Bells Weekly Messenger
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Bells Weekly Messenger
Date of Article: 27/09/1802
Printer / Publisher: J. Bell
Address: Weekly Messenger Printing Office, Beaufort-buildings, Strand
Volume Number: Issue Number: 337
No Pages: 8
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BELL WEEKLY N°* 3370 MONDAY'S EDITION, SEPTEMBER < 27, iSO' 2. CPrice yj LONDON MARKETS. CORN EXCHANGE: EKIDAY, SEPT. 34.— But little of our own Grain has • arrived since Monday, though there has been some few vessels from foreign ports, chiefly with Wheat and Oats, the fineness of tbe season, and the long continuance of it, materially aftjcts the mini! uf the biiver, and we want nothing but a re- gular supply to feel the effects so largS a crop must occasion; there is but very little business done, nor any . material altera- tion to the prices, if we except Rye, which has got inland demand. MOKDAT,
SEPT. 27.— We had rather a large supply of Wtisat from Essex and Kent, very flue cuiwi had- a tolerable brisk sale at'lOs. lower than last week. Rye remains pretty steady; Barley, a very short supply ; Mult Iras rather a heavy « - i! e, find is declining in price; Hog Peas came very slowly to hand, and continue to obtain high prices; Beans are rather scarce; Oats, a large suppljr, and nearly the same in price. AVERAGE P3.1CES OF CORN. CURRENT PRICES OF GRAIN FOR THE WEEK. Winchester Measure of Eight Bushels. Friday. Monday. s. s. s. s. Wheat 60 a 60 Wheat 44 a 52 Fine ditto 62 a 67 Fine ditto 52 a 63
Superfine 68 a 75 Superfine GO a 65 40 New Rve Si a 40 New Rve § 4 a Barley ' 28 30 Barley' - 28 a 30 Fine ditto 31 a 35 Fine ditto 31 a 35 Malt 46 a I3 Malt 44 a 46 Fifte Sitto - - 49 a 53 Fine ditto 47 a 52 Hog cease - 32 a 45 Hog Pease - 36 a 44 Boilers 40 a 42 Boilers 39 a 41 Su [ folks - 43 a 41 Suifolks 41 a 43 Beans 35 a 33 Beans 35 a 38 Ticks: 32 a 34 Ticks 30 a 34 Oats 19 a 21 Oats 18 a 20 Fine ditto 23 a 24 Fine ditto 21 a 23 P » lands 25 a 27 Pol anus 24 a 25 Pollard 24 a 34 Pollard 26 a 32 Amer. Fine Flour 00 a Oil Amer, Fine Flour 00 a 00 PRICE OF FLOUR. Per Sack of Five Bushels, or 2831b. Monday. s. s. I
Monday. 9. • Fine Flour 50 a 55 | Bran 11 a 0 WEIGHT AND PRICE OF BREAD. s d. reck I. oaf weighs 171b G nz 6 dr. . . . Sold for 3 4 Half Peck Loaf - 81h 11 oz 0 dr. 1 8 Quartern Loaf 4lb 5 oz. 8 dr, 0 10 Maasion- Hause, fnesday, Sept. 21.— Ulfici. il Return of Flour, including from the 11th . if Sipt. to the 17th of Sept Total, 16,822 sacks.— Average Price 54s. lO^ d.— 0£ d. higher thru last week. PRICE OF GRAIN AT UXBRIDGE. T mrsday, Sept. 23.— Wheat, per load, 151. 00s. to 171. 15s. Barlsvj per quar er, 11. 10s to 11. 14s.— Beans per quarter, 11. lis. to 21. 00s.— Oats per quarter, 11. 4s. to II. 10s.— Pease per
quarter, 21. 8s to21. 12s. AVERAGE PRICE OF CORN PER QUARTER. Great Britain, for the Week ending Sept. 18. Eng. & Wales. s. d. Wheat G7 3 Ryo - 42 4 Barley - CO 5 Oats - 21 8 Gotland. , s d. 67 2 85 0 27 11 19 11 Eng. & Wales. s. d. Beans - 36 2 Pease - 41 0 Oatmeal 38 5 Big - 00 0 Scotland s. d 33 7 34 1 16 10 23 3 PRICE OF SUGAR. Average Price of Sugar - II 14s 9Jd Exclusive ofthe Dutv of Customs jiaid or payable thereon ail tbe Importation thereof into Great Britain. PRICE OF HAY AND STRAW. Smithfield. 1. s. 1. s. Old Hay .7 0 to 7 7 Clover .7 10 to 8 0 Straw 2 8 to ' 1 14 St. James's. May - 4 0 to 7 15
1. s. Straw 1 16 to Whitechapel. Hay - 5 0 to Clover - 6 6 to Straw - 1 16 to PRICE OF SSEDS AT THE CORN EXCHANGE. FRIDAY. 5. S. RveG Red Clover 42 to 80 perewt White ditto 7 » to! 20 Ditto Trefoil - 30 to 30 Ditto Turnip - 20 to 24 p. bush Canary Seed, 10s. per Bushel ed.— white ditto, lis. to 14s. Od. s. s. 1G: to 32 per qr. Cinquefoil 5t" i to 70 Ditto l\ Jpe New 351 to 381 per last - Brown Mustard, lis. to 14s PRICE OF ME AT AT SMJTHFIELBi Exclusive af th « Offal, wh. ich consists of Head, Entrails and Hide, and is worth about Id. per lb.-— Per Stone of bib. FRIDAY. MONDAY. ' s. d s. d. s, d. f. d. Beef 3 8 4 S Beef
- 3 4 4 G Mutton - 4 4 5 0 Mutton - 4 a. 4. ; 6 Veal 4 4 5 10 Veal - 4- 4 5 ". 4 Pork - 5 4 6 0 Pork - 5 " 0 6 6 Lamb - 5 0 6 0 Lamb - 4 4 5 6 Friday, Beasts 700— Sheep and Lambs 3400. , Monday, Beasts 2390— Sheep 15100— Pigs 000. NEWGATE AN ® LEADENHALL. SATURDAY. SATURDAY. S. d. Veal - 5 4 Pork -- 60 Mutton - 4 8 s. . d. 6 0 7 0 5 0 s. d s. d. Beef in Sides 4 0 4 4 Ditto in Lotts 5 0 5 4 Latjib - 5 4 6 0 PRICE OF TALLOW IN LONDON. The only Market is on Friday, s. d. St. James's Market 3 10 Clare Market - 3 10 Whitechajwl Market 3 9 11 5 Average Price 9. d. s Town Tal. perewt 66 0 00 Yellow Russia - 62
0 63 White ditto 60 0 CO Soapditto 60 0 61 Molted'Stuff - 55 a 56 Graves 16 0- 00 Good Dregs - 10 0 oc Clird Soap 82 0 OP Mtrttjed ditto - 78. 0 Oti . Yellow ditto 70 0 00 The above is the wholesale price to the Trade TA NOW CHANDLERS HALL.— PRICE OF CAKDI. ES Candles 10s Bd Psr Dwren. Moulds 12s Od Per Ditto. RAW HIDES, Per Stone.— FRJBAY. s 4. s. d. s. d. s. A Best Hides » 3 4 a 3 3 Horse Skins 12' 6 a 15 G Middling - 3 0 a 3 2 Calf ditto . 9 6 a 0 0 Ordinary - 2 8 a 2 10 Light Calf - 0 7 per Ik PRICE OF HOPS IN THE BOROUGH, FRIDAY. Bags .71 5s to 9! Ds | Pockets g! Ss to 11105s PRICE OF
LEATHER AT LEADENHALL. Butts, 50. to 561b. each. - - 21d to 24d Ditto 60 to 661b. - - - - 25 to 26 Merchants'Backs - - - - to 21 Dressing Hides ----- 19* to 20 Fine Coach Hides - - - - 20 to 2\\ Crop Hides, for cutting 45 to 50 22 to 24 Flat Ordinary, 35 to 40 - - 19J. to 21 Calf Skins, 30 to40! b. per dozen 26"* to 52 Ditto, 50 to 701b. per du?.: n - 26 to 30 Ditto, 70 to 801b. - - - - 25 to 27 Small Saals, Greenland, per lb, 3s Od 3s 4d Laige ditto, per dozen - - . 100s to 140s Tanned Horse Hides, each - - 18s to 32s Goat Skins, per dozan - • - 35s to 70s Bark, per load • - - - - Ofi) 0s to 001 8s Shearlings SHEEP SKINS.— FRIDAY. s d s. d. I s. d. s. d. 1 a 0 2 0 j Lamb Skins - 2 0 a 4 a PRICE © F COALS WEDNESDAY", South Moor Walkea Wiilington FRIDAY. Biggs Main Cow pin Eighton Iieaton Main 41 45 44 45 41 42 45 Delivered at 9s. advan F © R THE WEEK. Hebburn 45 Hartley 42 Kenfjn 45 41 4* i 4- 6 * i 42 4- i on tlie tVive Price. Walker Wall's End Walbottie Bir. ra ftfeor Edon IMPORTATIONS SINCE OUR LAST. Bicon 305 cwt Rice Brandy - 41453 gal Rum Gutter - < f50 tons Sugar Cheese - 21 tons Tallow Coffee 11674 cwt Tobacco Cotton - 526233 lb \\ ine Gin 1096 gal Wool Pork • 5 tons Ditto . 1,000 cwt 923.86 gal 1Ok768 cwt 141 tons
509240 lb 62206 gal 22GO lb - 400 cwt PRICES OF THE PUBLIC FUNDS. Bank Stock - India Sto- k - I South Sea Stock ! l"> itto Ann. - ' 3 ; iei cent. Redu 3 per Pit. Cons. 4 ; erce it Cons. .5 pir ce it. Ann. 5 pert jilt 1797. Bins Long Ann fhort Ditto 1m. 3 per C. An. Ditto Annuities Omnium - Eng. L t. Tick? Consols Sor Irish 5 pei'Cent iTuesdav.. j WednesdjThursdav toliday Holiday. ' I0U1G1 Friday. 208 68J69if 100J101] Saturday tarn 10113 Monday ( COURSE OF EXCHANGE. Tuesday. Friday. 9 8? 9 1011 I 3SJ 1215- 16 ? 18i718S 68 1' 21 SJ718 718 121 - fioi1 . I CO " 8,95 Hambiii^ Altona Leghorn Naples Genoa Venice
Lisbon' Oporto Dublin MAILS Dublin Waterfcrd Hamburgh Lisbon AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN, By the Quarter o, Eight Winchester BusheL, and- of ( » t- nieal per Ertlfof 140lbs. Avoirdupois, from the. Relume received in'theWeek ended fr'ie 18th of Sept. 1802. INLANQ COUNTIES Whe. Kve Barl. Oats Bjans^ ease Oaf. s. < 1 s. d Is. d is. d Is. d. is. d s. d. Middlesex— 68 10 37 7 • 12 9 25 ' 2' 40 6 : o r> Surrey — 72 8 39 C 35 0 24 2 3S 6 41 C ! 0 0 Hertford — 61 4 36 6 29 6 24 0 35 939 • 9 0 0 Bedford — 61 11 33 2 34 0 20 .0 0 044 ,0 0 0 Huntingd.— o3 1 0 0 0 0 ; 6 8.. 2 9 0 ' o 0 0 Northam, — 57 8 32 0 25 0 25 6 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 Rutland — 65 G 0- 0 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Leicester — 55 6 0 0 JO 4 17 934 4 0 0 34 11 Nottingh. — 73 0 42 6 32 0 • 22 ' ( f .6 01 0 0 0 r> Derby — 77 4 0 0 0 0 22 0: 40 8 0 029 Stafford — 69 4 0 0 37 7 21 540 ' 5 0 0 29 G Salop. — 67 U 4- 8 10 0 0 22 9| 0 0 S8 0 64 11 Hereford — 58 7 35 2 27 8 24 0 34 2 34 7 69 5 Worcester—- 60 10 39 0 29 7 27 6' 3- 3 5J8 8, 0 0 Warwick — 64 10 56 0 29 6 21 241 0 0 0 67 4 Wilts _ 64 4 0 0. 27 0 22 - 2: 40 4 0 0 0 0 Berks — 68 3 54 0 30 925 036 10( 38 4 0 Of Oxford —: 62 5 0 0 27* 13 20 4 34 01- H 0 0 0 Bucks — J 54 6 0 0 • 4 0 23 6S7 - 0 43 3 0 0 Montgojn—' 55 7 44 8 27 11 20 -
o] 0 0 0 0 36 10 Brecon —- 65 7- 0 0 0 C 22 9| 0 C 0 C' 40 3 Radnor — | 61 5 0 0 32 c 20 61 0 c| 0 0] 60 5 MARITIME COUNTIES. is. d s. d d s d 8.' d d s. d. 1 Essex — 66 2 36 6 50 6 25 g 33 1 y 6 0 a Kent — 66 9 0 34 6 23 0 ,4 c ' 0- !) Sussex — 6b 0 0 C 0 G 25 0 0 G o 0 0 J 2 : Suffolk — 64 0 06 0 29 9 21 6 29 t j5 2 5J 5 jCambri.— 62 8 0 0 32 C 19 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 3Norfolk — 62 c 0 0 29 c 0 0 29 0 0 0 0 0 4, Lincoln— 66 5 0 0 32 6 17 4 S3 1 0 0 0 0 York — 71 G 43 2 0 0 17 3 .35 G 56 0 36 2 5 Durha. — 77 11 0 0 S » 0 21 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nertliu.— G5 O 40 o 29 4 19 5 40 0 0 0 0 0 6, Cumber— 80 6 60 0 32 G 22 6 0 0 0 0 16
7 Westm.— 33 6 56 6 30 2 • 23 li 0 0 0 0 19 5 7 Laneast— 77 C) 0 0 29 9 19 9 0 C 48 0l6 9 Chestor — 67 1 0 0 0 0 21 3 14 4 0 0 J8 » 8 Flint — 8' 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 » Denbei.— 81 0 0 9 0 C 24 0 0 0 0 O4O S Anglese— 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 V 0 Carnarv.— 72 0 0 0 32 8 '. 8 0 0 0 0 0 34 11 Merion.— 73 6 48 0 56 3 22 0 0 0 0 0 $ 2 s 9 Cardiga — 62 2 0 0 0 0 12 s 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pembro — 61 9 0 0 26 10 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 a Carmar.— 62 8 0 0 ' 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Glamor.— 68 5 0 0 28 0 21 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 10 Glouces— 65 a 0 0 28 0 21 10 33 8 0 0 Somers.— 61 9 0 0 24 10 19 2 0 0 0 o! 0 a Monrao— 67 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0( 0 a 11 Devon — 62 2 0 0 23 10 25 11 0 0 0 o1 0 0 Cornwa— 65 4 0 0 23 0 17 9 0 0 0 0! 0 « 12 Dorset — 62 8 29 0 0 0 24 6 44 0 0 0 0 0 Hants — 62 4 0 0 27 1 24 0 36 g 0 o| 0 0 EXPORTATION AND BOUNTY PRICE OF CORN AVERAGED, ACCORDING TO ACTS OF PARLIAMENT. Wh per Rye Barl. Oats Beans Pease Big. q. p^ rq. perq. per q. per q. per q. p. Bol. 1 - d. s. d d. s. d s. d. </ 5. d. lft Dist 68 6 36 10 28 10 20 7 33 5 42 3 * 38 2d 63 6 36 0 • 30 3 20 9 29 C 35 2 53 5 3d 62 3 * 42 4 29 0 # 24 8 29 0 • 41 0 » 38 5 * th 67 3 * 42 4 32 . C 17 2 33 ('; # 41 0 37 4 Sth 72 1 10 2 29 G 20 1 40 0 * 41 0 * 38 5 6th 83 0 58
3 31 t) 22 11 * 36 2 * 41 0 18 Q> 7th 73 9 * 42 4 32 9 20 3 44 4 48 0 17 0 S. Ui 76 1 48 0 39 1 il 4 * 36 2 * 41 0 35 1 9th 66 5 * 42 4 34 ' 6 17 2 * 36 2 * 41 9 * 38 5 10th 63 8 * 42 4 28 11 20 2 33 8 41 0 * 38 » 11th 63 ^ 4 25 4 22 5 * 36 2 • 41 0 WS 5 12th 62 5 29 0 23 1 24 3 33 S * 41 G * 38 5 N. B. The Figures against which Asterisks. are plaijed are the general Average Prices ofall England.— Oatmeal is sold br the Boll. 7 BELL'S WEEKLY MESSENGER " Regularly contains a correct State of the LONDON MAE- XETS. This London Newspaper contains also all the late News up to the hour of its being published, in addition to
all the interesting Intelligence from every part of the World of the preceding Weak.— Nt> Advertisements are admitted, ar. d it is printed oil the largest Paper that ean. be used, and conse- quently contains a much greater. Variety of interesting In- formation than can be given in any other Print. Tile Price is 8s. 8d. per Quarter, franked to any part of Great Britain, ex- clusive of Postage of Letters. J'ujnmt in advance, or reference for Payment in London, ' quarterly, will hp. required? which. \ s * ii ensure a punctual delivery, by Orders being sent to the Pro- prietor, J. BULL, at the Weekly Messenger Office, Corner o£
potftliumjitohrstreet, Strand, London ; to the Clerks of the Roads, which may begiven to the Postmaster in every Post Town ; or to the Regular Newsmen. THE SUNDAY PLAN— Includes the GAZETTES of SA- TURDAY, the State of the London Markets, and all the NE ws of the preceding Week from every part of the World ; which may be sent on SUNDAY NISHT from London bv the Mail Coach, so. as to be delivered at every Post Town in the King- dom trough which it pass s on " the Blank Day, uhun n » other Newspapers are received. This Paper is printed every Sunday, and a New Edition als » on Monday, for tlie
advantage of Persons in the Country THE MONDAY PLAN— Includes ihe State ofthe MAR- KETS in general of MONDAY up to Three a ' Clock, and also a POSTSCRIPT PAGE, containing all the News of SUNDAY, and of MONDAY until Thee oWtorl;, in addition to all the interest- ing News of the preceding Week — Orders for the Monday- Paper may be given to any ofthe Postmasters in the Country which is the best method'of obtaining the Monday Pa'iei or otherwise as ab* vt » . ' '
306 BELL'S WEEKLY MESSENGER, SEPTEMBER 97 THE POLITICS OF EUROPE. Nu" S6 PRESENT STATE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS. After a iar. oHs'and long tempest,. the waves cannot but • fnnnin some time in agitation, it is no wonder that Au- stria still shows some reluctance in acceding to the plan of thefiBdemnitics: she sees herself totally deprived of that in- fluence which gave her almost an hereditary title to the Imperial brown, and has tits greatest reason to apprehend that the next election yv. ll transfer that dignity to. a rival power. This subject,, being connected with the interest of our Royal Family, deserves
particular consideration. The fall or degradation of the Austrian power originated in our Cabinet, during the German war: the leading Mi- nister in these days represented the Electorate of Hanover as unworthy the attention of Great Britain ; and, a little tifiic after, he called forth the best resource, of the nation in its support. This conduct of the Minister, without mentioning the striking versatility of his character, and the unpardonable disrespect' shown to the Sovereign, be- trayed great political ignorance in both cases. The idea that Continental possessions can be of no use to this island is an absurdity of a recent date : When
LEWIS XIV. pur- chased Dunkirk and Mardike from CHARJ. ES II. for five millions oflfvres, the ipipepchment of Chancellor IIYDE, • who was supposed to have advised that mean action, and the height of the general indignation, shewed that although those. places gave England but a precarious footing in Trance, yet sue considered her loss as a national calamity, I can be 110 objection that the State of Hanover is in- dependent ofthe British Empire : an increase in the power and influence of the Monarch, from whatever quarter it may come, must needs add weight to the Monarchy; for which reason, instead of forgetting his
Majesty's Elec- torate, we should rather endeavour to render it mere con- siderable than it is. If the late- Earl of CHATHAM, who conducted the German War, had consulted the true in- terest of Great Britain, he would have followed the wise plan which the Eail of LIVERPOOL * published on tint occasion. His Lordship, in an excellent Pamphlet proved to a demonstration, that we had no reason to espouse the cause of the KING of PRUSSIA.— It. cann- n be doubted, that if at that period England had n « > t interfered, Austria must have prevailed, and consequently our influence in Germany, and especially at Hamburgh, would
not be lost. Can it be dissembled, that this useful port, as we'l as tbe Hanoverian dominions, are now entirely at the mercy of Prussia? We see but one remedy and it is to second all the views of the Cabinet of Berlin :— The House of Brandenburgh has now sufficient ground to aspire to the Imperial dignity, and whenever a new election Shall take place, it will be the interest of- this Country to exert her influence in favour ef his 1' RUSSI'AN MAJESTY. It is the best way to secure the State of Hanover. As to the expedient of conferring the Electorate . on one of our - princes, we look upen it as a wrong measure.": the recent fate of
the ARCH- DUKE of TUSCANY ought to be a warning to Sovereigns not to alienate any part ef their Dominions. Iflhe EMPEROR of GERMANY had been himself in possession of tbe State of Tuscany, his affairs in Italy would probably be better than thev are, or at least the Treaty of Luaeviile would have taken a dif- ferent turn. The disturbances in Switzerland cannot give any seri- ous alarm— it is a contest between enrage. l Jacobins, and ambitious Priests, but the wisdom of the FIRST CONSUL will soon convince them aH . of their folly, and bring them to a ser. se of their social duty. The various StaXes of Italy never enjoyed
a state of more- perfect tranquillity than at this moment. His SICILIAN MAJESTY has entirely regained the affec- tions of his subjects, and it is with great satisfaction we hear that the POPE is encouraging agriculture in the Roman territory, which through the' crooked policy of his ancestors was shamefully neglected. The ihost for- tunate among the Italians are evidently the Cisalpines and the Piedin: ntese, whom the p^ WJNALsolicitude of BONA- PARTE has redeemed from the most odious slavery. ' Of the- submission shewn by the States of B'arbary to the. mandates of BONAPARTE, we are hot surprised; but from his
constant wisdom and philanthropy we expect something more. However, as GUSTAV- US used to say, The pear, is not yet ripe. With regard to Great Britain, nothing' occurs at pre- sent to engage the public attention in any peculiar iran- > jicr, except the fate of the Nabob of ASCOT, which it is supposed will be one of the chief Parliamentary en- quiries ia tbe ensuing* session..—- The lice pardon that has just been granted to several natives of Ireland, who had the misfortune of being involved in the crime of sedition, is an event that cannot, be omitted: it evinces the bene- volence of our amiable SOVEREIGN, the moderation of
Government, and the wisdom of the Minister. :> See Considerations 011 the present German War, printed for John Wilkie, 1760. FOREIGN NEJVS, B AREPULLY DIGESTED, AND CONTINUED IN A REGULAR SERIES. 1 FRANCE. INTELLIGENCE FROM PARIS JRO M THE 15TH TO THE 23D INST AW T. Citizen Lauriston, Aid- de- Camp of the First Consul, who arrived at Ratisbon on the 8th inst. with dispatches from the French Legation, seto. it 011 tbe following day foi Vienna, carrying with liun to the Imperial Court a Convention signed? at Pari.- by the Minister Talleyrand and Count de' Goberitzel, in. consequence of
which the Austrian. troops are immediately- to evacuate. Bassau. On the 11 th the ArabasssUw Extraordinary'of the Su- blime Port.- gave a splendid . entertainment, at his hotel, Rue St. Dominique, in celebration of the re- est. ab lsh- ment of peace between his Government and the French Republic. O11 the 13th, passed through Nancy, on his way to Paris, Baron tic Grenouiilic, Chani'leilain to h s Inape- j rial Majesty. He was accompanied by Stc. ur Chapuis, a Captain in the Imperial Guards. The'frigate Valcureuse, from St. Domingo, is returned to Brest. The Pesaio, Tourville, and Zele, are soon expected. letters from St.
Domingo, dated Thermidor 13th ( Aug. t), suttt, that the partral commfttijmf nv^ ich had taken place in that colony, after th » defeat;. aji'd reduction of tbe rebels, have been - entirely suppressed, . The rebel- lious Negroes in the island of La Toitue were attacked m their last entrenchments, beat, . and disarmed, and - the punishment of the ringleaders contributed not a little to the restoration of tranquillity!: some plantations only had been burnt by these brigands, and such were the ex esses to which they subjected the victims of their firry, that the inhabitants think it a great'happiness that, in their last insurrection, they butchered
only a dozen of white women and children. An Arr-. te of the Consuls, considering that the re- esta blishment of order at St. Domingo, Guadaloupe, aad its dependencies, and the interest of trade and cultiva- tion, depend principally upon the presence of the pro- prietors upon their property, requires that tbe said White proprietors should return tb- tber without delay, under the penalty of remaining under sequestration. Persons under eighteen, widows. and their ( laughters, the infirm and the old, soldiers under arms, and public functionaries; are excepted. No one is is to receive a dispensation from personal residence, or havp his
sequestration taken oft, unless represented by an European manager, capable of well managing a' habitation in which he shall actually re- side. Every proprietor is . also, - in ' order to have seques- tration taken off", to produce proof of noii- emfgration, erasure, or amnesty. By an Arrete of the 6th, all actions for debts contract- ed in St. Domingo by the purchase of plantations, houses, or Negroes, anterior to tiie l> t of January 1792, are sus- pended until the 23d of September 1808. ACTS OF THE GOVERNMENT. On the 15th the Consuls transmitted the following- Message to the Conservative Senate :— SENATORS, In virtue
ofttie 63d aritcle of the Organic Senat'us Con- sultant of the 4th of August, tiie Fir^ t Consul appoints to the S^ iate Citizens Abuial, " Minister of Justice; Du'beilqy, Archbishop of Paris ; Abo', ille, General of Division ami Fust Inspector of Artillery', Fouolie, Minister'of General Police; and Rcederer, President ** f the Section of the Council of State for the Interior. Citizen Abrial, for a long time employed as Public Mini- ster at the Tribunal of - Cassation, displayed in that situation talents and probity which raised him to the Ministry of Jus- tice. I11 that important- office he has performed services, which the First Consul thinks proper to
recomp^ nce by giv- ing him a seat among you. Citizen Dnbelloy has, duriug- ftfty years as a Bishop, been the model of the Galilean Church. Placed at the head of the first diocese of France, he giyes an example of a'l the aposto- lic and civic viitues. General Aboville, known to all Europe by the talents he displayed in the war for the independence of North America, is at the head of that branch of service whish has so much in- fluence 011 the destiny of states. Citizen Fouche, as Minister of Police in difficult circum- stances, ha » , by his talents, his activity, and his attachment to the Government, accomplished every thing which
those circumstances required of him. Seated amidst the Senate, if other circumstances should once more require aMinister of Police, the Government could aot find one more deserving of its connder ce. . Citizen Roederer, destined ta a place in the Senate from its formation, has constantly distinguished himself in the Coun- cil of State. His talents and his attachment to his country will be still more eminently useful ill the first bedy in the Re- public. in these frosainations, the Senate will se. e the desire which the First Consul has t » add, upon all occasions, to its lustre and consideration. v ( Signed) BONAPARTE. DECREE or
SEPT. 11. Bonaparte, First Consul of the French Republic, decrees, General Brune, Counsellor of State, is nominated Ambassa- dor of the French Republic to the Sublime Porte. The Minister of Foreign Relations is charged with the execution of this decree. . ( Signed) BON APART E. By similar decrces of the First Consul, the following nominations have also taken place:— Citizen Lacuee, Counsellor of State,^ to be President of the Section of War, in the room of General Brune. C. Regnaud ( de St. Jean d'Angely), Counsellor of State, to be President ofthe Section of the Interior, in the room of Rcederer, appointed a Senator.
C- Bigot Pricmeneu, to be President ® f the Section of Le- gislation* in the room of C. Boullay. C. Boullay, Counsellor of State, is charged with all litiga- tions respecting the National Domains, in the roam of C. Regnier. C. Fourcroy, Counsellor of State, is charged with tliecare . of Public Instruction, in the room of C. Rrederer. C. Perignou, Senator, is appointed extraordinary Com- missioner, to regulate, agreeably to the bases of the 7th Ar- ticle of the Treaty of Peace, concluded in the year3 between France and Spain, every thing that relates to the ratification of the boundaries of the two States towards the Pyrenees. C. Chazal is
appointed Prefect of the Department of th « Upper Pyrenees. ' DECREE OF SEPT. 17. The Consuls of the Republic, on the Report of the Minister of the Interior, decree:— Art.. 1. The measurement of the meridian of France shall be continued from Barcelona to the Balearic Islands. 2. The Minister of the Interior is charged, - with the execu- tion of this decree. . CONSERVATIVE SENATE. EXTRACT FROM THE I! COTSL E its OF ; NE CONSERVATIVE SENATE, .1 till SEPT. The Conservative Senate* assembled to the number re- quired' by the 90th ar i.- le of the Constitution. Havinc s.; cli the projet c; the Sehatus Consultum,
set forth in the forfn prescribed by the 57th article of theConstitution of the 4th August: Having heard the Orators of the Government on tWe- causes of the said projet, and tbe report of the Special Commission appsi- ntedat the sitting of the 7th instant: The adoption having been deliberated by the number of Senators prescribed'' by the 50th article ef the Constitu- tion, is decreed as fodows: — Art. I. The departments of the Po, the Doria, of Ma- rengo, ofSraia, of Stura, and the Tanaro, are united to the- territory ofthe French Republic. 11 The department of the Po shall send four Deputies to the Legislative Soriy. The department
of Marengo shall send three. The department of the Doria shall send two. The- department oi La S.- zhi shall send two. Tlri d-- partme! it of Sturashall send three. The- departing it of Tanaro shall send throe.— Making the whole number of theLegislative Body amount to 318. HI. 1 hose Deputies are to be named ia the eleventh year,, and are to ' be reii-. iwed. in the year to which the series in whicia Uietsi- ejxiifmeilf they are attached'to belongs, with the exception of the deputies of the Stura, who only. go out m the sixteenth year. IV. The department of the Po shall be classed in. the first series; that of Marengo, in the second.
The departments of the Doria and the Sezia ill the third. The department ofthe Stura in the fotuth, and the Taua.' o in tile firth. - Thecal'/ of Turin i.-. to be comprised in toe number of those principal towns ef'the Republic, the Mayors . ot which'are to be pre- sent at the taking of the oath bv that citizen who shall be appointed to succeed the First Consul, making th, a'number of such, citi - s amount to twenty- five. The present Seuatus Cons* tiu8 shah be sent with a message to'the Consuls ox' the. Republic. ( Signed) CA. MBACEHES, Secoiid Consul. Acting as President. INTERIOR OF THE REPUBLIC. MANUFACTURES,
MANNERS, FASHIONS, See. EXHIBITION OF NATIONAL INDUSTRY.'— For the follow Article we are indebted 10 cm intelligent Corres- pondent at Parts.,— I'- he third pu die eshi it'ion oi he produce of industry in France, was openea on Saturday the 19th, and will continue - until ' I hurscay night, wh. ch is the grand- fete of the New, Year's Lay, according to the French Calendar! This - exhibition I'orms'only a part of the fete destined to celebrate the anniversary of the foundation of " the Fr'cnvh Republic,. Public iej" icings, grand fetes, illuminations, ai d theatres' opened free the public, will exhibit a scene of " Imsf c and srai.- iy
per- fectly new arid astonish. ng to strangers. The fair of mer- chandize' and articles of industry, is held in tbe grand square Court within the Louvre, the square is 150 yards by 120, an arched entrance; in the centre of every aii'We temporary buildings, ten yards from the wall, ranging with each angle, leaving passage room 20 yards unit" op- posite each arched ent ance into the square". These buildings are divided into 104 shops, collonade pill. srs in front, and ornamented with . festoon Curtains, green and orange coloured fringe, and the columns and front of tbe erections resembles fine granite, and arts surmounted with
emblematical painted figures. In the centre of ihe square is crected the moniim- nt of Lysicrates, vulgarly known by the name of the Lantern of Diogenes," cuecuted in Terre Cuite; The shops are fitted up with peculiar taste, and each of them contain the articles which have been adjudged as the most perfect productions of the kind in France within the last year. The proprietors have ma- gazines in different parts of Paris for the sale of these ar- ticles, none of them being deranged in the exhibition un- til after tile day of the grand fete on Thursday wext. The whole range of this lofty and magnificent building is illuminated round the
parapets and projections of it from top to bottom with large burners in basons of oil, The shops in front and within, together with pyramids cf lights in the centre and at the corners ofthe building, form altogether a most splendid and dazzling appearance, not easily to be conceived oj described. Myriads of peo- ple are constantly passing and repassing this spectacle in review, and without the least con fusion, the police guard- ing every avenue, and not suffering any person to pass and repass by the same entrance, or to indulge in any dis- order. The next © rand Levee which the Chief Consul will hold will be on the 7th of October.
Amongthe English to be presented at it are the Earl of Oxford, Lord F. Montague, and Mr. Er- kine, who is' to appear in the Prince of Wales's unifoTm. Voltaire's Orphan of China, which afforded Murphy materials for a very successful Tragedy on the English stage, is the subject of an Opera in Paris, where it has lately been represented under the title of Tamerlane. The music composed by Mr. Winter, Maestro de Capella to the Elector of Bavaria, is much praised for a happy combination of scientific difficulty with simple melody. THERMOMETER FOR THE LAD iEs.- r- The most dif- ficult thing, among tbe many difficult things in
this world, is to ascertain, from the general appearance, the thoughts of a Woman. A man of uncommon observa- tion at Paris, has, Ijpvvever^ thanks to the lightness ef the
SFPI EMBER 27 BELL'S WEEKLY MESSENGER. female dress, invented a mode of obviating this difficulty ! Ho never goes into company without a Thcimonster, which he holds concealed in his hand, and drawing near to those women on whom he wishes to make ftis experi- ment, he applies tei some part of their bodies the Criterion • f truth. The Thermometer either rises or falls, accord- ing to the degree of heat or cold sf the person which it touches. A tew ddys ago, as he was leaving the Gardens » f Frescati, he observed- a woman extremely handsome walking with a gentleman of a prepossessing appearance. They
seemed to be made for each other ; but wishing to know whether their hearts, like their exteriors, perfectly coincided, he immediately applied his Thermometer What was his surprize to find that it fell considerably be- Icw the glass! He had scarcely recovered from his asto- nishment, when he perceived another gentleman most superbly, yet ridiculously dressed; the cheeks ef the lady began to glow with an ardour that expressed the highest love, and he, desirous of ascertaining the cause, applied bis Thermometer, and was astonished to find that it rr- se to the greatest degree of heat. The experience © f the Thermometer was to
him so satisfactory, that he was de- termined to try its virtues to the utmost extremity. A rich Banker, upwards of fifty, had endeavoured to capti- vate a beautiful woman. She evinced every possible mark ef coldness. He offered her his purse, and an im- mediate change took place. She became gay and plea- sant. He presented her with a diamond of great value, and when the Thermometer was applied, it was found that she was all on five f On the 13th of this, month, Madame Recamier gave, at her country house at Cllchy, a public breakfast, to which were invited the principal English families at Paris. Mr. Fox, Lord Holland, Mr.
Erskine, Mr. Adair, and , General Fitzpatrick. Among the other foreigners oi'dis- j tinction were, the Marquis de Gallo, Coqnt Dolg. o. roukt, and Count DyvorT. General Moreau, the Counsellor of State Regnaud de St. Jean d'Angel- y, and Mathieu de Montmort- nce, were also there. Lady Holland, the Coun- tess of Dyvoffj and th.* Marchioness of Lucchcsini, v. yre among the most fashionable of the female part of the com- pany. Madame Recamier'did the honours of the fete with her accustomed grace and politeness. . She was placed at table between Mr. Fox and General Moreau. PARISIAN FASHIONS.— Tife change of
season begins already to cause an alteration in tiie costume of our elegantes• Heads unadorned arc now rarely seen, and shawls arc now ence more coming into fashion. They are generally of a slight texture, but consist of many j folds, embroidered in white silk of gold and silver, and thfl favourite colour is cherry. Variety, of ornament is,, however, so predominant, and all so generally consult their own taste, without any reference to a fixed stand- ard, that almost every group of our well dressed women, when decorated with their shawls, inspire the beholder with. the i lea of a masquerade. The tunijues and the sho t gowns
continue to be ornamented witli the richest kind of lace. Veils still usurp the office of a regular head- dress ; they are brought to a point " in front, and float behind in a careless,' but graceful way. Straw hats have given way to those of silk, and fhe hair is occasion- : ally embellished with fancy combs anil gold pins. Some Ladies of the houc- ton I, ITS, very recently appeared in public with garland: ; f fh v/ er$ on their heads. The military hospitals at Paris'atf'ord an example well worthy of imitation. Every. sick man is daily visited by a. physician accompanied by an officer of rank. Tiie • most liberal provision is made, for the sick, and
no care , or attention is. spared to restore them to health. There is : hx: been pleased tb assumii t'e-' p- i- t- of- mediators in th : pre- s : nt ciicuin u. uic ' , a': cl to tRiisnut declarations in conse- quence to the Deputatfoii, through file mcdi, um of- tljeiV Ministers, is acknowledged with, gratitude; being/ olly con- vinced of thefienrllv dispositions- of the two powers towards the Germanic Empire, thev previously, and in general, adopt the.. plan proposed by them ill regard to what concerns tiie In- demnities, in s-. ich a manner that they reserve to theniselves, at tilt; same time*, the power of introducing ail those' modifi- cations which
may be rendered'necessary ' by the'urgent re- monstrances that may be made, or those which the Deputation, faithful to its r! >.-.-, may judge necessary to. propose by reso- lutions, and of which it has a right to promise the admission in common. tin tiie other hand, they do not think they deviate from th 3 friendly intentions of the two powers, by obser- . that, in the definitive resolution to lie immediately formeti ( or the ' detetiiiiiuitibn of tire Indemnities, it will be ire'cessa'^ to de- cree, at'the same time, that those who have sustained loss shall be bound on receiving the countries whitehHay'e fallen to their share as Indemnities, to
provide in a suitable manner for '. lie maintenance of all the persons who hitherto had a constitutional existence iu the said countries, and to charge . themselves with the. debts to which ihey serve as security, and witlvall the other real obligations which depend ow them: \ ill the same resolution there siull be Established. fixed rules ' on this subject. To regulate then, as speedily as pos- sible, the modifications'• demanded^- or proposed by the De- putation, the latter shall, • without delay, address itself ro the I Ministers of the Mediating Powers, to receive the necessary •. iuforiiiuti in an this subject, and to come to an underst aiding
with them, in order that it may, as spoil as possible, come to a resolution, which shall be submitted to the ratification of his Imperial Majesty and the Empire. BERNE, SEPT. 11.— I'ue spirit of insurrection, ' which has already separated Helvetia from the Cantons of Giar'us, Switz, Uri, Appimzcl, and the Grisous, is spreading more and more. " Zu'g is on the point of de- claring against the Government. A. t Baden the. fer- mentation .- en creases daily; at Zurich the ancient Chiefs ' of the Canton have . deliberated in Primary Assem- blies to admit, a new Constitution, and have* prevented the picked troops of the Leman from
entering, their city, i The gates were shut, and' they were ( breed to encamp 1 outside the town, FijomjArau we lean, that hostilities have commenced " ear that city. The Vaudois troo; s fired red hot balls, and ' set fire to the town in several ' plades. BASLE, SEPT. 1,3.—' The whole of the Eastern divi- sion of the Helvetic Republic, Turgovia and a part of the Orisons excepted, is in open rebellion against the Con- stitutional Authorities. ' Besidesthe three petty Cantons, those ofGlarus, Appenzel, Khe'mthall, Zug, and Baden, 1 a Prince of the Rfiyal Family, or a Nobleman of the highest rank. They' are ah riehly dressed in the
ancient Spanish costume, and are mounted upon horses of tfie greatestbeauty. Thcy- emer tiro- interior of-, the tamp i> 7 to a i' different gates to the SQund of trumpets and cymbals > . they practise all sorts of evolutions, join, retire, a. id re- join' with admirable . spirit afttl precision. These diver- sions will call to mind the hcroif times .' f chivalry, and all those spectacles which may. be called the fairy period of history. Bull fights are not forgotten, and orders have been- given to send the fiercest bulls fr.; m tbe mountains of Navarre. Tbe most celebrated Matadors are ordered from all parts of Spain, to shew their powers in these
sanguinary contests. There is also to be a camp of 15,000 picked troops; in our environs, who will be re- viewed by the Prince of Peace in presence cf all the Royal Families. S TATE PAPER. Lours tho FIRST, by'the GRACE OT GOD, INFANT of SPAIN, EN- roof ETRURIA, aiul HEREDITARY PRINCE ofl'ARUA, PLACJ: NTIA, GUASTALLA, dL- c. The new ties Isy which the Royjd H « nse of Bourbon is on the point of being more closely united, clafm our partici- pation in the joy which that liappr event occasions, and which our august Father in Law and Uncle, the Catholic King, wi'l celebrate, in his city of Barcelona, with. a e
oaipsititable Co the marriages of Infants of the King of Spain and the King of the Two Sicilies. Tiie pleasure which our heart will experience upou so happy an event, will not make us lose sight of the chief care of advancing, under all ciro: instances, and of consolidating as much as possible, the prosperity of ! Our well- beloved people, who are the first object of our ; paternal solicitude. And, in order that, during our absence, ! the public affairs may sui'Fer no delay, we have conferred upon our Council of State, Finance, and War, all the pewers wo have deemed necessary to govern the kingdom, j and to maintain order and justice
in all the branches of the I political, civil,, and economical administration. The eager- • uess we shall evince in returning to the bosom of our dear * subjects, give us reason to hope that i. i answering that mild- : lies; which characterises the nation, and that fidelity which j they have always shewn for their Sovereigns, they will give | us oil our return, new motives of satisfaction and zeal to . constitute more and more to the public felicity, by all tlw means which Providence has placed ill oar bands. ( Signed) LoUfs. Given on the 1st of September, 1802. PROVINCIALS. not a soldier, who q these hospitals, who has not a story to tell
Cffhis treatment, which must awaken both the gratitude- arid zeal of - h! s comrades. Humanity and policy go hand in '.. mil in these attentions to those who have risqued their lives i;: iii; service of their country. The periodical Journal.' cf the Medical Society, puu- have avowed themselves. In Zug, even the presence of a battalion of tbe tine Was not able to prevent the explo- sion. The other Cantons swarm with emissaries from the petty Cartons and tbe old privileged , cities, who flatter the. honest peasants with ' the promised abolition of all imposts, the establishment of Landsgemeins, and fre- quently the pilUge of the rich.
These perfidious sugges- tions have had this. singular effect, that the partizans of oligarchy, and those . of absolute democracy, are actually uniting their efforts to overturn the Central Government an I ' Constitution, which, but a few months past, were adopted by a very great majority cf citizens. Should their plan succeed, which, fqti'una'tely, the powerful in- tervention of France, invoked by a formal act of eur Senate, will prevent, a civil war must necessarily take place, in order to decide w hich of the two opposite sys- tems, between whose partizans there is only a moment- ary union, shall gain the ascendancy.— The Helvetic
troops have, suppressed the attempts at insurrection in the Western Cantons ; but their . numbers are too inconsi- derable to apply a complete remedy, to tbe evil. The Canton of Baden is at this moment occupied in fanning iut J.... 1 .. ' ... .... ^ ' , j — •' . . ... s T ... lished Fructider lay, contains some meteorological ob'- i us Landsgemcin. to.: M ama panties have been serrations made in the pre'eed ti; tli 3 to from I vite. l to send Deputies to the chief town, to conccrt mca- if- twin, O- J , . ~ — j ..... ...... , perature of the atmosphere experienced a change of nearly . '-' al Government has sent select persons belonging- to degrees I
Zurich and Friburg into th~ se districts, ta put an end to The following instances of extraordinary old age are | the disturbances. Illegal'assemblies having been h Id at mentioned in the Paris papers — JeanDumas, also named j Zurich, a detainment of Helvetic twops was sent thither Solomon, an invalid soldier, aged 110- and d months, ! < ROM base stations m the middle district ot the Fays de i years went a few days ago to perform his devotions in the cha- pel belongiiig to the infirmary of the Hotel des Invalides. Jt- fe rose from his hc-. l and went to the chapel without any other assistance than that of his crutches. He is a native
of-- Brive- la- Ga'illar. 1 Vaud. The Burgesses of Zurich shut the gates against them, and proposed t. rms, which military honour obliged them to reject. Hostilities were commenced; and we this moment learn that the city of Zurich bas been lie looks fresh, liis health is j bombarded by the. Helvetic troops. ' Fhe Commissary of has received orders to expedite his Sound, and he is of a very lively disposition ; be loves lo j Uoyernment, Muy, t speak of his dinner with the First Consul; repeats, the departure. , : » .. I r... l , i. Iti DPI- T nui same questions which Bonaparte put to him, and the answers which he n'wde. Bertrand Dumas, his
father, and N, Dumas, his uncle, died in the same hotel, the first at the age of 116, the second. at 114. About thirty years ago they all three went to play at bowls; after drinking* few glasses of wine . . the father said, " I. shall never drink more," and expired. Tbe other, struck with the sudden death of his brother, died two d?, i's afterwards. The circumstances of their death are recorded iu the Register of the Plotel. FROM THE FRENCH P IPknS, HAMBURGH AND BATAV1AN MATES.. INDEMNITIES IN THE EMPIRE. The Cmclttmm taken by the Deputation of the Em- pire in its third sitting, for. adopting the Plan of he In demnities, is couched exactly in the same terms as the propositions which terminate the vote given in the- same sitting by the Minister of Men./,. Tiie preposition;, an j consequently the text of the Condamm', is . is follows: The following de . iaration shall he made to the Ministers of t- u two powersThe- conduct ol the two powers who BARCELONA, AUGUST 13.— The most sumptuous preparations are making in this city for the reception of our august Sovereign-!, who left Madrid on the 12th, and are especttxl here m a d- iy or two, together with the Queen of Naples, and the King and Queen of Etruria. The presence of such
illusfrip. is personages will produce fetes, whose magnificence will revive all that was so en- chanting in the Spanish . and Moon^ i gallantry before the conquest of Grenada. From every part of thy kingdom persons are crowding to. this city, as well as Iroai the southern provinces of France. The detachments of the King's body guards are already arrived. Our garrison will consist of the fine regiments ef Spanish and Wal- loon Guards, anil a fleet under the command of Adin. ra. Cordova, will' remain at anchor in the harboV. The Catalonian Nobility are making the most sjilendid pre- parations to receive our illustrious guests, and
are endea- vouring to rival'the Nobility of Castillc. _ A vast camp-' , surrounded by raised scats'and alcoves, has just been built near the port, and is destined for the tournaments, tilts, and Rovo'l games, known by the name of La Party.*. I They aj- e generally given at Aranjuez, in the vast square ! , n Ir Hit of the palace. Tiie game consists of four ca- I dr te*, trotn • ; s- e-: i of the . principal Lords of the Court; '' each ced.- iiU; has ii& reut colours, aud . is commanded by RAMSSATE, SEPT. 32.— The Master of the Ceremosi'ias Ball, last night, was attended- hy nearly 500 persons. The Ball was opened by Mr. Le Bas and Miss
Beutiek; the first country dance, ( Sir David Hunter's Reel), was danced down by Mr. Townley and Lady HarViet Cavendish. After ihe Ball, her Grace the Duchess of Devonshire gave an elegant supper at her house, Chatham- place, to" a large fty of friends; among them were the Duke and Duchess of St. Albau's, Lord and Lady Milbburn, Lord and Lady Bes- boNugb, Lady Jersey, Lady C. Viiliers, Sir diaries and Lady Asgill, Mr, and Mrs. Duff, Colonel Graham, gc. BIUCHTON, SEPT. 20.— The Bishop of St. Asaph preached yesterday at the Chapel Royal, ar. d gave a orief history of the Psalms of David, in whiaiL he took oeeh iion to reco. nmeu 1 the ti- anslation of Sternholdand Hopkins, as being nearer- to the text and purity of the original than any other translation. Ifis text was, " Why do tile Heathen', furiously rngo, and why do the people imaguie. a vain thin:;:" In which he glanced at our neighbours as the Heathens, and seemed la advert to certain political societies as the people v ho ima- gined the vain thing.— The Archbishop of Caim/ onry anil family were- in the Prince's seat, and Judge Graham sit in tho lower part of the Chapel, BKIGHTOM, Sisi'T. 23.— The visitors of this place, who are Still extremely numerous, begin to complairu of tiie long
evenings, which now curtail the Promenade on the Ste. yne — The Auctions do not afford a sufficient compensation for the favourite amusement of Raffling. Nevertheless, Fisher's and Donaldson's are quite crowded every evening Vhe'ian auction is announced. The former takes the lead, and with a little more practice he will doubtless attain eminence in Pulpit - Oratory. At present he does not possess confidence enough' in hiui- setf to risk those rapid flights, those bold appeals, which asto- nish and electrify the audience. The saunterers on llie Ste) ne are frequently delighted with exhibitions of Charioteering, which might- have
gained the prize at the Olympic Games.— There are some very eminent adepts in this science nowsia Brighton. The Prince frequently drives four very beautiful horses ill his phaeton. Mr. Buxton, of the city, sports four very fine blacks. Sir John Lade likewise maintains his v.' ell- earned reputation. The Prince has driven round, accom- panied in one phaeton by Mr. Buxton, several times of late, aud the latter on Tuesday discovered extraordinary skill in driving round the Steyne, accompanied by Mr. Reed, of the Commons, an amateur and excellent jwrlge of tbe art. Mr. Buxton is alo. ved to drive with uncommon ease a. id dex terity. It is reported that the Prince of Wales projects very great improve. ii sprs on't'. u- P: ivilijon and il neigl bourhood. Beiides buying the- iease of tiie C.-. stl -, it is said lie intends to get the ro td t. i: i. i- d a liule towards tils w est, and to take iu the pres.- lit. road. Tl- is, together with Maribarough Mouse, an I the scite of the Castle, will afford him ample space for the embellishments he m. iy have in view. Livi RBOot,, Sue i. SO.— The inHabitaiits of Water- street were at oife time greatly alarmed, as the late fire seemed lo be spreading hi that direction, but the thick party wall of Mr. Dawson's warehouse, aud the strong walls of
the com- mervial buildings, happily arrested its progress. Seventeen warehouses have been consumed, A meeting of the princi- pal stiff.' i- ers w v, convere- rl irti Thursday moaning, wheu a Committee was appointed to superintend tiie removal of the riibbiih with ali possible expedition, in order to recover the property which it is supposed is now buried in tfae miiiis in y very considerable quantities. A great number of men have . ilr j, r!. b * : ii set to work, but considerable difficulty is expe- rienced in talcing down- su^ h oi'the- wall^ as are yet, left stand- ing. \ Ye are sorry to add to the. above account, tiut Ut
308 BELL'S WEEKLY MfiSSENGFJL SEPTEMBER 27 taking down a part of the ruins 011 Saturday morning, Mr. jPMiips, in the employ of Mr. Foster, was so dreadfully « rmhed, that he died in a few hours after. The following singular occurrence at Harrowate hasjjeau communicated to ins, by a ge'ntlexhan recently returned from jttaat fashionable resort.— A servant had beeu riding a small Stallion ponev, the property of a physician at Manchester, and on alighting slackly retained the rain whilst he stood with his back towards him :— the ponay directly seised the man, threw him on the ground, knealt 011 him, and in the most
vengeful manner, worried him t » death:— the mangled corse vas rescued with difficulty frum the devouring beast. A scone of very great distress was lately witnessed in the family of Mr. Lloyd, an eminent clothier of Uly, Glouces- tershire ; his three children were ill. of a fever : oa. Tuesday last, the' eldest, aged eight years, died in consequence ; - en Wednesday the second, aged six years, also died ; and in a few hours altar, tbs youngest, aged about two years, was snatched from the disconsolate parents to aa untimely grave. A dreadful fire broke out 011 the premises of Mr. Bnrbidge, a few days ago, at Holly fields, near
Feckenliam, Worces- tershire, which destroyed several corn and hay ricks, a barn full of grain, and other out- buildings, but happily did not reach the dwelling- house. This unfortunate accident was occasioned b; the heating of one of the hay- ricks, which being opened, burst into .1 flame, and setting the others on fire, caused so tremendous a blaze as to defy every effort to extinguish it. In consequence of the very abundant and plentifud CTOOS, a Harvest Home was celebrated at Broomhall Farm, near Dorking, Surrey, the residence of Captain Kent. The sports commenced at three o'clock in the afternoon, when ten handsome
young girls, about the age of twenty, started to tun half a mile for a shift, after which another race took place by the above girls for a cap. A third race also by five men sewed up in sacks. Dancing on the. Green, and in the different barns adjoining to tbe farm. continued till the hour of supper, at which fifty persons sat down. They afterwards danced till three o'clock next morning. The dangerous state in which Winch bridge, in Teesdale, Is at present, has been fatally experienced. About three weeks since, a party of nine men and two women were pass- ing it from the Durham side to Halwich, most of whom be- ing upon it at the
same time, the unusual weight entirely destroyed the balance, and one of the chains being overstrain- ed, it snapped^ the bridge turned orer, ana three men were thrown into the Tees. One of them was dashed to pieces 011 the rock 5 the others falling into the water v/ ere saved-. A- bunch of grapes was lately cut by Mr. i'arke, of High- field House, near Liverpool, which weighed ten pounds two ounces. Its greasest breadth, across the shoulders, when hanging iu its natural position, was ane foot eight inches and three- quarters; circumference, three feet eleven inches. The vine is only four years old, and had six more bunches
upon it of large dimensions. On Saturday se'miight, a lady and gentleman returning from Hornsea, by the sand, towards Aldborough, in Holder- Jiess, in a gig, attended by a servant boy 011 horseback, when about half way were surprised to find the water nearly ck- se to the Clilf where it projected, but supposing the road before them as safe as that they had passed, they pushed forward past this projection, though with much difficulty : after riding a mile further, they we're alarmed to find the tide quite close to the Cliff for a long distance before them, and having driven siowly 011 account of the heaviness of th j sand, they con cluded the former projection to be by that time impassable. Their only refuge was to elimb up the Cliff, which in that part was so steep as almost to forbid access, but providentially they found a ledge therein about four yards from the san< l, whither they ascended with their horses; and shortly affcer procured assistance from Great Cowden, which they happen- ed to be veiy near. Two men with spades cut a road for the borsqs, and in the space of an hour they all got safe to the top. The carriage, which was left below, was dashed to pieces against the Cliff by the fury of the waves. Had they remained half an hour longer on the
ledge, it is highly pro- bable they would, with the horses, have been buri. d in the tleep, as the whole plat fell io- shortly r. ftrr, being under- Mined and shaken by the violence ofthe sea. AGRICULTURE, COUNTRY- MARKETS, $ r. Wilton Great Sheep Fair was held 011 Monday, last, and so numerous were the flocks of sheep and Iambs driven ill, that the- whole amounted to upwards of 44,000. . A great number of buyers were on the ground early, but they did r. ot appear in liaste to make their purchases; it was near six o'clock before any were completed ; the sales continued very brisk from six to eight, when the buyers
slackened, fearing a disposition in the ii- lets to advance tiie prices. They faung off for about half an hour, during which . everything was remarkably flat, but renewed their dealing* so effectu- ally, that by noon very few- remained unsold. The general pricc- s were, on an average, nearly 3s. a- head less than at ' Gritfort Fair; and as the fahners procure stock for their feed, less desire to purchase will prevail, and a fuither re- duction of price may be expected. A great many South Downs were panned, and were generally* preferred. Mr. Coles, of Harrow, bought 110 less thau 0000 sheep in the fair. ' The sale of new Leicester Sheep
on T • - sday last, at Mun- doc. Hall, wasnumerouslyattanded. The wether lambs s61H as high as 34s. Cd. A. lot of breeding ewes brought as much a » 90s. pt- r bead, and 011c remarkably fine ram was sold as- high as211. 5s. At St Giles' Hill fair, near Winchester, hplden on Mon- ] ast, thefe was a vast quantify of cheese pitched for sale, the average prices of which were, new from 4os. to 31. and old 3 g- s, to three and ail half; some prime cheese fetched 31. 5s.; the sale was dull, and a great deal remained unsold. LINCOLN, KJ. PT. 17.— Wheat 62s. to 72s. Rye 40s. LEICESTER-— Wheat 31. Gs. Gd. Barley 11. 10s. Oats
18s. 6d. Beans 11. 14s. CAMBRIDGE, SEPT. 18.— Wheat 40s. to 43S: per load. Rye 26s. to 40s. Barley 30s. to 31s. Oats 16s. to Pease 40s. to 44s. Beans 32s. to Sit;, per quarter. ROYSTON, SEPT 22.— Wheat 33s. to 40s. per LO-. d. Rje 40s. to 42s. Barley 30--. to 32;. Oats IBs, to 2- L. " Beans 3<! s. to 3ci. Jfcase 40a. to 44s. per quarter. STAH FORI?, SEPT. 17.— Wheat 63 » - to 6Gs. Average of ditto 65s. 3d. I LOUTH, SEPT. 22.— Wheat 37s. to GSs. Oats 15;. to 18s. [ Oil. Beans 24s. to 34s- j NEWARK, SEPT. 2?.—' Wheat 6Ss. to 75s. ; Barley 30s. to . 33*. Rye 44s.' Oats 20s. to 25s Brans 36s. to 42s. I
NORTHAMPTON* - Scrou IS:— Wheat 54s. to 60s. Oats 18s. Beans 38s. ! LYNN, SEPT. 21 .— Fine Weat 68S. Coarse ditto 50S. Fine : Bailey 28s. Coarse ditto ? 4s. Fine Oats 80s. Coarse ditto 16s. ; Rye 34s. Beans 31s. White Peas 34s. Giey ditto 34s. Flour 53s. per sack. TUESDAY'S LONDON GAZETTE. BANKRUPTS John Gillatt, Joseph Haw'iesworth, and William Sillatt, now or 1 te of Sheffield, common brewers, to surrender October 8, 9, and Nov. 2, at eleven, at the Tontine- Inn, Shofiield. Attorney, Mr. Rodgers, Sheffield. James Lowe, Little Bolton; Lancaster, butcher, Oet. 1, 6, and Nov. 2, at ten, at the Swan Inn,
Bolton in the Moors. At- torney, Mr. Kave, Bol'on- ie- Moors. William Palmer, Bristol, . victualler, Sept. 24, 36, and Nov. 2, at ten, at the London Ion, Bristol. Attorney, Mr. Meliin, Bristol. James Powell, Viliiers street, Strand, merchant, Sept. 25, Oct. 2, and tyov. 10, at tell, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. West, Clement's- lu n. CERTIFICATES, OCT. 12. George Danson, Lancaster, merchant.- Walter Jenkins, Bristol, broker. Abraham Ha- im Cortissos, LeiiiitR- street, merchant, SATURDAY'S LONDON GAZETTE. At the Court at St. James's, the 22d September, 180- 2, present, the King's Mc- w. Excellent Majesty in Coun- cil: This day,
the Right Hon. Sir Charles Morgam, Bart. and the Right Hon. John Smith, were, by his Majesty's command, sworn of his Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, and took their places at the Board accordingly. BANKRUPTCY ENLARGED. Richard Bshenna, of London, maltster, from Sept. CO, to Nov. 5, at fen, at Guildhall. BANKRUPTS. Robert Farthing, of Blakcnay, Norfolk, merchant, to surren- der Sept. 29, Oat, 4, and Nov. 10, at eleven, at the Feathers, Holt, Norfolk", Attorney, Mr. Quarles, Foulsham, Nor- folk. ' -, • < George Nightingale, of Leadenhall- stre'et, carver and gilder, O.- t. 2, 9, and Nov. 6, at eleven, at
Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Kibble- white, Gray's- Inn Pk. ce. Thomas Archer Simkins, of the Old Swan- lane, Upper- Thames- street, lighterman and coal- merchant, Oct. 13, at one, 14, at ten, aiid Nov. 6, at t-. vo, at Guildhall. Atternies, Messrs. Clare and Church, . G.- ay's- Iiin- sqcate. William Pope, of Wood- street, merchant, Oct. 2, and N iv. 6, at eleven, at Guildhall. Attornies, Messrs. Crowder and Lavie, Old Jiwry. Thomas Fawcett, of Chiswell- street, Moorfields, rectifier, Oct. 12, at twelve, 13, and Nov. 6, at ten, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Martin, Vintners'- Hall, Upper Tlifuiies- ! street. John Beetzler, late © f Market- Deeping,
Lincolnshire, corn- merchant, O. ct. J. 3, 14, and Nov. 6, at eleven, xt the Black- Bull Inn, Market- Deeping. Attorney, Mr. Taylor, Market- Deeping. Richard Tomkinson, John Tomkinson, and Daniel Frede- rick Solicke, of Liverpool, merchants, Oct 19, 26, and Nov. 6, atone, at the Globe Tavern, Liverpool. Attor- ney, Mr. George Orred, Liverpool. DIVIDENDS. Oct. 22. Sarah Bird, of Manchester, linen- draper, at eleven, at the Bridgwater Arms, Manchester. Nov. 16. Richard Ockendon, el Bexhill, Sussex, shajikeepcr, at ten, at Guildhall, London. Oct. 26. William Thomas and Henry Hesketh, of Cheste , bankers, at eleven, atthe
Hotel, Chester. Oct. 25. Joshua Oldtield, of Leeds, York, cloth- merchant, at ten, at the Bull and- Mouth Inn, Leeds. Oct. 23. Nathaniel Cockayne, of Derby, baker, at eleven, at the Owl Inn, Derby. Oct. 21. John Haigh, ofLow Whitley, Northumberland, at eleven, at the Shakespeare Tavern, Newcastle- upon- Tyne. Nov. 6. William Olivers, of- Newgateistreet, upholder', at two, at Guildhall. Oct. 26. Abraham Zimon Doncker Covelje, of Lancaster, merchant, at eleven, at Francis Ililliige's, in the Market- place, Manchester. Nov. 5. Lewis . Sack, of Hatton- court, Threadneedle- stroet, merchant, at eleven, at G- uifdhalt. Oct. 23.
DjvidHopwood, of Unibh- street, St. Mary- la- bonne, grcicer, at ten, at Guildhall. ~ CERTIFICATES, OCTOBER 16. J9sep> Simpson, of Colchester, Essex, brari . r. John Tripp, ofBristol, salesman. Thomas Spier, of Gloucester, dealer and- chapman. Edward Chatter ton, Rye, Sussex, timber- merchant. COURT AND FASHIONABLES. Their MAJESTIES came from Windsor on Wed- nesday, and held a Levee at St. James's. It being the Anniversary of the Coronation, it was observed with the usual demonstrations, and the Noblemen, who were knights ofthe different Orders, appeared in their several insignia ; the Court
commenced at one o'clock, and was attended by the following Nobleman and Gentlemen of distinction : consider- ing' the time of year, tile Court was rather nume- rous than t tlffcrwisc.'-— Among the company present were, Moss. OTTO, the French Minister, whose successor is hourly expected ; the Neapolitan, Prus- sian, and Hessian Ambassadors, the Imperial Charge Aspires, the Turkish Charge tl'Afl'aii'es, the Alight Hon. the LORD CHANCELLOR, the CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUCR, the Duke of PORTLAND, Al- derman Sir ft. C. GLYNN, Dr. TURTON, Sic. The presentations to the KING were : His Exselleacy Baron
Jacobi, the Prussian Ambassador, on his arrival from his own Court. Lord Keith, on his arrival from abroad. Baron Herbert, from Germany, by Mr. Spencer Smith. Sir J. Douglas kissed hands on being appointed Equerry to- his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland. General Fraser, from the West Indies. Majors Brown and CuiimiihSj of the 11th Regiment of Light- Dragoons. Mr. Serjeant, Secretary to the new appointed Lords of his Majesty's Treasury. Captain Grey, commander of his Majesty's Yacht during. tbe. • time the Kins was at Weymouth. James Mackintosh, Esq. Barrister. at Law. Lieutenant- Colonel Collins and
Captain Hambeiton. John Smith, Esq. kissed his Majesty's hand- on being ap- pointed Master of the Mint, and was sworn a Member of his Majesty's Most, Hon. Privy Council. Sir Charles Morgan was also^ wom a Privy Councsellor, and took his seat at the Board. A relation to the late General SLOPER had an au- dience of the Ki NO, and delivered up the red rib- bon worn by that worthy Officer as Knight of the Bath. SINGER BURTON, Esq. being appointed Gentle- man Usher, and Quarterly Waiter, in the room of Mr. OSMER, attended, and received the usual mark of Royal respect. The following Gentlemen took leave :—-
Lord R. FITZGERALD, on setting off on his journey to Lisbon. Major Sir E. RYAN, 011 going to Gerrna* ny. The Cabinet Ministers having had audiences, the KING left town at four o'clock for Kew. The KING is making great alterations in Windsor Castle, the inside of which is modernizing, for the purpose of making the. apartments habitable for, the ROYAL FAMILY. When completed, there is an in- tention of razing the Queen's House to the oroutn!. At nine o'clock on Friday morning his MAJESTY " set off'frora Kew Palace to Ashfoid, where lie ar- rived at ten, and reviewed the Scots Grevs. He was met 011 the ground by the
Prince of Wales and Duke of YORK, who canie from Oatlands. The Duke of CUMBERLAND and many persons, of distinction were also present. The regiment is so well known and distinguished, that it is unnecessary to say that it acquitted itself with great credit'. The review concluded at half past twelve, when bis MA- JESTY went 011 to Windsor,' where he will reside some time"". Tits QUEEN and PRINCESSES set out from Kew in tha forenoon for Windsor also, anil were there before his MAJESTY. The Prince of WALES returned to Brighton, and the Duk"? of YORK to town. Oil Thursday his MAJESTY drove one of the
PRINCESSES in his phaeton from Kevv, through Richmond, and took an airing in the Park, follow- ed by the QUEEN and two other PRINCESSES, with the Countess of CARDIGAN, in a sociable. They returned to Kew to dinner. The KING was en- gaged in the morning giving directions for buildin* the new Palace at Kew. The 13th, an Irish regiment, will be reviewed en Friday next, by the KING, on Wimbledon Common. This corps, though composed of very young inen, is well trained, and, it is thought, will display- great skill in tactics. CITY. An application is intended to. be made to Parlia- ment 111 the next Session, to remove
Bethlem Hos- pital to another situation, and to make a square or buildings 011 the scite thereof. New streets are pro- posed to be made from the scite of Bethlem Hospi- tal to Throgmorton- street, and the Royal Exchange-, and another new street from Moprgate to Mansion- house- street. Application is also to be made for an Act for tak- ing down London Bridge, aiuf for rebuilding the same 011 the present scite, or for building a new Bridge in some more convenient situation. It is moreover intended to establish a free market in the City of London, for the sale- of coals within the Wards of Billingsgate an. Tower, and for pre venting frauds and impositions in the vend of coals- brought into the port of London. Tuesday, the LORD MAYOR, having examined the reports of the meal weighers, ordered the price of bread to be continued the same as last week, lOcl*. the quartern loaf, EAST INDIA. WWnesday a Court of D'rectorsof ths East Xndia Compa » ny was held at the India House, which adjourned to Wednes- day n xt. We understand that t-. TOofthe extra ships engaged by the Honourable the Court of- Directors of Hie East liulii Com- p - nv, for their service this season, are to be consigned to Ben- c- oofea, for the purpose of bringing home
cargoes of Pepper. It is supposed that tlu y will carry stores to tije island of San,% Helena, on their way to Sumatra.
SEPT EMBER 97 300 GARXEItIN & VESCt'NT HY A PARACHUTE, after his safety. They'. had there, in a very short precipit i n with a velocity which was checked by- time, the satisfaction to be t-. JJ that he had descend- the sudden unfolding of my parachute. I saw that The perfect nov'- tv of this experiment to English- men, the sever d interrupt ons which the weather hud hitherto effired to its execution, and the fine- ness of the afternoon, on Toes. lay, drew a vast con- . course of spectators to the west end of the town, j and the experiment completely sue exled. ed in safety in a field n^ ar St. Paucras Church, the property of
Mr. Harrison:, a cowkeeper.. He has received oniy a slight hurt 011 one side of his face, from being thrown out of the Car. The demeanour of the Aeronaut, we can say from all my calculations were just, and my mind re- mained calm and serene. I endeavoured to modu- l, it'- my grav tation, and the oscillation which I ex- perienced increased in proportion as I approached tiie breeze that blows in the middle regions; neatly tin minutes had elapsed, .. nil I felt that the more . . personal observation, was firm and intrepid. He The Balloon, Parachute, and apparatus, were re- j appeaTe( l to be aware of the difficulty, but without t. me I
took in descending, the safer I should reach oved in the morning from the Pantheon to Stunt i any. apprehension of danger. The company present, tne grou d. At length ! p rceived thousands of eight moved George's Parade, North Atulley- street, Grosvenor square, and at half past one the process of filling commenced. The doors were opened at two o'clock, and the company began to assemble. Before three o'clock tiie Balloon was nearly filled, and the process of working the g'. s slackened for the re- mainder of the time. At ten minutes before three, a large cylindrical paper Balloon was set off by ratified air from Park- lane, wh.
ch continued ten minutes in sight, and ascertained the course of the very little wind that there then b! e'. V to be S. W. Tiie Parachute consisted of a case or bag of white Canvas, or satl- cl'oth, fo' metf by 32 gores into a he- mispherical form, 2: 3 feet diameter, ' at the top of • which was a truck or round piece of wood, 10 inches tliameter, with a hole. in its center, fastened to the canvas by 32 short pieces of tape. At about 4 § feet from the top of the canvas, a wooden hoop shout eight feet diameter, was put on and tied by a string from each seam, so that when the Balloon ascended the Parachute hung like a cui'tain from this
hoop, and appeared cylindrical, between the Balloon and the Car, or a cylindrical b , sket, coveted with paper, about four feet high and two feet and a quarter di ! iy or clanger. I ne pre on the Parade did not- exceed hundred.— j persons, some on horseback, others on foot, follow- • Amoogst the number we perceived Earls Stanhope ing me, all of whom encourage 1 me by their wishes, and Camden, Lord W. Rtvssell, Mr. Sheridan and | while they opened their arms to receive tne. I came his Lady, Mr. PI. C Combe, Mr. Dent, & c. & c. ' near the earth, and after one bown. l, 1 landed, and The adjoining roofs were filled with no
small hazard quitted the Parachute without any shock or cci— to many of the spectators. Every street and square ! tint. The first person that came to me pressed me appeared to the spectators from above to be literally in h's arms ; but, without losing any time, 1 em- paved with faces ! It was a holiday, to the multitude, and the last, we trust, that will be held on a similar account. Every person of sensibility i'elt too much horror from the latter part of the experiment to form the smallest wish for its repetition. M. GARNERINS ACCOUNT. The experiment of my 31st ascent, and of my 5th descent in a Parachute, took place on
Tuesday- last, on a very fine day, and in the presence of an immense crowd of spectators, who filled the streets-, windows, and houses, and the scaffoldings erected round the place of my departure, which, alas ! was the only spot not crowded with spectators ! It is necessary, when 1 undertake the experiment of the Parachute, that I should know the state of the meter, in which M. Garnarin ascendcd. About half; atmosphere, in order to enable me to judge of the past four o'clock, a spherical Balloon of green oiled silk, about eight feet in diameter, called a pilot B. d- -- Icon, was brought into the ground, and the gas tubes were
detached from the great Balloon and fastened to this, and by a quarter past live o'clock it being sufficiently filled, M. Garnerin detached it from the tubes, and conducted it to Mrs. Sheridan, who was with Mr. Sheridan within the rails, and from her fair ha id It was launched, and rose amid the accla- eourse I am to take, and also to adopt the precau- tions proper to ensure success. About three in the afternoon, I had the satisfaction of having a first in- dication from the, agreeable affect of a very pretty Montgolfier Balloon, which was sent off from the environs of St.- George's Parade, and which took a direction over Mary- le- bonnc
Fields. The success of this experiment ought not to pre- vent me from expressing ray opinion of the dangers. m.-. tions of the spectators ; but having no weight : that may result to the general safety from the tVe i t tcVd to it, it rolled very much, and had a flat or quent abuse of those night experiments, which are not always directed by persons conversant with tiie subject. One shudders when oneffimks that a ma- chine of this kind may fall, and full on fire, upon the- cordage of a ship, and thus involve in one grea* conflagration all that constitutes the wealth of one ef the first cities in the world. The use of these machines was
prohibited iajfrance, and the Consular Government, confided to me alone the direction of night Balloons, which I cor. ceivcd and intiodaccd- into the national fetes. Convinced of the direction of the wind, I hasten- ed the filling of the Balloon, and at 5 P. M. I filled the pilot Balloon which Mrs. Sheridan did m; the honour to launch. It seemed to me that I was con- ciliating the favour of Heaven by the interference of the Graces. This pilot Balloon ascended quickly, aud was soon out of sight, marking out my career towards the North East. Whilst the anxious croud were following the path of my little pilot, I sus- pended the parachute to
the Balloon : this painful and difficult operation was executed with all possi- ble address, by the assistance of the most distin- guished personages. The Paradhute was gradually suspended, and the breeze, which was very gentle, did not produce the least obstacle. At length I has- tened to balance my cylindrical bark, and to place myself in it; a sight which the public contemplated with deep interest— it seemed at that moment as i " every heart beat in unison, for though I have noi the advantage of spanking English, every one under- stood my signs. I ascertained the height of the ba- unS'dc-. l part in its side, tor about iour
minutes it j co it'. a ' d to rise, and proceeded from the ground in a sticrght line, inclining upwards about 45 degrees, and in a direction very nearly N. E. In eight ml- iiutes after its ascent it appeared to reach a contrary cur.' cat of air, and came back again nearly over the ground, but a little to the sauth of it, still rising till it became invisible from i: s smallness. At about half past five o'clock the large Car was ditachd from the netting of the Balloon, and the cuds of the strings attached to the small hoop below the Balloon were tied together, and a large rope, T. eve like the patent sash- line, was fastened thereto, and i* s other end
passed through the truck of the parachute, and. brought down through it to the cy- lindrical Car, where it was made fast by a knot in- tended to be cut when the descent was to take place ; the cylindrical Car was suspended from the lower e- d of the Parachute by 32 strings. Soon after, the Balloon was suffered to rise. by slackening the cords fill it was retained by the rope before- mentioned : at this time it, was so calm that the Balloon waved about but very little, although suspended at a great height only by this rope ant! a small line held to • windward. At 47 minutes after five, M. Garnerin got into the Car amidst great
acclamations, and as- cended, accompanied by still greater applause. The whole apparatus rose most majestically, and, from the great height of the Balloon, Parr, chute, and Car, had a surprisingly fine effect. M. Garncrin imme- diately began - to wave a tri- coloured flag, and took exactly the course which the pilot Balloon had just bgtorc done. Tims far our description has been pleasurable, as having only to dwell on a subject, which was at once magnificent and well conducted. What followed was, at the instant, marked by the different sensa- tions of dread and anxiety. Garnerin ascended in ten minutes to the height of more
than 4000 feet : at six precisely he cut the rope, and the Parachute was seen to separate^ from the Balloon, and to de- scead with the utmost velocity. A scream of terror was at the moment heard from every part. During some seconds p. pthmg but a falling object could be pcrcc. ived and that but indistinctly. The Parachute was thoi seen to expand, but its vacillations, or swinging from the one side to the other, were so great," that the Car appeared . cry fr equently to be in a horizontal position with the Parachute. As the medium through which he was falling became more deree, its resistance increased in proportion, and the
oscillations were rendered less dangerous ; but they were at no time so t'. r diminished, as wholly to ex- clude the idea of extreme danger. The generous fe' lingapf Englishmen and women were all called forth iu favour of the adventurous stranger, aud many lamentations were heard on the part of those who, by paying tor the sight, had contributed to so imminent a danger. An immense crowd rushed liana, the Parade towards the Pantheon, to enquire ployed myself in detaching the principal circle of fhe parachute, anxious to save the instrument that had so well guaranteed me ; but a crowd soon sur- rounded me— laid hold of
me, and carried rac iti triumph, till an indisposition, the consequence and effect of the oscillation I had experienced, obliged the procession to stop. I was then seized with a painful vomitting, which I usually experience lor' several hours after a descent in a Parachute. The interval of a moment, however, permitted me to get on hctrseback ; a numerous cavalcade approach- ed to keep off the crowd, whose enthusiasm " and transports incommoded me not a little. The Duke of York was among the horsemen, and the proces- sion proceeded with great difficulty in the midst of the crowd, who. shouted forth their applause; and • » ad
before them the trrcolo tired flag wnich I had thrown down, and which Was carried by a Mem- ber of Parliament. Among the prodigious con- course of persons on foot, I remarked Lord Stau- h pe, from whom I had received the counsels of a scientific man, and who penetrated through the crowd to shake hands with me. At length, after several incidents, all produced by the universal in- terest with which I was honoured, I withdrew from the crowd without any other acident than that of having had my right foot jammed between the horse I rode and the horseman wild pressed too close to me. My Parachute was preserved as well as
could be expected, a few of the cords only were cut.-- It' is now exhibiting at the Pantheon, where a great concourse of persons have been to examine it. I have just learned thst my Balloon descended on the 22d ( Wednesday) at Mr. Abraham Harding's, near Frencbam Mill, three miles beyond Farnhara, in Surrey, where it is in, safety. Among the congratulation's I have had the honour of receiving from the most distinguished persons, I have not had any more flattering than those I have received from Sir Sidney Smith, who came to me, with General Douglas, on purpose, as he said to me, to shake hands with a brave man. This
com- pliment is of the greatest value from the mouth of 0 ie of the bravest soldiers in Europe. I now enjoy the pleasure of having fulfilled rav engagements with the public, to whom i owe every acknowledgment and thanks for the encour. geme'nt 1 have received from them, and for the couridence- whith they placed in rny promise, at a time wheti- I was obliged to defer the exper. ment of the Para- chute. It is with this grateful sense of their patro- nage that 1 am going to make a new ascent r. t Bristol. Yet, feeling as I do, these sentiments of gratitud' . will it be too much to ask the public t > revc n-. « w. tii their Contempt the insult
to my honour a; < 1 my mo- ral character, I have received from a pubic p p >-,. which, upon advices from a correspond' lit, whose veracit'v thev 6u<' ht to have snmecit-. L h,. s . IOmeter which was 29i niches. I now pressed the- i r- • n i •> , 1 , 1 , - r renca Revolution-? moment ot my departure, and the period or my m _ i^. u fulfilling my engagement's with tbe British public. ' 1) 101 ' All the cords were cut; I rose amidst- the most ex- pressive silence, and launching into infinite space, discovered from on high the countless multitude that , • 4 , ' . • • , « ? ,- . iv/ r her armies, taat we endeavoured to be a- eu sent UD tneir sighs and
prayers tor AIR safety. My- I , . ... —•- T> L t • c 1 /, ill ° llr country. J - aiifjut refer, in En- dans , t Parachute, in the form of a dome over my head, . . , , \ . ' ,-.*•"> • , - . a.- . r i i i testible evidence relative- to m hacl a majestic effect. 1 quickened mv ascending whether I did not play an infamous part in thy Sir, there are in 1' ranee butr nd myself, of the name ni ' Game- rm, and we have played- no otko" p-. rt than t < r which honour m. iy . row ia all count ; es, ana at all times. It was upon the fro.. tiers, and in ' me host a to conduct'. I ni su- e Tapom ' his Royal Highness the Duke of Y ork woul ne .; i « - p < sed to do me thr justice 1
deserve, if he 1 coikrt the actioti of Marciiielines, in tne ., .; tit o. the SI . r of October, 1 - 3, in which 1 had t . k honour of tremity of the City, and that immense fields and ! , disP'f1nS-' W!, ha <> f :, ien't aftc. it meadows offered themselves for my descent. I ex- j lu" ^ een surpnzed by a string detachment of kis avn~- impulse, and rose through light and thill where th'e cold informed me that I was entering i to the upper region. 1 followed attentively the route j I was taking, and perceived I had reached the ex irpm ( amined my barometer, which I found fallen to 23 ' u , , , ... , i minuted l inciles— the sky was clear, tne moment
favourable, and I threw down my flag to endeavour to shew to the people assembled that I w., s on the- point of cut- ting the cord taat suspended me between Heaven and Earth. I made every necessaty disp sition, prepared my ballast, and measured with my eye the vast space tiiat separated me from the rest of ihe hu- man race. I felt rny coir . a » e- confirmed by the cer- tainty- that my combination^ were just. 1 then took out nvy k » . ife, and witiiu il. nd firm, from a con- science void of reproach, au. l which iiad never bee » -| hrted against any one ' out m the- lielu of victory, I < out the cotd. My Balloon rose, and I felt myself.'
Phe action was extremely'.)! o uti. t surrender, which made me his i Higmiess's. prisoner, and occasioned me thirt' months'nr. p- isoumeat . n the prisons of Ans'/ A tcording to iM. Garnerin's calculation; h been to the height of 4,154- French feat, on last. [ Wj have seen a Drawing.. representing, the 13:-!:.' n chat '.', Ac in their variauv positions during guiar and iiitcriis'it g. ejc& criioent. A Pfiot i ajipear iti the coui- s.; of a day or t\ v -. i.. it as an admirable iilustratioa of the ; i - c,- < culars being aiuuxetl, render it a ;,> - a . a irieud in tiio country. It wul bo i Orcat Turnstile, Liiicolu's luu- i- i.'. , y;. l:
310 - BELL'S WEEKLY MESSENGER. SEPTEMBER % THEATRICALS. BRURT- LANE. Mr. DWYER, whose Stint - in Relcour last season was the subject of general encomium, came forward in the same character on Thursday evening, and received throughout the most satisfactory testimonies - ot public approbation. The spirit, ease, and feel- ang which he displayed, must render him a valuable accession to the company in this cast of characters, that have so long wanted an able representative. His deportment ir. free fiorii all affectation, and Lis action is marked with elegance. Mr. DWVER has, however, still some obstacles
to surmount, before he can be considered as a po- lished actor. The extreme rapidity of his utterance Tenders sevefal passages altogether indistinct, and the studied bustle which he introduces in his lively scenes, tends very much to weaken the illusion cf the Stage. Yesterday evening, Mr. CHERRY made his enfre on the boards/ ef this House, in the characters of Sir Benjamin B. ove, in Mr. CUMBERLAND'S Comedy of The Brothers, and Lazgritlo, in the Entertain- ment of Tco Strings'to'yourBote. The lateness of the hour at which tiie Play eon- cluded prevents us from entering into a minute cri- ticism of the merits of this new
candidate for public favour ; and we shall, therefore, content ourselves with observing, that a more promising first appear- ance has not occurred for many years in the Metro- polis. His delineation © f " w- Bey, win Dove, was distinguished for a chastity and interest not inferior to any which the part could receive from the most popular performer on the stage. The five. Gentlemen composing the Committee appointed to act for the Affairs of Dmry- lanc Theatre; are, Sir RICHARD FORD and Mr. GRAHAM, of Bow- Street; Mr. WILSON, Secre- tary to the LORD CHANCELLOR. ; Alderman CO.- AUE and Mr. MORRIS, author of The
Secret. They have no concern in the Dramatic Department, but are solely appointed as guardians of tiie pro- perty for the benefit'of the Proprietors. The public, cannot but rejoice to hear that the management of Druiy- lane Theatre has been com- mitted to the care of Mr. JOHN BANNISTER, Jim, who having abilities to discern, and inclination to reward real merit, will never fail to befriend de- serving authors and able performers. The Free List of Drufy- lane has not been less ' free,, it seems, to the dead than to the living.— Until its late purification, it is an absolute fact, i that the names of Doctors SAMUEL JOHNSON and j
01.1VAR GOLDSMITH have been regularly entered— : every season. Mr. KEMBLE is still | n Paris. Mr. HEATHCOTE, j the companion in his travels, has been indisposed, . and unable to proceed on their tour to Spain, as in- tended ; if not beper seon, the rainy season may- prevent their advancing thither for some time. CO VENT- GARDEN. The excellent Comedy of The Suspicious ilu; l. i: id wets performed at- this House on Friday evening, for the purpose of introducing Miss MARRIOT in the character of Clerinda. T'lis Lady, who has performed with considerable eclat in, several Provincial Companies, evinced a per- fect
knowledge of her author, and displayed a j udg- hient, taste, and spirit, which, if carefully cultivated, may raise her to a. distinguished rank in her profes- sion. - If her person and countenance be not of the superior order, they ai'e at least pleasing, and her action is in general happily suited- to the occasion. She received loud and repeated plaudits in all her scenes, particularly in that where the unexpected- interview takes place between her and. Hanger. It would be unjust not to give to Mr. LEWIS the panegyric to which his admirable performance of Monger is so deserve . ry entitled. It is in point of humour and vivacity unequalled
in the present state of our theatrical exhibitions. Both houses have been attended by numerous, and not unfashianable, audiences, for the early part of the season. MANELAGH DIKING. MACHINE. It had been for some time announced that, a Mr. TODD was to descend on Thursday at Ranelagh Gardens, into a Reservoir 25 feet deep,— to remain ut the bottom for an hour,— to be there surrounded with lights;— and to communicate with thesurround- jn</ ioeotators. This bold promise did not attract so many as one hundred persons, and if any of - them, after witnessing the recent triumph of Experimental. Philosophy in one .
Element, hoped to enjoy a similar triumph over the dangers of ' a/ iather— we can only say', that thosa persons i miserably disappointed. The < rj> p :? a!' r; used oh tlei-. l, encircled witu iron must have returned most h ight, wid not quite 5 in diameter ; on a level with th: top ' of whicti was a^ ctiffolding. The Operator, was provided with a dress formed cf leather, iron, and copper, in which he was ii set ted tip to Jiis neck. A Wooden Box, with a pane of glass HI front, was then pat on his head, and this being attached to his leathern neck- piece, the joining was afterwards- smeared over wTthtar; he was then raised by pullies, and in
this clumsy garb dangled for some time. evejr the water. At this moment he appeared ready for thegiiiet, and tke exhibition' had indeed- all the dis- gust, without any of the interest which is excited on beholding a public execution ! He was then ducked severs! timas, but at no time Was under th « water so much as five minutes. To supply him with air, a flexible tube ot'caBe, with copper joints, bound with called his " head- dress," and a second tube was connected in the 3ume manner for the escape of the foul air. The dress was weighty and aukward, and when enclosed in it, the operator appeared the most helpless animal that
can well be imagined. There was nothing like dexterity in the operation, nor was any part of the magnificent promises to the public fulfilled. His helpless state. he attributed to the mis- fitting of his tnylor- ceppersmith ;— a part of the tube was broken off, and he therefore could not hold any communication with his visitors. Hejbrgot to take down his lamp, and, therefore, nothing but " dark- ness visible" could be seen through the paneswhich were inserted about five feet from the bottom of his tub. He was repeatedly reminded of this omission, and the lamp was eve'nsfiewn to him ; but he roared out through his mouthpiece, with
affected ignorance, that he did not want to drink." We were In- clined,' with many others, to consider the man as a gross impostor, but, on conversing with him after his last emersion, we found him to bean ignorant en- thusiast ! The means which he has employed for re- sisting the pressure of the water at a certain depth, may answer that end, but they are such as to deprive the wearer of all activity or exertion.— If the recesses of the deep are to be explored, the Diving- Bell, with its last improvements, by which the water can be expelled to within two inches of its inferior edge, is certainly preferable to any means yet discovered.
MIDDLESEX SESSIONS. tbe oe'earion was n tub hoops, about 13 feet Monday, Sept. 20. INDECENT LIBELS.— THE KIN « S. . GANER. This was an indictment, at the instance of the Society for the Suppression of Vice, against the Defendant, for having published and uttered to Robert Gray two obscene and indecent prints, tending to Corrupt the moral; of . the. rising generatisn, on the 11th © f Sept. instant. The case on the pact of the prosecution was opened by Mr. Knowr. ES, who described at some length the'injury which society- sustained in consequence of publications similar to those contained in the present indfttinent
being- dispersed throughout this, kingdom, and more especially, as he should shew by . evidence, amongst the female part of society. He then stated the nature of the prints, which, fee observed, was not merely a representation of nature, but was actually " a refinement of her general dictates," and of cburse calculated to inspire the young mind with vicious inclinations beyond the bounds of pru- dence. To disseminate this dangerous work upwards1 of eighty persons were employed, who had formed them- selves into a club, and were determined, in case the arm of justice should lay hold of any one, to protect bun. He should
lay these facts fur the consideration of the Jury, and from the evidence he had to produce, no doubt could remain on their minds of the Prisoner's guilt. Robert Gray stated, that he was in the employ of the' Society for the Suppression of Vice ; that on the 7th Sep- tember be was introduced to the acquaintance of the Pri- soner by bis partner, named John Ilevo, both of them re- siding at No. 6G, Turnmill- street, Clerkcnwell. On that day lie purchased one indccent print, and was to call on the following day to. purchase some more,' which he ac- cordingly did, but could not see any that he liked. At this time a conversation passed
between them relative is the sort of customers which the Prisoner had; the latter replied, in answer to a question from the witness, that he visited Tottenham and its vicinity, and had an excellent 311 of customers, mostly ladies, whom he served with prints of the description stated in the indictment, and who paid liitn not less than half a guinea for each print. The witness then made as appointment with the Prisoner to meet him at the King's Arms in Shpreditch, on the 11th of September, observing, at the same time, that he knew some humourscme old ladies and gentlemen who cordage and tarred. over, was screwed into what he
employed in the business, who were determined to stand by each other. . The witness here .... v'cre, that the Prisoner told him that he had three ladies sfchools who were good customers to him.— On his cross examination, he said, thai, he was'formerly a grocer, ami bad been in the employ of the Society ior'nttt throe months. Evidence - was called to prove that' the Prisoner, on his examination before the Magistrate, had stated, that be received the' prints in question of Gray, the witness, Mr." ALLEY conducted the defence, the wljoleof which rested on an ahli. To prove this, three witnesses were called : from their testimony it
appeared, that the Prisoner on the day in question was at home during the whole of it. The Chairman ( Mr. CON ANT) summed up the evi- dence, observing to the Jury, that, the whole question for their consideration was,. the credit to be attached to the one side or the otiaer'. A more dangerous publication could not be circulated; audit was'necessary for them'to be satisfied as to the guilt of the Prisoner before, they pro- nounced their verdict, as u had been justly observed the severest penalties- would be inflicted in case the Prisoner was found guilty. The Jury, after some consideration, found htm guilty, and he was ordered to
be imprisoned six months. '. • ^ ''• OLD BAILEY. William Herbert, J. Reynolds, S. Beach, F. Eylay, C. Smith, J. Roberts, Elizabeth Lane, E. Griffiths, and Elizabeth Paly, were charged with a capital ofience in burglariously breaking and entering the dwelling hoiks of Gedrge Skille- corn, and stealing therein two w^ odeii tills, containing penny pieces, halfpence^ See. to an kniottn't ess eeding' 40s. and also a few articles of lesser value.— It- was clearly proved that the prosecutor's, ( a Publican,' at the corner of Parijer's- lane- Lit- tle Queen- street,) house had. been broken open' and entered on tbe night preceding or early hi the morning of the 20th of Ju- ly, and the money and articles laid in th. indictment stolen. The robbery was detected cLi- e;'. y by the watchmen, one of whom, on going his rounds, observed- the .. prosecutor's cellar- door and flap open. It appeared the thieves had gone in that way. On account of some - suspicious circumstances which were observed, the prosecutor, Hvho'had been previously alarm- ed, was induced to accompany three of the watchmen of his neighbourhood to ansted house iti Lewfcner's- lane,- where', in one. of tile room-; they "' found four of the prisoners sitting round a table dividing the halfpence, Sea. a fifth
was found en- deavouring to ivde himself under some straw : a sixth oil s, bail in the room; and the seventh, was apprehended after ho came down from the chimney. Most of the prisoners were very young lads, and noted . cha- racters in the line of depredation. Nothing satisfactory ap- pearing ill their defence, the Jury, as there was no proof of the entry being made in tiie night time, found the seven male pi hollers guilty of stealing, which, as th e amount exceeded forty shilling!, ami in a dwelling house, still remains a capital o f..-: The evidaice against the Women, not being sufficient tp fouvict them, tliey were of course acquitted.
TUESDAY. Fifteen prisoners were tried, one of whom was capit Ily convicted, viz. G. Steward, for stealing a piece of dimity, va- lue 40s. and- upwards, the property of T. Whitter and. W. Bramridge, in tHeir dwelling- house:— Seven were convicted of felony, and seven were acquitted. DUELLING. Ilenry Rea was charged with feloniously discharging a pis- tol, loaded with gunpowder and a leaden bullet, at John Bre- n- r, at the Cape of Good Hope, on the 1- ith of March last, which occasioned hi* death, and J. W. Beaumont and John Morgan, were indicted for aiding,, comforting, and assisting-,* the said Henry Rea, in the said
murder. The ATTORNEY GENERAL opened thecasefor the prosecu- tion in a very able speech. It is unnecessary for us to go into its detail. He stated the- laws of the land , upon the case, and argued strongly that tho two prisoners, Beaumont and Morgan, the seconds of the respective parties, were equally gttiity as the principal. In corroboration of this argument, he men- tioned the opinion of Mr. Justice Hale, aud the more recent one of the late justice Bulier. Hiving expatiated upon the enormity of the offence, and condemned the practice of Duelling, he proceeded to state the facts, which were confirmed by two witnesses to
tiie fol- lowing extent only. Francis Stimson, servant to Mr. Rea, stated, that on Sa- turday, the- ISth of March-, he was ordered oil shore by his master, about four in the afternoon. His master and Mr. Beaumont were also in the boat, and when they landed, they " went to his master's lodgings. Mr. Rea ordered the witness to ctfll him next morning by two ojclock, which he'did, and up- on going, into the room, found him up and dressed, and Mr. Beaumont with him. Mr. Rea gave the witness a bag, and ordered him to foilow them to the Company's Gardens, about a quarter of a mile off. The bag was small, and there was something
hard in it. When they came to the gardens, the witness put the bag on the ground, and lay down, and put his head on it, leaving the gentlemen walking about. He fell asleep, and was awakened by'his master about five o'clock, who desired him to go away, and said, that when he wanted hurt, he should whistle for him. By this time tbe deceased and Mr. Morgan had arrived. • About ten minutes after the were partial to th sekind of prints, and would take four • , , , . , , or five dozen. Tbe Prisoner met him according to ap- ! Y ™ ** , Pf8' r scveral sho « ? rcd> blit pointmeftt, but said he could not -- ' v ^ he could- not say. In about a
quarter ot an hour his orders were so great. lll^ L .11( 11 tl._ l_ ,, 1 1.1 1 j! tvi fly I , I , , , - , .- . r | how many he ct could not let htm have any, as j / jn u„, ^ h , lie observed, that some of bis j i" rJII1"' diat » iy y. In about a quarter of an hour had left the parties, he heard a whistle, and ... . . • , , . . ly returned, and found Mr. Bremar leaning associates had been trepanned, and carried before tne Ma- aga,„., t Mr. Morgan's shoulder. The witness was desired by gistrate, and therefore he was cautious of selling to strati- ! his master to assist Mr. Moigan, which he did, and Mr. Bean- gc. rs. They then parted, but l. pt before the . Prisoner
had j hiont also lent hw aid. Mr." Bremar was conveyed to a house shewn the witness six prints of an obscene and indecent ! at the top of the gardens, where he was put to bed. His mas- nature, coloured. The latter followed bi- n, and saw him | ter exclaimed " Good Go I, how unfortunate ! he ham three stop at a genteel house near Stamford- hill, and likewise i shpti to my one." He saw the beg on tiie ground, and carried at two- others, and leave parrels, which, were taken in by : " » ' » bo^ ird, but did not know what was in it. Mr. Bremar o- eiitcel dressed women. ' The witness afterwards met him tlie< 1 " ext ' » ° hiing. He did not
see him undressed, but he , by a£ wllletl dent, and asli ' replied, thai lii'm if lie bad a good sele? to sliou'd have sold them all, but one lady was net « t_ h > ne. lie. then pulled out of his' pockets two prints' and three books ( which' were pro- daeed) an^ l the y/ itheMboucl: tthepvints'for, 9s. the Pri- soner, at the sa, n » 5'_ tiirtc, irjbserviilg,- that he was not'to be saw his shirt, which was stained with blood. Mr. Motherwell, surgeon of his Ma e-. n's ship Jupiter, de- posed, that l', e was called ey the last wie- i. ss t.> attend the de- ceased alter the dviel. Mr Bremar, corn: lamed otu wound bo had received, which, upon examination, the
witness diseo- y. red to be iti the right groin. It was i verv b., 1 wouiu', 1 lw told the. deceased so, adding, hov.- ner, that he liaci p,. e. t frightened, for there weie between eighty and a hundred ' hopes of his recovery. Mr. Bremar was y « ry apprebeusive,
SEPTEMBER 97 RE'LI/ S WEEKLY MESSENGER. 3) 1 nut ui. u next moo. a. g Tlie « itness dissected the body, and found a ball in the bladder, w ii cli ho ui M u ' drift- je 01 ' the wound, and he h.. d no d.- tjbt but tha the ball liadocca- sloned tbed - ath of Mr. Breiiiar. This closed the evidence for tiie prosecution. Mr Serjeant BEST remarked, that there was no evidence against the seconds This broag. it oil a Ug d argument be- tween him and the Attorney G.- uewi, whi : li was t . nninat sd by Mr. Baron Hotliam, saying, that if a conviction took: place, heshould reserve the point tar tlie opinion ot Ilia Judges. A number of the 1110- t
respectable Officers of the Navy a id Marines appeared on behalf ef th ; prisoners; many dt them had known them for years, and gav J them most excellent cha- lacters for moderation and orderly conduct. One of these gentlemen said, that Mr Rea had, oil one occasion, by his friendly interference, prevented aim from lighting a duel. Mr. Baron HOTBAM hargad the Jurv at great length : he remarked' that the evidence was very deieative •, nob ody had faid wtien, how, or where the quarrel had began, or who gave thj proVui^ itioh; and it night be the case, that the parties had so coaductad themselves o. u the ground as only to
give room for a charge of manslaitg' tar It was equally uncertain, whether or hot me catastrophe might not Lave ba il oecas oned by the wrongihaadedness of. the deceased, who might have treated Mr. Rea in such a manner, that lie must have been either more or loss than a man to have bcrn- e if. The- Jury hat) no facts to decide upon, but they would racollect that tils lives of three man were in their hail is. The Jury retired for a short wuilei, aud found a verdict of— Not Guilty. The , ri- onars were very, genteel- looking youi. g men; two were ' dressed in the uniform of the Royal Marines, and the other in that of the Navy. When
the verdict wa: pronounced, they politely bowed to the Court and Jury, and immediately withdrew. WE JN LS . AL". John Oliver war, charged w th the off an e of highway rob- bery, in feloniously assaulting Francis Hilton, and forcibly taking from his parson a gold watch, a bat, halt a guinea, and a seven shilling i icce, his property. This robbery, it appear- ed, was eomiiiittiidjiBKJUt iilue o'aiock ill the evening ot'tiie 2d instant, in Finsbury- sqm. re : tlier' was a crowd, with which the pros, cu'or haft mingled* h a wasvioleutly. hu tied, recei v- ed several blows i n his si i ., arid - had hi< watch torch) y taken from hint, and hi- hat snatched
o: f his H •!• Whiie these proceeding: were taking placi, Mr Hihr. i lh.< y would not use hi • ill, and gave one of th » axt '. him th a . money stated in the indi . tinant In thre -> a to in . laysafter, the ,' i- soner was apprehend - d While engagad in bul oak- huu'i , g,., nd some suspicion arising as to the list he wore, it was trae - d to be that of the prose? dtor, who declined w wring positively to the person of rhe prisoner as one of those that attacked liiin; yet, trom what appeared in'evidence, and under the ob servations of toe Learned J, alga, who, among other impor- tant points, observed, that if they believed th. pr souer came by the
hat through any share tie had i 1 the outrage on Mr. Hilton, they would bejustifijd i; i eonvicting, the Jury had little hesitation in fiad. itg vi m Guilty Henry Filmstad wa: itidi t ad : or a robbery, in extorting four pounds four shillings from J- hii B reha- n, under a th. re. it of accusing him of an unnatural crime—- Mr. KNOWLES, who led the pr > s sautiou, told the Jury, fhat, by the aw of ring; land, if any man extorted mone. y from another, b v threaten ing to ataat- - hiua of practices which would render him sub- je t to ei pit. il puiii- hment, and if a person, under the terror of such tiireat, parted . wi'h his property, thelaw said, that such
conduct amounted to a robbery. He then detailed th' Cumstances of the tase as taav afterwards war ev dencc, and which were as follows :— The' prosecutor, ah- re- ham, lived as upper servant in the family of I, a. dy Elizabeth Lee. ti this 21st of July the prisoner can: : to the liouse, an ! enquired for the prosecutor; he then told him, that he. ( the prosecutor) h » d done him great injury, and that all he was worth would not make him amends. He then proceeded to call him an old , and told him lie would have the house down but he would hava him out, and that he would let all the neighbours know what he had been guilty of. At
length he said, if the prosecutor would give him four guineas, he would be quiet. He a^ tsordingiy gave the four guineas, and he was induced to do it, because lie feared that, if the pri- soner gut his threat in execution, it might be the means of losing his place, and of blasting his reputation. He after- wards told the circumstance, to Lord Harcourt, his mistress's brother, and, under his advice, he prosecuted the prisoner. Upon etc :;- examination. he said he knew the prisoner; he lived at Bury St. Edmund's; he knew his friends, but he de- nied that he had done him any injury. Verdict— Guilty. THURSDAY. F. dward, alias Edmund
O'Doimel, was charged with the offence of bigamy, in feloniously intermarrying with Mary Price, his former wife," Julia Ann O'Donnel, being still alive. The ease against the prisoner was clearly substantiated in evidence, it being proved, that on the 31st of January, 1797, he was married to his first wife, whose maiden name was Julia Ann Robertson, at. St. Luke's church, and to his second, on ' the 13th of April last, at St. James's church. In his defence, the prisoner. urged a variety of^ circum- stances, with a view of extenuating " his Conduct. His first marriage Was at the early age of 19, and lie was grossly de- ceived in the
character of his first wife. She proved to be a woihan of a loose description, given to liquor, and very extra- vagant, Ac. so much so, that he could live with her no longer; that he bad reason to . think shewas dead when he married the second time, which last was not a match of interest, but founded on a reciprocity of affection, and that they were in a fair way of doing well ill life, when he was apprehended on this: charge. It appeared hi evidence, that he behaved very properly anil well to his second wife, and conducted himself in ail unex- ceptionable manner. Mr. Common Serjeant SYLVESTER, who tried the case, in the course
of teis observations to the Jury, said, that the sub- sequent conduct of the prisoner, however the consideration might go with respect to mitigation of punishment, did not affect the question before the Jury ; the case had clearly been made out; the offence, however, abstractedly speaking, was a very serious one. The Jury found the prisoner guilty, but recommended him to mcrcy on account of his youth, and the favourable circum- stances in his case, which the Court said should be duly at-> tended to, FRIDAY. George Yates and John Jonathan ( two very young lads) • were indicted for stealing a certain bundle of printed copies
of Votes of the House of Commons, and a complete set of the Bishop - f Lincoln's Elements of Theology, in shests, th « prj- j eity of Luke Hansard, The prisoners, it appeared, were' in" the employ ot Mr. Hansard, . the prosecutor, oi l. ia.- uln's- iun- fie. ds. On tile Sd instant, the prisoners cam3 to the shop of a Mr. lander, in Lean- street . 1- Iolbprn, with a quantity of the printed papers ill question, which thev sold to ii t, as waste l' « r 7. s. od. See- ing the condition of the paper, o. servi ng the name of Mr Hansard to it, aud, above all, dbs. rviug the iis » aers to quar- rel with reject to the div^ iwi ef the mo- icy he had paid them, he
was induced to suspect they h- ai jist come honestly by the paper; he accordingly detailed them, and sent infor- mation to tho prosecutor., by wa. it: is means they were first de- tested. It als appeared,- that they had said a part of the pro- peity to a Che a - monger, whom thev informed it had com- b- am a person in tiie Inner Temple. - The property so dispos- ed of was produced in Court, and duly identified by Mr. lien- sard as belonging to him. Notw. thitanding the viiueset up- on each bundle, in the indictm tn. t, vliiafe, we could coilect, was 51. the loss operating in various way's - would be cons'. derae bly more to him'.— Several
respectable persons appeared to the character of the .. isoners. Mr. Common Serjeant SYLVESTER, who tried the. case, in the course of his observations thereon, expresad his hope that what now appeared would be an additional warning to reputa- ble tr ibesmen to examine ckt- jely into what was offered to them as waste paper. With respect to the casa of the pri- soners, giving full credit to the evidence, h . conceived it to be clearly made'out.—- T: i • . Turv v.- ere constrained to had a verdict of Guilty, but stiiou- g- iy re ommended tiieni to mercy on account of their youth and ateal char,: al-' t'; t; ad in this. re- coinmendation
Mr Hansard mast earnestly join ad. Francis Waldron, a iad of r - s . ctabla connection^, and who had been a midshipman in the navy, v. as convicted of stealing a watofi, the property of Hewe'. t. POLICE. MAL-' SIOIN- UOL'SE. THREATENING LETTERS.— Mr. Ooidsmid, an eminent Jew merchant, whose vast capita! aad skiii ill'the business of the funds are said to have had a. gr,. i iaflnar. ee in soma of those Buatuatiwws in the prices ot stocks wbi 11 have recently; pso- duced so many Change- all ; y insolyeneies, has been lately much annoyed by ahonymous threatening letters, transmitted through the medium of the
General Twopenny Post- ofti. e. To obtain means of discovering the author or author oft ose- lett r ,• h thought, it necessary to place a Sheriff's Officer in attendance at the i tter- bex on the outbid a ant! on the inside another person to make a Signal to the Officer as soon. as. any 1 tter addr a se l to Mr. Gold.-,. lid in ther. hand- writing of tbe f . rmar . threate i g letters, should beseeS to past- through the box. The offi er had order: to seiz: and- detain the> pe. son i On Monday night, between five and six o'clock, a lad who was conveying two one- pound notes from his master to . house in Camomile- « treet, Bishopsgate- strpef,
was stepped by a thief who attempted to rob him of the notes: in tile attempt, < ht3 notes were torn. A person acrid a. ly pa sing at the time, an- d seeing , the transaction, seized the villain, who said he did not mean to rob the lad, but if the stranger would accinip- any him to his master's house, he would. eive tit a lad two pounds in lieu of thJ torn notes Upon this the credulous man, with another person, went with him to Still- alley, Houndsditch,. whan the villain drew a knife from his pocket, with which he s ahbed them, one in the back, and the other in the face,, and" made his escape. . NAVAL INTELLIGENCE. We are happy to
be able to contradict the report e> f the total loss of La Pomona, of 44 guns. She crc. eived some damage entering St. Au bin's Bay, and was run aground, but by the the assistance of the Revolutionnaire and Alonzo, she has been since got cS', and is gone in there to be repaired.. We are concerned fo learn the loss of the P^ Gr- tunee frigate, oft" the mouth of the Text !. That ship, with the Diamond, Captain Elphinstone, was ctripkiy- ed to convey the Dutch troops from Guern- sey to the Helder. They sailed from the Downs on Thuvday the ; uh inst. and on the following clay, oft' the mouth, of the Texel, experienced a most
dreadful gale- of wind. Both frigates drove over a sand- bank, but " the Fortunee unfortunately struck upon another batik, and stuck fast. She is irrecoverably lost. The ' Diamond was saved by the preseuce of mind of. Cap- tui. i iilpainstone, in ordering, at a most critical mo- ment, the small bower anchor to be let go, which fortunately held. They were obliged to' get out all i her guns, provisions, stores, and water*, before they could get her into deep water again. PORT N. E1VS: FALMOUTH-, SEPT. 19.— Sail ad this evening the Townshend packet, Dbdd, with mail ot'the 15th itist. for the Leeward Is- lands. Slie has only one
passenger, , Mr: Young, s n to Sir William Young, the Member for th a Borough of St. Mawe's. PLYMOUTH, SEPT. £ 2.— O. ders are come down" for all Naval whom he should have observed to put in the last letter before | Officers tolive within a certain distance of each Naval Arsenal, tha - ig sal. By these precautions, on Monday last, about two o"' cloak, a Mr. Solomons, the son of a rich Ja-. V broker, was se. z, e I by the Officer in attendance. He - was, after a long pri- vate examination before the Lord. M vor, committed to the to be hereafter . ascertained.— l'iiis bei g the Anniversary of bis Majesty's Coronation, was
observed here with every mark of respect. The bells rang the whole day, the Royal Standard ntod Union Flag were hoisted on board the Centaur, of 74- guns, New Compter, under the suspicion that he'w -. s th e writer of j and the Temeraire,-. of 98- guns ; also in the Dock- yard, Vic- tim threatening letters which Mr. Goldsmid had received. B- il, to the . mount, it is said, of 50,0001 was offered ii; vain, if he might oe left at large. On Wednesday, however, he was again privately examined, and it appeared that there Was no evidence to prove either that he had written the letters at- tributed to him, oi had ev? q at ririlly put any of
them into the letter- box at the Post office lie was therefore set at li- berty, to the great joy of mauv ot' the ohildte , - 1 rael, vrho cir- - att : n< led at the Man- ion- house i i grvt anxiety to know, the is out in % result ot'the aSfiiir.— Tiie purport of the letters ./ as to threaten utter destruction to Mr. Golds aid and hi house, if he should | continue to exercise that inflnen te on the funds which he had 1 for some time used, illhe. letters anasuspectetl to be the fruit not of one Jewish head c:' V, but' of a nunvar- its conspiracy, I like that which vowed neither to eat nor drink before they killed Paui. tualling Office; the other Public Offices, and at
Mr. T. Lock- yer's. Battery. At noon there was fired from the Citadel and Mount Wise Batteries, and from the Fleet, a Royal Salute of. 21 guns. LLOYD'S LIST. ACCIBENTS, OFFENCES,. Sunday night a fire broke out in the premicesof Mr. Cooper, ! situated near the Patent Shot M'uiufactory, n. r Cuper • ah. r- | dens, Lambeth, which consuiii t! ti • whole fcf ihe buildings, ; besides damaging the cooperage, and the leacWmelter's. adjoin- ing. We are sorry to udd,' that ' lino horses out ef eleven, kept by Mr. Cooper, were- burnt tea death, and that one a : a:, endeavouring toilraw The. t: froniti'ie stab'aa, was so dreadfully bruised by
the roof falling in upon him, that lie ts notexpe- ited to live. Five others were also maimed at the sap., rime; and two children were crushed neariv to death by the a: gines com- ing unexpectedly upon them. The fire broke out about one - o'clock at noon, and being low water, though so contiguous to the Thames, the engines were unable to plav Cor a great length of time. In. this, as in almost every fire that takes place, o- a.- e is' no possibility of pointing out the original cause. It was, however, said, that the stables became heated aVojn a furnace belonging to the lead- works, which the air had fanned into a blaze. Monday
morning,, about hair past six o'clock, at Mr. Mor- gan Gould's, hatter, on Lndgati.- lull, an old man, a dresser of hats, who slept in the house, wss discovered bv one of the boys suspended by a rope in ilie kitcheu . the boy immediately I The Jean, Wilson, from ?„ tersburgh to Greenock, is on > shore near Revel, and it is feared will be lost. The There!-.', Lelay, from Cett is lost on the Saints. Tiie Brig Maria, . ofXondon, Swan ea, is lost oil the coast of France. The Master landed at Portsmouth. TiieQueeii, Young, bouml to Gibraltar, went on the Shin- gles, the lGth instant., but g-- t off the next day, after throw- it.? part of her cargo of
bricks overboard, and put into Cowes to repair. The Flora, Kerr, that was on shore in the Shannon, is got off wit's little damage. Two thirds of the cargo saved. The M. jry,- Gilchrist, from New York to London, having lost two of Iler Masts ill bad weather, has put into Nova Scotia to refit. L'iitoilede la Mer, Constantin, from. Rochelle to Bour- d aaux, is lost en the IsIeOleron. The Livonia, Allison, from - Riga to London, is put into C'nristiansand, and will unload. The Earl St. Vincent's, Bligh, from Messina to London, is - put into Lisbon, leaky, . and will Be obliged tci unload a ereas . part of her cargo. ' ' . MARRIED. fOti Wednesday, at
Hackney , John Craven, Esq", of Good- man's fields, to Miss Bowman,- daughter ef William Bowman Esq, of Lombard- street, banter. On Monday, Peter Ta'nburdin, Esq. of Argyll- street, to Miss Soniers, of the same place. On Thur sday, Daniel M'Kiulay, Esq. ef- Siz> lane Buck- lers- bur.-, to Vi s Lindo, daughter of Alexander Lind'o, Esqv of l'ins'auK scsiare. DIED. On Monday the. 13th inst. at Mitcham, in. Surrey, Thomas gave the alirm, - and the man Was cat down time enough to I Hmc'iliff, Esq. save his life. When he recov are't sufftciently, he was put ilitoacoach, and sent home to his tr i: -'.{', At East Henrlred, P. rks,
Martha Anns, aged 100. Till within a few years of her death, she was regular at taliuich A few days ago, as Mr. Samuel Ail- p w « p. t to tho Turk's : both'oii Sundays and Saints days. Head, in Aldgate- mai- ket, to call for re( Vfehrr,- em, he dr> pad j On the 6th July, at Trinidad, \.'. as. JSalfonr, wife of Liettte- down dead without a sigh. He had upwards of 60/. about nan; Colonel William Balfour, of the 57th r him, which was delivered to his hi. n- i- A sad aacident happened on Friday ce'imig'tt at Maigate. I A man of war lying at anchor ill the offing, about five mi'e4 from the Pier, having occasion for a supply of fresh water, the jolly
boat was hoisted, and a midshipman and five seamen 1 were sent on shore to fill their casks. On their way, the mid- shipman perceiving a rusty ; istol Iving at the bottom of the boat-, took it up, aild in examining it pulied the trigger ; un- fortunately, it was loaded with swan shot," went off, and' wounded three of the men; one in the side, another in the breast, and a third in the arm Immediately on landing, sur- geons attended, extracted- the shot, and found that no dan- gerous consequences were likely to ensue from the a.- id - ttt. Two of the men are ri-.- w in the Infirmary, and rhe third" ( the one wounded ift tile arm) has been
sent onboard his ship. j As Colonel and Mrs. Mercer ,* ere returning to towmon' Wednesday afternoon ill their curricle, a g sntleman's earriiga in Sloane- street rail ngairhtf hem with such violence as to dash the curricle almost tti piece*. Mrs. Mercer was thrown out and lay for some thnt spcechless. much bruised. ' giroent. r Yesterday- se'ntiigl. t, Mrs. Aim Clarice, aged 71, sister to J. C. jervoije, Esq M. P. at his house in Hanover square. On Friday, at Stanmore, Mrs. Druramand, wife of John- Drum. TK/ nd, Esq. At Vauxhall, Mrs Beverley, wife of W, B< v-,! cy, Fsa ira- the 27th year « f her age. ' . Lataly, at Keniish. Tewn, Mrs.
Greviile, formerly of Drury- lane Theatre.- Mrs Gaudry, relict of the late Mr. Gaudry, of the Theatre Roval, Drury- lane. On Sunday, Mr Robert • Ashborotigh, of Peterborough. He via; found dead ii: tlie toad towards Orton, on which he v/ as obs - l- Ted a few minutes before to be walking in apparent heals glitim, near - ed her fair A few days ago, aged 14, MissIIubbaid, oftan » h Oakham The hand of death suddenly convulsed form w: : 1st seated in ordinary health at dinner. Suddenly, aged 48, Mr Jos pli lla/ grave, arcliit et and , surveyor, of Hull. lie had been following the usual duties- Colonel Mercer was very • of his profession
the whole of the preceimg day, and retired ' to bed hi the evening m perfect > iaith.
3 12 BELL'S WEEKLY MESSENGER. SEPTEMBER 97 POSTSCRIPT. LONDON: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27. The Extraordinary Deputation of the Empire has at as we predicted, declared its assent to the plan of Indemnities, as proposed by the Emperor AI. EXANDER and the FIRST CONSUL; and this imp irtant arrangement, which has for its object the permanent tranquillity of the Empire, will, no doubt, be carried into full effect, notwithstanding the peevish remonstrances and idle complaints pre- ferred bj^ the Cabinet of Vienna. While the restoration of ol der and harmony is on 1 he French funds have, for the last week,
expe- tarns have been laid that tbe duties will be less than 30,- 85,. or rienced a gradUaPrfse—*- the 5 per cents, have reached eveu 80,0001-. but. Hie amount will certainly be . greater, il an/ 53 f. 60c By letters received in Dublin from Hamburgh, it appears that a great number of Irishmen, who had been banished in the year 17.97, had arrived there from the King of Pat'SsiA's dominions, having all received permission to return to their native country. PRQTWeiALS. It is worthy of notice, we believe a similar instance ne- ver occurred, that an application was last week made to the Magistrates of Lewes, for a licence to be granted
for opening a new public- house at Brighton; winch was signed br Four Princes of the Blood Royal; the Premier Duke, the Heredi- tary Earl Marshal of England; an Ex- Cliauceilor; thu Lord Chief Justice; and six of rile uiost noble and respectable, Peers of the realm.— The name ofthe applicant is Charles Stuart.' other parts ofthe kingdom produce eq> nal crops with this.—. In one garden, a Geiltl. mian who had twenty l « ad last year- wiil have full the same q uantity this season. The picking has., generally begun in these parts, Tha Michaelmas Show of Horses, which commenced at York on Thursday, has been attended by
gentlemen and dealers from ail parts of the kingdom. Horses were rather scarce oil Thursday and Friday-, oil account of the farmers being so much engaged in getting in their harvest. Many are, however, expected this day. The horses that were sold", ill general brought high prices. We have little doubt but this show will soan be equal to any in the county. At Worcester great fair oil Monday, there was a large sup- ilv of cattle, sheep, pigs, & c. and the prices drooped coasi- There waslikewise 4 great quantity of cheese, the 1> derably the point of being effected in Germany, we sin- 11 fA * irlSul" incident occurred on the- race ground at Pon, J " J j tetract, on 1 uesday se ntught: Mr. Lees bay colt threw tts cerely regret the revival of those feuds and animo- sities in Switzerland which have convulsed that un- happy country fsr several years past. The oppo- sition of the petty Cantons to the new Constitution ofthe Helvetic Republic cannot, however, prove successful ; and, although the French troops have been withdrawn for the present, it may be found necessary to march a new army into the country to enforce the authority of the Central Government. Such is the rancour which actuates the different parties against each other, that the interference of
France in some way will be absolutely requisite to prevent those scenes of civil war and internal cala- mity with which the inhabitants are threatened. Among the/ articles contained in the Paris. Papers, which we have received to the 23d inst. the princi- pal relate to the incorporation of Piedmont with the French Republic, and the mission of Citizen LAURISTON, Aid- de- Camp to the FIRST CONSUL, to Vienna. The former must appear in all its re- lations, a measure of sound policy, and immediately calculated for the happiness and security of the in- habitants. The arrival of LAURISTON at Vienna will, in all probability, reconcile
that Court to the new system of indemnities, and lead to the speedy evacuation of Passau by the Imperial troops. An important Decree has been issued by the Con- suls, requiring the residence ef the W hite Proprie- tors of St. Domingo on their respective Plantations. This regulation will have great weight in contribut- ing to the maintenance of the tranquillity and order - which have been re- established throughout the eol ® ny by the prudence and activity ofGeneral/ LE CLBRC. The negroes in insurrection at the Island cf La. Tortue have been disarmed, and there is every ground to believe that the whole of this valuable
settlement will, in the course of a few years, re- sume its former trade and prosperity. Mr. LISTON, our Minister to the Batavian Re- public, has delivered his credentials at the Hague and assumed the duties of his office. M. SCHIM- MELPENNINCK, the Batavian Minister to this coun- try, is expected here early in the ensuing month. WE look daily to the arrival of General AN- DREOSSI at Dover, and the consequent departure of Lerd WHITWORTH. Yesterday arrived a Mail from Hamburgh, and we received Paris Joui nals of a day later than those which reached us on Saturday. No - new event of importance. has occurred with
respect to the Indemnities ; but we learn with deep concern that the situation of Switzerland becomes every day more deplorable, and that nothing but tiie immediate interference of France can restore its tranquillity. Til; M niteur contains a long Report of the Go-^ vernment of the Italian Republic to the Legislative Body, embracing a view of the moral, . political, and economical situation of the Republic. This official publication is drawn up, with great ability, and displays much pol ti& al sagacity. It divides it- self into four heads— the external relationsof the y- public— its moral situation— the public admini- . rioii, and the wants and
resources of the current Il discusses these subjects with great can- i o.) concludes by a very splendid and jtnit pa- *: M* I'L R 1 L *• ' OJWT.. average pride of which was, one- meal from 55i., to 00^ and two- meal from 40s. to 48s. some prime reached 50s. but ths. sale was dull, and a great deal was taken back. Only three pockets of new hops wete produced, and but 3G5 pockets weighed altogether; there .. was a material drawback from the hu- y. scene pf last year, v Prices were, yearlings from 71. to 9 guineas; and 111. to 121. new. \ There were a great num- rider and dislocated his collar bone; while this was happening, !
Dsr of horses, but good ones only were in any kind of request, ! tile other horses had got near half a mile a, head of the colt, which fetched high prices. I when a boy mounted it, and though he did - not save his j distance that heat, as he proved to be heavier than the other j colt, was suffered to start again, and carried'off the plate and ] sweepstakes at the two following heats. A small poney last week started on Whitechapel- road, to trot 12 miles within an hour, for a wtigerof 50 guineas.— On finishing the distance, it was found that the little animal had two. miuutes and a half to spare. On the northern moors of Yorkshire, the
breed of both red and black game has been greater this season than ever was known. For the first ten days, many sportsmen killed twenty brace a day. Pheasants are this year uncommonly abundant, parti- cularly in Hants, Dorset and Norfolk: a correspondent assures us, that he has seen numerous nides of from eighteen to twenty birds. The following are the particulars of an extraordinary high- way robbery, which was committed on Friday se'nnight, at noon, within a mile and a half ofLodbury. Mr. Henry Hol- den, of Birmingham, having arrived at Newelit, on his jour- ney, on Thursday evening, was, soon after, coming in to the
Red Lion Inn, joined by a gonteel- Iooking man, with whom he afterwards supped in the travellers' room, morning they breakfasted together; after which Mr. Holden, ill answer to a question from the stranger, said he was going to Ledbury, and, ordering his bill, pulled out his pocket" book to look fora small note to get it changed; in doing which he exposed several bank- notes of different sums. His com- panion, saying he was going the same way, theft/ proposed that they should ride together, and for this purpose d- isired that his horse should be breught out. Having proceeded a considerable way on the road, during which they
conversed familiarly on a variety of topics, the strangersuddenly pulled out a pistol, rode up to Mr. Holden, and presenting it to him, demanded his pocket- book and purse, or elsfe he would instantly blow his brains out; upon which Mr. H. hesitating a little, he clapped the pistol closer, and repeated his da- mand, saying, " he had no time to lose " The book and purse were then delivered; and upon Mr. H. requesting him to return something for travelling expellees, the robber gave him a guinea, observing, that he wished to behave honour- ably. • He then gallopped off, in the direction of Neweilt; and, from some traces which have
since been discovered, there is great reason to believe that he arrived in Bristol the same evening. Mr. Holden's pocket- book has been recover- ed, and is now in that gentleman's possession. It was found by a labourer, near the spot where the robbery was commit- ted; and, from the circumstance of its still containing a number of bank- notes of considerable value, which were easily negotiable, it may reasonably be inferred, that it was Inadvertently dropped by the ri> bber, in his hurry to escape, and not missed in sufficient time to induce his return in search of it. AN EXTRAORDINARY CASE.— Thewife of a game- keeper,
near Riegate, a girl of fifteen years old, being with child, a* it hourly in expectation of being brought to bad, was seized on Sunday morning last, with convulsion fits, in which dreadful situation she remained tilt the Monday morning fol- lowing, when she died ; the fourth day after kcr decease the child was horn, perfect, but dead. CANTERBURY, SEPT. 23.— Our h" p- picking, if such a week's employment can be called so, is finished, and the pro- duce of this plantation irsmaller in quantity; taking into con- sideration the number of • acreff'fti plant, than ever remem- bered ; but our planters must not complain, as we shall ex- ceed
tho average of the kiiijdqni. The quality is exceeding good, and the few which possess any shew " of colour, will, un- doubted1!/ reach very high prises. We aft authorized to state a circumstance which musl in s i+ ne measure stimulate the planters to exertion for'their n1 , t crop : it. is said that letters recently received from Brunswick, and other parts of Germany, and also from Flanders, admit their craps this year to have completely failed ; and so exhausted is the Continent of hops, that application must ^ te nude to this country for a supply— s mie lots have been sold, destined for France. The demand for Ireland has been all tiie
year, and still continues very great, therefore there is not the least doubt but that this estraor tuiary demand will compl- tely exhaust rhe intrinsic stock of this kingdom, prior to the next hop- picking, and tlie consequence .( be the enSuiifg crop ever so large) will be a very brisk demand, and at good prices. A considerable qan- tity of yearling hops have been sold in this market this week, at very high prices— in bags, fr- m 81. 5s. to 91. 9s.— Pockets, 91. to 101. 10s.— a few. new hops at 121. to 14s.— Duty esti- mated in London at 13,0001. - HAWKSUI KST, SEPT. 19.— Afer viewing almost the whole of the hop- grounds in the
county of Kent, and finding the most dreadful deficiency in the crops, 1 was surprized t « ..- itnei* th ' fin' crops which are in the gardens of this place L: id nei \ ibourhood. The contrast is wonderful, and tile ap- pearance fully justifies the opinion tiiut thed'ities this year. i ". ot b." - o v- ry trit- ling as . Isi'g ' iieralty. irti^ ioosed. Larg > ! The continuance of the present fine weather is extremely favourable to tho harvest in South Wales, where, in many situations, having a northern aspect, the crops are not yet quite ripe enough for the si- ckle. In Herefordshire the crops in general have been exceed- ingly fine and abundant, especially,
the barley, which lias not been equalled mahy years, and will amply compensate for the partial crops of apples and pears, LEEDS— Wheat 23s. to 3: 2s. per load. Rye ISs. Beans Hi. to 15s. 6d. Oats, per quarter, ( 8 bushels) 16s. to 20s. WAKEFIELD.— Wheat 50s. to 73s. ( Dantzi.- k) 64;. to 68s. Oats ( Discoloured) 14s. to I9s. 6d. l. eans ( Small) £ 3S. to 86s. ( Tick) Sis. to. 31s. Malt 40s. to 43s. per ! ® ad of six bushels. SHERIFFS' COURT. Saturday, Sept. 25. An inquisition of damages was taken before the Sheriff between parties, whose names. motives of . elicacy forbid , 113 to reveal. The Plaintiff is a. pe> son not
unknown in 1 i the f tl, eiiterary world, and the Defendant was a Member of the '. last Parliament. The action arose out of circumstances preceding and subsequent to the election of the latter. The Plaintiff was employed by him to write pira.>; raphs for the Newspapers, squi is, snnga, See. In the : mr je of this duty, it appeared the Plaiauff h -,! a. u ,, ed him- self entirely to the satisfaction of t'l' • i. .> and his Committee. He wrote S inirs •..;,"• such stini-' s at the end of every verse, that the " ivivrse idr'y could scarce, keep their tempers v hear. n,- >. win c. mimed before the hustings.— He su^ g;., • s , i le'as'for can afire, raised and
circulated such stoiics o! h - pitron'S adwvsary, and by the ludicrous qxerose of hi. fan y, ;. la. i> d :, m so ndi- culqus. ii - light, that be wis. ve'n the lane inn;, tock of those who from tUerest;. vl mi nes voted in irs favour. While the election was proceeding, the PeiVnds t l- vi-. hcd his promises of remuneration. He ultimately obtained the victory over the Court Candidate, wan ehiufced, r ceived all the honours of a popular procession, an 1 gave a. " rand dinner, wh ch was enlivened by the mirth ufeff isions. of the Plaintiffs prolific muse. When the bu.. ine. s was con- cluded, the Plaintiff applied for that- reward which he thought was
his due. He demanded fir the whole of his trouble, including the composition of. the speeches which the Defendant dehyered from the hustings at th' close of each day's poll, tbe sum of 1001.— Tins the Defendant absolutely refused to pay: he was contented, he said, 10 make him a present of 201. or so, but as to giying him 1001. the charge was extravagant.— The Plaintiff insisted upon the whole, and brought his present action'to recover it. The trial afforded a good deal of mir h. ' Tho I Umtiff produced letters of instruction from the I) fend.-. ntto bin , in which that enlightened Senator had made such pa'puW'e mistakes in tbe
orthography of almost every word, that a schoolboy of five years old wouhl have been flogged for them. It appeared the Plaintiff had taken uncommon pains in promoting the election of his employer, ansl after- wards furnishing his Brain with materials for an orator. He had composed his maiden speech, the delivery of which in the lis use of Commons was proved to have occupied an hour and ten minutes. In short, the Plaintiff most satisfactorily nude oui his case, mil the Jury, without any hesitation, gave him a verdict for the tllll aihouiit of his demand. At the Old Bailey on Saturday, after a few unim- portant trials had taken place,
the RECORDER pro- ceeded to pass sentence of death upon twenty- two prisoners who were capitally convicted in the course of the sessions, viz.. Joseph Dyson, Bern Hart, W Herbert, J Reynolds, Sam. Beach, F. Ryan, C. Smith, J. Robert-:, and K- lw ' Griffiths, for burglaries; George Brown, George Stewart, and Joannah Brady, for stealing in a dwelling- house; Den. Burke, Walter Baud, James Norton, Miles Chriitie, and J. Olivr, for high- Way robberies; Mary Heat!., for uttering ba « e coin ; Thomas Porter, for breaking into a dweiliitg- house in the thy time ; M. Bissctt, for horse stealing; William Topping, for escaping from the
Hulks; and Henry Elstead, te- r criminally eKtortiu" money. William Roberts and John Kf hey, for feloniously receiving goods, knowing them to have been stolen, were adjudged to fourteen years transportation. FortV- two convicts were then sentenced to s> ven years transportation, and tho remaining pri - inns r :•; fivly adjudged to le^- er punishments, among whom was F. Waidron, the young midshipman, for st aling a watch; and Ihe bovs, Yate; and Joiv. thsn, for . stealing printi: d papers froiii their master, Mr. lUnsard, who were severally sentenced to be piiv tely whippW. The Sessions were then adjourned until '.'<' ediiesday;
27th of Octo'vr.' I. ti .. cbushed ay J. lit-. LL. a tile Weekly Messenger Prini. ng- Otwe, Beaufert- buiWings, Strand;— tlu. only Ottirte lor reemving Orders and Commissions.