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The Edinbugh Evening Courant


Printer / Publisher: David Ramsey 
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 12/11/1933 00:00
No Pages: 4
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The Edinbugh Evening Courant
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The Edinbugh Evening Courant

Date of Article: 04/09/1797
Printer / Publisher: David Ramsey 
Address: Old Fish-market Close
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 12/11/1933 00:00
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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NUMBER 12,370.] MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. 1797. [ PRICE SIXPENCE. This Day is Published, BY C. STEWART, & CO. FORRESTERS WYND, No. II. OF THE VOCAL MAGAZINE ; Containing a Selection of the most esteemed English, Scots, and Irish Songs, ancient and modern : ADAPTED fOr tHe HARPSICHORD OR VIOLIN. ( To be continued Monthly.) ' CONTENTS.— Non nobis, Domine— Laura— O sing unto my Roundelay— The Bonny Lass in, yon Town— Henry's Cot- tage Maid— John Anderson my Jo— Life has no real bliss— A Shepherd once had lost his Love— We be Soldiers three— Bright Phoebus— Ye Birds for whom I rear'd the Grove— A Sup of good Whisky— Sigh no more Ladies— O I hae seen the Roses blaw— Tibbie Fowler, in the Glen— In the dark and lonely Bower— The Sailor Boy— In the Dead of the Night— The Garretteer— Pauvre Madelon. Subscriptions are taken in at Edinburgh by the Publishers, and by Mr M. Stewart, music seller, South Bridge— Mr A. M'Gown, music seller, Glasgow— Mr Anderson, Stirling- Mr Boyd, Dumfries— Mr Brown, Aberdeen— Mr Nicol, Dun- dee— Mess. Morison & Son, Perth— and Mr Embleton, Ber- wick. NEW IMPROVED GAZETTEER. This Day is Published, price 6d. NUMBER I. Containing 40 Pages of elegantly printed Letter- Press, and a correct Map of Italy, handsomely engraved and coloured,) MODERN GAZETTEER; BEING A COMPENDIOUS GEOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY Of all the Nations, Kingdoms, States, Provinces, Cities, Towns, Forts, Oceans, Seas, Harbours, Rivers, Lakes, Canals, Hills, Mountains, & c. IN THE KNOWN WORLD; Describing the Situation, Curiosities, Religion, Extent, Inhabitants, Revolutions, Boundaries, Manners, Improvements, Productions, Government, Ancient and Mo- Manufactures, Population, dern Names, & c. Trade, Laws, OF THE DIFFERENT COUNTRIES; Brought down to the present time. ILLUSTRATED WITH COLOURED MAPS. To be completed in about Twenty Sixpenny Numbers, which may be bound in one large or two handsome 8vo Volumes. ^ Printed for R. MORISON & SON, booksellers, Perth -.— For whom subscriptions are received by A. Guthrie and A. Con stable. Edinr., W. Coke, Leith; J. Gillies, and R. Hutchin- son, Glasgow; J. Ford, Kirkcaldy ; Isaac Forsyth, Elgin ; J. Imlach, Banff; R. Tullis, Cupar Fife; J. Peat, Dundee; J, Bur. et, Aberdeen; D. M'Donald, Inverness; G Millar. Dunbar; A. Neill, Haddington ; A. Elder, Peebles; W. An- derson, Stirling ; and the principal Booksellers in the king- dom. , IRISH STATE LOTTERIES. FOR the perfect satisfaction and security of all pur- chasers of tickets and Ihares in the late Irish State Lottery for July, the following List of the Numbers of the Tickets drawn Prize: above 50/. in the said lottery is published, by authority of his Majesty's Commissioners for managing and directing State Lotteries in Ireland. 1000I. each. GENERAL POST OFFICE, Edinburgh, 4th September 1797. NOTICE is hereby given, That, from and after the 5th instant, a BAG will be made, up and dispatched from this Office to DUNSE every TUESDAY, in addition to the pre- sent Post it. Dunse will therefore in future, be every day, Sundays excepted, at Four o'clock afternoon, by the London Mail Coach, and the arrivals on the fame days, in the Morning. By Order of the Postmaster General, WILLIAM KERR. & c. No. of Prices. 30,000 Tickets PRESENT PRICE OF TICKETS AND SHARES In the Irish State Lottery for Nov. 1797. Whole Ticket — L. 6 2 O Half — L. J 6 o I Eighth — L. o 17 6 Quarter — I 14 o | Sixteenth — 090 The magnitude of the benefits to be acquired for fo fmall a fum as the present price of an Irish Ticket, cannot fail tq re- commend this Lottery to the notice and estimation of the Pu- blic ; and as it confifts of only 30,000 Tickets, there is every reafon to believe, that, at the near approach of the drawing, the Tickets will advance confiderably in price. The Tickets and Shares in the above Lottery, are now feil-' ing in all the Licenfed State Lottery Offices in Great Britain and Ireland. KELSO— AUGUST 24. 1797. THIS Day the Public Schools here were examined in the presence of several Gentlemen of the town and neighbourhood.— In the GRAMMAR SCHOOL, the boys acquitted themselves in such a manner as deservedly obtained the approbation of all present. The lower classes were well grounded in the principles of the Latin language; and those more advanced had made such proficiency as did credit to themselves, and much honour to the abilities and assiduity of Mr DYMOCK the Rector. The ENGLISH SCHOOL was examined in Reading, Wri- ting, Arithmetic, & c. and gave great satisfaction. Mr WHITE, the Master of that school, has been long in tflie prailice of teaching the English language grammatically, with the appli- cation of the rules of syntax. The advantages derived to his scholars appeared very conspicuous. From the progress made in both Schools fince laft examina- tion, and the abilities, conduct, and character of the Matters, we gladly take this opportunity to do them the justice they de- serve, by recommending the Public Schools of this place as ex- cellent, seminaries for the education of youth, either for the learned professions, or for business. WILL. SMITH, Bailie, Kelso. CORNELIUS LUNDIE, ANDREW SCOTT, Ministers. THOMAS ELLIOT, WM. DICKSON of Sydenham, Vice- Admiral. JA. HALDANE, factor to the Duke of Roxburgh. ROBERT WALKER of Wooden. ROBERT SCOTT of Rosebank. A HOUSE WANTED, In the Vicinity of Edinburgh, as near the Sea as may be, CONSISTING of a Dining Room, Drawing Room, and Four Bed Chambers— with Chambers for Servants— a Stable, Coach House, and Garden— with any quantity of Ground under fifty acres. Letters of information specifying every particular, may be ' addressed to Mr Drysdale, Turf Coffeehouse, New Town. ESCAPED FROM JUSTICE, ALEXANDER INNES Shoemaker, Son to Ro- bert Innes, journeyman shoemaker in Edinburgh.— He stands charged with STREET ROBBERY, attended with ag- gravated circumstances of cruelty. The said Alexander Innes is aged 19 years, 5 feet 7 inches high, born in the parish of College Church, is of a sallow com plexion, short brown hair, black eyes, slender make, has an impedient in his right arm; and is presently dressed in a red jacket, and a tartan kilt. He has inlisted into different corps, from several of whom he has been discharged, and from others he deserted. Whoever will apprehend and secure the said Alexander Innes, or will give such information at this Office as will be the means of apprehending him, will receive a Reward of TEN GUINEAS. Council Chamber, Edinburgh, Aug. 28. 1797. " TO CREDITORS. HUGH SMYTH MERCER, writer to the signet, Trustee for the Creditors of Mr JAMES TAIT, Clerk cf Cannongate, has made up a scheme of the fourth division of the trust funds, which lies at his house, Weir's Land, Canon- gate, for the inspection of the creditors. The dividend to be paid on the 10th current. NOTICE TO JOHN BRUCE, Son of George Bruce, late Tenant in Cowden near Dal- keith, or his Defendants. THAT GEORGE BRUCE, Brother of the said John Bruce, died in the month of July 1796, af- ter executing a settlement of his estate ( which is considerable) ill favour of his brother John, and the heirs of his body, pro- vided they appeared and claimed the same within twenty years after his death; but burdened with certain legacies, if he or they did not appear and claim within two years after his death : And in case the said John Bruce or his descendants should not appear and claim within the said space of twenty years, it is provided that no part of the said estate is to de- scend upon him or them, but is settled in favour of his o- ther relations. Mr John Bruce left Scotland several years ago, and none of his relations have heard of him since that time : Therefore this notice is given to him and his des- cendants, fo that if he, or any of them are alive, they may appear and claim accordingly; and, upon applying to Mr Robert Hog at Glassmount, near Kinghorn, or Thomas Adair, clerk to the fignet, Edinburgh, they will be inform- ed as to other particulars. WRECKS. IN the month of February last, sundry pipes and hogs- heads of Portugal wines, logs of mahogany and oak, and a number of staves, were picked up, partly floating at sea, and partly on the shores of the western islands of Scotland— Also se- veral boards bearing the marks of fire, and pierced by musket alls and cannon shot, one having the name Le Mucias upon it, another La Virg ( the rest of the words broken away), and a third Tourville. The only papers found were three letters from New York to persons in Ireland, which make no mention either of ship or cargo. There was found a cane, having the initials A. M. and the words New York. Also a small box containing ring, the poesy " Contents a Treasure," and a picture, with the person's name, and the words New York. The Duke of Argyll, Vice- Admiral of these seas, has direct- ed this intimation to be given, to enable the owners of these goods to claim them, which they may do, by letters, addressed to Mr Ferrier, writer to the signet, Edinburgh. TO THE CREDITORS OF MESS. MICHIE and CORBET, Hardware Merchants in Edinburgh and Glasgow, and of Alexander Michie, the surviving partner, individually. A general meeting of the creditors will be held in John's Coffeehoufe here, upon Tuesday the 12th September, at one o'clock afternoon, when a state of the affairs will be laid before them; and it is requested that such of the creditors as have not already lodged states of their debts, and oaths of verity, will lodge them before or at that meeting, with Mess. William and Peter Cunningham, jewellers in Edinburgh, the Trustees. TO THE CREDITORS OF THE Copartnery of BERTRAM, GARDNER and CO. and BAILLIE, POCOCK, and CO. and Indi- vidual Members thereof. The trustee on the sequestrated estate of said copartnery and individuals hereby intimates, that the commissioners in the commission of bankrupt awarded againft Menzies Baillie, late of Broad- street Buildings, in the city of London, merchant dealer, and chapman ( lately carrying on trade under the firm of Baillie, Pocock, and Co.), intend to meet on the 18th day of October next, at 12 o'clock noon, at Guildhall, London, in order to make a dividend of the estate aud effects of the said bankrupt; when and where the creditors who have not already proved their debts, are to come prepared to prove the same, otherwise they will be excluded the benefit of the said dividend, and all claims not therein proved will be disallowed. It is hoped that all concerned will pay due attention to this intimation, which the truftee thinks it his duty to give, in or- der to prevent any of the creditors in Scotland from being de- prive of their share of the funds of the London house. Edinburgh, South Frederick Street, No. 21, Sept. 1. - 1797. EXPLANATION OF THE MILITIA ACT FOR SCOTLAND. ALTHOUGH in this part of the country the new ait of Parliament far establishing a Militia in Scotland, similar to that in England, has been generally well received; yet as it has appeared that in other places there were perfons who misunderstood the nature and tendency of the ait, it has been deemed desirable that some explanation should be given 11 this public manner. It has almost annually been mentioned in the houses of Par- liament, since the establishiment of a militia in England, and with much appearance of reason, that it was injurious to the character, and disrespectful to the loyalty of Scotland, not to put them in some degree on the same footing with England, by allowing them likewise to have Militia : It was argued by many, that the refusal seemed like a want of confidence in this country, as if arms could not be trusted in our hands, as well as in those of our southern neighbours. Experience proved that he Militia in England had most effectually contributed to the veuiency and expence of increasing the army, to a far greatfcr extent than othcrwile would have been necessary, guarded the nation most effectually against invasion, and this without dis- stressing the country, by taking such numbers cf ufeful'subject from its agriculture and commerce for an unlimited period. There appear three striking differences between the Militia ait for Scotland, and the present existing one for England. 1. The Scots Miiitia by this act cannot be called out of Scotland even to the assistance of England, whereas the English Militia are liable to be ordered to all parts of these kingdoms. , 2. That the proportion of Militia for Scotland is, much smaller than that for England when compared with the popu- lation of the two countries; six thousand men are the whole that are allowed for Scotland, which would be only six men to a parish, if the parishes had an equal number of inhabitants; but when we consider how populous the towns are if compared with the other parishes, the proportion which must fall to the country parishes muft be small indeed. Dundee, for instancc, ; n the county of Forfar, is reckoned to have twenty- five thou- fand inhabitants, whereas it is deemed a populous country pa- rish where there are one thousand. The men are to be taken without distinction of rank or property from all descriptions, that are from nineteen to twenty- three inclusive; the officers are to be chosen from persons of property on the spot. The constables ( who must, as the act directs, assist the schoolmasters in making up the lists) are to be chosen from the most respeC- table men in each parish. 3d. That the choice in England extends from the age of six- teen to forty- five, whereas in Scotland it is from nineteen to twenty- three inclusive ( that is from entering into the twentieth year to entering into their twenty- fourth, making four years') at a time of life which exempts the far greater part of married men. From such an arrangement it is clear that no man can pos- sibly suffer from partiality ; the ait of Parliament extends only to one month after the end of the present war. Any parish collectively or the persons from nineteen to twenty- three inclu- five or any person separately can furnish a substitute or substi tutes in place of such person or persons as, by the determination of the ballot, is or are to serve. Such a Militia, regulated on such principles, must prove a real blessing to this kingdom, and the act establishing it certain- ly can 110 sooner be understood by honest men attached to their country, than it must meet their most cordial approbation. The result will be, that the strength of the kingdom will be united in the cause of their country as one family in defence of their wives, children, and property; and when so united, they may, under Divine Providence, bid defiance to the combined force of Europe. Bothwell Casle, DOUGLAS, Lieutenant, AuS. 26. 1797. D. SCOTT, ALEXANDER RIDDOCK, H. ROSS, P. SCRIMJOUR, CHARLES LYAL, JAs. CRUICKSHANK, WALTER OGILVIE, ALEXANDER FOTHERINGHAM WILLIAM DOUGLAS, CHARLES HUNTER, JA. LINDSAY CARNEGIE, PRESERVATION OF GAME AND FENCES. AS the FENCES and Young PLANTATIONS on the Estate of DUNDAS have been for some years past much injured, and ihe GAME almoft entirely destroyed by persons hunting on the estate, it is therefore determined that every perfon found hunting on the grounds shall be immediate- ly prosecuted, unless they have liberty in writing from Mrs Dundas of Dundas. The tenants on the estate are authorised to stop every person hunting on the grounds, who has not a liberty in writing.--— Not to be repeated. LOCHLEVEN FISHING AND ISLAND TO BE LET. To be LET, for three year3, by public auction, at Mr Donald- son's, vintner, Kinross Green, on Tuesday the 19th Septem- ber, at 12 o^ lock noon, THE HALF of the FISHING of LOCHLE- VEN, consisting of Trout, of various kinds, Pike, Perch, and Eel. The present lease expires the end of September. ALSO TO BE LET, At the same time, and for the same number of years, The ISLAND of ST SERVANUS, commonly called St Serf, or The Inch, lying in the east end of Lochleven, containing up- wards of 40 acres of good early pasture. Entry at Martinmas first. Not to be repeated. County of Forfar. • Dep. Lieut. FARM IN BERWICKSHIRE TO BE LET. There is to be LET in Tack, for such a number of years as can be agreed- upon, and entered to at Whitsundav 1798, THE FARM and LANDS of LADYFLAT J. part of the Estate of LANGTON, lying in the parish of I. angton, and shire of Berwick, which conlifts of 200 acres, all inclosed subdivided, and well watered. Further particulars may be known by applying to Mr James Edmondstone at Lauder; and offers, in writing, may be given in to Mr Campbell, St James's Square. TO THE NERVOUS. FOR the Decay of Age, or the Debilities arising from the Intemperance of Youth, no medicine can be more efficacious than DR ARNOLD'S NERVOUS RERSTORA- TIVE DROPS. They warm and invigorate the whole habit, and speedily remove the unpleasant symptoms common to the weak and nervous, such as Lowness of Spirits, Tremors, Cold Perspirations, Headachs, troublesome Dreams, Indigestion, & c. & c.; and for Gleets and other weakness no medicinc can equal it.— Prepared by Dr Arnold, Whetstone, Middlesex; and sold by Mr SCOTT, Apothecary, South Bridge, Edinburgh— Mr M'Donald, Trongate, Glasgow— and Mr Phorson, Berwick price 5s. 5d.— Where may be had Dr Arnold's Pills, a mild, safe, and infallible remedy, price 5s. 5d. / WORM DESTROYING LOZENGES. NO Disease is more common or more destructive to Children than Worms. The remedy now present- ed to the Public is a Medicine of such peculiar efficacy for destroying every species of Worm, from the Tape to the smallest Stomach Worm, that it has been the means of re- covering men, women, and children, from dangerous dis- eases, occasioned by worms, when almost every other re- medy had failed. The Lozenges are very agreeable to the taste, forming a pleasant Purgative for Children, which gives this Me- dicine an advantage over many nauseous compositions which it is impossible to get children to take. Please to observe, that every paper is signed by the Pa- tentee, JOHN CHING surgeon, and sold in packets, at 6d. and is. each, or in boxer, at 2S. 6d. with printed bills of direc- tions, by R. SCOTT, Apothecary, South Bridge Street, E- dinburgh— also by Mess. R. Walker druggist, Falkirk ; Tho- mas Nimmo druggist, Greenock; Philip Whiteside, Ayr; William Dick, and Isabella Syme, Dundee; James Alexan- der, Dunfermline ; Patrick Craigie Montrose ; James Mac- ready, Kirkcaldy ; Mrs And. Lumsden, and Mr John Peters, Arbroath; Mr G. . Browning, Paisley ; Mess. Morison and Son, Perth ; Mr Thomas Scott, Kelso. AYR RACES, 1797. To be Run for over Ayr Course, Upon TUESDAY the 19th of September curt. A PURSE of FIFTY POUNDS, for all ages, carrying the following weights, viz, 4 years old to carry 8st. olib. 6 years old to carry 9 st. 7 lib. 5 ditto The best of three four mile heats. The Winner of a 50'. this year to carry 3 lib. extra— of two 50l-' s 5 lib.— and of a King's hundred 7 lib. extra, faddles and bridles included. Fillies and Geldings allowed 3 lib. — A L s o — A SWEEPSTAKES for three years, old twenty five Guineas each, three subscribers. Upon WEDNSDay the 20th Sptember, FIFTY POUNDS for all age's, carrying the following weights, viz. 4 years old to carry 7st 10lib. 6 years old to carry 9st. 4lib 5 ditto - 8— 10-,. aged — 9— 7 The best of three four mile heats. Extra weight to he carried as upon Tuesday, by the winners of the plates or purses above mentioned. Upon FrIDAY the 22d of September, the LADIES PURSE of FIFTY POUNDS, for all ages, carrying the following weights viz. years old to carry 7st. 12lib 6 years old, . . ,., ditto - 8— 10— and aged t0 carry The best of three four mile heats. Extra weight to he carried as upon Wednesday and Tuesday, hy the winners of Purses or plates above mentioned. — ALSO— The HUNTERS STAKES of TEN GUINEAS each, four subscribers, will be run for on that day. The Horses, & c, to be entered with the Clerk of the course, on Monday the 18th of September next, in the King's Arms Inn, between five and seven o'clock in the -•• ernoon, paying Two Guineas entrance, and five shillings each to the Clerk. Proper certificates to be then produced to the Stewards; and all disputes or differences that may arise, shall be finally deter- mined by them, or those whom they shall appoint. Booths and Stands to pay five shillings each. *** Balls and Ordinaries as usual during the week. STEWARDS. Sir JAMES BAIRD of Saughtonhall, Bart. Sir HEW DALRYMPLE HAMILTON of Bargeay. Bart. WILLIAM CUNINGHAM, Esq. Enterkine. WILLIAM BLANE, Esq. of Grouty. TO L E T, - THREE SEAMS of COAL in the LANDS of WHIM, in the County of Peebles, and parish of New lands, one from 18 to 24 inches thick, an excellent Forge Coal and as it cakes, makes an agreeable fire in Chambers, and good for culinary purposes. The second Seam, from 2 to 3 feet thick Cherry Coal that has been irregularly wrought, without a le vel, as deep as water would permit.— The third consists of two Seams, each about 18 inches thick, the- one a Splint, the other a Cherry Coal, separated by a stoney substance of about 18 inches thick. Both Seams are wrought together at Collyburn, in the lands of Machiehill. To the first and second of those Seams a level has been dri- n, and the proprietor is willing to pay for driving a level to the third, and for recovering the level to the first seam, which has been lately lost by mismanagement in working the coal, without keeping the level of the seam before the rooms. There are Two Seams of LIMESTONE wrought near to the Coal, in the Lands of Whim, the burning of which con- sumes the small coal, and the demand for both the Coal and Lime will admit of both being wrought to a great extent. Any person desirous to become Tacksman of the Coal may apply for information, as to particulars, to Alexander Katchen, grieve at Whim, or to Lord Chief Baron, the proprietor. And if a Tacksman of the Coal wishes to have a concern in working the Limestone, he may be accommodated. A COMPLETE SOAP WORK, WITH UTENSILS, & c. AT LUGTOUN, NEAR DALKEITH. To be SOLD by public roup, within the house of Robert Da- vidson, vintner in Dalkeith, upon Thursday the 5 th day of October 1797, betwixt one and two afternoon, THE SOAP MANUFACTORY situated upon the east side of the High Street of Lugtoun, with a neat Dwelling- house, Laundry, Wash- house, large Garden. & c. and the whole Utensils presently in the work, as lately occupied by James Slight, soap manufacturer. The whole buildings upon the premises are almost entirely new.— The work is constructed upon the most approved plan and rendered one of the most commodious works of the kind in this country. The Dwelling- house consists of a dining- room, drawing, room, four bed- rooms, kitchen, & c. and' is neatly inclosed to the road with a wall and iron railing. The Garden is large, well inclosed, laid out with taste, and lately stocked with fruit trees and bullies. The Utensils, consisting of three Pans, four set of Vats, Frames, & c. are all in the best order. The upset price is fixed fo low as 1000 Guineas. At same time will be Sold, about 40 Tons of KELP, of ex. cellent quality— Upset price L. J, ios. per ton. Mr Charles Sanderlon, builder in Dalkeith, will show the premises, and give every information ; and the title- deeds will be seen by applying to James Hay, W. S. BY HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF BUCCLEUGH, LORD LIEUTENANT OF TIIE COUNTY OF MID LOTHIAN. AS it is evident, from the riotous and disorderly re- sistance which has taken place in some of the neighbour- ing counties to the execution of the Militia Act, that the most in- famous misrepresentations have been used to mislead the people, and to prejudice them against a measure which but a few months before was loudly demanded by the whole nation, the Lord Lieu- tenant thinks it proper to do all in his power to counteract the efforts of the seditious, and to explain to the people the true meaning of the Militia Act, in so far as they are concerned. When the Act is properly explained to them, he is satisfied that the people themselves will see through the designs of those who have attempted to deceive them, and who would excite them to resist an act which gives to this country a force which na « always been the pride of England, and is justly considered by all ranks there as their best and most constitutional defence. I mo, The whole of Scotland is to raise but 6000 men, while England has at present nearly 50,000 Militia actually embodied, and 60,000 Supplementary or additional Militia, who have been trained and are ready to be called out at a moment's warning. 2do, The age is limited by the act to young men between 19 and 23 inclusive, of all ranks and degrees. This age has ob- viously been selected by the Legislature, in order that the bur- den may fall as lightly as possible on those who are settled in life ; few of that age being married or settled in business. 3I10, In order to make the burden still lighter, several excep- tions are created by the Act, particularly all Articled Clerks and Apprentices, and every man having more than two chil dren born in wedlock. The reason and utility of these excep- tions are obvious, 4to. In fact it is a Volunteer Militia; for it is declared, that, if in any county the requisite number of able and sufficient men shall turn out as Volunteers for the Militia, no ballot shall take place. These Volunteer Militiamen may be of any age, pro- vided they are fit for service, and will be received at any time before the ballot. 5to, In such counties where there shall be a ballot, it is cal- culated that the lot will fall only on one man in 8 or 10 on the lists. 6to, The men so balloted for are not obliged to serve in per- son, but may find substitutes of any age, provided they are fit for fervice. j mo. Neither the whole or any part of the Militia shall on any account be carried or ordered to go out of Scotland. This is expressly enacted by section 55th of the Act; so that the people will see how shamefully they have been deceived by those who would persuade them that they may he sent to Eng-' land or to foreign countries— And so far are they from being liable to be draughted into other regiments, that it is enacted by sect. 34. 8 ™ , That if any Officer or other person shall attempt to enlist any Militiaman into any other Regiment, such Officer shall for every offence forfeit I.. 20 Sterling, and the inlistment is to be void; and further, to prevent the Militiamen, even if in- clined to enlist, from doing fo, they are liable to imprisonment f they impose themselves on Officers, and deny that they are Militiamen. 9no. The pay of the Militiamen is to be the same with the Army, which is now raised to one shilling per day, which be- sides lodging, clothing, and other advantages, makes the situa- tion of a Militiaman superior to most day labourers, and to many kinds of tradesmen. They are further entitled to Chelsea and every other privi- lege belonging to the Militia ot England. IOWO, In England each parish generally subscribes to form a fund for providing substitutes, so that the burden falls very lightly on the men who do not chuse to serve in person. The same mode may be adopted in Scotland. IImo, It is also to be observed, that the officers to be ap- pointed to command the Militia ( if embodied) are to be com- posed of the Gentlemen of landed property in the counties where such companies or corps are to be raised— they will na- turally make the service as little burdensome as possible to those under their command, having a mutual intered with them that rhe country should be as little as possible deprived of their labour and assistance, either as manufacturers or husbandmen. The few upon whom the lot may fall will have an oppor- tunity of making themselves known by their good conduct and regular behaviour to those Gentlemen of property under whose command they may be placed, and by such conduct secure to themselves and their families in future their good will and pa- tronage. After this faithful explanation of the act, and from the ac- counts which the Lotd Lieutenant has received of the general good disposition of the people of this county, his Grace flatters himself, that every thing will' be conducted in Mid Lothian with peace and quietness :— But he thinks it his duty to warn those who may be otherwise disposed, that lie and his Deputies are determined to enforce obedience to the laws of the. laud, and to support the civil powers in the execution of their duty— If after this notice any unlawful opposition or tumult takes place, those concerned will have themselves to blame for. the consequences;— and all persons will take notice, that every landholder and farmer, and every householder, high or low, rich or poor, is liable by law to bear his proportion of any lofs or damage sustained by any person from the violence of a mob. BUCCLEUGH, Lord Lieut. LLOYD's MARINE LIST— SEPT. 1. THE Courageaux privateer, of 8 guns, 10 swivels, and 43 men, from Dunkirk, is blown up in an engagement with the Exeter, Bowes, from Shields, iu the North Sea's.— Only four men saved. The Ann, Coffin, from Honduras to London, is taken and tarried into the Havannah. The William and Francis, Taylor, from Shields to Hambro'; and the Eliza, Goodsman, from Gothenburg to Dunbar, are taken and carried to Norway. . The Mary, Connett, from Limerick to London, is taken by it privateer on the coast of Ireland. The Desire, Coward, from Memel to Pool, was taken on the 12th August by a privateer near Flambro' Head. The Europa, Sorenson, from Copenhagen to the West In- dies, is taken and carried into Grenada. The Active, Siver, from Southampton to Guernsey, is taken and carried to Brest. The Friendship, Bell, from Petersburg to London, is lost near Nixman's Ground, in the Baltic.— Crew saved. The Free Mason, Bloncker, from Baltimore to Bremen, is taken by a French privateer. The Ceres, Robson, from Shields to Copenhagen, is taken by the Courageaux privateer, and sunk. The Daphne, Keatley, from Limerick to London, is taken by L'Oiseau French privateer. The Hilda, I. angburn from Petersburgh to Whitby, is on shore 0n Lausholm, near Wisby, and it is thought will be lost. The Camilla, Rowe, from Halifax to Jamaica, is taken by a French privateer, and carried into St Domingo. The Polly, Webb, from Baltimore to Jamaica; the Nep- tune, O'Connor, from New York to Jamaica.; the Trio, White; and Amazon, , from Jamaica to New York, are taken by privateers. The John; and Eleanor, , from Jamaica to Liverpool, taken by a privateer, is retaken, and arrived at Jamaica. The Impetueux man of War, and the Phaeton and Nymphe frigates, arc arrived at Plymouth from a cruize. The Westmoreland packet is arrived at Plymouth from Ja- maica. The Chesterfield packet, from the Leeward Islands in 33 days, is arrived at Falmouth. Winds at Deal, Aug. 19. S. W. 30. Do. 31. Do. INTELLIGENCE BY THE HAMBURGH MAILS. Italy, August 8. General Buonaparte has offered the Pope to restore him the diamonds and other precious stones, which were valued at eleven millions of livres, for nine millions.:— The offer has been accepted by the Pope, and the jew. eller Sartori, and the banker Turtonia, have been sent from Rome to Milan to transact this business. It is believed that Buonaparte would be willing to sell these diamonds for six millions, sooner than not receive the money. Buonaparte has erected a new Administration for the vicinity of Mantua. The French raise 75,000 livres per month in. this part of the country. The Municipality of Ancona has taken possession of all the Convents in that city, and their revenues. The report is revived, that Buonaparte will make himself the head of the Cisalpine Republic. He was on the 5th inlt. preparing to set out from Milan for Udina. Naples, July 18. A French squadron of eight ships of the line and four frigates, passed, in the night of the 5th of July, the strait between Italy and Sicily.— It is probably intend- ed to join the French Venetian squadron in the Adriatic, And jointly undertake some expedition. It is imagined this is the French squadron which left Toulon on the 29th of June, and was. supposed to be going through the straits of Gibraltar to join the Brest fleet. Frankfort, August 15. It is said, that the courier, who lately passed through Munich, and Augsburg, on his way from Vienna to Paris, carries the Emperor's determination relative to the last disputed points in the negociations at Udina ; To that we expect these negociations must soon be brought to a conclusion, either by a definitive peace, or a rupture. Vienna, Aug. 9. The negociations for peacc continue still so involved in obscurity, that it is extremely difficult to arrive at the knowledge of any certain facts, or form any satis- factory judgment concerning them. According to the latest and most authentic accounts from Italy, the French have not yet made any prepa- rations to give up Mantua to the Austrians. Rein- forcements are in consequence continually marching to our army in Italy. Palma Nuova, and Peschiera have been put in a formidable state of defence by the French ; and more artillery has been sent by them to Verona, Ferrara, & c. Not only troops are continually marching to Italy, but considerable quantities of heavy artillery are daily sending thither. A number of drivers, guides, & c. have this day been engaged for the waggons that are to convey provisions and ammunition. Another letter, same date. The report that the definitive treaty between, France and Austria is already signed, is entirely unfounded. The negociations at Udina between General Clarke and Count Meerfeldt proceed very slowly ; and, on account of several difficulties that had arisen, are en- tirely at a stand. To remove these, application had been made to the Directory at Paris. The Marquis Di Gallo still continues here.— On the 6th inst. an extraordinary courier brought him dis- patches from the Neapolitan Envoy at Paris. These related to the adjustment of the boundaries in Italy.— Our Court, we are assured, makes no difficulty to ac- knowledge the Cisalpine Republic within the limits at first intended to be assigned it; but insists that its bounda- ries shall be distinctly and satisfactorily defined. August ii. Count Cobenzel, who lately arrived here from Peters- burgh, is to go to Lisle, and is expected to set out for that place next Monday. This may be considered as an additional proof of the intimate connexion there is between the negociations carrying on at Lisle and those in Italy. Until now, it was believed that Count Co- benzel was going to the Congress for the peace of the Empire, or else to Udina. A courier lately brought dispatches relative to the negociations in Italy. Had it not been for the mode- ration and prudent conduct of our Plenipotentiaries, it is probable that the negociations would have been abrupt- ly broken off; as Buonaparte had positively insisted on the concession cf certain points. The Directory has, however, now declared that such modifications shall be adopted as will probably remove all difficulties. This day 4000 recruits began their march for the Italian army,. as also 11, ooo men to reinforce our ar- my in Dalmatia. Turin, Aug. 2. Tranquillity is now completely restored in Piedmont, The Marquis of Frimo, with the assistance of some armed citizens, retook, without bloodshed, the rebel- lious town of Asti, which had declared itself indepen- dent and a Republic. At Novara, the houses from which the insurgents had fired upon the soldiers, were given up to plunder, and orders were given to put to death' all who were found with arms in their hands as Enemies to their country. LONDON^ SEPT. 1. —; - v Th is morning letters were received from Holland by a private channel. The following is worthy the at- tention of our readers : Rotterdam, August The plan of the constitution was submittcd to the Pri- mary Assemblies on the 8th of August; and notwith- standing the timely and forcible intimations given by the Minister NOEL to the Convention, of the wishes of the Directory to fee that plan adopted, the provinces of Holland . and Friesland have almost unanimously re- medied it. The decision of all the other provinces is not yet publicly known ; but the friends of freedom, and indeed all parties, consider the'measure as totally lost. A Member of the Convention represented the five proposed Directors as invested with regal authority, which they might abuse, not being under the control of the people, or of either the other legislative branches. The cry of the Five Kings resounded throughout the whole Republic, and contributed not a little to the overthrow of the proposed system ; added to the ex- pences of the new Government, which were estimated at 925,900 guilders per annum for the great officers and representatives . alone. Other weighty objections were also adduced, and circulated by the revolutionary party, who are now grown more numerous and more formi- dable : These deny the existence of Dutch liberty, and no more approve of the French than the English yoke. They call for rigid ( economy, and - for more rigorous measures, as well against the external as the internal enemies of freedom. In the prefent Convention there are no more than 56 republicans ; the other 70 are moderates, aristocrats, and federalists. But the people have elected upwards of 80, from the first party, for the second Assembly, which is to meet in September- of course the revolutionists will have a decided majority in their favour, and will thus be enabled to countenance a new plan of constitution which they have already formed, without the ' concurrence or the advice of the Minister NOEL, or the Paris Directory. The Moderates however, have it in contemplation to revise their old plan, to omit the objectionable passages. and to present it again to the people without delay. But, although the dissolution of the first Convention were even not so near, at hand, they would have little probability of suc cess. At first, the co- operation of the Orange party was confidently expected by the Moderates, but the con. trary turned out to be the fact; and jt, is a matter of fome doubt, if they will not reject hereafter whatever may be offered, that tends to exclude the authority of their beloved Prince. That constitution, the work of fo many months, of so much animosity and debate Was founded on federalism and aristocracy, under the difguife of democracy ; and had thjjs,: perhaps, not deservedly, the indignation of the people. The French privateers now send their prizes into the ports of Holland, where they find more; facility in ob. taining ready money. Within these two months, nine English ships have been fold by their agents in Rot- terdam. The Prussian army in Westphalia does not escape the vigilance of the Republican writers here. It is cer tain that the Generals have orders to march at a mo. ment's notice— but where they do not know : Neither, however, against the French nor the EMPEROR. They fay the STADTHOLDER has powerful friends in France, for which he is indebted to English guineas. . Besides: there are certain articles which yet remain secret; and therefore the friends of liberty have cause for alarm. Hague, August 19. Our fleet still continues in the Texel. On Wed. nesday last fome English men of war were daring enough to advance into the very mouth of the Texel, called Binnegots, but Admiral de WINTER detached some ships of the line against them, under the orders of Cap- tain BUSHMAN, which soon forced them to retreat.— The English fleets have prevented several neutral ves- sels from entering the Texel, and have taken one, Their whole fleet is said to be composed of 32 sail. The new Convention is to hold the first sitting on the ift of September, to consider of a new plan of constitution for the Batavian Republic. The Conven- tion yesterday appointed a commission, consisting of six re- elected deputies, to make the necessary preparations for that purpose. Another cOmmission, composed of four members, was likewise nominated, to receive the report of the Committee for Foreign Affairs, respecting the management of financial matters, as far as they are entrusted to that Committee. The armament in the Texel will probably constitute one of the principal ob jects of the report. Citizen de CASTEELe is the last President of the present Convention, and will, in all probability, be the first of the new one. By the packets which arrived at Dovcr yesterday, Paris papers have been brought up to Monday the 28th inftant inclusive. By these we learn, that all the street journals, which contained the fabricated report of the conclusion of peace, though dated the 27th instant, were hawked about in Paris on Saturday evening the 26th, / and that consequently several of the respectable journals of Sunday were made the dupes of the ma- noeuvre. It may be conceived, that the rumour of a peace, so glorious for France, and so disastrous for . Eng- land, WAS received with joy by the Parisians, Their transports, however, were short- lived, They were un- deceived in the course of the day, and the journals, who,, spread the mercenary tale apologise, each after its own manner, for the error into which they were led. It is still believed that the whole was manufactured for the British market. The design was deep laid, though, like all villainies, it was clumsily executed. A com- mendable resolution is adopted to discover and expose the delinquents. . The Paris journals contain no intelligence of the slighted importance. Paris is quiet. The people read the effusions of both the contending parties with equal apathy, and seem alert only in the pursuit of pleasure, unmixed with politics. On the 26th instant the Directory gave a public au- dience to the different Ambassadors, See. BERNA- DOTTE presented some standards taken by the army of Italy. He made a speech on the occasion, and was replied to by the Prelident LA REVELLIERe LEPAUX. The Council of Five Hundred have resolved to re- peal the article contained in the penal code, by which the Directory is impowered to open letters coming from foreign countries. The new Batavian Convention meets as this day for the first time, to deliberate on the necessary arrange- ments for forming another project of a constitution for the Batavian Republic. Brussels papers to the 27th inst. were received yes- terday. From Vienna, under date of the 13th inst. we learn that General BUONAPARTE had sent to require the Neapolitan Ambassador to return to Udina, in order to continue, an, d to bring to a conclusion, the negocia tions for peace. The Marquis DI GALLO had com- plied with the invitation, and had on the preceding day left Vienna. His IMPERIAL MAJESTY thought pro- per to join to this Minister Baron DEGELMAN, for merly Plenipotentiary at Bade, as well as Mr HOPPE the Secretary of Baron THUGUT. These two latter had also fet off for Udina., BARTHELEMY had sent M. Louis, formerly the Adjutant of M. La FAYETTE, to demand the liberty of the latter ; he carried a letter addressed to his I PERIAL MAJESTY. The army of the Hungarian levy in a mass, have re ceived orders to provide themselves with tents, and every thing necessary for undertaking a campaign, is thought that one column of these troops will go into Carinthia and Stiria, where several inhabitants refuse to pay the contributions. As this army was encamped near Stein, in Angers, and its destination was unknown the Cardinal Primate of Hungary, with some other Deputies, waited on his IMPERIAL MAJESTY, to quest its dissolution ; but his IMPERIAL MAJESTy eX. pressed himself not only unable to comply with the request, but added, that he expected a proportionate number of infantry to be added to it. Letters from Constantinople speak of the progress of the banditti in Romelia as giving the greatest uneasiness to the Porte. They had burned a number of villages near Adrianople. An article from Frankfort of the 22d inst; represent: the King of PRUSSIA as on the point of adopting vigo rous measures against the Bishop of BAMBERG, the treaty between them not having been ratified. It added, the pretensions of the House of Brandenburgh to the city, borough, and convent, of Kitzen, as well as to the eleven parishes belonging to the Bishop of WURTZBURgH, were, more than ever the subject of conversation. Dispatches were yesterday received at Lord GREN- VILLE'S Office, from Sir MORTON EDEN, his Majesty's Ambassador at the Court of Vienna. Yesterday morning the Hon. Mr WESLEY arrived at Dover, with dispatches from Lord MALMESBURY He drove to the private house of Mr Secretary CAN NING, who immediately set out for Holwood, the seat of Mr PITT. So little is the. nature of the dispatches even pretended to be known, that his arrival produced no sensation whatever on the Stock Exchange. The return of the Royal Family from Weymouth is now finally fixed for Saturday fortnight. A messenger arrived at Weymouth about one o'clock on Monday morning* with letters to the Prince of WALES there, which were so urgent, that he had or- ders to call his Royal Highness up in case he should be gone to bed. After the Prince had read them, he dispatched an answer instantly, directed to Capt. CAL- VERT, at Croydon. They are supposed to have related to some military arrangements. On Wednesday the Marquis CORNWALLIS, Earl SPENCER, Mr PITT, Mr DUNDAS, and Mr WIND- HAM, attended at Lord GRENVILLE'S Office, 1 on the subject of the advices received the preceding day from Paris. Mr PITT returned to Holwood in the after- noon, and Mr DUNDaS to Wimbledon. The Commissioners who buy for the Court of Chan- cery closed their purchases on Wednesday last, when 2oq, oool. consols were transferred into their account. This day the market for the reduced Stock Was shut- for six weeks. The issue of Exchequer Bills has been stopped till the month of October next. Letters from Dover state, that a person concerned in the fabrication of the false intelligence inserted in the Paris Gazettes, relative to a peace between this country and France, for the purpose of its being copied into the English papers, is now in custody at Calais. Rear Admiral CHRISTIAN is appointed to succeed Rear Admiral PRINGLE in the command of his Ma- jesty's ships and vessels at the Cape of Good Hope. Seven of the seamen who escaped from the Inflexible man of war, while she was in a state of mutiny at the Nore, were on board the Lynx French privateer when she was captured last week by the Stork sloop of war, Capt. PEARSON, in the Channel. No more of the mutineers are to be tried at Green- hithe. On the conclusion of the trial of the people of the Standard, Vice Admiral PASLEY struck his flag on board the Neptune, which ship, with the Centaur and some others, is under orders to join the Channel fleet. The exchange from Hamburgh still continues to rise in favour of this country every post- day. Last year it was only 33, now it is 38. It is impossible to state a stronger fact of the confidence reposed in this country by foreign nations. It has also another advantage, of, keeping all the gold within ourselves, as no person could now export it without a loss of full 12 per cent. The importation of bullion into this country also continues to be very great. A French cartel is arrived at Plymouth, which sailed from Brest on Tuesday morning. Captain REYNOLDS, of the Amazon, and his third Lieutenant, Purser, and Master, came home in her. Captain REYNOLDS speaks in high terms of the politeness and attention shewn him and his officers whilst prisoners in France, It is evident by the disorders which take place in France, relative to the important subject of black collars, that though the revolution has increased the ferocity of Frenchmen, it has not destroyed their frivolity. As soon as his MAJESTY at Weymouth heard the news of the signing of the preliminaries of peace, he ordered The Lye of the Day as the play of the eyen- ing- The Resistance, French frigate, of 48 guns, which was taken off Brest harbour some time since, after landing her desperate renegadoes in Wales, is now un. der a complete repair at Plymouth, where she will be commissioned as she comes out of dock, and equipt for service. She has been new named the Fishguard. A regular chain of cruizers for the fullest protection of the trade on the eaftern coast of the kingdom, now occupies the following stations : Nore to Harwich Harwich to Yarmouth, Yarmouth to the Wash- way Wainfleet to the Spurnhead, Humber Mouth to Whit- by, Whitby to Sunderland, Sunderland to Berwick Another set- occupy the ports to the Orkney islands. The Jamaica man of war had arrived at Port Royal and left the homeward bound fleet within a few hours sail of Cape Nichola Mole. Accounts have been received at Jamaica by the way of the Havannah, which confirm the melancholy intel ' ligence given in a late Paris paper, of the total destruc- tion of the cities of Cuzeo and Quito, in South Ame rica, by an earthquake. The Monthly Report for August of the state of the British navy, including ships in commission, in ordinary c building . makes the whole number, exclusive of hired armed vessels; seven hundred and sixty- one fighting THE NECOCIATION. [ From the Times.'] What follow are said to be the proportions made by M. LETOURNEUR, in his contre projet delivered to Lord MALMESBURY, as the basis upon which- France would consent to a peace with Great Britain for herself and her allies, Spain and Holland. " France demanded the restitution of all the places taken from her. " The restoration of the ships taken, and the value of those destroyed at Toulon. " The abandonment of the use of the title of King of France". * " An alteration of the navigation act." v In the course of convention, M. LETOURNEUr made some observations respecting the independence of Ireland, which France wished to guarantee. FOR SPAIN : " France demanded the restitution of whatever might be conquered from her during the war, together with the restoration of Gibraltar. 1 FOR HolLANd " France demanded the restitution of Ceylon, the Cape of Good Hope, and all other conquests made from her. . " The restitution of all ships of and compensa. tion for all ships and merchandize stopped and brought into port under the proclamation of his MAJESTY." It is necessary to be understood, that by treaties now existing With Spain and Holland, France is bound not to leave any place belonging to either in the hands of the English ; and that the Directory have very recently made declarations to those powers of their stedfast in- tendon not to do any thing by any peace, contrary ta the ' constitution, or contrary to the existing treaties. It is generally believed that the negociation has not made much progress fince the first projets were delivered by the respective Ambassadors. Couriers have been certainly sent from the Directory to Madrid and this Hague, under tbe pretence of consulting the Ministers of Spain and Holland on the propositions made by Great Britain ; but though there has been abundari time to know the disposition of those two countries, yet we are assured the negociation has been at a perfect stand, and is probably so at this hour. The EMPEROR meanwhile insists upon the complete performance of the preliminary treaty made with BUG. NAPARTE, comprising in it the restitution of Mantua; but above all, the appointment of a Congress, as stipulated to terminate, and adjust the affairs of the Continent and until which it is thought there will not be any definitive treaty signed by the EMPEROR. Should nothing occur before his Majesty returns to town, which holds out the prospect of an honourable peace to this country, we are told that Parliamint will be summoned to meet at fourteen days notice, accord- ing to the tenor of the act passed at the conclusion of the last sessions, when Mr PITT will submit the pro- positions made by the Directory to Parliament, and take the sense of the nation on the wisdom of accepting or rejecting them. The French papers of the 26th ult. contain the fol- lowing article respecting the comet :— « The comet discovered August 14, by citizen BOUVARd, is rapidly removing from the earth. It is now in the arm of Her- cules, and in a few days will be hardly visible." The backwardness of the harvest' this year renders the alteration of the time for the commencement ot partridge shooting from the 1st to the 14th of Septem- ber, not less convenient to the country than favourable to the birds, which are said to be - very numerous. On Wednesday night, between the hours of seven and eight o'clock, as Admiral NUGENT was returning to London with his Lady, and Lady YOuNG, attended by two servants, the carriage was surrounded by nine footpads, about one mile from Egham, who opened the door, and put a pistol to each of their breasts; but up- . on the Admiral remonstrating, and requesting them not 1 to alarm the ladies, and assuring them that Mrs Nu- GENT was very ill, they removed their pistols. They took from them fifty guineas, their watches, trinkets of every sort, and all their baggage. GRANTHAM PACKET. . An account of the capture and re- capture of his Majesty's packet the Grantham. Sunday, July 2. 1797. At nine A. M. in lat. about 13. 1.0. N. long. 58. 20." dist. about 25 leagues from Barbadoes, fell in with a schooner standing to the northward— Down all steer- ing sails, and hauled our wind to the southward ; at noon, finding she did not come up ( after tacking some distance astern of us), we kept away W. S. W. " think- ing to escape ; but perceiving her to chace us, and com- ing up fast, got the ship all ready for defence. About two P. M, the schooner began to fire her bow chace guns. We returned with our stern guns, and conti- nued a running fight about, one hour. Finding no pos- sibility of getting from her, it was thought best before night to bring her to action, which we did, and con- tinued for one hour and three quaters, in the course of which we suffered much in our rigging and sails ; our quarter- deck guns dismounted, and rendered useless, by the carriages breaking, with several wounded, whose names will be hereafter mentioned. Seeing no pro- spect of beating her off, made sail from her in the best manner we could. The privateer dropped astern to re- pair the damage she had received in her rigging ; bus soon recovering themselves, made sail after" us, and coming up briskly under the bloody flag, with intention to board on the quarter, it was thought necessary to heave overboard three heavy mails, with dispatches, and a great number of bags of newspapers, which were completely sunk, and then the colours were hawled down. The above schooner Cezerine privateer is from Gua- daloupe, mounting 14 double fortified four- pounders,, 112 men, commanded by MATHEW GOY. In the action, by their own account, she had her Second- Captain and one black man killed : The First Captain, 4 officers, and S or io men wounded. On our part, a black servant, Capt. MOULTON, Mr BOGLA, and Mr PEDDLEY, passenger, wounded; the servant died of his wounds the next morning. William Panow, Edward Ircie, and William Wells, seamen, wounded. We were carried to Point Petre, and imprisoned there, and afterwards carried to Basseterre, Guadaloupe, from whence the officers, a boy, and some passengers, were sent to Basseterre, St Kitt's, at which place we arrived on Friday July 14. The seamen were detained prisoners at Guadaloupe. The Commander in Chief at St Kitt's has sent a flag of truce for them, which is not yet returned, and I learn that the Grantham is re- taken by the Tamer man of war, Capt. MARTIN, and carried to Martinique. WEST InDIES: The Westmoreland packet, Capt. Dunsterville, 13 arrived at Falmouth from Jamaica and St Domingo, in forty- two days, with dispatches for Government. She brings intelligence of the loss of the Tartar fri- gate, of 28 guns, Capt. Hon. C. ELPHINSTONE, in the West Indies, in cutting out some valuable merchant vessels from under one of the French batteries, in effect- ing which she struck on the rocks, and went to pieces. fortunately all her officers and crew were saved, and' nine of the prizes were taken off, which had arrived safe at St Domingo previous to the sailing of the pac- ket.— The yellow fever is stated to have abated in a great degree. Kingston ( Jamaica), June 17. Saturday arrived at Port Royal, the Spanish cartel sloop Dolphin, from St Jago de Cuba, with the follow- ing gentlemen : Chas. Graham, Esq. taken in the brig Juno, from New York. William M'Ewin, Esq. taken in the schooner Kitty, from ^ Philadelphia. - Peter Sanderson, Esq. taken in the brig Albion. And Captain Cotton, of the American brig Caroline, with five British seamen and two servants. There were sixteen sail of American vessels detained at St Jago de Cuba. Several of the French privateers that are fitted out at St Jago de Cuba are provided only with a few muskets and cutlasses. The brig Almy, Captain CUTTER, which sailed from Falmouth some time since, was taken, carried in there, and condemned. ALEXANDER DONALDSON, Esq. came passenger in the sloop Lively,, from the Mole. Before Mr DONALDSON left Port de Paix, where he was for a considerablc time detained, he learnt that the Republicans, with a strong force, had attacked St Marc's, and were repulsed with the loss of 300 or 400 men. Wednesday morning, at five o'clock, a meeting took place in Hyde- park, between Capt SYMES, of the Light Dragoons, and Mr HORN, of Gray's Inn, in consequence of some intemperate language made use of the preceding evening by the former towards the latter, at the Swan Inn, stew- street. The Captain, however, impressed with a due fenfe of his character as a gentle- man, apologized in the handsomest manner for the harsh expressions made use of by him in a moment of irrita- tion j and the affair was, in conseqence, amicably ad- justed. One day last week, as Mr. SMALL, of Swanscombe, near Dartford, was walking out in the fields, he found a man lying cold and lifeless ; he had him conveyed to the public house near the church, when it appearing to the satisfaction of every person present that he was com- ' pletely dead, the jaw was tied up and the body put into the liable till the Coroner could be sent for ; but to the astonishment of the good people of Swanscombe, the nest morning they found the man alive in the stable, who informed them that he was a drover ; that he was subject to these sort of fits, and has sometimes lain for forty hours together without the least sign of life. Monday died, after'a long illness, BETTY IRCUM, who has for near half a century acted as assistant sexton to the parish church of St James, in Bath. Without being able to read, she could give an account of almost every christening, marriage, or funeral, during the whole of that period— and of the spot where lay the remains of every person buried in the vault or burial ground. POLICE OFFICE, UNION- HALL. CHilD- MURDeR. Special and Freestone, the dustmen, ( an account of whose first examination was given in Thurfday's Cou rant) were again brought up. Mr ALLEY, who at tended as Counsel for them, requested that the Magi- strates would send for the shopman and porter of the house where the dust was taken from, and the body al- leged to have been found, who were accordingly brought up by the officers. Bushby, the porter, was first; put to the bar. On his examination, it came out, in corroboration of what the dustman had declared, that after receiving a cart load cf coals, between the hours of six and feven on Thurf- day morning, and the men who brought them did not go down stairs, but shot them through a place made for the purpose in the shop, the dust cart came, and the prisoners, he believes, were the persons who were with- it. He gave them a light, and shewed them down to the common dust- hole ; proceeded in his business of taking down the shutters, and sweeping up the shop— lad coming up with a basket partly full, he ask if they had done. He said, " Yes." He d, " Have you taken it from under the stairs?" swered in the negative, and the witness shewed- the place ; but he declares upon his oath that he never knew any thing of any child being put there, nor either of the men say to him that they found any thing extraordinary or improper ; for the first time it came to his knowledge was on Thursday night, when his mistress and the ladies were sent for. Thus far he corroborated the former examination of the dustmen the rest was so far new matter, as it went to say that two females only, except those of the family, had visit- r ed there for fome months: One was the mother of one ^ of the young ladies, who calling in one evening was taken ill, and for want of " a coach was obliged to, re f main all night; the other lady was a Mifs P— t, who |, vifited Mr Renaud, the fhopman, and had once made P a drefs for his mlftrefs ; but he had not feen her at their Iioufe for near twelve days before Thurfday until laft night, when fhe called in to fee Mr Renaud, who was confined to his bed. Mr Renaud was then called : He denied any know ledge of the child or its concealment. He admitted that Miss P— rt visited him occasionally, and acknow- ledged that she lived at No. 21. Blenheim- street, Ox- ford street; which the former witnefs could not bring himself to recollect, though he had several times carried notes to her. He appeared Very unwell, and was, at iiis own request, indulged with a chair. Mr ALLEY, as counfel for the dustmen, here argued that they could not be committed for trial on the charge exhibited against them. He was at length stopped by the presiding Magiftrate, who informed him that his arguments in due time should have all due consideration : But that at present, as the men were not intended to be committed for trial, but merely remanded for further examination, they were premature. The Magistrates, at three o'clock, adjourned till se- ven, to allow time for Miss P— t being brought up. The officers sent for her reported, that, after a most diligent inquiry, no such person as Miss P— t could be found at the place mentioned by Renaud j the business of course was adjourned, to give time for her being brought up. _ Whilst we are surrounded with abundance of every species of grain and, pulse, and whilst the meadows are unusually productive of pasture, butchers meat continues at the enormous prices of from 6| d. to 7{ d. per pound! — We are, however, happy to find, that the advice strongly and repeatedly urged, as the only or moll pro- bable means of reducing those prices, has been very ge- nerally adopted; we allude to the increased breed of hogs, which, we are assured, has within the last: eight months been almost trebled 1 The additional quantity of nutritive and palatable meat which will be thus brought to market, during the ensuing winter, is incalculable ; and must bring about a speedy reduction of price in mutton and beef. DIED, At Paris, LOUVET, the author of a work ( Le Recit de mes Peries), which exhibits a picture of the reign of Terror in France,, and the editor of a Paris Journal ( La Sentinelle). Exchange on Hamburgh, - 38 o 2^ Uf. EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT. EDINBURGH— SEPT. 4. EXPEDITION AGAINST TENERIFFE. , Captain WALLER arrived on Friday forenoon, at the Admiralty, with intelligence of the failure of the expedition undertaken by a detachment from Lord ST VINCENT'S fleet, against the island of Teneriffe. Rear- Admiral Sir H. NELSON landed in the night with about eight hundred men, and took possession of the fort, but at day- light he found about eight thousand Spanish troops ready to attack him. The Spanish Commandant sent to him, to say that he was unwilling to shed the blood of brave men, and required him to surrender. The gallant Admiral replied, that he would cut his way back, and would not capitulate while a man was left The Spanifh Commandant acted with a magna- nimity which claims our admiration. He said, that if the English forces would retire quietly to their ships, he would furnish them with boats, their own having been stove. They were thus furnished, and the Spa- niards, in addition, gave to each man a pint of wine, and some biscuit. The Duke of BUCCLEUCH having been Called from his family at Langholm, in- Dumfriesshire, to attend his duty as Lord Lieutenant of the county of Mid- Lothian, the tenantry, and other inhabitants in that part of the country, have voluntarily come forward with an offer of their fervices to the Duchess and her family, in the Duke's absence. We are however happy to learn, that the greatesst quietness prevails in that dis- trict of the country. The Earl of HOME, Lord Lieutenant of Berwick- shire, has had . a return of the militia lists from all the parishes in his county ; and of late the business has been conducted with the greatest tranquillity. On Thursday evening, between six and seven o'clock, the Essex light dragoons, consisting of six troops, and commanded, by Colonel BURGOYNE, marched from Newcastle on their route to Scotland. A very considerable reinforcement of troops are on their march from England to this country, the advanced part of which, consisting of three regiments of light cavalry, and one battalion of infantry, are expected to arrive at Berwick, Carlisle, and Kelso, this day and to- morrow. A precognition has been taken by the Sheriff on the subject of the late riots at New Kilpatrick, preparatory to the trial of some of the rioters before the ensuing Circuit Court of Justiciary. On Saturday morning a troop of the Norfolk dra- goons, stationed in Hamilton barracks, marched through Glasgow for Stirling. Yesterday morning, eight persons ( seven men and a woman), concerned in the late riot at Tranent, were brought to town from Haddington, in two coaches, guarded by a party of the Cinque Port cavalry, and lodged in the tolbooth. The following is inserted from authority In pur paper of Thursday, we gave a statement of the very unpleasant affair which occurred at Tranent, at the meeting of the Deputy- Lieutenants for that di- strict, on Tuefday last. It now becomes our duty to notice the gross and palpable misrepresentations of the affair which have got abroad, and which have been in- dustrioufly circulated, surely not for the best of pur- poses. We allude particularly to the insinuations thrown out relative to the conduct of the military on this and other similar occasions. We can with confidence fay, and our duty requires that we should say, that the mi- litary who were employed on the very disagreeable duty at, Tranent, as well as those in other places who At the Yearly Conference of the Methodist Preachers and Delegates, from the principal societies in the king- dom, lately held at Leeds, they came to a resolution, that if any of the members of their societies should maintain and propagate opinions inimical to the civil government and established religion of the country, they should no longer be considered as " having fellowship or connection with them, but that all such should be desir ed quietly to withdraw, themselves from the societies which, if they refused to do, and continued to act con- trary to the spirit of this resolution, that then they should be forthwith expelled ;' it being unanimoufly de- termined that the societies should not become a nursery Of sedition, or acknowledge the disturbers of the public weal. ' ASSIZE OF BREAD, Set by the Hon. the MAGISTRATES of EDINBURGH, for the City ; md Liberties thereof, to take place upon Monday the 4th of September 1797, and to continue until a new assize be appointed. AVOIRDUPOIS— It. oz. dr. \ ( Signed)"- JAMES LAING..„ SHIP NEWS. ELSINeUR, AUGUST 15. 1797, . to. Ann, Martin, from Grangemouth, for Pctersburgh, ballast 13. Isabella, M Kellegen, from ditto,' ditto, ditto Roman Vasilovitz, Ure, from ditto, ditto, ditto . 14. Elisabeth, Thomson, from ditto, for PUlau, ditto. Downwards, , li. William and Henry., Swinney, from Memel, for Berwick, starves Sussex, Still, from Dantzig, for London, wheat The convoy still remains Wind W. N. W. ELSINEUR, AUGUST 19. 1797. i8. Dauphne, Kinnear, from Dundee, for the Baltic, ballast . Downwards, 16. Adeona, Walker, from Riga, fur Plymouth, hemp 17. Alexander, Young, from ditto, for Lisbon, ditto 18. Commerce, Martin, from Dantzig, for Leith, wheat 19. Henry, Straclian, from Petersburg,- for Grangemouth, sundries The above four vessels remain.— On Wednesday the 16th inst. the Iris and Leopard sailed, with the homeward bound fleet, consisting of about 60 or 70 sail merchantmen. By advices from Bergen, we learn, that the following vessels are cap- tured and carried in there by a Dutch privateer: Harrison, Crickmay, of Yarmouth; William and Francis, Taylor, of Blyth; ahd Eliza, Goods- man, of Dunbar, from Gottenburgh.— Wind W. S. W. ARRIVED AT LEITH, Sept. 1. Roxburgh Packet , Taylor, from London, goods— Ann, Pearson, from Gottenburgh, ditto— Two Brothers, Napier, from Montrose, ditto — z. Diligence, Gamack, from Liverpool, ditto— Helen, Cowan, from Perth, ditto— Jane, Fraser, from Glasgow, ditto— Ceres, Baird, from Greenock^ dltto— Dispatch, Roger, from Arbroath, grain. SAILED, Ceres, Bruce, and Edinburgh Packet, Scott, for London, goods— Bro- thers, Garriock, for Lerwick, ditto— Industry, Skeen, for Glasgow, do. Countess of Sutherland, , for Aberdeen, ditto— Mary- Ann, Cal- lander, for Whitby, ditto— George, Murray, for Glasgow, grain. For Promotions, see last page. PRINTS, PAINTINGS, AND DRAWINGS. Just arrived at MARtIN'S Sale Rooms, South Bridge, ABeautiful Collection of MODERN PRINTS, all to be sold off at the pleasure of the Company, 011 Tuesday the 5th of September, at one o'clock afternoon N. B. Painting, a large Fair in Italy by Gousein, 1666, Por- traits, Oliver Cromwell, Thomas the Rymer, and the Rev. Mr. Henderson, all by Allen. Drawings by Williams, . Paine, & c. & c, TO THE PUBLIC. - PROPOSAL for establishling a PROFESSIONAL CONCERT, on a NEW PLAN, by Subscription, for LADIES and GENTLEMEN. WE, whose names are undersigned, having received an official intimation that the Musical Society will no longer have occasion for our services, humbly beg leave to lay before the Public the following Plan of a NEW CONCERT, which we flatter ourselves will meet with the same generous patronage which we have so often experienced as individuals- it is proposed to have Eighteen Concerts for the Season, Sixteen of which will be given during the Winter, and Two in or about the Race Week; the expcnce of the whole to Subscri- bers will be Three Guineas each, for which every Subscriber will be entitled to his own admission, besides two transferable Tickets. No pains will be spared in contributing to the. public enter- tainment, by Novelty and Variety of every kind; and the aid of New Performers, both vocal and instrumental, will be occa- sionally procured. Subscription Papers are left at the Music Shops, and with the. different Performers underwritten, who will give informa- tion of further particulars. N. T3.— No subscription to be paid till the delivery of th « Tickets for the first Concert. C. & N. CORRI. G. STABILINI. P. URBANI G. SCHETKY. no. 37, North Bridge Street, Sept. 2. 1797. PRESERVATION OF. GAME. THE EARL of BREADALBANE, determin- ed this Season to give a JUBILEE to the GAME upon his Estates in the Counties of Perth and Argyll ( except in so far as liberty is this year granted under his own hand), hopes that Gentlemen, not having such liberty, will prevent the necessity of being challenged. Poachers may depend on being prosecuted with rigour. There is little chance of escaping detection, as the Game- keepers, Ground Officers, Woodkeepers, and Tenants in every quarter have strict orders. PRESERVATION OF. GAME. COLONEL HAMILTON of PENCAIT- LAND, wishing to preserve the Game on his Grounds in East Lothian, hopes that no Gentleman will shoot or course upon them this season.— Unqualified persons may depend on being prosecuted, if detected. . STOLEN OR STRAYED, On the night betwixt Thursday the 31st August, and Friday the 1st of September curt, from Quarryhead, in parish of Car- myllie, county of Angus, TWO TWO- YEARS OLD STOTS, one a yel- low broked fore- horned, the other a black broked one, something wide horned and thick in the horn.— It is believed that these cattle were stolen by a man of low stature, on a little grey horse, and driven to some of the markets in the well country.' Any person who can give information to David An- derson in Linn, by Arbroath, so as the Stots may be recovered shall be handsomely rewarded. Sept. 2. 1797. EASDALE SLATES AT GRANGEMOUTH. To be SOLD, From 60,000 to 70,000 best easdale SLATES by retail, on account of the importer, at the low price of 48s. per thousand. Apply to Mr Colin M'Nab, Grangemouth. At LEITH— For LONDON, The Union Company's Smack, roxburgh packet, JA. TAYLOR Master, Will take in goods till Wednesday afternoon, at one o'clock, when she will positively sail. Union Shipping Company's Office, Leitb, Sept 4. 1797. FOR HAMBURG, THE BRIG- GEORGE & MARY, Capt. JAMES HOgG, Will be ready to take on boatd goods on the ( th, and sail on the 15th curt. For freight or passage apply to Waters, Mow- bray, and Cathcart, We are sorry to add, that in this unfortunate expe- dition, Rear Admiral NELSON had his right hand so shattered, that an amputation became necessary upon getting on board his ship. Captain BOWEN, of the Terpsichore, with several officers, was killed ; and Captain FREEMANTLE, of the Sea Horse, with se- veral other officers, wounded.— About two hundred- of the British were killed and wounded in all. The intelligence brought by the Paris papers and Hamburgh mail, which is no way important, will be found in the preceding columns. The dispatches which were received by Government on Thursday from Lisle, are supposed to be not very favourable to the hopes of peace. The French Direc- tory, flattering themselves that they are possessed of a power which the Legislative Body are not capable of wresting out of their hands, continue very high in their terms, which are said to be those that appear under the head Negotiation, in another part of this paper ;— but this, like what has hitherto appeared on the subject, is most probably mere conjecture. The negotiations for peace assume so many different aspects, that we scarcely dare to hazard even a con- jecture respecting their probable issue. One day every thing indicates peace ; the next shews an impossibility of avoiding a further prosecution of the war. One time we find that France, insists upon the re- storation of Ceylon and the Cape of Good Hope to Holland, as an indispensable condition of peace. At another, we are told, that at the desire of Spain, the French give up this point, and talk only of some equi- valent. With respeCt to peace between France and Austria, the uncertainty appears to be, if possible, still greater. have been required to assist the Civil Magistrate in the execution of their duty, have conducted themselves with the greatest forbearance and humanity,— and that in the face of provocation the molt aggravated, the most intolerable. Of this the gentlemen employed in giving effect to the militia aCt are sufficiently sensible, nor have they been backward publicly to acknowledge it. Out of many instances that might be noticed, we se- lect one honourable testimony to the conduCt of the military. « Moffat, Sept. 1. 1797. j " Mr GREIG, Deputy- Lieutenant for this distriCt of the county of Dumfries, in his own name, and in name of the Gentlemen, Justices of the Peace, who at- tended the meeting held yesterday at Boreland of Dryse, for the purpose of carrying into execution the Militia Act for Scotland, begs leave to return his best thanks and warmest acknowledgements to Capt. WILLIAM ANDERSON, who commanded a small detachment of the Lancashire Fencible Cavalry, for his very spirited and soldier- like behaviour, and to the men under his command, for their alacrity and bravery, in dispersing and completely subjecting a disorderly mob assembled there, for the evident purpofe of obstruCting the Magi- strates in the difcharge of their duty, in carrying the said aCt into execution ; and Mr GREIG and the other Magistrates feel themselves particularly called upon to thank Capt. ANDERSON, and the brave soldiers under his command, for uniting humanity with courage, and compassion with a faithful discharge of duty, by which many lives were saved. " Mr GREIG and the other gentlemen of the meet- ing have to regret the wounds and insults received by the Captain and the men under his command." One day we are informed that tne definitive treaty, is actually signed ; the next brings us intelligence of the,. march of troops, and of the approaching recommence- ment of hostilities. . This much, however, is certain, that the EMPEROR is taking every precaution to make the approaches of the enemy to his hereditary provinces as difficult as possible ; and that his preparations for the continuance of the war are carried on with much greater activity and dispatch than the negotiations for peace. On the | side of Italy, reinforcements of Austrian troops are daily arriving, to strengthen the posts occupied by the Imperial armies. In those parts of Germany through which the French army of the Rhine might endeavour to penetrate to Vienna, the greatest exertions have lately been made to fortify the passes on that route. At Ulm, the fortifica- tions have been put in the most complete repair, and several new works added to them ; and no less atten- tion has been bestowed upon those of Ingolstadt, the garrison of which town is immediately to be doubled. It is stated, that at opening the negotiations at Lisle, Lord MALMESBURY had insisted as a prefatory ar- rangement, that the Directory should not publish the terms of any pacification with the allies of England, until the negotiations at Lisle should end one way or other. The following letter from an officer on board the Russel man of war, contains the latest accounts from Admiral DUNCAN'S fleet: " At anchor, Texel, Monday, 28th Aug. " Very little has occurred since my last, 29th ult.— We have never been ten leagues from the Texel, and are now in sight of the Dutch fleet, with a fair wind for them to come out. We have just had a supply of water, provisions, and live flock, and are completely happy. Two ships of 64 guns joined us to- day, which makes our force twenty sail of the line. Our cruize will be for another month certain, more if required but there is not any hope of the Dutch coming out." On Friday last Mrs WAUChOPe of Niddry was safely de- livered of a son and daughter. On Sunday the 17th ult, died, at Brechin, Mr WILLIAM BLACK, writer there. Tuesday died, at Cartnavel, much regretted, Mr JOHN PATERSON farmer. The trial of Thomas and David Urquhart, late of the Port- office, Kirkwall, commenced this day before the High Court of Justiciary.— Particulars in our next. , On Saturday forenoon a young boy fell overboard ; vessel in Leith harbour, and though every effort \ va: made to save him, was unfortunately drowned. The body was not found for several hours. . We insert with pleasure the following letter from Stirling, because the transactions of which it gives an account do honour to all concerned in them. It may be useful to communicate to the public, through the channel of your paper, the following in- stance of gratitude and respeCt, which were lately paid to the venerable master of our grammar school: The extensive and profound erudition of Dr DOIG are very generally known ; but it is likewise known, that eru- dition cannot always submit to the drudgery of instruc- ting ignorance. That the DoCtor, however, by wan- dering through the flowery fields of literature, has not negleCted the duties of his office, a better proof cannot be given, than that on the 19th of August, after 37 years labour in Stirling, he received from the Magi- strates and Town Council a handsome pecuniary pre- sent; and from some Gentlemen, who had formerly been his pupils, a large silver cup, with a classical in- scription expressive of his merits, and of their sense of the benefits which they had reaped from his instruc- tions. These marks of attention, whilst they must be peculiarly grateful to the old man himself, may serve, when generally known, another good purpose— they may show that schoolmasters in Scotland, though they be not richly endowed, may yet command respeCt when they add diligence in duty to the learning of their pro- fession." Letters dated June 17th were on Saturday received by the Secretary of the Glasgow Missionary Society, from Mess. DUNCAN CAMPBELL and ROBERT HEN- DERSON, Missionaries. They had an agreeable passage from Liverpool to Sierra Leone in Africa, of 23 days only. They were kindly received by the Governor, i Mr M'AULAY, and were introduced by him to the King of the country, about fifty miles thence, where they are to be stationed. They have been visited with the seasoning fever, as Europeans usually are in that climate, but are better, and are now busy learning the Turimang language. They have already made some progress in it, and hope to be able soon to address the people in their own tongue. ELSINEUR— AUG. 15 On Saturday morning the French privateer La Cou- rageux, fell in with the Exeter, Alex. Bowes, and St John, John Pringle, both from Newcastle, with coals, off the Scaw. The Exeter kept up an engage- ment with the privateer for an hour and a half, when the privateer blew up, and all hands perished, except a Lieutenant and three men, who were picked up by the St John after the expsosion. Both the above vessels: arrived here yesterday. The Courageaux is the pri- vateer that has burnt and sunk so many vessels the Cattagate this season. From the' LONDON GAZETTE. WAR- OFFICE, Aug. 29. 3d Dragoon Guards— Assistant Surgeon Wm. Marsden to be Surgeon, vice Scott, who is placed 0n the retired list. 3d Dragoons— Lieut. Godfrey Basil Mundy to be Captain, by purchase, vice Parslow, who retires. Cornet Frederick Lei- cester to be Lieutenant, vice Mundy. 20th Light Dragoons— Sam. Whitehorne Rose to be Cornet, by purchale, vice Ross, who retires. 26th ditto— Surgeon en Seconde John Meade to be Assistant Surgeon. 3d foot Guards— Ensign Brownlow Bate Neville to be Lieu- tenant, without purchase, vice Anstruther, promoted in the 66th. George Graham to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Smyth, promoted. 1st Bat. 1st Foot— Ensign Henry Nicholson to be Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Garstin , promoted in the 41st foot. Ensign John Blair to be Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Petrie, promo- ted in the 79th. 3d Foot— Ensigh Peter Webster to be Lieutenant, without purchase, vice Campbell, promoted in the 48th. Volunteer James Foster to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Webster. Serjeant John Wilson to be Quarter- Master, without purchase, vice Hawkins, promoted. 14th ditto— Ensign Wm. Shea to be Lieutenant, vice Ham- mel, deceased. Lieut. George Morris to be Adjutant, vice Hammel, deceased. 21st ditto— Lieut. Tho. Mittam to be Captain, by purchase, vice Gore, who retires. Second Lieut. Andrew Lee to be First Lieutenant, by purchase, vice- Maxwell, who retires. 24th ditto— John Langdale to be Ensign, by purchafe, vice Thomas, promoted in the 10th dragoons. 26th ditto— Gregory Way to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Gilford, promoted. 44th ditto— Ensign Wm. H. Willis, from Major- General Whyte's regiment, to be Lieutenant, without purchase. 45th ditto— Capt. Tho. Cuninghame, from Major- General Whyte's regiment, to be Captain- Lieutenant, vice Brown, who exchanges. ,50th ditto— Lieut. Alex. Monro, from the half- psy of the 12h foot, to be Lieutenant, vice Stephens, who exchanges. 51st ditto— Serjeant- Major Abraham Robinson to be Adju- tant, vice Ferguson, who resigns. 57th ditto— Harry Syle to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Ellis, removed to the invalids. 59th ditto— Surgeon's Mate Alex. M'Kenzie to be Assistant fSurgeon. 60th ditto— Ensign Samuel Brewster, from the 81st, to be Ensign, vice Fordyce, who exchanges. 63d ditto— Robert Saunders to be Ensign, vice Dixon, su- perseded. Cha. Frederick Hamilton to be Ensign, vice Bowles, iuperfeded. 81ft ditto— Ensign Alex. Fordyce, from the 60th, to be En. sign, vice Brewster, who exchanges. Major- Gen. Whyte's Regiment. Capt.- Lieut. Robert Brown, from the 45th foot, to be Cap- tain of a company, vice Cuninghame, who exchanges. Wm. H. Willis to be Ensign, vice Reid, promoted. MEMORANDUM. The following Officers of the 63d regiment of foot are super- seded,. never having joined tbe regiment, viz. I. ieuts. Emanuel Hutchinson, Young, and Fran. Eard. ley. Ensigns Dixon and Bowles. SOMERSET COUNTY ASSIZES. BREACH OF PROMISE OF MARRIAGE. KNIGHT V. TUCKER. The plaintiff was. the eldest daughter of Mr Knight of Axminster, a gentleman of considerable property, apd a steward to a nobleman. The young lady is a- bout 27 years of age, extremely beautiful, highly ac complished, and, it appeared on trial, of most engaging manners. They are of the Roman Catholic persuasion. The Rev. Mr Tucker is a clergyman of the Church of England, with some property, great expectations, and nearly of the same age. The damages laid were 1o, oool. It appeared the parties resided near each other, and from early age a mutual regard was formed, which, in the course of years, increased to ardent affection. The • only objection to the union was upon the score of re ligion, which separated the parties for two or three years. The fathers, however, finding the happiness of their children depended wholly upon their being uni ted, mutually consented to accomplish their wishes. Before the ceremony could take place, the father of the defendant died ; notwithstanding which, every thing seemed in a train to complete their felicity. Settle' nients were made, and even the day fixed ; when un fortunately a trifling dispute about a wall took place, in which Mr Knight hastily cast some harsh reflections on the veracity of the defendant's late father, which Mr Tucker could not brook ; he immediately left the room, and never entered the house again. It came out on the trial, that the plaintiff had de clared she never would have any further intercourse with Mr Tucker, unless he submitted to beg her father's pardon upon his knees. This Mr Tucker thought too abjeCt and humiliating, as he did not consider himself the ag- gressor. The match was from that day broke off. In six months after, Mr Tucker, for the first time, saw another young lady, whom, in the course of a year, he married. Proof was adduced, that he did it not from any lucrative motive, Mrs Tucker being then in pos- session of very small property. Mr ERSKINE was near two hours upon his legs, and he effectually served the cause of his client, by shewing that the breach was not to be attributed solely to the defendant, but to the plaintiff and her father, whom he, in the course of his energetic defence, severely repro- bated. The evidence he brought forward corrobo- rated what he had advanced, to the satisfaCtion of the jury, who, after a short deliberation, returned a verdict for the defendant. Mr Tucker, rather than have so delicate a matter brought before the public, generously offered Mr Knight 1000I. and all costs, the night previous to the trial, which was refused. Mr Erskine received a fee of three hundred pounds. At. Stafford assizes, which commenced on Wednes- day the 23d inst. Lord KENYON presided at the nisi prius bar, and Baron PERRYN at the criminal bar.— THOMAS WILMOT OLIVER, charged with the wilful murder of Mr WOOD, by shooting him on Friday the . 27th day of January last, was, after a trial of upwards of nine hours, found guilty, and sentenced to suffer death on Monday, and his body to be. delivered to the surgeons for dissection. A plea of infanity was brought forward, which was endeavoured to be proved heredi- tary ; and DoCtors Johnstone and Arnold, who had examined Mr O. in vain for him gave evidence tending to prove a mental derangement. In the distraction oc- casioned by disappointed love, Mr O. committed the crime for which he suffers. The daughter of Mr WOOD was the objeCt of his unfortunate affection. TWEEDSiDE AGRICULTURE, & e. FOR AUGUST. Hay harvest is almost concluded, the hay sound, and some. - what beyond an ordinary crop, the price running from 4d. to 5d. per ( tone from the field. Corn harvest of early grains upon the early lands is little more than begun, and will not be general or constant for two weeks to come. - This whole distress has been effected by the rains, and especially by the heavy fall of Friday the 18th ult. more however with the late and luxuriant, than the early and thinner crops, and more upon the clay than the light lands. The year's increase will therefore, in all probability, vary considerably; it promises to be good, with the crops now fully or nearly ripe; tolerable with the backward crops still conti- nuing to keep afoot, but indifferent with the late and luxuriant, where lodged beyond recovery by the weather. Pease and beans seem, upon the whole, the favourites of this season, and next to them the turnip, so far as it has as yet come even upon the clay lands, where the plant, at one time declin- ing, again resumes a refreshed and lively colour. The most difficult operation of the month has been the clean- ing the wheat fallows, a labour which has met with much in- terruption, and is as yet imperfectly performed. Prices of grain and stock approach nearer to each other, the former rising. TO THE PRINTER. SIR, I OBSERVE in your paper of the 17th curt, a num- ber of observations on the advantages which would arife from an Earlier Commencement of the Harvest. It it is truly ridiculous, to fee the leffons daily offered to Farmers from Ignorant Speculators. We are often directed to sow sooner, without minding the condition of the land, which alone makes the season for sowing. And here we are told, that if we would cut our crop eight days sooner than our experience dictates to be most for our own, and the interest of the country, we would save shaking, expence of cutting, and improve the grain Whatever may be in the first observation, the second certainly very absurd. For, if all Farmers were to commence shearing at Whitsunday, what difference could that possibly make of the expence. But the au- thor, wisely judging, that very few indeed will follow his advice, these few, he naturally concludes, will have no demand for shearers when the harvest commences, ha- ving cut their crops in Summer! Experience is gradually convincing Farmers, that the riper Dutch Oats are, they produce the more meal; and though they shake freely when ripe, he takes his chance of that rather than cut them too green. All oats suffer beyond computation by being green cut. The experience of the baker who manufactures his wheat, and of the breWer who malts his barley, both concur in preventing them from being GENUINE ESSENCE OF AMERICAN SPRUCE. THE Public are respeCtfully informed, That the Essence of Canadian Spruce, as prepared by the late inventor and patentee, Mr Henry Taylor of Quebec, is sold by appointment, by R. SCOTT, Druggist, Edinburgh ; Mr Dick surgeon, Dundee; Mr Dempster surgeon, Cupar ; and Mr Dickson druggist, Dumfries. That the reputation which this Essenee has justly acquired as a powerful Antiscorbutic, and effectual remedy of all complaints arising from a vitiated state of juices, may nbt be injured by the pernicious effects of a spiirious sort that has been introduced since the consumption became so general; the label on every pot will, in future, be signed by Htnry Taylor, son of the late Patentee. It is put up in pots at as. 6d. hitherto sold at 3s, 6d. and in proportion for larger fizes, with directions for making it into beer. BY ORDER of the TRUSTEES for putting in Execution the feveral ACts for Making and Repairing the HIGH ROADS in the COUNTY of EDINBURGH. NOTICE is hereby given, in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Houfe of Commons, THAT thefe Truftees INTEND TO APPLY by Petition to Parlia- ment, during the enfuing feflion, FOR AN ACT to amend, enlarge, and render more effectual the feveral ACts presently in force for making and repairing the Roads within the said County of Edinburgh; AND PARTICULARLY for the fol- lowing. among other purposes: 1. For power and authority to erect Toll Bars and Toll Houses upon or near the Bridge ereCting over the river North Esk at Elginhaugh, within the parishes of I. asswade and Dal- keith, and upon or near the Bridge ereCting over the river of South Esk, betwixt Shank: and Harvieston, within the refpec- tive parishes of Borthwick, Temple, and Newbottle, or one or other of them; and for taking and exacting, for a limited time, certain rates of, pontage from all carts, carriages, horfes, and other cattle passing these bars, over and above all other tolls exaCted and paid within the said county of Edinburgh; but with a provision, that persons paying at one of these bars shall be allowed to pass free at the other. 2. For similar power and authority to erect Toll Bars and Toll Houses at or near the Bridge proposed to be erected over the river of North Esk at Kirketle Mill, in the parishes of Lasswade and Primrose, alias Carington, or one or other of them ; and to exaCt and take, for a limited time, similar rates of pontage at these bars. 3. To explain the ACts prefently in force, so far as regards the making a Communication from Leith Walk to the Port FARMS TO LET IN ARGYLLSHIRE. THE different FARMS of the Estate of KINger- loch, in the parish of Appin and Lesmore, to be LET for such a number of years as shall be agreed upon— entry at Whitsunday 1798. These lands are equally well adapted for sheep and black cattle, are of superior quality, very extensive, and stretch along the branch of the sea going to Fort William. v For particulars apply to Donald M'Lean, Esq. of Kinger- loch, the proprietor, by Strontian, who will shew tbe lands- Mr Donald M'Intyre jun. at Callendar of Monteith ; or to John Campbell jun. W. S. Edinburgh. cut too green :— But there is a good medium. The Farmers are abundantly assiduous in all the essentials, nay, the minutiae of their business, and, if they ; any danger with regard to shearing, the bias, at least in the part of the country where I reside, lies to that side to which our author is attempting to, draw them August 29. 1797. I am, & c. A FARMER. The best Cordial ever yet invented, for removing almost every Disorder incidental to Human Nature, is Dr BRODUM'S Resto- rative Nervous Cordial. Its healing qualities are universally known ; indeed they have never yet failed of the desired effect in Putrid and Malignant Fevers, in all Nervous Complaints, Lowness of Spirits, Consumptions, Cholics, Bile, Rheumatism. Indeed we may say, in every internal disorder appertaining to the Head, Stomach, and Bowels, this Cordial has always proved successful; it has cured thousands, and thousands it will yet re- lieve. Those who value life should not be without it; it comes recommended to them by some most respectable, authorities, and has authenticated proofs to substantiate, that all which is said in its favour is founded 0n the basis of truth. It is also recommended to the Public to purchase the Doctor's Guide to Old Age; and a most excellent guide it is to steer mankind from death, until, by the course of nature, our lamp of existence shall expire. One great proof of the esteem in which this book is held, is, that several persons ( Literary Thieves we may call them) have purloined whole pages from it, and now sell it as their own work. It is therefore necessary to say, " Be- ware of Counterfeits." The above Cordial is to be bad of J. BAXTER, Italian Warehouse, South Bridge, Edinburgh— J. Chalmers, Aberdeen— and J. Mennons, Glasgow— in il. is, us. 6d. and 5s. 5A. bottles. SEQUESTRATIONS, & c. Creditors of " John Morison ts* Co. late merchants in Glasgow, to meet in John Lochhead's, vintner there, 15th September, at one o'clock, to authorise a sale of the outstancing debts— No di- vidend at next statutory period of division. Creditors of Peter Fisher, bleacher at Rutherglen, to meet in Mrs Lamont's, vintner in Glasgow, 29th September, at two o'clock, to give instructions to Francis Blaikie, merchant in Glas- gow, the trustee— Claims to be lodged betwixt and 16th April. Aug. 25. Alex. Maitland. cattle dealer in Licklyhead, in the county of Aberdeen— Creditors to meet in George Moir's, vint- ner in Aberdeen, 8th September, at II noon, to name a factor; and at same place and hour, 6th October, to chuse a trustee. PITTENCRIEFF FOR SALE. THESE Lands lie in the county of Fife, in the vi- cinity of the populous town of Dunfermline. The pre- sent free rent is about 1100l. per ann. The elegant and beautiful situation of this estate is so well known, as to require neither defcription nor embellishmcnt in an - advertisement. Part, or the whole of the price may remain in a purchaser's I hands for fome time. AlSO TO BE sold, The SUPERIORITY of the LANDS of EAST BALD- i RIDGE, in the same county, paying a feu- duty of 351. Sterling, | and 21 bolls barley; together with the SUPERIORITY of the LANDS of BLACKBURN, and the Inns of lnverkeithing— I together making up a Freehold Qualification 011 the valued rent. The rentals of the lands and farther information will be ob- j tained by applying to John Taylor, W. S.— or Robert Scotland, Dunfermline. and Harbour of Newhaven, within the parises of North Leith and St Cuthbert's, and cresting a Bridge upon that road over the Water of Leith at Bonington Mills ; OR for conferring upon the Trustees the necessary powers for making such com- munication and bridge;— as also for power and authority to take off the Corner of a Garden near Leith Walk, belonging to William Dumbreck, hotel- keeper in Edinburgh, and to remove all other obstructions in the way of said communication from Leith Walk to Newhaven— And with power, so soon as the above mentioned bridge over the water of Leith is erected, to place Toll Bars and Toll Houses upon or near the same, and to take and exact, for a limited time, certain rates of pontage from all carts, carriages, horses, and other cattle, and from foot pas- sengers passing these bars, over and above all other tolls ex- acted and paid within the said county. 4. To remove, in whole or in part, the exemption in favour of carts and carriages with broad wheels, and, for imposing cer- tain tolls or duties upon such carts and carriages at all the toil bars within the county. 5. For authority to exact the Double of the Tolls exigible within the county of Edinburgh, at all the Gates or Bars around Edinburgh, and within two miles thereof, and at a bar or bars to be erected across the road to Leith bv Leith Walk, and on the Easter Road thereto, within the parishes of South Leith, St Cuthbert's, and Canongate, for all carts, carriages, horses, and other cattle passing these bars upou Sunday, and not going to or returning from church, pasturage, or watering places. 6. For explaining the powers of the Trustees relative to the erec- tion of toll bars within the county, and for regulating the mode issuing pass tickets, when these bars shall be erected within six miles of each other. 7. For enlarging the powers of the Trustees as to the taking down and removing of houses. 8. For authority to borrow upon the security of t. he tolls within the said county, a certain additional sum of money, over and above the sums already borrowed, or authorised to be bor- rowed, by the former acts of Parliament; to be applied for the better repairing, and keeping in repair, the roads within the said county.— And Lastly. For obtaining a prolongation, for a limited time, of the term or terms of the acts now in force. THOM. CRANSTOUN, Clk. to the Trustees. LANDS IN THE PARISH OF TANNADICE AND COUNTY OF FORFAR. To be SOLD, together or separately as purchasers incline; the time and place to be mentioned in a future advertisement, THE FARMS of MURRIEHILLOCK and MARKHOUSE, HOWMUlR, BARNYARDS, CRAIG- HALL, and OVER BALGIlLS, containing about 670 acres of fine arable land, 67 acres pasture, and 382 acres of muir. These lands lie ail contiguous, are pleasantly situated in fine sporting country, bounded on the fouth by the river South- esk, and on the north by the Noran, a fine trouting stream.— The lands hold of the Crown, and are valued in the cess books at 666L 13s. 4d. Scots; are at present low rented, extremely improveable, and situated at no great distance from manure, being six miles from Forfar, five from Brechin," and five from Kirriemuir. The new turnpike road from Forfar to Brechin passes through the lands. Persons desirous of further information may apply to Mr Carnegie, the proprietor, at Balnamoon, near Brechin, or to Alexander Ritchie, town- clerk of Brechin. LANDS TO BE SOLD. To be Sold by public voluntary roup, within the King's Arms Inn, Dumfries, ou Tuesday the 26th September 1797, be- tween the hours of five aud six afternoon, THE FOLLOWING SUBJECTS, viz.. 1 LOT I.— The MAINS of KNOCKSHINNOCH, as pre- sently possessed by Samuel M'Birnie, at the yearly rent of lool. These lands lie in the parish of Kirkpatrick- Irongray and stewartry of Kirkcudbright; are held of a subject superior for pament of 5s. i^ d. of feu- duty. The teinds are valued, and there is a right to them. There are 132 acres or thereby of very good arable and mea- dow land, including about five acres of moss, and are inclofed and subdivided by stone fences, situated within five miles of the town of Dumfries, to which there is an excellent road; and, besides fome Old Wood about the houses, there is a very- thriv - ing Plantation of about twelve acres. The lease to the present tenant expires at Whitsunday 1793. II.— These THREE INCLOSURES of LAND, lying with- in the territory of the burgh of Dumfries, presently possessed by James Baxter carrier, at the yearly rent of 15I. Sterling, and consisting of six acres of land or thereby. til. A MOSS in LOCHERMOSS, within the territory of the said burgh, containing two acres one road and sixteen falls, or thereby, presently possessed by —— at il. The articles of roup and title- deeds may be seen in the hands of Hugh Corrie and James Gilchrist, writers to the signet, Edin- burgh ; or Tho. Goldie, Commissary ol Dumfries, who is also possessed of the current tacks or sets of the subjects. SLATE QUARRY OP BALCHELISH, To be LET for such a number of years as can be agreed on from Whitsunday 1798. THE SLATES quarried at BALCHELISH. are in point of quality allowed to be inferior to none in the Highlands of Scotland. The quarry is within a hun- dred yards of the sea, upon that arm thereof called Lochlin and Lochliven, dividing the county of Argyle from that of Inverness. Ships of large dimension can place themselves clofe to the shore in good anchorage ground, within a most safe harbour, where they lie in the greatest security, as well in winter as in summer; and a quay, already half formed by nature, may be erected at a very small expence immedi- ately below the quarry. ' The rock, which is of a beautiful blue slate, is inexhaustible, presenting a face of some hundred yards of an uninterrupted quarry where it is now opened which, owing to its situation, at the base of a steep hill, can be carried to double the present extent of surfacc upon a na- tural level. The Mains of Laroch, extending to some hundred Scots acres of arable and meadow land, are to be Let along with the flate quarry, for the accommodation of the workmen.— On the mains was lately built a neat commodious Dwelling- house, presentfy occupied by Mr Stevenson tbe tacksman, with a sufficient steading of office houfes, buiit with stone and lime, and the workmens houses are in general in good order. The premises have the further advantage of being in a country abounding with lime stone, which can be had without any other expence than the burning and the gather- ing of it; and, if offerers incline, they may be further ac- commodated with an extensive farm, fit for the pasture of sheep and black cattle. „ Few undertakings promise more advantage to mercantile adventurers, whose dealings and transactions enable them to reap the full benefit of it by forming proper correspond- ence with different countries, than the present— to those it is an object worthy of attention. For further particulars application may be made to Capt. Dugald Stewart of the Invalids, at Fort Augustus; or to Coll Macdonald, writer to the signet, Edinburgh; to either of whom proposals are to be made, ' which, in cafe of not being accepted, shall be kept secret, if required. TO BE SOLD By public voluntary roup, within the Royal Exchange Cof- feehouse, Edinburgh, 011 Monday tbe 20th November 1797, between the hours of one and four afternoon, THE LANDS & ESTATE of LOCHALSH situated on the West Coast of the county of Ross. This estate is bounded on the south and south- east by Loch Duich and Loch Loung; on the west by that part of the Sound of Skye called Kylchaken ; on the north by Loch- carron and the property of Mr Matheson of Attadale; and 011 the east by Mr Mackenzie of Hilton and Mr Mackenzie of Fairburn's properties in the county of Ross, and part of Lovat's property in the county of Inverness. The coaft, which is washed hy Lochcarron, the Sound of Skye, Loch Duich, and Loch Loung, extends to a length of 40 miles. There are several extensive and thriving inclosures of na- tural oak wood, which, from their situation near the coast, will be of great value; besides a considerable quantity of full grown timber of various kinds, on different parts of the shores. The soil of the low parts is very capable of im- provement, and there is along the coast an inexhaustible fund of shelly sand. The grazings, and the breed of cattle on them, are beyond competition or dispute the best in the High- lands. The lands will be sold either in whole, or in such lots as may seem most likely to accommodate intending offerers. In case of a sale in lots, the following subdivision is proposed : The lands may at same time, with equal convenience, be di- vided into four or six lots, with each a Freehold Qualifica- tion Lot 1.— NONOCH, POLLENTARIE, AUCHNA- BEINE, and SALLACH1E. Rent L. 129. Lot. II.— CONCHRA— L. 81, 17s. 2d. Lot III.— ARDELVE, with the Ferry & House— L. 147. Lot IV.— ACHTERTYRE, with the Mill— L. 150, 17s and 2d. Lot v.— RARAIG, KIRKTOWN, and ARDBILL, with the Inn of Kirktown, subject to the burden of the Mi- nister's glebe— L. 105, 17s. 2d. Lot VI.— BALMACARRO, with the House— L. 90. Lot VII.— KYLE, with the Ferry and Inn— L. 44- 14s. and 3d. Lot VIII.— ERBESAIG & DURNINISH— L. 74, us. ; d. Lot IX.— PLOCK and ACHNADARROCH— L. 181, 8s. 7d. Lot X.— FERNAIG & BRAINTRAE— L. 155, as. io^ d. Lot XI.— AUCHMORE, with the Inn, & ARDNARFF, — 1.- 131, 4s. The lands of Raraig and Kirktown are under lease to the minister during his incumbency. One half of Durinish is pos- sessed during life by a man who is upwards of 70 years of age, and is very infirm. The remainder of the lands are let on 19 years leases, of which the commencement was at Whit- sunday 1794. But the leases of Nonoch, Pollcntarie, Ach- nabeine, Sallachie, Balmacarro, Kyle, Erbesaig, half of Du- rinish, Braintrae, and Achmore, contain a stipulated break, in the option of the preprietor, at Whitsunday 1801, and a- gain at Whitsunday 1808. The kelp shores of Lochalsh, along with those of Kintail, stand on a nine years lease, at the total yearly rent of 150I. The proportions of this rent, corresponding to the several farms on the coast, are ascertained by a survey taken 4th March 1790, and these proportions of the said rent will be assigned to the purchasers of these lots respectively. A. rental of the several lots, containing a more particular description of each, and every other information, may be ob- tained by applying either to Colonel Mackenzie of Seaforth ( the proprietor), or Mr Peter Fairbairn at Castle Brahan, by Beauly ; or George Gillanders, Esq. of Highfield, by Beau- ly; or Mess. Alexander and Colin Mackenzie, writers to the signet, Edinburgh; any of whom will receive proposals for a treaty by private bargain any time before the day of sale. The title deeds are in the hands of Mess. A. & C. Mac- kenzie ; - and the lands will be shown by applying to Mr George Jeffrey, at New Kelso, the factor, or to the ground officer. JUDICIAL SALE OF SETON. To be expofed to public SALE by auction, within the Par liamcnt or New Session House of Edinburgh, by authority of the Lords of Council and Session. on Thursday the 16th day of November 1797, between the hours of four and six afternoon, in One Lot, THE FIRST and SECOND LOTS of the LANDS and LORDSHIP of SETON, purchased by Mr Alexander Mackenzie, writer to the signet, at the judi- cial sales of the York Buildings Company's estates in 1779, comprehending the Harbour of Seton, with the Port and Anchorage Dues thereof; the Mansion- house and Offices of Seton, and House and Offices at Port- Seton; with, the teinds parsonage and vicarage of the said lands, lying within the parish of Tranent, and shire of Haddington, at the upset price of L. 47,000 Sterling, being the sum dated by the Company to have been lately offered to them for the' pre- mises. The present free rent, as ascertained in tbe process of sale after deducting Minster's stipend and school salary, is ai follows, viz. ill, Rents of lands payable on leafes of ordinary duration, 2d, Feu- duties— Rents payable on leases of 1000 years— Interest of money expended on fences— For exclusive privilege nf retail- ing ale < jn the estate— and harbour dues of Port- Seton, 3d, Rent for corn- mills of Seton, 4th, Rent for the flint and sea mills, and for the houses and yards- of cottagers, - Total value in this view, L. 37,953 13 10 8- i2: hs exclusive of the mansion- houfe of Seton, and the growing timber on the estate. The current leases of the lands of ordinary duration expire with crop 1799, excepting the lease of Thorntree Mains, a- bout 50 acres, which expires with crop 1818. The Company having employed two valuators to survey the estate, a plan thereof, made out by a surveyor authorised by the Court, was put into their hands; and the free rent of the estate, conform to a valuation upon oath by these valua- tors, with the addition of the feu duties, rents of long leases, and cot rents, which are not included in the said valuation, amounts to L. 1865 ' 8 4 5- I2ths. These valuators depone, th it the value of the lands, and the price at which the same should be exposed to sale, was, in their opinion, thirty years purchase of the rent put there- on by them ; that the house at Port- Seton, Seton- mills, and the flint- mill and park, should be exposed at fifteen years purchase of the rent dated in their valuation ; that the ihore- dues at Port- Seton should be exposed at twenty years pur- chase of their supposed annual produce; and that L. i6o » should be stated as the value of the mansion- house of Seton. In this view, the value of the estate, including feus, long leases, and cot- houfes, is 1,- 35,549 8 2- 12ths Sterling, exclusive of the value of the superiority and planting.* The lands hold of the Crown, and the valued rent is L. 2310 9 Scots, Which will nearly give six freehold qualifications : And the Company's valuators; having esti- mated the estate as above, exclusive of the superiority, have given it as their opinion, that each freehold qualification is worth L. 300 Sterling more than the price put upon the estate by them. The Company appointed a person to value the growing timber upon the estate, who has estimated . the same upon oath at L. 652. 9 o Sterling. The estate consists of above 700 acres, property laid out, and is pleasantly situated, being within eight miles of Edin- burgh and six of Haddington, and lying along the Frith of Forth, by which it is bounded on the north. And there is reason to believe, that it contains valuable seems of Coal, which might be wrought to advantage by a water or fire engine. About L, 5400 Sterling has been lately expended in build- ing the mansion- house and offices of Seton, on a plan formed by the late Mr Robert Adam architect, and in trenching planting, and inclosing, adjacent thereto; and about L. 850 was laid out in building the house and offices at Port- Seton. The Tenants on the estate will show the lands; and Charles Burnet, at Seton- house, will show the same and the house at Port- Seton. The titles, leases, judicial rental, conditions of sale, and plan of the estate, are to be seen in the office of Mr Keith Dunbar, depute- clerk of Session ; and Mr Bremner, Mer- chant- street, Edinburgh, the agent in the sale, will furnish intended offerers with printed copies of the rental, condi- tions of sale, and engraved copies of the plan, and will give what further information may be required. Copies of the rental, conditions of sale, and plan may also be seen in the hands of John Spottiwoode, Esq. Sackville- street, London. i sale has been repeatedly postponed, in consequence of applica- tions in name of the Company, and of an appeal to the House of Lords against the interlocutors authorising the sale ; but these inter, locators are now affirmed, and the Court lave directed the sale to proceed as above. EDINBURGH : Printed by DAVID RAMSAY, Old Fishmarket Close— every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday— PRICES, 31. i8r. per annum called for— 4/. delivered in town— 4/. 4s. sent by post.
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