article: 26/04/1805
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No Pages: 1
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14 " - ( Ireland )- - PERSONS IN CONFINEMENT: CHARGES Whether the Leng th of N AMES againft them, Informations were HOW of as 011 Oath, as ftated TIME in Cuftody. DISPOSED OF. expreffcd PRISONERS. in the in the Warrant. Warrant. From To K' 450. Patk Divey - - - Treafonable Not ftated 31ft Aug. 1803 ad Sept. 1803 Difcharged by order of Gov1 Pradtices. 451. John Kenna - - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 452. Thos Kavanagh - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 453. Edwd Flood - - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 454. Thos Norris - - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 455. Luke Darling - - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 456. John Norris - - - ditto ditto ditto ift Sept. 1S03 ditto 457. Patk McGowran ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 458. Patk Murray - - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 459. Michl Mooney - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 460. George Lawler - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 461. Edwd Farrell - - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 462. Jn° Flynn - - - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 463. Edwd Common - - ditto ditto ift Sept. 1803 10 ditto ditto 464. Rob1 Doran - - - ditto ditto 2d ditto 6th Sept. 1803 ditto 465. Philip Tuite - - - ditto ditto 3d ditto 7th Oft. 1803 ditto .466. Thos McCullough - ditto ditto ditto 15th Sept. 1803 ditto 467. Wm McDaniel - - ditto ditto ditto 30th Nov. 1803 ditto 468. Thos Rainin - - - ditto ditto ditto 19th April 1804 ditto 469. Nichs Brennan - - ditto ditto 5th Sept. 1803 iSth Sept. 1803 ditto 470. Edwd Begg ditto ditto ditto 25th ditto ditto 471. Richd Keenan - - ditto ditto ditto 23d ditto ditto 472. Michl Fitzgerald - - ditto ditto ditto 14th ditto ditto 473. Geoe Camorford - - ditto ditto ditto 12th ditto ditto 474. Edwd Stanley - - - ditto ditto ditto 22d ditto ditto 475. James Butler - - - ditto ditto ditto 29th ditto ditto 476. Patk Wallace . _ . ditto ditto ditto 25th Feb. 1804 ditto 477. Matw Flood - - - ditto ditto ditto 25th Nov. 1804 ditto 478. Joseph West - - - ditto ditto 6th Sept. 1S03 8th Sept. 1803 ditto 479. Jn° Shaughnessy - - ditto ditto ditto 8th Oft. 1S03 Tranfmitted to DublinCaftle 4S0. Luke Heyland - - ditto ditto 7th ditto 16th Sent. 1803 Difcharged by order of Gov' 481. Joseph Dams - - - ditto ditto ditto 23d Sept. 1804 ditto 482. Richd Lyons - - - ditto ditto ditto 31ft July 1804 ditto 483. Matw Troy - - - ditto ditto ditto 2d Sept. 1804 ditto 484. Wra Duffey - - - ditto ditto ditto - - - - Still in Confinement 4S5. John Kenny - - - ditto ditto ditto 23d Dec. 1804 Difcharged by order of Gov' 486. Edwd Farrell - - - ditto ditto Sth ditto . . . - Still in ' Confinement 487. A dumb Man, Name ditto ditto nth ditto 2d Dec. 1804 Difcharged by order of Gov' unknown 488. Mr. Muley - - - ditto ditto ditto 4th oa. 1804 Tranfmitted to the Gaol of Kilmainham, Coy Dublin 489. Simon Fleming - - ditto ditto ditto 15th Dec. 1803 Difcharged by order of Gov' 490. Fredk Carrawye - - ditto ditto ditto 2d Sept. 1804 ditto 491. Wm. Dunn - - - ditto ditto ditto 19th April 1804 ditto 492. Tho5 Riely - - - ditto ditto ditto 29th Nov. 1S03 ditto 493. Dan1 Daly - - - - ditto ditto 13th ditto 25th Nov. 1804 ditto 494. Patk Meehan - - - ditto ditto ditto 29th Sept. 1803 ditto 495. Peter Bull .... ditto ditto 14th ditto 20th Oft. 1803 ditto 496. Dan1 Farrell - - - ditto ditto ditto - ... Still 111 Confinement. 497. Nichs Sankey - - - ditto ditto ditto 22d April 1804 Difcharged by order of Gov' 498. Matw Walsh - - - ditto ditto ditto 23d Nov. 1804 ditto 499. Michl Fox - - - - ditto ditto 15th ditto 15 th oa. 1803 ditto 500. James Daly - - - ditto ditto ditto 20th Ap. 1804 ditto jo 1. Thos Norris - - - ditto ditto ditto 16th Sept. 1S04 ditto 502. Christr Carrol - - ditto ditto ditto nth Dec. 1803 ditto 503. Peter McCabe - - ditto ditto ditto 19 th May 1804 ditto 504 Peter Daly - - - - ditto ditto ditto 20th Feb. 1803 ditto 505. Patk Sherry - - - ditto ditto ditto 23d Nov. 1S03 ditto 506, Wm Burke .... ditto ditto 17th ditto 16th Nov. 1804 Tranfmitted to the Gaol of Kilmainl* m, C° Dublin FUNDS by which Maintained during Confinement. /
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