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Returns of Sheriffs, Gaolers, and other Persons, Keepers of Confinement in Ireland


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Returns of Sheriffs, Gaolers, and other Persons, Keepers of Confinement in Ireland
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Returns of Sheriffs, Gaolers, and other Persons, Keepers of Confinement in Ireland

Date of Article: 26/04/1805
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
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PROVOST, See. DUBLIN. CHARGES Whether the NAMES againft them, Informations Length of * of as exprelled were on Oath, as ftated in the TIME in Cuftody. HOW PRISONERS. in the Warrant. DISPOSED OF. Warrant. r From 1 N° To 176. Edwd Burke - - - Treafonable Pra& ices. Not ftated. 10th Aug. 1803 29th Nov. 1803 Difcharged by order of Gov1 177- Jn° Fleming - - - ditto ditto ditto 7th Aug. 1804 ditto 27S. James Barrel ... ditto ditto ditto 6th Oft. 1803 ditto 279. Chas Duleavy - . ditto ditto ditto 14th Aug. 1803 ditto 2S0. Tercc Flanagan - - ditto ditto ditto 13th Aug. 1803 ditto 281. Owen ROWAN - - ditto diito ditto 14th ditto ditto 282. Lewis Kezibrouque - ditto ditto ditto 15th ditto ditto 2S3. John Davis ... ditto ditto ditto 15th Oil. 1S04 ditto 2S4. Thos Dowdal - - - ditto ditto I2th Aug. 1803 5th Sept. 1803 ditto 285. Dan1 Riely - - - ditto ditto ditto 5th Feb. 1805 ditto 2S6. Jn° Gavan - - - - ditto ditto ditto 4th Sept. 1803 ditto 287. Thos McGan - - - ditto ditto ditto 20th Aug. 1804 ditto 208. Owen Kirwan - - ditto ditto ditto 24th Aug. 1803 Tranfmitted to the Gaol of Newgate, City Dublin. 289. Edwd Leonard - - ditto ditto ditto 13th Aug. 1803 Difcharged by order of Gov' 290. Jn° Higgins - - - ditto ditto ditto 21 ft Nov. 1803 ditto 291. Robt Coughlan - - ditto ditto ditto 17th Aug. 1803 ditto 292. Patk Hanratty - - ditto ditto ditto 23d ditto ditto 193. Philip Dwyer - - - ditto ditto ditto 14th ditto ditto 294. James Dwyer - - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 295. Robt Hand - - - ditto ditto ditto 10th Sept. 1803 ditto 296. James Hogan - - - ditto ditto ditto 14th Aug. 1803 ditto 297. Edwd Conway - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 298. Jno Connell - - - ditto ditto ditto 24th Aug. 1803 Tranfmitted to the Gaol of Kilmainliam, City Dublin. 299. Denis McFarlane - - ditto ditto ditto 1 ith Dcc. 1803 Difcharged by order of Gov' 300. Timy Connell - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 301. James Riely - - - ditto ditto ditto 14th Sept. 1803 ditto 302. Edwd Swift - - - ditto ditto ditto 30th Oc>. 1S03 diito 303. Philip Cash - - - ditto ditto 13th Aug. 1803 Cth oa. 1803 ditto 304. Jn° Browne - - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 305. Thos Burne ... ditto ditto ditto Still in Confinement. 306. Nichs Lyons - - - ditto ditto ditto 20th Aug. 1803 Difcharged by ord: r of Gov' 307. Lauce Mooney - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 308. Wm Kenna - - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 309. Thos Nestle - - - ditto ditto ditto 22d Sept. 1803 ditto 310. Andw Neal - - - ditto ditto 14th ditto 4th Dec. 1803 ditto 311. Thos Curran - - - ditto ditto ditto 18th April 1804 ditto 312. Edwd Curran - - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 313. James Curren - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 314. Danl Curran - - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 315. Thos Brett - - - ditto ditto ditto 20th Aug. 1803 ditto 316. Patk Quinn - - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 317. Joseph Lunt - - - ditto ditto 15th Aug. iSc3 16th Aug. 1803 ditto 318. John Owenson - - ditto ditto ditto dit. o ditto 319. Christr Vandazier - ditto ditto ditto 15th Aug. 1803 ditto 310. John Doyle - - - ditto ditto ditto Still in Confinement. 321. MichlCassidy - - ditto ditto ditto 25th Sept. 1804 Difcharged by 01 der of Gov' 322. James Keating - - ditto ditto diito 2Cth ditto ditto 323. Michl Curren - - - ditto ditto ditto 25th ditto ditto 3: 4. Pact Sherlock - - - ditto ditto ditto 25th Oct. 1804 ditto 325. Patk Clarke - - - ditto ditto 16th ditto 3d July 1SC4 ditto 326. Henry Gordon - - ditto ditto ditto ifjt oa. 1803 ditto 327. Thos King ... ditto ditto ditto 17th ditto ditto 328. Valentine Orson - - ditto ditto ditto 18th April 1804 ditto 329. John Dans - - - ditto ditto ditto 2d Sept. 1804 ditto 330. Denis Sullivan - - ditto ditto ditto 2ift July 1804 ditto 331. Michl Gough - - - ditto ditto ditto 20th Aug. 1804 ditto 332. Patk Hogan - - - ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 333 James Toole - - - ditto di. to ditto dit. o di. to FUNDS by which. Maintained during Confinement.
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