Ipswich Journal
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Volume Number: Issue Number: 3561
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Ipswich Journal
Date of Article: 25/04/1801
Printer / Publisher: S. Jackson
Address: Butter-Market, Ipswich
Volume Number: Issue Number: 3561
No Pages: 4
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SunDay's Post. IT was yesterday ordered by his Majesty's Most Hon. Privy Council, that his Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury do pre- pare a form of Prayer and Thanksgiving to Al- mighty God, for his Majesty's recovery from his late dangerous sickness and it is hereby further ordered, that his Majesty's Printer do forthwith print a competent number of the said form of Prayer and Thanksgiving, that the same may be forthwith sent round and read in the several Churches and Chapels throughout those parts of the united kingdom called England and Ireland. The King has been pleased to grant the dig- nity of Earl of the
united kingdom of Great Bri- tain and Ireland, to the Right Hon. Alexander Lord Loughborough, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Earl of Rosslyn, in the cbunty of Mid Lothian, with remainder to the heirs male, law- fully begotten, of Lite body of Lady Jauet Erskine, dec. sister to the said Alexahder Lord Lough- borough, and widow of Sir Henry Erskine, of Alva, Baronet. Also, to declare and ordain by his Royal Sign Manual, that Mary Henrietta Erskine, daughter of Lady Janet Erskine, dec. sister to the Right Hon. Alexander Lord Lough- borough, and widow of Sir Henry Erskine of Alva,
Baronet, shall have, and ef^ joy the same place, pre- eminence, and precedency, in all as- semblies or meetings whatsoever, as the daugh- ter of an Earl of the united kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Gazette. The following are correct copies of the corre- spondence, which passed between Lord Nelson and the Prince Royal of Denmark, on the 2d inst. immediately on the former finding the Danish ships and batteries entirely within his power. In them we behold, indeed, a triumph!— a triumph unequalled in the history of the world; not that of a conqueror trampling on his prostrate but still resisting foe, but conjuring him, by
the dearest ties of humanity, to accept life and friendship, at a moment when nothing but horror, despair, and death presented themselves to view I Lord Nelson has directions to spare Denmark, when no longer resisting; but if the firing is continued on the part of Denmark, Lord Nelson must he ob- liged to set on fire all the floating batteries he has taken, without having the power of saving the brave Danes who have defended them. Dated on board his Majesty's ship Elephant, Copenhagen Roads, 2d April, 1801. Signed, NELSON and BRONTE. To the Brothers of Englishmen, the Dunes. His Royal Highness the Prince Royal of
Denmark has sent me, General Adjutant Lindholm, on board to his Britannic Majesty's Vice Admiral, the Right Hon. Lord Nelson, to ask the particular Object of sen ding the flag Of truce. Lord Nelson's Answer, Lord Nelson's object in sending; the flag of truce was Humanity! he therefore consents that hostilities shall cease, and that the wounded Danes may be taken on shore; and Lord Nelson will take his prisoners out of the vessels, and burn or carry off his prizes, he shall think fit. Lord Nelson, with humble duty to his Royal Highness the Prince of Denmark, will con- sider this the greatest victory he ever gained, if it may be the
cause of a happy reconciliation and union be- tween his own most gracious Sovereign and his Ma- jesty the King of Denmark. NELSON and BRONTE Lord Nelson, on landing, said to Gen. Lind- holm, that the French had fought bravely, but that they could not have sustained more than one hour such a fire as the Danes sustained for 4 hours " I have," added he, " in the course of my life, been in 105 engagements; but that to- day was the most terrible of all." List of Danish Ships taken in the Action, Wagrien 50 Cronenber 26 Holstein 64 Albestein 64 Sperferis 18 Sea Horse 20 Rensberg 34 Shark 28 Provesteen 64 Jutland 50
Charlotte Amelia 96 1 sunk, 1 burnt. Since also, 1 sunk, 1 burnt, 1 des troyed, aground, names unknown. Capt. M'Kinley, of the Otter, and Capt. Bir- chal, of the Harpy, in consequence of their gal- lant exertions against the Danish fleet, have been promoted: the former is appointed to the Bel- lona, and the latter to the Monarch. In the list of Officers killed in the action of the 2d inst. the Hon. Geo. Tucket, midship- man of the Amazon is mentioned ; but this was not the name of the young Gentlemen alluded to. It was the Hon. John Touchet, youngest son of Lord Audley, who fell on that occasion. His loss is severely felt by his
affectionate parent. Capt. Riou, of the Amazon, was killed by chain shot from the Crown Battery, at Copen- hagen, at the moment he was cheering his men 8 of whom had the instant before been killed by a single shot. There were no fewer than 80 pieces of cannon playing at one time on the above frigate, from the said battery. Earl St. Vincent is having gold and silver me- dals struck for the officers and seamen of the Ville de Paris, in testimony of the high sense which his Lordship entertains of their abilities. An elopement to Gretna Green took place on Saturday last from Whitehaven. The young lady is the daughter of a
merchant in that town and the swain a military gentleman stationed there. The parties returned with elevated spi- rits to dinner at Carlisle, when the father of the young lady appeared in pursuit, and a scene of agitation ensued, the result of which, however proved favourable to Mars, for both he and Venus having peremptorily declared they would not Survive a separation, the old gentleman was Compelled to relinquish his objections. Lottery Capitals. 39th day. No. 9422, 20023, 26350j . ALBION, A GREY HORSE, a known good HUNTER Of great Size, Strength and Activity, WILL Cover 25 Mares this Season, at One Guinea
and Half- a- Crown each. Inquire for William Garthwaite, groom, at Henham, near Wangford, Suf- folk. N. B. Grass for Mares at 5s. per week. CREDITORS. THE Creditors of ROBERT CHAPLIN, late of Worlingworth, in the county of Suffolk, innhol- der, deceased, are ( by the direction of his administra- tor) requested to deliver in their accounts to Mr. Nath. Clubbe, attorney at law at Framlingham, as early as possible; and those indebted to the estate and effects of the deceased, are desired to pay the same to the aid. Nath. Clubbe immediately. WOODBR1DGE Subscription Assembly will be on Monday the 27th inst. Dancing to
begin at Eight o'clock. Non- subscribers 5s. each. WALTER RUDING, Esq. Rev. CHAs. BROOKE, Stewards WOODBRIDGE, 18 April 1801. WM. SIZER returns his best Thanks to the Inha- bitants of Woodbridge, and the public in ge- neral, for their liberal favors; respectfully informs them, he is just returned from London with a large and fa- shionable assortment of Prints, Muslins, Dimities, Iiislies, & c. which he intends selling, wholesale and retail, upon very low terms. April 22, 1801. ISAAC COLEBY, Hoxne, BEING just returned from London, wishes to inform his friends and the public, that he has purchased a new and
fashionable assortment of Linen and Wool- len Drapery, Haberdashery, Hats, Hose, and a choice collection of fine flavoured Teas; also, a large assort- ment of New and Second- hand Clothes, which he is enabled to sell on equally low terms with any shop in the kingdom; and many articles 20 per cent, under the regular price. I. COLEBY returns Thanks for the liberal Encou- ragement he has received, and respectfully entreats a continuance thereof, as be hopes by assiduity and attention to merit the same. Best Price given for Butter, Cheese, and Fleece Wool, FUNERALS FURNISHED. WHEREAS some ill- disposed Person
or Persons, late on Saturday Night, or early on Sunday Morning last, stole from off the Farm and Premises in Kirton, in my occupation, THREE GATE HOOKS, ONE CLASP EYE, and ONE RUNNING ditto ; and also, maliciously broke TWO PLOUGH BREASTS, and did much damage to the GARDEN. Now I here- by offer a reward of FIVE GUINEAS to any person or persons who will discover the offender or offen- ders, and give evidence so that he, she or they shall be lawfully convicted. Witness my hand, JOHN STEEL, Jun. N. B. From several circumstances, the offender is pretty generally known and mentioned in the neigh bourhood ; and he, as well as all other persons, are hereby, desired to take Notice, that, if any depreda- tions shall be hereafter, committed upon the said pre- mises, neither pains nor expence will be spared in de- tecting and inflicted on him, or . any other offender, the most exemplary punishment. TP be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, Apiece of exceeding good Arable Land, contain- ing 6 acres, lying in Shipmeadow, in the coun- ty of Suffolk, in the occupation of Mr. John Brown, who has had notice to quit at Michaelmas next. The above piece of land is a desirable situation to build on, as it adjoins the Great Road leading
from Bungay to Beccles, and about an equal haft' way distance from each town. For further particulars apply to Mr. Chalker, of Burgh St. Peter; or Mr. Copping, attorney, at Harleston, where a plan and survey of the land may be seen. RICHARD GOULDTHROP, Late MAJOR- FARRIER, and SHOEING- SMITH, In the ROYAL HORSE- ARTILLERY, And STUDENT of the VETERINARY- COLLEGE, Under Professor COLEMAN, BEGS Leave to acquaint the Gentlemen of Wood- bridge, and neighbourhood, that he intends to establish himself in private practice in the above branches of the Profession, upon the true system of the
Veterinary Art. Upon reasonable terms, Gentlemen may be supplied with the different kinds of genuine prepared Horse Medicines, the prices of which, and for journies into the country, will be particularly spe- cified, and annexed to his card of general articles. WHEREAS on Tuesday Night, the 14th of April, 1801, or early on Wednesday morning, the 15th, A FAT CALF, upwards of 10 stone, was stolen and carried away from the calf crib in the neathouse, in the occupation of Mr. NAT. ALLINGTON, of Linstead Magna, leaving the skin, head and pluck. Any person giving information of the offender or offen- ders, so as he or they
are brought to justice, and con- victed thereof, shall receive a reward of Twenty Gui- neas, by applying to the said Mr. Allington. Linstead, Suffolk, April 15, 1801 To be SOLD, Pursuant to a Decree of his Majesty's Court of Exche- quer, made in a cause JEAFFRESON v. JEAFFRE- SON, before Abel Moysey, Esq. Deputy to his Ma- jesty's Remembrancer of the said Court, at his cham- bers in the Exchequer Office, in the Inner Temple, London, on Thursday, the 7th day of May, 1801, at One of the clock in the afternoon, in One Lot, to the best bidder, AFreehold and Copyhold ESTATE, late the pro- perty of SAMUEL
JEAFFRESON, deceased, si- tuate at Pettistree and Wickham- market, in the coun- ty of Suffolk ; comprising a dwelling- house with suita- ble offices, buildings, garden, and about 88 acres of land. Particulars may be had gratis at the Exchequer Office in tho Inner Temple ; Mr. Robins, Gray's Inn, London; Mr. Schuldham, Marlesford; the House at Pettistree, and the White Hart at Wickham- niarket; and the Crown, Woodbridge, Suffolk. To COVER this SEASON, At ANDREW BLAKE'S, Letheringham, ABright Chesnut CART COLT, at 15s. 6d. each Mare. To pay the Man at Covering. Trials free till Midsummer. He is 3 years old,
near 16 hands high, wide and handsome, and very short leg'd. He was the property of Mr. Gleed, of Dickteburgh- hall. Mr. Gleed has been famous in cart stallions for many years; therefore thought proper to purchase a cart stallion of that stock, as a cross will be of great ad- vantage to our stock in this neighbourhood. He will be at Rushmere Falcon on Tuesday morn- ing by 8, on his way to Kirkton Greyhound, and stay there all night; at Woodbridge Bull on Wednesdays ; at Shottisham Sorrel Horse that night, till 10 on Thurs- dav mornings, and stop at Butley Oyster on his way home ; at Coddenham Crownon Fridays, by 9
o'clock, and stop at Framsden Greyhound in his way home ; at Framlingham Crown on Saturdays; and at home on Sundays and Mondays, Such mares as were not stinted, may be covered at 8s. 6d. To be SOLD by AUCTION By Mr. ROVER, On Fridav, the 1st day of May, 1801 At the CROWN INN, CODDENHAM, About Four o'clock in the afternoon, IN 3 LOTS. Lot 1. A New Brick- built Dwelling House, with a sash front, suitable for the residence of a small genteel family, pleasantly situate in Coddenham aforesaid, in the occupation of Miss Beck. Lot 2. A Tenement adjoining the above premises, with a small piece of garden
ground, in the occupa- tion of Henry Miller. Lot 3. A brick Dwelling House, stable, slaughter- house, and other convenient outbuildings, situate in Coddenham aforesaid, in the occupation of Mr. Robt. Proctor. The above premises are all freehold, and in exceed- ing good repair. The principal part of the pur- chase money may remain upon the premises if required. For further particulars apply to Mr. Masters, or the auctioneer, Ipswich. SUFFOLK and ESSEX ESTATES. To be SOLD by AUCTION By Mr. ROPER, On Friday, the 8th day of May, 1801, at Eleven o'clock, at the Golden Lion Inn, Ipswich, In the following Lots: Lot 1. A
Valuable and very eligible Freehold F. state and Manor, called ALDHAMS, situate at Wiston, in the county of Suffolk, wiinin 8 miles of Colchester, and 6 from Sudbury; consisting of a good farm house, with useful outbuildings for the occupa- tion, and 295A. OR. 24P. of rich meadow, pasture, , arable, and wood land, now in tbe occupation of Mr. Grimwood, as tenant from year to year. The above To be SOLD by AUCTION By WM. SHARMAN, Ou Monday, April 27, upon the Farm and Premises of Mr. RICH. ANDREWS, of Weybread, Suffolk, 5Very valuable Milch Cows, 3 of them with Calves by their sides, others off, a 2- year
old heifer, a ca- pital brood chesnut cart mare in foal, bay cart ditto, road cart, tumbrel good as new, foot plough, 2- horse roll, 3 double milk trays, and ditto leaded, very good salting ditto, cheese press, leaded scat, 2 butter stands, very good barrel churn, hand ditto, cheese vats and braids, 5 milk keelers, 2 ditto bowls, 2 ditto pails, large brewing copper, very good irons and lids, ditto tub, underbaek, windup jack and pullies, gun, and other useful requisites; the whole of which will be sold without reserve, as Mr. Andrews quits his farm at Michaelmas next. Also will be sold, 4 acres of Clover and Rye Grass, and 5 acres of Upland
Meadow Hay; may be mown and carried off. Possession may he had till Michaelmas next. O. S. Sale begins at Ten. PEBMARSH, WICKHAM ST. PAUL And GESTINGTHORPE, ESSEX. To be SOLD by AUCTION On Tuesday, May 12, 1801, By WM. OLIVER and SON, Between the hours of 2 and 3 o'clock in the Afternoon, At the BELL INN, Castle Hedingham, Essex, ADesirable FARM, called COLLINS and CLOVERS; consisting of a substantial and exceeding con- venient farm house, 1 barns, stables, cow house, cart lodge, and other suitable out- buildings, in complete repair, with an orchard, garden, and 96 acres, more or
less, of arable, pasture and wood land, within a ring fence, and in a good state of cultivation, in the seve- ral parishes of Pebmarsh, Wickham St. Paul, and Gest- ingthorpe aforesaid, about 26 acres of which are copy- hold, the rest freehold, late in the occupation of Mr. James Pudney, and of which possession will be given at Michaelmas next. For further particulars apply to Mr. Carwardine, Castle Hedingham, Essex, or the aucti- oneer, Sudbury. A Man on the premises will shew them. To be PEREMPTORILY SOLD, Pursuant to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery made in a cause RIGBY, Esq. against M'NAMARA, Esq.
and LAW, Esq. against RIGBY, before Wm. Graves, Esq. one of the Masters of the aid Court, in Sixteen distinct Lots or Parcels, on Friday, the 15th day of May next, at the Public Sale Room of the said Court, situate in Southampton Buildings Chancery- lane, London, SEVERAL MANORS, large and other desirable FARMS, and ESTATES of INHERITANCE, late of the Right Honorable RICHARD RIGBY, deceased, situate in Kirkby, Thorp, Walton le Soken, in Essex, and East Bergholt and Brantham in Suffolk, and Lid- lington in the county of Bedford. Particulars whereof may be had ( gratis) at the said Master's Office, situate in
Southampton Buildings aforesaid ; Messrs. Bullock and Arnold, solicitors, Bedford Row; Mr. John Payne, at the six Clerks Office, Chancery- lane, London, and also of Mr. John Ambrose, jun. of Mistley, near MAnningtree, Essex, of whom tickets may be had for viewing the premises. To be SOLD or LET, And entered upon at Michaelmas next, AVery Capital MESSUAGE, new- built with Brick and Tile, in compleat repair, desirably situated in the Earsham- street, at Bungay, in the county of Suf- folk, and now in the occupation of Thomas J. Wood- ward, Esq.; comprising a vestibule, 2 good parlours in front, good kitchen, pantry,
butler's pantry, store- room, and laundry en the ground floor, a tea room, 4 excellent chambers and dressing- room ( fire places in each) on the second floor with 6 garrets over them, good cellars, pump, wash- house, brew- office, coach- house, stable and other detached offices, yard and small garden, commanding a fine prospect of the ad- jacent country. Bungay is ( in the corporate hundred of Wangford, where the poor and other rates are very moderate) surrounded by a fertile pleasant country with ex- cellent roads, 14 miles from the city of Norwich, and 21 from the Port of Great Yarmouth, to the latter there is a navigable
river, a good market every Thursday, the mail to and from London every day, and the London, Bury, and Yarmouth coaches three times in the week. For further particulars apply to Mr. Isaac Barnes, merchant, Bungay. To be SOLD by AUCTION By JOHN COX, At the HALF MOON INN, CLARE, SUFFOLK, On Friday, the 1st day of May next, At Eleven o'clock in the forenoon, Lot l. ALL that Freehold Land or Wood Ground, called CLOPTON WOOD ; containing 10 acres or thereabouts, with tbe timber and wood there- on growing, situate at Ashen, in Essex, in the occu- pation of Wm. Fitch, who has notice to quit at Michael mas
next. Lot 2. All those lands and grounds, part freehold and part copyhold, with a barn thereon ; containing 13 acres or thereabouts, situate at Stansted, in Suffolk, in the occupation of Hannah Fenner, who has notice to quit at Michaelmas next. For further particulars enquire of Mr. Cox, of Clare. LIVE STOCK and other EFFECTS. To be SOLD by AUCTION By THOs. CATCHPOLE, On Wednesday the 29th day of April, 1801, At Mr. JAS. MUTIMER's, at Wilby, Near Framlingham, Suffolk. THE Live and Dead Stock, Backhouse and Dairy utensils and other effects; consisting of 6 truly and valuable milch cows, 4 of them With
calves by their sides, 3 one yearling heifers, a bull, 4 useful cart geldings; the quality of the live stock are too well known to need comment ; 3 excellent road waggons, cart, 2 tumbrels and turnip cart to go in the quarter, ploughs, harrows, roll, & c. cart and plough harness, and other implements in husbandry. N. B. Also, 30 acres, more or less, of rich pasture land, in 9 inclosures, to feed, mow, or carry off, on or before Michaelmas day next, part of a stack of ex- cellent stover, wheat, barley, and oat straw, light muck, & c. in lots. Mr. Mutimer parts with his stock, & c. with the greatest regret, but being under the disagreeable ne cessity to leave liis farm at Michaelmas next, obliges him so to do. To be soLD by AUCTION, By THO. CATCHPOLE, On Thursday the 30th day of April, 1801, at the Bell Inn, at Brundish, near Framlingham, Suffolk, be- tween the hours of 3 and 5 o'clock in the afternoon, unless disposed of by Private Contract. AFreehold Messuage in Two Dwellings, in Bran- dish aforesaid, with 2 gardens, and a wheel- wright's shop, in full trade, and now in the possession of Robert Chapman, and John Pitte, the wheelwright. The above premises is a desirable situation for a wheelwright, or any other trade. For further particulars apply to Mr.
Thos. Smith, or the auctioneer, Laxfield. Lot 4. A compact and desirable Freehold Estate, situate at Great Horksley, within 4 miles of Colches- ter ; consisting of a good farm house, barns, & c. and 76A. 1R. 17P. of rich meadow, pasture, and arable land, on lease to Mr. Keningale, which will expire at Michaelmas 1805. The above are all freehold, discharged from land- tax, and situated in a fine, healthy, pleasant, Sporting country. The tenants will shew the premises, and particulars may be had of Mr. Josselyn and Son, Belstead, near Ipswich, and of the auctioneer. JOHN RAW, Bookseller, Binder, Printer, and Stationer,
BUTTER MARKET, IPSWICH, ( LATE JERMYN'S) SELLS Books in all Languages and Sciences; Bibles, Prayer Books, Testaments, School Books, and School Pieces; New Publications, Magazines, Re- views, & c. as soon as published. Books bound and ruled to any pattern, in elegant or plain bindings. Gentlemen's libraries repaired, and methodically arranged. Books neatly and accurately printed; catalogues, club articles, handbills, & c. on the shortest notice. All sorts of STATIONARY of the best manufac- tures, in the greatest variety ; writing and common papers; pens, quills, wafers, wax, & c. portable writing desks,
dressing cases, and a variety of fancy articles of the best. quality; prints, transparencies, & c. A great assortment of MUSIC and MUSICAL IN- STRUMENTS sold, or lent. All the reputable PATENT MEDICINES, from the original warehouses in London, warranted genuine. J. and M. Raw beg leave to solicit the friends of the late G. Jermyn, for a continuance of tbe favours, which Mrs. Raw has so kindly experienced since the death of her late husband, for which she returns her sin- cerest thanks; and it will ever be their grateful am- bition to retain the favours of all their friends by punc- tuality and attention to their commands, in
the various departments of the business. Orders for the ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE OFFICE punctually and strictly attended to: Now on sale, ( from the Catalogue) SEVERAL THOUSAND VOLUMES, Amongst which are many scarce and valuable Books; And speedly will be Published, An APPENDIX to the CATALOGUE, Consisting of a great number of Volumes, in VARIOUS BRANCHES of LITERATURE. An ENTIRE DAIRY of TRUE SUFFOLK COWS, To be SOLD by AUCTION By JOHN BLOMFIELD, On the Premises of Mr. WM. LIST, of Framsdenr Near Debenham, Suffolk, On Friday, the 1st day of May, 1801,
And DAIRY UTENSILS ; / CONSISTING of 18 very handsome Young Milch Cows, some with calves by their sides, others forward in calf, and the remainder the calves very lately off, in very high condition; colours, black and white, brindled and white, red and white, and fallow 10 2- year old heifers, some of them forward in calf, and the others gast, 3 2- year old steers, and 2 2- year old bulls, 21 year- old sheep, and 16 ewes and lambs. The whole will be expressed in catalogues, to be had in due time, at the principal Inns in the neigh- bourhood, place of sale, and of the auctioneer, Deben- ham ; who most respectfully informs
the public, that Mr. List disposes of his cows, prefering Grazing. To be SOLD by AUCTION CORNELIUS WELTON, On Friday the 1st day of May, 1801, At the WHITE HORSE, SWEFLING, Between the hours of Three and Five in the- afternoon, In TWO LOTS, Unless sooner disposed of by Private Contract, Of which the earliest Notice will be Given, Lot 1. A Very Desirable Situation, in the pleasant village of Swefling : consisting of a Freehold brick'd Messuage, entirely new but few years since, exceeding well situate for trade, in various branches, or at a small expence may be made fit for the resi- dence of a small genteel
family, with convenient offices, and every suitable outbuilding, good garden, and 1 acre of pasture land, more or less, now in the occupation of Mr. George Seaman, who will quit possession at Michaelmas next. Lot 2. Consists of 2 acres of exceeding good arable land, now in tbe occupation of the said George Sea- man. Possession to be had at Michaelmas next. The above are Freehold. Annual Outgoings, Land Tax 8s. For particulars apply to Mr. Benj. Frewer, or R. Bush, Great Glemham, or the auctioneer, Yoxford. Mr. Frewer will shew the premises. VALUABLE HOUSllOLD FURNITURE, CHINA, GLASS, ice. A fine ton'd
Harpsichord, by HITCHERCOCK, In a Mahogany Case and Frame, & c. To be SOLD by A U C T I O N, By JONATHAN ABBOTT, On Monday, 27th April inst. and following day, ( By Order of the ASS1GNEES On the Premises, THE neat and genteel Houshold Furniture, of Mr. JOHN JACOB, of Eye, in tbe county of Suffolk, common brewer, a bankrupt; comprising fine bordered and other goose featherbeds, mattrasses, cotton counter- panes, neat mahogany post and other bedsteads, with moreen, white dimity, cheque and china furnitures, blue and white table and tea china, regular assort- ment of glass articles, elegant pier
and dressing glasses, a pair of mahogany square dining tables, each 4 ft. 4 in. by 6ft. a variety of card, pembroke and other tables, in mahogany and wainscot, neat mahogany settee, 6 ft. 9 in. in length, with white dimity cover fring'd, neat mahogany chairs, with covers to match, festoon curtains, & c. mahogany chests with drawers, do. wardrobe, do. bureaus, an exceeding good Wilton carpet, 15 ft. by 15 ft. Scotch do. 13 ft. by 12 ft. fine ton'd harpsichord, by Hitchercock, in mahogany cilse and frame, 2 fine Mezzotinto Prints, by Morland, 24 in. by 18 in. in burnished frames; Kneller's English Poets, 9 prints fram'd and glaz'd,
capital 8- day clock and case, mahogany cellaret, night tables, and dressing stands, kitchen requisites, and other general articles. N. B. An exceeding good narrow wheeled waggon, with iron arms, and a capital gelding, in the 1st day's sale. Goods may be viewed on the Saturday pre- ceding the sale, which will begin each morning pre- cisely at Ten o'clock. Catalogues of which may be had in due time, at the principal Inns in Diss; Scole Inn; Swan, Hoxne; Buck'S Head, Thwaite; Buck's Horns; Debenham ; Oak, Mendlesham; Griffin, Brockford; White Lyon, Eye; place of sale, and of the auctioneer, Needham- market, INCOME
TAX. BLYTHING HUNDRED. THE Commissioners appointed for carrying into Exe- cution within the said Hundred the general pur- poses of the several Acts for granting certain duties upon Income, Do hereby require the Assessors of the several parishes within the said Hundred, to deliver to Mr. Robt. Crabtree, their clerk, on or before Tuesday, the 28th day of April instant, all such statements of In- come as shall have been delivered or returned to them respectively by the housholders, occupiers or others within their several parishes, together with lists of the several persons who shall have delivered such state- ments, and
also of such persons as shall have neglect- ed to make such returns as aforesaid. And the said Commissioners do also give further no- tice, That they will meet on Tuesday, the 5th day May next, at the Angel Inn, in Halesworth, at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon; when and where the several Assessors within the said Hundred are required per- sonally to appear before them, and make oath, that the several notices required to be delivered to house- keepers and occupiers, and also to lodgers and inmates by the said Acts, have been duly served in the manner required thereby; and that general notices to the effect mentioned in
the said Acts have been duly affixed in the manner thereby directed; and also that the statements delivered by them respectively to the said clerk, are all the statements which have been delivered to them in pursuance of the said Acts; arid also that the lists delivered by them the said Assessors, contain the name of every person within their respective limits having made, default, or whose name ought to be re- turned according to the directions of the said Acts, within the knowledge of the said Assessors. By Order of the Commissioners, ROBERY CRABTREE, Clerk. , To COVER this SEASON, At JOHN ADDAMS's Of
FOXEARTH, ESSEX, At 15s. a Mare, and ls. the SMART, an Iron- Grey Horse : Smart was got by Mr. Collis's Horse, of Sudbury; Collis's Horse was got by Old Bay Robin; Smart's Dam, an excellent Mare for the road or hunting ; his Grandam by Golden Leaf. He will be at the Crown inn, Sudbury on Satur- days ; and each Monday at the White Hart, Hadleigh; and Cock, Clare ; and each Wednesday, at the Mag- pye, Church- yard, Bury. The Mares that do not season this year, will be covered at half price next year. To Cover this season, at the sarrie place, at 10s. 6d. the mare, and 1s. the man, A CART COLT, rising 2 years old
; he was got By Mr. Chinery's' horse Plough- Boy, of Weltham, near Bury; from a very good cart mare ; Plough- Boy was got by Mr. Blake's Horse. To be SOLD by AUCTION By REYNOLDS, On Monday the 4th of May next, between the Hours of 2 and 5 in the afternoon, at the Queen's Head Inn, Stradbrook in the county of Suffolk, subject to Such conditions as will then be produced, ACapital and well- conditioned FARM, situate in Horbam ; consisting of a good messuage or farm- house, barn, stable, cow- house, and other necessary and convenient out- buildings in good repair ; together with 83 acres ( be the same more or
less) of exceeding fine upland meadow, pasture and arable land, in an high state of cultivation, and now in the occupation of Mr. John Botwright, or his assigns, under an agree- ment that expires at Old Michaelmas next, and who has had notice to quit the same at that time. This estate is well fenced, and in convenient in- cisures ; stands by the side of the high road, and the tenant is a very respectable and good farmer. For further particulars enquire of Mr. Catling, Met- field, Suffolk. The tenant will shew the premises. T FAMILY MEDICINE. THE encreasing Demand for POTTER'S most ex- cellent PILLS in the cure and
prevention of all stomach complaints', sick bead aelis, indigestions, bili- ous complaints, & c. & c. fully confirms their real uti- lity, have gained universal esteem, and are attended with such remarkable success against many diseases that they are now used by all ranks of people. They may be taken at any time or season without inconveni- ence, are a very agreeable purge, and never, fail to give immediate relief in various complaints. They are a certain and most speedy remedy for the cholic, for pains and stoppages in the stomach, shortness of breath, phelgm, indigestion, want of appetite, and lowness of spirits ; they help the
memory, and strengthen decay- ed constitutions, the complaints of aged and infirm persons; and by their many salutary qualities, greruly contribute to the preservation of health through every stage of life. They are sold wholesale and retail By W. MIDDLEDITCH, CHEMIST, Patent Medicine Offices Brook- street, Ipswich. Newbery, London; Keymer and Gibbs, Colchester; Loder and Gall, Woodbridge; Newson, Lowestoft and Southwold; Wallis, Manningtree; and one person in most towns in the kingdom, inboxes, Is. ld. each. W Middleditch has received a further supply of the undermentioned useful articles : Anodyne Necklaces
for Children cutting Teeth Potter's & Ching's Worm Lozenges, & c. Alpine Cream for the Face and Hands Convent, jessamine, Vio- let and other Soaps, & c. With a choice selection of every Patent Medicine and fashionable Perfumery Article. RESIDENCE and F.' ltlMS, ' In the vicinity of Sudbury and Needham, Suffolk. To be SOLD by AUCTION By Mr. PHIPPS, On Thursday the 14th of May, at 12 o'clock, at Gar- raway's Coffee- house, Change Alley, Cornhill,. Lon- don, by order of the Trustees, in Lots: THE following Desirable and Improveablc FREE- HOLD ESTATES, the late property of the REV. DR. PRESTON, deceased,
the land- tax of Which is re- deemed, viz. A valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, consisting of a genteel residence, with coach- house, stables', walled gardens, large pleasure garden, orchard, plantations, and upwards of 100 acres of very excellent meadow, pasture, aud arable land, with useful farming buildings, plea- santly and advantageously situated at Baburgh Heath, in the parish of Great Waldingfield, ar fine sporting country, 3 miles from Sudbury, and Long Melford, 14 from Bury and Colchester, 19 from Ipswich, 30 from Harwich, and 59 from London, from whence there are coaches passing through Long Melford to Norwich
and Yarmouth daily; part late in the occupation of Dr. Preston, . and the remainder let to Mr. John Stead, till Michaelmas next. A compact desirable FREEHOLD FARM, situated near the above, consisting of a farm house, useful build, ings, and 36 acres of excellent meadow and arable land, in the occupation of Mr. Wm. Burroughs, till Michael- mas next. A piece of FREEHOLD LAND, called CHRIST- MAS FIELD, containing upwards of 5 acres detached at a short distance, in the occupation of the said Wm, Burroughs, till Michaelmas' next. A valuable compact FREEHOLD FARM situated at Ringshall, in the county of Suffolk,
about 3 miles from Needham, 5 from Stowmarket, and 11 from Ipswich, all good market towns, consisting of a farm house; with useful buildings', and about 85 acres of excellent arable and pasture land, in the occupation of Mr. Robt. Abbot, till Michaelmas next. To be viewed with leave of the tenants; of whom printed particulars may be shortly had ; also at the inns in the neighbourhood; at Garraway's, and of Mr. Phipps; Copthall- Court, Throgmorton- street, Where plans of the estates may be seen. Saturday, April 25, 1801,
FriDay's Post, WEDNESDAY in the House of Commons, Mr. Tierney moved, That an humble Ad- dress be presented to his Majesty, praying him to give directions, that the Letter from the Com- mander in Chief to Mr. Secretary Dundas, dated Feb. 28, 1800, be laid before that House. The Chancellor of the Exchequer spoke at considerable length against the motion, for which he contended no parliamentary grounds had been alledged. He entered into a justification of ihe expedition to Holland, maintaining that the ob- jects were of the highest national importance; that the circumstances were Such as not to admit of the delay in
the preparations which, in any other case, might have been expected ; and that the troops employed, though not possessed of that degree of discipline which would have been re- quisite in the prospect of a long contest, were yet sufficiently adequate to a service, which was principally designed to be one of co- operation He next went on to detail a variety of facts, in order to prove that the state of the discipline among the troops, at the time the letter was writ- ten by the Commander in Chief, was the neces- sary result of the state of the army, composed of various drafts from the militia. The introduc- tion of some changes it) the
constitution of the several regiments by the establishment of a corps of riflemen, he also insisted upon as necessarily requiring longer time to complete the general discipline. Though the troops might have been fully adequate to the campaign in Holland, he argued, that without new discipline they might not have been qualified to act against some of the best troops of France, and for a long period of severe service ; the delay was, therefore, un- avoidable, and appeared to him to involve no criminality. Convinced as he was that no. parliamentary grounds had been produced for the motion, he felt himself bound to resist it. Without
pretending to determine what the let- ter contained, he might say that the House knew not but it contained passages very unfit to be laid open to the public, and, therefore, until clear grounds of its necessity were produced, they would, he trusted, be unwilling to support the motion. Mr. Whitbread insisted, that the letter having been produced in Parliament, and read for the purpose of justification, this laid a parliamentary . ground for its production, and particularly when an enquiry was proposed. The present Minister came forward, and put his shield upon his prede- cessor; on the ground that the other parts of the paper may
contain something improper to be di- vulged. It was certainly a matter of charge against the Right Hon. Gentleman ( Mr. Dun- das), that he had sent out troops to Holland in so undisciplined a state, that, in six months after, they were found not to be fit for foreign service. The disorder in which the troops embarked was well known, as many of them were not able for some time to discover either their officers or the regiments to which they belonged. The Right Hon. Gentleman was also to blame, in not hav- ing learned how far we were to rely on the Dutch for their co- operation, In every point of view there was matter of blame
somewhere. It was the practice of the late Ministers always to call for inquiry, and yet to shrink from it when it was formally demanded. The paper, which one of them had read for his justification, had been refused to the House. Their successor had ex- tended to them his protection, without stating that the paper in question contained any thing in- jurious or unfit for publication. He had access to the paper, and could inform the House of its contents. He should vote for the motion. Mr. Pitt argued against the production of the paper, on the ground that it was unnecessary in the view proposed. In France, he said, there were
circumstances in the character and situa- tion of the country, which facilitated the disci- pline of the troops, which did not operate in this country to a nearly similar degree. Yet with all the energy and constitutional habits of the French trcops, even under the direction of that leader who was the object of veneration to the Gen- tlemen on the other side, that army, which after- wards performed such prodigies of valour, were not brought into the field till a period much later than that at which our troops would have been fully prepared for service. After entering into a defence of the expedition to Holland, two grand objects of which had
been completely suc- cessful, while the third was disappointed from circumstances quite unforeseen, he Concluded by giving his negative to the motion, expressing however, his willingness to meet any charge which might be brought against his conduct. Conscious of his innocence, lie was not afraid of the result of any accusation. Mr. Grey could not believe that the Right Hon. Gentleman who had just sat down was so much at ease, as by his language he seemed to insinuate. When he reflected how great a share the Right Hon. Gentleman had borne in bring- ing the present severe calamities on the country, he was somewhat
astonished at such affected- in- difference to any charge. He had often formerly heard Gentlemen talk in this bold, lofty tone, when speaking of accusation, but as often as the charge was attempted to be fixed upon them, had he seen them employ the same dexterous manoeuvre to evade the proof's of guilt that were prepared; The House then divided, Ayes for the Address 45— Noes 151. The following is the Convention concluded on the 3d inst. between the Regency of Hanover and the Envoys of his Majesty the King of Prussia: His Majesty the King of Prussia having caustxl to be communicated to us, by the Count de Schu lembourg, General of Cavalry, Minister of State, of War, and of the Cabinet, and his Envoy at Hanover, a declaration, written and dated at Ber- lin, on the 30th of March, 1801, the respecting measures which his said Majesty has resolved to pursue in regard to the German States belonging to his Majesty the King of Great Britain and Ire- land, our most gracious Sovereign, in his quality of Elector of Brunswick and Lunebourg; his Prussian Majesty having besides invited us re- peatedly, and in a positive manner, to conform to the present circumstances, to enter without delay into the new engagements which he has proposed, and
for that purpose to draw up a Convention in the most obligatory form, otherwise his said Ma- jesty would find himself obliged to treat in a hos- tile manner the German States of the King our most gracious Sovereign, we have, agreeably to Cir- cumstances, promised and declared as follows: The entrance of the Prussian troops into the German States of his Britannic Majesty shall take place without their experiencing any resistance, in the hopes, however, that the number will be di- minished as much as possible, to ease the country and the inhabitants. They shall consequently ob- serve in their full extent all the ordinances and
dis- positions of his Prussian Majesty, both in regard to the entry of his troops and to the Electoral States. The Hanoverian troops, which have hitherto been employed in the army on the line of demarcation in the North of Germany, shall be disbanded, as well as a proportionate number of the other troops of the Electorate. The Regency of this country, the Commander in Chief, and the different officers of these troops; shall engage not to employ the said troops, nor to suffer them to serve against his said Prussian Majesty, but to make them strictly, observe the Royal Ordinances, according to the different measures which it may
be necessary to pursue. The said troops shall be distributed in the cities of Hanover, Lunebourg, Gishorn, Welzeu, and in the places and garrisons on the right of the Leine, on the left of the Aller, and behind, the Luhe, as far as the Elbe. All the other places, without exception, comprehending the fortress of Hameln, shall be evacuated and delivered up to the Prussian troops. Particular measures shall be taken that all deliveries in kind shall be made by the said country of Hanover, dating from the 1st of May this year. In regard to whatever concerns the Administration of the State, nothing shall be undertaken, prejudicial to the
present dispositions and engagements; on the contrary, the statutes and orders of the King, in regard to them, shall be punctually observed. For these reasons, we here accept, in the most solemn manner, the su- preme promise made by his Prussian Majesty, that he will guarantee to the German States of his Bri- tannic Majesty, their ancient constitution, their safety, and their repose ; and that all their pro- perly and possessions, shall be protected by every means possible. Hanover, April 3, 1801. Prince Frederick, son of Prince Charles of Hesse, has entered Lubeck, with 3000 men. Wednesday morning were received the
Paris Journals to the 19th inst. The Journal des De- fenseurs ( a kind of demi- official paper), of the 11th, contains an article which, although de- manding attention, we sincerely hope will prove unfounded. It is stated, that letters have been received from Malta, containing an account of a combined attack having been made upon Gen. Abercrombie, on the 20th ult. by the garrison of Alexandria and the army of Gen. Menou, con- sisting of upwards of 10,000 men supported by 30 pieces of light artillery. The particulars of the action are not given ; but the result is said lo have been the complete defeat of our troops, 3000 of whom
were killed, and 600 ( some say 6000) made prisoners. It is added, that Gen. Abercrombie was among the latter. There is also an account from Gen. Moncey, who com- mands a division of the Army of Italy, stating in general terms, that there is no doubt of the Bri- tish forces having been defeated, and compelled to re- embark. With respect to the first of these statements, it must be observed, that it is highly improbable, that any such account should arrive to the French, directly from Malta, that island being now in the possession of the English, and, of course, holding no communication whatever with France: and as to the other,
it presents us only with a simple assertion, vaguely made; which may have proceeded, from the statements of Leroy, re- lative to the first operations of the contending armies in the neighbourhood of Alexandria. Leroy says, that the loss of the British, in one affair, amounted lo 3000 men ; and, in a subse- quent action, our loss is stated by him at about 500 men taken prisoners, who, however, the enemy were soon compelled to abandon. These accounts, combined, may have given rise to the statements in question; at least the circum- stances are sufficient to warrant a disbelief of the fact, until intelligence of a less doubtful and
suspicious complexion arrives. A letter from Vienna repeats the assertion, that a French army is now on its march through the Austrian, territory, destined to act against the Empire of Turkey. The brave Nelson, is is said, in the faithful and anxious discharge of his duty to an admiring and grateful public, had scarcely closed his eyes for four day's and four nights previous to his last wonderful achievement. He attended unremit- tingly all the soundings, arid could not be induced to lie down for the enjoyment of any repose. Sir Hyde Paker is laid up with the gout, on board his flag ship in the Sound. The Danish officers ( in an
interview with Admiral Lord Nelson) denied a vessel had ever struck. Lord Nelson replied, " upon his honour she had," and added " if she was not immediate- ly given up, he would haul down the flag of truce." The Danish officers said " they wished to treat" with Lord Nelson in person. " I am Lord Nelson," replied our Hero, " see here's my Fin!"— at the same time throwing aside his green dreadnought, and shewing the stump of his right arm, and exposing also his three stars. The Danes; convinced, immediately gave up the ship It is said that Col. Stewart brought over a let- ter to his Majesty from the Prince of Denmark. It was
instantly forwarded to the King at Kew. In the late armistice, we can discover nothing but generosity and true greatness of mind. It was not the wish or policy of England to drive her old and misguided ally into acts of despera- tion ; or to seal his ruin. Under the present cir- cumstances of the North of Europe, it is not to be apprehended that the armistice should, not end in a peace; or that the peace should not re- cognize the established Maritime Code of all Europe, for which we have taken arms. A most important circumstance was, however, unknown to the British Admirals when they signed the Convention, The intelligence of
the death of Paul the First, if known at Copenhagen ( which cannot be doubted), has not reached the fleet, nor was Colonel Stewart informed of it, till he disembarked in this country. Admiral Parker was preparing to weigh his anchors on the 11th instant, for the harbour of Revel, and the capital of Paul I, when he first learnt his death. It is uncertain in what man- ner Sir Hyde Parker will act in regard to pro- ceeding up the Baltic; Government has lost no time ill sending him instructions, which were forwarded by Col. Stewart, who left London on Monday night on his return to Copenhagen A letter from on Board his Majesty's ship
De- fiance, dated off Copenhagen, April 4, says, The Defiance was abreast of their great Crown bat- tery, and from some of the other ships not getting up, made it fall heavier on the Monarch and De- fiance. This is said to be the most bloody and daring attack every made by our worthy and gallant Nelson. Our enterprizing Admiral Graves, of this ship, was applied for by Lord Nelson to be with him, knowing him to have soul every way congenial to his own, and who, like himself, in times of danger, has fire and energy which rises in proportion to the difficul- ties that are in view. The floating batteries, hulks, and ships were
formidable, as well from their number as weight of metal, but still more so from their situation and proximity to the shore, their having means of heating shot, which they fired the whole of the action, and from their being covered by numerous bomb and gun bat- teries on shore, which also fired red hot shot at us, by which we were often on fire. This ac- tion is universally thought to be unequalled for its length and obstinacy. The loss of the enemy was dreadful. The Monarch and this ship suf- fered most; but as our situation was still more exposed than the Monarch, who was next to us, is a matter of wonder that we had only 90 kil led and wounded badly ; there were a vast num- ber of slight wounds, not mentioned in our re- turn, who will be able to go to quarters in a few days. If we could have got close to the enemy, I am persuaded we should have done their busi- ness in an hour, which is the fifth part of the time we were engaged. Eight sail of the large ships were more than 5 miles from us, and at the beginning of the action 3 of our ships got aground, and the fire of the enemy was heavy beyond conception, which made the event doubtful; but our glorious commanders continued the action with spirit, and knocked them up at last. Capt. Bligh, who
commanded the Glatton in the late engagement oft Copenhagen, has been ap- pointed to the command of the Monarch ; he is coming home in her, and, upon his arrival, takes the command of the Irresistible: Rear- Admiral Totty sailed from Yarmouth on Tuesday, with 5 sail of the line to reinforce the fleet of Admiral Parker in the Baltic. The new Emperor has repealed the decree of is, deceased father, by which all subjects or inha- itants of the Russian Empire, without regard of sex or distinction, ale obliged to alight from their carriages and kneel down when the Emperor any of his family passed. Count WoronzOw is not yet
arrived in Lon- don, although he is daily expected. At present he has no character beyond that of a private gentleman, as the last dispatch has brought him no credentials to re- assume his former situation Minister from Russia to our Court. Our Court has lost no time in renewing its alliance with the new Sovereign of Russia. As soon as the death of the Emperor Paul was known in England, orders were sent out to Mr. Garlike, the Secretary of the Embassy at Ber- to repair to Petersburgh. A letter from Petersburgh, dated March 27, says, It is impossible, at present, to get any precise idea respecting the death of Paul I. it is said in
the Palace, that it, was a blood- vessel which carried him off thus suddenly. His natural con- stitution, and his mode of life, appeared to preserve him from this sort of fate ; he was of a spare habit, lived soberly, led a hard life, and took a great deal of exercise. On the other hand, he fatigued himself wilh excessive labour, entered passionately into politics ; his soul was constantly agitated with mistrust and fear, and his love of women led him great excesses. These causes combined may- serve to account for his premature death. Time only can clear up the mystery. Whatever may have been the cause, his death does not appear
to have excited any regret. His severity had alienated the minds of all classes a vexatious and annoying police had made an abode in the capital very melancholy. No tell persons dared to meet in one house, from the fear of alarming the suspicions Of the Czar; no one was sure of preserving his employment, whether military or civil: all fortunes were held by an uncertain tenure: the rupture with England was completely unpo- pular, because the factories of the English in Russia, their manner of carrying on business, and the money which they expend, are favourable to in- dustry and cultivation. At the same time a general
prejudice in favour of the Grand Duke Alexander began to prevail among the people, tbe nobility, and the army. Add to this, the natural taste which all people have for Change, and you will conceive the universal satisfaction with which this young Prince has ascended the throne. The French Minister of Police has caused the Journal entitled Le Publiciste to be suspended, for having contained an article injurious to the me- mory of the Emperor of Russia, and for having in another of its columns, insulted the valour of the Danish nation. The same Minister has or- dered another print, called Journal des Debate, to be stopped at the
post- office, for having falsely announced that the Emperor, had, on his accessi- on to the throne, taken off the embargo which his Imperial father had laid on British vessels. ' After the play of Deaf and Dumb, on Friday night, at Drury- lanc,' God save the King' was sung, followed by a new song in honour of the brilliant victory off Copenhagen. The words are as follow; Once more let Fame her trumpet, sound To speak, our Seamen's worth ; Once more those Foes, whom Envy join'd, Have felt Britannia's wrath. By PARKER and by NELSON led All opposition's vain; At Copenhagen's gates our Tars Have crush'd the haughty
Dane. Again our Guardian Angel smiles, Old England must be free ? Her sons proclaim her through the world, The Mistress of the Sea ! Her toils and labours to reward Fell war at length shall cease. And Denmark's fall the signal be Of happiness and peace. The subscription at Lloyd's for the brave men wounded, and the families of those who fell, in the fleet commanded by Adm. Parker, in the en gagement off Copenhagen, amounts to 5105l. 9s Lady Nelson is at Bath attending the venerable father of the conquer of Aboukir. It is reported that the present Session of Par- liament will be a very short one. It will pro- bably
terminate before the- King's birth- day. Patents are making out at the Secretary ot State's Office, for calling Mr. Pelham, Lord Lewisham, and Sir Pepper Arden, to the House of Peers. Mr. Pelham already holds a situation in the Cabinet, and we believe he will be the Home Secretary of State. Sir Pepper Arden immediately takes the Chief Justiceship of the Common Pleas. Mr. Palmer succeeds him as Representative of Bath. The Dorset yatch has been ordered to Holy- head, to carry over the new Lord Lieutenant, the Earl of Hardwicke, to Ireland, Wednesday the Rev. Dr. Vincent, master of Westminster school, was installed a
Prebend in Westminster Abbey, in the room of Dr. Cleaver. The American ship Franklin, containing spe- cie to a very large amount, is stated to have been lost, during the month of November last, in the Straits of Sunda, with the greater part of the crew. A few persons, by means of the mast, floated to an uninhabited part of the coast, where, for three days, they experienced the greatest dis- tress, till picked up by a vessel from Batavia. Tuesday at Newmarket, the King's Plate of 100gs. was won by the D. of Grafton's Hornby Lass, beating Sir F. Poole's Coarse Mary. A sub- scription of 50£„ was won by Sir C. Bunbury's Sorcerer,
beating Mr. Bullock's Sir Harry and Mr. Frogley's Ploughboy. Mr. Wyndham's Te- legraph, beat Mr. Concannon's Wrangler ; the last 3- qrs. of Ab. M. 100gs. h. ft. Mr. Whaley's Tuneful, beat Sir J. Shelley's Paynator, 2- year old course, 50gs. Mr. Dawson's Twister, beat Mr. Wilson's Buzzard, B. C. 200gs. Mr. Wilson's Sur- prize, beat Ed. Clermont's Meteor, Ab. M. 50gs. Wednesday, a subscription of 50£. was won by Mr. Heming's Kill Devil, beating Mr. Rooke's Dick Andrews, and 4 others, D. C. D. of Graf- ton's Penelope ( an untried mare), beat Mr. Watt's Trumpator and Lord Grosvenor's Buzzard, 100gs. each, h. ft. R. M. Lord
Darlington's Champion, beat Mr. Cox's Cocoa Tree, and Mr. Heathcote's Georgiana, 100gs. each, h. ft. A. F. Mr. Wha- ley's Expedition, beat Mr. Rooke's Jack Andrews, B. C. 50g. Mr. Cox's Pet, beat Mr. Hallet's Wowsky,' R. M. 50gs. Ranelagh masquerade on Monday night, though brilliant, was not so crowded as might have been expected from the fineness of the evening, and the entertainment so liberally provided by the managers. The masques were about 500, chiefly in dominos, though there were several charac- ters supported ; amongst these we particularly remarked a gentleman in the character of an itinerant fidler,
who played delightfully the whole evening, and attracted a constant crowd around him. A punch, a barber, and a footman, with many others, maintained their characters with great life and spirit, A watchman was most dis- gustingly noisy and dull, and repeatedly deafen- ed the whole room with his rattle. Dignum fa- oured the company with several charming songs which passed off with great glee and good hu- mour, and the company did not separate till long after day light next morning. A new comic Opera, called the Blind Girl, or a Receipt for Beauty, was performed for the first time on Wednesday night, at Covent Garden
Theatre. It boasts very little originality, either of plot or character ; but it abounds in whimsical incident and sprightly equivoque. The price of Bread was en Tuesday lowered an assize, or 2d. in the peck loaf. The price of the quartern loaf is now 1s. 8d; The average weekly consumption of flour in the metropolis, taken from the 12 preceding weeks, appears to be 13,14- 2 sacks. At Salisbury cattle market on Tuesday last, the prices were from 5£. to 7£. a- head lower than at any of the late markets, and the supply so great, that considerable numbers remained un- sold at a late hour in the afternoon. Reckoning the reduction of price
by weight, it amounted to at least ld. per lb. The prices of corn were a trifle lower ; as was the case at Devizes on Thursday. Wheat also fell 8s. per quarter at Warminster on Saturday last. Accounts received on Wednesday from Corn- wall state, that a considerable alarm prevailed in that county, the miners having risen, and seized all the provisions brought to Redrush market, The Lord Lieutenant of Devon has thought it prudent to call into actual service and embody the following Volunteer Corps: Plymouth, Col. Hawker's; North Devon, Orchard's; Exeter, Wright's; Beet and Seaton, Lord Rolle's; the Axminster, Tucker's. By the
spirited conduct, and well- adapted measures of the Magistrates of the county, tranquillity is restored. Wednesday in the Court of King's Bench, the Attorney General moved that Thomas Spence might be charged with an information which he had filed against him, for the publication of a ma- licious and seditious libel, respecting the right of properly in land. The object of this publicaton was to shew, that all the oppression and distress that at present prevailed in the country, were owing to the proprietors of land ; and that in or- der to remedy these evils it was indispensibly necessary that the present system of landed pro- perty,
should be completely exterminated, and that all the land in the kingdom should be equal- ly divided among all the inhabitants of the island without distinction. This the author consider: as the only effectual cure of monopolies, fore- stalling, regrating, Sic. Although at first sight it appeared difficult to be accomplished, yet in fact nothing was so easy. It might be effected in the course of a single day. As the Almighty said, " Let there be light, and there was light;" so the public had only to say, " Let the land be ours, and it would be so." When the information was read to the defendant, he pleaded Not guilty, and will be tried at the
sittings after Term. Mr. Erskine moved for leave to file a criminal information against Mr. George Hoskins, mer- chant in Liverpool, for a libel. He stated, that the Commissioners of the Income Tax, having summoned Mr. Hoskins to make a return of hi- income, he did so, and his return stated that he was willing to pay one- tenth part of his income. The Commissioners having reason to suppose he meant to substract from his income, summoned him to attend the Board ; instead of doing so, he treated them with contempt, and they were ob- liged to assess him according to the best of their judgment; this he submitted to pay, and
did not chuse to appeal. On the following year he delivered in a declaration of the sum he intended to pay, much below what he paid the former year, and in that declaration, charged the Com missioners with having, while he was necessita- ted to attend the death- bed of his father, been guilty of gross misconduct, by having most: ini- quitously surcharged him. It was for this libel on the Commissioners, that Mr. Erskine said he was directed by them to apply to the Cour from the Admiralty presented, pursuant to order, an, Account of the neutral ships detained in the several ports of Great Britain and Ireland, for contraband
transactions, in relation to war. Or- dered to lie on the table. Mr, Vansittart moved, that the House should resolve into a Committee to take into considera- tion so much of the 27th of his present Majesty, as related to the importation of sea elephant oil. He said, that in consequence of a failure in the usual supply of whale oil from the North and South Sea Fisheries, it became advisable to per- mit the importation of oil extracted from other sea animals. That a very large quantity of oil, answering every purpose of whale Oil, was ca- pable of being procured from the sea elephant; in order, therefore, to encouragc the importation of
such oil, he should move, that henceforward all oil extracted from sea elephants imported into this country, and sold by public auction; should be exempt from duty. ' Motion agreed to. . Their Majesties continue at Kew, where the King takes a daily airing in the gardens. A certain Personage is reported to know no- thing whatever of the invasion of Hanover by the Prussian troops. The nett revenue of the Hano- verian dominions, amount annually to 500,000£. sterling; the land tax alone, from the districts of Bremen and Vexden, produces yearly 80,000£'. The death of Paul I. has not been announced in our Gazette, because there
is no accredited Ambassador at London or St. Petersburgh, from either Court to the other. Lord Molesworth, in his " Account of Den- mark, as it was in 1692;" says of the harbour of Copenhagen, " Within this haven rides the Royal Navy, every ship having his place assign- ed a wooden gallery ranges round the whole inclosure, where the fleet lies, laid over the wa- ter in such a manner, that all the ships may be viewed near at hand, as easily and commodiously as if they lay on dry land."— The same writer gives the following extraordinary instance of courtliness in Denmark : " All the clocks, of Co- penhagen strike the hours after
the Court clock. Wednesday a Court- marshal was held on board his Majesty's ship Gladiator, in Portsmouth har- bour, for the trial of Thos. Hall, Wm. Bezen, and Wm. Harris, seamen belonging to the Li- berty brig, for desertion. They were all found guilty, and sentenced to receive 100 lashes each. At Warwick sessions, J. Tooks, for crUelling riding Mr. Lawley's horse, was ordered to be imprisoned 3 months, and to be publicly whip- ped, as he had charged Mr. Lawley 11s. 6d. for the keep of the horse from Oxford to Castle Bromwich, though he had ridden him, without stopping, to the latter place, and without giving the poor
animal an oat, or mouthful of hay. At Chester assizes, no less than 13 were capi- tally convicted, and sentenced to suffer death. On Wednesday se'nnight the following exe- cutions took place at Taunton, viz. Samuel Tout and Robt. Westcott, the two rioters who were apprehended while the Judges were sit- ting; Ed. Jeffery, Wm. Warry, and G. Tout, for sheep- stealing; R. Deo, R. Wygood, for burglary; Mich. Day, for stealing a mare, and Peter Kingdon, for stealing 3 heifers. The exe- cution was ordered to take place at Taunton in- stead of Ilchester, by way of stronger example, and on the market day ; they were escorted to the
fatal spot by the Sheriffs, & c. also by two troops of the Queen's Bays, the 15th Light Dra- goons, and a body of infantry. Mark- Lane, April 22. We had a good deal of Kentish corn fresh up for Monday's market, and a pretty large arrival from Suffolk and the more distant counties to- day, although the Essex supply this week has been very scanty; there is also a large accession of grain of almost every species from different ports on the Con- tinent, and several cargoes of American flour within these few days, We reckoned wheat about 10s. per quarter lower for the best English, and 15s. tor the fo- reign on Monday, and it fell at
least 5s. per quarter more to- day for all, with quite a heavy sale, and a great deal left on hand. Rye is 15 or 18s. per quarter lower since this day se'nnight, white pease about 10s. grey pease and beans of both sons about 3s, barley and malt 6 to 8s. oats 5s. flour 5s. per sack, clover seed 15s. per cwt. The trade in all respects declines'. ning a fox on the cliffs, near Lulworth, in Dorset- shire, by a short turn the animal gained an earth, and, in pursuing him, three couple and a half of the leading hounds precipitated to the bot- tom, and were dashed to pieces. poSTSCRIPT Yesterday in the House of Commons, the Speaker took
the Chair at 3 o'clock, for the pur- pose of expediting private business;, much of which having been gone through, a messenger Seeds. Rape 27 a 41.£. per last. Canary 56 a 82 per quar. Carraway 29 a 46. S. Red clover 25 a 112s. Turnip 12 to 34s. Blank 27 a 48s. per qr. Coriander 17 to 24s. 6d. Trefoil 7s. Od. to 52s. per cwt. White clover 2S to 102-. Rye- grass 10 to5Is. Tares 5s. 6d. to l3s. per bush. STOCKS. Bank Stock 164 ex div. 3 per cent, cons. 60. 3per cent. red. 59$.. 4 percent, cons. 77 ex div. .5 per cent, navy, 93- J. 5 percent. 17,97,"' 94f4- Long Ann. .18 17- 13ths. Do. Sh. 5 1- 1,6th. Om, 7. i pr. IPSWICH, April
25. The Rev. Edward Griffin, A. B. was licensed last week, by the Lord Bishop of this diocese, ta the perpetual curacy of St. Peter, in this town, on the nomination of the Rev. W. Fonnereau. of Christ's Church. The Magistrates of the division of Woodbridge have appointed John Stevens of Framlingham, Robert Knights of Debenham, and Wm. Pal- mer, of Saxmundham, to be Inspectors of Raw Hides and Skins, their districts extending 5 miles. The inhabitants of Woodbridge have lately raised a liberal subscription of 100£. or up- wards, towards relieving their certificate poor in the rates for the last quarter. The funds of the Soup
Institution in this town being exhausted, the last distribution of soup was made on Thursday. The gratitude of the poor, for the advantage which they have receiv- ed from this institution, was such as to afford the highest satisfaction to those who witnessed it. The delivery has lasted 15 weeks. There were 1200 ickets issued, and 74,065 quarts delivered. Yesterday se'nnight the Loyal Harwich Vo- unteers, commanded by Capt. Hopkins, assem- bled On the Lawn there, and fired 3 vollies in lonour of the glorious news from the Sound. Yesterday se'nnight died, aged 71, Mrs. Ene- ser, wife of Mr. Robert Eneser of Harwich. Tuesday
se'nnight died at Brome in his 56th year, Mr. Wm. Marsh, a respectable farmer. Thursday se'nnight died, aged 52, Mr. James Crew, of Ford- street, Colchester, after a long and painful affliction, borne with true resignation. Same day died, universally esteemed, Mr. John Howard, of Great Clacton, Essex, merchant, Captain of the Loyal Clacton Volunteers. Same day died at Cratfield, much respected. Miss Randall, daughter of Mr. Randall, grocer. Saturday last died at Trimley, Mrs. Haward, relict of Mr. Steph. Haward, formerly of Higham
Monday died at Hadleigh, in the 28th year of her ago, Miss Elizabeth Carter, eldest daughter of Mr. E. Carter, of the King's Head Inn there. Thursday died, aged 78, after a short illness, Mr. John Pain, an opulent farmer at Walton. Thursday died at Norwich, aged 75; Mr. John Bousell, an eminent leather cutter. The Isis and Monmouth, are arrived in Yar- mouth Roads, and also, a 64 turned into an Hos- pital Ship, with sick and wounded on board. Saturday last an inquisition was taken at Clare by J. Ward, Gent. Coroner for the Liberty of Bury St. Edmund's, on the body of Mary Ham- mond, 12 years of age; who, in endeavouring
to rescue her brother, who had fallen into a mill dam, threw herself into the water with such violence, that she dislocated her neck, and was drowned. About a fortnight since, as Mr. Daniel Bor- rett, jun. of Bramfield, near Halesworth, was riding on the road, he Was unfortunately thrown from his horse, and killed upon the spot. He was a young man of great respectability, and much lamented by his friends. ' Saturday night last, three sheep, the property of James Round, Esq. of Birch- hall, Essex, were stolen and conveyed away from out of a turnip- field, and slaughtered in an adjoining wood, where the heads and skins were left.
Two men have been apprehended upon suspicion. Monday, at Bury Quarter Sessions, Thomas Carr, convicted ot petty larceny, was ordered to be imprisoned in the House of Correction, in so- litary confinement, and kept to hard labour, for 3 months. James Carter, convicted of obtain- ing money under false pretences, was order- ed to be imprisoned in the House of Correction, in solitary confinement, and kept to hard labour, for one month, and at the expiration thereof to be privately whipped. Wm. Pearson, convicted of stealing 4 made up faggots of wood, the pro- perty of Mr. Chinery of Welnetham, to be im- prisoned in the
House of Correction in solitary confinement and kept to hard labour for one week. Yesterday se'nnight John Haddingham, of Ubbeston, cordwainer, was committed to our New Gaol, by E. Davy, Esq, on suspicion of stealing a fat calf from Priscilla Rose, of Laxfield, of the value of 45s. her property. Monday James Clackson was committed to the same prison, by Thos. Methold, Clk. charged with stealing from the breeches pocket of John Holmes, of Thorndon, 6 shilling pieces, 2 six- pences, and 5d. in halfpence. Thursday the following convicts, under sen tence of transportation, were sent from our New Gaol to Newgate, viz.
James Gardner, James Mudd, William Crow, George Kettle, John Sewell, aud Isaac Giles, for 7 years each ; and Samuel Clarke, for life. CAMBRIDGE, April 24 Wednesday the Rev. H. Pearce, of Trinity College, was elected by the Master and Fellows of Catharine Hall, Conduct Fellow of that Society. This day Lord Henry Petty, eldest son of Lord Lansdown, and the Hon. Mr. Smith, both of Trinity Col. were admitted to their decrees of M. A, in Right of Nobility; and Mr. Ham- merton of the same Col. to his degree of B. A CHELMSFORD, April 24, Tuesday died, at an advanced age, Mr. John Camp, of Prittlewell. Lately died at
Ilford, at a very advanced age, Lady Paul, relict of Sir Onesiphorous Paul, Bart, of Hill House, Gloucestershire. Lately died, much respected, Mr. Wm. Fitch of the Bull's Head Inn, Leadenhall- street. At our Quarter Sessions, Philip Flood was indicted for regrating pigs in this market, about 10 or 11 o'clock in the morning, and selling them again the same day; but the prosecutor not proving that they were sold by the defendant him self, the offence was not made out, and Flood was of course acquitted, Robert Rockwell, the person indicted at the October Sessions for mak- ing forehand bargains in the article of butter, was acquitted
for want of prosecution. John Wat- kins, for breaking the windows of the dwelling house of Roger Wisby, at Terling, was sen tenced to be imprisoned one month, and find sureties for his good behaviour after. Betty Punt, the notorious Coggeshall vagrant, was con victed of grand larceny, in the dwelling house of Mrs. Philbrick, of Coggeshall, and ordered to be transported for 7 years. At these Sessions, the Court passed an unanimous vote of thanks to Thos. Kynaston, Esq. for the great pains which he has taken in visiting the county gaol, and which the Court considered as having been productive of very beneficial effects to the
county. SUFFOLK BENEVOLENT MEDICAL SOCIETY. AT the April Meeting 1800, it was resolved, That the secretary do advertize a revision of the laws, particularly laws 4 and 11, at the next Annual Meet- ing, which will beheld at the White Hart Inn, Stow- market,. oil Monday, April 27, 1801. Stowmarket, R. FREEMAN, April 10, 1801. Secretary. To COVER, or to be SOLD, At Mr. RD. MEALING's, Martlesham, ABeautiful Bright Chesnut Cart Colt, 3 Years old. full of bone, near 16 hands high ; by Mr. And. Blake's, of Letheringham, Suffolk. A STALLION to be SOLD. AChesnut HORSE, of the true Suffolk Breed, about 16 hands
high; now 3 years old, has had no ares, full of bone and figure. Enquire at the Horse and Groom Inn, Melton, Suffolk. Price 80 Guineas. This will be advertised no more. To WATCHMAKERS, Suffolk. LOST about 2 Months since, A SILVER WATCH, with an enamelled dial; maker's name S. Thorn- by, London, No. 1152. Whoever will bring the same, or can give information thereof to Mr. Nathl. Hedge, Colchester, shall be properly rewarded. To MILLWRIGHTS. AYoung Man, ( that is married) who is perfect master of this business, and duly qualified to take upon him the working a Corn Windmill, may hear of a desirable situation,
by applying to the Printer. N. B. None need apply whose character and abili- ties will not bear the strictest enquiry. Letters post paid, stating their terms, address, and reference, as to the above requisites, will be duly answered. HEREFORDSHIRE CYDER FOR Sale, in Bottles, by THOs. RIDLEY in St. Cle ment's, Ipswich. 23 April, 1801. THE TROOP of IPSWICH LIGHT CAVALRy commanded by CAPTAIN BERNERS, are de- sired to take notice, that the next day of meeting is fixed. for Tuesday, the 28th April, at Eleven o'clock the forenoon, and that the certificate annually sent to the Surveyor of Taxes will be made from the
re- urn of that dav. MELTON, April 24, 1801. WILLIAM BRAGGS ( cheap Clothes Shop) re- turns thanks for past favours, and begs leave to inform his friends and the public, that he is just re- turned from London with an Assortment of CLOTHES new and second- hand, for men, women, and children which will be sold on the lowest terms for ready money. A* And STONE MASONS. ANY Person willing to execute the DIGGING, BRICKLAYERS, PLAISTERERS, and MA- SONS WORKS, by admeasurement, in building a GAOL at Bury Saint Edmund's, may see the plans, and particulars, together with a list of the different ar ticles required, at the Gaol at Bury aforesaid, and at Mr. Byfield's Office, Craven- street, Strand, London. A list of the different prices to be delivered, sealed up, directed to tbe Magistrates' at the Angel Inn, Bury, by Ten o'clock in the forenoon, on Monday, the 11th day of May next; One tender may bo given for the Digging, Brick- layers and Plaisterers work, and a separate tender for the Stone Masons work, of one tender given for the whole. To be PEREMPTORILY SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN and THOMAS BARBER, On Friday the 1st day of May, 1801, on the premises of Mr. JNo. CUPPER, of Mendham, near Harleston,
HIS Dairy of 8 choice Milch Cows, 4 of which have calves by their sides, 2with their calves off, the other 2 forward in calf; 9 pigs, and a sow in pig ; all the backhouse and dairy utensils in the general line in good condition. Sale to begin at 10 o'clock. N. B. The reason of the above sale being altered from Monday to Friday, is on account of a sale being advertised at Weybread on the said Monday. WOODBRIDGE, April 25. J. JARROLD returns Thanks to his Friends and the Public in general, for the many favours confer'd pon him, and takes this opportunity to inform them, He is just returned from London with a new and fashi nable assortment of Muslins, Prints, Dimities, Irishes, nd every other article in his line, which lie is de- termined to sell on such, terms as he hopes will ensure him a continuance of their favours. be SOLD bv AUCTION By JAMES WILD, At Saxmundham Bell, on Thursday next, the 30th inst. At Four o'clock in the afternoon, Score of DANS ; although good Meat, are worth the attention of those gentlemen who wish to im- prove their flocks, as being from one of the first flocks in the county. To be SOLD. Copyhold ESTATE in Wethcringset, in the Coun- ty of Suffolk, now in the occupation of Mr. Pep- per, tenant at will; consisting of a
dwelling house and cottage, barn, stable, and other convenient outhouses, together with 3 acres of rich arable and meadow land, thereto belonging. For further particulars apply to Mr. Wm. Hammond, attorney at law, Ipswich. To be SOLD, AFARM, consisting of excellent Dwelling- House, large new barn, and other convenient good buildings; and 94 acres of good arable and pasture land, situate at Clare, in Suffolk, of which possession will be given at Michaelmas next. Also, A Farm adjoining the above, containing 125 acres, let on lease, of which 15 years are unexpired. Enquire of Mr. Cox, Clare, or Mr. Skinner, Bromley, near
Colchester, Essex. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By AUGUSTINE READ, On Friday, the 8th May, 1801, at the Horse and Groom in Melton, at Four o'clock, in One Lot, AMessuage, called the SOAP HOUSE, situate in Melton aforesaid, divided into four tenements, with three yards, an exceeding good garden well plan- ted, and six acres ( more or less) of very rich and va- luable pasture land, aud an ozier ground adjoining, now in the occupation of Mr. Jonathan Churchyard, tenant at will. Further particulars may be had of Mr. Wood, attor- ney at law, Woodbridge, or of the auctioned' there. A FARM at GREAT BROMLEY, Essex, To
be SOLD, By PRIVATE CONTRACT, COmprizing a very good Farm- house, a Barn, Sta- ble, and 29 acres, more or less, of exceeding good meadow, pasture and arable land thereto belonging, now in the occupation of William Edwards, under a lease which will expire at Michaelmas 1804. Great Bromley is about 6 miles from Colchester, and 4 from Manningtree, two capital Corn Mar- ket Towns. For further particulars apply to Mr. Maberly, of Col- chester, solicitor. COLCHESTER ASSEMBLY:- IT is proposed to have a BALL at the White Hart, Colchester, on Monday evening, the 21th of April inst ( the evening of the regular
Assembly) for the BENEFIT of the WIDOWS and ORPHANS OF THOSE GALLANT BRITISH SEAMEN, SOLDIERS and MARINES wiio so nobly fell in the service of their country, in the late attack of Copenhagen, by the fleet under the com- mand of Adm. Sir HYDE PARKER and Lord NELSON. Gentlemen's tickets- 10s. 6d. Ladies as. to be had at Wm. Keymer's, bookseller, aud at the Bar of the White Hart. The expence of the room and music will be paid from the Assembly Subscription, and the clear receipt of the night to be applied to the above benevolent purpose. The company are particularly requested to meet at Eight
o'clock. Non- subscribers to the Assembly, taking tickets, will be admitted on the above night. ESSEX. TENDRING HUNDRED ASSOCIATION, For prosecuting FELONS, & c. & c. THE next Half Yearly Meeting of the Subscribers will be held at the Thorn Inn at Mistley, on Fri- day the 1st of May, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, to settle the Treasurer's accounts. When the attendance of as many members as can rrtake it convenient is par- ticularly requested, to determine on a proposal for a New Subscription. To be SOLD, By PRIVATE CONTRACT, ASubstantial DWELLING- HOUSE, Barn, Stable, cow- house, and whiting office,
all in good re- pair ; With about 5 acres of arable and pasture land contiguous, situate in Wortwell, in Norfolk, and in occupation of Joseph Catchpole, whitester, under a lease which expires at Michaelmas, 1804. This estate lias extensive rights . of Common on Wortwell and Alburgh Commons. For further particulars apply to Mr. Kingsbury, at- torney, Bungay. I To be SOLD, AGENTEEL DWELLING- HOUSE, with Coach- house, stabling, and convenient out- houses, suitable for the residence of a small genteel family, called STOKE- COTTAGE, with 4 acres of garden ground, and exceeding good land adjoining, pleasantly situate
in St. Mary Stoke parish, Ipswich; command- ing an extensive prospect of a rich aud fertile country, and the beautiful River Orwell. For further particulars apply fo Mr. Roper, auc- tioneer, Ipswich. April lb, 1801' TO be advanced immediately on Land Security 500£. or 600,£. by application ( letters post paid) to Mr. Mayhew, attorney, Saxmundham. THE MESSUAGE, and Three Acres of Land, si- tuated in Sweffling, advertised to be Sold by C. Welton, on Friday, the 1st of May, are disposed of by Private Contract. See advertisement first page. MARSHES and JOIST STOCK. MARSHES of Superior Quality to be Let, and JOIST
STOCK taken at Oby, hear Acle, Nor- folk. Enquire of the Steward or Marshman, at Oby. To be sold by AuctioN by Mr. ROPER,. THIS DAY, April 25, At his REPOSITORY, Ipswich, at 12 o'clock, 9CAST HORSES, belonging to the 3d REGIMENT of DRAGOON GUARDS. TWENTY GUINEAS REWARD. WHEREAS some Evil- disposed Person or Per- sons, did lately steal and take away, frryii a cover belonging to Sir William Rowley, Bart, situate in the parish of Bucklesham, in Suffolk, SEVEN VER- MIN TRAPS, by breaking the chains which fastened them to trees in the cover; four of which traps were marked with the letters L.
B. Whoever will give in- formation of the offender or offenders, so as he or they may be lawfully convicted, shall, on his or their conviction, receive a reward of Twenty Guineas, by applying to Messrs. Pearson and Bunn, solicitors, Ips- wich. April 21, 1801, A ROBBERY. WHEREAS on Tuesday Night last, or oarly on Wednesday morning, A Year- old WETHER SHEEP, walked I. W. on the right side, was stolen off the lands of Mr. Jonathan Waspe, in the parish of St. Mary Strike in Ipswich, the skin of which was found on Stoke Bridge on Thursday morning last. Whoever will give information of the person or per- sons who
committed the said robbery, by means where- of he or they may be lawfully convictcd of the same, shall receive, on such conviction, a reward of FIVE POUNDS, by applying to B. Brame, attorney at law, Ipswich, agcnito the Ipswich, Association, for prose- cuting felons and other offenders; and also, a further rewardof TEN GUINEAS, by applying to the said Jonathan Waspe. Ipswich, April 24, 1801. THE Tradesmen of this and other Towns trading from the port of Ipswich to London, are request- ed to meet at the Golden Lion, on Wednesday next, at Three o'clock in the afternoon, to consider of some plan for the better supplying
the country with shipr ping. Ipswich, April 24. 1801. WANTED, A Journeyman Taylor, who may have constant employ for the Season, by application to J. Garrard, Mendlesham. April 21. WANTED immediately, A Youth of respectable connections, as an Apprentice to the Drapery Business. For particulars, letters ( post paid) addressed to the printer, will be attended to. WANTED immediately, A Young Person of re- spectable connections, as an Apprentice in the Millinery. For particulars apply, and letters post paid, to Mrs. Blowers, milliner, Halesworth". WANTS a Situation as Journeyman iq the Gro- cery, Drapery, or General
Line of Business, A young Man, well acquainted with the above branches. He writes a good hand, and is a ready accomptant. A line directed to J. Green, Post- office, Woolpit, will be attended to. Wages immaterial. WANTED in a Gentleman's Family, living in Col- chester, A Footman, who understands his bu- siness thoroughly ; one who has been used to a side- board, and can dress hair. Letters ( post paid) ad- dressed to Mr. Wm. Keymer, jun Colchester, will be attended to. The HOUSHOLD FURNITURE, CHINA, LINEN, and other EFFECTS, Of Mrs. OSBALDSTON, Deceased, Will be SOLD by AUCTION By THOMAS
SELBY, On Wednesday next, April 29, at the Dwelling of Mr. BEDWELL, Carr- street,, Ipswich; Comprising Two 4- post and Tent Bedsteads, with white dimity and cheque furnitures, 4 excellent goose featherbeds, 2 mattrasses, 7 pair blankets, two counterpanes, 6 cotton quilts, 9 pair sheets, 6 pair pil- low cases, 14 damask and diaper table cloths, and 30 towels; mahogany and walnut- tree chairs, pillar, card and dressing tables, chest with drawers, bureau ; 4 beautiful canary birds; a complete set of enamelled tea china, a variety of useful china, glass, earth, stone and tin ware ; washing copper, boiler, saucepans, tea kettles,
ond other articles. Catalogues to be had at the auctioneer's upholstry warehouse, Tavern- street, Ipswich. Sale to begin at Ten d'clok. Goods to be viewed on the preceding day. To be SOLD by AUCTION On Thursday next, the 30th inst. At the Star Tavern on the Quay, in Great Yarmouth, THE Sloop ACTIVE, now lying at Mr. Preston's dock, admeasuring about 50 tons; and imme- diately after, will be SOLD, her ENTIRE CARGO, consisting of about 50 Pieces of India Silk Handkerchiefs, 12 Pair of Gloves, 8001bs of Tobacco 19 Pieces ind 8 hhds of. Geneva, about 2500 Gallons, and 15 Gallons of Brandy, For Exportation
only. The vessel and cargo may be viewed by applying to Mr. Warmington, of Yarmouth aforesaid. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At . the Half Moon Inn, Clare, Suffolk, By JOHN COX, On Wednesday next, A m il 29, At Seven o'clock in the Evening, ALL those Freehold Messuages or Tenements, with gardens and orchard adjoining, situated near the Bridge, in the parish of Clare, Suffolk, in the several occupations of Robert Turner, William Smith, and Hannah Wade. The above premises are in compleat repair; the situation perfectly rural and comlortable, and may be entered upon at Michaelmas next. Further particulars may be
known at the time and place of sale, and of the auctioneer, Clare, Suffolk. TO be SOLD by AUCTION ~~ By WM. OLIVER and SON, On Tuesday tbe 19th day of May next, At Three o'clock in theAfternoon, At the WHITE LION INN in Hadleigh, AVery Desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate at Nayland in the county of Suffolk ; consisting of | a messuage, barn, stable, and other convenient build- ings, and 35A. 1R. 22P. by admeasurement, ofexceed- _ good arable, meadow and pasture land, now in the occupation of Mr. James Byford, under a lease, which expires on the 10th day of October next. The premises may be viewed
by applying to the te- nant ; and a plan of the estate may be seen, and fur- ther particulars and conditions of sale had at the Office of Mr. Leake, attorney at law, Hadleigh. GREAT YARMOUTH, April 22, 1801, ' To be SOLD by AUCTION, BY JOHN KEMP, At the Wrestlers Inn, on Monday, May 11,1801 At Twelve o'clock. ALL that MESSUAGE or DWELLING- HOUSE, with the two lime- kilns, chalk- houses, ware- houses, coal- yard, wreck- yards, wharfs, two tene- ments, garden, stable, chaise- house, grounds and pre- mises, situate and being in Great Yarmouth, now inthe occupation of Mr. Jonathan Symonds, the proprietor.
The premises are pleasantly and very conveniently situated together, on the banks of the navigable river, and communicate with the main road, lead- ing to the Hundreds of East and West Flegg, and the country adjacent; the wharfs are spacious, ex- tending nearly 500 ft. along the river side, and the whole form a very desirable situation for a lime- burner, timber, deal, or wreck merchant, the corn trade orany other business, where space of ground, and the advantages of direct communication with the town and country are wanted. The said premises ( except tbe stable) are leasehold of the Corporation of Yarmouth, for a term
oi' which 30 years will be unexpired at Michaelmas next, at the yearly rent of £ 12 5s.; and the stable is leasehold of the said Corporation, for a term of which 11 years will be unexpired at Michaelmas next, at the annual rent of 10s. The purchaser may have possession at Mid- summer next. The premises may be viewed and further particu- lars had, by applying .. to the said Mr. Symonds, or to Mr. Edmund Preston, attorney, Yarmouth. To be SOLD by AUCTION On Thursday next, the 30th inst. At the Star Tavern, on the Quay, in Great Yarmouth, The Following VESSELS: THE Shallop FANNY, admeasuring 60 Tons. The
Coasting Boat HENRY,- do 46 do. The GOOD PORTENT Fishing Boat do. ... 30 do. The above vessels are abundantly well found with stores, sail remarkably fast, and may be sent to sea without any expence, and are well calculated for the coasting trade. . The vessels may be viewed by applying to Mr. Nathl. Symonds, or Mr. John Moore. Inventories will be produced at the time of sale. To BAKERS and OTHERS. To be PEREMPTORILY SOLD by AUCTION, By WM. BUNNELL, At tbe Waggon and Horses, Colchester, On Tuesday the 28th inst. Between the hours of Four and Six o'clock, AFreehold Brick- fronted DWELI.
ING- HOUSE, and BAKE- OFFICE, situated in the principal street leading to the Barracks, now in the occupation of Mr. W. Spink : comprising in front, . a room 15 feet by 12, a large bake- office, 3 bed- rooms, with conve- nient closets, and extensive garrets ; has a small yard, with offices. The situation for trade is truly desirable. The out- goiiigs are about 3 guineas per ann. Possession may be had at Midsummer next. The BUTLERS and PUBLICANS ASSISTANT On BREWING, This Day was published, price Two Shillings, APRACTICAL TREATISE on the Nature of brewing fine, wholesome, brilliant, and rich high flavoured
WELCH and SCURVY- GRASS ALES, and STRONG BEERS, with LONDON PORTER and BROWN STOUT, Fine TABLE BEER, & c. and the Management of Wines, Cheese, Cellars, & c. By A STEWARD and SUPERINTENDANT, OF MANY YEARS PRACTICE. The Second Edition, with many Improvements. London : Printed for the Author, by W. Smith, No. 49, King- street, Seven Dials; and sold by Barratt, Bath ; Bransby, Ipswich ; Thompson, Manchester; Richardson, Bate and Son, Royal Exchange ; Murray and Highley, Fleet- street; R. B. Scott, 378, Strand Sutton, Long Acre, near St. Martin's- lane ; E. Harding, Pall
Mall; Laking, Curzon- street, May Fair; Hook- ham, Old Bond- street; Archer, Dublin ; and by the principal booksellers in England and Ireland, MR. BROOKES, Surgeon and Dentist presents his compliments tothose Ladies and Gentlemen that have honoured him with their attention ; respectfully informs them and the public, that all operations for preserving the teeth and gumS may now ( the Season being so far advanced be performed with safety and the most happy effect; so as to render them white and beauti- ful, without pain, or the least injury to the enamel Mr. B. cures the scurvy in the gums; supplies the loss of teeth With
real or artificial ; extracts stumps fills up decayed teeth or stumps with gold or silver, so as to preserve and make them serviceable ; and assists children in removing their teeth at" the time of shed- ding, which prevents deformity. Mr. B. attends at home every Tuesday aud Saturday from Nine till Four. Terms as usual. For the TEETH and GUMS. The Detersive Tincture and Dentifrice Powder in- vented by Mr. Brookes; their elegance and efficacy is fully confirmed by the universal demand Mr. B. has had. The use of the Tincture and Powder will eradicate all foulness the mouth is subject to fromdiet or disease Will render the teeth
beautifully white, without injuring the enamel; fastens, and will preserve them sound to advanced life ; will speedily cure the scurvy in the gums; remove that lax spongy disposition that loosens the teeth, and makes the gums liable to bleed on the least touch; and will not only correct the offensive smell, but make the breath sweet and agreeable. Also, BROOKES's SPECIFIC BELTS, A neat, safe and elegant mode ofrem'oving all Scor- butic Eruptions in the Skin, as well as a safe and cer- tain cure for the Itch in all its stages. The Specific- Belt has not the least smell, nor does it injure the li- nen or clothes; patients, wearing them
may change their apparel in the usual way. From 5s. 6d. to 10s. 6d. estelik COPFORD, ESSEX. To be SOLD by AUCTION By WILLIAM BUNNELL, On WEDNESDAY, May 6, 180), ALL the Farming Live and Dead Stock, Part of the Houshold Furniture, Brewing and Dairy Uten- sils of Mrs. AMBROSE, leaving the farm ; comprising 3 good working horses, one 5, one 6 years old, and the other aged ; a milch cow, sow and 8 pigs; strong light waggon, 2 tumbrels, gang of harrows, 2 ploughs, single roll, plough and cart harness, useful implements in husbandry ; bedsteads, various hangings, feather- be, Is and boding, tables, chaiis,
and drawers, and a variety of useful lots, as will appear in catalogues, to be had at the White Hart, Stanway ; Trowel and Ham- mer, Marks Tey; Angel, Birch ; and of the auctioneer, Sale to begin at Ten o'clock, and the farming stock to be sold first. BR1GHTLINGSEA, ESSEX. To be SOLD by AUCTION By WILLIAM BUNNELL, On Thursday, May 7, 1801, between the hours of Three and Five, at'the Swan, Acres of rich Arable Land, Freehold, now in the occupation of Mr. ROBERT LUFKIN, the proprietor, Possession may be had at Michaelmas next, agreeably to conditions, to be had of the auc- tioneer, and place of sale. '
COLCHESTER. To be SOLD by AUCTION By WILLIAM BUNNELL, On Friday, May 8, . Between the hours of Four and Six, at the Crown and Punch Bowl, in the parish of St. James, ALL that Freehold Bricked Dwelling House, with coach- house and stabling for 4 horses,' situated in the parish of Greenstead, and now in the occupa tion of Mr. MARSH, wheelwright ( the proprietor), comprising 2 parlours, kitchen, 9 bed- rooms, good cel- lar, large store rooms, and conyenientclosets. The situation is truly desirable, being on the high road to St. Osyth, Thorp, Wivenhoe, & c. and an agreeable distance from the Hythe; is conveni ent for the barracks, and commands a pleasing view of the town. For particulars apply to Mr. Marsh, or the auctio- neer. Possession may be had immediately after the sale, agreeably to the conditions then produced. CUSTOM- HOUSE, COLCHESTER. To be SOLD by AUCTION By ORDER of the HONOURABE COMMISSIONERS of his MAJESTY'S CUSTOMS, On TUESDAY, May 5, 1801, At Ten o'clock, in the Forenoon, IN SMALL LOT'S, ABOUT 1500 Gallons of Foreign Geneva, 7 Gal- lons of Rum, and 3 Gallons of Cordials, ( al- most of the strength of 1 in 6 under hydrometer proof,) to private persons. And 450 Gallons
of Foreign Brandy, 6 Silk Shawls, and 5 small Looking- Glasses, to dealers ahd others. A deposit of 25£. per cent, will be required on each lot, and the goods to be taken away within ten days after the sale, or the deposit- money to be for- ieited. Attendance will be given at the Custom- house on the days of drawing, from 9 to 12 in the forenoon, and from 2 till 4 in the afternoon. No One Pound Notes will be taken, except those of the Bank of England; nor any Country Banker's Notes, except those of this town. LIVE STOCK and other EFFECTS. To be SOLD by AUCTION WITHOUT RESERVE, By THO. CATCHPOLE, On Friday
next, May 1, and following day, At Mr. LIONEL EADE's, dec. at Framlingham, In SUFFOLK. FARMING Stock, consists of 3 Young and Hand- some Milch Cows, one vvitli a calf by her side, and the other two forward in calf;. 2 capital chesnut cart mares, one shoat; road cart, foot ploughs, and harrows, cart and plough trace, barn utensils, and other implements in husbandry. Houshold Furniture, Backhouse and Dairy Utensils, comprise 3 bedsteads and beding, tables, chairs, bu- reau, corner cupboard, 30- hour clock, sifting hutch, coal range, small copper, & c. milk tray, tubs, keelers, pails, $ barrel churn, cheese press, and
other general requisites. Also, to be Let by Auction; Seven Acres, more or less, of rich Pasture Land, in 3 inclosures, to be fed, mown, or carried off, on or be- fore Michaelmas day next. Sale to begin each day at Ten o'clock. The in- door stock to be sold on the first day. The corn growing upon the farm, will be dispossd of in the month of June. LORD NELSON'S VICTORY. This Day is published, price1s. plain, Or 1s. 6d. coloured, PLAN of the UNPARALLELED BATTLE be- fore COPENHAGEN, April 2, 1801, between . Detachment of Sir HYDE PARKER's FLEET, com- manded by LORD NELSON, and the DANISH FLEET.
Taken on the spot by an Officer, and pre- sented by him to the Publisher. Yarmouth : Published by J. D. Downes, and may be had of the principal booksellers in Town and Country. SAXMUNDHAM, April 1801 TAYLOR and HABIT- MAKER, SGARROD begs Leave to inform his Friends and . the Public, he is just returned from London, an has received from the manufactory, a fashionable, as- sortment of Ladies and Gentlemen's Clothes, Sec.; he humbly solicits a continuance of former favours, which it will be his constant study to merit. YARMOUTH. J. CHAPMAN, REspectfully begs Leave to inform the Ladies and the public in
general, that he has taken the SHOP, now in the occupation of Mr. SHERRING, in the OLD BROAD Row, which, he intends opening on SATURDAY the 2d of May next, with a large and fashionable as- sortment of LINEN and WOOLLEN DRAPERy, and humbly solicits a continuance of those favours which Mr. S. experienced diiring his residence in the above shop, and which he will endeavour to merit bv the strictest assiduity and attention April 25, lgoi. ' FELONY, A REWARD of TEN GUINEAS. WHEREAS WILLIAM GOODWIN, late of Ub- beston, in the county of Suffolk, was on the 17' th inst. commuted to Ipswich New Gaol,
on suspi- cion of having in the night of the 15th inst. stolen, or aided and assisted in stealing, A Fat Calf, out of the Calves Crib of the Widow Rose, of Laxfield; and upon the road in his way, to the said Gaol, he escaped from and out of the cuStody of . the Constable who was conveying him. Whoever apprehends the said Wm Goodwin, and delivers him to the Constable of Ubbes- ton aforesaid, or lodges him in any of his Majesty's Gaols, shall receive a reward of Ten Guineas of me April 23d, 1801. JOHN EDWARDS, Constable of the said parish of Ubbeston. ; The said Wm. Goodwin, is about 56 years of age, 5 feet 4 or 5
inches high, stoutish made, light brown hair, blind of his left eye, which is not discer- nable unless closely inspected, walks a little lame, had on when he escaped, an old drab slop, a lightish co- oured waiscoat mended with red pieces, old leather breeches much mended, and his clothes much daubed with tar and tiver He Works sometimes as a carpen- ter, and sometimes as a labourer. YOUNG SAMSON The property of JOHN BEDINGFIELD, of Debenham, Will Cover Mares this Season, At Ten Shillings and Sixpence, each Mare, ( The money to be paid at the time of covering,) HE is a beautiful Bright Chesnut CART COLT,
rising 6 years old, sixteen hands and . a half high' short legg'd, and very full of bone. He was bred bv Mr. John Thurston, of Little Stonham and got by Mr. Thomas Edwards's noted old horse Sampson, of Oc- cold ; his dam of that well known stock of Mr. Otte- will's, of Mendlesham, whose breed of horses are in high estimation in this county. He will be at the Royal Oak, Mendlesham, on Mon- days; at the White Hart, Stowmarket, on Thursdays; at tire Buck's Head, Debenham, on Fridays ; at the Crown, Framlingham, on Saturdays; at home the rest of the week during the season. To COVER this SEASON. ~ THAT Beautiful Bay
Horse YOUNG GRENADIER, the property of Daniel. Sayer, of Mendham, a: One Guinea a Mare, and One Shilling the Groom. He was got by that noted horse Grenadier; his dam is a well bred Yorkshire mare; Grenadier is 15 hands 2 inches high, free from all natural blemishes, for sym- metry and proportion few to equal him, and proved himself an excellent trotter in performing a 4 mile course in 13 minutes and a half, August 12, 1799. He was hunted at 4 ydars old, and gave, every . prnnf^ f his being ail excellent hunter, aS he covered his leaps to the admiration of the gentlemen in tue field ; he is allowed by the best judges to
be one of the com- pleatest horses in the country, and is much noted for getting remarkable fine stock. he will attend at the Oak, in Winfarthing, on Monday nights; : tt Har- ling- Market, on Tuesdays- it the George, in Sapes- ton, that night; at the Spread Eagl'fc, in Bury St. Ed-* mund's, on Wednesdays; at the Swan, in Woolpit, that night; at the King's Arms, in Stowmarket, on Thursdays; at the White Horse, in Finningham, that night; at Botesdale, at 11 o'clock on Friday; at Diss market on that day; at home on Saturdays and Sun- days. N. B. The money to be paid at the, time of Covering, or in the first week of July following. Mate
not stinted last year to be Covered at half price. Mr. WALKER's ~ LECTURES on NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Illustrated by' at least 50 Copper- plates, neatly . engraved: Next Saturday will be published, Printed in Quarto, on a fine wove Medium Paper, to be completed in Thirty- five Numbers, published weekly, making Two handsome Volumes in Quarto NUMBER I, Price Is. 6d. ( with Two Copper- plates; neatly engraved) of A SYSTEM of FAMILIAR PHILOSOPHY, in 12 Lectures ; being the course usually read by Mr. WALKER, of Conduit- street, Hanover- square ; con- taining the elements, and the practical uses to be drawn
from the chemical Properties of Matter ; the principles and application of Mechanics, of Hydrosta- tics, of Pneumatics, of Magnetism, of Electricity, of Optics, and of Astronomy, including every material mo- dern discovery and improvement to the present time. For the satisfaction of the public, we here give an extract of the principal contents of each Lecture. 1. Introductory Lecture, containing some general Ide. ns respecting the System of Nature. 2- Of the Particles of Matter, their minuteness, hardi- ness, extension, divisibility, inertia and cohesinn, and on Magnetism. On Mechanical Powers, as applied to the Windmill and
travelling Corn- mill, Wheel- carriages, containing a variety of experiments for the Improvement of Coach- es, Carts, Waggons, & c. 4. On Chemistry, on Acids, Alkalis, Distillation, Sublimation, oil affinitive Attraction, of Combustion, Metals, Minerals, Vegetable and Animal Analysis, Chemical Apparatus, Miscellaneous Observations and Experiments in Chemistry. 5. On the Atmosphere, Mechanical and Chemical Properties ol Air ; on Wind, Air- guns, Wind- guns, oil Sound, Sympathy of Sound. 6. Hydrostatics, Hydraulics; of specific Gravities, on the Divers Bells, of Pumps, the Rope Pump, the forcing Pump, Boulton and Watt's
Steam Engine, Steain Engine with the Cylinder in the Boiler. 7 Electricity, Introductory Remarks on Electrical Machines, on Points, on the attraction and repelleney of Electricity, on the Leyden Vial.' 8. Electricity, continued ; of spontaneous Electri- city, of Lightning, of Animal Electricity, Medical Electricity, Experiments miscellaneous and entertaining. 9. Opticks, on Vision, Optical Instruments, the Night Glass, the Refracting and Reflecting Telescopes, of the Single, Double. or Compound, Solar, and Opaque Microscope, the Magic Lantern, Miscellaneous Expe- riments, Deceptions, & e. 10. Astronomy; General View of Creation;
ancifnt Opinions cbncernin'g it; why the Earth fnust be a Globe; Day, Night, and the Seasons, how produced ; on the Celestial Globe ; Origin and Use of the Con- stellations ; those useful in Navigation ; Equinoxes; Zodiac ; Equation of Time; Use of Timekeepers, & c. fl. On the Moon, her Motion and Eclipses; Hori- zontal and Harvest Moon;. on the Cause of Tides in the Air and Sea; on Currents. ..-...,. 12. Astronomy continued, Newtonian Doctrine res- pecting the Laws of the Planetary Motion ; character and properties of the Planets and their yloons; use of the Nautical Ephemeris"; oh Altitude and Refraction : on Comets, & c.
Sec. Printed for the Author, at his House, No. Con- duit Street, Hanover Square; and sold by G. Kearsley, No'. 46, Fleet Street.
From the LONDON GAZETTE, April 21. THE King has been pleased to grant the dig- nity of a Viscount of the United Kingdom of Grcat Britain and Ireland, to the Right Hon. John Earl of St. Vincent, Knight of the Most Hon. Order of the Bath, and Admiral of the White Squadron of his Majesty's Fleet, and to the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten by the name, style, and title of Viscount St. Vincent, of Meaford, in the county of Stafford, with re- mainders severally and successively to William Henry Ricketts, Esq. Captain in the Royal Na- vy, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begot- ten ; to Edw. Jems Ricketts, Esq.
Barrister at Law, brother of the said Wm. Henry Rickctls, and sons of Mary Ricketts by Wm. Henry Rick- etts, Esq. late of the Island of Jamaica, deceased, and sister to the said John Earl of St. Vincent, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, and the dignity of Viscountess St. Vincent, of Meaford, in the said county of Stafford, to the Right Hon. Mary Countess of Northesk, daugh- ter of the said Mary Ricketts, and widow of Wm. Henry Ricketts aforesaid, and the dignity of Viscount St. Vincent to the heirs male ofhtir body lawfully begotten. The King has also been pleased- to grant unto the Rev. John Bramston, second
son of Thomas Berney Bramston of Skreens, in the county of Essex, Esq. his Royal Licence and Authority to assume and take the surname, and bear the arms of Stane, in compliance with the will of Mary Alice Westbrooke, deceased, widow of John Westbrooke, Esq. and only daughter and heiress of Wm. Stane, late of Forest- hall, in the county of Essex; such arms being first duly exempli- fied according to the Laws of Arms, and record- ed in the Heralds' Office. Admiralty Office, April 21. Extract of a let- ter from Admiral Sir Hyde Parker, Commander in Chief of his Majesty's ships and vessels em- ployed on a particular
service, to Evan Ne- pean, Esq. Secretary of the Admiralty, dated on board his Majesty's ship London, in Copenha- gen Road, the 9th April, 1801: Sir, The Hon. Lieut.- Col. Stewart having vo- lunteered his services by being the bearer of these dispatches, I have accepted thereof, on a belief that it will be more expeditious than by sea. I have the pleasure to transmit an armistice conclud- ed between the Court of Denmark and myself. 1 mean, as soon as the disabled ships are refitted, and the worst of the wounded moved into the Hol- stein Danish ship of the line, which I have com- missioned as an hospital ship, to proceed over
the grounds into the Baltic to put into execution the remaining part of my instructions. The Isis and Monarch being found in so bad a state from the late action, as to render it necessary to send them to England to have their damages repaired, I shall send them home for that purpose with the Hoistein hospital- ship, with the wounded and sick onboard. The Danish Government on the one hand, and Admiral Sir Hyde Parker, Knight, commander in chief of his Britannic Majesty's naval forces in the Road of Copenhagen on the other, being, from motives of humanity, equally anxious to put a stop to the further effusion of blood, and to
save the city of Copenhagen from the disastrous con- sequences which may attend a further prosecu- tion of hostilities against that city, have mutually agreed upon a military armistice or suspension of arms, on the following conditions: Art. 1. From the moment of the signature of this armistice all hostilities shall immediately cease between the fleet under the command of Admiral Sir Hyde Parker, and the city of Copenhagen, and all the armed ships and vessels of his Danish Majesty, in the road or harbour of that city, as likewise between the different islands and pro- vinces of Denmark, Jutland included. Art. 2. The armed ships
aud vessels belonging to his Danish Majesty, shall remain in their pre- sent actual situation as to armament, equipment, and hostile position; and the treaty commonly un- derstood as the treaty of armed neutrality shall, as far as relates to the co- operation of Denmark, be suspended, while the armistice remains in force . On the other side, the armed ships and vessels" under the command of Admiral Sir Hyde Parker, shall in no manner whatsoever molest the city of Copenhagen or his Danish Majesty's armed ships and vessels on the coasts of the different islands and provinces of Denmark, Jutland included ; and in order to
avoid every thing which might otherwise create uneasiness or jealousy, Sir Hyde Parker shall not suffer any of the ships or vessels under his command to approach within gun- shot of the arm- ed ships or fort of his Danish Majesty in the Road of Copenhagen : this restriction shall not however extend to vessels necessarily passing or repassing through the Gaspar, or King's channel. Art. 3. This armistice is to protect the city of Copenhagen, as also the coasts of Denmark, of Jutland, and the Islands included, against the at- tack of any other naval force which his Britannic Majesty may now or hereafter, during its remain- ing in
force, have in these seas. Art. 4. The fleet of Admiral Sir Hyde Parker shall be permitted to provide itself at Copenhagen, and along the coasts of the different Islands and Provinces of Denmark and Jutland included, with every thing which it may require for the health and comfort of its crews. Art. 5. Admiral Sir Hyde Parker shall send on shore all such subjects of his Danish Majesty as are now on board the British fleet under his com- mand, the Danish Government engaging to give an acknowledgement for them, as also for all such wounded as were permitted to be landed after the' action of the 2d inst. in order that they may be
accounted for in favour of Great Britain, in the unfortunate event of the renewal of hostilities. Art. 6; The coasting trade carried on by Den- mark, along all such parts of her coast as are included in the operation of this armistice, shall be unmolested by any British ships or vessel's whatever, and instructions given accordingly by Admiral Sir Hyde Parker. Art. 7. This armistice is to continue uninter- rupted by the contracting parties for the space of 14 weeks from the signature hereof, at the expira- tion of which time, it shall he in the power of either of the said parties, to declare a cessation of the same, and to recommence hostilities,
upon giving 14 days previous notice. The conditions of, this armistice are upon all occasions to be explained in the most liberal and loyal manner, so as to remove all ground for fu- ture disputes, and facilitate the means of bringing about the restoration of harmony and good tinder- standing between the two kingdoms. in faith whereof, we the undersigned Commis- sioners, in virtue of our full powers, have signed the present armistice, and have affixed to it the seal of our arms. Done on board his Britannic Majesty's ship the London, in Copenhagen Roads, April the 9th, 1801. ( Signed) ( L. S.) Nelson and Bronte. ( L. S ) William
Stewart. ( L. S.) Ernest Frederic Walterstorff. ( L. S.) Hans Lindholm. Monday in tiie House of Commons, Mr. Var,- sittart moved lor a Committee to consider of a provision to Militia Officers in time of peacc. Mr. Tyrwhitt Jones said, as he saw the Chan- cellor of the Exchequer in his place, he should stand excused, if, after having read a very strong manifesto of the King of Prussia relative to Hanover, he asked him whether that country was in possession of Prussia or England ? The Chancellor of the Exchequer was not dis- posed to make any communications upon the subject. Mr. T. Jones said, he wanted to ask a distinct
question. He understood there was 8,000,000 of treasure in Hanover, and the ma- nifesto of the King of Prussia went the length of making the treasurer answerable for the money. As a Member of Parliament, he thought he had a right to ask the question ; whether Hanover was in possession of England or Prussia ? — and he did ask it. No answer was returned. . The Order of the Day was moved for the third reading of the Seditious Meetings Bill. The Speaker had put the question, and no one Mem- ber of Opposition offered to speak. The House divided upon the third reading Ayes 152, Noes 35. Monday morning the King,
accompanied by the Prince of Wales, Dukes of Kent and Cum- berland, and Prince Adolplms, attended by- Generals GWynne and Manners, proceeded on horseback to Kew Palace. His Majesty, on coming out of the Queen's House, was received by a great concourse of people; with the loudest acclamations of joy and affection. The King has made a present to the Prince of Wales of a most beautiful white Hanoverian horse for a charger. Sunday morning were received Paris Journals of the 15th inclusive, and they bring most interest- ing and important intelligence. The French Go- Vernment has received by the Osiris, in about
a 7th April, 1801. THE Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt, awarded and issued forth against EDWARD JOHNSON, late of Creeting Saint Mary, in the county of Suffolk, paper- maker, dealer and chapman, intend to meet on Monday, the 4th day of May next, at 11 of tlie clock in the forenoon, at the Bear and Crown Inn, in Ipswich, in the said county, in order to make a final dividend, of the estate and effects of the said bankrupt; when and where the creditors who have not already proved their debts, are to come prepared to prove tiic same, or they will be excluded the bene- fit of the said dividend; and all claims not then
proved will be disallowed. And the creditors are requested to attend to Consider of the bankrupt's allowance. All persons who have demands upon the Assignees of the estate and effects of the above,- namcd Edw. Johnson, are requested to send the same to them immediately. AGreat Number of Ladies and Gentlemen of the first respectability in this vicinity, declare that they have taken ahef recommended the CORDIAL BALM of GILEAD in a variety of cases, and never found one single instance of its ineilieacy ; on the contrary, cases are extant where the parties had pre- viously been bereft of every other hope of relief. It is a
sure remedy for debilities alter long fevers, nervous disorders and weakness, peculiar to the female while our blockading squadron was andria, the frigate Regeneree had month from Alexandria to Toulon, the informa- tion of the landing of Sir R. Abercrombie's army at Aboukir on the 8th of March last. It appears by the details transmitted by Le Roy, the Mari- time Prefect at Alexandria, that the expedition ap- peared off the coast on the 1st of March, but the weather, did not permit a landing to take place till the 8th. The French Gen. Friant, the Com- mandant of Alexandria, was by this circumstance enabled to assemble the force
in his neighbour- hood, and to dispute; though not prevent, the de- barkation. The enemy vainly attempted to op- pose the landing, which our troops effected In good order, notwithstanding the obstacles they had to encounter. A very severe action was fought, how- ever, before the enemy gave way, and our troops got possission of the heights of Aboukir. The French retreated to Alexandria, as they say, in good order. They admit the loss of 300 killed and wounded, and are, no doubt, guilty of a very- gross exaggeration in stating that we lost 2000 kil- d and wounded. Between the 8th and 13th no- thing very important took place;
on the 13th ac- cording to the enemy's account, to the number of 12,000 advanced to the attack, which the French received in front of Alexandria. Their own num- ber they stale at 4000. A very hard fought action took place that day. The French do not admit that our efforts' were successful in carrying, or at least in retaining any of the outworks of Alex- andria. The battle was very general, and must have been attended with great loss on both sides The French, from their own statements, it is evi- dent, must have been severely repulsed. Down to March 16 nothing farther had taken place. By the account transmitted by Le Roy, it
appears that Menou had been apprised of the debarkation of our forces; and on the 11th he had arrived at Rhamanie, about 50 miles from Alexandria. There he was concentrating his forces and was expected at Alexandria, by the 21st of March. The French accounts give n0 authentic details of the number of our troops, nor whether all Sir R. Abercrombie's army landed at the same spot. Not a word is mentioned of any British force having arrived at Suez. Some letters from the East mention, how- ever, that Sir 11. Abercrombie had heard of the arrival in the Red Sea of the force from Bombay before he sailed from Macri. It would
be of the ut- most importance to the success of our operations if any considerable body of men has arrived on that side. The French state, that on the 2d of March, driven off Alex- ntered that port with 300- picked men, and 3000 muskets and other stores for the army. The Regeneree had sailed from Rochfort, in company with the Africaine, which we know to have been captured. Several other vessels from the coast of Italy, together with an aid- de- camp of Gen. Murat, had arrived at Alexandria. The contest in Egypt will, we fear, be attended with much bloodshed. Both parties will be animated by the most determined spirit; the
one to keep, the other to make a conquest of so much importance, and to sustain a combat of which all mankind, the barbarous and the civiliz- ed portions of the globe, are the spectators. The shock will, doubtless, be severe, but we trust that the issue will be glorious to the arms of this country, no less than it would be important for its interests. The Prefect Le Roy affects to speak with confidence of the result of the contest. He assures Bonaparte that the land and sen service are equally resolved to defend Alexandria lo the utmost extremity, and that our troops will never re- itnbark, if they do not before Menou's arrival The
Moniteur, however, talks of the struggle as doubtful, and in a tone by no means very san- guine. All Europe, indeed, waits with anxiety the result of a contest for an object so valuable in itself, and so materially connected with the ne- gotiations that are now depending. The Hamburgh Mail also brings the very sa- tisfactory intelligence, that, by order of the Em- peror Alexander, expresses have been sent to the interior parts of the Russian Empire, to bring back all the British sailors, with a view to their immediate enlargement. It is added, that the importation of English goods will soon be permitted. The embargo on the English
ships in the Russian ports still continues ; but no doubt is entertained that it will speedily be taken off. The late Emperor Paul was 46 years and 6 months old, having been born on the 1st Oct. 1754; he ascended the throne 17th Nov. 1796'; married lOlh Oct. 1773, Matolia Alexiewna, of Hesse Darmstadt; who dying 26 April, 1776, he married on the 13th Oct. following, Sophia Dorothea, of Wurtemberg Stutgard, who was born 25th Oct. 1759. Paul has left 4 sons and 5 daughters; Alexander Paulowitz, who suc- ceeds him, was born on the 23d Dec. 1777, and married on the 9th Oct. 1793, to Mary L. Eliz. Alexiewna of Baden, bom
4th Jan. 1779. One of the Danish 74' s had all her guns dis- mounted but one, and all her crew killed but 10. Wherever Nelson's ship appeared, there the fight was hottest. The tremendous rattling of the shot; the foaming of the sea ; the explosion of the bombs ; in short, the whole presented a picture of carnage and dismay that no tongue can tell, or pen describe. The Danish ships were soon as well as those of the English, covered with blood, dead, dying, and wounded. Of the 3 or 4 first block- ships, nearly all the cannon were industry, and the management of them. It is with much pleasure we state, that the price of cattle
experienced a further reduction in Smitlifield on Monday. Prime beasts sold from 41. to 51. under last week's prices. Many re- mained unsold at the close of the market. At Gainsborough fair on Tuesday there was a great shew of cattle, which fell much in price. The light- fingered gentry were particularly suc- cessful. Mr. Cuttle of Lincoln, lost his pocket book, containing 120£ in bills: a gentleman of Brigg had his pocket picked of 100£ ; Mr. Filingnam of Haxley, 13gs.; Mr. Smithson of Blyton; of 5gs.! Mr. Ghast of Retford, of near 20£ and many other robberies. At the First Spring Meeting, Newmarket, on Monday last, the
Sweepstakes of l00gs. each, across the Flat, was won by SirC. Btinbury's b. f, by Whiskey, beating Mr. Tharp's b. f. sister to Paynater, and Mr. Watson's b. c. by Volunteer. Mr. Cox's Cocoa Tree, 1st. 111b. beat Col. Mat- thews's Folly, 8st. D. 1. 100gs. Mr. Heathcote's Warter, Sst. beat Mr. Rooke's Jack Andrews, 6st. 131b. First 3 in. B. C. 200gs. Air. Cox's Pet. Sst. lib. beat Mr. Concannon's Fortitude, 7st. 61b. across the Flat, 100gs In the Cocking match between the Hon. Geo. Germaine and Lord Mil- singtown, the former won 3 battles and the lat- ter 2 battles in the Main. Thursday night, as Lady Sarah Crespigny was
passing Charing- cross, the mob threw a brick and a quantity of stones into her carriage, which had nearly proved fatal to her and her child that was with her. The glasses of her carriage were broken to pieces, but no other mischief happened. Sunday night, about 10 o'clock, 1/ persons were arrested under authority of a warrant from the Duke of Portland, by Mr. Shaw, a King's messenger, with a party of the Bow- street offi- cers, at a public- house in Fore- street, Cripple- gate, on suspicion of being assembled there for certain seditious and treasonable purposes. The prisoners, for safety, were immediately taken to Newgate.
Papers of a seditious tendency were found upon some of them. At the Sessions for the county of Norfolk, which ended on Thursday, Jonathan Mason, for stealing undressed wheat, the property of Sir Roger Kerrison, was sentenced to be transported 7 years; W. Newman, apprentice to Mr, Bar- rett, shoemaker, of Diss, for robbing his master, was sentenced to 3 months hard labour in Ayl- sham bridewell ; as was also Gregory Knights, for stealing barley, the property of Rachael Strutt, of Tivetshall St. Mary; John Howes of Tacol- neston, ( the Jack Ketch of Norfolk) Was sentenc- ed to one month's imprisonment in Aylesham
bridewell, for obtaining money on false pretences. At the Quarter Sessions for the city of Nor- wich, held on Friday last, Samuel Smith, senior, was convicted of stealing 2 hogs, the property of John Howlett, of Earlham, and sentenced to be transported for 7 years; James Rust, for stealing a copper, the property of Mr. Geo. Sothern, and Elizabeth Larter, for stealing divers articles from the premises of Mr. Robert Brettingham, of St. Benedict's, Norwich, were Sentenced to 3 months imprisonment in Bridewell; Samuel Smith, jun. W. Rump, Ann Larter, T. Crane, T. Huxley, and John Denmark, were severally acquitted. Saturday
afternoon a powder- mill at Wal- tham Abbey blew up with a horrible explosion. We are sorry to hear that several men perished by this dreadful accident. Bankrupts. James Williams, Quebec- street, Mid- dlesex, baker. Thomas Farrow, York., dealer in spi- rituous liquors. Thomas Gidden, Abingdon, Berk- shire, currier. John Hodgson, New- Road, Middle- sex, merchant. R. S. Barnett, Houndsditch, liatter. Andrew Webb, Great Tower- street, merchant. Married. Thursday last Mr. Chas. Matthews, Stow- langtoft, to Miss Scott, of Norton. Same day Mr. George Hunt, to Miss Root, both of Barrow. Yester- day se'nnight at Emneth,
near Wisbeach, Mr. William Watts, merchant, of Norwich, to Miss Coe, only daugh- ter of the late Wm. Coe, Esq. of Elm, in Cambridg- shire. Thursday last Mr. Samuel Rutkin, to Miss Jane Allen, of Lynn. Sunday last Mr. James Stan- dish, machine- maker, of Lynn, to Miss Elizabeth Wa- cey, of Snettisham, in Norfolk-. Died. Yesterday se'nnight aged 56, Mrs; Sparrow, wife of Mr. Wm. Sparrow, of HoUghton- hall, Caven- dish. Wednesday last aged 46, Mrs. Abigail Hallam, of Bury, one of the society of Quakers. The deceased went to bed ia good health the night before, and was found dead the next morning. Saturday last at
New- market, Mr. James Edwards, late of Ware, merchant. Thursday last aged 80, Mr. Thos. Church, watch- ma- ker, in White Lion- lane, Norwich. Friday last Mr. J. Mowbray, brush- maker, of Lynn. Saturday last Miss Susannah Rutkin, of Lynn. Smithfield, April 20. To sink offal. Beef 4s. Od. to 5s. 8d.' Mutton 5s. Od. to 6s. Od. Veal 5s. fid. to 7s. Od. Pork 6s. Od. to 6s. Sd. Beasts 2200. Sheep and Lambs 7000. Leather per lb. Butts 50 to 601b. 17d. to 19d. Ditto 60 to 661b. il to 22£ d. Merchants Backs 17d. to 18d. Dressing hides 13d. to 15d. Fine coach ditto 15d. a 17d. Crop ditto for cutting Ifijd. a 18fd. Flat ordinary 14d. to
15d. Calfskins 30 to 501b.. per doz. 19d. a 2Id. Ditto 50 to 701b. 22 to 26d. Ditto 70 to 801h. 22d. to 25d. Small seals 30s. a 34s. Large ditto 100s. to 140s. Tanned horse hides 16s. to 26s. Goatskins 21s. to 66s. per dozen. Bark per load2L£. Tallow. Town tallow 70s. 6d. Russia ditto candle, 79s. a Os. Russia ditto soap, 78s. Melting Stuff, 64s. a 0s. Do. rough, 46s. a 0s. Graves, 18s. Good Dregs, I2s. Yellow soap 80s. Mottled 88s. Curd, 92s. Hops in Bags. Kent 10X. 10s. to 13o£. Os. Sussex 10£. 0s. to 12 £. 12s. Essex 10.£. 0s. to 12.£. 5s. Hay and Straw. Hay 4 £. 12s. to 6o£, 0s. Clover S£ 6s. to 1£. 0s. Od. Straw ' 2£. 12s.
to 3<£. 3s. sex, cholic, flatulence, sickness, vomiting, loss of ap- petite, gouty spasms of the stomach, hysterical and hypochondriacal affections, lowness of spirits, and the various direful complaints usually styled nervous dis- orders. Sold at half- a- guinea a bottle, or the quantity of 12 in 5£. cases, on which l.£. 6s. is saved, by applying to W. Middleditch, chemist, Patent Medicine Office Brook- street, Ipswich; Dingle, Bury ; Loder, Wood- bridge; Dencher, Saxmundham; and one CONTINUATION of Dr. MAVOR'S COLLECTION of VOYAGES and TRAVELS. On Fridry, May the 1st, will be published. In a neat pocket volume,
containing near. 3Q0 pages of letter- press, ornamented with Three neat Engrav- ings, illustrating the Travels of Mr. PARK and DAMBERGER. Price 3s. sewed, in coloured paper and labelled oil the back. VOL. XXI. ( To be continued Monthly, till 5 Vols, ere completed.) OF Historical Account of the most celebrated VOYAGES, TRAVELS, and DISCOVERIES, from the time of Columbus to the present period. By WILLIAM MAVOR, L. L. D. Printed for Venor and Hood, in the Poultry; H. D, Symonds, No. 20, Paternoster- Row; ahd E. Newbery, at the corner of St. Paul's Church- Yard. Where may be had, Dr. Mavor's Voyages and
Travels, vol. 1 to 20, price 3s£. sewed, 3,£. 10s. bound and lettered, and 4£. ele- gantly bound. Also his British Tourists, new edit. 6 vols, price 18s. sewed, i£. Is. bound and lettered, or, IX. Hs. ele- gantly bound. } ' ' *** Volume the 6th of the British Tourists, may be had separate, to complete sets. SPRING DISEASES. IT is an Object worth attending to at this trying Sea- son of the year, assiduouslv to have recourse to Dr. SIBLY's RE- ANIMATING SOLAR TINCTURE. Which effectually removes all complaints arising from disorders to which the human frame is at this time liable; being at the same time a powerful stimulant and
salutary corrector, and essentially necessary to be kept in Case of sudden accidents in every family. Printed descriptions of particular cases, in which the Solar Tincture has wonderfully succeeded in the most intricate and perplexing disorders ; to be had gratis, of Middleditch, Chemist, Brook- street, the only- vender of this medicine at Ipswich. Sold in bottles at 7s. 6d. and 13s. duty included. Lunar Tincture at 10s. 6d. duty included. It is also sold by Dingle, Bury, and one person in every town in the kingdom. M. has received a fresh supply of the true Indian Arrow Root, Buchan's Cocoa and Chocolate. DE VELNO's PiLLS. THE
following recent Cure experienced by T. BLACKBONE, taylor and gaiter maker, No. 74, Wardour- street, deserves notice : AFFIDAVIT. I Thomas Blackbone do hereby make oath that, having been much afflicted with a bad scrophulous complaint, to which my friends and acquaintance ex- pected I must fall a sacrifice, and having been a con- siderable time under the care of three very eminent physicians, without success, I lastly underwent a course of DE VELNO's VEGETABLE PILLS— de- rived benefit from the first box, and have received a perfect cure from that medicine. The symptoms were, 3 holes on my head to the very
bone; one on my fore- head about the size of a shilling ;< three holes also on my body, which threatened to penetrate even to my very vitals; and large scrophulous ulcers on my leg, one of them very deep and larger than a tea- cup; the leg was also swelled to a violent degree, and I suffered most excruciating pain in the hones of my head, legs, and joints; indeed, some faint idea of the shockinr state I was then in may be conceived, from a view ol the scars now remaining, ( Signed) THOMAS BLACKBONE. Sworn at the Mansion- House, London, 26th day of April, 1800, before me, H. C. COMBE, Mayor. Mr. Pidding, the
Proprietor, presumes from the eager demand for this medicine, that the astonishing cure of Capt. Elliston, No. 35, Mortimer- street, as also of Lord Selsey's coachman, and a variety of others which have been repeatedly before the public, have left a suitable impression; but he can with confidence add, that its real merits, as an Alternative, Purifier, and - Sweetner of the Blood, and as a specific for the Scurvy, Scorbutic Eruptions, Scrophula, and other disorders arising from contaminated blood, will, on a fair trial, plead more forcibly in its own recommendation than any thing which can be said of it. Prepared, and sold wholesale
and retail, by the sole proprietor, J, Pidding, late surgeon in the army, at his warehouse, No. 76, Oxford- street, London, in boxes, price 5s. 5d. or the quantity of five boxes in one, at 22s. Sold also wholesale by Mr. B. Shaw, No. 74, High- Street, Borough; and retail by W. Middleditch, Ge- nuine Patent Medicinc Office, Brook- street, Ipswich; Keymer, Colchester; Hallam, Bury ; and one vender in every town in the kingdom, Observe, none can possibly be genuine, unless the bill of directions is signed with red ink, by the sole proprietor, Mr. PID- DING, surgeon, No. 76, Oxford- street, London. LUNACY. " Orandum est, ut sit Mens
sana in Corpore sano." JuVeNAl. Mr. JOLLYE, Surgeon, Loddon, having had an opportunity of attending for Twenty Years past many INSANE PERSONS in four incorporated Hun- dreds, and having apartments very commodious for the reception of such unfortunate people, wishes to un- dertake the care of as many as he can properly accom- modate. Terms, from 52 to 80 guineas per ann. according to the accommodations required. A MOST EXTRAORDINARY EFFECTUALLY RELIEVED BY HALLAM and Co.' s EXTRACT, or ANIMA of QUASSIA. LIEUT.- COLONEL OLIVOR, No. 18, Wigmore- Street, Cavendish- Square, (
late of Seringapatnm) has obligingly communicated the following particu- lars of his remarkable case, to B. Shaw, No. 74, Bo- rough, with a desire that it might be forwarded to the proprietors, for immediate publication In the late campaign in India ( which terminated so fortunately for the British Empire) I was exposed du- ring a march through the Mysore to excessive fatigue and a burning sun, that enervated my whole system, which increased rapidly in the course of the siege of Seringapatam; during which, from the dampness of the intrenchments, I was attacked with a violent dy sentty, and by further exertion in the carrying by
as- sault this important place, was so far reduced as to be rendered incapable of further service— the whole sys- tem had received a shock that threatened immediate dissolution, no part of it seemed longer capable of per- forming its proper function-— the stomach and bowels were unable to retain Ihc small quantity of food taken, which passed off immediately— the nervous system and muscular fibres were equally affected with constant tremor and. debility, to such a degree as to render even walkingextremely difficult. This affection, with the constant irritation on the stomach and bowels, pro- duced continual pain and fatigue.
During my passage to England I had every assistance without the smallest advantage. On my arrival I pro- cured medical aid from every quarter that was thought likely to afford relief, and for several months attended regularly to the medicine and regimen prescribed by my physicians without receiving the least benefit. In October last I called on you to enquire if Hallam and Co's Extract, or Anima of Quassia, was likely to be of service in my hopeless situation. I took it from your recommendation, and have the happiness of feel- ing myself perfectly restored; and that, by taking a few boxes only. A very few doses produced an ease
and regularity in the stomach and bowels that had not been experienced since the first attack of the disorder. In short, the whole train of distressing symptoms wer < soon effectually relieved, and I have now the happi- ness to enjoy a state of health I had little reason to expect. Feb. 19, 1801. The proprietors particularly request purchasers will be careful to observe each box has a certificate, signed in Red Ink, E. Hallam and Co. as no other can possi bly be genuine. Sold wholesale only by B. Shaw, No. 74, Borough; and retail by Middleditch, Ipswich; Hallam and Din- gle, Bury; Stevenson, Norwich; Oxley, Sudbury; Keymer,
Colchester, Meggy and Chalk, Chelmsford ' and by all other reputable venders of medicine, in boxes of 5s. and 10s. 6d. each, and large packages, containing five 5s. boxes, 2s. each, duty included. To Dr. BRODUM. REMARKABLE CASES. MRS. GREW, of No. 2, Crabtree- Row, Bethnal Green, declared, in the presence of an eminent Surgeon, that she was afflicted for upwards of 14 years with a dreadful nervous disordor, excessive low spirits, palpitations of the heart, and pains in all her limbs, that prevented her from doing her domestic concerns; she applied to several of the. faculty without receiving any benefit whatever.
In this situation she applied to Dr. Brodum, who recommended her to take the NER- VOUS CORDIAL, which perfectly cured her by only taking 4 bottles, at 1 .£. 2s. each. ESTHER GREW. SIR, I think it a Duty I owe to you and the Public, to acknowledge the great benekt I have received from your invaluable Nervous Cordial. About eight years ago, from the grief occasioned by the loss of a dear friend, my frame received such a shock, that ever s nce I have been afflicted With a violent nervous com- plaint, which affecting the optic nctve of my eyes, made it difficult for me to proceed in my profession ; indeed, at times, 1 was
under apprehensions of being entirely blind; hearing from some friends the good effect they had experienced from your Nervohs Cordial and Botanic Syrup, I was induced to make the trial; and it is with pleasure and sincere gratitude I add, I am now entirely free from every complaint of tho kind, and my sight is so much recovered that I can paint a miniature of my smallest size without the least- inconvenience. I am, dear Sir, your most obliged humble servant, RICHARD COLLINS, Miniature Painter to his Majesty. No. 24, Pall Mall, March 27,1797. The Botanical Syrup and Nervous Cordial to be had at the Doctor's House, No. 9,
Albion- Street, seven doors from the Leverian Museum, Blackfriar's- bridge, in bottles at 22s. 11s. Sd. nod 5s: 6d. Also of W. Mid- dleditch, and F. J. Hooker, Ipswich; Mr. Dingle, bookseller, Patent Medicine Warehouse, Abbeygatc- Street, Bury; Mrs. Bowen, Norwich; Mr. Barker, Dereham; and by one bookseller and, medicine vender in every town in the three kingdoms. NEW HISTORY of the WHOLE WORLD, From the earliest Times to the present year 1801. AN ENTIRE NEW WORK. BALDWYN's NEW, COMPLETE, and UNIVERSAL SYSTEM of GEOGRAPHY. To be fully completed in 120 Numbers only, ( or the overplus
delivered to the subscribers gratis.) Embellished with a great variety of whole sheet Maps, Chart's, & c. correctly drawn and engraved, with' near 200 beautiful Engravings, superior to those ji .' en in any other System of Geography whatever. On Saturday, March 28, was published, Number I. price only Sixpence, ( Correctly printed in Folio,' and enriched with, 1. A New and Elegant Frontispiece, engraved bv Scott. 2. A Largo New Whole Sheet Chart of the World, engraved by Conder. The succeeding Numbers to be continued weekly, without interruption, till completed) of ANew, Royal, arid Authentic Universal SYSTEM of
GEOGRAPHY; or, a complete Modern His- tory and Description of the WHOLE WORLD ; from the earliest period of intelligence, to the present time, containing a full, accurate, authentic, interesting, his- torical account, and description of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America: As consisting of Continents, Oceans, Islands, Seas, Rivers,' Harbours, Lakes, po. ssris, Promontories, Capes, Bays, Peninsulas, Isthmus- ses, Gulphs, Provinces, Governments, & c. Being a complete and universal History and Description of the whole World, as divided into Empires, Kingdoms, States and Republics. Including the whole Essence of all the
most remarkable Voyages and Travels that have been performed by the Navigators and Travellers of different countries, from the earliest ages to the present year 1801. Also, a compendious History of every Empire, Kingdom, State, & c. with the various Revolutions they have undergone from time to time. By GEORGE AUGUSTUS, BALDWYN, Esq. And the most able Assistants, In the first number a promissary note of hand Will be given to deliver the overplus gratis, if the wOrk should exceed the 120 numbers proposed; and in the last number a list of the subscribers will be printed and de- livered gratis. The whole of the
above work being just printed off and thoroughly completed -( making one large elegant volume in folio) may be had by one, two, or more numbers, price only fid. each, or complete in 120 num- bers, price 3£. or '£. 10s. bound in calf and lettered. To prevent mistakes, the public are requested to give particular and positive orders for BALDWYN's NEW SYSTEM of GEOGRAPHY, or complete HIS- TORY of the WHOLE WORLD. London: Printed for and sold wholesale and retail by Alex. Hogg, in Paternoster- row, andmay be had of all booksellers . and newsmen in every part of Eng- land, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, & c. Of
whom may be had, new and enlarged Editions of the following valuable works, embellished with elegant copper- plates, and now publishing with universal applause, viz. 1. An entire new, improved and enlarged edition Of Mr. Howard's New Royal Encyclopaedia ; or Com- plete Dictionary of Arts and Sciences; containing the whole substance of Chamber's and Rees's, the Eng- lish, Scotch, and French Encyclopaedias, and being the cheapest and most complete work of the kind over published, in the folio size, as the pages are much lon- ger and wider, now just printed off and thoroughly completed in 226 numbers, which may
be had by one or more at a time, accurately printed in folio, price only fid. each, or in 3 vols, bound in calf and lettered, price 1£. 4s. 2. Dr. Buller's New Universal Family Bible. Being a work universally acknowledged to be the best ex- position and commentary on the Holy Scriptures ever published ; now regularly publishing, and to be com- pleated in 130 folio numbers, price fid. each, which may be had by one or more at a time, or the. whole; complete, bound in calf and lettered, price 4£. 3. Dr. Dawson's New Life of our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The most complete and correct Life of Christ in quarto, ever
presented to the Wsrid, and is now publishing in only 32 numbers, price only- fid. each, which may be had by one, two or more at a time, or the work at once, bound and lettered, price only \£. Is. 4. The Rev. Dr. Wright'- s complete British Family Bible. This work being just printed off in 120 folio numbers, may be had by one, two, or more numbers at a time, as may best suit the choice or convenience of . purchasers, price only 6d. each, or the whole com- plete, bound in calf and lettered, price 3£. 10s 5. Priestley's Evangelical Family Bible, a new edi- tion, to be fuilv completed in 150 folio numbers, price fid. each, which may be
had by one or more ata time, or the whole bound in calf and lettered price 4£. 6. Priestley's Life of Christ, a new edition, now pub- lishing in only 32 quarto numbers, price only fid. each, or complete, bound and lettered, price \£. Is. To accommodate all purchasers— any of the above interesting works, embellished with copper- plates, may be had by one or more numbers at a time, or complete, bound in calf and lettered as may be. most convenient and agreeable to the public. PRINTED and SOLD by S. JACKSON, In the Butter- Market, Ipswich. dismounted, and not a tenth of their crews re- mained ; but still they continued firing.
Their enthusiasm and contempt of death were beyond all bounds. The wounded again rose to work at the guns from which they had been struck down. Two bombs fell in Lord Nelson's cabin, which covered the English deck with blood. Preparations are making in the hospitals at Yarmouth, for the reception of the gallant fel- lows wounded in the action of the 2d inst. The following curious paragraph is extracted from a letter received by the last Hamburgh mail: The Archduke Charles is to marry Ma- demoiselle Beauharnois, daughter of Madame Bonaparte. She is one of the most amiable, vir- tuous young women in France; many
proposals of marriage haVe been made to her, by young men attached to the Government of the day, but she has always declared she would never marry any man, nor the son of any man, concerned, either directly or indirectly, with the Revolution in France. For these two years she has employ- ed, herself in the institution of female schools of