The Northampton Mercury
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Issue Number: 51
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The Northampton Mercury
Date of Article: 01/03/1794
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and Co
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: LXX!V
Issue Number: 51
No Pages: 4
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No. 5,.] Vol. LX* IV. erntrp* Ready Money ivith Advert ifements.~\ MARCH I, 1794. [ Price Four- pence. This PAPER, for upwards of Seventy- three Years paft, has been, and continues to be, circulated in all the Market- Towns and populous Villages in the Counties of NORTHAMPTON, LEICESTER, NOTTINGHAM, LINCOLN, RUTLAND, HUNTINGDON, CAMBRIDGE, ant! lfte of ELY, ESSEX, BEDEORD, HERTFORD, BUCKINGHAM, BERKS, OXFORD, WARWICK, to BIRMINGHAM, STAFFORD, & C. and by the Poft to all the chief Towns in the Kingdom.— It is alfo conftantly fent to the Chapter, Rowley's, and Peele's
Coffee- Houfes, London. Sunday and Tuefday's Polls. L O N D O N, February 25. ATURDAY's Gazette contains a letter from Captain Hood giving an account of his having on the nth of January, be- tween ten and eleven o'clock at night ( not knowing of the evacuation of the place) entered the port of Toulon with his Ma- jesty's frigate juno ;— the discovery of his situa- tion, and his efcape the Captain describes as fol- lows -— " By the time we had hoisted out two of our boats to warp the ( hip, a boat came along fide, after having been hailed, and we thought an- swered as if an officer had been in her; the peo- ple were all
anxious to get out of her, two of which appeared to be the officers; one of them faid, he onne to inform me, it was the regulation of the port, and the commanding officer's orders, that I muft go into another branch of the har- bour to perform ten days quarantine, I kept afking him where Lord Hood's ship lay ; but his not giving me any satisfactory anfwer, and one of the midfhipinen having at the fame inllant faid, " they wear national cockades," I looked at one of their hats more stedfastly, and, by the moon- light, clearly distinguished the three colours. Perceiving they were suspected, and on my ques- tioning them again about Lord
Hood, one of them replied, Soyez tranquille, Ies Anglois sont de braves Gens, nous les traitons bien; I'Admiral Anglois est sorti il y a quelque tems." It may be more easily conceived than any words can express what I felt at the moment. The circumstance of our situation, of courfe, was known throughout the ship in an instant, and saying we were all prisoners, the of- ficers soon got near me, to know our fituation. At the same time a flaw of wind coming down the harbour, Lieutenant Webly, the third lieu- tenant of the ship, said to me," I believe, " Sir, " we shall be able to fetch out, if we can get her " under, sail." T immediately
perceived we should have a chance of saving the ship; at least, if we did not, we ought not to lose his Majesty's ship without some contention, I ordered every perfon to their respective Rations, and the French- men to be sent below : they perceived some bustle, two 6r three of them began to draw their sabres; 011 which 1 ordered some of the marines to take the half pikes, and force them below, which was^ foon done. 1 believe in an instant such a change in people was never seen; every officer and man was at his duty, and I do believe, within three minutes, every fail in the ship was set, and the yards braced ready for calling.
The steady and a& ive assistance of Lieutenant Turner, and all the officers, prevented any confusion from arising in our critical situation. As soon as the cable was tort, 1 ordered it to be cut, and had the . cood fortune to see the ship start from the shore; the head fails were filled ; a favourable flaw of wind coming at the fame time, got good way on her. and we had then every prospect of getting out, if the forts did not disable us. To prevent our being retarded by the boats, I ordered them to be cut adrift, as ' also the French boat. The moment a brig saw us begin to loose sails, we could plainly perceive she was getting her guns
readv, and we also faw lights on all the batteries. When we had shot far enough for the brig's guns to bear on us, which was not more than three ships lengths, she began to fire, alfo a fort a little on the starboard bow, and foon after all of them, on both sides, as they could bring their guns to bear. As soon as the fails were well brimmed, I beat to quarters to get our guns ready, but not with an intention of firing till we were sure of getting out. When we got abreast of the centre part of the land of Cape Sepet, I was afraid we should have been obliged to make a tack, but as we drew near the shore, and were ready, ( he came up two
points, just weathered the Cape. As we passed very close along that shore, the batteries kept up as brisk a fire as the wetness of the weather would admit. When I could afford to keep the ship a little from the wind, I ordered some guns to be fired at a battery that had just opened abreast of us, which quieted them a little. We then stopped firing till we could keep her away, with the wind abast the beam, when, for a few minutes we kept up a very brisk fire on the last battery we had to pass, and which 1 be- lieve must otherwise have done us great damage. At half past twelve, being out of reach of their shot, the firing ceased :
fortunately we had no person hurt. Some shot passed through the sails, part of the standing and running rigging shot away, and two French 36- pound shot, that struck the hull, was all the damage we received. SAMUEL HOOD. The French have actually begun their ope- rations, and that in a most formidable way. They advanced on the side of Maubeuge, and on the 15th a violent cannonade commenced on the Austrian out- posts. All the English troops have moved from their cantonments; and the Austrians have ad> M\ ced from Mens to the frontier. The Prince of Cobourg has been for two days at Ba- vay, and it was'thought
that he would remove his head- quarters to Valenciennes, as for the pre- sent at least they must continue on the defensive . 70,000 French arc already assembled before that place, but it appears that Pichegru yet waits the arrival of cavalry. Letters from La Vendee, say, that the Royal- ists, under M. Charette have joined M. Laroche Jaquelin, and that the latter killed the Repub- lican General Moulins, with his own hands; notwithstanding the gasconading report of Bar- rere, that Moulins killed himself to avoid being taken. The Royalists increase every day. There has been another dreadful fire at Gothen bourgh, which has
destroyed a great number of houses. Mr, Jefferson, the American minister who is appointed Ambassador to the Republic of France, it is said, is now 011 his passage to this country, for the purpose of demanding satisfaction for the injury done to the United States, by seizing their ships under the order of the 8th of November last ; and to make a peremptory demand of the most ample fulfilment of the articles of the peace of 1782, by a surrender of the forts on the bor- ders of Canada, and making a restitution for the damage done by Lord Cornwallis's army in the Southern States during the last war. After ful- filling his million here,
he is to proceed without of time to Paris.— London Chronicle. By the New York papers of the * th of Janu- ary, it appears that the house of representatives had coma to several resolutions relative to the commerce of the United States. The objeft of thefe refolutions is to establish a reciprocity be- tween the United States and other nations : to favour thofe who most favoured them, and to put the same restrictions upon the trade of other nations which the law of thofe nations impofed upon that of America. For thefe purpofes va- rious new laws and regulations are made, and new duties laid, conformably to thefe principles; and
great favour shewn to thofe nations which have formed commercial treaties with them. On Sunday, accounts were received in town by the Minerva, from Bengal, for Ostend, that the Princess- Royal Eaft- Indiaman, outward- bound, 011 the 27th of September last, near the Sunda Islands, fell in with three French frigates, and engaged them for upwards of one hour, when fhe was obliged to strike to their superior force. The carpenter was killed; the fixth Mate, and two feamen wounded. The Mate, and one of the feamen fince died of their wounds.— The French frigates were on their way to attack Batavia, but supposing the
Princess- Royal to be_ a very rich jrize, they returned to the Isle of France with ier. A Dutch ship with a very valuable cargo, con- fifting of gold bars, to the value of 15,0001. 700 tons of rice, 200 tons of pepper, and a great quantity of fugar, had likewife been captured and fent to l'isle de France. Immediately upon the arrival of the Princess- Royal, they unloaded her, and fitted her out as a 50- gun fhip. The above particulars were collected from the Commander of an American vessel, that failed from l'isle de France in November laft, and put in ;. t the Cape of Good Hope. The lofs fuftained by the India Company by the capture of
the Princess- Royal, is very trivial; she was laden with army and garrison stores for St. Helena, which ( lie safely delivered at that place, and was proceeding to China with the re- mainder of her cargo, consisting of lead, the ut- 1110ft amount of which does not exceed 1500I. Extract of a Letter from Leghorn, Jan. 31. The late heavy ftorm did much damage at fea : among the reft, the French frigate l'Amphi- trite, fitted out by the English, was loft. The English fleet, which lay off Corsica, was obliged to leave that fituation with fome damage, and Admiral Lord Hood arrived on the 2qth at Porto Ferrajo with the reft of his fleet, where
he will wait the arrival of all the tranfports, in order to purfue the plan of operations intended : in the mean time all the Englifh veffels in this port are preparing to fail to Porto Ferrajo. " February By a vessel from Kapraja we have accounts, that Lord Hood sailed on thezd, with his whole fleet, from Porto Ferrajo, fleering towards Corsica. The English frigate, the Am- phitrite was fet fire to by the English themfelves, when they found it impossible to save her." A letter from Leghorn, dated fan. 30, fays, " O11 the 15th inft. a defperate aftion lock place off the height of Porto Vecchio between three Sardinian veffels and two Barbary
xebecks. The Sardinians grappled,, and took one of 18 guns and 100 men, and alio grappled and boarded the other of 12 guns and 46 men; but fome of the crew, rather than yield, fet fire to her, and fhe blew up, but happily not before the Sardinian vessels had difengaged themfelves, and picked up the people who had been blown up, amongst whom were fome Sardinians. The crews of the Sardinian vessels were fo enraged, that they dis- patched all the Turks and Algerines whom they had taken, consisting of qz. The lofs of the Sardinians was seven men killed, & 75 wounded." An article from Lisbon dated Dec. 28, men- tions
a smart fhock of an earthquake sustained there on the Friday preceding, which lafted 24 feconds, but happily without doing any damage; though the remembrance of what that city had fuffered in the laft calamity of that kind, caufed the most sensible apprehensions. In the courfe of the prefent war, from Feb. 1, 1793, to Feb. 1, 1794, a writer, who we believe is accurate, dates the captures from the French by the Englifh, according to Lloyd's books, to" be 232 ; of which feventy- five were privateers, four frigates, and three lloops. To thefe muft be added fifty- two more taken under pretended, neutral colours having French property
onboard; and forty- five superior ( hips of war taken orde- rtroyed at Toulon, according to a ftatement formerly given in this paper; total, 329, of which one hundred and twenty feven were liiips of war, and 202 trading- veffels, many of them of very great value.— On the other fide, the cap- tures, by the French from the Englifn, have amounted to 332, a number which may, perhaps, furprize fome of our readers. Of thefe, 10 were privateers and two frigates; fo that the balance of fhips of war, amounts to the vaft number of 11 ? in favour of Great Britain. That the balance of Merchant- ships taken ( hould be againft us to the number of
118 ought not to furptize us, nor be any caufe of complaint or blame. when we con- fider the great and univerfal extent of the com- merce of Great Britain, compared with that of France, now nearly annihilated : according to which proportion only can a fair eftimate be made. ' Yefterday came on in the Court of King's Bench, before Lord Keynon and a fpecial Jury, an aftion, Howard v. Bingham, to recover a compenfation in damages for criminal converfa- tion with the plaintiff's wife, when the Jury found a verdift for the plaintiff.— Damages ioool. Yesterday came on, at the Sessions- houfe in the Old Bailey, the trial of Mr. Eaton the
bookfeller, in Newgate- ftreet, for a libel, contained in a pamphlet, entitleel, " Hogs Wash, or Politics for the people." The libel charged was a ftory told at a debating society, of a man who kept a game cock. The indictment charged, that tinder this fable of a game cock the prefent King was in- tended, and that it was publilhed with a view to excite difaffeftion to the King and the Regal Go- vernment of this country, and toftirup { edition. The indiftment was opened by Mr. Fielding for the Crown; Mr. Gurney appeared as Counsel for the defendant. The jury found the defendant, Not Guilty. Several Resurrection- men, as they are called,
were detected on Thursday, exercising their hor- rid traffic at Lambeth new burial- ground.— The next morning, great numbers of the parishoners repaired to the ground, and having learnt that fuch thefts had often been practised, were fo alarmed at the apprehenfion of their deceafed re- latives having suffered fuch a fate, that they were determined to dig up their graves, and try whether they were there or not. The confe- quences have been truly distressng; of above a hundred coffins that were examined yefterday, it is faid that all except ten or a dozen, were empty. The whole neighbourhood, during the day, was one scene of
anxiety, grief, and lamentation. Saturday a Hackney Coachman who was ap- prehended in conveying dead bodies from the burial- ground in High- Street, Lambeth, was brought before the Magistrates at Union- Hall, in the Borough, for examination. At the time the coach was seized, the body of the late porter to the Archbishop of Canterbury, that of a young woman, and two children, were found in it. On Saturday evening between seven and eight o'clock died, at his house in the Exchequer, Westminster, in the 74th year of his age, the moft noble Henry Fiennes Pelham Clinton, Duke of Newcastle upon Tine and Newcaftle under
Line, Earl of Lincoln, Lord Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorum of the county of Nottingham, Steward, Keeper, and Guardian of the forest of Sherwood and. park of Folewood in Notting- hamshire, High Steward of East Retford, Au- ditor of his Majesty's Exchequer, Comptroller of the Customs in the port of London, High Steward of Westminster, President of the West- minster Hospital, Knight of the Garter, LL. D. and F. R. S. His Grace is succeedcd in his titles find estates by his only fon, the Right Hon. Thomas Pelham Clinton, Earl of Lincoln, now Duke of Newcastle, who is married, and has issue. HOUSE of LORDS, Friday, Feb.
21. hEssiAN TROOPS. The Ear! of Albemarle made his maiden speech. He conceived the Constitution had received a wound b" the introduction of Foreign troops into this countiv. French and Hefiians mixed together, had, under a plea of necessity, or expediency, been landed 011 the Btitilh Coalt, and Ministers fecmed to think a limple commu- nication of the fait to Parliament was fufficient. Him- felf, aware, that if a Britifh Prince had the acknow- ledged power of bringing upon any occafion, without the previous confent ot' Parliament, foreign troops into this country, our Conftitution was at an end, thought the belt meafure that
could be adopted under the pre- fent circumltances for asserting the illegality of ally fuch prerogative, and to screen Minifters, would be the introduction of a Bill of indemnity, which he now brought forward, and fhould move it's l'ecoud reading on a future day. Earl Spencer, in a very mafterly fpeech of fome length, replied to all that the Noble Earl who had pre- ceded him, had introduced. lie perf'efily coincided in thofe points which alluded to the unconstitutional doctrine of a right to introduce foreign troops in the time of peace into the country without the fanCtion of Parliament— but this was not the prefent cafe. The landing of the
Hessians was a mere matter of conve- nience to thofe troops, that arose out of the necessity of their cafe. He laid lie rvas glad that the meafure was brought forward ; it muft ultimately tend to pro- duce a decided opinion on the queftion ; not that he by any means meant to infiiiuate, that it was legal to in- troduce foreign troops. Legality was one tiling— ne- cessity was another. He thought it belt, therefore, at the prefent crifis, that the Bill ( hould be rejected; chiefly on the ground that: it would make no precedent for Minifters hereafter, whole intentions might be fraught with mischief. He said, he always was, and ever would be,
ready to allow, tiiat the prerogative of the Crown never did, no never ought to extend to the employment of foreign auxiliaries, without the con- lent ot Parliament, it was his bound on duty to op- pole all ideas tlut had for their object fuch a doctrine ; and he would r all times Join ill bringing forward an impeachmen, againlt any Minifter who dared; to practile fuch a dodtrine. The prefent cafe, however, was widely different: liefhould therefore give sis negative to the fecund reading. The Duke of Portland, and other Lords'), took the fame ground ; and Lords Grenville & Auckland warmly opposed the motion, all'erting the propriety and
lega- lity of every measure that had been taken* rEspecting thefe troops ;— they were replied to by the i ' acquis of Lansdowne, the Duke of Bedfordj and . Lord Stanhope and Lauderdale, who took the oppofite gde of the queftion; but, upon a division, the Bill Was thrown out, there being for it 12, againft it 89. HOUSE of COMMONS, Friday, Feb. 2t. HA L I F AX, & C. Mr. Sheridan brought forward his promifed motion respecting the defenceless state of Halifax- and Nova- Scotia; and in a long speech infilled upon all his for- mer assertions, that tliev had been left totally unpro- tected. he concluded by moving for the correspon dence between Government and the Governor and Commanding officer of Nova- Scotia, and alfo for a copy of a memorial, which, he understood, had been delivered on the subject from fome Nova- Scotia mer- chants to Mr. Dundas. Mr. Dundas denied the validity of Mr. Sheridan's assertions.— Nova- Scotia had been sufficiently protect- ed ; and he ihould not object to the production of the correspondence; but he wondered Mr. S. was not ashamed to ask him for a memorial only delivered that morning, which he had not had time to read, and the King had never feen. The expression ashamed occasioned fome converfation
between Mr. Pitt, Mr. fox, and Mr. Sheridan; at length the latter pointing at Mr. Dundas, described him by using the expreftion of a perfon in a play, who says, " there sits a good man who is ashamed of nothing.'' 111 the courfe ot the debate Mr Grey conceiving hun- self alluded to by Mr. Dundas, as the Member under the sanction of whole privilege several letters of an alledged improper tendency had been sent into the country, ex- plained the circumstances and the causes, which were as follow: A person of the name of John Harrison, who had conceived himself to be illegally and severely treated by some of the Birmingham
Magistrates, com- menced suits against them in consequence, but being unsuccessful in thefe, his circumstances were very much deranged; in this situation this person applied to him for advice, and to know if it would do him any service, was his case laid before Parliament; to which he freely gave him his opinion, that it would not. Harrison then, after recounting how he had suffered in his affairs 011 the above account, requested his assist- ance to dispose of a large parcel of Razors of his own manufacture. He then, impelled by charitable mo- tives, purehased Two Guineas Worth of these Razors from him ; and certainly, faid
Mr. Grey, never were yet more Loyal Razors, as they had on one side of them inscribed " God save the King." and 11 Long live the king" on the other.—( A loud Laugh.) After this, Harrison informed him, that he belonged to the societies of Sheffield and Manchester, associated for the purpole of obtaining a universal representation of the people in Parliament, and requested his opinion on that subject--- In confequence, he laid what he could to induce him to give up for ever the idea of universal representation— but, faid Mr, Grey, he combated me lb warmly, and met me at every turn, with the arguments and opinions of that
Great au- thority the Duke of Richmond, that I confess in the end I was obliged to give up the argument to him : he then requested a parcel ot " franked covers" from me, which I gave him.— Ami in thefe were, he said, en- closed the letters relative to the proceedings ot a meet- ing at the Globe Tavern, in fleet- street, and other circumstances alluded to by the Right Hon. Gentle- man, and which letters were generally signed " I am a friend to freedom, " John Harrison, a Sans- Culotte These circumstances lie thought necessary to com- municate to tile Houfe, to vindicate his character from any ill- founded or malevolent assertions,
which might be trown on it on such an occasion. What had passed, with" respect to himfcif, IK- was far from being ashamed of, and he was happy that th^ opportunity was thus offered him to explain it. Monday, February 24. MuiR- and PAlMEr. preslented a petition from the Rev. F. Palmer, setting forth the alledged grievances of his cafe, complaining of the conduct of the Court by which he was convicted, & c. and praying such relief as the House in it's wisdom Ihould deem meet— On putting the question for it's being brought up ; a con- version of fome length arofe, and rather ot a desul- tory nature, between several gentlemen
;—- it was at length agreed that the debate arising 011 the question, should be adioured to Thurfday. Mr. whitbread, jun. then said, that what had just palled, as well as his former opinions oil the subject, rendered it necessary for him, in order to satisfy his conscience, to make every effort to delay the execution ot tne sentenee passed on the unfortunate gentleman in question ( a sentence, in his opinion, equally unjust and severe) at leaft until after the decision of the House should be know ii. He then moved for an Address to his Majesty, that he would be pleased to order that the execution of the sentence of transportation of
Messrs Muir and Palmer ihould be suspended till after Thurfday next— Upon this adivision took place, when there appeared against the motion 104, in favour of it 34; Majority 70. education. THE Minister of a considerable Town in the County of Northampton, induced hy the re- peated Suggestions of many refpeftable Characters reflecting 011 the Benefits arising from a liberal and twel ve, to mftrudt them in thofe Branches of Literature requiiite to qualify them for the Learned Profellions, and the higher Situations of Life. Confcious that Youths in general may be taught more bv Kindnefs than Compuliion, the Advertifer pledges h'is
Honour, thofe entrulted to his Care will be coufidered as his own Children, & treated with theutmoft Tendernel's. N. B. The Clergyman's Addrels may be know,, from the Printers of this Paper. EMPLOYMENT WANTED. APerfon of respectable Character and Con- .. no • ns, and who has been always in the Habit of Bufinefs, is defirous of meeting with an eligible Si. •. nation, « ititer in Town or Country ; he humbly pro- lumes huefelf equal to the Talk of conducting or i'u- penntending any extenfive Concern, and his Diligence and Fidelity may be depended upon. Being now no more than ; o Years of Age, he has the Vanity to think,
that as an Assistant to a Merchant, Agent, Matter of an Academy, or Carrier, or Tradef- man, he might be worthy the Notice of Perfons em- barked in either of the alorefaid Trades or Profeffions. Fie flatters himfelf alio, that as an Amanuenfis and Accomptant, he might merit the Attention, Con- fidence, and Protection of any Ladv or Gentleman of Diitinction, whofe Philanthropy ( if in Want of an Assistant with f'uch Qualifications) mav be a Means of in. being honoured by a Preference, riiaugre this un- favourable Mode of Application. Enquiries refpeCting his character and Abilities may be matte to thole who will fpeak from
Experience. Bv a genteel and refpeCtful Demeanor, with Diligence and Attention in his Engagements, he will endeavour to deferve the Approbation of his future Employers. Addrefs, A. B. to be left at the Post- Office, Daventry. WANTED, On or before Lady - Day next,' " WO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS, at FIVE per CENT, upon an ample and good Security of a Real Eftate in tiie Neighbour- hood of Northampton. Particulars may be had, on Application by Letter ( Polt- paid) addreiTed to A. B. at the Printer's of this Paper. T DISSOLUTION of PARTNERSHIP. ' HE PARTNERSHIP between Melts. HILL and TODD, of
NEWpORT- pAgNalL, in the County of Bucks, Brokers, BEING DISSOLVED BY MUTUAL CONSENT— all - iViions having aijy Claims or Demands on the laid Partnerlhip Account, are defired to fend them to ' 1'. Hill, of Newport afore- laid, when they will be immediately difcharged. ;( pr T. Hill respeCtfullv informs the Public, that hfe intends carrying011 the liiilinet's of a BROKer, at his Warehouse, in Tickford- End, Ne wpOrt- PAg- NELL; where they mav depend upon being served with all Sorts of Beds and Bedding, and Hous'ehold- Furniture i^ i general, 011 the'most reafonable Terms. 1 LEICESTERSHIRE and
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE UNION CANAL. THE next Meeting of the General Com- mittee of this Navigation is appointed to be held at theSwANs INN, in MARKET- HARBOROUGH, 011 Monday the 3d Day of March next, at Eleven o' Clock in the Forenoon, By Order of the General Committee, J. I-:. CARTER, ) Clerks J. HEYRICK, jun. > to the G. WARTNABY, ) Company. Market- Harborough, Feb 13, 1794. hEN- AN D- CHICKENS INN, High- Street, BIRMINGHAM. SETS out from theabove^ Inn, the ORIGI- NAL CAMBRIDGE and BIRMINGHAM UNI VERSITY COACH, every Tutfday Morning at Seven o'Clock, by Way of
Coventry, Dunchurch," Daventry, to the Rofe- and- Crown Inn, Northampton, Ileeps there ; proceeds the next Morning through Wellingborough, Thrapfton, and Huntingdon, to the Blue- Boar iiin, Cambridge, where it meets the Newmarket, Bury, and Xpfwich Coaches.— Returns from the above Inn in Cam- bridge, every Thurfday Morning- at Six, will arrive in Birmingham on Friday Afternoon, in Time for the Bath, Briftol, and other Coaches. Performed by the Public's humble Servants, WM. GiDDINGS, Birmingham. JER. BRIGGS, Northampton. Fares as ufual.— Luggage to Cambridge id. per Pound. * s* The Proprietors of the
above Coach return their moft grateful Acknowledgments for Favours already re- ceived from a generous Public, & hope for the Continu- ance of that Patronage it will ever be their Study to merit; hut cannot be accountahletor any Article above $ 1. Value, ( if loft) unlefs entered as fuch, & paid for accordingly. NOTICE to CREDITORS and DEBTORS. ROBERT EDMONDS, of the Town of NORTHAMPTON, Corn- Factor and Victualler, refpeCtfully acquaints his Creditors, that the deranged State of his Affairs having rendered him incapable ot continuing any longer in Bul'tnel's, he has assigned all his Eftate and Effects to Mr. John
Donne, of the Town of Northampton, Wine- Merchant, and Mr. William Bradshaw, of Mears- Ashby, in the County of North- ampton, Seedsman, in Trust for the Benefit of all his Creditors ;— NOTICE IS THEREFORE HEREBY GIVEN, That all Perfons who have any Claims or Demands 011 the faid Eftate and Effects ot the laid Robert Ed- monds, are requefted forthwith to fend in an Account of the fame to the faid John Donne and Wm. Brad- fhaw ; or to Mr. Lucas, Attorney at Law, in Sheep- Street, Northampton; at vvhofe Office the laid Deed of Truft is left for the Execution of fuch of the Credi- tors of the laid Robert Edmonds,
who chooie to ac- cept of a Dividend, in Lieu of their refpedtive Debts— And fuch of them who shall negleCt fo to do, 011 or before the loth Day of March next, w ill be excluded the Benefit of any Dividend of the ( aid Truft Eftate and Premiles ; and the Whole of tile Monies arifing from the Sale and Recovery thereof, will be divided and paid to fuch Creditors " who thill execute the faid Deed ot Truft as aforefaid. And all Perfons indebted to the faid Robert Ed, moiids are required to pay their respective Debts to the faid John Donne and WM. Bradshaw ; or to Mr. Lucas, who is duly authorized to receive the fame, on or before the
faid 10th Day of March next, or they* will be lued for the Recovery thereof without further Notice. Northampton, Feb. 23, 1794. To be SOLD, ACLOSE of good PASTURE- LAND, fituated in the Parilh of CLAY- cOTON, in ( lie County of Northampton, containing 63 A. 2 R.— alio, A MEADOW adjoining, containing <) A. 17 P.; now in the Occupation of George Gee, Tenant at Will For further Particulars, apply to Mr. Geo. Jackson, at WinnICK. ELLESMERF. CANAL NAVIGATION. rTHE Proprietors of this Undertaking are J infor ,. ed that, for tfuir Accommodation, Messrs. BOULTBEE, MANSFIELD, and BOULTBEE, Bankers,
inLeicelter; & Meil'rs. LLOYDS, Bankers, in Birmingham, have been appointed to receive the Call of Two and a Half- per Cent, on the Subscriptions of fuch of the Proprietors who refide in thole Towns, or the adjacent Country; and the Proprietors in gene- ral are requefted to pay the faid Call immediately into the above Banks; or to Messrs. EYTON, REY- NOLDS, and WILKINSON, the Treasurers to this Concern, at Shrewsbury; or Meflrs, ROBARTS and Co. Bankers, London." To the Debtors of Mr. William Etches, late of Northampton, Grocer and Wine - Merchant, a Bankrupt. VERY few of the Debtors to the Estate of the faid
Bankrupt having paid their Debts to his Assignees, in Confequence ef the former Advertise- ments, and many out. Handing Debts to a confjderable Amount ltill remaining due to the Bankrupt's Eftate. This is to inform the prefent Debtors of the faid Bank- rupt, that unlefs they pay their refpiCtive Debts to his Affignees, Mr. Thomas Hall, Mr. John Drayton and Mr. Christopher Smyth, of Northampton, fome or one of them, 011 or before the 2id Day of March next; they, the faid remaining Debtors will be fued for the Dents refpectively due from them without further Notice. By Order of the Assignees, SMYTH, BUTCHER, and SMYTH,
February y'th, 1794. Solicitors. To the Debtors and Creditors of James Adkins, late of Newport- Pagnell, in the County of Bucks, Grocer and tallow- Chandler. AL L Perfons who ( land any Ways in- debted to the faid JAMES ADKiNS, are requested to pay thei- r refpeCtive Debts to Mr. Cooch, Attorney at Law, of Newport - Pagnell aforefaid, who is duly authorized to receive and give Discharges for the fame; or they will be fued without further Notice :— And all Perfons to whom the laid James Adkius ftands any Ways indebted, are requefted to lend an Accotlnt thereof to the faid Mr. Cooch, imme- diately, as a Dividend of tiw
Monies arising. from the Saleo'f the Effects of* the faid James Adkins, and from the Debts to be collected, is intended to be fhortly pro- pofed for their Benefit. To CREDITOR S. WHEREAS JOHN MILLS., of KIBWORTH - HARCOURT, in the County cf Leicester, Miller, has made an Assignment of all his Estate and EffeCts, to Mr. Edward Berry, of Ash- ley, in the County of Northampton, Farmer, and Mr. David Olwin, of Market- Harborough, in the County of Leicefter, Victualler, for the Benefit of all his Creditors, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That fuch of the Creditors of the faid John Mills as are willing to accept the Dividend to
arise bv the Sale of his Estate and Effects, by Virtue of the ( aid Aflign- ment, in full of their respective Demands, may exe- cute the fame, at Mr. Burford's Office, in Market- Harborough , and tiiat thole who do not execute f'uch Deed, on or before the 29th Day of April next, will be excluded from the Benefit thereof. It is requefted that fuch Perfons to whom the faid John Mill's is indebted, will immediately trailfmit to Mr. Burford an Account of their Demaniis ; and that fuch Persons a; ate indebted_ to the laid John Mills will forthwith discharge tho same. Market- Harborough, - BUCK S. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, (
Together or fepurately.,) And Entered on immediately ( if defired), At BOW- BRICKHilL, near Fenny- Stratford, AComplete DWELLING - HOUSE and BAKE- HOUSE, in full Trade, and a Pi. CE of OLD SWF. ARD GROUND adjoining ;— alfo a POST- WINDMII. L, at alinall Diltance, in thorough Repair and conftant Work; with all the Gearings belonging to the Mill, & the Utensils belonging to the Bakehouse — the Proprietor and Occupier going into a Farm at a Distance. For more Particulars, apply to Mr. Simon Cleaver, at Bow- Brickhill ; or Mr. John Day, slen. at Fenny- Stratford, Bucks. J To be S O L D by AUCTION, On MondaV
the loth Day of March, 1794, at the Sign of the Barley- Mow, on Bayard's- Green, near Brackley, in the County of Northampton, at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, ( unless sooner disposed of by Private Contract, ot which due Notice will in that Cafe be given,) AWell- conditioned, Inclofed and Tithe- free, and FREEHOLD ESTATE, fuuate on the North and South Sides of the Turnpike- Roads leading from Banbury to Buckingham, and from Northampton to Oxford, and near to the BA H 1.1. \- Mo w, in the Parish of EVENlEY, and Countof Northampton : Consisting of a New- built Farm- H'oule, Barn, and Sta- bles, incomplete Repair;
and 95A. oR. jji- of Arabia and Pafture Land, divided into five Allotments, / and with a Coppice of fine thriving young Tree: lett to a relponlible Tenant, on a Leafo iof which n . eahaiv unexpired at St. Thomas next; at 93I. per Annum; in which Leafe there is- a Reservation to the Landlord ot four Acres of Land lying next the Road, ( 011 an Al- lowance to the Tenant) which would be a very eligible Spot for an Inn, or other public Buildings, in Regard ot it's lying near twoconfidevable Turnpike- Roads. The Bftate is ( ituated 20 Miles from Oxford arid Northampton, 9 from Banbury, S from Buckingham & Bicester, 14 from Woodstock and
Towcester, 16 from Chipping- Norton, and 2 front brackley, and in the Centre of four different Packs 01' Fox and'Hare Hounds For further Particulars, and to treat for the fame, apply to Mr. Thomas Hopcraft, at AstWick.- Tnear to tiie Barley- Mow) who will shew the Premisejs; ot to Mr. I learn, Attorney at Law, in Buckingham. iThere is great Reason to believe that Coals mar be found on this Estate bv Digging, ( forivhicha Power is referved by the Lease) a small Trial having been made. To be SOL D by A U C T I on By J. DUDLEY, On Saturday the 15th Day of March, 1- 94, at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, at tiie George Inn, at
Aylesbury, in the County of Bucks, unless disposed of" before by Private Contract, e : which timely Notice will be given,) COM pact and Desirable COPyHOI. D FARM, in Value nearly rqu. J to { freehold, i'ub- ieCt to the Manor of WINSLOW, in the faid County : Comprizing 101 Acres of fertile Inclosed and Open- field Meadow, Pasture and Arable Land, ( be the fame more or lefs); 21 Large Common ar, d j.; « - Sheep. Ditto, a Freehold Clole and Orchard ; ajoid farm- house, and Out- buildinigs of suitable neat COTT. VJ E, with a Garden and fituate nine Miles from Aylesbury ingham, and. one from Winslow The late Tenant
occupied thi the pre lent 21, at the Expiration Day, 179'!, at the low Rent of 6c Printed particulars with Condi had at the Place of Safe; and : and to treat for the fame, appj, Winslow, who will shew the Pfci yf
Wednefday and Thurfday's Pofts. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. Luxembourg, Feb. 12. HE hordes of Carmagnols which af- fcmbled a few days ago on our frontiers be £ in to retreat: it is not indeed pro- bable that they could have conceived the rash project of blockading or be- lieving our fortress, the strongest bulwark. in Eu- rope. After pillaging some of our villages', they wifely retired, having been repulsed in several place's by the armed peasants. In the environs of Viston they succeeded in pillaging and burning some villages, the inhabitants having no ammu- ' tion. On Friday laft they ' came with artillery, ca- valry, and- infantry,
into the , village of Meix- devant- Virton, where they burnt 14 houses ; at Harnoncour they burnt four, and at Rouvray two. In the former of thefe placcs the inhabi- tants vigorously opposed tlieir ravages. We are aflured evfcn- that a. bra've'amaxon, daughter to a chasseur, killed several Republicans with her - own hand, and-, among Others, the commander of their cavalry. Some reinforcements arriving ih time, they prevented a general pillage, and re- pulsed the patriots, who, according to their own ' acknowledgement,' had in these. different attacks • above loo men killed and wounded, all of whom ' they carried away with them.
LONDON, February 27. Tjie campaign will be opened in Flanders ( in- cluding Austrians, British, Hessians, Hanoverians, and Dutch) with 55-, 000 cavalry and 170,000 in- fantry. The object of the allies will be to make themselves masters of lisle, Bouchain, Douay, and other places on the frontiers, but not to en- deavour at penetrating into the interior parts ot France. From the measures which have been taken in Flanders fince the return of General Mack, it • appears, that the siege of Maubeuge will be the first operation of the campaign ; but in this the British army will not be immediately engaged, being destined to cover the
frontiers of maritime Flanders, and so prevent the diversions which would otherwise lie made by the enemy. The Combined Spanish and Portuguese troops h u e been extremely successful in the province of Roussillon during the lafl campaign. They took i or) large pieces of ordnance, exclusive of those of a small fr/. e, and fit, to" he ufed at fea ; befides ' large magazines full- of ammunition; and pro- visions of ail kinds, coats, great coats, and espe- cially bread, ' biscuit, salt- meat, flour, & c. fuf- s an army of 10,000 men for six , valenciennes. i— Thc, ' Austrians, after having re- paired the fortifications of this city, have col- lifted
immense magazines of corn, hay, & e. and deposited tlieni within it's walls, as in a place of safety, The Prince it Cobourg's head- quarters are now there.— The, Austrians are fortifying Ypresin fuch a manner as. to be able to Hand a fiece, > ri cafe of an attack from the enemy. The Prince dc Cobourg removed his head- quarterS on the 20th ihfiv to Valenciennes. The head- t| natters of the British army are at Courtray. )' f the accounts from Paris may be Credited, the royalists of ,1 a Vendee have lately been beaten in three different engagements. In one of them a. body of four thoufand men were defeated, with the loss of eight
hundred in killed, and their celebrated leader, Roche Jaqueline slain. the Butchers in Paris are denounced and im- prisoned, as Assassins, for murdering sheep big with lamb. This may serve to show'the necessity to which the parisians are driven for provisions ; and the affectation of condemning the Butchers is not very likely to produce plenty. A dreadful epidemical disease is raging in the hospital of bensancon, in the ci- devant Province of franche Comte, in France: forty to fifty in- dividuals, are daily carried off by it; fourteen physicians have already fallen victims to this dif- temper; The frequent ufe of the juice of lemon is tlii
only antidote againft it, by which the in- habitants of the town have escaped it'sinfeftjon. " On th. e 31st, inst. Elizabeth Capet delivered a worn- Out thimble to the officer of the police, who' visited the prisoners in the temple, and de- sired to have another that was useful.. The coun- cil finding it to was gold, ordered it to be sold,, and another thimble .0f copper, or ivory, to be given in exchange to the woman Elizabeth ! At' Bourdeaux, the executions are fo many, that the permanent guillotine is enlarged to fuch a size, that the axe strikes off 7 heads at one flroke. It is faid, that the famous Dick England, who fled from this country on
account of the death of Mr. Rowls, whom he killed in a duel, has been guillotined at Boulogne. All the French East- Indiamen, expected this season, have escaped the vigilance and activity of our cruisers in the channel. Ten have arrived at Port L'Orient in perfect safety with all their cargo.— Thu. the dilemma, which the French have some time experienced respecting the want » f saltpetre, will very eassily be removed, and the manufa cture of powder accelerated. At a late meeting of the colonels of the militia regiments it was determined to increafe the mi- litia one- fifth more, than what it's present esta- blishmeiit is, by an
additional number of pri- vates to each company ; but whether thefe men are to lie railed by fresh ballot, or by volunteer companies, as was done laft war, is not yet finally agreed, upon. _ • <. - > The Militia regiments are not only to be en- creafed ip their compliment of men, bat are alfo to have, an addition of Horse Artillery to each regiment. The office of Auditor of the Exchequer, held by the late Duke of. Newcastle, was suppofed to bring him in at leaft 14,0001. a year, arising from a poundage on the sums audited at the Exchequer; but bv an act of parliament passed some years ago, a fixed salary of 4000I. SS annexed to the
of- fice., without anv . fees or poundage whatever : this regulation, however, did not affect the late Duke, as it was to take place only at his death. Monday there was a meeting of the West- India Planters and Merchants, at the London Tavern, which was very fully attended.— T( ie subjects for discussion were ftated by Lord Penryhn, ( the chairman) to be the Foreign Slave Trade Bill now before the House of Commons'; & the late decree of the National Convention, for the general emancipation of the Slaves in the French Colonies. — A petition was produced by Mr. Bryan Ed- wards, which with some additions, was approved,
and the petition ordered to be engrossed'— The meeting then proceeded to the consideration of the late decree, and fome proceedings in the ifland of St. Domingo, on the fubjeft of which, Mr. Edwards read some curious papers from that island, in one of which, it is expressly asserted that if Sir Charles Grey had been at that time in thofe. seas, the whole of the French part of St. Domingo would have surrendered without a strug- gle' He concluded by moving for a committee to wait on his Majesty's ministers, to represent the danger and ill policy of removing from our sugar islands any part of the force now stationed there, ' tween
the French islands and those of Great- Britain, even though fome of the former may be captured by our arms. The continuance of the slave trade was limited in the American States to the year 1800. Another curtailment of it's duration took place in the American Congress, oh the motion of Mr. Bou- zanet, on the 2d- of January last. His motion ' went to terminate the duration of slavery on that " Continent in - iz months from that day. An amendment was proposed to extend the interval to 21 months, the amended motion, after fome dehate, was carried unanimously. The affair of gallantry determined in the court of King's Bench,
011 Monday, Howard v. Bing- ham, seems to be one of those unfortunate cases which may be attributed more to the effects of parental authority than to any depravity of dif- position in the parties. The circumstances were briefly thefe : Previous to the marriage of Mr. Howard with this lady, the daughter- of Lord Faulconberg, Mr. Bingham paid his addresses to her with such success as to have engaged her af- fectons, tlviugh in compliance to the solicitations of her family, she was induced to give her hand to Mr. Howard. The effects of the constaint under which she acted, were immediately mani- fested to her husband, by a
reserve of a very sin- gular nature, which it would be difficult to ex- plain, with sufficient delicacy in a a public print. A mutual dissatisfaction at last brought 011 an agreement to a separation, after which it was ad- mitted , that she went to Mr. Bingham, and they cohabited as man and wife. A Shropshire Squire declared the other even- ing in Peek's Coffee houfe, that the Resurrection- men had become fo audacious, that he would have himself buried alive, with a pair of pistols, to be revenged of the rascals, if they dared scrape him up after he was. dead ! bon Mot. A person was saying the other day, before a celebrated writer, "
that the modern French were a compound of the monkey and the tyger."—" Pray, Sir, what have those poor animals ever done to deserve the comparison^" was the reply. GLOUCESTER, Feb. 24. On Wednesday night the wife of John Syms, of Standish, in a fit of resentment against her husband, who threa- tened to inform fome neighbouring farmers that she had stolen milk from their cows, rose in the middle of the night while- her husband was fast asleep, and having melted part of a pewter plate, attempted to pour the hot metal into- her hufband's ear and mouth. It happened fortunately, that very little of the pewter went into
his ear, but his face and mouth are so terribly burnt,, that he is a sad spectacle, and is now under the care of the surgeons at Our infirmary. The woman has ab- sconded, and has taken her youngest child with her. llie child was in bed with it's father, and by it's screams and cries the'man supposes it was burnt by the melted pewter thrown upon him. The man is- likely soon to recover the injury he has received. BATH, Feb. 26. Tuefday, died at Hinton, near Hereford, the Rev. Mr. Williams, son of Mr. Williams, of Lansdown road. The circum- Itances attending bis death ate peculiarly distress- ing: he had come to Hinton, for the
purpose of being united to a very amiable young lady; the licence was procured, and every preliminary set- tled, when the morning fixed for the celebration of their nuptuals, fatally proved the day of his death! Mr. Sheridan support of what had fallen from Mr. Adam, contended that, the precedent. of professional taxation, v as a had one-— as well might the Bar, and Physicians bo taxed; but if thev, and other profes- sionS were taxed, the event would show that such pro- ceedings were grounded on a false principle. After which the different clauses of the bill were agreed to by the Committee, and tlie Houfe resuming, ordered the
report to be reeeived on Monday. W PRESlAND, RUSHDEN, near Higham FerrERs:, THINKS it necessary to inform the Public, That tjn Account ot the Death cf Mr. Chambers, of Doddington, ( ft) well known- for his great Skill in CASTING WATER) - he is induced to offer his Assst- auce to the " Public in the same line, not doubting but lie shall be able, from the instructions he has received, of giving Satisfaction tc thole who may be pleased to employ him. His Skill in CASTING OF WATER is Well known in many of the neighbouring Towns, though lie is not : fo universally known a's Mr. Chambers. Numbers of Persons who have
laboured under Infirmities of Body, not knowing their Complaints, by bringing their MORNING uriNE have received Information re- specting their disorders, and an immediate Cure.— lie Casts the Water and. gives his Advice to the Poor GrATis. March. 1st ,1794. aMPTHILL ACADEMY, For yOUnG GENTLEMEN. mR. STOCKING, late Assistant in Mr. Daniel's School, at WOBURN, respectfully informs tile Public,. That he has taken a large and . commodious house, at AMPTHILL, in the County of Bedford, which he is fitting up. fcr the Reception of YOUNG GENTLEMEN, who- will be genteelly ' buardtd, and e\ pediti(? ully taught
Reading, WritinK, Arithmetic', Merchants' Accompts,- . at - Sixteen Guineas per Annum, and One . Guinea Entrance Latin and French at 17 Guineas per Annum. Music, Dancingt Drawing, & c. by proper Masters. Mr. S. was educated at Eton College, and studicd the French Language in France. AMPTHILL is remarkable for the Healthiness of it's Situation, has a regular Communication with London by Coach, three Times in a Week. PERTENHALL. WANTED at Lady- Day, or Eaftcr next, A middle- aged MAN and his WIFE, Without a Familv,- to contract for the Maintenance of the POOR at PERTENHALL, Beds. Any Person
inclined to undertake that Bufinels, may receive further Information by applying to the Over- leers, Wm. Britcheno and H. Walker. N( bv, the necessity of augmenting that force both . by fea and land, and'the propriety of taking some measures far preventing any communication be- ' HOUSE of COMMONS, Tuefday, Feb. 25. '. jlie Committee .. came to a refolution to increafe the Bitty upon tiie Pcmn - poll to two- peace.-—— They alio agreed to the ellablilnnient of a regular poll to the illands of Gutrnlej^ and Jerl'ey. SLAVE TRade. Two petitions'were presented from the merchants of Liverpool againlt the bill now pending in
Parliament. Mr. Wilberforce moved the order of the day tor the second reading of the bill to prevent the importation of slaves into foreign colonies in British vessels. . Sir william young reprobated the bill, as fraught with equal injury to the british trade, and to ran- quility of the islands. He laid it made part ot tka grand system of the abolition, and would alii It the French Convention in the objects of their late decree. He concluded by moving that it be read a third time this day lix months. Mr. Alderman Newnham seconded the motion, and faid the/ bill would- defeat it's own end; for.' while'we. lost our own trade, not a slave the less
would be im- ported to tlie foreign islands, which would be supplied by others. • .- ' 1 mr. j. vaughan was in favour of the motion. If the bill were carrried into elicit it wonld enable the French to diilciiiiiiate the principles of their deitruttive freedom. , Mr. jenkinson said- a few words in opposition to the measure. mr. Fox rose fo give his decided approbation-' to the meafurc; he refuted the arguments of the Gentlemen who spoke again it the committal of the bill, and re- probated the delay which the bulinefs had experienced in the House of Lords. His speech was a recapitulation of what has been often fubniitted to the p. ublic, and very
widely discussed. Mr. Pitt' supported the bill in a short speeeh ; he faid, that, what had taken place in the French islands, which was of a piece with the rest of. their ridiculous and absurd policy, would operate as an inducement with him to promote rather than to retard the prefent measure as the apprehended danger could only apply with respect " to- the Negroes, it would therefore be po- litic not to encrease the number of those as every in- crease would multiply the means and instruments of danger; and it was well known, that the' newly- im- ported slaves were always the most remarkable for their refractory conduct; in this -
point of view, setting aside every other unannwerable argument, which had been already advanced in favour of the measure— he would support the bill. colonel Tarleton laid a few words against the meafure. Colonel Cawthorne supported his opposition to the bill, by reading a letter irom the West Indies, which stated, that our enemies were endeavouring to stir up disturbance, by secret emissaries. Lord Sheffield Obferved, the houfe was mistaken if they thouglit the foreign trade annihilated, it still ex- isted in a very great degree. Mr. Wilberforce - briefly replied to fome points that had deen urged against' the bill; when the Houfe
divided on the fecond reading now Ayes 56, Noes 38; Majorit) 18. Wednesday, Feb. 26. ATTORNIES. The Iloufe rcfolvecl itfelf into a Committee on this Tax Bill, mr. Hobart in tile chair. The consideration of the different clauses and provi- sions of tile Bill in the. Committee, was' accompanied by much desultory dehate, principally between Messrs. Joliffe, Sheridan, Adam, , Sir wm. Dolben, Messrs. Pitt, and Rose— in the course of which it appeared that such Clerks as were Articled to Attomies, pre- vious to the jth instant, were to be exempted from the tax. Sir W. Dolben: wished that tile exemption should ex- tend to such Clerks
as their parents might with to article to themselves. Mr. Pitt objected to such an idea, as tending totally to do away the effect of the tax. Mr. Adam contended that the tax, in the mode propOfed, Would go to disgrace a very useful profession in the eyes of the Public, & among which were several as reputable persons as in any other class of society ; in point of regulation, and towards it's alledged end, he asserted. it would be insufficient, as it went- to tax, promiscuously, the whole, good of bad; it was, in fact, a capitation tax, and he was Af opinion that the Legislature ought to be very cautious in doing any thing which might
degrade fo useful a body of men, in the public estimation--- in a general view, therefore, he ex- prelfed his disapprobatlon of the measure. Mr. Pitt admitted that in so numerous a profession, there certainly were to be found several respectable members, and in order to render that respectabillty more general, was the principal end of the present tax, as it would go to exclude persons in indigent circum- stances from becoming members of the profession, who could not qualify themselves with- toe essential requi- lite of a liberal education; and with respect to the novelty of such a meas'ure, such an objection could not apply, as
observed, several bodies of men, for instance, and certain were already subjects ' of taxation. TO COVER, this Season, 1794, at EASTON NESTON, near TowcestEr, North- amptonshire, at One Guinea a Mare, and One Shilling the Groom, ECLiPSe, . Lately the Property of Lord Sstf. n R AUD. He was got by Eclipse, his Dam by Match ' em - He is full fifteen Hands and a Half high, and the Colour of his Sire, remarkably full of Bone, and true Shape, either for getting Hunters or Hacks. Those Mares Covered by him lait Year which dill not prove In- foal will be Covered at Half Price. nOTICE is hereby given, That a special Meeting
oi the Commissioners, appointed in and . or in Pursuance of ah Act of Parliament made and passed in the 27th Year of the Reign of his lat- e Ma. clty iving George the Second, intituled " An Act for im- " proving and preserving the Navigation from Salter ' s " Load Sluice, in the County of Norfolk, to Stand- " ground Sluice, in the County ot Huntingdon ; aud " from Flood's Ferry, in the Isle of Ely, in the County " of Cambridge, to Ramsey High Load,- hi the laid " Countv of Huntingdon;' and alfo the Navigation " from Old Bedford Sluice, in the laid County of " Norfolk, to the River Nene, in tile Parish of Ram- sey, in the faid County of
Huntingdon,", will he holden at the house of John Head, being the Crown inn Downham Market, in the laid County of Nor- folk, ou Monday the 17th Day of March next, at Eleven1 o'Clock in tiie f orenoon-,, for the Purpofe of taking into Consideration a Bill to be presented to Par- liament this Session, for making a navigable Canal from Wisbich, in the said Isle of Ely and. County of Cam- bridge, " to Outwell Church, in tiie laid County of Norfolk. Dated the aid Day of February, 1794. edwArd Everard, jun. Stephen wilson, Maxey Allen, John hemington, james Everard, james Wardell Robert Freeman, Edmund Rolss elfdeN, > "
Thomas Blackburn. To be L E T T, And Entereii. upon immediately, BLACKSMITH'S SHOP, in full Trade, situate at GUlLSBOrOUGH, in the County of Northampton. Apply ij> M. and G. Butlin, at Guilsbororough aforesaid March .1794. A; A To be LETT, And Entered upon at Lady - Day next, Good Subftantial MESSUAGE, with convenient Offices and Garden to the fame be- longing, pleasantly fiiuated in AYNHOE, in the County ot Northampton, on the Side of the Turnpike- Road leading from Banbury to Buckinghant, ani. uowr in' the Occupation of John Nelson, wlio will shew the Premises, For Particulars, enquire of the faid
John Nelson," or of John Southam, Surgeon, Buckingham.- To be SOLD, At WiNWICK, in the County of Northampton, THREE - COCKS of good HAY, of last Year's Growth, which may either be fpent on the Ground between now and Old Lady- Day- next, or taken off if more convenient to the Purchaiers. Enquire of Wm. Lovell, of Cold- Ashby. Feb. 1794. - - To be SOLD by AUCTION, By W. HAyN E, On Tuesday the nth of March instant, at the Swan Inn, at Wellingborough, in the County of North- ampton, Substantial DWELLING - HOUSE, With Office- HouseS, a Garden, and a small Close adjoining ; Copyhold, situated in
wELLINGBORO' aforesaid, lately in the Occupation of Mrs. Mary Corrie, deceased. The Sale to begin at Six o'Clock in the Evening. . Ai To be SOLD by AUCTION, By J. HUMPHREYS, By Order of the Assignees of JOHN ROBINSON, of THRAPSTON, in the County of Northampton, Joiner, Builder, and Cabinet- Maker, 011 Wednesday the isth of. March,, and following Day, LL the HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, STOCK in TRADE, ar. d sundry EFFECTS, late the Property of the faid JOHN ROBINSON : Consisting ot a Tent Bedstead with White Calico 1 ul niturc, good Feather Bed and Bedding, Mahogany and Wainscot Sets of
Drawers, a Wainscot Bureau, Mahogany Dining, Pembroke, Card, Dressing, Pillar, and Claw Tables, a Month Time- Piece, Walnut- Tree Chairs, with Horse Hair Seats, stain'd Beech Chamber Ditto, a Variety of Pier ( v Dressing Glasses, a Quantity of Gilt Mouldings, for Picture Frames, a handlbme Bedftcad with Mahogany feet Posts on- Castors, ftain'd peal Stump Ditto, with' Sackings complete, a hand- fome Wainscot Corner- Cupboard, a neat Mahogany- Inlaid Knife Cafe ; a good liath Stove, Kitchen Range and Ironing Stove; one Iron- bound hogshead, two Ditto Half- Hogsheads, and smaller Casks ; a Half- Hoglhead
Copper and Grate, Walhing Tubs & Trays , four Pair of 1- inch and half Wainfcot Sallies & Fumes, 6 Feet by 4 Feet, glazed with belt London Crown Glaf's, double hung with Bral's Pullies aud Architraves to Ditto; one Pair of Circular Sashes and Frames, 6 Feet by 4 Feet glazed with belt London Crown Glal's, with Cornice, Wainscot, and Shutters complete ; a Quantity of Second- hand Saihes and glazed Lead Lights; a Quantity of White Lead and other Paints, Oils, Varmlhes, Pitch, Tar, Sec. :— A useful Hack- ney Mare; a > cry good One- Horse Cart, with harness complete; a Quantity of Mahogany, Wainfcot, Deal a » d Elm
Boards aud'Scantlings; five Work Benches, and a Variety of other Articles.- , The principal Part of tile above Goods are quite New, and the Remainder in good Condition, N. B. An Assortment of IRONMONGERY GOODS, CROWN and COMMON GLASS, & c. to be DIS- POSED OF, by PRIVATE CONTRACT, by ap- plying to tile auctioneer, in Thrapston. > The Sale to begin precisely at Two'Clock each Day. Household- Furniture, Lie. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY ar. d SON, On Thurfday the 6tli" of March inft. on the Premh?:, at HANSLOP, in thir County of Bucks. THE Genuine and Modern HOUSE,- HOld
FURNITURE, LINEN, . CHINA, a-! other EFFECTS, the Property of a GENTLEM,','- . leaving the Country: Comprising tvt- o handfoute J-' i - pott Bedlicads, with beautiful'printed Cotton Fu-. tures, one Tent Bedltcad, tine Goofe & other Fe;.: Beds, Blankets and C< m; itcrpa ies ; Drawers, 1 and DrelRug Glail'es, Parlour ar. d Chamber Ci ii . Mahogany Dining, Tea, and Card Tables, floor : Bedlide Carpets, Marble Sidc- Bbard, ou a Ha . curious Brafs Time Piece, a Spinn,- t • feveral P. v' . excellent Sheets, Table ' Cloths, Ac. Quant'. t - Caina ind Glafs, or. e Tea and one Coffee Orr. ' , Boards, & c. ; Kitchen Range, Pewtsr, Brafs, •
Cooper; Beer Calks and Brewing Tubs, Thirtv- f. • garlort Brewing'Copper and Grate, io Dozen G! Bottles, & e. ; one Cock of Hav, about feven ' 1. , with a Clofe to fpend. it on till Lady- Dav next, or • 6c taken oil the' Premifes if more agreeable tot . Purfhafer. ; alfo, five fine Hives of Bees, fc. N. B. Several Suits of Ladies' Wearing Appi- rc! large Quantity of exceeding good Child- Bed I. i- . & c, to be Sold in Lots. Thefe Elliidts. ate in exceedinggcod Condition, bci.- u an New within a Ihort Time. The Sale to be^ in, exaftly at Ten o'Clock. BED F O R OS. H1R E. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Messrs.. JAqUEs and SON, O11
Saturday the ijth oi March, 1794, it Throa in the Afternoon, at the Swan Inn, Bedtord, in four Lots, AVALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE; corfiftini of NINETY- FIVE ACRES of fr- markahle RICH INCLOSED MEADOW and AR BLE, and ONE HUNDRED and FOUR ACRES of Open- Field LAND, alfo a commodious Brick- builc fARM- HOUSE, with Yard, Garden, large Barns and Stabling, a well- stock'd Dove- Coat, & requsite Build- ings; advantagcously situate at WOOTTOn, in the Centre of the capital Markets of Olney, Newport- Pagnefl, Woburn, . and Ampthill, ' and within tl-. ua Miles of the County Town of BEDFORD— in !.-..-
Occupation ol Mr. Berteram. LOT 1. The Farm- House and Buildings, and'is. Acres of adjoining inclosed Meadow, and sol Acre* of Arable Land, in Wootton and Kempton Open Fields. I. o- r 1. Two Inclosures called marston- House, con- taining 30 Acres. LOT .;. TH; O Inclosures called Woad- Grounds, containing 28 Acres of tine Meadow- Land. Lo t 4. Wood- End Close, containing three Acres of good Meadow. IP! WOOTTON'- FIELD being in few Hands, an Inclofure might easily take Place, which, from the Goodness ol Soil, aud - mult be to very great Advantage. To be viewed to Days preceding the Sale; w'ne i imnted
Particulars mav be had of tlic ' Fe/ unt; il'b at the Swan, Bedford; Sun, Hitchin; Salisbury Arms -., Hatfield; Woolpack, St. Alban'sj Sugar- LOAF, Duni- stable; George, Woburn; Swan, Newport- Paj'netl; of Mr. Hoddon, Attorney at Law, Wellingbo'o.' i ' i; at GarraWay's, ' Change- Alley; and of Messrs. Jaques and Son, Land- Surveyors, Hatton- garden, London. by AUcTION, ROUSE, 1794, on the Prc- NORTHAMFTONSHiRE.' soLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,. N ESTATE, situate at BRAUNSTON, within three Miles of Daventry', been inclofed aljout eighteen Years. On a central and elevated Part of the PremifCs, was built about
fifteen Years ago, a Brick, Slated, and Salh'd Iloufe; confiding of four Rooms on the firft Floor, three of which are 18 by 16 and between soand 11 Feet high, the other by 14; the Entrance is by a little Hall or Passage, eight Feet wide, in the further Part of which is a - Stair- Case of neat white Stone, with Iron Bamiitters; thefe Rooms are finished with Stucco and Platter Cornices; there is also a Back Stair- Case pf Stone. A very exteillive and beautiful I'rofpedt is, commanded from the Houfe, which is Iheltered bv Plantations, now about 17 Years old, of all Kind's of Forest, Trees, extending near Haifa Mile in Length, aijd ' forming
near, two- thirds of a Circle round the Buildings. Through tilt Plantation runs a Serpentine Gravel Walk, affording Shade and Shelter at all Times, and against every Wind. The Purchaser of the above,, if he chooses, may Rent on Lease for 21 Years, about an equal Quantity of tiie same Kind of Land. The great Chester Road, and the Grand Junction Canal run through- the Parish. For further Particulars,, apply to Dr. Hall, on the Premifes, or to Mr. Lamb, Attorney at Law, in Daventry. To be SOLD By Mr. On Friday the 7th Day of March miles at KlBWORTh- HARCOURT, withe County of Leicester, under an Assignment for the
Benefit of the Creditors of Mr. JOHN. MILLS, of Kibworth- Harcourt aforesaid, Miller, IS . Entire and Useful HOUSEHOLD- FURNitURE, and variow; orb r EFFECTS: Consisting of bedsteads and Useful Bedding; Flaxen Sheets; Tables, Chairs, and Vviieejed Ca; e of Draw- ers ; excellent Msv fight- day Clock, enamelled Dial- Plate, with handsome Flower Ornaments ; Kitchen- grate, Crane, Ash- Grate,,& c, good Wind- up- Jack, Cast- iron Oven and bath Stove; Sixteen- gallon Cop- per,- Wort- Tubs adapted; season'd Iron- boundl Quar- ter- Casks; forty- three- inch painted Beam with Scales, tour Halt'- huudred Iron and other
Weights; Mill Stock ; partitioned Fiour'Binaud Scales ; accurate Steelyards .( 3041b.;; about forty Sacks.— A ltroug Fanner's Cart, With Tackle for two Horfes; a very ufeful ttout Black Draught liorl'e, 6 Years old; two Stocks df Bees, & cc. 6ce.-— About Seven 0' Clock in tlv Evening of the faid Jtb Diy of March, it///- ie fur up for Public Sale, at tlx Crown Inn litre, ( If they are not disposed of before by Private Contract,) The compact, convenient brick- built HOUSE or TENEMENT, in substantial Repair, eligibly titu- ated on the Great Road in KIBWORTH- HAR. COURT, late in - the Occupation of the faid John Mills: Comprizing a good
Kitchen, a Parlour neatly fitted up, three Chambers, Brewhoui'e, and other re- quilite Offices; convenient Two- stall Stable, and other Out- Buildings; large Yard and a pretty lized Garden Alfo, , A New- built POST WINDMILL, with ; Six- feet Machine, a Pair of French and 4 Pair of Peak Stones, both of . them New, completely fitted up with Cfoths, Bag Ropes, fee. for immediate Bulinefs'< standing 011 the South- East Side of, and near to tile Town of KibWorth'- Harcourt. To treat for the Purchase of the Houfe or Mill, by Private Contract, Application may be. made to Mr. Burford; Attorney at Law, or to Mr. David Oswin, both of
Market- Harborough. . For Coughs, Hoarsenesses, GREENOUGH'S LOZENGES of TOLU, fo juftly celebrated for their fuperior Efficacy in immediately removing all Coughs, Hoarse- nesses, Sore Throats, ShOrtness . of Breath, Defluxions upon the Lungs, Soreness of the Breast & c. And TWO TINCTURES ; the one - for cleanfing and preferring the Teeth, and effectually curing the Scurvy in the Gums, preventing the Teeth from further Decay, and rendering the Breath perfedtly fweet; the other for the TOOTH- ACH, whieh gives immediate Ease, with- out injuring the Teethor Gums. The above Articles have been held in the
highest Esteem for ; o Years pall; hut as the great Benefit to be derived from them can only be secured by having them Genuine, every Purclrafer is requested to obferve, that R. HAYWARD, No. 10, Ludgate- Hill, is printed on the Stamp, all others are Counterfeit. They are prepared and fold by" R. HAYWARD, Che- milt, ( Sdccellbr to T. Greenough, the Inventor) No. 10, Ludgate- Hill, London. Sold alfo by the Printers of this Paper and J. Edge, Northampton; and by the Venders of Medicines in all principal Towns.— Price, is. ijd. each. Sale of Ironmongery, Cutlery, ( 3c. To be " SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. ROUSE, On Monday
the 17th Day of March next, and the two following Days, oil the Premifes; in MARKET- HARBOROUGH, ( WlThOuT rESERVe,) HE STOCK of IRONMONGERY, CUTLERY,' & c. late the Property of Mr. Ed-' WARD MORriS, deceased : Consisting of a lanre Assortment of Locks, Bolts, Fastenings, Hinges and Joints, of almolt every Description; Latches, and Door Springs; Chamber Bow Grate;., Bath Stoves, and Fronts of Ditto; Iron Stands, Sets of Fire- irons, Cinder Shovels, Sec. Scale Beams,- with Copper and Brass Difiies, Steelyards j Irons; Candlesticks and Snuffers ; Clafp, Pocket, and Pen Knives, Scissars ; Plated- Steel,
tx. Spurs; SIVoe and knee Buckles; Buttons arid Studs; Fly arid other Lattice; Cttrry- Combs; Brass . an'd Iron Wire; Bird Cages, aud Stable- Lanterns ; Wool Cards ; Nails, Sprigs, Tacks, tic,; Dressing Glasses; Snuff- Boxes; Coiiin - Furniture; Japan Ware; Patent and other Shot; Box Rules; Marbles ; Brass' Furniture for Bureaus and other Ca- binet Work ; Carpenters' Planes, Chissels, Rasps, & c. Whitesmiths' Files; Navigation Spades, and Iron Shovels; Copper- Grates, with Doors and Frames ; Oven Doors and Frames; Iron Ovens ; Shop Stoves; Iron Pots and Cauldrons, of various Sizes; Black- fmith's Anvil; Bellows ; Patten
Woods and ties; Scythes, Hay- Knives, Hay- Forks; Pork Shafts and- Rakes ; Red'Lead, Pitch, Tar, Rofin, See.— Also, the Counters, Drawers,. Sliding Sash - Frames, Shew- Glasses, and Shop Fixtures ; a very convenient Store- Prefs, with . painted Wainscot Sliding- Front; and a great Variety of other Articles too numerous to be de- tailed in an Advertisement— but which make it ad- visable to ofen the Sale each Morning at Ten. Mrs. MORRIS, with much Pleasure, avails herself of this Opportunity- to thank her Friends for their recent Favours on her retiring from Bulincfs. HERTFORDSHIRE. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr.
HILL, On Saturday the 15th of March, 1794, at the Woolp,-,.; V Inn, St. Alb. ir. SJ at Two" in the Afternoon, A Compact COPYHOLD FARM, ( Tithe- £\. freel called NORlNTON- eND FARM, it, oil delightfully iituateil in the Parifii of RED no s , m E, <• Miles from. Hempstead,. 6 from Dunftable, ; twm Luton, 6 from St. Albans, and 27 from London, nwl adjoins the Great West- Chester Road- i Compiizia;- a good Farm- house, three Barns, Staoles, Cow- HoaS,-, and all other fnitahle Out- Buildings in good Repai!, 1 pacious Yard, Garden, and twogo- ici Orehar.'. s, we. i planted with choice Fsuit Trees', aud convenient l'. v. , s to Ditto;
together with 107 Acres ' more or lef. ot tieh Arable and Wood Land, in a high Siate of Cu'fti- vatiou, inclofed with a Ring- Fence, aud Ivin* fov li. iv' Alpc- ts ; with a Quantity of fine Oak and other Tt::- - bar growing in the Springs and Hedges, and a Right ot extenlive Comniojrage; now in the Occupation . f Mr. Seabrook, on a Lease, of which feven Years wiH be unexpired at Michaelmas next, at an old and in v Kent or Sol. per Annum, fuhject to a Quit- Rent. >•).' sb's. 6d. ( Land- Tax 5I. lis-,} which makes the Eita'- j; nearly equal to Freehold. (:" r The Tenant w ill ( hew the Eftate. Particulars may be had, at the Printing- Office,* in
Bedford; Cock, Hitchin ; Bell, Hempstead ; S( v.. i , Wheathamstead; Re,;- Lion, Dunltable; - Whitc- Horu, Redburne; Woolpack, St. Albans ;; at the Three-- Cups, - Aldlersgate- Snxet, London j and- Of Mr. Hill, Lutou, Beds. HERTFORDSHIRE. To be S O L D by A U C T I O ff, By Messrs. BAILEY & BURLINGHAM, On the Premises, { by Order of tile Executors- en Monday the 17th Day of March, 1794, and the' fol- lowing Day, rIE LIVE and DEAD STOCK, in HUSBANDRY, and neat. HOUSLlfOL')- FURNITURE, PLATE, LINEN, fcc. nf rhe- J. i. c Mr. JOHN HOLLIDAY, of NORTH- CHURCh, near GREAT- BERKHAMSTED,
deceased : Coufiilii. j, of feven ltout fea'lened Cart- Horses, and a Na? Ma-- e, four fine Milch Cows, lix Score remarkable tine Sheep, one Store Sow,. nine Stoic Pigs, upwards of ro Cocks and Hens; Dung Carts, Narrow- wheel Vv'-:;„-- gon, Ploughs, Harrows,- and a Quantity of Kurdics. — The HouSEHOLD- Fe R. SI T I' R E Couipi iz. es ftvtr- pos't and other Bedstead with Crimfon, Murine, as,. t other. Furniture, Qoofe aad other Feather Beds, B! at.:-. kets, Quilts, Sec. single and double Chest of Drawwi and Bureaus; Mahogany Dining, Tea, Card, n'lirt other Tables; Mahogany Kafon Stand; Tea ami Or- namental China 5 Pier
Gjallcs in painted Fiitiiies, a Quantity of useful Kitchen Furniture ; a large Quan- tity of Pewter, a Chest of Carpenter's Tools ; ( jopo.- r and Brafs I'oitagie Pots ; Old: Iron w ith a. large Quan- tity of other very useful Articles.. The Whole may be viewed the Saturday preceding and Morning of Sale, which will begin each D. } precifely at Eleven o'Clock. * Catalogues may be had, in due. Time, at the OeorK', North- Church j the Rose - and - Crown, Tring ; tue Bell, Aston- Clinton ; White- hart Great- Missenden ; Crown, Amersham; George, Chesham; Rose- and- Crown, King's- Laugley; White- Hart, Watford; tile Prince's Arms, & Half-
Moon,' Hemel- Hempsted ; Robin Hood, Litte- Gaddesden; Greyhound, Ald- bury; King's- Arms, ivinghoe; Swan', leighton; George, Woburn ; Sugar- loaf, Dunstable; the kings Arms, Great- Berkhamsted," of the the fame Place. of To PREGNANT LADIES, WHOSE Situation require a temporary Retirement, may be accommodated with Apartments to Lie- in, agreeably to their Circumftances, an'd depend on being treated with Honour, Attention, and Secrecytheir Infants put out to nurse, arid hu- manely taken Care of, by applying to Mr. White, Sut- " geon and Man- Midwife; or Mrs. White, Midwife, No. z, London- House- Yard, the
North Side of St. Paul's . Church- Yard. •'- Where may be had, the Restorative Sab Pills, at il. as. per Box ; an effettual Remedy to remove all Ob- ftruaions or V. regularities.— Also, Mr. White's Addi cts to the Community refpeaing concealed Pregnancy, well worth All'e Attention of pregnant Ladies > in- every Si- tuation of. Life, Price is. Letters ( post paid) attendcito.. be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. HAWTYH At tlic Red- Lion Inn, in Banbury,' OXON; oh Th-. in". day the 17th Day of March, 1794, at Five in tne Alternoon, AN Eligible FrEeHOLD ESTATE, ffra- ate at pLUMPTON, in the. County of North- ampton, confifting of
upwards of go Acr.^, meiilv Meadow and Pasture Land, having a fubltantial an'' convenient Farm- Houlo thereon ; now in the Tcmue bf Mr. Wm. Edmonds, Tenant at Will. For Particulars, apply- to Mr. Bignell,. Attorney, or the Auctioneer, in Baabury; where a Plan of the Estate may be feen. by AUCTION, ROUSE, A' To be SOLD By Mr. O11 Thurfday the 27th Day of March, 1794, about Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the George Inn, in Market- Harborough, by Order of the Executor, N UNDIVIDED MOIETY of, and in, a very defirahle, Valuable FREFHOLD ESTATE, fituate at HASLeBEACH, in the County of North- ampton :
Comprizing nine Closes of Pasture and Mea- dow Ground, containing together about ONE HUNDRED AND THREE ACRES; Hertofore- the Property of Tames Holmes, late of Little- Bow den, in the faid County of'Northampton, Gentleman, deceafed; and now i. n the Occupation of Mr. George Cowdell, as Tenant from Year- to Year. The Fences are iu good Coiiditiosi, and the - filiate is well watered. Furi her Particulars may be obtained, by applying to Mr. How, the Executor; or to Mr. Adams, Attorney at Law, both of Market Harborough;— aiid Mr. Cow- dell, of Naseby, will shew the Estate,: To be SOLD by AUCTION, By
SAMUEL STORR, On Friday she 21ft of this inftaut March, at the House of Thomas Ellington, known by the Sigh of the. . BOAT, in PETERBOROUGH,' in the County oi Northampton, AGANG, consisting of Nine LIGHTERS, one of which is quite new, and / even more i; most excellent Condition; together with a hrf..' HORSE- BOAT, a great Quantity'of R0? 5 am' LINES, two MASTS, with SAILS, two ANCHORS. RIGGING, and every other Apparatus necell'ary JW.' the immediate- Use and Advantage thereof. Alao, at the same Time, will he fold, FIVE capital, season'd HORSES, all of whicl} havs been trained tt. the Water.
Business. For the Convenience- of the Purchasers, each Lights\ and each Horse, will be sold seperately ; and the Rope, Lines, Sec. will be disposed of jr. such. a Manner,.;-, cannot' fail proving agreeable to cS
mganatgHroa Friday and Saturday's Pofts. ./ HOUSE of. COMMONS, ThurfJay, Feb. z6. ANew writ was ordered for Banbury, in - the room of the Hen. Frederick ' North, who had accepted the office of Comptroller in his Majefty's Cultoms. A Message was received from the Lords, that ' heir Lordships had agreed to feveral public and private Bills, among which was the French Pro- perty Bill, with amendments.— The amendments in theFrench Property Bill were taken into con- fideration ami agreed to. POOR LAWS. Mr. east moved for leave to bring in a Bill for • i better regulation of the Poor Laws, the leading features of which
were, to prevent in future poor perfims from being removed from the place of their relidence, uutil they became aftually charge- able thereto. REV. MR. pALMER's PETITION. The order of the day being read, for refuming the adjourned debate, on the<) ueftion for receiv- ing the Petition of the Rev. Thos. Fische Palmer: Mr. Sheridan said, that agreeable to the notice, ft such the House had received of his intentions, ami possessed of time to take into confident turn fhe propriety and justice of receiving the Petition, lie had no doubt of it's being received. Mr, Pitt( after a few obfervations, agreed to it's feeing received. Mr, Sheridan
then moved, that the Petition may lie on the Table; which was agreed to. L O N D O N. March i. Yesterday Lord Grcnville was sworn in Auditor of the Exchequer, in the room of the late Duke of Newcastle; his Lordship afterwards took pos- session of his office. Loid Auckland is to succeed Lord Grenville as Secretary of State for the foreign department, and Mr. Villiers, brother to the Earl of Clarendon, will succeed him as Ranger of Hyde and St. Jame's Parks. ft is faid that the Marquisate of Rockingham will be revived in the person of earl Fitzwilliam. " Various reports are again in circulation respect- ing the Royalists, none
however that can be re- lied on— the truth may probably be this:— On their retreat from Noirmoutier, which might be effected with no great loss in numbers, they en- camped themselves in great strength, in the im- penetrable woods which abound in that part of France where they are, from whence, during the little bad weather there, lias been this winter, they made occasional sallies to supply themselves with provisions, fee. Since the season has opened more favourable, they have been joined by a num- ber of new converts to their cause, the relatives aud friends perhaps of those who have suffered under the revolutionary
axe, and are now become of sufficient strength again to take the field with renovated tripes of fuccefs.— Whether they will ultimately obtain if, does not reft fo much upon any movements they may be induced to make to penetrate immediately to Paris, as upon that which may go to effect a junction with the troops of England at fome port, through which ufeful supplies may be liberally furnished. Certain it ' the Earl of Moira holds the ccmmand of the armv originally deftined for this expedition, with the fame views as form'erly. A great stroke, we understand, is to be struck early the ensuing Spring; but whether on the Rhihe, the
Moselle,. or in Flanders, is at present uncertain.— Perhaps it may take place in all three, and tile more,. as the faying is, the better. It may at least' serve to deter the enemy from th; ir romantic scheme of invading this country indeed,' tliey really mean it " mention :— A few years ago, Captain Hood being 1 stationed at Jamaica, perceived, in the morning after a night of grear tempest, a ship at distance falling to pieces, with . three men fastening them- selves. to a. rafter in order to save their lives.— Touched with companion at such a fight, he pro- posed putting out the- boat to their assistance. The men at first remonstrated, an
account of the imminent danger from the great swell of aea. The Captain, however, was resolure, observing, at the fame time, " that he would press no danger 011 them he would not partake himself," and springing into the boat, afked who Would follow him.— In an instant the boat was manned, and they reached the three unhappy men just in time to save their lives.— This story was told in Ja- maica, as it should be told; and the House of Representatives were fo sensible of the gallantry of the action, that they voted a present of two hundred pounds to the brave deliverers. Irish Budget — In the Irish House of Commons 011 the
12th, the Chancellor of the Exchequer rofe to open his budget, stating, that of the fum of 8oo, oool. found necessary for the exigencies of the year, he fhould propose to raise only ioo, oool. by the following new taxes: . Additional duty of 9( 1. a barrel on matt £. 30,000 ' '' - 4,000 Sheep- Street, NORTHAMPTON, Feb. 18, 1794. W. TOMPSOn, wiTH Heart- felt Satisfaction, returns his sincere thanks to his numerous Friends for the very generous Support he has experienced during upwards of 20 - Years' Residence in the Drapery, and respectfully informs them, and the Public in ge- neral, that he lias now removed to his SHOP, in
Sheep- Street [ late in the Occupation of Mr. Etches} where he hopes to meet with that Countenance which lie has fo long experienced, and which it will be his Study to doferve. VV. T.. cannot omit this Opportunity of . gratefully returning his sincere Thanks to the many Friends of Mr. Etches, who have honoured him with their Sup- port since Mr. E.' s leaving Business. All Orders in the grocery CHAndlery, or Liquor business will be thankfully re- ceived, and duly executed. 7,000 3; JOO 500 6,000 Licences of 40sr. to register malt- houses Regulation of tea, tea- duty, and an additional halfpenny 011 teas under 4s. per lb and id.
011 thole above 5s. - - A tax of 6d. a pack on playing cards A double, tax on dice - - A duty of id. per lb. on tanned leather A check 0.11 the per centage duties in Dublin A regulation of the duty 011 timber A tax on receipts, notes, and bills of exchange An additional duty of two guineas on four- wheel, and 3s. yd. on two- wheel carriages. These taxes all. met the approbation of the houfe, except the tax on leather, which Mr. Van- deleur disapproved, as exacting a tax on shoe- lea- ther from a bare footed people! Other members considered the tax. a'good one, as it would pre- vent the frauds now practised in the imperfect tanning
of leather. American Budget.— The American minister, in open- ing his budget,- laid before the House of Reprefentatives a detail of the whole expence of their government, as follows : Mrs. WATTS tAKES the Liberty of informing the - u- GOVERNORS of the GENERAL INFIRMARY, whole Votes And Interest have been solicted in her Favour, That from the Encouragement ( he has re- ceived, arid by the Advice of her Friends, it her I n- tention to offer herself a Candidate tor MATRON to the HOSPITAL, on the earliest Vacancv, when ( lie presumes to hope for their Support, and carly Atten- dance on the Day of Election.
Northampton, Feb.. 22d, 1794. To PLUMBERS. To be SOLD, At EDWARD COX's, Auctioneer,"- in Poi'd- Stnet, NORTHAMPTON,- f .. ( for REAdy moneyj ) ABOUT ' FIVE TONS of LEAD PIPE, in any Quantity not lei's than a Hundr ed Weight, at Nineteen Shillings and Six- pence per Cwt. If3" 3 lbs/ will he allowed for Walte in every Cwt. N Dollars. 397,201 ' 47.693 i, 457.< K6 if, The Civil List for 1794, is" Extraordinaties for public works, & c. Estimate of war expenses for 1794 Total 2,002,830 Of this, the compensation to the President, George Washington, Esq. is, per annum 25,000 To the Vice- President - - j, 000 Chief justice
- - - 4,000 •—— tive Associate Judges, each - 3,500 Speaker of Congress, per day - 12 Members ( 134; per day 6 —;— Secretary ot the Treasury, per ami. 3,300 —— r- Treasurer and Auditor, each - 2,400 nrfi—• Secretary of State - > 3,500 :— Secretary at War - - - 3,000 Each Dollar value 4s. 6d. The dreadful fire which broke out at Gotten- burgh, on the 4th inlhut, began juft oppofird the tmyn- houfe, which had a narrow efcape; the flames and heat reached it from the other fide of the canal, and nothing but the moft ftrenuous exertions could hai'c faved it. It is computed that from 100 to 120 houfes have been confumed, and
upwards of 2000 people loft their all in the fpaoe of ten hours: fortunately none of the Bri- tifli have suffered. By letters from Italy we learn, that a molt dreadful accident happened lately at Cape d'istria. The Dancers and Singers of the Opera. having met at the Opera- house to celebrate the . Carnival, the house came suddenly down, and crushed the players and the whole audience to atoms. Fox hounds are now kept by the British Na- bobs in India, in a greater style than any of packs in England: though they sometimes hunt the fox, their principal runs are with the jackals, who have great speed, and generally afford an excellent
chace: the field, in general, is a fine spectacle, exhibiting, at least, a hundred horse- men, all mounted on beautiful Arabians. Mr. Pleet. of Moundsimerr, near Basingstoke, Hants, it is said, has found out a cure for the rot infheep; he has in his, possession several that he has fatted, which he had bought for one Shilling each. SCAVENGING. OTICE is hereby given, that the Com- missioners for Paving, Cleansing, Lighting, and Watching the Town of NORTHAMPTON, will meet on Tuefday the nth Day of M-. udi nc'. t at the Hour of Four in the Afternoon, at the Guildhall of the Mid- Town, for the purpolc of receiving I'ropofals from,
& Contracting with anv Perfon for SCAVENG- ING the feveral STREETS, LANES, PASSAGES, and PLACES in the faiu Town, for one Year, from Lady-' Pav. next, in Manner following, viz. The Market- Hill and Drapery every Week, the South- Quarter once in a Month, from Lady- Day to Michael- mas, and from Michaelmas to Lady- Day once a Fort- night, & the refidue of the Town once in every Month, from Lady- Day. to Michaelmas, and every Three Weeks from thenfce to Lady- Day. By Order of the Commiftioners, ]. MARKhAM. Northampton, 23/ A Fib. 1794. Northamptonshire Regiment of Militia. iN Consequence of Orders
received from _ General Lord GeORGE LENOX, commanding the South- West District, i am directed by Colonel Lord COMPTON to- order, that every Non- Commissioned Officer, Drummer, and Private, on Furlough, do immediately join the Regiment. WILLIAM SHARP, Captain, and Adjutant. HEAD- Quarters, Weymouth, . February 20, 1794. I ash and Elm ' Timber, To be SOLD by AUCTION, By ROBerT. BLABy. At the Sign of the ROYAl- O AK, in fLOORE, 1311 Friday the 7, th iiiftant, PARTICULARLY convenient for Carri- age, growing in a Close adjoining the Turnpike- Road, and known by the Name of Gough's- Close in
FLoORE aforesaid.—' The Timber is eligible for Builders, Wheelwrights, & c. and particulirly for Na- vigation Work, as most of it is very long, and but one Mile distant from the Grand junttion Canal. The Sale to begin at Twelve o'Clnck. ~ To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Thursday next the btli Day of March instant, at the Wheat- Sheaf, in Welt- Haddon, TWO TENEMENTS, with the Out- Buildings, large Gardens, ni d Appurtenances, be- longing, situate. in WEST- HAdDON aforesaid, occu- pied. by Robert Price and Wm. page. » Enqiiire of Mr.. Denny, Attorney at Law, Long- Buckby. N. B. The principal Part of the Purchase- Money
may rema\ n upon Security of hie Premises, if required. ~ T I M BE R. ~ To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. TITE, JU the Bull, in Lilburn, in the County of North- ampton, at Teno'Clock in the Forenoon, 011 Monday tiie toth of March, 1794, ' in Lots^ fubjeft to fucn Conditions as thall be then produced, UPWARDS of. 150 ASH and ELM TREES, ( landing m the Pariah of LiLBURN. — The above Timber is in general very good, and well adapted for Canal Service, Carpenters,' Wheelwrights, Sic.— ' Po be viewed on Friday and Saturday pre- ceding the Sale; and information to be had at the Bull, in Lilburn, where a Perfon will attend
to ( hew the Lots. For further Particulars, apply to the Auctioneer, in Daventry. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. TITE, At the Cock- and- Breeches, at Hellidon, i: i the County of Northampton, on Thursday the 13th of March . inftant, between tbe Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions ot Sale as will be then and there produced, A LL those TWO COTTAGES or TE- . t\. NEMENTS, with the Gardens, Shop, and Ap pi'. rtcnanccs thereto belonging, situate in HELLlDOn aforel'aid; and late in tli « Occupation of John Letts and — ——, but now untenanted. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. Tite, Auc
tioneer, in Daventry. ill damages for the injury he sustained by the car- riage being overturned near Brixworth, through the negligence < f the coachman, by which the Doctor received' a compound fracture. in his leg and was rendered incapable of following his pro- fession for a year and a half: In consequence of which the jury found a verdict for the plaintiff, damages zool. The following prisoners are to take their trials at our assizes, which commence on Monday next the 3d inftant Richard Bird, aged 15, charged with- having'broke into the dwelling houfe of Thomas Mathews of Yevertoft, and llblen there- out a silver watch—
Edward Wadsworth, charged on suspicion of having burglariously entered, the shop of John Reynolds, of Newnham, and solen thereout four pieces of beef, weighing upwards of Solb- arid a 20 gallon kettle out of his " yard — Robert Underwood,. charged upon the _ oath of Elizabeth Bosworth, of Braybrook, widow, with having, . about 11 o'clock on Sunday night the 20th of October laft, entered her dwelling houfe, by breaking the window, with intent to rob the houfc— Thomas Gleeds, alias Leeds, charged with having murdered, in the parifh of St._ Se- pulchre, Northampton, Thomas Gill, an infant, aged about five year's—
Benjamin pearce, chatged with stealing from the shop of John Battams, of Stoke- Bruerne, cordwainer, a number of lasts, women shoes and slippers, together with a quan- tity of leather and sundry other articles, the pro- perty of the said John BattaMs; and fotne working tools, the property; of Thomas. Jones, journey- man shoernakcr— Thomas brawn, charged on the oath of Wm. Bamford,, of Cottingham, with having assaulted him ni company with fome one else upon the King's highway, and robbed him of ten guineas and some silver— Martha Beaumont, charged with stealing the heads of two iron ham- mers, an old iron
saw, and an iron chissel, the property of Th( omas Wareing, of Moulton— Charles Robins, and Richard worrall, charged with feloniously and burglariously entering the stable belonging and contiguous to the dwelling house of Thomas Dowthat, at Collyweston, with" in- tent to steal a bay gelding, and a bay mare, his property— John Higgins, charged on the oath of Thomas Gingell, of Hardwick, in the county of Gloucester, yeoman, on a violent suspicion of feloniously stealing, in company with one Wm. James, a certain mare, the property of the said Thomas Gingell, from a close in the parish of Harsfield, I in the said county of
Gloucester, and exposing her to sale, at Northampton fair— Wm. James, charged on the oath of Wm. Priday, of Quedgley, in the county of Gloucester, butcher, on a violent fufpicion of feloniously stealing, in company with the above- named John Higgins, a certain mare, the property of ' Tho. Conner, of Quedgley aforesaid, farmer, from an inclosed ground, in the faid parish of Quedg- DEBTORS and CREDITORS. SEVERAL of the Persons who stood in- debted to' JOHN FULLER, late ef STOKe- bruerne, in th « County of Northampton, Shop- keeper and victualler, at the Time of his Decease, not having paid tiieir respective
Debts, are defired to pav the fame immediately to Mr. Samuel Fuller, of Sha- bington, near Thame, the Executor appointed by the Will of the Deceased; or to Mr. Kirby, Attorney, in Towceftcr; otherwife the faid Executor will be under the Necessity of commencing Actions for the Recovery thereof:— And every fuch Creditor of the Deceased, who has not delivered an Account of his Demand to the faid Mr. Samuel Fuller, of Mr. Kirby is requested to deliver the same forthwith. Towcester, Feb. 21, 1794. takings,- ahd this light it is both wise & prudent to conceal the object of the present designs; and w . hope they will remain a secret,
till the very moment of execution,— The French, however, as if they had a pre- sentiment of them, appear to be preparing for some great expedition on their part, the force of which seems to . be principally intended aga lnlt Flanders .— Of this the Allies are | sufficiently aware, and no doubt will be fully able ro repel any attack that may be made in that quarter.—^ The whole feems to predict a very bloody summer, and if the Combined Powers are cordially united among themselves, will certainly enable them to compel the Convention to alter it's tone. No human power, affailcd as France is on every fide,' torn by intefline divisions
and jea- loufies, and living not on the profits of it's capital, but . on the capital itfelt, ' can ( land ; it is not in tlji'nature of things; France is bleeding at every pore, and mult necessarily be foon exhausted. I^ t us' but give'to ' our immenfe force sufficient im- r pulse, and it will infallibly bear down opposition. The cruelty and mismanagement of the wretches who at present govern that unhappy country will do more towards bringing the French to their ffcnfes than all the forces which the allied powers can pour into it. The late letters are full of mi- ferable accounts of the - further havock which they have licen making among the moft
respectable merchants at Marseilles, Lyons, and elsewhere. The committee of public safety avow their opi- To be LETT, and Entered on immediately, or at Lady- Day next, AHOUSE, YARD, GARDEN, and OFFICES, situate' in the pleasant Village of ORLINGBURY, three Miles from Wellingborough, & four from Kettering. The House consists of four Rooms on a Floor, a Well of exceeding good Water, pleafant Garden, well planted with Fruit— the Whole in good Repair— will be found a very agreeable Situa- tion for a fmall Private Family. For Particulars, or to treat for the fame, apply to Wm. Thompson, Draper, Wellingborough;
and to view the Premises, to Wm. Butlin, of Orlingbury. Wellingborough, A'arch I, 1794. Postscript. LONDON, March WANTED, A MAN aud his WIFE ( Without a Family) to undertake the Care and Management of the POOR of STOKE- GOLDiNG- TON, Bucks. Apply to Wm. Hayward, Overseer of the Poor of the said Parish. HUNTINGDONSHIRE. ST. NEOTS ASSEMBLY. THE Third SUBSCRIPTION- ASSEM- BLY, for this Season, will be at the Assembly- Room, in ST. NeoTS, on Tuefday, March 4, 1704. FRANCIS PYM, Esq. ) , Major REYNOLD, 5 Stewards. Either together or in Lots, To be Sold by Private Contract
immediately, And Entered upon on the 5th of April next, THE TEN FREEHOLD CLOSES of ARAB!. v., MEADOW, an. l PASTURE LAND, in the Occupation of Robert Burnhill, siruate in the Parish of ABTHORPe, in the County of Northamp- ton, ( together With the Barn standing in one of them,) hereunder mentioned, vii. Two Clofes nearly adjoining, called Great ? and Little Handley Leys, together S Three Closes lying together, called barn. i Close, ( with the Barn ( landing therein), A. R. 11 o 13 3 ' to o 37 CHILD- BED LINEN WAREHOUSE, By R. pEARSoN, Woburn, WH O folicits the Patronage of her Friends and the Public—
begs to offer her iincere Thanks for Favours received in the G R o c F. R V and STAtioNARY- BUSiNeSSeS, and hopes to merit a Continuance of the fame, by a strict Attention to all fuch as suspected persons, and are bent on per- secuting them, either to a confiscation of pro. perty or to death. This avowal explains what Marat meant, when he declared last winter in the Convention, that 240,000 people must yet be sa- crificed before the Revolution will be complete, the rich will doubtless be all massacred or ruined ; and when their funds are squandercd away, which the Convention will soon effect, by the immense expences
incurred in raising such nume- rous armies, to support their ill- gotten power, what will become of the poor people, when there, arc no manufactories, 110 trade 01- navigation to employ them; and when the nation is bereft of all the people of fortune ; who, .011 the return of peace, would have furnished means to set the people to work, and to bring about again those sources of industry for the pool, which had been interrupted and nearly deitroyed by the pressure of the war. Thirteen private individuals have been con- demned to death at Marseilles, one of them, af ter the sentence had been pronounced,' drew a poig- nard, and
flew towards Brutus, the Prefident, crying out Vengeance. The President, who, with each judge, always has two pistols and a sabre by him, presented one against the man, and kept him off, and he was bound and taken out to be executed; on the way he broke his cords, escaped, gained the port, arid threw himself into the sea, with a view to get off by swimming; but he was retaken, and executed the last of the thirteen. French Armies.— The army of the North, tho' the committee of public safety has fixed it's in- crease at 180,000 men, will be augmented to 220,000.— The united armies of the Rhine and the Moselle to 280,
000.— The army of the Alps' to 60,000.— The army of the Eastern Pyrerine. es to 80,000.— The army of the South to 60,000.— The armv of the Welt to So .000.— Total 7^ 0,000. The affair of Captain Hood's saving the Juno being much talked of for it's impromptu, See. an- other fact needing the same Officer deserves veAd noncb- it the belt Goods amfon the lowctt Terms, for Ready Money. To WHITESMITHS. AFine Opportunity now offers itself for a Clever Workman— A SHOP, ( only built three Years'! with TWO FORGES, and a complete Assort- mcntof TOOLS, with a large WHEEL LATHE, for turning Iron, Sic. complete,
late the Property of WM. RiSELEY, of NORTHAMPTON, who is going to leave the Country, having afiigned over all his Efleets, to Mr. John Bridges, Coal- Merchant, of Northamp- ton, for the Benefit of his Creditors, who are defired to give in their Accounts, 011 or before the 2ilt Day of March, to the* faid, Mr. Bridies -. And all Perfons in- debted to the aforesaid Wm. Risely, are alfo delired to pay tlie lamp to Mr. Bridges. The Dwelling- House ( annexed to the Shop) maybe had at Lady- Day, at a low Rent, without taxes. For'Particulars, apply to . Mr. Benjamin Mason, Auctioneer, in Northampton; who will shew the Tools, & c. ( J.
The Shop may be had without the House. NOTICE to DEBTORS. L L Persons indebted to THOMAS HOLL1S, of WADDENHOE, in the County of Northampton, Butcher, deceafed, are defired to pay the fame to William Groom, of Pilton, in the laid County, on. or before the 7th Day of April next, or they will be fued for the fame without further Notice: And all Perfons who have any Demand tyi the faid Thomas Hollis are defired to fend their Account to the faid William Groom. Pilton, Feb. n, 1794. White- House- Close, and Little Meadow Two Closes lying together, called the wi- thermore's, and a Spinney adjoining A Close, called '
Fearn- furlong A Close, called Wappenham- Field- Side A Close, called Brook- Furlong 49 ' Alfo, A Right of Common in and over a Meadow in the same Parish, called Alexander's- Meadow. AbTHOrpe is about three Miles from Tow- cester, eight from Buckingham and Brackley, and twelve fmm Banbury. For further Particulars',- and to treat for the Purchase, apply to Mr. Kirby, Attorney at Law, in Towcefter. Fine Kent and worcester Hops. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By ARTHUR BROWNSGRAVe., On Saturday the Stli Dav of . March, 179.1, on the MARKET- HILL, NORTHAMPTON, UPWARDS of 1; Cvvt. of ( tout HOPS, which
will be divided into Lots convenient for the Purchafers. The Sale to commence at Twelve o'Clock. A WATFORD, Northamptonshire. To bs SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. YOUNG, At Garraway's Coffee- Houfe, Change- Alley, Cornhill, London, on Friday the zel of May, at Twelve o'Clock, in Four Lots, ( unlefs dil'pofed of in One Lot by Private Con trait, before the 15th of April, 1794* i I FOUR VALUABLE and very improveable FREEHOLD ESTAteS,. sfituate at WATFORD, near DAV ENTRY; consisting of FIVE HUNDRED and TWELVE ACRES of rich Grazing Land, lett to Messrs. Brookes, Baker, Morris, Tibbett, & Lee, moltly on
fhort I. eafes, at very improveable Rents, at present amounting to FIVE HuNDRED and EIGHT POUNDS, TEN SHILLINGS. The respective Tenants will shew the Estates, and Printed Particulars may be had at the Wheat- Sheaf, Daventry ; White- Horn, Towcefter; Cock, Stony- Stratford ; King's- Head, Coventry ; George, North- ampton ; at Garraway's, and of Mr. Young, No. 5K, Chancery- Lane, London, where a Plan may be seen. YESTERDAY evening Mr. Sparrow, the Meffenger, arrived at the Secretary of State's Oflice with difpatches from the army. The head- quarters of the Britifh troops are ftill at Courtrai; tliofe of the
Prince de Cobourg at Valenciennes. No event of importance has yet happened; but the French have rather advanced within the few laft days, and their picquets and thofe of the Allied Armies are fo near each ether as to con- verfe together. The French seem disposed to make the firft attack. The Duke of York will certainly leave town to- morrow night for the army. Thursday an account was received at Lloyd's Coffee- house of the arrival of Admiral Sir John Jervis and Sir Charles Grey, in the Boyne man of war, with the Quebeck frigate, and three tranfports, at Barbadoes, on the 5th of January The reft of the fleet, except two or
three tranf- ports, alfo arrived there between the Jth and 14th of the feme month. The whole force consists of three large ships of war, feveral frigates, ( loops, Sec. with upwards of sixty sail of transports. The troops in the other British islands had been collected in Barbadoes, expecting the arrival of Sit Charles Grey, and after refreshing the troops from Europe, they were all embarked to trie amount of 10,000 men, and were to aail on an expedition again It the French ialands, within 48 hours after the departure of the veaafel, which brought this account. Thus we may daily ex- pedt to hear of the capture of Martinique, one of the
most . valuable islands belonging : to tile French in the west Indies. It is now supposed, that on the opening of the campaign in Europe, fhe firft movements of the Allies will be accompanied by a declaration of hostilities againft all thofe powers which fhall per- fift in their neutrality, as it goes to counteract more than actual war in defence of France, the meafures adopted by the nations engaged in the general league.— Of the above powers, Genoa, it is supposed, will remain the most obstinate. Denmark and Sweden, it is understood, will ac cede to the proposed terms. The blockade of the principal port of the former State
continues, and the troops are moving in every direction to enforce obedience to the next summons, which will. be addressed to the Republic on the part ot the allies. FORTUNATE LOTTERY- TICKETS. Sixth day. No. - 491591, io, ooOi. Nos. 17,181, 28,844, 36,141, 41,675, and 45,481, tool. each. Nos. 7,172, 9,091, > 3,344, 22,678, 20,643, 30,441, 31,864, 3- 2,467, 41,549, and 49,00), 50I: each. Seventh day. No. 48.53?, 10001. No. 45,527, 500I. Nos. 1318, 16,88a, and 29,092, tool. each. Nos. 9770, A1 ROGERS's DEBTORS. LL Perfons who ltand indebted to the Eftate of JOHN ROGeRS and THOMAS ROGERS, late of
newport - PAgnELL, in the County of Bucks, Carriers, ( Bankrupts), arc defired to pay their respective Debts to Messrs. Robert Jee & George Osborn, of Newport- Pagnell aforefaid ; Mr. John Palmer, of- Olney; Mr. Wm. Hilliker, of Saint- John's- Street, London, the Assignees of the said Estate; or to Mr. Lucas, Attorney at » . aw, of Newport- Pagnell " aforesaid, on or before the ' 25th Day of March next; ai • in Default thereof, they will immediately after that Time be sued for the same. To be. SOLD by AUCTION, By ROBERT BLABY, On Thurfday the 6th of March inftant, THE LIVE & DEAD STOCK, DAIRY and BREWING
UTENLILS, & fome HOUSE- HOLD- FURNITURE, of the late Mr. RICHARD PARBERRY, of BuGbROOK, Northamptonshire. The Live Stock confi'fts of about 22 Sheep ; one Barren Heifer, one New- milch'd Cow; anel one laige ' fat Barrow Hog.— The Dead Stock, eight Quarters ami five Bulhels of excel lent Two- ycars- old Wheat, Hovel of Old Beans, a Stump of Old aud a Bit of New Hay ; very, good Brewing and Dairy Utenlils, Iron- bound Hoglheads, Flalf- Hegilieuds, and fmaller Calks, an Iron- bound Gallon Cafk, New; a Quantity of Ale, and. other very good Beer ; a Quantity of Bacon ; Winnowing Fan, New, and other
Barn Tackle ; Lad- ders, Chairs, Tables, Drawers, & c. and a QGantity of Old Iron. The Sale to begin at Ten o'Clotk- NORTHAMPTON, SATuRdAy EVENING, March 1. PR Mrs. MORRIS'S STOCX of irONMOngery, Sec. ' adVertised in the preceeding page, is DiSPOSED of by PRIVATE cOnTRACT. The Order to omit the Advertisement came too late. Th. e Rev. Edw. Miller has been presented to the vicarage of All- Saints, in this town, vacant by the death of the Rev. Wm. Hughes. The master and Fellows of Trinity college, Cambridge, b; ive presented the Rev. John rip- pen, A. M. fellow of that society, to '. he living of Hitehin,
in Hertfordshire, void by the death of the late Mr. Hodson. Yesterday being the day appointed for a gene- ral fast and humiliation, the same was observed here by all ranks, with a respect suited to the so- lemnitv of the occasion. An action was tried last week in the court of Common Pleas, brought by Dr. Macdonald, who was an eminent physician at Grantham, against Mr. levi and others, proprietors of the Derby and Manchester coach, to recover a satisfaction ley, and exposing her to sale, at Northampton fair— John Dickins, Wm. Graves and James Graves, charged with having stopped a stage- waggon, be- longing to james
Dakin and Thomas Sherrat, on the'public highway, in the parish of Dodford, and wantonly and maliciously, by blowing a horn, and other noises, frightening the horses, so as to cause them to beat down Thomas Danks, the driver thereof, and thereby greatly endanger- ing his life, and refusing to find surety for their appearance at the ensuing quarter- sessions of the peace for the said county to answer the said offence. [ One of the above prisoners for horse- stealing, committed by the name of Wm, James, proves to be a female; she is but about 16 years of age, and says her real name is Mary James. Higgins, her accomplice, is
about 45.} The assizes for the Isle of Ely, are appointed to be holden on Monday the 24th of March, J. Mansfield, Efq. the mayor of Leicester, has given public notice by advertisement in the Lei- cester Journal, that all persons detected in offering to fale in Leicester market,' Butter short of weight, shall not only suffer all the penalties which the law can inflict, but that the names and places of abode of the offenders shall be exposed in the papers. On Saturday night laft', about eight o'clock, as Mr. Thorneloe was returning from Leicefter market, he was attacked upon the Narborough road by two footpads, . one of whom he knocked
down with his stick, and some persons fortunately coming up at the moment, secured him; the other ' escaped. Wm. Lawson, the person in custody, has impeached his accomplice, George Davenport of Great Wigson, who has absconded, BIRTH.] On Wednesday aft. the Lady of the Hon. Spencer Perceval, Deputy Recorder of this Borough, was delivered of daughter MARRIED.] On Saturday, at Coventry, Mr. Joseph Coltman, an eminent grazier, of Clouds- ley, to Miss Ann Hayes.— Sunday. during divine, service at Brinklow, Warwickshire, T. Shut- tleworth, Esq. to Miss Simpson.— Thursday, at Keyworth, Nottinghamshire,
Mr. John Savidge, innkeeper, of Bunny, to Miss belshaw, of the former place. DIED.] On Wednesday fe'nnight, Sir Wm. Burnaby, Bart, of Broughton, in Oxfordshire, a Captain'irt the Navy.— thursday se'nnight, at Duddington, near Stamford, Mrs. Ann Algar, daughter of the late Wm. Algar, Efq. of Tix- over, who was formerly High- sheriff of the county of Rutland.— Yesterday se'nnight at his house in Upper Brook- street, London, Thomas Brand, Esq. of the H00, in Hertfordshire.-*? Saturday laft, at St. Martin's, Stamford, in the 84th year of his age, the Rev. Michael TjT. m, Dean of Stamford, Archdeacon of Huntingdon, and redtor
of Gretford, in Lincolnshire, and of Witering, in this county.— Sunday, at his house in Curzon- street, May- fair, London, Sir John Sebright, of Beachwood, Herts, Bart. a General in the army, and Colonel of the 18th regiment of foot.— Same day, after a short illness, William Wykes, Gent.- bf this town, aged £' 0.— Monday, at Monk's Kirby Warwickshire, Mrs. Bosworth, deservedly lamented by a numerous acquaintance. — A few days ago, at Great Wigston, Leicester- shire, Mr. Simeon Brewin, aged' 85. _ On Sunday last, at her mother's house' in Great Mar- low, Buck-, Miss Thomas, a young ladv at cd 22, She had Just
returned frosi London, where the had been to arrange some matters respecting property the possessed in the funds, previous to her marriage. " The wedding cloaths were bought—- every preparation . was made for the nuptials— the happy day was fixed--- and, from the smiling aspect or occcurrenees, disappoinment seemed to be set at defiance. But who is in: that can sav with certainty, though in the bloom of health—- " To- morrow I tha. t do this ?" The unerring hand of fate was uplifted, and from. some cause bevond the researches 01 human reason, this excellent young aldy was visited, on Wednesday night, with- a putrid
fever that terminated her life on the following Sunday. - > -<• ; :' er, 1 \ T J ANTED, An APPRENTICE by a VV SURGEON & APOTHECARY in extensive Practice, in a large and populous Town, about fifty Miles from London, For Particulars, enquire of Dr. Kerr, Northampton; or of the Printers:
BANKRUPTS. Humphrey Clark, now or late of Ausly, Warwick- shire, maltster: To appear Feb. 2?, March i, and April j, at the Hull inn, in Nuneaton. Attorney, Mr. George Greenway, of Nuneaton. Daniel Sinclair, of ' Conduit- Vale, Greenwich,. Kent, master- mariner.— John Seller, late of Garlick- hill, London, glass seller.— Robert Capps of St. Margaret s hill, Southwark, vintner.— Richard Roche, of Bow- street, Covent- Garden, MiddlefeX, Haberdasher.— Thomas Gray, now or late of Camberwell, Surry, maltfactor.— Joseph Smith, late of Knightsbridge, Middlesex, money- scrivencr. — Thomas Woodford, of Bath,
Somersetshire, linen- draper.— Wm. Watts, of bristol, plumber and shotmaker.— John tull, ot Lower Brook - street, Grosvenor- fquare, Middlefex, dealer.— John Sanders, of Chiphead, Surry, coal- merchant.'— Richard Lloyd, of Lewes, Sutlex, draper. — Stephen Moorhouse, of Aberford, Yorkshire, mer- « fr.— Charles Gilbert the elder, Charles Gilbert the Younger, and Wm. Atkins, late of St. George's- fields, Surry, Backmakers.— Thomas Shipway, of Hoxton, Middlesex, scavenger.— Thomas Raymond, of South- ampton, ship- builder.— Hammond Nicholls, ot Can- terbury, watchmaker.— John Lyman, of High- strect,
Southwark, Surry, hatter. Thomas Weaver, ot Green- street, Oxtord- ftreet, Middlefex, carpenter.— Wm. Mason, of holbeck, Leeds, Yorkshire, tanner. DIVIDENDS to be made to CREDITORS. March 8. John Shuffrey the younger, of Witney Ox- fordshire, blanket- weaver, at Guildhall, London. March i! i. Nathaniel Lawrence, of Birmingham, wine merchant, at Freeth's coffee- house, Birmingham. M A R IC K T SLondon, Feb. 24. We had a tolerable fupply of Wheat this morning, but our buyers were numerous, and prices again advan- ced about lXd. per quarter.— We had hut tew trefh arrivals of Barley, fo that fine Malting famples
maintained laft Monday's prices; and tine Malts met with buyers, but they mnft be fine to reach 46.---. Fine Boiling and Hog Peafe were fcarce, & obtained better prices; and smallBeans Were 6d. dearer; but Ticks were dull of fale, and 36s. the top price. — Having few arrivals of Oats, tine Camples fold freely and rather dearer. This Day luas publifled, Price " ll Sold by BIrDSAll, Northampton ; Jacob, Peterborough ; Merridew, Coventry; and Terry, Warwick. The Eighth Edition, with confiderable Additions and Improvements, and illustrated with Maps. The GENERAL GAZETTEER: OR, Compendious Geographical Dictionary.
CCONTAINING a Description of all the J Empires, Kingdoms, States, Provinces, Cities, Towns, Forts, Seas, Harbours, Rivers, Lakes, Moun- tains, & Capes in the known World ; with the Govern- ment, Cuftoms, Manners, and Religion of the Inhabi- tants ; the Extent, Boundaries, and Natural Produdtion of each Country ; and the Trade, Manufadlures, and Curiofities of the Cities and Towns ; their Longitude, Latitude, Bearings a:' d Diftances in English Miles from remarkable Places; ar. d the various Events by which they have been diftineuilhed. Including an Account of the Counties, Cities, Boroughs, Market- Towns, and
principal Villages in Great Britain and Ireland. By R. BROOKE S, M. D. London : Printed for 1',. Law and Son, C. Dillv, J. Tohnfon, G. G. and J. Robinfon, W. Richardfon, Ogilvy and Speare, F. and C. Rivington, W. Gold- smith, R. Baldwin, S. Hayes, W. Lowndes, Scatcherd and Whitaker, W. Bent, G. and T. Wilkie. W. Miller, Vemor and Hood, and H. Muriay. In this Work are introduced all the recent Acquisitions in Geography, many of the Articles newly written, and above a thoufand new ones inferted ; the Revolutions, Battles, Sieges, and other gieat Events by which each place is diftinguifhed, are brought down to the preftnt
Time; and no Pains are fpared in fhort, to render this eftablifhed Work worthy ot the Reputation it has ac- quired, and fuperior to every Attempt of the Kind, not only in Extent and Variety, but in Authenticity and Accuracy of Information. MEDICINES, prepared by Mrs. WylES, of Chelms- ford, Essex, from manuscript Prefcriptions of eminent Phyficians. HEAD- ACH DROPS, FOR removing all Pains- and Disorders in the Head :— It's peculiar Efficacy has been evinced by innumerable Teftimonies— and in the mod acute Cafes this Medicine has proved INFAlLIBLE.— It has alfo been found of infinite Service in Rheumatic Com plaints.— Price One Shilling find Thrct- half- fcr. ce per Bottle; to be had of ihe following Perfons only— Messrs. Dicey and Co. Northampton ; Mr. Wilcox, Towcester and Stony Statford ; Mr. Pursell, Rickmansworth; and Mr. Hackman, Watford. Alfo, The TOOTH- ACH PILL, Prepared from a Recipe of the late Dr. John Fothergill. — The numerous AFFIDAVITS and CERTIFICATES which have been exhibited to the Public, from Perfons. of the firft Refpediability, proving the Virtue of this Medicine, has fully eftablillied it's Credit and Reputation — and, as a further Proof, the Proprietor lias the Satis To be SOLD, ASubftantial, Well built DWeLLING- HOUSE, with convenient Out- Buildings, well adapted for carrying 011 an ex ten five Business; together with Gardens, an Orchard well planted, and a Home- Close adjoining; alio, A CLOSE of rich PASTURE, lying near; fituate in LONG - BUCKBY, in the ( bounty of Northampton. For Particulars, apply to Mr. Denny there. N. B. A principal Part of the Purchase- Money may remain upon Security of the Premifes. An Extract-. msix Lewes Journal, Dec. 23, 1793. Mr. NEWNHAm a capital farmer and timber- merchant, of Weft- hill, Ardingly, in Sussex, was con- fined, to his houfe, tsnd rendered incapable of
business, bu a virulent Scorbutic Eruption breaking out in various • jiartsof his body one of his legs was swelled to double extaordinary- trae his lungs were fo affected, that and painful to a molt alarming Mr. N. applied to a Gentle- mat 01 tlis faculty, whofe lkill is well known, and after care near twelve months without receiving ., with the approbation of his medical friend, to try the effects of SPiLSBURY's ANTiscorBuTiC DKOPS ; in taking only one bottle, he foiiad gieat'V. 1 ei in his. breathing, See. and by con-- timiinc thei » 4 ; ew months, his complaints were entirely lemovtd, and his health perfeftly rellortd. From a principle « f>
feenevolence towards his feliow- fufferers, as wdl as juftj; e to the proprietor of the medicine, he thinks it his " duty to communicate this cafe to the public for the authenticity of which, a further application may be r. adc to Mr. William Lee, printer, Lewes, where tha JJi'ops may be had genuine ; and at the Pro- proprieter D. SPilSBURY, Soho- square, London, in bottles ef j1. 2s and 5s. each ; as alio of the Printers of this Paper, W. Birdsall, and W. Marshall and Son, Northampton j and likewise of the Newsmen. PEteR PINDAR's WORKS COMPLETE, elegantly printed in Octavo and Hot- pressed, This Day < was publis hed, No. I.
Pri; e One Shilling, To be continued Weekly till the Whole is complete, In THIRTY NUMBERS, Cori- efted and Enlarged by tile Author. THE above Work will be printed in an elegant Stile, on a beautiful Superfine Wove Paper ; and with the lalt Number will be given an ele- gant engraved Head of the Author, by the ingenious Mr. Heath, with engraved Title- Pages, and a complete Index to the Whoie. This is the only correft Edition of PF. TES PIN- BAR'S Works, in which will be found a Number of Improvements as well as Additions by the Author. The Public is therefore defired to beware of the fpurious Editions of Peter Pindar's
Works, as they are in general rot only miferably incorrea, but at the fame Time are cifgraced by Pieces which this Author never wrote. London: Printed for John Walker, No. 44., Pater- tvolter - Row; and fold by T. Dicey and Co. W. Birdsall, arid T. Burnham, . Northampton; and by all other Booksellers. Wlierf may be had, juft publilhed, Price is. 6d. Pa- llittic Odes to the Duke of Richmond, by Peter Pindar: Alfo. Pindar's Works, in Two large Volumes, Ciuarto, Price - zl. 1 ss. 6d. in Boards. faflion of afferting, th » t nat lei's tlian Forty Thousand Perfons have been relieved from this excruciating Pain, within twelve Months pall. Price
Seven pcr. cc Half- penny per Box ; to be had of the following Perfons— Messrs. Dicey and Co. Northampton ; Mr. Wilcox, Tow- ceiler and Stony- Stratford ; Mr. Jacob, Peterborough ; Mr. Smith, Bedford; Mr. Jenkinson, Huntingdon ; Mr. Adams, Aylesbury ; Mr. M'Dowall, Berkhamsted : Mr. Simpson, Hertford; Mr, Pursell, Rickmansworth ; Mr. Hackman, Watford ; Mr. Nicholson, Wisbeach ; Mr. Foreman, Newmarket; Mr. Hodson, or Mr. Cowper, Cambridge; Messrs. Smart and Co. Reading; Mr. Watts, Abingdon ; Mr. Jackson Oxford; Mr. Turner, Witney; Mr. Norton, Henley ; Mr. Newcomb, Stam- ford ; Mr. Pearson, Birmingham ;
Mrs. Ireland, Lei- cester ; Mr. Rollason, Coventry j Mr. Bulgin, Brislol; and Mr. Hazard, Bath. Sold alfo in London, by Mr. Riley, No. 55, Ludgate- Street, and by Mr. Clarke, High- Street, Southwark. For CHILBLAINS, RHEUMATISMS, t3c. DR. STEERS's OPODELDOC. CAUTION. THE innumerable Counterfeits and Imita- tions of this Medicine" render it abfolutely necef- fary to gn., rd the Public aga. nfV the Impofitions that are daily pradfifed. Various Druggifts, and other defigning Perfons ( fome taking the Advantage of being of the Name of" STEERS, and others venturing to ufe both Mr. NIWF. ERY'S and Mr. STeERS'S Name
in their Bills) have difleminated, throughout the Town & Country, many fpurious Sorts of Opodeldoc, infinitely inferior in Quality to the real Prepaiation. All Purchafers, therefore, who would wifli to avail themfelvesof the Virtues of Dr. Steers's Genuine Opo- deldoc, are requelled to obferve very particularly, and as the only Means to prevent their being deceived, that th-' Name of F. Nt- wbery is engraved on the Stamps which are palled round the Directions on the Outfide of each Bottle; and ai this Dirtintlioti has been made by Order of the Commilfioners of the Stamp- Office, no Perfon can imitate it without being guilty ot Felony.
The Efficacy of this Medicine is fo univerfally acknow- ledged in Chilblains, Rheumatifms, Bruifes, Sprains, and other external Complaints, that any particular Spe- cification of it's Virtues is unneceffary. Sold in London, only at Mr. Newbery's ( the only Warehoufe for Dr. James's powder,) No. 45, in St. Paul's Church- Yard ; & at Mr. Steers's Medicine Waie- houfe, Old Bond- street, in Bottles, Price zs. each, Duty included ; fold alfo by the Printers of this Paper; Melfrs. Marlhall, and J. Edge, Northampton ; and by the Ven- ders of Mr. Newbery's Medicines in other Country- Towns. Lady M SH to Dr. BRODUM. ExtraB of a Letter fitm
Ladr M- - Jh, late of Port- land- Place, to Dr'. BRODUM, No. y, Albion- Street, Blackfriars- Bridge, London. SIR, MARLBOROUGH, Jan. 17, 1794. Y Situation was nearly as follows: From M HEALTH and LONGEVITY. Dr. JAMES's Analeptic Pills. TO preferve Health, & of C'ourfe to prolong Life, nothing is fo necelTary as an Attention to tliofc flight Indifpolitions to which all Men are fubjedt, arid which by being confidered as trifling are too often difrccarded, till by Negleft they take deep Root in the ( onfiitution, and become of fenous and fomstimes fatal Confluence. Thefe Complaints, whether the Caufeof them be a Cold, Excsfs of
Eating or Drinking, Fatigue of Boc'v or Mind, a too aftive or too fedtntary Life, a gouty or bilious Difpofition, & c. Sec. are generally d. fcovered hi fome Obltrudtions in the minute Vetfels, or by fome I3efe£ t in the natural Secretions.— As a Remedy for thete Pvils. the celebrated INVENTOR OF THE FEVER POW- Vek compofcd his AN ALEPTIC PILLS, & lie exhibited in* iiimfelf a memorable Inftance of their Efficacy; lor by the content Ufe of them, though a tree Liver, he at- tained to the Age of feventy- five. The ' Pendency of thefe Pills is to open the Pores by Night and the Body by Day. They remove Obftruc- tions, promote
Sleep, and they require neither Con- finement nor Attention to Diet. I Hey are alfo an ad- mirable Remedy for Rheumatic Diforders, for the Head- Ach, and for thofe Complaints to which the Female Sex * Thev fliould betaken on the firft Attack of a Cold, and noon all Occafions of Uneafinefs or lndifpofition, and ( 1 uiild never be omitted at Bed Time after any Excels. They are fold only by FRANCIS NIWBERY, at N° 4;, in1-'! Pa li's Church- Yard, London, in Boxes at 4s. fid. each," Duty included; or the Quantity ol fix in one large B° All° l> urchaVen' ( for Security) will observe that the « ;.„.. F NEwBERY, is engraved in the stamp Oil
each Rox by Order ol the Commiliioners, as no others can be "'" old alfo by T. Dicey and Co. W. Birdsall, W. Mar- shall, and J. Edge, at Northampton. _ being over- heated at a Ball, I got a difagreeable Ralh all over my Frame, efpecially in my Face, which deprived me of feeing Company. I always entertained great Elteem for the Skill of my Physicians, being both Men of Eminence. My Diforder, however, inftead of diminifhing, increafed upon me, and, perhaps through the conftant Agitation of Mind, threw me into Fits. By the extra Advice of the late Dr. Hunter, 1 under- took a Voyage to Bengal, to my Brother, Major M'G r, but to
no Purpose, for the Fits ceased, and brought on another Complaint. The Humour fell in my Legs and tormented me with large Sores,— I came back to'England, and went to Weymouth, where 1 found but little Relief. I was then foliated by our Friend Dr. Johnson to try Bath; when Dr. H. candidly told me his Endeavours were fruitless- ln- theCourfe of my being in the two laft Places, I was frequently told of many aftonifhing Cures performed by Dr. BRODUM's BOTANICAL SYRUP, but 1 always looked upon it as erroneous. My Friends per- fuaded me, fince the Faculty had pronounced me in- curable, there could be no Danger in
trying your Medi- cines. 1 confulted my Phyficians on the Occafion, and they undertook to analyze the Syrup, which they did, and declared they could not difcover any Thing dif- cordant in their chemical Operation to my Complaint. I fent accordingly to Mr. Bacon, of Oxford- Street, tot your Medicines, and am, after a fhort Course of Appli- cation, as well as ever 1 was in my Life. I am now on a Tour to Ireland, for my Friends to partake in my Happinefs of being reftored to Health again : O11 my Return 1 will do myself the Pleasure of waiting on you at your House. ( tj- The Original may be seen at the Do£ tor's Houfe as above. This
admirable Medicine, which is to be had at Wm. Brodum's, M. D. No. 9, Albion- Street, near the Le- verian Museum, Blackfriars- Bridge, London, is fold by the Printers of this Paper ; and by the following Perfons, as Venders of Patent Medicines, within the Circuit of this Paper, viz. Smith, Bedford ; Jenkinson, Hunting- don ; Tookey, Oundle; Scale, Thrapflon ; CoIIis and Da( h, Kettering; Jackson, Peterborough; Newcomb and Peat, Stamford ; and may be had of the Newfmen, with proper Directions, in Bottles, Price5s. sd. ns. 6d. and xl. zs. Duty included ; and of his Agents in the principal Market Towns in the Three Kingdoms.
Likewise may be had as above, the Nervous and Re- storative Cordial, for the Nervous and Confumptive, and efpecially Deafness, Price zl. zs. il. us. 6d. and ; s. sd. It will be necessary the Doflor fhould fee fncli Patients as are afflifted with Deafness, or Lofs of Sight. N. B. Letters or Parcels direited to the Doftor are ex- pefted Port or Carriage free. Advice as ufual. Where alfo may be had, Dr. Hunter's Powder, for Wens or Swelled Necks, of the Glandular Parts, Pre- pared only by Dr. lirodum, and Sold at his houfe in Packets us. 6d. and il. zs. P O li'I LO C K's NEW VOYAGES and TRAVELS To Botany- Bay, Port Jackson, New
South Wales, Norfolk Island, the Pelew Islands, ^ f. A Real Original, Authentic, Elegant, & Superb Work. Dedicated by Permission to the King. To be completed in 90 Weekly Numbers, making one Large, Grand, and Beautiful Volume in Folio. Printed on an Elegant New Type cast on Purpose for the Work, and on a fine Paper, every Number of which will be enriched and embellished with one or more Grand and Mallerly Copper- Plates, consisting'of Whole Sheet Maps, Plans, Charts, Views, Antiquities, Birds, Beafts, Fishes, Reptiles, Vegetables, Men, Wo- men, Manners, Ceremonies, & c. & c. all executed by the first Artists in
the Kingdom. On Saturday Feb. 22, I7Q4. was publiJhetJ, ( Price only SIX- PENCE) [ Elegantly Printed with New Types, on Superfine Paper, fupplied by Magnay, Pickering, and Hughes, and Embeliiflied with a mo ft beautiful Frontifpiece, defigned by Hamilton, and engraved by Scott. Alfo, A I^ arge Whole Sheet Chart of the World, engraved by Conder, in which are laid down the Trafts of ail the moft eminent Navigators and Travellers] NUMBER I. ( to be continued Weekly till completed) Of A NEW, COMPLETE, and UNIVERSAL COLLECTION of Authentic and Entertaining VOYAGE S and TRAVELS To all the various Parts of
the World. Containing ( among many other Voyages and Travels undertaken for Discovery, Conquest Settlement, or the opening of Trade) the following Important Journals, viz. New Hiftorica! Journals of the mnft valuable and im- portant Voyages of Captains Phillip, King, Ball, White, & Hunter, in the Ships, Sirius, Supply Tender, Juliana Transport, & c. to Botany- Bay, Port Jackson, New South Wales, Norfolk lsland, Sec. in the Southern Ocean, giving a circumflantial, ufeful, and entertain- ing Account of their Difcoveries there, and of the prefent Tranfaflions at thofe Parts of the World, where Colonies and Settlements have been
formed by the English Government for ( lie Punishment of Convicts condemned to Transportation. . Captain Wilson's Voyages from Macoa to the Pelew Iflands, in the Western Part of the Pacific Ocean, where they where shipwrecked in the Antelope, a Packet be- longing to the East- India Company. Portlock and Dixon's Voyages to the North West Coast of America and Round the World, in the King George and Queen Charlotte— the Refult of which are New Discoveries of the utmoft Importance to the English Nation. Captains Meares, Tipping, and Douglas's Voyages, in the Ships Nootka, Sea Otter, Felice, and Iphigenia, from
Bengal and China to the North West Coast ot America — for the further Improvement of Navigation, and to extend the Commerce of the British Empire. Brisson and Saugnier's Voyages to the Coast of Africa containing an interesting Account of their Shipwreck on Board various Velfels, and of their Slavery ; with an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Arabs of the Defert, and of the Slave Trade, as carried on at Senegal and Galam. Tianflated from the French. Rochon's Voyages to Madagafcar and the Eaft Indies, including - among a great Fund of general Information, authentic M-- moirso( the Chinese Trade and
Merchan- dize. Translated from the Abbe Rochon, Member of the Academy of Sciences of Paris and Petersburgh, Astronomer of the Marine, Keeper erf the Philosophical Cabinet, Sec. Sec. The Journal of Lieutenant Bligh's Voyage, in his Majefty's Ship Bounty, for the Purpose of conveying the Bread Fruit Tree from the South Sea Islands to the Weft Indies, including a Narrative of the Mutiny on Board the Bounty— and of Lieutenant Bligh's fuhfe- quent Voyage with Part of the Crew in the Ship's Boat, from Tosoa, one of the Friendly Islands, to Timor, a Dutch Settlement in the Ealt Indies. Hamilton's Voyage Round the World in
the Pandora Frigate, in pursuit of the Mutineers, who piratically carried off the Bounty. bruce's mnft celebrated Travels into Abyssinia, to discover the Source of the River Nile, in Egypt. Hodge's Curious Travels, or Tours, in India, includ- ing entire New Defcriptions of the Manners, Cuftems, and Prefent State of the Coall of Coromandel, Madras, Bengal, Calcutta, Benares, Bidjegur, Ahlababad, Luck- now, Fyzabad, Oud, Dowlah, Agra, & c. Hi ( lory of Four Travels or Journeys into the Country of the Hottentots and Caffraria by Lieutenant Paterson, who having in the Courfe of his Travels visited many Parts in that Quarter, not
hitherto explored by Euro- peans, has by this Publication added many Fafls and New Difcoveries to the General Stock of Nautical, Historical, and Geographical Knowledge. New Travels through Arabia and other Countries in the East. Translated from the original of M. Neibuhr, Captain of Engineers in the Service of the King of Denmark. New Travels in the United States of America. Tr. inf- lated from the French of M. Brissot de Warville, who lately suffered unfortunately by the Guillotine in France. Likewife a circumftantial Recital of all the remark- able Voyages and Difcoveries performed by thofe great and experienced
Navigators, Sir Francis Drake, Lord Anfon, Cook, Byron, Carteret, Wallis, Furneaux, Mulgrave, Clerke, Banks, & c. Sec. Aifo, New Tours, and Travels through France, Auftrian Netherlands, Holland, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Poland, & c.& c together with a New Tour or Survey of the Ruffian Empire according to it's prefent Newly regulated State divided into different Governments.— Alfo the Subftance of all other Eminent Navigators and Travellers, fuch as Morse, Parkinson, Lutwich, Moore, Hanway, Howard, Drummond, Pocock, Shaw, Carver, Dalrymple, Burnet, Baretti, Thickness, Twiss, Bridone, Wraxhall, Johnson, Pennant,
Smollet, Forfter, Fur- neaux, Solander, Bouganville, Keate, Rofs, Anbury, Sec. Sec. Together with many other Voyages and Travels too numerous to mention in this Advertise- ment. The Whole defcribing, in the moft accurate Manner, ( upon an entire New Plan) every Place worthy of Notice in EUROPE, ASIA, AFRICA, & AMERICA. Being Compiled from the oiiginal Journals of the re- fpeflive Voyagers & Travellers.— And Newly written By WILLIAM HENRY PORTLOCK, Efq. Altiftedby many Officers & Gentlemen engaged in the Various Undertakings, of which this Woik will be compofed. Near twenty Years have elapfed, fince
any Col- lection of Voyages and Travels has been publilhed, and during that Space of Time fo many detached Voyages as well as Travels havs been prefented to the Public, that a Work upon the prefent i'lan ( including.-! complete Collection of all the Modern Voyages and Travels) is now abfolutely necessary and much wanted by Readers of every Class and Denomination. As the Public Curiofity is fomuch engaged refpefling the lateft Voyages to New South Wales, this Work will commence with a Complete History of the lateft Voyages to Botany- Bay, Port Jackfon, New South Wales, Norfolk Island. Sec. thofe Places which
have at- tracted Public Attention on Account of new Colonies and Settlements being formed for the Reception of Convifts condemned to Transportation. A Lift of theSubfcribers to this Work ( hall be printed, and delivered gratis in the laft Number. In Number I. will be given a promiffory Note of Hand from the Publirtier, to deliver the Overplus gratis, if it ( hould exceed the 90 Numbers propofcd. Particulars at Large of the Contents are given with Number I. which is a Specimen of the Work, and may be perufed gratis by any Perfons giving Orders to the Bookfellers or Newfcarriers, and the Money will be im- mediately returned if not
approved. To prevent Miftakes, be careful to Order PORT- LOCK's NEW Collection of VOYAGES aad TRAVELS, which commences with the laft New Voyages to Botany- Bay, Port Jackfon, New South Wales, Norfolk Ifland, the Pelew Islands, Sec. Sec. London: Printed tor Alex. Hogg, in patemoster- Row, and Sold by T. Dicey and Co. W. Birdsall, and T. Burnham, Northampton ; and all other Booksellers and Newfc irrieis in England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. This Day ivas publifhed, Price is. ( SoldbyBiRDSALL, Northampton-, Jacob, Peterborough; Merridew, Coventry ; and Terry, Warwick,) The Seventh Edition,
conliderably improved, ANEW GENERAL ENGLISH DIC- TIONARY; peculiarly calculated for the Ufe and Improvement of fuch as are unacquainted with the Learned Languages. In which the Words are explained in their different Meanings, and accented on their proper Syllables, to prevent a vicious Pronunciation. Including the feveral Counties, Cities, Boroughs, and Market- Towns in England and Wales ; giving a general Defcrip- tion of the Places, their Situations, Market- Days, Go- vernment, Manulaflures, Number of Reprefcntatives fent to Parliament, Diftance from London, & c. To which is prefixed, a Compendious Englifli
Grammar, with general Rules for the ready Formation of one Part of Speech from another. Together with a Supplement of the proper Names of the molt noted Kingdoms, Pro- vinces, Cities, Towns, Rivers, Sec. throughout the known World. As alfo of the moft celebrated Empe- rors, Kings, Queens, Priefts, Poets, Philofophers, Ge- nerals, & c. efpecially fuch as are mentioned either in the Old or New Teftament. By the Rev. THOMAS DYCHE. London : Printed for T. Longman, B. Law and Son, H. S. Woodfall, J. Johnfon, G. G. and J. Robinfon, F. and C. Rivington, W. Goldsmith, R. Baldwin, W. Lowndes, W. Lane, C. D. Piguenit,
Scatcherd and Whitaker, W. Bent, G. and T. Wilkie, J. Walker, Darton and Harvey, W. Miller, and E. Newbery. Of whom may be had, by the fame Author, Price is. A Guide to the Englifh Tongue, commonly called Dyche's Spelling - Book, the genuine and improved Edition of which is printed only for W. B © it, l'ater- nolter- Row, London. This Day ivaspublified, in 12mo. Price is. fe- ivcd, THE MIRACULOUS PROPHECIES, PREDICTIONS, and wonderful VISIONS ef fundry eminent Men, Sec. fioni the firft Dawn of Lite- rature, touching REVOLUTIONS that have happened, and REVOLUTIONS to come, in which is given a moft
ftriking and faithful PitSure of the prefent'Times, with what is to follow ; together with an Account of BABYLON'S FALL, or the Deftruflion of POI'ER Y, and in that glorious Event a general REFORMATION over all ihe WORLD.—£ xtrafled from the original Works ot Michael Noftradamus 1555 Christopher Love i6si John Lacy 1707 Richard Baxter Peter Jurieu Robert Nixon London : Printed 1( 187 170Z for G, Robert Fleming Anne Trapnell John Tillinghast Complete Magazine A , N D Lord Chesfterfield I7ct 165, I6J4 i; 6+ 175? - - . Sael, Newcastle- Street. in the Strand ; and fold by T. Dicey and Cn. W. Birdsall and T. Burnham,
Northampton: and by at! other Bookfellers. Where may be had, juft publifhed, in izmo. comprifing " 94 Pages, Price is. 5d. bound in Red, or is. plain, 1. A New Introduction to Reading, or a Colleflion of Eafy Leffons, adjufted on a new Plan, defined as an Introduction to the Speaker, by Dr. Enfield.— The third Edition, compiled by the Publifher. z. A Table fhcwinK the Beginning of everv Kine's Reign, from William the Conqueror to his prefent Ma- jefty, together with the Year of Chrift correfpindin? with thofe of the refpeftive Sovereigns Price 6d Alfo in the fiefs, and fptedity will be publifhed, in 8vo. Notes and Annotations on Locke
on the Human Un- derftanding, written by Order of the Queen, to be de- posited in the Cave in Kew- Gardens. By H. s MAJESTY'S ROYAL LETTERS PATENT, Granted unto JAMES RYMER, Surgeon, No. J6, GERRARD- STRF. ET, SOHO, London, INVENTOR AND PREPARER OF TUB Cardiac and Nervous Tincture, fj^ OR Diforders of the Head, Stomach, and Bowels, viz. Head- Ach, Confulion, and Giddi- nefs; Indigeftion and Lofs of Appetite, with Bilious Crudities and Retchings; Ytllownefs of the Eyes and Skin; Flatulence, Pain, Spafms,- Heart burn, and Hiccup ; Gripings, Cholic, and Cottiveness. F'or the Gout in the
Stomach and Head. For all fuch Affections of the Nervous System as are attended with Deprelfion of Spirits, Paralytic and Apo- pleftic Difpofitions, Proftration of Strength, Timidity, Tremors, Startings, Palpitations, and Faintings or Fits. For bracing and ilrengthening the Whole Syltem, in States of Relaxation and Debility. And as a powerful Antifeptio in Cafes of putrid Bile, and for counteracting InfeCtion, or preventing and curing putrid, malignant, and pestilental Fevers, prevailing in Prifons, crowded, filthy Places, Hofpitals, Ships, hot ai d unhealthy Climates, & c. This Medicine, as an immediate Reftorative and Cor- roborant, is a
mod trfeCtai Remedy in Female Obstruc- tions and ^ uppreffions, and in Cafes of Retention and Maturity; also in weakness, Morbid Discharges, and irregularity about the Turn of Years. Sold in. Bottles at zs. 9d. 5s. $ d. and 1 is. 6d. and in Stopper Flints, 3S. 6d. 7s. and 14s. at No. j6, Gerrard- Street, Soho: where Mr. Rytner may be confulterT on Tuefday, Wednefday, Thurfday and Friday, from Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon till Two in the After- noon. N. B. Messrs. Dicey and Beynon, No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, aie appointed, by Mr. Rymer, the Sole Wholesale Venders of the above Medicine 1 ( as well as of the Detergent
Pills for the Cure of diseased Liver, at- tended with Asthma and Dropsical Legs, for the Dif- charge of Gall Stones, deftruftion of Worms, Sec. See Trafl), of whom, and every Vender of their Medicines in all the principal Towns, and of the following Perfons in London, it may be had Retail, viz. Mr. Thomas Evans, Bookseller, No. 46, Paternoster. Row ; Armitage and Moore, Stationer » , No. 6j, Bishopsgate- Street Withn; Fred. Smith, Chemift, No. 29, Haymarket; and Tutt, Royal Exchange. Sold alfo by the Printers of this Paper, and may bj had ol the Newfmen. Vide the Sixth Edition of Mr. Rymer's TraCt upon thvfe Maladies, with
various Cafes and Certificates of Cures, Price One Shilling, ate eqjueft fiofe SM by the Printers of this Paper, & their i ANTI- BILIOUS PILLS. THESE Pills are well known in priv 1 raC ice of the Proprietor; a. icl, ar the Rem o fevera Perfons of Diliindlion and others, ( w), 0, Names the Proprietor has the Liberty to mention) who Public1' They are found to be an excellent Remedy for Indi- geftion, Crudities in the Stomach, Lofs 01 Appetite Cof uvenels, lick Head- Achs, Flatulencies in the Stomach and Bowels, arifing from Bilious Humours; thev are particularly recommended to all Perfons whofe Stonncb and Head are disordered
after hard Drinking w'vs Symptoms they feldom fail to remove. They are a good Aperitive, and a Cleanser of fallow Complexions from ObllruClions in the Liver, and otl er Caufts ; and will prove a valuable Addition to a Medi- cine Chelt in long Voyages, ;, s, by then- Irtquent t'fc, they Will prevent that Change of Habit which eenerallT occurs in hot climates. Their Operation depends ™ the State 01 the Stomach, and does £>, rtquaeTny Con- finement or particular Diet. y Prepared and Sold only by gEORgE DIXON, ( late of Woburn) now ol No. 4, Che, p(, de, London and h s Succeffor Mr. Green, ot WOburn, Bcdfordsh, re._ P, j- e
zs. 9d. a Box, Duty included, with printed Directions ' Messrs, DICEY aad Co. ge. NTLEMEN, SOME Years ago I had a very bad Surfeit, oc- cafioned by overheating myfelf in Running, which broke out in Blotches all over my Body, and continued on me for feveral Years, being advifed, ( after trying in Vain many other Prefeiiptions) to Take Dr. RAD- CLIFFE's PURGING ELIXIR. I was in a ( hort Time perfectly cured, without having any Return, un- lets in the Spring, which by having Recourfe again to the Llixir, fpeedilv vaniflied. That others in the fame Situation may know whereto apply for certain Relief, 1 fend you tliia
Infornmuon and am, GENLLEMEN, EDGWARE, Your very humble Servant, March z9, 1786. THOMAS COCKUP. Dr. Radcliffe's Famous Purging Elixir, Particularly Salutary in the Spring and Fall of the Year ALTHOUGH the Reputation of this invaluable Me- dicine has been many Years established, tile Public can- not be too frequently apprifed of it's multitudinous Virtues. It is a purgative of an agreeable Bitter, but no unpleafant Tafte. It requires no Confinement or Alteration of Diet. It cleanfes the Blood from a Humours contracted by hard Drinking, Surfeits, Cold.., Meafles, or the Small- Pox; and destroys Worms in Children or
grown Perfons. It gives immediate Eafe in the Cholic, and cures the Dropfy, Scurvy, and Erup- tions of every Sort. It is a'lfo found ferviceable in the Black and Yellow Jaundice, and all Diforders proceed- ing from the Impurity of the Blood. It is particularly ufeful in Female Complaints, helps Digeltion, and creates . an Appetite. No Perfon or Family, efpecially Voyagers, ought to be unprovided with it. To prevent the Impofitions of thofe who counterfeit this Medicine, the Public are requefted to be particularly careful in examining the ( tamped Label fixed to each Phial, on which by Favour of the Commiffioners of the Stamp- Office, the
Words DICEY and Co. No. 10, BOW CHURCH- YARD, LONDON, are printed, to imitate which is a capital Offence. N. B. Great Allowance to fuch as fell again, or export. Also sold Wholesale and Retail by the Printers of this Paper, and Retail by the following Perfons, viz. Luck- man, Rollason, Hiorn, and Piercy, Coventry ; Carlefs, Cope, Pearfon and Co. and Piercy and Co. Birmingham ; Odell, and Pyne, Leighton ; Butcher, Tring ; Tregoe, Amersham ; Bate, Berkhampftead; Edwards, Chefham ; Cuthbertlon and Barnes, Newport- Pagnnll; Quene- borough, Dunstable; Brown, Ampthill ; Cooper, Nuneaton-; Ifonand Smith,
Baldock ; Bull and Harrod, Market- Harborough; Gregory, & ledbroke, Leicester; Towers, Mitchell, and Adams, Loughborough ; Prid more, Melton- Mowbray ; Burbage, Burton, . Wilfon, Tupman, and Broadhurst, Nottingham; Wilcox, Towcefter; Seeley, Buckingham ; Jackfon and Swift, Oxford ; Steevens, Bicester ; Hawkes, Lutterworth ; Palmer, Bedford ; Shenfton, Stony- Stratford; Potter and Rickford, Aylefbury; Ward, Hinckley; Deveral, Window; Friday, and Palling and Co. Thame Wilson, Wellingborough; Eaton, Thrapston ; Hor den,' Tayler, and Jacob, Peterborough ; Tho. Beesley, Druggist, Banbury; King and Wagstaff,
Chipping- Norton; Leak and Co. High Wycombe; Kett and Munn, Kettering; White, Corby; Harrod and How- grave, Stamford; Cook, Uppingham; Gibson, Oak ham ; Churchill, Deddington ; Cullingworth, Daventry ; Makepeace, Southam ; Sharpe & Saunders, Warwick; Luccock, Kimbolton ; Clay, Allen, and Thomas, St. Ives; Abbot and Sharp, St. Neots ; Jenkinson, Hun- tingdon; Steevens, and Meeres, Hitchin; Hovel], Cambridge; Leigh, Atherstone : and by ( at leaf!) one reputable Shopkeeper in every Town in Great- Britain. As above may alfo be had, L YiNG- iN. Mr. and Mrs. WHITE's Address to the Com- munity, respecting
concealed Pregnancy. LEGITIMATE Pregnancy, though coun- tenanced With tlie- Approbation at Parents, Re- lations, and Friends; though the utmost Assistance be contribuied to alleviate the numerous Complaints pecu- liar to that state, and though certain ot aii agreeable Provilion for the Infant, when born, is yet a Conditio a Humanity commiserates. Such being the Cafe under the moft favourable Cir- cumllances, what mull that be of concealed Pregnancy, where Prudence on the one Hand compulfivcly dictates the Acknowledgment of a previous Marriage, and Fear of the implacable Refentment of attended Parents on the
other moft powerfully forbids it r Certainly this State of Suspence, Distraction, and Despair of Mind, mult ex- cite Companion in the Breast ol every humane Christian. This js confeSedly a miferable Situation; yet how much more lamentable and distressed muit th. uniuppy Condition of illegitimate Pregnancy be, when fubjett t » the it reconciles t> fe Disposition of too rigid Parents or Guardians, and the consequent . nmme attending fm. h < 1 miferable Misfortune ? { Jo Friend to place a Confi- dence in to procuie the Itall neceffary Affiftance ; on Reneatfor Peace of Mind, hut Uriel and Delpair tli- only Profped in View, urging to the
fatal Conlequen « s of an irretrievableraih Refolution. Upon cool, deliberate Reflection, what a Subject of forrowful Contemplation mult this untimely I'eiiod of an unfortunate Woman be, who might haveexUUd and repented of pa/ 1 Misconduct, betn a Comfort to her Kindred, and a useful Monitor to lusr Six, had more Lenity been observed, and her Character secured in ' i'i. ne from the malicious Reproaches of bafc'Cenfure I Wh. it can be more barbarous than to triumph over loft He-.,: and Reputation, which to delicate Sentiments, Stii- conviction alone is •> ( ufficien: Reproof, infticlinr, a Punifhment infupportably levtre. RtdiO, tli.-
ietort, but a Moment upon our Iniperiedtiun ; welha'. l thea not only be aftvimed of liaving exulted over the Dil- trefled, but truly condo icthe Misiortnnts refulting lroj » the Frailty of human Natyrc'. Humanity and Christianity commiserate the Frailty of our degenerate Nature; upon this lolid Foundation, re- gardltl's of illiberal Inveclives p- c. uliar to ti. e narrow Notions of prefumptive perfedt Beings, my Endeavours continue invincibly fixed to ptefervc not onlv'Reputa- tion, but the little Babes from foUing a Sacraiice to die uncharitable Cenfure and DerifionJx ignorant, hafc, <! e- fahiatory Perfons, and to prevent the too fatal Fliijls of
Dei'pair, under fo many unavoidably melancholy Hours of Refieflion, by accommodating Ladles with feparaw Lying- in Apartments agreeable to their refptdlive Cir- cumltances. Thofe regarilkfs of Reputation, will not uoen any Terms, be treated with. Apply to Mr. White, Surgeon and Man- Midwife j or Mrs. White, Midwife, No z, Lundon- Houfe- Vard. North- Side ol St. Paul's Church- Yard. Where may be had the Restorative Salo Pills, at il. per Box; an eft'edfual Remedy to remove all Obtiruc tions or Irregularities Alio the Addrefs more at laiee, well worth the Attention of pregnant Ladies 111 every Situation ol life, Price is. Letters
Port- paid attended to. The Confolation refulting trom this Undertaking to many of ths most reputable and respectable Families in this Kingdom, by securing Peace ar. d Concord amoiiR Relations and Friends, is sufficiently conspicuous to he countenanced by the humane sensible Part of M mkindi Care, Tenderness, Humanity. Honour, and Secrecy, having- been the Basis'of this Concern for many Years, may be relied upon. The Address to the Community, and the Salo Pills, may he had of the Printers of th, s Paper. An eligible Country- House within a few Miles of London, where Ladies may be accommodated wi: h Apartments
adequate to their'lliitindfion. Dr. Bateman'soriginal s. Pedtoral Drops 1 Dr. Hooper's Female Pills - - 1 Dr. Bostock's Purging Elixir - - i Squire's Grand Elixir 1 Dr. Godfrey's General Cordial - o Dr. Stoughton's Sto- machic Elixir - 1 Liquid Shell, for the Stone Se Gravel 1 Ladies Court Plaster o and - - 1 Beaume. de Vie - 3 Dr. Story's Worm- Cakes - - 1 Dr, Anderson's, or the True Scots Pills 1 Dr. Radclift'e'sFamouss. d. Purging Elixir 1 Daffy's Elixir - 1 and - - 1 White's Fever Tinc- ture - 2 Fraunces's Strength- ening Eiixir - i Dr. Bateman's Golden and Plain Spirits of Scurvy- Grass 1 Pike'sOintment for the Itch, and Cutaneous
Eruptions - 1 Fryar's Balsam - 1 Bathing Spirits - o Betton's True and Ge- nuine British Oil 1 Ditto Refined - 1 Cephalic Snuff, - o i § 7 § The Universal Purifying, Anti- venereal, and Anti- scorbutic Quintessence of Vegetables, called GUTTA SALUTARIS. ANOTHER Proof of it's valuable Effects over every other advertifed Medicine in the known World. . To Dr. FREEMAN Physician, No. 71, Hatton- Garden, SIK, London, Having received a most singular Cure, without an/ Restraint of Diet, or Hindrance of Business, after being a Patient in St. Thomas's hospital to no effect, in- duces me, for ths Good of my Fellow- Creatures, to
make Oath before the Right Hon. the Lord Maw of the City of London, that by your Advice and Medicine called Gutta Salutaris, or Royal Anti- Venereal Diuretic Drops, without Mercury, 1 am perfedtly cured of a moft inveterate Lues Venerea ; it was even fixed in my Toes fo very bad, that I had nearly the firft Joint of my Great Toe rotted offfrom my right Foot'; hat, by peife- vering in your moft valuable Medicine, the unparalleled Efficacy of which made a found and perfedt Cuie. That all who ftand in Need of yourfuperior Skill in fuch Complaints may know youf gre ir Abilities, I reqneft this extraordinary Cure may be publifhed, and
remain, Sir, Your humble Servant, HENRY OSBALDISToN", Spring- Gardens, Charing- Crofs. London-: Sworn at the Mansion- Houfe, before me, B. KENNETT, Mayor. JOHN HARE, 7 ~ " JAMES GOMM, Remark. This Medicine is earnestly recommended to all who think themselves not thoroughly cleansed be- fore they enter into a Marriage State. An Allowance in taking a Dozen Bottles. It is Prepared and Sold by' the King's Royal Au- thority, in Bottles of il. is. 11s. fid. 5s. jd. and zs. cjd. each, ( Duty included), at the Proprietor's, Dr. Free- man's, No. 7Z, Hatton- Garden; Se at Messrs. Marshall's, Druggists, Northampton.
NORTHAMPTON: PRINTED BY T. DICEy and Co. Of whom may be had all'Kinds of BLANK PRECEDENTS, S. C.— And by whom LETTER- PRESS and COPPER- PLATE PRINTING is executcc* with Accuracy and Expedition.