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The Morning Chronicle, and London Advertiser


Printer / Publisher: W. Woodfall 
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 3261
No Pages: 4
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The Morning Chronicle, and London Advertiser
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The Morning Chronicle, and London Advertiser

Date of Article: 01/11/1799
Printer / Publisher: W. Woodfall 
Address: No 62, Dorset-street, Salisbury-Court, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 3261
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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The Morning Chronicle, and NDMB. 3261 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1779. Price Three- pcncc, A1 DRURY- LANE. By Hit M A J E S T Y't COMPANY. T the Thtatre Royal, in Drurj- Lane, THIS DAY, will be prefenttd O T H E L L O. Ol hello, by a CENTLEMAN, ( Being his ( econd appearance on the ftage) Roderigo.- Mr. Dodil; Caffio, Mr. Palmer; Brabaniio, Mr, Aickin ; Lodovic ® , Mr. Pncke.; Duke, Mr. Chaplin; Montane, Mr. Norri'; Grati no, Mr. Wrighten ; And lago, Mr. BENSLEY ; jEmiia, Mrs. H O V K 1 N S; And Defuemona, Mifs FARREN, ( Being her ( econd appearance in that chara£ ler.) Af'er Ahtch will be prefente ! ( for the id time) antwBra- maiic Piece, in THREE , t\, called The CRITIC; Or, A TRAGEDY REHEARSED. The piiacipal Charaftcis hy Mr. KING, Mr. Dodd, Mr. Palmer, Mr. I a'font, Mr. Baddeley, And Mrs. HOPKINS. The principal Tragedians by Mr. M OODY, Mr. Farten, Mr. Lanxfii, Mr. Waldron, Mr. Packer, Mr. Hurlt, Mr. Chaplin, Mr. llolcroft, Mr. Wright, Mr. Bur- ton, Mr, Wt ghten, Mr. Orimaldi, and Mr. bar. nifter, jun. Mrs. lltarilhaw, Mis, Davcnett, And Mils POPE. V/ i h a PROCESSION. The PROLOGUE to be fpoktn by . Mr. KING. With New Scenes, I » r « lTVs, and Decorations The Scenery defigr. ed by Dr. Loutherbourg, end executed under hit dirtfti. n. Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. Firft Gall, is. Upper Gal. n. The doors to be opened at a Qaaiter after Five o'clock, and to begin exafl'y a Quarter after Six. CO V E NT- GAKDE IN. AT the Thcttrc Roval, Covest - Gtrdtn, THIS DAY, will be performed The O R P H A N. Caftalio, M-. WROUGHTON; Acafto, Mr. Clalke ; Polidors. Mr. Aickin ; Chaplain, Mr. I'Eftrange; Ernelto, Mr. Fearon ; Page, Mifs Langii/ h ; Cllamont, Mr. LE IS ; Seiina, Mrs. Lew;-; Floi. lla, Mrs. Pitt; Monimia, Mrs. HARTLEY, " ( Being her fecor. d appearan e in that ch'arafter.) To which will be added, a new Mufical Farce,' called PLYMOUTH in an UPROAR. The principal char flcrs bj Mr. MATTOCKS, Mr. Robfon, Mr. Booth, Mr. MUw'i zer, Mr, Bpmfon, Mr. Jones, Mr. Fctr. n, Mr. L'f. ftrange, Mr. t. lelTink, Mr, Stevens, Mr. Thompf- an, Mr. Culhing, Mr. Egau, And Mr. VERNON. Mifs BROWN, Mrs. WHITFIELD, And Mrs. KEN sEDY. The Overture and Mulic ccmpofed by Mr. Dibdin. Boxes 58. Tit 3s. Firft Gall. is. Uppei1 Ga l. is. No perfons admitted behind the f- cncs, nor any money reTurn-' l after the curtain is drawn up. THOMAS STANTON, Stock- Broker, takes the liberty of acquainting his Fiiends, an-! the Public, that he is now felling Tickets, and Shares, in the great- eft variety, at his Office, No. IO, in Tbreadneedie FLFTIt, under the Royal Exchange, where infurance, and iii' otli bufmsfj relative to the Lottery, will be tranfacKd ifcftfcjhe AriQiti honour acid punctuality. •' SCHEME Vf the LOTTERY. lie. of Pn'zes Value of « ach Total Value 2 of ao, 000 each, is 4o, oco 3 10, coo 30,000 5 j, 000 25,000 8 zooo 16, coo 12 I, coo 110 0 3° 500 15,000 too 100 10,000 320 5° 16,000 15.85° 20 317,000 16,330 Prizes / 481,00a Fii ft drawn for the ift eight days, ic Laft drawn, 51670 Blanks 49.000 Tickets t^ 1 All Governme- it fecuritiet bought an, 1 fold. _ 8, ooo I,' 00 490,000 STAT POPE LOITER Y, 1779. and G A L L E Jf either of the 2 £. 0.000 If either of the 3 10, ceo If cither cf t' e S 8 5, coo If either of ihe 2,000 11 either of ihs IZ I, ceo If ei. her of the 30 5 0 If either of the 1- 0 ICO This Day is piwlijhed, price is. THE LONDON RKVIEW for Oftober 1779. By W. S. KEN KICK, and Others. " Quid fit pilchritm, quid turpe, quiduiile, quid nor.." • He p. Containing a number of ir. tertfting aricles 5 among vthch are, Ruddei's New Hift.^ y i. f Glouccfteifhire j Grfcti- s's Satires of Periicus; Welket's Preilro naty Dlfcouife on In furance; Wiimer's Cafes and Remaiks in Su gery : For.; n Llteraiuie; and a letter to the Rev. Hugh Fainter, & . P.' imet, for the Authors; and fold by T. tvans, I'a. ir npftsr- Row, Of whotn may be had, the prtceding Kim bert, and by all other bookfellers of Gieat Biitam ifeil Ir. land. An E A S Y MODE of adventuring in the LOTTERY. Pofitivcly mere advantageous than any hi. hero cffsrtd to the Pub ic. ARGRAY and Co. at their. Old and LICENSED OFFICE, No. 139, Meet- due-, be* Leave to iffer ihe following equitable i lan, Vix. tl . adventurer to pay SIX SHILLINGS per policy, in which a number is give 1; tnd if fuch number fhcu'd be eVawn any of the following 516 prizes during the WHOL DRAWING of the Lottery, the hoder of thc poli:); v. ili receive the benefits hereafter mentioned viz. If either of the 1 If either of the 3 If e ther of the 5 If either of tht g If eit er of the 12 If cither of the 30 If either of the too 20 coo', to. oocl. ' 5 oool. I, CO I. 1, no I. 500!. loot, . hole Tickcts. whole Ticket*, whole Tickets, whole Tickets whole Ticke- s.' whole Tic kcts. whole Ticket. If ebliir of the 3: 0 50I C Half a Ticket, JStam/ d at the Bank, i whole Tickets. If fi ft draw- upon either d. iy of? t'T. v. ing, bcin; 36 day . J So calculated, that fjr ti e fmall expence of SIX SHIL LINGS, the a.' venturfr may become a holder of a brge qu. iitityol Lott ry 1 icl< e. s, and . b'ain any of the pr'zcs iivthe Lottery, the 10, oool. and every other prize inclu ' ed. Compare the above plan to the common modelcf advinturir. g in the Lottery. Suppofe ( A.) Pu. chafes he fmallell ( hare of » ticket, ( lcinj? a fixteenth) at 18s. A has but one finale r. umbei in the wheel, by which A can gain only a lixtecnth. part of a prize whi ft ( S.) for the fame money, rn '. h; above plan, his th: ce numbers in the wheel, and of courfe three ihances i- t o': j- taini g any of the prizes, all whole. N, B. A Caution. — AS various Schemes of Lottery Policies are offered to the Public, the ju ' icious rsa t u re- quefted to compare the above with ah ihe reft advertif-' d in this or any ether paper, and take particul r notice whw is offered on the 320 prizes of 50'. ihe too prizes of 1 , ol. the 30 prizes cf 50^ 1. the ii piize.' of mool and the fiift drawn f every morning, when it will p ainly appear t » at the above SIX SHILLING POLICIES abiol- itely arc mote ad> a tageous than thofe oft'eied by other Office kce. trj, v M.. U a Guinea, or a Guin a. ' Ffie Lottery begins raw ng the 15th inftant. NAVY- OFFICE, Oa . ber 25, 1779. THE principal Officer1 an Commiffioners of his MajejHy's Na< vy give iictici, that en Thurfday, the 4th of " next month, they nvtll e'- p- ji to fale at this Offte fever al Lots of OLD STORES, lying in his Mujefy's X rd'ac Wooh'- ich, conjijling of Ruffsa I on, Paper Stuff in O. d Rep. Topjings, Flyings, and Ratings, ana damaged Hemp ; where any ptrfe- u willing, to it furehajefs may bane the hher/ y of viewing them at a> y tout in the common working hours of the yard. till, tht nay of fale. And as a depefit pf zcl. per cent, or in proportion thereto, is to- be made by the prrfir. t who fka'l t » rt chafe the fnid L ts, allpirjirs who attend ihe Sal- 1 art ti take notice thereof, and ceme prcpat eJfvr that j pvrp* ftj and unity ' s the Stores jo pure a! td / hall be | paid for and taken <- wiy at tht tad ef fo-' y days | after the day c/ fale, tht itpofft ffttli in fnftited and become the priurty of the Cr own. NAVY- OFFICE, Ofliober 27, 1779. rHE Principal Officers end Commiffioners of J his Majefly's Navy give notice, tint on Thurfday the 11 th of next month, they will be ready to treat with fitch perfns as are willing to fupfd a quantity of TRAIN or PILCHARD OIL for his Majejlfs Service. NAVY OFFICE, Ntvi 1779. THE principal Officers and Commiffioners of his Majejty's Navy give notice, that on . Thurfday the \ % th infant, they - willhe ready to treat with fuch perfons as are willing to fupply his Majeftys fard, with NORWAY- GOuDo. T'HE FREEHOLDERS who h « v foppor. td Independency of the County of Mi dlefcx, in the Eleftion of THOMAS V'CXH), Efq are defirrd 10 mte at Fretmaf. m's Tavern, Great Qiiitn- ftrcet on MONU y the 23d of November inftant, icr the purpoTe of iftabifiv ine Meeting* to maintain and fuppcr't the Frtedumof tlec- ti'. n, GEORGE BYN'G, Efq. in ihe C'- air. Tickets to bt had a; ihe bar of ' the Taver.-, at rs. f d. each, U. ir> n. r en table Th. ee o'clock prcci c- ly. N. B. Gei. t. tm n r: iltfirtd to send ior the T ickets eai- ' y in or-' e hat dinner may be ptovidtd accordingly, SINGLE HALF QUINEA POLICIES at Hal' a ' ' - ret e ch, t' e g. eateft advec- ture ever Jevi- ed ai 10 t ifl n i risk, for lieieby the purchafe may really < ain the w' ot . both ilw Twenty Thouf* nd P un's,-. r an -. t piizes; and befiitea tl is c- ian.; e, evei. p.. , icy abfol. t iy ent 1 tt: r- » tb- tdrfowin< pi iz s, viz For H. lf a Gii i. ea, thc adventurer will rtci. ve a pi tt iOf Th. ee Th. uJa.". d, I'ouiids by the lad d. awn, Th: adventurer wi! i alf. lectivs on ti e thirtieth ttl) of d. awing, Le ter ^ if fhe n'jrohe' M' BEG leave to inform their friends and the publ'c, that they are felling in variety of Numbers, at their Offices, No. < 3, Col-. man ftreet, No. 11, Piccadilly, facing St. James's- ftreet, London; and No. 15, Lcndin Lane, Norwich; Tickets and sli rts cf ' 1 icke s regular ly ( lamped at the Bank of Bhg'and. UlfCyrifs " tickets and Shares of Tickets up- n a moft excellent plan, which gives ihe purcl. afcr the c' a: ce cf gririhig afty of the capital prizes in tl » whole whtcl, f^ i the firlt len d.- ys cf drawing, including the fiift tita vn Ticket for the firft Eijht Days, which is icool. each day, with little or no hazard of lofing. Scheftiis. f this Plan ate now deliv. ring at th ir Offices as above, gratis. Alfo infura-. ee Policies fr.; m Six Shillings to Two Guineas each; which, u . on examination, will be found more brnefic'. r. l to the Adventurer, than « ry thin ; of the kind ever ytfolSrcd to the Public, being f » r the whole t'me of drawing, EIGHT LOrrrRY TICKETS may be g » inrd for SIX SHILLINGS, w. ich continues the whole time of Drawing. if the Nurab: rof tht Polrcy is drawn any of the Pri- zes here under mtn( ioned, the purch. fer will rtccive the lollowire i'remiumi. viz. 8 Whole Tickets 6 Whole Tickets 5 W'-. o'c Tickets 3 Whole Tickets 3 Wiio'e rickets 3 Whole Ti. kets 3 Whole Tickets They hive aifo Jr. furtflce IMiclcs a: Twelve Shillings e ch„ which entitles the puichikr to doub'e the advan- tage of die ab ve Plan. T WBS1" Y- S EV r. N LOT ITRY TICKETS may be ' gained for TWO GUINEAS, winch continues ths whole time of dra. vir. g. • If ths tJumber of ths Policy is dtawn any of the Prizes here under mentioned, the purchaf. rw. il receive the fol- lowing Premiu ns, vii. £•. 0000 if Whole Tickets to, 100 22 Who'e Tickets 5,-' 00 : 7 Whole Tickets 2,000 7 Who'e Ti' k-. ts j, ooo 7 W,, ole I ickers 500 7 Whole Tickets 100 7 Whole Tickets 59 •) Whole Tickcts Tfety have a! fo Ti- ke'S an- i S lares divided into CHAN C. f. S, all which hare been r. gulariy flamped at th: Bar. k of England- All bufinefs relative to the Lottery will be tranf. ftcd V, ith the great. ft Jare and fide ity. B. T eke: s and Shares legally INSURED. Th; l, o; tery*! 5lns drawing the Jjth infUnt, If either of the If ei- her ef thc If either cf the If either of the If either . of the If either of the If either ot the If e titer of the 30 100 3" A new and jdpnijigwjs MODc ol a- vertifing' in the « .- - LOTT. RY. MESSRS. RICHARD^ ON AND GOOD- LUCK r^' peft uily acquaint the pu.- ILk, that the Tickets, Shares, and Chanccn, in the prefent otate Lotiery, are fold and divided into Halve!, Quarters, Eigh hf, and Sixteenths,- St their offices in fie Bank " tiuilekCfi, Cornhill, and Nn. 8, facing ihe King's V'ews, Clmi.-. g- Cro't, where moft 0.. ihe capital rizes in the lid « tij < i. ir. er iotteiie's have b en loin and lhare 1, d evbur. * ii of the 1 ttery tranfafted - villi co- riOr. tfs and fidt- 1 ty. Likewife their much- adm. red new and very benefich! mode of adventuiinie, by wlTich the purdiafer will receive a much hrger fitare of every priz: in t e Lottery, than by any other means whatever, for th, fame money, viz For five guineas the purchafer will have tin ee numbers, and, if drawn b anks, half the money will be returned. L; kewife, for thres: guineas, three numbers wilt be given, ha i the money to be returned if diawn b'anks, and will be < ruided to every prize in the lotiery, Alfo, for one guinea, the purcliafer will have two num- bers, which " will be entitled to every prize above twenty pounds, and may gsin upwards of two thoufand five hundred pounds. Alfo their new mode of lnfurarce for ths whole time of drawing for the fmall premium of Halt a ciuinea,, by which the purchafer may gain undrawn - Tickcts to the valueof One 1 h u'a d P. und . . A full expla ation of thefe pl^ ns may be had, gratis, at the above office., an" d will ap[*. ar, upon pcrufil, that they arc more adv ntageous to the purchasers than any other whatever, and highly worthy the attention of die pub- lic. All the Shares and Chances are ftamped at the Bank f Englai d, where the orig nal tickets are depolited, : gretable lo Aft of Pa- hament. The Lo. t- ry begins drawing the ig h inftant. Tickets and Sh. res irfured from blanks to rdturn undrawn. LOTTERY i'OLI', If.-, . . iTVit SHILLINGS, and TWO and MX PONCE, which lalt for the whole time of Dra vi g, are r. ow de. iveiing by JOHN BARNES PEARGE and Co. at J the Office, 1 en ed a.- ieeabli to A. I of P.: il: ament,) No. 19, the C iner of POPtS- HSAD ALLEY, CORN- HILL; white during the fix lall Lotteries, ths follow- ing capital Prizes have been fold, viz. 4 of 2Ccool. 3 of , © oooi 4 of 5 © ool. 2 t- f iooc. 1. 6 of ioool an.- l 10 of 500I. By the OLIO Y at FIVE SHILLINGS, may bs gained, if ihj Number fhould be the fame as ehlierof the' A R M Y ant' N A V Y. ARQUc. ES and TENTS up-; n the brft conltrucli- n;, with many late in prov ments, ann fo as to give ihe moll rcorm p. ffibie in 1 lie limited di- rr. enfions. Bedlteads. Scphas, Ttb'es, Chairs and Stools, of diffe- rent new inventions, f r ftrerigth,' convenience of caia- jage, aud u'i^ ity, uoon tie mcft limple coniliU'T. i n . Mufquito Hangings and Coun. erpanes for hot climat'S. Sea Cqts, Bedding and Cabbin Furri ure. Trunks and Cherts of every fort for travelling or other ufes, cr fitted wi ll China, &.- C. up. n the molt appioved pl'aas. . 1 A Trurik, which fetee. as a table fufficient for fix pcr- fons to ' ii e at, and contains a Spit Range, Sp ts, boiling Pets, Sauce puis, ftc, D fhe,, plates, Ki. ives and. Forks, Tea- ferVice,. Spoons; & c. and is vriy- joroper for any Gen. ral or . orher Officer going ifion fcivice, the whole being compiiz : d in fmall dimtrfnr. s. Tr. vJlir. g Ca'. et, D/ cffing v. d Writing Cafe:, Liquor Cafes, Pack. ng Cafes and . Boxes of cyry fytjn ufe. The i.- in S| » al part, ol ih « k-; G; ^-' a ' i-. ietn- j Matfui- aured ii". their prem fes, and the rtft obtained at the" f. ft hand, they are fold upon die loweft^ e- ms, f- r Bea- ly Maney^ bj N O U I N and HOULDS, At No. 20, in the Hiy- Mark. t, or No. i, LeaJen- Vall- Mreet. . Soldiers Shirts, S'- oes, Gaiters, Knee Tops and Cartels ;• Stocks in L ather, Hair or Velvet"', Kn. ipfacks white 01 other colour., t LICENSED STATE LOTTERY OFFICES, TMORRELL and Co. tefpca.' ully beg • leave 10 acquaint the Pcb ic, thit they have nfv on Sale, at No 25,- Lorg.- ce; a't No. 5 St, Martin's- court, near Lticefte'fields; and at No. 3 i, ir, Beikley- fquait/ near the tf tmr of D wies- ftrcet, Tickets, a. icJ. Shar.- s of Tickets, in variety cf numbers^ and at the lOA'efl prices, . LikeWife Polictel on the moft ap, r ved Pi ins, at Ten Shillings Five Shillings, and Half a Crown en h. And, without depreciating ine Propefals cf others, do atTert tharfheir Plan is equally eligible with any, yet pro- duced, beea. fe they are ft. ifily legal, p- rfeft y fecure, ar. d evidently troly advantageous for thofe vha wilh to risk but a fi>. all fum. By the Ten Shilling Poiicy, Forty undrawn Tickets will be gai'teg, if the number is(' rawn'a.' prize ol xo, oO- 1, and in prop rtion for every piizte above 30).- during the whole drawing oC the Lottery, _>, . • '."> The l'olic es a; F. ve Shillings, and ' at Half * Ci'own each, are entitled to their juft . proportion, and. the fma. leit priz; ftamp'dat the Bank of England.' Ths undrawn Tickets that the fucceftful ptlrchafers of the differ, nt Policies ace entitled to, if not called f r the day the numbers are d a vn, v/, 11 be icH by t Sworn tir- kef lic- nfed for that purpofe, and the net produce, without deduflion, paid upon demand, Ail bufinef. relative to the Lottery tranfaft dl'f om Eight In the nioining, till tight In the evening, on ( he faaie " qui-, tableterms, by which the pr- prietors of the above Office; liave d. ftinguifhe '. their- conduit In" the Six laft Lott< rles Schemes ol t' eLottery, and full particulars of tl. e d f ferent Po icies, delivered Grans, as akove^ 3 5 8 ii 50 1 o 3> o 20000, ICO o, 5000, 2 OO, L. OO, JOO, toy, S°> 600I, 300I. 20 d. JOOl. 40I. aol. Si- 2I. By the P'oLICYat TWO SHILLIN'GS and S? X- PENCE may be gained HALF the above Benefits, Alfo L. furance Policies, lor the who. e drawing, from Six Shillings to Two Guineas. ( S3 » Thc Public are requefted to be particular in their orders f.. r PH A ACE's Five- Shilling Chancer as there are others adae- t- fe ! which do not give greater advantages, and Lfton'y f r a Fourth Pa- t of the Drawing. Tickets, Sha- cs, and Clmr. ces, are now felling, in great variety of Numbers, at the above Office, Such Perf. ns as favour I EARCE and Co, with o- dcrs for Policis;, & c, will have them tra. ifmitted free of any expence f^ r carriage. Tickets, Shares, Char. ces, and Polices, regiftered at the above Office, at 6d. per Number, and examined gratis. Letters, Polt- pa: d, duly anfweied. Scheme: and 1' ropofals, which explain this Plan at large, may be had at ths Office, No. 10, Cornhill. PEARCE and Co. thii k it unneieflTary to fay any thing ^ avourof themtclves on this occaiion; as the punGuality vAiti which they hive always pai l their Policies io the lift and former Lotteries, ( the Rece'pts f. r which, to the amount of feveral thoufind pounds, may be feen at the Office,) will, they pcefuffie, be ( lie belt rt « 9mmen dr. io. i, 1000 . is C D E. is V. is O. i 1- 1. is " I of the p licy. i ' if t'- e nu iiber R if . lie r., u.* nb'er if die iiu.- nher it lie 1 umber it rhe r.-' lTihtr if die number if ti e ilm'i. r ii the number it - the num er it' the 1 110. her if the 1 tor. h. r if 1 be neruhjr if the nuiu'- er if ti c n . iaihc'r if ' the n. tuber Slxt eri' fi ft day,, twen twenty fixthday, ar, d teing five dilt. i'. itl en. 1. day, £. ...... I. ttter , 1 if the rytf.'- ei ? . S f I. e. r. v. i A is the iff drawn prize. toco I coo 10 o i 00 o 10 o > jc? 0 10 to "> 000 1000 toco IOoO 11.0 i if do 100 J O. tht- is ' he td DIK . is ti e 7d Ditt . i). Ditto, the 5I1 ' ito. tie t. ili l. tto. the th Ditto. tie gill . DiltO. i is the 9: l> D. o. \ K. is thc. loth Ditto, . is tit* 1 ih i. itto. M is th-; 12th llitto. t<.. i- the 1 3. It I).' o. O. i: lie 4' h D ito. P " is the nth Ditto. Q.. is he 16th Dnto. r 7x . f 1 oil. f cold ' ay. twenty fourth ; d ; wenty- eighth day of . li days, the a.- ventuiar wii r. if the's umli. sr if the number . il tlie . « ber if the nu • er il ihe 1 umber if vile ' r. y. i. ber Jf'. he r. u ., ber if the run: ber if l> e t uuibet \ l th : r, u, » ibe.' ii the a: t: talFir if lite rurr. bs- ' il she i i; n bcr il the nutobtr if the ntiirib r Eighty From- the fee nd day joo 500 too 5C0 5° J 500 500 S-- o 51.0 5.0 50. V S^ ef et. Q jbs 5- xa TS . i ('. 11 D i is the is ihe is ihe he is the is 1! e is ihe is ft e Is tile ift zd F. G h. 1. K. a » ths 41 li D. " th . . 1: .. ' h Di t>. 7 h D ito. ? ih D 10, 9' h Ditto, > 0 Di to. 11I1 Ditto, i?-'. li Ditto, N. is the 13 h Di to. O is the 1411 Ditto, V. is the mh Ditto. is the 16 h Ditto. p^ zes of 500 . hs tvventie. ti d-. y inclusive, bel^ g nln teen days, t!. e a tvsn'urer will rect. ve each day, • he die 100 be if if th s nu i i ' 1 e n i£ Nh; t: if the if the if t!> e I 100 100 io- r t' o too 100 TOO ICO 100 100 100 100 - IO a. IOO i ' Thrc Bffides ri iee li1tr,. bb'be.. efi ' P': ti » es. .- i. J ir... ss. 6J; eacM, ^ if tbs number ifcl lot- p c, il th: nomher uiril ( J rturr. ber : Oer b r Ivr Letter A. is ills li, is the C. the U. is the V. is tha F is ti e G. H I. lft drawn prize. ;.-) Ditto. 3d Jfetio, 4 h Ditto. 51I1 Hi. to. tth 8. t o. 7 h D. t.. o, 8th Ditto, qih Doto, tfli K- omber W. is the ber is the nuo. lier K. i: the 10th Ditto, if iht n. 111t. tr 1.. is ths uih Di to, if the numb r M is the i » : h Ditto, i! the nern> er N. is the 131I1 DI tt. if tie number O.' ii tt « 14th Ditto, if the nut: o.- r P is ihe 15th Duto, e. rumb< r Q is ills litli Ditto, hu ir'tedand four priz. of 10;'!. i); i;--. every p- o icy ; s - rtlt ed to'a c^ n- , it ( tr jwn airy rarjzo whatever nboja t* e ty > holD.< l4aeeir, g T he H. if 1' beie , t: rt- en-. i. ie. d To'nah the b- reftr* of ibe is: if UNQUEST1GNABLE SECURITY to the PUBLIC, .-...•• Approved by the moft Eminent Courfel in Erglanl. By his Majefty's Royal- Letters Patent. MR. SHAKiViAN acquaints Adventurers in hit Scheme ol Half Guinea awl- et'itr. Policies, lor the prefent lottery, that he h. s de. aVfi ed, fof iheir file ufe and benefit, the State Lot ery Tiikeis ailot. ed / or the laft drawn, in the bank of M ffrf. Boldero, Kendall, Adey, and Co. in l. ombard- flreet London, where they are fo indif u- t.. bly fscured that tl. ey cannot poffibly be difpofed of, or applied to any Oihsr purpofe than that of being delivered, whatever their foccefs may be, to ths perfon entitled to them ; nor ie it in the p wer even of Mr. Shatman himfelf to withduw them, Tiie Receipt may be fein at t' e office, No. 31, Fleet. ftreet; where, and at K'o. 7, Ccckfpur- ftrett, Charinj- crofs ; No. 67, High Holbom,. and No. iii the Poultry,- tliefchemss are deiiv. red gratis, and all le- gal bufinefs of the lottery trar. fjfie I. The Plans for which th- fe Ticket, a- e appropriated, are POLICIES at TEN GUINEAS each, by which the ad- venturer will, if the. numbsris ar. y prize above tv. euty pounii! during ihe w- hole drawing, receive a prize of Five Hun red Pound', except it bs drawn 5C0I. or upvrarJs, when it will be entired to a prize of Ore Thoufar. d Pounds, The whole Claff. s - of Half Guinea Policies, at Ehjif Guineas ea. h, for which Mr. Sharman | ias procured a fepi- rate checque, clearlyt explaining thKmt. fl advantageous ad venture, by which tile purch4f; V has a'chance equal to that of Six Whole Tickets, the ciafs containing One Thoufand and Forty n ns Bentfits tbove 50I. which are fix timet as mmy e? l tint value as ( heie are isi the fsheme of ih « l » : tety, guinea ones. Evei^ pur hafer of two I a: f poi cic, crorj half guine- a. p.: ley, : f an idditio- al r. emb'- r gratis, wh co may 1 c f. icef fu*, if ihc others fa I. i'. ytry sshole clats s e. litleef * io fixteen additional qumbers f. r a very capital ben fity. ' I he hc'- ef. ts c" ependr. nt upon the fixteen firft drasvn, are decided by the lixteen fi if dr. wn Prizes, tecaufe rhe prizes bafViO' b' . nSs, ire publiiV. ed; by- authority in the ex- .' H o dcr they « ie drawn, V: d therefore no error or difpute ca 1 ' occur. Tjj » fitftd awn for th: tirft tight days, and ths i.. it '- drawn, . are dermsd pr 4e » . • The clia - ce f gaining. in one lot th£ whole of any rr: z', or pr- zet vdi tt< eve,-, wt « c( b jna> arlfe iBOi- e Hondred and Sixty Stare, Lottery Ti, cK. ts. cturing'- fjj. whole diaui g, -• rfom the'fiift day ts the laft. is/;; i : alr, Vy a prodigious ... j a for aXluinea, even were there no o'her^ ber. efi But when tt: e- p. ub! ic confiacr lhe-' rm>!' titude of other laigu prizes, iheir ctriai- n • f. curiey, by live ^ IceetsiieirTg lo > t"! for their benefit .. at 5 capitaKlijnHa' » , Mr.. Shirma• " » kow. i Hitegriiy 16 ttfe payment of I^ rge fums byetolore, t e immediate exp « nce i'f ihefc ti's, jnd the difference bo ewten r/ al. y ( Miffing and' hkral^. | tomifi g th m, it r, preXu. iaed li ey v iU. . not hiffita. e where to bellow their f^ yo'ttr. ahd fuppott. ... '* . " " It is neceffary,* by Way . f caution, - to obfer e. that tl. r- e are various fchi- niss n. lw on loot, in iitntarico. vf ttale • prtptj but, aftiiliiirg the- parties were refponfible foi wh- t ihoiy propole; Avhiah very'ic. v ate ar- d non V,, ve any fecu- riry; tlie hi, h ft prize wltsch'- ca-. be g ored toV laajf a gun ea in ihe beft of them, d es not anvtunr. to 500! va, ue - rd not more'than two even of. fuch fmal- e'timaripn. By permiflion, the receipts for the following, f. ms . aie infe ted in thefche'mes of whicli any pstfoi n, ia, be fa , s- fi? d by inquiring at the " Bankers under- mentioned, wh. ie tliey We're paid. , „ . " " OnsTluu and Pounds to Meff. Bjo-. yn an ' Colli'nf n en a'ccoiintof Mrs. Hutche on, fur. a. chance whic , 90ft oniv half a gu aea'. " Five Hundred Pcu ds rt - Me- flfrs. rfoldero\ Kendall, and Co.' s, to" Mr. Duiham,- lJeatv ftreet, Soho, tar a chance which c". ft. half a gu'nea. . - Five Handrsd Pouods ?. t Meffr^. Boldero, Kcndjll, a- d Co.' s, to Mr. Ma'rfh, of Wrexham, North Wa es,. f. r a , ch ante winch c. ft only three ih. Ilii gs. .. Ai foor. as- the d awing ot the lottery is finifhed,' a Ih'! of the half guine . policies entitled t > benefits, will D'e pub-• lilhed fo clearly explicit, tha: every adventurer can know their fuccef'l Be ins diavvirif die i^ ihirftant. ' S" T O f P A li iL. b 01 Ll'li l N li. R. LALLIER brga. leaire. to inform t1 p public, that it is many years tince he waffo happy as to improve gready the compofition of Mr" Dsroii .1 Bougies; that hazing applied hi. aii'- lf f..: thef; thinjr years paft to tint lingls, but vJty important bi anc- i offurgery, viz. the healing fuch difardert as affsft t e neck of the hlad er, the uri.. rry pa.' Jjge, producing' glee-.., filtulas, fpungy ulcers, and excrefcences, with painful oh ftrutfior. s arid ftoppages of urine", Sec. which difordcrs it is v; ett known, cannot be cured by any inter, al medicine, injevVim, or any other application whatioo ver. His Bougies, ars fo mild, that his patients a. a ' radically cured without the leaft pain, which is not our oafe with all other Bougies, which inflame and.-' lrri'ate the parts without effecting a core Mr. Lalliei has in his hinds affidavits, certificates, and letters, to refer ty anyone wlio fhould doubt of what hs lv; re aflerts./ V " gives" his advlcs every day, from twelve to two o'< and from feven till nine in the. evening, at his houfi^' 3, Rathbflne- place, where his Bougies - are to had, : f. o where elfe. See. his Dilfertation on the diforder the bjadder and the urnh'a, price td. fold by Nicoll, St. Paul's church yard; Mr. Axtcll, No, 1, Fi jane. Corn- hiU; and by Mr. I allier. N. B. Thole who live at 2 dllhncti, by ftating th- in a letter, poft- paid, will bs cured, by proper diIe>.' ;, r, d ti e medicinat fent to tfletu. H k. Tor the MORNING CHRONICLE. f lis Grace the Duke ^" NORTHUMBERLAND. My LORO, f- the Morning Chronicle of V-• :- XXXKX the iithinftant, I addreffed H y° ur Grace on the fubjeCt of I , ''>+•+ that iniquitous abufe of a V Per^ n in office, demanding of XXXXX^ each man drawn a militia man " Mii ' dt aru* having paid for a fubfti- tute, from five ( hillings to fevrn ( hillings for a certificate of his having , aid for fuch fubftitute, before he can be re- i in buried by the pariih officers, a moiety of the money he paid for that purpofe, which he is entitled to receive under the Militia Aft, ? nd obferving the delinquent to grow more har c! ned, I conclude with certainty that my letter mtilt have efcapel the fight of your Grace, o- t terwife I am fure your abhorrence of iajuftice, a. il your regard to the fafety of the community in general, and to the county of Middlefex in particular, would have prompted your Grace, with impatient hafte, to put a Hop to fuch fla- grant extortion. This abufe, now the price of a fubftitute is encreafed to eight guineas, is become very op- preffive, for wafte time, attendances, and ex- po nee* confidered, a man after being reimburf- ei a moiety of the price of his fubftitute, will be little, if any lefs, than five pounds out of pocket. The daring effrontery with which this extor- tion is demanded, will of courfe lead your Grace to further enquiries, and fhould you unhappily ulic. ovfcr that fubftittttes for principals of any particular pariih had been returned dead, and -* fhers required to be provided in their ftead, when, upon enquiry at the feveral camps, a great number of them were found to be living, ?> t" bhy, ar. d in aCtual fervice, which J might f. ifely fwear by, Saint Lv'< e, to be a fact, w here would your Grace's fufpicion end I And fhould it likeivife appear, that upon" application to the Clerk for the- names'of fubftitutei, ( hew- ing from his own certificates the time when, they stre therein mentioned to have been inrolled, he hid declared himfelf unable to give the names of fuch fubftitutes, in a great number ofinftan- ces. Your Grace ( however reluCtantly liberal s- oinds entertain unfavorable fentiments of mens conduCt) would conceive a doubt either of his ability, punctuality, or integrity. Should a man ballotted, and in all refpeCts eligible to the fervice, be deemed to ferve per- sonally, and ordered to be returned ruptured, v.- hen perfectly found, for no other vifible ireafon than that of being unable to pay eight guineas for a fubftitute, it would become highly injurious to every man whofe name is inferted in the lift returned, as it fubjefts him to a fecood chance of being drawn, and if fuch artifices are to be praCtifed, partiality may never want an ; xernption for a favourite, by returning him overgorged ; for a hump belly may be deemed as effectual a disability, as a hump back, or the lofs of a limb Or fhould another man ballotted, provide himfelf with a fabftitute, who had agreed to fcrve for him for fix guineas, and whom, a re eruiting ferjeont, before the board of lieutenan cy, had declared in all refpeCts eligible to the fervice, ( and to whom he offered a fum of money to enter into the regulars) be denied ac- ceptance of the fubvitute he had provided for fix guineas, and obliged either to ferve perfonally, or pay them eight guineas, what would your Grace think of the conduCt'of thefe Gentlemen ? You would conclude that the amiable principles of Truth and Virtue had ceafed to Uonrifh, and be the natural charaCteriftics of Great Britain. Your Grace will obferve, that in refpeCt of what is known to every man who hires a fubfti- . tute, that furely can req uire no other proof j fuch evidence would be fully niificient to conviCt an highwayman, a pickpocket, or an houfebreaker, and ought not to lole its force, when oppofed to rimes cf greater weight; I fay of greater weight, becaufe he, who by an overbearing power, practices fuch depredations on the pub- lic, is a plunderer in a higher degree criminal, than he whofe induftry being infufficient to fup- ply the crying wants of an hungry family, wants to which this and like fpecies ofimpofition may have not a little contributed, and perhaps itruggiing under ficknefs and a variety of other adverfities that may be conceived, is induced by his tender affeCtion to his family at the hazard of fcis life co fteal a loaf or a cheefe. It muft be apparent to your Grace, that as a proper attention to grievances, and a fpeedy re- drcis, is known moft effectually to produce har mony and union, fo a contempt of juft complaints is fure to foment difcord, and breed hatred, tu mult, and confufion : and at a time, when life liberty, and property, arein danger, when nothing lefs than a total diffolutionof this happy couftitu- tion is much to be dreaded ; your Grace cannot but perceive how much internal contentions and divisions ought to be avoided ; and every Britifh bofom that beats in the caufe of freedom, like that of your Grace, will fwell with indignation at the mercenary wretch who dares to rob and infult the public, until a burft of refentment fhall drag him into open day- light, and mark him out as a fpeCtacle of ignominy and contempt, and make Impudence herfelf put on a blufh. However, it affords a happy thought, that when your Grace is fully informed on this fubjeCt. your wonted goodnefs will be employed to Item the tide of difcontent, and appeafe the murmurs cf an injured people, which thefe extortions hav jultly fpread throughout the county. When your Grace hath travelled through the intricate mazes, and inveftigated the fallacies in this bufinefs, it may afford your Graco a painful profpeft, but will lead you to the neceffary con fideration, that wherever power is lodged, the want of honefty to guide the underftanding,' or the want of underftanding to guide honefty, muft rt all times be dangerous; but that the want of both will, with certainty, tje productive of- the worftconfequences ; forthof" who have no fonfe of honour, have no fonf of flume,. and c< j* f< quently, juftice with them become a word with- out a meaning : but when youi' Grace fhall or- der this daring plunderer to reftore to the feveral parties the money fo unjuitly extorted from them, and put this buiiuefs on a more equitable footing in future, juftice will again return, and with pro- priety we fhall ceafe to fay uftice forfock the earth, & s. poets tell, And went to Heaven, but now fhe's gone to H- ll; Atid in the corner of every fenfelefs head, Hath built a wooden box and cover'd it with lead. The VOICE of MIDDLESEX. 0,7. 29, 1779. THEATRICAL INTELLIGENCE, Whenever the public expectation is much roufed by the reported or prefumed excellence of a new after- piece, about to be performed, the managers of our theatres generally take occafion fo far to advantage t'nemfelves of the publick curiofity, as to make the leaft alluring play in their catalogue ferve the town for that evening, thereby through implication telling the audience that they ( hall pay for their eagernefs to fee the firft face of the entertainment, by being obliged to fit out the representation of a pi£ ce, which they would not have come to fee but for its ac- companiments. Thus on Saturday evening at Drury- Lane theatre, thofe who were defirous of being prefent at the firft performance of Mr. Sheridan's Critic, were under the neceffity of patiently hearing HAMLET, altered by Garrick, which ( the prefent ftate of the ftage confidered) is beyond difpute the dulleft of all dull trage- dies. The performers, to do them juftice, en- deavoured to excite the publick attention. Mr. Smith, played the clofet fcene with his mother, with great warmth and energy. Mrs. Baddeley's Ophelia was interefting and pathetic, but in fome of the leffer points of the character, fhe fell fhort of much lefs capable actrefies. Her drefs looked rather fantaftical. The characters of the new Dramatic Piece called The CRITIC, were as follow, and were thus-' reprefented : Dangle, Sneer, Sir Fretful Plagiary, Mon/ leur Le , Italian Mujician, Puff, - Mrs. Dangle, Italian Singers, Mr. Dodd. Mr. Palmer. Mr. Parfons. Mr. Baddeley. Mr. D'Elpino. Mr. King. Mrs. Hopkins. Mifs Abrams, Mifs Field, & c. Performers in the SPANISH ARMADA, ( die Tragedy Rehearfed.) Mr. Farren, Mr. Waldron, Mr. Burton, Mr. Wrighten, Mr. Moody, Mr. Grimaldi, Mr. Kenny, Mr. Wright, and Mr. Bannifter, jun. Mifs Pope, Mifs Collett, Mrs. Davenett, And Mrs. Bradfhaw. This Dramatic Pitce, ( as Mr. Sheridan calls it) is a kind of modern Rehearfal, fomewhat in the ftile of Foote's Tragedy- a- la- Mode, and fome what in the manner of Garrick's Peep behind the Curtain. The firft aCt is chiefly confined to a fatire up- on newfpapers and newfpaper writers. The on- ly character introduced in it which has not an immediate connection with one or the other, that of Sir Fretfull Plagiary, a dramatic writer equally remarkable for his extreme envy of. the fame of others, and for his own exceffive vanity and arrogance. The fecond and third aCt confift ( like the Re- hearfal of the Duke of Buckingham) of the ftage rehearfal of a new play, which Mr. Puff, the author, of it, calls The Spanijh Armada, in which the bathos of modern tragedy yrtiters, the abfur- dity of theiftnduCt and incidents of their plots, with the iaaa- s^ js of the theatre, while the au- dience are abQjfffj. are held up to ridicule. To give thfojkgdlr a full idea of The Critic we muit neceffaruy. jelate, in a kind of detail, the bufinefs of the. Srtt act, which we ( hall com municate in as few ^-- ords as poffible.—' The firft fcene difcovers Dangle and his wife at the breal faft table ; the hufband, eager to read the newf- papers, and anxious to find out the theatrical news firft, the wife begging him to read the let- ters on political matters, with Latin fignatures, on the probable deftruCtion of this coufft- ry, and other fuch entertaining fubjeCts only. Mr. Dan- gle feizes the Morning Chronicle, and reads from it an artidie under the head of Theatrical Intelligence Extraordinary, which is written in a quaint ( tile, and aukwardly ftates that Mr. Puff's tragedy is in rehearfal at Drury- Lane thea tie. Dangle is charmed with this information and expreffing his fatisfaction refpeCting it, hi wife takes occafion to rally him for affuming the character of a theatrical critick, the confequence of which fhe defcribes to be, that their tables are eternally covered with manufcript plays and farces to be read by her hufband, and their ap- partments filled with candidates for tfie ftage, to be heard rehearfe, fo that he has all the drudg- ery of the theatre without either a ( hsire of the profit or credit that it affords. Dangle retorts and points out the advantages of his critical character, through the influence of which he go- verns the managers, is worfhipped by authors and aCtors, and has influence enough to have a box fecured for his family on the firft night of every new piece. The converfation growing warmer and warmer rifes to a direCt quarrel, which is put a flop to by the fervant's announc- ing the arrival of Mr. Sneer, whofe farcaftic turn rendering him an objeCt of terror to both Dangle and his wife, th'ey make a truce, and agree not only to ceafe hoftilities, but to aCt as friends during his pretence. Sneer has fcarcely opened his character by fome feverities on ma- nagers, authors, and the publick, and given Dangle two new pieces, of an extraordinary fort to pcrufe and forward to the ftage, than Sir Fretful Phgia- y appears, and perfectly anfwers the defcription which Sneer has juft given of him, by arraigning the works of every other writer in the moft uncandid manner, and vfith qual vanity extolling his own. Sneer arid Dangle punifh him amply, by informing him that tie had been lately attacked in one of the papers, that the writer of the attack had denied that he had the lealt invention, any claim to originality, or in fhort any one requifite as a dramatic writer, unlefs indeed the induftrious plagiary of other authors was deemed an effen- tial one. Sir Fretful is worked up to a phrenfy by this information, and, when his fpleen and paffion are moft evident, quarrels with both Dangle and Sneer for prefuming to fuppofe, the intelligence they have furnifhed him with, has caufed him the leaft unpleafant emqtion. Sir Fretful is no fooner off the ftage than Puff ap- pears, and very foon gives Sneer ( to whom, as to a ftranger, he is introduced by Dangle,) a full. account of himfelf. He tells Sneer that he lives by puffing in newfpapers; that for the firft two years of his connection with them he fubfifted folely on his misfortunes. That the addrefes to the humane and benevolent fupported him; that he was fixteen times a reduced tradeftnan, with a large family, repeatedly aftliCted with the moft dangerous difeafes, and often times a prilbner in different jails; that he occafionally changed his fex, and was more than once a widow in a dropfy with eight children/ whofe hufband had been .,£ reffed for a failor, till at laft growing afhamed of a line that had always gone fomewhat againft his confcience, he commenced puft- mafter ge- netal, and reduced the bufinefs of puffing to fci- entific rules, fince which period his income and engagements had been immenfe; that it was to his pen that auctioneers owed the credit of being poetical in their advertifements, and that many other profeffions, the members of which were moft efteemed for their ftile, derived their im- portance folely from the exercife of his ability. He adds, that there are five forts of puffs, viz. the puff direSI, the puff preliminary, the puff ob- lique, the puff' collateral, and the puff collufi- ve. The feveral natures of thefe different puffs he explains, and as an inftance of the firft, men- tions that fort of theatrical intelligence which, in the moft warm and adulatory terms, commends a new piece, the managers and the performers without a fingle objection. He alfo thews that his art extends to every fpecies of informa- tion the prefs teems with,— the accurate ftate- ment of parliamentary debates, as well as the delufive puffs for catchpenny publication?, — that by it's influence new mmifterial arrange- ments are fettled, marriages brought about which were never dreamt of before, and reputations made and unmade; in fhort, that it is the omnis et omneof newfpapers. At length Dangle begs the favour of Puff to allow his friend to be prefent at the rehearfal of his new tragedy at Drury- lane theatre, which Puff confents to, and takes his leave in order to fcribble a few paragraphs for next day's paper. In the next fcene we meet with an Italian mufical family, with who " are in- troduced to Mr. Dangle by Monfieur le ebnfeilted with having been the caufe of wit hi others, if it were determined that we had not wit ourfelves, but " truth to fay," the Critic will hot bear fuch an account, excepting only with regard to the performers, v/ ho deferved it richly j Mr. King play'd Puff incomparably well, and Mr. Dodd and Mr. Palmer did as much in Sneer and Dangle as the author gave them power. Parfons never, in our recollection, acquitted himfelf fo happily as in the part of Sir Fretful, lit pantomiming the charaCtcr, and in the ex- ercife of his features, he was admirable. His face expreffed envy, malice, and arrogance^ fo powerfully, that we felt compaffion for the de- voted objeCt of the fatire, aaid could not help thinking Mr, Sheridan had miftaken cruelty for juftice. The performers in the Tragedy re hearfed, alfo merit fome praffe, Mifs Pope and Mr. Banniiter efpecially: Tney both proved themfelves good mimicks of the modern heroes and heroines of tragedy, in the mad fcene of the one, and the dying fcene of the other. The characters, as well of the firft aCt, as of the fecond and third, were well dreffed; the Tragedians with great humour. The fcenery confiits of a near view of Tilbury Fort, with a profpeCt of the Thames and the oppofite fhore of Gravefend, and of a moft fplendid fea fpeCtacle, exhibiting the Spanifh Armada and the Britifh Fleet in aCtion ; both fcenes pain- ted by Mr. Loutherbourg, and both additional proofs of that excellent artift's general claim to the puff direfl. With regard to the other ftage de- corations, when our readers recolleCt, that the piece was written by the Manager, they need not be told that neither pains nor coft were ( pared to give it every recommendation in the po- wer of the Theatre. The Prologue, delivered by Mr. King was generally allulive to the fort of piece about to be exhibited, beginning with the mention of the Duke of Buckingham's Rehearfal, and farcaf- tically fhewing, that Dramatic Writers had gone from one extreme to another, that as the age became refined, the Tragic and Comic Mufes became infipid ; that now the ftage was very mo- ral and very dull ; the Theatre having given up all pretenfions to entertainment, prefeiriiig its power to inftruft, whence even Vanbrugh and Congreve's plays were obliged to ( ttbinit to bungling alterations in order to accommodate them to the affeCted delicacy of modern times. The Prologue had much found fenfe, and fome good lines in it, but we have heard many prologues more brilliant. As the Critic took up two hours and a half in performance, it muft of neceffity be confiderably lhortcned. in order to procure them an engagement at the Opera- houfe ; they fing a couple of foreign airs, and depart. The fecond and third aCt are wholly oc cupied by the rehearfal of Mr. Puff's tragedy, the fcene of which is laid at Tilbury Fort, and turns upon a love plot between Tilburina, the Governor's daughter, and Don Ferrolo Whif- kerandos, a Spanifh Prince, It ends in the death of the Prince, who is killed by his rival; in confequence of which Tilburina runs mad, and the piece concludes with a grand view of the deftruCtion. of the Spaniih Armada, and a pro- ceffion of all the rivers in England preceding old father Thames, who is drawn on in a kind of aquatic car. The CRITIC is avowedly the production of the author of The School for Scandal-, like that comedy it has a great deal cf merit, but is neverthelefs liable to more objection than any one piece of Mr. Sheridan's writing. The firit aCt, though uncommonly long, teems with poig- nant fitire, keen wit, and llerling humour. The fecond and third are by no means as piea- fant as the firft, bat are not without their fhare of feaftning ; their extreme length, however, • rendered them heavy and tircfome. Their want of effeCt alfo is afcribable in fome meafure to the fatire being too much concealed—- in a mock tragedy the bathos fhould float upon the furfacc, ( if ftich a BSthetk expreffion be intelligible) as well to flieTv tire^ abjirfllity more glaringly, as to heighten the entert'aishiqat 5-- • « >. d above all things, every burlefque exhibition fhould be ftiort, becaufe when the humour is violently ex- travagant, it foon fatiates. With regard to the plan, conduCt, and characters, Mr. Sheridan has not attempted the leaft originality, excepting only in the character of Sir Fretful Plagiary, which is direCtly and grcfsly perfonal. The Rehearfal, Tragedy a la mode, Garrick's Peep be- . hind the Curtain, and various odier pieces, are examples, after which the Critic has b? en form- ed ; fome of thefe pieces are very clofely paro- died, and even Shakefjoeare is ftruck at by this dramatic drawcanfir, in the laft words uttered by his Spanifh enamorato. The character of Puff is a mixture of Spatter in the Engljh Merchant, and Bayes in the Rehearfal, with fome additional colouring. The ridicule upon newfpapers is in many cafes very juft, but in the warmth cf refentment, ( for the whole piece is obvioufly rather an aft of angry retali- ation than a dramatic fatire, founded on general principles) Mr. Sheridan has been carried too far. Poflibly the fatire on advertifements ad- dreffed to the affluent and humane, may deprive fome worthy objeCts of that relief which their diftreffes might otherwife receive from the bene- volent. Many of thofe advertifements may be impofitions on the fenfibility of mankind, but many we know are not fo, and to write manity out of countenance is neither liberal r. or laudable. The Morning Chronicle being particularly advertized ia The Critic, it Was our earnelt wih to htv; X been warranted to give the piece the piff direSt; we fhould have been well- The following fquib, containing a very juft. critique on the piece, ( the fubjeCt of the pre- ceding article,) we give it to cur leaders as we received it. The CRITIC, or a TRAGEDY REHEAR. SET>. A S Q_ U I B 1 BUT why the Critic ? and why fo much, ' fo very much, of a Tragedy Rehearfed ? The firft aft really the firft,— firft in place, firft in wit, firft in humour, and firft in L- E- N - G T FI! It was very long, near an hour long— too long ly half. Some of t. he fcenes were lively, but confifted of leflure and differtation rather than dialogue. Too many perfonalities— efpecially as they were not managed pleafantly. The ftrokes at the Morning Chronicle aukward and feeble, the touches on the Hay- market author and manager feeble,- and the caricature of the Drury- lane au- thor of the Weft- Indian, Trip to New- market, and Battle of Haftings, rather malevolent. The fecond aCt and the third aCt are but one aCt, " ah me what aCts Y" Bad imitations of The Rehearfal, The Tailors, Pafquin, Tragedy - a- la- Mode, & c. & C. & c. ad infinitum. Charming fcenery! well faid Loutherbourg ? Tilbury Fort - fea fight— puppet fhew on a larger fcale ! If the farce lhoula ficken advife the ma- nager to put the fcenes into a pantomime, and then they will bring money. MORNING CHRONICLE. LONDON, NOVEMBER I, 1779. Lcrd Stormont, the new Secretary of State, is a Nobleman of a found underftanding and great talents. His Lordfhip in the laft fcifions of Par- liament, convinced theHoufeofPeers ofhisbeing an elegant fpeaker, and, at the fame time, by his mode of anfvverrng the qucftions put to him refpeCting his conduCt while Ambaffador to the Ce- urt of France, proved that no views of In- tereft, nor any particular connexion could ever make him filent on a point in which his honour was concerned. May the Nobie Vifcount's abilities do his country that fervice, which ir at prefent Hands fo much in need of! It is confidently reported that other changes will take place in a few days, and b> thofe who pretend to be in the f.- cret; the follo\ vi « g is the lilt handed about. 5 The E-. rl of Hillfbbrcugh, or Lord Gran: ham, Secretary cf State, in the room of Lord Wey mouth. Lord Weymouth Prefidcnt of the Council in the room of Lcrd Gower. Lord Gower Steward of the Honfhold, in tbe room of Earl Talbot, who is to have one of the vacant ribbands, and retire from public employ- ment. There will be no bufinefs done this day at Lincoln's- inn Hall. Tomorrow the Lord Chancellor will hold the i'econd and laft general feal before Michaelmas term at Lincoln's- inn Hall. Wednefday, Thurfday, and Friday next are appointed by the Lord Chancellor for healing petitions in caufes lunatics and bankrupts. The Lord Mayor attended by feveral Alder- men and other city officers, will go in procefficsn tomorrow to the Lord Chancellor's houfe in Ormond ftreet, when his Majefty's approbation will be fignificd to Mr. Alderman Kennet, tha Lord Mayor cleft. . On Saturday it was currently reported at the Exchange, shat advice had been received from Gibraltar, that the Spaniards had been repulfed in an attempt to land their forces ; that feveral of their Ihips were funk, and a number of trans- ports deftroycd. Their lofs is faid to be very confiderable. This intelligence we hear came by the way of Barbary. On Saturday morning advice wits, i- ecciv^ l, that Sir Charles Hardy, with the grand fleet, were left in light of Breft harbour, on Tuefday laft, and that none of the fhips hid received any damage in the late gales of wind which have happened lince they failed. ExtraS cf a letter from Jerfey, OS. 25. " The Alert privateer, Captain Snow, met with eight fail of large line- of- battle fhips, with a flag at the fore- top- maft head, on the 6. h inft. in the Bay of Bifcay, Handing towards Ferrol; no doubt part of the Spanifh fleet returning. In the evening fell in with twelve more, bethinks not fo large, and that they were tranfports, though it is poflible they might be fhips of the line, as he was at fome diftance. The firft eight he was clofe to." A letter from a gentleman, prifoner at Breft, fays, " You may be allured that the French are now embarked, to the number of 70,500 men, and have already reached the mouth of the har- bour on their way to invade England. From the whifpers among fome of the officers before they embarked, I am tolerably clear Plymouth is the deftined place of attack, and the llle of Wight the firft place they mean to poffefs, for the reception and difpofition of the troops, I with you would communicate this to the public as foon as you can, that they may be prepared to give them a warm reception." Letters were received on Saturday, by fome reSpeCtable houfes in town from Cheller, which fay, that a French man of war of 54 guns has been taken off the Irifh coaft by Sir Charles Har- dy's fleet, which was fuppofed to be lying in the Channel to intercept the Eaft Indiamen on their paffage to England. The extra troops raifed by the Right Hon. Lord Mountftuart, are to be formed into a company of horfe grenadiers. Dr. Franklyn is fuppofed to have had a fecret correfpondence with fome leading people in the North of Ireland, for thefe three years paft. Land. Evening. A correfpondent obferves, that the AddrefTes of the Lords and Commons of Ireland to his Majefty are full of the humbleftprofeffions of duty and fubjniffion, of gratitude for favours be flowed, and of the moft inviolable attachment to his throne and perfon, at the fame time that they infift upon hi6 granting what no Irifh Par- liament had ever the preemption to afk— So the Parliament of England, in the reign of Charles the Firft, at the very time they were in open " arms againft the King, and daily leffening his power and influence, in all their addreffes to him profeffed the higheft loyalty, and the moft pro found regard for hif facred perfon. Ex trail of a letter from Madrid, Sept. 30. " The Government having refolved to repair and render more commodious the public roads of Spain, as the beft means of advancing the trade and circulation of wares and merchandizes, have thought proper, in order to raife the fums neceffary for fo important an undertaking, to augment the poftage of letters, both from abroad and the interior parts of our own country, 40 per tent. This is the fecond augmentation made within 20 years, to this branch of the crown and revenue : it is to be prefumed, however, that the nation will bear this additional charge the more willingly, as the people are inceffantly giving proofs of their patriotic zeal for the maintenance of the rights and honour of the crown. Tiie Dean and Chapter of Soria have requefted his Majefty to accept of the funds and filver plate of their college, offering, moreover, to devote to the fervice of the ftate the greateft part of their revenues. The Grand Commander and the Chapter of Commanders of the Royal Hofpital without the walls of the city of Bur- gos, have reprefented to the King, that without the leaft negleft to the obligations of their in- Jfitution, they can lay at his Majefty's feet, a very confiderable fum, namely a million of rials which they have in the funds of the corporations of trade in Madrid. Don Francis- Antonie Ar- beteta, who lately obtained the benefice of Vil- laverde, valued at 1000 ducats revenue, hath made an offer of the greateft part of it towards the public expences ; and many other perfonf have made generous offers of their lives and for- tunes." INTELLIGENCE from CADIZ. September, 28. By letters from the camp at St. Rocque, dated the 15th inft. we learn that the Englifh had very much flackened their fire; they fire now at a very great diftance. They have counted to this day 1670 cannon fhot, and 64 bombs fired from the Englifh entrenchments. They reckon the Spanifh line at 800 toifes to the gates of Spain. The batteries they have raifed are within the line, that is to fay the line ferves for a_ parapet, and the bank is covered in order to raife it fufiiciently for the batteries; they have already conftructed eight batteries, of five mortars » ach, mating in all 40 mortars, and they are now at work on thofe for cannon. A bomb that reaches 1500 toifes will caufe great havock among the Engliflj, and may even difmout their higheft batteries. They being only placed at the diftance of 800 or 850 toifes, including the ground rhoy ftand upon ; their bat- teries will be therefore entirely expofed to the fire of the bombs and ftiot which may be pointed at them, as the diftance is not enough to diminifh their force in the leaft. One French fhip and two frigates paffed the Straits on Tuefday evening: it was not known whither they were bound. A Spanifh frigate has juft entered, bringing an Englifh veffel with her. AI! the neutral veffels, which were out of employ, are now freighted on the King's account. It is imagined they are to carry pro- vifrons to Breft, for the flett under Don Cor- dova, The audience ofDrury- lane thcatreon Saturday evening was one of the moft numerous ever known. The doors and avenues were all crowded long be- fore the curtain drew up, and many hundreds were obliged to take back their money and return home, not being able to get places. In confe- quence of fo very crammed a houfe} there were many difturbances during the performance of the play; one of them fo great, that Mr. Smith, when he had nearly finifhed the famous foliloquy of " To be, or not to be," was obliged to leave the ftage, and when the noife fubfided, to return and begin the foliloquy again. Among the Author's party at Drury- lane theatre on Saturday evening, no one of his friends was more ftrenuous to fupport his piece, than the Dutchefs- of Devonfhire, who lead the claps all the evening. Query if Mr. Sheridan does not take an unfair advantage of the town, by bringing fuch an irrefiftible advocate into the theatre ? The laft packet for the Duke of Kingfton Eaft- Indiaman, outwardbound for coaft and bay, it is expected will be difpatched from the Eaft- India Houfe in a day or two, to be put on board the faid fhip at Portfmouth. Six tranfports from Quebec, names not men- tioned, arrived at Cork the 23d of October. The Black Grove, Cambell, from Jamaica, but laft from Cork, arrived on Saturday at Dover. On Oftober 23d, failed from Waterford, the Spry tender, Captain Fleming, with iropreffed men for Plymouth. Extrstfl of a letter frotn Portfmouth, OS. 29, " Arrived the Alderney packet, Tafko, from Guernfey; Granger, from Exeter; Nancy, Manning, from London, for Briftol; Ioduftry, Pratt, from Penzance. Came into harbour to dock, the Fortune floop of war. Sailed the Bacchus, Chobholm, for Sun derland. Gone out of the harbour to Spithead, the Phcenix man of war, and Southampton frigate. Arrived at Spithead, the Thetis, from Riga for Plymouth; Gideon and Maria, Muller, from St. Eullatia, for Amlterdam, with the lofs of her main- mall and other damages." A troop of horfe is to be raifed forthwith for the fervice of the Ifle of Wight. The Le Brune frigate is appointed as a convoy for the outward bound fleet to the Weft- Indies. On Saturday was held before Sir James Mar riot, at Juftice Hall in the Old Bailey, a Seffion for trying perfons for offences committed on the high feas, and within the jurifdiCtion of the Admirajur of England. There was only one prifonei^ for trial, namely, one Antrobus for cattfing a mutiny and revolt on board the Why not, in which fhip he was a failor. The magiftrate at Briftol who had committed Antrobus, had not returned to the court the de- pofitions taken before him of the witnefles againft the prifoner, nor had he returned any recogni zances of witnefles toprofecute; the confequence of which was, there was no profecution, and the prifoner was difcharged by proclamation, Mr. Juiiice Buller ( who was the only common law Judge that attended) in very fevere terms cenfured the conduCt oflhe Briftol magiftrate, and declared that he would exert the power the co;; ftitution had put into his hands, to punifh any magiftrate who fhould in future be guilty of fuch negleCt, as by means thereof many atroci- ous offenders had often eluded juftice. A ccrrefpondent informs us that there is a general m: eting of the Sugar Refiners to be held at the Queen's Arms tavern, St. Paul's church yard, on Thurfday next, to confult upon f me proper mode of application to parliament, for all Sugars that may be captured from the French and Spaniards during the war, to be fold for the ufe and confumption of this kingdom. The laudable intentions of thefe Gentlemen, he wifhes to be carried into execution at the com- mencement of the next feffions of parliament, where he hopes fuch a propofition will meet with unanimous concurrence, as it will Secure to the community at large a reduction of the price of an article fo generally ufed by them, and for which they have paid moft exorbitantly the laft three years. One who was preSent in the boxes at Drury- Lane Theatre on Saturday evening, has fa- voured us with the following remarks on the new entertainment of The Critic. The firft is a moft glaring impropriety of exprcifion, in the two excellent performers of Puff and Sneer ; the firft mentioned the word God once, and the other fpoke it twice in the fame fcene; however inadvertent the sxpreffions, yet when fpoke on the ftage, they Should be by no means paffed over without cenfure, let the abilities of the per- former be ever fo refpeftable. Another impro priety, was the very witty ridicule of certain dramatic plagiarifts, who advertife that they have fold ten editions, before they have fold ten books, when in the very next and beft painted fcene in the whole piece, to the utter aflonifh- ment of the whole audience, we are prefented with one of the moft direCl fpecies of plagiarifm that perhaps was ever exhibited on the Englifh ftage, viz. an exaCt, and to do the artift juftice, a good representation of that very beautiful en- graving of Queen Elizabeth at Tilbury, with the view of the Spanifli Armada, which is an- nexed to Mr. Johnfon's Ladies polite Lottery PocketBook, for 1780, price is. 6d. and fold at No. 4. Ludgate- hill; now univerfally purchafed, and in the higheft eftimation for its fuperior ele- gance, to any ladies pocket book ever publifhed in thefe kingdoms; befides the beneficial chance delivered with it gratis, which entitles the pur- chafers to more certain advantages than many others fold for half a crown. Mr. King's de- fcription of his living comfortably by his mis fortunes, and advertifing fham diftrefs in order to procure b^ nefaCtions from the unwary, how- ever wittily expreffed, ( hould moft certainly be expunged, as it may prevent many humane hearts which do honour to our nature, from re- lieving the really diflreffed objefts of Chriftian compaffion : it is hoped the fame maxim pre- vails on the ftage, which does fo much honour to our courts of jaftiee j that it is better for ten villains to efcape poniffiment., than that one in- nocent perfon fhould Suffer, On Monday evening, at the iting's Aojis So- ciety, next door to the Hummums, Covent- Garden, thfe dramatical queftion, on the de- finitive conSequences of the unnatural union of the winter theatres was again read, and again ( for wan| 6f fome perfon to own, explain, and introduce it) poftponed. Then the queition, " whether it is not apparent that France aims at erefting a Gallic Empire in America?" went in the negative. The nextqticftibn will be, " whe- ther it is politically neceffary that an oppofition fhould always exift in this Country ?"— Any queflion, political or theatrical, of temporary importance, admitted and debated the fame evening. Yefterday evening between feven and eight o'clock, a dreadful fire broke out at the London Bridge Water- works, which confumed the greateft part of the wooden ftruCture near the bottom of Fifh- ftreet- hill, together with a large hop- warehoufe; it likewife damaged Mr. Penn's the Bell alehoufe contiguous, alSo three or four ether houfes adjoining. Laft Thurfday morning was married at Rich- mond, Mifs Sutton, of Montpelier- row, Twick- enham, to Mr. Thompfon. of the Blues, quar- tered in that neighbourhood. A few days Since died at Liverpool, John Smeatham, Efq. ColleCtor of Excife at that place. Friday died, at his houSe in Bury- flreet, St. Mary Axe, Mr. Abraham, an eminent At- torney. No Meeting of Creditors this Day at Guildhall. Mr. SHARMAN acquaints adventurers in his fclieme of half guinea and other policies, for the prefent lottery, that he has depofited, for their Sole uSe and benefit, the State Lottery Tickets allotted for the laft drawn, in the bank of Meflrs. Boldero, Kendall, Adey, and Co. in Lombard- ftreet, London, where they are fo indifputably fecured that they cannot pqSlibly be diSpofed of, or applied to any other purpofe than that cf being delivered, whatever their fuccefs may be, to the perfon entitled to them; nor is it in the power even of Mr. Sharman himfelf to withdraw them. The Receipt may be feen at the office, No. 30, Fleet- ftreet; where, and at No. 7, Cockfpur- ftreet, Charing- crofs; No. 67, High Holborn, and No. 30, in the Poultry, the Schemes are delivered gratis, and all legal bufinefs of the lottery tranfaCt^ B. %* See advertisement in this paper. l-' URRIlNT fKU- bS u! 6TOt K. Binlt Stock 3 per cent red. 61f 3 per ct. Conf. 611 1 Ditto 1716. 3J per cent. 175S, 62 J J 4 p « r cent. Conf. Ditto New 1777, Bank Long Ann, Ditto Short 1777 Ditto 177? 11 j • India Stock, 144IJ Ditto Ann. Ditto Bonds, 13 925 pr. S » uth- Sca Stock, Old / Inn. 11 ut New Ditto, 6ii 3 per Cent. 17s , New Navy, cilfc. Scrip. Lett. Tick. 13I. 155. Excheqtt'r I> il s, 839 prem fflfiH WATER This Day at London Bridge, at 48 minutes after 8 in the morning, and aj minutes a ter Q in I1 :. t> Rrr. Pon. Kerfeys, Bath Coatings, ' Baizes, Denims, Shalloons, Jeans, Dimities, Sec. SALES by AUCTION. By Mr. RLDERTON, On ThurSday next the 4' h inftarit, At Itis WAREHOUSE in Bow- Curch Yard, ALarge quantity of WOOLLEN GOODS, Confiding of Super/ ines, Seconds, Liveries, Clouded Cloths, Or eans, Caffimtr » With fundty ether goods. To be viewed To mo nw and Wednefday, and to the fale, which will begin at Eleven o'clock. Catalogues delivered it the warehoufe ss above. N. B. Two Months Promnt. by Mr. H A k JJ 1 in u, O. i tl? fc Premifes, OuWedntfday next the 3d inftant, At Twelve o'c'ock at noon, In Ore Let, by orderdf the Truftees of Mr. John Palmer, rHE valuable LEASE of that commodiouf, well- efiablifhed, old aceuftomed Inn, known by the name of the BULL INN, in Aldga-. e High- fireet, London, late in the occupation. of the ( aid Mr.' Palmer, with all the Mefluages and Tenements, and ftables, in tile Bull Inn Yard, and Irort of the High- fleet; which leafe has ) z years to come at Chriftrtras next, at the yearly rent of 125I clear of all taxes, except ths land- tsx ; and there is now let cut of it to MetTr?. . Linfey, Hazel), Newell, Kendall, Vickridge, and Barber, at the yearly rent of nol. ios. Likewife the Leafe of a Piece of Grcund? f ' he back part of the faid Bull Inn Yard, with flahling and other ertfiicn for eiftht carriages, covered, at tlte yearly tent of Tel. out of it is let to Mr. Cambridge, a ftable, at 12I. rss. per annum, which leafe has twenty eight years and half to come at Chriilmas next. / The pjrchafir of the leafes to take all the hcufhold furniture, plate, linen, china, iiquors, polt- chaifes, horfes, & c. at a fair appraifement. Parti, ulars to be had at the Black Boy at Chelmsford ; the Cock and Bottle, at Romford ; at the Rainbow Ccflfee- houfe, Cornhill; at the place olfale; and at Mr. Harding's, at No. 69, in the Minories, All the premTes may be viewed till the time ef fale, Sun- day excepted. SALES by the CANDLE, At NEW LLOYD'S Ccffee- houfeHover„* he North Wfcft - Part of the Koyal Exchange, On Wednefday next, the jd inflant, At Twelve o'clock at Noon, Tiie good Sh; p Queen Charloite^ FRENCH built, burthen 500 ton.% or tl eretbouts, extremely well cal, uiated for a filip of war, having bten fitted out for that purpofe by the R pr fa! AfTciation, aid is In every, refpedtas cqmpleatlj^ fittttdl as any ( hip in England, mounted with 20 nine pi< inder$ and S fix pounders, She is well fou d in all kind cf ftores, snd is rea. ly for going upon any pru ze or v yage, either as a privateer or let; er of marque ; now lying at the Red Houfe, Deptford. It, ve,- stories to be had on board, at the place cf fals, and of THOMAS BELL, and WILLIAM PlTT, . Brokers, ; N. B, Immediately after the fale of the ( hip wilt be So' 4 in One L > t, fundry STORE.;, not included in the ! h; p'a inventory, cor. fifW. s of gun powder, fma l arms, atnmu- r. i< ioR, water ca » k-, pmvifioss, & c. as per inventory., ** At theLOW DO,- J tavern, m fox- h.-.- . « i.. On Ttiefd y the 16th inltanr, At Thjee o'clock in the afternoon precifely, The good Snow La Jeune Margarette, SALES by the CAIN LiLh. At NEW LLOYD'S Coff- e- houfe, over the North- weft part of the Royal Exchange, On Friday next the 5th inftant, At One o'clock precifth . The good Ship NEVIS PACKET, ARemarkable S* iSt Ssiler, Square ftere, Newfoundland built, burthen 100 tons, more or lefs; well calculated l ® r maity trades; has been mo( Uy employed r :.; r1n „ in the Fifh trads; is well found, and may be fent to fea at a trifling exp- nce ; now lying or, the mud at Wapping Old Stairs. Inventories, and other particulars, may be had on board, and of THOMAS HUBEERT, Broker ; Who has fundry SHIPS, and other VESSELS, from 50 to ffo tors, to fell by Private Contraft, or to let to Freight. French built, and iABk SQUARE item, Fr ( 5* 8 ® frwyl ^ burihe. n 150 tons, ni' re or Ir's, taken on her p. ffjge from Guadaloupe to BnurlCaux, by his Majcfty's ftiip DIA^ __ MOND John Lirzee. E^ Commander, in company with the Monmouth and Diomedary, Robert F - ( haw and W. Lockhart, Efijrs. C mmani. ers ; now lying at Plymouth, and there to be delivered. Inventories to be had '- n beard, at the place of fale, ar. d of VAUGHAN, WINNE. and MARGETSQ Brokers. At OARKa. WAV's Coffee. houfe, in Exchange- alley, Cornhill, On Thurfday. the iS h inftant, . > ' At Five o'clock in the afternoon, THE FOLLOWING GOODS, V I z. 378 Hcg'( 1iead8 of Tobacco. Jtift landed cut of the MARS, Capt. Mitchhfon,. from Antigua, and is part of the cargo of the LI ) N, taken on her . oafia^ e horn Vi ginia to'Frar. ce, by his Ma- jefty's ( hip MAIDSTONE, Alan Gardner, Efq, Cjm- mandir, Catalog', e- 1 of which will be timely delivered by VAUGHAN, WINNE and MARGETSON,- Brokers, txchaii^ e. alley, Sugar Coff.' c ira At GaKRAA'AY's Coitee- heufe, Cornhill, In about a Month, THE following GOODs,; lying at Ply- mouth, and there to be delivered, 415 HBj( heads 7 Pieces ditto 15 Tierces 7 Barrels i T ierce 30 Barrel, 3 Hrgfheads Tobacco 61 Br. les Cotton. Being the etitire Cargo of th- JEUNE MARGAHETTE, taken on her p;,( Ta< e from Guadaloups t ® France, by his Mnjeftj'i fhips MONMOUTH, DIAMOND, a d DRO- MEDARY, Rsbc t P » Ih w, Robert Lir. z e, and W. Lockhart. Efqrs. CjmnKmders. C- ta'ogues of which will be timely delive ed by VAUGHAN, Wi » JNE, and M ARGET^ ON." Brrkers* At oAKKitWAY'i Cclfee house, in Exchan^ s- alicy, Coinh. l;, In about Six Week.', THE FOLLOWING GOODS, v 1 Z. 50- 3 TtogYhtaJs, - J 9 Tieice?, t White Stf jafJ 6 Barrels. J 3 Hoglheads, - j 1 Ti res, t Brown ditto. , , y a Barrels, I « Pipes, -* H i H gfhead, I 6 Tierces, V Ccfffc, Barrels, I. K'gs, 50 B iles Cotton. 10 Vatts Tobacco, Bags Ginger Being the enure cargo cf the POUR VOYEUR, taften on her . p? ffa< e from Guadaloupe to France, by his Ma. jelly's fhip? Monmouth, Diamond, and D ,' n eiary, beit Fanfhaw, Robert Lfazte, and W. Lockhatt, Efqrs. commanders. Catalogues of whi h will be timely delivered by VAUGHAN, WJNNE, and MaRGETSON. Broker?. At OAKKAVVaV* Ooffse Hcufu in i- xthiuigs Ailc, Cornhill, On Wednefday next; the 3d infiaut, At Twelve o'cl, c < at No n, THE FOLLOWING GOODS, v 1 z. 106 Hoglheatis Clay'd St. Lucia Sujsrs ( for Home C nfumptioi'i) 30 Casks Prize Indigo 1.00 Bales Weft- India Citton. Cat-. logues of which will he tirnily delivered by OjVA. LD, GODWIN, aiid COLES, Swo'o Broker.. At the NEW- YORK. Ccff- e. houfe, Sweeting's. alley, Cornhill, On Wedneftiay the nth inftan*. At Five o'clock in the afierno - n, ABOUT 150 Hogfheads PRIZE TOBAC- CO, the principal part, fine James River. Catalogues will bs timely delivered by WILLIAM nr r, No. Garljck. hiil. At GAi- tRA WAV's Cofftc- Hou!-, it; txc. isilginlisy, On Wednesday next, the 3d ir. flant, At Five o'clock in the afternoon, HE FOLLOWING GOODS, v 1 z. 75 Chefts Jefuits Eaik. 14 Seions Indigo. 3 Bag, Ccchii eal. 3 Bags ditto Duft I cr Tor s Campetcby Logwood. Being the entire cargo cf the NATIVITA DELL A MA- DONNA, and SAN GIO BATISTA, a prize from Cadi* to Anifterdam, taken by his Majefty's cutter Sprig,, tiy, Gabriel Bray, Efq; commander. To be feen to the ; ime of fale, at the following pl tces, viz The Logwood at Davis's whatf, oppoiite the Towei ; and the remainder of the Goods at No. 44, Steel yard, where Caialogtes may be had, a- Tom's cotlxe- houfe, Ccrnh'H ; at the p'ace of fale, a » id of OSVALD, GODWIN, and Cul. ES, Sworn Brokers. At GARRAW'AY'S L'offee- houfe, in Exchantje- aliey, Cornhill, On Thurfday next, the 4' h inftant, At Five o'clock in the afternoon, THE FOLLOWING GOODS, v 1 z. CA Ca'^ s Prize Ind g 1, juu landed. To be ften from To morrow morning, to the time of fa'. e, at Mr. Dar.' Or's wantji. iufe, St.. Mary Axe, where catalogues may be had; tit T m's Coffee- houle, Corn- hill; at the place of fale, and of OSVALD. GODWI :. and COLES, Sworn- Brokers. At SAM'S Cotfte- himle, ntxc the e. unom- i, ojie, in Thames ft. eet, On ThurSday next thtr 4th inftant, At Six o'clock, RRHE FOLLOWING WINES, J. viz. 30 Pipes exceeding fine aid Red Port, juft landed fram Guernfey 14. Hogfheads fine old Re< P ® rt iz H,-, gfliesds fine Clarec Clatet in Bottles And fundry other Articles, Particulars of whdi will re Umely given by HENRY COLE, Sworn- Broker, No, 9x, Tojter- flre » t. « *- ac sBaBgaaeBaaiBKCKsw^ S ! 1 1 p ; N r w ;-. D al, Oit her 29 Wind K. W. Sailed for theri « ar," liis I- sjelty's fhip> M. idftone and Pfudsrue, and Helena floop i v ar. Came down and remain In the Downs, wit Ihc fhips as L fcre, the Natfgreen, Phi lips, for Madei » - Deal, Ofl. 30. WidatAeft. Remdn ift the Tiowfts, lit MajeftyV lhips DifnUi k, Pegafus, Zephyr, a d Ranger 6. ops of war ; Jackal! cutter, a d outward bound as be- Jore ; and Downs, Mi, is,( or Plymouth. Grsvefc* d 0 Sober 29- Palled by, St. Terres Maros, Eeddelt, from Lifteon; Union, Draydtn, irora ditto; ar. d nj'. i'l, Gardner, Irdm £ ra « tls. Arrived a! Cork, Queen of Poitugal, Kelly, from m. jorto. Atditts, BriUiint I'ott ( hip, Euefton, from Quebec. At ditto, \ irk Brcwtu from dietto. At ditio, Ja t, M CluiAml. from ditto. At ditte, t. a a t'e Rof ma, Slrnee , fro n St. Ubes. A. ditto, Sr. Anror. idT. Altrtas, Vicemonta, from ditto. A - Q- ebec, V -• , ic frieicv ar.', Cla< kfb , riomBiiftol* At rii to, Quebcck, smith fr., m ditt ® . At di. ro, 1. ya Briton, Coplei'on, trim ditto. A; ditto, fX'v r,( hi e. Scot', from dirt . POR ' of LONDON. Goober 1.0, 177^. SHIPS I- NTERED TOWARDS. Irorn Atr. ftet'am, lady rli& tbfth, Do: rm. L- focn, Unty, Dra'- ftoorn. Or ninvier,.;. atryna, Pel*. Grcenh d, S « vi if, Gardner. St. Kittt, Uni< y, U. fey St'. t. fl » r: d, New Silver S- el Pi'* ams, CI. VARi D OUTWARDS. Jcr Ar. tlgua, Charming S. ify, M tfer. CreivAies; Adventure, Kennedy. Jaoisicj, Dorothy, DcUm& e. Aflilg t, iie'. fy % 5;. C: irilfo;, l'e:>, Ou.' ey, Wiik'rsfcn. Antigua, Luc j. Clnk. © pirto, Nr » , bra. de Cafmo, St. Antonio Min dt Son! a I. bo. Brer, m, Frier dfnip, Spilker. Sirckhoim, N w orden, Browc'l. © fttn1, Oitrref Picket, Caniii. cn. Amlttr ® Pettonella johann , G> oot. Pe ( acola, jure, Scoit. ' V- nxe, Nrv;. va Cefsrea- I'etr.' na. • Lime'rick, E" dcav or, Ed'vaidl - J> m- ii. » , . an a is Crimfl- jfl? • ffcuoTTh- ti Ha- " ty. - Ho -., i - rd H w. Power. ' again Wily psay let liini keep in his mini, that Mrs. Cowley underfiaudi Latin and Greek. W H I M. ' From the " L O N D O N GAZETTE of Saturday, Oct. 30, AT tie Cesrt at St. James's, the 27th of Oc- tober, a 7 79, P R E- ' S £ N T, Tie KING'S moft, Erfcellent Majefty in Council. FT IS Majefty having been p'leafed to appoint 1 the Right Honourable David. Vifcouut Stcnr. on't to jje one of hit). Majefty's Principal Se- er lane, late in the occupation of Mr. Burbridge, ear. penter A HOUSE the corntr of White- Hart Court, Grace- chur. h-( freer, late in tcr. uie of Mr Hunt. A HOU'. E- on the F- aft- fide of Old Swan- lanc, Lte inhabited by Mr. Bo. us— For further particul; r * rqui, the Cle. k's Offic-, Fiflim rger's- hali. To be cret. incs cf State tbe M 0 R. N 1K C! CH& OrilCLE, - ffista^ i^ wja} ® ?: ifrrraryngsstsafeaay: tt io.' initj pj '" SIR, PRAY let rae have a touch, at yc. ur new type, though I uon't mean to write an efl'ay. I 2n » rejoiced you are going to give, us more riper foi' Our money, if not more wit; my piea- iiu- e arises en'this fcore, that you will now find lootn for th » various frits writers, not ferious writers who hold forth eft the faults of fyirs. Cowley, for they have roally increafod fo faft, • ind made fo capital a figure in your paper within thefeTlaft' mree months, that I begin to fufped they are neceffary to its exiitence. The Italian friend of Mr. S. gave us only fuve touch; juft to, tell us, that the author of Albina had not learnt Latin ; and that ftie was very ungrateful'to her good friends the mana- gers., ' •- ' •".-• » *' Hofpes made a figure of a moft magnif. cent kind. * Haifa, dozen ( I believe ' twas more tho') long epiftles, letting forth, that Mrs. Cowle^ was a moft wicked play- wight, who faid do and did and dotk upon all occaiions that feemed |; aod in . her eyes, without the fear of his pen}- which bed WTitteo poetry before fhe could read ; nay he even accufed liefof having v/ ritten fome lines of twelve fyllahles, tho' Pope had forbidden it, and though he frequently ufes them himfelf in the middle as well as at the end of afentence. Now Mrs. Cowley was certainly right, according to Mad. D'acier's critique' tlpcn Honer, to take the example of Pope in preference . to his precept; for, fays lhe, though Homer makes Achilles, -< 4iea a great gheft in the other wortld, wiftv iiimfelf upon earth again, though in tjie, hum- ble employment of a porter; yet whHlt he was here, every aftion proved the utmoft contempt for life, and doubtlefs the poet meant, that hia hero's deeds fhould » e the leffon to mankind-* not what he faid when he was in an ill- humour or half a fleep in the fhades below. I do not quote the Lady's words, Mr. Woodfall, but I give you her fenfe exaftly. ° Hang Madam Dacier i fhe has carried me out of my rofid. This Mr. M. W. C.! Somebody ' faid lie was Hofpes in a new coat; but I don't think it; for though he feems animated with a kindred mind, he hats not' quite fo mush wit— he is only malicious. I fliould ftifpeft him to be One of ihe Public again, if he did not talk fo much about morality, which I fancy is out of that gentleman's line— at le? ft Englifh morality is ; tor morality here and upon tne continent, Mr. Woodfall,' have > et, thank Heaven ! a dif- ferent modus. M. W. C.' s charge of iicer. ti- cufneis againit Mrs. Cowley's writings is too ri- diculous to be anfwered, becaufe their univer- fal, acknowledged character, is that of delicacy 1 I write merely through charity, to cure his • rror about that lady's knowledge, ^ e fays, * fhe profelfes to be ignorant of every tiling but « her native tongue, and to have but a very mo- « derate knowledge' of that." By the Lord ' 11 venture any thing l> e dares, that Mrs. C. \ ill conftrue Virgil, juft waked from her fleep, ; utter than he fhall, after ftew'd prunns, which / cu know is Bayes's recipe . for clearing the .. rain, • A moderate Jhare of her native tongue ! Now ? hat can one fay about that ? Why only, as the i. rongeft proof in the world, that the is , miftrefs - i f it, fhe makes fome characters talk gracefully aid elegantly ; and in others, fuch as Doil> ( the Seft charadter on the , modern ftage) fhevulga- sizes their idiom fo naturally, and critically, as i. othing could have enabled her to have clone, but a thorough knowledge of grammar. I have this moment hit cn.- the motive4, hat in- duced this worthy gentleman to fall foul on- Who's the Dupe ? at this diftance of time. lie ,' riows how fond the town were of it, and ima- ~: nes they would be glad to fee it once again— >!•/ rOgue ! fo takes this method to recall to Mr. Sheridan's memory, that there is fuch a ;: icce in exiftence. Well then, we are friends his LSl'dflup was this day, by his Majefty's comniand, fworn one' of his Majcf- ty's Principal Secretaries of State accordingly. ' BANKRUPTS. Chioles Fidding of High Holb rn, Mi dleftx, fi, k | mercer, the ad ( f. Nov. next, at five in the ahernoon, and ifcthof the fame acnih, at ten in the fo. enoon, and 11th ef Dec, following, at five in the aftetn on at Guildhall London, Attorney, Meiirs. Phillips and Parnetl, Spital tietds. Catharine Kneil, ® f Waterengbury, Kent, widow a- d msltfier, to iune-'. der the 51I1 and 30th of Nov. rext, ar. d mh tf December fcHowin^. at ten in the forenotn, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Punnett, M^ idllor. e, Kent. John Perks, of VValfa'l, StafFirdfhire, buckle- maker, to furrep. der the 161I1 ard 17th of Nov. nex', and 11 h ef Dec. following, ai eleven in the forenoon, at the New lnn in Park- ftreet, Walfal, aforefaid. Attorney, Mr. Wilfon in Walral', Hepry Hipp, cf vViflham, Iffe « , malincr, to furrtnder tlie i, fb of Nov. rext, a: ten in the forenoon, the 13th of the fame. month at five in thc- aftemoon, ard 11th of Dee. fol'owing, at ten in the f, renoon, at Guildhall, London. At'crney, Mr. Robti tWright, Wellcloie- Square. jan. ei W. ntle, St. Bride, Fleet freer, London, pawn- broker, to ( urreftder The " 5- jrh and >- ih of Nov. r. eat, at five in the afternoon, and > j. th ot Dec. following, at ten in the forenoon, tt Cuildh 11, London. Attorney, Mtffrs, Ex- 1 y ar. d Crifpin^ Lincoin's- inn. Dividends to be made. Daniel Jfernioel, ef Sw(. h; n* s- lae. e, London, mere'iant, • the 2C1 h of Nov. next, at five in the af einoon, at Gui. d hall, London, | Tt. onus Nic'ioKon, of Sun Court, CcrnhHl, L nelon, tsylor, the 30th of Nov.. nrxt,. at ten in the foreno. fi, at Goilfh. iU,. L ntion. Jjhn. kay, ot Duke ftrett, York- buiVim'S, Mi, Wlcfex, tny . or, the icth cf November next, at fiyt in the afteriioon, a. Gui dlial, London. Thom. s Keiby, of the town of Northampton, North- smptonlliire, co- icli- maker, the 2?. d of Nov. next, at three in the afternoon at tiie, Pe- ac ck Inn, faid town. John Ward, borough cf Warwick, ironmonger , the 2id of Nov, r. ext. at len in the forenoon, at Mr6i Hobfon's in Worcerter- ftreet, Birmingham. Thomas Davis of Rulfcll ( Vreet, Covent- Gardcn, Mid- dle- fex, bookf'.' lfer, the. 17th of Nov, next, at five in tt e af, terno- n, at Guildhall, London. Thomas Garrard, of Jpfevilh, Suffolk, - banker and raer- chan-, the aid of Nov. n - xt, at eleven in the forenoon-, at the G Id'en Lion in Ipfwich. "' Her. ry Docker, of Birmingham, Warwick/ hire, mercer and d aper, the 6thof Die, next, at ten in the forenoon, at the Swan- Ihn in Bu'l- llrslf, Birmingham. Henry Papps and Richa. tii'appt, of New Sarum, Wilt- fliire, copartners and clotli'iers, theisd of Nov. next, at cut in'tlie .' drenqon at Guildhall, Li ndon. Certificates to be granted. A'ft- Ifn cidiiog, of,, Market Kaifir., LincoMhire, fell- monger ar. d tanner, the » oshof Nov. . next. Daniel- Jutt ns, of Ur.' un- buildmgs, Leather- lane, St. Aneka, w, HeJ V. rn,- Middlrfb(," the 2Cth e f Nov. next. John Reed, ci y c- f Ex<". er, merchant, the 20th cf Novee.- iii* f - ne**, ' ^ Articles of fridiligence from the ot. b. r Daily Papers if Saturday. The memorial. prefeuted to his Majefty from the b< ard of Admiralty, in behalf of the family of the gallant Captain Farmer, is faid to have been couched in terms fo warm and affecting, that tiie King could not refrain from fn: ading at the reading of it for the lofs of fo brave and de- fcrving an officer. There is little probability of the combined fl .' et being able to fail from Breft this year. The orodiglous mortality that has prevailed, and the fatal ficknefs which ftill continues' to 1 age, ren- der it impOffible for them to take the } ea with any efficient force. Above 10, coo men, we 2re afl'ured, have a& ually died; and nearly double that number are now in their hofpitals. A letter from Breft mentions, that tli^' conta- gcous diftem'per now raging amongft the French troops on their fea coafts, is firft attends evith a flux, and focji turns to afpotted fever, Vi. ich has iold by p iva- e L':. r, tr„ dt a} SON and SPURRIER. npHE Le. le rf an txcollent, fpacious, 1 Dwelling H mfe, in perfeft rtpair, with ve iAMP- ing the means. The firft has been tried, and I ^ O be LET, by the Wotftipful Compsny of will not anlwer, therefore the laft alone is to be j * F: lhmoogers, a HOUSE, on the Weft fide of Bin,, adopted. A ferious inveftigation of thefe mat- ters, and the confequences that threaten Ireland from the above deplorable fituation of her finances, induced the Parliament there to fend over the late addrefs for a free trade. To grant or to refufe fuch a requeft, requires the moft pre- mature deliberation, as millions will be involved in the confequences of either a negative or an affirmative. It is not therefore the bufuiefs of a council hoar — or. a council day. The matter muft meet the full inveftigation of both houfes and fuch towns, citics, and villages in England, as may be injured by opening the ports of Ire- land, fticuld be heard by council again ft the proportion, whilft. the merchants of that king- dom are allowed the fame indulgence to ftate their arguments in favour of it. This in all probability will be the mode ; but how the mat- ter may end, it is impofliblc at prefent to form any certain conjcdlure. Would the Dutch now a { Tift us, fays a corres- pondent, v/ e might have a combined. fketequalSy as formidable as that of France, and Spain. Ruf- fel and Allemoude's combined ftjuadron aiionifh- ed Tourvilje; it conlifted of 90 ( hips of the line; and in tks engagement two fhips of ioo guns one of 90, two of 80, four of 76, four of 60, and two of 56, belonging to tke enemy, were c e- ftroyed. There is at prefent a very malignant fever in Micredale, ( one of the dales near Kefuick) of the truth of which, the following is a melancholy inftance. In one houfe, on Saturday fe'tmight, there was a marriage; 011 theTue,'.' ay following, the bride's brother was buried ; the bride was alfo buried on Thurfday; the Menday following another of her brothers was buried, and the only furviving brother . now lies dangeroufiy ill. — Cumberland Packet. The unfortunate Mr. C'hamberlayne declared the night before his execution to a particular friend, that the caufe of his being led to com- mit the offence he was going to atone for with his life, wis the fmallnefs of his income, out of which ( although only 40I. a year) four ftiilllngs in the pojnd had been flopped for above a twelvemonth paft, to pay an afuffment of land- tax, laid by the City of London ' on all the clerks falaries in the General Poft- oflice, which, had reduced him to fuch hraits, as drove him to the defoexate means he had taken to maintain himfelf. Brick- very txten- five waiehoufes, roomy counting- houfe, large dry vaults and Cellarage, a paved yard, and every other deiirabit c. n- vcn'ence, met! eligibly ti uate in ! enchureh- firect, a'r. d held for ! t'i unexpired term of 12 ye: » rs, at an e: if> rent, out < jf which the hr. d tax is allowed 1 the dwelling- parts of the premifes are iu - p'ied wi h u u: iia! acecmKUdsticn?, th. fe f; r bufmefs rotijaft fo; the back front is airy, and Ireki i to a ivrden ; n'. d tha whole forms a mctl anvantagecot comp eat relidence for a meichart or wholefi e < eakr, For f- t tinr j> a t'C- Ws app- y to Mr. Satrpfen, No. 29, Buetie Re w ori,. r spurrier, t o ici, Leadenbtll- flreet. MF FENC.. 1.( i and DANCING. R. MUSSArJV begs leave to inform his Friends and the I'ublic in general, that he conti- nues to teach at iu's Houfe, No. 6, Ball- alley, George- yard, Lombard ill eet, Grown Perrons and Children the . Minuet, Gauntly Dancing, Cottons, and Allemande, by a method more eafy and concilf than any now praflifed. Mr. Muflard will engage to qualify any Lady or Gen- tlemao in one month, to be capable of appearing in any afl.. 1..' I> with fatislailion to themfelv. es, on moderate terms. Any l. a-' y or Gentleman may be taught with the < ieateft CV'vacy, by appointing an hour. S jktAife. Fencing taught by Mr. Muflard, at an> boa, Ar Evening School for. Fencing. pro'^ ed fatal to great numbers. T ie. following is a true ftate of the expences and'deficienci-. sorthe Irifh revenues, a, laid de- fore that Parliament in its laft feffions, Military efta'oliliment — Civil eftablifhment —— C dUdb. ons and management Extraordinary charges Iatereft of the funded debt J- 1 ; 00,000 '^, 00,000 /{ SpjOCO 300,000 130,000 190,000 So that without reckoning any exceecing, their prefent ordinary experices amount to ill- annual fum of about eleven hundred thoufand pounds, whilft thofe of Great Britain do not exceed ten millions. On a comparative fcale, is it fiien pof- flible that Ireland can contribute a niRth part without commerce f Thus far the expences of the laft two years— the exccedings are of a much more diftrelfing nature. There was a loan cf. £. !£ 0,000 • Tonthie" arffiVBH" and a half per cent. Paid by'Engiand for regiments on ) foreign fervice, and therefore i faved — — ) Remitted from Engbind to pay the ) troaps — — — J Wanted at prefent by Government on a mo-' erate computation to S make up deficiencies — 3 TO be SOLD, ait the NURSERY oTOCK, confiftingof all manne- of I' ante and Flower Roota; belonging to Mr. SAMUEi HUI'Chl.' S. at Bromoten in the parifti of Kentingion, in thecounty cf MtddiefeA, which will fee foldve' y rcafo- n b! e, as the ground muit oe cleared, he being engaged ' n another way of bulinefs. " There are great variety of Foiugn! lants, See. GOULARD's Ong. . bxtraft of Saturn,- from Montpeliler, to maka the Vfgeio Mineral Water. To be bad only of Mts. TUKMEAU, Sueoefibr to Dr. Amain: fiem Greek 11 r et, Ismovtd to Nui 8, Little Comptonettreet, ioho. TME ccmtina > 1 and geneial ufe of GOU- LARD's EXTRACT of SATURN, when pre- pared in Vsgeto Mineral Water, has evidently placed it in jult ef'eem, with thoie who have happily exp^ rienc. d its fuperior efficicy 10 all other Lo. ions, for fj rains, bruihs. Wounds, ( ores, rheumatic pains, contrarians of the nerves, . fwellings in the joints, & c. ftiffnefs in the finewi, ihirp and fcorbutlc eruptions; bu^ ns, fcalds, li n'd fwel- lings in thebreaft, ana all diforders of a fcrophui us na- ture, tec. tec. It may be had ready prepared at 26. 6 1. a pint. G'lULARD's COMeOt/ ND EVE WATER, infalli ble in all diforders of the Eyes, ^ s. a bottle, prepared < or Herf. s at4s. GOULARD'S CERATE and POMATUMS of SA- TURN, for fome of the above and other cafes, treated cf more at laige in a bill, given gratis, fold in puts at 5s. 3d or ies. 6d. The Ex rail of Saturn 10s. 6J. a bottle, figned M. Turmeau, all others are counterfeits. TheTRUF. VINEGAR of the FOUR THIEVES f. ld h. re only, a fur* prefervative againft contagious, epidemi- cal, and pefliltntial diforders, fuch as putrid fevers, & c. it is much recomir.- eneled to all peitons attending Courts of Juftice, Hofpitals, Prifons, & c. 3s, a bottle, or 6s. a 1 int. HORSE MEDICINES. GOULARD'S Vegeto Mineral Water, 4s. 6d, a quart for cuting fprains, bru'fes, wounds, tumours, kibed heels, farcy, grejfs, infiammatio is, ulcers, m nge, and all ether accidents to which horfe6 and fpoi ting dogs ar. liab e. A complete Chert of Horfe Medicine , nrc- 1 3 300,000 68,000 50,000 600,000 THIS p'Mie Dr. HOOPER s FEMALE PILLS. THE Efficacy of thefe PILLS is fo univer- fsliy known, that they CTnot require further recom- mendation j butss a aan. bei ot complaints have been receiv- ed from perton., who lvivj been impofed upon by a coun- terfeited fort, to the grert prejudice of their h « ikh, t'e public aie defiied to take notice, that the direitions cn each box of the Genuine Pills ars figned on the outfice weth the n mes of John, Jof^ h, and Eerjamin Hoc- per^ fons of the late Dc- flor, . a. d the prefent proprietors, by wh< m ' hefe 1' ills are now prepared. And as their late father did, fo they do appoint Claer Dicey and Co. and Francis N'ewbety, junior, heir venders of the faid Pills. CLUEK DICEY and Co. at Dr. Baterr. an's warehoufa. No. 10, in Bow thuich- yarel; and FRANCIS NEW- BERY, Junior, at his Kew Wareli. ufif for Dr. James's Puwder- Jo. FORTY- FIVE, at the Eait End of St. Paul's Church-' ard, on the coach way, five d joia from Cheapfide, London. P ice One Shilling the boa. , 1,178,000 Thus there appears a deficiency of ne'arly 60,0- 0— annually arifmgin an adminoir, ation al- lowed to be the moft ( Economical of any yet ex- perienced in Ireland. There arc but two me- thods to remedy this alanni- ng evil— the one is by reducing the expences—- the other by encreal- By the King's Patent. The UNIVERSAL EALSAMICK, called SAMARITAN WATER, admi able WATER merits, in the freateft decree, the attention of thJ publick, being the belt remedy yet elifcovcred for almoft every outwarl or local corn- plaint, and more particularly fo. tjie fUljwir. g; viz. j. For drains, bruifes, and injuries from blows or falp'. 2. For frelh wounds of every kind. 3. For eld foresand ulceis, evin of the ve'y worrt nature. 4.. For inflammatory tumours, boil=, whitl ws, Uo. 5. For the i. ryfipelas or St. Anthony's fire, ti e Ihir. gles, tetters, and all fharp fcorbutick erupti ns, efpeciaily for that commonly obrtinate complaint, a fcald head. . 6. For feurr. s and fcalds, however violent. 7. For hard fwellings in the bieafts, whet' er proceeding f om blows, c ® « g ulated milk, or any other caufe. 8. F- r preventing ca. icers ; or, if already formed, for flopping their further progrefs, and eafi g the pain. 9. For white f « e lings on the joints, f(. iffntffe » of the finews, and all difjricrs ® f a fcrophulous nature. 10. For weaknefs or fortsefs of the eye-, fptcks upon the cornea, heat and ir. flammitions of the eye- lid » , & c. In all the ahave cafes, and many O'her » , it is the fafefl and moft certain application that cm be made ufe of, never failing to give relief, performing cutts in hrif the tmii cfimm. nly required, and even where every other means have been met in vain. And though it may appearfcartely credible, that the fame medicine ( hould produce fuch ex traorcinary good tffy. Q « in fo great a variety of cafes, yet il will be f'jund, upan trial, to t. e ftriflly true, and that it is, in reality, an UniJerfal Ealfamick and Infallible Reme- dy for almart all eStterr. al complaints. Sold only by W. Bryley, perfumer, in Cockfpui- ftrtet, near ths Hay- Market; F. Ne. vbery, juo, at his new ware houfe, No. 4S, the Ealt end of St. Paul's ; and Dicey and Co, in Bow- church- yard, Lantfon. Price 2S. 61. tacivb- tile. N. B. A more particular account of the naturs and effefts - of the Samaiitan Water may b: had, gtatis, at the above places. To the. CONSUMERS ot TEAS, & c. '" j" HE E ft India Company's Sale of Teas be- X ing ended, at which, . all kinds fold from is. to xs. 6d. per Ih dearer, than when I firft reduced the pi ices y/ rt from the- very. krse qtointiiy I bought previous to the file, I ftill m enabled to ferve the Nobility, Gently, Dea- ers. Sec. from Ten to Twenty per Cent cheaper than at ary other W :> h u. c in Lordon, rhe mu ff icity of crder,, I daily receive from all parts- f the kingdom, convi ces me, 1 have the confidence of irn f iends in what I lecommend, therefore continue to af- fix this mark" to ihofe Teas, which are che » peft at thsir prices, and as the rife has been sniefi- y on Greens and Hy- sons, folicit them to make trial of Good Congous or souchongr, which they will find from is. to js. perlb. fu- perior in quality ; this needs only trial to be confirmed. EACLETON, TEA- MAN. At the Original Tca- VVarehcufe, the GRASSHOPPER^. No. 9, Biihopfga e- Aieet Within, near Cornhili, London. Sells WHOLESALE and R E T A X L, Good C> mmon Bobea Tea 4s. 4d. per lb. * Fine. Coreou leaf ; s. equal to 63. * Good Congou fs. equal to 7s, * Fire Souchong 7s. eijual to 8s. * Very fine ditto 8>. equal to IOJ. * Suptt fine' ditto beft imported, tuS. equal to tzjp. Good Comm m Gr; eo Tea 7s. equal to js. 6cU * Good Single 7s. • d equal to is. * Firieditia ? Si eqtiai to 98. * Superfine d tt. gt, equal to 10S. * fire Green and Imperial i ® s. * Superfine Blcom ioa. 61. equal to 12s. ' * li e Hyfo 1 or plain Green 1 is. 6d. equal to ! * Veiy fine ditto 13s. 6d. equal to iw. * Suptifine e'itto bed imported 165. equal . to its. * The moftcurious Gunpowder 17s. equal to US* GoodRo-. fted Coffee j » . Sd. rqualto 6d. Very good ditto 4'. 8d equal to 5s." 6d. Superfine Turkey ditto to. 4d. cqu. il to 6s. Good plainClioca ate 3s. gd. equal to 4s. 6d, Fine ditio 4s, .; d. equal to 5s. 4 Supeifine ditio 4s. 8d. equal to 5s. 6d, Sir Hans Sloan's Milk, Churchmads Patent and the finefl Vanilla Chocolates 5s. 6d. per lb. each. N. B. Ali gocds muft he paid for, on or before the de livery. Ge od bills, at a fiiort date, inclafed with orders, taken in payment. P5" Orders Wholefale ot Retail fcr town or rountry, by poft or otherwife, fent tf, any p -. rt cf Lon on. The CORDIAL CEPiirtLIC SNUFF. rHERE cinnot be ^ greater proof of th* Efficecy of th^ SWUfF, than the number of fimUar preparations to which it has given rife, and the many at- tempts that are ma le to difpofe of a counterfeited foit. It has now besr. in general repute upwaids ot thirty years, and is found to he an effetfual remedy for mo ft diforders. f the head, tfpecl. nly the common head ach, to wh ch it will often give immediateeafe, and by Irtquent ufe prevent it ® return.— It removesdrowfinefs and giddinefs •. relieves dim- nefs ot the eyes, a d ftrergthens thsfi,; ht; is excellent in curing recent deafnefs ; a^ d has been of gteat fervic: in pa- ralytic complaint?, and in reftoring the me riory, when im- paired by d forders of the head. It has a iilo< t gratefqi a- o- maticfmell ; and it is extremely picp.- f for ill psifors who viiit thefick, or go into unhealthy places, a, it fortifies the head againft infeflioiis air. Said in London, only bv FRANCIS NEWBERY, Ju- nior, at his New Warehoufe for Dr. James's Powder, No- FORTY- Ffvu, at thi end of Sti Paul's Church- yard, on ihe coach Vay, five don rs from Chsapiide ; and by B. C, ( ollins, in Sal Ibury. Pi. ce, Sx- pCocea bottle. by Mi LEAKE'. for M AjXSfY'a Letters P- i: ent. juftl/ fewjiotia PILLS, well known radically ci. Vin,;' a certain Difeafe the .- curvy, and other ctirjr. ie and Dfe- rders. One ( mall Pill is a itofe? aa- l the ttkir. gof one bn* in a iccent cefz, veili fxn convirce the. patient ol tht cer- tainty of hisfpeedy rr ove, y. Nothing can be better c o- trived, more iafe, or nioreconveiiier : thaa this remedy I > r fuch as are obliged to go j uT. ies to fra, aa it needs nn confinement nos rtiJrant c! diet; a- d fifty years txperiirts ( In an txter^ lve practice) h- s proved, that i; will tffeft » cure, when repeated fali. aiion, a id ail ctliei methods avail ne'thirg. Sold in boxes cf 2s 6d fcach, at the Patentee's, thi OoiSfn Head, No. r 3, Erid.'- iane, Fioet- ftreet; aifo by appoiritmcnt. fold, with proper directions, fet ed up, at Mr. Vaciie's, V « turner, St, AitanVftreci, two deoss from Pall'. mail; Mr. Rohinfon'i Toy- fhcp, No. 10% Oxford- itr eft; the I. iutic Shop, Ko, 7. Fifh- ft- eet Hitl, almeft facing tke Wfrnuinent ; Mr. Sttsi's, Book& der, Rtfruury. line, he firft door from tl. i M roties ; a.. d at Mi. Der>. Lim's, Boolcel'er, Hermitage, Wapping. LONDON: PRINTED by W. WOODFALL, No. 62, Dorfet- ftreet, Salifbury- Court, where LETTERS, Sec. are received. effte-' ioufe, over the Royal Exchange 5 EAST INDIA Ccff; e- hdufe, B. in'd- iiiui— 1 Advertueme/; ts of a mcdewc length will fce generally irfcrted ia tills Uve da; f. ftvr thty ate few, » l dehmvd w due time.
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