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Bells Weekly Messenger
Date of Article: 26/09/1802
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Address: The Weekly Messenger Printing Office, Beaufort Buildings, Strand
Volume Number: Issue Number: 337
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• BELL's WEEKLY N 337 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1802. [ PRICE THE POLITICS OF EUROPE. N°- 86. PRESENT STATE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS. After a furious and long tempest, the waves cannot but remain some time in agitation. It is no wonder that Au- stria still shows some reluctance in acceding to the plan of the indemnities, she sees herself totally deprived of that in- fluence which gave her almost an hereditary title to the Imperial crown, and has the- greatcst reason to apprehend that the next, election will transfer that dignity to a rival power. This subject, being connected with the interest of our Royal Family,
deserves particular consideration. The fall or degradation of the Austrian power originated in our Cabinet during- the German war: the leading Mi- nister in these days represented the Electorate of Hanover as unworthy the attention of Great Britain ; and, a little time after, he called forth the best resources of the nation in its support. This conduct of the Minister, without mentioning the striking versatility of his character, and the unpardonable disrespect shewn to the Sovereign, be- trayed great political ignorance in both cases. The idea that Continental possessions can be of no use to this island is an absurdity of a recent dati;:
When LEWIS XIV. pur- chased Dunkirk and Mardike from CHARLES II. for five millions of livies, the impeachment of Chancellor HYDE, who was supposed to have advised that mean action, and the height of the general indignation, shewed that although those places gave England but a precarious footing in France, yet she considered her loss as a national calamity. It can be no objection that the State of Hanover is in- dependent of the British Empire : an increase in the power and influence of the Monarch, from whatever quarter it tnay com. e, must needs add weight to the Monarchy; for which reason, instead of forgetting his
Majesty's Elec- torate, we should rather endeavour to render it more qon- siderable than it is. If the late Earl of CHATHAM, who conducted the German War, had consulted the true in- terest of Great. Britain, he would have followed the wise plan which the Earl of LIVERPOOL * published on that occasion. His Lordship in an excellent Pamphlet proved to a demonstration, that we had no reason to espouse the cause of the King of PRUSSIA.— It cannot be doubted, that if at that period England had not interfered, Austria must have prevailed,, and consequently our influence in Germany, and especially at Hamburgh, would riot by
lost, Can it be dissembled, that this useful port, as well as the Hanoverian dominions, are now entirely at the mercy of Prussia? We see but one remedy, and it is to second all the views of the Cabinet of Berlin :— The House of Brandenburgh has now sufficient ground to aspire to the Imperial dignity, and whenever a new election shall take place, it will be the interest of this Country to exert her influence in favour of his PRUSSIAN MAJESTY. It is the best way to secure the State of Hanover. As to the expedient of conferring the Electorate on one of our Princes, we look upon it as a wrong measure : the recent fate of the ARCH DUKE of TUSCANY ought to be a warning to Sovereigns not to alienate any part of their Dominions. If the EMPEROR of GERMANY had been himself in possession of the State of Tuscany, his affairs in Italy would probably be better than they are, or at least the Treaty of Luneville would have taken a dif- ferent turn. The disturbances in Switzerland cannot give any seri- Ous alarm— it is a contest between enraged Jacobins, and ambitious Priests, but the wisdom of the FIRST CONSUL will soon convince them all of their folly, and bring them to a sense of their social duty. The various States of Italy never enjoyed a state of
more perfect tranquillity than at this moment. His SICILIAN MAJESTY has entirely regained tiie affec tions of his subjects, and it is with great satisfaction we hear that the POPE is encouraging agriculture in the Roman territory, which ' through the crooked policy of his ancestors was shamefully neglected. The most for/- tunate among the Italians are evidently the Cisalpines and the Piedmontese, whom the paternal solicitude of BONA- PARTE has redeemed from the most odious slavery. Of the submission shewn by the States of Barbary to the mandates of BONAPARTE, we are not surprised; but * See Considerations onthe
present German War, printed for John Wilkie, 1760. from his constant wisdom and philanthropy we expect something more. However, as GUSTAVUS used to say, The pear is not yet ripe. With regard to Great Britain, nothing occurs nt pre- sent to engage the public attention in any peculiar man- ner, except the fate of the Nabob of ARCOT, which it is supposed will be one of the chief Parliamentary en- quiries in the ensuing session.— The free pardon that has just been granted to several natives of Ireland, who had the misfortune of being involved in the crime of sedition, is an event thai cannot be omitted: it evinces the bene volence of our amiable SOVEREIGN, the moderation of Government, and the wisdom of the Minister. FOREIGN NEWS, CAREFULLY DIGESTED, AND CONTINUED IN A REGULAR SERIES. FRANCE. INTELLIGENCE FROM PARIS FROM THE 15TH TO THE 23D INSTANT. Citizen Lanriston, Aid- de- Camp of the First Consul, who arrived at Ratisbon on the 8th inst. with dispatches from the French Legation, set out on the following day fot Vienna, carrying with him to the Imperial Court a Convention signed at Paris by the Minister Talleyrand and Count de Cobentzel, in consequence of which the Austrian troops are
immediately to evacuate Passau. On the 11th the Ambassador Extraordinary of the Su- blime Porte gave a splendid entertainment, at his hotel, Rae St. Dominique, in celebration of the re- establish- ment of peace between his Government and the French Republic. * On the 13th, passed through Nancy, on his way to Paris, Baron de Grenouillic, Chamberlain to his Impe- rial Majesty. He was accompanied by Sieur Chapuis, a Captain in the Imperial Guards. The frigate Valeureuse, from St. Domingo, is returned to Brest. The Pesaio, Toiville, and Zele, are soon expected. Letters from St. Domingo, dated Thermidor 13th ( Aug. -
l), state, that the partial commotions which had taken place in that colony, after the defeat and reduction of the rebels,' have been entirely suppressed. The rebel- lious Negroes in the island of La Tortile were attacked in their last entrenchments, beat, and disarmed, and the punishment of the ringleaders contributed not a little to the restoration of tranquillity: some plantations only had been burnt by these brigands, and such were the excesses to which they subjected the victims of their fury, that the inhabitants think it a great happiness that, In their last insurrection, they butchered only a dozen of white women and children. An
Arrete of the Consuls, considering that the re- esta blishment of order at St. Domingo, Guadaloupe, and its dependencies, and the interest of trade and cultiva- tion, depend principally upon the presence of the pro- prietors upon their properly, requires that the said white proprietors should return thither without delay, under the penalty of remaining under sequestration. Persons under eighteen, widows and their daughters, the infirm and the old, soldiers under arms, and public functionaries, are excepted. No one is is to receive a dispensation from personal residence, or have his, sequestration taken off, unless represented by an
European manager, capable of well managing- - a habitation in which he shall actually re- side. Every proprietor is also, in Order to have seques- tration taken off to produce proof of non- emigration, erasure, or amnesty. By an Arrete of the 6th, allvactions for_ debts contract- ed in St. Domingo by the purchase of plantations, houses, or Negroes, anterior to the 1st of January 1792, are sus- pended until the 23d of September 1808. ACTS OF THE GOVERNMENT. On the 15th the Consuls transmitted the following Message to the Conservative Senate :— SENATORS, In virtue of the 63d article of the Organic Senatus Con sultum of the 4th of August, the First Consul appoints to the Senate Citizens Abrial, Minister of Justice; Dubelloy, Archbishop of Paris; Aboville, General Of Division and First Inspector of Artillery ; Fouche, Minister of General Police; and Roederer, President of the Section of the Council of State for the Interior. Citizen Abrial, for a long time employed as Public Mini- ster at the Tribunal of Cassation, displayed in that situation talents and probity which raised him to the Ministry of Jus- tice. In that important office he has performed services which the First Consul thinks proper to recommence by giv- ing him a seat among you.
Citizen Dubelloy has, during fifty years as a Bishop, been the model of the Gallican Church. Placed at the head of the first diocese of France, he gives an example of all the aposto- lic and civic virtues. General Aboville, known to all Europe bv the talents he displayed in the war for the independence of North America; is at the head of that branch of service which has so much in- fluence on the destiny of states. Citizen Fouche, as Minister of Police in difficult circum staces, by his talents, his activity, and his attachment to the Government, accomplished every thing which those circumstances required of him. Seated amidst the
Senate if other circumstances should once more require a Minister of Police, the Government could not find one more deserving o* its confidence. Citizen Roederer, destined to a place in the Senate from its. formation, has constantly distinguished himself in the Coun- cil of Statf. His, talents and his attachment to his country will be still more eminently useful in the first body in the Re- public. In these nominations, the Senate will see the desire which the First Consul has to add, upon all Occasions, to its lustre and consideration. ( Signed) BONApARTe. DECREE OF SEPT. 11. Bonaparte, First Consul of the French Republic,
decrees, General Brune, Counsellor of State, is nominated Ambassa- dor of the French Republic to the Sublime Porte. The Minister of Foreign Relations is charged with the execution of . this decree. ( Signed) By similar decrees of the First Consul, the following nominations have also taken place:— Citizen Lacuee, Counsellor of State, to be President of the Section of War, in the room of General Brune. C. Regnaud ( de St. Jean d'Angaly), Counsellor of State, to be President of the Section of the Interior, in the room of Roederer, appointed a Senator. C. Bigot Praemieneu, to be President ef the Section of Le- gislation, in the
room of C. Boullay. C. Boullay, Counsellor of State, is charged with all litiga- tions respecting the National Domains, in the room of C. Regnier. C. Fourcroy, Counsellor of State, is charged, with the care of Public Instruction, in the room of C. Roederer. C. Perignon, Senator, is appointed extraordinary Com- missioner, to regulate, agreeably to the bases of the 7th Ar- ticle of the Treaty of Peace, concluded in the year 3 between France and Spain, every thing that relates- to the ratification of the boundaries of the two States towards the Pyrenees. C. Chazal is appointed Prefect of the Department of the Upper Pyrenees. DECREE
or SEpT. 17. The Consuls of the Republic," on the Report of the Minister of the Interior, decree:— ' Art. 1. The measurement of the meridian of France shall be continued from Barcelona to the Balearic Islands. 2. The Minister of the Interior is charged with the execu- tion of this decree. CONSERVATIVE SENATE. EXTRACT FROM THE RegISTERS OP THIS CONSERVATIVE SENATE, 11TH SEPT. The Conservative Senate assembled to the number re- quired by the 90th article of the Constitution. Having seen the projet of the Senatus Consultum, set forth in the form prescribed by the 57th article of the Constitution of ihe 4th
August: Having heard the orators of the Government on the causes of the said projet, and the report of the Special Commission appointed at the sitting of tha 7th instant: The adaption having been deliberated , by the number of Senators prescribed by the 56th article of the Constitu- tion, is decreed as follows :— Art. I. The departments of the Po, the Doria, of Ma- rengo, of Sezia, of Stura, and the Tanaro, are united to the territory of the French Republic. II. The department of the Po shall send four Deputies to the Legislative Body. The department of Marengo, shall send three. The department of tha Doria shall send two. The.
department of La Sezia shall send two. The department of Stura shall send three. The department of Tanaro shall send three.—- Making the whole number of the Legislative Body amount to 318. III. Those Deputies are to be named in the eleventh year, and are to be, renewed in the year to which the series in which the department they are attached to belongs, with the exception of the deputies of the Stura, who only go out in the sixteenth year. IV. The department of the Po shall be classed in the first series; that of Marengo ill the second. The departments of the Doria and the Sezia iu the third. The department of the Stura in
the fourth, and the Tanaro in the fifth. The - city of Turin is to be comprised in the number of those principal towns of the Republic, the Mayors of which are to be pre- sent at the taking of the oath by that citizen who shall be appointed to succeed the First Consul, making the number of such cities amount to twenty- five. The present Senatus Consultum shall be sent with a message to the Consuls of the Republic., ( Signed) CAMBACERES, Second Consul. Acting as President. INTERIOR OF THE REPUBLIC. MANUFACTURES, MANNERS, FASHIONS, & C. EXHIBITION OF NATIONAL INDUSTRY.—. For the follow Article we
are indebted to our intelligent Corres- pondent at Paris.)— The third public exhibition of the produce ef industry in France, , as opened on Saturday; th.' 19th, and will continue until Thursday night, which s the grand fete of the New Year's Day according to the French Calendar. This exhibition forms only a part of the fete;
BELL'S WEEKLY Messenger SEPTEMBER 9$ the public, will exhibit a scene of bustle and gaiety per- fectly new and astonishing to strangers. The fair of mer- chandize and articles of industry, is held in the grand square Court within the Louvre, the square is 150 yards by 120, an arched entrance; in the centre of every angle temporary buildings, ten yards from the wall, ranging with each angle, leaving passage room 20 yards wide op- posite each arched entrance into the square. These buildings are divided into 104 shops, collonade pillars in front, and ornamented with festoon curtains, green and orange coloured fringe, and
the columns and front of the erections resembles fine granite, and are surmounted with emblematical painted figures. In the centre of the square is erected the monument of Lysicrates, vulgarly known by the name of the Lantern of Diogenes, executed in Terre Cuite. The shops are fitted up with peculiar taste, still each of them contain the articles which have been adjudged as the most perfect productions of the kind in France within the last year. The proprietors have ma- gazines in different parts of Paris for the sale of these ar- ticles, none of them being deranged in. the exhibition un- til after the day of the grand fete on
Thursday next. The whole range of this lofty and magnificent building is illuminated round the parapets and projections of it from top to bottom with large burners in basons of oil. The shops in front and within, together with pyramids of lights in the centre and at the corners of the building, form altogether a most splendid and dazzling appearance, not easily to be conceived or described. Myriads of peo- ple are constantly passing and repassing this spectacle in review, and without the least confusion, the police guard- ing every avenue, and and suffering any person to pass and repass by the same entrance, or to indulge in any
dis- order. The next Grand Levee which the Chief Consul will hold will be on the 7 th of October. Among the English to be presented at it are the Earl of Oxford, Lord F. Montague, and Mr. Erskine, who is to appear in the Prince of Wales's uniform. Voltaire's Orphan of China, which afforded Murphy materials for a very successful Tragedy on the English stage, is the subject of an Opera in Paris, where it has lately been represented under the title of Tamerlane. The music camposed by Mr. Winter, Maestro de Capella to the Elector of Bavaria, is much praised for a happy combination of scientific difficulty with simple melody.
ThERMOMETER FOR ThE LADIES.— The most dif- ficult thing, among the many difficult things in this world, is to ascertain, from the general appearance, the thoughts of a Woman. A man of uncommon observa- tion at Paris, has, however, thanks to the lightness of the female dress, invented a mode of obviating this difficulty ! He never goes into company without a Thermometer, ' Which he holds concealed in his hand, and drawing near to those women on whom he wishes to make his experi- ment, he applies to some part of their bodies the criterion of truth. The Thermometer either rises or falls, accord- ing to the degree of
heat or cold of the person which it touches. A few days ago, as he was leaving the Gardens of Frescati, he observed a woman extremely handsome walking with a gentleman of a prepossessing appearance, They seemed to be made for each other; but wishing to know whether their hearts, like their exteriors, perfectly coincided, he immediately applied his Thermometer. What was his surprize to find that it fell considerably be- low- the glass! He had scarcely recovered from his asto- nishment, when he perceived another gentleman most superbly,, yet ridiculously dressed; the cheeks of the lady began to" glow with an ardour
that expressed the highest love, and he, desirous of ascertaining the cause, applied * physician accompanicd by an officer of rank. The most liberal provision is made for the sick, and no care or attention is spared to restore them to health. There is not a soldier, who quits these hospitals, who has not a story to tell of his treatment, which, must awaken both the gratitude and zeal of his comrades. Humanity and policy go hand in hand in these attentions to those who have risqued their lives in the service of their country. ' the periodical Journal of the Medical Society, pub lished Fructidor last, contains some meteorological ob servations made in the preceding month. It appears, from their result, that in the month of Thermidor, the greatest degree of heat was at 23deg. 1; its least degree 7 deg. 3; this variation occurred in the interval from the 5th to to the 20th, so that in the course of 15 days, the tem perature of the atmosphere experienced a change of nearly 22 degrees. The following instances of extraordinary old age are mentioned in the Paris papers:— Jean Dumas, also named Solomon, an invalid soldier, aged 110 years and 6 months, went a few days ago to perform his devotions in the cha- pel belonging to the infirmary of the Hotel des
Invalides. He rose from his bed and went to the chapel without any other assistance than that sf his crutches. He is a native of Brive- la- Gaillarde. He looks fresh, his health is sound, and he is of a very lively disposition ; he loves to speak of his dinner with the First Consul ; repeats the same questions which Bonaparte put to him, and the answers which he made. Bertrand Dumas, his father, and N. Dumas, his uncle, died in the same hotel, the first at the age of 116, the second at 114. About thirty years ags they all three went to play at bowls; after drinking a few glasses of wine the father said, " I shall never drink more," and
expired. The other, struck with the sudden death of his brother, died two days afterwards. The circumstances of their death are recorded in the Register of the Hotel. his Thermometer, : and was astonished to find that it rose to the greatest degree of heat. The experience of the Thermometer was to him so satisfactory, that he was de- termined to try its virtues to the utmost extremity. A rich Banker, upwards of fifty, had endeavoured to capti- vate a beautiful woman. She evinced every possible mark of coldness. He offered her his purse, and an im- mediate change took place. She became, gay and plea- sant. he presented her
with a diamond of great value, and when the Thermometer was applied, it was found that she was all on fire! On the 13th of this month, Madame Recamier gave, at her country house at Clichy, a public breakfast, to which were invited the principal English families at Paris. Mr. Fox, Lord Holland, Mr. Erskine, Mr. Adair, and General Fitzpatrick. Among the other foreigners of dis- tinction were, the Marquis die Gallo, Count Dolgorouki, and Count Dyvoff. General Moreau, the Counsellor of State Regnaud de St. Jean. d'Angely, and Mathieu de Montmorence, were also there. Lady Holland, the Coun- tess of Dyvoff,. and the
Marchioness of Lucchesini, were among the most fashionable of the female part of the com- pany. Madame Recamier did the honours of the fete with her accustomed grace" and politeness. She was placed at table between Mr. Fox and General Mereau. PARISIAN FASHIONS.— The change of season begins already to cause an alteration in the costume of our elegantes. Heads unadorned are now rarely, seen, and shawls are now ance more coming- into fashion. They are generally of a slight texture, but consist of many folds, embroidered in white silk of gold and silver, and the favourite colour is cherry. Variety of ornament
is, however, so predominant, and. all so generally consult their own taste,, without any reference to a fixed stand- ard,. that almost every group of our well dressed women, when decorated with their shawls, inspire the beholder with the idea of a masquerade. The tuniques and the short gowns continue to be ornamented with the richest kind of lace.. Veils still usurp the office of a regular head- dress; they are brought to a point in front, and float behind in a careless,, but graceful way. Straw hats have given way to those of silk, and the hair is occasion- ally embellished with fancy combs and gold pins. Some . Ladies of the haut ton have very recently appeared public with garlands of flowers on their heads. The military hospitals at Paris afford an example well worthy of imitation. Every sick man, is daily visited by FROM THE FRENCH PAPERS, HAMBURGH AND BATAVIAN MAILS. INDEMNITIES IN THE EMPIRE. The Conclusum taken by the Deputation of the Em- pire in its third sitting, for adopting the Plan of ihe In- demnities, is couched exactly in the same terms as the propositions which terminate the vote given in the same sitting by the Minister of Mentz. The prepositions, and consequently the text of the Conclusum, is as follows: The following
declaration shall be made to the Ministers of the two powers:— The conduct of the two powers who have been pleased to assume the part of mediators in the pre- sent circumstances, and to transmit declarations in conse- quence to the Deputation, through the medium of their Ministers, is acknowledged with gratitude ; being fully con- vinced of the friendly dispositions of the two powers towards the Germanic Empire, they previously, and in general, adopt the plan proposed by them in regard to what concerns the In- demnities, in such a manner that they reserve to themselves, at the same time, the power of introducing all
those modifi- cations which may be rendered necessary by the urgent, re- monstrances that may be made, or those which the Deputation, faithful to its duty, may judge necessary to propose by reso- lutions, and of which it has a right to promise the admission in common. On the other hand, they do not think they deviate from the friendly intentions of the two powers, by observing that, in the definitive resolution to be immediately formed for the determination of the Indemnities, it will be necessary to de- cree, at the same time, that those who have sustained losses, shall be bound on receiving the countries which have fallen to
their share as Indemnities, to provide in a suitable manner for the maintenance Of all the persons who hitherto had a - constitutional existence in the said countries, and to charge themselves with the debts to which they serve as security, and with all the other real obligations which depend- on them: in the same resolution there shall be established fixed rules on this subject. To regulate then, as. speedily as pos- sible, the modifications demanded, or proposed by the De- putation, the latter shall, without delay; address itself to the Ministers of the Mediating Powers, to receive the necessary information an this subject, and to
come to an understanding with them, in order that it may, as soon as possible, come to a resolution, which shall be submitted to the ratification of his Imperial Majesty and the Empire. BERNE, SepT. 11.— The spirit of insurrection, which has already separated Helvetia from the Cantons of Glarus, Switz, Uri, Appenzel, and the Grisons, is spreading more and more. Zug is on the point of de- claring against the Government. At Baden the fer- mentation encreases daily; at Zurich the ancient Chiefs of the Canton have deliberated in Primary Assem- blies to admit a new Constitution, and have prevented the picked troops of the
Leman from entering their city. The gates were shut, and they were forced to encamp outside the town, From Arau we learn, that hostilities have commenced near that city. The Vaudois troops fired red- hot balls, and set fire to the town in several places. BASLE, SEPT. 12.— The whole of the Eastern divi- sion of the Helvetic Republic, Turgovia and against of the Grisons excepted, is in open rebellion against the Con- stitutional Authorities. Besides the three petty Cantons, those of Glarus, Appenzel, Rheinthall, Zug, and Baden, have avowed themselves. In Zug, even the presence of a battalion of the line was not able to
prevent the explo- sion. The other Cantons swarm with emissaries from the petty Cantons and the old privileged cities, who flatter the honest peasants with the promised abolition of all imposts, the establishment of Lindsgemeins, and fre- quently the pillage of the rich. These perfidious sugges- tions have had this singular effect, that the partisans of oligarchy, and those of absolute democracy, are actually uniting their efforts to overturn the Central Government ' and Constitution, which, but a few months past, were adopted by a very great majority of citizens. Should their plan succeed, which tervention of France, invoked by a
formal act of out Senate, will prevent, a civil war must necessarily take place, in order to decide which of the two opposite sys- tems, between whose partizans there is only a moment- ary unisn, shall gain the ascendancy.— The Helvetic troops have suppressed the attempts at insurrection in the Western Cantons; but their numbers are too inconsi- derable to apply a complete remedy to the evil. The Canton of Baden is at this moment occupied in' Terming its Landsgemein. The Municipalities have been in- vited to send Deputies to the chief town, to concert mea- sures upon this subject, Redding's brother, who has re- sided for
some time at Baden, is at the head of the insur- gents. The Argovian district of Brack has also been in- vited to join with the mal- contents of Baden. The Cen- tral Government has sent select persons belonging to Zurich and Friburg into these districts, to put an end to the disturbances. Illegal assemblies having been held at Zurich, a detachment of Helvetic troops was sent thither from these stations in the middle district of the Pays de- Vaud. The Burgesses of Zurich shut the gates against them, and proposed terms, which military honour obliged them to reject. Hostilities were commenced, and we this moment learn that the city
of Zurich has been bombarded by the Helvetic troops. The Commissary of Government, Muy, has received orders to expedite his departure. BARCELONA, AUGUST 18.— The most sumptuous preparations are making in this city for the reception of our august Sovereigns, who left Madrid on the 12th, tied are expected here in a day or two, together with the. Queen of Naples, and the King and Queen of Etruria. The presence of such illustrious personages will produce fetes, whose magnificence will revive all that was M- en- chanting in the Spanish and Moorish gallantry before the conquest of Grenada. From every part of the
kingdom persons arc crowding to this city, as well as from the southern provinces of France The detachments or the King's bo « y guards are already arrived. Our garrison will consist of the fine regiments sf Spanish and Wal- loon Guards, and a fleet under the command of Admiral Cordova, will remain at anchor in the harbour. The Catalonian Nobility are making the most splendid pre- parations to receive our illustrious guests, and are endea- vouring to rival the Nobility of Castille. A vast camp surrounded by raised seats and alcoves, has just been built near the port, and is destined for the tournaments, tilts, and Royal games,
known by the name of La Parejos They arc generally givcn at Aranjuez, in the vast square m front of the palace. The game consists of four ca- drilles, composed of the principal Lords of the Court • each cadrille has different colours, and is commanded by a Pri nee of the Royal Family, or a Nobleman of the highest rank. They are all richly dressed in the ancient Spanish costume, and are mounted upon horses of the greatest beauty. They enter the interior of the camp by four different gates to the sound of trumpets and cymbals: they practise all sorts of evolutions, join, retire, and re- job with admirable spirit and precision. These
diver- sions will call to mind the heroic times of chivalry, and all, those spectacles which maybe called the fairy period of history. Bull fights are not forgotten, and orders have been given to send the fiercest bulls from the mountains of Navarre. The most celebrated Matadors are ordered from all parts of Spain, to shew their powers in these sanguinary contests. There is also to be a camp of 15,000 picked troops in our environs, Who will here-, viewed by the Prince of- Peace in presence of all the Royal Families.. STATE PAPER. Louts the FIRST, by the GRACE of GOD, INFANT of SPAIN, KING. of ETRURIA, and HEREDITARY
PRINCE of PARMA, PLACENTIA, GUASTALLA, & c. The new tics by which the Royal House of Bourbon is on the point of being more closely united, claim our partici- pation in the joy which that happy event occasions, and which our august Father in Law and Uncle, the Catholic King, will celebrate, in his city of Barcelona, with a pomp- suitable to the marriages of Infants of the King of Spain and the King of the Two Sicilies. The pleasure which our heart will experience upon » o happy an event, will not make us lose sight of the chief care Of advancing, under all circumstances, and of consolidating as much as possible, the
prosperity of our well- beloved people, who are the first object of our paternal solicitude. And, in order that, during our absence, the public affairs may suffer no delay, we have conferred upon our Council of State, Finance, and War, all the powers we have deemed necessary to govern the kingdom, and to maintain order and justice in all the branches of the political, civil, and economical administration. The eager- ness we shall evince in returning to the bosom of our dear subjects, give us reason to hope that in answering that mild- ness which characterises the nation, and that fidelity which they have always shewn for their
Sovereigns, they will give us on our return, new motives of satisfaction and zeal to constitute more and more to the public felicity, by all tlw means which Providence has placed in our hands. ( Signed) Louis, Given on the 1st of September, 1802. PROVINCIALS. RAMSgATE, SEPT. 22.— The Master of the Ceremonies Ball, last night was attended by nearly 500 persons. The Ball was opened by Mr. Le Bas and Miss Bentick ; the first- country dance, ( Sir David Hunter's Reel), was danced down by Mr. Townley and Lady Harriet Cavendish. After the 15: dl, her Grace the Duchess of. Devonshire gave an elegant Supper at her
house, Chatham place, to a large party of friends ; among them - were the Duke, and Duchess of St. Alban's, Lord and Lady. Milbourn, Lord and Lady Bes- borough, Lady Jersey, Lady C. Villiers, Sir Charles and Lady Asgill, Mr. and Mrs. Duff, Colonel Graham, BRIGHTON; Sept,— The Bishop of St. Asaph preached yesterd ay at the Chapel. Royal, and gave a brief history of the fortunately, the powerful in- i Psalms'of David, in which he took occasion to recommend
SEPTEMBER 96 BELL'S WEEKLY MESSENGER. 3 ® v » the translation of Sternhold and Hopkins, as being nearer to tbe text and purity of the original than any other translation. His text was, " Why do the Heathen furiously rage, and why do the people imagine a Vain thing?" In which he glanced at our neighbours as the Heathens, and seemed to advert to certain political societies as the people who ima- gined the vain thing.— The Archbishop of Canterbury and family were in the Prince's seat, and Judge Graham sat in ' the lower part of the Chapel. BRIGHTON, SEPT. 23.— The visitors of this place, who are still extremely
numerous, begin to complain of the long evenings, which now curtail the Promenade on the Steyne.— The Auctions do not afford a sufficient ' compensation for the favourite amusement of Raffling. Nevertheless, Fisher's and Donaldson's are quite crowded every evening when an auction is announced. The farmer takes the lead, and with a little more practice he will doubtless attain eminence in Pulpit Oratory. At present he does not possess confidence enbugh in him- self to risk those rapid flights, those bold appeals, which asto- nish and electrify the audience. The saunterers on the Steyne are frequently delighted with
exhibitions of Charioteering, which might have gained the prize at the Olympic Games.— There are some very eminent adopts in this science now in Brighton. The Prince frequently drives four very beautiful horses in his phaeton. Mr. Buxton, of the city, sports four very fine blacks. Sir John Lade likewise maintains his well- earned reputation. The Prince has driven round, accom- panied in one phaeton by Mr. Buxton, several times of late, and the latter on Tuesday discovered extraordinary skill in driving round the Steyne, accompanied by Mr. Reed, of the Commons, an amateur and excellent judge of the art. Mr. Buxton is
allowed to drive with uncommon ease and dex- terity, It is reported that the Prince of Wales projects very ' great improvements on the Pavillion and its neighbourhood. Besides buying the lease of the Castle, it is said he intends to get the road turned a little towards the west, and to take in the present road. This, together with Marlborough House, and the scite of the Castle, will afford him ample space for the embellishments he may have in view. LIVERPOOL, SEPT. 20.— the inhabitants of Water- street were at one time greatly alarmed, us the late fire seemed to bo spreading in that direction, but the thick party wall of Mr.
Dawson's warehouse, and the strong walls of the com- mercial buildings, happily arrested its progress. Seventeen warehouses have been consumed. A meeting of the princi- pal sufferers was convened on Thursday morning, when a Committee was appointed to superintend the removal of the rubbish with all possible expedition, in order to recover the property which it is supposed is now buried in the ruins in very considerable quantities. A great number of men have already been sot to work, but considerable difficulty is expe- rienced in taking down such of the walls as are yet left stand- ing. We are sorry to add to the above
account, that in taking down a part of the ruins on Saturday morning, Mr. Phillips, in the employ of Mr. Foster, was so dreadfully crushed, that he died in a few hours after. The following are the particulars of aa extraordinary high- way robbery, which was committed on Friday se'nnight, at n0on, within a mile and a Half of Ledbury. Mr. Henry Hol- den, of Birmingham, having arrived at Newent, on his jour- ney, on Thursday evening, was, soon after, coming into the Red Lion Inn, joined by a genteel- looking man, with whom he afterwards supped in the travellers' room. In the morning they breakfasted together; after which Mr.
Holden, in answer to a question from the stranger, said he was going to Ledbury, and ordering his bill, pulled out his pocket- book to look for a small note to get it changed, in doing which he exposed several bank- notes of different sums. His com- panion, saying he was going the same way, then proposed that they should ride together, and for this purpose desired that his horse should be brought out. Having proceeded a considerable way on the road, during which they conversed familiarly on a variety of topics, the stranger suddenly pulled out a pistol, rode up to Mr. Holden, and presenting it to him, demanded his pocket book and purse, or else he would instantly blow his brains out; upon which Mr. H. hesitating a little, he clapped the pistol closer, and repeated his de- mand, saying, " he had no time to lose" The book and parse were then delivered; and upon Mr. H. requesting him to return something for travelling expences, the robber gave him a guinea, observing, that ho wished to behave honour- ably. He then gallopped off, in the direction of Newent; and, from some traces which have since been discovered, there is great reason to believe that he arrived in Bristol the same evening. Mr. Holden's pocket- book has been recover- ed, and is
now in that gentleman's possession. It was found hy a labourer, near the spot where the robbery was commit- ted; and from the circumstance of its still containing a number of bank- notes of considerable value, which were easily negotiable, it may reasonably be inferred, that it was inadvertently dropped by the robber, in his hurry to escape, and not missed in sufficient time to induce his return in search of it. On Saturday se'nnight, a lady and gentleman returning from Hornsea, by the sand, towards Aldborough, in Holder- ness, in a gig, attended by a servant boy on horseback, when about half way were surprised to find the
water nearly close ta the Cliff where it projected, but supposing the road before them as safe as that they had passed, they pushed forward past this projection, though with much difficulty: after riding a rmle further, they were alarmed to find the tide quite close to the Cliff for along distance before them, and having driven slowly on account of the heaviness of the sand, they con- cluded the former projection to be by that time impassable. Their only refuge was to climb up the Cliff, which in that part was so steep as almost to forbid access, but providentially they found a ledge therein about four yards from the sand, whither they
ascended with their horses; and shortly after procured assistance from Great Cowden, which they happen- ed to be very near. Two men with spades cut a road for the horses, and in the space of an hour they all got safe to the top. The carriage, which was left below, was dashed to pieces against the Cliff by the fury of the waves. Had they remained half an hour longer on the ledge, it is highly pro- bable they would, with the horses, have been buried in the deep, as the whole plat fell in shortly after, being Under- mined and shaken by the violence of the sea The dangerous state in which Winch bridge, in Teesdale, is at present,
has been fatally experienced. About three Weeks Since, a party of nine men and two women were pass- ing it from the Durham side to Holwich, most of whom be- ing upon it at the same time, the unusual weight entirely destroyed the balance, and one of the chains being overstrain- ed it snapped, the bridge turned over, and three men were thrown into the Tees. One of them was dashed to pieces on the rock ; the- others falling into the water were saved. A bunch of grapes was lately cut by Mr. Parke, of High- field House, near Liverpool, which weighed ten pounds two ounces. Its greasest breadth, across the shoulders, when
hanging in its natural position, was one foot eight inches and three- quarters; circumference, three feet eleven inches. The vine is only four years old, and had six more bunches upon it of large dimensions. In consequence of the very abundant and pleutiful crops, a Harvest Home was celebrated at Broomhall Farm, near Dorking; Surrey, the residence of Captain Kent. The sports commenced at three o'clock in the afternoon, wken ten handsome young girls," about the age of twenty, started to run half a mile for a shift, after which' another race took place by the above girls for a cup. A third race also by five men sewed up in
sacks. Dancing on the Green, and in the different barns adjoining to the farm continued till the hour of supper, at which fifty persons sat down. They afterwards danced till three o'clock next morning. A dreadful fire broke out on the premises of Mr. Burbidge, a few days ago, at Hollyfields, near Feckenham, Worces- tershire, which destroyed several corn and hay ricks, a barn full of grain, and other out- buildings, but happily did not reach the dwelling- house. This unfortunate accident was occasioned by the heating of one of the hay- ricks, which being opened, burst into a flame, and setting the others ou fire, caused so
tremendous a blaze as to defy every effort to extinguish it. A scene of very great distress was lately witnessed in the family of Mr. Lloyd, an eminent clothier of Uly, Glouces- tershire ; his three children were ill of a fever : on Tuesday last, the eldest, aged eight years, died in consequence ; on Wednesday the second, aged six years, also died ; and in a few hours after, the youngest, aged about two years, was snatched from the disconsolate parents to an untimely grave. The following singular occurrence at Harrowate has been commuicated to us, by a gentleman recently returned from that fashionable resort.— A servant had
been riding a small stallion poney, the property of a physician at Manchester, ai- id on alighting slackly retained the rein whilst he stood with his back towards him :— the poney directly seized the man, threw him on the ground, knealt on him, and in the most vengeful manner, worried him to death:— the mangled corse was rescued with difficulty from the devouring beast. AN EXTRAORBINARY CASE.— The wife of A game- keeper, near Riegate, a girl of fifteen years old, being with child, and hourly in expectation of being brought to bed, was seized on Sunday morning last, with convulsion fits, in which dreadful situation she
remained till the Monday morning fol- lowing, when she died ; the fourth day after her decease the child was born, perfect, but dead. HAWKSHURST, SEPT. 19.— After viewing almost the whole of the hop- ground in the county of Kent, and finding the most dreadful deficiency in the crops, I was surprized to witness the fine crops which - are in the gardens of this place anrl- neighbourhood. The contrast is wonderful, and the ap- peal auce fully justifies the opinion that the duties this year will not be so very trifling as is generally supposed. Large sums have been laid that the duties will be less than 30, 2o, 01 even .20,0001. but
the amount will certainly be greater, if any other parts of the kingdom produce equal crops with this.— In one garden, a Gentleman who had twenty load last year will have full the same quantity this season. - The picking has generally begun in these parts. CAMBRidGe, SEPT. 18.— Wheat 40s. to 42s. per load. Rye 85s. to 40s. Barley 30s. . to 31s. Oats lbs. to 22s. Pease 40s. to 44s. Beans 32s. to 34- s. per quarter. ROYSTON, SEPT. 22.— Wheat 38s. to 40s. per load. Rye 40s. to 42s. Barley 30s. to 32s. Oats 18s. to 24s. Beans 32s. to 36s. Pease 40s. to 44s. per quarter. STAMfOrd, SEPT. 17.—— Wheat 63s. to 66s.
Average 01 ditto 65s. 3d. LOUTH, SePT. 22.— Wheat 57s. to 68s. Oats 15s. to 18s. 6d. Beans 24s. to 34s. NEWARK, SEPT. 22.— Wheat 68s. to 75s. Barley 30s. to 32s. Rye 44s. Oats 20s. to 25s. Beans 06s. to 42s. NORTHAMPTON, SEPT. 18.— Wheat 51s. to 60s. Oats 18s. Beans 38s. LYnn, SEPT. 21.— Fine Weat 63s. Coarse ditto 5.0s. Fine Barley 2 8s. Coarse ditto 24s. Fine Oats 20s: Coarse ditto lCs. Rye 34s. Beans Sls. White- Peas 34s. Grey ditto 04s: Flour 53s. per sack. TUESDAY'S LONDON GAZETTE. BANKRUPTS. John Gillatt, Joseph Hawkesworth, and William Gillatt, now or late of Sheffield, common
brewers, to surrender October 8,5, and Nov. 2, at eleven, at the Tontine Inn, Sheffield. Attorney, Mr. Rodgers, Sheffield'. James Lowe, Little Bolton, Lancaster, butchcr, Oct. 1, 6, and Nov. 2, at ten, at the Swan Inn, Bolton in the Moors. At- torney, Mr. Kaye, Bolton- le- Moore. William Palmer, Bristol, victualler, Sept. 24, 30, and Nov. 2, at ten, at the London Inn, Bristol. Attorney, Mr. Mellin, Bristol. James Powell, Villiers street, Strand, merchant, Sept. 25, O.- t. 2, and Nov. 10, at ten, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. West, Clement's- lnn. CERTIFICATES, OCT. 12. George Danson, Lancaster, merchant. Walter Jenkins, Bristol', broker.
Abraham Haim Cortissos, Leman- street, merchant. SATURDAY'S LONDON GAZETTE. AGRICULTURE, COUNTRY MARKETS, & c. Wilton Great Sheep Fair was held on Monday last, and so numerous were the flocks of sheep and lambs driven in, that the whole amounted tb upwards of 44,000. A great 11 imber of buyers were on the ground early, but they did not appear ill haste to maketheir purchases; it was near, six o'cio: k before, any were completed ; the sales continued very brisk from six to right, when the buyers slackened, fearing a disposition in the sellers to advance the prices. They hung off for about half an hour,
during which everything was remarkably flat, but renewed their dealings so effectu- ally, that by noon very few remained . unsold. The general prices were, on an average nearly 3s. a- head less than at Britfort Fair; and as the farmers procure stock for their feed, less desire to purchase will prevail, and a further re- duction of price may be expected. A great many South Downs were penned, and were generally preferred. Mr. Coles, of Harrow, bought no less than 3000 sheep in the fair. The sale of new Leicester Sheep on Tuesday last, at Mun- don Hall, was numerously attended. The wether lambs sold as high us 34s. 6d. A lot
of breeding ewes brought as much as 90s. per head, and one remarkably fine ram was Sold as high as 21L- 5s. At St Giles' Hill fair, near Winchester, holden on Mon- last, there was a vast quantity of cheese pitched for sale, the average prices of which were, new from 45s. to 31. and old 3 gs. to three and an half; some prime cheese fetched 31. 5s.: the sale was dull, and a great deal remained unsold. LINCOLN, SEPT. 17.—- Wheat 62s. to 72s. Rye 40s. LEICESTER.— Wheat 3i. 6s. 6d. Barley II. 10s. Oats 18s. fid. Beans 11. 14s. CANTERBURY, SEPT. 23.— Our hop- picking, if such a week's employment can be called so,
is finished, and the pro- duce of this p J ration is smaller in quantity, taking into con- sideration the number of acres in plant, than ever remem- bered ; but our planters must not complain, as we shall ex- ceed the average of the kingdom. The quality is exceeding good, and the few which possess any shew of Colour, will, un- doubtedly reach vary high prices. We are authorized to state a circumstance which must in some measure stimulate the planters to exertion for their next crop : it is said that letters recently received from Brunswick, and other parts of Germany, and also from Flanders, admit their crops this year to have
completely failed ; and so exhausted is the Continent ' of hops, that application must be made to this country for a supply— some lots have been sold, destined for France. The demand for Ireland has been all the year, and still continues Very great, therefore there is not th « least doubt but that this extraordinary demand will completely exhaust the intrinsic stock of this kingdom, prior to the next hop- picking, and the consequence ( be the ensuing crop ever so large) will be a very brisk demand, and at good prices. A considerable qun- tity of yearling hops have been sold in this market this week, at very high pricex— in bags,
from 81. 5s. to 91. 9s.— Pockets, til. fo 101. 10s.— a few new hops at mated in London' at 13,0001, At the Court at St. James's, the 22d September, 1802. present, the King's Most Excellent Majesty in Coun- cil: This day, the Right Hon. Sir Charles Morgan, Bart, and the Right Han. John Smith, were, by his Majesty's command, sworn of his Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, and took their places at the Board accordingly. BANKRUPTCY ENLARGED. Richard Behenna, of London, maltster, from Sept. Nov. 5, at ten, at Guildhall. BANKRUPTS. Robert Farthing, of Blakeney, Norfolk, merchant, to surren- der Sept. 2 » , Oct.
4 and Nov. 10, at eleven , at the Feathers, Holt, Norfolk. Attorney, Mr. Quarles, Foulsham, Nor- folk, George Nightingale, of Leadenhall- street, carver and gilder, Out. 2,9, and Nov.. C, it eleven, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Kibblewhite, Gray's- Inn Place. Thomas Archer Simkins, of the Old Swan- lane, Upper- Thames street, lighterman and coal- merchant,' Oct. 1- J, at one, 14, at ten, and NOv. 6, at two, at Guildhall. Attornies, Messrs. Clare and Church, Gray's inn- square. William Pope, of Wood- street, " merchant, Oct. 2, 9, and Nov. 6, at eleven, at Guildhall. Attornies, Messrs. Crowder and Lavie, Old Jewry. Thomas Fawcett, of
Chiswell- street, Moorfields, rectifier, Oct. 12, at twelve, 13, and Nov. 6, at ten, at Guildhall.. Attorney, Mi. Martin, Vintncrs'- Hall, Upper Thames- street. John Beetzler, late of Market- Deeping, Lincolnshire, corn- merchant, Oct. 13, 14, and Nov. 6, at eleven, at the Black- Bull Inn, Market- Deeping. Attorney, Mr. Taylor, Market- Deeping. Richard Tomkinson, John Tomkinson, arul Daniel Frede- rick Solicke, of Liverpool, merchants, Oct. 19, 26, and Nov. 6, at^ nc, at the Globe Tavern, Liverpool. Attor- ney, Mr. George Orred, Liverpool. DIVIDENDS. Oct. 23. Sarah Bird, of Manchester, linen- draper, at eleven, at the Bridgwater
Arms, Manchester. Nov. 16. Richard Ockendon, of Bexhill, Sussex at ten, at Guildhall, London Oct " bankers, at eleven, at the Hotel, Chester. Oct. 25. Joshua Oldfield, of Leeds, York, cloth- merchant at ten, at the Bull and Mouth Inn, Leeds. p. Oct. 23. Nathaniel Cockayne, of Derby, baker, at eleven at the Owl Inn, Derby. Oct. SI. John Haigh, of Low Whitley, Northumberland eleven, at the Shakespeare Tavern, Newcastle- upon- Nov. 6. William Chivers, of Newgate- street, upholder' two, at Guildhall. < Oct. 26. Abraham Zimon Doncker Covelje, of Lancaster merchant, at eleven, at Francis Hillidge's, in the Market place,
Manchester. Nov. 5. Lewis Sack, of Hatton- court, Thrcadneedle- street merchant, at eleven, at Guildhall. Oct. 23. David Hopwood, of Union- street, St. Mary- la- bonne, grocer, at ten, at Guildhall. CERTIFICATES, OCTOBER 16. Joseph Simpson, of Colchester, Essex, brazier. John Tripp, of Bristol, salesman. Thomas Spier, of Gloucester, dealer and chapman. Edward Chatterton, Rye, Sussex 26. William Thomas and Henry Heskcth, of Chester nker- i. Hotel.
308 BELL'S WEEKLY MESSENGER. SEPTEMBER 96 THE MESSENGER. LONDON: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. the Extraordinary Deputation of the Empire has at length, as we predicted, declared its assent to the plan of Indemnities, as proposed by the Emperor - ALEXANDER and the FIRST CONSUL; and this important arrangement, which has for its object the permanent tranquillity of the Empire, will, no doubt, be carried into full effect, notwithstanding the peevish remonstrances and idle complaints pre- ferred by the Cabinet of Vienna. While the restoration of order and harmony is on the point of being effected in
Germany, we sin- cerely regret the revival of those feuds and animo- sities in Switzerland whieh have ponvulsed that un- happy csuntry for several years past. The oppo- sition of the petty Cantons to the new Constitution of the Helvetic Republic cannot, however, prove successful ; and, although the French troops have teen withdrawn for the present, it may be found necessary to march a new army into the country to enforce the authority of the Central Government. § uch is the rancour which actuates' the different parties against each other, that the interference of France in som'e way will be absolutely requisite to prevent
those scenes of civil war and internal cala- mity with which the inhabitants arc threatened. Among the articles Contained in the Paris Papers, which we have received to the 23d inst. the princi- pal relate to the incorporation of Piedmont with the French Republic, and the mission of Citizen LAURISTON, Aid- de- Camp to the FIRST CONSUL, to Vienna. The former must appear in all its re- lations, a measure of sound policy, and immediately calculated for the happiness and security of the in- habitants. The arrival of LAURISTON at Vienna will, in all probability, reconcile that Court to the new system of indemnities, and lead to the
speedy evacuation of Passau by the Imperial troops. An important Decree has been issued by the Con- suls, requiring the residence of the White Proprie- tors of St. Domingo on their respective Plantations. This regulation will have great weight in contribut- ing to the maintenance of the tranquillity and order which have been re- established throughout the colony by the prudence and activity of General LE CLERC. The negroes in insurrection at the Island of La Tortue have been disarmed, and there is every | great skill in tactics ground to believe that the. whole of this valuable settlement will, in the course of a few years, re sume its formed trade and prosperity. The French funds have, for the last week, expe- rienced a . gradual rise— the 5 per cents, have nearly reached 5 3. f, Mr. LISTON, our Minister to the Batavian Re- Lord Keith, on his arrival from abroad. Baron Herbert, from Germany, by Mr. Spencer Smith. Sir J. Douglas kissed hands on being appointed Equerry to his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland. General Eraser, from the West Indies. Majors Brown and Cummins, of tha 11th Regiment of Light Dragoons. Mr. Serjeant, Secretary to the new appointed Lords of his Majesty's Treasury. Captain Grey, commander Of his Majesty's
Yacht during the time the King was at Weymouth. James Mackintosh, Esq. Barrister at Law. Lieutenant- Colonel Collins and Captain Hamberton. John Smith, Esq. kissed his Majesty's hand on being ap- pointed Master of the Mint, and was sworn a Member of his Majesty's Most Hon. Privy Council. Sir Charles Morgan was also sworn a Privy Councsellor, and took his seat at the Board, A relation to. the late General SLOPER had an au- dience of the KING, and delivered up the red rib- bon worn by that worthy Officer as Knight of the Bath. SINGER BURTON, Esq. being appointed Gentle- man Usher, and Quarterly Waiter, in the
room of Mr. OsMER, attended, and received the usual mark of Royal respect. The following Gentlemen took leave :— Lord R. FITZGERALD, on setting off on his journey to Lisbon. Major Sir E. RYAN, on going to Germa- ny. The Cabinet Ministers having had audiences, the KINO left town at four o'clock for Kew. The KING is making great alterations in Windsor Castle, the inside of which is modernizing, for the purpose of making the apartments habitable for the ROYAL FAMILY. When completed, there is an in- tention of razing the Queen's House to the ground. At nine o'clock on Friday morning his MAJESTY set off from Kew
Palace to Ashford, where he ar- rived at ten, and reviewed the Scots Greys. He was met on the. ground by the Prince of WALES and Duke of YORK, who came from Oatlands. The Duke of CUMBERLAND and many persons of distinction were also present. The regiment is so well known and distinguished, that it is unnecessary to say that it acquitted itself with great credit. The review concluded at half past twelve, when his MA- JESTY went on to Windsor, where he will reside some time. The QUEEN and PRINCESSES set out from Kew in tha forenoon for Windsor also, and were there before his MAJESTY. The Prince of
WALES returned to Brighton, and the Duke of YORK to town. On Thursday his MAJESTY drove one of the PRINCESSES in his phaeton from Kew, . through Richmond, and took an airing in the Park, follow- ed by the QUEEN and two other PRINCESSES, with the Countess of CARDIGAN, in a sociable. They returned to Kew to dinner. The KING was en- gaged in the morning giving directions for building the new Palace at Kew. The 13th, an Irish regiment, will be reviewed on Friday next, by the KING, on Wimbledon Common. This corps, though composed of very young men, is well trained, and, . it is thought, will display CITY.
public, has delivered his credentials at the Hague and assumed the duties of his office. M. SCHiM- HELPENNINCK, the Batavian Minister to this coun- try, is expected here early in the ensuing month. We look hourly to the arrival of General AN- DREOSSI at Dover, and the consequent departure of Lord WhITWORTh.' COURT AND FASHIONABLES. Their Majesties came from Windsor on Wed- nesday, and held a Levee at St. James's. It being the Anniversary of the Coronation, it was observed • with the usual demonstrations, and the Noblemen, who were knights of the different Orders, appeared in their several insignia ; the
Court commenced at one o'clock, and was attended by the following Noblemen and Gentlemen of distinction : consider- ing the time of year, the Court was rather- nume- rous than otherwise.— Among the company present were, Mons. OTTO, the French Minister, whose successor is hourly expected the Neapolitan, Prus- sian, and Hessian Ambassadors, the Imperial Charge d'Affaires, the Turkish Charge d'Affaires, the Right Hon. the LORD CHANCELLOR, the CHANCELLOR of the ExCHEqueR, theDuke of PORTLAND, Al- derman S. R. C. GLYNN, Dr. TURTON, & c. The premutations to the KING were : Excellesiey Baron
Jacobi, the Prussian Ambassador, on his arrival from his own Court. An application is intended to be made to Parlia- ment in the next Session, to remove Bethlem Hos- pital to another situation, and to make a square or buildings on the scite thereof. New streets are pro- posed to be made from the scite of Bethlem Hospi- tal to Throgmorton- street, and the Royal Exchange, and another- new street from Moorgate to Mansion- house- street. Application is also to be made for an Act for tak- ing down London Bridge, and for rebuilding the same on the present scite, or for building a new Bridge in some more convenient situation. It is
moreover intended to establish a free market in the City of London, for the sale of coals within the Ward's of Billingsgate ani Tower, and for pre- venting frauds and impositions in the vend of coals brought into the port of London. Tuesday, the LORD MAYOR, having examined the reports of the mealweighers, ordered the price of bread to be continued the same as last week, l0d. the quartern loaf •. EAST INDIA. Wednesday a Court of Directors of the East India Compa- ny was hald at the India House, which adjourned to Wednes- day next. We understand that two of the extra ships engaged by the Honourable the Court of
Directors of the East India Com- pany, for their service this season, are to be consigned to Ben- coolen, for the purpose of bringing home, cargoes of Pepper It. is supposed that they, will carry stores to the island saint Helena, on their way to Sumatra. % By letters received in Dublin from Hamburgh, it appears that a great number of Irishmen, who had been banished in the year 1797, had arrived there from the King of PRUSSIA'S dominions, having all received permission to return to their native country, NER, and HALSE. By a vessel arrived in the Clyde, New York Papers have been received of the 11th of August, from which it
would appear that some degree of alarm respecting the contagious fever still prevailed both in New York and Philadelphia, The follow- ing articles arc copied from The New York Daily Advertiser:—" The favourable' state of the health of this city is apparent from the list of deaths for last week, which falls short of the week preceding. The greatest mortality prevails,. as is usual though the summer months, among children-— the propor- tion between them and adults being as three to one, — By private accounts yesterday from Philadelphia, we learn, that the alarm respecting the fever was still very great, and that the inhabitants
were very generally removing from the city, as the most ef- fectual means of preventing the ravages of this dread- ful distemper." Some changes are on the point of taking place in ' the Imperial embassies. Count STAHRENBERG. is to replace Count CObENTZEL at Paris ; and Count STADION is to succeed Count STAHRENBERG 4t London ; Count SAURAU, the Ambassador to Petersburgh, resigns ; and Prince CHARLES of Schwarzenburgh has been appointed his successor. According to intelligence from Lisbon, a Me- morial, signed by the British Merchants in that city, on the subject of the prohibition lately im- posed on
the importation of cordage, has been pre- sented to the PRINCE REGENT by the British En- voy, which has had in some sort the desired effect, as the prohibition is not now to take place till the 28th of November next. The Madrid Gazette of the 31st of August., gives an account pf the arrival of their Majesties the King and Queen of SPAIN at Saragossa. Their entrance took place on the 23d of that month, amidst a dis- charge of artillery, and an immense concourse of people, who filled up the road to the extent of a league, and manifested their joy, by. shouts of— " God save the King ! the Queen ! and the Roy. 1 Family !" An
illumination took place in the even- ing, and was kept up during the whole of the night. Every specjes of amusement that could be thought of was exhibited. during. their stay at Saragessa, such as triumphal processions, fireworks, masquerades, bull- fights, & c. Last month were launched two 80- gun ships of war, the Uriel and Raphael, in presence of the Em- peror of RUSSIA, of the Imperial Family, the Court, the Diplomatic Body, and an immense concourse of spectators. One of the native poets made the fol- lowing verses on this event :—- Heavenly Spirits, Raphael and Uriel! whose awful thun- der roars from eighty mouths
! what foe will ye now subdue? Your size is colossal, but ye fly like the whirlwind ! Fly, ye Angels;! hurl your thunders! But no, it is in vain; Russia has no enemies! Fly! Announce to the earth the humane designs of. the Angel who has. given us peace. These verses, which, in the original Russian, are very beautiful, are attributed to the Privy Counsel- lor Count DIMITRI CAWOsTOF. Among the persons who have received premiums this year, for their extraordinary industry, from the Royal Society of Copenhagen for the. Encourage- ment of Rural Domestic Economy, is a girl thirteen years old, of that place, who, in the course of
the last twelve months, has knit and sold 500 pair of socks and gloves, made from the hair of the refuse pieces of skin from the furrier. A letter from Rotterdam, dated Sept. 21, says, " An advance in the since of coffee is expected here, and that, too, at the moment of the return of the vessels dispatched to the West Indies, when the commercial world will find that the crop in reality has been but small. According to intelligence wirch we have received from Surinam, the quantity gathered on that island will not greatly exceed a hundred thousand pounds. It has been no better in Demarara, and other colonies." The number of shocks
of an earthquake, which have been lately felt at Strasburg, is considered as a very remarkable phenomenon. For five or six days previous to the 15th, not a day passed without a shock, more or less violent. On the 13th they had three or four shocks, and the same on the 14th. On | the latter day, at three- quarters- past eleven at night, I a shock was felt extremely violent, which lasted more than a minute. The shocks have been accom- panied with a loud noise, which excites great ter- ror. Several of the inhabitants have, in conse- quence, predicted the near approach of the end of the world. The bureau of the Archduke JOHN
was broke open on the 2d instant, whih - that Prince w s - at dinner, and bank bills to the amount of 2000 florins were stolen ; but the insignia of the Golden fleece sec round with diamonds, which Duke ALBERT' of Saxe- Teschen, made him a present of, and other valuable jewels, which it also contained, were not touched. Artists how in Paris, or who have lately left it are, Messrs. WesT, FUSELI OPIE, FARRINGTON' DANIEL, FLAXMAN, GARVEY, WOOD, GARDE
SEPTEMBER 26 THEATRICALS. Mr. KEMBLE is still in Paris. Mr. HEATHCOTE, the companion in his travels, has been indisposed, and unable to proceed on their tour to Spain, as in- tended; if not better soon, the rainy season may- prevent their advancing thither for some time. The publics cannot but rejoice to hear that the management of Drury- lane Theatre has been com- mitted to the care of Mr. JOHN BANNISTER, jun. who having abilities to discern, and inclination to reward real merit, will never fail to befriend de- serving authors and able performers. The Free List of Drury- lane has not been less free, it seems, to the
dead than to the living.— Until its late purification, it is an absolute fact, that the names of Doctors SAMUEL JOHNSON and OLIVER GOLDSMITH have been regularly entered— every season. Besides those two original letters of SHAKE- SPEARE addressed to THOS. Lord BUCKHURST, which have been lately discovered among the Dorset Papers, the Correspondence of DRYDEN, OTWAY, LEE, SEDLEY, and PRIOR, with CHARLES Earl of DORSET, is most valuable.' The letters of NELL GWINN to that Nobleman throw light on some of the secret measures of CHARLES II.' s reign, and are extremely interesting from the
anecdotes contained in them. It was at the express desire of the late Duke of DORSET that the Duchess is now giving these Papers to the Public. A NEW COMET.— We learn by a letter from Bremen, that on the 2d inst. at nine in the evening, Dr. OLBBRS discovered a small Comet. It cannot be seen but with good telescopes. At one minute past eleven its right ascension was 251 deg. 23 min, declination North 4 deg. 32 min. On the 4th of September, 9 h. 7 min-. its right ascension was' 251 dec. 23 min, declination North 7 deg. 57 rain. This is the first Comet seen in Germany since the com- mencement of the present century.
The liberality of Mr. JONES, of the CIRCUS, is not only conspicuous in the splendid manner in which the performances of that elegant little Theatre are brought forward, but in the number of Benefits he annually gives to the several deserving Charities of his metropolis and its environs. The Humane Societv, Surrey Dispensary, Free Masons, & c. have felt the pleasing effects of his philanthropy ; and a brilliant and highly gratified Audience will, no doubt, To- morrow Evening, grace his Benefit, and award him the meed of approbation, for the many benefits he has rendered others. The Diving Experiment, so imperfectly tried by Mr.
TODD, has, been most successfully made some years since by M. KLINDERT, of Breslau. The latter crossed the river Oder, in the presence of an immense multitude, walking across its bottom, at the depth of 25 feet. In the middle he performed the operation of sawing through the trunk of a tree, which was sunk for that purpose by weights attach- ed. This apparatus, which encloses the head and body, is made of the strongest tin, and his expira- tion and inspiration are managed by two flexible tube's, supported by cork floaters on the surface. his breathing is unattended with the smallest diffi- culty, being aided by two valves in
the tubes, which are acted upon by the smallest contraction or dilata- tion the lungs. - In the department of Indre two very singular phe- nomena have lately appeared :— A woman in the., Commune of Neret was delivered of a female child without arms; the infant is living and doing well. In the Commune of La Chatre, a woman was like- wise brought to bed of a female, having two well shaped heads, apart from each other, two necks, two legs, one trunk, one breast, two sternums, two spines, one of which was on the right side, and the other formed a kind of bifurcated figure. This lusus natura; lived but a few minutes after its
entrance into the world, at which period one head only ap- peared to be animated. Being opened it was found to contain one heart, one pair of lungs, one intes- tinal canal, and a double liver. Wednesday morning' a pitched battle was fought in the Hollow at Islington, between two hackney coachmen, of the names of Holliway and Kilbey, which lasted one hour and ten minutes. It ter- minated in favour of the former. They were both so shockingly bruised, as to be taken away by their friends in separate coaches to their respective lodgings in the neigbourhood of Bishopsgate- street. Mr. DOrE'S Dancing Academy, Westminster,
commences at Michaelmas for the winter season. This fashionable assembly is constantly attended by persons of the greatest respectability, who speak m the highest terms of that Gentleman's attention and ability in teaching this elegant accomplishment. Yesterday evening, Mr. CHERRY made his entre on the boards of this House, in the characters of Sir Benjamin Dave, in Mr. CUMBERLAND'S Comedy of The Brothers, and Lezarillo, in the Entertain- ment of Two Strings to your Bow. The lateness of the hour at which the Play con- cluded prevents us from entering into a minute cri- ticism of the merits of this new candidate
for public favour ; and we shall, therefore, content ourselves with observing, that a more promising first appear- ance has not occurred for many years in the Metro- polis. His delineation of. Sir Benjamin Dove, was distinguished for a chastity and interest not inferior At about half past five o'clock the large Car was detached from the Setting of the Balloon, and the ends of the strings attached to the small hoop below the Balloon were tied together, and a large rope, wove like the patent sash- line, was fastened thereto, and its other end passed through the truck of the Parachute, and brought down through it to the cy- lindrical Car,
where it was made fast by a knot in- tended to be cut when the descent was to take place ; the cylindrical Car was suspended from the lower end of the Parachute by 32 strings. Soon after, the Balloon was suffered to rise by slackening the cords till it was retained by the rope before- mentioned : at this time it was so calm that the Balloon waved about but very little, although suspended at a great to any which the part could receive from the most popular performer on the stage. The five Gentlemen composing the Committee appointed to act for the Affairs of Drury- lane Theatre, are, Sir RICHARD FORD and Mr. GRAHAM, of
Bow- street; Mr. WILSON, Secre- tary to the LORD CHANCELLOR ; Alderman COMBE and Mr. MORRIS, author of The Secret. They have no concern in the Dramatic Department, but are solely appointed as guardians of the pro- perty for the benefit of the Proprietors. COVENT- GARDEN. The excellent Comedy of The Suspicious Husband was performed at this House on Friday evening, for the purpose of introducing Miss MARRIOT in the character of Clarinda. This Lady, who has performed with considerable eclat in several Provincial Companies, evinced a per- fect knowledge of her author, and displayed a judg- ment,
taste, and spirit, which, if Carefully cultivated, may raise her. to a distinguished rank in her profes- sion. If her person and countenance be not of the superior order, they are at least pleasing, and her action is in general happily suited to the occasion. She received loud and repeated plaudits in all her scenes, particularly in that where the unexpected interview takes place between her and Ranger. It would be unjust not to give to Mr. LEWIS the panegyric to which his admirable performance of Ranger is so deservedly entitled. It is in point of humour and vivacity unequalled in the present state of our theatrical exhibitions. Both
houses have been attended by numerous, and not unfashionable, audiences, for the early part of the season. height only by this rope and a small line held to windward. At 47 minutes after five, M. Garnerin got into the Car amidst great acclamations, and as- cended, accompanied by still greater applause. The whole apparatus rose most majestically, and, from the great height of the Balloon, Parachute, and Car, had a surprisingly fine effect. M. Garnerin imme- diately began to wave a tri- coloured flag, and took exactly the course which the pilot Balloon had just before done. Thus far our description has been pleasurable, as
having only to dwell on a subject which was at once magnificent and well conducted. What followed was, at the instant, marked by the different sensa- tions of dread and anxiety. Garnerin ascended in ten minutes to the height of more than 4000 feet : at six precisely he cut the rope, and the Parachute was seen to separate from the Balloon, and to de- scend with the utmost velocity. A scream of terror was at the moment heard from every part. During some seconds nothing but a falling object could be GARNERIN'S DESCENT BY A PARACHUTE. The perfect novelty of this experiment to English- men, the several interruptions
which the weather had hitherto offered to its execution, and the fine- ness of the afternoon, on Tuesday, drew a vast con- course of spectators to the west, end of the town, and the experiment completely succeeded. The Balloon, Parachute, and apparatus, were re- moved in the morning from the Pantheon to Saint George's Parade, North Audley- street, Grosvenor- square, and at half past one the process of filling commenced. The doors were opened at two o'clock, and the company began to assemble. Before three o'clock the Balloon was nearly filled, and the process of working the gas slackened for the re- mainder of the
time. At ten minutes before three, a large cylindrical paper Balloon was set off by ratified air from Park- lane, which continued ten minutes in sight, and ascertained the course of the very little wind- that there then blew to be S. W. The Parachute consisted of a case or bag of white canvas, or sail- cloth, formed by 32 gores into a he- mispherical form, 23 feet diameter at the top of which was a truck or round piece of wood,. 10 inches diameter, with a hole in its center, fastened to the canvas by 32 short pieces of tape. At about 4 feet from the top of the canvas, a wooden hoop about eight feet diameter, was put on and tied by a
string from each seam, so that when the Balloon ascended the Parachute hung like a curtain from this hoop, and appeared cylindrical, between the Balloon and the Car, or a cylindrical basket, covered with paper, about four feet high and two feet and a quarter dia- meter, in which M. Garnerin ascended. About half past four o'clock, a spherical Balloon of green oiled perceived and that but indistinctly. The Parachute waS thea seen to expand, but its vacillations, or swinging from the one side to the other, were so great, that the Car appeared very frequently to be in a horizontal position with the Parachute. As the medium through
which he was falling became more dense, its resistance increased in proportion, and the oscillations were rendered less dangerous ; but they were at no time so far diminished as wholly to ex- clude the idea of extreme danger. The generous feelings of Englishmen and women were all called forth in favour of the adventurous stranger, and many lamentations were heard on the part of those who, by paying for the sight, had contributed to so imminent a danger. An immense crowd rushed from the Parade towards the Pantheon, to enquire after his safety. They had there, in a very short time, the satisfaction to be told that he had
descend- ed in safety in a field near St. Pancras Church, the property of Mr. Harrison, a cowkeeper. He has received oniy a slight hurt on one side of his face, from being thrown out of the Car. The demeanour of the Aeronaut, we can say from personal observation, was firm and intrepid. He appeared to be aware of the difficulty, but without any apprehension of danger. The company present on the Parade did not exceed eight hundred.— Amongst the number we perceived Earls Stanhope and Camden, Lord W. Russell, Mr. Sheridan and his Lady, Mr. H. C. Combe, Mr. Dent, & c. & c. The adjoining roofs were filled with no
small hazard to many of the spectators. Every street and square appeared to the spectators from above to be literally paved with faces ! It was a holiday to the multitude, and the last, we trust, that will be held on a similar account. Every person of sensibility felt too much horror from the latter part of the experiment to form the smallest wish for its repetition. M. GARNERIN S ACCOUNT. The experiment of my 31st ascent, and of my 5th descent in a Parachute, took place on Tuesday last, on a very fine day, and in the presence of an immense crowd of spectators, who windows, and houses, and the scaffoldings erected round the
place of my departure, which, the only spot not crowded with spectators It is necessary, when I undertake the experiment of Parachute, that I should, know the atmosphere, in order to enable me to judge of the Mr. Fox, attended by his Lady, and several friends, has paid two visits to the National Gallery of Pictures, at Paris, and seemed on both occasions highly gratified — During his last visit he was ac- companied by Mr. WEST, President of the Royal Academy, who happened to be in the Gallery at the same time. The Statesman was perfectly en dishabille, and seem very cheerful and in good spirits. DRURY- LANE. Mr.
DWYER, whose debut in Behcour last season was the subject of general encomium, came forward in the same. Character on Thursday evening, and received throughout the most satisfactory testimonies of public approbation. The spirit, ease, and feel- ing which he displayed, must render him a valuable accession to the company in this cast of characters, that have so, long wanted an able representative.: i His deportment is free from all affectation, and his action is marked with elegance. - Mr. Dwyer has, however, still, some obstacles to surmount, before he can be considered as a po- lished actor. The extreme rapidity of his
utterance renders several passages altogether indistinct, and the studied bustle which he introduces in his lively scenes, tends very much to weaken the illusion of the Stage. silk, about eight- feet in diameter, called a pilot Bal— loon, was brought into the ground, and the gas tubes were detached from the great Balloon and fastened to this, and by a quarter past five o'clock it being sufficiently filled, M. Garnerin detached it from die tubes, and conducted it to Mrs. Sheridan, who was with Mr. Sheridan within the rails, and from her fair hand it was launched, and rose amid the accla- mations of the spectators ; but having no weight
attached to it, it rolled very much, and had a flat or unfilled part in its side. For about four minutes it continued to rise, and proceeded from the ground in a straight line, inclining upwards about 45 degrees, and in a direction very nearly N. E. In eight mi- nutes after its ascent it appeared to reach a contrary current of air, and came back again nearly over the ground, but a little to the south of it, still rising till it became invisible from its smallness.
SEPTEMBER 26 course I am to take, and also to adopt the precau- tious proper to ensure success, About three in the afternoon, I had the satisfaction of having a first in- dication from the agreeable effect of a very pretty Montgolfier Balloon, which was sent off from the environs of St. George's Parade, and which took a direction over Mary- le- bonne Fields. The success of this experiment ought not to pre- vent me from expressing my opinion of the dangers that may result to the general safety from the fre- - quent abuse of those night experiments, which are not always direc ted by persons conversant with the subject. One
shudders when one thinks that a ma- chine, of this kind may fall, and fall on, fire, upon the cordage of a ship, and thus involve in one great conflagration all that constitutes the wealth of one ef the first cities in the world. The use of these machines was prohibited in France, and the Consular Government confided to me alone the direction of night Balloons, which I conceived and introduced into the national fetes. . ' . Convinced of the direction of the wind, I hasten- ed the filling of the Balloon, and at 5 P. M. 1 filled the pilot Balloon which Mrs. Sheridan did me the honour to launch. It seemed to me that I was con- ciliating the
favour of Heaven by the interference of the Graces. This pilot Balloon ascended quickly, and was soon cut of sight, marking out my career towards the North East. Whilst the anxious croud were following the path of my little pilot, I sus- pended the parachute to the Balloon - this painful . and difficult operation was executed with all possi- ble address, by the assistance of the most distin- guished personages. The Parachute was gradually suspended, and the breeze, which was very gentle, did not produce the least obstacle. At length I has- tened to balance my cylindrical bark, and to place myself in it; a sight which the public
contemplated with deep interest— it seemed at that moment as if thrown down, and which was carried by a Mem- ber of Parliament. Among the prodigious con- course of persons on foot, I remarked Lord Stan- hope, from whom I had received the counsels of a scientific man, and who penetrated through the crowd to shake hands with me. At length, after several incidents, all produced bay the universal in- and tarred over, was screwed into what he called head- dress and a second tube was connected in the same manner for the escape of the foul air. The dress was weighty and aukward, and when enclosed in it, the operator
appeared the most helpless animal that can well be imagined. There was nothing like dexterity in the operation, nor was any part of the magnificent promises to the public fulfilled. His helpless state he attributed to the mis- fitting of his Taylor- coppersmith ;— a part of the tube was broken off, and he therefore could not hold any communication with his visitors. He forgot to take down his lamp, and, therefore, nothing but dark- ness visible could be seen through the panes which were inserted about five feet from the bottom of his tub. He was repeatedly reminded of this omission, and the lamp was even shewn to him ; but he
roared out through his mouthpiece, with affected ignorance, " that he did not want to drink'' We were in- clined, with many others, to consider the man as a gross impostor, but, on conversing with him after his last emersion, we found him to be an ignorant en- thusiast The means which he has employed for re- sisting the pressure of the water at a certain depth, may answer that end, but they are such as to deprive the wearer of all activity or exertion.— If the recesses of the deep are to be explored, the Diving- Bell, with its last improvements, by which the water can be expelled to within two inches of its inferior edge, is certainly
preferable to any means yet discovered. MIDDLESEX SESSIONS- Monday, Sept. 20. INDECENT LIBELS. THE- KINg V. GANER. • This was an indictment, at the instance of the Society for the Suppression of Vice, against the Defendant, for having published and uttered to Robert Gray two obscene and indecent prints, tending to corrupt the morals of the rising generation, on the 11th of Sept. instant. The case on the part of the prosecution was opened by Mr. KNOWLLS, who described at seme length the injury Which society sustained in consequence of publications similar to those contained in the present indictment being ;
dispersed throughout the kingdom, and more especially, as he should shew by evidence, amongst the female part every heart beat in unison, for though I have not the advantage of speaking English, every one under- stood my signs. I ascertained the height of the ba- rometer which was 29 inches. I now pressed the moment of my departure, and the period of my - fulfilling my engagements with the British public. All the cords Were cut; I rose amidst the most ex- pressive silence, and launching into infinite space, discovered from on high the countless multitude that ; sent up their sighs and prayers for my safety.( My Parachute,
in the form of a dome over, my head, had a majestic, effect. I quickened my ascending impulse, and- rose through light and thin vapours, where the cold informed me that I was entering into the upper region. followed attentively the route I was taking, and perceived I had reached the ex- tremity of the City, and that immense fields and meadows offered themselves for my descent. I ex- amined my barometer, which I found fallen to 23 inches— the sky was clear, the moment favourable, and I threw down my flag to endeavour to shew to the people assembled that I was on the point of cut- ting the cord that suspended me between
Heaven and Earth. I made every necessary disposition, prepared my ballast, and measured with my eye the vast space that separated me from the rest of the hu- man race. I felt my courage confirmed by the cer- tainty that my combinations were just. I then took out my knife., and with a hand firm, from a con- science void of reproach, and which had never been lifted against any one but in the field of victory, I cut the cord. My Balloon rose, and I felt myself precipitated with a velocity which was checked by the sudden unfolding of my parachute. I saw that all my calculations were just, and my mind re- mained calm and serene. I
endeavoured to modu- late my gravitation, and the oscillation which I ex- perienced increased in proportion as I approached the breeze that blows in the middle regions ; nearly ten minutes had elapsed, and I, felt that the more time I took in descending, the safer I should reach the ground. At length I perceived thousands of persons, some on horseback, others on foot, follow- jng me, all of whom encouraged me by their wishes, while they opened their arms to receive me. I came near the earth, and after one bound, I landed, and quitted the Parachute without any shock or acci- dent. The first person that came to me pressed me
in his arms ; but, without losing any time, I em- ployed myself in detaching the principal circle of; the parachute, anxious to save the instrument that had so well guaranteed- me ; but a crowd soon sur- rounded me— laid hold of me, and carried me in triumph, till an indisposition, the consequence and effect or the oscillation I had experienced, obliged the procession, to stop. I was then seized with a painful vomitting, which I usually experience for several hours after a descent in a Parachute. The interval of a moment, however, permitted me to get on horseback ; a numerous cavalcade approach- ed to keep off the crowd, whose
enthusiasm and transports incommoded me not a little. The Duke of York was among the horsemen, and the proces- sion proceeded with great difficulty in the midst of the crowd, who shouted forth their applause; and had before them the tricoloured flag which I had terest with which I was honoured, I withdrew from the crowd without any other acident than that of having had my right foot jammed between the horSe I rode and the horseman who pressed too close to me. My Parachute was preserved as well as could be expected, a few of the cords only were cut.— It is now exhibiting at the Pantheon, where a great concourse
of persons have been to, examine it. I have just learned that my Balloon descended on the 22d ( Wednesday) at Mr. Abraham Harding's, near Frencham Mill, three miles beyond Farnham, in Surrey, where it is in safety. Among the congratulations I have had the honour of receiving from the most distinguished persons, I have not had any more flattering than those I have received from Sir Sidney Smith, who came to me, with General Douglas, on purpose, as he said to me, to shake hands with a brave man. This com- pliment is of the greatest value from the mouth of i one of the bravest soldiers in Europe. I now enjoy the
pleasure of having fulfilled my engagements with the public, to whom I owe every acknowledgment and thinks for the encouragement I have received from them, and for the confidence which they placed in my promise, at a time wha I was obliged to defer the experiment of the Para- chute. It is with this grateful sense of their patro- nage that I am going to make a new ascent at Bristol. Yet, feeling as I do, these sentiments of gratitude, will it be too much to ask the public to revenge with their contempt the insult to my honour and my mo- ral character, 1 have received from a public paper, which, upon advices from a
correspondent, whose veracity they ought to have suspected, has asked, whether I did not play an infamous part in the French Revolution ? Sir, there are in France but two, my brother and myself, of the name of Garne- rin, and we have played no other part, than that which honour may avow in all countries, and at all times. It was upon the frontiers, and in the bosom of her armies, that we endeavoured to be useful to our country. I might refer, in England, to incon- testible evidence relative to my conduct. I am sure his Royal Highness the Duke of York would be dis- posed to do me the justice I deserve, if he recollect the action
of Marchiennes, in the night of the 31st of October, 1793, in which I had the honour of disputing, with a handful of men, that post, after it had been surprised by a strong detachment of his army. The action was extremely bloody, and ter- minated in a surrender, which made me his Royal Highness's prisoner, and occasioned me thirty- one " months' imprisonment in the prisons of Austria. of society. He then stated the nature of the. prints, which, Ue observed, was not merely a representation of nature, but was actually " a refinement of her General dictates," and of course calculated to inspire the youug mind with vicious
inclinations beyond tke bounds of pru- dence. To disseminate this dangerous work upwards of eighty persons were employed, who had formed them- selves into a club, and were determined, in case the arm of justice should lay hold of any one, to protect him. He should lay these facts for the consideration of the Jury, and from the evidence he had to produce, no dcubt could remain on their minds of the. Prisoner's guilt. Robert Gray stated, that he was in the employ of the Society for the Suppression of Vice ; that on the 7th Sep- tember he was introduced to the acquaintance of the Pri- soner by his partner, named John Revo,
both of them re- _ at No. 66, Turnmill- street, Clerkenwell. On that day he purchased one- indecent print, and was to call on According to M. Garnerin's calculation, he had been to the height of 4,154 French feet, on Tuesday last. [ We have seen a Drawing representing the Balloon, Para- chute, in their various positions during this very sin- gular and interesting experiment. A Print from it will appear in ths course of a day or two, and wo recommend it as ail admirable illustration of the account. Full parti- culars being annexed, render it a pleasing present to a a friend in the country. It will be published at No. 9, Great Turnstile,
Lincoln's- Inn- Fidds.] RANELAGH DIVING MACHINE. It had been for some time announced that a Mr. | TODD was to descend on Thursday at Ranelagh Hardens, into a Reservoir 25 feet deep,— to remain it the bottom for an hour,— to be there surrounded with lights,— and to communicate with the surround- nr spectators. This bold promise did not attract so many as one hundred persons, and if any of them, after witnessing the recent triumph of Experimental Philosophy in one Element, hoped to enjoy a similar triumph over the dangers of another— We can only say, that thoss persons must have returned most miserably
disappointed. The apparatus used on the occasion was a tub of deal, encircled with iron hoops, about 18 feet in height, and not quite 5 in diameter ; ona level with the top of which was a scaffolding. The Operator, was provided with a dress formed of leather, iron, and copper, in which he was inserted up to his neck. A Wooden Box, with a pane of glass in front, was then put on his head, and ths being attached to his leathern neck- piece, the joining was afterwards smeared over with tar; he was then raised by pullies, and in this clumsy garb dangled for some time ever the water. At this moment he appeared ready for tlte gibbet,
and the exhibition had indeed all the dis- gust, without any of the interest which is excited on beholding, a public execution ! He was then ducked several times, but at no time, was under the water so much as five minutes. To supply him with air, a flexible tube of cane, with copper joints, bound with the following uay to purchase some more, which he ac. cordingly did, but could not see any that he liked. At this time a conversation passed between them relative to the sort of customers which the Prisoner had ; the latter replied, in answer to a question from the witness, that he visited Tottenham and. its viemily, and had an
excellent set of customers, mostly ladies, whom he served with prints of the description stated in the indictment, ami who paid him not less than half a guinea for each print. The witness then made aw appointment with the Prisoner to meet him at the King's Arms in Shoreditch, oil the 11th of September, observing, at the same time, that he knew soine humoursome old ladies and gentlemen who were partial to those kind of prints, and would take four . or five dozen. The Prisoner met him according to ap- pointment, but said he could not let him have any, as his orders were so great. He observed, that some of his associates had
been trepanned, and carried before the Ma- gistrate, and therefore he was cautious of selling to stran- gers. They then parted, but not before the Prisoner had shewn the witness six prints of an obscene and indecent nature, coloured. The latter followed him, and saw him stop at a genteel house near Stamford- hill, and likewise at two others, and leave parcels, which were taken in by genteel dressed women. The witness afterwards met him as by accident, and asked him if be had a good sale? to which he replied that he should have sold them all, but one lady was not at home. He then pulled out of his pockets two prints and
three hooks ( which were pro- duced) and the witness bought the prints for 9s. the Pri- soner, at the same time, observing, that he was not to be frightened, for there were between eighty and a hundred employed in the business, who were determined to stand by each other. The witness here swore, that the Prisoner told him that he had three ladies schools who were good customers to him.— On his cross examination, he said, that lie was formerly a grocer, and had been in the employ of the Society for near three months. Evidence was called to prove that the Prisoner, on his examination before th* Magistrate, had stated, that
he received the prints in question of Gray, the witness. Mr. ALLEY conducted the defence, the wholeof which rested on an alibi. To prove this, three witnesses were called : from their testimony it appeared, that the Prisoner on the day in question was at home during the whole of The Chairman ( Mr. CONANT) summed up the evi- dence, observing to the Jury, that the whole question for that consideration was, the credit to be attached to the
SEPTEMBER 9& BELL'S WEEKLY MESSENGER. 311 one side or the other, A more dangerous publication could not be circulated; aud it was necessary for them to be satisfied as to the guilt of the Prisoner before they pro- nounced their verdict, as it had been justly observed the severest penalties would he inflicted in case the Prisoner was found guilty. The Jury, after some consideration, found him guilty, and he was ordered to be imprisoned six months. OLD BAILEY. * MONDAY. William Herbert, J. Reynolds, S. Beach, F. Ryley, C. Smith, J. Roberts, Elizabeth Lane, E. Griffiths, and Elizabeth Haly, were charged with a
capital offence in burglariously breaking and entering the dwelling house of George Skille- corn, and stealing therein two wooden tills, containing penny pieces, halfpence, & c. to an amount exceeding 40s. and also a few articles of lesser value.— It was clearly proved that the prosecutor's, ( a Publican, at the corner of Parker's- lane, Lit- tle Queen- street,) house had been broken open and. entered on the night preceding or early in the morning of the 20th of Ju ly, and the money and articles laid in the indictment stolen. The robbery was detected chiefly by the watchmen one of whom, on going his rounds, observed the
prosecutor's cellar- door and flap open* It appeared the thieves had gone in that w « y. On account of some suspicious circumstances which if ere observed, tile prosecutor, - who had been previously alarm- ed, was induced to accompany three of the watchmen of his neighbourhood to a noted house in Lewkner's- lane, where, in one of the rooms, they found four of the prisoners sitting round a table dividing the halfpence, & c. a fifth was found en- deavouring to h de himself under some straw; a sixth on a bid in the room; and the seventh was apprehended after he came down from the chimney. Most of the prisoners were very
young lads, and noted cha- racters in the line of depredation Nothing satisfactory ap- pearing in their defence, the Jury, as there was no proof of the entry being made in the night time, found the seven male prisoners guilty of stealing, which,' as the amount exceeded forty shi lings, and in a dwelling house, still remains a capital offence. The evidence against the women not being sufficient to convict them, they were of course acquitted TueSDAY. Fifteen prisoners were tried, one of whom was capitally convicted, viz G. Steward, tor stealing a piece of dimity, va- lue 40s. and upwards, the property of T. Winner and W. Bramridge,
in their dwelling- house.— Seven were convicted of felony, and seven were acquitted. DUELLING Henry Rea was charged with feloniously discharging a pis- tol, loaded with gunpowder and a leaden bullet, at John Bre- mar, at the Cape of Good Hope, on the 14th of March last, which occasioned his death, and J. W. Beaumont and John Morgan, ware indicted. for aiding, comforting, and assisting, the said Henry Rea, in the said murder. The ATTOrNEy GENERAL opened the case for the prosecu tion in a very able speech. It is unnecessary for us to go into its detail. He stated the laws of the land upon the case, and argued
strongly that the two prisoner;, Beaumont and Morgan, the seconds of the respective parties, were equally guilty as the principal. In corroboration of this argument, iie men- tioned the opinion of Mr. Justice Hale, and the more recent ode of the late Justice Buller. Having expatiated upon the enormity of the offence, and condemned the practice of Duelling, he proceeded to state the facts, which were confirmed by two witnesses to the fol- lowing extent only. Francis Stimson, servant to Mr. Rea, stated, that on Sa- turday, the 18th of March, he was ordered on shore by his master, about four in the afternoon. His master and Mr.
Beaumont were al ia in'the boat, and when they landed, they went to his master's lodgings. Mr. Rea ordered the witness to call him next morning by two unlock, which he did, and up- on going into the worn, found him up and dressed, and Mr. Beaamout with bin. Mr. Rea gave the witness a bag, and ordered him to follow them to the Company's Gardens, about a quarter of a mile off. The bag was small, and there was something hard ia- it. When they came to the gardens, the witness put the bag on the ground, and lay down, ami put his head on it, leaving the gentlemen walking about. He fell asleep, and was awakened by his
master about five o'clock, who desired him to go away, and said, that when he wanted him, he should whistle for him. By this time the deceased and Mr. Morgan had arrived. About ten minutes after the witness had left the place, he heard several Shots fired,' but how many he could not say. In about a quarter of an hour ( in all) after he had left the parties, he heard a whistle, and he immediately returned, and found Mr. Bremar leaning against'Mr. Morgan's shoulder. The witness was desired fey his master to assist Mr. Morgan, which he did, and Mr. Beau- mont also lent his aid. Mr. Bremar was conveyed to a house at the top of
the gardens, where he was put to bed. His mas- ter exclaimed " Good God, how unfortunate ! he had three shots to my one." He saw the bag on the ground, and carried it on board, but did not know what was in it. Mr. Bremar died next morning. He did not see him undressed, but he saw his shirt, which was stained with blood. Mr. Motherwell, surgeon of his Majesty's ship Jupiter, de- posed, that he was called jy the last witness to attend the de- ceased after the duel. Mr Bremar complained of a wound he bid received, which, upon examination, the witness disco- vered to be inthe right groin, lt was avery bad wound, and he told
the deceased so, adding, however, that he had great hopes of his recovery. Mr. Bremar was very apprehensive, and died next morning. The witness dissected the body, and found a ball in the bladder, which he traced to the orifice of the wound, and he had no doubt but that the ball hud occa- sioned the death of Mr. Bremar. Thisclosed the evidence for the prosecution. Mr Serjeant BEST remarked, that there was no evidence against the seconds. This brought on a leg d argument be- tween him and the Attorney General, which was terminated by Mr. Baron Hotham, saying, that if a conviction took place, lie should reserve the
point for the opinion of the J udges. A number of the mo t respectable Officers of the N. ivy and Marines appeared oil behalf of the prisoners; many of " them had known Uiein for years, and g ve them most excellent cha- racters for moderation and orderly conduct. One of these gentlemen- aid, that Mr. Rea had, on one occasion, by his friendly interference, prevented im from' fighting a duel. Mr Baron HOTHAM charged the Jury it great length : he remartked that the evidence was very defective.;. nobody had said when, how or where the quarrel had began, or who gave the provocation; and it might be the. case, that the parties
had so conducted themselves on the ground as only to give room for a charge of manslaughter. ft was equally uncertain, whether or not the catastrophe might not have been occasioned by the wrongheadedness of the deceased, who might have treated Mr. Rea in such a manner, that he must have been either more or less than a man to have borne it. The Jury had no facts to decide upon, but they would recollect that the lives of three men were in their hands. The Jury retired for a short while, and found a verdict . of— Not Guilty. The prisoners were very genteel- looking young men; two wers dressed in the uniform of the
Royal Marines, and the other in that of the Navy When the verdict was pronounced, they politely bowed to the Court and Jury, and immediately withdrew. WEDNESDAY. John Oliver was charged with the offence of highway rob- bery, in feloniously assaulting Francis Hilton, and forcibly taking from his person a gold watch, a hat, half a guinea, and a seven shilling piece, his property. This robbery, it appear- ed, was committed about nine o'clock in the evening of the £ d instant, in Finsbury- square : there was a crowd, with which the prosecutor had mingled; he was violently hustled, receiv- ed several blows on his side, and had
his watch forcibly taken from him, and his hat snatched off his head. While these proceedings were taking place, Mr. Hilton begged they would . not use him ill, and gave one of those next to him the money stated in the indictment. In three or four days after, the pri- soner was apprehended while engaged in bullock- hunting, and some suspicion arising as to the hat he wore, it was traced to be that of the prosecutor, who declined swearing positively to the person of the prisoner as one of those that attacked him ; yet, from what appeared in evidence, and under the ob- servations of the Learned Judge, who, among other impor tant points, observed, that if they believed the prisoner came b7 the hat through any share he had in the outrage on Mr. Hilton, they would be justified in convicting, the Jury had littie hesitation in finding him Guilty. Henry Elmsted was indicted for a robbery, in extorting four pounds four shillings from John Boreham, under a threat of accusing him of an unnatural crime— Mr. KNOWlES, who led the prosecution, told the Jury, that, by the law of Eng- land, if any man extorted money from another, by threaten ing to accuse him of practices which would render him sub- ject to capital punishment, and if a person, under the terror of
such threat, parted with his property, the law said, that such conduit amounted to a robbery. He then detailed the cir- cumstances ol the case as they afterwards were made out in evidence, and which were as follows :— The prosecutor, Bore- ham, lived as upper servant in tin family of Lady Elizabeth Lee. till the. 31st of July the prisoner came to the house, and enquired for the prosecutor; he then told him, that he ( the prosecutor) had done him great injury, and that all he was worth would not make him amends. He then proceeded to call him an old , and told him he would have the house down but he would have him out, and
that he would let all the neighbours know what he had been guilty of. At length he said, if the prosecutor would give him four guineas, he would be quiet. He accordingly gave the four guineas, and he was induced to do it, because he feared that, if the pri soner put his threat in execution, it might be the means of losing his place, and of blasting his reputation. He after- wards told the circumstance to Lord Harcourt, his mistress's brother; and, under his advice, he prosecuted the prisoner. Upon cross- examination he said he knew the prisoner; he lived at Bury St Edmund's ; he knew his friends, but he de- nied that he had done
him any injury. Verdict— Guilty. THURSDAY. Edward, alias Edmund O'Donnel, was charged with the offence of bigamy, in feloniously intermarrying with Mary Price, his former wife, Julia Ann O'Donnel, being still alive. The case against the prisoner was clearly substantiated in evidence, it being proved, that on the 31st of January; 1797, he was married to his first wife, whose maiden name was Julia Ann Robertson, at St. Luke's church, and to his second, oil the 15th of April last, at St. James's church. In his defence, the prisoner urged a variety of circum- stances, with a view of extenuating his conduct. His first marriage was at
the early age of 19, and he was grossly de- ceived in the character of his first, wife. She proved to be a woman of a loose description, given to liquor, and very extra- vagant, & c. so much so, that he could live with her no longer; that he had reason to think she was dead when he married the second time, which last was not a match of interest, but founded on a reciprocity of" affection, and that they were in a fair way of doing well in life, when he was apprehended on this charge. It appeared in evidence, that he behaved very properly and well to his second wife, and conducted himself in an unex- ceptionable manner. Mr.
Common Serjeant SylvesTEr, who tried the case, in the course of kis observations to the Jury, said, that the sub- sequent conduct of the prisoner, however the consideration might go with respect to mitigation of punishment, did not affect the question before the Jury ; the case had clearly been made out; the offence, however, abstractedly speaking, was a very serious one. The Jury found the prisoner guilty, but recommended him to mercy on account of his youth, and the favourable circum- stances in his case, which the Court said should be duly at- tended to. FRIDAY. George Yates and John Jonathan ( two very young lads)
were indicted for stealing a certain bundle of printed copies of Votes of the House of Commons, and a complete set of the Bishop if Lincoln's Elements of Theology, in sheets, the [ r petty of Luke Hansard. The prisoners, it appeared, were in the employ of Mr. Hansard, the prosecutor, of Lincoln's- inn- fields. On the 3d instant, ihe prisoners came to the shop of a Mr. Linder, in Dean- street, Holborn, with a quantity of the printed papers ill question, which they sold to him as v/ asie for 7s. Gd See- ring the condition of the papier, observing the name of Mr. : Hansard to it, and, above all, obssrving the prisoners to quar- i rel with
respect to the division of the money he had | aid i them, lie was intuee 1 to suspect they had holding honestly by the paper; he accordingly detained them, and sent infor- mation to the prosecutor, by which means they were first de- tected. It als appeared, that they had sold a part of the pro- perty to a Cheesemonger, whom they informed it had com- from a person in the Inner Temple.- Tlae property so dis os- td of was produced in Court, and duly identified by Mr. Han- sard as belonging to him. Notwithstanding- the value set ne- on each bundle, in the indictiment, which, as we could Collect, was 51". the loss, operating in
various way, woul . be consider- blymore to him.— Several respectable persons appeared to the character of the prisoners. Mr. Common Serjeant SYLVESTER, who tried the case, in the course of his observations thereon, expressed his hope that what now appeared would be an additional warning to reputa- ble tradesmen to examine closely into what was offered to them as waste paper. With respect to the case of the pri- soners, giving full credit to the evidence, he conceived it to be clearly made out.— The Jury were constrained to find » . verdict of Guilty, but strongly recommended them to mercy on account of their youth
and good character; and in this re- commendation Mr Hansard most earnestly joined. Francis Waldron, a lad of respectable connection", and who had been a midshipman in the navy, was convicted of- stealing a watch, the property of Hewett. POLICE. MANSION- HOUSE. THREATENING LETTERS.— Mr. Goldsmid, an eminent Jew merchant, whose vast capital and skill in the business of the funds are said to have had a great influence in some of those- fluctuations in the prices of stocks which have recently pro- duced so many Change- alley insolvencies, has been lately- much annoyed by anonymous threatening letters,
transmitted' through the medium of the General Twopenny Post- office. To obtain means of discovering the author or authors of those letter-, he thought it necessary to place a Sheriff's Officer in attendance at the letter- box on the- outside, and on the inside another person to make a signal to the Officer as soon as any letter addressed to Mr. Goldsmid, in the hand- writing of the former threatening letters, should be seen to pass through the box;. The Officer had orders to seize and detain the pe Boil whom he should have observed to put in the last letter: before the signal. By these precautions, on Monday last; about two
o'clock, a Mr. Solomons, the son of a rich Jew broker, was seized by the Officer in attendance. He was, after a long pri- vate examination before the Lord Mayor,- committed to the New Compter, under the suspicion that lie was the writer of the threatening letters which Mr. Goldsmid had received. Bail, to the amount, it is said, of 50,0001. was offered in vain,. if he might be left at large. On Wednesday, however, he was again privately examined, and it appeared that there was no evidence to prove either that he had written the letters at- tributed to him, oi had even actually put any of them into the letter- box at the Post office. he
was therefore sat at li- berty, to the great joy of many of the children of Israel, who attended at the Mansion- house in great anxiety to know the • result of the affair.— The purport of the letters was to threaten utter destruction to Mr. Goldsmid and his house,' if he should continue to exercise that influence on the funds which he had for some time used. The letters are suspected to bfe the fruitr not of one Jewish head only, but of a numerous conspiracy, like that which vowed neither to eat nor drink before they killed Paul. ACCIDENTS, OFFENCES, & c. Sunday night a fire broke ourin the premises of Mr. Cooper, situated near the
Patent Shot Manufactory, near Caper's Gar- dens, Lambeth, which consumed the whole of the buildings, besides damaging the cooperage, and the lead- melter's adjoin- ing. . We are sorry to add, that nine horses out af eleven, kept by Mr. Cooper, were burnt to death, and that one man, endeavouring to draw them from the stable, was so dreadfully bruised by the roof falling in upon him, that he is not expected to live Five others were also maimed at the same time; and two children were crushed nearly to death by the engines com- ing unexpectedly upon them. The fire bro'se out'about one. o'clock at noon, and being low
water, though so contiguous to th" Thames, the engines were unable to play for a great length of time. In this, as in almost eve'ty fire that tikes place, there is no possibility of pointing out the original cause. It was, however, said, that the stables became heated from a furnace belonging to the lead- works, which the air had fanned into a. blaze. Monday morning, about half past six o'clock, at Mr. Mor- gan Gould's, hatter, on Ludgate- hill, an old man, a dresser of hats, who slept in the house, was discovered by one of the boys suspended by a rope in the kitchen ; the boy immediately gave the alarm, and the man was cut down
time enough to save his life. When he recovered sufficiently, he was put into a coach, and sent home to his friends. A few days ago, as Mr. Samuel Allsop went to the Turk's Head, in Aldgate- markct, to call for refreshment, he dropped down dead without a sigh. He had upwards of 60/. about him, which was delivered to his friends. A sad accident happened on Friday se'nnight at Margate. A man of war lying at anchor in ihe offing, about five miles from the Pier, having occasion for a supply of fresh water, the jolly boat was hoisted, and. a midshipman and five seamen were sent on shore to fill their casks. On their way, the mid shipman perceiving a rusty pistol lying at the bottom of th ® boat, took it up, and in examining it pulled the trigger ; un- fortunately, it was loaded with swan shot, went off; and wounded three of the men ; one in the side, another in the breast, and a third in the arm. Immediately on landing,- sur- geons attended, extracted the shot, and found that no dan- gerous consequences were likely to ensue from the accident. Two of the men are now ia the Infirmary, and the third ( the one wounded in the arm) has been sent on board his ship. As Colonel and Mrs Mercer were returning to town on Wednesday afternoon in their curricle, a
gentleman's carriage in Sloane- street ran against them with such violence as to dash the curricle almost to pieces. Mrs. Mercer was thrown out, . and lay for some time speechless. Colonel Mercer was very much bruised. On Monday night, between five and six o'clock, a lad who • was conveying two one pound notes from his master to a house • in Camomile- street, Bishopsgate- street, was stopped by a thief, who attempted to rob him of the notes : in the attempt, tht » notes were torn. A person accidentally passing at the time,, and seeing the transaction, seized the villain, who said he did' not mean to rob the lad, but if the
stranger would accompany him to his master's house, he Would give the lad two pounds - in lieu of the torn notes - Upon this the credulous man, with another person, went' with him to Still- alley, Houndsditch, when the villain drew a knife from his. pocket, with which he stabbed them, one in the back, and the other ia the face, and j made his- escape. NAVAL INTELLIGENCE. We are happy to be able to contradict the report of the total loss of La Pomone, of She
BELL'S WEEKLY MESSENGER. SEPTEMBER 96 damage entering St. Aubin's Bay, and was run aground, but by the the assistance ot the Revolutionnaire and Alonzo, she has been since got off and is gone in there to be repaired. We are concerned to learn the loss of the For- tunes frigate, off the mouth of the Texel. That ship, with the Diamond, Captain Elphinstone, was employed to convey the Dutch troops from Guern- sey to the Helder. They sailed from the Downs on Thurday the 9th inst. and on the following day, off the mouth of the Texel, experienced a most dreadful gale of wind. Both frigates drove over a sand- bank,
but the Fortunee unfortunately struck upon another bank, and stuck fast. She is irrecoverably lost. The Diamond was saved by the presence of mind of Cap- tain Elphinstone, in ordering, at a most critical mo- ment, the small bower anchor to be let go, which fortunately held. They were obliged to get out all her guns, provisions, stores, and water, before they could get her into deep water again. LONDON MARKETS. CORN EXCHANGE. MONDAY, SEPT. 20,— We HAD ( considering how early the season is) rather a large supply of Wheat both fioni Essex aad Kent, the finest runs of Wheat experienced a decline 111 price of
nearly 4s. per quarter Siiice Monday last; such as are of inferior quality, are tafceu of at. prices still more. re- duced. Rye little in demand. Barley, Malt, Pease, Beans, and Oats, have a ready sale at last weeks prices. * FRIDAY, SEPT. 24.— But little of our own Grain has arrived since Monday, though there has been some few vessels from foreign. ports, chiefly willi Wheat and Oats, the fineness of the season, and the long continuance of it, materially affects the mind of the buyer, and we want nothing But. a re- gular supply to feel the effects to large a crop must occasion ; there is but very little business done, nor any . material
altera- tion in the prices, if we except Rye, which has got inland demand. AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. Monday,. Beasts 2100- Friday; Beasts 700- PORT NEWS. FALMOUTH, SEPT. 19.— Sailed this evening the Townshend jacket: Dodd, with mail of the 15th inst. for the Leeward Is- lands. She has only one passenger, Mr. Young, son to Sir William Young, the Member for the Borough of St. Mawe's. PLYMOUTH; SEPT. 22.— Orders are come down for all Naval Officers to live within a certain distance of each Naval Arsenal, to be hereafter ascertained.— This being the Anniversary of his Majesty's Coronation, was observed
here with every mark of respect. The bells rang the whole day, the Royal Standard and Union Flag were hoisted 0n board the Centaur, of 74 guns, and the Temeraire, of 98 guns; also in the Dock- yard, Vic- tualling Office, the other Public Offices, and at Mr. T. Lock- yer's Battery. At noon there was fired from the Citadel and Mount Wise Batteries, and from the Fleet, a Royal Salute of 21 guns. LLOYDS LIST. CURRENT PRICES OF GRAIN FOR. THE WEEK. Winchester Measure of Eight Bushels Veal Pork Mutton SATURDAY. S. d. s. - 5 4 6 - GO 7 ,- 4 8 5 Beef in Sides 4 Ditto in Lous 5 Lamb - 5 f. 4. 4 4 5 4 6 8 PRICE OF
TALLOW IN LONDON. The only Market is on Friday , s fc The Jean, Wilson, from Petersburgh to Greenock, is on shore near Revel, and it is feared will be lost. ' The Therese, Lelay, from Cette, is lost on the Saints. The Brig Maria, of London, Swansea, is lost on the coast of France. ' The Master landed at Portsmouth. The Queen, Young, bound to Gibraltar, went on the Shin- gles, the 16th instant., but got off the next day, after throw ing part of her cargo of bricks overboard, and put into Cowes to repair. The Flora, Kerr, that was on shore in the Shannon, is got off with little damage, Two thirds of the cargo saved. The Mary,
Gilchrist, from New York to London, having lost two of her Masts in bad weather, has put into Nova Scotia to refit. L'Etoilede la Mer, Constantin, from RoChelle to Bour- deaux, is- lost on the Isle Oleron The Livonia, Allison, from Riga to London,, is put into Christiansand, and will unload. The Earl St. Vincent's, Bligh, from Messina to London, is put into Lisbon, leaky, and will be obliged to unload a great part of her cargo. MARRIED. On Wednesday, at Hackney, John Craven, Esq. of Good- man's- fields, to Miss Bowman, daughter of William Bowman, Esq. of Lombard- street, banker. On Monday, Peter Tahourdin, Esq. of Argyll street, t « Miss Somers, of the same place. On Thursday, Daniel M'Kinlay, Esq. of Size- lane, Buck- lersbury, to Miss Lindo, daughter of Alexander Lindo, Esq of Finsbury- square. On Monday the 10th inst. at Mitcham, in Surrey, Thomas Hinchliff, Esq. At East Hendred, Berks, Martha Anns, aged 160. Till within a few years of her death, she was regular at church both on Sundays and Saints days. On the 6th July, at Trinidad, Mrs. Balfour, wife of Lieute- nant Colonel William Balfour, of the 57th regiment. Yesterday se'nnight, Mrs. Ann Clarke, aged 71, sister to J. C. Jervoise, Esq. M. P. at his house in Hanover square. On Friday,
at Stanmore, Mrs, Drummond, wife of John Drummond, Esq. At Vauxhall, Mrs. Beyerley, wife of W. Beverley, Esq in the 27th year of her age. Lately, at Kentish Town, Mrs. Greville, formerly of Drury- lane Theatre. Mrs Gaudry, relict of the late Mr. Gaudry, of the Theatre Royal, Drury- lane. On Sunday, Mr. Robert Ashborough, of Peterborough. He was found dead in the road towards Orton, 0n which he was observed a few minutes before to be walking in apparent health. A few days ago, aged 14, Miss Hubbard, of Langham, near Oakham. The hand of death suddenly convulsed her fair form whilst seated in ordinary health at
dinner. Suddenly, aged 48, Mr Joseph Hargrove, architect and surveyor, of Hull. He had been following the usual duties of his profession the whole of the preceding day, and retired to bed in the evening in perfect health. PRICE OF SUGAR. Average Price of Sugar 11 14s 92d Exclusive of the Duty of Customs paid or payable thereon fill the Importation thereof into Great Britain. St. James's Market Clare Market Wliitechapel Market 3 10 3 10 3 .9 11 Average Price s. d. i. Town Tal. percwt. 65 0 08 Yellow Russia - 62 0 ( ii White ditto 0 00 Soap ditto 60 0 • 61 Melted Stuff - 55 0 ss Graves 16 0 « Good Dregs - 10 0- 00 Curd Soap
82 0 03 Mottled ditto - 78 0 ( HI Yellow ditto 70 0 Ot) The above is the wholesale price to the Trade TALLOW CHANDlERSHALL.— PRICE or CANDLES. Caudles - - - , A - 10s 6d Per Dozen. Moulds lis 0.1 Per Ditto. . Best Hides Vliddiing ) i dreary RAW HIDES, Per I d. s. d. I tone.— FRIDAY. 4 a 3 8 0 a 3 2 8 a 2 10 • Horse Skins Calf ditto Light- Calf • d.- s: d. 6 a 15 6 6 a 0 0 7 per lb Bas PRICE OF HOPS IN THE BOROUGH. FRIDAY. ) 71 5s to 91 9s I Pockets 81 8s to 111 • O": PRICE OF LEATHER AT LEADENHALL Butts, 50 to oCib. each. - - 21d < 0 24ii DitCb 601 6blb. - - - - 25' to Mer .. ants'Backs - .- - 20J to Dressing
Hid : ----- 19 lo Fine Coach- Hides - - - - 20 to Crop Hides for cu'ting 45 to 50 22 Flat Ordinary, 35 to 40 - - 19.} Call Skins, ; 3' J to, 401b per dozen 26 Ditto, .50 toJOlb. perdoz n - 26 Ditt. , 70 to 801b. - - - - 25 Small Sjals, Greenland, per lb 3- Od Lai ge ditto, per doten - - - 100s t to • to to to ' to 26 21 29 2: i 2i' 21 30 27 4 I 140s Tanned Horse Hides, each - - 18s to 3i_ Goat skins, jierdozan ... g5.< to 70s Bark, per load - - - - 001 0s to 001 L's - FRIDAY. Shearlings SHEEP SKINS, s. d s. d. I 1 a 0 2 0 Lamb Skins d. 9. 0 a 4 PRICE OF SEEDS AT THE CORN EXCHANGE. FRIDAY. S. S. Rye Grass Cinquefoil s. Red Clover 42 to
80 per cwt White ditto 70 to! 20 Ditto Trefoil - 30 to 80 Ditto Turfiip - 20 to 24 p. bush Canaiy Seed., 10s. per Bushel 16 to 32 per qr. 56 to 70 Ditto Rape New 351 to 381 per last 6d.— Whiteditto, lis. to 14s. Od. - Brown Mustard, lis. to 14s PRICK OF COALS FOR THE WEEK. MONDAY. Kenton Bigg's Main HcatonMain Kenton Montague Tan field Moor Wellington Waltsend Wal bottle Bourn Moor Newbottle WEdNeSDAY. South Moor Walkea Delivered at 9 » adyante on the above Price. Willjhgtoii • 44 9 42 C FRIDAY. 44- 0 Biggs Main 45 0 44 0 Cowpin 41 0 43 0 Eighton 42 0 41 6 Heaton Main 0 39 0 Hebbura 45 0 43 6
Hartley 42 0 44 0 Kenton 45 0 39 0 Ponton 41 0 40 6 Walker. 4B 0 39 9 Wall's End 4Q_ 0 Walbottlo 42 0 41 0 B ourn Moor' 42 0 45 0 Edon 42 0 Bacon Brandy Butter Cheese Coffee Cotton Gin Pork IMPORTATIONS SINCE OUR LAST. 30!> cwt 41453 gal 4- c0 tons 2 1 tons 11674 cwt 526233 lb 1096 gal 5 tons Rice Rum Sugar Tallow Tobacco Vv ine Wool Ditto 1,000 cwt 92336 gal 10,1768 ewt 144 tons 509240 lb 622616 gal ' 2260 ib - 400 cwt :| COURSE OF EXCHANGE. Tuesriav. Fridav. Printed and published by J. BELL at the Weekly Messenger Printing- Office, Beaufort- buildings, Strand,— the only Office for receiving
Orders and CommissionS.