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The English Chronicle and Universal Evening Post


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The English Chronicle and Universal Evening Post

Date of Article: 05/05/1798
Printer / Publisher: J. Norris 
Address: No.3, Catherine-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 2957
No Pages: 4
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EVENING POST. No. 2957. From THURSDAY, MAY 3, to SATURDAY, MJ 5, 1798 PRICE SIX- PES This Day IS pubished, IN One volume Octavo. Price 6s. in Board.!, ( dedicated tr the Right Hon. the i. ord Chancellor,} THE STUDY and PRACTICE of the LAW consdered in heir various relations to Society. In a feries of Letters. By a MEMbeR of LINCOLN'S INK. Printed for T t ' adeil, jun and w. Davies. Strand. This Day is published. In Octavo, Price 5s. in Boards, ATHIRD VOLUME of MEDICAL HIS- TORIES and ReFLeCtiONS. By JOHN FeRRaIR, M. D. Phyfcianto the Manchefter Infirmary. Dispensary, Luna- tic Hospital, and Asylum. Printed for T. Cadell, jun. and W. Davies. Strand. Of whom may be had, the Two preceding- Volumes. This Day is published, In One Volume Octavo, Puce 7; in Boards, the Sixth Edition, corrected, ot APRACTICAL VIEW of the prevailing Reli- gious System of PrOFFSSeD CHRISTIANS in the higher'and middle Classes in this Country, contrasted with leal Chritlianity. ' By WILLIAm wILBERFORCE, Esq. Member of Parliament for the County of York. Printed for T. Cadell, jun. and W. Davies, Strand. Of whom may alio be hal, the abase Work, piinted in Duodecimo, Price gs. 6d in Boards. This'Day are pnlilnoed, THE FOURTH and FIFTH VOLUMES of the Works of LUCIAN. Translated from the Greek. By J. CARR, L. L. D. London : Printed for Mr., Longman, Paternoster- row. Where may be had, the former Volumes, 5s. each in Boards. Friday, May 4. BRITISH PARliaMenT. HOUSE OF LORDS, ' THURSDAY, MAY 3. COMMITTEE OR PRIVILEGES, ' EARD ' Counsel further on the claims of Hampton,. Esq. to the title of Bel haven. Ordered to be postponed to Tues- day next. The House being resumed, the Commons bronjht up eight Bills, which were read ; and the House was then adjourned till to- morrow. H LITERARY FUND. The Annual Meeting of this very laudable Insti- tution wa$ held yesterday at the Freemasons' Tavern. Mr. WilLiAMS, the Member for Marlow, in the Chair.— The company was much enlivened by several songs and recitations from Mr. DIGnum, Mr. IN- CLEDON, Mr. BOScAWEN, and Mr, FITZGE- RALD. " The latter Gentleman gave a glowing de- scription of the life of an author, which he defcribed to be " A Youth of Envy, and an Age of Pain !" And with equal felicity of expression lamented the fate ot CHATTERTON, for whom no Mecanas appeared, to " Snatch from his lips the chalice of defpair,. " And place the cup of peace and comfort there." Fie was equally happy in the descripiion of the senti- ments of this country . in the cale of an invasion, when every party- feeling would disappear if one hostile Frtnxkma. fi appeared upon our shore. Aad if one native take th' Invaders part, Eternal vengeance goad that Traitor's heart. Several loyal songs and toast were given in the coiirfe of the evening. Many from the Chairman were loudly applauded, but his toast, May the english Mars ever subdue the French HERCUlEs, was received with the most euthusiastic applauae. DUBLIN, april 28. Yeaterday his Exccller. ry the LORD LIEUTENANT held a Privy Council at the Castle, when the entire bf the county of Wexford . was proclaimed. Yesterday Mr. Justice GODFREY, with a party of the military,' seized some concealed arms, firelocks and pikes, at a place in . Grafton street, where they were secreted for the wicked, purposes of tne Revolutionists of the present day. - . Yesterday Justice DRURY, accompanied by a mi- litary guard, took into custody, at the Cross Poddle, a smith, in whose possession some heads of pikes were found. He - was conducted from the place where ar- rected, with some of those, blades, stuck through his hat, and afterwards committed to prison. ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL OF THE FRIENDS AND SUPPORTERS OF THE ASYLUM FOR EDUCATING THE , . DEAF AND DUMB CHIL- DREN OF THE . POOR. On Wednesday last, at the Paul's- head Tavern, Cateaton- street, was held the • Anniversary Festival of the Friends and Supporters of the Affylum for Educat- ing the Deaf aad Dumb Children of. the Poor. A Correspondent, who . was present, says he was. agreeably entertained. The fight. of fo • LAW INTELLIGENCE. - never more HOUSE OF COMMONS. THURSDAY, MAY 3. Eochiale Canal Petition- was reported, and referred Committee of the house. The Report on Sealy's Petition was recommitted. Pedmere and Brighton Roads, and Chilton and Harting- ton Inclosure Bills, were read a fir't time. The Loan, Tea Duty, Scotch Militia, and Linlithgow road Bills were read a third time, and palled. The " Report of the Committee on the Newfound- land bill, for incrcafing the duty on Rum imported into Newfoundland,- being brought up, Mr. JaffERY made some remarks relative to the injuries this measure must produce to the trade of that island, which at pre- sent being scarcely able to support the duties already imposed on that and almost every article of life, must be necessarily annihilated, should this measure pass into a law. He was answered by Mr. Ryder, and the Bill was ordered to be read a third time. The Report of the Committee 011 the proposed Salt Duty being also brought up, Mr. TIERNEY expressed a wifli that the considera- tion of the Report { houid be deferred until he could obtain information concerning its effects on a body of people whom it must immediately injure. he wished but the delay of a very few days. The CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER re- plied, that he knew of no description of persons who bad not been consulted on the matter, and whole in- formation he had not more or less considered. Yefier- day he had a communication from the Lord Mayor on the subject,- according to which such regulations should be adopted in the future assize of bread as would accom- modate bakers. The Bill was then ordered to be read a third time. A Message from the Lords was received, stating that their Lordships had agreed to Woodmason's Divorce and other Private Bills. LORD ONSLOW. Mr. TIERNey said, that at present he should poll- pone the motion . he gave notice of, concerning this Noble Lord, as it had been signified to him, through the medium of friends to that Nobleman, that he should receive a letter from him to morrow, explanatory of that which occasioned the notice given. He was further informed, that the tenor of this letter would remove the necessity of the intended motion, and he hoped himself it would. The following Gentlemen were appointed a Com- mittee to try the merits of the Tewkesbury Election : Lord Huntingdon, Chairman. Sir J. Dashwood King, Bart. Francis Brandling, Esq. Bryan Cooke, Esfq. Lord John Thynne Sir E. Winnington, Bart. Sir R. Williams, Bart. John Calvert, Efq. Hon. Andrew Foley Adjourned. george Sutton, Esq. George White Thomas, Esq. Hon. Frederick Stuart H. P. Wyndham, Esq. Daniel Parker Coke, Esq. Charles Bragg, Esq. Her MAJESTY field a Drawing- room yesterday ta St. James's Palace, which was attended. by tbe Pria- cesses AUGUSTA and ELIZABETH, his Serene High- nefs the Prince of ORANGE, the Foreign Ambassa- dors,- and a number of the Nobility of both fexes.- The Ladies prefenied to the QUEEN were, Lady MARIA PARKER, Lady JOHN HARRINGTON and her sister, Mrs. CALVERT, Miss AUGUSTA DE GREY, the three Misses MOYTON, and Mrs. PEP- TOE. The Rev. Dr. DRUMMOND was introduced by his brother, tbe Earl of KINNOUL. The Earls of CHATHAM and WESTMORELAND had audienccs of the KING, and, at five. O'clock, the ROYAL FAMILY returned to Buckingham- House. Admiral COSBY, 011 his return "- to his seat at Stradbally, in Ireland, a few days since, is Dated to have found a detachment of the military placed at free quarters on his estate, his tenants being, for the most part, considered in a state of disaffection. The pre- tence of tha brave and loyal Admiral was, bow- ever, expected to restore tranquillity, to that neighbourhood, his character being universally respected by the people. The London and Westminster Volunteer Cavalry were yellerday reviewed in Hyde Park by Lord HARRINGTON. They make a noble display, nr.-' went through their various evolutions wi/ ii great exact- ness. Among the persons of distinction who were present on the occasion we witnessed the prince of WALES, Duke of YORK, prince ERnESt, Duke of GLOUCESTER, Lord CHATHAM, Lord CHESTER- FIELD, Lord INCHIQUIN, Lord POULETT, Lord HARCOURT, Lord HOOD, Lord DARNLEY, Sir WILLIAM FAWCETT, General GWYNNE, Mr, PITT, Mr. DUNDAS, and Mr, WINDHAM. The concouse of spectators was immense, and the number of carriages was unusually great. The corps, headed by Colonel HARRIS, entered at Grosvenor Gate in three divisions, with their artillery waggon, and a company of Light Infantry, who were also exercised the ground. A party of the Horse Guards, by order of the Earl of HARRINGTON, kept off the fpeftators. The Prince of WALES, Duke of YORK, and Lord HARRINGTON, paid the bigheft compliments to the difcipline and appearance of tbe Affociation, and returned thanks perfanally to their Colonel. ' One of the corps was thrown from his horse, but received" no injury. A spectator, riding too furiously, was thrown, and a Lady knocked down ; the horse falling, broke one of his legs. Previous to the above review, the two regiments of Life guards had a grand Field- day. Eight Companies of the Guards are under orders to marcb on Monday for Liverpool and Manchester; each Company consists of 80 men. Orders are gone down from Government, for build- ing new additional Barracks at Braintree, Maldon, and witham, to receive gooo men. Yesterday. the OXFORDSHIRE, and Ealt ESSEX Militia regiments, with a large squadfon of Cavalry on each flank, were reviewed at IPSWICH, by the Reviewing General of the Eastern District. Yesterday a large train of heavy ordnance passed down the Essex road towards Colchester, under an efcort of the Royal' regiment of Artillery. The Duke of YORK, it is said, has taken New Hall; the late residence of the Hon. JOHN OLMIUS, three miles from Chelmsford, on the Colchester road, as a feat,- from which he can conveniently view the different military. divisions of the Eastern District. The LORD CHANCELLOR yesterday ordered the Great Seal to be affixed to a Patent, which grants the rank and dignity of a Baronet, to the Right Hon JOHN WM. ANDERSON, I. ord Mayor. His Lordship attended St. Jamess yesterday, to kiss hands upon being advanced to the lower order of Nobility. The University of Cambridge are said to have passed an Act " to'make a provisional dispensation, as to resi- dence, during the following Term, for those students who may be absent en service in any military corps : and to allow ( notwithstanding such absence) the Term so spent to be reckoned as usual in the number of Terms deemed statutably require for a degree." Mr. GRATTAN is arrived from Ireland, tojf with several other Gentlemen as witnesses on the , of Mr. O'CONNOR, many ( near three hundred) respectable .' characters af- sembled for a purpose so purely benevolent and disin- terested, at a time too, when the public mind is oc- cupied in no ordinary- degree with the threats of fo- reign, aad the fear of domestic enemies, cuuld not fail to fill the heart of every reflecting man . with the most pleasing sensations. Alderman LE MEsuRIER was in the^ Chair. arid to the credit of the Stewards the dinner and the wines were, excellent loyal and- constitutional toast were drank, and several songs of the same description were admirably sung. But, amidst all this pleasing convi- viality and harmony, a higher treat was served up to the company— a treat for the. Philanthropist -^- for- the Philosopher— for the Christian ! The Stewards, in procession, with about thirty of the interelling objects of this singularly laudable insti- tution, enteicd and proceeded round the room ; every eye. was fixed, and every heart palpitated on the en- trance of fuch a number of fine, healthy, pleasant look- ing children, male and female! What a heart sooth- ing reflection t « have been instrumental in rescuing fuch poor afflicted innocents from a condition the most melancholy and distressing— such was the consolation of every fupporter of this charity ! F01" thele poor children, though totally deaf, and once shut out from all the' enjoyments, of mental intercourse with thei fellow- creatures, and incapable of receiving the least moral or religious instruction in the common way, have, through the benevolence of this Society, been taught not only to speak. read, write, and cypher, but also to comprehend the meaning and grammatical arrange- ments of words, whereby they. are enabled to hold con- verse with those about them, and with each other ; form proper notions of themselves as moral agents and candidates for a more perfect state of existence— in short, they have been instructed in, the doctrines ahd principles of Christianity. Of their progress in acquiring . the use of speech the company had a pleasing . and convincing proof by five or six of them standing up and successively pronounc- ing, with distinctness and propriety, some lines pre- pared for the occafton. Theft writing and cyphering books handed about the room proved their satisfactory advancement in those branches, while their . prompt and rational answers to questions proposed to them evinced their comprehension of language. This infiitution, new almost in this country, is greatly indebted to the zeal of the Reverend and worthy Secretary who performs that arduous office without the fmallest reward, other than the pleafure of doing good. Many respectable names were that day by him announced as added to the lilt of Subscribers. One painful fact remains to be mentioned, that fo numerous are the applications for admission into this Asylum, that its funds are as yet inadequate for. their suppOrt. With the writer of this, however, there - re- mains not a doubt* that- when the relief which can be afforded to the naturally deaf and dumb, is generally known ( for by many it is held to be problematical) the generality of Britons will not long suffer the in- digent to ask in vain. ' COURT OF KING'S BENch, MAY 3." The KING versus JOHN GORDON SINCLAIR. _ Tie defendant Colonel Sinclair had been convicted, in the - Sitting after last. Term at. Guildhall, of wilful and corrupt perjury in his answer to a Bill of Interroga- tories, filed against him-. on the part of M. de Calonne. Mr. GARROw said, ' be had waited thus, long on an intimation given, that Mr. GIBBS was to move for a new tail; but that not having been done; he now prayed the judgment of the Court upon the defendant. Mr. ErSKinE saidv he was authorised on the part of tbe prolocutor, to consent - to defer the proceedings till to- morrow, if the defendant would then appear. Mr. GIBbs replied, that though the defendant was not then present, he was instructed. that he wou'd ap- pear to- morrow. After some conversation it was agreed,, that for the accommodation of die Court and the parties, the pro- ceedings should be deferred till Monday next. PAPER BOOKS. Lord KENYON again complained that the regula- tians enforced hy Act. of Parliament, concerning1 the marginal notes in paper- books, pointing out the im- portant parts, was not complied with. He said, en- phatically that that regulation must be complied with. KING K. DYDE. Mr. ErSKINE moved for a rule ta shew cause why this action should not be carried down to trial, upon proviso his client was criminally indicted on the Traitorous Correspondene Bill, for attempting to go to France in order to sell certain merchaudizes at Havre, whereas that was only a misdemeanor. Lord KENYON—" Take a rule.'' CHARGE OF TREASON. On Wednesday evening, between eight arid nine o-' clock, a person of the name of Henry Hastings was arrested, under authority of a warrant, from the Duke of PORTLAND, at the White Horse Inn, Fetter- lane, by Revett, one of the Bow- street officers. When taken, he was just stepping into the Yarmouth Mail Coach, from " whence he was going to Hamburgh, on mercantile business, for a house in Friday- street- COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, MAT 3. NORToN versus FAZAn This was an action ,0 recover the sum of 4I. 3' s. for meat, which the plaintiff, a butcher at Pimlico, had furnished to the wife and twa children » f the defendant, residing at his house in Eaton street, for the space of four month. The case of the plaintiff having be - n proved, a de- fence was set up, that the defendant had for some time before been separated from his wife, whom he turned out-. of doors,. upon detecting her in an adulterous inter- course with a person of the name of Cunningham ; but it also Came out- that after thus turning her out of doors, and quitting the house himself, he afterwards took the same house again, and: gave her the key of it, where she resided, with the two younger children, and Hill using her husband's name.- During this time her gal- lant was frequent in his visits, remained in the house all night, and and of the. witnesses. deposed that Mrs. Fazan herself had told her, that Cunningham used to sleep with her. A young woman who lived servant with the defen- dant seven years ago, swore even then her mistress was constantly sending to St. James's- street, after Mr. Cunningham ; that she afterwards quitted that service because the work was too hard for her ; but some time before last Christmas was twelvemonths, she hired a lodging at Pimlico, to take in needle work, and do as well as she could for herself. Mrs. Fazan then thought proper to make it up with her, and frequently borrow- ed her room and bed to have more frequent interviews with Cunningham than could conveniently be held at home, as she then lived with her husband. The wi- ness being fully in the secret, they thought it unneces- fary to have. any reserve with her, and she it seems, frequently saw, what decency will not permit us to de- scribe. ' •-. 1 " . For- the defendant, was also produced articles of sepa- ration, which; however, could not be proved, as the subrcribing' witnesses were not present. The Lord CHIEF JUSTiCE in his charge to the Jury- remarked - on the necessity of protecting a man who was'unfortunate enough' 40 have so- profligate a wife, from being ruined by her excesses ; and there- fore the plaintiff would not be entitled to recover, if it His " papers lodged in a were all seized; and, after he was place of safety, the officer . searched his lodgings, in Aldersgate- street, where, several letters and a' book of seditious songs wete found, Yesterday' he underwent an examination before Justice forD, at the Treasury, who'committed him into the custody. of one of the Messengers." The building in which the^ Executive Committee of the London Corresponding Sadety. were apprehended,, was formerly called Drury house, and was the habj'ta^" tion of the great family of the DRURIES. It was in tilts house that several of the Satires of DONNE were written'; and where ESSEX, in the reign of ELIZAbeTH, held those councils which ultimately terminated in the ruin of himself and his adherents .--- in the seventeenth century this mansion came into the pos- session of WiLLIAM Lord CRAVEN, afterwards Earl CRAVEN, the ardent lover, and at length, as it, was supposed, the husband of the QUEEN of BOHEMIA, who has given a sign to the adjoining public house, which was originally part of the building. The Earl of CRAVEN built it in its present form. A clause in the new Bill for the sale of the Land Tax, invefts a power in the tenant for life, to defeat all the provisionary objects of entail, bv ena- bling the immediate possessor to dispose of all such land--, ai he may think proper, so that he does but buy off the LAND TAX, and vest the surplus money. arising ' from such sale in the public funds! This is sureiy - giving too great a power to the present; against the succeeding generation, be the pressure of the necessitites of the State what it may J the eared that he was privy to the separation, or, if husband's turning her away'- was'*} ' Notorious in the neighbourhood, ' ihat he must have known of it. But in this case it was proved that the husband, nit- withstanding her adultery, had fixed her in the same house again; that two of his children continued to live with her and she still continued, to go by his name. Through the. intercourse between her and Cunningham was kept up, yet - it was conducted with some degree of referve ; he did not appear . as master of the house-, nor live with her in the same manner as men usually do with their wives.-— Under thMe circunstances they would consider whether, it was right that the plaintiff should lose what he furnished as food so the defendant's wife and children ; - and if they thought he had a r ght to recover, they would next consider wha.' quantity of meat a woman and two children were likely to confume in the space. of four months. The Jury found a verdict for the plaintiff— 1! damages, and 5s. costs. . 10", "" The Princess CHARLOTTE is rapidy recovering from her inoculation at Carlton House. Last night the Earl of MANSFIELD and his Cotm- tefs arrived in town, from their Tour to Vienna. Yesterday a duel took place'in a field near highgate, Between two Gentlemen of Ireland, Mr, MACnA- MARA, - and Mr. FirzGeRaLd; in which tile latter recei': d a wound through the cheek, and the Other had his his neck graced. The seconds then interposed, and the matter was settled. Last week two boys, Officers in a regiment of Scotch fencibles, went out to fight, a duel in ihe fashionable way ; but it turned out otherwise, as ooe of t'. em re. : Ceived a shot in the belly, of which he died the next day. He Wa. S buried without miltary honours, which arc not permitted in the case of duellists. » RASTADT, April 19. In the sitting of yesterday. the Deputation of the Empire resolved 0n the following Answer to the last Note of the French Ministers " The Deputation of the Empire has observeil, in its last Note. that in order to fix the. indemnities, it will especially be necessary to know the quantity of the losses that it' is therefore expected that a precise and determinate answer would be returned to the second point previously stated in the Note of the 11th of March, and that the French Mini- sters would in like manner make' no difficulty to declare themselves relative to the eighteen Articles transmitted on the 3 1 of March. The Deputation Added,. in the same Note, that it entertained the firmest hope that the French troops would be withdrawn as soon as possible from the Right Bank of the Rhine. The contents of tlia Note of the French Ministers, of the date of the 19th Germinal .8th April) by no means cor. responded with these just expectations; for with respect to the withdrawing of the French troops, it was stated that no sufficient motive for it could exist before the absolute. conclusion of Peace. As to the second previous point, it was only explained in a manner which could not be entirely satisfactory, by declaring indeterminately, that it must be understood from preceding. Declarations. that only such de- mands as might be accepted Would be made on the part of France. With respect to thr Eighteen Articles transmitted on the jd ot March, the French . Ministers. remark that some of them can admit of 110 doubt.;, and assert, that others are entirely incompatible with the Sovereignty and Constitution of the Republic, without making any men- tion of the rest. They have concluded by the proposal to labour for the application of the basis of Indemnities, and previously to lay down some general rules to fix the fate of those who may be suppressed. " The Deputation of the Empire perfectly recognizes the just considerations which may' have induced the French Ministers to make the latter proportion : and it is a satis- faction to it, that, relative to this particular, its obliga- tions entirely. accord with the . deires of the French Re- public. The Deputation1 is, however, firmly, persuaded,' that it is impossible to proceed efficaciously to- establish the principles on which the indemnities ought to be founded, until a precise and determinate knowledge shall be obtained of the state of things, and all circumstances. But this knowledge cannot be acquired till by the adjustments of the 18 Articles above mentitioned, the whole of the loss, the modifications under which We cessions must take place,. and the fate ot the inhabitants of the Provinces'- beyond the Rhine, shall have been agreed 0n in concert, the De- putation having only consented to sacrifices so great and sensible to Germany,' in tlie full expectation that the three previous points contained in the Note of the 1 xth of March would be acceded to. The Deputation of the Em- pire therefore believes it conformible to its important duties insist on the adherence to its former Proportions. lt there. fore again repeats the expectation it has, that the French Ministers Plenipotentiary shall answer in a precise and deter--. minate manner id the second previous point of the note of the. 11th of March ; " that tHey shall explain themselves relative to each of the Eighteen Articles before mentioned and that they shall, without delay, take the necessary measures for withdrawing the French troops from the Right bank of the. Rhine, where the different countries are so much ex- hausted as tobe incapable of any longer supporting the burthen. RASTADT Yesterday se'nnight a General Meeting. of the Lord Lieutenant, Deputy Lieutenants and Magistracy of the county and city of Worcester, was held at the Guildhall, for the purpose of. taking into considera- tion the plans and regulations suggested by Government under the late Act, for the defence and security of the country. which was attended by most of the lead- ing characters in both county and city, when is was resolved to carry into immediate execution that part of the Act which relates to the obtaining a list, of all per- sons between the ages of 15 and 60: and it was also recommended to Form Voluntary Associations similar to that at Stourbridge, where a, number of respectable persons have formed themselv'es into an Association of Cavalry, and have agreed, to find their own Horses, clothing, arms, and accoutrements. Another Meeting was held on Monday last at the Guildhall, when it was proposed to form two. compa- nies of Cavalry, for tlie defence of the city and its vicinity ; and the full number required have offered themselves, consisting of reputable housekeepers, trades men, and others, on whose exertions. and patrotism, in the hour. of danger, the. greatest reliance may be placed, An Association for the defence of the borough of Droitwich. and seven miles round, was set on foot 011 Tuesday : in a few hours sixty persons enrolled them- Selves, and 14o, was subscribed, by the inhabitants to defray the ' incidental expences of the Association persons residing within the said distance of seven miles will be admitted to enroL Associations of' Cavalry and, Infantry have been formed at Kidderminster and Bewdley, which consists of the most respectable inhabitants of those plaCes.' ' On Wednesday and yesterday was played a grand Match of Cricket in Lord's Ground, Mary- le- bone; ' between two select Elevens, - for Two Hundred Guineas made between Lord FreDERIC BeAUCLERK and the Hon. J. Tufton, which was won. by the former by twenty runs. Lady WENTWORTH, wife of Sir JOHn WENT WORTH Bart. Governor of Nova Scotia, lately ar- rived in England, has proceeded to Bath for the reco- very of her health, previous to her coming to town Invalids, who value Heath, are certain tO establisH- it by taking a few bottles ef: SPILSBuRY's AN- TISCORBuTIC DROPS ; a Medicine which. during the period of twenty eight years, has effected the most complete cures in a variety of Nervous, Rheumatic and Scorbutic Cases.; as a Purifier of the Blood, as a Strengthener of the constitution, and an Enlivener of the Spirits, it remains without a rival and those who, reside in the most distinct parts of the universe have equally experienced its virtue with those who live in this metropolis ; but that the good inten- tion of the preparer should not be perverted by the public being deceived by a spurious sort. it is necessary to annex, that the original Drops are in Moulded Bot- tles, with Fluted Corners;- : aud the words " Frs. Spilsbury. . his Antiscorbutic Drops, by the King's Patent," 011 each 5s. Bottle •, and on the large Bot-- ties the. Kings Arms. To be had' at the Dispensary., No. 15, Soho- square, and; at the general Venders of Patent Medicine in Town and Country. Attendance in the morning from ten till one ' ' clock the usual compliment of one guinea is expected, with, letters for advice, unless from the poor who will be treated with the same indulgent e they have hitherto ex- perienced. upwards of 11, poor patients have been relieved at this Dispensary, many of whom were deemed incurable. FUNERAL OF CAPTAIN HOOD. Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock, the troops were ordered under arms at Plymouth, to receive the body of the gallant Captain Hood with military honours : the 25th Regiment EaSt and North Devon Regiments, of Militia, and Plymouth Volunteers-, lined ; fore- street, from the Dock- gate beyond the Barrier gate leading to Stoke Church ; and a troop of the Sussex Light Dragoons were placed at the avenues of the street, to prevent carriages and carts passing. Between twelve and one o'clock., the body was landed at the Dock- yard, where it was received by a Captain's guard of Marines, and proceeded up to the Dock- gates, where the Marine Band with the Marines were drawn, The body was then put into a hearse, and the pro- cession moved on in the following order through the troops which lined Fore- street Field Officer's Guard, composed of Marines. Music, playing the Dead March in Saul. English Colours, under which the MARS fought. Clergyman and Surgeons. Two Captains of the Navy, as Chief Mourners. Three Captains Pall- bearers. Lieutenants of the Navy, two and two. Captains of the Navy, two and two. Officers of the Army, two and two. The French Colours of L'HERcule, trailing on the ground. ' _ A Post- chaise with a Midshipman. Minute guns were fired from the Mars during the Procession. The whole proceeded through the principal- streets, lined by all the troops in the gar- rison. A sincere- regret appeared manifest amongst all descripitions of people who whilst they relieved upon the late heroic firmness of his conduct, sympathized with every feeling heart upon the loss their country had sustained. This gallant officer died shortly after he received his mortal wound, having repeatedly exclaim- ed, Why was I brought below. Why was I not suffered to die at my post ?" He stretched out his hand, received the sword of his vanquished enemy, and instantly expired ! : PLYMOUTH, May Sailed the FlORA cutter. of 14 guns, Lieutenant YAWKINS, to the westward, with dispatches, as is said, for Lord St. VINCENT ; and VipER cutter, of 14 guns, Lieutenant PEN- GELLEY, came in his Majesty's ship MAGNANIME of 44 guns, Captain DE COURCY, from Cork, with a ship and brig, two French privateers, which She fn- tured about five weeks ago, and which have already been noticed in the Gazette.— Also the TELEMA- CHAS cutter, of 14 GUNS from a cruizE and brought in a small French lugger privateer, of about twenty tous burthen, with four swivel- guns, and twenty men, which she captured two days ago. EPHALION, of 38 guns, Captain CounTess, from Spithead"-; the SuffisANte, of guns, from a- cruize the ARROW, of 18 guns, Captain PORTLOCK, from sea, with the FIVE BROTHERS, faiuggling lugggr, Cap- tain JOHNS from Guernsey, laden with 108 cask's of spirits, which he captured off the Start. PLymouTh DoCK, May 1.— Yesterday evening the DORIS, of 36 guns, Lord RANELAGH, was taken out of dock ; and the ANSON, of 44 guns, Captain DURHAM, taken in. The SEA- FLOWER brig, of 14 guns, Lieutenant MURRAY, will be taken into dock this evening. DUBLIN, April 28. Yesterday morning the CHA- rOn frigate arrived in our bay she is to proceed to Belfast, to take the trade from thence, and 0n her re- turn convoy the trade from this port. The Lords of the. Admiralty are in daily expectation of receiving important advices from the gallant Lord ST. VINCENT. The Lords of the Admiralty have been pleased to promote Lieutenant LEWIS MORTLOCK to the rank of Master and Commander, and to appoint him to the command of the Wolverene, a gun vessel upon a new construction, by Captain SCHASKS. An excellent provinceal Physician asked an acute Practitioner in London,- how he could venture to give his patients so much laudanum, aether, and spirit, as he did. " Why, Doctor," replied hej " our patients differ widely : the diseases of most of my patients are in their minds, rather than in their bodies. . I have., to deal often with men who have lost their money, and women who have lost their character; and if I did not prescribe these medicines, in pretty large doses, many of my patients would hang themselves." General STUPPA was told, by one of Louis the FouRteeNth's insolent Ministers,. that, if all the money the Swiss Had received from, the French were collected together, it would pave the road from Paris to Berne: " Yes Sir," replied STUPPA, and if all the blood which the Swiss have. shed in the service of the French were collected together, it would cover all that paVement many inches in depth. THE LATE NAVAL ENGAGEMENT. ' The following is a Copy a letter from a Seaman on board his Majesty's ship MARs, to his Parents in Sloane- street, dated off the Lizard, the 26th of April; " We are- just returned from the, coast of France, where we formed a part of Lord BRIDPORT'S fleet, which has been cruizing off that part for this fortnight- past. It was the lot of our ship, on the 19th inst. to he detached with the RAMILIES, and two frigates, to peep into Brest, where we had the satisfaction of see. ing four ships of the line and two frigates get under weigh: but the wind blowing in shore, they could not get out to us, or, I presume, we should have had a severe engagement; however, we took a prize in sight of them, and towed her, under English colours, across the mouth of their Roads. We beat to windward, in order to rejoin the fleet, but it blew fo hard all the next day, . that we were obliged to take in all our canvas, and we perceived that the fleet had done the same to leeward. On the 21st, being quite moderate, the Admiral made signal for more sail, and to form the order of sailing; and about 11' o'clock. A. M. we being to windward, saw two strange sail about four leagues distance, and received the signal to give chace : after so doing for one hour and a half, we made the signal of their being an enemy. At two o'clock, as we were coming abroad of them, we perceived a large sail, distance to windward about 5 leagues. We then altered our first intention, and gave chace to her. At four o'clock, seeing it was a line of battle ship, we made signal for another ship to join us in the chace, which Was done by the JASON frigate, still working to Windward upon several tacks, Coming up with her very fast, and using every exertion to ac- celerate the sailing of our ship, by slinging shot lockers to the beams, and butts of water to the main stays. At eight o'clock, P. Mi she was close in the passage Du - reau, and we Were dubious of her getting away ; but we, found, about nine o'clock the wind and current was so much. against her that she was obliged to come to anchor, and then she furled her sails, thinking that, owing to the night, we should nbt be able to see her. However, our Captain ordered all hands to quarters, which was obeyed in the most eager manner by all the crew, who to a man shewed how earnest they were to fight to the last for their King and Country; and, although she had all the advantage of us by being at anchor, we foon found ourselves alongside of her, and at half past nine o'clock we commenced a most dread- ful action, being so close to each other that the muz- ' zles of our lower deck guns touched each other, and our main yards. were so locked that aboy Went from our top into the enemy's during the action, rigged him- self in French cloaths, and came back into ours again be- fore it was over. The action lafted until within twenty minutes of eleven, when our people boarded her, and she struck About a. quarter of an hour after, the JASON came up and cheered us. We fought so night the shore, that we could hear the drums beating the alarm along their coast. The slaughter on both sides has been very great ; we have one hundred men killed, Wounded, and drowned; and the enemy's loss is two hundred and ninety, as near as we call learn from them Their captain is severely wounded, and seve- ral of his officers killed ; and I am extremely sorry to inform you, that Captain ALEXANDER HOOD is killed, as also Captain WHITE, of the Marines, and most of our other officers either killad or wounded ; but we could expect nothing else, as the ships seemed to be in one continual blaze , of fire all the time. It is also my own lot to be amongst the wounded I have received a severe hurt in my right arm, but I hope it will not prove dangerous. There were five men killed outright, and three, wounded, at the gun Where I was quartered so, that I ought sincerely to thank God it, is n0 worse with me. She is a fine new ship, called L'HERCULE, mounts 84 guns, and had 760 men on board. She, came from L'Orient, and was going to join the fleet in Brest. " P. S. Where we engaged was between Bee Du- reau and Passage Dureau, close among the rocks, called the Saints." TEWKESBURY COMMITTEE,-— Mr. MOORE, Petitioner; Mr. CODRINGTON, Sitting Member.— Mr. ADAM opened the Petitioner's case : Mr. Con- RINGTON was appointed Bailiff, who returns . the Members the xecond Thurxday in October, 1797.— He was elected for one year, and could not legally vacate ; but, upon the approach of the General Flec- tion, he abandoned the office, and appointed his De- puty, " Mr. JENKINS, to be Head Bailiff, Mr. ADAM argued that it is against law, and contrary to the express resolution of the House of Commons, the 2d of June, 1687, for a Returning Officer to sit in that House. The votes for him were all thrown away, and Mr. MOORE ought to have been returned— The witnesses . are to be examined this day. ROBERTS'S MEDICATED VEGETABLE WATER. Breast to be cut off Breast pronounced incurable In the nose and Face Breast, pursed up with a Wound, to be cut off Indurated groin for 3 o years, and at last confined to her Bed SCROPHULA or king's evil I, E> R* 6' ST. SCALD HEAD. DURHAM, 1798. TuESdAY, April 24 The Lambton Hunt Sweepstakes of 58 each, by hunters, 12st. Two- mile- heats. Ten subscribers Mr. C. Mason's b. g: Boston Sir H. V. Tempest's b. g. Jack Col. Ord's ch. g. Spectator J. D. Nesham's ch. g. Talon Rougye Mr. A. Hall's br. g. Tom Hoult Mr. P. Hunter's ch. g. Cuddy Sir H, V. Tempest's b. p. billy Beck with Mr. J. T. H. Hopper's ch. Luke Mr. R. J. Lambston's b g. Goliah Sir R. Milbank's br. g. by Ruler WeDneSDAY, April 25. ' Fifty Pounds, given by the Members for the County ; s- yr- old- colts to carry 8st. fillies 7st. 11lb. Two- mile heats, A winner of Catterick Stakes this year, to carry 3lb. extra. Earl of Darlington's ch. c by Pegasus Mr. Crompton's b. t . Stella, 2 5 rs Mr Burrell'sb e. 2 y. rs Sir H. V. Tempest's sr. e- by Sir Peter Mr. Featon's gr. h. Dapple, 3 yrs Mr Craddock's b. c. by Drone, 3yrs Col. Hamilton's b. h. by Phaenomenon, 4yrs Sir H. V. tempest's b. c. Blind Tom Mr. Fenton's gr Dapple, 3 yrs Sir H. Williamson's'b.. h sceptre .5yrs Sir H. V. Temptest's Patriot, a^ id Mr. Lumley's b. h. Saint Ives, 3 yrs MARRIED, Yesterday, at St. George's Church, Charles Leinster, Esq. of Stanthorne Hill, Chelhire, to Miss Smythe, of Cundover Park, Salop. Yesterday, at St. Giles's in the Fields, John Sargeaut, Esq. of Great Queen- street, Lincoln's- inn- fields, to Miss Birch, daughter of Mr. Birch, of the same place. On the 2tit- ult. at Dublin, Leeson, esq. son of the Honourable Mr. Leeson, to Miss Emily Douglas. DIED, . On Sunday lad, at Saffron Walden, Essex, Mrs. Forbes. On Thursday morning, at his house, at Camberwell. sixty, Mr. Coles Child. yesterday, T. Colley Payler, Esq. Cornet of the Four- teenth Light Dragoons, to Miss Gordon, niece of the late Sir Thomas Taylor. On Thursday last, Mr. Heron, of Carlisle- street, Soho, to Miss Calton, of Prince's street, Rotherhithe. Mr. Dredge, to Miss Knight, of Wallington, . Surrey. Prepared and sold by Daniel Roberts, Painswick, by Appointment in London by F. Smith., Chymist, Haymarket, Richardson, Bookseller, Phillips, Printer George yard, Lombard- street, in half- pint Bottles, at each, Duty included, with full Directions. Of whom may be had, Remarks, on The Medicine may be taken at all Times. even by infants, and does not interfere with bathing or drinking either the Sea or Spa Waters. Saturday Morning, MAY 5 .. HAGUE, APRIL 19. The arrests of the late Agents and Ministers of Fi- nance increase. VAN OLDAN, the General Treasu- rer OF the late STADTHOLDER for Guelderland, has been sent to the Castellaney, as have also Citizen BURMANIA, Bailiff of the Island of Ameland, the private property of the above Prince, distinct from the . Republic, but which has since been incorporated with the Department of Ems, and the Secretary PoLET, CARTER and VANDER BERCH, late Officers of the Financial Chamber of the STADTHOLDER, are like- wife under civil arrest in their own houses. On the 16th Citizen VAN CITTERS, who before the Revo- lution in 1795, was Receiver General for the part of the Republic, called the Generality Land, and Cabi- net Minister of the late STADTHOLDER, was arretted. They have ail been arrested in' consequence of the de- cree which prohibits any person to conceal any effects or obligations of the Prince. On the fame day the Assembly resolved, that Citizen VANDER JAGT, now under arrest, should receive his salary of ten florins a day only to the time he was Arrested.' The Assembly have referred it to the Directory to determine on the measures that should be pursued rela- tive to those Representatives of the second Convention, who had declared immediately after the Revolution of the 22d of January, that they would no more sit in the Assembly, the Directory yesterday published an Arret, by which these Reprefentatives, 29 in number, are declared to have forfeited their seats-, and all offices they might hold, excluded from the Primary Assem blies, and stuck off the list of the Citizens entitled to vote. They are likewise ordered to leave the Hague, and return to their usual places of residence, where the Administrative Body is directed to keep a watchful eye on them. Citizens VAN BEYMA, VISSER, and VAN ZORS- BECK are appointed to make enquiries relative to the responsibility of those Members of the Government who have been employed in the financial affairs of the Government since the Revolution in 1795. BRUSSELS, April 19. Several battalions of Grenadiers ar. d Chasseurs have On a sudden been ordered to Dunkirk, and embarked on board different gun- boats and flat- bottomed vessels. They arc new lying in the road, and this flotilla . it is generally supposed there to be destined for Havre. The whole right wing of the Army of England is in motipn. The division of General GRENIER has drawn nearer the coast of Calais, and the greatest part of the troops lately arrived from Italy, is encamped near the Downs by Dunkirk. Thirty flat- bottomed boats and ten gun- boats are ready at Calais, and several more are constructing.— But the English are still cruiz- ing between Ostend and Havre. The French troops which are quartered in Luxem- bourg, in the Ardennes, and in the neighbouring for- treSes, have received orders to march to the right banks of tie Rhine, to join the corps encamped between the Lalm and Nidda. A great quantity of field equipage is also embarked on the Moselle, to be likewise convey- ed to the right banks of the Rhine. A regiment of Cuirassiers, and a regiment of Horse, Artillery, passed this morning through this city, on their march to Dunkirk. APRIL 22. The greatest part of the Garrison of Luxembourg has marched to the right banks of the Rhine, having been preceded by a train of artillery and field pieces for ari army of 16,060 men. The whole French army quartered in the Ardennes, as far as the Meuse, is like- wise to cross the Rhine near Neuwied. We also learn that a brigade of'foot and a regiment of Chasseurs, on their march from the right banks of the Rhine " to join the Army of England, have received orders to return to their former quarters in the vicinity of Metz. Letters from Dunkirk advise, that the troops which were embarked on board the flotilla lying in our road, have been disembarked, on account of the many Eng- lish men ot war which are cruizing off that coast. london. Some Italian Papers came to hand yesterday, by which we learn, that the military movements in the Tyrel are of the' most general and formidable nature, and that a body of troops from Hungary are on their march to Italy, through Carinthia. These movements are greatlv portentous of some important event. . The Emperor is no doubt apprised of the perfidious designs of the French, and is wisely exerting himself to guard against the impending, danger. Should his Imperial Majesty be forced into a new war, there is every reason to hope that he will derive considerable support from those countries which have lately been compelled to acccpt of liberty at the hands of France. In the Eastern part of Switzerland the counter- revo- lutionary movements are daily increasing, The city of Lucern is at open war with the peasantry, who take every opportunity of expressing their disapprobation of the new order of things: they have demanded all the cannon and ammunition in Lucerne, to make use of against the' French, and, in case of a refusal, they threaten to burn the place. In Thurgau and St. Gall, great numbers of people assemble and oppose the new Constitution with open force, felling trees, - after the example of the peasantry of LUcern, to oppose the passage of the French through the defile's. These movements have caused the march of the 8th French regiment of Hussars into the country from Berne. In the Cantons of Schweitz and Unterwalden also, the peasantry have armed themselves against the citizens, who have accepted the new- Constitiution ; and the neighbourhood of Vorarlberg, the zeal of the malcon- tents has been heightened by assurances ' that the Austrians were on their march to assist them in expel- ling the French. In the Canton of Appenzel, it is said, many citizens have been murdered, and several houses laid in ashes. BRITISH PARLIAMENT. • HOUSE OF LORDS. FAIDAV, IVIAV 4. Read the Bills on the table. Mr. Rose, and other Members of the House of Com- mons, brought up the Salt Duty Bill, and two private Bills, which were read, a first time. Adjourned to Monday. Nv. HOUSE OF COMMONS.., FRIDAYS MAY 4.,,. The order of the day being • moved for the third, reading of the Bill for laying- an additional duty, on salt, Mr. HobHOUSE objected to the principle of ( lie Bill. It would press heavily, he oblerved, upon the poor, and nothing could prevent the seller from raising of his price ; it had in fact been already doubled, as 4d. per lb. was now paid' for salt in lieu of 2d. The burden on the poor would by these means be much heavier than that which was enacted by the bill. ' mr. PITT said, that, from every enquiry which he had made, he found, his calculations on this Bill to be nearly just; and that where the, burden would fall, it would fall on ' those who were able to bear it. It would not press with severity on the lower orders. They had been wholly exempted from, other, taxes, which that House had been compelled to impose in the prefent contelt. They were equally implicated iij the issue, and should not, therefore, complain of this, com-- paratively light duty, Mr. w. Bird said, that the tax Would weigh heavily on bread. Some relief, he understood, was to be given to the Bakers, but none was held forth to the poor. ' The LORD MAYOR said, that * t would affect the price of bread but in a trifling degree. The fas of 5s. on a bushel of salt, containing' 561b. would affect the quartern- loaf only by the fourth of a farthing. Mr. W. SMITH said, that the article of salt Was used in many of the manufactories, particularly in that of soap. he hoped that in these cases some drawback would be allowed. Mr. PITT apprehended that any drawback so al- lowed would give a sanction to fraudulent ' practices. A bill was. however, in preparation, to regulate the collection . of the taxes, iii Which such a clause may be in- troduced without delaying the progress of the ' present Bill. The Bill was then read a third time and palled. ASSIZE OF BREAD. ' The LORD MAYOR then rose to move for a Bill to regulate the Assize of Breads Much good, he observed, had been done by the Bill of last year, for regulating the assize by the averaged price of flour, as well as of wheat ; yet this Bill was capable of being made better. The Bakers were in number about' 1400, of whom no more than 900 presented their regular re- turns of the flour purchased. Thefe returns were made on Monday, at eleven o'clock, and" the averages were 10 be struck at five o'clock on the same evening. . He was of opinion that the returns should be made on Sa- turday, and that they should be of a more formal and regular description. It was requisite also to punish) more - severely those bakers who kept alum in. their houses, and at the same time to mike them some compensation for the encreased duty on salt. He con- cluded by moving tor leave to bring in a Bill for these purpofes, . This motion, after a short Conversation, was ageed to. LORD LIEUT, or THE COUNTY OF SURREY. Mr. TIERNEY faid, that, on a former- day, he had given notice of a motion on a subject, which related tu himself, to his constituents, and to the country at large. It was intimated to hun that he shouid receive a letter from the noble Person whose conduct he proposed to ar raign. and which letter, it. was said, would - do awav the necessity of his motion. He had received a letter just before he came into that House, but it was not of such a nature as to prevent him from discharging that which he conceived to be a most important duty. He there- fore gave notice, that, on Tuesday next, he should move, " that the House do resolve itself into a Com- miuee to enquire how the Bill for the Defence of the Nation' had been carried into effect in the County of Surrey." Mr. PITT admitted that the motion may be highly important to the defence and safety of the country. He wished to know, however, what were the notices which stood for Tuesday. These notices were, Mr. Palmer's claim, and the Report of ihe . Commitee of Finances. Mr. HOBHOUSE said, that he could not postpone Mr' Palmer's claim without his assent. Mr. Tierney assented to let his motiou stand conditionally for Tues. day. • SLAVE- TRADE. - Mr. THORNTON rose, in puvfuanceof, his notice, to move for a prohibition of the Slave Trade in certain parts of the Northern Coast of Africa. The Parlia- ment had already recognized the evil of this trade, and he therefore trusted that they; would not continue that evil beyond tie . necessity of the case. The district from which, - he meant to exclude this trade formed an extent of coast uv^ ej. ve or. fourteen hundred mile;, & ut it only furnished Slaves to ihe number of 7000. Thp French had formerly taken Slaves to the amount of twenty thousand ; they now took scarcely any ; therefore this deficiency might be easily supplied from the other parts of the coast. It was necessary for that House to adopt some measure to shew their zeal and consistenc. As they, could not limit the enormity of the practices in this trade, they should at least limit ^ the extent of the territory in which they were practised. The meaTure which' he had to propose would give a partial relief to the Continent of Africa. It would also lend a substantial aid to' the Sierra Leona Company. The subscriptions to that establishment had amounted in the first instance to 240,0001. Their . funds, through the accidents of war and fire, were now reduced to 60.000I. They, who deal wholly in articles of produce and manufacture, could nOt contend against those who trafficked in kidnapped slaves, and whole traffic was the. more lucrative^ as stolen good, were always sold cheap ! He thought that the effort of this Association, when its advantages, were more ge nerally known, would be productive of solid advan- tages 10 this country. he should not press his obser- vations further in this stage, but move for the Commit tec in which he was to propose the Bill. > Mr. Pitt seConded the motion': General TArleton said, that the abolition having been rejected by. a majority in this Session, He thought the present motion unfair. It went to do, that in de- tail, which, as a whole, the House had deemed un- advisable. The Honourable Member voted the abo- lition in the Northern part of Africa: another Gentleman may propose the same next week for . the Southern parts. In his opinion, the question had been already tried, and dismissed. Colonel GASCOIGNE. followed on the same ground. Mr. PITT supported the motion.. It went to sup- press one- tenth of this trade. He should rather yote for the suppression of the other nine- tenths, that was ' to say, of the whole but, as the. business now stood, he should certainly vote in favour of the motion, conscious that in this step he was supported by the previous opi- nion of the House. Mr. W. SMITH was for the motion. Mr. SEWELL. cOuld not acquiesce in the motion. he reserved himself, however, to object to it in a fu ture stage. , Mr. H. BROWNE and Mr. B. EDWARDS spoke in favour of the motion. The latter Approved highly of the establishment of the Sierra Leona Company, and of their efforts to civilize the native . Africans. The House resolved itself into a Committee, and leave was granted to bring in the Bill. The House then resolved itself into a Committee on the Slave Carrying Bill: ' Some objections were made to one of the clauses, and a division being called, for, it was found that there were but ' 41 Members present. It was therefore agreed" to postpone the business to Thursday.- Adjourncd to Monday next/ . His Majesty held' a Levee yesterday at St. James's Palace, ' which was . attendcd by several of the Members of the House of Commons. - The presentation's were, the Earl of MANSFIELD, on his return from Germany ; Lieutenant- Colonel STANHOPE, Colonel POWELL, Lieutenant- Colonel CORBET, Captains FORRESTER and OWEN, of the Shropshire Volunteers. , A Council of the Cabinet Ministers was held after the Levee, when the Recorder . of London attended with his Report of seven convicts, sentenced for death in February Sessions, when Peter Declerk, Dutchman, for uttering a Banknote of the value of 20I. knowing. it to be forged, with intent to defraud, the Bank; of. England, and Thomas Hunter, for. burglary in; the house of Mrs. Elliot, in queen Anne- street Fall, were ordered for execution on Wednesday next.- The others were respited during his MAJESTY'S - pleasure. After the' Council, the Duke of PORTLAND, the Earl of MANSFIELD, and Lord CATHCART, had audience's; and at four o'clock his MAJESTY returned to Buckingham- house,' The Duke de BERRY introduced by • Lord. GRENVILLE,. and accompanied, by his Serene high-, ness the Prince of ORANGE, went to Buckingham- House yesterday', ' and' had a long interview with his MAJESTY, in presence of his rOyal highnefs ths Duke of York, on the subject of the proppfed . en- rolment cf, the French ' Emigrants . in .( he fefvice of THE Princess of WALES left towm last night for Blackheath, ' the young PrinCESS being in a fair way of recovery. , . The Privy Council rhet lall night at 8 o'clock, for. the purpose of examining Henry Hastings who was taken into custody on Wednesday night, as he was going in the Yarmouth Mail coach for Hamburgh. The exami- nation continued till half past one this morning, when he was remanded into the custody of Mr. BASILICO, the Messenger. We had accounts yesterday from France, which represent that country in a state of perfect tranquillity : provisions . were reduced to moderate prices, viz. beef, and mutton to 3d,, per lb. butter gd. and eggs twelve a penny. Among the Gentlemen who are come from Ireland to give evidence in behalf of Mr. O'CONNOR, at the ensuing State Trials, is Mr. GRATTAN. The French General. Commandant at Corfu, ' has; issued a Proclamation acknowledging the inhabitants of the ' ci- devant Venetian Islands as French Citizens, and contradicting'the report that France would give up these islands, now incorporated with her, as totally without foundation. At Corfu, there were about 480 pieces of cannon mounted upon batteries ; and for the . defence of the other Islands, a flotilla of 600 pieces of cannon. Admiral BRUEY'S squadron, it is said, had sailed to take part in the expedition against Eng- land;— printing- office for Greek and French was completely established at Corfu. the voluntary contribution at Rome for the French A Grand Selection of Vocal and instruMental Music, ( from the works of HANDel) was performed yester- day evening, at the. Concert Room in , the King's. theatre, for the benefit of the Musical Fund. Tf. e principal vocal performers, Madame MARA, Mr. NIELD, Mr. SALE, and Mr. BARTLEMAN, ex- erted themselves with the happiest effect. Cramer. led the band, and the rest followed with the most har- monious regularity. Their MAJESTIES and the PRINCESSES honoured the pcrformance. with their presence, together with a numerous assemblage of Nobility and persons of dis- tinction. . SHIP NEWS. PLYMOUTH.,. May 2.— Sailed the TriTON, of 32 guns, . Captain GORE, with dispatches for Lord bIRDPORT. Sailed also LA SUFFISANTE, of 14 guns, Captain WitTMAN, arid TELEMACHUS cutler, of 14 guns, Lieutenant NEwTon. ' Came into har- bour, the eTHALION.', of guns, Captain CouN- TeSs.— Warped out of harbour, the SURPRIZE, of 38 guns,. Captain HAMILTon. PoRtsMOuTh, May 3.— His Majesty's brig CA- MELEON, of, 18 guns, Captain BOWYER, IS ap- pointed to convoy the trade from hence to the Downs,' and will sail as soon as the wind permits,- Vice Ad- miral Sir CHARLES tHOMPSON. has struck his FLAG-, and gone to town on leave It is reported he, is to have the command at Jamaica,' iu the room of Admiral Sir. HYDE PARKER who is going to LISBON. YARMOUTH, May 3.— Arrived, the HART brig,, from the Nore.; and 1' EspieGLE., Captain Boor- DER, from a cruize:; and this day the CRUIZER brig landed her prisoners, which were escorted to. prifon by j party of the Oxford Militia— This morning arrived the PrINCE of OrANGE packet, Capt. Bridge, who had on boaid Mr. Fraser, British- Consul at hamburgh. Also the DolphiN.--- packet, . Captain FLYNN, with, mails, passengers, _ and money.— Detained,, owing to the wind continuing North- east, the Echo slop, di- ANA and CARTERET packets';-, and a number of per-' sons, among- whom are the Prince of Orange and suite, ; Michael Parrico, Courier to Naples'; colonel Crau- ford, and Mr, Uhlm, Quarterly Messenger.. DEAL,' May " 3.— Sailed the PiLOTE sloop on a . cruize. Remained Captain WhiTsheaD is . appointed to command his Majesty's, ship. FORMiDABLE . of 98 guns and Captain HOLLOWAY the AjAx, of 74 guns, , army amounts to 17,361 crowns, besides linen, hats, stockings, & c. The Continental Papers speak of an intended mar- riage between the FRENCH PRINCESS at vienna and the eldest son of Count ARTOIS. A ' new order for all strangers to quit Rome in ten days has been issued, in consequence of a scarcity in ' that city. There is a clause in the Consolidated Assessed Tax Bill, now before the Commons, which appears to have an Oppressive tendency : it. is that which mak. es thj; respective parishes' liable for all defaulters of pay- ment : in the Land Tax it is not improperly so, " be- cause the soil is immoveable and ultimately responsi- ble ; but, in the present case, suppose a dashing ad- venturer obtrudes himself into a small parish, and by his hounds, horses, and carriages, becomcs liable to an animal payment of from 500I. up to any given Turn for his assessed taxes," and just before the time of collection, decamps ; is it just— that the few decent in- habitants of that parilh fhould have to provide for this ' default, and pay the ruinous amount in addition to their own assessment, or be compelled to follow the ^ defaulter in his flight, to avoid the penalties which he has incurred, ? Colonel WATSON, of the 7th Queen's Dra- goons, quartered at Canterbury, gave, on the 26th inst. an anniversary treat to the Serjeants, Corporals, and Privates,. who fought so gallantly under his com- mand on the plains of Cattean, the 26th of April, 1794.' ' Sir GEORGE EVELYN ShucKBURG has lately laid before tlie Royal Society the result of many years application and study, upon the subject of a universal standard for weights and measures-. he proceeds upon the principles of the late ingenious Mr whiTHURST, - and uses the identical instruments he employed, ' Fta- mean measure is derived from the- difference in length of two pendulums striking a different number of ftroksS' in a minute. MALLET DU PAN arrived, at Yarmouth in the Packet which brought over the last Hamburgh Mail. This distinguished Emigrant had escaped from Switzer- land, • Saturday last the Duke of NORFOLK Visited the OFFICERS OF the West Riding MIlitia, at Horsham BAR- racks, The following is. handed about as a Copy of the, Oath administere'd by the Manchester Conspirator*:— " In the awful presence of . God, I do swear not to obey the Colonel, but the People; not the Officers, but the Committee of United English, Irish, and Scotchmen, then fitting in England, Ireland, and Scotland; and to assist with arms, as far as lies in my power, to form a Re- publican Government in these countries; and also to assist the French in their landing to free- this country. So help me God." The fresh. work now so universally wearing on the head- dresses, and robes of our women of fashion. is a kind of entangling garment, like that with which wa- termen catch gudgeons, and flounders : and even on shore, it is here calculated for all fish. that conies : p the net !. The Irish women are the principal promoters of the insurrection in the South; they wear green rings, with Success to Ireland inscribed upon them. Lady ROBERT BERTIE, after all, made no will, . and that for a very good reason,. because she never intended to make any : her fortune. deVolves, as she wished it to her aged sister, Mrs. BluNdelL, for her life, and then on her niece, the Marchionefs of DOWNSHIRE, in right of inheritance. Lady MARY BENTINCK gave a grand - ball last night at Burlington- house, Piccadilly. Upwards of one - hundred and fifty of the Nobility were invited. The following, amongst many other loyal and social 1 toasts,. were. given by the Chairman of the Literary Fund After those. of The KING, QUEEN, and ROYAL FAMILY', and Pro- sperity to the institution," t Success to the ARMs, and Prosperity to. the Arts of Great britain. v . May the buds of Genius escape the Frost of Neglect. The Taste that distingushes Merit, and the liberality that rewards it. may Genius never want a Patron, nor Learning a Friend, may Freedom subdue. Anarchy, and Reason Sophistry. The Memory of the brave Captain Hooo, with the Glee • —" here sleep the brave THE following Stanza, frovn TASKER'S ODE to the warlike GENIUS OF GREAT BrITAiN, gives a true description of the present military preparations.;-~ on every heath, on every strand, New- rais'd battalions grace the land : " To- arms !" the hollow: vallies sound, " To arms— to arms !" the hills rebound; Echo, welLpleas'd, repeats the voice around. Thursday, as the Sea FenciBles were exercising'f' e great guns, at LowestofFe, one. of the pieces burst, by Which accident two men were killed, and one wounded. Yesterday there was a further meeting of the Com- mittee from the Board of Trade, at the Mint Officc in the Tower, on business relative to the new Silver Coin- age. The Earl of LIVERPOOL presided : Sir J. BANKS and other Members were present. A thorough and complete reform in this department is about to take place, pursuant to a resolution of the Treasury board. Last week several people were apprehended at Pais- ley, on suspsicion of Treason. \ _ enGliSH CHRONICLE. Among the great number of letters, - which we re- ceive, it happens to us as to others, that many are of little consequence, except to the writers, who yet have not the consideration to pay the postage of them s we therefore, compelled to adopt the precaution, which usual, we believe, at almost every other Office, of re- mg all letters, which have not been paid for, except lie of our known Correspondents, and double letters, inclosing Notes, from which the postage may be de- duced. PRICE of STOCKS, This Day, at One o'Clock. Consols, for money I Reduced New Five per cents. | Omnium ii prem. SATuRdAy AFTERNOON. The NAIAD frigate, Captain PIERREpOiNT, has very gallantly cut out of Brest water a French National Corvette of 18 guns and 130 men. The NAIAD passed Lord BRIDPORT'S fleet off Sciliy, on Tues- day last, after having fallen in with the MARTHA, an American ship, which has brought this news to Fal- mouth. •• At twelve o'clock, this day, an Express from Do- ver has brought us the Paris Papers to the id inst, of which - we hasten to communicate the contents. " PARIS, April 27.— A great number of Na- val and Military Officers are arrived at Toulon ; the squadron at which port, we are assured, has received Officers to sail. Transports arrive there daily. The squadron at Corfou is preparing for a new expedition. An extraordinary Courier arrived, yesterday, at the Directory from the Spanish Ambassador, at Vienna, where it is said, that there has been a tumult, in conse- quence of which BErNAdOtTE has left the city. Not having the arms of the Republic at his gate, he hoisted a flag at his window. This occasioned a popular riot, in which BERrADOTtE was insulted, and obliged to withdraw. " A Telegraph has been placed upon the hotel of the Minister of the Marine, on the side of the Rue Florentin. . His nephew set out, the day before yes- terday, for Toulon. " Several Journals have. announced the departure of Buonaparte for Toulon, whom we can state to be, this day, at Paris.— Redacteur, " General BERnADOTTE has taken tire route for Rastadt; FREVILLe, his Secretary of Legation, has arrived here, this morning, with dispatches upon this subject for tlte Directory. The people and garrison of Vienna took no part in the insult given to the Am- bassador, but on the contrary expressed the grcatest concern for what happened. The EMPEROR has sent an extraordinary Courier to the Directory, to dis- avow the transaction, and to assure them of satisfaction. It appears, certain, that the Austrian Government took no part in the tumult, and are on the contrary deeply afflicted by it. The stay of BUONAPARTE in the capital is attributed to orders from the Directory, until a solemn reparation has revenged the national honour, r— Feuille Politique. " At the moment, when BUONAPARTE was about to set out, in the night of the 23d, unforefeen circumstances detained, htm."— Gazette National. " April 28,— Letters from Brest state, that there are eight sail of the line and eight frigates in the rpad. Those from Brussels say, that from 15 to 16,000 troops are in motion, from different pai ls of the left bank of the Rhine for the right bank, to increase the, French army between the Lahn and the Nidda. The General, commanding in the isles of the Ionian and Egean sea, has addressed a Proclamation to the inhabitants, by which he informs them, that the French Republic has reserved, by a solemn treaty, the' property of the Venetian dominions in the Levant, in order to have one of the keys of the Adriatic sea, which may open the Levant, and give them, by means of commerce, new sources of prosperity. ' The Repub- lic,' says he, * wishes to give the inhabitants the enjoy- ment of the same advantages ; she adopts you, as French citizens, for her children.' he then informs them, that the squadron will quit them to take part in the expedition against England, but that the French do not abandon the island*." , , " April ag.'— Great changes have taken place in the Legislative Body and the Directory of the Cifal- pine Republic. Three Members of the Great Coun- cil, six of the Council of Elders, two Directors; and the Secretary- General, have been dismissed by order of the Directory of France, The former are much regretted ; the latter are not so.— A letter from Tou- lon announces, that 24.000 troops have assembled ' here, who will embark, on the 1st priarial, and fail with a strong squadron. " Two convoys, which sailed from Nantz, at dif- ferent periods, laden with provisions and stores, were obliged to enter the bay of Audierne ; but they have now arrived at Brest, to the number of 6g fail, under the escort of several smalil vessels. The English, in- formed of the approach of our convoys, sent five vef- sels into the troise to intercept them; but a division of three ships and four frigates, of which they had DO knowledge, being [ moored at Berthaume, the English fled, and our vessels arrived safely in port!! " April go.—* The Directory has announced, that BUONAPARTE will set out for Rastadt. He goes, no doubt, like a new Alexander, to cut the gordian knot.— Le Surveillant. « We have no new details, relative to the affair at Vienna., They talk only of a Proclamation, issued by the EMPEROR, the ensuing day, for restoring or- der: but those, who have read this piece, find it vague and insignificant, and are astonished to fee no- thing in it, concerning the punishment of the authors and instigators of the tumult. It is believed, notwilh- standing, that this affair will not disturb the repose of the Continent. Count COBENZEI. is said to have quitted Rastadt, only to visit Berlin, On the subjefl of the indemnities. " April 31.— Certain advices from Spain give the friends of humanity the hope of a political and moral regeneration of that vast country \~— L' Echo. " On the 1.9th Germinal, a Treaty of Alliance is said to have been concluded between the EMPEROR and the King of PRUSSIA, for the purpose of op- posing the propagation of Republican principles in Germany. " Letters from Stettin state, that great discontcnt prevails at Moscow and Petersburgh. Citizen bRuIX, a Vice- Admiral, is appointed Minister of the Marine, in the room of PLEVILLE LE PELEY." " May 1.— They write from Boulogne, ( hat the troops of the right wing of the Army of England, dif- persed over a great extent of our coast, will be collected, and brought nearer to Dunkirk and Calais, which ap- pear to be the ports, where the first embarkations will take place. Three hundred armed vessels are expected at Dunkirk from Holland. " The Cisalpine Minister at Naples refused to rise in the Theatre there, when the Queen and Prince Royal entered. Letters from Strasbourg say, that Count COBENZEL will be appointed Minister at Vi- enna, in room of ThUGUT, who has always inclined to the English.— The Italian Journals state, that great commotions prevail in Piedmont, - where there are seve- ral distinct bodies of insurgents ; that the Court of Turin is supposed to have sent off their most valuable effects ; and that the King of SARDINIA has or- dered his Minister at Paris to enquire the intentions of the Directory, as he is' willing to resign, if that is to be his fate.— the Republican party in the Congress of America are said to be - preparing to abolish the treaty between that country and England,— Le Sur- veillant. The other contents of these papers relate chiefly to the ' Elections, except, that the Redacteur absurdly pretends, that the tumult at Vienna was excited by money dispersed by the English and Russian Ambas- sador s. We understand that Government has received very certain advices that the French and Venetian fleets are at fea. It is the knowledge of this circumstance that caused Lord ST. VINCENT to leave the Tagus at only four hours notice. He sailed to the Southward, and is probably gone to watch the gut of Gibraltar as well as Cadiz, which, from their proximity, he can do with one and the fame force. His Lordship's fleet con fills of the following ships: Guns. Guns, Ville de Paris 118 Alexander 98 Culloden 98 Zealous 98 Hector. 98 Colossus 93 Orion 84 Minotaur 74 Excellent J4. Swiftsure 74 Theseus London Prince George Princess Royal Namur Blenheim Gibraltar Bellerophon Warrior » . Audacious Defence' • .74 Vanguard, Admiral Sir Goliah - 74 HoRATio NELSON 74 Majestic 74 — leander, of 50 guns, at Gibraltar. Total 24 We expect every moment to hear of an engagement between the combined fleets and Lord St. VINCENT • 74 • 74 - 74 74 74 74 >. 74 74 74 - . 74 Yesterday se'nnight, about ten o'clock, a Messenger, with forne Police Officers, and aided by a party of the military, went to a public- house in Queen- street, Glasgow, and. apprehended 16 persons, on a suspicion of being assembled for seditious purposes.' They were taken before the Magistrates, and examined separately ; when it appeared that the object of their meeting was of a private nature, and no way connected with politics. They were of course discharged. And on Saturday several persons in that city and neighbourhood were taken up ; but after an examination before the. Magis- trates, they were all liberated, excepting one person, who was committed to prison. DUTCH NAVY. The following is a statement of the Dutch Naval' Force ; extracted from a letter from an Officer in Ad- miral ONSLOW'S Fleet: MARS DIEP, OP. OUTER ROAD. Washington - - 74 Helder - . 32 Leyden - » 64 Venus -- - 24 Ceberus • - 64 Minerva - - 14 Batavier - - 54 Leopard - - 24 Furie - - 36 Waakfarnhied - 24 Ambuscade * - 36 Enkysen - • 24 HeCtor - 36 And four Transports, formerly east Indiamen. On the Texel Island, 160 Dutch Troops, and 20 i'rench Hussars, and a few Signal Guns. NEAR DIEP. Beschemer - - 54 Phoenix - - 24 Broderchap - - 54 Andone - .24 Maas - " 40 ( 36- pounders.) At Amsterdam, one- Line of Baltic Ship, ready to come down to befitted. One at Helvoetsluys. FLY PASSAGE. Dolphin - - 24 Guns. AMSTERDAM. States General - - 74 Guns, to repair. Only 200 Troops, in the neighbourhood of the Helder, 36 pieces cf Heavy Ordnance mounted, these in bad order and not fit for service, and. 110 French Troops there. By private accounts from France we learn, that Mr. PINCKNEY, one of the American Commissioners had been ordered to quit the territory- of France, and had in consequence gone to Bourdeaux, to endeavour to procure a passage for America. Me PINCKNEY is a man who was disposed to. vindicate and support the in- tends of his country, and consequently was particularly obnoxious to the Rulers of France. Mr. GuERRy, another of the Commissioners, whose sentiments are more accommodating, remains at Paris; but it is gene- rally supposed that the American Government will not be dispofed to brook the insult of the disgraceful dif- missal of a Commissioner, who was able and willing to maintain its honour and interests, or to countenance a man avowedly devoted to a nation that has for feme months been carrying on the most determined hostility against the American commerce.— The return of Mr. PINCKNEY to America, it is supposed will create a very strong sensation in that country, where the French influence has long been rapidly 0n the decline. The Lords of the Admiralty applied on Wednesday to the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, for leave to fix a Telegraph upon a convenient part of the Abbey. The request was granted, provided Mr. WYATT, the surveyor to the church, considered that there was no danger. Mr. WYATT accordingly examined the roof very minutely and it appears that the Towers are the most eligible. The receipts for the new Loan will be ready to be delivered from the Bank on Tuesday or Wednesday next. On the 241I1 ult. was decided a bet between T. STOUGhTON, Esq. of Pont- Pool, and JOHN MIErS, of Cadoxton, for one hundred guineas, that the mare of the latter did not go on the Welsh roads fifty miles in five hours ; the mare performed the above distance in four hour and thirty- two minutes with great eafe— the first mile she trotted in three minutes and a half, and the last mile in four minutes and three fe- conds. The following is the Petition from the Quakers at their Annual Meeting, for the Abolition of the Slave Trade, presented to the House of Commons by Mr. WILBERFORCE, the day on which his Motion was discussed. This respectable body of men have display- ed an uniform abhorrence of the Slave Trade, and have justified the mild and benevolent character of their principles by contributing every exertion to obtain the abolition of a traffick so repugnant to every christian precept, and every moral feeling. To the COMMONS of GREAT BRITAIN in Parliament assembled. The PETITION of the Religious Society of Friends, com- monly called QUAKERS. That your Petitioners, although they have continually lamented the miseries occasioned to the Natives of Africa by the Slave Merchants of England, and of the want of success even of the measures which have been attempted in your House for their relief, have not until lately believed it their duty again to solicit your attention to the extreme injustice of the traffick, and to the injury which it produces to the morals of the People, and to- the welfare of the Na- tion for,, however trite may be the assertion, it remains a truth, that Righteousness exalts a Nation;" and there- fore, that the public, sanction of injustice so flagrant, as a Trade in the persons of Men, is among the causes which induce National Calamity, It is to be deplored that it should be necessary to urge the extirpation of this cruel Trade by any other motive than its own inherent evil; but, in these times pregnant with alarms, it surely becomes us ( if there'be any truth 111 our professions of trust in the Providence of the Almighty) to endeavour to recommend ourselves to his protection, by forbearing to blast the comforts of so large a part of his Rational Creation, Your Petitioners trust they are advert- ing to an incontrovertible truth, When they requeft. the House of Commons to recollect that, compared with Di- vine protection, all human efforts are as a thing of nought ; and that the Almighty can protect with equal case in the hour of extreme perplexity, as in the time of less impend- ing danger. The evil of the Slave Trade is not now unknown and obscure. It has been at your Bar, and has been condemn- ed by your voice. Still nevertheless it subsists ; and sub- sists with unabated rapacity. Your Petitioners therefore once more earnestly besecch you to take such steps for its immediate Abolition, as may warrant and animate the hope of a continuance of Divine favour to this our Country, by the reflexion that our Country at length ceases to spread desolation over the regions of Africa, Signed in the Meeting for Sufferings of the said Society, held in London the 5th of the 3d Month, 1798. LAW INTELLIGENCE. cOuRT OF KING'S. BENCH, April. 30. WILSON versus MARRIOT. This was a case that came before the Court upotf a Special Verdict; it arose upon a Policy of Insurance upon the ship Argonaut, which sailed from America Bourdeaux, from thence she went to Madeira, proceeding- to the East- Indies and back again to Ame- rica, and was taken on suspicion by Lord ElfHIN- STONE at the Cape of Good Hope, and was lost. One of the owners is an Englifh born fiibjcct, but is fince domiciled in, and become a Citizen of the United States of America. The queftion was, whether this, was a legal Voyage, and whether, under these circumstances, the plaintiff could recover, according to the tenor of the Treaty between his Majesty and the United States of Ame- rica, confirmed afterwards by an Act of Parlia- ment. It was ably argued by Mr. GIlES one one side, and Mr. Rous on the other. Lord KENYON said, it was a case of immense im- portance, and therefore ordered it to standl over for fur- ther argument. He observed also, that whatever might be the fate of the question, all who heard him could have but one wish, there could be only one wi.% by an assembly of Englishmen, namely, that the decision of the quesftion might be that which was best adapted for the interests of Great Britain ; however, the Court must' determine it by the Law, whatever that Itauid be found to be. THE SOLDIER'S FUNERAL. ( ORIGINAL,) O'er the sad scene that slowly glides away, Oblivion soon will pass her darkest shade; E'en as the Muse's voluntary lay, That faint impresses, what will early fade. Yet shall a sigh, a tributary tear, Companion claim from all the truly brave The heart will feel, to view the funeral bier, That dooms the Soldier to his lowly grave. The muffled drum, the fife's shrill echoing sound, Playing a Requiem to the parting soul ; Floats on the stillness that pervades around, And stamps a solemn magic on the whole. With arms revers'd, his sorrowing comrades move. Perhaps some bosom sighs the name of friend; Some widow'd wife, or infant pledge of love, In silent agony the corpse attend. What though no trophies deck his humble pall No column's rais'd, to point his growing fame"; • Nor storied page his memory regal, Yet high the honour that may mark his name. April 27. , G. U. The Irish House of Commons have been much of- fended at receiving a message from ( he Lords bv two Counsel, instead of Masters in Chancery; and they have remonstrated , on this irregularity, of which t: se Lords have promised not to be again guilty. Yesterday ttw Recorder made his Report to l is Ma- jesty of ihe following prisoners under sentence of death in Newgate, viz. William Graves, for burglariously breaking and entering the dwelling- house of wiLliAM CooK, stealing therein a quantity of silk and cotton stockings, value ijl. Charles Frewen and George bowers for burgla rioully breaking and entering ihe dwelling- house' of JOHN BUR ro RO, and stealing therein fourcl t ictsais, and other articles, value 10I. Pieter Dekclerk, for felonionusly putting off a for- rej Bank Note for the payment of Twenty Pounds as and for a true Bank Note, he knowing it to be forged with intend to defraud WILLIAM ALGAR. Hezekiah Swain, for stealing a gelding, price 20I, the property of GEORGE GOSLING, Esq. Thomas Hunter, for burglariously breaking and en- tering the dwelling- houfe of MARgARET ELLIOTT, and stealing therein a large quantity of wearing- appjr- , value 130!. her property, and a metal watch, ihe perty of MAR y- AN n El l i OTT. When Pieter Deklerck and Thomas Hunter were ordered for execution. The whole of the Voluntary Subscriptjons in Ire- land amount to about H4.000i. Bank Report up to Wedneftlay, May 2 :— 3 ". 3 fi, 8..) S8sTl WHITEHAVEN, MAY 1.— The action iiis£ }} « BARBARA, Capt. DIXON, of Liverpool, of IS guns, and go men, had with a French privateer, of 1 a guns, and 170 men, was the most heroic iinagiuaUcj The light. continued sixteen hours, ar. d during its: can- teft, the BARBARA'S flag was three times shot away; the Union being, the only remnant, left, one of ice crew, ( a Whitehaven man), seized the tattered remains, and gallantly in the heat of the conflict, nailed them the main- top- gallant- mast head ; the. whole crew declar- ing at the same time, that they would rather periSh than it should be struck : unfortunately at that instant a from tne Enemy struck the BARBARA'S cabouse and killed three of her people, tus of whom was the helmsman ; the ship was in consequence thrown uj » in the wind, when the ' Frepchman iminediateiy laid himself alongside, and threw such a number of men OB board the BARBARA, that her gallant crew, afcr aa obstinate resistance, even in that situation, were over- powered and obliged to submit. The Frenchman then tore down die British colours, and carried their hard earned prize into Guadaloupe, only ten leagues from which place the engagemem happened. Capt. Dixon is a Harrington man : he was wounded in several places^ and he speaks in the highest terms . of the unexampled bravery of his people,: many of whom belong to this port and the others adjacent. The privateer was three times beaten off during the action. Capt. DIXON is arrived at Liverpool; he left his gallant tars, with re- gret, in prison at Guadeloupe ; they greeted him wilh three cheers at his departure, and expressed a wish th? t they might again have an opportunity of meeting the foes of their Country under such a Commander.- LONDON; Printed bv J. NORRIS for W. RADCLIFFE, No. 3, Catherine- street, where Literary Communications and Advertisements are received, and where Orders for the Paper, directed to the Printer will be attended to ; the ENGlISH CHRONICLE being sent to all Parts of the Kingdom, Postage free, at per Quarter UiA4yance, or i'l, is. Credit,
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