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List Presented to the House of Commons of the Pensions on the Civil Establishment for that part of the United Kindom Called Ireland


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List Presented to the House of Commons of the Pensions on the Civil Establishment for that part of the United Kindom Called Ireland
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List Presented to the House of Commons of the Pensions on the Civil Establishment for that part of the United Kindom Called Ireland

Date of Article: 16/01/1801
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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E S T A B L I S H M E N T OF I R E L A N D . Q , DATES. TERM. PENSIONERS N A M E 5. Annual Penfions. 16 oa. 1787. Pleafure. Sarah Warren - 5O Ditto. Rebecca Warren - 50 10 Oft. 1787. • - light Honble. John Beresford in truft for the Children of the late John Hamilton, Esq; 500 14AP1 1788. _ _ _ Fitzherbert Richards, Esq; 400 Ditto. - - - James Cavendish, Esq; - I50 Ditto. - - - Harriet Cavendish, Wife of James Cavendish - I50 Ditto. - - - lady Catherine Marlay - 3OO 8 Aug. 1789. - - - honourable Rose Browne 3OO Ditto. - _ - Francis D'Ivernois - 3OO Ditto. - - - David Jebb, Esq; - 3OO Ditto. _ _ - Lady Catherine Toole - aoo Ditto. _ Sarah Viscountess Ranelagh 400 Ditto. _ Sir Henry Mannix, Bart. 500 Ditto. - — - Lucia Viscountess Clifden and Emily Anne Agar her Daughter, and Sur- vivor - - - - - 300 Ditto. - - - Sarah Hernon - - - - 70 — — Ditto. - - - Elizabeth Hernon - 70 Ditto. Life. William Colville, Esq; - 600 24 Sept. 1790. Pleafure. Mary Heatly, Wife of Conwav Heatly, Esq; - - - ' - 2CO 23 Dec. 1790. - - - Colonel Charles Vallancey and Cathe- rine his Daughter, and Survivor ISO Ditto. _ Joshua Lord Vifcount Allen 600 Ditto. _ Beresford Burston, Esq; in trust for Jane Meares and Sarah her Daugh- ter, and Survivor - 200 — Ditto. - Robert Thompson - IOO Ditto. _ George Adair - IOO Ditto. - - - Frances Stewart, Wife of Adam Mur- ray Stewart - ICO — Ditto. - - - Toby Purcell * So Ditto. _ _ . John Hunter Gowan - IOO 1 Aug. 1791. Dorcas Harrison, Wife of John Har- rison, Esq; - C 150 ( continued.
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