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The Northampton Mercury


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Volume Number: LXX!V    Issue Number: 43
No Pages: 4
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The Northampton Mercury
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The Northampton Mercury

Date of Article: 04/01/1794
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and Co 
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: LXX!V    Issue Number: 43
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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No. 43- 1 ortlamftett Ready Money with Aihertifemerits.] SATURDAY, Mtxtuxy. Vol. txxiv. JANUARY 4, 1794. [ Price Four- pence. This PA* 11, for upwards of Seventy- three Years pall, lias been, and continues to be, circulated in all the Market- Towns and populous Villages in the Counties of NORTH AMP TON, LEICESTER, NOTTINGHAM, LINCOLN, IUTUSD, HUNTINGDON, CAMBRIDGE, Es'stx, BINRMD, HUTTOUD, BUCKINGHAM, BERKS, OXFORD, WARWICK, to BIRMINGHAM, STAFFORD, & C. and by the Poft to all the chief Towns iii the Kingdom— It is alio conltantly fent to the Chapter, Rowley's, AND Peele's Coffee- Houfes, London. and Hie of io i in— Sunday and Tuesday's Ports. Yestrday arrived the Mails from HOLLAND and FLANDERS. Imperial head- quarters, at Haguenau, Dec. 16. YESTERDAY and this day the French attacked the whole line of the Auf- trian army, under the command of Gen. Wurmfer, with undescribable fury, from Lembach as far as the banks of the Rhine. Although the lofs of the Auftti- ans was not inconfuierable, as it amounted to fc- veral hundred killed and wounded, yet it is very trifling indeed, if compared with that of the enemy, who left zoo men killed 011 the field at the takinjr of one of their redoubts, without rec- koning thofe who were wounded or taken. Dec. 20. The French try every day the Rteateft efforts to break through the line of Gen. Wurm- fer, which extends from Haguenau to Fort Louis, j in which there are 24 redoubts with zoo pieces of cannon. The enemy's defijrn is to raife the fiefre of Landau, which fortrefs is of the greateft im- portance both to us and to themfelves. On the 18th they ( trained every nerve to gfiin that end. It was . most bloody and murderous day, and the chief attack was made at Fischbach. ' I he Duke of Brunswick had before- hand rein- forced General Wurmfer's army with 6battalions of Prufiians, and afterwards came and engaged himfelf in the tomhat. The French were entirely defeated, and feveral thoufands of them cut in pieces. The victors, who alfo fuffered a confiderable lofs, took twenty pieces of cannon. The garrifon of Landau muft now furrender in a fhort time. It made an unfuccefsful fortie a few days ago. Rastadt, Dec. t f. We this day heard a ter- rible cannonading on the fide of the Rhine; for thefe eight days the noife has continued almolt without interruption. On the 10th and 1 ith there were bloody en- gagements near Haguenau, at seven leagues Pit- tance, after which feveral wounded foldiers were brought into this place and neighbourhood. The French attempted to penetrate the lines before Haguenau : four times they attacked thefe lines, and were in each attack repulfed. Rut the fifth attack was ftill more terrible than all the others ; the carnonadinar was furh that one would have fitppofed that the elements themfelves were con- founded. Tht French, who were worked up to a pitch of the rnolf desperate fury, were again baffled; the number of their dead was piled up in a heap to the height of five or fix feet, and --" en obSrufleil their motions. We are allured, that in the different aftions their lofs amounted to 5000 killed, without reckoning the wounded. Camp . under Ollioules, near Toulon, Dec. t). Since the affair of : he 30th of November, nothing • 1 , T . .1 A _ « ... R ' T-— fubjeft of the very fignal defeat of the t reftcli by the Duke of Brunswick on the 19th and 2oth inft. has been received, though Lord Elgin might cer- tainly have fent a meffenger from Brussels, had the news arrived there. Reports of the evacuation of Toulon have been feveral times in circulation within the ' aft month, and happily have hitherto been conftantly found untrue. Yefterday a new report was fpread, that after feveral " obllinate crnteUs, the loft; and thus an impfopet expreffion threw a whole army into a patiict remarkable has occurred in the army L Ion— Several meffages have paffed between Lord before Tou- : tween Lor Thefe nieffa^ es Hood and General Dugomier. have related to General O'Hara. Two thcufand French prifoners have been of- fered in exchange for General O'Hara. This offer was rejected, the National Coinmissioners replying, that the General would not be de- livered up till Toulon should be evacuated, and the french ships restored to the Republic in the fame condition in which they were at the time of their being surrendered to Lord Hood. LONDON, December 31. Yefterday arrived a mail from the Leeward jflands. By letters fioin on board his Majesty's ship Nautilus, at English harbour, Antigua, dated Nov. nth, we learn that a fchooner had come there from St. Domingo, which gave the unpleafing information that Cape Nichola Mole had been re- taken by the Republican troops, owing to the fmallnefs of the Britifh force in that ouarter. The other polls continued in our pof- feffion ; and from our force having been concen- trated, it was expected we fhould be able to re- tain them. Letters were yefterday received in town from Barbadoes and Antigua, giving moll melancholy accounts of the ravages of a malignant fever, which had cut off a great number of men, bath of the army, and of fuch Britifh ( hips as were011 that ftatinn. The twenty- firlf regiment, though they occupied one of the moll healthy fituations 1 the island of Antigua, had fuffered extremely, and at the time the packet failed the malady was fpreading to a height truly alarming. The me- dical people of the illands are of opinion that the fever is of the fame nature with that which has lately raged at Philadelphia, for very few of thofe feized with it have recovered. The intelligence by yesterday's Flanders mail confirms the splendid victory which was gained by the allied armj- on the Rhine. The veteran General Wurmfer partook with his highnefsthe Duke of Brunfwick in the glory of ihe battle of Fifchbach, where feveral tliou- fand French were deftroyed, and 20 pieces of cannon fell into the hands of the conquerors. This brilliant advantage obtained by the allies will ( Viortly decide the fate of Landau. In a late unfuccefsful fally made by the garrifon of that place, three French officers and 230 privates went over to the Germans, whom they informed that 4hey preferred breathing the free air to being bu- ried in ruins. ' They affured the German Generals that the garrifon was in want of almoft every ne- ceffary. From the 10th to the 18th of the prefent month, the environs of the Rhine, from Landau down to Haguenau, have certair. ly been a fcene of con- tinual carnage ; the French having daily re- turned to the charge, with a view of forcing jhe Auftrian and Prullian lines, and of relieving landau: where each party has fought with def- perate fury. The lofs of men mull have been great on both fides. Although no clear account of the feveral actions has been received, every in- formation feems to concur in aflerting, that the French, though bent on relieving Landau, even by the facrifice of one half of their army, have been completely fruftratcd in their objeit; and have loft many thoufand men. By the Dutch mail we have an account of an aftion on the loth* which likewife terminated in favour of the allies, with a great lofs on the part of the French, and nine pieces of cannon. The account by the Dutch mail only comes down to the evening . of the igth. Not a single line of official information on the allies were compelled to leave the town and har- bour on the 19th inft. Slmoft every battery; as well as every place of fheltcr, having bceh de- ftroyed by the fire from the furrounding heights. The evacuation, however, was completed in per- fect order, and ail the allies had withdrawn, as we!', as their ships, though fome of the latter had been jney. ipufly much flattered. This report had it's pff'i* upon the funds; confols having been done immediately after the clofing of the market fo iow as 73)!. The Paris journals down to the 24th inft. ( hew, that a number of Royalists, allured by hopes of succour from England, declared themfelves, aria without magazines, or arms, took the field ; the consequence has been, they have fallen victims to their pursuers, and the heart shudders at the ac- countsof the daily massacres. The insurgents., it appears, suspected their leaders. They ex) t; fted to find a strong aid in Brittany, and one ftp! more powerful from England. Difappointed in both thefe hopes, their efforts to regain La Vendee, were conJ. ufted with a defperation little art of madnefs. The following is the principal booty which the Sans Culottes have made in Deux Ponts: 2,000,000 in money; 10,000 faeks of oats, a vail quantity of hay, 4C0 facks of wheat, and 2000 facks of barley; between 7 and 800 oxen, and a great num- ber of cows, fheep, hogs and horfes; joocafks of brandy, and a great quantity of wine, oil, gro- ceries, linens, leather, fooes, boots, & e. the whole eftimated at 6,000,000!. Accounts from Corsica mention, that General Paoli had given battle to the French between Monticello, Cartifao, and Piclralba, in which he killed many, and took a great number of prifoners. Having been informed that the French treated thofe ill who fell into their hands, he ordered that ten of the French prisoners should be hanged, but not by the hands of the common executioner, but that they should hang one another, and the furvivor should be shot, which was executed at Corte on the 20th of laft month. An afbmifhing inftance of the' obfinacy and delufion of the Republican troops on the Rhine, Is now related upe'n fufficient authority. An hun- dred and fifty men, who were surprized in a fort, about the latter end of September, were informed, that, upon laying down their arms and shouting Vive le Roi there lives would be fpared. Not a man obeyed the admonition, and the whole were cut to pieces, fighting desperately and shouting Vive La republique. The following wastheaverage price of provifions at Toulo i, at tlv rVparture of the laft mtlfenger from thence:— Mutton per lb.' iod. pork rid. bread tod. butter 4s. 6d. potatoes 3d. and every other article in proportion. The Leyden Gazette eftimates the lofs of the Spaniards in the late campaign at 6000 men, exelufive of to, 000, who are in the different hofpitals. It is rumoured that the army under the Ear] of Moira is to be iitcreaffcd to 20,000 effeftive men ; when joined by the Hessans, his Lordfhip will have about r6, ooo men under his command. Government has received : ntellicence of there being five French frigates in Cancale- bay.— The Flora, Crescent, and Melampus, of 36 guns, with the Triton, and Eurydice, of 28, under Admiral M'Bride, have been ordered in queft of them. Governor Philip has given in his resignation of the government of New South Wales, and Capt. Hunter, who commanded the Sirius frigate when the colony was first founded, and who is now assistant Captain of the Queen Charlotte, lord Howe's flag ship, is to succeed as governor of this settlement. In confequence of a letter yesterday received by Mr. Justice Addington at Bow- street, dated from Reading, and bearing the fignatufe of a very re- fpeflable perfon there, Hating that Mr. Thomas Paine, the author of the Rights of Man, & c. was then in that town, the chief clerk of the above office and another perfon were laft night difpatched in a post- chaise and four to view the fufpefled perfon, and if he fhould prove to be Mr. Paine, immediately to bring him to town. Viscounty of Montague.— A Mr. Brown, who rents a farm upon the eftate of Sir Henry Hun- lock, near Cheiterfield, is likely to fucceed to the title of Montague, which, fmce the death of the late Viscount, has been fuppofed to be extinfl, and to the eftates, which are valued at eight tboufand a. year. The examination of the claim is already in fuch forwardnefs, that tbe application to Parliament will be made, we are affured, early in the next felfion. Mr. Brown is much efteemed in the neighbourhood, but has hitherto been far from opulent; his daughter is married to a hair- dreffer, at Chesterfield, and his fon, now about 17, has been employed in the fame business. There is now living in the Parilh of Hatfield Peverel, Essex, one Joseph Tunbridge, belong- ing to the neighbouring parifh of Ulting, at the advanced age of 101 years.— He was born in the adDErbuRy SCHOOL. WANTED, An ASSISTANT, qualified to r^. ich Reading with Propriety, wilting in .1 free ar. d inartel'ly Manner, Arithmeti' tnd Merfura- tion— A lU- adv, ferious I erfon, \( cardul and attentive to Bufinefs, v'ltl men with foitable Encouragement. Letters of A " nlication, addrelTe^ to T. woolston, ad- derbury, Ox, n ( I'uft p. lid) will receive a fpeedy Anfwer. T. WOOLsTON refpeftfull- heg^ i Leave to inform his good Friend;, and the Public in general, Thathein- tends opening his SCHOOL, as ufual, after e Christmas- Holidays, on Monday the 10th inftant. The TeHMS ot bis SCHOOL are Thirteen Guineas a V , and Or: C - jnea Entrance. WANTED, A very fk- ady Pcrfon, as a ShOPMAN to a GrOCER and IRON- ftlONCER—( if acquainted wit!, the Candle Bufinefs ' he more agreeable1— muft wiite a good plain Hand, and produce a moll unexceptionable Charafler. Enquire of D. Queneborough, dunstable, Beds. Pufonal Applications would he pieferred, and none but Letters ' Port- paid", vil! be anfwered. LADIES BOARDING SCHOOL, NOrTHAMPT O N. MISS HANCE refpe& fully acquaints her Friends, That her SCHOOL Opens again on Monday the 13th of January next. Dtcmbcr 28, 1793. CAMPTOn ACADEMY, Near SHE y FOR u, in the County of Bedford, Conducted by the Rev. THO. WILKINSON, And Qualified ASSISTANTS. MR. WILKINSON, truly fcnfible of the many Obligations he has a long Time experienced from his numerous Friends, returns them molt grateful Thank;; and begs Leave to inform them and the Public, That his SCHOOL opens again for the Reception of hoarders cn Monday the toth of January. A JourneyMAN WHITESMITH WANTED immediately. A good Work- r.;:, who has been ufed to make up Bath Stoves, ,- nd fobbing Work in general, may meet with" conftar. t Employ : nd good Wages, by applying to John shraman. Smith, Sec Peterborough, Northampton- fhirc ; 01 wltoai may l- e had, Stoves forSmoliey Chim- nies, Bath, and Pantlieon Grates, Kitchen - Ranges, Smoke Jacks, Ovens Iron shells and Cupboards, pa- lifades. Guns, Pistols, tec. N. B. Letters Port r. aid, will be anfwered. To Journeymen Tanners. WANTED immediately, A good BEAM- mAN, who can strike Hides well; likawife, a BARK- SHAVER— Good Hands may have conltant Work and good Wages, by applying to Mr. Thornton, at Harborough, I eicefterlhire. At NEWPORT- PAGNELL, BUCKS, YOUNG GENTLEMEN are genteelly r. oarded, and correctly Educated in the GREEK, King's- Arms Inn, BRIPGE- STRBET, NORTHAMPTON. GEORGE HARRISON, having Titfce. n. and Ente" td upun the above Inn, begs Leave to inform his Fiiends, and the Public 111 general, that it will be his particular Study to accconuntdate all, who may be pleafed to honour him with their Favours, with GENUINE WINES and SPIRITUOUS LlQUORSj Sec. See. and flatters himfrlt, by a ltiift Attention and AiTiduity, to give that Satisfaction it will ever be hil greatett Pleafure to ebfeve. G. H. prelumes, from many Years' Exprrierce in the Wine and l. iqucr Bufmellts, he lias Connexions that will enable him io ftrvc his Friends, Whokiale and Retail, on Teims that will merit their Approbation , whofe Commands w ill ever be caret'uiiy attended to, and moil gratefully acknowledged, by The Public's incil obediert Servant; george HARRISOn. N. B. A Quantity of OLD ALL tobert^ puiJ < jf immediately, MEigbt- pemr per Gallon. S3P A very goed HORSE and CHAISE, and a SADDLE- HORSE, to LETT. LATIK and ENGLISH Languages; WriTING, ARITH- METIC, MercAnTs' Accompts, GEOGRAPHY, & C. in an eafy, familiar Manner, by J. INWOOD and able ASSISTANTS. TERMS : Board and Education, Washing included, . Fourteen Guineas per Annum— Entrance One Guinea. , tllt' 1' Articles in theGHUC » . KY BUSINESS; ^ HICH are _ now felling, on the moll rea ouable' 1' ermS; at hi" s SlKJj), G R O C E R y. jOSEPH TAYLOR begs Leave to inform his Friends and the Public, that he hasjutt received I afrelh AlTortmentol TEAS, NEW FRUIT, atidvaiious Extra Charges : French, the Mathematics, Navi- gation, Land Surveying, Drawing, Dancing, Music, and the Ufe of the Globes. Vacations at Midfummer and Christmas, one Month each. Application may be made to Mr. C. Howgrave, No. II, Bishopsgate- Street, London. Cf" J- I. refpeftlully thanks his numerous Friends lor palt Favours, and affures them nothing ( liall be wanting to merit their future Patronage. The great lncreafe and Refpeftahility of his Connec- tions, during only the Term of four Years, has furpalTud all reasonable Expeftation— and will doubtlefs, on En- quiry, gain the Attention antl Intereft of many Parents, who have hitherto unnoticed his Seminary. To SHOEMAKERS. ANTED to be put out APPREN- TICE to a i't- emaker in good Bufinefs, a Boy about 17 Years of Age. Apply to the Overseers of the Poor of the Pariih of Whitfield, near Brackley. W Northamptor. jkire Quarterage- Money. THE. Chief C0nstables are to colleft and pay in, at the ensuing Sessions, Ten Single Quar- terly Payments. CHR. SMYTH, Clerk of the Peace. Ntirtbampt'. n, December 25, 1793. Northampton Navigation. NOTICE is hereby given, That the next Geperal Quarterh Meeting 0! the Commissoners a « ing for the Wellem Dlvifion of the Navigation of the River NINE, or Nen,' wil! be held at the Town- Hall, ' 1 Northampton, 011 Thurfday the 16th Day of Janoarv, 1794, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenooi,; at which : une, the Proprietors may receive their Interelt due at St. Thomas. J. GARDINER, Treasurer. parifh of Stilled, near Braintree, the Zjthof July 1692; he never experienced licknefs, nor did he ever take medicine; has always been a labouring man, can now tlo work in that way, fuch as hoeing turnips, & c. and the laft year ( 1793,) he harvefted a whole month with Mr. Walker of Terling, and had 16s. for his month. He has had three wives; with thefirft he lived 36 years and had ten children, all girls; with the fecond he lived four years, and had one child ; aud his fecond wife had threehufbands before, him ; with the third wife he lived twelve years and had not any children. Military Anecdote of Charles /.— At the battle of Nafeby, King Charles I, who was in it, being pre ( Ted by fome of his^ own people, who were be- hind him, bid them keep back, which words be- ing repeated by others to thofe next them, and by thofe to others, the word back was echoed from man to man through all the ranks, and underftood as a fignal to retreat.. Accordingly the Royal army Ucd, in cunfaqucncc of whicl^ the held was HEN- AND- CHICKENS INN, High- Street, BIRMINGHAM. SETS out from the above Inn, the ORIGI- NAL CAMbriDGE and BIRMINGHAM UNI VKRSITY COACH, every Tuefday Morning at Seven o'Clock, by Way of Coventry, Dunchurch," Daventry, to the Rofe- and- Crown Inn, Northampton, ( l » eps there ; proceeds the next Morning through Wellingborough, Thrapilon, and Huntingdon, to the Bine- Boar Inn, Cambridge, vvheie it meets the Newmarket, Bury, and Ipswich Coaches— Returns from the above Inn in Cam- bridge, every Thtufday Morning at Six, will arrive in Birmingham on Friday Afternoon, in Time for the Bath, BrUtol, and other Coaches. Performed by the Public's humble Servants, WM. GIDDINGS, Birmingham. JER. bRIGGS, Northampton. Fares as nfual.— LuggagetoCambridge id. per Pound. * » * The Proprietors of the above Coach return their moft grateful Acknowledgments for Favours already re- ceived from a generous Public, & hope for the Continu- ance of that Patronage it will ever be their Study to'merit; but clonal be accountablefor any Articleabove si. Value, { if loft) unlefs entered as fuch, & paid for accordingly. IRONMONGERY, CuTlERy, tfc. FRANCES MORRIS. Widow of EDWARD MORRIS, late of mARKET- HARBOROUGH, IRONMONGER and CUTLER, begs the Friends and Cuftomers of her late Hulband to accept her grateful Thanks for the numerous Favours ttceived, and tne generous Support experienced ; and, it being iie- r In- tention to retire from Bufinefs, refpetlfully inforfns them and the Public, She will begin on Tuefday next to fell off atpt'me C'. ji, v under, at her SHOP in MARKET- HARBOROU- IH, the entire STOCK in TRADE ; con- fining of a large & valuable Affortment of Ironmongery, Cutlery, Mated Articles, Toys, Sec. fee. Sec. which will afford an Opportunity ( that feidom occurs) for Gentlemen enga- d in Building, Blacksmiths, Carpen- ters, Wheelwrights, SEC. and the Village- Shopkeepers to lay in Stores of fome of the above- mentioned Ar- ticles on very advantageous Terms. N. B. All Perfons who are indebted to the Eftate and Kffefts of tbe above- named Edward Morris, are re- q" tiled t0 pay their refpeflive Debts on, or before, the 15th Lay of March next, to the faid Frances Morris, his Widow and Adminitlratrix— and to whom fuch P « r- fons as have any Iegai Claim or Demand on the faid Eftate and Lrfeits, are defired to tranfmit an Account thereof. January jft, 1794. To be SOL D, AFRE E HOLD ESTATE, situate at THORN, near Dunstabie, in Bcdfordfliii e ; containinj'about eight Acres of Land. Mr. James Whinnett, Farmer, at Wingfield, will ( hew the Premifes 5 and for further Particulars, apoly to Mr Hawkins, Stationer, High Street, Southward, London. Notice to the Creditors of Messrs. JOHN and CHARLES LACY, Bankrupts. TH E Creditors who have proved their Debts under a CommilTion of Bankrupt awareled and ifftud forth againll JOHN LACY and CHARLES I. ACy, both of the Town of NORTHAMPTON, in the County of Northampton, Bankers and Co- partners, are defired to meet the Aflignees of the Eftates and Effefts of the faid Bankrupts, on Tuefday the 14th Day of January inftant, at Eleven o'Clock in the Foienoon, at the Peacock Inn, in the Town of Northampton aforefaid, to affent to, or diflent from, the faid Aflignees com- mencing, profecuting, or defending any Suit or Suits at Law or in Equity, for Recovery of any Part of the Eliatcs and Effe& s of the faid Bankrupts; or to the Compounding, fubmiuing to Arbitration, or otherwife agreeing any Matter ur Thing relating thereto, and on othtr fpecial Affairs. By Order of the Affignees, SMYTH, BUTCHER and SMYTH, Solicitors. A' rtbamjif. n, \ Jl fan. 1794. ENGLISH STATE- LOTTERY, 1793. WRIGHT'S Old State- Lottery Offices, No. 57,- Channg- Crofs, and No. 3, Cornlull, where are now felling TICKETS and SHARES, in a pleafing and great Variety of Numbers, and on fuch Terms a< muft now give, as - hey have heretofore given, general SatisfaQion. Mr. WRIGHT is happy toexprefs his grateful Thanks to his numerous Culiomers, as well as to that Public which has enabled him to extend his Bufinefs, and to ac- quaint them that, for their further Accommodation, he has opened an Office, at No. 3, Cornhill, oppofite the Bank- Buildings. And he alfo informs them, that eveiy SHARE fold at Ills Offices is duly ftamped with the Words " STATE- LOTTERY STAMP- OrriCE." And that, during the Period of Twenty- feven Lotte- ries paft, Tickets have been fold and fliared in CAPITAL PRIZES, hy liim, to the Amount of upwards of Six Hundred and Fifty Thoufand Pounds, And paid IMMEDIATELY on Demand. HOCKLIFFE ROAD. NOTICE is hereby jj'iven, That the re- fpeclive TOLLS arifing at the two feveral Toll- G ates on the Road leading from Hockliffe, in the County of Bedford, to Stony- Stratford, in the County of Bucks, called the HOCKLIffE- GATE and TWO- MILE- Asit- GATE, with the Weighing- Engine at the Two- Mile- Afh Gate, will be LETT to FARM by AUCTION, to the BEST BIDDER, at the Cock Inn, in Stony- Stratford aforefaid, on Monday the loth of January next, between the Hours ot Eleven and Two o'clock, in the Manner direfled by ihe AS paffed in the Thirteenth Year of the Reign of his prefent MaJ fty, for regu- lating the Turnpike- Roads; which Gates produced the laft Year ( above the Charges of collecting) the fe- veral Sums following, viz. Hockliffe- Gate, - . £ ssi Two- Mile- Ash- Gate, with the Engine, 855 And were refpeftively put up at thofe Sutra, at a Meet- ing held for that Purpofe- on Tuefdsy the ; d Nay of De- cember inftant, when no Perfon having bid for the fame, the faid Tolls and Engine will be put up at the Allowing Sums, viz. Hockliffe- Gate, - £- 5Ji> Two- Mile- Alh- Gate, with the Weighing Engine 8io Whoever happens to be the bell Bidder muft, at the fame Time, give Security, with fufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaflion of the Truftees, for Payment of the Rent agreed for, at fuch Times as they ( hall direft; and it is required that fuch Bidder do produce ( in Writing) the Names of his Sureties, to the Satisiadlion of the Truftees, at the Time of Bidding; k in Default thereof the next Bidder to be the Taker of the Tolls, on pro- ducing fatisfadlorily the Names of his Sureties. THOMAS EWESDIN, Clerk. Stty- Sira< f< H< t, D. c. 10, 1793. WRIGHT thinks it his Duty to apprize his numerous Friends and Cuftomers, that there is every Reafon to expetf-, that the Price of Tickets in the prefent Lottery will be ccnfiderably higher, and that this is no vague Conjeflure the following Data will prove: Firft, The univerfal Approbation the Scheme has met with. Secondly, The prefent Haiders of Tickets being fup pofed ( and with a great Degree of Certainty) to be the fame Gentlemen who held them with fuch Effefl in the Year 1791, as to caufe their going into the Wheel at isl. And Laftly, The great Plenty of Cadi at this Time in Circulation, which he is happy to obferve is fo much the Cafe ( although in the Face of War) as to occafion the Monied Men to be extremely willing to lend it at Four per Cent, and the Bankers to difcount Bills at aimofl any Length of Time ; hence it may fairly be concluded that the Monied Gentlemen will, and elo buy Tickets with their redundant Cafn, rather than let it lay unem- ployed at their Bankers; and as the Lottery wi. l be finifhed in fomethin* more than two Months, it will he again releafed, fo as io be ready for any Loan, fee. which the Exigencies of the Times may render neceffary. 1 Shop, intlie SHEAF- STREET, davENTry. ]. Taylor wilhes alfo to exprf. Cs bis Gratitude, in the ftrongeft Terms, for the great Encouragement he has hitherto received; and hopes by a diligent and regular Attention to liuiinefs, to ftcure the continutd Appto- bation of his Cuftonlers. PREGNANT LADIeS> WHOSE Situation require a temporary Retirement, may be acaommodateel witlt Apartments toLie- in, agreeably to tlieirCirvun.. tances; and depend on being • reared with Honour, Attention* and Secrecy ; their i:- f„ its put out to mufe, and l; u- manely taken Caieot, by applying to Mr. White, Sur- geon and Man- Midwife; or Mrs. White, Midwife, No. 2, London- House- Yard, the North Side of St. Paul's Church- Yard. Where may be had, the Restorative Salo pills at jl. 2S. per Box ; an effectual Remedy to remove all Ob structions or Irregularities— Alfo, Mr. White's Addtefs to the Community refpe& ing concealed i'rtgr. ancy, * » ell worth the Attention of pregnant Ladies in every Si- tuation of Life, Price is. Letters ( poll paid). attended to. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, Either together or in fmall Lots, AVERY good FREEHOI. D ESTATE* lying ill the Lordlhip ot bROUgHtOn, in the County of Northampton, within Half a " Mile of Kettering, a good Market- Town; conlifting of upwards of 150 Acres of Arable and Grafs Ground, divided into feven Clofes, and a Meadow containing near to ' Acres. This Eftate is exceeding well conditioned, the Land is very found and goed, and prexluv. e| fine Crops of Grain, Turnips and Seeds. The principal Part has a South- Afpeft. With THREE HOUSES, in BROUOHTON afore- faid, a Farm- Yard, and a Clofe adjoining thereto, in the Poffeffion of Thomas March and others. All the above Clofes are Well fupplied with Water by a Brook that runs along one Side of the El. ate. For further Particulars, and to treat for the fame, ap- ply to Mr. Samuel Woodford ; or Mr. H. King, Attor- ney, Leicefter;— Robert Woodford, of Broughton, will ( hew the Premifcs. To be SOLD by PRIVATe cONTRACt Together, or in Parcels, FIVE FREEHOLD MESSUAGES, or TE- NEMENTS, fituate in ANCEL and SILVER- STREETS, in the Town of BEDFORD, now in the feveral Occupations of Mr. William Hill, Mrs. Palmer, Mr. Michael Joseph, Mr: Warren Brown, « nd Mr. Thomas Meets ; together with a large Coach- houfe, Stall Stabling for 15 Horfes, feveral Corn- Chambers, Hovels and other Buddings, and fpacious Front and Back Yards adjoining. Alfo, A FREEHOLD CLOSE of PASTURE, con- | wining by Ellimation two Acres, with a new- built three- bay'd Barn, and a large open Hovel Handing thereon, near the above- mentioned Hou/ e*, in BEDFORD aforefaid ; now in the feveral Occupations e> f the Rev, Mr. Hook, Mr. Hill, and Mrs. Coombs and Son. Enquire of Mr. Lovesey, uf Beii. ord. Sale under an / let of Parliament. To be SOLD by' AUCTION, By M-. HAWTYN, At the Red- Lion, in Banbury, on Thursday the 9th Day of January next, at- Four o'clock in the Afer- noon, by the Authority of the Commiffioners ap- pointed by an Aft paffed in the laft Seffions of Par- liament lor Dividing and lnclofing the Open Fields of Little- l ew, in the County of Oxford, under fuch Conditions as ( hall be then and there produced, and in fuch Lots and Quantities as shall be thought molt proper, * SUNDRY PLOTS of eligible and very improvable LAND, Freehold and J ythe- free, being Part of the Open Fields of LITTLE- TEW aforefaid, lying near to and adjoining the Turnpike- Road leading Chipping- Norton to Banbury, containing in the ENGLISH STATE- LOTTERY 170?* Begins drawing Feb. 17. 1704. S C Ii E M E. No. of Prizes. Value of each. Total Value. 1 of 30,000 is 50,000 z 10, coo 40,000 3 xo, ooo — 30,000 S — 5,000 — ZJ, 000 zo — 1,000 — 20,000 — 1,000 -— x 5.000 jo — 500 — 15,000 100 — 100 —- 10,000 200 — 50 — 10, OOO 15,1,0 — 20 —• 30?, COO 15,516 Priies 498,000 Firft- drawn Ticket, 1,000 Laft- drawn Ticket, 1,000 34.484 Blanks. 50,000 Tickets 500,000 Country CorrefporWents, hy remitting goe> d Bills at Sight, payable in London, or Calh lent in Parcels by the Coaches, Sec. ( Carriage or Poft paid) lor Tickets or Shares, will be- duly attended to, antl their Commands executed with the fame Integrity as if prefent. Tickets and Shares regiftered it 6d. per Number, and the earlieft Intelligence fent of their Succefs. All PRIZES in the IRISH LOTTERY paid their pur. 1. VALUE 011 DEMAND, either purvhafrd at his Offices or rifewhere, vVhole about 160 Aeres; being the Land direftedby the laid Aft to be fold lor defraying the Expences of the Collegiate Bodies and their Tenants therein- men'ioned, in Refpeft of the Refidue of their Eltates upon the laid Incl. ifure. Plans of the Eltates, and Copies of the Afts of Par- liament, will be immediately kit at Chapel- Houfe, and the Office of the Clerk to the Conimillioners, in Banbury. By Order of the Cotnmiffioners, RICHARD BiGNELL, Clerk, j ith December, 1793. The only Office that has fold TWO Prizes of Thirty Thousand Pounds. Befides the unparalleled good Succefs they have experi- enced for Thirty- five Lotteries paft, jiaving fold and fliared, in the Engliffi and Irifli Lotteries, two Prizes of } o, cool.— four of io, ooal.— ten of 10 oool.— thirreen of 5, oool— twenty of i. oool thirty- four of i, cool. — ind fifty- four of 500I. ENGLISH STATE- LOTTERY, Begins Drawing February 17, 1794 HE. TICKETS are Sold, and dialed into HALVES, QUARTERS, EIGHTHS, and'Wt- TEENTMS, by . HORNSBY and Co. Stock- Brokers, At their Old- eftablilhed Statt - Litftery- OfijCe, ( Licer. itd pursuant to Act of Parliament,) No. it?, Cornhill, oppolite the Royal- Exchangai London. Correft Numerical and Regitter Books are kept, „ n< J Tickets and Shares regiilered'at 6d. per Ntinthet. All Shares fold at this Office will be Humped, agree- able to Aft of Parliament, with the Words " State- Lottery Stamp Office." Letters ( Poft paid) duly anfwered, and Schemes gratis. N. B. Agreeable to Aftof Parliament, n . Bufinefs in the Lottery traveled before Eight o'Clock in the Morn- ing, nor after Eight o'clock in the Evening. Orders accompanied with good Bills, payable at Sight, or01 a fliert Date, wiii be punctually attended to. rjpl Wedr> efday and Tjiurfday's Pofts. , L, ()' N DON, Janneny 2. y •; « " aUKSpA Y night Mr. Sparrow, a rnef- " j fouaer, arrived at the Secretary of State's office, Downing- street jwith dif- patches from Lord Elgin at JgrulTels, We are extremely sorry, to say", that he confirms the reports lately in circulation of the evacuation of Toulon by the allied troops. This information comes from Paris, and was announced in the fittings of the Convention on the 24th ult. rlTe followmg are the letters reacf in the French Convention on the 24th ult. refpecling the eva- cuation of Toulon by the allies: Ollioules, Dec. 7f),— Five o'clock in the morning: " I arrive from Toulon my dear friend, which a diyjfipn of our troops entered about three o'clock in the morning. After hav ing bombarded that infamous city during twelve; hours, the ene- pres evacuated it with precipitation, at the mo- ment when the scaling ladders were ready to scale It: but setting out, they set fire to those of our ships which they could not carry along with them, as likewise to the arsenals. The city is now all in flames, and exhibits the molt horrible spectacle. Almost all the inhabitants fled ; and thofe who remain shall serve to appease the manes of our brave brothers who fought with fo much valour. ( Signed) SALICETTI." Lyons, Dec. 2t, " The representative of the people, Albite, has received the news of the rc- capture of the port of Toulon bv the army of the Republic.— This intelligence is the more interesting, as the patriots, whom ariftocracy began to divide, will re- unite fttonger than ever. We only loft about 2cp men in that important affnir. The enemies fet > 0. fvjme of our ( hips, but many of them remain for us. The Spaniards are done for •. we fhall enter their country as we pleafe. ( Signed) SOUleS, Commissioner of the Executive Power." . There is r. o doubt whatever of ; he truth of the above news: but it is obvious that our jgof vernment cannot forfome days tocome have any official information of it. It appears that the at- tack on the part of the French was extremely • fudden , for not only their own newfpapers down to the 24th of December gave no account of any progress, but letters received in London from Toulon down to the 13th, mentioned that all was quiet there. A few days previous thereto, the befieging army had been reinforced with . 15., 000 men. i The objeft of the capture of Toulon has an- fwered molt completely; the arsenal, port, and navy riding there, hav^- iieend estoyed, which ij unquestionably an advantage of the utmoft raag- niuide, not only for the time paft, but to come; the French having no naval force in the Mediter- ranean, the combined fleets will be Hill able to cut off all fupplies from the Southern provinces of France, as much as if they were mailers of Toulon. We fincerely regret that the report of the eva- cuation of Toulon by the allied troops stands fully confirmed. Though this disastrous event must; oft many accounts. bc confidered as an objed of fefious concern, in it's probable effett ot pro- tracting the war, by reltoring the Southern parts of France to the dominions of the Sans Culottes, which will inspire them with, if poffible, a greater degree of enthusiasm, and inducing the neutral States to regard their power and refources as truly formidable-, yet there are cjrcumftanees attending it that mult confiderably alleviate the concern of every refteding mind in this country on the occalion. The deftruflion of the finetl arfenal in France, added to the lofs of fo many of their belt ( hips, is fuch a blow to their naval itrength that it's confluences muft be felt for at leaft a century; tor if, within that period, the French marine fhould be able to vie with that of Britain, it can be owing only to the inpft repre- Jienfible and criminal negligence of our Admi- ralty. By this advantage, if carefully guarded, our commerce will flourish without interruption, and the blessings of peace, we may reafonably p red id, be fecured for a long feries of years. Thefe are benefits which will be experienced and acknowledged, when the expence, necelfarily in- curred in the attainment of them, ( hall have funk into oblivion. The number of the Royalists at Toulon were estimated at 50,000. This number could scarcely be crouded ' by any effort on board the vessels which were in that harbour. The feelings for the fate of thofe who wer « left behind, must surpass, in their intrinsic horror, every scene which the boldest imagination hasever ventured to delineate! The allied fleets, on evacuating Toulon, im- mediately failed for the ports of Leghorn and Genoa. The ferviee at Toulon has been very fatiguing for the army. At feveral of the out- posts, they could never take off their cloaths. Toulon ftands on a dead flat, commanded by several heights, on which we had forts. Thefe were commanded by other forts ( till higher, and those again by other fortified polls up to the summit of fhe mountains. Hence it arofe that although we had 16,000 men on shore of one defcription or another, all the neceffary posts could not be fe- cured. ,- Extra: 1 of a Letter from an Officer at Leghorn, dated Dec. q. " This morning our Ambassador, Lord Her- vey, went on board a Swedish frigate lying in this bay, and ordered him, at his peril, to un- moor i Lord Hervey did this in consequence ot the Captain of one of our frigates, now lying in the bay, having received the following letter from the Captain of a Swedish frigate :— _ • Sir, being bound to Genoa, I esteem it my duty to take under my convoy, all the Swedish and' Danifh merchants ships lying here, which were ordered from that port by you ; and should von attempt to hinder me, I am determined not to be flopped by equal foice, and shall get my ship underway, two hours after day break in the morning, for that purpofe.' _ " Our frigate wits at quarters all night, intend- ing to engage the Swede had he attempted to weigh his anchor ; but on Lord Hervey's going 011 board, the Captain prudently relinquished his defign. However, this makes us fearful wc are on the eve of hostilities with that nation, A tew days ago, a French ship of the line was set fire to, by some Republican sailors, on board, and burnt down to the water's edge. The Captain snd fome of his officers, who were at that time amusing themselves in the cabin with cards, were burnt; as were between four and five hundred seamen. A frigate of the fame defcription went to fea the other day ; the men mutinied, and took her into Marseilles. The Enghfh frigate, our convoy, in coming in, in the night, ran on shore on the Malora; but, with proper aiiiftarice from the fhore, ftarting her water, and getting out her guns, Ac. fhe has fince got off, and it is to be hoped without anv material damage. Ge- noa is ( till blockaded by the Englifh and Spa- niards.' Her Majeftv has, we understand, benignly signified her wifli, that the dresses on the ensuing birth day should be made up of silk. The fashion, thus sanctioned, will come happily in aid of the public benevolence to the distressed manufac- turers. Tuefday evening, the perfbiis who were by order of the Secretary of State, difpatched from Bow. ftreet office on the preceding day to Re* d » ins, in er< ler to take Tom Paine ( who it was stated, in letters fen t to Mr. Pitt, Mr. Dundas, and Mr. Juftice Addington, was 011 that day at four o'clock to dine at the Crown inn, in that town, in company with Mons. Du Bois du Crance, a Member of the French National Con- vention) returned to town, but wfthout having accomplifhed the objed of their journey; for the letters which contained the above information, and which bore the fignature of Mr. Dean, the mayor of Reading, a man of the highefl refpec; tabily, proved to be forgeries. Mr. Dean had himfelf received an' anonymous letter, Hating, that T. Paine was to be in the town, but he disregarded it, believing it to be., as i. t. bas really proved, a contrivance of some person disposed to sport with the Government for their own amusement. • Lord Lauderdale, Mr. Sheridan, and Mr. Grey, have waited 011 Mr. Dundas, suggesting it to him, that it was the opinion of several Scotch lawyers, that the sentence passed against Messrs. Muir and Palmer was illegal ; and they requeited that he would suspend the execution of the_ fen- tence until the meeting of Parliament. It is re- ported that in consequence of this representation, Mr. Dundas transmitteed paper which he had received from Messrs. Sheridan and Grey, and the Earl of Lauderdale, to the Lords of Seffion, in order that they might make a report upon it. On this report being received by Mr. Dundas, he fent on Monday night a letter to the three gen- tlemen who waited on him, informing them, " that having tranfmitted their paper to the Lords of Seffion, he had received a report upon it. That it was not in his power to comply with their requeft to fufpend the execution of the fen- ferces, and finally, that the Law must take it's courfe." The obituary for the year i" Q3, records the deaths of more very old people, than are to be found in any bill of mortality for fifty years. Mr. Cartwright, of Doncaster, recovered three patients who were in extreme danger, from a very bad- putrid fever, by only giving them common yeaft. The quantity was two table- fpoonfulls, taken about three times, at the interval of three or four hours. Their recovery was incredibly rapid ; they inflantly felt themfelves greatly re- freshed, and in a few hours they found their ftrength returning. Lafl week the Church of St. Austle, Cornwall, was greatly damaged by a storm ; the lightning threw down the South pinacle, part fell on the market- house, and part 011 fome houfes on the North- side of the Church, and very considerable damage is done both to the Church and market- houfe. Confiderable mischief having been lately done by maddogs, we repeat to our readers, that washing a wound from a bite with warm. or cold - water, is a moft effectual remedy. T he fooner it is applied the better; and washing the- inside of the wound inuft be continued for fome time with determined perfeverance. This application was firfl fug- geflcd by Dr. Haygarth, of Chester, and it is faid there are no inftances of it's having failed. • a ODE for the New YEAR, 1794. By HENRy JAMES pyE, esq, POET- LAuREAT. 1. NURTUR'D'in ( forms, the infant Year Conies in terrific glory, forth ; Earth meets him wrapp'd in mantle drear, And the loud temped fings his birth. Yet ' mid the elemental ftrife Jifood the rich geinis of vernal life. Fiore January's iron reign And the dank months' fucceeding train • The renovated glebe prepare Vor genial May's ambiofia] air, For fruits that glowing Summer yields, For laughing Autur. r's^ olden fieida; And the ftout fwam, whofe frame defies The driving dorm, the hoitile fties, While his keen ploughthare turns the ( tuhborn foil, Knows plenty only fprings the juft reward of toil. II. Then if fell War's tempeftuous found Swell far and wide with louder rear; If flcrn til" avenging nations round Threaten yen fate- devoted filore ; Hope points to gentler hours again, When Peace ( hall re- affume her reign. •• Yet never o'er his timid head Her lalting olive ( hall be fpread, Whole bread inglorious wooes her charms, When Fame, when Jujhcs calls to arms.— While Anarchy's infuriate brood, Their garments dy'd with guiltlefs blood, Witii I'uan rage blafpheming, try Their impious battle ' gaind the fky; Say, ( hall Britannia's generous fons embrace In folds of amity the harpy race, Or aid tiie l'word that coward fury reave, R « d with the widow's blood, wet with the orphan's tears? III. But tho' her martial thunders fall Vindiflive o'er Oppreflion's haughty creft, Awake to Pity's fuafivc call, She fpreads her buckler o'er the fuftering bread.— From feas that roll by Galra's Southmod deep, From the rich ifles that crown Hi' Atlantick deep, The plaintive figh, the heait- felt groan Are wafted to her Monarch's throne; Open to mercy, prompt to fave, His ready navies plough the yielding wave. The ruth I el's arm of favage licence awe, And guard the facred reign of Freedom and of Law. DAVENTRY, Jan. 4th, 179^ THE Miss SCriveNS - efpedfully acquaint their Friends, That tfitir SCHOOL opens on Monday the 20th inltant. > DAVENTRY, Jan. 4th, 1794. MR. WADSWORTH respectfully informs his Friends, That his SCHOOL wilfopen again on Monday the 20th inltant. { t^* Terms as ufual. Northampton General Provident Society. THE next Meeting of the Committee of this Society will be held at tlx ANGEL INN, in the Town of NORTHAMPTON, on Monday the 6th Day of January indant, at Six o'clock in the Evening. Jan. 4, 1794. R. ABBEY, Secretary. To be SOLD, On Friday next the 10th of January, 1794, ALarge Quantity of ELM, LIMES, & c. now danding in BIDDlESDEN PARK, Bucks. ' I ickets of the different Lots may be had of Henry Sewcll, of Biddlesden, on the Morning of the Sale- Day. A1 Notice to DEBTORS and CREDITORS. LL Perfons who Hand indebted to the Edate of Mr. WILLIAM SHEPPARD, late of MARKET- HARBOROUGH, in the County of Leiceder, Innholder, deceafed, are requeded immediately to pay their refpeftive Debts to Mr. Wm. Wartnaby, jun. of Market- Harborough ( who is authorized to receive the fame) or they will lued for the C; me without further Notice. And ah Perfons who have any Claims or De- mands on the faid Eftate, are deli red to fend an Account thereof to the faid Wm. Wartnaby, in Order that the fame may lie fettled and difcharged. Market- harborough, id Jan. 1794. HANSLOPE SCHOOL. T. WHITE respectfully acquaints his Friends . and the Public, That his BOARDING SCHOOL wiil be Opened again on Monday the 13th of January next. December 26, 1793. KETTERING BOARDING SCHOOL. MISS DEXTER, impressed with Grati- tude for the Favours ( lie has received, begs Leave to acquaint her Friends and the Public, That ( he has taken a large and airy HOL'SE, filuated in the MARKET PI. ACE, late in the Occupation of Mr. Luc- cock, Diaper, where ( he can more commodioufly ac- commodate thofe Young Ladies ( he may be honoured with the Care of. ( Cj" SCHOOL opens on Monday the 20th of January, on the following Terms:— All Sorts of Plain and Orna- mental Needlework, Sec. at 12 Cuineas per Year, and One Guinea Entrance.— Writing and Accounts, at Three Shillings per Quarter. N. B. French, Music, Dancing, and Drawing, by approved Maders. wELLINGBORO' BOARDING SCHOOL For YOUNG LADIES. ANN VIALLS returns her most grateful Thanks to her numerous Friends for Favours al- ready received, and informs them and the Public in general, That her SCHOOL opens again after the Chriftmas Recefs, on Monday the 20th uidant. At this Seminary, Young Ladies have the peculiar Advantage of beinj well boarded upon liberal Terms, and are taught to read and write the ENGLISH Language with grammatical Accuracy, together with the different Rules in Arithmetic. Plain Work & the various Sorts of ornamental NEEDLE- WORK arelikewlfe taught here in a Stile of fuch fuperior Elegance as to engage " the Atten- tion, andmerit the Approbation of Numbers of the Ama- teuts of that ufeful and truly polite Accomplifhment. DESERTED FROM a Recruiting Party of Marines, under the Command of Captain MACDONALD, at Northampton, the 14th of December, 1793, JOHN THOMAS, alias HAY, Aged 23 Years, 5 Feet S Inches high, by Trade a Hattef, hard featur'd and pitted with the Small- Pox, long light brown Hair, which lie wears queued, is marked on both Arms from the Elbows to the Wriils with a blue Indian Mark, reprefenting the Figure of the Upper Parts of a Man, has a Mark of the Time Nature hetwecn the Up- per joint of the left Thumb and Forefinger foniewhat rcfembling a Star— Whoever will fecure the faid John Thomas ( who it is fuppofed is guhe to Glouceftcr or Liverpool) fhall receive ONE GUINEA, over and above the Allowance for apprehending a Deferter, by applying to Capt. Macdonald, or his Sergeant, at Northampton. ALL Perfons who are any ways indebted to the Edate and Effefts of WM. YArLEY, late of BIGGLESWADE, in the Cosnty of Bedford, Yeoman, deceafed, are defired immediately to pay their refpeitive Debts to Mr. Samuel Wells, or Mr. Wale, both of Big- glefwade aforefaid ( the Executors of the faid Wm Yarl « y) j or to Mr. Hinson, Attorney at Law, inPotton, in the faid County. And all Perfons to whom the faid Wni. Yarley ffood indebted at the Time of his Deceafe, are requeded forthwith to deliver in an Account of their De 1 mds to the faid Mr. Wells, or Mr. Wale in Order 1 hat the lame may be difcharged,' . 3d, 1794. TIMBER SALE. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By wILLI AM COLE, On Thurfday the 16th of January, at the Plume- of- Feathers, in Everdon, Northamptonlhire, FORTY LOTS of large ASH and ELM TIMBER ( 11O1V fit for Carpenters and Wheel- wrights) growing upon the Premifes. The Sale to begin at One o'Clock in the Afternoon. Stamp. Oftice, Somerfet- Place, Nov. 26, 1793. WE his Majejiy's Commissioners for managing the Stamp- Duties, duly authorized by the Lords Comwjffioners of his Majtjly's Treafury, purfuant to Aft of Parliament, to lett to Farm the Duties granted by u An Aa of the 25th of l is prtfint Maj.' JIy on Hoijes lett to Hire for travelling Pojl, and by Tiine," do bercb\ give Notice, that ice intend to lett at our Office, in Somerfct- I'lace, the / aid Duties to Farm, on Tuefday the 7th of January next, betiveen the Hours of Ten a-: dTtu.' Ivt in the Fore- noon, according to the Dtjlricli in the Statement under- men- tioned, and to put the Jame up at the Sums placed opprfite to each, f r the Term of Three Years from the 1 ft Day of February next, to Juch Perfns as may be tvilling to contraS for the Jame. AH fcrjons intending to farm the faid Duties are to deliver in tbei* PropoJ'als to us, at the Stamp- Office, in Somerjet. Place, at lealt Three Days previous to the faid 7th Day of January next, jigned with their Names, fating the Places of their Abode, and j'pecifying the Diflrict for • which they intend to bid, or their Propojals cannot be pro- ceeded on, as directed by the Iaid At7. No Perfons licenced to lett llorjes fr the Purpofe of traveling Pojl, nor any Perfons for their Vf, can be admitted to contract for the faid Duties. A Statement of Diftri& s for Farming out the I'oft- Horfe & c. Duties. No. Dirtrias. 11 12 ' 3 ' 4 IS 16 17 > TO THE CURIOUS ITI WINES, BRANDIES, RUMS, tsV^, MARSHALL and SON, Chemists and Druggists, return their moft fincere Thanks to the Nobility, Gentry, and Public in general, for their generous Support; and beg Leave to allure them, they have now a STOCK, of WINES of the moil appiovetl Vintages: Likewife the fined CON1AC BRANDY, Old JAMAICA RUM, ORANGE SHRUB, FORFICN and BRITISH GENEVA, which arc now felling on tile moft reafonable Terms. N. B. All SOILS of DRUGS and MEDICINES as cheap as in London — An APPRENTICE . is wanted. Paradej Northampton, Jan. 4, 1794. To be SOLD, At THOMAS PEACH'S WHARF, Northampton, VERY good SUNDERLAND COALS at 15d. a Bufhel, or I5d § . on Credit, jult come in. SMITH'S COALS and fome dry FINLAND BAT- TINS at a reafonable Price. To be SOLD, TWO capital feafoned HUNTERS, the Property of a Gentleman who is now leaving the Country ; they are both peife£ tly Sound and free from Blemifh ; one a Brown Gelding, got by liodon, his Dam by Lamp- Lighter, is very fleet of Foot, an excellent Lea; . r, Mader of 13 Stone at lead, and Steady with Hounds. The other, a Grey Stallion, is very handfome. got by Ajax, his Dam by Graylin, lie's very Swift, an excel- lent Leaper, Mader of 12 Stone at Icaft, and very Steady with Hounds. The above Horfes are now in the Hands of Mr. John Norton, jtin. Dealer in Horfes, at Bloxham, near Banbury, Oxon, where any Gentleman will be accomo- dated with a fair Trial of both or either of the above Horfes, - a » they will not be removed from that Place to any other for Sale at prefent. To be SOLD bv A U C T I'O N, By PHILIP GUTTERIDGE, On the Piemifes, on Tuefday the 7th of January, 1794, and the following Day, THE Genteel HOUSEHOLD- FURNI- TURE, PLATE, CHINA, BREWING- UTEN- SILS, Sec. of Captain REYNOLDS, late of Dunstable, in the County of Bedford, deceafed : Comprizing' neat Mahogany Chairs, Tables and Bureaus ; Fsur- pofl and other Bedfteads, with Furniture-: !; 0od feafor.' d Feather Reds, Ivory Carpet London, and Ditto Clock, in Mahogany Oafe; neat Pier and other GUffes, in Mahogany and Gilt Frames.— Plate, as Tea, Table and other Spoons, Pint Pots, & c.; Plated Tankard ; a Gold Watch and a Silver Ditto; beautiful Ton'd Spinnet, & c.~ Kitchen- Uterifils, in Copper, Brafs and Pewter, & c. a foriy- gallon Copper, with Iron- bound Tubs, Calks, & c. Sec. Alfo, two capital Coach Horfes, plated Harnefs complete ; one Draught Horfe and th'ee Catts. The Sale to begin each Day at Ten o'clock.. Alfo will be Sold, on the fecond Day, fubjedl to the Conditions of Sale then and there to be produced, A New- built FREEHOLD COTTAGE and GARDEN, fituaie in the Town of FENNY STRATFORD, in he County of Bucks; late in the Occupation Of Mr. Wm. Lloyd, Schoolmaster. N. B. The Grand Junffion Canal is intended to pafs within a fhort Space of the faid Premifes, which may prove very advantageous to the Edate. Catalogues will be delivered, in due Tirfte, at the Swan, Fenny- Stratford; the Coach- and- Horfes, Wo- burn; George, Leighton; Plough, Luton; White- Horfe, Redburn ; Sun, Market- Street ; Woolpack. St. Albans; Place of Sale ; and at th'e'AufVioh.-. SOUTH- WALES, viz. Brecknock( hire Carmarthendiire Cardiganlliire - » Glamorganfhire Radnoifhire, and Pembroktlhire, with Herefordlhire, and Monmouthlhire The above Sums are the grofs Amounts of the Duty arifing, within tjch DijlriB refpeSyvely, for the Xear ending on it Iftof Auguji, 17S7. J. BINDLEY, W. BAILLIE, J. bYNG. Buckinghamshire Freehold. and Copyhold EJlate. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By PHILIP GUTTERiDGE, At the Rt. d Lion Inn, in Dunftable, in the County of Bedford, on Wedncfday the zzd Day of January, 1704, at Two o'clock, in one Lot, AValuable and Compadl FARM, a fmall Part of which is Copyhold, being the Manor of ASTON, lituate lying and being, at ASTON, in the Parilh of IVINGHOE, in the County of Bucks: Com- prizing a well- built Farm- Houfe, in good Repair: a large Yard, Barns, Stabifs, and other convenient Out- Offices thereunto belonging; one G i: den, three Or- chords', well ftored with fruit Tie's; three Fifii Motes, well Hocked withchoice Fifh ; together with 140 Acres of rich Arable and Pafiure Land, ( n: ore or lefs) a 1' artof which is inclofed with a great Number of fine Timber crowing thereon, which will be Sold with the Edate, except a fmall Number which are marked for falling, having a Right on that extenfive Common of Adon, for upwards of 14 Head of Cattle. The Whole in the Occupation of'Mr. HENRY WOODMAN, at the very low Yearly Rent of 80I. capable Of great Improve mcnts. Afton is within four Miles of Leichton- Buz- 7ard; five from Tring; fix from Dunftabie; good Market- Towns, Printed Particulars will be delivered in Time, at the George, Leighton j Coach and Horses,' Woburn ; Plough, Luton : Sun, Marker ' itreet; Woolpack, St. Albans; Beil, Hemel- Hempstead ; Rose and Crown, Tring ; Bell, Edlesborough ; Golden Lion, St. John Street, London; and at the Auctioneer's, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, who will ( Iiew the Pren. ifes. WELLINGBOROUGH. HAyNES's REPOSITORY. THE SALE by AUCTION of HORSES, and other CATTLE, CARRIAGES, wJU be on Wednel'day die mlyDav of February, 1794. Thfc Auctioneer retjfieftr- c?. llwfe 6witkiu. cn win, may pleafe to favour him with S. toyk, that they will ap- ply as early as pojlible prior to the Sale. N. B. The Particulars will begiven in a future Paper. To be iOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. ROUSE, At the Bell Inn, in Market- Harborough, in the County of Leicefter, on Thurfday the 5th'Day of January, 1794, about Two o'clock in the Afternoon, ADesirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, in the Parilh of WESTON- BY- WELLAND, in the County of Northampton, in the following Lots: Lot I. A good, fubdantial, Stone- built and Slated Farm- Houfe; with a Dairy; Stabling for ten Horfes; a Barn of four, and another of three Bajs; a Cow- Ho. ufe for fix Cows ; a Garden ; a fmall Orchard and an Homedead, containing about three Roods ; together with Three Yard Lands and Three Quarters, and the Commons thereto belonging, lying difperfedly in the Open and Common Fields of Wefton aforefaid, in the Occupation of Mr. John Swingler. Let 2. One Yard Land and an Half, and the Com- mons thereto belonging, lying difperfedin the fame Fields, in the Occupation of the faid Mr. J. Swingler. Lot }. One Quarter of a Yard Land, and the Com- mons thereto belonging, lying difpeif; d in the fame Fields, in the Occupation of Mr. W. Wright. For further Particulars apply to Mr. How, Mr. Adams, Attorney at Law, or Mr. Rouse, in Market- Harborough aforefaid. Buckinghdtnjh'ire ghiartcr - Sejjtms. NOTICE is hereby Given, that the next General Quarter- Scffions of the Peace - for tfrrs. County, will commence at Aylcfttu 17, on Thurfdav the i6. th Day of January inltart, at Eleven o'Cleck* i » n the Forenoon precifely ; and that immediately after tile Bailiffs, Chief Condables, and other Officers of ttte Court, are called over, the Grand Jury will be impau- nelled, and as foon as the Ordinary Bufinets is difyottd of the Court will proceed to the Trial of fuch Appeals thaMnay be entetcd in due Time. And all Perfons who are bound over by Recognizance to Profecute or to give Evidence upon any BillCu- Bills pf lnd. cfment, are required to attend and deliver tile proper lnfh udtiens at my Office, on Wednel'riay Evening, as tlie Grand Jury will be difcharged as eaily as public Buflnefs will permit. And it is recommtnded to all Solicitors who have Appeals to try, to deliver their Briefs to Counfcl on the Wednefday Evening, and to be ready to try the fame next Morning, in Cafe the Court ( hall have fufficient Time to enter upon them before the Adjournment. ACTON CHAPLIN, Clerk « f the Peace. I! i January, 1794. To be SpLD by AUCTION, By Mr. ROUSE, At the Sign of the George, in Afhley, in the County of Northampton, on Monday the 13th Day of Jan. 1794, between the Hours of Eleven and One o'Clock of the fame Day, if not difpofed of before by Private Contrail, of which timely Notice will be given in this Paper, ALL that MESSUAGE, Horaeftead and Out- Buildings thereunto belonging; and alfo one Quarter of one Yard Land, fituaie and being in the Town, Fields and Libeities of ASHLEY aforefaid, now in the Tenure of Mrs. MARY HARROLD. For Particulars- and to Treat for the fame, apply to Mr. Harrold, of Fleckney, in the County of Leiceder ; or to Mr. Johnfon, Attorney at Law, Letceder. Notice to Friendly Societies. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, to wit— At the General Quaner- Seffions of the Peace of our Sovereign Lord the King, holden at AYLESBURY, in and for the County of Buckingham, on Thurfday m the fiift Week after the Fead of Saint Michael the Archangel, to wit, the 10th Day of October, in the 33d Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third, bv the Grace of God, of Great Britain,' France & Ireland Kirig, Deiender of the Faith, and 1b forth, and in the Year of our Lord, 1793; before William Drake, El'ij. Joseph Bullock, Efq. Stephen Langston, Efq. and others their Fellows, Keepers of the Peace, and Justices of our faid Lord the King, affigned to prefcrve the Peace in the aforefaid County, and alfo to hear and determine divers Felonies, Trespasses, and other Misdemeanors, done and committed in the fame County, and fo forth— IT is Ordered by the Court, That the Clerk of the Peace do, as loon as he can conveniently, prepare and complete an Abdrart of tile A ft paffed in the lad belffon of Parliament, " For the Encouragement and Relief of FRIENDLY SOCIETIES"; and that l. e do caufe the fame to be publiOied' in the Papers circu- lating in this County, for the Information and inltruc- tion of fuch Societies as are tftabliflied in this County, as may be ignorant of the l* neficial Eli'edts of the ld'. d Bill. By the Court, ACTON CHAPLIN, Clerk of the Peace. An ABSTRACT of the ACT. Perfons may lawfully form rtiemfelves into Socict; es, for the Purpofeof raifing, by Suhfcriptior,, a Stock lor maintaining aged, fick, 01 infirm Members, or to relieve \ V idows and Children of deceafed Members ; they may affemble and make Roles for the Government of fuch Societies, impofe Fines on Tranfgreffois. for the Benefit ( hereof, and from Time to. Tlme alter or amend anv of their Rules, But the/ e Rules, any Time before, or x the General Quarter- Sefflons for Michaelmas, i- a,. or • in Adjournment thereof, fliall be exhibited io the juf- tices at fuch Seffions, to be confirmed and approved, who may then, of at the next fubfequent Sefiien, con- firm or alter thofe Rules ; which lhali then be ligned by lie Clerk 01 ' he Peace without Fee, and a Duplicate iairly wrote on Parchment fhall alfo be filed with the Rolls of trie Seftions— A Committee of any Society,' or a General Meeting, may alter and amend any Ruies, if Three- fourths of fuch Committee, or offnch General Meeting, agree, and ir ibey have been publicly read at the two ufual Meetings pext before luch General Meet- ing; which Alterations mud be reviewed by tbejuftices. and alfo filed as before. No Rules, ,.- Alteration of Rules, to be binding till they are ( 0 confii med and ftietf. Societies at any general Meeting, c- r by tl. eir Com- mittee, may appoint a Steward and other Oft:. : r,. as their Rules fhall direft, and Sil! up Vacancies by Dea. h or Resignation. Officers entruftrd with receiving and paying Money ( hall, if requiietl by the Rules, beeeme bound with two fufficient Sureties for duly difcha'ging their OiEce, and rendering a juft Account, in fuch Sums a. the Majority c{ the Society may determine ; rtich Se- curities to be lod.; d with the Clerk of the Peace, with, out Fee, in- whole Name, if fsrf. iited; the Parties may be foed on fucli Bond, for the Ufe of the Society. All other Bonds, except thofe given by Perfons receiving and paying Monej, 0! any other Officers, mult be Riveft to the Tieafdrers or Truftecs for the Time being," who ( hall prnfecute, if forfeited, for the Ufe of the Society. Nofocb Bonds fliall pay any Stamp Duty. Every Society fhall nave a Committee of eleven Mem- bers at lead, who fhall have nil or any of the Powers of this Adt for the. Time appointed. The Powers of* ftandlng- Committee for general Purpofes ( hall be fpeci- fied in the Ru'. s ; but thofe of a fpecial'Coinmittee ( half be entered in a Book by tlie Cleik of fuch Society. At lead five Perfons of fuch Committee muft concur in any Aft, who ( hall aft for, ar. d in the Name of the Society : fuch Afts to be fuhjeft to the Controul of the Sociciy, according to their general Rules. Treafurers or Truttees m. av take Securities for Money lent by any Society, with the Confent' of fuch ' Society i or inveil the f-. me in the public Funds, " 111 their own Names; ar. d alter, transfer, or fell ilie fame with the' like Confent. lntertff of Money fo lent to be accounted for and applied as direfted by the Rules. • . All Officers, their Executors, Admin.! lrators,- or Af- ( igns, fhall account to a general- Meeting, or a Com-* mittee by Older of the Society, on Demand made ; and ( hall, on the like Demand, pay all Mon'res, and. deliver all Securities or Effefts in their Hands, to their Suc- ceffors for the Time being, or to any Perfons. to be ap- pointed by the Society. On Negleft or Refufal, the Society may exhibit a Petition in the Court of Ch. incery or Exchequer, who ( hail proceed upon it in a fummary Way, and make Order accordingly; am! aft Transfers, See. in Purfuance of fuch Order, shall be good. The Court may affign Counfel on prefenting fuch Pe- tion, and direft a Clerk of Court to carry it on, without any Fee ; and no Stamp Duty ( hall be charged for any of the Proceedings. On Death, Bankiuptcy, or Infolvency of any Officer of fuch Society, Delivery fliall be made by Executois, Adniiniftrators, or Affiances, at tile End of 40 Days after. Demand made by Order of the Society, of all Property belonging thereto in their Hands, out of the Effefts, before any other Debts ate- paid. Ail Monies, Securities, or Eft'efts of fuch Society, are tohe veiled in the Treafurers or Tiudees lor the Ufe of the Society, and to veft in'their Succeffers without Transfer ; and in all Aflions they aie 10 be flared as his or their Property— Death or Removal fliall not aHate any Aftion; for fucceeding Officers may proceed in the Name of the Perfon commencing fuch Aftion. Societies in their Rules, before they arc confirmed ar. d filed, ( hall declare all the Purpofes ol their Ertablifhmenr. and diieft the Ufes of applying their Money, i^ - To be SOLD by AUCTION, By RICHARD SMITH, At the Swan Inn, in Bedford, on Saturday the iSth Day of Jan. 1794, at Three o^ Clock in the'Afternoon, AFREEHOLD ESTATE, at FELMER- SHAM, in the faid County of Bedford, known by the Name of the MANOR- FARM,: Comprizing a fubftantial Farm- Houfe with convenient attach'd and detach'd Out- Offices, with a Clofe of rich I'afture Ground adjoining, containing 5 A. 1 R. 16P. Alfo a Clofe of Meadow Land in Weft Meadow, containing 6 A. iR. 1 P. And alfo a Clofe of Arable Land adjoin- ing the Meadow, containing 1; A. 3 R. 24 P. now in the Occupation of Mr. Thomas Pain, together with a third Par; of the Manor of Felmersham aforesaid. Felmerfham is feven Miles from Bedford, three from Harrold and feven from Higliam- Ferrers. For a View of the Premifes apply to the Tenant, and printed Particulars and Conditions of Sale may be had in due Time 011 the P'remifes ; at the Falcon, at Blttfoe Swan, Bedford; Green Dragon, Higham- Ferrers, ; md of the A- u& ianeerj at Thrapllon ( hall be impofed by fonie general Rule or Rules for mif- id no Society ( hall be d. ffojvfd. ii. v vAii. mt, lyiciuucia, tana 01 an rtneas pniirta to re- ceive Relief, to be given individually under their Hands. The D. ivifion of all, or ar. y Part of a Fund .-. mongft the Members, except tor carrying into tflVS the < Tentral I'urpofes of the Society, ( hall be illegal and Xeid, ' 1 All Rules of the Society to be entered in a Book h » one or more Members appointed, to he ficnecf'Ky the faicj Members, and open at all fesfonaMe Times; : which fliall be Evidence in all Trials. - Such Societies may alf 1 eceive Donations for the ge. neral Purpofes of the Society. Tv. jufti'ces may deter- mine Complaints, on Oath or Affirmation 01 any Mem- ber of a Society aggrieved by any. Aft done or omitted by the Society, or any Perfou afting . under therri, in » fummary Way, without any Appeal, except where the general Rules have provided for a Reference by Arbi. tration, of any Matter in Difpute, which fhall be final. No Member of a Society, < n producing'* Certn. caie thereof, fliall be removed r,> ] iis Setfkment, till he jftu- ally becomes chargeable, or is forced to Relief: but he may be examined before two Juftices, and fworn to his legal Settlement. A Certificate from one of the Magiftrates of Ins Examination, is 10 exempt him fr.- iu any future Examination ; but they may file it among ihs Records, without iffinngany Warranrnf Removal, and fend Copies to the Pariffi- Officers- of the Piace of Sittte- ment. No Memhir of a Society refidiog in any Paiifli under this Aft ( hall acquire a Settlement thereby, nor by paying any Rates; And no Apprentice. or hired Servant ot furh Member ( hail thereby acquire a Settlement — Charges of Friday, and Saturday's Potts. L O N I) O . N, January 4. Tf N the National Convention ua the 24th De- - cjs5ltofr',' Barrere propofed the expulsion of Thomas Paine and all foreigners from the Convention. " The moment is come" ( fays he) " to make known a vice which has Introduced itfeif among us. The people_ have been persuaded- that they might choose foreigners to represent them; but a single fact shall prove how dangerous such a measure would be. " An Italian came with some patriotic works: his ambition wanted a decree which granted him the title of a French Citizen : he urged that title, becaufe his property had been confiscated on account of his writings in his own country. Well, we learn, that his property has just been restored. Let us decree, that all foreigners shall be excluded from the National Convention." Bourdon of Oise—" Since there are no more Briffotines in the Convention, Thomas Paine never came once amongst us: he is busy with carrying on his intrigues secretly." The proposal of Barrere being put to the vote, was unanimously adopted in these words: " Every foreigner is, and shall be, excluded from the National representation." The Levee on Wednefday was extremely crowd- ed, < i many went in expectation of seeing the in troduftion of the Turkish Ambassador to the King. Pall Mall was crouded, and a throng con- tinued round the door ot the Royal Hotel, where his Excellency lodges, for fome hours. The Ambassador however was not at the Levee, and wishes not to be presented until such time as the ship arrives which has his presents to their Majesties, and his wardrobe on board. The residence of this Ambassador in London will be attended with many circumstances of great splendour. He has a retinue of 50 servants, now on their voyage hither, together with 12 cream- coloured horfes of exquifite beauty; a ( late coach is building for him ; and the houfe lately occupied by the French Ambassador in Portman- Square is preparing for his reception. Nothing yesterday arrived from the_ Conti- nent— confequently no further confirmation has yet come of the successes of the Duke of Bruns- wick and General Wurmser.— A general confir- mation of repeated vidtories was brought from Brussels bv Mr. Sparrow, the meffenger who ar- rived on Tuefday afternoon; but the particular detail had not been received. Lieutenant General O'Hara, it is alledged, has been ordered bv the Committee of Public Safety • to be conveyed to Paris. As fix gentlemen were retu rning from the coun- try, on Wednefday evening about five o'clock, in a pod- coach and four, they were flopped by a Angle highwayman, at Cannon wall, near Stan- more, who, after stopping the postillion, rode up to the coach door, and demanded their money, which he swore by the holy ghost he must have, for he was a distressed gentleman.— One of the gentlemen spoke to the highwaymen, while the others got out of the opposite side, which on his perceiving he fired a pistol, which did no mis- chief, and rode off. The postillion pursued him with one of the leaders, and came up with him at Edgeware, when seizing the horfe by the bridle, the highwayman broke his hold with a pistol. The postillion still continued his pursuit, and • took him at the four mile stone.— The- highway- man was brought back to Edgeware, where he was secured all night, and was brought to town vefterday, and examined at Bow- street, before Mr. Aldington, and was fully committed, and the parties bound over to prosecute. He is known to be son of an independent gentleman in Dublin. His name is Hawkins. When he was taken, and secured, the only money found upon him iv as one shilling. He was much ' intoxicated, and when sober, greatly lamented his unfortunate situation. A singular escape. Two perfons lately died in one of the apartments in the gaol of Vienna. A third, thinking to convert this circumstance to his advantage, slipped into the room, and after concealing one of the dead bodies, put himself in it's place, and being afterwards put into a cart, to be conveyed to the pit, where the bodies of criminals are'interred, he took the oppor- tunity of the carter's stopping to drink to throw himself out of the cart, and got clear o( F. It was a long time before the stratagem was dif- covered. tHE next County. Assembly will be at the PEACOCK. Ion, NORTHAmpTON, on t ^ TDAI the 17th Northamptin, THE KETTERING ASSEMBLY will be on WEDnESDAY the IJUI inft. at the White- Hart . . „ G. ROBERTS. Kettering, Jan. 3, 1794. N. B. A Cook- Maid is wanted, where a Kitchen- Maid is kept, at the Ciid inn. _ ~~ c~~ o J~ L S: JOHN LACY and SON embrace the earliest Opportunity of informing their Friends and the Public. in general, that they have jult received a Cargo of the. BEST SEA COALS. N. 3. Upwards of 100 Dozen of OLD RED PORT, thit hath been bottled iS Months — BRANDIES, RUMS, & c. mat as imported.— Orders received at tl. eir Houfe, in GOLD- STREET: Northampton, Jan. 4, 1794. s., , Jan. 4, 1794. DODD tired StEEvENSON mOst respctfully inform their Friends and the Puolic, that they have Opened a SHOP, on tht WOOD- HIll., in- the COLLAR and HARNESS MAKING BUSINESSES.— Tlwsfe who please to favour them. witlitlie'ir Commands may depend on having them exccOtt( f on the shortest Notice, and on the molt rea^ fotiakle Terms. N. B. I he. SADLeRY, CAP, and HAT BUSINESSES will be. carried on as usual, at their Shop in the DRAPERY, dAVRNTRY, 3d January. 1794. tHE Miss ROGeRS respecfully inform their Friend. 1-, that their- SCHOOL opens again on Monday the 20th of January instant. T1 To beSQLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT, SEVERAL FREEHOLD PIECES or PAR- ) CELSff ARABLE LAND & LE\" GROUND, lying- difperfediy within the Fields, I'. recinfls, Parilh or Bounds of 1RTHLINGBOROUGH-, in the, County - of Northampton j confiding of about 15' ixcrts, vrili it- nanted, and at a low Rent. Alfo, TWO " fmail- FKEEHOLD DWELLING- HOUSES, and a DOVECOT we'll [ Wiied, ikuate' at IRTHLINGBOR0UGH aforefaid.' Alfo, Some fmali RIGHTS incident toand appendant the above Freehold Premifes, and which, on . the Treaty for tile Purchafe, will be fully explained. . For further Particulars, and to treat lor the Purchafe, apply to Mr. Hayes, Attorney at Law, Sheep- Street, Northampton ; of whom may be had, feveral Sums up6n approved Securities. At AN elegible; ation, on an S. FLESHER takes the Opportunity of returning her molt grateful Thanks to the Nobility, Gentry, and Public in general, for the many liberal Favours conferred upon her. She likewife informs her Friends, that file has relinquished the Whole of the Bufineft to her Son, GILBERT FLESHER, to whom Ihe begs a Continuance of their Favours. All Persons indebted to the said S. FleSHER, are requested to pay their respective Debts to GILBERT FLESHEr, who is authorized to receive the same. Towcefter, Jan. 4, 1794. G. FLESHER, WOOL STAPLER and DRAPER, RESPECTFULLY informs the Friends of Mrs. S. FLESHER, in Conference of her Re- lignation, he takes the earlieft Opportunity of foliciring a Continuance of their Favours, a flaring them that every Attention will ' be paid to their Orders, which ( hall be punctually executed & gratefully acknowledged. Towcester, Jan. 4, 1794. J. IRONMONGER V. P O Y N T O N, prefents his respectful Compliments to his Friends, fincerely thanking them for their paft Support, and begs to inform them, he has this Day entered into Partnerfhip with Messrs. ELLA and DOUGLASS, of Loughborough, and, toge- ther with them, folicits a Continuance of their Favours. The IRON TRADE will be carried on, as ufual, at Mr. Poynton's, the Corner of the High- Street, and at their Wharf, in the Friers, near the North- Gate, where they intend keeping Newcaftle and other COAL, for Smiths' Ufe. Thofe Friends of Mr. Poynton, whofe Situation ren- ders Loughborough moft convenient for their Supply, may be accommodated at the Old Wharf there, with Bar and other Iron, Coals, & c. on the loweft Terms. Leicester, January 1, 1794. WOBuRN ACADEMY, Bedfordshire , healthful, and retired Situ- Eminence at the Entrance of the Town from Leighton, YOUNG GENTLEMEN are genteelly boarded, and expeditiously prepared for the Univeffity; it WfU as for Trade arid Business, by J. Daniel', Rev. J. Stoddart, & assistants, On the following Terms: Entrante one Guinea, Seventeen Guineas a Year for English Grammar,. Writing, Arithmetic. Merchants' Accompts, and the Mathematics; and Eighteen, if taught the Claflics or French. All ab « ve tbuiteen Years t> f Age pav a Guinea per Ann. extra. Geography and Land Surveying, Five Shillings per Quarter each, Music, Dancing, Drawing, Fencing and Military Exercise 0Y1 the cuftomary Terms. Reference may be made to the Rev. Mr. Sandys, Everlholt, near Woburn; MessrS. J. S. and W. Odell, Northampton; Charles Lloyd, Efq. Rosamond's- Build- ings, Islington ; and to Mr. Potts, Queen's- Row, New- ingion, Surry. Mr. DANIEL returns his warmeft Acknowledgments to his Friends for the great Encouragement he has ex- pel ienced, and respectfully informs them he has admitted the Rev. Mr. STODDART a Partner, and hopes his Endeavours, united with his own, together with proper Affiftants, will merit their Approbation, and infure a Continuance of their Favours.— Mr. Stoddart was re- gulaily brought up to the Scholastic Profession, and his Abilities are well known in the Neighbourhood of Woburn ; having fuperintended the Classical Education of the Young Gentlemen at ASPLEY fome Years; was Curate of Aspley and Crawley three Years, and is now Curate of Wavendon. IMPROMPTU, 0.1 the loss of an Arsenal, by the Sans Culottes. Alas our patriotic host, What daily evils do befal! Long since their breeches they have lost, And now they've lost their arsenal ! Meffrs. ELLA, DOUGLASS & POYNTON, PRESENT their fincere Regard to their refpe'clive Friends, and the Public in general, in- forming them, they have this Day entered into PART- NERSHIP, as WHARFINGERS, and DEALERS TIMBER, DEALS, IRON, COALS, Sec. which Bufineffes will be cariied on at the Old Wharf, Loughborough; and at their New Wharf, in the Friers, near the North- Gate, Leicefter, where convenient and extenfive " Ware- houfes are eredting, for the Reception of Wool, Clieefe, Grocery, and all Goods configned to their Care, from whence they will be regularly conveyed by their Boats to Gainfbro', and all Parts of York and Lincoln- ftlires, Nottingham, Newark up Trent, Cavendifh - Bridg' Derby, and Birmingham, and the Lines of the Erewalh and Cromford Canals, and alfo to Harborough, & c. as foon as the Navigation is completed Southward. Messrs. ELLA and DOUGLASS desire particularly to return their beft Thanks to the Friends who favoured them during their late Connefljon, and in Conjunflion with Mr. POYNTON, humbly requefl their future Sup- port, iifluring both them and the Public at large, that a ftrifl: and unremitting Attention ( hall be paid to their Intereft and Convenience. Lougbbro\ Jan. l, 1794. ANONYMOUS LETTER. THE Person, to whom a Letter was sent by the Northampton Post, concerning a Debt due to an eminent Gardener, would be much obliged to the Writer of it, if he would through the fame Channel, transmit his Name, that an Opportunity may be afforded of a Reply being given. The Writer can have no Reason for concealing his Signature, as the Persony to whom the Letter was addressed, esteems the Author of it to have acted a very Friendly Part towards him, and to whom the Person addressed deems himself much obliged. tOWCESTER ASSOCIATION, November ic, 1795. ASUBSCRIPTION is now opened at Mr. KIRBY'S, in Towiejier, for the Purpofe of finding WOOLLEN CLOATH1NG for the BRITISH TROOPS on FOREIGN SERVICE ;— the Donations w. ll be faithfully applied under the DireiSion of the Committee of the Towcefter Afiociation. Tilt Members of the faid Affociation earneftly hope for the Contribution of the Benevolent in general; and will at all Times be happy to receive any refpeflabie Addition to their Society. As the Seafon is fo far advanced, the Generous and Humane wi. l fee tile Advantage of early Contributions. J. DRYDEN, Chairman. /. s. d. Amount of Subscriptions inferted 1 in tl) « feven lalt Week's Papers- J ' * Mr. Heath, wakefield- Lawn 050 By Mr. Robert Wilcox, the Donations ? of two Ladies - i Pai ilh of Furtho To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, Either together or in Parcels, ADefirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, fituate in ABTHORPE, about three Miles from Tow- cefter, in the County of Northampton, now in the Oc- cupation of Robert Burnhill; confilling of a fubtlantlal Farm- Houfe, with convenient Yards^ Garden, and Out- buildings thereto belonging, of-— feveral Clofes or In- clofed Grounds, containing together about 74 Acres, and of about 54 Acres, by'Statute Meafure, of Open Field Land, with extenfive Commons thereto belonging. The Eftate may be entered upon on the 5th Day of April next; and the Purchafer or Purchafers may be accommodated with a confiderabte Part of the furchafe- Money, if required. A Perfoh will be appointed to Ihew the Premifes; and the fame may be treated for, by applying to Mr. Kirby, Attorney, in Towceiter. I NORTHAMPTON, Jan. 4, 1794 N Consequence of the humane and Spirited Exertions of feveral Ladies in this Town and Neigh bourhood, the following Number of WAISTCOATS and CAPS has been fubferibed for, or fent in to Meflrs. STABLES and MARRIOTT; and the feveral under- mentioned SUMS advanced for the fame Ixnevolent Purpofes Further Subfcriptions will be received by Melfrs. STABLES and MARRIOTT. Waistcoats. Caps. From lafi Report - | 1245 | 576 MONEY. Fromiafl Repot t Parijh of WhlLtON. Rev. W. L. Rose Mr. Simon Freeman Mr. Thomas Emery, fen. Mr. Edmund Masters Mr. Thomas Humphrey Thomas Emery, jun. Ann Quenby • Sarah Costiss ... Joseph Emery Wm, Langton Butlin John Humphrey - William Humphrey William Barker • » Joseph Langton William Langton Thomas Langton, fen. Thomas Langton, jun. Thomas Emery John Dunckley Richard Constable William Claridge - * Samuel Newbold Joseph Butler - STABLES and MARRIOTT, Agents for the Subfcription. As the Subscription is ' ntended to be clofed very fiiortly, it is earneftly requefted that thofe who intend contributing to this Fund, will favour Meflrs. STABLES and MASRIOTT with their Names, as early as pofiibie. Parish of PAULERSPURT. Mr. Cooke f ( Mrs. Allen - - < Mr. Campion - - ( Mr. Henry Pettifer - < Mr. West mr. Stokes Mr. Samuel Savage Mr. John Scott Mr Thomas Tarry Mr, hobson Mrs. Hobson Mr. Mrs. Smith Mr. Edmund Carey Mr. Thomas Smith Mr. Thomas Middlcton Mr. John Parker Mr. Laughton Mr: Newman Mr. Herton Ml. James Grimsdick mr. John Lepper Mr. John Robins Mr. and Mrs. Frost Mrs. Grimsdick Mr. E. Caporn Mr. Richard linnell Mr, Robert Blunt Mr. peter Carey Mr. John White, Mr. John Poynter Mr. John Foster Mrs. Tarry . Mr. John Frost J. M. KIRBY, Treasurer. Tickets delivered by Messrs. Roberts, Buck, and Childs, luill be admitted. THE LAST WEEK OF PLAYING. THEATRE, NORTHAMPTON. ON MONDAY Evening, January 6th, 1794, will be prefented, the admired Comedy of The RIVALS; Or, A TRIP to BATH. written by BRINSLEY SHERIDAN, Efq.) After which will be performed, ( for the laft Time) an entire New PANTOMIME ENTERTAINMENT call'd HARLEQUIN GLADIATOR Or, The RITES of HECATE. With New Mufic, Scenery, Machinery and Decorations The Whole under the DireSion of Mr. STRATTON from the Theatres Royal, London, York, and Norwich where he had the foie Dire& ion and Superintendance of all the Pantomimes and Dances produced at tliofe Theatres. For the Benefit of Mr. STRATTON. On WEDNESDAY Evening, Jan. 3, will be performed, The DRAMATIC ROMANCE of C Y M O N; Or, VIRTUE REWARDED. End of the Opera a New COMIC DANCE, ( compos'd by Mr. STRATTON) call'd The TIPSEY WOOD- CUTTER. To Conclude with An ALLEMANDE DE TROIS, By Mr. STRATTON, Mrs. SWINDAL, and Mrs. FOTHERG1LL. After which will be prefented, a FARCE call'd CATHERINE Sc PETRUCHIO; Or, The TAMING of The SHREW. To which will be added, A Grand PANTOMIMIC BALLET, call'd LA FOIRET NOIRE; Or, The NATURAL SON. A Domeftic Tale, told in Aftion, and founded on a real Faft, which hnppened a few Years ago, in one of the Southern Provinces of France. As performed 150 Nights at the Theatre de L'Ambigu Comique, in Paris; and upwards of 90 at Sadler's- Wtlls, in London, with univerfal Marks of Approbation. The Mufic and Scenery entirely New, and the Whole prepared and got up under the DireSion of Mr. Stratton. Nothing under full Price can be taken ; nor can any I'erfon be admitted behind the Seencs during the Pan- tomime. Mr. STRATTOn, with the greateft Deference to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Northampton and it's Vicinity, moft refpeflfully informs them, his Time will be fo clofely engaged at the Theatre, preparing the Dance and Pantomime for their Amufement, that he is extremely forry he will be neceffitated to deprive him- felf of the Honour of paying his perfonal Refpefts to them, which the Announcement of his Benefit claims; he therefore through the medium of this Addrefs, thus publicly folicits their Patronage and Support. And on FRIDAY Evening, January 10th, 1794, For the Benefit of Mr. & Mrs. FOTHERGILL, and Mr. SWINDAL. Will beprefented, The Celebrated COMEDY of SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER; Or, The MISTAKES of A NIGHT. To which ( by Defire) will be added, The Favourite FARCE of THE CHILDREN IN THE WOOD. With other Entertainments as will be expressed in the Bills of the Day. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Friday the 31ft inftant, ACapital FARM- HOUSE, at LOWER- HEYFORD, in the County of Northampton, late in the Occupation of Mr. JOHN CORY, with about 70 Acres of valuable Land adjoining. Particulars whereof will be given in next Weeks Paper in- the mean Time information may be had, on Appli cation to Mr. Wm. Tompson, Northampton. A Public- House in full Trade. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. SHAW, On the Premifes, on Tuefday the 14th of January inft. at Two o'clock, THAT good- accustomed PUBLIC HOUSE, the OLD EWE- AND- LAMB, fituate in Bridge- Street, in the Town of LEIGHTON, in the County of Bedford, and very near where the Grand Jundtion Canal is intended to be cut; now in the Occu- pation of the Owner, Mr. John Rolfe, who is leaving Leighton— immediate Possession may therefore be had.— The Premifes, which are Brick and Tile built, and in good Repair, confift of a good Cellar, Kitchen, Parlou Bed- Chambers, large Brewhoule, Stabling for 10 Horfes, Barn, large Garden, Hogfties, & c, 1 he Eftate is Copyliold of Inheritance, and held of the Manor of Leighton. - May be viewed, by applying on the Premifes. ALL Perfons to whom CHAMBERS, late of the Mr. WILLIAM Town of NORTH- AMPTON, Baker, was indebted at the Time of his De- ceafc, are r'equefted forthwith to fend an Account and. Particulars of their refpeftive Demands to Mrs. Sarah Chambers his Widow and Adminiftratrix ; or to Mr. Maikham, Attorney, in Northampton. And all Per- fons indebted to the Eftate and Effefts of the faid De- ceafed, are defited to pay their relpeitive Debts to the faid Mrs. Chambers, or Mr. Markham, previous to the firft Day of March next. Northampton, January ^ tb, 1793. Poftfcript. LONDON, January To be SOLD by AUCTION, By EDWARD COX, On Tuefday, Wednefday, and Thui^ diy the 14th, 15th, and 16th of this inftant January, ANeat, Genteel, and Useful Assortment of HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, PLATE and PLATED ARTICLES, PAINTINGS, BED and TABLE LINEN, CHINA, Collection of BOOKS in excellent Condition and neatly Bound; two TABLE SUITS of fine STAFFORDSHIRE WARE, GLASS, GREEN- HOUSE PLANTS and other EFFECTS, of Mr. CHA. LACY, at his late Dwelling- House in ABINGTON- STREET, NORTHAMPTON. May he viewed on Friday the 10th ; Catalogues will be delivered the fame Day at Place of Sale, and at the AuQioneer's; alfo at the following Places, on Monday the ijtli, viz. the Poft- Oftices, Daventry, Wellingboro', Kettering, Stony- Stratford, and Newport - Pagnell ; the New Inn, Hackleton; Swan, Lamport; & Red Lion, Brixworth. The Sale will begin each Morning at Ten o'Clock, and continue without intermiffion till the Lots for each Day are Sold. Seats will be erefted for the Accommodation of the Ladies. YESTERDAY evening a King's meflenger arrived with difpatches from the Duke of York ; and late laft night another meflenger ar- rived in town with difpatches from Peterlburgh ; the contents have not yet tranfpired. For thefe two or three days, public affairs have worn a clouded afpeft, and fucceeding reports have but ferved to increafe the gloom. The Paris Gazettes received yefterday are full of the news from Toulon; and excepting an ar- ticle which mentions that the celebrated Le Brtin, formerly minifter for Foreign Affairs, has been taken, and brought to Paris, there is no mifcel- laneous news of any importance. According to the report made to the Conven- tion, the allies fuffered a very confiderable lofs in men in the out- pofts which defended Toulon ; as well as in their baggage and provifions.' ' It is likewife faid, that the confederate fleets could not get clear of the harbour, owing to contrary winds, and that they were expofed to the batteries of Toulon. We truft that this latter report will prove unfounded ; but every account agrees in ftating, that the weather during the iStiiand rgth was unufually boifterotfs. It was decreed, after the reading of the report, that Toulon ( houldexperience the fate of Lyons; the houfcs ( hould be detsolilhed, excepting fuch only as might be made to anfwer the official pur- pofes of thofe concerned in the military and ma- rine departments, and the place be called Port dc la Montavne. But that which mod affiifts us is the fitnation of the unfortunate inhabitants of Toulon, who were not able toefcape. The Convention has de- creed a grand Civic Fete in commemoration of the viftory gained at Toulon ; and the commiffi- oners at Toulon have written from thence, that on the evening of the 19th they propofed to give a fignal example of national vengeance,' and to decorate their fcftival by firing off 213 rebels from the mouths of their cannon i i ! It is likewife with much concern we notice in the French Gazettes received this morning, that the French have at length broken through the line of General Wurmfer's army, and have re- taken Haguenau. The Bruflels papers, received this morning, mention, that one wing of the Auftrian army had been forced back ; but not a word is mentioned of the capture of Haguenau. The hiftory of military operations does not afford fuch a terrible example of fevere fighting for a conti- nuance of 20 days, as has lately occurred between the armies of the Rhine. Since the above, news of a later date has been received. Although there is no precife informa- tion refpefling General Wurmfer's retreat, we now know that he has been obliged to abandon the poll of Haguenau. We are rather inclined to believe that this has not been done in confe- quence of any particular defeat, but owing to his army having been fo conftantly harrafied for leve- ral weeks, as to render it more prudent to make a fafe retreat than to rifle a linger defence. It is the general opinion, that the French will fucceed in relieving Landau.— Times. PiUCE of STOCKS Yefterday. Eank Stock 165}.— 3 per Cent. Red. 73 a 72J.— 4 perCent. Conf. 87 J | % 5 per Cent, fliut.— India Stock, 209. N O" R T" 11 A ? T P T~ 0 N, tainet! i+ oa. pairs of ftpekings, and 70 tiannei watftporfts; being the iubfeription of the gentle- men ami ladies of that town, and it's vicinity, to be forwarded to. the Britilh army, now ferving on the Continent. . TTT? rrr » rmr* » 1 « ! mrrd triiew empfdyeJ in facred duties, mult aflilt the important caufe of Religion. During theleverity c. « winter Nature will flirink from it's effeds, and, could this be al- leviated in places of public worfliip, Devotion and Health would feel the cheating influence. In many churches JlWeS are int roduced for this \ ur- . pofe; and whoever refledfs Qfi the qualifying pro- perty of heat on damp walls a: i< j, unwholefome air, will fee the i mtnediate ufe of them. To fucb perfection are thofe conveniences now brought, that they can be placed in any fitvfation, and with various degrees of effefl. Moft other places of public meeting have a provifion of the kind; and it is a pity that the moft important one Uioyld want that accommodation, which, in all proba- bility, would be of the higheft fervice to thou- fands.- Should the hint be thought worthy of attention, we ( hall be happy in having offered ir. The late Earl of Exeter, is fucceeded ifi titles and eftates by his nephew, the Hon. Henry Cecil, of Hanbury hall, Worcelter& ire, only fon of his Lordlhip's brother. The prefent Earl of Exeter ivas, fome years ftnee, much diftinguilhed in the fafhionable circles — the late Earl was more known for his mufical tafte, for his hofpitality in the country ( from which he was feldom long abfent) and for his charity. His table at Burleigh was open, once a week, to all his friends in Stamford; t- o facilitate the intercourfe between which place and his feat, he adfually built a caravan ( carrying eit^ ht per- fons) and employed it in bringing fuch of his vifitors as had not a carriage of their own. On Friday night, about hilf paft ten o'clock, as Mr. Wenman, of Queen- ftreet, Wolverhamp- ton, was, fitting with his family and fome friends ( nine in number) in his front parlour, a ball of fire fell down the chimney, beat out the grate, fcattered the fire round the room, and made it's way through the window, the Ihutters of which though double bolted, it forced: every perfon in the room miraculoufly efcaping perfonal injury, although one fide ot Mr. Wenman's coat was fcorched from the cape to nearly the bottom of the lkirt. One of the ( hutter- bolts was forced entirely off", and another completely doubled up. A man, fervant to Mr. O. Dring, of Warboys, in Huntingdonfhire, lately loft his'life by having a pimple ( haved off his upper lip, at his'own de- fire, as he faid to make his face even.— The fa- culty attended him, but did not deem his cafe dangerous; he, however, died in a few days after the cut by the razor. A few days. fince, the infant daughter of Mr. C. Eley, of Longford, in Derbyth- ire, being left alone, fell into a pail of hot water, in which dreadful fttnation fhe was difeovered by a fervanr, who immediately immerfed her in cpld water; the confequetice was, a mortification enftied, and the SATURDAY EVENING, Jatf. 4, On Tuefday fe'miight, a difpenfation pailed the Great Seal, to enable the Re v.' Win. Buhvell, M. A. reftor of Grafton, in this couhty, and chaplain to the Right Hon. Lord VifcountSack- ville, to hold the redory of Twywell, in'the fame county, on the prefentation of Mifs Scriven. The Rev. Richard Parker, A.' B. has been pre- fented by ths Lord- Chancellor to the living of Kingfhury, in Warwickfhire, void by the death of the Rev. Hugh Smyth, A. M. Warwickjbife Militia.— Enfign Thomas Henry Welfti is appointed to be Lieutenant, vice Ruffell, reiighed.— Enfign John Jorden to be Lieutenant, vice gn Jorilen - Cooper, reiigned. To be Peremptorily SOLD, Purfuant to an Order of the High Court of Chancery, before John Ord, Esq. one of the Mafters of the faid Court at his Chambers in Lincolns Inn, on Mondav theijth Dayofjanuary inftant, at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon, PART of the FREEHOLD, and ALL the CoPYt'. OLD ESTATE of JOHN PANCOUST, late of SHERRINGTON, Bucks. Grazier, deceaied : Confiding of a Farm Houfe, with the Ai^ pur. tenances, and about 51 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pafture Land, fituate at Cranfeld, in the County of Bedford, now Lett to John Hardwick, at the Yearly Rent of 38I. and aJfo four Acres of Woodland there in Hand. Printed Paaticulars whereof may be had at the faid Master's Chambers ; of Mr. John Millard, Farmer, of Leighton- Buzzard, in the County of Bedford; of Mr. Hurst, of Newport- Pagnell, Bucks; of Mr. Mullen, Laurence- Pountney- Lane, London; or of Mr. Townsend, Staple Inn, London. The Right Hon. the Earl of Upper OiTorv laft week ordered 371 ftone of meat to be diltributed among the poor families 6f four parifhes in the neighbourhood of hisLordlhip's feat at Ampthill Park, Bedfordfhire. Earl Ludlow's annual charity of meat and bread. was, by his Lordfhip's order, laft week dif- tributed to the poor of the parith of Great Stangluon, Huntingdor. fhire, viz. 10c ftone of very fine beef, and ii 8' 16aves of bread, in pro- portional quantities according to the different fa- milies.— An example ivortby of imitation. Sir Horace Mann has giver, zol. for the benefit of the poor of Cottefmore, Rutlandfhire. On TuiSJay laft was given to the poor of the fmall parifh'of Glatton, near Uppingham, Rur- landfhire, by Mr. Barnes, the reftor, three guineas worth of Beef, and one guinea and a half in hread. Thefubfcription for the labouring poor in Bir- mingham is fo liberally patronized, that italready amounts to near 2000I. Laft Tuefday, two bales of flocking' were fent from Hihkley to the Common Council Chamber ofthftcity of London, to the care of Mr. Deputy Nichols, wliLh, with four bales fent before, con- haplefs infant lingered fcv. eral days,< ind expired. On Friday'lalT, Mary Whcailev, of Difeworth," in Leicefterfhjre, imprudently left her children in the huufe whilft fixe went out fof'. afhort time; on her return file found one of them in flames, it's • cloathshaving caught fire; the poor infant was fo fhockirtgly burnt, that it di'ed foon after in great agony. The Coroner's inqueft fat on the ' body— Verdift, Accidental Debth. _ Laft Saturday fe'nnight, Mr. Bamford of CoN tingham, in this county, was attacked by two men who camc out of a wood, near Corby, with their ( hirts over their coavs, and after knocking him down, and otherwife mifufing him, roblx; il . him of nine guineas. A few da| s fince a fire broke out atths raanfion houfe at Greatworth, near Brackley, in- this county, and burnt with fuch amazing rapidity that in a few hours it confumed the whole of- that noble it nature, leaving only the bare walls Hand- ing great part of the furniture was faved, fome cafhin gold and a London'bank- no'tc were burnt. The houfe ftanding upon an eminence the firq was feen at a great diltance, and was plainly obfetved at Banbury about fix miles from thence; happily the fire broke out at feven o'clock in the evening, for had it been at a late hour, probably fome lives would have been loft, as in a very Ihort time two ftair- cafes were on fire It was firft discovered in a fmall parlour, and foon communicated to the wainfeot.— The above houfe'had been the refi- dcnce of the Learned, Worthy and Hon. Charles How, and was built by rhat gentleman at the verv time he_ wrote his Religious and Philofophical Meditations ; but lately was the property of the Rev. Mr. Higginfon.— We hear neither the build- ing nor furniture was infured. MARRIED.] On Saturday fe'nnight, at Bir- mingham, the Rev. John Kipling, M. A. of Lin- coln college, Oxford', to Mifs Bingham, daughter of the late Thos. Bingham, Efq. of Birmingham. — Monday fe'nnight, Thomas Mather, Efq. of ' Wolfhampcote, Warwickfhire, to Mif? E. Red- head, daughter of Mr. Redhead, of Braunlion, in this county.— Same day, Mr. Gould, to Mifs Hopkins, both of Coventry.— Saturday laft, at Ewelme, Oxfordfhire, the Rev John Hu'lfe, fellow of Wadham college, Oxford, to Mifs Lewana Lewis, youngeft daughter of the Rev. James Lewis, late of Salifbury.— Sunday, Mr! Charles Balaam, fadler, of this, place, to Mifs * Mary Gaudern, daughter of Mrs. Gaudern, ax the Goat inn, in this town; DIED. Cn the2. ft ulf. at Mr. Bailey's in Up- pingham, Mifs Sly, a maiden lady, and fitter to the Rev. Mr. Sly, of Carlton, in this comity.—' Saturday fe'nnight, at his apartments in C'hrift college, Cambridge, Mr. Hugh Cook, ' fon of the late Capt. Cook, the celebrated navigator.— Wednefday fe'nnight, at Riddlefwortli, in the 80th year of her age, Dowager La'di Wake, relitf of Sir Wm. Wake, Bart, late of Riddlefworth- hall, Norfolk, and grandmother to the prefent Sir Wm. Wake, of Courtecnhall, in this county. • — Wednefday night, Mrs. Cox, the, wife of Mr. Cox, grdcer, in Leicefter.— A few davs ago, at Uppingham, Mr. Wm. Wortbff, aged 73; and fome. years ago, was a confiderable mslriter and farmer, at Prefton, in Rutlandf^ ire. — Lately, Mrs. Gregory, wife of Mr. Richard Gregory; of Uppmgham.— Lately, at his houfe in Lough- borough, advanced in \ ears, John Allen,' Gent. — A fh. ort time fince, at Dunchurch, in WTar- wickfhire, in the .84th year of her age, Mrs. Smith, mother of Mr. Smith, of the Dun Cm/ inn, in the faid parifli, after a lingering illnefs, for many years part fupported with the molt chriftian fortitude and patient refignaticn. On W'.- rl T'. r! ' 1 1- 1^( 1- V-^ P RAMNLN. ' . ... Wedncfciay laft, her remains were interred at Lutterworth.— A few days ago, at Lutterworth, in Leicefterfhire, in the 91ft year of hisage, John Cameron: The above perfon came out of Sco'-. land- in the rebellion, 174c, and refided in the faid parifhfrojnthat time till his death.— Tuefday la! t, Mr. Emmerton, clock and watch maker of Woburn, Beds. The Prisoners in Bedford County bridewell return thank's to Sir Philip Monoux, Bart, for a large piece of Beef, and a quantity of potatoes, onions and turnips. LIST of FAIRS, from Jan. 4, to Jan. 18 within the Circuit of this Paper. ' M. Jan. 6. Djventry, andMarket- Barbdroiigh,_ for Cattle, Sfi. M- 13- Buckingham,— for DitSs — 17. Nottingham,—. for D. tt^ BANKRUPTS. John Boys, of Teston. Kent, carpenter. a- Joseph greaves and Wm. Denison the younger, of Liverpool, lancashire merchants.— Richard Thompson, late' of Hersforth,' YorkShire, Fletcher, of Stockport, Cheshire, linen- draper — Tho. coulstring, of Bri'tol, cornfactor Charles Newman, of Sutton- at- Hone, Kent, miller— John Harris, late of Devizes, Wilts, draptr— Richard Blaney, of Man- chester, . Lancashire, cotton - manufacturer.— Thomas Balch, of Plaistow, Essex, goose - feeder— Thomas Rushton, of Macclesfield, Cheshire. brewer. DIVIDEND to be made to CREDITORS. Jan. zo. tho. Bennet, late of Bedworth, Warwickshire, mercer, at the White Bear, in Coventry. CERTIFICATE « be GRANTED. Jan. 21. Joseph Rock, of Birmingham, plater. —— MARKETS— London, Dec. 30. We had but a moderate fupply of Wheat this morning, which experienced rather a heavy fale, and 6d. cheaper, after the firft in the morning— Suffolk Barley was pretty plentiful on Friday, though but few arrivals to- day; fo that fine Malting famples fold freely at 6d. advance, having many buyers.— Malt was dull of fale at lull week's prices— Hog and Boiling Peafe main- . . tained their prices, as did Small Beans ; but good hard l icks were dearer, having fomt demand coall- wife Having a pretty large fupply of Foreign Oats this morning," prices declined about 6d. per quarter, but moil we're fold off, as our confumers in general are in want, Wheat Rye Barifcy - Matt - Oats 36 to 48s. 30 to 33s. 16 to 35s. 4Z to 46s. II to 17s, Horfe- Beans Tick Ditto - White Peafe Grey Ditto • 37 to 39s' 32 to 35s. 36 to 52s 37 W 39s os. Worcefter BY THE KING- 1 PATENT. SPILSBURY'i ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS. THE extenfive Circulation of this invaluable Medi- cine, from repeated Instances of Suceeli in Cafes where . very other Remedy failed, has proved it's Efficacy fo decidedly fupepor to all others in the Relief of Perfons afflicted with the SCURVY, GOUT, RHEUMATISM, and all IWordcTS aufingfrom Impurities of the Blood, that the late Mr. SmsBUHY was induced to folicit the Royal Patent, not only for the Purpofe of fccuring the Property, in the Event of his Death, to his Wife and ber Family, but alfo to prevent the Public being injured in thsir Health from any fpurioMS and pernicious Compo- fition that might hi obtruded upon them. Farther to cttedt this, Mr. Spilsbury has, by his Will, left his Widow JUt Prtfrittor and Patentee, and molt exprefsly declares" that he fully inftrudted her, ANO HO ONI Y, in every minute Paitof the Preparation, and in which ilie in Kail always affilted.— Mrs. SPll. SBURY, there- fore, informs the Public, that the Bufinefs ia condut'Ud by her, at tils Difpenlary in Soho- Sqoare, as ufual, where the Poor will find the fame Relief they have hitherto experienced. Theft' Drops may be lud genuine, of the Printers of this Paper, alfo of W. Birdfall, and W. Marshall and Soil, Northampton; and may he had of the Newsmen. Consolation to tit Ladies during Pregnancy. Dr. Cornwell's Oriental Vegetable Cordial. THE flattering Testimonials received from feveral very refpedtable Ladies, being fuddenly relieved, by a ( ingle Dofe of the ORIENTAL VEGE- TABLE CORDIAL, from that violent Sicknefs fo fre- quently attending them while with Child, induce the Proprietors to recommend it as a fpecific Remedy in tiiat Complaint— the Quantity of Half a Wine Glaf » fiving immediate liafe, and may be taken at any Time, eiiiK both elegant in Appearance, and grateful to the Tafte. It will likewife be found beneficial in all Diforders of the Stomach and Bowels, IndiKtltion, Bilious Cholics, Sicknefs, Vomiting, Flatulence, Lownels of Spirits, Heartburn, hysterics and Hypochondriac Affedliors, gouty 61 Rheumatic Attacks, thereby preventing Apo plexies, PaUies, and other Chronic Diforders, which fo t. eqtitiuly prove fatal. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Marshall and Co. No. 5, Bloomfbury- Square, London, in Bottles at 54. and 103. « d. each; or fix Bottles in one for il. js. 6d.; alfo by Mar ( hall and Son, Chemiflj, Northampton, and at their Shop in Harborough; Jacob, Peterborough; Tookey, Oundle; Smith, and Howard, Bedford; B. ir- ringer, Newport; Wilcox, Towcelter; Bcefley, and Stringer, Banbury; Cooke, Uppingham; Sharp, War- wick , and Seeley, Buckingham. " ' GENUlNe EDITION OF Hume's History of England, From the Invafion eif Julius Caesar to the Revolution in ifiSD, with the Autlioi's last Corredicns and I in proveinents. This Day was publ'Jhed, Price Sd. elegantly printed in ( Jfto- t) ecimo, on a fine Wove Paper, embellished with a Portrait of the Author, and an Historical Engraving, NUMBER I. of HUME'S HISTORY of ENGLAND, To be completed in Forty Weekly Numbers, EjchNuiriber containing a highly- finilhed Engraving : To which will be added, Dr. SMOLLETT'S CONTINUATION, From the Revolution to the Death of George II. And a further Continuation to the Peace of 17SJ. By a GENTLEMAN of Literary Eminence The Whole enriched with elegant Engravings from original Designs, defcriptive of the moil important Events recoided in- HiUory ; and including a Series of Portraits of the english Sovereigns, from the Conqueft to the Revolution, engraved for the Quarto Edition, from original Pidures, and ornamented with new Em- blemitic'sl Defigns by Stothard. * A fmall Number of Copies will be printed on an ex; ra fine Vellum Paper, carefully Hotpressed, with the first Impressions of the Plates, Price if. each Number. - N. B. Twenty- three Numbers of both Editions are re. idy, and may now he had. London Printed for T. Cadell, in the Strand; and fold by T. N. Longman, No. 19, Paternoiler. Row , alfo by T. Dicey and Co. W. Birdsall, and T. Burnham, Northampton ; and by all other Booksellers. Where miy be had, the Octavo Edition, with Por traits, ill 4S Shilling Numbers complete, or oneor more Weekly, as maybe ifio. ft conyenient.— Alfo, Smollett's Continu ation, in 30 Shilling Numbers. Hogg's New NovAiJi's Magazine. 1 Containing elegant Oftavo Editions of the mofi eilcemetl- Novels that have ever appeared in the Englith Language, vi 1. Pamela, Grandifon, Clarifla, Don Quixote, Gil Bias, and a Supplement containing elegant Trauflatlous « f Foreign Novels. The Whole to be com- pleted in only 94 Numbers, making Eight elegant and handfome Volumes in Otlavo. Oj- naiusnted with upwards of an too elegant Er. i- bellirtiinents, defntned by Ryley, Chalmers, Dayes, Dodd, Richter, Benefick, & c. and engraved by Grain- ger, Saunders, Thornton, Sparrow, Springuth, Kidd, Cole, Williams, Hogg, Scolei, Taylor, Goldar, Page, Charter, Brown, and other eminent Artifts. This Dav ivas publijled, fElegantly Printed " in Large Octavo, ( a Size far fuperior to any other, and the niollRefpe£ lable, Elegant, and Proper for fuch a Work) on New Types call on Purpofe for the Work, and on Superfine Wire Wove Paper, by the bed Manufaflurers, and fupplied from the Warehoufes of Meffrs. Magnay and Pickering in London. J Number T. Price- only SIX- PENCE, ( Embellifhed with, t. An elegant Frontifpiece, beau tifully deligned and engraved by Grainger. 1. A Superb - engiaved Title- Page and Vignette, deligned by Chal- mers and engraved by Tlmrouhgood. 3. An engraved Dedication, with Portraits of the King and Queen, richly ornamented. 4.. A beautiful Defcriptive Plate Drawn and Engraved by Grainger, reprefenting an Interefling Scene in Pamela) And on Saturdcy next ' will be puhlijhed, No. II. ( The fucceeding Numbers to be iffued Weekly in the mull regular and Punftual Manner) OF HOGG's New Novelift's Magazine; OR, 1 Gentleman and Lady's Entertaining Library: Containing Elegant and Correft Oftavo Editions of the following celebrated Novels, viz. The Hiftory of Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded : The Hiftory of Sir Charles Grandifon, and the Hon. Mifs Byron : The Hiftory and Adventures of Clariffa Harlowe: The Hiftory and Adventures of the Renow r. ed Do « Quixote, Dela Mancha : And The Adventures of Gil Bias of Santilline. To which will be added, A Supplement, containing Elegant Transitions of Foreign Novels; written by Eminent Authors. And alfo Authentic Memoirs of the refpeftive Authors, viz. Richardfon, Cervantes, I. e Sage, Smollet, & c. & c. with their Portraits finely en- graved from original Paintings. v PLAN of this WORK. I. That this Work, confiding of the above highly celebrated Novels ( hall be printed in Oftavo, on fuper- fine Wire- Wove Paper, and on beautiful new Types. II. That every Number fliall contain befides the Cop- per- Plates, nearly the Quantity of a 3s. Volume in Letter. Pref-. HI. That each Number, Price only M. Qiall be em ie Coach I helliilied with one elegant Engraving, and fome of them ji . with two, executed by eminent Artifts, and rtrikingiy 3a3- I piflurefque of the moll material Incidents that occur in the refpeflive Novels. IV. That the Whole ( hall be printed in Oftavo ana uniform in Size, fo as to form the moll elegant Edition ever yet publifhed. V. A Lift of the Subfcribers. to this Work will be given gratis in the laft Numbec. VI. The firft Number may be had of the refpeflive Bookfellers or Newfmen as a Specimen, and if it do not meet with the Reader's Approbation, the Money ftiall be immediately returned. TO THE PUBLIC. i- pHIS Wosk commences with the celebrated Novelsoi •*• Pamela, Sir Charley ( irandifon and Clariffa. The Hiftory of Pamela ; or, Virtue Rewarded, will be com- pleted in the firft 1- 4 Numbers only Sir Chailes Gran- difon in n Numbers. Clariffa Harlowe in i6 Numbers. The celebrated Adventures of t> on Quixote will com - meneewithNo. 6j, and conclude in No. 74, making it Numbers. The Adventures of Gil Blat will begin at No. 7$, and finifh at No. ? 4, making 10 Numbers To the Whole will be added in 10 Numbers, a Supple- ment, containing Elegant Tianflat>, ns of Foreign Novels, commencing with No. 8?, and finally conclud- ing atNo. 94. Wecan affure the Public- tli. it Mr. Here's New Novelill's Magazine, including the Whole ol this Plan will not exceed the moderate Q^ . ntity of only 94 Numbers, comprifing all tlie Novels worth Reading and Prefervation, making Eight elegant Volumes in Odlavo, and at a PriceTwt exceeding the Charge of Binding the frnall inferior Editions— wlifch rentiers the Binding alone of Novels in filial! interior Sizes fo exceedingly expenfive to the Purchafer. The Neatnefs of the Print, Paper, and Plates, and the unufual Quantity of delightful Reading giver, ip this Work, being worth three Times the Purchafc Money, will be an additional Recommendation of this Work ; and as each Part of the Work will lrave a N- SN Title Page, and be accurately printed and pnged fepa- rately, any particular Novel in the above W ork may be had of the Bookfellers feparate. The celebrated Novels of Pamela, Grand fon, and Clariffa, form'n g the five firll Volumes of this Seleftion, are juft completed in the 62 firft Numbers of this valu able Work, which may be had of the Bookfellers o N- wfcarriers, by One, Two, or more at a Time, Price only 6d. each. To prevent Miftakes or Impmfition, pleafe to Ord5r HOGG's New NOVELIST'S MAGAZINE. N. B. All who want any of the above Novels fepa- rately will . pleafe to Order Hogg's Edition, of the par ticular Novel wanted. Loidon: Printed for Alex. Hogg, at the King's- Arms, P. ternoller- Row, and Sold by T. Dicey and Co. W Birdfall. T. Burnham, Northampton ; and .11 other Bookfcllers and N" wfcarriers in Great- Britain and Ireland. WU. LIAM BKODUM, M. D. No. 9, Albion- Street, Blackfriars- Bridge, London VOLUNTARY ATTT. STATION. ILUKE WADE, of Prefton, in Holder } nefs, in the County of York, have been afflicted ! or upwards of fix Years with an inward Complaint, that fettled 011 my Lungs, and terminated in a deep Decline. This Vifitation reduced me to a perfeit Skeleton, and rendered me incapable of Walking, and was attended with frequent and violent Palpitations of the Hesrt After being regularly attended a long Time by an emi nent Surgeon and Apothecary, I found my Strength to impair fo fall, that I was induced to call, in an eminent Phyfician from Hull, but all to no Purpofe; my Le . s began to fwell, & my Breath became very fliort. When all Hopes Of Rtcovery were over, I fortunately heard what Cures had been performed by Dr. BRODl'M's NERVOUS COR. D1AL, which induced 11 rc to try it. By taking the fame for five Weeks, 1 am fo lar recovered that I am able to walk four or five Miles, can ride any Pace on Horfeback, and can eat, drink, and fieep very well. J • • Witnefs my Hand the 9th Day of July, 1793, LUKE WADE. / T- S Gtoast WAPI, Prefton, Witneffes, | Wm- MuWATT) Bookfeller, Hull. This admirable Medicine, which is to be had at Wm. Brodum's, M. D. No. 9, Albion- Street, near the Le- verian Mufeum, Blackfriars- Bridge, London, is fold by the Printers of this Paper; and by the following Perfons, as Venders of Patent Medicines, within the Circuit of this Paper, viz. Smith, Bedford ; Jtnkinfon, Hunting- don; Tookey, Oundle; Scale, Thrapfton; Collis and Dafti, Kettering; Jackfon, Peterborough; Newcomb and Peat, Stamford ; and may be had of the Newfmen, with proper Diredlions, in Bottles, Price js. jd. 1 is. 6d. andtl. ls. Duty included. Likewife a Lift of remark- able Cafes, ir which the mod extraordinary Cures have been effedted by Means of this Medicine, which may be feen in the Bills of Diredtion. Where likewife may be had, the Botanical Syrup for the Scurvy, Leprofy, Scropbulons Complaints, and de- bilitated Conltitutions, in Bottles of 5S. sd. us. fid. and its. each. N. B. Letters or Parcels direfted to the Doftor are ex. pedted Poft or Carriage free. It will beneceffary the Dodlor ( hould fee ftich Patients as are afflidted with Deafnefs, or Lofs of Sight. N. B. Any Gentleman or Lady, who may have any internal or external Complaint that may require the par- ticular and conllant Attendance of the Dodlor, may be accommodated with elegant Apartments at the Dodior's Houfe, fit for the Reception of any Gentleman or Lady in the Kingdom, with proper Attendants, and the Ufe of a Chariot ( if required) on Terms that will meet with Approbation. Magazine of Natural History. ON FRIDAY the; 31ft of January, 1794, will bi pvimilied, Price One Shilling plain, or with the Plates richly coloured, Two Shillings, NUMBER. I. of The Zoological Magazine; And elegant Museum of the Curiosities and Rarities in Nature ; forming an universal and complete SYSTEM OF NATURAL HISTORY. Comprehending the whole Science of ANIMALS, PLANTS, and MINERALS, divided into diftiiidl Parts ; the Charadters feparately defcribed ; and the moll curious, uncommon, and furprifing Animals, pidtured from real Life, in Copper- plate Engravings, highly finilhed, and beautifully coloured. The mifcellaneous Part confifts of entertaining De. fcriptions and Copper- plate Views of the molt furprifing Volcanos, Caverns, Catarafls, Waterfalls, Whirlpools, and other ftupendous Phosnomena, refulting from Earth- quakes, the general Deluge, & c. forming a new and complete Hiflory of the CURlOSlTieS and WONDERS of the WORLD. Intrrfperfed with genuine Hiftorical Defcriptions of remarkable Ruins, magnificent Edifices, Angular Cuf- toms & peculiar Manners of remote Countries. Seledted from the VOYAGES and TRAVELS of eminent Perfors in all Aees. By E. SIBLY, M. D. F. R. H. S. London 1 Printed lor the , Proprietor; and Sold by Champante and Whitrow, Aldgate; at the Eritifh Diredtory Office, Ave- Msria- Lane, St. Paul's; and by all Bookfellers, Stationers, and Newfmen. ARRANGEMENT OF THE WORK. I. NATURAL HISTORY of MAN; including the different Species and Fundlions of the Human Race, both Male and Female; confidered from the Moment of Getlation to that of Death.— With fine Plates. II. Of ANIMALS refembling MAN; includingthe ORANC OUTANG, or Wild Men and Women of the Woods; the Ape, Baboon, and whole Tribe of Simia. With a Differtation on their Confirmation; their Inter- courfe with Negro Women; Mode of carrying eff Negro Girls, and a Narrative of one who continued with them in the Woods ntar three Years.— With very curious Portraits of forne who have been domellicated, and of others taken wild. III. Of QUADRUPEDS, or Four- footed Animals.— With molt elegant, rare, and curious Plates. IV. Of BIRDS.— With molt beautiful Plates. V. Of AMPHIBIOUS ANIMALS, viz. Crocodiles, Lizards, Tortoifes, Turtles, Snakes, Serpents, & c.— With fuperh and beautiful Plates. VI. Ol FISHES, SHELLS, & c.— With moft elegant Plates. VII. Of INSECTS.— With rich and beautiful Plates, vill. Of the POLYPUS, ZOOPHYTES, AN1 MALCUL^., fee.— With curious Plates. IX. Dilfertation on the Nature and Properties of MULES ; and on the Powers and Qualities of all Ani. mals produced by unnatural Contadt," fiQm Experiments made by ( hutting up different Animals together,— With moft uncommon Plates, X. Of the GENERATION of all Things, whether Animals, Minerals, or Plants; of EUNUCHS; of the Seminal Liquor, Conftrudlioti of theLimbusand Ma- trix, and the occult Operations ot Nature in the Re produdlion and Continuance of the Works of Creation. With moft curious Plates. XI. Of TREES, PLANTS, HERBS, FRUITS, FLOWERS, & c.— With rich, fuperh, and moft elegant Plates. XII. Of ORES, CONCRETIONS, EARTHS, SPARS, FOSSILS, MINERALS, & c.— With curious and rare Plates. XIII. Natural Hiftory of the EARTH; or concife Explanations of all it's curious Phoenomena, Celeftial and Terreftrial; with the Opinions and Conjectures of Philosophers relative to the World's Dissolution. Dr. SIBLY begs Leave to affure the Public, that this Magazine is founded on a new and genuine Plan, fupe- rior to wety Thing of the Kind hitherto puhlifhed, yet cheaper than any subordinate Work in Natural Hiftnif. He mull aifo premife, that, irom a pcrfonal Exami- nation of all the public Mufeums in Europe, fecondrd by Obfervations made during his Travels abroad, he is prepared to bring forward this Work, fupported by fuch Documents as cannot fail to prove acceptable to the curious and inquifitfve Reader. Each Number ( hill contain two Copper- Plates, taken off upon fine itlazed French Proof Paper, purpofely pre- pared for Colouring, in Order to accommodate* thofe Ladies and others whe may choofe to colour their own Plates; fincefog: e-< t a Variety of beautiful Quadrupeds, Birds, Infedts, Fill)., Shells, Plants, Flowers, Corals, Fofliis, & c. cannot fail to improve them in the Art of painting Natural Hiftory. The Numbers will be delivered on the firft Day of every Month, or every Fortnight if defired.— The firft fix Numbers will ferve as a Specimen of the different Claffes of the Plates ; and any Numher miv be had for Infpedtion, either in Town or Country, and returned if nor approved. B! LUCKY Lorrr. RY. OFFICES, ( est abli5i11d THIRTY YEARS,) No. 4, Comhlli; IT, Holborn ; and 1S7, Fleet- Street; mere the FIRST THIRTY THOUSAND POt'NDS ever Jstd < uias Jhand, RANSCOMB and B1SH, about three Months fince, recommended their Friends to pur- chafe ENGLISH TICKETS and SHARES, as they plainly law th< y would rife. Since that Period, Englilh Tickets have nfen upwards of Forty Shillings. The lrifti Lottery being over, and the Demand for ENGLISH TrtKETs and SHARES daily increafing, added to a Variety of other Circumll. mces, leave no Doubt but ENGLISH TICKETS will Hill rife con- fiderably. BRANSCOMB and B1SH, therefore, flill advifc their Friends to be early in their Purchafe of Tickets and Shares; and, for the Accommodation of the Public, IiaveattheaboveOffic. es a great Variety of Numbers, which are felling on the moft reafonable Terms. Tickets and Shares regiltered, and Prizes paid on Demand. Orders fent by the Stage Coachmen, or Carriers, will be duly attended to. For CHILBLAINS, ttfe. Mar/ hall's UNIVERSAL CERATE IS the only Preparation hitherto invented for fpeedily curing Chilblains in the Hands or Feet, both hefoie and after breaking.— A fmall Quantity rubbed npon the Pa- t, or fpread on a fine P„ ag, will carry off the lnfismation in a few Hours; and when the Hands or Feet are full of Sores, or Kibes in the Hech, a few Dreflings will complete the Cure. It is equally effeflual in every Kind oi Wound or Sore, Scald, Burn, or Bruize, Eruptions of every Sort, and Ulcers of every Denomination, efpecially ulcerated Legs, which have been healed in fo rapid a Manner, without the leail Confinement, that a new Method of Cure has been eftabliflied by this ufeful Preparation. Prepared by W. Marshall and Son, Chemifts, North- ampton; and fold, Wholef. de and Retail, at their Shops in Northampton and Harborough, in Boxes at Thirteen- Pence Hal/ finny each ; alld Retail bv Stringer, Banbury ; Seeley, Buckingham; Cullingworth, Daventry; Wilcox, Towcefter; Smith, Bedford; Collis and Da( h, Ketter- ing; Richardfon, Olney; Jenkfnfon, Huntingdon; Coleman, Hinkley; Middleton, Wellingborough; and Rowell, Rugby, and Lutterworth on Market- Days. This Day tvas puhlijhed, Ornamented with a beautiful Frontifpiece, NUMBER I. of R. CHAMBERS's CYCLOPAEDIA; UNIVERSAL DICTIONARY of ARTS and SCIENCES: With the SUPPLEMENT and MODERN IMPROVEMENTS, incorporated in one ALPHABET. By ABRAHAM REES, D. D. F. R. S. ( IN FOUR. VOLUMES) Illuftrated with a great Number of Copper- Plates. CONDITIONS. I. The Work makes Four large Volumes in Folio, handfomely printed with a New Letter on a Fine Demy Paper; and may be had, Complete, or in the following M snner : — II. Three Sheet? delivered every Week, flitched in Blue Paper, Price Six- pence. III. l. i the Ccurfe of the Woik will he given, gratis, One Hundred and Fifty Copper Plates, elegantly En- graved. IV. Number I. is now publiflied, with which is given an elegant Frontifpiece, d.- figned bv Stothard, and engraved by Heath, V. The fubfequent Numbers will be regularly pub- lifhed every Week, till the Work is completed ; or Sub- Icrihers may be accommodated with a « many Num- bers, V.' eekly, as may be agreeableor convenient. London: Printed for T. Longman, No. 39, Pater nofter- Row, and the other Proprietors: and Sold by T. Dicey and Co. W. Birdfall, and T. Burniiam, Northampton ; and by a! l other Bookfellers. The Rev. T. PRIESTLEY'* Evangelical Family Bible. A Work honoured with the Public Recommendations of near 100 Gofpcl Minifters of different Deno- minations, Whore Names appear tSihs fi: lt N11n. br r This New Expofition of the Holy Bible, is a Work pe- culiarly calculated for all True Mcmbersof the Chuich of England, and tor Orthodox Diffen: er « of every Denomination. On Saturday, Jan. It, 1794, mill be fuhlijlcd, A New LdUion of No. I. Price only Six- pence. [ Adorned with two Large Scripture Prints, viz. An Elegant Emblematical Frontifpiece, finely engraved, and an fnfide View of the Holy of Holies;] the fuc- ceeding Numbers to be continued Weekly, till tl. e Whole is completed in only 90 Numbers, Of The Evangelical Family Bible; Or, A Complete Paraphrafe, Expofition, & Commentary Gn the Hoiy Scriptures, cf the Old and New TcJIaments. Containing a New and Beautiful Edition of ths Whole facred Texts of the Old and New Tellaments ; conedtly ar. d diftuidlly printed at Large : And explained and llluftrated, With Copious Notes and Annotations! Dodlrinal, Critical, Hiftorical, Experimental: Wherein the Mif- tranflations arecorrtcied, the feem. ing Contradidlions reconciled ; former Enors redlificd j the Objediions of Atheifts, Deifts, Arians, Sf> cinian « , and Free- Thinkers anfwered; the moft difficult PaH'agcs explained; and the Sacred Writings difpLyed and adapted fo every Capacity. Together with Pr. idlical Obfervations and ReftedKons on tile various Books and Chapters from Genelis, to ths end ot the Revelation. Alio, A Large and Complete Colledlion of Marginal References, and Hydrations of Parallel Scriptuies,- Chronology, & c. carefully Printed and Arranged. To which will be added, in Order to render the Work Complete. A General Indix or Concordance, 1 hbles of Scripture Meafures, Nan. es, & c. and a compendious V lew of Tranfaflions and Events, from Adam, to the Time of our BKflid Saviour Jefus Clirift. Comprizing the principal Subflance of the mod ex- penfive and valuable Evangelical Commentator* oil tl. e Bible, antient and modern; particularly H-. niy, Calvin Owen, Pocle, Gill, Guife, & c. & c. together with n, any' Additions and Improvements, the Refill oi long Study and Experience. ' M1 Rev. T. PRIESTLEY, New Evangelical Hiltory ot the Li the Death of fe of LaUy For CHILBLAINS, RHEUMATISMS, DR. STEERS's OPODELDOC. CAUTION. tHE innumerable Counterfeits and Imita- js lions of this Medkine render it abfolutely necef- f. ry to gu* rd the Public againft the Impofitions that are dailv prndtifed. Variqi'S Druggists, and other designing Persons ( some taking the Advantage of being of the Name of STEERS, and others venturing to ufe both Mr. NF. V.- BERY'S and Mr. STESRS'S Name in their Bills) have disseminated, throughout the Town & Country, many fpurious Sorts of Opodeldoc, infinitely inferior in Quality to the real Preparation. All Purchafers, therefore, who would wifh to avail themfelvesof the Virtues of Dr. Steers's Genuine Opo- deldoc, are requefted to ohferve very particularly, and as the only Means tq prevent their being deceived, that the Name of F. Newbery is engraved on the Stamps which are parted round the Directions on the Outside of each Bottle; and as this Distinction l » s been made by Order of the Commiffioners of the Stamp- Office, no I'erfoncan imitate it without being guilty of Felony. The Efficacy of this Medicine is fo univerfally acknow- ledged in Chilblains, Rheumatifms, Bruifes, Sprains, and other external Complaints, that any particular Spe- cification of it's Virtues is unoeceffary. Sold in London, only at Mr. Newbery's ( the only Warehouse for Dr. James's Powder,) No. 45, in St. Paul's Church- Yard ; & at Mr. Steers's Medicine Ware- house, Old Bond- street, in Bottles, Price is. each, Duty included ; sold also by the Printers of this Paper; Messrs.' Marshall. and J. Edge, Northampton ; and by the Ven- ders of Mr. Newbery's Medicines in other Country- Towns. H E A LT H and L O N G E V 1 T Y. Dr. JAMES's Analeptic Pills. TO preferve Health, & of Courfe to prolong Life, nothing is fo rfeceffary as an Attention to thofe flight Indifpofitions to which all Men arefubjedt, and which by being confidered as trifling are too often difregarded, till by Negledt they take deep Root in the Conitltution, and become of ferious and fometimes fatal Confequence. Thefe Complaints, whether the Caufe of them be a Cold, Excefs of Eating or Drinking, Fatigue of Body or Mind, a too adlive or too fedentary Life, a gouty or bilious Diipofition, & c. & c. are generally difcovered by fome Obftrudtions in the minute Veffels, or by fome Defedl in the natu « il Secretions.— As a Remedy for thefe Evils, the celebrated INVENTOR or THE FEVER POW- nER compofed his ANALEPTIC PILLS, & heexhibited in himfelf a memorable Inftance of their Efficacy; for by the conllant Ufe of them, though a free Liver, he at- tained to the Age of feventy- five. The Tendency of thefe Pills is to open the Pores by Night and the Body by Day. They remove Obftruc- tions, promote Sleep, and they require neither Con finement nor Attention to Diet, ' l'ney are alfo an ad mirable Remedy for Rheumatic Diforders, for the Head- Ach, and for thofe Complaints to which the Female Sex are peculiarly fubjedl. They Ihould be taken on the firft Attack of a Cold, and upon all Occafions of Uneafinefs or Indifpofition, and fhould never be omitted at Bed Time after any Excefs. They are fold only by FRANCIS NEWBERY, at N" 45, in St. Paul's Church- Yard, London, in Boxes at 4s. « d. each, Duty included; or the Quantity of fix in one large Box for ll. is. 6d. All Purchafers ( for Security) will obferve that the Name, F. NEWBeRY, is engraved in the Stamp on each Box by Order of the Commiffioners, as no others can be uine. Sold alfo by T. Dicey and Co. W. Birdsall, W. Mar, shall, and J. Edge, at Northampton. The Cheape/ i Expcfition of the Bible ever printed in this Kingdom. To be completed in only 80 Numbers; beautifully Printed in large Folio; and Embellifttd with ,< 0 Engravings. This Day was publijhed, No. I. Price only 6ti. [ Containing Three Sheets of Letter- Prefs; .-' i- d en- riched with an emblematical Prrntifpiece, befides the following Engrav ngs, viz. Eve prefentihg tlieforbidden 1 ru t to Adam— Adam terrified at the Voice of God— the Angel driving Adam and Eve outof Paradife, and— C. ain ( laying his Brother Abel.) And on Saturday next * u: ill be fublijbcd No. II. ( The fucceeding Numbers to be continued Weekly, every one of which will be enriched with at lead Four, and fome Six, beautiful Engravings) of the CHRISTIAN'S * " NEW and COMPLETE F A Ml L Y BIBLE; Or, Library of Divine Knowledge. Containing the Whole of the Sacred Texts of the Old and New Tcftaments, With the Apocrypha at Large. Tlluftrated with Notes and Annotations, Hijlotical, Chronological, Biographical, Geographical, Moral, Admonitory, and Explanatory. Being a complete Treafury of Divine Revelation. In which the moft difficult Paffagesare rendered clear and familiar ; the feernine Contradidlions removed ; Mif- Tranflationsrediified ; important Truths confirmed, fo as to confute the Infidel; difpel the Mills of Daik- nefs; enlighten the Ignorant; encc urage the Diffident; reclaim the Vicious; reconcile the Doubtful; lead the Wavering into ihe Paths of Truth; and implant in the Mind of every Chriftian that Divine Knowledge which is effentially neceffary to Salvation. Explained and illuf- trated in fuch a Manner, as to guide rhe Reader thro' the Paths of Virtue and Happinefs in this World, and lead him to the Manftons of eternal Blifs in that which is to come. As a farther Illuftration, will be given, a General In. dex, or Concordance, clearly pointing out every ma- terial Tranfadtion recorded 111 the S. icr'ed Writings. Alfo a Chronological Index of Tranfadlions from Adam to the Time of Our Bleffed Saviour. An Explanation of the proper Names in the Scriptures, with their Sig- nifications & c. A~ Geographical Index of Places men- tioned in the Holy Scriptures. And an Account of the Apoltles, and their Succeffors, who propagated the Chriftian Religion, by prefiding over the ' Apoftolic Churches of Antioch, Jerufalem, & c. The Whole forming a complete BODY of CHRISTIAN DIVINITY. At the End of each Book are introduced Mora! Re fledtions, and a Summary of the Dodlrines contained therein, witlv many other Additions equally important. By the Rev. THOMAS BANKES, Of St. Mary Hal), Oxon: Vicar of Dixton, in Mon- mouthfliire. London : Printed forC. Cooke, No. 17, Paternofter- Row, and Sold by T. Dicey and Co. W. Eirdfall, and T. BuiUham, Northampton ; and may be had of all other Bookfellers in Great Britain. As this Work is thoroughly completed, the Public may he perfectly fatisfied that there cannot be any Dif. appointment hereafter, with Regard to the Largenefs & Uniformity of the Letter, & c. which has been too often the Cafe in other Family Bibles; and can further fatisi'y themfelves how infinitely more elegant, corredt, and clear this Expofition and Commentary is than any yet offered to the Public, This Work may be purchafed by One or more Num bers at a Time, Price only 6d. each ; or the Whole com plete in 80 Numhers, Price zl. which is but 193. more than the Common Oxford Qur. rto Edition,& which is bul nearly Half the Size of this Work, with Letter, Print, and Paper infinitely inferior; and without Engravings Notes, or Uluftrations. A Lift of the Subfcribers will be printed and delivered gratis in the laft Number. To prevent Miftakes, fuch Families as are defirous of poiTeffing the cheapeft, 1110ft uniform, and fuperh Edition of ihe Holy Scriptures, are requefted to give particular and pofrtiveOrders for BANKcS's FAMILY BIBLE. Publiftied by C. Cooke, No. 17, Paternoitcr Row. By the Author of the Chrift; a Funeial Sermon on Huntingdon, & c. JN. B As tvery Number of this Work will contain f JI" 5 v - L5tte''- p'<^ clofely printed, and as no Bible of the Kind contains near fo much, it maybe confidered that the numerous PUes ( One at lc. lt ia every Number) are delivered to the Sublcribers gratis : and that this Bible ( comprized in only vc Numbers} forms the cheapen Evangelic I Expofiticn of the Holy Scriptures ever offered to the Chriftian Woild To accommodate many Pwchafcis the ApocrypUl will he pub ifhed , n io Numbers only, Price 6d t'Jih Printed umiorm with the Bible, and illulirated with Copper- Plates, & c. The Rev Mr. Piieftley will deliver a Note of Hand with Number I, which may be pcruled gratis as a Spe- cimen, pronufing to complete the Woik agreeable 10 the Propofals; and a Lilt of Subfcribers will be Punted and delivered gratis. This Work being juft printed off, and thoroughly completed, may be had of any of the Bookfellers or Newfcaitiers by One, Two, or more Numbers at a Time Price 60. each, or the Whole ( coi filling of 90 Numbers) together. Bound in a hW Folio Volume, 1 s" and Lettered, Price -. 1. i4s.- Dfttn ( with the Apo! Pht'es " C) 1>, iceBcund Si- with large Copper- London : Printed for the Proprietors ; under the Infpedlion ot the Author; Pnhlifhed by Alex. Hogg, inl aicrrofter- Row ; and Sold by T. Dicey and to. K!" , nriJ- Burnlia » '- Northampton; and hy all other Book fellers and Newfcai tiers in England, V/ ales, Scotland, and Ireland. b ' Of whom may be had, Portraits of the Rev T. Priert- ley, in Folio and Quarto Sizes, Price is. 6d. each, fine Iir. prelfionon the belt French Paper. N. B The Principles of the Author of this Commen- approved V' T" 1> rieftle^ Mc Scneraii* known and It is neceffiry to ohftrve, that Dodlor Priellley has no Concern whatever with the above Work. LYINQ- IN. Mr. and_ Mrs. WHITE's Addrefs to the Com- munity, refpefting concealed Pregnancy. LEGITIMATE Pregnancy, though coun- tenanced with the Approbation of Parents, Re- lations, and Friends; though the utmoft Aflillance be contributed to alleviate the numerous Complaints pecu- harto that State, and though certain of an agreeable 1 rovition tor the Intant, when Born, is yet a Condition Humanity commiferates. Such being the Cafe under the moft favourable Cir- cumftances, what mult that be of concealed Pregnancy, where Prudence on the one Hand compulfively diflates the Acknowledgment of a previous Mamage, and Fe. r ol the implacable Refentment of offended Parents on th- other molt powerfully forbids it > Certainly this State of Sulpence, Diftradtion, and Defpair of Mind, mull ex- cite Companion in the B call of every humane Chmtian. This is confefiedly a miferable Situation; yet how much more lamentable and diltrefied mult th-- unhappy Condition cf il'. egitimate Pregnancy be, when fubjsdt to the irreconcilable Difpofition of too rigid Parents or Guardians, and the confequent Shame attending fucli a miferable Misfortune? No Friend to phce a Confi- dence in to procure the leall neceffary A ( Tiltance : on Retreat for Peace of Mind, but Grief and Defpair tlie only Profpedt in View, urging to the fatal Confequences of an irretrievablera( h Refolution Upon cool, deliberate Reflection, what a Subjedt of forrowfu! Contemplation muft this untimely Period of an unfortunate Woman he, who might have esifted and repented of paft Mifcondudt, been a Comfort to l> er Kindred, and a uftful Monitor to her Sex, had more Lenity been obfer . ed, and her Charadler fecured in Time irom the malicious Reproaches of bafe Cenfnre I What can be more barbarous than to triumph over loll Honour and Reputation, which to delicate Sentiments, Self- convidlion alone is a lufficient Reproof, infiidlini; a Pumfhment infupportably fevere. Refledt, therefor*, but a Moment upon our Imperfedtion ; we ( hall then not only he alhamed of having exult-' d over the Di(- trefll'd, but truly condole the Misfortunes refulting from the Frailty ot human Nature. Humanity and Chriflianity commiferate the Frailty of our degenerate Nature ; upon this folid Foundation, re- gardlefs of illiberal Invedlives peculiar to tl. e narrow Notions of preemptive perfedl Beings, my Endeavours continue invincibly fixed to preferve not only Rapura- tion, but the little Babes from falling a Sacrafice to the uncharitable Cenfure and Deri lion of ignorant, bafe, de- famatoty Perfons, and to prevent the too fatal Eff; dls of Defpair, under fo many unavoidably melancholy Hours of Reficdtion, by accommodating Ladies with feparate Lying- in Apartments agreeable to their refptclive Cir- cumftances. Thofe regarilkfs of Reputation, will not upon any Terms, be treated with. Apply to Mr. White, Surgeon and Man Midwife ; or Mrs. White, Midwife, No 1, London- Houfe- Yard, North Side of St. Paul's Church- Yard. Where may be had the Reftorative Sale Pills, at tl. is. per Box; an effedtuai Remedy to remove all Obflruc- tions or Irregularities Alfo the Addrefs more at large, well worth the Attention of pregnant Ladies in every Situation of life, Price is. Letters Poll- paid aitended to. The Confolation refulring Irom this Undertaking to many of th: moft reputable and refpedtable Families in this Kingdom, by fecuring Peace and Concord among Relations and Friends, is fnfficiently confpicuous to he countenanced by the humane fenfihle Part of Mankind ; Care, Tendcrnefs, Humanity, Honour, and Secrecy, having been the Bafrs of this Concern for many Yeais, may be reiied upon. The Addrefs to the Community, and the Salo Pills, may be had of the Printers of this Paper. * t* An eligible Couritry- Houfe within a few Miles of London, v. here Ladies may be accommodated with Apartments adequate to their Diflindlion. NORTHAMPTON PRINTED BY T. DICET and Co. Of whom may he had all Kinds of BLANK PRECEDENTS, kc— And by whom LETTER- PRESS and COPPER- PLATE PRINTING is executed with Accuracy and Expedition: *** ADVERTISEMENTS are taken in by Mr. TAYoR, Warwick- Square, ( where this Paper is regularly filed)\ alfo at No. 10, Bow Church- Yard ;, the Chapter, Rowley's, and Peck's Coffee- Houfes, London by the Printers of all the Country- Papers— Mr jeNKINson, Huntingdon; Sn AR r, St. neots- JACOB, Peterborough; SHARP, Warwick; Kr. ATING, Stratford- upon- A- vcn ; WEST, Perfumer, Bedford; TOOKEy, Oundle; COOK, Druggift, Uppingham; RUSHER , Banbury ; PAternOSTeR, Hitchin; HArROd, Market- Harborough; MARSHALL, Lynn; and by the Country- Dillributors;— of whom all BOOKS, MEDICINES, Sec. advertifed herein may be had. + Articles of Intelligence, Marriages, Deaths, See. fent to the Printers properly authenticated, and Poft paid, will be inferted gratis; and out Correspondents are particularly dt& red to - wrnraur- ieate nothir1" but FACTS. To prevent D'tfappointnu- nt, our Aducrujing Friends are tequcjfed tt fend their Favours as in early tie Week as p< j$ kit.
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