The Northampton Mercury
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Volume Number: LXX!V
Issue Number: 46
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The Northampton Mercury
Date of Article: 25/01/1794
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and Co
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: LXX!V
Issue Number: 46
No Pages: 4
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No. 46.] Ready Money with Advertisements SATURDAY, Vol. LX* IV. JANUARY 25, 1794. [ Price Four- pence. This FATE R, for Upwards of Seventy- tilree Years part, hasbeen, and continues to be, circulated in all the Market- Towns and populous Villages in the Counties of NORTHAMPTON, LEICESTER, NOTTINGHAM, LINCOLN, RUTLAND, HUNTINGDON, CAMBRIDGE, and] ES'SF. X, BEDFORD, HERTFORD, BUCKINGHAM, BERKS^, OXFORD, WARWICK, to BIRMINGHAM, STAFFORD, and by the Poft to all the chief Towns in the Kingdom— It is alfo conftantly fent to the Chapter,- Rowley's, and Peele's Coffee-
Houfes, London. I( le of ELY, Sunday and Tuesday's Posts. From the L ON DON GAZETTE. Westminster, Jan. 21. — in v « HIS day his Majesty came to the 1 1 Houfe of Peers, and being in his Royal Robes, feated on the Throne I with the usual solemnity, Sir Francis Molyneux, Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, was fent with a message from his Majesty to the House of Commons, commanding their attendance in the House of Peers. The Commons being come thither ac- cordingly, his Majesty was pleased to make the following most gracious speech : My Lords and Gentlemen, The circumstances under which you are now
assembled require your most serious attention. We are engaged in a contest, on the issue of which depends the maintenance of our Constitu- tion, Laws, . and Religion, and tlie security of all Civil Society. You must have observed, with satisfaction, the advantages which have been obtained by the arms of the Allied Powers, and the change which has taken place in the general situation of Europe, fince the commencement of the war. The United Provinces have been protected from in- vasion. The Austrian Netherlands have been re- covered and maintained ; and places of consider- ablc importance have been acquired on the
fron- tiers of France. The recapture of Mentz., and the fubfequent successes of the Allied Armies on the Rhine, have, notwithstanding the advantages recently obtained by the enemy in that quarter, caufe. of Humanity and. the duties of Religion, en- deavour to merit the continuance of the Divine Favour and proteftion, which _ have been fo eminently experienced by thefe kingdoms. L O N D O N, January 21. Saturday being the day appointed for the an- nual obfervance publicly of the Queen's nativity, was kept as an holiday with theufualfcftivity, and no bufinefs done at the Bank, Stock- Exchange, ^ proved highly bcru- ficial to
the common Powerful efforts have been made by my Allies in the South of Europe, The temporary poffeflion of the town and port of Toulon has greatly dif- treffed the operations of my enemies; and in the evacuation of that . place an important and de- ciiive blow lias been given to their Naval Power, by the distinguished conducit, abilities and fpirit of my commanders, officers and forces both by sea and law}. The French have been driven from their pos- sessions and fishery at Newfoundland; and im- portant and valuable acquisitions have been made both in the east and West Indies. At sea our superiority has been undisputed,
and our Commerce fo effectually protected, that the lodes fuftaincd have been inconfiderable in pro- portion to it's extent, and to the captures made on the contracted trade of the enemy. The circumstances by which the further progress of the Allies has hitherto been impeded, not only prove the neeeflity of vigour and perfcverance on cir part, but at the fame time confirm the expec- tation of ultimate fticcefs. Out enemies have de- rived the means of temporary exertion, from a fyftem which has enabled them to difpofe arbitra rily of the livsahd property of a numerous peo- ple, and which openly violates every reftraint of luftice,
Humanity and Religion. But thefe ef- forts, projective " as thev liecefiarily have been of internal difcontent and cohfufion, havfc alfo tended rapidly to exhautt the national and. - eal ftrength of that country. Although I cannot but regret the necessary con tinuance of the war, I fhould ill confult the el) cn- tial interefts of my people if I were defirous of Peace, an any grounds but luch as may provide for their permanent fafety, and for the indepen dcnce and fecurity of Europe. The attainment of thefe ends is ftul obftrufted by the prevalence of a fv lem in France, equally incompatible wit't the happinefs of that country, and with the tran quillity of all other nations-. Under thisimipreSion I tluwght proper to ;, wikc a declaration ofYn- views and (.- nnuilesby' which I am guided. I have ordered a cow of this de claration to be bid before yon, together ivith c pie of feveral contentions and treaties with dif- ferent powers, by which you will perceive how large a part of Europe is united in a caufe of fucli general concern. I refteCt, with unfpcakable fatisfaCtioh, on the fteady loyalty and firm attachment torhecllnb- lifhed Conililution and Government, which, not- withftanding the continued efforts employed to mislead and to seduce, have been fo generally pre- valent among all
ranks of my people. Thefe fentiments have been eminently manitefted In the zeal and alacrity of the Militia to provide for our Internal defence, and in the distinguished bravery and fpirit difplayed on every occafion by my forces, both by fea and land : they have main- tained the luftre of the Briti'h name, and have fhewn themfelvcs worthy of the bleffings which it is the objeCt of all our exertions to preserve. Gentlemen of the house of Commons, I have ordeied the necessary estimates and ac- counts to be laid before vou ; and 1 am perfuaded you will be readv to make fuch provifion as the exigencies of the time may requite. I feel
too fenfibly the repeated proofs which I have received of the affection of my fubjects not to lament the neceflity of any additional burdens. It is, how- ever, a great confolation to me to obferve the fa- vourable ftate of the revenue, and complete fuc- cefsof the meafure, which was lad year adopted, for removing the embarraffments affeCting Com- mercial Credit. Great as must be the extent of our exertions, I , truft you will be enabled to provide for them in fuch a manner as to avoid any prefl'ure which could be feverely felt by my people. Mi Lords and Gentlemen, In all your deliberations you will undoubtedly bear in mind the true
grounds and origin of the war. An attack was made on us, and on our Allies, founded on principles which tend to deftroy all property, to fubvert the Laws and religion of every civilized nation, and to introduce univcr- fally that wild and t'eftru& ive fyftem of rapine, anarchy, and impiety, the effects of which, as they have already been manifefted in France, fur- nilh a dreadful but ufeful leffon to the prefent age and to pofterity. It only remains for us to continue to perfevere in our united exertions: Their difcontinuance or relaxation could hardly procure even a fhort inter- val of delufive repofe, and could never terminate in fecurity or
peace. Impreffed with the neceffity of defending all that is mod dear to us, and rely- ing, as we may with confidence, on the valour and refourcesof the nation, on the combined efforts „ of fo Iar^ s a part of Europe, and, above all, on the inAonteftiDlc Juftice of our caufe, let us ren < fcr our conduit a contraft to that of our enemies, and, by cultivating and praCUfipg the principles or any of the public offices. At half paft twelve o'clock the King and Princefs- Royal, and foon after her Majefty and the other five Princesses, came to St. James's Palace. At half pad one the Queen held a chamber of audience in her own audience chamber, where their Excellencies Yus- suff Adjiah Essendi, the Turkish Ambassador, at- tended' by his fecretary and his firft interpreter, and afterwards the Marquis del Circello, Envoy- Extraordinary from his Sicilian Majesty, were feverally prefented to her Majesty. _ The Queen alfo afterwards held a private drawing room, at wliich the Earl and Countefs of Pomfret were presented for the firft time on thi ir marriage. " At half paft two the Royal Family entered the drawing room, and the court commenced: Pre- fent, the King. Queen, Prince of Wales, Duke of Clarence, Princess- Royal, Augusta, Elisabeth, Mary and Sophia ; Duke
of Gloucester, Prince William, and Princess Sophia ; with a very nu- merous and brilliant assemblage of Foreign mi- nisters, other Foreigners of distinCtion, and Eng- lifh Nobility and gentry.— The Court was not over till paft fix o'clock, wjien their Majesties, the Prince of Wales, Duke of Clarence, and the Princesses, dined together in the Queen's, apart- ments, asufual. At eight o'clock their Majesties and the Royal Family, entered the ball- room, when the minuets commenced. The ball broke up at eleven o'clock, when their Majesties and the Princesses returned to the Queen's House. Of the drESSES our limits allow but a fl\ ort
account. The Queen, as ufual on her birth- day, was dreffed plain; the body & train of rich brown sattin, with pur- ple and orange sprigs; the petticoat white, with an embroidery of orange and purple velvet in fprigs, a border of the fame, with a flounce round the bottom of fine black lace. Her Majelty looked very Vvefi; flic will complete her 50th year in May. The Princefs- Royal was very fuperbly dred'ed ; the body and train of a rich futtin, with gold ltripes ; the petticoat white, very richly embroidered with ftripes of purple, and blue foil between the ( tripes, and em- broidery of gold fpangles in diamonds, a border of blue foil round the
bottom, with rich tafl'el fringe. Princefs Augusta— a rich coquelicot and gold sattin ; a white petticoat, richly embroidered with stripes of green foil, covered with thineai, and fold fpangles be- t ween the ftripes; a loofo drapery of crape, fpanglecf ith gold, and ettged with rich gold tafl'els, round the bottom .1 rich taflel fringe. The Princess Elizabeth nearly, & the Princess Mary and the Princefs Sophia exactly the fame as the Princess Augusta'. Countess of Pomfret— was elegantly dressed in white and filver, the , ground strewed with sprigs and stars of silver, with festoons and falls of silver gauze, edged wilh wreaths of silver foil
roses, enriched by brilliant foil stones, and finished by a deep silver fringe, tied tip with cords and tassels; round the bottom ot the petti- oat, a beautiful embroidered broad border of roses, Kljej, and medallions, and flounced with deep filver fringes. His majesty was dressed in a purple cloth coat, richly embroidered' in gold, and a gold tissue waistcoat, covered with a very rich embroidery of gold. The prince of Wales— A regimental dress suit, with the diamond star and epaulet. Karl Spencer— Green velvet over a claret- coloured silk ground coat and breeches, and white sattin waist- coat, . iohly embroidered in coloured lilks,
boquets of Uoiver.. aikl a very rich filk pearl- l" aded edge. ; of Sandwich—- Spo'ted velvet coat and bieeches, pH • and- elegant; white fattin waiitcoat, embroi- dered with gold and filver. 1: very friend to the industrious poor nutft hav'c been hippy to observe the great attention paid to the lr. anutaetorici of the Country. As the Spitalfields silks— fancy metal buttons— and shoe buckles, were generally Worn, which, with the prevailing fashion lor 1 ngr ; ved white and yellow buttons, must give re- newed vigour to trade, and bread to thousands. will foon difpofe of the reft, though the major part of the offending inhabitants have
embarked. A letter from Paris, 1 ith J an. fays, " On thfe 30th ult. the Revolutionary Tribunal of Lyons ordered the Kings of Great Britain, Spain, Prussia, and Sardinia, the Emperor, the Pope, and Mr. Pitt, to be exeeuted in the great square in that town. They were accordingly, 111 effigy, surrendered to the executioner, and guillotined. To heighten the impression produced by this na- tional farce, Toulon was exhibited under the form of a woman, wearing 011 one breast the words, " I have betrayed my country ;" on the other fide—" I am the W—— of Kings." This figure was afterwards burnt amidft the loudeft ac- cl.- miations of the
people, who were finging and dancing round the funeral pile, [ for the remainder of this Pojl^— fee the lajl • Page.'] s. FLESHER takes, the Opportunity of returning her moft grateful Thanks to the Nobility, Gentry, and Publjc in ' general, for the many liberal Favours conferred upon her. She likewife informs her Friends, that ( he lias relinquifhed- the Whole of the Bufinefs to her Son, GILBERT FLESHER, to \* hom ( lie begs a Continuance or their Favours. ( r^ r- All Perfons indebted to the faid 5. FI. ESHSR, are rcqueltedto pay their refpeftlve Debts to GILBSK. T FLESHZR, who is authorised to rtceive the fame. Tmucejier, Jan. 4, -
1794. G. FLESHER, WOOLS TA P LE R and DRAPER, RESPECTFULLY informs the Friends of Mrs. S. FLESUER, t!,:. i in Confequenee c. f her Re- ( ignation, he takes the earlieft Opportunity • i'f licitirig a Cont. nuanc; oi' their Favours, affui'm ' O.' rn ti nt every Attention'will' be paid " to their Orders, whtfih ( hall be ptmfluall executed & gratefully acknowledged. 7' tfwccjlcr, Jan. 4, X794. GENERAL INFIRMARY, z^ th January, rpHIS is to give Notice, That off Saturday 25/ A January, 1794. : blr Saf lit Day of Febitisry next will be held GENERAL COURT, at Eleven o'Clock in the Fore- noon, to take the Reports of the Committee
concerning the prefent State of this Society, and tranfadt fuch other Bulinel's as ( hall be then laid before them. By Order of the Committee, WM. GATES, Secretary, g^ r A New Edition of the Statutes, Rules, and Or- der!, for the Condudt and Regulation of the Infirmary having been printed, fuch Contributors as are defirous of having them, are requefted " to apply at the laid Infirmary. ROBERT SHERMAN, of Warmington, renr . OundlE, NorthamptonfhiiT, CUTTER, takes the Liberty of informing the Public, that he has, for fome Time pad, pra'Sifed the Art of SPAY. ING COWS, with the greateft Succefs, having Cut a great
Number; and he is ready to w. ait upon Gentlemen, at any Distance, who may require his Assistance in that Busineds. Warmington, Jan. 26, 1794. WANTED, ONE THOUSAND POUNDS, to be fe- cuieci on a Reveifionary inierelt in very capital Estate's in a neighbouring County, of the Value of aoool. a Year, which the'Advertifer his an Expectancy of soon succeeding to i upon which Event the Money will be repaid, with a Considerabk- Sum in Advance", and in the mean Time bear a common Rate of Interest, which will be fecured qn a Freehold Estate more than doubly sufficient for the Purpofe, and paid'every Half- Year.
Principals, directing.( Poft- paid) to Mr. W. Warry, Solicitor, New- Inn, London, will meet with due At- tention. The Flanders mail of Friday, which arrived | on Saturday, confirms the capture of the imperial city of Worms by the French army of the Rhine and the Mozelle. The French have carried off from Worms a great number of magistrates and merchants, who were conducted as hostages to Landau. Letters from Huninguen, of fan. 5, bring ad- vice, that the French attempted on that day to crofs the Rhine in several ships, but were pre- vented by the Austrian troops stationed on the oppofite bank of the river, who gave them fo
hearty a reception, as to sink seven of their ships by their cannon, which entirely deterred the Re- publicans from executing their designs. O11 the ; th inft. the French made an attack on Fort Louis, which was, however, unsuccessful; that fortress contains 110 guns, a ftrong garrifon, and a sufficient quantity of provisions. The French demanded of the city of Spires, one million of florins, and 50,000 loaves of bread. The island of Noirmoutier, which the army of La Vendee has just lost, is situated at the mouth of the Loire, and is seventeen miles long, by eight broad. It was nearly the last hold of that army, almoft every one of whose
chiefs have been taken in it. The corps of Royalists which defended the Island of Noirmoutier, consisted of no more than 800 men. The Royalist General, Charette, is not taken, as the Paris news- papers assert, but is dill at the head of 20,000 men, and has been lately reinforced by 2000, who re- passed the Loire at Ancenis. There exists also in the forests of Maine another corps, which the Paris papers call the corps of Chouin, becaufe it is commanded by two brothers of that name. Thefe troops were a part of that army which marched against Mans. * A council of war has lately been summoned by Lord Moira, to determine on
the practicability of an immediate descent 011 France. It was, as we hear, refolved, that all determination should be suspended till the return of the La Nymphe, which vessel is gone to reconnoitre the coad of France. A letter from Freron, one of the French re- presentatives at Toulon fays, if" we had been able to have sent all the women and children out of this town, we fhould have put all the rest to the fword.— It was propofed to blow the place up by mines, but this project was over- ruled on account of the risk to which the arsenal and the immense magazines would be exposed, it was therefore at length determined upon to put
all the masons within the fix adjoining departments into a date of requisition ; the place will bs therefore crafod in 15 days. Four hundred vil- lains have been foot, and our military comuullion At BERKHAMSTED SCHOOL, HERTS, YOUNG GENTLEMEN areboarded and educated on a liberal and extenfive Plan ; they are inftrucled in the LEARN ED LANSU AGES with gram matical Accuracy. The bed Authors are here read with proper Reit. arks, and occafional DilTertations, to difplay their Beauties, and to form the Tafte of the yoang Students on thepureft Models. ENGIISH and FREUCH LITERATURE is not negleQed in this
Seminary; the Authors in thofe Languages, who are the acknowledged Examples of CLASSICAL ELEGANCE, are Ohjefts of daily Attention: T? ie Scholars are alfojntroduccd at the proper Age, to the Knowledge of ANCIEST and Mo- ntis HISTORY; to G- KoSn^ rnv, to the Usp of the . GLOF. ES, . and ( when it / is required) to the MATH K- MATI< S.. They are frequently exejeifed in SPEAKING- and fcEAPING, that theymay acqaireacorreS Elocution Over their Morals, the moft affiduotis Vigilr. n'ce is ex- erted. YOUNG GENTLEMEN are here prepared forTR. inE and BUSINESS, as ' well as for the LEARNED PROFES- SIONS ;
proper Mafters being engftee. d for that Purpofe. For the better Irnprovemer,' of ' lie Students in the eolloqu ial Idioms and l'hraies of the ' fv en e h Latiguaje, CONVERSATIONS are held at itsted Hours every Day between them and their Inftruftor. in a Room . appro- priated to that Purpofe, and- ft a Diftance from Inter- ruption. At the particular Delire of the Parents, the Pupils may, at this School, havethe Advantage of going through a Courfe of NATURAL- PHILOSOPHY and ASTRONOMY,. under the Care of a well- informed Teacher,. with a proper Apparatus. • The ornamental Accomplifhments of DRAWING, DANCINI; and
Music are taught by the belt Mafters in their refpeftive Departments. The Whole is under the Diteflion of The Rev. JOHN DUPR'E, D. D. Late Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford. The Terms and Particulars of the Plan will be known, by Application to him at Berkhamfted School, Herts. The School at Berkhamfted was originally founded by Deanlncent, and afterwards improved- by the Munifi cence of Edward the Sixth. Jhe Schcoi- Room is very high and fpacious, and the Houfe is well calculated for the Reception of Young Gentlemen. The Charafter of the School is well eftablifhed, and the public Opinion of it has been fufficiently
difplayed by an ample Patronage of many Years. Asperfonal Conferences are often moft conducive to t[ ie Satisfa& ion of Parents, Dr. Dupr6 will be at the Ox- ford Coffee - Houfe, in the Strand, on Wednefday, Thurfday, and Friday, the ijthi i6tb, and 17th inlt. from Eleven to Two o'Clock, when any Parents who wi( h to place their Children under his Tuition, may re- ceive from him further Explanations. N. B. The SCHOOL opens again on the 27th inft: This Day is publijbcti, Price 1 s. MUSaE BERKHAMSTEDIENSES ; Or, POETICAL PROLUSIONS. By some YOUNG GENTLEMEN of Berkhamfted School. Berkhamsted: Printed
by W. M'Dowall, at the Printing Office ; and fold by T. Cadell, in the Strand. DUSTON LIME KILNS. ROBERT BLEWITT, WILLIAM BUTCHER, and JOHN LUMBLY, return Thanks to their Cuftomers', and the Public in general, for the generous Support they have hitherto1 received and beg Leave to inform, them that they have'unan. i WO? fly agreed, after this public Notice, not to .( ell any l. ime forjefrthan 2s. 6d. per Quarter ) and which they think it their Duty , to acquaint them with, affuring them they may depend upon having LIM- E, of a good Quality, on thofe Terms. ROBERT BLEWITT',' ' J WILLIAM BUTCHER. " JOHN
LUMBLY.-/ ' ( duston, January 8th, 1794. ROYAL- EXCHANGE ASSURANCE," established by Royal Charter in t/ je'Reigr of george I.) THE Corporation of the ROYAL- EXCHANGE ASSURANCE have conftituted and appointee! R. READING, of WINSLOW, in the County of bucks, Attorney at l. aw, their Agent aiid Receiver for WiNSLOW aforesaid, and Parts adjacent, in their Bu- siness of assuring houses, Buildings, Goods, Corn, Slav, Livestock, & c, from Lofs or Damage by Fire ; and alfo for Assurance < jf Lives. . -. Perfons ailufed by this Corporation do - not depend upon an uncertain Fund. or Contribution, nor are they
IRONMONGERY, CuTLERy, fcfe. THOMAS TITe, BEGS Leave to inform his Friends and, the Public in general, That he has Taken and Entered upon the. STOCK, of Mr. MARSHALL, of DAVENTRY-, Ironmonger, & c. whiCh he is now felling, on the moft reafonable Terms, at his Shop, in the_ HIGH- STREET, Daventry. T. TITE wilhes aifo- to exprefs his Gratitude, in the ftrongeft Terms, for the grcift Encouragement h has hitherto received, and hopes, hy a diligent and regular Attention to Bufinefs, to fecure the continued Appro- bation of his Cuftomers. Davcvtr. y, Jan. 10, 1794. AT NEwPORT- PaGNELL, BUCKS, YOUNG
GENTLEMEN are gentry Boarded, and corretlly Educated in the GR EEK, LATIN and ENGLISH Languages; WRITING, ARITH- METIC, MERCHANTS' ACCOMPTS, GSOGJTAPHY, & C. in an eafy, familiar Manner, by J. INWOOD and able ASSISTANTS. TE RMS; Board, and Education, Wafhing included, Fourteen Guineas Jier Annum— Entrance One Guinea. Extra Charges':'. French, the Mathematics,' Navi- gation, Lapd Surveying, Drawing, Dancing, Mufic, and the Ufe of the Globus. Vacations at Midsummer and Christmas-, one Month eacfi. Application may be made to Mr. C. Howgrave, Nb. 11, Bishopsgate- Street,
London. ( t^ Jvl. refpeih'ully thanks his numerous Friends • for, paft Favours,, and aflfures them nothing ( liall . be wanting to merit their future " Patronage. The great lncreafe and Refpeifibiiity of his. Connec- tions, during only the' Term cf'fcur Years, has fu; p ( fed" all reafonable Expeftatioft— and . will diubtlefs, on En- quiry, gain" the Attention and Intereft of itiany Parents,' wlio have hitherw iuihoticed'his ' Semmaiy. A c'urity to the Allured, in Cafe " of Lofs'or Damage by lire. '• This Corporation will, in, Cafes of File, ailow all real'onable Charges attending the Removal of Goods, and pay the Sufferer's Lofs, whether the Goods are
deftroved, loft, or damaged, by l'uch Removal.— And as an Encouragement to Persons alluring, all great Towns may receive Assistance for purchasing Engines and proper Implements to prevent the Progrel's of . Fires, in Proportion to the Number of Assurances ' made in fuch Places; and all Payments for I. oll'es or Damages by Fire are made by this Corporation, with- out Deduction. • ft- f Printed Propofals, containing the Conditions and every neccif'ary Particular, ( nay be had, GRATIS, by applying'to the faid Agent. ' - FREEHOLD ESTATE. WANTED to PURCHASE, In the County of LEICESTER, RUTLAND, LIN- COLN, - No
R T « AMPTO N, of BEDFORD,' ACompaft FREEHOLD ESTATE, of from 150 to } ool. a Year, with a fubftantial and convenient . HOUSE and OFFICES, calculated for the Refidcnce of a Gentleman ' s Family. Letters, specifying full Particulars, to'be addrefl'ed to Mr. Dubois, Podt- Office, Leicefter. .• sat. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. r To be LETT, & Entered on at Lady- Day next, AComplete FARM, consisting of a good Farm- Houfe, With every necessary Out- Building, and about 420 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pad u 1 Land, lituate within Half a Mile o? a Turnpike- Road. Further Particulars mav be known, of Mr. Spring, Great-
Gransden; or Messrs. Maule & Sweeting, Hun- tingdon. To the CREDITORS and DEBTORS of Mr. THOMAS WARNER, deceafed. ALL Perfons who have Claims or Demands on the Eftate of Mr. THOMAS WARNER, late oi CALDECOTT, near Newport- Pagnell, Bucks, Miller, deceafed, are defired to tranfmit or deliver the fame unto his Executors MelTrs. James Ogden, of Newport- P; gnell aforefaid, Viituallerj and William Hart, of Tickford- Park, in the fame Parifli, Yeoman, 011 or before the 25th Day of March next, in Order to the Difdiarge thereof:— And all thofe w' 10 Hand indebted to the Eftate aforefaid, are requefted to pay
their re- fpeftive Debts untp the faid Messrs. Ogden and Hart, by the Time above mentioned, the Executors intending to deliver all fuch Accounts, as ( hall then remain un- difcliarged, into the Hands of Mr. Arrowsmith, Attorney, in Newport aforefaid, in. Order to his Settlement and Recovery thereof; and to whom, therefore, fubfequent to that Period, Application muft be made. . 9, 1794, w1 A FARM. To be LETT, to the Belt refponfible Bidder, On Monday the 24th Day of February, 1794, at the Swan Inn, in Bedford, and may be Entered on at" Lady- Day next* EST- COTTON MANOR FARM, fituate in the Parish of
WILSHAMSTEAD, within four Miles of the Town of Bedford, now in the Occupation of WILLIAM BERRY: Consisting of the Manor House, a Dovehoufe and all other suitable and requisite Out Buildings; a large Orchard, 50 Acres of old. enclosed pasture, 40 Acres of encjofed ploughed Ground, lying within a Ring Fence, adjoining - the Homestead and 81 Acres by Estimation, of Arable Land in the Open and Common Fields of Wilshamstead aforefaid, together with an extenlive Right of Common. N. B. The. Tenant of the above Farm may have a Deputation . to kill Game en the Manor of West Cotton. For further Particulars apply
to Mr. Thomas Powell, 0f Shrewsbury, or Mr. Lovesey of Bedford, who will appoint a proper Person to shew the Premises. Huntingdonshire.. To be - SOLD by AuCTiON, At the Crown Inn, Huntingdon, op Saturday the 15th - of February, 1794, between, the (- fours ef Four and Six in the Afternoon,, ( if r. ot fooner difjjoftd of - by Private Contradi, of which,' if it ( tiould Ivfppcn, due . ' Notice will be given in this Paper,) Well - conditioned FARM, fitnr. tc-. i at OFFORD- CLUNY, m the County ol" Hunting- don, with a very substantial, well- built I'JIRM- i < e" & Out- buildings all in excellent Repair, ai d the H-- J • capable; of bemg
converted, at a vtfy fmall Expence, into a neat Relidence ' for a Country Gentleman-- niflant trom Huntingdon ortly three Miles, and in the Centre of several, Market- Towns, c. ommanded by Turnpike- Roads . every Way;- arid possessing the still greater Adyant. igaof a Communication . with the '- capital Market- Towns of St. Neots,- Huntingdon and St. Ives, by WATER— la the Neighbourhood alfo of feveral Packs of Hound <: — The Farm itself, consising ef about 15,0 Acres, by Efti- niation, of- Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, with valuable Rights of Cbrumon for Sheep and Cattle, being now in the Occupation of Thomas
Cawcutt, Tenant at Will. '"''.. . For a- Vtew of the'Premifes, apply to the Tenant; and for any'further Particulars, to' Messrs.- Caesar and Greene, Attornies, St. Ives. To be SOLD by A UCTION, * By JOHN CHURCHILL and SOn On Monday the 10th o( February, 1794, at the Angel Inn, Oxford, between the Hours of Three and l'ivg in the Afternoon, THE VICAR AGE- HOUSE, in IFFLEY, near OXFORD, pleasantly situated near the River, fit for the Refidence of a genteel family. Alfo, The GLEBF, LANDS, RECTORIAL and VICARIAL TITHES, of the Parifh of 1FFLKY, in- cluding LiTTLEMORE & HOCKMORE STREET, with all the
Appurtenances belonging 50 tile fame. The prefent Tenant's Term expires at Lady- Day next, at which Time the Purchafer will h: ive Poffeflion. The above Premifes are held !? y Leafe, for 99 Years, under the Archdeacon of Oxford, determinable on three Lives, one of which if dead, and the fame will be fold for the I. ives of the two Survivors. For Particulars, enquire ot Mr. Churchill, Attorney at Law, Deddington; Mr. Carter, Earl- Street, Black- friars, London ; Messrs. Day and Parker, Oxford; or of the1 Auctioneers, in Woodstock. THE Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt awarded anl issued forth against JOHN LACY and
CHARLES LACY, both of the Town of NORTHAMPTON, in the County of Northampton, Bankers and Co- partners, Bankrupts, intend to meet on the 28th Day of January inftant, at - Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, at the Peacock Inn, in the Town of Northampton, in the faid County, in Order to make, a Dividend of the joint Eft'ate and Effefls'of the faid Bankrupts, and to make a final Dividend of the feparate Eftate of each of the faid Bankrupts ; when and where, the Creditors, who have not already proved their Debts, ' are to. come prepared to prove the fame, or they will be excluded the Eentfit of the faid Dividend ;— and all
Claims not then proved will be difallowed. N. B. The above- mentioned Meeting is appointed merely for the Purpofe of declaring what Dividend wiil be made, and for receiving the Proof of Debts;— and the joint and feparate Creditors of the above- named Bankrupts will be pleafed to take Notice, That the faid Dividend when declared will be paid to rirein refpetLvely on the feveral Days, and in the Manner following ( that is to fay) To fuch of the faid joint Creditors, whofe Surnames refpeftiveiy begin with either of the Letters A, B, or C, ( except to thofe who refide in the Town of Northampton) on Wednefday the 5th of February- next
: To fuch oilier of the faid joint Creditors whole Surnames refpedfively begin with either of the Letters D, E, F, G, H, 1, J, or K, ( except as aforef. id, 011 Thurfday tile 6th of February next : To fuch other of the faid joint Creditors whofe Surnames refpeftiveiy be- gin with cilher of the Letters I., M, N, O, P, Q^ or R, ( except as aforefaid) on Friday the 7th of February next:' To fuch other of the faid joint Creditors whofe Surnames refpeftiveiy begin with cither of the Letteis S, T, V, W, or Y, ( except as aforefaid) on Monday the 10th of February next : And to thofe joint Creditors who refide in the ( aid Town of Northampton, and to the
refpettive feparate Creditors of each cf the above- named Bankrupts, 011 Wednefday the 12th of February next; and that no Perfon who ( hall come to receive fuch Dividend, as Agent for, or for the Ufe of any Creditor of the above- named Bankrupts, will be paid, unlefs he ( hall produce a proper Authority to receive the fame; and that any Perfon coming, either in the Ca- pacity of Executor or Adminiltratoi, to receive fuch Dividend, will be required, by the Affignees under this Commvllion, to produce to them the Probate of the Will, or the Letters ol* Adminiftration by which tliey are tefpcftively appointed, previoufly to their being
paid SMYTH, BUTCHER, and SMYTH, Nirlbamft)*, Jan. 25, 1794. Solicitors, To be SOLD by AUCTiON, By JOHN CHURCHILL and SON, On Monday the 10th ol February, 1794, at the Angel Inn, Oxford, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, AMESSUAGE, or TENEMENT, at CHURCH- COWLEY, near OXFORD, together wilh a HALF- YARD-. LAND of ARABLE, MEA- DOW, and PASTURE, lying dispersed in the Open and Common Fields- of CHUrCH- COWLEY afoie- faid, witlv the Commons and Appurtenances belonging to the fame. The above Premifes are held bv Leafe, under Christ- Church College,
for 21 Years, from Michaelmas, 1731, renewable every seventh Year. ' 1 he prefent Tenant's Term expires at Ladv- Day next, at which Time the Purchafer will have Possession. For Particulars, enquire of Mr. Churchill, Attorney at Law, Deddington; Mr. Carter, Earl Street, Black- friars, London ; Messrs. Day and Parker, Oxford ; or of the Auctioneers, in Woodstock. ~ T\ T be S O L'F by - AUG T- I o ' nT" By JOHN CHURCHILL and SON, On Thurfday the 13th of February,- 1794, at the Cob- ham- Arms, in Buckingham, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, ALL that the MANOR or LORDSHIP of
MAIDSMORTON, near BUCKINGHAM,'^ the County of Bucks ; together witli the Quit- Rents and all Manorial Rights belonging to the fame ; and alfo the Right of renewing Lives in the several Estates belonging to 1 lie faid Manor. The above Manor and Estates are held by Lease, under Christ- Church College, Oxford, tor 21 Years, from Michaelmas, 17S4. For Particulars, enquire of Mr. Churchill, Attorney at Law, Deddington ; Mr. Carter, Earl- Street, Black- friars, London; Messrs. Dav and Parker, Oxford; orof the Auctioneers, in Woodstock. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN CHURCHILL and SON, On Saturday the 15th
Day of February, 1794, at the Ring's- Ainii, in Deddington, Oxfordshire, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, AVery De fir able FARM ; consisting of a Farm- House, with all convenient Out- Buddings, fc a Close of Pafture Ground adjoining, in DEDDING- TON aforefaid ; together with FOUR YARD & a HALF. of ARABLE, MEADOW & PA LAND, lying and being dispersed in the Common Fields of DEDDINGTON afor^ Commons belonging to the fame; and PIECES and PARCELS of MEADOW & I. AND, lying in lire Liberties of HEMP Parifh of Diddington aforefaid. The prefent Tenant's Lease of the abo' expire at
Lady- D^ y, ' 798. The above PVemifes Lre held by Leafef Church CollegS, Oxford, for 11 Years, m3s, 1791, renewable t- cry f'v- n- h Yea'g/ j • For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. Carter torney at Law, Deddington ; Mr. Carter, Blackfriars, London ; Messrs. Day and Parker, or of the Auctioneers, in Woodstock. 1{
Wednesday and Thursday Pofts. HOUSE ' of LORDS, TUESDAY, JAM. 21. FT E R his Majesty had retired, the Speech was read from the woolsack, and afterwards by the clerk at the table. A with the events of the late campaign, which appeared to him, in a general view, to be the ground for exultation, in- Head of- matter for delpondence. He p railed the ju- dicious conduct of Ministers, in forming alliances fo ^ wwerful snd respeclable, agitinR the common enemy of civil fociety ; and e:< pre tied his hope that the war would he piaiecufcd, until an advantageous and ho- nourable peace was secured. Lord AucKland, after a speech
to the same effect, feconded the motion. The Earl of Guildford fpoke in opposition to the Ad- dress, he Contended that the original and avowed ob- jects of the war had be'. n accomplithcd, namely, the securitv of Holland, and our own internal tranquillity. — He tliaught the true jjolicyoi the country IhoiilU be the iftiauunent of peace, which, he imagined, could even now be very well brought about; indeed, when lie cmifidered the rel'ourcts of the country, he thought any peace preferable to war; he concluded with move- ing an amendment recommending meafures to the above elteiSt. 7he Duke of Portland declared, that his
sentiments mf the justice and necessity of the war had remained t lie feme f « Ke lait year, and with encreased force. He v, as therefore decidedly in favour of a vigorous profe- cution of it. The Earl of Guildford spoke in explanation. Earl Spencer faid, that his confidence, and duty to his country, impelled liim likewise to a prompt and explicit- avowal of his fentiments. He thought the cir- cumltanccs of the country required the union of all good men in it's defence. The war he confidered as equally juit and unavoidable— it was unprovoked on our part— we were forced imo it, to preferve not only nur Allies and the Balance of Power in
Europe, but our own Laws and Ccnllituliou, our Property, our Re- ligion, and our Lives.— He regretted that he ihould now have to dillfcr with men with whom lie lud for years been in the habits of intimacy; but, dilferyig as he did with them in points of the molt ellenttal conl'e- queiue, he heiitated not to fay, that their dilunion mufl he complete. His lordship concluded by giving his tirm and decided support to the Addrefs. Earl Stanhope said, he totally differed from the Noble Lc « ds who fpoke lalt- n- lo far from the war being necef- fary, he inertcd that it's fpecdy termination was the onfv way to favc the country from impending ruin ;
and imprefied with thel'e fentintents, he faid, he thouldmovc on Tiiuifday next an addrefs to his Ma- jeftv to acknow ledge the French Republic. '( he Duke of Norfolk was in favour of the amend- ment. ' The Earl of Mansfield, in a speech of fome length, in which he displayed his usual abilities, fupported the addrefs. He congratulated their lordlhips on the veiy great unanimity which apptfared among them, and R! m'oit without an exception. He contended that no treaty could be ma le with fecurity or honour with the prefent rulers in France ; they luid, like their predo. ceilbrs, acquired their power moll wickedly and fud- denly, and as
luddehly they might lol'e it; litis Tingle conlideration, among iiiany others lie adduced, thould ( he faid) be sufficient at present to do away all ideas of lie - ci. itions. 71, Marquis of Townshend, in a fhort fpeech, ex- prell'cd his liappmefs irt beholding fo much. union and loyaltv in thecultitry. Lord Derby supported the amendment. The war he detelted in it's hr( t concoAion, and nothing had hap- pened in the coUrfeof laftcampaign, to induce liini to alter - his opinion. The French he believed, had fucli a deteftation to a monarchical fonn of Government, that they would not have the old fyfteio reftored, while there was a man in France, or
an aflighat to pay him with : from persisting in theJirefent meafures, the molt calamitous events would take place ; already had I?., ooo manufacturers been taken from the loom to fight the battles of our allies, the public treasures v/ ere- ex- hauited in fubfidizlne foreign Princes j emigrations Were common, and ehiefiy compofed - of the niofl in- dultrious part of the community, who were pining for want in their once ftonrirhing towns. — rAjvpad our af- fair., were not in a ltate that could giv « usa profpect of indemnification for the lofl'es of tne war. Lord Grenville at some length, defended the conduct of ministers; be called the
attention of. their Lord- lhips to the treaties by Which we Were bound to our powerful allies, and to the impolicy as well - as dif- nonour, in acting fo as from tall friends to convert them into implacable enemies ; the recent hiltorv of Fran. c, lie f; ud, would Ihow the ahl'urdity of at- tempting to treat with it's pj'efent rulers. the Marquis of Landsdowne contended, that pfcjce might have been fecured lilt ; ear— He thought" the > rinciple and policy of the war equally wrong; and aid, that he would chearfully fubl'cribe to an act I , . of indemiuty to MiniKcts for all paft errors, and a fecurity ' for their places, if thev would oiily tuake peace. The
Earl of Lauderdale warmly reprobated the ge- neral conduct of ministers, particularly refpefting the w ar j wnich, he asserted, was a war against the prin- ciples of Liberty; and instead- of being, as WAS al- le- dgedi a defeirfive one, was perfectly the reverfe. Hi.- cautioned Miniiters, left they might again bring the country intofuch an humiliating situation, aslhe had been btou^ ht, in consequcnce of opposing the in- dependence of America. He alfo alluded to fome late convictions in Scotland; where, he aliened, the law had been ltretched toferve thepurpoleof ( Ipvernmcnt; and promifed to bring forward an enquiry into the I'll h jtrt, 7
« . Earl of Carlisle combated what had fallen from the noble liarl who I'poke lalt, with much ingenuity and fuccels. A.--, alio did Lord Grenville; in which reply he went pretty much into a detail of the atrocious proceedings of the French demagogues. [ he Earl of Lauderdale fpoke in explanation. '• The Lord- Chancellor thought himfelf obliged to ob- serve some personalities which had fallen from the no- ble earl, and dwelt on the indecorum. He likewife vindicated the Judges of the Scotch Courts, for the alpei lions which he conceived calt on them by his Lord ( hip. The Ear! l of Lauderdale explained ; after which a division took place,
when there appeared.— Againlt the amendment 97— For it ii—— Majority 85. More than eighT to ON E in fupport of Government. The Addrefs was then carried without a divifion, and tiie Houfc adjourned. HOuSE of COMMONS, TutsnAY, JAN. 21. The Addrefs was moved by Lord Clifden in a ( hort fpeech, and seconded by Sir Peter Burrel with much anility. Lord wycombe fpoke at fome length against the war, and took ' a general view of the warlike transactions 011 the Continent. I le was particularly fevcre upon the attack of Dunkirk, which, upon the authority of of- ficers engaged in it, he reprefented as extremely ill con certed, and worl'e executed. Colonel Tarlton followed in the fame line of argu- ment, as did Mr. Courtnay, in a speech replete with infinite humour, and 110 small degree of argument. The necessity of reducing France, previous to any treaty of peace, he compared to an Irish wedding, where the rape was committed first, and the marriage concluded afterwards. Mr. t. h. Brown and Lord Mornington spoke in fa- vour of the addrefs. Mr. Sheridan replied to Lord Mornington, and ob- served, that all parties in France had reproved each other for going to war. What did this prove, but that all parties in France were inclined to peace—
every thing tended to fhow that France was inclined to peace, for brissot had becnexprefsly accufed w ith having involved the country in war.— He then animadverted 011 the con- duct of genet in America. How did that wise country behave on that occasion ? Where is the man who would fay fhc felt herself degraded by his conduct > She was not fo be forced into hollilities, and was in consequence now enjoying that profperity which we might have experienced had our proceedings been cha- raCtcrised by limiiar prudcnce. He reprobated the conduct of Miniiters, the mode of earning on the war in all quarters, at Toulon, and
Dunkirk, in the Eaft- Indies, and in the Channel, convinced him that nothing bur peace could put an end to the calamities which our improvident qppofition had brought upon others. It was'a reflection on the character of Englishmen, to fay that any danger could be apprehended by this country from the establishment of a Republic in France. Mr. wyndham, with great ingenuity, fupported the arguments hi favour of the war, combated the objec- tions to carry it on, and conceived it more necef- farv than ever to purfue it with unabating vigour. \ fr. Secretary Dundas replied to fome imputations which had been thrown out against his
Majesty's Mi- , niflers for want of vigilance and attention to the mode of carrying on the war. The equipment of the ma- rine and naval expeditions had, lie faid, exceeded everv thing that could be paralleled in history. The number of seamen, w hich was at lirft only 18, coo, had been rapidly increafed to 50, ojx>, the fh'ips put into commilhrtn had been alfo increafed, and the Marine had been fo provident as to protect our commerce, and at the fame time to fend oilr fleet t6 the Weft- Indies and Toulon. He should have no objection, when the House chose to investigate the conduct of Miniiters, to crime forward with arguments to
prove tWl their exer- tions in the military and naval departments had been fuperior to any thing that before had been known. Mr. Fox complained of the complicated shape in which the question now appeared, and wifhfcd that h had been bsfore fairly stated, that the prefent Was a war to exterminate the Jacobin party in France.— It was a melancholy thing now to hear that we could not treat till the Jacotiins were deft'royed. This was a fpecula- tion, in which wc rifked every thing that was dear. He reprobated the principles of the war, and the mode of conducing it. There would be as good fecurity that treaties would be kept as we
could have from any crowned head whatever: nay, as we could have if Louis the Sixteenth had been'actually reltored to the Crown, We ought, he faid, to have follow ed the con- duct of General Washington, with respect to Genet, and the prudence of the President of the United States in his conduct, and the wisdom evinced in his speech to the Senate. The Americans were vilified, he faid, in the fame manner, the very fame arguments had been applied to them, as had been recently applied refpedt- ing France; we had abused the Americans as we were now abusing the French; but you will be compelled to treat with them at lalt;
and God grant tliat you may not then be under worl'e circumftances than the pre- sent. Mr. Fox moved an amendment, " that his Ma- jesty would be pleafed to enter into a liegociation for the establishment of peace, and that the nature of the government Ihould be noobltacle to that liegociation." Mr. Pitt said he w as anxious to state clearly his sen- timents on the prefent occasion. There was 110 ambi- guity in the intention of his Majesty's Miniiters with refpeit to the prefent war. They had clearly and ex- plicitly lfated, that the grounds were fecurity to our- felves and our allies, and indemnity for aggrelfions al- ready obtained.—
These measures cannot be obtained while the present government exilts in France ; a go- vernment effectually destructive in it's principles to all the governments in Europe. If, therefore, the argu- ments admitted by the Houfe tor undertaking the war were good, they were certainly now more forceable for continuing it with all possible vigour. War could present no calamities fo terrible as thole in which this country might be involved from relaxing in her preparations, at the very moment when thefe preparations were upon the point of being fuccefsful. He objected to the amendment proposed by the Hon. Gentleman, as the
destruction of a faction ruinous in if's principles, to all the powers of Europe, to Re- ligion, Morality, and Law, was the reason of our tirft taking arms.— It was acknowledged by the law of nati- ons, that where two parties were deftroyingeach other, a third power might interfere to promote tranquillity. It was, in the prefent inftancc, both our duty and our interelt to interfere, and prevent thole evils ; and con- tinue our efforts againft a system, aggravated in it's ef- fects, and encreafed in it's means againlt- a faction con- stantly varying the perfons in it's Administration like the clustering of scenes in theatrical reprcfetitations. Much did it
become surroundiiig nations to prohibit intercourl'e with a country where immorality and in- fidelity go hand in hand ; and to refill oppreflion which* had grown to fo gigantic an extent, and would, if not crulhed, operate to the terror of Europe. It fhould have bean recollected, that a decree had been palled by the Convention, which enatts, that they will not treat with anv of the Belligerent Powers, except thev til- It acknowledge the Unity and Indivifi- bility of the French Republic. How could we with propriety do this ? how did wc know, that if we did, we ihould have any fecurity that this treaty would he kept?— 111 every point of view,
therefore, hefawthat tlie hazard of war would be preferable to the calami ties which an improvident peace would bring upon this counrry. Mr. Fox fpoke briefly in expiration. At five in the mornijig the House divided, when there appeared.— For the amendment, — Against it, 277, Majority 21X. Nearly five to oNe. in support of Government. The motion for the Address was then put & carried. LONDON, January 23. Yesterday, soon after twelve o'clock, the King came from buckingham- house to St. James's Pa- lace, where his Majelly had'a levee, which began before one o'clock, ami was not over till half paft two, being very fully
attended. At three o'clock the Chancellor, attended by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishops, and feveral other mem- bers of the Upper- House, arrived with the ad- drefs, which was preferred to the King, who fat on his throne in. the grand council- chamber, and having been read by the Lord Chancellor, and delivered into the King's hand, his Majefty gave a very gracious anfwer thereto. The Flanders mail due on Monday arrived yef- terday, but brought no intelligence of any parti- cular importance; the lalt letters from the Rhine, which come down to the 13th inllant, ftate, that the French, in attempting to break through the
cordon of the Pruflians, to penetrate farther to- wards Mentz, were attacked and repulfed by the Duke of Brunswick.— Fort- Louis Hill baffles all the efforts of the French to retake it.— Manheim is in a most respectable state of defence, and it's garrison exceeds 10,0oo men. The banks of the Maese and the Mozelle have also been secured from hostile invasion. General Beaulieu, with u, ooo Austrian and Dutch troops, is arrived at Treves. The French have fince taken Sr. Wendel and Kreutzrtach, but afterwards retreated from both those places, after having pillaged them. In the Palatinate, and every where elfe, they strip the
unfortunate inhabitants quite naked, and leave them without the smallest means of subsistence. The cruelties and atrocities which they exercise wherever they go, baffle the powers of language. Advices from Stockholm, of the 31ft ult. lay, that there is every appearance of the most violent interior insurrection. The government have or- dered all the inhabitants to keep in their houses, and not to stir out until they hear five guns fired, and the alarm bell rung. The French ships which have lately been feen in our channel have thrown the inhabitants on the sea coast into alarm, and not without sufficient cause. Two of their boats, filled
with men, landed last week between Dartmouth and Brix- ham, on the Devonshire coast, and carried off 25 sheep from a farm belonging to Mr. Buller, the ion of Sir Francis Buller. Nothing can be more audacious than the con- tempt with which the French treat the sublime science of generalship. To beat Marshal Freytag, and raise the fiege of Dunkirk, they sent Hou- chard, a horse- dealer • to beat Prince Cobourg, and raise the fiege of Maubeuge, they sent Jour- dan, a haberdasher; to retake ' Toulon, they fent Dugommier, a stationer-, to beat the Duke of Brunswick, and drive General Wurmfer out of Alsace, they sent Hoche,
a postillion— and more inflating than all the rest . everyone of thefe low fellows succeeded in his mission f In the session of the French Convention on the qth, Vouland made a report of the English and Spanish who were taken prisoners at Toulon; they are at follow: General Charles O'Hara ; Major Archibald Campbell, of the 69th regiment; Thomas Grant, a Midshipman; Richard Lamp- lew, a Sergeant; William Graham, a Doctor; Andrew Bond, a Surgeon ; Gens Envin, John Jogden, and Antoine Grissots, servants; and Raphael Esscharbarn, a Spanish Colonel, Aid- de- Camp to General Gravina.— Total, ten. General O'Hara,
and the rest of the prisoners mentioned in Vouland's report, are in the prison of the Luxemburgh, with Thomas Paine, & c. The grand total of the prisoners at Paris, amounts to The " Revolutionary Tribunal have condemned to death Adrien Lamourette, constitutional Bishop of the Department of the Rhine and the Loire.— They were also preparing for the trial of 2oindi- viduals, accused of a conspiracy to carry off young Capet and the late Queen. The Republicans found at Noirmoutier pro- visions sufficient to supply an army of 20,000 men during fix months. The inhabitants of Barbane, who favoured the Royalists, have been
declared traitors to their country, and their houses have been razed. Friday night two Frenchmen were apprehended at Dover as spies. They were going to Ostend, and had several plans of the channel coast, parti- cularly that of PortsmOuth and it's environs, in their cultody. They were provided with A raff- port, and had, when at Portsmouth, assumed the character of Emigrants, who were going to join the armament under the Earl of Moira. The transports with the British troops on board are failed from Cowes, and will be stationed at Southampton, Lymington, and places adjacent, where the men are to be quartered. The tran fports, with the Hessian troops on board went on Tuesday into the harbour oi. Cowes, to land their horfes. We underftand the following to be the lift of the Minority in the Houfe of Peers on Tuefday lad :— Dukes of Bedford and Norfolk ; Marquis of Lansdowne; Earls Derby, Lauderdale, Guild- ford, Stanbope, Cholmondeley, Egmont, and Albemarle; Lords Ched worth and St. John.— The Duke of Devonfhire and Lord Thurlow went away before the divifion; and the Duke of Clarence voted for the war. Yesterday died, the Right Hon. Viscount Mountstuart. eldest son of the Earl of Bute, Lord- Lieutenant of the county of Glamorgan,
Colonel of the Glamorganshire Militia, and Representa- tive in Parliament for the town of Cardiff.— His Lordship lately married Lady Elizabeth Crichton, only daughter of the Earl of Dumfries, by whom he has left one fon. His Lordship's death was oc- casioned by a fall from his horse.— The cir- cumftances of his lordship's death should be men- tioned, as an admonition to horfemen: Some few days ago, when taking a ride, he found his horse unruly; _ thinking to conquer his obstinacy, he struck him with his whip between the ears, and knocked him down. His lordship not being able to disentangle himself from the stirrups, was
greatlv bruised by the fall; but the principal in- jury that he received was in the head; the scull was not fractured, but a concussion of the brain took place, which in a few days put an end to his life. Yesterday four prisoners were tried at the Old Bailey, three of whom were convicted of felonies, and one was acquitted.— The fame day sentence was passed, when 13 capital convicts received judgement of death j and 20 were ordered to be transported for feven years. Tuefday fe'nnight a tradesman's wife in the city who had been ill for fome time, was thought by the women about her to have breathed her last.— Whilst preparations
were making for the funeral, the body was watched, but no motion, or even steam on a clear looking- glass, being perceptible, though often tried, it was put into the coffin last Thurfday ;— when, to the great astonishment of several perfons prefent, the supposed deceased sighed and stretched out one of her hands, which instantly fell on her breast. The body was placed in a warm- bed, and other means, recommended by the humane fociety, were employed ; and in less than four hours her speech and senses re- turned. She continues extremely weak, but there are hopes of her being restored to health and her numerous
family. Lift of the number of Bankrupts in the yeay 1793. November 108 December 70 Total 1296 January February March April - May - 77 71 120 188 189 June July - - Auguft - - September - October - W CHANDLER Bedford. immediately, An APPREN- TICE 10 a GROCER and TALI- OW. - Apply to Mr. R. W, Robinson, at dn APPRENTICE. WANTED, by a SURGEON and APO- THECARY, of ext « ufive Praftice, in a large Market- Town, in the County of Northampton, a Youth of good Morals and Education, for the fenn of five, or levcn Years, which will be molt agreeable. Particulars mav be known, by applying to Mr. J. Edge,
druggist, Northampton. ( p/" A premium will be expected. GoDMANCHESTER. WANTED, at Lady- Day next, A middle- aged Man and his Wife, without a Family, to contraft for the MAINTENANCE of the POOR at GOdMANCHESTER. Any Person inclined to undertake that Bufinefs, may receive further Information, by applying to the Over- feers of Goamanchefter aforefaid, A FOX HOUND, WHITE, with feveral Liver- colour Spots, his Height about 23 Inches, his Ears rounded, appears to be young, marked by two Clips acrofs his Back, and two on one of his Ears. This Dog was found aftray 011 the Road between Lut- terworth
and Daventry, about three Weeks fince, and brought to welton Place, where the Owner may have him, by paying for this Advertisement. losT, BY W. Thompson, going from Mears- Ashby through Northampton to Dallington, on Saturday tile 4th inltant, A Plain ILVER WATCH, Maker's Name, Paul Litchfield, London. Whoever will bring the fame to the above Mr. Wm. Thompson, at the Red- Lion, Mears- shby ; or to Mr. Nippin, at the Saracen's- Head, Northampton, shall receive ONE GUINEA Reward. LEICESTERSHIRE ^ NORTHAMPTONSHIRE UNION CANAL. Talbot Inn, Market- llariorough, Jan. 15, 1794. AT a Meeting of
the General Committee, held purfuant to Adjournment, JOHN PEACH HUNGERfORD, Esq. in the Chair; The Committee came to feveral Refolutions, which, at their next Meeting, they intend taking further into Confideration. ORDERED, That this Meeting be adiourncd to Thurfday the 13th Day of February next, then to meet at the GEORCI ISN, in MARKET- hARBOROUGH, at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon. J. P. HUNGERFORD, Chairman. BURGLARY. WHEREAS, on Sunday Night laft, or early on Monday Morning, fome Villain or Villains did break open the DAIRY belonging to Mr. THOMAS EVANS, of wootton, near
Northampton, and TAKE thereout a BRISKET of BEEF, TWO HAMS, TWO CHEESES, and l'undry other ARTICLES. Whoever will give Information of the Offender or Offenders, f> alL on Conviction, receive a Reward of FIVE POUNDS, of me, THOMAS EVANS. N. B. Not only the aforesaid Dairy, but almoft every Room in my Occupation, has been pillaged since Au- gust, 1795- January 24, 1794. and will be enabled to fupplv them on as low Terms as they can bo fcrved in London. W. B. Embraces this Opportunity of returning his molt fincere Thanks to the Nobility, Gentry, and Publie at large, for the great Encouragement he
has already met with, and flatters liiml'elf, that, an alli- duous Application to Bulinefs, joined with every Eltort in his Power to accommodate and oblige, will infure him a Continuance of their Favours. Northampton, Jan. 24tb, 1794. BEDFORDSHIRE ASSOCIATION, For Profecuting FELONS, & c. NOTICE is hereby Given, That a General Meeting of the Members of this Afl'ociation will be held at the SWAN INN, BEDFORD, on Friday the 30th Day of May, 1794, at Oneo'Clock ; and that the ' General Annual Meeting Will in future be held on the lalt Friday in May, inftead of the hilt Friday in Ja- nuary. THEED PEARSE., Treal'urer
and Solicitor. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, SEVERAL FREEHOLD PIECES or PAR- CELS of ARABLE LAND & LEY GROUND, lying difperfedly within the Fields, Precincts, Parish or Bounds of IRTHLINGBOROUGH, iri the County of Northampton; confuting of about 15 Acres, well te- nanted, and at a low Rent. Alfo, TWO final) FREEHOLD DWELLING- HOUSES, and a DOVECOT well flocked, fituate at IRTHLINGBOROUGH aforefaid. Alfo, Some fmall RIGHTS incident to and appendant on the above Freehold Premifes, and which, on the Treaty for the Purchafe, will be fully explained. For further Particulars, and to
treat for the Purchafe, apply to Mr. Hayes, Attorney at Law, Sheep- Street, Northampton; of whom may be had, feveral Sums upon approved Securities. HOCKLIFFE ROAD. NOTICE is hereby given, That the TOLLS, with the Weighing Engine, at the Two- Mile- Afh- Toll- Gate, fitujte on the Road leading from Hockliffe, in the County of Bedford, to Stony- Stratford, in the County of Bucks, will be LETT to FARM by AUCTION, to the BEST BIDDER, rt the Bull Inn, in Stony- Stratford aforefaid, on Monday the i+ th Day of February next, between the Hours of Eleven and Two o'clock, in the M : nner dire£ led by the Alft paffed in the
Thirteenth Year of the Reign his prefer. t M. ijelty, for regulating the Turnpikf- Roads; which Gate and Engine produced the laft Year ( above the Charges of collefting) the Sum of 855!. and will be put up at fuch Sum as " tile Trultees Ihall think fit. Whoever happens to be the heft Bidder mult, at the fame Time, give Security, with fufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trultees, for Payment of the Rent agreed lor, at filch Times as they ( ball dire£ t; and it'is required that fuch Bidder do produce ( in Writing) ^ Names of his Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the uftees, ar the Time of Bidding; & in Default thereof the next Bidder to be
the TaHtr of the Tolls, on pro- ducing fatist2ftorily the Names of his Sureties. New Trufttes will be appointed at the above Meet- ing, in the Room of thofe who have refigned. THOMAS EWESDIN, Clerk. Stonj- Stratford, Jan. 11, 179+. Valuable Farming Stock, To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. SHAW, On Monday January the 27th, at Ten o'Clock, on the PREMISES of the RECTORY- FARM, at SIMP- SON, near Fenny- Stratford, Bucks, CONSISTING of three Cocks and a Core of good Old Hay; 65 very tine Welle, n Ewes, and Couples; 10 Ditto Wethers, 30 Ditto Teggs, three Ditto Rams ; fix uftful Cart Horfes, one Road Mare,
lix Years oid ; ten fine Cows; two llrong and good Waggons, Six- inch and Three- inch Wheel Carts ; Har- nefs for eight Hoifes; a Jockey- Cart with Iron Arms; Ploughs, Harrows, & a Variety of other ufetul Articles. LEICESTERSHIRE and NORTHAMPTONSHIRE UNION CANALS. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By W. hAYNESt At the FOUNTAIN INN, WELLINGBOROUGH, in the County of Northampton, on Wednclday the 2< jth of this irritant January, between the Hours of 1 hree and Six in the Afternoon, TWO SHARES in the UNION CANAL, which will unite the RIVER TRENT . with the GRAND JUNCTION, taking it's
Courfetiirdugh the populous Parts of Leicefterlhire & Northamptoiiihire. Grand Junction, Union, Chelmer & Blackwater, Ellesmere, Oakham, & Crinan Canal Shares. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. WIN STAN LEY, At Garraway's Cotlee- Houfe, ' Change- Alley, Corn- hill, London, on Thurfday the 30th of January inft. at Twelve o'Clock, in Lots, The following CANAL SHARES, viz. — EN SUBSCRIPTION SHARES in the ifD A Vtl> ANTI- BILIOU § PILLS. THESE Pill - are well known in the private Pradlice of the Proprietor; and, at the Requelt of feveral Perfons of Diftinflion and others, ( wliofe Names the Proprietor has the
Liberty to mention) who are accuftomed to take them, are now firft offered to the Public. They are found to he an excellent Remedy for Indi geftion, Crudities in the Stomach, Lofs 01 Appetite, Cof- tivenefs, fick Head- Achs, Flatulencies in the - Stomath and Bowels, arifing from Bilious Humours j they are particularly recommended to all Perfons whofe Stomach and Head are difordered after hard Drinking, which Symptoms tliey feldom fail to remove. They are a good Aperitive, and a Cleanferof fallow Complexions from Obllruflions in the Liver, and other Cauies; and will prove a valuable Addition to » Medi. cine Chelt in long
Voyages, as, by their frequent Ufe, they will prevent that Change of Habit which generally occurs in hot Climates. Their Operation depends on the State of the Stomach, and does not require any Con- finement or particular Diet. Prepared and Sold only by GEORGE DIXON, ( late of Woburn) now of No. 4, Cheapside, London; and his Succeffor, Mr. Green, of Woburn, Bedfordshire Price 25. 9d. a Box, Duty included, with printed Direitions. T, GRAND JUNCTION. . IFTEEN SHARES in the UNION. TEN SHARES in the CHELMER and BLACK- WATER. FIVE SUBSCRIPTIONS, of 250I. each, in the ELLESMERE— and TEN
SHARES, of 50I. each, in the CRINAN. The Advantages attendant on thefe feveral Lines of Navigation, have fo repeatedly met the public Opinion, as to need no Comment— their refpective Communi- cations with the principal trading Towns in the King- dom cannot fail to infure to the Holders of Shares very beneficial and ijicrcaliiig Dividends. Printed Particulars may be had of Mr. Winstanley, Paternofter- Row; and at Garraway'- To be S O L D by AUCTION, At the Old- Crown, in Lutterworth, in the County Leicefter, on Thurfday the 6th Day of Febni. " • next, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, fuch Conditions of Sale as will be
then produced, ADefirable ESTATE of rich ARABLE Sc PASTURE LAND, containing 40 Acves fr. ioie or lefs), with a fublrantial Barn of three bays, Fouder- ing- Hovel and Foddering- Yard; fituate 111 the Kew Inclofure of SWINFORD, in the County or Leicclu 1 ; now in the Occupation of the Executors of the late Mr. Wm. Cattell. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. Thomas Clark, or Mr. Edward Cattell, at Swinfordj or to Mellrs> Harrison and Burton, Attornics, inDavenuy. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. w. wAGSTAfF, At the Angel, at brigstock, in the County of North- ampton, on Tlijirl'day February 6th, 1794, at Tiuee o'clock in
the Afternoon, OIX CopYHOLD ESTATES, in Lots; Con. o fitting of Six Well- built Stone, Slated, & Thatched Messuages or Tenements, with Out- Buildings, Gar- dens, and Rights of Common ; alfo a Clofe of Meadow Land, containing about one Acre, nearly adjoining, eligibly filuated in the Villages of Geddington anil Brigstock, in the County of Northampton, in Pof- feflion of good Tenants at Will. The Whole of thefe Premises are Copyhold of In- heritance, held of the Manor of Brigstock and Ged- dington, fubjeft to a small Quit- Rent & Fine certain. Alfo will be Sold by Auftion, by Mr. Wm. Wag- staff, at the White Lion, Kimbolton,
in the County of Huntingdon, on Friday February 7th, 1794, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, ill one Lot, a dc- firable Copyhold Farm, fituate in the Parifh of Till- hrook, in the County of Bedford j confiding of 43 Acres, ( more or lefs) of Fertile, Failure, Arable, and Wood Land, highly cultivated, and divides as follows, viz. about eight Acres of incloled Palture, fix Acres of inclofpd Arable, well fenced, 26 Acres of Arable and Ley, lying difperfed in tlia open Fields, three Acres of incloTed Wood- Land, containing about 300 tine Young Oaks, about twenty Years growth, 43 Acres together, with a Right of Common. The Whole is at
prefent in the Occupation of Mr. Matthias Baker, and confiderably underlctt at tile net Rent of 14I. 10s. per Annum. The Estate is Copyhold of Inheritance, held of the Manor of Tillbrook, fubjeft to an Annual Quit- Rent of 17s. < jd. and fineable on Death or Alienation at this Will of the Lord. Printed Conditions, may be had of the Tenant j at the Brown Bear, St. Neots ; Fountain, Huntingdon; Green Draggon, Higham- Ferrers. George, Thrap- ftonc ; Swan, Wellingborough; White Lion, Kim- bolton ; and of the Auctioneer, Bedford. To be SOLD" by AUCTION, By R. C R E E D, At the Rofe- and- Crown Inn, in Tring, in the County of
Herts, 011 Fridav the 7th Day of February. 1794, between the Hours of Two and Four in the Afternoon, ADesirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, fituate at PIGHTLESTON E, in the County ot Bucks: Comprizing a Cottage'or Tenement, Barns* Stables, Cow- flouTcs, lloglties, Wood- lioufe, Garden and other Conveniences, with two Acies of Arable Land, lying in the Common Field contiguous to the faid Cottage ; lias a Right of Commonage for one Cow, and Sheep Commons, en that extenljve and rich Common, called Pightlestone- Green. And alfo, An INCLOSED CLOSE near the faid Premifes, called Cole's Green Close, containing by
Eftimation two Acres and a Half of Arable Land, well fenced with Timber growing thereon. The Whole is now in the Occupation of Jeremiah Pitchford, at a very low Rent of 61. 10s. per Ann. For a View of the P rem lies, apply to the Tenant-, and for further Particulars, to Mr. Willis, Lcighton- Buzzard, Beds, or to the Auftioueer, of the fame Place. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By A. BROWNSGRAVE, On Friday the 31ft inltant, at the Angel Inn, North- ampton, between the Hours of Three & Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, fuhjeit to fuch Conditions of Sale as will be then and there produced, \ Capital FARM- HOUSE, with upwards of 71
Acres of rich Land, adjoining, ficuate at LOWER- HEYFORD, in the County of Northampton, in the Occupation of Mr. Wm. Tompson: of whom Particulars may be had, or of Mr. Abbey, Attorney, Northampton. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By EDWARD COX, On the Premifes, oppofite the Sheaf Inn, in DAVEN- TRY, in the County of Northampton, on Thurfday and Friday the 30th and 31ft Days of January inftant, ANeat, Genteel, and Ufeful AlTortment of HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, KITCHEN- REQUISITES, BED and TABLE LINEN, CHINA, a Collection of pRiNTS, in neat Gilt burnilh'd Frames, FRENCH WINES, and other
valuable EFFECTS, of a GENTLEMAN, who is going to leave that Part of the Country. The principal Part of the Furniture has been lately purchafed, and is in very good Condition. Catalogues may be had, on Monday next, at the Poft- Oliices in Dunchurch, Towcefter, Southam, Da- ventry, and Rugby ; the Excife- Office, West- haddon; at the Place of Sale; and of the Auctioneer, in Gold- Street, Northampton. To be SOLD by A U C T I O N, By PHILLIP GUTTERIDGE, At the Wocl- Pack Inn, St. Albans, Herts, 011 WedneC. day the 8th Day of February, 1794, at Two o'clock in the Afternoon, AValuable ESTATE, pleafantly fituate
at PEpSAll- END, in the 1 ar. fti of FLAMP- STEAD, in the County < jf Henloid: Comprizing a good Farm Houfe, Barns, Stable>, and other convenient Out- Offices thereto belonging ; together with 70 Acres three Roods of rich Arable, Me. idovv and Wood Lands,; the Whole fuirounded with a beautiful thriving Fence; now in the Occupation of Mr. Burgin, Tenant at Will, at a very low Rent of Fifty- two Pounds Ten Shillings per Arnum. The Premises may be feen by applying to the Tenant} and Printed i'aiticulars may be had at the Golden Lion. St. John's- Street, London) Rc<! hion, at Bamet j White Horfe, Redburn ; Bell, Htm l -
Hempstead ; Plough, Lutcn; Sun, Market- Street, George, Leigh- ton; Place of Sale; and at tiie Aufiioneer's Dunftable, Beds. N. B. Peiilall- End is with'n two Miles of I. uton, and is eight from St. Alban's, nine frcr. i Hemel- Hempstead, $ nd fivefrcm Dunstable, good Market lowns. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By THOMAS GREENE, On Thurfday the 13th Day of February, 1794, at the While Hart Inn, Ampthill, between the Hours of Two ar. cf Five in the Afternoon, fubjeft to fuch Conditions as will be then and there produced, ' I ' HE following ddirablc and very improve- able Fat 1. 11 o l a E S'l AT E S, fituate ill AMPTHILL, in the
County of fceijford, in two Lots. Lot I. a Large and Commodious Brick and Tiled Dwelling- Home, and Draper's Shop, in full Trade, four Rooms on a Floor, a large and dry Cellar, wirh fuitable Oat- Offices, and Yard, inclofcd with a Brick Wail, in a molt advantageous Situation, 011 the Mar- ket- Hill, now in the Tenure of Mr. T. B. Stone, Draper and Woolstapler, at the very low Rent of 12I. per Ann. and much underlett. l. ot II. A neat and Well- built Brick and Tiled Dwelling- Houfe, with Salh Front, ( adjoining Lot 1.) comprizing a large and dry Cellar, and Wine Vaults, fpacious Kitchen and Parlour, four cxceediug good and roomy Bed
Chambers, with fuitable Out- Offices and Yard, inclofcd with a Brick Wall; the Whole is fitted up with peculiar Neatness & Conveniency and is in a particular Manner calculated for the Accomo- dation of a fmall gentee} Family, now in the Tenure of Mr. John Morris, jun. at the low Rentofiol. 10s. per Annum. The Premifes are in excellent Repair, and the Land- Tax very Low. Further Particulars may be known, by. applying to Mr. Davies, jun. Attorney at Law, or to the Auc- tioneer, Ampthill, Beds. ENGLISH STATE- LOTTERY, WRIGHT'S Old State- Lottery Offices, No. 57, Charing- Crofs, and No. 3, Cornbill, appointed by Authority
of Government for the Sale of TICKETS and S H A R E S. Tickets are divided into Halves, Quarters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, in great Variety of Numbers, and on the very lowelt Terms. fiveiy SHARE fold at his Offices isduly ftampedwith the Words " STATE- LOTTIHY STAMP- OFFICE," without which Stamp, all Shares 01 Chances, of what- ever Denomination, are illegal and of no Value. During the Period of Twenty- feven Lotteries paft. Tickets have been fold and lhared in CAPIT AI. PR 11 tst at the nbove Offices, to the Amount of upwsrds of Six Hundred and Fifty Tboiifand Poinds* And paid IMMEDIATEI. V ori Demand. No.
of Prizes. FREEHOLD ESTATE, at ORLINGBURT. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By J. ROBINSON, At the Hind Inn, in Wellingborough, on Wednefday the 5th of tebruary, 1794, between the Hours of Three and. frive in the Afternoon, ANeat DWELLING- HOUSE, renlete with .. Conveniences for a genteel fmall Family; con- sr of tour Rooms 011 a Floor, with Closets, Pantry --- -- Har complete, a roomy Yard, with a good- Well ot Water, and convenient Out- Offices; alio a fmall Conveniences for a genteel fmall Famil t'ng t' - ' " and Cc of Wat.., - ' fE. NF- M ENT adjoining the lame: fituate 111 a genteel Neighbourhood m the Village
of ORI. INGBURY v"* u - non, three Miles from Wei- Kettcring, and nine from of 50,000 Tickets. £• 500,000- Country Correfpondents, by remitting good Bills a; Sight, payable in London, or Calh fent in Parcels by the Coaches, & c. ( Carriage or Poft paid) for Tickets or Shares, will be duly attended to, and their Commands executed with the fame Integrity as ifprefcnt. Tickets and Shares regiltcred at 6d. per Number, and the eailied Intelligence fent of their Succefs. N. B. The Bulinefs of the late Mr. Henry LALANd being removed to No. 57, Charing Cross, ail Lottery Demands on him will be paid there, where Correct Nu- merical
Books are kept ot p. ilt Lotteries, from the year 1747 PAPER HANGINGS, & c. & c. wM. BIRDSALL, Bookseller and Stationery VV takes the earlielt Opportunity of acquainting his Friends and Cultomers in general, That Mcfl'rs. BOWERS and Co. Paper- Stainers, in London, having entirely declined the Retail Trade, he will regularly receive Patterns Of their neweft Papers and Border*.
Friday and Saturday's Posts. HOUSE of LORDS, ThURSDAY, JAN. A3. EARL stanhope, ed the purpor ledge the i- rcn of confiderabl wlii/- h ivprt* fli eARL Stanhope, according to his protiiife, open- purport of his motion, " to acknow- the french Conflitution," in a fpefcch nfiderable length, the grand features of which were the molt unbounded eulogium on the French Constitution. The noble Earl, with an en- thusiasm almost bordering on that which actates the Gallic philosophers, defended every principle, every < ieed, cverv feutintent of the ruling powers of that • country, lie declared, that they were the best, the most rationally
collected, and the'wisest government on the face of the earth. The happiness of mankind was their object— justice and truth their guides. The noble Lord then adverted to the arguments made 11 fe of by thole noble Lords who fpoke in favour of the . Addrefs, and ohferving that the fpeech of the Seconder was the principal one that came to the point, he fhould pay his particular attention to that. In doing this, and to let alide the facts laid down by that noble Lord, lie fhould ( late the fails of which he himfelf was pof- fefl'ed. In the firfl place he infilled, that the govern- ment of France was rich beyond the example of all former
governments. Some p « ople might fay, they were rich by the plunder of individuals. Be it lb. Bui let it be remembered at the fame time, that this plunder fo collcfled, was for the pttrpol'e of making them all happy. [ Here there was a univerfal laugh in the house.] He laid, the noble Lords might laugh, but the fa<$ mm fo, and the people gloried in being robbed of their all, for the assistance of the common caufe. In respect to the Constitution of France, he infilled the grossest libels had been published upon it in this country. It was a molt glorious fabric of immortal wifdom, althpngh in fome parts it might be deemed vulnerable, and
whatever Miniflcrs might think of the resources of that country to fupport fuch a Conflitu- tion, he could take upon Him to aver, that their re- fources were great— they were alrrioll infinite. They had confiscated the estates of Nobles, which had fold for lit times more than they were valued at; they had melted down saints and images, and all the paraphernalia of the Bishops and other dignified clergy, & had converted into cannon and money thole tinkling bells which fo ufelefsly tinkled in their lofty fteeples. His noble friend ami relation, the Secretary of State, he knew held quite a dili'etent opinion on this fubjeel; he thought the
finance, of France were ruined, bccaufe there were no more bells; he confidered their refources as drained, after taking the whole property of the merchants and other rich individuals— but he was mil- taken, for although the churches were drained of their plate, and the people of their money, yet there was Ailti-.' ient in the National Treasury, at this moment, to fupport the war tor another campaign. The magazines of powder were immense, and they had more salt- petre than thev Would want for years ( here there was ano- ther laugh) and as to mulquets, though they had been deprived of the Birmingham llutf, they now made
one thoufand per day, which aniouuted to jfi<;, ood per rear, exclufive of their immenfe park of artillery, and when added to this, we consider that the rising gene- ration of France were all training to arms by old fol- diers, for almoft every man in France is a foldicr, it was prcpollerouj to fiippofe that we fhould ever con- quer them. The noble Earl then adverted to Toulon, the bufi- jiefs respecting which he called moft scandalous, and fticb as merited the severest enquiry ;— he read the feveral proclamations of Lord hood, and compared them with the Declaration made by the Austrian Generals, from which he drew a conclusion, that
they militated againil bach other, and proved that the Con- stitution of 1789 was not the objefl, but that Monarchy, unlimited Monarchy, was that for which the Combined Powers were fighting. He was, he laid, a friend to liberty— to French liberty, fo. far as it refpecled the rights of individuals; and he would go fo far as to add, that if the fortune of war fo ordained it, he lhould glory to be banged in Curb a cause [ here there wis a third and a loud laugh] for it was the cause of mankind ' He " ... and of philosophy. always venerated freedom-^- Jie confidered it as the birth- rjght of Englishmcn— aiid his noble relation ( Lord GrenvilleJ
might smile, but the faft was, that the subject deferved more lerious consideration ; it was of the utmofl magnitude, and really deferved attention. Much had been faiil about the religion of the French. Some people call them Atheists— but they are not atheists— only a few— and that tew, were chiefly £ rif- tocrats— downright terrible Aristocrats.— The Conven- tion respected relisiou— the " adored God. He laid he could pro « e it— and as a proof read something from the debates of the Convention, where the Members all role up & cried out, we admit there is a God, although lie did allow that many perfoils were perfecuted for
being too religious— but athcifjm in France did not originate with the prcfeM revolution. The noble Lord who fat behind him { Lord Mansfiuld) mull remem- ber, that in a mixed company in Paris twenty years ago, when the fubjeil of religion was started, feveral Prelates and Bishops in the warmth of dispute won- dered how it was poffible that any man could have his tmderflanding fo abufed, his realon fo contaminated, as to believe there was a God. The heads of the Church were the firlt leader? toatheifm, and hefliould proceed to lav before tlie Houfe fome fails in corro- boration of this truth. Every man had a right to think as suitcd
his reason— civil liberty allowed that freedom, and he should prove some facts respecting this matter from the following circumstances— The cannon taken The Bishop of Durham here rose, and faid, he could not allow the noble Earl to proceed any further, with- out calling him to order. The Housfe, quite tired of his Lordship's speech, now loudly called for the question, in consequence Lord Stanhope moved, " That an humble Addrefs be prefented to His Majesty, praying that His Majeflv would be gracioully pteafcu to acknowledge the French Republican constitution. Lord Abingdon begged to make a fhort remark, he faid, t hat
tbfc noble Earl had said in part of his speech, he - wished to be hanged, and if the House would allow him rope enough," he would soon accomplish that purpol'e. His Lordship added, that he never heard such a farrago of nonsense, atheism, and absurdities, delivered before the present day in Parliament.— The noble Earl's speech he contended, was a defence of the most diabolical system of arbitrary government that ever disgraced the annals of history. What were the French ? Murderers— assasins— common plunderers— without humanity— without religion— without honcfly — without any one attribute which could entitle
them to the fraternal embrace of European society. He therefore for his part thought, that the only mark of attention which the Houfe ought to pay to the noble Lord's motion, was a hearty horfe laugh. Two or three other Lords having spoken briefly to the quelfion, it was put by the Lord- Chancellor, 011 Lord Stanhope's motion, which was negatived by the whole House, the Mover excepted. Their Lordships then adjourned to Tucfday next. LONDO N, January 25. Thurfday in the House of Commons, the Chancellor of the Exchequer gave notice that he fhould move the army estimates in the committee of fupply on Wednesday
next; and Ihould open the budget on Wednefday fe'nnight. The following is his Majesty's most gracious answer to the address presented by the House of Peers : " My Lords, " I return you my warmeft acknowledgments for this very dutiful and loyal addrefs.— The fen- tiinents you exprefs refpefting the prefent impor iant fituation of public affairs, and the zeal and union you have manifested in fupport of thofe jneafures, which can alone tend to maintain the dearelt interests of my people, and to fecure the tranquillity and independence of Europe, cannot tail of producing the happiest effefts both at home and abroad. You may be
assured, that nothing fhall be wanting on my part, to employ with energy and vigour, in a caufe of fuch deep con- cern, those resources which I derive from the wisdom and firmness of my Parliament, and from the general attachment of my people to the constitution and government of their country and to the interests of humanity, order, and re ligion, throughout all Europe." The persons who attended the Lord- Chancellor OB Wednesday to St. James's, with the Address from the House of Lords to his Majefty, pro- niifingzealouily to fupport: the prefent war against France, were— 1 h? Duke of Clarence, Duke of Portland, Marquis
of Salifbury, Earl Fitzwilliam Earl of Mansfield, Earl Spencer, Archbishops of canterbury and York, Lord Stair, Lord Auk- lsihd, Lord Hardwicke, the Bishop of Durham, and two other Bishops. The Duke of Portland, Earl Fitzwilliam, Earl Spencer, and all the noble houfe of Caven- dish, have conducted themselves on the subject of the war with France, in that honed and dignified manner, which has at all times characterized their family. Thev feel the ftrong necessity of opposing French Jacobinism, and disdain to oppose the Minister at the expence of their country's ruin, Wednefday arrived the Mail from Flanders; by which we learn
the following intelligence: The letters from the Rhine are of a much more consolatory nature than any that of late have reached us from that quarter. They ftate unani- moufly, that the Republican armies have hitherto made no attempt to crofs the Rhine, and that, if they fhould attempt it, they could hardly fuc- ceed, as they would not only be moft vigorously oppofed by the Austrian and Prussian troops, but alfo by the inhabitants on and near the right banks of that River, who are arming in great numbers to defend their families and properties againil thofe sanguinary banditti, who mark their footsteps with blood, fire, and rapine.
Private letters from Paris, fay, that General O'Hara is to be tried for his life. They do not, however, state the grounds of accusation against him; nor can there be any thing like law, to jus- tify fuch a procedure. - The exceptions taken by the French against General O'Hara, and for which it is faid they are going to try him, are supposed to be their having lately found out, that he was one of the King of Great Britain's com- missioners at Toulon; and on this point it is conjectured they propose instituting their charge against him as a sower of sedition, Sec. In a letter lately received from the unfortunate General O'Hara, there is the
following paragraph, which but too evidently shews the pre- sentiment he has of his unhappy fate— After stating the hardships and miseries of mind and body that he has undergone since his capture, he concludes, " but my greateft misfortune is, that I find myself recovering from my wounds." The Sphynx sloop of war has taken & brought into Plymouth, the Trompeuse, a French floop of war of 16 guns and ico men. which ( he cap- tured fome days ago on tne Coast of Ireland, after a fhort aflion. The Sphynx is one of the fquadron under the command of Rear Admiral kingsmill. It appears that the above ( hip failed from Brest
about a fortnight fince, in company with five fail of the line and three frigates, one of them the Thames, lately captured from the British, and which ship the Captain of the Trompeuse mistook the Sphynx for, to cruize off Cape Clear, in Ireland, for the sole purpose of intercepting the outward- bound West- India fleet, which thev had received advice were about to ( ail from Cork, under convoy of the Argonaut, of 64 guns, Capt. Aylmere. In confequence of this information, Admiral Kingsmill, who has the command at Cork in his Majesty's ship Swiftsure, of 74 guns, took the prudent precaution of detaining the fleet from sailing, until
he may receive advice from this country, or a sufficient reinforcement of ( hips for their protection. A letter from Marseilles, of the ift inst. states, that upwards of six hundred persons had been shot at Toulon ; and that the sergeants, Adju- tants, and soldiers of the marine, had been shot on the same day, with the remaining municipial officers. The following affected and idle regulations have been made in Paris, respecting the interment of the dead :— The dead shall have their face un- covered ; they are to remain twelve hours in their place of abode ; they shall be carried upon a lit- ter, covered with a drapery characterizing the
three stages of life; the drapery ornamented with tri- coloured lace, shall be of one plain colour, namely, for youth white, bearing this inscription —" He grew for the country !"— For the age of manhood, it is to be red, with this infeription —" He lived for the country !— and blue for old people, with this inscription—" I have lived for the country !"— The litter is to be carried on the shoulders of four citizens, dressed in a pantaloon and short waistcoat, with a tri- coloured girdle. Over it they fhall wear a tunic, which is to come down to their knees, and on their heads a red cap. — Children shall be borne by children from eight to twelve
years of age.— The body after having lain twelve hours, is to be carried to the field of repofe, accompanied by thofe whom the burial ( hall concern.— The dead are to be buried at mid- night. It was last night very generally rumoured, that a Noble Lord had been detected in carrying on a secret correspondence with the French, and in having made an offer of their landing on his Es- tate, which lies contiguous to the sea. It was further rumoured, that he had secreted himself, and that the officers of justice were in quest of him. This we state merely as a report which came to us through a very respectable channel.— True Briton. At
Bath Quarter Sessions, Geo. Wilkinson, a journeyman printer, was found guilty of sediti- ously wishing Succefs to the French, and saying The King and his Ministers were villains. He was sentenced to pay a fine of 20s. to suffer four months imprifonment, and to find fureties in tool, for his good behaviour for one year. At Cambridge sessions, Mr. Luke Pennington, ( a person employed in the printing office of the Cambridge intelligencer) had a bill of indictment preferr'd against him, for calling the King a silly fellow. The grand jury threw out the bill. On Tuesday last, at the Chelmsford quarter sessions. Wallace & Robert Blatch, a
church- warden and overfeer of the parish of Childitch, in_ the faid county, being convicted of a con- spiracy to effect a marriage between two paupers, in order to exonerate their own parish, and to bring an unlawful burden on the neighbouring parish of Little Warley, were sentenced by the court to be fined tol. each, and to he imprisoned one calendar month in the jail of the faid county: — an exemplary punishment, which will operate to prevent such fraudulent practices in future. rowed a litter ofoine pigs; and a pointer whelmed feven puppies. In contequence of the fow dying foon after, with two of her pigs, the puppies were
drowned, and the feven remaining pigs are fucWed by the bitch. THE DYING YEAR. T: g And t- RDM Eft's fweet Banks, a humble Bard, • T Untaught in courtly flrains to ting, Cannot re- prof's his true regard For BR 1 T A IK ' s FK E E now and her Ktsc I A generous warmth his bofom fires, Which Britain's happier ftate infpires^ Whole Laws to no tuflinilions bend, But ltill alike tp all extend : , WHQJ0. So v E R E 1 b s is His People's Friend. gloomy feve. In funeral weeds .... . rklbme horror, ends the Year, Wiiofe vaticd hours have teem'd with deeds Which future times will bluih to hear: Drefs'd for the Sta;{ e, howo'er refin'd, The
Scenes- aiuft fhock the feeling mind : Yet thefeto Britain's praife mutt tend, Her generous aid they rnufi cminuend ; And love her Kmc, the Nation's Friend. ' Tis Midnight, and the Year— is gene! May luad dilfenlionilfo die; And Britons, happy in their own; For 110 ideal FRIMIIM fieh. Nor antient, nor exifling ltate,' Could be indebted more to fate. G R E A T GEORGE is K1 N c 1 ye Britons bend; Pray Heaven his Sceptre to defend, Who is his People* s 11 uejl Friend. May Ninety- four, the infant year, Propitious to Great Britain's aim, See IVar and F" aclion diiappear ; And Peace and Plenty fmile again. Our bloodlefs fields may
Britons roam With eafe and happinels at home; And if they will at ill contcnd, Let it be, who lliall bed defend OUR KING, who is His People's Friend. D. ilhieth, Dec. 11, 1793. I ANTED immediately, A JOURNEYMAN y V FLAX- DRESSER.- One that underflands his Bufmefs may haveconflant Work, by applying to Daniel Nalh, at Hitchin, Herts. To be SOLD,. ABOUT feven Acres of Good TURNIPS, atld about three Acresof STUBBLE TURNIPS; both upon exceeding good Lair! ,. For further Particulars, and' to Treat for ' the fdme, apply at the George Inn, Brixworth. - . D' To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, IVERS Parcels of
ARABLE- LAND, LEY and MEADOW GROUND, difperfed in the Fields of FiNEDON, in the County of Noith- ampton; containing about eighty- eighty Acres, with Common^ thereto belonging; in the Occupation of Mr. Vincent Bailey ;' about Two- thirds of the Piemifesare Freehold, the Remainder are Copyhold. Further Particulars may be had of Mr. Bryan Pywell, of Moulton, near Northampton; of Mr. John Pywell, of Kettering ; and of Mr. Bramston, at Oundle, To be LETT, or SOLD, At PATTISHALL, in the County of Northampton, AHOUSE and BAKEHOUSE, in full Trade, with a Barn, Stable, and pigsties; alio a good Orchard,
well planted with Fruit- Trees; now in the Occupation of Mr. John Hill; of whom Parti- culars may be had, or of Mrs. Cockerill, Landlady the fame. of To be LETT, or SOLD, And may be Entered upon immediately, ADWELLING - HOUSE, with a Yard, Barn, and other Out- Buildings; alfo, an ACRE of rich PASTURE- LAND, & a Quantity of YOUNG THRIVING TIMBER; fituated near the Parifh of O. LNEY, jn the County of Bucks; the Property of Mr. James Adkins, of Chicherley, in the faid County. For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. Richard chater, of Olney. N. B. The aforesaid Dwelling- House was formerly occupied by a
Fellmonger, but of late has been a Public- Houfe, known by the Name of Drop- Short, and is well fituated on the Bedford Road. To TI be M B E o R. L D, Tuefday laft a gentleman at Lympstone received from Norfolk a prefent of a turnip, which con- 1 , • 1 • ,, • r r ,, girton s Complete Pieeon Fancier, price is. tamed a hare weighing Clb. Joz. a pair of full- Price's Whole Art of Confeftionary, price o: grown rabbits, all with their ( kins on; and a [ Thompfon's New Bird- Fancier, price is. brace of partridges in their feathers. The turnip, when taken out of the ground and waftieii, weighed 2jlbs. and meafured 3 feet 7 inches in
circumference. It is now in the possesson of the parish clerk at Lympstone. The insertion of a vowel between several of the following letters will make two lines in verse : PRSVRYPRFCTMN, VRKPTHSPRCPTSTN, They were written over the ten commandments in a Welch church, and remained there for a whole century before the true sense was discovered. — Not to trespass on the more valuable time of our readers by this trifling puzzle, we present it to them diverted of it's obscurity : Persevere, ye perfect men ; Ever keep these precepts ten. Strange transfer of stock,— Monday se'nnight, a sow, belonging to the Crown, at
Taunton, lar- GJRDSBR's CREDITORS. THE Creditors of MOSES GARDNER, late of KILSBY, in the County of Northampton, Woolcoinber, are defircd to fend an Account of their leveral Demands, by the 4th Day of February next, to his Truftees, Mr. E. lward Perkins, or Mr. Stephen Pettifer, both of the famePlace, in Order that the faid Truftees may be enabled 10 compute a fair and propor- tionate Dividend of his Effeils amongjl his Creditors : And all fuch Creditors are requefted to meet the faid Truflees, at the George Inn, in KiMby, on the nth of' February next, when l'uch Dividend will be made amongfl luoh of the Creditors as
fhall then appear, b themfelves or Agents, tp receive the fame; and al other Creditors will be excluded the Benefit of the faid Dividend. January 18, 1794, In the Matter of Thomas Roukin, a Bankrupt. HPHE Commiffioners in aCommiffion of Bank- Jt n. pt awarded andiil'ued forth againfl THOMAS ROUKIN, of WEI. LINCUOROUGH, in the County of Northampton, Baker, Dealer and Chapman, inteni to meet on the iiith of February next, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, at the Swan Inn, in Wellingborough atbrefaid, in Order to make a Dividend of the Eflate and Effects of the faid Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors who have not
already proved their Debts, are tocoine piepared to prove the fame, or they will be excluded tile Benefit of the faid Dividend And all Claims not then l'ubftantiated will be difallowtd. JOHN NEWTON GOODHALL, Solicitor. Hogg's New Univerfal Letter- Writer, Price only One Shilling, This Day ivas publijbed, in London, And may be had by giving Orders to any of ttie Book- fellers in England, Wales, Scotland, or Ireland, ( Price IS. etnbeliifhed with an elegant Frontifpiece,) The NEW and COMPLETE UNIVERSAL LETTER - WRITER; Or, Whole Art of Polite Correfpondence. Containing a great Variety of plain, eafy, entertaining and
familiar ORIGINAL LETTERS, on the mod in- tcreffing, important & imiruftive Subjects, & adapted for general Ufeand Benefit, hy dire£ ling every Perl'on to indite Letters, without any other Afliflance, on all the various Occafions of Life. Including particularly, among this uncommon Va- riety, an extenfive Courfe of Letters to and from Pa- rents, Children, Brothers, Sifters, and other Relatives. Together with various Forms of Petitions, adapted ro the different Wants and Exigencies of Life, and proper Direftions for addrefling Superiors and Perfons of all Ranks, both in Writing and Difcourfe; with valuable Hints for Grammatical Corre&
nefs on all Occafions. To which is added, a Modern Colleflion of Genteel Complimentary Cards for different Occafions. Likewife, Ufcful Forms in Law, fuch as Wills, Bonds, Letters of Attorney, Wills and Powers, Indentures, Re- leafes, Notes of Hand, Agreements for Letting Houfes, Lodgings, & c.— The Whole adapted to the Genius, Talfe, and Manners of the prefent Times. By HENRY HOGG, A. M. This being the only Letter- Writer that was ever publifhed at the Price of One Shilling ( othas having always been fold at Two Shillings) Readers^ of every Clafs will now he enabled to purchafe fo ufeful i Book ; and as the Work is
entirely Original ( not a fingle Letter being copied from any former Letter- Book) all Perfons pofi'elfed of old Letter- Writers will be highly gratified and accommodated by purchafing this Rui NEW ONE.— Therefore be careful to give particularOrders for Hogg's New Univcrjal Letter- Writer, Price only is. London : Printed for Alex. Hogg, in Paternofler- Row ; and fold by T. Dicey and Co. W. Birdfall, and T. Burnham, Northampton ; and may be had of all the Bookfellers and Newfmen in England, Scotland, and Ireland. or WHOM MAY BE HAD, The following valuable Articles, embelliflied with Copper- Plates : The Wonderful Story-
Teller, price only 3s. Powell's New Univerfal Fortune- Teller, price is. Stanhope's Lady's Polite Tutorefs, price is. Brown's New Complete Englifh Letter- Writer, price bound. Brown's New Young Man's Companion, price is. Mrs. Price's New Book of Cookery, price is. Bettefworth's New Ready Reckoner, price is. bound. Bettefworth's New Tables of Interefl, price is. 6d. bound. Melmoth's New Roman Hiflory, price js. bound. Melmoth's New Grecian Hiflory, price 3s. bound. King's New Cheats and Frauds of London expofed, price is. King's New London Spy, price is. 6d. The Farmer's Wife, a valuable Book of Houfewifery, price is.
6d. Gordon's Complete Family Phyfician, price is. Maples's New Complete Horfe- Doflor, price is. The New Art of Speaking, price only is. Vernon's New London and Country Songfler, price is. Arnold's New Hiflory of America, price 3s. 6d. bound. Murray's New Hiflory of Scotland, price js. bound. The New Town and Country Jefier, price is. Sir John Fielding's Jefls, price is. Cunningham's New Jefl Book, price 6d. Middleton's Abridgement of the Hiflory of England, price js. bound. Freeman's New Lover's Guide, price is. - — •—• - • 6d- only as. Thompfon's New Gardener's Calendar, price is. Hogg's New Englifh Farmer, price is. 6d.
Morgan's Complete Spnrtfman, price 3$. bound. Worthington's New Whole Duty of Man, price 6s, bound. Worthington's New Family Prayers, price 3s. bound. Worthington's Preparation for the Sacrament, price is, bound. Malon's New Edition of Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progrefs, price ys. bound. Mafon's New Edition of Bunyan's Holy War, price 6s. bound. Fellows's Hiflory of the Bible in Verfe, 4 vols, price tos. bound. Fellows's Proteflant Alarm, price is. Fellows's Grace Triumphant, price is. 6d. Rev. T. Prieftley's Funeral Sermon on Lady Hunt ingdon, price 6d. Rev. T. Prieflley's Ordination Sermon, price 6d. ( fCj" All the Bookfellers,
Stationers, Dealers, Ac. in England and Scotland, are recommended always to keep an Affortment of the above Books for Sale, as they are the mod complete and cheap Articles of the Kind ever publifh « 4, At the Three- Tuns, in Barton- Seagrave, Northamp- tomhire, on Saturday the ill Day of February, 1794, in Lots, UPWARDS of 230 Large ahd Valuable ELM, ASH, POPLAR, and LIME TREES, growing in the Lordfhip of BARTON- SEAGRAVE. Tickets may be had by Nine o'Clock in the Morning of the Day of'Sale, at Barton afonfaid. N. B. The Timber Hands in a very good Situation fur Carriage, as it is growing dole to the
Turnpike- Road leading from Kettering to Thrapfton. CAPITAL TIMBER. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By BENJAMIN SHELTON, At the Houfeof Mr. Williams rice, the Castle Inn, in Tamworth, on Wednefday the 19th Day of February, 1794, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, ( upon fuch Conditions as will be then and there produced), nINETY- SEVEN OAK and FIFTEEN ASH and ELM TREES, asthe fame aremark'd and number'd, and growing Upon HOLT- FARM, in the Parilb of Kingsbury, in the County of War- wick.; in the Holding of Mrs. Orton ;- « in ' 1 wo Lots. Lot r. Containing 97 Oak Trees, as the fame
are mark'd and number'cf. Lot2. Containing 15 Afh & Elm Trees, asthe fame arc mark'd and number'd. For a View of tile Trees, enquire of Mrs. Orton, of Holt aforefaid. ( CT The Oak Trees are very capital flrong Timber, and fit for Ship and Boat Building, making Locks for Canals, and many other iniportant Piirpol'es, and are within two Miles of the Birmingham and Fazcley Canal. FREEHOLD BONDS on TOLLS f- cm MARKET- HARBOROUGH to BRAMPTON. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. CHRISTIE, At his GREAT ROOM, in PALL- MALL, London, on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY the 8th, at ONE O'CLOCK, IK FIVE LOTS,
CIVE TURNPIKE BONDS, bearing an IN- JP TEREST at the RATE of FOUR PER CENT, per ANNUM, punctually paid, Yearly, of ONE HUNDRED aivd FIFTY POUNDS each. SECURED on the TOLLS ( under an ACT of PAR- LIAMENT for that Pur pole) that fhall becoHeftodat the GATES 011 the 1U) AD leading from MARKET- HARBOROUGH to BRAMPTON- POUND. PARTICULARS mav be had of the PRINTERS of the NORTHAMPTON and LEICESTER PA- PERS; at the PRINCIPAL INNS at MARKET- HAKBOROUGH, LEICESTER, NORTHAMP- TON; and of Mr. CHRISTie, in PALL- MALL. D1 A DESERTER.
ESERTED from the Northampton( hire Regiment of Militia, JAMES GREEN, A Native of WEEdoN- BEcK, About 32 Years of Age, five Feet feven Inches high, Dark- brown Hair, Dark Eyes, of a ruddy Complexion, and turns his Feet out, and formerly lived in the Service of Lady Leigh, of Stonely- Abbey, Warwick- fhire. Whoever will apprehend the fakl James Green, and fecure him in any of his Majefty's Gaols,, fhall receive FIVE GUINEA'S, over and above the Reward paid by Government, by applying to the Officers of Weedon- Beck, in the County of Northampton. weedon- Beck, Jan. I^ th, 1794. Postscript. LONDON, January
25. YESTERD AY morning officia 1 dispatches were received at the India House, an- nouncing the important news of the capture of Pondicherry.— They were received by express over- land. Thefe were immediately forwarded to Govern- ment, and in consequence the Tower guns were fired at one o'clock. Thursday arrived another Dutch mail; it brings little of importance respecting the affairs of the Rhine.— The siege of Fort Louis continues; the attacks, made upon it are unremitting, but vigorous, as is likewife the defence.— The Prus- sian head- quarters, fay fome of the accounts, are removed to Mentz. That city is now
considered as entirely out of danger.— Numerous reinforce- ments daily arrive, in support of both the Prus- sian and Austrian armies.— The French continue to evacuate the posts they lately took possession of, after plundering the inhabitants of every thing useful. It feems they are about to take up their winter quarters under the protection of the for- trefs of Landau. We are forry to learn, by letters from the head-, quarters in Flanders, that very serious apprehen- fions are entertained that the French will follow the example of their countrymen on the Rhine, and bear down in a maj's on the poll of the Allies in the Netherlands. We
under ft jinxl that General ] ourdan* s Army has been reinforced to the num- ber of i So, 000 men. The Prince de Cobourg has taken the ncceffary dispositions to defend himfelf.— Times. PRICES of STOCKS YcflerdayBank Stock 156 3; f.— 3 per Cent. Red. 68 f a 69 fj a 69.— 3 per Cent, - onf. 68 * | $.— 4 per Cent. S45 per Cent. 100 J.— India Stock 199 J.^- Lottery Tickets 16I. Conf. AH- a 5s. 6d. . 6s. 6d. NORTHAMPTON, SATURDAY EVENING, Jan. This Day the prices of Grain in our.' market were as follow, viz. Wheat, 5s. 6d. to 7s. 3d.— Rye, 4s. 0d. tojs. od.— Barley, 3s. 6d. to4s. q£ d — Oats, zs. 6d. to 3s. 6d,—
Beans, 4s. 6d. to 5s. qd. per bufhel. On 1 uefday morning the Lady of John Charles Girardot, Esq. of Dallington, near this town, was safely delivered of a foil and heir. . The Rev. John Burt, M. A. late of St, John'; college, Cambridge, was last week unanimously elected master of the free grammar- school at Up- pingham, on the resignation of the Rev. Mr. Jackson, who has held that office many years with the highest credit, Thursday in the Court of King's Bench, a Writ of Mandamus was moved for , to_ be direfk'd to the Bishop of Ely, commanding him to re- store the Rev. Mr. Frend to all the rights and privileges of a Fellow of
his College in Cam- bridge; which Motion was rejected by the Court. At the Quarter Sessions for Oxfordshire, held on Tuesday' se'nnight, the Chairman gave a very excellent Charge to the Grand Jury. He strongly reprobated the custom of the farming out the poor, which in it's consequences must, of neces- sity, defeat the charitable provisions of the law, since, on the one hand, the parish let the main- tenance of the poor at the cheapest rate they can; and, on the other, the keeper must get a subsist- ence from the employment, which can only be obtained by fqueezing and oppressing the unfor- tunate objects committed to his
charge.— He re- commended it to the farmers to increase their labourers' wages, which he observed should keep pace with the increased price of provisions; ana he inveighed, in a particular manner, against the practice of employing the poor by the yard land, and at a price far too scanty to enable the most industrious labourer to earn a maintenance. At the sessions for the county of Somerset last week, feveral articles belonging to Friendly So-, cieties were prefented for the approbation of the Justices, purfuant to Aft of Parliament, in many of which was introduced the following claufe: If any person shall, during society hours,
be guilty of uttering or promoting seditious or treasonable language, and it is clearly proved by two witnesses, he shall forfeit Ios. 6d. or he excluded,— This clause met the univerfal approbation of the Magiftrates, and it was recommended to be adopted by other So- cieties. On Saturday evening about fix o'clock, as Mr. Emery Palmer, of Goldington, Beds, was return- ing from Bedford market, with Mrs. Palmer be- hind him, he was stopped about halt a mile from the town by three fellows disguised and armed with bludgeons, who, after having much' beaten Mr. and Mrs. Palmer, robbed him of 14 guineas and fome silver. Mr. P.
taking the advantage of the darknefs of the night, crossed the fields, re- turned to Bedford, and informed some friends, who immediately went in purfuit of the robbers^ two of whom they apprehended, but the other escaped ; ftrifl fearch, however, is making after him.— They prove to be privates in the Derby- byshire militia, and are supposed to be the same men that attempted to stop Mr. Palmer about a month ago, and the fame evening robbed Mr. Abbot,— as mentioned in a former paper. On Thursday evening, as a fervant of Mr. Cooper's, of Great Wigston, was returning home from Leicefter, he was stopped within half a mile
of Wigfton, by two footpads, who pulled him off his horfe, and robbed him of his purfe, con- taining ten ( hillings, with which they made oft". The Red Lion, at High Wycombe, Bucks, was set on fire by accident on Wednefday night, and burnt to the ground in an hour. Six horses were also consumed, and the master of the inn with difficulty escaped, being ill in. bed with the gout. Friday se'nnight a melancholy accident hap- pened at Cambridge: The Rev. Mr. Basket, mathematical lecturer of Sidney college, was un- fortunately fhot dead by a gun going off in his own room. A few days ago a very melancholy accident happened in a
coal- pit, near Newcastle, by- holing an unexpected old wafte, charged with inflammable air, which inftantly took fire from one of the workmen's candles. A general ex- plofion enfued, by which 25 men and boys, and alfo 16 horfes, were killed. Five other boys were fo feverely burnt, that the it lives are d'e- fpaired of. The coroner's inquest was held last week, on the body of an infant, which had been privately interred in St. Bartholomew's church yard, Bir- mingham. It appeared, upon the inquest, that the poor, miserable mother of the child had been left by her husband ( who is gone for a soldier) with three young children, and
having had no rest for two nights, nor a bed to lie upon, strewed some straw before a fire, in her wretched apart- ment, on which she laid two of her children, and sat upon a chair herself, with the youngest on her lap. Overcome with fatigue, ( he foon forgot her cares in deep, and ( dreadful to relate) was awakened by the burning of her cloaths, from the flames that had destroyed her child, which had fallen from her lap under the grate, and was hurnt to death without her hearing it's cries. The poor woman is also much scorched. MARRIED.] On Tuesday the 7th inftant, Mr. Fox, to Miss Richardson, both of Oundle. — The following
day, at Little Dalby, Leices- tershire, the Rev. James Wykes, rector of Has- lebeach, to Miss E. Lumley, younger daughter of the Rev. James Lumley, rector of Barnwell, in this county — Monday ' fe'nnight, at Upping- ham, Mr. Sisson, plumber and glazier, to Miss Sewell, of the fame place.— Thurfday fe'nnight, at Lyme, in Dorsetshire, Mr. Welby King, of the George inn, Loughborough, to Miss Hurst, niece of Capt. Ward, late of his Majesty's 33d regiment of foot.— Saturday laft, at Thornton, Bucks, John Sneyd, of Ibstones, Staffordshire, Esq. to Miss Adey, of Litchfield.— Thursday, at Manchester, Mr. hodgetts, of Bristol, iron monger, to Miss Wright, daughter of the Rev. Mr. Wright, of Atherstone. DIED.] On Saturday fe'nni. Tht, at Wheatfield Farm, Oxfordshire, after a lingering illness, Mr. Francis Viret ; a man respected by all who knew him, leaving to lament his loss, an affectionate wife and 16 children.— Saturday se'nnight, at Weldon, in this county, Mrs, Woolston, wife of Mr. Woolston, innkeeper of that place.— Sun- day fe'nnight, at Melton, in Leicestershire, Mr. Matthew Thuke, hair - dresser, aged 58. His death n as occsion'd by a small scratch on his leg being neglected which made amputation nc- neffary, and in the end caufed his
dissolution.— Saturday laft, at Bitteswell, in Leicestershire: after a long and painful illness. Mrs. Powell, wife of the Rev. James Powell, vicar of that parish,— Lately, in the 77th year of his age, most sincerely and deservedly regretted, Mr. Richard Wallit, a tanner of eminence at Oundle, where he had re- fided upwards of 60 years, In him his numerous relations and acquaintance have lost a cordial and constant friend : religion one of it's moft hearty and steady supporters; and society at large what our great poet fo emphatically stiles " The noblest work of God— a truly honest man."— At Stoney- Stanton, in Leicestershire, Mr.
Clay, aged 105 being born in the year 1688, the year of the re- volutions— Lately, Mrs. Watson, wife of Mr. Watson, of Uppingham. Tie name of the young lady who died at Bedford On Sunday se'nnight, was CREasy, and not Coneasy, as inserted in our last by mistake.
• TSPA is H ire c I ) M y and Tuesday's Posts. Continued from the \ fl Page.) LONDON GAZETTE, of Jan. i8. Whitehall, Jan. 18. disPATCHES, of which the following extracts, have been received over nd from India by the Honourable Court of Direflors for Affairs of the 5 murable United Company of Merchants of Inland trading- to the East- lndies. Extract of a letter from the governor and Council at Bengal, in their Political Department, to the Court of Directors, dated Bengal, dug. 1, 1793. On the nth of June we received from the Go- vernor in council at Fort St. George, by the Drake cruizer,. which had arrived there from Suez on
the ift, copies of dispatches, dated the 10th of April, from Mr. Baldwin, his Majesty's Conful at Alexandria, with a detail of intelli- gence from Europe, notifying, in positive terms, that the French had declared war against England and Holland on the ift of February, 1793. We therefore issued orders, which were effected^ without resistance, . for the taking possession of Chandernagore and the several French factories in this country; and seizing the vessels here that carried the French flag. The government of Madras immediately com- menced the necessary preparations for the siege of Pondicherry, whisre Col. Floyd, - with a
detach- ment, arrived on the 1 ith of July, to blockade it cm the land side, while the Commodore, with his Majesty's frigate the Minerva, and three ot our China ships, the Triton, Warley, and Royal Charlotte, were employed to prevent supplies from being imported by sea; and the French fac- tories of Karica and Yanam have been taken pos- session of by the officers of the Madras govern- ment. Extract of ( I Letter from the Governor and Council a1 Bombay, in their Political Department, to the Court, of Directors, dated Bombay, Sept. 3, 1793. Having authentic intelligence, bv the Drake cruizer from Suez, that hostilities had
actually commenced " between Great Britain and France, we issued the necessary orders for reducing the Fort of Mahe, and taking possession of their fac- tory at Surat, which we have the pleasure to ac- quaint you have been effected without resistance. j — •• yr The allies, according to official returns pre- vious to the late dreadful slaughter on the Rhine, Live had 69,000 men killed in the course of the year 1793; to which number may be added 20fiek and wounded in the hospitals, making togetiicr the amazing force of near 90,000 men, which the ravage ot one campaign has rendered lifeless to the royal cause. The Chevalier
St. George, after all his com- bats and adventures, is likely to terminate his life at last by the inglorious Guillotine, having been lately arrested at Soissons, now the depart- ment of Aisne. . The Paris papers mention, that thomas Paine and Anacharsis Cloots have been committed to the prison ot the Luxembourg. By accounts from West- Flanders, dated the 1 itli instant, we learn, that on the 10th, the mi- litary hospital at Lisle was set On fire, in which there were 1800 sick, of whom the greatest part perished! .... ,. rJ'he French have paid an involuntary compli- ment to the political importance and commercial credit of this country,
by the imitation of our coin. It is reported as a faft, that they have a< F? ually fabricated three millions of GUINEAS ; finding that, in order to obtain the Commodities they may want from other countries, and which they can only procure by clandeltiue means, none of their baalted affignats will do ; nay, that even the immense spoils of their rapacity can be cir- culated only with effect in a British form. The Americans, disgusted with the conduct of the French minister, are determined- to arm, that they may be ready, in cafe of an emergency, to repel any insult. ' The States met in congress on the 2d of December. On the 3d, his
Excellency- Gen. Washington made a speech to both houses, in which he explained the propriety of this mea- fUre. The conduct of Citizen Genet seems to have chiefly prompted it. . A report has been tot some days in circulation and feems. to. gain credit, that Admiral Barrington is to have the command of the Channel Fleet next crnize, on account of Earl Howe's indifferent state health, and that the Duke of Clarence is to go ou t " second in command. 1 to those who know how to value, and to thofe who would fain undervalue, the glorious advan- tages gained by Lord Hood by the capture and destruction of . five and forty ships
of war at Tou- lon and in the Mediterranean, we prefent the fol- lowing list; which the sophisftry of our enemies can no more refute, than their gasconades can re- vessels. shIPS of the LINE. , 3. le Commerce de Marseille le Pompee —' Le puisilant — BURNT, 16. wich by two of his Majesty's messengers, to Newgate, to remain until his sentence of trans, portation for a libel can be carried into effect. Thursday died, at his lodgings in St. James's- street, Edward Gibbon, Esq. author of the ce- lebrated history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire, See.— Mr. Gibbon was in his 5$ th year. He had come several months ago on
a visit to England, and purposed again returning in the spring, to his charming house at Lausanne. He had lately undergone the palliative operation for the hydrocele, but the cause of his death was a gouty spasm in the stomach. His sufferings were short, for he enjoyed his usual flow of spi- rits, and conversed with as much gaiety as he writes, the night before his death. On Friday died at his seat at Luxborough, Sir Edward Hughes, K. B. Admiral of the Blue Squadron of his Majesty's fleet. He had ferved in the navy for more than half a century ; he was at the taking of Porto Bello under Admiral Ver- non, and was made a
Lieutenant for his services there ; he ferved as Captain under Admiral Bos- cawen at the taking of Louisburg, and with Sir Charles Saunders at the taking of Quebeck. As an Admiral he commanded in chief in the Eaft- lndies, and supported the honour of his country in feveral a£ tions with an active enemy. WHITEHAVEN, Jan. 74. Two perfons in the neighbourhood of Penrith, lately entered into an agreement respecting a tenement of land, for the term of 999 years: the lease was. drawn, and ready for executing, when an objection was started. The owner insisted, that three years before the expiration of that term, the land should
lie green side up This, the tenant positively refused to comply with — and the agreement was declared null and void! Bristol, Jan. 18. On Tuefday night laft, be- tween the hours of eleven and twelve o'clock, a dreadful fire broke out at the feat of Richard Aubrey, Esq. of Clehouger, about " three miles from Hereford, which entirely deilroyed that handfome old mansion, with all the furniture, plate, See. and a valuable collection of family pictures. The most prompt and aCtive assistance was instantly given by the adjoinihg farmers and people of the village, and the fire engines were fent from Hereford upon the first alarm ; but the
flames burst forth with fuch irresistible fury, that not one article of value could be saved, and the whole ftrufture was foon reduced to ashes. There were only a man arid woman ifi the house at the time, Mr. Aubrey being upon a visit at a neigh- bouring friend's, but intended sleeping at home that night, and had given orders for a fire in his bed- chamber, which was lighted about ten o'clock; and the woman going up stairs foon after, to see if all wereS fafe, upon opening the chamber- door, the smoke burst out with fuch vio- lence as to extinguish the candle she held in her hand; and it was with difficulty ( he could get down stairs to
communicate the alarm. BANKRUPTS. George Chase, of Wokingham, Berkshire, linen- draper.— James Brodbelt and George Lewtas, both of le Tonnant Le Triomphant La Couronne L'Heureux le Centaur le Commerce de ) Bourdeaux S lec Destin U 1 80 80 So 74 74 74 74 120 74 74 Le Heros le Themistocle Le Dugay Trouin Le Scipion Le Luffisant Le Mercure Le Conqueraut Le Dictateur 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 fRiGATEs SLOOPS. le Courageux L'Iphigenie J.' Iris le Montreal Le Porte I.' Arethuse l.' Impericuse l'Anrore la Topaze l,' Alceste l a Perieuse la lutrine la Modeste La poulette BURNT, 7- 32 TAKEN, la Caroline l.'
Auguste L'Alerte 40 40 40 3- i1 32 26 jq. la Bellette La Proselite La Sincere Le Malet La Mozelle L'Emproye . La Petit Aurore L'Eclaire Le tarleston 10 JO 16 06 24 20 20 20 20 18 20 14 Blackburn, Lantalhire, merchants.— Howland Roberts, of Feltwell, Norfolk, apothecary ,— Shelah Chessel and thomas Chessel, of Holborn, London, hosier. s.— Wm. Armstrong, lute cri Hardest, in Cumberland, dealer and chapman.— Bryan Valentine robinson, late of fox's- lane, Shadwell, Middlesex, tobacconist.— John Strafford the younger, late of Wakefield, Yorkshire, dealer pnd chapman.— Samuel Lawrence, of Crewkerne, Somer fetfhire, dealer and chapman J- John Kenrick, of Dod- ington, Shropshire, cheese- factor.— Joseph Drury, of Harrow- on- the- Hill, Middlesex, coal- meichant.— Geo. Dover, of St. Catherine -. ilreet, MiddleseX, cheese- monger. At! Extract from the Lewes Journal, De. . 1793. Mr. NEWNHAM, a capital /" C'her and timber- merchant, of West- hill, Ardingly, in Sussex, was con- fined to his houfe, and rendered incapable of bulirjefs, by a virulent Scorbutic Eruption breaking c( ut in various parts of his body ; one of his legs was fwelled to double it's ordinary liie, and his lungs were fo affefled, that refpiration was difficult and painful'to a
molt alarniing degree. In this fituation, Mr. N. applied « > a Gentle- man of the facqlty, w. hofe f| cill is we'd known, and after continuing under his care near twelve months without receiving any benefit, he refolved, with the approbation of hismedical friend, to try theeft'etts of SPILSBURY's ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS ; in taking only one bottle, he found great relief in his breathing, & c. and by con- tinuing them a few months, his complaints were entirely removed, and his health perfectly reftored. From a principle of benevolence towards his fellow- fufiferers, as well a* justice to the proprietor of the. medicine, he thinks it his duty to
communicate this cafe to the public — for the authenticity of which, a further application may be. made to Mr. William Lee, printer,- Lewes, where the Drops may be had genuine ; and at . the Pro- propi'ietor'S, D. SPILSBURY, Soho- square, London, in bottles of xi. 2S• and 5s; each ; as alfo of the Printers of this Paper, W. Birdsall, and W. Marshall and Son, Northampton; and likewise of the Newsmen. PAREGORIC LOZENGES. THESE Lozenges are a safe and effectual Remedy in Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, and Asthmatic and Consumptive Complaints; if taken in the early Stages of Diforder, they will prevent tlie Diseases nf
more fatal Tendency ; and have been proved, by Ex- perience, to afford not only temporary Relief, but have alfo been successful in effecting a permanent Cure, in many inveterate Cases, ai'tsr other Applications have failed. To Mr. H. STEERS, Old Bond Street, London. SIR, I have received a Cure from your. Paregoric Lo zenges, about a Month ago, in one of the molt violent Colds I ever experienced; J had a dreadful Cough, at- tended with Soreness of the Throat and Breast, and a very bad Hoarfenefs, all which were entirely removed by littlemore than one Box of the Lozenges; you are at Liberty to publish this Letter. 1 am,
WM. MARCH, Fishing- Tackle- Maker, 17th Nov. ljgz. No. 157, Fleet- Street. Sold by the Proprietor, H. Steers, Old Bond- Street; and at Mr. F. Newbery's, No. St. Paul's Church- yard, Price One Shilling and Three- Halfpence the Box, Duty included. Where also may be had, universally esteemed for their Efficacy in Lofs of Appetite, Indigestion, Bilious Com • plaints,-& c. Price One Shilling and Three- Halfpence the Bottle, Sreers's Camomile Drops. Sold alfo by T. Dicey and Co. Northampton. Mason's New Octavo Edition of BUNYAN's WORKS COMPLETE, Publicly recommended by the Rev. John Ryland, M. A. and by the Rev.
Mr. T. Priestley, Author of the Evangelical Commentary on " the Bible, now pub- lifhing. Ee'. ng the Cheapest and molt Complete Edition of thofe celebrated and univerfally admired Work-; ever pub- lifhed. The Whole to be completed in only Eighty Numbers, or the Overplus delivered Gratis, and em- bellifhed with near 140 Copper- Plate Engravings. On Saturday next, Feb. 4, 1794, txtill be publijhed, ' ( Price only- blX- FENCE) JCorredtly printed on New Types, and on good Paper, adorned with an elegant Frontifpiece, being a ftriking Likenefsof the Rev!" Mr. John Bunyan. Alfo another interefling Print, properly adapted to Mr.
Bunyan's Treatife on the Doctrine of the Law and Grace.] NUMBER I. ( To be continued Weekly till com- pleted) cf A New and Complete Collection of THE WHOLE WORKS Of that eminent Servant of Chrift the Rev. and much efteemed Mr. JOHN BUNYAN, Late Minifter of the Gofpel at Bedford. Containing a great Variety of Pieces, Sermons, Dif- courfes," Treatifes, Essays, Tradts, and other Wri- tings on various Subjefis & Branches in Evangelical Di- vinity ; written in Profe & Verse, & being Expofitory, Explanatory, Allegorical, Familiar, Experimental, fc Praflical, by that eminent Hinder of the Gospel the Rev. Mr. John Bunyan,
the Whole of whofe valuable ProduQions are too numerous to particularize in this Advertifement. Comprehending all the Original Prefaces, Titles, Recommendatory Epiftles, and an Authentic Account of the Life and Death of the celebrated and much admired Mr. Bunyan. Including many Pieces never printed in any former Collection, among which are fevei'al valuable and fcarce Articles communicated to the Publtfher for this Edition by the Rev. Mr Joshua Symonds, who fucceeded Mr. Bunyan, at Bedford. The Whole Carefully Revifed and Corrected j and illuftrated with Notes, Explanatory, Experimental and Praftical. • By
WILLIAM MASON, Esq. Author ot the Spiritual Treafury, & c. and late one of the Juftices of the Peace for the County of Surry : Affifted liy other Gentlemen, T. Ms Edition of Bunyan, exclufive of the Notes and C6pper- Plates, comprizes the Whole Writings of that much admired Author, being near Sixty moft Valuable Works of real and fuhttantial Merit. In the laft Num ber will be printed and delivered Gratis, a Lift of Sub fcribers to thefe excellent, ufel'ul, & evangelical Works Mr. Bunyan's Works have been long deservedly re ' commended and admired by all Gofpel Ministers and true Christians; and for Mr. ryland and Mr.
Priestley's Public Recommendations of the prefent Editions— we refer the Public to the Firft Number— which may be perufed gratis as a Specimen of the Whole, and the Money will be immediately returned by the Bookfellers or Newfmen, if not approved. Thefe Works being juft printed off, and thoroughly completed in 80 Numbers, Purchafers may he fuppYied with one or more Numbers at a Time, Price only 6d. each j or the Whole may be had neatly Bound in fix targe Volumes Octavo, Price zl. 6s. To prevent Miftake.; or itrtpofition, the Public will pleafe to be particularly Careful to give pofitive Orders for MASON'S OCTAVO
EDITION of BUNYAn's WHOLE WORKS, with Notes, and Copper- Plates, Complete. London ! Printed for the Proprietors ; by Alex. Hogg, in Paternofler- RoW; and Sold by T. Dicey and Co. W. Birdfall,- and T. Burnham, Northampton; and by all other Bookfellers and Newfcarriers in England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. .• A LL PerfonS who have any Demands on Oxford, Gunfmith, are delired to lend an Account thereof to Mr. Wykham, Attorney at Law, or to Mr. Pratt, of Banbury aforefaid. . And all Perfons indebted to the faid Wm. Welch, are requefted to pay their re- fpeftive Debts to Mr. Wykham, or Mr. Pratt, without Delay.
The only OJfice that has fold TWO Prizes of Thirty Thoufand Pounds. Befides the unparalleled good Succefs they have experi- enced for Thirty- five Lotteries part, having fold and ( hated, in the Englifh and Irifh Lotteries, two Prizes of jo, oonl.— four of 20,000!.— ten of 10.000I.— thirteen of 5000I,— twenty- two of » oool.— thirty- four of 1000I. — and fifty- four of 500I. ENGLISH. STATE- LOTTERV, 1793, Begins drawing Feb. 17, 1794. THE TICKETS are Sold, and divided into HALVES, QUARTERS, EIGHTHS, and SIX- TEENTHS, by H O R N S B Y. and Co. Stock- Brokers, At their Olcl- eflablifhed State- Lottery- Office, (
Licenfcd purjuant to AH of Parliament, J No. 16, Cornhill, oppofite the Royal- Exchange, London. Cbrre£ t Numerical and Regifler Books are kept, and Tickets and Shares regiftered at 6d. per Number. All Shares fold at this Office will he ftamped, agree- able to AS of Parliament, with the Words " State- Lottery Stamp Office." Letters ( Poft- paid) duly anfwered, and Schemes gratis. N. B. Agreeable to Aft of Parliament, n-> BufinefS in the Lottery tranfafted before Eight o'Clock in the Morn- ing, nor after Eight o'Clock in' the Evening. ( C5- Orders accompanied with gopd Bills, payable at Siglit, orof a fhort Date, will be punctually
attended to. A W-, rk highly interejling to every Britijh Suhjeil. On Monday the l-: th of January, < vAll be publijhed, lumber I. . Price only Six pence, of the DEBATES NINETEEN sail of the line : and TWFNTY SIX frigates and sloops— A loss we believe never before fuftained by the French in the - whole of any one war with Great Britain.— Of these, 3 fail of the line and 16 frigates and sloops are at prefent in the power of the English— J frigate of 32 guns being with the Sardinians; and a floop of 20 and another of 18 fitted out by the Spaniards and ^' onhe^ few yet remaining to the French at Toulon 4 were in want of repair, 1 unfit
for fer- ' - 2 building, and 1 in ordinary ; and as to they may have pretended to save from_ the - ' flames, it is not probable, though the keels might " ' happen to be preserved, that the vessels will ever * more be afloat in the Mediterranean. '•(< 0n Monday came on at Edinburgh, before tlte high court of judiciary, the trial of Maurice Margarot for sedition, which lasted till three o'clock on Tuesday evening, when sentence of ' transportation for 14 years was passed upon him — Alexander callender, indicted for a similar offence, having failed to appear, was outlawed. Yesterday Mr, Muir- was brought from Wool JACKSON's
ASTHMATIC CANDY. THE fuperior Efficacy of Jackson's Asth- matic Candy, in Complaints of the Stomach and Lungs, arifing from Indigestion and Flatulency, has been afcertained by the Experience of several Years. It's peculiar Success in Coughs and Cold's, and in alleviating the most alarming Complaints incident to Perfons of a Gouty, Relaxed, or Asthmatic Habit ( which Com- plaints are more particularly prevalent in the Foggy and Damp Seafon of the Winter Months) is now univer- fally acknowledged } and confidering it is a Medicine in general Ufe, it would have been unnecellary for the Proprietor to have repeated his
Advertifements fo often, had not fome Perfons lately obtruded upon the Public a fpurious Medicine under the fame Name. It becomes, therefore, necef& ry; to offer thisCaution, by refpeftfully informing the Public, that the Genuine Medicine is figned on the Stamp by J. Barclay, the Sole Proprietor, and may be had as ufual at No. 95, Fleet- Market, Lon- don, " five Doors from Fleet- Street, in Boxes at zs'. ( 5d. and is. 1 jd. Stamp Duty included. It ra » y alfo be had, by Appointment of the Proprietor, of J. Edge, North- ampton; W. Cullingworth, and J. Robins, Daventry ; R. Wilcox, Towcester; J. Kett, Kettering; N. Rol- lafon, Coventry
; W. Howse, Banbury ; J. Read and J. Small, Bedford. Alfo may be had as above, Jackson's Patent Oint- ment for the Itch, an infallible Cure in j « Hours.— Jackfon's Patent Tinfture for the Rheumatism, Gravel Stone, Bruises, Sprains, & c.— Jackson's British Tooth, Powder.— Jackson's celebrated Corn Salve— Waite's Genuine Worm Nuts, by Howard and Evans, & c. & c. A New and Beautiful Edition of MATTHew hENRY's Exposition 011 the Old & New Testament. The only Ediiic: ever published with Superb Engravings. To be completed in zzo Numbers. Printed on Superfine L uge Demy Papers &' En; ire New Letter, from
the peculiar Caft of Which, and the ex- traordinary Largtnefsofour Pages, we fhali give nearly double the Quantity of Reading ufually contained in Works of the fame Price, besides being enabled to ' comprize the Whole in only Three Volumes ; illui- tra- ted with upwards of loo* Capital Engrlvings, al- though the Original Edition made Five Large Volumes without any Copper- Plates, This Day iuas published, ( Price only S I X - P E N C E:) Containing Three Whole Sheets of Laige Demy Letter- Press, and embellished with an elegant Portrait of the Rev. Matthew Henry. Taken from a Capital Paint- ing, in Poffefiion of an eminent
Gofpel Minifter, and ; eugraved in the moft mafterly Stile by Warren. NUMBER I. ( To be continued Weekly) Of An eXPOSITIoN ON THE Old and New Testament, Wherein each Chapter is fummed up in it's Contents ; the Sacred Text inferted at. large in difunct Para- graphs ; each Paragraph reduced to it's proper Heads ; the Senfe given, and largely iiluftrated with Praftical Remarks and Obfcrvations, forming the moft complete FAMiLY BIBLE Ever publifhed. Illuflrated with upwards of too Elegant Engravings, defcriptive of the moft material Tranf- aci. ons recorded in tlie Sacred Writings. By MATTHEW HENRY, LATE MINISTER
or THE GOSPEL. London : Publifhed by W. and J. Stratford, No. nz, Holborn- Hill; and Sold by T. Dicey and Co. W. Birdfall, and T. Burnham, Northampton; and by all other Bookfellers and Nevvfearriers in Great- Britain and lieland. Addrefs to the Public. The well known Superiority ot Matthew Henry's Ex- pofition on the Holy Scriptures, above all other Com- mentators, has beenjuftly admitted for many Years; indeed the major Part of the Notes that have been pub- lifhed on the Bible, have been extrafted from the Works of that laborious Author, the Bulk of whofe Produftion was fuch, as to exclude many pious Chriftians from the
Purchafe of it : It being only to be had altogether, in Five Large Folio Volumes. At the earneft Solicitation of many Chriftian Friends ( to enable Perfons of all Ranks to become Subfcribers,) the Proprietors of the prefent Edition have been pre- vailed on to Pubiifh it in Weekly Numbers, and to Print it in fuch a Manner as to comprize the Whole five Volumes in only three, exclufive of which great Saving to the Public, they will Embellifli it with upwards ot 100 Elegant Engravings, thereby rendering it the cheapeft and moft elegant Edition of Matthew Henry's Exposition on the Old and New Testament ever published. To prevent any
Possibility of Interruption in the Pub- lication, or Variation in Uniformity, a very large Quan- tity of Paper has been purchafed, and feveral Numbers printed before Hand, therefore the Public may depend on the ftrifteft Punctuality, and th2 Proprietors doubt not, but that their Reward will be adequate to their immenfe Labour and Expence. Indeed the uncommon Succefs and Approbation which their other Works have met with, leave not the leaft Reafon to Doubt but they fliall have equal . Encouragement in this, where their Labours are bellowed in propagating the Word ot God ; difplaying the Divine Light of the Gofpel in the cleareft
Manner, and pointing oat the certain Road to Happinefs for every pious Chriftian. A Lift of the Subfcribers will be given gratis with the laft Number. To enable our Readers to form a proper Judgment of this Work, the firft Number may he perufed, and the Money returned if not approved of. N. B. The Portrait of the Author being executed in fuch a Manner as to be worthy a Place in the Colleftion of the firft Connoiffeurs, a few Proof lmpreffions will be printed on French Paper, Price zs. 6d, each. The firft Thirty Numbers of this excellent Work being already publifhed, thofe Perfons who wifh to Purchafe more than one Number per
Week, may be accommo- dated with two, three, or more Numbers, as may fuit their Convenience. We would have given a Lift of the beautiful Copper- Plates with which this Work will be embelliflied, but to defcribe them, in fuch. a Manner as to give the Reader a proper Idea of their Excellence, would far exceed the Limits of an Advei tifement, and as the firft 30 N umbers are already Publifhed, we offer them as a Specimen of the future, affuiing the Public, that not the leaft De- viation in Excellence fhail be found between the firft and laft Numbers. Numlr. r 1. of the PRESENT SESSION of PARLIAMENT. The fucceeding Numbeis
to be continued during the Sitting of each fucceffive Seffion, and publifhed with all poffible Difpatch) Of THE SENATOR; Or, CLARENDON'S PARLIAMENTARY CHRONICLE. Containing an Impartial Regifter ; recording, with the utraoft Accuracy, the Proceedings and Debates, of the Houfes of LORDS and COMMONS. Forming a Source of Political Information highly intertfting to every Bririfh SubjeiS. The Senator will be particularly interefting. not only to thofe who have not an Opportunity of perufing the Daily Papers, but to thofe who conftantly read them ; as it. will prefent a more copious and accurate Detail of the Debates,
than can poffibly be given in the Daily Prints, which are limited both to Time and Compafs. It will efpoufe no Party, sive no decided Preference, or throw o- Jt any Infiruation that can tend to mifreprefent, pervert, or exaggerate the Difcufiion ofany Subjeft. From the great Attention that has been paid in . de- tailing the Reports of the former Seffions, and the fame Reporters being engaged this Seffion as in the Three former, the Proprietor doubts not but that thefe Con- fiderations will fecure to him not only the Patronage of fortner Readers, but alfo recommend the Work to others, who may be defirous of perufing the Parliamen-. tary
Debates ; particularly when it is taken into Con- fideration, that the Debates are publifhed nTL- ch more recent than in any other Work of the Kind ; that they are printed in a Manner infinitely fuperior; that an un- ufual Quantity of Letter- Prefs is given above any other Reports, and that, by uniting the important. Rcquifites of early Publication, Accuiaty, Elegance, & Che. ipnefs. it is prefumed this Wot k will continue to maintain a de- cided Preference. We think it neceflary to obferve, that not any of the Numbers of the Senator will contain lefs than Forty Pages. But when Matters of Importance occur, and long Debates enfue, wefhall
not limit nurfelvis rothtfe Bounds, but give Eight additional Pages gratis: in Order to effedt the grand Defignoft. be Work, nanielv, to give a Detail of Parliamentary Ttanfiiftions as foon as poffible after their Occurrence. This being the only Work which contains the Proceed: ings of the Houfe of Lords, the Editor prefumes that this neceffapy Addition will add considerably to t! r- Val ue ot the Work, as no other Publication vvhatever c* intains thefe important Debates, and without which no W< can, with Propriety, be called, A Parliamen- tary Regifter, as the Houfe of Lords t'onftifutes fo ma- terial a Brand, of th* thiee Eftates of this
Realm. This Work being fold- in Numbers, at only 6d. each, and printed is foon as the Editor can poffibiy commit his Reports to the Prefs, the Information is thereby pub- lished a Montli, and frequently Six Weeks, earliertlww in any ot!: er Parliamentary Reports; as they are obliged to fufpend their Publication till they can obtain Matter ( asthry conceive) adequate to the Price of is. which their Reports are fold at. 1 he Debates of the Firft, Second, and Third Seffion of the prefent Parliament, may be had complete, in 7 Vols. Thofe who do not choofe to purchafe the Whole together, may have one or more- Numhers at a Time, as may
be moft agreeable, or may have the Debates of the preferit Seffion without being under the Neceffity of purchafing any of the Former. London : Printed for, and fold by C. Cooke, No. 17, Paternofler. Row; fold alfo by T. Dicey and Co. W. Birdfall, and T. Burnham, Northampton ; and maybe had of all other Bookfellers and News- Men in Town and Country. A Work entirely New. B A L D W Y N ' s New and complete Syftem of Geography. And Uiiiverfal Hiftory of all Nations. Including the Elfence and Subftance, and moft ftrike- ing Matters that have occurred and happened in all the moft Authentic Voyages and Travels that have
been performed b> the moft celebrated Travellers and Navi- gators, particularly all the recent Difcoveries made in the Pellew lflands, New Holland, Botany- Bay, Nor- folk- lfland, Port- Jackfon, & c. & c. Elegantly printed in Folio, on an excellent new Letter apd fupetfine Paper, and embelliflied with upwards of one hundred and twenty beautiful Engravings, more highly finifhed than any which have hitherto appeared in any Syftem of Geography whatever; confining of His- torical Prints, fuperb Buildings, Views, Landfcapcs, delightful Profpedts, Cities,. Towns, Villages, Ruins, Battles, and Sea- Pisces^ & c. including whole Sheet
Maps, Draughts, Charts, Plants, Repiefentations of Birds, Beafts, Fifties, ln! e< 3s, Reptiles, Amphibious Creatures, Vegetables, Minerals, Fofiils, & c.— Alfo Charafteiiftic Portraits, exhibiting the Ptrfons, Dreffes, Cufloms, Manners, Ceremonies,. & c. of the various Nations in the Univerfe, particulaily thofe who inhabit the Places newly difcovered by recent Navigators and Travellers.— The whole forming the moft fuberb Set of Prints ever given in a Work of the like Kind, in this, or any other Kingdom, the Expence of wliicktei& ooft the Proprietors upwards of Two Thoufand Pounds. On Saturday, January 18, 1794, was publifhed, (
Containing Three Whole Sheets of Letter- Prefj printed on a beautiful New Letter, and embellifhed and' enriched with the following elegant Engravings, viz. 1. A moft beautiful and fuperb FRONTISPIECE, ftom an original Drawing engraved by Scott, z. A Large Whole Sheet New and Accurate CHART of the late Difcoveries made by Capt. COOK, & c. exhibiting Uotany Bay, with the whole Goaft of New South- Wales in New Holland, Alfo New Zealand, Norfolk- l/ land, and the various other lflands film ted in theNoithein and Southern Pacific Oceans, and Hie Nortlitrn and Southern Hemifpheres, engraved by - Condw. 3. A Portrait
ot a Man of the Sandwich Ifiands with his Helmet. Ar. d 4. A young Woman of the Sandwich lflands, engraved by Noble.) NUMBER I. ( Priceonly Six'. PENCE, ( The fucceedine Numbers to be continued Weekly without Interruption till completed in only II GH'IV Numbers) Of A " New, Royal, . Authentic, Complete & Uriiverfal SYSTEM of GEOGRAPHY, Or, a Modern Iltftcry and Dtfir'tplicit of The WHOLE- WORLD. For Coughs, Confumptions, & e. PECTORAL ESSCENE of COLTSFOOT. THE Herb Colfcjfoot, called Tuffilago by the Antients, was diftinguifhed by tlitm, as it's Name fufficiently conveys, for it's Excellence in the Cure
of Coughs and other pulmonary Complaints ; and this Eflincehas, in the Courfe of a long 1' radlice, been found the moft fafe and effedlual Remedy for Coughs, A( thmas, Wheezings, Phthificky Complaints. Confump- tions, Hoarfenefs, Defluxions, Catarrhs, Difficulty of Breathing, and all Diforders of the Breaft and Lungs. Itgently opens the Breaft, arid immediately gives Liberty of Breathing, without any Danger of taking Cold. It admirably allays the Tickling which provokes frequent Coughing, and takes off the uneafy Senfation of acrimo- nious Humours, cleanfes the fmall Glands, relaxes the Fibres, and thereby enlarges the
Cavities of the Veff- ds. Thus it regularly and quickly cures the moft obftinate Afthmas, and Confumptions of the longe" ft flanding, if taken before the Lungs are ulcerated, ft cures all hufky and dry Coughs, diffolves congealed Phlegm in the Thorax, heals Rawnefs and Sorenefs of the Breaft, Sto- mach and Lungs, and gives immediate Relief to thofe who, through Age and Infirmity are deprived of Reft or Sleep, as it generally compofes, and contributes to make the Remainder of their Days comfortable and eafy. This Effeftceis prepared only by JamesRyan, Surgeon, in Criftol; and fold, Wholefole and Retail, by Francis Newbery, at
No. 45, the Eaft End of St. Paul's, London, in Bottles, Price 3s. 6d. each; Duty included. Sold alfo by T. Dicey and Co. Wm. Birdfall, and Mefirs. Marfhall and Son, Northampton; and by the appointed Venders of Mr. Newbery's Medicines in other Country Towns. A certain CURE for CORNS. Infallible German CORN PLAS TER. THE Proprietor of this moft excellent Re- medy is fo certain of it's Efficacy, having never failed in a Variety of Cafes, agrees, if it does not eradi- cate the Corns, Root and Branch, to return the Money. This is the celebrated Plaifter that gained fo muchRe- putation in Germany; and has been fold in London
up- wards of so Years with the greateft Reputation. Price One Shilling & Three- halfpence the Box, Duty included. Sold in London, Wholefale and Retail, by T. Axtell, N° 1, Finch Lane, near the Royal- Exchange •. Alfo fold by the Printers of this Paper; Mr. Harrod, Harboro', Mr. Wilcox, Towcefter ; Mr. Cullingworth, Daventry, and by one Perfon in every Town in the Kingdom. DR. ARNOLD'S PILLS, W HICH are univerfally known to be a fafe, certain, and fpeedy Remedy for the VENEREAL DISEASE, without Confinement Hindrance of Bufinefs, when Salivation and all other Methods wauld not avail. Printed Diredtions, figned bv
DR. ARNOLD, are en clofed witbeach Box, which will enable all Perfons to cure themfelves" with the greateft Secrecy. Prepared and fold, Wholefale, by Da. ARNOLD, at Slough, near Windfor; alfo Retail, by the Printers of this " Paper; Mr. Wilcox, Bookfeller, Towcefter; Mr. Robins, Druggift, Daventry ; Mr. Harrod, Bookfeller, Harborough ; and by one Perfon in every Town in the Kingdom— Price 5s. jd'. each Box, Duty included. Containing a foil, accurate, authentic, i" ntercftm^, hiftorical Account and Defcription of Europe, Afia,- Africa and America; as confiding of Continents, 1 ( lands, Oceans, Seas, Rivers, Hurbours, Lakes,
De- ferts, Promontories, Capes, Bays, Pertirifulas, Ifihmuf- fes, Gulphs, Provinces, Governments, & c. Being a complete and univerfal Hiftory and Defe'ription ofifie Whole World, as divided into Empires, Kingdom*, States, and Republics. 0 Together with their Situations, Limits, Boundaries, Climates, Soil, Natural and Artificial Curiofitits ar. d Productions, Religion, Laws, Government, Revenms, Naval and Military Forces, Antiquities, & c. Alfo the Cities, Towns, Villages, Forts, Callles, Haibours, ' Sea I orts, Aqueducts, Mountains, Vplcjnoes, Caverns, Mines, Minerals, Fcffils, Roads, Palaces,- Churclte-,, temples, Edifices,
Universities, & c. Likewife an Hif- torioal Account of the Cuftoms, . Manner, Genius, Tempers,. Habits, Amufements, Shape, Cok; « ti, Beauties, Vittues, Vices, Entertainments, Ceremonies at Births, Marriages, and Funerals, Commerce, Arts, Sciences, Manufaflures, Learning, and Language of the Inhabitants. With an Accurate and lively Descrip- tion of all the variius Birds, . Beafts, RSptiies, Fift. es, • Amphibious Creatures, lnfe61st vegetable Produ& i& fttj Plants, Tlow « rs, Herbr, Frurts, & c. Including t) « EfTence of all the moft l- em. ukable Voyages and Travels that have been pei formed by tlie Navigators and Travel- ers of .
different Countries, " from the earliest Ages to tlw . prefent Time ; particularly every inteiefting Difcove'y and Circumftance in ti e Narratives of Capt.- Cook's Voyages round the World, to<; - lie i with ail the recent Difcoveries made in the Pelt- fv ffiaiids, New Holland, New South Wales, Botany Bay, Pc- rr JacRfon, Ncrioifc . Ifhnd, North & Weft Coaffs of America/ the Interior Parts of America, Africa, Chjna, Caffrari, India Es « and Wei!, Arabia, Madagascar, Ruffi. a, & c. , t- c. care- fully wr. tten and compiled from the late Journals of the Voyages and Travels of C plains Phillips, jK;„ g," Bali, llunttr, White, Dixon, Poiflock, Menrs,
Patterfcn, Bruce, Anbury, Roc'. Km, Murfe, Iliyth, Rofs, liiilay, . Keate, BrifTct, Hodges,'& c. & q. . Including a great Variety of curious Pieces conrntw oicat. d to the Authors vt this Wovkj by feveial Navil- and Military Commanc'eis, Captains, of VffTeU, ' Noble- men, Gentlemen, ingenious Travellers, Ac. forming • upon tiie Whole the nioft original Compofition - on the Subjedl ever yet publifhed. Alfoa compendious Hiftory- rf every Empire, King, dom. State, & c. with the various Revolutions' they have Undergone. T6 which will be added, . a New and £ afy Guide to Geography and Aftrononny, exhibiting a clear and ample difplay of
the various Principles and Terms ef both Sciences, the Figures and Motions of the Earth, Planets, & c. Latitude, Longitude, Ure of the Globes, Maps, Compat's, & c. Together witii an Account of the Rife and Progrefs of Navigation, it's Improvements at different Periods, and indifferent Parts of the World; By GEO. AUGUSTUS BA'LDWYN, Efq. Affifted by many Gentlemen eminent for their Know- ledge in the Science'of Geography. To Know the World, from Home you need not ftray : Sit at your Eafe, and ev'ry Clime Survey : Here Empires, Kingdoms, States,& Realms are fho-. vn Men, Manners,. Cuttoms, Arts and Laws made
known: Here ev'ry Page your Wonder ( hall excite, And give Improvement while it gives Delight. London : Printed for the Author, by Alex. Hogg, in Paternofter- Row, and Sold by T. Dicey and Co. W. Birdfall, and T. Burnham, Northampton ; and all other Bookfellers, Stationers, and Ncwfcarriers, in eve; y Part of Great- Britain and Ireland. The Author's Addrefs to the Public. T" HE Study of Geography has a peculiar Claim to the Attention of Mankind in general, and cannot he too earneftly recommended to all Ranks of People. This pleafing and ufeful Science difplays to our View, in the moft entertaining and profitable M inner, a
general Knowledge of the Whole Woild. It exhibits to Perfons of every Capacity and Situation in Life, an Autlientic Account of whatever is worthy of Notice, ir. the various Countries of the Univerfe. The peculiar Pleafure at- tending the Perufal of Books of this Nature, has made them more univerfally Read than any other Branch of polite Literatu re. Geography is indetd, a Subject in which every Man is materially interefted ; for, as a celebrated Author juftly obferves " There is not a Son or a Daughter of Adam, but has fome concern in Geography." At this Time when the convulfed State of furroundiag Nations, and the General Thirft
for Geographical Knowledge, excite to laudable Enquiry, the preftnt valuable Work is offered to the Public with peculiar Propriety. It will be found to- defcribe with Animation, Accuracy, and Impartiality, the Antienr as well as Prefent State of every different Part of the Whole Worid. G. A. BALDWYN. Number I, being intended as a puM, c Specimen of his Performance, all Pc. rfon* are requefted to give im- mediate Orders to the Bookfellers or Newfmenit may be perufed gratis, and the Money will be returned if not approved. In Number I. the Publifher will prefent every Sub- fcriber with a PromifTory Note of Hand, engaging to deliver
the Overplus Gratis, if the Work mould exceed the 80 Numbers piopofed ; and in the laft Number a correiS Lift of the Subfcriber's Names will be printed and ^ delivered Gratis. As the Public Curiofity is fo much engaeed refpefling the Difcoveries of the lateft Voyagers to the South- Sea Iflands, this Work will commence with a complete Hiftory and Defcription of New . Holland, New South Wales, & c. comprehending Botany- Bay, Port Jackfon, Norfolk Ifland, ar. d the various other Places- which have attracted Public Attention on Account ofi. new Settlements for Convifts, & c. being formed by theE^ glifl) Government at fuch remote
Parts of the Globe. * To prevent Miftakes, the Public are requefted to'give particular and pofitive Orders to the Bookfellers or Newfmen for BALDWYN's NEW SYSTEM of GEOGRAPHY, or Complete HISTORY and DE- SCRIPTION of the WHOLE WORLD ; including all the NEW DISCOVERIES. Puotifhed by A ex. Hogg. NORTHAMPTON: PRINTED ' BY T. DICEy and Co. Of whom may be had all Kinds of BLANK PRECEDENTS, & c.— And by whom LETTER- PRESS and COPPER- PLATE PRINTING ii executed with Accuracy and Expedition.