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Evening Mail
Date of Article: 25/05/1795
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V^ avTT:: wS& iAf f f r c Ab F • <• m FRIDAY, MAY 22, , 0 M0NDA7, MAT 25., 1795. [ P R I C I F O U R P I K C E H A & V P . N - NY Dedicated toiler Ro> AL Higlme'fs tiie PRINCESS of WALES. This day was p'uMiflv. <!, in 2 vols. nmo. price 7s. fewed. MONTFORD CASTLE, or the KNIGHT of the WHITE R SE, an hiftorical Romancc of the 1 > v c : th Century. „ . , _ London: Printed for 13 Crofbv, No Stationer s Court, Ludgate- dreet. Where may he had, beautifully printed, on a fine wire- wovepap- r, price is. 6- i. or on common paper is. iouchftone, or t e Analytisof Peter Pindar; with curfory remark* on lbme modern Painters, &
c. Reader, be not over nice, I f , in abhorrence of foul Slander's voice, Mymufeputson indignant Satire's frown, To lath the man, who libels half the Town. A! fo, Price is 6 !. fewedin marble paper, the Principles and Rules of Liw on til" settlements ofthe Poor, analized and explained ; by which * ve> y p- rfon may be able to judge for himf If, . n what pi. ce he is legally fettled, with an Abltraft of the A f t s of Parliament, FO X '' e : K L T H anil G U M - . — 1' he E S S E N CE of PEARL and PEARL DENTIFRICE 0 the ate JACOB HEMET, Dentin to the Queen, and to his Royal HighneCs the Prince o f ' " ' ales, continue ( by order of the
Proprietors; to he fold Whokfale and Retail only, by B . yley and Lowe, Perfumers, in Cockfpur ftreer, Price 2s. od. each, ( lamps included, They are prepared by the fame perfon who ( and who alone) always prepared 1 : tm during Mr. Hemet's Life Although the Eilence and ' Vntifrice Uive lorn; been highly celebrated, led held in great eftimar on : y the Nobility and G- n. try, both ot thefe kingdoms artd in F'ance yet, a- there n ay hr fo - e Perfons who are rot acquainted with'their particular ef l e f t s , it may not be improper to mention, that they renr'ei the Teeth beau- itully white, without in the leaf! injuring the enarrtel; prefirv rhem
Irom deday, or, if already decayed,' rem fcecomii', worfe ; fallen fucli as ar loofe-, perfectly cure th Scurvy in the Gums, and c^ ufethifm to grow up firm am: cjofe to the teeth, at th faint time rendering the breath delicately fweet. They like wife produce this excelled effeft, that thof. perf ns who coolbntly uife them will never W affefle with tile Tooth ach, nor t' e Scurvy , n the Gums, tlicy being certain fp cifics for thofc tu 0 cnipiaints. For the better accommodation of the Pul ' i c , " ayley and Lowe have appointed tnem to be foH Retail ( as ufual) by T. Scsrr.- iam, late Paitnerand fucceffor to Mr-. Hemet, No. 62, New Bondfl. eet, and T .
Price, Leadenhall- ftreet. N . B . None are genuine butwhat have the figrat » ireof Bavlei and L O w e in the Stamp, and a Label on the back of each bottle and box, with tliefe Words, BAYI- EY and LOWE, Cockfpur- ftr. A new Preparation for RHEUMATISMS and the LUMBAGO J ONES's RHEUMATIC TINCTURE.— Vainable Dilcoveries are commonly the effeft of accident. The Inventor of this Medicine is a Clergyman of the Church of England, who, dun g a Ions feries ol experiments in Pharmaceutic Chemiftry, undertaken partly for his amufetnent, I ut p ncipally with a view of affifting the poor in his neighbourhood, had the
good fortune rp difcover a Combination, which he had reafon to fuppol'e would piove a powerful Remedy in all Rheu » matic Cales The refult has more tlvan anfwered his expeftations; ar. c!, from its peculiar ctl . cacy n nuir. liCrlels infances, he has no htfitation in pronouncing this Medicine to I e fuperior to any hitherto ufed in this excruciating malady. Of the truth of this lie can produce the moil ufiqueftionable Proofs, not only Jrom men of veracity, who have experienced its wondo-. ul e f f e f l s , but from ( bnr of the moft relpeOable Gentlemen obthe Faculty, under wliofe dircftior. s It has been aclimniftered, and by whom he has
been repeatedly urged 10 extend its falinary influence beyond tli. Ti. nits ofhis own neighbourhood. This he has at length contented to, from a fullconvidhon, that his Rheumatic T i n Sure will prove a valuable acquitition tA Medicine, ard a benefit to mankind. This T i n , f i n e may be miflaktn, perhaps, for a variety or' the ' l'inftureof Guaiacum ; but though Cuni cum enters into the compofition, the Inventor foiemftly allures the Public, that tbe ingredient, ( a vegetable proc'uftien) on which its great Efficacy depends, is an Ait- cle unknown in the Materia Mrctica, and that this Medicine has often effefled a Cure, vhen all the
preparations 0' Guaiacum has bee^ i given in vain. It is equally as f rviceable in Chronic, as in acut. Rheumatifrls, and will be found an admirable Remedy for that deep- feate'd and obftinatc Complair. fthe Lumbago. It is prepared by tin Inventor, and fold only at Mr Ns\ » nt « v'>, at the War. ehoufe for DJam- s's Powder, ' 0. 45, the Eaft End of St. Paul's, London, in Bot les Price 3s. each, and 6d. the Stamp; but, on taking fix, the Stamps vvijl be allowed gratis. DR. BRODUM's NERVOUS CORDIAL, S O e m i n e n t for its .- virtues in c u r i n g N- r v o us antrconrampave Complaints j efpecialiy Deafnefs, Debilitated Cor.
fhtutiOEs, Sic. It is likewife- an i'ufamnis remedy for Ladies in Nature's Decay, certs: n WeaknefTes, & c which was fofuccefsfuliy adminiftered by. the celebrated Drs. De- la Toui and Hugh Smith, the intimate friends of Dr. BKODUM, No. Albior.- flrcet, Blackfriai'S-! « i'ic! ge. SIR, I w a s a f R ' f l ' d with anadhma on my lungs, and- ahilious rom- ' plaint ; likewiie the jjravel and ftonc, aoi'at lall with a dropfyand the jaundice ; my body and legs were fwelled amazingly, my face was as yellow asfaffion, and my breath 1 - came fo fhort, that 1 thought every fucceeding moment would be my laft. My relations and neighbours thought it
was outoi the. power of man to do . me fervice; but l> y taking your Nervous Cordial five . w e e k s through the bleffiog of God, I am perfectly recovered. Therefore, I think it not only, my duiy 10 acknowledge the fervice you have clone me, but t > inform tlie publ c, for the bednefit- or others who may labour under the fame, or any dlfeafe fimiiar to thofe from which I am happily reftored. Wimblington, Oid. 179J. William Gillingham. Witnefs, Baifley Redhead, Gentleman Farmer, Wimblington Toll- bar, near March, Cambridgelhire. Mr. Afhton, one of the keepers of the Tolls at Tunbridge Town, cured of the gravel and ( lone by Dr.
Brodum's Nervous Cordial; he was in that dreadful fituation as rot to be expefted by his friends and relations to furvivi'. N. B. Any prrfon applying by letter ( poft- paid) to the lather, will receive every information. The Botanical Syrup snd Reftorative Nervous Cordial to be had at the Do£ tor's, No. g, Albion- ftreet, ir. Bottles ol il. 2s. IIS. 6d. and ^ s. 5d. ( duty included) ; at Williams's, Perfumer to his Majefty, No. 41, Pall Mall; Mr. Riley's, Creed- lane; E. and F- Newbery's, comer o! St. Paul's Church- yard 5 Tint's, Royal Exchange ; Mr Pid-' ing's, Medicine Warehoufe, No ^ 63, rear the Pantheon, Oxford-' ftreet; Bacon's, Oxford- ftreet';
Bourgeois and- Co. No. p., Hsymarket; Hurlftone's Patent Medicine Warehoufe, near the Herald Office, Catljtrine- flreet Strand; Mr. Baxter, South. fWe Edinburgh; Mr. Chalmer's' Aberdeen; Crutwell, Bath; TelTcyman, Y o r k ; Lee ard Co. Printers; Hull; Billings, Liverpool; Burbage, Nottingham ; F. ilkner, Manqhefter; Swinney, " irmineham; and Tymbs, Worc- fterj and in the Country by all Printers, Bodk'feliers, and Venders of Medicine in the three kingdoms. It will be neceffary the Dodlor ( houW fee fucli Patients as are affliSed with deafnefs or lofs ol light. The Medic nes " r av I e had every day. A Quart. Fottle contains- equal to
five tmall ones. Where alio may 6e had Dr. Hunter's Powders lor Wens or [ welled Necks, of the glandular Pans. Prepared and fold at the Doftor's Houfe. as above, in Packets of IIS. 6d. and 22s. Advice every Monday, Tuefday, and Wednefday, at the D >£ lor* s Houfe N. B.' The Syrup is in tin bottles, the Nervous Cordial in flint I ottIes, w. th the D o f l o i ' s Aims, i e. 3 dolphins, crcfl a heir. * • * He pleafed to afjc for Dr! Bto lum's ftotancai Syrup, hecav. le there are variot. s foits oi Syrup advertifed in tin bottles, thai go I y the name 01 Vee. t- t. V ie Syrrp ; The Syrup, Ac. A proper allows- cr to Mtrtliapt. and Captains ot". Shius,
givin'S three day 1 nulice. • JAMES BOSWELL. This Gentleman, who died on Tuefday laft, has made l'uch a diftinguifhed figure in the Literary World, that he fhould not be fuffered to drop into the grave without notice. His original powers of mind were not of the higher kind, but they were greater than has generally been filppofed. He poffeffed humour, and was not without learning. . If lie had cultivated his poetical talents, he would moft probably have acquired 110 in- Confiderable repute in the fportive province. His darling propenfity was an avarice ot Fame ; and this propenlity he indulged rather by courting the acquaintance of
celebrated chafafters, than by drawing from the - refeurces o f h i s own mind. He made his entrance into public life by an acc o u n t o f t h e f a m o u s PASCAL PAOLI"; aud b v t he extravagant ze : 1 which marked his reprefentation of the Corfican hero, Mr. BOSWELL contrived to elevate himfelf. When he had fufficiently exalted the ch-'. ra& er of PAOLI, for the purpofes of deriving a refledted fame himfelf, he found means to get into particular intimacy with Dr. JOHNSON, and of courfe became known to all the literary connexions of the great Britifh Moralift. By his interceffion, JOHNSON was induced to gratify an early defire
of vifiting the Weftern Iflands of Scotland, and Mr. BOSWELL had the pleafure of being the Cicerone to the Literary Leviathan, and of fhe- xving him about to all curious people in the North. . Of ( his expedition BOSWELL wrote* an account, and in his - Hiftory of SAM. JOHNSON'S Rambles, he did not forget to take due notice of himfelf. Mr. BURKE was the next diftinguiihed charafter with who'v. Bos WELL co: ne£ led himfelf; but as Mr. BURKE fhone with too great a radiance in converfatioji for BOS- WELL to dlfplay his tranfient gleams, he withdrew to the milder influence of Sir | OSHUA REYNOLDS, and continued intimate
with the latter till hH'death fpread a cloud oyer the World of Art. BOSW'ELL'S Life of'Dr. JOHNSON is his p incipal Work, and a ^ erv anrttlliiig one it is, for in a very whimfica! manner he def lis the charafter and man ners of one of Hie b.- ft 11 i.; cs, anil one of the foundeft moralifts that this country ever knew. It wa BOSWELL'S intention to give a biograpni- i c a l a c c o u n t of Sir J O S H U A R E Y N O L D S ' ; but as i the dome,' tic particulars of that gieat artift were but few, and as BOSWELL did not profefs to know . much of painting, he relinquiflied the idea ; very properly conceiving, that it was the province of a Painter to
raife a pi'ofeilional monument to the Bri- | tifli Apel'es, 1 HAMBURGH, MAY 11. Agreeable to a publication fnade by order of the Imperial Upper Poll Office of the Empire, the firft French Poft, with letters for all France, the Netherlands, Cologne, Sec. & c. will this day be difpatched by its former route, and will be continued every Monday and Friday. HAGUE, MAY 10. The day before yefterday Count de BEN- TINCK, and the late Penfioijer V A N SP I E G E L , were conveyed to the Houfe in the Wood ; the former in a hired chariot, attended by two Meflengers; the latter in a fimiiar vehicle, attended by ENTE, Chamber Keeper to the
Committee of Public Welfare, efcorted by a fmall number of the military. It is believed the reafo- n of their being lent to the Houfe in the Wood, in preference to the Caftle of Muden, is, that it is very eafy to efcape from thence by means of a fmall boat in the Zuyderzee. l( S B O U L Q G N E - S U R - M E R , M A Y 14. [ Extraft of a Letter.'] " If the Englilh fquadron continues to intercept our coaflers, the confequences will be dreadful; as many of the mercantile towns are totally without bread corn, and have nothing to live upon but mackarel, which are caught in great abundance." BERLIN, MAY 9. Among the gold and ftlver medals
ftruck in commemoration ot the Peace, that which conveys the idea ' f Profefibr Rammler is beautiful, - Itreprefents on the one fide the God of War, holding, a fword and a burning torch, with the fuperfcriptio<},- Reg'iawi, ( I have reigned). On the other liJ2. Minerva, the Goddefs of Wifdorn, offers to a crowned hegd- an olive branch, with this fuperffcription; lecum regnnbo. ( I will reign with thee.) The Medal of Meffrs. LOES, lather and/- foil, reprefents the buft of the King, not in prrfftfi, as is common, but in full iace,- w th a tolerable liktnefs, drefled inthePruffian uniform; the inferiprion oir both fides are thus ranilated:—" Undef
FREDERICK WILLIAM, King of Pruffia, the ' father of'his Country, the hero, the provident.— Peacey tranquillity, and calm, were procured, at Balle, the 5th pf April, 1795. ' , PARLIAMENTARY IA TELL1GE1 HOUSE OF LORDS, F R I D A Y ; MAY 22., Their Lordfiiips met, and gave the Royal Affeht; by Commiifion, to the Dtilch Property Bill, th Militia- men's Family Bill, and to a few private bills. Lord Gren- i'illedelivered a Copy of the. Convention Treaty, figned at the Cour# of Vienna, on the 4th inft. Between his Britannic MAjefty apd" the Emperor of Germany, A R T I L L E R Y A U O M E N T A T I O N. On the queftion of
commitirtent of this bill, Eail Radnor oppofed it, on the principle* of its tendency to weaken the force, and relax the ne'eefl'ary fubordination of the Militia, by giving the power to the men, on every occafion of difcipline, of callinr; for their difcharge fiom their officers, and enrolling themfelves in the Artillery, Corps. The Mai* quisoJ| Bbckinfmim coincided in opinion with Earl Radnor; and reprobated both the principle and pfovifion orfne bill, as having adireft i nd immediate tendency to fuBvert the whole Intern of, Militia. Lord Romney fupported thefe objeftidns. The bill was fupported by Lord Greni iUe, Lord ' Spencer, the Marqui^ 2l<
ivnjberi< f, Lord Mu'graven and Lord Hasd< witij£.- t . CpnfentS 23 Nen- Cdhtents 6 The Houf A d j o n r n s L Majority; HOUSE = GF COMMONS. F R I D A Y , MAY 22, Ravertfthorne Inclofure Biil w^ s firft In private life Bos WELL was entertaining, as he | abounded in anecdote; and had a peculiar Caft of [ dry humour, which induced his hearers to conceive 1 " that more was meant than met the ear." He j was convivial without being focial, for though he i could partake of the laugh of the table with great j glee, he never feemed to have any attachment to his moft intimate companions, unlefs they could in fome meafure contribute
to the exteniion of his ! fame. If, however, he was not very fufceptible of j friendfhip, or Zealous in maintaining his connections, I he was not malevolent, and never indulged himfelf ; in detraction.' Give him but fame himfelf, and he did not niiiid how many partners he had to lhare it ! with him, . | As a father, he was as affe& ionate as, his love of fociety. and diitindtion would permit him to be, and in the proper duties of lite, we have no reafon to doubt that he was an honeft man. WARSAW,- MAY 2. The Imperial Charge des Affaires, M. CACHS, is to. return to this place in the courfe of the month. Our bridge has been rebuilt at the,
expence of 100,000 Foliih florins. The alms of the Chevalier FRIATTE, the Spanifh Envoy, now at Vienna, were taken down on the 29th tilt, and his Steward left us the day before yefterday with all his effefts.' Some vefll- ls laden with Imperial fait are arrived . here from Galicia. Provifions are likewife'expefted from thence, of which we are in great want. The Ruffian troops draw together near Warlaw, in order to form a camp. T h e n o t e d S h o e m a k e r s , K I L U I S K Y and K A J O - SIA, have been lent in chains from Peteffburg to Siberia. . H A R W I C H , MAY 21. WHAT SOME GREAT PEOPLE ARE DOING. The
MINISTER, Preparing for war to enfure Peace. OrrosiTio:?, D u k e o f B E D F O R D, D u k e o f M A N C H E S T E R , D u k e o f H A M I L T O N , E a r l F I T Z W I L L I A M , E a r l D E R B Y , E a r l L A U D E R DALE, L o r d G R E N V I L L E , L o r d SACK v l L L E, M a r q u i s L A NS DOWN E, L o r d M U L G R A V E, Mr: Fox, M r . C O U R T N E Y, Mr. S H E R I D A N, M r . G R E Y ,' Mr. D U N DAS, M r . W I L B E R FORCE, M r . M. A . T A Y L O R , L O Y A L T Y , S E D I T I O N , G R E A T B R I T A I N, F R A N C E , H O L L A N D , •> Growling. Improving his Eftate. Sailing. Patronizing Pugilifts.
Complaining. Loving Platonically. Haranguing. Refuting. Horfe Racing. Recommending Peace. Defending War. Watching. Laughing. Connubializing, I" a paffion. Perfeftly calm. Lamenting. Crowing. Thriving. Dying. Flourifhing. Starving. Repenting. This morning arrived here a flag of truce from Holland, having on' board about 50 women and children, and one drummer, belonging to the 14th regiment; who efcaped in Woman's clothes. Several families have' aftually left their refidences in various parts of the County of Rutland, and fet off to London, on their intended, journey to Jerufalem with RICHARD BROTHERS } The family of
MASON, from Whifendine, confiftitjg of a dozen perfons, and that of SMARTS, of Oakham, of five j or fix more, left their homes ab ® ut a fortnight fince, and are now in London, waiting the manifeitation of the Prophet! On Wedntfday evening a melancholy accident happened at a baker's iliop, in Lothbury, adjoining th: buildings pulling down by the Bank. Three chimney- fweepers boys were employed toremove the rubbiffi which had lodged in the flues and | chimney ; and two of them ft'uck 011 going down, i and Were d . ad before any affiftance could be. given them by the diggers ir. nr.- diately employed to open the f^ ace
betweett them, O R I G I N A L A N E C C O T E . — W h e n the L e v i a t h an was at Toulon, in 1793, being in want of carronades for the poop, application was made to the ordnance for the fix French pieces that were laying in the Artillery park. The requeit was granted, and the earronades ( 36 pounders) were taken ' on board, with cannifter and grape ffiot proper for them. It'fo happened, that thele pieces were not made ufe of till the action of the firft of June, After a defperate co. iflift, the Republican fhip the America, ftruck her colours to the Leviathan ; when, 011 boarding her, to the great c hagrin of the Leviathan's crew, ttey
were inf rmed they had been firing dollars and fix livre pieces during the aftion ! Some pieces of the battered money were fhewn, and feveral of the crew, it appeared, had been wounded by them, belides others were found in the enemy's hull and mafts. The Frenchmen had even concluded that the Leviathan's lliot was expended, and that - they were obliged to fight with money. On investigation it turned out, that the cannifters of the caronades, inftead of being filled with fmall fhot, were filled with the money of fome unfortunate Republican in the Ordnance Department at Toulon, who had taken that method of feeuring his riches. ,
Building, notwithstanding the reftriftion- lately laid upon it, and what has hitherto been ahinftiperable obftacle— Warfare— continues with unabated furor-, about Somers'- lown, Camden- toWri, in the neighbourhood of the Small- pox, Hofpital, & c. whole rtreets have been erefted with great fpirit, an indubitable proof of the wealth, and enfireaiing population, of this country. In moft of the new buildings; a novel fpecisjs of brick is ufed for the ' interior ( party^ walls, & c.) They are in fize as large as two and a half of the common bricks', with a cavity in each, for tile mortar to fix, by which they are better cemetltedi The » duty 011 bricks
is i 1 a material degree availed ; but they anfwer in other refptcts w « . M< \ T h e time. " • The Slave Carrying Bill was reported and ordered to bq engroffed. • ' » Aldworth's Charity Bill, and the Aldriflge Irii clofure Bill, were read a third tin| ® - The' Houfe in a Ccrtnmittee went through' the Hawkers and Pedlars Fill'; which was reported. It was qjdered, upon motion, that the Houfe*, fhould, at Ws riling, adjourn over for tii « holidays, to Wednefday next. > ^ e w Writs were moved fi^ r Yafmouth and A^- mofcdefhamj in the room of I f m f y Btaujfoy and Wii*. ' fSm Drake, jun". Efqrs. decealetj^ " An Account was prefented of the
different fumsof money advanced to the Emperor and his Commanders during the war.-— Ordered to lie on the table. Captain Berhlej gave notice, that he would, the firft day after the recefs, move for Wveto bring m a bill, for the . more eafily cOnVifting perfons felling ale without liceilce. On tfie queftion being put, for the third reading of the Datchet Canal Bill, the Houfe divided'.-- Ayes 63— Noes 32. M O T I O N ' F 0 R P E A C E! ^ Mr. Wilier force gave notice,, that he" wotlM. von Wednefdpy next, make his motion tp confideFof the propriety of eftablifhing a negociatkm for Peace, with the^ reYent Rulers of France.'!. As it \ vas
orpbable that there would not be a fufficient atf& RlanceS of Members for private bufinefs that day, it being . almoft over for the feffioh, lie hopsd. that a due confideration of the public oriaiiA: of' the fiibjeCt which he had to treat of,* w ould induce Gentlemen to attend early to make a houfe. Mr. Cc& e ( of N iitolk) ' hoped thel Hon. Gentleman would npt/ orget to attend- ear| y himfelf on that d a y . I'MPX; RIAL c o r ^ - E L | T I O TO Mr. Dundalprefented a Co^' Of the Convention* figned at VjtaM, on tire 4th of May inft. between the Emperor an" d| h? s Britannic Majefty. Mr. Pi/ t moved, tbaft it he printed^, and'taken into the
configuration of thatHoufe on Thurfday nexti S I R CHARLES GREY AND SIR J O H N J E R V I S. d his motion ( on the conduft d Weft- India Iflands) until * Mr. Barham'poftpone held to the conquered Tuefday the 2d Of June; CALL Ot' ' I H E HOUSE:. Col. Stanley moved to difcharge the Order for the Call of the Houfe, which ftauds- for Thurfday ; but upon its being oppofed by Mr. Martini he withdrew his motion. Several Members, obtained ieave to go into tha country, on their private affairs, for a month. S U B A L T E R N O F F I C E R S I N THE ARMY. Mr. Porter ftated that the1 pay of fubaltern officers ill the afmy \ vas
inadequate to. their fupport in the rank of'. Gemleitien ; tliaf every article of riecelfarv confumptlon and expenCe had Very much ihcreafed fince the pay w as allotted, that their arrears were ' very irregularly paid td fherh, that they deferved much of their Country » aiid he thought an additional allowance of is. per day to Enligns and Lieutenants would be j uft and reafonable, arid particularly as fonle allowance Had" been lately granted to fubalterns of militia ; he would therefore rnovC, " That an humble Addi'eis bS prefented to his Majefty, pravinothat he would take into his gracious confiderition ' theprelent pay . of Subalterns in his
Majefty's Infantry- Of the' line 5 Slid that in confequerice of the increafe in expences firice their pay^ was allotted, he would give therti filch: relief as to his Royal wifdom fhoujd feem meet J and to aflure his Majefty that' that Houfg j would make good the expences attending the fame.'* j The Sea'e/ afy at War oppofed fhe motion. There j w a s uq d e f i c i e n c y of S u b a l t e x u Q t & e r i w h w l i . ihouid.
' s c s a s e s make it neceliary to offer any iricreafe; and there were very few who went into the army without fome private fortune in addition to their pay. General Tarhton faid, that as additional allowances had been granted to Subalterns of the Militia, that Houfe was in a particular manner called upon to confider thofe of the line ; the latter, engaged in war and danger, fubjeft to all the viciffitudeSof heat and cold, in all theclimates of the world, would receive no increafe ; whilft the former met afliftance and compaffion for finking, poffibly, under the fatigues of a country dance, or fainting with heat under the rigours of a furnmer
campaign at fome watering- place. Mr. Pitt bagged to remind tbe Houfe, that no additional pay had been granted to Subalterns of Militia; an allowance had indeed been granted in peace, inferior to that of half- pay to the Regulars, which thofe only Ihould be entitled to who had j ferved a certain time in war, and for which at their monthly meetings they were to do actual fcrvice; and this was done merely becaufe it was neceiiary to hold out fome encouragement to fupply an exifting deficiency. No argument could be drawn from thence in favour o f t h e prefent motion. Mr. M. Robinfon faid a few words. Mr. Porter faid, the advanced
price of every thing had been confidered a good reafon for increafing the Eftablifhment of a Prince of the Blood, and fhould ha% e the fame weight in favour of a poor Subaltern in the Army. Sir William Puliensy thought there was no ftmilitude' between the fituation of a Subaltern in the Arffly and in the Militia. Gentlemen went into the Army with an eye- to promotion, but a Militia Subaltern could not rife to be a Captain. He oppofed the expending fo much public money, when it was by 110 means neceiiary. . General Smith made a few obfervations. The Houfe divided on Mr, Porter's motion. Ayes 7 Noes 37., On the Order of the
Day being moved for the fetoiid reading of the Dead Body Bill, the Houfe was counted, upon motion of Mr. Martin, and there being only 1: Members prefent, adjourned to Wednefday. DECLARATION of hi, PRUSSIAN MAJESTY. LONDON,; May 23. Yefterday noon the Q U E E N andPrmcefies R O Y A t , A U G U S T A and S O P H I A fet off from Buckingham- Houfe to. Wind for. The KI N G came to St. James's loon after one o'clock, and the Levee was over by two. Among the company prefent were their Serene Highneffes the Prince of O R A N G E and Hereditary P R I N C E * Addrefles were prefented to the K I N G at tbe
Levee from the City of Gloucelter by his Grace the Duke of N O R F O L K , Recorder of that Corporation, accompanied by Meffrs. P I T T and H O W A R D , the two Members, and the Town Clerk; from St. Alban's by Earl S P E N C E R , High Steward of that Borough 5 from Chrift- Church, Hants, by Colonel S L O A N E 5 and from fcveral other towns. The Princeffes E L I Z A B E T H , M A R Y , and A M E - LIA, remain at Buckingham- Houfe. Their M A J E S T I E S , and the other three P R I N -, CESSESS return to town again on Monday to dinner. The ambiguous and fluctuating conduft of the King of P R U S S I A , during
the whole courfe of the . prefent war, has caft an odium on whatever wears the Pruffian name over every part of Europe. Inftead of oppofing in an open and manly manner a focial re- volution, which threatens deftnlftiori to all regular governments, and of fulfilling the folemn engagements he had contrafted by receiving from this country conliderable fobfidics for a' Vigorous profecution of the war, his generals made it their ' bufinefs to paralize all its moft effential operations on the Continent. We are, therefore, not to wonder at his Miiwfcers in foreign countries receiving marks of that general Indignation, excited by the conduit of
their rnafter; nor ought we to find it ftrange, that the. Marquis L U C H E S I N I fhould of late have been treated with lo much difdain at Vienna, as this intriguing Italian is well known to direft the wires, which move the Machiavelian Cabinet of Berlin. A letter from P A R I S of the 5th inft. ftates.^ that Barrere, Ccllot d'Herbois, and Billaud de Varennes, atter a fhort Itav in the i lk of Oleron, had failed for Guyeme in South America. The number of emigrants arretted at Paris on the 26th ult. by order of the Committee of General Safety, amount's to 6 0 ; among them is the Duke- df Croi d'Avray, who had demanded his name to be
crazed from tbe lift of Emigrants/ on account of his being a Grandee of S p a i n a n d of courfe, 110 Frenchman. , According to a P A R I S paper o f t h e 14th inft. the French claim the honour o f t h e victory before Mentz. The Auftrians have not made any new attempt to crofs tire Rhine, though all their movements lbevv that they are determined to do fo. General P I C H E - CRU arrived on the 30 th of April at the French Head Quarters 011 the Rhine. We take the earlieft opportunity of corrcfting a paragraph in our paper of Friday, concerning the elopement of a very pretty Countefs. The Lady went privately from her hulband's
houfe, and immediately drove down to her mother's feat in the country, with whom ( lie has remained ever fince. The Lady's moral charachr is unimpeached. Yefterday a Baker was convicted before the L O R D M A Y O R, at the Manfion Houfe, for felling to a poor woman a quarten loaf, four ounces deficient in weight, and was fined five ( hillings each ounce. The fame baker was alfo convi& ed in the penalty of twenty ( hillings for omitting to imprint upon the IoaVes fold by him, the mark diftinguifhing the quality of the bread, and which for wheaten bread fhould be a large Roman W, and for houfehold bread, a large Roman H.
The fame day an infoimation was taken by the Lord Mayor againft a Regrater in Smithfield Market, and his Lordfhip direfted the City Solicitor to profecute the offender agreeable to a reiolution of the Court of Aldermen on Tuefday laft. Yefterday afternoon J , Hallot, one of the Clerks ~ the Roads at the General Port- Office, was found fejir- cafe of a houfe in Sherborn- , he had been in that ftatc many In our laft we gave a fhort extraft of the Declaration of his P R U S S I A N M A J E S T Y , dated Berlin, May 1. We now refume it at a greater length. " After having announced the coriclufion of the Treaty of Peace of the 5 th of laft
month, between P R U S S I A and F R A N C E , hisMajefty proceeds to ftate his fentiments and wifhes, concerning this Treaty, and the motives which have led him to its conclufion. " He obferves, that as he had entered into the war from a pure zeal for the public weal, and froth refined patriotifm, his fentiments had remained in tbe fame ftate of purity during the whole courfe of i t ; without any felfilh view, ( he fays), he has made - the utmoft exertions, which the refotirces of Pruffia admit, to refcue Germany from the dangers of utter i ruin, with which it was threatened by a powerful and enterprizing enemy, to check the viftorious
progrefs ofCusTiNE, to recapture Mentz vm& Franckfort, to cover the greateft part of the Rhine during three bloody campaigns; and laftly, when, after a long uninterrupted feries of difaftrous events, not only the Auftrian Low Countries, but alfo the United Netherlands were loft, to fave and proteft, befides his own Weftphalian dominions," the whole circle of Weftphalia, and the North of Germany. " T h e f e exertions, however;, could the lefs be continued with the fole forces of Pruflia, as the Revolution of Poland obliged his Majefty to carry on another expenfive war in that quarter, and he ( hould therefore have been obliged to
withdraw from the Rhine the greateft part of his army in the beginning of laft year, had not at that time, ( when the Members o f t h e Germanic Body, with marks of indifference and difapprobation, received his application for afliftance,) Great Britain made offers of ftibfidies, which he accepted, and continued to fight the battles of Germany. Yet thefe fubfidies, which could not be confidered but as a very inconftderable fupport, had fcarce begun to be paid, when they ccafed altogether, and the whole burthen of the war fell again 011 his Majefty's lhoulders. " At that period, no doubt, the whole pofture of affairs invited his Majefty to
pacificatory mealures, and yet he remained, at his fole expence, the defender of the G erman Empire. But thefe immenle facrifices having at laft entirely exhaujied the refources of the Prulfiah dominions, the extraordinary e,<- pences of the recapture of Mentz, * not being refunded by the other German States; thedefeftion of Holland having confiderably leffened the means " of defeating the enemy, and opened the moft defencelefs jiart of the German Empire, whofe military conftitutiort, on account o f t h e great variety of its component parts, notwitbftanding its armament had been rai fed to quintuple contingents, could afford but
ver the la; ry llender means of defence; and the end of ft campaign having been unfortunate in the extreme, whilft at the fame time from the ruins of the moft horrid defporifm and' anarchy arofe in France, a more folid Government of Moderation, difpofed'Toy Peace, every motive of humanity, policy, and'felf- prefervation muft, of neceifity, open his Majefty's heart to the earned: deftre of reftoring peace, and tranquillity to his own dominions, as well as to the whole German Empire ; feveral Members and whole circles of which, had requefted hisMajefty, in concert with his Imperial Majefty, to procure to the Empire a truce, leading
ultimately to a Treaty of Peace. Although this requeft had been fanftioned by the well- known cmlufum of the Empire, yet it, had produced neither the neceffa.- y in-. trodu& iori'of the Supreme Chief of the E-. npire, nor a proper concert with his Pi ofuan Majelty, but on the contrary, the Srates bad been ca'lec upon to furnifh their contingents of troops for a nher year, and they were, of courfe, to remain ir olved in all the difficulties of this deftruftive war. " Under thefe circumftances, bound in duty not to cxpofe any longer his own dominions to utter ruin by continuing a war,' the moil favourable iffue of which could not equal tbe
advantages* arifing from an immediate peace, h e had opened pacificatory negociitionsat Bade, which bad terminated in the conclufvon of rhe Treaty of the 5 th of laft month; wherein, confulting not his own intereff alone, but alfo that of Hie whole German Empire, he had taken care to pave the way to Peace for all its Members, who Ihould within the next three months avail themfelves of the favourable ftipulation, which on their account had been inferted in that Treaty. Not fatisfied with this meafure, hisMajefty had alfo caufed by a feparatc agreement a line of neutrality to be drawn for all Northern Germany, calculated to put a
period to all military operations in that quarter, and to enfure the fafety and tranquillity of all countries, fituated beyond that line, on condition of their refraining from all a£ ts of hoftility 011 their part, and was ready to fupport in the moft effeftive manner the wifh of al! thofe Members of the Germanic Body, who Ihould defire the return of Peace, and for this purpol'e addrefs themfelves to the Naj tional Convention of Franc-;. But, as his Majefty muft leave this to the eonfideration of his co- ftates, he for his own part found himfelf obliged to declare, that, in cafe the war Ihould be continued by the German Empire, he was bound b\ his
Treaty to abftain from all participation in it by furnifhing either contingents of troops, or fupplies in money, and to keep up the ttrifteft and moft punftual neutrality." » About £ . 3 4 8 , 0 0 0 fterling. Friday a Court of Lieutenancy was held at Guildhall, the L O R D M A Y O R in the Chair. The bufinefs was t o e l e f t 24 Gentlemen, to be Lieutenants o f t he new Corps of London Militia. The Gentlemen who were fuccefsful o f t h e 45 candidates were, MEHIS.^ JDE A N Meffrs. MAI DUE N T , Meffrs. B A S R E T T , D I X O N , S K O T T O W E , EDWAR DS, Woo L E Y , P A G E T , R E Y N O L D S , G A G E , H A R V E Y , A Y R
E S , M E T C A L F , W A L L I S, COSSAR T , L U C A S , j u n . H A R T L E Y , L Z I G N E S , R U S S E L L , Gou LD, B E N w E L L , I N G H A M , N I C H O L A S , A N W Y I . L. After being called 011 and directed to produce their qualifications on a future day, tbe Court broke tip. Mr- B A C O N has juft finiflied the Monuments tlefigned to be erected in St. Paul's Cathedral, to perpetuate the memory of the late Dr. J O H N S O N , and Mr. H O W A R D , the Philanthropift J and the fune will very fliortly be placed there; on which account divine fervice will be difcontinued for a ( hort time. FRANCE. NATIONAL
CONVENTION. S I T T I N G OF MAY 12. . Ruelle entered into a very detailed account of the Peace with theChouans. He imputed the triumph whicn the Republic had gained iti thofe diftrifts to tbe principles of juftice and humanity profetfed by the National Convention. It was, he faid, 011 the 13th Floreal, ( May z) that the junftion Was effefted with Stofflet and his troops, Under the walls of Mo- j niglonne, formerly St. Flofend, 011 the left bank of ; the Loire. Stofftet was furrounded by the remainder ' of his troops, fome on horfefeack, others on foot;. feveral thoufands of inhabitants, affembled for the j purpofe of being witneffes of
the termination of hof- : tilities, kept at the diftance of half a league, and 1 waited with anxiety and iiiipatience for the moment j in which the Treaty fhould be figued. Ruelle faid, | that he had conceived prejudices againft Staff let which \ had been diffipated by his conduit ; far from finding j any hoftile difpofitions in him, the Republicans were fatisfied that his wifhes were all pacific. Stofflet had \ collected all the inhabitants of La Vendee for the : purpofe of communicating to them the offers of j peace. They expteffed the utmoft joy ; and tlie National Deputies, accompanied by Stojjlet and all I his Chiefs, decorated with feathers and tri colour cock- ! ades, paffed the Loire. The Peace was announced | by the difebarge of cannon ; and the Chouans and the Republicans entered Varades in triumph, in the midft of an immenfe concourfe of people. A fraternal repaft terminated the happy day. Ruclle now entered into fome explanations neceffary to diliipate the uneafmefs of the Public with refpedt to fomehoftilities and aflaflinations that had occurred fince the peace. When peace was figned on the 29th Ventofe, with Charette, Sapenaud, and the Chiefs of their party, Caumartin, one of the Chiefs of the army o f t h e Chouans, called the army of Britanny, which
occupied the departments of Finifterre, Cotes duNord, and part of the departments of la Manche, Ille and Vilaine, and the Lower Loire, ( igned the Peace, refervingtotheColtncil of that army the power of approving it. There was another party of Chouans, which occupied the departments of Orme, la Sarthc, Mayenne, Mayenne and Loire, and the Lower Loire. Thefe two parties Were very diftinft; each had their Chiefs, their Adininiftration, and their Council. Caumartin, therefore, figned for his party, and what he did was wholly unknown to the other party. Defepeaux, Dreazy, 3 cToine other Chiefs, who commanded in the
departments of Mayenne, Loire, and la Sacthe, informed of the Peace, came to Nantes and figned it. Stofflet profited of their abfence to fend a great many emiffaries to the right bank of the river, in order to excite commotions ; to prevent the inhabitants from making Peace, and to deprive the Chiefs who bad figned the Treaty of the confidence whicn they bad hitherto enjoyed. This meafurc was attended with the defired effeft. Defepeaux and the other Chiefs who returned to the cantons, efcaped deatli only by refuming their commands. On this account their party remained devoU'd to Stofflet, and hoftilities were continued. The
Peace of Rennes, 011 the ift Floreal, confirmed w hat Can- martin had done in the name o f t h e army of Britanny, but did not comprehend the other departments. It was a notorious fadt, that they were not to lay down their arms until Stofflet had made peace. With regard to tbe Chouans of Britanny, it muft be faid, that the great roads are entirely free; that provifions are carried from place to place with great facility, and that there have been 110 affaffinations. It ( hould alfo, exclaimed Ruelle, be told, that the Chief of the Chouans have, fince the peace, given up to us near a million of forged affignats; that at the end of laft month,
when an Engliih fquadron, whofe objedt was to land emigrants, appeared in the harbour of Port Brieux, the inhabitants o f t h e Departments of the Cotes thi Nord, affembled without diftinCtion of party, and, arming themfelves with guns, pikes, hatchets, forks, See. prevented the traitors from being landed, I muft likewife inform you, that the Chiefs o f t h e Chouans have taken up fuch perfons as have committed robberies and murders in the great roads. We have every reafon to believe, that the peace with Stofflet will produce the fome effeits, and that a permanent prosperity will fucceed the horrors of civil war. Yet it muft not be
difguifed that, however durable the peace may be, it will be impofftble, for a time, to prevent thofe difcords, jealoulies, and prejudices, whicli are ever tbe confequences of civil war. Ruelle concluded by pronouncing a warm eulogium on tbe conduft of Generals Canelavx and Hoche, and on the difcipline of the Armies of the Weft, and of the Coafts ofBreft and Cherbourg.—( Applaufe.) The difcuffion of Johannot's report of the ftate of the Finances, was refnmed. Bourdon, del'Oife, declared, that the Committee of Finance, to which his plan had been referred, had adopted the bafis of it, and meant to make a report upon it iu a few
days. Fermont, in the name of the Committee of Public Welfare, announced, that provifions would arrive in future more rapidly, that there was a large quantity of corn in the environs of Paris, and that the diftribution of bread would foon be more abundant. He ftated, that feveral bakers, wifiiing to enrich themfelves at the public expence, had either carried off, or injured the grain entrufted to them. Several had been taken up; but, as there exifted 110 l lw for the puniihment of them, he moved, that the penalties pronounced againft agents, betraying the truft repoied in them, ( hould attach upon Bakers, Commiflaries, and all perfons
employed in watching over and diftributing provifions.— Decreed. Barras, who had juft arrived from the Coaft, announced, that a conliderable quantity of provifions was 011 the road to Paris; that from Oftend alone 5000 quintals of corn had arrived at'Senlirs. " Yet a little patience," he exclaimed, " and the Citizens vvilLreceive a much larger portion of bread than they have hitherto received."—( Applaufe.) The decree and the lpeech of Barras were ordered to be ( tuck up in the molt confpicuous parts of Paris, nature; their connections with one another conlis in univerfal morals. II. The nations are refpeftively independent, ani
Sovereigns, whatever be the number of individuals d( which they are compofed, or of whatever extent be tKe territory which they inhabit. This fovercsgnt\ f is inalienable. III. A nation ought to aft towards another, ( lie wifliesanother nation to aft towards her; whit an individual owes to another individual, one nation owes to another nation. IV. In- t me ofpeace, nations ought to da to one another as mueh good, and, in war, as litrle mifchief as poffible. V. The private intereft of- a nation is fibordmatt* to . the general interefts of the human race. VI. Every nation has a right to organize or change its form of government. VII. No nation has
a fight to interfere with tlid government of another. VIII. There is 110 government fo conformable td the right of ifatior. s, as that which is forme J u; icui Equality and Liberty. IX. That which is of inexhauftible or harmlefs utility, as the feas, belongs ts every body, and can be the property of 110 particular nation. X. Every nation is miftrefs of her territories. _ XL Long and immemorial poffeffion eftablifhds the fight of dominion amongft nations. Xfl._ Every nation has a right to prohibit the entrance into their territory to ftrangers, and to feud th em even away, when neceff. iry for her fecutity, XIII. S'rangers are' fubjeft to the 1; tvs of thti
country where they are, and are punifnable by thofe laws. _ XIV. Banifliment for crimes is an ir. direft violation of the rights of foreign territories. XV. Attempts againft the liberties of nations are violations againft thofe of all others. XVI. Leagues, which havefor their obj- ft eff.- nfive wars, treaties or alliances, which mav hurt the intereft of a nation, are a violation agilnft the human race. XVII. A naticn has a right to undertake a war to defend her fovereignty, liberty, and property. XVIII. Nations at war againft one another, ouo- ht to leave open a free courfe to every thing which might ferve to bring on negociations for peace. XIX. Public
agents, which are fent from one nation to anotha'y are independent of the laws of the Country to which they are fent, particularly with regard to every thing'which concerns their iniffion. XX. No pre- eminence ( hall take placebetween the different agents fent to this Republic. XXI. The treaties between one nation and another are inviolable. T H E F O L L O W I N G W A S L A T E L Y P U B L I S H E D IN T H E C O N V E N T I O N AS A D E C L A R A T I O N - OF T H E R I G H T S OF N A T I O N S. I. Nations, a: riongft themfelves, are in a ftate of OLD BAILEY, MAY 22. JrmcsXyon, who in January Ssffiort, 1794, de- » tnurred
to two indiftments srainll him for forgery, was ordered to be difebarged from the matters contained in tbe faid indiftments, as it was the opinion of the Judges, that the crime which lie was guilty of was not that ftatcd in the indiftment, and upon thefe grounds the Judges agreed that judgment ( hould be given againft the Crown, James Clark, alias Sbiers, was capitally indifted for counterfeiting, or caufing to be forged and counterfeited, a draught 111 the name ot Mr. ] ebh, value 22I. with intent to defraud Sir R. Carr Glynn, and Co. and in the fecond count, he ftood charged with uttering the fame, with intent to defraud Mr. Jebb. The
prifoner went to the Bell and Crown Inn,' Holborn, dined there, and requefted of the landlord to fend a perfon with the draught in queftion, to the houfe of Sir C. R. Glynn, and Co. Richard Judge, the waiter, took thedraught a n i gave it to William Cole, a porter belonging to the place, who went with it and was flopped. He returned in cuftodyy and met Clark at the door going out, who was immediately fecttred. His defence was, that he got it from a perfon of the name of Birch, for goods at bis fnop. Mr, K K O W L Y S and Mr. A L L Y , as Cuinfel for the prifoner, took an objeftion to the indiftment ii » point of law, viz. that the m* te
drawn 011 Sir R. Glynn might not be intended 011 the houfe of Sir R. Carr Glynn, and Co. and that the indiftment was a bad one.— Guilty— Death. Aged 50. The prifoner product! written piper, betro- imr T- o Lp recommended, as an obj ft ot mercy, 111 confideration of a wife and five children, who were in diftrefled circumftances. The Jury on thefe grounds recommended him to the Court. Maria Therefa Pw^ ofwas indifted, for that flie, on the 14th of April laft, near the Highway at Chelfea, 011 John Courtois did make an affault, and unlawfully did put him in fear, and take from his perfon by force, and againft his will, a certain
paper writing, purporting to be a prorniffory note, dated March 30, 1795, with the name of the faid John Courtois thereto fubferibed, for the value of 2, cool, the property of the ( aid John Couitois. The cafe, on the part of the profecution, was opened by Mr. Shepherd ; he ftated all the circumftances at full length ; but as they were nearly the fame as have been already detailed to the public, it is needlefs to repeat them. This cafe, he remarked, was of fo extraordinary a nature, he could not help raking fome notice c'f what appeared to him to be the law upon it. T i ft was an offence againft an aft of Parliament, the 2d of George II.
Chap. 25. which ftatcd, that if any perfon fliould fteal, or take by robbery, an Exchequer Bill, Promiffory Note, or Bill, for the payment of any Aim of money, being the property of any perfon, fuch psrfon, fo ftealing, or taking away by robbery, ( hould be deemed guilty of felony, in the fome in inner as if fuch perfon had ftolen any goods or money to that amount, and which was fecured thereby. This ftatute therefore made a rromiffory note of the fame value as money, in regard' to the committing of a theft upon it. Th; s cafe he contended came exaftly within the meaning of the aft, for if Mr. Courtois had met his death after this note had
been thus taken from him, there could be no doubt but that his executors muft have paid the 2, oool. fuppofed to be fecured by it, they could have no means of avoiding tbe payment. He concluded with obferving, that he had nothing more to do than to call his witneffes to prove the cafe which | he had opened; having done fo, be was entitled to call upon tbe Jury to pronounce theprifoner guilty. The firft, witi! efs called, was Mr. Conrtois himfelf, the perfon on whom the robbery was alledged to have be- jn committed.
Mr. Fif: T. ni s a , ea'ding C. ooxu nfel for the prifotve'r, " objected to Mr. Courtois as a witnels. on the ground that he was an interefted ' witnefs. It was his intereil to invalidate a note, for which, if good, he muft £> ay z, oool. and rodeftroytheintei'eftoftheaccufed, wh", if the note was a good one, would be entitled to'ieceive 2, oool under it. This point being argued at full length, the Court " determined that Mr. Courtois fliould not be exa* ftiined, he not being a competent wilnefs. FROM T : i E LONDON G A Z E T T E , M A Y 2 1. MORSE- OUARLSSI MAY I J. A Difpatch, of which tbe following is ah cxtraftj has been received from
Lieutenant- General David Dundas, by his Royal Highncfs the Duke of York, and tranfmitted by his Rojal Highnefs to th; Right Hon. Henry Dundas, one of his Majefty's principal Mary Brown, Mrs. Phipoe'sfervant, then gave an j Secretaries of State account of the whole cafe, from the coitling of Mf. Courtois to the houfe, to his going out of i t ; of his " Dicpholti, May 0, 17951 " We have jufl heard thafthe Auftrians have been Wing tied to the chair by her miftrefs andtierfelf; fuccefsful, though not without the lofs of fix or'feven bf the holding of a knife to his throat; of his draw- ; hundred men, in driving the French from the pdft i n g the
note in quefhon; of piftols being On the of Mombach, near Mayence, and on the heights; table, and knives covered with black filk, & c. of a I before which place they wiil eftabiifh part of their fcentleman in the houfe taking fome fhare in directing 1 army.'' how the note fhouldbe drawn, & c. and all the other circuniitancesof this extraordinary cafe. It appeared by the evidence of a watchman^ as alfo of Mn Courrois's own foil and iervant, that he Was wounded as the girl had defcribed. It appeared a'lfo by the'evidence of the officers from Bow- ftreet, that the prifoner was unwilling to go with them, and- wilhed to conceal tbe note i n
quefti'jn, which they found in her poffeffioYi. After the whole of the evidence was gone through, Mr. F I E L D I N G contended, that Mary Brown was an accomplice, and that ( he was not corroborated by the teftimony of the other witnefles, and, therefore, her evidence being goo. i for nothing, it was u'nneceffary for him to crofs- examine her. The Court being bf a different opinion, Mr. F I E L D I N G crofs- examined her, when nothing very t material occurred different from her original examination. Mr. F I E L D I N G then ftrenuoufly contended, that there was no cafe made out on the part of the profecution which ought to go the
jury at all, but that flie ought to be acquitted upon the evidence as it itood, without any defence. Mr. Juftice G R O S E over- ruled this, and fubmitted the cafe to the Jury. He was of opinion that the charge was well laid in the indiftment, and the question was, Whethet the Jury were fatisfied that the evidence fpoke the truth. He left that point entirely to them. ' The Jury, after confidcring the cafe for about ten minutes, delivered in their verdift of— Guilty. Mr. G A R D N E R , one of the prifoner's Counfel, immediately thereon, moved an arreft of judgment. His objeftion went to the concluding part of the indiftment, which fays, " againft
the form of the jiatute." & c. He contended, that as the offence with which the prifoner was charged, was grounded upon two ftatutes, the conclufton of the indiftment ( hould be againft the form of the ftatutes, & c. He cited two or three cafes out of Hale's Pleas of the Crown, and Coke, Elizabeth, which were, he Contended, precifely analogous to the prefent. Mr. S H E P H E R D , on the other fide, contended, that the prefent indiftment was grounded upon the ad Geo. II. c. 25 only, and had no reference whatever to any other ftatute. The Court upon confidering the arguments on both fides, took time to deliver their opinion
thereon; an. d 011 Saturday Mrs. Pbipoe was refpited by the Court till the opinion of the twelve Judges can be taken on her cafe. M O N D A Y M O R N I N C F. LONDON. Yefterday morning, the KING, QufefeN. I'rinceffes C H A R L O T T E , AUGUISTA, and S O P H I A , with their refpeftive attendants, went to St. George's Chapel, Windfor, where they heard divine fervice. Their M A J E S T I E S , and THETHREE P R I N C E S S E S, return again from Windfor this day to dinner at Buckiiigham- houfe. tv The Royal Family are by appointment to remove from Buckingham- houfe lo Windfor Lodge, for their fummer refidence,
on Friday fe'nnight the 5th of June. The Court Days this Week at St. James's, ate the Queen's Drawing- room on Thurfday, and the Copy of a Letter from Mr. Secretary D U N D A S to Lord P E N R H Y N , dated Horfe Guards, May 8, 1795. M Y LORD, I have rec- ived your Lordlhip's note, accompanyi n g the Memorial of the Weft India Planters and j Merchants, praying for a ftrong military force, both by fea and land, for the general protection of the Britifh Weft India Iflands, and feparate garrifon to j be ftationed in each Ifland ; alfo for a public difavowal of the Proclamations iffued by Sir Charles Grey and Sir John Jervis. I feel
much fatisfaftion in recollefting, that at no period fince the commencement of the war, has there been a deficiency of exertions, in furn'fhaig the Weft India Poffelfions with fuch a fupply of both naval and military defence, as the national force of the country would admit o f ; and if at any time thefe exertions have not, in all refpefts, had their complete effeSts,. it has arlfen from circumftances, in which it is impoilible to impute any blame to his Majefty's Miniflers. Thefe exertions will be unremitted; but you are aware, that in • fending reinforcements to the Weft Indies, the feafon of the year muft of neceflity be attended t o ; and permit
me to take the liberty of fuggefting to the confideration of the Weft India Planters and Merchants, how far fuch frequent public difcuflions on their own fuppofedweaknefs is not calculated to in creafe, rather than diminifh their danger. I am well aware, that the prefent warfare is in almoft every refpeft different from any that ever exifted ; and that there is top much reafon to apprehend, that the objeft of the enemy with whom we are engaged, is rather a plan of favage devaftation, than of conqueft beneficial to themfelves: but I cannot adm. ir that fhr. h a plan originated in any of the rramaUions of Sir Charles Grey and Sir John Jervis,
it being an abfolute certainty, that the fyftem i s the natural confequence of the principles on which the prefent Government in France is founded, and exifled long before either Sir Charles Grey or Sir John Jervis were employed in the Weft Indies. With regard to the Proclamation to which you refer, I think it unneceffary for me to add any thing to what is ftated in the letter from the Duke of Portland. It is notorious, that thefe Proclamations were abandoned or annulled almoft as foon as they Were iltued; and it muft be mere pretext, if fuch ufe is made of them as you feem to apprehend. I objeft therefore to the propofitkm of the Weft
India Planters and Merchants, becaufethey call upon his Majefty's Minifters to eftabliih a general rule on a fubjeft, which, in the various ufage of war, does not admit of a fpecial definition ; and, if the matter occurs to you in the light it does to me, I am fure you c,: nnot be difpofed to continue a difcuffion, which can have no other tendency than to injure the feelings of meritorious Officers, to whofe great exertions their country is much indebted, and in particular that part of the Britifh Empire, in which the Weft India Planters and Merchants are fo deeply interefted. I have the honour to be, & c. The Right Hon. Lord HENRY D U N D A
S. Penrhyn, & c. & c. WAR* OFFICE, MAY 23. i ? t h Regiment of ( Light) Dragoons, Major- General Oliver de Lancey to be Colonel, vice the Duke of Newcaftle, deceafed. l o th Regiment of Foot, Captain- Lieutenant John Blair to be Captain of a Company, without purchafe, vice Montgomery, promoted in a new Corps. Lieutenant Thomas Lucas, to be Captain- Lieutenant, vice Blair. n t h Ditto, . Captain- Lieutenant Arthur Baynes to be Captain of a Company, without purchafe, j vice Wetherall, promoted in a new Corps, Lieutenant Peppard Knight to be Captain- L'eutenant, vi'Ce Baylies. 13th Ditto, Brevet Lieutenant- Colonel
Jonas Watfon, from the 65th Foot, to be Lieutenant- Colonel, without purchafe, Vice Whitelocke, appointed to the Command of a new Corps. Captain- Lieutenant William Dane, to be Captain of a Company, without purchafe, vice Grant, promoted in a new Corps. Lieutenant John B. Brown to be Captain- Lieutenant, vice Dane. 17th Ditto, Captain Lieutenant Robert Hamilton to be Captain of a Company, without purchafe, vice Shairpe, promoted in a new Corps. Lieutenant Peter Cockburne to be Captain- Lieutenant, vice Hamilton. 19th Ditto, Lieutenant George A. Bygrave, from the 13 th Foot, to be Captain of a Company, without
purchafe, vice Graham, promoted in a new Corps. 32d Ditto, Captain- Lieutenant James Manfergh to be Captain of a Company, without purcliafe, vice Booth, promoted in a new Corps. - Lieutenant John White to be Captain- Lieutenant, vice Manfergh. Enfign James - Edwards to be Lieutenant, vice White. 4.4th Ditto, Brevet Major David Ogilvie to be Major, without purchafe, vice Blundell, piomoted in the 45th Foot. Captain- Lieutenant Montagu Thorley to be Captain of a Company, vice Ogilvie. Lieutenant George Bayly, from the 78th foot, to be Captain- Lieutenant, vice Thorley. 45 th Ditto, Brevet Lieutenant- Colonel Bryan
Blundell, froir. the 44th Foot, to be Lieutenant- Colonel, without purchafe, vice Nicoll, appointed to the Command of a new Corps. 65th Ditto, Capt. Henry Lord Paget, from the 23d Foot, to be Major, vice Watfon, promoted in the 13th Foot. Major- General Whyte's Regiment of Foot, Brevet Major Leeds Booth, from the 3zd Foot, to be Lieutenant- Colonel. Brevet Major Gideon Shairpe, fram the 17 th Foot, to be Majui*.' Colonel Myers's Regiment of Foot, Brevet Major : Samuel Graham, from the 19th Foot, to be Lieutej nant- Colonel. I Capt. William Plutchinfon, from the Royals, to be Major. A Regiment cf Foot, Colonel William
Keppel, from the half- pay of the late 93d foot, to be Colonel. Brevet Major Frederick Auguftus We herall, from the 11th Foot, to be Lieutenant- Colonel. Capt. James Grant, from the 13th Foot, to be Major. A Regiment of Foot, Colonei Oliver Nicolls, from the 45th Foot, to be Colonel. Brevet Major Hugh Scott, from the 26th Foot, to be Lieutenant- Colonel. A Regiment of Foot, Lieut. Colonel John Whitelocke, from the 13th Foot, to be Lieutenant- Cplonel Commandant. Brevet Major James Montgomery, from the 10th Foot, to be Lieutenant- Colonel. Capt. Charles Leigh, from the 93d Foot, to be Major. LAW REPORT. S I T T I N G
S BEFORE LORD SPECIAL THE A V E R A G E PRICE OF SUGAR, Computed from the returns made in the week t- ndine; the totli of May, is 55s. 8£ d. per cwt. exclufive of the doty. BANKRUPTS. Matthiss Deane, Reading, Berks, money- fcrivener ; to furrender June 2, 9, July 4, at Guildhall. John Bray, Jamaica- row, Bermondfey, lighterman; to furrender June 2, 6, July 4, at Guildhall. John Mawe, Bifliop Hatfield, Hertfordihire, innhoider ; to furrender June 2, 9, July 4, at Guildhall. Jofeph Cawtlira, Yeadon, Yorklhire, merchant; to furrendcr june 5, 6, July 4, at the Whit; Horfe, Leeds. Benj. Skelton, Greenwich, ( hopkeeper ; to
furrender May 30, June 9, July 4, at Guildhall. Win. Samuel, High Hoiborn, coacli- mafter ; to furrender May 28, Tune 6, July 4, at GuiMhall. John Vauglian, Bury St. Edmund's, fadler; to furrender June 1 5 , 1 6 , July 4, at the Woolpack, Bury St. Edmund's. John Maurice, Oxford- ftrcct, linen draper; to furrender May 30, June 9, July 4, at Guildhall. Francis Jofeph Macke, Tliayre. ftreet, Mancliefter- fqunre, upholfterer ; to fkirrendcr May 30, June 9, July 4, at Guildhall Francis Gilding, Alderfgate- ftreer, cabinet- maker; to furrender May 30, June n , July 4, at Guildhall. Walter Webller, Smithfield, hay and ftraw falcfman ; to furrtnder
May 30, June 6, July 4, at Guildhall. DIVIDENDS, June 30. June 27. June 27. June 17. Wm. Holt, Tottenham, apotheca;' y._ Nath. Blifi, Barnftaple, D: von( hire, ' linen- draper. Benj. Beavitt, Warwick- lane, viftualler. John Walker, Mancheiler, vintrcr. G. Stratton and H. Jones, Cheapfide, iromongers. J. Jones, Old Bond- ftrcet, haberdafiier. J. Cocper, Stoney- lane, Southwark. E. Madew, Henley in Ardtn, Warwickfh. innliolder. T. Carter and E. Gwillim, Brown's Buildings, St. Mary A x e , merchants. July tx. R- B. Gihfon, Bermondfey, mariner, June 10. P. Moyfey, jun. Plymouth, fail- maker. June 15. James Alt- on, Backing, Efiex,
ironmonger. June 2. T. Thorn and T . Scarilbrick, Liverpool, merchants, June 23. June 20. June 20. June 24. | une 16. King's Levees on Wednefday and Friday, which laft will beobfcrved " as a Collar Day, it being the Anniverfary of King Charlel the Second's Reftoration to the Throne. Yefterday evening, his Excellency Marquis DEL CAMPO, theSpanifh Ambaffador, had a grand route at his houfe in Manchefter- fquare. - There will be a review by the K I N G on Afhford Heath, in the courfe of a tew days. Major H E N R Y M . C L A V E R I N G , of the 98th foot, is appointed Adjutant- General to the Forces tinder the Command of
the Earl of M O I R A . There are French Papers of the 16th in town. They mention the return of a number of Emigrees, and the extreme fcarcity of every thing. Mr. E N G L A N D , who has been fo long a refident in France, in confequence of the fatal duel he had with Mr. R , the brewer, who fell, is juft returned, and has given notice that he means to fake his immediate trial. On Friday evening the Bengal $ iu)> gave a magnificent Ball and Supper, & c. & c. to Mr. and Mrs. H A S T I N G S , at Willis's Rooms, at which more than 500 perfons were prefent. Mrs. H A S T I N G S prefided, to whom the company were refpeftively
introduced. Lord T H U R L O W was one of this affembly. The friends of SirCnARLEs G R E Y and Sir J O HN J E R V I S , whilft on the one hand they profels to court enquiry into the conduft of thofe Commanders, omit no effort to prejudice the public mind againft the channels through which alone information can be obtained of fafts alledged againft them.—- For this purpofe a memorial, figncd by a fefpeftible Merchant, as Chairman of a public meeting, is animadverted upon as if it were the aft and accufation of an individual, and ( abfurdly enough) it is :\ fked, why not detail in the memorial itfelf, every ' particular circttmftance
and authority upon which it profeffes to be founded, and of which it ftates tl-._ t evidence - un be produced, if Minifters will inftltu'. e an enquiry ? Mr. Thelluffon, charged openly with giving circulation to falfhood, makes public fucli part of the vouchers for his memorial, as can, without impediment to legal proceedings,;. which are now inftituted, be at prefent brought forward. It is found that not only the names of Hie principal Commanders, but fome of thofe afting under their orders are implicated in the charge. Could this be doubted? And lhall it now be aiked of Mr. T . why have you not urged your charge againft each individual
concerned, whilft he was prefent to defend himfelf ? Mr. Thelluffon, in the name of his conftituents, fought from the Britifh government an enquiry and juftice.— Minifters ( for reafons, the policy of which we will not queftion) declined the inveftigation.— A Member of Parliament accufes his memorial of fafehood. He produces the affidavits upon which it is founded; the public muft decide upon them; and Mr. Tlieiluffon, who has not been fuffered to chufe his time or manner of elucidating his memorial, cannot blame himfeif if, in repelling the odious imputation caft upon his conduct, he is und^ r the necefliry of publilhing f-. ich vouchers
as are in his poffeffion; although we are perfuaded, that the fafts they are intended to prove are fuch as, for the honour of his country he would have wifhed to have been buried in obiivion. The Moniteur of the 24th ult. contains the following particulars, relative to the infurreftion which was to take place at Paris on the 20th of that month. " The confpiracy was plotted in concert with the prifoners detained in the different jails and houfes of arreft in the metropolis; eggs, half ftained red, Were to apprize them to keep themfelves in readinefs, and the number of thefe eggs was to indicate the hour of their deliverance. In a ftraw- cart,
arms, files, and other inftruments for breaking open . the locks of the prifons, had been conveyed thither. Thole Reprefentatives of the People, who were accomplices in the plot, were to appear in their robes, and order the opening of the jails in the name of the Cdmmittee of General Safety, and different alarmplaces were pointed out ; the Convention was to be furrounded, and funnnened immediately to put in aftivity the Canftitution of 1793; to arreft the 73 Deputies of the G- rondiJiparty; todifmifsthe Committees of Government, banilh Tallien and Frercn, and take into cuftody Barras, Dnbois- Crance, Revere, Le gen ( Ire, and
fome other Members. Thuriot, Camion, and Metitaut were to put themfelves " at the head of the infurgents, and the revifion of the judgment againft Barren, Collet, and Bill aud, was to be infilled upon, in order to get them acquitted. The heads of feveral yotjng Mufeadins ( the better fort of dple) were to be carried about on pikes; ths telegraph was to be feized upon, ana extraordinary couriers were to be difpatched to the Department*. A piece of white linen, hoifted on a pole, placed over the ftreet- door, was to point out the rendezvous of the chiefs o f the confpirators." See. & c. The Duke of Q U E E N S B E R R Y was a principal
lofer at Epfoin Races. The Noble Duke had his vis- a- vis and fix horfes driving about the courfe, with two very pretty emigrees in it. The Duke was in his cabriolet. The Duke of BEDFORD, Lords ECREMONT and D E R B Y , were alfo on the courfe. Several carriages were broken to pieces; and one Lady had her arm broken. There was much private bufinefs done in the fu'indlinjr kvay at the luft Epfom Races. One black legged fellow cleared near a thoufand pounds by the old trick of an E. O. table— another had a faro table, and was on the eve of doing bufinefs, when he was detefted with a palmed card : almoft the whole of
what may be juftly ftyled vagabond gamblers of London were prefent. WESTMINSTER- TFALL, SATURDAY, MAY 25. C. J. KENYON, AND A J U R Y . I V I F r t N A L againfl GAKTHAM. This was an iffue direfted by the. Court of King's Sench. to try whether the Plaintiff, the Rev. Richard Withnal had been duly nominated Mafter of the Grammar School of the Parifn of Skip ton, in Yorklhire. Mr. E R S R I N E expreffed his anxiety to befpe'ak the attention of the Jury to this cafe, becaufe the comfortable exiftence of a very honourable perfoa entirely depended on it. That, however, would not be fufficient, unlefs the law, juftice, and
reafon of tbe cafe, were With the Plaintiff. This Grammar School was endowed, in the time of Edward VI. by William Amiftead Clerk,- Canon Refidentiary of Srs Paul's, London, who, by a deed, gave the nomination of a Mafter to this School to the Vicar and Churchwardens of the Parifh of Skipton for the time being: and if the Vicar $ nd Churchwardens of this Parifh did not exercife their-' right within a month, it devolved on Lincoln College,. in Oxford; and if that Corporation did not exercife its franchife, within the fame period, it devolved on the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's and if they did not exercife their right, within a month, it
reverted back to the Vicar and Churchwardens of the Parifh of Skintonfor ever. By immemorial cuftoin, there were eleven Churchwardens in this parifh. The Plaintiff was nominated by the Vicar and fix of the Churchwardens, and the great quefliort in this cafe was, whether the Vicar stnd a majority of the Churchwardens, were competent to eleft a Mafter for this School ^ or whether unanimity wis neceffary. The pro i: s ofthe fchool per annum, were between 3 and 400I. The queftion of faft fubmitted tci the Jury was, the cuftom as to. the mode of election ; and they found that the ufage had been that the School- mafter had been
elefted by the Vicar, artd the majority of the Cliitrch- wardens. After a very able fpeech from Mr. BEARCROFT, on the part of fhe Defend nit, he ftated two points Of law, which, with the approbation of the noble and learned Judge, were referved for ' the confideration of the Court of King's Bench— Firft, What the effeft of the dleed of the founder was ? and, lecondly,- Wiiethef any evidence was admiflible by way of explanation of that deed ?— Verdift for Plaintiff, damages one ( hilling. The L O R D C H I E F J U S T I C E Will not fit again ir Weftminfter- Hall till Wednesday next, at 9 o'clock. FASHIONS FOR MAY, 17* 95. We have
not, for a great length of time, feen any thing more taft. efully light, and appropriate to the Seafon, than the ftraw hat;/ and ftraw feathers— firft Worn by thePrincefsafWALiiS ; fafhes, trimmings* Caps, & ci & c. arelikewife formed with peculiar neatnefs o f t h e ftme , imp! e materials. Mifs W A L L I S ' S r ® be, fo much honoured by the notice of our lovely Princcfs of W A L E S , is likewifs greatly admired in the lafhidnable circles. The veft of coloured .. tranfparent mufl'n," well, adapted to the Ranei_ agh Seafon, . is- now much #.> rn. Shoes, of brown linen, ornamented with coloured rofes, and binding — iliort vvaifts,. tiniverfally
continued ; very narrow fafhes, white bead ear- rings; and gold chains round the neck. ^ The favourite colours are lilac and pale green. The prefent mode of dreffing the hair is perfeftly fimple and natural; fheraly cothbed over the forehead, and floating in curls 011 rhe fhoulders; never did thedrefs of our lovely country- women difpiay fo juvenile and graceful an effeft as at the prefent m. iment. . C A N T E R B U R Y , MAY 2 2. Tuefday, Wednesday, and ve terday, the Siiffsx Militia marched into this city, from Reading; and this day they continue their route for encampment the. Ifieof Thanet. Thurfday and Friday laft, the Royal
Montgomery Militia again inarched from Maid ( lone to Eaitbouru camp; and on Friday and Saturday arrived there the Weft Middlefex Regiment, who have fince taken their route for Lydd, where they will be encamped during the fummer. An encampment is juft. formed r, e; r the fea, at a fmall diftance from Deal Caflle, it to which the Eaft Norfolk Militia, command d by Sir J O H N Woon- HCUSE, Bart, marched on Monday afternoon, whtie they are to remain during the fummer. On Wednefday night, about ten o'clock, a fire broke out in that magnificent edifice, Cliefde'rrhoufe, which in ^ ree hours entirely confumed the fame,
leaving only the outer walls ftanding. The caufe of the fire is Varioufiy accounted for. It is generally believed that one of the chambermaids turning down the beds in the evening, left a candle burning in the middle apartments, which fet fire to the curtains i but this is mere furmize. The flames broke out at nine o'clock at night, and were fo fudden and fo rapid that all affiftance to fave the • furniture and the houfe were vain. Lord and Lady i I N C H I Q J I I N were on a v i f i t there at- the time, and j at tea, or rather after tea, in the fummer- houfe. I So fudden and fo violent was the fire, that nothing ! was faved, not even the plate: and
what is confider- ' ed as an irreparable lofs, the whois of the beautiful ! tapeftry, reprefenting the various battles won by the famous Duke of M A R L B O R O U G H , fell a viftim on • this occafion, fo as not to leave a tra;- e behind ( f that exquifite fsbricatnre of genius.— We are to add that not fo much of wearing rpparel was fav d as to furn fh a change of any article to the family for the next day.— The conflagration was feen many miles round. A year's interdiftion to killing what is called houfe lamb, and the fame to other lambs until the i f t of July, would foou encreafe the flock of this country fo as to lower the price of meat. The
idea cf failing from meat during the forty days of Lent, originated in a plan to fave the youn. j of every kind until they grew to a larger and more fubflantial fize. Am Broctdriek is the name of the affaffin of Mr. F . R R I N G T O N . She has been committed to Chelmsford goal, to take her trial for the murder.
| people, and to check their commotions, which it i: I unable tin allay but by flighrtgof- hand tricks arid > - POSTSCRIPT. Mondav Afternoon, Miy 2 5 . TO C H ESPONDF. NTS. do not entertain the fiine ope- ion with CESFRVATOR on the fohjeS o1 the HaiKpo ' d.- r T » x; and havir. • ' already peflpd into a law, it wru'd be impio. p' r hi os to endeavour to diffuade the public ajamft it. We l D U B L I N , M A Y 1 9. . LONDON. Within thefe three days, v/ e have, on the. one hand learnt, thatihe E M P E P . O R has accepted o f the L O A N offered to him by this country; which. is f u t h as to enable him to continue with vigour th" war
for at leaft two campaigns;— that his army has opehed the prefent one with brilliai cV and fuccefs ; and ; har. at ' Vic."/ a, as, in conformity to the Court at Si.' Janus's, the converfarion turns wholly 011 the continuance of the war, for which the greater): prepara tii s have been made. Bar on the other hand we 1/ arn by the laft Hamburgh Mail, under date. of the 4 ' h of May, that the E M P E ^ L O t's M; ifter at Ratijlon had prefented to the D I E T a State Paper, ( given in T H A J R I M E S of yeiicrday,, p der ihe date of Rati fan); from which feveral of our daily papers have drawn a very erroneous conchifieii. altogether contrary to
the rpiwon of thofe belt informed on political affaiis. aruFto K N O W N F A C T S. This declaration, on the part o f h i s I M P E R I AL M A J E S T Y , as Chief of the Empire, jrofefle; a difpofirion to enter i n ' o a negocjatiori with Fr nee. It is obvious, however, that his Maji f v, in making this intimation to the D: et at Katijlon, had in view to render nugatory the mediation offered by the King of P R U S S I A ; io prevent any partial Treaty being entered into, through him, with France, which might te. id t difl cate the grand German confederacy Tto place his Imperial Majefty at the head'of thofe German States which are difpefed to treat
for Pe c • and to accelerate or retard the, negotiations, an ordi r g to his '- wn interefts as a' Sovereign Prince.— Laftlv, this Declaration was jma< le% t '' he. moment of t e E M P E R O R ' S b. ing informed of the fe{*. ra: e 1' ce made between frufliaand France, . which e / i - alarmeo. inn ; an^ d was ill'ued in order, to quiet ds of the Princes of the Empire. We do not nt' the N A T I O N A L C O N V E N T I O N will be his . Declaration; which may Icr. e perhaps es ot people t red of the war, bur in • ay 1.1 ated to malk his teal i'? fighs, and, > to a co;: men phrale, to put a jpoke in ihe Earl He WE arrived in town from Fortfmouth on o
it'irday, in a very infirm ft ite ot heabh. The accounts from . St. Domingo are alarming, in confequence of die. r being indiftiiift. It is but too certain that there has been a fevere aftion oetweep after, bis Majefty having maturely 1 the Republicans and the Bririfh troops,' in which relative filiation, and alfo the dif Colonel M A R K H A M , one of the fons of the Archil, th hei. v » .1 m ' iic. i by to datt. r truth ? s < acccrdi: ]_ nr/ hel. We n" ed not, how ever travel f^ r for a complete • ion t- t; s Deri, r . tion wbish was fent from e, on the 22( 1 of Apr 1, and delivered to the T ' " a 1. i l ' dbou 011 tlie 4th of May. ( Jn the 4th fit May, 12 days " ' Vft.
fj. hn. ow: 1 tc! fviit . rum our Court, accej ts of a Loan of J' V .. M I L L I O N S E I < ; H T H U N D R E D T H O U S A ND F O U N D S , and bind, himfelf down to continue the Wat againft France. In'oppoiiiion to the idle fprcula'Ions of o- ir cotemporaries, who feera only to look at the furlace of things, we deciareour opinion, that fo far lrcm there being any profj eft of Peace, the flames of warwdi! extend much wider within a very fhort fpace of time. It we are not very much mittiken indeed, a war between R U S S I A and P R U S S I A is not very aiftant; which will, in all probability, make: his Pruflian Majefty forely repent of his
Mucbia'- jdi& n Poiicy. The declaration publifhed by the King ofPruflia, on the'i ft inft, of which we have" given a correft aralylis fn the 2d Page of this Paper, and wherein he endeavours to juftifV his late treaty of peace with the French Republic, gives room for two obfervatidns, which appear to us of- great importance. Firft, that Monarch openly declares, " that, in cafe tlie war ihould be continued by the German Empire, he was bvund to abftain from all participation in iV, by furnilhing neither contingents' of troops nor fupplies of mojiey." This declaration, in our apprehenfion, frills little fhort o | j . n attempt to difiolve the Confederative
S_\ ftein of the German Empire ; or, at leaft, to fecede from the 6 rtnanic Body, fince the . war having been determinediupon by a general cinclujhii, fanftioned by the fiipreoRHChief of the Empire, it is to be continued by its members, till anoUxer conclujnw, leg• lifed by the fame fanftion, lias aboldhed and abrogated the former. This not having been done,, the withdrawing of his contingent from the Army of the Empire expofes his Prulnan Majefty, , a, Ekftor of Bramienburgh and Prince of the Krn- ' pire, to the fame procefs of outlawry, as was inftituted againft his illuflrious anceftor; which, if it flioitld . ake place, would no doubt form
the fble trait of refetnblance he will ever bear to that great Prince. It is rather ftrange, that the French Revolution which began with tearing aluyder ail the bonds of ( ocial life, ihould terminate by diffolving all political ties ; as if it were deftined to l'pread over the whole world a total dereliftion of all principles, and to nnnihilate every relation which hitherto has enfured the fafety of governments, and the profperity of nations. Secondly— His Majefty tells us, that, " from the ruins of the molt horrid defpetifm and anarchy, arofe in France a more ! i lid government, and a moderation difpofcd for p e ; c i ." Now, of what kind or folh'. ity Can a
provil'; onu, ry government be pofiefled; " which holds out no guarantee for the Tights of man, but the moral charafter of thole in power; and which cherifhesthe hoj e s o f t ' ery. iaftion?"— ( fee Cambace- | ilhif'ons,' the end of which, however, feem to !> e drawijig nigh a conclufio ? " It is a painfid fightV' fays Mercifr, a Member of the Convent on, tin his aun is, to fee the loofe terms or Royafifm, Fanaticifm, and Ariftocracy, become the fignal for profscution. The freedom of opinion is Wan to ly attacked; ' the liberty of thought is opnrefi' d, and viftims are ftill facrificed. Exaggerated defcriptions, vague declamations and wild
denunciations do ftill engrofs the attention of the Legiflative b. dy. Ici- al confpiracies ace formed, and chimeras and phantoms < onjured up to combat them, and keep aiive hatred and miftrnft. The pallions are. ftill at work. This fcdndalotts confliit w iir engender new convulfions and hew ca'laliiities. Does a fparcitv, or the high price of prdvifions, diftrefs " he Republic, our e- irs are immedjateiv llruck with outcries againft the confpira'cy of Royalifts and fanatics. But where do thefe confpirato'rs aflemble ? Where are their means? Endeavours are conftantly made to divert the public attention from the obvious caufes of the liiiturbances
which agitate Paris, as well as the Departments. Our fquadrons and convoys, captured by the enemy, the confumption of the armies, the long t' raldom of trade and commerce, the atrocities commit ted by the Ri volutionary armies, the immenfenumber of hands taken from the plough, the plunder of private property, the forced requilitions, the crimes of the ancient government, the continual dilapidations, robberies, and aflaffinations; the enormous exptnee, and the oblivion and fcorn of all good principles:— thefe are the true fources of that torrent of misfortunes which f eeps us alone ; and what has as yet been done to put a
period to this our diftrc- ffed and woeful fituation ? One wills a Revolutionary Government; another propoles tiie orginiz ition. of decadary fi ftivals ; and fome attempt even to command confidence, and to force laws upon the people, which they abhor." To judge by this pifture, drawn by an eye- witnefs, and a Representative oft'ie Fie. ch people, France has changed her fyftem, not. h Jr gov rnment; or, tofpeak m re correftly, ( lie is ftill devoid of ah regular govemm tit, es th s cannot iwlfibly exift without a fettled conftkution. The '' dements of the moft horrid defpotifm and anarchy," which his Prulfian Majefty conceives to have entirely
v'nifhsd, are ftill in full vigour.; they operated forcibly in the^ late ftrong and fevere afts ag. iinft periodical writers, and ag inft the Mfnifters of the ancient religion; a d France, therefore, ftill placed between tief otifm and anarchy, remains in th t iihn. tion, wherein his M. ijefly agrees, or at e., it fuppofesit was impo. hble, with any kind of lecurity, to conclude aTreaty of Peace with Ijer. • Camps are immediately to be formed in the four provinces of Ireland, of about 5600 men each: Lord C A R H A M P T O N will command in Leinfter, and his ciimp will be near Brenanftowrn on the direct road to Bray ; General Ma i . s i ' y will command
in Munfter, and will form Ids camp near the Cove of Cork ; and General D A L K Y M P L E is to. command the camp which is to be formed in the North: Thefe are all that are at prefeut declared. ' Wednefday feveral tranfports, with the Perthiliire Regiment of Fencibles on board, arrived at Paffage ( Waterford), from Briftol. I hey- were to march early the next day on their ioute to Ennis and Clare Caft e, wdiere, it is faid, they are to be qu. utered. ' Fhree other Regiments of Highland Fencibles are expefted. to arrive at Waterford in a few days. Yeftcrday a Regiment of Infantry lauded from England, and m rched, without halting, for
Naas, where they were to t3ke up their quarters till this morning, and thence prouced to' their places o f d e - ftination in the country. They confided of 600 men, and had abandofmufic. It is faid, that every man of the F I V F . , difmiiled by Lord F I T Z W I L L I A M , is to be rein dated immediately on the rifing of Parliament. The apartments at the Park, formerly occupied by Mr. Secretary H A M I L T O N , are preparing for his rect > tion. Mr. Secretary P E L H A M fails for England in a few days, where lie continue: for thefummer. Yefterday the Right Hon. the L O R D M A Y O R , Sheriffs, and Common Council, preceded by a
band of muftc and the city regalia, proceeded from the Thoifei to fhe Caftle, and prefented his Excellency the L O R D L I E U T E N A N T with the Freedom of th; s City in a gold box, as alfo a Congratulatory Ad drefs, to be forwarded to his M A J E S T Y , on the Nuptials of the Prince of W A L E S . Letters from the county ot Rofcommon, received in town yefterdav, ftate, that an engagement- had taken place in that quarter between a part of the Londonderry Militia and a body of 3000 Defenders, wherein the latter had 50 men killed, and a great taken bv a Fr » nch privateers areiaid S H I P N E W S . The William, , of
Sunderland, is privateer ar. d carricd into Norway. Scvtr. i to be on thr. f colli. T cElfiiv. Guft, of Sunderland, from 3 em- n, ' p M l - f t , was cr. ptur- d in t ic North Se. i, by an armed ! r e ol Dunkirk, and c: j. rritd ieto Chriil. an'and, t'l 2- oi April UiV Ti. e crew as be n rtflaimed by the frit th Cor. ruL The , Afmus NclTee, fvc n Alton « to IT^" re; and fhe - — — , I'utf, from New York to Bremen, are ftranded near Cuxh. iven Fh • Seine,' Thurlby, from London to Bremen, was loft on cnierin ' tiie Wefer. The brie: , Capt. Ma'thall, of New Yo ' c, from ) amaica ; and the hrij , Capt. Bean, from New Orleans to the Ilavannah, are loft. P O R T S M
O U T H , M A Y 2 2. Sailed feveral veffels under convoy of the Romney, of 50 guns, Admiral Sir J A M E S W A L L A C E , Capt. S O T H E R O N , for Newfoundland. Orders were received this morning from the Admiralty, for the following fhips to fail immediately 011 a cruize, under the command of the Hon. Admiral CORNWAttts, viz. Ships. Guns. C'mvwndrrs. TR, o yal, Sc overei• g n, vm Jf. V.. ice- A. dmiral CORNWALLIS. Rot- oft, B'unfwick, Orion, Triumph, B I'eiophon, . Thalia, 1' allas, ^ C a p t a i n W ' H I T BY 7 4 — TH O R N E O R O U G H. 74 Lord Fl- fzG. ERA. LD. S i r J. S A U M A R E Z . 7 4 Sir F. C O W E R.
74. — Lcrd CR A N S T O U K . 3 8 GR I - I > A L L. j l CCRZON. ' r r . ' s f y e e c h . i u the S i r tL. g of A _ t t h e Committee appointed for the o r g a n i c laws of the c o h f t i t u t i o n .) w h i c h to b u i l d a btid peace, 10 , in the name framing of the What bafis, 011 ind to maintain a moderate fvfttm, can be found in a government without anv'fettled confutv. tion, and without laws ; daily oblipedto conjure up chimerical plots to dupe the b diop ol York,., was killed ; but upon what occafio i, or wi h What event, is not known with any degree of precifi* . It is however added, that our • troops w ould be able to maintain their pofts,
if'they received fucrours o i or before the 15 th of April. rJ ' ere is m s ft rcafoii to fear that by the firft intePigwttc. fr m the Continent, we fhall be apprized of the furrender ot Luxembourg; for according to the laft accounts received ; rom General lairfaii's army, the garrifonof that fortrefs liad no provifions for a longer term than the middle of this month. The C O N V E N T I O N , in order to miflead the public opinion in refpeft to the affair near Mentx, of the 2,0th ult. in its account of that day mentions only . the aftion in the wood op Mombach, two leagues from Meatz ; aud paflesover in fdence the engagement near Hardenberg, diftant
bur one league from that fortrefs. The aim of the Auftrians to dillodge the French from the heights of Hardenberg, and eftibiiih themfelves on this commanding eminence, was by them completely attained; purfuing the enemy into the wood of Mombach. They had no intention to remain there, and of courfe fell back to Hardenberg. This retrograde movement has, neverthelefs, beenmifreprefented by the Convention as a forced retreat, and lerved it for a pretext, to appropriate to the Republican army the honour and advantage of the day, by ftathig, in general terms, that the Auftrians had been driven back to the out works of the
place. But all the letters from Franckfort and Mentz, of fo late a date as the 10th inft. affert. unaninaoufly, the Imperial troops to be ( till in poilefiion of the heights of Hardenberg ; adding, that ihey are bufily employed in ftrengtnening and increafing the works conftrufted thereby theFrench. We yefterdav received letters from Sheernefs, which mention the arrival at the Nore of the Trial cutter, commanded by Lieutenant M A L B O N . This veflel efcaped lately from'Clovehaven, near Mandal in- Norway, off which place there appeared, 011 the 4th inftent, a French frigate of 40 guns, and an armed brig. They came with the intention of
takidg the Trial; but in the evening of that day, it blowing hard, with fhowers of fnow, the Trial run out and efcapcd. This French frigate has been at Chriftianfand during the winter, where almoft the whole of the crew died by ftcknefs ; 150 men were ordered to join her from Bergen, who had been left there in hofpital by fome French frigates, and towards the latter end of laft month, a Frenth brig arrived from Dunkirk, with men enough to man her and carry her to France. This brig Oil her paffage captured a brig in ballaft. belonging to Sunderland. The French brig carried an account that a French fquadron would be off the Naze of
Norway by the latter end of the prefent month. Accounts from Lnuzatins mention, that the Pays de Gex, near Geneva, is in a deplorable ftate for want of provifions. At Gen; va they dread a famine. I n defiance of the A f t o f Parliament, and in fpite o f a c c i d e n t s , the R o y f t o n S t a e l e f t t o w n o n Saturday a f t e r n o o n , w i t h 17. o u t f i d e p a f s i i g c r s , belides 6 infide and feveral children. number wounded and taken prifoners. The Mm tia, on their march, were fired at firft by the infurgents, and in turn, completely emptied their cartridge boxes of 17 rounds per man againft their affailants. • The unfortunate
wretches fought with lavage fury for a time, but feeing their utter inadequacy to withftand the cool bravery and Heady difcipline of the Militia, they foo: i difperfed, and endeavoured to maintain themfelves by firing in parties from behind hedges and walls, but they were followed by a party of the Militia, who completely routed them. A letter was received yelferday in town from Sligo, by a gentleman of refpeftability, ftating that an engagement had taken place in that quarter, between the Clare Militia and the Defenders, in which fome of the Militia were killed ; but how m a i y of their antagoniftsfell, is not yet afbertained. A gentleman
who lives within a few miles of Kells, was a few days ago cadeil upon by a man who lived in his neighbourhood, to inform him lhat he was three times fworn by a party of Defenders that day, to call and inform him, that they would come fa his houfe that night, or the night after, and cut his head off, if he did not reftore a miller he had difpofieffed, and give him the mill for fuch a rent as they . lnould appoint. The poor man who came with this meifige had every hair on his head pulled off before lie confcnted to go with i t ; and even then would not have complied, but they threatened to cut out his tongue, and were preparing for the
cruel operation. The poor man appeared as if he had been fcalped. A fmith who fnv him in this frightful fituation, and pitying the man, faid the ruffians who had thus abufed him ought to be feverely puniflied. This expreffion was told to the Defenders, and a party of them came fhortly after to his forge, and for faying fo, cut off his fore- finder; and hearing afterwards that he • gain reprobated their proceedings, they paid him another vifit, and cut off both his ears, and nailed them to a tree at the Chapel- door. Lord C A R H A M P T O N , as Commander of the military force inConnaught, has, with equal wifdom and humanity, abftained
from fpilling the blood of the lower orders. His Lordfhip's objeft has been to acquire a thorough knowledge of the ftate of men's minds throughout the country; to be informed of the precife nature and extent of the complaints which have driven the commonaliy to fuch deiperate expedients, with the hope o f enforcing redrefs; and his determination was, to bring them back to obedience to the laws by remonftrance and reafon and to have recotrfe to military force only in cafes of intrinfic guilt or incorrigible follj. P L Y M O U T H , M A Y 2 1. The troops be^ an t o take the ground on Monday, when the 67th Regiment marched from
hence to Maker Heights. The 25th Dragoons, Effex Cavalry, the Royal Cornwall, Northampton, Morimouth, and Brecon Regiments, are alfo on their ground at Roborough Camp. The weather is very fine and warm, and vegetation begins toaffume its fummer appearance. The Alfred,, of 74 guns, is to be commiffioned, and the command. given to Captain DRU RY. She is a fine fl'ip, and thoroughly repaired. Wednefday Thomas Lee, ot the Northampton Regiment of Militia, alunatic, hung himfelf at Kayham Point. Luke Gladwell, a private in the 25th Regiment, at Dock, put a firelock to his mouth, loaded with ball, forced the trigger
wdth his foot, and blew his brains out. Verdi ft, Lunacy. The ioiith regiment are marched hence for Portfmouih, where they are to embark for Gibraltar. P L Y M O U T H , M A Y 2 4. Arrived the Porcupine frigate, Betly Qninton,, and Rochdale, from L'fbon, and Fair American, Twedwcll, from Amlterdam to Surinam, taken th'e 16 h of Me. y, off Cape Clear, hy the Porcupine. Sailed the Fortune flooo of war to the Weltward. Wind S. W. D E A L , M A Y 2 4. Sailed the Ranger lloop, with a fleet of tranfports, & c. to Plymouth. Came down the Mars man of war, and remains with the reft as per laft. Wind N. E. P O R T S M O U T H , M A
Y 2 4. Arrived the Emanuel, Hanfon, from Norway. This morning the Cumberland man of war, ( Admiral M A N N ) , and the other men of war, with the outward bound Eaft India and other fleets got under weigh, feveral of them having got round the Lodge, and the reft following with a fine breeze at S. W. byS. . Hitherto the exertions of his Lordfhip have been crowned with fuccefs. The rejection of the Catholic Bill has giv 11 the infurgents a plea for diffatisfaftion ; but, diftinftly from political caufes, the complaints of thefe wretched people narrow themfelves into three heads: the rack- rents at which landlords let their grounds; the
extremely low price of labour ; and the rigorous execution of tythes and final'dues. f h e Princefs E L I Z A B E T H is perfectly recovered of her late flight indifpofit on. Lady J E R S E Y is reported to be pregnant; and ftrange as it may feem, was particularly diftinguifhed during the late fuperb fetes at Frogmore. Accounts received from the Eaft- lndies ftate fome circumftances relating to the difcovery of two new L I V E R P O O L , M A Y 2 1. Captain Hook, of the Lorinea, from Lynn, gives us the following account : " That on Sunday laft, the 17th inft. at 8 A . M . Barfey Ifland bore N*. E. 2 or 3 leagues, faw a cutter in chace of a
lugger, about thiee miles to the Weftward, with all the fail they could carry: a t h a l f p a f t S ( aw the lugger in- fails and heave to ; likewife the cutter, and engaged about ten minutes; then the lugger bore away, and made fail to the Northward, and the cutter after her, made a running fight, now and then a g u n : at half paft 9 loft light of them both ; but heard fev'eral afterwards, andfuppofes they had come to a general engagement. Mrs. Pliipoe, lately convifted at the Old Bailey, is the lifter of a very refpeftable Brewer in Dublin. Mr. B O W E S , half- brother to the Earl of Strathmore, ' was lobbed of a gold watch and a purfe,
containing 30 guineas', at Epfom Races, on Thurfday laft. Many other perfons fhared a fimilar fate both on the fame evening and ou Friday. Upwards of 30 carriages were robbed coming from the races. Iftands. The fhip Duke of Clarence, Captain H A Y E S , arrived at Ch ina on the 18th of July laft, 011 her paffage rom Bengal and Batavia, feil in with one of thefe in the neighbourhood of New Guinea, and took poffeffion o f it i. 11 the name of the K I N O of E N G L A N D . The lndifpenjible, Wit. K I N S O N , of j to London, and llalcyn, P A C E , arrived ar China, from j P? Botany- Bay, exploring a new palfage from the latter '
place, difcoveled the other, which Captain P A GE took polfelfion of in the name of the United States fo America. Oil Satui'day, the Coroner's Inqueft fat on the body of Mr. Uallot, of f h e General Poft Office, and , att? r examining' feveral witnclfes, brought in a ve.- | dift of Lunacy. A n E X T R A C T f r o m t h e O X F O R D J O U R N A L . — W i t n e y , O x - fordihirc, March 2 1 7 0 5 . — I t is with extreme pleafure we have it in our povv: r to coneratulat-. Mrs. SPILSBUR v , of Sohbfquare, Londo:., fob Proprietrefs and Patentee, on another recent inftance ot the fill, uiar efficacy of her admirable Antifcirhutic Drops, in the cur of
a rel'pettable I radefman, of Witney, in this county, of a moll viol nt fcorbutic humour in one leg, which had for twelve years refilled the effe£ t of every other medicine that he 1iad repeatedly made ufe of, till at length, being rccomrnended to the abovd drops, and by taking them agr eable to the directions given for that [ crpofe, eft'c& ecf a eerie ct cure. On an application to Mr. Edward Rofe, Grocer- or w. tney, rrorcttio, > A/ .. » > , cf any enquirer to* u « pcrion cured, who will sive iuch account oi the circumftances, as canrot fail to afford ampie fatisfafiion'.—' T e above Patent Antifcorbutic Drops are fold by Mr. Edward Rofe,
Grocer, Witney- Oxfor ihir , and by all reputable Venders of Patent Medicines, ie. Bottles nf qs. and il ?.• e eh. MAK1ULD. On Wednefday laft, Mr. Thomas Todd, of Fleet- ftreet, to Mil's Elizabeth Rochfort I tten, daughter of James Utten, E( q. of th'.' lit n d. of Jamaica. DU'D. On Tuefeiay laft, in the 70th year of his age, Nathaniel Roe, Ffq. Alderman 01 - S nith Conisford Ward, Norwich. He ferved ihe office of Sheriff in 1- 6-, and that of Mayo in 1777. He j has h ( joeated jtccl. to the Norfolk and Norwich Hofpital, 50!. ' to the poor 01 Sr peter ofMar. crolt, and th like fum to the r> o'r pi, St. Giles' pirifti, to te diftrihuted in coals during
the inter, at tils d f. re'tion. of the c . erch- wardeis and the executor^. PRICL or STOCKS. 3 perCcnt. red 65 l \ \ ] India Stock 193! 3 per Cent. Co f 65 J' I | India Bonds is. a i s . dif. • p t r C n : Oonfol. - 0 v | 1; perCer t \ nn. 07 f IBank L. Ann 18 7- i6ths - New. Navy a a 3 prem. Conf. for July 63 J | LWDO. V; Printed for J . WALTER, 1 ' R I N T I N C - H O U S I - s i l V A a i , BlacksCIARS.