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The Northampton Mercury

Date of Article: 22/02/1794
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and Co 
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: LXX!V    Issue Number: 50
No Pages: 4
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50.] Vol. iXXIV. Ready Money with Advertisements.~\ February 22, 1 794- [ Price our- pence. and I fie of ELI' r ^ Sunday HOUSE of LORDS, FRIDAY LORD MOiRA'S EXPEDITION. • HE earl of Moira role to take notice of fonie observations that had been thrown out by an Hon. Gentleman ( Maj. Maitland) in another House, on the Expedition which he had the honour lo command. His Lordship ex plained, at fomc length, the general outlines of- tile expedition, the views of his Majesty's Miniiters, and the communications which had tal. cn place with the royalists on the subject. He had been fent for, he said, by his Majesty's Ministers on the i?< h ot O to her. and informed by them oi the succours with which i; was intended the Royalists should be furnished. lie oid nor hesitate to undertake the Expedition proposed nor that responsibility which he considered as attached to it. The Royalists had demanded a certain force to co- operate with them, and his Majesty's Ministers had appointed a much greater force than they had re quested: It only remained, that a point of junction should be fixed; and before that could be effected, some signals were agreed upon, and foilte frigates sent to repeat thole signals ; but they were not anwered by tile royalists.— On the loth' of November, fomc persons were lent to concert measures with them. The Royalists had required Artillery and Artillery- men, as they had scarce any one - who understood the use of cannon, His Lordship had represented to his Majesty': Ministers, who had entrusted him with a discretionary power 011 this Expedition- the necessity of bringing' some persons from Flanders. tile management of Artillery ; and as he hoped to have loaned an immediate junction with the Royalifts, lie had appointed two French Officers, of great merit, Ms Aides- du- Camp, and another as his Secretary; antl under all circumstanccs, he thought himself justified in malting those appointments. His Lordship laid, if it should be thought that he had done wrong, lie was willing that the whole expellee attending that measure should be deducted out of the appointments which were attached to the command v, it'i which he had been honoured. He could not make known the names of these officers, becaufe they hall children and friends in France, to whom such ' a. pub- licity might be fatal. But, laid his Lordlhip, what- ever difference of opinion men may entertain of tin French Revolution, god knows they have suffered enough : it is now a Common Cause, and it is also the Cause of Humanity He concluded by laying, that lie ti. ok the whole responsibility upon himself, bc- Canfc his Majesty's Ministers had fully approved of the appoint- ments he had recommended to them. After a few words from Lord Lauderdale, in justifi- cation of1 he notice that had been taken in the lioufie of Commons of theft' appointments, Lord Grenville laid, mat his Majclty's Minillers, after having fo fully approved of what the Earl of Moira had done, would share the responsibility with him, Monday, Februaiy 17. MOTION FOR. PEACE. The Marquis of Lansdowne let out with fa\ ing. th.- it lie had long regarded tne wirand all it's circuinltancre, all it's pioljiecl?, and all it's elf'etH, in tlie molt open wide, and impartial' manner•; and lie did not helitate to pronounce it unjult, impolitic, and fatal. What- ever wa » the ne xll'ity urged in the onfet, nothing but danger occurred i: i the purfuir. lie then made fomc ubieiratioii.-' upon thefirlt campaign of the Allies » . ell on that of lait year, born which he condemned a* irrational; and the attempt to ptoeeed in a third campaign as liope'lcfs. The mode of carrying 011 tilt v...:, he laid, was contrary to tlie opinion of every Ge: » .':. d and every Author who had conlideretl the lubject. Seven years, ft} id the Noble Marquis, would foon elapfe, in which, according to the relations in hillory, and tile experience of other nations, we Ihould find tfrelh legions haltening to the combat. At the clofe of every leven years, upon a fair and eiiabliihed calcu. lation, a new generation i'liccecded, able to bear arms a. id dictate laws'. What then was to be expedted, but tii. it the war might be earricd- on till theclllkfrcn, who at the commencement of the war . were initiated in the leniiments of their fathers, Ihould follow their ex- iuu) rtc, and move with gieater, as with accelerated ioice ? VVjvcnhe predicted what might happen from what had been; when he lelected, compared, rcal'or- ed, and deduced; he could declare tlj. it, in his opinion, the French prevailing fyftem was a fyltem of action and re- action, of production and re- produtlion; though per- petually Jfiy inf off" iiv particles, yet never exhaulted; though comihually diiiiinilliing, continually renewed. tie then jiroceeUcd to t tic ex... 11 illation of the Trea- ties 011 the table— Treaties, which I'urprized him, as they were devoid of'any fixed principle, and deftitutc of air. beneficial compact.--- In this review he ad- verted to Rullia, that Colossus of europe, a power i'o enormoUsly gigantic, and of such terrific aspect as to be viewed with awe and- guarded against with tltc utmost dread. Referring. to Spain, he conceived the treaty. opposite to every arrangement of any former period. He re- viewed the treaty of 1GS6, and the treaty of Worms, wnich all Statesmen hud concurred in calling the fnn- d'. miental establishment of Europe. When he com- pared the conduct of Aduiinilfration with that of thole- jllalti ious paribus who ligned. the treaty at Worm he lamented tu. tt they were neither directed bythc fame motives nor guided to the lainc- ellcft. llecDnimended the noble and. grand individual charafler of the Spa- iiiardsebutexprefl'ed' hiidil'approbation of the Spanith < io. crnment, . is founded upon tile principles of a dark and injUvtious policy anit a jealous and ambitious enter; ' r e. I ne NoMt Mar^-. tis next commented on- the treo. ty lyjth Sardinia ; and animadverted 011 the commanding tone we ha. i ilfurn.- d towards the Grand Duke of Ttif- can- ami tkai.'. tfenoal' 4' Republic, to provoke them to te. ioitKee their neutrality, lie maintained, that this imperious , xitcl authoritaiive manner was improper, - end might hereafter be injurious, toour intei'elt. lei us, however, let us remember, laid he, who tlx? Grand Duke is, how auguft his perltfh, how nobly related, and what hereafter may be his lituation. J » roi her to tlie Euiperor, and by the fuddeft and Ipeedy le . olutions that have lately happened in that family, which i: » ay happen again, perhaps, heir to the Itooetial Throne : the time may looli arrive when lie- may feek the opportunity of revenging, and have tile means to do fo. His l. ordlhip proeeetfed to make tome brief obfi- r. va-. ions upon tiie fame dictatorial language we had ul'ei toVa ' ' M -• and Tuesday's Posts. FEB. 14. nllenfive and defenfive war, - the f ryer pointed out the ..'.. oil c:, ei: ti: il dillerSt ids Switzerland, Denmark, and Sweden. The lu. u: I'etlus whim paired between Lord Fitzgerald and the Cahfonot" j; rnehe re 1 ted, ami declared that fuch Ireitiiietlt towards a (. ovei iinie- nr lb wile, fo virtuous, and 1b v. ell rcgiih .• I as that of Berne, was del'erving of the lhai pelt 1 ctxjke. lie pronounced a panegyric 011 that Government, and declared, that if all the world were inundated with forty, W. il'dom would feel, refuge in Berne; would tlieie :* . her temple, andltill luve adorations offered at it:- r tiii'iue fromtue puieand linipU, but enlightened Sv.' ifi. lioiu Berne his Lordltiiji turned to Denmark; and in this,..... in ad the former mllanccs, bellowed his blame iiporSMiiiit^ ry, and his panegyric upon'thc'ineafurcs a loplc'. i 1: 1 lavour of France, by Denmark aifil other V> i/ i/ r^ States. 5 As to America, he went over the fourccs of probable " difciintciits which the iuHuenee of Walhington, to wrtom he paid high eoj'. iplinicntsi had hitherto kept from breaking forth. — He touched upon our fttppoled employment of the Atgerines, and deprecated the eilVets 0fourfxff f. i t. imperint, with the Indians. The next quultion was, W hat was the propofed ob- ject of the war I And the replv which the Noble Mar- quis chofc to frame, was, • 1' he rettitution of the old government qf France.' And on this reply he endea- voured to lliovv tile inconfuUncy of the Allies, l'ouie of whom were for te- eltabljthing deipotilin, and others jidvcrteu to the Conjtitutiou ot l/ cy. ife alluded to the old fubje- Ct of the puke of Bruuiwick's manifelto, which he teifncd a fupreme inal's of abfurdity." Nor iv ei c tliofe of Prince Cobaurg treated with ; nttch mure- fayqur. 1- le ilevt advc'rtfd to the various conditions under Wiiiell valenciennes, Dunkirk and Toulon had been fum'moned or futrendert- d.— As to tlie" i » tser he re- maaked. tHat we had boe- n compelled to quit our the very nature yj the t of GOD had rcncei-—— The . Hies invading a fr-. e country Were driven from the frontiers vvitn lo:' s; and fo he n- a. de 110doubt it would be, if the Frencii ihould invade Geriuany— nay i; had attuallybe'e:. the cafe— for after they had croiicd tlic' Rhine they felt their - vigour d? J RII" tVom them, they were uneafy and difpi: i.-.- d imtil they had ro- palled that rivi , and regained the country they were called upon to defend. But he had been a( ked, if we inclined to Peace, upon what terms " could we treat for it '--- His anl v. er was liberal ter ' is alone ought to b- oil ' red, and fuch would certainly be . K cepted. There never, he laid, exilted a time,' when l'e JCI- might, not have been ob- tained— - lc" us but itretch forth our hand with nii iily and firm terms of amity, and not a hand among the whole people of France,' but would advtincc a lull,' nay, more than the half way to gralj) them. So tho- roughly was he convinced 6t this difpoiition, tiiat - firmly " believed there wci- e'no crimes, ( and 110 bou; fought lefs to pdlliate them than he did' that Were not forced upon lb>' m bythc Allied State- sorb; t- he Princes. As an example* for our conduft he quoted from Hume, the imtanceot the interference of. Louis VIII. of France between Henry UI. and the Barons of Li. g- ftnd: That we had now the moft vindi£ tive language, breathing nothing but threat and defiance in their Se- nate, was the natural cotifequcrice of linulur' violence in our own. We alfirtued them to be under the in- fluence of Anarchy ; they Hated Us to be Caves of. Tyranny. There is no medium, according to the opinion of the greateft Politicians, between State.-, they arc either cordial friends, or bitter enemies ; but the It rife is fpeedily compol'ed, when the dilpolition . to conciliate i.; onceiliiinilelted. As to the remunera- tion we were to expect, could any paitry JJtile ijland ' compenfato for the lmmenfe expenditure of the Allies > Such a lativl lotion was'tieyet lo be'looked for.-— Our only' true policy was to keep the dopr open to media- tion in fdttu c ; ' and that we might do lb, if propoliiidns for Peace could not now be tendered, lie ihould. how- ever move, that his Majelty would be pleated at lqalt tetnents of our objedis to be. matle. rangement, Itj'Ie, and delivery, which occupied about two hours and a half, his Lordlhip concluded by fub- . mittinga motion to the Houi'e, wl. ichvvasoftoogre. it • a length for us to attempt to give in detail. It com- prized an Addrefs to the King, Rating the" fatal crtn- feqtienceB of the War, anil rcquelting that his Majelty would regard it's pwfpefts, cireumltances, am! ehetts; and eltabhlh Peace asiocii as heconveniently could to his own honour, and the fafety and advamage of Great Britain, by giving fecurity to our commerce, aiid national profperity. Lord fitzwilliam oppofed tjie motion,- upon the ground that the clifpohtion of fiance was lioltile to the Constitution of this country. The object of the prel'etit motion, laid lie, is to addrel's his Majcfty to forfake his Allies. Where is the member that will concur in this dishonourable meafure The prtfent motion could only have 4 inifchievous tendency, by creating a fufpicioii that we we're not unanimous in the prolccutiuiiof the war ;— a war ill whicll our Religion, and to fay all in one word, our ( ionttitittion, was at ( take ; for it had been expressly dec'lafedi that our in- famous Constitution, ' as the Go'nveittiomfts were | ileafed to term it) mult be dettroyed. But it wy not their abule alone ; but their adio'nn, if j> o41iole, were beyond their abufive epithets, rt Wa* refolvcd tliat Savoy Ihould be invaded, audwhat'Svas the leafonaf- ligned r Becaule Savoy was in a defcncrlel'a iituation. VViiat feeurrty could we obtain, by treating with men Of fuch a defcription ? They declare, that they will refpedt neutral . nations. What was their conduct to Genoa? As foon as they got in, They elt.' blilbed a Ja- cobin Club, and lent to Paris to iqfonu them tharthe people would foon prevail over tile government: it was the fame thing in Flanders, where they had dta- blifhed their primary allemblic, s. In America all'd,' tiieir minHterhad behaveil with the gieateft audacity. Ill a word, they had, by the general tenor of their conduit, manil'elted a rulllcfs delpofition, Which would reiidei'any treaty,' under the preleht circum- ltances,. The Dure of Grafton fully agreed with the motion introduced by the Hon. Marquis. Addrcll'cs,. bc kid, had come from evcry'part ot'tlie country ' during t< v » American war, to make peacg. The Americans Jiatf been Itigmaiizetl with eprthcts, limilarly opprobrious with thofe Which we now apply to France; but the re- l'ult of all was, that we had treated with America. There were two grand caul'es, of- our want of fnecefsj- 10111 etInnir dangerous had crept into the fyftem, or therejiad been inability in thole who had conducted our operations ;" thl- re wra- s either a radical defedt in the conllttution, or a wantof wrftloni in M4nifters ; he be- lieved thefe two evils were blended, apd mult evtntu- / protluce difaltrous confequences. Like. cauCe. s, lie. l'aid, prodticed like etii'tts ; and great - porrupttons, blended with inability, would necellarily terininate in; difaltef. Peace,- lie laid, was almolt univcrl'ally dc- fired in this country ; 1t was the' only remedy for tile- ravages of war. France, if Ihe had'been, left to her- felf, would never have endangered the peace of this country; and 1 thai 1 ever object, faiil the Noble Duke, thiscountryintei'fering in the internal regulations of another. He condemned our alliance with Amtt- iaaiul Rullia, and rec- omuiended ail alliance with Frallce as a barrier to tile Continental Powers. The prelent Avar c- tirement iii" which he htid been l'o long l'ecluite- d, . but, that he felt it a duty which he owed his King, his , Country, and'ifiml'elf, to prevent the continuance 01'| thofe nieal'tires' winch might endanger- the throne, in- jure the country, and dilturb his own tranquillity. Such were the rcal'ons which had lod him to Itep for- ward coolly and dilpallionately to do his duty. Lord Portchester laid, that tiie motion was the fame as that which a. Noble earl •. Stanhope had advanced fome time ago; but the Noble Lord had not proved h'ovV il was practicable or honourable ; honourable, in- dued, he had not called. it, for his advice Was to break with our allies. Tile prefent Constitution of France was an embryooflooli and difcordant maxims— it was a Conllitutioh ftran-' lcd in the birth, The leaders of the'Convention would not lHten to any ternii of peace, it was theirinterell to with- for continual War; Brilfor had declared, that it was the intereft of the Repub- licans to let. in tlamcs the , bur corners of Europe. lord Darnley oppoftd the motion. Lord Guildford lupported the motion, and laid he believed there was, as much good faith in the Conven- tion as had ever been inherent in the French Monarchy. The Duke of Leeds oppofed the motion, lie jaw 110 eafon why tliat opmion which had been lb very lately given, for carryhi ,' oil the war with vigour, lhould he lo fuddenly changed; and therefore conlidcrcd the motion as totally unnccelTary. Lord Grenville ooiwurreil^ in the opinion that this point could never be too much advanced to the public attention, as the mgre it was difculled, lie wa:, cou- inced still firmer wotild. be ' the conviction of the ne- ellity of continuing tile war with unremitting energy. Our Laws, our Liberty; our Religion, our Consitu- tion, depended upon the issue of tlie prefent conteit. lie ihotfld not endeavour to weaken, by argument, that firm conviction, which he was confident exilled ill their Lnrdljiips' minds, of the urgent . necellity of the prefent war. The French ehai'adter was eli'entially holtile to all t) ie Governments of Europe. The war had been entered into with the- full concurrence of Parliament— they had gone up to the Throne, requeu- ing his Majesty to pursue the most vigorous hostilities -— with " an addrels, promiling to coperate with his MajelJy in puifuin;; thewar^ with vigour'; and within three weeks, faid Lord grenville, fnall we change our opiutofi,. relax in our operations, and dilhoiiourably abaiu{ on our allies? Lord Grenville then proceeded, at length, ( to combat with great force the arguments of his opponents, in all animated fjHicch, which we have not 100m in Terr. At half after Two this morning the lloufe divided, For the motion, 12— Plox , 1 — 13 Againlt it, 86. — Proxies 17— 103-^— Majority, 90. LO N D O N, February 18. The Duke of York certainly resumes the command of the British troops, and will ere long return into Flanders for that purpose. General Mack is ? r> have the principal conduft of the ensuing campaign— IV greatest hopes of success are entertained, fronl tlie known abiKty of this great officer. General Mack is a native of Wurzhurg, and fon of a tradefman of that ;> lace. He began his military career as a con mon hdlTar in an Aulfrian n ument, but his uncommon talents for military drawing, his unwearied application to this art, and his extraordinary fk'U 111 laying down plans, loon rnifed him from obfeurity, and introduced him to the notice of Marilia! Lnudohn. This General employed him on different occaftons, and attaehed him to the ftaff of the army under the character of a Geographic Engineer. His diftingnifhed conduct at the affair of Lilfa ftill more ingratiated hjm with thatgreatCommander. Field Marshal Laudohn had made all his dif- . pofitions for crossing the Danube, and attacking that place. Mr. Mack,. w'- o had formed the plan of p- ffing the river, as well as that of the attack, went the night before to the Marfhal to receive his lafl orders; when that General informed him, that he had juft received intelligence of the Turks >. avjng been reinforccd at Liffa by a corps of 30,000 men,, and that of cpurfe he had given up his project of an attack, . as, after Ifeving palfed the river, in cafe of meeting with any dif- aiier, he fliould be at a lofs how. to effeft his re- treat. Mr". Mack did not credit the report of the reinforcement, but could not prevail on the. Marfhnl ' to exectite his ir. tf" : d march. Mr. Mack, left the General,' crofl 1 tiie Danube in a boat, accompanied by one fin. 1- hulan, ftolc into the place, gf> t certain information of the fup- 1' ofed reinforcement not having arrived, took r. Turkish, officer prisoner in the Suburb, repalfc- i the Danube, and at four o'clock in the mottiin., informed the Marshal of his expedition.^ On this report the Austrian army passed the river, and took I. iff. t, ' he whole garrifon of which place, confifting of 6000 men, were made prifoncrs of war. In the prefent v.- ar, Colonel Mack, still at- tached to the ftaff, has much contributed to the fuccelfes obtained at the beginning of the cam- paign, efpecially at the attack and capture of the Camp of Famars, for which he made all the ne- ceflary dispositions. In this affair he received a wound, the cure of which obliged him to repair to Bruffels. He expefled to be made Quarter Matter General of Prince Cobourg's. army, but that place - having fallen to the fhare of Prince Hohenlpc, hii wound afforded him a pretext to retire to Vienna. Called there to the conferences held with refpcct to the plan of operations for the enfuing campaign, he has caufed a fyiiem to be adopted totally different from that which has been purfned in the preceding campaign; This he has laid at. BrulTels before the commanding Generals of the cor, fedorate troops, and his vifit to this country was to communicate the fame to our government. We learn that every where it has met with the fulled approbation. The Marquis Cornwallis will immediately be inverted with the Commandership in Chief of all the forces in England. The cabinet were di- vided in opinion, whether this poll fhould be filled by his Lordlhip, or Lord AmherTi:; the calling voice only gave it in favour of the former. It is faid to be the intention of the Admiralty to order out immediately several small squadrons, consisting of a line of battle ship, uvo or three frigates, and two or three floops of war or'cut- ters each, for the purpofe of'cruizing off the French ports, to watch the motions of the enemy; P, y this means a fufHcient force will beat lea, ready to intercept any attempts of the enemy to fend a~ force to our cOast. ' The harbour of Cherbourg is the port from whence all the enemy's frigates and crttizers fail, which have at different times in felled the chan- nel. Their crui/. e is generally confined to four or five days at the farthest ; and before anv infor- mation can reach our coaft, the enemy's fhips are in port again'— This proves the neceflity of our hrfVing a small fleet of obfervation always cruizing in the channel; for otherwise our trading vessels are always cxpofed to danger. We believe that the Board of Admiralty means to adopt this fyftem in future. Madame du Barre considered herfelf in fo much security, that two days before her arreft, she declined the offer of joining a party then leav- ing France, and which since arrrived in perfect security in London.— This unfortunate Lady at the time of her arrest, had specie in her house to the amount of a million and half of livres, which was immediately feiv.:* d " ppon by the rapacious ' Sans Culottes. The fear of this property being confiscated, which it was impossible for her to bring away immediately, might have been one motive with that deluded lady for resisting the friendly solicitation of the gentleman who of- fered to conduct her to England. A gallant and desperate enterprize was fome time since effected by a number of English sailors, [. who had been taken prisoners by the French cruizers in the West- Indies; about 2 jo of them were confined at St. Marc, in the Bite of Leo- peace for the city of London, at Guildhall, Mary Hill, an oH bawdy- houfe keeper in a court in Bishopsgate- street, was indicted by the parish for keeping a house of ill fame, and making a practice of trepanning young girls from their pa rents, and fending them into the streets to pick up men. Three girls appeared, the eldeft of whom was not quite .' twelve years of age, who gave their evidence against her. The charge being clearly proved, the jury found her guilty and the court sentenced her to stand in the pillory in Bishopsgate- street for one hour, and to lie im- prisoned iii Newgate for two . years. From an American paper, of the' date of De- cember 16, the following advertisement is taken : —" Lost where it was dropped, last night, an empty, bag with a cheese in it.' The bag was marked T. D. but the letters were mm out. N. B. The person who lost it, never missed it until it was gone; so if any perfon. will bring i( to him, he shall be rewarded for his trouble." [/' or the remainder of this Poft,-— fee the laft Prigf.] Mrs. ALLEN, Of eCtON, five Miles from NORTHAMPTON, HAVING been entrusted with the Care H ol fome YOUNG ' GENTLEMEN fn 111 the Aee of betwixt Three and Four to Seven or Eight, who lave r. iw been removed to a Grammar School, ll-. e has_ a Vacancy, and would be happy to take the Charge ot Four; which Number the Mould never exceed, as the attends entirely to. their Instruction, Sec. herfelf Tenns are Twenty Pounds a Year, in which are included Washing, f- Mending the Young Gentlemen i. men. — Vacation only one Month, at Chrrttmas. EDUCATION. tHe Minister of a conftderable Town in j. the County'of Northampton, Induced by the re- peated Suggestions of many respectable Characters respecting On the Benefits aTif'mg from a liberal and limited 1' lan of Education, begs Leave to inform Parents and Guardians he is prepared Tor the Rcceptionof any Number of YOUNG GeNTLEMEN, not exceeding twelve, to instruct them in those branChes ot Literature requisite to qualify them for the Learned Prtjfellions, and the higher Situations of Life.—— conscious that Youths in general miy be taught more by Kindness gane, and exasperated by extreme ill treatment, they resolved to die or. gain their liberty ; taking a favourable opportunity, they overpowered their guards, and then made towards the harbour with intent to seize fome vessel which might con- vey them to jamaica; they were opposed by a laTge body of military and several hundreds of the inhabitants; a desperate conflict enfued ; our tars fought as men who had every thing dear to them at issue, and effected their object, having 16 killed and 19 wounded : the vessel which they cut out of the harbour, and which is arrived at Ja- maica, is valued at 40,0001. The difference between Sir Edward Pellew and Captain Faulkner, relative to the share of the Cleopatra, captured by the former, has been de- cided by arbitration in favour of Sir Edward. The arbitrators were two flag officers. Orders are issued for all non- commissioned of- ficers and soldiers of the Buckinghamshire militia to join their regiment at Winchester without the ieaft delay. Yesterday orders were iffued for a draft of fe- ven hundred and fifty men, from the brigade of foot- guards, for foreign fervicc. The men are immediately to. complete their riecefiitries for em- barkation, and to be- ready to. march, at a fhort notice. The King's stables at Lyndhurst are fitting up for barracks for part of lord Moira's troops, which will be removed thither the enfuing week. Yesterday, at the general quarter sessions of the , • . 1 BANBURY, February, 1794. NOTICE is hereby given, That the Part- nerfliip between Messrs. BARKER, ARNOLD, and' BARtLETT, of BANBURY, in the County of Oxford, Mtirns and OR AW. K S, ' under-. the 1- irni of C. W. Barker and Co. is this Day dissolved; and that the l'aid Trades w ill in future be earned en \> y the laid ARNOLD and BArTLETt . C. W. BARKER. H. ARNOLD. T. BARTLETT. Jo tit NOBILITY, GENTRY. « nd OthERS, CURIOUS' U GARDENING. WM. NORTH, NURSERY . and SEEDS MAN., near, the asylum, LAMBETH, Surry. his NEW pULCHER TARTA- RIAN PYRUS UNIQUE, which grows fingukrly U- rve'or ' Furt; this Plant, Irota it's peculiar Excellence,- isjultly ejuitlcdtoa Placein the lirft Pleafirre or Fruit Gardens, as it mult appear a great Ornament to eitJiur, beiOt vary, hardy, and will grow in any Soil or Situ- ation. Standard Fruit- bearing Trees, jos. 61. Dwarfs, 7s. 6d.— Lik'ewife his NEW RQyAL GOlD lAC'D SCARLET FLESH MELON, which tbv Beauty ex- cels all. others, . and for Ricbiiel-. of Havour it is per- fect Sweetmeat; this Melon. wiU grow. to lcven Pou. ids atj « l upwanls, it's Skin is very thin, and lias but little Polp— His VALANGO CuCUMBeR, wh'ich, when in. Perfection for the i'able', is pirtlculaiiy hainjfoirte, aud may be grown to the Length of 23 Inches and up- wards, is very lbiid and ir. hnitely superior in i- la .' our to any other Sort known, it's Skin i. of a fight Pea- green, and as thin as Writing- Paper; both ate. rem* fk- a'jlv good Rearers; the" Seed of each i ?.•>. fid. a Parcel: — l4is NEW DeeP CRIMSON FLOWERING VA- LERIAN, a molt elegant herbacious Plant, and his SPOTTED NEAPOLITAN - BRANCHED LARK- SPUR, oneof the greatelt beauties of an Annual ever seen ; both are very hardy ,' and Will flower in any Soil or Situation; the Seed of each is 2s. 6d. a Parcel :— Likewise may be had, the largeit Collection. in the World of the molt choice New Sorts of PINE- APPLE PLANTS and GRAPE- VINES, in Pots, tor the Hot- houfc and Grapery, which he has been cbllctting up- wards of eight Years from many Foreign Pahs j with all other Articles in the NUrSEry and SEED Line on the most reasonable Terms N. B. Mr. J0sEph Ford , thc public Price Le" ers ( Post- Paid) will hive the most punc- tual Attention given them. To the Debtors of Mr. William Etches, late of Northampton, Grocer and Wine • Merchant, a Bankrupt. 1 VERY few of the Debtors to the Estate of the faid Bankrupt having paid their Debts to his AssigneeS, in Consequence of the former Advertise- mts-, and many out- standing Debts to a considerable' Amount still renaming due to tjie Bankrupt s Estate. This is to inform the pie- lent Debtors of the said Bank- rupt, that unless they pay their respective Debts to his Assignees, Mr. Thomas Hall, Mr. John Drayton .-. id Mr. Christopher Smyth, of Northampton, for-..- " one of the, 11, on or before tin- wd Day of March ; ixt; they, the and remaining Debtors wiii be I'tteU for tin: Debts rufpectiyely due from them without further otice. Bv Order of the Assignees, SMYTH, BUTCHER, and SMYTH, February 7th, 1791 WANTED, QNE HUNDRED JOUR- N TYMEN SHoE- MAKBRs, wli0, UyamJIv-" « H|[ to John Flude. Shoe- male*, LmterwonhCmay ELLESMERE CANAL NAVIGATION. ' THE Proprietors of this Undertaking- are informed that, for their Accommodation . Messrs. BOULTBEE, MANSFIElD, and BQULTBEE, bankers, in Leicester; & Messrs. LLOYDS, banker, in Birmingham, hav'e been appointed to receive the Call of Two and a Half per . Cent. 0: 1 the Sublet'!]", tiims of fuch of the Proprietors who refide in thofe luwn •:, ,01' the adjacent Country.; and file Proprietors in gene- ral are requested to pay the said Call immediately lntt> the aheve Banks; or'- to Mell'rs. EYTON, REY- NOLDS, and WILKINSON, the Treasurers t.> this Concern, at Shrewsbury ;' or Messrs. ROBARTS and Co. Bankers, London. To be SO I. D, ACLOSE of good PASTURE- LAND, situated in the Parish of CLAY- COTOn in the' ' VtSuuw adjoining, containing oA. 17 P • how ln * tle Occupation of George Gee, tenant at Will particulars, apply lo Mr. Jackson, To CREDITOR S. WHEREAS JOHN MILLS, of KIBWORTH - HARC0uRT, in the County of Leicester, Miller, has made an Alignment of all his Estate and Effects, to Mr. Edward, Berry, of Ath-. ley, in the County o. t Northampton, Fanner, and Mr.' David Oswin, of Market- Harborouph, in tiie County of Leicefter, Victualler, for the Benefit of all his Creditors, NOTICE is HEREBY gIVeN, That such of the Creditors of the late John Mills as are willing to accept the Dividend to arise by the Sal. To be. SOLD by AUCTION, At the Bear- and- Ragged- Staff inn, in Rugby, inthle County of Warwick, 011 Saturday the* 1 it Day March next, between the Hours of Three and Fi' e in the Afternoon, subjeft to fuch Conditions as will- be produced, • TWO CLOSES of PASTURE LAND, lying at COSFORD, in the l'arith of Newbold - upon- Avonx, in the faid County of Warwick, containing feven Acres or fhcreitb'onts, late the Estate of Mr, John Walker, dcceal'ed, now in the Occupation of Mr. henry Burton. \ of Particulars, . apply fo Mr. John Norman, of cosford.;. Mr. Edward Boddingdon, of Rugby; or t-> Mr. Charles Earl, Attoney at Law, in Rugby luore- of he fai. d John Walker, deceased, are reimet1 -,( r, „ l with, to pav the" fame to the ft i t John Norman ^ Edward boddington; an SJlicitor: HOCKLIFFE R O AD,. NOTICE is hereby given, That tlie TOLLS, with the Weighing. Engine, at- the . Two- Mile- Alh Toil- Gate,- fituate tin the Road leading from Hockliffe, in the County of Bedford, to Stony- Stl- atford, in the County of Bocks, wilt be LETT to FARM by AUCTION, to the BEST BID. 5ER, at the - Hull Inn, in- Stony-' StritforJ aforefaid, on Monday thei+ th Day ofFebreary n^ xt, between the Hours ol Eleven- and Two o'clock, in- the Manner directed by the Act passed in the Thirteenth Year of the . Rc- ign of his prefent Majesty, for regabting the Turnpike- Roads; winch Gate- and E. i.- r e produced the Jatl - Year ( above the Charges of col! - tin?) the Sum oi 8r< l. and will be put up at fu: h Sum as the Trullees lliall think fit. Whoever happens to, be the best . Bidder r.: 11ft, at the fame Time, give Security, with sufficient Strrities, t he ' Satisfaction Of the Trustees, lor Payment tf t ie Rent agreed lor, at such Times as they ( hall direS;. antl it is required that such Bidder- do produce ( in Writing) the Names of. his Sureties, to. the Satisfaction otitic Trustee; THOMAS EWeSDiN. Clerk. John Mills is Mr. Burford To be SOLD by AUCTION-/; On Monday the - toth Day of. Match, 1794, al the sign of the Barley- Mow. on bayard's- green, . near Brackley, in the County of Northampton, at ,' i. v. p o'Clock in the i by iof which due Notice will'in that case be given,)' AWell - conditioned, Inclosed nnd Tithe- free, arid freEholD ESTAtE, situate on the North and South Sides of the Turnpike Roads leading from Banbury to Buckingham, and from northampton to Oxford,- and neaii to the Barley- Mow, in the Parish of EVENLEY, and. County of Northampton : Conlilting of a New'- buiSi . l- anu-. tE . i-' e, lia: 11,' and Sta- bles, incomplete Repair « and igA. oR. iSP". i, x Afa:) le and Pasture Land, divided into tivq, Allotmento, ; a, id with a coppice . of fine thriving young Trees, lett. to" a responsible tenant, ou- a Lease ( of which 11 Year s ate unexpired at St. Thomas next' at 9;!. per Annum; in which Lease there i. s a Reservation to, the Landlord of four Acres of Land tying next the road, on an f\ 1- lowance to the Tenant; which wo. 1 Id fie a very eligible Spot for an Inn, or other public Buildings, in Regard 1 Turnpike- roads. Oxford and Northampton 9. from banbury, 8 from Buckingham & Bicester, 14110.111 Woodstock and towcester, 16 from Chipping- Norton, and a from Brackley, and in* the Centre of fourditferent Packs of fox and Hare Hounds. For further Particulars,, and. to treat for for same, apply to Mr. Thomas Hopcraft, a{ Astwick. { near ia tlic barley Mow who will shew the Premises'; pt to' Mr. Hearn, Attoney ' at Law, in BucKiingham. Wednesday and Thurfday's Pofts. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. Brussels, February 10. E^ TJ— H E movements and preparations on || our frontiers announce that every dif- 11 polition is making for the opening of JI the next campaign. According to an exaft statement which has been drawn « p of the force of the Austrian, English, and Hanoverian armies which defend our territory from the fea as far as Luxembourg, they amount nearly to 100,000 men, and that exclufive of . the lick, or Dutch army, alfo deftined to aft with it. Such a force fliould be capable of not only baf- fling every effort of the enemy to recover their conquered fortreffes, but even of purfuing our advantages with additional vigour. The plan of attack againft the frontiers of France has been finally fettled amongft the Generals of the co- alefced powers, and it is faid the whole of their forces will bedireftedagainft Lille, the pofleflion of which important place would always fecure this country from the attempts of the French, and guarantee Well- Flanders from thofe ravages which lay wafte that line province. In the in- terim the skirmishing continues at the advanced polls occafionallv. On the 6th inlt. our light troops took feveral Waggons near Cambray, loaded with wine and brandy for the garrifon of that place, after having difperfed a detachment < of horfe chaHeurs which efcorted them. On the other hand, the Conventionalifts on the 7th ad- vanced againft our cantonments between Lille and Tournay, and after a fmart fkirmifh, not • only obliged feveral of our advanced pofts to re- treat, but alfo plundered fome farms, and car- ried off all the provifions they found in them. All the Generals who had met here to concert the plan of the approaching campaign, have, after lome long conferences, fettled the bufineis, and are gone to place themfelves at the head of their respective armies 011 the frontiers. Four thoufand tiico, cavalry and infantry, palled by lately in their way to join the army, together with a tranf- porr of liege artillery, and a large convoy of bombs and balls, from Malines. British Army in Flanders,— Oudenarde Feb. 11, We are ail in a bultle preparing for the field— Yefterday the troops received orders to hold them- selves in readinefs to march at an hour's notice, as the French were confiderably augmenting their advanced pofts with troops and cannon : a ge- neral attack of the cordon is, therefore,_ hourly expected. The army at Ghent have received the fame orders as ours, and every officer has his bag- gage packed up and ready to move at the fhortell notice. The 37th regiment march at ten o'clock to- day to relieve the 14th, who have been fta- tioned at the advanced post of Wevelgheim, be- tween Menin and Courtray. I HOUSE of COMMONS, Tuesday, fan. 18. ConVOY S. Mr. Fox rose to bring forward his promifed motion on this subject, vv hich he prefaced with a tpeech afcon- fidcrable length, replete with details of a complicated • And del'uhory nature. He obferved that tlie great failures in the important fervice of Convoys may not be folelv imputable to the negligence ot' Government; they iiMKlit as well aril'e from the want of refources ; find the objedt of his motion, which was for an enquiry into the b'ufinels, could belt determine the point; it would go to exculpate Adimniltration, if innocent; to Jix theltigma of ccnl'ure if guilty, and thereby atibrd fucli a lellon as would compel Government to p » v a proper degree of attention to the Convoy fervice in fu- ture.— He then entered into his details, which were a vircuniftantial and minute narration of the dilk- rent facts which had been ollcrcd to him, in the courl'c of his information 0: 1 the fubiedt. From very relpectablc aurhoritv he had learnt, that 15 or 16 Ihips had been vaptured from the Baltick merchants, but he had iince hurn allured that c or 6 only had fallen into the hands *> f the enemy, From tliel'e circumftances he, felt it a duty to apologize to the Houle tor his former alien ion; but although he made this candid acknowledgment, ret he thought his deficiency of intelligence on this [ lead was far from beingefl'eutial, when he enumerated the various lotles which the mercantile world had fuf- 1 allied-. Mentioning tile different fleets, both outward kud homeward bound, lie began with the Elfineur fquadmir, which had failed under convoy of the Tlutincs frigate; many vellets had feparatedfrom'the convoys, conJ'equentlv Government were not to blame for tlie captuies which that fleet had fuftered. In re. viewing the Newfoundland, Qtiebcck, and Mediterra- nean beets, he leverely cenl'ured the conduct of rlie Admiralty; and, after being 011 his legs upwards of two hours, he moved for the appointment of a Com- mittee of Enquiry into the fubjeit, when he would produce Inch evidence as would fully corroborate his allel'tions. Admiral Gardner rofe to reply to the obfervations and allegations of the Right Hon, Gentleman. He ob- ferved, that in oppofitiou to the voluminous and va- riegated detail now adduced, he would put in a ge- ifteral wa\ rile united anil publicly avowed fentiments of the great mercantile body of the kingdom, which were unanimous in aliening, that upon the whole, the trade to the different quarters had never received fuch eiletlnal protection, as during the prefent war.-— In fupport qf this, the Hon. Admiral brought forward feveral extracts from official documents, wherein were let forth the feveral applications which had been made bx different mercantile bodies for convoys, with their < l\: cs, the particulars of the meafures taken by the Admiralty in confequencc, thidnterent fliips difpatch- t- don the convoy fervice, the dates of their failing, the unavoidable delays on accoun. . if weather, want of men, and the procraftination of the fhjp- owners them- lillves, from all of which he deduced conclufions very ditfei ent from what had been drawn by the Right Hon. Gentleman ' Mr. Fox and demonffrated, fecminglV, very much to the l'atisfaction of the Iloufe, that tlie conduct of the Hoard of Admiralty was fuch, as, inltead of cenfure, del'erved the thanks of the mercantile in- tcrdt. Alderman Anderson in support of what fell from the Hon. Admiral, obferved that he had enquired very mi- nutely into the fubjeit, and the refult was, that he coiild leani that only two Ihips of all thole who had availed themfelves of the piote& ion of convoy, had bceli captured. With refpect to the Riglrt Hon. Gen- tleman's flatement, relative to the Baltick fleet, he contended it was in a great degree, erroneous, very lew, even of thole who had departed from their con- voy, were taken, the depredations were committed, lie laid, by onlv two French pi ivateers, one Called Le Sans pareil, aiid the other le Patriote ; the former of thefe fctul been chaced by a Britiih thip of war, was driven shore, » nd bilged on the rocks of Norway, the other was actually taken. He alio observed, that nothing could more i'ully evince the general good opinion which the eommvfcial'world entertained of the lafctv of our TraW, than the rate of inl'uralice, which was Tail year tilt fume as in time of peace. major Maitland,, spoke at lomc length, and with mucli warmth iu support of tile allegations and argu- ment., of hi; Right Hon. Friend Mr. Fox. Ill tile con- ciuliou of his fpcech, he t< x> k occalion to ojilervei mat though his Hon. Friend ( Mr.. Sheridan) was pre- twt, vet his Hate of health was fuch as unhappily ?. revented him from bringing forward his proofs ot the ctefencelefs itate of Halifax and the coloiiv of Nova- Scotia, that night, and the unprotected llate of it's trade, yet 011 a future day he would do it, and give tlie Right Hon, Secretary an opportunity of reading more mutilated extract from letters on the occalion. Alderman Curtis contended for the effeilual protec- tion which had been given our trade during the prelent war, he compared it to what had been afforded during the late war, and a'. l'erted that the prefent rate of in- surance would evince in what a I nferior degree of elli- been ordered for the homeward- bound West- India fleet — he faid it was shamefully inadequate; would any professional man fay, that two 74- gun Ihips, unaided by smaller vessels or frigates, were sufficient for the protection of so numerous a fleet ? With respect to what had been laid of the rates of infurance, it would l> e found, 011 a candid examination, that very different : v: es cov. Id be drawn from the prefent rates than jjccvl by gentleman opposite to him. ami Afr. brandling at fome length fup- tet< jeut and obfervations of Mr. Fox. beech of fome length, defended the he though it, he said, a duty incumbent upon him, independent of every personal consideration, to give his negative to the motion s and he believed he might, without forfeiting any portion ot that confidence with which he was honoured by tire I loufe, declare, that more groundless charges awiinJl Government never were submitted to Parliament. Mr. Pitt, after replying to the arguments of Mr. Fox and Major Maitland, entered into a very minute review of the natements of the arrivals, the departures, the circumstances occurring in the voyages of the various fleets of convoys; and. from the 1110ft indifputablc teftimonies, made it evident, that there was 110 want of vigour, attention, or ability, 011 tile part of the Admiralty. When enumerating and commenting on the naval ' tranfaflions of I alt year , he beltowed a warm panegyric oil Admiral Gardner, wnofc talents, he faid, merited the higheft commendation.— Advancing to a conclufioti, he remarked, that if the prelent motion Were agreed to, there was at once an end of all parlia- mentary and official dignity. It would tend toeltab- lifh a principle of enquiry to which human fagacity could prescribe no limits. It would, in fome inftances, fe.' ve 10 fcreen delinquents— it would teach thole, who had hitherto been unreal'onable, to be more turbulent and infatiable—- it would encourage the fpirit of com- motion to rear the lignal of difcontent, and eonvulfe, if not diffolve all the lii> ksof foeiety.— J therefore re- jeft this motion, faid he, convinced of it's inutility ; and believe that it is altogether groundlelj and vex- atious. I l'corn that l'pecics of falfe delicjcy, which on urgent occalions denies tile acknowledgment of er- ror when the judgment has been mUlead : Confcious, however, of acting agreeably to the rule of rectitude, I wave all perfonal conlidcrations, leaving my own character, and that of my colleagues, to tiie decilion ot the Houie and the Country. Mr. Fox made a very animated reply, commenting 011 Mr. Pitt's fpeech with hisufual political acumen. The Himse divided Ayes 48, Noes — Majority for the Minittry 154. Adjourned at a little before three o'clock. LONDON, February 20. Tuefday night at ten o'clock, Mr. Schaw, the mesenger, with dispatches from Lord Hood, & Mason, from the Britifh head- quarters in Flan- ders, arrived at the_ Secretary of State's office. Captain Ramsay arrived at the fame time with dilpatches from Lord Elgin at Brussels. They were detained feveral days at Ollend, which place they left at two o'clock on Monday, and landed yefterday morning at Dover. The French, having made great additions to their llrength along all the neighbouring frontier from Lifle to Dunkirk, threaten another inroad upon Weft - Flanders, and already fome. fevere lkirinifhes have taken place, at the Allied out- pofts. Gun- boats are faid to have failed from Dunkirk, for the purpose of attacking Ostend by fea, to which place their troops, in great numbers are endeavouring to prefs forward by land. Sir William Erfkine, who commands the Britifh ar- my in the abfence of the Duke of York, was collecting his whole force on the nthinft. for the purpofe of offering the firft defence for this important place, and a detachment of the Auf- trian army, it was ex petted, would arrive to fupport them. Lord Hood failed from Hieres Bay on the 14th of January, with the remaining part of his fquadron, which had been there fince the evacu- ation of Toulon ; having the fleet of tranfports which had arrived from Ireland under his convoy. He was firft going to Porto Ferajo. The Bedford man of wat has been sent to Gibraltar. Tlie French took possession of the Island of Hieres on Lord Hood's quitting it. Dispatches were likewife yefterday received from the West- Indies. Polverol, one of the French Commissioners at St. Domingo, after having given freedom to the blacks, and armed them, had made them take an oath, that they would never lav down their arms till all Kings were extirpated! It was the Juno frigate, commanded by Capt. Hood, the nephew of the gallant Admiral of that name, which, coming from Gibraltar, en- tered the road of Toulon, not knowing of the re- capture of that place, and anchored off the caserns, when a boat with a French officer came to announce to the Captain, that he was a pri- foner of war. Capt. Hood, with superior pre- sence of mind, requested the Frenchman to take fome refreshment in his cabin, and profited by this interval to cut his cables, after which he bore away under a brisk gale.— The French batteries seeing the Juno flieer off, directed a most violent difcharge upon her, but could not prevent her proceeding on her way. The Juno was a little damaged by the cannonade, and is now with Lord Hood, having on board the French of- ficer, and several other Frenchmen made pri soners of war by this excellent stratagem. We hear that great quantities of pot ash have been lately exported from this kingdom to France in neutral ships; the French having, it is faid, discovered a method of using this salt instead of salt- petre, in the compofition of gun- powder. It is underftood in the political circles, that however the threats of the French may ftill pre- vail, in regard to their intention of invading this country, the enfuing campaign will commence with another attempt upon Dunkirk, and that condufted in fuch a way as to encourage the beft hopes of fuccefs. The Convention has decrecd, " That slavery shall be abolished in all the French islands." This they say will be a death- blow to Pitt. On the 4th inft. the National Convention de- creed, that the colony ot St. Domingo should be represented in the assembly. On that day thres deputies came to take their feats, viz. a negro, a mulatto, and a vvhite. They were greatly ap- plauded, and received the fraternal embrace of Vadier, the prefident. This fcene was accom- panied by the reiterated cries of Vive I'Egalite! the negroes of St. Domingo have sworn to ex- tirpate the English from that island. On the tft of February 62 persons were con- demned to death by the Revolutionary Commis- sion at Lyons. Two days after they were shot in the grand square. The circumstances which at- tended this military execution were fuch as mult ftrike every feeling mind with horror. Women and children employed themselves in stripping the bodies of the fufferers, to divide among them the bloody rags in which they were cloathed. On the 1 ft at St. Maloes, boats full of women, who, from loyal principles, had taken an active part, were sent out to fea to perish, the boats having been scuttled. This horrid piece of bar- barity has been repeatedly practised on many parts of the coast, against priests, and emigrants, and now* against women :— fuch is the gallantry, and generality of the French ! Monday very favourable accounts were received from America, brought to this country by two ships from New- York, with letters as late as the 4th of January, which state, that Congress had received intelligence of the Proclamation of our Privy Council, of the 6th of November lalt, for seizing the American ships under certain circum- ftances, as well as of the capture of several Ameri- can ships in the Weft- Indies. Congress had, however, determined on perfevering in a strict Neutrality with all nations. American stocks have risen in confequence. Colonel Mack arrived fafeat Ostend on Sunday night.— He is appointed Adjutant- General to the Prince of Saxe Cobourg. The chief operations of this campaign will be arranged by him. Yefterday Governor Hunter took leave of the King at the Levee, on going to take his com- mand at Rotany Bay. Inftruftions are preparing to tie fent off from the War office, to the Colonels of the fevetal re- giments of militia throughout the kingdom, con- cerning the difcipline ot their feveral corps, sad orders to prepare for marching or going into camp on the shorteft notice poffible. The name of the unfortunate Gentleman, who was killed by a fire- engine, at the dreadful con- flagration nt Knightsbridge, on Tuefday the 1 ith instant, has b? cn mistaken in the newspapers. His name was Greuber j he had filled a very im- portant office in the east- Indies ; and had re- turned to England with a plentiful fortune, ho- nourably acquired, as Superintendant of the great muslin manufacture at Dacca. He had, that day, been on a visit to his brother, Captain Greuber, of Sloane- street; and on the alarm of the neighbouring accident, the two gentlemen walked to the spot; where- they had no sooner arrived, than an engine, moved along by men, rushed so furiously upon them, on the foot- path, that they had not time to escape. Mr. G. being thrown down, was fo dreadfully trampled on, and crushed, that he expired in about half an hour, most of his ribs being broken, Capt. G.' s life was almolt miraculoufiy preserved by his ac- tivity in springing up the wall of Hyde- Park, where he hung by his hands, clinging to the brick work, for a moment, till the engine had passed. v In consequence of his Majesty's proclamation for a Ge- neeal Fast, the Rev. Dr. Walmsley, Vicar apolistic for the western district, has published the following Charge :— To all the Faithful, Clergy and Laity, in the Western District. " DEAR BRETHREN, " On the general view of the prefent ftate of this and the neighbouring nations, we are ftruck with the fcenes of war and destrutTion that pre- vail. It would feetn, that the clemency and mercy of the Supreme Being, exhaulted as it were by the continual growth of irreligion and immorality, had given place to juftice to pour out his wrath and vengeance upon mankind. Un, der fuch dreadful circumftances, what does our duty prefcribe ? What means can be takeji to appeafe the Divine anger ? We muft humble our- felves, in penitential fupplications to our offended God, in ooing good works, in fading and mor- tification. By thefe means we may hope, to move the Father of Mercies to lay afide the wea- pons of his juftice, and to regain his favour. Convert us, O God our Saviour, and turn away thy anger from us,-~ Shew us, O Lord, thy mercy, and grant us thy salvation. " Let us alfo fend up our humble and eameft petitions to the God of Armies, that he may vouchfafe to give fuccefs to the English arms, to cover this kingdom with his special protection, to grant it prosperity and the abundance of his blessings, and that it's military power united with that of other nations may be effectual to re- ftore peace to the earth. Let us cry to Heaven; and the Lord - will have mercy on us. ( 1 Maccab. iv. 10.) " On these motives and to obtain thefe blessings, we order all Roman Catholics of our distriCt to observe, in concurrence with his Majefty's other subjects, Friday the 28th day of February, as a day of folemn fall, humiliation and prayer, and the prieft of every chapel to offer up the facrifice of the mafs f Missa tempore Belli,) after which to recite the 19th psalm, Exaudiat, with the prayer for our gracious and beneficent Sovereign King George III. his Royal confort the Queen, and all the Royal Family. WARRANTED UNDRAWN. HORNSbY and Co. at their Old- eltablilhed State- Lottery Office, No. 2ft, CORNHILL, London, re fpedtfully acquaint their Friends and the Public, that they Iball continue felling Tickcts, Halves, Quarters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, during the whole ' l ime of the Drawing of the prefent tnglifh State- Lottery, Warranted undrawn at the Time of pill- chaf- ing, which renders the Purehafcr equally as fecure as if the Ticket 01 Share were bought before the Drawing boga: i. No. 3;,<, 79, a Prize of ; o, oool. 111 the Lottery 1791, and No. 42,569, a Prize of 30,000!. in the Lottery 1792, were both fold to the fortunate Adventurers at the above Office. All Orders by Poft duly executed, exaiUy the fame as if prefent. DAVENTR- V, Feb. AR, 1754. INOCULATION. MR. GRISTOCK's HOUSES atCHAR- WELTON and FLOORE fiELD, are Open for the Reception of Patients. Particulars may be known by applying to Miss King- stone, at the White Horfe Inn, Towcester; Mr. John Pearson, sen. at Banbury ; or Mr. Gristock, Surgeon, at Daventry. DISSOLUTION of PARTNERSHIP. THE PARTNERSHIP between Messrs. HILL and TODD, of NEWPORT- PAGNELL , in the County of Bucks, Brokers, BEING DISSOLVED BY MUTUAL CONSENT— all persons having any Claims or Demands on the laid Partnerfhip Account, are defired to fend them to T. Hill, of Newport aforc- faid, when they will be immediately difcharged. ( tT T. Hi 1.1. rcfpeafully informs the Public, that he intends carrying 011 tilt Bufinefs of a BROKER, at liis Warehouse, ill Tickford- End, NEWPORT- PAG- sut; where they Inay depend upon being served with all Sorts of Beds and Bedding, aud Household- Furniture in general, on the molt reafonablc Terms, BraJ/ balv't- Ufti, KORttlAMPTOK F< J>. 11,1794, J. CHAMBERLAIN, PLASTERER, SLATER & HOUSE- PAINTER, TAKES this Opportunity of returning his fincere Thanks to the Public in general, and his Friends in particular, for the many Favours re- ceived in the above Branches, and hopes by a Itrift Attention to merit a Continuance of them ; he alio begs Leave to inform them, he fells LIME, TILES, & c. of the belt Quality, and in any Quantity; like- wile PREPARED PLASTER, particularly recom- mended for Floors of M ALT- HOD SES, GRANARIES, & v. and all other Purpofes ill the Trade. Thofe who plcafe to favour him with their Com- mands, may depend 011 their being diligently attended to, By their very humble Servant, JAMES CHAMBERLAIN. N. B. COMPOSITION ORNAMENTS, or CHIMNEY- PIECES complete. WANTED, A Young Man as a JOUR- NEYMAN in a DRAPER'S SHOP.— Fie muft write a good Hand, and be well recommended. Enquire of Mrs. Goode, Buckingham, ( fdr Letters ( Polt- paid) will be duly attended to. An APPRENTICE. WANTED, by a SURGEON and APO- THECARY, of extenlive Praftice, in a large Market- Town, in the Comity of Northampton, a Youth of good Morals and Education, for the Term of live, or feven Years, which will be pioft agreeable. Particulars may be known, by applying to Mr. J. Edge, DrUggilt, Northampton. ( jLf A Premium will brexpefted. IV ANTE D, On or before Lady Day next; TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS, at FIVE per CENT, upon an ample and good Security of a Real Eitate in the Neighbour- hood of Northampton. Particulars may be had, on Appljcafion by Letter oft- paid) addrelled to A. B. at the Printers of this Paper. OUNDLE ASSOCIATION. THE General Meeting of the OUNDLE ASSOCIATION for the PROSECUTION of FELONS, fee. will be held at the TALBOT INN, in BUNDLE atorefaid, on Monday the 24th Dav of Fe- bruary, 1794, STOLEN, or STRATED, OU T of the Parifh of WARMINCTON, in the County of Northampton, NINE EWES, in Lamb, Marked with a W 011 the Near Rump with Pitch, and the Near Ear llir at tlie Top. If STOLEN, whoever will difcover the Offender or Offenders, ( hall, oil Conviction, rcceive a Reward of TWO GUINEAS, over and above the Sum of TEN POUNDS, allowed by Aft of Parliament; and if STRAYED, whoever will bring them to Mr. William Pendred, atHamerton, in the County of Huntingdon, will be paid all real'onablt Charges, and rewarded lor their Trouble. TURNPIKE- ROAD From ST. MARY's- BRIDGE to ROCKINGHAM. THE Subfcribers to the above Road are defired to pay a" further Call of 10I. per Cent. ,' making in the Whole 8oJ. perCent.) to Mr. How, the Trcafurer, 011 or before the 28th of February inftant, agreeable to a Refolution made and pall'ed at the Meet- ing of the Trultees of the faid Road, held on Wednef- day the 29th of January lalt. By Order of the Truftees, JOHN BURFORD, Clerk. Mtiriet- Harborot/ gh, Feb. 6, 1794. SINGLE- HORSE CHAISE. To be SOLD, Strong, Neat, Modern- built SINGLE- A _ HORS" E CHAISE, in very good Repair. Enquire of Edward Kightley, Coachmakcr and Wheelwright, Stony- Stratford, Bucks. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, At LONG- BUCK3Y, near Northampton, BETWEEN FOUR AND FIVE ACRES of very good TURNIPS, the Layer particolaily good— and TWO ACRES of FALL BACK., if xo- qui'- ed.— For Particulars, apply to WilliJm Marriott, of I. ong- Buckby aforefaid. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, Subftantial BRICK DWELLING- HOUSE, in complete Repair, with a Bam and. Garden contiguous; fituate at WINSLOW, in the County of Buckingham, and now in the Polfcfiion of Mr. Richard Ingram;— together with another Brick TENEMENT adjoining the faid Premifes, and now in the Tenure or Occupation of Jennings. If defired by the Purchaser, a relponfible Pe. rfon, as Tenant, is ready to take the Premifes on a Lcal'e, or from Year to Year. For further Particulars, and to treat for the Purchafe thereof, apply to Mr. Churchill, Attorney, in Winflow aforefaid. T1 the Debtors and Creditors of James Adkins, late of Newport- Pagnell, in the County of Bucks, Grocer and Tallow- Chandler. L L Perfons who stand any Ways in- debted to the faid JAMES ADKIN S, are requefted to pay their rclpeftive Debts to Mr. Cooch, Attorney at Law, of Newport - Pagnell aforefaid, who is duly authorized to receive and give Discharges for the fame; or they will be facet without further Notice:— And all Perfons to whom the faid James Adkins Hands any Ways indebted, are requested to fend an Account thereof to the faid Mr. Cooch, imme- diately, as a Dividend of the Monies arifing from the Sale of the Efforts of the faid James Adkins, and from the Debts to be collected, is intended to be shortly pro- posedf or their Benefit. LEICESTERSHIRE and NORTHAMPTONSHIRE UNION CANAL. THE next Meeting of the General Com- mittee of this Navigation is appointed to be held at the SwANS INN, in MARKET- HARROBOUCH, on Monday the 3d Day of March next, at Eleven o'Clock 111 the Forenoon. By Order of the General Committee, J. E. CARTER, •) Clerks J. HEYRICk., iun. S- to the G. WARTNABY, > Company. Murket- Harborough, Feb 13, 1794. LEICESTERSHIRE and NORTHAMPTONSHIRE UNION CANAL. AParagraph having appeared in the Lei- cefter Herald, intimating that the Works on the Union Canal would be discontinued— And an Adver- tifement having been inserted in the lalt leicester Journal, and alfo in the Leicester Herald, ' without the Concurrence of any Committee, appointing a Meeting of the Proprietors to confider on the Propriety of fuf- pending the Works of the faid Canal as foon as they ihould nave been completed to a Distance then to be propol'edor determined upon— NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Committees appointed by the Company are proceeding on the Works with all poffible Expedition, purfuant to the Refolution of the lalt General Meeting, and purpofe continuing the fame, w ithout any Suspen- sion or Interruption whatfoever. By Order of the General Committee, T. E. CARTER, ) Clerks, J. HEYRICK, iun.> to the G. WARTNALY, > Company. , Jan. 17, 1794. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, AN ESTATE, fituate at BRAUNSTON, within three Miles of Daventry, lying compactly within a Ring Fence, and consisting of about 92 Acres of Prime Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, in high Condition and the Fences in Perfection, having been inclosed about eighteen Years. On a central and elevated Part of the Premifes, was built about fifteen Years ago, a Brick, Slated, and Safh'd Houfc ; confifting of tour Rooms on the firft Floor, three of which are 18 by 16 and between 10 and 11 Feet high, the other 20 by 14; the Entrance is by a little Hail or passage, eight Feet wide, in the further Part of which is a Stair- Cafe of neat white Stone, with Iron Bannisters; thefe Rooms are furnifhed with Stucco and plaster Cornices; there is alfo a Back Stair- Cafe of Stone. A very extensive and beautiful ProspeCt is commanded from the House, which is fheltered by Plantations, now about 17 Years old, of all Kinds of Forest Trees, extending near Haifa Mile ill Length, and forming near two- thirds of a Circle round the Buildings. Through the Plantation runs a Serpentine Gravel Walk, affording Shade and Shelter at all Times, and againft every Wind. The Purchaser of the above, if lie choofe, may Rent on Lease for 21 Years, about an fjqual Quantity of the fame Kind of Land. The great Chester Road, and the Grand Junction Canal run through the Parish. For further Particulars, apply to Dr. Hall, on the Premises, or to Mr. Lamb, Attorney at Law, in Daventry. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Wednefday the 26th of February, 1794, at Eleven o'Clock, ill a CLOSE in the Lordfhip of COLd- ASHbY, adjoining the Turnpike- Road on the South, and betwixt the 70th and 79th Mile- Stone leading from London to Welford, UPWARDS of TEN TONS of New HAY, well got, and wh'uh may be carried thi Premifes.—- Particulars at the Place of Sale. BUCKS. ' To be SOLD, AValuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, called WATER- HALL; Confifting of a Manfion- Houfe, Out- Buildings, Dove- houfe, Stabling for 12 Horfes, Canals, Fifh- Ponds, Yards and Garden thereto belonging, iituatc in the Pariih of BLETCHLEY, in the County of Bucks. Alfo a Messuage or Tenement and 318 A. 21 P. of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, now in the several Occupations of the Rev. Mr. Smith, Thomas Lane, John Wood, and Thomas Cooke. Alfo a FREEHOLD FARM, situate in the Parifh of Blctchley aforefaid, and Fenny- Stratford, confuting of divers Pieces and Parcels of Arable, Meadow, and Pafture Land, containing together i; oA. 3 R. 22 I'. now in'the Occupations of John Wood, Wm. Wood, Thomas, Lane, Thomas Edmonds, and Matthew " Goodman. The above Premifes are pleafantly fltuated 46 Miles / rom London, about 10 Miles from the Town of Buck- ingham, fix from Newport- Pagnell, five from Wo- burn, one fiom Fenny- Stratford, and . within Reach of three excellent Packs of Fox Hounds. For a View of the Premifes, apply to Mr. Thomas Cooke, at Water Eaton ; and for further Particulars, to Mr. hearn, Attorney at Law, Buckingham; Mr. Johnson, No. 3, Hare- Court Temple, London ; or Mr. Warner, Attorney, Romsey, Hampshire. To A1 be SOLD by AUCTION, £ ARTHUR BROWnSGRAVE, Oil Tuefday next the 25th inftant, on the Premifes, LL the HOUSEHOLD- FURNi'i URE, tee. Sic. of Mr. ROBERT EDMONDS, M > l. e EARL SPENCER'S ARMS, in NORTHAMPTON : Confifting of Four- poft Bcdflcads, with Check and other Furniture; Feather and Flock Beds; Linen ; Oak Drawers, Tables and Chairs; a Thiriy- Iour Clock with Quarter Chimes; good Kitchen Giate, Copper, Brafs and Pewter; Plated Tankards, . Pints and Half- Pints; fweet Iron- bound Pipes, 1U L-.., ea;'. s and Half Ditto ;* about one Quarter of Turnip S » . ed ; a Quantity of Oats, and fevcral Trutfes of good Hay. The Sale to begin at Ten o'Clock in the morning. NOTICE to CREDITORS and DEBTORS. ROBERT EDMONDS, of the Town of NORTHAMPTON, Corn- Factor and \;,': uaH « r, efpeftfully acquaints his Creditors, that the. deranged State of his Affairs having rendered him ircapable of1 continuing any hmger in Business, lie has atoned all his filiate and Effects to Mr. John Donne, 01 the iown of Northampton, Wine- Merchant, ami Mr. william Bradshaw, ot Mears- Ashby, in the County of North- ampton, Seedsman, 111 Trust for the Benefit of all liis Creditors ;— NOTICE IS THEREFORE HEREBY GIVEN, That all Perfons who have any Claim : or Demands on the faid Eftate and Effedts of the faid Robert Ed- monds, are requefted forthwith to fend in an Account of the fame to the faid John Donne and wm. brad- shaw ; or to Mr. Lucas, Attorney at Law. in Shccp- Street, Northampton ; at whole . Office the jui Deed of Trult is left for the Execution of liicn ot't. Credi- tors of the faid Robert Edmonds, who chool'e to ac- cept of a Dividend, in Lieu of their respective Debts— And fuch of them who fl ail ncgleti fo io cto, o. i or before tlie 10th Day of March next, will be exclu led the Benefit of any Dividend of the laid ' fruit Eftr. t^ and Premifes; and the Whole of the Moi. ies avii: . g from the Sale and Recovery thereof, will be divided and paid to fuch Creditors who fliail execute ihe laid Deed of Truft as aforefaid. And all Perfons indebted to the faid Roburt Ed- monds are required to pa) their respective 1 '^ bts fo the faid John Donne ana Wm. Bradshaw ; or to Mr. Lucas, who is duly authorized to receive tne fame, on - before the faid* 10th Day of March next, ur they will be fued for the Recoveiy thereof without Untner Notice. / Northampton, Feb. 22, 1794. BEDFORDSHIRE. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Messrs. JAQUeS and SON, On Saturday the 15th of March, 1794, at Three in the Afternoon, at the Swan Inn, Bedford, in four Lots, AVALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE confuting of NINETY- FIVE' ACRES of re- markable RICH INCLOSED MEADOW and ARA- BLE, and ONE HUNDRED and FOUR ACRES of open- Field LAND, alfo a comm dious Brick- built FARM- H0US1 , with Yard, Garden, large Barns and Stabling, awell- ltock'd Dove- Cot, & requilitc Build- ings; advantageoully fituate at WOOTTON, in the Centre of the capital Markets of Olnev, Newport. Pagnell, Woburn, and Ampthill, and within three Miles of the County Town of BEDFORD— in the Occupation of Mr. Berteram. Farm- House and Buildings, and 34 Acres of adjoining Inclofed Meadow, and 104 Acres of Arable Land, in VVootton and Komptcm Open Fields. LOT 2. Two Inclol'urescalled Marston- Hoos, con taining 30 Acres. LOT 3. Two Inclofures called Woad- Grounds containing 28 Acres of tine Meadow- Land. LOT 4. Wood- End Close, containing threeAcrcsof good Meadow. WOOTTON- FIELD being in few Hands, an Inclosure might easily take Place, which, from the Goodnesfs of Soil, and Neighbourhood of good Markets mult be to very great Advantage. To be viewed 20 Days preceding the Sale; when printed Particulars may be had of the Tenant; alfo at the S- wan, Bedford; Sun, Hitchin: Salisbury- Ani. Hatfield; Woolpack, St. Alban's; Sugar- Loaf, Dun- stable; George, Woburn; Swan, Newnort- PagneU of Mr. Hodfon, Attorney at Law, Wellingborough; at Garraway's, ' Change- Alley; and of Messrs. Jaques and Son, Land- Surveyors, Hatton- garder., London To be SOLD by AUCTION, By J. DUDLEY, On Saturday the 15th Day of March, 1794, at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the George Inn, at Aylesbury, in the County of Bucks, unless disposed ot before by Private ' Contract, of which timely- Notice will be given,) ACompaft and DESirable COPYHOLD FARM, in Value ne. T. iy - qu .1 to 1 ice'.-. fub- jeft to the Manor of WINSLOW, in the laid County. Comprizing 101 Acrcs of fertile Inclosed aa( i\) p.- ii- field Meadow, Pafture and Arable Land, oe the lame more or less}; 21 Large Common and 158 Sheep iJi. to; a Freehold Close and Orchard ; a soou Fariu- tloulc, and Out- Buildings of suitablc Doi'oipiions ; al.' o ancat COTTAGE, with a Garden and Orchard adjoining— iituatc nine Miles from Aylesbury, eight noui Buck- ingham, and one fiom Winslow. The late Tenant 0 . copied the fame 40 Year:-, and the prefent 21, at the Expiration 01 his Leafc on lauiy- Day, 179ft, at the low Rent of 6ot. per Annum. Printed Particulars with Conditions or Sale may be had at the Place of Sale; and for further Particular*, and to treat for the fame, apply to the Auctioneer, at Winflow, who will fhew the Premifes. This Day was pubiifhed, by SUBSCRIPTION, Vols. XXI. & XXII. Price il. is. In Boards,. AGENERAL ABRIDGMENT of LAW and EQUITY; Alphabetically digefted under proper Titles ; with NcttJ and References to tlie Whole. By CHARLES VINER, Esq. founder of the Vintriau Lefture in the Univerfity of Oxford. London : Printed for G. G. J. and J. Robinson, T. Payne, E. and R. Brooke, J. Butterworth, and 1.. White, Dublin ; and Sold by T. Dicey and Co. W. Birdfall, and T. Burnham, Northampton; and all other Booklellers. STjP Vol. XXIII. » tid XXIV. containing improved Indexes, and completina; this Work, will 1.- 2 publifhed with all pofiible Expedition, and Bookfelltrs in Town and Country are requefted to rerprn the Nan* es of' Sub- scribers to the Propuetors, he: o e the firft of May next, forlnfertion in the general Lilt of Subfcribers. The following are recent Cases in Addition to the many received, of the Efficacy of Mr. Dixon's ANTI- BILIOUS PILLS. SIR, CASE XLiI. HAVING been troubled near three Ye. irs with a Bilious Head- Acli and Vomitings, which at Times was fo diftreffing, that it prevented my Ap- plication to Bufinefs ; having had the heft Advice, without any permanent Relief, 1 was advifed to try your Anti- bilious Piils, the firft two 1 took difchargt< l an immenfe Quantity of Bihom Matter from my Bowels. I imrnedi itely found myfelf fo light, and felt fuch a comfortable Senfation in my Bowels as 1 had not expe- rienced for a long Time, my Belly generally being aa hard as a Drum. Since that Time I have taken twr> Boxes, have had no Return of my Complaints, arnl can ftifely fiy, 1 have not enjoyed focb Hu. dth for Seven Years. 1 have fince recommended them tQ feverai my Sea- faring Friends, who are very Bilious, & who have informed me they never found fo much Benefit froaj any Medicine whatever. 1 find they only operate wliea there is Bile in the Stomach. I remain yours, fee. WILLIAM TURNER. Jerusalem Coffee House, Feb. 14. NORWICH, Feb. 8th. SIR, CASE XLllI. I fliall be obliged to you tofrnrt by Bearer, two Dozen Boxes of your Anti- bilious Pills, to distribute anions; my Friends, as I think a M » iic'ne fo valuable fiiouid be dilli ibqted by thofe who can' afford it. I am quite another Man fmce I took the Pills, my Body is now regularly open, my Complexion perteflly Clear, and have had no return of my fidious Vomitings. I remain your obliged, humble Servant, GEORGE HUNT. SIR, CASe. XLiV. I am fo much relieved from my Bilious Complaint by taking your fills, that if it is any Sanction for the Ex- tenfion cf their gf- cd EfFcfls, I beg you may iBfert my Name among your Lift of Cafes. I remain, & c. Cheapside, Feb.\ ub. ELIZ. WINGFIELD. To be had only No. 4., Cheapsde, and of Mr. Dixon's Successor, Mr. Green, Surgeon, Woburn, ; aod of the PrinTers of thi » Paper, price as - yd. a B « x, Friday and Saturday's Polls. HOUSE cf COMMONS, thursday, Feb. 20. sIR F. Basset presented a Bill to regulate the lolls to be paid to millers for grinding orn, which w; vs read a tint, and ordered to be read a fecond time, and alfo to be printed. Mr. Bingham moved, that the St. Alban's Canal Bill be committed. Mr. Earl, Lonl Carysfort, Mr. Serjeant Watson, and Mr. Powys spoke against ir, and Mr. Stanley, Mr. Baker, and Mr. Wyndham in favour of it. Mr. Speaker then put the question, whether this bill be committed, on which the House divided, when there appeared for the commitment Z3, against it 24, fo that the Bill was lolt by a majority of 1. LON'D ON, February 22. By letters from Guernsey, dated the 13th inft. we learn, that a rumour prevailed there, of an at- tack being meditated upon that island and Jersey on the part of the French. It did not meet with very general credit: but still the military were vigilant and aftive in the necessary duties, to pre- vent a surprize. The officer who is to command the Royalists is now at Guernsey-. He is extremely sanguine in his hopes of establishing the Royal standard in Brittany. He looks for Lord Moira's army very soon. Good information has been received at Guern- fey, of a general difcontent prevailing throughout the Republican army; and it is the received opi- nion, that if the Britilh can make good their landing, a body little fnort of, 100,000 men, per- haps a much larger number, would immediately join them, and receive them with open arms. Iu the bill introduced into parliament, for the purpofe of preventing any remittances to France, the following penalties have been adopted in the Committee: Every perfon remitting money to the ruling powers of France, or to any perfon sliding in France, from the lit of January, is to be attainted of high- treafon.— Every perfon fup- rlyirig goods, wares, or merchandize, under the fame cireumtlances, is to fufFer the penalties of a j remunire.— Every perfon palling a bill of ex- change, draft, ike. is to forfeit double the amount, and the claim ( hail retain it's force, notwithftand- ing that the fame bill or draft may have been cancelled. In the Houfe of Commons of Ireland on Wed- nefday lalt the Chancellor of the Exchequer in- troduced the Ways and Means, obferving, that he meant as little as possible to add any preffure 011 the induftrious and indigent part of fociety, whom he would relieve as much as poflible, by taxing the luxuries of life. It was his objeft to reduce the tax on beer, and to increafe it on fpirits, which was a continuation of a meafure that had operated favourably. The objects of taxation were teas, cards, dice, carriages, malt, bills of exchange, receipts, Sec. He propofed for ccnlideration a fnull duty on leather in it's firtt procefs, which would not exceed id. per pair on ( hoes: the tax on tea was equally moderate, but one half- penny under the price of 4s. and one penny above that price. The Chancellor next propofed a bounty on foreign bark ; this meafure fecmed to be calculated to equipoife the duty he had propofed 011 leather, bills of exchange and receipts were propofed as instruments of duty, which he said would bear luit half the proportion with the English taxation. Carriages he propofed to tax one third more, which would equal fix guineas per carriage. Thefe taxes, with gd. per barrel on malt, were nearly the whole propofed by the Right Hon. the Chancellor, by whom fome remarks were thrown out, tending to shew that the Proprietors of Mad- houses eluded the legal tax, and that therefore in that department there was a very great deficiency. The immediate advantage which the East- India Company will derive by the expulsion of the French from the peninsula of Indostan, is thus ftated :— Thu military establislhment in Bengal, and upon the Coromandel and Malabar coasts, is stated by Mr. Dundas at 72,000 men, and the ex- igence eftimated at three millions sterling._ Ifthen 72,000 men were a sufficient force to be maintained when the French had potfeffions in each of the three provinces, and a facility of intercourfe with • the native Princes and States, furely 50,000 will be fufficient to fecure the good behaviour of the' country powers, deprived of all European fup- port. A reduction, therefore, of 22,000 men may be made, which will create a faving to the Company of 8oo, oool. per annum. All the troops ordered to embark for the East- Indies have received counter- orders; and Go vernment have ( topped all the arms the India Company had purchased for their settlements abroad; Lord Cornwallis having given his opi- nion that they are not wanted in that quarter of the globe. Concerning the threatened invasion of England, government have received certain information by feveral of their adventurous cruizers 011 the French coaft, that the preparations making at Havre de- Grace, Cherbourg, and St. Maloes, are by no means in that forwardnefs which we have been called upon to believe they were ;- traniports arc affembled, but not in any great number. It is rather singular, that exactly a century ago, viz. preparations were made for an invasion of this lsland, at Havre- de- Grace, St. Maloes, & c. when the brave Admirals Russel and Benbow no sooner appeared be fore them, but they burnt all the enemy's shipping, and reduced the towns to ashes !- Surely there may be found fome naval commander, at this prefent period, emulous for a public service of similar heroism 1 ' Table of the diftances beliveen fea- ports in France, and f a- ports in Ireland and Great- Britain.— From Brett to Galway 180 leagues; Cork 100; Ply- mouth 60; Torbay 70; Portlmouth 100; Thi Downs 132; Cherbourg to Portsmouth 26. Dieppe to Brighton 26; hastings 22; Calais to Dover 7; Dunkirk to Ramsgate 15; Margate 17 No re zy. Portssmoutb, Feb. iq. This morning sailed Rear Admiral Macbride, with the following ( hips un der his command, on a cruize off Cherbourg, & c only one ( Colonel Washington) is in Congress: na not one holds a place, although every office in the Executive Government is at the disposal of the President. The Lawyers employed on the subject of the marriage of his Royal Highness Prince Augustus with Lady A. Murray, have had several meetings; The refult of their deliberations seems favourable to the young couple. Marriages solemnized abroad, are, by various acts of the British Par- liament, recognized in this country; and the aft of Parliament which was passed in the beginning of the prefent reign, prohibiting the marriage of any of the Royal Family without the consent of his Majesty, and on which the prefent application for a divorce is founded, does not extend to mar- riages contracted abroad. • Caution.— A few days ago a hawker and pedler was convicted in the penalty of ten pounds, for offering goods to sale in Leeds on the market day, altho' he produced a licence; and on non- payment was committed to the houfe of correction for three months. A Quaker who was examined before their ho nours the commissioners of excise, touching some certain duties that it was supposed had not been properly paid, was rather more primitive in his language than they liked: and not choosing to ufe any other titles than thee, thou, and friend, one of them with a very stern countenance, asked him, " Pray, Mr. , do you know for what we sit here ?" " Yea, verily," replied Na- than, " I do : some of you for five hundred, others for a thousand, and I have been told, others for two thousand pounds a year." Early on Monday morning the post- boy carry- ing the mail from Chester to Liverpool, was stopped by two men, about a mile beyond Neston, who took the mail from him, and carried it off — The bags have been since found, opened, and the letters taken out and destroyed, about a mile from Neston.— Two men., we are told, have been apprehended at Liverpool, upon suspicion of the above robbery. Elizabeth Emmerson, a young woman of Haut- boys, in the county of Norfolk, aged 26, has been tapped thirteen times for the dropsy since Michaelmas 1793; at which feveral times 594 pints of water have been taken from her, and ( he is now in a ( late to be tapped again, when it is supposed 1 j gallons more will be taken from her. A singular and melancholy instance of fatality.— Last week, in Boughton, near Chester, a fine girl, of five years old, having accidentally broken an earthen mug, her sister, a girl about twelve or thirteen, in the absence of the mother, put the little offender into the cellar, as a punishment, where she imprudently kept her till the mother's return, a few hours after; when, being fearful of communicating the circumstance, she with- held it, till the poor, half- distracted woman had aftually employed the bellman to cry the child in Chefter: pon the fact, however, coming out, the mother flew down stairs, with an eagerness that may be better conceived than described, to embrace the lost object of her heart, when lo! she found it a corpse, having perished in a well in the cellar. " t he following occurrence took place last Fri- day afternoon, in Cow- crofs, near West- Smith- field : a journeyman baker, entertaining a suspi- cion of an improper intercourse between his wife and a journeyman patten- maker in the neigh- bourhood, went home at an unusual hour, and finding the parties in a room together, the latter instantly jumped out of a one pair of stairs win- dow, whereby his skull was fractured, and his thigh broken. He was taken to St. Bartholo- mew's hospital, where he expired in less than two hours after his fall. On Sunday night Iast was found in the delph by the turnpike, near Gainsborough, a child newly born, with a tight string round the neck, and a brick- bat tied to it. The inhuman, unna- tural mother has not yet been discovered. DIED.] On the 13th inft. at his house at Eaft Dereham, in Norfolk, Sir John Fenn, Knt. M A. F. A. S.— A few days since, at Cocketham, near Lancaster, Mr. E. Jackson, at the advanced age of 8;. His fon, who had attained his 64th year, attended the corpfe to interment, and was ! b much affected, that lying down on the side of the grave, he instantly expired. bRiggS's PUNCH- HOUSE. Mr. b RI G G S, Takes this earliest Op- portuniry of returning her lincere Thanks to the numorous Friends ol her late Husband, JAMES BRIGGS, tor the many Favours already received, and begs Leav*: to inform them, and the Publiein general, that ihe intends carrying on the Busines's as usual; and hope. s, by Diligence and Attention, to merit that Patronage which her Exertions ihail be earneftly ul'ed to obtain. *** All Persons that IidVC any Claim or Demand on the Estate or Effects of the/ aid JAMES BrIgGS, are forthwith delired to lend, in the fame:— And all Perfons indebted lo tile faid lift ate, are dWired to pay the same to Mrs. Briggs, Mr. John percival, or Mr. Win. Tompson, ( who are duly authorized to receive the fame) 011 or before the 25th Dav of March, 17^ 4, or they will be i'ued without further Notice. Northampton, Feb. 21Jl, 1794. WANTED, A Sober, Steady Lad, as an APPRENTICE to a BAKER. Apply to W. Bucknell, Baker, in Daventry. SU'lfs. Invincible Guns. Commanders 74 { Rear Adm. Macbride i Hon. T. Pakenham Captain Fairfax Sir J. Saumarez Sir E. Pellew Sir j. B. Warren Sheerness - - 44 Crescent - - 3" Arcthusa Flora ' - 3° ,, ,, ech0 . . 16 halkett with two other sloops of war. Sir Andrew Douglas sails to- morrow motninj; in the Phaeton, with the Latona, Hebe, anc Southampton, on a cruize, Plymouth, ftb 18. Sailed this morning the fol- lowing Chips, Ships Guns Monarch 74 Mrs. WATTS tAkES the Liberty of informing the JL GOVERNORS of the GENERAL INFIRMARY whofe Votes and Interclt have been folieited in her Favour, That from the Encouragement ihe has re ceived, and by the Advice of her Friends, it is her In- tention to offer herself a Candidate far MATRON to the HOSPITAL, on the earlieft Vacancy j when ( he preftimes to hope for their Support, and early Atten- dance 011 the Day of Election. NORTH AM ox, Feb. 22d, 1794. A To be SOLD, Substantial, Well- built DWELLING- HOUSE, with convenient Out- Buildings, well adapted tor carrying on an extenfive Business; together with Gardens, an Orchard well planted, and a Home- Clole adjoining; alfo, A CLOSE of rich PASTURE, lying near; iituate in LONG - BUCK. BY, in the County of Northampton. l or Particulars, apply to Mr. Denny there. N. B. A principal Part or the Purchase- Money may remain upon Security of the Premifes. TIMBER. At KELMARSH, in the County of Northampton, on Monday the 24th, and Wednesday the 26th of Fe- bruary, 1794, ANumber of large ELM and ASH; with all the TOPS; likewi pOlES— in Lots. To be viewed on Friday the 21ft, and Saturday the 22d, preceding the Sale. Information to be had at the Golden - Lion, in Kelmarsh, where a Perfon attends to fhew the Lots. likewife fome large ASH T Either together or in Lots, To be Sold by Private Contra£ t immediately, And Entered upon on the 5th of April next, ' HE TEN FREEHOLD CLOSES of ARABLE, MEADOW, and PASTURE LAND, in the Occupation of Robert Burnhill, fituate in the Parith of ABTHORPE, in the County of Northamp- ton, ( together witli the Barn Handing inane of them,) hereunder mentioned, viz. Two Clofes nearly adjoining, Called Great and Little Handley Leys, together Three Clofes lying together, called Barn- Close, ( with the Barn Handing therein), white- House Close, and Little Meadow Tvvo Clofes lying together, called the wi- thermore's, and a Spinney adjoining A Clole, called Fearn- Furlong A Clofe, called wappenham- Field- Side A Clofe, called Brook- Furlong CAPITAL SHEEP. To be SOLD by AUCTION; By. Mr. BOOTT, ( Without Reserve) 011 the I'remifts, on Moiiday the 24th Day of February,. 1794, at Ten o'Cfoek, THE Entire and Valuable STOCK of BREEDING EWES, RAMS, LAMBS, and FAT WETHERS, the Property of Mefl'rs. JOSEPH and THOMAS WILKES, of MEASHAM; in the Coupty of Derby. This capital Flock, which num- bers nearly Four Hundred, lias manv Years been clofe bred from the New Leicefterihire Sort. Mallrs. Wilkes' are Members of the Society of Ram Breeders; and have always been among the Foremost in the Choice of Rams at Dishley. EIGHT FAT BULLOCKS will be SOLD by AUCTION, 011 the fame Day. Catalogues will be ready for Delivery 011 Friday the firtt of February, at the Principal Inns, in Leiceftcr, Derby, Nottingham, Ashby- de- la- Zouch; Burton- upon- Trent, Taihwortb, Atheritone, and Hinckley; on the Premifes, and at Mr.' Boott's, in Loughborough. Alfo, A Right of Common in and over a Meadow in the fame Parilh, called Alexander's- Meadow. AbThoRpre. is about three Miles from Tow- cefter, eight from Buckingham and Brackley, and twelve from Banbury. For further Particulars, and to treat for the Purchase, apply to Mr. Kirby, Attorney at Law, 111 Towcester.. Live Stock and Implemtnts of Husbandry, CSV. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN y0RK, On Thurfday next, the 27th of February inftant, on the Premises at RUSHDEN, THE LIVE STOCK and FARMING UTENSILS, of Mr. JOHN FISHER : Com prizing four In- calv'd and Barren Cows, one ftout ufeful Draught Horfc, and three Store Hogs; two Waggons, three Carts, Ploughs, Harrows, Harnefs complete for fix Horfes, a large Lead Horfe Trough, Wire Screen, Winrowing Gig, and Bam Tackle ; a Barrel Churn, three Milk Leads, and Dairy Vell'cls ; a Half- hogshead Copper, Mash Vat, and other Brew- ing- Vessels ; with lundry other ufeful Articles. Sale to begin at Ten o'Clock. Valuable Farming Stock. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. S HAw, On Monday February the 24th, 1794, at Ten o'Clock, on the Premifes, ' HE LIVE and DEAD STOCK, and HOUSEHOLD - FURNITURE, & c. . of Mr. BASKERVILLE, on his FARM, at CHICHLEY, near NEWpORT- PAgnEll., Bucks: Conlifting of 10 ufeful Dairy Cows, two Drawing Mare. s, three Colts, and 40 Sheep ; a Cock of good Hay ; Carts, Ploughs, Harrows, a Roll, Horle- Harnefs, and Im- plements of Husbandry in general; two good Beds, and genteel Bedding, Tables, Chairs, Drawers, and Glalles ; a good Clock; Kitchen- Furniture in generat, with a large Quantity of Pewter and Brafs ; a Churn and Milk Leads ; Coppers, Brewing- Utensils, Iron- bound Casks, and various ufeful Articles. The Whole is in good Condition, and will be Sold without Reserve. To be SOLD by AUCTiON, By Mr. R O U S E, On Fridav the 7th Dav of March, 1794, on the Pre- mifes at KiBWORTH- HARCOURT, in the County of I. eicefter, ( under an Assignment for the Benefit of the Creditors of Mr. JOHN MILLS, of Kibworth- Harcourt aforefaid, Miller,) HIS Entire and Useful HOUSEHOLD- FURN1TURE, and various otlur EFFECTS : Confifting of Bedsteads and ufeful Bedding; Flaxen Sheets; Tables, Choirs, and Veneered Cafe of Draw- ers ; excellent. New Eight- day Clock, enamell'd Dial- Plate, with handfome Flower Ornaments ; Kitchen- Grate, Crane, Alh- Grate, & c. good Wind- up Jack, Cait- iron Oven and Bath Stove; Sixteen- gallon Cop- per, Wort- Tubs adapted; season'd Iron- bound Quar- ter- Casks; Forty - three- inch painted Beam with' Scales, four Half- hundred Iron and other Weights; Mill Stock; partitioned- Flour Bin and Scales ; accurate Steelyards ( 3041b.); about forty Sacks.— A ftrong Farmer's Cart, with Tackle for two Horfes; a very ufeful stout Black Draught Horse, 6 Years old.; two Stocks of Bees, & c. & c.— And, About Seven o'Clock in the Evening of the said 7th Day of March, will be put up for Public . Sale, at ttit Crown Inn there, ( if they are not disposed of before by Private Contract,) The compact, convenient Brick- built HOUSE • TENEMENT, in fubftantial Repair, eligibly litu- ated. on the Great Road in KIBWORTH- HAR- COURT, late in the Occupation of the faid John Mills: Comprizing a good Kitchen, a Parlour neatly fitted up, three Chambers, Brewhouse, and other re- " uilite Offices; convenient Two- stall Stable^ and other tit- Buildings; large Yard and a pretty lized Garden. Alfo, A New- built POST WINDMILL, with a Six- feet Machine, a Pair of French and a Pair of Peak Stones, both of them New, completely fitted up with Cloths, Bag Ropes, & c. for immediate. Bulinefs; Handing on the South- East Side of, and near, to the Town of Kibworth- Harcourt. To treat for the Purchafc of the Houfe or Mill, by Private Contrail, Application may be made to Mr. Burford; Attorney at Law, or to Mr. David Oswin, of Market- Harborough. reprefented as pouring Into the capital, filled wltL lamentable pictures of the uhiverfal want and wretchednels that , prevail throughout the De- partments ; this want and this wretchednefs aro faid to lie in confluence of the machinations of the internal enemies of the Pvepublic, who in- creafe in a tenfold proportion, compared with any former instance, fince the Revolution. In Paris itfelf such a scarcity prevails, that butchers meat is fold for two livres ( one and nine- pence) the pound; and an infurreftion is appre- hended in confequence of the alarm of rapidlv approaching famine.— This sarcity is reprefented in the Paris papers as artificial, and the guilt is attached to the Butchers, many of whom are daily arretted under the charge of throwing their bones and_ offal to the poor Sans Culotte and ftarving Artizan, while they fupply the rich with good meat, becaufe they get liberally paid for it. i7>-- f—•——• v-< T> FORTUNATE LOTTERY- TICKETS. Monday the drawing of the Lottery commenced at Guildhall, when No. 10,882 ( a blank} was the firli- drawn ticket, and as fuch entitled to IOOOI. Nos- 21,396 and 25,690, tool. each. Nos. 12,109, 2x, i- 8j » 43. J74- arid 43,501, 50I. each. Second day. No. 38,695, 1000I. Nos. 13,513, and 46,718, iool. each. Nos. 1440, 15,985, 21,710, 37,69;, cli. each. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By WILLIAM COLE, On Thurfday the 27th of this inftant February, at the Shakefpear's Head, Badby, in the County of North- ampton, ABOUT TWENTY LOTS of fine OAK POLES, and fomt BEECH and ELM DITTO, fit for Farmers' Ufe, and Fences for Inclofure. Like- wire about 24 Lots of ASH TIMBER, fit for Wheel- wrights and Carpenters, mark'd for Sale, in Fawsley- Park. For Particulars, Enquire of Samuel Carvel, at the Carpenter's Shop, in the Park. Sale to begin at One o'Clock. in the Afternoon. N. B. About the firft Week in April next, will be Sold about 50 Lots of fine Maiden Oak Timber, growing in Prefton Church Wood, about four Miles from the Grand Junction Canal Navigation. Notice will be given of the Day of Sale in a future Paper. On Wednesday last, was published, ( Price ONE SHILLING,) The Sword is the Lord's, AS E R M O N, preached in the Parifli- Church of DAVENTRY, in Northamptonlhire, on SUNDAY, JANUARY 19, 1794. By the Rev. SAMUEL HUMFRAYS, B. D. STUDENT OF CHRIST- CHURCH, OXFORD, AND MINISTER, OF DAVENTRY. O Son of Man, / have fet thee a Watchman to the Houfe of Tfrael: therefore thoufbalt hear the IVord at my Mouth, and warn them from me.— Ezekiel xxxiii. 7. non luce fine numine Divum Eveniunt. VIRC.^ EN. ii. 777. Northampton : Printed and Sold by T. Dicey 3c Co. fold alfo by Birdfall, and Burnliam, Northampton; and Cullingworth, Daventry. Prosecution of Felons, WHEREAS it hath been proposed and agreed to re- eftablilh A SOCIETY in the Town- of NORTHAMPTON, for the PROSECUTE- ING of HORSE and SHEEP STEALERS, and FELONS, and THIEVES of every Denomination, in the Town and in the County of Northampton : The Proprietors and Occupiers ot Houfes, Lands, and Eltates in the faid Town and County, are therefore requeftcd to meet at the ANGEI. INN, in the Town of Northampton, 011 Saturday the lit Day of March next, at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, to confider of, and adopt Rules for the Regulating of the faid Society, and to enter into a Subfcription for fupport- ing the fame. Northampton, Feb. 20, 1794. Melampus Active - 36 3! Commanders I Commod. Sir J. Wallace ' Captain T, Sotherton Captain Coffin Captain Nagle on a cruize on the coast 6f France, tor the pur- pofe of making observations, and to endeavour to open a communication with the ROYALISTS. General Washington has no children ; he has nine nephews.; and notwithstanding they possess talents that would shed lustre on any situation DEBTORS and CREDITORS. SEVERAL of the Perfons who itood in- debted to JOHN FULLER, late of STOKE- BRUERNE, in the County of Northampton, Shop keeper and Vitlualler, at tlie Time of his Deceafe, not having paid their relpeftive Debts, are delired to pay the fame immediately to Mr. Samuel Fuller, ofSha- bington, near Thame, the Executor appointed by the Will of the Deceafed; or to Mr. Kirby, Attorney, in Towcelter ; otherwife the faid Executor will he under the Necelfity of commencing Actions for the Recovery thereof:— And every fuch Creditor of the Deceafcd, who has not delivered an Account of his Demand to the faid Mr. Samuel Fuller, or Mr. Kirby, is requelted to deliver the fame forthwith. Towcester, Feb. 21, 1794. ROGERS's DEBTORS. ALL - Perfo'ns who ftaad indebted to the Eftate of JOHN ROGERS and THOMAS ROGERS, late of NEWPORT- PAGNELL, in the County of Bucks, Carriers, ( Bankrupts), are defired to pay their respective Debts to Messrs . Robert Gee & George Osborn, of Newport- Pagnell aforefaid ; Mr. John Palmer, of Olney; Mr. Win. Hilliker, ot Saint- john's- Street, London, the Assignees of the said Estate or to Mr. Lucas, Attorney at Law, of Newport- Pagnel. aforefaid, on or before the 25th Day of March next; and in Default thereof, they will immediately after tlut Time be lucU for the fame. Small Freehold Estate. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By J. DAY and SONt At Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, on Saturday the ilt of March, 1794, at the Anchor Inn, in Newport- Pagnell, Bucks, ALL thofe TWO COTTAGES or TE- NEMENTS, with a Barn and Gardens thereto adjoining and belonging; with feveral thriving Trees thereon; fituate in the Parilh of LITTLE- WOOL- STON, in the County of Bucks, and now in the feveral Occupations of Win. HenfonandT. Matthews. And alfo a CLOSE or PIECE of liew incloled ARABLE LAND, fituate and lving in the Pari 111 of LITTLE - WOOLSTON aforefaid, containing by Estimation five Acres; and now in the Occupation of Daniel Markham. The Whole now Lett at ihe low- Rent of 81. per Annum. For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. Hurst, At- torney, Newport- Pagnell, Bucks. household- Furniture^ isfc. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAy and SON, On Monday the 3d of March, 1794, on the Premifes at HANSLOP, in the County of Bucks, THE Genuine and Modern HOUSE HOLD- FURNITURE, LINEN, CHINA, and other EFFECTS, the Property of a GENTLEMAN leaving the Country: Comprizing two handfome Four poft Bedlteads, with beautiful printed Cotton Furni tures, one Tent Bedftead, fine Goole & other Feather Beds, Blankets and Counterpanes ; Drawers, Pier and Dreiling Glalles, Parlour and Chamber Chairs, Mahogany Dining, Tea, and Card Table's, Floor and Bedfide Carpets, Marble Side- Board, on a Frame, curious Brafs Time Piece, a Spinnet; feveral Tair of excellent Sheets, Table Cloths, & c, Quantity of China and Clai's, one Tea and ons Coffee Urn, ' Tea Boards, & c. ; Kitchen Range, Pewter, Brafs, an: i CO ga. Bottles, Sc.; one Cock of Hay. with a Clofe to l'pend it en till Lady- Day next, or to be taken off the Premifes if more agreeable to the Purchafer. N. B. Several Suits of Ladies' Wearing Apparel to be Sold in Lots. These Effects'are in exceeding good Condition, being all New within a lhort Time. The Sale to begin exaftly at Ten o'Clock. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the Houfe of Mr. Thos. Clayton, being the Sign of the Barley- Mow, in the Town of Bedford, on Satur- day the 1 jth Day of March, 1794, at Three o'Clock in tiie Afternoon, AFREEHOLD CLOSE of excellent PASTURE Tithe free, containing by Eitimarion 20 Acres, together with all the Timber and - other Trees growing thereon, fituate at NeWNHAM, within one Mile of the Town of Bedford, and lately in the Occupation pf Mr. Odell, the Proprietor. N. B. Half or more of the Purchafe Money ( if re- quired) may lie on Mortgage of the Clofe at 4I. 10s. per Cent, and the Purchafer may have immediate Possession. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. Lovesey, of Bedford. House for a Retail Tradesman. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. DRAKE, At the Three Crowns Inn, Leicester, 011 Tuefday the 11th of March, 1794, at Six o'Clock in the Evening, together or in Lots, TWO HOUSES, in the BELGRAVE GATE, LEICESTER— ihe largest being lately in the Occupation of Mr. Coleman, Tallow- Chandler; and the Other adjoining it, and being now in the Te- nure of William Stevenson, a Taylor. THE PRINCIPAL HOUSE ii in a Situation very defirable to any RETAIL TRADESMAN, bur parti- cularly to a Tallow- Chandler, who would fecure, with his Purchafe, an eftablifhed Trade.— This Houfe may- be made, from it's Situation and Extent of Back- Ground, to anlwer the Purpofesof any Tradesman or Manufacturer.-'- There is a Yard behind the Houfe, with a Stable, Out- Buildings, and a little Tenement in it; beyond the Yard is a convenient Garden. The Houfe rente*! by Stevenson will be sold subject to the Life Eftate of a Perfon aged 49. For further Particulars, spply to Mr. W. Heyrick, Town- Clerk, Leiecester. NORTHAMPTON, SATURDAY EVENING, Feb. 22, _ The Rev. John Roberts, B. D. rector of Kid- dington, in Oxfordshire, is instituted to therefiory of Lanliechid, in Carnarvonftiire. The Right Hon. Lord Kenyon, Lord Chief Juftice of the Court of King's Bench, has been pleafed to appoint Ezra Eagles, of Toddington, in the county of Bedford, Gentleman, an Attor- ney of that Court, with a Commission to take Affidavits in the feveral Counties of BucKs, Bed- ford, Hertford, Northampton and Oxford; John Richards, of Brampton, in Huntingdon- ftnre, E_ fq. is appointed ( heriff for the counties of Huntingdon and Cambridge: And Mr. Hardy of Huntingdon, is his iinder- iheriff. Sir Joseph banks is appointed sheriff for the county of Lincoln. MIDLAND CIRCUIT. Lord Chief Baron and Mr. Baron Thomson. March 3, Northampton March 15, Derby 7, _ 20, Leiccfter and .. Oakham 8, Lincoln & City 13, Nottingham & Town Borough 24, . Coventry 25, Warwick Postscript. LONDON, February 22. Y yefterday's Flanders mail accounts from Paris were received of the date of the 14th — In the report of- the proceedings of the Con vention of the 12th, the Royalists of La Vendee are again acknowledged to be in great force, and Barrere announcedi that " During the retreat of one of the battalions of La Vendee, the young general Moulin destroyed himfelf, to avoid being taken prisoner by the banditti." From intelli- gence received refpe& in. g the real magnitude of that defeat,— we learn that the Royalist army is 8o, coi? strong, and that in the aftion above- men- tioned, the Republicans left 6000 dead upon the field of battle, when they retreated for protection under the walls of Nantz. Several battalions re- volted, and more than a thousand were made prisoners by the victorious army. Thefe circum- llances are however concealed by Barrere in his report. We have the satisfaction of informing the pub- lic, that official news has been received by one of the foreign ministers from his court, of Perpignan having surrendered to the Spaniards. This con- qneft is of the utmoft importance, and opens the doors to no lefs than four of the Southern pro- vinces of France. The particulars of the capture are not known. Several reports have been in circulation finee the arrival of the laft Flanders mails, of the French having appeared in great force near the lines of the allies, with a determination to attack them. We have made it our business to enquire into the truth of thefe reports ; and *. ve find, that on the 9th and 10th inlt. the French ( hewed a disposition to attack, in confequence of which, We have already mentioned that a subscription was begun by fome ladies at Bath; to purchase shoes for the Militia— we have now the pleasure to announce, that a fubfeription is begun in Man- chefter for the fame purpofe. When we confider the harrassing marches that our countrymen mud: experience from the alarm of an invasion, and that onluchan emergency they mult ( land forward as our fole defenders, this tribute in their favour will be a trifle to the different countries, but a valuable gift to the men. Two horfe- ftealers were apprehended in our fair on Thurfday— They had in their pofl'effion two valuable cart- mares, one of which had been stolen from Quedgley, and the other from Hars- field, in Gloncestershire, on Sunday night laft ; and the owners, who had traced them as far as Stow- on- the- Would, being informed of a fair at this place, luckily arrived here juft as they were offering them for fale. They were immediately taken before Jeremiah Briggs, Esq. our prefent chief magiftrate, who committed them to gaol, in order to take their trials at our ensuing assizes. On Monday fe'nnight, the servant- maid of Mr. Venables, at the Bull inn, in Oxford, was com- mitted to the gaol there, 011 her awn confession, for breading Open the bureau of her master, and dealing from thence upwards of 30l.: in money ; for which offence on the Wednefday preceding, John Hall, a helper in the stables, had been com- mitted upon her evidence. MARRIED Lately, Richard Kenrick, Efq. fenior major in the Royal Denbighshire militia, aged 89, to Mrs. Irwin, mistress of the post- office, at Stratford- upon- Avon. DIED.] On Wednefday, in the G5th year of his age,_ the Rev. Wm. Hughes, vicar of All- Saints, in this town, and of Spratton, in this county— a gentleman whofe general condufl, whether considered as a public character, or in. the more focial fcenes of life, requires no embellish- ment from a newspaper.— Wednefday fe'nnight, at Mr. Pratt's^ grocer, in Coventry, after a few- hours illness, Mifs Elizabeth Warren, late ot Stapenhill, near Burton- upon- Trent.— On the 13th inftant, at Claybrook, in Leicestershire, Mrs. Mackinnon, wife of the Rev. Mr. Mackinnon, vicar of that parifli.— Friday'se'nnight, in the 70th year of his age, Simon Hatley, Gent, of Wood- stock, Oxfordshire.— The day following, of an apopleftic fit, as he was walking in the fields, Mr. James Butts, brother of. the Rev. Mr. Butts, rector of Wilbraham in Cambridgeshire.— Lately, Mrs. Isola, of Cambridge, greatly lamented • A few days ago! at by all who knew her.— Hoddeston, Hertfordfhire,__ Mrs. Mary Breton, sister of Thomas Breton, Esq. of that pb. ee, and formerly of this town.— Lately, the Rev. Mr. Panting, rector of Brockhall, in this county, and of Weston, in the county of Bucks.— On the 30th ult. at Keythorpe, in Leicestershire, aged 8c, Mrs. Black,_ relict of the late Mr. David Black, of Lived.- n, in this county.— Lately, Mrs. Knapp, relict of Matthew Knapp, Esq.' late of Little- Linford, Bucks.— A few weeks ago, at Marseilles, in France, Dr. Syme, formerly a physician of this place. , orders were given for the Britilh troops ftationed at Ghent to be in readinefs to march. The ene- \ foa/ I appear m our next. my however di( appeared fhortly after, without 1 * » * The Letter, dated Cambridge, is too long for our making an attempt of any fort; and, by letters : iaPer- which wc received yefterday. from Ghent, dated : the 17th, we find that all was quiet. Indeed, it is impoffible for either party to attempt any ob- ; jeft of importance- at prefent • tor the roads are • impaflable for the iranfportation of cannon.— J ' 1 itnes. Accounts from the interior of France, fays a letter from Ostend received yefterday, ( tate that the troops of the line at Lyons, tired of being | r ™ wsssei made the instruments of the revolutionary : i- LIST of FAIRS, from Feb. 22,. to March bqnal, have driven the Coinmiflioners of the Con- I within ti e Qfcijrt of this Papsr. vention from that city, and put o death a great part of the revolutionary army : - n a word, it is added, a Counter- revolution again triumphs in Lyons, & diffuses it's influence in - very direction. Even the French papers strengthen our faith in this statement—. Petitions out cf number are T." w. M. F. Feb. March Sum. ay and Tuefday's Pofts. ( Continued from the Ift Page. J FRENCH INVASION. The French, with a view, probably, of divert- ing fome of our force, have declared thei'r deter- mination to invade our Country, towards the end of this month"; and this boast, connefled with the circumftarice of the ufual orders at this time of the \ ear having been given, for all officers of Militia to join their reapextive Corps seems to have been aufficient to give rife to the report of an invafion having actually taken place. Supposing them, for a moment, to be mad enough to make fuch an attempt, the question is, where they will endeavour to land. The Isle of ' Wight is but 12 hours sail from Cherbourg ; but here our fleet presents itfelf on One fide, with in- accessible rocks round most parts of the ifland ; no tract of country sufficient to subsist an army for any length of time; and che fortifications of Portsmouth between it and the main land, too ftrong to be taken by a coup de main. Should they alio mean to attempt it, there landing here would be further impeded by the forces now under the command of the Earl of' Moira.; and this, per- haps, is a thorough justification of the Minister, frr landing and detaining the Hessian troops in that quarter.— Rut if, as others suppose, their de- iign mould be to land' near Plymouth, or fome- where in the West of England, the distance, Hy giving us'time to prepare, wjjl be of itfelf fuffi- cient to rendei1 the enterprise abortive.— The fame difficulty, would attend their landing at Mil- ford haven, or in any other part of Wale'sto ft v nothing of the ruggedness of roads, a moun- Tainous country, and a hardy race of people, burning with zeal in defence of their Sovereign and the British Constitution. At all events, therefore, - whether. they land or not, nothing is to be feared from an invafion. But it is more probable. they will never attempt it. The threats ot " Barrere, . and > his brethren of the'" Convention, are to be confidered. as a mere brutum Julmen : thrown but/ perhaps, politically enough, to arnufe the deluded French ; and kept up with a view < t inducing us to direct some of our force to oppofe fuch an attempt, if it fhould be made ; but having nothing in them, furely, to fill a Britilh bofom with, fear, or give us the leait apprehenfion pf what they mav really intend to do. When we consider who the Englifh are, ' who the French are, and what are the relative circum- stances of both, we mult contefs we are not able to account for the alarm that was produced on Friday, by the rumou'fs of an invsfion. To" fay nothing oi the difficulties, or rather inipra& icability of tlic inv'afion of mf/ lami by an enemy, with little or no naval force, whilll the iflMiiders ha ve riding at anchor, and ready for fea, a fleet that might well make one half of Europe tremble, we will fuppofe the French actually landed with <; 0,000 men, and a fuitable train of artillery ; v.- e know that in that cafe, a confideT- able lofs might be fuftained through the deilruc- * ionof forage, cattle, or farin- houfes; but, good God, is it poitible, that any man who feels him- felf an Engliflbman, could, even under fuch cir- cuinftanc. es, be ferioufly alarmed, left the cmqtiejl the ijland by the invaders fhould enftie ? It has been pompoufly aflted, whether 26 millions of Frenchmen could be conquered by an. army of 200,000 invaders, or even by ten times that number. And fhall it be foid that twelve millions of Eng lifli, Scotch and Irifhmen, feel alarmed at the klea n( a landing efteited by 50,00^ 0 Frenchmen ? No; forbid it pride, forbid it manhood. The landing of fuch a body could ferve only to fatten our foil; svn invaSon by fuch a force would only transfer from French to Englifh fexrons, the office of bury- ing men, who, though leaving France with the hopes of viilory, would find in England nothing but a grave. \\ hatever may be our divifions in other points, an invading enemy will find, to his cofl, that when our country is attacked, her children will have but one heart and one mind, and that they will rife is one man in her defence. Certain, we believe it is, that there is but one mind upon this fubjedt in this country, and that if the French are mad enough to come, we fhall not be tame enough to futFer any of them to return. We have every reafon to believe that Minifters will not leave any thing undone that . may render the efforts of our enemies to annoy us abfolutely abortive. They have every thing at flaketheir reputation as lta'tefmen, their honour as gentle- men, their fafety as Minifters, their pride and their patriotifm as Britons: let us then give them credit that they will notnegleft their duty, that they will make the belt ufe of the power put into their hands; and let us not be alarmed for the Con- fequences of an invafion, which though it is not to be invited, is not to be dreaded as an irre- trievable evil, A confpiracy has lately been discovered at Warehom in Kent, which certainlv was intended to give the French assistance, when a landing should have been attempted. It appears, that the principal ringleaders in the business are fome disaffected perfons, who have been exceedingly active for fome time past in stirring up a fpirit of rebellion among, the poor labourers in that part of the country; who have been led to suppose, that thev are dreadfully oppressed, in being obliged to work for their living ; and that the only means of bettering their condition would be by uniting together to effect a revolution, and then dividing the property of the country. It is generally fup- po/ cd that fome French Emissaries have likewise been active in fanning this fpirit of revolt. We hear that the combination was brought to light by a fervant of Mr. Kingsnorth's, who had ho- neity enough to withstand the overtures that were made to him to bccome a party in the rafcally undertaking : and by the joint efforts of Mr.. J lodges and Mr. Kingsnorth, the bufinefs was fuon fullv unravelled. There. are three perfons committed, and fome others are now in fearch of. E P I G R A M. siNCe the French arc such Atheists, how comes it to pass; That of- late they are all grown lo fond of a Mass }. v ,1 mat's iu Vendee thev Jnid walk1'' every acre, Convertingt their Mass to a dreadful Mass- acre by the mass," thev lliall not British Valour allay ! Our troops shall instruct them for mercy to pray. they shall find if their rashness approaches our coast, oppos'd to their Mass, every Briton a HoST EPITAPH vn a Tomb- Stone, at thetford. MY Grandfather was buried here, . My Cousin Jane, and two Uncles dear'; - My father perished with a mortifaction in his thighs, And my Sister dropt down dead in the. Minories. .-,...( M hi- I'm interr'd. accordingr tt lioufenian John Anderson, of Holborn, London, bookseller.— Wm. Peter Watson, of Selby, Yorkshire, mercer.— Richard Boxall, of Duke- street, Marybone, Middlefex, viitualler.— William Pennington, late of Halliwell, lancashire, manufacturer.— Thomas Lid- diard, of Great Pulteney- street, Westminster, car- penter.— Wm. Williams, of Lambeth Butts, Surry, broker.— Wm. Pearne, of Leicester- square, Middle- fex, hardwareman.— Thomas Moss, of Charing- crofs, Middlesex, taylor.— Jonas Freemantle, of gray's inn lane; Middlesex, horse- dealer. — Richard Watson, of Upton- Magna, Shropshire, iron- master. — - Anthony Calvert, of New- street, Covent- Garden, Middlesex, glass- seller.— John Humphreys, of Webb - street, Southward, victualler. John Lawrence, Thomas Yates, and David Holt, all of Manchester, Lancashire, cotton- spinners.—- Peter Morris, and Peter Morris the younger, both of Bristol, carpenters. Wheat Rve • Barley Malt • Oats - j° s. to ; is. to 3.? s- 23s. to j; s. - 42s. to 40s. - 203. to 27s. An Extratffrm the Lewes Journal, Dec. 23, 17- 93. Mr. NEWNHAM, a capital farmer and timber- merchant, of Weft- hill, Ardingly, in Sussex, was con- fined to his houfe, and rendered incapable of butinefs, by a virulent Scorbutic Eruption breaking out in various parts of his body ; one of his legs was fweHecl to double it's, ordinary lize, and his lungs svere fo affefled, that iffpiratien was difficult and painful to a molt alarming dvgiee. In this fituation, Mr. N . applied to a Gentle- man of the faculty, wliofe ikiU is well known, and after continuing under his care near twelve months without receiving any benefit, lie refolved, with theapprubatio'n of his medical ' friind, to'tiy tiietfFe< Sfs of SPiLSBURY's ANTISCORBUTIC DR- OPS ; in taking only one bottle, he found great . relief in' liis' brea? liing,- & c. and J> y con- tinuing them a few months, his. complaints Weiecutii eljt removed, and his health perfeilly relkiVtd. From a principle . of benevolent? towards his telio) i » ; fiiftererj,' as well as. juliice to the prop ietor of the medicine, he thinks it his duty to communicate this cafe to the public — for the authenticity of which, a_ further application may be made to Mr. William Lee, printer, Lewes, where the Drops may be had genuine ; and at the . Pro- proprietor's, D. SriLseuRY, Soho- fquare, London, in bottles of 1 Lis.' and 5s. each ; as alio- of the Printtis of this Paper, W. BirufaU, and W. Marlhall and Son, Northampton; and likewife of the Newfmen. A Wyk highly interefting to every Britijh Suhjtfl. Tpis. Day was fublifted, Number I, to VI. Price only Six pence each, Containing the Whole of the important DEBATES of the PRESENT SESSION of PARLIAMENT. The fucceedins; Numbeis to be continued during the Sitting of each fuc& ffive Seffion, and publifhed With ali poflihle Difpatch) Of THE SENATOR; Or, C L A RENDON's PARLIAMENTARY CHRONICLE. Containing an Impartial Regifter ; recording, with the utmoft Accuracy, the Proceedings and - Debates of the Houfes of LORDS and COMMONS. Forming a Source of Political Information highly intertfting to every Britifli Subject. The Senator will be particularly interefting not only to thore, who have not an Opportunity of penning the Daily Papers, but to thofe who conftantly read tlieta ; as it will prefent. a more , copi, ous and accyrijte. Detail ol' the Debates, than can poflibly be given in the Daily Prints, which are limited both to Time and Compafs. ] t will efpoufe no Party, give no decided Pieference,- er throw out any Infinuation that can tend tomifreprefent, pervert, or exaggerate the Discussion ofany Subject. The Debates are pubiifhed much more reqent in this Work than in any other Work of the Kind ; and are printed in a Manner infinitely fupetior j befides con- taining an tnufual Quantity of Letter- Pieis above any other Reports, fo that, by uniting the important Re- quifites of eirly Publication, Accuia- y, Elegance, and Cheapnefs, it is prefumed this Woik will continue to maintain a decided Preference. This Work being fold in Numbers,- at only 6.1. each, and printed as foon as the Editor can possibly commit his Reports to the Press, the Information is thereby pub- lished a Month, and frequently Six Weeks, earlier than in any other Parliamentary Reports; as they are obliged to fufpend their Publication till they can obtain Matter ( as they conceive) adequate to the Price of is. which their Reports are fold at. N. B. In this Work will be regularly given, Copies of the Treaties, Conventions, & c. & c. that may be laid before either Houfe of Parliament. The Debates of the Firft, Second, and Third SefTion of the prsfent Parliament, may be had complete, in 7 Vols. Thofe who do not clioofe to purchafe the Whole together, may have one or more Numbers at a Time, as may be moft agreeable, or may have the Debates of the prefent Seflion without being under the NecefTity of purolnfing apy of the Former. London : Printed for, and fold by C. Cooke, No. 17, Paternoller- Row ; fold alfo by T. DiCey and Co. W. Birdfall, and T. Burnham, Northampton ; and may b: had of all other Bookfeliers and News Men in Great Britain. On Saturday the iji ' of February, uaas fttbliftxd, No. I. To be continued Monthly, ( Price Sixpence) of ' HE PROTESTANT DISSENTER's MAGAZINE: Confiding of Biographical Memoirs ; Ecclefiaftical Hilto.- y ; Sacred Criticil'm ; Doi£ trinal and Practical Divinity ( including one entire fhort Sernjon for Families); a Review of Theological Books; Devotional Poetry ; and Miscellaneous Essays, or Articles of In- teiUgeace, particularly on Subje£ ts immediately in- tending to the Body of Proteftant Difl'enters : De- figued to Promote the Caufe of Knowledge and Truth, of Righteousness and Peace.—- published with the Assistance of several Diiienting Minifters of the Three Denominations. Embellished with Heads and other Engravings. London Printed for T. Knott, Lombard- Street, to whom Communications may be lent ( free of Expence) for the Editor ; and Sold by T. Dicey and Co. W. Birdsall, ami T. Burnham, Northampton; and by. all other Booksellers, No. 1. Contains the Life of the Rev. Daniel Neale, A. M. with Ills Portrait, and a Sermon of Dr. Dod- dridge, never before printed, with various other Articles. The Rev. T. PRIESTLEy's New History of the Life of Christ, All. Entire New Work, printed in Quarto. Tie Cheapest of the Kind ever published: And embellished with near jo Elegant Copper- Plates', ngraved by Messrs. Lewell, Page, Goldarj and other PETER PINDAR's WORKS COMPLETE, Elegantly print', in Odt- avo and ' 4' t- prelfed, This Day was fubtijbed, No. 1. Pii e One ShiJ.' ingf To be continued Weekly till the Whole is complete, In THIRTY NUMBERS, Correfted and Enlarged by the Author. THE above Work will be printed in an elegant Stile, on a beautiful Superfine Wove Paper ; and with the lafl Number will be . ivenan ele- gant engraved Head of the Author, by the ingenious M r. Heath, with engraved Title- Pages, and a complete Index. to the Whole. This is the only correfl: Edition of PeTER PIN- DAR'S Works, in which will be found a Number of Improvements as well as Additions by the Author. The Public is therefore defired 10 beware of the fpuriou Editions pf Peter Pindar's Works, as they are in general not otoly miferibly mfcofreft, but at- tile fame Time are difgraced by Pieces which this Author never wrote. London: Printed for John Walker. No. 44, 1' ater- nofler Row ; and foldhv T. Dicey and Co. W. Birdfall, and T. Buinham, Northampton: and by all- other Bookfeliers. Where may be had, juft puhlifhed, Price 2s. fid. Pa- thetic Odes to the Duke of Richmond, by Peter Pindar: Alfo, Pindar's Works, in Two la; ^ s Volumes, Quarto, Price zl. 12s. ( id, in Boards. according to my is owing to' my good living and hard drinking. If therefore, good Christians, you'd with to live long. but the reason , why, I'm interr'd, thinking. don't drink, too much Wine, or Brandy, or Gin, or any thing that's strong ' ' BANKRUPTS. john Haywood, of Birmigham, brass founder, dealer and chapman: Xo appear Feb. 26, 27. a. nd April 1, at the hen and Chickenst inn, Birmingham. Attornies, Messrs. Swain and Stevens, Old Jewry, london John Warwick, en_ eminent Artists. The Whole to be comprized in 25 Numbers only. On SATURDAY NEXT will be PUBLISHED, Price only SIX- PENCE, [ Elegantly printed in Quaito, on large New Types, and on Superfine" Demy Wove Paper, adorned with an ele- gant Frontispiece, containing general Reprefentations of Chrift's Nativity, his Preaching to the Multitude, Last Supper, Crucifixion, Burial, Resurrection, and Ascension ; alfo another beautiful Plate of Chrift and the Woman of Samaria in Conversation at Jacob's Well, J NUMBER I. ( To be continued Weeklv till the Whole is completed). Of THE New Evangelical HISTORY of the LIFE of Our Blc- lfed Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST. Containing a Full and Complete Account of our Glorious Redeemer; particularly'his. Nativity, Genealogy, preservation, Circumcision, Baptism, Fast- ing, Temptation, Miniltry, Doilrinej Calling of the Apostles, Miracles, Parables, Travels,. Tranfiguration, Passion, Institution of the Sacrament, Crucifiction, Bu- rial, ResurrectiOn, Appearance, Ascension, tec. Sec. To which will be'added the LIVES and SUFFER- INGS of his Holy APOSTLES, EVANGELISTS, See. thofe early Ministers of the Gospel ; and , a brief Account of their Succeffors for joo Years after the Cru- cifixion. Including the Lives and Tranfaftions of John the Baptift, the Forerunner of the MefTiah, tile Virgin Mary, & c. Se. c. To which will alfo be jtib'yined, A DEFENCE; of CHRISTIANITY agajpft , the, OBJECTIONS of Arians, Materialilts, Atheifts, De- ifts, and Infidels of the prefen. t Age ; who have endea- voured to place Mankind on a Level with the Beafts that perifli. The Whole carefully colledted from the Four Hiftories of die Gofpel, as written hy Mattbem, Mark, Lute and John^ and from Jofephus's Werks, and other authentic Records, and fo digefled and arranged as to form a re- gular and uniform Narrative and HARMONY of the GOSPELS. Interfperfed with a great Variety of curi- ous Particulars on the Subjeft, which are barely alluded to in Scripture, but explained at large by co- temporary Authors who wrote 011 the fame TranfaOions, and cor- roborated the great Truths of CHRISTIANITY. By the Rev. T. PRIESTLEY, Author of the Evangelical Expofition of the Bible, & c. lo the CHRISTIAN WORLD, Although there has ever been a great Demand, f<* r Publi- cation! of this Kind, yet the Rev. T. PRIESTLEY has never feen an\ Iiijlory cf the Life of Chrift written agree- able to the Genuine Principles vf the ' Gofpel: He prcfumcs therefore the above Pj'ork will be particularly acceptable to ORTHODOX DISSENTERS of every'Denomination, as well as to all Members of the ESTABLISHED CHURCH, bein% conformable to the Doctrines contained in the THIR'l T- N1NE ARTICLES of RELIGION. ( Hj* In the firft Number will be given the Author's Promiffory Note of Hand, to deliver the Overplus Gratis, if the . Publication fli ill exceed 25 Numbers ; and in the laft Number a Liljof fuch Subfcribers as choofe to have their Names inferted fhall be printed and delivered Gratis. " . %* Every Number will contain an uoufu. il. Quantity of Matter, embellifhed with one or more elegant En- gravings. f J. f This Work bein^ juft printed off in Twenty- five Numbers, may be had by one or more Numbers at a Time, Price only fid. each, or the Whole in a handfome Volume, Price' 18s. neatly bound in Calf and Lettered. *-£* - j'he Public are requefied to give particular Or- ders to the Bookfellers or Newfcarriers for the Rev. T. PRIEST- LEY'S New EvangcticaVLift of CHRIST. London : Printed under the Infpeftion of the Au- thor'; fold Wholefale by Alex. Hogg, in Paternofter- Row; fold alfo by T. Dicey and Co. W.. Birdfa! l,. and T. Bur- riham,. Notthampton ; and may be had of all the Bookfellers and Newfmen in England, Scotland, and Ireland. Of whom may be had, ( a New Edition) No. I. of Mr. PRIESTLEY'S NEW EXPOSITION of the BIBLE, iO'hicb may be takn in by One, Tm, Three, Four or more Numbers1 at a Time, Price 6J. each, or the Whole Ninety Numbers bound in a- large Folio Volume^, Calf and Letter.!, Price 2/. 141.—— Ditto, : fwitb t^ e Apocrypha Complete, printed in Ten Numbers to accommodate mar^ y of the Subfcribers) Price, Bound, 3/, with large Copper- Plates. . • . It is neceffaty to obferve, that Doflor PrjcJILy has no Concern whatever with, the above Works. Cheap and Elegant Pocket- Novels. Printed in Octo- decimo, o'r Eighteens, a Size little i larger than tlie Ladies' Annual Pocket Books, and fo. convenient, tli^ t a Volume may be carried in each Pocket without the luff Incumbrance: It therefore forms an agreeable Travelling Companion, happily adapted for Amufemenr at the Fire- Side, and equally commodious for paffihgthe Leifure Hours when Nature & the Seafons invite u? Abroad. This Day was publifhed, NUMBER I. ( Price only SIX- PENCE,) Elegantly printed on. a New Type, and on fine Wove Paper, containing the unofua'l Quantity of 120 Page* of Letter- Prefs,' COOKE's SELECT NOVELS, Commencing with theuniveifally elteemed Novel of TOM JONES; The first Number of which is emUUiJhed with threePlates. 1. A beautiful Vignette Title - Page. • .2.. A Vignette Dedication to the Prince of Wales. 3, A11 interefting Scene in the Novel. ' And on Saturday next will be publifhed, NUMBER 1.1. The following Numbers to be publifhed in Weekly Snccefiion, of c cOOKE's POCKET EDITION of SELECT NOVELS'; or, NOVELIST'S ENTER- TAINING LIBRARY; being a Complete Colledion of liniVerfaHy approved Novels, Hiftories, Adventures, Tales. Sec. by the molt efteemed Authors, particularly Fielding, Goldfmith, Smollet, Sterne, Dr. Johnfon, Brookes, Marmontel, Le Sage, Richardfon, I- Iawkef- worth, Cervantes, De Foe, & c. & c. PRICE of the NOVELS already publifhed. Novels. Quantity of No*. Price. Tom Jones, comprizing only 9 Numbers 046 For Coughs, Consumptions & c. PECTORAL ESSCENE of COLTSFOOT. THE Herb Coltsfoot, called Tuffilago by the Antients, was diftinguifhed by them, as it's Name fufficiently conveys, for it's Excellence in the Cure of Coughs and other pulmonary Complaints ; and this Effence. lias, in the Courfe of a long Praftice, been found the molt fife and effedtual Remedy for Coughs, A fill mas, Wheezing v, Phthisicky Complaints, Consump tions, Hoarseness, Defluxions,, Catairhs, Difficulty of Breathing, and all Diforders of the Brcaft and Lungs. It gently opens the Bread, and immediately gives Liberty ot' Breathing, without any Danger of taking Cold. It admirably allays the Tickling which provokes frequent Coughing, and takes off the uneafy Senfatioo of acrimo - nious Humours, cleanfes the fmall Glands, ielax. es the Fibres, and thereby enlarges the Cavities of tlje' Velfils. Thus it regularly';, nd < juickly cures the moft ohttinate Afthmas, and ConfumpTions of the longeft ftandiug, if taken before the Lungs are ulcerated. It cures all liufky and dry Coughs, diffolves congealed phlegm in the Thorax, heals Rawnefs and Sorcnefs of the Bieaft, Sto- mach and Lungs, and gives immediate Relief to thofe who, through Age and Infirmity are deprived of Reft or Sleep, as it generally compofes, and contributes to make the Remainder of their Days comfortable and esfy. This essence is prepared only by James Ryap, Surgeon in Bristol; and fold, Wholesale and. Retail, by Francis Newbery, at No. the East End of St. Paul's, London, in Bottles, Price is. ( id. e;; cb, Duty Included. Sold alfo by T. Dicey and Co. Wm. Birdsall, and Messrs. Marshall and Son, Northampton ; and by the appointed Venders of Mr Newbery's Medicines in other Country Towns. bEttON ' s ONLY TRUE . BRITISH OIL. THE Limits of an Advertifement will not admit an Enumeration of Half the Complaints to which till* Oil is applicable, and gives certain Relief; b'ut it has no F. qnal for the Cure of internal or external Bruifes, Lamenefs, Swellings, Contulions, green and other Wounds, Burns, Scalds, Corvtrafllons of tlie Nerves, Confuniptions, Phthif) c, Cbugjfs, lniQamm'ations, St. Anthony's Fire, fcorbutic, rheumatic, and lcpious Diforders. In the above Complaintsflundreds have ex- perienced it'. s wonderful f-' f: • • .. nianyof whofeNames and Refidences are annexe--! ; o the Bill of Directions given with each Bottle. No Button's BritifiiOil is genuine, bat that which has DICEY arid Co; No. 10, BOW CHURCH- yARD, LONDON, printed. on rhe Label, which, by Act of Parliament, m'tlfl be pa fled on each Phiat^ do denote the Duty ; to imitate which is a capital Offence : And as our Unities and Directions have irtrttly been clofely imi- tated, it is ntccffiry to caution the Public to examine' particu' irly whether the Name of thos. Dicey GT Co. No. ic is ® Church Yard, is figned in the Mtargin of each Bill of Directions, . wiinout which they will be grofsiy impofed upon. Betton's' British Oil is alfo found to he an infallible • ' ore for the following Diforders, to which Cattle and iheep are very fabjett ; -( talcing lilood and Surfeit, ' iardnefsor Stoppage in the Maw, and the Maggot or lvlange. The Bottles are fealed with Betton's Arms, tound which is inscribed BETtOn'S TRUE and GENUINE BRITISH OIL. It is fold, Wholefale ar. d Retail, by Dicey and Co. Price One Shilling ar. d Three Halfpence perBottls, Duty included. Alfo fold Wholefale and Retail by the Printers of, this Paper, and Retail by the following I'erfons, viz. Luck- man, Rollason, Hiorn, and Piercy, Coventry ; Carless, Cope, Pearson and Co. and Piercy and Co. Birmingham ; Odell, and Pyne, Leighton ; Butcher, Tring ; Tregoe, Amersham ; Bate, Berkhampstead; Edwards. Chesham ; Cuthbertson and Barnes, Newport- Pagnell; Quene. borough, Dunstable; Brown, Ampthlll ; Cooper, Nuneaton; Ison and Smith, Baldock ; Bull and Harrod, Market- Harborough; Ciregory,& Ledbroke, leicester; Towers, Mitchell, and Adams, Loughborough ; Prid- more, Melton• Mowbray ; Burbage, Burton, Wjlson, tupman, and Broadhurst, Nottingham ; Wilcox, Towcester ; Seeley, Buckingham ; Jackson and Swift, Oxford; Steevens, Bicester ; Hawkes, Lutterwotth ; Palmer, Bedford ; Shenston, Stony- Stratford; Potter and Rickford, Aylesbury; V/ ard, Hinckley; Deycral, Window.; Friday, and . Palling, and C « . Thame ; Wilson, Wellingborough; Eaton, Thrapston ; Hor- den, Tayler, and Jacob, Peterborough Tho. Beesley, Druggist, Banbury; King anil Wagstaff, Chipping, Norton; Leak and Co. High Wycombe; Kett and Munn, Kettering; White, Corby; Harrod and How- grave, Stamford'; Cook, ' Uppingham ; Gibson, Oak- ham ; Churchill, Deddington ; Cullingworth, Daventry ; Makepeace, Southam; Sharpe & Saunders, Warwick; Luccock, Kimbolton ; Clay, Allen, and Thomas, St. Ives: Abbot and Sharp, St. Neots ; Jenkinson, Hun- tingdon; Steevens, and Meeres, Hitchin; Hovell, Cambridge; Leigh, Atherstone ; and by ( at leaft) one reputable Shopkeeper in every Town in Great- Eritain. As above may alfo be had, HARRISON'S , BIOGRAPHICAL MAGAZINE. Every Number of the following Work will contain SIX Fine PORTRAITS, exquifiteiy Engraved, by our firft Artifts; with a Biographical Account of each Perfon delineated. The Whole beautifully printed on Paper of the Colombier Quality. On Saturday the \ Jl of March, will be publifhed, ( PRICE ONE SHILLING ONLY) NUMUER 1. ( To be continued Monthly) of The Biographical Magazine. Containing PORTRAITS and CFJARACTERS of EMINENT and INGENIOUS PERSONS of every Age and Nation. The Firft Number will contain— ShAKESpEArE. DAVId GARrICK, Efq. DR. JOHNSON. DR. ARNE SIR JOSHUa REYNOLDS. CAPT. COOK, To THE PUBLIC. Life is Short; many aie it's Avocations : We ( hall therefore endeavour to riduce to a fmall but fervid Fopus, the fcattered Rays of Biographical Information. The Portraits will- be inimitably engraved, from the molt efteemcd I. ikeneffes ; the Characters lketched with our beft Abilities, from the moft authentic Materials. Thus refolved to render our Work defeiving ot univer- fal Patronage, we icly,' for the Reward of our Exertions, on that liberal Encouragement, which a juft and Dis- cerning Nation is ever ready to beltow oil ProduCtion$ of real Worth. London : Printed for Harrifon and Co. No. 18, Pater, nofter' Row; and Sold by T. Dicey and Co. W. Bird- fall, and T. Burnham, Northampton ; and all other Bookfellers, Printfelleis, Stationeis, and Newfmen, in Great Britain and Ireland. PAREGORIC LOZENGES. rT", HESE Lozenges are a safe - and effectual JL Remedy in Coids', Coughs, Hoarsenefs, and Althmatic and Confumptive Complaints; il taken in the early Stages of Diforder, they will prevent the Difeafes of more fatal Tendency ; and have been proved, by Ex- perience, to afford not only temporary Relief, bat hate alfo been fuccefsful in effecting a permanent Cure, in n>.. oy inveterate Cafes, alter other Applications have failed. To Mr. H. STEERS, Old Bond Street, London. SIR, I have received a Cure fiom your Paiegoric Lo- zenges, about a Month ago, in one of the must violent Colds I ever experienced; I had a dreadful Cough, at- tended with Sorenefs oC the Throat and Breaft,' and a very bad Hoarfenef?, all which were entirely removed by httlemore than one Bo* of the Lozenges ; iou are Liberty to pubii. Ti this Letter. Iam, WM. MARCH, Fishing- Tackle- Maker, 17th Nov. 1792. . No. 157, FL- et- Strec- t- SnId by the Proprietor, H. Steers, Old Bond- Street: and at Mr. F. Newb'ery's, No. 45, St. Paul's Chuieh- Yard, Pric.- One Shilling and Three- Halfpence tlic Box, Duty included. Where also may be had, tiniverfally efteemed for their Efficacy in Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Bilious Com plaints, 4c. Price One Shilling and 1 hree- Halfpeoce tlxs Bottle, Steers's Camomile Diops. Sold alfo by T. Dicey and Co. Northampton. Vicar of Wakefield Jofeph Andrews Roderick Random Tristram Shandy Robinson crusoe Devil upon Two Sticks Launcelot Greaves Amelia Numbers 4 Numbers 5 Numbers 6 Numbers 6 Numbers 2 Numbers 1 Numbers 6 Numbers All the above Novels are already publifhed ; the Pub. lie may therefore perceive how infinitely cheaper this Seoleftion is than any yet fubmitted to thpir Choice. The Proprietor not only adverts to the Cheapnefs, whicli is only a feco.' idary Confideration,- but to the peculiar Elegance of thefe Editions, as they are printed on better Paper, and more fuperbly embellished^ than any Novels at double the Expence., The following is a Lift of the Novels preparing for the Prefs, which will be publiflied inThe Order in which they are enumerated. They will contain the Quantity of Numbers as uhder fpecified, at the fmall Charge of only Six- pence each Number, which will be followed by otheis equally interefling. Novels, Quantity of Nos. Price. Gil Blas, comprizing only ' s Numbers 040 Humphry Clinker 4 Numbers o z o Peregrine Pickle S Numbers 040 Tales'of the Genii 4 Numbers o z o Don Quixote ii Numbers o 5 6 Sentimental Journey 2 Numbers o 1 o Count Fathom 4 Numbers 010 Every Number of this Elegant Woik will contain a Three Shilling Volume in Quantity, and fooittimes confiderably more ; printed in a fuperfiiji Wove Paper ; fo that this complete Colledtion of tile molt efteemed Novels may be purchaft- d at lefs . than a Third of the Price of the moft cheap and unadorned Editions. In Order to accommodate the Curious, a Superior Edition will be printed on a Superfine Wire- wove Vel- lum Paper, of tlie fineft Texture, highly Glazed, am: cautioufiy Hot- preffed. To render it yet more Elegant, with every Volume will be given a Superb Vignette Title Page, befides the Engravings which accompanies every Number; and it will be otherwife decorated with every Elegance the Artift can devife, or the Printer difplay. This Edition will alfo be additionally embel- itfhed'by the firft Imprefiions of the Plates, which will be worked off in the Manner of Proofs, and in every. Re- fpeft will maintain a Superiority in Neatnefs and Ele- gance. From the united Expences attendant on thefe extra Enib'ellifhments, to the Superior Edition will be affixed the additional Charge of only Six- pence each Number. Printed and Embellifhed under the Direction of C. Cooke, fold at No. 17, Paternoster- Row, London; alfo by t. Dicey and Co. W. Birdfall, and - T, Burnham, Northampton ; and may be had of all the Bookfellers and Newsmen in Great Britain. Dr. Bateman'soriginal s. d. Dr. RadclifFe'sFamouss. d. Pedoral Drops I Purging Elixir 1 ' i Dr. Hooper's i'emaie Daffy's Elixir - 1 6 Pills - - 1 14- and 1 A Dr. Bollock's Purging White's Fever Tinc- Elixir 1 6 ture -- 2 6 Squire's Grand Elixir 1 6 Fraunces's Strength- Dr. Godfrey's General ening Elixir - 1 9 Cordial - 0 7} Dr. Bnteman's Golden Dr. Stoughton's Sto- and Plain Spirits of machic Elixir - 1 ij Scurvy- Grafs 1 Ji Liquid Shell, for the Pike'sOintmentforthe Stone & Gravel 1 if Itch, andCutaneous Ladies Court Plafter 0 6 Eruptions - 1 9 and i 0 Fryar's Balfam - 1 i Beaume de Vie - 3 6 Bathing Spirits - 0 7 6 Dr. Story's Worm- Betton's True and Ge- Cakes 1 nuine Britifli Oil j Dr. Anderfon's, or the Ditto Refined - 1 y True Scots Pills 1 Cephalic Snuff - 0 74 A certain CURE for CORNS. Infallible German CORN PLASTER. THE Proprietor of this moft excellent Re- medy is fo certain of it's Efficacy, having never failed in a Variety of Cafes, agrees, if it does not eradi- cate the Corns, Root and Branch, to return the. Money. This is the celebrated PlaiIter that gairitd fo much Re- putation in Germany ; and has been ibid in London up- wards of so Years with the greatelt Reputation. Price One Shilling & Three- halfpence the Box, Duty included. Sold in London, Wholefale and Retail, by T. Axttll, N » I, Finch- Lane, neartlie Royal- Exchange: Alfo fold by the Printers' of this Paper; Mr. Harrod, harboro', Mr. Wilcox, Towcester; Mr. Cullingworth, Daventry, and by one Perfon in every Town in tlfc Kingdom. DR. ARNOLD'S PILLS, WHICH are univerfally known to be a fafe, • certain, and ipeedy Remedy for the VENEREAL DISEASE, without Confinement ar Hindrance of Bufinefs,' when Salivation and all other Methods would n ® t avail. - - Printed Direflions, figned by DR. ARNOlD, are en- clofed witlieach Box, which will enable all Perfons to cure themfeives'witli the greateft Secrecy. Prepared and fold, Wliok- fale, hy DR. ARNOLD, at Slough, ncar Windfor; alfo Retail, by the Printers of this Paper; Mr. Wilcox, Bookseller, Towcefter; Mr. Robins, Druggist, Daventry ; Mr. Harrod, Bookfeller, Harborough ; " and by one Perfon in every Town in the Kingdom— Price 5s. sd. each Box, Duty included. JACKSON's ASTHMATIC CANDY. tHE superior Efficacy of jackson's Asth- matic Candy, in Complaints of the Stomach and Lungs, atifing from Iodigeliion and Flatulency, I13S oeen. afccrtained hy the Experience of feveial Yeats, it's peculiar Suceefs in Coughs and Colds, and in alleviating the moft alarming Complaints incident to Perfons of a Gouty, Relaxed, or Asthmatic Habit ( which Com- plaints. are more particularly prevalent in Hie Foguy and Damp Seafon ot the Winter Months) is. now univtr- fjlly acknowledged ; and confidering it is a Mcdicinem general Ufe, it would have been { mneceffiiy for ths Proprietor to have repeated his Advertifements fo often, had not fome Perfons. lately obtruded upon the Public a'fpursous Medicine undar the- fa- meName. It becomes, thciefore, necefl'ary to offer tiiis Caution, by refptafufly informing the Public, that the Genuine Mcdieine i's figned on the Stamp by J. Barclay, the Sole Proprietor and may be had as ufuil at No. 95. Fleet Market, Lon- don, 11 fivfc Doors from Fleet- Street, in Boxes at and is. 1 jd. Stamp Duty included. It may alfo he had, by Appointment of the Proprietor, ol J. Edge, North- ampton; W. CUllingworth, and J. Rfibius, Daventry j R. Wilcox, Towcester; J. Kett, Kettering ; N. Hol- lafon, Coventry ; w. Howse, Banbury ; J. Read and J. Small, Bedford. Alfo may be ha'd as above, lackfon's Patent Oint- ment lor the Itch, an infallible Cure in } 6 Houis.— Jackfpn's Patent Tincture for the Rheumatifm, Gravel Stone, Bruifes, Sprains, 4c.'— Jackson's British Tooth, Powder.— Jackson's celebrated Corn Salve— Waite's Genuine. Worm Nuts, by Howard and Evans, 4c. & c_ Bott's CORN SALVE. Mr. boTT— Sir,- FOR- 12 or 14 Years paft I have had a Corn on the Bottom of my Foot, which was lo exceed- ingly p. am/ ul that at length I became afraid of Walking. I applied a Variety of Tilings to no Purpofs; but on ufing a fingle Box of your Corn Salve, I have the l'iea- fure to inform you that I am pejfeflly cured. Nottingham, Nov. 22., 1793. ' S. EATON. Bott's Corn Salve is fold by T. Diccy ar) d Co. and W. Birdsall, Northampton, JS'r, Cure, no Pay, Price ij| i. ( Duty . included). It may alfo be l. ad of" Collis and dash, Kettering; Cuthbertson, Newport- Pagnell; ! u: d Gre- gory, and Blair-, Leicefter;— of whom may be Iv. d, Btxt's Tooth Powder, for cleaning and preferring tfi, e Teeih, and ii is Tiivflure for the Scurvy in the Gums; alfo, In. Nankeen. Dye, warranted to Hand Washing. Price t . the Bottle.' INFALLIBLE REMEDY for HEAFNESST Dr. BRODUM's NERVOUS CORDIAL, 0 Eminent for it's Virtues in curing the _' Nervous and Confumptive Complaints ; cfj.- iciaH/ Deafnefs, debilitated Gonftitqtions, Ac. It is iikewife an infallible Remedy for Ladies in Nature's Decay, cer- tain Weaknefl'es, Sec. which was fo fuccefsfully .••( iminif- tered hy the celebrated Dodiors De- la Cour and Hugh Smith, the intimate Friends of ! 5r. Brodum, No. 9, Albion- Street, Blackfriars- Bridge. COPY of a LETTER to Dr. BRODUM. DEAR S J r, 1 fliould be totally deftitute of Gratitude were I to omit returning you my fir. cere TfiankS, and taking evety pofTible Means of informing the Woild of my' Son's aftonlfliiiig Recovery from a toral ( and as many of t'is Faculty pronounced it, an incurable) D^ afnefs, by ap- plying to you, and tiking your Nervous Cordial. It is impoflible any one can form an adequate Idea cf tiifr Son's Senfation on being rcftored to pern dl Hearing, after having been totally deprived of that Senfe for u;>~ wards of two Years, My Gratitude to you. Sir, admits not of Language ; fufiice it to fajr, 1 regard y. o'u as the immediate InJtrument of He. iveO in recovering my Son from a State which refufed to yield to any Skill hut your's. It is my Wilh to teftify my Gratitude in the moft ample Manner; therefore, if you think the Pub- lication of this Letter will do you any Service, you have PermifTion to make any Ufe ot it you think proper, atid I fhall always elieem myfelf happy in testifying*, h. jw gratefuia Senfe 1 have of yourfuperior Abilities." Surry, near Canterbury, SARAH THORP Dec. .1,1793- Perfons who apply for tliefe Medicines will plejfe t » - take Notice, that it will be in vain to expedl any Relief from this Remedy without Pujjflijality; for'taking a Bottle or'two properly, then leaving oti' for fomv Dav » and beginning again, will be of no Kind of Service. It muft betaken regular; apd in . fome Cats it hath re- quired Half the Quantity r. eotll'jry for a per. edt Cure, to be taken before t. he Patient- has perte- ivtd that he hath obtained any Relief; ' thtrcfrie, Perfchs in the Country who Willi to go> through a rtgular Courfe of it, itio'uld " take Care to have a proper" Supply of Dr. Bi'o.- fum's Reiterative Nervou? . Cordial, invented by the'Poil'er, to h- had of him at his ~ Houfe as above. This admirable Medicine, which is to he had at Wm. Brodum's, M. D. No. 9, Albion- Street,. near the Le- verian Museum, blackfriars- Biidge, London, is fold by the Printers of this Paper ; and by the following Perfon:,, as Venders of Patent Medicines, within the Circuit of this Paper, viz. Smith, Bedford ; Jenkinfon, Hunting- don; Tookey, Oundle. Scale, Thrapston; Collis and Dash, Kettering; Jackson," Peterborough; Newcomb and Peat, Stamford ; and may be had of the Newfmen, with proper Directions, in Bottles, Price 5s. ? d. ns.. cd. and ii, is. Duty included and of his Aetnts in the principal Market Towns in the Three Kingdoms. Advice Mondays, Tuefdays, and Wednefdays, at'the Doctor's House J.-. ^ bovf. Advice personallv Half- a- Guinea; hut iffentforby Letter stating their Case, from any Part of the Kingdom,, the Doctor expects his accusomtd Fee, One Guinea. Where alfo may be h id,. Dr. Hunter's Powder, for Wens or Swelled Necks, of the Glandular Parts, Pre- pared- only by Dr. Brodum, and Sold at* his fioufe in Packets us. 6d. and il. is.
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