The Shrewsbury Chronicle And Public Advertiser for Shropshire, Part of the Principality of Wales, and the Counties of Chester, Stafford, Worcester, and Hereford
Printer / Publisher: T. Wood
Volume Number: Issue Number: 1312
No Pages: 4
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The Shrewsbury Chronicle And Public Advertiser for Shropshire, Part of the Principality of Wales, and the Counties of Chester, Stafford, Worcester, and Hereford
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The Shrewsbury Chronicle And Public Advertiser for Shropshire, Part of the Principality of Wales, and the Counties of Chester, Stafford, Worcester, and Hereford
Date of Article: 28/07/1797
Printer / Publisher: T. Wood
Address: St John's Hill, near the Theatre, Shrewsbury
Volume Number: Issue Number: 1312
No Pages: 4
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Public Advertiser for Shropshire, Part of the Principality of Wales, and the Counties of Chester, Stafford, Worcester, and Hereford ——————— — _ — - [ Vol, XXVI. No. 1312.] PRICE SIX- PENCE.] Sunday Nights Mail. From the LONDON GAZETTE. Admiralty- Office, July 22, 1797. Extract of a Letter from Captain Ricketts, to Sir Peter Parker, Commander of the Ships on the Jamaica Station. La Magicienne, in Carcasse Bay, St. Domingo, April 24, 1797- SIR, IBEG leave to inform you, that on Sunday the 23d instant, when doubling Cape Tibe- roon, in company with the Regulus and For- tune Schooner, we discovered a six
gun privateer sloop and four schooners at anchor in this bay, which convinced me that the port of Irois was attacked: soon after the alarm gUn was fired at the fort. As no time was to be lost in endeavour- ing to counteract the views of the enemy, we stood in and anchored, when we commenced a heavy cannonade, and had the good fortune, in a short time, to drive them into the mountains; their field pieces, ammunition, provisions, and vessels laden with necessaries for carrying on the siege fell into our hands. The good conduct of every officer and sailor belonging to our little squadron, manifested it- self upon this occasion,,
as well as upon many others, since I have had the honour to command it. I have to regret the loss of four men killed, Mr. Morgan, master's mate, and ten men wound- ed ( though not mortally), who were in the Ma- gicienne's boat when endeavouring to tow out the privateer. I have the honour to be, & c. W. H. RICKETTS. Saturday Night's Mail GRAND FLEET. The following is a correct list of the Fleet under the command of the Earl St. Vincent, employed in the blockade of Cadiz : Guns Admiral Earl St. Vincent. Ville de Paris no > Capt. Sir R. Calder. Capt. C. Grey. Victory 100 Britannia ico Marsh. Vice Adm. Sir C. Thomp-
Prince George son, Bart. Capt. Irvine. Barficur 98 Dacres. St. George 98 Peard. Rear Adm. Sir W. Parker. Blenheim Bart. Capt. . Natmur 90 Whitshed. 1 Rear Adm. Sir H. Nelson, Captain . Capt. W. Miller. Sir J. Saumarez. Sir C. H. Knowles D. Gould. Darby A. J. Ball. S. Hood. Aylmer. G. Murray T. Troubridge. J. Sutton. Collingwood. Towry. Cockburne. Tyler. Freemantle. G. Hone. Lord H. Poulett. Luke. V. C. Berkeley Hallowell, Ogle. Macuamara. LONDON, Friday, July 21. YESTERDAY His Majesty went in state to the House of Peers, and be- Black Rod was sent to require the im- mediate attendance of the House of ^ A- ^-
atfiiu^ w Commons The Speaker, attended by a number of Members, ap- peared at the Bar, when the Royal Assent was given to the Stamp Deeds Bill; East India Ju- dicature, Provisional Cavalry Cloathing Bill 5 Additional Horse Duty Bills the Bill to grant pardons to persons convicted by Courts Martial; the Weights and Balance Bill 5 and to several Private Bills. The Speaker made a suitable speech, after which his Majesty delivered the fol- lowing most gracious speech— " My Lords, and Gentlemen, _ " I cannot put an end to this Session of Par- liament without returning you my most sincere and cordial thanks for the assiduity
and zeal with which you have applied yourselves to the impor- tant objects which have required your attention, and for the wisdom and firmness which you have manifested in the new and difficult emergencies for which you have had to provide. " I must particularly express the just sense I entertain of the salutary and effectual provisions which you made for strengthening the means of National Defence, and the measures adopted for obviating the inconveniences which were to be apprehended to Credit from the temporary suf- pension of Payments in Cash by the Bank 5 as well as of the promptitude, vigour, and effect, with
which you afforded me your assistance and support in suppressing the daring and treasonable Mutiny which broke out in a part of my Fleet, and in counteracting so dangerous and pernicious an example. " I have the satisfaction to acquaint you, that since the Accession of the present Emperor of Russia, the Commercial Engagements between the two Countries have been renewed in such a manner as will, I doubt not, materially conduce to their mutual interests. " Gentlemen of the House of Commons, " I must return you my particular thanks for the liberal and extensive provision which you have T , exigencies of the Public
Service"; and, while I lament the necessity which increased them to so large an amount, it is a con- solation to me to observe the attention you em- ployed in distributing the heavy burdens which they occasioned, in such a manner as to render their pressure as little severe as possible to thy People. " My Lords and Gentlemen, " The issue of the important Negociation in which I am engaged is yet uncertain : but, what- ever may be the event, nothing will have been wanting, on my part, to bring it to a successful termination, on such conditions as may be con- sistent with the security, honour, and essential in- terests of my
dominions. In the mean time, nothing can so much tend to forward the attain- ment of Peace as the continuance of that zeal, exertion, and public spirit, of Which my subjects have given such conspicuous and honourable proofs, and of which the perseverance and firm- ness of Parliment has afforded them so striking an example. Then the Lord Chancellor, by his Majesty's command, said— " My Lords and Gentlemen, " It is his Majesty's Royal Will and Pleasure, that this Parliament be prorogued to Thursday, the 5th Day of October next, to be then here holden ; and this Parliament is accordingly pro- rogued to Thursday, the 5th
Day of October next. ADMIRAL DUNCAN's FLEET. Of the Texel, July 15, 1797. " We are still stationed off here, about five leagues distant from the enemy's fleet, which, according to the observation of an officer who was sent in last Wednesday with a flag of Truce, consists of five ships of 74 guns eight of 64 — six of jo— four of 40— eight frigates— two sloops — and four brigs. Our whole fleet consists of nine sail of the line, and two frigates; and though so far inferior in metal to the enemy, we should rejoice at an opportunity to give them battle. " The circumstance which gave rise to the flag of truce being sent into the Texel,
was in consequence of the Dutch having captured one of our fishing vessels, which was afterwards recap- tured by the Ganges. Admiral Duncan wrote word that our fleet would retaliate on their vessels, if this was encouraged. A very civil answer was brought back by a Captain of one of the Dutch 64' s, who, on coming on board Admiral Duncan's ship, was asked whether he served un- der the Dutch or French flag. ( There is a French flag flying in the Texel, said to be Admiral Ri- chery's). He seemed much hurt, and swore he never would fight under the French. He was very curious to learn the names of the different ships, and
Admiral Duncan lent him his glass to make what observations he pleased. He called the Prince man of war a huge ship, and took particular notice of the Sans Pareil and Caesar. " The Dutch ships appear to prepare for sailing, but they have done the same on many occasions. We do not think them in earnest, as all their transports still lie in the inner bason, where there are also 18 Indiamen. We do not credit their having many troops yet on board, though the number in the neighbourhood is said to amount to 75,000 men. " Admiral Duncan this day formed his Fleet in a line of battle, in order to be prepared, should the enemy
attempt to come out," A short Account of the Nature, Properties, Efficacy, and Use of Johnstone's Royal Patent Jessamine Soap, Naples Cream, and Asiatic Balsam. Sold by the Printer hereof. By His Majesty's Royal letters Patent, GRANted to ANDREW JOHNSTONE, Perfumer to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, F0R His Discovery of the Method of Manufacturing the above favourite Articles. THE Complexion is undoubtedly the greatest beauty of the human frame, without that's in the extreme of perfection, the brilliant eye, the rosiate cheek, the ivory teeth, and every other embellishment appertaining the
countenance, fail of producing that desirable which, in concert with the former, always excite unbounded admira- tion. And, as nothing has yet been discoVered that is so certain of removing all impurities and imper- fections of the skin as the following innocent and effectual articles, who can w.,.," a at their becoming the constant toilet companions of ladies, who are anxious to give to their complexion that inestimable charm. Every bosom devoid of adamant, must pal- pitate at their approach; every mind diverted of stoichism, acknowledge their power, and envy itself, sicken at beholding the supremacy of beauty, which must ever
be the consequence, when the following most excellent and successful articles, sanctioned by His Majesty's Royal Letters Patent, have been em- ployed to enlarge its empire. - The alkaline salt, so obnoxious in all hard soaps, and so injurious to the skin, has actuated the Patentee AnDREW JOHNSTONE, Perfumer to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales Bell Alley, Lombard. Street, London, to particularly devote his time in searching for articles which would, from their inno- cence and efficacy, be found deserving of general adoption.— This point determined on, the whole vegetable creation presented itself to his view such
at the balsamic herb, their attention,— The Royal Jessamine Soap, for which the inventor has obtained His Majesty s Royal Letters Patent, as a protection to the public to guard them against imposition is, by a judicious, matchless, and delicate process in the art of chimistry, rendered the most invaluable article in the world, for washing, cleaning, shaving, clearing, and effectually preserv- ing the skin from all protuberances arising from the improper application of other soaps. The Asiatic Balsam for the Hair is combined partly from the animal, and partly from the vegeta- ble, world, and never fails of restoring hair upon bald parts,
and also to thicken and strengthen hair, and to prevent its failing off whether naturally thin, decayed by age, or loosened through indisposition. LADIES who are desirous of having a soft, white, and delicate complexion, may depend that no disco- very is so sovereignly efficacious ( or the purpose, as the Royal Patent Jessamine Soap and Naples Cream, which removes that sallow hue that occurs from frequent bathing or injudicious use of destructive paint, and are particularly serviceable at this season of the year — They are the only articles yet discovered for improving the face, neck, hands, arms, & c. by beautifying them to
the utmost degree of perfection, and absolutely prevents their ever chapping. Naples having long been celebrated for producing the most certain means for the preservation of beauty, the discoverer and preparer of this celebrated cosme- tic, the Naples Cream, thinks himself justifiable in giving it an appellation analogous to its virtue. The Naples Cream produces the happiest conse- quences by constant use. The face and neck acquire a transparent clearness, richly illustrative of feminine delicacy, while the fairness it leaves upon the com- plexion, is an acquisition of such importance, that every lady who has hitherto used it,
cheerfully ac- knowledges its superior efficacy. The ladies in par- ticular will find the Naples Cream and Asiatic Bal- sam most excellent accompaniments to the Royal Patent Jessamine Soap, and in fact the best compa- nions to the toilet. Retail Prices, exclusive of Stamp Duty, Jessamine Soap, IS. 6d. and is. 6d.- J Naples Cream, zs. 6d.— Asiatic Balsam, 5s. ANDREW JOHNSTONE. NEW MUSIC. this Day are published, Price toi. 6d. Adorned with an elegant frontispiece ; MUSICAL MISCELLANY, for the HARP, or HARPSICHORD Consisting of Pastorales, Notturnos, Military Airs, and Sonatas ; composed by EDW. JONES,
Harpist to the Prince of Wales, and dedicated by permission to the Queen. To which are added, A few Airs selected and adapted from other Composers} and some Popular National Tunes, with Variations by the Author. Sold by T. Wood, Bookseller, Shrewsbury. Where also may be had the following Works, by the same Author 1 MUSICAL REMAINS or the Compositions of Handel, Bach, Abel, Giuliani & c. selected from Original Manuscripts never before published, and now adapted for the Harp, Or Harpsichord, with Accom- paniments for the Flute or Violin ; respectfully de- dicated to his Scholars; by EDWARD JONES.—
Price 10s. 6d. MUSICAL and POETICAL RELICKS of the WELSH BARDS, preserved by Tradition and au- thentic Manuscripts, from very remote Antiquity, never before published. To the Bardic Tunes are added, Variations for the Harp, Harpsichord Violin, or Flute; with a select Collection or the PENNIL- LION and ENGLYNION, or Epigrammatic Stan- zas, Poetical Blossoms, and Pastoral Soogs, of Wales, with English Translations. Likewise a general His- tory of the BARDS and DRUIDS, from the earliest Period to the present Time ; with an Account of their Music and Poetry. To which is prefixed, a copious Dissertation on the
Musical Instruments of the Aboriginal Britons. By EDW. JONES, Bard to the Prince. Second Edition, doubly augmented and improved, Price ll. us. 6d. Also, MUSICAL TRIFLES, calculated for Be- ginners on the Harp, or Harpsichord, Price 7s. 6c. Orion Goliah Audacious Bellerophon Alexander Zealous Theseus Colossus Culloden Egmont Excellent Diadem La Minerve L'Aigl Inconstant Romulus Thalia Caroline Emerald Lively Meleager Southampton Blanche Boston Dido L'Unite L'Unite Le Boune Ci- toyenne Raven Peterell Speedy Capt. Mendz, in the Diligence, has captured, after an action of three quarters of an hour, in the
Bahama Straits, La Nativetas Spanish ship of 16 guns and 50 men, richly laden with logwood ; Capt. Parker, in the Santa Margaretta, has taken off Cork, L'Adeur, a new French privateer of 16 guns, and 147 men; the ships under Earl St. Vincent, a brig of 6 guns and 14 men, from Bour- deaux; and the El Conquestador Spanish ship of II guns^ and the Pallas, Capt. Curzon, has cap- tured in a Cruize, a Spanish Letter of Marque of 16 guns, laden with wine, brandy, and flour. Morris Prestom Lydiard. Retalick. James. Lord Proby. T. Elphinstone, The London Gazette also gives an account of the following Acts having received the
Royal Assent by Commission An Act for granting to his Majesty several additional Duties inhabited houses,. ." a< V. i'. f< u tional Stamp Duty on deeds, and granting an Indemnity for the Informalities occasioned for the want of New Stamps, paying the additional Duties. An Act for granting to his Majesty additional Duties on certain Horses, before charged with a Duty of 2s. An Act for granting to his Majesty certain Duties on Clocks and Watches. An Act for granting to his Majesty additional Duties on Male Servants. An Act to shorten the Time now required for giving Notice of the Royal Intention of his Majesty, his Heirs and
Successors, that the Par- liament shall meet and be holden for the dis- patch of business ; and more effectually to pro- vide for the Meeting of Parliament in the case of a demise of the Crown. An Act for granting to his Majesty a further additional Duty on Horses kept and used for the purpose of riding, or of drawing certain carriages therein mentioned. An Act to enable his Majesty more easily and effectually to grant conditional Pardons to per- sons under sentence by Naval Courts Martial. An Act for preventing the counterfeiting any Copper Coin in this realm made or to be made current by proclamation, or any Foreign Gold or
Silver Coin) and to prevent the bringing into this realm or uttering any Counterfeit Foreign Gold or Silver Coin. Also the Scotch Small Notes Bill ; East India judicature Bill; Provisional Cavalry Cloathing Bill; the Weights and Balance Bill; the Bill for the better securing the rights of Elections ; and to several private Bills. An Extract from Crutwell's Bath CHronicle Strand London Dec ' SIR, IFeel it a duty to communicate to you a short narration of my illness, and the means of my re- covery, as it may be of infinite service to invalids resort- ing to your city. I was unwell four years and upwards owing, I believe, to free living, which
reduced me to a very weak state, which was considered consumptive. I took various medicines to strengthen my habit, with bathing, as directed by the faculty. I Went to different places for that purpose, but found benefit from neither. In this situation I continued hopeless of recovery. At last I resolved to visit Bath, 1 went there, and pur- chased some restorative medicines of you, which I took for a length of time without the least effect. A friend called upon me, hearing I was in your city, to whom I related my case ; he then informed me he had b en ill himself, and owed his recovery to SPILSBURY'S ANTIS- CORBUTIC DROPS,
as did also several of his friends, particularly a lady who had been in a weak state for a long time. Hearing this news gave me fresh hopes. I sent to your house for a guinea bottle of the Drops, which I took as ordered, and in a short time I felt they had a great effect on me, by the appearance of eruptions with violent irritation; but, findjng my appetite, spirits, and strength increase, induced me to continue them, and in a short time I found all eruptions gone; and by the time I had taken three guinea bottles, I found myself quite restored. I sent my Case to the Proprietor some short time since; its not appearing in print induced me to
forward it to you to advertise it in your paper as many times as you tan for the inclosed [ guinea], which will oblige Your humble servant, P. F. M. The Drops are sold at the Dispensary in Soho Square, London; by T. Wood, Shrewsbury, and all the general Venders of Patent Medicines in Town and Country. Dr. WAITE's CELEBRATED WORM MEDICINE, In the form of GINGERBREAD NUTS. Faithfully prepared from the original Recipe, by HOWARD and EVANS, the late Dr. Waite's only legal suCcessors and assigns. Price is. iJd. per packet. THIS very popular and invaluable remedy has not only proved the most easy,
pleasant, and efficacious ever introduced to the public, for the total extirpation of Worms, with their causes and dire effects, in persons of all ages; but has been expe rienced as an Alterative unequalled in the annals of medicine; the numbers restored thereby in the most afflicting Scorbutic and Dropsical Cases being almost incredible, very many of which have been made pub- lic. Also in Nervous Complaints, Consumptions, Asthmas, and Phthisies ; disorders of the Head ; those occasioned by Hard Drinking, Bile, Indigestion, Ob- structions and Strains; in the Gravel, Cholic, and Pains ol the Stomach, Loss of Appetite,
Vomitings in the morning, and in all other- disorders therein nature requies to be assisted, particularly in Purifying ths Blood after the Small Pox, Measles, tec. and it is the best possible Preparation for Inoculation. These nuts have no taste of medicine to the nicest palate. To prevent counterfeits, observe these words, J. Waite, now W. Howard, Reading, Berks, and J. Evans, No, 42, Long- lane, Smithfield, engraved on the stamp, per Favour of his Majesty's Commissioners. N. B. Nothing can be a greater eulogium on these Nuts than their peculiar estimation as a family medicine, and the public sanction which they have been ho noured with, in both hemispheres. Sold wholesale, retail, and for exportation, by Howard & Evans, sole proprietors, at Reading, and No. 41, Long- Lane, West Smithfield, London ; and retail by one or more Medicine Venders in most towns in the kingdom, among whom are the fol. lowing : T. Wood, Pinter of this Paper, on St. John's Hill, near the Theatre; and J. Evans, Printer, High street, Shrewsbury; likewise by E. Houlston, Wellington ; T. Browne, Druggist, Newport; W. Scarrat, Shiffnal; G. Gitton, Bridgnorth; T. Miller, Iron Bridge, Coal- brook- Dale; j. Griffiths, Bishop's- Castle; William Harding, Bewdley ; G. Gower,
Kidderminster; T. Simpson, Wolverhampton; and by Samuel Proud, Bilson. All the other Genuine Medicines sold by Howard and Evans, as advertised in this Paper. Warranted Undrawn. IRISH STATE LOTTERY, 1797, Began Drawing JULy 24th. TICKETS and SHARES of TICKETS, are now felling in the greatest Variety of Numbers, and on the very lowest Terms, at WRIGHT's LICENSED STATE - LOTTERY OFFICE, No. 57, Charing Cross, London ; Appointed by the Authority of GoVernment for the Sale of TICKETS and SHARES. TICKETS are divided into Halves, Quarters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, and which are duly
stamped with the Words ( State Lottery Stamp- Office During the Period of Twenty- Nine Lotteries past, PRIZES have been sold and shared as above to the Amount of Eight Hundred Thousand Pounds, And paid on Demand< SCHEME. Country Correspondents, by remitting good Bills at Sight, payable in London, or Post- Office Orders, Cash sent in parrels by the coaches, &: c, ( carriage or post- paid) for Tickets or Shares, ' will be duly attended to, and their commands • executed with the same Integrity as if present. Tickets and Shares registered at sixpence per Number, and the earliest intelligence sent of k their success
Orders fOR the above Office taken in by the Printer of this paper. GODFREY'S ROSE LOZENGES, FOR COUGHS. THESE LOZENGES are the pleasantest and most effectual Remedy for Coughs and Hoarse- nesses, and are so agreeably acidulated as to allay Thirst, and give Relief in Sore Throats, and all Feverish Com- plaints :— they are particularlv refreshing to Persons frequenting large Assemblies and Hot Rooms, arc per- fectly innocent, and may supersede the use of Le- monade, & c. Sold in London only at Messrs. GODFREY'S and COOKE'S, Chemists, Southampton- street, Covcnt- gar- den; Mr. NEWBERY'S, * »
< U. St. Paul's Church- yard; and Messrs. Sm\ 3?> \ . • - o. New Bond- street; price is. 6d a r » iJ-' ing the Duty But, in order to prevent Courterfeits each Box is sealed with the impression of Godfrey and COOKE, Chemists; and the Words " F. Newbery, No. 25, St. Paul's are en- graved in the Stamps. Sold also by T. Wood, and J. Evans, Shrewsbury. LONDON, Saturday, July n. Yesterday arrived the Hamburgh Mail, due last Wednefday, and also Mr. Mason, a King's Messenger, from Petersburgh. The Mail brings no news of any considerable importance. It appears by a letter from the Hague of the nth, that intelligence of the
sailing of the Texel Fleet was daily expected. Early this morning, arrived Paris Journals of the 18th and 19th inst. brought to Dover by a Swedish packet with passengerS. They contain the following intelligence respecting the change which has taken place in the French Ministry. Talleyrand Perigord replaces Charles Lacroix in the Department for Foreign Affairs. Gen. Hoche succeeds to Petier in the War De- partment. Pleville le Pelley, one of the Plenipotentiaries at Lisle, fucceeds to Truguet in the Department of Marine. Francois de Neuschat eau, Commissioner of the Directory at the central administration of Vosges, replaces
Bedezech in the Home- department; and Lenoir Laroche, Ex- Member of the constitu- ent Assembly, suCceeds to Colchin in the Depart, ment of Police. Merlin of Douai, Minister of Justice, and Ra- mel, Minister of Finances, remain in place. " We are assured," says the Journal La Quoti- dienne, " that Barthelemy and Carnot strenuously opposed this arrangement. Lenoir, Laroche, and Talleyrand Perigord are Delegates of the Club de Salm it is the Club of Salm that has made all the nominations." Charles Lacroix is to be sent to Lisle, to replace Pleville Pelley. Lenoir and Talleyrand Peri- gord were sworn into their new offices on
the morning of the 18th. Carnot and Barthelemy have entered a protest upon the register of the deliberations of the Direc- tory, against the resolutions, by which Cochon, Petier, and Benezech have been dismissed. A proclamation has been issued at the Haven- nah, which excludes all neutral bottoms bound last from England from touching at that port; which has subjected them t0 much inconvenience, as many ships were consigned to the Havannah merchants. The mail arrived yesterday from Hamburgh, brings the important intelligence of the Prussian troops having entered Nuremberg by force, a pro- ceeding which more
than any other, threatens to produce a rupture between the Cabinets of Berlin and Vienna. CAPTURE OF THE SPANISH FLOTILLA. The capture of almost the whole of the home ward bound Spanish Flotilla frain Carthagena, laden with valuable property, and having two millions of Dollars on board, by two British ships of war is reported with confidence. Not being able to man all the prizes, the captors were, it is said, under the necessity of suffering some of them to depart, having previously removed their trea- sures to the other ships. No advice of this happy event has yet been received at the Admiralty, but the rumour
receives credit and confirmation from the following letter from New- York, dated the 11th ult. " Captain Charles White, late of the brig Trio, which was condemned at Havannah, arri- ved yesterday from that place in the Flora : he informs us, that one of the Carthagena fleet, ( a light ship) had arrived there before he sailed, with the news that all the remaining ships were taken by an English two decker and A frigate, they having on board two millions of dollars, besides other valuable property, to a very large amount. A full and satisfactory confirmation of the above is also received by Captain White, of the Suffolk. who, in lat. 28
between the Florida shore and Bahama Banks, fell in with three Spanish frigates and a four- gun schooner, which had been sent out for the purpose of picking up the scattered vessels of the above convoy, as the English, not being able to man the whole, had stripped several of the ships of their most valuable articles, and then let them go. This was communicated to Captain White by the Spanish Commodore." BRILLIANT ENGAGEMENT. About the latter end of August last, a very bril- liant Action took place off Basseterre, Guada- loupe, close in with the batteries, between the Mermaid Frigate, Captain Otway, and the French
frigate Vengeance, of 56 guns ; Admiral Pole having received information that a strange frigate was off Basseterre, made signal ^^^ the Mermaid on coming up, made which she not answering, Captain Otway concluded her an enemy, and prepared for action. In a short time the action commenced, and lasted for upwards of half an hour, decidely in favour of the Mermaidj when the Vengeance was obliged to be towed for shelter under the guns of Basseterre the Mermaid pursuing her until near 500 shot passed through her rigging and over her. Victor Hugues, who witnessed the engagement, sent his Aid- de- camp on board the
Vengeance, ordering her to go out " to sink or bring in that corvette." He accord- ingly re- enforced her with three boats full of men, the Mermaid all the while lying to with her top- sails to the mast, beyond the reach of the bat teries. The British seamen rejoiced at the sight of her again coming out, thinking, beyond a doubt, something decisive would follow, and cheered them as they came up but, from the superiority of the British fire and discipline, ( he was glad to seek shelter again under the guns of the fort. During the whole of the contest, Ma- jor Christmas of the 18th dragoons, with several officers and men, prisoners at
Guadaloupe, were spectators, and did not cease cheering the Mer- maid, till forced to their prisons by the bayonet. The Vengeance by the report of Victor Hugues, had 12 killed and 16 wounded. F R I D A Y, July 28, 1797.
Tuesday Night's Mail. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. FROM THE BRUSSELS PAPERS. Rome, June THE audacity of the Insurgents of the Marche of Ancona, whose numbers are daily augmenting ;, the accounts which are said to be received of the advantag- es they obtain over the troops of the Pope; in fine, the thickness of the veil which con- ceals from every eye the politics of Buona- parte. all these causes conspire to keep our government in the greatest perplexity. The helm of affairs has fallen from their feeble hands, and is grasped by the French Minister, who direCts it according to his own malig- nant disposition. He has,
for example, set all the prisoners at liberty, and released se- veral Ladies of Pleasure from their impure retreat, under pretence ot their having served as models to the schools of the French Aca- demy. All these proceedings appear to meet with universal approbation. He has received, even from the Priests, testimonies of deference and affection. On Sunday last he gave a great dinner to honour the arrival of Trouve the Secretary of Legation. The Spanish Mi- nister Azara was of the party; and they formed a society of Spaniards and Neapoli- tans, Prelates and Sans- culottes. Ancona, June 21. The inhabitants of An- cona could
not appear in the neighbouring towns without danger of being ill- treated, and even massacred. Nobody here doubts but the revolution was at least tacitly ap- proved by the French, notwithstanding the most solemn treaty. It is certain that they have not, though they could have, prevented ir. The possession of that port is of incal- culable advantage to the new Republic, and will necessarily draw in the Dutchy of Ur- bino. Milan, June 30. They labour with the utmost activity, at the Place de Lazaret, to erect triumphal arches, obelisks, altars, & c. for the festival of the federation on the gth of July. At this festival are expected to assist
the deputies of all the free countries of Italy, not excepting the Genoese Republic. Genoa, July 3. The revolution in Genoa has had but a few days evidence, and already we have four journals, with an inundation ot flying publications and pamphlets. The pro- visional government, having no occasion for the freedom of the press to keep up the revo- lutionary spirit, are trying to deprive their enemies of that engine of agitation. A de- cree ordains, that all that is printed shall be signed. That would Certainly suffice to se- cure responsibility, and no more could they require consistently with the rigour of their principles. | place is
uncertain; by some it is said, that they are to embark at Southampton for Ire- land, where a degree of uneasiness prevails, on account of the disturbanccs in the County of Tyrone ; but by others, it is with equal probability asserted, that they are intended tor Jersey, on account of the alarm felt by the inhabitants there at the preparations mak- ing in France apparently for the purpose of Invasion. The particulars of the Negociation at Lisle, whatever information Government may con- tinue to receive from time to time on the sub- ject, arc yet kept a profound secret; and we believe will remain so, till the period arrives at which it may
be stated with some certainty, whether or not it is likely to come to some termination. It appears confirmed, by the arrival of the Paris Papers on Saturday, that there has been a material change in the Mististry of France. This however had not, on the 18th, been officially announced. The Paris Journals are filled with observa- tions upon this change, and its probable con- sequences ; they state generally, that Talle- rand de Perigord, who succeeds C. de la Croix, appears mostly approved; but Pleville Peley, the successor of Truget; Gen. Hoche, the successor to Petiet; F. de Neufchateau, of Bazenech ; and Lenoir la Roche, the
succes- sor of Cochan,. are alike the subjects. of re- probation and praise. Three of the five are said to be hostile to this country, notwith- standing we hope that the public voice, which appears to have been in some sort obeyed in the present instance, will operate yet more powerfully to convince the rulers of France of the necessity of Peace. for one Year, ending the 5th July 1797. Duties imposed in 1793, 1794 1795, ,1796, and 1797 According to the return from the Exchequer. LONDON, Monday, July 14. Mr. Major, one of his Majesty's Messen- gers sailed from Dover for Calais on Friday evening, with dispatches for Lord
Malmel- bury at LiF The Squadron under the Command of that able and active Officer, Sir John Borlase War- ren, has sent into Falmouth a large French Ship, three Brigs, and three Chasse- Marees, captured on the Coast of France, 011 their passage from Nantz to Brest, whither they were taking provision and stores for the Fleet. The same Squadron has also driven a French Frigate on the Penmarks, and burnt a Cor- vette of 12 guns, and a large vessel laden with timber. No ships in the Navy have done more service to the Country during the War than this little Flotilla,- commanded by the most able and vigilant Officers. A
report prevailed yesterday at Portsmouth, of Earl St. Vincent having had an Engage- ment with the Spanish Fleet, and captured Five Sail of the Line. Letters were received from Jersey, on Sa- turday last, dated on the 16th and 17th inft. which state the island to be alarmed, from the hostile appearance of the French Coast. With their glasses they can perceive Five French Camps ; one of which is supposed to contain ten thousand Infantry, and a proportionate number of Horse, Artillery, See. The Re- gulars and the Invalids are kept to the strict- est duty, and all the male inhabitants, who are able, are obliged to perform military
duty in their turn. Every landing place is well fortified and guarded; ' and the inhabitants are animated with the utmost spirit and unanimi- ty in favor of England. A considerable degree of tumult took place at Stewartstown in the County of Tyrone on the 12th inst. Some of the Orange Boys and a party of the Tyrone Yeomanry met to cele- brate the anniversary of the memorable Battle of Aughrim, by which the Papal Church in Ireland was overthrown ;— and in tbe course of their mirth took offence at seeing green rib- bands worn by the wives of some of the Kerry Militia Men. A scuffle ensued between the Orange- men and their
party, and twenty of the Kerry Militia, the latter . it whom were at length forced to retire, many of them much, wounded : they returned, however, in a short time, with considerable reinforcements, but not before an application had been made by the Officers of the Tyrone Yeomanry to the Militia Officers, to retrain their men, which they said they could not do.— The Kerry men who were without ammunition, sustained two charges, in which ten of them and a Serjeant were killed, and they were at length over- powered ; 30 more were taken prisoners.. In the charges, one of the Scotch Regiment, two Yeomen, and. three of the
inhabitants of Stew- artstown were killed. On Friday last a Battalion of Guards recei- ved orders, very unexpectedly, to hold them- selves in readiness to march on this day for Winchester. Their destination from that DUTIES pro Anno 1795 : British Spirits — — 6ft, Foreign ditto — — 148, Wine — — — 285, Sweets — — — j, Cocoa — — _ 21, Stamps — — — 47, Ship Policies — — 96, Hair Powder Certificate — 191 Receipts - a- — — 6 Fruits — — 116; Tea _ _ ,97 Coals — — — 15 Taken out of the Letter Money 1760, the computed Quarterley Increase of Revenue, by rea- son of the Restriction of Frank- ing by Act 35 Geo.
III. 4 « Wednesday Night's Mail. DUTIES pro Anno 1796: The President of the United States of Ame- rica, with the concurrence of the Senate, has nominated and appointed Elbridge Gray, Esq; Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipo- tentiary to the French Republic, vice Judge Dana, who declined the appointment. The Governor of Villetri, in the Campagna of Rome, having received information of a conspiracy to plant the Tree of Liberty, and having gained over the majority of the citi- zens, contented himself with watching the conduCt of the conspirators. The tree was actually planted during the night; but, at the break of day,
the people were completely astonished at seeing seven heads suspended on it.— The following inscription was also placed thereon : " Those who chuse may enjoy liberty and equality. Continue to plant trees, and we shall continue to crown them with your heads." Since this event, no mention whatever has been made either of liberty or equality. His Excellency Ismail Farauh Effendi, the new Turkish Ambassador to the British Court, landed at Dover on' Saturday Morning from Calais, and was received by General Hulse with military honours. After dining at the York Hotel, he set out in the evening, with his suite in three coaches
and four, and five post- coaches, for Canterbury, where he slept that night, and yesterday afternoon The caval- cade arrived at Osborne's Hotel, in the Adel- phi, where his Excellency remains for the present. He was immediately visited by his prcdecessor, Yusuff Adijah Effendi, at whose house he was elegantly entertained in the e- vening.— On his departure from Dover he was saluted by a general discharge from the Castle and Fort Guns. His Grand Entry is expected to take place on Wednesday. His Excellency appears to be a much younger man than Yusuff Adijah Effendi: his dress is very superb. He is accompanied by his
ne- phew, a private and public Secretary, an In- terpreter, and attended by about twenty do- mestics. A most melancholy accident happened on Sunday night, about 11 o'clock. As the three Mr. Taylors, relations of Lord Grenville, two of whom are Clerks in the Office tor Foreign Affairs, the other Aid- de- Camp to the Duke of York, were coming to town from Richmond, in a small wherry with a sail, which they had had built for their amuse- ment, the boat overset near Kew, by striking against a barge, and all three tumbled over- board. Mr. B. Taylor got on shore unhurt; Mr. Herbert Taylor was brought on shore with little signs of life,
but has since recover- ed by the means recommended by the Humane Society; and Mr. W. Taylor was drowned. — The latter had lately returned with Mr. Hammond from Vienna, to whom he acted as Secretary : the night was extremely dark and tempestuous. Horses Tobacco —. —• — Horse Dealers Licences — Wines, excise — — Wines, Customs — — Sweets — — — Legacies, after reserving the com- puted Quarterly Produce of former Duties as aforesaid. Hats do. ' tol. per Cent. — — The computed Quarterly Saving, by reducing the Allowance for Waste on Salt — Taken out of the Consolidated Customs, the computed
Quar- terly Saving to the public on account of the Reduction 011 the Drawbacks on the Expor- tation of Sugar British Spirits Foreign ditto Auctions Deeds — Cocoa — 5 per Cent. Stage Coaches Sugar — Bricks Tea — From the LONDON GAZETTE. Admiralty- Office, July 15, 1797. Copy of a Letter from Captain Honeyman, Commander of his Majesty's Sloop Tisiphone, to Evan Nepean, Esq; dated July 13, 1797. SIR, IHave the honour of sttaing to yon, for the in- formation of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, that having been ordered by Ad- miral Duncan to take his Majesty's brig Rambler under my command, and
cruize 011 the Dogger Bank. I yeeterday, at five A. M. in the latitude of 54 deg 30 min, the Rambler in company, fell in with and captured, after a chace of half an hour, Le Prospere, French privateer brig, mounting 14 four- pounders, and manned with 73 men; four days from Dunkirk, without capturing any thing. She received the fire of several of our guns, and struck without making any resistance. In consequence of the number of prisoners, I have thought it proper to proceed to the nearest port to land them, and, after having so done, I shall proceed with all possible dispatch to my station. I am. Sir, Your most obedient humble
Servant, ROB. HONEYMAN. Copy of a letter from Sir Edward Pellew, Bart. Cap- tain of his Majesty's Ship Indefatigable, to Mr. Ne- pean, dated Falmouth, July 22, 1797. SIR, YOU will be pleased to inform their Lordships, that the Duke of York lugger returned last Night. She fell in with a French lugger priva- teer, and chased her off the land into the hands of Lieutenant Bray, commanding, the Hind re- venue cutter, who also retook a sloop, which the privateer had before captured : The lugger mounts i guns, with 2j men. I have the honour to be, Sir. Your most obedient humble Servant, ED. PELLEW. — Extract of a Letter from
Vice- Admiral Kingsmill, Com- mander in Chief of his Majesty's ships at Cork, to •• , Evan Nepean, Esq; dated July 20, 1797. PLEASE to inform my Lords Commissioners of tbe Admiralty, that his Majesty's ship Magnanime arrived here last night, and has brought in a fast sailing coppered ship privateer the Triton, of which a further account is given in the enclosed letter to me from the Hon. Cap- tain De Courcy. men received the least injury, though several were very near the spot at the time. The storm, we learn, has been equally severe in many other places, but we have not yet heard of any parti- cular damage being done, or
any lives lost. Lewes, July 24. Soon after sun- set on Sunday evening the t6th instant. the inhabitants of the Western part of this county, observed an exten- sive cloud approaching from the S W. with little wind, but flashes of lightening were very fre- quent, and the peals of thunder entremely loud, with rain falling in very heavy showers. Ti first storm had spent its force about 12 o'clock; and before one, an extensive cloud with a brisk gale had again overspread the horizon : the flash- es of lightning succeeded each other so incessant- ly that the interval seldom exceeded is or 1 se- conds of time; the brilliancy of the lightning was
so great, that objects ten or twelve mites dis- tant might be seen distinctly. The obscurity of the intervening spaces, and the rain pouring down in such a continued stream, could 0nly be exceeded by a tropical tornado. At one time the flashes of lightning were incessant for above ten minutes ; during which, the thunder in awful peals, rolled around the horizon in every direc- tion.—- On Monday by noon, the levels were as completely inundated, as they generally are after twenty- four 01- thirty six hours rain in the Win- ter season. The damage we chiefly hear of >• half- made hay being carried away in great quan- tities by the
stream. Customss * Incidents - Duties pro Anno THE HOLSTEIN FIELD TURNIP, THIS new TURNIP grows enormously large, and is perfectly round and white whoever has seen them in the markets of Hamburgh, and the Towns on the Elbe their size and very sweet that Cattle of all sorts eat it with the greatest avidity, and fatten on it wonderfully. It may also be sown in the driest Season. Some of this. Seed. is obtained, and sold in Bags of Four Pounds each ( enough for Four Acres), for IC3. 6d. at HANKEY'S, NO. 333, Oxford- street, London. Also at the same place may be had, another new and valuable SEED, viz the-
HAMBURGH GREAT CABBAGE. - It is fittest for. CATTLE. The Cabbages grow to 501b. or 6olb weight, and 4,840 of them will stand on an Acre, producing at a moderate reckoning above 100 tons of solid food. Four Ounces in a sealed paper, for 10s. 6d. N. B. Ready Money, and postage to be paid. Dr. SOLOMON'S CORDIAL BALM OF GILEAD Or, Nature's Grand Restorer. On Saturday the Sessions ended at the Old Bailey, when the Recorder passed sentence of death upon the following persons, who had been capitally convicted during the session: — David Fcrrell, Thomas Gregory, Geo. Pell, John Purdie, and John
Haynes, for burgla- ry ; Patrick Keogh, Henry Ives and Thos. Davies, for highway Robbery; Wm. Barker, William Greenwich, John Saunders and John Fann, for Felonies; William Humphries and Edward Burton, for privately stealing, Samuel Joseph, was sentenced to fourteen years transportation j joseph Heatley, for bigamy ; and six others; to one year's impri- sonment. in Newgate; 17 were adjudged to seven years transportation, and 9 to 6 months confinement. John Hughes, having been convicted as a rogue and vagabond, and the second time as an incorrigible rogue, and being apprehended since, having about him two
loaded pistols, phosphorous matches, picklock keys, and an iron Crow, was tried under the Act which subjects the offender to transportation. His conviction, identity, and apprehension, be- tween one and two in the morning of the 30th of May, with the articles in the indictment in his pockets, being proved, he was found guilty. THE preserver and restorer of health to the weak, the sickly, and infirm, is that truly valuable medicine, the Cordial Balm of Gilead. Its warm and renovating quality indisputably renders it the the best medicine for relaxations, debility, lassitudc, tremors, sinking of the spirits, and all those nervous af- fections
that harrass and oppress the weak, the sedentary, and delicate, or those who have been deluded into a secret vice j for in all these cases, it is calculated to warm and steady the cold tremulous nerves, to sheath and invigorate the muscular system, to animate the spirits and renovate the whole man ; whereby the chill, watery fluids become rich and balsamic, and the circulation resumes its health- ful ftate. To THE PUBLIC, Doctor Solomon would by no means mislead mankind in things relating to their health, or offer any thing which would be the least deceptious on that head. " He who can give the slightest pain to a fellow
creature, or procure advantage to himself by the sufferings of another, is an animal uworthy of existence Doctor Solomon has ever devoted to the public, his best and most faithful services; through- out his whole life 1 even from his childhood) he never felt any passion so predominant, any satisfaction so great, as in alleviating the miseries and increasing the happiness of mankind; all other pleasures are nugotary and unworthy pursuit, " human is burthened with innumerable evils, every man should lend a hand. to lessen the dreadful aggre- gate." Doctor Solomon observes with concern, that his ad- vertisements and
publications are daily copied by those who are not able t0 write for themselves, with a view of rising in the estimation of the public, and recommend- ing their own medicines, Sec. in place of the CORDIAL BALM of GILEAD and the Guide TO HEALTH : But many years extensive practice, great labour and intense application, has enabled Doctor Solomon to obtain that confidence with the public, which it is his ambition to preserve through life he rests his success solely on the merits of his own remedies, and peculiar mode of practice, and wishes by no means to deprive any gentleman of the reward due to his merit, provided he
builds upon his own foundation; but he leaves them to descriminate between the regular practitioner and illiterate pretenders, who attempt to ascend the pinnacle of same by climbing the tower which he has erected. Doctor Solomon may be consulted by letter, post- paid, inclosing his usual fee of Half a Guinea, addressed to him at his house, No. 12, Marybone Liverpool. The Cordial Balm of Gilead at tos. 6d. per bottle— and Guide to Health at 3s. Continue to be sold by T. Wood, Shrewsbury ; and by all the printers of newspapers and venders of genuine medicines in every country town in the kingdom, also by Mr. Matthews,
No. 18, Strand and Mr. Tutt, Royal Exchange; and no where else in London. Of whom may also be had, Dr. Solomon's Rheumatic Balsam, for effectually curing all inveterate Rheumatic, Sciatic and Gouty Pains, Scurvy, Sore and Ulcerated Legs ; Scorbutic Eruptions on the Face and Skin, Price 5s. 5J. per ' Bottle. Magnanime, at SeJ, July 17, 1797. SIR, CRUISING 70 Leagues Westward of Cape Clear, in compliance with your instructions of the i » d ult. his Majesty's ship the Magnanime, under my command, amidst thick and stormy weather, fell in with and captured Le Triton, a Frcnch privateer, nineteen days from Nantz,
pierced for 18 guns, though only mounting 8 twelve- pounders, and manned with 180 men. Upon her cruize she appears to have taken one American schooner. I have the honour to be, See. ( Signed) M. DE COURCY. Vice- Admiral Kingsmill Copy of a letter from Mr. Richard Johns, jun. com- manding the Dolphin Revenue Cutter, to Mr, Nepeon, dated MaraZion, July io, 1797. SIR, from the Captain of a sloop, of his being chaced in hereby a French privateer, I immediately slip- ped my cable and went in pursuit of her, and in the course of six hours came up with and captured the privateer La Papillon, Captain Thomas Franerie,
Lieutenant de Vaisseau, mountings swivels and plenty of small arms, with 36 men, out four days from Brest ; had recaptured, the evening before, the St. Anne Chasse Maree, with wine from Nantz, bound to Brest, John Acalre, master; which Chasse Maree was first captured by the squadron under the command of Sir John Borlase Warren. I have the Honour to be Sec. Sec. & c. ( Signed) RICHARD JOHNS, jun. [ Thus far London Gazette,] AMERICA. New York, June n. Accounts from the Missi- sippi, state the Spaniards in that vicinage to be making verv active military preparations, with what object is unknown. The Indians on
the frontiers have been guilty of some depredations, but not to any material extent. June 26. A bill has been introduced into the American Senate, to prevent the arming of private ships, except in certain cases, under cer- tain regulations. By this bill armed merchant- men are prohibited from clearing out with other than bona- fide property of citizens of the United States, not contraband, and destined to a place neither invested nor blockaded. LONDON, Tuesday, July 55. Yesterday were received American papers to the 18th of June. Great alarms are entertained there respecting a French invasion. The debates of Congress have
been wholly upon the means of defence. On the loth ult it was resolved to have io, ooo militia in readiness. Two French Commissioners are arrived at Hamburgh from Paris ; but the object of their mission is not yet known. The report that the French meditate an attack upon Hanover, is contradicted by the Ratisbon Gazette. The Russian Cabinet has ordered its Ministers at Foreign Courts to make six declarations re- specting the unhappy Poland, and one of which contains the following article: " If from motives of hatred, on account of this treaty of partition and its results, one of the three High Contracting Parties should be attack ed by any foreign power, the two others promise to join and defend him with all their might and power against such attack." Yesterday a Special Court of Directors was held at the India House, for the purpose of read- ing the various dispatches received from St. He- lena and China, on Sunday last. The Exeter, Earl Howe, Bombay Castle, and Brunswick, also the Indispensible and Prince of Wales, extra ships, left China the ill of January last; and on the id, passing Macoa Roads, saw his Majesty's ship SufFolk lying there, with Ad- miral Rainier, who convoyed them as far as Atchien Head, and then proceeded on his way to
Madras. They arrived at the Cape of Good Hope on the 3d of April, and sailed from thence on the 15th; under convoy of his Majesty's ship Ruby. The Cuffnels was the only ship remaining at China, where the Company's Super Cargoes were in good health. The passengers are, in the Earl Howe, Lieu- tenants Staines and Peacocke. In the Exeter, Mrs. Counsil; and in the Brunswick, Major Willock. The Marquis Cornwallis left Madras on the 1 ft of February - arrived at the Cape the 12th of I Helena on the * 8th. , „ Melvllle Airly Castle. Lord Hawkesbury, Rockingham, arid 4 extra ships, were lying at Madras, waiting for from Bengal
- the Europa left Bengal for Bencoolen the 18th of January, on which day the Dublin, Thetis, Bridgwater, and Barrington, sailed for Columbia. The Fort William was expected at Madras. The departure of this fleet for England was very uncertain. BANKRUPTS. Richard Cragg, late of Horsham, Sussex, draper and taylor. Thomas Barham, of Deal, Kent, shopkeeper. Thos. Simpson, of Oxford- street, Middlesex, goldsmith. Thomas Godsell, the elder, late of the Wheat Sheaf Wharf, Wapping, Middlesex, whar- finger and coal- merchant. Thomas Dalby, of Grub- street, London, butcher. John Cowper, of Penrith, in Cumberland,
tanner. Geo. Seaton the elder, of Crowle, Lincolnshire, cornfactor. William Gilbert Podd, Bath, picture dealer. Samuel Bispham, of Rosomon- street, Clerkenwell, Middlesex, watch- wheel- finisher. John Jackson, late of Lime- street, London, wine- merchant. John Vowell, late of Worcester- street, Southwark, Sut- rey, money- scriver. William Barnard Brandon, of Lea- denhall street, London, truss maker William Ham- matt, of Birchin- lane, London, money scrivener and notary- public. Richard Pember, of Clifton, Glocester- shire, dealer. John Marshall and John Longcake, of Workington, Cumberland, mercer, and drapers. Tho mas Rowland, of Liverpool, earthenware- dealer. Joseph King, of Newbury, Berks, grocer. George Ehn, late of Goswell- street, Middlesex, starch maker. James Morton the younger, late of Pendleton, Lancashire, fustian manufacturer. Mark Pratten the younger, of the parish of St Philip and Jacob, Glocestershire, tan- ner. William Brevitt, late of Birmingham, drover. GIBRALTAR, June to. The Spaniards have lately built a considerable chain of barracks within their works and are daily pitching tents: so far as the eye may be allowed to judge, there are now within their lines accommodations for about 10,000 men. A general bustle
seems to be amongst them, and the ground is covered with camp equipage. Troops from the Interior are daily marching in, and report fays, that a large body from the Gal- lick Italian army is on its march to join the same point. Our garrison is very healthy and in good spirits, well prepared to stand an attack. The troops from Elba are arrived here. Our Bay is so full of merchantmen homeward and out- ward- bound, that the outermost vessels are ccarce- ly within the protection of the guns of the fort- ress; the Southampton frigate is, however, about to take some of them off. COUNTY NEWS. ThUNdeR STORM. Newcastle, July Oil
Sunday evening last, between five and six o'clock, a most tremendous storm of thunder and lightening came on at Tin- month and Whitley, which was felt all along the North coast. The lightening entered the stable door occupied by the East and West Lothian Ca- valry, encamped on Whitley Links, and instan- taneously killed two horses : three others were much burnt, two of which are since dead : the remainder of the horses were turned out of the stable as soon as possible, and ran off in all direc- tions, being raised and terrified by the storm. Upwards of 60 of them reached this town be- tween seven and eight o'clock, where
they were secured, and the next day conducted back so the camp by the men who had followed, but were unable to stop them. Part of the stable and for- age were consumed, but fortunately none of the A BURGLARY. WHEREAS on Friday Night last, or early on Saturday Morning, the Dwelling House be- longing to Mr. George Johnston, of Leighton, near Welch Pool, in the County of Montgomery, was broke open, and a Desk with two Locks was also broke, and the Sum of ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY- FOUR POUNDS in Cash stolen thereout 1 whoever will give Information of the Offender or Offenders, so that he, she, or
they may be brought to Justice, shall, on Con. viction thereof, receive a REWARD of TWENTY" POUNDS, over and above what is allowed by the Rut- tington original Association for the prosecution of Fe- lons. By me, C. JOHNSTON. Leighton, July 21, 1797. N. R. If more than one were concerned, tie Per- son confessing the fact will have every means used to procure his or her Pardon. TO SCAVENGERS. ANY Person or Persons desirous to Contract with the Commissioners of the Birmingham Street Acts, for cleaning and sweeping the Streets within the same Town, to be swept in the Manner following ( viz ) from the 15th
Day of October to the ch Day of April, all the Streets to be swept once a Week, and from the said 15th Day of April to the 151I1 Day of October, to be swept once a Fortnight, and in every respect to be swept and managed with the greatest regularity, the Sweepings and Rubbish not to remain in the Streets, but to be carried away immediately, and to become the Pro- perty of the Contractor, are desired to send Proposals in Writing ( sealed up) to Mr. William Smith, Attorney at Law, Edgbaston- street, Birmingham aforesaid, between now and the 9th Day of August next ( the Day of Meet- ing of the Commissioners). Birmingham,
July 20 1797. N. B. The Sweepings of the Streets are very valua. ble, and much sought after by Farmers in the Neigh- bourhood, who give a high Price for the same.
POSTSCRIPT. Extract of a Letter from an Officer on board La Pomone, dated Hodierne Bay, July 17. A T day light this morning we fell in with a convoy of 16 sail of French vessels; they were near the J. - r- j but we were enabled to capture eight, viz. one ship,. three- brigs, and four chassc marees, laden with timber for ship- building, brandy, wine, Sec. Burnt a very large ship mast, and then sent the Anson and Sylph to batter them, laden with timber, which had run ashore; ran the frigate, gun boat, and brig, on shore with the loss of their cargoes, which was done so completely, that it is imagined they can never go to sea again.
LONDON, Wednesday, July 16. No Messenger arrived from Lord Malmesbury, nor any Paris Papers received this day. Yesterday morning Four Frenchmen arrived at the Secretary of State's Office, from Paris, with a Letter addressed to Lord Grenville, which they would not deliver to any othet person than his Lordship. It is said that it related to Sir Sidney Smith. In addition to the accounts from the East- In- dies, inserted in the preceding page, we have re- ceived the following : The Island of St. Helena sustained material damage from a most uncommon and extraordi- nary fall of rain on the 25th of April, which caused the largest
and most awful floods ever remembered. The Britannia store- ship for St. Helena, part- ed company with his Majesty's ship Trusty, and Admiral Sir Edward Hughes, 011 the t? th of M. uch, 1797, in Iat. 4. 4.0. S. long. 17. W. all except Earl Macartney, who had been con- fined to his bed for several days with the gout. A letter dated Lisbon, 2 iff June, says, " A piece of news arrived here yesterday, of a very unpleasant, nay, most alarming nature; an En- glish privateer, The Sea Horse, fitted out at Gib. raltar, took a small French vessel coming from some where near Algiers, which unfortunately had the Plague on board, it was, of
course, caught by the crew of the English privateer, and both went to Gibraltar, from whence they were soon driven, and proceeded to sea, God knows where; official accounts of it have come to this Court, who have sent rigourous orders concern- ing it to every garrison, fort, and ship belong- ing to them." : FRIDAY, JUly 28. We hear that the Oxford Circuit is postponed a Week ; so that the Commission Day at Shrews- bury, will not be till the 26th of August. At Ludlow Races last week, Wednesday's 50I. for all ages, was run for by Sir J. Leicester's b. h. Jupiter . 311 Mr. Darling's c. m. Miss Edwin - 1 2 s Mr. Ainsworth's c. m.
Twig'em 4 3 j J. Mainwaring, Esqs.' s b. c. Aurelius 2 4 dr. On Thursday, the Noblemen and Gentlemen's Plate of 50I. was run for by Mr. Lockley's h. m. Queen Charlotte - 1 j Mr. G. Underhill's ch. h. Cymon - 22 On Friday, the Town Subscription of 50I. was won by Mr. Lockley's b. m. Queen Charlotte, beating Watkin Williams, Esqr.' s b. h. aEther, and Mr. G. Underhill's ch. h. Cymon. The first day's race afforded very capital sport, and the Ordinaries and Balls were most respec- tably and numerously attended. Last week the Rev. C. Price, of Broseley, was instituted by the Chancellor, to tbe Office of a Surrogate, to Grant
Marriage Licences. The Right Honorable Lord Kenyon has been pleased to appoint Mr. John Lloyd Jones, of Plasynwern, in the County of Denbigh. Attor- ney at Law, a Commissioner to take Affidavits in the Court of King's Bench, for the several On Wednesday evening last, as Mr. Charles Humphreys, a son of Mrs. Davies of the Swan Inn, Llanfair, by a former husband, was bathing in the River Severn, nearly opposite the Byelet, going beyond his depth, and not knowing how to swim, was unfortunately drowned. This young man had been some months in Shrewsbury, at school, and bore an extreme good character. A few
days ago, as the wife of Mr. Boulkley, baker, of Aston, near Whitchurch, was taking some cloaths off a hedge, she fell down by over reaching herself, and was killed on the spot. The same evening Mr. Weston, a wealthy farmer and maltster, of Whixall, fell from his horse, and died on the road between Whitchurch and Wem; he was a man of unblemished cha- racter. On Friday morning last, a young woman was found drowned in a pit, between Malpas and Whitchurch. She proved to be one who had eloped from Whitchurch House of Industry ten days before, and is supposed to have been in tbe water most of that time. Her
name is Margaret Lewis. On Saturday last one Thomas Sheppard, a man near So years of age, fell from the top of a hay- stack, at Whitchurch, by which accident he broke his thigh, put out his shoulder, and was otherwise so terribly bruised that there is very little hopes of his recovery. On Tuesday last was found droWned in a pit at the back of their own house, the wife of Mr. Isaac Bickley, of Whitchurch ; at ten o'clock the preceeding night she undressed herself as if going to bed, laid down a young child which sucked on her breast, slipped out undiscovered and threw herself into the pit, where she was found next morning
about three o'clock, a corpse. She has left a disconsolate husband and three small chil- dren. She had some time back been disordered in Her head. Monday last William Tucker, of Siston, was drowned near the Locks at Keynsham, whither he had went angling.— It is supposed that his Foot must have slipped in the act of drawing out a fish, which was found hooked, together with the rod and line upon the bank. A faithful dog that ac- companied him, would not leave the place, but kept continually howling, which led to the dis- covery. Such was the violence of the storm on Sunday the 16th inst. at Oxford, that the mail and other
coaches were detained for a considerable time, the utmost exertions of the drivers not being able to overcome the terror of the horses; and many of them when they did proceed, were led for several miles before they could go on. * On Thursday se'nnight, as three colliers were digging for coals in the Forest of Dean, the mouth of the pit fell in, and they remained submersed till Saturday evening, when they were providen- tially dug out without hurt, notwithstanding a huge piece of rock which fell in with the rubbish, was so large that it was obliged to be blown to pieces with gunpowder, before they could dig in search of the men.
Wednesday a boy about five years old, at Uf- ford, was found dead under a hovel. It appears the poor child had been amusing himself in a swing, the rope of which twisted round his neck, and strangled him. On Friday last as John Saunders a lad about I years old, at Dorchester, was putting his hand into a bird's nest, in a furze bush, a viper bit his finger, the venom of which ran with much rapidity up his arm and into his breast, but by the appli- cation of oils, it was checked, and the mortifica- tion prevented. In Trinity term last, John Parsons, jun. Esq of Wirfall; . Whitchurch, in the county of Salop, was called to the degree of
Barrister at Law, by the Hon. Society of the Middle temple London. GAME. SIR WATKIN WILLIAMS WYNN, requests that no Gentlem vi will Sport upon any of his Hills, without having a Written permission from him) particularly upon the Rhuabon Hills, Pen Nantir, and Eglwysig to which Hills he intends giving an entire Jubilee this Season. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. THE Creditors of Mr. Joseph Willmott, late of Oswestry, in the County of Salop, Up- holsterer, may be forthwith paid a Dividend of Five Shillings in the Pound, by applying to Mr. James Green of Oswestry aforesaid, Tea- Dealer. Oswestry, July 15, 1797. Counties of
Chester, Denbigh, Flint, Montgo- mery, and Radnor. The Insolvent Act, which received the Royal Assent by commission, on Wednesday, extends to all persons whose debts on the first of January 1797, did not in the whole, amount to a larger sum than one thousand two hundred pounds.— No prisoner to be discharged whole- debts were incurred since the first of January 1797.— Nor any attorney or solicitor,. or servant or agent, who has embezzled, concealed, or converted to his own use, money, goods, or effects, which has been intrusted to his care. A letter from a son of Mr, Leech, of this town, on board a ship, one of the
Earl of St. Vincent's fleet, to his father, dated Cadiz Bay, June 17, says, " We are now lying off Cadiz at anchor ; the fleet is about four leagues off, but Admiral Nelson's, our ship and three more, are within a league ; we do not let the smallest boat in or out of their harbour, except fishing boats. We threw some shot into a small town about seven miles from Cadiz, some time ago, and did con- siderable damage, but they have now got near twenty gun- boats, so that our boats dare not go in so near as usual. We have a flag of truce out from Cadiz almost every day with presents for Lord Jervis and our Captain. Their men of war
are dropping out to the mouth of their har- bour, and we are all clear for action, expecting them out everyday. We have taken a good many prizes since we have been here ; either our sqa- dron or our boats have daily skirmishes with their gun- boats, as we chase vessels close under their batteries; they have got about 30 sail of the line ready for sea, and the people on shore say, if they do not go out and fight us they will fire upon them from the batteries, as provisions are so dear they cannot live. We have boats come out from Cadiz to the ships, with onions, cab- bages, apricots, figs, and fish ; they sell 4. cab- bages and 6
small bunches of young onions for a dollar, ( which is 4s. Sd.) soap at half a dollar peii lb. and about as much whiting as you buy for two- pence, for the same sum. " I shall now give you a more particular ac- count of our taking the Figates : On the 26th of April at nine o'clock, we saw two strange sail standing right for us, and the Orion, who was our Commodore, made the private signal to know if they were friends, but they could not answer it; so we hoisted Spanish colours to decoy them, but not knowing what to make of us, they stood away from us; the Commodore then made the signal for us and the Emerald frigate to chase
them; there being but little wind we chased un- til near three o'clock before we came up with them ; they came to anchor off a small town about 4 leagues from Cadiz. Just at the mouth of the Gut of Gibraltar we came to also, within musket shot of them, and engaged them for three hours, when they both struck. They came from the Havannah ; they had the Viceroy of Peru and all his attendants on board them, and a Mr. Muire, who you may remember was sent to Botany Bay for sedition ; they were full of the richest cloath you can imagine, and a great num- ber of dollars and precious stones ; there were three gold crowns with
diamonds, and an image of the King of Spain on horseback, but those with the Viceroy and all his attendants were got on shore." On Thursday the 13th inst. at the Quarter Sessions held at Mold, were convicted before Sir Thomas Hanmer, Bart. Richard Hill Waring, Esq. Hope Eyton, and Randolph Crewe, clerks, John Griffith and Thomas Griffith, labourers, in the penalty of 20I. each, for having in June last interrupted a congregation of dissenters, com. monly called Methodists, assembled near Han- mer, in a house registered, the Minister being also licensed according to law. At the general quarter sessions of the peace for
Liverpool, Daniel Walton, formerly a butcher at Barnsley, in Yorkshire, was indicted for making life of wicked and seditious expressions lo thc Mid Lothian fencible cavalry, in the month of May last, for the purpose of preventing their em- barking at Liverpool for Ireland, and which had the effect of preventing many of them from so embarking. Additional Subscribers to Prison Charities s Lady Markham - - - 0106 William Clive, Esq; - - o 10 6 R. Leeke, Esq; - - - o 10 6 NOTICE to CREDITORS and DeBOTRS. ALL persons who have any Claims or Demands, upon the estate. and effects of the late Mr. EDWARD GOODWIN, of
Bridgnorth, in the County of Salop, Sail- cloth Maker, deceased ; are desired to lend an Account of their respective Demands, and the Nature of their Securities, to Mr. Richard Hickmans, of Chelmarsh; or Mr. William Slater, of Winscott, near Bridgnorth, his Executors; or to Mr. Parry, Attorney at Law, in Bridgnorth aforesaid. And all Persons who stand indebted to the Estate of the said EDWARD GOODWIN, are requested to pay the same immediately to the said Mr. Hickmans', Mr. Slater, or Mr. Parry. Bridgnorth, July 2P, 1797. Shrewsbury, July 6, 1797. HUMPHRY PINCHES, IRONMONGER AND NAIL MANUFACTURER^
MAKES his grateful acknowledgments to the Friends and Customers of his late Son, Thomas Pinches, for the Favours he received; during the Time he was in Business and acquaints them he has disposed of the Stock in Trade to Mr. Thomas Stirrop and begs Leave to recommend him to . / patronage and Sup- port, satisfied that he will exert his utmost endeavours to deserve them. THOMAS STIRROP, IRONMONGER AND NAIL MANUFACTURER, Market Place, Shrewsbury, ( Late Apprentice to Mr. john Heighway;) HAVING purchased the STOCK of Mr, Thomas Pinches, deceased, takes the liberty of informing his Friends
and the Publick in general, that he intends carrying 011 the above Business, in all its different Branches, and hopes, by a diligent Attention to their Commands, to enjoy their Confidence and Sup- port. T. STIRROP most respectfully makes a tender of his Services to Mr. Pinches's late customers, assuring them no Exertions of his shall be wanting to supply them with the best of Articles, and on the most reasonable Terms. NEW INN, LLANIDLOES. THOMAS HUGHES; gratefully ac- knowledges the many Favors he has already received from his Friends and the Public in general, humbly begs Leave to inform them, that he has
removed from the Lion Inn, to the above New, Large, Elegant, and Commodious INN, opposite the Market hall; and it is with peculiar Satisfaction, that he is enabled to assure his various Guests, that he has Furnished the whole in a genteel Stile, and that no Expence has been spared in rendering it both highly Comfortable and Useful. He how begs Leave to solicit the Patronage of all those Gen- tlemen WHO may be induced to Travel into this Part of the Country, assuring them that no Attention on his Side, or on that of his Domestics, shall be wanting to deserve their just Approbation and Good will. He also solicits a
Continuance of the Favors of his Old Friends, and Acquaintances in the Neighbourhood, who have on Market Day's and other Occasions, for so many Years been pleased to Smile on him ; and they in Particular may be assured, that he shall at all Times do every Thing in his Power to conciliate their Friendship, and to deserve their future Custom and Support. WANTED, an APPRENTICE to a Tea- Dealer, in a respectable Line of Business. Apply ( Post- paid) to the Printer. N. B. A moderate Premium will be expected. PLEASURE BOAT, FROM SHREWSBURY to UFFINGTON. J. BALL and C. YOUNG, respectfully in- form the
Ladies and Gentlemen of Salop and its Vicinity. that they have established a neat BOAT, be- twixt SHREWSBURY and UFFINGTON, for the Accommodation of PASSENGERS and PARTIES of PLEASURE, which from the Safety, ease and Agreeableness of the Excursion, they hope will meet with Approbation and Encouragement. FARE from SALOP to UffiNGTON, 6d. each Person, and the same returning.— Money to be paid at the Office in the Bason- Yard. . To go every Day at Three o Clock in the Afternoon. Parties will be conveyed at any Time of the Day, the above Distance and back, for Twelve Shillings, on giving One
Day's Notice to C. Young, at the Wharf.— The Boat not to be our later than eight o'Clock. r> As the Proprietors provide a skilful Person to Steer, it is hoped no one will attempt to interfere with the Direction, in order to prevent Damage to the Boat, or the Banks of the Canal. DISTORTION of the HUMAN FRAME RELIEVED and CURED. PJONES, of Charlotte- Street, Redford- • Square, LONDON, Inventor of the SPINAL STAYS and APPARATUS for restoring these De- fects, which in their improved State afford almost instant Relief, where the Health is effected, and in- their Application do not occasion the least Pain. The
astonishing Success that has attended the Inven- tion during a Period of Twenty Years,, is a Proof of its Utility, as may be seen in his Essay on Crookedness or Distortion of the Spine, and in his Address to the Faculty, Heads of Families, & c. wherein the Recom- mendations of the late John Hunter, Esq; Surgeon to the King, F. R. S. & c. Drs. Monro, and Cullen, and Mr. Ball, Surgeon, of Edinburgh; Dr. Stevenson, of Glasgow; together with the Approbation of most of thc Medical Gentlemen of the first Eminence in the King- dom, may be seen at large. Mr. JONES being now on a Journey in thc North, intends to visit Shrewsbury
in the Course of a few Days, on his Return, where those who may wish to consult him, will please to address him at Mr. Sandford's Bookseller. His stay will be very short. July 10, 1797- TO HAWKERS AND PEDLARS. Messrs. Niblett, Feudall and Co. Bankers, Glocester J Mr. Edward Oldnall, Worcester; Messrs. Corrie and Craig, Merchants, Shrewsbury; and Mr. Launcelot M organ, of the Town of Brecon, Breconshire \ who will attend at Bridgnorth, on the 2d of August next, and at Carmarthen upon the ! 2rh. Persons offending against the Laws are liable to the following Penalties. Not having the Words " Licensed Hawkers,"
together with the Number, Name, or other Mark or Marks of Distinction written, printed or painted upon the most conspicuous Part of every Bag, Pack, Box, Cart, & c. Ten Pounds. Unlicensed Persons so marking Packs, & c. Ten Pounds; Persons found Trading without Licence con- trary to the Act, Ten Pounds, One Half to his Majesty, and the other to the Informer. Any Person whatsoever may lawfully seize and detain any Hawker, in order to give Notice to a Constable, or other Peace Officer or Officers, who are required by the . Act to carry such Person before a Magistrate,; unless he shall in the mean Time produce his
Licence; and in Case of Refusal or Neglect, each and every such Officer or Officers shall forfeit for each Offence the Sum of Ten Pounds. SHAWBURY RACES WILL be on TUESDAY and WED- NESDAY, the First and second Days of AUGUST, 1797. On TUESDAY the First, will be run for over Shawbury Heath, a SILVER CUP, Value 50I. ( the Gift of ANDREW CORBET, Esq;) by Hunters,, the Property of Noblemen, Gentlemen, and. Freeholders of the County of Salop, that have hunted last Season, ahd been in their Possession six Months, and which shall not have beenin Training before the First of March, 1797; Certificates
of which must be produced at the Time of Entrance.— Five Years old to carry 10st iotb. Six Years old Yi'ft. 71b. and aged 12st. the best of three Three- mile Heats, and to pay Half- a- Guinea Entrance, The Same Day, a SWEEPSTAKES of Ten Guineas each, p. p- Two- mile Heats, the Property of, and bred by the Subscribers, for which the following have only named N. O. S. Owen, Esqr's. bay Geldings 4 Years old, by Promoter. John Lockley, Esqr s. Colt, 4 Years old, by Sir Harry Harper's Herod. On WedNESDAy the Second, the Gentlemen's Sub- scription of FIFTY POUNDS, by Horses, & c. that never won that Value,
Matches and Sweepstakes ex- cepted.— Three Years old to carry a Feather, Four years old 7ft. 71b. Five Years old 8ft. 3lb. Six Years old Sft. rolb. and aged 9st. The best of three Three- mile Heats. Mares will be allowed three Pounds, and to pay two Guineas Entrance, which goes to the second best Horfe. If only one, & c. enter, the Owner to be allowed' ten Guineas^ if two, five Guines each, and their En- trance Money returned. Same Day, A SWEEPSTAKES of Five Guineas each, p. p. for Ponies not exceeding 13 Hands, catch Weight, the best of three Three- mile Heats; and to be named to the Cletk of the course, on the
Day of Entrance. Every Horse, Sec. that runs for the above Cup or Plate must be shewn and entered with Mr. J. Ruscoe, Clerk of the Course, at the Elephant- and- Castle Inn, in Shawbury, on Monday the 31st Day of July, between the Hours of Three and Six o'clock in the Afternoon. The Owner of each winning Horse, & c. is expeCted to allow one Guinea towards Expences The Horfes to start each Day precisely at Four o'Clock, and only Half an Hour allowed between each Heat. All Disputes to be determined isf « hs Stewards, or whom they may appoint. ANTHONY KINNERSLEY, Esq,-, , JOHN HILL, Jun. Esq;. N. B. No
Person what ever will by allowed to erect any Booth or Stand upon the Race Ground, without first paying Ten Shillings and Sixpence to the Clerk of the Course, which must be paid on thc Day of En- TO BE SOLD. Avery neat PHAETON, which has not been used more than Ten Times, and may be Drawn either with one Horse or a Pair— Price 20 Guineas.-—— Enquire of the Printer. PURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, made in a Cause LEE and Others. v. WARRE and Another, the next of Kin of SARAH DARRELL, late of Trevernan in the County of Cornwall, Widow; who were Living at the Time of the
Death of English Sutton, which happened on or about the 5th Day of January, 1795, or their personal Representative or Representatives, are forthwith per- sonally or by their Solicitors, to come in and make out their Claims before William Weller Pepys, Esq; one of the Masters of the said Court, at his Chambers in Southampton Buildings, Chancery lane, London or in Default thereof they will be excluded the Benefit of the said Decree. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. THE Creditors who have proved their Debts under a Commission of Bankrupt, awarded and issued against RICHARD SMITH, of Whitchurch, in the County of Salop.
Money Scrivener; surviving Partner of GEORGE WATSON, late of Whitchurch aforesaid, Money Scrivener, deceased; are desired to meet the Assignees of the Estate and Effects of the said Bankrupt, on Wednesday the 9th Day of August now next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, at the Dwel- ling House of Mr. Peter Newton, the Sign of the White Lion, in Whitchurch aforesaid ; to assent to, or dissent from, the commencing, prosecuting, or defending in their own Names, or in the Names of any other Person or Persons, any Suit or Suits at Law or in Equity, in order to settle the Account between the said Assignees, and Sir
Robert Salusbury Cotton, Bart. And also to assent to, or dissent from the Payment of the Sum ' of Five Hundred Pounds, and Interest due to the Executors of the last Will and Testament of Thomas Overton, late of Whitchuch aforesaid Grocer, deceased ,; for better securing Whereof certain Assignments or Legacies, under the Will of John Benson, late of Whitchurch aforesaid, Innholder, deceased, were deposited by the said RICH- ARD SMITH, in the Hands of the said deceased Thomas Overton; and on other special Affairs. July. 19, 1797. MONGOMERYSHIRE. TO be SOLD by Private Contract, either together or in Lots: All
that Moiety or Half Part, ( the Whole in two equal Parts to be divided), of all the impropriated. Tithes, within, the Parish of Llanfair, in the said County of Montgomery. Particulars may be had by applying to Mr. Richard Griffithes, or Mr. John Thomas, Attor- ney at Law, in the Town of Llanfyllin, in the County aforesaid. HEREFORDSHIRE. TO be peremptorily Sold, pursuant to a Decree and subsequent Order of the High Court of Chancery, made in a Caufe LLOYD against DUPPA, on Monday the 31st Day of July, 1797, between the Houri of Four and Six of the Clock in thS Afternoon, at the Falcon Inn, in Bromyard, in the County
of He- reford ; in three separate and distinct lots. A FREEHOLD ESTATE, consisting of several de- sirable FARMS, situate in the several parishes of Avenbury, Much Cowarn, and Stoke Prior, in the County of Hereford ; late the Estate of Luke Standford, deceased. Printed Particulars may be had at the Chambers of Edward Leeds, Esq; ( the Master to whom the said Cause is referred), in Southampton Buildings, Chancery- lane, London ; of Richard Legard, Esq; No. 3, Stone Build ings, Lincoln's Inn; of Henry Barker, Esq; No. 7, Gray's Inn Square, London j of Mr. Holland, Solicitor, Tenbury, Worcestershire; of Mr. Hyde,
Solicitor. Worcester; at the principal Inns in Worcester and He reford, and at the Place of Sale. FLINTSHIRE. TO be peremptorily SOLD, pursuant to a Decree made in the Cause CHADWICK and Another against MARKLAND and Others, before ROBERT RICHMOND, Gent, a Person for that Purpose appointed by JOHN ORD, Esq; one of the Masters of the High Court of Chancery, at the House of Mrs. Jane potts widow, the white Horse inn, In Holywell, in the county of flint on Saturday' the 20th Day of July instant, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon of the same Day: One undivided THIRD PART late belonging to Thomas Edwards and
Sydney his Wife, and now to Robert Edwards their Son and Heir, or his Trustee, or the Mortgagees thereof,) of the ESTATE, called BRYNFORD's, situate in the Parishes of Holywell, Whitford, Halkin and Rhyddlan, in the said County of Flint, and North Wales, namely, BRYNFORD HALL, with the Barns, Stables, and other Outbuildings' thereunto belonging, and sundry Closes and Parcels of' LAnD enjoyed therewith, and divers other Messuages or Dwelling- Houses, Tenements and Lands thereto be- longing, containing in the whole according to a late Survey or Admeasurement thereof 351 Acres, 1 Rood, and 24 Perches of
LAND, of Statute Measure : toge- ther with One undivided THIRD PART of the several MINES of LEAD, CALAMINE, and other Minerals under the faid Premises, which Mines so far as the same have been got and worked in, have produced in Ore and Calamine, for the last six Years 24GI. 19s. 7d. a Year, one third whereof is Sil. 6s. 6vd. per Annum. Printed Particulars of the said Estates and Premises may be had gratis, at the said Master's Chambers in Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London '; and such Particulars of the same Estate, and further Infor- mation relative thereto, may be had. by Application to Mr. John
Thomas, of Baghillt Town, near Holywell; Messrs. Potts and Leeke, in Chester; or Mr. Leigh, Took's Court, Chancery- Lane, London. * N. B. The respective Tenants will shew the Pre- mises. ' TO BE SOLD OR LET. ASubstantial well- built BrICK DWEL- LING HOUSE, with a small Garden, Summer house and Stable, fit for the Reception of a genteel Family, situate in the Castle street, in the Town of Shrewsbury ; and commandingr an extensive View of the Country, and now in the Holding of Mrs. Clayton, who will allow the same to be viewed. Possession may he had Immediately.—•- Particulars may be known by applying to
Mr. Edwards, Castle- street. FLAX. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, ON THE PREMISES, At Newtown near Baschurch, in the County of Salop, On Monday the 7th or August, 1797 Bv GLOVER AND SON : Fourteen Acres and odd of exceeding fine FLAX, ( Now Growing. ) Mr. Payne, of Mere Bank, near Baschurch, will shew the same. JULY 25, 1797. TO be SOLD by AUCTIO N, At the Windmill Farm, in the Parish of Elles- mere, in the County of Salop, 0.- 1 Monday the 7th Day of August, 1797, subject to such Conditions as small be then produced : Several FIELDS of WHEAT, BARLEY, and OATS, now growing on the said Farm
; which will be Sold in Lots. The Sale will begin at Three o'Clock in the After- noon. Mr. John Keay, of Crosemere. will shew the Premises. . SHROPSHIRE FREEHOLD ESTATES. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at Worthen, in the County of Salop, some Time in tne Month'of September r- kt: Several desirable MESSUAGES and FARMS, situ- ate in the feveral Parishes of Worthen, Chirbury, and Church- Stoke, in thr County of Salop, and now in die respestive Holdings of Mr. John Abberley, Thomas Evans ( of Wilmington), - Thomas Evans of Lower Wood), John Nichols, John Walters, William Evans, Edward Evans, Wm. Davies,
and Thomas Chelmick. Particulars nf which will shortly appear in this Paper, and in the mean Time may be by applying to Mr. Vickers, of Cranmore near Bridgnorth; or Mr. Pritch- ard, Attorney, in Broseley. SHROPSHIRE.- TO be SOLD by AUCTION, , By Mr. CHRISTIE, At his Great Room, in Pall- Mall, on Thursday the '' Yyth of" August, at One o'Clock, BY ORDER OF REPRESENTATIVES ; ' IN TWO LOTS : lOT 1. A CAPITAL and VALUABLE FREE- HOLD ESTATE, late the Property of ROBERT PIGOT, Esq; deceased. Consisting of the MANOR of PEPLOW, a SPA. CIOUS MANSION, with Roomy Stabling, extensive
OFFICES of every Description, excellent KITCHEN GARDEN WALLED, and planted with choice Fruit ,. Trees, PLEASURE GROUND Tastefully laid out, ELEGANT PAdDOCK, with the RIVER TERN in VIEW of the MANSION, and SEVERAL ELI- GIBLE FARMS surrounding the Demesne, with suit- able Farm Houfes, Barns, Outbuildings, and ONE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY- FIVE ' ACRES of Rich Arable, Meadow, and Pasture LAND, COMPACT and WITHIN a RING FENCE, Let to most responsible Tenants, principally af Will,' at Low Old Rents, amounting to TWELVE HUNDRED AND SEVnNTY- FIVE
POUNDS, capable of very considerable Improvement; the Mansion, Offices, and Gardens, are in excellent Repair and Order, fit for the immediate Reception of a large Family. LOT II. CONSISTS of a CAPITAL FREEHOLD FARM situated a small Distance from the above Estate, called WOODHOUSE FARM, Let to Mr. THOMAS DAWES, on Lease, G Years of which were unexpired at Lady- Day last, at a Low Old Rent of ONE HUNDRED POUNDS, but of NEARLY THE ANNUAL VaLUE OF DOUBLE THAT SUM, and contains a good Farm- House, with all suitable Buildings, and 154 Acres of Rich Arable, Meadow, and Pasture
LAND, desirably situated, in a beautiful and sporting Part of the County, it Miles from SHREWSBURY, 4 from TERNHILL, on the High Road from LONDON to CHESTER. Printed Particulars may be had of Mr. Bishton. of Kilsall, near Shiffnall; and Samuel Davies, Esq, Market- Drayton, Salop; Mr. Seton, York- Buildings; Mr. Harman, Wine Office Court, Fleet street; the Printers of Shrewsbury, Chester, Liverpool, Manchester, and Birmingham Papers, at the Rainbow Coffee- House, and in FREEHOLD ESTATES. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, About Michaelmas next, In LOTS, if not disposed of in the mean Time by pri- vate
Contract, of which Notice will be given : All those very improvable FARMS and LANDS, with the Appurtanances, situate in the Parishes of Clun and Clive, in 1 b - County of Salop, in the several Hold- ings of George Hudson, Henry Davies, William Lloyd, and Richard Bryan; consisting of upwards of FOUR. HUNDRED and FIFTY ACRES of Arable, Mea- dow and Pasture LAND, with very valuable and ex . tensive SHEEP- WALKS. Particulars will be inserted in a future Paper; and in the mean Time apply to Mr. Matthews, of Shelderton ; or Mr. John Davies, of Bishop's Castle, Shropshire. MONTGOMERYSHIRE. TO be SOLD by
AUCTION, at the Oak Inn, in the Town of Ellesmere, in the County of Salop; 011 Monday the 14th Day of August next, ( subject to such Conditions, as shall be then and there produced), if not disposed of by private Contract in the mean Time, of which Notice will be given All that FREEHOLD MESSUAGE, TENE- MENT FARM and LANDS, with the Appurtenances, situate, lying and being, in the Parish of Llandrinio, in the County of Montgomery ; commonly called or known by the Name of Plas yn Pwilch, containing by Ad- measuremrnt thereof, upwards of One Hundred Acres, of Arable, Meadow, and. Pasture Land almost all of
which is within a Ring Fence; the Dwelling- House is almost New, and the Out buildings in good tenantable Repair which said Premises are now in the Occupa- tion ot Mr. Moses Evans, as Tenant at WiH, who wIll. the same.-— And for further Particulars enquire of Mr. Samuel Lloyd, Attorney at Law, Shrewsbury. SHROPSHIRE ESTATES TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Talbot Inn, in Shrewsbury, in the County of - Salop, on Wednesday the. 13th September, 1797, be- tween the Hours of Three and Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions as shall be then produced A very eligible FREEHOLD ESTATE,
situate In the Township of English Frankton, in the Parish of Ellesmere, in the County of Salop, which will be put up in the following, or such other Lots, as shall be agreed upon at the Time of Sale i LOT I. A capital FARM and LANDS pleasantly situated, called The Windmill Farm; Containing 159*. IR. tip. with compleat Out- offices and Buildings, late in the Occupation of Mr. David Roberts, deceased.— This Lot will be sold subject to the Payment of an Annuity of 35I. for the Life of a Person aged « o Years. LOT II. Two MESSUAGES, FARM and LANDS, called ' The Wood ; containing 2Sa. 3R. 14F. now in the Occupations of
Thomas Williams and Thomas Bowen. LOT III. A MEADOW, called Quinquen Meadow; containing 2A. IR. or. Thd above: Estates are capable of considerable Im- provemcnts ; lie a reasonable Distance from the Market Towns of Shrewsbury, Ellesmere, Oswestry, Wem and Whitchurch. A Plan may be seen at Mr. John Burlton's, of Eng- lish Frankton aforesaid, who will appoint a person to shew the Premises ; and for further Particulars apply to Messrs. Jeffreys's and Lloyd, Attornies, Shrewsbury. .'' FREEHOLD ESTATES. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Castle- Inn, in Bishop's- Castle, on Friday the 15th, Day of September
next, between the Hours of Three and Six o'Clock in the Afternoon, Subject to such Conditions ot Sale, as shall be then and there pro- duced, in the following Lots, ( unless disposed of in the mean time by Private Contract, of which timely Notice will be given.) ^ LOT I. All that Messuage or Dwelling- House, and Outbuildings, Farm and Lands with the Appurtenances, called lower Woodbatch, now in the holding of Mr. George Beddoes, as Tenant at will, at the clear Yearly rent of £ 100. LOT II. All that Messuage or Dwelling- House, and Outbuildings, Farm and Lands, with the Appurtenan- ces, called Colebatch, now in the holding
of Mr. Charles Vaughan, the younger, under, a Lease for 3 Year;, which commenced at Lady Day lilt, at the clear Yearly Rent of 100 Guineas. * . The above desirable Farms are situate in the Town- ships of Woodbatch and Colebatch, which adjoin each other in the Parish of Bishop's Castle, in the County of Salop, are distant about 17 Miles from the Town of Lud- low, tl from Knighton, 14 from Newtown, » c from the Montgomeryshire Navigable Canal, and about • J from the Lime Kilns. LOT III. All that Messuage or Tenement, Farm and Lands. with tbe Appurtenances, called Abberdina, other- wise Aberdeen, situate in the
Parish of Bettws, in the said County of Salop, in the holding of Mr. William Owens, as Tenant at Will, at the yearly Rent of 30I. LOT IV. All that Messuage or Tenement, Farm - and Lands with the Appurtenances, situate in the Township of BahaithlOn, in the Parish of Kerry, in the County of Montgomery, in the Holding of Mr. Peter Corbett as Tenant at Will, at the clear yearly Rent of sol. The Houses and Buildings upon the several Estates, are in very compleat and substantial Repair Lot the 3d and Lot the 4th are each within a moderate Distance of several good Market Towns, and have each very exten- sive Rights of Common,
the former upon Clun forest, and the latter upon Kerry Hills. The respective Tenants will shew the Premises, and for other. Particulars apply to Messrs. Toldervy & jones, Bishop's castle.
poet's corner For the Shrewsbury Chronicle. THE LARK. MOUNT Up, my soul, with all thy powr's, Upborn on wings of love ; Behold yon lark, she sings and soars- Sing thou, and soar above Above this low terrestial spot, Whence hurtful vapours rise, These hurtful vapours lower thy note, Aud half thy music dies. W R. Literary Repository, For the Shrewsbury Chronicle. Ships TAKEN AND BURNT AT TOULON. AS the question on the restitution of all the ships taken at Toulon, to the French, as a fine qua non to the Treaty of Peace, will probably come into further discussion, we have thought it highly interesting to give a state ment of all the circumstances which attended the capture of those ships, and the nature of the pledges given by Lord Hood, and also by Sir Gilbert Elliot and General O'Hara to the Sections of Toulon, for their restitution on the conclusion of a Peace. The Publick will thereby learn the precise bearing of the case : Extract from Lord Hood's Dispatches, dated Victory, off the Islands of Hieres, Aug. 25 1793 PRELIMINARY DECLARATION. And whenever Peace takes place, the Fort, with all the Ships in the Harbour of Toulon, shall be restored to France, and the Stores of every kind, agreeable to the Schedule which may be
delivered." To this Preliminary Declaration, the Sec- tions of Toulon made the following an- swer : " Art. VIII. When the Peace shall be re- esta- blished in France, the Ships and Forts which shall be put Into the hands of the English, shall be restored to the French Nation, in the same state they were when the Inventory was deli- vered." " It is according to this Declaration, if approved of by Lord Hood, that the Toulonese will regard themselves, with good heart and will, as be- longing to the English, and the other Powers co- alesed." To this Declaration Lord Hood returned an answer as follows: Extract from the Proclamation of the
Right Hon. Lord Hood, to the Sessions of Toulon, dated on board the Victory, off Toulon, Aug. 29, 1793. " I do hereby repeat what I have already de- clared to the People of the South of France, that I take possession of Tculon, and held it in Trust only for Louis XVI. until Peace shall before established in France, which I hope will be soon." On the receipt of the news in England of the capture of Toulon, a Commission WaS ap- pointed from hence to go to Toulon. On its arrival there, the following fresh Declaration was made: Extract from ihe Declaration oj ihe King to the Inha- bitants of Toulon, read by General 0 Hara an the 20th
of November, 1793. We, the undersigned Commissioners Pleni- potentiary of the King of Great Britain, do hereby publish by his orders, and in his name, the fol- lowing Declaration : " His Britannick Majesty having been informed of the circumstances under which the Town, Harbour, and Forts of Toulon, and the ships in the said harbour haVe been entrusted to Vice- Admiral Lord Hood, and of the Declaration made by his Lordship to the Inhabitants of Tou- lon, has thought fit further to declare as fol- lows : ' Monarchy shall be restored in France, and a Treaty of Peace concluded, stipulating in favour of his Majesty and his Allies
the restitution of all conquests made by France during the War, and a just indemnification for the losses and expenses thereby incurred, and a proper security for the future. his Majesty will cause the Town, Forts and Harbour of Toulon, together with the Ships and Stores herein, to be restored, according to the engagement entered into- by the said Vice- Admiral " According to the official report sent home by Lord Hood of the state of the French naval forces in the evacuation of Toulon, the fol- lowing appears to be the loss sustained by the French on that occasion : — Ships which - were carried away by the British Fleet, of fitted
out during our Possesion of Toulon: Guns. Guns. Commerce La Poulette - 26 Marseilles s no le Parleston 14 Le PoMpee 74 ; a Bellete 16 le Puissant 74 La Proselite » 4 Le perle 3" la Sincere 20 l'Arethuse 40 Le Mulet 20 Aurora 3* La Moselle to La Topez } 1 BURNT AT TouLon, Guns. Guns. La Courcune 80 Le Suffisante 74 Le Tonnant 80 Le Mercure 74 Le Triumphant 80 Le Conqueraut 74 L'Heureux • 74 Le Dictateur 74 Le Centaur 74 Lc Caroline 20 Le Commerce » L'Auguste 20 de Bourdeaux La Serjeuse 3* Le Destin 74 le Courageux 3* Le Lys 74 L'Iphigenie 31 Le Heros 74 L'Alerte 1 16 Le Themistocle 74 L'Iris 31 Le
Dugay Trouin 74 Le Montreal 3 » It is, however, to be remarked, that some of the above ships which were believed to be burnt, were afterwards recovered from the flames, and are now in the French service. REMARKS Preparatory to the ISSUE of the renewed NEGOTIATION for PEACE. THE circumstances under which the ne- gotiation for peace is now renewed, are such as seem to portend a different issue from that which we lately witnessed ; and this dif- ference calls upon us for a course of conduct, adapted to the issue which we have now in expectation If the prospect of an aggravated war required, on our part, a full
display of the means we possessed for preventing or les- sening tbe calamities that necessarily attend it, the contemplation of an approaching peace, under circumstances entirely new and untried, discovcrs to us the high importance of exert- ing every faculty to secure and improve the advantages it may afford, and to repel or con- troul the inconveniencies it may very possibly cause us to encounters The union of the public force, directed by firmness, enabled us to attain the former object; the national wisdon, exerted with vigilance and fidelity, can furnish us with the only means for ac- complishing the latter. Two things that we
have principally to consider are, what it is that we are desirous of acquiring by means of a peace, and how far the diplomatic arrange- ment that we call " A PEACE," is capable of procuring it ? In wishing to make a peace with France, we have no wish to assimilate Great Britain to France, nor to favor the success of any pro- ject tending to introduce that revolutionary system which our arms have so long and tri- umphantly opposed. By means of the war, we have hitherto prevented ihat assimilation ; let us consider how, when the means furnish- ed by the war shall be removed, we may still continue to guard against that effect. If a
cause of such enormous magnitude as the terrible conflict that we are on the eve of terminating was alone capable of defeating that effect, and if, as soon as that cause shall be removed, the adverse cause shall be left to operate without control, it becomes a question of sound and necessary policy to inquire, what means may be substituted in order to continue that salutary resistance. For it will certainly not be denied, by the great majority of the nation, that it the corruption of the rising generation, or of the constituted system of our government, were to become the necessary consequences of peace, war, with all its at- tendant
horrors, would be a far more salutarv condition: because, the issue of war affords always a chance of success ; whereas such a produce from peace would fix the certainty of ruin. If we examine the operation of the the war in respect of the point of view here presented, we shall perceive that it has been productive of two marked and unequivocal effects; first, it has operated externally as a bulwark raised along the limits of the empire, by which every means of political assimilation with France has been prevented from enter- ing ; and secondly, it has operated internally as a fortress, in which a desperate and active conspiracy of
traitors has been immured, and by that mean , enabled from corresponding to any material degree with the external enemy, or of extending beyond thcir own individuals this' system of admiration. Let us suppose this bulwark dismantled, this fortress razed, the intercoursc unimpeded, the enemy free to enter, the conspirators at home free to con- verse, consult, co- operate with the revolu- tionary tribes, which no diplomatic arrange- ments whatever can possibly reach, either to extirpate or reform:— and can we dare, on this view of the case, to affirm that a peace will be the restorer of happiness to the nation ; of that only
happiness to which the British people ran aspire, the safety and perpetuity of their constitution, as their only solid security for preserving life, freedom, and property ? Let it not be said, that the cessation of war will of necessity cause all our troubles to cease; that peace will replace us where peace on all former occasions has been used to place us: let us deprecate the adoption of an error so dange- rous and illusive It is impossble, without de- ferring every principle of sound reason, to ar- gue from past pacifications with France to that now before us: they differ, in every essential and constitutent principle. The kingdoms of
England and of France, though founded upon bases substantially contrary to each other in their qualities, yet grew up side by side. The long process of events that modified their ab- solute characters, determined also their mutual relations; and the collision of interests, dur- ing a lapse of ages, produced a correspondence of harmony, which war might interrupt, but which the discontinuance of war, or the res- toration of peace, sufFered to return. That case is distinctly different from what is now before us. The correspondence between that ancient fabric of Government and our own has ceased, because the fabric itself has alto gether ceased to exist. With its successor, we have no relations of peace to restore. The only relations that have ever subsisted between the French Republic and the British Mon- archy, are relations not of harmony but of discord ; they have never met but as bellige- rent powers, who have never known the rela- tions of peace; their only correspondence has been as adverse parties in a war the most fierce and resolute that the world has seen, because instituted from principles the most hostile that have ever given action to political force. When this relation shall be discontiuued, it must be succeeded by a novelty, by an
unproved and questionable condition, of the harmonious cha- racter of which, men will affirm little, in pro- portion to the depth of their wisdom and the solidity of their knowledge. The old relations with France cannot revive ; they were those of her monarchy, produced ( as we have said) j by experience and time! that monarchy is now destroyed, and it is succeeded by a repub- lic, in which many things are far more chang- ed than the form of the government. The distinction here made may perhaps be scouted ostensibly by the secret enemies of the state, as a mere sophism; but they know that it is, nevcrtheless, a distinction that
intimately concerns our welfare: that in truth is the sophism, that would seduce us to reason of the Republic of France as of its monarchy, merely because they both have borne the name of France. The constraint produced by the war has been the great and insurmountable impe- diment to the extension of those corrosive principles in England, which have dissolved so many governments, and have so widely relaxed the moral bonds of European society. France is the exhaustless source of those prin- ciples, emitted and propelled with effervescing vigour, from her central station, in every di- rection throughout Europe. Between
that England and that France, peace is to be restored, or, to speak with correctness, war is to be discontinued; for it cannot be too strong- ly incalculated, that the restoration of peace supposes peace once to have existed ; and that, by discontinuing the war, wc regain a former position ; but where peace has never existed there it cannot be restored. On discontinuing the present war, therefore, we shall have to create, and not merely to restOre, relations of peace between our new neighbour and the Constitution of England ; a work which muft suggest to the mind of even the most hasty observer, something far more arduous
than the ordinary routine of diplomatic pacification. Relations of peace signify that relative position of two powers, in respect of each other, which shall enable each, without molestation from the other, to preserve, cultivate, and enjoy, whatever either nation esteems to be the means of producing its own internal social happiness. It is the business of France to concern herself with the means of procuring her social happi- ness, and it forms no part of our speculation ; but the means of establishing our ow the method by which it is to be preserved, culti- vated, and enjoyed, as it constitutes the whole of that for which life can be
desired, so it forms also the most interesting object to which we can direct our contemplation. In speading collectively of the British na tion, we can have no hesitation in affirming that these means consist in the integrity and perpetuity of the British Constitution; of that fruitful and unequivocal source of all, our public happiness and prosperity. To preserve, to cultivate, and enjoy our constitution, as the cause of that public prosperity and happiness, and at the same time of our individual tran- quillity which necessarily results from thence, is therefore the object to be fought for in peace ; and in our avidity to procure a peace, it greatly
behoves us to take care that we in- sure this object. Upon all former occasions this was the ne- cessary consequence of peace, because the removal of the constraint and harassment of war left each country to its own quiet and its ancient habits ; and neither country, in those times, c!^ rr,. i'rekd within itself a_ permanent caule operating externally againft the fecurity or tranquillity of the other.. But the revolu- tion of the French Government has discovered in France, the existence of such a clause as is here described a cause, which ( acting either in the government, or independently of it; is hostile and powerful in its. effects
against all foreign establishments ; and to prevent the ruinous consequences of which, war, as the only possible mode of prevention we could employ, became our indispensable security.— With this cause we are to be at pcace that is to say, we are to discontinue the opposition of war. To make peace with essential hostility, appears to be almost a contradiction in nature ; assuredly then, we ought not to esteem it a transaction unattended with difficulty. In discontinuing the war, we remove a strong and massive buttress, which our ancient fabric and the modern convulsions of Europe had rendered necessary. If those convulsions
appear to intermit, ( for no one is qualified to affirm that they begin really to subside) if we become dissatisfied with this rude but solid and safe support, and demand something more elegant and light, let us at least beware, that with all its beauty the substitute be still a support. That if we chuse to alter the exter- nal form, the internal principle may be pre- served. Above all things, let us not order that propitious and faithful prop to be re- moved, until whatever is to succeed it be ready to take its place; lest the failure of the edifice produce a mound of ruin, the ever- lasting monument of our weakness, our ab- jectness, and folly. As
a Supplement to the preceding Remarks, we are persuaded our readers will accept with particular pleasure the following abstract from the wise and excellent Resolutions unanimous- ly agreed to at a Meeting of the Joint Vestry of the United Parishes of ST. GILES in the Fields, and ST. GEORGE, Bloomsbury, Lon- don, held the 26th of June last : " Resolved, That we are at present engaged in a war with an active and enterprising enemy, who does not conduct hostilities as formerly, by force of arms only, but by attempting to seduce the soldier and sailor from his duty, the people from their allegiance, and men of all descriptions
from their love and attachment to the constitu- tion of their country. " Resolved, That there exist in this, as in every other nation of Europe, some persons so deluded as to be ready to second the views of our enemies, in disorganizing government, destroy- ing the security of property, and setting the peo- ple loose from every restraint of religion, and of law. " Refolved, That it is the duty of those en- trusted with the public safety, or who devote a large portion of their time to the public welfare, to warn their fellow- citizens of impending dan- gers, as well as to suggest the most likely means of preventing them ; conscious that
mankind are not easily roused into action by the apprehension of dangers however great, when seen at a dis- tance ; whilst the dread of immediate danger too frequently counteracts the means, and lessons the fortitude necessary to resist it. " Resolved, That the prospect of an ap- proaching peace ought not to lull us into a false security, as the prospect is by no means the cer- tainty. Besides, it is evident that the best and surest way of obtaining an honourable peace, is to shew to the nations with whom we are at war, that, if we cannot obtain such, we are prepared and determined to oppose, with manly spirit, our enemies,
both foreign and domestic. « • Resolved, That though we should be so fortunate as to obtain the blessing of peace, we do not consider the danger of anarchy as entirely over, especially as tbe standing force of the country must in that case be greatly reduced, and the public security depend in a greater de- gree on the well concerted exertions of indivi- duals. " Resolved, That as the benefit arising from armed associations under proper authority has already been sufficiently evinced, no man who feels for the prosperity of his country, or for the security and happiness of his family, can hesitate a moment to sacrifice so trifling a
part of his time and fortune to obtain an object for which every good and brave man would lay down his life 1 1, COUNTRY NEWS. Worcester, July 19. The public curiosity in this city and neighbourhood was excited to a very considerable degree, 0n Monday, last, from the circumstance of King John's remains, which were interred in our Cathedral in the year 1216, being discovered on opening the tomb in the choir, tor the purpose of remov- ing it to a more convenient place, ( as the Cathedral is now undergoing a complete re- pair), it not being supposed to cover the body. The remains of the King were found in an open stone
coffin under the tomb, but from their appearance, it is conjectured they must have been removed heretofore from some other part of the Cathedral: the body was wrapped in what seemed to be, or might be supposed to have been, a crimson damask robe, as, though so much perished by time, it seemed to indicate that colour; the cuff, visible on the left arm, which had probably held his sword, a fragment of which lay on his left thigh, and parts of the leather scabbard down the side of the left leg; the robe had been tied across the ankes, part of the knot remain- ing on that of the left; the robe pcrished and the tips of the toes
visible: the right leg seemed to have been contracted, that not ly- ing so strait as the left; part of the shin bone of the right leg seen, and that of the right arm below the elbow ; the upper jaw with teeth lying near the right elbow, and the bone of the left arm out of its place and lying slant- wise on the breast ; a quantity of a kind of white paste lying in two or three lumps on and below the belly, which it may be suppo- sed had been poured into the- body on the heart and bowels being taken out; on break, ing a piece of the paste it was mixed with the skeletons of maggots or flies, of which vast quantities lay on and about the body ;
and on the right cheek of the skull there was a sharp point about half an inch long, and some grey hairs appeared under part of the cap, which had fitted the head very tight, and seemed to have been buckled under the chin, parts of the straps remaining ; the robe had the appear- ance, in some parts, of having been embroide- red, particularly on the right knee; no bones of the fingers to be found ; the coffin is laid upon the same level as tbe floor of the choir, the inside being about even with the surface of the pavement. The concourse of people to view the remains of Royalty was so great, that it was impossible to admit them all;
it was, however the order of the Dean and Chap- ter that as many should be admitted as could be without confusion, and the Sextons were directed to make no demand whatever from any person. The tomb was again closed up yesterday afternoon. PORT NEWS. On the 2d inst. at eight P. M. when the Providence, a Newcastle Collier of two car- riage guns, which principally belongs to Mr. William Rowe, of Newcastle, and is com- manded by Captain John Haddon, of North Shields, was in her passage down from London, she fell in with a French luggar privateer, off Osely Bay, called the Courageux, Captain Bunker, out of
Dunkirk 2 days, and had taken nothing; mounting 1 carriage gun, 4 swivels, and abundance of small arms. The Provi- dence fired four muskets at him to bring him too, and after that fired one carriage gun, a four pounder, with round and grape shot, which took away his mizen, and cut the speak- ing trumpet in two in the French Captain's hand. He yet would not bring too, which caused Captain Haddon to hail him, and tell him, if he did not immediately come along side, he would fire into him, and sink him ; he still continued obstinate. Captain Haddon then loaded the same guns with round and grape shot, and fired direct into him,
which shot three holes in his fore lug sail, and three holes in his hull between wind and water, and wounded three of his men, one of whom died of his Wounds. He then struck, and put out two oars and pulled along side of the Providence, and told Captain Haddon, he was a privateer from Dun- kirk— he then ordered all the warlike stores and ammunition on board the Providence, which was immediately complied with. He then permitted the Frenchman and his Mate to come on board, and the most of the crew he put 0n board of different ships which were in company. The luggar he then took in tow till the next day, when a gale
of wind came on in the Deeps, which, with the damage she had received from the shot of the Providence, caused her to sink. When the Providence arrived off Robin Hoods Bay; with the rest of the ships in company, which had the pri- soners on board, the wind then blowing strong from the N. W. they put into the Bay, and landed all the prisoners except the Mate, and delivered them to proper officers to confine them. When the French Captain came on board the Providence, he politely delivered his sword and two pistols from his side, to Captain Haddon. VENEREAL COMPLAINTS. ANOTHER incontestable Proof of the efficacy
of Mr. Lignum's pills mended to the Notice of the afflicted ' ° to Mr Lignum as his DisPensary Manchester. " The following Account of my Case will, I trust be a convincing Proof of the Infallibility of your Pills I contracted the Disorder in December last, and through Inattention and Negligence it at length be- I applied t0 a Surgeon in the Vicinity for his Advice, who treated me unsuccess fully for some Time, and at length informed me that my Case was desperate. owing to my not applying for Medical Aid sooner: in this dreadful Situation. a Friend of mine recommended the Use of your Pills which, after taking two Boxes, so far
recovered me, thAt my Acquaintance were astonished at my speedy Recovery and in a Month more, in the End of june, I was well enough to go to Harwich, for the Benefit of Sea- beathing, to re- establish my Nervous system Which from my long Confinement, had suffered much 1 live at Norwich, whither I shall return in about a Fortnight, perfectly restored to my for- mer State of Health I beg you will inform tbe World at large of this my Cure, that the diseased - i, Human Race. may reap the Benefit of your Skill; and to the Incredulous you may shew this Letter, and the Name of, Dear Sir, Your obedient humble Servant, - - . . .
THOMAS KREAKS." Ipswich, Aug. 15, 1796. There Pills are sold ( at 2s. nd. the Box) by . Mr. Lignum, at his Dispensary, Manchester: and by Mr. Wood, printer of this paper ; Mr. Fletcher, and Mr, Monk, Chester; Mr. Taylor, Wrexham ; Mr. Wright, Whitchurch ; Mr. Craig, Nantwich Mr. Roden, Denbigh ; Mr. Guest, Broseley ; Mr. Gitton, Bridgnorth ; Mr. Gower, Kidderminster. Mr. Rollason, Stourbridge ; Mr. Tymbs, Worces- Mr. Smart, Wolverhampton; Mr. Milward, Walsall ; Mr. Swinney & Mr. Pearson, Birmingham, and of the Shrewsbury Chronicle Newsmen. Also, LIGNUM's LOTION, which is found a So- vereign Remedy for
Surfeits and all Scorbutic Eruptions of the and Skin « however Violent or disfiguring ; also for Pimples or Blotches, Redness of the Nose, Chin, » c. and for every Impurity or unnatural Appearance with which the Skin may be eff- P. eJ. To be used as a common Wash, for clearing and improving the Com- plexion. Sold with proper Directions, at is. od. the pint Bottle. each. ° f the above Art. cics is given a printed Bill of Directions. r Scrofula Or King's Evil, cured. To T. Taylor, Surgeon, No. 9, New Bridge- street. London. Coxhow Pottery, in, the Parish of Kelloe, near Dear Sir, Durham, March iS. ABOUt 20 years ago, my fourth son
james, now 31 years of age had a lump grow under the skin, on the side of his face and neck, which ap- prehending to be a wen, I an opportunity, while he was sleeping. to cut off a good lump of it with a sharp pair of scissors; it discharged blood and water with little pain : some time after this his arm and elbow became stiff and swelled, and burst into four holes about the joint, which were happily healed by excluding the air and keeping him at works but, I imagine. from not giving him proper medicines to purge off tbe humour, it appeared again some time back, in a little hard lump on his throat, which by slow degrees increased
so much, as to render his swollowing any thing exceedingly difficult, and put him in danger of being suffocated this swelling at length broke in several places, yet did not relieve him, nor did the cutting it in another place, by a surgeon, do him any service, as it still continued to increase: several of the faculty were consulted, who all agreed it would prove fatal. His mother, thinking to get better advice, took him to an eminent surgeon ( at the head of a public medical institution, in a neighbouring capital town), who, on the second consultation informed her, all was in vain, the disorder would kill him, and to do any thing for it would
only hasten his death. In this my child's dreadful situation, I thought it high time to apply to you, for some of your Leake's Patent Pills, ( which I understood were famous for remov- ing swellings of the glands, arising from scrofula), and advice in the case: he begun taking them in April last, according to your directions, and in a short time had the happiness to obseve the hardness and size of the swelling gradually diminish ! he was soon after able to swalloW with perfect ease, and in a few months all the sores entirely healed up firmly and soundly, the hardiness, & c. being so entirely obliterated, as not to leave the least
appearance of it: in this state he has continued ever since, not- withstanding he has constantly worked with me in my pottery, without losing a day from illness, since the first fortnight of his tasting the pills, and with- stood as severe a summer as almost ever 1 remember, although in the 73d year of my age. Now, my dear Sir, I can only say you have the grateful thanks and prayers of a large family for re- storing one of their number; who, from being sunk in spirits, in flesh, in strength, and as it were already dropping into the grave, has by the aid of your me- dicine, become cheerful, lusty, strong, and looks for- ward to a
succession of many healthful, happy years. That this extraordinany cure may be made public as possible, for the benefit of others, is the wish of my son, the rest of my family, and of, Dear Sir, your ever obliged humble Servant, SAMUEL LAMMAS. . Witness to the above cure, William Longstaff, Vicar of Kelloe, Jonathan Walton, jun. and T. Watson, Coxhow. ( Durham, to wit.) The above James Lammas hath sworn to the truth of the above account given of his case-, before me, one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said County, this 16th Day of March, 1795, C. SPEARMAN, The above Medicine is prepared and sold
by the sole Proprietor, Thomas Taylor, Member of the Corporation of Surgeons, London, at his House, No. 9, New Bridge- street. They are sold, by his Appointment, for the con- venience of these living at a distance, by T. Wood, Printer of this Paper; and by one Person in every considerable Town in England, in boxes of only 2S. gd. each, sealed up with full and plain Direc- tions, whereby Persons of either Sex may cure them- felves, with ease and secrecy. The above valuable articles may also be had by giving Orders to the Shrewsbury Chronicle News- men, Carriage Free. SHREWSBURY : Printed by T. WOOD, on ST.
JOHN'S- HILL, near the THEATRE J by whom AdvertisementS , and Articles of Intelligence are received. ADVERTISEMENTS are also taken in by the different Booksellers within the Circuit- of this Paper, and by Messrs. Robinsons, No. 25, Paternoster- Row; Mr. W. Tayler, Warwick- Square, London; also at the following Coffee- Houses, viz. London, Chapter, Peel's, Oxford, Manchester, & c. also by the Printers of the Country Newspapers. This Paper is sent by Post, Frank'd to every Part of Great- Britain, at il. 6s. a Year. Advertifements not more than 10 Lines, inserted at 55. each, and 6d, for every $ Lines after READY