The Edinburgh Advertiser
Printer / Publisher: James Donaldson
Volume Number: LXVIII
Issue Number: 3500
No Pages: 8
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The Edinburgh Advertiser
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The Edinburgh Advertiser
Date of Article: 14/07/1797
Printer / Publisher: James Donaldson
Address: Castle-hill, Edinburgh
Volume Number: LXVIII
Issue Number: 3500
No Pages: 8
Sourced from Dealer? No
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VOL. LXVIII. THE No. 3500* EDINBURGH ADVERTISER. From TUESDAY JULY n, to FRIDAY JULY 14, 1797. THURSDAY't POST. From the LONDON PAPERS, July 10. LONDON'. tWO Hamburgh Mails arrived this morning. The Vienna article of the lift ult. contains the following declara- tion published by Count THURN, in Stiria, of the reasons of the entrance of the Austrian troops into Vene- tian Istria. . i. The Revolutionary spirit which has manifested it- self in the inhabitants of the Venetian territory, threat- ens the neighbouring countries, and compels the EM- PEROR to secure himself from the unhappy conse- quences
which may be the result. i. The ancient rights of his IMPERIAL MAJESTY and his ancestors to Venetian Istria, which formerly made a part of Hungary. And as several of the Vene- tian Provinces have detached themselves from the So- vereignty of Venice, his MAJESTY conceived this to be the time to assert his ancient rights. This declaration has been accompanied by a general pardon, as well for the Austrian subjects who had fled into Istria to avoid taking up arms, as for the Venetian subjects who had left their country. Count THURN is arrived at Capo d'Istria, to protect this capital and the whole of Venetian Istria from the
various acts of violence, murders, & c. continually com- mitted by the populace. _ ' The following is the Imperial Aulic Decree relative to the Congress to be held for a General Pcace : IMPERIAL AULIC DECREE. " After various fruitless efforts, and the removal of various obstacles, the agreeable prospect of a General Peace with the EMPIRE, so long and so ardently desired by his Imperial Catholic Majesty and the States, ap- proaches every day nearer. " In the Preliminaries of Peace, signed the 18th of April, by the Imperial and French Plenipotentiaries, which are now respectively ratified, it is stipulated, that from the day of
signing, all hostilities between the German Empire and the French Republic shall cease, and that a Congress, consisting of the respective Pleni- potentiaries, be concluded on the basis of the integrity of the Empire. " His Majesty the EMPEROR having at heart that Peace should be restored between the Germanic Em- pire and France, and the Executive Directory of the French Republic willing likewise to manifest to his IMPERIAL MAJESTV their desire of founding the said Peace upon a solid and equitable basis, agree to a Cessa tion of Hostilities between the Germanic Empire and France, from this day. ' A Congress shall be
held, formed of the respective Plenipotentiaries, to treat upon and conclude a Definitive Peace between the two Powers,, on the basis of the Integrity of the Em pire. " The deliberations as to a convenient place for the Congress for treating of a General Peace of the Empire, are net yet concluded. His IMPERiAl, MA- JESTY is in hopes of soon communicating the result of those deliberations to the Diet, and of bring like- from the West Indies, are arrived at Bristol. They left the rest of the Fleet in the Channel. There has been more business done in the present Session of Parliament, than in any that has preceded it. It has been,
indeed, Of an unusual duration— between nine and ten months. Saturday Sir WILLIAM COCKBURN arrived at Mr. DUNDAS'S Office, with dispatches from the West Indies. A most awful accident happened on Saturday at West- minister- hall.— Mr. Bates, the Town Clerk of Winster, a very healthy, jolly young man, arrived in town a few days since, with other Gentlemen, to give evidence in' a cause before the Court of King's Bench. About twelve in the morning, he Was in the passage leading to the Court of Requests, perusing the list of trials which is there hung up. He suddenly cried out, and spring- ing up, fell with the back of
his head upon the steps, and was instantly speechless and motionless. He was taken to the Swan Inn, and every method tried to re- cover him, but in vain ! GALLERY OF FASHION. GILCHRIST & CO. Respectfully inform the Nobility and Gentry of Scotland, that they have this day opened THEIR GRAND EXHIBITION ROOMS, with a most Extensive Assortment of ' 4- 4ths and ell- wide Fur- niture Calicoes, plain coloured Calicoes, Chintz Borders, Medallion Center- pieces for Chairs and Sophas, Furniture Dimities, Bed Quilts, Counterpanes, English Blankets, Sec. As this assortment is beyond any precedent in this country,
hoth for Elegance and Variety, most of the Patterns being, seleCted by themselves, and printed solely for their own trade, they hope it will be found to merit the attention of the Public, Independent of the Calicoes engaged for themselves in Eng- land, they have the pleasure of announcing to their numerous connections; That Messrs. WILLIAM STIRLING and SONS, Glasgow, have appointed them sole Agents for the Sale of their FURNITURE CALICOES in Scotland. From these circumstances, the Public must be convinced that 110 terms equally advantageous for their interest, either with respect to Variety of Choice, or Beauty
of Pattern, can be held out to them by any house in the trade.— A liberal Dis- count will be allowed for present money, and Upholsterers dealt with on the most reasonable terms. GILCHRIST & CO. have likewise appropriated a ROOM for FANCY HABERDASHERY and FASHION- ABLE MILLINERY; where, besides the Dresses, Books of Fashions will be regularly exhibited as they are published in London. -.- Commissions executed with attention. GALLERY FASHION, Corner, of Blair Street, High Street, > June 29, 1797. The only entry to the New Rooms is through their present Shop. EDINBURGH EAST INDIA CLUB. AN
EXTRA MEETING of the Edinburgh East India Club, to be held at Bayll's Tavern,: on the 2& h day of July, being Friday of the Race Week. Dinner on Table at half past four. Those Gentlemen who mean to attend, are particularly re- quested to leave their names at the bar, a day or two preced- ing. LEEWARD ISLAND FLEET. We are happy to mention that the Pilgrim, Bax- ten, and Friendship Sheddon with several other ships. M A H O G A N Y. To be SOLD, by Public AuCtion, in GEORGE SMITH'S yard, near the Assembly Rooms, leith, on Tuesday the 18th inst. at 1- 2 o'clock noon, THIRTY- SIX LOGS, consisting of about 7,
ooo feet, new- ly arrived from Honduras.— To be seen by applying to John and Gilbert Bertram, merchants, Leith. wise able, as the Executive Power of the Empire, to appoint the time for their sending Plenipotentiaries to' the place of Congress. " The States will; on their parts, strive to accele- rate the business under the Chief of the EMPIRE, and to enter with the spirit of patriotism and firmness, on the great work which is to secure for centuries the Con- stitution an ' Welfare of Germany, and the lasting hap- piness of the human race." FRANKFORT, June 24. " The Austrian Troops in our vicinity have- been for some days much
in motion. Yesterday three batta- lions of Hungarians passed through this city to the re lief of the cordon on the Nidda. A number of fresh troops have Likewise arrived; from Hungary they are very fine men, the shortest among them being SIX feet high." General BuOnAPARTe had removed from Monte- bello to Genoa. His PRUSSIAN MAJESTY is arrived at Pyrmont for the benefit of its mineral Waters: MILL- WRIGHTS WANTED. - MESSRS. WIGFULL & PASSMORE, ENGINEERS, at ALDWARK, near Rotheram, Yorkshire, being employ- ed under the authority of the Patentee to erect a number of THRESHING MACHINES,
want half i dozen or more of good steady Mill Wrights, who are well acquainted with that business.-'. Liberal wages will be given, and a reasonable al- lowance granted in lieu of travelling charges. - For particulars, application may be made to Mr. George Meikle, engineer, at Houston Mill, by Haddington; or Mr. David Meikle, at Mr. Hislop's, baker Dumfries. NEW IRONMONGERY SHOP. JAMES NEWLANDS, ( late at Mr. COOPER'S, South Bridge,) most respectfully informs his Friends and the Public, That he has commenced business in that shop former- ly possessed by Mr. MARK WATT, North East corner of rhe Grass market, where he has laid in a handsome assortment of Cast Iron Grates, polished Fire Irons, Die Cut Fenders, Go- blets, Fish Pans, Knives and Forks, Scissars, Pen Knives, Ra- zors, Spectacles, Umbrellas, Necklaces, Ear Rings. Pocket- books, & c. A neat choice of Brass Work, Coffin Mounting, Hinges, Nails, Tacks and Sprigs, Locks of all sorts, Edge Tools in great variety, & c. J. NEWLANDS returns his most grateful thanks for the fa- vours already conferred upon him by his friends, and begs leave to assure them, he will studiously endeavour to merit a continuance, by the strictest attention, and having his goods from the
first markets, and at the most reasonable prices. SALE OF SURPLUS RENT. To be SOLD by public' roup,- Within the house of James Anderson, vintner in Cupar. Upon Thursday the 20th day of July curt, betwixt the hours of four and six afternoon, AfREe SURPLUS RENT of L. 250 Sterling, payable at Whitsunday and Lammas; yearly, by equal por- tions, for 20 years after Martinmas last 1796, out of Three Extensive Farms 0n the Lands and Estate of KINCAPLE and EASTER NEWTON, lying in the parish of St. Andrews, and shire of fife. The tacks of the Farms, and articles cf roup, will be shown by David Lister, writer, North
Castle Street, Edin- burgh, or Mr. Andrew Christie, writer in Cupar, who will also Inform as to other particulars, and have power to con- clude a private bargain privious to the day of sale. VESSELS WANTED ON FREIGHT. RAMSAY, WILLIAMSON & CO. LEITH, wish to en. gage about TWENTY VESSELS, from 40 to ; c tons each, for carrying Kelp from the Highlands to different Ports in Britain. LINLITHGOW BOARDING SCHO0l MRS. BURNS has opened SCHOOL, for the Education of Young ladies, in a commodious well- aired house, near the Cross of Linlithgow, where the following Branches are taught 0n moderate terms,
viz. Reading of English, Plain Work, Embroidery, Card Work, Paper Work, Gumflowers, and Fillegree, with all other Branches of Education for the accomplishment of Young Ladies. Mrs. BURNS has good accommodation for Boarders, and the strictest attention for their health and morals may be de- pended on. Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, and French, are taught by proper Masters. Likewise Music and Dancing. ROYAL, BANK STOCK. To be SOLD by Private Bargain, FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS CAPITAL STOCK of the ROYAL BANK of SCOTLAND. Apply to Harie Guthrie, writer, Argyle Square, Edinburgh. A REWARD.
UPON the 22d of June 1752, the late Robert Elliot, write- in Edinburgh, afterwards Clerk to Lord PRESTongrange, borrowed up a PROCESS of FURTHCOMING, John Fish of Castlelaw, some time merchant in Edinburgh, against Mr. Alexander M'Conochie of Meadowbank, Mr. Baillie, and others arrestees as debtors of Thomas Renton, surgeon in Can- ongate, consisting of Summons; Writs, to the outgiving there, and a Signed Minute, for which an unscorcd receipt stands in the Clerk's Books — Mr. Fish has not been able to discover in whose hands Mr. Elliot's papers came after his death; and therefore this notice is made,
that if any person can return the Process to the Clerk, or give it in to James Greig, writer in Edinburgh, Mf. Greig will pay for trouble in making the search, any sum that shall be demanded, not exceeding FIVE GUINEAS. Not to be repeated. DUNFERMLINE DISTRICT. THE Trustees for executing, in the Western District of FIFE, the powers granted them by the New Statute Labour Act, are requested to meet within the Town- house of Dunfermline, upon Friday the 21st day of July curt, at 12 o'clock noon, being the day and place appointed for the first Meeting of the said trustees. ' DA. BLACK, Clk. POSTING REDUCED IN THE
COUNTY OF FIFE. WE whose names are hereto annexed, do return our grateful acknowledgements to the Noblemen, Gen- tlemen, & c. of the County of Fife, and the Public in gene ral, for their liberal support — We beg leave to inform, that from and after the 5th July inst. we are resolved ( whatever others may do) to run at the Rate of ONe SHILLING per mile, with a Pair; and so in proportion for four Horses, when good Chaises, able Horses, and steady Drivers may be had on the shortest notice. DAVID CARNEGIE, Cupar. 4TH July, 1797. - ALEX. DAVENIE, New Inn. DAVID MOFFAT. Pettycurr. NOTICE TO HEIRS, THE
NEPHEW or NIECE of the late MRS. OGILL, of the Exchange Coffee- house, Edinburgh; of the name of OSWALD, will hear of something to their advantage, by applying to John Lee near Darlington A CERTAIN CURE FOR CORNS. _ THE INFALLIBLE GERMAN CORN PLASTER.-— The Proprietor of this most excellent remedy is so cer- tain of its efficacy, having never failed - in a variety of cases, that he agrees, if it does not eradicate the corns root and branch, to return the money— and he also begs leave to add, that it has Infinitely the advantage of the numberless ineffi- catious advertised ointments, salves, & c. as many
hundreds of affliceted persons can testify. among whom are some of the First CharaCters in this Kingdom."- This is the celebrated Plaster that gained so much reputa- tion In Germany, and has been sold In London upwards of fifty years with the greatest reputation. Price Is. i-. jd.- the box, duty included. ' Sold In London, wholesale and retail, by T. AXTELL, bookseller, No. 1, finch lane, Cornhill also, by appoint- men of the proprietor, wholesale and retail by J. BAXTER. at the Italian Warehouse, South Bridge, Edinburgh andat tail bv Messrs. Angus M'Donald, Glasgow; J. Allan Dun- dee; W. Anderson, Stirling; J. Dempster,
Cupar; T Blyth Leven ; E. Craigie, Montrose; AND
2< S T H E E D EDINBURGH RACES. To be Run for over the SANDS of LEITH, on MONDAY the 24th JULY 1797, THE CITY OF EDINBURGH'S PURSE OF FIFTY GUINEAS STERLING, by any Horse, Mare, or Geld- ing, that never won a Purse or Plate of that value ( Hunter's Purses or Plates excepted), carrying II stone, the best of three four- mile heats. x ON TUESDAY the 25th, His MAJESTY'S PURSE of OnE HUNDRF. D GUI- NEAS,, for any Horse, Mare, or Gelding, the best of three four- mile heats. 4 years old to carry 7st 41b. j 6 years old to carry 9st. 51b. 5 ditto ditto 8 9 | Aged Horses, 10 o ON WEDNESDAY the
26th, The NOBLEMEN and CJENTLEMENS SUBSCRIP- TION of FIFTY GUINEAS, for all ages, the best of three . four mile heats. 4 years old to carry 7st. 31b. | 6 years old to carry Sft. 91b. 5 ditto ditto 8 2 | Aged Horses, 8 12 ON THURSDAY the 27th. FIFTY GUINEAS for REAL HUNTERS, that have hunted in Scotland, and never won Fifty Pounds ( Hunters Plates and Matches excepted), carrying 12 stone, the best of three four- mile heats.— Such Horses, & c as shall enter for this Purse shall be certified, at the time of entrance, to have been- real Hunters of last season, and to have been regularly hunted with an
established pack of hounds, under the hand or hands of the proprietors of such hounds. On FRIDAY the 28th, The LADIES PURSE of FIFTY GUINEAS, for ail ages the best of three four- mile heats. 4 years old to carry 7 st. 6 lb, I 6 years old to carry 8 ft. 12 lb. 5 ditto ditto 8 5, | Aged Horses, 9 I The winner of one Plate or Purse this week to carry- 4 lb. extra. On SATURDAY the 29th of JULY. A PURSE for the BEATEN HORSES, & c. of the week,- - the best of three four- mile heats. The Horses to be booked by the Town- clerk of Leith, at his Office, on Saturday preceding the Races, betwixt the hours of four and six afternoon,
when the Horses are to be shown, the proper certificates produced, and the usual entry- money paid. There will be ORDINARIES during the Race Week at FORTUNE'S, and ASSEMBLIES as usual; and no Scaf- folds to be ereCted without the permission of the Magistrates of Leith, or their Clerk. EARL of DALHOUSIE, Col. WILLIAM HAMILTON of Wishaw, {- Stewards. MATTHEW BAILLIE, Esq; of Cairnbroe. ) INBURGH ADVERTISER MONTROSE RACES,, 1797. To be Run for, over the Course of Montrose, on TUESDAY the Eighth day of Augult, APURSE of FIFTY POUNDS, the bed of three four- mile heats. Three year
olds carrying a feather. Four, 7 ( lone 6 lib. I Six, 8 stone 12 lib. Five. 8 5 I Aged, 9 1 A HUNTERS STAKES to t- run for fame day. Ten Guineas each, p. p. The best of three four- mile heats. WEDNESDAY the Ninth, A PURSE of FIFTY POUNDS, given by the Hon. Mr. MAULE. The best of three four- mile heats. * Three year olds carrying a feather. v Four, 7 stone 3 lib. | Six,, - 8 stone 9 lib. Five, 8 8 j Aged, • 9 o THURSDAY the Tenth, The LADIES SUBSCRIP TION PURSE of FIFTY POUNDS. The best ot three four- mile heats. Three year olds carrying a feather. Four, 7 itone 7 lib. j Six, 9 stone o lib. Five, 8 7 ( Aged, 9 3
FRIDAY the Eleventh, A PURSE of FIFTY POUNDS. The best of three four- mile heats. Three year olds carrying a feather. Four," 7 stone 3 lib. I Six, 8 stone 9 lib. Five, . 8 2 I Aged, 9 o' Mares and Geldings allowed 3 lib. The winner of a L. 50 this year to carry 3 lib.; of two or more, j lib and of a King s L. loo, 7 lib. extra weight. Two reputed running horses to enter for each purse, otherwise no race without per- mission of the Stewards. If only one horse enters, the owner to receive !,. 10, and his entry- money returned. The horses, & c. to be shewn and entered at the Town Clerk's Office, Mon- trose, en Monday preceding the
races, betwixt the hours of two and three afternoon, when the proper certificates must be produced, each horse to pay Two Guineas entrance, and Five Shillings to the Clerk of the Course. All disputes to be decided by the Stewards, or whom they shall appoint, and such decision to be final, Ordinaries and Assemblies as usual. The Right Hon. the EARL of DALHOUSIE. Mr. RAIT of Anniston, [- Stewards. Mr. DUNCAN of Rosemount, Only a few Days, and the' IRISH STATE LOTTERY begins Drawing. Messrs. H0rNsBY AND CO. AT their Old- established State Lottery Office, No. 16, CoRnhilL, opposite the Royal Exchange,
London; also, at Messrs, TREWMAN and SON'S, exeter; and at Mr. THOMAS BILLINGE's, Liverpool; beg leave to remind the Public, That the IRISH STATE- LOTTERY commences Drawing the 24th of July inst. The Tickets, Halves, Quar- tern, Eighths, and Sixteenths, are selling in great variety of numbers, and at the very lowest prices. The Money for the : Prizes paid on demand, whether I,. 10,000 or L. o. The Public are respectfully requested to observe that the facility of obtaining cash for irish Prizes, places the purchasers of Tick- ets and Shares upon terms of equal stability with adventurers in the English Lottery.—
HORNSBY & CO. sold, shared, and registered, in the late IRISH LOTTERY, NO. 35,229, a Prize of L. 13,000— No. 6,884, a Prize of I„ 10,000, No. 15,1: 12, a Prize of L. 2,000— and No. 8,159, a Prize of L. 1,000, besides many Capital Prizes in former Irish Lotte- ries.— HORNSBY & Co. is the only Office where Two Prizes of L. 30,000 have been sold in the English Lottery. CorreCt Numerical and Register Books are kept, and Tic- kets and Shares registered at Sixpence per number. Orders accompanied with good bills, payable at sight, or of a short date, will be punctually attended to.— And Country Correspondents are
requested not to send money in their let- ters. but to procure of the Post- mafter Orders on London. Letters ( post paid) duly answered and Schemes gratis. All Shares sold at this Office will be stamped, agreeable to aCt of Parliament, with the words, State Lottery Stamp- Office. Bank, India, and South Sea Storks, with their several An- nuities, India Bonds, Navy and Victualling Bills, and all kinds , of Government Securities bought and sold by commission A BREWER Y, AND OTHER SUBJECTS IN THE VILLAGE OF DALKEITH. To be SOLD by public sale, within the house of Mrs. John- ston, vintner in Dalkeith, on Thursday
the 20th July curt, at two o'clock afternoon, ALL and Whole that BREWF. RY in the village of Dal- keith, with the DWELLING- HOUSE, Malt- Barn, and others, presently possessed by William Murrison, brewer; as also certain other HOUSES in the same Close, a Right to the Close itself, and other rights and privileges attached there- to. The Brewery is let in tack to a substantial tenant, who pays L. 28 Sterling, of yearly rent, of which tack there are 15 years to run from Martinmas next, and is plentifully sup- plied with water by two wells in the close, which are the ex- clusive privilege of the property. The houses on the opposite
side of the close are set at present at L. 4 of rent, and may be confiderably increased. The title deeds and articles of sale, will be seen on applying to Francis Fraser, writer, Carruber's Close, Edinburgh, NotICE to the CREDITORS of JAMES WOOD, Merchant in Eyemouth. AMeeting of Mr. Wood's Creditors is to be held upon Thursday the 20th day of July curt, within the house of Mrs. Allanshaw, Innkeeper in Eyemouth, at 12 o'clock noon, which meeting the whole Creditors are requested to attend, either personally or by persons properly authorised, as a date of Mr. Wood's affairs will be exhibited to the meet- ing, and a faCtor
will at same time be chosen over his subjects. for 1797. July 14*' BY WARRANT OF THE LORD ORDINARY. ~ There is to be SOLD by public Roup, at Ayr, 28th of July current, and at Leith, 1st August next, at II o'clock noon, each of these days, ABOUT TWO HUNDRED and TWENTY- FIVE BOLLS of RIGA WHEAT, imported last Antumn ; Whereof about 100 bolls lie in lofts at Ayr. and will be shewn by Mr. William Stuart, jun. merchant there; and tbe re- maining 115 bolls lie' in the- lofts of Messrs. J. and J. Lear- month, Waters Close, Leith, whe re it will be seen. For farther particulars apply to R. Dick, writer, Edinburgh.
ROUP OF TOLLS, & c. AT LASWADE. AN ADJOURNED GENERAL MEETING of the TRUSTEES for the TURNPIKE ROADS of the County of Edinburgh, will be held at LASWADE, within the house of Mr. Dickson, innkeeper there, on Tuesday the 18th day of July inst. at one o'clock, when the attendance of the Trustees in general, and particularly of those belonging' to the Laswade District, is earnestly requested. At this Meeting the Trustees will Expose to Roup, The TOLLS collected at the Bars of HERRIOT- HOUSE, GALLOWSHALL— and HOWGATE, NEWBOTTLE. Entry on 15th August next. Persons intending to offer
will be careful to bring their cau- oners along with them; and they will observe that security is required to the extent of ONE- SIXTH of the rent only. Thomas Cranstoun, W. S. No. 23, North Castle Street, Edinburgh, will show the articles of roup, and inform as to other particulars. Not to be repeated. SHEEP FARMS. THE Proprietor of d- ffercnt FARMS in the MUILE of CANTIRE, in' AR. GY1. ESHIRK, was advised some years ago to turn the whole into one SHEEP FARM, and to give a Lease to a Company who have not resided on the Farm.— That Lease expires at next Whitsunday, and unless a practical Farmer shall come
forward with an offer ro re- side upon the Farm, the Propretor proposes to return to the old plan of Setting these lands ih different divisions, and hereby invites eVery person willing to take a part to give in his proposal to Mr. Stewart at limecraigs, by Campbeltown, or James Ferrier, writer to the signet, Edinburgh, on or be- fore the 1st of October next. Those willing to reside on the lands will be preferred, and will get fuitabic encouragement to build houses. ROXBURGH- SHIRE. LIST of GAME CER TIFICATES, issued from the She- riff- Clerk's Ofiice, from lit July to 3d October, 1796 inclusive. QUALIFICATIONS. Douglas,
Archibald, Esq; of Adderstone Elliot, Major- General, William, of Lariston - Grieve, James Esq; of Flex Hay Macdougal, Sir Henry, Bart. Makerston Haig, Isaac, Esq; at Melrose Hunter, Edgar, Esq; of Linthill Kerr, Charles, Esq; of Bughtrigg Oliver, William, Esq; of Dinlabyre Oliver, Mr. Andrew, Woollie Ogilvie, Thomas Elliott, Esq; of Chesters Pott, Andrew, Esq; of Dod Pott, Robert, Esq; of Galalaw - Rutherfoord. John, Esq; of Knowsouth Rutherfurd, John, Esq; of Edgarston Roxburgh. Duke of, Fluers Riddell, Sir John Buchanan, Bart, of Riddell Rutherford, John, Esq; jun. of Mossburnford Riddell, Thomas Esq; jun. of Carristoun
Stavert, Mr. Thomas Coley, Forthill Tulloh, Thomas, Esq;. of Elliestoun Walker, Robert, Esq; of Wooden DEPUTATIONS. Bell, John, from Benjamin Bell, Esq; of Hunthill Dunn. Edward, from John Rutherford, Esq; of Edgarston, Ferguson, Thos from Gilbert Chisholm, Esq; Stirkshaws Hay, William, from Admiral Elliot Lake, James, from William Elliot, Esq; of Wells M'Intosh, James, from John Davidson, Esq; of Halltree Murray, David, from Andrew Elliot, Esq; of Greenwells * Smith, John, from George Douglas, Esq; of Cavers Sharp, William, from Sir John Buchanan Riddell, Bart. * Thomson, Thomas, from Charles Kerr, Esq; of
Bughtrig Wilson, Robert, from the Marquis of Lothian Watt, Robert, from Sir Henry Hay M'Dougal, Bart. Walker, Robert, from his Grace the Duke of Roxburgh A copy of the foregoing, sent under cover directed to the Deputy collector of Stamp- duties, Edinburgh, on the 7th of OCtober 1796. * Oct. 1796. ADDITIONAL DEPUTATIONS. 10 Armstrong, Robert, from Sir William- Elliot, Bart. • 12 Crosbie, John, from Robert Scott, esq; of Orchyard 28 Renwick, William, from James Chisholm, Esq; of Stonedge. JAMES POTTS. By order of his Majesty's Commissioners for managing the Stamp- duties. JOHN BRETTEf. L, Sec. The
gamekeepers marked * have returned their Certificates, or intimated by letters from their constituents that they are recalled,, 22d NOV. 1796. JA. POTTS. To be LET for such number of years as can be agreed 0n, and entered to at Martinmas 1797, ACONVENIENT BOILING- HOUSE, GREEN, and SHADES, with DWELLING- HOUSE, North End of Bonnington Bridge, near Edinburgh. ' The premisses would answer well lor carrying on the Yarn- boiling business, or Bleaching in general. for particulars, apply to Mrs. Kennedy, at the house. r MILL SPUN YARN On Friday the 28th current there will be exposed to public sale in a
Warehoufe at Lcith, A Quantity of Bleached and Uubleached MILL SPUN YARN, from Flax and Tow of an excellent quality. ' The unbleached from flax, weighting from 3 to 6 lb. the tow from 7^ to 14 lb. per spindle, and the bleached from flax, from to ; j- lb. and the tow, from 7 to 1/ >. per spindle. It will put up in such lots as may be most agreeable to purchasers The usual credit will be given, and a proper discount allowed for ready money. If this mode of sales shall be found agreeable to the trade, it will be continued monthly by a regular supply of yarns. An after advertisement will six the place and time, when the yarn can be
viewed previous to the roup. 8th 1797. EXTENSIVE SHEEP FARM IN THE PARISH OF MELROSE, & COUNTY OF ROXBURGH. To he LET, together or separately, for such a number of years . as may be agreed upon, and entered to at Whitsunday 1798, THE Farms of BUCKHOLM, WILLIAMLAW, and LADHOP MUIR, all lying contiguous, and presently possessed by Mr. John Murray. These lands are of very considerable extent, and well known for rearing remarkable good Sheep and Black Cattle; and be- side, the pasture grounds, they contain a quantity of excellent arable land, well adapted to Turnip Husbandry. The
Lands are mostly inclosed by march- dykes on the east and north, and by. the Water of Gala on the south. Persons inclining to take the above Farms, either together or separately, may transmit their offers in writing to Archibald Gibson. W. S. Edinburgh, or to Mr. William Craig, write* in Galashiels, betwixt and the 1st of August next, before which day, the Lands will positively not be Set; and such of fers as are not accepted of will be kept secret if desired. Any of the servants at Torwoodlee will show the I. ands. NOTICE TO CREDITORS; ~ THE COPARTNERY between Mr. ALLAN M'DOU- GALL, W. S. and Mr. GEORGE
ANDREW, Writer in Edinburgh, having been DISSOLVED on the 6th October last—- it is desired that all persons having debts or claims agaiiift them as Copartners, or against the said George Andrew as an individual,, prior to 24th November last, will, betwixt and ' the 15th day of August first, lodge their grounds of debt, and oaths of verity then on, with Mr. William Keith, accountant in Edinburgh. or Harry Davidson, W. S. NOTICE to those having CLAIMS against the late Capt. HUGH CAMPBELL, of the Second Battalion of the Breadalbane Fencibles. IN a process of Multiple- poinding and Exoneration, at the instance of Major
Alexander Monro of the said Fencible Regiment, against the Creditors and others having interest in the funds of Capt. Hugh Campbell: the Lord Cullen Ordi- nary pronounced ( on the 4th July current) an interlocutor or- daining the Creditors to produce their interest in the Clerk's hands betwixt and the first box- day in the ensuing vacation ; and ppointed intimation thereof to be made to all concerned by the Minute- book, and in the Edinburgh Advertiser, Mer- cury and Courant. M. M. Clerk. ~ NOTICE TO CREDITORS. SUCH of the Creditors of the late WILLIAM DEM- PERSTONE, Merchant in Alloa,— and GEORGE MERCER,
Shipmaster there, as have not yet lodged their claims, and grounds of debt, with John Sharp, writer in Al- loa, are requested to lodge the same with him, on or before the first day of August next, otherwise they will he preclud- ed from any share of the defunCt's funds. The Creditors of the said William Demperstone and George Mercer, by themselves or their doers, are requested to meet within the house of Mrs. Haig, vintner in Alloa, upon the 2d of August next, at 12 o'clock noon, to see a state of their Debtors affairs, and to give such directions in relation to the business as may be found necessary. 1 Not to be repeated.
THE IRISH STATE LOTTERY Begins Drawing on Monday xe'nmight, 24th year, 1797. THE TICKETS AND SHARES, In variety of Numbers, are on Sale At the Old Licesnsed STATE LOTTERY OFFICE of THOMSONS & CO. No. 8.— South Bridge Street, Edinburgh. Orders from country Correspondents, With Cash or Bills at a short date, punctually executed. Letters ( post- paid) duly answered.— Schemes gratis. COPARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED. THF term of the Copartnership of DUFF & GRAHAM, Merchants in Dundee, being expired, the same was Dissolved this day by mutual consent: those who are indebted to the said
Company, are desired to make payment as soon as possible to either of the Partners in Dundee; and any to whom they are owing money, will please to call for payment Dundee, 12th JOHN DUFF, sen. July, 1797. CHARLES GRAHAM. CHARLES GRAHAM, LATE Partner in the house of Duff and GRAHAM, begs leave to return his grateful thanks to all his Friends for past favours, and at the same time to inform them. That he has now taken into Partnership, Mr. THOMAS RATTRAY, who has been regularly bred to business, and is particularly well acquainted in the CORN TRADE : They propose carrying on business here,
upon Commission, for Buying and Selling Corn, Meal, Grass Seeds, Flax, and all other sorts of Mer- chandize, under the Firm of GRAHAM & RATTRAY, and take this opportunity of tendering their services to their Friends and others, who may depend on their orders being executed with the strictest attention and fidelity. Dundee, 11th ' July, 1797- A CONTRACTOR FOR LIGHTING LAMPS AT PERTH WANTED. ANY person who may incline to undertake the LIGHT- ING and UPHOLDING the' Street LAMPS of the Burgh of Perth, from 1st September to 1st April yearly, ' for such number of years as shall be agreed upon, and
who shall find sufficient Caution for so doing, are desired betwixt and the first day of August next to give in their proposals, signed bv them and their Cautioners, sealed and addressed to the Magistrates and Town Council of Perth, and to lodge the same with the Town Clerk, to be considered by the Coun- cil at their first meeting after that day. GoboLD's VEGETABLE BALSAM. • THE following Recommendation of this Medicine, by such a number of the most Respectable Characters in the Kingdom, is a more conspicuous proof of its inestimable value than any encomium that can be paid it by the inventor; especially as it is
published at their particular request, GODBOLD's VEGETABLE BALSAM, to truly effica- cious in the cure of Consumptions, Asthmas, & c. ought not to be held in high estimation only, but its reputation ever pre- served; for which purpose, in justice to Mr. Godbold we do hereby certify and declare, that this Medicine ( the supe- rior effiency of which we have experienced In our own fa- milies, and where we have recommended it), is a sovereign remedy in Consumptions. Asthmas, Coughs, Colds, and Scorbutic Complaints and we recommend it as highly necessary to be kept in all families, and it is our earnest wish a trial may be
made of it, by means of which the health of thousands in this metropolis, and other parts of the world, may be restored and preserved- Clubs or Societies may be sup- plied with Tickets or Shares in the greatest variety of 30,000 Tickets, L. 150,000 numbers. J. WHITE & CO. recommend- purchasing early. Tickets having already advanced, and from the small quantity in this Lottery, they are likely to be much higher. Commifiions with cash, or bills at a short date, executed on the same terms as if personally present. Schemes Gratis.— Letters ( post paid), duly answered. H U M A N I T Y To those dreadful sufferers afflicted with
COUGHS, ASTHMAS, AND CONSUMPTIONS", WHO knew not where to apply for relief; induced the Proprietor, a regular professional man, to publish an invaluable Medicine of his own discovery, called ROBBERDs BALSAMIC ELIXER, sr COUGH DROPS, which is al- lowed to be the greatest improvement of this or any former age haying proved a never failing specific in the most alarming crisis of those dangerous complaints, and been the happy Moft Noble Marquis of Lo- thian, : Right Hon. Visc. Dudley and Ward, Right Hon. Lord Grantley, Right Hon. Lord Macdonald, Right Hon. Lord Fortescue, Right Hon. Lord Montfort,
Right Hon. Viscountess Dud- ley and Ward, Right Hon. Dowager Lady Grantley, Right Hon. Dow. Lady For- tescue, Right Hon. Dow. Lady Fal- mouth, ' Lady Apreece, Sir John Coghill, Bart. Sir Francis Blake, Bart. Sir Ed. Newenham, Bart. Sir Geo. Armstrong, Bart. Gen. Drouly, Col. Boyle, Col. D. Bath. The Proprietor had the honour to receive a letter from the " Right Hon. the EARL of STAMFORD, wherein he says, " I shall with pleasure give any person who may apply to me my opinion of the good effect of your most valuable medicine." Messrs. HUSBAND, ELDER, & CO. Edinburgh, are Mr. Godbold's Agents for the sale of
his Medicine, wholesale and retail. LANDS IN AYRSHIRE TO BE SOLD, To be SOLD, by public roup, on Friday the 18th day of Au- gust 1797. within the house of Mrs. Simpson, at Old Bridge end of Ayr, betwixt the hours of I and 2 afternoon. A LL and WHOLE, the Twenty Shilling Land of NE- THER BARR, and also, ALL and WHOLE, the Forty Shilling Land of NETHER GLEGENNET, common- ly called PINGERROTH, ( with the Houses and Pertinents) both lying in the parilh of Barr, and shire of Ayr, and adjoin- ing to the village of Barr.- These Lands, which consist of a beautiful variety of pasture and arable ground, hold of
the Earl of Cassillis, the first for payment of twenty shillings scots, and the other for L. 1o, Scots pf yearly feu- duty ;• are situated in the neighbourhood of a going lime- work, and from that, and other circumstances capable of great improvement. The lands of Nether Barr. are partly under lease to several tenants, at low rents, until Whit- sunday 1801, and there are other parts of them out of lease, and to which entry can be given at Whitsunday first. The Farm of Pingerroch, is under lease to Robert Brown, in Rob- ston, at the low rent of L. 30: 5s. Sterling, but his set expires in five years hence, viz. at Whitsunday 1802, when a
consider- able rise of rent may be expected, as well as a like rise of rent from the Lands of Barr. The title deeds, which are clear and unexceptionable, toge- ther with the conditions of sale, and a plan of the lands, may be seen in the hands of Robert Robertson, writer in Ayr, means of restoring many thousand of deplorable objects to re- turning health, after having been given over by the most emi- nent of the Faculty; it promotes expectoration, gives ease and, freedom to respiration, allays the titillation in the throat which excites coughing, procures the balmy comforts of rest and ep, and speediiy cures the inflamation and
ulceration on the lungs: many well authenticated cases are inserted in a bill of directions given with each bottle, which are signed by him in his own hand writing, without which they cannot be genuine. " They are sold in bottles at 2s. 3d. each, by the proprietor, J. Robberds, Apnthecary, York Place, Borough Road; and by appointment by J. BAXTER, Italian Warehouse, Edin- burgh ; J. Mennons, Glasgow ; P. Craigie, Montrose; and J. Allan, Dundee. FARM IN FIFE TO LET. ' To be LET, for such number of years as can be agreed on, And entered to at Martinmas 1797, WESTER COLQUHALLY, in the parish of Aughter- derran,
consisting of 165 acres or thereby, of good arable land, mostly inclosed with stone dykes, very improv- able, and lying in the neighbourhood of lime. Proposals in writing, may be addressed to the Right Hon. Sir Gilbert Elliot, at Minto, by Jedburgh. The Baron Officer at Lochgelly, will show the Farm. ARGYLLSHIRE.. THF. VALUABLE ESTATE of CRAIGNISH, forming a beautiful peninsula near the mouth of the Crinan Canal, is to be SOLD together, or in lots, by private bargain, or pub- lic roup, as shall be afterwards particularly advertised. There are a commodious Mansion- house , consisting of an old Castle, and modern
addition— an elegant court of Offices and Garden stocked with fruit- tree's, In situation, soil, and otherwise, this property, is distinguish- ed by very superior advantages. The title- deeds, plan, and rental wiil be seen by applying to Alexander Keay, accountant, George Strcet- or James Campbell, W. S. St. Andrew's Square. - AT GREENOCK — FOR NEW- YORK, The Brigantine WILLIAM & THOMAS, An American Bottom, ANTHONY NUTTER, Commander. To sail about the 1st of August. The William & Thomas is only three months old, has a Mediterranean pass. burden 200 tons, is very well found, a fast sailer, and has the
best of ac- commodation for cabin and steerage passengers. Apply to Pott and M'Millin, GLagow, or Robert Ruthven, Nether BQW, Edinburgh. There is to be SOLD iy Private Bargain, A NEW VESSEL on the STOCKS, . In WILLIAM KID'S Ship building Yard, Dun- dee, of the following dimensions: Length of the keel 46 feet; breadth of the beam 18 feet; depth of hold 9 feet; length 0n deck 59 feet. She will be of easy draught of water, and fit either for the Coasting or Baltic trade. She will, be ready to launch in 10 days. SALE OF A VESSEL AT DUNDEE: . There will be SOLD by public roup, on the 20th July inst, within the '
Trades Hall of Dundee, at 12 o'clock mid- day, The Sloop or Vessel called THE CHRISTIAN AND JANET OF GRANGEMOUTH, Presently lying in the harbour of Dundee, and measuring per register 84 tons, built at Glen- ' burgh, county of Stirling, goes upon an easy draught of water, and is well found. The inventory of the vessel, and articles of roup, to be seen in the hands of John Ogilvie, writer, Dundee. Dundee 8th July 1797. UNCLAIMED GOODS. 1795. ONE old single HORSE CHAISE, no mark, re- Oct. 12, received per the Herald, Capt. Grinly, from London. . Dec. 8. 1795. One Bag PIMENTO, D. per the Enterprize,
Thomson, from London. , Feb. 24. 1796. One HARROW on Wheels, Capt. Naugh- ton, Edinburgh, per the Johns, Carr, from Greenock, Oct. 25. 1796. One Bag of SEEDS, no mark, per the Diana, Campbell, from London. Jan. 9. 1797. One large Butt of ASHES, ditto, per the Da- vid, Wilson, from London. In JOHN WALKER's Warehouses the above articles with those goods fomerly advertised, yet undelivered— If not claim- ed, and all charges paid upon them, within one mouth from this date, will be then sold for behoof of all concerned, by au- thority of the Admiral of Leith. Leith, 10th July, 1797 * FORFARSHIRE GAME DUTY. LIST of PERSONS to whom STAMPED CERTIFI- CATES, with respect to the Killing of Game, have been issued by the Sheriff Clerk of Forfar, from the 4th July to the 1st. November 1796. Capt. Gilbert Affleck, of Rutlandshire Light Dragoons, residing in Montrose Alexander Airth, at Mains of Dun Sir David Carnegie of Southesk, Bart. • Patrick Cruikshank of Stracathro' Patrick Carnegy, younger of Lower Edward Corbet, residing in Montrose James Carnegy Arbuthnot of Bamamoon Robert Carrick, Supervisor of Excise, Forfar John Crockat, vintner in Cupar Angus John Duncan of Rosemount John Dubieson, residing in
Montrose William Driver, residing there Thomas Dougal, residing there John Erskine of Dun Thomas Farquharson; younger of Baldovia Major John Fraser of Hospitalfield Robert Graham of Fintry Charles Gray of Carse Alexander Graham of Duntroon Charles Gardyne of Ravenssey Edward Green, relict in Montrose Dr. William Gibson, residing there Alexander Murray Guthrie, younger of Craigie Lockhart Gordon, residing at Haliburton House * Dr. M'Naughton Hunter, residing in Montrose The Hon. Capt. Douglas Gordon Halyburton, residing at Halyburton house Cornet Robert Kirk, of Rutlandshire Light Dragoons, residing in
Montrose Capt. Thomas Kirloch of Cairn . r James Mitchell, residing in Dundee Major Alex. Munro of the 2d Battalion of 4th Fencible Regiment, residing in Dundee John Miln of fearn Capt. James Mylne, residing in Montrose Lieut. Col. Christopher Nevile, of Rutlandshire Light Dragoons, residing in Montrose David Ogilvy, Earl of Airly Capt. John Ogilvy, residing at Bank ' The Hon. Walter Ogilvy of Clova f John Patullo, in Balumby / Mr. John Pirie, residing in Lochlee Peter Ranken, SherifF substitute of Forfar John- Rait of Anniston Alexander Renny of Burrowfield Capt. Hercules Renny, residing at Burrowfield Thomas Renny,
writer to the signet Patrick Renny, residing at Burrowfield Robert Rolland, younger of Auchmithie Alexander Ritchie, merchant, Arbroath Major John Sandeman, residing in Dundee James Small, merchant, Dundee Patrick Serymsoure of Tealine Charles Stewart, residing at Invergowrie Alexander Strachan of Tarry James Smith, residing in Brechin William Skene, residing there John TailyoUr, residing at Craigie Hercules Tailyour, residing in Montrose Alexander Watson, younger of Turin Lieut. David Williams, of the 2d Battalion 4th Fencible Regiment, residing in Dundee Mr. James Wilson, residing at Farnivell James Walker,
tenant at Newbigging' David Watt, toWn clerk of Forfar Charles Weddarburn of Pearsie James Yeoman of Affleck GAME- KEEPERS. William Adam, game- keeper to Charles Gray of Carse William Bruce— to James Ogilvy of Islabank David Blair— to David Laird of Strathmartine Charles Coutts— to the Countess Dowager of Aboyne David Chalmers— to the Hon. William Maule of Panmure David Dickson— to John Miln at Fern James Dick— to Mungo Dick of Pitcarro Alex. Duke— to the Hon William Maule of Panmure David Davidson — to the Hon. William Maule of Panmure James Dalgity— to Patrick Carnegy of Lower
Thomas Dobie— to Charles Wedderburn of Pearsie William Finlay— to James Lindsay of Spot John Mitchell— to Col. Fothringham of Powrie Alexander Robertson— to the Earl of Airly James Ramsay— to Col. Alex. Duncan of Lundie David Ramsay— to John Ker ot Finlarg JJames Sands-— to Peter Grant of Glenquieck ames Thorburn— to Sir David Carnegy of Southesk, Baijf. David Whamond— to James Carnegy Arbuthnot of Balim- moon. In all 63 Certificates, and 19 Deputations. JOHN URE, Clk By order of his Majesty's Commissioners for managing Stamp- duties, JOHN BRETTELL, Secretary IRISH STATE LOTTERY
a8 , T H E E D FRIDAY's POST. FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, July n. ADMIRALTY- OFFICE, July u, 1797. Extract of a letter from Admiral the EARL of St. Vin- CENT, Commander in Chief of his Majesty's Ships and Vessels employed on the Coast of Portugal, to Evan Nepean, Esq dated on board the Ville de Paris, off Cadiz, June 16, 1797. S I R, IDESIRE you will acquaint the Lords commissioners of the Admiralty that Lieut. Hardy, in the French Republican corvette La Mutine, cut out of the bay of Santa Cruz, by the boats of his Majesty's ships Lively and La Minerve has this moment joined. The gallantry of this action,
recited in the public and private letters of the Captains Hallowell and Cock- burn, has prompted me to take the Mutine into his Majesty's service, and to appoint Lieut. Hardy to the command of her ; a measure so necessary to encourage a continuance of daring enterprize, I am confident will merit the approbation of their Lordships. Lively, off S. W. End of Teneriffe, SIR, May 31,1797 I HAVE the honour to inform you, that on standing into the Bay of Santa Cruz, in the Island of Teneriffe, on the afternoon of the 28th, in company with La Minerve, I discovered an armed brig lying in the road, which, on our nearer approach, hoisted
French colours. Capt. Cockburn agreeing with myself in opinion that she might be taken from her anchors, I ordered all the boats of the two ships, with a Lieutenant in each, the next night, to bring her out; Lieutenant Hardy, of La Minerve, being the senior officer, the command fell on him. At about half past two in the afternoon he made a most resolute attack, in which he was gallantly sup- ported by Lieutenants Bland, Hopkins and Bushby, and Lieutenant Bulkley of the marines, in the Lively's - boat, and Lieutenants Gage and Maling in La Miner- ve's boats, and under a smart fire of musquetry from the brig, boarded and carried
her almost immediately. This gave an alarm to the town, and a heavy fire of artillery and musquetry was opened from every part of the garrison, and from a large ship lying in the road immediately, which continued without intermission for near an hour, during which time they were very much exposed in getting the brig under- weigh, and towing her out, there being very little wind, and a little before four o'clock they had got out of reach of the Batteries with La Mutine French National Corvette, of 12 six- pounders and 1 thirty- six- pounder carronades, and one hundred and thirty- five men, one hundred and thirteen of whom were
on board at the time, commanded by Citizen Xavier Paumier, Capitain de Frigate. She sailed from Brest on the 8th for L'Isle de France, and His Majesty sloop Kingsfisher being in sight I have directed Capt. Maitland to proceed to Lisbon with the prize and prisoners. I have the honour to be, & c. J. N. MORRIS. Boston, off Vigo, June 10, 1797. SIR, I HAVE the honour to inform you, that yesterday at noon his Majesty's ship under my command gave chace to a brig, and at six o'clock brought her to, close in | with the Bayona Islands, at the entrance of Vigo : she proves to be his Catholic Majesty's packet El Enfante, and sailed the
evening before from Corunna, and was bound for the Havannah. I have the honour to be, & c. J. N. MORRIS Extract of a letter from SIR HARY NEALE, Bart, to LORD BRIDPORT. St. Fiorenzo, Torbay, July 8, 1797. MY LORD, I BEG to inform you, that 1 captured the Castor, French lugger privateer, on the 1st inst. sixty leagues west of Scilly, pierced for fourteen guns, and manned with 57 men : She had been out from St. Maloes 18 days, and had taken the Resolution brig belonging to Tinmouth, laden with salt. She threw her guns over- board during the chace. I have the honour to be, & c. H. NEALE. From the LONDON
PAPERS, July 11. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Monday, July 10. The bill to prevent Officers of Excise and Customs voting at Elections in Scotland, was read a third time and passed. The new House Duty Bill was read a third time and passed. VOLUNTEER CAVALRY. The Chancellor of the Exchequer stated, that these corps had originally been equipped with arms and ac- coutrements by subscription, but it was not to be sup- posed that this was to be continued, so as to free the public from any expence upon their account. At pre- sent it was not his intention to propose any permanent establishment, but he took this opportunity of
declaring in the most public manner his opinion, that whether the war was continued, or whether a peace was concluded, the country ought not to part with a corps which con- tributed so much to its security ; and he announced his intention of proposing, next Session of Parliament, some systematic and permanent provision, for the purpose of maintaining them as a military force in the country. — At present he should only move that a sum be grant- ed to his Majesty to defray the expence of their cloth- ing and accoutrements for the ensuing year. He sup- posed as they were not often called out upon duty, one suit of clothes
every four years would be sufficient; which would be attended with an expence to the coun- try of about 3I. a man per annum. There were at pre sent about 10,000 men of this description in the coun- try ( and he hoped that the number would rather be in- creased than diminished), and according to the calcula- tion the sum wanted would be 30,000). He moved a resolution to this effect, which was agreed to by the Committee. The Chancellor of the Exchequer moved, that to make good the supply granted to his Majesty the sum of two millions be granted to his Majesty out of the consolidated fund.— Agreed to. ' The bill for
preventing the counterfeiting Copper and other Coin, & c. was read a second time. SHIP OWNERS BILL. The house then proceeded on the bill for relief of Ship- Owners. Petitions were presented against the bill from Man- chester, and from the Merchants of London and South- wark, from Berwick, from Bolton, and various other places. The Master of the Rolls wished to hear what Coun- sel had to say upon this important question of law. Counsel were heard, and evidence was examined ai the bar on behalf of the petitioners against the Bill. It was afterwards proposed that the report of the Bill should be further considered to morrow ; but the Chancellor of the Exchequer observed, that as the sub- ject was of immense importance, he could not make up his mind upon it soon, and therefore desired that it should stand for Wednesday.— Ordered. Adjourned. [ During the debate on the Ship Owners' Bill, a man. apparently or pretendedly deranged in his mind, forced his way through the lower door into the House, and said, he wanted to seize the Mace, to purge the Parlia- ment ; as it was sold, and he knew the buyers. A- mong other incoherent expressions, he said, that foreign nations were disposed to Peace, and so were we ; that of the House R for
1797. JULY 14. trouble, he was taken out, and induced to go away without further notice. LONDON. LEEWARD ISLAND FLEET. This morning the agreeable intelligence reached town, that the Leeward Island Fleet yesterday parted by Portsmouth, standing up channel, under convoy of the Vanguard, of 74 guns, and the Alarm frigate.— The arrival of the whole in the Downs may be expeCt- ed this day. ___ PARIS PAPERS to the 8th inst. are received. The arrival of Lord MALMESBURY at Lisle had been notified at Paris by the Telegraph. The DIRECTORY have addressed a message to the COUNCIL, of FIVE HUNDRED,
giving an account of a general attack having taken place in the north of St. Domingo, in which the English were defeated, and lost 1000 killed and prisoners. Neither the date, nor any circumstances of the action, are mentioned. The message from the DIRECTORY adds: " It appears certain, that on the 22d Floreal, the brave TOusAiNT LOUVERTURE surrounded Port- au- Prince, after having captured Mirabalais, taken pos- session of the camps and forts of Buisson and Rodrillon, and dispersed the English and Emigrant troops, com- manded by M. DESSOURCE, and M. le Baron MON- TALEMBERT— more than a thousand of
the enemy were killed and made prisoners in this affair. " The letter from the Consul at New York, dated 3d Prairial, is couched in these words : " Many private letters received here from Port- au- Prince, confirm beyond a doubt our success at St. Do- mingo. Consternation and horror reign at Port- au- Prince, and they talk of an immediate evacuation. ( Signed) " CARNOT, President, " LAGARDE, Sec. Gen." The town of Lyons is a prey to the most dreadful disorders. In the sitting of the Council of Five Hun- dred on the 4th inst. a message was received from the DIRECTORY, stating, that the most horrid massacres and
assassinations were daily committed at Lyons and the neighbourhood. had put into the Bay of Santa Cruz, three days before she was captured, to take in water. The Captain was on shore at the time she was cut out. Lieut. Hardy having commanded the boats on this expedition, I have sent him in with the prize, and can- not recommend him or the Officers or Seamen employ- ed on that service with him, in too strong terms. In- closed is a list of the wounded belonging to both ships I have the honour to be, & c. BENJ. HALLOWELL. List of the petty Officers and Seamen belonging to his Majesty's ship Lively, who were wounded
on the 29th May, in taking La Mutine French National Cor- vette, so as to render them incapable of doing their duty for the present. Mr. Ralph Standish, Master's Mate ; William Allen. Quarter master; Peter Lawrence and Glenville New- berry, seamen. Return of Officers and Men- belonging to his Majesty's ship Lively, who were wounded on the 29th of May taking the National Brig La Mutine. Lieutenant Hardy.— Warrant Officer, Mr. J. Coul- son, gunner.— Petty Officers, Mr. Edgar, midshipman Mr. Carpenter, ditto dangerously; Matthew Vessey gunner's mate ; David Lewis, second master's mate Robert Sloper, coxswain.—
Seamen, Anthony Hull dangerously.— Soldiers of the 11th regiment, Jas. Dun- lap, corporal; John Milton and Samuel Clark, privates Total Eleven. GEORGE COCKBURN. Copy of two Letters from Capt. MORRIS, of his Ma jesty's ship the BOSTON, to the EARL of ST. VIN- CENT. Boston, off Vigo, June 4, 1797 SIR. t HAVE the honour to inform you, his Majesty's ship this . morning, after a chace of three hours, captured El P. incipe de Paz Spanish brig privateer, of 20 guns and men she sailed evening from Vigo on her first cruize. It is with extreme concern I have to add, that the only one of her shot that took effect kill- ed Mr.
Mainwaring, midshipman, a very amiable' war was only carried on by the Member: young gentleman, of great promise as an officer who might make peace in an hour.— After some little ] This morning Brussels Papers to the 6th inst were received. An article from Vienna of the 23d June, says, that the conclusion of the Definitive Treaty of Peace will be subject to great obstacles, if, as they are assured, the French insist that the Dutchy of Mantua, as well as the Ecclesiastical States after the death of the POPE, and the Terra Firma of Venice, and the Dutchies of Modena and Parma, shall be united to the new Lombard Republic.
The fortress of Ehrenbreitstein has been provisioned for two years, and the magazines are not touched, the garrison receiving a supply of provisions every eight days from Mentz. An article from Worms of the 29th June, states, that large quantities of artillery were arriving in the envi- rons of Creutznach, and orders had been for the imme- diate repair of the road to Mentz. The celebrated Count BERNSTORFF, Prime Minister of Denmark, died at Copenhagen on the 21st ult. A change was spoken of in the Imperial Cabinet. Apprehensions are entertained at Paris of a re- com- mencement of hostilities between France and
Austria. These letters, we are informed, state, that, on the 5th, it was announced in Paris, and made a very considerable sensation, that BUONAPARTE, in a letter to the Directory, stated that he had seen with great uneasiness the dila- tory spirit of the Court of Vienna in regard to the de- finitive treaty; that the jealousy between the outposts of the two Armies was daily fermenting into discord, and that even some aCts of hostility had taken place in the Friuli that in consequenee of this he had made a peremptory remonstrance, but entirely in the loyalty of pacific intention, which he had no doubt would be effectual; but if it should
not he informs the Citizens Directors that he is prepared yo force the EMPEROR to fulfil his engagements to the REPUBLIC. His Army is more powerful than at the epoch of the Armistice, since he has now removed all apprehensions of attack by the Powers of Italy and can bring all his force to bear on the hereditary dominions of Austria. It appears from the Hamburgh Mail that the EM- PEROR is reinforcing his army with as much vigour, as if no Negociation were pending ; and some rumours prevail of an apprehended recommencement of hosti- lities. In Italy affairs continue in a state of the utmost confu- sion a revolutionary
Spirit has manifested itself every where, of which BUONAPARTE is the directing genius; a counter disposition however lurks in secret, the effects of which are the frequent massacre of some of the more
JULy 14. THE ED aCtive of the French Agents. The Commander in Chief, BUONAPARTe, meanwhile, it is evident, is not without some fears for his personal safety, as he never appears abroad without a strong guard of chosen fa- vourites. BUONAPARTE, according to the opinion of many intelligent correspondents, is certainly endeavouring to establish himself in Italy independent of France. He has formed an army consisting of upwards of seventy thousand men, of whom but a very small portion are Frenchmen, and of these he is getting rid as fast as he can. He is already distinguished in that quarter by a name, analagous to
that of OLIVER CROMWELL, as he has promised to be the Protector of the Republics he has founded. The Departments of France continue in a very agi- tated state. In their journey from Calais to Lisle, our Commis- sioners were received with the warmest cordiality by the people, whose eager desire of peace was manifested by the acclamations with which they hailed them as the pro- bable heralds of the blessing. At Ardres, at St. Omer's, and Cassel, they were received under a discharge of artil- lery, and at the latter place they were met by a Gen- tleman Usher of the French Commissioners who direc- ted the cavalcade to
Lisle. The concourse assembled on the ramparts was immense. The Rue Nationale was lined by the citizens under arms, and the train was conducted to the hotel which had been prepared for their reception. The processions were conducted with theatrical eclat; and the parties met on Thursday morning for the exchange of credentials, which took place under the most promising appearances of a mu- tual desire to facilitate the objeCt of their commission. Having done this, LETOURNEUR, the French Presi- dent, invited Lord MALMESBURY to postpone the o- pening of the negociation till the next day, that they might take
repose after their journey. A Cabinet Council was held yesterday upon Lord MALMESBURY'S dispatches, and a Messenger was to be dispatched to Lisle this day. Two Packets from Har- wich are to ply between Dover and Calais, for the pur- pose of facilitating the communications upon this im portant occasion. Letters received this day from Lord BRIDPORT'S fleet contain the pleasing intelligence, that the whole ships continued in the most exaCt state of discipline and su- bordination, and are making the utmost exertions to proceed to sea. The following horrible faCt is related by Capt. Pratt, who is arrived from Carthagena,
and had it from the schooner, Polly and Jenny, Capt Parson. The schooner mounted 14 guns, and was met with on her passage from Jamaica bv two Spanish privateers one of 16 guns and another of 10 guns— The engage ment commenced at a little to the leeward of Cartnage- na, and continued for two hours, when the Spaniards boarded the schooner, and barbarously murdered the captain, first and second lieutenants, surgeon and two seamen in the cabin. The body of the captain was afterwards hauled upon deck, and his head chopped off. Those who were not Englishmen on board es- caped this treatment— and no
pretence can be assigned for this barbarity, unless the gallant resistance of Capt. Parson and hie crew can be deemed one DEATH OF THE RIGHT HON. EDMUND BURKE, On Saturday night, at his seat near Beaconsfield, after a long and painful illness, which he bore with a pious fortitude, worthy of his character, died, in the 68th year of his age, the Right Hon. EDMUND BURKE. His end was suited to the simple greatness of mind which he displayed through life, every way unaffected, without levity, without ostentation, full of natural grace and dignity. He appeared neither to wish nor to dread but patiently and placidly to
await, the appointed hour of his dissolution. He had been listening to some Essays of ADDISON'S, in which he ever took delight; he had recommended himself in many affectionate messages to the remembrance of those absent friends whom he had never ceased to love ; he had conversed some time with his accustomed force of thought and expression, on tbe awful situation of his country, for the welfare of which his heart was interested to the last beat; he had given with steady composure some private directions in con- templation of his approaching death ; when, as his at- tendants were conveying him to his bed, he sunk
down, and after a short struggle, passed quietly, and without a groan, to eternal rest, in that mercy, which he had just declared he had long sought with unfeigned humi- liation, and to which he looked with a trembling hope Of his talents and acquirements in general; it is un- necessary to speak. They were long the glory of his country, and the admiration of Europe. He was not the , most accomplished orator, yet the most eloquent man of his age perhaps second to none in any age. He diligently collected it from the wise of all times; but what he had so obtained, he enriched from the vast trea- sury of his own observation and his
intellect, active, vigorous, comprehensive, trained in the discipline of true philosophy, to whatever subject he applied it, pe- netrated at once through the surface into the effential forms of things. With regard to his Political Writings,- mankind will judge of them according to their different political prin- ciples, but, persons of all parties will admit, that they possess a brilliancy of imagination, and fervour of dic- tion, unrivalled by the writers of ancient or modern times. In all his policy he was. strictly practical, and in his practice he always regarded with holy reverence the institutions and manners derived from our ancestors._ His private
conversation had the same tincture with his public eloquence. He sometimes adorned and dig- nified it with philosophy, but he never lost the charm of natural ease. There was no subject so trivial which he did not transiently illuminate with the brilliancy of his imagination. In writing, in speaking, in the Se- nate, or round the table, it was easy to trace the ope- rations of the same genius. To the Protestant Religion, as by law established, he was attached from sincere conviction; nor was his a barren belief without influence of his moral conduct.— A husband of exemplary tenderness and fidelity ; a fa- ther fond to excess; the most
affectionate of brothers-; the kindest master; and, he has been often heard to de- clare, that in the most anxious moments of his public life, every care vanished when he entered his own house. The Court Martial pronounced sentence on the four Mutineers on board the Phoenix, on Saturday, viz. Colin Browne to be hanged by the neck until dead. Hays to be kept in solitary confinement in the Marshal- sea prison for two years; and O'Neil for one year.— Gray to receive 2oo lashes round the fleet on his bare back. Needs was acquitted. TRIAL of MUTINEERS, [ Continued from last ADVERTISER.) NAVAL COURT MARTIAL.
Saturday, July 8.— FOURTEENTH DAY. M'Carty produced a written defence, and prayed the Court to permit Mr. Alley to read it for him, which was done— He admitted that he was on board the Iris, and read a paper to the crew— but that he was compelled by Par- ker to undertake this embassy, and threatened with death in case of the least refusal. He also acknowledged that he had gone and read several papers on board of the Pylades, where he went, not as a volunteer, but sent as a prisoner by Parker. Two Delegates or Committee- men always attended on these occasions to compel him to read those papers ; and
certain it is, that if he dis- obeyed, death must instantly have followed.— Thus situated he acted against his inclination, and his will ne- ver accompanied the deed. He did every thing his situation would permit to curb the desire of those who wished to proceed farther, and often, at the hazard of his life, requested the pardon should be accepted, and was thankful for the indulgence his Majesty had gra- ciously extended. For this endeavour he was brought to trial by Parker, condemned to death, and carried on board the Brilliant for the purpose of execution. In- deed, so far had his execution proceeded, that the rope was round his
neck, and he was drawn up from off the deck, and would have been sacrificed, had not the humanity of a few protected him. To prove this, he called Stephen Reat, who proved, that when M'Carty came on board the Brilliant, as one of a boat's crew from the Pylades; he was taken into the Waste, a rope' with a noose and well greased was put about his neck, and that about fifty men on the forcastle, who had hold of the other end of the rope, hauled him up a piece from the deck. He was rescued by a party in the Waste, who rushed forward and cut the rope as he was hoisting up. The reason assigned for this transaction was, that
after Admiral BUCKNER came on board the Fleet, MlCarty had been desirous of accepting his Ma- jelty's pardon, and opposed Parker in the Committee. Gregory addressed the Court in a short speech, and made some very ingenious comments upon the evi- dence. He did not deny being a Member of the Com- mittee, but argued, that while in it, he had always endeavoured to moderate their proceedings, and to do all the good in his power. The men, who were now brought forward, selected as objects of trial, were, he asserted, the most worthy part of the seamen, and those who had saved the fleet from destruction.'— He
concluded by submitting himself to the justice and mercy of the Court. He then called Stephen Reat, who deposed, that the prisoner came on hoard the Brilliant, on the 8th of June, and read tHe King's pardon. That he told the ship's company they had now a fair opportunity, if they chused to return to their duty. In consequence of this, some of the peo- ple expressed their readiness to accept the pardon.'—• These men, however, were soon put in irons, but not until Gregory had left the ship. John Aberdeen proved the same as the former wit- ness. He was one of the men who were put in Irons for offering to accept the pardon. In
answer to a question from the Prosecutor, the Witness deposed, that he heard Gregory say, " Those who accept the pardon will be sent on shore, and may return to their tyrannical Officers." A Duel took place a few days since at Athlone, in Ire- land, between Major Carr, and Captain Somerville, both of the Carbineers, in which the former was wounded. On Sunday last, a most violent storm of hail and rain fell at Bushbury, Cardington, and Stone Acton in Shropshire, which was succeeded by a sudden flood, that carried away the bridges and flood- gate between Cardington and Eaton, and overflowed the country foe eight miles.
Several sheep were drowned, and the Miller of Stone Acton was confined for some time to the upper loft. Sunday afternoon, during a violent thunder- storm, a ball of fire entered the dwelling- house of Mrs. Collis, of Mears- Ashby, near Wellingborough, in Northamp- tonshire, which set fire to the clothes of a young lady who was there on a visit, and burnt her in such a shock- ing manner, that her life is despaired of. The house was also set on fire, but was happily extinguished with- out much damage. LORD HOLLAND is at length married to the divorced wife of Sir GODFREY WEBSTER. Lord HOLLAND, by his marriage with the
divorced wife of Sir GODFREY WEBSTER, has acquired a fortune of 7000I. a year. INTELLIGENCE FROM LLOYD's LIST. v Arrived, 2 Hamburgh, 1 Lisbon, and 1 Irish Mails.~ Due, 4 Irish. Portsmouth, July 10. Arrived the Vanguard man of war, with the fleet from the West Indies. The Hannah, Henderson, from London to the Wes- tern Isles and West Indies, is taken by two French frigates and a corvette. The Cleopatra, Smith, from Lisbon to Barbary, has been taken by a privateer, retaken by the crew, and arrived back at Lisbon. The Happy Jannet, Bird, from Memel to Leith ; and the Margaret, Sinclair, from Leith to
Gothenburg, are taken by privateers in the North Sea. The Prince of Orange, , from Liverpool to Guernsey, foundered at sea ; crew saved - . The Lady Bruce, -, from the Baltic to Newcastle, is taken a second time in the North Seas, and carried to Nor- way. The Nancy, Hewitt, from Demerara to Liverpool, was taken on the 18th April, by a privateer, and carried to Gua- daloupe, The Scipio, Nicholson, from Madeira t6 Jamaica, is re- taken and arrived at Dominica. The Peggy, Boyd, from Virginia, and the Ohio, ——, from New York to Clyde, are taken by a privateer on the north west coast of Ireland. " The Mary, Fraser, from
London to Dominica, was taken near Dominica on the second of April, ar. d is carriel to Curacoa. " The Carolina Planter, White, from Jamaica to Char- lestown, is taken by a French privateer, and carried to New Orleans; also a brig belonging to New York. " The Calliope, Leonard ( an American), from Teneriffe to the West Indies, is taken ten leagues to the windward of Dominica, by a French privateer, and carried to Guadaloupe, where ship and cargo is condemned. The Ceres, — of London ; the Goodintent, —, of Sunderland ; and British King, — , of Yarmouth ; all coal loaded, were taken off Hasbro' by the Lynx priva- teer, Of
14 guns, from Dunkirk. The two former are re- taken and arrived at Yarmouth. " The Swift, Luke, from Virginia to the West Indies, is carried to Guadaloupe, where the cargo is confiscated. " Winds at Deal, July 7, SW. 8 NE. 9 S, to SSE." PRICES of GRAIN Yesterday at BEAR KEY. English Wheat, 44s. to 48s. Fine 50s. to 56s.— Rye, t to us.-— Barley, tjs. to 19s. Fine 21s. to 45s.— Oats, 13s. to * js. Fine 175.— Polands ditto, 14s. to 18s. Total 41J 7 Quarters of Wheat.— 392c English— 237 Foreign. Average .5 is. 7| d.— Is. 7d. per quarter higher than last week. Having a favourable change in the weather, and a pretty large
quantity- of Wheat at market yesterday morning, it experienced a dull sale, and sold about rs. per Quarter cheaper than on Friday, and at same prices as last Monday. BANKRUPT. R. Kent, of Sonning, Maltster,
EDINBURGH No farther communications have been received from Lord MALMESBURY. The next dispatch will proba- bly be an important one, though it is very generally reported that the basis of Negociation was perfectly understood, and in a great measure settled, before the departure of his Lordship from ENGLAND. The last dispatches from the EARL of ST. VINCENT, are dated the 15th ult. on which day the Spanijh Ad- miral had made the signal for the whole fleet to un- moor, with a view of breaking our line of battle which blocks up the Port of Cadiz, and of putting to sea ; but the wind shifting, tbe Spanish fleet dropped
anchor without changing any part of its position, " The KING of SPAIN has lately arrived at Cadiz with a view of quieting the minds of the Merchants there, and to accelerate the tardy operations of the Marine. The Merchants have, on his occasion, pre- sented a Memorial to his Majesty,. setting forth the hardships they labour under in the interruption of their Commerce, from, the Port of Cadiz having been so long and so closely blockaded, that no ship could sail from or enter it. The KING gave for answer, that his Admiral had received his final instructions, which are supposed to be to risk an engagement. The Spanish Fleet
consists of thirty sail of the line ; our's is only twenty- two— nine of which are, however, three- deck ers. From the admirable position of our fleet, and the skill and bravery of our officers and seamen, the Noble Commander is under no anxiety for the result. We on Tuesday stated, that accounts had been re- ceived at the Admiralty, of the capture of a rich Spa- nish ship by some of Lord ST. VINCenT'S fleet. She was taken by the Raven brig, commanded by Captain JAMES, and is valued at 300,000!. The account was brought to the Admiralty by Capt. PUGFT. Capt. JAMES was a Lieutenant in the action of the 14th of February,
was promoted upon that, glorious event, and was appointed to the Raven brig in the room of Capt. PUGET. Fresh accounts received from America announce, that the most vigorous and decided measures were tak- ing throughout the UNITED STATES to resist the ag- gressions of France. The HousE of REPRESENTATIVES of tbe UNITED STATES of AMERICA have voted ten resolutions, the substance of which is, that the three frigates building should be immediately compleated ; that several others should be taken into pay to act as convoys ; that mer- chant vessels should have licences to arm ; that the pre- sent regular
land force should be increased ; and a large provisional force should be raised for the defence of such parts of the coast as should be deemed vulnerable. LEEWARD ISLAND FLEET. It is with pleasure we announce the arrival in the Clyde of the following ships-, part of the Leeward Island Fleet, Herberts, Brown, from Grenada. Europea, Leitch, from St. Kitt's. Commerce, Hall, from St. Kitt's. Ruth, Ramsay, from Tortola. Margarets, Paterson, do. Commerce, M'Dougal, do. Fame, Kerr, from St. Vincent. Scarborough, Elwick, from Tobago. Concordia, Douglas, from Demerary. ' Convert, Miller, do. Dictator, , do. Margarets, Robb,
from Madeira & Barbados. LIVERPOOL, July 10. " The Favourite, Looney, one of the Leeward Isl- and fleet, arrived yesterday, from whom we have the following particulars : " The fleet, 160 in number, sailed from Tortola on the 21st June, under convoy of the Vanguard and St. Amasia of 74 guns, and were joined by the Demarara fleet on the Banks of Newfoundland, and Alarm fri- gate— parted with them on Thursday last off Cape Clear, all well, when every vessel was in company ex- cept a heavy sailing brig, name not known, for Glas- gow, which lost the fleet about the 22d ult. and a priva- teer brig, name not known, for this
port, that left the fleet early in June. " The vessels bound up the Irish Channel were con- voyed by the Alarm frigate, as far as Waterford." IRELAND. DUBLIN, July 3. " The Dissolution of Parliament is a measure, resolv- ed on, and is hourly expected to take place. Many Gentlemen have departed from the metropolis to make their elections. On Wednesday last a number of persons were brought in by Capt. Holland of the Muff Yeomanry, and a party of his men : with one of the above persons were found two pikes, which were ordered to be struck through his hat; and in this manner he was exposed till he was lodged in jail. "
Yesterday James Burnside, Daniel Shanaghan, John Barret, John Gordon, and Samuel Kennedy, were brought up from Kilmainham Gaol to the Court of King's Bench, in order to plead to indictments for High Treason found against them at Carrickfergus As- sizes. The indictments were read, charging them with comparing the death of the King and adhering to his enemies. The overt- acts laid were, assembling and conspiring to raise troops to levy war against the King, receiving returns of such levies, raising money to pur- chase arms — purchasing arms, & c. & c.— They several ly pleaded NOT GUILTY, and their Trials were
ap pointed for difFerent days in next Term." CLONARD, June 17. " Matters here have put on a most pleasing aspect.— Already above FOUR THOUSAND people of this neigh- bourhood have taken the Oath of Allegiance, and as a proof of their sincerity have brought in upwards of 150 stand of arms. In the District of Castlejordan, those who have thus returned to their allegiance have formed an Association for the purpose of preserving the peace, and bringing to justice the persons who have been most active in seducing them ; they have lately brought in three young men of the name of Hussey, nephews of the good and pious
Doctor of that name, the Titular Bishop of Waterford. Among many other seditious and inflammatory papers found in their possession, were several copies of that mild and conciliatory Pastoral Letter lately published by their liberal and respectable Uncle. " Yesterday, Walter Nugent, Esq; at the desire of the Magistrates who attended our last sessions, waited on Capt. FRASER, of the Fraser Regiment, ( the Offi- cer commanding here) to communicate to him in their name, their entire approbation of his very spirited ex- ertions, and those of the Officers' and Privates under his command, requesting at the same time that the pri vates might be permitted to receive ten guineas to drink his Majesty's health. This favour, ( which was present- ed by Mr. Nugent to compliment the loyalty and va- lour of the men,) they received with three cheers, shouting with one voice, " The King, God bless him, has enabled us to drink his health every day." These marks of public approbation will best explain to you,, the respect and estimation in which our country holds that brave and gallant regiment. " We will, if you permit us, ( say they,) purchase medals for our company, expressive of loyalty to our King, and gratitude to the gentlemen of the Clonard Association. ' " Since
the proclamation 8582 persons have taken the oath of allegiance before Thomas Morris Jones, Esq; of Moneyglass. " On the 1st inst. a duel was fought at the camp, between Capt. JONES of the Sligo, and Mr. GALAGHER of the Leitrim regiments of militia, when, after ex- changing two shots each, Mr. G. received the last shot of his adversary in the right side of the abdomen.— There are no hopes of his recovery." HIGH COURT OF JUSTICIARY. On Wednesday came on before this Supreme Court the trial of William Qak, weaver in Johnston, in the County of Renfrew, and Thomas Potts, weaver at Williamsburgh, or Cotslets,
in the same county, for house- breaking and robbery. William Oak, not appearing, was outlawed. Thomas Potts being put to the Bar, the Indictment was read over which states that he and Oak, with others their associates, armed with swords, bludgeons, & c. did on the 19th of March laft break into the house of John Barr, farmer in Gryfescastle, in the parish of Houston, and county of Renfrew, and afterwards into the room where John Barr and his wife were sleeping; and obliged him by threats to inform them where his. money was deposited, which they seized, to the amount of eleven guineas ; that they afterwards broke open a
chest of drawers, and took from thence some silver money and other valuables, & c. The particulars were stated at length in this paper of the 28th March last. The robbery, & c. was proved by John Barr, Janet M'Lellan his wife, and Jean Donaldson, James Rowan, and Joseph Lang, their servants. Three of the witnesses swore that the Prisoner was one of the \ perfons that robbed the house— as also George Aitchi- son ho broke open the door and took the money. George Aitchison, weaver in Irvine, ( an Irishman), turned King's evidence, and gave an account of the Robbery, similar to what we have already stated On the day
of the robbery, he met Oak and Potts— They afterwards met at Birhead,. near Paisley, and went to a public- house, and Concerted the plan of the Robbery, with one Pullans, an Irishman. Oak led the way, as he knew the house— they broke open the door and com- mitted the robbery. Pullans struck the bed- post with a knife, ( shewn in Court,) and threatened them to make them discover their money. When they returned to Oak's house, the money, amounting to 11I. in notes, 1 I. in silver, and some silver spoons was divided. he had two notes and some silver for his share— When he was in prison, a book was sent him by
Potts the Pri- soner. ( The book, a volume of Hall's Contemplations, was here produced. On a leaf of it was written " my let- ters will be run out on the 21st of May, and my trial comes on twenty days after that;" by which the wit- ness understood that he was running his letters to bring on his trial. The words " I will never deceive ye and similar expressions were written in other parts of the book.) A knife was also produced in Court, which the wit- nesses swore to, as the one the robbers threatened to kill them with, if they did not produce their money. Aitchison, cross examined— He could not be sure whether the prisoner broke
open any drawer, or took . money in Barr's house. The door was broke open by Pullans, or the prisoner, or perhaps by both. Could not say that he saw the prisoner strike the door. Did not see him do any thing in the house. Some witnesses were produced as to the Prisoner's character. The LORD ADVOCATE addressed the Jury on the part of the Crown, as did Mr. FERGUSON on that of the prisoner. The LORD JUSTICE CLERK summed up the evidence with his usual ability and accuracy. The Jury returned their verdict yesterday, unanimously finding the prisoner GUILTY. He was sentenced to be hang- ed atPaisley on
Thursday the 17th of August next. Counsel for the Crown— The LORD ADVOCATE and JOHN BURNETT, Esq;— Agent, Mr. H. WARRENDER. Counsel for the Prisoner— JAMES FERGUSON and WALTER ScoTt, Esqrs;— Agents, Mr. JOHN CAMP- BELL quartus, and Mr. ROBERT CATHCART, writers to the signet. GENERAL COURT MARTIAL AT AYR, . ( Continued from last ADVERTISER.^ With regard to the second charge, it appeared in evidence, that Capt. Gordon came up behind Colonel Woodford, and struck him on the back with a stick which knocked off his bonnet; upon which the Co- lonel faced about and
attempted to draw, his sword, but before he could get it drawn, Capt. Gordon gave him a second blow, after which the parties were seperated With regard to the third charge, it appeared that Col. Woodford had sent after Capt. Gordon, who had gone to Kilmarnock, to put him under arrest and bring him to Head- Quarters. The Prisoner faid he had nothing at all to do with him, refused to comply, and proceeded to Edinburgh. The Prisoner in his defence stated, that at the time the assault was committed, he was not under the com- mand of the prosecutor— that he had leave of absence, and was walking as a private gentleman, in
coloured clothes— that he had received excessive provocation from the prosecutor, who had, under the mask of friend- ship, seduced the prisoner's wife, the mother of seven children, with whom he had lived in happiness for many years. Several witnesses were then called for the prisoner, whose evidence tended to establish the general fact, that the parties were face to face, when the scuffle commenced. The prisoner was then proceeding to call evidence, that he was absent from the Regiment by leave from the Commander in Chief; this fact the pro- fecutor admitted, so that it was unnecessary to call wit- nesses. Several
regimental orders were then called for and read, from which the prisoner inferred, that the Head- quarters of the regiment was not the town of Ayr, but the camp in the neighbourhood ; so much so, that re
giments quartered in the former had received a route to march to the latter. This closed the defence for the prisoner. Further proceedings will be given afterwards. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Monday, the CHAMBER of COMMERCE elected the following Gentlemen as Office Bearers for the ensuing year: Sir WILLIAM FORBES of Pitsligo, Bart. Chairman. William Sibbald, Esq; Senior Deputy- Chairman. Alex. Sheriff, esq; Junior Deputy- Chairman. Robert Allan, Esq; Treasurer. William Creech, Esq; Secretary, Rev. Mr. R Walker, Chaplain. Mr. Robert Cameron, Clerk. Mr. Andrew Cassells, Auditor of Accounts. The other four
Auditors continued as last year. NEW DIRECTORS, In place of the six senior Directors who go out by ro- tation, and two other changes. Mr. Neil Macvicar. Sir J. Stirling, Bart. Messrs. David Milne. Walter Hogg. Messrs. David Ramsay. William Douglas. John Learmonth. Adam White, Leith PRESENT DUTIES ON BILLS AND NOTES, INCLUDING THE ADDITIONAL STAMP DUTIES, 1797. Bill of exchange, draft, or order, on demand— promissory or other note to bearer, on demand, re- issuable from time to time ( after payment) where first issued, L. s. for 40s. and not exceeding 5I. 5s. ---- 00 On ditto, if above 5l. 5s. and not
exceeding 30l. o o On ditto, if above 30l. and not exceeding 50l. o 1, On ditto, if above 50l. and not exceeding 100l. On ditto, if above lOol. and not exceeding 200I. o a Bill of exchange, draft, or order, otherwise than on demand— Promissory or other note, otherwise than to bearer on demand, for 40s. and not exceed- ing 30l oc On ditto, if above 30I. and not exceeding 50I. o 1 On ditto, if above 50I. and not exceeding 1ool. o 1 On ditto, if above 1ool. and not exceeding 2001. o a Promissory or other note to bearer on demand, re- issuable ( after payment) at any place, for 40s. and not exceeding 5l. 5s ....... 00 On ditto, if above
5l. 5 s. and not exceeding 30l. o 1 Bill of exchange, promissory or other note, draft, or - order, on demand or otherwise, if above 200l. o 2 Foreign bills of exchange, that is to say, bills drawn in Great Britain upon foreign countries, each, if not exceeding lool. On ditto, if above iocl. and not exceeding 200f. o 1 On ditto, if above 200I. ------ 01 N. B. Every bill of each let of such bill is charge- able with th£ respective duties. Money Bonds of tool, or under, ---.-- g Above tool, or under 500I. - - - - - 19 On ditto, of 500l - or upwards, - - - - - I 9 On ditto, of 1000I. or upwards, - . ... 1 jg On ditto, of 20ool. or upwards, - - - - - 2 19 On ditio, Of
5000l. or upwards, ----- 4 19 On Deeds, - -.------. . 09 On Transfer Stock of Private Companies, - - o 19 No alteration has taken place in tbe Receipt Duty. I salute of thirteen guns from the 24- pounders, was per- formed by the Corps of Artillery. Yesterday Colonel FERRIER inspected the second re- giment of ROYAL GLASGOW VOLUNTEERS, com- manded by JAMES M'DOWALL, Esq; Lord Provost of that city, and was highly pleased with their appea ranee. The Colonel afterwards reviewed the first re- giment of ROYAL GLASGOW VOLUNTEERS, who went through their various evolutions with their ac customed promptitude
and precision, and of conse- quence, deserved and obtained the approbation of the Colonel, as well as the applause of a great concourse of people. From the reports to the House of Commons, in the case of the Importers of Foreign Corn, into Great Britain, during the scarcity in 1796, it appears, that they lost L. 105,458, by the importation, which they have submitted to Parliament for an indemnification. On Friday last, a genteel looking man was taken up at Kilmarnock, on suspicion of uttering a forged note of the Paisley Banking Company. He under- went a long examination before one of the Magistrates of Kilmarnock. In his
examination, he confessed he went to a milliner's shop there, and bought a piece of muslin, for which he paid one of the notes, but the Lady entertaining some suspicions that it was not ge- nuine, returned it to him at the Angel Inn, where he immediately destroyed it, and a great many more, as was evident from the impression of the plate upon the ashes in the chimney. He was sent to Glasgow jail. Monday, an unfortunate squabble happened at Dal- keith, between James Mackenzie, a labouring man, and Thomas Moir, a plasterer, in which the latter struck the former so violent a blow on the head with a ham- mer as to
occasion his instant death.— Moir was imme- diately apprehended, and, on Tuesday, was brought to town, and committed to prison. On the 4th inlt. was married Mr. George Glennie, Assistant Professor of Moral Philosophy, in the Maris- chal College, Aberdeen, to Miss Margaret Valen- tine, daughter of the deceased Mr. John Valentine, merchant in Montrose, and niece of Dr. Beattie. Married on the 2d inst. Mr. Archibald Young, wri- ter in Banff, to Miss Jane Donaldson, eldest daughter of the deceased James Donaldson, of Kinnairdy. On Monday, at Levenbank, was married, Mr. David Arthur, to Miss Helen Todd, daughter of
Mr. John Todd of Leven Printfield. Died at Bonnington, in Lanarkshire, on Wednesday the 5th of July curt. John Ross, only son of Sir Charles Ross of Balnagown, Bart. Died, on Thursday se'ennight, John Clendening, M. D. Dublin, much regretted. At Stagshawbank fair, ( Newcastle) on Tuesday last, neither the buyers nor sellers were 10 numerous as at many former fairs ; horses were in general low priced, but cattle of condition sold high ; lean sheep were re- markably cheap ; and swine experienced a considerable advance from the prices of the last fair. Friday last, M'Kinnon, weaver in Anderston, went in to bathe in the river
Clyde, near that place, but going beyond his depth, was drowned. His body was not found till Monday. On Monday, while a young girl was diverting her- self on the banks of the Clyde, at Peat bog, she fell in, where the water is about 20 feet deep. Fortunately, a young man, who was resting himself hard by, roused by the shrieks of some women who saw the girl fall in, plunged in and brought her on ashore. Monday, 14th of July, the IRISH STATE LOTTERY Begins drawing. The earlieft account thereof will arrive from DUBLIN at Mr. NICHOLSON's Licenced State Lottery Office, No. 16, Cornhill, London; where the Tickets,
Halves, Quarters, Eighths, and Sixteenth Shares, are selling in the greatest va- riety of numbers, and lowest terms. This Lottery consists of 3 prizes of l.. ro, cco each, 3 of L. 5,000, 5 of L. i, oco, 8 of I.. T , coo, and 11 of I.. 50c, be- sides the usual quantity of small prizes, from L. 100 to L. 9, and from there being only Thirty Thousand Tickets instead of SEQUESTRATIONS, & c. JOHN CHRISTIE of Marystoun. late Captain of the 6th Regiment of Foot, Tacksman of the Coal of Gartsherrie, Dundyvan, & c. and Dealer or Trader in Coals. Creditors to meet in the Royal Exchange Coffee- house, Edinburgh, 011 the 19th inst. at one
o'clock, to chuse a factor; and on the 9th August, at one o'clock, to chuse a trustee. States of the affairs of WILLIAM CALDWELL, late of Yard- foot, lie with Robert Caldwell, writer in Lochwinnoch, the trustee, until the 17th of July inst. A dividend, equal to that formerly paid to the other Creditors, to be paid to those who had not produced their vouchers of debt at the dividend, and have produced the same previous to the 17th of May. The public examination of JAMES MATHEW, merchant and shipmaster in Aberdeen, to be on the 24th inst. and the 8th August, at 12 o'clock, in the Laigh Tolbooth of A- berdeen. Creditors to meet
on the 10th of August, at 14 o'clock, in Moir's, Aberdeen, to instruct David Hutcheon, Advocate in Aberdeen, the trustee, and to lodge with him their claims, & c. with oaths of verity, betwixt and the 16th March, or to have no share in the first distribution. Creditors of JOHN COBB, lately at Mill of Kincardine, to meet in the Tolbooth of Stonehaven, on the 18th inst. at 12 o'clock, to give instructions. States of the affairs of EDWARD INNES, Confectioner in Edinburgh, lie with Hamilton Bell, W. S. the trustee. No dividend at present. Application from ROBERT MENZIES, Coppersmith in Perth. for a discharge. Creditors of WILLIAM
IRVING of Wiseby, Esq; to meet in the Royal Exchange Coffee- house, Edinburgh, on the 14th inst. at 2 o'clock, to chuse a common agent for con- ducing the ranking and sale. * Creditors of JAMES HENDERSON, Factor at Shevado, to meet on the 28th inst in Moir's, Aberdeen, at 12 o'clock, finally to decide on an offer of composition. States of the affairs of Lieut JOHN ROSS, late merchant in Stranraer, lie with the trustee. Creditors to meet in M'Master's, Stranraer, on the 21st July, at 12 o'clock, to receive their dividends, and discharge the trustee. States of the affairs of ANDREW SHIRREFFS, Printer and Bookseller in
Edinburgh, lie with George Martin, wri- ter, Register- office, Edinburgh, the trustee. Creditors to meet on the 3d of August, in John's Coffee- house, at one o'clock, to receive their dividends, and give directions. No dividends at present, but to preferable creditors. PRICES OF GRAIN AT On Wednesday night the 2d Battalion of the 2d Re giment of ROYAL EDINBURGH VOLUNTEERS, com- manded bv Colonel HAY, received their colours on Burntsfield Links. The colours were brought into the field by the 1st Battalion of the same regiment, and were presented by Colonel CRICHTON and Major PRINGLE to her GraCe the
Duchess of BUCCLEUCH and Mrs. HAY, and were by them delivered to Colonel HAY and Major HART, who gave them to the Ensigns. The colours were then consecrated by the Rev. Mr. CLARK, Chaplain to the Battalion, in a very suitable and appropriate prayer. The corps looked remarkably well, and went through their evolutions to the satisfac- tion of a very numerous and genteel company- They were attended by the ROYAL MID LOTHIAN VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY, with four field- pieces, who' made a very fine appearance. The first regiment of ROYAL EDINBURGH VOLUN- TEERS is to be reviewed to- morrow. On
Thursday Colonel FERRIER inspected the regi- ment of ROYAL PAISLEY VOLUNTEERS, commanded by Lieut.- Col. M'KERREL, and expressed his highest approbation, as well at their appearance and disci- pline, as at the order in which he found their arms, accoutrements and clothing. On Saturday last, the corps of LOYAL GREENOCK VOLUNTEERS and LOYAL GREENOCK ARTILLERY-, were inspected by Colonel FERRIER. The good coun- tenances - and robust appearance of the corps are It as merited the marked approbation of the inspect- ing officer. The whole Corps, mustering upwards of 400 men, afterwards
marched into the battery, and a SHIP NEWS. The Phoenix, Neilson, is arrived at Leith from London. The Betty, Borland, is arrived at Ayr, from Gottenburgh, with iron and deals. The Commerce, Ritchie, is arrived at Trinidad from Gre- nada'; and the Lucrctia, Simson, at St. Kitt's from Clyde. The following ships are arrived in Clyde — President, Bayington, from Wiscasset, with timber; Botalog, Jones, from Sligo; Sally, Blayney, and Peggy and Ann, M'Lachlan, both fiom Bangor; Jean, Bain, and Diamond, Dunlop, both from Drogheda; and Polly, Brown, from Youghall, all with oats and oatmeal. The Mary, Galt; George, Colquhoun
Aurora, Campbell, and Isabella, M'Kellar, have arrived at Jamaica, from Clyde. The Isabella parted from the Endymion and Euphrates, be- longing to Clyde, off the end of Jamaica. The Phoenix, Jones, is arrived at Jamaica, from Charles- town. SOUND INTELLIGENCE. Passed downwards, June 13. Euphemia, Hutton ; Ough- tori, Jarvie.— 15. Dolphin, Dallas; Lively, Howie. June 24— The downward- bound per our former lists, sail- ed hence the 22d inst. in the morning, the upward- bound will sail as soon as cleared; the downward- bound per this list, sail- ed this morning in a combined fleet, the Brothers,. Capt. Harle,
Commodore, except those of to- day who wait a fleet- The Polly, of Dysart, Capt. Andrew Williamson, from Dy- sart to the Anholt, with coals, is taken by the La Legere French privateer, and carried into Oster Riisoer. June 27. — The British ships from the Baltic on this list, are still here, and think it too hazardous to proceed without con- voy or a strong fleet, which cannot yet be made up. » Wind N' W. and fine weather. LEITH, July 14.—- Arrived, Aurora, Knap, from Gibral- tar, with cork ; Plough, Hick, from Rye, with bark ; En- deavour, Petrie, from Easdale, with slates; Crown, Ander- son, from Mandle, with bark; Hannah,
Brooking, from Wiscassett, with timber ; Tweed Packct, Nisbet, Coldstream Packet, Ord, and London Packet, Mosely, all from Lon- don ; Kitty, Wishart, from Newcastle ; Sophia, Brodie, from Peterhead ; and Lady Janet Trail, Galloway, from Thurso. Sailed, Berwick Merchants, White ; and Glasgow Packet, James, both for London ; William and Elizabeth, Monro, for Inverness, with goods. MONEY WAnTed. TO BORROW on the security of lands within two hours ride of Edinburgh. Any sum from L. 2006 to I,. 400 Sterling.— Also I.. 200 L. 300 L. 400 and L. 500 Sterling. Apply to Mr, Walker, writer to the signet.
THE ROXBURGH- SHIRE. THE Sale of the Lands and Estate of CHERRYTREES, lying in the parish of Yetholme, and county of Rox- burgh, IS ADJOURNED till Wednesday the 15th of No- vember next, at 2 o'clock P. M. within the Royal Exchange Coffee- house, when the said Estate will be again exposed u- pon the former articles and conditions of sale. Apply to Mr. James Potts, writer in Kelso, or Henry Jar- dine, writer to the signet. EDINBURGH, July 5, 1797. A HOUSE IN LESLIE TO BE SOLD To be SOLD by Public Roup, upon Friday the 28th day of July curt, within the house of Robert Nicolson, innkeeper in Leslie,
THAT HOUSE and YARD, in the Town of Leslie, pre- sently possessed by James Finlay, Wright, and others, be- longing to Miss Margaret Pride, and lying on the north side of the street. The title- deeds of the subject, arc in the hands of Harry Hope, writer in Falkland, to whom, or to David Walker, merchant in Strathmigio, any person wishing for farther in- formation may apply. E D I N B U R G H A D V E R T I S ER To be SOLD by Public Roup, within John's Coffee- house, Edinburgh, upon Friday the 4th day of August 1797, at' two o'clock afternoon, THE HOUSE, OFFICES, and GROUND of SOUTH COATS, lying a little to the
west of the New Town of Edinburgh. The house, which is in complete repair, is mo- dern and substantial, and fit for the accommodation of a gen- teel family. The premises will soon have the advantage of the road to be made from the west end of Prince's Street to join the new Glasgow road. The ground holds feu of Heriot's Hospital. The houfe to be seen every lawful day, from 12 till 2 o'clock And for further particulars, apply to Mr. Francis Strachan, writer to the signet, in whose hands are the articles of roup and title- deeds. FARMS IN THE COUNTY OF FORFAR TO LET. To be LET for Nineteen Years from Martinmas next.
THE FOLLOWING FARMS, part of the ESTATE of SOUTHESK, viz. POWMILL. consisting of about 90 arable acres. FOREBANK, measuring about 170 acres. KINNAIRDS MILL, with. Corn and Barley Mill, and 60 acres of Land. LEIGHT0NHILL, consisting of 160 acres. These Farms lye within two miles of Brichen ; on the three first, there are excellent Dwelling- houses, with complete squares of offices, all stated.— Apply to Mr. Charles Green hill, at Old Montrose, by Montrose. _ SALE OF THE LANDS AND BARONY of PiTTENCRIEF. THESE LANDS lye in the county of Fife; in the vicinity of- the populous town of
Dunfermline. The elegant and beautiful situation of this estate is so well known, as to require neither description nor embellishment, in an advertisement. ALSO TO BE SOLD, The SUPERIORITY of the LANDS of EAST BALD- RIDGE, in the same county, paying a feu duty of L. 35 Ster- ling, and 21 bolls barley. Together with the SUPERIORITY of the LANDS of BLACKBURN, and the INCH of Inver- keithing. together making a Freehold Qualification on the valued rent. The rents of the Lands, . and farther information will be ob- tained by applying to John Taylor, W. S. or Robert Scotland, Dunfermline. FARMS IN
KINCARDINESHIRE. To be LeT for such a number of years as may be agreed on, SUNDRY' FARMS in the parish of Fordown, containing about 300 Scots acres, mostly inclosed, all arable part Hill unimproved, a great proportion fit for wheat, the remain- der well adapted for turnip husbandry and grass. They will be let as one farm or divided as may suit, and proper onstcads will be furnished accordingly. The entry to the greater part, which is now occupied by the proprietor, may be at Martinmas first, and to the re- mainder at Whitsunday 1798, and the separation of that crop from the ground. Several hundred acres of rich land
will he added to the above quantity, if required. Lime may be had at a draw kiln within three miles, and the seaport of Montrose is distant from nine to ten mites. Also sundry possessions, from three to forty acres, with suitable Houfes lor labourers, tradesmen, or those inclined to, follow the carrying trade in coal, lime, & c. for which there is great demand. Proposals in writing for leases may be made to the proprie- tor, at the house of Fettercairn, by Montrose; those nor ac- cepted will be concealed. Mr. James. Turnbull, overseer there, will point out the farms, and, inform as to other parti- culars. FARMS- IN- FIFE- SHirE TO let, To
be SOLD by Public Roup, on Tuesday the 29th day of August 1797, in the house of James Jack, innkeeper in Cumbernauld, The LANDS of GLENHEAD, in the parish of Cum- bernauld, and shire or Dumbarton, belonging to William Russel. Glenhead lies a mile south- east of Cumbernauld, mostly inclosed and subdivided, and consists of 164 acres Scots measure, mostly of a good clay soil, and not above 3- 4ths of a mile from Cumbernauld limeworks. There is a Free Stone Quarry, and Iron Stone, and a seam of Coal in the lands.- There are four Farm- houses, besides, the Mansion- house, on the lands, so that it may be
divided into five different lots if purchasers shall incline. The progress of writs are clear. For further particulars, apply to the Proprietor, who re- sides on the lands. Not to be repeated. GORGIE MILLS. To be LET, and entered to immediately, THE MILLS of GORGIE, two mills west from Edin- burgh, on the Glasgow road by Calder, with proper ac. commodation for servants, horses, & c. These Mills are possessed of very superior advantages from the Machinery being entirely new, and constructed upon the most approved plans.— For particulars, apply to John More, accountant in Edinburgh, or James Hay, W. S. for 1797. JuLy
14. HOUSE IN CHARLOTTE SQUARE, AND SUPE- RIORITY AFFORDING A FREEHOLD QUA- LIFICATION IN STIRLINGSHIRE. To be SOLD by public roup, on Monday the 31St July 1797, within the Royal Exchange COFFEE- house, Edinburgh, at one o'clock afternooon, I. THAT HOUSE, being the second east of the centre house in the north side of Charlotte Square, con- sisting of 17 fire- rooms and a kitchen, lately possessed by Mr. Redferne. It Is most substantially built, and remarkably well finished, is entirely free from smoke, and commands a beauti- ful and extensive prospect. - v It will be exposed at the low upset
price of L. 1750— Entry immediately. to be seen every day betwixt 12 and 3 o'clock. II. The. SUPERIORITY of the LANDS of POLMOISE, in the parish of St. Ninians, and shire of Stirling, retoured to a five pound land of old extent, and affording a Freehold Quali- fication.— To be exposed at the upset price of L. 400. For further particular, application may be made to Charles Selkrig, accountant in Edinburgh; or James Hay, W. S. STORE FARM IN LAMMERMUIR, And Parish of GARVALD. To be LET, and entered to at Whitsunday 1798, THE FARM of BAINSLAW, consisting of about 614 acres, of which 150 acres or thereabout
are arable, and the remainder well adapted for sheep. Any person inclining to take the said Farm, will give in written proposals to James Hay, W. S. and those not accept ed of will be kept private if required. - HOUSE AND PARKS TO LET. To be LET for Sixteen Years, and entered to at Martin- mas or Whitsunday next, THE LANDS of WESTER FOSSAWAY, lying in the parish of Fossaway, and shire of Perth, five miles west from Kinross. these lands consist of about 100 acres, are in closed and subdivided with substantial stone dykes. All the inclosures are sufficiently watered; and they are capable of much improvement, being
situated within a few miles of coal and lime. . There is a commodious house upon the premisses, which was lately fitted up for the proprietor, consisting of six fire apart- ments, and there are proper offices belonging to it. If is. de- lightfully situated upon the banks of the Devon, a fine trout- ing river; and as the roads leading to the towns of Kinross Stirling, and Alloa pass immediately by it, they afford easy communication to markets of all kinds. These lands have been for some time used for pasture only; and if more agreeable to intending lessees, they may be let in separate parcels, and in that view any number of inclosures - will
be allowed to go along with the house, a tenant of it may chuse to be accommodated with. Proposals for a lease or leases, will be received by Edward BrUce, clerk to the signet, Mr. Horsbrugh, at Cupar— or Mr. James Wood, the overseer at Easter Fossaway, who will shew the premisses. ' LANDS- IN FIFE TO BE SOLD" for such a number of years as may be agreed upon, and en- tered to at Martinmas 1798, . THe MAINS FARM of KilCONQUHAR. with the MILL FARM and MILL of the same, and ACRE- DALE LANdS consisting of nearly 300 acres, 200 acres of which are well inclosed, partly with stone and lime dyke, and
partly with ditch. and hedge. The soil of these lands is equal to any in the country There are about 12o acres of rich carse land on a channel bottom, and about 180 acres of rich land, adapted for barley and green crops. The above is one of the best and mOst eligible farms in THE LANDS and ESTATE of LOCHORE, lying in the parish of Ballingry, and county of Fife. The present free yearly rent is about I.. 350, but the Lands are capable of great improvement, at a small expence, as there is coal and lime in the neighbourhood. There is a genteel and commo- dious house built within these few years, with good offices, an
excellent garden, and a considerable quantity both of old and young planting, and the property is held of the Crown, and affords a Freehold Qualification the county. . Or, a purchaser may have a smaller or larger, quantity of ground- than what is above mentioned, along with the House and Freehold Qualification, so as to make the rental from L. 150 to 1,. 450 per annum.— For further particulars, application may be made to John Syme, writer to the signet. . LANDS IN EAST- LOTHIAN FOR SALE. To be SOLD by public roup, within the Royal Exchange Coffee- house, Edinburgh, on Wednesday the 4th. day of October next, at 2
o'clock afternoon, FARM of CHAPPLE, lying within the parish of North Berwick, constabulary of Haddington, and shire of Edinburgh. . This Farm consists of about 63- acrcs of rich arable land, in the highest state of management:— it has a fine exposure to the south, is completely inclosed and subdivided, and there is a neat Mansion- house and Offices upon it. The rent is 133I. and as the lease expires at the reparation of the present crop from. the ground, the rent will advance very considerahly.— The Lands hoid blench of the Crown, and are valued in the cess- books at L 120 Scots. Apply to Robert Cathcart,-- W. S. Hill
Street, Edinburgh, who has power to conclude a private bargain between and the day of sale. FARMS IN FIFE TO LET. To be LET for such a number of years as may be agreed on, and entered to at Martinmas 1798, THE FARMS of KINNAIRD and KEMBACK MILL, lying in the parish of Kemback, and county of Fife Kinnaird consists of 184 acres or thereby, mostly arable, in of a rich fertile soil, and part of it is well inclosed. It is cen- trically situated, being within about three miles of Cupar the county town, and within five of St. Andrews; the great road to which places, by Dairsie Bridge, runs, through it. It extends a considerable
way along the banks of the Eden, which is navigable at Guard Bridge, within about three miles of it, where victual is exported, and lime and coals brought in. To this Farm will be annexed, the Proprietor's Right of Fishing for Salmon, & c. on Eden, which in some seasons has been found productive. Kemback Mill and Mill Lands, with the Brew Steading, & c. as possessed by Richard Hogg, lie near to Kinnaird, and afford an advantageous situation for a multurer, maltster, and innkeeper. For particulars, apply to Robert Johnston, writer in Cupar, . who will shew a plan of the farms, and receive written pro- posals for the leases,
which must be lodged betwixt and the 1st September next; those not accepted, will be concealed, if desired.— William Niven, gardener,, at Kemback, will shew the lands. SALE OF LANDS IN THE COUNTY OF ARGYLE. AMORE particular Advertisement of the Sale of the LANDS and ESTATE ol EDDERLINK, lying in the parish of Kilmichaell Glaffrie, and county ot Argyle, will be , published previous to the Sale, which it is proposed shall take place in the course of Spring 1798 — in the mean time, as this is the season for viewing such an estate, a meeting of the cre- ditors, held upon the 3d July 1797, directed this notice to be
given, in order that persons intending to purchase may have an opportunity of examining the estate before winter. The free rental of this property is upwards of L. 1000.— Its proprietor is intitled to a vote in the county of Argyle, and from its compact situation and the general good quality of- the soil, is well worthy of notice.— It extends from Lochfine, on- the banks of which many capital fishing stations might be set down, quite across the country to Lochow, comprehending a tract of land capable of prodigious improvement, being almost in a state of nature. There is a profusion of lime stone upon - the estate, to which manure the
soil, seems well- adapted.—• There is an exceeding good mansion- house, and extensive oak and other woods upon the estate.- Mr; Elliot, writer to the signet, will inform of other par- ticulars. sALE Of LAndS """ IN THE STEWARTRY OF KIRKCUDBRIGHE To be SOLD by public roup, within the King's Arms Ta- vern in Dumfries, on Wednesday the 30th day of August 1797, between the hours of five and six afternoon, The LAND'S and Other after mentioned, belonging to James Welsh, Esq; of Cornlee, either together, OR in three separate Lots, as follows, viz. Lot I. The Lands of CORNLEE, in the parish of Iron- gray,
containing 584 Scots acres, presently possessed by John M'Call, at a rent of LOT II The Lands of MARGREIG, in the said parish, containing 403 acres, possessed by William Morrin, at a rent of LOT III. The Lands of MULE, in the parish of Kirkpatrick- Durham, containing 769 acres, possessed by John Douglas, at a rent of lately built upon the Mains, and on the Mill Farm a suitable steading There is a considerable thirlage attached to the Mill. They may be Set in one or two farms as may be agreed upon the whole lying contiguous. Coal and lime in the neighbourhood. A Threshing Machine, with a constant sup- ply of water, may
be erected on the premisses; and there ia likewise a full supply of spring water for a Bleach- field. I A considerable part of the rent may be converted into a grassum.., For particulars apply. to the, preprietor at Kilconquhar House by Colinsburgh, or to John Scott Lindesay, writer, at Mr. Tod's, George Square Edinburgh, who will. reecive proposal, which shall be kept secret if required. As several people have been inquiring abOut the above farms who have not had time to look at them offers will be continued to be received till Martinmas next L. 179 o o The tenant of Margrieg pays the public burdens of his pos- . session. The
Lands of Cornlee and Mule hold of the Crown, and Margrieg of a subject superior. The feu- duty of Cornlee is 8s. 40. of Mule 3s. 4d. and of Margrieg 1s. ld. The pro- prietor has right to the tenids of Cornlee and Margrieg, and the teinds of the whole lands are valued. The above- Lands are situatcd about 8 miles from the town of Dumfries, and about 9 miles from the Lime Quarries of Barjarg. The arable land is extremely improveable, and the sheep pasture is generally dry and healthy.. The leases expire at Whitsunday 1798. The Tenants will sheW the Lands. The articles of'roup, and title- deeds, may be seen in the hands of
Hugh Corrie, and James Gilchrist, writers to the signet, Edinburgh, and copies of the articles of roup, with a plan, of the lands and the current leases, are to be seen in the hands of Thomas Goldie,, Commissary of Dumfries. EDINBURGH : Printed for JAMES DONALDSON, and Sold at his PRINTING- OFFICE, Castle- hill, where, and at the. EDINBURGH ADVERTISER OfficE at the Cross Orders and Advertisements are taken in This Paper is published every TUESDAY and FRIDAY.— The price of a Single Paper is SIXPENCE L. 2 : per Annum, when Called for :— L.- 2 : 14s. Delivered at any house in Edinburgh, the Suburbs,
or in Leith — L 2 16s. when. sent, by Post ( free of Postage to, any, Town in Scotland or England -- and L. 3 ; 2s. when sent to Ireland).