The Sun
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Volume Number: Issue Number: 1474
No Pages: 4
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The Sun
Date of Article: 15/06/1797
Printer / Publisher: B. McMillan
Address: Sold at No 112, in the Strand, opposite Exeter Change, London
Volume Number: Issue Number: 1474
No Pages: 4
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NUMBER 1474. J THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1797. [ PRICE FOUR- PENCE HALFPENNY. The Last Time but One of the Company's Performing this Season. THEATRE- ROYAL, DRURY- LANE. THIS PRESENT THURSDAY, JUNE 15, Their Majesties' Servants will act a Comedy, called. THE CHANCES. Don John, Mr. PALMER ; Frederick, Mr. BARRYMORE ; Duke, Mr. WHITFIELD ; Petruchio, Mr. C. KEMBLE ; Antonio, Mr. SUETT. First Constantia, Mrs. POWELL; Second Constantia, Mrs. GOODALL. To which will be added a Musical Entertainment called MY GRANDMOTHER. \ RANELAGH. TO- MORRROW EVENING,
June 16, 1797, will be exhibited, A MAGNIFICENT FIREWORK, Under the Direction of Signors ROSSI and TESSIER. Admittance 5s. each Person, Tea and Coffee included. The Doors will be opened at Seven, and the Fireworks will be displayed at Half past Eleven o'Clock. The Rotunda is open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fri- days, for tiie Season, w th a Concert ot Vocal and Instrumen- tal Music, and Dancing and Interludes of Fantoccini. Tickets for Private Coach Stands for the Season to be had Ranelagh House. The Gardens are open every day, for Ladies and Gentle- men to walk in. WARWICK RACES, 1797, WILL
be on TUESDAY the ? th, and WED- NESDAY the 6th of SEPTEMBER. Particulars will be advertised in the Racing Calendar. ABRAHAM GRIMES, Esq. Steward. WM. RUSSELL, Clerk of the Course. ANY Person having Demands upon the Rev. JOHN SMYTHE, ReCtor of Westbury, in the County of Salop, deceased, are desired immediately to send an account thereof to Messrs. Shepherd and Arlington's Of- fice, Gray's Inn, London; Mr. Marris's Office, Bawtry, Yorkshire ; or to Mr. Benjamin Burd, at Westbury aforesaid,' JAMES FOX. IF the Person of the above Name, who had a knowledge of either Mr. Robert Pott, of
Berners- street, in the County of Middlesex, or Mr. William Cowper, of Berkeley- street, in the County of Middlesex, prior to their embarking for India in the year 1780, or any one who can give information respecting him, will favour the Advertiser with an interview, he may hear of something to his advantage. Address to Y. Z. No. 11 Beaufort Buildings, Strand. LEFT HIS HOME. WHEREAS, A. Z. some showtime since left his home under great apprehensions of the consequences and event of a Suit in Chancery then depending, and left to the reference of a Barrister at Law, and has not since been heard of. This is to give the said
A. Z. notice, that the Award in the said Cause has been lately made by the Arbitrator, and is much in the said A. Z.' s favour, and therefore he is requested to come immediately forward, for the purpose of carrying the di- rections of the said Award into execution, and thereby relieve the anxiety of his distressed Friends whom he left behind. In case the said A. Z. shall, on reading this advertisement, entertain any doubts in respeCt of the truth of it, he is request- ed to make an immediate application to Mr. John Scott, At- torney at Law, Witham, Essex or, Messrs. Bromley and Bell, Gray's Inn, who have directions to answer any
applica- tion which may be made by the said A. Z. on the subject. CHESTER, June 1o, 1797. PRIVATE CLASSICAL SCHOOL. THE Rev. J. WINFIELD, will have room for a few additional Boarders, after the Midsummer Vacation. His terms are, Twenty- six Guineas a Year. His number of Pupils limited. , Dancing, Drawing, Sit. & c. at the rates usual in other Schools- The young Gentlemen have the use of a large airy Play- ground a neat Philosophic Apparatus, and a select Library. I : : st respectful references can be given, as the School has been established more than fifteen years. No more than Two Beds in one Room. TEN
POUNDS REWARD. BROKE out of the COUNTY GAOL early this morning, the following Convicts, viz. BARNABAS EGANS, born at Woodchurch, in Kent, labourer, 29 years of age, 5 feet 11 inches Inch, light com- plexion, with a fresh colour, long straight hair, had on a mix'd coloured cloth coat and trowsers. Also, JAMES SAVAGE, Labourer, a native of Yalding, in Kent, 5 feet 7i inches high, 30 years of age, dark com- plexion, and marked with the small pox. Also, JOHN SMITH, a native of Canterbury, 40 years of age, 5 feet 5 j inches high, dark complexion, had on a brown jacket and corduroy breeches. Whoever will secure
the said Convicts in any of His Ma- jesty's Gaols, shall receive TEN POUNDS Reward for each Man, by applying to Mr. Watson, Keeper of Maidstone Gaol. EGANS and SAVAGE were Capitally Convicted at Lent assizes, 1796 ; and SMITH at the Summer Assizes following. said Convicts escaped from the County Gaol, with their Irons on. Maidstone, Tuesday, June 13,1797. TICKETS ARE RISING. No. 4, CORN HILL. T. BISH and Co. confident that IRISH TIC- KETS would be scarce, and consequently dear, have, for more than two Months past, advised their Friends to pur- chase. The event has proved they were right; and
notwith- standing Tickets have risen, still a considerable saving may be made by an early purchase : for, owing to a variety of circum- stances, Tickets and Shares will yet be considerably higher before the TWENTY- FOURTH OF NEXT MONTH, Which is the Day the Drawing begins in Dublin. Tickets and Shares are now selling, as cheap as at any other Office of Credit, at the above OLD- ESTABLISHED LOTTERY OFFICE, Where, in the last Lottery, No. 279, and No. 7108, both Prizes of TWENTY THOUSAND POUNDS, Were Sold and Shared. All kind of Government Securities Bought and Sold by Com- mission. AT
CHRISTIAN'S Warehouses, No. 9, WIGMORE- STREET, near Wimpole- Street, Ca- vendish- Square; and No. 10, STRAND; every Article of Wearing Apparel, in Muslin, Linen, Calico, and Dimity, ready for immediate Use, as also large quantities of Household Linen, viz Ladies Dresses, Caps, Tuckers, Handkerchief, Cloaks, Petticoats, Pockets, Shifts, Bedgowns, Nightcaps, Powdering- gowns, Habit Shirts, and Corsets. Every Article of Childbed Linen. Gentlemen's Shirts, Handkerchiefs, Powdering- gowns, and Banyans. Damask and Diaper Table Linen, Towels, Doileys, Glass Cloths, & c. Sheets and Pillow- cases of Calico,
strong Scotch, Irish, Lancashire, and Russia Linen. An extensive Assortment of India Muslins, Irish Linens, Long- Lawns, Cambrics, printed Calicoes, Ginghams, and every other Article of Linen Drapery of the best quality. Hosiery, Baize, and Flannels. Gentlemen going to the East or West Indies, may be sup. plied with every Article necessary for the Voyage, at a few hours notice. As the lowest HARTFORDSHIRE REGIMENT OF MILITIA. TO FIELD MARSHAL HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF YORK. WE, the Non- commissioned OFFICERS and PRIVATE SOLDIERS of the HARTS REGI- MENT of MILITIA,
commanded by Colonel the Most Noble the Marquis of SALISBURY, beg Your. Royal High- ness will be pleased to convey to His Majesty our sincere and grateful Thanks tor his gracious attention to Your Royal High- ness's Application for the Augmentation of our Pay, which his Majesty has been graciously pleased to grant; and farther beg leave to say, that at a time when ill- disposed Persons are endeavouring, by Seditious Hand- Bills, & c. to seduce His Majesty's Soldiers from their duty, no one has yet dared to do any thing ot the kind to the Hartford Regt. If it should so happen, the Non- commissioned Officers and Privates
of the sail Regiment are fully determined to treat them with that contempt they deserve; at the same time assuring His Majesty, that it is our fixed determination to exert ourselves with the utmost vigilance to deteCt such as may, under the veil of false and delusive pretences, attempt to draw the weak and unguarded from their Obedience, Duty, and Discipline, or diminish their AfFeCtion, Loyalty, and Allegiance to their King, Constitution, and Government. We do farther request the Commanding Officer to declare, that, should attempts at any future period be made to seduce us from our Duty and Allegiance, we will, t0 a man,
readily subscribe three days pay of each rank, to deteCt and bring to punishment the Offenders. GOD SAVE THE KING Ipswich Barracks, June 10, 1797. Signed, in behalf of ourselves, and the whole of the Men of the Regiment, DAVID TAYLOR, Serjeant- Major, And all the Non- commissioned Officers. ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY POUNDS RE- WARD. Detachment of the 5th Battalion and Corps of Commissiaries of the ROYAL REGIMENT of ARTILLERY, NORTH EAST DISTRICT, June 4, 1797. WE, the NON- COMMISSIONED OFFI- CERS, GUNNERS, and GUNNER- DRIVERS, of the ROYAL REGIMENT of
ARTILLERY in this Dis- trict, understanding that different Incendiary Hand Bills have been dispersed in various parts of this Kingdom ; of a treason- able and seditious nature ; and wishing to express their abhor- rence of the diabolical attempts made to corrupt His Majesty's Forces ; And although no such Wretch, lost to every sense of Hu- manity, has ever dared to tamper with any of this Detach- ment, yet we conceive it our duty to follow the example of our brave Fellow Soldiers in the defence of our King and glorious Constitution, and de hereby offer a Reward of ONE HUN- DRED and NINETY POUNDS, to be paid on the
Convic- tion of any person found guilty of distributing traiterous Hand- Bills, or attempting to seduce His Majesty's Subjects from their Allegiance. And to be paid as follows, viz. 10 Serjeants - 10 to o 12 Corpouals - 12 12 o 11 Bombardiers - 11 it o 175 Gunners - 91 16 6 12; Gunner- Drivers - 63 10 6 £.. 190 o o We, the above Detachment, do therefore take this opportu- nity of expressing our grateful Thanks to our beloved Sove- reign, for His late gracious increase of our Pay. we also beg leave to make known to the Pubiic, our just sense of the good- ness we experience from our Officers, whom we reverence and esteem.
Signed, in behalf of ourselves, and with the unanimous con- sent of the eest ot the detachment, James Barrows, aCting Serjeant- Major- William Ingles, aCting Quarter- Masster Serjeant. serJEANTS. George Mahon Robert Lathem Thomas Ashby John Willer James Millar James M'Dowell CORPORAL s. William Ried John Wilks Robert Garrick James Hull James Connil John Candler. BOMBARDIERS. William Grair Hugh Colvill James Guthery Joseph Summersgill Thomas WagstafF Bruce Orr. GUNNERS. Robert Simson James Dorron Robert Rhoads James Heap Duncan Iggo james Hardy, gunnER- drIVerS. Peter Gibson
Edward M'Caid, William Firryman N. B. if any non Commissioned Officer, Gunner, or Dri- ver, should ' apprehend any person or persons of the above de- scription, they will not accept of the Reward offered, but con- sider it as a particular part of their duty. GOD SAVE THE ' KING. A T a Numerous and Respectable MEETING J \ of Gentlemen who had signed the Requisition to the High Sheriff, to call a COUNTY MEETING, and others who were friendly to the mens are, held at Ringrose's Tavern, in York, on Tuesday the 6th of June inst. It was unanimously resolved, ist. That we sincerely condemn the measures of the present
Ministers, which we conceive have brought us into our present perilous and calamitous situation— that we deeply lament the distresses of our Country, and the miseries which we expe- rience from the fatal effects of this unfortunate and destructive War—- that we most earnestly wish for the preservation of or- der and tranquillity in the Country, and for the restoration of Public Credit. 2dlyt That we do most earnestly wish for a Peace between this Country and France, 0n terms consistent with the welfare of Great Britain. 3dly> That we are sincerely attached to the antient form of our Government, by King, Lords, and Commons,
and on its just and genuine principles are determined to support that happy Constitution. 4thly. That from past experience, we should not be justified in placing any further confidence in His Majesty's present Mi- nisters, whose whole political system we conceive to have been detrimental to the Interests and Liberties of our Country. 5tlny. That in our opinion, good order and Public Credit can be re- established only by the justice and ( Economy of Government. 6thly. That the postponing the Requisition to the High Sheriff to call a Meeting of the County, is advisable at this moment, convinced that in a short time the necessity of a
County Meeting will be universally acknowledged. 7thly. That we are determined to persevere in our endea- vours, to procure a return of the blessings of Peace; and in order that these important subjects now brought before the Freeholders of Yorkshire, may receive the most calm and mature consideration, previous to a County Meeting, that this Meeting be adjourned to Thursday. in the next Assize Week, to be held at this place, then to consider the propriety of resolving to tender their Requisition to the High Sheriff of this County. 8thly. Resolved that these Resolutions be printed in The SUN and Star, the York and Leeds
papers. - 9thly. That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to the Rev. C. Wyvill for calling the Meeting. lotlily. That Thanks be given to the Chairman for his conduct in the Chair. WILLIAM WRIGHTSON, Chairman, ISLE OF WIGHT. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the Bugle inn, 0n Thursday the 13th of July, at Twelve o'Clock, and entered upon immediately, LOT I. ADesirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate at the upper part of the Town of Newport, comprizing a genteel DWELLING HOUSE, Garden, Two Stall Stable, a Chaise House, and suitable Out- Buildings, with Three Acres, more or less, ot old Pasture Land in front of the
House, fenced on every side with a good Quickset Hedge, and orna- mented with rows and clusters of firs and Poplars judiciously disposed. The House is surrounded 0n each side by Grounds of pleasing ascent, commanding a rich View of the Village of Carrisbrooke, and striking and unique ProspeCt of Carrisbrooke Castle, and may be considered as one of the most desirable re- treats in the Island for a small Family. Lot 2. To be Sold by Auction, at the same time, a large Moveable Pleasure House, constructed about Seven Years since, and painted with the Vegetable Green. PLOVER, In the Downs, June 9, 1797. EIGHTY
GUINEAS REWARD. WE, the PETTY OFFICERS, SEAMEN, and MARINES of His Majesty's Sloop PLOVER, seeing with great abhorrence the many attempts that are mak- ing to seduce us from our duty to 0f King and Country, do hereby declare, that we detest all such vile and seditious at- tempts, and will, to the utmost of our power, endeavour to suppress and brings to punishment all such Persons who may be deteCted in attempting by Letters, Messages, or any other means to seduce us from our Allegiance. And do hereby offer a Reward of EIGHTY GUINEAS for the apprehension of any Person or Persons who shall be
discovered in attempt- ing to seduce anyone * of the said Ships Crew from their Al- legiance, which Reward will be paid by John Chesshyre, Esq. Captain of the said Ship, on the Conviction of any such Of- fender. TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, The Humble ADDRESS of the GENTLEMEN, MER- CHANTS, SHIPOWNERS, and INHABITANTS of NORTH SHIELDS and Its ENVIRONS. Most Gracious Sovereign, WE, your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal SubjeCts, the Gentlemen-, Merchants, Shipowners, and Inhabitants of North Shields and its Environs, humbly beg leave to approach your Majesty, to express
the deep con- cern which, in common with all yeur Majesty's faithful Sub- jects, we feel at the present disgraceful conduCt of part of the Seamen of your Majesty's Fleet, who, instigated, no doubt, by the wicked insinuations of some evil- disposed persons, enemies alike to your Majesty's Royal Person, and to their Country, have been betrayed into aCts of insubordination and outrage, degrading to the character of British Seamen, hither- to highly distinguished for loyalty, bravery, and good conduCt; impelled therefore by the duty we owe to your Majesty, and to our Country, we step forward, at this alarming crisis, to de- clare our
readiness to support such measures as your Majesty, in your wisdom, may think most expedient to adopt, for the restoration of good order and subordination among the Seamen of your Majesty's Fleet. 9th June, 1797. This Day were published, In One Volume, OCtavo, price 5s. in boards, SKETCHES OF A HISTORY OF LITERA- TURE, " Containing Lives and Characters of the most eminent Writers in different Languages, Ancient and Modern, and Critical Remarks on their Works. Together with several Literary Essays. The whole designed as a Directory to guide the judgment and form the taste in reading the best Authors. By
the late ROBERT ALVES, A. M. To which is prefixed, a. short Biographical Account of the Author. Printed for T. Cadell, jun. and W. Davies, in the Strand. This Day were published. In Two Vols. 410. price 11. 2s. in boards, COMMENTARIES on the LAW of SCOT- LAND, respecting the DESCRIPTION and PU- NISHMENT of CRIMES. By DAVID HUME, Esq. Advocate, Professor of the Law of Scotland in ttie University of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: Printed for Bell and Bradfute, and for E. Bal- four; and sold by G. G.' and J. Robinson, London. Next Week will be published, In Two Volumes, price 7s. sewed, THE HISTORY of
VANILLO G0N- ZALES, surnamed the MERRY BATCHELOR. From the french of Alain- Rene le Sage, Author of the cele- brated Novels of Gil Blas," and " The Devil upon Crutches." Printed for G. C. and J. Robinson, Paternoster- row. By whom will be published, at the same time, The Church of St. Siffred, in Four Volumes, price 14s. sewed. NEW MUSIC. This Day were published, price 10s. 6d. Adorned within Elegant Frontispiece, MUSICAL MISCELLANY, FOR THE HARP or Harpsichord 1 Consisting of Pastorales, Notturnos, Military Airs, and Sonatas, composed By EDWARD JONES, Harpist to the PRINCE of WALES ;
And Dedicated bv Permission to the Queen To which are added, A few Airs selected and adapted from other Composers; and some Popular National Tunes, with Variations by the author. Printed and sold at No. 3, Green- street, near Grosvenor- square. Where also may be had the following Works, by the same Author: Musical and Poetical Relics of the Welsh Bards, with a Histo- ry . . the Bards, Druids, (: c. S cond Edition, doubly augmented and improved, price II. its. 0 1. Musical Remains, from Ori- ginal Manuscripts, never before published, for the Harp or Harpsichord, price 10s. 61. Musical Trifles, calculated for Beginners
on the Harp, and dedicated to his Scholars, price 7s. 6d. A Selection of French and Italian Ariettas, adapted with Accompaniments for the Harp, prise 7s. od ; and a Col- lection of Italian Songs, wiih Accompaniments, price 7s. 6d. NEW MUSICAL PUBLICATIONS, Printed and Sold by LONGMAN ani BRODERIP, No. 26, Cheapside, and No. 13, Hay- Market, Musical Instrument Makers, to all the Royal Family. PIANO FORTE MUSIC. Attwood— easy progressive Lessons fingered for beginners, and particu- larly adapted for Pupils at an early period, 5s. Mozart— Overture to the Zeuberflote, is. Sacchini— Overture to Evelina, is.
6d. ; and the favourite March in ditto, is. Dr. Arnold— The Hunter's Medley Sonata, 2s. 6i. The New British Tar, a Medley Sonata, 2s. 6J. Walsingham— a Gavot, with Variations, is. Steibelt— Three Sonatas, Op. 4, 7s. 6d. Easy Divertiments, Op. 28, 3s.; and PreluK s and easv Pieces, 5s. Sterkel— a favourite Duet, Op. 36, 3s. Mazzinghi— L'Amour et Psiche, a Grand Ballet, 73. 6d. Tiie Overture to Harlequin and Oberon, the Charity Boy, and Olympus in an Uproar, each 2s. Haydn— Three Grand Sonatas, interspersed with Scotch Airs and Reels, lis. Speedily will be published, Clementi's progressive Sona- tinas, and Cramer's
new Sonatas. VOCAL MUSIC. Ranzzini — The Shepherd Oliver grown white with years, and Cease to Blame my Melancholy, each is. The Fair Bath Auctioneer, is. Sacchini— Ah Il Mio Cor, in Evelina, is. 6d. and O Lieto di Trio, in ditto, 2s. 6d. Master Welsh— O Tommy, Brother Johnny's dying, is. Dr. Arnold— The Shipwreck, and Bannian Day, each 8s. Shield— Abroad and at Home, and the Wicklow Mountains, each 8s. Attwood— The Smugglers, and the Poor Sailor, each 8s. Reeve— The favourite Songs in the Charity Boy, each is. The Gypsies' Glee in Harlequin and Oberon,' is. 6d. and the favourite Songs in ditto, each
is. The Laughing Glee in Olympus in an Uproar, is. fid. and the favourite Songs in ditto, each is Rannie— Mark with what Grace the Rose Tree shews, is. And soon will be published, six favourite Canzonets, by R. Spofforth. FLUTE and VIOLIN MUSIC.— Monzani's Duettinosr Op. 12, with Airs of different Nations, 5s. Pleyel's Duets, Op. 32, with Scotch Airs, 5s. Devienne's Solos, 7s. 6d. The Smugglers and the Adopted Child, each 3s. Jarnovichi's Violin Duets, Book I. 7s. 6d. N. B. Their respective Warehouses abound with new im- proved and well seasoned Instruments; Barrel Organs with the Harp and Drum, which has a
pleasing efFeCt in Country Dances, Reels, and other Airs, and in itself contains a Band fully sufficient tor Dances in a Private Family. Also Second- hand Instruments, in good preservation, at reduced Prices, j: id variety of Printed Music on the same NAVY OFFICE, June 9, 1797. THE PRINCIPAL OFFICERS and COM- MISSIONERS of HIS MAJESTY's NAVY do hereby give Notice, That on THURSDAY the 15th inst, at One o1 Clock, they will be ready to treat with such Persons Contract for the LAND and WATER CARRIAGE of the under- mentioned Timber, viz. Land Carriage of about 536 Loads of Timber, from Salcey
Forest to Hertford, and Water Carriage of the same, from Hertford to His Majesty's Yard at Deptford. Land Carriage ot about 445 Loads of Timber, from Whittle- bury Forest to Oxford, and Water Carriage from Oxford to His Majesty's^ Yard at Deptford. . be received after Twelve o'Clock, nor an noticed, unless the Party, or an Agent for him attends. TRANSPORT OFFICE, " May 27,1797. THE COMMISSIONERS for Conducting HIS MAJESTY'S TRANSPORT SERVICE, and for the Care and Custody of PRISONERS of WAR, do hereby give Notice, That they will be ready ' on THURSDAY the 15th of June next, at this Office, to
receive sealed Ten- ders, and treat with such Persons as may be willing to con- tract for VICTUALLING PRISONERS of WAR in Health, for Six Months certain, from the 1st Day of July next, at per Man per Day, at the following Places, vix. Mill Prison, and Prison Ships at Plymouth. Forton; near Gosport. Portchester Castle, and Prison Ships In Portsmouth Har- bour. Deal. Prison Ships at Chatham, Yarmouth. Edinburgh. Liverpool. Pembroke. Stapleton, near Bristol. Penryn. The Contractors will be required to find Security for the due - performance oj their Contracts. Further Particulars may be known by applying at the Office of
the said Commissioners or to the Agents for Prison- ers at war, at the respective Places above- mentioned. No Tenders will be received after One o'Clock oft the Day of Treaty, nor any noticed, unless the Parties or Agents for them attend. • * SOLOMONS GUIDE TO HEALTH, Price 3s. This Day was publised, a New Edition, being the Seventh* of an entire New and Interesting Work, with an eiegmt . Engraving of the Author, entitled, \ GUIDE to HEALTH : or, Advice to both Sexes in a variety of Complaints; with a Treatise on Nervous, Consumptive, Hypochondriac, and Venereal Dis- eases, ' Gleets, Seminal Weakness, and a
solitary and destruc- tive habit called Onanism ; likewise an Address to Parents, Tutors, & c. By SAMUEL SOLOMON, M. D. London : Printed for the Author, and sold by Matthew.-^ No. 18, Strand ; Of Whom may be had, at half- a- guinea a bottle, the COR- DIAL BALM of GILEAD, which is a medicine possessed of extraordinary efficacy in Nervous^ Hypochondriac, and Con- sumptive ComplaintS and calculated to restore all weak and relaxed habits, whether arising from excess of grief or pleasure, indigestion, bilious or nervous afflictions in general. Doctor Solomon of Liverpool prepares this Medicine, and is a' 30 Author of
the above celebrated Work ; the rapid and con- tinued sale of which is such as perhaps no medical work ever experienced, it being admirably calculated for the instruction of every individual, male or female, who find themselves greatly interested therein. It may be had of all the Printers of Newspapers and Venders of genuine established Medicines in the three kingdoms. Dr. Solomon observes that his Advertisements and Publi- cation are daily copied by those who are not able to write for themselves, with a view- of rising in tie estimation of the Public, and recommending their own Medicines, & c. in place of the Cordial Balm of
Gilead and the Guide to Health. Buc many years extensive practice, and intense application, has enabled Dr. Solomon to obtain that confidence with the Pub- lic, which it is his ambition to preserve through life ; he rests his success solely on the merits of his own remedies, and pecu- liar mode of practice, and wishes by no means to deprive any Gentleman of the reward due to his merits provided he builds upon his own foundation.; hut he leaves them to discriminate between the regular practitioner and illiterate pretenders, who attempt to ascend the pinnacle of fame by climbing the tower which he has erected. Dr. Solomon
may be consulted by Letter, post paid, inclosing his usual fee of Half- a- guinea, addressed to him at his house, No. 12, Marybone, Liverpool. , N. B. Those who wish to see a Pamphlet of the efficacy of this Medicine, and the Cures it has performed, may be sup-, plied gratis by the Venders. A RECTORY. * TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the Lion- Inn, in the Town of Shrewsbury, in the County of Salop, on Wednesday the 2& ih day of June, 1797, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions as shall be then produced ; THE NEXT PRESENTATION to the RECTORY of ACTON BURNEL, in
the County of Salop ( about eight miles from the Town of Shrewsbury), to which belongs a convenient Dwelling- house, pleasantly situated^ with suitable Out- offices and Buildings; and also all the Tythes ofthe Parish, and about Eighty Acres of Glebe Land, the whole of the yearly value of 250I. or thereabouts The present Incumbent is upwards of 70 years of age. For Particulars, apply to Messrs. Jeffreys and Lloyd, At- tornies, Shrewsbury. RAT C ATCHERs AND RAT TRAPS Rendered totally useless and unnecessary. THE ITALIAN PASTE is the most effica- cious and infallible thing in the world for the speedy and certain
extirpation of those destructive animals Rats and Mice; for by its wonderful and powerful attractive quality, those Rats, & c. which are destroyed by the effects thereof are frequently eaten in the most voracious manner by the surviving animals, to obtain the composition, which, on their being opened, is found in their stomachs. They eat this Paste with astonishing avidity, preferring it to all other food, and it take's instant effeCt, after which they neithereat, drink, vomit, nor purge; consequently it is by much the safest thing hitherto discovered for said purpose. It is particularly worthy the attention of Gentlemen, Farm - ers, and all
others whose Premises are infested with those ver- min, as it kills Rats of every description, the Water Rat as well as others ; and the very great and almost incredible de- mand for this Paste, proves it superior efficacy over all other Medicines used for this purpose. Sold Retail, in pots, at 2s. 6d. 5s. 3d, and Ios. 6d. each, by Mr. Tutt, front gates of the Royal Exchange; Mr. Middle- wood, No. 110, Whitechapel; Mr. Clarke, No. ^ 69, Bo- rough ; Mrs. Newbery, corner of Ludgate<- street and St. Paul's ; Mr. Jones, No. 179, Shoreditch ; Mr. Broxup, No. 138, Oxford- street ; Mr. Leuchar's, No. 47, Piccadilly; Mr. Grosvenor, No. 303,
Holborn ; Mr. Williams, No. 8?, Aldersgate- street; Mr. Shaw, No. 385, Strand ; Mr. Walsh, No. 6, Catherine- street, Strand ; Mr. Ripley, No. 364, Her- mitage Bridge ; Mr. Pope, Perfumer, near Astley's, Surrey side of Westminster Bridge ; rnd Mess. Bourgeois, Amick, and Huguenin, No. 32, Haymarket, London; and by Mr. Slatter, Printer, Oxford; Mr. Middlewood, St. Ann's- square, Man- chester; Mr. Quincey, in Holbeach, Lincolnshire; Mr. Jones, Bishop Stortford; Mr. Doubleday, Epping, Essex ; and Mr. Meers, Hitchin; also by the several other Venders mentioned in the bills of directions; and also by appointment, wholesale, by
said Mr. Tutt. None are genuine but such as are signed on the covers of th ® pots, by the Proprietors, G. Sandford and Co. who purchased the original Recipe. Letters ( post paid] duly answered. Among the numerous testimonies of its unparalleled Efficacy, is the Letter of which the following is a true Copy, viz. Haltwesel, Northumberland, May 5, 1797. Sirs, I beg leave to inform you, that I have tried your Italian Rat Paste on a large Farm and Premises ( where I reside), near this place, which was over- run with Rats, and in about a week it entirely cleared the Premises of the tame, having found upwards of three hundred of those
vermin dead, ana doubt not but it killed many more ; and I am confident t4c- e is not one to be found on those Premises now. I beg you will publish this fox the benefit of the Pubiic; and I am, Sirs, your very humble Servant, HUMPHREY FORSTER. 4ft m
BRITISH PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF PEERS. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14. SCOTS APPEAL. The YORK BUILDINGS COMPANY, V. MACKEN- ZIE and Others. Counsel were finally heard in this long depend- ing cause, which it appeared has been in agita- tion for the period of eighteen years. The case was before their Lordships in the year 1795, when ( as we could collect) a decision with rested to some points of the case was made, referring certain other points to the re- consideration of the Court of Session in Scotland. The present Ap- peal was made res petting certain interlocutors in the second decision of the Court of:. :
ssion. The AttornEY GENERAL and Mr. ADAM were heard on behalf of the Respondents; after which Mr. MANSFIELD for the Appellants, re- plied at some length. The LORD CHANCELLOR rose, and took a general view of the business, the peculiar circum- stances of which altogether, he observed, render- ed it a complicated, nice, and difficult case. His Lordship concluded by moving the House to re- solve, " That the Interlocutor complained of in this case he affirmed, and that the Appellants do pay. the sum of icol. costs, which was ordered accordingly. Tho MARQUIS of SALISBURY reported his MAJESTY'S Answer to the
late Address of their Lordships, respecting the more effectual Promul- gation of the Statutes. The various Bills upon the Table were for- warded in their respective stages, after which the House adjourned till To- morrow. HOUSE OF COMMONS. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14. JOHN LLOYD, Esq. took, the oaths and his seat for Flintshire. CORPORATION CAUSE BILL. Mr. COKE moved the Order of the Day for the House to resolve itself into a Committee on the Corporation Cause Bill, which being read, and a Motion being made that the SPEAKER do leave the Chair, Mr. WIGLEY said, that having at various former stages given his
reasons for opposing this Bill, he would now confine himself merely to op- posing the SPEAKER'S leaving the Chair, without offering any farther reasons for it. Mr. COKE said a few words in answer, and submitted it to the House, whether after the Bill having so often had the sanction of the House, it would be Consistent to stop it here on the mere opposition of the Hon. Gentleman, without any argument being offered to ground a change in their determinations. He was surprised to find an attempt to prevent the SPEAKER'S leaving the Chair made by the Hon. Gentleman above all others : for no one liked attending Committees
so well, and it was so far giving up his favourite amusement, and was as strange as if a school- boy should decline a holiday. The Gallery was cleared, the House divided, and there were for the SPEAKER'S leaving the Chair, ... - 36 Against it, 7 Majority for the Committee, - 29 The House then went into a Committee, in which several Clauses of the Bill became subjects of discussion and division. We were excluded, of course, during those divisions ; but we were given to understand, that in conclusion, the de- bate was, by agreement, adjourned for three months. Mr. HOBHOUSE said, he had intended to move that the Stamp
Duty Bill, which had been so often postponed at the request of Ministers, should be again postponed to Monday next, on account of the indisposition of his Hon. Friend, Mr. SHERIDAN : but as there would be an oppor- tunity of opposing the Bill in a future stage, he had no objeftion to the House going into the business now. , BANK. The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER gave notice that he would to- morrow move for leave to bring in a Bill to continue the Act for restrain- ing the payment of cash at the Bank. STAMP DUTY BILL. The House being resolved into a Committee, Mr. HOBHOUSE stated, that there were three
points in the Bill which he intended to oppose. One, the additional Stamp Duty on Mortgages- a second on Deeds of Transfer— and the third upon Agreements. And as he did not distinctly know when his time was for speaking to those points, he requested the Chairman of the Committee would give him notice. When the Clause was read, which hid a Duty on the Enrolment of Freemen in Corporations, Mr. WILBERFORCE BIRD rose, and moved that an exception should be made in favour of those who, after a long apprenticeship, were obliged to enrol their names before they could carry on their business— and suggested the
im- policy of touching with a Tax, any Right of Franchise. Mr. PITT said, the payment of 4s. in a man's whole life, could not be considered as unreasona- ble or oppressive. The House, however, divided on it, and the Exception was over- ruled by 61 voices to 11. Mr. HOBHOUSE then objected to the three objects of Stamp- Duty, mentioned before, viz. Transfer Deeds; Mortgages, and Agreements— on the two last he did not mean to divide the House, but suggested the impolicy of them, as they would not only be unproductive, but injuri- ous to the present Revenue. On thc first, Trans- fer Deeds, he would take the sense of the
House, 4s he held it to be oppressive. he disagreed with the Hon. Gentleman in opinion upon it, he thought it would possibly require se- parate discussion, and had therefore made it the subject of a separate Bill. When the Resolution for laying three halfpence duty on Newspapers came to be read, Mr. HOBHOUSE rose, and after expressing his regret that Mr. SHERIDAN was absent, said, he felt it his duty to state at this stage of the bu- siness his objection to this Tax. He conceived that it was brought in by the Minister with no other view than that of invading the liberty of the Press, and was only a part of that system which the
Right Hon. Gentleman had so long pursued. In the Treason Bill there was a Clause which, by a general sweep, carried away a great portion of that invaluable right, forbidding, un- der a penalty, the People to write :— by the Sedi- tion Act they were forbidden to meet in order to confer;— so that by one Act; they were not to write, by a second they were not to confer, and by a third they were not to read. He understood that it was put off so long, to consider of granting relief to the Proprietors of Newspapers.— This shewed the Minister was conscious of the Tax bearing hard upon them. They could not but know too that the sale of
Newspapers would be diminished: for the great increase of price would compel people to decline buying, and to enter into partnerships for the use of one Paper- where many are now taken, and to take only twice or thrice a week where they now take every day. Besides this, another hard, ship to the Proprietors of Newspapers was, the necessity of increasing their Capital. The CHAN- CELLOR of the EXCHEQUER had, in proposing the Tax, given in a calculation as if not one Pa- per less would be sold in consequence of this Tax— a fallacy of which he must at the time have been conscious. As to the Tax on Advertisements it
must ne- cessarily be injurious to the revenue: for there would be fewer advertisements ; and when it was considered that the principal advertisers were booksellers, auctioneers, and venders of quack medicines, who brought a large revenue to the Crown, the House must see that taxing them would create a defalcation in the resources of the country. He therefore opposed the whole as an invasion of the liberty of the press, as oppresive to proprietors, and injurious to the revenue. Mr. PITT said, he had proposed the Tax upon the grounds that it was an article well able to bear it ; and considering the vast circulation of
Newspapers, he did not know one article more fit for taxation. The consideration, then, was, what allowance should be made to those who might otherwise suffer by the necessary advance of ca- pital. In considering this, the fair inquiry was, what increase of expence might eventually fall on the publisher, and what on the vender -, what allowance should, on the whole, be made, and how that allowance should be distributed between vender and publisher, so as to prevent and take away the pretence for charging any addition above the new duty, to the price of the Paper. After a great deal of inquiry, he had no reason to think, that
on any given number of Papers, the profit to the publisher and vender would not be as great as before, on giving them, on account of their increase ot capital, 16 per cent, on the whole amount of the Stamp Duty between them. It was impossible, he observed, to estimate what their loss might be, by diminution of con- sumption ; or to say that their profits, on the whole, would be as great as before : but this was an objection equally applicable to all objects of taxation. For his own part, he did not believe that the sale of Newspapers would he materially or permanently decreased; but, at all events, it was a case which admitted no
cure, without in- troducing into the measure principles unknown in taxation. Mr. W. SMITH said, that the country News- papers would be ruined by the tax; besides News- papers were not like other objects of taxation : they were the conveyances of political intel- ligence, and everv thing that affected them af- fected the Nation at large in a political view; and this Act would go to throw Newspaper Pro- prietors, whose concerns were in a tottering si- tuation, immediately into the power of Adminis- tration, by rendering them more needy, and of course more liable to temptation. Mr. ROSE said, the Proprietors of Country Newspapers
were their own venders, and the discount would more than meet their hopes. He had not had an opportunity of hearing this from themselves, but he had it from their Agent in London ; and the discount would en- able the Proprietors in town to make a sufficient allowance to the Venders. For, allowing the loss by an increase of capital to be 9 per cent, it would afford, after giving 4 per cent, allowance to the Venders, 3 per cent, additional benefit to the Proprietors— who would be so far better by the Duty than they were before. On a division, there were, For tho Additional Duty 6c Against it 10 Majority 50 The farther import of the
Clauses respecting this Tax, was to allow 16 per cent. to those Newspaper Proprietors who increased the price of their Paper no more than Three- halfpence— and 4 per cent, to those who did.— After which the Chairman reported the Resolutions, and the Report was ordered to be received to- morrow. The House in a Committee, went throngh the Scotch Militia Bill.— Adjourned. THE S U N. LONDON, JUNE 15, 1797. AFTER our Paper was put to- Press yesterday; we had several times occasion to make insertions in it, in order to communicate to the Public the very important information which arose in the course of the day.
We were enabled to state with certainty the appointment of Lord MALMES- BURY as our Negociator with France ; the ne- cessary Passport for himself and Suite having reached Lord GRENVILLE'S Office from Paris 0n Tuesday night. Yesterday forenoon a Cabinet Council met in Downing street, and a Messenger was imme- diately sent off to Lord MALMESBURY in the country, requiring his attendance in town. Lord MORPETH, it is said, will accompany Lord MALMESBURY. The rest of his suite have not yet been named. < It is reported that LISLE is to be the place of negociation and not Paris. It is also said that Lord
MALMESBURY sets out on Saturday next. We do not vouch for the accuracy of these re- ports, but we have them from good authority. In addition to the above important intelligence, the Public was yesterday also made acquainted, through the channel of THIS PAPER exclusively, with the fact of the MUTINY at the Nore being completely AT AN END. We yesterday announced, that on Tuesday night, only Five Ships, viz. the Sandwich, Montague, Director, Inflexible, and Monmouth, remained at the Nore. These, early yester. day morning displayed a White Flag, in token of submission, and a Flag of Truce came on shore, to give
information to the Admiral that PARKER was confined to his bed on board the Sandwich, by a fever, and that DAVIES was in irons on board that Ship. In the course of the morning Captain Moss, of the Sandwich, went on board, and PARKER was soon after carried on shore to Sheerness Garrison, where he underwent an examination before the Admirals BUCKNER and Lord KeITH, Commissioner hARTWELL, & c. & c. It was intended to have brought him to Town, but he was too ill to be moved, in consequence, it was supposed, of his having swallowed poison. Thus this formidable and alarming Mutiny and Rebellion is at
length happily subdued, and in a way highly honourable to the dignity and firmness of the Executive Government, and ad- vantageous to the future discipline of the British Navy, without which, in place of being the glory and bulwark of the Nation, it would, as in this recent instance, become our reproach and our scourge. We have no doubt but that, with his accustomed clemency, His MAJESTY'S Royal Mercy will be liberally extended to these de- luded men ; but, at the same time, public duty demands that some signal examples should be made of the instigators of a Rebellion that might have been attended with consequences
the most fatal to the British Empire. Yesterday a Court Martial was assembled on board the Clyde frigate in Sheerness harbour, for the trial of one of the Mutineers of the Repulse, who, when that ship left the Nore, made an at- tempt to blow her up, but was fortunately ar- rested on his passage to the Powder Magazine. We received the following Letters last night and this morning. " Sheerness, Wednesday, June 14. " Last night the Monmouth came into Harbour, and Sandwich moved her birth to the Little Nore. " PARKER has been sent to Maidstone. He says he can clear himself.— The Montague's Crew have delivered up their
head Delegate, with seven or eight of his Co adjutors. All the Officers of the different Ships, who had been sent on shore, are going on board again." u Sheerness, Wednesday Afternoon. " The Monmouth has come into this Harbour, and the Sandwich has left her station at the Great Nore, and anchored at the Little Nore and submitted. PARKER, DAVIES, and GrEGOrY, the three principal Mutineers, arc secured. The for- mer either is, or affects to be, much indisposed. Se- veral of the other Delegates are also in custody. Those who had quitted that ship before she left the Fleet at the Nore, have been taken on shore; and ten 0n
board the Monmouth, the most active in firing upon the Repulse, arc also secured, Upon her arrival in the Port, the- Commander in Chief sent fifty Soldiers on board, to bring them on shore. The Mutiny may be considered as at an end. It is much wished here, that a special Commission may be sent down immediately to try the Ringleaders of the Rebels, and that ex- " PARKER was for a short time on board the Bull- dog sloop of war; and I have heard that during the time he was a Midshipman on board th at vessel, he challenged Captain Riou upon a slight quarrel. On board the Lascelles East In- diaman, of which he was a
Mate, he had many disputes with the Officers. At that time he was very much addifted to drinking, and in constant broils with all his ship- mates. He re a most worthless fellow, and his family have long been tired of getting him out of difficulties." " Rochester, June 14— Wednesday Evening. " The Sandwich is between the Ardent and the Sheerness Batteries. The Monmouth is in the Harbour, and the Inflexible and Belliqueux are the only two that remain mutinous. " The men who landed at Gravesend have been taken out of the Leopard, and marched off for Chatham : there are 63 of them from that one Ship, as fine looking lads
as ever were seen— what pity, their inveteracy was not shewn hi a better cause. " Parker is taken to Maidstone Gaol ; Davies is supposed to have drowned himself. " The Ships now in the River are not com- pletely returned to their duty, and are not under the Command of their Officers. " The Warwick Militia marched into Gravcs- end this evening from Norwich ; a remarkable fine body of men. Detachments of the Prince's and 12th Light Dragoons are doing duty there ; and also the Yeomanry, who are most indefatigable. The Gravesend Volunteers have a Battery, and are always at the great guns, and in tents. There are near
five hundred prisoners in Til- bury Fort, and the guns there pointed well for the Ships coming up." We lay before our Readers the details from the French Papers, of which we yesterday gave only- an abstract. Our receipt of the French Papers of the 12th inst. containing an Official Letter from General BUONAPARTE, we find to have been EXCLUSIVE. The Hamburgh Mail due on Wednesday, had not arrived when this Paper was put to Press, Yesterday morning THEIR MAJESTIES and the three elder PRINCESSES, came from Windsor to Buckingham House. The King came soon after twelve, in his pri- vate coach, to St.
James's Palace. The Levee began at one, and was over at half past two o'clock. Present, His Serene Highness the Prince of ORANgE, the Turkish, Neapolitan, Swedish, PorT tuguese, Saxon, and other Envoys ; Baron Nolc- KEN, and Baron MONTESQUIEU, The Lord Chancellor. Dukes— Portland, Dorset, and Leeds. Marquisses— Salisbury, Bath, and Huntley. Earls — Chatham, Spencer, Westmorland, Berkeley, Darnley, Uxbridge, Warwick, and Harrington ( Gold Stick in Wait- ing)- Viccount Hood. Lords— Malmesbury, Somerset, Romney, Leslie, Brownlow, Calthorpe, Bagot, Hawke, and Rivers [ Lord of the Bed- Chamber
in Waiting). Sirs— G. Bowyer, G. Shuckburgh, P. Littleton, R. Sloper, R. Woodford, J, Mordaunt, and W. Cordon. Messrs.— Greville, Strachey, Hawke, Fawkener ( Clerk of the Council, Admiral Digby. Generals Adean ( Groom of the Bedchamber in Waiting), Stevens, Blathwait, Gordon, Bowyer; Colonel Glynn, and other Officers. Several congratulatory, and other Addresses, ! were presented by the Earl of WARWICK, Sir W. HEATHCOTE, Mess. KNIGHT, BARTON, & C. The personal Presentations were as follow ; Lord ROMNEY, on being appointed Lord Lieute- nant of the County of Kent; and Sir G. BOWYER, Bart, first time
since the glorious first of June, when he commanded as Rear- Admiral— both of whom had the honour to kiss His Majesty's hand ; thc Count BRATAlle, by the Neapolitan Envoy; Mons. COMIER, from Lisbon, going Envoy to the Court of Stockholm, by POrtugueze Envoy ; Lord GARLIES, on his Mar- riage, by the Earl of UXBRIDGE ; Lord GEO. THYNNE and Mr. BRODErIC, on Marriage; Ma- jor- General BOWYER, on his arrival from the West Indies; Mr. StoNE, by the Duke of DOR- SET, 0n his return from attending the PRINCe and PRINCESS of WirtEMBERg to the Continent; and several Officers on Promotion. A Council
was afterwards held in the Closet, when Lord ROMNEY was sworn in Lord Lieute- nant of the County of Kent, and took his seat as one of His MAJESTy'S Most Honourable Privy Council. After the Council the KING gave audience to. the Duke of PORTLAND, Marquis CORNWALLIS, Earl SPENCER, Earl of LIVERPOOL, and Lord GreNVILLE ; and at half past five His MAJESTy. set off to Buckingham House to dinner. Several Seamen, supposed to be Delegates, at- tempted to make their escape a few days since in, an open boat from the Nore. Finding both shores lined with Troops, they went down and turned the North
Foreland, pursued by a Cutter, and' ran into one of the gates in the Isle of Thanet. The alarm was given, the Volunteers turned out, and they were taken. On Monday afternoon, a sailor belonging to His Majesty's Ship Gibraltar, of 80 guns, at Plymouth, was killed by the Boatswain's Mate of that Ship, for a very slight provocation : he first struck him a blow, which brought him to the ground, senseless ; he then jumped upon his body, and continued- his brutal treatment until all signs of life had left him. He was imme- diately secured, put in irons, and removed to the- County Gaol at Exeter, to take, his trial at the
MAIDSTONE, JUNE 14, I am happy in acquainting you that Richard Parker, the Sham- Admiral at the Nore, was this evening brought to Maidstone Gaol, under a Guard of the East York Militia, amidst the ac- clamations of a vast number of Gentlemen and Yeomanry of the County, and joined by the loyal Inhabitants here, who, on his entering the Gaol, gave three huzzas. , I have been in company with the Constable, who says, that last evening about nine o'clock, a Lieutenant MOTT, of the Sandwich, took an opportunity of seizing Parker by the collar : he made little or no resistance, and was taken below, where, he was put in
confinement ; and this morning at half past six o'clock, he was taken to the Commissioner's at Sheerness, and underwent an examination of three hours, and was committed to the Gaol here, for acts of Pi- racy and High Treason. He is to go to London on Saturday morning next, where he will undergo an examination be- fore the Privy Council. He is a native of Exeter ; has been in the Navy from the age of twelve years, and he is now about thirty- six He expresses his hopes he shall have an impartial Trial, and flatters himself he shall escape punishment. PLYMOUTH, JUNE 13. LORD BriDpoRt's Fleet again appeared off the
Sound this morning, where they have been cruiz- ing off and on the whole day. The Minotaur, of 74 guns, which put in here on Saturday last, will rejoin the Fleet as soon as the damages she received are repaired. Several vessels are loading at the ViCtualling- Office here, with Provisions and Water, in order to carry to Torbay for the use of the Fleet, 40 which place they will certainly proceed in a short time. WEYMOUTH, JUNE 14. THE Alomette Frigate, with the Fleet under convoy for Lisbon, which sailed yesterday, are put back again, the wind coming round to the Westward. PARIS, JUNE 10. THE THEATRE. Covent Garden
THE appearance of this Theatre last night was highly honourable to the feelings of Englishmen. The House was opened for the Benefit of the Widows and Orphans of the gallant Men who died, in the glorious ACtion of the 14th of Fe- bruary, under Lord ST. VINCENT, as well as for those who were wounded on that memorable occasion. At a very early hour the Theatre was crowded in all parts The dramatic entertainments were, The Country Girl, and No Song No Supper; and the Performers who liberally came forward in support of so in- teresting a cause, besides the ACtors of this The- atre, . were Mrs. JORDAN,
BARRYMORE, and STO- RACE, who ail received the fervent tribute of public respect. Mrs. AbINGTON, after too long an absence from the Stage, considering the aCtive state of her powers, spoke art Epilogue, which had some merit in itself, though it bore little re- ference to the purpose of the night. To increase the attraction of the evening, and to render pleasure instrumental to a nobler object, DIDELOT, ROSE, GENTILI, PARISOT, and HIL- LIGSBERG, with all the subordinate Dancers of the Opera House, distinguished themselves by supporting the laudable undertaking. The in- teresting Ballet of Peggy's Love was given at
the end of the Comedy; and the grand Ballet of Cupid and Psyche closed this triumph of British gratitude and generosity. The uncommon crowd at the Theatre may be referred to the attractions of the night; but the benevolence, which provided those attractions, and the extraordinary contributions of part of the Audience, form a strong reproach to the mutinous and rebellious crews at the Nore, who, while the Country is providing for the comfort and happiness of the wives and orphans of their deceased brethren, are aCting with the basest in- gratitude, joined to the most consummate Wicked- ness, towards that Country.
Yesterday a Court of Directors was held at the East- India House, which adjourned at six o'clock, till Tuesday next. One evil consequence of the disorders in the Navy has been the dismission, by the Crews, of some of the best Officers in the service ; who are, by that means, deprived of all the benefits to which they arc entitled, in the line of their profession. This is a serious evil, both in re- spect of the Public, and with regard to the In- dividuals themselves. We think it a justice due from us to state that Mr. RUPERT CLARKE was the Magistrate who committed Richard Fuller on Saturday last, at the Public Office in Bow- street, for
distributing Seditious Hand- bills to the Soldiers; and that the public are much indebted to the exertions of this gentleman, for having placed in The hands of justice the first offender against the late well- timed ACt of Parliament to prevent seducing his Majesty's forces, and a man whom every English- We are assured that a violent explosion is pre- paring in the Council of Five Hundred, the ob- jeCt of which is to make the parties declare them- selves, and to intimidate the weak. It is the unhappy Commune of Lyons which is to be the pretext. We ought, it is said, to de- nounce the assasins of the patriots, and to pro- pose
measures proper to prevent a conspiracy upon the eve of breaking out. The Batavian Constitution is at length com- pleted, and it is to be presented for the approba- tion of the People. JUNE 11. The fate of Italy seems far from certain. The Republics which this Country has seen start up in the midst of her, during the last year, change their Limits and their Laws at the will of BUONAPARTE. Nothing can exceed our ad- miration of this Hero, and we think him deserving of every species of confidence. But it may, nevertheless, be a question whether sound policy dictates it to us to leave a General thus to make and unmake
Governments at his pleasure, and whether it may not be attended with considerable inconveniences. Why does not the Directory rather adopt for Italy some system, the execution of which it might commit to the General; but- the absolute independence in which he is left, certainly furnishes a danger- ous example. He has just at one blow dissolved the Republic of Bologna, the Constitution and the Directors which he had given to it. The following is his order on the subjeCt.— Perlet. " Head- Quarters, at Montebello, 19th May. " CITIZENS, " " I order that, agreeable to its wishes, Romania be united to Cispadania, and the Country
known by the names of the Modenese, Reggio, and Massa Carrara, shall be united to the Cisalpine Republic. " The Deputies of Bologna, who are in the Legislative Body, shall nominate six Deputies, who shall come to Milan and make part of the Committees which constitute the Cisal- pine Republic. Citizen Ricoi will repair to Milan to assist me with his Councils. The other two Members will call to their assist- ance six other persons, who in concert with General SAHU- GUET, will divide Romania into Departments, and prepare for the Convocation of tlie Primary Assemblies. The Legis- lative Body will adjourn till the Elections of
Romania shall be concluded. '' The Departments of Bologna and of Ferrara shall be or- ganized by this Committee, who will send me word of it when done, that I may order the suppression of all the Provisional Governments. ( Signed) " BUONAPARTE." LETTER FROM BARACUAY D'HILLIERS, DATED AT HEAD QUARTERS, AT VENICE, ON THE 2o T H MAY. Great News. — These consist of the Capture of Venice by the French, who had not set foot there before since the time of Pepin ; the destruction of an execrable Oligarchy; and the substitution of a patriotic Municipality. I am herewith Six Thousand Men, and a superb
Fleet. The slaves in the pay of the British Minister, and of M. Entragues, have at- tempted to raise a commotion ; they have pillaged and devas- tated five houses belonging to the best Citizens; but I arrived in time. At this moment all is tranquil, and I hope that every thing here will assume a Democratic face. ( Signed) " BARAGUAY D'HILLIEES." VENICE, MAY 20.— The first aCt of our Pro- visional Municipality has been to vote public thanks to the Council, for the good- will with which they abdicated their functions, and re. nounced their privileges, as well as to the Com- mandants of the Armed Force, for having on the' day of
the 12 th preserved the City from pillage, fire, and conflagration. They then sent two of their Members to General BUONAPARTE, to intreat him to grant a pardon generously to the three State Inquisitors, as well as to all those who were accused of having committed certain offences against the French Nation. On the 17th, they repealed all the Taxes on Wheat, Wine, and Meat. On the 18th, they ordered, by Proclamation, every Citizen to wear the National Cockade, of three colours, Green, White, and Red. They have besides diminished the price of a great num- ber of articles of food, forbidden the exportation of corn, and
created a Military Committee, con- sisting of five Members. On the 19th, they declared, that, in conse- quence of the amicable entry ot French Troops, in order to guard and defend their City, Vessels laden with provisions should not be under the ne- cessity of having a Passport. Instead of these words on the Venetian Stan- dards, " Pax tibi, Marce," we read these "' I di- ritti del uom0 et del cettadino that is, " The Rights of Man and of a Citizen," LEGHORN, MAY 19. This morning, imme- diately after the arrival of a Courier from General BUONAPARTE, all the French Artillery- men and Sailors, Corsicans as well as others, set off
to man the Venetian Fleet, of which the French had taken possession. Letters from Lisbon give an account of a very brisk ACtion, which took place on the Coast of Malabar, between four French Frigates, com- manded by Rear- Admiral SERCeY, and two Eng- lish 74 gun Ships, in which the latter were obliged, after an obstinate engagement, to make for Bombay, much shattered and leaky in all parts. It is firmly believed that the Venetian Repub- lic, and its possessions on Terra Firma, will be united to the Republic of Milan. The people of Faenza have dedicated a Tri- umphal Arch to General BUONAPARTE, with the following
advising him, that in setting at liberty General LA FAYETTE, and his Com- panions in misfortunes, he would do a thing agreeable to the French Government. They even think, that this would be one way of re- establish- ing order in the interior of France, the commo- tions in which so forcibly affeCt the repose of Europe. The Ex- Conventionalist, ALBERT, is nomi- nated Ambassador to the Duke of WIRTEMBERG. LAW REPORT. COURT OF KING'S BENCH; GUILDHALL, LONDON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE OFFICIAL ARTICLE. BUONAPARTE, COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF THE ARMY OT ITALY, TO THE EXECUTIVE
DIRECTORY. " Head- Quarters at Montebello, June 3. " CITIZENS DIRECTORS, " I send you by SERRURIER, a General of Division, . twenty- two Standards, taken in the last actions which were : fought in Germany, and against the Venetians. General SERRuRIER, during the last two Campaigns, displayed as much talent, as valour and civism. It was his Division which gained the battle of Moldovi, which contribut- ed so much to the victory of Castiglione, which took Mantua, and which distinguished itself so much in the passage of the Tagliamento and isonzo. " General SERRuRIER is a man of severe manners, in what
relates to himself, and sometimes also in what respectS others. A strong friend to discipline, to order, and to the vir- tues necessary to support society, he disdains alike intrigues and intriguers— a circumstance which has sometimes raised him enemies amongst men who are always ready to accuse those of incivism, who are of opinion that submission is due to the laws and orders 0f our superiors. " I think General SERRURIER will be a very proper man to command the Troops of the Cisalpine Republic." OFFICE OF THE MINISTER OF MARINE. There has been brought into the road of Min- den, an American Vessel, with
three masts, called the Oneida, laden with sugar, coffee, cotton, to- bacco, and rice, on account of the Enemy, and run on shore by Le Fataie Privateer, Capt. SAW- ESTRE. This Privateer also, after a battle of four hours, sunk the English Packet boat, the Eagle, of three masts, copper- bottomed, sixteen six- pounders, two eighteen- pound carrOnades, and four swi- vels, returning from Santa Cruz to Liverpool. The crew of the boat were saved, but the Cap- tain was killed in the engagement, and several men wounded. Another Privateer has brought a Prize into Perlier. JUNE 12. In consequence of the agreement between the
Court of Vienna and GeneraL Buonaparte On Fridav last General Fox reviewed the Re- giment of Kent Yeomanry in Wilderness Park, the seat of Earl CAMDEN, their Colonel. In the absence of that Noble Earl, who is Lord Lieu- tenant of Ireland, the Regiment was commanded by Earl DARNLEY, the Lieutenant- Colonel.— They made an extremely fine appearance, and went through the sword exercise and various evolutions in the most correCt and soldier- like manner, at which the Reviewing General ex- pressed the highest approbation. After the Re- view, they marched to a temporary building ereCted in the Park, where a
dinner was prepared for the whole of this most respectable Corps by the orders of their Colonel, Earl CAMDEN. The whole ( being 400 in number) were seated by troops, and the entertainment was conducted with the utmost order, hilarity, and liberality. Lord DARNLEY took the Chair, having General Fox seated on his right hand, and gave many excel- lent, loyal, and patriotic toasts, which were drank with peals of convivial acclamation. Among these were, The KING. The QUEEN and ROYAL FAMILY. The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, and prosperity to our Sis- ter Kingdom. General Fox and the Army. The Yeomanry of Kent.
The Navy. Earl CAMDEN, our Colonel. Earl DARNLEY. The Men of Kent, & c. & c. & c. An excellent Band of Music played during the entertainment, and accompanied these toasts with loyal and patriotic tunes, the effeCt of which was greatly heightened on drinkihg the King's Health, when every voice joined in chorus to " God save the King." The Festival being over, they all returned by Troops to their respective quarters, every man impressed with the attentive hospi- tality of their Colonel. The remains of the dinner were distributed by the Clergyman of the Parish to the poor families in the neighbourhood. HANDY and ASTLEY
do not, it seems, slacken in their efforts to please, nor their Performances slacken to attraCt public notice. The Equestrian Exercises of those wonderful Horsemen, and those of their more wonderful Troops, will only continue at Westminster Bridge the remainder of this week. On Thursday evening, between seven and eight o'clock, as a young woman of about three and . twenty was, during Birmingham Fair, with some of her companions, looking at the articles in a shop window in Bull street, a fellow of the name of Foster made an attempt to cut her throat, and she is now most dangerously ill with the dread- ful wound he has
given her. The wretch was secured : he is unknown to the young woman, nor will he assign any motive that could induce him to attempt the murder of her. LLOYD'S LIST OF THIS DAY. deal, jun. 14. Remain in the Downs— the Overysset. Beaulleu. Savage, and Pilote. Wind S. W. ' GRAVESEND JUNE13 . DUNNAGE V. TURTON. THIS was an ACtion against the Defendant to recover damages for criminal conversation with the Plaintiff's Wife.— The damages were laid at Ten Thousand Pounds. Mr. GILES having opened the pleadings, Mr. ErSKINE addressed the Jury— He said, the Plaintiff, who sought, by this ACtion, to
recover a compensation for the injury he had re- ceived, was a very respectable merchant of the City of London, probably known to many, if not all the Gentlemen oh the Jury. The Defendant was Sir Thomas Turton, a Gentleman of high rank, and, as he understood, of considerable for- tune ; he was besides a married man, and the fa- ther of a family. As the Defendant was early in life, destined to the profession of the Law, and had been aCtually called to the Bar, he must have been led to estimate and contemplate, not only the nature of crimes, in general, but of this of- fence in particular, which, not only in its imme- dia te
effeCt, by destroying the' happiness of an innocent husband, and ruining the peace of a fa- mily, but also in its consequences to Civil Society, was one of the deepest and most aggravated a man could commit. He was sorry to observe the course which the Defendant had instructed his advocates to take; they had directed all the witnesses tb withdraw from Court, and therefore meant, he supposed, to deny the faCt, which this declaration charged against him. The attempt in this case to evade justice would unquestion- ably fail ; but he should consider it as adding t0 the criminality of the Defendant— and when he had stated his
reasons, he was sure the Jury would agree with him in that opinion. . Mr. ERSKINE then proceeded to detail the faCts of this case, which as they are again repeated in the evidence, we forbear to state at length here. He said, that Sir Thomas Turton having insi- nuated himself into the favour of the Plaintiff's wife, prevailed upon her at different times to meet him.— That they did frequently meet in Gray's- Inn Gardens, and these meetings lasted for a Considerable time. At length the Defendant grew more bold, and not satisfied with the vio- lation of the Plaintiff's honour abroad, he at last ventured to carry on his licentious intrigue
under the roof of the injured husband. In order. to be more conveniently situated for the iniquitous purposes which he had in view, and, if possible, to escape detection, he took a lodging in the Ca- rolina Coffee- houSe, which is very near the Plain, tiff's house, and assumed the name of Thomas.—- From thence it Was that he was enabled to ob- serve the motions of the Plaintiff, and in his ab- sence to enter his house. He would prove, that at those interviews which took place between the Defendant and Mrs. Dunnage at her hus- band's house, they were frequently locked up for one and two hours together, sometimes in the.
Lady's dressing- room; and sometimes in her bed room ; that after the Defendant had gone away there were marks of powder and dirt on the car- pet in the dressing- room ; and that when they were in the bed- room, the bed bore the appear- ance of two persons having been in it. It would appear also, that he came to the house without the knowledge of the Plaintiff, was let in secretly, and departed in the same secret manner.— But if these circumstances were not sufficiently strong to satisfy the minds of the Jury, he was prepared to lay before them some evidence of a less deli- cate nature, that would remove every doubt from
their minds. The principal person employed by these parties was a girl of the name of Sarah Sefton, about whom it was necessary he should say a few words. She was an orphan her father, who had left her a small sum of money, had appointed Mr. Dun- nage, the father of the Plaintiff, his Executor.— The Plaintiff's wife expressed a wish that this girl should be introduced into the house, partly to attend upon her, and partly as her companion : She was accordingly brought into the house, and it would appear had been employed in the secret intercourse between the Defendant and Mrs. Dunnage. But he understood the
Defendant meant in some degree to rest his defence, not by objecting to this girl's competency, but by insi- nuating that she was not deserving of credit ; if this was the course which his Learned Friends on the other side, meant to pursue, he was sure the Jury would agree with him in the observation he made in the early part of his speech, viz. that such conduCt would tend extremely to aggravate . the criminality Of the Defendant : for in this case he not only imputed to him the seduCtion of the Plaintiff's Wife, but he also charged him with debauching this girl. By that he did not mean that he had debauched her body, but her
mind— . that he had corrupted her principles-— that he had injured her character, and cut off all her pros- peCts in life. There was one other circumstance in this Case which he was compelled to mention, though much against his own inclination, because it might make the Damages, which the Jury would give, appear as if given upon other grounds than those upon which he wished them to be given. Mrs. Dunnage was the niece of a Gen- tleman of the name of Frier, who, at his de- cease, bequeathed her a very considerable pro- perty, much more considerable than the amount of the Damages laid in the declaration. This
property was, by the Will of her Uncle, settled upon her, to her sole and separate use ; and con- sequently this conduCt of the Defendant had not only broken in upon the peace of Mr. Dunnage's family, by depriving him of the affection and so- ciety of his Wife, but had actually injured him in a pecuniary point of view to an amount considerably greater than the damages were laid in the Declar- tion. Therefore, without appealing to their feel- ings as men of honour, he had a right to ask da- mages to that amount from their justice. He was sorry he had been obliged to introduce this part of the case, because it was not the part, upon
which he wished them to frame their verdiCt." He who steals my purse, steals trash— steals nothing. ' Twas mine—' tis his, and has been slave to thousands
could compensate the feelings of a husband under such circumstances. His domestic comfort was not only violated, his strongest attachment broken, and all his plans of happiness in life de. stroyed; but the very same act which made him unhappy, made him to a certain degree ridiculous. A man in this unhappy situation, without contri- buting to it by any misconduct of his own, always felt himself lessened in the eyes of mankind, and miserable when he was the subject of conversa- tion. Mr. ERSKINE concluded with observing, that he should now call his Witnesses, and if the de- fence was set up on the grounds he suspected,
he should like nothing better, either for himself or his Client, than to have an opportunity of a re- ply. He called The Rev. Mr. Hughes, who proved the mar- riage of the Plaintiff and his Wife in the year 1788. Sarah Sefton said, she was an orphan— the Plaintiff's father was her Guardian; she was about sixteen years of age, and for some time previous to the separation of the Plaintiff and his Wife, she lived in his house as companion to Mrs. Dunnage. She was acquainted with the defendant; she remembered having seen him se- veral times with Mrs. Dunnage in Gray's. Inn Gardens.— Upon these occasions, Mrs. Dunnage and
the Witness used to go in Mrs. D.' s chariot to the corner of Warwick- court, neat the Gar- dens ; they then alighted, and walked into the Gardens, where they met Sir Thomas. When they used first to meet there, Sir Thomas and Mrs. Dunnage used to walk apart by themselves, and the Witness walked by herself in another part of the Gardens. After they had met in this manner several times, the Defendant and Mrs. Dunnage, instead of walking apart, retired out of the Gardens, and remained about an hour and a half, or two hours. The Witness, in the mean time, remained alone in the Gardens. The De- fendant, upon these
occasions, used to bring Mrs. D. back to the Gardens, and then the Wit- ness and Mrs. D. returned to the carriage. Sir Thomas never attended Mrs. D. to her carriage. The Witness once attended Mrs. D. in the cha- riot to Kensington Gardens ; they met Sir Tho- mas there ; they got into a hackney coach, and drove to a house. She did not know where it was. The Defendant and Mrs. D. alighted; the Witness remained in the coach, which drove to a public house in another street; it was there sent for, and the Defendant and Mrs. D. got into it, and drove back to the Gardens. She remembered Sir Thomas taking lodgings at the
Carolina Coffee- house ; the witness has taken Letters to him there, addressed to " Mr. Thomas," which was the name Sir Thomas went by there. She used to receive Letters for Mrs. Dunnage, direCted to " Mr. Wilkins." Sir Thomas sometimes used to correspond with the Witness: in his Letters to her, he addressed her sometimes with " Dear Sally," sometimes • with " Dear Sister," and sometimes with " Dear Brother," at the beginning of his Letters, and always signed them by the name of " Anstey." The Letters which the Defendant used to write to Mrs. D. directed to Mr. Wilkins, used to be- gin sometimes with " My Dear Love,"
and sometimes with " Dear Margaret." Mrs. D. used to read them to the Witness. The Witness remembers Sir Thomas coming to her master's house. The Witness used to watch for him, and let him in ; he never knocked, but used to stand upon the steps of Mr. Thellusson's door, which was opposite to that of the Plaintiff, and when the Witness saw him, she used to go and let him in. Mrs. D. used to receive him in her bed- room, or in her dressing- room. They generally locked themselves in, and the Witness remained in the adjoining room. After Sir Thomas has left the house, the Witness has observed that the carpet in the
dressing- room has been powdered very much ; and when they were in the bed- room, the bed used to be tumbled. When Sir Thomas was expected, Mrs. D. used frequently to change her linen, and to put on clean stock- ings. Once when Sir Thomas was- with Mrs. D. Mr. D. came in, and came up to his wife's dress, ing- room. The Witness gave them the alarm, and Sir Thomas was put into a closet in the bed- room. Upon another occasion, when Mr. D. unexpect- edly came home, Mrs. D. went down to the dining- room, where Mr. D. and his Brother were, and played upon her Harpsichord, while the Witness conducted Sir
Thomas out of the house. On the night they were deteCted, they were, as usual, in the dressing- room locked in. Mr. D.' s brother and the Clerk came up stairs ; the Witness knocked at the bedchamber door— There were two doors to the room, Mr. James D. broke open one, and the Clerk broke open the other: they found Mrs. D. and Sir Thomas, there. Upon her cross- examination she said, that since the detection she has lived with old Mrs. Dunnage. She confessed that that Lady had urged her to state things in her evidence which were not true ; and had told her that it would only be a white lie, and what tradesmen were
every day guilty of. She has ever since carried 0n correspondence with Mrs. D. the Plaintiff's Wife. The Plaintiff behaved affectionately to his Wife ; he used frequently to come home drunk ; some times he slept in his chair upon these occasions, and sometimes he went to bed. The Witness remembers his having- company at home, consisting of Gentlemen, and being so much intoxicated, as to be obliged to go to bed, and leave his Wife to entertain the company. The Witness has sometimes been obliged to clean the sheets, in consequence of Mr. D. being in- toxicated, and sick, before Mrs. D. went to bed. On her re
examination, she stated some visits that were paid by Sir Thomas to Mrs. D. last Summer at Clapham. Martin Foster, Clerk to Mr. D. stated, that some circumstances having caused suspicions in . his mind, he one night observed the Defendant go into his Master's house. He immediately went in after him by another door, and in about half an hour went up stairs, accompanied by the Plaintiff's brother. They broke open the doors, and found Sir Thomas in Mrs. D.' s dressing- room. Lucy Rogers was Cook to the Plaintiff. She was down with her Mistress last Summer at Clap- ham. The Defendant used to come down on horseback,
and walk about the Common; Mrs D. used to take her hat and cloak, and go out to him ; they used then to walk away, and be absent sometimes two or three hours. Mrs. D. was some time ill while she was at Clapham, and confined to her bed. Sir Thomas used all that time to come riding and walking about the Common. When Mrs. D. recovered, she walk- ed out to meet him : when they met, she flew in- to his arms, and he seemed as if he would eat her up. When they were in Town, she knew that some- body used to be in Mrs. D.' s bed- room and dres- sing- room: for she has listened and distinctly heard the voice of a man
and a woman in them. After these visits the Witness has observed a great quantity of powder upon the carpet, not loosely scattered upon it, but apparently worked in. She was once called up after the Gentleman was gone,. and her Mistress desired her to make the bed : it had been before made in the course of the day. There were evident marks of two bodies having been on the bed. The Witness followed up this with an observation upon the . state of Mrs. D.' s linen, which delicacy will not permit us to repeat. John Chambers, the Waiter at the Carolina Coffee- house, said Sir Thomas Turton took a room there under the name
of " Thomas." He used to come there about ten o'clock in the morn- ing, and stay till two or three. Nobody used to visit him but Sarah Sefton, Mr. Cooper, and a person who appeared like a Steward. Mr. Cooper, a Stock broker, proved, that the lodgings were taken at the Carolina Coffee- house by his advice, as Sir Thomas had some business to transact in the City. The Witness did not believe that lie took the lodgings with any view to the subjeCt which gave rise to this Cause. Lady Turton and several of Sir Thomas's inti- mate friends knew that he had a lodging there, and went by the name of " Thomas." The Witness at that
time did much business for Sir Thomas in the Stocks. The Witness also proved the hand- writing of a Letter written by the Plaintiff to Mrs. D. the night after the disco- very^ in which he seemed to consider the Lady as very ill used by the intrusion which had been made into her apartment the night - before. Mr. Smalman, Executor to the late Mr. Fryer, proved that Mrs. D. was entitled, under the Will for her sole and separate use, to a sum of 1o, 0ool. besides which she was entitled to the reversion of one third of 2000I. per annum on the death of her mother, and one third of 170I. per annum. Dr. Taylor and Sir J. Eamer proved that
Mr. D. was a kind, affeCtionate husband. Mr. PERCIVAL made a most able speech for the Defendant; he commented with the utmost ingenuity upon what he considered as a deficiency of proof of the adultery: he admitted that his Client had aCted with great imprudence, but without guilt. He had formed a very strong friendship for Mrs. D. which had led him to great imprudencies. He was a married man, and was the father of seven children, and the greatest part of his property came by his wife ; therefore if the Jury should feel themselves bound to give large damages, they would fall not upon Sir Tho- mas, but upon his innocent
wife and children. He begged the Jury not to be too rash in judg- ing upon circumstances which certainly con- tained no positive proof of guilt. He lamented that he had not abilities equal to those opposed to him : for he felt the strongest and warmest anxiety in this Cause because his Client had re- peatedly assured him in the most solemn manner, that he was innocent of the crime now imputed to him. Lord KENYON said, that whatever might be the event of this Cause, the Defendant could not com- plain that his advocate had been either deficient in zeal or in ability. There were two points for the consideration of the Jury, viz.
as to the proof of the faCt, and the extent of the damages. With respeCt to the circumstances given in evi- dence, they certainly were very strong, and call- ed upon the Defendant to give a clear explanation how he came to be under such circumstances with the Plaintiff's wife. As to the damages falling upon his wife and children, his Lordship ob- served that it had been the policy of all Laws, from those of Imperial Rome down to those of this Country; that by extending the effeCt of the Laws to the posterity of offenders, it operated as a stronger check upon the vices of mankind, than if the Law simply affeCted themselves. His
Lordship observed, that there were some circumstances proved of Mr. D. being inebriated, and leaving his wife to entertain his company, which he did not approve of, and which he thought the Jury ought to take into their consi- deration. The Jury retired for a quarter of an hour, and brought in a verdict for 5000I. Damages. " Why," says the sober Citizen, ( when put in a state of requisition by his Wife and Daugh- ters to attend them to places of Amusement) " Why should we go to Sadler's Wells in pre- ference to any other Show Shop, when so many others are open ?" " Why, because in the first place," answer his Girls and their
Mamma, " Sadler's Wells is the oldest and most respect- able Shop of them all-; because, in the next place, they have brought out a grand new Pantomime, and above all, because every body goes to see it." The reasons, though womanish, appear feasible. A Bill of the Entertainment is pro- duced, all doubts and hesitations are done away by the Ventriloquist and the Rope Dancing, the Duke of Wirtemberg's Picture, and the Portraits of the Admirals, and off goes the family ding dong for the Wells, with as many of their neigh- bours as the tea table of the afternoon can colleCt into their party. FOR THE SUN. NEw SEA SOng.
CEASE rude Faction, boist'rous railer, Hearts of Oak attend to me ; Messmates hear a Brother Sailor ; Many a year I've plough'd the sea. Fierce Rebellion rages round us. See aloft her Ensign waves ; Treason, Snares, and death surround us, British Tars to fear are Slaves. Will you let a desp'rate Faction Triumph o'er your honest Hearts; Foe whom you've subdu'd in Action, ' Thrall you by their treach'rous Arts You have rous'd your gen'rous Nation Her darling Children to disown, Outcasts from each dear Relation, Your Name disgrac'd, your Glory flown. Again your King, your Country call ye, Again their once lov'd voices hear;
Can Treason's Arts, or Threats appal ye? ' Till taught t0 err, ye knew not fear. Yon bloody Signals that disgrace us, Strike at once, my valiant Crew ; If the Traitors dare to face us, Soon we'll quell the desp'rate few. Hark ! the CannOn round us rattle, Britain's Thunder shakes her Shores;. Aghast she views the horrid Battle, Her frantic Children's Crime deplores: Hpist the Union, proudly rear it, Each Briton's boast in Peace or Wars; Where's the Danger now, who fears it? None ! we still are British Tars. Hoist the Union, & c. COUNTRY NEWS. SCOTLAND. EDINBURGH, JUNE 10. last Monday two men found a large dead whale,
floating on the sea, and brought it into Carrick shore. He measures 90 feet in length, and about 50 in breadth, and his tail feet long. Thirty men and women stood in his mouth, and not near full. In the Camp on the left bank of the river Don, near Aberdeen, the Anniversary of His Majesty's Birth was marked with every circumstance of loyalty and respeCt. At noon the whole line were under arms, and after firing vollies and feu- de- joye, the Artillery, Dragoons,. and Infantry march- ed up from the ground 0n which they first formed, in a very grand stile, saluting the General as they passed. General Hay, who commanded, gave an
ele- gant entertainment in honour of the day. to the Officers of the different Corps, and to a very nu- merous company of Ladies and Gentlemen from Aberdeen. The Soldiers also, by the generosity of General Hay, shared in the festivity of the day, and drank His Majesty's Health from hogsheads of porter. We hear from Dunkeld, that on Monday last at noon, a number of Gentlemen of that pla_- e, who had voluntarily got themselves trained to the use of arms, assembled on Stanly Hill, which lies adjacent, and after a discharge of artillery be- longing to His Grace the Duke of Athol, fired several vollies in a manner that would do
honour to a veteran Corps. The evening concluded with ringing of bells, bonefires, & c, & c. till ranks vying with each other in expressing- their attachment to the Constitution, and long life to the best of Kings. CRIEFF, JUNE 6. The King's Birth- Day was yesterday celebrat- ed at this place with extraordinary pomp and fes- tivity.— Sir William Murray of Ochtertyre, De- puty Lieutenant for the district, attended by Mr. Stewart of Ardvorlich, Mr. Drummond of Stra- gaith, Mr. Drummond of Comrie, and the Fac- tors of the absent Proprietors, entered the Square about three o'clock, at the head of 700 men, all inrolled as Volunteers of
this district, who, be- ing most of them dressed in the loyal uniform, a blue coat with scarlet cape, made a very fine ap- pearance indeed. After being drawn up in Com- panies, before the principal inn, the King's health was drank, amidst'the loudest acclamations. The Volunteers then repaired to a Court adjoining to the Inn, which was fitted up for the purpose, when they partook of a sumptuous entertainment. After dinner, the King's health was again drank, with the health of those who have the sense to support him, together with many other loyal and apposite toasts. After rising from table, the. Vo- lunteers returned to the
Square, where they were drawn up in line and dismissed, the Highland Lads retiring, as they had come in, with their respective Landlords at their head, each preceded by a piper playing the martial airs of the Country. The Favourite, Mulrea, from Martinico to Cork, is taken by the Thetis French Frigate, in lat. 34. long. 35. and sunk.— The crew are car- ried to Rochefort. The American ships the Two Friends, the Polly, the Peggy, and the Orington, are taken by a French Privateer, and carried into Malaga. Two Ragusean vessels, from London, with muslins, & c. are taken by a Privateer, and car- ried to St. Lucar's. The Argo,
Metcalf, from Hull to Dantzig, is taken and carried to Arundel. The Arno, Nicols, from Yarmouth to Riga, is chaced on shore on the Scaw Reef, by a Cut- ter Privateer. The Hero, Turnbull, from Madeira to the West Indies, is taken and carried to Guada- loupe. The Cornwallis, from Antigua to Li- verpool, is taken in the West Indies, and lost going into Guadaloupe. The Temple, Sultan, for Hambro', is taken by La Petite Diable Privateer. BATH, JUNE 12. An extraordinary circumstance took place at Bury on Monday evening :— In going down the hill of Eastgate- street, one of the wheel horses in the Norwich stage- coach fell down,
and in its struggle to get up again, accompanied by the exertions of the driver to bring him on his legs, he broke his traces and also the reins, by which the coachman was pulled off the box, and the horse got entirely free. The other three horses ran away with the coach to the Six Bells, turning the corners with the greatest safety, but from the rapidity of their pace were unable to stop at the inn door as usual, on which they entered into the Chequer, and nearly rounded the obelisk, where two female passengers on the roof, and one within, alighted unhurt, though much frightened. ' The coachman received a slight contusion on the
head, but a man on the outside, who jumped off the box, received n0 injury. BIRTH. On the 8th inst. at Bath, the Lady of John Ensor, Esq. or a Son. MARRIED. On Monday last, Thomas Mather, esq. of Charlton, Kent, to Miss Sarah Pycroft, of Park Place, Wanstead, Essex. DIED. The 30th May last, Mrs. Slater, wife of Thomas Slater, Esq. Major of Brigade to His Majesty's forces in the Island of Jersey. A On Tuesday last, at Camberwell. Mrs. Ann Thomas. ^ On Sunday last, at Clifton, Constantine Phipps, Esq. The same day, at the Hot Wells, Bristol,, after a lingering illness, Miss Hester Beach, aged 28 years, daughter at the
late John Beach, Esq. of Hackney. On Monday last, at his house in the Poultry, Mr. Stephen Williams, Calico Printer, aged 86. On Thursday last, at Samuel Shore's, Esq. Meersbrook, in Derbyshire, Freeman Flower, Esq. of Clapham, Surrey, aged 83. On the 6th inst. ia her 19th year. Miss Maria Cort, third daughter of Mr. Henry Cort, in Devonshire- street, Queen- square. THE CARDIAC TINCTURE. BY the King's Patent, the Cardiac and Ner- vous TINCTURE, for Disorders of the Head, Sto- mach, and Bowels; Gouty, Bilious, and Nervous Complaints; Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, Heartburn, Wind, Spasms, and Costiveness;
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state of body, loss of appetite, lowness of spirits , nervous trem- blings, and numbness of hands, owing to a fit of the palsy. After various skilful means being tried without success, I had recourse to your Cardiac and Nervous Tincture, which has happily had the desired effect, and restored me to perfect health- In justice, therefore, to your Medicine, I shall think, myself much obliged ; t you will make the above truth known. I am, Sir, your humble Servant, • JAMES SMITH, Baker, at Whetstone, April 17, 1794. Whetstone, Middlesex. To Mr. JAMES RYMER, Surgeon, Gerrard street, Soho. Sir, I now take the liberty to inform you of
the great satisfaction and benefit that I have received from your Cardiac and Ner- vous TinCture. I am well assured that your Medicine requires no further recommendation. It every person that takes your Medicine obtained the relief that I have got, I think it is not payable with money, and will prove an invaluable remedy to such as are afflicted with my distemper I was troubled with Nervous Complaints for a long period, with constant uneasiness of my tongue, as if it had been scalded, and low spirits, and had frequent head- aches. I tried all kinds of Medicine to no purpose for my disease. At last I tried youl Cardiac and Nervous
Tincture I had not taken it above five minutes before I found immediate relief. I continued it ac- cording to your directions, and found everyday more and more relief trom it, and now find myself as well as I can expect. Although at present I have no further occasion for your Tinc- ture, yet I am determined it shall always be in the possession of my Family, for the benefit I have received from it. If it will keep without spoiling, you will be pleased to send me a large bottle of it. I shall either order payment of it in London, or to your Correspondent in Edinburgh. 1 have the Honour to be, Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant, HERMAN
LION, Surgeon Dentist, & c. Edinburgh. Edinburgh, May 22, 1794. SPASM. In testimony of the singular virtues of the Cardiac and Ner- vous TinCture, in the cure of Spasms, Mrs. Young, of the Parish of Fresh Water, in the Isle of Wight, has esteemed it her duty to transmit to Mr. Rymer the following account of her recovery, namely, Mrs. Young laboured under a nervous disorder, which particularly affeCted her jaw and tongue, in a degree beyond description. the spasm first attacked her in February 1794, and so increased till November, that at times her screams were heard at a great distance ; no words can de- scribe the
misery she endured. At last, hearing of the Car- diac and Nervous TinCture, she resolved to try it; she ac- cordingly procured a bottle of it, and had not taken that excel- lent Medicine three days before she found a considerable bene- fit, and she now has the happiness to declare, that, by the continuance of the Medicine, and the blessing of God Al- mighty, her severe affliction is removed. March 31, 1795. Mr Rymer begs to add, that various dangerous and severe spasms in the throat, chest, stomach, & c. in and and in utero, have been relieved and removed by the above Medicine, when all other means had been tried
ineffectually, many of which cases may be seen in the Pamphlet of Directions and Diet, among the Certificates of Cures, delivered with the bottles. 7 To Mr. RYMER, Gerrard- street, Soho. Sir, ever since your Cardiac Tincture removed my Paraly- tic, Nervous, and Bilious Disorder, of which I gave you an account some years ago, I have recommended it to a great many others, and I have never known any one take it without the most wonderful good effects. One friend lately took it with the greatest benefit, in a numbness in her limbs, a wan- dering and giddiness of head, with a sick windy stomach. Another a young woman,
dying a longtime with spasms in her stomach, has been cured by your very excellent Medicine. I am, Sir, your obliged humble Servant, Manchester, Aug. 20, 1796. MARY ELLIS Sold in Bottles, at2s. 91. 5s. and lis. 61. and in stopper flints at 3s. 6d. 78. and 14s. at No. 36, Gerrard- stredt, Soho, where Mr. Rymer may be consulted personally, or by letters, post- paid. There are pint bottles, at One Guinea each, by which there is a considerable saving. Messrs. Dicey and Beynon, No. 10, Bow Church yard, are appointed by Mr. Rymer, the sole Wholesale Venders of the above Medicine ; ( as well as of the Detergent Bills for the
cure ot Diseased Liver, attended with Asthma and Dropsical Legs, for the discharge of Gall- stones, destruction of Worms, tec. See Tract 0f whom, and every Vender of their Me- dicines, in all the principal Towns, and of the following per. sons in London, it may be had retail, viz. Mr. Thomas Evans, Bookseller, No. 46, Paternoster- row; Moore, Stationer, No; 63, Bishopsgate street Within; Fred. Smith, Chymist, No. 29, Haymarket, Tutt, Royal Exchange ; and at Mr. C. Hurlstone's Westminster Medicine Warehouse, No. 16, Ca- therine- street, Strand. * Full information may be obtained in a perusal of the fol- lowing Books, viz.
This Day Was published, price 3s. in boards, A TRACT upon DYSPEPSY, or INDIGESTION and the HYPOCHONDRIAC DISEASE; and upon the INFLAMMATORY or REGULAR GOUT, and the ATONIC, IRREGULAR or FLYING GOUT. By JAMES RYMER, Surgeon. Seventh Edition. London: Printed for the Author; and sold by Thomas Evans, No. 46, Paternoster- row ; at No. 36, Gerrard- street, . Soho ; and all other Booksellers in Town and Country, LONDON; Printed by B. McMILLAN ; and Sold at No, 112, Strand, opposite Exeter Change where Advertisements, Orders for the Paper, Letters for the Editort & c, will be