List Presented to the House of Commons of the Pensions on the Civil Establishment for that part of the United Kindom Called Ireland
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List Presented to the House of Commons of the Pensions on the Civil Establishment for that part of the United Kindom Called Ireland
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List Presented to the House of Commons of the Pensions on the Civil Establishment for that part of the United Kindom Called Ireland
Date of Article: 16/01/1801
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Volume Number: Issue Number:
No Pages: 1
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[ 3 3 A LIST of the PENS I O NS on the Civil Eftabllfiiment of that Part of the United Kingdom called IRELAND, up to the 25th of March lad. together with the Dates of the fame, and of the Terms for which they were refpedtively Granted. DATES. TERM. PENSIONERS NAMES. Annual Penfions, 15 Dec. 1726. 13 July 1744- 7 Aug. 1746. 12 April 1750. 6 April 1753. Ditto. 240a. 1753. 21 Feb. 1755. Ditto. 15 Jan. 1756. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. 17 Nov. 1778. 7 March 1760. Bladen now Lord ward his Bfother Eftab. 1761. Ditto. 19 April 1763. Until £. 2,000 be paid at One Payment. Pleafure. \ Life. 31 Years, from 10 Od. 1778 3i 1809 1 Life
of Martin Hawke, and Ed- and Survivor. Pleafure - - The Reprefentative of Chas Hooper and Philip Martin - William Sharman, Efq; in truft for Margaret Netterville - The Reprefentativeof Nath1 Clements, in truft for the Children of John Clements, deceafed Sarah de la Poir - Repc of Aid" Hans Baillie, of Dublin, in truft for the Widow and Chil- dren of Rich11 Annefley Clerk, de- ceafed - Elizabeth Paine - Henrietta HaflTard, in truft for the Children of the late David Chaig- neau - Mary Hamilton, alias Prefton - Margaret Therond, Spinfter Executors of Charles Ufher, in truft for - Harriet Molefworth Louifa Ponfonby - Elizabeth
Molefworth Repe of Ferdinand Duke of Brunf- wick and Lunenberg - Repe of Lord Hawke - Martha Lady Beauclerk, Widow of Lord Henry Beauclerk, in truft for her Daughters - Mrs. Macartney - Penelope Vidcor - 2CO IOO IOO 36 10 — 150 30 150 > 150 63 17 6 70 70 I, 2CO — 2,000 > 4OO 200 IOO — — ( continued.)