The Edinburgh Advertiser
Printer / Publisher: James Donaldson
Volume Number: LXX
Issue Number: 3629
No Pages: 8
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The Edinburgh Advertiser
Date of Article: 09/10/1798
Printer / Publisher: James Donaldson
Address: Castle-hill, Edinburgh
Volume Number: LXX
Issue Number: 3629
No Pages: 8
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VOL. LXX. THE EDINBURG No. 3629. ADVERTISER. From FRIDAY OCTOBER 5, to TUESDAY OCTOBER 9, 1798. SATURDAY', POST. From the LONDON PAPBRS, Oct. LONDON, FURHER PARTICULARS of the late GLORIOUS VICTORY, which did not appear in the GAZETTE EXTRAORDI- NARY, published in last ADVeRtiseR The French had the advantage in the beginning of the action,- of being at an- chor, and of annoying our ships as they led into action, before they could come to an anchor; be sides the protection which they received from the batteries of guns and mortars on shore, and from being flanked by
gun- boats.- Commodore TROWBRIDGE, in the CULLODEN, un- fortunately got ashore before the action, and though be made every exertion, was unable to participate in ths glo- ry of the fight, this reduced the two lines of battle to an equality in point of numerical force ; but in weight of me- tal, number of guns and men, of frigates and gun- boats, and in the material circumstance of batteries on shore, the French had greatly the advantage.— The French had three 80 gun ships, and one of 12o guns, whereas we had none of higher rate than 74' s. The French had 1190 guns, the English only 1012, and from that number a
deduction must be made of the CULLODeN'S 74 guns, as she was unable to take any part in the action. When these things are considered, and it is reflected that the English Admiral run close in shore to make the attack on a fleet moored to receive him, and a number of gun boats, the whole protect- ed by land batteries, that the battle was fought at night, and that but two out of thirteen of the enemy's ships en- gaged escaped, it is in all its characters the most splendid victory ever atchieved. The British Fleet on passing the French battery, proceed- ed immediately to break the enemy's line, and having suc- ceeded in this
manoeuvre, seven ships, including L'Orient, were cut ofF. The British ships anchored close along side the enemy as They came up. Capt. DARBY, in the Bellerophon, of 74 guns, attacked singly the French Admiral's ship L'Orient, of 120 guns, and set her on fire. It will be seen from the Official account, that this brave action was attended with the loss of a very considerable number of Officers and men on board the Bel lerophon. The L'Orient had on board 1010 men.— Adm. BRUEYS himself, who commanded her, was shot through the body, and the Captain under him killed, before she took fire. On board this ship was the
whole of the treasure taken by the French at Malta, which was very considerable. The num- ber of men on board Le Timoleon, the other French ship which was burnt, is stated in the Gazette to be seven hun- dred ; and the crews of L'Artemise frigiate, burnt, and Le Serieuse, sunk, amounted to five hundred. The total loss of the French IS estimated at nearly FIVE THOUSAND ; that ot the BRITISH, in killed and wounded, amounts only to eight hundred and ninety five. The Culloden, which grounded in the beginning of the action, was got off after its termination. Admiral NELSON received a severe wound in the head from a
splinter; but he states, in a private letter to Lady SPENCEr, that he is nearly recovered. Though his spirit bears him up, we are, however, extremely anxious respect- ing him, as he occasionally felt great inconvenience from it. Sir JAMES SAUMAREZ was recovering of his wound, and hoped in a few days to be as well as ever. Capt. BERRY is coming home over land, through Italy and Germany, with dispatches from Admiral NELson. Several letters have been received from Sir HORATIO NELSON, written with his own hand. There is one in par ticular to Mr. DUNDAS giving in a very masterly stile, a view of the probable
consequences of his victory, not only to Europe, but to India.— A Messenger was yesterday dis- patched to Scotland with the letters for Mr. DUNDAS. - The following extract of a letter from on board the O- rion, contains some interesting information : Extract of a letter from on board the ORION, dated Be- quieR roAD, Aug. 9. " Sir HORATIO NeLSON has sent an officer to India, with the account of the victory ; Lieut. DUVAL of the Zea- lous is charged with his dispatches and set off yesterday in a Turkish boat, which was to land him in Syria, on his way to Aleppo ; a vessel detained the day before with dispatches and letters from
BUONAPARTE'S army at Grand Cairo, will make the Admiral's dispatches still more interesting 0 our Settlements in India, as they all tend to represent the French Army in the most disastrous situation, as well from the severites they have undergone in their march across the sandy deserts, as from the depredations of the Mamelukes and Arabs, and also from being deprived of wine and spi- rits, without which the French troops find it next to im- possible TO resist the excessive heat, or indure fatigue. It ap pears that BUONAPARTE meant to proceed to Suez. and demand transports and craft to meet him on the Nile,. but when
he hears the defeat of the French Fleet, it will throw him into despair, particularly as the squadron Sir HORATIO NELSON proposes to keep up here, will effectually cut off for some time all communication with Alexandria." The splendid victory places GRIAT BRITAIN in a proud situation the most undoubted Mistress of the Ocean, and the ARBITRESS of EUROPE. The minds of BRITONS muft be filled with gratitude « > DIVINE PROVIDENCE, who thus crowns with victory. the arms of a brave people, fight- ing for their INDEPENDENCE, their CONSTITUTION, and their RELIGION. While awful visitations are going forth over the
face of the . civilized world,, this nation has stood firm, amidst the shock, almost the sole refuge of the arts and the commerce of Europe, and of every thing that dignifies So- ciety, and can make it valuable to Man. While the mind is raised by this consoling reflection, let us. with all due, humility, think that sve may be the favoured instruments, in the hand of Providence, of curbing the arrogance and extirpating the principles of Anarchy and Atheism, which the French Revolution has engendered. We now stand in such a situation of political, as well as moral pre- eminence, that we have only to use our successes with wisdom, to
se- eure every point we Can desire. Let us maintain our pre- sent position with firmness and patience, and little doubt can be entertained that a change will take place in France, which must give honourable Peace and permanent security to Europe. The receipt of this intelligence, it is hardly necessary to say, occasioned the sincerest rejoicings in every part of the town. A SUBSCRIPTION for the RELIEF of the WIDOWS and CHILDREN of those BRAVE MEN WHO FELL, and for such as have been WOUNDED in the ENGAGEMENT, was, on the receipt of the intelligence, opened a' LLOYD'S Cof- fee- house, and ELEVEN
HUNDRED POUNDS . were immedi- ately subscribed. Authentic intelligence was also yesterdav received that BUONAPARTE was at Grand Cairo, destitute of provisions and every necessary, and not able to get at any supplies.—, His soldiers, almost poisoned with the water of the coun- try, were in ill health and discontented ; and he was at va- riance with his Officers, who were disgusted with the Ex- pedition. It was supposed he had an intention of re- im- barking, but the destruction of his Fleet must have put an end to all hopes he might entertain of returning. The GRAND SEIGNiOR was making every effort to collect a force
still further to distress and harass him, and we may venture to predict that the failure of his Expedition, if not the total loss of his Army, will be the next intelligence which we shall to communicate respecting the Hero of Italy. BUONAPARTE's dispatches, it will be seen by the extract of the letter from on board the Orion, are in possession of Admiral NeLSOn. - By letters from Vienna, dated the 19th September, it ap- pears that the intelligence of Sir HORATIO NELSON'S glori- ous victory had been received in that city with the most live- ly and universal expressions of joy;— the lower order of people, in particular, appeared to be
transported with the success of the British Fleet-, indeed the disposition mam- fested by them, and bv the soldiery, on this and other occa- sions, if properly roused and animated would render them capable of the noblest exertions. MONDAYs POST. From the LONDON PAPERS, Oct. LONDON thE advantages likely to result, not only to England but to all Europe," from such a glorious event as the late Victory, are at present incalculable; it will arouse the timid and confirm the bold, we will yet trust, to the ultimate con- tusion of unprincipled France. In this hope we are strengthened by the arrival of the Hamburgh Mail. Letters
from Constantinople represent hostillities as having actually commenced against France, a frigate, ( it is confirmed)' having been taken in th; Mediter- ranean by two Turkish galliots and a strong Turkish f1eet received orders to sail immediatelv. The French Minister remains a prisoner in his own house ; he would have been committed to the Seven Towers, but, for the intercession made in his favour by the Spanish and Dutch Ministers, who likewise undertook a vindication of the con- duct of France in landing an army in Egypt on the ground of its object being to chastise the Beys, for want of proper submission to the SUBLIME
PORTE. • This fulsome apology had no effect with tHe Reis Effendi, who firmly replied, that it was the business of the GRAND SEIGNIOR to punish any disobedience in his, servants, and not that of Any Foreign Power~-- that the landing of the French army at Alexandria was considered as a violation of the Rights of Nations, which called for just revenge. The Grand Vizir and the Mufti have been removed from their situations, being accused of want of zeal and patriotism in the present state of affairs. In Egypt and near the Red Sea, all persons supplying the French with provisions, See. are ordered to be imme- diately strangled.
We rejoice to learn that Ministers are resolved to make our great naval superiority effectual to the Renovation of OUr commerce in the Mediterranean and the Levant. A com- pact is entered into with the KiNG of NApLes, by which the ports of Sicily are to be put into our possession, for the defence of his dominions, and for the purposes of our naval operations in those seas:. General STEWART is actually gone to take the command, and our troops lately in Portugal are on their way thither. A most critic 1 post will thus be esta- blished. . The blockade of Malta will be formed and con- tinued without danger to our ships, as they will
take shelter in the ports of Messina and Syracuse, and hopes are even entertained that the island will fall into our hands.— The first fruits of this victory may be its surrender, and its pos- session would greatly facilitate the recovery of the Levant trade. The PRINCE of WALES met with an accident on Satur- day, near Canterbury :— a vicious mare that his Royal High- ness rode, fell with him, and his spur fastening in the sad- dle cloth, he was dragged some paces, during which she twice lashed at him; but providentially he met no other hurt than being scraped in the cheek by the gravel. He was immediately blooded, and was so
well next morning, as to have a field- day with his regiment on Barham Downs. Sir- RICHARD CARRE GLYNN, who is elected LORD MAYOR of LONDON, is of firm Constitutional principles. ALDERMAN COMBE WaS before Sir Richard in rotation, but he was rejected. The numbers for SIR RICHARD GLYNN were fifteen ; for ALDeRMAN COMBE, who is in the opposition five. BUONAPARTE became a Mussulman on his arrival in Egypt. from the political consideration, that whatever a man is, it becomes very convenient for him to be of the established religion. IN pursuance of this beneficial notion, while BUO- NAPARTE was
at Rome, " he did the same as Rome did." Tuesday the Rev. Walter Chapman, Vicar of Banwell, in Somersetshire, had his neck dislocated by a fall from his horse, and he instantly expired. - SHOCKING ACCIDENT.— Saturday evening, while the chil- dren of Mr. Lewis of Sutton- street, were at play together in the kitchen, a kettle of boiling water was by some means thrown from the fire- grate, and one of them, a fine little boy of about two years old, was scalded to death in a most dread- ful manner. I SCALE SUGARS, IN HOGSHEADS, by the last Fleet, at WALKER, THOM- SON & COMPANY'S. LEITh, Oct. 9, 1798. CARD.
ALEXANDER WIGHT, BAKeR, RETURNS his molt grateful thanks to the Public for past fa- vours, and informs them, That he has Opened the FIRST SHOP BELOW the ROYAL EXCHANGE, where he hopes from constant attention, to merit a renewal of their former friend- ship. Edinburgh, Oct. 8, 1798. ENGLISH LANGUAGE, J. MACGILVRAY returns his grateful thanks to his Friends J. and the Public, for their liberal encouragement hitherto, begs leave to inform them, that he has removed his SCHOOL from Leith Walk, to No 6, JAMES'S STREET, where he continues to teach the ENGLISH LANGUAGE as formerly, in the
most approved manner. Hours of Attendance from Ten to Twelve in ' the forenoon, and from Two to Four afternoon.— terms 7s. 6dt per quarter. J. MACGILVRAY proposes to receive a Few BOARDERS upon moderate terms. From his long residence in England, and from Mrs MACGILVRAY'S being a native of that country ; his family, he flatters himself will be a very eligible situation for such youns Gentlemen as are attending the High school or University. His number will be very limited. Continues to TEACH PRIVATELY as formerly. Edinburgh, October 8, 1798. TO BE SOLD by ROUP, AT HILLSIDE, near Aberd- ur, fifeshre,
cn Friday 12th October, at II o'clock,— several TREES already felled, of various kinds, in lots. STIRLING & LINLITHGOWSHiRE HUNT. AMEETING of the MEMBERS is to be held at FORRES- TER'S, in Linlithgow, on Monday the 15TH inft. Sir JAMES DALYELL OF Binns, Bart. Preses. J. BOYD Secretary. STIRLINGSHIRE TAXES. THE COLLECTOR of CESS requests immediate payment of the AID and CONTRIBUTION TAX, whereof- FOUR ot the SIX Instalments, are now due. Persons in arrear for LAND- TAX, and for Per Centage Duties, are desired to have the same settled., at no further notice can be given, Cess
Officey Stirling, October 5, 1798. SALE OF GOODS DAMAGED BY FIRE, for bEhoof of tHE INSURAnCE OFFIcE. To be Sold by public auction, on Friday the 12th curt within the Warehouse of Thomas Allan and Co in Tod's Hole Close, Leith, at 10 o'clock forenoon,- THE Whole Remainder of the DAMAGED GOODS saved from the FIRE which happened in their shop, on Thursday night, conSisting of . GROCERIES of all sorts, SHOP UTENSILS, & c.—.— The sale to continue day after day till all 19- sold off. Leith, October 6, 1798. PRIZE BRANDY FOR SALE. . To be SolD by auction, within the Sample Room, Tontine Build ings, oa Wednesday the loth of October curt, at two o'clock afternoon, . TWENTY PIPES PRIZE BRANDY, now lying in the Bond- ed Warehouses, Port- Glasgow. Samples to be seen, and Ca- talogues maybe had, on the day of Sale, by applying to Glasgow, Oct. 4. 1798. GEO. HOUSHOLD. TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC ROUP, AT GREENOCK On Friday the nth inst. betwixt the hours of one & three P. M. ONE Hundred and Thirty- Five Pieces BAY- MAHOGANY. To be set up in lots of five pieces each. 1 ne mahogany is lying in the Royal- Close, and may be seen any 3ay previous to the sale. . For particulars apply to Mr.
George Buchanan youngest, mer- chant, Glasgow, or to Mr. John Buchanan merchant, Greenock. j .. WANTED TO BORROW, — Now oraf Martinmas next in Oiic'nrTwo Sail}-., - THREE THOUSAND POUNDS STERLING : THENAR- unexceptionable Heritable security will be given, and a Colla- teral obligation for the regular payment of the Interest in Edin- burgh, twice a year. " Apply to James Chalmers, Solicitor- at- Law, Edinburgh. -
Classes. First Humanity or La- tin Second Humanity - First Greek - Second Greek * - First Mathematical - Second Mathematical Logic - J - Moral Philosophy - Natural Philosophy - . Rhetoric and Belles Lettres - - - Universal History - Dr. Hill Mr. Dalzel Church History Hebrew - - Mr. Playfair Mr. Finlayson Mr. Stewart Mr. Robison Dr. Greenfield Mr. Fraser Tytler Dr. Hunter Dr. Hardy NORTHERN INFIRMARY. , At Inverness, the eleventh day of September, One thousand seven hundred and ninety- eight years. j AT a GENERAL MEETING of the SUBSCRIBERS for the ' NORTHERN INFIRMARY, held in Consequence of an
advertisement in the Edinburgh Newspapers, and circular letters i preseNt, WILLIAM INGLIS, Esq; Provost of Invernes, In the Chair, Arthur Forbes, esq; of Culloden, Donald Macleod, esq; of Geanies, Sheriff of Ross & Cromarty, Col. James Fraser, of Belladrum Mr. Moodie Mr. Wilde Mr. Hume Mr, Hamilton Dr. Monro Dr. Black and Dr. Hope Dr. James Home Dr. Duncan Dr. Gregory Thomas Cuming, Esq; late of Demerara, Simon Fraser, Esq; Sheriff t « Inverness, Phineas Mackintosh, Esq; of Drummond, Charles Mackintosh, Esq; W. S. Alex. Mackintosh, Esq; Dean of Guild of Inverness, Provost John Mackintosh, Inverness,
Thomas Gilzean, Esq; Sheriff Substitute of Inverness, Dr. William Kennedy, Inverness, Bailie Thomas Young, William Scott, Esq; of Seabank, James Shaw, Esq; of Muirtown, Bailie James Clark, Bailie Donald Macpherson, Bishop Macfarlane, Mr. William Welsh, Alexander Fraser; Esq of Torbreck, John Grant, Esq; of Ryefield, James Grant, Esq; younger of Bught,— and Mr. Campbell Mackintosh, Writer. The Preses presented a list, brought up to this date, of the Sub criptions already procured for this institution, and the same having been taken under consideration, the Meeting were of opinion, that from the amount thereof,
joined to what further aid may be ex- pected from London, the East and West Indies, aud other places where their . countrymen are resident, they will be warranted to pro- ceed without delay in Carrying on the buildings ; accordingly hav- ing examined and compared several plans of the most approved In- firmaries in England and Scotland, procured for them by Charles Mackintosh, Esq; and having fixed on one of them, a Committee was appointed to receive Estimates, and to Contract for the execu- tion of the work as early as possible next season; and for enabling the Committee to carry this measure into effect, it was
recommend- ed to Mr. Gilzean, Sheriff Substitute of Inverness, Cashier for the Institution, to call In the Subscriptions with all convenient speed. Payable Payable I Annually. Demand. Mr George Crafts Mr Finlay Smith Lachlan Cuming, Robert Murray, Esq; Mr William Threllfall Mr Gardiner Green Mr John Ross james Fraser, Esq; Ross Mr George Handasyde. Mr John Luke Mr John Mackerdy Mr William Reid Mr Andrew Cuming Mr Thomas Hussey Messrs. George Laing and Co Mr Robert Ewing Mr Hugh Macdonald Mr James Murray Mr John Maule Mr James Lewis Mr George Craig Mr A. Wishart Mr Thomas Hayes Mr Hunter
Mr f. Newburn Amount of the Subsciption. froM Demerara Evan Baillie, esq; Bristol George Lockhart, Esq; of Newhall B. Farquharson, Esq; of Grenada John Macpherson, Esq of Grenada Dr. Hamilton CLINICAL LECTURES On the Cases of Patients in the Royal Infirmary by Dr. GRE- goRY and Dr. HOPE, upon Tuesday and Friday, at 5 O'clock in the evening — the 1st lecture by Dr. GREGORY, on Tuesday Nov. 13, Dr RuTHERFORD will begin a COURSE of BOTANY in May about the same Time, Dr. WALKER will begin a COURSE OF NATURAL HISTORY,— and Dr. COVENTRY a COURSE of AGRICULTURE.
BERWICK- SHIRE. AT a very numerous Meeting of the Justices of Peace, Com- missioners of Supply, and Heritors of the County of Ber- wick, at their Michaelmas Head Court, a Motion having been - made and seconded, " That it should be recommended to the " Member of Parliament for the County to take all the means in " his power to promote the Substitution of a Tax on Income, in- stead of the Increase of the Assessed Taxes, established during " the last Session of Parliament," the same was, after a very full discussion, unanimously agreed to ; aud Mr Hay their Preses, was requested to signify this Resolation to Mr
Baillie, their representa- tive in Parliament. TO COAL MASTERS. DAVID ROSS, a COALLIER, belonging to Niddry Coal Works, aged 28 years, about 5 feet 10 inches high, flaxen hair, and marked a little with the small pox, after running greatly in Debt to the Proprietor, deserted the Works, leaving a Wife and Familly behind him. The Proprietor therefore hopes that no Coal Master, will, after this public notice, continue to employ him; and that information will be given where be is at present employ- ed, by a letter addressed to Mr. William Thornton, Niddry Coal Works, near Edinburgh, in order that he may be apprehended and
brought back to his former service. Amount of Subscriptions formerly advertised ... Hugh Rose, Esq; of Glashtulich, twenty- five guineas, and five guineas per annum for twenty years - Additional subscriptions from Londen. The Right Hon. George Lord Saltoun Simon Fraser, esq; younger of Lovat, M. P. William Fraser, Esq; of South Morar Simon Fraser, Esq; of Ness Castle James Fraser, Esq; of Golden Square Duncan Fraser, Esq; Judge of Gibraltar William Robertson, Esq; Physician, Golden Square - Kenneth Mackenzie, Esq Merchant • Warnford Court, Mr B. MacMillan, Printer to his Royal COUNTY OF AYR. AYR, 2d
October, 179S. AT the Michaelmas Meeting of the FREEHOLDERS of the County of Ayr, assembled at the Head Court,— WILLIAM CUNNINGHAM, Esq; of Lainshawr Preses,— The following Resolu- tions were moved by DAVID BOYLE, Esq; Advocate, and seconded by JOHN HAMILTON, Esq; of Sundrum, and unanimously agreed to: 1st, Resolved, That this Meeting, taking into consideration the present state of the law of Scotland, with respect to Bail is decid- edly of opinion, that the sums for which bail is appointed to be found by persons apprehended for criminal offences, under autho- rity of the Statute, 1761, C. 6, and
of that of the llth of Geo. lit. C. is, however adequate they may have been to the state of this country at the periods of the enactment of these respective sta- tutes. bear at present no proper relation to the circumstances of the times,' the situation of individuals, and the general advance- ment of the country. 2dly, That it is the opinion of this meeting, that the smallness of the sums allowed to be taken as security in Bailable offences, un- der authority Of the statutes above mentioned, fo far from only serving as a protection from the hardships of unnecessary imprison- ment, has in fact a direct tendency to bring into contempt the
authority of the Magistrate, and to render the most salutary laws nugatory and defective, by affording a temptation and facility to the Commission of the most dangerous and atrocious offences with comparative impunity. ' 3rdly. That this Meeting convinccd of the great and serions evils - resulting to the country at large from the present state of the law of Scotland with respect to Bail, as evinced by the numberless es- capes from the justice of the laws, of persons accused of the most dangerous and atrocious offences, is of opinion that an amend- ment in this department of the law is now peculiarly necessary and expedient. 4tily,
that this Meeting in full reliance upon the Wisdom of the legislature, do therefore resolve that copies of the foregoing reso- lutions be signed and transmitted by the preses, to the Right Hon. the Earls of Eglintone, Cassillis, Dumfries, and Glasgow, to Colo- nel Fullarton, the member of Parliament for this County, aud to John Campbell, esq the member of Parliament for this district of Burghs, and that the Preses do request in the name of this Meeting, that they will give their support to any Bill that may be introduced into either House of Parliament, for the purpose of altering and amending the present law of Scotland with respect
to Bail in criminal offences. It was moved by Mr. Hamilton of Sundrum, and seconded by Mr. Cunninghame of Enterkine, and unanimously agreed to, that the thanks of the Meeting be given to Mr. Boyle, for his having brought forward the above resolutions upon this occasion. ( Signed) WILLIAM CUNNINGHAME, Preses. EXTRACTED by WiLL. EATON, Clerk. SALE OF GARNKIRK AND OTHERS ADjOURNED. THE Sale of the ESTATE of GARNKIRK, BEDLAY & c. in the county of Lanark, is, at the desire of intending purchasers, ADJOURNED for a short time. The day of sale Will be mention- ed in a future advertisement
Highness the Prince of Wales Lachlan M'Intosh, Esq; Commissary to the Army in St. Domingo Mr John Fraser, Surgeon in the Navy Mr John Grant, Jeweller, Cockspur Street Mr Duncan Fraser, Tailor, Titchfield Street Mrs Ann Lany, Tavistock, Street Charles Mackintosh, Esq of Bath George Baillie, Esq; j Colonel Cameron of Erach 3 James Fraser, Esq; of Halifax, Nova Scotia Angus Macdonald, Esq; Pall Mall 1 aeneas Mackintosh, Esq; of Mackintosh Andrew Millar, Esq; of Kincairdy Benjamin Ross, Esq; Tain Joseph Gordon, Esq; of Navidale David Dale, Esq; Glafgow Jonathan Anderson, Esq; Glasgow Hugh Crosse, esq;
ditto John Mackenzie, Esq; ditto John Gordon, Esq; of Edintore, Forres Doctor Robert Grant, Inverness Mr Alexander Smith, Tinsmith, Inverness Subscriptions from the Colony of DEMERARA Thomas Cuming, Esq, . James Fraser, Esq; Robert Gordon, Esq; William Munro, Esq; M. D. Lieut. Col. Hilsop, 39th Regiment Captain Bruce, ditto Lieutenant Airy, ditto Captain Macrae, L. A. Rangers J. Brush, Esq; Mr A. Chisholm Mr L. Mackinnon Hector Mackenzie, esq Mr Duncan Campbell Mr Hugh M'Calmont William Alves, Esq Mr. Simon Fraser Mr Evan D. Fraser Hugh Inglis Hugh Fraser, Esq Mr James Fraser, Carpenter,
Dochfour Mr Colin M'Rae Mr Thomas Fraser Mr Simon Fraser, Golden Fleece Mr Joshua Hinde Mr Robert Gordon Hope Mr John Macdonald Joseph Macdonald; Esq; Mr A. Ramsay Mr Thomas Telser Mr John Laing Mr William lowe Mr John Tapler Mr A. Morris Mr Finlay Mackintosh Mr John Bethune Mr Donald Mackintosh Hugh Houston, Esq Mr Alexander Houston Alexander Macrae, Esq Mr Patrick Rose Mr George Munro Mr John fraser ESCAPED FROM BURNTISLAND JAIL, On the evening of the 4th instant, or early on the morning of the 5th, BeLl GRIEVE who was confined on a charge of Child- murder. The said Bell
Grieve is about 20 years of age, of a middle size, thin- faced, a fair complexion, with light brown hair;— says she was born in Edinburgh, and daughter to John Grieve, smith in the Grass Market. Whoever shall apprehend the said Bell Grieve, and lodge her in any sure jail, or give such information as may lead to her appre- hension, shall receive Five Guineas of Reward, upon applying to any one of the Magistrates. ARABEE FARM IN STIRLINGSHIRE TO BE LET. To be Let for such a number of years as can be agreed on, and entered to at Martinmas next, or Martinmas 1799, THE FARM of CRAIGQUARTER, lying in the
parish of St. Ninians, as lately occupied by James Morrison. he grounds will be inclosed and subdivided in the course of the ensuing Summer, and being plentifully supplied with water from the Burn of Craigquarter, and within a few miles of the town of Stirling, and the great Cattle Markets of Falkirk, are very eligible for pasture as well as agriculture. For further particulars, application may be made to Alexander M'Gibbon, writer in Stirling, the proprietor; and John Cowan at Craigquarter, will shew the grounds. Stirling,_ Oct. 5, 1798. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. THE Trustee on the Sequestrated Estate of JOHN WEMYSS and
SONS, Merchants in Dundee, as a Company, and of THOMAS WEMYSS and WALTER WEMYSS the Partners of that Company, as individuals, hereby intimates to the Creditors that an offer has been made to him by some ot Thomas Wemyss's friends, to take off his whole Furniture at a valuation, r at a fum as may be agreed on. The trustee therefore requests a Meeting of the whole Creditors in the house of Alexander Morren, vintner in Dundee, on Wednesday 24th October curt, at 12 o'clock noon, to consider this offer, and give directions thereanent, and also as to the remainder of Walter Wemyss's Furniture, as yet
undisposed of. And in case the Lands of Laureston and Trottick, which are ad- vertised for sale to take place on 17th inst are not then sold, the Trustee and Commissioners will most likely need the advice of the creditors as to their further proceedure respecting these lands. It is therefore hoped the Meeting will be attended to. Dundee. Oct 5, 1798. SALE OF KINNORDY AND INVERCARITY, IN THE COUNTY OF FORFAR To be SOLD by public voluntary roup, within John's Coffee- house, - Edinburgh, on ThUrsday the 29th day of November next, Be- tween the hours of 1 and 2 o'clock afternoon. THE LANDS and ESTATES of
KINNORDY and INVER- CARITY lying in the parish of Kirrymuir, and county of Forfar, in the following Lots. viz. . LOT I. The Lands and estate of KINNORDY, with the Farm of KINTYRIE, comprehending the Mansion house, Office- houses, and Garden of Kinnordy as laid down and delineated on a plan and measurement thereof, lately made Out by Mr. Ainslie, land- survey- or, whereby it appears, that this Lot contains 27C4 acres. The Mansion house and Offices of Kinnordy are lately built and erected upon a very extensive plan, elegantly finished, and in a com- plete state of repair. The garden was within these few years
made out at a great expence, having a large hot- house and hot- walls well stocked with fruit trees of the best kinds, producing a great quan- tity of fruit. In this lot is also included the Loch of Kinnordy, which contains marle of an excellent quality, supposed to be inexhaustible, and for which there is a constant demand. The proprietor has an heritable right to the Teinds of this lot, which are valued, and the Minister obtained an augmentation last winter session. The church and manse are new and substantial, and in a complete state of repair. LOT II. The Lands and Estate of INVERCARITY, so far as delineated on Mr. Ainslie's,
plan, by which they contain 1161 acres, with the ancient Castle and Garden of Invercarity, delightfully si- tuated upon the banks of the waters of Esk, Prosan, and Carity, and where they all conjoin. The beautiful and very romantic situ- ation of this place is too well known to require any description and upon which there are very extensive woods and plantations, all in the most thriving condition, and of great value. The farms of Wester Shielhill, Quiech, Auchnagray, Turfachie, and Coffacks, are also included in this lot, and the state cf the Teinds, & c. is the same as lot 1. excepting such of the last mentioned farms as are situated
in the parish of Tannadice, the teinds of which are exhaust- ed by payment of Ministers stipend. Plans and measurements of these estates by Mr. Ainslie, with the title- deeds, tacks, and rentals thereof, are to be seen in the hands of Mr. Proctor, Glammis Castle, or Thomas Duncan, writer in E- dinburgh. who have power to treat by private bargain, before the day of sale. UNIVERSITY of EDINBURGH THE CLASSES for the different BRANCHES of EDUCA- TION will be opened the ensuing Session, as follows The Rev. GEORGE BAIRD, D. D. Principal. . I.—. LITERATURE & PHILOSOPHY.. Divinity Hall Anatomy and Surgery
Chemistry & Chemical Pharmacy - - Dietetics, Materia Me- dica, & Pharmacy Theory of Physic - Practice of Physic - Theory and PractiCe of Midwifery - - .
Oct. WILLIAM RICHARDSON, ( late Acting Partner of BUCHAN, HuNter, and Company.) WOOLLEN DRAPER, HATTER, and HOSIER, BEGS' leave to acquaint his Friends and the Public, that he has BEGUN BUSINESS for himself, at his Ware House oppo- site the King's Arms Tavern, High Street,— of his Stock, which will be all New and Fresh, he has received CLOTHS, WAISTCOATS, BREECHES STUFF'S, HATS, & c. & c. besides these, which are the General Articles of the Trade, he has got, ROYAL PATENT WATER PROOF CLOTHS, SCARLET, BLUE, MIXTURE, and PLAIN COLOURS. . .. The Coat will be a mere
trifle more than the ordinary Superfines, and they are Neat Cloths. SILK WATER PROOF HATS are sold in general at 15s. R. can afford them at a Guinea, best quality. Navy Blue Superfine Cloths, made on purpose, very fine. Military articles, on low terms. India Muslin, for Neckcloths. Blankets and Flannels, very cheap. BLACKSMITH WANTED. ABLACKSMITH who understands the Shoeing of Horses, and can perform the other branches of Blacksmith work, connected with Agriculture, is Wanted to settle at the Village of Abernethy, nine miles south from Perth. He can be accommodated with the necessary houses, a garden,
and land for a cow, and if industrious, may depend on constant work. If a Farrier, so much the better. Apply to Mr Barclay, Meadows of Carpow, by Newburgh. - t Not to be repeated. TO BE LET FURNISHED, From this date, until Whitsunday next, , .-... AN ELEGANT LODGING; of 11 rooms, kitchen, and suit- able offices, fit to accommodate a genteel family, and is in an eligible situation. There is also an Elegant CHAISE to sell, in good condition, and will be sold reasonable. ALSO has to SELL THREE FLATS with the GARRETS,' & c. in the middle of St. Mary's Wynd.; an uninterrupted view to the British Linen Company's
Gardens.. The title- deeds are clear, and unexceptionable. For particulars apply to Mr. John Lamond, No. 39, South Bridge Edinburgh. A HOUSE AT NEWHALLS FOR SALE. ~~ To be SOLD by private bargain, betwixt and the 25th October, THAT DWELLING- HOUSE, consisting of two storeys. with a Garden at the back thereof lying at the welt end of the. Village of Newhalls, in the neighbourhood of South Queensferry. It could, at a moderate expence, be made an excellent house for Summer Quarters or Sea Bathing. The pleasant and hearthful si- tuation of Newhalls, is, in general, so well known, that it needs no comment.
For particulars, application may be made to the proprietor Mr. James Bunkell, merchant in Queensferry. • TO FARMERS AND DEALERS IN CATTLE There is to be LET at Fairy Green, in the County of Perth, pa- rish of Cargill, A FIELD of TURNIP, with the Hay and Fodder of that Farm of the present crop, where there are byres, strawyard, with shades, & c. for the accommodation of cattle. Application to be made to Mr Drummond of Gairdrum,. at Bandirran, before the 30th curt. A FACTOR TO A CONSIDERABLE ESTATE NEAR EDINBURGH, IS WANTED. HE must not be under 30, or above 40 years of age, above the rank
of a common farmer, overseer, or cattle- dealer; one who has been accustomed to let lands, buy, sell, and graze cattle and sheep, take the management of tenants, labourers, houses, fences, and policy, & c. keep books and accounts, write a fair good hand, and understands country affairs and factory in general. None will be attended to,' who do not answer this desription, or who do not give a distinct account of themselves, by letter only, in their own hand- writing ( directed, and post paid, to Mr. J. Syme, W. S. No. Prince's Street, . Edinburgh), stating, what they were bred to, and employed in till now. If married, what family,
and who will answer for their in- tegrity, sobriety, and capacity, which will be strictly inquired into. It is thought it might suit a gentleman of a little landed estate, of from 1ool, to 150I. per annum, accustomed to the above- mentioned business, as he might thereby double his income, and inhabit a good house, in a fine country, within a mile of two good schools. N. B. Such as seem likely will be sent for or wrote to, provided they strictly comply with the above; but none will be wrote to, or spoke with, who do not comply with these conditions, or who don't seem likely, or who apply personally, without such orders. ENGLISH APPLES.
JUST arrived, after a fine passage, a Cargo of ENGLISH AP- PLES, consisting of RENNETS, RUSSETS, and BAKING APPLES.—— To be Sold by JOHN KERR, in a Loft above the Weigh- house, Bernard Street, Leith. 0ct. 8, 1798. NOTICE to tbe CREDITORS of Lieut. JOHN NEWLANDS of Loch- head. THESE Creditors are desired to meet in John's Coffee- house, on Wednesday the 10th curt, at two o'clock afternoon, to take under consideration a Report from the Committee appointed by the last General Meeting. NOTICE to the CREDITORS OF ANDREW PLUMMER, Flesher in Edinburgh. THESE Creditors are desired
to meet in John's Coffee- house; on Wednesday the 1oth curt, at one o'clock afternoon, when me- ters of general importance will be laid before them. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ADIVIDEND from the Estate of ROBERTSON and BAL- VAIRD, late Merchants in Edinburgh, will be paid at the Shop of Mr. Archibald Anderson, No. 41, South Bridge Street, on Monday the 15th inst. from ten to' two o'clock. EDINBURGH, Oct. 9; 1798. • NOTICE. THE Creditors of ARCHIBALD WATTERS, wright in Co- linton, are desired to lodge their claims, with oaths of verity thereon, with William Dallas, writer to the signet, betwixt and the loth day
of October curt, otherwise they will be cut out of a share of the funds. Not to be repeated. CRIEFF AND STIRLING ROAD. AGREEABLE to the Resolutions of the Meeting of Trustees on the Turnpike Road leading from Crieff to Stirling, held at Crieff on the 3d day of September last, the Clerk to the said road hereby intimates, ' That a Meeting of the Trustees on said line of Road is to be held at Dunblane, on Thursday the 13th day of Octo- ber current, at 12 o'clock noon, for the purpose of examining the accounts and claims of damages then to be laid before them and for receiving the clerk's report relative to the business
discussed at the said meeting in September, as particularly specifed in the resolu- tions JOHN TAINSH, Crieff, 5th Oct. 1798. Clerk to the Crieff and Stilling Road. SALE OF LANDS AND SUPERIORITIES, In the COUNTIES of LINLITHGOW and LANARK. To be SOLD by public voluntary roup, within the Royal Exchange Coffee- house, Edinburgh, upon Wednesday the 26th day of De- cember, 1798, at 12 o'clock noon, LOT THE LANDS and ESTATE of EASTER BREICH, I. J_ with the teinds and pertinents, lying in the parish of Livingstone, and county of Linlithgow. These lands are all in- closed and subdivided, with clumps
and belts of planting; they consist of about 841 Scots acres, whereof about 20 are under plant- ing, and not rentalled. The present rent is about L. 314: 15S- Sterling. The stipend payable to the minister of Livingstone is on- ly L. 5: 1: 3d. Sterling, which exhausts the teinds. The tacks of the greatest part of the lands are near expiring, and except one farm, they hold blench of the Crown, and afford a freehold Quali- fication. LOT II. The LANDS and ESTATE of WHITBURN, with the Town, Inn, Mill, Mill Lands, Teinds and Pertinents; toge- ther with certain SUPERIORITIES, which, together with the Property Lands, afford a Freehold
Qualification; all lying in the parish of Whitburn, and county of Linlithgow. These lands are also all inclosed and subdivided, and amount to about 531 Scots acres, of which about lo* are under planting, and not rentalled. The present rent and feu- duties, are about L. 339 : 2 : 4d. Sterling. The stipend is only L. 4 : 19 : 7d. Sterling, and the tenants pay the cefs over and above their rents. Except one farm, the tack of which expires in the r? 09— and a small pendicle let to the Minister du- ring his incumbency, all the other tacks of these lands are either expired, or very near it.' If LOT II. is not sold together, it will be exposed in the
Three following Sub- Lots, viz. LOT I. These Parts thereof, lying on the west side of the Drove Loan, together with a small Pendicle of Kirk houses, lying on the east thereof, amounting to above 151 acres, and to L. 117: 7 : 4d. Sterling of yearly rent. LOT II. The INN and OLD INN FARM, together with that INCLOSURE of the Mill- lands lying upon the east side of the laid Drove Loan, amounting to about 68 acres, and to L.' 8l. Sterling of yearly rent. - And, LOT III. The whole Remainder of the said Estate, called the Lands of Whitedealheads,' Blaeberryhill, and Easter Whitburn, as possessed by William Wedderstone, and Peter
Morton, with the Plantations thereon, amounting to about 312 acres, and to. L, 140 Ijs. Sterling of yearly rent. . These three Sub- Lots will be sold, to be held feu of the Disponer, or in case purchasers shall incline, they will be sold to hold of the Crown ; and as much Superiority Lands will be added, as together with their own proportion of valuation, will give a Freehold Qua- lification in the County of Linlithgow to each. At the same time Will be exposed to Sale, TWO FREEHOLD- QUALIFICATIONS, lying in the County of LANARK Mr. John M'Kellar, at Mid- Calder, or the tenants, will shew the lands, and for other particulars,
application may be made to James Gray, writer, Buccleugh Place, Edinburgh, who powers to conclude a private bargain. HOUSES, SHOPS, AND AREAS, IN EDINBURGH, AND GROUND AT WESTER DUDDINGSTON - FOR SALE. To. be SOLD by Public Roup, within the Royal Exchange Coffee- house, Edinburgh, upon Wednesday the 14th day of November next, at two o'clock afternoon, I.— THE SUBJECTS in POTTERROW, called CLARK's LAND, possessed by Mr. William Lowrie, tool- maker, and others. The Area of these subjeCts extends 59 feet in front of the Potterrow, and 128 feet eastward to Doctor Monro's
property ; and, being in the immediate vicinity of the College, it affords an eligible situation for building. II.— The SHOP on the west side of Currie's Close, Castlehill, possessed by George Blyth, and the shop on the east side and cellar, possessed by David Anderson III.— The FIRST, SECOND, and FIFTH FLATS of Clark's 7. and, Castlehill, possessed by Mr. Carlisle, Mr. Mitchel, and Mrs. Finley, each consisting of four rooms, kitchen, and other conveni- encies. The First Flat has also a Cellar. IV.— That PIECE of GROUND or INCLOSURE, at Wester Duddingston, called the FOREBANK, consisting of about 7 acres or
thereby, of fine arable land possessed by James Lawson. it lies on the south east declivity of Arthur's Seat, commanding a fine prospect of Lord Abercorn's policy, Mulselburgh bay, and the sur- rounding country, and is well adapted for a Villa. Apply to Mr. James Skinner, writer in Edinburgh, or to Messrs. Gibson and Oliphant, writers to the signet, who will shoW the titles and receive offers for private sale. for 1798. au? ARGYLESHIRE MILITA. THE following persons BALLOTED as MILITIAMEN for the County of Argyle, not having come forward to be sworn in and inrolled, nor to provide Subsitutes, viz. . Parish of South
Knapdale.— Duncan M'Falane, Barvalli Kilmartin Parish.— Archibald Monach Crinian Canal Craignish Parish.— Donald Livingston, Corranmorc Dalavich Parish.— Patrick Lindsay, herd, Duchra Kintyre, Parish of South End.— Donald M'Murchy Campbeltown.— John M'Kiech, KnOchinashaw ' Killean & Kilchenzie.— James M'Lean, Dunashry Alex. M'Millan, Gortanfaul Finlay M'Carvie, North Runaherize Donald M'Lellan, Bellochantuy Saddle & Skipness.— Peter M'Michail. Cuilintra Alexander M'Alister, Laggan Iver M'Millan, Ducheran Kilcalmanol & Kilberry. Daniel Graham, Lergnathunsion - John M'Phee, Whitehouse Archibald
M Tavish, Crear Neil M'Kinven, Kannacreig Gigha.— John Brown, Keil Archibald M'Neil, Tarbert Lorn, Parish of Muckairn. Malcolm M'Killop, servant, Killarive Ardchattan & Appin.— John M'Naughton, sheep- herd, Dumvuich Ardnamurehan, Parish of Ditto.— Alex. Cameron, residenter, Sword- leeharoch Kilmalie Parish.— Angus M'Kinnon, in East Moy, Strathlochay Jolin Fraser, shoemaker, Maryburghmamore Donald Cameron, farmer, Cuilchenna Parish of Morvin.— Duncan M'Phee, residenter in Bar Duncan M'Millan, sheep- herd in Mungastil Mull, Kilninian & Kilmore.— John. M'Kinnon, servant to Lachlan M'Lean, of Tarloisk
Dugald M'KinnOn, residenter, Leiphen Islay, Parish of Bowmore.— Angus M'Kay, labourer in Skervals John Campbell in Ronachmore Parish of Kilmonny.— John Currie, apprentice shoemaker, Lossit John Campbell, labourer in Kilsleivan Hugh Sinclair, taylor in Moibriosh Parish of Kilchoman.— Donald Turner, labourer, Craigford Neil M'Nicol, son to Alex. M'Nicol, herd ia Glassans < Charles M'Duffie, labourer in Sannaig Malcom M'Arthur, son to Duncan M'Ar- thur, herd, Kilcheman Neil M'Vorran, weaver, Sanaig Parish of Kildulton.— Neil M'Core, labourer in Cilabous Parish of Jura & Colonsay.— John Morrison, fmith in
Belnahua . ' Kilchomnan Parish.— John M'Iliver, son to Hugh M'Iliver, tenant in Kilnave Duncan Ferguson, son to John Ferguson, te- nant in Portnahaven The above parishes are therefore hereby required, within one ca- lender month from this date, to procure fit persons to serve instead of the above named and designed, otherwise, the Deputy Lieute- nants, and Justices of the Peace for this County, will, on Monday the 5th day of November next, at 12 o'clock noon, proceed to bal- lot, within the Court- house of Inverary, for others in their place, - from the original lists. It is therefore the interest of the different parishes to
apprehend these persons who have not yet appeared, to prevent the ballot from falling on those whose names still remain undrawn. By order of a General Meeting of Lieutenancy. DUN. CAMPBELL, Clerk. - Inveraray, 4th October, 1798. LANDS OF PICKIE, AND PICKIE MILL, IN FIFESHIRE To be LET by Roup, or by Private Bargain. THE FARM of PICKIE and PICKIE MILL, belonging to the City of Glalgow, lying in the parish of St. Leonards, and county of Fife, about four miles distant from each of the toWns of St. Andrews, Crail, aud Anstruther, are to be set for 19 years after Martinmas next. The farm consists of 80 acres of
arable, and a- bout 24 acres of muir land, and is capable of being considerably improved. The proprietors will lay out a sum not exceeding. L. 300 Sterling, to build a suitable farm- house and offices, The lands will be let by public roup, in the town of St. Andrews, upon the ill day of November next, unless they shall be set by pri- vate bargain before that day. And in the articles of roup, the farm will be exposed to be set, either as it now stands, without houses for the tenant, or on condition of the advance of a sum not exceed- ing the said L. 300 Sterling, as offerers may incline. Those who intend to become tenant, will give in offers
in writ- ing to James Hill, Esq; of Langrow. at Scotscraig, who is authorised to treat with them. And the articles and conditions of the set by roup, may be seen in the hands of the Town Clerks here, or of Stewart Grace, Town Clerk of St. Andrews. t. Council Chambers, Glasgov, Oct. 5, 179S. ( UPSET PRICE REDUCED TO L. 8000 STERLING.). LANDS IN PERTHSHIRE. To be SOLD by public roup within the Trades Hall in Dundee, on Wednesday the 17th October 1798, at 12 o'clock noon, THE Lands and Estate of LAURIESTON, and MILL . and MILL LANDS of TROTTICK, lying in the parish of Long- forgan, and shire of
Perth, about eight miles weft from Dundee,- aud three from Polgavie, a Shipping port in the Carse of Gowrie. The lands consist of 300 acres or thereby, of which nearly 80 are under planting, chiefly above 21 years old, in the MOST thriving condition. A bed of marle, not exceeding three feet from the surface, has been discovered on the lands of Laurieston, which will greatly en- hance their value. Besides, there is an excellent Free Stone Quar- ry on the estate. There is a good Mansion House on Laurieston, and a Garden, consisting of about three fourths of an acre, inclosed with high wall.', covered on both sides with fruit trees
of the best kinds; and the steadings and office- houses are in good repair. .. This estate commands an agreeable view of the river Tay. The lands hold of subject superiors tor payment of very trifling- duties. Application may be made for further particulars to Thomas Mawer, Writer in Dundee, trustee on the sequestrated estates of John Wemyss and Sons, merchants there, who will shew the title deeds. plan, rental of the estate, with the articles of roup, or to james Campbell, W. S.— Ebenezer M'Killop, schoolmaster in Aber- Laurieston will shew the premises, ,. SALE OF LANDS IN THE COUNTIES OF HADDING- TON,
PEEBLES, AND SELKIRK. ' To be Sold by public roup, within the Royal Exchange Coffee— house, Edinburgh, the 21st day of November, 1798, at one o'- clock afternoon, THE LIFE INTEREST of ALEXANDER LORD ELI- BANK, in the Lands and others. after mentioned, viz. : IN THE COUNTY OF HADDINGTON, EASTLOTHIAN. The LANDS and BARONY of BALLENCRIEFF, with the Mansion- house, Garden, Hot- house, Parks and others, as present- ly possessed by John M'Leod of Colbecks, Esq; . Also the Lands of BALLENCRIEFF MAINS, Myreton, Lochill, Redhouse, Stanta- lane, Prora, Gladsmuir and others, with the
HouseS in the Village" of Ballencrieff, and pertinents of the same, and growing Timber on the Estate- The Timber consists of Oak, Ash, Scots and Eng- lish Elm, Beech, Fir and other . trees of various dimensions and ages, and part thereof is of great value. The mansion house is large and commodious, and in complete repair. ' The hot- house and garden are also in good condition, and the garden stocked with trees of the best kinds. The free rent, of these lands is at present L. 2,000 Sterling per annum, but at the expiry of the current lease, a very considerable rise may he expected. The greatest part of the lands lie in the ' most
fertile part of the County of East- Lothian. IN THE COUNTY OF PEEBLES. The ESTATE of BLACKBARRONY, comprehending the: Lands and Mansion house of DARNHALL, with the Parks thereof, Garden, Pleasure Grounds, & c. all as presently possessed by Sir Archibald Gordon Kinloch, Bart Also the- LANDS of HATTONKNOW, Darnhall Mains, Eddlestone, Mill and Mill Lands, with the Customs of the Fair, and Patronage of the ' Church of Eddlestone, also the houses in the village, and growing Timber on the estate, which is of considerable value, and consists of Ash, Oak, Limes, &,— LikeWise- the Lands of Kinglands,
LY- ing near the town of Peebles. The Mansion- house of Darnhall is • also large and commodious, the situation is dry, and there are fine trouting rivers, and plenty of game in the neighbourhood— the present rent of these lands is near L. 6co per annum, but at the expiry of some of the leases, a considerable rise of rent will be . got. IN THE COUNTY OF SELKIRK. The lands and Tenantry of EUBANK, as presently posssesd by William Laidlaw, at the rent of L. 200 Sterling per annum.'— . These lands are of great extent, are situated on the banks of the river Tweed, and are remarkable for excellent sheep pasture.— There is a
most thriving natural wood 0n the lands, consisting of Oak, Birch, and others, and which will be fit' fot cutting a few years hence. . The Lands in each of the three counties will either be exposed . in one Lot, or in such smaller lots, as may be most agreeable purchasers, and it is proposed that the Timber on the estate Ballencrieff shall be sold along with the House, Garden Grounds; presently possessed by Mr. M'Leod, and that the Tim- ber on the estate of Darnhall shall be sold along with the Mansion house, Garden, and Parks of Darnhall, presently possessed by Archibald Gordon Kinloch, but subject always to such future
rangements as may appear to be more agreeable to purchaser The estate In East Lothian; - with a particular rental thereof, be shown by Mr. Fraser, Sheriff Clerk of Haddington, and, estate in the Counties of Peebles and Selkirk, by Mr. Needham at Whitelaw Bank, near Darnhall. -. ; Any person wanting further information, and to see the Cond- tions of sale, state of the current leases, plans, & c. may apply t0 Messrs. Alexander Duncan, and James Walter : :
22 8 THE Tuesday post. FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, OCT. a. Downing Street, Oct. 6, 1798. BY advices received from his Majesty's Minister at Con- stantinople, dated Sept. 3, it appears, that War has been declared by the GRAND SIgNIOR against the French ; that. the French Minister, with his whole Legation, has been sent to the Castle of the Seven Towers, and that some French merchant ships in the harbour had been taken possession of. - The Russian auxiliary squadron was in sight of Constan- tinop1e on that day. Whitehall, Oct. 6. The King has been pleased to grant the dignity of a BARON of the Kingdom of
Great Britain to Sir Horatio NELSON, K. B. Rear- Admiral of the Blue Squadron of his Majesty's Fleet, and the HeirS Male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile, and title of BARON Nelson of the Nile, and of Burnham Thorpe, in the county of Norfolk. PROMOTIONS. WAR- OFFICE, October 2, 1798. Royal reg. of horse guards, Brevet Major A. Corbett to be major, by purchase— 53d reg of foot, Ensign M. Mackenzie, from the 87th, to be ensign, vice Bro kie, promoted.— 55th ditto, Ensign A. Macdonald to be lieutenant, by purchase, vice Power, promoted. lid ditto. J. Mackenzie, captain on half pay of the late 133d, to
be paymaster.— 79th ditto ensign G. Sutherland to be lieutenant, By purchase, vice Cameron, promoted. — 87th ditto, Adjutant J Wright, to be ensign, vice Mackenzie, appointed to the 53d. West Lowland Fencible Infantry D. Johnston, to be ensign, vice Anderson, promoted. Shetland Fencible Infantry, J. Malcolmson, to be captain- com- mandant ; A. Grierson, to be captain ; T Ogilvy and Lewis Cor- don, to be lieutenants; J Archibald, and W. Innes, to be ensigns. Forfar Gentlemen and Yeomanry, T. Fotheringham to be captain, G. Smith to be lieutenant. Argyleshire Volunteer Infantry, L. M'Lean, to be captain ; H. M'Lean to be
lieutenant; D. Campbell, to be ensigin ; 2d Lieute- nant J. Brown, to be first lieuteriant, vice Galbreath, appointed td the Argyleshire Fencibles. Strath, Alva, and Boyne Corps of the Banff- shire Volunteers. J. Duff, to be major- commandant, vice Hay, who resigns, Breehin Volunteers, C. Gillies, to be major ; C. Smith, jun. A. Ritchie, and J. Smith, jun to be captains; D. Ogilvy, J. Penny- cook, and R. Mackenzie, to be first lieutenants; J. Smith, D. Richard, and P. Wilson, to be second lieutenants.; Rev. J. Burns; to be chaplain ; Second Lieut. J. Smith, to be adjutant; T. Sim, up. Our vessels were then thrown into disorder. Every one
cut their cables to avoid the wreck. " We had no conception that we should be attacked on the land side, considering the small space between us and the banks along the shore ; but the English shot along in this di- rection in so masterly a manner, that only their first ship touched the ground ; and the rest passed in two lines on the starboard and larboard sides of our headmost vessels. Our line was thus between two fires from the van to the L'Orient, which was in the centre. . " Admiral BRUEyES, after being first wounded in the leg, was cut in two with a shot. The l'Orient took fire it was impossible to extinguish it, at length she
Blew up and threw our squadron into disorder." The Directory already anticipate the probable conse- quences of the defeat. In a Message addressed by them to the Council of Five Hundred, they require under pretence of the delays at Rastadt, a Levy of Two, Hundred Thou- sand Men to be immediately mustered and such is the ur gency of the measure, that instead of attending to the cus- tomary forms of raising troops, the Council decreed that every Frenchman, who on the 22d September had attained twenty, was in a state of Requisition, and liable to be im- mediately called into service. The destruction of the fleet has had
the effect of Working up the rage of the Dirctory almost to a degree of madness. Their demand of a new levy of TWO huNDREd THOUSAND MEN is granted, for the Legislature has no power to refuse any thing ; a measure of finance must also be thought of, equal to the support of such a mighty levy. How this may operate upon the public mind, we have yet to learn. The object of raising such an army, notwithstanding the threats against England, is evidently to rush upon the German Frontier, provided the terms of peace which have been pro- posed at Rastadt, are not immediately acceded to ; on the OCT. other hand, we
perceive a growing disposition in the deputa tirin of - he Empire, produced, no doubt, by the victory ob- tained in the Mediterranean, to resist those terms ; we may therefore expect a speedy recommencement of hostilities, in which case, the strong probability is. that the first advantage will be on the side of France, in consequence of her superior activity we, however, trust the Imperial Cabinet is well provided against the consequences ot a new war ; indeed it appears to be apprehended in France, that Prussia secretly supports the Deputation of the Empire in its present de- to be quarter- master, and T. Birse to be surgeon.
Cluny Volunteers, W. Mitchel, to be lieutenant; A. Macpher- son, to be ensign. Forfar Volunteers, R. Carrick, to be lieutenant, vice Sands, pro moted in the Kerrymuir Company. Kinguissie Volunteers, A. Clarke, to be lieutenant; A Macpher- son to be ensign. Moffat Volunteers, —' Johnstone, to be captain ; W. John- stone, and A. Craig, to be lieutenants. WAR- OfficE, Oct, 6, 1798. East Ross Volunteers.- Capt D. M'Leod, of the Tabutt Com- pany, to be colonel; Major A. Baillie, of the Tain Volunteers, to be lieutenant colonel; Capt. D. Urquhart, of the Fortrose Volun- teers, to be major. ed in, we may fairly conclude that his
Prussian Majesty will join in the war. The French Government, while they endeavour to depre- ciate the glory of NeLSON, by stating he had a superior force, cannot conceal their chagrin. They vent their spleen in a torrent of invective and menace, and call upon the Councils for hew supplies of money, new means of war, and a fresh levy of 2OO, 0OO men, to repair the losses they have suffered, and to command their own terms of peace.— The anxiety of the Directory to Undervalue the disaster ; their pains to rouse the spirit of the nation; the pitiful attempts of the Official ' Journals to palliate the misfortune, and to detract from
the glory of the conquerors the whole conduct of the Commissions in the GLASGOW VOLUNTEER ASSOCIATION, signed by his Mayesty C. Corbett to be captain in the First Company; J Alston to be first lieutenant in ditto ; A. Gordon to be second lieutenant in ditto-? G. Hamilton to be captain in the Second Company ; Dr. R Freer to be first lieutenant in ditto ; J. Sheddan to be second lieutenant in ditto. Commissions in the hawick VoLuNTeER ASSOCIATION, signed by his Majesty G. Chisholm to be captain; W. Wilson to be lieutenant; J. Inglis to be ensign WAR- OFFICE, DUBLIN CASTLE, Sept. 24. Frasers reg. W. Fraser,
to be captain, vice Donald Fraser. WAR- OFFICE, DUBLIN- CASTLE, Sept. 18, 1798. FeNCible INFANTRy Princess of Wales ( or Aberdeen) Capt T. Purefoy. from the Tipperary militia, to be lieutenant- colonel, vice Macneil, he hav- ing obtained letters of service to raise a corps; lieut. J. Wilson to be captain, vice Burns, promoted; Ensign J Browne to be lieu- tenant, vice Bunbury, resigned; G. Lamont to be ensign; Ensign J. Craigie to be lieutenant, vice Thrustons resigned; C. Lamont to be ensign ; Ensign J Martin to be lieutenant, vice Mackinnon, resigned ; H. Laws( on to be ensign. vice Bissett, resigned. 1st Batt. Caithness
Legion Ensign a. Mackenzie to be lieutenant;, vice Macbeath, promoted in the 2d battalion 2d Batt Rothsay and Caithness, Major Duncan Darroch, from the half- pay of the late 104th regiment, to be major, vice Moly- neux, exchanged. the AVERAGE PRICE of SUGAR, computed from the re- turns made in the week ending the jd day of Oct. 1798, fifty- six shillings and seven pence per hundred weight. From the LONDON PAPErS, Oct. 6. ADVICES FROM FRANCE. LONDON. French Papers to the 2d inst. are received. They contain a string of the grossest falsehodds, respecting the late action, that can be conceived. They
state that, the English fleet was greatly superior in guns and men — that all the English ships, except six, were reduced to mere wrecks, that Ad- miral NELSON was killed in the action, and that the British lost more men than the French. The following are the only paragraphs in the French Papers, that have any appearance of truth : " The English attacked us with inexpressible fury. More than one half of out line was placed between two fires ; and the rest did not get into action until the van was disabled. " The superb ship the L'Orient took fire at ten o'clock She was attacked so closely, that it was the wadding of the English ships
that set her on fire ; and the sailors fought each other with their rammers. It was impossible to extin guish the flames. lt was a terrible but melancholy spectacle to she this vessel fighting to the last extremity, though with the certain prospect of destruction. About midnight she blew Directory, and Message upon the subject, bespeak how sorely they are pinched. MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTORY. COUNCIL OF FIVE HUNDRED. Sitting of the 23d Sept. The Directory addressed a Message to the Council re- specting the extraordinary means which ought to be adopted in order to accelerate the conclusion of a General Peace**
At the commencement of the Congresses at Rastadt, every thing seemed to announce that the honors of war would soon be terminated. The Directory negociated with good faith, and had no other objeCt but to conduct our Phalanxes against the Tyrants of the Sea, who, terrified at the storm which threatened them, fought to avoid it, by planting dis- cord and corruption in several of the Cabinets of Europe. " Our Armies by sea and land are in great want, but we have great resource's. The Republic can still sustain an ex traordinary crisis. " The army is not complete— Two Hundred Thousand Men are wanting to complete the
corps, and Ninety Mil- lions a- year for their support, beyond the other sums voted for the ensuing year. The effect of this measure depends upon its celerity. It is impossible to wait till the registers are finished ; therefore the Directory, for this time, propose to make the five classes contribute. The whole of the ex- traordinary supplies, in order to enable our defenders on both elements to accelerate Peace, amount to One Hundred and Twenty five Millions. The Directory conclude with saying, it is time that the War for Liberty should finish, and their enemies be swept from the face of the earth I— France ought to appear with the
Olive Branch in one hand and the Thunderbolt of War in the other. If our enemies chuse war, it shall be short; it will end with the ruin of those who oppose us." JOUrDAN.—" Say the word, and 200,000 men are in rea- diness.—- Decree that every Frenchman who was 20 years of age on the 22d, should be in Requisition'. by these means you will have all the First Class." The Council decreed that all persons enregistered of the First Class should be put in requisition. BREST, Sept. 17. " The squadron from Brest, whose sailing we announced, was composed of the ship Hoche, on board which was the Commander of Marine, with
the Commander also of the army of the Expedition ; he frigates La Romaine, L'Im- mortalite l'Ambuscade, La Coquille, La Semillante, La Resolus la Bellone, La Loire, and the Goelette la Biohe. It had on board 3000 men, Muskets, Artillery, Ammunition, & c. The Army is commanded by the General of Brigade HARDy, with General MENAgE, second in command and Adjutant- General SImON, as Aide- du- camp. " There is every reason to suppose that this squadron is destined for Ireland, and no mystery's made of it, as the songs made by the Officers on board mention it. " On the day before yesterday a commotion took place
on board the Hoche, the pretence for which was the want of pay. The Officers in the yard having three months pay due to them, refused to work, and BoMPArD armed himself with his pistols and his sabre, and falling on the most muti- nous, dispersed them. He afterwards punished the ring- leaders who had insulted their Officers, and thus quelled the mutiny by his own exertions." One of the French accounts state, the Brest fleet which lately sailed has returned to port, having observed a superior British force in chace of them. The Directory has published no Official account, of the battle of the Nile. The Journals the Bien
Informe, and the ReVelateur, have been suppressed for giving accounts of the aCtion, and reflecting on the Directory for sending BUONA- pARTe to perish in Egypt. The French Papers acknowledge, that the progress of BUONAPARTE in Egypt was obstinately contested, and his success was not obtained without considerable loss. The French themselves now consider BUONAPARTE as left solely dependent on the resources of his own genius. Turin has been the scene of a riot fomented by French Officers, who have stated in their justification, to have been intoxicated. An insult was offered to his SARDINIAN MA- JESTY,
which was resented by the populace, and a disturb- ance ensued, in which several of the French soldiers were killed. The tumult Was; however, appeased before the French Ambassador returned to town.— it will, we have n0 doubt, be made the pretence for an attack on the dominions of the KINg of SARDINIA. Accounts dated the 17th of August, were received on Wednesday from Constantinople, that Sir HORATIO NELSON was off the Island of Rhodes ; the French transports were at Alexandria, he had left some of his squadron to prevent their getting away, and had sent to the PORTE for bomb- vessels, & c. to enable him
to destroy them. BUONAPARTE had cut off the heads of above 200 Turks, for rejoicing at the victory over the French Fleet. His troops were sickly — he had expressed his determination of marching into Syria, but It was thought he could be prevented from the want of provisions, & c. It is confirmed; thti the GRAND SEIGNIOR had removed his Vizier because he did not think him sufficiently hostile to the French. The Members of the French Mission had been all arrested and imprisoned. the attack of on fleet was the most masterly it is pos- sible to conceive. The French ships were drawn up in a Close line of battle, expecting the
attack, with springs upon their cables, thus presenting a chain of batteries against our ships— They had moreover batteries on shore, and gun- boats to proteCt their flanks. thus formidably posted, it seemed difficult to force, them ;— but they knew not the en- terprizing spirit of the BRITISH AdMiraL, or the undaunt- ed courage of his officers and men. Sir HORATIO NEL- SON turned even the precautions of the enemy to his own advantage. He made the signal for his fleet as they led in to get between the French line and the shore, a signal that was obeyed with that alacrity, which shewed that the Bri. tish Tars were resolved to
make up for their former dis- appointment in not falling in with the enemy. By this bold and judicious manoeuvre, they attacked the French in the side thev were least prepared for aCtion. It was in performing this service that the Culloden, our van ship grounded We sympathize with the feelings of the gallant Capt. TROUbRIDGE upon this unfortunate and trying event. Happily the abscence of his ship was of no material disad- vantage to the general result of the acton, though had she had her share of it, commanded as she is. we have little doubt that every one of the French ships would have been taken or burnt. , To give a just
idea of the comparative force of the two fleets in the late glorious action, we here present it in a close point of view ; ENGLISH. T Culloden 2 Theseus 3 Alexander 4 Vanguard 5 Minotaur 6 Leander 7 Swiftsure 8 Audacious 9 Defence 10 Zealous 11 Orion 12 Goliath 13 Majestie 14 Bellerophon La Mutine ( Brig) FRENCH. Guns. Men. I Le Guerrier 74 700 a Le Conquerant 74 700 3 Le Spartiate 74 700 4 I.' Aquillon 74 700 5 Le Souverain Peuple 74 Too 6 Le Franklin 80 ? io 7 L'Orient 120 loio 8 Le Tonant 80 « eo 9 L'Heureux 74 700 lb Le Timoleon 74 700 11 Le Mercure 74 700 12 Le Guillaume Tell 80 800 13 Le Genereux 74
700 14 La Diane 48 300 15 La Justice 44 300 t6 L'Artemise 36 250 17 La Serieuse 36 250 1190 10810 The French Force exceeded ours by 164 guns, and 2642 men, without including their batteries on the island in their front, and on their flanks. From our Force ought likewise to he deducted the guns and men of the Culloden, who were thrown out of the action by the misfortune of her getting on sHore.— In whatever point we view this action, it must be considered as the most brilliant that ever was atchieved. Strange as it may appear, we are well assured that in BUO- NAPARTE'S dispatches, the name of India is never once
mentioned. His mind, it appears, was so engrossed by the distresses and desperation of his situation, that he could think of that alone— And in a letter from one of BUONAPARTE'S Officers to his wife, he says that from the prospeCt which they then had, he would think himself very fortunate to re- turn to Paris— his expression is— even - without his shirt. BuoNAPARTE was without necessaries— His Hospitals were full, and without medicines of any kind. Under these circumstances the fate of bUONAPARTe and his army seems nearly decided. Cut off from all reinforcements and sup
OCT, 9. ' the plies, nothing could he left for him but to surrender at dis- eretion, or to make Cairo a Charnel House, by the mortality of his whole army. Of the loss which BUONAPARTE sustained in his march from Alexandria to Cairo, it is impossible to form any accu rate estimate ; but all accounts agree that it was very consi derable indeed. He was engaged in three very obstinate bat The french Papers acknowledge that Generals Kleber and Menou were wounded. BUONAPARTE has sent a detach ment of his troops to Suez, but their success is not known. BUONAPARTE is master of no more ground, than what is im
mediately occupied by his army. The French Government may be considered as having laid a train for its own destruCtion. They have fallen into the snare which they prepared for others. This expedition was intended as a decisive measure which was to determine the fate of BRITAIN : they have Failed in their object, and the vengeance of the Turkish Empire will be again roused to hurl that destruCtion on the present tyrannising Government which has already swept away those that preceded it ! Admiral NELSON is rather unlucky in his own person, as he rarely escapes without a wound. Fortunately the hurt be has received on
his head in the late aCtion, is not dan- gerous and even if it should leave a scar, it may be Covered by a Coronet. The wound Admiral NELSON received was from a splin- ter, which struck his head and eyes. He has sent home two private letters, one to Lady NELSON, the other to Lady SPENCER. In the letter to Lady SPENCER, he speaks of his wound as a very slight one ; and, we are informed, says that he has only got black eyes and a bloody nose. Admiral NELSON is now only in the 40th year of his age. Capt. BERRY, who so gallantly fought the Vanguard, af- ter Sir HORATIO NELSON was wounded, may be hourly ex pected to arrive with the Admiral's more particular detail of the Glorious Action which he atchieved. To Capt. BERRY the country owes every tribute of the warmest gratitude for the most important services that perhaps ever were render- ed by any man in a similar situation. The Hon. Capt. CAPEL, who brought the last dispatches, is the youngest son of the Earl of ESSEX : he has been made Post Captain. Of the duration of the action different accounts have been received. It appears, however, according to the most cor- rect statement, that it lasted nineteen hours. From the fidelity with which the French have given the details of
their Naval Engagement off Rosetta, we may con- jecture what credit is due to the account of their Conquests in Egypt. A letter from the COMPTROLLER GeNeRAL of the East- ern Army in Egypt, to his wife at Paris, was intercepted in the vessel which had BUONAPARTE'S dispatches on board : This letter is dated Rosetta, in EGYPT, 17th Thermidor 6th year of the French Republic, or 3d of August, 1798. After giving an account of the total destruction of the Toulon Fleet, it adds, " I have had, since my arrival here, my portrait, in pro- file, taken by an able Artnij ewtcu o; nay j it is said . very like, but we have so many English
around us, that for fear of its falling in their hands; or going to the bottom of the sea, I dare not send it. I could wish to be the bearer of it myself ; be assured, that as soon as I can obtain that per- mission, which I shall not cease to solicit, I shall take my departure— there is no fortune shall retain me— I shall be contented to arrive with you naked as my hand. " I embrace you, and also my Children, " E. POUSSIEULQUE." Extract of a letter from Capt. BALL, of his Majesty's ship ALEXANDER, dated Bequier Road. Mouth of the Nile. " Before this reaches you, you will have heard of the battle of the Nile. I only received a slight
wound by a musket ball taking a piece of flesh from my left cheek, Which will leave a small scar. My ship was engaged within pistol shot of l'Orient when she caught fire, after which appropriate observation of another at somes distance from him—" Why, damn it, they have— have not they?" The Messenger who carried the dispatches to his MAJES. TY, containing the account of Admiral NELSON'S victory, was stopped on Hounslow Heath by a highwayman, who robbed him of eight guineas and took the dispatches also.— The Messenger told him he was welcome to the money, but requested he would return the dispatches,
which gave an account of the complete destruction of the French Fleet in the Mediterranean. The highwayman hearing this, ex- pressed the highest satisfaction at the news, Very loyally re- turned the papers, and told the Messenger to make all the hade possible to his journey's end. Lord DUNCAN'S victory gave rise to fashions for the win- ter. Now Admiral NELSON will set the mode for the sea son. Our Ladies will dress themselves a l'Egyptienne.— We shall have . the Mummy Shroud instead of the Tartan plaid, and the head a la Crocodile instead of the Cockernony. PRINCE CHARLES of Hesse, now called Citizen Hesse
who resides at Paris, in a letter same time ago to the Editor of one of the Parisian Journalists, stiles Admiral NELSON the KING of the English Admirals. Success seems to fol- low this title, which was bestowed sneeringly. We have had not a few of this sort of Kings, and we trust that the race of them will never be extinct. . A most daring outrage was committed op Wednesday night on Capt; Lowe of the Horse Guards, who was at- tacked by an armed mob, in the same manner as Capt. DUN- CAN, ( son of Lord DUNCAN,) had been on the preceding evening. Capt. Lowe, who bravely defended himself with his sword, would
probably have been murdered but for the Interference of a Corporal of the Coldstream Regiment, who, in rescuing him, received a wound from a dagger in the knee. Two of the villains are in custody. On the same night Sir R. BURNET'S carriage was stopped opposite the Admiralty, and a loaded pistol was fired, which wounded Sir ROBERT, but we hope not dangerously. These outrages determined the Magistracy to put an end to the illuminations which otherwise would have taken place last night, for the third time. 179$' — ... EDINBURGH. The LONDON GAZETTE, received this day, published in page 228, contains the
important intelligence, that the OT- TOMAN PORTE had declared war against FRANCE, and sent the FRENCH AMBASSADOR to the Seven Towers. The Russian Fleet had appeared off Constantinople. HAMBURGH MAIL. A HAMBURGH MAIL arrived on Saturday, and brings the following important intelligence : VIENNA, Sept. 19. From the COURT GAZETTE. " Letters from Constantinople of the 31st ult. contain intelligence, that the Russian Fleet, consisting of twelve sail of the line and several smaller vessels, were then in sight from that city, near the entrance of the Black Sea, and was expected there by the first fair wind,
to proceed from thenCe into the Mediterranean. " A frigate is arrived at Trieste, to carry Gen. MACK to Naples, where he is to have the chief command of the Ar- my. " The march of the Russians has not been countermand- ed. They are 6o, ooo in number; the first division of which, 30,000, were expected at Teschen on the 10th. The van- guard is already arrived in Bohemia. Besides the 60,000, 40,000 are to be collected on the Frontiers of Poland, to make as it were a body of Reserve. The march of another body of Russians through Moldavia and Wallachia, against Widden, is fully confirmed. " The PORTE has received
information, that the Arabs had had the imprudence to attack BUONAPARTE in his in. trenchments, in which attempt they suffered very much, but the French also suffered very greatly. " BUONAPARTE has occupied Cairo with 6,000 of his best troops; He has lost many men by sickness." CONSTANTINOPLE, Sept. i, " We yesterday enjoyed an unexpected and splendid sight — The Russian Fleet from the BlaCk Sea sailed by the Se Granting says an Opposition paper) that BUONAPARTE: and his officers have quarrelled, the overthrow of their fleet will reconcile them." Most happy discovery! Is it not more likely that,
exasperated at the folly of the expe- dition, both officers and men may vent their vengeance on him who has brought them into such difficulty and danger ? We lament exceedingly to hear that the Secession of Op- position is still to continue after the meeting of Parliament. As Physiognomists, we should have been glad to have seen their phizzes after NELSON'S Victory and O'CONNOR'S Con- fession. The Subscription at Lloyd's Coffee- house, for Admiral NELSON'S fleet, goes on rapidly. The Royal Exchange, and London Assurance Companies, have subscribed 100 gui- neas each, and he East India Company have voted
rdool. Le Guillaume Tell, of 80 guns, La Justice, and La Diane frigates, which escaped, are arrived at Malta. yW/' W". guns, is arrived at Candia, where the others will be all taken before they - aglio, and through the Canal, to the Archipelago. The fleet has on board 4000 troops. Admiral NELSON, however, having defeated the French fleet, the Russians are expected first to attack the ci- devant Venetian Islands, and after tak- ing them; to attack Malta. ITALY, Sept. 16. War is expected soon to take place between France and Naples. The latter Power has 80,000 men under arms, More French troops are marching against the
Frontiers of Naples, where, in addition to the Army already on foot, 5o, o0o Militia are raising. Sir SIDNEY SMITH is appointed to act with the Russian Fleet in the Mediterranean, and has sailed in the Tigre of 80 guns, for that purpose. The accounts from france, publishsd in page 228, are of considerable importance. alA^ rfipw4.,^^ Journalists make the reparation of are to make the Sovereign's of ThVV/^ Wife'i'- wJlUet back nished Admiral NELSON with provisions, pay the expences and cost of the ships they have lost It is remarkable, that the French Jounalists do not lay a word of the Capture of General Humbert and his
army. They continue to make the French People believe that he is completely successful, and making great progress in Ireland. incresed my distance from her, but could not get far e- nough to avoid the dreadful effects of her explosion. She set fire to my ship in four places and nothing but the most wonderful exertions extricated us from that perilous state. " With respect to our action, I shall only observe, that the Admiral and Captain had a good opinion of each other before the battle, and now we are more attached than ever. Every one exerted himself alike. " The Captains have each subscribed 30I. for the widows and orphans
of those who fell so gloriously on the first of August; and the Admiral has given 1ool. The Captains have likewise subscribed 20l. a piece tor the purchase of a Sword to be presented t0 Sir HORATIO NELSON. We in tend to establish an Egyptian Club, to commemorate the GLORIOUS FIRST of AUGUST." The TURKISH AMbASSADOR'S house in Portman- square was illuminted brilliantly in every window ; a circumstance that fully confirms the hostility of the PORTE. The illuminations were, on Saturday night, general throughout the whole metropolis. There was a hearty good will in the people. The Theatres were superbly
illuminated, and appropriate songs introduced. The following Verse, given by Lord GREY de WILTOn, was sung by Mr. DiGNUM, at Drurv- Lane Theatre : Fame, let thy Trumpet sound, Tell all the world around, Great GeoRGe is King ; Tell Holland, France, and Spain, All their vile arts are vain, NELSON now rules the Main, And GeORge is King Every man in . his country may address Admiral NeLSON with SHAKESPEARE, " HORATIO, thou art e'en as brave a man, " As e'er my understanding cop'd withal." A person last night in the gallery of Drury Lane Theatre calling frequently in a very boisterous manner for the tune of "
Britons strike home was immediately silenced by the """" BANKRUPT. W. Stokoe, late 0f Well- Close Square, mariner, It iS now a general subject of conversion, that it is the intention of the MINISTER to repeal a number of the pre- sent taxes, and lay a duty of Ten per Cent, upon all in- come whatever— This measure has already been sanctioned by petitions to the House of Commons. VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS. Yesterday the sum of Five Thousand Pounds was paid into the Bank of England, in the name of his MAJESTY, part of the Annual Royal Contribution towards the exigen- cies of the nation during the war.
Marriages.— Mr G. A. Wylie, of Broad- street, to Miss C. Willie of the Old Jewry.— Ashby Apreece, Esq; to Miss Kerr, of Portland- place.— The Rev. B. Lawrence, to Mrs. Michelson of Garstang. . , , Death — William Fookes, Esq; Rear- Admiral of the Blue. INTELLIGENCE FROM LLOYD's LIST. " Arrived 2 Hamburgh and 3 Irish Mails — Due, 3 Irish. « The Chance, Bishop, from Jamaica to Leith. is burnt at sea. " The Thomas, Scott, from Jamaica to Greenock, sprung a leak, and is put back to Jamaica. " The George, Whipple, from Virginia to Madeira, was cap- tured on the 2d September, ift lat. 37. lon. 31. retaken by La
Nymphe frigate, and arrived at Plymouth. " The Barbara, Major, from Petersburgh, is lost on Bornholm. " A large ship ( supposed english,) has been seen on fire near Bornholm " The Norfolk, Crow, from Archangel, is capturcd by the Boui- lonoies privateer, and carried to Bergen. " The Turner, Young, from Jamaica to London, and Ranger, Hayes, from ditto to Liverpool, are lost in coming out of Port Antonio « « The Ranger, Razor, from Jamaica to london, was taken on 5th August, by a privateer from Bourdeaux. " The Nancy, M'Allister, from Charlestown to Pensacola, Is taken by a privateer, and carried to New Providence. "
The Peggy, Emery, from Liverpool to Bremen, is on shore near Liverpool. " The Esther Lindo, Robertson, from Jamaica to london, and the Brooks, Williams, from ditto to Liverpool, have been on shore at Port Antonio, and got off with loss of their rudders. The CAPTURE of NINE Ships ot the LINE, in the late Glorious Victory, and adding them to the BRITISH FLEET, makes A difference of EIGHTEEN SHIPS of the Line in fa- vour of GREAT BRI+ AIN, which is FOUR more than Admi- ral NELSON'S fteet consisted of. , Whatever differences of opinion may subsist in this coun- try, as to the merits of this or that Administration, a
man must be composed of strange materials, who does not reflect with pride on the victories of HOWE, JERVIS, DUNCAN, and NELSON ; by which alone, TWENTY EIGHT sail of the line were added to our Navy, making a difference in or favour of FIFTY six SHIPS of the LINE, besides several destroyed, and four great hostile fleets rendered incapable of executing their designs. There is no parallel to this in the history 0. any nation. „ ... The late glorious victory while it forms a legitimate fource of triumph to the Nation, exhibits this country in a J attitude the most Sublime and Terrible, hurling her bolts of vengeance on her
insolent foes— securing the LIBERTIES of EUROPE, and asserting her Right to the UNIVERSAL EM- PIRE of the SEAS By the late memorable victory, GREAT BRITAIN has got the complete command of the MEDITERRANEAN, and the important trade to the LEVANT. . Admiral NELSON'S Letter is as creditable to the piety or the Writer, : s the Victory itself is glorious to him as a Sea- man. He begins his dispatch with attributing the glory at the victory to ALMIGHTY God. He does not like the im- pious General of the French, the Hero of Italy, use the name of the Most High, for the purposes of blaspheming him, or of denying
his power. We trust, there is no BRITON whom the recital of the action did not excite a feeling Correspondent to that of the brave Writer. How different is the modest letter of the HERO of the NilE, from the gasconading accounts of the HERO of ITALY! In the simple and seaman- like Letter of the gallant NEL- SON, there is a devout and beautiful coincidence of expres- sion with the Conqueror or France, our Filth HARRY after his victory : O GOD, thy arm was here, " And not to us, but to thy arm alone, " Ascribe we all " Sir HORATIO NELSON is created BARON NELSON of the NILE— See Gazetterpage 118. Admiral nelson is a
native of Norfolk.
tie extract of a Letter from. Capt. BrOWN, of the KITE sloop ' of war, just arrived from Cuxhaven, dated Yarmouth U BUONAPARTE after having stormed Alexandria, had penetrated as far as Grand Cairo, where he found his situa- tion so unpleasant and dangerous, from the Turks and sick ness of his army, that he had sent orders for the fleet to hold, themselves in readiness to embark the troops. All the trans- ports and two or three frigates were in the harbour of Alex- andria, where thev will either be burnt by us or the Turks ; so that I think BUONAPARTE'S conquests are nearly at an end. On their arrival, it was intended to
have got all the line- of- battle ships into the harbour also ; but it was found impossible for l'Orient to get in, and the Admiral would not consent to her being sent back to Toulon. They were therefore moored in the bay where they were attack- ed, and thought themselves so secure, that they never had an idea of the Britsh fleet daring to attack them. The French garrison at Alexandria saw the whole of the business, without having it in their power to assist.— Since the action we intercepted a boat with the dispatches, & c. All the letters, both public and private, are wrote in very low spirits, every body wishing to return, and the
natives are so invete- rate against them, that they are obliged to send an escort of several hundred men with every courier, to prevent his be- ing cut to pieces." . - i 11 The efforts ot France since the revolution have all— ex- cept the expedition to Egypt— had some pretext besides that of ambition ( though, indeed, frequently a very bad one); but rhe invafion of Egypt was merely the effort of Ambition run Mad. ALEXANDER, or CHARLES the Twelfth never a-- tempted a wilder expedition ; and DON QUIXOTE, who as a private madman, on his own account, never embarked more uselessly in any projeCt. We hear from Leith,
Glasgow, Perth, Dundee, Stirling, Aberdeen, Ayr, Montrose, Greenock, Paisley, Dunfermline, Inverary , Alloa, Irvine, & c.& c. and many other places of Scotland, that Admiral NELSON'S Victory was cele- brated with the greatest demonstrations of joy. Feu de joies were fired by the Volunteers, Yeomanry, and Fencibles, and the loyalty of the people was every where conspicuous. Scarcely a Village or House that was not illuminated. On Friday, the 6th or NORFOLK Regiment of fencible Cavalry, commanded by the Hon. Col. HARBOARD, were drawn up in the Barrack- yard Piers Hill, in honour of the unequalled victory
atchieved by Admiral NELSON, who dates his nativity from the same county to which this regt ment belongs.— The word was given by Lieut.- Col. ASTLEY member for the county of Norfolk j and the regiment fired three excellent vollies, and expressed their joyful feelings by loud acclamations of applause. In the evening the barracks were brilliantly illuminated ; on the front of the officers Pa- vilion, under the Royal Arms, there appeared in large illu- minated characters- The NORFOLK HERO, AND BRITISH NAVY At the Gateway of the barracks, a beautiful trum- phal arch was formed, of oak boughs, fancifully intersper- sed
with variegated lamps, which had a charming effeCt.- iTn w Ae. sd' » Ss » . t," irflty'iPeBl'^ Ke evening verv happily, and showed they heartily partook of the general joy occa- sioned by the triumphs of their gallant countryman. The Regimental Band played a number of loyal and appropriate airs, till a late hour in the evening. Yesterday, Capt. J. PLENDEALEATH, lodged in the house of Sir WILLIAM FORBES and Co. Eighty Guineas, being the contribution of tbe MID LOTHIAN ROYAL VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY COMPANY, under his command, for the relief of the widows and orphans of our gallant countrymen who fell in the
late glorious action between Sir HORATIO NEL- SON'S squadron and the French fleet. In this sum is in- cluded a fortnight's pay which the SECOND GUNNERS of the corps, assembled on parade upon Saturday, voted not only with perfeCt unanimity, but with a degree of alacrity- and zeal highly honourable to themselves and worthy of universal imitation. The London Gazette contains an order of Council for all ships coming from Philadelphia, or other ports within the State of Pennsylvania, to perform quarantine, on account of' a malignant and infectious disease, of the nature of the plague, existing in that State. A letter from
Quebec, dated 29th ult. says, " We have had a most abundant crop this season, more so than it has been here for twenty years past; and the most of it secured." . JAMAICA FLEET. IRELAND. DUBLIN, 0( 1. 4. " The melancholy scenes which many parts of the coun- try south of Dublin exhibit, are highly distressing. The Irish Papers contain a lilt of murders and robberies that would be a disgrace to any nation or age in wkich they could happen The savage ferocity that characterised this king- dom id days when general barbarity prevailed, appears to be rivalled at present in. the most dreadful acts of cruelty and disorder. All
manner of moral principle seems extinct in certain classes of the people. Religious and political feuds, instead of being softened by time, appear to gain force daily, and where they may end, if not speedily checked, it is hard to tell. Certain, however, it is, that honest men of every persuasion, and of every opinion in politics, should with heart and hand suppose the further progress of such unheard of cruelties, which draw down execrations on the heads of those concerned in them, and bring infamy on us as a nation. " Yesterday the Cork mail coach was attacked between Redgap and Killcullen by about fifty armed rebels, com manded by a fellow named O'Neil. Two dragoons who attended, the mail- coach, made a most gallant defence, but were at length overpowered and the mail carried off j the passengers, guard, coachman, and dragoons were permitted to continue their journey without further injury or interrup- tion. " Three Protestant Yeomen of the Mountkennedy Corps, were on Thursday night last cruelly murdered ; they had been dismissed from permanent duty, and were in the mid- dle of the night set upon by an armed body of Rebels as they lay asleep in their houses ; they were brothers of the name of Bryan, and men of exemplary
conduct and singular loyalty. " Some of the leaders of the Rebellion, have given di- rections, that the life of no Protestant, from the cradle to the crutch, should be spared. " The bold and sanguinary extent to which Holt and his banditti carry on their depredations, almost exceeds credi- bility. We learn, that in the neighbourhood of Monaste- reven and Athy they have committed several robberies, burn- ed some houses, and murdered a Mrs. Larktn and a Mr. Anderson, who resided within a few miles of the former place. " The Mayor, Sheriffs, and Common Council of the CITY of CORK, on account of the Public conduct of Mr.
GRAT- TAN, and that his name may be consigned to oblivion, have resolved that the STreet hithero named GRATTAN- STREET, Is in future to be called DUNCAN STREET, after the gallant Admiral of that name." COURT MARTIAL. . Mathew Tone, brother to the notorious Theobald Wolfe Tone, arraigned on a former day, for traiterously, rebelliously, and hostilely acting against his Majesty's Government, was put to trial. He objected to being tried by a Court Martial. The Court over- ruled the objections, and the trial then pro- ceeded. Michael Burke sworn, deposed that. dja witness that he quitted, this kingdOm about four or five
years ago for France, where he had been taken as an English spy and committed to prison, in which he remained for nine months ; that he effected his escape and embarked for America, where he arrived ; there he met Hamilton Rowan, who informed the prisoner that his brother Theobald Wolfe Tone was in Paris.— This information persuaded him to seek his bro- ther, whom, after his embarkation from America he accord ingly met in Paris : there he remained until the projected invasion against this kingdom, when he with other Irish Gentlemen took leave on their separate routs to six different destinations, from whence
armaments were intended to be fitted out for the invasion of this country. That the priso- ner told witness he embarked at Rochelle for this kingdom, in the capacity of a French Officer. Witness saw the pri- oner on the Monday after his arrival at Castlebar, marshal- ing the Rebels who had joined the French, in Lord Lu- CAN's lawn ; who then remarked, " That it was extremely unfortunate for them ( the French) to join with so savage dis- posed a people," ( meaning the Rebels,) " whose minds attachment to the French. He desired to have the large, cocked hat and the French Tri- coloured Cockade, in which Teeling was executed
last week, which was refused him. " Col. Richard Burke, and Major Bellew brother to the Titular Bishop of Killala, both notorious Rebels, have been taken and executed. " We lament exceedingly that we are to announce to the public, the death of Capt. Russel of the Prince of Wales's Fencibles. He was taken prisoner the 5th inst. at Tubbercuran by the French, and though in the hands of our natural enemy, a ruthless assassin, in the most treache- rous manner, shot him in the back, of which wound he lingered for some days, and at length terminated a life de- voted to the service of his King and Country for upwards of fifty years.
He was in the 70th year of his age. Monday night a young man, who had been a shop- keeper to Mr. Carson, in Dame- street, was stabbed in Car- ter's- alley, and died in less than a quarter of an hour after, wards. The woman supposed to have committed the mur- der was taken into custody and brought before the deceased, but he was not able to identify her. . " A dispute having occurred early yesterday morning in the Phoenix park, between two persons who acted as deputy rangers, one named Howard was shot with his own gun by his antagonist, and expired." The following ships belonging to the Jamaica Fleet, are arrived
-.— Mary, Galt, and Euphrates, Galt, both in Clyde. The Lord Duncan, Aiken; Mary, Whitesides ; Lovely lass, Burns, Posthumous, Leigh ; and Will, Hoole, are arrived at Liverpool from Jamaica \ the Cottrell, Williams, and Ocean, Ellison;, both at Liverpool, from St. Domingo.— The Bristol ships are arrived, and several at other ports. We have the pleasure to announce that the Fleet from " Jamaica is arrived off Plymouth. His Majesty's ship Phoebe, of 36 guns, Capt. Barlow, is arrived at Plymouth, with the loss of all her masts, being obliged to cut them away, she having run on shore on the Little Russei off Guernsey.: they were
obliged to throw all her guns overboard, and it was with much difficulty she was saved. • • . • . • During Prince rePNIN'S late stay at Berlin, the King Shewed him an excellent picture representing the Prince Royal, about four or five years old, with his hand on the hilt of his sword, the latter half drawn and his mien expres- sing firmness and resolution, " What is your opinion of this picture?" said the Monarch. " Sire," answered the; Russian Minister, " this young gentleman appears to be of great vigour and resolution. He holds not yet, I ap- prehend, a seat in your Majesty's Council!" - On Friday next, the 12th inst. early in the
morning, the Planet Mercury will be seen, if the weather is clear, and on the four following mornings. .- - . - - . were only turned to plunder and murder of the Protestants, and that necessity alone could oblige them to confer com- missions on persons totally unworthy of them." Saw the prisoner march from Castlebar in the capacity of a French officer, and met him previous to the action at Coloony, as a commissary inspecting the distribution of spirits to the Rebel army. Thomas Armstrong;, a member of the Killisacra Cavalry, deposed to have taken the prifoner disguised in the habit of a peasant, after the action of Balinamuck, in
company with two other yeomen. Evidence closed.— Prisoner being asked by the Court as to his defence, replied, that he did not come prepared for any, relying that the objections he made would have due weight that he had no witnesses to bring forward ; but af- ter some expostulation as to the time and indulgence previ- ously given him, the Court determined, at his solicitation, to adjourn for his defence until Wednesday, on which day, only one witness, his Father, who stated that he had failed in his circumstances, and went to America about six years ago. Tone then read his defence, the sub- stance of which was, that he
had gone to France, and be- ing in poverty, accepted of a commission in the French army for subsistence. That he was ordered to Rochelle, and embarked in the late expedition, but be did not know where it was destined,— that he was not an United Irishman,—' that he acted Reluctantly with the Rebels, and made his escape and disguised himself as a Peasant, intending to de- liver himself up to the first . Magistrate, when he was taken. Sentence— Guilty— deATH'. ; The prisoner was on Saturday last hanged on a gal- lows at Arbour- hill He died with great hardihood, cur- sing HIS executioner for his aukwardneess, and
avowing his Lord CORNWALLIS has appointed Colonel COLIN CAMP- BELL, of the 6th regiment, Brigadier- General in Ireland. CIRCUIT INTELLIGENCE. The Circuit Court of Justiciary was opened at Dumfries by the Right Hon. LORD CRAIG. Samuel Bell, late of Tweedmouth, in the county of Durham, accused of pocket- picking at Kelton- hill Fair, was outlawed for not appearing — Joseph and David M'Robert, brothers, residing in North Knockeffrick, shire of Wigton, were found Guilty, of breaking into the house of Thomas M'Narine. in Corwar, parish of Minnigaff, about midnight on the 3d of May last, and, after binding
M'Narine, Murray his man- servant and M'Garva his house- keeper, of stealing two watches, some cash, and a variety of other articles ; they were sentenced to be executed on the 7th November. The Aurora, of Lynn, sailed from Hull on the morning of the 27th ult. with a cargo of butter, cheese and bacon ; on that awful night, off Itching, near the port of her des- tination, she was unfortunately loft, and all onboard, con- sisting of her crew, five in number, and seven passengers, perished ! The vessel had onboard an iron vatt, or boiler, nine feet high from the surface of the deck, and in diame- ter reaching from mast to mast;
which, it is supposed, was the chief cause of the deplorable accident. Same day, the Content, of and from Sunderland, Robert Parker, master, with coals, was driven on shore near Coatham, on the Yorkshire coast. The crew were ail sav- ed, but the ship and cargo are totally lost. Thursday se'ennight, the sloop Macduff, from Caithness, with kelp. 4c. was driven on the Herd Sand, at the mouth vie tynt- By tne humane exertions of the people on shore, the crew were fortunately extricated, and afterwards- experienced the kindest liberality from Mr. and Mrs. Ib- bertson.-— The cargo will be saved, but the vessel is not yet got off.
Thursday, the Rev. Mr. James Burns was ordained one of the Ministers of the city and parish of Brechin, in the- place of the Rev. Mr. Bisset, deceased. Yesterday arrived at Dumbreck's Hotel, St. Andrew's Square, the Earl and Countess of Suffolk, with the Hon. Thomas and Lady Katharine Howard ; General and Mrs' Forbes, from India ; Mrs. General Ross, and Mr. and Mrs. Cumming, of Demarary. Died, at Perth, 23d ult. Lieut. John Campbell, of the Royal Perth Militia, much and justly regretted. Died on the 2d curt, the Rev. Mr. Alexander Chalmers, minister of Cairny. He was in high estimation from his great attention to
parochial duties. Died here on the 2d curt. Mr. David Whyte, merchant in Edinburgh. It is hoped his friends and relations will accept of this notification of his death. Died on the 24th ult. at his house at Hackney Terrace after a short Illness, Mr. John Braidwood, many years an' eminent instructor of the deaf and dumb, and son- in- law of the gentleman of the same name who first; brought that use- ful art to perfection in Britain. On Friday morning a fire broke out in a large tenement at Leith, where there were several grocery shops. Fortu- nately it was soon discovered, and two engines being imme- diately brought to the spot, the
flames were extinguished very rapidly— in so much that little damage was done to the building, but the stock of goods suffered. The books Were fortunately saved. The Royal leith Volunteers and a party of the Shropilnre Militia, and a body of Sailors, under the direction of the Magistrates, were very active. On Saturday last a fire broke out in the Cottage of Park- nuick, near Nether Libberton, which burnt down the house where it began, together with all the furniture, & c. By the ' exertions of the neighbours, the adjoining houses were saved but unfortunately the tenant who suffered had no insurance On Wednesday last a Hawk
got into an open window of a house in St. John Street, and tore two Canary birds out of their cages, and immediately killed them ; but being disco- vered by the servant girl of the house, who observed the feathers coming from the window, she run up stairs to the bird' wheD P, eV> and instanty killed him. James Andrew, Esq; is re- elected Provost of Linlithgow Samuel Burn, Esq; is elected Mayor of Berwick. MAGISTRATES OF KIRKCALDY. ' < . Walter Fergus Esq; of Strathore, Provost and Admiral. Messrs. John ford, Alexander Williamson, George Beveridge, sen. dean of Guild. Andrew Inglis Treasurer. I
SEQUESTRATIONS, & c. Creditors, of CHARLES ALEXANDER, late Tenant in Tullo of benholm, to receive their dividends on the 5th November, from John Ogilvie, writer in Montrose, the trustee. The public examination of GAVIN STEWART, Merchant in Cum- nock, to be on the nth and 2Jth curt. at|! 2 o'clock, in the She- riff Court- house of Ayr. Creditors to meet in the Tontine Tavern Glasgow, on the 26th inst. at 12 o'clock, and to lodge their claims' with oaths of verity, with George Swanston, merchant in Glasgow the trustee, before the 26th May, or to have no share in the first distribution. The public examination of
TIMOTHY FISHER, late Dyer at Camlachie, to be on the 12th and the 26th inst. at one o'clock, in the Sheriff Court- house of Glasgow. Creditors to meet in Mr. Blaikie's ( trustee counting- room in Glasgow, on the 27th inst. at 11 o'clock, to give in fruitions. SHIP NEWS. Arrived in Clyde, Mary, Langhorne, from Petersburgh, with iron j Venus, Campbell, from Archangel, with tar; Janet and Margaret, Lamont, from Riga, with hemp. The Jean; Bain, is arrived at Bremen, from Clyde. Arrived at Grangemouth — Four Sisters, Hodge, from St. Peter- sburgh, with iron; Mediterranean Packet, Mitchell, from Lon- don, with goods. SOUND
INTELLIGENCE Passed Downward,, Sept. 20. Hope, Soutar; Choice, Duncan. fajjti UfwirJi, Sept. 11. Concord, Moyes; Britannia, Pater- son.— 12. Middleton, Hodgson, The Champion frigate, with about 20 sail under her convoy, ar- rived in the Sound this forenoon, from the Orkney,, and remains; as does the Buussy brig cutter, with the homeward bound trade, con. sisting of about 100 sail The Integrity, Lost, of London, from thence to Petersburgb, in ballast, is totally lost on Sandhammer —~ The Martha, Redpath, after being ashore and got off, has got into the island of loland. ELSINEUR, Sept. 22, 1798. LeitH. Oct. 9.—
Arrived. Bell & Ann, Abby, from Dunbar; Mary, Sime, from Perth; John & Betsey, Readford, from Wis- beach, with grain ; Ketty, Wishart, from Newcastle; Dublin, Smith, from Lerwick; Ceres, Robertson, from Berwick; Kelso Packet, Moor, and Britannia, Nisbet, from London; Keatty. Adamson, and Trafficker, Yule, from Hamburgh ; Three Sisters, Lilliewhite, from Littlehampton, all with goods ; Nancy, Harvie, from Ipswich; Sally, Brown, from Lynn, with apples; Tryal, Boulton. from Whitby, with oil; Jenny, Clear, from London, with ordnance stores; eleven sloops with coals. Sailed Ceres, Bruce; Adventure, Hasselwood; and Glasgow
Packet, Taylor, for London ; Three Brothers, Barr, for New- castle; Peggy, Clark, for Dundee; Eliza, Simpson, for Alemouth ; Good Intent, Small, for Anstruther, all with goods. NEW TEAS, ™ ~ Of very Superior Qualities, TO be SOLD for READY MONEY, at very low prices, by SHEPPARD. South- Bridge Street, Edinburgh. The following TEAS be recommends as the cheapest: Superfine Congou 4s. 6d with fine Congou 4s per lb. Fine Souchong Js. superfine 5s. 6d. fuperior 6s. ditto- Fine Bloom Tea 5s. superfine 5s. 6d. ditto. Fine Hyson Green 6;. superfine 7s. superior 8s ditto. Superior Cochineal Gun Powder Tea 10s. ditto.
Very best Congo leaf tea 3s. 6d. ditto. Dealers supplied on the lowest terms possible. ; n. b A few small painted Pots of very fine souchong Tea, about 10 lib. is each, at 6s. per lib. ' Very best Hyson in ditto at 8s. ditto. ' J. Davidson, writer The Rev. Mr. A. Dun- can A. Stewart, Miltown John Sheddan, Lochie John Smitton; Coul J. Smitton, Broadfauld j. Henry, Moir's- fauld W. Smitton, Heltown T, Gibson, Woodend David Bennet, oil mill of Aberuthven J. Hepburn, Eastmill Robert Smith, Hall of Strathie John Stewart, Abbey of Auchterarder David Martin, Haugh of Aberuthven J. Martin, Drumtugle J.. Peddie, surgeon J. Ferguson,
Waulkmills J. Barnet, Broadfauld John Balmain, Coul W, Malcolm, Woodside Mrs. Carrick, Miltown Andrew Pitcairn, East Kirkton A. Monteith, surgeon ] James Greig, Chamber Strathy John Mailer, Cornhill : John Littlejohn, Cham- ber Strathy John Thomson, Castle. J. Fachney, Bowhilloch A. M'Robie, carrier, an- nually during the war A. Salmon, Millands T. Laurence, weaver Ja. Ferguson, merchant J. Morrison, weaver Wm. Hutcheson, school- master Mrs Lawson, vintner J. Sharp, Bailieland John Moir, Eastmill Wm. Drummond, Auch- terarder Wm. Murray, baker John Gibson, lint mill of Aberuthren Alex. Gill, Pothill Ja.
Donaldson, Ams ja. Caw, Miltown Ja. Gibson, do ja. Henderson. Kirkland Wm. Carrick, butcher Ja. Headridge, merchant Pat. Morrison, Wright John Haly, mason D. Bennet, Maryburn John M'Laren, Strathy Dav. Young, Loanfoot James Gentle, Ladywells John Littlejohn, Baldhill Mrs M. Gibson, Woodend Patrick Dewar, Coul James Strathy, merchant Andrew Hart, Pairney J. Morrison, Weftertown John Gibson, Newtown Peter Gibson, Loanhead John Stewart, Whitefield Wm. Headridge, carrier Peter Gibson, Bridgend , Tho. Fenton, shoemaker James Bayne, weaver Wm. George, Westertown David Sinclair, smith Ja. M'Ewan,
Auchterarder Dd. Maxton, Aberuthven Mary Maltman, maid serv. Janet Cuthbert, ditto James Maul, flaxdresser David Allan, weaver - Alexander Key, Croftye David Stroake Arch. Crawford, weaver Thomas Smith, merchant David Niel, plaisterer J. Wilson, sen. Smiddy- haugh ... Dav. Miller, wright Dav. Stewart, do Tho. Stewart, watchmaker Don. Stewart, Borland Park Wm. Sommerville, quarrier Ja. Hornton, do Ja. Haggart, East Kirkton J. Laurence, Borland Park R. Burnet, do J. Shalry, lint miller R. Callum, Borland Park J. Stewart, Burnside James Anderson Henry Haldane Wm. Comrie Alex. M'Lean M'Nicol, maid servant J.
M'Craw, gardener T. Reid. Coul Isabel King, maid servant Cha. White, Damivieu D. M'Farlane, do J. Malcolm, do Mary Davidson, do James Donaldson TOJ. EPH TUORBUKN INFORMS his Cufttmiets and. the Public, That paWof W. TK AS are now Arrived, though rather dtsrer, the outlay is uintt excellent. The Teas he wmild pntieuiarly rtctnnn-. fnd trom laf- Sale is Black, at js. 5s. 4d. mid fiaefl Souchong, at ts. Hyfr. n » , St. aridos.— J. T. begs to o'uferve th it the above ' i ca » wlrs pi/ ked out and bought under his own infpection, while in London, and which he can with eonfidence reconmtend. Sugars along with Tea at Prime
Coft. Frsdt CoFee, Cocoa art| - Chocolate, for P. eady Money. The fame Teas ( pld, and ordor » taken in at his fhop, Dalkeith. FOR SALE. APAIR of very useful and clever CARRIAGE HORSES, five and six years old, colour Bay. Inquire at No. j8, Queen's Street. SURGEONS HALL, EDINBURGH, 8th OCTOBER, 1798. IN Pretence of the Royal College of Surgeons, appeared, Mr. ALEXANDER STEWART, late of the Island of St. Vin- cent, and being examined upon his skill in Anatomy, Surgery, and Pharmacy, was found particularly well qualified to practise these arts. Extracted by ( Signed) WILL. BALDERSTON, Clk.
TOBACCO, AND OTHER GOODS, BY AUCTION. By virtue of a Commission of Appraisement and Sale, issued from the High Court of Admiralty of England. THERE will be exposed to public fale, on Friday the 26ih Oc- tober current, to begin at twelve o'clock noon, within the Warehouse of WILLIAM SIBBALD and COMPANY, merchants, Leith, upon such conditions as will then be produced, THE FOLLOWING GOODS— viz. About 1800 Matts UKRAIN TOBACCO, — 23 Casks ditto, — I2 » Casks WOOD ASHES, — 98 Pieces of WAINSCOT, — 740 Small ditto,—- and , - u — 240 SPARS, " ' Being the Cargo of the ship called
the Catharina Elizabeth Swart, Ebbe Klauson Mulder master, lately taken by his Majesty's frigate Iris, George Brisac Esq; commander, and Lord Hood armed ship, John Larmour, Esq; commander. Catalogues will be issued at the counting- house of William Sib- bald and Company, and the Cargo may be viewed any day in thc week of the sale ROBERT JOP, Commissoner. WANTS A PLACE, APERSON who is a Professed GARDENER, and can produce the most ample, certificates of his character and skill. He understands the laying out ot Policies in the most approved man- ner, and is perrectly versant In the proper soil and
situations for plantations to thrive on N. B.— If necessary, can act as Grieve or Overseer, and subdi- vide fields.' . letters ( post- paid) left at the Printing- Office, Castle- hill, will be attended to. FIFE TOLLS. THE CLERK to the TRUSTEES for Making and Repairing the TURNPIKE ROADS in the County ot FIFE, requests the attendance of the said Trustees at a General Meeting to be held . Within the County Room at Cupar, on Friday the 12th day of Oc- tober inst. at 12 o'clock noon, when THE TOLLS AND DUTIES leviable at the several Tollgates within the said county, will be ex- posed to public roup, to be Let in Tack, for one
year; from and after the 14th- day of November next. ' The articles of roup are in thc hands of Mr Hosbrugh. Cupar, and information on the subject will be procured from the respective District Clerks. ( Signed) THOs. HORSBRUGH, Clk. Cupar, 1st OCt Mr, 1798. FOR JAMAICA, The Ship KENT, ROBERT FAIRIE, MASTER, Will be ready to receive goods at Port- Glasgow by the 25th curt, for the ports of MARTHA BRAE, MONTEGO BAY, LUCEA & GREEN ISLAND. The Kent is a new ship, and has good accommodation for passengers. For freight or passage, apply to the Master on board, or D. and J. Connell, Glasgow-.
ALSO, The Ship JANE, JOHN FAIRIE, Master, Is now ready to receive gOods at Greenock, for the ports of BLACK RIVER and SAVANNA LA- MAR. For freight or passage apply to the Master on board,. or D. and J. Conned, GLasgow. Both the above ships will politively proceed to Cork in good time to join the first convoy that will be appointed to sail from thence A HOUSE CARPENTER, A MILL- WRIGHT, And Two or Three YOUNG MEN as BOOK KEEPERS, well recommended, and willing to go to JAMAICA, Will with good encouragement, by applying as above. Glasgow, Sept. 20, 1798. ' TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC ROUP,
Within the Ship Coffee- house, Leith, on Friday the 12th October, betwixt the hours of twelve ami one o'clock, The Sloop LADY CHARLOTTE, With Boat, & c. presently lying in Leith Harbour, conform to inventory. The vessel was built at Kirkcaldy in 1795, mea- sures, per register, 53, and carries about 70 tons, is in good order, and well found. , for particulars, apply to William Glover, Leith, who can con- clude a private bargain. Sept. 29, 1798. Same time will be Sold, Two CABLES, inch, about eighty- five fathoms each. HOUSE AND FARMS IN MID LOTHIAN TO LET. To be LET and entered into at Martinmas next, for what
term of years shall be agreed upon. THE HOUSE and INCLOSURES of BELFIELD, with the FARM of WEST LANTON adjoining. Belfield contains 65 Scots acres, is divided into eight inclosures, all arable land, except a few strips of old planting. This farm is also inclosed and subdivided into five inclosures. These farms are situated 12 miles west from Edinburgh, and about half a mile fouth of the great road by Mid Calder to Glasgow, and within r ^ miles of Raw- camp Lime- works. ' They will be let together or separately, as may be afterwards agreed upon.— Offers in writing may be given in to Mr. Hugh Bremner, accountant,
Edinburgh; or to Mackenzie Stobie, at Dalmahoy, who will show the farms, and inform as to particulars. FARMS IN STIRLINGSHIRE TO LET. . FROM FOUR to six HUNDRED ACRES ARABLE LAND, together or separately, lying near the great road betwixt: linlithgow and Falkirk, and for such a number of years as can be agreed upon. For particulars, apply to Thomas Livingston, esq; of Parkhall, the proprietor, at Clarkston, or Hugh Smyth Mercer, writer to the signet. FARMS IN ANGUS- SHIRE. To be LET for the space of nineteen years, THE FARM of GILCHORN, consisting of upwards of 400 acres arable, mostly inclosed,
and well adapted for Wheat.— The turnpike road from Arbroath te Montrose runs through the farm, being about four miles distant from Arbroath, and seven from Montrose There is a complete steading of offices, and an excellent Dwelling House on the farm. Part of the Farm may be set off separately, if agreeable to offerers. Also to LET, the MILLS of BALMULIE, adjoining the above, farm, consisting of a Flour and Bartay Mill, a Meal Mill, and two Lint Mills, together with about forty acres of Land ad joining. These mills having the command of the whole water of Lunan, are well worthy the attention of any person who might be
inclined to carry them on to a considerable extent, or change them to any other kind of machinery. The entry to the houses, grass. and mills at Whitsunday 1799, to the arable land at the sepa- ration of first crop from the ground. Andrew Taylor, Grieve at Gilchorn, will shew the lands, and at to further particulars to, james Rait, Esq the proprieter, at Anniston FARMS TO BE LET IN BERWICKSHIRE. THE FARM of COCKLAW, situated between Berwick, Eyemouth and Aytou, containing about 230 acres. The FARM of CAIRNCHESTER, adjoining to Cocklaw, and situated between it and Berwick, containing about 190 acres^ Both
of these farms, which will be let either together or sepa--' rately, according to the offers, are well inclosed, and in a high srate of improvement, the greater part being in Grass, all of which was sowed with the first crop after Turnip or Fallow, and more than a third part of the Tillage Land is now in Turnip. The FARM of LAVEROCK LAW, containing 612 acre's, be- ing part of what was the Common of Coldingham, of which a bout 250 acres were a good many years age improved with Lime and other manure, and having been sown with grass seeds with the first crop after turnip, have been pasture ever since. Those who may intend
to offer for any or all of these Farms may send their offers under sealed covers, directed to Mr Fordyce at Ayton, at any time before the 22d of next month, when it is in- tended to let the Farms; and thc rents offered, with the names of the offerers, shall be concealed, if that be desired. 16th September, 1798. FARMS TO LET IN BERWICKSHIRE. To be LET for such number of years as may be agreed on, and entered to, the Grass at Whitsunday 1799; and the Arable Land 1 at Martinmas thereafter, THE FARM of BISBOROUGH WEST MAINS lying in the parish of eccles, consisting ot 29; acres of rich arable 1and which 100
acres have been in grass for a considerable number of years. LIKEWISE, The FARM of LITTLETHANK, the South Field consisting of 31 acres, with a running water passing thRough the middle ; the North Field consisting of 21 acres, surrounded With stripes oF planting on the north east and west, to which will be added, a Field of 18 acres, richly sown off with grass in 1797 also a field of 16 acres, which has lain in . grass for 11 years,' and the proprie- tor, if agreeable to a tenant, can also add 21 acres more of rich old grass Offers may be made, ot given in in writing, to~ WillIam Riddell, Esq; W. S. Mr. James Veatch,
Mersington, or to the proprietor at Besborough ; and such as are not accepted of will be concealed. if desired. The present tenants wlH — VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS. The following additional subscriptions in MUSSELBURGH. Mr. Arch. Cochran, sen. of Cabbagehall . Ditto, jun. Mr. Alex. Brown, mer- chant, Fisherrow Mrs Fisher of Loretto Subscriptions in the Par. Col. John Anderson, F well Bank . jo. Crawford for Col, Stewart, President of the Golf Club, from the Club AUCHTERARDER,' Perthshire. CONVOY TO THE BALTIC. Notice is hereby given, that a convoy to the Baltic, is now on Its way to leith, with the Trade
from Newcastle, and will sail within twenty- four hours after its arrival in leith Roads. CounciL CHAMBER, Edinburgh, October 8, 1798. EDINBURGH, Oct. 9th 1798. MR. RUSSELL will open a COURSE of CLINICAL LEC- TURES, on the PRACTICE of SURGERY, at the Royal lnfir- mary, in the beginning of November. SOCIETY FOR THE INDUSTRIOUS BLIND. Duke of BUCCLEUCH, President. Sir William Forbes, Bart. Vice- President. John Hay, Esq; Treasurer. Rev. Dr. Johnston, Secretary. Patrick Russell, writer to the signet, Clerk. George Bell, Surgeon. Thomas Elder, Esq; John Wauchope, Esq; Dr. Davidson, Sir James
Colquhoun, Bart. James Bonat, Dr. Andrew Hunter, Officer Robert Morrison. Dr. Gloag, John Moir, Thomas Cranstoun, Harry Davidson, John Campbell, tertias, Hugh Corrie.
332 THE To be " LeT and" entered to at Martinmas next, . , THE HOUSE of DALSERF, which was lately repaired, beau- tifully situated on the banks of the Clyde, about equally dis- tant from Lanark and Hamilton.— The Tenant can have about 20 acres of ground in Grass, or any lesser quantity. There is a to- lerable Garden, Stables, and Coach- house. The house will be seen on Wednesdays and Saturdays, from 12 to \ o'clock. And for farther particulars apply to Joseph Cauvin, W. S. Edinburgh ; or Mr. John Boyes, jun. writer in Hamilton. A FARM IN EAST LOTHIAN. t To LET tor 19 years from Whitsunday 1799. THE FARM
of CRAIGIELAW, presently possessed by Mr. James Begbie, consisting of about 530 Scots acres in excel- lent condition, and agreeably situated on the seaside, six miles from Haddington. The farm may be seen by applying to Mr. Begbie. Proposals to be made to Messrs. Alexander and Colin Macken- zie, W S. Edinburgh, or Mr Fraser, Sheriff Clerk of Haddington, before Martinmas next, when the proprietor intends at latest to conclude a bargain, and such offers as are not accepted will be con- cealed. By Adjournment.— Upset Price Reduced. To be SOLD by Public Roup, within the Royal Exchange Cof- fee- house,
Edinburgh, upon Monday the 15th day of October 1778, ct two o'clock afternoon, THE LANDS of MARYSTOUN, formerly called MUTTON- HOLE, and WOODS, with the Pertinents, lying in the pa- rish of Old Monkland, and shire of Lanark, and consisting in whole of about 36 acres of land, with a neat Dwelling- house. Garden, offices, and other Houses after- mentioned, and that either toge- ther, at the Reduced Upset Price of I,. 1,800, or as purchasers shall incline, in the following lots: Lor I.— The MAILING of LAND called the WOODS, with the privileges and pertinents. I. o r. II.— The HOUSE of MARYSTOUN, with the Barn,
three Stables, Counting- room, Wrights shop. and two Cott- Houses to the eastward thereof, and Two Gardens and Green adjoining to the same and the east and West FIELDS of MUTTONHOLE, being all part of the Pessle of Land called Muttonhole. I-. or. III.— The remaining part of the said LANDS of MUT- TONHOLE. consisting of aboUt 23 Houses, with Yards in the oc- cupation of collier, and others. The premisses are free of all feu duties and public burdens. For farther particulars inquiry may be made of Robert Allan, accountant in Edinburgh, Or Archibald Lundie, writer to the signet — in whose hands the title deeds ot
Marystoun are lodged— and the grounds will be shewn upon applying at the house of Marystoun. LANDS IN THE COUNTY OF FORFAR. * To be Sold by public roup on Saturday the 3d day of November, within the New Inn of Forfar; at 1 o'clock afternoon, THE LANDS of KINCREIGH with those Parts after men- tioned of the LANDS of KiNCALDR'UM, and that either together, or in the following Lots, as purchasers may incline. Lo r I. Being a Part of the LANDS of KINCALDRUM, with the mansion- house and Garden, consisting of 134 Scots acres of ara- ble land, inclosed partly with stone dykes, and part y with good thriving
hedges the whole inclosures o£ these lands are well wa- tered and they are out of lease, so that the purchaser will get imme- diate access. , I. ui II. Being part of the LANDS of KINCREIGH, consisting of 18; Scots acres, all arable, and capable great improvement. The present leases terminate with crop 1799. There is a good stone quarry in the ground, for inclosing or building houses, and as the lands for some length lye along the turnpike road, leading from Forfar to Dundee, they might be Feued out to Manufacturers, to great advantage. LOT III. Comprehends the Remainder of the LANDS of KIN- CREIGH, and GOVALS, and
consists of 331 Scots acres. The present leases of these Lands expire with crop 1799. The whole of these lands are contiguous to one another, and are within about seven miles of the town of Dundee, and five of the town of Forfar, to both which towns there is a commodious and easy access, by an excellent turnpike road, lately made. There will be attached to the above Lots, if sold together, or to one of the above Lots, if sold separately, a Superiority afford- ing a freehold Qualification in the County, if purchasers incline. Ir the Lands do not sell in whole nr in the lots above mentioned, then part of them lying along the high road
leading from Forfar to Dundee, will be exposed to sale in the following ten lots, viz. Three of these Lots to consist of about 13 acres each, and the other seven Lots to consist of from 6 to 7 acres each — If these ten small lots are sold, they are to be held feu of the present proprietor for payment of a trifling feu duty They are all remarkably well watered, and their situation is peculiarly desirable for Manufac- turers, trades people, and others, being close on the side of the high road Application for further particulars may be made to Mr. Bower, the proprietor, at his house of Kinnettles, by Dundee, to Mr. James Wyllie, writer in Forfar,
who is in possession of a plan of the three large lots, or to Messrs Fotheringham and Pearson, writers to the signet, in whole hands the title- deeds are. Any person desirous of pur- chasing the whole or any ot the lots by private bargain between and the day of sale, may also apply as above. LANDS IN DUMFRIES- SHIRE GALLOWAY. To be peremptorily Sold by public roup, within the Royal Ex- change Coffee- house, Edinburgh, on Wednesday the 23th day of November next, betwixt the hours of 2 and 4 afternoon, , THE ESTATE of KIRKMICHAEL, lying in the parish of KirkmicHael, and county of Dumfries, ot nearly L. 120a
of present yearly rent. This estate is very extensiVe, and contains natural woods and plantations of great value, the Farm houses are mostly new. and the farms being capable of much improvement, must yield considerable rises of rent, on the expiry of the present leases. It is held of the Crown, affords a Freehold Qualification, and possesses many other advantages. II. The LANDS of GLENKILNS, BLACKCLEUGH, and LAMPHITTS, in the parish of Kirkmichael, and county of Dum- fries, forming one of the best store farms in that county, presently rented at L- 240 per annum. III. The UNDIVIDED HALF of the LANDS of CRAIG
SHIELD and HOLLIS, of which the present rent is about. L. 20a per annum subject to the liferent of a gentleman nearly 70 years of age. All these lands lye contiguous from 8 to. 10 miles from the town of Dumfries, and will be sold together, or separately, as purchasers incline. iv. The LANDS of WOLFGILL. HERRIES's PARK, and CARTHAGENA. in the parish of Dumfries, and within half a mile of the town, beautifully situated, and paying L. 230 of yearly rent. V. The LANDS of AUCHENGIBBERT in the parish of Urr, EDINBURGH ADVERTISER for and stewartry of Kirkcudbright, about nine miles from Dumfries, presently rented
at L-. tfSo. There are thriving young plantations on these lands, and as the new turnpike road passes through them, their value must be greatly increased. VI. The LANDS of KEMPLETON. with the MILLS, lying in the parish of Twynholm, and stewartry of Kirkcudbright, with- in a mile of the town of Kirkcudbright, having a commodious har- bour, on the lands themselves, at which vessels of 100 tons may un- load. They afford a Freehold Qualification in the stewartry. The Mills were lately erected, and are well situated, both for home and export trade. The present yearly rent of the estate is only L. 250, but the current leases very
soon expire, and offers have already been made of much higher rents. For further particulars, apply to William Bushby, Esq; Great Cumberland Place, London, John Bushby, Sheriff Clerk of Dum- fries, or Alexander Young, writer to the signet in whose hands may be seen the articles of roup, title deeds, and leases. LANDS IN MID - AND WEST LOTHIAN, AND DUMFRIES- SHIRE. There will be exposed to SALE, in the course of next Summer, The Following LANDS and ESTATES: THE Lands and Estate of COSTERTOUN, with the Man- sion- house, Teinds, and Pertinents thereof, lying within the parish of Crichton, and
sheriffdom of Edinburgh. n. The Lands and Barony of INGLISTOUN, comprehending the Lands of EASTER BRIGGS, with the Pertinents, lying with in the parish of Kirkliston, and sheriffdom of Edinburgh and Lin- lithgow respectively. III. The Lands and Barony of BATHGATE, with the Teinds thereof, comprehending the Burgh of Barony of BATHGATE, and Liberties and Privileges thereto belonging, and the Lands of NORTHBANK, and Parts of the Lands of TARTRAVEN, with the Teinds and Pertinents thereof, all lying within the parish of Bathgate, and sheriffdom of Linlithgow. IV. The Lands and Estate of WAMPHRAY, and
Lands of WILLOES, KILBROOK, POLDEAN, and MILKYMOSS, with, the Teinds and Pertinents thereof, all lying within the parish of Wamphray, late stewartry of Annandale and sheriffdom ot Dum- fries, together with the Right of Patronage of the Parish and Parish Church of Wamphray. These estates are of considerable extent, and are in general ex- tremely low rented at present. There is a valuable coal upon the estate of Bathgate, and at the town of Bathgate there is a great de- mand for feus, for houses and yards. ' t he time and place of sale, and other particulars will be after- wards advertised. In the mean while, persons
desirous of further information, may apply to Mr. Keith, accountant, Edinburgh, or to Messrs. Dundas and Robertson, clerks to the signet. 1798. OCT. LANDS IN AYRSHIRE. To be SOLD by public roup, within the house of Mr. Bryan, vint- ner in Irvine, on Wednesday the 24th of October curt, at one o'clock afternoon, if not told before by private bargain, THE LANDS of CARLUNG and OVERTON, in the parish of West Kilbride, consisting of about 300 acres, mostly ara- ble, inclosed and subdivided. The lands border on the shore, where a great quantity of wreck is got for manure; and lie near the public road leading from
Greenock to Saltcoats. There is a mo- dern house on the lands, with offices, all slated; also a large Gar- den well stocked with fruit trees. The farm houses are all new, and in the best order. The situation is pleasant, having an exten- five view- of the Frith of Clyde. The gross rent is about L. no— The greatest part of the price may remain in the hand of the pur- chaser. For particulars, apply to Mr. Robert Hunter of Kirkland, at Kilbride, who will shew the lands and title deeds, or to Robert Steel, Minister of the Gospel in Greenock. The articles Of roup will be seen in the hands of Mr. James In- nes, Town Clerk, Irvine, who will also
inform as to particulars. JUDICIAL SALE OF CARLETON, IN THE STEWARTRY OF KIRKCUDBRIGHT. To be exposed to SALE by public roup, in one lot, under the autho- rity of the Court of Session, within the Parliament House, Edin burgh upon Wednesday the 2ilt November 1798, betwixt the hours of five and six afternoon, ALL and Whole the LANDS and ESTATE of CARLETON, and others, lying in the parish of Borgue and Kirkanders, and stewartry of Kirkcudbright, belonging to John Gordon of Carleton, and brought to sale by his creditors. The Lands ot Little Carleton and others, composing the first parcel specified in the
memorial and abstract of the process of sale, are proven to be of gross rent, exclusive of the Mansion- House,, - - - L. 231 16 6 Deduct the teind, valued by decreet in 171. J, L. 4 18 6 7- 12 School salary - o 5 II 6- 12 Feu- duty to the Crown - 004 5 4 10 1- 12 Remains of free rent 227 II II 11- 12 Which being valued in the sale at 28 years pur- chase, the upset price at which the said Lands of Little Carleton are to be exposed, is 6,374 IS 9 8- 12 The Lands of Meikle Carleton and others, composing the second parcel in said memorial and abstract, are proven to be of gross rent, payable to Mr. Gordon L. 183 15 o Deduct valued
teind of Meikle Carleton, & c per said decreet in 1713 1,. 4 13 10 9- 12 Ditto one- fifth of the rent of Moss- rapcroft, for the teind thereof 3 0 O Do. school salary o 10 4 6- 12 843 3- TJ L. 17j 10 8 9- 12 Which being also valued at 28 years purchase, the upset price at which the said Land, of Meikle Carleton are ordained to be exposed is, 4,9* 5 0 S To which add the value of L. 2 : T6 : 3 4- I2ths of surplus teind, after deducting stipend, which the Lords ascertain at five years pur- chase- - - - - - 14 I j 1- 12 Value of the Wood upon the estate, as proved k in the process of sale. - - 27 o o Total price I,. 11,328 17 79- 12 At which the
said lands and Estate are to be exposed in one lot. The estate of Carleton holds of the Crown, and is understood to afford two Freehold Qualifications in the stewartry, by the Old Extent, exclusive Of the lands of Mossrap and others, separately valued. the lands are of very considerable extent, and capable of great improvement, having plenty of marle, and being situated in the best part of the stewartry, within a mile of the sea coast, and four miles of the town and harbour ot Kirkcudbright, and about the like dis- tance from the thriving manufacturing village of Gatehouse of Fleet. There is a small Mansion House upon the estate;
and there are va- rious excellent situations for buildings, commanding very extensive views of the adjacent country and Irish Channel.- It may be proper to mention, that the estate was valued in 1796 by skilful farmers of that country, who reported that, if out of lease, it would let for at least 1. 600 a- year; and as all the current leases expire in less than seven years, a very, considerable rise of rent may be expected. Copies of the memorial and abstract and of the articles of roup, are to be seen in tbe office of Mr. Bruce, depute clerk of session ; or in the hands of Alexander Grant, W. S. Edinburgh, to whom, or- to William Ireland,
writer in Kirkcudbright, factor on the estate, intending purchasers may apply for further information. ESTATE IN CLACKMANANSH1RE, TO BE S OLD. THE LANDS and ESTATE of SHAW PARK, SAUCHIE, and SHEARDALE, lying in the parishes ot Clackmanan, Tilliecoultry, and Dollar. The house of Shaw Park Is elegant and well built, fit for the im- mediate reception of a large family, with suitable offices of all sorts, kitchen garden, walled and planted with all sorts of fruit trees. The pleasure ground, which has been laid out at great expence, lies in the centre of an extensive domain,, richly diversified with wood add water, hill
and dale, and subdivided for the purpose of pasture and hay. The estate consists of nearly 1800 Scots acres, of which about 300 acres are covered with valuable and extensive woods, of all ages ant sorts, among which is a quantity of fall grown timber, fit for cut- ting. The estate is almost wholly inclosed and subdivided with ex- cellent hedges and hedge rows. The present yearly rent is 1695!. I js. 5id. but as a considerable part of this rent is drawn from inclo- sures, let from year to year for pasture, and as many of the leases are near expiring, a great rise may be depended on. There is upon the estate an almost inexhaustible
field of coal with- in two miles of the port of Alloa, long celebrated, and an establish- ed favourite in all the markets, and now at work to great advan- tage. An extensive iron- work has likewise lately been established on the premises. ' The estate affords five Freehold Qualifications in the County, and is, upon the whole, one of the most compleat and desirable pur- chases that has been offered to the public. For further particulars, please to apply to John Spottiswood, Esq; Sackville Street, London, or Thomas Smith, writer, Argyll Square, Edinburgh — A considerable part of the price may remain ui the purchaser's hands. SALE OF
LANDS IN ABERDEENSHIRE. To be SOLD by public roup, ( if not previously disposed of by private bargain) within the New Inn of Aberdeen, on the 20th of Octo- ber curt, at six afternoon, altogether or in lots, THE LANDS and BARONY of EASTER and WESTER TYRIES, yielding a free yearly rent of L. 738 : 9s. Sterling. ' They contain 3186 acres or thereby, and are within three miles of Fraserburgh and Rosehearty, sea port towns, and the same distance from shell sand, an inexhaustible and good manure. There are Lime Quarries on the premises, with a great extent of Moss, more than is necessary for the estate, which is
also well accommo- dated with good pasture. Many of the leases being granted se- veral years ago, soon expire. The teinds are valued, and the lands hold of the Crown, and arc rated in the Cess books at L, 970 Scots of valued rent. If not disposed of altogether, they will be sold in the following lots: LOT I. Lying in the parish of Frasersburgh. and comprehend- ing EASTER WESTER and MIDDLE CARDNO and ORD, Containing 439 acres 2 roods 30 falls or thereby. The present rent is L. 104: 15 : 8d. fi- l2ths Sterling, exclusive Of what may be drawn from the sale of Moss. This Lot in general is of an early soil, and exclusive of
the arable land there is a good deal of moss ground on it, which may he great- ly improved by draining. There are two liferent leases, one of the tenants aged about 76 and the other 73, from which a considerable rise of rent may be de- pended 011, and the only other leases on this lot expire, easter Cardno in 12 and Wester in 5 years, upon which also rises ot rent will be obtained. Lot- II Lying in the parish of Pitsligo, and comprehending the whole of ARDLAW, two Crofts, a Planted Park of 50 acres 2 roods 32 falls with Bodychell and Glashieleys, containing in whole about 792 acres 2 roods 7 falls.— the present - rent is 1.. 190
Sterling ex- . clusive of moss rent. This lot is of an early Warm soil, particular- ly the farms of Ardlaw, which are very fine fertile ground, and Glashieleys and Bodychell, comprehend a great extent of moor ground very fit for improvement. The House of Ardlaw is in a good situation for a Gentleman's residence. There is no lease on Glashieleys, and that on Bodychell expires in 5 years. Lot 111.— Lying in the Parish of Tyrie, and comprehending WHITEWELL and EASTER TYRIE, Upper and Nether Pick- erstone, two Crofts, Nethermills and Pendicle thereof, with Bridge of Marno and Muirstone, containing in whole about 727
acres, 2 roods, 2 falls. the present rent Is L. 191 : o vild. Sterling, exclusive of Moss Rent. The arable ground consists of a Close, early field, and there is a great extent of moor ground, capable of im- provement. The situation of the House of Whitewell is also eli- gible for a Gentleman's residence, and there are only 4 years of the lease to run. ' The other leases are nearly expired. LOT IV.— Lying In the Parish ot Tyrie, and comprehending the MAINS of TYRIE, Kirkhill, Kirktown, and Croft, Cart- mires, Mill Croft, Greenburn, Muirstone, Smiddy Seat, and Hill- head, with the Hills of Macnagran. & c. consisting in whole of 1227
acres or thereby. Tie present rent is 1. 236; 19s. Sterling, exclusive of Moss Rent. This Lot in general is of a good strong and early soil; Besides the great extent of it affords ample room for improvement, especially considering the near vicinity of shell sand, which adds much to the value of the improVeable ground The Hills of Macnagran, are calculated for Planting or Cultiva- tion. There is also a good situation for a gentlman's residence on this lot, the lease of which is almost expired. All the lots are abundantly supplied with water for every neces- sary purpose. Two of them will have a Freehold Qualification an- nexed to each.—
Part of the price may remain in the purchaser's hands. The articles of sale, rentals, and title- deeds, with a plan of the e- state, to be seen in the hands of Alex. Shirress, advocate in Aber- deen, who can inform as to other particulars; and a copy of the ar- ticles and rentals, will a'. fo be lodged with Mr. James Fraser, W. S. at Edinburgh, either of whom is authorised to sell by private bar- gain.—. The ground- officers will show the lands and marches. EDINBURGH: Printed For JAMES DONALDSON, and Sold at the PRINTING- OFFICE, Castle- hill, where, and at the EDINBURGH ADVERTISER OFFICE , at the Cross, Orders and
Advertisements are taken in— This Paper is regularly published every TUESdAY and FRIDAY.— The price of a . - Single Paper is SIXPENCE:— L. 2 : 12s. PER Annum, when Called for:— L. 2: 14s. when Delivered at any house in Edinburgh, the Suburbs, or in LEITH : WHEN SENT by Post ( free of Postage) TO any Town in Scotland or England; — and L. 3 : ze. When Sent to Ireland. * ' and WILLIAM TAYLER, No. 5, Warwick Square, London, where this Paper is regularly filed. ^