County of Wexford to wit - Richard Grandy of Ballyshan, in the said County, came this Day before us his Majesty's Justices of the Peace �
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County of Wexford to wit - Richard Grandy of Ballyshan, in the said County, came this Day before us his Majesty's Justices of the Peace �
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County of Wexford to wit - Richard Grandy of Ballyshan, in the said County, came this Day before us his Majesty's Justices of the Peace �
Date of Article: 23/06/1798
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County of Wexford] RICHARD GRANDY, of Bal- to wit. lyshan, in said County, came • this Day before us his Majesty's Jus- tices of the Peace, and made Oath on the Holy Evange- lists, that he this Examinant was attacked and seized at the Cross- Roads of Kilbride, on Sunday the 3d of June, be- tween the Hours of nine and ten o'Clock in the Morning, as he was returning from a Farm he has on the Lands of Kilbride, by several Persons armed with Guns, Pikes and Spears— that amongst the Number were Michael Poor, Thomas Poor, Martin White, Richard Shee, Martin Colhoun, Nicholas Brown, Michael White, John Moran
and Laurence Moran, all of Kilbride, aforesaid, with many others whose Names Examinant did not know, though their Faces were very familiar to him; that he was conduced from thence to the Rebel Camp at Carrick- burn, in said County, and in the Afternoon of the same Day was brought to Mr. King's House at Scolloboge; that he was introduced into a Room where he saw Bagenal Harvey, of Bargy Castle, Esq. William Devereux, of Taghmon, Francis Breen, Nicholas Sweetman of New- Bawn, with a few more whom he did not know, but be- lieves that John Colclough of Ballyteigue, and a Son of William Devereux aforesaid
were of the Number ; that he was closely examined by Bagenal Harvey as to the state of Ross and Duncannon Fort, and whether he was an Orange Man or a United Man; that said Bagenal Harvey pressed him to take the United Man's Oath and become one of their Community ; that at last he obtained a Pass from said Bagenal Harvey, with which he came as far as Bryanstown, where he was stopped by the Rebel Guard stationed there; that he was conducted back again to Col- lopswell, where he met with said Bagenal Harvey and said Nicholas Sweetman; that Nicholas Sweetman signed the Pass he got from Bagenal
Harvey before; that he had not gone far before the Pass had been taken from him and torn, upon which he was taken Prisoner to Scolloboge House, where he was confined till Tuesday Morning, with several other Protestants; that about nine o'Clock John Murphy of Loughnageer, ( who had the command of the Rosegarland Rebel Corps, and was the Officer of the Guard over the Prisoners) had ordered them out by fours to be shot, by his Company, till thirty- five were massacred; that the Spear- men used to take pleasure in piercing the Victims through, and with Exultation licking their bloody Spears; that whilst this horrid
Scene was acting, the Barn in which were above One Hundred Pro- testants, as Examinant heard and believes, was set on fire, and all consumed to Ashes; that Examinant's Life was spared because Murphy knew that Bagenal Harvey had given him a Pass, and that through his Intercession with Murphy, Lostus Frizzle was likewise spared ; that they were both tied and conveyed within a Mile and a Half of Ross, where they met Bagenal Harvey, Cornelius Grogan of Johnstown, in said County, William Devereux afore- said, and many others, retreating from the Battle of Ross; that Bagenal Harvey ordered the said Murphy to take
the two Prisoners to his Lodging at Collopswell, where he had given a Pass to Loftus Frizzle, but refused to give one to Examinant, for fear he would come and report what he had seen and heard at Duncannon Fort; that De- ponent heard, and believes it to be a Fact, that said Cor- nelius Grogan had the Command of the Barony Forth Re- bel Troops at the Battle of Ross; that Deponent was taken to Foulkes's Mills that Night, where he continued for two Days under a Guard, dressing the wounded ; that he was afterwards conveyed to Ballymitty, where he ob- tained a Pass from Edward Murphy of said Place, to pafs and repass
through his District for the Purpose of curing the wounded— that he was sent to Taghmon, where the sitting Rebel Magistrates, John Breen, James Harpur, Joseph Cullomore, and Mathew Commons were of Opinion, that he might with the Priest's Pass have gone back again and remain there; that he strolled along the Sea- side, till at last he effected his Escape across the Ferry of Bannow to Fea- thard, on Friday Evening the 22d Inst. and from thence to Duncannon Fort this Morning; that he often heard it reported whilst in Custody, that John Colclough and Tho- mas Macord, both of Tintern, in said County, were very active in
promoting the Rebellion— that he saw John De- vereux, jun. of Shilbeggan, in said County, at Scolloboge, on Monday the 4th Instant, and that he seemed, and be- lieves that he had a principal Command in the Rebel Army. He likewise saw Charles Reily, of Ramers- Grange, in said County, at the Camp at Carrick- burn amongst the Rebels, very busy and active to promote their Cause. Deponent farther saith, that he attended Mass, celebrated by Edward Murphy aforesaid, Parish Priest of Bannow ; and that after Mass he heard him preach a Sermon, in which he said, " Brethren, you see you are victorious every where— that "
the Balls of the Hereticks fly about you without hurting " you— that few of you have fallen whilst thousands of " the Hereticks are dead, and that the few of you that " have fallen was from deviating from our Cause, and want " of Faith— that this visibly is the Work of God, who u now is determined that the Hereticks, who have reigned " upwards of an Hundred Years, should be Extirpated, " and the True Catholic Religion be Established."— And Deponent faith, this Sermon was preached after the Battle of Ross, and that he heard several Sermons preached by the Priests to the same EfFect ; that he likewise heard many Rebels
who had been at the Battle of Enniscorthy and else- where, declare, that Father Roach, a Rebel General, did constantly catch the Bullets that came from his Majesty's Arms, and gave them to his Men to load their Pieces with. Deponent further saith, that every Protestant that was ad- mitted into the Rebel Corps, was First Baptized by a Priest ; and that every Protestant that refused to be Baptized was put to Death; and that many, to save their Lives, did suf- fer themselves to be Baptized. RICHARD GRANDY. Sworn before Us, this 23d June, 1798. GEORGE OGLE, ISAAC CORNICK, JOHN H. LYSTER, JOHN KENNEDY. (