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The Sun


Printer / Publisher: B. Millan 
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 356
No Pages: 4
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The Sun
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The Sun

Date of Article: 19/11/1793
Printer / Publisher: B. Millan 
Address: Sold at No 112, in the Strand, opposite Exeter Change, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 356
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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NUMBER 356.] TUESDAY; NOVEMBER 19, 1793. [ PRICE FOUR- PENCE. CONTRACT for SUPPLYING FORAGE FOR ARTILLERY HORSES, To be quartered at LEWES, SUSSEX. OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, November 15, 1793. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That pro- posals for Supplying ARTILLERY HORSES at LEWES with OATS, HAY, AND STRAW, Will he received at the OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, WEST- MINSTER, on the 25// 1 Day of November instant. The Oats are to weigh 40 Pounds per Bushel, and to he per- fectly sweet and good: The Hay to he Upland Hay, sweet, and of the best quality, consisting of 36 Trusses of 56 Pounds weight to. the Load: The Straw to be from Wheat or Eye, and to weigh 36 Pounds per Truss. Such Persons as may be willing to undertake the Supply of. Forage of the before- mentioned description, for the use of the Artillery Horses to be quartered at Leaves, arc desired to send . their Proposals in writing, specifying their Prices, addressed to AUGUSTUS ROGERS, Esq. Secretary to the Honourable Board of Ordnance, at the Office in Westminster, on or before the 25th instant. By Order of the Board, AUGUSTUS ROGERS, Secretary. NAVY OFFICE, November 11, 1793. THE PRINCIPAL OFFICERS AND COM- MISSIONERS of HIS MAJESTY'S NAVY do hereby give Notice, that on TUESDAY the 26th Instant, at ONE o'Clock, they will be ready to treat with such Persons as may be willing to supply HIS MAJESTY'S YARDS with the Articles against them expressed, on Standing Contract, viz. Deptford, Woolwich, IRONMONGERS GOODS,\ Chatham, Sheerness, and Plymouth. To commence December 4, 1753. \ CAMP FORGES, Portsmouth, and Plymouth. To commence December 4, 1793. Particulars, and forms of the Tenders, are ready to be de- livered at this. Office to such Persons as may be inclined to offer on the Day of Treaty. No Tender will be received. after twelve o'clock nor any noticed unless the Parties, or agents for them attend. NAVY OFFICE, Nov. 15, 1793. THE PRINCIPAL OFFICERS and COM- MISSIONERS of HIS MAJESTY'S NAVY do hereby give Notice, That on WEDNESDAY the 27th Instant, at ten o'Clock, Commissioner SAXTON will expose to Sale, at the Pay- Office in HIS MAJESTY'S YARD near PORTS- MOUTH, several Lots of OLD STORES, Lying, in the said Yard, where any Persons may have the Liberty of viewing them, during the common Working Hours, till the Day of Sale. Inventories and Conditions of Sale may be had here, and at the Commissioner's Office. NAVY OFFICE, November 18, 1793. THE PRINCIPAL OFFICERS and COM- MISSIONERS of HIS MAJESTY'S NAVY do hereby give Notice, That on THURSDAY NEXT, the 21st instant, at ONE o'clock, they will be ready to treat for the purchase of the following Articles, for thc use of the NAVY, viz- SHOES, from 1,000 to 20,000 Pair ; _ HAMMOCKS, from. 5,000 to 20,000 No.; Agreeable to Patterns to be seen at this Office. To be paidfor on delivery, the Shoes at the Slop Office here, and the Hammocks at Deptford Yard, in Navy Bills, with the discount added. No Tender will be received after Twelve o'Clock, nor any noticed, unless the Party, or an Agent for him, attends. CROWN AND ANCHOR TAVERN, STRAND, 15th November, 1793. AT a GENERAL MEETING of the UNIT- ED SUBSCRIBERS to the various Plans for provid- ing tbe British Troops serving upon the Continent with warm and comfortable Clothing during the approaching Winter, in addition to the Clothing provided by His Ma- jesty's Government, held here THIS DAY, in pursuance of Public Advertisement for that purpose, WILLIAM DEVAYNES, Esq. in the Chair, The following Resolutions having been regularly moved and seconded, were unanimously agreed to, viz. Resolved, That the Generosity and Benevolence of the British Nation, so eminently manifested by the extensive Subscriptions in various parts of the Kingdom, for preserving the Health, and contributing to the Comfort of our Brave Countrymen, who are so gallantly employed in DEFEND- ING our dearest Interests, will be most effectually directed to thc attainment of that important end, by the Contributions being all concentered under the management and disposition of one General Committee Resolved therefore, That for this purpose a Society be esta- blished, under tbe Denomination of The GENERAL UNIT- ED SOCIETY for SUPPLYING the BRITISH TROOPS upon the CONTINENT with EXTRA CLOTHING. Resolved, That the following Persons be a Committee for carrying the Purposes of this Institution into effect, with liberty to add- such other Members thereto as thay shall see ft ; and that they be empowered, at their discretion, to give such seasonable Relief out of thc Subscriptions not destined to a particular purpose, to the Women and Children WHO ARE attached to the Army. WILLIAM DEVAYNES, Esq. Chairman. Robert Williams, Esq. Mr. Serjeant Watson James Urmston, Esq. Alexander Davison, Esq. Charles Cockerell, Esq. Richard Welch, Esq. • John Bowles, Esq. H. House, Esq. ' T. E. Freeman, Esq. James Portis, Esq. Lieut. Col. Richardson William Forbes, Esq. Sir Henry Cosby Hon. Mr. Pusey Geo. Stainforth, Esq, John Sales, Esq. Wm. Richardson, Esq. John Rae, Esq. John Walter, Esq. Rev. Mr. Trebeck, Chiswick William Walter, Esq. John Thompson, Esq. ditto Thomas Henchman, Esq. Hugh Inglis, Esq. M. Campbell, Esq. ' John Cartier, Esq. H. C. Selby, Esq. John Maitland, Esq. William Gilpin, Esq- Rob. Hudson, Esq. St. Paul's James Musgravc, Esq Tyler, Esq. Resolved, That WILLIAM DEVAYNES, Esq. be Chair- man thereof, and Treasurer of the said Committee; and that Mr. GEORGE OWEN be appointed Secretary. Resolved, That all the Bankers in the Cities of London and Westminster, and in the different parts of the King- dom, be requested to receive Subscriptions on account of this Society, and to remit the same to William Devaynes, Esq. the Treasurer thereof: Subscriptions will also be received by the Treasurer, at the Banking- house of Crofts, Devaynes, and Co. No. 39, Pall- Mall; at Lloyd's Coffee- house.; and at tbe Bar of the Crown and Anchor Tavern, in the Strand, Lon- don. Resolved, That it be recommended to those who support this undertaking, to make their Contributions in future as much as possible in MONEY, that the Committee may be enabled to regulate the quantities of each Article, and thereby to apply the Benevolence of the Public in such manner as may be most universally serviceable to the British Soldiers. Mr. DAVISON having offered his services to superintend the receipt and delivery of the Articles provided and providing free of Warehouse Rent, Resolved, That thc whole of the Articles provided by this Society be sent to Mr. LODGE's Warehouse. No. 14, Seething- lane ; and it k recommended ta all other Societies and Indi- viduals, who have received or who have already provided, or shall provide Articles for the purpose of this Institution, to send all such Articles to the said Warehouse, to be there de- '. U » ! » *& region of thc Committee of this Society, A Book will be opened to enter the same, and Returns thereof will be rcgu » larly made. Resolved, That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to WILLIAM DEVAYNES, Esq. for the laudable zeal, he has manifested upon this occasion. Resolved, That the Thanks of this Meeting be also given to ALEX. DAVISON. Esq. fur his great liberality in pro- viding Store- room for the reception of the Articles of Cloathing which have been, and shall be provided hereafter, for the. use of thc Army, without Charge or Expence to- this Society. A Meeting of the Committee will be held at the Crown and Anchor Tavern, 0n TUESDAY NeXt the 19th inst. at Eleven o'Clock precisely. WM. DEVAYNES, Chairman. FOR THE EAST INDIES. AGENTLEMAN of Character, wanting to send out a Relation as CADET to thc East Indies, in the next Ships, would give a Handsome PREMIUM to any Person who has Interest to procure such a situation. The utmost secrecy will be observed. . Be pleased to direct to A. B. to be left at Anderton's Coff- fee- house, Fleet- street. PURSUANT to a DECREE of the HIGH COURT cf CHANCERY, made in a Cause, BARKER against SMITH, THE CREDITORS of SAMUEL MIDDLE- TON, late of Calcutta, in Bengal, in tbe East Indies, Esq. Deceased ( who died in the year 1775), resident in Great Britain, are, 0n or before the 28th day of November next, to come in either personally, or by their Solicitors, and prove their Debts before JOHN SPRANGER, Esq. one of the Masters of the said Court, at his Chambers in Symond's Inn, Chancery Lane, London ; or in default thereof, they wili le peremptorily excluded the benefit of the said Decree. N. B. It is requested that thc Creditors will either send in their Bonds to Messrs. Smith, Sill and Smith, at Draper's Hall, London, in order that Charges may be carried in, or that the Creditors will carry their Charges into the said Master's Office as above- mentioned DUKE OF YORK'S ARMY. FLANNEL WAISTCOATS, BLANKETS, STOCKINGS, AND CAPS, At R. NOTT's, Her Majesty's Flannel Draper, No. 101, Newgate- Street. THOSE humane and well disposed Ladies and Gentlemen who wish to promote the laudable Undertaking " of providing thc British Soldiery 011 the Con- tinent with the above Articles, may be supplied with any quantity, agreeable to pattern, which may be seen at his Warehouse, on the shortest notice, for the purpose of making the Waistcoats, on very low terms. This Day were published, Pylce is. 6d. BRIEF RELECTIONS relative to the EMIGRANT FRENCH CleRGY, earnestly sub- mitted to the humane consideration of the LADIES of GREAT BRITAIN. By the AUTHOR of EVELINA and CECILIA. Printi d for T. Cadell, in the Strand. N. B. A Translation of this Tract into French is preparing by M. D'ARBLAY. The ' Profits arising from the above Publication will be wholly appropriated to the Relief of the Emigrant French Clergy. Dedicated, bv Permission., to Sir JAMES SAUMAREZ, and the OFFICERS of the CRESCENT. SEA ENGAGEMENT. PROPOSALS FOR PUBLISHING two PRINTS of the late GLORIOUS ACTION between His MAJESTY'S Frigate CRES- CENT, Captain JAMES SAUMAREZ, and " the French Frigate La RE- UNION, commanded by Monsieur DENIAU. To be engraved from oriGiNAL PICTURES, by J. W. EDY, painted at Portsmouth, from the real Ships, by T. ELLIOTT, under tbe immediate Inspection of Sir JAMES SAUMAREZ and his OFFICERS. cONDITIONS. I. Thc Size of the Plates will be 27. Inches wide by 17 Inches high. - II. The Price of the Two Prints will be 15s. to be paid for on delivery. III. Thc finest Impressions will be selected for Subscribers in the order subscribed for. IV. A few Impressions will be taken from the Plates, in Colours, equal to Drawing, at One Guinea aud a Half thc Pair. Orders will be received by the Publisher, W. Donaldson, Portsmouth; Mr. Sayer, Fleet- street; and Mr. Harris, Print- seller, Sweeting's- alley, Cornhill, London. TO THE PUBLIC. To record an event so highly honourable to Britain as thc Capture of a Frigate of equal force without the loss of a man, or even one wounded, is the professed object of the present undertaking. The nautical knowledge— the cool and deter- mined conduct — aided to the accustomed and acknowledged bravery of Englishmen— displayed in this Action, must ever be mentioned with the. highest - veneration, and certainly re- flects the greatest lustre 0n the captain and other Officers of tha Crescent; aid will be handed down- to posterity as ail un- parralleled instance of British heroism and naval discipline. •' In the execution of these Prints, the utmost care has been taken to preserve exact Likenesses of each Ship in the begin- ning and at the close of thc Action. CANAL FROM TAUNTON TO THE RIVER SEVERN. At a respectable MEETING of Persons interested in and desirous of promoting a CANAL from TAUNTON to the BRISTOL CHANNEL, at or near UPHILL, held at the Guildhall, in Taunton, on the 7th November 1793, in pur- suance of nn Advertisement in the Public Papers, for the purpose of considering the best method of carrying the said Plan into execution, without any connexion v, ith the Bris- tol Committee— The Rev. Dr. CROSSMAN, in the Chair; Resolved Unanimously, THAT the Conduct of the TAUNTON COMMITTEE, in having rejected certain propositions that were transmitted from the Bristol Committee, on the 24th September last, for the purpose of effecting a Coalition of Parties, meets the general approbation of this Meeting. That it is the opinion of this Meeting, that to concur and co- operate with the designs of the Grand Western Canal Committee, will be to both parties a scheme of mutual and general utility. That such Gentlemen as subscribed on the 28th June last, and chuse now to withdraw their Subscriptions. shall be at liberty to do it ( after deducing a proportionate share of the expe". ; already incurred), on giving notice to Mr. Beadon, of Taunton, within one month from this day, and that the same be remitted to them within one month from the time of such notice. That no Person who shall withdraw any part of his Sub- scription, shall in future be at liberty to subscribe again. That such Gentlemen as subscribed on the 28th June, last, for fewer than Twenty Shares, and shall not withdraw those Shares, rr any ef them, shall be at liberty, if a further Sub- scription be necessary, to subscribe for a greater number, so as the whole do not exceed Twenty Shares. That a new Committee of the' following Gentlemen, name- ly, Alexander, Popham, Esq; M. P. the Rev. George Cross- man, L. L. D. John Whitmash, James Coles, Joseph Jeffries, and James Bryant, Esqrs. the Rev, Buckland Bluett, and Messrs Samuel Stuckey, Thomas Woodforde, John Badcock, Charles Poole, John Bluett, John Buncombe ( of Taunton), Thomas Pike, Charles Cox, William Cox, John Buncombe ( of Bishop's Hull), James Broomhall, George Stuckey, Clit- some Musgrave, and Samuel Daw, be now appointed, in or- dei to carry the Canal from Taunton to Uphill, or some place near it, into immediate execution, and that any five of them be empowered, at a regular Meeting of the Committee, to act, and likewise to convene a Meeting of the Subscribers, when- ever they may deem it expedient. That in case any vacancies shall happen in the said Com- mittee ( by death or otherwise), the remaining Members, at a regular Meeting of the Committee, shall have power to fill up such vacancies with Subscribers for Twenty Shares. That the Committee be empowered to accommodate a* y Land Owners, through whose property the said Canal shall pass, and any other Gentlemen, whose assistance shall by the said Committee be deemed necessary to forward this under- taking, with any number of Shares not exceeding Twenty. That the Committee do immediately employ an able En- gineer to take an accurate survey of the Country through which the Line of the. said Canal is to pass, and also to make an Estimate of the Expences likely to attend it, and that they endeavour, without delay, to obtain the consent of the several Land Owners, and adopt from time to time such other necessary measures as may incidentally arise in the prosecution of the object in view. That Mr. Beadon be appointed Solicitor and Secretary to the said Committee. That these Resolutions be advertised in such Papers as the Committee shall direct. G. CROSSMAN. That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to the Chair- man, for the ability with which he has conducted the busi- ness of this day. This Day is published, The Fifth Edition, corrected, improved, and greatly enlarged, with a copious Index, in One large Volume Quarto, price Two Guineas In boards With The Maps, forming a Com plete Atlas, bound separate, ANEW SYSTEM OF MODERN GEO- GRAPHY; or, a Geographical, Historical, and Commercial Grammar, and present State of the several Kingdoms of the World. To which are added. 1. A Geographical Index, with the Names and Places al- phabetically arranged. 2. A Table of the Coins of all Nations, and their Value in English Money. 3. A Chronological Table of remarkable Events, from the Creation to the present Time. By WILLIAM GUTHRIE, Esq. The Astronomical Part By JAMES FERGUSON, F. R. S. To which have been added, The. late Discoveries of Dr. HERSCHEL, and other eminent Astronomers. 1 Printed for C. Dilly, in the Poultry ; and G: G. and J. Robinson, Pater- noster- Row. Great attention has been paid to the Maps; they have undergone a very accurate revision, and received many - improvements. Besides the seven new Places which were given in the last Edition, two improved Maps of Poland and Africa are added in this, and twenty- three sheets of addi tional matter is introduced into the System of Geography. Up at the whole it will be found, that the Editor has spared no pains to render the present Edition worthy the continued claim and approbation of the Public. FREEHOLD ESTATES IN KENT. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, I11 December next, unless before disposed of by Private Contract, No. r. A FARM at EAST LUTON, in CHAT- HAM, containing about NINETY ACRES of MEADOW and ARABLE LAND, a:; d Ten Acres more un- inclosed Pasture on thc BEACON HILL, in the occupation of Thomas Filmor, under a Term, of which Nineteen Years were unexpired at Michaelmas 1793, at the yearly Rent of 60I. 9S. clear of all Taxes. No. 2. A COTTAGE, Butcher's Shop, Orchard, and two Gardens,- situated at Luton, in Chatham, containing about an Acre and an Half, lett to — Hither, as yearly Tenant, at SI. per annum N . 3. A MEADOW, at Luton aforesaid, containing about Three Acres, lett to Jeremiah Pope for a Term, of which Five Years were unexpired at Michaelmas 1793, at the yearly Rent of 21.15s. clear of all Taxes. The above Three Lots are jointly subject to an Annuity in Fee of 10I. No. 4. A HOUSE, Garden, and Orchard, at Lewisham, in the occupation of the Widow Gregory, under a Term, of which Fifty- four Years were unexpired at Michaelmas 1793, at the yearly Rent of 3}!. 7s, 4d. clear of all Taxes ; thc Tenant repairs the House, and all rhe Buildings are new within Six Years past, and were built by the Lessee in the most substantial manner for his own Residence. No. 5. A HOUSF, Garden, and Orchard, at Lewisham aforesaid, in thc occupation of Richard Holt, under a Term, of which Twenty- three Years were unexpired at Michaelmas 1793, at the yearly Rent of 35I. clear of all Taxes except Land- Tax.— Tenant repairs. No. G. The LION and LAMB PUBLIC- HOUSE, Yard, Garden, and Field, at Lcwisham aforesaid, containing about One Acre, in thc occupation of George Holt, or his Under- Tenants, under a Term, of which Twenty- three Years were Unexpired at Michaelmas 1793, at the yearly Rent of- 30I. clear of Taxes and Repairs. The Tenants will shew the Premises; For further Particulars enquire of Messrs, William and Edward Twopenny, Attorneys, Rochester. CAPITAL PRINTING WORKS, BLEACHING GROUNDS, COLLIERIES, & c. & c. By Order of the Trustees, at the Ball s- Head, in Manchester, on Wednesday. the 27th oi November, 1793, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, THE following PRINTING and BLEACH, ING WORKS, MESSUAGES, LANDS, COLLIE- RIES and EFFECTS, of ' JOSEPH BAKER, and Co. Callico Printers, at the Raikes,' near Bolton, in Lancashire. LOT I.. The LEASEHOLD INTEREST, held under Sir Henry Bridgman, Bart, for a term, of which 22 years are unexpired, of and in ail those capital bleaching and Printing Works and Grounds, with a capital Steam engine, of the power of twelve horses, erefted by Messrs. Boulton and Wait; and also all the Implements of Trade, and Erections of every kind, established at a very considerable expence, wi; h advan- tages of situation, and improvements that lender it a most desirable pu- chase, to those who may undertake the Printing business 011 a large scale. The works at present are capable of supplying 130 Table., and there arc buildings to contain 100 more? the Canal from Bolton to Bury and Manchester comes through the Croft in such a direction as would make it a desirable establishment for any purpose ( independent of the Printing Works, from which it may be detached), where Coals and Freight are material object's. There is a Colliery within ico yards, of the Dye- house, for the supply of the Works, which has been completed at a great expence, and is drained by a Water Wheel worked with the waste water from the Dash Wheels. Another Colliery near the extremity of the Premises, contiguous to the public Road to Bolton and within less than a Mile from Bolton, is also opened, and three Pits are sunk thereon in a three yards Mine, with another Fire Engine, and liberty to sell Coal to all Sir Henry Bridgman's Tenants, who form a considerable part of the Inhabitants of Bolton and its Neighbourhood This Estate is subject to an Annuity ot 500I. payable to Mr. John Horridge, for his Life. LOT- II. . The RAIKES FARM, held for the same Term, under Sir Henry Bridgman, subject to a Yearly Rent of 60I. containing Thirty- four Statute Acres, or thereabouts, in the highest cultivation, with a DWELLING- HOUSE BARN STABLES, COW- HOUSES, DAIRY, LAUNDRY, & c detached, forming a most eligible situation, overlooking the whole of the Works, and being justly esteemed the most de- sirable Farm in that part of the Country. N. B. These two Lots to be had together or separately, at . the option of the bidders, and for the convenience of the pur- chasers, the Solicitous will advance a considerable part ul the purchase money, to be paid off by equal instalments, at 1, 2, 3 and 4 years, upon having personal security, collateral to that of- the premises. LOT 111. The LEASEHOLD INTEREST in the HAULCH BLEACHING GROUND, with all the erections; Dams, wheels, Dry- houses, & C. contiguous to the Town of Bol- ton, with two Falls of Water, and a very large Supply of Spring Water, which make it the most desirable Bleaching Croft in that Neighbourhood ; it is held by Lease under Mr. Smith; at the nett Yearly Rent of 90I. for a Term, of which Twenty- one Years are now unexpired. The Canal from bol- ton to Manchester passes through this Croft, the advantages of which are obvious. COLLIERIES. LOT IV. The LEASEHOLD INTEREST for the Re mainder of a Term of Twenty- one Years, held under the Rev. Mr. Watson, and of and in all that valuable Coal Mine called the HANGING BANK COLLIERY., situated on the Road from Manchester to Wigan, between the Eighth and Ninth Mile Stone, subject to a Rent of One- fifth of the pro- duce to the Lessor. This Mine is completely opened, all thec- ends are run, and it is How capable of producing 4oo tons of Coal per Week. If it he convenient for the Purchaser that a considerable part of the Money should be had 011 the f re- mises, the same Terms will be offered with this as with the First and Second Lots. LOT V. The LEASEHOLD INTEREST, under Sir John Mosely, for a Term of 21 Years, aind subject to a Rent of One- Sixth to him and 100l. per Annum, to Mr Dicken- son, of and that valuable COAL MINE called the STONE CLOUGH COLLIERY, with a large Fire- Engine thereon, together with a Surf, driven at a very great Exp- pence, and now forming a Mine either for Manufactories or domestic use, not to be excelled. It is Eight Miles from Manchester, and a Quarter of a Mile from the Canal now cutting between that place and Bolton. LOT. VI. The BENT COAL MINES, containing Three Acres, and purchased from the Miss Hardmans for 300l. of which 225I. has. been paid them ; and the remainder is to be paid when the Colliery is Worked. - This Coal is contiguous to the Stone Clough Colliery, and may be had in the same Purchase if required. LOT VII. The WEST HOUGHTON COLLIERY, held by Lease from Messrs. Green, for Years. It con- tains the following Beds: a Six Feet Bed of Coal and a Can- nell Mine; it has the advantage of thc Lancaster Canal, which will produce a Sale to any extent, and may be well worth the attention of those who consider that Coal, for the supply of the North, has been a great object in the projection of this Canal. For further Particulars apply to Mr. John Horridge, Mr. Wraith, and Mr. Crompton. of Bolton; Mr. Varrey at Manchester; Mr. Hull, at Blackburn ; Mr. Gee, of Stock- port ;- Mr. Farmer, Worship- street, London; Mr. Ashbur- ner, Attorney, Blackburn; and Messrs. Duckworth and Dennett, Attornies in Manchester; and the Premises may be viewed every Wednesday and Thursday till the Safe, by application as above. TO THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY. STIRACIA's ' FINE ITALIAN OILS; FOR THE HAIR. BEING the FIrst and finest Composition ever Invented for making the Hair grow long, thick, and prevent its failing off, which it will after illness in twenty- four hours ; it will make the Hair grow in all bald places of thc head, in all ages, without exception, makes the hardest Hair as soft as silk, also on the eye- brows ; which will be perceived by those who use it constant as a pomade for one month; and in six months will have n0 occasion for any Toupee, or other addition-, being far superior to Bear's Grease, or any thing ever before made known, for its inno- cence and excellence, which is warranted and has been ex- perienced bv many Ladies and Gentlemen of the first rank. Every day brings fresh proofs of the great utility it is held in amongst the Nobility, by its great and extensive sale. By rubbing it well into tlie head, its a great preventative against, catching cold; also for Children of all ages, for encomiums' of it, too much canoot be said It has made the Hair grow on heads that have been thirty years bald, and never been known fo fail as yet by any ; is also a most excellent remedy for scurvy or scald heads, and has been used with success to Children of three months old. The Hair comes its natural colour. To be had by appointment, Wholesale and Retail; only of Williams, No. 41, Pall Mall; Ball, No. 11, Great Russel- street, Bloomsbury ; Humphrey's, No. 118, Oxford- street; Barker, No. 47, Albemarle- street; and Golding, No. 42,, the Corner of St. Michael's- alley, Cornhill, at 2!. 8s. per dozen, or 4s. 6d. a Pot, without the duty. Not less than half a dozen at the Wholesale price. the flattering approbation the Proprietor of the above Oils, has met with in the course of six years of restoring, lost Hair, by people of the- first rank, suffices that no one need despair, by a continual use of them according to the direc- tion. ' N. B. It is well worth the notice of Gentlemen whose Horses through any misfortune may rub off their Hair it will make it grow if it has. been off years. Reference of which may be had. as above. Particularly recommended after Sea- bathing, Tliis Day was published, in Two Volumes 12mo. Price in boards, or Half a Guinea bound and lettered, Illustrated by near 1oco Arms, Crests, & c. on Copperplates, besides elegant engraved Title and Vignettes of the Impe- rial Crown of this Realm, and that of Charlemagne and also beautiful Frontispieces, representing His MAJESTY, and the Five Orders of Peers. in their Parliamentary Robes, A Third Edition, greatly enlarged and improved, of THE POCKET PEERAGE of GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND, corrected to the present Period, By B. LONGMATE Containing an account of the Descent, Connexions, Marriages, and Issue of every Noble Family; with their arms emblazon- ed'; the extinct Peerage ; the forfeited and dormant Titles ; the Manner of creating Peers ; the Institution, Progress, and present State of honours ; the Robes and Coronets of every Degree of Nobility ; the Rules of Precedence ; Privileges annexed to the Peerage ; His Majesty's Genealogical Descent from Egbert; the Orders of Knighthood in the three King- doms ; the real Income of the Archbishops ami Bishops ; the Surnames of all the Nobility ; the Titles borne ' by their eldest sons ; Index to both their Arms and Descents, together with Translations of all their Mottos. Printed for T. Longman, S. Crowder, B. Law and Son, G. G. J. and J. Robins - n, R. Baldwin, W. Richardson, F. and C . Rivington, S. Bladon, W. Goldsmith, W. Lowndes, By- field and Hawkesworth, W. Bent, W. March, J. Cooper and Son, J. Debrett, G. and T Wilkie, W. Stuart. Scatcherd and Whitakcr, J. Curtis, the Executors of G. Hobson and B. C. Collins. Of whom may be had, In one Volume i2rao. price 3s. sewed in French Marble Paper, or 3s od. bound in red Leather, HERALDRY in MINIATURE; containing all the Arms. Crests, Supporters, and Mottos of the Peers, Peeresses and Bishops of England. Scotland, and Ireland, with the Baronets of " Great Britain ; and the Insignia of the different Orders of Knighthood in the three Kingdoms: being in the Whole ( including Heraldic ' Bearings and Distinctions)' up- wards of 1160 Engravings, neatly ex cuted on Copper Plates": besides an Introduction to the Science of Heraldry , a DiCtion- ary of Heraldic Terms, as well as an index to all the Peers, & c. with the Translation of their Mottos likewise Lists of Titles conferred by His present Majesty, and those extinct since his accession to the Throne, Degrees of Precedency, & c. & c. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, THE following very ELiGIBLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate in the CITY of CANTERBURY. All that CAPITAL MANSION HOUUE, commonly called the WHITEFRIARS, consisting of a commodious dining Parlour 23 feet by 18 feet, a large Hall, 20 feet by 18 feet, a small Breakfast parlour, a Study, Dressing- Room, Housekeepers- Room Butler's- Pantry, Kitchen, Uc. on the Ground Floor, with excellent Cellaring under the whole House ; on the principal Floor, a Drawing- Room 25 feet by 18 feet, and 13 feet Pitch. Six good sleep- ing- RoomS, Two Powdering- Rooms, with Garrets for Ser- vants, & c. Together with a detached Brew- house, Laun dry, Servants- Hall, COACH- HOUSE for Two Carriages, and Stalled STABLING for Five Horses, with very exten- sive Lofts, and Grainery over them ; and Two Roomy and Convenient Yards; a handsome and spacious sweep and PLEASURE GROUND in front of the said Mansion; TWO GARDENS Walled in, containing about 1 A. 2 R. 14 P. of rich Land, veil- stared with FRUIT TREES, Plants and Shrubs, and a Green- House adjoining. And also, TWO MESSUAGES or TENEMENTS, with the Yard, Building and Garden Ground thereunto belonging, containing by Admeasurement Two Roods and Five Perches, now in the occupation of Susanna Churnside, Widow, as Te- nant at will. The above Premises are in the completest repair, having • Veen lately rendered so at a very considerable expence, and arc desirably situated in an Extra Parochial Place, and ex- empt from all Taxes, except to the King. The Water on the aforesaid Premises is abundant, conveniently conveyed, and peculiarly excellent. Immediate Possession may be had of the Mansion and Grounds. And. the Purchaser of the Mansion- House may- have all, or any part of the Garden Ground. Also, Four Small Tenements, situate in Saint George's- Lane, in the City of Canterbury, and now in the occupation of Byle and others. For Particulars, apply to Mr. William Baldock, High- street, Canterbury. THE PUBLIC ARE respectfully informed, that they may be supplied with a NEW METALLIC COVERING for BUILDINGS, at One Shilling per Square Foot laid on; and with PIPES, & c the same material, at the following prices, viz, rain water pipes Inches diameter 3 3^ 4 Per foot run . is. is-. id. is. jd. . ' These are about the prices of Wood Trunks. CISTERN HEADS, from 4s. to 6s. each. STRONG SOLDERED UNDERGROUND PIPES, Calculated to support a Column of Water 100 feet per- * pendicular. Inches diameter 1 3 33 4 Per f.> 6t run -; d. Sd*. iod. is.~ id. is. 3d. is. 6d. is. Semicircular Eaves Gutters, nine inches girth, icd. per foot. The material ( which is . manufactured under the KING'S PATENT) consists of IRON SHEETS, COATED with LEAD and other Metals, to a thickness perhaps twenty times greater- than ordinary tinning; and although nothing but long experience can prove the value and utility of a Covering of this kind, yet, as a strong substance is attached to the Iron FOR THE EXPRESS PURPOSE OF DEFENDING IT from RUST, its durability and advantages cannot be doubtful. Those who wish to execute the Covering themselves, may be supplied with the Sheets, which measure 4 feet by- 2 feet, and 4 feet by 1 foot 6 inches, and Instructions for laying. them. Orders for these Articles, and for. the Tinned Copper Sheets and Pipes, executed bv the. Patentee, CHARLES WYATT, Birmingham, and by JOHN WYATT, New Bridge street, London. THE STONE AND GRAVEL ARE Diseases of the Human Body, so dire in their attacks, and oftentimes so fatal in their conse- quences, that the Philanthropist must ever rejoice to hear of any Remedy for the unhappy Sufferers, short of cutting by the knife. Experience for more than Twenty Years has • proved., beyond all controversy, that Mr. SAMPSON PERRY's ADAMS's SOLVENT, is not merely Specific in curing Calculous Complaints, but also in rendering Stone, already formed in the Bladder, into native earth, whereby it gradually passes off with the Urine, the general habit, at the same time, approaching to convalescence, and the animal fluids gradually losing their tendency to generate concretion. The Genuine Medicine is especially appointed to be sold by • Mr. BACON, at his Patent Medicine Warehouse, No. » eo, Oxford- street, London, in bottles at 5s. 5d. 11s. 6d. and il. zs. each, with ample directions, and a Disquisition 011 the Stone and Gravel, containing many. extraordinary Cases of Cure. . An eminent Surgeon has lately communicated the follow- ing Cure to Mr. Bacon, with leave to refer the afflicted to him:, and to the Patient, for further particulars thereof: u A; Lady had been attended for nearly four years- by the most eminent of the Faculty for an obstinate Gravelly Com- plaint ;. they afforded but small relief;, and by continual pain, want of rest, with frequent confinement for weeks to her bed, she was worn to a mere skeleton. Mr. Sampson Perry's Solvent was Jit last resorted to, by the advice of a Me- dical Gentleman ; the first two bottles caused a great dis- charge of. Gravel— and in about twelve week's, from first taking . of the Medicine, she evacuated two Stones ; from that . time she has been free of pain— her health is restored, and" her wonted strength and Spirits are returned." *** The following Certificate is annexed to every Bottle . of the Genuine Medicine: LC bacon's ROYAL'PATENT MEDICINE WAREHOUSE. " I William Bacon, the sole appointed General Agent for the Sale of this Medicine, do hereby certify it to be faithfully prepared, and truly Genuine. " Witness my hand, W. BACON, ''*•> • - " No'. 150, Oxford- street, London. t: Twenty Guineas Reward will be paid on conviction of a Forgery of this Certificate. CONTRIBUTION of . .. v FLANNEL WAISTCOATS, FLANNEL DRAWERS, SHOES, HOSE, AND CAPS, FOR THE BRITISH ARMY SERVING IN FLANDERS, S UNDER THE COMMAND OF HIS ROYAL HiGhNesS THE DUKe OF YORK. fLANNEl WAISTCOATS CONTRIBUTED. Number in last Report, . - 9 The Countess of Sefton, . - The Hon. Mrs. Coussmakcr, Portman- street, Port- man- square, - Miss Adair, - - John Cartier, Esq. - - - Rt. Hon. Lady Forrester and Mrs. Cartier, Without any Name, - - D. Part of a Nobleman's Servants, - Mrs. A of Kew, - • Mrs. Philpot, ditto - - * Mrs Hayes, ditto, - - - E T. K. Mrs. Lines, Clapton, - - - T. E. Harrow, .... Hon. Mrs. Murray, Kensington, Mrs. Howe's young Ladies, ditto, - Mis. Williams, Russel- place, - Without any Name, - - - - Mrs. Aldworth Nevil, ... the UNkNown LADY, ( fourth contribution), Mrs. Ryley, Suffolk- street, Cavendish- square, E. M. B; - from a Society at Warrington, ( Shirts), Thomas BIllinge, Liverpool, - Mr. Hicks, of Bradenham, The Misses Philpot, ... Mrs. Larpent, .... Miss Porter, at Mrs. Larpent's, - J S. ^ from two Ladies, - - - - from Queen's- square, ... M. T. S. W. W. Oundle, Northamptonshire, The Union Society holden at the Talbot, Halifax, fro. n Ipswich... froM ditto, • The Misses Dowdeswell Without any Name, - - John Julius Angerstein, Esq. North Willingham, near Lincoln, Mrs. Boncherett, of ditto, - - A set of Tradesmen frequenting Mr Beardall's, the Hotel, Sheffield, Tradesmen frequenting the Old Cross Keys, Trow- bridge, Wilts, The Dutchess of Rutland, - General Craig, ... Richard Long, Esq, Roodleston, near Trowbridge, Wilts, Dowager Lady Dacre. - Rev. Mr. Thirlwall, Mile- End, Mr. John Ward, Birmingham, - Mr. Truelove, Ipswich, :- Dr. Coyte, ditto, - Miss E. Bamford, ditto, Mr. J. H. Hodgson, . Mr. John Walford, Ipswich, - - Mr. James Brady, ditto, . - - From Ipswich, ' - - 1 The Rev. B. E. Harrow, - - - - The Young Gentlemen of Harrow School, Lady Emily Hobart, - - - Two Old Soldiers, Mrs. Rennell, - Without any Name, - The Dutchess Dowager of Beaufort, Rt. Hon. Lady Eardley, - A. Y. by Mrs. Southard, - GENERAL. ABSTRACT. Number for which Names appear in this List, Out of that Number there have been received at my Office, DRAWERS RECEIVED. Number in former Report, Mrs. Williams, Russel- place, HOSE RECEIVED. Number in former Report, ' • Miss Harrison, Clapton, Mrs. Williams, Russel- place, Mrs. Munro, - Mrs. Dott, Manchester square, The UNKNOWN LADY, T. C. and G. M. her Servants, Mr. Thomas Lane, Steward of lincoln's- inn, Mrs. Addington; Grosvenor- square. The Servants of Mr. Buckeridge, Windsor, The Right Hon. Lady Fortescue, The Hon. Miss Fortescue; Lady Blackwood, ... Mrs. George Dallas, - W. W. Oundle, Northamptonshire, Lady Fermanagh's Servants, Lord Chetwynd, - - - Rt. Hon. Lady Eardley, SHOES RECEIVED. Number in former Report, SOCKS RECEIVED. Number in former Report, T. C. andG. M. The UnKNOWn LADY'S Servants Mr. Thomas Lane, Steward of Lincoln^ Inn, E. N by Mrs. Southard, T. W. Mr. Truelove, Ipswich, - - CAPS RECEIVED. Number in former Report, Without any Name, ... Mrs. Munro, The UnKnoWN LADY, ... T. C. and C. M. The Right Hon. I. ady Fortescue, Tha Hon. Miss Fortescue, ... E. N. by Miss Southard, - Lady Blackwood, . - - - Mrs. George Dallas, .... W. W. Oundle, Northamptonshire, Mrs. Boncherett. North Willingham, near Lincoln Mr. John Ward, Birmingham, - Lord Chetwynd, - Countess of Shipbrook, . GLOVES RECEIVED. Number in former Report, . - - Mrs. Munro, - .... The Right Hon. Lady Fortescuc, Lady Blackwood, - - - Mrs. George Dallas, ... BLANKETS RECEIVED. Number in former Report, - - CASH RECEIVED. Amount of former Report, Some of the Junior Members of Oriel College, E. T. K. for Flannel Petticoats, - - Members of the Masters' Common Room, Jesus College, Oxford-, - - - A Lady, for Stockings, - Mrs. Langford Brooke, - Mrs. Lany, Tavistock- street, - . Miss Bateman, Hammersmith, Mrs. Webb, of Upper Brooke- street, Upper Servants at the Grainge, 5s. caeh, Philip Jean, Esq. Hanover- street, Mrs. Hill, of Wells, in Norfolk, Captain Haslam, - Mrs. Haslam, - - - Matthew Raper, Esq. ... Rt. Hon. Lady Charlotte Tufton From Nine School Boys under the care of the Rev. William Chapman, Margate, - E. H. A Friend to his Country, - The Servants of William Byam Martin, Esq. of While Knights, Berks; * N. B. The multiplicity of letters which have been re- ceived at this Office on Saturday and yesterday, renders even their acknowledgement, much more their insertion, Totally impossible in a Newspaper. These chiefly consist of public Letters from Corporations and Associations but to giye a particular- Answer to each, would require a portion of time which it is impossible in this undertaking to bestow, These respectable Bodies will please to attend to the hints that have been suggested in this Paper, both with respect to the state of the original object of the Contribution, and the Articlcs shall have since been recommended as most proper to be supplied. Several Packages have been received at this 0ffice, the contents of which there has not been sufficient time to ex- amine, and which of course cannot be acknowledged in this Day's Report. They shall be so, however, with all possible fidelity and dispatch. I should deem it an act of injustice, were I to suppress the following Letter, which tends to shew, in a proper light, the gratitude of an unfortunate and meritorious Class of Men, who have been so particularly, to the honour of this Country, the objects of its Protecion and Benevolence — That from upwards of Sixty, others I should select this Letter only, I trust will not be offensive to the feelings of. any generous Englishman, Sun Office, 112, St rand, J H. Monday evening, Nov. 18,, 1793, To JOHN HERIOT, Esq. Conductor of the Sun. SIR, A Friend of the Bishop of ST. POL de LEON has been re- quested by his Lordship to make an offer at your Office, of the voluntary assistance of the French Ecclesiastics now re- siding in London, in making. Flannel Waistcoats or Caps for the British Army garrison condition of being furnished with proper Materials and Patterns. They will most wil- lingly undertake to make a Thousand, or even double that - number, if required. Flannel for about a Hundred Waist- coats has already been sent to them and if they could be fur- nished with materials and directions for others, at Mrs. SIL- BURN'S, no. 10, Queen- street, Bloomsbury, they would in- stantLy be put into the hands of a great number of workmen, and finished with all possible dispatch. The Bishop aids, that his Countrymen the Emigrant Clergy, are eager, by this, or any other testimony in their power, to manifest their gratitude to the English Nation, for the Asylum which has been so generously and humanely granted them in the British Dominions. I am, Sir Nw.' 13, 1793. '. C B. From the LONDON GAZETTE, Nov. 16. Your humble Servant, War- Office November 16. ist Regiment of Life Guards, Captain Henry WiLson, from the 6th Dragoons, to be Captain of a Troop vice Cerjat, who exchange's Royal Regiment of Horse Guards, Charles Cumberland, Gent. to be Cornet, without purchase,, vice Crawford, pro- moted. 6th Regiment of Dragoons, Captain Henry Cerjat, from the 1st Life Guards, to be Captain of a Troop, vice Wilson, who exchanges. Brook Richmond, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice. O'Donovan, promoted. 3d Regiment of Foot Guards, Lieutenant Robert Hunter, from an Independent Company, to be Ensign, by pur- chase, vice Carleton, deceased. 3d' Regiment of Foot, James RobinSon, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Wheeler, prompted. 6th Regiment of Foot, Captain William Douglas; from an Independent Company, to be Captain of a Company, vice Fitzherbert, who exchanges. Lieutenant James Armstrong from. the East Middlesex Militia, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Langley, deceased. 7th Regiment of Foot, Ensign —;— Burrowes, from an In- dependent Company, to be Lieutenant, without purchase, vice Eardley, promoted in the Independent Companies. 9th Regiment of Foot, Ensign William Kcightley to be Lieu- tenant, without purchase, vice Douglas, deceased. Rich- ard Henry Tolson, Gent, to be Ensign,, without purchase, vice Ramsay, promoted in the Independent Companies. 24th Regiment cf Foot, Major- General Richard Whyte, from the half- pay of the late 96th Foot, to be Colonel, vicc Tayler, deceased. Ensign Edward James O'Brien tu be. Lk^'^ aau v.- ILLCU; r:*-^-, profcivici in the Independent Companies. John Bromhead, Gent. to be Ensign, vice O'Brien. Regiment of Foot, James Croft Brooke, Gent, to be En- sign vice Douglas, promoted in the 78th Foot. George Germain Cochran, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Dalton. promoted. 29th Regiment of Foot, Captain Henry Hervey Aston, from an Independent Company, to be Major by purchase, vicc Monsell, who retires. 32d Regiment of Foot, Major Richard Northey to be Lieu- tenant- Colonel, by purchase, vice Campbell,, promoted to the command of a Regiment. Captain- Lieutenant Tho- mas Wallis to be Captain of a Company, without purchase, vice Carter, deceascd. Lieutenant James Mansergh to be Captain Lieutenant, vice Wallis, , Ensign Conolly Shep herd to be Lieutenant-, vice Mansergh. John Archbold Amiel, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Shepherd. Ensign John Bennet to be Lieutenant, without purchase, vice Spurmer, deceased. Patrick Lindesay, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Ben- net. Ensign James Drummond to he Lieutenant, without purchase, vice Heaphy, deceased. Richard Stewart , Gent, to be Ensign, vice Drummond. James Edwards, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Gore, promoted in the Independent Companies 37th Regiment of Foot, Captain James Erskine, from an In- dependent Company, to be Captain of a Company, by pur- chase, vice Cameron, who retires. Ensign George Mac- kenzie to be Lieutenant, without purchase, vice Spread, promoted in the Independent Companies. 43d Regiment of Foot, Henry Viscount Falkland to be En- sign, without purchase, vice Upton, deceased. 47th Regiment of Foot, Ensign Robert Carden to be Lieute- nant, without purchase, vice Podmore, promoted in the Independent Companies. Arthur Browne, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Carden. John Currie, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Agnew, promoted in the Indepen- dent Companies. 48th Regiment of Foot, Willoughby Bean. Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Winstone, promoted in the Inde- pendent Companies. • 51st Regiment of Foot, Thomas Boggis, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Jaques, promoted in the Independent Companies. 54th Regiment of Foot, Frederick Spence, Gent, . to be En- sign, without purchase, vice Warren, promoted. Ensign John Maister, from the East York Militia, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Robinson, promoted 111 the Inde- pendent Companies. Serjeant -— Holmes to be Quarter- Master, without purchase, vice Armstrong, promoted in the Independent Companies. 57th Regiment of Foot, Lieutenant the Hon. John Ramsay, from an Independent Company, to be Lieutenant, vice Savage, who exchanges lieutenant Robert Dudley Blake, from an Independent Company, to be Lieutenant, vicc Hogg, who exchanges. 53th Regiment of Foot, Henry Lyte, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Chaplin, promoted. 60th Regiment of Foot, Captain- Lieutenant' John De Lan- cey to be Capitain of a Company, without purchase, vice De Visme, deceased. L ieutenant William Robins Captain- Lieutenant, vice De Lancey. ns to be Ensign Martin Folkes Edgell o be Lieutenant, vice Robins. William Smith Plendersleath, Gent. to be Ensign, without pur- chase,- vice Peachy, promoted inthe 7th foot. Charles Skene, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Schnei- der, promoted. 65th Regiment of Foot, Le Hunte Neeve, Gent, to be En- sign, without purchase, vice Grey, deceased-. 66th Regiment Foot, Henry Francis Way, Gent, to be En- sign, by purchase, vice Spiers, promoted. 67th Regiment of Foot, Ensign William Thomas Tayler to be Lieutenant, without purchase, vice Palmer, deceased. Ensign John Pawson, from the West Middlesex Militia, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Evans, promoted Monseiur John Bunbury, Gent, to be ensign, without purchase, vice Palmer, promoted regiment of foot William Thomas Gooch, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Erskine, promoted in the In- dependent Companies. 69th Regiment of Foot, Ensign John Wade to be Lieutenant^ without purchase, vicc Gill, who retires. Lieutenant- General Campbell's Regiment of Foot. To be Captains of Companies.— Captains Thomas Robinson Grey, William Thomlinson, Robert Orby Sbper, Arch- bold John MacDonell, Robert Pigot, Richard Lee, Geo. Meyrick, of the Independent Companies. To be Lieutenants. Lieutenants Charles Doyle, Robert Hunter, William George Daniel, Henry Andrews, Alex- ander Campbell, James Brodie, Jolm Sinclair, of the In- dependent Companies. To be Ensigns.— Ensigns Ferdinando Hastings, John Harvey, Rowland Heathcote, Robert Nettles, Hugh Massey, John Shearman, Robert Travers, of the Independent Compa-. nies. Major- General Edmeston's Regiment of Foot. To be Captains of Companies— Captains John S. Stuart, Lewis Bayly, Samuel Swinsen, Thomas Norton Powlett, James Willcock, William Cockell, Andrew Ross, of the Independent. To be Captain- Lieutenant-— Lieutenant George Monro, of an Independent Company. to be Lieutenants— Lieutenants Archibald M'Murdo, H. R. Fetherstonhaugh, Peter Thomas Elwin, George William Fraser, Luke. Mercer, Hon. Richard Hamilton, Francis Forester, of the Independent Companies^ To be Ensigns— Ensigns Burrowes, Samuel Bellamy, Humphrey Forster, Brereton WatSon, Richard James, Henry Francis Orpcn, Nicholas de Jersey, of the Independ- ent Companies. Major- General Cuyler's Regiment of Foot. To be Captains of Companies— Contains Ronald Ferguson, Thomas Carteret Hardy, Edward Robinson, Rowland Hill, William Henry Digby, Alexander Campbell, Robert Bell, of the Independent Companies'. To be Captain- Lieutenant— Lieutenant George Cuyler, from the 55th Foot. To be Lieutenants- Lieutenants Thomas Neilson, Hugh Honstoun, William Samuel Currey., Edward Barnes, George Middlemore, William Semple, Thomas, Pickering, of the Independent Companies. To be Ensigns— Ensigns William Murray, Walter Carrie Williams, Edward Fox, Thomas Thornhill, James Burke, William Stirling St. Clair, Thomas Sims of the Independ- ent Companies. To be Chaplain— J. Austen, Clerk. To be Adjutant— Daniel Coleman, Gent. Major- General Balfour's Regiment of Foot. To be Captains of Companies — Captains Richard Lyster, James Erskine, Edward Edwin Colman, Walter Ker, Bryan Philpot, David Hunter, Alexander Sharpe, of the Inde- pendent Companies. To be Captain- Lieutenant— Lieutenant William Kent from the 38th Foot. .. To be Lieutenants— Lieutenants William Maxwell, Dunbar James Hunter, Sir James Dalyell, Bart. John Brady, John Richard Broadhead, John Cameron Ignatius Charles Blake, of the Independent Companies. To be Ensigns— Ensigns Talbot, Thomas Browne.. Wil- liam Ruthven Trotter, Jenkin Francis, Peter Jordan, Henry Wade, Francis Herbert, of the Independent Companies. Strathspey Regiment of Fencible Men. Peter Grant, Gent, to be Lieutenant, vice J. M'Donell, re- moved to the Independent Companies. Argyllshire Regiment of Fencible Men. Ensign James Campbell to be Lieutenant, vice Donald Camp- bell, removed to the Independent Companies. Donald Gregorson, Gent. ? o be Ensign, vice Campbell. INDEPENDENT COMPANIES. John Foster Fitz Gerald, Gent, to be Ensign in Captain Shee's Independent Company of Foot. Lord Charles Patrick Thomas Townshend to be Ensign in Captain Johnson's Independent Company of Foot. Lieutenant the Hon. William Eardley, from the 7th Foot, to be Captain of an Independent. Company of foot. Ensign Colin Campbell, from the 57th Foot, to be Lieu- tenant, Captain Jonas Fitzhcrbcrt, from the 6th Foot, to be Captain of an Independent Company of Foot, vice Douglas, who exchanges. Lieutenant George Hogg, from the 57th Foot, to be Lieute- nant in Captain MatheW's Independent Company of Foot, vice Blake, who exchanges. Lieutenant William Savage, from the 57th Foot, to be Lien- tenant in Captain Marlay's Independent Company of Foot, vice Ramsay, who exchanges. Quarter- Master Richard Armstrong from the 54th Foot, to be Ensign in Captain Cockell's Independent Company of Foot, without purchase, vice Smith, promoted in Captain Dillon's Independent Company. Lieutenant Fielder King, from the Dorsetshire Militia to be ensign in Captain Bayle's Independent Company of Foot, vice Semple, promoted in Captain Indendent Company. Lieutenant John Ross, from the 52d Foot, to be Captain of an Independent Company of Foot, by purchase, Vice Er- skine, removed to the 37th Foot. Lieutenant William Spread, from the 37th Foot, to be Cap- tain of an Independent Company of Foot, by purchase, vice Anstey, who retires. Second Lieutenant William Roberts, from the 21st Foot, to be Lieutenant in Captain Smith's Independent Company of Foot, by purchase, vice Reeves, who retires. James Herring, Gent, to be Ensign in Captain E. G. But- ler's Independent Company of Foot. John Graham, Gent, to be Ensign in Captain Willock's In- dependent Company of Foot, vice Carter, promoted in Captain Craufurd's Independent Company. Lieutenant Henry S. Amiel, from the Cambridgeshire Mi- litia, to be Ensign in Captain Digby's Independent Com- pany of Foot, vicc Brock, promoted in Captain Hay's In- dependent Company. Lieutenant the Hon, William Erskine, from Lieutenant- Colonel Wollocombe's Independent Company, to be Cap- tain of an Independent Company of Foot. Serjeant- Major — Bunbury, from the 37th Foot, to be Ensign in Captain Erskine's Independent Company of Foot, vice Macdonald, deceased. INVALIDS. Henry Goldthwaite, Gent, to be Ensign in Captain Watt's Independent Company of Invalids at Jersey, vice Reid, deceased. STAFF. Captain John De Birniere, from the half- pay of the late 79th Foot, to be Major of Brigade to the Forces. HOSPITAL STAFF. Dr. Dr — Robertson to be Physician to the Forces serving at Toulon and in the South of France. Surgeon Thomas Meyrick from the 10th Dragoons, to be Purveyor to the Hospitals for the said Forces. Hospital Mate William Chambers to be Surgeon to the said Forces Mathew Cahill, Gent, to be Apothecary to the said Forces. BREVETS. Lieutenant- Colonel, the Hon. Mark Napier to be Colonel in the Army. Colonel the Hon. Mark Napier to be Major- Gencral in the Army. Major Robert Mathews, of the 53d Foot, to be Lieutenant- Colonel in the Army. Captain Thomas Scott, of the 53d Foot, to be Major in the Army. [ This Gazette also contains His MAJESTY'S Order in Council, that no Ship or Vessel, laden with any sort of Com, Meal, or Flour, which shall be exportable, shall be permitted to clear out from any Port of this Kingdom, until rhe Mer- chant Exporter of such Corn, Meal, or Flour, shall have made an Oath of the true destination of the same.'] THEATRICAL REGISTER. COVENT GARDEN. This evening THE ROAD TO RUIN ; with Mother SHIPTON TRIUMPHANT. HAY- MARKET. This Evening— THE TEMPEST ; with WHO'S THE DuPE? o THE SUN. LONDON., NOVEMBER 19, 1793. • • PLYMOUTH, nov. 17. ARRIVED LAST night the La Nymphe Frigate, of 36 guns, Capt. Sir E. PELLEW ; and the Circe Frigate, of 28 guns, Capt. J. S. YORK, from Tor- bay. PHILIP EGALITE. , PARIS, NOV. 8. THE sudden death of the ci devant Duke of ORLEANS, which has been so long wished for— his punishment, anticipated, long ago even by his most zealous partizans, surprised all Paris, and met with general approbation. Being conducted before his Judges about 10 o'clock in the morn- ing, he appeared with a revolting air of confi- dence, with which the hope of finding partizans could alone inspire a great malefactor. We are however assured, that having heard his Act of Accusation read, he said loudly, " that the day of his Trial would he the happiest day of his life." It is indeed the general opinion, that his death is the only service which he rendered to his Country. The People waited with the utmost impatience the opening of the Trial of this notoriously am- bitions wretch. ORLEANS WAS seated upon the Criminal Chair at ten o'clock precisely. His Interrogatory was very short, and the debates being closed, the Judge put the question to the Jury in the following words; " Is, or is not the ci devant DUKE of ORLEANS an accomplice of the Conspirators of La Gironde ?- The Jury returned with a verdict in the Affirmative. Having heard his Sentence pronounced, he without seeming in the least moved, made a gesture expressive of the coldest indifference, the same as a man who, involved in a disagreeable dilemma, might say, " Well, well ! since it must be so, it shall be so." At four o'clock in the afternoon he appeared in the cart with the rest of the condemned. At this sight the immense crowds reiterately ex- claimed, Vive la Republique ! He opposed to the marks of contempt and indignation with which he was generally loaden, a serene air, and all the calmness of an innocent or unfeeling heart. When he passed by the Palais Royal, which formerly belonged to him, he looked at it with great attention, and seemed highly affected as soon as he lost sight of that superb structure. The firmness which he displayed to the last moment, surprized much, all those who remem- ber EGALiTE when he commanded a Squadron off Ushant, where he cowardly fled from the pre- sence of the Enemy, and hid himself in the bot- tom of the hold. During his whole passage from the Conciergerie to the place of execution, he never uttered a word, and sometimes cast a few insignificant looks upon the People, who shouted vive la Re- publique Arrived at the Scaffold, he was the first who mounted it; and of his own accord submitted his head to the avenging axe, with more courage than could be expected of a man whose cowardice was so notorious to all Europe. Thus terminated the career of one of the greatest villains that ever polluted the earth; this m0n- ster, who contributed to the death of Louis XVI. merely to raise himself in his place, is regretted by no Party. The sacrifices which he pretended to make for the Revolution, have thus been pro- perly appreciated by the People-. SIR JAMES SAUMAREZ. SIR JAMES SAUMAREZ is a Native of the Island of Guernsey; he went to America in 1775 with Sir PETER PARKER, and was onboard the Bristol in that memorable Attack on Sulli- van's Island; and although only 18 years of age, was promoted the day after the Action to the rank of Lieutenant. He then got the Command of a Galley, and was employed on the most active services along the American Coast. He was Second Lieutenant on board the Fortitude in the Battle with the Dutch off the Dogger Bank; and the day after Admiral PARKER gave him thc Command of the Tisiphone. The January following he sailed with Admiral KEMPENFELT ; and it was Captain SAUMAREZ that had the good fortune to discover the French Fleet, and a great number of the Enemy's con- voy was cut off by his great exertions on that occasion. He was then detached from the Fleet express to Lord Hood in the West Indies; who, sensible of the" uncommon efforts Capt. SAU- MAREZ had made to join him, when his Lordship was blocked up by DE GRASSE, immediately gave him the Command of the Russel, of 74 guns, although he was then only 24 years of age. The Action of the 12th of April took place soon after, in which he bore a most distinguish- ed and honourable share. The oldest Officers in the Fleet Came 0n board to congratulate him 0n the conduct and bravery he displayed. The Russel was too much cut up to remain abroad, and Lord RODNEY sent him home with the first convoy. Peace having taken place soon after, the Writer knows not whether he went to sea till he got the Command of the Raisonable, of 64 guns, during the time of the Spanish Armament, or before he was appointed to the Crescent at the commencement of the present War. His late Action with the Reunion is the best eulogium that can be passed on his professional abilities; and many are the friends that can do justice to his amiable private character. Let us hope that Providence may still preserve a man so valuable to his Country, On Thursday evening last, a melancholy ac- cident happened on the road near Greenland Dock, Rotherhithe. Mr. Mathews, an eminent Farrier in Whitcomb- street, Charing Cross, having been on some business to Greenland Dock, on his return, in the dusk of the evening, his horse suddenly took fright, and plunged into the ditch 0n the side of the road, and fell on his rider, which caused his immediate death.— The Co- roner's Jury sat 0n the body, on Friday evening, and brought in their Verdict— Accidental Death. LAW REPORT COURT OF KING'S BENCH. SATURDAY NOV. l6. CRIMINAL INFORMATION . MR. ERSKINS humbly moved the Court for leave to file a Criminal Information . against Sir WILLIAM YEO, a Magistrate in the West of England, whose conduct, as it was represented to him, did not appear to be consistent with the dignity of the situation which he filled. His Client. a Mr. HARVEY, had occasion to summon two of his labourers before Sir WILLIAM YEO for their misconduct. On the evening of the first day that he made application to the Magistrate, he was accosted by Sir WILLIAM'S Son, who charged him with the enormous crime of stealing four eggs! When Mr. HARVEY attended before the Magistrate, in consequence of the Warrant he had taken out against his two men, one of whom only appeared, and after the business was discussed, and the Warrant against the labourer who did not appear was renewed, the Magistrate said he had a word to say to Mr. HARVEY.— He then repeated the charge of stealing the four eggs / This serious and violent accusation threw Mr. HARVEY a little off his balance - the Magistrate desired his Son to make out his Commitment, and commanded one of his men to be aiding and assisting in carrying Mr. HARVEY to prison.— Subsequent to this, to do the Magistrate justice his humanity began to awake— he proposed to settle the matter, provided a proper compensation for the four eggs was trade :— this proposition af- forded a sort of breathing to the alarmed Mr, HARVEY, and he was told, that if he would come down one guinea for each egg the business should terminate. Mr. HARVEY not having a sufficient - sum about him to discharge this extraordinary demand, requested permission to repair to a friend of his, with whom he might consult. This was peremptorily refused; but in order to re- lieve Mr. HARVEY from his immediate embar- rassment, Sir WILLIAM made a second proposi- tion, which was, that the affair should be dis- missed, provided Mr. HARVEY would give his Note for four guineas, and procure it to be signed by another person, by way of a collateral security for the payment. Upon this Mr. HARVEY im- mediately closed with Sir WILLIAM, made his bow, and retired. The money was paid in conformity to the specific time at which the Note was given ; but the Note could not be recovered out of the hands of Sir WILLIAM. The present application was grounded 0n an Affidavit of the service of notice to deliver up the Note. The COURT.—" Take a Rule to shew Cause.'' MONDAY, NOV. 18. This day the Grand Jury and the Grand In- quest for the County of Middlesex were sworn in before Mr. Justice ASHHURST, who informed them that nothing new had pressed upon his mind for consideration since he last met them.— As to the common business that was to come be- fore them, he was perfectly assured they were fully competent to proceed upon. CRIMINAL INFORMATION. Mr. ERSKINE moved the Court for a Rule, to shew cause why a Criminal Information should not be filed against WILLIAM LOCKE.— This ap- plication was grounded upon the Affidavit of Mrs. MIDDLETON, who was reduced to the un- fortunate predicament of having a Suit insti- tuted against her by her husband in Doctors' Commons, for Adultery.— The merits of that Suit, the Counsel contended, were to rest upon the evidence adduced in support of it,— The Publication to which he alluded, charged his Client with a criminal and adulterous inter- course; he meant " The Bon Ton Magazine, or Microscope of Folly and Fashion ;" and he was of opinion, that the folly and fashion of the present day did not require a micro- scope to distinguish them. The Publica- tion to which he adverted, charged, in terms which were too indecent to be mentioned, his Client with having been caught in the act of Adultery with a person of the name of John Gravis, her footman. This Charge was, On the Affidavit of Mrs. MIDDLETON, possitively denied. Lord KENYON—" Mr. ERSKINE, take a Rule to shew Cause," HYDE AND FLETCHER V. THE COMPANY OF PROPRIE- TORS OF THE NAVIGATION FROM THE TRENT TO THE MERSY.. Messrs. ERSKINE, GARROW and WOOD, shewed cause against a Rule that had been obtained in this Case by Messrs. BEARCROFT and LANE, for a New Trial.— This was a Cause of very great importance, and tried the Sittings of the last Term— The Verdict was for the Plaintiffs. The Defendants conveyed 32 Bags of Wool for the Plaintiffs from Gainsborough and Bromley Com- mon to Manchester— The goods were consumed . in the Duke of BRIDGEWATER'S warehouse at Manchester. The simple question for the con- sideration of the Court was, Whether the goods, at the time they were consumed, were out of the custody of the Defendants, as Common Carriers ? The COURT, after hearing Counsel on both sides, were unanimously of opinion, that the Ver dict ought to stand, and that the Defendants, as Common Carriers, were, responsible for the goods till they were delivered at the residence of the owners. This day Lord KENTON sat at Nisi Prius, and tried several causes, none of which were of any possible interest to the Public. The Industry. Brown, from Bristol to Dublin, was lost near Wexford the 9th instant. Yesterday evening the QUEEN gave a grand Ball, Supper and Card Party at Frogmore Lodge. Her Royal Highness the DUTCHESS of YORK dined with the ROYAL FAMILY, at Windsor, and in the evening Her Royal Highness attended the QueEN'S Fete, at Frogmore Lodge. The KING, accompanied by PRINCF. APOL- PHus, hunted with a pack of harriers, in Windsor Park. The Regiments assembled at Spithead, under the command of Sir C. GREY, for the West In- dies, are the 3d foot ( or Buffs), 19th, 27th ( or Enniskillen), 28th, 42d ( or Royal Highlanders), 54th, 57th, 58th, and 59th.— To the above will be added " the following Regiments from Ire- laud, viz. 39th, 43d, 56th, 64th, and 70th. We are happy to announce, that the report of the Courageux Man of War being sunk in the Mediterranean, is without foundation. It is perfectly true, that the Officers of that ship made such a bold attempt off St. Florenza, in Corsica, to silence the Batteries of the Enemy, that she was exposed to a very strong fire ; and in drawing too near the shore, lost her keel; but according to the advices brought by Capt. COOK from Toulon, she was then refitting in that har- bour. Reflecting that the Tribunal of Justice in a neighbouring Country is erected in a den of Murderers, where the trembling victim is drag ged by the gory hands of an Assassin before a Bench of hungary Cannibals— while this pic- ture is warm on the imagination, let any one enter our principal Court of Criminal Justice in Westminster- Hall— let him there behold the serene and steady countenance of Justice— let him feel and glow with her exalted sentiments, all impartial, enlightened, comprehensive and merciful in her views on this her most favourite Tribunal upon Earth. There will he discover one amongst a thousand answers that may be given to the reiterated question of wild inno- vation, " For what are you alarmed?" While we behold the distracted situation of things in France, a very different picture presents itself to us at home.— The Nation at large has always shown itself eager to testify its sense of the blessings we enjoy under the best of Govern- ments; but, however right and well- founded the general opinion is, we know there are a few ill- disposed persons among us, ready to magnify every misfortune to which the chance of War is liable, and to diminish every success r ad- vantage; and who are waiting the opportunity, which we trust they will never have, of doing mischief. It is necessary, therefore, for the well- disposed to be vigilant ; and those who assist in the Magistracy or Police of the Nation are peculiarly called upon to be upon their guard. The greatest crime of EGALITE, in the eyes of the Revolutionary Tribunal, was the vast wealth he possessed ; which they wished to seize. His greatest crime in a moral view, was the prosti- tution of an immense fortune to the most detest- able purposes; and his having squandered it Upon his most unprincipled creatures, to bring his Sovereign and Relative to the block, in order- to mount a Throne which he would have stain- ed with greater vices than any ot his predeces- sors. The People of Great Britain cannot behold with compassion the destitution of wretches who have plunged their own, and wished to in- volve this Country in the greatest misery; but, atrocious as the characters of BRISSOT and his Party were, it is impossible to reflect on the cir- cumstances of their Trial and Execution with- out feelings of abhorrence. That men, however wicked, should be brought to a Tribunal, the Judges of which were resolved to find them guilty— that the governing Power should, during the course of this mock Trial, decide upon a mode of conducting it to preclude every possi- bility of defence— that, finally, the Execution of these men should have been attended with every mark of derision, are circumstances which must revolt the feelings of persons accustomed to mild and equitable Laws. Soon after the late unfortunate KING of FRANCE had succeeded to the Crown, his QUEEN used all her influence with him to abolish the horrid practice of torturing, on the Wheel, which after much difficulty she at last succeeded in. The Dispatches from Toulon, announced in the last Gazette, were highly important, not only as thev give tidings of the success of the Allied Forces, but as they shew that the most complete harmony presides among those Forces, so that we may be sure of the most cordial co- operation in whatever enterprizes they may attempt.— Toulon, so defended, we have n0 doubt, will be perfectly secure against the vagabond Troops of the Republic, and in the end prove a rallying joint for all Frenchmen who, amidst the degene- racy of their Country, still retian principles of Loyalty, and the affections of Human Nature. There is a report that the French Usurpers have thought proper to reflect on the injustice of the Decree by which Englishmen were doomed to confinement, and have ordered them to be re- leased. It is difficult to give credit to this re- port ; because it seems to imply some sense of equity, and some touch of feeling, in the brutal Republicans, which, after the enormities they have practised, it would be absurd to suppose still possible among so debased a People. Yesterday the Duke of BEDFORD'S grand Hunt commenced at Woburn, and a large assemblage of company of distinCtion started from the Abbey at an early hour , The Powerful and Orion, of 74' guns each, Melampus, La Nymphe, and Circe Frigates, with the Dutch Ship of War and East Indiaman, re- main at anchor in the Sound. Sailed last evening the three Irish Revenue Cutters which put in here some days since, for Ireland. MILFORD, Nov. 14. THIS afternoon a Signal was made 0n board His Majesty's ship Castor, when all the boats were manned and armed, and instantly they set off from the Armed Ships and Tenders, and made. a general sweep from all Protections . in this har bour. POOLE, Nov. 17. AN accident of a serious nature happened at St. John's in Newfoundland, on board of His Majesty's ship the Stately.— The Captain having ordered one of the Gunner's Mates to be punish- ed for neglect of duty, it was of course put into execution; but it so much hurt the pride of the man, that from thence he was determined to take the life of the Captain. A few days after, he with some others were sent into the Magazine to do some necessary business; after the work was done, the rest of his companions could not get him out of the place where they had been employed. He told them he never would leave it until the Captain had come and spoke to him ; this the Captain very prudently refused to do; but in order to induce him to leave his situation, and come out, the Gunner personated him— the man told him to put his head down and speak to. him, which he. did ; and he really supposing it to have been the Captain, instantly fired off a pistol, which shot the unfortunate Gunner • through the head, and he expired immediately. The Ship's Crew hearing an explosion in the Magazine, naturally supposed that it had blown up, and there were about one hundred men in- stantly leaped over- board, and unfortunately eight of them are drowned. Late last night a Messenger arrived at White- hall with Dispatches from Berlin. The Fleet under Sir JOHN JERVIS fell down to St. Helen's yesterday. Thursday forenoon last, about eleven o'clock, Mr. Thomas Muir, younger of Huntershill, was taken from the Tolbooth, Edinburgh, and con- veyed in a coach to New haven, where he was sent 0n board the Royal George Excise Yacht, Capt. Ogilvie, in Leith Roads, for London There were sent along with him, John Grant, who was convicted of forgery at Inverness Circuit— John Stirling, who petitioned for transportation, being concerned in robbing Nel- field house ; — Bearhope, concerned in stealing watches, and who also petitioned for banishment ; and James Mackay, lately con- demned to death for street- robbery, but after- wards obtained His Majesty's pardon. On Saturday evening last died at the Mote, near Maidstone, the Right Hon. ROBERT MAR- SHAM, Lord ROMNEY, of Romney, in the County . of Kent, L. L. D. Fellow of the Royal Society, President of the Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, and President of the Marine Society, & c. & c. Sec. His Lordship passed along life of real philan- thropy, promoting the glory and happiness of his Country, and in full possession of every virtue that could adorn human nature; when, having attained the eighty- second year of his age, he left this world with perfect resignation and tranquillity. His Lordship has left two Sons the Hon. CHARLES MARSHAM, now Lord ROMNEY ; the Hon. and Rev. JACOBE MARSHAM, and four Daughters; of whose exemplary conduct and filial attachment, too much cannot be expressed. On Saturday Nov. 16, died at St. Stephen's, near Canterbury, in the 60th year of his age, WILLIAM DEEDES, Esq. Chairman of the Quarter Sessions for the Eastern part of that County. He was an aCtive and upright Magistrate, disinte rested in his public principles,, firm and Intrepid in his resolutions, and made his Conscience and the Laws of his Country the standard of his con- duct. The Public have lost in him a very useful member of society, and those intimately ac- quainted with him a most valuable friend. The Danes have erected a most conspicuous Light- house on the island of Anhalt; it is of a cylindrical farm, 50 Danish ells in height, and 32 in circumference; 0n the summit is placed a furnace or grate, two feet nine inches in height, and five feet in diameter ; so that the flame be- ing stronger, and more than double the former altitude, will be observed at a much greater distance. The edifice is 2500 Danish ells to" the westward cf the old building; it is 3100 ells from the east point of the Island, and 36 ells above the surface of the water. The Danish ell is two feet English nearly. The Harriot, Strong, and Sovereign, Brown, from Honduras to London; Two Brothers, Woodman, and Maria, Findlay, from Honduras to Liverpool; and the snow Adventure, Curenne, from jamaica, are taken by the Industry, and Sans Pareille, French Privateers, and sent to Virginia. site T— DUBLIN, Nov. 13. MONDAY last the Attorney- General moved the Court of King's Bench on the part of the King against Archibald Hamilton Rowan, Esq. for liberty to amend the Information filed in the said Canse in last Trinity Term, by striking out of the ingrossment the following words, that is to say, " Meaning a Proclamation which issued un- der the Great Seal of the Kingdom of Ireland, the 8th of December 1792, for repressing all Se- ditious Associations." The Recorder, on the part of the Defendant, made no objection to the Motion being granted. The Court ruled, that the Prosecutor be at liberty to amend the Information as is desired. The same day the Attorney- General moved the Court of King's Bench in the same Cause, that the issue in this Cause be tried at the Bar of thisCourt on such day as the Court shall direCt. The Court ruled, that the issue in this Cause be tried at the bar of this Court on' the first Wed- nesday after the first sitting day in the next Term. Yesterday, in the Court of King's Bench, in the case of the King at the prosecution of the Duke of Leinster against John Giffard, Esq. one of the present High Sheriffs of the City of Dub- lin, for a Libel against his Grace, the Court al- lowed the cause shewn, and set aside the condi- tional rule. EXTRACT FROM THE JERSEY GAZETTE, NOV. 2, 1793. At an Assembly of the States, 26th OCtober, after the Commission of the new Commander in Chief,' the Earl of BALCARRES, had been read, Mr. DuMARESQ St. Peters, requested the States to grant him a few moments on a subject which merited their first attention. He observed, that the States being assembled for the first time since the departure of Col. CRAIG, the late Commander in Chief, it seemed to him to be the proper op- portunity to do justice to the merits and services of Col. CRAIG, and to testify the consideration that was due to him from the Representatives of the People. He was persuaded, that in making the proposal of returning thanks to Col. CRAIG, he went before the wishes of all the Members of that Assembly. Although Col. CRAIG had not been a long time amongst them, yet every one Was acquainted with the attention he had paid, and the pains he had taken for the security of the Island. He had been seen constantly occupied in the important care of putting the Island in the best state of defence, in instructing aud perfect- ing the Militia, and in watching over every thing that could contribute to the security of the Coun- try against the attacks of an Enemy. His system of defence, his preparations, and his military ar- rangements, had excited the admiration of every one. Col. CrAIG had therefore a right to the acknowledgments of the Country, and M. Du- MAREsq proposed the following ACt, which was approved of. " The States take the opportunity of their first meeting after the departure of Col. CRAIg, the late Commander in Chief of the Island, to testify by a Public ACt, the acknowledgments which they owe to him for his constant attention to the se- curity of the Country while he commanded in it; for the excellent plan of defence which he had formed, for the useful dispositions which he has on different occasions ordered for the greater se- curity of the Island, and for the better discipline of the Militia, and for his zeal, his assiduity, and his activity in every thing which concerned the great objects of his department. " The States further direCt, that the Greffier shall transcribe this ACt on Parchment, shall affix to it the Seal of the Island, and shall trans- mit it to Col. CRAIG." Several Members seconded with warmth the Motion of Mr. DUMARESQ, and spoke in the highest terms to the honour of Col. CRAIG. The Earl of BALCARRES said, that the Island had certainly suffered a great loss by the departure of Col. CRAIG ; that he joined with the States in sincerely regretting that the Country was de- prived of the talents and abilities of a man of his merit; that he was convinced that he could not better discharge his duty than by following the steps of Cot. CRAIG, and taking him for an ex- ample; that the States might be assured that all his efforts would be direCted to the security of the Country ; that . he should carefully watch over its defence, and that he would do every thing in his power to maintain it in the enjoyment of its Rights and Privileges. SCOTLAND. EdiNBURGH, NOV. 9. The Officers of the Strathspey, or 1st Regi- ment of Fencibles, have contributed a day's pay to purchase Flannel Waistcoats for the Army in Flanders. The Non commissioned Officers and Privates of the 1st or Strathspey Regiment of Fencibles, impressed with the same Patriotic sentiments of their Commander and other Officers of that Corps, have unanimously contributed a day's pay to furnish Flannel Vests to their brother Soldiers v< Flanders, which has been remitted to the Lord provost, amounting to 17l. 15s. Sd. making, with the former donation, 27!. The Borough of Dundee, have also remitted 20 guineas for th e same benevolent purpose. , The Fife Hunt, last week, had fine weather and excellent sport, both with fox- hounds and harriers. Although - a great many Members are necessarily absent in the service of their Coun- try. yet the Meeting was exceedingly well at- tended. Above forty of the Members were pre- sent, and a great many strangers. There were three Assemblies, and between ninety and a hun- dred Ladies and Gentlemen supped 0n the Ball nights. There was a redundancy of beauty and fashion— hilarity and good humour influenced all present. The whole was under the direction of James Morrison, Esq. of Naughton, Preses; Mr. Os- wald, of Dunnikier, and Captain Duncan. These Gentlemen conducted the whole with so much propriety, and had every thing so well suited to the humour of the Company, as made the whole amusements afford the most excellent entertain- ment. Capt. James Durham, of Largo, is eleCted Pre- ses for the ensuing year. INVERNESS, NOV. 2. The Ladies and Gentlemen of the Northern Meeting, spent the week here with their usual harmony, festivity, and good humour. Though not so very numerously attended as former Meet- ings, there was a very genteel assemblage of Com- panv, upwards of seventy Ladies and Gentlemen having dined at the Ordinary on some of the days. Their New Rooms were opened, which gave ge- neral satisfaction, being amongst the most spa- cious and elegant Public Rooms in the Kingdom. The Members of the Meeting were much in- debted tb the Gentlemen of the West Lowland Fencibles for their Society during the week, and favouring the Company with the use of their ex- cellent Band of Music. The lovers of. he chace had excellent sport from the hounds of Alexander Brodie, Esq. which he was. so obliging as send for their amusement. The following Gentlemen were appointed Stewards, & c. for the next Meeting : Sir Hector Monro, K. B. Capt. Fraser, of Culduthell Capt. Mackenzie, of Cromarty Mr. Mackintosh, of Holm Mr. Macleod, of Geanies Capt. William Wilson. Mr. Forbes, of Culloden Mr. Inglis, Treasurer Captain Lewis Mackenzie, Mr. James Grant, W. S. Sc younger, of Scatwell crciary BY THE KING'S PATENT, Dated the 4th of February, 1702. ALTHOUGH the persevering and unwearied endeavours of the late Mr. SpiLsBURY, in the im- provement of his invaluable ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, were never passed unnoticed by a discern- ing Public; yet his motive in soliciting the Royal Patronage so long as Thirty Years after he first prepared them, was not only to secure the pro- perty to his Wife and her Family, but as a just ground for an increased confidence to the Pa- tient that the Preparation is GENUINE— an im- pression which should ever accompany Medi- cines calculated for an extensive circulation : and, that the same confidence should be pre- served after his decease, he expressly mentions in his Will, that he fully instructed his Wife, and her only, in every minute part of the Pre- paration.— Mrs. SPILSBURY, therefore, most re- peCtfully informs the Public, that the Business is carried on BY HER, in Soho- square, the same as usual, SHE having in reality been the Preparer of the Antiscorbutic Drops for several years past. SHIP NEWS. PORTSMOUTH, NOVEMBER 18. Arrived— the Lady Mary Fitzmaurice, M'Elever, from Faro. LLOYD's LIST OF THIS DAY. DEAL, NOVF. MUER l8. Remain— His Majesty's ships Brilliant, Admiral Peyton; Triton, Admiral Macbride; Santa Margaretta, Sheerness, Eu- rydice, and Savage, Amphitrite, Union, and Prince Edward armed ships ; Camilla, Swedish ship of war and Aquilla, Gorine, for Ostend. Wind, S. E. GRAVESEND, NOVEMBER 18. Passed by— the , Tayler, and Norwich Packer, Thom- son, from Rotterdam ; Dram, Roost, and Princess Sophia, Crofton, from Norway; Vrow Catherina, Arden, from Embden; Hannah, Hannaford, from Mogadore; Galanta, Strahan, from Sweedland; and Vrow Maria Eliza, Hen- dricks, from Lear. Sailed— the Stanley, Hayes, from St. Kitt's ; Endraght, Hanawgen ; and Weshallighead, Maasdyt, for Rotterdam. ARRIVAls At Quebec— the Fanny, Bormen, from Bristol. At New York— the Severn, Farley, from Bristol. At Bristol— the Elizabeth, Weeks, from Cork. BIRTH. On Friday Inst, the Dutchess of Dorset, at Knowle, Kent, of a Son and Heir. MARRIED. On Thursday, by special liccnse, the Right Hon. the Earl of Oxford, to Miss Scott, daughter of the Rev. Dr. Scott, of Itchen. The ceremony was performed at the Doctor's own house. On Sunday, at Rolleston, Staffordshire, Robert Fielden, Esq. to Miss Mosley, eldest daughter of Sir John Parker Mosley, Bart, of Rolleston- House. DIED. Lately, at the Hague, after a long illness, the Dowager Countess Bentinck. On Wednesday last,, at Epsom, Surrey, Mr. John Hodg- son, second son of the late Robert Hodgson, of that place. Lately, on her passage from Lisbon, Mrs. C. Smith, daugh- ter to Mrs. Beaver, of Dover- street. On Thursday last, at his house in Bristo- street Mr. An- gus Macpherson, late Merchant in Edinburgh. On Saturday the 2d instant, at Eslemont- House, Robert Gordon, Esq. of Halihead. On Sunday the 3d instant, Robert Turner, Esq. Sheriff- Substitute of Aberdeenshire. , Saturday se'nnight at the age of 70, at I. ynn Regis, in Nor- folk, where he had practised upwards of thirty years, Ro- bert Hamilton; M. D. Fellow of the Royal College of Phy- sicians, Edinburgh, and a Member of several other learned Societies. On Monday the 11th instant, at Warwick, James Hadow, M. D. in the 86th year of his age. On Wednesday, at his house, Whitehall, James Wolfe, Esq.' of the Board of Works. On Tuesday the 12th instant, at Carville, near New- castle, the Right Hon. Lady Isabella Ann Hay, second daughter of. the hits Earl of Errol, universally and most deservedly lamented. Yesterday, at the house of Francis Plowden, Esq. at North End, Hampstead, Mrs. Roberts, relict of the late john Roberts, of Abergavenny, Esq On S i ' dav se'nnight, at Bishport, Somersetshire, Miss Ann Lansdown, eldest daughter of the late Farmer Lans- down. Thursday morning, Miss Mary Lansdown; and in the afternoon, Mr. Cary Lansdown, her brother and sister. PRICE OF STOCKS. YESTERDAY. LONDON MARKETS, & c. OBSERVATIONS ON YESTERDAY'S MARKET AT MARK LANE. We had a large supply of Wheat yesterday morning, which experienced a dull sale, and prices were full a shilling lower, and seem 0n the decline. Fine Malting Barleys . were scarce, and obtained higher prices ; but the inferior sorts were dull. Fine Malts were in some demand, and sold 6d. dearer, be- ing rather scarce. Hog and Boiling Pease were full two shillings cheaper, having a pretty many at Market; find new Ticks were plen- tiful, considerably cheaper and but few sold. New Small Beans were one shilling lower. We had a large arrival of Oats from abroad; but many Cargoes came out of condition, so that good fresh sold full as dear as last week. MEAL- WEIGHERS' ( Messrs. CHILD and MALPAS) RE- TURN of the PRICES of WHEAT, made at the CORN- EXCHANGE, MONDAY, NOV. IS. TO THE LADIES. ALong Head of Hair being by all allowed to be the greatest Ornament to a fine Woman, and in the present fashion, a very long and full Chignon forms the prin- cipal and most elegant part of the Head- Dress. Many La- dies who dress themselves, or arc dressed by Servants, wear- ing Braids for convenience and expedition, and some who have thin Hair from necessity Complaints being made against Braids in general, viz. their moving about upon the head, and wearing away the Hair ; their hanging very heavy, aud sticking out from the head, shewing they are false ; their being made taper, and the short Hairs failing down; the difficulty of disposing of the natural growing Hairs laid back from the front ; the little regard paid to matching the Co- lours, & c. See. To remedy which, and to bring that article to perfection, has been the chief study for more than ten years, of T. BOWMAN, No. 46, Holborn, near Brownlow- strect. His Braids are on a new and curious principle, which ob- viates every objection abovementioued, being made to fit the head ; they hang light, and do not wear away the natural Hair, as it may be put in a recess and enveloped by the long Hair of the Braid ; or if the natural Hairs are plaited and put up with a comb, the Braid will sit close, and not shew the least deception by any wind or motion in Riding, Dancing, & c. They are made without any short Hairs, will turn up, a la Chignon, without frizzing, and not part in the middle ; will last much longer than those made taper in the common Will, and are well adapted for Ladies who dress themselves, as the Braid may be dressed before it is put on. For the con- venience of Ladies who may want a Braid on an emcrgency, or who wish to please themselves, he has now completed the most valuable, numerous, and complete Assortment ever of- fered to the Public, consisting of near 400 Braids, of the value of 4ool. and one hundred different prices, arranged in seven different lengths, and fourteen shades or colours from a dark to a light brown. The first size from 5s. to 10s.— the second, from 7s. to 14s.— the third, from 10s. 6d. to 1l. is.— the fourth, from 16s. to il. ris. Cd— the fifth, frcjhi il. is. to 2l2S.— the sixth, from il. us. CJ- to Jl. js.— the seventh, from 2I. 2s. to 4I. 4s.— also an extra size, from Three Guineas to Six Guineas. Besides Ringlet Braids, Black, Red. Grey, Auburn, and Flaxen Colours; the shades are laid so close as to match any Colour, of all the seven different lengths, to a certainty in a minute, they being regularly numbered. The lowest Price Is asked, and no abatement, Tetes, as usual.— Foreign and English Perfumery. SALES BY AUCTION . MITCHAM, SURRY. By Mr. CHRISTIE, . At his Great Room in Pall- Mall, On THURSDAY NEXT, at Twelve o'Clock, IN EIGHT LOTS, ADESIRABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, consisting of sundry RICH INCLOSED MEA- DOWS, situated near the Church, and some Pieces of RICH INCLOSED ARABLE LAND, and also some Pieces in the Lower Common- Field, at MITCHAM, in the County of SURRY. Containing about SIXTY ACRES, lett to the following Tenants at Will, at low old Rents, viz. The Rev Mr. MEYERS, Mr. PINATT, Surgeon, and Messrs. BEN- HAM, BUCKLAND, BUSCHAS, PACKER, LUNT, and. Messrs. HALFHIDF, and SON, ob Lease, which will expire at Michaelmas next, at the annual Amount of NINETY POUNDS, ' Capable of very considerable Improvements. The Land may be viewed, with leave of the Tenants and printed Particulars may be had at the Buck's Head, at Mit- cham ; the Greyhound, Cashalton ; King's Arms, Croy- don ; Spread Eagle, Epsom ; at the Rainbow, Cornhill : and in Pall- Mall. MONMOUTH, DURHAM, and SUFFOLK. By Mr. CHRISTIE, At his Great Room in Pall Mall, On TUESDAY, the 10th of December next, at One o'Clock, By ORDER of the ASSIGNEES, THE following CAPITAL and VALUABLE FREEHOLD and IMPROVABLE ESTATE of Messrs. GEORGE SMITH and JOHN CURE, Of Chepstow, in the County 0f Monmouth, BANKRUPTS, situated in the COUNTIES of MONMOUTH, DUR- HAM, and SUFFOLK; consisting of that Universally admired ESTATE called PIFRCEFIELD Comprising the CAPITAL MANSION ( lately erected, but not quite finished), suitable OFFICES, excellent GAR- DENS, with extensive WALKS, romantic WOODS, PLEASURE GROUND, i. e. seated on in EMINENCE in a BEAUTIFUL PARK, embellished by the RIVER WYE. with full command of MAGNIFICENT VIEWS over the RIVER SEVERN, & c. together with about TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED ACRES of RICH LAND immediately encircling the same, and lying in the several Parishes of ST. ARVAN'S, CHEPSTOW, NEW CHURCH, and PENTERRY, in the COUNTY of MON- MOUTH, producing the Annual Rent of TWO THOUSAND POUNDS. Also, the LIFE INTEREST of the said GEORGE SMITH, Esq. in and to a VALUABLE ESTATE called BURNHALL, consisting of a CAPITAL MANSION- HOUSE called BURNHALL HOUSE, now in the occupa- tion of UTRICK REAY, Esquire, with suitable OFFICES- PLEASURE- GROUND, together with SUNDRY FARMS, & c. known by the the Names of HADHOUSE, FAREWELL HALL, and MOORHOUSE, situated in the Parish of ST. OSWALD'S DURHAM, in the County of DURHAM, in the several occupations of JOSEPH RICH- MOND, JOHN HORNSBY, WILLIAM LISLE, and EdWARd GaSCOIGNE, at several yearly Rents, amounting to FOUR HUNDRED AND TWENTY POUNDS PER. ANNUM. AND UPWARDS. Also, the several ESTATES called NEWTON HAND- SARD and POPLER ROW, consisting of THREE MES- SUAGES, FARMS, LANDS, & c. situated in the Parish of ELWICK, in the COUNTY of DURHAM, now Jen to WILLIAM BRADLEY, ANTHONY DObSON, and THOMAS NEWTON, at several yearly Rents, amounting in the whole to THREE HUNDRED AND THIRTY POUNDS, AND UPWARDS, PER ANNUM. Also, the LIFE INTEREST of GEORGE SMITH, Esq. in and to all those MESSUAGES, FARMS, WIND- MILLS, LANDS, and the MOIETY of sundry FARMS, situated it SWESLING, in ihe COUNTY of SUFFOLK, in the occupation of JAMES GROUT, JOSEPH COOK, JOHN CAPON, JONATHAN SEAMAN, and ThoMAS NEWBY, at several yearly Rents, amounting: in the whole to FOUR HUNDRED AND TEN POUNDS PER ANNUM, AND UPWARDS. Printed Particulars will be forthwith ready, and may be shortly had of Messrs. Jenkins, James and Abbott, New Inn, London ; of Mr. Williams, Attorney at Law, Chep- stow ; Mr. R. Kirton, Attorney at Law-, at his Office, Ex- chequer, Durham; of Lewis. Esq. No. 12, Gray's Inn; and the Piercefield, Burnhall, and Newton Handsard Estates. May be viewed by applying to the Stewards, Mr. Rice, of Saint Arvans, near Piercefield ; Mr, White, of Durham ; or Mr. Snowden, of Quarrington, Durham. FOR SALE BY THE CANDLE, AT the New York Coffee- house, in Sweet- ings's alley, Cornhill, 0n Thursday the 21st inst. at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, The following GOODS, viz. 1346 SKINS, NOOTKA SOUND OTTER and other FURS, for the China Market. The aforesaid Goods to be seen from Tuesday Morning the 19th inst. to the Time of Sale, at the Broker's Warehouses in Aldermary Church- yard, Watling- strcet. Where Catalogues may be had ; at the Place of Sale and of ROBINSON, GOAD, ROW, and Co. BroKers. LEAKE's PATENT PILLS, To THOMAS TAYLOR, Surgeon, No. 9, New Bridge- Street, London. SIr, Dublin, March 10, 1793. I Think it is but doing justice to the memory of Mr. LEAkE, to communicate the following very extraordinary Cure performed by his PILULA SALUTA- RIA. A man who has lived with me for some years, in the ca- pacity of a Gardner, was about a twelvemonth ago infected with the Venereal Disease, the consequencc of which was a virulent Gonorrhoea ; upon this he immediately applied to- me of those, who, without any real knowledge of the Dis- ease, promised an immediate cure; the improper treatment of this man brought on a Gleet, Buboes in the Groin, and at. length, what was at first a slight Clap, degenerated into a confirmed Lues; corroding Ulcers gradually began to cover his Body, and had crept to the cartilage of his Nose, which they were destroying very fast, when the poor fellow, find- ing disguise no longer possible, with tears in his eyes, con- fessed to me the whole affair. As he had been to me a most valuable servant, I procured him all the assistance I was able. After a week a attendance, the faculty declared his Case desperate. I had heard much of your Pilula Salutaria, in this case I knew their effects might be beneficial and could, not be dangerous I therefore sent for some, and it is n0 less true than surprising, that they actually in less than a month effected a perfect cure. I write this at, the instigation of John Gordon ( that is the man's name) whose gratitude is unbounded As a friend of mine is coming to London, I desired him to leave this at your House. I remain, SiR, Your humble Servant, THOMAS BISHOP. P. S. If through the medium of the Public Prints, ync chose to communicate this instance of the efficacy ot LeaKe's Pills, you are at liberty to do so. The above Medicine is Prepared and Sold by the Sole Proprietor, THOMAS TAYLOR Member of the Corporation of Surgeons, London, At his House, No. 9, Mew Bridge street; where he will give Advice, without a Fee, to Persons taking these Pills, and will answer Parents Letters, if post paid, on the same terms, observing in all cases the most inviolable Secrecy, They are also sold, by his Appointment, for the conve- nience of those living at a distance, at the Perfumer's, No. 35. St. Alban's- street, Pall- Mall; Mr. Robertson's Toy- shop, No. 103, Oxford- street; Mr. Steel's, Bookseller, No. 1, Union- row, Little Tower hill; Watson and Co. Edinburgh; Callwell Dublin; f udball, Bristol; Crutt- well, Bath; Donaldson, Portsmouth and by one Person in every considerable Town in England, in Boxes of only 2s. 9d. each, sealed up with full and plan Directions, whereby Persons, of either Sex, may cure themselves, with ease and secrecy. LONDON : Printed by B. MILLAN, and Sold at No. 112, in the Strand, opposite Exeter Change; where Advertisements, Orders for the Paper Letters for the Editor, & c. will be received.
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