The Edinburgh Advertiser
Printer / Publisher: James Donaldson
Volume Number: LXIV
Issue Number: 3317
No Pages: 8
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The Edinburgh Advertiser
Date of Article: 13/10/1795
Printer / Publisher: James Donaldson
Address: Castle-hill, Edinburgh
Volume Number: LXIV
Issue Number: 3317
No Pages: 8
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VOL. LXIV. THE Ms. 3317 EDINBURGH ADVERTISER. From FRIDAY OCTOBER 9, to TUESDAY OCTOBER 13, 1795.- SATURDAY's POST. From the LONDON - PAPERS, Oct. 7. LONDON. HE accounts received from the seat of war in Germany is, that the grand stand intended to be made against the French by the Combined Aus- trian armies will be in defence of the hereditary dominions of his Im- perial Majesty. Where it will be' really made, we cannot say certain it is,, not the least shew of resistance has yet been exhibited, though seve- ral posts have been successively evacuated, which were j deemed impregnable.
The Gazette of Hanau, of the of this month; announces, that Mentz and Casel are both invested . by the French. Whatever may be the strength of Mentz, to which few places in Europe can be compar- ed, we have no reason to suppose, that after the ordi- nary forms of summons, some threats, and a little ap- pearance of bombardment, it will not surrender to the French like Manheim. It will be difficult to conjec- ture what will be the end of all these scenes, which one would be tempted to call a Military Comedy, - if it was not in its nature and probable consequences, a very serious Tragedy. Extension of French Territory.—" We
thought," says the Courier Universal, published at Paris, " that we stood more in need of peace, than of an accession of territory, which must place it at a greater distance. It appears evident, that all the proceeds of the Church Estates, which we are going to seize in Belgium, will fall much short of the enormous expence caused by one or two more campaigns; and it cannot make up for the ever increasing depreciation of Assignats, which is the natural consequence. The decree in question incorpo rates . with France, Maritime Flanders, Austrian Hainault, the Duchy of Brabant, the County of Na- mur, the Country of Liege,
Limbourg, Maestricht; in short, all the Austrian dominions on the left banks of the Rhine, as well as the whole extent of country which the Convention has appropriated to France by the treaty with the Batavian Republic. This decree exposes as to a long continuation of the war, and after- wards to a peace, on which we cannot rely; as it is the interest of Europe to break it the first opportunity which offers for despoiling us of such important con- quests." The spirit of division yet runs very high in Holland; many provinces have seriously protested against the proceedings of the Clubs, which threaten an universal confusion, equal to
that which for so great a length of time deluged France with blood. The new race of patriots, as they are called, are all Jacobins ; most of them indeed such as bore conspicuous posts in the Robespierrian tragedy at Paris. PROSCRIPTION of JACOBINISM in SWEDEN. A Royal Rescript, is just published, stating, that melancholy experience has proved that there are per- sons in Swedens who, under the appearance of what they term enlightening the people, and the doing away of prejudices, are insidiously endeavouring to disseminate such notions as can have no other tendency than to con- fuse every idea of the general
duties towards God, the King, and the subjeCt. By means like these, one of the most ancient thrones in Europe has been overthrown, and a great and famous nation subjeCted to all the insatia ble plagues of tyranny and arbitrary proceedings of the merit hateful kind ; where a contempt of religion has so far deluded and hardened the inhabitants of a. happy country; as to draw down the most signal punish- ments of the Almighty upon the traitorous heads of the principal performers.. That it is In vain to hope for the amendment or a radical conviction of these bad men, too well known under the hateful name of Ja- cobins, ever
ready to avail themselves of every oppor- tunity of sacrificing the temporal and everlasting hap- piness of their fellow citizens, in every country where' their principles are disseminated. The King is there- fore firmly resolved to assert the cause of religion, his own rights, and the liberties and privileges of his sub jeCts, to the last drop of his blood, and never to per mit that the people should be led away by false. doCtrines and delusive ideas," ' ' - A letter from an Officer on board the Agamemnon, Captain Nelson dated Leghorn, 21st of August 1795, says, A few nights ago we went on an expedition to cut out nine sail from under the
French batteries. We arrived off the port about half past two o'clock in the morning, with nine boats manned and armed. After muffling the oars, and reconnoitring their situation, we rowed silently in a close line a- breast. when, within a cable's length, the dogs on board gave the alarm, and there was not a moment to lose. Dash was the word, and we were on board just as they were coming on deck, and forced them down below. Such as made resistance, we dispatched ; and under a very heavy fire of musketry and great guns from shore, we cut their cables and towed eight of them triumphantly to sea.— At break of day the
sternmost was full four miles from the enemy's guns, but the vessels entirely our own. We began to bend their sails with the greatest alertness, as they had taken the precaution of unbending and link- ing their yards; but we were much disappointed by the vessels that were to cover our retreat being becalmed in the offing, and could be of no- assistance to us, we hav- ing only row boats. The enemy now began to recover their panic; and with numbers of boats towed and row- ed out several large gun- boats, each having two long 24 pounders in their bow. They kept up a heavy fire upon us for two hours ; we were then
approaching our ships fast. We arrived with our prizes in Vado Bay, after an absence of 30 hours, 18 of which the men had been pulling hard at their oars. Had we been one mi nute later in boarding we should have had warm work, as, besides the great guns, they were well stocked with blunderbusses and muskets. We escaped astonishingly with the prizes, as every shot went through the sails or amongst the boats. We had not a man killed or wounded. We received the thanks of the Commo- dore, and the squadron unanimously gave the whole of the prizes to the boats." Of the late Loan, though amounting to Twenty- two
Millions, there is not now One Million repaid; whilst cash in general is so uncommonly plentiful ( particularly for this time of the year), that bills of any validity are readily discounted at the Bankers at the rate of 4 per cent. This very great influx of money, and in war time, is rather uncommon,; but such are the happy effects of the French commerce being almost entirely annihilated that all the articles of the West India markets, by which the French supplied Germany and other countries, are MONDAY'S POST. From the LONDON PAPERS, 0CT. 9, PLYMOUTH DOCK, Oct. 6. tHE Russel, Capt. Larcom, has been obliged to put intO
this port in a disabled state- On Thursday last a sudden gale came on with tremendous thunder, lightning and hail, which lasted very fortunately, but a short time. A flash of lightning struck the masts of the Russel, and rendered the main and mizen- masts use- less; killed the First Lieutenant, a very worthy man, as he was sitting at dinner, and three seamen, and wound- ed seven others. The Minotaur received some da- mage in her top- masts ; but of too little consequence to quit her station. MARGATE, Oct. 1. This afternoon we had a remarkable storm of thun- der and lightning, which passed over the town; the lightning was
very vivid, forked, and frequent, and the thunder was tremenduously loud. We do not hear of any serious damage being done by it, though a man, carrying a basket of fowls up Hooper's Hill, two of them were struck dead, but the man escaped un- hurt; also a new wall of considerable length, was thrown down by it, and it is supposed that the church clock received an electrical shock, as some pins were drove out of it, which liberating the striking part, it struck upwards of an hundred strokes between eleven and twelve at night, to the great amazement of some of our timorous old women. L O N D O N. The Paris Papers from the
1st to the 5th instant, in- clusive, which we received by express this morning, contain news of considerable importance. Notwithstanding the decree of the Convention against the Presidents and Secretaries of the Primary Assemblies of Paris, those Assemblies continued in a state of per- manence, and persevered in their deliberations upon the conduct of the Convention. ' • On the 1sr inst. one of the Sessions determined, that in case of violence, exercised against any citizen for deliberating in the Primary Assemblies, the generale should immediately be beat, the citizens should take up arms, the Electoral Assembly should
meet, and" the arm- - ed force be required to attend and obey the Assembly. In consequence of these events, the Committee of Public Safety resolved to have recourse to severe mea- now supplied by our English merchants. Three Lieutenant- Colonels have been superseded, for reporting themselves not well enough to embark with the regiments for the west Indies. A heavy additional duty on Tobacco, it is said is to form one of the Minister's taxes for the next year. By accounts received from New York, dated the 26th of August, we learn, that they have had a most violent storm of wind in Virginia, on the 2d of that month,
which very much injured the crops of corn and tobacco ; and on the 14th they had another, which, for violence, has not had its equal in the memory of man ; it is imagined that one half the corn and tobacco is totally destroyed, and the damage otherwise is im- mense. Several French prisoners have been suffered to leave this country, on condition of sending an English prisoner back in exchange.. Directions were given them to find the particular person, whom they were to liberate ; but, alas many of them never thought of their engagement! Non Punica sed Gallica fides One Irishman in Bresjt prison offered to enlist in the French
service. On hearing this, his companions in captivity flogged him in such a manner, that they left him little power to enlist in any service. The Dutch haVe again resorted to a stratagem they praCtised very successfully last war. Having captured two large fishing smacks belonging to Harwich, they have fitted them out as privateers, at Flushing, for the purpose of cruizing in the North Sea,' to capture the smacks, which may, by their appearance, suppose them engaged in fishing. One was a lute stern, the other a square one.- Lieut. Forbes, of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, having, as he thought, discovered some improvements on
the mortar, caused one to. be made, but as, after several trials, it was not found to answer, the Board refused to pay for it, wherefore he had the following motto, ergraved upon it;-— Johannes Forbes, Aberdoniensis, Made this mortar at his own expences sures. On the morning of the 3d inst. it was proposed and decreed that such of the Primary Assemblies of Paris as had completed their elections should be com- manded to separate immediately., All the arrests of those SeCtions were annulled, and . the armed force was ordered not to obey them. The Convention, at the same time, apprehensive that this decree might
produce disturbances in Paris, resolved that its sitting should be permanent. The decree was immediately proclaimed in Paris.— The officers who proclaimed it were insulted, hissed, hooted, and forced to retire without concluding the reading of the decree. In the evening, the Committee of Public Safety or- dered the armed force to march to the place of meet- ing of the Electors of the Primary Assemblies of the Theatre Francais, who had refused to obey the law passed in the morning. Legendre headed the armed force : but the Electors had previously to his arrival, dispersed. In the mean time, strong patroles paraded the
streets. - ' •, In the morning of the 4th, the Convention were sur- rounded by battalions of the inhabitants of the Faux- bourgs, and the Committees of Public and General Safety were guarded by the Military, which rendered the Primary Assemblies very quiet. On' the 3d of OCtober, there was a grand National fete to commemorate the forty- two Members of the Convention who fell ViCtims to DecemvirA Tyranny. The President pronounced the oration, in which he scattered sufficient- flowers of oratory on the tombs of Vergniaux, Brissot, Guadet, & c. the Guillotined De- puties. " Could there be any thing more striking," says one -
of the Paris papers, " than to see the Mountain, which sent 42 deputies to the scaffold seek to bury the trans- action in oblivion by applauding the funeral oration of those whom they themselves assassinated . Riots have taken place in several parts of France, At Verneuil, ten of the insurgents were killed, and thirty taken prisoners. ^
By THE RIghT HON. THE LORD PROVOST AND MAGISTRATES OF THE cITY OF EDINBURGH. NOTICE is hereby given to every PERSON wanting a LICENCE to sell Ale, Beer, and other Exciseable Liquors within the City and Liberties of Edinburgh, pursuant to the Statutes in the 19th. year of the reign of Geo. II. and the 5th year of his present Majesty's reign. The Magistrates of Edinburgh are te meet in the Council Chamber on Thursday tbe 15th day of October curt, at ii o'clock forenoon, to take under consideration the petitions or claims of all persons wanting such Licences. The Magistrates require all and every person
wanting such Licence, to deliver to the Town clerks on or before Monday the 12th day of October curt, a claim, containing the name, designation, and place of abode of the persons applying with BRITISH WOOL SOCIETY'S FLOCK. By Order of the Directors. ABOVE a SCORE of fine WOOLLED TUPS of the Spanish, Southdown, Hereford, Shropshire, and Che- viot kinds, and Crosses betwixt them. They are valued at a low rate, as the Society have no other wish than to accommo- date the Public by disseminating them over the country; and with that view none will be allowed to purchase above two. John Dun, the Society's,
shepherd at Nether Cramond, where the flock are now pasturing, will show and deliver the sheep; and he has a list of them, with the prices annexed, signed by the Secretary, which he is instructed to show to intending purchasers. * t* The Sheep belonging to the Society, pasturing oa Cramond Island and Inchcolm, having of late been much disturbed by persons hunting rabbits with guns and dogs — Notice is hereby given, That whoever is found trespassing there in future, will be prosecuted as the law directs. FOUND. There was Found at DRUM, near Borrowstounnese,. on 8th October, 1795, APOINTER DOG.— The owner
of the said Dog, upo » giving the proper marks, shall have him reftored upon paying expences, by applying to Robert forrester, farmer at Drum. a certificate of good character, signed by one or more table persons in the neighbourhood certifying, all such who do not comply with this requisition, that their claims will be refused. ' Given at Edinburgh, this 6th day of October, seventcen hundred and ninety five years. . GOD SAVE THE KING! AT AYR, tbe 6th day of October, 1795. THE Justiccs of Peace, met at their Quarter Sessions, ha- ving taken into consideration, the Act of Parliament, intitled, " AN Act for the more easy and
expeditious recover- ing of small Debts, anil determining small causes, arising- out of personal contract or obligation, in that part of Great Bri- " tain called Scotland," they, in virtue of the powers thereby committed to them, divided the County into the following districts, viz. I. Girvan, Ballantrae, Colmonell and Barr. a. Maybole, Kirkoswald, Kirkmichael, Straiton, and Daily. 3. Irvine, Dreghorn and Kilwinning. 4. Saltcoats, Kilbride, Ardrossau and Stevenston. - 5. Beith, Kilburney, Dalry and Largs. / 6. Stewarton, Dunlop and FenWick. • 1 7. Kilmarnock, Kilmaurs and Riccarton. 8. Symington. Dundonald and Craigie, including
Barnweell. 9. Galston and Newmilns. 10. Cumnock, Dalmellington, New Cumnock, Auchinleck and Ochiltree.' II. Mauchline and Sorn. 12. Muirkirk.' 13. Ayr, St. Evox, Monktown, Newton, Tarbolton, Stair, Dalrymple and Coyltown And the places of Meeting of these District to be as No. I. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. - No. 6. At Girvan At Maybole At Irvine. At Saltcoats At Beith At Stewarton And No. 13. No. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. II. No. 12., At Ayr. At Kilmarnock At Symington At Galston At Cumnock. At Mauchline. At Muirkirk And at which places the Justices of the Peace are to meet upon the first Monday of November next, and
thereafter up- on the first Monday of every month, at II o'clock forenoon, for the purpose of carrying thc Act into execution. Of which notice is given to all concerned in term of said Act of Parliament. „. CHA. SHAW, CLERK. DISHLEY OR NEW LEICESTER- SHIRE SHEEP. To be SOLD by Public Auction, on the 15th and 16th of October next, at CHILLINGhAM Barns, near Belford, Northumberland, BETWEEN FIVE and SIX HUNDRED EWES and GIMMERS, or one year Old Ewe Sheep, being the greatest part of the Breeding Stock of Thomas Thompson, late of East Lilburn.— The above being generally known in the
neighbouring Counties, it is only necessary for the infor- mation of Gentlemen at a distance, to add, that they have' been bred for near thirty years, with unremitting attention from the Dishley or New Leicestershire kind, which will, it is hoped, from the difficulty of procuring such, render them deserving notice. N. B. The Sale will begin each- day at 10 o'clock. ChiLLINGHAM BARNS, Sept. 9, 1795. LEICESTER- SHIRE BREED OF TUPS. TO be SOLD by public roup, betwixt 20 and 30 fine TUPS, the produce in the fpring 1793, of Tups hired in Leicestershire by the Tweed- side Association of Farmers, and good Tweed- side Ewes.
The roup will take place at the croft of Chirnside, in the shire of Berwick, on ' Thursday the 22d of October inst. and begin at 11 o'clock beforenoon. " Commissions will be faithfully executed by Mr. Thomas Russel, schoolmaster at Chirnside, directed by Ayton. Not to be repeated. TO BE SOLD OR LET, and entered to at Whitsunday hext, THAT Large DWELLING- HOUSE situated on the east side of the Village of INVERESK, with the GARDEN at tho back, and GREEN at the south end thereof, with the Green and Shrubbery before the house, presently possessed by Mr. Campbell of Ardchattan.— A tenant may be accommo dated with any quantity of land not exceeding fifty acres. The house to be seen on Tuesdays and Fridays, from twelve to two o'clock. 1 , V For further particulars, inquire at Dr. Christie, Inverest, the proprietor. COUNTY OF KINCARDINE. BY Order of the HERITORS, assembled at the Michael- mas Head Court, held this day, a MEETING Of the Commissioners of Supply, Justices of Peace', and Heritors, is requested at Stonehaven, on the 20th instant, by 12 o'clock mid- day, to take into consideration the proposed Turnpike and Commutation Bill, and to resolve whether or not it shall be brought into Parliament next Session. As
the business is of great importance, it is hoped every Gentleman will attend, who can do so with conveniency. JOHN BURNET T, Clerk. FIFE TOLLS. THE TOLLS and DUTIES leviable at the several TOLL- GATES within the COUNTY of FIFE, will be expos- ed to Public Roup, at Cupar, on Wednesday the 4th of No- vember next, at 12. o'clock nOon— to be lET in ' Tack for one year, from the term of Martinmas next, to the term of Mar- tinmas following. The articles of roup will be seen in the hands of Mr. Horsbrugh, Cupar. NOTICE TO SOLDIERS AND SAILORS tHAT did belong to any SHIPS or LAND FORCES that were in
the East Indies at the Capture of CHIN- SeRAK; the 4th July 1781— or at the Capture of SERiN- GAPATAM under Lord Cornwallis— or at the Capture of ST. EUSTATIUS, February 1781— they Will please inform JAMES THOMSON, BELL- HANGER, Luckenbooths, Edinburgh, Agent for the aboVe Prize Money for Scotland, in course of Post, ( post- paid) of their Names, Parish, Fort, and County where they reside and the Regiment or Ships they belonged to. The Regiments that are, intitled are 19th Regiment of Light DragoonS— 36th— 52d— 71st— 72d 73d— 74th— and 76th Regiments of Foot. If for St, Eustatius,—
Regiments and Ships, 1st battalion of Royal Scots Regiment; 13th and 69th Regiments of Foot; Blast Convert, Gibraltar, Invincible, Monarch, Princess, Panther, Prince William, Resolution, Sandwich, Salamander, Sylph Swallow, Shrewsbury, Torbay, Vesuvius, Alfred, Al- cide, Etna Bomb, Barfleur, Belliqueux, Barbudg, and the Sybil. Edinburgh, Oct. 9, 1795. PERTHSHIRE : To be SOLD by public roup, within thc Royal Exchange Cof- fee- house, Edinburgh, upon Tuesday the ifl day of Decem- ber 1795, at one o'clock afternoon, THE Lands and Estate of BARNHILL. comprehending the Lands of Woodend of Kinnoul, and Lands
of Muir- hal lying within the parish of Kinnoul, and county of Perth. . These lands are beautifully situated 011 the north side of the River Tay opposite to the town of Perth— They hold of the Crown, and are rated in the valuation books of the county at upwards of L. 600 Scots. If these lands are not sold together, they will be exposed in the following lots— LOT I. The LANDS of MUIRHAL, lying in the parish of Kinnoul, in lease for about 11 years, containing 177 Scots acres or thereby, and are divided into six inclosures— present rent loel. Sterling. These lands are capable of great improve- ment; and from their vicinity to the town
of Perth, may be parcelled out to a variety of advantageous purposes. II. About 28 A. 75 Dec. Scots acres of arable land, and nursery, being part of 3 acres, under lease to Messrs. Dickson and Brown for 22 years or thereby, as the same are delineat- ed on a plan by Mr. Stobie— present rent of the whole ~ • L:£ 0 o O Deduce for 2 A. 2j Dec. takeii off to be added to lot 4th, and valued at 400 Remains L. 56 o o These lands lie on the great post road from Perth to Dun- dee, about half a mile from the Bridge of Perth, along the River Tay, and afford a variety of situations for villages and Other buildings. This lot is exposed under
the reservation of - ' a road from Barnhill to lot 4th, as marked 0n the above plan. III. NINE ACRES and up- wards, delineated on said plan, as in terms to be feued to Convener John M'Ewan, not in lease, and lying on both sides of the road from Perth to Dun- deev a most eligible and convenient spot for building a gen- teel village along the River Tay. IV. 2 A. 25 Dec. SCOTS ACRES, or thereby, of open arable land, marked on said plan, as taken off the lands pos- sessed by Dickson and Brown, valued at 1.. 4 yearly, as no- ticed under lot 2d; and about ONE ACRE, or thereby, of open land, marked on said plan, as taken off the
lands posses- sed by Mr. Moncrief, and valued at I,. 2 yearly. The entry to both thesfe parcels to commence at the expiry of the leases to Dickson and . Brown and Mr. Moncrief— As also about 18 ACRES of LAND, not in lease, presently under wood of various sorts, and tinted with green on said plan. This lot affords an elegant and commodious situation for a villa, and commands an extensive prospect of the River Tay and adjacent grounds. V. The FARM of WOODEND, as possessed by Mr. Mon- crief, marked and tinted with yellow on the foresaid plan, extending to, about 117 Scots acres, whereof nearly 40 acres are planted
with wood of different ages.— Part of these lands are in lease to Mr. Moncrief, at the yearly rent of - - I;. JO O 0 Another part of about 21 ACRF. S^ marked on the plan as cleared of Wood, and for which Mr. Moncrief has offered L. 1 Sterling per acre of yearly rent 1 - - - . L. 21 10 o Andthat part in WOOD, and the portion of LAND pos- sessed by Daniel Ferguson wood- cutter, are out of lease. The beauty and picturesque situation of this lot is very con- spicuous. The lands are of excellent quality, fine exposure, and well watered; and from their vicinity to the town of Perth, might be feued out or built upon to great advantage. VI.
The ISLAND of BARNHILL, set to James Buchan, at 361. Sterling of yearly rent. This Island consists of about 29 Scots acres, and is nearly surrounded by the River Tay, and is well known for its commodious situation and rich pas- ture. N. B. If the estate is not sold in slump, the purchasers of lots 2d, 3d, 4th, and 6th are to hold their purchases feu of lot 5th, in the view of attaching a freehold qualifica- tion in thc county to that lot AS ALSO, VII. The Farms of HOOL, FRANKLADEN, & BELD- HILL, containing 490 acres or thereby of arable and pasture land, lying m thc parifli of Kinnaird, about 10 miles east of Perth— These lands
are in the proprietor's possession, but if let to a tenant, would fetch from L. 80 to I,. 90 of yearly rent. For particulars apply to Mr. Graeme, W. S. Nicolson's Square. \ \ ~ AN ELIGIBLE FARM, IN THE STEWARTRY or KIRKCUDBRIGHT, TO BE SOLD. THE Lands of BARLOCHAN, lying in the parish of [ Buittle, are to be SOLd by Public Roup, in the George Inn, Dumfries, on Wednesday the 16th day of December next, betwixt the hours of 3 and 4 o'clock afternoon. The present rental amounts- to L. 152, but 3 great advance maybe depend- ed on in three years, when the most considerable part of the Lowlands will be out of
lease. This property consists of 294 acres, I rood, 34 falls, Scots statute measure, of which upwards of 160 acres are arable, of the very best quality, and the remainder merse, woodlands, and excellent dry muir pasture. The proprietor lately, at a very considerable expence, erected a compleat new miln and kiln ; besides which there are seven dwelling- houses and of- fices; and the lands are subdivided by a variety of stone dykes. The woods are very valuable and thriving, and extend to about 18 acres. At the Mansion- house, there is a new barn, a good garden, and fruit orchard. The river Urr, which is navigable for several
miles further up the country, forms the east boun- dary of this estate, and affords a salmon fishing, capable of be- ing rendered very lucrative. The proprietor has for many years indulged the public with the use of a harbour, for which he is intitled to some consideration from all vessels accommo- dated ; and at the same port all the purposes of export and import for the farm can be conducted with the greatest facility and convenience. The adjacent shores afford an inexhaustible fund of sea shells and sleech. Few places in the south of Scotland are so admi- rably calculated for the residence of a gentleman of taste and moderate
fortune. The prospect of the river and surrounding country is truly picturesque and romantic, and the situation is warm, and inviting. The lands hold blench of a subject superior. The conditions of sale may be seen in the hands of William Ireland, writer in Kirkcudbright, Or James Hannay, in Loch Bank, Castlle Douglas, two of the trustees over the said pro- perty.— William Carrick, in Barlochan, will shew the lands. 28th SEPTEMBER, 1795. ROUP or TOLLS AND PIECES of GROUND IN THE COUNTY OF FORFAR. Upon Friday the 16th day of October current, betwixt the hours of 12 noon and I afternoon, there will be exposed
to public roup, within the house of William Gordon, inn- keeper in Dundee, ASET of the TOLLS and DUTIES to be collected at the respective turnpike gates or bars after mentioned, for one year from and after the eleventh day of November next, viz. The Turnpike gate at LOGIE, Ditto at AUCHTER HOUSE, Ditto at STONEYE and LUNDIE, on the Cupar road. Also, upon Wednesday the 21st day of October current, at 12 o'clock noon, there will be sold by public roup upon the ground of the subjects, TWO PIECES of GROUND near the Logie toll- bar, also a PIECE of the old Logic road, and a HOUSE STANCE at Scouringhurn,
near Dundee. The articles of roup, and conditions of sale, to be seen in the hands of Patrick Duff, writer in Dundee. Dundee, oct. 1, 1795- DEBTS To BE SOLD. THE Whole OUTSTANDING DEBTS due to Messrs. AITCHISON, BROWN, and CO. late Distillers at St. Clements Wells, to be Sold by public roup on Wednesday the 18th day of November, in the Royal Exchange Coffee- house, Edinburgh, at twelve o'clock noon, list of which to be seen in the hands of Mr. John Peat, writer in Edinburgh, and at the Counting- room of Gilbert Grierson, merchant in Leith Trustee for the Creditors. SUBJECT IN CANONGATE OF
EDINBURGH. To be SOLD, upon Monday the 16th November, 1795, at six o'clock afternoon, in John's Coffee house, Edinburgh, ALL and WHOLE that TENEMENT of LAND High and Laigh, Back and Fore, called Finlayson's land ly- ing in the Burgh of Canongate, upon the South Side of the High Street thereof, with free ish and entry, and all the privi- lege of the same: This property is centrically situated near the Tolbooth of Canongate, and has for several years back been possessed by different tenants at the yearly rent of 32!. 12s. 6d. Sterling. It holds feu of the City of Edinburgh for payment of two Shillings and Sixpence
Sterling of feu- duty. for. particulars apply to James Robertson, writer to the sig- net, Castle- hill, Edinburgh. N. B. As this sale proceeds, for behoof of creditors, the sub- ject will be set up at THREE YEARS PURCHASE of the above rent, and sold without reserve.
To THE NOBLEMEN AND GENTLEMEN JUSTICES OF PEACE FOR THE COUNTY OF PEEBLES. My Lords and Gentlemqn, tHERE being at Peebles, on Saturday the 24th inst an Adjourned Meeting of the Juitices of Peace for that county, I beg leave to request your attendance on that day, at one o'clock, to take under consideration a Plan for. dividing the County into Districts, and carrying Into execution an Act passed in the last session of Parliament Entitled, An Act for the more easy and expeditious Recovery of Small Debts;" & c. & c. 1 have the honour to be, My ' Lords and Gent men, Edinburgh, OH. II, 1795. Your most
obedient; WOLFF. MURRAY. STolEN OR STRAYED, From No. 29, Queen Street, ASPANIEL DOG, red and white spotted, with a Collar about his neck, having the proprietor's name upon it. Whoever will give information about this Dog, so as that bs may be recovered, will be Handsomely Rewarded. T O LET FURNISHED A CONVENIENT HOUSE in South East Corner of ALISON'S SQUARE, consisting of dining- room, and drawing- room, four bed- chambers, kitchen, garret, cellar, and other conveniencies, for the winter, or longer if required. Apply to Mr. Lamb, upholsterer. MILL MILL LANDS IN PEEBLE- SHIRE TO LET. To
be LET, for such number of years as shall be agreed on, and entered to at Whitsunday 1797, THE MILL and MILL- LANDS of TRAQUAIR, as prefently possessed by Robert Scott., Offers in writing will be received by Andrew Hamilton, writer to the signet, betwixt and the in December next, To the CREDITORS of The late DOCTOR WILLIAM CULLEN. THE Meeting which was advertised in the last paper to be held on Wednesday next, is unavoidably DELAYED. The day of Meeting will be afterwards notified. / " Edinburgh, 12th Oct. 1795. NOTICE to the DEBTORS and CREDITORS of The deceased BARTHOLOMEW
MACFARLANE, at the New Farm of Errol. it is requested that those who stood indebted to the said Bar- tholomew Macfarlane, at the time of his death, will im- mediately make payment to Walter Macfarlane, merchant in Errol, with whom the Creditors of the said defunct are re- quested to lodge their claims, betwixt and the HI of Novem- ber next. Not to be repeated. NOTICE TO the CREDITORS of The deceased THOMAS HAY, late tenant in Craigielaw. a NUMBER of the Creditors not having yet, produced their grounds of debt, and oaths on the verity, the Trustee requests they will produce the same in the hands of Alexander
Stevenson, Depute Clerk of Session, clerk to the process of ranking, betwixt and the nth November next, o- therwise they will be intitled to no part of the funds under division. As the material objections to the interests of particular cre- ditors are now discussed by the Court, the Trustee proposes immediately to wind up the affairs of the trust, and to divide the funds in his hands; and therefore requests a meeting of the whole Creditors or their doers, in John's Coffee- house, on Tuesday the 17th November next, at one o'clock, to concert measures for bringing the ranking to a speedy conclusion, and, particularly to give directions
as to the disposal of the lands of Hayfield, yet remaining unsold, being the only fund yet unliquidated. At the above Meeting, a particular state of the Bankrupt's affairs, brought up to the present period, will be laid before the Creditors. " An Extraordinary and Corroborating Instance of " the Virtue of - SPILSBURY's ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS. ISAAC CROFTS, of Folkingham, in the county of Lin- coln, slater, deposed, that for seven years he had been af- flicted with a Scorbutic habit, which broke out in his left leg just above the ancle bone, so that he could not stand to work at his business. Thus circumstanced, he was persuaded
by a Gentleman for whom he worked, to purchase some of SPILS- BURY'S Antiscorbutic Drops of Messrs. Ward & Son ; and by persevering in the use of this Medicine his cure was speedily effected. After taking the first bottle his leg became conside- rably easier, and he gradually improved in health, rest, spirits and appetite. This happy change in him he considers as a- mazing, from his not receiving the least benefit, from any o- ther preparation and that others may have the confidence which he had in this invaluable medicine, he publishes his un- expected but happy delivery from affliction ISAAC CROFTS. Witnessed by Mr.
JOHN WYE, NO. 59, Coleman- street, London. t. I think it an indispensable duty to confirm the truth of the above case. WILLIAM DREWAY, jun. Brother- in- law- to Isaac Crofts. *+* Spilsbury's- Antiscorbutic Drops, by the King's Patent" are vended in bottles of 5s and 1l. 2s. each, at the Proprietor's Dispensary, Soho Square, London, instituted 1773; also by R. SCOTT, ApoTHECARY AND South Bridge. J. BAXTER, Italian Warehouse Wholesale Venders for Scotland where the same may be had as at the Proprietor's, Soho Square; And Retail by WANTED, ANUMBER of BRAVE FELLOWS to Serve in his Majesty's ROYAL
NAVY, for the Port of HULL, in Defence of the British Constitution. All Hearts of Oak, who have an ambition to Distinguish themselves by stepping forward to chastise the insolence of their enemies, and to con- vince the world that Britannia rules the Waves, have now an opportunity to receive a BOUNTY, for MAGNITUDE, un- exampled in the annals of their Country— Each Able- bodied Seaman, including the King's Bounty, THIRTY- ONE POUNDS FIVE SHILLINGS— Each Ordinary Seaman, in- cluding the King's Bounty, TWENTY- THREE POUNDS TEN SHILLINGS— Each Able- bodied Landman, including the King's
Bounty, SEVENTEEN POUNDS FIVE SHIL- LINGS. Volunteers will be intitled, besides the Bounty, to their SHARE of the RICH PRIZES which British valour shall Capture from the French— Whom we'll fight, and we'll conquer, again and again. Volunteers will be received and shipped at Leith, and one- third of the bounty paid, and certificates given for the re- mainder, by applying to Captain Norris, in North Leith, or at the Rendezvous, Old Assembly Close, Edinburgh, Or the Rendezvous on Leith Quay. ,1 ADDITIONAL ENCOURAGEMENT TO SURGEONS MATES. THERE being a WANT of SURGEONS MATES to serve in
his MAJESTY's SHIPS— the Principal Officers and Commissioners of his Majesty's Navy do hereby give notice to such Gentlemen as are willing to serve therein, That they will, on application at the Navy Office, London, receive letters for exami- nation before the Surgeons Company, and have warrants according to their qualifications. They shall receive Two Months Pay Advance in the Ships to which they shall be appointed, before they proceed to sea ; and Con- duct Money, on their first appointments, at the rate of Threepence per mile, from London to the Ports where the Ships they are ap- pointed to lie the same to be paid
by the Clerk of the Chicque of the Yard on their joining their ships. , AND, as a further Encouragement, his Majesty has been . pleased to direct, that their pay shall be increased, the particulars of which may be known by application at the Naval Office, Leith. By Command of the Principal Officers and. Commissioners of his Majesty's Navy. JOHN THOMSON, Naval Officer. Leith, June 4, 1795 . WANTED. TO PURCHASE, AN OFFICE, with a fixed salary from L. 50 to L. Sterling per annum, for which an adequate considera- tion will be given. Apply at the Printing- office, Castle- hill. PORT WINE ON CONSIGNMENT. To be SOLD
by William Grinly, broker in Leith, in Mrs Blackhall's, on Friday the 16th curt. at two o'clock afternoon. * TEN PIPES of Fine OLD PORT WINE, in single Pipes. The Wine may be tasted by applying to Mr. Grinly. LEITH, October 8,1795. TEAS ON CONSIGNMENT. DIRECT FROM THE INDIA HOUSE. WILLIAM GRINLY, Broker in Leith, will expose to Sale, by auction, in the Coffee- room at Mrs. Black- hall's, on Friday the 16th October, 1795, at one o'clock after- noon, TWENTY- FOUR to THIRTY CHESTS FINE BLACK TEAS, which, for the conveniency of Purchasers, will be put up in single chests. These Teas are direct from
the India House, in the original packages, and are very high flavoured; and Dealers never had an opportunity of supplying themselves on better terms, as they will be sold very cheap. The Teas may be seen two days before, and on the morning of the day of sale, by applying to Mr. Grinly. N. B. A few Chests of HYSON are likewise expected, and will be sold at the same time. Leith, Oct 5, 1795. TOLLS' TO LET. PERTH- SHIRE. To be leT by public roup, within the George Inn, ( Mr. Campbell's,) upon Friday the 23d October inst. at twelve o'clocknoon, for one year from and after Martinmas first, THE TOLLS, or DUTIES
receivable upon the Great Road leading from Perth towards Dundee, at the re- spective Bars or Gates thereon, at or near by Kinnoul, Inver- gowrie, as also those receivable upon the several branches 0f such great road, leading to the harbours of Powgavie, Errol, and Inchyra, at the toll bars thereon respectively. These tolls will be expofed either together or separately, as offerers may incline at the time, and the articles of roup may be seen in the hands of Robert Clark, writer in Perth. Perth, 1st October. 1795 By his Majesty's Royal Letters Patent, Granted unto JAMES RYMER, Surgeon, Gerrard Street, Soho, London, Inventor
and Preparer of THE CARDIAC and NERVOUS TINCTURE, for dis- orders of the Head Stomach, and Bowels; Gouty, Bi- lious, and Nervous Complaints Indigestion, Loss of Appe- tite, Heartburn, Wind, Spasms, and Costiveness; for restor- ing Broken and Decayed Constitutions and Persons impaired by Hot and Unhealthy Climates, Free Living, & c. and for Corporeal Weakness, Relaxation and Faintness, and all Diseases of Debility. Gentlemen from the East and West Indies, with Billious Nervous, and Debilitated Habits, receive immediate benefit from this Medicine. To DOCTOR RYMER, Gerrard Street, Soho. SIR, Bristol,
OCt. 17, 1790. By your Cardiac Tincture I have been freed from the pain in my stomach and head. It has mended my appetite and digestion, and removed Costiveness. - It discharges the bile, and clears my fallow skin. My sister has strictly pursued your directions. The Tinc- ture has quite restored her lost, appetite, strength, and spirits. The fits with which she had been afflicted many years, and for which she. had used many medicines without benefit, have not returned since she first took your Pills , Which have car- ried off an amazing number of small white worms with slime. I am, Sir, your obliged humble servant, | See
Detergent Pills J. HOWARD. Bishopsgate- street, Jan, to, 1791. I do certify, that having many years been afflicted with the yellow jaundice, and a disorder in my liver, with dreadful complaints in my head, stomach, and bowels; and swelled dropsical legs, I was perfectly restored to health and strength by the virtues of the Cardiac Tincture and Pills. PETER HOLFORD. Sold in bottles at 2s. 9d, 5s 5d. and 11s. 6d. and in stopper flints at 3s, 6d. 7s. and 14s. at NO 36, Gerrard Street, Soho; where Mr. Rymer may be consulted personally, or by letters, post- paid. There are pint bottles at One Guinea, by which there is a considerable
saving. Messrs. Dicey and Beynon, No. 10, Bow Church- yard, are appointed by Mr. Rymer the sole wholesale venders of the above Medicine, as well as of the Detergent Pills for the Cure of Diseased Liver, attended with Asthma and Dropsical Legs; for the discharge of Gall Stones; destruction of Worms, & c. Sold also by HUSBAND, and Co. and R. SCOTT, Edin- burgh. AT LEITH FOR NEW YORK, THE AMERICAN SHIP BARRINGTON, HECTOR STEVENSON, Master. Will be ready to receive goods the 12th, and sail the 26th October. The Barrington is a fine new vessel, 300 tons burden, sails well, and has excellent
accommodation for cabin and steerage passengers. For freight or passage, apply to Robert Brunton, Carron Warehouse, Leith. It is requested shippers will give notice in the course of ten days, what goods they intend going by this vessel, that they may not be disappointed. N. B. 53,000 Barrel and 10,000 Hhd. STAVES by the Har- rington, will be Sold by Public Roup in the course of a month, of which, further notice will be advertised FOR KINGSTON JAMAICA,. To Call at PORT MORANT, or MORANT BAY, The New Ship PEGGY, JAMES HANNA, Master, Will be ready to receive goods on board at Greenock by the 20th inst.
and clear to sail by the 15th of next month. The Peggy has good accommodation for pas- sengers, and it is intended that she shall with the first convoy from Cork, after the 15th proximo. For freight or passage, please apply to Robert Bogie junior, here; Messrs. A. & J. Robertson and Co. or the Master, at Greenock. ' N. B. WANTED, a few YOUNG MEN of good charac- ter, to go to Jamaica as Planters, to whom liberal Salaries will be given Tradesmen, such as Blacksmiths, Mill- Wrights, Carpenters, and Coopers, who can be well recommended for sobriety and industry, will also meet with encouragement, by applying as above.
GLASGOW, 10th Sept. SALE 0f EXTENSIVE WOODS IN DUMFRIES SHIRE. To be SOLD by public roup, within the house of Edward Whigham, at Sanquhar, 0n Friday, the ,6th of November, at a o'clock afternoon, THESE Parts of the WOODS groWing On the Estate of ELLIOCK, lying in the parish of Sanquhar, and shire of Dumfries, viz. I. The Woods growing on the Backwood Park. - II. The Woods growing on the Horse Park. They consist of full grown Oaks', Ash, Birch, Planes, Beech, - Elder, and Firs, but the chief proportion are Oaks. They will be shewn by James Geddes, at Elliock House. The articles of roup, will be
seen in the hands of Commis- sary Goldie, at Dumfries, or Hugh Corrie, and James Gil- christ, writers to the signet, Edinburgh, to whom, persons wishing to purchase any other parts of the Woods on the e- state of Ellrock, may apply The Woods are of great extent and fit for cutting. J. Mcnnons, and J. Duncan, Glasgow A. Barry, Paisley. Maclelan, Greenock M'Intosh, Inglis, and Wilfon, Inverness , John Allan, Dundee Mr. Scott, surgeon, Kelso, Mrr- Dempster, Cupar Fife Mr. Dick, surgeon, Dundee Messrs. Morison & Son, Perth Millar druggist, ditto. Anderson,, Stirling Jas. Paton, Montrose Thomson, Aberdeen Inglis. Dumfries
Hall & Elliot, & Hod- son, Newcastle Jollie, Carlisle Edwards, Belfast. SUBJECTS IN STIRLING- SHIRE FOR SALE. To be SOLD by public roup, upon Thursday the 26th day of November next, at three o'clock afternoon, within the houSe of George Turner, vintner in Falkirk, THOSE Four Oxengates and One- Half of an Oxengate of the LANDS of HAILES of AIRTH, commonly called BELLSDYKE, consisting of eight Scots acres or there- by, of excellent kerse ground, situated between Carron- shore, Sealock and Airth, about one mile from each, and four miles from Falkirk.— The property was set many years ago for small victual
rent of 8 boils oatmeal, and b bolls of barley— the tenant at same time paying the public burdens,- which are' L.. I : 8: lid. of stipend, and 7s. of cess and having been for a long since in the hands of an heritable creditor, no rise or alteration of rent has taken place, although the land is well worth L. 2 '. 10s. per acre.— there is a DWelling- house, Barn, and Byre upon the ground, together with some grow- ing Tree's, and as it is only possessed from year to year, the purchaser may have immediate possession. The property holds of a subject superior, for payment Of a feu- duty of 2s. 2d. 2- 3ds Sterling, and 2 capons.— the upset price L. 450., ' ALSO, to be Sold on Friday the 27th of November, with- in the house of Alexander Gow, at Stirling Bridge, at six o'clock afternoon, That DWELLING- HOUSE, DYING- HOUSE, GAR- DEN and pertinents adjoining to the south end of Stirling Bridge, some time possessed by JameS Downie, dyer in Stir- ling. This property is not all set, but would rent at about I., 1o Sterling. The purchaser may have possession Whit- sunday first, or sooner if he wishes it; and as the subject is bounded 0n the north call by the River Forth, it is excellently adapted to any kind of manufactory requiring water It is held burgage, and pays
half- a- crown annually, as f- for the garden. The upset price to be L. 80. Any farther information may be had of John M'Bayne, writer to the signet, North St. James's Street", Edinburgh, or Archibald Cuthell, writer in Stirling. .
TUESDAY'S POST. FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, Oct. 10. PROMOTIONS. WAR- OfficE, Oct. 10. sECOND Batt. of the Scots Brigade, Lieut. Stewart to be captain, vice Innes. STAFF Brigadier- General the Hon. John Knox, to be quarter- master- general to the forces in the Leeward Islands; Lieutenant- Colonel Brownrigg, to be deputy- quarter- master- general to the said forces ; Major Sontag to be deputy quar- ter- master- general to the said forces, with the rank of lieu- tenant- colonel in the army; Lieutenant- Colonel the Hon. John Hope, to be adjutant- general to the said forces; Major Malcolm to be deputy adjutant general t0 the said forces, with the rank of lieutenant- colonel in the army; Lieutenant- Colonel Lewes to be quarter- master- general to the forces in St. Domingo, with the local rank of Colonel in the West - Indies; Major Grant to be deputy quarter- master- general to the said forces, with the rank of lieutenant- colonel in the army; Lieutenant- Colonel Manningham to be adjutant- general to the said forces; Capt.. Gillespie to be major Of brigade to the forces in the West Indies. HOSPITAL StAFf.— Drs. Masters, Henderson, Pinckard, and Bancroft, to be physcians to the forces. 1st Batt, of the Argyllshire Fencible Infantry, M'Ar- thur
to be lieutenant. Tain Volunteer Companies, G. Murray, Esq; to be captain of the second company; James Taylor to be first lieutenant, and George M'Kee to be second lieutenant. Andre- Dumont moved, that a proclamation should be instantly drawn up, in order to enlighten the good Ci- tizens.— Decreed. from the LONDON PAPERS, oct, 10. LONDON. CIVIL WAR AT PARIS. ' An express arrived this morning from Calais, with the following short note, and a Paris paper of the 6th instant ; CALAIS, oct. 8. " We have just received intelligence of the gates of Paris being shut — Civil War rages within its walls— the Sections and
the Troops are fighting. The ac- counts we receive are alarming— a great number on both sides have lost their lives ; the result we look for with the most anxious suspence." DOVER, Oct. 9. " This morning arrived the Two Sisters, Captain Schousted, from Calais, with some British soldiers, and other passengers. This vessel confirms the account of troops having marched to Paris. It likewise brings an account of the gates of Paris being shut, and of hostili- ties having actually commenced between the Parisians and the Conventional troops.". The Courier francais, published at Paris on the 5th, has the following article " Every
thing has the appearance of war. Fresh troops are entering every instant. The Narional Con- vention is surrounded by bayonets and cannon. The disarmed men have received arms. The Sections are permanent. The Electors of several sections met yes- terday at the Theatre Fransais— their Sitting was pro- longed to midnight. At two in the morning, the Re- preventatives charged , with the armed force put them selves at the head of two thousand men, to execute the decree ordering the closing of the Electoral Bodies : no person was to be found. They took, the bell of the President and some papers. The guard, and the pro clamation of the Convention, were received with gene- ral hootings." The Gazette Universelle contains an article to the following purport: a Every thing announces a conspiracy against Li- berty Assemblies are held, in the night; laws are made in the night; military dispositions are made in the night; the day comes not to dispel these plots of dark- ness ! Is there not need of conspiracies to preserve an authority which they would render legitimate ? The Authority has lost the, confidence of the People, be- cause it passes only penal laws. Yesterday evening the proclamation made by the Administrators of Seine was accompanied
with the hootings and hissings of the po- pulace from all quarters of Paris., A tradesman said in the Session of the Theatre Francais, that that procla- mation had the appearance of the burial of the Conven- tion. The escort of dragoons which accompanied the - Administrators was Well received by the peoples who cried from all quarters, " vive les dragons ! a bas les deux tiers!"--" Live the dragoons ! Down with the two- thirds " " While the people manifested their indignation against an expiring authority, the Electors whose busi- ness it is so chuse the new Legislators of France, assem- bled in great numbers in the hall of the
Theatre Fran- cais ; they were not numerous enough to form them- selves into an Assembly ; but they were witnesses of the energy which the Primary Assembly displayed upon this occasion, who had assigned them a place in the hall of their sittings : they remained here till late in the night; they waited for the Electors of the other Sections which had adhered to the resolution of the - Section of Lepelletier: they observed amongst them M. Marelet, whose great age, talents, and knowledge, render him so respectable. At nine at night, the Pri- mary Assembly of the Theatre Francais gave up the place of their deliberations to the
Electors, and retired into the boxes, to encourage them by their presence. " At two in the morning, when all the Electors had departed, Legendre arrived with 500 men and four pieces of cannon. General Miranda, who command- ed this expedition, took away the bell. At 8 olclock this morning all was quiet. " This day a great number of Terrorists have been armed by order of the Government, and stationed on the Terrace of the Thuilleries.— Most of the Sections have continued their sitting." Another account says, " An Insurrection of some of the Sections against the Convention has taken place. In consequence of the decree of
the Convention for dissolving the Primary Assemblies by force, if necessary, the Section Lepelletier, on the morning of the 5th, beat the Generale and flew to arms. Two other Sections did the same. The Committee of Public Safety imme diately sent troops to surround the Section Lepelletier.. This was effected, but the General who commanded the troops having received an assurance from the inha- bitants of the Section, that they were only arming in their defence, thought proper to retire. " The Section immediately secured and fortified some strong posts, and made every preparation for a formidable resistance. The
Government ordered troops to be marched a second time, and a Contest ensued, in which many fell on both sides. The firing of cannon against the Section commenced at noon on the. 5th, and was not terminated at half past nine at night, when the Paris Paper just received was put to the press. " The Convention sat all night on the 4th, and the whole of the jth inst. guarded by a large detachment of military with cannon. Strong patroles paraded all the streets and squares, and every preparation was making by the Convention, and by the revolted Sec- tions, both for attack and defence. " The Section Lepelletier was in hopes of
receiving succour; the other Sections having assured them, that they would send assistance to them during the night of the 5th. The following proceedings of the Convention on the 5th, and the Paris articles which are translated literally from the Paris paper ( le Censeur des Journeaux) of the 6th, will shew, that the insurrection is of an alarming na- ture, and that the Government suspect that the resist ance of the revolted Sections will be extremely obsti- nate. The inhabitants of the suburbs St. Antoine and St. Marceau, and the troops, appear to be firmly at tached to the Convention." NATIONAL CONVENTION. 13th
Vendemiaire, October j. The sitting of last night was, as may be easily con jectured, stormy and full of alarm, 1 The determinations, in a mass, were as incoherent as the individual resolutions were ardent. After the reports of Louvet and Delaunay, on which no decision was palled, the fitting was suspended though the As- sembly did not adjourn. Whilft the most exaggerated or unfounded reports were circulating in the lower part of the hall, groups were forming upon the benches, and each gave himself up to conjectures more or less alarming, during the period that preceded the report of the Commission of Five. This morning the
most awful dispositions appear to have been taken on each side both for attack and for defence.. At the commencement, of the sitting, cries were heard in the Court of the Thuilleries, and some agit- tion was visible in the Tribunals. It was announced at the bar of the Convention that the Section of Quinze Vingts had just made a rampart of their bodies in de- fence of the Convention. Freron announced, that last night he went with Barras into the Fauxbourgh St. Antoine, and that he found there none but Republicans. The Sections of Montreuil, of Popincourt, and of Quinze- Vingts had evinced the same attachment to the
Convention. It is now impossible to penetrate into the interior part of the Convention, or to procure tbe remainder of the sitting. - We hear the noise of cannon, the cannon of civil war has been discharged. The combat has commenced— Death hovers over all our heads God of France Genius of Liberty ! watch over us ; protect innocence ; save the unhappy persons whom a moment of error may have dragged into the frightful abyss of desolation, of devastation, of the most frightful ravages May the culpable leaders of these infamous ma- noeuvres perish May their death, which will not ap- pease the manes of their unfortunate
victims, assure at last the repose of the country which they have inces- santly convulsed. Our readers will pardon us for these lamentable complaints; our hearts are wrung with an- guish, and the blood flows on every side 1 PARIS, Oct. We are now marching upon a volcano the explosion of which will be terrible. In spite of the decree passed yesterday, the electoral bodies and the Sections remain' assembled. The Convention will execute their decree and the Government are taking, we are assured, all the necessary measures Of these measures, one is the arming of the Terrorists, an armament which good citi- zens cannot
see without horror. Five hundred of these oppressed Patriots have been organised into a battalion upon the Terrace of the Thuilleries, and a cOnsiderable quantity of cartridges has been distributed among them. The inhabitants of Paris are upon their guard, and firmly determined to resist oppression. OCTOBER 6.~ - We Can no longer dissemble— Civil War is organized in our unhappy city; the ardour of discussion is about to give place to the eagerness and delirium of battle Three Sessions have already raised their standard, beat the Generate, and given the watch- word. The Convention is surrounded with cannon and bay onets. The streets Vivienne, Filles, St. Thomas, St. Augustin, Petit Champs, du Mail, & c. are full of armed men, and of advanced posts: during the whole night we heard nothing but those lugubrious words— Sentinel, take care—' the sad and monotonous expression of which infused into the mind of the impartial obser- ver the most frightful presages. This apparatus of a city in a state of siege, these cries, these soldiers, this frightful perspective of ills, ready to fall upon our unhappy country, have wrung from us tears of blood. Shall we never be released from this deplorable situation ? And are we fated to be exposed before we
die, to all the degrees of opprobri- um and grief ? As soon as it was known in the Committees of Go- vernment that the Session Lepelletier had beat the gene- rale, troops' were sent to surround the Section. It was nine o'clock. Menou commanded the troops. Two Representatives of the people were with him, The armed force advanced towards the focus of in- surrection ; it was soon surrounded ; parlies were held, explanations given, and reciprocal assertions were made, that the warlike preparations were not for at- tack but defence. These assertions, whether true or false, satisfied the General; the troops and the citizens
retired: but hardly had the former retired, than the latter re- assembled, and the Government perceived that they had been duped. - Louvet mounted the Tribune, and denounced Menou as guilty of a fatal temporising, if not of treason. A- nother member begged that the Assembly would sus- pend their decision until he had made a report. Every Member of the Convention spoke of distrust, treason, and departure. Such is the lot of a great Assembly, ever disposed to give crcdit to the most hazardous reports, always cu- rious, always a mob, always . _ The Convention will not suffer themselves to be mas- sacred quietly . If all the
means of attack of the Con- vention appear to be good, all precautions to repel at- tack are legitimate ; and what will the Royalists have to say, who have sworn their destruction, if they are, the victims of Terrorism, which they alone have re- leased from chains, which they alone have re- armed ; or, which is the same thing, which they alone have oc. cisioned to be released and re armed. Voe victis. If in the frightful contest, the Conven- tion fall, it will never wipe away from itself the re- proach of having employed in its defence, the instru- ments which it broke on the 4th of Prairial. _ For this last fortnight provisions have increased
one- third in price, and we can no longer doubt that this
communication between that city and the French army Mentz is completely surrounded by the French, and Ehrenbreitstein is still closely invested. KONINGSTEIN, Sept. 18. The day before yesterday a bloody conflict between the advanced posts, in which General Beaulieu com- manded in person, took place in the environs of Lim- bourg. The result was, the French was repulsed with great loss. Yesterday the latter returned to the charge, under the protection of a terrible discharge from their artillery ; the Austrians, however, stood firm, and did not lose an inch of ground. HEIDELBERG, Sept. 24. This morning at seven o'clock,
we heard the roar- ing of cannons, the French having attacked the Aus- trians on both banks of the Necker. The combat was violent, and lasted till the afternoon, when victory de- clared in favour of the Austrians on the right bank,— They took 13 pieces of cannon ; and several hundreds of French, dangerously wounded, have been, brought to this place. About two o'clock in the afternoon, the French General Tournau was brought in here a priso- ner, after being dangerously wounded. The number of killed and wounded is not yet known ; it must, however, have been considerable. The French, who were posted on the left bank of
the Necker, have re- treated to a little distance, and the communication be- tween this place and Weinhein is again opened. The city of Manheim is now completely blockaded by the Austrians, who suffer nothing to enter or come out of the place. The grand Austrian Magazine at this place is to be completely emptied to- morrow. Ge- neral Wurmser with a great part of his army is advan cing by rapid marches to assist General Clairfayt; he is expected here the day after to morrow. DARMSTADT, Sept. 25. We this moment received an account of a bloody action which took place yesterday morning between the French and
Aultrians between Manheim and Heidel berg, on the Neckar. The French, who were posted on this river, attacked the Austrians, and at the same time the Commander of the French garrison at Man- heim made a sortie upon the Austrian post in the vici- nity of that fortress, to drive it from its position ; but this post being reinforced by the Imperial General Quostanovich, it resisted the attack of the French, and drove them back under the cannon of Manheim. The French are said to have left 1400 dead in the field, and to have lost several pieces of cannon, and 16 wag gons loaded with powder; 500 of them are also said to have
been made prisoners, among whom are a French General and his adjutants. The army under General Clairfayt forms at present a line which extends from our environs on the Rhine as Far as the county of Erbach. Their communication with the army commanded by General Wurmser, has not hitherto been impeded. remember. The thunder and lightning in particular were dreadful; fortunately the storm was very short, and none oF our ships suffered but the Russel. The City of London have unanimously voted their thanks to Lord Bridport, and the Officers and SailorS under their command, for their gallant and important victory on
the 23d June, and have ordered the freedom, of the city to be presented to Lord Bridport, in a gold box, value one hundred guineas. The Army on the Continent are ordered home, and will embark at Cruxhaven. Transports are going for them;. The Commissioners of his Majesty's Victualling Of. fice contracted last week for the immense quantity of 50,000 casks of Irish beef and pork, to be delivered in- to the Victualling stores of the port of London. The opinions of the Attorney and Solicitor General are directly contrary to the resolution of the Directors and Proprietors of East India Stock, relative to remu- nerating Mr. Hastings for
his law expences. The con- cluding paragraph is as follows : " We think, if the Court of Directors shall make payment in contradiction to the provisions of the Act, the Director's, who shall concur in making such pay- ment will be respeCtively personally responsible, crimi- nally as well as civilly, for their misconduCt, in the same manner as they would be for any other misapplication of the funds under their management, in breach of the provisions contained in the ACt. Mr. Crossley the Attorney in the Adelphi, was trans- mitted yesterday to Hereford, where he is to take his trial, for having, conjointly with the worthy Baronet, Sir John
Briggs, forged a last Will and Testament, With intention to defraud a Gentleman in that County of very considerable estates, both real and personal, as was particularly stated in the trial, in this paper of the 18th August last. , Major Waugh, of the Invalids, has been partcularly unfortunate in has family— He had three sons, all of whOm he devoted to the army, and has now lost them all— His eldest, a Lieutenant in the 71st Regiment, - died in India at the close of the last war ; his second died Last OCtober, a Lieutenant in the East India Com- pany's service, commanding a detachment of troops on board the fleet fitted out at
Calcutta for the protec- tion of trade in the Indian Seas ; and the third, a Cap- tain in the 68th Regiment, was killed the 22d of April last) at St. Lucia, at the head of the Grenadiers. A modern Moralist is now advertising " a comfort- able boarding hOuse for the reception of such women who, from their misconduCt of drinking, and other vices, render it impossible for their husbands to live with them, & c." Progressive abstinence, it seems, is the advertis- er's plan, by which, without shocking the peculiar de- licacy of the nervous system in the female habit; he pledges himself, in twelve months, to reduce any Lady of taste and feeling
from a bottle of gin or brandy to a solitary dram of each per day Last Friday as the Marquis of TOwnshend was shoot- ing at Packsfield, near Rainhim, attended by his Gamekeeper, Charles White, the Marquis having get over a hedge, White was delivering the gun to him through the hedge, when unfortunately it went off. and the contents lodged in White's thigh; who died on Sunday afternoon though every possible assistance was administered. _ Horse Racing, according to accounts from different places, formerly celebrated for sport, is woefully on the decline— It is a common thing to read in the re- ports under the different
days—" No Race— for want of Horses " AGRICULTURE, & c IN ENGLAND, FOR SEPTEMBER. The weather having been uncommonly fine during the whole harvest, and the high prices still continuing, are circumstances which have occasioned much of the New Wheats to be threshed out in all the distriCts of the kingdom, and from which the produce of this year's crop may be thus early calculated with tolerable accu- racy. In the home counties they rise very unequally, even off adjoining lands, of no apparent difference of soil, cultivation, or bulk upon the ground. In Suffolk and Norfolk, their Wheats, it is feared, will rather
prove light; in some parts of Essex, there is the same' complaint; while, in others, they never rose more abun- dantly from the flail. derived throughout a fatr crop. In Sussex, we find the best standing crops, and their produce does not fall off from their appearance. The corn already housed throughout the North is much heavier in the sheaf than what they generally expe- rience. The Oats and Barley prove a general great crop, and their quality is also superior to that known for many seasons past. Beans are a partial produce ; in particular soils., they are stout and well podded, but on the lighter lands they will not exceed half a
crop.—- Pease are, in most counties, good and prOduCtive,— V increase, which his been so scandalously progressive since the contest between the Convention and the Sec tions, is the consequence, and perhaps the means. , The Louis was yesterday at 1260 livres ; butter at 4;; potatoes at 60. What means of living for a peo- ple panting under misery and uneasiness ! Postscript. it is nine o'clock at night; the firing of cannon is heard at a distance ; the streets are deserted Second Postscript. It is now half past nine o'clock. The firing of cannon continues, and, it is said, against the post of the SeCtion Lepelletier, which defends
itself with desperation, relying still that the Sections of Paris which promised them succour and guarantee, will come to their relief. The prisons and all the ports are secure. OPERATIONS ON THE RHINE. A Hamburgh Mail arrived this morning. It brings an' account of a sharp aCtion on the 43d of last month, between the Austrians and the French on both sides of the Necker. The French commenced the attack upon the Austrians, but were forced to retreat with consider- able loss. In consequence of this victory the Austrians have been able to blockade Manheim, and to cut off the Yesterday arrived a mail from the Leeward
Islands, by the Dashwood packet, in 43 days. The latest letters brought by the Leeward Islands Mail are dated the 19th of August, which contain the agreeable intelligence of the Caribs in St. Vincent's having been completely subdued, and that all the Islands were then in a tolerable state of tranquillity. There have been several skirmishes and posts attack- ed in the island of St. Vincent's, in almost all of which the BRITISH have been successful. The following officers have been killed in these attacks. Capt. Piguet and Capt. Schneider of - the 60th regiment ; Mr. Tho- mas Clapham ; Mr. Joseph Preston, and Mr. Thomas Taylor,
Mr. Gray, and Mr. Thomas Grant, of the mi- litia and volunteers also Mr. Wiseman, a volunteer with the 46th The following have been wounded: Lieut. Mann of the 46th, ( since dead); Captains Law and Forster, and Lieut. Harford of the 46th; Captain Alves of the Royals, and Lieut. Tonson of the 60th. The BRITISH burnt two hundred boats and pettiaugers, and several houses belonging to the enemy. Among the officers who lately fell in the West Indies, was Major Mallory, of the 29th regiment. He was, by some accident, at a distance from the corps, assailed by three negroes, armed with musquets and bayonets. Though he had
only his sword and a brace of pistols, he refused to surrender, but defended himself with such bravery, as to kill two of his antagonists, and to oblige the third to save himself by flight. Unfortunately, in the conflict he received some wounds, none of which were at first thought dangerous ; but wounds in the West- Indies are seldom unattended with fever; and to this, the most formidable enemy, he finally resigned his breath. Yesterday evening, the Commerce de Marseilles, Ca- nada, and the transports for the West Indies, dropped down to St. Helens; and this morning they are expect- ed to proceed upon their voyage. An
American vessel arrived on Wednesday at Dover from Havre- de- Grace, the passengers by which report- ed, that Fifty Thousand French troops had marched into Paris, for the purpose of surrounding the Sections, and crushing their opposition to the Decrees of the Convention. Letters from the Western Departments say, that the Englilh fleet is still in Quiberon Bay, and that partial debarkations are frequently made. A letter from Nantz mentions that the whole army of the Western Pyrenees, amounting to 39,000 men is arrived in La Vendee— that Charette is strongly en- trenched at Bellville, but that General Canclaux is
speedily to attack him in his entrenchments. By a letter from an Officer on board Sir J. B. War- ren's squadron, dated on the 2d inst. and received by the Russel of 74 gunS, arrived at Plymouth, we learn, that Isle Dieu has been taken possession of by our for- ces ; but the general belief in the squadron was, that the expedition would speedily be abandoned, as bad weather was beginning to come on, and no effectual assistance could be given to Charette, as he was not in sufficient force to possess himself of any strong post contiguous to the sea. Our fleet continued to block L'Orient, in which were nine sail of the line, and four
frigates; Part of the outward- bound Jamaica fleet arrived the day before yesterday at Bristol ; and one transport from Jamaica arrived yesterday at Portsmouth. The ac- counts brought by the ships arrived at Bristol state, that some of the ships belonging to the fleet were taken in the Gulph of Florida. The Captains of several Jamaica ships come round, do not believe the report of eight ships belonging to London having been taken in the Gulph. They heard nothing of any such event, during the whole course of. their voyage, and think it could not have happened without their hearing of it. The French Commissioners left Dover on
Wednes- day morning, in two coaches and four, attended by Mr. Boyd, the banker in London, and proceeded to Can- terbury, where they were met by Mr. Marsh on the part of our Government. A conference was held yesterday at Canterbury, be- tween Mr. Marsh, appointed on the part of Govern- ment, and the French Commissioners. So far from the French Commissioners making any public declaration of the object of their million to this country, they observe, what it is their duty to do, the most profound secrecy to all persons who visit them re- speCting it. No person is permitted to see them, with- out giving in his name at the
bar of the Inn where they reside and when they walk out they are constantly at- tended by an Officer. Parliament will certainly meet on the 29th instant, agreeable to the King's proclamation. It is now generally believed, that the greatest part of the ordinary business will be done by the present Parliament, and the new one be summoned in the Spring. The detachment of the Russian Fleet at the Nore will sail again on a cruize of six weeks in the North Seas, before the expiration of the month, after whiCh they will return to the Nore, where they will pass the winter. The Duke of York has expressed his strongest cen- sure of the
conduCt of those Colonels of new Corps, who over- stepped the limits of their instruCtions, by promising to their men that they should not be drafted, from which such unpleasant consequences have ensued. The storm which overtook the fleet under Admiral Harvey off the Coast of France on the 1st inst. was One of the most severe that the oldest sailor on board could
Hops are in brisk demand, particularly the fine condi- tioned ones of last year. This year's produce of Hops will be scarcely half a crop. Marriage, Robert Lang, Esq; of Finsbury- square,. to Miss Francklyn, of Wimpole- street. Death.— In the 71st year of his age, the Rev. AN- DREW KIPPIS, D. D. F. R. and A. S. and nearly 43 years Pastor of a respectable Congregation of Prote- stant Dissenters, meeting in Princes- street, Westminster. INTELLIGENCE FROM LLOYD's LIST. " Arrived, I Hamburgh, I Leeward Island, X Lisbon, and 5 Irish mails.— Due; 3 Irish. , " The Medusa man of war, and nineteen of the Jamaica fleet, are
arrived at Plymouth : ten of the Jamaica fleet are arrived at Bristol, and three at Cowes. " Tne London, Capt Keen, from London to the South- ern Whale Fishing, parted company with the Scipio man of war, and her convoy, bound to the West Indies, on the 21st of August, in lat. 34. 10.' North ; all well. " The Cid, Hoyo, from St. Andero to Vera Cruz and Havannah has been taken, retaken, and carried into the latter port. " The Welcome, Cowham, from Petersburgh to Hull, is lost on Sandhammer. The cargo is expected to be saved. " The Jane, Collins, from Hull to Maryport, is run down near Sunderland. Crew saved. , ' ' " The
Betsey Bishop, from London to Malaga; the Uni- ty, Watson; and Friends Goodwill, Wiltis, from Malaga to London ; the Recovery, Tomlinson, from Dublin to Malaga; and the Brothers, Leary, from Cadiz, to London; are taken by a French squadron on the coast of Portugal, and scuttled.- " The Lively, Codner, from Viana to Newfoundland, is taken by the Adventure, French privateer, about 20 leagues - to the westward of Viana. v v " The Catherine, Manlaus, from Wales to Poole, is lost on the coast of Wales. EDINBURGH. A most bloody CIVIL WAR has broke out at Paris; In this paper, pages 236 and 237, we have given a very
full account of this important event, translated from the Paris Journals. The " Hamburgh Mail also brings the important in telligenee, that the Austrians have given several severe checks to the French, and taken several pieces of can- non, ,& c See page 237. The French Consul at Philadelphia shot himself on account of the ratification of the Treaty betwixt GREAT BRITAIN and AMERICA. BALTIC FLEET. Captain Adamson of the brig Peggy, belonging to Anstruther, arrived on Friday at Leith, from Peters- burgh. He sailed from ElsineUr on the 27th ult. under convoy of the frigate Terpsichore, of 32 guns, com- manded by
Captain Bowen, with about sixty other ships, for England and Scotland ; and fifteen more join- ed in the Cattegate, the Sleeve, and the North Sea. Several of the ships were loaded with naval stores, for Government; and, many of the Scots vessels, being loaded with wheat, induced Captain Bowen to convoy the. Scots trade within 10 or 1 j leagues of the Frith of Forth, where he judged them to be Out of the reach of any enemy. None of the numerous British cruizers, said to be in the North Sea, appeared, during the whole of their passage. But Captain Bowen paid a particular and judicious attention' to his charge, and deserves
thanks from the Community at large, as well as from every person immediately interested in the satety of this large and valuable convoy. From the MARTINIQUE GAZETTE. ST. PIERRE'S, July 8. " The brig Clarissa, of this port, sailed from Cork the 15th of May, and. was taken the 6th of June, in lat 27, long. 33, by, a gun boat, schooner rigged, of three 4. pounders, and 80 men,' bound from Rochfort to Cayenne. An officer, six men and three boys, were put on board in charge of the prize; four of the brig's people were left on' board, the Chief Mate, the Steward ( a Mulatto man), and two passengers, one of them confined to his
bed. The vessel was demanded by the Mate from the officer, on the after part of the quarter- deck. An immediate scuffle ensued in conse- quence ; the Mate's pistol missed the first fire, and was broke' on the Officer's head : two severe wounds im- mediately followed; and he fell a victim to the passen- ger's reserved pistol, and drew his last breath with ex- pressions of surprise and regret, that ten Republicans should fall beneath the courage of three Britons : his second being severely wounded on the arm and knee by | the Steward, and the third in command having receiv- ed a deep cut on the breast, quarter was called for, and
immediately granted; and so great was the im- pression that the courage and exertions of these three men made on the minds of the nine remaining Repub- licans, that they made no attempt whatever, during 19 days voyage, to regain their liberty. Fortunately for these brave men, they made this port this evening, without any assistance but what they drew from nature, and the resources of their own minds. The commer- cial laws of their country have amply provided for them, and they will be living evidences of the rewards, that constantly attend enterprize, generality, and cou- rage." COURT MARTIAL. The sentence of the
Court Martial which sat on Captain Menzies and Lieutenant Creagh, of the city of Cork militia, having received his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland's approbation, is at length made public. The circumstances of the case were as follow :— Captain Menzies persevering in unpleasing re- marks on Lieut. Creagh's being in low spirits, an alter- cation took place. The former made an indelicate al- lusion respecting a Female relative of the latter; on which Lieut. Creagh knocked him down, and gave him a severe beating. The Captain was tried for using pro- voking and ungentlemanly language,, and the Lieute- nant for striking
his superior officer. Captain Menzies was found guilty, and dismissed the service. Lieute- nant Creagh, acquitted. A letter from Westmorland Fort, Cove of Cork, dated Sept. 25, says, " A party of Royal Irish. artille- ry doing duty here have received orders to hold them- selves in readiness to embark for foreign service. The 17th, 33d, and 67th- regiments of infantry encamped here have received similar orders ; three other regiments, together with a number of drafts, are also hourly ex- pected In the camp, when the whole are expected to sail for the West Indies:-' _ Yesterday the three regiments of foot, and park of artillery at
Musselburgh, were reviewed by his Excel-, lency the COMMANDER in CHIEF. They made a fine appearance, and went through their evolutions greatly to the satisfaction of the General, the Officers, and com- pany who were present. _ The Dragoons at West Barns Camp are to be re- viewed to- morrow; and the Earls of Hopstoun's Regi- ment of Fencibles, on Bruntsfield Links, on Friday. The Pegasus with the transports, and Revenue cut- ters with the trade for the southward, are put back to Leith Roads. The brig Friendship Robert Craig master, bound to the Baltic, was captured on the 21st ult. about to leagues to the
eastward of the May, by the Dutch cut- ter Venguer of 16 guns. The Mate was left on board the Friendship, and sent to Christiansands : the Captain and red of the crew were taken on board the cutter. The Jenny and Jean, Rankin, laden with crown glass, bound for Bristol, from the Clyde, was on her passage, encountered with a vessel in the night time, by which means it is supposed a leak in her bottom was made, the effects of which were not for some time felt, till the vessel standing out further to sea, in a very short time she became so leaky, that the master and crew were obliged to desert her to preserve their lives, which
they with difficulty effected. On Friday night the low door of a gentleman's; house in Prince's Street - was opened, and a hat and three large plates taken away The servants were in the kitchen very near where the articles were. Colonel M'Kenzie of Seaforth, M. P. and David Scott, Esq; M. P. arrived on Sunday at Dumbreek's Hotel, on their way to London. On the 25th ult. the Right Hon. Lady Bruce was safely delivered of a daughter, at Hamburgh. Robert Moubray of Cockairny, Esq; Physician at Portsmouth, died there the 4th inst. Died at his seat, Ballytweedy, in the county of An. trim, Ireland, Henry William Shaw, Esq; Died,
at Gimmersmills, the 5th instant, George For- rest, Esq; of Gimmersmills, M. D. Professor of Natu- ral Philosophy in the University of St. Andrews. Died, on Friday se'ennight, at Southweald, Miss Margaret Forbes Mitchell, second daughter of Captain Mitchell, of the William Pitt East India ship. Died, at Nigg, in Ross- shire, on the 9th curt. Mrs. Isobel Ross, relict of the deceased Thomas Gair of Dam, in the ninety- third year of her age. Died lately in Georgia, North America, Sir George Houstoun, Bart. - Died, the 9th current, at his father's house, Sime's buildings, Canongate, Allan Boyd, only son of Cath- cart Boyd, Examiner of
his Majesty's Salt Duties. 13. MAGISTRATES OF AYR. Charles SHAW, Esq; Provost. James Cuthbert, Esq; Philip Whitside, Esq; ' William Bowie, Esq; Dean of Guild, Ebenezer Shaw, Esq; Treasurer. On Monday the 5th curt, was finished, the election of Magistrates and Town Council of the Burgh of Lin- lithgow, for the ensuing year, when the following Gentlemen were chosen : JAMFS ANDREW, Esq; Provost. William Napier, Esq; James Watson, Esq; ( John Gibson, Esq Alex. Learmonth, jun. Esq; Andrew Bartholomew, esq; Dean of Guild. John M'Elfriesh, Esq; Treasurer. COUNCILLORS. Messrs. William Cochrane, Andrew
Spieden, Thomas Callander, Robert M'Culloch, John Gardiner, Robert Spence. Messrs. Robert Clark, Alex. Kenneure, Alex. Napier, Alex, Mitchell, George Cuninghame, John Gib, - ' Messrs. Andrew Nimmo, jun Deacon of the Smiths. Alex. Gardiner, Taylors. Robert Millar, Wrights. James Smith, Baxters. John Henderson, Coopers. John Spence,. Shoemakers. Thomas Fram, Fleshers. William Mitchell, Weavers. MAGISTRATES of LANARK. JOHN BANNATYNE, Esq; of Castle Bank, PROVOST. Messrs. Richard Varry, Robert Hutchison, Alexander Blair, Dean of Guild. James Waygateshaw, Treasurer. - The Laurentius and
Elizabeth, Hansen, from Christi- ana, with deals ; Anna Catharina, Isund, from ditto, and , Fassland, from Mandahl, with timber and deals; Forth, Shannan, and Thames, Pottinger, from London, with goods ; are arrived at Grangemouth. Captain Ole Waren Lund; of the Anna Catharina, arrived at Grangemouth on the 8th inst in seven days from Christiansand, reports, that on the 1st curt, there Were sent into Christiansand, by three Dutch cutter brigantines, two pink- sterned ships and two- brigantines from the Baltic, and a large bark from Liverpool in ballast. The Herald, Grindlay, arrived on Friday at Leith from London. The
Christian and Janet, Primrose, from Petersburgh, with iron and hemp; and the Caprice, M'Kie, and Jenny, Kerr, from Oporto, with wine, are arrived ia Clyde The Lucretia, Keer, is arrived at Jamaica, from Grenada. The Osnaburgh Revenue brig, Captain Campbell, arrived in, Leith Roads from the Nore on Friday, in fifty- seven hours all well. The Mary of Leith, Captain Hay, was in sight of a Dutch privateer in crossing the North Sea, but arrived at Elsineur on the 27th ultimo, after a pleasant passage of thirteen days. The Lively of Dundee, Captain How, is arrived from Petersburgh. SEQUESTRATIONS. States of the affairs of
SAMUEL SHANNON, merchant in Glasgow, lie with John Shirra, merchant in Glasgow, the trustee Creditors to call at his Counting house on the loth November, for their dividends. - The public examination of JAMES CALDER, farmer and dealer in cattle at Baldoran, to be on the 22d current, and on the 5th of November, at one o'clock, in the Sheriff Court- house of Glasgow Creditors to meet on the 6th of November, in the Black Bull Inn, Glasgow, at 1 o'clock, to give intimations to John Buchanan of Carbeth the trus- tee, and to lodge with him- their claims, with oaths of ve- rity, betwixt and the 2; th of May, or to have no share in
the first distribution. STATE of the THERMOMETER since our last. BANKRUPTS. - ' R. Hill and C. Goodman, of London, linen- drapers.
ft SOUND INTELLIGENCE. \ Sailed Outward, Sept. 26. Mary, Steedman; Nancy, Brown; Ceres, Mackie; Hope, Ross; NeptUne, William- son Sailed Downwards, Sept; 23. Lively, Howie ; Barbara and Mary, Fowler; Patience, Newcator; Kitty, Webster; Isabella, Wilson ; Magnet, Hunter ; Friendship, Armstrong ; Dolphin, Kidd; Euphemia and Ann, Goldie. - Arrived and remain, Sept. 24.— Peggy, Adamson, and Olive Branch, Mitchell. Arrived and wail convoy, Sept. 23. Duchess of York, Halket; Jason, Mair.— 26. Duchess of York, Deaoon, and Fame, Elder. Most part, if not all of the above ships sailed the 23d and 24th, are put
back, and remain windbound with the Mary, Drummond. The Welcome, Cowham, of and for Hull, from Peters- burgh, with deals and iron, was lost the 20th inst. on Sand- hamer Reef— crew saved. Wind N. W. blowing strong. ELSINEUR, Sept. 26, 1793. LEITH, Oct 13— Arrived, Herald, Grindlay, and Perth, Inglis, both from London, with goods; Peggy, Adamson; Isobella, Wilson; Friendship, Armstrong, and Magnet, Hun- ter; all from Petersburgh, with wheat; Morning Star, Lumsdaine, from Gottenburgh, with iron and dales; Beau- foy, Preston, from Hull, with goods and wheat; Emigrant, Paul, from Shetland, with kelp; Prince
Frederick, Chris- tianson, from Dram, with wood; Ann and Margaret, Mac- laren, from Liverpool, with salt; six sloops with coals. . Sailed, Gardener, Irving, for Kirkwall; Lively, Davidson, for Stornoway ; Newcastle, Brown, for Hamburgh ; Sophia, Stewart, for Peterhead ; and Industry Thomson for Berwick, all with goods; Kitty, Marshall, for Hull, with Wool; and several coasters. SCALE SUGARS. To be exposed to Public Sale, by WALKER, THOMSON, & CO. at their Warehouses, Leith, on Friday the 23d curt, at 12 o'clock noon, A BOUT SIXTY HOGSHEADS, SCALE SUGARS. Samples to be seen at their counting house, Royal
Exchange. Edinburgh, 13th October, 1795. CALEDONIAN HUNT. AT the GENERAI MEETING, to commence at KEL- SO the 19th of October, there will be a BALLOT & Two Vacancies, besides the one already advertised. EARL of MORAY, Preses. WM. & HEN. HAGARTS, Secretaries. TO THE PUBLIC EASTON, FRASER, and COMPANY, DISTILLERS at Bridge of Don, near Aberdeen, intimate, That Mr. JOHN EASTON, formerly one of their Partners, has divefted himfelf of his Share and Concern in that Copartnery. DENTIST MR. LEA begs to acquaint his Friends and the Public, That he is now Removed to New Street,
Canongate but is gone to GLASGOW, to continue for two weeks only. EDINBURGH, 13th 0ct. " NEW TEAS. Prices Reduced Sixpence per Pound. ARRIVED AT SHEPPARD's TEA SHOP, South Bridge Street, Bed Congou Leaf, that was 3s, 4d. is now 2s. jd. Ordinary Congou, do. 3s. 6d. do." 3s. Finer congou, de. 4s. , do. 3s. 6d. Superfine Congou, do. 45.6d. do, 4s. Fine Souchong, 1 do. 5s. do. 4s. 6d. Superfine ditto, do. 5s. 6d. do. js. Superior ditto, do. 6s. do. 5s. 6d. Superfine Bloom Tea, 4s. Fine Hyson Green, 6s. Superfine Hyson, that was 7s. 6d. is now 7s. Superior ditto, do. 8s. do. 7s. 6d. Superfine Gun Powder Hyson
Green. l is. per lb. Patent, and all kind of Cocoas and Chocolates. Coffee, Raw and Roasted.— Spiceries, & c. Dealers supplied on the most liberal terms. By the Right Hon. the LORD PROVOsT, SHERIFF AND MAGISTRATES. INTIMATION TO ROGUES, VAGABONDS, AND IDLERS. THE establishment of the Bridewell being now nearly com- pleted, and the cells provided for the reception of prison- ers, the Right Honourable the Lord Provost and Magistrates, with concurrence of, the Sheriff of the County, have issued the necessary warrants and the most pointed instructions to the officers and constables thro' the different
quarters of the city and county, to be vigilant and aCtive in securing all Idlers, - Rogues, or Vagabonds who shall be found within their, respec- tive bounds; and whereas great encouragement is given to Rogues and Vagabonds to persist in an idle and wandering life, by the reception they too often meet with in this city, in the villages, and other places— the following clause is excerpted from the aCt for building and maintaining the Bridewell, for the information of those who have heretofore been in the prac- tice of harbouring and entertaining such, that they may not in future pretend ignorance thereof. And be it enabled," That if
any person within the said City and County of Edinburgh shall, after the passing of this ACt, knowingly permit or suffer any Idler, Rogue, or Vagrant, to lodge or take shelter in any house, barn, or out,- house or building, belonging to him, her, or them, and shall not apprehend and carry such Rogue, Idler, or Va- grant, before some Justice of Peace, or give notice to some Constable or other Peace Officer, so to do, every person so offending, on being lawfully convicted, either by his own confession, or the oath of one or more creditable witnesses, before one or more Justices of Peace, shall forfeit a sum not exceeding forty
Shillings, nor less than Ten Shillings, one moiety to be paid to the informer, and the other moiety to be added to the Fund for the annual support of the establishment, the fine to be levied by the immediate distress and sale ef the offender's effects; and in case no goods can be found to distrain, the offender shall be committed to the House of Correction by the Justice or Justices, and there kept at work for any time not exceeding one month, unless the offence shall be repeated, and then for any time not ex ceeding six months." A CONVENIENT RESIDENCE ON THE EAST COAST OF FIFE, TO LET, THE MANSION HOUSE,
Offices, Garden, and Pigeon House of BATHOUFFIE, on the East Coast of Fife, lying within one mile of Pittenween and Anstruthcr, three of Crail, and six of St. Andrews, commanding an extensive prospect of the Firth of Forth, and adjacent country. The House consists of Dining- room, Drawing- room, and seven bed- chambers, besides apartments for servants, kitchen, & cellar on the ground floor, and the offices are suitable to the house. The garden, which contains near three Scots acres, is surrounded with excellent walls covered with every kind of wall fruit. A tenant may enter to the House and Offices immediately, and
have at Martinmas first, either about 15 acres of inclosed ground, partly in tillage and partly in grass, or only as much -- grass as will keep two cows and two horses. - The gardener at Bathoussie will shew the house and ground; and further information may be got, by applying to Robert Pattullo, at Mr. Charles Stewart's, writer to the signet, Edin- burgh. " , FARMS IN EAST- LOTHIAN TO LET. To be LET for such a number of years as may be agreed upon, and entered to at Whitsunday 1796,' THE Following FARMS, part of the Estate of GILMER- TON, near Haddington, lying in the parishes of Athel- stonford and Prestonkirk: I.
EAST END of ATHELSTONFORD, as now posses- sed by Mr. Thomson, Mr. Walker, and others, including the acres on the South Side of the Town, and the Pond Park, all lying contiguous, consisting iit whole of 164^ Scots acres, or thereby. II. WEST MAINS of ATHELSTONFORD, possessed by Messrs. Walker and Skirving, which is now marched off, to consist of 312^ acres— the most part very fine land, fit for raising crops of wheat, or turnips, III. NORTH MAINS, being the lands now possessed by Mr. Sheriff, with the addition of Crook's Park, consisting of 133 J acres. This lot lies on the west side of West Mains; and there
will be no objeCtion to joining- them in one farm, if offerers incline. , * / ' IV. SANDY's MILL, with the astricted Multures and Mill Lands, consisting of about 11 acres, situated on . the River Tyne, two miles from Haddington ; and to which will be added, if offerers incline, Windale's Park containing 25 acres or thereby. - _ V. MARTLE MAINS, as now possessed by Mrs Ran- kine, consisting of 213 acres, and upwards, of well inclosed lands. VI. MARTLE SOUTH fARM, as now possessed by Mr. Hill, consisting of 208 acres of old rich pasture lands, which must produce great crops on being ploughed. As this lot lies along side of No.
5, there will be no objection to ' join them into one farm, if offerers incline. VII. TODHILLS CRAUCHY, & c. consisting of Todslee, Sunny Bank, Bellslee, North Crauchy, Longlands, Croft An- gry, and Bughtlee Parks, with the adjoining stripes and woods, containing. about IIO acres, besides woodlands. Offers in writing may be given in to Mr. Bremner, Mer- chant Street, Edinburgh— Mr. Low at woodend, near Dunse, or Mr. Fraser, Sheriff clerk; Haddington, either of whom will show a plain and measurement, of the lands. A copy of the plan and measurement is also left with John Johnston overseer at Gilmerton, who will point out
the lands to intended offerers, There being no onsteads on lots 3d, 6th, and Jth, it is re- quested that the offers for these farms may specify the sums deemed necessary for erecting suitable onfteads, ai the quan up of this expence will be considered in determining with respeCt tb the acceptance of these offers. Such offers as may not be accepted of will be concealed, and, if desired, will be . returned. MR. LAIDLAW, At his House, head of STEVENLAW'S CLOSE, High Street, OPENS CLASSES far the ELEMENTS of EUCLID and ALGEBRA, on the 28th October, and one for GEOGRAPHY on the 10th November. FOR READY
MONEY. R. JOHNSTON AND SONS, NORTH BRIDGE will Sell . TEAS, of every kind, ONE SHILLING per Lb. BELOW the Common Shop Prices, viz. Good Middling Breaktast Tea, 33; per pound. / Very Good Ditto, 3s. 6d.— and A most excellent tea, 4s. per pound. Fine Congo and Souchong Tea, of the old Swedish kind, at 4s. 6a.— fs. and_ 5s. 6d. hysons, equally cheap. Coffee Berries,, 2s. 6d.— Toasted Ditto. 4s. An APPRENTICE Wanted. WANTED TO BORROW, Immediately or at Martinmas next, THE Sum of L. 1166, 13s. 4d. preferably secured upon a considerable Estate in the immediate vicinity of Edin- burgh.
Collateral security for the regular payment of the interest, at 5 per cent, and half yearly, will be granted. Apply to William Inglis, W. S. OAK TIMBER AND STAVES. To be SOLD by AuCtion at LEITH, on Friday the 23d day of this current month of October, at eleven o'clock forenoon, in small lots. THE whole CARGO of the OUGHTON, Capt. Andrew Syme, just arrived from Quebec, consisting of above Three Thousand Feet of CAPITAL OAK TIMBER, fit- for ship Carpenters use— and Above Fifteen Thpufand OAK PIPE STAVES. Apply to William Grinly, broker in Leith, who will shew the Goods and conditions of sale to intending
purchasers. STIRLING AND DUMBARTON TURNPIKES. At desire of His Grace the Duke of Montrose, Dr. Moir, of Leckie, Colonel Eidington, of Gargunnock, Mr. Belsches, of Greenyards, Dr. Graham, younger of Leckie, and Mr. M'Kislop. of Westhaugh. AMEETING of the TRUSTEES on the said road from Stirling to Drymen Bridge, will be held at Martin's Inn, at Gargunnock, on Tuesday the 27th of October, 1795, at 12 mid- day in order to taks into consideration, the state of the Road, also the stations and time for erecting toll- bars, upon the line of road, and other matters relating to the trust. Meiklewood, ( Signed) JOHN
GRAHAM. 12th oct. 1795. HOUSES IN LEITH. ' To be SOLD by public roup, in the house of D. Douglas, vint- ner, opposite the Cross of Edinburgh, on Wednesday the 28th October, 1795, at one o'clock afternoon, THAI' TENEMENT of HOUSES lying at the East End of the Dubraw or St. Andrews Street in Leith which was lately built by Alexander Bennet, wright— the upset price to be reduced to L500 Sterling. For particulars inquire at John Young, writer to the signet. NEW LAND CARRIAGE From GLASGOW to LONDON, by Way of BERWICK- UPON- TWEED and NEWCASTLE- UPON- TYNE. MARSHAL & CO. OF
BERWICK, RESPECTFULLY beg leave to return their sincere thanks to their Friends and the Public, for the very considerable share of support they have experienced since their commence- ment, and to inform them, that they have now extended their Land Carriage between Berwick and Edinburgh, to. Glafgow and Newcastle, from each of which places a WAGGON will arrive and set out every Tuesday and Friday, and carry Goods to and from Glasgow, Edinburgh, Berwick, Newcastle, Lon- don, Manchester, Leeds, Hull, Wakefield, and all other in- termediate places, at the lowest rates, with the almost care, punctuality, and
dispatch. The Merchants, Manufacturers, and others, in Glasgow, Paisley, and the neighbouring towns, will thus have an op- portunity of forwarding their goods, intended to be sent di- rectly from Glasgow to Berwick, by one conveyance ; While, to those who prefer land carriage throughout, a respectable mode of conveyance is established in a road where the passage is not lb liable to be impeded by storms, and which, at any rate is often open and passable when all others are shut up. Goods and Parcels addressed to Messrs. Snowball and Hud- fon, Newcastle- upon- Tyne; Robert M'Lehose, opposite the Weigh- house,
Glasgow; John Burns, Bell's Close, Canon- gate, Edinburgh; and Marshal and Co. Berwick; will be taken the utmost care of, and letters answered with punctua- lity, where information may be had of the failing and arrival of the Berwick Smacks. STORE FARM IN THE COUNTY or MID- LOTHIAN. To be LET for 19 years, and entered to at Martinmas 1796, THAT' extensive STORE FARM called CROSSWOOD- BURN, lying in the parish of West Calder,. 15 miles from Edinburgh, and containing 1508 acres Scots measure.—. About 80 acres of the Farm is a dry gravelly, soil, and capable of producing good turnip and corn crops.
The rest of the ground is esteemed good sheep pasture. The turnpike road leading from Edinburgh to Lanark, passes through the Farm, thereby affording easy access to several good market town_ s. Offers in writing will be received by the Proprietor at Largo House, Fife, or by Mr. James Kettle, writer in Edinburgh. Offers not accepted will be kept secret. TEA WAREHOUSE, LEITH. WILLIAM THORBURN bees leave to inform the LADIES, and Tea Dealers, That He is returned from London, where he bought from the India Company fome hundred Chests of BLACK and GREEN TEAS, which will be arriving at his Warehouse
every week for some time, Most of the Teas bought by him) he can assure his Customers, are from sixpence to one shilling per lb. cheaper than formerly.— Present price for ready money is, Good Bohea, ss. 4A ta Is. 6d. per lb.; Congo, 3s. to 4s. per lb.; Souchong, from 4s. 6d. to 5s. per lb.; Fine Hyson Green Tea, from 6s. to 8s. per lb-.; Very nice Gunpowder Tea, 12s. per lb. ' * * TEAS sold, and orders taken in for his Warehouse in Leith, at his ROOM, HIGH sTREET, Edinburgh, and no where else on his account. N. B. Fine Old MALT WHISKY, from 5s. to 6s. pec gallon. , SALE OF A VALUABLE LIBRARY OF BOOKS AND
PRINTS. 1 Upon Monday the 9th of November next, at I o'clock after- noon, within the house of John Adams, vintner in Aber- deen, will be exposed to sale by public roup, A VERY Valuable Collection of BOOKS and PRINTS, being the Library of a Nobleman lately deceased, con- sisting of a capital collection of Books of Prints, by Piranesi, Salvater Rosa, Michael Angelo, Strange, Hamilton, Bartalozi, & c. all fine impressions; Maps, History and Miscellanies, Dictionaries, Classics, Agriculture, Farriery, Poetry and Plays, & c. and a great variety of the best French, Italian, and Spa- nish Authors. To be disposed of, in Two Lots,
LOT I.— To contain all the Books of Prints, and Maps, which are mostly in boards, and in fine preservation, counting of 47 articles. Lo, T II.— Containing 18 Folios, 79 Quartos, 123 OCtavos, and 372 Duodecimos. Agreeably to the Manuscript Catalogue, which may be seen at the shop of Alexander Angus and Son, Booksellers, Aber- deen, and William Simpson, Bookfeller in Edinburgh, who will inform as to further particulars.
SALE OF LANDS IN FIFE. To be exposed to sale Public Roup, within the house of Wil- liam Ritchie, innkeeper in Cupar, on Thursday the 22d October 1795, at 12 o'clock noon, thESE FEUS called the LOANS, with the HOUSES thereon, and pertinents, the property of the Creditors of David Robertson, tenant in Hillside of St. Ford, consisting of about 17 acres of ground, lying about two miles north of Collinsburgh, and aboat four miles south of Cupar, and on the turnpike road between these two towns. These subjeCts will be sold together or separately, as purcha- sers shall incline; and the article's" of roup and progress of writs
may be seen in the hands of Henry Walker, writer in Cupar. - FARMS IN CLACKMANANSHIRE. To be LET for 19 years, and entered to at Martinmas 1795, 1. THE FARM of BIRKHILLEND, part of the Estate 0f Clackmanan, possessed by Mrs. Stupart. It consists of about 52 acres of good arable land, inclosed with a stone dyke, and is subdivided into five inclosures. A tenant may be ac- commodated with 10, 20, or 30 acres of the adjoining moor ground. II. The FARM of GARTLORE, also part of the Estate of Clackmanan, at at present possessed by Wm. Drysdale. It contains about 53 acres, chiefly good arable land. '
Proposals for Leases of the above Farms to be given in, in Writing, betwixt and the 1st of November next, to Charles Innes, W. S. or to James Landers, at Craigrie. by Alloa. LANDS IN LANARKSHIRE FOR SALE. To be Sold by Public Roup, upon the 16th day of Novem- ~ ber 1795, within the Royal Exchange Coffee- house, Edin- burgh, between the hours of one and four afternoon, Upset Prices. Reduced to twenty- three years purchase of Rentals judi- cially proven, THE Lands and Estate of GARNKlRK, BEDLAY, and others, lying in the parish of Calder, and Barony Parish of Glasgow, in the following Lots, or any of the lots
will be joined, if the purchasers desire it: LOT I. The Lands of GARNKlRK, DAVIDSTON, and' others, extending to 1236 acres, or thereby, the gross proven rental of which is . 1.. 837 12 I Deduct the feu and teind duties, a- mounting to . 70 11 o x- lfith Neat rent, L. 767 1 2 lj- l6ths The said lands are held of the Crown, and are valued in tiu cess books at L. 875 : 6 ; 8d. Scots. There is a good deal of Old Timber on this lotr and many extensive and thriving Plantations. The Mansion- house of Garnkirk, to which a great addition was lately made, is large and commodious, the principal rooms are nearly 30 feet by 20 each, with
parlour, library, and bed- rooms corresponding. The Mansion- house is surrounded by a great number of fine old trees, has a constant supply of excellent water, and is situated nearly in the centre of rh. estate, about six miles from Glasgow, and 3S~ from Edinburgh zt. the distance of about half a mile from the new turnpike. road leading from Edinburgh, to Glasgow by Cumbernauld.- which intersects the estate in a very advantageous manner. In the above rental, nothing is stated for the Mansion- house Offices'; or Garden of Garnkirk, nor for the timber Woods 0r Plantations. - The upset price of the lands in this lot, at twenty three years purchase of the neat rental ." is L. 17,642 4 9- 9- 36UU The value of the woods, per survey and sworn. estate 3,070 3 IT Upset price, . The Lands of BEDLAY, MOLLENS ex- tending to' 730 acres, of thereby, the gross proven rental whereof amounts to From which deduct the feu and teind duties, amounting to Neat rental, ' In this neat rental . there should be added the produce of a lime- work, now working . . on the lands of Bedlay, Upset price, L. 2,561 15 10 3- i: tlis N. B. LOT IV. has been already sold at the price of twen- ty- five years purchase of the rent, and near L. 800 more as the proven value of the woods.
loT V. The Lands of CRAIGENDMUIR, extending to 170 acres, and the Lands of CARDOWAN MUIR or TAD- MUIR. the gross proven rent is Deduct feu and teind- duties, Neat rent, The upset price of lands in this lot at 23 years purchase of the neat rent, is The value of the wood, per sworn sur- vey and estimate, is - - Upset price, L. 1,620 2 2 5- 6ths LOT VI. Those parts of . the Lands of JOHNSTON, com- monly called LOCHEND and JOHNSTON; and those parts of the Lands of GARTCOSH, called BURROWDYKE, extend- ing in whole to 163 acres. The gross pro- ven rental is - - - 120 7 o Deduct feu and teind- duties, Neat
rent, * — 1 The upset price of the lands in this lot, at 23. years purchase of the neat proven rent, is The value of the wood, per sworn survey and estimate, is - - - Upset price, 1- 2,63; 2 LOT VII. The Lands of GARTCOSH, GARTLOCH", and BRACKENKNOW, extending to - 294 acres i rood and 32 falls. Gross rent is - Deduct feu and teind- duties, - 9 5 4 4- l2ths Upset price L. 1,682 6 ; I. OT IX. The Lands of GARTINQUEEN and WOOD- NEUIK, extending to 169 acres or thereby. Gross proven rent deduct feu and teind duties, 6511 l- 24th Upfet price, I.. T. 68B 3 4 ^- 24ths LOT X. Thefe parts of the Lands of JOHNSTON,
called AULD YARDS and BAUDS, extending to 314 acres or thereby. , The gross proven rental, is L. 109 1- 0 Deduct feu and teind duties, . 8 10 9 3- iaths The above Lands, Barony, and others, are to be exposed and set up in the following lots, or if the purchaser incline, se- veral lots will be thrown into one: Lot Ist, The lands of RydingMains, Pennwinny, and Kirk- style, extending to 175 acres or thereby. The gross proven rental of which i.- t L. 104 14 9 On this lot there is a Natural Wood, on which no value w put. ' Lot 2d, The lands of Shore and Yett, Ryding Dyke, and Clachan, extending to 75 acres or thereby. Grofs proven
rental, - - L. 53 ro 3 Lot 3d, The lands of Shyflat and Dryflat, extending to 134 acres or thereby.— Gross proven rental, including a feu- duty of 61. Sterling, part of the lands of Dryflat, L. 70 12 o Lot 4th, The lands of Brackenhirk and Kippburn, extend- ing to 118 acres or thereby. Gross proven rental, - - L. 47 14 o Lot 5th, The lands of Drumbowie, extending to 107 acres or thereby.— Gross proven rental, - L. 34 10 o Lot 6th, The lands of Wester Gartmillan, extending to 104 acres or thereby.— Gross proven rental, - L. 50 11 o On - this lot there is a Natural Wood, on which no value is v put in the rental. Lot 7th, The lands of
Easter Gartmillan, and Dunavoack, and the Glen Mill and Lands, extending to acres or thereby.— The gross proven rental whereof is L. 87 19 o The Glen Mill and Lands are at present Out of lease. Lot 8th, The lands of Glenhead and Shanks, extending to 89 acres or thereby, with the Coal in these lands, and Fire- Engine, on which no value is put in the rental. The gross proven amount whereof is , L. 47 5 6 The lands of Glenhead are at- present out of lease. The annual feu and teind duties payable forth of the above lands, amount to 30I. Sterling or thereby, which will be di- vided on the day of sale among the different lots, in
propor- tion to tie respective upset prices of each lot. Which upset- prices will not exceed 25 years purchase. The whole of the above lands are supposed. to be full of Coal, and no value is put upon the same in the above rental. These Coals may be conveyed to Glasgow and the Frith of Clyde by the Monkland Canal. The fences and farm- houses on the above lands are in excellent repair, aad the most of the leases thereof will soon expire. The tacks of such of the above lots as are at present let, will expire in the year 1797 and 1798, excepting as to two small portions, the one included in lot 3d, and the other in lot 8th. As to the
rent of the lands of Ryding and Gartmil lan, it is stated at the valuations contained in a survey and es- timate made by two sworn valuators. Lot 9th, The COAL and IRON STONE in the said lands of Kipps, Blacklands and Gunny, consisting of about 180 acres or thereby Upset price L. 500. Copies of the rentals, and conditions of sale, may be seen by applying to Gilbert Hamilton, merchant in Glasgow; John Dunlop of Rosebank, merchant there, trustee upon the estate; to William Andereon, writer to the signet, Edinburgh, or Ro- bert Grahame, writer in Glasgow, who will give any further information necessary relative to the
estate. LANDS IN WIGTONSHIRE-. - To be SOLD by private bargain, or otherwise by public sale, at Edinburgh, within the Royal Exchange Coffee- house, upon Thursday the 26th day of November next, at 6 o'clock in the evening, In whole or in lots as shall be found most suitable, ALL and WHOLE the Lands and Baronies of ARD- WELL and KILLASTER, in the parish of Stonykirk, and Lands of CAIRNGAWN, AUGNEIGHT, and SLOCK, in the parish of Kirkmaiden, and shire of Wigton. The present yearly rent of this estate is only about L. 750 Sterling, including conversions of victual rent, presents, and services at the current
prices, and a moderate rent put upon the lands round the Mansion house, in the proprietor's posses- sion— But as the current leases were in general let for grassums without any addition to the old rents, very little rise of rent has taken place on this estate for thirty years past, and there- fore as the current leases shall expire, very great rises of rent may be expeCted. In particular, the whole estate in the pa- rish of Kirkmaiden, and the farm of Drumbredden, in Stony- kirk parish, the present rents whereof are only about L. no yearly, will be free of lease at or before Whitsunday 1797, and are considered to be worth upwards of L.
320 yearly. And as the other leases expire from time to time, similar rises of rent may reasonably be expeCted, 1 And by the current tacks. of four small farms, the rents thereof increase L. 2) : 5 ; 8 Ster- ling at Whitsunday 1797, and 1798, though the tacks endure for a longer period. The Baronies of Ardwell and Killaster, in Stonykirk parish, consist of 3735 Scots acres, all lying contiguous. And the Lands in Kirkmaiden parish consist 0f 844 Scots acres, accord- ing to an accurate survey lately made. And almost the whole of both estates are good arable lands; and, being, bounded by the sea, and different good harbours on the
estates, where lime and other manure can be imported-, they are capable of great Improvement. There is a good Mansion- house, pleasantly situated, on the Barony of Ardwell, with suitable offices, a good, fruit and kit- chen garden, and several thriving plantations; also a consider- able Farm around the house; all which are now out of lease, amd may be entered to immediately, and are suitable for the accommodation of a large and genteel family. the title- deeds. plans, tacks, and rentals, are in the hands . of Vans Hathorn, writer to the signet, who has also power to conclude a private- bargain before the day of public sale
before- mentioned. , Application for further particulars may he made to the said Vans Hathorn, or to Mr. William Ross, at Stranraer, the fac- tor, who will give direCtions for shewing the estate, and has also copies of the plans and rentals. EDINBURGH : Printed for JAMES D0nALDs0N, and sold at his Printing- office, in the Castle- hill, where, and at the burgh, adveRtISER - OFFICe at the Cross, Orders and Advertisements are taken in,— This Paper is published every TUeSdAY and fRiday— The. ^ ALSO, To be SOI. D at the same time and pl ace, The LANDS and BARONY of RYDING and CART, MILLAN, and others, lying in
the parish. of East Monkland, about ten miles from Glasgow, and within, one mile of the Monkland Canal. AND, The COAL and IRONSTONE in the land's of KIPPS, BLACKLANDS and CUNNIE, lying in the parish of East and about the same distance from Glasgow and the Monkland Canal as the lands above mentioned,