The Caledonian Mercury
Printer / Publisher: Robert Allan
Volume Number: Issue Number: 06/02/1931 00:00
No Pages: 4
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The Caledonian Mercury
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The Caledonian Mercury
Date of Article: 14/06/1794
Printer / Publisher: Robert Allan
Address: Printing house, Old Fish Market Close
Volume Number: Issue Number: 06/02/1931 00:00
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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EDINBURGH, Printed by Robert Allan.—— SATURDAY, June 14. 1794. Price 4D. T THE COMMERCIAL ACADEMY Is removed to Ar0. 50. South Bridge Street, East Side, Nearly opposite to the UNIVERSITY. THE Academy is conducted by Mr PATON, Successor to Mr Butterworth, Writing Master and Accountant to the High School, with Teachers properly qualified to assist in the different departments. And the following Branches of Education are . taught, on moderate terms by the Charter or the Course— viz. Writing, Arithmetic, Book- 1 Algebra, - the Elements of Eu- keeping, and the various | clid, Trigonometry, the
Execises connected there- I Practical Branches of Mi- with. | thematics, and Geography. The principal advantages proposed by this Intention are a simple and expeditious method of calculation, with the knowledge of Accounts upon an extenfive and Practical plan — the student being prepared by a course of, Lecturing on Mercantile Transactions in general, Bills, Bonds, & c.— and suitable exercises to make out the Books themselves, where- of a great variety of lets are composed for the Academy by Mr Gordon, accountant, and Mr Paton, which are particu- larly adapted to several professions and situations in life. Besides be
ordinary hours of teaching, there - Are Classes from eight at night to half past nine, for Gentlemen who may be engaged on business thro' the day.— There are like- wise hours for Young Ladies. N. B.— Mr Paton has removed his School for Young La- dies in the New Town, from No. lo. to No. il. George Street, south side. He likewise continues to teach Young Gentlemen, at the usual hours, in that large and convenient apartment within the High School, now appointed for him by the Magistrates. FIFE- SHIre THE LORD- LIEUTENANT of the COUNTY of FIFE requests the attendance of the HERITORS of the county at a
General Meeting, to be held at Cupar, on Mon- day the 13d day of June inst. when he will lay before them proposals for the further internal defence of the country. COUNTY OF INVERNESS. At Inverness, June 6. 17.94, WILLIAM CHISHOLM, Esq. of Chnholm, in the Chair. THE Committee appointed by the adjourned General Meeting of this county, held on 3d June instant, nave, in consequence of the powers conferred on them, re- solved, That this public intimation shall be made to the se- veral Heritors and other Gentlemen connected with this County, that a subscription is opened for those who incline to contribute their aid
to be employed along with the assess- ment laid on by tbe County, in supporting Government, on the present emergency; and that Subscription Papers are lodged with the following Gentlemen, viz.— the Collector of Supply, and his Depute— David Davidson, Esq. of Can- tray James Macpherson, Esq. Arderseer—- Aeneas Mackin- tosh, Esq. of Mackintosh— Captain John Macpherson, In- vereshie— Lachlan Macpherson, Esq. of Ralia— Ewen Ca- meron, Esq. of Fasfern— Colin Macdonald, Esq. of Baris- dale— Norman Macleod, Esq. of Islandreoch— Alexander Macalister, Esq. of Strathaird— Colonel Macleod of Talis ker— Lord Macdonald's Factor, in Sky— John Macdonald, Esq. of Grisernish— Mr Macleod of Rasay— John Macdo- nald, Esq. of Clanranald— Colin Macdonald, Esq. of Bois- dale— Roderick Macneil of Barra— Mr Campbell of Enzie Mr Macleod of Barnera— William Chisholm, Esq. of Chis- holm— the Hon. Archibald Fraser of Lovat— Captain Al- lan Grant, of Inverwick— Edward S. Fraser, of Religg — Simon Fraser, Esq. of Faraline, Sheriff- depute of the Coun- ty James Mackintosh, Esq. of Farr— Captain Grigor Grant, of Lakefield— James Grant,. Esq. Factor on Grant— James Grant, Esq. of Corrymony, Advocate—
Charles Mackintosh, Esq. Writer to the Signet— James Fraser, Esq. Writer to the Signet— Simon Fraser, Coleman's Street, London— John Ogilvie, Esq. Argyll Street, London— Alexander Fraser, Esq. Solicitor, Lincoln's Inn, London. COUNTY OF KINCARINE. AT a MEETING of the NOBLEMEN, FREEHOLDERS, and HERITORS of the County of KINCARDINE, held at Stonehaven the 7th June 1794, in consequence of ad- vertisements inserted in the public paper. by the Convener, in order to consider of the propriety of adopting measures for the internal defence of the. County in the present emergency, THE RIGHT HON.
THE EALL OF KINtORE PRESES, The Meeting unanimously declared their readiness to come forward 0n every emergency in defence of the Consti- tution, wider which they have the happiness to live, against all its enemies, foreign or domestic ; but as- the meeting was thin, they postponed the consideration of what measures should be'adopted to a future day ; and for that purpose ad- journed to the 1st of July next; and in older to obtain as full a meeting as possible, and that those who shall be neces- sarily absent, may have an opportunity of expressing their, sentiment, the Meeting directed the Clerk to write circu- lar letters
to the whole Freeholders, Justices of the Peace, and Heritors of tbe County, acquainting them of the above adjournment, and requesting that they will either attend, cr lay their opinions in writing before the Meeting on the 21st of july; and they also appointed this minute to be published iu the Edinburgh and Aberdeen papers. KINTORE, Preses. COUNTY OF STIRLING. SIR ALEXANDER LIVINGSTONE, Bart. Convener of a Committee, named by a General Meeting on the 9th May last, for superintending the Subscription, and car- rying into due effects the Resolutions of the County for the Internal Defence of the Country— At
desire of the Committee, hereby calls a General Meet- ing at Stirling, on Tuesday the 1st day of July next, at noon, of the Noblemen, Justices of the peace, Freeholders, and Commissioners of Supply of Stirlingshire, for the purpose of considering the communications of the Secretary of State, thro' the medium 01 the Lord Lieutenant, and other papers now before the Committee; and adopting such resolutions for the more effectual and speedy Internal Defence of the Country, as to them shall seem meet. PERTH & FORFAR. To be SOLD by public roup, within the Old Exharge Cof- feehouse, Edinburgh, upon Wednesday the 9th
July 1794, at two. o'clock afternoon, TWO SUPERIORITIES in separate Lots— the one af- fording a Freehold Qualification in the County of Perth, and the other a Freehold Qualification in'the County of Forfar. The purchasers will have the benefit of open charters. For further particulars, apply to James Dundas and Hugh Robertson, clerks to the signet. NEW GROCERY WAREHOUSE, Nicolson STREet, Edinburgh. ALEXANDER ROBERTSON, late, and for many years Shopman to Messrs A. Livingston and Co. re- spectfully acquaints his Friends and the Public, that he has commenced BUSINESS ON His OWN ACCOUNT, in
a Commodious Warehouse west side Nicolson Street, where he hopes to merit a share of their favours. STAVES FOR SALE. To be SOLD by public roup, on Quay of Greenock, cn Saturday the 21st curt. at noon, ABOUT 50,000 AMERICAN BARREL STAGES — To be set up in - small lots. Apply to Messrs Alan Ket and Co, June 12. 1794. This Day is Published, In 2 Large Volumes, 8vo— price 14s. in boards, AN ENTIRE AND COMPLETE HISTORY, POLITICAL & PERSONAL' OR The BOROUGHS OF GREAT BRITAIN; TOGETHER WITH THE CINQUE PORTS, & c. & c The Second Edition— Corrected and Improved.
The opinion of the CrITICAL REVIEWERS, March 1792, of the first Edition. " The, authors of the History of the Boroughs investigates the principles of the Constitution by fair enquiry, and to the praise of which we think him justly entitled. We scruple not however to acknowledge that we readily coin- cide . with him; and from the nature of the history, it must prove particularly useful to those who may hereafter be candidates for seats in Parliament." London— Printed for B. Crosby, NO. 4, Stationers Court, Ludgate Street. Where may be had, just published, 2. A Correct TABLE of the present PARLIAMENT- ARY
REPRESENTATION if GREAT BRITAIN, con- taining, at one view, a list of the Members, number of Vo- . tcrs, and the Right of Election in each city and borough— Returning Officers— when first imprivileged to send to Parliament— with the names of the Patrons or proprietors who influence the return of the member— Price Is. or 4I. per 100. 3. Literary and Critical REMARKS on sundry eminent Divines and Philosophers of the last and present age,— par- ticularly Sir Walter Raleigh, Cudworth, Hobbes, Locke,, Newton, Bolingbroke, Shaftesbury, Bishop Butler, Dr Blair, Dr Gregory, Bishop Porteus, Dr Johnston, Bishop Hurd,
Mrs Macauley, Dr Priestly, & c.— combining ob- servations on Religion and ' Government, the French Revo- lution, & c. with an Appendix, containing a short disserta- tion on the existence, nature, and extent of the Prophetic Powers in the Human Mind, with examples of several emi- nent Prophecies of what is now acting and soon to be ful- filled upon the great theatre of Europe, particularly those of Bishop Newton, Baron Swedenberg, Daniel Defoe, Dr Priestly, Dr Goldsmith, Dr Smollett, & c. & c. price 6s. boards. N. B. The Appendix may be had separate, price is. In a few days will be published, price 3s. 4. IN GRATITUDE
EXEMPLIFIED in the character of Ingratus, a Novel, being the first literary production of a youiig Gentleman of Rank, just returned from abroad. ALSO, 5. The GARDENER'S POCKET JOURNAL-, or Dai- ly Assistant in the modern practice of English Gardening, on an entire new plan, being a concise monthly display from January to December, price only is sewed, or neatly bound Is. 6d.— 220 pages printed in a neat pocket volume more than is usually sold for 3s. 6d. by John Abercrombie, au- thor of Mawes Gardeners Kalendar. FOR ACCOUNT OF THE MANUFACTURERS, Exempt from the Auction Duty, agreeable to Act of
Parliament. WHEELHOUSE & WHITFIELD Will put up to Public Sale; at their Warehouses, New Rents St Martin's le Grand, London, 011 Wednesday the 18th, and Thursday the 19th inst. at five, A large and valuable assortment of British manufactured PIECE- GOODS; * CONSISTING OF 1300 Pieces White and Printed Calicoes. 3800 Pullicat Bandannoe, Printed Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs and Shawls. 1050 Check'd and Striped French Cottons, Quiltings, Dimitties, Jeans, Jeannets, and Drabbets. 1000 Velveteens, Velverets, Cords, Thicksets, and Bea- vers. 3500 Fine Book, Mull, and Jacconet Muslins. 23CO . Dorcas,
Jamdannoes, Brocades, and Tambours.| 7800 Tamboured and Plain and Fancy Bordered Balasores Aprons, and Cravats. To be received to the time of sale as above, where cata- logues may be had, and at the New- York and Carolina Cof- feehouses. J. WHITFIELD and CO. Sworn- Brokers. N. B. Two months prompt. SALE OF HARDWARE, JEWELLERY, AND PLATED GOODS, BY PUBLIC ROUP. THE Whole STOCK of GOODS in the Shop, No. lo, Prince's Street, Edinburgh, belonging to BRUCE AND COMPANY, will be Sold by public roup, in One Lot, within John's Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, 011 Monday the 16th day of
June current, betwixt the hours of five and six afternoon. The TACK of the said SHOP in Prince's Street, for ten years from Whitsunday 1794, with the Glass Cases, Coun- ter, and other Furniture, will also be Sold either along with said Goods, or separately, as purchasers incline. As the Partners of the Company are to give up the bu- siness, the Stock of Goods will be set up low.— If they are not sold in One Lot, they will next day, the 17th of June, be sold in separate lots, in the Shop, by public roup, 3 the whole must immediately be sold. Inventories of the Goods, with the goods themselves, to be feen in the Shop any time
between and the day of sale. INDIA MUSLINS & BLACK SILKS, At HOPE and AnChOR, NO. 9, South Bridge Street, TNGLIS. and ANDERSON respectfully, acquaint their Friends and the public, That having purchased a large quantity of INDIA and BRITISH MUSLINS, uncommon- ly low—- they beg leave to recommend them as being wor- thy of notice. They have also received a fresh supply of BLACK LUTESTRINGS and MODES, equal in quality and lower in price than their last, which gave such general satis- faction. Among the Muslins, are a large assortment of 9- Sths and 5- 4lhs India Muslins, from Is. 6 d. . to 7 s. per
yard, and 6- 4th- wide Scots Book Muslins, ltom 2 s. to ro s. per yard. A suitable discount will be given to those who take whole or half pieces. STOUT WHITE CALICOES,, 28 yards long, they can still sell at 22 s, per piece, notwithstanding the advance that has taken place on that article. N. B. ' Their present stock of Printed Calicoes and Cor- ded Dimitties, they are selling at very reduced prices. MILLINERY WORK in the neatest manner, and every possible encouragement given to dealers. FOR READY MONEY ONLY. THE Public are acquainted, that the Whole; STOCK of GOODS, formerly belonging to PETER
FORRESTER and CO. continue selling off, in wholesale and retail on much lower terms than any goods of the kind ever before, offered to sale in this city; and as the whole must be sold off without reserve,, the public can never have an opportunity equal to this for supplying themselves on such low terms. , The following articles are a specimen of part of their Stock : Plain Gold Watches, from 10 to 15 guineas Ditto ditto, cap'd and jewell'd, from 15 to 25. guineas. Ditto, with seconds, ditto, from 18 to 25 guineas. Ditto, horizontal, cap'd, & jewell'd,. from 2j to 35 guineas. Elegant engraved Gold Watches for Ladies, from 10l to 25
guineas, Plain Gilt Metal Watches, from 2 to 7 guineas. Engraved ditto, from 3 to 6 guineas. Plain Gilt Metal Watches, with 2ds, from 4 to 8 guineas. Silver Watches, from 2 to 7 guineas. Ditto, with seconds, from 4 to 8 guineas. . SILVER PLATE- Silver dividing, sauce, table, and desert Spoons. Silver handled table, desert, and tea Knives and Forks. Silver Tea Kitchens, Coffeepots, Tea Pots, Bread Bas- kets, Suger and Cream Basons. Silver Sugar Tongs, Tea Spoons, and Tea Scoops. Silver Castor Frames, with five, seven, and eight glasses. Silver Salt's, Mustard Tankards, Wine Funnels, Punch Ladles, and Lemon Strainers.
Silver Porter Cups, Ale Tankards, and Goblets. Silver table, bracket, and. bed- chamber Candlesticks.. Silver Table Crosses, Dish Rings, and Fish Knives. Silver Bottle Stands and Sauce Boats. PLATED GOODS. Plated Epergnes, Tea Kitchens, Coffee Pots, Tea Pots, Sugar and Cream Basons. Table, bracket, and bed- chamber Candlesticks Candle- stick Branches, Snuffers, Snuffer Trays, and Extinguishers. Plated sets of Castors of four, five, seven and eight glasses. Fish Knives, Sauce Boats, and Mustard Tankards. Plated Waiters, round and oval, of all sizes and patterns. Dish Rings and Crosses, with or without lamps.
Porter Cups, Ale Decanters, and Goblets. Bread Baskets, Bread Trays, Wine Funnels, Punch La- dles LEmon Strainers and Wine Labels. Dividing, Table, Desert, Sauce, and Tea Spoons. Salts, Pepper Boxes, and Muffineers. Plated shoe, knee, and stock Buckles. The highest prices given for Gold, Silver, and Lace.— All kinds of Jewellery Work, and Silver Plate made on com- mission ; and Hair and Pearl Work of every kind executed with care and expedition, in the newest taste. Commissions from the country punctually attended to. U M B R E L L A S; A. DALMAHOY, GLOVeR and furrier, South Bridge Street, refpect fully
iulbrms the public, That he has got to hand a large quantity of Silk, COTTON, and Linen UMBRELLAS, which he is enabled to' sell at moderate prices.' - N. B. Dealers in GLOVES served on the same terms as from the wholesale houses in London, and with goods equal- ly well finished. ROUP OF PIECE MUSLIN TO THE TRADE. There, is to be SOLD by public roup, on Monday first the 16th current, at five o'clock afternoon, in a Ware- room, first stair above Don's Close, Luckerbooths, ABOUT Ninety pieces of PLAIN- MUSLIN, MUS- LIN BORDS, Field ; alio. . and - CRAVATS, freft from the a Lott of SEWED APRONS and
HAND- GLASGOW WHARF, LONDON. 1794. UNCLaiMED GOODS lying in the Warehouse at Glas- gow Wharff, ; London, directed as under, viz. Henry Holland, 1 Cask, per Margaret and Elizabeth, in November 1787. , Mr O'Clare, 1 Box, per Lovely Mary, in July 1788, of and from Leith. Casks, per Lovely Mary, in July 1790, of and from ditto. White Friars Glass- house, 2 Boxes, per Duke of Gordon, September 1793, of and from Aberdeen. Shippers, Owners, and Agents, are hereby informed, that the above .. Goods have been frequently advertised in the London Gazette and other papers, and which are again ex- hibited, in
order that the proprietors may prove their pro- perty, to MB Thomas Pinkerton at Glasgow Wharff, who wall deliver, the same, on. paying charges, otherwise they will be advertised for sale. without reserve within the limited time, for the payment of all cxpences. To I TO SPIRIT DEALERS IN THE COUNTRY. ANY Person wishing to have SPIRITS from the DI- STILLERY of Sr CLEMENT'S WELLS, will pleal'e to apply, by letter, or otherwise Co WILLIAM AITCHISON, at the Works, he not having had any per- son riding the country for orders these nine months past. John Morrison, Edinburgh, takes in orders for this Work, as
usual. All persons having Casks marked A- B. formerly belong- ing to said Works, are requested to fend them to Gilbert Grierson merchant, Leith. St Clement's Wells, May 29. FALLS OF WATER, From 20 to JO Feet ; AND GROUND FOR BUILDING UPON. ANY Person wanting a Large Command of WATER in Mid- Lothian, within a few miles of the Harbour of Leith, able to drive a great power of Machinery; or want- ing GROUND for Building Houses upon, may apply to Mr James Laidlaw, writer to the signet. H. B. Some of the above Grounds being well wooded and I watered, would afford a delightful situation for a Country
Villa. There are plenty of stones within the grounds. Not to be repeated. FOR INVERNESS, FORT GEORGE, FINDHORN, CRO. MARTY, and TAIN, THE SLOOP THREE FRIENDS, DAVID ANDERSON Master, Presently lying on the birth in Leith, ta- king on board goods for tbe above ports, and will sail the 20th inst. weather per- mitting. For freight or passagc, apply to John Watson, merchant, Leith, or the master on board. Leith, June 14, 1794- THE QUEENSFERRY AND PERTH FLY CONTINUES to run from Edinburgh to Perth, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at nine iu the morning, from William Bell's, opposite
the Tron Church, Edinburgh ; and from Mrs Ironside's, Perth, every Mon- day, Wednesday, and Friday ; and to and from Queensferry every lawful. day. at nine in the morning, and four after- noon.—' Tickets to be had of said William Bell, or of James Hislop, Grass- market, Edinburgh, and of Mrs Ironside, Perth, or Munro Ross, Newhalls, and Robert Banborough, vintner, Queensferry. GEORGE INN, BRISTO PORT. .. . EDINBURGH, JUNE 14. I794. ROBERT REID, makes his most grateful acknowledge- ments to his Friends, for former favours, and informs them, and the Public in general, ' That he continues the pos- session of
that commodious INN at Bristo Port, well known by the name of the GEORGE INN, which, for the accom- modation of travellers, he has considerably enlarged, and fitted up in a genteel manner, and at a large expence. The Coach Yard and Stables are allowed to be among the bell in the place ; and good coin and hay, with careful at- tendance, both in the house and stables, may be depended upon. R. R. by an unremitting attention, will exert himself to the utmost to merit a continuance of the public favour. N. B. Neat STREET COACHES, POST CHAISES, and PHAETONS, and Good SADDLE HORSES, as for- merly.
LODGINGS AT LEITH TO LET. TWO LODGINGS in Baltic Street, each consisting of a handsome dining- room and drawing- room, three bed- rooms, kitchen, and cellar. They are finished in the very best manner— have a fine view of the Firth— are within three minutes walk of the stand of bathing machines— and will be let by the month unfurnished. There are'farther to Lw, THREE SMALL HOUSES also in Baltic Street. For particulars, apply to Mrs Kerr; grocer, Leith. ~ INTIMATION By the TRUSTEES appointed by the deceafed JAMES STEWART, Esq. of Stewartfield, late Merchant in E- dinburgh : THAT the said Trustees
having executed the trust Com- mitted to them by Mr Stewart, except so far as re- spects the provision made in favour of James Stewart, his only son, which Was restricctcd to a life rent annuity of fifty pounds Sterling, ( in the events therein mentioned , which happened) and the said trustees taken bound by their ac- ceptance of the trust, to secure a fund sufficient to answer the said annuity in all events, during the lifetime of the said James Stewart, jun. And the Trustees having at different times already made considerable advances to the said James Stewart, jun. upon the capital stipulated by his father for an- swering the said
annuity, in so far as the capital so much incroachsd upon, that they cannot venture to incroach any farther upon it, whatever difficulties Mr Stewart's impru- dence may involve him in. Therefore, the trustees appointed by the said deceafed James Stewart, hereby intimate lo all concerned, and to the public in: general, that 110 credit is to be given to the said James Stewart, jun. upon the faith of the said trustees or their factor, paying or answering any debts already contracted, or that may be hereafter contract- ed by him, or any on his account, more than the neat an- nual proceeds of the remaining capital, unexhausted by for mer advances to him, and on his account, without special : Authority from them or their factor in writing, whatever distress he or his family may happen to be in, Not to be repeated. CAMERON HOUSE, LET, for 0ne or more years, and entered to immedi- ately, is within two miles from Edinburgh. THE HOUSE and. OFFICES are fit to accommodate a genteel family, and being placed upon a high sand bank, is very healthy and dry. A few very, valuable ACRES of OLD GRASS may also be had, and a good te- nant wishing to make improvements, of which no subject is more capable, may have, a 99 years lease, if required.
Enquire at Prestonfield House. AT LONDON— FOR LEITH, THE BRITANNIA, ARMED, JAMES BUTLER- Master, Now lying 011 the Birth at Hawley's • Wharf, taking in goods for Leith, and will sail on the 28th of June instant. It is requested of those Who wish to fa- vour this ship, that they order their goods accordingly, and advise Mr Butler at the Wharf, or Mr Cas- sels in Leith. A CERTAIN CURE FOR CORNS. ( A Fresh Supply.) THE infallible GERMAN CORN PLASTER. The proprietor of this most excellent remedy is so cer- tain of its efficacy, having never failed in avariety of cases, that he agrees, if it does not eradicate the
corns root and branch, to return the money. , It will, on application, take off the inflammation in a few hours, and destroys effectually the malignity, without the least hazard.— Printed directions sealed up with it. This is the celebrated Plaster that gained so much reputa- tion in Germany, and has been sold in London upwards of fifty years with the greatest reputation. Price Is. I- Jd. the DoX, duty included. Sold in London wholesale and retail by T. AXTeLL, NO. I. Finch Lane, near the Royal Exchange,— and by special ap- pointment, by, J. BAXTER, at the Confectionary and Italian Warehouse, South Bridge, Edinburgh, and no
where else. The CREDITOrS of The deceased JAMES BLAIR, Tenant in Westmill of Lasswade, ARE desired to meet in the Old Exchange Coffeehouse, upon Wednesday next the 18th curt, at one o'clock, to see a state of the funds and debts, and give directions a- bout the division of the funds. To the CREDITORS of Mr JAMES TAIT, Clerk of'Canongate. HUgh Smyth, Mercer, Writer to the signet, trustee for the said creditors, being, by the terms of the trust deed, bound to make a division of the funds in his hands in the month of July next, must again request that such of the creditors as have not lodged their claims will, on or
before the 1st of July, send him shares of their debts, otherwise they will be cut off from any share in the first dividend, which the truftee hereby intimates is to be made upon Monday thci 14th day of July. To the CREDITORS of WILLIAM BROWN, late- Glover in Glasgow. THE Trustee on the sequestrated estate of the said Wil- liam Brown, deceased, requests a meeting of the; whole of the creditors, on Thursday the 26th instant, at one: o'clock, in the Tontine Tavern, when matters, of conse- quence will be laid before them. Glasgow, June 13. 1794. NOTICE In the Process of Sale and Ranking, at the instance of Do- NALD
CAMPBELL, Esq. eldest son of the deceased Colonel Charles Campbell of Barbreck, and his Attorney, against the CREDITORS of the said COLONEL CHARLES CAMPBELL. THAT, since raising the above Process of Sale and Rank- ing, it has been discovercd, that, besides the heritable contained in the summons of sale, Colonel Campbell T had right to the following subjects, viz, 1. The one merk- land of Blairie, lying in the parish of Killean, and shire of Argyle. 2. The benefit of a Tack by the Duke of Argyle- to Co- lonel Campbell, for ninety- five years after Whitsunday 1769, of a Piece of Ground, and Houses built thereon,
lying in the town and parish of Campbeltown, and shire aforesaid. o,. A Piece of Ground at Dalaruan, near Campbeltown, with several Houses built thereon. 4. A Dwelling House, Brew- stead, Malt- Barn, Granary, and Garden, lying at Dalaruan, possessed by John Campbell, senior, and Company, merchants in Campbeltown. 5. A Dwelling House, Office Houses, Garden, and Park, Dalintober near Campbeltown, possessed by Major Hec- tor These three last subjects also lying in the parish of Camp- beltown, and shire aforesaid. The discovery of these subjects having been reported to the Court, thev remitted to the Lord Justice
Clerk, Ordina- ry to the process; and his Lordship, by interlocutor, dated. the 30th May 1794, Ordained notice to be given, that the above- mentioned subjects were discovercd to have belonged . to the said Colonel Charles Campbell, and that they were be sold as part of his estate. In obedience to which interlocutor this notice is given. H. S. JEFFREY
• London Gazette, June 10. WHITEHALL, June IO. ' A Letter, of which the following is a copy, was re- ceived on Sunday last, from his Royal Highness the Duke of York, by the Right Hon Henry Dundas, his Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department. Sir, Tournay, June 6 1794. stant, the combined army; under the command of the He- reditary Prince of Orange, attacked the enemy, who was posted at Fontaine l'Eveque, in order to cover a part of their Forces which was besieging Charleroi, and compel- led them to raise the siege, and return across the Sambre, where they now remain. I am, Right Hon Henry
Dundas, FREDERICK. ' WHITEHALL, June 10. THE dispatch, of which the following is a copy, was re- ceived on Sunday last from Admiral Lord Hood, by the R. . Hon. Henry Dundas, one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State. SIR, Victory, off Bastia, May 24.1794. I HAve the honour to acquaint you, that the town and citadel of Bastia, with the several posts upon the heights, surrendered to the arms of his Majesty on the 22d, On the 19th I received a message that the garrison was desirous of capitulating upon honourable terms; in consequence of which I sent the inclosed note on shore. This brought on board the
Victory three officers, who informed me, that Gentili, the Commandant, would assemble the officers of the several corps; and of the Municipality, if a truce took place, which I agreed to, a little before sun- set. The next day I received a- note from Gentili, which I also in- close, and sent Captain Young on shore on the morning of the 21st, who soon returned to the Victory, with two officers and two, of the Administrative Bodies, which , with Vice- Admiral GoOdall, Captain Young, Captain Inglefield, and my Secretary, Mr M'Arthur, settled the articles of ca- pitulation, which were signed the following morning, when his Majesty's troops
took possession of all the posts above the town, the troops in each retiring to the citadel, from whence they marched to the Mole Head, where they grounded their arms, and were embarked. You will re- ceive herewith the articles of capitulation, which I hope his Majesty will approve. I am unable to give due praise to the unremitting zeal, exertion, and judicious conduct of Lieutenant- Colonel Villettes, who had the honour of commanding his Maje- sty's troons : never was either more conspicuous. Major Brereton, and every officer and soldier under the Lieute- nant- Colonel's orders, are justly entitled to my warmest
acknowledgments; their persevering ardour and desire to distinguish themselves cannot be too highly spoken of, and which it will be my pride to remember to the latest peri- od of my life. Captain Nelson, of his Majesty's ship Agamemnon,, who had the command and directions of the seamen, in landing the guns, mortars, and stores; and Captain Hunt; who commanded at the batteries, very ably assisted by Captain Buller and Captain Serocold, and the Lieutenants Gore, Hotham, Stiles, Andrews, and Brisbane, have an equal claim to my gratitude, as the feamen under their management worked the- guns with great judgment
and alacrity. . Never was an higher spirit, or greater perseve- rance exhibited; and I am happy to say, that no other- contention was at any time known, than who should be most forward and indefatigable for promoting his Majesty's service; far, although the difficulties they had to struggle with were many and various, the perfect harmony and good humour that universally prevailed throughout the siege overcame them all. I cannot but express; in the strongest terms, the meri- torious conduct of Captain Duncan and Lieutenant Alex- ander Duncan, of the royal artillery, and Lieutenant De Butts, of the royal engineers; but my
obligation is parti- ' cniarly great to Captain Duncan, as more zeal, ability, and judgment, was never shown by any officer than were displayed by him ; and I take the liberty of mentioning him as an officer highly entitled to his Majesty's notice. I feel myself very much indebted for the vigilance and attention of Captain Wolseley of the Imperieuse, and of Captain Hallowell, who became a volunteer wherever he could be useful, after being superseded in the command of the Courageux by Captain Waldegrave. The former kept a diligent watch upon the island of Capraia, where the enemy have magazines of provisions and stores,
and the latter did the same, by guarding the harbour's mouth of Bastia with gun- boats and launches well armed, the whole of every night, whilst the smaller boats were very judiciously placed in the intervals between, and rather without the ships ( which were moored in a Crescent just cut of reach of the enemy's guns,) by Captain Young of the" Fortitude, the center ship, on board of which every boat assembled at sun- set for orders; and the chearful- ness with which the officers and men performed this night- ly duty is very much to be admired, and afforded me the most heartfelt satisfaction and pleasure. The very great and
effectual assistance received from Vice Admiral Goodall, Captain Inglefield, and Captain Knight, as well as from every Captain and officer' of his Majesty's ships under my command-, have a just claim to my most particular thanks, not only in carrying into exe- cution my orders afloat, but in attending to and supply- ing the wants of the little army on shore. It is to the very, cordial and decided support alone I had the honour to receive from the whole, that the innumerable diffi cutties we had to contend with were so happily sur- mounted. Major Smith and Ensign Vigoureux, of the 45th re- giment, and Captain Radsdale and
Lieutenant St George of the nth, not embarking with their respective regi. ments, having civil employments 0n shore; it is to their honour I mention, that they relinquished those employ- ments, and joined their corps, soon after the troops were landed. It is very much my duty to inform you, that I am ex- tremely obliged to General Petrecono, Mr Frediani, and all the officers of the Corsicans, serving with the army, for their great zeal, ardour, and attention, in forwarding the reduction of Bastia by every means in their power, who were of infinite service by preserving good order in the troops. I, transmit an account of the loss on the
part of his Majesty's, in killed and Wounded, which, I am happy to say, is inconsiderable ; but the enemy suffered much, their hospitals being full. At the commencement of- the siege, the number of the enemy bearing arms was 3102 By the first ship that sails for England, 1 flril! have the honour of sending, to be laid at his . Majesty's fleet, the several stand of colours taken at Bastia. ',-.•• Captain Hunt, who was on shore in the command of the batteries from the hour the troops landed to the sur- render of the town, will be the bearer of this dispatch, and can give any further information you may wish to know respecting the siege. I
have the honour, & c. -*" v Right Hon. Henry Dundas. HOOD. , His Britannick Majesty's ship Victory, off Bastia, May 19. 1794. IN consideration of the very gallant defence the garrison of Bastia has made, and from the principles of humani- ty which ever govern British officers, I am disposed to give you terms; and if you will send on board two or three officers, properly authorised to treat, I trust a Ca- pitulation will be soon settled., as honourable to the in- habitants as can in any reason be expected. HOOD. To the Commandant of the garrison, and Mayor of the town of Bastia. TRANSLATION. Bastia, the 2d Prereal, 2d year of
the French Republic, one and indivisible. . The General of Division, Commander in Chief, of the army of the French Republic in Corsica, to Admi- ral Hood, Commander in Chief of the squadron of the King of Great Britain, before Bastia. My LORD, IN consequence of the proposal which you did me the ho- nour of making in your dispatch of the 18th of May ( O. S.) I- have the hononr of sending to you two Adjutant Generals of the army, and two Members of the Administrative Corps of this town, who are commissioned to present to you the plan of a capitulation between the garrison and inhabitants of Bastia, and you, my Lord, in
the name of the King of Great Britain. These four Commissioners, who equally possess my con- fidence, and that of the ' garrison and of the citizens, have instructions to arrange, with you, the settlement of all matters relative to this capitulation. I hope that you will he Satisfied, and that they will enable yoti to fulfil the views you have fignified to me, of putting an end to fhe unavoidable confequences of the calamities of war. Cap- tain Young has had a long conference with me— I was of opinion that a reciprocal understanding might co- ope- rate in the success of the negotiation which occupied our attention, and I have requested
him to acquaint you with my ingenious and loyal intentions. Greeting or health. GENTILI, Commander in Chief. litary service or Work Ans. Soldiers shall never be billet- ted on the inhabitants, . except in cases of absolute necessity. XIII. The present money of the Republic, particularly assignats, shall continue to pass current.— Ans. The French money and assignats shall be allowed to pass; but n0 person shall be compelled to take them. XIV. The national domains, sold agreeable to the exist- ing laws, shall be kept by the purChasers ; the leases of nati- onal property not sold, which have been granted till this time, shall remain
in force.— Ans. We do not feel ourselves au- thorised to decide on this article; it must be, left to the de- cision of his Britannic Majesty, the purchasers enjoying the possession of the national domains till his Majesty's pleaiure shall be known ; and all leases granted before the arrival of the British fleet at. St Fiorenzo shall remain in force. XV. The community shall be maintained in the posses- sion of the moveables and immoveables belonging to it; the same shall be done with the town hospital.— Anf. Granted. XVI. Deserters shall not be demanded on one side or the other— Ans. Granted. XVII. The prisoners that have been
taken during the siege shall be set at liberty, and shall be allowed to retire to Bastia, or to France; those which have been taken since the beginning of the war, and have been given up to the Corsicans,' shall be joined to those who were taken at For- nelli, to be exchanged when an opportunity offers.— Ans. Granted. XVIII. Necessary passports shall be furnished to two fe- luccas, to go immediately after signing of this capitulation, one to Calvi, and the other to the Port of the Mountain, to carry the dispatches of the General of Division, Gentili. — Ans. Granted, with regard to Toulon, ( Port of the Mountain.) Refused, with regard to
Calvi. XIX. If any difficulty should arise respecting the terms or conditions of the capitulation, they shall be in all cases interpreted in favour of the garrison, the inhabitants of Bas- tia, and the refugees.— Ans. If any difficulty shall at any time arise in the interpretation of this capitulation, it shall be decided with the strictest justice. to both parties. XX. The British Government shall be the only gua- rantee of the present capitulation.'— Ans. Granted. ADDITIONAL Article I. All the out- posts and forts, and the gate of the Citadel, shall be put in possession of his Britannic Ma- jesty's troops at twelve o'clock to- morrow : The troops in the
forts and out- posts- are to retire to fhe Citadel, from whence they are to march, at ten o'clock the next morn- ing, to the place appointed for each corps by the, Commis- sioners who have managed the present capitulation; and they are to lay down their arms at the place of their em- barkation. Commissaries of artillery and stores will re- main in the Citadel, to take inventories of all the artillery, ammunition, and stores; and proper officers are to be ap- pointed to shew the mines, magazines, and stores of every description. Article II. The town of Bastia, the Citadel, and all the forts, out- works, and posts, and every thing contained
in them, that is not the private property of the garrison or inhabitants, together with the ships of war, and all vessels lying in the port, shall be delivered up to his Britannic Majesty in their present state, without any deterioration of the batteries, artillery, mines, magazines of ammunition, provisions, or any sort of stores. Etienne Monty, Presidt. du De- partement. ARTICLES OF CAPITULATION Of the Garrison and Town of BASTIA, in Corsica. ON the 21st day of May 1794, by order of the Right Hon. Lord Hood, Admiral of the Blue, and Commander in Chief of his, Majesty's ships and vessels employed ih the Mediterranean ; Vice-
Admiral Goodall; Captain Young of the Fortitude; Capt. J. N. Ingelfield, Adjutant- Gene- ral to the Fleet; and John M'Arthur, Secretary to his Excellency the Commander in Chief, met 0n board the Victory, to receive propofals of Capitulation for Bastia from Mess. Etienne Monti, President of the Department of Corsica; John Baptiste Galeazzini, Mayor of Bastia ; Charles Francis Emanuel Couthaud; and John Baptiste Franceschi, Adjutant- Generals of the French Army. The following ARTICLES were proposed, discussed, and mo- dified, as follows, viz. ART. I. The garrifon shall march out with all the ho- nours of war, together with
all those attached to the army. — Answer. Granted. II. The garrison shall embark as soon as possible after sign- ing these Articles at the Great Mole of the Port, preceded by the field artillery, with arms, baggage, drums beating, matches lighted at both ends, colours flying. To be trans- ported immediately to the Port of the Mountain ( Toulon), and no where else.— Ans. In consideration of the gallant de- fence made, the garrison shall march to the Molehead, pre- ceded by two field pieces, with their arms, baggage, & c. and shall lay down their arms at tile place appointed for their embarkation ; they shall, as soon as possible, be
trans- ported to the Port of the Mountain ( Toulon). ill. All ammunition, artillery, military stores, and eyery thing which composes and makes a part of the army, both by sea and land, shall also be transported to the Port of the Mountain.— Ans. Refufed. IV. The Corvette La Fleche shall be fitted out as a trans- port to carry the garrison and citizens who wish to follow it, together with the Pink La Marie Victoire; and that loaded with ship timber, which are now at the disposal of the Administrator of the Marine, shall be employed for this transport; but this not being sufficient, the necessary num- ber shall be furnished by the Admiral,
four of which . ffiall 1 not be visited. The above- mentioned corvette and Pink, loaded with timber shall be kept by the Republic Ans. The troops of the garrison and citizens who wish to depart shall be conveyed to Toulon, the Port of the Mountain, by vessels appointed by his Excellency the Commander in Chief. The French corvette La Fleche, and all vessels in the har- bour, must be delivered up to his Britannic Majesty's offi- cers. Such fishing boats as are necessary to the subsistence of the inhabitants, proving their property shall remain in their possession. The rest of this article is inadmissible." V. The sick, who are not able
to bear the voyage, shall remain in the hospitals which they occupy at present, at the expence. of the Republic, by Officers of Health, who shall be. appointed under the superintendance of a Commissary o War ; and, when they are able to support the voyage, ves- sels shall be furnished to transport them by the English Com- mander.— Ans. Granted. VI. The Members of the Constituent Bodies, and all persons attached to the service of the Republic,' of . any deno- mination whatever, or pensioners shall participate in this ca- pituiation with the military, and shall enjoy the same condi- tions.— Ans. Granted. VII. All papers
concerning public accounts, those of the Artillery, Engineers, Marine, Military Tribunal, Military Cheft, both of this place, and of all others, shall be transport- ed to France; the same shall be done with all papers and plans of the country, as well of the old as new Administra- tion; as the civil and military, and thofe belonging to the Communities.— Ans. Granted, except such as are necessary for the security of property ; the archives, and other public papers and plans of the island, shall remain, but copies of them shall be allowed to be taken. 5 VIII. The inhabitants of both sexes which are now in i the town, or that have taken refuge
there, shall have their lives, their honour, and their property saved and guaranteed with liberty to retire when and whither they please with their families and servants, furniture,, effects, and merchan- dize ; and the, power of disposing of whatever effects they may chuse to leave behind, or to receive their rents by a- gents.— Ans. Granted. IX. No troops nor armed men, except those of the British Government, shall on any account be brought into the town.— Ans. The British Government will take care that no armed men shall be brought into the town, in any manner that may give the inhabitants any cause of uneasiness or
apprehension. X. The community in general, nor any individual in par- ticular, shall be subjected to any tax. or contribution what- ever, On account of the events which have preceded or ac- companied the siege'.— Ans. Granted. XI. . No person shall be troubled on account of his reli- gion or political opinions, nor for any thing he may have, said before or during the siege--— Ans. Granted. Xlf. The inhabitants shall not be subject to have soldiers billetted in their houses; they shall not be forced to any mi- J. B. Francheschi, Adj. Gen. C. F. E. Couthaud, Adj. Gen. Galeazzini, Mayor of Bastia. Approuve par moi, GENTILI. S.
Goodall. Wm. Young. J. N. Inglefield. Jno. M'Arthur. Approved by me, HOOD. pay of Lord Strathaven's corps, to be Captain cf a Compa- ny, vice Montgomery. INVALIDS. Lieutenant Thomas Adams, from an Independent Com- pany of Foot, to be Lieutenant in Captain Aylward's Inde- pendent Company of invalids at Jersey, vice Munro. STAFF. Lieutenant Thomas Adams to be Adjutant to the Invalids at Jerfey. DUMFRIEshIRE REGIMENT. OF FENCIBLE CAVALRY- Michael Stuart Maxwell, Esq. to be Major Comman- dant. Sir Robert Grierson, Bart, to be Captain. To be Lieutenants, Archibald Gordon, Alexander Grier- son,
Gents. To be Cornet,— William Grierson. AYR CORPS OF FENCIBLE CAVALRY. Major Andrew Dunlop, of the late 82d foot, to be Ma- jor Commandant. , William Mure, Esq. to be Captain. William Blair, Gent, to be Lieutenant. Return of Killed, Wounded, Missing, and dead of their wounds of the . Troops encamped before Bastia, from the 4th of April to the 21st of May, 1794. Artillery— 4 rank and file wounded. 11 th Regiment-— I rank and file killed ; 1 Captain, 3 rank and file, wounded. 25th Regiment— 1 rank and file killed ; and s wounded. 30th Regiment— 1 rank and file wounded; 1 dead of his wounds, and 1 miffing. 69th
Regiment— 1 Captain, 3 rank and file, wounded; and rank and- file dead of his wounds. Marines— 3 rank and file wounded, and 1 dead of his wounds. Chassers- t ratjk and file killed 3 wounded; 1 ctaJ of bis wounds, and 15 missing. Total— 3 rank and file killed ; 2 Captains and 19 rank and file wounded; 4 rank and file dead of their wounds, and 6 ' missing. Captain Rudsdale, of nth regiment, wounded. Captain Clarke, of 69th regiment, wounded. WM. BATTLEY, Acting B. Major. Killed and Wounded Seamen between the 11lth of April and toe 19th of. May, 1794. Victory— 1 killed and I wounded. Windsor Castle — 2, killed, 4
wounded, and 1 missing. Fortitude— 1 killed, r wounded, and I missing. Agamemnon— 3 killed and 7 wounded. Total— 7 killed, 13 wounded, and % missing. Lieutenant Tupper, of the Victory, killed. Lieutenant Geo. Andrews, of the Agamemnon, wounded. HOOD. HORATIO NELSON. ADMIRALTY- OFFICE, June 9. Extract of a Letter from FRANCIS LAFOrEY, Esq. Cap- tain of his Majesty's ship Caryyfort of 28 guns, to Mr STEPHENS, dated in Plymouth Sound, the 7th instant. ON the 29th of last month, being in latitude 46 deg. 38 min. north, longitude 9 deg. 40 min. west, his Majesty's ship fell in with, and, after an action of
an hour and fif- teen minutes, captured a French frigate, ( late his Maje- sty's ship the Castor,) commanded by Mons. L'Huillier, mounting 32 guns, and manned with 200 men. She had parted company from the French squadron an the 24th in chace of a Dutch brig, which she had in tow when we first discovered her, and which, upon oar com- ing up, was enabled to effect her escape. I have the satisfaction of reporting to their Lordships the uniform good conduct of the officers and crew of his Majesty's ship I have the honour to command-; and 1 feel myself indebted to Lieutenants Worsely and Sayer, for the spirited example they
set to a new ship's company. Herewith I transmit a return of the loss sustained by liis Majesty's ship in killed and wounded, with as accurate an one as we have been able to obtain of that of the e- nemy. Carysfort,— T seaman killed ; 5 seamen, X marine, wounded. Le Castor,— 16 seamen killed; 9 seamen wounded. WAR- OFFICE, June JO. 2d Regiment of Life Guards*—- Captain John Hughes to be Supernumerary Major,- vice Mawhood. 3d Regiment of Dragoons, Cornet Henry Leicester to be Lieutenant. 1st Regiment of Foot Guards,— Ensign the Hon. William A. Townshend to be Lieutenant, vice Fortescue. Ensign Hew
Dalrymple to be Lieutenant, vice Onslow. 4th Regiment of Foot,— Ensign Francis Brooke to be Lieutenant, vice Lister. 6th ditto,— Captain John Hodgson, from the 4th Foot, to be Major, vice Mackenzie. 13th ditto,— Lieutenant George Kinnaird Dana, to b Captain of a company, vice Williams. 18th ditto,— Ensign Thomas Stuart, to be Lieutenant, vice Holme. 32d ditto,— Captain Sir John Wrottesley, Bart, from the Irish Dragoons, to be Major, vice Williams. 40th ditto,— Ensign Charles de la Cour to be Lieutenant, vice Jackson. 80th ditto,— Lieutenant Patrick Stuart, from the half- pay of the late 73d Foot, to be Lieutenant, vice
Brett, who ex- changes. Lieutenant- Colonel Cuninghame's Battalion of the Scotch Brigade,— Captain Henry johnstone, from tile half- pay of the late Independent Companies, to be Captain of a Com- pany, vice Baird, Captain William Murray, from the half- LORD HOWE's VICTORY OVER THE FRENCH FLEET, London Gazette Extraordinary, JUNE 11. ADMIRALTY- OFFICE, June lo. SIR Roger Curtis, First Captain to the Admiral Earl Howe, arrived this evening, with a dispatch from his Lordship to Mr Stephens, of which the following a a copy : ' Queen Charlotte at Sea, June 2. 1794, Ushant, E. Half N. 140 leagues. SIR,
THINKING it may not be necessary to make a mors particular report of my proceedings with the fleet, for the present information of the Lords Commis- sioners of the Admiralty, I confine my communica- tions chiefly in this dispatch, to the occurrences when in presence of the enemy yesterday. Finding, on my return off of Brest, on the 19th past, that the French fleet had, a few days before, put to sea ; and receiving, on the same evening, ad- vices from Rear Admiral Montagu, I deemed it requisite to endeavour to form a junction with the Rear Admiral, as soon as possible,. and proceeded immediately for the station on which he
meant to wait for the return of the Venus. But, having gained very credible intelligence, on the 21st of the same month, whereby I had reason to suppose the French fleet was then but a few- leagues farther to the westward, the course before steered was altered accordingly. On the morning of the 28th the enemy, were dis- covered far to windward, and partial actions were engaged with them that evening and the nest day-. The weather gage having been obtained, in the progress of the last mentioned day, and the fleet be- ing in a situation for bringing the enemy to a close action the 1st instant, the ships bore up together for
that purpose, between seven and eight o'clock ir, the- morning. The French, their force consisting of twenty- six ships of the line, opposed to his' Mayesty's, fleet of twenty- five, ( the Audacious having parted company with the sternmost ship of the enemy's line, captu- red in the night of the 28th) waited for the action-, and sustained the attack with their customary reso- lution. In less than an hour after the close action com- menced in the centre, the French Admiral, enga- ged by the Queen Charlotte, crowded off, and was followed by moft of the fhips of his van in condition to carry fail after him, leaving with us about ten or twelve
of his crippled or totally dismasted ships, ex- clusive of one sunk in the engagement. The Queen Charlotte had then lost her fore topmast, and the main topmast fell over the side very soon after. The greater number of the other ships of the British fleet were, at this time, so much disabled or widely separated, and under such circumstances with respect to those ships of the enemy in a state for action, and with which the firing was still con- tinued, that two or three, even of their dismasted ships, attempting to get away under a spritsail sing- ly, or smaller sail raised on the stump cf the fore- mast, could not be detained. Seven
remained in our possesson, one of which, however, sunk before the adequate assistance could be given to her crew ; but many were saved. The Brunswick, having lost her misen mast in the action, and drifted to leeward of the French retreating ships, was obliged to put away large to the northward from them, Not seeing her chased by the enemy, in that predicament, I flatter myself she may arrive in safety at Plymouth. All the o- ther twenty- four ships of his Majesty's fleet re- as- sembled later in the day; and I am preparing to return with them, as soon as the captured fhips of the enemy are secured, for Spithead. The material
injury to his Majesty's ships, I un- derstand, is confined principally to their masts and yards, which I conclude will be speedlly replaced. I have not been yet able to collect regular ac- counts of the killed and wounded in the. different ships Cap. Montagu is the only officer of his Majesty's rank who fell in the action. The numbers of both descriptions I hope will prove small, the nature of the service considered ; but I have the concern of being to add, on the same subject, that Admiral Graves has received a wound in the arm, and that Rear Admirals Dowyer and Pasley, and Captain Huty of the Queen, have each had a leg taken off;
they are, however, ( I have the satisfaction to hear)
in favourable state under those misfortunes. In the captured ships the numbers- of killed and wound- ed appear to be very considerable. Though I shall have, on the subject of these dif- ferent actions with the enemy, distinguithed exam- ple's hereafter to report, I presume the determined bravery of the several ranks of officers and the ships companies employed under my authority, will have been already sufficiently denoted by the effect of their spirited exertions; and, I trust, I shall be eX- cused for postponing the more detailed narrative of the other transactions of the Fleet thereon, for be- ing communicated at a future
opportunity ; more especially as my first Captain Sir Roger Curtis, who is charged with this dispatch, will be able to give the farther information the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty may at this time require. It is in- cumbent on me, nevertheless, now to add, that I am greatly indebted to him for his counsels as well as conduct in every branch of my official duties: — And I have similar assistance, in the late occurren- ces, to acknowledge of my second Captain, Sir Andrew Douglas. I am, with great consideration, SIR, Your most obedient Servant, HOWE. P. S. The names and force of the captured French ships with the Fleet is
transmitted herewith. List of French Ships captured on the 1st Day of June 1794- La Juste, 80 Guns. Sans Pareille, 80 L'America, 74 L'Achille, 74 Northumberland, 74 L'lmpetueux, - 74 Vengeur, 74, sunk almost immediately upon being taken possession of. N. B. The ship stared to have been captured on the evening of the 28th of last month, is said by the prisoners to be the Revolutionaire, of 120 guns. Lloyd's List, June 10. THE Enterprize, of London, is taken by a French brig of 14 guns, near the Island of Sardania. The Vigilante, Mayer, from Bremen to Bilboa, is taken and carried into Rochfort. . , The Walter, Harris, from
Cork to St Sebastian's, is taken, by a French frigate, and carried into Rochelle. The Britannia, Feetam, from Hull to Oporto, taken by the French, is retaken by the Vulture privateer of Jersey, and sent to Spain. The Carysfort frigate is arrived at Plymouth from Spain, with fhe Caftor frigate, which flic retook on the 29th ult.— The Carysfort also retook a brig from Amsterdam to Bata- via, which has proceeded on her voyage. The Mary, Taylor, from Liverpool to Africa, taken by a French sloop of war, on the 19th ult. is retaken by the Sarah, M'Ghie, and arrived at Liverpool. The Elisabeth, Grieve, from Dantzic to Rotterdam, is sunk
near the Rosehead— crew saved. The Princess Mary, Bourdett, from Quebec to Cadiz, was lost on Cape Ray on the 10th of November last— crew - The Herstelder, Hauser, from Surinam, put back to Cu- racao on the 13th of March, leaky, and is. there condemned ; part of the cargo damaged, the remainder is on board the Cornelis Gabriels, and the Philadelphia, Paulus Kelder, which ships, with twenty others, were to go to Ja- maica for convoy to Europe. Captain Thompson, of the British Queen, arrived at Fal- mouth from Leghorn ; on the 24th, of May spoke a Dutch galliot, which had been captured by the French and given
up, 011 board of which were the crews of the following ves- sels, viz.— The Brothers, Prior, from London to Barbadoes — the Guildford, Read, of Hull, for Lisbon—- and the brig Douro, Sharp, of Hull, for ditto, the two latter with wheat, all of whom were taken on the 22d ult. by the Surprize and Courier cutters, who had taken seventeen sail of vessels during their cruize. . Captain Thompson saw the galliot again in soundings, steering for the Channel. PLYMOUTH, June 9. . Last night, about nine o'clock, the Valiant lugger of 12 guns, Lieutenant Parker, arrived express to Rear- Admiral Macbride. This vessel, which sailed a few
days ago with the Crescent, of 36 guns, the Druid, of 32, the Euridice, of 24, and the Charlotte, of 10 guns, with a final 1 lugger, anil two other cutters, to cruize near Guernsey, where some ships of the enemy had been seen, brings intelligence that, having shaped their course for the islands, at day- break next morning, they were within se- ven leagues of Guernsey, when they discovered five large frigates, and two corvettes, at a small. distance. The Valiant was ordered to go near them, for the purpose of discovering of what nation they were. When within gun shot, they hoistcd French colours, and commcnced a heavy, but ill directed fire; but as their chief aim seem- ed to be to come to action with our frigates, tiie Valiant made her escape. Another cutter arrived this morning, and brings intelli- gence that, at seven o'clock yesterday morning, when she left them, the frigates were engaging. " This moment an express is arrived to Admiral Macbride, said to be brought by the Dolphin lugger from Guernsey, with the important information of the safe arrival of the Crescent, Druid, and Eurydice at Guernsey, after having had a most desperate action with five French frigates, which was brought on to savc the Eurydice from falling into their hands, , by which
the French have been most handsomely trimmed. The Trusty man of war, and Pearl frigate, who passed this port last evening with a convoy from Ireland, bound to the Eastward, received intelligence by one of Rear Ad' miral Macbride's cruizcrs, of the hazardous state of the a- bove three frigates; on which they immediately crowded sail for that place, and it is hoped arrived time enough to fall in with the Carmagnols. JERSEY— June 4, Yesterday arrived at St Helier, a vessel from France, having on board a great number of women who escapcd from the guillotine. The same vessel brought back the person whom Government
sends regularly to France to learn what happens there. We received information by her, that three armies of Royalists were now on foot, the smallest of which amounted to 40,000 men. Thefe armies gained several considerable advantages over the Sans- Cu- lottes. ' The peasants of the environs of St Maloes leave all the coast, to go to join the Royalists: others are forccd to follow ihe Patriots. In other respects there is not a single Sans- Culotte left on this coast, but they are all, with the army. London, June 11. In addition to the joyful intelligence from Lord, Howe, so congenial to the wishes of every - Briton! who glories in the
triumphal reign of victory in the British fleet, we are happy to learn that Govern- ment have had, by other channels, some account of the disabled flate of the French fleet after the ac- tion. The Lieutenant of the Andromache gave a distinct relation yesterday to the Lords of the Ad- miralty of their having seen, on the 1st inst. a 74 gun ship dismasted and. extremely disabled, towed by a French frigate— one ship sinking and two on fire; but the Andromache was prevented from watching their motions, as five more Frcnch ships hove in sight, but all of them shattered; and for several leagues the sea bore the marks of a recent
engagement, by timber, masts, rigging, and other articles swimming on the surface. From this ac- count it seems highly probable, that not only in ad- dition to the seven captured ships, other ships of the enemy have been burnt or sunk, but that they are generally so disabled as to be hardly capable of e- scape. The Andromache was conveying the Newfound- land trade ; but upon being chased by the French ships, made the signal for the convoy to disperse It is probable, more may fall into our hands, as Admiral Montague, who sailed from Plymouth on the 4th, had not joined the- grand fleet; and his squadron consists of eight "
74 gun ships, befides fri- gates. Should he therefore fall in with the French who are so disabled, it is probable he may capture great part of the remainder. The grand fleet re- turns to port to refit. We must add, that every prospect is afforded that this intelligence will be followed by an account of the capture of the French convoy from the coail of America, as the Andromache brings advice that they were steering for the Bay of Biscay on the 3d of this month. Never was victory more complete nor more glo- rious! for, unlike their former practice, the ene- my fought with great gallantry; and thus in a fair and nearly equal battle, ( six
ships of their original force having separated from them on the 28th of May, the day on which they were first seen by Earl Howe, and at which time their force consisted of 32 sail of the line) the superiority of the English navy was made manifest to all the world; and such a blow is given to the marine of the new Republic, that they will not again venture to meet us at sea. Lord Chatham brought the account of this great naval victory to the Opera last night, and just after the beginning of the second act, it was made known to the house. A burst of transport interrupted the Opera, and we never witnessed any scene of emo- tion so
rapturous as the audience exhibited, when the band struck up the national song of " Rule Bri- tannia." The joy was too excessive to subside in a moment.— It continued for the whole night, and at intervals the acclamations of triumph drowned the performance— Morichelli joined in the general joy, and " God save the King" was sung by her, and Morelli and Rovedino. Not content with this, the spectators seeing Banti in a box, she was called on by every voice to sing " God save the King.' She cheerfully obeyed the summons, came on the stage, and the transport of the night was crowned by her singing the song His Royal
Highness the Duke of Clarence, in the ardour of his joy, went to Covent Garden thea- tre, where he communicated this joyful intelligence to the manager, who ordered it to be announced to the house, which was accordingly done by Mr Incledon. The music played " God save the King;" and " Rule Britannia!" which were loudly applauded encore and encore. Lord Mulgrave and Colonel Phips, in the mean time went to Drury- lane house, and informed the Manager of the glorious achievements of the Bri- tish navy, which he ordered to be announced to the audience by Mr Suet. The music and performers joined in the loyal sounds
of " God save the King" and" Rule Britannia !" which were loudly ap- plauded by the whole house. The event was celebrated throughout the night by ringing of bells, firing of cannon, & c. and this day at noon the Park and Tower guns were fired as testimonials of sincere joy. Such was the expedition used by Sir Roger Cur- tis in his journey to town with the good news, that he was twice overturned in a post- chaise, and he arrived with both his arms in slings. The captured ships of the enemy, with the Bri- tish fleet, were left by him beating np Channel, on their way for Plymouth and Portsmouth. Captain James Montague, of the
Montague, who fell in this memorable engagement, was brother to Rear- Admiral Montague, who commands the se- parated division of Earl Howe's fleet. At one time the enemy had thirteen ships nearly dismasted ; and on the part of the British, at the same moment, the Marlborough and Defence were in a like crippled state. The French Admiral preserved from the first his line very close, and seemed to avoid, as much as possible, venturing at a near, action. This conduct being observed by Earl Howe, his Lordship, as the only means of effecting the best advantage over the enemy, disregarded the order of his own line, and
thus was enabled twice to break that of the enemy . The consequence of such a victory to this coun- try, at the present time, mull be beyond calculation, while it re- asserts the old and established claim of Britain to the empire of the sea. It is surely worthy of remark at this period that this is the first signal victory which has been gain- ed by the channel fleet since the year 1759, and it has been gained under circumstances, which com- pared With those of former periods, make the pre- sent to reflect the most brilliant lustre on the Bri- tish arms. Admiral. When we consider the comparatively small force that he could spare from his
ships; for the purpose of Carrying on a long and difficult siege, much praise is certainly due to the skill, spirit arid perse- verance of both officers and men. Calvi is by no means so strong a place as Bastia, It is probable it will not hold out long. Advices from Florence state, that Lord Hood has published a proclamation, inviting the Corsi- cans to form an Independent Republic, under the protection of Great Britain 5 and has also invited General Paoli to convene the states, without any delay, at Corte; declaring at the same time, that he has received full powers from his Court to ne- gotiate with the new Republic. There are accounts
in town from the army in Flanders, but we hear of no action. It is said to be reported at Tournay, that the whole French ar- my on receiving the decree of the Convention of the 26th ult. which orders no quarter to be given to British and Hanoverian prisoners, unanimously de- clared to their officers their resolution not to act till it was repealed A very important victory has doubtless been gain- ed on the side of Charleroi, by the Austrians, headed by the Emperor in person. A general account has reached this country; but an official detail of the particulars remain yet to be received. We have reason to conclude, however, that the
enemy lost altogether near 4000 men, and 33 pieces of cannon. Mr Jay, a member of congress, who is deputed to settle all existing difference's between this coun- try and America, has arrived at Falmouth. The government of America is. extremely averse to a war with Great Britain, while the people, on the other hand, are Jacobinical in the extreme. Per- haps nothing will tend so much to bring the Ame- ricans to their senses, as to hear that the French fleet is completely defeated, upon the superiority of which they probably built very flattering hopes. The Empress of Russia, we learn by letters re- ceived yesterday by the Dutch
mail, means formally to declare war against the Poles. By letters from Quebec, dated March 1. we learn, that the Indians had fallen upon the American army, and slaughtered three or four hundred men. We are happy to find that there is a probability of many of the Lisbon convoy having escaped be- ing taken by the French fleet; another of them arrived at Bristol on Friday last. Au application is faid to have been made to Go- vernment by the West India Planters, to have the sugar of the conquered Islands in the West Indies, for this year, considered as prize sugar, and not to be suffered to be sold in Britain. The Directors of the
East India Company have taken up the eight following ships, to be sent to Bengal, for the purpose of bringing home sugar, viz. tons. tons, Orpheus, 381 Comet, 300 Holderness, 361 Echo, 397 Indian Trader, 34 « Latona, 29J Lady Shore, Mercury, 202 By the last accounts received from Greenland, we are informed of the safe arrival of almost all the constant trading ships; that they had begun wha- ling, and, to all appearance, the ships in general would successful. Monday, at noon, a Privy Council was held at the Council Chamber, Whitehall, when Messrs. Saint, Sharpe, and Williams, were re- exammcd. Williams was
liberated, and Saint and Sharp were remanded for re- examination. Though Robespierre and his sanguinary associate have so long escaped the vengeance of the people whom they oppress, yet the late attempt shews that the usurpers do not possess such an influence over the public in general as they pretend- It is hardly probable, that the man and woman who attempted to kill those miscreants, acted only from their own feelings, but that they were instigated by a party who may take more effectual measures hereafter. Mr Hailes, the. British Minister at Copenhagen, has delivered a note to Count Bernstorff, requesting him to
accelerate the trial of Professor Rahbeck, who published a libel against his Excellency. This morning, about two o'clock, a fire broke out in a warehouse near the King's Mills, Rother- hithe, which in a short time consumed upwards of thirty houses; we have not heard as yet of any lives being lost. The Park and Tower guns were fired, in conse- quence of the- agreeable intelligence of the capture of Bastia. • Lord Hood had no military assistance in the re- duction of Bastia but the marines of his squadron, among whom were two regiments of infantry. Lord Hood, who directed in person the siege of Bastia, has proved himself a good
General as wells as BANK STOCK, 3 pur cent, red. 3 per cent. con. Lung Ann. IShort;. — THE STOCKS;— INDIA STOCK, —— . V. Sea Stock, • N. Ncny,. if | Lott. Tick. 1 H 1 Omnium, ao| ij 1,6 .9t Admirals Paisley and Bower, who were wounded in the recent engagement with the French fleet are two brave aud gallant officers, and served with great reputation ia America and tha West Indies. This day, in consequence of the welcome news of Lord Howe's victory, the great guns were fired from the Castle at Half an hour past ten o'clock, and the music bells ' immediately began to play " God Save the King — Rule Britannia, & c
& c They will continue until the evening, when they will be succeeded by the great bells. An illumination is to take place at nine o'clock, in consequence of the following proclamation from th « Magistrates. BY THE HONOURABLE THE MAGISTRATES OF THE CITY OF EDINBURGH* WHEREAS it has pleased God to bless his Majesty's Arms with signal success in many recent instances, par- ticularly by the Surrender of the TOWN AND CITADEL Of BASTIA, And THE Capture and Destruction of a Grint Part of the FRENCH NAVY. It is expected that the Loyal Inhabitants of this An- tient Metropolis will testify their general joy
on this happy occasion, by ILLUMINATING THEIR WINDOWS, at NINE o'Clock this Evening, and continue till ELEVEN. The Magistrates, at the same time, strictly Prohibit and Discharge the Breaking of. Windows, and have given or- der to the Constables and Proper Officers to apprehend and secure all such as shall be found offending, or in any manner disturbing the peace of the City. Given at Edinburgh, the 14th of June 1794, in the thirty- fourth, year of- his Majesty's reign. GOD SAVE THE KING. - THEATRE- ROYAL.— ON account of the ILLUMINATIONS thi- Evening, Mr KEMBLE's BENEFIT will not take place till MON-
; DAY, June 16th.-— The Theatre v. ilf be fhut this Evening. The YOUNG GENTI. J: I, IAN • who ailed Hamlet, is to repeat COLLINS'S ODE. on , Monday, and. the Theatre will be ele- gantiy iilui, iinat. ed, Edinburgh, June 14. In addition to the very important intelligence contained in the London Gazette Extraordinary, we have received advice, that Admiral Montague had fallen in with the American convoy homeward- bound to France ; that he captured three fhips of the line, and one hundred merchantmen, loaded with grain. Several letters have been received in town by most respectable Gentlemen, which, go to confirm the
above accounts. The important victory which has been announ- ced to- day has filled the heart of every true Briton with the most lively joy— upon no occasion in the history of this country, has a victory of equal mag- nitude been Acquired, and its consequences must be of high importance to Great Britain ; for not only does it demonstrate, that Britain still remains sove- reign of the seas, but it has reduced the navy of France in a great degree— besides there is great proba- bility, that when the intelligence arrive in Paris, Roberspierre and his party will not be able to stand against the outcry of the people, and the numerous
parties, who only wait a favourable opportunity to rid the world of such monsters, and free their country fr. om the anarchy and oppression under which she has long groaned, LONDON, June 12 Our intelligence from America is far from plea- sant. The Lower Assembly had pafled a resolution for stopping all commercial intercourse with this country until compensation is made for the injury done their trade by stopping their vessels, payment made for the negroes taken off last war, and the forts in the back fettlements given up 5 but by a letter to Messrs Strachan and Company, I am glad to find, that the packet from this country,
carrying over the order of Council, revoking their former one for seizing American vessels, had arrived at a very good time ; for the letter says that in con- sequence of it, the Upper Assembly had rejected the resolution passed in the Lower Assembly and that Mr Jay was immediately coming to this coun- try, when they hoped every thing would be amica- bly settled. Married, on Thursday last, George Cheape, Esq. of Pusk, to Miss Lillias Guthrie, eldest daughter of James Guthrie, Esq. of Craigie. At Uppatt in the county of Sutherland, on tha 1st inst. the Lady of Captain G. Sackville Su- therland of Uppatt was safely delivered of a
son Wednesday, the Houfe of Lords affirmed the Judgment of the Court of Session, in the cause Max- well, & c. against Mrs Lothian of Dumfries. John Coldstream, Esq. Sheriff Substitute of Perth- shire, is appointed Commissary Clerk of Dunblane in the room of Henry Russel, Esq. deceased. We are informed that the Invernessshire regiment, commanded by Colonel Sir James Grant of Grant, Bart, was inspected at Inverness by General Sir Hector Monro upon the 11th j and . that of about nine hundred on the field, only six were rejected. The Stage has within these few days, received ail acquisition of no small importance. A
young gentleman of this city, not twenty years of age, made his appearance at the Theatre Royal on. Monday evening, and delivered the Ode to the Pas- sions in so correct and masterly a manner as to call forth the most unbounded applause of a very nu- merous and genteel audience. On Thursday even- ing he appeared in the character of Hamlet, which he performed in a manner which places him on a . rank with our first performers. Yesterday, was brought into Leith Roads, the Bethia of Aberdeen, a smuggling cutter, with 340 ankers gin, prize to the Leith Tender, command- ed by Lieutenant Marshall. The report in the
London papers respecting the capture of the Sheerness man of war, is without foundation. The following property taken by Sir Charles Grey and Sir John Jervis was on sale, at the island of Martinico, in April last, for the benefit of the captors ; the, appraisement is made at the most ma- derate calculation; 70 ships and Vessels of different kinds—-- valued at L. 7o, 000 6200 Hogsteads of clayed fugar, 126,003 » 203 Ditto of Muscovado ditto, 44.000 4000 Bags 0f coffee, - 80OO - 5ooo Ditto of cocoa, - 5< 50o 3500 Bales of cotton, » 70,000 4000 Cases, of wine, • 8000 40,000 Dozen of liquors, - 80,000 Provisions, & c. & c. -
500,00a Total, L. 971,000 DUBLIN— June 4. Friday last the following curious notice was stuck up by some wag at Hyde's Coffee- house in Dame- strect;—- QUARRELSOME GENTLEMEN. Whereas it has been customary for some days past, with persons who have wrangled elsewhere, to transfer their This COFfEE- ROOM, To the great annoyance of the peaceable, rational, and orderly disposed part of the company. Now, in order, if possible, to revive and preserve the harmony and good or- der long established in, this room from such infringement, WrANGLErS OF ALL SORTS Are informed, that the cellar Underneath is
neatly fit- ted up for their accommodation, as A COCK- PIT, OR FIGHTING- RooM, •, Where all differences of Opinion may be quietly adjusted and that point- blank pistols and ammunition may be had at the bar. N. B, Blank wills, a surgeon at hand, and fashionable half- mounted coffins, on the shortest notice
SEQUESTRATIONS, & c. June 11. TURNER and CARNoCHAN, Merchants in Glas- gow —^ Creditors to meet in the houfe of Henry Hem- ming, vintner, on the 18th current, at one afternoon, to name an interim factor and at the same place and hour, on the l6th of July, to chuse a trustee. « — 11. WILLIAM M'GOWAN, merchant in Paisley.— Cre- ditors to meet iu the house of Robert Watt, vintner, on the l8th current, at 12 noon, to name an interim faitor ; and at the fame place and hour, on the 16th of July, to chuse a trustee. — 11. CHARLES SPARKS, merchant in Montrose.— Credi- tors to meet in the Trades Hall, on the
13d current, at 12 noon, to name an interim sailor; and at the same place and hour, on the 21st of July, to chuse a trustee. 13. PETER and JAMES WESTWOOdS, merchants in Tor- ryburn.-— Creditors to meet in the house of John Wil- son, vintner in Dunfermline, on the 23d current, at 12 noon, to name an interim factor, and at the same place and hour, on the 21st of July, to chuse a trustee. Creditors of JAMES DAVIDSON, merchant in Glasgow, have chosen James Ewing, merchant, trustee,— Days of exa- mination, June 26th and July nth, at two afternoon, in the Sheriff Clerk's Office.— Creditors to meet in the Tontine
Coffeehouse, on the I2th of July, at 2 afternoon. !• ' ALLAN FERNIE, merchant in Cupar Fife, have chosen Robert Geddie, merchant, trustee.— Days of exa- mination, June 19th and July 8th, in the Sheriff Court- room of Cupar, at 12 noon.— Creditors to meet in the houfe of William Ritchie, innkeeper, on the 9th of Ju- ly, at 12 noon. •.... RODERICK FRASER, spirit- dealer and merchant in Glasgow, are to meet in the counting- house - of Charles Campbell, merchant, the trustee, 011 the 24th of July, at 12 noon, • 1 • DOUGLAS and HENDERSON, merchants in Glasgow, are to meet in the Tontine Tavern, 011 the 1st of July, at
la noon, to decide on a composition offered. CLACKMANAN- SHIRE TURNPIKE ROAD. BY the Act of Parliament lately passed, for Making and Repairing the Line of Road leading from the Long- Causey of Stirling eastward, thro' the county of Clackmanan and part of the couhty of Perth, by Alloa, Clackmanan, Kincardine, and Culross, to Newmill Bridge, where the same joins Fife- shire— the first meeting of the trustees, nomi- nated for executing the said act, is appointed to be held in the town of Clackmanan on the laft Wednesday of June curt. being1 the 25th day of that month ;— of which notice is here- by given to the said
trustee's; and they are requested to meet ' at Clackmanan said day, by twelve o'clock noon. As it is probable the trustees wilt begin the making and repairing of these roads without loss of time— undertakers inclined to contract for making any part of them may be ready with their proposals to be laid before the said meeting, COUNTY OF EDINBURGH. ROUP OF TOLLS. THE TRUSTEES for putting in execution the Turnpike Acts of the County of Edinburgh are requested to meet in the Old Justiciary Court- house of Edinburgh, 011 Fri- day the 11th day of July next, at twelve o'clock noon. At this Meeting the Trustees will espose
to roup for one year after 15th August next, the TOLL- DUTIES collect- ed at the respective BARS following, viz. Deanburnbridge, — In the District of DALKEITH. Heriot- house, Gallows- hall LASSWADE. Howgate, Jock's Lodge, Seafield, Restalrig, Abbeyhill, and Leith Links, Wrights Houses, and Nine- mile- burn, Kirkbraehead, Broughton Loan, In the District of CRAMOND. North Leith, and In One Lot. Stockbridge Mills, Combfoot, — In the District of CALDER. Entry to this Toll on 14th August. Persons intending to become offerers for any of the above Tolls will pleafe to take notice, that by a regulation of the Trustees, every
offerer, at making his first offer, must either produce to the meeting an approved cautioner to subscribe along with him, or lodge a proper obligation from such cau- tioner, binding himfelf jointly with the proposed Tacksman in every particular, in the event of his being preserred. But, for the encouragement of offerers, the trustees will only ex- all security to the extent of ONE- SIXTH PART of a year's rent. Thomas Cranstoun, writer to- the signet, Castle Street, will shew the articles of roup, and inform as to further particulars. The Commissioners of Supply, and Justices of the Peace of the County, of Edinburgh, are to meet at the
same time and place. fes, 7 m, 3 In the District of POST- ROAD. In One Lot. In the District of WRIGHTS- HOUSES. In One Lot. To be SOLD by Judicial Roup, by Authority of the Court of Session, within the Parliament or New Session House of Edinburgh, on Wednefday the 18th day of June curt, between the hours of four and six o'clock afternoon, THAT Large and Commodious DWELLING- HOUSE, 1 OFFICE- HOUSES, and GROUND, prefently poffef- fed by Peter Colville, Esq. late of Ochiltree, lying within the village of Torrybut n.— As also, Five other Parcels of LAND, and that Wood called the TREE PARK, lying in and
about the said village;— and that Farm called MUIRSIDE, and Lands called WEAVERFIELD, all formerly belonging to Robert and Peter Colvilles, late of Ochiltree, lying within the parilh of Torryburn, and shire of Fife. The dwelling- houfe and others possessed by the said. Mr Colvile is presantly let to him, at no more than lo I. Ster- ling; and, after deduction of certain feu- duties payable to a subject fsperior, there remains of free rent, Which, being valued at ten years purchase, is, - The free rent of the other five parcels is proven to be The present gross rent of Muir- side and Weaverfield is pro- ven to be Deduce feu- duty, mi nister's stipend, and school- master's sa lary, - Valued at twenty- eight years purchase, is, - Proven value of the wood in the Tree Park, Upset price or - proven value of the whole subjects under sale, - - - 1547 6 9 If they are not sold in one lot, they will be divided into several parcels. As the above- mentioned subject were let at about double the present rent, at the time Mess. Colville stopt payment, it is expected they will aga n rise to the same rent. * The progress of writs, proven rental, and conditions of sale, may be seen at the office of Mr Keith Dunbar, depute clerk of Session; and Alexander Keith, writer to the signet, will
inform as to other particulars. To BE SOLD By Public Roup, within the Old Exchange Coffeehouse, in Edinburgh, 011 Wednesday the 9th July next, at two o'- clock afternoon, THE LANDS of LAWHEAD cf STOBWOOD, lying in the parish of Carnwath, and shire of Lanark, and possessed by Robert White, at about 70I. of rent. These lands consist of upwards of 35O acres, whereof 174 are arable, 168 pasture, and 15 meadow ground, and they march with the lands of Cleugh, and lie in the immediate neighbourhood of the iron- works of Wilsons- town. For further particulars, apply to John Young, writer to the fignet. CARSE OF
GOURIE. Upset Prices Reduced. To be SOLD by roup, within the Royal Exchange Coffee- houfe, Edinburgh, on Thursday the 19th of June 1794 at two o'clock afternoon, in the following Lots, LOT I. ' THE Lands of OVER- MAINS and CASTLE of KIN- NAIRD, the Lands of NETHER- MAINS of KIN- NAIRD, the Pendicles of Kinnaird, and certain Parts of the Lands of CRAIGHEAD, lying in the parish of Kinnaird, and shire of Perth, and amount to about 270I. of nett rent. The lands of this lot hold of the Crown, and the propor- tion of their real rent being compared with the proprietor's cumulo rental in the parish of Kinnaird, their
valued rent must exceed 400I. Scots. LOT II. The Lands of HULL and FRANKL ADEN, lying in the parish of Kinnaird, and shire of Perth, about 75 1. of yearly rent. These lands consist partly of brae and partly of carse land, and lie about half way between the two flourishing towns of Perth and Dundee. The lands of Lot ill lie compact, and are a desirable object for a proprietor's residence. They con- tain a good proportion of carse and brae land, all of excellent quality. There is a most delightful situation f< 2 a mansion house at the Castle of Kinnaird, which commands an exten- five prospect of the Carse of Gourie and river Tay.
The lands are low rented, and when the leases expire a considerable rise of rent may be expected, particularly 011 Nether Mains, the lease of which expires in five years. There is an Orchard and thriving Pigeon- house at Kin- naird, with certain services prestable by the tenants, not re. n- talled; and there is also some growing timber upon the lands. Lot 2d consists of about 489 acres of arable green, and other pasture grounds, and lying in the brae of the Carse, and to the northward, would be a very desirable store- farm for a low country proprietor to be possessed of. The conditions of roup, with a rental and plan of the
grounds, to be seen by applying to Mr Graeme, writer to the signet, Nicolson Square. SALE OF INVERCHARRON, & c. IN ROSS- SHIRE. To be SOLD by public roup, within the Parliament or New Session- house of Edinburgh, by authority of the Court of Session, upon Wednesday the 18th day of June curt, be- tween four and six 0 clock afternoon, a "' HE LANDS under mentioned, belonging to William Ross of Invercharron, Esq. which, in place of being divided in the manner formerly advertised, will be exposed to sale in the following Lots: LOT 1. The TOWN and LANDS of EASTER and WESTER GREENYARDS, with the
Mill, Mill- Lands, Multures, and Sequels, Salmon Fishing of the Linn and Polmorelle, and other Fishings of said lands;. all lying with the barony of Strathcarron, parish of Kincardine, and shires of Rofs and Cromarty. The gross rent of these lands is 561. 8 s. 2 d. 2- 12ths, from which deducting 101. 3 s. being the rents of mills not Ceind- able, there remains of rent, subject to teind 461. 5 s. 2 d. 2- l2ths. As the heritor has no right to the teinds, a fifth part of this rent is deducted for teind, so there remains 37 1. id. 7- 12ths, to which adding the rent of the mills not teindable, the gross rent of the stock is 471. 3 s. I d. 7- 12ths. This lot is
held of the Crown in free blench, and pays of schoolmaster's salary 7 s. 2d. X0'- i2ths, so the free rent of the stock is 461. 15 s. 10 d. 9- l2ths, which being valued at thirty years purchase, amounts to L. 1403 16 10 6- 11 The free teind, after deducting 3I. 8s. I d. 4- i2ths of stipend is j 1. 16 s. 11 d, I- I2ths, which being valued valued at five years purchase, amounts to 29 4 7 5- 12 Upset price of Lot I. - L. 1433 1 3 11- 12 LOT II. The TOWN and LANDS of GLENCALVIE, with the FIR and BIRCH WOODS, and Pendicle called GLACK- TOMLINIE, all lying within the barony and parish a- foresaid, and shire of Ross. After deducting a
fifth part for teind, to which the heri- tor has no right, 8 s. 4 d. of feu- duty, payable to the fa- mily of Cromarty, and 3 s. II d. 5- i2ths of schoolmaster's salary, the free rent of the stock of this lot is 251. 6 s. id. J- I2th3, which being valued at thirty years purchase, is - L. 759 3 6 6- 12 The free teind, after deducting a 1. lis. 4d. 7- 12ths of stipend, is 31.18s.. 3 d. 7- I2ths, which being valued at five years purchase, amounts to 19 11 o ri- 12 L. 778 14 7 7- ia And the Woods are valued at 696 0 o Upset price of Lot II. L. 1474 IX 7 5- 12 LOT III. The TOWN and LANDS of EASTER and WESTER CRAIGS, lying within the barony, parish,
and shire a- foresaid. Alter deducting a fifth part for teind, and 8 d. of school- master's salary, the free rent of the stock of this Lot is 41. 7 s. 4 d. which, being valued at thirty years purchase, a- mounts to - L. 13! o o The free teind, after deduiling 8 s. 8J, d. of ftipend, is 13 s. 3 d. 6- i2ths, which, be- iug valued at five years purchafe, amounts to - 365 6- 12 Upset- price of Lot IU. L. 134 6 3 6- 12 LOT IV. The TOWN and LANDS of INVERCHARRON, with the Pertinents called " Reinaftrone and Tovriedow," with the Malt- steading of Invercharron, and Salmon- fishing cf the Water of Carron commonly called " Inveran," with the
Mansion- house, Office- houses, See. all lying in the Ab- bacy of Fearn, parish of Kincardine, and shire of Ross.- ' After deducting a fifth part for teind, il. 9s- rod. 3- I2ths of feu- duties payable to the family of Cromarty, and 6s. 3d, 7- l2ths of schoolmaster's salary, the free rent of the stock of this lot is 39I. 8s. cd. 6- i2ths, which being va- lued at 30 years purchase, amounts to L. 1183 3 9 The free teind, after deduiting 4I. is. 9d. 7- 12ths of stipend, is 61. 4s. 3d. 7- 12ths, which being valued at five years purchase, amounts to 31 2 I 10- 12 Upset price of Lot 4th, Value, of Lot 1sf, Lot 2d, Lot 3d, Lot 4th, - L. 1214 5 10 10- 12 L. 1433
R S n- 12 1474 14 1 5- 12 134 6 5 6- 12 H14 3 10 10- ta Total upset price, L. 4256 8 5 8- 12 The whole lands under sale are held of the Crown ; and, excepting the lands of Wester Greenyards, ( in the county of Cromarty,) stand rated in the cess- books of the shire of Ross i> t 204- 1. Scots of valued rent.— The lands of Wester Grean yards are valued m the cess- books of the shire of Cromarty at 601. 10 s. Scots.— The lands are low rented, in fo much that'a considerable rise may be expeiled. The eftate, of its extent, forming as valuable a Highland property is perhaps any in the north ot Scotland. The articles of roup are in the
hands of Mr Kirkpatrick depute- clerk of Session ; and the progress of writs, and print- ed copies of the memorial and abstract are in the hands of James Rose, writer in Edinburgh, the common agent. FOR QUEBEC, THE EUROPA, A New Ship, Burden 250 Tons, JOHN MACMIlLAN Master, WILL be at Greenock, ready to take on board goods by the 1st, and clear to sail by the 20th July next. This ship will be armed, and have good accommodation for passengers. £ 3" For freight or passage, apply to Walter Ritchie and Company in Greenock. May 23. 1794. ~ LANDS IN ROXBORGH- ShiRE TO BE SOLD, THE LANDS of
WESTER SOFTLAW, lying within the parish, and within three miles of the town of Kelso. These Lands consist of upwards of 600 acres, all inclosed and subdivided, and in an excellent state of cultivation. There is a commodious mansion- house upon them, with Of- fices and Garden. They hold of the Crown, and entitle the proprietor to a vote for a member of Parliament in the county. Several thousand pounds of the price will be allowed to remain in the purchaser's hands. The title- deeds and plan of the estate are in the hands of William Anderson, writer to the signet, to whom, or to the proprietor at Softlaw tower, any person
inclining to purchase may apply. FARM IN THE COUNTY OF FORFAR TO BE LET. THE FARM of MARYTON, part of the Estate of Old Montrose, measuring about 210 acres of rich black loam, and carse land, will be let for 19 years from Whitsun- day 1794. There is upon the premisses a commodious Dwelling- house and complete suit of Offices, all slatcd. Lime can be brought to the farm by water, and there is a turnpike road, which leads along the side of it, to the town of Montrose not two miles distant. The tacksman will enter to above twenty a- cres of ground for fallow, and also to a confiderable quantity of dung. The farm
will be set altogether, or any proportion of it, as offerers incline. For particulars apply to Mr Charles Greenhill, at Bol- shan, by Arbroath. AN ESTATE IN STIRLINGSHIRE TO BE SOLD. To be SOLD by public voluntary roup, within John's Cof. feehouse, Edinburgh, upon Tuesday the 5th day of Au- gust next, at six o'clock afternoon, THE Lands and Estate of SKEOCH, CARCLUSH, and BLACKHILL, lying within the parish of St Ninians, and shire of Stirling, as the fame are presently possessed by the heirs of Adam Walker; together with a small piece of ground feued to William Wilson. These lands are situated close to the town of
Bannockburn, and about three measured miles distant from Stirling. They are all inclosed, and are capable of great improvement.— From their vicinity to the town and port of Stirling, lime and other manure can be easily procured. There is no mansion- house upon the estate; but there is a delightful situation to build one upon the lands of Skeoch, which consist of about 90 acres I rood Scots measure, of rich arable ground, divided into small inclosures. The situ- ation is uncommonly beautiful and healthy, commanding a rich and extensive view of the adjacent country, the Frith of Forth for many miles up and down, the town and
har- bour of Alloa, the town and castle of Stirling, and many other delightful objects which are in the immediate neigh- bourhood, the whole forming one of the finest landscapes in Scotland. The great road from Edinburgh to Stirling passes along the side of the lands of Skeoch, and betwixt the lands of Carclush and Blackhill. The lands of Carclush consist of 31 acres 31 falls, and the lands of Blackhill of 23 acres and 2 roods, which makes the whole estate consist of 166 acres 3 roods and 31 falls Scots measure, which is about 200 English acres. The present rent of the lands set to Adam Walker a- mounts to 1761. 2 s.; and, in
the year 1809, an additional rife of 401. 10 s. commences, making in all 2161. 12 s. and the tenant pays all public burdens. The lands were set in lease to Adam Walker ia the 1783, for thirty- eight years after Martinmas 1789 ; so that the tack will end at Martin- mas 1827. Besides the above rent, William Wilfon pays for his feu 31. yearly. The proprietor has right to the teinds of the whole e- state. The title- deeds are in the hands of Robert Trotter, wri- ter to the signet; to whom intending purchasers may apply for farther information. The tenant on the ground, and William Crawford at Touch, will show the grounds. LANDS IN
LANARKSHIRE FOR SALE. To be SOLD by public roup, upon the 9th ot July, 1794, within John's Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, between the hours of one and four afternoon, THE Lands and Estates of GARNKIRK, BEDLAY, GARTFERRY, and others, lying in the parish of Cadder, and barony parish of Glasgow, in the following Lots,— or any of the Lots will be joined, if purchasers de- fire it. LOT I. The Lands of GARNKIRK, DAVIDSTON, and others, extending to 1256 acres or thereby. The gross rental of which, putting a moderate computation on some of the lands that are out of lease, or were in the natural possession ot the
proprietor, is Deduce the feu and teind duties, amount- ing to - - - Nett rental, The said lands are held of the Crown, and are valued in the cess- books at L. 875 : 6: 8 Scots. There is a good deal of old timber on this lot, and many extensive and thriving plantations. The Mansion- house of Garnkirk, to which a great addi- tion was lately made, if large and commodious. The prin- cipal rooms are nearly 30 by 20 feet each, with parlour, library, and bed- rooms corresponding. The house is sur- rounded by a great number of fine old trees, and has a con- stant supply of excellent water. It is situated nearly in the center of the estate,
about six miles from Glasgow, and 38 irom Edinburgh, at the distance of about half a mile from the turnpike road leading from Edinburgh to Glasgow, by Cumbernauld, which intersects the estate in a very advanta- geous manner. In the above rental, nothing is stated for the Mansion- house, Offices, or Garden of Garnkirk, nor for the timber, woods, and plantations.. The Lands in this Lot are valued at L. 18,200 o o The Wood, per survey and estimate, at 3,007 4 11 Upset price 21,207 LOT II. The Lands of BEDLAY, MOLLENS, & c. extending to 730 acres or thereby— the gross rental whereof amounts to - - L. 327 3 o From
which deduct the feu and teind duties, amounting to - - 10 2 8 8- I t Nett rental, 319 o 3 4- 12 To this nett rental there fhould be add- ed the produce of a lime- work, now work- ing on the lands of Bedlay, which was in the natural possession of the proprietor, & last. year amounted to - 74 19 L. 394 o o 10- 12 These lands are also held of the Crown, and are valued in the cess- books at upwards of 400I. Scots. On this lot there is likewise a good deal of old timber ; and there are some natural woods, and several extensive and thriving plantations, the value of which is not taken into view in stating the amount of the rental; neither, is
there any thing stated for the mansion- house of Bedlay. gj" The Lands and Limeworks in this Lot are valued at - L. 13,430 o 9 The Wood, per survey and estimate, at 1,649 1 r S Upset price, 15,0519 II 5 LOT M. The Lands of SHANKRAMUIR and DRUM- CAVIL, extending to 174 acres or thereby, the gross rental of which is - Deduil the leu and teind duties, 7.7 7 9- 10 Nett rental, L. 107 15 4 1- 10 The Lands in this lot are valued at L. 2,700 o o The Wood, per survey and estimate, at 4813 o Upset price 2,748 13 O LOT IV. The Lands of GARTFERRY, extending to. 183 acres or thereby the gross rental whereof IS - - - L. 112 4
6 Deduct feu and teind duties, 8 19 6 7- 13 Nett rental, L. 103 4 11 3- is There is a good mansion- house on these lands, which would accommodate a genteel family— also a good deal of old tim- ber, and some valuable natural woods, for which nothing is stated in the rental, The superiority of this lot will be made up to one freehold qualification. The Lands in this Lot are valued at L, 2,6oo o o The Wood, per survey and estimate, at 796 to 3 Upset price- 3,396 10 3 LOT V. The Lands of CRAIGENDMUIR, extending to 170 acres, and the Lands of CARDOWANMUIR or TAD- MUIR. Gross rental,- - L. 75 6 o Deduct feu and teind
duties, 7 1 10 5- 6 Nett rental, L. 68 4 I I- I » The Lands in this Lot are valued at L. I, 710 o ' o The Wood, per survey and estimate, at 288 6 a Upset price L. 1,998 6 O LOT VI. These parts of the lands of JOHNSTON, com- monly called LOCHEND and JOHNSTON, and thefe parts of the lands of GARCOSH, called BURROWDIKE extending in whole to 163 acres. Grofs rental, L. 119 17 o Dcduct feu and teind duties, 81- 3 Nett rental, L. 111 15 9 The Lands in this Lot are valued at L. 2,800 o o The Wood, per survey and estimate, at 32 10 cr Upset price L. 2,852 10 cf LOT VII. The Lands of GARCOSH, GARTLOCH, and
BRACKENKNOW, extending to 294 acres, 1 rood, and 23 falls. Gross rental, - L. 126 18 o Deduct feu and teind duties, 9 3 4 4- IZ Nett rental, L. 117 12 7 8- i* The Lands in this Lot are valued at L. 2,95o o 0 The Wood, per survey and estimate, at 694 13 4. Upset price L. 3,644 15 4 LOT VIII. The Lands of GARTSHEUGH, extending to 190 acres. Gross rental, - L. 70 ii; » Deduce feu and teind duties, 5 7 7 Nett rental, L. 63 10 5 These lands are held of a subject superior. The Lands in this Lot are valued at L. I, 650 d o The Wood, per survey and estimate, at 230 ix a Upset price L. I, 880 11 q> LOT IX. The Lands of
GARTINQUEEN and WOOd- NEUCK, extending to 160 acres or thereby. Gross rental, - L. 63 3 & Deduce feu and teind duties, 6 5 11 r- 24 Nett rental, L. 56 19 6 23- 24 The Lands in this Lot are valued at L. 1,430 o o The Wood, per survey and estimate, at 123 10 o Upset price L. I, 553 to- o LOT X. These parts of the Lands of JOHNSTON, call- ed AULDYARDS and BAUDS, extending to 313 acres or thereby. Gross rental, - L, 140 19 o Deduce feu and teind duties, 8 10 9 3- 13 Nett rental, L. I;, z 8 2 g- 15. The Lands in this Lot are valued at L. 3,320 o 0 The Wood, per survey and estimate, at * 295 I 9 Upset price L. 3,613 1
9 The fences upon the whole lands are in good condition- The farm- houses, many of which are new built, are in good repair ;— and a skilled person has been employed to pus 4 value upon the wood growing upon the different lots, which is now inserted in this advertisement. Also to be SOLD, at the same time and place, The Lands and Barony of RYDING, GARTMILLAN', and others, held of the Crown, lying in the parish of East Monkland, about ten miles from Glasgow, and one mile from the Monkland Canal, with the Coal and Iron- stone the lands of Kipps, Blacklands, and Gunny, in the follow- ing Lots;— or, if the purchasers
incline, several lots may be thrown into one: LOT I. The Lands of RYDING, PENWINNY, and; KIRKSTYLE, extending to 175 acres, or thereby. Gross rental, including 12 bolls meal, which is valued at l6s. per boll, but varies with the fiars, 491. 12 3. On this lot there is a natural wood, upon which no ren> tal is put. LOT II. The Lands of SHORE and YETT, RYDING- DYKE, and GLACHAN, extending to 73 acrcs, or there- by. Gross rental, 251. LOT III. The Lands 0f SHYFLAT and DRYFLAT. ex tending to 144 acres, or thereby. Gross rental, including a feu- duty of 6 1. forth of part of Dryflat, 68 1. 9s. LOT IV. The Lands of
BRAEKENHIRST and KIPP- BURN, extending to 118 acres, or thereby. Gross rental, 13 1. 10 s. LOT V. The Lands of DRUMBOWIE, extending to 107 acres, or thereby. Gross rental, 321. LOT VI. The Lands of WESTER GARTMILLAN, extending to 104 acres. Gross rental, 24]. On this lot there is a natural wood, on which no value 14 put. LOT VII. The Lands of EASTER GARTMILLAN* and MUIRBANK, and the GLENMILL, and Lands ex- tending to 163 acres, 01 thereby. Gross rental, exclufive oc the Glenmill and lands which are out of lease, L. 33 o o> The said mill and lands were valued at L. 48 0 a- LOT VIII. The Lands of
GLENHEAD and SHANKS, extending to 89 acres or thereby, with the coal in these; lands. The lands of Glenhead are out of lease, but have- bcen valued at 27 1. 14 s. 6 d. The lands of Shanks, which- extend to 38 acres and 1 rood, are rented at 101. and the coal, on which there is a fire- engine, has for the last two years averaged of nett profit about 501. per annum, and might be made much more productive by a very small out- lay of money. Some of these lands contained in the last eight lots are out of lease, as already noticed. A great proportion of the remaining leases expire soon, and a very great increase of rent has
been offered, for the new tacks. The whole lands are reckoned to be full of coal, which may be carried ta Glasgow and the frith of Clyde by the Monkland Canal. The fences and farm- houses are in excellent repair. The feu and teind duties on the last eight lots are computed to. extend at an average to about 301. and will be subdivision in proportion to the several upset prices. LOT IX. The COAL and IRON- STONE in the Lands of Kipps, Blacklands, and Gunny, extending to about 180 acres. These lands lie also in the parish of East Monkland, within ten miles of Glasgow. They are rec- koned to be full of coal, which may be
transported by the Monkland Canal, from which they are distant about a mile,. Copies of the rentals and ( he conditions of fale may bs feen by applying to Gilbert Hamilton, merchant in Glas gow— John Dunlop of Rosebank, merchant in Glasgow,, trustee upon the estate— to William Anderson, writer to the signet, Edinburgh— or Robert Graham, writer in Glasgow.. who will give any information necessary respecting farther particulars relative to the estates. EDINBURGH; Printed by ROBERT ALLAN ( Agent for the SuN FIRE- OJFICE, and INSURANCE ON LIVES) at his Printing house, Old FISH- MART CLOSE, every Monday,
Thursday, and Saturday, when Printing Work in general is neatly performed, price of a single Paper, FOUR PENCE.— 53. yearly, when called for; 563. delivered in town or Leith ; and L sent by Post,