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The Courier


Printer / Publisher: Daniel Stuart 
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 2172
No Pages: 4
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The Courier
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The Courier

Date of Article: 06/08/1799
Printer / Publisher: Daniel Stuart 
Address: No 159, Fleet-street.
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 2172
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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AND EVENING GAZETTE 2172. Tuesday, August 1799. PRICE 6D. TWENTIETH NIGHT OF CORA. I Positively the LAST WEEK of Master PARKER'S Perform- ance, and LAST WEEK of The SEASONS. NEW ROYAL CIRCUS. THIS PRESENT EVENING, August 6, Master PARKER will recite ROLLA's ADDRESS to the PERUVIAN ARMY, from Sheridan's popular Play of PIZARRO, and perform several favourite SONA- TAS on the Grand Piano Forte, by Haydn, Nicholai, & c. A Variety of New EQUESTRIAN PERFORMANCES. After which, in two Parts, an entire new splendid serious SpeClacle, interspersed with Recitative, Song, and Action, with new Music, Scenerv, Dresses, & c. called CORA ; Or, THE VIRGIN OF THE SUN. Principally taken from Marmontel's Incas ef Peru, and the German Drama of the Virgin of the Sun, by Kotzebue, being the first part of his popular Play of The Death of Rolla, recently performed at the Theatre- Roval, Drury- lane, with alterations and improvements by R. B. Sheri- dan, Esq. under ihe title of PIZARHO. The Scenery ( entirely new) consists of a great variety of Picturesque Views, See. Ataliba ( Ki'ng ofOuito), Mr. WALLACK ; Rolia, JVfr. LAURENT; Don Aloozo de Molina, Mr. HELVE ; Principal Dancers— Miss Adams and the Miss Cabanels; And Cora, Mrs. WYBROW. Mr. PORTER will perform his wonderful TRAMPO- LINE'TRICKS, on the Stage, over 30 Men's Heads, j over a Garter 12 feet high, through a Balloon surrounded j with brilliant Fireworks, in which ad he will fire off two Pistols. The Evening's Amusements to conclude with, the favourite Comic Pantomime of THE SEASONS; Or, HARLEQUIN IN ALL WEATHERS. In the course of the Pantomime Mr. Wallack will introduce tl. e favourite new Song descriptive of His Majesty's Re- view of Ihe Loyal Volunteer A? mqd. Associations. Placet for the Boxes to be taken of Mrs. Adams, at the Circus. Boxes 4s.— Pit 2s_.— Gallery is.— Doors to be opened at half past'five, and the performances to commence at half past six o'clock.— Half- price to begin at half past eight. CITY of LONDON, WESTMINSTER, and Borough of SOUTH WARK NEW UNIVERSAL TONTINE, For the Benefit of Survivors, at the expiration of Seven Years, established 121I1 November, 1798. TREASURERS— The BANK of ENGLAND, Where the Subscriptions and all other Monies ate placed at Interest in the name of the following Trustees: SOCIETY for the RELIEF of the RUPTURED POOR This day are published. The Second Edition, with Additions, Price is. AFEW GENERAL RULES and IN- STRUCTIONS, very necessary to be attended to by those of both Sexes, who are afflicted with RUPTURES. By WILLIAM. TURNBULL, A. M. Fellow of the Medical Society of London, Surgeon to the Eastern Dispensary* and the Society for the Relief of the Ruptured Poor. Sold by J. Johnson, St^ Paul's Church- yard ; T. Boosey, Old Broad- street; J. Wright, Piccadilly; Murray and Highly, Fleet- street; and J. and A. Arch, Gracechurch- street. The profits arising from the sale of this publication are appropriated to the uses of the Charity. Where may b^ had, by the same Author, 1. An INQUIRY into the ORIGIN and ANTIQUITY of the LUES VENEREA ; Third Edit. 2s. 6d. 2. A TREATISE on CHIRURGiCAL DISEASES, & c.; from the French of CHQPART and DESAULT, late principal Surgeons to the Hotel Dieu, Paris; with Notes and Observations ; First Vol. 9s. 5. A HISTORY of 8 CASE of EXTRA UTERINE GESTATION, illustrated with Plates; 12s. U! Harvey C. Combe, Esq. M. F. Mr. William Sharpe, Banker. Smiihfield. Mr. Jos. Taylor, Banker, Southwark. And nine respetlable Mer- chants. TONTINES, which were established in the years 1790 and 1791, when the Funds were very high, and which were obliged to sell at the expiration of their seven years, when the price of Slock was very low, lost most, if nut al'their interest, together with the advantage of deaths and d faulters.— The first under this name was divided in November las', and though there was a loss of mo e 1 han 40 per cent, on a great deal of their Stock, yet the trustees paid the holders of shares more than the amount of their subscriptions. The Secretary has the great pleasure of acquainting the Subscribers, that the Second Tontine stands, now without any loss on the purchasers, a> d that all the interest and survivorship is this day clear profit. He also most respectfully informs the Members of the Third Tontine, that ( besides inierest, & c.) there is a profit of seven percent, on all their money vested 111 the Bank. Both these concerns began when Stocks were much higher than at pre- sent, and have every prospect of becoming very profitable lo the survivors- The New Tontine, now open _ for the admission of Subscribers, has eight per cent, profit 011 the purchases already made, which'gives every reason to believe that it will be inure bene2ci. il to ils members than either of the former ones. The continual advance of the Funds, from the favourable, appearance of the affairs of the country, and llie near prospeit of a peace, which will not fail to raise them very high indeed, is so clearly seen by the Public, that great numbers'are every day apflying to be admitted. Books of Articles to be had, and Subscriptions, which are 7s. 6d. per Quarter, received by the Secretary, Mr. WM. WRI » IIT, branny and wine merchant, at the Tontine- office, No. 105, Fleet- street; as also by This day is published, price 6d. A New Edition of NIVERSAL LOVE considered and esta- blished upon its right Foundation : being a serious Inquirv how far Charity may and ought to be extended towards Persons ofdifferent Denominations in Matters of Religion, and whose Principles among the several SeCls of Christians do most naturally lead to that due Moderation required. By ROBERT BARCLAY. Printed and sold by James Phillips and Son, George- yard, Lombard- street. TRAVELS IN AMERICA. This day is published, in Two Vols. OCtavo, illustrated with Sixteen Plates, price 18s. a new Edition of TRAVELS thro' the STATES of NORTH AMERICA, apd the PROVINCES of UPPER and LOWER CANADA, during the Years 1795, 1796, and 1797- By ISAAC WELD, Esq. jun. Printed for John Stockdale, Piccadilly. By whom will be published on Saturday next, in 3 vols. Svo. with Fdrty Plates, price only ll. 7s. . TRAVELS in UPPER and LOWER EGYPT, under- taken by order of the late King of France. By C. S. SON- NINI. Translated from the French, with Notes and an Introduction. By HENRY HUNTER, D. D. This day is published, price 4s. in boards, THE TRAVELLER'S COMPANION in a TOUR through ENGLAND and WALES ; con- taining a Catalogue of the Antiquities, Houses, Parks, Plan- tations, Scenes, and Situations, in England and Wales; ar- ranged according to the Alphabetical Order of the several Counties. By the late Mr. GRAY, Author of the Elegy written in a Country Church Yard, & c. To which are now added, considerable Improvements and Additions. London: Printed for G. Kearsley, Fleet- street. LONDON COURIER. ACOPY of THE COURIER Newspaper wanted for the years 1796, 1797,1798, and 1799. Apply to the Office, 159, Fleet- street; to Mr. Wm. Bain, No. 19, Tothill- fields, Westminster; or to Mr. William Moffat, So- licitor, and Agent for The Courier, Charles- Street, Edin- burgh. WANTS a PLACE, as GARDENER, or GARDENER and BAILIFF, a sober, steady, single Man, who perfectly understands the management of Hot- hou9e, Green house, Framing, and Kitchen Garden ; has been much used to Exotic Plants, Propagation of Fo- rest Trees, & c. Can have a good character from his last place. Direct 10 W. T. ( post paid), at Mr. Cleaver's, ba- ker, Hammersmith. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. BOOTT, At the Three Crowns Inn, in Leicester, on Wednesday, the nth day of September next, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, in Lots, SIX UNDIVIDED PARTS in SEVEN of several very desirable FREEHOLD ESTATES ( Tythe- free), situate at Great Peatling, in the County of Peatling in the County of Leicester; containing together about 273 Acres, now in the tenures of Micha Flude and John Mervin, of Great Peatling, Ralph Oldakers, of Ar- nesby and Richard Mervin, of Willoughby Waterless. Great Peatling is situate within two miles of the Turnpike Road, leading from Leicester, through Welford, to North- ampton, 8 from Leicester, 6 from Lutterworth, and 10 from Market Harborough. Also 4 miles from the Union Canal at Blaby, and 3 miles from the same Canal at Kilbv. Printed Particulars may be had of Messrs. Stephens, Whitmarsh and Marsh, A'ttornics, Salisbury; of Mr. Townsend, No. 11, Staple's inn, London; at the Three Crowns inn, Leicester; the Denbigh Arms, Lutterworth ; of Mr. Chamberlain, of Cropredy, near Banbury; of the Auctioneer, and Messrs. Blunts, Attornies at Law, Lough- borough. For a view, apply to the several Tenants, and for further Particulars, to Messrs. Stephens and Co. and Messrs Blunts. VILLA AND LAND, ESSEX. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. HARRY PHILLIPS, At his Great Room, Bond- street, on Friday, the rfth of August, at One o'Clock, SUBSTANTIALLY- BUILT FREE- HOLD VILLA and Offices, with detachel Coach- house and Stabling for five horses, Farm Yard, Barns, Cow- house, Kitchen Garden, well cropped and planted, interceded by Gravel Walks, and ornamented with Shrubs ; together with Thirty- two Acres of rich Pasture aud Arable Land, in a high state of cultivation, Copyhold of Inheritance. The situation is peculiarly pleasant and healthful, in a so- cial neighbourhood, distant from London forty miles, from Chelmsford twelve, and from liraiatree one. Immediate possession will be given; and printed Parti eulars may be had as above; and of Mr. Clacker, Chelms- ford. Messrs. Ridges. Newark, Mr. Gunniss, Louth, Mr. Wimberley, Huntingdon, Mr. Peele, Liverpool, Mr. Minshull, Chester, Mr. Jackson, Coventry, Mr. Smith, Stockport, Mr. Lynes, jun. Litcham. Mr. Lambert, Plymouth- Dock, Mr. Gee, Cambridge, Mr. Horsey, Poitsea, Mr. Leager, Harwich, Mr. Lievwrighi, Edtn burgh, and Mr. John Belief., Frc- derick- street, Dublin, Gentlemen wishing to be Agents to this Tontine in popu- lous towns, where none are already appointed, will be pleased to address the Secretary ( with a reference), in Loudon. A useful Companion for all Officers, Commissaries, See. & c. A NEW GERMAN GRAMMAR, Under the Patronage- of His Royal Highness the Duke of YORK. This day is published, price 6s. neatly bound, ACONCISE PRACTICAL GRAMMAR of the GERMAN TONGUE. By the Rev. WILLIAM RENDER, Teacher of the German Language in the University of Cambridge. London: Printed by C. Whittingham, Dean- street, Fet- ter- lane, for H. D. Symonds, Paternoster- row ; and sold by C. Geisweiler, Pall- mall; H. Eschar, Broad- street, Bloomsbury; T. Boosey, Old Broad- street; Bell and Brad- fute, Edinburgh; and Archer, Dublin. In this Grammar conciseness and perspicuity have been especially attended to, by which the student will be ena- bled to avoid much unnecessary 1 rouble and perplexity. Tiie German type cut on purpose for this work by Mr. Caslon, is the fir* t of the kind that has ever been cast in this country; and it is presumed will be found on inspection 10 be much superior in elegance to the same kind of type in u; e on the Continent. An engraved alphabet, and examples of the German writing character are likewise given, which will ena- ble the learner 10 read with facility any written correspon- dence in that language ; an advantage which cannot be found in any other Grammar of the German language, or indeed any other English publication AL BREWING AND MALTING. MR. MOR T ON, ai No. 7, in the Sirand. res- peClfuhy informs, that he instructs Gentlemen in the use of the Thermometer, and the application of that instru ment, relative to the process of brewing, and will furnish them with Manuscript Instructions, which will enable them to pr « tiic « the A. rt of Brawing Porter, Pale A1-, and other Malt Liquor; he will also furnish them with Manuscript Instructions for making Pale and Brown Malts, alter the most approved praClice ; he having had a long practice, and his in- truClions having met tile approbation of great num- bers of Gentlemen of the first scientific abilities, makes him fully confident that his infarmati 11 will give the highest sa- tisfaction to those who are pleased to apply to him, and there are many Gentlemen of the first eminence, brewing and malting from his Manuscripts, with the greatest success, many of whom he has not had the pleasure of seeing, but has their vouchers, highly approving of his different modes of praClice. His Manuscripts puts it in the power of Gen- tlemen to brew an exceeding fine flavoured Porter, from Malt and Hops alune, combined with the simple element of Wates, without the use of any oilier ingredient whate- ver. Any Address sent post paid to D. Morton, will be duly • ttended to. INFORMATION RELATIVE TO SCOTLAND. THE Inhabitants of North Britain are respect- fully informed, from the great and increasing demand for SPILSBURY's ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, that | Mr. Scott, Apolhecary, and Mr. Baxter, Italian Warehouse, South Bridge, Edinburgh, are appointed wholesale Agents, where the Public and Venders of Patent Medicines way be supplied 011 the same terms as at the Dispensary, Soho- square, London. Also may. be had a new Edition of Spils- bury's much admired TREATISE on the SCURVY, GOUT, DIET, and REMEDY. To prevent deception,. It is necessary to add, that Ihe Droi- 6 are in moulded bottles with fluted corners, and the words " Francis Spilsbury's Antiscorbutic Drops, by the King's Patent," indented 011 ( « jcb 5$. bottle; and on tile large buttles the Kjog's Arms, t Just published, price 2s. 6d. 3d Edit. with Addition.,, GENERAL JNSTRUC'l IONS for the CHOICE of WINES and SPIRI10US LIQUORS. Printed for J. Debreft, opp aite Burlington- house, Pic cadilly. Though the Paracelsian Medicines were found by expe- riment to be much more powerful than the Galenical, they have also been found, in 100 many instances, to be more dangerous and deleterious in their nature. An a tempt was made from thirty to forty years ago to bring back the Vegetable World into those departments thai thev had for- merly occupied ill the Materia Medics, but from which they had been excluded by the introduCli 11 of Minerals by Sir John Hill, unquestionably an excellent Chemist, Botanist, and Physiologist ; although he was fully sensible and rather boasted too much of his Own accomplishments ; this circum- stance, combined with another, namely, that Sir John, warmly patronized by the, Earl of Bute, contributed to the formation of a very general agreement, and, perhaps, we" might say conspiracy, among medical men in England, at a time when the noble and liberal Earl was a very general ob- ject of misguided animosity, 10 throw cold water on the dis- coveries and praClice of that Physician; but of late years there has evidently appeared a tendency, which is still eitcrea- sin to employ variou- preparations of Vegetables, instead of Minerals; the former being undoubt, dly more denial and assimilated to the human constitution than the latter; but it being equally certain, that some of the most powerful drugs are not of a mineral but of a vegetable nature. In harmony and perfed conformity with this recent turn in the medical world, Mr. M'Rride gives instructions for the choice of wines, candid in decisions, and the result of much experience. He particularly recommends, as a safe and powerful remedy for a great variety of diseases, a wine called Toc- kayd'E » - pagna, produced from the Grape imported from Asia into a Spanish monastery. The salutary efficacy of this wine is attested by many Fhysicians of eminence, of whom it will be sufficient to mention the celeb- ated Dr. Black, of the University of Edinburgh, the liberal and candid Dr. John- son, one of the Pnyticuiis of the Board of Sick and Wound- ed S eamen, Somerset place, as well as patients who have received the greatest possible benefit from that wine.— it is made very clear by the introduClory part of this Trea- tise, that the flavour and quality of wines do not by any means depend solely on climate, soil, or mode of culture, but very much 011 the species, extraClion, or race of the vine. This publication mav be of great use in apprising Gentlemen of the tricks used in the wine trade, and the dif- ficulties encountered in procuring safe and sound wines, and the means bv which these difficulties may be surmounted— on the whole, it isnot too much to apply lo this useful pub- lication the famous adages of Horace. Cuine tuiit punCtum qui miscuit utile dulci. NEUROTICA and PEPTICOS TINCTURE, FOR THE CURE OF NERVOUS, BILIOUS, and GOUTY DISORDERS. THE above Medicine is brought forward to the Public, after an immense study and expenee, by a person of eminence, who, for some years, has administered it privately with uncommon success. Nervous disorders and indigestion, are the parents of Asthmas, Pains in the Breast and Stomach, Slow Fevers, Consumptions, Scurvy, Gout, Flatulency, and innumerable other Complaints, which are rather effefls than causes, and which vanish when the original disorder is removed. All Nervous Diseases arise from Relaxation or Obstruc- tion ; and as the one cannot continue long without produc- ing the otaer, so they mutually exasperate each other, and ifi a habit naturally disposed to Nervous Complaints, soon produce ve. ry troublesome symptoms,, which from the slightest to the most severe, have their paroxysms. It prevents rhe Gout attacking the Stomach or Head, and is of most essential service in the Irregular and FlyingGout; and Persons labouring under those dreadful Complaints- Spasms in the Chest and Intestines, will find instant Relief. During a Course of Sea Bathing, the Neurotica and Pe> p- ticos Tincture will be found of great Advantage, as it dif- fuses a genial Warmth; it prevents that Numbness many Persons experience after Bathing, and will strengthen and invigorate the whole System, To Persons of a cold, acid, and austere Habit of Body, in cases where the Bile does not. perforin its office, . and in j every disorder where there is a languor, the Neurotica and Pepticos Tintlure will prove a most excellent Remedy. It is a noble Cardiac, Stomachic, Anti- paralytic, and Anti- spasmodic Medicine. Those who labour under debility or relaxations, either produced from residence in hot climates, free living, or from OTHER CAUSES, will find a Cure from the above TinCture, which is so innocent that an infant may take it, and yet so powerful, as to afford relief in two days in the most invete rate Case it has never failed; and is of so healing and bal- samic a nature, that people in health should use it, to pre- serve it, for it prevents the ill effeCls of excess ill eating and drinking, Or want of exercise Sold wholesale and retail by the Proprietors, No. 54, Upper Norton- street, Fitzroy- square, London. Also, by their appointment, at Green's Medicine Warehouse, No. 132, Oxford- street, near Holies- street; Ward's, No. 324, H Iborn, opposite Gray's Inn ; Tutt's, at the Royal Ex- change; and Shaw's, No. 74, High- street, Borough, op- posite to the Southwark Bank, in moulded bottles, with the words, " Neurotica and Pepticos TmCture for the Cure of Nervous, Billious, and Gouty Disorders," engraved: and sealed with the Proprietors Arms, at 109. and 5s. jd. a bottle duty included. Ml B——, at his house, No. 29, Arundel- strret, continues to confine his praClice to the cure of the VENEREAL DISEASE, and certain DEBILI- TIES incidental to either sex. He Batters himself that his respedability as a MEMBER of the CORPORATION of SURGEONS, and every way qualified to praClice, will distinguish him from those who, without such qualification, have had the temerity to offer a cure for thesecomplaints. His mode of treatment is so superior to the common me- thod, thai in recent cases of Venereal infeClion, the pain, the danger, and the distress are prevented, and a safe and com- plete cure is speedily accomplished. In the most obstinate Obstructions, inveterate StriClurcs, Gleets, Seminal Weakness, and even in complaints where the most eminent Praflitioners have failed, his experience / lias enabled him to offer a radical cure, and a permanent re- 1 establishment. Mr. II may be consulted in all Venereal complaints, in all disorders arising from a secret solitary vice, and those derangements of the system which cause IMPOTEN- Ij the Word, it may be st> coriV. deret | pY in one sex, and BARRENNESS in the other. | a„ d technical point « f view, it c f Ihe house being large and spacious, is so calculated for j „ salvage under ce- tain cwc'lim Jpcrecv. natipnt ran tecrecy, that no patient can possibly be discovered. No. 29, Arundel- street, Strand, near Temple- bar. % *•* Letters from the'Country, inclosing a O.-. e- pound || Noie, are immediately answered. HIGH COURT OF ABM I HAL JY. SALVAGE. The following cause, which involves a subject of the utmost importance to the commercial part of the countiy, was on Thursd . y tried before Sir William Scott : On the joth of January last, the Minerva East Ind iaman, bound from Bengal to Lontfon, was at her moorings in the Downs. A violent Storm, or rather hurricane, came on, by which sh- was driven from her moorings. She lost her best bower an- chor, a small anchor, and hadouh her sheet anchor left, which was insufficient to secure her in that anchorage. Thus situated, she drifted right before the wind, the wiud blowing violently from the S. S. W. till she was within half cat » ie length of His Majesty's ship the Diomed. The crew of the Diomed were sensible of the imminent danger both ships were jo, and were preparing, at the only means of avoiding the Minerva, t>> cut their own cable; but the Minerva suddenly Veering from the course she was in, rendered this unne- cessary. While the Minerva was drifting towards the Diomed, and, as well as several o her ships in the Downs, was firing signals of distress, she was hailed by the Sparrow, an open lug boat be- longing to Deal, of eleven tons aud six men, at at that time expressly on the look out to assist ships in distress. They went on hoard, by the desire of Capt. Bianey, of the Minerva, and ( he first ihing directed, in otder to avoid the inline-* diate danger of running foul of the Diomed, was to cut the stay- cable, lower the topsail, and loose the foresail. It had the desired effect, and the Minerva, it was clearly proved, owed her safety to this skilful operation. Capt. Bianey inquired of the boat's crew whether they had a pilot among thtm who could carry his ship to the North Sea, to Yarmouth, or Margate Roads, where the anchorage was such that he could use his remain- ing anchor? But they observed uiey were not Pilots, and declined offering him any assistance, unless he would allow them to convey him to Ramsgate harbour, to which he immediately Con- sented. On their first coming on board, they had doubted whether even this was practicable; a'fid had proposed, as the only mode ofsaving the ship and cargo, to cut away her main- mast, and run her ashore in Pegwell Bay ; but in the mean time another lugger, the Pitt, came up, and it j was then determined that she might be carried into Ramsgate harbour. Some objection was at first made by the crew of the Sparrow to receiving the assistance of the Pitt; but it was afterwards agreed they should all equally share in any ad- vantage that might be gained for having Saved the Minerva. They accordingly carried her safe into the harbour of Ramsgate, arid afterwards made a claim of 7000I. as salvage, for having saved the ship. This demand was resisted, as considerably too exoibitant, and the sum of 700I. was offered as a reasonable and adequate com- pensation, but was rejected, and the piesent suit was instituted, in order to obtain the opinion of the Court of Admiralty on the subject. It ap- peared the ship and cargo were woith 40,00 ® '. [ t was also deposed in evidence by several naval Officers, vVho were on board their ships in the Downs at the time the circumstance took place, that the Minerva was in the greatest possible dan- ger; that infinite merit was due 1o the crew of the luggers, particularly of the Sparrow, and that they were entitled to a very ample and liberal reward. Sir Jopw NICHOLLS and Doctor ARNOLD con- tended, thatdhis was not a case of salvage, hut of pilotage; that the Captain of the Minerva had never given up the command of his ship; that the manoeuvre by which she was prevented running foul of the Diomed, was 3 common operation uf navigation, executed by the crew of the Minerva; and, from any thing that ap- peared in evidence, might have been the result of the Captain's own orders; that the only assist- ance the Captain wanted, was to be piloted to the North Sea ; that the carrying the ship into Rams- gate harbour was an act which the lugger's crew had preferred, from their local knowledge of the place ; that they were only entitled to be paid as pilots, and consequently that 700!. was more than a sufficient remuneration. Doctor LAWRENCE and Dr. SWABEY, on the ' other side, insisted that the service performed was of the most meritorious nature, and deserved U> be repaid by the same rate of salvage as was usually given for saving a ship ofsuch immense value, ' i he salvors, however, under all the cir- cumstances, were contented to take much less; but they trusted that an allowance of five per cent. w( iuld be the least the Court would award' i them. Sir Wi LLIAM SCOTT delivered his judgment between the parties to the following effect :— " In this case a distinction has been made be- | tween salvage and pilotage:— they certainly are i subjects extremely different in their nature, though they are frequently combined. Pilotage ; consists in an act of labour pet formed at the helm j by persons peculiarly bred to that way of life. | Such a service as this maybe attended with dan- j g » r, or it- may not, according to circumstances - but it is a ciear. po'iti n that a service of this kind, | even though it shouidfbe accompanied with ha- i zard, does not become salvage. It is true that, ( I in the common accepiation. attd popular sense of dered; but, in a legal certainly cannor. stances, may be consideied as an art of p; l tage, according to the dceidvntal connection and coincidence of events but, generally Spiking, it is an act perfectly dis THE COURIER gnishable from it. In the present instance, the persons who claim salvage forhaving saved a valu- able ship, are confessedly not pilots;— they are the proprietors of boats, who, possessing a consider- able th are of skill and intrepidity, contribute by their exertions to ihe security of the navigation \ n a very dangerous part of our coast. Ill the most tempestuous weather they run out to sea, at the peril of their lives for the purpose of of- fering their services to vessels in danger of suf- fering shipwreck, and thus are frequently in- strumental in preserving the lives and propertied of those who seek our shores. A service of this kind is in itself so important, that the Court cannot but be extremely unwilling to discourage the efforts of those engaged in it. It rather wishes they should be liberally rewarded. The commerce of the tountrv is concerned, and inti- mately depends upon holding forth rewards to those who voluntarily h « tarri their lives in hope* of " obtaining them. It m y be proper iti the first place to consider what was the situation of this ship. It appears she was ao East Indiaman, in the coarse of navigation from the East Indies, under the care of a Captain who was no stranger to th> general b siness <> f tftuductigg a \ essel to our coasts. He had brought hfr in safeiy through a tedious voyage, with the nature of which, from ilis long services, h « was perfectly acquainted. " On the 30th of Jan. it appears he moored his ship in the Downs, sown after which a vio- lent s: oim, by some of the witnesses described as a hurricane, arose : the ship parted from her an- chors, and wis drifting in a manner truly alarm- ing to the individuals on board: the night was 3ark, the Captain was riot precisely acquainted with th? t particular psrtot the toast. pi< d besides, there was no anchorage nr. und nv which his only remaining anchor could secure him. While the ship was in this hopeless situation, ii appears jn the depositions, though the fact has not been ' alluded to, that the crew were on the point of making an experiment bv clearing away the fore cans in- order to steer for the Gull Streams— what the success of this experi nent mi ht have been 1 know liot; i' certainly was hazardous, and mightsin all probability h > ve tailed. While contemplating this experiment, which ceriain'y Could not have been ma-' e without con'id rable peril, he naturalh lo k d . U' for a pilot; these ? ersens came up and offered their assistance : feel it my duty to take up their ment at a much earlier stage than it has been considered by the learned Counsel— I conceive the ment attributable to them attaches from their first leaving the shore and braving the dangers of a stormy sea in a dark and boisierma night; not acting as pilot?, a e p- ici . vfncli ' vould have imposed such a dut\ upon tliem but as volun- teers, taking the chan e of what assistance they r might be en bled to offer, ?. .; committing them- selves 111 an |< en boat, a: tin- ri k of their lives. It is tins that constitutes their principal m - iit; for after they go, on board, it does not appear any very great exertions w? re used, nor inched wtre any very great .- xeriions necessary. It is important to the countiy, and the preservation of its commerce, that men aciing in this manner should be animated by the certain hope of being amply rewarded when their seivices are required, for they often venture out in stormy weather Without meeti' g with any vessel in a situation that renders their assistance necessary. They were asked whether they were pilots ? and an- sweied truly that they were not. No ill conduct can be imputed to them, though it has been at- tempted, for the part they acted ; they said they would not take charge of the vessel to the North Seas; they were inadequate to the task of carry- ing her there with safety, aud they accordingly stated in express terms, that if the Captain would not allow them lo navigate her into Ramsgate haibour, he was not to expect any assistance from them. Surely this was language by no means improper for them to hold. It appears that the other boat having come up, an alter* cation took place ; some were for cutting away the mast, and running the ship on shore. Such an altercation taking place, without any opposi- tion on the part of the crew, shews pretty strongly what must have been the situation of the ship', for had it not been in a slate of th « greatest danger, no Captain entrusted with ss important a charge would have heard wf such a proposition without protesting against it. It was a proposal that must have shoeked- the ears of any one ; and theiefore it appears from that circumstance, the ship, after tiie- b « ats crews were on board, wi) s in no mean hazard. They then joined in conduct*, ing the ship to Ramsgate harbour, which they accomplished with very little exertion. As to the act of veering the ship by lowering the sails, it has not been proved to have been the act of these men; the ship's crew must have been competent to such an act of navigation, and the Captain must have known such a maneeuvre would have produced such an effect. 1 therefore, cannot at- tribute this as any great merit to the people of the boats. The vessel was carried into harbour with as little exertion as 1 have ever known. In sum* cases we hear Of ships beating about two or three days ; but here the whole was performed f jn the space of two hours and a half. There was 110 danger after they were on board ; nor has it been shewn that any ship was lost in consequence j of the violence of the weather. It is evident I there was very little labour in doing what was [ done; but the great meiit to which 1 Inok is in the original act of venturing from shore.— The reward, therefore, should he proportioned, not to the actual labour, but with a view to the general utility of such hazardous services. When I consider the lives that are at stake, and the property that is exposed by the dangers of the sea ; and when 1 find both preserved by the ex- ertions of such persons as are now before the Court, I must say, that, to my mind, the ne- cessity of Captains and Owners of ships dealing j largely and liberally towards them is obvious. • Here has been an offer of 700I. which the per- j sons who have rendered this service have refused, not taking it upon themselves to appreciate their j services, but referring it to this Court whether it was a proper compensation ; and stating their Court. I cannot see such conduct on their part j ill an improper light. The subject was a Very EAST- INDIES. fit one 10 refer to a third person, and the law has appointed this Court as such third person. I do not see they have embarrassed the case with any unnecessary litigation— they have put in but one plea, and h. rve given the Owners every facility with regard to the cargo, by n. t insisting upon keeping the arrest in fotce til! the determination of the quesiion. Considering, upon the one hand, the general security of the navigation ; and, on the other, the small exertions which were necessaiy in this case, I shall giv$ rather more than was offered, but less than was asked. I shall give them 2i percent, on the value of the ship and cargo, with their expences."— Decreed accoidingly. EARL HOWE. « MAILS. Arri irrrt. Hamburgh Dualin ... Waterforel Due. .. t .. 1 .. I STOCKS— This Dav at Twelve O'Clock. Three per Ct. Cons. 61 j 62^ 61 Omnium 8f 10^ preni. Stocks experienced some depression this morning in conse- quence of the sailing of the Combined Fleets. Omnium fell to 9, rose afterwards to 103, and then fell to 9J. THE COURIER. LONDON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 6. After the Combined Fleets left Cadiz, on the list, they steered a N. W. course with a strong wind from the Southward. Their force amounted to 54 sail of the line, which, it is imagined, will be increased to about 60 sail by the Ferrol squa- dron from Rochefort. From the course which they steered, many have supposed that Ireland is their object: some have conjectured that they are going directly to Brest; others think tliey have in view the liberating the Dutch fleet. It was said, that the French ships had on board AUGE- REAU'S corps of 12,000 men, and that the Spanish ships took on board a body of 10,000 men, which had been, for some time before the arrival of the fleet at Carthagena, collected at that port for the purpose, as was then imagined, of attempt- ing the recapture of M norca. We know not, however, that any of our ships have been near enough to the fleeis t> asceitain wile Iter they have troops on board or not— if thev have, it is not likely that their object is to go to Brest; and it the- have not, Iieland cannot be their place of iestiiiation. It > s this morning rumoured in the city that it was only the French Fleet which sailed fiom Cadiz. But this rumour is in direct contradic- tion to the accounts received hy Government. Were we to be called upon for an opinion, which can, of course, only be formed upon very loose conjecture, we should give it as our opinion that the Fleets will go first to Brest. With respect io Lord KEITH, the same uncer- tainty continues to prevail. He was said to have been at Minorca on the 3d July ; yet if he had, say some, he would have been off Gibraltar be- fore the 19th, the date of the last dispatches from that plaae. Ships, however, we are informed, are often twenty dayS in coming from Minorca to Gibraltar. But there is a belief entertained that the English fleet, finding that the French made no very serious efforts to succour their army in Italy, suspected that their appearance on the Italian coast was only a feint to deceive us, and that their real object was te relieve BUONAPARTE. Influenced by this suspicion, Lord KEITH, it is imagined, may have run up as far as Malta. While this uncertainty continues te exist with respect to the destination of the Combined Fleets, and till we have intelligence of our fleet having got through the Gut, Government we should suppose will delay the Secret Expedition. Yet we hear that troops, & c. embarked at Woolwich yesterday* and several vessels fell down to Deal. Letter from an officer of t'he Scots Brigade, dated Fort St George, Madras, February 19. We arrived safe here the 1 7th of January, after experiencing a dreadful storm at sea, wherein our fleet, consisting of eight transports, besides men of war, were totally dispersed. After the storm, we fell in with one of our transports, which accompanied us hither, where we found the remainder of our convoy at anchor. We learned that war had been declared against Tip- poo ; and five hundred of our best men were ordered to join the grand army, under General Harris. I expect to follow with the remainder in a few days. Major Drummond at present commandshere. Ourarmy is nowin Tippou's do- minions, but he has shewn every aversion to war. Vaukeels daily arrive with proposals of peace, which hitherto have been rejected. We demand, ist, All the expences of the present armament, id, The possession of Matigalore, till the conclu- sion of a general peace in Europe. 3d, Tha ex- pulsion of all the French from Tippoo's domi- nions; and 4th, a residency at Seringapafam, See. I am informed that he has agreed to the three first demands, but cannot think of admitting us into his capital. Our barracks, both for soldiers and officers, are truly elegan', and 110 expence is spared to make us comfortable. We are all bri- gaded. The 12th and 74th regiments, and Scots Brigade, compose General Baird's brigade, and it is esteemed the best in India. Letter from a Gentleman 011 board one of the India ships, dated Madras, February 28, 1799. We are now under apprehensions of being de- tained in the country on account of this new In- dian war; this morning, howev; er, has decreased these apprehensions, as it is confidently said we shall go direct home. The preparations for war are immense— there is scarcely a palanquin to be seen in Madras, the bearers having all repaired'to the camp, and Lord Mornington promises to give a good account of Tippoo. The first division of troops is, it is said, to be embarked at Ramsgate to- morrow. Fifty sail of ships arrived there on Sunday. Adm. MITCHELL, after a long conference with the Admiralty Board, left town last night to take the command of the Fleet. An embargo on all British ships in port is ex- pected to take place immediately. The arrival of Capt. WICKFY yesterday morn ing with the intelligence of the sailing of the ombined Fleets, from Cadiz was deemed of so much importance that Mr.' POWELL was irnmedi- atel\ sent off express to A- dmiral KINGSMIIL, at Cork; am' Mr. EASTWOOD, the Messenger, left town io I'or sinouth. Ten en ters, with ih- 8; th regiment of foot 011 Iv- ard, airned at Ramsgaie 011 Sunday last from Cowes. A vast number of transports of all kinds are now collected at Ramsgate, and the bustle of pieparation has diawn such numbers to the place, that instead of its usual retirement, the pier is a crowded mart, hardiy to be paralleled at any sea pott in the kingdom. Admiral Sir PETER PARKER being, in conse_ quence of the death of Earl HOWE, the Senior Flag Officer in the British Navy, succeeds h: » Lordship as Admiral of the Fleet, and General of Marines. This promotion, we believe, takes place as a matter of course. Admiral BARRING- TON will then stand at the head of the Admirals of the White Flag. On Sunday last notice was given in the Roman Catholic places of . Worship, that the Sardinian Chapel would be re- opened on Sunday next foi Divine Service. This Chapel, - which was always maintained at the expence of the King of SAR- DINIA, was shut up when that Monarch was driven by the French from Turin, its re- open- ing, therefore, is considered as a favourable omen of his Majesty's return to Piedmont, and of his reinstatement. A seaman belonging to Falmouth, who had been confined several months in a French pri son, came home within these few days. He left the prison at Valenciennes the 15th of June last, and sailed from Dunkiik in a cartel the 4th of July. He reports that there are at present very few privateers out of Dunkirk ; that he saw three new frigates lying there, which had not been yet at sea. Provisions were very cheap in the North of France, and there was a great Yesterday morning died in the 73d year of his age, at his house in Grafton- street, Piccadilly, the Right Hon. Richard Howe, E.. rl and Vis- count Howe, of Langar, in Nottinghamshire. His Lordship was ihe second son of Sir Emanuel Scrope, the second Lord Viscount Howe, Baron of Clonaw.' y, who was appointed Governor of Barbadoes in May 1732, and Maria Sophia. Char- Iotte, eldest daughter to the Baron Kilmanseck, Master of ihe Horse to George tHe First, as El ector of Hanover. The family of Hotve was of distinction in the counties of Somerset, Wilts, and Dorset, for several generations.— The manor of Langar, in the county df Notting- ham, came into the possession of the family by ' he marriage of John Howe, Esq. with Arabella, daughter of the Earl of Sunderland, whose eldest son, Sn S rope, was created a Baron and Vis- count, aud was succeeded by Scrope, the father of the present Eail Howe, in the year 1712. His Lordship was born in 1725, and entered the navy, in which he made such a glorious figure, at the ; rge of 14. His first voyage was to the South Seas with Admiral Anson. After giving many signal proofs of courage and ability in the subordinate situations, he was made Captain in 1745, and on the 23d of August 1763, w « s appointed to the Board of Admiialty ; a station which he continued to hold through two commissions, until the 30th of August 1765. He was then made Treasurer of the Navy; and, on the 18th of October 1770, when he resigned this p, st, as well as his Cttlonelahip of Marines, to whichi he was appointed in 1760, he was promoted Rear- Admiral of the Blue, and Commander in Chief in the Mediterranean. He experienced no farther advancement until the 31st of March 1775, u'hen he was appointed Rear- Admiral of the White; and, on the general election, whichi took place in the same year, was chosen Member for ihe borough of Dartmouth. On the 71I1 of December 177;, he was made Vice- Admiral of the Blue. On the memorable change of Ministry in 1782, Lor « Howe, a title which he enjoyed since 1758, on ths death of his elder brother, was advanced tri the Peerage of Great Britain by the ttire of Viscount Howe, of Langar, in the county of Nottingham. On the 8th of the same month he had been previously advanced io ihe rank of Ad- miral of the Blue, and accep'td the command of the fl- et for the relief of Gibraltar. Peace being concluded almost immediately after his Lordship's return from this expedition, 011 the 28th Jan. 1 783, he was nominated First Lord of the Admiialty, which office he resigned to Lord V scount Kep » pel 011 the 8th of A;> ril following ; but again suc- ceeded to it on th 30th of December in the same y » a . O > the 24th of September 1787, he was advanced to be Admiral ot the White. On the 16th of July 178S. he finally quitted his s- a'ion at th Admiralty, which he had siccupied so much to the sat sfaction < f his country ; and on he 191b of August following, was created an Eaii of Great Britain, by the title of Earl Howe. On thecoinmencementof the w. r wiih France, in 1793. his Lordship, at the pa ticu ar request of his Sovereign, accepted the painful and ar- duous command ot the Western squadron. The great victory of the istof June, 1794, i » fresh in the recollection, not only of our readers, but of the whole world. On his return fiom that memorable a chievement, their Majesties, with three of the Princesses, arriving at Portsmouth on the 26th, proceeded next morning in barges, to visit Lord Howe's ship, the Queen Charlotte, at Spithead. His Majesty held a naval levee on hoard, and presented the veteran Commander with a diamond- hilted sword valued at 3* 00 guineas, and a gold chain, to which the medal, given 011 the occasion, is suspended. His Lord- ship also received the thanks of both Houses of Parliament, and of the Common Council of Lon- don, with the freedom of that city in a gold box. Lord Howe was obliged, on account of ill health, to resign the command in the Channel, in May 1795. On fhe 18th of March in the ensuing year, he kissed hands, being appointed General Of Ma- rines, vacant by the death of Admiral Forbes. Lord Howe finally resigned the command of the Western squadron, in April 1797, and was succeeded by Lord Bridport. In 1758, his Lordship mariied Mary, daughter of Chiverton Hartop, Esq. of Welby, in the county of Leicester. His issue by this lady is Lady Sophia Charlotte, married to the Honour- able Pen- Asheton Curzon, eldest son of Lord Curzon, who is lately dead; Lady Mary Indiana ; and Lady Louisa Catharine, married to the pre- sent Earl of Altamont. By the deaih of his Lordship, without issue prospect of a very abundant harvest. Previous to his leaving Valenciennes there was a body of U male, his Irish honours, which are Lord Howe, « /\ M( r/. vir\ tp laa r ni nr# tllali- avamcj2 th^ ro 10 ordiji- i- l TPOII nP Plnnnr. l. r A . ^ . ,1 ,„ UC. I. At C*:_ Yesterday morning the KING, accompanie" hy the Duke of YORK, Lords CATHCART and CRAVEN, the General Officers, and the Aids d Camp, reviewed the Reginients of Heavy Ca- valry, and the 16: h and 17th Light Horse; the troops brigaded in skirmishing parties with their artillery, across Bagshot- beath to Kings- beach- hill, alter the Review His MAJESTY rode in Windsor Park. The Duke of YORK paid a visit to Her MA JESTY and the PRINCESSES at ihe Lodge. The ROYAL FAMILY last night went to Wind- sor Theatre, to see the Comedy of Laugh when l'ou Can, and the Entertainment of The Jew and The Doctor; after the Play the comic song of j Abraham Newland was sung by Mr. WEWITZER and encored. Her Royal Highness the Princess CHARLOTTE of WALES, lefi town yesterday evening for h r house, late ' he residence of ALEXANDER TROT- TER, Esq. at Blackheath. The Piincess CHARLOTTE of WALES left town conscripts learning their exercise there, in ordvr, as it was said, to be sent off" to the Rhine.— Troops were marching off in several divisions to jj Holland, in consequence of the expected inva- ij sion of that country ; 250 soldiers belonging to j the 4th and nth regiments, captured on the late 1 expedition to Osiend, left Dunkirk in the same :| cartel with the above sailor. Gun- boats are equipped at Dunkirk, to prevent j an enemy from landing on that part of the coast, j and the National Guards are in arms. Mr. PITT and Mr. DUNDAS returned to Wal- J mer Castle, after the review oi the Kentish Vo- j lunteers by His MAJESTY, 011 Thursday last. | A Correspondent writes from Berlin— We are now ariived at the moment when we shall take an active part in the differences which agitate Eu- rope. The dismission of M. HAUGWITZ, the t Minister, is spoken of. And, it is added, that our Sovereign has determined to join in the coa- lition, under the promise that the whole country y of Gtieldres to the river Ems and to, the Rhine, as well as the Duchies of Berg and of Juliers, s all be given up to him ; that ihe seventeen Pio- Baron of Clonawly, descend to his brother Sir William Howe, and also the English Baronetcy. The English Eaildom and Viscounty are extinct, and the English Barony descends to his daugh- ters, and their heirs mala. DUKE OF HAMILTON. The Duke of Hamilton and Brandon died on Thursday last at Hamilton Palace. His Grace was son to James Duke of Hamil- ton by Elizabeth, late Duchess of Argyll, was horn in 1756, and succeeded his brother in 1769. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Peter Burrel, Esq. now Lord Gwydir. Lord- Archibald Ha- milton, his uncle, succeeds'to the title estates. His Grace was Lord Lieutenant of Lanarkshire, and Hereditary Keeper of the Palaces of Holy* roodhcuse and Linlithgow. yesterday evening for Blackheath. Lord LAUDERDALE left Edinburgh for London readiness to acquiesce in the opinion of the jj on Friday last. vmces ot the Low Countries shall in future form one S ate, of which ihe PRINCE of ORANGE shall be STADTIIOLDER. It would appear that tiio'e brilliant off- is occupy • ur Court much at pre- sent, and it is " remarked that the couriers be- f iw en this a'> d Vienna are more frequent Ulati | formerly.—( Courier de Paris ) The allusion in Mr. DUNDAS'S letter to Lord ROMNEY, respecting the particular day of the review of the Kent Volunteers, refers to the an- niversary when King GEORGE I. ascended the Throne of these Kingdoms. The report of Lord CHARLF. MONT'S death is unfounded. Though extremely id, his Lordship was all1 aiive w: en the last accounts lef; Dublin. A Flench paper says, lr is ! ear-. d ihat Gen. ( L'APOYPE, going from Genoa to Savona, has been i taken by the English." » THE COURIER NAVAL INTELLIGENCE. Plymouth, Ai. g. 4.— Arrived the Triton fri- gate, fiom off Caii. z and a large Swedish 6hip, detained by the Fistiguard frigate, from Memel to Spain; DEAL, Aug. 5.— Wind S. W. Sailed a fleet of Revenue cutteis to Ramsgate and Yaimouth, antl a fleet of transports to Iiamsgate. • GBAVESEND, Aug. 5.— Passed by the Aaron, Bell, from Londonderry ; Worth Stianger, , andProbeit, brothers, from Denmark. THEATRE. The following English men of war arrived on the 21st ult. in the road of Elsitieut :— Inflexible • » •• « 64 Captain FEUHIS. Wassenaer 6+ CRAVEN. Braakel 54 WALKER. Experiment 44 • SAVILLE. E pedition 44 LIVINGSTONE. Hebe jS BIHCUALI.. And the Lugger Lady Anne, of 16 guns, Lieutenant EVIL. They are bound for Revel, for the purpose of taking Russian troops on board. As soon as they had got pilots on board, they sailed up the Baltic. The French corvette, La Mouche, is arrived at Cadiz trom Courdeaux, in 13 days; and has carried in there two American ships, which she took a few hours after they sailed from Lisbon. In one of these were found 17 chests of money, together with 51,000 piastres, destined for Ben- gal; and in the others were 42,000 piastres going to Batavia. Copy of a Letter received from Mr. W. Atkinson, Chief Mate of the Townley, to hii owners in Liverpool, dated Lerwick, July 17, 1799. " 1 left Cuxhaven in your ship, the Townley, Captain Ameiy, on the 24th ult. with the trade for Letih, under convoy of His Majesty's ship the Victor. On the 3d instant, after making the Scotch land, parted with the convoy. On the 4th instant, we were captured 011 the Scotch coast by a French lugger, of 14 guns. Our Captain and all the crew were carried on board the lugger, except John Overton and myself, and five Frenchmen and a Prize- master were put 011 board, aud ordered to carry us into Bergen. On the 7th inst. at nine o'clock in the morning, I laid a plot to get three of the Frenchmen down below, where I confined them; we then eombated the other thiee on deck, and, after much resistance, over- poweted them. The Prize- master, after dis- charging a pistol at each of us, fell in the com*- bat. We did not receive any material injuiy ourselves, only some bruises of little conse- quence. We then confined the other two Frenchmen. " Being at this time about ten leagues from the Coast of Norway, I put about, and stood for Shetland. The wind being southerly, bore to- wards the northward of these Islands, to keep out of the way of Piivateers. On the 14th inst. we made Foula Isle, on the west side of Shet- land, and on the evening of that day got into Viola S und, where the ship now lies. On that day we had a gale of wind from the north, in which we lost part of our can vas, there being none to work the ship and sails except ourselves. By this time we were entirely exhausted with fatigue, having stood the deck seven days, without any sustenance but bread and water, and without sleep. On the 16th inst. I conducted the pri- soners to this place, and delivered them over to the commanding Officer of the Garrison. Know- ing the cargo to be of a perishable nature, I have engaged a crew ( though at very high wages), and shall proceed with all possible expedition for your port." Advice has been received of the ship Duff, which was conveying a number of Dissenting Missionary Preachers, to Otaheite, & c. being taken by the French privateer called the Buona- parte, of 22 guns, and 200 men, when she wss within a day's sail of Port Rio de Janeiro, a Por- tuguese poit in America, where they were going in order to take in provisions. They put the missionaries, the officers and sailors in irons, and took them on board the Buonaparte. The wives of the. Missionaries they permitted to re main on board the Duff. In the course of a fort- night the Buonaparte captured three Portuguese merchantmen in the same situation. They took all these captures to Monte Vido, on the river de la Plata, a Spanish port in America, where the Governor not being able to receive any more prisoners, they were set at liberty. The Directors of the Missionary Society have had a meeting since the arrival of the news on Thursday, and subscribed 1200I. towards retriev- ing their loss. HAYMARKET. A new Farce, entitled Gander Hall was last night brought forward for the benefit of Mrs. GIBBS. The story is that of a Naval Officer, destined for that line by his guardian, Sir Gregory Gander, who is heir to the fortune, in case of his ward's demise. Raymond, the ward, is, under a feigned name, the intelligencer of his own death, and gets introduced by that means into the house of his guardian. He there finds the daughter, of whom he has been long enamoured, oh the eve of being married to Lord Froth, and, with the assistance of Bustle, an adroit hair- dresser, in- troduces Sir Gregory and the Peer in a whimsical situation, each considering the other as a Maniac. All is confusion, in consequence, at Gander- hall, until Riymond discovers himself, and, after ex- posing the designs of his guardian, is united to Charlotte. There is much of whim and broad laugh in this piece ; and though it sometimes borders on extravagance, ils pleasantry forms a sufficient atonement. Its texture is light; but, as this Theatre deals more in tiffany than in fustian, it may fairly take its place amongst the eccentric flights with which we are wont to be amused. TO THE EDITOR OF THE' COURIER. LALANDE AND BLANCHARD. SIR, Permit me to tell you that the statement in vour Paper of Saturday, respecting the death of the French Admiral on board La Forte, is almost to a certainty wrong. On this officer's arrival at the Mauritius, he immediately engaged himself a house to reside in during his residence in the Eastern World; or until a naval armament of sufficient maguitude should arrive, and demand his services at sea. He continued his flag flying on board La Forte as long as she remained re- fitting; but on her departure for a cruize, the flag was shifted to the next largest ship that hap- pened to be there. And as the last ship in har- bour never left it for a cruize until one or more came in, the flag was again immediately shifted. This information was given me by an Ame- rican, who was six weeks at the Island, and who had frequent opportunities of knowing the lead- ing featutes of this officer's character : The en- lightened man— great professional skill—- as hu- mane as brave. OBSEKVATOR. N. B. It could hardly be supposed that this officer would go to sea in a singfe frigate merely to cruize. The commanding officer killed must have been the Captain of the ship. Lalande has addressed the following Letter to the Editor of a Paris Journal, in consequence of his determination to undertake an zejial voyage with Citizen Blanchard: " Since the Aeronaut, Blanchard announcedour intended ascension, my friends have tried to dis- suade me fiom that undertaking, and I have re- plied to them thus. " You see your. friends em- baiking every day by sea, yet a ship is liable to danger from ail the elements— air, earth, fire, and water. In the air you have none of them to fear." « ' But Pilatre perished in an aerial voyage." " Pilatre was a fool, he made an extravagant at- tempt which cost him his life, and I told him before hand what would be his fate." But, add they, " What would you do in the air ?" I owe them yet one reply—" Curiosity is a passion which belongs to a certain class of men, and I am extremely curious to enjoy a view different from all I could possibly have had in the course of my life. " Saussure has told me that the pleasure ex- perienced at an elevation of i; oo toises is inex- pressible. He, however, had never left the earth, which probably considerably diminishes the pu- rity of the surrouncing air. " At the height of 2000 toises I have reason to believe that the stars have 110 scintillation, and I am very desirous of satisfying myself on this head. " The composition of the air, at this height, must'oe very different from that wi. ich we breathe. The oxygen, and themofet must be foundin other proportions than in the terrestrial air. I shall bring down a sufficient quantity of the superior air to enable our Chemists to analyse it. " It is only by balloons that we can obtain a complete theory of the winds, by tracing their vatious directions and dangers. This is the most important application that can be made of'the ex- cellent discovery of Montgolfier, and it is time it should be applied. " The West wind is certainly the general and constant wind of our zone; but it experiences modifications at the different elevations of our at- mosphere. If at a certain height J should find a current having a declination of 20 degrees to- wards the South, it would carry me in twenty hours to Gotha, where I should see with pleasure a Prince and a Princess who, by ( heir knowledge and zeal for the sciences, gave an example to all others, though there are none, perhaps, who are worthy of imitating them. " I shall find myself in the Temple of Astre- nomy with the greatest Astronomer of the North — my most intimate friend, Major Zach, who dig- nifies his noble origin by the nobleness of his talents; finally, this excursion to Gutha, ideal as it may be, would embellish my ascension. " LALANDE." To the EDITOR of The COURIER. WIT EXTRAORDWARY, SIR, As the readers of your paper may be desirous of learning the witticisms ofthe papeis when they are extremely pointed, I am induced to referyou to a Ministerial paperofthis morning for a specimen of a jeu d'esprit. The editor observes, that the direction of the Turkish Court to sack the ears of the French who fell in the late action in which Buonaparte suffered so considerable a defeat, suf- ficiently proves the present Grand Signior pos- « esses something of the qualities of Ancus Mar- tius, as described by Virgil, when he says, " Nimium gaudens popularibuscruris." It is needless to observe, that this judicious reader of Virgil has conceived Am is to be derived from Auris- is, an ear, instead of Aura, ae, ap- plause.— Your's, & c. W, H. > Monday, July 29. MANCHESTER, AUGUST 3. A letter ( dated. July 2',. 1799) Tram, a gentle- man at Lisbon to a- respectable house in this town, says—" The French fleet, after having | escaped the vigilance ot the English in the Me- diterranean, came out of the Straits on the 8th | inst, and are, from the last intelligence we have, anchored in Cadiz Bfiy. They have on bourd j 18,000 Spanish troupe; their combined fleet j consists of 68 sail, 44 of the line. This j country is not a little alarmed; a rupture was | said to have taken pJace betwixt this kir. gdo. ti j and Spain, iu consequence of the former al- lowing troops hete in the English service, as well j as British ones, to be embarked from hence ta ! Minorca. After some explanation between the j Spanish Ambassador and this Court, no baggage ' whatever, provisions or artillery, have been ship- ped for this Expedition, and It is probable that every thing will be suspended until further ad- vices.— We have no recent account of the British fleet. They were cruizing betwixt Minorca and the Catelan coast, 33 sail of the line." Our respectable boroughreeve and constables, invariably watchful, of the public good, have this week published a very necessary caution against 1 (- grating, forestalling, & c. which we hope will have a salutary effect. A godfather and two godmothers last week appealed at the Old Church, at the christening of a girl, whose Falslaffian dimensions exceed credibility— the two ladies weighing sixteen score each, and the gentleman ( a respectable patten- maker of this town) sixteen score four- teen pounds ! , s The Lancashire Assizes commence this day. Winchester, the great rendezvous of Ihe Mi- litia, was never, except at the Races, fuller of Company than at present, and the neighbouring geats are thronged with elegant visitors. A new Military Academy is establishing it High Wycomb, under the direction of the War- Office. Mr. DALBY is appointed teacher of the mathematics. The great Trigonometrical Survey of England, which was began by Capt. RAY, is continued by Capt. MUDGE and Mr, DALBY, and they have now a station at Bowbrickhill Church, in the county of Bucks. A. M. DE HUMBOLDT has made a discovery that the atmosphere in London contains seven times more vital air than is to be found in the most beautifully- flowered meadows of Tuscany. He ^ scribes this to the copious use of coals in England. ' . The eleventh regiment of Light Dragoons march this morning out of Camp to Barham Downs, ft The town has still the Duke of QUEENSBERRY, the Marquis of HERTFORD, Lord WM. GORDON, the YARMOUTHS, the LANDAFFS, and a long list of el ceteras. CUMBERLAND HOUSE, by its forsaken appear- ance, and grassy court- yartl, adds considerably to the present deserted state of Pall- Mali. Our females of the highest ton wear small silk • work- bags, which they suspend from their zones, to supply the place of pockets, which are now wholly exploded, as cumbrous and ungraceful. Mrs. ATKINS and Mr. INCLKDON are both en- gaged for the race week at Edinburgh. Mrs. SIDDONS terminated her engagement at Glasgow, on Saturday last, with June Shore, for her benefit. Mr. SIDDONS, jun; is spoben of as a promising ornament of the scenic boards of Old Drury, n.- xt season. • Mr. KEMBLE is succeeded at Birmingham by Mr. KING, who appeared on Wednesday even- ing in his favourite character of Lord Ogleby. The Red- Cross Knights is the title of HOL- MAN'S new Play, read yesterday in the Hay- market Green Room, and which will, theatrically, revive the days of chivalry, and once more lead us to reflect on the merits of SPENCER and TASSO. A man has been sentenced in Leicestershire, to transportation for seven yeais, for frequently absenting himself from his wife; So that this man, for his conjugal irregularities, is no, v rewarded with a legal separation, and is therefore, perhaps metaphorically, as well as literally, likely to be transported I Shrewsbury races, near Bridgenorth, com- mence this day, when a fine Turtle and Buck, the gift of THOMAS CLARKE and ANDREW Cott- BETT, Esqrs. are to be run for over the Heath by Hunters, bona fide, the breed of, aud to be rode [ by Gentlemen ofthe county ol Salop, The King's picture, going out as a present to the GRAND SEIGNIOR, though not exactly of that kind so much admired by foreign Potentates, may be considered, however, as ail earnest of a future subsidy. The rose is now more in favour with the Pa- risian Belles than ever; and thus the fair wearers of pale complexion join the rose and lily in spite of nature. LEMONNIER, the French Astronomer, who lately died at Paris, was one of those on whom the journey made to the North in 173;, for the admeasurement of the globe, principally rested. There is a very curious advertisement in one of the latest American Papers, signed A. HA- MILTON ROWAN , in which he advertises for sale all his Cotton- manufacturing property and im- plements in the county of Delaware.—" Any person inclining to sacrifice his property by car- rying on this manufactory in America, may have the whole for one half the sum they cost, and immediate possession of the premises from " ARCHIBALD HAMILTON ROWAN, June 21. at the Factory." Most of our Newspapers inform us, that a misunderstanding has arisen between the Spanish and French squadrons, because the former would not suffer the latter to enter the inner road of Cadiz. In order to explain this intelligence let it be. observed, that under the ancient French Government, the Spanish Government often com- plained that the French sailors, received in the harbour of Cadiz, carried on a great smuggling trade in piastres, which was very injurious to Spain ; that he French sailors after they had been on shore, and were returning to their vessels, had their pockets full of piastres, and beat the Commissioners of the Customs, who wished to examine them. To prevent this inconvenience,, it was agreed between the two Courts, that the French ships of war should always confine them- selves to the outer road— an agreement which used to be strictly observed. It is probable that in virtue of this Convention, entrance into the Inner Road was prohibited to the French fleet. On Monday Mr. JOHN ROBERTS, of Cescilmew Mawr, in his ninety- sixth year, became ena- moured of Mrs. ELEANOR ROBERTS, of Cag Coch, aged 35, and observing that his passion could not brook delay, on Wednesday was made happy with her hand: the Rev. Mr. HUMPHREYS performed the marriage ceremony. The bride- groom was attended to church bv his children, grand- children, and great grand- children, to the number of 68, whom he entertained at dinner, desiring that each would follow the loyal example he'had set them, A letter from a gentleman in Lerwick to his friend in Leith, of date 25th July, says— " You will have heard of the capture of the Elizabeth and another vessel from Leith to Ler- wick, which occasions a very great loss to every person in Lerwick. We have also lost in the same way, two vessels from Liverpool with salt for the fishery, which cannot now be replaced. There is only salt sufficient for this Week, and if no supply arrives, the fishing for the subsequent weeks will be lost* The crop is far on here, and the fishing mdre abundant, We have seven French prison- ers in custody here ; five were taken in a ship from Hamburgh, bound to Liverpool j she had been ta- ken by a privateer who put sij£ men 011 board to navigate her to Bergen, and'when within 15 lea CRICKET.— On Thursday last, and the three following days, was played a grand match of Cricket, in Lord's Ground, Mary- le- bone, be- tween two select Elevens, for iooo guineas; this match w; rs rpade between Lord YARMOUTH, and R. WHITEHEAD, E'q. which was won by the for- mer by four wickets. Five to four in iavour of the latter at starting. A Gentleman of Sussex is now engaged on & plan which, if successful, must procure him im- mortal honour in the city. It is a capacious bath on the sea shore, in which the tempeiature and quality of the air and water are brought as near as possible to that of ihe climates remarkable iFor the finest turtle. Several of these luxurious ani- mals have thriven astonishingly in it: one female, the first inhabitant of the place, lately brought forth young, of which two are now living, strong and healthy. Magdalen Hill Fair, near Winchester, was held on Friday, There was an extreme large quantity of cheese, the sale of which wasdull, and much of it remained unsold in the evening. The prices of new cheese were f om 40s. to 48s. old Jos. to 63s. per cwt. There was an indifferent shew of horsesj and a dull sale; those of inferior quality were very little wotth. There was very little leather, and it was all soon brought up t— the prices of butts 2id. dressing hides 23 to 2$ d. calf- skins 2s. 6d. per lb. Last week three soldiers, belonging to the troops quartered at Norman Cross Barracks-, Northamp- tonshire, not being able to get admission into quarters one night, went to sleep under a hay- cock in an adjoining meadow. Being missediti the morning, search was made for them, when one ofthe party hearing some faint groans, went to the place fr Om whence thi? v issued, when, upon removing a quantity of Hay that lay at the bottom of a cock, they found two of the pror fellows nearly smothered, and the third perfectly I lifeless. i Professor BLUMENBACH states a fact which I must be interesting to all who have the misfortune to b- e afflicted with defective hearing:—" About fifty years ago, a merchant at Cleves named JORRISSEN, who had become almost totally deaf, silting one d, y near a harpsichord while some one. was playing, . and having a tobacco- pipe in his mouth, the bowl of which rested accidentally against the body of the instrument, he Was agreeably and unexpectedly surprised to hear all the tones in the most distinct manner, By a little reflection and practice he again obtained the use of litis valuable- sense, which, as BONNET . says, connects us with the Moral World ; for he soon leatn d, by means of a piece of hard wood, one end of which he placed against his teeth, while another ]) ersun placed the other end in the the like manner, to keep up a conversation, and to be able to understand the least whisper," On Saturday evening, last, as R. C. CUSSWELL, Esq. and Dr. WHITFI klu were going from Staines to Reading, they were stopped near the 15- mile stone by two highwaymen, who lobbed them of their watches and'crioney. On Sunday the'^ ist inst. a cow belonging tr » Robert Wiffin, farmer, at Melton, in Norfolk, broke off the common into a pasture wli'e're a bull was grazing ; the poor man followed her, and whilst endeavouring to drive herout, wasattacked by the bull with great fury, and thrown down with so much violence as to injure the spjnal marrow of his back ; in - this helpless condition he remained three or four hours, with the animal bellowing over him, when his brother and ano- ther man, hearing the dreadful noise, went to his assistance, and with difficulty extricated him ; surgeons were sent for, but the injury Was beyond the power of medical skill, and in about twenty- four. hours the unhappy sufferer ( a man ofexetti- plary character) expired— his intellect remaining clear to the last. Capital Prizes in the Tenth Express sold by RICHARDSON, GOODLUCK and Co.— No. 14,775 Two Thousand Pounds, in a Half, a Fourti/, an Eighth, and two Sixteenth Shares; and 10,271, Five FIi) ndred Pounds, in a whole Ticket. In the present Irish Lottery thgv have also sold No. 3148, a Prize of One Thousand gues of that port, the mate, and a black man who / I Pounds, in a Fourth, three Eighths, and six Six- had been left on board, attacked the six French- ]. j teenth Shares; and No. 12,919, One Thousand men, and after' killing the prize- master, and , Pounds, in a whole Ticket— RICHARDSON, wounded one of the prisoners now here, in a com- j GocDLbcK and Co. will continue selling Tickets hat which lasted 20 minutes,' the Frenchmen sur- 1. and Shares, at their Offices, Cornhill, Charing rendered, who steered immediately for this island; 1 Cross, and Norwich, warranted undrawn by the the mate's name is Clarksou, and ship's name £ latest accounts during the remainder of the Draw= Latona of Liverpool." 11 it'g, which will end the 20th instant. r THE ODE FROM HORACE, BOOK 1. ODE IX. Lo 1 tin Ihe mountain's awful brow, A vast, augmenting, mass of snotv ; The woods can scarce tlieir load sustain; The streams no more pursue their course, But, held by Winter's griping force, Are fix'd within his icy chain. Pile faggots on thy blazing hearth, Devote the passing hours to mirth, Nor heed, Oh! Friend, the Season's War; Slill better to subdue the cold, Bring gen'rous wines, four Summers old, And let Us drain the Sabine Jar. Trust, to the Gods the rest; when they Shall drive the boistrous winds away That rage against the foaming main; Then neither shall the Cypress grove, Nor the old embers longer move, B* t Peace o'er all resume her reign. Seek not to scan with curious eve What in to- morrow's fate tr. ay lie, But count as gain the present day ; Nor, while the fires of youth remain, Refuse to join the dancing train, Or with the smiling Loves to play. Now to the Martial Field remove. Or public walk, or private grove, When night her mantle spreads around ; While, gentle as the vernal airs, Soft Whispers speak enamour'd pairs, Before til' expected moment found. Now too, the charming laugh to hear, That proves the partial damsel near. Who sighs to fly with anxious care, Affecting to resent with scorn What fondly from her arm was torn, And hides, yet laughs, to tell thee where. TIPPOO AND ZEM4UN SHAW. If we may believe an article in the Oriental Star, describing the characters and dispositions of many of the Indian Princes, our apprehen- sions with respect to the late movements of Ze- maunShaw, who, it i6 said, has lcug meditated a descent on Hindostan, must in a measure sub- aide. The character of Zemann Shaw, when com- piired with that of Tippoo Sultaun, forms a strik- ing contrast. Tippoo possesses a disposition, ambitious and restless in the extreme, his courage is equal to his ambition, aud his mind is. superior to the caprices of fortune ; his fortitude does not easily forsake him, even in the moment of adversity : but he looks forward with confidence to a day of retribution. If we may judge by his correspondence, w ® must admit that he is a wise and intelligent Prince ; his letters are dictated by an enlighten- ed mind, possessing all that warmth and free- : > lii of expression, a richness of diction, and profusion of metaphor peculiar to the language » f the East. Zemau/ i Shaw, on the contrary, though pos- sessed of all the ambition of the former, is far his inferior in point of mental ability ; his cou- rage at best might be denominated rashness ; nor are his ptojects the result of either prudence or judgment. Intrepid and dating in his at- tempts, he is ever ready to rush into dangers; but he knows not how to retreat with skill, nor to bear disappointment with equanimity of tem- per. He rules his subjects with a rod of iron ; in consequence of which, he has lost the confi- dence of some of the best families in his domi- nions, who nevertheless dare not shew their re- sentment of his conduct. He is proud, austere, avaricious, and ignorant, in his manners ; impa- tient of conlroul ; and though incapable of con- ducting great designs himself, obstinately shuts his ears against the voice of instruction. Such is the character of the man, who ha? de- clared his intention to wrest the empire of his forefathers from the hands of the English ; an empire which they have hithtrto defended against the attacks of the most formidable as- sailants. IRELAND. DUBLIN, August i. Among the regimen's going from this kingdom to join the Secret Expedition, is that of Baron Hamspesch's hussars, who are now preparing for their departure. Of the Dorset Militia, quartered in Canick, i; o have volunteered iheir services in the regu- lars, being to more than the number required by late regulation. The last division of the 7th dragoon guards has embarked for England, to be employed in the Secret Expedition. Colonel Stephen Mahon, with his detachment, marched into Dublin, on Saturday, and embaiked for Liverpool on Tues- day last. The drafts from the English regiments quar- tered in Dublin of the line, have embarked for Liverpool. From the scarcity of implements of husbandry supposed to have been produced by the late rebel- lion, it is a fact of which we have been most re- spectably a- ssui'ed, that hay has in many places been prevented from being saved, and labourers destitute of employment, in consequence of a • careity of forks— a correspondent therefore sug- gests, that it might prove very beneficial to the community at large, if the magistracy or proprie- tors ot the land would supply this want to the peasantry. We the more readily attend to this suggestion of our correspondent, from the possi- bility that when the harvest is ripe for cutting, ere may also be a scarcity of sickles.— D. E. Post M^ ftTIAL. alias Foriistal, cW^ he Military Court at the Barrack, charged with the murd r of Mr. James, in the county of Wexford, 0.1 the ; th of July last year. J. Dier, a farmer and yeoman, appeared as prosecutor, and deposed before the Court, that on the day aforesaid, the above- mentioned Mr. James, Amelia James, the aunt of the de- ceased, and Anne Dier, wife to the witness, with several children, were induced to escape from their dwellings at Killade, county Wexford, to avoid the Rebels, who then were most barba- rously murdering His Majesty's loyal subjects, in that agitated quarter. In making their way to New Ross, the prisoner at the bar, and a rebel named John Doyle, leaped, armed with guns, from behind a hedge, where witness pcrceived several others lurking and looking on. Doyle fired at the witness, and sent a ball, which grazed the crown of his head, through his hat; on which witness ran, followed by said Doyle, to- wards Ross. While Doyle was in the act of coming to and firing at him, he saw the prisoner at the bar present his piece at his companion, Mr. James, and ( the priming having flashed in the pan without discharging the gun) beheld him strike Mr. James a blow on the head, whereby the said Mr. James fell, and the stock of the gun broke off; on which the prisoner at the bar took up a large stone, and ( raising it over Mr. James, who lay prostrate under him) sttuck him with it on the head, and saw him proceeding to repeat his murderous assault, by lifting the stone again, while witness was effecting his escape'to New Ross from his pursuer Doyle, After arriving at Ross, Witness having ob- tained an escort of yeomanry from Captaih Tot- tenham, returned forthwith to the spot, and dis- covered the stone with which the prisoner struck Mr. James, covered" with blood, and wilh some of tbe hair and flesh of the skull attached to it.— Witness and the military made a minute search for ihe body of Mr. James, but failed of finding it. Witness was satisfied in his conscience, from the weight and force of the stone falling on Mr. James's head, that he must be either directly killed, or bruised beyond a possibility of re- covery. The prisoner, in cross- examining the witness, warned to estab. ish, that he was actually in company with a party of Rebels, on which the witness, with much honest indignation, explained how he was persecuted and pursued as an Orange man and Protestant. The prisoner in asking further questions, was repeatedly stopped from criminating himself, which in spite of the Judge Advocate, and the Honourable Court, his in- terrogations tended to do in the clearest manner — particularly by shewing, that the deceased Mr. J. was able to speak, and walk after the attack. Amelia Jamss, aunt to the deceased, swore, that she was present at the above- mentioned hor- rid transaction, which took place at a small vil- lage called Donard. She identified the Prisoner, and substantiated the tacts sworn to by Dier; and further deposed, that the Prisoner stniek the prostrate Mr. James five or six times with the said large stone, whereby his head was broken, his eyes bruised out on his face; and the flact covered with his blood, which the dogs of the village lapped on the spot. She with some as- sistance, having removed Mr. James, her ne- phew, to the house of one Butler, was obliged to leave him to save her own life, and provide for the safety of the children she had in her care. Witness swore, that Mr. Jarnes was not able to speak, and from the fractures in his head, he could not live many hours. His hody was never recovered ; and his father, an- infirm old man, who from his inability to walk, could not keep up with the party attacked, was never found.— Witness heatd, that he also was murdered by the prisoner at the bar, and his rebel partners, about an half mile back from Doiiard aforesaid, In proceeding to state more circumstances about the elder Mr. James, witness was stopped by the Court, who would hear nothing irrelative ; ai. d here, as in the former evidence, prevented the prisoner from pursuing questions, which fully went to his crimination in the case in question ; or to ground other charges of criminality against him. , Anne Dier, wife to the prosecutor, swore that she was on the spot; and in general substantiated the whole of the former witnesses' testimony. In cross- examination by the prisoner, wbo asked her did she since see him, witness, said she, saw him well armed, and with a pike in his hand, at Killane, after the rebel retreat from Castlecomer. The Prisoner being called on for his defence, urged that two witnesses he wanted were absent, one in the county of Wexford, another, a female, in England. Mr. Ormsby, the Judge Advocate, observed to the prisoner, that he. gave him every previous no- tice, as also a copy of his indictment, and request- ed of him to provide his evidence. The person whom he mentioned in the county of Wexford, was summoned, and made affidavit before a ma- gistrate, that he knew nothing about the matter in question. This Mr. Ormsby read to the Court, but there was something affecting the prisoner's character which Mr. Ormsby felt him- self bound to suppress in the affidavit, as it di- rectly made against him. The other, Mary Clare, | was found to be in England ;- her mother was summoned; she made affidavit that she knew nothing of the- prisoner's case. The prisoner then wished to have time to summon Butler, into whose house James was carried, wounded, at Donard— He was asked by the Court, for what purpose— he replied, to shew that James was alive in his house after the affray. The Judge Advocate observed, that such testi- mony could have 110 effect to exculpate him ; however, Mr. Ormsby, in compliance to his wish, told him that he would annex to the mi- nutes of the Court Martial made out for his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant's inspection, that he wished for the production of Butler, and his wife, as evidence, as'also for the appear- ance of Maiy Clare, absent in England: and that he referred to a Major Fiizgeraitf far a cha- racter, with whom he was on a 1 ecruiting party since the suppression of Rebellion, OUKIEU GREENLAND FISHERY. J HULL.— The following ships arrived at this port, from Greenland last week—• Ships. Whales. Seals. Bears. Unicorns. Buits. Tons. Fins. Egginton Traveller Caroline Maria) Manchester Blenheim Norih Briton Enterprize Samuel Lottery Minerva' The Lottery was beset ill the ice, with Henrietta and Volunteer, of Whitby, arid Whafe arid Peggv, both of Liverpool, upwards of six weeks. The Peggy was lost on the 18th of May, nearly full, being absolutely cut in two by the pressure of the ice; the people were all saved by the ships in company. STOCK EXCHANGE, Ate. j. 11 300 6 9 1100 19* 4 5 9 ® 1 130 3i ' 4 2 s 230 4 280 64 12 200 a 250 4 9 ' 75 1 ifi6 ii 3 4 140 2 108 I 23 • I 6 11 150 4 1 1 150 210 Bank Stocl; i } per Ct. Rd. j 3 per Ct. C. 4 per Ct. C. 5 per C. An. Ditto 1797 Irish ditto B. L. An. Do. Sr. An. Imp. j per Ct. Ditto the the CORN EXCHANGE, MONDAY, Auo. 5. Having a pretty good supply of English Wheat this morn- ing, and a con- iderable quantity of F'oreign on hand, ren- dered the sale extremely heavy, and prices of the best w ere 2S. per quarter lower, and the middling and inferior sorts scarce saleable, though offered^ t reduced prices. Rye is in some demand, and fine Barley and prime Malt go off freely at last week's prices. Beans were rather scarce, and Ticks somewhat deare r; aKd we had scarce any Peas at market. We had very few arrivals of Oats for this day's market, so that fine fresh samples sold readily, and is. dearer. CURRENT PRICE OF GRAIN. Siarch Wheat 46s to 54s od Black Mealing Fine Esse* Rye Barley Fine Malt Fine F. Kingston 00s to 00s od 54s to 64s od o « s to 72s od 38s to 41s od 29s to 33s od 00s to 36s 6d 40s to 44s od 00s to 463 < 5d 00s to 00s od Hog Peas Fine Boilers Suffolk Small Beans Ticks Oats Fine Polands Fine 40s to 44s od 00s to 00s od 50s to 56s od ossto 58s od 47s to 49s od 433 to 46s 6d 28s to 31 s od oos to 34s 6d 31s to 33s od 00s to 35s 6d RETURN OF WHEAT IN MARK- LANE, ncluding only from the 22d of July to the 27th of July inclusive, agreeably to the New Ac$. Total 9,338 Quarters.— Average 68s. ijd. is. 4| d, higher than last Return. Fine- Seconds, Thirds, Middling, per quarter. PRICE OF FLOUR, AUG. FIFTY- SIX to SIXTY SHILLINGS per Sack. 54s ' 0 55s 44s to 52s 40s to 765 Fine Pollard, 24s to 28s od Common ditto, 173 to 00s Horse Pollard, 00s to 14s 6d B ran, 00s to 14s 6d A RETURN of FLOUR, from the 20th of July to tJie 26th July, from the Cocket Office. Total 10,809 Sacks.— Average 59s. os. ojd higher than last return. PRICE of COALS.— In the Pool, Newcastle, 47s. lo; is. Sunderland, 40s. to 47s.— Delivered to Housekeepers, 47s. to 58s. per Chaldron. ~ THE WEATHER. 62H 65* 63 61} tf 62 < 95 Hi 94* H i8J 11- 16 6 7- 16 3 India Stock .... 4 Ditto Bonds * ..... South SeaOld An. Old Ann. ..... Exch. Bills Lot. Tick. Irish ditto 9I. cos. Omnium ii} l04il< 9$ FLUCTUATIONS. Cons. * "••>• India A METEOR0I. 00ICAL ACCOUNT or THE WEATHER AT EDMONTON, FOR JVLY, I 799. BY W. C. Fahrenheit's Thermometer exposed to a Northern aspeCL Davs— Clear i. Cloudy 17, Cloudy with Rain 10, Showery 2, Wet 1. Prevailing Winds— N. 3; S. E. 1; S. 1; S. W. 10; W. 4 ; N. W. 7; Variable 5 days. Greatest height of the Thermometer 78, at noon the 6th. Leas: height 51, at 7, A. M. the 29th. Greatest height of the Barometer 30, 07, the 6th. Least height 29, 27 inches, the 18th. Depth of Rain fallen is 3, 9 inches. On the 3d, Oats in ear; 10th, Barley in ear; nth, dis- tant Thunder to the Southward, between 3 and 4, P. M., 13th, Hail at half past 5, P M.; 24th, Thunderstorm, at 7, P. M.; 25th, Lightning and Thunder between 4 and 5, P. M. with Rain and a heavy squall of Wind. Excepting a few warm days in the beginning, the weather has been remarkably cold and wet this month. However, ihe Rain has very much changed the appearance of the Corn for the better. Forward Wheat and Barley is much laid. Turnips are beautiful. , The Crops of Grass in the Marsh are generally good, but the continual wet weather has been very unfavourable to the getting it up. Much has been drawn out of the water to be made upon higher lands. The Rye has but just changed colour. The Harvest will be late. List year it began on the 23d of July. IRISH STATE LOTTERY.— By the Tenth Express, the fol- lowing are the only numbers drawn above 10I. No. 14,755, a Prize of 2, « ool. Nos. 271, 1,709, 11,815, Prizes of 500!. Nos. 11,853, 25,937, Prizes of iool. By the Eleventh Express the following were the only Numbers drawn above 10I. No. 5,017, a Prize of i, oool. No. 19,522, a Prize of 500I. Nos. 29,682, 12,77;, 50I. SEA BATHING. THE benefit to be derivej) from Sea Bathing, by those who a re" troubled with Scorbutic Eruptions, Lepro- y, or other Cutaneous Affe ions, is certainly very considerable ; : he bcne'icial eltcCh also of a Tepid Bath in these cases are well understood ; but there is a subjeCl con- nected with it which demands more consideration than it ge- nerally ir, ee: s with, viz. that its advantages are limited to the surface of the body ; it dererges the skin, removes obstruc- tions iu the excretory duCls, and gives additional energy to Ihe capillary vessels, but it does not alter the quality of the" blood, nor cure those diseases which have their origin in a morbific state of the fluids. It is evident, therefore, lhat all persons so circumstanced, placing a reliance 011 lia. hing, must eventually be disappointed, unless they have recourse to some alterative Medicines, capable of corroding the pro- perties of the blood. But in the choice of this Alterative, it is of importance to decide with impartial discrimination, be- tween the usual routine of Antlmonials and M . rcurials, or the substitute for those Minerals, DE VELNO'S VEGETABLE: PILLS ; the former, if they appear to effefl a cure, never fail to implant the germs of future debility and misry, whilst the Vegetable Specific aCls powerfully as a Restorative, not merely by subduing disease, butby increasing the vigour of body and mind. The former also ( during the practice of bathing) cannot be taken even wilh safety, whilst the ope- ration of De Velno's Vegetable Pills is really improved by- it, as they aCt at that time with greater expedition. In short, ' they may be taken with the utmost fafety and advantage by both sexes, at any age, however delicate the constitution or severe the weather. Their operation is so pleasant as not to interfere with the avocations of business or pleasure: they require no alteration or restraint in diet; they dissolve in the stomach, blend with the food, and gradually pervade the cir- culating fluids, correcting in their passage any deviation from a state of of convalescence: those, therefore, who are afflicted with the Scrophula, Scurvj-, Scorbutic Eruptions, Leprosy, or any disorders arising Irom vitiated blood, or those who have impaired their constitutions by dissipation, juvenile indiscretions, or mercurial medicines, may place the most confident reliance or, the efficacy of De Velno's Vege- table Pills, as an Alterative, Purifier, and SWEETENER OF THE BLOOD. The respeClability of the following, and a variety of addi- tional testimonials from people of rank and charafler, must have their due weight, and supersede the necessity of any further comment from the proprietor ; yet he presumes to assert, that the real merits of this vegetable preparation, will, on afair t. ial, plead more forcibly in its own recommenda- tion than any thing which can be said of it. A moor. Mrs. WILLIAMS, Seamstress, at Mr. GAYLEARD'S, hatter and habit- maker, No. 82, New Bond- street, was af- flicted with the Scurvy to a very violent degiee for three or four years, appearing on her hands, arms, and legs, in nu- merous large florid b'otclies; some about an inch, others two inches in diameter. Astonishing as it may appear, it is nevertheless true, that after taking only one box of De Vel- no's Vegetable Pills, large scales dropt off from the surface of these eruptions, and, after another box, 110 vestage. what- ever of her complaint was discernable. She is now, and has been for some months, in as good health as she ever enjoyed. This surprising cure ( as is always the case with De Velno's Pills) was effect d imperceptibly, and without any confine- ment or restraint inldiet. ANOTHER. Mr. D. MEDHURST, cabinet- maker, late of St. John- street, but now of No. 18, Dorrington- street, Cold- bath- fulds had likewise arffered much from the Scurvy for seve « ral years, and for six weeks was confined to his bed with • Scorbutic humour, which bioke cut in his leg, attended with great inflammation. He was informed that De Veino's Pills would give him speedy relief, and effeClugte a com- plete cure ; and a shon trial of them corroborated this ac- ' count, for the inflammation subsided, and the ylcer soon ci- catrized, enabling him to pursue his business as usual. ANOTHER. J. MEREDITH, Coachman, to Lord SELSEY, Lower Grovenor- street, was for a considerable time t. rmented with a m » st desperate Scorbutic Leprosy, hideous to the sight, and itching most insufferably ; in reality, at least 3- fourths of the surface of his body, from his head to his feet, were completely incru.- ted with leprous scales. By perseverence in De Velno's Vegetable Pills without any confinement, ar limitation in diet, he is perfectly recovered. TO THE PL'BLIC. The astonishing and unparalleled cure of E. ELLISTON, Esq. No. 35, Mortimer- street, Cavendish- square, who had been eighteen years troubled with a most inveterate Scorbu- tic Humour, and was on the eve of being doomed to an ha- zardous, and, at all events, a' 11 unnecessary Salivation, has been repeatedly advertised ; but it should be recolleCled that it was published at his own request, from the purest motive* of humadity and philanthropy— an honourable example for imitation. De VELNO'S VEGETABLE PILLS are prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by J. Pidding, the sole Proprietor, late Surgeon in the Armv, at his warehouse, No. 76, opposite the Pantheon, Oxford- street, London, in boxes at 5s. 5d. each, or five boxes in one, at 22s. Also, retail, by Tutt, Royal Exchange5 Jeboult and Co. Oxford- street; Shaw, No. 74, High- street, Borough ; and Ward, 324, Holborn. but observe, it can never be genuine unless signed with red ink by the Proprietor, i. Pidding, No. 76, Oxford- street. MARRIED. Lately, at Torbreck, near Inverness, Dr. John Macdonald, late InspeClor of Hospitals to His Majesty's Forces, to Miss Fraser, only daughter of AlexanderFraser, of Torbteck, Esq. Lately, at Pidford, in the Isle of Wight, Baron F. Hom- pesch, to Miss Christian, eldest daughter of the late Sir Hugh Christian, K. B. A few days since, Mr. John William Austin, to Miss C- a- Catharine Heyivood, Long Millgate, Manchester. A few days ago, Mr. Samuel Dunn, of Barnsl. ey, grocer, to Miss Elmhirst, of Waddingworth, in Lincolnshire. DIED. The 28th June, on board his ship the Ann, on his voy- age, from Lisbon to Gibraliar, Capt. Fetfson, of Hull. Wednesday se'nnight, at Hull, aged 75, Mrs. Susannah Thorley. Saturday se'nnight, Mrs. Sarah Kendall, of Leeds, aged 22, one of the people called Quakers. Lately at Tidkinhow, Mrs. Robinson, widow of the late Francis Robinson, Esq. of that place. ; A few days ago, at Bath, aged about 71, William Be- \ thell, Esq. of Rise in Flolderness, in the East Riding of the county of York, for which county he served the olhee of Sheriff in the year 1780. Bath, by Hazard Bristol, Bul^ in Boston, Kclsey Brighton, Gregory Birmingham, Pearson Bury St. Edmunds, Gedge Cambridge, Hodgson Coventry, Rollasen Canterbury, Simmons Carlisle, Jolite Chatham, Etherington Chelmsford, Clachar Cheltenham, Harwood Cheste'r, Monk Derby, Drewry Durham, Pennington Dover, Neales Devizes, Smith Dorchester, Cretwell Edinburgh, Baxter Exeter, Trueman Falmouth, Ellis Gloucester, Raikes Glas/ ow, Macdonald Hull, Peck Ips. vich, Middleditch Isle of Wight, Barton Lymihgton, Jones Liverpool, Gore , Billing Lancaster, Walmesley %* N. B. DE VELNO be sent to PRICES OF GOLD AND SILVER. Portugal Gold in Coin 4 o Ditto in- Bars 3 ,7 £ ( Pillar ••••• 0 o • iS5 ) Ditto small ..... o o . ) Mexico o 0 ( 2 ' Ditto new o 5 Silver in Bars o o Cochineal, 25s. t « iSs. od. per lb. d. Leeds, Wright Manchester, Lynch , Brawn Margate, Rone Maid'. tone, Blake Macclesfield, Hadfieid Newark, Ridge Newbury, Fuller .. Newcastle, Walker , Hodgson Northampton, Dicey Nottingham, Burbage Norwich, Stevenson Oxford, Jones Plymouth, Hox « nd Portsmouth, Donaldson Preston, Sergent Ramsgate, Burgess Reading, Smart and Co. Shrewsbury, Sandfotd Southampton, Baker Stamford, Newcomb Sunderland. Graham Salisbury, Collins Scarborough, Schofieid Taunton, Dare Tunbridge, Cox Wells, Evil I Weymouth, Wood Windsur, Blakeney Worcester, Tyalbs VEGETABLE PILLS ny part of Great Britain, and letters of consulta- tion answered ; but they must be post paid, enclosing the amount cf a iarge box, and directed to the Proprietor, Mr. J. PfOMtiG, Surgeon, No. 75, Oxford street, London. 8 24 o LONDON: Printed and published at No. .159, Plret- srreet ; where Ad- vertisements, Orders, & c. for ihe Paoir, will be received j and by WM; MOFFATT, Charles -; tr- e:, Edinburgh. DANIEL STUART, Printer, Strand: THOMAS GEORGE STREET, Pubhai, ert Crosby R « w, Wai- worth.
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