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The Caledonian Mercury


Printer / Publisher: Robert Allan 
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 14/03/1931 00:00
No Pages: 4
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The Caledonian Mercury
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The Caledonian Mercury

Date of Article: 11/09/1794
Printer / Publisher: Robert Allan 
Address: Printing house, Old Fish Market Close
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 14/03/1931 00:00
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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EDINBURGH,— PRINTED BY ROBERT ALLAN.— THURSD A Y, SEPTEMBER 11. 1794 4d. KELSO RACES. TO be Run for on Wednesday the 8th of October, over A CAVeRTON EDGE, FIFTY GUINEAS for all ages. Four year olds, 7st. 7lb. Six year olds, 8st. 11lb. Five year olds, 8st. 4lb. | Aged, 9st Thursday the 9th, FIFTY GUINEAS for all ages, Weights as on Wednesday. The winner of Wednesday's Plate not to be allowed to run on Thursday. The horses to be entered on Monday the 6th, at Mr Hor- sington's, Cross Keys, Kelso, betwixt the hours of twelve and two, when proper certificates must be produced. Disputes to be settled by the Stewards, or whom they shall appoint. EARL of BREADALBANE, EARL of DALKEITH, Stewards. GEO. RAMSAY, Esq. Ordinaries and Assemblies as usual. WHALE OIL & BONE. To he SOLd by public roup, within the East- Lothian and Merse Whale- fishing Company's Office in Dunbar, on Thursday the 25th day of September curreut, at twelve o'clock mid- day, EIGHTY- THREE TONS of WHALE OIL— I AND Ten Tons of WHALE BONE— To be put up to sale in such lots as may be agreeable to purchasers. DUNBAR, September 9, 1794. for paffenge Xl.- ill: -„•:<. BANK OF SCOTLAND, SEPT. 9. 1794. THE General Meeting of Proprietors in September 1794 will be held at their Office, on Wednesday the 24th current, at noon. WM. WARDROP Sec. SLATES. TO BE SOLD AT ALLOA, ACARGO of 30,000 Best EASDALE SLATES— Ap- . ply to Messrs Peter M'Farlane and Co. there, or John Glass jun. Stirling. 30 Large Long Sound SPARS, fit for Top Masts, Yards, and Bowsprits, to be sold. SALE OF FAT CATTLE & HORSES. To be SOLD at BALGOWAN, on Monday the 6th of October, SOME FAT CATTLE, Breeding MARES, and Young HORSES of a good kind, for draught or saddle. September 8. 1794. SALE OF CATTLE, & c. - AT CLUNE. To be SOLD, or. Thursday the 23d of September current, at the Farm of ClunE, in Nairnshire, THE Whole STOCKING belonging to the late Mr John Rose, consisting - of Milch Cows and Calves, Working Oxen, Stots and Heifers, Horses, and a parcel of Sheep. As this Stocking is weii sorted, it will be an object to Farmers and Dealers to give their attention to it; there being above eighty head of black cattle to be disposed of.— Credit for twelve months on finding good security. COUNTY OF SELKIRK. T^ HE MICHELMAS HEAD COURT for this County is to be held at Selkirk, upon Thursday the 2d of October next; and CLAIMS of ENROLMENT are lodged with th the Sheriff- clerk, for Thomas MacMillan of Shorthope, Esq. James Raymond Johnstone, Esq. An OBJECTION is also lodged with the Sheriff- Clerk a- gainst Admiral John Elliott Being continued any longer upon the roll of- Freeholders. JOHN LANG, Clerk. SelKIrK, September 9. 1794 MEETING OF THE TRUSTEES ON THE NORTH BRANCH OF THE KELSO UNION TURN- PIKE ROAD. AGeneral Meeting of the said Trustees will be held at the Cross Keys, Kelso, on Monday the 6th day of October next, at eleven o'clock forenoon, for the purpose of fettling the accounts of expenditure on the said road, and for other bufinefs in relation thereto. FOR OPORTO, THE COLUMBINE, Peter Gavin Master, Will sail from Leith for Oporto, on the 20th current, and returns with what wines may offer. Apply to Ramsay, Williamson, and Co. Leith., or Mess. Swann, Knowsley and Swann, Oporto. AT LEITH FOR PHILADELPHIA. THE AMERICAN SHIP FAME, JOSEPH HOLBROOK Commander, IS now ready to receive goods on board, and will sail first fair wind after the 10th September next. She is a fine vessel, of 300 tons burden, sails fast, and has excellent accommodation For freight or passage, apply to Messrs William Sibbald and Co. Leith, or to Pott and Macmillan, Glasgow. Leith, Aug. 25. 1794. AT LEITH— FOR LONDON, The Armed Brig, DUCHESS OF YORK, DON. DENOON Master, Now lying in Leith harbour, taking in goods for London, and will positively sail the 17th September. This vessel was built on purpose for the London trade.-— No expence has been spared to render her commodious for passengers, who may expect and depend upon the most civil usage. The master to be spoke with at the Old Exchange Coffee- house at Change hours— mornings and evenings at his house Bernard Street, Leith. AT LONDO — FOR LEITH, THE PHOENIX, CORNELIUS NEILSON Master, Is now lying at the Glasgow Wharf, taking in goods for Leith, Alloa, and places adja- cent and will sail the 20th September 1794, to be depended on. The Phoenix is a fine new vessel, a prime sailer, and has excellent accommodation for passengers. The master to be found on ' Change at ' Change hours- mornings ami evenings on hoard the ship. AT LONDON— FOR LEITH, THE DIANA, ARMED, JAMES CAMPBELL Master, Now lying at Miller's Wharf, below Burr Street, Eaft Smithfield, taking in goods for Edinburgh, and all places adjacent on the Frith of Forth, deliverable at Leith, and will sail the 22d of September 1794. N. B.— The ship has very neat accommodation for passen- gers. The Master to be spoke with on the Scots Walk, Royal Exchange, and at the New England Coffeehouse. The shipmasters have all agreed to sail every 14 days. FOR KINGSTON, JAMAICA, THE BRIG JUNO, JAMES M'ALISTeR Master, A fine stout vessel, measuring 15O tons, and only three years old. As great part of her cargo is engaged, she will be the first vessel from the Clyde for that island. For freight or passage, for which she is well calculated, applications made to Adam and Matthie, Greenock, or the Master on board there, will meet due attention. Greenock, August 1794 A ARMY. COMPANY, in Regiment lately raised, to he SOLD. It a most desirable object for any young gentleman holding the rank of. Lieutenant, and wishing speedy promotion, as besides being immediately Gazetted, he will have several other advantages- For particulars apply t. Mr ROBERT ALLAN, Sun Fire Office. JAMES M'LAUGHLIN. THE MOTHER of JAMES M'LAUGHLIN, late a Corporal in his Majesty's 71st Regiment of Foot, who died in conlequence of an wound received at the siege of Setingapatam, will hear of something to her advantage, by applying to William Murray jun. writer, No. 14. South Frederick Street,' Edinburgh. NOTICE. MR DUFF, Dancing Master, Montrose, begs leave to in- form his Friends andthe Public, That hc is to publish HIS COLLECTION OF REELS, . STRATHSPEYS,& c. . , in November next. He hopes those who have favoured him by accepting sub- scription- papers will take the trouble to send a list of the ir Subscribers names to him at Montrose, or to Mr Watlen, Music Seller, Edinburgh. ACTS OF ASSEMBLY. THE ACTS of the LAST GENERAL ASSEMBLY of the CHURCH of SCOTLAND are now printed. The several Synods, Presbyteries, and Universities will therefore please send to WILLIAM MURRAY, Assistant Clerk of Assembly. No. 14. Frederick Street, for their copies, on or before the 1st day of December next, otherwise they will then be transmitted by post, at the expence of these different bodies. MONEY WANTED TO BORROW, THE SUMS of l„ 6noo, L. 5000, L 3000, and L. zooo, upon the most undoubted heritable security. Apply to Alexander Young, writer to the signet. M ONE Y. THE SUM of FIVE THOUSABD POUNDS Sterling wanted to be borrowed at Martinmas next, upon the most andoubted heritable security. Apply to Andrew M. Whinnie, writer, No. 18. George St.-- - Edinburgh ROAD BILL. IDAVID BROWN of Melrose, in the parifh of Melrose, and county of Roxburgh, acting clerk to the Trustees for putting in execution an act passed in the eighth year of his present Majestly, intitled " An act for repair; ng several " reads leading through the county of Roxburgh"— and a subsequent act passed in the 29th year of his present Maje- jesty, intitled, " An act for enlarging tbe term and powers " of the above- mentioned act, and for better, regulating the " statute labour within the said county"-— by direction of said trustees. do hereby, as their clerk, agreeable to the stand- ing orders of the Honourable House of Commons of Great Britain, give notice to all concerned, that application is to be made to Parliament in the ensuing session thereof, for leave to bring in a bill for enlarging the powers of the acts above mentioned, and otherwise altering and amending said acts. As also, for power to make a branch of road from the Mareburn, at the confines of the county of Dumfries, by the foot of Hermitage Water and Castletown Church to the note of the gate, and from thence to the junction of the turnpike- road leading from Hawick to the mid- border. Also, a road from Hawick, by the Limekiln- edge and Das- ton- rig, to Greena Coalliery. Also, another branch of road from the foot of Hermitage Water to the confines of the county of Dumfries, near Carrotrigg; and another branch of road from Hermitage Water near Milnburnholm, to the Limekiln- edge. Which roads already made and to be made in consequence of the said acts passed or to be passed, have their course and will run through the following, parishes viz. Castleton, Southdean, Hawick, Cavers, Kirkton. Syming- burn, Hobkirk, Abbotrule, Bedrule Jedburgh. Crailling, Eckford. Kelso, Aucruni, St Boswells, Melrose. Legert wood, Roxburgh, and Gallashiels, all : the counties: of Rox- burgh, Berwick, Selkirk; and a small part of the road to Greena Coalliery, in the counties of Northumberland and Cumberland. By order of the Trustees, at a General Meeting, July 21, 1794, DAVID BROWN. FOR THE HEARTBURN, & c, THE MAGNESIA LOZENGES are a certain remedy for the Heartburn, and all Disorders arising from Sharp Humours inserting the Stomach and Bowels— are ex- cellent in removing the Effects of Indigestion, as Wind, Phlegm, Cholics, fixed Pains, and Uneasiness after Eating, particularly Vegetables, which many people are subject to.. They are so powerful a corrector of accidities, as to afford almost instant relief from the pairvful confequences of drink- ing sour wine, stale beer, & c. They are agreeable to the taste, and, though gently opening ( a quality peculiar to these Lozenges) may be taken at any time without inconvenience The repute these Lozenges have obtained for near thirty years, among all ranks of people in England, testify their superior excellence ; and as they are an improvement of the MAGNESIA, are applicable to every case where that is deemed necessary. These Lozenges contine to be prepared and sold by W. P. apothecary, No. 21. Doctor's Commons, London — and by his appointment for Scotland, at R. SCOTT's, Druggist, South Bridge, and HUSBAND, ELDER, and CO." Edinburgh Mr Dick, surgeon, Dundee and Mr Dempster, surgeon, Cupar— s. t Is. I^ d. per box. WORM NUTS. BY THE KING's PATENT. DR WAITE'S Celebrated WORM NU TS, in the form of GINGERBREAD NUTS, prepared by ROBERT MASON, Surgeon, Sudbury, late assistant, and successor to Dr Waite, deceafed, and whose house nd business he now occupies, are only sold by R. SCOTT, APOTHECARY, South Bridge, Edinburgh ; And MR KELTY, PERFUMER. These Nuts are a pleasant safe, and useful Medicine, and 110 family should be without them— in destroying worms in the Bowel's they are remarkably effectual, they carry off the flimy and ropy humour which breed those vermin, and are an excellent purgative after mealies and small pox.— They may also be given with much benefit for preparing children or others when the small- pox are in the neighbourhood. There is no Medicine of equal efficacy in cleansing the blood. Numerous and remarkable, beyond example, are the cafes which have already been made public, and those cases are not fabrications, but stand attested by the most respectable practioners both in physic and surgery. The above nuts are sold in boxes at is. I-| d. Sterling, duty included, with printed bids of dircctions. N. B — None are genuine but those for which the patent has been granted. 0- SCOTT's TRUE LIQUID BLUE— NANKEEN DYE, and the durable INK for marking LINEN, can only be had genuine as above, AN OVERSMAN, WANTED for DYSART COALWORKS, to take the charge below ground; and as it is only one who has once in his time wrought at the coal, that can write and figure, and have the best recommendation for his fidelity, attention, and sobriety. that is required, none of any other defcription need. come forward. Such as may apply, are requefted to call in perfon on William M'Lean, Manager of said works at Dysart. OAK TIMBER FOR SALE, AT LEITH. To be SOLD by Private Bargain, AParcel of ENGLISH OAK TIMBER, containing a- bout 600 feet, and fit for being employed ill build- ing a vessel of r'. o tons burden, The timber may be seen at the Citadel- Port, Leith ; and the price, & c. may be learned by applying to Menzies and Goalen, shipbuilders in Leith. ARBROATH. To be LET, and entered to immediately, or at Martinmas next, THE HOUSE, OFFICES, and GARDEN of ALME RIECLOSS. They are fit for the accommodation cf a large and genteel family.— For particulars apply to Dr Tho- mas Stephen, physician, or Mr Robert Holden, Arbroath. To be SOLD by public roup, within John's Coffeehouse, E- dinburgh, on Wednesday the 26th November next, be- tween the hours of twelve and one o'clock, THAT LODGING & DWELLING- HOUSE, with the adjoining stable and yard, lying in the Abbey Court, Edinburgh, lately possessed by the H0n Mrs Cranstoun. The dwelling- house consists of a dining- room, drawing- room, and a variety 0f other apartments, it is situated very near the King's Park, and in all respects affords a pleasant and convenient lodging for a genteel and numerous family. For particulars apply to John Home, writer to the signet, who will treat with offerers by private bargain. Mr Garrety, the porter at the Abbey, will shew the pre- misses. HOUSE AND LANDS TO LET NEAR GLASGOW. THE Mansion- house, Gardens, and Offices of GLEN- DUFFHILL, about four miles east of Glasgow. The house is lately built The First Flat contains dining- room, drawing- room, kit- chen, ard bed- closet. The Second Flat, four large bed- rooms and two closets, with garret rooms above. The situation is pleasant, about half a mile to the north of the Airdrie road. The tenant may have any quantity of land from 10 to 76 acres The entry at Martinmas next. Apply to Mr Ellington, at Clyde Ironworks, near Glas gow. . JUDICIAL SALE OF LANDS, DEMBARTONSHIRE. To be SOLD by authority of the Court of Session, within the Parliament or New Sesson- house at Edinburgh, up- on Wednesday the 26th day of November next, betwixt the hours of four and six afternoon, ALL and Whole the Three- fourth Parts of the Town and Lands of MILNTOWN of COLQUHOUN and CARCASTON, with the teinds thereof, parsonage and vicarage, houses, and pertinents, belonging to Archibald Colquhoun, merchant in Greenock, and lying within the barony of Colquhoun and parish of Kirkpatrick. The gross proven rent whereof is 1.. 104 2 o Deductions for feu- duty, minister's stipend, schoolmaster's salary, & c. 16 13 7 9- r2ths Free rent, 1.- 87 8 4 3 I2ths STATE. PAPERS. LETTER FROM THE KING OF PRUSSIA TO HIS POLISH MAJESTY. SIR, MY BROTHER The position occupied by the armies which sur- round Warsaw, and the, efficacious means which are begun to be employed to reduce it, and which advance 111. proportion as an useless resistance is prolonged, ought to have convinced your Majesty that the fate of that city is no longer dubious, I hasten to place that of the inhabitants in the hands of your Majesty : a speedy surrender, and the exact discipline I shall cause my troops, who are destined to enter Warsaw, to observe, will secure the life and property of all the peaceable inhabitants. A refusal. to the first and fi- nal summons which my Lieutenant General De Schwerin just addressed t0 the Commandant of Warsaw, will inevitably produce all the terrible and extreme, means to which an open city, which pro- vokes by its obstinacy the horrors of a siege, and the vengeance of two armies, is exposed... If under these circumstances in which your Majesty is placed, your Majesty may be permitted to inform the inhabitants of Warsaw of this alternative ; and if they are per- mitted freely to deliver it, I can anticipate with an extreme pleasure that your Majesty will become their deliverer. Should the contrary happen, I shall regret the more the inutility of this step, because I shall no longer be able to repeat it, however great may be the interest I take in the preservation of your Majesty, and of all those whom the ties of blood and loyalty have called around your person. , In a- ny case I trust that your Majesty will accept the ex> pression of the high esteem with which I am, Sir, my Brother, , The good Brother of your Majesty ' . FR. WILHELM Camp at Wola, August 2. REPLY OF STANISLAUS AUGUSTUS. The Polish army commanded by Gcneralissimo Kosciusko, separating Warsaw from your Majesty's camp, the position of Warsaw is not that of a city which can decide on its surrender. Under these- circumstances nothing can justify the extremities of which your Majesty's letter apprises me ; for this city is neither in the state to accept, nor in that to refuse the summons which has been transmitted by Lieu- tenant- General De Schwerin to the Commandant: of Warsaw. My own exigence interests me no more than that of the inhabitants of this capital ; but since providence has vouchsafed, to elevate me to the rank which allows me to manifest to your Ma- jesty the sentiments of fraternity ; I invoke them to move yow Majesty to abandon the cruel and re- vengeful ideas which are so contrary to the example Kings owe to nations, and, ( I am altogether per- suaded of it) are altogether opposite to your personal character. ( Signed) STANISLAUS AUGUSTUS. Warsaw, August 3. • Edinburgh, August 30. 1794. The Lord Provost having, in virtue of a Commission by his Majesty, been appointed Lord Lieutenant of the City and liberties, recommends to the loyal inhabitants of E- dinburgh to enter into the Corps already formed, under t| ie name of the EDINBURGH VOLUNTEERS, the members of which have offered to serve without pay daring the pre- sent war, under tbe Lord Lieutenant of tbe county of Mid- Lo- thian, and tbe Lord Lieutenant of the city of Edinburgh, with- in the parishes of Edinburgh, Canongate, Leith, and St Cuthbert's, for preventing or suppressing riot or tumult. The application of such inhabitants as shall be willing to make offer of their services must he made to the sitting Magistrate at the Council Chamber, or to Mr Henry Jar- dine, writer to the signet, Secretary to the Corps.-— The articles and regulation's of the Edinburgh Volunteer Com- panies, and the test and declaration of principles to be sub. scribed at the enrolment of the members, are to be seen in the Council Chamber. Value or upset price at 25 years pur- chafe, - L. 218.5 8 10 3 T2ths The above lands are pleasantly situated on the Clyde, a- bout a mile and a half eaft of the town of Dumbarton, and the like distance from the weft end of the Greai^. Canal.— A fniall ifiand pertaining to the lands lies op'po'fite in the river, about 50O yards from the fhore. The high road from Glafgow to Dumbarton runs through the lands. The beautiful hill of Dumbuck forms a part of them, and is excellent pasture for sheep. There is also a natural wood, On which no value is put; and some planting about the mansion- house, which is under a hf nt tack to the com- mon debtor's mother. The arable lands are of an excellent soil, and ale partly inclosed. Upon the whole, a more de- sirable purchase, both for pleasure and profit from improve- ment, can seldom occur. For further particulars application may be made to Mr Alexander Ross, Depute- clerk of Session; Messrs Hugh Crawford and Son, writers in Greenock; or to James Home, writer to the signet, agent in the sale, who will communicate the title- deeds, leases, and schemes of the pro- ven rental. The very extensive sale, and consequently acknowled- ged utility of Dr WAITE'S celebrated Worm Medicine in the form of Gingerbread Nuts, must render them at all times an article well deserving the attention of the Public, and especially at this season, when) from the great abun- dance and use of green vegetables, most children are liable to indigestion, and weakness in the stomach and bowels, and to worms, and to the other disorders arising from this cause. For their efficacy in removing all such complaints, the Patentee's Agent in this place is able completely to satisfy the Public, by reference to many reputable per- sons who have happily experienced the good effeits of that Medicine in their families. As the power of this Medicine in alleviating many o- ther disorders in the constitution, has already been repeat- edly taken notice of in this paper, it will be unnecessary to add more concerning it at present. Sold at I s. I- Jd. the packet, containing Thirteen Nuts, stamp included, by J. BAXTER, At the Italian Warehouse, South Bridge, Edinburgh ; And retail, by A. M'Donald, Glasgow; M. French, La- nark; J. Anderson, Stirling; R. Morrison and Son, - Perth; John Allan, Dundee; J. Anderson, Aberdeen; J. Arbuthnot, Peterhead; M'Intosh and Co. Inverness, J. Dempster, Cupar; I. Blyth, Leven ; P. Craigie, , trose ; W. Phorson, Berwick; E. Humble and S. Newcastle; J. Palmer, Kelso; and by one ' least in every city and considerable town in Great Bri- tain. SCHOOL OF PHYSIC IN IRELAND. THE MEDICAL LECTURES of the Professors will A commence on MONDAY. NOV. 3. 1794, in Trinity College, DUBLIN. Dr CULLEN's, Dr BOYTON's Dr CLEGHORN Dr PERCEVAL'S, On Chemistry, at Dr . DICKSON s, } Medicine, CLINICAL LECTURES will be triven at Si.- Patrick Dunn's Hospital, by Doctors CULLEN and DICKSON. Hour of daily attendance at the Hospital from twelve to one. Pupils will be instructed in the Art of Dissecting and ma- king Anatomical Preparations, by Dr CLEGHORN. Dr HILL's Lecturcs on Botany will commence on Mon- day 4t!} May, 1795. JAs. CLEGHORN Register. UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW. IN the UniverSity OF GLASGOW, the usual Pre- lecti0ns for the ensuing Session will begin at the follow- ing terms • I.— On the 10th of October, NATURAL PHILOSOPHY GREEK MORAL PHILOSOPHY HUMANITY. LOGIC & RHETORIC II.— On the 1st of November, DIVINITY MATERIA MEDICA ORIENTAL LANGUAGES CHEMISTRY HISTORY ANATOMY LAW MIDWIFERY, MEDICINE, Theory and MATHEMATICS Practice MODERN LANGUAGES FRANCE. NATIONAL CONVENTION. AUGUST 14. After the American Envoy Extraordinary had presented his credentials, a deputation of Polish. patriots were intro- duced to the bar. The spokesman, in an address of some length, congra- tulated the Convention on its successes in establishing the Republic, and with it the freedom of so many millions of fellow- creatures. He entered into a pathetic detail of the struggles of the Polish nation to free itself from fetters im- posed upon it by its neighbouring despots ; and anticipated the day, when enjoying the same liberty with French Re- publicans, they might call each other brethren, . AUGUST 18. Barrere announced to the Convention the recapture of Quesnoy in the . following terms: Of four places delivered up to/ the Austrians, two have surrendered to the Republic. Your learned a few days ago the recapture of Landrecies : your, Committee now an- nounces to you that of Quesnoy. Three thousand slaves, composing the garrison, surrendered at discretion to the valiant Republicans, who for several days braved the rain, and the bullets of the enemy, penetrating to the gates of tile place in trenches filled with water, amidst a shower of balls and grape- Shot. The surrendered garrison is kept • until the Convention shall order how it is to be disposed of, and what is the treatment reserved for it. Our people are searching for the concealed emigrants, forty of whom have already been taken, and Will instantly suffer the pe- nalty provided by the law." Barrere next proceeded to state, that the Committee had for two days known the recapture of Quesnoy, and that, through the aid of the Thelegraphe, an ingenious machine contrived by Citizen Chappe, which was capable of pro- curing, he said, for the Committee of Public Safety, with- in the space of an hour or two, in a mode as secret as infallible, all that should pass in the fortresses," or in the ports of the Republic, transmitting, in this very short space of time, the orders of the Government, or the laws of the Convention, and empowering the Committee to receive the news of the most important events, which demand a speedy decision. He now read the official letter from General Schoerer: Head- quarter's at Belandignier, 29 Thermidor, Aug. 16. " CITIZEN PRESIDENT, . " Quesnoy belongs to the Republic. . At four in the af- ternoon of yesterday, three thousand men consisting of gre- nadiers, infantry, and artillery, officers as well as soldiers, laid down their arms in front of the three coloured flags. After having, conformably to your orders, thus deposited their arms, the garrison was carried back into the horn- works of the place, where I shall keep them imprisoned until you lhall decide on their fate. Our Officers of En- gineers and Artillery, together with a Commissary and a Staff Officer, are at this moment employed in making a statement of the warlike stores, guns, papers, and fpecie, belonging to the Emperor. Twenty- four companies of grenadiers, and three battalions, occupy the outer aud in- ner works of the place." " The army I have the honour to command has, du- ring the twenty days the trenches have been opened, ma- nifested all the constancy and intrepidity by which Repu- blicans are characterised. " SChOERER, General of Division." 11 FRucTidioR, Aug. 19. ACCUSATION AND ACQUITtAL OF SEVEN MEMBERS.- Lecointre of Versailles, in concert with Tallien, Dubois Crance, and a few others, produced an accusation against several members. of the Committees of Public and General Safety, namely Barrere, Billaud de Varennes, Collet de Herbois, Vadier, Amar, Vouland, and David. This pro- duced a violent commotion ; and, after a very warm de- bate, it was decreed, by a great majority, that the char- ges were unfounded, that the Assembly should pass to the order of the day. During the evening and the following night, the matter was agitated in the clubs and societies cf Paris, and attempts were made to represent the above decree as an artifice of the majority to get rid of an accu- sation which they were afraid to. meet.. 13 FRUCTIDOR, SATURDAY, AUG 30. MErLiN of Thionville President. The decree above mentioned being read, Roux, — " Citizens, the tempest which yesterday agi- tated the Convention did not permit us to come to any resolution that could fix tbe opinion of the people, with respect to the accusation against the Committees of Public and General Safety. A general statement of indignation at hearing charges without proof, dictated the resolution which terminated the fitting. But that which was suffi- cient to convince us, will not be sufficient to destroy the unfavourable impressions which evil- disposed persons are endeavouring to make upon the minds of the people, and in which they are assisted by some of the journals. A new reading of the pretended accusation, a solemn dis- cussion of the charges and the proofs, if there be any, and an opportunity given to every member to deliver his opinion, can alone satisfy the people, and that the parties accused are not afraid of accounting to the nation for their Conduct. They call for their discussion ; and you are bound in justice to hear them, as you have heard their accusation." Tallien " did not expect that the debate of yester- day would be returned. I was in hopes that the division attempted to be sown among us had been suppressed." A Member,'—" It is you that sow division." ' Tallien. " I w ill first speak to principles and then to passions. If there are men who wish to ruin the public interest by personalities and reproached, I warn, them that they will find those here who will combat, them, even to death. It is time enough for us to know what we are : whether we are worthy to represent the. people-; whether we are sent thither to labour for their good, or to fight with one another like gladiators in an amphitheatre. You yesterday passed a decree which you are now called upon to repeal. It is proposed that the Convention should transform itself into a court of justice. It was yesterday said, that Lecointre ought to be obliged to name, the per- sons who had put him upon this business ; and several of the journals held the same language. Such language can serve only to revive personal animosities, and to sharpen the daggers of Aristocracy. We now declare that we expect with firmness every thing that can be done- against us; but we declare also, that we will com- bat all thofe who attach themselves to men instead of principles. You passed yesterday to the order of the day, on the denuciation that was made to you; you might then extinguish the dispute, and. suffer your count- ry to respite. But if the dispute must be renewed, if discord unceasing must reign here, we shall insist upon reading the papers and examining witnesses ; we shall in- sist Upon a full explanation of every thing, and the people will see, who are the true friends of liberty, and who would substitute terror for justice. I conjure you to for- get this dispute, and to bury all the documents of it in oblivion ( Murmurs.) I move that the decree of yester- day be maintained ; or if the debate must be renewed, that it be continued solemnly. Wc will appear at the Tribune ; and though in a minority, . we will contend for principles. We shall, perhaps, endanger our country for a moment." ( He was interrupted by cries of '' No, no !" from all parts of the Hall.) The Convention decided that the accusation and the proofs should be read. ' Lecointre.—" What I have said is a simple exposition . . of facts, and I will support it by proofs." I have said on- ly, that I found my colleagues reprehensible, and this is still my opinion." ' He then read the first article of charge. I. Of having put under constraint by terror all the citi- zens of the Republic, by signing and causing to be executed arbitrary orders of imprisonment without any information against the parties, any motive of suspicion, or any proof ot the offences set forth in the law of the 17th September 1793 II. Of having extended the system of oppression and ter- ror to the Members of the National Convention, by suffer- ing and countenancing by an affected. silence the rumour that the Committee of Public Safety, had a list of thirty Members of the National Convention marked- out for im- prisonment and execution. III. Of having never proposed filling up the vacancies in the ' Committee of Public Safety; of having perpetuated themselves exclusively in the exercise of their functions by the Constraint in which they held the Convention, Barrere, the reporter, never failing, after announcing some victory or success, to propose imperatively the continuation of the powers of the Committees, IV. Of having, in concert with Robespierre, annihilated the freedom of opinion, even in the Convention, by by not permitting any of the laws- presented by the Committee of Public Safety to be discussed. V. Of having obtained the repeal of all the laws favour- able to Liberty, and repressive of the arbitrary acts exerci- sed in the name of the Committees, with as much injustice as inhumanity, VI. Of having surrounded themselves with a croud of a- gents, some of ruined character, and others covered with crimes ; of having given, them powers unlimited ; of hav- ing repressed none of their vexations, but on the contrary, supported them. VII. Of having rejected and left unanswered an infinite number of complaints and memorials against their oppres- sive agents; of having defended those agents, especially He- ron, Senard, and others; of having praised them in the Convention, and obtained the repeal of decrees justly passed against them ; and of having thereby delivered to the ven- geance of these monsters the citizens who had the courage to denounce them. VIII. Of having covered France with prisons, with a thousand bastiles; ot having filled the whole Republic with mourning, by the unjust imprisonment of 50,000 citizens; some of them infirm, some eighty years of age, some defen- ders of their country. IX. Of having misled their colleagues by circulating a rumour after the cruel law of the 22d Prairial, that this law was the word of Robespierre alone, who had communicated it only to Couthon, although they had been informed by Members of the Revolutionary Tribunal, even before it passed, of the inconveniencies that would result from it.- X. Of having opposed printing this law, and adjourn- ing the discussion when it was presented to the Convention ; of having some of them strongly supported it, and others given reason. to believe from their silence that it was the work of the two Committees: What proves still more clear- ly that the law of the 22d Prairial was the work of ths whole Committee ol Public Safety, is, that an order of that Committee, containing all the articles, of that law, was sent to one of the departments a month before. XI. Of having, in the affair of Hubert, Vincent, and o- thers, stopped an order of arrest. issued against Pache, who was to have been appointed Grand judge by that faction ; of having intimated to Fouquier, the Public Accuser, not only not to execute the order of arrest, but not to suffer Pache to be spoken of, the consequence of which was, that . witnesses who attempted to speak 0f Pache were stopped, and persons on their trial, when they called for his appear- ance. XII.- Of having with the same views of injustice, and in order to save the guilty, prevented orders of arrest from be- ing issued agaiuft Henriot, Mathieu, Lunin, and Gobaut, all implicated in the affair of Hebert; although there were heavy charges against them communicated in writing, to the Committee of Public Safety; in consequence of which witnesses and person accused were stopped, when they at- tempted to speak of these individuals. XIII. Of not having communicated to the Convention, the letter written by Fouquier, on the 15th Germinal, in which he stated that the persons accused, desired. that sixteen Deputies should be examined, whose testimony would prove the falsity of the charges against them, and. that they ap- pealed to the people if this was refused ; and of having sub- stituted for this letter a false report, from the Committees, representing the accused as in rebellion against the law, in consequcnce of which tbe decree was. passed, declaring that, all persons on trial, who shall resist or insult the justice of the tribunal, shall be condemned without further hearing. XIV. Of having ( Amar and Vouland) on bringing the a- bove- mentioned decree, and delivering to Fenquier, said, here is wherewithal to put you at your ease, and bring all these mutineers to reason, XV. Of having when important matters were on one hand permitted, and even ordered jurors to be chosen one of the Sections that were in turn, in order to find jurors that would be tractable. XVL Of having, ( Amar, Vouland, David, and Vadier) when these jurors . were in the Chamber of Deliberation, and it was rumoured in the Tribunal, that the majority was for acquitting the accused, gone into a chamber adjoining to that of the jury, and employed Harmann to make them vote for death, which he did by going into the Council Chamber, speaking against the accufed', and threatening the jurors with the resentment of the Committees if they did not convict them. XVII. Of having often ordered the finding to trial 50 or 60 persons at one time for different offences. XVIII. Of having ordered the public accuser to bring to trial within twenty- four hours, the person suspected of the prisoners, so that 155 persons named in the act of accusation were to be tried, and to perish the same day ; but the dread of public opinion having produced some reflection, it was de- cided that they should be tried at three different times. XIX- Of having suffered the same witnesses, entertained, nourished in the prisons, and known under the name of sheep, to depose against the accused for money; among these wit- nesses we distinguish Ferriers- Sauve Loeuff, ex- noble, and Leymerie, the private Secretary of Amar XX. - Of having formally falsified the denunciation made to the Convention against Joseph- le- Bon ; made an unfaith- ful report on his conduct, and disguised his cruelties under the denomination of bitter forms. XXL Of not having made known to the Convention the absence of Robespierre from the Committee for four decades, ( 40 days); of having suffered him, notwithstanding his ab- sence; to sign acts; concealed the manoeuvres that this con- spirator had employed. With a view to disorganize every thing, to make himself partizans, and to ruin the public cause. XXII. Of having permitted General Lavallette, Dufraise, and so many other traitors or conspirators, long denounced to the Committees, or struck by decrees of the. Convention, to remain at Paris, where they obtained employments, and were put into a situation to commit new crimes. XXI11. Of not having taken, on the night of the 8th, and in the day of the 9th Thermidor, any measures that could preserve public tranquillity, and future the fafety of tlip Convention, evidently endangered by the speech of the tyrant, pronounced by him on the 8th, at the Tribune of the Convention, and in the evening at that of the Jacobin5 who had promissed him succour, force, and protection. XXIV. Of not having arrested, in the night between the 8th and 9th, Gen. Hanriot, the Mayor, and the National Agent of Paris, Lavallette, and so many other principal ac- - complices of Robespierre, Who had been all denounced by so many of their colleagues. XXV. Of not taking on the 9th, any measure of rigour for the execution of the decree for. the arrest of Robespierre and his accomplices; of having exposed, by this criminal negligence, the National Representativcs to he murdered as the satellites of the conspirators were able, on the same day, to rescue, even- under the eyes of the Convention and its Committees, and without the least resistance, the traitor Hanriot, who had been detained in the Committee of Ge- - neral Safety. XXVI. Of having employed men known to be Counter- revolutionists, of ruined characters, debauched in their man ners, corrupt, and even undor accusation, such as Beaumar- chais, Espagnac, Haller, and others and of having confi- ded to them immense treafure belonging to the Republic, with which they emigrated. A short debate ensued on each article. Collot d'Herbois,—" Citizens, every person is convinced of the necessity of the discussion that has. taken place. It was said, that the decree of yesterday was the effect of sentiment; on this ground the discussion was necessary, for it has shewn that your sentiments are conformable to justice, with whatever promptitude they may burst forth. ( Warm applause.) It was necessary that the citizens should be enlightened; perfidious journals, of which there are too many, carried agitation into, the departments, by simply announcing that you had passed to the order of the day upon twenty- seven heads of charge against seven members of the Convention. This manner of giving an account of. facts might have, given rise to unpleasant re- flections, but you have established a beacon ; you have planted conviction in every conscience ; not a single friend of his country but will thank you for having given so much publicity and solemnity to this discussion ; the ene- mies of the Revolution only will despair ; and when they despair, the Country will rejoice. ( The hall rung with applauses.) After this discussion, I believe every indivi- dual defence uunecessary ; I believe there is not a single fact that is not perfectly cleared up ; but this sitting will produce one great advantage, it will hinder denunciations" that we must put in a state of arrest. ( Applauses) This you have done to- day; henceforth every rash determina- tion, fabricated in secret for the purpose of favouring projects destrustive of liberty, will stop at this tribune ; he who presents it, whether imprudent or deceived, will wait there a long time before he makes himself the echo of the enemies of the Republic. These Citizens, are the happy effeCts which will result from this day's business. " I also am persuaded, that, if the accusation you have heard had succeeded, it must have comprehended more individuals than were mentioned ; and therefore so many of our generous colleagues claimed their share in these pretended offences; therefore did the Convention take so much interest ia its discussion : For observe, what would have been the transition with which the aristocra- cy flattered itself, if it had succeeded in its first march ; it would quickly have poured upon the Convention those reproaches which in the beginning it hazarded against some of the members." " This stratagem was proper to mislead those Who do not bestow a serious attention upon objects, nor penetrate far enough into consequences. We should soon have been all accused : I ask what member of the Convention could have remained in tranquillity, if fuch an account of his operations might be demanded of him ? Who could effect any good, it it were permitted to make an indus- trious search into past facts ? Citizens, you have learned to weigh in your wisdom the conferences which such an accusation might have produced ; you have illustrated and analyzed it ; you have beheld it in the microscope of human prudence ; there is not one citizen who is not e- qually convinced with yourselves; it is right to proclaim, this conviction. Heretofore, Aristocracy prepared itself a triumph ; it believed it would make a breach in the body of the Convention through which to attack the Republic; but the Republic shall remain entire, great, and sublime, in the midst of the commotions supported by Aristocracy. All the attempts of the satelites of Robe- spierre, which tend so destroy the confidence of the citi- zens in the Convention, shall be without effect ; and when the citizens repose themselves on you, the safety of the Republic is certain, ( Loud plaudits.) The politi- cians of the day say that the Revolution has run its circle. Let me for a moment borrow their image! The point from which it set out is Royalty. " If it has run through the circle, it has- arrived at the opposite extremity, and between the two extremes we must raise a brazen wall to separate them. ( Loud ap- plause). This wall it is your business to construct. I shall not prolong the discussion. Let us give no more place to resentment! Let our minds be open to fenti- me. nts of concord and union. Let us prove to our col- league that he has deceived himself, by doing good every day more and more, and thereby increasing in his mind regret for having denounced us. ( The warmest applau- ses crowned this speech). Cambon— When you are convinced of the falsity of the accusation brought against several of your Members, you Ought to declare it calumnious by a solemn decree. This proposition being put to the vote, was unani- mously decreed amidst the most warm acclamation. RECAPTURE OF VALENCIENNES. Carnot read the following letter : J. B. LACOSTE, Representative of the People with the troops betore Valenciennes and Conde, to the Commit- tee of Public Safety. Head- quarters at Onaing, August 17. " Citizen Colleagues, « Since my arrival at the army under the walls of Va- lenciennes, expecting every moment what has now hap- pened, viz. the surrender of that important place, I decli- ned writing to you, till I could give a positive account of the event. The delay has not been long. One'of its principal bulwarks is restored to the Republic in a most respectable condition. It is certain that the Austrian Ty- rant expended three millions in repairing or improving the fortifications. The garrison are prisoners. The emigrants, to the number of more than 1100, are delivered up. The artillery, consisting of more than 2oo pieces, the arms, near a million of pounds of powder, confiderable stores of all kinds, grand magazines, silver, papers, memoirs, plans, mines, more than a thousand head of horned cattle, horses, oats, corn, & c. will he faithfully delivered to the troops of the Republic without the least embezzlement. I shall not fail to profit of the first moment for. giving you a particu- lar detail.— Health and fraternity. " J. B. LACOSTE." Duquesnoy—" I come from the army of the North — It has been said, I know, that the siege of Valenciennes was fatal to a great number of our troops ; 1 assure the Convention that our whole loss was only eight men killed AUGUST. . « •.. An explosion of the powder- manufactory at Grenelle had just taken place, when the Convention met at half after eight in the evening. Voulaud took the Chair, and _ opened the sitting. The Convention was informed that in the dreadful explosion, the fuperintendant of the works was blown up. The shock was so violent, that all Paris and the surrounding country were shaken by it. They learned also, that the citizens of Paris hastened in crowds to the spot where the unhappy event took place, to admi- nister relief; The Convention charged the Committee of Public Safety instantly to draw up a proclamation to the People of Paris, to calm their minds, and to invite them to maintain order. They decreed that all the losses should be made good for the public,; that the relations of those who perished by the explosion,' as well as the wound- ed, shall be treated as defenders of their country, and as. relations of those defenders. They named a commission tts keep up with the Convention and the Committee of Public Safety an active correspondence, to inform them, cf the intelligence received each instant on the spot. Recapture OF Conde. Carnot—" Conde is retaken.—^—( Loud applaufes. The following, is the report of the Telegraph, received this instant: " Conde is restored to the Republic ; the surren- " der took place this" morning at six o'clock." Gossuin—" For three days we have been employed m calumniating one another. This day, I hope, will be the last. Let us change the name of Conde to that of Nord- Libre." Decreed- • Carnot moved; that this decree be forwarded to Nord- Libre by the Telegraphe. Decreed. Gossuin — As soon as the Convention shall have done justice on the calumnies that now occupy its attention, 1 move that the sufferings of the citizens on the frontiers by the ravages of- the enemy, lie the order of the day: and that the Committees of Public Safety and Legislation re- port on the indemnifications to which those citizens arc entitled." Decreed. Granet of Marseilles—" I move that the brave array of the North be informed by the Telegraphe, that it con- tinues to deserve well of its- country." The President announced the following letter : Paris, Aug. 30. half past six in the evening. " Citizen President, " The decree of the Convention, for changing the name of Conde to Nord- Libre, and the decree that the army of the North continues to deserve. well of its country, have , been transmitted to Lisle by the Telegraphe.. I have re- ceived the signal. I have ordered my superintendant at Lisle to forward them to Nord- Libre by an extraordinary cou rier." ChAPPE, Geographic Engineer. 4 . Lequinio—" I came from the fire. All. danger is now over. About 50 or 60 of our brethren have perished ;—• the same number are- wounded, who have received every possible attention. - . SEPTEMBER 1 Scherer, General of Division, commanding the besieging Army under Valenciennes and Conde', to the Com- mittee of Public Safety. - Head- Quarters at Onning, Aug. 30, " Citizen Representatives, "' "'"-'. " In sending you the colours taken from the garrisons of Conde and Valenciennes, I hasten to announce to you that Conde submitted at the hour prescribed, to the condi- tions of capitulation which you ordered me to impose. Terror preceded the march of the victorious armies of the Republic. ' " - , . • " On my last summons, Conde was delivered up ; 1606 men forming the garrifon laid down their arms, and sur rendered themselves prisoners of war. " " We have found in the place 161 pieccs of cannon ; 6000 muskets, ' besides those ' of the garrison ; 300,000 lbs. of powder.; 100,000 balls, bombs^ and shells; 1,500,000 cartridges; 600,000 lbs of lead, and provisions of all kinds for six months. The place was in the best possible state, furnished with casemates for a garrison much more nu- merous than that which we found in it. " The territory of the Republic no longer supports slaves. Thirty battalions and fifteen squadrons now de- demand of you orders to fly to new victories. SChERER."" At the end of the fitting of this day the Convention was employed in the renewal of the Committee of Public Safety. The members that went out are Billaud Varennes, Cot- lot d'Herbois, Tallien, and Barrere ; the three first ha- . ving givin in their resignation; Barrere went out by lot. They were replaced by Delmas, Mealin of Douay, Co- chon, and Foureroy. PARIS, August 18. Letters from Brest, of the 14th instant, State, that 17 . ships of the line are ready to sail from that harbour, and only wait for orders Every effort is faid' to he making there to encrease the number of ships of the line" to 36 at Brest. . —' The French Convention lately decreed, that no decree of the Convention is necessary to be obtained by the Com- mittee of Public Welfare to put a General under arrest. The President of the new Revolutionary Tribunal is Citizen Topsent, an Englishman, who was a little while ago accused of being a creature of Robespierre. Fouquier Tienville, the Public Accuser, has been replaced by Le- blois, formerly Public Accuser before the Tribunal of the Department of Deux Sevres; Fabriciu is Secretary to the Tribunal. All the ships of war at Brest are provided with furnaces to hear red- hot shot. An English ship, lately brought up at Brest is valued at 5,000,000 livres. Six frigates had sailed to meet a convoy from America. AUGUST 19. Our troops have already blockaded the Spanish com- mercial city of Bilboa, the capital of the province of Bis- cay. The day before yesterday eleven waggons, laden with gold and silver, to the amount of 10,000,000 of livres,, ar- rived here from the Netherlands. General Ferrand, formerly Commandant at Valen- ciennes, who has been a prisoner here almost ever since the surrender of that fortress, has been set at liberty, with Destournelles, the late Minister. , The Cordelier Club, which separated two months a- go, has again opened its sittings. Hauffman, Consul of a neutral power at Marseilles has been put under arrest, and sent to Valence, with o. ther prisoners Of war he is accused of being a counter, revolutionist. CAMP NEAR BOIS- LE- DUC, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. The army marched from its former camp early en the morning - of the 29th ult. and, after two days march, has encamped near Nilterlroy, a vil- lage about three leagues from Bois le- Duc, on the road to Grave, from which it is an equal di- stance. The French made no new attack upon tha out- posts of the army, at their former encampment, since the 26th ult. but by the force with which they then appeared,, it was evident that they were marching to besiege Breda.. SUMMONS TO BREDA. On the evening of the 28th alt. the French- Ge- neral, who is said to be Jourdan, sent an officer with a trumpet to summon Breda to surrender, in order to avoid the horrors of a siege. The Com- mandant referred him for his answer to the Duke of York — it is needless to say what the answer was. The Commandant of Breda immediately order- ed all the small villages and houses within range of cannon, to be set on fire, that they might not co- ver the enemy in their approaches to attack the place; aud every preparation Was made for the most vigorous defence. The French had not, however, yesterday, cut off the communication with the garrison, as some persons only then quitted it; but they had ap peared in sight, as some heavy cannon, were fired upon them Breda is in a tolerable state of defence. It is to be presumed that the French will not be able to reduce it, before winter may oblige them to raise the siege, and without the garrison's making a sor- tie to drive them away. It ought to be added, that on the 26th ult a brigade of Light Dragoons being ordered to recon noitre the French near Breda, sent a . patrole to some distance from the place where it had encamp- ed. A pay- master serjeant, who had spent the money of the troop to which he belonged, took that opportunity to desert to the French, and gave them information of the strength and situation of the brigade. The French followed the patrole in force, and so closely, that the brigade was obliged to retreat, leaving their tents to the enemy. Seven of the men were killed, and some missing ; most of the latter have since come into camp. The Duke of York dined with the Prince and Princess of Orange at Breda on the 26th ult. and in the evening returned to camp, from which he makes it a rule, not to be absent even for a night. The Prince of Orange reviewed the British and Hanoverian troops in front of their camp, near Breda- The Hereditary Princess has since return- ed to the Hague I formerly acquainted you, that it was supposed that three columns of French were to march a gainst Holland: One against Breda, another a- gainst Bergen- op- Zoom, and the third against Bois- le- Duc. The column against Breda has appear ed : That againsk Bergen op- Zoom has, perhaps, done so ; but we have no communication with that place, and can know nothing of what passes there the third column, it may be inferred, from the following circumstances, is on its way from Mae- stricht. The Commandant of Bois- le Duc sent out a party to reconnoitre, some days ago, as far as Eyndhoven, on the road to Maestricht; but, with orders not to attack. The party, forgetting that order, fell in with some advanced posts of the French, which they immediately attacked. They were repulsed with the loss of near twenty men killed ; the rest got back to the garrison. The French, according to custom, plundered the place. Bois- le- Duc is a considerable town, and by na- ture and art may be accounted strong. On the side of Breda, it is well fortified, and on that of Grave, there is a natural morass, which will not permit the erecting of batteries, or any approaches by an enemy. The French cannot therefore mean any attack upon that place. By the ground which the Duke of York has chosen, he is at hand to succour either Bois le Due or Grave, should they be threatened. He is also near Cleves, by which he may co- operate with the allies, in those measures which may hereafter be pursued. This place affords a striking contrast to most other towns in Holland, or those belonging to the Dutch. Few or no Orange cockades are worn by the mass. They would readily mount the French insurrection colours. Were a permanent guillotine erected among them for three months only, it might work a wonderful change ; or were the Re- publicans to convey to France all their cash and goods, and leave them only paper, or take off their heads, if they complained, it might be an use- ful lesson to themselves and posterity. The army passed through the town with all the pomp of war. They 110 doubt wished it had been an army of Carmagnols, and must have suffered the tortures of the disaffected, in seeing so great a force, as a bar to their secret, but seditious wishes. P. S.— The Duke of York, the Hereditary Prince of Orange, and General Beaulieu, held a Council of War at Bois- le- Duc, on the 1st in- sant, which lasted for upwards of four hours.— The result is not known. This must no doubt have been to concert the ensuing operations of the campaign, and to determine whether the allies should advance, and drive the French from before Breda, and endeavour to cut off their retreat; or, if the armies shall continue on the defensive only, and maintain the chain at present formed, till the opening of another campaign, or till all their rein- forcements shall have arrived. THE BRITISH ARMY. Camp near Breda, Wednesday, Aug. 27- During the affair of yesterday, a party of French Cavalry surrounded some Hanoverians, which was no sooner observed by one of the regiments of Hesse Darmstadt, than they charged the enemy, put them to flight, and rescued the Hanoverians, among whom was an Hanoverian officer, who afterwards watched an opportunity, and ran off to the enemy. The Carmagnols this morning attacked our out- posts, but were soon compelled to retire. The line turned out again this evening at four o'clock to salute the Prince of Orange, attended by the Hereditary Prince, and several military of- ficers. Accounts were brought this day of the siege of Sluys being converted into a blockade. Thursday, August 28. At about seven o'clock this morning, the Hessi- ans from Klundert and Williamstadt arrived in camp. From this circumstance, as well as from Breda being at present in a very formidable state of defence, it is imagined we shall shortly proceed to our long- intended position by Bois- le Duc. The French this morning attacked and drove in our outposts They made an amazing show of men, established themselves very near us, and shewed in- tentions of pushing on towards our left, which would prevent our reaching Bois- le- Duc without an action. Eleven o' clock P, M. - Orders are just arrived for tents to be immedi- ately struck, and the troops to hold themselves in readiness to march at a minute's notice, these or- ders were the result of a Council of War that has been sitting these two hours past at Oosterhout. Camp before Bois- le- Duc, Friday Aug. 29, Four o'clock P. M. We have just encamped on a large common, within three or four miles of Bois le- Duc. We expect to move to- morrow morning to Crevecoeur, a town about four miles in the rear of Bois le- Duc, where we are to take our permanent post tion. We were not molested in. the least on our march to- day. On our leaving our ground near Breda, the Dutch, who were encamped on the o- ther side of the town, marched in— they are be- tween 6 and 7,000 strong. Saturday, Aug 30. We struck our tents at three this morning, and marched off at six, and at half past six arrived on our present ground, about seven or eight miles from Bois le- Duc. Head- quarters at Burlikom. Our right is towards Burlikom and Bois- le Duc. Sunday, August 31. A report is prevalent, that we shall not remain here above a day. or two, but go towards Maes tricht. Nothing happened at the out- posts to- day. Monday, Sept. 1. Working parties are ordered out to throw up a few field- works in our front, The report of our changing position is unfounded, so that we imagine we shall remain here as long as the French or the weather will allow. The rainy season is already setting in, and we have some very heavy showers e- very day. Tuesday, Sept. 2. Nothing extraordinary happened Bois- le- Duc is in an excellent state of defence. It is a place of great strength, as well from the fortifications, as the inundations which extend for two or three miles round the town. It is garrisoned by all the grena- diers of the Dutch army. BERLIN, Angujl 26. A Courier arrived from Poland on the 23d inst but as nothing has transpired- from his dispatches, the report of a total suspension of hostilities in the neighbourhood of Warsaw, seems to be confirm- ed. It is to be observed,' that the reports concerning the entrance of the Russians into Wilna, are as con- tradictory as ever. London, September 8. This morning arrived a mail from Holland by it we learn, that the allied armies are moving with a view to act immediately upon the offensive— the Austrians have passed the Maese near Ruremonde 15,000 fresh troops have joined them. It is this day stated, on the authority of a ship arrived from Martinique, as well as from letters brought by the West India Packet, that Sir J. Jervis has possessed himself of Point a- Petre, in Guadaloupe, as also of all the French shipping in the harbour. From Cadiz we learn, that by an express received at that place from Gibraltar, they had the in- formation that six French ships of the line were cruising in the Mediterranean. A Swedish squadron is ordered to sail for Naples, to demand satisfaction on the affair of Baron d'Arm- feldt. The French at Treves were to be immediately at- tacked on all sides by the Austrians and Prussians. By letters from Berlin of the 30th, we learn, that the Prussian General Schoenfeldt defeated the Poles under General Madalinski, with the loss of 700 killed, in attempting to force his way into South Prussia. The trenches were opened before Warsaw on the night of the 20th, and the city continued to be vigorously bombarded. The Duke of York, it is rumoured, is about to resign the command of the army on the Continent, And to be succeeded, it is said, by Earl Cornwallis. The Prince of Saxe Cobourg has certainly resign- ed the command of the combined armies, and has been succeeded by General Clairfait. The Count d'Artois will land in Jersey, where he will wait the arrival of an emigrant corps, and thence embark for France, in order to re- establish the ancient system of government. The corps of emigrants who are to act under the Count d'Artois, were formed by the English on the Continent. They are distinguished by the white cockade, the French flag and drums, with the royal arms. Yesterday the agreeable intelligence was received at the East India House of the safe arrival at Ports- mouth of the ships homeward- bound, as formerly mentoned. And also, FROM BOMBAY. Earl Fitzwilliam, Belvidere, Under convoy of the Lion and Sampson men of war. We are confidently assured that the wife and son of Barrere at present occupy the second floor of a house in Westminster. In October, 1790 Barrere, under an assumed name, boarded in this house ; he left his wife, on his departure for France, in great digress, but shortly after made remittances. The boy is about five years of age ; the wife, who is an English woman, about thirty. We are forty to announce an event which we are apprehensive will soon receive an ample confirmation, THE DEATH OF LOUIS XVIII The only authority which we yet have for this in- telligence, is an extra slip added by way of a P. S. to the Courier du Bas, Rhine, by the editor of that paper, of which the following is a translation ; " Wesel, Aug. 30. This paper was at press when we received tbe afflict- ing news that the unfortunate Dauphin of France has died in his prison ! burnt up, it is said, by excessive drinking of strong liquors, into which they have, without doubt, put poisonous ingredients to hasten the effect." The proceedings of the Frcnch Convention from the 24th to the 28th ult. have not arrived ; unless, therefore, the death of Louis XVII happened in that period, we may consider the rumour as un- founded ; for the. papers received are entirely silent respecting such an event. The Courier du Bas Rhine received this morning has the following pa- ragraph ; Wesel Sept. 3. Although the news of the death of the Dau- phin has not appeared yet in any other public pa- per, we are sorry we cannot regard it as false, ha- ving received it from the head- quarters of the Au- strian army, whether it had been brought by French deserters— the very same channel by which we received the first news of the fall of Robes- pierre." The Officer who commands in Breda is General Douglas, brother to the late Admiral Sir James Douglas. On his fidelity and spirit the utmost re- liance is placed by the States of Holland. General O'Hara has lately drawn two bills upon the Commander in Chief in England, the one for 500I. the other for 300I. They are dated from the prison of Luxembourg. Both bills have been honoured, by an order from the Secretary of State. No letter has been received in England ' from the General since his being taken prisoner. By letters received in town on Saturday from Jersey, there are very favourable accounts of the Royalists in La Vendee since their late advantages at Chollet, which we some time ago stated ; they, have ventured to leave the woods and marshes, and have formed regular encampments. Letters from Vienna state, that the following Note was delivered by the English Plenipotentiaries to the Ministers of the Emperor, As it is not reasonable that the Austrian States should alone support the expences of the war and England being now, through unexpected cir- nstances free from other engagements, the King of England's intention was : I. To grant, both for the present and the following campaign, subsidies for an army of 100,000 men. II. To negociate concerning the principal sum of such subsidies; for which the above Ministers have full power from Great Britain. Ill- To defray, at the same time, all additional ex- pences. IV. That the conquests shall be in common. V. That the Arch- Duke Charles shall have the com- mand A of it. VI-. That England shall chiefly be obliged to pay tbe subsidies, one- third part of which however will fall to the share of Holland. PLYMOUTH, Sept. 6. Earl Howe's fleet hove in fight of this harbour early yesterday morning : tbe night preceding, they fell m with 18 sail of homeward- bound East- Indiaman off Dartmouth, who ran foul of several of the fleet, and slightly damaged them, which obliged his Lordship to bear up for Torbay, in order to have the disabled ships refitted. The Triton Eaft- Indiaman was damaged by running foul of the Latona ; the Osterley was damaged by running foul of the Robust man of war, and put into Spithead. — THE STOCKS.— Sir James Johnstone, who departed this life on Thursday last, possessed uncommon humour, fre- quently keeping the House of Commons in a roar; was surpassed by none in political integrity ; and was always actuated by the pure dictates of his heart. His friends who survive him have the con- solation of reflecting that his conduct in life render- ed Sir James precious to society ; and those who • follow his example will not be disturbed by a death- bed repentance. Yesterday, arrived at Walker's Hotel, the Mar- quis of Lorn, and the Marquis of Tullibardine al- so, the Hon. Lieutenant- Colonel Alexander Hope from the Duke of York's army, and Mr and Mrs Williams from the East- Indies. Thomas Erskine, Esq. his Britannic Majesty's Consul at Gottenburg, arrived at Leith on Tues- day in a Swedish vessel, after a passage of eight days from that place.- He saw no French frigates 0n the coast of Norway.-— It is generally supposed that the news of three French frigates being seen there by a Norwegian vessel, and to which affida- vit was made, as inserted in ours of 6th cur- rent, was a mistake, and that the vessels seen. were Swedes or Danes. " Captain Thomas Wilson, late of his Majesty's ship the Racehorse on this station, is appointed to the command of a troop of cavalry in Lincoln shire. Tuesday night about twelve o'clock, a boat with nine men, belonging to the Russian squadron, when rowing off from Leith, was driven, to the eastward.. of the Glass- houses, and was sunk by a sea breaking over her. The crew fortunately gained the shore, and were met by three young men of the Edinburgh . Glass- house Company, who took them to a neigh- . bouring house, treated them in the most hospitable manner, and furnished. them with comfortable lodg- ings during the night. ; " . , On the 29th ult. the Persons, of 2o guns, Capt. Palmer, and the Cormorant of 18 guns, Captain Muloch, arrived at Elsinore with a convoy of 20 ships from the Humber, and are to proceed home with the ships now there the first fair wind. Thursday being the August Tryst. of Falkirk, O. S. there was a poor show of cattle, which sold at high prices, two thirds of what was intended for the market being purchased by the English dealers the previous day On Tuesday last, the Burgher Associate Synod, met in Glasgow, The Rev. Mr James Hall, of the New Town, Edinburgh, was chosen Mode- rator. Mr Hector Cameron, preacher, was ap- pointed minister at Moffat, and the Rev Mr Ro- bert Jack, at Linlithgow, was translated to Green- ock. A resolution of the following impart, and which was read from the minutes of the preceding Synod, was heard, with pleasure, by a numerous . auditory, " The Associate Synod Considering the perilous circumstances of the times, resolve to re- lax nothing in their exertions to enjoin it on the people of their charge, to fear God, honour the King, and to lead quiet and peaceable lives in all 1 godliness and honesty." And it is with pleasure we - add, that this respectable body of Clergymen,, an- nounce, among their, reasons for a day of humilia- tion and thanksgiving which they have appointed, " That while we and other nations of Europe, are involved in a continental war,. Divine Providence has hitherto preferred us in the possession of inter- nal peace and good order." It is not yet completely authenticated, that young Louis XVII. has. fallen a sacrifice, to the blood thirsty tyrants of France, but we much fear there is too much truth in it. If so, the brother of Louis XVI. becomes heir to the throne in his own right . Edinburgh, September 11. Died at Huntly, on Friday the 5th current Mr Hugh Garden, manufacturer, universally and justly regretted. Captain Alexander Chalmer, son of the decea- sed John Muir Chalmer, Esq writer to the signet, died in India in February 1793. Charles Dundas, Esq. is elected a Representative in Parliament for the county of Berks, in the room of Winchcombe Henry Hartley, Esq. deceased- The Town Council yesterday unanimously voted their thanks to the Right Hon. Thomas Elder, Lord Provost, as also a piece of plate, value one hundred guineas, as a mark of their approbation of his conduct in the Office of Chief Magistrate, parti- cularly during the time of the late commotions and seditious meetings in this city. It is with pleasure we observe, that no Chief Magistrate ever met with more applause than his Lordship has done ; and we are confident we speak the unanimous sentiment of our fellow- citizens when we say, that no Magistrate ever better deserved it. EDINBURGH VOLUNTEERS. We hear that two standards of colours, one ha- ving the Arms of the City, the other his Majesty's Union Standard, are now preparing, which are in- tended to be delivered, at the Cross, to the Corps of Edinburgh Volunteers, on Friday the 26th inst. by the Right Hon. the Lord Provost, Lord Lieu- tenant of the City, attended by the other Magi- strates, his Deputies, in their robes. Previous to the public delivery. of the colours, we understand, a Sermon is to be preached in the High Church, where the whole Corps are to be assembled- in their uniforms, , This day, several stand of arms have been recei- ved from Birmingham, for the use of the Edinburgh Volunteers. It is with pleasure we observe numbers of loyal' and respectable citizens daily joining this Corps, and, with the closest application, preparing them- selves, by obtaining both the knowledge and the ractice of military manoeuvres, for active service ARERDEEN,- September 9. On Sunday evening, the Hope of London, Lind- say master, passed by Aberdeen from Iceland fishery. * She brings the' disagreeable" intelligence, that the French have captured 25 Dutch and 3 British ves- sels on that fishery; being the whole fleet, except the Hope, who escaped in a fog, and is a full ship. On Friday last, General Sir Hector Monro, K. B. inspected the . Aberdeenshire regiment, commanded by Colonel- Hay, This corps which is now more than'complete,, made a- very soldier- like appearance, and gave great satisfaction to a crowd of spectators from all parts- of the country.- Indeed we believe there is not a finer body of men in the service, raised in so short a time ; and it is worthy of remark that upwards of 500 of these are from the town and coun- ty of Aberdeen; — Great credit is due to the Colonel for the liberal manner in which this corps has been raised. . The regiment being formed into a circle, immediately after the inspection, with the General, and gentlemen of the town and county in the cen- tre, the Colours unanimously voted by: the county were presented, when we could not help remarking with pleasure the high satisfaction that appeared in the faces of the soldiers': The General gave a handsome entertainment to the Gentlemen at dinner and the Colonel gave ai\ elegant ball to the Ladies in the evening. We sel- dom remember to have seen such a sweet assemblage of beauty and elegance collected together, the Co- lonel having invited his numerous friends from all parts of the Country, who seemed anxious to show their attachment on this occasion. Last night the officers of the regiment, gave a ball equally elegant and splended; and we understand that the regiment are this day to dine with the gentlemen of the county. The Magistrates of the town have vied with the county Gentlemen in shewing their attention to this • corps. The night before the inspection, they enter- tained the officers and their friends, and presented them with the freedom of the city. The regiment, it is expected, will soon move south- wards, and will carry with them the good wishes of all ranks. ARRIVED AT LEITH. Sept. 8. Elisabeth & Bell; Watt, from Montrose, malt. Duchess of Buccleugh, Mackie, ' from London, goods. • Johanas, Rionkman, from Gottenburg, deals iron. • 9. George .& Maryv, Hutton, from Hamburg, goods;', Jean, Innes,. from St. Lucar, goods, Good Intent, Armstrong, from Archangel; tar, Sec. to Restoration, Ronaldson, from ditto, tar and deals. Andrew & Elisabeth, Paderson, from Easterzer, wood, London Gazette, September 6. WAR- OFFICE, Sept. 6. FOURTH Regiment of Dragoon Guards— Lieutenant William Smith to be Captain of a troop, vice Lord Conyngham. 5th Ditto— Lieutenant Francis C. Redwood, from the 2d Dragoon Guards, to be Captain- lieutenant, vice Thewles. Lieutenant Theophilus Pritzier, from the 85th foot, to be Lieutenant, vice Cavenagh,. 22d Regiment of Light Dragoom— Lieutenant Daniel Seddon to be Captain- lieutenant, vice Lyster. 23d Ditto— Major Charles Baillie, from the 101st foot to be Lieutenant- Colonel. 24th Ditto— Lieutenant Harry Verelst, from the 2d Dra- goons, to be Captain of a troop. 2d Regiment of Foot— Richard Wilson to be Ensign, vice Capel. 46th Ditto— Captain John Law, an Independent Officer, to be Captain of a company, vice Murray. 60th Ditto— Captain Warren Johnson, from the 99th foot, to be Captain of a company, vice Gordon. William Powell to be Ensign, vice Sproule. 66th Ditto— Ensign James Guthrie to be Lieutenant, vice Colquhoun. 1st Battalion of the 78th Ditto— Ensign Hercules Scott, from the 42d foot, to be Lieutenant, vice Munro. 81ft Ditto— Captain Richard Lewen Glyn to be Major, vice Hope. Lieutenant Herbert Evans to be Captain of a company, vice Glyn. 84th Ditto— Captain H. L. Dickenson, from the 102d foot, to be Major, vice Castleman. 85th Ditto— Lieutenant Nathaniel Cavenagh, from the 5th Dragoon Guards, to be Lieutenant, vice Pritzler. 1st Battalion of the 90th Ditto— Ensign Alexander Drum- mond to be Lieutenant, Vice Cholmondeley. Andrew Fran- cis Barnard to be Ensign, vice Drummond. Ensign James M'Donald to be Lieutenant, vice M'Nair. Ensign Fran- cis Eddin to be Lieutenant, vice Fortescue. William Cra- ven to be Ensign, vice Eddin. 2d Battalion of Ditto— Major the Hon. Alexander Hope, from the 81st foot, to be Lieutenant- Colonel. 99th Ditto— Captain David Gordon, from the 60th foot, to be Captain of a Company, vice Johnson. INDEPENDENT OFFICERs. Major Henry Williams, from the 13th foot, to be Lieu- tenant- Colonel. Lieutenant Hugh Antrobus, from the half- pay of the late 79th foot, to be Captain. Captain John Murray, from the 46th foot, to be Captain, vice Law. GARRISONS. Colonel Hugh Montgomerie to be Lieutenant- Governor of Edinburgh Castle, vice Lord Elphinstone. Ayr Corps of Fencible Cavalry. Stewart Fullarton, Gent, to be Cornet. Paisley Corps of Volunteers. William M'Kerrell, Esq. to be Major Commandant. To be Captain.— William Twigg. Robert Maxwell, Wal- ter Robertson, and Fulton M'Kerrell, Esqrs. To be First Lieutenants— William Love, John Bissett, James Walkinshaw, and Thomas Lownds, Gents. To be Second Lieutenants— James Hunter, Edward Ja- mieson, John Graham, and Joseph M'Leod, Gents. Angus Volunteer Companies. To be Captains— Captain John Fraser, on the half- pay of the 1st foot, and Lieutenant Thomas Kinloch, on the half- pay of ditto. To be Lieutenant— James Yeoman, Gent. To be Ensign— William Douglas, Gent. — BANKRUPTS— Benjamin Law of Stafford, Lincoln, draper. William Booth of the city of Norwich, linen- draper. Edward Buck of Oxendon- street, Middlesex. Atkinson Wilkin of Seething- lane, London, cheesemonger. John Pewsey of Fleet Market, London, painter. Edward Haselden, late of Gravel- lane, Surry, baker. SOUND INTELLIGENCE. Passed Upwards; 25. Belmont Castle, Stobie, from Dundee to Dantzic, ball. Patience, Newcator, from do. to Memel, do. Barbara, Watt, from London to Dantzic, do. Robert and Christian, Young, from Dundee to Peters- burgh, do Thorburn, Tod, from Dysart to Copenhagen, coals. Peggy, Hardie, from Rotterdam to Memel, ballast. Downwards. 24. James, Miller, from Memel to Anstruther, balks. 26. Mary, Smith, from Petersburgh to Greenock, hemp. Barbara & Betty, Ogilvie, from do. to Leith, sundries. George, Brown, from do. to Queensferry, deals. Nelly, Allison, from Memel to Irvine, balks. Isabella, Barron, from Petersburgh to Dundee, flax. Industry, Smith, from Pillau to Ellie, balks. Ann, Mason, from Dantzic to Leith, planks. John & Thomas, Mercer, from do. to Kincardine, do. Of the ships remaining in our last, the following are still here, viz.— The Hope, Brown— Nancy, Christie— and Bell and Ann, Cargill.— The others sailed this morning. Wind southerly— light airs. Since our last we have had no certain accounts of any ho- stile ships being in the north sea. Just arrived, The Rodney, Soutter, from Memel to Dundee, timber, after repairing some inconsiderable damage at Copenhagen. ELSINEUR, Aug. 26. HOWDEN & Co. Passed Upwards, 27. Peggy, Hastie, from Berwick to Narva, ballast. 29. Turton, Thomson, from ditto to Petersburgh, coals. Stratheaily, Oswald, from Liverpool to Hapsahl, salt. Mary, Malcolm, from Kirkcaldy to Copenhagen, coals. 30, Margaret and Marion, Moodie, from Dublin to Peterf- burgh, ballast. Elisabeth, Cummings, from ditto to ditto, ditto. Britannia, Shewan, from Liverpool to Riga, salt. Wedderburn, Sinclair, from Berwick to Copenhagen. Benwell. Law, from Londonderry to ditto, ballast. Bazillia, White, from Airth to Dantzic, ditto. Roman Vasilovitz, Martin, from ditto to Petersburgh. Arrived and remain with the former. 27. Happy Janet, Bird, from Memel to Perth, timber. Wind N. W. ELSINORE, Aug. 30. HOWDEN & CO. ORKNEY SHIPPING. Arrived at Stromness, Aug. 26. Industry, Dennison, of and for Shields, from Dub- lin, ballast. Providence, Hopper, of Sunderland, from Dublin for Christiansound, ditto. Martin, Swanston, of and for Liverpool, from Libau, lintseed. Robert, Black, of and for New York, from Hull, goods. Otter Packet, Sutherland, of Inverness, from Oporto, for Aberdeen, wine, & c. S9. Belfast,- Bitson, of Maryport, from Gottenburgh for Dundalk, iron and deals. Mary, Field, of Whitehaven, from Archangel for Li- verpool, iron, & c. Sept. I. Briston, White, of and for Liverpool, from Peters- burgh, logs. HIGH WATER AT LEITH. Morn. I Even. E. M. I H. M. Friday, Sfpt.- IJ, 4, 30 4 58 Saturday, 13. 3 25 J 5 53 FARM IN FIFE TO LET, For Nineteen years from Martinmas 1794, THE HILLSIDE of ST FORT, consisting of 100 Scots acres of arable, and. 26 of pasture land. There are two farm servants 0n the ground, engaged for a year from Martinmas 1794, who will be assigned to the incoming tenant, and he may, if he pleases, have the whole Corn and Fodder of the present year's crop at a valuation. Intended offerers may apply to the proprietor at St Fort, on or before the 5th October next, when they will be in- formed of the expected rent, and of every other other par- ticular. Not to be repeated. SHEEP FARM IN THE ISLAND OF BUTE. To LET, for such a term of years as can be agreed on, and entered to at Martinmas next, THAT Extensive GRAZING 0n the South End of the Island of Bute, commonly called the SHEEP PARK of KINGARTH— the whole surrounded either by the sea, or by a ring- fence of stone, and subdivided into four divi- sions, three whereof are mostly arable, containing about one hundred acres, which may be kept in tillage under a proper rotation of crops. The superior quality of the pasture, and the shelter to be found in it against storms from whatever quarter, render it peculiarly well adapted for a sheep walk, and snow is not known to be to prevent the flock from find- ing food at all times.— From its local fituation in the month of the Frith of Clyde, there is always a ready market for e- very production of the farm ; and, as a further inducement to a substantial farmer or grazier, there is a corn farm of considerable extent adjoining, which may be entered to at the same term. There is also a lime- stone quarry and a draw- kiln on the premisses. Offers will be received by Alexander May at Mountstuart, factor for the Earl of Bute, the proprietor. but to fave un- necessary trouble, none need apply but thofe whofe circum- stances and character are unquestionably good. LANDS IN INVERNESS- SHIRE TO LET. To Let, and may be entered upon, at Whitfuaday 1795, THE LANDS of KELLACHY, MORILL, and BAU- QUHAN. Thele lands are situated about eighteen miles fouth of In- vernefs, on the banks of the River Findhorn, in the united parishes of Moy and Dalaissie, and county of Inverness.— They are advantageously situated for pasturage, and the tri- als which have been made upon them of sheep farming have not been unpromising. The estate will be divided into such farms as may be a- greed on. James Mackintosh, sailor at Gorbails, will show the lands. Offers may be addressed to James Mackintosh, Esq. the proprietor, at his house, Charlotte Street, Portland Place, London, or care of Baillie John Mackintosh, Inverness. Such as are not accepted will be concealed. ALDOWRY AND ERCHITE. To be LET in Lease for a term of years, and entered to at Whitsunday 1795, THE MAINS and MANSION- HOUSE of ALDOW- RY, situated at the east end of Lochness, within six miles of the town of Inverness. The mansion- house will ac- commodate a pretty large familly, and the farm offices are in good repair. The arable lands consist of about 162 Scots acres, all properly inclosed, and separated by belts of plant- ing. Game of every species may be found in the adjacent grounds belonging to the proprietor, salmon and fresh water fish in abundance, and the neighbouring market of Inverness affords a lupply of sea fish, and of every necessary of life.— Firing may be had at an easy rate, both of Scots and Eng- lish coal, peat, turf, and wood. The beauties of this place, which stands on the banks and commands a view of one of the finest lakes in Scotland, with all its surrounding scenery of mountains, woods, and bays, are too well known to re- quire a particular description. Proposals for a lease will be received by Alexander Fraser Tytler, Esq. Advocate, Edinburgh ; or Mr Alexander Gods- man at Inverness. Also, to be Let, and entered to at Whitfunday 1797, The MAINS of ERCHITE, as presently occupied by Hugh Fraser. This farm, besides a considerable extent of good arable ground, has annexed to it a very extensive wood grazing of great value for rearing cattle, stretching for some miles along the south side of Lochness, through which the king's road passes betwixt Inverness and Fort Augustus.— The present rent is only 261. 7 s. 2d. and which has not been raised for above 40 . years. Proposals for a lease will be received by Alexander Fraser Tytler, Esq. at Edinburgh, or by Mr Godsman at Inverness. A FARM IN FORFARSHIRE, To be SOLD by public roup, upon the 1st of November next, within the house of Mrs Bean, vintner in Montrose, be- twixt the hours of four and five afternoon, THE LEASE of the FARM of OVER DYSART, ly- ing within the parish of Marytown, whereof there are thirteen years and a life to run after Whitsunday next, which is the time of entry to the houses and grass, and to tlie land at Martinmas thereafter. The farm is situated a- bout two miles from Montrose, nine from Arbroath, and one from the Boddin Limework. It contains about 180 acrcs arable land, and 50 acres of muir, which is extremely improveable. The great line of road from Edinburgh to Aberdeen runs through the middle of it, and as the Bridge at Montrose is nearly finished, this must immediately be of considerable advantage. There are upon the premisses a commodious Houfe and Offices, all slated, and in the best repair. The house consists of an excellent parlour and din- ing- room, three bed- chambers, kitchen, Sic. On one side of the court fronting the house is a good cellar, brewhouse, corn- loft, and other conveniencies. There is a largen Gar- den, well stocked with the best kinds of small fruit, & c.~ In point of situation, richness of soil, and other local advan- tages, such a desirable farm is rarely to be met with. The present tenant will shew it, and inform as to farther particulars. DISTILLERY TO BE LET, AND UTENSILS TO BE SOLD. To be SOLD by public roup, at BROWNSBANK DISTIL- LERY, in the parifh of Ayton and county of Berwick, on Thursday the 18th of September 1794, THE Whole UTENSILS of that Newly- erected DISTILLERY, viz.— Two Copper Boilers, one of 2000, the other 300 gallons— eight Wash Backs of 4000 gallons each— a large range cf Coolers— a Reservoir for Water, leaden and wooden pipes, and every other necessary belonging to a Distillery. At the same time to be LET, for such a number of years as can be agreed on, The DISTILLERY of BROWNSBANK, situated in a rich corn country, and close by the port of Eymouth.— There being no other Distillery in the county of Berwick, an extensive sale may there be expected; and as it adjoins the harbour of Eymouth, an easy communication is thereby opened with other markets. The Work is so constructed, that the liquor falls from the coppers to the stills without the life of pumps. It is well supplied with water, and the cellars are large and fitted up with vats. There are besides a Dwelling- house, stables, and houses with stalls for feeding cattle and hogs. The Distillery and Utensils may be viewed at any time before the sale— and any further information may be had from Mr Robertson of Prenderguest, at Gunsgreen House, by Eymouth. The roup to begin at twelve o'clock noon. A Y R S H I R E. TO BE SOLD, THE WOODS of PINKILL, consisting of OAK, ASH, BIRCH, & c.— They are situated within a few miles of the town of Girvan. Proposals may be made to Andrew Blane, writer to the signet. LANDS IN FIFE TO BE SOLD. To be SOLD by Private Bargain, THE LANDS of KEDLOCK, lying within the parish of Logie, and county of Fife. These lands are situa- ted within three English miles of Cupar, about seven miles from St Andrews, and five to Woodhaven ; the road to which from Cupar, by Kilmany, runs through the middle of the farm; the port of Balmerino, where the produce of these lands may be shipped, is also within four miles of them. The country where these lands are situated is so well known that it is unnecessary to mention the many advantages a pur- chaser will derive The lands themselves are pleasantly si- tuated, having mostly a south exposure. A great part of them are inclosed, some acres planted, and coal and lime is to be had at no great distance As also to be Sold, The SUPERIORITY of the LANDS of FORE- KED- LOCK, lying within the said parish and county. These lands are feued to John Millar, who stands bound by his feu rights to pay and deliver the number and quantity of eight bolls of bear, eight bolls of oats, and fifty merks Scots in mo- ney, besides paying public burdens. The lands cf Kedlock hold of the Crown, and are valued in the cess- books at 3191.6s. Scots. Fore- Kedlock is valued at 671. 14s. Scots, making together 387I. Scots of valued rent; but if offerers incline, as much superiority of other lands will be added as entitle to a vote. For further particulars, application may be made to John Macdonald Kinneir, Esq. Comptroller of the Customs. Bor- rowstounness ; William Macdonald, Esq. clerk to the signet, Edinburgh; or to George Aitken, writer in Cupar, who will show the lands, title- deeds, and plan and measurement thereof. SALE OF LANDS IN PERTHSHIRE. To be SOLD by Private Bargain, THE ESTATE OF FOWLIS EASTF. R, lying in the county of Perth, six miles weft of Dundee, holding of he Crown, and valued in the cess- books at 1640I. Scots.— It consists of 2226 acres, lies upon the bank at the east end of the Carse of Gowrie, of which, and of the river Tay, from a few miles below Perth till it empties itself into the fea, it commands a delightful prospect. On the front of this bank there is a grand situation for a mansion- house— the park around which may consist of three or four hundred a- cres, bounded on the east and west by two finely wooded dens or ravines. The peculiar beauty of the situation has long been an object of admiration, which all who know it will more amply attest than is necessary to be done here.— Besides, as the proprietor will not sell the estate without a considerable additional price, on account of its local advan- tages, he cannot suppose, and far less wishes, that any pur- chaser should come forward without examining the property. To the above local advantages may be added the most com- plete command of water, and the finest stone fit for every purpose, with confiderable remains of a very large marle pit, which may be converted into a great reservoir for water to supply any machinery. The whole lands are laboured under regular modes of hus- bandry, to Which great attention has been paid, and the far greater part of them are inclosed. There are extensive plan- tations upon the estate. About three fourths of the purchase money may probably remain in the hands of a purchaser for a considerable time. For further particulars, apply to Alexander Duncan, Esq. writer to the signet, Queen Street, Edinburgh; and Mr James Webster, 111 Mains of Foulis, will shew the grounds. SALE OF LANDS IN LANARKSHIRE. To be SOLD by public voluntary roup, within the Royal Ex- change Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, upon Wednesday the ill October 1794, between i and 2 afternoon, THE LANDS of HUNTFIELD and BEAT- LAWS, lying in the parish of Libberton and shire of Lanark, only two miles distant from Riggar, six from La- nark, three from Carnwath and Skirling, and nine from Lin- ton, all of them market towns, where yearly fairs are held for cattle, horses, and sheep. These lands are of conliderable extent, at least 500 acres, of very good soil, well adapted both for the plough and for pasture, the greatest part arable, and a good deal of planting in a thriving condition. There are Limestone Quarries in the near neighbourhood, and coal is at no great distance. There is a good commodious dwelling houfe, and complete fet of offices, upon the premises, with a good kitchen garden adjoining. There are from 60 to 70 acres of ground inclosed round the house, subdivided into four inclosures with hedges and belts of planting nearly twen- ty years of age. The lands are all at present in the proprie- tor's natural possession, and have not been cropped for many years. They hold of a subject superior for payment of a small feu duty. The premises wiil be exposed to sale at 25 years purchase of a very moderate valuation put upon them by persons of skill, independent of the house and planting. For further information as. to the articles of roup, upset price, measurement of the lands, and title- deeds, which are clear, application may be made to Alex Abercromby writer to the signet,— John Forrest at Beatlaws will show the lands. LANDS IN PERTH- SHIRE. To be SOLD by public roup, within the Royal Exchange Coffeehouse of Edinburgh, upon Wednesday the 19th of November 1794, at fix o'clock afternoon, in the follow- ing Lots r 1. THE Lands and Barony of BALQUHIDDER, ly- ing in the parish of Balquhidder. There are few Highland Estates, of equal extent, in the county, superior to this Barony, as independent of the pasture grounds, which are very extensive, there are about 500 acres of meadow and arable land, all contiguous, which produce excellent hay and grain of every kind. There is a valuable Wood upon the lands of about 50 acres, consisting of Oak and Birch ready for cutting.— The proprietor has right to the teinds, which are valued and nearly exhausted. Thefe lands hold blench of the Crown for payment of three pennies Scots, and are valued in the cess books at 533 1. 6s. 8d. Scots. II. The Farm and extenfive Grasing of INNERARDE- RANE, possessed by Captain Macgregor, lying within the united parishes of Killin and Strathfillane. These lands hold blench of the Crown, for payment of a penny Scots. III. The Lands of WESTER COSCAPLIE, all arable, with the teinds included, as now possessed by John Dun and James Dawson. IV. The Lands of KINBUCK and WHITTETSTOUN, all arable, let to different tenants, and part cf SHERIFF- MUIR, now possessed by John Finlayson, which is capable of great improvement. On this lot there is a plantation of Scots fir of about sixty acres, in a very thriving condition, twenty years old. V. The Lands of NETHER and MIDDLE CAMBU- SHINIE, consisting of seven different farms, mostly arable, with some valuable hill pasture. These three last lots lie within the parish of Dumblane.— The great military road from Stirling to Crieff runs through the lands of Whittetstoun, and there is easy access to the o- ther lands from that road.—- The teinds are valued. The lands hold of the Crown, Corscaplie for payment of a small feu- duty, and Kinbuck and Cambushinie for payment of a blench duty of a penny Scots each. The cumulo valued rent of these three lots is 859I. 13s. 4d. Scots. The ground officer at Auchleskan will shew the lands of Balquhidder; and James Keyden, at Whittetstoun, will shew the Dumblane lands. The title- deeds, leases, and surveys of the estates are in the hands of James Dundas and Hugh Robertson, clerks to the signet; to whom, or to John Stirling, at Drummond Ca- stle, by Stirling, intending purchasers may apply for farther information. SALE OF LANDS IN THE COUNTY OF ABERDEEn. To be SOLD by public roup, within the Royal Exchange Coffeehouse of Edinburgh, on Monday the 22d of Septem- ber 1794, between the hours of two and three afternoon, T-- HE LANDS & ESTATE of ACHINHOVE, lying in the parish of Lumphanan, and county of Aberdeen. These lands are pleasantly situated in a sporting country, a- bont a mile distant from the River Dee. They are of excel- lent soil, produce early crops, and are capable of great im- provement. They are completely inclosed with stone dykes, and skilfully subdivided, and materials for repairing the in- closures are upon the ground itfelf. The east side of the estate is bounded by the large Loch of Achloffan, upwards of a mile long, and which covers ma- ny acres of fine haugh ground. The proprietors have got a careful inspection and estimate of the expence of draining the loch from j. person skilled in such operations, who states it at less than 50). By thus draining the loch, it is not only very probable an acquisition of marle may be discovered, which would turn out higly beneficial, not only to this estate itself but to the county at large, but at all events a tract of fine haugh ground would be gained, which judicious farmers have de- clared would be well worth a rent of 50I. per annum. The lands are conveniently situated, being adjacent to the parish of Birse, where there is abundanse of lime, and having an easy communication with the city and harbour of Aber deen. It is only two miles distant from Kincardine- O'Neil, which is a post town, and from Charlestown of Aboyne and Tarland, to both of which places the post is to be immedi- ately extended, and at the latter there is a ready market for every produce of the farm. The rent is about 1001. Sterling yearly, and only a small part, yielding little more than 12l. rent, is under tack for any considerable period. The public burdens are inconsiderable, the minister's ftipend being 3I. ; s. 3d. in money, and I bolt 3 sirlots of meal— the schoolmaster's salary 43. 3d. The lands, are held of the Crown, and are valued in the' cess- books as 100l. Scots. Farther particulars may be learnt by enquiring at the Rev. Mr Thomas Gordon of Crathinard, at manse of Aboyne, the Rev. Mr William Mackenzie, at manse of Cluny, or Mr David Morice, advocate, Aberdeen, or at Mess. Alexander and Colin Mackenzies, writers to the signet, Edinburgh, who will shew the title- deeds and articles of roup, s^ nd have power to sell the lands by private bargain before the day oi sale. LANDS IN FIFE TO BE SOLD. To be Sold by public auction, in John's Coffeehouse, in November next, .( the day to be afterwards fixed) THE LANDS OF GRANGE HILL, being part of the Barony of Kincraig, lying in the parilh of Kilcor.- quhar, and fhire of Fife. These lands consist of 54 i acres, and are delightfully situ- ated on the south coast of Fife, within half a° mile ol the sea- port town of Ely. There is a good farm- house on the lands, with barns, stable, and other offices, all in good re- pair The lands are arable, and of so rich a soil as to car- ry good wheat, barley, and other grain. They are under a lease current for twelve years aftes? Martinmas 1794; but as part of the estate of Kincraig in- contained in the same lease for a cumulo rent, the rents of Grangehill have not been yet ascertained— They are suppo- sed however to be about 60 I. sterling, and at the expira- tion of the lease a considerable rise of rent is expected.— The lands hold of the Crown, and being valued in the cess- books at 2801. Scots, a small additional valuation would make a freehold qualification. The tenant will show the lands; and the title- deeds and articles of roup are in the hands of Samuel Macknight, wri- ter to the signet, Drummond Street, who will inform as to any other particulars. A FINAL DIVISION AMONG CREDITORS. Hugh Bremner, accomptant, trustee for WILLIAM HOGG and SON, late Merchants in Edinburgh, and their creditors, has now realised all the fund, and made up a final division thereof, which he will begin to pay at his house, NO 5. South St David Street, 0n Tuesday the 14th, October, at ten o'clock forenoon,' and continue every lawful day thereafter, Saturday excepted, from ten o'clock forenoon to three in the afternoon. Creditors by bond bill or promis- sory note must exhibit the same, that, the payment may be marked on the back; and all the creditors must have a pro- per title, and full powers to grant a final discharge to the trustees. The CREDITORS of FINLAY, ERSKINE, and CO.' Merchants in Greenock, ARE desired to lodge affidavits to their debts in the hands of Walter Ewing Maclae, Glasgow, and produce the vouchers on or before the 20th day of October next o- therwise they will be cut off from any share of the funds in his hands. GLASGOW, Sept. 5. 1794. To the CREdITORS of The deceased ROBERT PATERSON, late Tenant in Fairnyside. NOTICE is hereby given to the said creditors, that there- will be another dividend received out of the funds o! the said deceased Robert Paterson from John Gibson, the trustee, at George Lyall's, innkeeper, 1 Graystone Lees, upon Tuesday the 23d day of September inst.' at eleven o'clock forenoon, where it is requeftcd the creditors themselves, or their doers or managers properly authorised, wiil attend. To the CRFDITORS of DAVID MARSHALL, Manufacturer, in Glasgow. WILLIAM M'TAGGART, Merchant in. Glasgow, trustee on the sequestrated eftate of the said David Marshall, hereby intimates to the creditors, that in conse- quence of the orders of a general meeting, he will pay a di- vidend of the funds recovered among the creditors, upon- Wednesday the 8th day of October next, 011 which day, or any day thereafter, the creditors may call upon him for their dividends. To the CREDITORS of ARCHIBALD M'AUSLAND and COMPANY, Mer- chants in - Greenock. ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL, merchant in Greenock, acting Commissioner upon the trust- estate of Archi- bald M'Ausland and Company, desires the creditors of the said Company and of John Likly, a partner thereof, to lodge with him their claims and vouchers, with affidavits to their verity, betwixt and the 10th day cf November no:', when he will make up a scheme of division of all the col- lected funds; and he appoints Wednesday the 10th day of December following, for the said creditors to call at his of- fice, either personally or by tbeir agents, ar. d reccive their dividends; hereby certifying such creditors as may neglect to comply with this notice, that they will be cut off from any share of the realized property, which will be wholly di- vided among those who lodge their claims, & c. in terms of this advertisement. GREENOCK, SEPT. 9. 1 94- SEQUESTRATIONS, & e. Creditors of SIMON CURRIE, tenant and cattle dealer in Goukhall, have chosen William Beattie of Chapple- hill trustee.— Days of examination, September 18th and October 3d, at 12 noon, in the Court- house of Dum- fries— Creditors to meet in the Court- house of Dum- fries, on the 4th of October, at 12 noon, to give in- structions to the trustee. —— of JAMES MoRISOn, merchant in Montrose, to see a state of his affairs in the hands of John Ogilvie, writer in Montrose, till the 3d of October, on which day the dividend will be paid of JAMES SWAN, farmer and cattle dealer In Bog- head, to see a state of his affairs at his own house, till the 23d of September, when a dividend will take place. CORN EXCHANGE. EDINBURGH printed by ROBERT ALLAN ( Agent for the SUN FIRE- OFFICE, and INSURANCE ON LIVES) at his Printing house, OLD FISH- MARET CLOSE, every Monday Thursday, and Saturday, where Printing Work ; a general is neatly performed, Price of a single Paper, Four Pence.— 53 c. yearly, when called for; 56 s, delivered in town or Leith. j and U 3 sent by Post.
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