List Presented to the House of Commons of the Pensions on the Civil Establishment for that part of the United Kindom Called Ireland
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List Presented to the House of Commons of the Pensions on the Civil Establishment for that part of the United Kindom Called Ireland
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List Presented to the House of Commons of the Pensions on the Civil Establishment for that part of the United Kindom Called Ireland
Date of Article: 16/01/1801
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No Pages: 1
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11 P E N S I O N S O N T H E C I V IL DATES. TERM. PENSIONERS NAMES. Annual Penfions. 14 Mar. 1794. I . his Life, and after Sarah his Wife, for William Blakeney, Esq; - 45O — —- Ditto. Pleasure. Sir William Johnston, Bart; 800 — — Ditto. Life. The Revd John Burgh - 1,000 — — Ditto. - - - Mary Burgh, now Griffith, Wife of Richard Griffith 250 — Ditto. - - - Anne Burgh - 200 — — Ditto. - - - Elizabeth Burgh - 300 — — Ditto. - - - Catherine Burgh - 250 — — 17 Mar. 1794- - - - Robert Cuningham, Esq; 300 — — Ditto. Her Life, and after her Death to Hanh Langrishe, Spinster, her Daughter, during her Life. Dame Hannah
Langrishe 300 — Ditto. Her Life. Hannah Langrishe, Spinster 200 — > — Ditto. Their Lives. James Mercer, Esq; and Catherine his Wife, and Survivor - 25O — Ditto. Pleasure. Jane Eyre, now Lynch, and Martin French Lynch her Husband, and Sur- vivor - - - - - 200 Ditto. The Lives of his Daughters, Catherine and Sarah Roberts, and Survivor. Jonathan Bruce Roberts, Esq; - I^ O — — 17 Mar. 1794. Pleafure. Elizabeth Elliot - I50 — — Ditto. - - - John Nason - 200 — — Ditto. The Lives of Agnes his Wife, and William his Son, and Survivor, The Revd Anthony Trail I50 — —- Ditto. Pleafure. Catherine Fitzmaurice - 4OO — Ditto. .
- Mary Portis - 3OO — — Ditto. His Life, and the Lives of the Prince of Wales, Duke of York, and Duke of Cla- rence. Sir John Blaquiere, K. B. 1,200 — 19 Mar. 1794. Pleafure. Count de Lally Tollendall 300 — Ditto. - Count de Jarnack and his Wife Madame de Jarnack, and Survivor 200 - | - Ditto. - - - Peter Alley, Esq; - IOO — Ditto. - - - William Judge, Esq; - 150 — Ditto.. - - - Miss Augusta Joddrell - 200 — Ditto. John White, Esq; - 200 — """"