By the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor of the City of Dublin - A Proclamation �
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By the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor of the City of Dublin - A Proclamation �
Date of Article: 24/05/1798
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Address: Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, Dublin
Volume Number: Issue Number:
No Pages: 1
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BY THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE LORD MAYOR OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN. A PROCLAMATION. THOMAS FLEMING. possible Precaution: These are therefore to desire all Persons who have registered Arms forthwith to give in, in Writing, an exact List or Inventory of such Arms at the Town Clerk's Office, who will file and enter same in a Book to be kept for that Purpose ; and all Persons who have not registered their Arms are hereby required forthwith to deliver up to me, or some other of the Magistrates of this City, all Arms and Ammunition of every Kind in their Possession : And if, after this Proclamation, any Person
having registered their Arms shall be found not to have given in a true List or Inventory of such Arms; or if any Person who has not registered, shall be found to have in their Power or Possession any Arms or Ammunition whatever, such Person or Per- sons will, on such Arms being discovered, be forthwith sent on Board his Majesty's Navy, as by Law directed. AND I do hereby desire that all Housekeepers do place upon the Outside of their Doors a List of all Persons in their respective Houses, distinguishing such as are Strangers from those who actually make Part of their Family ; but as there may happen to be Persons who,
from pecuniary Embarrassments, are obliged to conceal themselves, I do not require such Names to be placed on the Outside of the Door, provided their Names are sent to me. And I hereby call upon all his Majesty's Subjects within the County of the City of DUBLIN im- mediately to comply with this Regulation, as calculated for the public Secu- rity ; as those Persons who shall wilfully neglect a Regulation so easy and salu- tary, as well as Persons giving false Statements of the Inmates of their Houses, must, in the present Crisis, abide the Consequences of such Neglect. WHEREAS the Circumstances of the present Crisis
demand every Given at the Mansion- House, this 24th Day of MAY, 1798. Signed by Order, JOHN LAMBERT, Secretary. DUBLIN : Printed by GEORGE GRIERSON, Printer to the KING's Most Excellent Majesty.