The Norfolk Chronicle
Printer / Publisher: Crouse, Stevenson, and Matchett
Volume Number: XXVI
Issue Number: 1303
No Pages: 4
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The Norfolk Chronicle
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The Norfolk Chronicle
Date of Article: 31/01/1795
Printer / Publisher: Crouse, Stevenson, and Matchett
Address: Market Place, Norwich
Volume Number: XXVI
Issue Number: 1303
No Pages: 4
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SATURDAY, January 31,1795. [ No. 1303 VOL. XXVI.] Ready Money must be sent with Advertisements Privudby C ROUSE, STEVENSON and MATCHETT, MARKE T- PLACE, NORWICH. ALL regular communication is now at an end with Holland. Certain accounts hav- been received of the States General having made a formal surrender of the country to the French. An immediate. communication will be opened. his Majesty's packet boats . between Yarmouth and the Elbe, and the mails to and from all parts of Eu- rope, except Spain, and Portugal, will be conveyed through that channel. _ The three last Dutch mails made
up at the General brought back, and the letters are to be returned To ' merchants, & c. As these letters were written pre- vious to the country's falling into the hands of the enemy, it was apprehended that the contents of some of them might, if forwarded, prove highly prejudi- cial to Certain persons whole necks now bend under the French yoke. The French entered Helvoetsluys on Thursday last, having previously made themselves masters of the Hague, Amsterd. am, Rotterdam, Dort, & c. They look possession of the Dutch men of war in the dif- ferent ports, of the Arsenals, Magazines, See. and hoisted the tri- coloured flag
wherever they entered. Indeed in many places the inhabitants effected a re- volution before they arrived, elected new Magistrates, and armed themselves with the muskets, & c. of which they had been deprived when the Prussian army en- tered Holland in the year 1787. A letter from Am- sterdam, dated the 20th, gives the following account of the manner in which the revolution took place there : 41 The French are at length completely triumphant masters of Amsterdam, they will in a few days give laws to all Holland. Since Sunday, the 18th, upwards of 40,000 men have been filed off from the French army, towards this and the
neighbouring ci- ties ; and these are said to be only an advanced guard ; for they say, that, in all they will send 100,000 men into these provinces. " The Patriotic party concerted their measures so well with the French, that the Orange party found themselves under the new order of things, even while it was doubtful whether the French were in possessi- sion of Utrecht.— The inhabitants, on rising in the morning, saw the National Colours flying on the Hotel de Ville ; and the Tri- coloured Cockade was worn all over the town in less than an hour. The Revolutions ot the age are marked by a particular character, which distinguishes
them from those of all former times. The rapidity and the tranquillity of that of Paris were, without doubt, very remarkable, on account of the extent of the Country and. the Royal authority, which appeared to be such in- surmountable obstacles ; but that which has just pas- sed under our eyes is still more miraculous.-- Not a drop of blood has been spilt ; not the slightest in- sult to persons of any side; not the smallest attack upon property.— Both parties enjoy the same perfect safety ; and nothing does more honour to ihe Dutch Patriots than their conduct in circumstances when reprisals might have been excuseable, The inhabi tants who were made previously acquainted with the near approach of the French, united themselves for the protection of the magazines, and to maintain the police. The whole was conduced with songs and dances ; and now Amsterdam resembles a fair. No labours have been interrupted merchandile is conduced along the streets as if there was nothing strange in the City ; it is only in the squares, and particularly opposite to the Hotel de Ville, that the people are assembled around the Tree of Liberty, and feasting along with the French troops, the Ge- neral Officers as they arrive, and the new Magis- trates." • In the evening of
the 17th General Pichegru and about 800 select troops, repaired to the Stadhouse. They were received in the most cordial and friendly manner. All the inhabitants turned out decorated with the French ribbon, and hailed Pichegru as their friend\ and ( as they called him) their deliverer. A Revolutionary Tribunal and a Committee of Government provisionally were formed of the most popular Burgomasters and Inhabitants, who published Addresses to their fellow citizens, inviting them to peace, tranquillity, and confidence, under the most firm and positive assurances of protection to their persons and properties from their friends
and allies the French. On the 19th and 10th deputations were sent from Rotterdam, Haerlem, Leyden, and most of the principal towns, to welcome their new guests. Proclamation of the Revolutionary Committee of Am- sterdam. « » Brave Citizens.—" We G. Pruys, S. Wiseleus, j. J. A. Goges, j. Thoen D. Von Laer, J. On- doup, E, Vandensluis, P. Duereult, J. Van Hassen, P. J. B. P. Vander Aa, forming your Revolutionary Committee, hail you with vows of health and frater- nity. By the mighty aid of the French Republic, and by your own energy you have cast off the tyranny which oppressed you. You are once more in posses sion of your rights— YOU ARE FREE, YOU ARE EQUAL, ; your, tyrants have fled from their posts. Fellow- citizens, you may follow with confidence and security your usual avocations. Your persons, your properties, shall he protected. We proposeo name, as your Provisional Representatives, the following Burghers.— [ Here follows a list of 21 names ]— Be assured that they will watch over and protect your Rights, vour Interests, and your Liberties. Chuse, fellow citizens, these Patriots as your representatives, that in the name of the People of Amsterdam, they may forthwith enter upon the Administration of your affairs. We
once more hail you, worthy fellow- citi- zens. By your own Patriotism, with the aid and un- der the guidance of such Representatives, order, tran- quillity, and happiness, will reign in this city. The Frenchmen who are among us conduct themselveS, indeed, like brethren. Every idea of plunder, of rapine, or of injustice of any kind is unknown to them. Fraternity with them as with us is the sole Order, of the Day. In the name of the Revolu- tionary Committee, P. J. B. P. VANDER AA." Amsterdam, the 19th January, 1795, and the First Day of Dutch Freedom. The Hereditary Prince and the Princesses of Orange, with their suite, arrived
at Colchester, where they were joyfully received by the Stadtholder, at one o'clock on Thursday morning. The same day Isaac Boggis, Esq offered their Highnesses the use of the house designed for the Prin- ces's of Wales, which they politely declined accepting. At ten o'clock the same night his Royal High ness the Duke of York arrived at the Three Cups, at Colchester, ( from Yarmouth) and soon after his. Ex- cellency Baron Nagel set off for London. The meet- ing between his Royal Highness and his august rela- tions may be more easily conceived than expressed. At three on Saturday morning upwards of a dozen waggons
arrived from Harwich., with trunks, boxes, See. A military guard was immediately them. A Coa1 brig landed 16 British officers at Mersea Island. near Colchester, on Friday. Two of them, belonging to the artillery ( rough as they ran) waited on his Royal Highness the Duke of York, They state, that they were the last who left Rotterdam, on Tuesday last, the French entering it at one gate as they came out at the other; that our sick had unfor- tunately fallen into their hands, but that the French commander expressed a wish that they might be speed ily exchanged for an equal number of sick French in our prisons. Sunday morning his
Serene Highness, with his two sons, attended divine service at St. Peter's church. After dinner, iheir Excellencies the Dutch and Prussian Ambassadors arrived from London, and ar ranged all matters for the departure of his Serene Highness, family, suite, and attendants; after which the Prussian Ambassador returned for London, leaving Baron Nagel here. Tuesday morning is the time fixed for the departure of the Stadtholder, Princes, Princesses, and great part of their Court. We un derstand they make some short stay with their Majes ties in London, and then proceed to Hampton Court or Kew. The Stadtholder, the Hereditary
Prince and Prin. cess of Orange, are to take up their residence at Kew Palace, until such time as Hampton Court is fitted up. The whole Dutch navy, as well as we have been able to collect, is nearly of the following force one ship of 76 guns, three of 70, four of 68, five of 60, eight of 56, four of 50, five of 44., nine of 40, and ten of 36, making altogether 45', besides several vel sels of less force. Almost all the English merchants, and many others of opulence, had quitted Rotterdam before the French arrived theie. They were, however, obliged to leave an immense property behind them. Thursday last his Excellency Earl Fitzwilliam
went in state to the Irish House of Peers and opened the ses- sion with a speech from the Throne. Sir Charles Grey and Sir John Jervis have request- ed of the Minister a Parliamentary enquriy into the expeditions in the West Indies under their joint com- mand. i The remains of the late gallant Governor of Gib- raltar, Sir Robert Boyd, K. B. were interred, agree- a- b- ly to the directions of his will, in the King's bas. tion, without any monumental record or inscription whatever. The Lord Chancellor has. issued his decree for the immediate sale of the jewels of this late Madame Du Barre. A claimant, as heir at law, has sprung up, in
the person of Monsieur Boisaison, to whom letters of administration have been issued. At a Meeting of ihe Society of ihe Friends of the People, held at Freemason's Tavern on Saturday last, it was determined, in consequence of the danger of the country, to suspend, for the present, all proceed ings on the subject of Parliamentary Reform. On Friday a Common Hall was held at Guild- hall, for the purpose of taking into consideration a Petition to be presented to the Honorable House of Com. mons, praying that they would take the most effec- tual means which their wisdom could suggest, to pro- cure the blessings of peace to
this country. A motion to the above effect being made and seconded, much clamour eusued. The Aldermen Le Mesurier, Curtis, Sanderson and Lewes were not permited to speak, and treated with the stronjest marks of disapprobation. Alderman Newnham was for a peace, bul not a speedy one. He was Iikewise trented with contempt. The conciliatory efforts of the Lord Mayor gained him great credit— his impartiality was conspicuous. The only Alderman that obtained the general applause of the Hall was Mr. Alderman Pickett, who spoke in favour of the moiion. The Petition was carried, and ordered to be presented by the City
Members on Mon- day. Thanks were voted to the Lord Mayor, Yesterday upwards of 1200 persons assembled to dine and celebrate Mr. Fox's birth. day, at the Crown and Anchor Tavern, in the Strand.— Presi- dent in the great- room, his Grace the Duke of Bed- ford; Deputy- President. Hon. Mr. Eilkine.— In the secuod great room, President, George Byng, Esq. M. P. This Meeting exceeded ail others of the kind, both in number and respectability, A letter from Paris of the 30th ult. contains the important intelligence, that Lequinio, having in the sitting of the Convention of the 28th ult. moved, " That as in France no domestic
peace could be ex- pected, so long as an offspring of the race of Capet existed in the Temple, the Committees of Govern, ment should be charged with making'a report, on the speediest and most convenient means of removing the children of the Tyrant from the territory of the French Republic,"— THIS motion was adopted in the same sitting, and changed into a decree, but was after- wards referred to the three Committees. On the 30th ult. the repeal of ihe law, for granting no quarter to the British, Hanoverians, and Spaniards, was decreed by the Convention, amid the loudest and most general plaudits. . The following three
out of eleven Convicts, who received sentence ol death at the last September ses- sions, are 0rdered for execution on Thursday next, viz. Patrick Murphy, for ravishing Isabella Mackay, an infant about eight years of age; Jos. Strutt, for riotously assembling at Charing- Cross, and beginning to demolish the dwelling house of William Ostliff; and Francis Ross, for uttering and publishing a forged order for payment of money, with intent to defraud Hector Essex. | For the Remainder oj this Post see the last Page To be SOLD by AUCTION, By W. PARSON, Upon Tuesday the 10th day of February next, between the hours of two and
five in the afternoon of that day, at Scole Inn, in the'county . of Norfolk, subjecta to such Con- ditions as Will then be produced. AMost desirable ESTATE, pleasantly situated in Brockdish, in the said county ; Consisting of a ca- pital. Messuage, with several cottages, barn, stable, and other convenient and necessary office, and outhouses, yards, gar- dens and orchards, in complete order, and of several inclo- sures of rich arable Land and Pasture, in high condition, contiguous to the said messuage, or near the same, contain- ing together, by measure, 61 A. and upwards, now in the ' Occupation of John Cotton, Gent, who holds
the same un- der an expired lease, with proper covenants, and who has had norice to quit possession at Old Michaelmas next, at the very low annual rent of 60I. . The whole Estate is Freehold, is subject to no other outgoings than a free- rent of 12s. l0d, and 7I. 14s. a year Land tax, and is certainly as pleasant and comfortable a re- sidence for a respectable family as any in the county. Further particulars may be had of Mr. Algar, oi Old Buck- enham, in the said county. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Thursday the 5th of February next, at two o'clock in the afternoon, at ths House of John Harrison, at Stokesby Ferry, in the
county of Norfolk, ( unless previously dis- posed of by Private Contract, of which notice will be given in this paper, AFREEHOLD ESTATE, situate in Stokesby, comprising a Dwelling- house, ( which consists of two' parlours, kitchen, and five lodging- rooms) convenient out- houses and building, a walled in garden, planted with the choicest fruit- trees and bushes, and a pightle of land near to the dwelling- houle, containing two acres and a half, fully stocked with fruit tiees, bushes and plants of the belt kinds, in the occupation of John Stannard, gardener, the proprie- tor, and his tenants. The dwelling- house is pleasantly situ- ated
hy the side of. the navigabie river from Yarmouth to Coltishall, and is fit for the residence of a small genteel fa mily, or the whole is well suited for a nurseryman and gardener. Possession may be had of the dwelling- house at Michael- mas next, and ot the garden and land immediately. The dwelling- house and buildings are in good repair. For further particulars apply to Mr. James Sayers, Attor- ney at Law, Great Yarmouth, or to the said John Stan- nard, who will shew the premisses. WIVETON. To be SOLD~ by AUCTION, IN LOTS, By Mr. CUSTANCE, On Wednesday the 4th day ot Feb. 1795, between the hours of Six and
Eight o'clock in the Evening at the house of Cha. Banyard, being the Feathers Inn', at Holt, in the county of Norfolk, ASmall but valuable ESTATE, situate and being at Wiveton, near Cley next the Sea, in the coun ty aforesaid, subject to such conditions of sale as will be then Produced. Lot 1. A veiy good brick and tiled MESSUAGE or TE- NEMENT, barn, also brick and tiled stable, and convenient out- houfes, yard, garden and orchard, containing together near an acre, as the some are now in the occupation of John Impsom , tenant, fromyear to year. Note— This Lot will entitle the purchaser to a vote for the county. Lot II. A
piece of LAND, walled in, containing about a rood, adjoining the premisses, now in the occupation of Mr. Proudfoot. Lot 111. One other PIECE, containing also ahout half an acre, lying near the field between Lands of Miss Fleming and Mr. Buscall. Lot IV. One ether PIECE( containing near two acres, ly- ing at the end of the third lot, between Lands of the said Miss Fleming and Mr. Buscall. Lot V. A PIGHTLE, containing one acre ( more or less) of exceeding good Land, near Glanford, adjoining to a Piece of hand near Smeton- hill, now, or late in the occupation of Mr. Isaac. Possession of the several Lots may be had at
Michaelmas next. Note.— The whole of the above - mentioned premisses are freehold, except only a very small Piece, which is copyhold of the Manor of Wiveton Branchall, at a quit rent of 6s. per ann. and the fine on admission is one year's quit- rent. For further particulars and conditions, of sale enquire of Mr. Tho. Chapman of Upwell, Mr. Holman, of Downham- market, or the said Mr. Custance, of Little Walsingham. Just Published, In Small 12mo. Price 2s. 6d. A new Edition, revised and corrected, of THE NEW- YEAR'S- GIFT; in Six Parts. Containing Meditations and Prayers for every day in the week; with Devotions for the
Sacrament, Lent, and other occasions. The first part of the above work is printed separate, in 24s, Price 8d. bound. Printed for T. Longman, B. Law, S. Bladon, G. G. and J. Robinson, F. and C. Rivington, W. Goldsmith, J. Waller, J. Scatcherd, and W. Bent; Sold by Crouse, Stevenson, and Matchett, Norwich ; Downes, Yarmouth ; Marshal, Lynn; Shave, Ipswich. Of whom may be had, The HOLY BIBLE, digested, illustrated, and explained, by way of Question and Answer. In which the principal controverted points are considered, and the connection of Sacred and Profane History preserved. The third Edition, corrected, and
illustrated with Maps, price bs. Fakenham Association against Felons. Town of South Creake in the Hundred of Brother- cross, in Norfolk. The 15th Day of January, 1795. LOST, supposed to be STOLEN, On Wednesday, the 31st day of December lastv from the said town of South Creake, out cf the Straw Yard of Mr. Thomas Seppings, TWO FILLIES and one COLT, all of the riding kind, one of the fillies is of a chesnut color, ri- sing four years old, about 14 hands high, with along tail, fbr on her forehead, lilt.( town her rump, goes very wide behind, has been broke, and had shoes on when lost. And the other filly is of a red roan
color, rising three years old, about it J hands high, with a long tail, star on her forehead and shim down her face. And the Colt is of a bay colour, ri- sing three yeais old, about 12 i hands high, with a long tail, goes very aukward on his fore feet, and turns his near foot out very much. If the said filiies & c colt be stolen, whoever shall apprehend the person or perfons whoftole, or was or were concermdin dealing the faid filiies and colt, so as he, or they be lawfully convicted, shall be entitled to, and paid a reward of TEN GUINEAS, in ten days after conviction, out of the Treasury of the Association and Subscription entered into by
several Gentlemen residing in and about the neigh- bourhood of Fakenham, in the said County, in puisuance of articles entered into for that purpose, by applying Mr. WILLIAM STOKES, Solicitor to the said Association. N. B. If the said Fillies and Colt he strayed away, any Per- son bringing them to Mr. Seppings, or giving iuch infor- mation as will enable him to recover them again, shall be paid all reasonable expenses, and be properly rewarded for his trouble. English State Lottery, 1794. Begins Drawing the 16th of next Month. THE SCHEME of the PRESENT LOTTERY being entirely different from any former one ( Ten
Thousand Tickets less,) the public are requested . to observe, that Five Hundred Thousand Pounds ( the usual amount of the prize- money) is divided amongst 40,000, instead of 50,000 Tickets, and that there are more Prizes than Blanks in this Lottery, when, in most former, ones, there have been from two to three blanks to a Prize. The Tickets are Sold, and divided into Shires, By Richardson, Goodluck, and Co. STOCK BROKERS, At their licensed State- Lottery Offices, No. 104, Bank- Buildings, Cornhill; and No. S, opposite the King' Mews, Charing- Cross: Where No,. 11,807, the last Prize cf 30,0004. sold in Shares, . was
divided, in Sixteen Sixteenths. And Irish Lottery, 1794,— No. 7,398, io, o. ool. in a Half, a Fourth, an Eighth, and Two Sixteenth Shares, No. 2,819, and No. 21,119, 2. oool. each.— And No. 5G, 307$' list drawn Ticket, 1, oool. Also in former Lotteries, capital prizes shared andsfold to a large amount, too numerous to mention. *#* Country correspondents may have Tickets and Shares sent them, by remitting Bills, payable at Sight, or 0r a short date.— Tickets registered to find the earliest intelligence of their succss.— And Schemes at large gratis. Prices, January, 25, 1795. PRINCESS of WALES. On Saturday, Jan. 31, will be
published, Price ONE SHILLING. Embellished with a beautful Frontispiece. and a striking like- ness of her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, engraved by Tookey, from an orignal Print by Schroeder ot Bruns- wick ; THE UNIVERSAL MAGAZINE of KNOW. LEDGE and PLEASURE for Jan. 1795 ; containing the usual variety of miscellaneous articles. Printed for W. Bent, at the King's Arms, in Pater- nofter- Row, London ; and fo J by Crouse, Stevenson and Matchett, Norwich; Downes, Yarmouth; Marshall, Lynn; Shave, Ipswich; where any single number from its commencement in June 1747 to the end of 1790 may be had
at d. each, and any succeeding one at 1s. each. *** In the conduct of this Miscellany it is a principal ob- ject to unite instruction with amusement; 10 present a series of Original Essays on the most popular topics; with a Mis- cellaneous Selection, in Prose and Verse, from the most in- tersting publications of the day ; new geographical descrip- tions, voyages, and travels ; discoveries of importance in the arts and sciences, in agriculture and commerce; and a History of the Times, not in the desultory manner of a d. ur- nal intelligencer, but arranged in regular order, and written with that spirit of candour, moderation, and
impartiality, which is the best calculated, it is presumed, to secure to the. Universal Magazine, the character of a valuable and faithful record of the great events, which now agitate the political world. A Work Entirely New. Highly necessary for all Church of England Families. The Rev Mr. WATSON's New and Complete Explanation of the COMMON PRAYER- BOOK To be comprizcd in only 34 weekly numbers, Handsomely printed in elegant crown folio, and embellished with above 4o elegantly- plates. On Saturday, Jan. 24, 1795, will be published, NUMBER I. Pnce only SIX- PENCE, ( Including four whole sheets of letter press, printed ( in large folio) on beautiful large new letter, and superfine paper, and adorned with an entire new Frontispiece, elegantly en- graved ; likewise a beautiful print, representing Christ Pray-, ingt on the Mount of Olives) And on the following Saturday, mill be publidhed, NUMBER II. ( The succeeding Numbers to be continued weekly, till the. whole is completed) Of ANew and Complete EXPLANATION of the COMMON PRAYER- BOOK. Containing a most copious, full, and complete Explanation of every part of the morning and evening prayers, as appoint- ed by the Church of England. Also a new and full Illustra. . tion
01" all the collects, epistles, and gospels, as used through- out the year. Likewise explanatory notes and commenta- ries on St. Athanasius's Creed, on the Litany, and on the Thanksgivings for differert occasions. The service of the Holy Communion fully explained. The ministration of public and private baptism copiously illustrated. The ca- techicm at large most copiously explained, and rende'ed clear to every capactty. the seivice of confirmation amply ex- plained, and made plain to every understanding. The ma- trimonial service clearly explained and illustrated. The visi- tation and communion of the sick accompanied with a
clsar and satisfactory commentary, exposition, and paraphrase. The burial service copiously explained. Explanatory notes on the psalter or psalms of David, complete; and every other ' part of the rites and ceremonies of the Church of England Service critically and fully explained. Together with a beau- tiful edition of the whole book of common prayer, and tile, old version of the psalms, by Sternhold and Hopkins, and the new version, by Tate and Brady. To which will be added, ( in order to render this work the most complete hook on the subject ever published) accounts, historical, critical, and theological, of the forms of ordain ing and consecratingBilhop.;, Priests, and Deacons ; Parliament respecting the Common Prayer; the articles of the Church of England, with the Rubricks complete; constitutions and canons of the Church; a complete ca- lendar of the Feftivals, with the tables cf lessons; a compa- nion to the Feasts, Fasts, and Holydays of the Church, viz. those of Christmas, Easter, Whitsuntide, Lent, & c & c. & c. including the most ample account of each ; table of Kindred, & c. The whole forming the most valuable and complete il- . lustration of the English Liturgy ever publishcd. By the Rev. MATTHEW WATSON, A. M. Rector of Acton,
Middlesex. London: printed for the Author; by ALEX. HOGG in Pater- noster- row; and sold by Crouse, Stevenson and Matchett, at the Norfolk Arms, Market Place, Norwich - and may be had of the Booksellers. and Newsmen in* England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. ADDRESS to the PUBLIC. The Authors design in this work is to furnish the public at an easy cxpense, with a copious and satisfactory Explana- tion of every Part of our excellent Liturgy.— The above work, it is presumed, will be highly acceptable 10 families in general, particularly to
LONDON, THURSDAY. jan. 29. Certain information was yesterday received in Town by Sir Sidney Smith, who came Express from Plymouth, of the French Fleet being about Fifteen or Twenty leagues to the Westward of Scilly, con- sisting of Thirty- five Sail of the Line, and Twenty Frigates. Their orders we learn are to cruize till they either take our home ward or outward- bound West India Fieet. We have certain inforMation that the French fleet had not returned to Brest on the 22d inst The ships belonging to the Channel Fleet, which on Monday dropped down to St. Helen's, returned on Tuesday to Spithead, owing to a gale of
wind S. W. Wednesday however the wind came to the northward, and there is no doubt that the whole fleet are now standing down the Channel with fair wind. The fleet consists of 36 sail of the line and frigates. Lady Anne Fitzroy and 16 other English ladies, landed at- Plymouth from Brest on Sunday, and tame to town yesterday. Last night the Lord Chancellor gave his decision on the St. Jago Spanish register prize ship, in favour of the captors. Wednesday the Prince of Orange and his family arrived at Kew to dinner. This morning His Excellency the Turkish Ambas- sadour, with his retinue, breakfasted at Sir George Howard's
house at Chelsea, and from thence' pro- teeded in State to make his public entry to town. He parted through Buckingham- gate, went up Con- stitution- hill, and entered at Hyde- Park Corner. Thence he proceeded to St. James's, where his Ma- jefty received him on the Throne; after which he was introduced to the Queen. The Equipments determined Upon by Govern- ment for the current year, will increase our marine to 120 sail of the line, and 130,000 seamen, inclu- ding marines. The Duke of Richmond, we understand, is cer- tainly out of the Cabinet. It is imagined he will be succeeded by Marquis Cornwallis. From the best
authority we learn, that twenty- two ordnance transports, partly laden with stores, were left at Rotterdam on the 22d inst. The stores that were destroyed out of them did not amount to above one- third j these were destroyed on the 18th. By the accident of one of the vessels taking fire through the carelessness of a sailor, the whole of the stores were prevented being destroyed. The crews were examined by the Magistrates of Rotterdam, and but for its being proved to be an accident, it is supposed the crews Of the vessels would not have been suffered to depart. Admiral Kingsbergen has been appointed Com- mander of the
fleet, and General Hesse of the army in Holland. Private letters from Holland by the last mail, ob- serve that the French General has declared that he does not mean to treat Holland as a conquered coun- try, but an independent State in alliance with Franee, and that the Convention has no objection to keep the communication open between Holland and Eng- land. General Pichegru has fixed his quarters at Amsterdam, at the house relinquished by Mr. Hope. The Commissioners from the Convention have esta- blished themselves at the house of Messrs Muilman. A private letter from Paris, dated the 26th ultimo, has the
following article: " There is every probabi- lity that within the space of two or three days the de- cree which forbids all negotiation with the Foreign Powers at war with France will be rescinded." On tbe 30th ult. Johannot proposed the following decree in the National Convention of France :— " The decrees, enjoining the sequestration of all pro- perty, belonging to the Subjects of those powers with whom the Republic is at war, shall no longer be ob- served ; and all the sums, in pursuance of them, paid by French citizens into the National Treasury, shall be returned." Gaston feared, lest this measure might occasion French Funds
to be conveyed to the Belligerent Powers. Girod proved by one of Robespierre's letters, that the above property had been sequestrated at the miti- gation ot foreign emissaries, who had deceived the Convention concerning its consequences. At length the decree, proposed by Johannot, was adopted. Letters from Ireland state, the certain capture of part, and the probable one of the whole of the Loyal Clare Regiment, in the transports which were convey- ing it to Bristol, which event is also confirmed by the accounts at Lloyd's. Intelligence has been received at Lloyd's, that the Commerce, BaCkhouse, fiom Alicant to Belfast ; the
Hope, Constance, from Alicant to Dublin ; the Glory, and three other transports were taken near Cape Clear, These, we fear, contained the above regiment. On the 22d inst. after hearing the Speech of the Lord Lieutenant, Mr. Grattan moved the Address, which was carried by a majority of 150 to Two ( the two tellers!) Such a division, on Such an occasion, is unexampled in the History of Ireland. The following changes are already agreed on, and it has been officially notified to the Right Hon. John Beresford, First Commissioner of the Revenue; the Right Hon. Arthur Wolfe, Attorney General; John Toler, Esq. Solicitor General;
Edward Cooke, Esq. Secretary at War; Sackville Hamilton, Esq. Secre- tary in the Civil Department— that their resigna- tions would be accepted by the Lord Lieutenant, Lord Portarlington is to preside at the Revenue Board ; Mr. G. Ponsonby, to be Attorney General; Mr. Curran, Solicitor General; Lieut. Col. Doyle, Secretary at War ; and Mr. Lodge Morres, Secre- tary in the Civil Department. A Petition against the War,' set on foot at Col- chester has been negatived by a large majority- HOUSE OF LORDS. Tuesday, Jan. 17." Tbe Duke of Bedford rose to make his promised mo- tion tor negotiating with the French,. In the course
of which, his Grace took a copious view of the successes of the French— the miserable state of our Allies, and their defection— the state ot the Finances of France 2nd the sentiments of the Members of the Diet of RatiSbon, from which it must appear, that the Em- peror was inclined to peace. He lamented in pathe tic terms, the blood and treasures which had been sacrificed in this unhappy contest, and implored Mi- nisters to stop this gigantic SyStem ot Slaughter. The principal ground of his argument was, that the con- sequences of his motion would be, to unite all the country; and should the French refuse fair and ho nourable overtures, it would stimulate the country to rise in a mass, to defend itself from the power and encroachment of our enemies. He moved, " That it was the opinion ot that House, that any form of Government at present existing in France, did not preclude negociation for peace." Lord Grenville rose and replied to his Grace of Bedford. He recurred to the origin of the war, which he contended to be unprovoked on our part. he argued, that with the Government which has hitherto existed, it would have been madness to at- tempt to treat. He adverted to the present situation of France, and maintained, that at present it has no
pacific disposition, which he supported by refe- rences to different decrees of the National Conven- tion, reviewing as he went the leading features of the present. internal Hate of France, Factions still subsist in the Convention. One party professing a desire to establish a system of law, of justice, and of moderation, while another is attempting to cover the country with a horrible Scene of blood, of mur- der, of massacre, and of confiscations. Commerce is extinguished, and agriculture is annihilated. Every impression of religion is threatened to be ef- faced. And there is an alarming scarcity cf the necessaries of life. Confiscations
are resorted to, to supply the deficiency of the public revenues; and 300 millions sterling since last April have been raised by the continuance of this system of oppression. From the continuance of their hostile dispositions, then, and the instability of the present syftem, he begged leave to move an Amendment, which was couched in the same terms with that voted in the House of Commons last night, ( for which see last page) that the public might not suppose that there was any difference of opinion between the two Houses. The Duke of Norfolk replied to the arguments of Lord Grenville. With respect to the motion, he must
prefer the original one of his Noble Friend to the Amendment, because it went decidedly to Shew the exact relation in which we stood with respect to France, and the prospect of negociating a peace. His Majesty's Ministers had now full experience of the past: they were possessed of full information on the state of public affairs, and, he hoped, felt the conviction of the necessity of treating for a peace. The Duke of Leeds spoke in favour of the original motion. He lamented the unhappy effects of the War; and affiimed that from its commencement, his ideas had always been the same. The present was a striking resemblance of the
last war, when we Suffered many public disasters. Those who supported the American war, adopted similar expedients. He was afraid of the consequences, should we stubbornly persist; and he reprobated the conduct of some hardy politicians, who seemed to think that no peace could be obtained till the French were at shooter's Hill, or the English at Montmatre, ( within a few miles of Paris.) The Bishop of Landaff, the Duke of Athol, Mar- quis of Lansdowne, Marquis of Abercorn, and Lord Lauderdale, spoke in favor of the Duke of Bedford's motion; Lords Darnley, Hawkesbury, Spencer, Hawke, Hardwicke, Mulgrave, Carlisle,
and the Chancellor Spoke for the amendment. The Duke of Bedford made a very ingenious and animated reply to the objections advanced in the course of the debate to his motion. A division took place on the Amendment, when the numbers were, Contents, 88— Non Contents, 15. After the exclusion of the strangers, we underhand that an altercation ensued between Ministry and Op- position, when Lord Grenville explicitly declared, that this country could not treat with the present Government of France ! About five o'clock in the morning the House ad- journed. HOUSE of COMMONS, Jan. 28. Mr. Pitt rose to move, that on
Monday next the House should resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House, to take into consideration the most speedy and effectual method of procuring men for the Navy. The following he gave as the outline of his plan. In the first place, he would propose that the Mas- ters and Owners of all the merchant and trading ships, in the different ports of England, should be obliged to supply a Certain quota of the men they should have on board. These might be considered as able seamen, and should form the first class ot those who were to be procured for the service of the Navy. The next class of seamen would be those
whom he intended to propose should be taken from such vessels as worked upon rivers and canals, or which the owners of them should be obliged to sup- ply, in proportion to the tonnage of those vessels. As it would also be necesary to have a number of Landsmen on board his Majesty's ships, he should in the third place propose that each county be called upon to furnish a certain quantity of men. And the manner in which that was to be done should be for the Magistrates of each county to ascertain the num- ber of houses in each parish ; and that inhabitants should be obliged to procure men, or be subject to a heavy
penalty. After some observations from Mr, Grey ths mo- tion passed nem con. The Bill for the Suxpenxion of the Habeas Corpus Act passed the Committee, the report brought up, and the bill ordered to be read a 3d time to morrow. & Norwich, January 31. NORWICH Fourth Subscription ASSEMBLY will be at Chapel- Field House, on Tuesday February NICH. STYLEMAN, Esq. . Mr. JOHN SCOTT, Stewards. Mr. THURGAR BEGS leave to inform those SUBSCRIBERS to his PUBLICATION who wish to make an imme- diate use of the part already printed, that it may be received on application to him, and on paying the.
Subscription ; and that the succeeding part will, after the next week, be printed regularly every fortnight, till the completion of the whole. st. ANDREWS, Jan. 17, 1795. • Since Christmas last, near FOUR HUNDRED POUNDS Have been paid for Substitutes by W. T. ROBBERDS AT HIS ORIGINAL MILITIA INSURANCE OFFICE, NORWICH. Where POLICIES are now issuing to insure TEN POUNDS to persons drawn for the Militia Service. Insurance for One Year Those who prefer the New Plan of paying FIVE SHILLINGS and SIXPENCE, To have a substitute found them, should they be drawn any time before the 1st day of
November, 1795, may be ac- ccmmodated at the above . Office. On Tuesday last a Special Assembly of the Corpo- ration of this city ( present the Mayor, the two She- riffs, 16 Aldermen, and 38 Common Council- men) was held to take into consideration an Address and Petition to his Majesty for the Restoration of the Blessings of Peace to this country, when the same ( which had been drawn up by a Committee of Al- dermen and Commoners) were unanimously agreed to, and immediately transmitted to the Hon. H. Hobart and the Right Hon. Wm. Windham, to be presented to the King; after which, printed copies are to be
sent to each Member or the House of Com- mons, and to every commercial city and town in this kingdom. In consequence of a requisition. to our Chief Ma gistiate on Monday last, from several respectable in- habitants of this city, to call a Public Meeting to consider ot the propriety 01 a Petition to the House of Commons, that they would use their endeavours to obtain the blessings of Peace to this country, and Wednesday last being the day appointed for the same to take place, at twelve o'clock upwards of 1000 persons attended at the Hall, in St. Andrew's, amongst whom were many of the principal gentle, men, merchants,
and tradesmen of this city.— The Mayor opened the business ot the day in a very per- tinent speech, declaratory of his readiness to meet at all times the wishes of his fellow citizens, whose request he should ever consider as a command, and of his hopes that on this interesting and important occasion, he should have the Satisfaction to observe that their proceedings were conducted with regula- rity and good order. Mr. B. Gurney then came forward and moved the first resolution, that it is the opinion of this meeting that a Petition be presented to Parliament for the purpose of obtaining a speedy Peace. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Trafford. Mr. John Barnard, from a written paper, read a number of Queries, all tending to evince the pro- priety and absolute necessity of the present measure. The following Petition was then read by Mr. Un- thank ; it was received with the greatest approbation and unanimously agreed to. To the Honourable the Commons of Great Britain, in Parliament Assembled.— The Petition of the under- signed Inhabitants of the City of Norwich, and Coun- ty of the same City, SHEWETH— That your Petitioners are deeply im- pressed with a Sense of the grievous Calamities of War in general, and particularly deplore the
ruin- ous EffeCts of the present War, ( bloody and expen. sive beyond all former Example) on the political and commercial State of this Empire, Your Petitioners also beg Leave to represent, that the Distresses of the present War press with peculiar Force upon them, as Inhabitants of a City depend- ing, for it's Prosperity, on it's Trade and Manufac- tures, the almost total Suspension of which has re- duced the lower Classes among them to a State of Misery never before experienced. It is, therefore, your Petitioners humble Prayer, that your Honourable House, by renouncing all In- terference with the internal Affairs of France,
and by such other Measures as in your Wisdom you shall judge expedient, will endeavour to effeCt a speedy Peace between Great Britain and that Country, which they are fully convinced is absolutely neces- sary to the Preservation of the Constitution, Liberty, Prosperity and happiness of these Kingdoms. It was also resolved that the Petition should remain at the Town Clerk's office until Monday noon, and be carried from house to house for the Signa- tures of the inhabitants; and that the same should be transmitted to the Members of this city for pre- Sentation. Mr. B. Gurney then moved the thanks of the meeting to the
Mayor, for his great attention, can- dour and liberality in the business of the day. The meeting Soon after broke up with the utmost tranquillity, after a feeble attempt to provoke a political discussion, which the unanimity of Senti- ment that prevailed on the measure tendered entire- ly unnecessary, and which was effectually Silenced by the general disapprobation that it experienced. We are happy to hear that the Petition has already been Signed by more than two thousand perSons, in- cluding the Mayor and almost all the other Magis- trates ; and from the eagerness So generally expressed to bear testimony against the evils of
the war, we have no doubt but it will obtain a much larger Sig- nature than was ever before known on a similar oc- casion. Saturday last was married at St. George's Tomb- land, by the Rev. Mr. Sutton, Daniel Raymond Barker, Esq. banker, in London, to the elegant and accomplished Mils Sophia Ann Ives, youngest daughter of the late John Ives, Esq. merchant, of this city. Last week, at Darsham Hall, in Suffolk, the Lady of Sir John Rous, Bart. Member ol Parliament for that county, was Safely delivered of a Son. Yesterday se'nnight died, Mr. George Day, father of the late Mr. John Day, brewer, in the 78th year of his age.
Saturday last died at Midingly, near Cambridge, Sii John Hynde Cotton, Bart. In 1768 he was elect- ed a Representative in Parliament for the county of Cambridge, and is now succeeded in title and estate by his eldest ( on Charles Cotton, Esq. Sunday last died at Wymondham, in the 95th year of his age, Mr. John Cousins, the oldest person in that parish, who was, at the time of his decease, a great- great- grandfather. Saturday last died Mrs. Abigail Hambling, aged 85, relict of Mr. Hambling, baker, of this city. Sunday morning died Suddenly, having gone to bed the preceding evening in as good health as usual, Mr. Matthias
Wilhelm, a native of Germany, and foreign clerk to Mr. Marsh, manufacturer, in Mag- dalen- street. Wednesday last died at Wymondham, far ad- vanced in years, Mrs. Anne Farmer, a maiden lady, the munificent donor of the organ lately ereCted in that parish church. She was eminent for the uni- versal candour of her mind, and the primitive Sim- plicity of her manners— her life was pious, her death tranquil. Wednesday laft died, aged 75, Mrs. Green, reliCt of the Rev, Mr. Green, of Hardingham, in this county. Thursday last died, Mrs. Crowe, wife of Mr. Crowe, manufacturer, in St. Augustine's, and one of the people called
Quakers, Thursday last died in St. Gregory's, Mr. James Younge, aged 77, formerly a considerable manufac- turer in this city. The commanding officers of the Queen's Bays, and of the Royal North Lincoln Militia, quartered in this city, have set a laudable example by ordering the Soldiers to discontinue the use of powder or flour in their hair, except when on guard ; it is computed that each Soldier consumed a lb. of flour a week, [ The Communication; which we have received on the above sub- ject are so numerous, that they would occupy more room than we can possibly spare. During this inclement season, the poor of Post wick, near this city, have been much relieved by a gift of five pounds worth of coals from Lord Rose- bery, and five guineas worth of bread, the annual donation of the Rev. Barry RobinSon. The princi- pal inhabitants ot that town have also severally con- tributed to the relief of their poor, by distributions of bread, and continue to sell them wheat at five shillings per bushel. The parish of Trowse Newton, as well as several other parishes, have experienced a fresh instance of the Earl of Rosebery's liberality in a supply of coals during the late severe weather. The Mayor and principal inhabitants of Castle Rising, in this county, have
generously relieved the poor at this inclement season, by raising a liberal Subscription for that purpose. The parishes of Holt, Lowestoft, Woodbridge, Botesdale, & c. have each raised very liberal Subscrip- tions for the above benevolent purpose. The poor of the parishes of Hindolveston, Swan- ton Novers and Melton Constable have been very ' liberally relieved by Sir Rdward Astley, Bart, with meat and firing according to the largeness of their families. Last week Mr. Robert King, of Holt, distributed a Quantity of coals, at a very reduced price, to the poor of that parish, which proved a very seasonable relief in this cold and trying
season, The inhabitants of Downham Market last week, made a very liberal subscription for the relief of their poor; and Messrs. Fisher, and Co. comedians, now performing there, gave the whole receipt of their house 0n Wednesday last for the Same benevolent purpose. The evening's amusements were the ad- mired comedy of " the Jew" and the entertainment of " the Romp," in each of which the charecters were ably supported, The poor of Yarmouth have been greatly relieved by a subscription for the supplying them with the quartern loaf at the reduced price of 3d. and a pro- portionate quantity of coals to be given to each
fa- mily during the extreme severity of the season. In addition to the donation of twenty pounds lately given by the Rev. Dr. Frank, to the poor of the united parishes of Shelton with Hardwick, in this county, that gentleman last week wrote to Mr. Ellis, his agent, requiring him to purchase five chal. drons of coals, to be distributed to the industrious and necessitous poor of and belonging to the said parishes. Twenty poor families of St. George's Colgate, re- turn their sincere and hearty thanks to Mr. John Rooks, of the said parish, for a comfortable dinner of beef, broth, and bread ; and likewise to Mr. E. De- vereux, of the aforesaid
parish, for .1 bushel of coals each., The prisoners in the city goal return their sincere thanks to Daniel Raymond Barker, Esq. and his bride, for two guineas given them on Saturday Ult. — The prisoners in that part of the gaol belonging to St. John's Maddermarket, have received a sixpenny loaf each from the church- wardens of that parish. The following account may serve as a caution to persons to avoid as much as possible being from home on an evening during severe cold weather:— John Childs, a reputable inhabitant of Bawburgh, being detained in this city on business till near 7 o'clocK one evening last week, but from
whence he returned in good health, about midway homeward found him- self Suddenly affected with a drowly weakness without pain, through which he dropped Several times, yet rose and persevered in walking all within half a mile of his own houie; he dropped again without capaci- ty of rising more ; but his wile solicitous for his re- turn dispatched two young men, who might have passed without Seeing him as he laid in a descent from the road, almost covered with snow, but from his dog, who seated upon his breast, proclaimed by bark- ing the state of his master, he was carried home in- sensible, but through care there, and
the assistance of a surgeon, he is now recovered; the Surgeon ascribes the continuance of the action of his lungs to the si—, tuation of his dug, as it is probable he had lain there two hours; Thursday last an inquisition was taken before Mr. Munhall, at Blakeney, 0n view of John Lane, who was accidentally drowned in the Channel by slipping overboard. Saturday last James Churchyard, of Palgrave, Suffolk, butcher, was committed to the caslte, by T. Maynard, Esq. charged on the oath ot Mr. John Branch, of Billingford. farmer, With having stolen on Monday night, the 12th inst. 17 fat wether Sheep, from off his premisses in
Billingford aforesaid. Thursday last Alice Jones, an old offender, was committed to the city gaol by James Hudson, Esq. Mayor, charged with stealing half a firkin of butter from the Shop door of Mr. K. Cully, grocer, 111 St. Peter's of Mancroft. Farenheit's thermometer, placed in an east aspect very little exposed, on Friday Jan. 23d, at 8 morn, was at 14.— 011 Saturday, S morn, at 8.— Sunday, S morn, at 3, being 29 degrees below the freezing point, and the wind at the same time South west.— Sunday, 4. even, at so ; at 6 u was at 16; and at S it role again to 20.— Tuesday, 8 morn, at 40. The rapid thaw at the beginning of
this week hav- ing been succeeded by a fail of snow and sharp frost, the pavement in this city is rendered so extremely dangerous for the foot passenger, that we must again call upon the inhabitants to give directions to their servants to Strew ashes, & c. at their doors. On Saturday last was committed by the Mayor to Yarmouth gaol, for six months, John Clarke, John Clarke, jun, and Richard Kemp, all gardeners, for having in their custody a considerable quantity of tallow, part of the cargo of a ship stranded on the beach on the 17th intt which they concealed from and did not deliver to the Chamberlains of that town as they
ought to have done, no person being on board the said vessel. See Adv. The following are the admeasurement and weight of an eel which was tsken last week at Stiff key Breast, where it had been left by the water, and maybe depended upon as a fact length from tip of the nose to end of the tail 5 feet 8 inches— girth round ths body 21 inches— weight 38 lbs. The following is an Answer from the Mayor of Yar- mouth, to a letter received from, the Right Hon. Henry Dundas, relative to the Manning of the Navy, SIR,— In consequence of your letter of the 17th inst. there have been two public meetings of the merchants and Ship owners of this port, whole opi- nion on the subject of it, law requested to commu- uicate to you. " With respect to any particular persons being de- puted from Yarmouth to wait on his Majesty's Mi- nisters; it was thought, that as various plans for procuring Supplies for the Naval Service have at dif- ferent times been suggested by many, who had the best opportunities for ascertaining the most effectual means for the purpose, very little additional infor- mation could be communicated 0n this subject. " The putting off the Navy upon the most respecta- ble footing, however, being in the pressent Situation of affairs highly important; still
larger bounties and an increase of wages, together witii a more speedy and regular payment, by way of support to the families of Seamen, were conceived to be measures indispen- sibly requisite. " The establishment of an equitable Peace, ap- peared at the same time to he the object deserving of principal attention ; for the Speedily negotiating ef which, it is respectfully recommended to Govern- ment, that every just and proper mode may be adopt- ed ; after this, should the ambition of the enemy render the Continuance of the War necessary, per- Sons of every delcription it was the unanimous opi- nion, wouid cheerfully unite
in whatever mighty contribute to a vigorous prosecution of it. I have the honour to remain, Sir, Your most obedient and very humble servant, WM. TAYLOR." The following addition to the advertisement in the first page of Estate at Wisbeach, came too late to be inserted in its proper place. LOT VI. A Piece of LAnD called Porter's Yard, lying near Gun- Green ' '
Theatre- Royal. " THIS EVENING, SATURDAY JANUARY 31, 1795, The LAST NEW Comedy of THE RAGE, WITH HARTFORD BRIDGE. By Defire of the Right Worshipful the MAYOR and Mrs. MAYORESS, On MONDAY, February 2, KNOW YOUR OWN MIND, WITH THE FARMER. By Desire of the OFFICERS of the QUEEN'S DRAGOON GUARDS, & the ROYAL NORTH LINCOLN MIL1TIA, On MONDAY, Feb. 9, MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. WITH LOVE in a CAMP ; Or, PATRICK in PRUSSIA. To. begin Quarter past Six. Tickets and Places to be had oi Mr. RIVETT at the Theatre from Eleven till One: AND LAST
NIGHT of performing FOR THE BENEFIT OF Miss BRUNTON, On SATURDAY, Feb. 14, THE CONSCIOUS LOVERS, WITH THE SULTAN. THE Proprietors of Lands Draining by the river NAR, and the Owner; of Banks adjoining the said river, having for a considerable time part received much in- jury from the present imperfect state of the said river. Notice is hereby given, that a Meeting of several Persons Concerned will be held at the Duke's Head; in the Market- place, in King's Lynn, on Tuesday next, the 3d of Feb. at Twelve o'clock, to corrider what steps are necessary to be taken, MAXEY ALLEN, THOMAS HARE, T.
BERNERS PLESTOW, MALLET CASE. THE Commissioners named and authorized in and by a commission of bankrupt, awarded and issued and now in prosecution against JOHN BOLTON, of the city of Norwich, merchant, dealer and chapman, intend to meet on the 23d day of March next, at four o'clock in the afternoon, at the house cf Samuel Baldry, called or known by the name or sign of the Maid's Head, situate in the parish of St. Simon, in the said city of Norwich, in order to make a dividend of the estate and effects of the said bankrupt, when and where the creditors who have not already proved their debts under the
said commission, are hereby required to come prepared to prove the same, or they will be excluded the benefit of the said dividend. Norwich General Assurance Office. AGeneral Meeting of the Proprietors Will be held at the Hall, in the Market- place, on Tuesday the 10th day ot February next, at Eleven o clock in the Forenoon. THO. BIGNOLD, Secretary. NOTICE is hereby given, that a Meeting of the Society for the BENEFIT of WIDOWS and OR- PHANS. established at Fakenham, in Norfolk, will be held at the Red Lion Ir. n there, on Monday next the 1stl of Fe- bruary, at Seven in the Evening. HOLT ASSEMBLY on account
of the Incle. mency of the weather, is postponed till further notice is given in the Norwich papers. LyNN Fifth sUbSCRIPTION ASSEMBLY will be held as usual at the Town Hall, on Wednesday, Feb. the 4th inst. GEORGE HOGG, Esq. Sen. Stewards ANDREW FOUNTAINE, Esq. ' N. B. The Company are requested to meet at Seven o'clock^ YARMOUTH THIRD SUBSCRIPTION AS- SEMBLY will be on Thursday the 5th of Feb. 1795, at the New Hall, on the Quay. B. FIELDING, Esq. R. WARMINGTON, Esq. Non- subscribers 5s. each. Dancing to begin at eight o'clock. Stewards. WHEREAS 0n Tuesday the 27th day of Janu ary, 1795, a number of Persons, to the amount of or 40 went to the houses of several Inhabitants residing within the Hundreds of BLOFIELD and SOUTH WAL- SHAM, complaining of the hardships they laboured under, on account of the Dearness of Provision and other neces- saries. The Magistrates of the aforesaid Hundreds, willing to impute their so assembling and going ahout together to their ignorance of the law, think it incumbent on them to make known, that such assembling and going about together is un- lawful, and therefore hope, that this notice will prevent the same in future, as the law must be strictly enforced.
The said Magistrates will give every attention to the se- parate application of every Poor Person, and extend such Relief as the Law will authorise them to do. And they strongly recommend to the Parish Officers within the said Hundreds, to be particularly attentive, during the high price of corn, in giving every encouragement and relief to ths industrious Poor," and more especially to those with large families. BUNGAY TUNS ASSOCIATION. STOLEN, Out of the Stable of Mr. Samuel Goddard, at Hardley Hall, in the County of Norfolk, last night, or early this morning. ABROWN HORSE, 5 years old, about 14. hands and a half high,
hanging mane and hunter's cut tail two white feet behind, and a star on his forehead, cut a lit- tle behind in going. At the same time was stolen, one single- flapped Saddle, the tree of which was broken be- hind, stirrups rusty, and snaffle- bit bridle. The offender or offenders also entered the Dwelling house rf the said Mr. Goddard, and stole thereout Two Great Coats, one a light drab, double breasted, plan yellow but- tons, the other a dark chocolate coloured wrapper coat, with basket buttons and velvet collar, one cloak, pair of marsh boots, and one pair of servant's highlows. Whoever shaill apprehend the Person or Persons
concerned in stealing the said Horse, or entering the Dwelling- house, so as they be lawfully convicted, shall receive TEN POUNDS reward, to be paid by the Association. [ Jan. 28, 1795. EAST DEREHAM fourth SUBSCRIPTION ASSEMBLY will be on Wednesday, Feb. 4th, 1795. Rev R. F. HOWMAN, . THO. SMYTH, Esq. Stewards. Non- Subscribers Tickets, Ladies' 2s. 6d.— Gentlemen's 3s. 6d. DOWNHAM ASSEMBLY will be at the Swan Inn, on Monday Feb. 9th, 1795. To be LETT at Lady day next , ACommodious BAKING- OFFICE at St. Faith's rear the Cross keys, late in the occupation of B. Pro- grave ; it is an eligible
situation for either a baker, bricklay- er, or carpenter. For further particulars, enquire of Mr. S. Lovick, jun. of the same place. The CONSTANT TRADER. ADEONA of Blakeney, THOMAS BOND, Master, is now at the Port of HULL, laying on for goods consigned to HOLT and its Environs.— Such persons as may have any to Ship, either as above or t BLAKENEY, will request their Brokers at Hull, to forward them ss oon as can be by tbe Adeona, and they may depend on their being properly warehoused, and every requisite at- tention paid till delivery. [ JANUARY, 1795. TWO GUINEAS REWARD. DESERTED, FROM THE
FIFESHIRE FENCIBLES, THOMAS RICHMOND, about 24 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches high, fresh ruddy complexion, hazie tyes, dark hair, has lately worked at a mill near Norwich ; had on when he went, away, a dark coat, velveret waistcoat, leather brceChes, and new boots, but is now supposed to wear a smock frock over them. Whoever will apprehend, or cause to be apprehended the above man, and bring him to Lieut. Fitz, at Mr. Rivett's, Silk Dyer; corner of St, Giles's, shall receive the above re- ward, over and above what is allowed by Act of Parliament for apprehending Deserters. Norwich, January 27, 1795.
DESERTED, On Friday the 24th of January 1795, from a Recruiting Party of the 53d Regiment, now stationed in the city of Norwich, m the county of Norfolk, ROBERT LEADHAM, aged 26 years, 5- feet 5 inches high, fresh complexion, blue eyes, long fair hair, full faced, pock- marked, stout made, had on when he went away a plain blue great coat, plain blue body coat, striped dimity waistcoat, with a striped cotton waistcoat un- derneath, thickset breeches, seated between the thighs, round hat, by trade a rope maker. As also upon the same day EGGETT LEEFORD, aged 20 years, 5 leet 5 inches high, dark complexion, short
brown hair, hazel eyes, by trade a comber, marked upon both arms with India ink, the right arm has our Saviour upon the Cross, and the left arm has Adam and Eve marked upon it; had 0n when he went away a plain blue great coat, red collar and yellow button:,, a green body coat and yellow buttons, scar- let cassimere waistcoat with black spots, and a waistcoat un- derneath, and corderoy breeches. Whoever will apprthend either or both of the above said Deserters will be handsomely rewarded, over and above w hat is allowed by Act of Parliament. SWAFFHAM Third Subscription ASSEMBLY will be on Thursday February
5, 1795, ( Being COURSING MEETING,) W. R. RUSSELL, Esq JOHN HYDE, Esq: Stewards. N. B. Should the weather prove unfavourable for the Meeting, the Assembly will be postponed till Thursday in the Meeting week. EDUCATION. E. BLOMEFIELD begs leave to offer her grate- acknowledgments for the support her friends have hitherto afforded her, and affirms them and the public, that she intends to continue her SCHOOL as usual, hoping by an unremitting attention to those intrusted to her care, to merit their future favours. AYLSHAM, Jan. 30, 1795. N. B. All persons having a demand on the late Mrs. S. Blomefield,
are desired to bring their accounts to E. Blome- field, who will discharge the same. This day is published, Price is. 6d.\ A LETTER to the RIGHT HONORABLE WILLIAM WINDHAM, On the intemperance and dangerous tendency of his Public Conduct. By Thomas Holcraft. London, printed for H. D. Symonds, No. 20, Paternoster- Row ; and sold by Crouse and Co. Norwich. Where may be had by the same Author, A NARRATIVE of FACT'S relative to a late Prosecution for HIGH TREASON, Price 3s. 6d. Also, HUGH TREVOR; and ANNA ST. IVES,— Novels YARMOUTH, Jan. 29, 1795. WHEREAS a FOREIGN VESSEL, was
on the 17th inst. strandsd and wrecked on Yarmouth Beach. person on board, laden with Tallow and other great reason to apprehend that part of the said cargo has been carired away and concealed. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That if any person or persons will give information to Messrs. Reynolds and Godfrey, Chamberlains of Yarmouth, 0r to Mr. Robert Cory, Registrer of the Admiralty Court of the place or places where any of the said Tallow or Goods are concealed; the person or persons giving such information, shall receive one- third part of the value recovered thereby, and their names kept secret. And any person
presuming to purchase any of the said Tal- low or Goods, or having the same in their possession, shall neglect or refuse immediately to deliver them to the said Chamberlains, will be prosecuted to the utmost rigor of the law, to deter others from being guilty of the like offences. Should any person have any Tallow or Good . in pos- session, and hitherto detained the same for want of informa- tion to whom to deliver them, such persons on the delivery thereof to the said Chamberlains, 011 or before the 7th of Feb. next, will be paid a reasonable gratuity ; and if detain- ed after that time, prosecutions will be commenced on such
informations as are already, or may hereafter be received. NORFOLK, AT the General Quarter Sessions of the to wit. " Peace of our Lord the King, holden at the Shire- house in the castle of Norwich, in the Coun- ty aforesaid, for the same County, on Wednesday the 14th day of January, in the 35th Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord, George 3d, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and so forth; before Henry Jodrell, Esq, The Right Honourable Horatio Lord Walpole, Sir Thomas Beevor, Bart. Brampton Gurdon Dillingham, Esq. aud other Justices of our said Lord the King,
assigned to keep the Peace iu the county aforesaid, and also, and, so forth assigned. IT having been represented to this Court, that frauds are daily committed by ths Bakers, Mealmen, and other persons selling BREAD in different parts of this county, owing to the statutes and regulations relating to the weight and prices of Bread being not generally known or understood, THIS COURT doth order, that in future the weight of all Bread sold within the jurisdiction of this Court, in this county, shall be regulated according to the provisions of an Act made in the third year of his present Majesty, intituled, " An Act for explaining antl
amending an Act made in ihe thirty- first year of the reign of his late Majesty King George the second, intitled an Act for the due making of Bread, and to regulate the price end assize thereof, and to punish persons who shall adulterate meal, flour, or bread : " wherein it is directed, that the several loaves herein after mentioned, of every sort of bread which shall he made for sale, shall always weigh in avoirdu- pois weight as follows, that is to say, every peck loaf, seven - teen pounds, six ounces; every half- peck loaf, eight pounds eleven ounces; every quarter of a peck losf, four pounds, five ounces, and one half ounce; and
every half quarter of a peck loaf, two pounds, two ounces and three quarters of an ounce ; an. d every person who shall make for sale, or of- fer or expose to or for sale, or have in his, or her posses- sion for sale, ary peck, half- peck, quarter of a peck, or half - quarter of a peck loaf, in any wise deficient of the due weight the fame ought to be as aforefaid, shall on being convicted of any such offence, forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding five shillings, nor less than one shilling, for every ounce of every loaf of such breed which shall at any time be found wanting or deficient of 01 in any due weight the same ought to be aforesaid;
and for every such loaf of bread which shall be found wanting less than one ounce of the due weight the same ought to be as aforesaid, a sum not exceeding two shillings and sixpence, nor less than sixpence, as any Justice or Justices before whom any such loaf of bread which shall not be of the due weight the same ought to be as aforesaid shall adjudge; so as all such bread which shall be complained of as wanting at anv time in the due weight the same ought to be as aforesaid, be brought before fore Justice or Justices within three days after the same shall have been baked, offered or exposfed to or for sale, or found in
any persons custody for sale, unless it shall be made out to the satisfaction of any such Justice or Justices before whom any such bread shall be brought by or on the behalf of the party or parties against whom any such complaint or information shall be made, that such deficiency in weight wholly arose from some unavoidable accident in baking or otherwise, or was occasioned by or through some contrivance or conspiracy. By the 11th and 12th Wm. ch. 15. It is enacted that all Inn- keepers, Alehouse keepers, Sutlers, Victuallers and other Retailers of Ale and Beer, shall retail and sell the same by a FULL quart 0r pint,
according to the Exchequer standard, & which shall be signed or stamped, on pain of forfeiting not above Forty shillings nor less than ten shillings. By the Court, p. FINCH, Clerk of the Peace. MARSHES. To be SOLD by Private Contract, Together or in Parcels, ABOUT 146 A C R E S of exceeding good MARSHES, lying in the Neighbourhood of Great Yarmouth. For price & further particulars apply to Mr. James Sayers, Attorney at Law, Great Yarmouth. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By W. PARSON, On Wednesday and Thurfday, Feb. the nth and 12th, 1795, at the Parsonage House, at Hardingham, near Hingham, in Norfolk,
ALL the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Linen, China, Glass, Dairy and Brewing Utensils, Horses, Carriage, Implements in Husbandry, and other Effects, of the Rev. Wm. Green, deceased ; consisting of mahogany din- ing, tea and card tables, mahogany wardrobe, mahogany chairs with horse- hair seats, walnut tree rush seated ditto, ma- hogany night chair, easy do. Wilton and Scotch carpets, a time- piece, in a wainscot case, four- post bedsteads with vari- ous furnitures, featherbeds, mattrasses, blankets, quilts and counterpanes. pier and dressing glasses, in gilt and other frames, two servant's beds and bedding,-, excellent
bed - nd table linen, some rich old china, a variety of glass and earth ware, Bath moving stoves, kitchen range, perpetual oven, boilers and saucepans, an exceeding good brewing copper, mash, guile, and other tubs, keelers and beer casks, & c. chariot & harness, a pair of coach geldings, with full manes & tails, two road carts, ploughs, harrows and rolls, cart and plough harness, with various implements ; also Cocke's pa- tent drill machine. The Sale to begin each Morning precisely at Eleven Catalogues to be had in due time at the King's Head Inn, Wymondham; Crown Inn, Watton; White Hart Inn, Hingham ; the place of Sale,
and of the Auctioneer at Attle- borough Bear. FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS. This day is published, In nmo, with Beautiful Charactistic Engravings, FOURTH EDITION, Price is. 6d bound, ANEW IN PRODUCTION to READING, or A COLLECTION of EASY LESSONS, arranged on a new plan, calculated to acquire with ease a Theory of Speech and to facilitate the Improvement of Youth ; to which are annexed a pleasing Variety of Essays, Tales, Poems, & c. ex- tracted from celebrated Authors; designed as an Introduc- tion to the SPEAKER, by Dr. ENFIELD. Compiled by the Publisher. LONDON . Printed for G. SAEL, No.
192, Strand, and sold by Crouse, Stevenson & Matchett, at the Norfolk Arms, Market- place, Norwich. Where may he had, just published, I. NOTES and ANNOTATIONS on LOCKE on the Human Understanding, written by order of the QUEEN. By the late T. MORRELL, D. D. 8vo. price is. in boards, II. LETTERS to E. GIBBON, Esq. by G. TRAVIS Archdeacon of Chester. Third Edit, in 8vo. price 9s. boards III. SAEL's ANNUAL CATALOGUE lor 1795; Com' prting many curious Books, MS. & c. & c. MILITIA SOCIETY For providing Substitutes, SEVERAL opulent and respectable Gentlemen in London, from motives of humanity
towards indus- trious persons, who may be unable to support the heavy charge of providing Substitutes in the Militia, and unwil- ling to serve personally, have formed themselves into a So- ciety for the above purpose— by which every Person paying the small Sum of WHITEHALL, Jan. 24,1795. it has been humbly represented to the King, that between the Hours of One and Two in the Morning of the 11th inst. a LARGE BARN with the BULLOCK- SHED adjoining, in the Borough of. EYE. in the County or Suffolk, the , property of the MAR- QUIS CORNWA1. LIS, containing about 90 coombs of Bailey, in the straw; about 40
bushels of Suckling, in the stalk; ten coombs of Rye- Grass, and 30 coombs of Wheat, in Sacks, with many Implements of Husbandry ; also a large Haulm Stack, standing in the yard, belonging to the said Barn, the property of Mr. JOHN WYTHE, cf the Borough aforesaid, were discovered to be on flames; and that the same were wilfully and maliciously Set on Fire by some Person or Persons unknown, by which they were nearly all consumed." And it has also been humbly represented to the King, that beween the hours of three and four of the 10th ult. a stack of barley straw standing between a stack of beans and a stack of
wheat, the property of Mr. John Martin Denny, of the said town, was discovered to be on flames ; and that the same was wilfully and maliciously set on fire, by some person or per- sons unknown, by which the same was entirely consumed. His Majesty for the better apprehending and bringing to justice the persons concerned in setting fire to the property and effects herein before mentioned, is hereby pleased to pro. mise his most gracious pardon to any of them, ( except the person who actually set fire thereto) WHO shall discover his or her accomplice or accomplices therein, so that he, she or they', msy be apprehended and
convicted thereof. PORTLAND. And as a further encouragement, the following Rewards are offered ( that is to say)' 100I. by the said Marquis Corn- Willis,— 50I. by the said John Wythe and the said John Martin Denny.— 50l. by the Inhabitants of Eye— and 50l. by the Hoxne Association for the Prosecution cf Felons ( o'f Which the said John Wythe is a member) making together the sum of Two Hundred and Twenty Pounds; which Sum will be paid to any Person or Persons making the discovery aforesaid ( except as before excepted) upon the Conviction of any one or more of the Offenders,' upon an- plication to either the said
John Wythe, the faid John Martin Denny, or to Mr. Henry Wyatt, of Broome, Steward to the said Marquis Cornwallis. For Chilblains, Burns, Scalds, Ulcers, & c. Marshall Universal Cerate. THE only preparation hitherto invented for speedily curing Chilblains in the hands and feet, both before and after breaking; a sma11 quantity rubbed on the part, or spread upon a fine linen rag, very soon carries off the inflammation, and when the feet are full of sores, and the heels kibed and broke, a few dressings will effect the cure. It is equally efficacious in every kind of wound or sore, scald, burn, or bruise, eruptions of every sort, and ulcers
of every denomination, especially ulcerated legs, which have been healed in so rapid a manne r, that a new method of cues has been established by this useful preparation, The following cure of Chilblains out of a great number come to hand. A daughter of Mr. Sodins, of King's Sutton, near Ban- bury, was afflicted with Chilblains all over her feet, the in. flammation and pain were so violent as to threaten a mortifi- cation, which would give way to no other preparation than the Cerate, which effected a cure in a few days. Prepared by Mr. William Marshall, Cliemist, Northamp- ton, and by his appointment, sold wholesal'e and retail,
by Mr. John Marshall, No. 6, Bloomsbury- square, London, and Retail by Croufe, Stevenson, and Matchett, Norwich; Miss Horth, Beccles ; Mr. Miller, Bungay; Mr. Barker, Dere- ham ; Mr. Marshall and Mr. Gales, Lynn; Mr. Downes and Mr. Lambert, Yarmouth, and by the general Venders of Me- dicines in Town and Country. will have a Receipt given them, engaging to provide a SUb- StiTUTE, shouid they be chosen by lot, from the day after their Subscription is paid, to the 1st day of November in the present year 1795— Considering, therefore, the very great trouble and difficulty which persons experience, in procuring proper
Substitutes, together with the very high bounties now paid them, the Society recommend it to every prudent man to provide against such an event, by immediately subscribing (£ 5* The above being a plan upon the enlarged scale of comprising the whole kingdom, is offered on much lower terms than even those which pay only the given sum of 10I- at a time when substitutes cannot he procured for much less than double that sum, in this county. This Society has appointed Messrs. CROUSE, STEVENSON & MATCHETT GENERAL AGENTS for the City of Norwich and County of Norfolk; Who have appointed the following SUB AGENTS for their several towns and Neighbourhoods: Mr. DOWNES, Yarmouth. | Mr. BROWNE, Diss. Mr. MARSALL, Lynn Mr. PARKER, Thetford. Mr. JOHNSON, Swaffham Mr. BONE, Dereham. Mr. CUSTANCE, Walsing- ham Mr. DUNN, Docking. Mr. BROWN, HARLESTON. Mr, ALDIS, L. Stratton Mr. PAGE, Holt. Mr. ELWIN, Wells. Mr. CHAPMAN. Downham Mr. MoY, Fakenham Mr. STEVENS, Watton. Mr. PARSON, Atteboro' Mr. WEGG, Wickmere, for Aysham, & ce, BANKRUPTS. James Pollard, of Northowram, in the parish of Halifax, Yorkshire, woolstapler Christopher Crowther, late of Spen, in the parifli of Birstall,
Yorkshire, merchant and malster.— Noah Cartwright, of Oakhampton, in Devon- shire, innholder.— John Goundry, late of Orange- street, Bloomsbury square, Middlesex, tea- dealer and grocer.— Thomas Moulden, of Colchester, in Essex, shopkeeper.— John Tate, late of Hadley, but now of Highgate, Middle- carpenter and builder.— Wm Ellis, of Sudbury, in Suffolk, wool- factor,— Thomas Bucknall, of Daventry, in Northamptonshire, draper.— John Lavender, of Stowbridge, in Worcestershire, shoemaker and shopkeeper.— James Betts, of Putney, in Surry, innholder and Liquor- merchant. — Walwyn Shepherd, of Boswell-
Court, Carey- street, Mid- dlesex, money- scrivener.— George Nash, of Cleveland.. street, in the parish of St. Pancras, Middlesex, livery- stable- keeper.— Jonathan Pratt, of Portland- street, Marybone, plaisterer.— John Gould, of Candwell, Leicester, sheep. jobber.— Horatio Stevens, of Birmingham, grocer— John Scott, of Wells, in the county of Somerset, victualer.— John Hall, of Worcester, porter- brewer.— Walter Haynes, of Worcester, porter- brewer.— Samuel Haynes, of Wor- cester, porter- brewer. SHIP NEWS— YARMOUTH. ARRIVED the 26th inft. Fair Trader, Steward, from London, with goods.— 27th, jean,
Hough, from Leith, with bottles. SAILED the 15th inst. Hannah, Bales, for Sunderland, with herrings, 4 light colliers. ENGLISH STATE LOTTERY, Begins Drawing Feb, 16, 1795. THE TICKETS are sold, and divided into HALVES, QUARTERS, EIGHTHS, and SIX- TEENTHS, by J. WENHAM, STOCK BROKER, At his Old Office, No. 11, Poultry, London; At Messrs. Crouse, Stevenson, and MatchettS, At the Norfolk Arms, in the Market- Place, Norwich; ( Having no connection whatever with any other.) E. R. PRATT, Esq. I. HARE, Esq.
, and Orders for this Paper, are taken in, and forwarded to the Printers, by Mr. TAyltor, Warwick- court, near St. Paul's, London, at whose office it is regularly filed ; where Gentlemen residing in town, who advertise in this Chronicle, may see that their Advertisements are inserted according to order. It may alio be seen at the following Coffee- houses, Taverns, and Inns in London, every Saturday evening, e The London Coffee- house, Peele's Coffee- houfr, Fleet street; the Chapter Coffee- house; seagoe's Coffee- house, Holborn ; the Bedford Coffee- house ; Piazzas, Covent garden ; Queen's- head tavern, and the Bell- inn,
Friday- street ; Bull inn. Bishopsgate- street; Clark's Wine Vaults, Newport- street, Newport market; the White- horfe, fetter- lane j the Horse- shoe and Star near st. Dunstan's- church, Fleet- street; and at Mr. Eaton's, the Falcon tavern, Fetter- lane ^ Persons residing at a distance may have this Paper sent, free of Postage, to any part of Great Britain or Ireland^ Wednesday's post. By advice From Mentz and Manheim, it appears that the severity of the season, which has hitherto fa- vored the progress of the French, operates as a check upon them on the side of Germany. On the 29th of December, the French before Mentz
attempted to take the redoubt of Zahlbach by storm. They were repulsed in three attacks, and left 300 dead on the spot. A captain and 40 men were taken prisoners. The Austrians had 40 killed or wounded, including three officers. A negociation' is said not only to be opened, but also to be in a state of great forwardnefs between the belligerent powers and the Empress of Russia, hav- ing for its object to engage the latter to send to the Rhine a Russian army, commanded by General Count Suwarrow, whose butcheries in Poland have gained him such high honours from the Empress. It is the plan of Government, we understand,
to convert the 44 sail of outward bound East Indiamen into ships of war, which will make as many fine stout frigates. The outward bound trade are to be afterwards conveyed in transports, to be provided by Government for that purpose. Intelligence has been received from Guadaloupe, of the siege of Fort Matilda having been raised by the Brigands, and that the whole of the French force had retired to Point- au Petre, General Prescot having received a seasonable reinforcement. The Jacobin French frigate of 22 guns, and 223 men, is taken by the Montagu man of war, ami car- ried into Barbadoes. She is a fine new vesscl,
built, upon an entire new construction, and pierced for 26 guns. She supposed the Ganges and Montagu men of war, to be two Spanish Remitter ships, an I fired two broadsides at them before she found her mistake. She had captured 17 vessels previous to her being taken. . The following Regiments of Foot are under orders for foreign service, the 60th, 67th, 69th, 78th, 82d, 83d, 84th, 90th, 92d, 94th, 95th, 97th, 98th, 102d, 107th, 108th, 109th, 110th, 112th, 114th, 115th, 118th, and 119th. Upwards of 10. oool. have been already subscribed for the relief of the poor of the metropolis alone. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Thursday,
Jan. 24.— Mr. Curwen presented a Pe- tition, signed by a number of respectable freemen of - the city of Carlisle, praying that the House in its wisdom would take such steps as Would procure an immediate peace. The petition was read at the table. Mr. Curwen then moved that the petition do lie on the table. Lord Morpeth. observed, that this petition did not speak the sentiments of the inhabitants of Carlisle, being signed by only 200, whereas 1300 of the most respectable personages in the place had protested against it. The petition was ordered to lie on the table. The Attorney General said it was not his intention to bring
forward the discussion on the second reading of the Bill for the farther suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act that night, on account of the lateness of the hour. He then' moved that the Bill be read a se- cond time the next day. Mr. fox doubted extremely, whether the learned Gentleman could make out the case sufficiently strong to induce the House to resort to a measure which tend, ed so materially to abridge the liberty of the subject, especially since the existence of a conspiracy had been negatived by the verdicts in the late trials for high treason. Adjourned. Mr. Hobart brought up the Report of the Commit- tee of Supply on
the Army Estimates; the question being put, that the first resolution should pass, Mr. Fox said that at this time he once more thought himself compelled to say a few words as to the com- parative importance of the Army and Navy at this time, and the necessity there was of providing amply for the latter, before we thought of dueling our at- tention to the former-. The present period of the war, more than any other, called for an addition of the one, and a diminution of the other, because the strength of the one formed our only security, and that of the other would only. exhaust, without protecting us. In some degree his Majesty's
Ministers appeared to be of that opinion, for in praising the vigilance of the Ad- miralty, they had triumphantly said, there was no want of ships if we had men to put on board of them ; yet with this observation in their mouths, they were going to impede a service which they ought to have every intend in promoting ; and while they admit of its expediency, were endeavouring to thwart its success. Mr. Pitt contended, that, in the present circum- stances of the country, the greuelt conjoint exertion, both as to our army and navy, was indispensibly re- quisite. By the augmentation of the army we might be still enabled to make a powerful
diversion against the French on the Continent of Europe; while by our naval exertions we might bid defiance to them on their own element. Mr. Sheridan, on the second resolution being read, animadverted on the practice of crimping, and like- wise took notice of the miserable condition of our troops, who had been crammed into transports tor months past, and rendered totally unfit for service. The Secretary at War disavowed any knowledge of crimping, and assured the House, that the men 011 board tranfports had every attention paid them; their sailing from Portsmouth was delayed by accidents, for which no blame was
imputable to Ministers. The several resolutions were then put and carried.; Friday, Jan. 25.— Mr. Mainwaring presented a Pe- tition, signed by 5000 Innkeepers, stating the grievances they laboured under from the present mode of billet- ing soldiers. Mr. M. wished to move for a Commit- tee of enquiry 0n the subject. The Speaker was of opinion the Petition should lie on the table. Mr. Mainwaring expressed some apprehensions that it might lie on the table till it was forgotten. Mr. Pitt said, that this could not be the case, unless the Honourable Gentleman who presented the petition forgot his duty— its prayer was such as to merit
the attention of the House, as the case of the Petitioners was certainly such as to require some relief, though not to the extent as might be expected. Petition ordered to lie on the table. The Order of the Day for the second reading of the Bill for the further suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act being read, Mr. Lambton rose to oppose it, and recapitulated the - various arguments of the non- existence of my plots; which have so frequently been urged in the course of the Session, from whence he drew the usual conclusion, that there was n0 necessary for so arbitrary a measure, which therefore had his most decided negative. Mr.
Attorney General rose to support his motion, and controvert the observations and arguments ad- duced by the last speaker, but offered no additional reasons for passing the bill, strenuously contending that the evidence on the late trials had established the opi- nion of the Committee that dangerous conspiracies ex- isted in the country. Mr. Jekyll made a very warm and animated reply to Mr. Attorney General, and reprobated the disrespect- ful terms in which, by some Gentlemen, the verdict of the Juries was stigmatized. He treated the whole of the proceeding of the State trials with much irony, and said, if there were persons in
this country who felt sore at the abuses and gigantic corruption that pre- vailed, and who thereby were driven to intemperance of language and rashness of conduct, the ordinary course of Justice was abundantly sufficient to restrain and punish them, without having recourse to a mea- sure, which nothing but the most imminent dangers could call for or justify. He felt therefore, bound to give it every opposition in his power. Mr. Francis took the same side and opinion with Mr. Jekyll, and was answered by the Solicitor Gene- ral. After which several other Members spoke, whose arguments were similar to those used by Gentlemen
on a former debate on this subject. On a division, the second reading of the bill was carried by a majority of 186, the numbers for it 239 ; against it 53.- A debate then took place on the bill's going to a Committee, which it was agreed should be on Tues- day. At four o'clock on Saturday morning the House adjourned to Monday, " Jan. 26. A Petition from Lynn, against the Em Brink Drainage Bill, was presented, and or- dered to lie on the table. Mr. Alderman Anderson presented a Petition from ihe Lord Mayor, Aldermen, Common Council, and Livery of ihe City of London, which was to the following effect : " That your Petitioners
deplore the evil consequences of War in general, but more particularly thee disasterous effects of the present War, on the trade, manufactures, and com- merce of the British Empire. " Your Petitioners conceive, that none of the ends pro . posed by the prefent War, either have been, or appear likely to be obtained, although it has been carried on as an un- precedented expence to this country, and has already pro- duced an alarming increase of the National Debt, augment- ed by subsidies paid to Allies, who have notoriously violated their solemn engagements, and rendered no adequate service for large sums actually received
by them, and wrong l oin the credulity of the generous and industrious inhabitants of this island. " Your Petitioners, from their present view of public measures, presume humbly, but firmly, to express to this Honourable House their decided conviction that the prin- ciple upon which the War appears now to be carried on, nei- ther is or can' be effential to the prosperity, the liberty, or the glory of the British Empire. " Your Petitioners, therefore, humbly pray, that this Honourable House, disclaiming all right of interfering in the internal concerns of France, will be pleased to take such measures as they, in their wisdom, shall think proper,
for the purpose of promoting a speedy Peace between Great Britain and the power with whom we are at war." ' This Petition was received, and ordered to lie on the table. Gen. Smith, after observing that the officers in the East- India service had not met with that attention and provision from Government which they had been taught to expect moved, That there be laid before the House a copy of the Petition of the Officers in the East- India Company's ser- vice. NEGOCIATION WITH THE FRENCH. Mr. Grey, began his speech with observing. that in the present important question all party animosities ought to give way to
National interest and safety. The House ought to come forward with the same feeling and temper of mind, as if they considered themselves the Jury of their countrymen. They were exactly in that character on the present occasion ; with this diffeience, that a jury had to try the life only of one man ; they had to decide on the fate of thousands of their fellow- citizens. After a war of two years, carried on sometimes with bril liant success on cur part, and with many disasters— a war in which about 50,000 of our countrymen had been destroy id, and an immense debt contracted, to the amount, at he could prove by calculation, of
Seventy Millions, or, if that was contefsed he would say Fifty Millions; after such losses, it was the duty of the House to reflect seriously, before it advanced a step farther in a Contest, the issue ot which could not be foreseen. The proposition he meant to bring forward, the House had been long in possession of becaus upon giving no. tice, he had read the motion itself; the object of which, Gen- tlemen might perceive, was neither to sue for Peace nor Ne- gotiation, but to deClare that the French Government was one with which they would not refuse to negotiate. A Right Hon. Gentleman had said on a former day, that he should
have no objection to seat with a RepUblican Go- vernment in France, but would not treat with the Go- vernment that now exists there. His expression was very remarkable— that we were not as yet reduced to such an absence of hope, and want of resource, as to make it proper for us to treat. The Right Hon. Gentleman, by that as- sertion, held out a melancholy prospect to the people of this country ; it was a declaration, that this was a war of ex- termination. and must not end until we were reduced to the brink of destruction. He hoped the House would let the peo- ple of the country know at once what it was they were fighting
for And it would also be right to let the peo- ple Of france know what it was they were fighting against, whether it was to defend their rights and liberties against foreign invasion, or that they were deluded with the idea of conquest by a set of ambitious rulers. The effect of the motion he was to make was, that a Negotiation at the present time, and under the present circumstaces, might not be precluded. It did not prescribe any terms to the House; its only object was to put the country in a negotiable state, to take off that bar which at present seemed to exist, and One our sent merits so strongiy, as to render it possible for the
French, if so disposed, to negociate with us. The House, a little before the commencement of the war, applauded his Ma- jesty for adhering to a strict neutrality with France; a proof that they did not think it incontinent with the dignity of this country to treat with the French Republic. His proposition therefore was not incompatible with the conduct of Ministers themselves. He called, therefore, on the House to countenance opinions the same with those that had been entertained by them. What was the situation in which the Govern. nent of this country stood? That of hav- ing treated the French, first, with insult and contempt— and of
having dispossed their Ambassdor, and refused to re- ceive another whom the. y had sent— and of having ( as he must assert, in spite of every declaration to the contrary) made the first aggression. by those means, all negotiation was precluded. The greatest prospect which this country could have had of being successful, was the hope ot a Counter- Revolu- tion in France. That hope was now gone. To the Go- vernment of that Country, even in times when it might have deserved every epithet given it by the British Parlia- ment, the people were attached : and nothing proved that circumstance more, than that during ail the
changes and convulsions 011 which we had depended for success, the peo- ple still adhered to their Republic one and indivisible. The next ground of success in the war, was the want of Resources in France— a country which had the profits arising from so much confiscatcd lands— a country which was ac- quiring the wealth of other nations— and which had, at that time, all the money contained in the bank of Amsterdam. Gentlemen would find, that the Resourees of men fighting for their Libeity were not to be estimated by any comparison with the contracted efforts of those who were opposing them. He would ask Mr. Pitt, if
he did not feel that the people were unanimously against the War?— Then, if the Honour- able Gentleman wished to have the people unanimous in sup- Porting the War, let him have a door open for negotiation; let him shew that the French, by refusing to negotiate, wanted to extend their conquests— and, in that case, every man Would be ready to support the honour and good of his country; for his own part. would be ready to stand him- self in the front of the battle, and die in defence of his coun- try. He would only propose, that the House should declare its readiness to negotiate,' and should therefore conclude with moving, "
That it is the opinion of the House, that the ex- istence of the present Government of France ought not to be considered as precluding a negotiation for Peace." Mr. William Smith seconded the motion ; and entered into a long detail of facts, to prove that the present contest was exactly similar to the American War. Mr. Pitt said, that upon this occasion he found himself the more called upon to deliver his sentiments in the most expli- cit and candid manner, from the sensible, manly, and fair way in which the Honourable Gentleman had brought for- ward his motion. But before he called the attention or the House to that motion
itself, or to the Amendment which he had to propose to it, be thought it requisite to remind Gen- tlemen of the various Declarations which had, at different periods, issued from the Throne, in relation to the present contest with France, and the different Resolutions which the House had come to upon that topic. From the consideraion of all these, he was well persuaded that the general condu- it on would be, that the grounds on which the legislature, in its wisdom, had proceeded, were in no degree altered, but that we were now as loudly as ever required to pursue the plans which we had originally adopted, and follow the mea sures we had first adhered to. In the- first place', then, it would be requisite to advert to his Majesty's speech in Ja- nuary 1794; to the Declaration of the 29th of Octobcr 1793, to the people of France; and that of the 20th of November in the same year, to the inhabitants of Toulon ; and from the consideration of the whole of these documents, it would ap- pear, that his Majesty's Ministers had, in no one instance, deviated from the principles on which they had at first set out, and that they were still convinced ot the propriety of following the same course. If these declarations were right in the firft instance, and they had already
received the ret peated approbation of both Houses, the question still remained whether any circumstance had occurred which could justify ; a departure from them, and warrant the accession to the sell timents entertained by the Honourable Mover. Firmly per suaded, as he was, of the propriety of those decisions, an willing that they should be still acted upon, he would state in the first instance, the nature of the Amendment he meant to propose. It was, " That the Houfe should declare its re- solution to support his Majesty in the prosecution of the just and necessary war which we were involved; relying on the wisdom of his
Majesty, that he would so employ the re- sources of the country, as ultimately to lead to the enjoy- ment of a secure and permanent Peace; and on the desire uniformly manifestcd by his Majesty to effect a Pacification, on just and honourable grounds, with any Government in France, under whatever form, which shall appear capable of maintain- ing the accustomed relations of Peace and Amity with other Countries." In this he did nothing more than support the de- clarations of the King, the Parliament and the Nation; and to these sentiments, he trusted, the House would at this time adhere. That all who had acted in this manner,
were at the same time convinced, that the reiteration of some species of Monarchial Government in France was the most likely me- thod of ensuring general, tranquillity in Europe, he was not at all disposed to deny, and consequently that all our efforts had been directed to that great object. The extent of our interference with the Government of France, was therefore limited by the degree of danger which our internal repose might run from their intermeddling with us; and, as soon therefore, as the French had established any form of Government with which- foreign nations could treat with security, then that obstacle to negotiation
was at an end In considering this question, therefore, we had only to enquire whether there still prevailed the same system of anarchy, confusion and wickedness which had hitherto pre- vented any treaty ; and which, if it now existed, was as great an impediment as ever to the opening of a negociation. The domination of Brissot and his associates, had been followed by the detestable cruelties of Robespierre and his adherents, and thefe latter had now been succeeded by the supporters of an affected system of moderatism, which caused the Revolu- tionary Powers to be exercised for a short time with greater comparative
degree of mildness, but which still left every en- gine of tyranny in as great force as before That War, in the abstract was a great evil, be was by no means dispofed to deny ; but we were now to ask, whether there were no circumstances' which should lead us to regard an infidious, temporary, and uncertain Peace, as a much more serious calamity, than the most destructive War in which we could be involved. The successes of the enemy had of late been great and tremendous, sufficient to awaken the most supine, to alarm the most indiffeient, and to stimu- late the most slothful How much further that enemy might be permitted
to go, it lay only with One Great Being to determine ; but, acting according, to the best of his own judgment, he would say, that their successes only called for the most strenuous exertions, and more indefatigable efforts. He then concluded with moving the amendment already mentioned. Mr. Wilberforce was of opinion, that the existence of a republic in France should not prevent a negotiation with this country ; which, if we delayed, he feared we should be obliged to sue for peace under worse circumstances, as we did not now appear to have any reasonable ground of suc- cess in the prosecution of the war. should we persist in
the war, and should it turn out unsuccessful, clamour would be the consequence, and our internal security wouid be lessened. He concluded with moving the following amendment to the original motion, tending to qualify it; and not so contra- dictory as Mr. Pitt's amendment: That the existence of any particular form of Govern- ment in France, ought not to preclude such a Peace between the two Countries, as both in itself, and in the manner of effecting it, should be otherwise consistent, both with the honour and interests of the Country." Mr. T. W, Coke said, he should be an advocate for peace, let the measure come from what
quarter it would; he did not believe there was any man who was inclined to oppose it, but those who derived profit fiom the continuance of the war. He believed the spirit of the country was at present completely against it. Mr. Pitt had asserted that he believed the country were not in general against the war; perhaps that Right Hon. Gentleman had been deceived; if so, he- was sorry for it. Perhaps he might have been deceived by the Right Hon. Gentleman ( Mr. Windham) who sat near him. He, however, would assure him, that Petitions for Peace were at this moment preparing at Norwich by the Constituents of the Secretary at
War. He should agree with any measures which would tend to rescue us from the fatal consequences of the inconsistent, rash, and ruinous contest in which we were engaged. Mr. Fox, in one of the most animated and brilliant speeches he ever uttered, combated the principles of the War, and its continuance, in support of his Friend's Motion, Mr. Dundas spoke at great length in length to Mr. Fox and supported Mr. Pitt's amendment. Mr. Wyndham rose merely to declare, that, so far as respect- ed him, he had never entertained an idea of making the re- storation of Monarchy in France a condition sine qua non, pre- vious to the
entering into a Treaty of Peace with that coun- try. The House then divided on Mr. Pitt's Amendment to the Motion, when there appeared, Ayes— 269 Noes—? 6 Majority in favor of Mr. Pitt— 183 The House divided again on Mr. Wilberforce's Amend, ment: After Mr. Wilberforce's. Amendment - was disposed of, Mr. Sheridan proposed a 3d Amendment, to be added to Mr. Pitt's Resolution. He charged the Minister with having selected words of ambiguity and prevarication to mislead the public, on a subject and on a day peculiarly devoted to perspicuity a d explanation. The wish of the country was for a speedy peace, without
regarding the construction or principles ol the present existing government of France. He was confi- dent the Minister, and many who voted with him, meant differently. His amendment would bring their meaning so a fair trial; if it was negatived, the county would understand that peace was as far off as ever, and that the war was still infact cairied on 10 change the Government of France. This brought on a warm altercation, and particularly be. tween Mr. Fox and Mr. Windham. The addition proposed by Mr. Sheridan, was—" And this House are not of opinion that there are circumstances in the present existing Government Of
France, which preclude all negotiation with the said Government, or render it incapa ble of maintaining the accustomed relations of peace and amity wilh other countries." It passed in the negative.