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The Sun

Date of Article: 04/11/1793
Printer / Publisher: B. Millan 
Address: Sold at No 112, in the Strand, opposite Exeter Change, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 343
No Pages: 4
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NUMBER 343.] MONDAY., TO BE SOLD IN ESSEX, At GREAT BADDOW, Two Miles from Chelmsford, A MODERN BUILT BRICK HOUSE, well /'\ supplied with good Water, a large PLEASURE GARDEN, KITCHEN GARDEN, BILLIARD ROOM, and GREEN- HOUSE ; a BREW- HOUSE, Laundry, Dairy, Coach- house and Stable^ with every other convenience for a large Family; together with FIFTY- TWO ACRES of LAND, more or less ; all the above are Freehold, except about one Acre. For Particulars, apply to Mr. Abell, Great Baddow Lodge, to Mr. Harris, No. 41, Crutched- friars. _ . Is. All Letters not Franked, will be returned unopened, immediate possession may be had. WEYMOUTH. TO BE DISPOSED OF, THE LARGE LIBRARY OF BOOKS, vari- ous MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, CUTLERY', TEWELLERY, HARDWARE, PERFUMERY, STA- TIONARY, and other STOCK IN TRADE of a well, fre- quented CIRCULATING, and MUSICAL LIBRARY. The whole to be taken at an. appraised value, and immediate possession given of the Premises, the Proprietor being lately dead ; whereby there is an excellent opening for any person desirous of entering into this line of business. Apply to C. Bowles, Weymouth. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. THE following very ELIGIBLE FREEHOLD _ ESTATE, situate in the CITY of CANTERBURY. All that CAPITAL MANSION- HOUSE, commonly called the WHITE FRIARS, consisting of a commodious Dining- . Parlour 23 feet by 18 feet* a large Hall, 20 feet by 18 feet, : A small Breakfast- Parlour, a Study, Dressing- Room, Housekeeper's- Room, Butler's- pantry, Kitchen, & c. on the GROUND FLOOR, with excellent Cellaring under the whole House; on the principal Floor, a Drawing- Room - 5 feet by 18 feet, and 13 feet Pitch, Six good- Sleep- _ ins- Rooms, Two Powdering- Rooms, with Garrets for Ser- vant's &. Together with a detached Brew- house, Laun- dry, Servants- Hall, COACHHOUSE for Two Carriages, . and Stalled STABLING for Five Horses, with very exten- sive Lofts,; and Grainery over them and Two Roomy, and Convenient . Yards; a handsome and spacious sweep and PLEASURE GROUND in front of the said Mansion-; TWO GARDENS Walled- in, Containing about r A. 2 R. .14 ft of Rich Land, well stored with ' FRUIT TREES, plants and Shrubs, and a Green- House adjoining. And also, TWO. MESSUAGES, or . TENEMENTS, with the Yard, Building and Garden Ground ther unto belonging, containing by Admeasurement Two Roods and Five Perches:, now in the occupation of Susanna Churnside, Widow, as Te- nant at will. The above Premises are in the completest repair, having been lately rendered so at a very considerable expence. and are desirably situated in an Extra Parochial Place, and ex- empt from all Taxes, except to the King. The Water on the tj resa'rd Premises is abundant, conveniently conveyed, and peculiarly excellent. Immediate Possession may be had of the Mansion and Grounds. And the Purchaser of the Mansion- House may have all, or any part of the Garden Ground. Also, Four Small Tenements, situate in Saint George's- Lane, in the City of Canterbury, and now in the occupation of — Byle and others. For Particulars, apply to Mr. William Baldock, High- street, Canterbury. From the LONDON GAZETTE, Nov. a, 1793. Whitehall, Nov. 2. , BY intelligence received from the Earl of Yar- mouth, dated Brumpt, Austrian Head- quarters, October ao, it appears, that on the morning of the 17th, General Wurmser, having received in- formation that Haguenau had surrendered to the Advanced Corps under General Mezaroes,. he immediately put the bulk of his Army into motion, and arrived there that night, a few hours after it had been evacuated by the Enemy, who had made so precipitate a retreat as to neglect breaking down the wooden bridges over which the artillery was to pass. That, on the 18th, the French encamped on the right bank of the Zorn, a small River which runs through Brumpt but on perceiving some interval between Gene- ral Mezaroes Advanced Corps, consisting of about 6000 men, and the other Columns of ( he Army, they crossed the River, and attacked him with their whole Force, in the evident expedi- tion of turning his flank, and cutting him off from the rest of the Army. The Action lasted seven hours; but upon perceiving the rest of the Austrian Army move forward, the French re- crossed the River, and evacuated the Heights and Town of Brumpt, of which the Austrians took possession. The loss on the part of the French is' estimated at about 800 men, and that" of the Austrians nearly half that number, in killed and wounded. That the Prince of Wal- deck had advanced with his Corps from Soltz, and marched along the banks of the Rhine. That he had compelled the surrender of Druzen- heim, and, after having driven in. the Garrison of Fort Louis, with some loss, had invested the place. That in the course of the night, the French had abandoned their former position on the Zorn, and retreated under the cannon of Strasbourg. That General Wurmser was at thp distance of nine English miles from that place. In addition to the Accounts already published of the forcing the Lines of Weissembourg and Lauterbourg, it appears, that the Austrian Army had between seven and eight hundred men killed and wounded ; and that the loss of the French amounted to between three and four thousand men killed, from five to six hundred prisoners, and 26 pieces of cannon, with their ammunition waggons and horses. The retreat of the French, on this occasion, was greatly favoured by a thick ESSENCE OF PEPPERMINT. THE very flattering and strong Testimonies J. JUNIPER has received in favour of his ESSENCE of PEPPERMINT from almost every part of the World, supersedes the necessity of his saying any thing in favour of its virtues and effects, were it not for the com- plaints so strongly and frequently urged from different - quarters, of imposition by nauseous and ineffectual counter- feits. The Genuine is an elegant Preparation, fragrant in itself administering oftentimes' the most pleasing and in stantaneous relief, in Gouty and Cholicky Pains in the stomach and Bowels, reviving the Spirits, restoring the ' Appetite, and producing many other salutary effects, more particularly expressed in the Bills.' Out of respect to the Public, as well as justice to himslf, each bottle is signed by his own hand. Preparcd and sold by J. Juniper, Nottingbam, in Stop- per Bottles 2s. 9d. each', Vials Is. duty included; and is by him appointed to be sold, wholesale and retail,- By John Boosey, No. 39, King- street, Cheapside; Francis Newbery, No. 45, East end of St. Paul's Church- yard ; ' Messrs; Bailey and lowe, Perfumers, Cockspur- strcct ; and Husband, Elder and Co. Edinburgh. This Day was published, price is. fid. OBJECTIONS to the WAR EXAMINED \ 1 J and REFUTED. Bv a FRIEND to PEACE. Printed for J. Debrett, Piccadilly; and T. W. Longman, no. 39, Pater- noster- Row. This Day was published, price is. 6d. No. VI. ( To be continued Monthly) of THE BRITISH CRITIC : A NEW RE- VIEW ; For OCTOBER : Containing, besides a variety of other Matter, Dr. Henry's History of England, Vol. VI. ; Cumberland's Life of Julio Bonasoni; Kendal s Poems; Historical View of Plans for the Government of India; comparative Sketch of England and Italy; Buchanan's Travels to the Western Hebrides; Glenie's Antecedental Calculus; Dr. Osborn's Practice of Midwifery; ' a Continuation of Edward's History . of the West Indies; General Roy's Military Antiquities; Dr. Thomas Robertson's History of Mary Queen of Scots; and Philosophical Transactions, concluded. from No.. V. Also several important Foreign Articles. Printed for F. and C. Rivington, No. 62, Sr. Paul's Church- yard; to whom all Communications respecting the Review are. to be directed. The First Volume of THe BRITISH CRITIC, containing the Review for May, June, July and August. To which is ptcfixid a Preface in which is given a retrospective View of British Literature since the Commencement of the Work; lo be continued in the subsequent Volumes. Price in boards 6 » . 6d. or neatly half- bound 7s. ANNUITY. WANTED to PURCHASE, an ANNUITY from iool. to fioal. per annum, on the Life of the purchaser, or for the Life of the Grantor ; but the former will be preferred. To prevent trouble, a fair price being intended to be given, no security will be accepted but LAND, or STOCK in the FUNDS, and no Broker will be treated with. Any Gentleman directing a Line to A. B. at Mr. Dicken- son's, Stationer, Gray's- inn, will be referred to the Adver- tiser's Solicitor. Whitehall, Nov. 2. Dispatches from Sir James Murray, Adjutant- General to the Forces under the command of His Royal Highness the Duke of York, of which the following are . Extracts, were received by the Right Hon. Henry Dundas, His Majesty's Prin- cipal Secretary for the Home Department, on Wednesday last, Extract of a Letter from Sir James Murray, Bart, to Mr. Secretary Dundas, dated Tournai, OH. 24, 1793- - I have the honour to inform you, that the Enemy made, upon the 21st instant, an Attack upon the Advanced Posts of the Camp at Menin, particularly those of Werwick and Halouin;: they were every where repulsed,; but the day following they . renewed the . Attack with great violence, and at last. succeeded in gaining possession of Werwick. Menin being by this, means exposed, Lieute- nant- General Erbach, who commanded there, found it - necessary to evacuate the Town, and to retire with his Corps upon Courtray. This Corps was composed of Austrian and Hano- Verian Troops. The particulars of their loss are not yet come to my knowledge, but I under, stand, that it amounts, in killed and wounded, to near 3oo men. The Enemy likewise attacked the Troops posted at the Camp of Cisoing upon the 21st, 22d and, 23d, but they were repulsed each day with loss, having had upon the 22d near 400 men killed and taken. The Enniskillens and the 16th Regiment of Light Dragoons behaved with great spirit upon this occasion. The At- tacks of the Enemy were chiefly directed against the Posts: of Nomain upon the left, and Willem upon the right, of both of which they at different times- gained possession, but were again driven from them by Reinforcements sent from the Camp.' This day the Enemy attacked the Post of Major- General Kray, at Orchies. No further particulars are at present known, than that they have been repulsed with, the loss of five pieces of cannon. Extract of a. Letter from Sir James Murray, dated Journal, Octobcr 25, 1793. Accounts have been received that the Enemy advanced upon the 23d upon Fumes, which was abandoned at their approach. They then pro- ceeded against Nieuport ; but recourse having been had to the Inundations, of which the Country year, that place is susceptible, they were obliged to retreat, Lieutenant General Wurmb, upon the loss of Menin, left his position by Dixmude and Fort Knoche, and is now, posted, at Thouroute, where he covers Bruges, and communicates with the Corps near Courtray. It is his Royal Highness's intention to attack the Enemy at Menin upon Monday next. Ge- neral Walmoden will command the Troops employed upon this service, which will be those under Lieutenant- General Wurmb, now atThou- route, and the Corps which lately occupied the Camp at Menin, The rest of his Royal High- ness's Forces will co- operate in different ways towards this Attack; and should it be successful, there is reason to hope that upon this Frontier every thing may be re- established upon its for- mer footing. Whitehall, Nov. a. A Dispatch was last night received from Sir James Murray, Adjutant- General to His Ma- jesty's Forces under the command of His Royal Highness the Duke of York, by the Right Hon. Henry Dundas, His Majesty's' Principal Secre- tary of State for the Home Department, of which the following is a Copy : SIR, Camphin, October 29, 1793. I had the honour of informing you, in my . last Dispatch, of His Royal Highness's intention to make every possible effort for the prote& ion of Austrian Flanders, which seemed to be in im- minent danger from the attempts of the Enemy - upon the whole Frontier . of that Province. Consistent with this intention His Royal High- ness determined to attack the Enemy at Menin upon the 23th instant. General Walmoden, to whom the execution of this design was to be entrusted, went, upon the. 26th, to Courtray, to take the command, of the Corps which had formerly occupied the Camp at Menin. Lieu. tenant- General Busche took the command of that which had been posted at Mouscron, but which had fallen back to Warcoing. The at- tack was to be- made upon different points by these Corps, in conjunction with that of- Lieu- tenant- General Wurmb, which lay at that time in the neighbourhood of Thoroute. Upon the morning of the 27th His Royal Highness marched with the Troops which were encamped before ToUrnay, to take up the posi- tion he had formerly occupied between Baisieux and Cisoing, and which had been left some days before. Different Posts, which the Enemy had established upon the Marque, were driven back. A Piquet of six Officers; and 150 men, which had been posted at the Village of Sain- gain, retreated across the plain towards Lezennes they had nearly reached the last mentioned Vil- lage when a Squadron of the 2d Dragoon Guards, led on by Major Craufurd, Aid- de- Camp to His Royal Highness,' advancing with - rapidity, gained their right flank, and charged them with so much vigour and success, that not a single man escaped ; .104. prisoners were taken, and the rest killed upon the spot. The Squadron of the 2d . Dragoon Guards had only two men killed and ' one man wounded. The other Squadron of the Queen's Dragoon Guards, two Squadrons of the Royals, and a Division of Austrian Light Dra- goons, came up in the pursuit. In the mean time the Enemy had made pro- gress in another part of the Country. They had attacked Nieuport, and passed, though only with a small body, the Canal of Ypres at Shooreback, In consequence of this, Lieutenant- General Wurmb had fallen back upon Ghistel, in order to cover Bruges and Ostend. This change of General Wurmb's position rendered abortive the plan which had been formed for the attack of Menin upon ' the 28th. His Royal Highness therefore, still keep- ing that important object in view, sent a rein- forcemeat of three Battalions to Lieutenant- Ge- neral Busche, who had by this time advanced again with his Corps to Mouscron, and dislodged the Enemy- from that Post, of which they had taken possession; and it was determined that the attack. of Menin should be made on the agth, bv the Corps of General Walmoden and Gene- ral Busche; the former advancing directly upon the Town of Menin, the latter upon the right bank of the Lys, against the Village and Heights of Hallouin. in order to favour this enterprize, by drawing the attention of the Enemy to another quarter, His. Royal Highness sent, upon the evening of the 28th, two Battalions of Austrian Infantry, and some Companies of Light Troops, with two twelve- pounders and two howitzers, under the command of Major- General Werneck, and two Battalions of British Infantry, ( the Flank " Bat- talion and that of the 3d Regiment of Guards) with one Squadron of the 7th and one of the 15th Light Dragoons, with two twelve- pounders and two howitzers likewise, to attack Lannoy, which the Enemy had entrenched, and occu- pied with 1500 men. Major- General. Abercrombie commanded this Detachment; and he had orders to expose the Troops as little as possible, but to confine the attack to a cannonade, until the Enemy should be driven from their Post. This plan had the desired success. After resisting about time- the heavy and well directed fire of the British and Austrian Artillery, which was gradually ad- vanced to within a very small distance of the Town, the French gave way, retiring in great disorder, part of them towards Lisle, and part towards Roubay. They were pursued with great spirit by Lieutenant- Colonel Churchill, at the head of the two Squadrons of Light Dragoons* who killed and wounded near 100 of them, and took $ 9 prisoners. Several others were killed and taken by a party of Austrian Infantry, who entered the Town. There were taken in all about prisoners, and five pieces of cannon, besides several tumbrils and baggage- waggons. The killed are supposed to have amounted to between'two and three hundred. In point of numbers the loss upon our side has been very inconsiderable ; but unfortunately Captain Sutherland, of the Royal Engineers, an Officer of acknowledged merit, was killed upon this occasion. Though not called upon to be present at the attack, he had been induced by his zeal to accompany the Detachment. I am sorry to add, that Lieutenant Thornton, of the Artillery,, has lost his arm. The Austrians had eight or ten men killed and wounded. About the conclusion of this affair, accounts were received from General Walmoden, that the Enemy had evacuated Menin the preceding night, and that thev ' ad the appearance of in- tending to give up their attack upon Ypres. The march of His Royal Highness from Engle- Fontaine, and the subsequent movements of, the Troops under his . command, seem to have in- duced the Enemy to abandon the enterprises, in which they had engagfd upon this, sidy of Aus- trian Flanders, and in which they had been, • to a certain degree, successful. By accounts from Nieuport of the 38th, the French had summoned that Town ; and upon Lieutenant- Colonel de Wurmb's refusal to sur- render, they, had erected Batteries against it. There seemed, however, to be reasonable grounds to expect that the place would hold out. I un- derstand that the attack made there upon the 24th was a very severe one; the 53d Regiment having had Lieutenant Latham and ten men killed, and Captain Ferguson and eighteen wounded. I have the honor to be, &: c. ' Signed) JAMES MURRAY". Royal Engineers. Captain Sutherland killed.;. . Lieutenant Rutherford wounded. Royal Artillery. Lieutenant Thornton wounded. JOSEPH BAIRD, Capt. 17th Reg. Brigade Major. Whitehall, Nov. 2. The following Dispatches from General Sir Charles Grey, K. B. and Rear- Admiral Mac- bride, were yestefcay evening received at the Office of the Right Honourable Henry Dundas, His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department: Ostend, Ofl, 29, 1793, Three o'clock, P. M. SIR, I had the honour of writing to you yesterday morning from Deal, to inform you of my ar- rival, there, and of my intention immediately to embark for this place. We got under way be- tween ten and eleven o'clock) and about half past seven in the evening came to anchor in Nieuport Roads. In consequence of the accounts I received there from Captain Murray, of the state of that place, and the force brought against it by the French, I judged it necessary immediately to dispatch Major Genital Dundas to Ostend, with orders to take under his command the 42d Re- giment and four Companies of Light Infantry, and to march, with all possible expedition, to the support of the Garrison ; at the same time send- ing Colonel Symes to Nieuport, to give the Commander notice of my arrival, and of the in- tended reinforcement. the Enemy kept up a Constant fire during the greatest part of the night, which was answered, by the Garrison, and distinctly seen from the Quebec. At about two this morning, it became more violent, and continued with great briskness on both sides. When we passed Nieuport, about ten, we saw Major- General Dundas on his march, within two miles of the place; and I have this in- stant received a Letter from him, announcing his arrival. He says, he finds every thing as well as he could expect : that the Enemy threatened much, kept up a constant fire, and had last night carried one of the Towers',. within 1700 yards of the place. He has made a requisition of several articles necessary to the defence of the place, which I have ordered to be forwarded to him im- mediately. With the force now on foot, assisted by the inundation, I hope it may be preserved, and the further progress of the French on this sidechecked. Notwithstanding the constant fire kept up by the Enemy, I am happy to inform you that the loss of the Garrison has hitherto- been inconsiderable, but I have yet received no regular Returns. The Service has derived the greatest benefit from the zeal and aiiivity of Rear- Admiral Mac bride, Captain Murray, and the Naval Officers under his command. A supply of ammunition, of which the Gar rison WHS much in want, was this morning sent from the Fleet; and about 100 Seamen, under Captain Rogers, have been landed, to assist in working at the Batteries. Every commendation is due to the gallant defence made by Colonel Wurmb, and the Garrison under his command, I have the honour to be, Sec. C. GREY. Wednesday Morning, Seven o' Clock. The departure at the Cutter which will carry this Dispatch, having been delayed, I have an opportunity of adding that I have received ac- counts from Major- General Dundas, dated ten o'clock last night. The fire, from the Enemy had been violent during the whole day, but had ceased for near three hours The Garrison still maintained all their posts, and the Troops re- mained all night under arms' on the ramparts. I am just setting ofF for Nieuport, in order to judge myself, on the spot, of the farther mea- sures which it may be necessary to take for its defence. Right Hon. Henry Dundas. Ostead Oct. 3o, 1793. sir, My last disoatch announced to you the situa- tion of the Garrison of Nieuport, as far as I was informed of it, to the time of mv depar- ture for that place this morning On my road thither I was met by several persons, with the agreeable intelligence that the French were re- tiring, which Was confirmed on my arrival. They began their retreat in the night, and a part only of the Rear Guard was visible at day- break this morning. They returned along the road to Dunkirk, setting fire to every thing in their Way. I went with Major- General Dundas to visit the posts which they occupied, and, from the extent of their Encampment, I should imagine that their numbers could not have been less than was represented to s, about 8000. What loss they may have sustained during the Siege I have n0 means of estimating: ours, as I have already had the pleasure of informing you, was very in- considerable. I now inclose you a regular Re- turn of that of the 42d and 53d Regiments; that of the Hessians I have not been able to learn ac- curately, but it is not greater in proportion. The French have left behind them four twenty- four pounders and two mortars, as well as a great number of shot, shells, and entrenching tools. The whole were secured, and a great part brought into the Town before I left it. I have already spoken in commendation of the gallant behaviour of Colonel de Wurmb, and the Garrison under his command; I cannot, however, help adding, Upon a more exact knowledge of their negation when first attacked, that the safety of Nieuport is owing to their courage and perseverance in its defence, with means very disproportionate to the force brought against them. The Artillery, under Captain Bothwick, with the 53d Regiment, whose loss has been the greatest, have been very much distinguished j and I think it only an act of justice to mention, in terms of the highest ap. probation, Major Mathews, whose long services and particular exertions on this occasion will, I hope, recommend him to His Majesty's notice. I feel also that much is due to the zeal and in. telligence with which Major- General Dundas undertook and executed the Service entrusted to him after his arrival at Nieuport, as well as to Colonel Symes and Captain Rogers, and the Of- ficers, Marines and Seamen from the Fleet. I have the honour to be, & c. C. GREY. P. S. The Hessian Return of their loss I have received since I wrote this Dispatch, which I inclose. Return f the Killed and wounded of th: British at thc Siege of Nieuport. 45d Regiment. I Sergant, 2 Rank and File, wounded. 53d Regiment, i Subaltern, 11 Rank and File, killed; tCaptain, r Serjeant, ; i Rank and File. wounded. Total, t Subaltern, il Rank and File, kill d j I Captain, X Serjeants, 3 ; Rank, aud Kile, wounded. Names of the Ofl'att'S Ktlkd and tfuifded. Lieutenant Latham, of 53d Regiment, killed. Captain Ferguson, of ditto, wounded, 1 Serjeant, of thc 42d Regiment, dead of his wounds. WILLIAM LYON, Dep. Adj. General. Ostend, Octl. 30, 1753. Re- ta ll of the Killed and H'ruUdiA cf the Hessian Troops, from th nd to IKc ytdh Oilober. Prince Frederick's Dragoons I Soldier wounded. Grenadier Battalion of Eschwege. 2 Soldiers killed ; 1 Of- ficer, 4 Serjeants, 14 Soldiers, wounded. 1 st Battalion of the Rcgimeht of Prince Cartes. I Soldier killed : j Surgeon, 7 Soldiers, wounded. Regiment of Kospoth. 1 Soldier killed ; 3 Officers, 1 Ser- jeant,^ Soldiers, wounded. Total. 4 Soldiers killed ; 4 Officers, 5 Serjeants, I Surgeon, * o Soldiers, wounded. _ APPELIUS. Aid- de- Camp. Quebec, Oct. 31, off Nieuport. SIR, I beg leave to acquaint you, that I sailed from, the Downs on Monday, at eleven, P. M. and the following evening anchored off Nieuport between seven and eight. The Enemy were firing upon the Town from their guns and mortars. 1 found Captain Murray with the Squadron I had de- tached to their assistance; from him I learnt that the Garrison stood in great need of artillery, powder and ammunition, and were very weak in point of artillery- men; 60 Seamen were sent from the Ships, under the command of Mr. Thomas Gibbs, Acting Lieutenant of the Tri- ton, whose conduct has been highly meritorious; a party of 40 Seamen and Marines from the Quebec, with a large supply of powder and am- munition, was sent on shore in the morning, un- der the direction of Captain Rogers, who re- quested to command the Naval Detachment; to his active zeal and ability the Service is much in- debted. Lieutenant Clements, who- at present commands the Albion armed ship, was kept in readiness to forCe their way into the Harbour, which was in possession of the Enemy, when that measure, was deemed necessary. The De- tachment from Ostend were seen marching alOng the Strand in the ' morning,, and soon entered Nieuport. The Enemy, however, rendered our intentions useless, for they abandoned their en- terprize in the night. 1 refer to Sir Charles Grey's Letter for the detail of the military opera- tions respecting the security of this important Post. Mr. Gibbs is the bearer of this Dispatch, to whom I refer you for particulars. I have the honour to be, Sec. ( Signed) JOHN MACBRIDE. P. S. I have the pleasure to add, the Austrians have driven the French out of Fumes this morn- ing. Whitehall, November 2. The Lord Chancellor has appointed Charles Twells, of the Town and County of the Town of Nottingham, Gentleman, to be a Master Ex- traordinary in the High Court of Chancery. - dublin- Castle, October 26. Yesterday being the Anniversary of His Ma- jesty's happy Accession to the Throne, at noon the great guns at the Salute Battery in His Ma- jesty's Park the Phoenix were fired three rounds, and answered by volleys from the Regiments in the Garrison, which were drawn up in the Royal Square at the Barracks. In the evening a Play was given by order of his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant, for the entertainment of the Ladies; and at night there were bonfires, illuminations, and all other demonstrations of joy. War- Office, November I. Ist Regiment of Foot Guards, John Gunthorp, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Salisbury, promoted. 7th Regiment of Root, Ensign James M'Donald, from the half- pay of the late 84th foot, to be Lieutenant, without purchase, vice Forster, promoted in the Independent Com- panies. Ensign James Peachy, from the 60th Foot, to be Lieutenant, without purchase, vice Hall, promoted in the Independent Companies. 51st Regiment of Foot, Ensign James Fleming to be Lieu- tenant, without purchase, vice Godley, removed to the 41st Foot. 54th Regiment of Foot, Lieutenant Richard Hussey Vivian from an Independent Company, to be Lieutenant, vice Daunt, who exchanges. 60th Regiment of Foot, Lieutenant Henry Richard Temple, from the half- pay 0f the 97th Foot to be Lieutenant, vice Apthorpe, who exchanges. 64th Regiment nf Foot, Lieutenant John M'Kenzie, from tbe half- pay of the late 73d Foot, to be Lieutenant, vice Hyde, who exchanges. Argyleshire Regiment of Fencible Men, Peter Campbell, Gent to be Ensign, vice David CampbelL removed to the Marines. INDEPENDENT COMPANIES. Lieutenant Thomas Daunt, from tbe 54th Foot, to be Lieu- tenant in Captain Gre independent Company of Foot, vice Vivian, who exchanges. A REGIMENT of FOOT. Lieutenant General J. Fletcher Campbell, from the 32d foot, to be Colonel. Major Duncan Cameron, from the 43d Foot, to be Lieute- nant- Colonel. Captain Martin Hunter, from the 43d Foot, to be Major. A REGIMENT of FOOT. Major General William Edmeston, from the 50th Foot, « o be Colonel. Major Charles Green, from the 31st Foot, to be Lieutenant- Colonel. Captain John Edwards, from the 40th Foot, to be Major. A REGIMENT of FOOT. Mayor- General Cornelius Cuyler, from thc 55th Foot, to be Colonel. Major George Sladden, from the 67th Foot to be Lieutenant- Colonel. Captain Richard Mark Dickens, from the 44th Foot, to be Major. A REGIMENT of FOOT. Major- General Nesbitt Balfour, from the 23d Foot, to be Colonel. Major William St. Leger, from the 6th Foot, to be Lieute- nant- Colonel Captain Jeffery Wheelock, from the 15th Dragoons, lo be Major. BREVETS. To be Major- Generals In the Army. Colonel Matthew Dixon. Colonel Forbes Macbean. Colonel Richard Dawson. To be C0l0nELS in the Army. Lieutenant- Colonel Joseph Walton. Lieutenant- Colonel Peter Traille. Lieutenant- Colonel Ellis Walker. Lieutenant- Colonel William Johnstone. To be LieuTENanT- ColonEls in the Army. Major Edward Whitmore. Major Richard Chapman. Commissions in the Norfolk Militia, signed by the Lord Lieu- tenant. Eastern Regiment. Charles Lucas to be Captain of Com- pany, vice Hamond Alpe, resigned. Dated October 9, im- John Wodebouse to be Captain of a Company, vice Thomas Cubitt, resigned. Dated October 10, 1793. Thomas Gooch to be Captain of a Company, vice Charles Eaton, resigned. Dated October 1 r, 1793. Lieutenant William Pawlett to be Captain- Lieutenant, vice Charles Lucas, promoted. Dated October 10, 1793. John Mundeford Allen to be Lieutenant, vice Thomas fo- thergill, resigned. Dated October 9, 1793. Thomas Waring to be Lieutenant. Dated October to, William henry Williams to he Ensign. Dated October 9, 1793- BANKrUPTCY ENLARGED. James Thompson, late of Leadenhall- street, London, linen- draper, Nov. 16, at ten, at Guildhall. BANKRUPTCY SUPERSEDED. Henry Wilckins, of Liverpool, Lancashire, merchant. BANKRUPTS. John Jones, of Chester, druggist, to surrender Nov. 10, it, and Dec 14, at fair., at the Hotel, in Chester. Attorneys, Mr D. F. Jones, at Chester; or Messrs. Parker and Hawksworth, Chancery- lane, London". Frederick Stahlschmiet, of Whitechapel- road, Middlesex, grocer, to surrender Nov. lr, > 6, and Dec. 14, at nine, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Collins, Spital- square. Joseph Harris, late of Wilmot- square, Bethnal- green, Mid- dlesex, cow- keeper, to surrender Nov. II, 16, and Dec. 14, at nine, at Guildhall, London. Attorneys, Mr. Col- lins, Spital- square. , , James Piercy the elder, and James Piercy the younger, of New Bridge- street, Blackfriars, London, merchants, to surrender Nov. 6, 15, and Dec. 14, at twelve, at Guild hall. Attorney, Mr. Francis Gregg, Jun. Skinners- hall, Dowgate- hill. Joseph Stroud, of Great Surrey- street, Surrey, haberdasher to surrender Nov. n, at seven, Nov. 15, at six, and dec 14, at ten, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Asher Humphreys, Martin's- lane, Cannon- street. Marmaduke Rawlence, of Whitehall, Sr. Martin in the Fields, Middlesex, money- scrivener, to surrender Nov. at ten, Nov. 1at eleven, and Dec. 14, at ten, at Guild- hall, London. Attorney, Mr. Mills, Great Queen- street. Westminster. William Warren, of Grantham- placc, Hanover- square, Mid- dlesex, dealer in pigs, to surrender Nov.. I^ a^ nd Dec, Ii, at ten, at Guildhnll, London. Attorney, Mr. Mahew,' Little Brook- street, Tottenham- court- Road. John Gilbert, of Parson Drove, Cambridgeshire, miller, to surrender Nov. > 9, IO, and Dec. 14, at ten, at the Black Swan and Saracen's Head, in Peterborough. Attorneys, George Edmunds, in Peterborough ( or Richard Edmunds, Exchequer Office of Pleas, Lincoln's- inn, London. Henry Holland. of Little Chelsea, Middlesex, organ- builder, to surrender Nov. c, 16, and Dec. 14, at eleven at Guild- hall, London. Attorney, Mr. Gregson, Copthall- court, Throgmorton- street, Philip Levy, of Jewry- srrect, Aldgate, London, silversmith, ten, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Howard, Jewry- street. Thomas Allen the younger, of Kingston upon' Thames Surrey, bricklayer, to surrender Nov. 16, 22, and Dec. 14, at eleven, at Guildhall, London Attorneys," Mr Jem- mett, of Kingston ; or Mr. Barber, Gray's inn, London- - DIVIDENDS. Nov. 26. Thomas Clarke, now or late of Lyme Regis, Dor- setshire, mealman, at one, at the George Inn, in Lyme Regis. Nov. 30. Nicholas Leigh, of thc Cloisters, West Smith- field, London, linen- draper, at ten, at Guildhall. Nov. 2 j Thomas Parsons, late of Fareham, Southampton, maltster, at eleven, at thc Red Lion Inn, in Fareham. Nov. 23. John Leigh, of Stroud, Kent, Navy agent, at nine, at Guildhall, London. Nov 27.. John Barrow- and William BarrOw, late of Lan- caster, merchants, at ten, at the White Hart, in Lancaster. Nov. Benjamin Robinson, of Birmingham, Warwick- shire, factor, at eleven, at the Minerva Tavern* in Peek- lane, Birmingham. Nov. 30. Thomas Crawley, of Fleet- street, London, tinman, at twelve, at Guildhall. Dec, 14. John Elmore, of Monmouth- street, Middlesex, leather- seller, at eleven, at Guildhall, London. Nov. 25. Mary Oulton, late of Middlewich, Cheshire, dealer, at eleven, at the White Bear Inn, in Middlewich. Nov. 2J. John Roderick Smith, of WellcloSe- square Mid- dlesex, liquor- merchant, at ten, at Guildhall, London. CERTIFICATES. Nov. 23. Joseph Gurney, of Bristol, goldsmith. Matthew Emerson, late of Shepherd's- market Hanover- square, Middlesex, stable- keeper. John Ibbotson, late of Skythorns, and James Ibbotson the younger, late of Cracoe, Yorkshire, jobbers. TO CORRESPONDENTS. The ProCeeDingS of tHe High CouRT of ADMIPALTV, from an unknown Correspondent, we are much indebted for. Before their Insertion, however, we shall be happy to receive a satisfactory assurance of their AUTHENTICITY. . Dr. TATHAM's Second Letter to Dr. PRiestley, shall the first open day ' 1 THEATRICAL REGISTER. COVENT- GARDEN. This Evening— HAMLeT ; with HARTEquiN's ChApleT. HAY- MARKET, _ This Evening— The REVEngE ; witH ThE ChILdREN In THE WOOD. THE SUN. SOLUM QuIS diCErE FALSuM AuDEAT ? LONDON, NOVEMBER 4, 1793. On Saturday morning, at ten o'clock, His MAJESTY, accompanied by PRINCE ADOLphus, and attended by Lords WALSINGHAM and CATH- CART, Colonels GOLDSWORTHY and GWYN, rode to Broad Common, where a Stag was turned out, which, after a very hard run of three hours, was taken near Swinley. The QUEEN and PRINCESSES, with their usual Attendance, took an airing to Frogmore ; and in the evening Her MAJESTY had a Concert and Card- party. Yesterday morning THEIR MAJESTIES, the. two PRINCES, and four of the PRINCESSES, at- tended by Ladies HOWE, COURTOWN, CHATHAM, CATHCART and MARY HOWE, LORD CATHCART, Hon. Mr. DIGBY, Colonels GolDswoRthy and GWYN, and Major PRICE, went to St. George's Church, where a Sermon was preached by the Rev. Dr. DUVAL, Canon in residence. Yesterday, at one o'clock, Colonel HulSE ar- rived at Windsor with Dispatches from His Royal Highness the Duke of YORK, which he presented to His MAJESTY. By Letters from Ostend, dated Nov. j, we learn, that the damage done to Nieuport is much less than it was at first supposed to be. There is" not now a single Frenchman between Ostend and ' Dunkirk. . \ ' By Paris Papers of the 27th, we find, that in the Sitting in the Convention of the ? § th, a Letter was read from General CARTeau, dated from before Toulon, Oct. 17, which informed them, that in the moment of the French rejoicings for the capture Of Lyons, the Allies marched out in five Columns, consisting altogether of 5000 men, to attack on two different points.' The French account of course states, that the Allies were repulsed with loss. : ; On Saturday Mr- DundAS gave a dinner to Mr. PITT, Mr. STEELE, and Mr. RYDER, at his house at Wimbledon. The Duke of RICHMOND is gone from Brighton for Goodwood. On Saturday Lady JANe and Miss DundAS left Wimbledon, for the Grange, to visit Mrs. DRUMMOND. On Friday the Commissioners for Liquidating the National Debt had a meeting at the house oi the CHANCELLOR of EXCHEQUER, in DoWning- street, to report their progress. There Were pre sent, the Governor and the Deputy Governor of the Bank, and the Accomptant- General of the Court of Chancery, attended by Mr. FARHILL, their Secretary. THIS morning at seven o'clock a Messenger arrived at Whitehall, with Dispatches from the Head Quarters of His Royal Highness the Duke of YORK, dated Camplin, Oct. 30, containing the agreeable account of a Victory obtained by His " Royal Highness over the French." in consequence of the plans formed by His Royal High, ness for driving the enemy from Maritime Flanders, he ordered a detachment, chiefly of British TroOps; to march to Mar- chienneS and dislodge the Enemy from thence. , Early on the morning of the 30th, the. British Troops reached the French Post which they Completely surprised, killing 4o0 and taking SEVENTEEN HuNDred Prisoners, almost all of whom were Troops of the Line, with TWENTY AmMuNition WAGGONS, and TWELVE pIECES of CANNON. The loss on the side of the British, from the circumstance of their surprizing the Enemy, was little or nothing. Thus, by the judgment and activity of his Royal . Highness the DUKE of YORK, is the whole of Maritime Flanders freed from the late incursions of the French, who have every where been forced to retire with precipitation, ai" have experienced signal defeat and loss. PLYMOUTH, Nov. 2. YESTERDAY the 58th Regiment, consisting of near 1000 strong, marched from Dock Barracks to this place, aaid , iji the afternoon embarked on board some Transports laying in Catwater, and Will sail in a day or two for Ostend The Regi- ' ment on embarking gave three loud huzzas, which were answered by a large concourSe of spectators who lined the shore. The convoy to go with them is not yet appointed. This day a Dispatch arrived from Earl HOWE'S Fleet, dated W. S. W. of the Edystone, to Ad- miral COTTOn, which was forwarded immediately by express to the Admiralty. ' Arrived the Powerful, 74, Capt. hICKS, . with a convoy. She is to be refitted for Channel Service; also a Portuguese sloop of war, com. manded by Capt. THOMPSON, who so gallantly distinguished himself in the Spitfire privater in the last War, in the Mediterranean, by his de- struction of the Privateers and Levant Trade of the French and Americans. Arrived the Alarm frigate, Capt. ROBINSON, with a Fleet of vessels under convoy from Ire- land. Sailed the Orestes sloop of war, Lord AUGUS- TUS FitZROY Commander, for Torbay. The vessel mentioned in my last, supposed to have arrived from Botany Bay, is not so, but proves to be the Brunswick, Capt. VELLING, from New Brunswick. Arrived yesterday the Dutch Packet Fame, Capt. Box, from Bengal, last from the Cape of Good Hope, which place she left three months since. The Dutch men of war which have been Long expected here, to convoy the outward- bound Fleet, are now on their passage, consisting of three Sail of the Line and - A Sloop of War, with about 70 Merchantmen— they left the Texel the 23d ult. Remain in the Sound the Alfred, of 74 guns, Hebe, of 36 guns, a Dutch ship of war, and an East Indiaman; the Orion, of 74 guns, and Fairy sloop of war in Barnpool. six o'CLOCK P. m. P. S. The Admiral has just appointed the fairy to convoy the Transports to the Eastward » HARWICH-, Nov. 3. a: ^ YESTERDAY afternoon the Prince of Wales Extra Packet sailed for Helvoetsluys with the Dutch Mail, Dispatches, and Passengers. One Mail due from Holland. Wind N. W. On Wednesday next will be launched at Wool- wich, His Majesty's ship Minotaur, which has been so many years on the stocks. It is at Ayton in Berwickshire, the seat of Mr. FORDYCE, that the Duke of MANCHESTER will receive the hand of Lady SUSAN GORDON. It was under the same roof that the Dutchess her- self was married to the Duke of GORDON. The Rev. THOMAS WINGFIELD, B. A. of St. John's College, Cambridge, is presented by Mrs. CLARKE to the rectory of Bulwicke, in Northamp- tonshire. VICTORY OVER THE FRENCH. vieNNA, Ocr. 19. LORD HERVEY, the British Ambassador at the Court of Florence, has presented two Memorials, insisting upon the removal of M. LA FLOTTE, the pretended French Minister. But these Memo- rials no' having produced the desired effeCt, his Lordship presented a third Memorial on the nth instant, and declared therein, that the BRITISH Court, in concert with its Allies, was determined to tolerate no longer the Neutrality of the GRAND DUKE of TUSCANY ; and that his Royal Highness, unless he should give a Catego- rical answer within the course of twelve hours from the delivery of the Note presented by his Lordship, and communicate his resolutions be- fore the expiration of that period, should be considered and dealt with as an Enemy on the part of the Allied Maritime Powers". The GRAND DUKE having received this Me- morial, gave immediate orders for M. LA FLOTTE, the French Resident, and his suite, to quit the peaceful Tuscan Territories in all possible haste. The Republican Agent obeyed these orders without delay. The Senate of Genoa has likewise received a strong Memorial from the British Minister at that Court. An Engagement has taken place in the harbour of Genoa, between some British and French ships of war. The French, whose force consisted of two frigates and another armed vessel, were obliged to strike. A great number of men fell in this ACtion on both sides, The nature of the circumstances will probab- ly afford to the Republic of Genoa no satisfaction. for this violation of its Territory : had not the English recently intercepted two Genoese ships bound to Marseilles, laden with gunpowder, these might have been some hopes of their obtaining satisfaction; but this act of supplying the com. mon Enemy, has inspired the Allied Maritime Powers with the utmost disgust and indignations, satisfaction has been demanded of the Republic, which will be obliged tn declare against the French Regicides. Venice will likewise be compelled to follow the example of the other Powers. Th: s day Lieutenant Count GALLENBERG ar- rived here, preceded by thirty- three postillions, with the news of the Capture of the Lines of Weissembourg. The most serious preparations are making for a third Campaign. Gallicia alone will furnish 17,000 men. The States of Hungary have offered a fresh Army of 50,000 men to the EMPEROR. The Vintage for the present year has turned « ut very scanty in the Austrian Territories. • FRANKFORT, OCT. 24. BERLIN, OCT. 32. Br account from Grodno we learn, that the Treaty of Commerce and Alliance between Russia and Poland has been passed in the Diet by acclamation. The DUKE of GLOUCESTER on Saturday rode at the head of the draught of Guards which marched from the Park, and continued with them Until they were embarked on board the Tran- sports at Greenwich and Woolwich. General GrINFIELD, is the Commander ot this paity. The Marquis of HUNTLY is to raise a Regi- ment, of which he is to be Lieutenant- Colonel Commandant. The Dutchess of GOROOH car- ries with her to Scotland the Letters of Service, and a permission to take as many men from the Duke's Regiment of Fencibles as choose to enter for the Marquis's new Corps; Colonel BERNARD, of the late 86th Regiment, has obtained leave to raise a Regiment of In- fantry.— He will be allowed to name two Majors aud two Captains from Officers on full pay ; the rest of the Captains and Lieutenants to be taken from the half- pay. The Colonel will raise it in Yorkshire, where he has considerable interest. Four Officers from each of the Regiments in the West Indies and those destined thither, are ordered on the Recruiting Service to Ireland and Scotland, in order to augment the Regi- ments to a thousand men. Letters from the Island of St. Eustatius, of the 31st of August, were received on the 28th ult. at Amsterdam, stating that the hurricane which raged on the 12th and 13th in several Island's, had also made great havoc at that Island. Capt. PLAUSEN'S, and nine other ships were driven to sea, and returned a few days after, the billows having washed off all that was upon deck. At St. Christopher's, many ships were run ashore, among which were many French prizes. At St. Thomas's, out of 49 ships and vessels in the harbour, 45 stranded, but some of them have since been got off. Most of the build- ings erCted along the shore were blown down. FRANCE. * ( FROM OUR OWN. CORRESPONDENT.) SUCCESS attends every operation of the Allies in the environs of Strasbourg. ' The French, ever since their flight from the environs of Weissem- bourg and Strasbourg, have been defeated whereso- ever they attempted to take Post, especially in the Lines of the River Mother, towards Hagueuau, and towards Drussenheim and Brumpt, at which latter place the Imperialists are already in force ; and send their Patroits every where, even. as far as Scillingen, a village full of tipling- hoUses, quite close to Strasbourg. The French raze the Country seats to the" ground, force the Burghers to help in repairing the Works, and take the leaden coffins out of the churches to make balls ; they have no can- noneers. The DUKE of BRUNSWICK keeps in check the French forces towards the defiles of Saverne, by a movement which he made towards that quarter. Prince WALDECK has summoned, blockaded, and attacked Fort Louis, the possession of which would be essential, on account of the course of the River Rhine.' The French, desperate, and without knowing where to face the Enemy,, meditate an attack to- wards Kehl, where everything is- prepared to give them a good reception. Our Commercial Houses which transacted bu- siness to a considerable amount with Lyons, have had a meeting to consider the measures, to be taken respecting the cessation of - their- business by the capture of that City. SATURDAY, oct. 26. Intelligence has this moment been received, that the French made an Attack upon the Prus- sians on the 23d inst. near the Cloister of Gle- benthal, in the environs of Saarbruck. The Enemy commenced the Attack with a brisk cannonade, and platoon fire. They were, however,- put to the route by the Prussians, with the loss of a great number of men killed, 2oo prisoners, and several pieces of cannon. The French are still masters of Saarbruck. The ELECTOR of MENTZ returned to that Ca. pital on the zaA instant. The famous General EICHENMEYER, who quitted the ELECTOR'S service, is said to have been put under arrest at Huningue. ORDERS OF THE PRINCE OF COBOURG. THE Marshal, PRINCE of COBOURG, having ob- served how little obedience is paid to his orders, which do not permit any others than the Mili- tary to wear a Black Cockade in their hats; considering the inconveniences which may there- by accrue to His Majesty's Service, and to those who may infringe it; enjoins all Military Com- manders of Forts, Cities, or Detachments, to stop every one, as suspeCted persons, who, not being in the Army, or attached to it, shall here- after carry this distinctive mark in their hat. Done at Head- Quarters at Bavay, 23d October, 1793- On Friday the 25th ult. being His MAJESTY'S Accession to the Throne, the Corporation of Boston, in Lincolnshire, gave a Cold collation at the Town- hall, at which were many respectable Gentlemen; a great number of loyal toasts were given, and the evening spent with the utmost conviviality. . The Freeholders and Commissioners of Supply for the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, at their ge- neral meeting,, on Tuesday ther 8th ult. sensible- of the great advantage that Country will derive; from the Commutation, of the Duty On Coals water- borne, directed their Preses to write a Letter of Thanks to Mr. DuNDAS, for his exertions in- obtaining for them so important a benefit. On Saturday Hudson was surrendered by his bail at the Old Bailey: and on tendering; the same bail again, they were objected to by the Counsel for the Prosecution, on the ground of informality The Court informed the De- fendant, that he must give forty- eight hours notice of bail; that the bail may be put in be- fore the Lord Mayor; and that in the interim he must be committed to Newgate. Mendoza was tried on the same day. for a fraud, and acquitted. The Trials at the Old Bailey 011 Saturday shall be given in detail in to- morrow's Paper. In compliance with the desire of his numerous Friends, Young ASTLEY has signified his inten- tion of Riding, for the first time this season, at the Royal Saloon, To- morrow Evening, which is said to be set apart for his Benefit. Those who have beheld the unrivalled representation of the Siege of Valenciennes, may not be displeased to be informed, that, to the assiduity and exer- tions of Mr. ASTLEY, Jun. whose attention was occupied for some weeks together almost day and night, are the Public indebted for the correCt and finished style in which it is performed; nor can there be a doubt but that Public, ever candid and generous, will be found to be truly so ou this occasion. PARIS, OCT. 25. ALL the Jews have been banished from the Department of La Meurthe. ..... HEBERT, the Author of the infamous and li- centions Parisian journal known by the title of Le Pere Duchene, has been, arrested by order of the Committee of Vigilance of the department of Paris ; CHABOT stated the news of this arrest in the Jacobin Club. He said that HEBERT was an ex- cellent Patriot who though he had calumniated him some time ago in his journal, was entitled to his respect, because it was the natural cast of that man's mind to say whatever he candidly thought. He demanded that the most unbounded liberty be granted to the Public Journals, and that those who might prevent their, circulation be properly watched. The Jacobins have come to a resolution of procuring the liberty citizens HEBERT, DAVID, and other Patriots, who have been arrested a few days ago. This' Citizen DAVID is not the Member of the Convention. On the 22d two convoys of Artillery were sent hence to Metz, and Besancon. The Arrests are become so very numerous, that the most serious consequences are expeCted to result from them. CHAUMETTE has hit upon a method to prevent the hungry crowds of Parisians from assailing, the Bakers shops. He Caused an Ordinance to be published, by which it is resolved that those who' arrive last shall be served first.— That pro- fane Rascal ends his Ordinance with the following passage from the Holy Writ: Et sic ernut novissimi primi." . PERNON Administrator of the Lotteries, ar- rested by the Sans- Culottes at Nevers, and sus- pected o f Counter - Revolutionary Manoeuvres, was guillotined in the morning of the 23d, besides one PETER hypoLitE PASTOURELLE, ReCtor of St. Hilaire, near Saumur. The latter was convicted of having favoured the Rebels in La Vendee The Trial of BRISSOT and his Accomplices began on the 24th ; and LeSTerp BEAUVAIS is also in the Prisons of the Conciergerie. The' Paris Markets are deficient in many articles of the first necessity; and on the 23 I neither butter nor eggs could be procured from the shops at any price General CARTEAU is hourly expeCted at Nice. He quits his Army with regret, and will be re- placed by General LAPOYPE. Admiral GOODALL is said to have sent word to the latter; that he would release his wife and children, if he would give up the command of the Army be- fore Toulon. General LApoype, who retook Fort Pharon, answered, that he would sacrifice his estate, his life and his love, to his Country. Letters from Strasbourg, of the 18th, state, that a most violent cannonade, was heard in that City on that day. All the persons considered as useless in a besieged place, have received or- ders to quit Strasbourg iu twelve hours. The grand total of Prisoners in the different Gaols of Paris, amounted yesterday to 3042, 162 of whom are 111 the Palace called Le Lux- embourg. NATIONAL CONVENTON. ' TUESDAY, OCT. 22 — CONCLUDED. THIBAULT—" I have been informed that some Municipalities or Revolutionary Committees seized and burnt, or tore, Books which contained traces of Feudal Government. The Convention ought to be explicit on this, head, as it has de- creed that those houses in which feudal marks should- be found, would be confiscated. • We ought to know, for instance, if the eight volumes of the History of France by VELLY, which cOn- tains the Portraits of several Kings, ought to be suppressed. I move that you enact a Law on this subject." MERLIN observed, that the Decree respecting the confiscation of houses bearing feudal marks, only related to those signs which were attached to the body of the house.. Other Members proposed to decree, that the Convention had not. included the Libraries and copper- plates in their Decree of Confiscation, j ROMME proposed to refer the Motion to the Committee of Public Instruction. CHENIER insisted that the Convention should pass to the Order of the Day, as it had never wished to plunge the People into barbarism, but to enlighten them.. . The Order of. the Day was adopted, and the Decree inserted in the Minutes. .. A Member proposed the burning of all the Di- plomas of the Advocates and Counsellors who who are stiled in them Noblemen. The Convention referred this proportion to the Committee of Public InstruCtion . which is charged to present a general Decree, including all the necessary suppression. A Citizen, deputed from the Popular Society at Moulin, was admitted to the Bar, and said Citizens Legislators,. I come to announce the triumph of reason over fanaticism throughout the Department of L'Allier. The Bishop og Moulin now officiates with a pike and a red cap, instead of the mitre and crosier. The dying are c0m- forted, and not frightened. Upon the gate of the Churchyard one reads this inscription— " Death is but an everlasting- sleep." . . " The people are convinced that if the fall of Kings is the foundation of Republics, the fall of . Priests can alone cement liberty. Aristocracy is expiring in our Department; the traitors, the malecolent and suspected, persons, are under ar- rest." The Orator concluded ' with depositing upon the Altar of the Country a golden cross en- riched with precious stones, and several marks of gold and silver extraCted from the statues of the ci- deVant Saints.—- Applauded', and the offer- ing accepted BARRERE, in the name Of the Committee of Public Welfare,- made a Report respecting the supplies of provisions. He represnted the ad- vantage which the malevolent derived from the apprehensions and Uneasiness which they had created respecting the provisions. He presented a piCture of the wants of the Republic, and ranked the exigencies of the War in the first class of those wants. The Ministers at War, of the Home Department,' and or the Marine, hav- ing hitherto exclusively conducted the supplies, the Committee was of opinion that new circum- stances required a new institution; it proposes the establishment of a Commission soley occu- pied with supplies f , . " Ministers," said BARRERE, " being the sole ContraCtors, abuses multiply which the esta- blishment of the new Committee will do away. The Minister being alone in this branch of pub- lic Administration, must trust his Clerks'; the Commission will consiSt of three Members, who will transact the business themselves. The Mi- nister, sole contractor of supplies, may forestall and mOnOpolize them. ROLAND has proved all the mischief which Ministers can Commit. The new Commission will not be exposed to the same danger and it affords more responsibility. " The new commission shall consist of three persons, a sufficient number to deserve confi- dence. A greater' number of individuals would render the operations of such a Committee- ' too slow, and the indiVidual alone might leave us to apprehend a dangerous despotism. " The Committee requests your permission to present the Members of this new Commission. It will select three honest patriotic, enlightened, and, above all Revolutionary men, who shall be acquainted with Commerce, with the depart- mental Administration, and with the Laws of Foreign Powers respeCting Navigation and Com- merce. ' i To second this institution, the Committee is of Opinion, that the following principles ought to ' be established upon a firm and unshaken basis: 1. That the territorial productions are a National Property. 2. That all real or immoveable property belongs to the State. 3. That the Revolution and Liberty are the first creditors of the Citizens, and that the Republic in all purchases ought to have the preference " Your Committee demands the requisition of provisions, in the Same manner as you have enaCted the requisition of men. The Commis- sioners of the Republic shall take. a list of the private magazines which are to answer the public wants. The price of provisions is fixed by the Maximum : the National Treasure shall pay the indemnification. Thus shall monopoly turn to the advantage of the Republic, and open stores of abundance. " Your Committee lastly, proposes to reward well all those who shall have seconded the new Commission in its wants. " I shall now proceed," said BARRERE, " to give you a r SUMMARY VIEW OF MILITARY STATE Of THE REPUBLIC. " CouTrOn writes from Villa Affanchie ( Freed Town, formerly Lyons), October 16, that the Mi- litary Comm isSions established there judge the Counter- Revolutionists ; the Committees of Vigilance put the suspeCted persons under arrest; " We are much pleased { adds COUTHON), with your Decree of the 13th instant, which orders that the City- of Lyons should lose its name which must ever excite the execration of all true friends to Liberty. . This City must be de- stroyed, and serve as a great example to all other Towns how they dare to revolt against their Country- ' We wish for a total destruction of this City- We have already destroyed its walls and places of defence, as well aS every monu- ment which might tend to recall despotism tO reinembrahce. We have established a Mili- tary Commission, which every day since we en- tered Lyons has passed sentence on many guilty heads; and We have formed a Revolutionary . Tribunal for all criminal politicians. We have already acquainted you that few have escaped they do not number more- than ten persons. Vi- rieux and PREssy have perished; Vicky, SCHMITT and others have been shot: BEMANI is to Suffer the same fate to- day, and so it shall continue until all Tyrants are purged from the earth. We shall keep lyonS in a state of War, and Under military jurisdiction for the present. The Mun icipality and Committee of Vigilance are making out a list of all the houses which belong to the rich, as well as the property of these Gentlemen, " which we shall take good care of. When we have got their report it shall be sent to you.'' BARRERE proceeded. " Some movements have happened in the Eastern Pyrenees-, but they were soon dissipated. " A correspondence which proves , fresh conspiracy; has- been seized at St. Jean de Lux." The Reporter, after saying that the Cause of Liberty and Equality triumphed at Bourdeaux, fixed the attention of the Assembly on the dis- astrOus War in La Vendee : " You know," said he, " that the Rebels, have been driven from Montaigu, Mortagne, and Cholet,. their principal, places of resort; but they have possessed themselves of the Island of Noirmouriers. " On the side of Ancenis, the Banditti have ef- fected their passage over the Loire, the force of this Column we do not know." " The Departments of L'Ardeche," continued BARRERE, " La Lozere, L'Aveyron, Le Gard, and Herault corresponded with Lyons: refractory Priests and Nobles collected there. The Com- mittee, informed of this about a week ago, sent orders to CHATEAU NEUF RANDOM to repair with, the artillery into the District of St. Chely, " to purge that part of the South. CHATEAU NEuF, in a Letter of the 17th of October, writes, that the heavy artillery is on its march to Toulon, and that he will be in La Lozere as soon as the fatigues of the Siege of Lyons will permit. him to mount 0n horseback. " To- morrow ' ( says he) I shall send off a General of Brigade with two Battalions, with artillery and combustibles, to set fire to those dens. The Departments of Gard, Herault, and Aveyroy, see with reluctance the recruiting of August 23d ; or these are at least the pretence of commotions, which will not last. One of the Ex- Grandees, of the name of CLERMONT TONNERE, has just been arrested in a Cave at Lyons." " With respect to the Northern parts, from Dunkirk to ' Maubeuge, the Convention may be easy; the most Vigorous measures have been taken. " On the Rhine, you know what has happen- ed at Weissembourg. the Deputies ST. JUST and LEBAS have been sent to repair this check. " DrOUET wished to execute a military mea- sure at Maubeuge ; he set out at the head of a detachment of Cavalry. It is probable that he has been made prisoner. REPORT FROM TOULON, OCT. II. At Toulon, the force of our Enemies in . ships is 25 frigates or armed ships, 200 cannoneers have been sent on shore from the ships, for the protection of the forts.- There are 2000 English. Soldiers, 2000 Spanish,- .. 1500 Savoyards, 5000 Neapolitans, 2000 Sclavonians; in all, about 10,700 men. " The report is common at Toulon, that a large convoy is daily expected there, with 6000 Portuguese, 6000 Spaniards, and 2000 more English. " The 14,000 whom they expect, added to to the 10,700 already at Toulon, will form an Army of from 24 to 25, oo0 men ; and as soon as these Corps are joined, the plan is, to make a sortie- in, force, in order to march to Aix, where ' they mean to re- establish the old Parliament. It must nevertheless be observed, that out of these 34. or 25,000 men, they must garrison all the forts; and that, in consequence, more than 14 or 15,000 cannot make the sortie. •' Le Commerce de Bourdeaux, and le Commerce de Marseilles, are ready to set out for Naples,- to take on board the Count d'AsTois, MONSieUR, and the Bishop of TOULON. " A quantity of Patriots have been embarked for the Mines of Spain; the number reported ( certainly exaggerated) is 6000, including those who are daily imprisoned, which LAMI has seen with his own eyes. The Revolution must- not be mentioned at Toulon, since the Gentlemen and the English govern, and all French Citizens are disarmed. " They no longer wish for the Constitution of 1789, as at the first epoch of their wickedness, but they actually desire, the ancient regimen with all its attributes. When CARTEAU arrived at Marseilles, the Forts of Toulon were almost naked, and were not furnish- ed till some time afterwards. " The rope- yard of the Arsenal is prepared for 1000 Spanish horses which they expect, above which the Troops are to be lodged. When the last convoy which they expect shall be ar- rived, tiie plan is to attack the Army of CAR- TEAU rather than that of Italy ; because, say thev, we will immolate the Army of CARTEAU, which is comprised only of banditti, and without Troops of the Line, under the walls of Toulon. " Forty Transports to provision the City are dispatched under the escort of some Ships of the. Line. ". At Toulon, they have taken the names of proprietors of houses who had Assignats,. with a promise to reimburse them half, after the loan that is going to be opened at Genoa, at the same time that this Republic will be required to de- clare itself. " Horses are wanting at Toulon, as they have not been able to find more than 50 to mount some French deserters, of whom M. ARkAN d'Aix is to be Commander. Assignats do not pass there, except for bread, which is the only article at a low price ; and in spite of the publi- cations, the Bakers take them only because they are forced to do so ; their provisions are bacon aud salt meat. The Burghers of the Town have no sort of command. ; .. " A number of Emigrants flock in daily but , no Frenchmen are employed, for the military service, but as it is. absolutely necessary, The Aristocrats are mostly employed, in the General Committees of the Sections and other superior Offices. Several names are here inserted as marked objects of vengeance. They are those who are principally employed in the Sections.] . " The people employed in- the Arsenal are those who were formerly pensioned, by the an- cient Tyrant, and sold to Despotism. Our Sai- lors are daily imprisoned; and it will be difficult to set the English Squadron 0n fire, because the ships lye so much asunder. " The Redoubt of Fort Pharon is guarded by 400 English and. Spaniards. They are daily strengthening this Redoubt. The number oF Republicans delivered amounts to more than 8000. " The National Convention wished that the War of La Vendee should be finished in the' month of October, and we can assure it that it exists no longer. The Countries lately occupied by the Banditti, present but a profound solitude : we go a great distance without meeting a cot- tage; for, except at Cholet, St. Florent, and some patriotic Towns we leave behind us only ashes and carcases. ", Some hordes of disorganizers have saved themselves here and there: we are going in quest of them ; wherever they may be, they cannot escape us. The Garrison of Mayence is arrived at Angers; a strong Column is gone to Nantes, and every measure is taken that not one escape. " So great was their fear at Ancenis, that they abandoned 11 pieces of - cannon in flying; the Rebels have directed their march to Conde and Laval. We are going after them, and will not stop tiil we have annihilated them. It would be tedious to acquaint you with the names of the brave Soldiers who have distinguished them-- selves, and who have a claim to the national gratitude. They will be the subject of a parti- cular Letter. " Health and fraternity long live the Re- public 1 Carva and Caira . ( Signed) WEDNESDAY, OCT. 23. The Sitting was opened by the reading of se- veral Addresses of congratulation. DEFEAT OF THE ROYALISTS.. BArrERE, after reading all these Dispatches, spoke in the name of the, Committee of Public Welfare. '" I come to announce to you," said he, " that the War of La Vendee is entirely at an end." ( Universal applauses— The Reporter here read several Dispatches, of which the follow- ing is the most- important; " Angers, Oct. 21. " CITIZEN COLLEAGUES, " The rapidity of our movements for these eight days, and the chain of Successes which have been the consequence of them, not having allow- ed us to acquaint you with the different victories which we have obtained, we are now going to acquit ourselves of this duty. < l The approach of our Armies towards the principal haunts of the Banditti has been ef- fected with the greatest rapidity ; our different Columns cleared the Country as they advanced, by setting every thing on fire The taking of Chatillion cost the Rebels dear; for, besides their loss in men, it facilitated the junction of our Armies. " During this time, the Column of Montiagu possessed itself of Tisauges, which it burnt :— thence it marched to Mortagne, cut all the Ad- vanced Posts in pieces, and got possession of the Fauxbourgs, which it will burn. The Rebels were so frightened that they evacuated Mer- tague. When their fear had abated, they wish- ed to re- enter that Town ; a battle ensued ; they were beaten, and obliged to take flight, leaving us eight pieces of cannon. Driven from Mor- tagne, they posted to Cholet, where they had united their forces. A bloody battle took place under the walls of that City, in which the Re- bels were entirely routed : the field of battle re- mained covered with their carcases, across which we entered Cholet, amidst cries of Vive la Repub- lique !. Vive la Morlagne / The Rebels retired to Beaupreaux; they felt that the loss of Chole and Mortagne would inevitably bring , on the destruction of their party therefore, on the following day, they came to attack us with all their forces. Never was rage more violent— never was there a battle more bloody : it lasted from morning till eight o'clock at night. The Revolters were cut in pieces, and obliged to save themselves, leaving twelve pieces of cannon in our power, and a great number of their follow- ers dead 0n the spot. " A Column of our Army pursued the Fu- gitives with bayonets. This Column arrived at Beaupreaux, where the Rebels thought themselves secure, one hour after midnight; it was fortu- nate . enough to surprise the Sentinels, who were put to death. The Chiefs of the Rebels lodged in the Castle; awakened by the cries of their dying Soldiers, they ran to arms, but found death. " Those who escaped the Soldiers'steel, eva- cuated the place, of which the patriotic Army took possession. In this place were found a powder- mill, thirty barrels of saltpetre, a greatr quantity of sulphur, chests, corn and flour in abundance. " The Army did not stop at this success ; without halting, it put itself in march, and went to seek the Rebel's at St. Florent, their only and last resort. Their fear was so great, that they did not wait for them; they precipitated them- selves in such numbers into boats to pass the Loire,' ' that the greater part perished. One of the Chiefs, named BEAUChAMP, who was wound- ed at Cholet, expired 0n the other side of the Loire. His death is as good as the winning of a battle, from the extreme confidence which the Rebels reposed in him. DeLPeCH, one of the principal Chiefs, has been mortally wounded. " We found at St. Florent 40 chests, and many pieces of cannon, which the Rebels had thrown into the Loire, not being able to carry them off. This Town contained large magazines of corn. " Independently of the prisoners delivered at Mortague, Cholet, Chatillon, and Beaupreaux, we have set at liberty 5500 Patriots, who were de- tained at St. Florent. These unhappy victims of the Banditti threw themselves into our arms . and, although weighed down by five months " THUREAU, BOURBOTTE, and CHODIEU." The reading of this important Dispatch being finished, BARReRE exclaimed, " The Conven- tion has decreed, that the War in La Vendee should be terminated by the 20th of this month : — this is absolutely accomplished. The Assem- bly wished that Federalism should disappear— Federalism no longer exists. I can assure the Convention, that the taking of Lyons has ef- fected prodigies in the Western and Northern Armies." The Assembly, upon the Reporter's proposi- tion, decreed, That the news of the destruc- tion of the Rebels of La Vendee should b'e sent immediately, by Couriers extraordinary, to all the Armies and the Departments." General LECHELLE writes. Oct. 19, to con- firm the particulars of the Letter sent by the united Representatives of the People at Angers. BARrERE concluded this Report by observing, that if the Committee of Public Welfare had not presented a general Report respecting the War in La Vendee, it, was because one of the Representa tives of the People at Saumur had promised par- ticulars which had not yet been received. The same Member insists upon the cancelling of the Decree passed yesterday, at the request of the Republican Society at Tours, enacting the appointment of a Commission to decide respect- ing the conduct of Generals RONSIN and Ros- SIgNOL, The Convention instantly cancelled their De- cree. misfortune, they cried out Vive la Republique! THURSDAY, OCT.- 24,1 lECoINTRE PuYRAVEAU, in . the name, of the Committee of War, proposed for discussion the, plan of a Decree, tending to form one Corps of, the Military Engineers, and of those of the Bridges and Causeways. LETOURNEUR demanded, that the Companies of Miners be added to that Corps. " Nothing,"; said he, " is more important than to Unite those two Arts. The Enemy seized Valenciennes only because it was not countermined; and this de- fect leaves us to apprehend lest a similar fate should be shared by several other strong- holds oil the Republic." BOURDON demanded, that acquiescence should be granted to the Decree which authorizes the Minister at War to choose among the Engineers, of Bridges and Causeways those whom he shall deem proper for military functions. This proposition was adopted, besides that of LETOURNEUR, by which the Sappers and Miners are to be associated with the Corps of Military Engineers. The Minister of the Interior denounced se- veral persons, who endeavoured so make a dif- ference between assignats and specie— depre- ciating the former, in- order to increase; the va- lue of the latter. He requested that the Con- vention would adopt such measures as should appear to be most proper.-~ The denunciation was ordered to be sent to the Committee of Ge- neral Safety. One of the Members requested to know whe- ther the Convention meant to comprise in their Decree the ci- devant Vicars General who are not included in the number of Priests'who took the Oath of the 18th of December 1790, and who therefore were, subject to the punishment, of transportation.— The Convention decreed, that they were not comprised in the Decree, and that it was sufficient- for them to have taken the Oath ' of Liberty and Equality. The Procurator Syndic of the District of Ton- nerre acquainted the Convention, that he had issued an Order, forbidding the future celebration of religious ceremonies . on Sundays, and com- manding that these ceremonies should be cele- brated on the last day of each Decade. He re- quested that this Order should be communicated to the. other Districts. The Convention passed to the Order of the Dav, on account of the article in the Constitu- tion, allowing the free exercise of all the forms of Religion. An Administrator of the National Domains informed the Convention, that he could not transmit a general statement of the effects of the emigrants in Paris, on account of the Com- mittee of Vigilante not having furnished him with the necessary documents. The Popular Society of La Tour du Pin con- gratulated the. Convention on the recent victo- ries, and expressed their detestation of the trea son of Toulon, requesting; that when this City should be taken, by the" Republicans, it should " be immedistely destroyed.— Decreed. LE CARpENTIER, National Commissioner in the Department of La Manche, informed the Convention of the measures which he had taken. These measures, hi said, had restored tranquil- lity to the Department. A Deputation from the 48 Sections of Paris, accompanied by the : Municipality, appeard at the Bar, and demanded, 1st. The estabishment of a Special Jury for the trial of Monopolists ; 2d, That the Members of this Jury should be selected from the Bankers, Merchant's, and other rich persons; 3d, That the deliberations of this Jury should be public. The Petitioners were admitted to the Honours of the- Sitting, and their request sent to the Com- mittee of Legislation. The National Commissioners at Bourdeaux informed the Convention, that the City was at length firmly attached to the Republic. The Republican Army made their entry in the midst of the acclamations of Long live the Mountain, and the forced congratulations of the Aristo- crats. The Commissioners also stated, that as soon as they were informed of the troubles of La Lozere and Aveyron, they sent a Column of the Republican Army to Rhodes. This Column had received orders to adopt the. same conduct as the Republican Army in La Vendee— to burn the woods, castles, and other habitations of the rebellious. Royalists. ship News. POOLS, NOVEMBER 3. Arrived— the Active, Smith; Fly, Wooland; and Blessing, Robbins, from Portsmouth ; Catherine, King, from Ply- mouth; Hope, Ebster from Newcastle; and Kitty, Evans, from Lyme, bound to Jersey. Sailed— the Adventure, hensist, for Portsmouth; Active, Seager, for Naples'; Lark, Frampton, for London ; and Nancy, Barnes, for Cowes. Remain— the Spitfire sloop of war, J. Cook, Esq. Com- mander. . . LLOYD's LIST OF THIS DAY. DEAL, NOVEMBER 2. Sailed for the River— the Triton Richardson, from Liver- pool. -' ' , ' ' . Came down yesterday and sailed— the Little Jane Morri- son, for Jamaica. Sailed— His Majesty's ship Santa Margaritta, with the Transports as before under convoy, for Ostend ; and Echo sloop, on a cruize. Arrived the Pomona frigate, and Savage sloop, and re- main with His Majesty's ships Brilliant, Admiral Peyton; . St. Albans, and Hawke. Wind, S. W. Nov. 3. Remain in the Downs— His Majesty ships Bril- liant, Admiral Peyton; St. Albans, Pomona, Hawke, and Savage, ana Union armed ship. P. S. just arrived— the Quebec frigate, Admiral Macbride, and Triton frigate Wind, W. GRAVESnD, NOVEMBER V Passed by— the Amity, Massey; and New Betsey, Boaz, from Cadiz ; Jane, Warren, from Rotterdam; Young, Ja- cobs, from Amsterdam ; Vigilant, Way ; and Juno, Reed, from Malaga; Nimble, Williamson, from Hudson's Bay; Mary- Aun, M- Bride from, Providence; Hertford, Forster, from Alicant John BarlingTon. Bradshaw, from Konings- berg; Stephen, Grey, from Petersburg; Esther, Preston, from Cephalonia ; Dutchess of Portland, Lamb, from Ja- maica Ranger, Storey, from Honduras ; and Mary, — , from Cork. Sailed— the Juffrow Deddie, Vries, and Jonge Tias, Fetje, for Amsterdam ; Friends, Goodwell, Gray, for Rotterdam; London Merchant, Bennett, for Ostend ; and Active, Lane, for Seville. ARRIVALS. At Jamaica— the Levant, Kimber ; and Sarah, Blake from Africa. MAILS. MONDAY . . FOREIGN. arrived, drt None . . 1 1 flanders I 1 dutch PRICE OF STOCKS. SALES BY AUCTION. By Mr. CHRISTIE, At his .. Great Room, Pall- Mall, On THURSDAY, November 7, at One o'Clock, By ORDER. of the ASSIGNEES, In TWO LOTS, ALL the Valuable LEASEHOLD ESTATE, comprising Two DWELLING' HOUSES, capaciouS WAREHOUSES, valuable PLANT, & c late the Property Messrs. BRIANT and HUMPHRIES, Bankrupts, Vinegar Makers, & c. ' ' r Eligibly situate in QUEEN- STREET, HAMMERSMITH. At- the same time will be Sold, the extensive Stock of Vi- negar, Ripes, Vatts, Pipes ; and also, the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and other valuable Effects'; & c. catalogues may be had - at the Rainbow, Cornhill • and- in Pall- Mall, where Tickets may be had. MITCHAM, SURRY. . By Mr. CHRISTIE, At his Great Room in Pall- Mall, On THURSDAY the Instant, IN EIGHT LOTS, DESIRABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, consisting of sundry RICH INCLOSED MEA- A DOWS; situated near the ' Church, and some Pieces of- RICH INCLOSED ARABLE LAND, and also some Pieces in the Lower Common- Field, at MITCHAM, in- the County of SURRY. Containing about- SIXTY ACRES, lett to the following Tenants at'Will, at low old- Rents, viz. The Rev Mr MEYERS, Mr. PINATT, Surgeon, and Messrs. BEN- HAM, BUCKLAND, BUSCHAS, PACKER, LUNT, and Messrs. , HALFHIDE and SON) on Lease, which will expire at Michaelmas next, at the annual Amount of ' NINETY POUNDS, Capable of very considerable Improvements. The land may be viewed, with leave, of the Tenants; and printed Particulars may be had after the 7th instant. LONDON: Printed by B. MILLAN, and Sold at No. 112 the Strand, opposite Exeter- Change where advertisements, Orders for the Paper Lettert for the Editor, & c. will be receiVed. • " The Tree of Liberty has been changed into a Gibbet for the Patriots, and the rest of it has been burnt. " Louis XVII. has been proclaimed King. The Address of the National Convention against Toulon has been stuck up in the most con- spicuous parts of the Town, but in a different sense to the original; and the Toulonese are made to believe, that several adjoining Towns have assumed the White Cockade— that there is no longer a Convention— and that the Army of La Vendee is at Paris." FIRST DECREE—" The Convention does not in the least de- rogate from the Decree of the Legislative Assembly, which orders the destruction of any place that shall surrender without having stood an assault." SECOND DECREE—" When a City shall have been declared in a state of Rebellion, there shall no longer be any Public Establishment, Foundry or Arsenal in that City." THirD DECREE—," The Laws already enacted for the se- questration, administration, & c. of the effects of the Lyonese Rebels, shall apply to the effects of the Tou- lonese." i Here the Reporter developed all the misfor- tunes which the Republic has sustained. He imputes them to the cowardice and corruption of the Commanders, the egotism and bad dis- position of a great numbers of Citizens, and the impurity of the Towns of Long- xy and Verdun, which, said he, have occasioned the infamous red u eft i on of Conde, / aleitcienitcsy and La Qttesnov. - BARRERI; proposed, and the Assembly passed, the following Decrees:
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