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The Edinburgh Advertiser


Printer / Publisher: James Donaldson 
Volume Number: LXX    Issue Number: 3628
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The Edinburgh Advertiser
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The Edinburgh Advertiser

Date of Article: 05/10/1798
Printer / Publisher: James Donaldson 
Address: Castle-hill, Edinburgh
Volume Number: LXX    Issue Number: 3628
No Pages: 8
Sourced from Dealer? No
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• Vol.' LXX. T H E EDINBURGH ADVERTISER From TUESDAY OCTOBER. I, to FRIDAY OCTOBER 5, 1798. THURSDAY's POST. From the LONDON PAPERS, Oct. 1. LONDON. SEVERAL Cartel vessels are now preparing at Dover to convey the French prisoners in this country to France, and to bring in exchange the British prisoners now in that country. The 32 English prisoners landed from „ a French flag of truce on Fridav morn- ing at Ramsgate, are all Fishermen, who are sent without exchange, as by the late Cartel all persons of that descrip- tion are not to be considered as prisoners of war. An order has been sent from the Admiralty to the Port Admiral at Spithead, for the usual precautions at the setting in of the Winter half year. The harbour nightly rowers are, the approaching season, to be augmented to eight instead of four; the duty to be performed alternately by the boats of the squadron, and officers from their respeCtive ships. A large gun boat is to be stationed off St. Helen's Point, and two small cutter* to cruize from thence from the close of the day till day- light the succeeding morning. ,". In consequence of information having been received by Government that the French had prepared several vessels of various descriptions,. with combustibles, for the purpose of setting fire to our ships at Spithead, as well as those in the harbour, and to Portsmouth dock- yard, orders have been received by the guardships at St. Helen's, & c. to examine every vessel that arrives, and to detain such as are in the least suspicious. Yesterday Capt. Sir SYDNEY SMITH, of the Tigre man of war of 80 guns, who has been in town some days, on business at the Admiralty, set off for Portsmouth, to join his ship ; in which he is said to be going on a secret expe- dition with a detached squadron. The spirit of this young officer is unbroken ; nor has his valour been deprest by his late long and severe captivity in France. The Amphion frigate, in company with the Speedwell brig, has captured a vessel of about loo tons burden, la- den with hemp, iron, and other naval stores,, bound from Petersburgh to Amsterdam, supposed to be worth 1o. oool The prize is arrived at Yarmouth. PICHEGRU professes the warmed gratitude for the kind ness which he experienced from the officers of the Wasse- naer, who shewed to this unfortunate General all the polite- ness of English Gentlemen, and all the generosity of English Seamen. The Dutch, from the commencement of tbe war, have been the greatest sufferers by it. All parties have gained from them. The English have made themselves masters of their Foreign Possessions, and now the merchants of Holland com- plain, that the French ships cruizing off the entrance of the Dutch ports and rivers take all the ships that attempt to en ter, whether Neutral or belonging to Allies, and carry them to Ostend, Dunkirk, and even into the ports of Holland, un- der pretence of exercising a judicial authority independent of the law of the country, t0 declare them lawful prizes. The Sale of Indulgences constitutes one of the accusa- tions against the Romish Church, for which the French Directory, considering themselves as the ministers of Divine Vengeance, exaCt punishment. We find, however, that ScheeReR, the French War Minister, is not free from sus- picion of having b; en guilty of the same offence. He is charged by BRIOT, - representative of the people, with having sold 40,000 furloughs, or leaves of absence. The celebrated MALLET DU PAN, in the work which HE has lately published, on the subject of the Subjugation of Switzerland by the French, pays the following homage to the British Nation :—" Along with Switzerland," says he, " I have lost my country, my relations, and my friends . mournful remembrances alone are left me. Perhaps should I now be without an asylum, had not Providence reserved for me a port, where, without fear, I can raise my voice a- gainst tyrants seized with madness. whose haughty impotence threatens in vain this last rampart of Ancient Europe. It is under the protection of this firm immoveable Nation, that I here depose my observations and complaints. But for its magnanimity, I should still feel the tortures of a forced silence — No gratitude can ever requite for this delivery !" The Small- pox and. Fever have raged with great and fatal violence at Paris for some time past. All the eastern. coast of the gulph of Finland has been ravaged by a dreadful storm. The powder- magazines at Cronstadt were twice set fire to, and blew up with a dreadful explosion. Several persons were killed. The Irishmen on board his Majesty's ship Sans Pareil. have published a paper strongly expressive of their abhor- rence of the- conduCt of certain of their countrymen belong- ing to the fleet, and vindicating the Irish national character from the general imputation, which they suppose is in con Sequence likely to go forth. On the 17th ult. a large quantity of foul air broke out in a coal- pit belonging to Mr. Whittuck, of Hanham, occasion ed by the proprietor having stopped a communication be- tween that pit and the Duke of Beaufort's coal- work adjoin- ing; by which accident the whole pit's company, consisting of 19 men and boys, were in imminent danger of being suf- focated ; but seeking timely- assistance from some of his. Grace's colliers that were at work very near, they all pro videntially escaped though some were saved with great dif- ficulty the foul air. continuing so very powerful as to render fruitless all the endeavours, made for several days together, to purify the coal pit, and fit it for work again. Sunday afternoon, about six o'clock, the village of Hox ton was thrown into a violent alarm by the escape of fif- teen madmen, from a well- known house in that neighbour- hood ; but a police officer being upon the spot, and a num- ber of persons charged to aid and assist, eight or nine of them were soon apprehended. Yesterday three men were committed to New Prison by WILLIAM BLAMIRE Esq; CHARGED with stealing a leg of mutton ready dressed. with a dish containing the same, from a pUblic- house in Goswell- street, when they adjourned to another public- house to regale themselves, where they put up a large score, of which they attempted to trick the land- lord. Bridgewater Bridge.— This struCture, which is principal- ly composed of Cast iron, brought in pieces from Coalbrook- dale, Shropshire, by water carriage, is now pretty well com- pleted ; it consists of one arch, the span of which is 75 feet; the road way is 14 feet in the clear, including two foot pave- ways ; it is lighted with six lamps. The expence of ereCt- ing the bridge is about 4000l. which was colleCted by an ad- ditional toll on all the turnpikes leading to the town. Mr. Thomas Carpenter surgeon, of Bridport, was lately found drowned in the river, at Wareham. It appeared on the Inquest, that instead of visiting a patient at Godmanston, for which purpose be left home, he went to the woods, where he wandered about several days, gathering nuts, a large quantity of which, with his hat and pocket- book, were found in the neighbourhood of Critchel.— The Jury found a verdict of Lunacy. Death having of late been more than ordinarily prevalent amongst the Soldiery at Silver Hill, the bodies of several who died, were in cOnsequence opened, when it appeared, be- yond a doubt, that their deaths were occasioned by eating too freely of nuts. The Bon Mot without a joke.— A daughter of a labourer, who had been in service in the Pottery, in Staffordshire, from her childhood, when weary, would be frequently wishing to be married, that, as she emphatically termed it, she might rest her bones. Hymen at last listened to her prayers, and a neighbouring clodhopper led her to the altar, " nothing loth." Some time afterwards her late mistress meeting her, asked her, " Well Mary, have you rested your bones yet ?" " Yes indeed," replied she with a sigh, " my jaw bones." The following article appeared in a late Italian News- paper: " A woman at Florence, after losing four children by cutting their teeth, saved five others by rubbing their gums with virgin honey on the first indication of pain, and repeating the operation whenever the children showed signs of un- easiness. It is added, that the same experiment has been tried with equal success on other children." This DAI IS PUBLISHED, And Sold by J. SIMPSON, and PETER HILL, Cross, Edinburgh— A. BROWN, Aberdeen— and J. MUNDELL, College, Glasgow, Price ONE SHILLING, AN ANALYSIS Of tbe Act of the 38th of his present Majesty, FoR tHe SALE OF THE LAND TAX, SO FAR AS IT RELATES TO SCOTLAND, In which is pointed out the Method and Order of Purchase ; Cons- sequences resulting from the Purchase; and Powers given to Per- sons, Officers, and courts for the execution of the Act. By ALEX. MUNDELL., W S. Of Robert Street, Adelphi, London. Edinburgh : Printed for MUNDELL, & Son, and J. MUNDELL, College, Glasgow. EXCISE- OFFICE, Edinburgh, October 1, 1798, By ORDER OF THE HON THE COMMISSIONERS OF EXCISE. THERE Will be exposed to public auction, ( for payment of the duties, & c. pursuant to the stat. 6, Geo. III. cap. 47, feet. 4,) at the Excise Office in GREENOCK, on Wednesday the 10th of October instant, at noon, 57 Puncheons, containing about 5400 Gallons of RUM, import- ed from the WEST- INDIES upwards of twelve months ago. The Spirits and conditions of sale to seen on applying at the Excise- Office in Greenock, on the day before, and morning of the day of sale. ..'-.. ' SADDLE BAGS FOUND, the evening of Tuesday last, the 2d curt, there was found in an entry in Merchant Street, a PAIR of SADDLE BAGS almost new, secured with a strap and brass padlock, having a cut- at each end of about five inches long, by which the concents apparent ly have been abstracted. It is requested, that any person from whom the same may have been stolen, will apply to WILLIAM SCOT, Procurator Fifed of - he county of Edinburgh, who will use every exertion to obtain a dis CoVery. Edinburgh. Oct. 4. 1798 THE Sale of the ESTATE of GRANGE, in the County of Linlithgow, is, at the desire of intending purchasers, POST- PONED to the 7th day of November next., Edinburgh, Oct: 1, 1798. ' SAle Of SHEEP IN EAST LOTHIAN. There isto be soLD by public roup, on Tuesday the 23d of Octo- ber current; tHE WHOLE STOCKING of SHEEP on the Farms of INNKEWiCK and BRAIDWOOD, three miles east from, Dunbar consisting of Old Ewes and Gimmers, Ewe and Wedder HogS with several RAMS, all excellent in their kinds, and of the white faced Breed Six months credit will he given upon- good security, and the usual. discount allowed for cash. The Roup to begin at 10 o'clock forenoon. CHEAP FLANNELS. JOHN CLAPPERTON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WOOLLEN- DRAPER & HABERDASHER North Side of the Luckenbooths, Edinburgh, RESPECTFULLY informs his Friends and the Public, He is just returned from the principal manufacturing towns in. England, where, he has laid in an entire new stock for the season, be folloiving are a few of the articles : Best Superfine Black Cloths' Best Superfine Blue do. Superfine yard wide cloths, most fashionable colours An uncommon good article in Dark Blue- Cloths, from 2s. 6d. to H-. per yin d. Cloths, newest Duffles & Dread- noughts, for great coats Dreadnought great coats, ready made New Clouded and Stript Swan downs. Printed Cassimeres & Quiltings, for vests Strong double tweeled Corduroy, as. low as as. per yard Fancy Cords, Thicksets, Vel- vetrens and Cassimeres, for breeches ' Corded Demities Rich Black Modes, cheaper than common Variety beautiful Callimancoes, Sattin and Queen stripes 600o yards remarkable cheap Flannels Shawls of the newest patterns Silk, Cotton, and Worked Stock- ings 6- 4' hs wide Apron Checks New Gilt, Plated, Metal, and Horn Buttons, cheap. With various other articles. J. CLAPPERTON returns grateful thanks for the liberal encourage-, ment his cheap plan has met with. As he goes regularly to the markets himself, buys his goods on the very best terms, and being resolved to coutinue to sell on uncommon small profits, he hopes to add to the number of his friends, and secure a continuance ot their favours. " Dealers served on liberal terms. Pointed attention to orders from the country. TEA AND SPiRIT SHOP, No. 43, North Bridge Street. Edinburgh. THE Public are respectfully informed. That the business car- ried on by Mr. FREEBAIRN in the above Shop ( he having; retired from it.) is continued by his Successors, PETER AND THOMAS MORTON, Who having purchased the whole of his large and valuable STOCK, are now selling the same on the most reasonable terms. Among other articles, it consists of the following, viz. A good Assortment of TEAS; which, having been purchased be- fore the rise took place at the last India House sales, they are enabled to sell at the former low prices. OLD WHISKY, of an excellent quality, and different degrees of strength, from 3s. 6d. to ts. per gallon. BEST LONDON PORTER, at u. 6d. per dozen. BROWN STOUT, at per dozen. ALE, from is. od. to4s. per dozen. GOOD BURTON ALE, at 7s per doz, n. P. & T. MORTON, besides- carrying on the Business in the Tea, SPIRIT, and PORTER Line, deal also in GROCERIES.— They will studiously have it in view to give satisfaction to the Public; and particularly to the Customers of Mr. FREEBAIRN, who may be pleased to continue with the Shop. For accommodating families on the south side of the town WitH Porter, Ale, Spirits, orders left at P. MORTON'S- Shop, Potter- row, will be duly attended to. A suitable allowance to Retailers. TOBACCO, AND OTHER GOODS, BY AUCTION. By virtue or a Commission ot Appraisemcnt and Sale, issued from the High Court of Admiralty, of England. THERE will be exposed to public sale, on Friday the 26th Oc- tober current, to begin at twelve o'clock noon, within the Warehouse of WILLIAM SIBBaLD and COMPANY, merchants, Leith, upon such conditions as will then be produced, THE FOLLOWING GOODS— viz About 1800 Matts UKRAIN TOBACCO,. — 23. Casks ditto, — Casks WOOD ASHES, - — 98 Pieces of WAINSCOT, — 740 Small ditto,— and - — 240 SPARS, Being the Cargo of the ship called the Catharina Elizabeth Swatt, Ebbe Klauson Mulder master, lately taken by his Majesty's frigate Iris, George Brisac Esq; commander, and lord Hood armed ship, John Larmour, Esq; commander. Catalogues will be issued. at the counting- house of William Sib- bald and Company, and the Cargo may be viewed any day in the week of the sale ROBERT JOP, Commissioner. SURGEONS- HALL, EDINBURGH, ' OCTOBER. 2, 1798. IN Presence of the Royal College of Surgeons, appeared, Mr. JAMES M'GREGOR, from Perthshire, and being examined on his skill in Anatomy, Surgery, and Pharmacy, was found fully qualified to practise these arts. - Extracted by ( Signed) WILL. BALDERSTON, CLK. To be SOLD by Private Bargain, ANEAT substantial HOUSE, OFFICES, and large GARDEN; the House is pleasantly situated in the middle of the garden, which is laid out with great taste, having long and broad gravel and grass walks, with flowers and shrubs all round them, and the walks well stocked with good fruit Trees; it is a most commodious house of ten good rooms and kitchen, with sundry closets and other conveniences, fit to accommodate a large family. or may be possessed by two families, as it is at present, lying in Laurieston Lane, front- ing the south, with a private access to the Meadow ; is well adapt- ed for a town or country residence, being within 8 minutes easy walk of the Cross of Edinburgh. The entry to the- ground may be at Martinmas or sooner in case of any alteration, and to the House it Whitsunday-. next. * To be seen every day from 12 to - 5 o'clock, and, if the purchafer inclines. a considerable part of the price may remain in his hands. For further particulars, apply to the Proprie- tor at the House. NOTICE tO the CREDITORS of Lieut JOHN NEWLANDS of Loch- head. THESE Creditors are desired to meet in John's COffee house on Wednesday the 10th curt, at two o'clock afternoon, to take under consideration a Report from the Commiittee appointed by the last General Meeting. . NOTICE to the Creditors of ANDREW PLUMMER, Flesher in Edinburgh. tHESe Creditors are desired to meet in John's Coffee- house on Wednesday the 10th curt at one o'clock afternoon WHEN » M* L m of general importance will be laid before them, THE Beef aND BUTTER. THE EAST LOTHIAN and MERSE WHALE FISHING COMPANY, want 12,000 Pounds Amsterdam Weight, of GOOD FRESH BEEF and Twenty Firkens GOOD SALT BUT- TER, the Cattle to be killed at Dunbar, on the first week of No- vember next, and none of them to weigh under 30 Stones foresaid weight. The Butter to be delivered at the said Company's Cellars in Dunbar, free of all charges, op the second week of January thereafter. Persons willing to contract to furnish the above, will please give in their proposals for five Beef, on or before the 15th curt and for the Butter on or before the third day of December next; the offers to be made in writing sealed, addressed to the Managers of the Whale- fishing company, Dunbar, marking at the bottom of the Address, Orders for Beef or Butter. ! DunbAr, 1st Oct. 1798. NOTICE TO CANDLE AND SOAP MAKERS IN EDIN- - BURGH AND COUNTY. THE Right. Hon. the Lord Provost, Magistrates, and Town Council of Edinburgh, having now passed an ACt autho- rising an Appointment of SEARCHERS of the Rough Fat or Taugh, before delivery by the Fleshers, a Meeting of the Trade is to held in John's Coffee- house, on Wednesday next, at one o'clock afternoon, in order to adopt measures for carrying said act into ex- ecUtion. , not to be repeated. TO LET, FURNISHED, • A VERY agreeable HOUSE, Foot of LEITH WALK, East side, consisting of six rooms, kitchen, and a great many conveni- ences ; the drawing- room 18 by 24 feet. There is a Stable, Byre, Garden, Back and fore Courts, & c. For particulars, inquire at Mr Lamb, upholsterer, South Bridge, or at the House, which Mrs. Munro, second entry above, will shew. NORTHERN SHEEP ASSOCIATION. ~~ INVERNESS, 1oth September, 1798. meeting of the Principal SHEEP FARMERS in the A T a Meeting of the Principal Counties of INVERNESS, ROSS, and SUTHERLAND held here this day, in consequence ot advertisement in the public Newspapers, calling them together to consider of some Proper and effeCtual Measures to put a stop to, and DeteCt the THEFTS which have been perpetrated on the Flocks of several Individuals amongst them. The Meeting unanimously made choice of DONALD MACLEOD of Geanies, Esq; Sheriff- depute of Ross, to be Preses, and ALEX. MACDONELL, writer in Inverness, to be Clerk.. , Thereafter, the following PLAN was suggested to the Meeting: 1mo, That the Members of the present Meeting, and all Sheep farmers within the Counties of Inverness, Ross, and Sutherland, shall hereafter for every parcel of Sheep they deliver to a purchaser, or drive themselves from their Farms for sale, give or send a certi- ficate under the hand of the owner, or his manager, stating the number and kinds of sheep whereof the parcel consists, with the marks whereby they are distinguishable, and certifying ( as the faCt may be) that they have been fairly sold to the person or persons in whose custody they may be, or are driving on account of the pro- prietor for market or otherways, ( as the case may be) and to pre- sent the risk of such certificate being forged, that a plate shall be engraved conform to a plan produced, with blanks to be filled up according to circumstances, and after striking off a certain number of copies that the Plate and Certificates be lodged with Mr. Mac- Donell, clerk to the Association, who will distribute them solely to the Proprietors of Sheep Farms on receipt of paying some trifle for indemnifying the expence of the engraving and printing. 2do, That all Ferrymen, Constables or others residing in the course the sheep drivers usually take, or can possibly take, be required to' stop all sheep droves, and call for the certificate from the drivers-, and if he or they can produce no certificate, that they shall be direCted to bring the- driver-.- before- the next Justice of the Peace or - Civil Magistrate for examination, who will proceed as the case may require. ylo, That application be made by this Meeting to the Gentle- men of the counties of Inverness, Ross, and Sutherland, at their en- suing General Meetings at Michalmas, or at the first Quarter Ses- sions of the peace within the same, stating the suspicions of Theft - that are entertained, and praying them to interpone their authority, by directing all Ferrymen, Constables, or others to require the pro- duction of such certificates, and upon failure to bring the party be- fore the next Magistrate for examination, and certifying them, that if proof can be brought of their being remiss or negligent in the execution of their duty, that they shall be liable to prosecution and fine, for such neglect. 4/ 0, That application be also made to the Sheriff Deputes; of the several counties, that they do give pointed instruCtions to those men who are under their immediate direction, and paid by the public for pursuing and apprehending thieves and vagabonds, that they ' be peculiarly watchful over those who drive sheep through the hills, examine their certificates, and take down a memorandum in writ- ing of such certificate, stating from whence the sheep have been driven, to what market they are bound, with their number and kinds;—- and shall have the account always ready for the inspection - of any having interest, That to indemnify those persons for their , trouble, those who keep such memorandum regularly entered in a book, and can at the end of the season exhibit that account to the . Association, or their clerk, shall be intitled to receive Half a Crown . for every such entry, besides all expenses actually laid out in bring- ing those who may have no certificate, or an irregular one,, before a Magistrate, and in caring for the flock stopped until the Magi- strate's decision is known. 510, That Ferrymen and Constables who are put to trouble and expence in executing the business here alluded to. shall receive full indemnification for their time and trouble by applying to the Clerk - of the Association, and in case of their actually stopping a parcel; of sheep which shall be found to have been stolen, they shall re- cieve a reward of Twenty Guineas from . the Association if the par- cel exceeds Two Hundred Sheep or upwards, and so in proportion ; for a less parcel. 6u, That these resolutions be publslhed four different times in each of the four Edinburgh newspapers, at the distance of a week . from each publication this season, and renewed in the months of July and Auguft next, at the expence of the Members of this meet ing, and so many copies be printed here, and posted upon the diffe- rent public houses, and in the different Ferrymens houses within the Counties as may be Sufficient for that purpose, and a person or persons sent round to have that done immediately. The Meeting entered into several separate resolutions amongst themselves for the preservation of thtir property, and the more speedy detection of future depredations, which they thought unece- ' cessary to make public. but which notwithstanding is nor the less binding 0n them individually, and on those for whom they acted, and they give their unanimous approbation to the adoption of rhe .. above resolutions. These minutes, consisting of this and the two preceding pages are signed by each Member of rhe Meeting for themselves and those they act for, on this last page, and by the Preses and Clerk on this and the preceding pages. ( Signed') DONALD M'LEOD, Preses. ALEX. MACDONELL, Clerk. Extracted by me, Alex. MACDONelL, Clerk. P. S. SHEEP FARMERS, and DEALERS in all sorts of Sheep,; who do not chuse to join the Association, are intimated, That they will, notwithstanding, be furnished by the said Alex. Macdonell or any of the Members, with engraved Certificates, to be used by them in terms of the above resolutions : To that if any will fall to' take the benefit of this intimation, and suffer any inconveniency* from the Resolutions being put in practice, they will have them- selves to blame. EDINBURGH ADVERTISER for At the MICHAELMAS MEETING of the Freeholders JuStices of the Peace and Commissioners of Supply of the County of Perth, held at Perth, the second day of October, one thousand se- ven hundred and ninety- eight years, of which Meeting his Grace the DUKE of ATHOLWas, Preses, tHE following RESOLUTIONS, moved by ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL, Esq; of Clathick, and seconded by the Right Hon. the Earl of Kinnoul, were unanimously adopted, viz. Resolved, Thar contending, as we now are, for our existence as a nation, and for every thing dear to us as individuals it is the duty and interest of every inhabitant of this country to afford, with zeal and alacrity, all the pecuniary aid in his power, for the defence of the British Realm, and for counteracting the efforts of an ambi- tious, a cruel, and a rapacious enemy. 2Resolved, That in order that pecuniary aid may be afforded to the Executive Government, adequate to the important and pres- sing exigencies of the times, and in the most fair and equal manner possible for all descriptions of persons, it would be expedient that each should contribute, in proportion to his ability to do so, by a tax being imposed corresponding to the income of the several members of the State, upon such a plan, and with such variations, according to the nature and different kinds of income, and with such modifi- cations and regulations , as to the wisdom of the Legislature shall seem proper, 3d/, Resolved, That this Meeting, whilst they express their humble opinion on the subject, place compleat reliance on Parliament for adopting such measures as shall be calculated to raise, in the most just and expedient manner, the pecuniary supplies necessary for e- nabling us to preserve all that is dear to us as men and as Britons. At the same meeting, it was, upon the motion of Mr. Murray, younger or Ochtertyre, seconded by Mr. Rutherford of Glenda- vin, ( with only one dissenting voice), Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Meeting, that the law of Scotland with, respect to Bail, in the case of persons apprehended for crimes, has, by recent experience, in a variety of instances, been found to be defective. zJ, Resolved, That the Gentlemen who compose this Meeting, while on the one hand they regard, with anxious concern, what- ever respects the liberty of the subject, so. on the other hand, they conceive it highly necessary that effectual measures be taken for compelling persons accused of crimes, tending to endanger the ex- istence of the State, or disturbers of its peace, to stand trial for their offences, • 3d, resolved, That whereas, it having been found by experience, that the sums for which Bail was ordered to be taken in crimi- nal informations, by the Act of the Scottish Parliament, passed in the year 1701, Intituled, " An Act for preventing wrongous impri- sonments, and against undue delay in trials had in the course of twenty- three years from that period, become too small and dis- proportioned to the danger of the criminals escaping from the punishment appointed by law, the Legislature accordingly enabled, by the Statute 11th Geo. I. c. 16, § M passed in the year one thousand seven hundred and twenty- four, that from and after the 1st day of June, one thousand seven hundred and twenty five, it should be lawful for every Magistrate, Judge, or Court of Judica- ture within Scotland to enact double the sums for which Bail might be taken in pursuance of the foresaid act, one thousand se- ven hundred and one, if he, or they, upon the circumstanccs of the case, should think fit. ,4th, resolved, That it appears to this Meeting, that the sums specified by the statute 11th Geo. I. as the highest. which may be taken in bailable offences, have, in consequence of the change of circumstances which his taken place since the date of that enact- ment, in a period of upwards of seventy year's, again become insuf- ficient, and ineffectual for compelling persons accused of crimes to stand their trial; and that in consequence of this defect in the law, the ends of public justice have in several instances been defeated by the escape of persons who had committed, within the bounds of this county, offences of a very high and flagrant nature, against the Government, the execution of . the law, and against the public 1798" OCT 5. fife- sHiRE. Cupar 1798: iN a General Meeting of the Noblemen and Gcntlemen and other Heritors of the County of Fife, held here this day, the Sheriff of the County in the Chair. Tke Meeting being constituted. Re- solved unanimously, That the establishment of Corps of Volunteer Yeomanry Cavatry are highly necessary, and advantageous to the Country, not only as a protection to the public peace, and a proper support to the Civil Power, but also a judicious arrangement in the event of Foreign Invasion, and therefore merit the warmest appro- bation and greatest encouragement from the country at large: - Resolved, That the thanks of this Meeting be given to the numer- ous and respeCtable body of Noblemen, Gentlemen, Farmers, and others, embodied as Yeomanry Cavalry in this county for the pa- triotic zeal they, have displayed in stepping forward and taking an aCtive part- in these Corps. Resolved, That in opportunity be given to those Heritors whose situations will not admit of joining the Yeomanry in person, to contribute to the expence of the establishment ' The Meeting are therefore unanimously of opinion, that in order to defray the purchase ot Horses for Serjeants, and the expence of the necessary appointments requisite to equip the Yeomanry for immediate service a Voluntary Contribution should be proposed to the Heritors of the county, to be levied in proportion to their re- spective valued rents, and the Meeting beg leave to suggest that as. 6d. on the I.. 1oo Scots of valued rent, should be contributed by each heritor. But before this measure Is carried into effect, they are of Opinion that the subject should be considered at another Ge- neral Meeting, and intimation thereof should be given in the Edin- burgh Newspapers, that the absent Heritors may be acquainted with this proposal, and have an opportunity of declaring their sen- timents. Signed in name and by appointment of the Meeting, by CLAUD J. BOSWELL, P. Extracted from the Records of the County, by THOMAS HORSBRUGH. Clerk. In consequence of the above Resolutions, intimation is hereby given to the Heritors of the County, that the subject will again be brought before them for consideration on Friday the 12th October FIFE TOLLS. THE CLERK to the TRUSTEES for Making and Repairing the TURNPIKE ROADS in the County of FIKE, requests the attendance of the said Trustees at a General Meeting to be held within the County Room at Cupar, on Friday the 12th day of Oc- tober inst. at 12 o clock noon, when THE TOLLS AND DUTIES leviable at the several Tollgates within the said county, will be ex- posed to public roup, to be Let in Tack for one year, from and after the 11th day of November next. The articles of roup are in the hands of Mr, Horsburgh, Cupar and information on the subject will be procured from the respective District Clerks. ( Signed) THOS. HORSBRUGH, Clk. Cupar, 1st October, 1798. peace. Therefore it is the opinion of this meeting, that the sums for which Bail may be taken hy the Law, as it stands at present, ought now to be further augmented, or that such other remedy ought 10 be applied to the' evil of which they complain, as to the Legislature shall appear more adequate and proper. And for the purpose of bringing the subjeCt under the consideration of Parlia- ment, this meeting recommends to Col. Graham, Member for the county, to bring in a Bill for accomplishing the above objeCt, or to give, his support to any proper Bill which may be brought forward with that view; and they request their Preses to transmit a copy of these resolutions to the Right Hon the Lord Advocate for Scot- land, and appoint them to be published in the Edinburgh News- papers - At bAnff, the 28th day of September, 1798 years. AT a Meeting of the Freeholders, justices of the Peace, and Commissioners of Supply, exc. of the County of Banff. PRESENT, William Grant, Esq; of Beldorney Sir George Abercromby of Birkenbog Francis Garden, Esq; of Troup James Rose Innes, esq; of Netherdale John Gordon, esq; of Avochie s Col. Alexander Duff of Mayen John Innes, Esq; of Edingight- Colonel Andrew Hay of Mountblairy Capt. Scott Hay George Garden Robertson, Esq; of Gaval Capt. David Cuming of Banff James Duff, Esq; of Banff Lieut, Thomas Grant of Clayfolds Capt. Archibald Young, of Banff Capt. P.. Cameron of Banff George Forbes, Esq; of Banff Mr. William Kent of Banff Capt. Robert Falder. Sir GEORGE ABERCROMBE submitted to the consideration of the Meeting a motion, which Was seconded by Francis Garden, Esq; of Troup, That, from the respeCt the County have for Colonel- Hay of Mountblairy,. they should make him a present of Colours, and request his acceptance of them And in order to give every aid in their power towards the completing as speedily as possible. the Banff- shire, or Duke of York's own fencible regiment, com manded by Colonel HAY , One Guinea of bounty, over and above every other bounty, should be given to every clever young fellow within the counties of Aberdeen, Banff, and Moray, who shall in- list in the said regiment by the end of November next; the money to be paid by Captain Cameron of Banff, 0n producing a certifi cate from Colonel Hay of the man's being inlisted into his regi ment. Which motion being unanimously agreed to. the Meeting ordain these resolutions to be published in the. Edinburgh and Aber- deen newspapers. Several other Gentlemen of the County who had it not in their power to attend this Meeting, signified their desire to concur in the foregoing Resolutions, or any other that might be adopted to the foregoing effeCt, particularly ' The Right Hon Lord Banff Major- General Duff of Carnousie Sir Ernest Gordon of Park, Baronet ' William lesile, esq; of Denlugas Robert Grant; Esq; of Wester- elehies James Gordon, esq; of Lettersurie- James Gordon, Esq; of Rosieburn And tliev ordained the above list to be published with the for mer. ( Signed) W. GRANT, Preses. SALE OF LANDS IN STIRLINGSHIRE. To be SOLD by public roup, upon Friday the 9th of November 1798, betwixt one and two afternoon, within the house ot Mrs. Smith. vintner, west end of Linlithgow, and entered to at Mar- tinmas next,-. THE LAND'S of WESTER GILMEADOWLAND, lying in the parish of Muiravonside, and shire of Stirling, and be- longing to the heirs of William Phaup, late writer in Madiston. ' The lands are all arable, measure forty- eight Scots acres, and lie about one mile and a half west from Linlithgow Bridge, are divided with ditch and hedge into five inclosures, with strips of Planting between each inclosure, and a thriving best of Planting round the whole, and there is a good Farm Steading on the Lands. For further particulars apply to James Taylor, writer in Linlith- gow, in whose hands the title deeds may be seen ; or to Mrs. Phaup, at Madiston. Mrs. Phaup's servant will shew the Lands. FARMS TO LET IN BERWICKSHIRE. To be LET for such number of years as may be agreed on, and entered to, the Grass at Whitsunday 1799, and the Arable Land at Martinmas thereafter, THE FARM of BESBOROUGH WEST MAINS, lying in the parish of Eccles, consisting ot 29.5 acres of rich arable land, of which 100 acres have been in grass for a considerable number of years. LIKEWISE, The FARM of LITTLETHANK, the South Field consisting of 31 acres, with a running water passing through the middle ; the North Field consisting of 21 acres, surrounded with stripes of planting on the north east and west; to which will be - added, a Field of r8 acres, richly sown off with grass in 1797; also a field of 16 acres, which has lain in grass for 11 years, and the proprie- tor, if agreeable to a tenant, can also add 21 acres more of rich old grass. , . Offers may he made, or given in in writing, to William Riddell, Esq; W. S. Mr. James Veatch, Mersington, or to the proprietor at. Besborough ; and such as are not accepted of will be concealed. If desired. The present tenants, or the servants at Besborough, - will shew the grounds. - FARMS IN TWEEDDALE AND ARGYLESHIRE, TO LET ON LEASE, Entry to the Houses and Grass at Whitfunday 1799, ami to the Arable Land at the separation of that crop trom the ground. TWEEDALE THE Farm of BORELAND, containing about 49 acres infield, 140 outfield, 539 pasture, and 40 muir and moss, Scots mea- sure, besides a right of casting divot on North- Shield Muir.' The Farm of MILKIESTON, containing about 68 acres infield, 242 outfield, 198 pasture, and 40 muir and moss, Scots measure, with an extensive sheep pasturage 0n the common. ARGYLESHIRE. ' The Farms of AUCHMORE and DUNLOSKIN, lying conti- guous, and containing each about 50 acres ol excellent arable infield, besides an equal considerable quantity of outfield, ami 900 of the very best muir grounds, 70c of which is presently possessed with the farm of Auchmore, and about 200 with Dunloskine. The farms in Tweeddale are of great extent, partly arable and partly for sheep are situatcd in the parish of Eddleston, adjacent to the village of that name on the post road, within four measured miles of Peebles, and sixteen of Edinburgh, where there is a ready market. And, . The farms in Argyleshire are near Denoon, and within six miles of Greenock. These farms are at present considered very moderately rented Proposals in writing, may be given in to William M'Farlane, writer to the signet, No. 14, North Frederick Street, New Town, Edinburgh. t i INN IN TWEEDALE TO LET. " To be Let for such number of years as may be agreed on, and en- tered to at Whitsunday first 1799, THE INN of BEILD and Pertinents, as presently possessed by George Williamson. A fit perfon well recommended, will meet with due encouragement. For particulars apply to Mr. John Crawford, Leith; Mr. Greig of Hallgreig, Moffat Mr. Bald- chield, there; Mr. Dalziel, Noblehouse, and Mr. Tweedie of Oli- ver, the proprietor, who will be found willing, upon reasonable terms, to expend any necessary sum for enlarging and improving the house, so as to render It a neat accommodation for travellers Mr Williamson will shew the premises to any intending offerers. OCT. j'S VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS. Subscriptions in_ the Parish of TULLIALLAN, Perthshire the EDINBURGH' At) V£ RTISER for 1798 Rev. Mr D. Simpson mi- nister of Tulliallan John Yelton, merchant James Ro. Scotland, do William Foote, writer William Walker, for Ro- bert Walker William Walker J. Turcan, shipmaster Robert Rentoul, mercht. J. Yelton, for Alex. Izett Alexander DavidsonrD. S. William Alexander John Ramsay James Steedman James Hall James Taylor Mr Dan. Robertson Rev. Mr James Play- fair, V. D. M. Rev. Mr Alex. Nicol Mr Geo. Stephen, preach- er of the gospel William Taylor, cooper Helen Gow J. Cruickshanks, weaver Ann Ockburn servant to Mr Murray of Simprim Nan. Edward, servt. to do D. Sinclair, gardener to do W. Christie, day labourer G. Richardson, merchant David Don, baker, James Sym, tailor Ch. Simpson, elder Alex. Wilson saddler Tho. Jack, farmer J. M'Intyre, tenant, Meigle John Anderson Tho. Care, shoemaker Janet Millam Mary Robin Margaret Anderson Margaret Darling Tho. Care, shoemaker J. Robertson wright D. Balhary. merchant James Potie servant to Dr Playfair Ja. Small, shoemaker A. Clark, hedger ; to Mr. Murray of Simprim John Featon day- labour- er to do Alex, Low do Belmont John Steenie mason joseph Miller gardener Belmont T. Stevenson under do do R. Jerall do do John Mill do do J. Thomson weaver D. Fleeming wright Mrs Allan Meigle John Irons weaver David Irons R. Ferguson weaver James, Baron, mason A. Shoruard, do John Carr shoemaker William Duncan James Davie William M'Laren James Wejaet James Murray John Lamond David Orrachar George Eillroth J. Watson farmer Meigle George Hunter, do Joshua Kidd. butcher David Watson John Scot, wright James FLeming and Sons Wrights J. Smith, servant to Mr. Durat James Scot, farmer j. Campbell, day labourer Charles Crichton G. Richardson, weaver, for Peter Murray, Esq; of Simprim Christian Stevenson David Whitter, Myreside John Baxter, do J. Wedderburn, farmer D. Scot, church officer David Couper John Anderson William Murray, farmer : James Wanley shoe- maker. John Henderson, dyer Nanny Gill J. Henry and W. Miln John Smith, weaver John Fleming, do David Christie, wright s Barbara Nairn William Hutchieson Thomas M'Farlane David Drysdale John Buchanan Fin. King, schoolmaster Alexander Gentleman Robert Stirling Charles Young, farmer Thomas Lowrie William Sheddon John Crocket, sailor Robert Scotland Robert Higgin. James Rankine, senior Andrew Higgin Thomas Dewar Sands Alex Sands, shipmaster of MEIGLE, Pcrthjiin J. Duncan weaver W. Scott weaver J. Douglas tailor John Miller weaver William Porter G. Baxter weaver : T. Mitchel, weaver John Baxter William Brownbuts Charles Brownhills Andrew Keay James Rige Alex. Cooper John Cooper David Baxter John Baxter J. Murray butcher Wm. Taylor farmer David Sim R. Forrester smith T. Gellatly, carrier William Lothian James Wright David Gibb David Gibb, Lomglis Alexander Gibb William Porter, farmer Helen Porter Ann Small Janet Phllp William Sim . John Grant, merchant J. Jack, servt. to Mr Nairn Wm. Crichton, farmer James Fyfe, weaver John Gordon Annie Fleeming Wm. Porter, farmer David TULLO, farmer in Netherlogie, Alex. Miller John Ritchie James Davidson John. Carver, smith John Sheppard, ditto James Hay, weaver David Chalmers, carrier David Fell James Porter David Milne William Lindsay E. Duncan, and daughter Elspet Hare Jas. Anderson, weaver Geo. Tasher, weaver Alex. Edward, farmer Ro. M'Culloch, Porter at Bellmont Pat. Carver, wright David Duncan, weaver John Johnston, do Tho. Baxter, do' Wm. Adam, do Dav. Rattray, farmer Peter Crookat John Irons Ro. Porter, farmer Ro. Taylor and his brother James Baxter, weaver Tho. Baxter, do Andw. Keay, do John Wright, wright • C. Mitchell, Whitehills . Wm. Brown farmer Alex. Wilson saddler. ad. ditional subscription* Andrew Edward J. Henderson weaver P. Blair turner P. Thornton weaver R. Baxter weaver John White do David Mitchell do William Watson John Wighton Robert Don Thomas Kea weaver J. MLachlan miller Wm. Rougcr farmer FARMS TO BE LET IN BERWICKSHIRE. THE FARM of COCKLAW, situated between Berwick, Eyemouth and> Ayton, containing about 230 acres. The FARM of CAIRNCHESTER, adjoining to Cocklaw, and situated between it and Berwick, containing about 190 acres. . Both of these farms, which will be let either together or sepa- rately, according to the offers, are well inclosed, and In a high state of improvement, the greater part being in Grass, all of which was soWed with the first crop after Turnip or Fallow, and more than a third part of the Tillage Land is now in Turnip. , The FARM of LAVEROCK LAW, containing 612 acres, be- ing part of what was the Common of Coldingham, of which a- bout 250 acres were a good many years ago improved with Lime and other manure, And having been sown with grass seeds with the first crop after turnip have been pasture ever since. I Those who may intend to offer for any or all of these Farms, may send their offers under sealed covers directed to Mr Fordyce , at Ayton, at any time before the 22d of next month, when it is in- tended to let the Farms ; and the rents offered with the names of shall be concealed, if that be desired. UNIVERSITY OF ST. ANDREWS. ON Tuedsay the 13d October next,, the several Classes of the United College in the University of, St. Andrews will be opened, viz. The Public and Private Latin Classes,. by Professor HUNTER. The Public and Private Greek Classes by Professor HILL, The Classes for Logic and Rhetoric, and for the Practice of Composition and Elocution, by Professor BARRON. The Moral Philosophy Class by Professor CooK. The Natural Philosophy Class, by Dr. ROTHERAM. The first and second Mathematical Classes— Also a third Class for the different branches of Practical Mathematics, by Pro- fessor VILANT. The Civil History Class, by Dr. ADAMSON, The Classes of Anatomy and Medicine, by Dr. FLINT. Classes for the French Language and Drawing, by Mons. LA GRANDIERRE. And on Tuesday 6th November, the Foundation Bursaries will be disposed of, as usual, by comparative trial. THeRE is no complaint to which Children, and frequently a- dults are more subject to than WORMS, and the different disorders they produce are really incredible It must therefore be a matter of great moment, that a radical cure for destroying these pernicious animals has been found out, and that the eradicating tire different species of them from persons . of every age, will be effectually done by the use of WAITE's NUTS peculiarly recom- mended at the Spring and Autumn seasons. They are sold at Is. til. the Packet, by J. BAXTER, ITALIAN WAREHOUSE, South Bridge, Edinburgh A. M'Donald, Glasgow, J. Whitelaw, Greenock, J. Wilson, Kilmarnock, Morrison & Son, Perth, Jo. Allan, and J. Swapp, Dundee, J. Anderson, Aberdeen, J. Arbuthnot, Peterhead, T. Wright, Stirling, J. Fotheringhame, Dunfermline, D. M'Pherson, Inverness, J. Dempster, Cupar, J. Blyth Leven, P. Craigie, Montrose, W. Phorson, Berwick, J. Palmer, Kelso. CLYDE's MILL. To be SET, in tack, THE CORN MILL, situated upon ONE of the FALLS of the CLYDE, near Milton House. It is proposed to set the above for eight years, on this condition, That the landlord may vacate the leafe by paying the tenant a bounty of twenty- five pounds Ster- ling, whether the fall of the Clyde is wanted for the purpose of manufactures, or to be taken into pleasure grounds. But the new tenant shall enjoy the full space of eight years if a corn mill is con- tinued at Milton. From the great value of Milton mill, Mr. Bris- bane paid Francis Watt, a HUNDRED GUINEAS, to resign his tack for eight years only. Along with the mill there will be. fet the SALMON FISHING, the ORCHARD, ARABLE and PAS- TURE, possessed by the present tenant; and a much greater quan- tity of Arable and pasture Land may be had, if the tenant wishes it. If a suitable offer is made, the proprietor will build a large hand- some house of two stories. Entry at Martinmas first.. Apply to the proprietor at Milton upon Clyde, half- way between the towns of Hamilton and Lanark. To be SOLD by public voluntary roup within the house of William Gordon, vintner in Dundee, upon Wednesday the loth of Octo- ber curt, betwixt the hours of I and 3 afternoon, A LL and WHOLE these TENEMENTS of LAND lately erected by Andrew Doig, Manufacturer in Scouring- burn, with the garden ground behind the same, and pertinents thereto belonging, lying in Upper Pleasants, near Dundee, presently posses. sed by a variety of tenants. The Subjects are substantially built and finished; are commo- dious and useful, and may be inhabited either in flats or separate apartments.— being built upon a rising ground they command a molt picturesque view of . the Town of Dundee, the beautiful ad- joining country, and of the river Tay. For the conveniency of intending purchasers, the subjects will be sold in one lot or separately. If sold separately, they will be divid- ed in two, three, or four lots, ( each subject forming a complete property,]; as shall afterwards be agreed on by intending purchaser. For particulars, inquire at Mr. Doig, the proprietor, or Nathaniel Grant, writer in Edinburgh, who will conclude a bargain privately, betwixt and the day of sale. SALE OF LANDS IN LANARKSHIRE, There is to be exposed to Sale by public roup, within John's Coffee- house in Edinburgh, upon Saturday, the 17th day of November 1798, betwixt the hours of one and two afternoon, THE LANDS of CROSSFORD, lying within the parifh of Les- mahago, and shire of Lanark, consisting of 98' acres 2 roods 25 falls, pleasantly situated on the banks of the Clyde and Nethan, within three miles of Lanark, eight of Hamilton, and eighteen of Glasgow, with the privilege of the ferry of Crossford. There are abundance of freestone, limestone, and coal in the lands, and a con- siderable quantity of natural wood upon them. The lands are at present only rentalled at about L. 60, indepen- dent of the coal, wood, freestone, and limestone, but. they have not been augmented for near jo years, and are all out of lease. They are holden of the Crown for the yearly payment of L. 3 Scots, and of L. 5 Scots to the minister of Lesmahago, and valued in the cess books at L. 10o Scots. ' The new road from Glasgow to Lanark runs through them.— There are pleafant situations for building, and many offer, have been made for feuing out steadings. The greatest part of the price will by allowed to remain in the hands of the purchaser upon proper security. A plan and measurement of the lands are to be seen in the hands of David Hutcheson, sheriff substitute of RenfreWshire and Wil- liam Hutcheson, writer in Edinburgh the latter of whom will shew the title- deeds, and the former is authorised to sell by private bargain. - ARGYLL- SHIRE. THE ESTATE of GLENFEACHAN is to be SOLD by pub- lic roup, within the Royal Exchange Coffee- house Edinburgh upon Monday the 12th of November 1798, between the hours. of two and three afternoon. This estate is worthy the attention of Gentlemen wishing to pro- cure a pleasant and comfortable residence in the Highlands of Scot- land, as few, if any, are to be met with possessed 0f equal advan- tages, both natural and acquired. It is situated on Lochifeachan, an arm of the sea. near to thc port of Oban, in the beautiful country of Lorne. . The soil is excellent, and the farms in general, extensive. The mansion- house is next, and fit for a genteel family, having ser- vants apartments and a new court of offices, & c in the highest or- der. There is an excellent garden, stocked with choice fruit trees, and the garden wall gardener's house, & c. in good order. Also, a thriving orchard, and extensiv'e plantations, containing a variety of trees. The Woods upon the estate are of considerable value, and there is the appearance of valuable Lead Mine on one of the farms. The Water of Feachan affords abundance of Trout, and there is a Salmon fishing, and the greatest variety of sea fish. , The moors are the best in the country for game. . ' The free rent is about L. 45P Sterling, the particulars of which, with a plan' and. measurement of the lands, and the title- deeds, may be seen by applying to Mr. Keith, accountant, or Mr. Ferrier, _ W. S. Edinburgh, : either of whom will give every other informo- | tion, desired, and will receive private offers for the purchase of the betwixt and the day of sale. . . AYR RACES 1798 Upon Tuesday the 16th of October curt, to be run for over Ayr Course, APURSE of FIFTY POUNDS for all ages, carrying fol- lowing weights, viz. 1 years old; 6st. 12lb. I 5 years old, 9st. Aged, 9st. 9lb. 4 ditto, 811., I 6 ditto, 9st. 7lb. The best of three four- mile heats. Winners of one plate this year to carry jib. and of two or more plates to carry jib., extra. To be run for the same dav, A SWEEPSTAKES of Ten Guineas, Four Subscribers. WEDNESDAY 17th.— His MAJESesty's PURSE of ONE HUN- DRED GUINEAS, granted to the Caledonian Hunt, to carry 12st. the best of three four- mile heats- The winner of this purse not to be allowed to start for it again ; , And a SWEEPSTAKES for Colts and Fillie's, rising 3 years old. 20 Guineas each, three Subscribers, THURSDAV 18th- A PURSE of FIFTY- POUNDS for all ages.: carrying the following weights, viz. 3 years old, 6st. 8lb. i .5 years old, 8st. 10lb. | Aged, 9st. 7lb. 4 ditto 7st. 10 I 6 ditto 9st. 4 And carrying extra weight as Tuesday's race; the best of three four- mile heats. Friday 19th .— The- LADIES PURSE of FIFTY POUNDS, for all ages, carrying the following weights, viz. ., 3 years old, 6st, 9lb. 5 years old, 8st. 10lb. | Aged, 9st. 9lb., 4 ditto 7 12 |' o ditto 9 ' 2 | The best of three four- mile heats ; and carrying extra weight as before. The horses, & c. to be entered with the Clerk of the Course, at Ayr, on Monday the 15th October next, in the King's Arms inn, betwixt 5 and 7 o'clock afternoon, paying Two Guineas entrance, and Five Shillings to the Clerk, Proper certificate; to be produced to the Stewards at entering ; aud all disputes or difference that shall arise shall be finally determined by them, or those ' Whom they shall- appoint. Public Breakfasts at the Assembly Rooms — Balls and Ordinaries as usual during the week. — Booths and Stands to pay each. The Right Hon. the EARL of EGLINTON, The EARL of DARLINGTON, stewards The Hon. WILLIAM MAULE, Stewards, ALEX. BOSWELL, Esq; of Auchinleck, BY THE. KING'S' PATENT. TO. THE NOBILITY, GENTRY, & c. rHE unexampled sucess which has so eminently attended the use of WHITEHEAD's ESSENCE of MUSTARD in the cure of Rheumatisms, Gout, Lumbago, Palsy, Complaints of the Stomach, Numbness, & c. and the great improvements therein made' by the inventor in the course of four years extensive public experi- ence, has induced him to obtain the King's Letters Patent for his invention, in order to secure his property, and guard the public against SPURIOUS IMITATIONS. It is prepared and sold by the inventor, Mr. R. JOHNSTON, Apothecary, No. 20, Greek Street, Soho, London, in Pills; and also in a fluid state, at 2.3. 9d. each box or bottle; and is also sold by his appointment by Mr. A. SMITH, Perfumer, No. 58, North Bridge Street, Edinburgh ; Buchanan and Mennons, Glasgow; T. Caw, Banff; Morrisons, Perth ; Craigie, Montrose; Mitchell, Aber- deen; Inglis, Dumfries; Palmer, Kelso ; Mackintosh & Co. Inver- ness ; and by the Venders of Medicines in every principal town. A farM To LeT To be LET, for such a number of years as can be agreed on, and entered to at Martinmas or Whitsunday next, THE FARM of HARRIETSHALL, lying in the parish of Channelkirk, and county of Berwick. The Farm consists of about 70 acres, all of which are arable, well adapted to Turnip , Husbandry, and presently in a high state of cultivation. For particulars, apply at Crosbie. SALMON FISHING TO LET. • . To be LET for 19 years, or such other period as can be agreed on, and entered to on 1st December THE SALMON FISHING on the Water of CONON, with the Cruives and Corf houses thereto belonging, lying in the parish of Urquhart, and shire of Cromarty. For further particulars inquire at Mr Duncan, W. S. Edinburgh, to whom proposals for taking the above fishing may be given in. Any not accepted of shall be kept secret, if desired. , LANDS IN KINCARDINESHIRE FOR SALE. . To BE SOLD by PUBLIC Roup, . Within the Royal Exchange Coffee house, Edinburghv on the 20th day of November next if not previously sold by privatc bargain, THE LANDS of PITNAMOON. DRONACHMYRE, and | Part of GALLOWHILLOCK, being Parts of the Barony of PreSDo, lying within the parishes of Fordoun and Marykirk, and county of Kincardine. These Lands consist of about 360 acre's arable, 70 of pasture,- and 58 of muir on which there is a thriving plantation of 1; acres — About one third of the property is let on leases of a moderate endu- rance, at a rent of L. 90, on the expiry of which, a considerable rise of rent will be obtained, and the proprietor has lately, at a great . price, purchased up the lease on the rest of the property, being- a Farm of 220 acres arable, besides. pasture,. to which a purchaser will have access at Martinmes 1799.' On this farm there is a good Farm house, lately built, with suitable offices, and it may be readily ,- let at above L. 200 per annum. - These Lands hold ot the Crown, and are valued at h. 356 Scots. A purchaser, if he inclines, may have as much more of superiority, as will make up a Freehold Qualification. The public burdens are moderate, and the teinds are valued and nearly exhausted. John Gove will shew the marches, and' Mr. Johnston at Pitna- moon., will give any information that may be required, to any per- son desirous of viewing the grounds, and for further particulars, ap- ply to Maxwell Gordon, and John Morison, writers to the signet ( UpSET Prices. reducSEd TO L. 8000 Sterling) LANDS IN PERTHSHIRE..- . To be SOLD by public roup within, the Trades Hall in Dundee,. . on Wednesday the 17th Octobar 1798, at 12 o'clock noon, T> HE Lands and Estate of LAURIESTON; and MILL and MILL LANDS of TROTTICK, lying in the parishes of Long- forgan, and shire, of Perth, about eight miles WeSt from Dundee, and three from polgavie, a. shipping port in the carse of cowrie. ' The lands consist of 300 acres or thereby of which nearly are under planting, chiefly . above 21 years old in the most thriving condition. , A bed of marle; not exceeding three been discovered on the lands of Laurie hance their value,. Besides, there, is an ry on- the estate, . , There is a good Mansion House on Garden,, consisting of about three fourths of an covered on both sides with fruit trees, and the steadings and office houses are in g > This estate commands an agreeable The lands hold of subject superiors trifling feu- duties?.. Application may be made for further particulars to Thomas Mawer, writer in Dundee, trustee 0n the Sequestrated estates of John Wemyss and Sons, merchants- there who will shew the tithe- deeds, plan, rental of the estate, . with the articles of roup of to, James Campbell, W. S.— Ebenezer M'Killop schoolmaster in Aber- nyte, near Laurieston, will shew the A FRIDAY's POST. From the LONDON PAPERS, Oct 2 * LONDON. HAMBURGH MAIL. HAMBURGH . MAIL arrived this morning brings, in an article from ConstantinOple of tbe 25th of, August, - the important intelligence of the seizure of several French Frigates that had arrived at Rhodes; by which fri- gates the account of the victory obtained by Admiral neL- SON over the French Fleet, was confirmed. The frigates- had escaped into Rhodes ignorant of the commencement of hostilities between the PorTe and France. Accounts had also been received at constantinople, of the Retreat of BUONAPARTE from A position which he had taken • between Rosetta and Cairo, to Damietta, in consequence of the difficulties which, appeared to stand in the way of, his progress to Cairo. The accounts add, that in the neigh- bourhood of Damietta. he had been defeated by an army 0f 2o, 0oo Arabs chiefly cavalry. Measures of precaution and hostility, with respect to the are vigorously pursued by THE pORTE. With respect to the Army of BUONAPARTE, we have re- ceived the following intelligence had for some time maintained a position between Rosetta and Cairo ; but sud- denly retreated to Damietta. In the vicinity. of this town the French were attacked by an army of 20,000 Arabs, the greater part Cavalry, under the Command of MUSTAPHA BEY and two other Beys. An obstinate battle ensued, and the Arabs say, in their account transmitted to the PACHA of' Daaesaus, that they forced the enemy to retire with consi- derable loss, and that the French afterwards made a stand a few leagues frOm damietta. These accountS do not say why BUOnAPARTE, at firft, instead of advancing against the residence of the Bey, should have retreated so soon ; but this is ascribed partly to the numerous cavalry that covered the city of Cairo, partly to the inundation of the Nile", which at this time is at the highest, and partly to the difficulty which the French found in obtaining provisions where so many of the roads were laid under water. The POrTe has taken great offence at the Invasion of E- gypt by the french, and regards it as an act of open hostili- ty. It considers the project of buONAPARTE as very de- grading to its dignity, injurous to its Government, and contrary both to the claims it has to Egypt, and the relations which long existed between it AND the Beys WHO govern E- gypt in its name. The French charge d'affaires Citizen RUFFIN, and all those in employment under him, have in consequence been put under arresT and confined to their houses. The french resident here have been forbidden to wear the National Cockade in the streets and public places. They had indeed before laid aside the Cockade, for fear of being ill treated by the populace, who are violently incen- sed against them. The French Charge d'Affaires, in conf - quence of an intimation from the Porte, has likewise been - obliged to take down the insignia of the French Republic, which he had put over the door of his Hotel. Similar orders; have been sent to all the towns in which French Consuls or ' Vice- Consuls reside, as the Porte fears attemptS at revolu- tionary movements. Particular orders have likewise been sent to Jaffy AND Bucharest, relative to the French Consuls there, as the Porte believes a suspicious correspondence is carried on there with some Polish malcontents. Councils of State, and Conferences, between the Tur- kish and Foreign Ministers, especially those of England and Russia who have now great influence, are held almost daily.: The Austrian Internuncio has not yet been invited to these conferences. The utmost diligence is used in equipping our fleet for sea ; but it will now find no enemy to contend with. VIENNA, Sept. 11. Official accounts from Constantinople, which . were yester- dav brought by Couriers to the English and Russian envoys in this CITY, bring advice that Admiral NELSON had attacked- the French fleet before Alexandria, and partly burned and partly sunk almost the whole of it. Some ships which made their escape fell into the hands of the Turks, and met I Similar fate so that of this great French fleet scarcely a single transport is lost. The Turkish Merchants here have likewise received let- ters from Constantinople ( but of an earlier date than the above official dispatches), which mention that the Turkish nation is highly incensed against the French, and that the . populace have clamorously demanded that the French charge d'Affaires shall be sent to the prison of the Seven TOWERS. In the mean time orders have been given by the Porte, to arrest all the French Consuls, and detain all the French ships in the Turkish harbour. The embargo on all French property has been carried into execution, and the, ' Consul at jaffy has been the first arrested. The Turkish Merchants here have likewise received let- ters from Smyrna, which state that BUONAPARTE had ad- vanced with his army towards Grand Cairo, and published his Invitation to Liberty in tbe Arabic LANGUAGE ; but that the inhabitants had only been the more enraged against him, and that he had been forced to retreat. The EMPerOR has appointed the ARChDuKE CHArLES a FIELD MARSHAL oF the IMPERIAL ARMY.— The King of NAPLES has requested an Imperial General. The PRINCE of ORANGE, in case of a new rupture, is to command a corps in Italy. Several promotions have been made in the Imperial army ACTION IN SWITZERLAND. BASLE, Sept. 11. The inhabitants of the Canton of Underwald, determined , tO persist in their refusal of taking the oaths, intrenched them selves in very advantageous situation near Stantz, whereon the 9th inst. they were attacked by Gen. SCHAUENbOUrG with a 1arge train of artillery One body oF French crossed the lake, and landed near Stantz, and another marched over the mountains, by which means - the Insurgents were THE EIMN'BU'fl- GH A* DV£ ftTtS£- R; for surrounded ; thev however defended themselves with the most obstinate valour ; at length they were obliged to way, and all their artillery, ammunition, c. fell into the hands of the victors. Their loss is estimated at 15OO, ' be- sides wounded. The loss of the French is also very great. The town of Stantz was almost wholly destroyed. " The following is'Gen. SCHAUeNBOurg'S letter. " Head- Quarters, Lucerne, 23d Fructidor, . _ th July,) quarter past six, P. M. " You will learn with pleasure, Citizens Directors, that victory has remained faithful to the Republicans. We have occupied the district of Stantz, after a battle which has last ed from five o'clock this morning until now ; all that afflicts me is, that this day has cost much blood; but we had to do with rebels whom it was necessary to reduce. " Health and Consideration, ( Signed) *' SCHAUENBOURG." The General is about to enter the Canton ot Schwitz— He has published, that if the inhabitants surrender at dis- cretion, the troops shall preferve good order) but that if they make the least resistance, they shall he treated as were those of Underwald. In a Note lately delivered to the Councils of the Grisons, is the following remarkable passage : " Baron CRONTHAL, Imperial Charge D'Affaires, has as sured us amicably and officially, that the EMPEROR was re- solved to interpose in- favour of the Independence of the Grison League, and of the maintenance of their Laws; . that he would take under protection those who defend this in dependence, especially if he was desired to do so by the Three Leagues united." The PRINCE of WALES packet, Capt. SUTTOn, who brought " the Hamburgh Mail, has brought over 37ooo1 in specie and bullion. Sir CHARLES GREY'S general orders of the 2oth inst . ha- ving from their high import, become subject of universal conversation, and, of course, been much misrepresented. we are induced to extract some passages the most interesting. He directs the Officer Commanding each post to examine every possible approach towards it, posting the sentries accordingly so as to put it out of the power of an enemy o surprize him which is the greatest disgrace that can befal an officer."—" All out posts to fortify themselves as well as they can. to prevent any insult from parties of the enemy."— The soldiers will bear in mind the use of the Bayonet, which, in possession of, they can have no excuse for returning for want of ammunition—- the Bayonet being the best, and most effectual weapon in the hands of a gallant British sol- dier, by which mode of attack, Gen. Sir C. GREY assures them no troops on earth are equal to hem." INTELLIGENCE FROM LLOYD's LIST. Arrived 4 Hamburgh and 6 Irish Mails — Due, 1 Hamhurgh and 3 Irish. The Portland, M'Gill, from Virginia to London, has been taken by Le Revenge privateer of ao guns and 190 men, from Bourdeaux, after an action of an hour and an half. Six men wounded. Since retaken by the Forbes and Charlotte of Liver- 1 pool, and arrived at Ilfracombe. The Hannah. from Virginia, is taken by the same privateer. The Rose, Jefford, from Jersey t0 Lyme, was taken 19th. September, by a lugsail privateer, and bore away for Cherbourg. The Suffolk, —, from Virginia to , has been. taken by the Adventure privateer, retaken by the Jean & Sarah, of Liverpool, and arrived there. The enterprize, Rose, from Hull to Petersburgh, is lost in the Gulf of Findland i also an English brig on the island of Born- holm. " The Trial, Thomas, from Madeira to Cape de Verds, is taken by the French and condemned at the Canaries. The Friendship, Johnson, ( coal loaded.) was run down near Flambro' Head, by the Bacchus of Newcastle, in the night be- tween the 11th and 12th Sept People saved. The Albion, Hodgson, from Virginia to Liverpool, is on shore near Hoylake ; expected to be got off. The Integrity, Loft, from London to Petersburgh, is lost on Sandhammer, crew saved The Jane, Patterson from Liverpool to Virginia, has lost her anchors and cables, and been on shore at Pluckington. The Peggy, Amory from Liverpool to Bremen, has lost her main mast ; is put on shore at Slye. The Oxholme, Fowle, is taken on the coast of Africa, and condemned at Goree The amity, Martin, from Riga, is on shore near Gothen- burg but expected t0 be got off. " The George, Hodgson, from Petersburgh to London, Is put Into Masterland leaky. " Winds at deal, Sept 28, W. 29, W. 30, S. W.— Oft. I, NW.' sToCks Bank Stock, of. con xqj 1798. OCT. EDINBURGH FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY, Tuesday, Oct, 2j. GLORIOUS NAVAL VICTORY, AND i TOTAL DEFEAT OF THE FRENCH FLEET. Admiralty Office, Oct. 2, 1798. THE Honourable Captain CAPeL, of his Majesty's sloop Mutine, arrived this morning with dispatches from Rear- Admiral Sir HORATIO NELSON, K. B. to EVAN Nepean Esq; Secretary ot the Admiralty, of which the following are copies: 1 ' VANGUARD, Mouth of the Nile, S I R, Aug. 7, 1798. HEREWITH I have the honour to transmit you a copy of my letter to the Earl of ST. VINCENT, together with a line of battle of the English and French squadrons, also a list of killed and wounded. I have the pleasure to inform you, that eight of our ships have already top- gallant yards across, and ready for any service the others, with the prizes, will soon be ready for sea. In an event of this importance, I have thought it right to send Capt. CAPEL with a copy of my letter ( to the Commander in Chief) over land which I hope their Lordships will approve and beg leave to re- fer them to Capt. CAPEL, who IS a most excellent officer, and fully able to give every information; and I beg leave to re- commend him to their Lordships notice. I have the honour to be, & c,. FOREIGN EXCHANGES. HORATIO NELSON. P. S. The Island I have taken possession of and brought off the two thirteen- inch mortars, all the brass guns, and de- stroyed the iron ones. VANGUARD, off the Mouth of the My LORD, Nile, Aug. 3, 1798. ALMIGHTY GOD has blessed his Majesty's arms in the late battle, by a great victory over the Fleet of the enemy, whom I attacked at sun- set on the 1st of August off the mouth of the Nile. The enemy were moored in a strong line - of battle for defending the entrance of the Bay ( of Shoals),' flanked by numerous gun boats, four frigates, and a battery of guns and mortars on an island in their van but nothing could withstand the squadron your Lordship did me the ho- nour to place under my command. Their high state of discipline is well known to you, and with the Judgment of the Captains, together with their valour and that of the Of- ficers and men of every description, it was absolutely irre- sistible. Could any thing from my pen add to the characters of the Captains, I would write it with pleasure, but that is imposS- ble. I have to regret the loss of Capt. Westcott of the Ma- jestic, who was killed early in the action ; but the ship was continued to be so well fought by her First Lieutenant, Mr. Cuthbert, that I have given him an order to command her till your Lordship's pleasure is known. The ships of the enemy, all but their two- rear ships, are neatly dismasted, and those two, with two frigates, I am sorry to say, made their escape ; nor was it, I assure you, in my power to prevent them. Capt. Hood most handsomely endeavoured to do it, but I had no ship in a condition to sup- port the Zealous, and I was obliged to call her in. The support and assistance I have received from Captain Berry cannot be sufficiently expressed. 1 was wounded in the head, and obliged to be carried off the deck, but the service suffered no loss by that event. Capt. Berry was ful- ly equal to the important service then going on, and to bim I must beg leave to refer you for every information relative of this victory. He will present you with the Flag of the Second in Command, that of the Commander in Chief be- ing burnt in the L'Orient. Herewith I transmit you Lists of the Killed and Wound- ed, and the Lines of battle of ourselves and the French. I have the honour to be, & C. HORATIO NELSON, LINE OF BATTLE. Culloden, T. Troubridge, Cap- ain, 74 guns, 590 men. Theseus, R W. Miller Captain, 74' guns, 390 men. Alexander, Alex. J. Ball, Captain, 74 guns, 590 men. Vanguard, Rear- Admiral Sir HORATIO NELSOn, K. B. Edward Berry, Captain, 74 guns. 595 men. Minotaur, Thomas Louis, Captain, 74 guns, 640 men. Leander, T. B. Thompson, Captain, 50 guns 343 men. Swiftsure, B. Hallowell, Captain, 74 guns, 390 men. Audacious - David Gould, Captain, 74 guns, 390 men. Defence, John Peyton, Captain, 74 guns, 590 men. Zealous Samuel Hood, Captain, 74 guns, 390 men. Orion, Sir James Saumarez. Captain, 74 guns, 590 men. Goliath, Tho. Foley, Captain, 74 guns, 390 men Majestic, Geo. B. Westcott . Captain, 74 guns, 590men. Bellerophon, Henry D. E. Derby, Captain, 74 guns, 590 men. La Mutine brig. HORATIO NELSON. uc FRENCH LINE Of BATTLE., Le Guerrier, 74 guns, 600 men —' TAKEN, Le Conquerant, 74 gu is, 7O0 men— TAKEN. Le Spartiate, 74 guns, 700 men— TAKEns. L'Aquilon, 74 guns, 700 men— TAKEN Le Souverain Peuple. 74 guns, 700 men— TAKEn. Le Franklin, Blanquet, First Contre Amiral, 80 ' guns, 800 men— TAKEN, J. L'Orient. Bruevs, admiral and Commander 120 guns, 1010 men— BURNT. 8. Le Tonant, 80 guns,, 800 men— TAKEN-. Chief, 9- 10. 11 11 L'Heureux, 74 guns, 700 man— TAKEN. » - B< 7& NT. Le Timoleon, 74 guns 700 men Le Mercure, .74 gun « — 700 men— TAKEN. Le Guillaume Tell; Villeneuve, Second Contre Amiral, 80 guns, 800 men— ESCAPED. 13. Le Genereux, 74 guns— 700 men— ESCAPED. FRIGATES. 14 Le Diane, 48 guns, 300 men— ESCAPED. 15. Le Justice, 44 guns, 500 men— ESCAPED. 16. L'Artemise, j6 guns, 250 men—' BURNT. 17. Le Serieuse, guns, 250 men— DISMASTED and SUNK. HORATIO NELSON. A RETURN of the KILLED and WOUNDED in his Majesty's Ships under the Command of SIR HORATIO NELSON, K. B. Rear- Admiral of the Blue, in Action with the French, at Anchor, on the 1st of August 1798, off the Mouth of the Nile. Theseus — 5 seamen, killed I Officer, 24 seamen, 5 marines, wounded.— Total 35. Alexander'.— 1- Officer, 13 seamen, Killed; 5 Officers, 48 sea- LONDON, Tuesday, Half Past One, P. M, The Park and Tower Guns have just been fired to an- nounce the glorious News. All the Treasure taken at Malta, which was very great, was on board l'Orient. It is said about Thru Hundred and Eighty French Transports were burnt. , t Sir HORATIO NELSON'S Glorious Victory is the greatest and most Decisive of any of the brilliant Victories this War, or even, in the Annals of Great Britain.— NINE SHIPS of the LINE. TAKEN— TWO BURNT— and only Two ped I . . It is with pleasure we see our loss is trifling, considering the great importance of the event. Sir HORATIO NELSON was wounded in the head, but we hope not dangerously, as he signed the dispatches in the Gazette, 11 days after. The gallant Sir HOrATIO NELSON, before he went away, told an Officer, that he would either have a SEAT in the HoUSE of peErs. or a Monument in Westminster Abbey.— Fortunately for his country, we hope, he will now have the pleasure of enjoying the former. It is remarkable tha Sh HORATIO NELSON'S memorable victory happened on a day highly Auspicious in the Annals of this Country— The GLORIOUS FIRST of AUGUST. This day the flag was displayed from the Castle, the great guns fired and also from the ships and battery at Leith. The eDINBURGH VOLUNTEERS paraded, and fired a feu de joie as did the MID- LOTHIAN ARTILLERY, and the Military! 1 In the evening, there is to be a grand Illumination, and every demonstration of joy, suitable to the important event, the destruction and Annihilation of the FRENCH NAVAL FoRCE in the MeDITERRANEAN. GENERAL ILLUMINATION AT EDINBURGH. By THE RIgHT Hon. the LORD PROVOST, AND MAGISTRATES OF EDINBURGH WHEREAS it has pleased God again to bless his Majesty's Arms with another VICTORY over the FRENCH FLEET by the Gal- lant ADMIRAL NELSON- It is expected that the Loyal Inhabi- tants of this Ancient Metropolis will testify their General Joy on this Glorious Event, by ILLUMINATING their WINDOWS THIS EVENING, beginning at SEVEN o'clock, and continuing till ELEVEN o'Clock. The MAGISTRATES at the same time PROHIBIT and DISCHARGE the BREAKING of WIN- DOWS, and have given orders to the proper Officers to Seize those who shall be found transgressing. Given at Edinburgh, this 8th October, 1798. GOD SAVE THE KING. 6s Minotaur. 2 Officers, 18 seamen, 3 marines, killed; 4 Offi- cers, 54 teamen, 6 marines, wounded— Total 87. Swiftsure— 7 seamen, killed; I Officer, 19 seamen, a marines, wounded.— Total 29. Audacious.— 1 seaman, killed ; 2 Officers, 31 seamen, 2 marines,, wounded — Total 36. Defence.— 3 seamen, I marine, killed ; 9 seamen, 3 marines, wounded.— Total 15 Zealous.— 1 seaman, killed; 7 seamen, wounded.— Total 8. Orion.— 1 Officer, 11 seamen, 1 marine, killed; 5 Officers, 18 seamen, 6 marines, wounded.— Total 42. Goliath — 2 Officers, 12 seamen, 7 marines, killed; 4 Officers, seamen, 9 marines, wounded.— Total 6.2. 5 . . Majestic.~- 3 Officers, 35 seamen, 14 marines, killed 3 Offi- cers 124 seamen, 16 marines, wounded.— Total 193. Bellerophon— 4 Officers, 32 Seamen, 13 Marines, killed ; j Of- ficers, 126 Seamen, 17 Marines, wounded.— Total 197. leander— 14 Seamen, wounded. .1 TOTAL— 16 Officers, 156 Seamen, 46 Marines, Killed.— 37 Officers, 562 Seamen, 78 Marines, Wounded.— Total 893. OFFICERS KILLED.' vanguard— Capt. Taddy, Marines; Mr. Thomas Seymour, , Mr John G. Taylor; Midshipmen. Alexander— Mr John Collins Lieutenant. Orion— Mr. Baird, Captain's Clerk. Goliath— Mr William Davies, Master's Mate ; Mr. Andrew Brown, Midshipman. Majestic.— George B. Westcott, Captain; Mr. Zebedes Ford, Midshipman ; Mr. Andrew Gilmore, Boatswain. Bellerophon— Mr. Robert Savage Daniel, Mr. Ph. W. Launder, Mr. George Joliffe, Lieutenants; Mr. Thomas Ellison, Master's Mate. Minotaur— Lieut. J. S. Kirchner, Master; Mr. Peter Walters, Master's Mate. OFFICERS WOUNDED. Vanguard— Mr. N. Vassel, Mr. J. Adye, lieutenants; Mr. J. Campbell, Admiral's Secretary; Mr. M. Austin, Boatswain ; Mr, J. Weatherston, Mr. George Antrim, Midshipmen. Theseus— Lieutenant Hawkins. Alexander— Alex. J. Ball, Esq Captain; Capt. J. Creswell, Marines; Mr. W Lawson, . Master ; Mr. G. Bully, Mr. Luke Anderson, Midshipmen Audacious— Mr. J. Jeans, Lieutenant; Mr. Christopher Font, Gunner. . Orion— Sir James Saumerez, Captain ; Mr. Peter Sadler, Boat- swain ; Mr. Phil. Richardson, Mr. C. Miell, Mr. Lansesty, Mid- shipmen. Goliath— Mr. W. Wilkinson, Lieutenant; Mr. L. Graves, Midshipman ; Mr. P. Strachcn, School- Master; Mr. J. Payne, Midshipman. Majestic— Mr. C. Steward, Mr. C. Royle, Midshipmen ; Mr. R. Overton, Captain's Clerk, Bellerophon— H. D. Darby, Esq; Captain; Mr. E. Kirby, Mas- er; Capt. J. Hopkins. Marines; Mr. Chapman, Boatswain Mr. N Bettson, Midshipman. Minotaur— Mr T. Irvin Lieutenant; Lieut. J Jewell, Ma- rines; Mr. T. Foxten, 2d Master; Mr. M. Wills, Midshipman. Swiftsure — Mr. W. Smith, Midshipman. HORATIO NELSON VANGUARD, off the Mouth of the nile. SIR, Aug. 11, 1798. herEWITH I send you a Copy of my letter to the EARL of ST. VINCENT of this date; I have the honour to be, & c. Evan Nepean, Esq; HORATIO NELSON. VANGUARD, off the Mouth of the Nile, My LORD, Aug. 11, 1798. THE Swiftsure brought in this morning La Fortune, French corvette, of 18 guns and 70 men. j I have the honour to be, & c. Earl St. Vincent. HORATIO NELSON. End OF the EXTRAORDINARY GazETTE. So rejoiced were the ARABS at this glorious victory, which thOusands witnessled from the shore, that they illuminated the whole coast for several miles, for three successive nights. BUONAPARTE was at Cairo, completely at variance with, all his officers, who are discontent with the Expedition. The Soldiers are all sickly, and poisoned with the water of the country. The GRAND SEIGNIOR is making every effort to collect a Force to cut off Supplies. BUONAPARTE'S Dispatches were taken. It is not the least important part of the news, to know that Gen. BUONAPARTE'S dispatches have been doubly in- tercepted. His first dispatch, dated from Alexandria, on the 8th of July, was sent to France by an avise, which was taken by a Turkish vessel, before the French had time to throw the dispatches over- board; the second dispatch was taken by Admiral NELSON'S cruizers. It is thought that our Government is by this time in complete possession of all the further projects of the French in Egypt. A bye boat from Hamburgh landed three Gentlemen at Lowestoffe, on Monday afternoon at five o'clock, who say, that before they left that place, news had arrived from Con- stantinople and which seemed to be credited, that BUON- APARTE, after being permitted to land and begin his march, had been suddenly attacked by a very numerous body of the natives; that Ten Thousand men were killed on the spot,- and BUONAPARTE and the remainder of his army all made prisoners. Private accounts received from France, brought by a cap- tured ship, state, that the Paris Papers have announced the death of BUONAPARTE in Egypt, in addition to the defeat of Admiral BRUYES. The following is the account: Capt. TALBOT of the Eurydice, took a Frenchman out of a prize which he had discovered foundering at sea, who informed him, that on the 18th ult. near Brest, two French line- of- battle ships, and 11 frigates, passed the vessel he was taken in, under English colours, steering for the coast of Ireland; they Had troops on board, but what number he could not tell. He further gave information, that the French papers had announced the after landing in Egypt. death of BUONAPARTE BRITISH Navy. DISTRIBUTION OF THE BRITISH NAVAL FORCE 1798. if it IRELAND. , . DUBLIN, Sept. 29 " His Excellency the Marquis of CORNWALLIS has found, that the Lenient System he had adopted has, in many in- stances been abused and prostituted to the worst purposes several of the Rebels who had been pardoned, and to whom protections had been granted, having, the first opportunity . afterwards, returned to their rebellious practices, and com- mitted the most horrid cruelties on his Majesty's Loyal Sub- jects, and on the Protestants. His Excellency has been under the necessity of adopting more vigorous measures a- gainst the Insurgents, and has given the following very firm and decided answer to an address from the HOSIER COM - PANY on this subject. " Gentlemen— When the force of his Majesty's arms had crushed the desperate efforts of rebellion, I was led to hope that the extension of the Royal Mercy to the deluded would have had universal operation in restoring public peace, and reviving a general spirit of loyalty. " I have been, however, concerned to find, that in some parts of the kingdom, the clemency of our Sovereign has failed, and I am under the disagreeable necessity of observ- ing, that when lenient measures are found to have no effect it will become necessary to punish severlly those hardened cri- minals who have shewn that they can not be reclaimed by mercy, " I request you will exCept my most cordial acknowledge, ments for your warm expressions Of approbation and regard. CORNWALLIS." " The outrages of the wandering rebels in the county of Wexford, have unhappily extended to the neighbouring counties. A party of these villains marched on Tuesday evening last through the little village of Ballymurphy into the lower part of the county of Carlow, and committed se- veral robberies in- their passage they proceeded through the barony of St. Mullins to the populous town of Graige- namanagh, in the county of Kilkenny, which they reached about one o'clock on Wednesday morning, and with a most incredible audacity broke into the house of a shopkeeper of the town named Singles, whpm they dragged out into the street and massacred before his own door, and having done so they departed with the plunder of his house without meet- ing the least interruption. We hear, however, with infinity gratification, that this band of murderers were met on their route by a party of the army, who cut them entirely to pieces. " Singles was a yeoman, and had been peculiarly active in the pursuit of an Hessian deserter, who had been appre- hended and executed at Kilkenny a few days before. " By letter's from New- Ross, we have been informed of a horrid plot discovered there, which had no less an object than, a general massacre of all the Protestants of that town, to have taken place yesterday ; but the design having been' fortunately imparted to one of the County of Dublin Militia the honest soldier instantly seized the conspirator who wished to seduce him, and by dragging him before his officer, ob- tained such a chain of information as to bring the leaders under the arm of justice they were principally old and confidential servants of persons in the town. " The town of Coolgraney, county of Wexford, has been burned by a party of rebels from the neighbouring mountains. " Letters from Cork mention, that at the Assizes there, a desperado named Casey was tried, and found guilty of con- spiring to murder Dr. Harding, one of the present High Sheriffs of the city of Cork, a respectable gentleman, whose exertions have been great in counteracting the machinations of Traitors and Seditious Incendiaries. This criminal re- ceived sentence to be executed yesterday. He confessed that Sweeny, one of the traitors here in prison, who has signed with others for transportation, was a principal in this horrid conspiracy, and. accompanied Casey to the place where it was designed to assassinate Dr. Harding, to prevent any re- luctance occurring to his accomplice, that was tO be the perpetrator. " The insurgents in the county of Kildare, besides burn- ing the house of Mr. Rawson, whose brother was lately murdered by one of these desperadoes in that quarter, have committed many other atrocities upon houses in the same neighbourhood. Those of the respectable family of the Manders', are amongst those they wreaked their vengeance on.; and these persons have thus suffered, bccause they Were Protestants from Narraghmore to Athy, we hear, the insurgents have in many places sent letters to persons of the sect before mentioned, to abandon their dwellings, other- wise they may expect to be massacred. " Last week, the house of a woman of the name of Man- ders, at Narrow Water, in the county of Kildare. was at- tacked by some Rebels in that quarter, and herself, two nieces and a servant maid, were inhumanly murdered. The servant met her death for intreating them not to murder her mistress, upon which they shot the poor creature through the head. " Every day we hear of new acts of atrocity that are af- flicting. After the dispersion of the Militia on the first check of Gen. LAKE, the outrages on the helpless and innocent inhabitants of the country were dreadful. A beautiful young Lady, the daughter of a clergyman at Enniscorthy. was wantonly shot through the heart, as she was standing in con- versation with her father. " It is supposed the ruffian tempted by her ear- rings." " On Wednesday night last, three brothers of the name Byrne, respectable farmers, near Roundwood in the county of Wicklow. were set upon bv a band of ruffians, and deprived of life with attending Circumstances of great barbarity. Can nothing be done to put an end to this de- moniac system which and disgraCes the country ?— or is Ireland, one way or other, ever fated to be a scene of terror and personal insecurity. even the terrible experiment of open warfare is more tolerable to the Country than the hell- born fiend- like war of assassination, which if longer car- ried on will confirm to the Irish name in indelible disgrace and abhorrece all the world.— Dub. Ev. Post. "- On Wednesday evening so early as seven ' o'clock, a Banditti entered the houfe or Alderman TRuelocK, at Sim- mon's Court, and, after locking the female part of the fa- mily in a lower apartment, proceeded upstairs into the Al- derman's Chamber, and, having obliged him to give them the keys of his desk, took therefrom cash and bank notes, as we understand, to the amount of 8ol'. and upwards. " It is a fact that the LORD LIEUTENANT was obliged to accommodate the seven French- Generals, who were per- mined to visit Dublin, with 2oo guineas ( they asked for four) as the Rebels had improved on the French plan of Equality, and robbed them not only of their valuables, but even their wearing apparel, and portmanteaus. " The French prisoners taken at Kilalla, a few days ago, with the rebels, were yesterday brought up to town, They consist of six officers, and about 50 privates. The former were lodged in apartments at Corbet's Hotel, in Capel street. These were artfully left behind at Kilalla, by General HUM- BERT, to keep THAT plaCe open for the reception of any other French force that might come in there by chance ; but in this design, like the others upon this country, they, have been frustrated. " The crops of barley in Ireland have turned out this year remarKably abundant, and of a very good quality. " Notwithstanding that the county of Wexford had been the chief seat of ' rebellion in the province of Leinster, and consequently was liable to numberless depredations and other calamites, yet we are pleased to find, that in the return qf the Average prices of grain from the different parts of the • country to the week ending the 15th, wheat was cheaper at the town of Wexford than at any other city, or town of Ire- land, being only 22s. 6d. the barrel— the middle price of oats at the same market being but 9s. ad. the barrel, though barley is 14s. which is dearer than in some other parts of tHe kingdom. " . ' " On Friday last John Richardson, late surgeon in the Antrim militia, and Charles Montgemery, of Cart, two persons for whom a reward Of 5ol. each was offered for their apprehension, were brought in here prisoners, and, lodged in the DonegAll Arms." BALLINA, Sept. 24. " We have been here for some time in the greatest dread of being destoyed by the Rebels : but now, thank God, we are extricated from those fears. A sore defeat has been given to the deluded wretches, by his Majesty's army, in which above 1000 of them were killed between this place and Foxford. In this vicinity they had committed great depredation ; on entering houses, they first drank any wine . they could get, then destroyed the furniture, and even the gardens, and afterwards carried off all plunder that was por- table, to Kilalla.. They were going to hang Dr. Colonel, whole house they plundered. Some of the French who late- ly landed at Kilalla were found among them, and are now prisoners." , CORK, Sept. | This day Denis Casey was executed at Galowsgreen pursuant to his sentence, for ' conspiring to murder Doctor Harding our present worthy Sheriff- He died a melancholy instance of youthful depravity, he was under 20 years of age." AMERICA By the William, Johnston arrived in Clyde from New York, we have receiVed American Papers till the 25th of August, from Which we have made the following extracts : BOSTON, Aug. 17. " f ' Since the last return from the physicians, viz. on the 3 d inst. to this day, there have died of the fever twelve persons, — there are now seventeen sick, few of whom are convales- cents. NEW- YORK, Aug. 11. This day at sun- rise, the Mercury in the Thermometer, in the copula of the Museum, in the shade, stood at 76.— At 12 o'clock in the sun,' in half- n hour it rose to 151. At 3 o'clock the mercury in the copula in the shade, stood at, 96. This is two deg. higher than it has been this summer, and 3 deg. above any period, for 5 years past.. On Thurs- day at 2 o'clock in New- Haven, three deg. higher than on the 3d of July. " Aug.. i3.— Number of burials in Philadelphia for 24 hours ending Thursday at noon— 13 Adults, 4 Children. Aug. io',— Number of deaths in Philadelphia, ending friday at noon— Adults, 9— Children, 6. Aug. .24.— Number of Burials in Philadelphia for 24 hours, ending Wednesday at noon;— Adults, 26— Children, j. The number of new cases reported from 10 o'clock on Tuesday morning to 10 on Wednesday morning, were 38. ' A store- house and a tobacco- house were recently burnt in Maryland, supposed to have been occasioned by evil dis- posed persons. The Governor of the State ( Henry) has in consequence issued a proclamation, offering a free pardon to any accomplice who shall make known the principals in the villany. On the 18th inst. an elegant stand of Colours was pre- sented by two Young Ladies to the Corps of NEW YORK INDEPENDENT VOLUNTEERS, accompanied with the follow- ing letter : " SIR, ; " Impressed with the highest opinion of the patriotism, federalism, and military spirit of the New York Inderpendent Volunteers, we presume to evince it by offering for their acceptance the Colours which ' accompany this ; assured that they will do their utmost to prevent their ever adding to the trophies of Jacobinism and Infidelity, E.. BUCHANAN, M. M'CALL." To which ' the New York Independent Volunteers re- turned a suitable reply, stating, that they would defend their country with their lives, against the enemies of the Ameri- can Government. .... At the Rood Fair; Dumfries, last week there Was a great shew of horses, but few good ones;— prices extremely low and the sale dull. On Wednesday the Right Hon. HENRY DUNDAS, one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, arrived at Melville Castle from the Highlands. At the Michaelmas meeting of the Freeholders and Heri- tots of the County of Edinburgh, held 0n Tuesday, the 2d day of October inst. the LORD ADVOCATE stated, that MONSIEUR, and his Suite, wished to take the amusement of shooting, and hoped to have permission from the Land- holders of the County for that purpose, which all the Gen- tlemen present most cordially assented to, and his Lordship was desired to inform his Royal Highness that they were happy in agreeing to any measure which might tend to his accommodation or amusement. Yesterday arrived in Edinburgh the NORTH YORK MILI TIA, commanded by Lord DUNDAS. The 4th, or DUMFRIESSHIRE REGIMENT of SCOTS MI- LITIA, have marched from Dumfries for Dalkeith. They are a fine bodv of young men, and although it is only about four months" since they were embodied, such has been the meritorious and unremitting attention of LORD DALKEITH, their Colonel, and of the other Officers, that they are very expert in the various manoeuvres of the field. We hear the troops in the North, are to be cantoned for the winter as follows The Windsor Foresters at Aberdeen, Banff, & c. Breadalbane Fencibles at Fort George, and the Argyleshire Fencibles at Dundee, & c. We also hear, that the Hopetown Fencibles, from Fort George, are to be quarter- ed in the Barracks at Aberdeen. At a meeting of the Dumfries and Galloway Hunt, on the 29th ult. Mrs. Maxwell, of Kirkconnell, was chosen Lady Patroness of the Hunt for the ensuing year. Sir Charles Douglas of Kelhead, Bart. President. John M'Murdo, Esq; Vice President. Councillors, the Rev. Dr. Babington, Major Douglas, John Welsh Maxwell, Esq; William Irving, Esq; Dr. William Maxwell, and george johnston, Esq; The late Mrs. Scotland, widow of Mr. William Scot- land, writer in Edinburgh; has bequeathed a Legacy of L. 50 to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, for the use of the Servants Ward. Also, L. to the Society for relief of the Industrious Blind A convoy for the Elbe is petitioned for, to sail from Hull on the 19th instant. The Nautilus, with the Baltic, trade from that port, sails this week. On Thursday night, during the gale of wind, the Sarah, Findlay, of Hull, from the Baltic, got on shore near North Somercoates, on the lincolnshire coast, together with six other vessels ; but it is expected they will be all got off again safe. It is reported that a number of vessels are on shore upon the above coast. DUNDEE, 0ct. 1, 1798. ' " Harvest in this country, which has been made during: very favourable weather, is noy finished. The number of acres under Wheat is smaller than usual; but the quality is fine, and the weight will be 31b. per bushel above the growth- of last season.— The quality of Barley is weighty and good, and promises to malt- pleasantly.— Oats may. be reckoned a; pretty good produce, are fine and weighty.— Beans, as Well as Pease, are more abundant than we have known for many years. • They have been saved in fine order, and their quaility and conditions will be excellent. Samples of New Wheat and Barley hive appeared in our market, the former sold at aos. and 21s. per boll, and the Barley at 15s. in the course of a week or two, we shall expert further and' considerable supplies ; but at present the farmers consider themselves more valuably employed in their Wheat Grounds, than to engage in extensive threshings." George Ker, esq; of Moriston, has prefented Mr. Henry Garnock, preacher of the gospel, to the parish and church of Legerwood. Yesterday the Right Hon. Lady Charlotte Baillie was safe- ly delivered of a son at Springhill. Yesterday was married here, Mr. George Landells of Berwick- on- Tweed, to Miss Stevenson, daughter of Captain Joseph Stevenson, of the Royal Navy, there. On Monday was married at Hamilton, Mr. Alex. Gray, jun. manufacturer, to Miss Hume, daughter of Dr. Joseph Hume, Hamilton. ' Married, on the 28th ult. at Alnwick, Thomas Daly, Esq; youngest son of the late Hyacinth Daly of Dalystown, to Miss Burn. Died at Hundalee, on Friday last, John Carre, Esq of Cavers. Died on Monday, Mr. Robert Baillie, haberdasher in Glasgow. On the 2d of July, died, at Montego Bay, Jamaica, Miss Peggy Findlater. Died, at Craill, the 27th ult. Mr. James Kingo, Stamp- master, much regretted., Mr. John Lockie, tenant at Mallerstain Mill, died on Fri. day last, in consequence of bruises which he received from" the overturning of a cart. Early on Tuesday morning two shops in the Grass- market were broke into by a gang of villains, and money carried from each to the amount of 30s. Also the same night a cellar in Gilmour's close was entered by the same gang, and rob- bed of a considerable quantity of soap and other articles.— Strict search is making after the offenders. . On Friday last, was committed to Bridewell, James Mac- donald, a Taylor in Edinburgh,- box- master to a Friendly Society, convicted before the Sheriff of embezzling the So- ciety's funds to a large amount ( L. 220 Sterling).— He was sentenced to three months confinement in Bridewell, and to refund the whole sum deficient, besides expences. — An ap- peal was offered to the Lord Ordinary on the Bills, who con- firmed the sentence only limiting The period of confine- ment to three weeks, in place of three months. on Tuesday night, or Wednesday morning; the bleach- field of Woodside; near Glasgow, was broken into, and several pieces of half bleached linen cloth carried off. On Sunday last, during the forenoon service, the North- West Session house at Glasgow was broken into, and the S a , nevdra poor's box, containing the morning's collection, carried off. There is just now in Mr. Anderson's garden at Sweet- thope, near Hamilton, a bush of full- blown white roses. The same bush had a remarkable profusion early in the season. On a pear tree in a garden in the neighbourhood of Glas- gow, there is now a second crop of Pears completely formed, MAGISTRATES OF EDINBURGH. The Right H0n. SIR JAMES STIRLING, BART, to be lord Provost. JAMES Eyre, esq; . GEORGE SPANKIE, Esq; THOMAS HENDERSON, Esq; PETER HILL, Esq; CHARLES KERR, Esq; Dean of Guild, continued ARCHD. GILCHRIST, Esq; Treasurer, continued. Thomas Elder, Esq; James Jackson, Esq; William Dalrymple, Esq; Thomas Smith, Esq; William. Hall, Esq; Malcolm Wright, Esq; Arch. Mackinlay, Esq; Messrs. David Paterson Archd. Menzies Alexr. Kinnear Josiah Maxton Macduff Hart William Ranken, Taylors, Convener John Lindsay, jun. Skinners Alexander Duff, Wrights Robert Dudgeon, Bakers James Denholm, Waukers Alex. Fergusson, Bonnetmakers Andrew Wood, Surgeons Patrick Cunningham, Goldsmiths •• - Thomas Kennedy, Furriers George Gregory, Hammermen Andrew Irvine, Masons Andrew Hutcheson, Fleshers William Ross, Shoemakers Ebenezer Gairdner, Weavers We embrace with pleasure this opportunity of offering our re- newed testimony to the meritorious public conduct of PROVOST ELDER, and the Gentlemen associated with him in the Magistra- ey. It is saying much, and it is not saying too much, to add, that he vacates the Civic Chair with undiminished claims to that public esteem and gratitude which he so honourably acquired, when the duties of the Chief Magistrate were of a more difficult and trying nature than they have been for some years past. After the Election Tuesday Sir JAMES STIRLING ad- dressed the Magistrates in the following speech :— GENTLEMEN, Being now called for the third time to the office of Chief Ma- gistrate in this my native city, your own feelings will do me the justice to believe me sincere, whcn I say that I am most deeply im- pressed with the sense of that very distinguished honour which the voice of my fellow citizens has conferred upon me nor will they give me less credit; when I add, that no small part of this satis- faction arises In my breast from the consideration of being once more thus intimately connected with a Society of Gentlemen from whose intercourse in private life I have derived as much pleasure and satisfaction, as I have received counsel and support from their abilities in the dischargc of my public duties. The past experience of that friendship and assistance is a pledge to me on which I api confident I may firmly rely for a like support in those on which I am now about to enter : And to you, Gentlemen, I trust it will carry this assurance, that if in former times my conduct has been such as to merit your approbation, I shall thence be more strongly stimulated to deserve in future your favour' and the good opinion of my fellow citizens. . Yet, while the retrospect of times part is in general, to my mind, attended with feelings of the highest satisfaction, I should diffem- ble with you, were I not to own that some recent circumstances have affected me with the. most sincere regret. You will perceive I allude to these unfortunate divisions which lately existed in the Council of this city. I will not here enter into particulars on this painful subject; I wish it to be for ever buried in oblivion ; I trust it will be so, and that a cordial union will take place, arid a per- fect co- operation in that honourable, open, and steady plan of po- litical conduct which has of late years distingUished the Magistracy of the capital of Scotland. From henceforth, then, let the poli- tics of the City of Edinburgh be those of the State and of the Country alone. So shall our City deserve its honourable distinction of a Metropolis, and its Magistrates the character of true patriots and friends to Britain and its Glorious Constitution. In this character, which I shall ever strive to deserve, I feel my- self called upon to express, in this public manner, the strong sense I entertain of the very high merits of that Right Honourable Per- son by whom this city is represented in Parliament; to acknow- ledge the weight of those obligations for which, amidst the most important national services rendered to the British Empire at large, we in a particular manner stand indebted to him ; and to profess a sentiment, in which every true Scotsman will most cordially join me that the interests of the city of Edinburgh never were deposited in the hands of an abler or more upright Statesman, nor ever can be trusted to one whose high public character could confer more honour, or his abilities more advantage, on the community whom he representS. Let this tribute be paid in my name to a Gentle- man for whom individually I entertain the most sincere respect, and whom publicly I regard as a great ornament to his country. Entering on a new course of official duty, I know that I speak the general sense of all my brethren in office, when, in my own name and in theirs, I here offer our united thanks to lodr most worthy predecessors in office, and in a more particular manner to our late most able and respectable Chief Magirtrate, who has so often filled that important station, with equal honour to himself and benefit to the community. In retiring from office, he has the pleasing reflection, that while his public merits stand recorded in the annals of this city and the Country at large, he carries with him the respect and esteem of all his fellow citizens. To his pri- vate virtues as a man, and as a friend, experienced In an acquaint- ance of near thirty years Continuance, I am free to say that I stand indebted for no small part of the satisfaction I have enjoyed in lige. It were superfluous in me, whose political principles have been evinced by the uniform tenor of my conduct, to enlarge here in any general professions of loyalty to our moSt excellent Sovereign, S I or of attachment to the best Constitution. Let me not con- clude however, without reminding you of the gratitude we oWe to the Supreme Disposer of all events for the singular blessings which this favoured island is suffered to enjoy, whilst a great part Of Eu- rope is now groaning under the most unheard of tyranny and op- pression, the confluence of the introduction of wild principles of anarchy and insubordination, disguised under the imposing names of liberty and equality of rights. From the contagion, of such principles, from the efforts of their partisans, ardent in the propagation of doctrines which strike at the foundation of civil ciety, I trust that Almighty Providence will long preserve these happy kingdoms. May every day convince us mere and more of the substantial blessings of which we are at present possessed ; and in order that we may preserve them to ourselves, and transmit them to our latest posterity, may all true sons of Britain remember, that, in these days of danger, it is equally their duty to guard against the Insidious machinations of domestic treason, and to repel the ag- gression of a foreign foe. MAGISTRATES OF GLASGOW. LAURENCE CraiGIE. Esq; Lord Provost. Robert Muirhead, Esq; Thomas Hopkirk. Esq; Baillies. Robert Austin, esq; PERTH, 1st October, 1798 This being the day of the Annual Election of the Magi- strates and Town Council of the Burgh, for the ensuing year, until Michaelmas 1799, the following Gentlemen were chosen into the MagistraCy, viz. THOMAS bLACK, Esq; Provost, Sheriff and Coroner. Mr Alexander Porteous, Dean of Guild. Messrs. James Proudfoot, Laurence Robertson, Merchant Baillies. Robert Ross, , Mr. Thomas Robertson, glover, Trades Baillie. Mr. John Taylor, glover, Town Treasurer. MAGISTRATES OK DUNDEE. ALEXANDER THOMS, Esq; of Rumgaley, Provost. Messrs. Alexander Balfour, James Haliburton, William Crichton, Thomas Bell, John Guild, Dean of Guild. . .. Patrick Smith, , . Andrew Peddie, Old Bailies and Counellors. Thomas Webster, Thomas Webster, jun. Councillor to the Guild. Andrew Peddie. jun. Treasurer. Provost Alexander Riddoch, Shoremaster. MERCHANT COUNCILLORS. Messrs. Archibald Crichton, George Hill. George Rough, glover. Messrs. John Alison,, James Marr, Thomas Haliburton, TRADES COUNCILLORS. Patrick Richie, baker. Peter Will, tailor. , , MAGISTRATES OF ABERDEEN. THOMAS LEYS, Esq; of Glasgowforest, unanimously re- elected PROVOST. William Ritchie, Esq; , Charles Farquharson, Esq; Baillies. James Murray, Esq; Gavin Hadden, Esq; Dean of Guild. George Sim, Esq; ( Treasurer. . , Mr. George Thomson, shore- master, Mr. Thomas Black, Master of Kirk, and Bridge Works. Mr. James Mackie, Master of Mortifications. Mr. Alex. Fraser, Master of Guild Brethren's Hospital. MERCHANT COUNSELLORS. Messrs. Alex. Brebner. John Dingwall. James Masson. Provost William Young, ProvostrGeorge Auldin, Provost George More. TrADES COUNSELLORS. Deacon John Fraser. Deacon John Falconer. MAGISTRATES OF PAISLEY. Messrs. Robert Barclay, Walter Robertson, Baillies. Robert Wilson, John Davidson, Town Treasurer. MAGISTRATES OF AYR. GEORGE CHARLES, Esq; Provost. Philip Whiteside, Esq; Peter M'Taggart, Esq; i William Bowie. Esq; Dean of Guild. Ebenezer Shaw, Esq; Treasurer. MAGISTRATES OF INVERNESS. WILliAM inglis, esq; Provost. Alex. Mackintosh, Esq; James Clerk, Esq; Charles Jameson, esq; William Wilson, esq Thomas Young, esq; Dean of Guild. Alexander Wilson, Esq; Treasurer. MAGISTRATES OF RENFREW. JAMES BURNS, Esq; Provost. Messrs David Owen, George Paterson, George Boyd, Dean of Guild. Gavin Dunlop, Treasurer. William Bar, Procurator Fiscal. David Hutcheson, writer in Glasgow, Town Clerk,. MAGISTRATES OF CULROSS. messrs. Alex. Masterton, .. David Meiklejohn, , Thomas Sands, — Trades Baillie, . James Bennet, Dean of Guild. John Drysdale, Treasurer. William Smith, Convener. MAGISTRATES OF DUMFRIES. ROEERT JACKSON, Esq; Provost. Messrs. Nichol Shaw, Joseph Gass, > Baillies. Gabriel Richardson, James Gracie, Dean of Guild. . ) John M'Morin, Treasurer. Price of best Oatmeal, 13d. the sack— Potatoes, 6d. E D I N B U R G H A D V E R T I S E R fiT ) SEQUSTRATIONS, & c. JOHN HAY, House- builder in Edinburgh. Creditors to meet in John's Coffee- house, on the 9th inst. at 11 o'clock, to chuse a factor, and on the 6th November, to chuse a trustee. Creditors of KENNEDY and WATSON, late Merchants in King- ston, Jamaica, to receive their final dividends from Alexander Al- lan, merchant in Edinburgh, the trustee, on the 1st of November- Creditors of THOMAS Ruddiman, Printer, Edinburgh, to meet in John's Coffee house, on the 33th inst. at one o'clock, to decide on an offer of composition. " Creditors of JAMES KEITH, Tanner in Dundee, to meet in Mo- reen's, there, 011 the 17th curt, at 11 o'clock, to give instructions. STATE of the THERMOMETER since our last. Arrived in Clyde, Peggy, Carrick, from Dantzick, with wheat; William, Johnston, from New York, with tobacco, & c, The Enterprise, Sheal, is arrived at Grenada, and jean, Gard- ner, at New York, both from Clyde. The Jean Bain, is arrived at Bremen, from Clyde; Lucy, Kerstake, at Gibraltar, from Newfoundland ; William, Johnston, in Clyde, from New- York. SOUND INTELLIGENCE. . Passed Downwards, Sept. 15. Bridport, Ellis.— 17. Marquis of Lorn, White; Thetis, Rutherford ; Adeona, Langdale ; William & Jane, Dacres; Jennies, Thompson ; John & Nancy, Barry; William & Henry, Sidney ; Christopher & Mary, Stobie; Mar- garet, Millar ; Isabella, Donkin ; Jane, Taylor; Brothers, Keay; ——, Ritchie ; Diamond, Killer; Mary, Gonie ; Eliza, Stewart. Sept. 18.— Yesterday his Majesty's brig cutter the Busy, Capt. Omminey, arrived here with about 40 ships under his convoy from Hull, and they are all cleared and sailed to their respective ports in the Baltic, said brig cutter waits a fair wind, to proceed with the homeward- bound. '' The Integrity, Capt Lost, of London, for St. Petersburgh, is stranded at Sandhammer, and will remain a wreck, some of the materials will be saved ; it seems he has cut away his masts. The Enterprise, Capt. John Rose, of and from Hull, like- wise for St. Petersburgh, drove in a gale, of wind against a rock on the Gulph of Finland, and sunk in deep water in a few minutes; both the crews are saved, but those on board the Enterprise had no time to save any thing but what they had on their backs. ELSINEUR, Sept. 18, 1798. LeitH, Oct. 5.— Arrived. Lady Augusta, Barclay, from Chris- tiansound; Glasgow Packet, Taylor; Berwickshire Packet, Cam- ming; Berwick Merchants, White ; Edinburgh & Berwick Packet, Cooper, and Ceres, Bruce, from London; Nicholas, Garden, and Friendship, Milne, from Aberdeen ; William & Elizabeth, Munro, from Lerwick; Two Brothers, Robb, from Staxego, all with goods; Gleaner, Hogg, from Newcastle; William, Kennedy, from Dundee ; Bell & Ann, Atkins, from Montrose, with grain; Resolution, Reed, and Elizabeth, Bell, from Whitby, with oil; three sloops with coals. Sailed, Mary- Ann, Callender, for Whitby, with goods. BANK OF SCOTLAND, OCTOBER 5, 1798. THE GENERAL MEETING of PROPRIETORS on the 26th ult. having ordered a Dividend of Profits on the Com- pany's Capital Stock, for the half year ending the 27th of that month; the payment is, by the Court of Directors, appointed to commence on Tuesday next the 9th inst.- . GEORGE NIELSON, Secretary. SEED, WHEAT, AND IRON. JOHN SINCLAIR, West Bow, Edinburgh, HAS got to hand from England, a small quantity of the very best WHITE WHEAT for SEED, which, he can recom- mend to his Friends and the Public. He has imported a very good assortment of SWEDISH BAR IRON, which he is selling in wholesale and Retail, at the most reasonable price. N. B.— Will have in a day or two some very fine WINTER TARES and RYE. 3 2} The following is a striking proof of the increase of Com- merce and Manufactures upon the Clyde. The ferry across the Clyde at Renfrew was let in tack for nineteen years; at therein of fourteen pounds ten shillings-, to which ten pounds. was afterwards added for a house. The lease having expir- ed, it has been now let in lack, by auction at the amazing rent of a hundred and seventy- two p0unds yearly, being seven times the former rent.. ' The fruit of Milton upon Clyde was sold by auction this season at the astonishing sum of a hundred and eighty pounds. In the rental Of Milton, the whole orchards, containing twenty English acres were only valued, by the present pro- prietor, at thirteen shillings and sixpence the English acre, of which the fruit WAS valued at six shillings and ninepence the acre, and the under crops of barley and potatoes at six shillings and ninepence the acre also ; being less than seven pounds for the whole fruit on the estate. . So that the pricer of the fruit this season is more than twenty- five times the. a- mount of the rental put upon it by Mr. Brisbane and this low rental was valued by the proprietor at less than twenty- one years purchase. In another point of view, it is a re- markable fact, that in making up a proven judicial rental of this office, upwards of twenty- one years ago, after deduc- ing public burdens, the ancient clear yearly rent of the sur- face was declared by the Lords to be three hundred and six- ty seven pounds, besides the mines and minerals; and the salmon cruives in the river Clyde, together with Clyde's mill, and the command of that great river for machinery, the arable lands, and mill orchard, were all lumped together by the Lords of Session at the very moderate valuation of ten guineas. From the well known lowness of a judicial rental at all times, the great improvement which has already- taken place in that long series of years in those five parishes of clydesdale, which are said to be the richest coal and lime county in Europe, and the incalculable effect which such a profusion of coal, lime, and waterfalls, must have in increas- ing the surface value, supposing the value of lands on the banks of the Clyde in the great coal and lime county between Edinburgh and Glasgow, to be only triple the ancient judi- cial rental made up by the Lords, the clear yearly value of the surface alone, in this view, is now upwards of eleven hundred pounds;- which, at TWENTY- ONE YEARS PURCHASE, is TWENTY- THREE THOUSAND POUNDS, besides the mines and minerals, the richness of which is well known to professional men, and will best ap- pear by the canal surveys. But the proprietor has never yet valued both lands and minerals, and the valuable privilege of a mill- dam upon one or the falls of the Clyde, at more than twenty- four thousand guineas. The Glasgow estate is disposed of by private bargain ia tack for two hundred years, upon terms singularly advanta- geous to the tenant, who will clear a very large sum by the bargain. This fact is now generally known in Glasgow. PEEBLES- SHIRE ASSESSED TAXES. ' THE COLLECTOR hereby gives notice, That he will at- tend at his Office in Peebles on Tuesday the 30th of October, ' and the two following Tuesdays, to collect ONE HALF of the New Assessed Tax, commonly called the AID and CONTRIBU- TION TAX, when he expects the same will be very punctually paid up. ' He also intimates to the Heritors of the County of Peebles,' that he expects they will pay the Half- year's Cess, & c. due 19th Sep- tember 1798, on one or other of the above mentioned days. Darnhall Mains, Oct. 2, 1798. EDINBURGH, 3d October, 1798. THE COPARTNERY carried on here under the Firm of Messrs. BUCHAN, HUNTER and CO. Woollen Drapers in Edinburgh, was this day DISSOLVED by the unanimous con- sent of the Partners, Mr. FRANCIS BUCHAN SYDSERFF being to continue the Business on his own account and having got right to the stock and debts of the Company, the Company's Creditors will be settled with on calling at his shop, front of the Royal Ex- change, and those indebted to the Company will please order pay- ment of their accounts to him. FRANCIS BUCHAN SYDSERFF. DAVID HUNTER, EDINBURGH, Oct. 3, 1798. THE COPARTNERY carried on under the firm of Messrs HUNTER and CO. Woollen Drapers in Edinburgh, having been this day DISSOLVED by the unanimous consent of the Part- ners, Mr BUCHAN SYDESERF takes the liberty of informing his Friends and the Public, That he is to CONTINUE the BUSI- NESS on his own account, and requests a continuance of their fa- vours. TABLE BUTTER. DAVID BEVERIDGE begs leave to inform the Public, that he has got to hand some very fine TABLE BUTTER, which he will sell in any quantity to suit the purchaser— also a supply of NEW SCOTS and DANTZIG HONEY of a superior quality — Best MALT WHISKY, LONDON PORTER, BURTON ALE, SCOTS PORTER and ALES,. BACON HAMS, NEW TUSK and LING FISH, & c. all at the lowest prices. Niddry Street, Sept. 28. 1798. DOBIE'S SCHOLARs THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Gentlemen educated by the late MR. DOBIE at KELso SCHOOL, is to be held in the CROSS KEYS, KELSO, on MONDAY the 15th day of October current. Dinner to be on the table at three o'clock, and a BALl in the evening. t. H. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. THE Creditors of the deceased JOHN BLACK, late of Cham- berfield, writer in Dunfermline, are requested to lodge their grounds of debt, and oaths of verity thereon, with James Douglas, writer in Dunfermline, one of the Trustees, betwixt and the 1st day of November next, that a scheme of division of the funds may be made out, certifying such as neglect to do so, that they will be cut out - of any share thereof which will he then made in terms of the trust deed. ; Not to be repeated. FARM STOCKING IN FIFE TO BE SOLD. By public roup at WESTER KILMUX, in the parish of Rennoway, on Monday the 15th day of October 1798". ' THE whole STOCKING of the farms of WESTER KILMUX and OVENSTONE, consisting of a number of Work Horses and Staigs, a number of Cows and Queys, bulled and unbullcd ; a number of Stots of different ages, and eight Calves; the whole Corns stacked In the barn- yard in good condition consisting of Wheat, Barley, Oats, Pease, and Beans, with two Old Stacks of Wheat, a considerable quantity of Hay old and new ; also a field of Potatoes and the. whole Labouring Utensils of both farms, consisting of Ploughs, Harrows. Carts, Rollers, and Harness for them, with 1 two Wheeled Chaise and Harness thereto, almost as good as new. Six months Credit will be given upon good and sufficient security, or Sixpence in the pound discount for ready money. The roup to begin at 10 o'clock forenoon. HORSES, SHEEP, AND BLACK CATTLE- TO BE SOLD, By Public Roup, at WHITTON, in the pariiji of Morebattle, and county of Roxburgh, on Monday the 8th day of Oiftober t" « ; S, SIXTEEN YOUNG HORSES, from two to four yearS Old, and Four Cart Horses; eighty fat Wedder Sheep of Leicester- shire breed ; sixty large Ewes, fit either for the butcher or for keep- ing, being of the best Leicestershire breed's seventy Ewes of the South Down breed; and twenty fat Wedder Sheep of the same breed ; fifty Ewes, crossed Cheviot and Leicester breed; ten Wed- der Sheep of the Tiviotdale breed; and ten Tups of the Leicester- shire breed; ten fat Cows and oxen; eight fat Ox Kyloes, and three young Bulls of the Tees Water breed. Six months credit will be given on good security; or sixpence in the pound discount for ready money. N. B. ' The roup to begin at ten o'clock. forenoon. AT LONDON— FOR LEITH AND BORROWSTOUNNESS. The Brig SUSANNAH, PHILIP BuTLER, Master, Lying at Hawley and Downe's Wharf, taking in goods for all places adjacent to either of the above ports, and will sail the 11th October, with or with; _ out Convoy. This ship sails remarkably fast, and will be pointed as to her day of departure, great part of her cargo being already engaged.- The Master to be spoke with, mornings and evening on board, and at the Edinburgh Coffee- house, london. TO Be sOLD By PuBliC ROUP, Within the Ship Coffee- house, leith, on Friday the 12th 0ctober, betwixt the hours of twelve and one o'clock The Sloop LADY CHARLOTTE. . .; With Boat . presently in LEITH Harbour, conform to inventory. ' The Vessel was built at Kirlcaldy in 1795, sures, per register, 53. and carries about 70 tons is in good order, and well found' For particulars, apply to William Glover, Leith, who can con- clude a private bargain. * Sepi. ' Same time will be sold - Two CABLES, 8i inch, about eighty- five fathoms each, Peter Duguid, esq; TO LET, For the term of 19 years, and entered to at Whitsunday 1799. THE FARM of MAINSIDE, with the HOUSES and Perti- nents, lying in the parish of Hownam. and shire of Roxburgh. This farm borders with Northumberland is very extensive, and reputed one of the best Sheep Farms in the south of Scotland. Proposals in writing will be received by James Home, clerk to the signet, Merchant Street, Edinburgh, betwixt and the term « f Martinmas next; and such as are not accepted will be kept secret if desired. FARMS. To be let by public roup, within the Tontine Tavern, Glasgow, upon Wednesday the 24th October, at one o'clock afternoon, for 19 years, and entered to at Martinmas next, THE LANDS of CROY, exclusive of the Wood of Craigmar- loch, of about 253 acres, partly arable and partly pasture, ly- ing in the parish of Cumbernauld, county Of Dumbarton, and about a mile south of the town of Kilsyth The Great Canal passes through the lands. by which lime can be laid down at a small expence: also dung from Glafgow and from Kilsyth Inclosures will be made, as may be agreed upon. The lands may be let in one, in two', or in three farms: If to three tenants, the Farm of Croyhill will consist of about 117 acres — the Farm of Petersmailling, 53 acres— and the Farm of Nether- croy. Ss acres. If to two tenants, Croyhill and Petersmalling will make one farm of about 170 acres. Croyhill grounds are reckoned much calculated for a turnip farm. William Moffat at Auchenstary will shew the grounds, ami for further information or a private bargain, apply to Mr. Cowan, Grahamstone. Glasgow, or Mr. John Lang, writer in Glasgow.: A private bargain will be more agreeable to the proprietor than public roup. LANDS IN TWEEDDALE. To be SOLD by public voluntary roup, on Friday the 9TH dayW November next, at six o'clock in the afternoon, within John's Coffee- house, Edinburgh. ALL and Whole the LANDS of EASTER BOLD and SCROG- BANK, lying in the parish of Traquair, and county of Pee- bles. This is a beautiful compact estate. It gives a qualification a freeholder in the county upon the valued rent, and holds all of the Crown. The present real rent, which is Sterling, With twelve kain hens, and the carriage of twelve loads of coals, will, ac cording to every estimate, nearly double at the expiry of the current lease, which is at no considerable distance. The whole estate con- tains 1164 acres 2 roods Scots measure, whereof about 100 acres al- ready are, or soon will be improved into arable land, consisting ge- nerally of rich holm, and all of a fine dry, early soil, well calculated for every kind of crop, and particularly the turnip husbandry. This division is mostly flat ground, stretching for a great length along the banks of the Tweed, from which it is prevented from sustaining any damage by its natural situation, without being at hardly any ex- pence. The rest of the estate, containing 964 acres 2 roods, is im mediately contiguous, rises higher, and forms a most convenient sheep walk, capable of holding at least forty score and many parts of it are fit for Hills or other plantations. Perhaps more delightful situations for a house and place than upon the haugh ground, at some distance from the sheep pasture, can not be figured, as they would command all the natural and rural beauties of the- country up and down the river for a great distance on both sides, which are celebrated as being uncommon. For the encouragement of purchasers the upset price will only be 5100l Sterling; and for particulars apply to Andrew Steuart, jun writer to the signet, who has power to conclude a private bargain betwixt and the day of sale. LANDS FOR SALE. To be Sold by public roup, If nor previously . disposed of by pri- vate bargain, within the house of William Gordon, vintner in Aberdeen, on Monday, the 5th day of November next, at six o'clock afternoon, THE LANDS and ESTATE of COBAIRDIE, comprehend- ing the Mains and Manor Place of Cobairdie, Mill of Co- bairdie, Mill, Lands, Multures, and Sequels thereof, the Towns and Lands of Hillockhead, Boghead, Broomfold, Watts, and Cairntown, with the Crofts of the same; as also, the Towns and Lands of Yon- dertown, Hallhill, Lochside, Peatfold, Blackstack, and White Glacks, with the Crofts thereof; together with the multures, teinds, pastu- • age, and vital age, mosses, lathings, liberty of pasturage on the For- man hill, and haill other parts, privileges, and « ertinents of the foresaid Lands, and others, all lying within the barony of Fren- draught, parish of Forgue, and county of Aberdeen This estate holds of the Crown, and affords a freehold qualifica- tion. The free rent of it, after deduction of the Minister's stipend,; ( cess and all other public burdens, being payable by the tenants) converting the meal, bear, customs, and services, at very moderate rate's, is about L. J sterling These lands are an excellent strong soil, and lie in a most plea- sant and fertile country, within two miles of lime, two, miles of the town of Huntly where thore is a post- Office, and a weekly mar- ket. and 12 or 14 miles of Banff, and Portsoy, both sea port towns, and the like distance from a number of fishing towns from whence fish are daily brought. There is upon the premisses a substantial Mansion house, and suitable offices, beautifully situate on a gentle declivity to the south. A very capital and valuable farm surround the house, all inclosed with dykes, and belts of planting, which was for many years in the natural possesion of the proprietor, and is at present in a very high state of cultivation. The Kirk, Manse, and Offices, were lately completely repaired,, and the Ministers stipend was also lately augmented. There are but few leases on the estate, and those of short dura- tion; the Mains and Mill particularly, are not under lease. ' ' Upon the estate there are several large thriving plantations of wood et different ages. the surrounding country abounds with game and the Diveron; the best river in Scotland for trout, is in the immediate vicinity, so that in every point of view, whether for agricultural purposes, situation, or pleasure, this one of the most desirable properties in Aberdeenshire. The title deeds a plan and rentals of the estate. may be seen in the hands of Francis Gordon and Andrew Jopp, Advocates in Aberdeen, to, either 4; whom, the proprietor at Park, or Lachlan Duff, Esq; writer to the signet. Edinburgh, application. may be for further particulars, and. John Watson, at Cobairdie, will show the lands. TO BE SOLD, And enterrd to at Martinmas next, within the Royal Exchange Coffee- house, Edinburgh, 0n Wednesday the 7th day of Novem- ber 1798, betwixt the hours of one and two afternoon, THE FARM of CLINKMILN, with the teinds, parsonage, and vicarage thereof, situated. within a mile of the town of Cupar. in the county of Fife ; to be held of a subject superior, for payment of a trifling feu- duty. . It consists in whole of upwards of eighty English acrcs. It is all substantially inclosed, and divided into eight fields, principally with stone and lime walls, in good repair, and each of them is well watered. It is patently in excellent order. There is a steading of houses on it, sufficient for the accommoda tion of a tenant, and though let on a lease, current till the term of Martinmas 1815. ( for L. i,; 4-. 4s.'- 3d. Sterling- of money rent, with eleven hens or ducks, the tenant being likewise bound to drive nine cart loads of coals carriage free yearly, or in the proprietors option, to pay one shilling Sterling for each hen or duck, and five shillings Sterling for each cart load of coals, the tenant has granted an ob- ligation, to renounce the possession of it, at any period during the lease when required so to do by tbe Proprietor, of which a purcha- ser Will have it in his power to avail himself, if he judges it proper. There is a good Whin Stone Quarry 0n these lands, and a com- mand of water sufficient for carrying on the business of a distillery, or other work, requiring such accommodation, which, from their local situation. might be advantagously done. As also the PROPERTY in CUPAR MUIR, which belongs to Mr Robertson of Balgarvie lying about a mile west from Cupar,; likewise to be held of a subject superior. It consists of between 40, and 50 acres: about 16 of them have been lately trenched, dunged; limed, and laid down properly in grass. The rest of them is occu- pied by, a remarkable fine thriving Fir Wood, about thirty years old. There has been built and finished substantially, within these three years a Dwelling- house, Stable, and Byre, 0n this property. There is a free Stone Quarry on it. which never has been wrought, and it forms a square, affords an elegant situation- for a gentleman of taste to build on, and is inclosed by a ditch, a. thriving hedge, and a, strong railing. - , Further particulars may be learned; by applying to Edward Bruce. Clerk to the Signet, and the premises will be shewn by David Birrell, Tenant in Easter Balgarvie, . . lANDS FOR SALE IN ARGYLLSHIRE. To be SOLD by warrant of the Court of Session, by public auction, in the Royal Exchange Coffee- house, Edinburgh, on Thurfday » ; th November next,- at 1 o'clock afternoon, ' ' THE LANDS of LOCHBUY, in Argyllshire, holding of the Crown, at least so much thereof as shall be necessary for pay ing the debts of the late John M'Laine, Esq; and the deceased Capt. Archibald M'Laine. formerly of Lochbuy. These lands are situated in the Island of Mull, and shire of Ar- gyle. They consist ot upwards of 44,000 Scots acres, and will be exposed in the following Lots: LOT I.— Tapul, Coilemore, Scobul, Tiroran, Knockroy, Camus, and Shiconnell, with the Miln thereof Lor II.— Collachelly, Kilbeg, Gruline, Torlochan, and Gedder- lie, Bentilla, comprehending Leadery, Bradilaultach, Bradildugh Tomslea. and Corrygarrain LOT III.— Scallastle, Garmony Liderkle, Fishnish Baliameonoch, Cortynahenoch, with the Miln thereof, Letter, Pennygown, Cor- rachie, Rohill and Derrynaningle. lot IV.— Moy, Cameron. Glenbyre, and Innigant, Derinaculen, and Rossol, Beinad, Kinlochspelve, Laggan, Descaig, and Glendibi- del, Barichendroman, Garmonyroich, Drimnatyne, Crogan, and Irridale. N. B.— As much Superiority will be added to each of the above Lots as will afford a Freehold Qualification. On lot IV. besides the Castle of Moy, there is a large convenient Mansion house, lately built, with suitable offices and a well stocked garden, most delightfully situatcd at the- extremity of the Bay of Lochbuy. lots 1 and 3 w; ll be exposed either in one lot or in separate lot as purchasers may appear. As the most of this estate is at present out of lease, and very im proveable, a great addition of rent may be expected upon granting leases. The extent of the arable and improveable land is distinctly pointed out by a late survey of the estate. The whole of it is plea- santly situated, has many excellent situations for mansion houses. : and abounds with game and fishing of all kinds. Andthere are natural - woods upon the property, and planted wood- at Moy and Seal JUale,. at which last mentioned place there is like wise a good Garden, containing fruit trees. For particulars, application may be made to Lieut. Col. Mac- Laine at Moy, by Auchnacraig, or to Mr. Campbell, W. S. St. James's Square, who will show the plans and surveys of the estate, and give any other information that may be necessary. 9 * o o ESTATE IN PERTHSHIRE FOR SALE. THE LORDSHIP of KINCARDINE, comprehending the BARONY of KINCARDINE, and LANDS of LURG with the Teinds thereof included-— The BARONY of TULLI ALLAN, with the Right of PATRONAGE of the Parilh Church of Tulliallan, and sundry other LANDS and HERITAGES, all lying in the parish of Tulliallan, and sheriffdom of Perth. This estate is delightfully situated on the north side of the Frith of Forth, along which it stretches for upwards of three miles, be- ing about four miles to the westward of Culross; three miles to the eastward of Clackmanan, and twelve miles from Stirling. I contains several young plantations of Fir, interspersed with Oak and Larch from ten to thirty years old, and a great quantity of thriving and valuable full grown Timber of various kinds, beauti fully disposed through the grounds. the whole estate abounds In Coal, and in quarries of excellent Free Stone, particularly the Farm of Longannet, bordering 0n tie Firth, where Undertakers for Building frequently employ Quarriers, there being a Pier for shipping the stoneS there is also Iron Stone on some of the Farms. From the nature of the coast, and the great abundance of Stone, and Timber, the estate. affords for Embankments, a considerable tract of fine rich Ground, not less than 100 acres, might be gained from the sea at a moderate expence. By an accurate survey of the estate made this Summer, it is as- certained to contain in whole 1686 acres Scots measure, whereof 963 acres are rich Arable Land, 130 acres Pasture, 352 acres Plant- ing, 108 acreS Water, 8 acres Stances for Houses and Yards, and fj acres Small Feus. The present Free Rent is only about L, 1370 Sterling, of which abont L. 92 consists of Feu- duties but the great- er part of the leases expire in 1800 and 18o1, when a very conside- rable rise of rent may be depended upon. The valued rent is upwards of L. 1400 Scots, thereby affording Six Freehold Qualifications in the county, as the whole estate holds of the Crown, The Old Castle of Tulliallan is presently in ruin's, but there are many very eligible situations for building upon the lands. The thriving and populous Sea- port town of Kincardine, situ- ated upon the estate, is erected into a burgh of Barony: It possesses a safe and commodious. Haven, to which many Vessels belong, and it is believed the inhabitants would chearfully contribute towards building a pier. There are sundry Waste Spots of Ground in. the Town, which though not at present rentalled, may be feued out to advantage. Far further particulars, apply to Messrs. Dundas and Robertson, clerks, to the signet, who are ready to treat for a sale by private bargain and who are posseSsed of the title- deeds, a plan and mea- The Mansion House is substantial and commodious, | he Offices ample and lately built, the soil of the lands rich and fertile. The purchaser of this lot will have a freehold qualification, as the next lot is to hold of him. II. those PARTS of the Lands of Leuchars called Backleys, Milntown, Rome and Wiseman's Croft, containing 298 A. 2 R. n F. set in lease to tenants for 228I. 13s., 8d. Sterling, and 16 A- or thereby of clumps and plantations, valued at 81. Sterling. These lands are as rich and fertile, and have the same advantages as those in the last lot. III. The EARLs CARSE, with an effeiring proportion of the adjacent commonty— Pvent 14!. 5a. Stirling. This compact spot lies at an equal distance betwixt Lossiemouth and Elgin, is surrounded with a hedge almost fencible, and might be made a pleasant residence. These lots have an exclusive right in the extensive mosses of Meft, . which may be improved to advantage, if they are divided, each lot will have a large and valuable share. The public burdens affecting them amount only to 3!. ja. xod. 8- 12rhs Sterling. IV. The MAINS of DUNKINTY, ORLEYHILL, and others, form a rich field, and have a beautiful situation for building. Rent 112L 16s. 8d. besides 2L 15s. as the value put on a small plan- tation. V. ST. ANDREWS, KIRKTOWN, and KIRKHILL.— Con- tents, 103 A. x R. 7 F. Rent 48I. is. nd.; and 74 A. or thereby, of the plantation of Barflathills, valued at 37I. Sterling. One of the finest situations for a gentleman's residence to be found in this or any other county. The expiry of a lease in 1805, will more than double the present rent. VI. GILMORESIDE .— Rent 181.; and to A. or thereby of tha adjoining plantation, valued at jL Gilmoreside might be either made a most pleafant villa, or laid out as a garden or nursery. It is situated on the south side of a rising ground, . along the banks of the Lossie. Just now the lands would let for 30I, Sterling at least, and in case of a sale taking place, the tenant has bargained to renounce his lease. VII. The HAUGH of FATTACKS, nearest Elgin— Contents, 7 A. 3 R. 29 F. Real / I. and a plantation of 9 A. 2 R. 17 F. valued at 4I 16s; This lot is conveniently situated for any person residing in Elgin, as it lies within ten minutes walk of the town, and has an easy com- munieation by Newm ln. VIH. FATTACKS, Situated on the banks of the Lossie, and on the east side of the road leading to Elgin, contents 17 A. 3 R. 35 1 rent 16I. and two Clumps with a part of the - large Plantation ad- joining, measuring together 17 A. or. thereby.. valued at 81. 10s. Fattacks has a south west exposure, commands a most extensive and agreeable prospect of the town, and. the magnificent ruins of the Cathedral, and the circumjacent country. IX. BARFLATHILLS; the' two INCLOSURES of CAL- COATS eastward, and WALKER'S CROFT, contents 68 A. 2 R. t2 F. rent 52I. and 7 A. 3 R. 19 F. of interjected Plantations, va- lued at- 31. 18s. 2d . The houses are in good condition, and the lands improveable. X. WESTER CALCOATS, north from the last lot, and west from the main drain, contents j6- A, t R. 37 F. rent 35I. Ics.; and belts and plantationss and Ground improving, supposed to contain 16 A. or thereby, valued at 81. These lands may be much improved at a moderate expence. XI. The MAINS of CALCOATS, the INCLOSURES eastward . from the main drain, ami the SHORT SANDS, rent I cyl. 173. od. with a, Plantation valued at 2l. ips. 5 These lands are of a fine soil, and contain a beautiful spot for building. A small house and good offices were lately erected near some fine ash trees, elms, and planes. XII. That PART of CALCOATS set to Mr. Sellar, contents t8 A. 2 R. 2J F. rent 191 js. 10d. This is a beautiful dry, level field. The public burdens affecting the last nine lots were mentioned in former advertisementS and will be paid proportionally. The purchasers of these lots will have an equal right in the moss at the road leading to the mansion house of Innes. XIII. The SUPERIORITY of the 5th, 6th ; ih, 8th, and 9th lots, with a Feu- duty of 20s. Sterling out of each, in full of all casual- ties. This Superiority will afford considerably more than one Freehold Qualification. XIV. HARVIESHAUGH, HOUSE, Offices, and Gardens in the College, and Seats in the Churches of Elgin. Tenants pay - - - - - - L. 72 14 o And the house and offices are valued at. 1 j o o Together L. 87 14 o Harvieshaugh stretches from the north side of the town of Elgin along the banks of the lossie, and may be either laid out in gardens and nurseries, or feued for building. The house may be made fit to accommodate a large family at a moderate expence. Tht only public burden is 3I. 6s. 8d. of stipend paid to the mini- ster of Elgin. The teinds are exhausted, and no cess is payable. In fixing the rent of each lot, the customs and carriages are va- lued at Is. and the victual at 15s. The plantations, clumps, and belts, arc valued at ios, the acre, yearly. The measure is taken from a plan to be shewn'. ' At same time will be SOLD, A FEU at LossiemoUth With the lime Shade, Coal Cellar, and small Loft erected thereon. for further particulars apply to James Chalmer, Esq; Westmin- ster, London Mr Thomas Burbet, Advocate, Aberdeen; Mr. Thomas Sellar, writer in Elgin ;, or to the proprietor, John Innes, writer to the signet. . Thomas Jack, at Leuchars, will shew the lands, and the boun- daries of the proposed lots. --. EDINBURGH: pRinted for JAMES DONALDSON,' and Sold at the PRINTING OFFicE, Castle- hill, where,: and at the EDINBURGH ' ADvertiser OFFICE, at the Croft, Orders and Advertisements are taken iu— This Paper is regularly published every TUESDAY, and FRIDAY.— The price of a Single Paper is. SixpeNcE :— L. 2 112s. per Annum,, when Called for :— L. 2 : 143. when Delivered at any house in Edinburgh, the Suburbs, or in Leith ; Jii ; 16s, when Sent by Post free of Postage) to any Town in Scotland or England; — and L. 3 : jf. when fent to Ireland. Advertisements and Orders taken in. MR. WILLIAM TAYLER, NO 5, Warwick Square, london, where this Paper is regularly filed surement of the estate, and a report and estimate by the Surveyor of the value of the Farms, if out of lease.— Thomas Hutchinson, baron- officer Kincardine, will Shew the lands- COUNTY AND TOWN OF ELGIN. To be Sold by public auction, in the Royal Exchange Coffee- house, Edinburgh, on the 20th » t November next, at fix o'clock HI the evening, in One lot, as formerly advertised, or in the following lots, as intending purchasers may incline THE EStATeS ot LEUCHARS, DUNKINTY, ST. AN- DREWS, CALCOATS, and HERVIESHAUGH, situated in the pantiles of Elgin, Urquhart, and St. Andrew's. 1 the MANSION, OFFICES, and MAINS of LEUCHARS, with LANDS round the same, containing 403 A. I R. 21 F.
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