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The Northampton Mercury


Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Volume Number: LXXXIV    Issue Number: 52
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The Northampton Mercury
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The Northampton Mercury

Date of Article: 02/03/1805
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: LXXXIV    Issue Number: 52
No Pages: 4
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ortia Vol. LXXXIV. No. 52. Ready Money is expected J with Advertisements. $ SATURDAY, March 2, 1805. PRICE SL\ PENCE, ^ 1, AMP- 1JU;. V * I Paper and Print a4d. 2* d. ADVERTISEMENTS are taken in by Messrs. TAYI. FR. & NEWTON, Warwick- Square, and at the CHAPTER and PEELE'S COFFEE- HOUSES, London ( where this Paper is regularly f iled); also by Mr. SMITH, and Mr. WI. BB, Bedford; JKSKIKSOK, Huntingdon; Pox, St. Neots; JACOB, Peterborough; SEKLEY, Buckingham; SHARP, Warwick; WARD, Stratford- upon- Avon; LEIGH, Atherstone ; TOOKEY, Oundle; RUSHER, Banbury; by the PRINTERS ot' all the COUNTRY PAPERS; and by the- NEWSMF. N. To prevent Disappointment, our Advertising Friends are requested to send their Favours as early in the Week as possible. Sunday and Tuesday's Posts. From the LONDON GAZETTE. QUEEN'S- PALACE, February 21, ' Present, the King's Most£ xcellent Majesty inCouncil. THIS day the Most Reverend Father in God Doctor Charles Manners Sutton, Lord Arch- bishop of Canterbury, was, by his Majesty's com- mand, sworn of his Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, and took his place at the Board accordingly. DOWNINC- STRF. F. T, February 22. The King has been pleased to appoint Edward Thornton, Esq. to be his Majesty's Minister Plenipotentiary to the Circle of Lower Saxony, and resident with the Huns Towns. [ This Gazette also contains the preferment of I the Honourable and Reverend Edward Legge, Clerk, L. B. to the Deanery of Windsor, with the Deanery of Wolverhampton, and the Registry of the Garter annexed, in the room of the Archbishop of Canterbury. The Royal Assent has been given by Commission to the Three Millions Exchequer Bills, the Conso- lidated Taxes, the Irish Habeas Corpus Suspension, the Attornies' Indemnity, the London Coal, the Derby Road, and two private Acts. Lieutenant Rose, of the Growler gun- brig, has captured a small French brig, from Bayonne.] LONDON, February 26. A Lisbon Mail, which arrived yesterday, brings intelligence of considerable importance.— The gross libel on this country, in the shape of a ma- nifesto, from the Prince of Peace, and inserted in the Lisbon Official Gazette, though complained of by our Minister, has produced nothing like an apology; on the contrary, it has been followed up by an order from the Portuguese Government, " That all Spanish ships, prizes to the English, " shall quit the Tagtis; and that no such prizes " shall, in future, be admitted into any of their " harbours.''— The edict to this effect was, issued on the 12th instant.— It is evident, therefore, that we can no longer rely on the amity, or even on the neutrality, of the Court of Lisbon. This, how ever, is a result which was easily to be foreseen. The mandates of the Thufllerics, re- echoed from Madrid, left to Portugal only a choice of evils; a. id trusting,, probably, to the generosity of this country, she has chosen to ward off the more im- mediate danger. Italian letters of January 14, positively " assert, that the King of Naples, with the formal consent of the Emperor Napoleon, has fully established the system of neutrality which he has hitherto adopted. The King has already received assur- ances from General St. Cyr, that the French troops should not stir beyond the line of demarcation which had been agreed on, if not compelled to do so by unexpected hostile enterprises. The celebrated musician, Haydn ( says a letter from Vienna), for whom a funeral service has been pt rformpd in Franco, is • . i! l ! » vins, and as hearty and well as a man of 75 can be expected to be. Accounts from Gibraltar are extremely favour- able, relative to the late malady. On the 21st of January, the garrison was entirely free from any disorder, and the inhabitants were using every exertion to prevent its re- appearance. Part of the troops under the command of' General Fox had landed, but there was a great number still re- maining on board the transports, lying in the bay. We are very sorry to learn, that there has lately been very severe weather on the coast of Spain and in the Straits, and craft, chiefly prizes, have been driven on shore in Gibraltar Bay; but none of the King's ships have ' suffered any damage, except the Craven sloop, which has been wrecked off Cadiz, when the Captain and crew were taken prisoners. Letters have been received from Rotterdam, of the 18th instant, which mention the arrival of M. Van Schiinmelpeiininck at the Hague, with the new Constitution, manufactured at Paris. It was expected that this instrument would be promul- gated in a very short time. Those letters arc tilled with accounts of the alertness and activity which, in tlte last eight days, had been discernible in the warlike preparations. The ships of war, the transports, and the small craft, destined to co- operate in the invasion of this country, are particularly mentioned as the objects of, this increased alacrity. All the vessels fitted for the reception of troops, were mustered anrl » urveyed by a Naval Commissary, whom the French Government had ordered from Boulogne to inspect them. The French navy is said to consist at present of 52 sail of the line, and 13 frigates and sloops. Letters from the squadron off Ferrol have been received to the 11th inst. inclusive. That harbour is closely blockaded, and the combined force within is observed with the greatest vigilance. The Endyinion frigate, the Hon. Captain Paget, is arrived at Portsmouth from a cruise, and has brought in with her four Spanish prizes, with a quantity of treasure on board. Sydney Gazettes, from New South Wales, up to the 19th of August last, have been received. Some enormities had been committed by the natives, in the neighbourhood of Portland Head; iu consequence of which a detachment of the New South Wales Corps had been sent against them, by whom the hostile natives were dispersed, with the loss of a few men. Tranquillity had been completely restored at. the date of these accounts The crops'of corn were abundant; and the colony was in a most improving state. A new Colony is about to be founded in the Eastern Hemisphere. We learn, by the above papers, that a number of settlers and convicts had been removed from Botany Bay and Norfolk to a new settlement, established in an advantageous situation, called Port Dalrymple, on Van Diemen's Land, to the south of Bass's Straits. This third establishment in the East, founded in consequence of positive instructions from the Government, was deemed of such im- portance, that Mr. Paterson, the Deputy- Governor of Sydney, removed to Port Dalryinple for the purpose of superintending it. Orders have been issued from the Navy Board, for the greatest dispatch being used in the equip- ment of every ship in a condition to put to sea. No less a sum than £. 550,000 of the Loan was paid up in full on Saturday; and it is a singular proof of the state of the city, that though by the deposit and payment in full, ".£. 2,800,000 of Bank Notes were paid into the Bank on Friday, money was so plentiful on Saturday that Exchequer Bills ; e to a premium. Bon- Mot Royal.— A short time since it was found expedient, to request of a certain Personage, that he would postpone a Chace, the next day, for the more pressing business of a Council. It de- volved on Lord II to propose the change, who, with all possible delicacy, remarked, on observing the atmosphere, that, with the most humble submission, he thought the weather not very favourable to the sports of the field.—" My Lord," replied the Personage, " you seem to have forgotten that my Groom is my Chief Hunting Minister, whom I always consult on the measures of hunting, and not my Chief y of St— te I" On Friday the bill of indictment preferred against Mr. James Thompson, of Ludgate- hill, linen- draper, for setting his house on fire, was by the Grand Jury returned " Not found." Volunteer Corps.— An appeal came on for hear- ing, a few days since, before Thomas Daniel and \. P. Collins, Esqrs. two of his Majesty's Deputy- Lieutenants for Bristol ( under an Act' of the last Session of Parliament, which declares the right of Volunteers to resign), brought by Mr. Osborne, a member of the Bristol Light Horse Volunteers, against Levi Ames, jun. Esq. the Commanding Officer, for refusing to strike his name off the muster- roll, in consequence of his objecting to the payment of £. 30, as a penalty for quitting the corps.— Counsel were heard at great length on both sides; and the decision was given, in substance as follows:—" Upon a view of the Act of Parliament under which this appeal is brought, and under all the circumstances of the case, this Court is of opinion, that the Commanding Officer is not bound to accept the resignation of the appellant, until he has paid tho fine or penalty of £. 30." Saturday about twenty journeymen shoemakers, the service of Mr. Wimpory, of Coventry- street, underwent a long examination at the Police- Office, Marl borough- street, charged with having combined, in order to expel from the same employ a man who was an enemy to combination, and, in the vulgar phraseology of the trade, denominated a " Dung."— They applied to Mr. W. to discharge him, and on his refusal, struck. Mr. W. assem- bled them at a public- house in Bolsover- strect, to remonstrate on the impropriety of their conduct, and exhort them to return to their work; but finding his endeavours to be fruitless, he called in several of the police officers, who were in waiting, and they were all taken into custody. Eighteen of them were sentenced to two months imprison- ment, and the Magistrates declared their deter- mination to punish like offences in the most exem- plary manner. A person of Norwich lately met with so severe a fall, by having his chair suddenly drawn from under him, as to cause the rupture of an internal blood- vessel, from which great fears were at first entertained of his immediate death: he is now, however, in a fair way of recovery.— We have thought it incumbent on us to give this cautionary notice of the accident, in the hope of rendering less frequent the serious consequences which result from the laucUierua* thoH^ hlie3siit » s ot a. pkytui moment. WOBURN, Feb. 22d, 1805. MRS. THORNTON begs the Friends and . Customers of her late Husband will accept her sincere Thanks for their Favours ; and informs them and the Public in general, that Mr. DRAKE, Nephew of the late Mr. THORNTON, having entered into PARTNERSHIP, the MERCERY, DRA- PERY, and WOOL BUSINESS will, in future, be carried on under the Finn of THORNTON & DRAKE; who hope, by Assiduity and Attention, to merit a Continuance of their Favours. QrT The present Stock will be disposed of at a very reduced Price. N. B. All Persons who stood indebted to the late Mr. THORNTON at the Time of his Decease, are re- quested to settle their Accounts at the Shop. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. ALL Persons having any Claims or Demands on the Estate anil Effects of Mr. THOMAS PINCKERD, lateof WESTONING, in the County of Bedford, Farmer, deceased, are requested to send an Account thereof either to his Executor, Mr. Edward Aldridge, of the same Place, Butcher and Farmer; or Mr. Eagles, Attorney at Law, Ampthill; in order that the same may be settled.— And all Persons in- debted to the said Mr. Pinckerd at the Time of nis Decease, are desired forthwith to pay their respective Debts to the said Mr. Aldridge or Mr. Eagles. Ampthill, Feb. 19th, 1805. ~~ To DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. ,4 LL Persons having any Demands upon the J V Estate and Effects of the late SAMUEL WILSON, of CHIPPINGWARDEN, in the County of Northampton, deceased, are required to send in their Accounts forthwith to Mr, Nathaniel Gardner, of Edgcott, in the said County; Mr. Richard Loveli, Innkeeper, of Daventry, in the said County ; or Mr. John ' l'hacker, Auctioneer, at Wardington, in the County of Oxford; in order that they may be dis- charged.— And all Persons standing indebted to'the said Estate and Effects, are required immediately to pay the same to one of them. Wardington, 1\ th Feb. 1805. To CREDITORS AND DEBTORS. ALL Persons who have anv Claims or Demands on the Estate and Effects of W I 1, L I A M WARREN, late of RUSHDEN, in the County of Northampton, Farmer and Cow- Dealer, deceased, are requested forthwith to send an Account thereof to John Smith and John Mason, both of Rushden afore- said, the Executors of the said Deceased, in order that the same may be discharged; and all Persons who were indebted to the said William Warren, at the Time of his Death, are desired immediately to pav their respective Debts to the said John Smith and John Mason, or they will be sued for the Recovery thereof without further Notice. Rushden, 21 r/ February, 1805. 12th FEBRUARY, 1805. PURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, made in a Cause PIERSON against BLOOME, the Creditors of THOMAS BLOOME, fownerly of ABBERFORD, in the County of York, and late of DAVENTRY, in the County of Northampton, Laud- Surveyor, deceased ( who died on or about the - 1th of June, 1798), are to come in and prove their Debts before James Stanley, Esq. one of the Masters of the said Court, at his Chambers, in Southampton- Buildings, . Chancery- Lane, London, on or before the twentieth Day of May, 1805; or in Default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded the Benefit of the said Decree. A few days since the female servant of a farmer at Fundenhall, in Norfolk, having lighted a fire in a heater- stove, in which her master had placed a canister of gunpowder to dry, an explosion took place, which killed her on the spot, and greatly damaged the house. To ALE- BREWERS. SITUATION WANTED, by a PERSON -/" V competent to the Office of'BREWER and If I CLERK, or to conduct generally. the Affairs of a Brew- great number ot j house in the Country.— The most satisfactory Testi- monials for Character, & c. will be given. ; "" Letters addressed to A. Y. Z. No. 12, Ger- rard- Street, Soho, will have the required Attention. To GAR D E N E R S. WANTED, in a small Family, in the Country, now, or at Lady- Day next, A steady and in- dustrious MAN, who understands the Management of Kitchen Garden, and can make himself useful in other Respects. ( f3t Such Person is desired to apply, personally, or by Letter, Post- paid, to Mr. WRIGHT, at the County Gaol, Northampton. ..* A good Character will be expected, and good Wages will be given, if approved upon Trial. ABSCONDED FROM JUSTICE. WHEREAS WILLIAM HIGBII) & JOSEPH EMERTON, of the Parish of LEIOHTON- BUSSARD, Beds, Labourers, stand charged with felo- niously breaking open the Barn of John Partridge, of the said Parish ot I. eighton- Bussard, and taking and stealing thereout a large Quantity of Potatoes, in the Evening of the 14th, or early in ihe Morning of the 15th of February instant, the Property of the said John Partridge. The said WILLIAM HIGBID is about fifty Years of Age, about five Feet five Inches high, and has dark- brown Hair mixed with grey. The said JOSEPH EMERTON is about twenty- eight Years of Age, five Feet seven Inches high, and has dark Hair. Whover will give Information of the said WILLIAM HIGBID and JOSEPH EMERTON, so that they may be apprehended and brought to Justice, shall, upon their Conviction, receive TWO GUINEAS REWARD of the said John Partridge. Leighton- Bussard, 26th Feb. 1805. TURNPIKE- TOLLS TO LETT. NOTICE is hereby given, that the next Meeting of the Trustees appointed by an Act of Parlia ment made and passed in the Thirty seventh Year of the Reign of His present Majesty King George the Third, mtitlcd, " An Act for amending, widening, " altering, and keeping in Repair, the Road leading " from a Place, called Morton's Corner, in the Town " of Wellingborough, in the County of Northampton, " to the East End of Abington- Street, in the Town " of Northampton," wifl be held at the House of CHARLES THOMAS, known by the Sign ot the HIND, in WELLINGBOROUGH aforesaid, on FRIDAY tile 8th Day of MARCH next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Fore- noon of the same Day ; at which Time and Place the respective TOLLS arising at the two several Toil- Gates on the said Road, called the WELLINGBOROUGH GATE and the ABINCTON- LANE GATE, will be LETT to FARM, separately, by AUCTION, for two Years, from the 5th Day of April next, to the Best Bidders, between the Hours of Eleven and Two o'Clock of the same Day, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, for regulating the Turnpike- Roads; which said several Tolls produced in the last Year ( clear of all Salaries for collecting the same), the respective Sums hereinafter- mentioned, that is to say, It elllngborough Gate £. 197 1 0 Abirigton- Lane Gate 190 0 6 and which Tolls will be respectively put up at these respective Sums. whoever happens to be the Best Bidder or Bidders must forthwith give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees, for Payment of the respective Rents at such Times as they shall direct. Given under my Hand, this seventh Day of Fe- bruary, in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Five, JOHN HODSON, Cierk to the said Trustees. To the DEBTORS and CREDITORS of DAVID WOOD, lute of WELLINGBOROUGH, ill the County of Northampton, Surgeon. ALL Persons indebted to the said DAVID WOO D, are desired to pay the same to Benjamin Middleton, or Thomas Sanderson, of Wellingborough aforesaid, on or before the 6th of March next; and such of the Creditors who have not executed the Deed of Assignment, are requested to execute the same, at Thomas Sanderson's, before the abovementioned 6th of March, or they will be excluded the Dividend arising from the Effects, which will be made immediately after the Expiration of that Time. lb the DEBTORS UIIDCREDFTORS of FRANCIS MEE, of IIIGIIAM- FERHERS, in tile County of Northampton, Clock / ma Watch- Maker. NOTICE is herebv given, That the said FRANCIS MEE liath this Day assi- ned over his Estate and Effects to John Mee, of Higham- Fer- rers aforesaid, Innholder; and John Woolston, of the same Place, Cooper; in Trust for themselves and such other of the Creditors of the said Francis Mee who shall execute the Deed of Assignment within three Months from the Date thereof; and that such Deed of Assignment is now at the Office of Mr. Goodliall, Solicitor, Wellingborough, to receive the Signature of such of the Creditors who shall choose to execute the same, and accept the Composition arising therefrom.— All Persons standing indebted to the said Francis Mee, are requested to pay their Debts immediately to the said John Mee and John Woolston, or they will be sued for the same without further Notice. Wellingborough, ll// j Feb. 1805. ASPLEY SCHOOL. DRAWING TAUGHT, & c. MR. YEATHERD, Successor to the late Mr. GEORGERIE, at ASPLEY. SCHOOL, takes the Liberty to inform the Nobility and Gentry resi- dent in the Vicinity, that he proposes to give LESSONS in the various Branches of DRAWING, viz. Landscapes, Figures, Flowers, Portraits, & c. & c.; he also employs liis leisure Time in taking L1KE- N ESSES, in Oil and Miniature, on reasonable Terms. Mr. YEATHERD, having pursued his Studies at the Royal Academy for some Years, and completed them under one of the most eminent Artists in the Metropolis, flatters himself that he shall give Satis- faction where employed. * » * Any neighbouring Schools, and private Fami- lies, will be attended on the usual Terms. N. B. On Account of the present flourishing State of the above Seminary, Mr. Wright wishes to engage an additional ASSISTANT, of Characier and Merit, to teach English and Arithmetic, for which a proper Salary will be given.— An unmarried Man, about 25 or SO Years of Age, will be preferred. Aspley, Beds, Feb. 22d, 1805. Market- Harborough and Welford Turupike- Roads from Northampton. IN Pursuance of the Order of the Rev. Etiseby Isham, Clerk; William Bu'ler, James Weltden Roberts, Nathaniel Pearce, and Thomas Wade, Esqrs.; the Rev. Wm. Stanton, George Boulton, and Robert Thornton, Clerks; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the next Meeting of the Trustees of the said Turnpike- R. oads will be held at HICHGATE- HOUSE, in the Parish of SFRATTON, on FRIDAY the 8th Day of MARCH next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon. CHAS. MARKHAM, Clerk to the Trustees. Northampton, Feb. 23J, 1805. GENTEEL RESIDENCE. To be LET T, And may be entered upon Immediately, or at Lady- Day next, ALL that neat and convenient HOUSE, pleasantly situate at PISFORD, about five Miles from Northampton, on the Market- Harborough Road; consisting'of a large Hall, Dining and Break- fast Parlour, Housekeeper's Room, Kitchen, Brew- house, Dairy, & c. on the Ground Floor; sufficient Cellars; good Chambers and Dressing- Rooms; suit- able attached and detached Out- Oflices, Coach- House, Stables, Granaries, good Garden and Shrubbery, tastefully laid out; with or without two Closes of Land; the Whole forming a very, comfortable Resi- dence, and has been lately put into excellent Repair. ( PLT For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. KIR- SHAW. Surveyor and Auctioneer, Nortliampton. February 22,/, 1805. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, rich ARABLE, ESTATE at ROWELL, Northamptonshire. To be LETT, or SOLD by AUCTION, Some Time in March or April next, if not previously disposed of by Private Contract, ACompact FREEHOLD FARM, situate at ROWELL aforesaid; consisting of a central Farm- Housc, and 160 Acres of Pasture Land, in a Ring Fence, and subdivided, well wooded and watered, with all Conveniences for Dairy or Grazing ; with a Wopd ( Timber) and Copse, of seven Acres.— Land- Tax and Tythe- free.—- Immediate Possession may be had. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. CHARI. ES COOKE, of Rowell; or to the PRINTERS of this Paper; if by Letter, Postpaid. DAVE N TRY] ~ ~~ To be SOLD by AUCTION, . At the Saracen's- Head Inn, in Daventrv, on Friday the 8th of March ( if not sooner disposed of by Private Contract), either together or in Lots, T> OPEWELL CLOSE and MEADOW, con- I.. taining 32 Acres of excellent Grazing and Feed- ing Land, situate at DRAYTON, in the Parish of DAVENTRY; also, a HOUSE and GARDEN ad- joining. ( J5T For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. BURTON, Attorney, at Daventry. NORTHAMPTON TURNPIKE- TOLLS. " VJ OTICE is hereby given, That the Com- - L^ l missioners appointed by or under an Act of Par- liament made and passed in the 18th\ earof His pre- sent Majesty's Reign, intitled, " An Act for Paving, " Cleansing, Lighting, and Watching the Town ot " Northampton; and for removing and preventing " Incroachments, Obstructions, and Annoyances " therein;" and of another Act of Parliament passed in the 37th Year of the Reign of His said present Majesty, intitled, " An Act for altering and amending " the said last- mentioned Act; and for continuing the " Term of certain Tolls, by the said Act granted;" will, OIL, MONDAY the 4th Day of MARCH next, between the Hours of Three and Five in the After- noon, at the GUILDHALL, in the said Town, LETT to FARM by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, for a Term of one, two, or three Years, as shall be then agreed on, commencing the 20th Day of April next, the TOLLS arising at the Gate or Turnpike erected near the South Bridge, in the said Town of North- ampton ; which Tolls were lett the last Year for the Sum of £. 652, and will be put up at that Sum. The Best Bidder must forthwith pay .£. 40 in Advance, and produce sufficient Sureties, and give Security to the Satisfaction of the Commissioners, for the due Pay- ment ot the Residue of the Rent. CHARLES MARKHAM, Clerk to the Cajnmissioners. Northampton, Feb. 16, ltjQa. riTHE following Lots of very - I- MEADOW, and PASTURE LAND, situate in CATTHORP, in the County of Leicester:— Lot 1. A Dwelling- House, situate in the Village of Catthorp, with a commodious Farm- Yard, and a new- built Barn and other convenient Outbuildings standing thereupon ; a Close, called the Back Ground, of rich Pasture Land adjoining, containing together near six Acres; also another rich Pasture Close, lying at a small Distance, called Vann's Close, con- taining near seven Acres. Lot 2. Two Meadows of rich Pasture Land, called tile Great and Lin1 ! Ii.> mds Meadow* t containing together about ten Acres and a Half, and adjoining the Road leading from the Watling- Strcet Road to Cat- thorp. Lot 3. Four Closes of very useful Arable Land, called the Gent Slades, containing upwards of twenty- eight Acres, lying together, and adjoining the said Road to Catthorp. Lot 4. A Close of rich Pasture Land, called the Cottage Close, containing upwards of four Acres, lying adjoinhlg the said Road, and near the Village. Lot 5. Two other Closes, ar. d a Meadow adjoining, of good Arable and Pasture Land, containing near forty- one Acres, called the Love Park, the Nether Ground, and Meadow, lying adjoining the Road from Catthorp to L'ilborn. The above Premises are in the Occupation of Mr. Joseph Jenaway, as Tenant at Will; and for further Particulars, or to treat for the same, apply to Mr. CALDECOTT, Attorney at Law, in Rugby. To be SOLD ty AUCTIU N,~ By Mr. JOSEPH DUDLEY, At the Old- Crown, in Winslow, in the County of of Buckingham, on Wednesday the thirteenth Day of March, 1805, between the Hours of Three and Six ot the Clock in the Afternoon, under and subject to such Conditions as shall be then and there pro- duced, riMIE following FREEHOLD and COPYHOLD .1 ESTATES, situate in WINSLOW aforesaid, and GRANDBOROUGH, in the said County of Buckingham; the Copyhold Parts whereof are Copy- hold of Inheritance?, held of the Manor of Winslow aforesaid, subject to a small Fine, which is certain:— Lot 1. A Copyhold Messuage or Tenement, Brick and Tile- built, and excellent Malt- House, capable of making fourteen Quarters of Malt per Week, situate near the Church- Yard, in Winslow aforesaid, with Barns and Garden thereunto adjoining, in the Occu- pation of the Propiietor, Mr. John Cox, Plumber and Glazier. ( j^ T The Purchaser of the above Lot may be ac- commodated with 17 Acres of Pasture Land, either to rent or purchase, well supplied with Water ; whereon is a new- erected Cow- House for ten Cows, with convenient Calf- Pens. Lot 2. Two Copyhold Messuages or Tenements, ad- joining each other, with the Barn, Yard, and Garden belonging thereto, situate near the Church- Yard, in Winslow aforesaid, in the Occupations of William Punn and James Royce. Lot 3. Two Copyhold Tenements, situate in Grand- borough aforesaid, late in the Tenure or Occupation of John Norman and George Stairs, with the Orchard thereunto adjoining ; also about nine Acres of Free- hold Pasture Land, in Grandborough aforesaid, ad- joining the Road leading to Winslow. Lot 4. Two Copyhold Tenements, situate ir, Grand- borough aforesaid, with the Garden and Orchard ad- joining thereto, well planted with excellent Fruit Trees and thriving Elm Timber, in the Occupation of Mr. Thomas Chapman; also two other Copyhold Tenements and Garden, in Grandborough aforesaid, adjoiningeach other, in the Occupation of Christopher Stairs and William Hogg. * » * For further Particulars, or to treat for any, or either, of the above Lots, apply to the Proprietor, Mr. JOHN Cox, or Mr. LANCELOT WYATT, Attor- ney at Law, in Winslow aforesaid. BEDFORD FREEHOLD. To be SOLD by A U C T I O N, by Mr. THOMAS BROOKS, On Saturday the 6th Day of April, 1805, at the House FENNY- STRAITQRD ASSOCIATION. TWENTY GUINEAS REWARD. \? S7~ HEREAS, ] ATC ON Q'uesday Night, or early ' on Wednesday Morning the 13th Instant, some Person or Persons did feloniously KILL and STEAL from a Field in BOW- BRICKHII. L, occupied by Mr. JOHN LINNELL, of Fenny- Stratford, ONE EWE SHEEP, very big with Lamb, the Property of the said Mr. LINNELL; who soon afterwards found the Skin and Entrails, with two Lambs taken from the Ewe, in a Pond, about three Furlongs from the Field in which the Felony was committed: The Person giving such Information as may lead to a Conviction of the Offender or Offenders' shall re- ceive a Reward of TEN GUINEAS of the said Mr. Linnell, and a further Reward of TEN GUINEAS of Mr. Day, the Treasurer of this Association. By Order, GEORGE COOC1I, Solicitor. Ne- wport- Fag, tell, loth Feb. 1805. STIC. KLER. nno COVER, the ensuing Season, at Five 1 Guineas and a Crown, at BRAMPTON PARK, two Miles from Huntingdon, STICKLER; own Brother to Mr. Cookson's Diamond; got by , Highflyer, Dam bv Matchem. ( pf It is requested, that Gentlemen, intending to have Mares covered by Stickler, will send Notice to J. FULLER, Stud- Groom, at Brampton, that a Suffi- ciency ot Grass and Paddocks may be preserved. *** A" Expences for Covering, See. to be paid before the Mares are taken away. N. li. STICKLER is reckoned'one of the handsomest Horses in England. t+ t At the same Place are to be SOLD, THREE capital HUNTERS, and ONE of the first ROAD MARES in the Kingdom. HUNTINGDONSHIRE ' FREEHOLD AND COPYHOLD ESTATES. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. S M I T H, On Wednesday the 13th of March, 1805, at Three o'Clock, at the Half- Moon, ai Kimbolton, late the Property of Mr. JOHN SHERMAN, of Perry, deceased, The Whole of- which are situated- within the Boundaries of PERRY, in the Parish of GREAT- STAUGHTON, IN THE COUNTY OF HUNTINGDON, LOT. I. A. R. P. A Copyhold Dwelling- House, Barn, and Tx. other Outbuildings, Yard, Orchard, and Homeclose adjoining; containing 2 1 21 With Rights of Common thereto belonging. LOT II. A Pightle of Copyhold Pasture Ground, more or less o9 0 LOT III. Two Closes of Freehold Pasture Land... 15 0 0 LOT IV. Two Closes of Freehold Pasture Land, called Brickhill Closes > 10 0 8 LOT V. Leys Acrc and Old Field Meadow, Freehold 3 2 18 LOT VI. Arable, Ley, and Meadow Land, Copyhold 10 1 SO Total 41 3 37 C5" For further Particulars, and a View of the Est.' tes, apply to Mr. HEN » V x.\ b Mr. JOHN SHERMAN, St. Neots; Mr. N » Ui| IV COSTIN, or Mr. SMITH, at Kimbolton. N. B. FOUR COCKS of HAY, e. pon mises, are to be disposed of by private Contr..\ J0 .... t unless disposed of, will be sold by Auction, at the Time the above Estates are sold. FREEHOLD FARM, " At NE WTO N- B ROMS HOLD. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. S M IT H, At the Green- Dragon Inn, in Higham- Ferrers, in the County of Northampton, on Friday the loth Day of March, 1805, at Four in the Afternoon, unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which due Notice will be given, ALL that convenient and substantial BARM- HOUSE, BARNS, STABLES, CO W- HOUSE, and other suitable OFFICES, in excellent Repair; together with 173A. 3R. 33P. Statute Measure, of ARABLE and PASTURE LAND, divided into tlia following Closes :— A. R. P. Old- inclosed Meadow Land, with Home- stead 17 0 17 Dairy Close, laid down to Grass about four Years '. 30 0 0 Five Closes of Arable Land, 17A. 3R. 19P each 89 ! 15 Sheep Pasture 37 2 1 173 3 33 A of Mr. John Garner, the George Inn, in Bedford, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions as will be then and there produced ( unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, in which Case Notice will be given,) Good DWELLING- HOUSE and GROCER's SHOP, now in full Trade, pleasantly situated in SAINT JOHN'S- STREET, in the Town of BEDFORD, in the Occupation of Mr. William Negus; comprising a good Parlour and Shop in Front, a convenient Kitchen and Wash- House, with a Well of excellent Water and a Lead Pump ; lour roomy Bedchambers on the first Floor, and three Garrets; and a small Yard and Garden. ( Jt3* The above Premises are well calculated for Trade, or the Residence of a small genteel Family. *** For a View of the Premises, apply to' the TENANT; and for further Particulars, and to treat by Private Contract, to Mr. PULLEY, Surgeon, or Mr. EAGLES, Attorney at Law, both of Ampthill. N. B. The Tenant is under Noti. c « to quit at Mid- summer nex- t, Of which 150A. IR. 33P. with the Buildings, are in the Parish of NE WTON- BROMSHO LD, jn the said County of Northampton; and 23A. 2R. OP. in the adjoining Parish of HI GH AM- FE R RE RSafore- said.— The Inclosure took Place about five Years since; the Fences are in a flourishing Condition, and contracted to be brought up by respectable Persons.— The Whole is Tythe- free, and in the Possession of Mr. Jonathan Sanders, under Lease at a low Rent, determinable at Michaelmas; if the Estate should be sold, on six Months' Notice. edit" The Lease and Plan of tha Estate may be seen at the Office of Messrs. HODSON, Solicitors, Wel- lingborough; and to treat for the Purchase, previous to the 15th of March, address, by Letter, to I. A. It. Post- Office, Warrington, Lancashire. A FRESH SUPPLY: ' MR. ROBERT WARD, of THRAFSTON, most respectfully informs the Inhabitants of that Town and Places adjacent, that he has received a fresh Supply of that most excellent Medicine, THE CORDIAL BALM OF GILEAD, so universally resorted to for its extraordinary Supe- . riority in all Complaints of the Stomach, Relaxations of the Solids, Nervous Weaknesses, the deleterious Effects of Hot Climates, and particularly the ill Consequences of Intemperance: In short, in all Cases where the Constitution has been reduced by Disease or Irregularity, the Effects of the Balm of Gilead are unequalled.— Also, The ANTI- 1MPETIGINES, or SOLOMON'S DROPS ; the most powerful Alterative, Purifier and Sweetener of the Blood ever yet discovered, and may be confidently relied on as the most safe and certain Remedy for the Scurvy, Scrofula, King's- Evii, Scor- butic Eruptions, Leprosy, and other Disorders arising from an impure or impaired State of the Blood and Lymph. (( 3* Ladies and Gentlemen may have their Orders completed for the Half- guinea, or Family Bottles, which contain four for 33s. on which 9s. is saved. *** Scarce a Person who purchases one Bottle, or reads that interesting 3s. Tract, called " SOLOMON'S GUIDE to HEALTH," but has reason to sound its Praise.— At this Season of the Year, Dr. Solomon's Medicines are highly useful to the Valetudinarian; but Caution is necessary to guard against Counter- feits, by observing the Words " Saml. Solomon, Liverpool," engraved on the Stamp affixed to each Bottle, without which it cannot be genuine. The Cordial Balm of Gilead,. Anti- lmpetigines, Abstergent Lotion, ilnd " Guide to Health," are sold by the Printers of this Paper, also by Marshall, and Edge, Northampton ; Dawson, and Harrod, Harbo- rough; Marriott, Banbury; Wilcox, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Richardson, Stony- Stratford; Edge, Wellingborough; Okely, & Smith, Eedtord ; Fox, St. Neots; Barringer, Newport- Pag- nell; Swinfen, Leicester ; by the Printers of the Country Newspapers; and by all the reputable Medi- cine' Venders, Booksellers, Sec. in every principal Town in England, Ireland, Scotland, and America; who will deliver Pamphlets gratis, with a Variety of | authentic Documents noted therein. Wednesday and Thursday's Posts. LONDON, February 28. DUTCH Tapers to the 19th instant hate been received.— It appears, from these papers, that the new Batavian Constitution is to be merely provisional, and that its definitive settlement is postponed to the period of a general peace. American Papers to the 21st ult. have arrived. — Advices from the Isle of France, through this channel, state, that early in November Admiral Lino, is' squadron had put in there with three valu- able prizes, two of them the Upton Castle and Queen Charlotte, from Bombay, laden with grain and sugar. The French squadron had also cap- tured one of the Company's ships, which was de- scried, and cut off by our cruisers, just as she was going into the Mauritius. The name of this re- captured vessel is not mentioned.— An English squadron of two sail of the line, a frigate, and corvette, under Admiral Osborne, are said to be cruising off the isle of Bourbon. A Commercial Treaty, it is confidently stated in these papers, has been agreed upon between the Government of Jamaica, and Dessalines, as Head of the Government of St. Domingo. Of the sailing of the Toulon squadron, the letters from Gibraltar make positive mention- adding, that Lord Nelson was at the time of their sailing, taking in water in one of the ports of Sicily, and that he received intelligence^ of the event four days after the ships had left Toulon. If Lord Nelson was watering at Messina, and the French attempted to pass through the strait that separates Sicily from Italy, they would fall into his very teeth; if he was watering at Palermo, and they attempted to pass to the westward of Sicily, . tlie'y would hardly escape him. At any rate we entertain the moSt sanguine expectations that they will never again reach a French port. A vessel which is arrived from Madeira, has brought the information, that on thc 2d inst. five large ships and three smaller vessels, supposed to be French ( the Rochefort squadron), were seen off that island. MARRIED.] The Earl of Ormond, to Miss Clarke. The bride, beside an estate of =£. 18,000 per annum, possesses =£. 80,000 in ready cash. DIED.] Lately, at his house in Kensington, the Rev. Archer Thompson, Evening Preacher at the Magdalen, and formerly Fellow of Clare Hall, Cam- bridge. On Monday night last, in the 76th year of his age, Doctor William Buchan, author of Domestic Medicine. The Doctor, who for many years has spent his evenings at the Chapter Coffee- house, was return- ing home as usual to his lodgings, in Huggin- lane, when on entering the door, he dropped down, and expired. A few days ago, in Dublin, Mr. Edwin, the comedian. ' To the CREDITORS of WILLIAM WATSON, now or late of UPTON, in the County of Hunt- ingdon, Farmer. WHEREAS the said WILLIAM WATSON did, on the 1st Day of December last, assign over all and singular his Goods, Chattels, Stock, Crops, and other his Personal Estate and Effects unto Mr. William Strangward, of Wooley, in the same County, F'armer, in Trust for the Benefit of himself and other the then Creditors of the said William Watson, who should make Proof of their respective Debts by Oath, or otherwise, as the said William Strangward should require : Noticeis hereby given to, and all Persons to whom the said William Watson stood indebted on the said 1st Day of December last ( whose Accounts are not already delivered to the said William Strangward), are hereby required to deliver ina particular Account, in Writing, of their respect- ive Debts to Mr. Day, Solicitor, Saint Neots, within fourteen Days from the Date hereof, in order that ( such of them as the said William ijtrangwar^ shall require, may prove their respective Debts upon Oath before the said Mr. Day, previous to their being en- titled to any Benefit from the said Assignment. St. Neots, March ltf, 1805. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS. WHEREAS JOHN BLACKWELL, of BRACKLEY, in the County of Northampton, Ironmonger and Blacksmith, hath assigned over all his Personal Estate and Effects to Richard Rogers, of Buckingham, in the County of Buckingham, Carrier, and Joseph Gardner, of Banbury, in the County of Oxford, Ironmonger, in Trust for themselves and all other the Creditors of the said John Blackwell, who shall come in and execute the said Deed of As- signment : Notice, is hereby given, That the said Deed is left at the Office of Messrs. Bignell &' Wykha! n, Solicitors, in Banbury, for the Signature of such of the Creditors as may be willing to accept and take a Dividend or Dividends to arise by Sale of the said Insolvent's Estate and Effects, in Bv papers laid before the House of Common':, respecting the present war in India, there appear abundant reasons to justify the conduct of our ft ion and a( xordi tQ the Quantum ot their Government towards liolkar. io rely upon his seve.. al and respective Debts.— All Persons who now faith was impossible, as his conduct had been ctand indebted to the said John Blackwell, are re- BOARDING- SCHOOL, HUNTINGDON. MRS. RAYMENT returns grateful Acknow- ledgments to her Friends for the liberal Sup- port she has met with during her Residence at HUNT- INGDON, and begs to recommend to their Notice the Miss SEARSONS ( one of whom has been with her several Years), in whose Favour she will, at Lady- Day, decline the School. £ 3" The Miss SEARSONS earnestly solicit a Continuance of that Patronage so liberally shewn to Mrs. RAYMENT, and assure their Friends and the Public, every Attention will be paid to the Improve- ment of the young Ladies, whose Health and Morals will be strictly attended to. ASH POLES. To be SOLD, in Lots, At HEMPLEY- HILLS, in the Lordship of STAN- TORD- ON- AVON, in the County ot Northampton, on Wednesday the 6th Day of March, 1805, ALarge Quantity of MAIDEN POLES, the Property of HENRY OTWAY, Esq. 83" The Company is desired to meet by Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon. Horses, Waggons, Carts, and other Effects. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On Wednesday next, the 6th Day of March, 1805, at STOKE WHARF, on the Grand Junction Canal, near Blisworth, in the County of Northampton, RRIHIRTY- SIX Horses, of various Descriptions, i- in excellent Condition, as Waggon or Cart Horses, Coaching and Post Ditto, Nags, & c.; 24 Sets of Horses' Gears, three stout Timber Carriages, one Waggon, one Broad and two Narrow- wheel Carts, twelve very stout Timber Chains, in Lots, with other Effects. 03" The above are the Propertv of the Grand Junction Canal Company.— The Blisworth Tunnel being completed, thev will be sold without Reserve. *** The Sale to begin exactly at Eleven o'Clock, with the Horses. marked by repeated acts of treachery; and not only this, but the Usurper cruelly murdered Captains Vickers, Todd, and Ryan, three British officers in his employ, merely because they had expressed a determination to return to the British service. The gentlemen who meant to bid for the Lottery waited upon the Minister on Monday morning. It was taken by Mr. Bisli, at <£. 15 13s. fid. a ticket.— The Lottery is for 30,000 tickets; and to begin drawing May 13th, and end on June 15th. A circular letter from the Secretary of State, to the Lords- Lieutenants of the several counties, dated February 18, requests they will obtain, and immediately transmit, from the chairman of the quarter- sessions, or the clerk of the peace, a statement, shewing whether the penalties for the men certified ( previously to the last general quar- ter- sessions) to be deficient, of the number required by the Additional Defence Act, have been duly assessed upon the parishes in default, or in what instances the same have been neglected to be done. A fine of double the amount of the penalty is im- posed, if it be not assessed or paid within the time specified. There is no truth in the report of a Morning Paper, that tlie Volunteers will be put upon per- icitf duty. They will, probably, be out for a Vtinie occasionally, as they were last year. entertainment given on Monday evening by his Majesty, at the Royal Castle of Windsor, excited great expectations, from the extent of the preparations, and the number of illustrious guests invited to partake of the hospitalities.— The suit of rooms in which the supper- tables were laid out, were, the Presence- Chamber, Audience and great Guard- Chambers. In his Majesty's Presence- Chamber were two very rich and brilliant cut- glass lustres, and one long wide supper- table, capable of accommodating 80 persons. In the Audience- Chamber there were two cut- glass lustres, similar to those in the Presence- Chamber, and four shorter tables placed across the room. The great Guard- Chamber was illuminated by nine hoop chan- deliers. In the centre were two very long tables, and at one end the sash of a window had been taken out, and a temporary projection carried over the terrace, by which a convenient recess w{ is afforded for the recep- tion of a band of music. At the upper end of thc room was the Royal table, having on each side two smaller side- tables, upon which was placed a large quantity of massive golden plate, of very costly . work- manship, with marble vases, ornamented witfi golden leaves and flowers. The Royal table was distinguished by golden candlesticks, golden knives and forks, and other articles of table service. The other arrangements for the supper were of the most liberal and magnificent description. All that is accounted delicacy at this season of the year, was abundant. The fruits were in great variety, and the pines, and others of the choicest kind, were of the growth of the Royal gardens. The decorations of the table were the subject of universal admiration. The tables in these three rooms were lighted, in addition to the illumination of the lustres, - t> v hundreds of silver double- branched candlesticks, and the floors were all covered with fine matting. The whole of the tables were capable of accommodating about 400 guests; and the general etlcct ot them, when lighted up, and filled with the splendid assemblage of visitors, was brilliant and superb in the highest degree. The gentlemen were for the greater part dressed in the full Windsor uniform. The King himself wore the Windsor uniform, with the Order of the Garter, and seemed to be in remarkably good health and spirits. The ladies' dresses were all extremely tasteful. Some were beautifully simple, and others after the richest model of magnificence in the present taste of female costume. The Princess of Wales was most superbly attired: she came from her apartment to the concert, accompanied by the Princess Charlotte, who was in plain white muslin. One feature of this festivity was of a singular and very interesting description. The young gentlemen of Eton had been previously invited by the King to the supper, and accordingly his Majesty had ordered the library to be prepared for their reception. In this apartment they supped, to the number of more than 80; they were attended by the Provost and some other officers. The late Sir Gregory Page Turner died im- mensely. rich: 33,000 guineas were found in his secretaire, and in an iron cofifcr. He has be. queathed £. 500 per annum • in addition to the £. 700 per annum settled on Lady Page Turner on her marriage; £. 10,000 to his second son, ahd to each of his two daughters.— The bulk of his landed and funded property lie has settled on his eldest son, viz. £. 310,000 funded, and about £. 24,000 per annum landed. Sir Gregory will be of' age in September 1806. Lady Turner is left sole guardian to the four children. The disorder which has latelymanifested itself at Woolwich has by no means been of such a de- structive kind us reported. One of the cadets was affected by tt fever, and it was caught by others; but such speedy and effectual measures were adopted by the medical professors, that though several of thc young gentlemen displayed strong symptoms of the disorder, only one has fallen a victim to it. Every possible precaution has been taken to prevent the extension of the complaint. \ Those who were affected by it were confined in separate apartments, till every symptom had dis- appeared; and the convalescent were removed to a new structure on Woolwich Common, which is a much. better situation for the military students than that in which they have hitherto resided. quested immediately to pay their respective Debts to the said Trustees, or either of thern, or to the said Messrs. Bignell & Wykham, otherwise Actions at Law will be commcnced against them for the Reco very thereof. And on Tuesday and Wednesday the 12th and 13th of March next, will be SOI. D by PUBLIC AUCTION, on the Premises, bv Mr. JOHN GARDNER, All the HOUSEHOLD GOODS, FURNITURE, and STOCK in TRADE, of the said John Black- well; Catalogues of which, in the mean Time, may be had at the principal Inns in Brackley, Stony- Stratford, Buckingham, and Towcester, and of tile Auctioneer, in Banbury. Banbury, 11th February, 1S05. PAULERSPURY, near TOWCESTER. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, At the Barley- Mow, in Paulerspury aforesaid, on Saturday the 9th Day of March, 1805, at Three o'clock in the Afternoon, rjVyVO Freehold MESSUAGES or TENEMENTS, L near each other, with Gardens and large Barn, situate in PAU LE RSPURY- END, in the Occu- pations of Thomas Denny and Francis Hinds. 03" For Particulars, apply to the AUCTIONEER, in Stony- Stratford. VALUABLE SHEEP STOCK, & c. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. BRAMPTON, WITHOUT RESERVE, On Monday the 1th Day of March, 1S05, on the Premises, at Mrs. BAKER's LODGE, in the Lordship of BARTON- SEAGRAVE, near KET- TERING, in the County of Northampton, who is leaving the Farming Business ; CONSISTING of 120 well- bred Ewes, in- lambed, 100 Lambhogs, and 50 Shearhogs ; five very use- ful Cart Horses ; six Shropshire Store Beasts, four barren Cows, and two Yearling Calves; two Waggons, three Carts, two Rolls, three Ploughs and Iron- Work, six small and one great Harrow, tour long' Ladders, three Dozen of Hurdles, and seven Sheep- Cribs; Har- ness for seven Horses complete ; a good Winnowing Machine, two Corn- Screens, Winnowing Fan, Riddles and Sieves, three Dozen of Sacks, and sundry other Effects. g3* The Company is requested to meet on the Pre- mises by Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, and the Sale will commence immediately. *** Three Months' Credit will be given on approved Security, by paying a Deposit of 2s. 6d. in the Pound ; or ' discount will be allowed after the Rate of £. 5 per Cent, for ready Money. Hay, Farming- Stock, and Effects. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On Monday the lltli of March, 1805, on the Pre- mises, at I. OUGHTON, near Stony - Stratford, Bucks, the Property of Mr. JOHN JARVISS, who is leaving Loughton, TTPWARDS of 30 Tons of old and new Hay, vJ in Stacks, to be taken off the Premises; one Cart Mare, In- foal, two yearling Colts ( by Darter and Squirrel), and one Poney ; one In pig Cow ; one Wag- gon ( lately new), one good Six- inch and one Narrow- wheel Cart; Drag and small Harrows; Ploughs; Cow Stalls and Cribs; 40 Loads of Beans, in Sacks ; Barn Tackle; Horses'Gears; Bean- Mill; one Waggon Hovel, and two Cart Ditto; Lead Pump; large Quantity of Cart Tire and old Iron; two Churns, seven Milk- Leads, Tubs, and Buckets; Corn- Binns, & c: & c. ; 100- Gallon Brewing Copper, with Grate and Lead Work ( new); a Furnace; Pewter and Brass; new Beer Pipes and Hogsheads; Flitch of Bacon; Quantity of Potatoes; ana various other Effects. ( ff'The Sale to begin exactly at Ten o'Clock. NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the next ASSIZES for the COUNTY of BUCKINGHAM will commence at AYLES- BURY, on SATURDAY next, and will be adjourned to MONDAY the 4th of MARCH, at Nine o'Clock in the Morning, when the Judge will proceed to the Trials of Causes at Nisi Prius; which all Persons summoned to serve on the Jury, and all other Parties concerned, are required to observe.— The Grand Jury will be impannelled and sworn about Twelve o'Clock at Noon of that Day ; and all Prosecutors and Wit- nesses are desired to give their Instructions to the Clerk of Assize as early as possible, in order that the Indictments may be previously prepared. EDWARD NUGENT, Esq. Sheriff. Sheriff's- Ojjice, Aylesbury, 28th Feb. 1805. To be L E T T, And entered upon immediately, QEVERAL ROOMS of a good HOUSE, in a C> very pleasant and airy Part of the Town of WEL- LINGBOROUGH, in the Countv of Northampton, with necessary Outbuildings and Pleasure Grounds, and with or without two Acres of rich Grass Land adjoining. (( 3* For Particulars, enquire of H. Boss, of Wellingborough aforesaid. To be S O LV, AQUANTITY of ASH PLANTS, from two to six Feet high, fit for planting in Hedges or Spinnies. 03" Enquire of THOMAS GREAVES, Abthorpe, near Towcester, Northamptonshire. A valuable and desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By BRO WN & SON, On Saturday the 9th Day of March, 1805, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the Ship Inn, St. Cuthbert's, Bedford, in one Lot, ALL that valuable and desirable FREEHOLD FARM, with THREE COTTAGES, plea- santly situate at WILDEM, in the County of Bed- ford, near the Turnpike- Road leading from the Town of Bedford to Kimb'olton, in the County of Hunting- Franc: s Whe- lev don; comprising a compact Freehold Farm, contain- T w r,.„„,„,„„ ing fifty- seven Acres ( more or less) of exceeding good Pasture and Arable Land, together with a Farm- Ilouse and three Cottages, with large Barns, Stables, and requisite Outbuildings, now in the Occupation of Mr Markham, at a very low and improvable Rent. 03" The Situation of this Estate at Wilden is very desirable; the Land in a high State of Cultivation, and remarkably fertile ; nearly contiguous to several good Markets and the Kimbolton Road; having also the great Advantage of the valuable Rights of Com- mon over the extensive Fields of Wilden, and should an Inclosure take Place, would be of considerable Value. BIRMINGHAM, STTAKESPEAR TAVERN, Feb. 8, 18u6. AT a GEN ERAL MEETING of SUBSCRIBE RS to a PLAN for establishing a FIRE- OFFICE in BIRMINGHAM, for insuring Houses, Ware- houses, Buildings, Manufactories, Farmers' Stock, Goods, Wares, Merchandize, and other Property, within Great- Britain, from Loss or Damage by Fire, GEORGE SIMCOX, Esq. in the Chair, The following Resolutions were agreed to :— 1. RESOLVED,—' That a Company for the above Pur- poses be immediately formed ; and the following Subscriptions were inserted for the Sums affixed to the respective Names:— - G oodruccnstomed Inn. by AUCTION, May be viewed by applying to Mr. Markham, the Tenant, of whom Particulars and Conditions of Sale may be had one Month previous to the Sale; at the White- Lion Inn, Kii- nbolton; Falcon, St. Neots; Swan, Biggleswade; White- Hart, Great- Barford; at the Place of Sale; of Mr. Rosser, Soli, citor, No. 32, King- Street, Holborn; and of Brown & Son, Auctioneers, and Agents to the British Fire and Westminster Lite- Office, Bedford; who are im- powered to treat for the same by Private Contract. Earl of Dartmouth =£. 2000 Heneage Legge, Esq. 2000 John Taylor, jun 2000 James Taylor 2000 Sampson Lloyd 2000 Charles Lloyd 2000 Samuel Lloyd 2000 James Lloyd 2000 Samuel Baker 2000 Edward Johnstone... 2000 Robert Mynors 2000 Samuel Galton 2000 S. Tertius Galton 2000 James Woolley 2000 Andrew Hacket 2000 William Hicks 2000 George Freer 2000 Tho. Lane Freer 2000 Michael Goodall 2000 Roger Vaughton 2000 James Keir 2000 William Ward 1000 William Villers 1000 William Anderton.. .2000 George Simcox ..... 2000 Thomas Lee 2000 J. Petty Dearman.. .2000 William Francis 2000 Benjamin Stokes 2000 Theodore Price 2000 W. W. Capper 2000 Henry Perkins 2000 Robert Bree 2000 Samuel Smith 2000 -. 2000 J. W. Crompron 2000 Joseph Webster 2000 Richard Pratchet 2000 Josiah Corrie 2000 John Corrie 2000 Thomas Francis 2000 Timothy Smith 2000 John Lawrence 2000 John Ryland 2000 Samuel Rvland 2000 William Walker 2000 A lexander Wal k er... 2000 W. Walker, Co,,-} 9 „, greve- Street. * 2000 TOWCESTER, Northamptonshire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On Tuesday the 12th Day of March, 1805, at Six o'Clock in the Evening, at the Saracen's- Head Inn, in Towcester aforesaid, ANeat and convenient Brick and Tile- built MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, situate in the HfoH- SvRciT, in TttWCESTER, and near the said Inn, in the Occupation of Mrs. Pinkard; comprising a Shop in Front, Kitchen, Bedchambers, Yard, and a convenient Brewhouse, with a Room over the same, detached from the Dwelling- House. 03" These Premises are Leasehold, 29 Years of which are unexpired.— Possession will be given at Lady- Day next. %* For Particulars, apply to Mr. HOWES, Attor- ney, in Northampton; or to the AUCTIONEER, in Stony- Stratford. Copyhold Estate.— To be SOLD By Mr. KIRS HAW, On the Premises, on Wednesday the 6th Day of March, 1805, at Four o'clock in the Afternoon, A LL that good- accustomed, well- situated INN, Jl\. known by the NameorSignof the HORS'E- AND- GROOM, situate in SHELF- STREET, in the populous Town of WELLINGBOROUGH, in the County of Northampton.— The Premises consist of an excellent Parlour, Bar, Kitchen, Cellar, commodious Brew house, four good Chambers on the first Floor, Attics over the same, large Yard, Stabling for upwards of fifty Horses, Garden, Pigsties, & c. & c.— Together with TWO MESSUAGES or . TENEMENTS ad- joining. 83" Possession may be had agreeable to the Pur- chaser. *** For further Particulars, enquire on the Pre- mises; of Messrs". HODSON, Solicitors, Wellingbo rough; or the AUCTIONEER, Northampton. " FREEHOLD ESTATE. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KIR SHAW, On Thursday the 7th Day of March, 1805, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the Crown Public- House, at Wootton, near Northampton, ALL that convenient FARM- HOUSE, HOME- STEAD, YARD, ORCHARDS, GARDEN, and CLOSE, containing upwards of four Acres of exceeding rich Land, well planted with Cherry and other Trees, situate in the Village of COLLING- TREE, near Northampton, now in the Occupation of Mr. Richard Wingrave, the Proprietor together with a good Malting, Pump, and excellent Well of Water. Also, TWO TENEMENTS adjoining the same. 03" For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. MARKHAM, Solicitor, or the AUCTIONEER, North- ampton. Freehold Estate.— Eligible Situation. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KIRS HAW, On Friday the 8th Day of March, 1805, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the Quart- Pot, in Gold- Street, Northampton, ALL that MESSUAGE or DWELLING, situate in SHEEP- STREET, near the Top of the Drapery, in NORTHAMPTON, now in the Occupation of Mr. Sweet, Hatter; consisting of a good Shop, two Parlours, and a Kitchen, on the Ground Floor; good Cellars; with Wash- House and Brewhouse on the Basement; two good Lodging- Rooms ( one Pair), and two Attics; with a Well of good Water, and small Yard. ( J3- The above Premises, are well situated for a Retail Trade, being aear the Centre of the Town; and may be entered upon at Lady- Day next. ( S3" For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. F. W. JEYSS, Solicitor, or the AUCTIONEER, North- ampton. To Bakers and others. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By RICHARD SMITH, On Friday the 8th of March instant, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the Sign of the Bell, in LITTLE- ADD INGTON, in the County of North- ampton, AFREEHOLD MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, with Bakehouse, Barns, Stable, & c. and large Yard and Homeclose adjoining, well planted with young Timber.— The above Premises are well situated i'or a Baker ( there being no other of that Trade either in Great or Little- Addington), and have been occupied by Mr. John Drage for near fifty Years, who is now about to decline Business. FARMING- STOCK, HAY, KEEPING, & c. For SALE by AUCTION, By MASON & SON, O.' Tuesday the 12th Day of March, 1805, on the Premises, at BRAMPTON- LODGE, in the County of Northampton, ALL the LIVE and DEAD STOCK of Mr. HENRY WEBB, who is leaving his Farm; consisting of four Milch Cows, eight In- calved Cows and Heifers, two barren Ditto, four Stirks, and three weaning Calves; 173 fat and other Sheep, and one Ram ; four Draught Horses ; Harness for five Horses; one Waggon and two Carts ; three Ploughs, large and small Harrows, and Roll; Harn Tackle; Hurdles, Cow- Cribs, Ladders, & c. ; Wheat Hovel; Part of two Cocks ot fine Hay ( to be spent on the Ground), about 25 Tons; also the Keeping of 109 Acres from the Day of Sale till the 5th Day of April next, to be sold in'Lots; Milk- Leads ; Casks; and some Lots of Household- Furniture. 03" The Sheep will be penned in Lots by Nine o'Clock; and the Sale to commence at Ten. Capital Cart Horses and othef Effects. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On Thursday the 14th Day of March, 1805, on the Premises, at STOKE WHARF, on the Grand Junction Canal, near Blisworth, in the County of Northampton, rpWENTY- FOUR stout Horses and one Nag, I- in excellent Condition; 24 Sets of very good Harness ; one Six- inch and two Narrow- wheel Wag- gons, very lately new; one stout Timber- Carriage; upwards of 300 Loads of rich Manure, in six Lots ; Quantity of Wood; and various other Effects. {{ 3" The above are the Property of Mrs. LUDLAM ; have been used on the Rail- Way, and will be sold without Reserve. *.* The Sale to begin with the Horses exactly at Ten o'Clock. ' GREAT- HORWOOD, near WINSLOW, Bucks. To ke SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DA Y, On Wednesday the 20th of March, 1805, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, in one Lot, at the House of Mr. Viccars, known by the Sign of tlie Swan, in Great- Horwood, AValuable COPYHOLD ESTATE, situate in GREAT- HORWOOD aforesaid, in the Occu- i pation of Mr. Thomas Viccars; comprising 5S Acres of Arable and 30 Acres of rich Sweard Land, be the same more or less ( Part of which is Tythe- free), with a very extensive Right of Common on Whaddon Chace. 03" There is a well- built roomy Barn on the Pre- mises.— Possession may be had at Lady- Day next. *** For Particulars, apply to the AUCTIONEER, in Stony- Stratford, Bucks; and for a View ot the same, to the TENANT. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the Swan Inn, Oundle, between the Hours of Four and Six in the Afternoon, on Thursday the 14th Day of March, 1805, in two Lots, unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall be then and there produced, AN ESTATE, in OUNDLE, ELMINGTON, and ASHTON, Part Freehold and Part Copy- hold ; consisting of Lot 1. FIVE TENEMENTS, situate in the North End of the Town of OUNDLE, with Yards and Gardens; and. four Acres and one Rood of MEADOW LAND, and two Roods, by Estimation, of ARA- BLE LAND, lying in the Fields and Meadows of OUND'LE aforesaid, in the Tenure of Mr. William Boddington, as Tenant from Year to Year, at the clear Annual Rent of 16.— This Lot is Copyhold of the Manor of Oundle. • Lot 2. A CLOSE of PASTURE LAND, lying in ELMINGTON, containing five Acres ( more or less); together with one Acre ( more or less) of MEADOW, lying in ASHTON; in the Tenure of Mr. John Hicks, as Tenant from Year to Year, at the clear an- nual Rent of =£. 17.— This Lot is Freehold. g3" For further Particulars, or to treat by Private Contract, apply to Messrs. YORKE & SHERARD, Solicitors, Oundle, or Thrapston. TO COVER, this Season, 1805, at Rockingham Castle, Northamptonshire, at One Guinea a Mare, and Two Shillings and Sixpence the Groom, GOVERNOR. g3" He was got by Trumpator, his Dam by High- flyer, Grand- Dam ( Otheothea) by Otho, Great- grand- dam by Snap, Great- great- grand- dam by Regulus, Great- great great- grand- dam ( which was Wildair's Dam) by Steady. *** He was bred by Earl Clermont, and considered very promising when young, but he unfortunately fell lame in training, and never started. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KNIBB, On Tuesday the 12th of March, 1S05, on the Pre- mises, at the Rectory - House, EMBERTON, Bucks, nPHE LIVE and DEAD STOCK, FARMING- X UTENSILS, and sundry EFFECTS, of the late Rev. Mr. POMFRET, deceased; comprising three capital Cart Horses, five Cows, upwards of three Score Sheep, and four breeding Sows; one large Wheat Rick; Vetches ; one Rick of prime Meadow Hay, and one Cock and one Stump of Ditto; all the Manure On the Premises; two Narrow- wheel Waggons, one Six- inch and one Narrow - wheel Cart, one Field- Roll, Ploughs, and Harrows; Barn Tackle; Fire Wood, Building Timber, Scantlings, and Boards ; one long Feeding Hovel, one Waggon Hovel, one Cow Hovel, and sundry other tempo- rary Buildings; one Lead Pump; all the Brewing Vessels, consisting of two Coppers, Coolers, Mash- Vats, Working Ditto, Tubs, large Iron- bound Beer Casks, Hogsheads, and Halt- Hogsheads; Dairy Leads, Churn, Milk- Pails, Kivers, & c. ; Glass Bottles, Cucumber Frame, Hand Glasses, Garden Seats, Car- nations in Tots, Garden Sticks, and Garden Tools; one Stone Roll, with Iron Frame, & c. 03" On Account of the great Number of Lots, the Sale will begin exactly at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon. J. W. Unett =£. 2000 Henry Clay.. 2000 G eorge Barker 2000 Samuel Aston 2000 Thomas Aston 2000 Anderson Ashmore .. 2000 Thomas Smallwood. .2000 John Jukes 2000 John Biddle 2000 John Cope 2000 William Cope 2000 Thomas Goodall 2000 Joseph Francis 2000 Samuel Rogers. 2000 Jane Francis 2000 Joseph Grice 2000 William Bedford 2000 John Bedford 2000 James Reynolds 2000 Thomas Pemberton .. 2000 Edwin Pemberton.. .2000 Thomasl. akin Hawkes2<! 00 Thomas Russell 2000 Thomas Grundy 2000 Thomas Barker 2000 Theophilus Richards. 2000 John Hawkins 2000 Thomas Cooper 2000 George Kennedy 2000 Joseph Cibbins 2000 Brueton Gibbins 2000 David Owen 2000 J. D. Griffith 2000 George Hurst 2000 William Dickenson. .2000 Joseph Kendall 2000 John Kendall 2000 James Goddington.. .2000 Richard Cadbury 2000 George Boone 2000 James Bushv 2000 Esther Freet'h 2000 Joseph Biddle 2000 James Bingham 2000 Thomas Small 2000 J. L. Moilliet 2000 James Timmins 1000 George Timmins 1000 To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KN I B B, On Tuesday and Wednesday the 19th and 20th Davs o; March inst. at the Rectory- House, EMBERTON Bucks RPHE ' genteel HOUSEHOLD - FURNITURE, I. and sundry EFFECTS, ofthe late Rev. Mr POMFRET, deceased; comprising lofty Four- post Bedsteads, in Damask, Morine, Cotton, and Chintz Furnitures; prime Water- Fowl and other Feather Beds; Quilts, Blankets, and Counterpanes; Plate; Linen; fine old China and Glass; Pier, Chimney, and Dressing Glasses-; Mahogany Card, Dining, and Breakfast Tables ; double and single Cases of Draw- ers; one Eight- day Clock, in Japan Case; Dining and Drawmg- Room Chairs and Sofa; Festoon Win- dow- Curtains, and Venetian Blinds; two capital Fowling- Pieces; a Bronze Bust of the Hon. Charles James Fox ; impressive Likenesses of the late Duke of Bedford and Dr. Franklin; two large non- descript stuffed Birds, from the Interior of Africa, with Cockatoos, Parroquets, See.; a diagonal Mirror; a portable Camera- Obscura ; Kitchen Range; Smoke- Jack and Crane; and Kitchen Utensils, in Copper, Brass, Pewter, & c. KS" The Sale to begin each Morning at Eleven o'Clock. TINCTURE. a Resident of SWANSEA, An extraordinary Cure recently effected by Dr. SIBLY's PATENT REANIMATING SOLAR SIR, MR. JOHN SWAN, __ _ ; called at my House, November 19, 1803, and purchased two Bottles of Solar Tincture. Having re- ceived great Benefit in taking of it, and, snatched as it were from the Jaws of Death, he begged I would inform you of the Case, for the Benefit of the Public in general. His Complaint originated in a dreadful Fever, which left an Inflammation on his Lungs, and not being removed in Time, his Lungs were ulcerated. In that almost fatal Situation, baffling the Practice ot Medical Skill and Advice, he was recommended by a Friend, who had also received great Benefit in a similar Complaint, to make a Trial of your inestimable Me- dicine, the Solar Tincture; when, after taking a few Bottles, he found himself reinstated in his former Health, and though reduced to a mere Skeleton, by the Complication of the Disorders he laboured under, he assured me he never enjoyed a better State of Health than he does at present. Having complied with Mr. Swan's Request, I am yours respectfully, „ . , „ W. SHEPPARD, Bookseller. Bristol, Dec. 9, 1803. Sold, in Bottles, at 7s. 6d. and 14s; the LUNAR TINCTURE 10s. 6d. only; at the Doctor's House, No. 40, New Bridge- Street, Ludgate- Ilill; and by Mr. Marshall, Northampton ; and by most Venders of Medicines in the United Kingdom; where Pam- phlets on the Virtues of the Solar and Lunar Tinctures maybe had gratis. 03" Nohe are genuine but what have on the Bottles and VVrapper, " Dr. Sibly's Solar Tincture; by His Majesty's Royal Letters Patent." II. RESOLVED,— That this Company shall be called or known by the Name of the BIRMINGHAM FIRE- OFFICE. III. That the Capital of this Company shall be Two HUNDRED THOUSAND POUNDS, in Shares of =£. 1000 each, but that no Person shall hold more than two Shares. IV. That no Proprietor in this Company shall be concerned, as a Partner in any other Insurance Company against Fire. V. That each Pioprietor shall pay into the Hands of the Treasurers, on or before Lady- Day next, five per Cent, on the Capital subscribed by him or her, and an additional five per Cent, on or before Michaelmas- Day next, making together the Sum of Twenty Thousand Pounds. VI. That the Directors shall invest in the Govern- ment Funds, in the Names of the Trustees, the said Twenty Thousand Pounds so to be raised ; and shall also invest from Time to Time in the said Funds, in the Names of the said Trustees, all Divi- dends arising therefrom, except such Part thereof as the said Directors may deem to be necessary to pay the current Expences of the Institution. VII. That the Profits from Time to Time shall be invested by the said Directors in the said Funds, in the Names of the said Trustees; but that no Dividend of Profit or Interest shall be made among the Proprietors till the Capital shall be bona Fide worth One Hundred Thousand Pounds. VIII. That the Trustees, by Direction of the Di- rectors, shall from Time to Time sell any Part of such Funds, to make good Losses and Damages by Fire; and also, that the Directors shall be empowered to make a further Call on the Pro- prietors, whenever the advanced Capital of the Company shall, by Losses by Fire or other Means, be reduced below the said Sum of Twenty Thou- sand Pounds. IX. That no Proprietor shall sell or dispose of his or her Share or Shares for the first seven Years, ex- cept in Cases where such Share or Shares may devolve to Executors or Administrators, or to Assignees or Trustees of an insolvent Estate; nor afterwards shall sell or dispose thereof to any Person who shall be di . approved of by the Di- rectors at a special Meeting, who are to vote by Ballot, and three negative Votes shall be consi- dered as a Negative on the Part of the Directors. X. That each Purchaser of one or two Shares shall sign a Declaration under his or her Hand, that he or she is bona Fide worth the Amount of the full Capital of the said one or two Shares, before such Share or Shares shall be transferred to him or her, the full Capital subscribed for each Share being =£. 1000; and, if required by the Directors, shall give Proof thereof. XI. That if any Proprietor's Circumstances be sus- pected, the Majority of the Directors, ai a special Meeting for that Purpose, at which fifteen Di- rectors at least shall be present, may require him or her to give Security for the Performance of his or her Covenants, or to sell his or her Share to some other Person whom the Directors shall ap- prove ; and for Want of such Sale within 60 Davs, the Party or Parties neglecting shall'forfeit his, her, or their Share or Shares to the other Co- partners. XII. That the Directors shall not insure more than Five Thousand Pounds on any one Risk, which Risk shall be determined by the Directors. XIII. That a General Meeting shall be held once in each Year, in the Month of March, when the Directors shall produce a fair Statement of the Accounts made up to the 31st of December pre- ceding, to be examined by such Meeting, or by Auditors appointed by it. XIV. That an Offer be made to such Persons as ori- ginally put down their Names for one Shaie, that they may each subscribe for one Share more, it they wish it. XV. That Subscribers for two Shares shall be at Li- berty to dispose of one of them before Lady- Day next, to any Person who shall be approved by the Directors in Manner before stated. XVI. That fifteen Subscribers be now appointed Di- rectors by Ballot, which fifteen shall choose six more, making together twenty- one Directors, and any five shall be competent to act in all Cases, except where a larger Number is stated to be re- quisite ; that seven of them shall go out every Year by Ballot o£ the Directors, and seven new ones to supply their Places shall be chosen byHallot at the General Annual Meeting. Any Director may be re- elected after the Expiration of one Year. The following fifteen Subscribers were accordingly chosen by Ballot for Directors:— CHARLES LLOYD, THOMAS RUSSELL. GEORGE SIMCOX, J. P. DEARMAN, THOMAS GOODALL, WM. ANDERTON, WILLIAM BEDFORD, JAMES WOOLLEY, JOSEPH GIBBINS. THEODORE PRICE, SAMUEL GALTON, SAMUEL LLOYD, BENJAMIN STOKES, WILLIAM HICKS, JOHN RYLAND, XVII. That the said Directors shall nominate five Trustees. XVIII. That TAYLORS and LLOYDS be appointed Treasurers. XIX. That LEE and CORRIE be appointed Solicitors. XX. That the Directors shall from Time to Tims appoint a Secretary and Agents. XXI. That the Solicitors shall draw up a Form of Asso- ciation for this Company, to be laid before the next General Meeting, and when approved, that it be engrossed, and signed by every Subscriber, with v < ne Sum subscribed affixed to his or her Name, XXII. That no Alteration shall be made in these Resolutions, except by Three- fourths of the Votei at a General Annual Meeting. And that all other Rules and Regulations be made by the Majority of a General Annual Meeting; the Votes to be taken by the Number of Shares prese. it. and no Person to vote by Proxy. That the foregoing Resolutions be printed and dis- tributed to each Subscriber previous to the next General . , GEORGE SIMCOX, Chairman. The Chairman having left the Chair, RESOLVED, That the Thanks of this Meeting he given to him, for his able and impartial Co>" i 4 t i Friday and Saturday's Posts. LONDON, March 1. THE preparations for the expedition which has been so long the subject of speculation, are in a very advanced state. There are now collected at Portsmouth, St. Helen's, Spithead, and South- ampton, upwards of one hundred transports, all ready to sail at a moment's notice. Forty- two of them are copper- bottomed, intended for the con- veyance of troops, forty- live are fitted up for ' cavalry, and nearly twenty for ordnance stores.— In aid of this gram! expedition, 500 foot- artillery- men, 400 horse- artillerymen, 800 artillery horses, and 400 drivers, with a proportion of the heaviest ordnance that was ever employed, are ready for embarkation at Woolwich. The Spanish brig Estrella Diana, from Vera- Cruz to Barcelona, with 286,949 dollars, and a large quantity of cochineal, & c. on board, is ar- rived at Falmouth. She was captured on the 8th tilt, by the Endeavour privateer, of Liverpool, and was afterwards taken possession of by the Egyptienne frigate. A debate took place last night in the House of Commons, upon the question of the second reading of Mr. Wilberforce's Bill for the Abolition of the Slave Trade, which terminated in the proposed measure " being again rejected. The majority against the Abolition was only seven.— For the motion 70— against it 77. On Tuesday last a match for 100 gs. each, was ran in Croxton Park, between Mr. Mellisli's horse, rode by himself, and Mr. Bui- ford's, rode IJV , Mr. Germaine, which was won with ease by the latter. Execution.— Yesterday morning Richard Hay- wood and John Tennant were executed before the debt- ors' door in the Old- Bailey, pursuant to their sen- tence.— The former of these miserable men, ever since sentence of death was passed upon him, had behaved - with unexampled depravity. He never attempted to deny his guilt, but, on the contrary, seemed to exult in it, and often regretted he had not done a deed more deserving of death. It was his constant boast, that he would,{ pn the scaffold, surpass the notorious Abershaw in evincing his contempt of death ; and he constantly endeavoured to instil into the mind of his fellow- suf- ferer those diabolical principles which lie had imbibed himself.— On Tuesday night, when Allport, the under- keepsr, was about to remove him to his cell, he drew o> it a clasp- knife, which he had concealed about him, and with horrid imprecations threatened his lite. The keeper tampered with him until he had put away the knife, when he seized and chained him to the wall, not allowing him a larger range than three inches. This severity produced no effect; lie was continually imprecating curses on all those who had been the means of bringing him to punishment. The Chap- lain's oiler to assist him in his devotions in the cell, he rejected with scorn. At an early hour yesterday morning, both the pri- soners bei: i ™ allowed to walk in the Press- yard, Dr. Ford again importuned Haywood to pray, when the misguided- wretch called him by every opprobrious name he obuV think of. He never once seemed to contemplate his situation, but enmloyed the time he - was permitted to stay in the yard, in exhorting his companion to die game. Tennant betrayed no violence, notwithstanding ir was evident that lie was greatly in- fluenced by the advice of his companion, and appa- rently his thoughts were altogether'unoccupied by re- ligion.— At the suggestion of Mr. Holdsworth, the City Marshal, he made some alteration in his dress. This officer finding his advice attended to in this instance, inrreated him no longer to follow the evil JUDGE & MARSHALL, Mantua and Fancy Dress- Makers, MOST respectfully inform the Ladies of Stony- Stratford and its Environs, they have taken a House near the George Inn, in the HIGH- STREET, STONY- STRATFORD, where they intend carrying on the above Business in its several Branches ; and, from their Connections in Town, they will be enabled to introduce the first Fashions, which they Hatter themselves, by Assiduity and Attention, will give general Satisfaction; and all Favours conferred will be gratefully acknowledged. ( J^ T PELISSES, SPENCERS, See. & c. made in the most fashionable Mariner, and on the most reasonable Terms. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. HIE CREDITORS of PETER ENGLAND, of MEARS- ASHBY, in the County of North- ampton, Blacksmith, deceased, who have delivered in their Accounts, may receive a Dividend of Ten Shillings in the Pound on their respective Debts, by applying at the RF. D- I. ION, at MEARS- ASHBY, on MONDAY the IStli Day of MARCH, 1805, between the Hours of One and Six in the Afternoon. Mears- Ashby, Id March, 1805. To the NOBILITY, GENTRY, CLERGY, and other FREEHOLDERS of the COUNTY of NORTHAMPTON. ONE of the VERDERERSHIPS of SALCEY FOREST being vacant by the Death of John Clarke, Esq. I beg Leave to solicit the Favour of your Votes and Interest to succeed him; and should I be so fortunate as to meet with your Approbation and Support, it will confer a lasting Obligation on Your most obedient and humble Servant, W. WAKE. Courteenhall, . Tan. 14th, 1805. T T DAVENTRY, 1st March, 1805. ^ IIOSE Persons who have any Claims or Demands upon Mr. JOHN PENN and Mr. THOMAS ADAMS, as Trustees ofthe Estate of Mr. WILLIAM ADAMS, for Debts contracted subse- quent to the 2d Day of May, 1804, are desired imme- ] diately to deliver an Account thereof, in Writing, to Mr. Penn, or Mr. Thomas Adams, in order that the Accounts may be settled previous to the Dividend, which will be forthwith made. FEIIRUARY 28th, 1805. WHEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt was lately awarded and issued against THOMAS FRANKLIN, of LEIGHTON- BUZZARD, in the County of Bedford, Money- Scrivener; and Messrs. Richard Davis, of St. John- Street, in the County of Middlesex, Wine- Merchant, and Andrew Gardner, of Wobtirn, in the said County of Bedford, Upholder, were chosen Assignees of the Estate and Effects of the said . Bankrupt: And the said Bankrupt was for- merly in Co- partnership with William Greene, of Ampthill, in the said County of Bedford; and liath since been in Co- partnership with Thomas Deverell, of Leighton- Buzzard aforesaid, Gentleman, who hath, by Virtue of a certain Letter of Attorney, bearing Date this Day, duly authorized the said Richard Davis and Andrew Gardner to collect and receive his Proportion of the Debts due to himself, and the Estate and Elfects of the said Bankrupt: All Persons who stund indebted to the said William Greene and the said Bankrupt jointly, are desired to pay the Proportion of their Debts due to the said Bankrupt; and also all Persons who stand indebted to the said Bankrupt alone, or to the said Thomas De- verell and the said Bankrupt jointly, are desired to pay the same to the said Richard Davis and Andrew Gardner immediately, otherwise they will be sued for the same without further Notice. A GENTEEL RESIDENCE, in BUCKS. To be LET T, For a Term of five Years, either furnished- or unfur- nished ( the Furniture modern), with immediate Possession, Small, but very convenient, new - built HOUSE, with convenient Offices, Chaise- House, Stabling, Yard, Garden, and Pleasure Grounds, and nine Acres of rich SWEARD LAND adjoining divided into three Closes, situate on an Eminence, commanding beautiful and extensive Views of the surrounding Country, in the pleasant and healthy Village of SWANBORNE, in theCountyof Bucks; in a very respectable Neighbourhood, and at an easy Distance from Fox- Hounds and Harriers; within two Miles of Winslow, and nine of Aylesbury, Bucking- iiisrarice, l lrreareu nun no loneer xu IOIIOW 111c evit , m Cr , , , • , ' ' • counsel of Haywood, but to en^ i. oy the few moments • e had left in a Christian- like manner. Tennant shed i ; ars, shewed some contrition, and suffered the Ordi- nary to attend him to the scafibld. When the time for quitting the court- yard arrived, Haywood called to a friend, who was present, to de- liver him a bundle he had in his hand, out of which he took an old jacket, and a pair of old shoes, and put them on. " Thus," says lie, " will I defeat the prophecies of my enemies : they have often said I should die in mv coat and shoes, and I am deter- mined to \ ae in neither." Being told it was time to be conducted to the scafibld, he cheerfully attended the summons, having first eat Some bread and cheese, and drank a quantity of coffee. Before, however, he departed, he called out in a loud voice to the pri- soners, who were looking through the upper windows at him, " Farewell, mv lads, I am just a- going off- God bless you." " We are sorry for you," replied the prisoners. " I want none of your pity," rejoined Haywood; " keep your snivelling till it be your own turn." Immediately on his arrival upon the scaffold, he gave the mob three cheers, introducing each with a " Hip- hol" Whilst the cord was preparing he con- tinued hallooing to the mob. It was found necessary, before the usual time, to put the cap over his eyes, besides a silk handkerchief by way of bandage, that his attention might be entirely abstracted from the spec- tators. Dr. Ford continued in prayer with Tennant, • who listened to him, but did not join with him. Just as the noose was placed round his neck, he em- phatically exclaimed, " Lord, have mercy upon me I" Haywoou muttered some words in reply, which were not perfectly understood, but were supposed to be said to Tennant by way of reproach. He then gave another halloo, and kicked off his shoes among the spectators, many of whom were deeply alfected at the obduracy of his conduct. Soon afterwards the plat- form dropped. — o< s< S3Bi*<::> » - FORTUNATE LOTTERY TICKETS. Seventh day's drawing.— No. 20,952 ( as first- drawn), =£. 10,000. Nos. 7,41o, 12,265, 14,850, and 17,593, a£. 100 each. Nos. 5,479, 14,325, lb, 187, and 19,978, =£. 50 each. PRICE OF STOCKS. Bank Stock 179£ 179i Imp. 3 per Cents. 3 per Ct. Red. . sh. India Stock THE FOURTH COUNTY ASSEMBLY WILL be at the GEOROE INN, NORTHAMPTON, on THURSDAY, MARCH 14th, 1305. S. ISTED, Esq. ? c. , J. H. THURSBY, Esq. $ Steward:" fl^ y Dancing to commence at Eight o'Clock. To THE FACULTY. WTANTED immediately, An ASSISTANT to > v a SURGEON, & c. ( JD?" Enquire of M. BUSZARD, Lutterworth. DAVENTRY FOURTH ASSEMBLY WILL be at the WHEAT - SHEAF INN, C THURSDAY the 7th Instant. Dancing will commence at Eight o'Clock. March Lrf, 1805. WANTED, A steady MAN, of" light Weigiit, as COACHMAN and GROOM, one who understands his Business, and can bring a good Clia- racter from his last Place for Honesty, Sobriety, and Cleanliness. jdT Enquire of Mr. WOOTTON, Harrold, Beds. BRIDGE- STREET, NORTHAMPTON, March 2,1805. ALL Persons indebted to the Firm of COVE, SMITH, & Co. Lace- Manufacturers, Mil- liners, Hosiers, Haberdashers, Glovers, and Tea- Dealers, NORTHAMPTON, are requested to pay their respective Debts on or before the 5th Day of April next; and all Persons having any Demands on the said Partnership, are requested to send in their Bills, that they may be discharged. fi3f On Account of the recent Death of Mrs. SMITH, the Business will in future be carried on by Mrs. COVE and DAUGHTER; who beg Leave to' return their grateful Acknowledgments for the Support they have hitherto experienced, and solicit a Continuance of it. ' ( jef Apply for Particulars"( if by Letter, Post-, paid), to Mr. HEARN, Attorney, in Buckingham; or to JOHN DAY, Auctioneer, in Stony- Stratford. To Timber- Merchants, Builders, fyc.' To be SOLD by AUCTION, By ROBERT ANDREWS, On Wednesday next, the sixth Day of March, 1805, at the Sign of the Angel, in Carlton, in the County of Bedford, UPWARDS of 112 prime and valuable OAKS, with TOP, LOP. and BARK ; 70 ASH, 20 ELM, and eight MAPLE TREES; in Lots, now blazed and marked, standing in the Parish of Carlton aforesaid.— The Sale to begin exactly at Ten o'Clock. ( S- 3~ Catalogues may be had at the Place of Sale. *** A Deposit of 20 per Cent, will be required, in Part of Payment; and three Months' Credit will be given for the Remainder, on approved Security. To be SO L D, On Monday the 11th Day of March instant, at the Bell Inn, in Husbands- Bosworth, in the County of Northampton, at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, ABOUT 100 Lots of Maiden ASH POLES, from a Spinney upon Mr. George White's Farm, at HUSBANDS- BOSWORTH, near Welford. The Poles are of a good Quality, and will be found very useful for Farmers, Coopers, & c. *** Mr. WHITE will shew the Lots. ~ To be SOLD ty AUCTION, By Mr. T I T E, On Wednesday the 6th Day of March, and three fol- lowing Days, on the Premises of Mr. A N D E RTON, of DAVENTRY, in the County of Northampton, Hatter, ALL his neat HOUSEHOLD GOODS, STOCK in TRADE, IMPLEMENTS of HUS- BANDRY, See. Sec. ; comprising Feather and Flock Beds; Four- post and other Bedsteads, with various Hangings; Blankets; Sheets and Table Linen; Oak and other Dining Tables; Pier and Swing plasses; a capital Oak Bureau and Bookcase, with Glass Doors; very handsome Clock, by Mason, nearly new; bright Kitchen- Range, Hearth- Grate, Crane,' and Kitchen- Furniture in general; two' Brewing- Coppers ; Tubs and Barrels; one complete Set of China, with Japan Tea- Board, Sec. Sec. The STOCK in TRADE comprises nearly 1000 Ladies' and Gentlemen's Hats, Caps, and Bonnets; Helmets; Volunteer Caps and Travelling Caps; several Gross of Hat- Bands, Shoe- Strings, Hat- Stretchers, Sec.; black Leather, black Cockades, Volunteer Plates, red and white Feathers, Sec; six Lots of fine and coarse Wool; three Bags of Logwood ; one Barrel of Copperas; large Hatter's Bason, complete; Bows and Cards; Blocks and Irons; a Quantity of Dog's- Hair and Carbone of Vitriol; a large Quantity of Hatter's Blocks, Sec. and every Article in the Hat Line complete. ( fjf The Household Goods will be sold on the first Day ot Sale; and the Stock will be sold on the three following Days. * » * The Auctioneer begs the early Attendance of his Friends and the Pubiic in . general, as the Sale will commence each Day at Ten o'Clock in the Fore- noon. The Stock may be viewed the Day before the Sale, by applying to the Auctioneer, Daventry. 3 per Ct. Cons. 4 per Ct. Cons. 5 per Ct. Ann. sh 5S| U 7SM . 89} India Bonds Exclieq. Bills' Omnium 57U 184 sh. sh. 4 pr. ~ / SRiv / SMT LONDON, March 2. SOME Hamburgh Papers of the 6th and 8th ult. were received yesterday morning.— A letter from Constantinople, dated December 30th, states as follows:—" The French Minister, M. Talley- rand, has transmitted a Note to the Turkish Am- bassador at Paris, Haleb Effendi, of which Mar- shal Brune, a short time before his departure from Constantinople, delivered a copy to the Reis Effendi. This note expresses surprise at the re- fusal of the Porte to acknowledge the Emperor of the French; since France has ever been the oldest and most sincere friend of the Porte. The causes of this conduct are then adverted to, and it is ascribed to a faction in the Turkish Ministry, inimical to the true interests of the Empire, which has had the art to procure the rejection of all advantageous propositions on the part of France, and to connect the Porte with another Power. In conclusion, jt is asserted, that the present conduct of the Porte is inconsistent with its former Mussul- man dignity, which would never suffer it to render itself dependant on, and subject to, any Foreign Power, without well founded motives. On the communication of this note, the Reis Effendi declared, that with respect to the refusal of ac- knowledgment of the Emperor Napoleon, the Porte had been guided by the protestations of other Powers." Private letters from the Continent state, that Bonaparte is determined to make use of the whole force of Spain, both naval and military, against this country. Several plans have been sent to the French Ambassador; Bournonville, to be laid be- fore the Spanish Cabinet, which are supposed to relate to some intended expedition against our colonies. It is generally believed in France, that Portugal will speedily be invaded by a French and Spanish army, the command of which will not be entrusted to General Lasnes, but to some officer in whom Bonaparte can place greater con- fidence. Lasnes, however, it is said, will be ap- pointed to the command of another expedition, of considerable importance, which is in contempla- tion. A report has, for a day or two, been prevalent in some of the political circles, that a communi- cation has been received by our Government from the Court of Berlin, in answer to that transmitted on the subject of Bonaparte's letter; and that the tenor of this communication is strongly in favour of peace, and strongly expressive of the opinion, that the overture of Bonaparte offers a most de- sirable opening. It is not to be doubted, we be- lieve, that the King of Prussia will second, to a considerable degree, the views of Bonaparte in this affair. From the strain of the answer trans- mitted by our Government to Bonaparte, we may reasonably conclude, that our Ministers will con- cur most readily with the views of the independent Governments of Europe in regard to a pacifica- tion, if those views appear to be at all consistent with the interests of this country; since even Bo- naparte's Ministers themselves have heen obliged to allow, that this answer breathed a tone of mo- deration and peace. > ' A IIARLESTON ASSOCIATION. AT the Annual Meeting of this Association, . held on Thursday last, at the Sign of the Fo\- and- Hounds, in Harl'eston, in the County of North- ampton, the Treasurer paid 10s. 6d. to William Harris, Servant to Mr. John Walton, of Chapel- Brampton, as a Reward for detecting and convicting Thomas Marlow, of Kingsthorpe, Labourer, of steal- ing a Quail'ity of Cabbages out ot Mr. Walton's Close, at Kingsthorpe. Q3T The Bloodhounds belonging to this Society being now in regular training, any Member, on having a Sheep or Lamb killed, may have the immediate Use of them; and Mr. Buswell, the Solicitor to this Association, will inform every Member where the Bloodhounds are kept. %* Such of the Members of this Association as did not attend the above Meeting, are requested to pay their annual Subscriptions to Mr. Buswell, the Trea- surer, at his Office in Northampton, within fourteen Days from the Date hereof, or they will be excluded all Benefit from this Society in Case they should sustain any Loss before Payment. R. BUSWELL, Treasurer and Solicitor, Northampton, Id March, 1805. " FIVE GUINEAS REWARD. T> UN AWAY, from the Parish of Lillingstone- jLV Lovell, in Oxfordshire, and left his Wife chargeable, RICHARD SAUNDERS, a Native of the Parish of Leckhampstead, Bucks, and who has lately been removed from thence to the Parish of Lillingstone- Lovell.— He is about 25 Years of Age, rather short, but stout made, is full eyed, of a ruddy Complexion, full faced, and has a gruff Voice; and it is supposed has worked on the Grand Junction Canal. If the said Richard Saunders will immediately re- turn to the Parish- Officers of Lillingstone- Lovell, he will be forgiven the Offence he has committed; and if not, any Person who will give Information to them where he may be found, will be handsomely rewarded ; and if he is at a considerable Distance, any Person who shall bring him to the Parish- Officers, shall receive of them FIVE GUINEAS for tils Trouble and Expences. Freeholds, Carltm and Chellington. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By ROBERT ANDREWS, At the Angel Inn, in Carlton, in the County of Bed- ford, on Wednesday the 6th Day of March next, at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, in four Lots, Lot 1. \ Good substantial MESSUAGE, Stone- A built and Tiled, situate at CARLTON aforesaid, with Barns, Stables, Seel and a small Orchard, well planted with Fruit Trees, adjoining, with the Cottage Right of Common thereto belong- ing, now in the Occupation of Francis Taylor. Lot 2. A divided MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, also situate in CARLTON, now occupied by William Warden and John Brooks, with a large Garden ad- joining, and the Cottage Right of Common belonging thereto. Lot 3. TWO TENEMENTS, situate at CHEL- LINGTON, in the said County of Bedford, now in the Occupation of John Brooks and John Johnson, together with a Barn, and large Orchard, well planted, adjoining ; and one Acre and one Rood of ARABLE LAND, lying on HODCE- HEDGE FURLONG, in CHELLINGTON aforesaid, with the Cottage and other Common Rights belonging thereto. Lot 4. A FARM- HOUSF. and HOMESTALL, with the Appurtenances, situate at CARLTON aforesaid, in the Tenure of William Denton and the said Francis Taylor; with the HOME- CLOSE of two Acres of rich PASTURE LAND ( be the same more or less); and nineteen Acres and three Roods of ARABLE LAND, by Computation; three Acres, by Computation, of MEADOW GROUND; a CLOSE of OLD SWEARD, of one Acre ( be the same more or less), called LAND CLOSE; and a CLOSE, called RUDD'S CLOSE, containing about three Acres, in- cluding a valuable SPINNEY of UNDERWOOD and TIMRER; ly ing in the several Parishes of CARLTON and CHELLINGTON aforesaid, toge- ther with the Cottage and other Rights of Common thereto respectively belonging. ( pf A TSill is now in Par! iament for the Inclosure ot the several Fields of Carlton and Chellington, which renders these Estates capable of great Improve- ment, especially as the greater Part of the Lands lie in the best Situations, and among the best Land. % * FRANCIS TAYLOR, one of the Tenants, will shew the Premises. N. B. Further Particulars maybe known by Appli- cation to Mr. GARRARD, Attorney at Law, Olney, Bucks. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. ROUSE, On Thursday next, the 7th of this current March, on the Premises, at LITTLE- BOWDEN, near Mar- ket- Harborough, AConsiderable PART of the genteel, neat, and useful HOUSEHOLD - FURNITURE, and various other EFFECTS, late the Property of TfvtJXT 1 r irrc r' —. I.. J i ' ... NO R THA MPTO N, SATURDAY EVENING, March 2. BIRTH.] On Monday last, the Lady of J. C. Rose, Esq. of Cransley, ih this county, of a daughter. MARRIED.] On Monday se'nnight, Mr. Thos. Richards, of Blisworth, in this county, to Miss Diana Pickering, of Coventry. On Tuesday se'nnight, by special licence, in JOHN ILIFFE, Gent, recently deceased; consisting T " . , iT TTT' I of Four- post Bedsteads, with yellow Camlet, green London, Francis Dugdale Astley, Esq. ot Everly, Pl„, l. o... C :. . . . I- YV TI tc M ICE fl a ,,, rh tor [' if.-, tt........ Cloth, Sec. Furnitures; Mattress; seasoned Feather- Beds, Sec ; Blankets and Quilts ; Window- Curtains; Night- Stool; veneered Bureau; Dressing Tables, See. Mahogany Dining, Tea, and Card Tables ; Mahogany Tea Table, rich pierced Border; Tea and Coffee- Urns, Plated Dischargers; oval Japan Tea- Tray and Waiters ; some genteel Lots of China and Glass; Pier Glass, 30 by 16, arched Top, Japan Frame ; other Pier and Dressing Glasses, in veneered Frames; large Glass Passage- Lantern; very good Eight- day Clock, Fili- gree Case; Four- fold embossed Leather Screen ; a Collection of Books, about 90 Volumes, on various important and interesting Subjects; Stove- Grate, Fire- irons, & c.; Sets of Wainscot and other Chairs; Wainscot Dining and Pillar Tables, and Deal Toilet Tables; a Variety of useful Articles for the Kitchen, Pantry, and Scullery, in Copper, Brass, & c.; a Quantity of Pewter, in Plates, Dishes, Sec. ; Ironing- Board, Drying- Horses, painted Flower- Stands, Sec. Sec. ( j^ T The Whole being intended to be sold on Thurs- day, it will be convenient to begin the Salc Punctually at Ten. TOWCESTER, Northamptonshire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By R. M. JONES, On Thursday the 14th of March, 1805, and following Day, ALL the STOCK in TRADE, and other EFFECTS, late the Property of Mr. WM. P1NCK. ARD, deceased; consisting of rich Laces; Muslins; Printed and other Cottons; Irish Cloth; Sheeting Cloth; Calico; Shaloons; Camlets; Silk and other Handkerchiefs; Checks; Woollen Aprons; Flannels; Women's Shawls and Stays; Ribbons; a large Quantity of Stockings; Threads and Tapes; Plated and other Buckles; Trinkets; Trunks, covered with red Morocco; Chime Barrel; and a large As- sortment of Toys. Also, HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE; consisting of Feather and Flock Beds; Bedsteads and Furniture; Quilts and Blankets; Bureau and Bookcase ; Chest of Drawers; Dining, Dressing, and other Tables; Pier and Swing Glasses; Mahogany and other Chairs; Kitchen- Range, Fire- irons; Pewter and Brass; Glasses, China, and Earthenware; with many other Articles too numerous to insert. Ipf The Lace, Muslins, Cottons, Irish Cloth, Sheeting Cloth, Calico, & c. See. to be sold the first Day; and the Toys, Household- Furniture, Sec. the last Day. %* The Sale will commence each Morning at Ten o'Clock precisely. L I L B U R N. To be SOLD by AUCTION, ( If not sooner disposed of by Private Contract), on Friday Afternoon, the 15th of March instant, at the King's- Head Inn, in Lutterworth, T70RTY- SEVEN Acres of very rich GRAZING A FEEDING LAND, situate in the Lordship of LILBURN, in the County of Northampton; Part of which is some of the best Meadow Land in the County.— It will be sold together, or in four separate Lots. C5T For Particulars, enquire of Mr. GARNER, at the Sign of the Bull, in Lifburn aforesaid. * » * Immediate Possession may be had. L U TT E R WO R'l'H. To be SOLD by AUCTION, ( If not sooner disposed of by Private Contract), on Friday Afternoon, the 15th of March instant, at the King's- Head Inn, in Lutterworth, in the County of Leicester, rpWO CLOSES and a MEADOW of very rich L ARABLE and PASTURE LAND, in the Oc- cupation of Mr. Cook, and nearly adjoining the Town ot LUTTERWORTH.- It will be sold either to- gether, or in two Lots.— Possession may be had on or before Michaelmas next. ( pf For Particulars, enquire at the said Inn. VALUABLE EFFECTS. WOOLLASTON- HALL, near WELLINGBOROUGH, Northamptonshire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Messrs. SKINNER, DYKE, & Co. On Monday the 18th Instant, and following Days, at Eleven o'Clock, on the Premises, THE genteel HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE; an excellent full- sized BILLIARD- TABLE; a hand- some SIDEBOARD of MODERN PLATE; a Variety of PLATED ARTICLES; useful and ornamental CHINA; cut and plain GLASS; BED and TABLE LINEN; an extensive LIBRARY of scarce and valuable BOOKS ; fine old Bottled PORT ; excellent SHERRY ; MADEIRA and other WINES and LIQUORS; ALE and BEER; BREWING, DAIRY, and GARDEN UTENSILS; a TURRET CLOCK; valuable FIXTURES ; FARMING IM- PLEMENTS ; LIVE STOCK, and numerous other Effects, at WOOLLASTON - HALL, within three Miles of Wellingborough, four of Higham- Ferrers, and twelve ot Newport- Pagnell and Northampton. May be viewed on Friday and Saturday pre- ceding the Sale; and Catalogues had on the Premises ; also at tiie Hind, Wellingborough ; Dragon, Higham- Ferrers ; Swan, Newport; Talbot, Oundle; George, Thrapston ; George, Northampton ; Swan, Bedford ; Wilts, to Miss Geast, daughter of the late Henry Geast, Esq. of Birmingham. Lately, Mr. R. Oliver, to Miss Newton, daughter of the late Rev. Wm. Cartwright Newton, vicar of Thurnby, in Leicestershire. A few days since, Mr. William Wilkinson, jun. of this town, to Miss Norton, of Yelvertoft, in this county. Last week, Mr. Sutton, ironmonger, to Miss Burton, daughter of Mrt Burton, tanner, of Nun- eaton, Warwickshire. On Thursday last, Mr. Edward Perkins, of Hillmorton, Warwickshire, to Miss Garrett, of East- Haddon, in this county. DIED.] On Monday last, at his house at Bath, in his 85th year, the Hon. Thomas Pownall, of Everton- House, Bedfordshire, formerly Governor of New- Jersey. Same day, Mr. Thomas Ilorton, sen. of Yardley- Gobion, in this county. On the 14th inst. at Kempston, Beds, aged 70, Mr. Carter Skevington. Lately, Mr. J. Foster, of Banham, near Cam- bridge- Dying without a will, his property, to the amount of ,£. 2000 per annum, devolves to his next of kin, a poor labouring man, residing at the same place. On Sunday se'nnight, at Peterborough, aged 73, Mr. Robert Miller. Last week, at. Stapleford, Rutland, Mr. Wright, an eminent grazier. Lately, at Stratford- on- Avon, Mrs. Sarah Ash- 1 ford, widow of Mr. Thomas Ashford, formerly of that place. On Saturday last, in his 65th year, Thomas Smith, M. D. of Birmingham. A few days ago, at Oundle, Mr. Thomas Ragsdell, baker. On Tuesday last, deservedly regretted, Mrs. Cooke, wife of Mr. D. Cooke, attorney, of Lei- cester. Same day, at his house at Overseal, in Leices- tershire, in the 52d year of his age, Mr. John Kettle. ——— The Right Hon. Viscount Falkland has been pleased to appoint the Rev. Charles Henry Tufnell, vicar of Ail Saints, in this town, one of his Lordship's Domestic Chaplains. Tuesday the Rutlandshire militia commenced their march from Bristol for Milford- IIaven; and the same day the first division of the Huntingdon- shire militia arrived. At Oundle fair, held on Monday last, there waa a large shew of horses and beasts, which went off at high prices. At the above fair a person had his pocket picked of his pocket- book, containing bills to the amount of £. 100 and upwards, with which the offender got clear off. Mr. Showier, of Reevesby, in Lincolnshire, three years ago planted 25 grains of Egyptian barley; the second year's produce was 10 bushels, from which he last year reaped upwards of 40 quar- ters, a part of which he sold at Spilsby on Monday se'nnight for five guineas per quarter. The parish church of Hanslope, in Buckingham- shire, was broken into one night during the latter part of last week, and the surplice and large church bible were stolen thereout.— The frequent instances of sacrilege lately committed in this neighbourhood, should excite the country to vigi- lance and exertion, that the offenders may be dis- covered and brought to condign punishment. The following prisoners are to take their trials at our Assizes, which begin on Monday next, before the Right Hon. Sir Archibald Macdonald and the Hon. Sir Alan Chambre, viz. Samuel Coulston, . charged on the oath of Stephen Eaton, of Deen, his late master, on a violent sus- picion of feloniously stealing out of the granary of the said Stephen - Eaton, one bushel of beans, of the value of 4s. his property.— George Marriott ( aged 12), charged on suspicion of stealing a pocket- book, containing Bank bills and cash, of the value of £. 6, the property of John Cole, of Mary- Ic- Bone, in the county of Middlesex George Stcingler, charged on the oath of Walton Pell, of Clipston, grazier, with stealing two shear- hog sheep, the property of the said Walton Pell.— Henry Spur, charged on the oath of Samuel Pelham, of Wellingborough, lace- merchant, on a suspicion of having feloniously stolen from a stage- coach, within the liberties of the town of North- ampton, a hair trunk, containing divers parcels of thread lace, a blue cloth coat, two cotton waist- coats, two pair of nankeen pantaloons, three liolland shirts, two pair of cotton stockings, and two muslin handkerchiefs, of the value of £. 200, the property of the said Samuel Pelham.— Wm. Dicks, charged on suspicion of felony in stealing a bay gelding, of the value of about £. 20, the property of Edward Grant, of Litchborough.— Joseph Gallimore, charged on the oath of Alexander Iladland, of Paulerspury, labourer, with having stolen one velveteen frock, aud one silk handker- chief, th « property of him the said Alexander Hadland-— Hannah Ashby, for wilful and corrupt perjury, in giving evidence upon the trial of a certain appeal between the inhabitants of the parish of Blisworth, appellants, and the inhabit- ants of the parish of Bugbrook, respondents, touching her lawful settlement.— Mary Rttdford, charged on oath by Thomas Barfoot, of Dal- lington, with having unlawfully and feloniously intermarried with one Samuel Cory, well knowing her lawful husband, Joseph Radford, to be then living.— Richard Barber ( aged 16), charged on the oath of John Farey, of Moulton, labourer, with having stolen a pair of high- top shoes, of the value of 3s. his property, from a stable belonging to his master, Joseph Manning, of Moulton, yeo- man.— Anu Johnson, charged on the oath of Ben- nett. Sharp, one of the overseers of the poor of the parish of Towcester, with, having, knowingly and designedly, by false pretences, obtained from him the said Bennett Sharp, 6s. in silver, on the 18th December last, with intent to cheat and defraud the said Bennett Sharp of the same.— Thomas Wennatt, charged on the oath of Ca- therine Wootton, of I. axton, with having feloni- ously stopped her on the King's highway, in the parish of Stanion, on Tuesday the 19th hruary last, and attempting to rob her of a bundle, by which the said Catherine Wootton was put iu bodily fear. On Wednesday the 13th ult. an inquisition was taken before J. Spolding, Gent. Coroner for the liberty of Peterborough, on the body of Sarah Rose, a servant, at the Talbot Inn, Peterborough, whose death was occasioned by throwing herself from a . window upwards of 40 feet high, in the front of the said inn, the preceding evening. Verdict— Lunacy. A few days since an inquisition was taken at Ramsey, before Mr. Ridlington, one of his Ma- jesty's Coroners for the county of Huntingdon, oil view of the body of Henry Staffurth, a youth about 17 years of age, son of Mr. Abraham Staffurth, maltster, of the abovementioned place, who, in turning the malt- mill round, got his head jammed between the mill- yoke and the wall; he languished about three hours, and then expired. Verdict— Accidental death. , On Sunday last an inquisition was taken at Eaton- Socon, in the county of Bedford, before William Whitworth, Gent. Coroner for the said county, on view of the body of Samuel Giddings, a lad about 13 years of age, who having been sent to the mill there for some milk, while dipping the can iu the river above the mill, he unfortunately slipped in, and was drawn under the mill wheel and drowned. Verdict— Accidental death. The following melancholy accident happened at Wisbech on Saturday se'nnight:— As a person of the name of Carter, with his wife, and an elderly man, named Burridge, were returning in a cart from Wisbech to Emneth, in going out of the town, owing to the darkness of the night, the horse got out of the rOad, and overturned the cart into the New Canal, by which means Mrs. Carter and Burridge were unfortunately drowned. A dreadful accident/ happened on Saturday morning last in Birmingham:— A spirited horse ran away with his rider from New- street into the High- street, towards the Welch Cross, where two children were crossing the road, whom he threw down, and so dreadfully hurt, that one died on the spot, and the other died shortly after being conveyed to the Hospital. A most shocking instance of barbarity was last week discovered, on removing some manure out. of the King's- Arms yard, in Atherstone, Warwick- shire : two babes ( supposed to be twins), judged about six months gone, had been thrown into tho privy. Com- Exchunge, London, Friday, March 1. The Market, since our last, has had but little accession of Grain in general; good Wheat is rather dearer, but expecting better supply, little is doing. Fine old Dantzic about U6s. per quarter.— Rye has a rea y sale, and is 2s. and 3s. dearer.— Barley in middling quantity, with Malt at little difference.— White Peas have little sale.— Having but few Oats on hand, and rather in demand, they are Is. 6d. dearer. — Flour still in full plenty ; some of very fine qua- lity at rather an advance.— In other articles no par- ticular variation. PRICE of CORN per Quarter at Northampton, Saturday, March 2. Wheat, 80s. to 100--, Beans, 42s. Od. to 46s. Od. Peas, 40s. Od. to 52s. Od. By the Standard Measure. We have the pleasure of announcing to the public, that the Tunnel through Blisworth Hill, near this town, was completed on Monday last. This Tunnel is nearly two miles in length, and has < R>' e' 60s- 0l'- t0 76s. been one of the greatest difficulties the Grand j n^ bo^ m'V° o| S'm T , • /~ t i /~ i i ) Oats, z- iS. Ocl. to 26*. Od. Junction Canal Company have had to surmount, in j N. BATTIN, Clerk of the Maiket. executing their national undertaking. Wehearfilv i ^ - .. c - congratulate the public on the completion of this I LIST of FAIRS, from March 4 to March 16, great and important work, which promises more - public benefit than any thing of the kind that has j M. Mar. yet been done in the kingdom, as it opens a direct' T. -—- intercourse with the Metropolis, by inland tlayi- Th- and of Messrs. Skinner, Dyke, & Co. Aldersgatel gation, from the . Northern, North- eastern, North- ' p r ° ' western, and Midland Canals aud Manufactories, v j;' Street, London within the Circuit of this Paper. 4. S out ham. > 5. Market- Harborough and Bedford. 7. Higham- Ferrers, Obipping- Norton, Suck- inghatn, Uppingi. am, and Nottingham. 8. Coventry and Cbarlbury, 15. Oakhum. A To VIOLET. • THOUGH from tliy bank of velvet torn, Hang not, fair tlow'r, thy drooping vest; On FANNY'S bosom thou shalt find A softer, sweeter bed of rest! Though from mild Zephyr's kiss no more Ambrosial halms thou shalt inhale; Her gentle breath, whene'er she sighs, Shall fan thee with a purer gale ! But be thou grateful for that bliss, For which in vain a thousand burn; And as thou stealest sweets from her, Give back thy choicest In return. J. B. D. — OLD- BAILEY, FRIDAY, February 11. John Roger Turner was- this day indicted for forging a receipt in the hame of Wm. Waltlmm, purporting to be a receipt for money received for the sale of £. 7000 of Reduced S per Cent. Stock, the property of the said William Waltham. The indictment included three counts. In the first, the prisoner was charged with the crime of forging the receipt, with intent to defraud the Bank of England; in the second, with intent to defraud William Waltham; of Maiden; in the third, with intent to defraud Joseph Lightfoot, the apparent purchaser of the stock.— It appeared, from the statement of Mr. Fielding, and the evidence afterwards adduced, that the prisoner had been for ' several years clerk to Messrs. Stopard and Ryland, cornfactors, who were in the practice of purchasing stock, and receiving dividends, for Mr. Waltham, and others of their correspondents. He thus had an opportunity of knowing that Mr. Waltham was the proprietor of £. 10,000 in the 3 per Cents. On the 7th of last month, the pri- . soncr being in the house of his father- in- law ( a Mr. Price), stated to a Mr. Engle, sugar- baker, who was present, that his stock- broker had failed, and he did not know where to find him. He further said, that he possessed <£. 16,000 stock; that he wanted to sell out some, and asked Mr. Engle to recommend him to a stock- broker. In'consc- fjnence of this conversation, Mr. Engle directed the prisoner to a Mr. Sherrard, of Ratcliffe- High- wav. To this person the prisoner represented himself to be Wm. Waltham, of Maiden, and told him he wished to sell out £. 7000 stock. This was on the 9th of January, and Mr. Sherrard told the prisoner, he would have the business settled for him next dav. The same day Mr. Sherrard sold the stock to'a Mr. Joseph Lightfoot, and next day went with the prisoner to the Bank, where the commencement of a transfer was made, and H TO THE CURIOUS IN FISH . SAUCE. I^ A MI LIES in General are respectfully in- fi formed, J. BURGESS and SON's GENUINE and SUPERIOR ESSENCE of ANCHOVIES for FISH SAUCE, continues to be prepared by them in the same Manner that has obtained such universal Approbation for many Years past. ' 1 he long justly- acquired Superiority of that Article, is fully confirmed in the Opinion of the Country at' large, and of Persons resident in all Parts of the World, and having stood the Test of Trial, ranks it in the Situation it now maintains. The general Utility of their ESSENCE of AN. CHOVlES, and other RICH SAUCES for FISH, & c. induces them, from the numerous Advertisements daily appearing, to caution Families, & c. in pur- chasing the same, as none is to be had of THEIR GENUINE, but at their Warehouse as under. 83T Every other Article in the Oil Trade, tor Fa- milv Use, of the best Quality. Warehouse, No. 107, Corner ' of Savoy Steps, Strand, London. AltDY's new- invented BLACKING- POW- DER ( patronized by, and used for, the King and Royal Family), with Half the usual Trouble, pro- duces tiie most ' fashionable and elegant jet Lustre to Boots, Dress Shoes, Cartouch- Boxes, Ladies' black Boots, Clogs, See. As the above Composition is neither Japan nor Varnish, it will not crust upon tile Boot, which occasions DECAY ; but, on the Contrary, will soften and meliorate the Leather, repel Water, Withstand Heat, and retain its Virtues in all Climates. It neither soils the Finger, nor smells disagreeably. Is. and Is. fid. per Box. Also, t A MIXTURE, CREAM, and LIQUID, which so excellently restores, preserves, and beautifies the Tops of Boot's.— The Cream keeps the pale Colour; Is. 6d. The Liquid, for brown or tan, Is. The Mix- ture is for the Purpose of taking out Ink or any Stain; 3s. pc- Bottie.— The Genuine are signed " Robert Hardy, 3, Barnard's- Inn, Plolborn, London." Sold by him ; the Printers of this Paper and their Newsmen; and most Booksellers, Perfumers, and Venders of Medicine in the Kingdom. £ 3f This Blacking- Powder is particularly recom- mended to Dealers, and for Exportation, from the Closeness of Packing, Lightness of Carriage, and not being subject to Loss, as most Liquids are, from the breaking of Bottles, fermenting, & c. Further Testimony of the extraordinary Effects of the CHRONIC EMBROCATION, IN THE CURE or RHEUMATISM, In Addition to the Case lately published in this Paper of Mr. William Wright, of Kislingbury, in North, amptonshire. rpHOMAS BAYLEY, Servant to Mr. WILLIAM B ODELL, of NORTHAMPTON, was, from a Cold he had taken, so violently attacked with Rheumatic Pain in his Back and Loins, that, when stooping, he was | incapable of raising himself up without Assistance, t and felt, he says, as though his Back was broken, insomuch that he was under the Necessity of taking to his Bed, where, notwithstanding the best Medical Advice was administered to him, he was confined G( the prisoner signed the receipt in the usual form, ! wholly to it for teu Weeks, nor did he quit his Room for which Mr. Sherrard was to give him a cheque, even for fifteen Weeks; but by the Aid of this power- fully- penetrating and attenuating Application, was, from a few Times using it according to the Direction, It was, however, necessary that some person should appear at the Bank, to prove to the clerks that the prisoner was the Win. Waltham he repre- sented himself to be, before the transfer could be completed. The prisoneo said his former broker, who bought the stock for him, having failed and disappeared, he did pot know to whom he could apply for this purpose in London, and asked Mr. Shcrrard whether he would not give the clerks the necessary satisfaction. Mr. Sherrard replied, that he. tiever pledged himself for the identity of any person with whom he was not acquainted; and the prisoner then said, he must get Mr. Engle, or some other person who knew him in London, to come to theBank. The parties therefore separated, and agreed to meet at the 3 per Cent. Reduced- Office next dav at ten o'clock. Mr. Sherrard went to the Bank at that hour, but did not find the pri- soner, and having in the mean time accidentally met Mr. Engle, and learned from him that the name of the person he recommended was Turner, he communicated to the clerks the suspicion which this information naturally excited in his mind. At four o'clock the prisoner called upon Mr. Sherrard, at his own liouse, and accounted for his not having been at the Bank, by saying that he could not find Mr. Engle. While they were in conversation, a Mr. ltobinson, who knew the prisoner when he was a clerk to Messrs. Stonard and Ryland, came in, and addressed him by the name ot Turner. After some equivocation, the prisoner confessed that that was his name. Mr. Sherrard then remonstrated with the prisoner on his conduct, and observed, that fie would have a large difference to pay, as Stocks had risen con- siderably since he bargained with Mr. Lightfoot for the ' sale. The prisoner said he would pay the difference. Mr. Slierrard, however, thought it proper to send for a constable, by whom the pri- soner was taken into custody.- r- A blank was left in the receipt for the name of the clerk at the Bank who witnesses the transfer, and his signature is considered as a sufficient voucher by the pur- chasers, who, upon seeing it, are convinced the transfer has been made, and pay the money sti- pulated— The prisoner's Counsel' ( Mr. Gurney and Mr. Alley) contended, that the offence was not fcompleted, inasmuch as the transfer was not made, and indeed could not be completed, as no money would have been given until the transfer was' finished. The Court, however, held that it was sufficient to prove that the receipt was forged with a fraudulent intention.— Sir Simon Le Blanc- summed bp the evidence, and the Jury returned a verdict of guilty. Saturday, Feb. 23.— This day Thomas Board, and Elizabeth his wife, were indicted for traitor- ously counterfeiting the current coin of the realm. The prisoners were both found guilty, but the wife was recommended to mercy. OBSERVATIONS - On the Benefit1 resulting to the Afflicted with Coughs, Golds, Asthmii, and Consumptions, FROM THE USE OF CUNDELL's IMPROVED BALSAM or HONEY. effectually relieved from his Torture, rendered capable of following his Work in ordinary, and, although it is now two Years since, he has had no Relapse of the Complaint. Various other Cases, equally extraordinary, are in the Hands of the Proprietor of this valuable Remedy, which can be equally well attested with these now cited ; but it will be unnecessary to enumerate them, as they are multiplying and publishing themselves daily in every Direction, not only in this Neighbour- hood, but in every Quarter of the Kingdom, by the unparalleled Efficacy of the Application. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, only, by Mr. JOSEPH EDOE, Chemist, Northampton; and at his Shop in Wellingborough ; Price 2s. 9d. the Bottle. For Rheumatisms, Spruins, Chilblains, fyc. DR. STEERS's OPODELDOC. npiIIS Medicine, from its warm, penetrating, and .1. attenuating Qualities, is found to be an excellent Remedy for external Rheumatisms; and by its strength- ening Powers, it speedily restores the Parts which have been injured by Bruises and Sprains. It is of great Service in Cramps or Numbness, Stiffness or Weakness of the Joints, and as an Embrocation for the Soreness of the Feet after violent Exercise; as also in promo- ting a proper Circulation in the Limbs when in a paralvtic State. It is also particularly recommended for Chilblains; and if used in Time, it will prevent rheir breaking ; but in this Case it should be dissolved and applied warm. The genuine Opodeldoc is prepared and sold only by F. NEWBERY and Sons, No. 45, St. Paul's, London; Price 2s. 6d. a Bottle, Duty included; But as a Variety of Counterfeits are offered to the Public, in which the Names of Dr. Steers, of Charing- Cross, and Mr. Newbery, are fraudulently made Use of, Purchasers are requested to observe whether the Words " F. Newbery, No. 45, St. Paul's," be engraved in the Stamp; if not, the Preparation must be spurious. Sold also by Dicey and Sutton, J. Edge, and W. Marshall, at Northampton; and by those other Venders in the Country who have ail annual Appointment under the Signature and Seal of Messrs. Newbery. FURNITURE DRAWINGS. Dedicated ( with Permission) to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. This Day was published, printed on Whatman's Paper, Royal Quarto, PART the FIRST, containing fifty Plates, Price .£. 1 lis. fid. plain, or elegantly coloured 2 12s. fid. ACOLLECTION of DESIGNS for HOUSE- HOLD- FU RNITU RE and INTERIOR DE- CORATION, in the most approved and elegant Taste, viz. Sideboards, Bookcases, Beds and Cornices, Chairs, Stools, Fauteuils, Commodes, Window- Cur- tains, Pier- Tables, Candelabri, Tables for Libraries, Writing, Work, Dressing, & c. Sofas, Ottomans, Consoletables, Chaise - longues, Glasses, Mirror's, Lamps, Jardinieres, Wardrobes, Pedestals, Chiffoniers, Sec. See. in the Egyptian, Etruscan, Greek, and Ro- man Styles; with various Designs for Rooms, shew- ing the Decorations, Adjustment of the Furniture, Sec. elegantly engraved from original Drawings. ' By GEORGE SMITH, Upholder Extraordinary to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. 03* This Work will consist of about 150 Plates, engraved in Aquatinta, making a handsome and con- venient Volume in large Quarto, printed on the best Royal Paper, with Descriptions in Letter- Press. %* It will be published in three Parts, containing not less than 50 Plates each. The second and third Parts will be published with all possible Speed. Published by J. TAYLOR, at. the Architectural Li- brary, No. 59, High- Holborn ; where Noblemen and Gentlemen, inclined to patronize this extensive Work, are requested to send their Names and Address. A fresh Supply just received by Mr. MARSHALL, PARADE, NORTHAMPTON. BY THE KING'S PATENT. CASE AND CURE BY THE ORIENTAL VEGETABLE CORDIAL. OUT and SPASMS in the STOMACH, BILIOUS CHO 1. IC, and PUTRID FEVER. The Romans presenteda Civic Crown to the Soldier who had saved the Life of a Citizen in Battle. Whe- ther Life is preserved from Sickness or the Sword of an Enemy, the Benefit is equally the same to the Survivor. A dignified Clergyman, in the Effusions of Grati- tude, ascribes the preserving, not only of liis own Life, but the Lite of a beloved Wife, to the wonder- ful Powers of the ORIENTAL VEGETABLE CORDIAL, which never in one Instance failed re- lieving him in those dreadful Spasms so frequently attending the Gout in the Stomach, whose excruci- ating Torture is beyond Description; nor does he ever go to Bed during a Fit of the Gout without having a Bottle by his Bed- side. His Wife has been often at Death's Door, from a violent Bilious Cholic, and re- lieved by the Cordial after every other Medicine has failed. He further illustrates the Celebrity of the Oriental Cordial, in restoring a Lady to Health afier being given over by her Physicians in a Putrid Fever. This is permitted to be published from mere Philanthropy, not to gratify the idly Curious, but to inform the Afflicted under similar Complaints where to apply for Relief. Reference may may be had to the original Letters, which were received by the Patentee, Mr. Marshall. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by his Agents, Messrs. Shaw & Edwards, 66, St. Paul's Church- Yard, in London, in Bottles, os. Gd. each, or six in one, for £. 1 5s. fid. ; and by Mr. Marshall, Chemist, North- ampton, and at his Shop in Harborough ; where also may be had a^ l genuine Medicines of Repute. For RHEUMATISM S, RHEUMATIC GOUT, LUMBAGO, NUMBNESS, PALSY, CHIL- BLAINS, SPRAINS, BRUISES, Sec. rpiIE following recent Instances of the Efficacy 1. of WHITEHEAD'S ESSENCE of MUSTARl'j are published at the Request of the Parties, for the Benefit of others:— SIR,— Before 1 had Recourse to your celebrated Essence of Mustard, for two Months, 1 was under tile Necessity of using Crutches; but 1 hereby certify ( for the Benefit of others) I was perfectly cured by taking a few Boxes of the Mustard Pills, and applying a few Bottles of the fluid Essence, which I purchased of W. Ferrand, Chemist, Stockton. Yours, W. GARBUTT. Hambleton Hills, near Stockton, Yorkshire, January 3, 1805. gdT Mr. Garbutt is a very respectable Farmer, universally known in the Neighbourhood of Stockton. SIR,— 1 have mucTi Pleasure in acquainting you, that your Pills and Essence of Mustard kave relieved Numbers of Rheumatic Persons in our Neighbourhood this Winter; among the Re, st a Mr. Brooks, Baker, of Pinchbeck, who was unable to follow his Business, or even use his Arms; but on taking the Mustard Pills, and applying the fluid Essence, he was very soon re- stored to his usual Health and Strength. These Cir- cumstances have necessarily increased the Demand tor it; f request, therefore, that you will send me an immediate Supply, by tlie first Conveyance; and am, Sir, yours, & c. Spalding, Jan. 27, 1805. T. ALBIN. . It is prepared and sold, at 2s. 9d. each Bottle or Box, bv R. Johnston, Apothecary, No. 15, Greek- Street, Soho, London; and may be had of Dicey Se Sutton, Northampton; and of every other Medicine Vender in the United Kingdom. * » * The Genuine is distinguished, by the Govern- ment Stamp being printed black, and' the Name of R. Johnston engraved in it. TIIE REAL JAPAN BLACKING, MADE BY DAY AND MARTIN, LONDON. npilIS invaluable Composition, with Half the • usual Labour, produces the most brilliant Jet- Black ever beheld, affords peculiar Nourishment to the Leather, will not soil the finest Linen, is per- fectly free from any unpleasant Smell, and will retain its Virtues in any Climate. Sold, Wholesale, by Day & Martin, No. 7, Tavi- stock- Street, London ; and, Retail, by their Agents : Birdsall, Bookseller, Northampton; Norris, Per- fumer, Bedford; Jenkinsnn, Stationer, Huntingdon; Page, Perfumer, Oundle; Newcomb, Stamford; Merridew, Coventry; and Gregory, Leicester; in Stone Bottles, Price'Is. 6d. each. can, without Exaggeration, assert it to be one of the most safe and valuable domestic Medicines in Use; and so essential to the Health that no Family should be without a Supply for immediate Administration. COLDS, it is well known, are, from the peculiar Situation of this Island, more general than m most of the Countries on the Continent, and if Relief is not had in Time, frequently terminate in confirmed Asthmas and Consumptions: But never let the Invalid despair, for in Situations fraught with the greatest Danger, the Adoption of CUND E LL's BALSAM of HONEY has been attended with the most unexpected Success, in completely effecting the Re- establislinrent of Health. ( FCY COKDEIL'S IMPROVED BALSAM of HONEY is sold, Wholesale, by Messrs. Howard and Evans, No. 42 and 43, Long - Lane, West - Smithfield, London, sole Agents for the Supply of the Country, in Bottles at 2s. fid. Ss. tkl. and 12s. fid. each, Duty included; and, Retail, by Dicev and Sutton, and Marshall, Northampton; Green and Taylor, Anipthfll; Wheeler and Marlin, Aylesbury; Gardner, Biggles- wade; Palgrave, Bedford; Beeslev, Banbury; Wag- staff', Chippingnorton; Robins, Daventry; Hewes, Dunstable; Datton, Hitchin; Simson and Austin, Hertford; Collis and Dash, Kettering; Pyne, Leigli- tori- Bi. zzard'; Swinfenj and Gregory, Leicester; Alsop and Mead, Luton; Ridge, Newark; Inwood, New- port- I'agnell; Kirkby, Nuneaton; Jacob, Peterbo- rough; Jackson, Oakham; Tookey, Oundie; Evans, St. Albans; Grindon, Sharnbrook; Poulter, Stony- Stratford-; Porter and Collier, Thrapston; Medcalf, Ware; and Price, Steeple- Bumstead. To Titos. Taylor, Esq. No. 9, New Bridge- Street, Lorulon, Df. w SIR, JFeel it a Duty incumbent upon me ' to inform you of the very great and extraordinary Cure I have received from your invaluable Medicine— LEAKE's PATENT Pl'LLS. About two Years ago I was attacked with a Vene- real Disorder, which 1 treated rather slightly for some Time; but the Disease at Length spreading 511 over my Body, I was obliged to apply to the most eminent of the Faculty, but their Assistance afforded only tem- porary Relief:— I went through various Courses of Salivation, and from being rather of a corpulent Habit, was reduced to a mere Skeleton. The Ulcers that spread all over my Limbs rendered me a complete Object, so that my Friends despaired of my Reco- very. When brought to this Situation, I considered Death as inevitable; but a Relation of mine com- menting upon the manv Cases in which your Pills had succeeded, I was induced to try a Box of them, which 1 thought rather relieved ihe; and by Perse- verance for two or three Months, and following your Directions, 1 experienced the most unaccountable Relaxation from l'ain, the Sores gradually subsiding. I am now, thank God, perfectly recovered, and walking out daily: I doubt not but one more Box, which 1 think cautious to take, will establish my Health in its original State. It is with the most heartfelt Gratitude that I subscribe myself, Sir, your much obliged humble Servant, WM. PIERSON. Dcansgate, Manchester, Julyl, 1801. ( jr|- For the public Benefit I do not object to the above being published, but leave you to act as your own better Judgment shall dictate, Prepared and sold by the sole Proprietor, THOMAS TAYLOR, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, in London, at his House, No. 9, New Bridge- Street; Where, after a constant Residence of more than thirty- six Years to the Cure of dental to the ...... that inviolable Secrecy which Men of his Profession i should alwavs observe, he Hatters himself the Advice and Assistance he gratuitously administers to Persons taking this Medicine, will te esteemed, by a discern- ing Public, as an Advantage seldom to be obtained, and void of Ambiguity. They are also sold, by his Appointment, for the Convenience of those living at a Distance, by the Printers of this Paper, and Mr. Marshall, Druggist, Northampton; Wilcox, and Gallard, Towcester; Robins, Daventry; Sharp, Warwick ; Rollason, Coven- try; Gregory, Leicester; Harrod, Harborough; Knight, Kettering;' Marriott, Banbury; Tookey, Oundle; Iiillinge, Liverpool; Atkinson, Manchester; and by one Person in everv considerable Town in Great- Britain and Ireland,' in Botes of only 2s. 9d. each, sealed up with full, and plain Directions, whereby Persons of either Sex may cure themselves with Ease, Speed, Secrecv, and Safety. ifT Every'B:> x sold in Great- Britain is sealed np with a Stamp, on which, bv Favour ot the Commis- sioners, is printed, at the ' Stamp- Office— T. Taylor, No. 9, New Bridge- Street— to imitate which. is Felony, and all others are counterfeit. External Appearance necessary in Life. [ ORD CtifisTEitEiELD particularly advises J Cleanliness, not only as necessary to Health, but the Success of our Fortunes in Life ; and with so slothful a Complaint as any Disease that has the least Analogy to the Scrofula, Indolence will natu- rally prevent either Sexes from profiting by this ex- cellent Observation.— Eruptions in the Face:— The inconsistent Doctrine of those who recommend external Applications for internal Complaint^ is obviated in the following simple Question :— Will the Fur which adheres to the Inside of a Kettle, or Boiler, be re- moved by washing the Outside ? The same Compa- rison may be made respecting the Human Frame: Can an internal Complaint be removed by an external Application ? These Questions are left to be an- swered by every Reader, which will shew the Ridi- culousness of Inculcating this Doctrine, while the Infallibility of Dr. BRODUM'S BOTANICAL SYRUP is evinced in the extraordinary Cures that daily ap- pear in the Papers, particularly in Cases of the above Nature.— The Motive tor publishing this Advurtise- ment, is, to sciurethe Health of the Public from the Danger that attends external Application, which, to our Knowledge, has proved fatal to many who have placed in it an improper Confidence. Ben net- Street, Blackfriars- Road, London, SIR, September 1, 1802. 1 was afflicted, for many Years, with a violent Scorbutic Disorder, which caused large Sores and Blotches on my Legs, Thighs, and Arms, in as much that I could not walk without excruciating Pain. In this Situation 1 applied to many of the Faculty, without their being able to efiect a Cure. 1 was prevailed on by a Friend of mine to apply to y'ou, and after having taken the Medicines, 1 soon found myself free from the Sores, and am now in perfect Health. I am, Sir, your most obedient Servant, W. G. Mrs. LUDFORD, of Artillery- Street, Bermondsey, was. afflicted with a Swelling all over her Body ; but taking Dr. BRODUM'S NERVOUS CORDIAL, has found great Relief. WITNESSES,— John Harcourt, Spanish Leather- Dresser, Artillery- Street, Bermondsey; R. Pierce, Coal- Merchant, No. 2, Bermondsey New- Road. September 17, 1802. The BOTANICAL SYRUP and RESTORATIVE NER- VOUS CORDIAL to be had at the House, No. 9, Al- bion- Street, Surrey Side of Blackfriars Bridge, in Bottles at £. 1 2s.— lis.— and 6s. Duty included. ( PF* A. D. SWINTON, the Proprietor ( Son of Dr. Swinton, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, London,) may be consulted from Ten till Three, or by Letter, containing the usual Fee. A Five Guinea Bottle contains six at 22s. Sold also by the PRINTERS of this PAPER, and by the following Persons within the Circuit hereof, viz. Marshall, Northampton, and at his Shop in Harbo- rough ; Edge, Northampton, and at his Shops in Wellingborough and Towcester; Nixon, Leicester; Smith, Bedford ;' Jenkinson, Huntingdon ; Tookev, Oundle; Beale, Thrapston; Collis & Dash, Ketter- ing; Jackson, Peterborough ; Newcomb, Printer, Stamford ; Wheeler, Aylesbury ; Marriott, Banbury ; Gallard, Towcester ; and by most Booksellers and , Medicine Venders in the three Kingdoms. BY THE KING'S PATENT. li Y ill ER's CARDIAC axb NERVOUS TINCTURE: rpiIE only safe and effectual Remedy for Dis- • orders oft he Head, Stomach, and Bowels, viz. First,— Head- Ach, Confusion, and Giddiness. Secondly,— Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, Bilious Crudities and Retchings, Yellowness of the Eves and Skin, Flatulence, Pain, Spasms, Heart- burn, Hiccup, Gripings, Cholic, and Costiveness. Thirdly,— For the Gout in the Stomach and Head. Fourthly,— For all such Alfections of the Nervous System, as are attended with Depression of Spirits, Paralytic and Apoplectic Dispositions, Prostration of Strength, Timidity, Tremors, Sec. • Fifthly,•— For bracing and strengthening the whole System, in States of Relaxation and Debility. Sixthly,— As a powerful Antiseptic in Cases of Putrid Bile, and for counteracting infection, or pre- venting and curing Putrid, Malignant, and Pestilential Fevers, Sore Throat, viz. Cynanche Maligna, & c. prevailing in Prisons, crowded filthy Places, Hos- pitals, Ships, hot and unhealthy Climates, See. CASE VIII. Obstruction in the Liver, Indigestion, and Debility. A principal Officer in the East- India Service, la- bouring under Obstructions in the Liver, Indigestion, Wind and Heart- burn, Yellowness ofthe Eyes and Countenance, low Spirits, Tremors and other Nervous Affections ( which he attributes to the Climate and Manner of Life in India), began to take the CARDIAC TINCTURE on the 14th Instant, and declares, this DaV, that it has done him the most essential Service; and that, compared with the Medicines he has been taking during the twelve Months last past, as pre- scribed to him by eminent Men of the Faculty, it is superior to any of tliein. He authorizes Mr. Rymer to refer any Gentleman to himself, who may desire further Particulars. No. 24, Paternoster- Row, Sept. 23. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Dicey & Sutton, Bow Chuich- Yard, and at their Warehouse in North- ampton ; and Retail by Edge, and Marshall, North- ampton ; Robins, Daventry ; Rollason, and Merridew, Coventry ; Sharp, Warwick; Roberts, Southam ; Gregory, Leicester; Harrod, Harborough; Munn, Kettering,- Newcomb, Stamford; Eaton, Thrapston; York, Oundle; Jacob and Horden, Peterborough; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Hodson, Cambridge; Smith, Bedfoid ; Inwood and Barringer, Newport- Pagnell; Darton and Tapp, Hitchin; Wilcox, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Jones, Oxford; Richardson, Stony- Stratford; Hawkes, Lutterworth; and by every V^ i- ler of Patent Medicines in the United Kingdom; in Bottles of 2s. 9d. 6s. and lis. each; also in Pint Bottles, at 22s. by which there is a considerable Saving. From the LEWES JOURNAL. THE GREAT RESTORATIVE TO HEALTH. ANN's APPROVED MEDICINE, for violent Coughs, Colds, Asthmas, Consump- tions, Hooping- Coughs, Convulsions, and debilitated Constitutions, patronized by Gentlemen and Ladies of the first Distinction. To Mr. MANN, Druggist, & c. FIORSHAM, { « ( « . S I R, Among the many extraordinary Cures performed by your Approved Medicine, I think my Daughter's ( about five Years old) may be considered as surprising as any ; and for the Good of the Afflicted, I think it right to be made public. She had been ill for six Weeks last Winter, with a Cold, Cough, See. and the Rest of my Family had a violent Fever, and after the others were recovering she failed with it, and through her former Illness and weak Constitution, it was thought impossible she could live from one Hour to another, for two Weeks, being obliged to scrape her Tongue, two or three times a Day, it being often fixed to the Roof of her Mouth, and her Throat being closed, Nothing could be taken unless forced down; but by taking the first Dose of your Approved Medi- cine she found instant Relief, breathed more free, and in a few Days the Fur in her Mouth and Throat was gone, the Feverabated, she gradually recovered Strength, and is now at this Time better than ever she was in her Life. Your Approved Medicine as a Family Remedy, 1 never think of being without, when any of my Chil- dren find any Cold; being unwell, in taking a Dose Ol- two always removes it.— Witness my l- land to the Truth of the above, REBECCA BLAKE. Westgrinsted, Sunex, May - 15, 1804. N. B. The Medicine was given in Sassafras Tea and Castor Oil, and taken to prevent a costive Habit. Sold, in Bottles, at 2s. 6d. and 4s. 6d. each, Duty included, Wholesale and Retail, by tiie Proprietor", at his Warehouse, Horsham; and by Dicey & Sutton, Bow Church- Yard, London; and. at their Ware- house in Northampton; and Retail bv Robins, D'aventry; Beesley, & Marriott, Banbury; Inwood, Se Barringer, Newport- Pagnell; Osborn, Woburn ; Bull, Harrod, and Dawson, Market- Harborough; Gregory, and Swinfen, Leicester; Wilcox, and Gallard, Tow- cester; Seeley, Buckingham; Smith, Bedford; Rich- ardson, Stony- Stratford; Loggin, Aylesbury ; Eaton, Thrapston ; York, Oundle ; Horden, and Jacob, Peter- borough; Munn, Kettering; Emery, and Fox, St. Neots; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Wallis, Olney ; and by all the principal Venders of Medicines in the United Kingdom. s ( fT The Name ot the Proprietor, " THOS. MANN, Horsham, Sussex," is engraved on the Stamp ; the counterfeiting of which is Felony. WYMaV- AXTI- TsTLlors PTLIV A S a safe and efficacious Remedy for Biliou- / V Complaints, Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, Sick Head- Ach, sour or bitter Taste m the Mouth, for Jaundice, Obstructions ir. the Liver, ai. d Gouty Habits, where the Head and Stomach are af- fected, Mr. WYMAN begs L ave to recommend his ANTI- BILIOUS PILLS, their Efficacy being esta- blished on the Testimony of many Persons of respect- ability, who have experienced their salutary Effects. ( PT They are an excellent Medicine preparatory to Sea- bathing; for Persons who have impaired their Constitutions by free Living; and tor the Bowel Complaints which generally prevail in hot Weather. Prepared and sold by W. WYMAN, Surgeon, Ket- tering. Sold, Wholesale, by Dicey and Sutton, No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, London; and Retail by Dicey Se Sutton, and Mr. Marshall, Northampton ; Sanderson and Beal, Wellingborough; Robins, and Bates, Daventry; Reeve, Higham- Ferrers; York, Oundle ; Beesley, Banbury ; Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Queneborough, Dunstable; Alsop, Luton; Harrod, Se Bull, Markel- Haiborough; Wilcox, and Gallard, Towcester; Seelev, Buckingham; Hawkes, Lutterworth ; Smith, Bedford; Gardner, Biggles- wade; Richardson, Stony- Stratford; Loggin, Ayles- bury; Wards, Hinckley; Eaton, Thrapston; Jacob, Peterborough; Roberts, Southam ; Sharp, Warwick ; Luccock, Kimbolton ; Emery, St. Neots; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Tapp, and Darton, Hitchin; Wallis- Olney ; Rowell, Rugby; Ward, Stratford- upon- Avon; Rollason, and Merridew, Coventry ; and by all other Venders of Medicines. Price 2s. 9d. a Box, Duty included. By his Majesty's Royal Letters Patent. ROCHE'S ROYAL HERBAL EMBROCATION, An effectual CURE for the FIOOPING COUGH without Medicine. r I ^ II E unrivalled Reputation this Embro- I cation has gained, has induced the Inventor, anxious to secure it genuine to the Public, and pre- vent the Impositions daily practised, by unprincipled Persons vending spurious Compositions, to obtain His Majesty's Royal Letters Patent, appointing him the sole and exclusive Benefit of his most invaluable Discovery. The Public and Families mav therefore be supplied, Wholesale and Retail, as his'House, No. 19, King- Street, Holborn ; and are requested to observe, that each Stamp is signed " J. Roche;" and with each Bottle is given a full Direction, at the Top of which are His Majesty's Arms. ALL OTHERS ARE COUNTERFEITS. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Appointment of the Proprietor, by Dicey & Sutton, Bow Church- Yard, London, and at their Warehouse in North- ampton ; and by the Venders of their Medicines in most Towns in the Kingdom. Price 3s. 6d. per Bottle, with full Directions. THE CORDIAL BALM OF GILEAD, Prepared ( only) by S. SOLOMON, M. D. GILEAD- HOUSE, near LIVERPOOL, UNIVERSALLY allowed to be - in incompa- rable Remedy for debilitated Constitutions, Loss of Appetite, Consumption, Pains and Weakness of the Stomach, Weakness of the Solids, Hypochon- driac Affections, Nervous Weaknesses, the deleterious Effects of hot Climates, habitual Purgings, and par- ticularly the baneful Consequences of Intemperance; in short, it is happily calculated for the Weak, Sickly, and Infirm. Where the Constitution has been reduced by Disease or irregularities, its Effects as a Restorative are unprecedented. To DR. SOLOMON, LIVERPOOL. SIR, Permit me to say that your incomparable CORDIAL BALM of GILEAD is held in very. high Estimation in this Place, not only by the respectable Inhabitants, but likewise by many families of the first Rank and Distinction, who come to Spa, and who have been pleased to sanction it with their Patronage. I have heard great Encomiums from a Number of Invalids that have purchased it, who think it a truly balsamic, salutary, and efficacious Medicine, and believe it has never failed to give Comfort and Relief to the Afflicted. We have sold the last Bottle, and therefore request you will send another Supply per the first Carrier.— Inclosed is Hayes Se Co.' s Draft to our Credit.— I am, Sir, for Miss Bayley ( Niece and Successor to the late Mr. Schofield, Bookseller,) vour humble Servant, _ W. A. HENDERSON. Scarborough, Sept. 17. A Saving of Nine Shillings in Two Guineas. The Cordial Bilm of Gilead is sold in Bottles, Price Half- a- Guine, each; there arealsoTamily Bot- tles, Price 33s. containing equal to lour Bottles at 10s. 6d. by which the Patient saves 9s.— The Stamp bears the Words " Sam/. Solomon, Liverpool," to imitate which is Felony :— None else are Genuine. Sold by the Printers of this Paper, alsobv Marshall, and Edge, Northampton; Dawson, and Harrod, Harbo- rough ; Marriott, Banbury ; Wilcox, Se Gallard, Tow- cester ; Seeley, Buckingham; Richardson, Stony- Stratfbrd; Edge, Wellingborough; Okely, & Smith, Bedford; Fox, St. Neots; Barringer, Newport- Pagnell; Swinfen, Leicester; by the Printers of the Country Newspapers; and by all the reputable Medicine Venders, Booksellers, & c. in every principal Town in England, Ireland, Scotland, and America, who will deliver Pamphlets gratis, with a Variety of authentic Documents noted therein. - moOCKSO BANKRUPTS required to SURRENDER, Robert Tabrum, of Shopland, Essex, dealer, Feb. 28, March 2, and April 6, at Guildhall, London. At- torney, Mr. Tindal, Chelmsford. John C'oxeter, late of Witney, Oxfordshire, and of Newbury, Berkshire, blanket- manufacturer, Feb. 26, March 12, and April 6, at Guildhall, London. At. torney, Mr. Mangnall, Warwick- street, Newgate- street. Richard Jackson, of Shoe- lane, Fleet- street, London, smith, March 5, 12, and April 6, at Guildhall. At- torney, Mr. Walton, Giidler's- hall, Basinghall- street. Thomas Barratt, of Kennington- Green, Surrey, stock- broker, March 12, 23, and April 6, at Guild- hall, London. Attorney, Mr. Bouslield, Bouverie- street, Fleet- street. William Morley Evans, of Mark- lane, London, broker, Feb. 28, March 2, and April 6, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. May hew, Lower James's- street, Golden- square. Richard Poole, of Prospect- place, St. George's- fields, Surrey, linen- draper, March 5, 9, and April tj, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Russell, Lant- street, Southwark. Elizabeth Fition, of Bolton- le- Moors, Lancashire, milliner, March 2, 9, and April 6, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Eyre, Furnival's- Inn. Philip Regnart, late of Old Cavendish- street, St. Mary- le- Bone, Middlesex, carver and gilder, March 2, 9, and April 6, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Car- rington, Mount- street, Grosvenor- square.' Benjamin Dewdner, the elder, ot Linkfield- street, Rlegate, Surrey, horse- dealer, March2, 12, and April 6, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Burt, Riegate. Jonathan Rutharovd, late of Manchester, wheel- wright, March 8, 9, and April 6, at the Dog Tavern, Manchester. Attorney, Mr. Creswell, Manchester. Thojnas Spencer, of Manchester, cotton- manufac- turer, March K, 9, and April 6, at the Commercial Ir. n, Manchester. Attorney, Mr. Partington, Man- chester. Malachy Havnes, of Liverpool, dealer, March 14, 15, aud April 6, at. the Globe Tavern, Liverpool. Attorney, Mr. Orred, Liverpool. Edward Day, late of Collingborne- Ducis, Wilts, farmer, March 14, 15, and April ti, at the Rose and Crcfwn Inn, Evcrly. Attorney, Mr. Deadman- Pewsey. Stephen Dexter, of Belper, Derbyshire, linen- draper, March II, 12, and April 9, at the Commercial Inn, Manchester. Attorney, Mr. Clough, Manchester. Thomas Payne, late of Ashford, Kent, grocer, March 8, 9, and April 9, at the Saracen's Head Inn, Ashtord. Attorney, Mr. De Lassaux, Ashford. Samuel Ptirle, late of Drury- lane, Middlesex, vis- tualler, March 5, 12, and April 9, at Guildhall. At- tornies, Messrs. Smith and Settee, Great St. Helen's, Bishopsgate- street. John Dixon, of Ashby- de- la- Zouch, Leicester- shire-, feltmonger. March 5, 9, and April 9, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Adams, Old Jewry. Edward Lowe, late of Shrewsbury, Salop, ware- houseman, March 20, 21, and April 9, at the Hop Pole Inn, Worcester. Attorney, Air. Redding, Wor. cester. James Robinson, the younger, of Liverpool, mer- chant, March 21, 22, and April 9, at the Globe Ta- vern, Liverpool. Attorney, Mr. Cukit, Liverpool. ' Jane Vickers, of Bath, milliner, March 11, 12. and April 9, at the White Lion Inn, Bath. Attornies, Messrs. Teylor and English,. Bath. DIVIDEND to be made to Creditors. March 30. John Collison, of Hitchin, Hertfordshire, merchant, at Guildhall, London. M A RKET S.— London, February 25. Our market this morning revived a little from the heaviness of last week, and whicii felt additional depression on Wednesday and Friday, though very little business was done on either of those days. In the Mealing trade^ fo- day, the arrivals were short, and the sales of fine run brisk, but not upon terms equal to last Monday.— Bailey and Malt are each in plenty, and the latter niay be quoted as rather cheaper.— White Peas, with the two sorts of Beans, are in good supply, and down 2s. per quaiter. Grey Peas, not quite so much.— In the article of Oats there is a dulness, no scarcity, and but little- variation in price.— Flour remains nearly the same as last Monday. Oats 26s. to 31s. Od. HorseBeans 40s. to 48s. Od. Tick Ditto 3fis. to 42s. Od. White Peas 40s. to44s. Od. Grey Ditto 40s. to44s. Od. Fine 85s. to 88s. Od. Wheat.. 76s. to 102s. Od. FineDo. 10- ls. to 107s. Od. Rye 50s. to 58s. Od. Barley .. 42s. to48s. Od. Malt 7fis. to 82s. Od. PRICE of FLOUR.— SEEDS, pewt.- Red Clover, 48s. to 96s.— White Do. 52s. to 116s.— Trefoil, lfis. to 4ils.— Carraway, 96s. to 130s.— Coriander, 10s. to 12s. 6d.— Canary, 7s. to 8s. pei bushel.— Turnip, 18s. to 24s. per bushel.— Rye Grass, 14s. to 32s. per qr.— Rape Seed, 441. to 481. per last. SMITHFIELD, Feb. 25. To sink the offal. Ox Beef, 4s. Od. to 5s. 4d. Wether Mutton, 4s. Od. to 5s. 6d. Veal, 5s. Od. to 6s. fid. Pork, 4s. Od. to 5s. Od. Sold this day, Beasts, 2000— Sheep and Lambs, 10,009. NEWGATE and LEADENHALL, Feb. 25. Beef, 3s. Od. to 4s. 6d. Mutton, 3s. Od. to 4s. 4d. Veal, 4s. Od. to 6s. Od. Pork, 4s. Od to 5s. Od. LEATHER, per lb. Butts, 50 to 561b. 23£ d. to 25d. Ditto, 60 to 65. b. 25,' d. to26Jd. Merchants Backs, — d. to 234d. Dressing Hides, 22id. to 24d. Fine Coaeli- Hides, 2kl. to 26d. Crop Hides for cutting, 24d. to | 25d. Flat ordinary, 23d. to 24d. Calf Skins, 80 to | 401b. per doz. 34d. to 38d. Ditto, 50 to 701b. pei i doz. 34d. to 341, Ditto, 70 to 801b. 34d. to 36d. Small Seals, per lb. 42d. to 45i. Large Ditto, ptr doz. 110s. to I7l) s. Goat Skins, 25s. to 65s. per i doz. Tanned Horse- Hides, 30s. to 42s. Od. per Hide. NURTHAMPTON: Printed aud Published by and tor T. DICEY und IV. SUTTON.
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