The Edinburgh Advertiser
Printer / Publisher: James Donaldson
Volume Number: LX
Issue Number: 3118
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The Edinburgh Advertiser
Date of Article: 15/11/1793
Printer / Publisher: James Donaldson
Address: Castle-hill, Edinburgh
Volume Number: LX
Issue Number: 3118
No Pages: 6
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VOL. LX. THE No. 3118. EDINBURGH ADVERTISER. From TUESDAY NOVEMBER 12, to FRIDAY NOVEMBER 15, 1793. THURSDAY's POST. Frenrt the LONDON PAPERS, NOV. it. LONDON UR readers will wonder what some newspapers mean by the perpetual repetition of " the Carmagnols!'— At that period of the last year, when the French over- run the Austrian Netherlands, a theatrical piece, Cal- led the Siege of Lisle, was repre- sented at Paris with great success; it contained a long in praise of the French cannonry, of which the follow- ing words were the burden : " Dansons la Carmagnole " Vive le son, vive le son,
" Dansons la Carmagnole " Vive le son du canon." THE FRENCH CALENDAR FOR THE PRESENT YEAR, COMMENCING 22D SEPT. French Names. T. Duration of the months,. Term' Day.: Vindeniaire Brumaire Frimaire AUTUMN. Vintage Month from Sept. 21 to Ofl. at it l og Month — Oft. 11 to Nov. 10 Sleet Month — NOT. 21 to Dec. 10 WINTER. Snow Month — Dec. It to Jan. 19 Rain Month — J » n. 20 to Feb. 18 Wind Month — Feb. 19 to Mat 10 SPRING. Sprouts Month — Mar. 11 to Apr. 19 Flowers Month — Apr. 10 to May 19 Failure Month — May so to Jane IS SUMMER. Harvest Month — June 19 to July 18 Hot
Month — July 19 to Aug. 17 Fruit Month — Aug. 18 to Sept. 16 SANS CuloTiDes, as Feasts dedicated les virtus The Virtues Sept. 17 • v Nivos Pluvios Ventos Germinal Floreal Praireal Messidor Fervidor Fructidor Le Genie Genius le Travil Labour L' Opinion Opinion La Recompenses Rewards cree one day, they unsettle to- morrow; and resolutions are no resolves with them. Full of their ancient levity, and abounding, perhaps, more than ever in insolence, they seem to have no with for the re- establishment of peace, so necessary to the founding of their new Republic ; nor have they testi- fied even the smallest symptom, of
suffering other na- tions to be at quiet, were they to be left entirely to themselves. The cause of this is not deep to seek. The secret lies with their rulers, who at present set the herd in motion. Having risen by riot and disorder, a regular system of government is not suited to their views. It is in confusion only they can thrive ; and for this reason no overtures will ever be made by them, no reasonable terms of peace ever be accepted, while they can, by any means, raise the supplies for war, and by the most forcible measures levy an army for the field. Though trifling indignities cannot materially aggra- vate the enormous crime of
infamous regicides towards their Queen, yet they might serve greatly to agonize the feelings of the unfortunate victim ; and for this purpose, no doubt, they were practised against the QUEEN of FRANCE. Her beautiful hair was cut off by the hangman, and she was conveyed to her murder in a dung cart, such as has ever been appropriated to the vilest and meanest malefactors. She had been guarded in sight, ever since the 1st of August, nearly three months, in a room only 12 feet long and 8 feet broad ; four feet under ground, and a grated window just level with the earth. She was hurried repeatedly from this her prison to her
trial and back again, three or four times; and finally murdered in about nine hours after her iniquitous sentence. No female near her at the hour of death— not allowed to see or take leave of her sister or her children— and her sacred remains finally thrown, by the base hands of filthy dungeon villains," with more indignity than that of the lowest felon is treated in this kingdom, into a hole, and covered with unslak- ed lime. Jourdan, who succeeded Houcbard in the command of the French northern army, is a man about 36 years of age, who began his career as a common soldier in the infantry regiment of Lafere; after that he was
sur- geon in a small village in the province of Limoges ; and then a petty shopkeeper in the city of that name, In 1792, with these previous qualifications, he was made commander of the second battalion of volunteers of Upper Vienne ; and soon after obtained the commis- sion of Chief of Brigade. He is now at the head of the principal army of t Abbey. It is adjoining the one of Lord Chatham's and is of the finest marble, and the most delicate work- manship. Last month was remarkably mild, and many people- lay they do not remember a milder month of October • but October 1783 was as mild, the thermometer was' 69, 67, 66
and above 60 for 13 davs; was below < 0 only two days, the 8th and 28th; first frost the 8th ; first ice the 9th November; the mulberry tree not out of leaf till November 7th ; thermometer from 63 to 32 during November, between the Hours of 7 A. M. and xo P. M. But from January the 22d to the 31st 1784, thermome- ter between 17 and 30— Many birds found dead by the inclemency of the weather in January and February. The Hon. Mr. Fitzmaurice, Member of Parliament; who died lately at Hampstead, was the gentleman, who, from his extensive concerns in the linen manufactory! was called the Royal Merchant. The contents
of his warehouses at Chester, in which, during his health, he was generally to be found in times of business, have been frequently estimated at 1oo, oool. ncipal army of the Republicans. The jews are all to quit France, by order of the National Savages, but before they set out, they are to be lightened of what property they possess, it being the law of the country, that no money, nor articles of value are to be exported. This is what those new Le- gislators call securing private property ! No great degree of cordiality subsists between the Imperial and the Prussian troops. The former com- plain that the chief weight of the war rests
upon them, and add that the partition of Poland engrosses the at- tention of Prussia more than the war against France. It is certain that the court of Vienna did not easily accede to the treaty between Prussia and Poland. The Spanish Admiral Borghese, with a squadron of fifteen sail of the line, and three frigates, is at present cruising in the latitude of Madeira, in order to convoy a fleet of merchantmen expected from Vera Cruz, which has 80 millions of piastres on board. This sum is intended as a patriotic donation from South Ameri ca, to be employed in carrying on the war against the French. The late Captain Sutherland of the
artillery, served with great eclat in America, under Colonel Moncrieff, whom he soon followed to the grave. It is become necessary that the uniform of the Eng lish and Irish artillery should be changed. It so nearly resembles the French, that in a close engagement some of our men have been cut down by the Prussians through mistake. Our artillery officers wear a white handker- chief round their right arm to distinguish them from the enemy, but in a Dark night, and during the heat of action, this has not been found a sufficient protection. A few days since, a very elegant monument, erected by Parliament, at the cost of four
thousand pounds to the memory of the late Captains Baine, Blair, and Lord Robert Manners, was opened at Westminster Next week will be Published, , A CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, FOR THE YeAR M dcc, xciv. Consisting of SEVERAL LIBRARIES LATELY PURCHASED, And Containing- A Great Variety of BOOKS in every' Class of Learning and Branch of Literature. AMONGST WHICH ARE: . Folio. Spence's Polymetis, 1774. . Oeuvres de Fontenelle, 3 toni. Dugdale's Summons to Par-" liament. Richardson's Pers. and Arab Dictionary; 2 vol. Raleigh by Oldys, vol Blog. Britan. by Kippis, 5 vol Bayte's Dictionary, t vol.
Norden's travels in Nubia. Is'a Douglas Peerage of Scotland- Cambden 3 vol. by Cough. Whitlork's Memorial, best co- dition, 1732. Vitringa in jesiam, 2 vol. Hunter's Grivid Uterus. Guillim's Heraldry, best edit- Quarto. Encyclopedia Methodique, 161 tom, Oeuvres de Voltaire; 30' tofn. - Butler's Hudibiras, 3 volumes. plates. Pennant's Tour 3 vol. Histoire Naturelle de Pline, 12 tom. Desagulier's Experiment. Phi- losophy, 2 vols. Tableau de la Suisse, twelve- tom. Octavo: Variorum Classicks, best edi tions. Scots Magazine, 52 vol. » Critical Review, 64 vol. Homer, chart, max. Pausanias, Kuhnij, 1696. Aristophanes, Kusteri, 1710.
Xenophontis, Leunclavij, 16 25' Demosthenis & Eschinis, ope- ra, 2 vol. 1609. Dion Cassius Reimari, 1 vol. Polybius, casauboni, 1609. Stuart and Revett's Antiq. of Athens, - i vol. Adam's Ruins of Spalatro. Harris' Voyages & Travel*, 2 vol. Swammerdami Biblia Natu- ra, 2 vol. Soline Polyhister, 2 vols. Morison historia Plantarum, 3 vol. Hogarth's Moral and Comic Works. Campbcll Vitruvius Britan. 3 vol. in two. Desgotez Edifices Antiques de Rome Soane's Sketehes in Architec- ture. Folke's Table of Coins. Kitchen's General Atlas. Dunn's Atlas of the Mundane system. D'Anville's Aricient Maps. Brown's History of Jamaica.
Blome's Gentleman's Recrea- tion. Edmondson's Heraldry 2 Vol. | Monthly Review, 33 vol.' Which will begin to be sold ( Decembcr 1793) " for Ready Money, at the prices affixed td each- Book in the Catalogue, BY BELL& B RADFUTE. Catalogues ( price One Shilling, to be deducted from first purchase to the amount of 5s.) may be had at the place of sale, and of the principal Booksellers in Scotland. This Catalogue contains the best Miscellanious Collec- tion of Books that has appeared for years past. At BELL & BRADFUTE'S may be Had, Their CATALOGUE of LAW & MEDICAL BOOKS ' FOR 1794, ( with the prices affixed
to each) apart from the ' General' Catalogue, ( Embellished with a Portrait of The Author . A VOYAGE ROUND THE WORLD, In his Majesty's Frigate PANDORA performed wider the di- rertion of Captain EDWARDS, in the Years 1795,1791, and 1792. With the Discoveries made in the SOuth- Sea; and the many Distresses experienced by the Crew, from Shipwreck and Famine, in a Voyage of Eleven Hundred Miles, in Open Boats, between Endeavour Straits and the Island of Timor BY MR. GEORGE HAMILTON, . Late Surgeon of the Pandora. Sold by Wm. Creech, and Bell and Bradfute, Edinburgh; . and Wm: Phorson,
Berwick, and every Bookseller. where also may be had, AYLOFFE on the GOVERNMENT of the PASSIONS. ac- cording to the Rules of Reasonr and Religion, 12mo. price 1s. 6d. Bound. The intercolary day of every fourth year is to be called LA SANS CULOTIDE, on which there is to be a National Renovation of their Oath, To Live Free o r Dit. The Month is divided Into three DECADES, the days of which are called, tram the Latin numerals, I. Primldi 4. Quart id I 7. Septidi i. Duodi 5. Quintidi 8. Oaodl 3. Tridi 6. Sextidl Nonodi, and 10. Decadi, which is to be the day of rest. A fpecimen of the reckoning introduced bv the above
curious scheme—" Decadi of the third decade of Bru- maine, in the second year of the French Republic, one and indivisible,"— is, in plain English— Wednesday, Dec. 2o, 1793. It is very certain, that the learned tutors of the young Louis, are, at present, industriously employed to train him up in ignorance of every duty moral and divine; in a most Sovereign contempt of natural justice ; in an absolute profession of Atheism ; and in a love of every licentious debauchery that can in in the natural princi- ple of the human mind, and place it on a level with the common ideas, or rather the uncontrouled passions, of the brute creation.
Though the advantages of the campaign are mani- festly on the side of the Confederates, it is melancholy to reflect, with what little effect they have hitherto been attended; The French, Hardened by their iniquities, become every day more savage 5 and in proportion to their want of success, their fury rises to desperation. Hence, both in council and in the field, their conduct is more that of a band of robbers, than of a nation struggling for liberty ; and all their measures whether for war, or domestic regulation, bespeak rather the fer- vours of madmen; than the deliberate efforts of a great people, endeavouring wisely and coolly to
compose all differences and by some settled plan, to fix upon mea- sures, that may procure them peace, both within and from without. iNdeed no regular plan or proceeding in any one circumstance, to be their object What they de
BritisH ARMY IN FLANDERS. While our COUNtRYMEN abroad are employed in most laborious and perilous service, in order to Secure for us at home our Religion, our Laws, our Liberties, and our very existence as an Independent and Civilized Nation— It seems to be our duty, by every kind attention in our power, to testify our gratitude to our Gallant Defenders.— The pre- sent seat of the war is a cold and a damp country ; and the season is approaching When our soldier's in those parts may, it is to be feared, be in greater danger from disease than from the sword of the enemy. It is therefore presumed, that a VOLUNTARY
SUB- SCRIPTION for supplying the BRITISH TROOPS on the CONTINENT with FLANNEL WAISTCOATS will at this time be deemed not unreasonable — It may prove the means of saving the lives of many brave men, and, by conse- quence, of bringing to a conclusion a war which, on the part of our merciless and unprincipled enemies, has been distin- guished by atrocities disgraceful to human nature, and till now unexampled in the history of mankind. SUBSCRIPTIONS for this humane and truly patriotic pur- pose will be received by The LORD PROVOST and MAGI- at the Council - STRATES, Chamber. And by Messrs.
MANSFIELD, RAM- SAY, and CO. f ; ' Sir WM. FORBES, JAs. HUNTER, Bankers, and CO. Messrs. THOs. KINNEAR and SONS, Mr. CREECH, Bookseller, at the Cross. Amount of former Subscriptions, ADDITIONAL SUBSCRIBERS.. Fletcher Yetts, an Old Tar, Mr. Samuel Mathew, clerk in the Post- office, Alexander Duncan, Esq; writer to the signet, for the burgh of Dundee, as authorised by an act of the Town, - The Non- commissioned Officers' and Privates o the First or Strathspey Regiment of Fencibles a day's pay from each, - A subscription from the Gentlemen on North Bridge- street, - From a Family in Fife- shire,
Ebenezer Oliphant, Esq; of Condie, Mr. Alexander Nairne, accountant, - Mrs. Bruce of Kinloch, Mr. Thomas Armstrong, coppersmith, Mr. William Scot, procurator- fiscal of the county Right Hon. Lord President, - Mr. Campbell of Monzie, Miss Campbell, Miss S. Campbell, Miss J. Campbell, ... Mr. Menzies of Culdairs, - Mrs. Menzies of Culdairs, Mr. Bruce of Arnot, - Major Colquhoun, - Mr. Grant of Congalton, - . . - A Lady, Mr. Bell of Guernsey, Mr. William Bell, sen. leith, Mrs. Bell, " Mr. Alexander Young, writer to the signet, Queen- street. James Erskine, esq; of Cardross, Robert Craigie, Esq; Advocate, Mr. Thomas Kerr,
farmer, J. D. - - Right Hon. Earl of Morton, A weeks earning from a Poor Women, the Mo- ther of a Soldier serving in Flanders, lauch. M'Lean of Torloisk, Esq; Robert Campbell, Esq; of Asknish, Philip Loch, Esq; Collector of Customs, George Drummond, esq; of Blair- Drummond Henry Jardine, Esq; writer to the signet, Ebenezer Marshall, Esq; of Hilcairney, Mrs. Marshall, of Kilcairny, , _ - James Ferrier, Esq;. of Kerse, - Capt. Hay, of the Lord M'Cartney, some ladies, A Family from the Country, Andrew Blane, Esq; writer to the signet, Isaac Grant, Esq; writer to the signet, Lady Dalrymple Hamilton M'Gill, Major Spencer
Cochrane, Right Hon. Lord Eardley, ,- Messrs. David and Robert Moutrie, manufactur- ers, Glasgow, .- from the Letter- carriers and Servants of the Ge- neral Post- office, Edinburgh, a collection, Lady Clerk, - - Miss Lacy, Miss Ann Lacy, - Additional collection from Perthshire Hunt Mr. James Hunter, baker Mr. Henry Hardie, do. SUGAR, RUM, COFFEE, FUSTICK, AND HIDES, Per the FORTUNE, John Fisher, master, from Jamaica. TO be SOLD by Auction, at the Assemby Rooms, Leith,' on Friday, and November 1793, at 11 o'clock forenoon, N. B. The Sugars are of an exceeding Good Quality. Samples to be seen at
Alexander Allan and Co. Mer- chants, Edinburgh. NOTICE. THE COMMITTEE of the CONSTITUTIONAL AS- SOCIATION are, upon Monday next, the 18th curt, to resume their Weekly Meetings. It is requested that the Members of the Committee will meet that day in the Royal Exchange Coffee- house, at two o'clock afternoon, where all communications will be received by JOHN WAUCHOPE, Secretary, GENERAL POST- OFFICE, EDINBURGH, Nov. 13, 1793. NOTICE is hereby given, That the MAIL with the LETTERS for LERWICK in ZETLAND, will be made up at this Office on WEDNESDAY 20th current, and will be
dispatchcd from Leith on board of the Packet the morning following, wind and weather serving. By order of the Postmaster- General, WILLIAM KERR, Sec.' RUM AND TOBACCO. TO be Sold by Public Auction, on Friday the 22d current, at two o'clock afternoon; in Leith Assembly Rooms, 10 Puncheons of JAMAICA RUM, out of bond. 13 Hhds. of VIRGINIA TOBACCO. Apply to WILLIAM GRINLY, Broker in Leith. Leitb, Novit. ihr 13, 1703, COUNTY OF HADDINGTON. AMOUNT of SUBSCRIPTIONS for the Relief of SOL- DIERS WIDOWS, formerly advertised, I.. Il » j ADDITIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS, viz. The Right Hon. the
Earl of Wemyss, The Hon. Francis Charteris, son of the Right Hon. Lord Elcho Patrick Dudgeon. Esq; of East Craig, The Hon. Lady Margaret M'Lean of Ardgour Robert Vetch, esq of Caponflat, Mrs. Vetch of Capouflat, William Law, Esq; of Elvingston, General Henry Fletcher of Salton, The Right Hon. the Earl of Hadinton, The Right Hon. the Countess of Hadinton, Mr. Alexander Dods, Newmains, Lord Spencer Chichester, Mrs. Hamilton of Pencaitland, Mrs. Baird of Newbyth, Robert Colt, Esq; of Seacliff, Charles Brown, Esq; of Coalston, Mrs. Maitland of Soutra, Miss Macartney, daughter of the late Captain Macartney of the
Navy, ... Sir James Suttie, Bart, of Balgone, Lady Suttie of Balgone, Lady Suttie, St. John's Street, 1 - Miss Jean Suttie, ' A PACK OF HARRIERS. TO BE SOLD, APACK of HARRIERS, consisting of about 16 or 17 Couples besides Whelps, which though of small size, are of very high metal, being bred from Dwarf Fox- hounds. To be Sold likewise, TWO HUNTERS, able to carry 16 stone, well bred, and warranted sound. For particulars, apply to William Maclean, groom at An- nistone, by Arbroath. NOTICE. WHEREAS William Bertram, tanner; Robert Davie, junior, dyer-; James Pringle, tanner; William Nisbet, wool- merchant;
John Cockburn, founder; John Douglas, dyer; Peter Barry, mason; Peter Bee, carter; John Cochran, smith, and others, all in and about Haddington, being the Old Managers of the Relief Congregation there, and having at last produced part of their accounts, vouchers, and books, in a civil process presently pending before the Sheriff:— INTIMATION is Given TO ALL CONCERNED, and they are hereby requested, without delay, to lodge their claims upon the Church, the Ground, and Houses belonging to the said Congregation, in the hands of Mr. Craw, writer in Had- dington, that it may be known what debts the Old Managers
have contracted, and that all legal debts may be paid, or secu- rity granted for the same; and that it may be known, how far the above- named persons are intitled to be discharged from the debts they have come under, in name of the Relief Congre- gation in Haddingt0n. WOODS FOR SALE, AND FARMS TO LEt. To be SOlD by Public Roup, at Ross, in Dumbartonshire. ACONSIDERABLE QUANTITY of FULL- GROWN TIMBER, consisting chiefly of Oak, Ash, Elm, Beech, and Plane Tree. The greatest part of the above Wood, particularly the Oak, is of a very large size, and fit to be used in Ship- building. The acCess to it is
perfectly easy, as it all stands on the banks of Lochlomond, and may, through the Leven, be easily carried to any market. At' the same time, there will be SOld by roup, the WOOD at Portinclan, near Ross, called CUILLIVEG, consisting principally of Oak, Ash, Beech and Hornbeam. The above Woods will be exposed to sale either in. one or more lots, as intending purchasers may incline. The day of sale, which will take place in January next, will be notified in a future advertisement. ' At the same time and place, there will also be LET, by public roup, for. one year's grazing, SEVERAL PARKS at and about the Ross. For further
particulars, application may be made to Hector Macdonald Buchanan, writer to the signet, or John Leckie, writer in Glasgow. Robert Gow, at Fastar Tullochan, near Ross, will shew the woods and parks. Also, to LET for such a number of years as can be agreed on for Grazing, The Farms of EASTER or WESTER ULLOCHANS the Farm of BLAIRINELLAN and WARD, in the parish of Kilmarnock, and shire foresaid. These farms will be let either together or separately, The entry to be at Whitsunday next. LANDS IN THE STEWARTRY 0F KIRKCUDBRIGHT, to be put up for Sale in the New Exchange Coffee- house, Edinburgh,
on Monday the 9th of December next, between the hours of two and four o clock afternoon, THE TEN POUND LAND of MAINS of SOUTH- WICK, and FORTY SHILLING LAND of RED- BANK, consisting of a large Mansion- house, with corridores, wings,: and Offices, of a beautiful elevation, and exposure; to- gether with upwards of 18oo acres ( English measure) of rich arable meadow, and pasture grounds, well watered, and with- in a ring fence, subdivided into upwards of 130 inclosures, mostly of stone : Its situation is, in latitude, as far south as Durham, and is wann, healthy, and pleasant, being near the shore of Solway
Frith, opposite to the coast of Cumberland 12 miles south of Dumfries, and four miles from the mouth Of the river Nith ; the water of Southwick is navigable up to the lands.— The Woods are of considerable value, and now fit for cutting; and with the prospects, are picturesque, and allowed to be truly elegant. The lands also abound with game; their present value is about 990I. Sterling yearly, and they are very improveable. The outgoings are within 20I. yet afford a qualification to vote for, or be elected, a Member of Parliament.— William Baird, or William Riddock, at Mains House, will show the premisses. For particulars, apply to
William Riddell. writer to the sig- net, George's Square.— Letters addressed to Sir James Riddell, Bart, will also be attended to. ATTORNEY TAX. WHEREAS the Time now approaches for Taking out and Recording CERTIFICATES, in terms of the statute 25th of his present Majesty, cap. Ixxx. intimation is hereby made to all persons acting as SOLICITORS, AT- TORNEYS, AGENTS, or PROCURATORS, in any of his Majesty's Courts, or in any other Court in Scotland holding Pleas,- that those who fail to take out and record their Certifi- cates on the 12th November instant, will be sued for the sta- tutory penalty, of Fifty
Pounds. GEORGE BUCHAN, Solicitor.. To be SOLD, within the house of William Skene, vintner in' Brechin, upon Tuesday the 26th day of November current, between the hours of 11 and 12 o'clock forenoon, TWO DWELLING- HOUSES and a YARD lying in Nether Tenements of Brechin; which. Houses consist of two stories, each lately the property of David Allan, ma- nufacturer there, and now vested in the hands of trustees u- pon David Allan's sequestrated estate for the behoof of his creditors. For farther particulars, apply to David Black, writer in Brechin. FARM IN TWEEDALE to LET. To be LET by Public Roup, within the
Town- house of PEEBLES, on Tuesday the 19th day of November inst. at one o'clock afternoon, for the Term of FIVE YEARS from Whitsunday next, 1- 94, and for PASTURE only, THE FARM of STEVENSTON, lying in the parish, and on the north side of the Water of NEWLANDS, in the county of PEEBLES, consisting of a large extent of rich Holm Land, and Greenhill Pasture, having a south- west aspect. ' The present tenant will show the premisses, and particulars may be learnt by applying to Thomas Cranstoun, writer to the sig- net, or to the proprietor. No. 34, George Street, Edinburgh. SUBJECTS IN HADDINGTON. To
be Sold by public roup, within'the house of Mrs. Fair- bairn, Inn- keeper in Haddington, upon Friday the loth of January, 1794, at four o'clock afternoon, THE Sundry HERITABLE SUBJECTS after mentioned, which belonged to the deceased Alexander Galloway, baker in Haddington, and thereafter to the also deceased Ro- bert Galloway, his eldest son, viz. LOT I. That Large Tenement of HOUSES, lying in the back Street, and immediately upon the south side of the Wheat and Pease Markets, as presently possessed by Miss Anderson and others. LOT II. That other Tenement of HOUSES, lying on the north side of the said
back street, and 0n the west side of the flesh Market- Port, as ' presently possessed by William Lemon and . others. And, . Lo t III. tHe Malt Barn, Girnel above the same, Steep Stone, Kiln, Piece of Ground and pertinents, lying on the north side of the said back Street, having the Yard belonging to the Associated Congregation of Seceders on the North. For further particulars, apply to Alexander Fraser, Sheriff Clerk of Haddington. LANDS IN AMERICA TO BE SOld. TWO THOUSAND ACRES of VALUABLE WOOD- I. AND; upon the Bank of the north east branch of Sus- quehannah River, in the state 0f Pennsylvania, in
America. There is a Ferry with a landing, and a road that goes through a part of the land; with one or more Streams capable of turning Grist or Saw Mills, as will be seen by a Map of the Land afterwards referred to. The Waters of the Susque- hannah, opposite the land, is sufficiently deep for large vessels, and as the land is stocked with Timber for Plank, Staves, and Shingles, & c. in constant demand, the sale of them will amply pay for the clearing of the ground. The low land 0n the River side is as good for wheat or mea- dow as any in the State and the uplands for corn or pastur- age. There is now cutting Navigable Canals
from the Sus- quehannah to the Delaware; and from that River to Schull- kill, nigh Philadelphia; which will increase the value of the back land, ' the taxes on land and the neccessaries of life are so light as not to be felt by the poorest in the State. It is ne- cessary for the purchaser to know, that ( an alien) cannot hold lands of a non- resident; but the hour he or she arrives in Ame- rica, by the law of the State of Pennsylvania. they are ena- bled to hold land on their own right, which is not the case in the State of New York and other States; as they must reside two years to make them citizens. For price, terms of payment, and other
particulars, applica- tion may be made to Mr. Patrick Robertson, writer in Glas- goW, or Harie Guthrie, junior, writer in Edinburgh. In whose hands a Map of the tract of Land advertised will be seen.
TP * SET or A HOUSE, GARDEN, & c. NEAR EDINBURGH. To be LET, and entered to immediately, tHE HOUSE of MONKTON, lying in the parish of In- veresk, about six miles south- east of Edinburgh, and a- bout half- way between Musselburgh and Dalkeith, with the Coach- house and Stables belonging thereto; also an excellent large Garden, and Gardener's House, with . about 14 Scots acres of rich pasture ground, all inclosed with a stone wall — The Mansion- house consists of 10 rooms, a kitchen, and good garret- rooms. vaulted cellars, &. The Whole will be let together, or Separately as the tenant may incline, and the
pro- prietor will agree to every reasonable condition for the accom- modation of a good tenant. The HOUSE, GARDEN, & c. of NeWTON, in the neighbourhood of Monkton, is also to be LET'. The premisses will be shewn by George Steel, overseer at Monkton, and proposals may be made to Mr. Walker, writer to the signet, George Street. HABERDASHERY GOOds. To be SolD for behoof of Creditors, within John's Coff- house, upon Wednesday, the 27th day of November inst. at 12 o'clock noon, THE WHOLE STOCK of HABERDASHERY and Ll- NEN DRAPERY GOODS, which belonged to JAMES KERR, Haberdasher on
the North Bridge in one lot, - along with the shop fixtures, also the shop itself until Whitsunday next. As James Kerr was little more than twelve months in busi- ness, this stock it is presumed will be found on examination, in equal condition, to any ever offered for sale, and well worth the attention of the Trade; An inventory of the goods, with the conditions of sale, are to be seen. in the hands of Alexander Dirom, No. 20, South Bridge Street, Trustee for James Kerr's Creditors, who will show the goods at any time betwixt and the day of sale. It is requested that all those who stand indebted to the said James Kerr, will make
immediate payment to the Trustee, 0- therwise prosecutions will be raised. . ROBERT GORDON'S CREDITORS. ' tHE Creditors of Robert Gordon, late Baker in edin- burgh, are desired within one month from this date, to lodge their claims, w. ith oaths, of verity thereon, in the hands of Richard Prentice, solicitor- at- law, otherwise they can re- ceive no share of the small fund recovered, and then to. be di- vided. Not to be repeated. Edinburgh, Nov. 15, 179;. SALE OF FIR WOOD TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE BARGAIN, PART of the FIR WOOD of BALLACHBUIE, on the Estate of Balmorall; within a few yards of the River Dee, by
which Logs may be floated to Aberdeen; also near the great military road across the Grampianhills, by the Spit- tal of Glenshee and Blairgowrie. The whole is natural wood fully grown, of large size, and the very best quality; consists, conform to an accurate mea- surement lately taken, of 1326 trees, measuring 21,036 feet to inches. Saw Mills may be erected either on the Dee, or on a large stream near the wood. Printed copies of the contents and measurements may be got from James Farquharson, esq; of Inverey, at Bruxie, by Old Deer: Hugh Bremner, Accountant in Edinburgh; Mr. John Marshall, Advocate in Aberdeen; Mr.
George Gerard, jun. at Haughs of Athogle, by Turriff; or Mr. Fraser, at Kirk- town, by Fraserburgh. Any person wishing to inspect the Wood, will pleafe call for James Michie, at Inverey Elder, m ar the Mansion- hOuse of Balmorall, in the parish of Crathee, and county of Aberdeen, in whose hands also are printed copies of the contents and measurements. Offers to be made, by letter, to the said James Farquharson, to which answers will speedily be given. 1793. 31? AT LONDON FOR LEITH, THE BRITANNIA, An Armed Ship, Alex. GORDON, MASter, lying in the Glasgow wharf, and will sail 22d inst. with or without convoy.
One of the Contract Ships, AT LONDON— FOR LEITH, DIRECT, . THE WILLIAM, A New Ship, Armed, ROBERT BRUCE, Master, Is taking in goods' at Hawley and Downe's . . Wharf, for Edinburgh, and plaees adjacent, deliverable on the shore of I. eith, sea- hazard, accidcnts by fire, and enemies excepted— Sails the 22d of November 1793. Has excellent accommodation for passengers. the Master to be spoke with at Change, or the Edinburgh Coffee- house, behind the ' Change, mornings and evenings on board, or Mr. Doun for the master. AT ROTT'ERDAM FOR LEITH, . The BRIGANTINE ARIADNE, _ JAMES JARVIE,
Master, is now at Rotterdam, and will be ready to take to Goods for Leith the 1st December, and will sail, wind and weather serving, in ten days thereafter. Orders, will be thankfully received and forwarded by David Steuart and Co. leith. Leith, 14th Nov. 1793. Not to be repeated. FOR KINGSTON JAMAICA, THE SHIP ROSELLE,' ROBERT Liddle, Master, Is ready to take in goods,, and will sail the 1 st of December next. For freight or passage, apply to William Sib- bald and Co. merchantS in Leith, or the Master. *,* A few JOINERS, HOUSE- CARPeNTERS, MILl WRIGHTS, MASONS, BRICKlAYeRS, and BLACK- SMITHS,
who can be well recommended, will find good en- couragement to go to Jamaica, by applying as above. FOR KINGSTON— JAMAICA To call at Port Morant, or Morant Bay, If encouraging freight others THE SHIP BelL, , Master, Now ready to take on board goods at Gree- nock, and will be clear to sail by the 1oth inst. She has good accommodation for Passengers. For freight or passage, apply to John Cathcart in Greenock, or Robert Bogle, jun. Glasgow.. They will engage to procure employment in the PLANTING LINE for a' few Young Men of good character and Well recommended, at a salary of Forty to Fifty Pounds,
Jamaica currency, per annum, and be found in bed, board and walkings They also wish to en- gage a few Young Men who are. good BLACKSMITHS, PLUMBERS, or CARPENTERS, and can produce proper Certificates of their industry and sobriety,. to whom liberal wages will be given. For further particulars apply as above. To- be SOLD by aucton, IN Mrs. Blackhall's coffee- room Leith, on Friday the 22d current, at six o'clock in the evening, The Brigantine DUCHESS OF HAMILTON, Burden 131 46- 94ths Tons per Register. This vessel is- particularly well calculated for the Wine Trade, stowing easily 180 Pipes, and as all
her owners have now consented to a sale, she will be sold without reserve. Apply to Captain Joseph Brodie, or David Steuart and Co leith, 15th November, 1793. SPECIFIC FOR THE GRAVEL. AIRE'S ESSENCE of HERBS— This Medicine, which is prepared from Herbs only, may be truly called a Spe- cific for that dreadful disease. the gravel, as hath been shewn by a number of testimonies. It will likewise give certain re- lief in the most excruciating Fits of the Stone, and is equally efficacious in the Dropsy.— The following is an additional proof of its virtues. To MR. ROBERT AIRE. " SIR— I have received, a very extraordinary
cure from the Essence of Herbs, which you are at liberty to publish I had teen afflicted with the Gravel for upwards of eleven years in the most dreadful degree, being at times totally incapable of attending business, and in such excruciating pain, that I could not bear to be moved. It was accompanied with a violent windy complaint in the bowels, and my legs were very much swelled. I applied to your medicine in the year 1791, which immediately relieved me in a fit of the disorder, attended with great agony; and, by continuing the use of it for a short time, every symptom of my complaint entirely disappeared, and I have enjoyed a
perfect state of health ever since.— I am, & c. ROBERT BARROT, Gainsborough, | May 18, 1793. in Lincolnshire. i Prepared by Robert Aire, botanist, and sold by appointment by H. Steers, No. 10, Old Bond street, and at F. Newbery's, No. 45, St. Paul's Church- yard, London, in tin bottles, price I0S. 6d. duty included. Sold also, by appointment, by Messrs. HUSBAND, EL- DER, and CO. in Edinburgh. '• 7 To be SOLD by Public Auction, within the Royal Exchange Coffee- house, Edinburgh, on Wednesday the 20th Novem- b-- r 1793, at one o'clock afternoon, THAT LOW HOUSE, part of No. 23, East Side, South Bridge Street,
and having an entry from Niddry street, ' consisting of two rooms, kitchen, and bed- closet, and which was lately rented at L. 4: IOS. To be exposed at L. 25. If. SIX SMALL HOUSES in the Upper Stories of EAS- TON'S LAND, foot of the Cowgate, possessed by different te- nants, at the rent of L. 15 : io » . or thereby, insured in the E- dinburgh Friendly Insurance Office on the old plan, and the premium paid up. To be exposed at. L. 5. For particulars, apply to William Anderson, writer to the signet, or Charles Seikrig, accountant in Edinburgh. SALE Of LANDS IN ARGYLESHIRE.; To be SOLD by public roup, within the Old
Exchange Coffee- house, Edinburgh, between the hours of e and 6 in the evening, of Thursday the 11th day of December- next, 1793, THE LANDS and ESTATE of INVERLIVER, in two Separate lots: ' Lot I. Comprehending the lands of Inverliverbeg, Kilma- chaw, Arineckan, Glenliver, Corinduloch, and Arichamish, with the Salmon Eilhing of Lochow, reptcel at L. 484 6 o Lot II. Comprehending the lands Inverliver- more, Torranmore, Upper Torranbeg, and Low- er Torranbeg, with the Pendicle thereof called the Foord; rented at ' - - 410 18 ' 6 Total, - - L. 905 4 6 The feu- duty and other annual burdens, payable out of the whole
lands, amount to about 6oi. Sterling. A considerable rise in the rents may be expected at next set; and, for the farm of Kilmachaw, now rented at 50I. an augmentation of 50l. more is offered. There is a mansion house, consisting of a dining- room, draw- ing- room, seven bed- chambers, a kitchen, and other accom- modations, all neatly finished, on the lands of Inverliverbeg, and a good carriage road from Inverary to the door of it. On both lots there is planting, and natural wooel of considerable value, part of which is now fit for cutting. Ten thousand pounds of the price will be allowed to remain in the hands of the purchaser, or
purchasers, for a considera- ble time, in manner to be more particularly mentioned in the articles of sale. The lands abound in game, and are pleasantly situated on the lake called Lochow, within- fifteen . miles of Inverary, and within four miles of the intended Crinan Canal. N. B. For farther particulars application may be made to John Campbell, junior, writer to the signet, or to John Camp- bell, writer in Inverary. - The Lands may he shown to any intending purchaser by ap- plying to Duncan M'Dougal at Inverliverbeg. A HUNTER. To BE SOLD at Mr. ClArK's Repository, ATHOROUGH- BRED HORSE, 6 years old, master of II
ftone, fit for immediate use, warranted sound.— Price Thirty Five Guineas. GEORGE'S SQUARE ASSEMBLY ROOMS. THE ANNUAL MEETING of the PROPRIETORS will be held at the Rooms, on Monday the 18th, being the third Monday of November, at 11 o'clock. At this Meeting some proposals are to be made respecting the General Business connected with the property, and also respecting the conduct of the Assemblies during the Season. LING, COD, AND TUSK FISH. JusT IMPORTED FROM SHETLAND, ACONSIDERABLE QUANTITY of LING, COD, TUSK, and SAITH, FISH, of the Best Qualities— SHETLAND
HERRINGS, cured in the Dutch stile, in Bar- rels, Firkins, and Half Firkins— FISH OIL in Barrels— RED HERRINGS, of all sizes, in Barrels— and BUTTER in Bar- rels and Ankers— to be Sold Wholesale and Retail. Apply to RoBerT STRANG and SON, Bridge, Leith. Commissons from the Country carefully executed Not to be repeated. SHETLAND HOSE, JuST come to hand by last vessel, an Excellent Assortment of all sorts, from One Guinea per pair, to so low as Six- pence, which may be had wholesale or retail, on best terms for ready money only, by ROBERT MORISON, next door to the Custom house, LEITH. Just gOt
to hand also, fine Summer Dried LING, TUSK, and COD FISH.— DISH BUTTER, . also, a quantity of Fine DUTCH BUTTER, in Firkins, best quality ,— and ex- cellent PICKLED HERRINGS, in Barrels, Firkins, and Half- Firkins, wholesale and Retail. N. B.— R. M. expects by first vessel from Shetland, a large- quantity of excellent SALT BEEF, in Barrels, SsV. WATches, JeweLlErY, | SILVER PLATE, PLATED GOODS, HARDWARE, & c. PETER FORRESTER & COMPANY HAVING on hand a very large STOCK of the above GOODS; are determined to reduce it, by selling on very low terms ( for ready money only). The
following are a few of the articles their Stock consists of: PLAIN GOLD WATCHES Jewell'd from 15 to 35 from 10 to 15 guineas guineas Do. Cap'd & Jewelled, from Elegant ENGRAVED Gold 15 to 15 guineas Watches for Ladies from Ditto Horizontal Cap'd and iol. to 25 guineas. PLAIN GILT METAL with seconds, from 4 to 8 WATCHES, from 1 to 7 Guineas guineas SILVER WATCHES from Engraved ditto, from 3 to 6 2 to 10 Guineas Guineas Ditto, with seconds, from 4 to Plain Gilt Metal Watches, 8 Guineas. Have just received a few New invented Horizontal Patent LEVER WATCHES, and French Gold Engraved ditto, for
Ladies, at Ten Guineas. All at and above Three Guineas warranted to perform well Gold, Gilt, and Steel WATCH CHAINS. An elegant variety of Fancy Gold NeckLaces and Ear- rings, Gold Bracelets, Lockets, Buckles, Pins and Rings, set with Diamonds, Pearls, Paste, & c. Ditto with plain and fancy enamelled borders. An assortment of FaShonable. Silver Tea Pots, Sugar and Cream Basons, Porter Cups, Salts, Mustard Tankards, Funnels; Dividing, Sauce, Table, and Desert Spoons,-& c. Plated Epergnes, Tea Kitchens, Candlesticks, Castors, and every Other article in the plated line. great variety of Knives and Forks, with
Silver, Plated, Green, and White Ivory Handles, london made Brown, Vase, Roman, Greek Tea and Coffee Biggin Urns, plain and with plated mounting. Pontipool Blue and Stripped ditto. Japanned Ware, & c_&. c. ' The highest prices for Gold, Silver, and lace; and old Watches taken in exchange for new ones. SHEETINGS, TABLE NAPERY, & c. fORRESTERS & CO. at the RussiA WAREHOUSE, Head of the Old Fishmarket Close, Edinburgh, acquaint their friends and the Public, That they are still continuing to Sell off, at very Reduced Prices, their Stock of LINENS, SHEET- INGS, & c. for money only. their present
Assortment consists of the - following, viz. Russia, Scots, & Irisn linens. Variety of Wine Rubbers. Ditto, ditto, & do. Sheetings. Cotton and Linen Handker- Russia Ravenducks & Tweels. chiefs. Scots, and French Cambrics. Manchester Counterpanes. Irish Long Lawns. Printed Cotton Bed- Covers Great variety of Table Napery Bed Tycks and Crankles. newest patterns. Russia Tweels for ladies Diapers and Huckaback. Pockets. Brown Sheetings and Osna- ManchesterWhite Callicoes. burgs. Dressing Gowns and Slippers. Goats Beard Muffs, & c. N. B. As the whole stock must be sold off, great bargains may be expected for
money. SALE ADJOURNED. tHE SALE of OLIVE BANK, in the neighbourhood of Musselburgh, has been ADJOURNED till Thursday the 18th day of November inst. - between one and two in the afternoon. when the Villa will, again be exposed to roup, within John's. Coffee- house, Edinburgh, at the reduced upset price of l 15oo Sterling.— In the event of a sale not taking place, the premisses are intended to be Let for a year; and further particulars may be learned from Charles Bremner, writer to the signet. COALS FOR SALE. To be SOLD at Fallin- Pow, upon the Forth, about two miles above Alloa, COALS of an Excellent
Quality either for Furnaces, Glass- Works. Maltsters, or House use both great and small, . The Coals will be put on board without delay, so that vessels will not be detained, and will be sold at reasonable prices and can be furnished on the Shortest notice, by applying to Tho- mas Fish, tacksman of the coal- work at Plean by Falkirk. The foresaid Pow has depth of water, and is a safe harbour.
3i6 THE EDI FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY, SUNDAY NOV. to. TOULON. Admiralty- Office, Nov. 9. THE dispatches, of which the following are copies and extract, were this day received by Philip Ste- phens, Esq; from the Right Hon. Vice- Admiral Lord Hood, Commander in Chief of his Majesty's ships and Vessels in the Mediterranean : Victory, Toulon Road, October 6, 1793. S I R, I HAVE the honour to desire you will be pleased to offer to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty my sincere congratulations on a very brilliant and complete victory obtained over the enemy the first inst. upon the heights
of Pharon. The British and Piedmontese troops' composed the column under Lord Mulgrave, and led the way; but his Lordship gives full credit to the spirit and exertion of the troops of every nation, and is loud in the praise of the Neapolitans, who greatly distin- guished themselves. I transmit, for their Lord ships' information, a duplicate of the order his Lordship gave out next morning, with an account of the killed and wounded. The action was short, but hot. The ene- my had upon the heights from 1800 to 2000 men, the flower of the Eastern army, not a fourth part of which, we are well informed, ever returned to head quarters ;
for what did not fall by the bullet or bayonet, broke their necks in tumbling headlong over the precipices in their flight. In the night of the 30th a very important port, above Fort Pharon, was surprised and taken'; the repossessing of which being of so much consequence, an attempt was immediately resolved upon ;" and, in order to enable Lord Mulgrave, General Oravina, and Go-, vernor Elphinstone, with the respective columns under their commands, to go out with the greater force, I undertook the care of Toulon and Fort La Malgue, and had a sufficient number of good men on shore, within two hours after receiving notice of the
said disaster. I am sorry to inform their Lordships of that gallant and able officer, General Gravina, being wounded in the leg; and although there is no doubt { as Dr. Har- ness assures me, who has the care of him) of his doing perfectly well, he will probably be confined some time, as the ball is lodged between the two bones. His Majesty's ship Colossus returned to me, on the 24th, from Cagliari, and brought 350 good troops: and I expect 800 more from Conti, in three or four days. The second division of Neapolitans, consisting of 2000, arrived last night, and the last 2000 were to leave Naples yesterday. His Sicilian Majesty has
ma nifested the greatest readiness and zeal in fulfilling the treaty, and has confided his ships and troops solely to my disposal, which his Majesty has made known to me from under his own hand, I have good reason to expect General O'Hara will be here in a very few days, with 12 or 1500 men from Gibraltar : He will be welcome to us. I have the honour to be, & c. Philip Stephens, esq; HOOD. Brigadier- General Lord Mulgrave takes the earliest opportunity to return his most sincere thanks, and to offer the tribute of his warmest approbation to Captain Moncrieff, and the British officers and soldiers, as well as to Colonel Farass,
Lieutenant- Colonel the Chevalier de Revel, to Major St. Etienne, and the officers and soldiers of the Sardinian troops why composed his co- lumn, and were most immediately under his command in the attack of the enemy's post yesterday. Lord Mulgrave is at a loss to express his sense of the intrepid spirit with which the officers and men encountered danger, and of the patience and fortitude with which they suffered fatigue, hunger, third, and the unavoid- able inconveniencies attending the difficult and pressing service to which they were suddenly called. Lord Mulgrave begs also to take the opportunity of giving his tribute of
applause to the daring and judi- cious conduct, and to the important and effectual ser- vices rendered by Serjeant Moreno, of the Spanish ma- rine corps, who, accompanied by three brave soldiers of his corps, with infinite skill and gallantry, traced the line of march of the right column to within pistol- shot of the enemy's advanced guard. Lord Mulgrave begs also to be allowed, with great respect, to beat testimony of the able conduct of General Gravina, Bri- gadier Skirds, Brigadier- General Pignatelli, and to the gallantry of the officers and soldiers under the com- mand of those Generals, and most particularly to the Neapolitan
grenadiers, whose well- directed fire, and steady approach on the left of the enemy's position, tended so much to the success of the day. Lord Mul- grave has received such reports from Governor Elphin- stone of the steady, active, and gallant conduct of the NBURGH ADVERTISE Britifh officers and soldiers and seamen, of the Spanish officers and soldiers, and of the regiment of Royal Louis, under the command of Colonel Count de Porto of the regiment of Majorca, who acted on the side of Fort Pharon and were not immediately within his view, as induces him to beg their acceptance of his sincere thanks for the timely and
effectual diversion they made in favour of the other attack. Lord Mulgrave begs leave, on this occasion, to ex- press his grateful sense of the friendly and important assistance he has received, in many difficult moments, from Mr. Graham ; and to add his tribute of praise to the general voice of all the British and Piedmontese of- ficers of his column, who saw, with so much pleasure and applause, the gallant example which Mr. Graham set to the whole column in the foremost point of every attack. Lord Mulgrave assures his fellow- soldiers of the dif- ferent nations which compose the army of Toulon, that the general good conduct,
of which he was yesterday a witness, can never be effaced from his memory. ( Signed) MULGRAVE, Brig.- Gen. RETURN of the KILLED, WOUNDED, and MISSING, at the Taking of Pharon Redoubt, the 1st of Octo- ber, 1793. British, 1 serjeant, 1 private, killed; r captain, 1 subaltern, 3 corporals, 37 privates, wounded— Spanish, 1 field- officer, 3 privates, wounded— Sardinian, 1 cap- tain, 4 privates, killed ; 1 field- officer, 2 captains, 2 su- balterns, 2 serjeants, 3 corporals, 13 privates, wounded — Neapolitan, 1 serjeant, 12 privates, wounded. Officer's name killed— Sardinian, Capt. Le Chevalier Fabar. Officers' names
wounded— British, Capt. O'Dogher- ty, 69th regiment; Lieut. Carter, of the marines— Spa- nish, Brigadier- General Admiral Gravina Sardinian, Major and Commandant Monsieur le Chevalier de St. Etienne Captain Monsieur le Chevalier Grondona; Captain Monsieur de Torticella; Lieut. Monsieur le Chevalier de Blanc; Lieut. Monsieur le Chevalier Cerutti. Missing.— British; privates. Prisoners taken— 1 captain; 47 privates The enemy's loss is supposed to have been about 1500 killed, wounded and taken prisoners. Extract of a letter from Vice- Admiral LORD HOOD to Mr. Stephens, dated Victory, Toulon Read, October SIR, I
BEG you will be pleased to make known to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, that, upon re- ceiving a pressing request from General Paoli for assist- ance, and informing me at the same time that even the appearance of a few ships would very essentially serve him, provided it should not be judging expedient to make an attack by them on any ot the forts, I therefore determined to send three ships of the line and two fri- gates to him; and, as the season was too far advanced for a second rate to go on that coast, I established Cap- tain Linzee as a Commodore, appointed Captain Wood- ley his Captain, and gave an
order to Lord Amelius Beauclerk to command the Nemesis. Alcide, in the Gulph of St. Florenze, MY LORD, _ October 1, 1793. I HAVE the honour to inform your Lordship, that be- ing joined by the Ardent on the 21st ult. and it being deemed practicable to make an attack by sea upon the Tower and Redoubt of Fornili, ( a post at the distance of two miles opposite the town of Florenze) I immedi- ately gave the necessary orders for the squadron to ad, whenever the wind was sufficiently steady for that pur- pose. On the 24th the Courageux joined, with provi- sions from Leghorn ; and on the night of the 27th the launches of the
squadron cut out a vessel, which has since been converted into a gun- boat. Having made several attempts ( between the 21st and 30th ult.) to attack the above posts, which were always frustrated by the wind dying away as soon as I drew into the Gulph; and ex. perience having pointed out the improbability of the wind's blowing steady in a Gulph or such depth, and surrounded by mountains of considerable height, it was deemed expedient to execute my intentions the follow- ing morning, by warping the Ardent, during the night, into a situation from whence she could not only annoy the redoubt, but cover the approach of the
squadron. Cap- tain Sutton placed his ship with as much judgment and precision as if the service had been executed during the day, and at half past three A. M. opened a fire, which was kept up without intermission till near eight o'clock. By four o'clock the Alcide was in a situation to open her battery on the enemy's works, but being too close to the Ardent, and a flaw of wind filling the sails, en- dangered her shooting on the rocks, before she could be anchored with security. The sails were instantly thrown aback, and boats were employed, towing, to extricate her from this difficulty. Captain Mathews, R for 17JV Nov. 15,
observing the Alcide's situation, very gallantly shot un- der her stern, to cover her, and, occupied the station I had intended to anchor in, As the situation of the Courageux prevented the Alcide from opening her fire, except at intervals, I ordered Captain Wolseley to carry out warps, to move us into a more eligible situation; which service was executed with great alacrity, and a spirited fire again opened on the enemy's posts. Although a close and powerful cannonade had been kept up by the squadron till a quarter before eight, no visible impression was made ; and Captain Sutton hav- ing reported the Ardent was much damaged,
and that, in his opinion, there was no prospeCt of success ; and Captain Woodley ( who had been on board the Coura- geux, to inquire into the state of that ship) having brought a similar report from Captain Mathews, who, as well as Captain Wolseley and himself, agreed in the above opinion, I judged it advisable to make the signal for discontinuing the attack. The Alcide is not materially damaged in her masts or rigging, but the Ardent and Courageux have suffered considerably in both, from being exposed to the raking fire of the town of Florenze, though every information had assured me the distance from that place was too
great for guns to have any effect Our failure is not only to be imputed to the false in- telligence respeCting the range of cannon from the town of Florenze, but to the want of ardour on the part of the Corsicans, who had faithfully promised to storm the posts on the land side, though they never made the smallest movement to effeCt that service dur- ing the aCtion. I inclose a list of the killed and wound- ed, and of the artillery opposed to the squadron ; and am happy in testifying my warmest approbation of the gallant manner in which every officer and man employ- ed on this occasion conducted himself. I am sorry to find Mr.
Sheills, first lieutenant of the Courageux, is a- mongst the number killed, and have appointed Mr. Pe- ter Hunt, a very deserving young man to act as junior lieutenant of that ship, till your Lordship's pleasure is known. I have the honour to be, See. LORD Hood. ROB. LINZEE. A LIST of the KILLED and WOUNDED on board the different ships of the Squadron under my command. Ardent— Mr. John Martin, midshipman, 13 seamen, killed; 17 seamen wounded. Alcide— 9 seamen wounded. Courageux— Mr. Ludlow Sheills, First Lieutenant, r seaman, killed Mr. William Henry Daniel, Second Lieutenant, 12 seamen, wounded. List
of Artillery employed in the different Posts acting against the Squadron. In the redoubt of Fornili — 4 twenty- four pounders, 2 mortars. On the tower of Fornili— 2 eight pound- ers. On a height near ditto— 1 four pounder. At the town of Florenze ( said to be out of range.)— 9 twenty- four pounders, 4 mortars. Victory, Toulon Road, October 13, 1793. SIR, I HAVE the honour to desire you will acquaint the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, that a very successful sortie was made in the night of the 9th, and herewith transmit Captain Brereton's account of it to Lord Mulgrave. But the enemy has since ereCted ano- ther battery,
about two hundred yards to the southward of the one destroyed, from which they have fired hea- vy cannon and shells all yesterday, and are now doing so, but as yet have done us very little mischief. I have the honour to be, & c. HOOD. Philip Stephens, Esq; Fort Mulgrave, Hauteur de Grasse, October 9, 1793. MY LORD, AGREEABLE to your Lordship's order and arrange- ments made for carrying them into execution yesterday morning, at half past twelve o'clock at night we moved from this post ; and, having formed a junction in the bottom with the marines and Piedmontese from the post of Cepet, we marched off from our
right in one column, in order to insure the greater regularity in a night at- tack : our march to the top of the height, where the new ereCted batteries of the enemy had been construCt- ed, was performed with all possible order and expedi- tion, the troops observing the greatest silence, by which, with the aid of the French deserter, who answered the centinels of the enemy as we passed them, our advanced party arrived at the entrance into their first battery, perfectly undiscovered: the first centry having been put to death, the advanced party, computed of the grena- diers and light infantry of the line of British, under the command
of Captain Stewart of the 25th regiment, very gallantly rushed in, and put every man to the bayonet that opposed them. The remainder of the enemy that could get off re- tired to their second battery, and, though most rapidly pursued, made a sort of stand ; but the greater part of the detachment by this time having taken different Po
» • sitions of attack, the enemy were soon routed in all quarters, and, in a quarter of an hour after, we made Ourselves masters of all their batteries on this height, and the ordnance mounted thereon. In the first battery they had mounted two twenty- four pounders on garri- son carriages ; on the second battery they had one fine brass twenty- four pounder, mounted on a high travel- ling carriage, and two smaller guns ; and in a third bat- ery was mounted two thirteen inch mortars, with a great deal of ammunition, suitable for their different pieces of ordnance. On the road we found one light travelling six pounder. Immediately as
the enemy re- tired and ceased firing, I posted the troops round the Center of the hill, and placed guards at the leading avenues to it, while Lieutenant Serocold of the navy, with the sailors, See. under his directions, set to work in destroying these different pieces of ordnance, by spiking the touch holes of the guns and mortars, and ramming balls into the guns, breaking up their car- riages, and destroying their ammunition. Had it been possible to have carried off any part of the above guns, & c. it should have been done; but, from the precipices we were necessarily obliged to descend, and the broken narrow paths we had
occasion to pass, in order to avoid exposing ourselves by day- light to the fire of two heavy batteries of the enemy at the Windmills, I found it was impracticable even to carry off the field piece; neither did I think it right to hazard remaining with the de- tachment ( which did not exceed 408) on the height where the batteries were erected, there being no cover in the rear, and the force of the enemy immediately in our neighbourhood on heights above us equal to 12 or 1300 men, which might have cut us off before your Lordship could have sent a reinforcement to sustain us from Toulon. From these considerations, as soon as
Lieutenant Se- rocold reported to me that he had rendered the diffe rent guns and mortars unserviceable, having collected our killed and wounded, we marched back from our left about half past four in the morning, and reached this post about six o'clock. Our loss on this enterprize of killed and wounded is herewith inclosed in a return, which, considering the strength of the position we at- tacked, that was defended by three hundred of the ene- my's best troops, is very inconsiderable; but, at the same time, is much to be lamented, as they were of the advanced guard of British, and the best of our troops. The loss of the enemy is
far more considerable ; for we perceived in different places between twenty and thirty of them killed, but, from reports since from deserters, we learn they had upwards of fifty killed and as many wounded. We took a Captain Lamatalie of the Chas- seurs du Burgovne, a Lieutenant Chevalier of the 4th regiment of artillery, and twenty- three men, prisoners, who we brought with us to this post. I have the pleasure to inform your Lordship, that, in the operation of the march and attack, all the foreign troops employed co- operated most cordially. I have the honour to be, & c. ROBERT BRERETON, Captain, Commanding 2d battalion
of British. British corps, 1 corporal, 3 privates, killed; 1 corporal, 6 privates, wounded. Whitehall, Nov. 9. The following dispatch was this day received at the Office of the Right Honourable Henry Dundas, his Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department: Toulon, October 10, 1793. SINCE my last dispatch of the 3d of October,* the enemy had completed three batteries opposite to the Hateur de Grasse, one at La Hauteur des Moulins, and two to the southward on the Hateur de Reinier. Vice- Admiral Lord Hood being apprehensive that the fleet might suffer some inconvenience from the batteries de Reinier; and
information of the situation of the enemy, and of the approaches to the batteries, having been, re- ceived from an intelligent deserter, it was determined to make a sortie from the Hauteur de Grasse, on the 8th instant at night, for the purpose of destroying the ene- my's batteries. A detachment was ordered, composed of the British troops on that post, amounting to 225 rank and file, under the command of Captain Brereton of the 30th regiment, the Spanish grenadier company of the regiment of Hibernia, 50 men commanded by Brevet Lieutenant- Colonel Nugent, who also command- ed the sortie, a company of Piedmontese
grenadiers of 50 men, and 50 Albanese Neapolitan troops. This corps marched at half past twelve o'clock at night, and were joined ( at a point agreed upon) at one o'clock in the morning, by the post of Les Sablettes, of a Captain and jo British marines, and a Captain and 50 Piedmon- tese Chasseurs ; the advanced guard of 50 British gre- nadiers, light infantry, and 10 grenadiers of Hibernia, Lord Mulgrave's dispatch of the 3d of this month has not been received. under the command of Captain Stewart of the 25th re- giment, Lieutenant Knight of the 11th regiment, and a subaltern officer of Hibernia, ( whose name has not been
reported to me) surprised the enemy's post, attacked the first battery with their bayonets, put the whole guard to flight, and pursued the enemy with great slaughter into the second battery, supported by the whole de- tachment, which formed on the height, and remained till Lieutenant Serocold of the navy, with a party of sea- men, had taken measures to render the artillery of both batteries unserviceable, and had destroyed all the am- munition : the ground between Grasse and the Hauteur de Reinier was so intersected with ravines and walls as to render it impossible to bring off the mortars or guns. I inclose a list of the pieces of
ordnance which were destroyed, and a return of the killed and wounded of his Majesty's troops. The whole loss fell upon the ad- vanced guard ; the officers and soldiers of which dis- tinguished themselves very particularly by their enter- prize, activity and spirit. The good order and steadi- ness of the whole detachment deserves the highest praise ; as well as the judicious conduct of the march, concerted by Lieutenant- colonel Nugent of the regi- ment of Hibernia, and Captain Brereton of the 30th regiment, under the orders of the Spanish Colonel O'- Neale, who commands at the post de Grasse. Deserters, who came in
yesterday, report, the ene- my calculate their loss, in killed, wounded and missing, at near 20c men ; and that one of the mortars had split in their endeavours to clear it. I have the honour to be, & c. MULGRAVE. RETURN of the KILLED and WOUNDED of the British troops in the attack of the enemy's batteries on the Hauteurs de Reinier, on the night of the 8th of Octo ber 1793. 25th regiment— 1 private killed ; 1 corporal wound ed. 30th regiment— 1 corporal, 2 privates, killed; 1 corporal, 3 privates, wounded. 69th regiment— 2 pri- vates wounded. Ordnance destroyed. 3 brass twenty- four pounders; 2 ditto sixteen pound- ers ;
1 ditto four pounder; 2 ditto thirteen inch mor- tars.— Ammunition destroyed, 2 barrels of gunpowder; 2 boxes of cartridges ( 30 filled thirteen inch shells. ( Signed) MULGRAVE, Acting Brig.- Gen. EH for 1795. The Jury, declaring; they were satisfied with the evi- dence adduced against them, went to deliberate upon their verdict, and soon returned with the following unanimous verdiCt: " 1. There has existed a conspiracy against the uni- ty and indivisibility of the Republic, and against the Liberty and safety of the French nation. " 2. All the individuals hereunto named, viz. Brissot Vergniaux, Gensonne, & c. & c. stand convicted as
the authors or accomplices of the said conspiracy." The Judge pronounced the following sentence : " The Revolutionary Tribunal condemns to the pain of death, the individuals above- mentioned; it de- clares that their property is confiscated for the profit of the Republic ; it ordains that the sentence shall be exe- cuted on the square de la Revolution Valaze, one of the deputies, having quietly heard the sentence, rose from his stool, and stabbed himself to the heart, and expired The Tribunal immediately gave orders, that the corpse of the deceased be conveyed separately on a cart to the square de la Revolution, exhibited on the
scaffold, and buried on the same spot. On Thursday, Oct. 31, the condemned Deputies- were conveyed from the Conciergerie to the place of execution. While passing along to the Square de la Re- volution, they entered into an able and eloquent debate respeCting the immortality of the soul they all agreed that the body perished, and the soul would survive. " Master Samson," ( the Parisian Jack Ketch), say the French Journals, " decided the former question; and Brissot with his comrades is gone into the other' world, to seek the solution of the latter!" The heads of the twenty remaining condemned De- puties were struck off,
between eleven and twelve o'clock in the- morning of the 31st of OCtober. In the space 0f thirty seven minutes, not only all the heads of the Ex- Deputies were struck off, but their graves and those of federalism were dug, and their bodies interred! The following are the Members of the Convention who suffered: , Brissot, Vergniaux, Gensonne, Duperet, Carra, Gardien, Valaze, Duprat, Sillery, " Fauchet, ( a Bishop), Ducos, Boyer- Fonfrede, Lasource, ( a Protestant Mins- ster,) Lesterp Beauvais, Duchatel, Mainvieille, Lacaze, Lehardi, Boileau, Antiboul, and Vigie. They all preserved a solemn firmness, and indivi- dually at the
moment of being stretched upon the ma- chine, exclaimed Vive la Republic ! Vive la Nation ! Brissot himself, except on this occasion, was sullen and silent. Sillery was most obsequious to the speCta- tors : he bowed on every side, and smiled. Fauchet, the Constitutional Bishop, was attended by a confessor, with whom he was much engaged in very serious discourse. Carra appeared indifferent, said little, and looked con- temptuosly. Duchatel, Ducos, Fonfrede, and Le- hardi, distinguished themselves by the firmness and in- trepidity of their looks. Lafource, who was formerly a minister of the PRO- testant church, expressed
much penitence. Thus perished, through the influence of that Con- vention which abolished Royalty, the very men who stood the foremost in the work of establishing Republi- canism on its ruins, and who were at the time, the most inveterate enemies of the King, whom they have so soon followed to the scaffold! In the history of nations, this event, which at one stroke, has brought twenty- one MEMBERS of the CON- VENTION, and REPRESENTATIVES of the PEOPLE to the Scaffold, will form an epoch without a parallel; it will appear to the cool investigator of faCts as the effect of absolute madness having possessed a whole
people, at the same time the Religionist will be led to reflect on. the awful justice of the Divinity, in giving up to the punishment of each other, those who dared openly, and as It were by a national act, to dispute even his right to reign ! At the present moment, the observer, whose lot it is to live the witness of such an unhappy period, is lost in the contemplation of these unprecedented proceed- ings ; an attempt to reason upon the probable events of the morrow is in vain; it should even appear, that the politics of France were made the instrument of the Di- vine Visitation upon all the nations of Europe. Besides the above victims,
the Revolutionary Tribu- nal has sentenced to the guillotine, a priest of the name of Sannier, convicted of emigration; and to be exposed, tied to a stake, a Lady, formerly a Superior of the Nuns of Hotel DieU, at Blois, for having entertained and lodged him. As one of the groupe in this scene of horror, the imagination of our readers will contemplate, with some . return of satisfaCtion, the infernal Egalite, why is length lodged in tha cell which lately contained the devoted objeCt of his malicious aspersions the murder FRIDAY'S POST. FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, Nov, VICTORY OVER THE FRENCH. Whitehall, November 13.
BY a dispatch from the Earl of Yarmouth, dated the 28th of October, it appears, that on the 25th of that month, the right wing of the enemy was com- pletely routed, with the loss of fourteen cannon, a great quantity of military stores, two howitzers, all the camp equipage, and an important position at Wanzenan, of which General Wurmser immediately took possession : That the Austrians were attacked on every side on the 27th, but that the enemy was compelled to retreat; and that the loss of the latter on the two days was comput - ed at 3000 killed, wounded and taken. From the LONDON PAPERS, Nov. it. COLOGNE, Nov. 5.
The Allies are successful in their operations in Al- sace. Wanzenau, where the French had thrown up several entrenchments, was taken on the 26th ultimo, by the Prince of Waldeck. CAPTURE OF LANDAU. At the moment I am closing my letter, news has been received from Worms, dated the 1st of Novem- ber, of great importance On the 30th ultimo, the garrison of Landau sent five flags of truce to the be- sieging army. The bombardment ceased on the morn- ing of the 31st, on account of offers having been made to capitulate. In the afternoon the garrison surrender- ed prisoners of war. FRANCE. EXECUTION BRISSOT
AND HIS FRIENDS. REVolutionARY TRIBUNAL, PARIS, OCt. 30. The Jacobins sent Deputies to the trial of the Ex- Deputies, to take down in writing, their whole exami- nation. As soon as they found the trial would draw to a conclusion, one of the Jacobin emissaries of the name of Roussel, hastened to announce the event to the Club, in the following words : " I just come from the Revo- lutionary Tribunal. Antonelle declared that the Jury Were satisfied with the evidence. Lehardi, Valaze, and another, demanded to speak ; but their request be- ing resisted, they begged to be allowed to distribute their defence to the Jury ; they
were at last permitted to deliver it to the Serjeants of the Tribunal, who were charged to deliver it." [ Great applauses. October .30, at eleven o'clock at night, the trial of Brissot and his accomplices was terminated.
m ed Antoinette. He is in the Conciergerie, from which it is but a short stage to the guillotine. Kellerman, and a great many other conspicuous cha- racters, have been committed to the Abbaye. By the Conventional stting of the 31st ult. it appears that the Goths of France, have actually set about de- molishing the magnificent city of Lyons. Five hun- dred workmen are thus employed. In the same sitting it was decreed, that the women should no longer be permitted to assemble in clubs. . In the Sitting of the 1st of November, Isore, Com- missioner with the army of the North, stated, that they would not engage the army of the
Prince of Saxe- Cobourg, merely because that Prince wished it. Deputies from the Jacobin Society were admitted to the bar, and stated, that being filled with indignation at the delays in trying criminals by the Revolutionary Tribunal, they requested, that the Convention would lay aside firms, which were slow, and not Revolution- ary. This proposal was received with loud applauses, and the Convention decreed,- that every discussion on a criminal affair before the Revolutionary Tribunal, should cease the moment the jury declared they were satisfied. The Fishwomen who acted so conspicuous a part in. bringing about the
Revolution, will probably have a great share in its destruCtion. Those dangerous Ladies insult the news- carriers of the patriotic papers, espe cially that diabolical production called Le Pere Du- chesne. One hundred of them seized a vender of that paper, and swore to strangle him, if he uttered a word : they then pelted him with mud. The female citizen Olympia Gouges has been guillo tined, notwithstanding her pleading pregnancy. The bloody speCtacle of the guillotine seems to en rage the people. On the same day when Valaze stab bed himself, a national light- horseman, condemned to die, flung himself over the ballustrades
of the Revolu- tionary Tribunal, and would infallibly have stabbed the Judge, had he not been disarmed. A great number of cutlasses have been found in the Conciergerie, and the Jacobins seem inwardly to tremble for their safety. Madame Mirabeau, the mother of the famous Mi- rabeau, is committed to prison, as a measure of public safety. The last return of prisoners at Paris, is 3,222 . Brutus stated, in the Club of Cordeliers, the suicide committed by Valaze and the discovery made of a great number of cutlasses in the Conciergerie, and moved, that a petition should be presented to the Convention, requesting, that all
criminals who should appear before the Revolutionary Tribunal, should have their hands tied, in order to prevent any attempt on their own lives, or on the lives of any persons present. The motion was agreed to. The army was at Tournay, when the last accounts came away. Mr. Elliot, the British Minister at the Hague, pre- sented the British Declaration on the 18th ult. to Their High Mightinesses, who published a resolution on the igth, declaring their perfect assent and concurrence in the sentiments of His BRITANNIC MAJESTY, and their resolution of prosecuting the war for the same ends which are expressed in the said
Declaration. The STATES also voted thanks to Mr. Elliot for the said communication, intreating his Excellency to acquaint the British Ministry with the result of their deliberations. Letters were received yesterday at the Admiralty from Lord Howe's fleet which were all well off Scilly. It is reported, that the Thames frigate, of 31 guns, is captured by the French, and carried into Brest. The devaluation which the French occasioned from Furnes to beyond Menin, can hardly be expressed. They totally destroyed twenty towns and villages. They Carried away a very great number of cattle of all kinds which formed the principal riches of the
people of West Flanders.- They were followed by more than 400 empty waggons, which they filled not only with provisions, but also with the furniture of the Wretched inhabitants. At Menin, after plundering the churches" and houses, they carried away the bells, and even the music bells. In short, wherever they went they plun- dered and set fire to the houses, the unfortunate owners of which fled different ways to seek an asylum against " A brig belonging to Barbadoes, bound from St. Eusta- tia, is taken and carried into the Chesapeak. " The Olive, Pennant, from liverpool, is taken by a French frigate, and carried into Brest. " The
Pierson, , from Bilboa to Jersey, is taken by a French frigate off Ushant. " Winds at Deal, Nov. 8. S. 0 S, 10 SttT. blows hard, 1J W." L O N D O N. A report prevailed yesterday in the city, that the mob there had risen upon the Convention and put them all to death ! A great change of sentiment had taken place in the Poissardes— a very formidable body in that distraCted metropolis ; and from what we have already seen, no sucCeeding event that bears any relation to France can create any very great emotion of surprise. We have received papers from Paris as late as the '. th instant, which make no mention of such an event
having then happened. It was yesterday reported, that a cessation of hostili- ties had been agreed upon between the Prince Saxe- Co- burg and General Jourdain. This proceeded, it is said, from Jourdain's having received advice, that the populace rose in consequence of the execution of Bris- sot and his party, surroundad the Convention, and put them to death.' We have also been informed, bv a let- ter dated the 25th of October, that an aCtion had taken place at Toulon, since those mentioned in the Gazette, in which the Allies had a complete victory. Stocks rose yesterday, in consequence of these rumours, one and a half
per cent. The Royalists at Laval have driven back some Na- tional troops lent against them, after killing a very great ' number. The Brussels Journal General de la Guerre of the 6th inst- mentions an action on the 2d, in the environs of St. Gerard, between the Sambre and the Meuse - General Beaulieu repulsed the French three, times—- Nevertheless the French rallied and returned to the charge— They were at length finally repulsed with the loss of three hundred men. Our private letters from Cologne informs us of the surrender of the important fortress of Landau. The surrender is also mentioned in the Brussels Journal Ge neral de la Guerre. It is now settled, that the Duke of York's head- quar- ters, for the winter, are to be established at Ghent.— EDINBURGH. It is remarkable, that the twenty- one Deputies, Mem- BERS of the COnVeNTIOn who were executed on the 31st ult. ( see page 317), died calling out, Vive la Re- public"! The principal difference betwixt them and the present rulers, was, that Brissot And his friends declar- ed, for a Federal Republic, in place of a Republic one and indivisible. Brissot, Vergniaux, and the other Deputies who have been guillotined, Were long the chief leaders, and ablest speakers in the Convention, of which
they had all been Presidents.. In the wretched country of France one horrid event succeeds another so rapidly; that reflection is lost in astonishment. Scarcely is the murdered QUEEn cold in her grave, when Twenty one MEMBERS of the Con- VENTIOn are consigned by their fellow Deputies, ( ac- cording to Philosophy,) to the Eternal Sleep of Death I But what else can be expected from a nation which has laid aside every idea of Religion, and ba- nished every obligation Moral and Divine ? The principal accusation against Brissot and his friends, was, that they had adopted the same means with Pitt— to dissolve the
Convention— to assasinate the Members and the Patriots— to destroy Paris— to arm all nations against France— to partition France, and make the Duke of York King of part of it— and of pro- ducing the destruCtion of the French Colonies. Letters are received in town, which mention the re- port of a massacre at Paris , in which the leaders of the Convention were destroyed. A day or two will as- certain the truth of this report. In the mean time, stocks have risen more than one per cent. France, as if they had not already enough of ene- mies, has declared war against the Republic of Genoa. Yesterday forenoon, about eleven
o'clock, Mr. MuiR, younger of Huntershill, under sentence of transportation for sedition, was taken from the Tol- booth, and conveyed in a coach to Newhaven, where he was sent on board the Royal George Excise yacht, Captain Ogilvie, now in Leith roads, for London. There were sent along with him, John Grant, who was . convicted of forgery at Inverness Circuit— John Stir- ling, who petitioned for transportation, being concern- ed in robbing Nellfield house; Bearhope, con- cerned in stealing watches, and who also petitioned for banishment— and James Mackay, lately condemned to death for street robbery, but who
afterwards obtained his Majesty's pardon. They were attended by some peace officers. NEW YORK, October _ " The yellow fever still rages at Philadelphia; it sweeps off 50 a- day ; all business is at an end. Four thousand have paid the debt to nature' at Philadelphia ; the inhabitants, in general, have fled ; the weather con- tinues intensely hot; no equinoxial gale, nor any ap- pearance of the north- west wind setting in. In the common course of things, however, the north- western wind will set in soon, attended with frost during the night, which will, in all probability, check the pro- gress of this direful scourge. Not more than
15,000 of the inhabitants remain in the city." The pestilential diltemper at Philadelphia, is the Plague;— not a person seized with it has recovered.— It was carried from the island of Bulam, in Africa, to m BANKRUPTS. John Holl, of Hurcott, paper- maker.— Last Gazette cer- tain thirteen other bankrupts, shop keepers, & C. in England. the robbery of these men,, who, while they call them- selves the defenders of the people, prove by their con- duct how far they are their friends. The 19th, 27th, 42d, and 57th regiments, have em- barked at Ostend, and are arrived in the Downs. Major General Dundas is arrived in town, and will
embark with Sir Charles Grey, for the West Indies. Mr. Purefoy, who killed Colonel Roper in a duel four years ago, and then passed over to the Continent, was last Week put under arrest. by General Dundas, at Nieuport, in confequence of his having challenged him when in the discharge of his duty. He was sent to O- stend under a guard, and from Ostend to England, where he arrived on Saturday last. The yellow fever has reached Barbadoes, where, a- mong marry other people, Capt. Montague and Capt. Carter, with the two Lieutenants Acaphy and Spunner, all of the old regiment, have unhappily fallen victims to it. " Capt.
Stokes, of the Amity, arrived in the river from Faro, spoke with the fleet bound to Portugal, & c. on the 17th ult. in lat. 41. as. all well. Wind NNW. " The Enterprize privateer, of Jersey, has taken and sent into Dartmouth, a small lugger from Bellisle. " The Baltimore, , from Maryland to Bourdeaux, was taken by the Prince of Wales privateer, of Liverpool, on the 8th ult. in lat. 46, 39. long. 10. and sent for Mont- serrat. " The Rebecca, Brown, from New York - to- Havre de Grace, with sugar, coffee, & c. is taken by the Dolphin letter of marque, and carried into Guernsey. . " The Rose, of Christiansand, with iron and deals; and the Der
Junge Tannes, from Dantzig to Carthagena, taken by French frigates, ate retaken by the Alligator privateer, and carried into Jersey. " The Nabby, Kennedy, from Leith to Virginia, is lost on the North of Ireland.- The crew and eight passengers landed near Loughswilly. " The Vrude, S. L. J. Jerks, with oats, for London, is on shore near Aldborongh. " The Good Intent, Pratt, of Pool, with pilchards, from Penzance to the Mediterranean, is got into. Scilly, with much damage, after being on the rocks, - The cargo is landed. " The Harlequin, M'Connell, from Liverpool to Bel- fast, is on shore and dismafted, in Glenluce Bay, but likely to
be got off without damage. " The Elephant privateer, of St. Vincent's is taken. . " Four privateers are out from Dunkirk, and said to be gone for the North Sea. " The Atlas, Christmas, from London to Barcelona, has been taken by a French frigate, and since 11 taken by tl. e Pigmy cutter, and arrived at Portsmouth. " The , Johan, from Rotterdam to Koningsburg, is lost, on Hasseloe, " The Swallow, Brooks, from Falmouth to Quebec, is put Into Ferryland with considerable damage. " The George & Harriot, Prince, from Havre de Grace to Philadelphia, is on shore near Barfleur. " The William, Tate, from Memel to Yarmouth, is on
shore at Happisburg; and bulged. " The Madona, Allardice, from Ostend to London, is wrecked on the Goodwin Sands. The captain and 14 men drowned.