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The Edinbugh Evening Courant


Printer / Publisher: David Ramsey 
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 25/03/1932 00:00
No Pages: 4
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The Edinbugh Evening Courant
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The Edinbugh Evening Courant

Date of Article: 26/10/1793
Printer / Publisher: David Ramsey 
Address: Old Fish-market Close
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 25/03/1932 00:00
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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OCTOBER 26. SATURDAY IRISH STATE LOTTERY, Anno 1793, Far TWO Hundred Thousand Pounds. Begins drawing on Tuesday Nov. 12. THE ORIGINAL TICKETS AND SHARES, are told by JOHN WHITE AND COMPANY, At their State Lottery Office, opposite to the Tron Church, EDINBURGH ; Where, in former Lotteries, the Greatest Number of CAPITAL. PRIZES WERE SOLD. A Half at I.. 3 4 may gain—— L. 10,000 A Quarter — 113 5,000 An Eighth — 017 ; 2,5oo A Sixteenth— o 9 1,250 Commissions, with cash or bills at a short date, execute on same terms as it personally present.— Schemes gratis. Letters ( post paid; duly answered. TICKETS and SHARES for the BRITISH STATE LOTTERY ROBERT JOHNSTON & S ON S, No. 42— North Bridge- street, HAVE FOR SALE A LARGE STOCK OF SPRING- MADE CANDLES, of SUPERIOR QUALITY; at LOW PRICES. They have just received a Cargo of EXCELLENT ENGLISH and DUTCH TABLE BUTTER, and CHEESE ' of all sorts— Westphalia and Yorkshire Bacon Hams &. Flitch- es— Hamburgh Rock Beef— Pigs Faces-— Smoked Russia Tongues— Tongues in the Pickle— Pickled Pork— and Yar- mouth Smoked Herrings. Pure dripped HEATHER and VIRGIN HONEY, at 6s, 6d. per pint— Dantzic Ditto, 4s. to 5s. They have always on hand a large Cargo of BURTON and ' YORKSHIRE ALE— Burton Table. Beer— London porter — and Herefordshire Cyder, in bottles or hogsheads. WINES & SPIRITS of all sorts, of the FIRST QUALITY . — Old Port 17s.— Sherry 17s.— Claret 30s.— Madeira 30s.— bottles returned. REMARKABLE CHEAP TEA— Good Congo 3s. 6d.— Very finest Souchong 5s. 6d,-— Hyson from 6s. to 8s.— Cow- slip and Gunpowder Ditto 11s. With the Greatest Variety . of GROCERIES, CONFECTIONS, and PICKLES. Have just Received, A CARGO of the BEST ENGLISH APPLES, for the Table and for Baking. BEST DUNLOP & COMMON CHEESE— TABLE and KITCHEN BUTTER A Parcel of very best Table [ Large Choice of best Dun- Butter, and a large Choice[ lop Cheese, all lines— and a of Inferior for the Kit- [ Parcel of good Common chen. [ Ditto, any size. Families in town or country supplied by applying to JOHN ARCHIBALD, Weigh- house — Edinr. Oct. 26.1793 LEWES HERRINGS. Just Arrived, APARCEL of LEWES HERRINGS of a su- perior quality, particularly recommended for the use of Private Families, in barrels firkins, and half firkins, at the lowest prices for Ready Money. Apply to JAMES REID, Grocer, Luckenbooths, Edin- burgh. These herrings are all picked, and are allowed to be the best ever offered to sale in this place. Every possible allowance to Carriers, and others who take, a quantity. Tins DAY is PUBLISHED, ( price 4s. 6d. bound) By J. WATSOM & Co South Bridge, and Wm. CREECH, THE CLINICAL GUIDE, Or a Concise View of THE LEADING FACTS ON THE HISTORY, NATURE, AND CURE OF DISEASES; To which is subjoined, A PRACTICAL PHARMACOPOEIA, in THREE PARTS— viz. Materia Medica; Classification, and Extemporaneous Pre- scription— intended as a MEMORANDUM BOOK for YOUNG PRACTITIONERS, particularly the Students of Medicine in their full attendance at the Hospital. BY WILLIAM NISBET, M. D. Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. In this work there is given, in a concise, but at the same time, it is hoped, a clear manner, a Short History of the Nature of each Disease, and the leading symptoms that cha- racterise it— those that predict a successful or fatal termi- nation— and lastly, its most approved plan of treatment.— The whole is calculated to be useful to readers at large, as well as to practioners and students. In the Course of the ensuing Winter will be Published, by the same Author, AN INQUIRY Into the Nature, Causes, and different Modes of Treatment hitherto pursued IN SCROPHULA AND CANCER. ANATOMY & MIDWIFERY MR JOHN BELL will begin his COURSE of LECTURES on ANATOMY on Friday the 8th of November next, at 11 o'clock forenoon— and the COURSE of MIDWIFERY on the Friday following, at 6 o'clock in the evening. George's Street, No. 9 & PHARMACY. MR NELSON will begin a COURSE of LEC- Eson CHEMISTRY and PHARMACY on mber 5th, at Ten o'clock forenoon ; and a fi- at Seven in the Evening, at the Class Room, Surgeon's Square. The Evening Course is principally designed for the accom- modation of Gentlemen of the Law, and of other profes- sions, whose engagements do not permit them to attend in the forenoon.— Those to whom it may be convenient, will have the liberty of attending both Lectures. ' In these Courses, a particular attention will be- paid to PNEUMATIC CHEMISTRY; and an extensive series of experiments and Processes will be exhibited in every branch of Chemical Science, These courses will be concluded at the end of April. Tickets Two Guineas.— A perpetual Ticket Four Guineas. NEW FUR WAREHOUSE., ALEX. FYFFE, Head of North Bridge Street. Edinburgh, has just now received from London, for Sale, a large and capital assortment of FURS; consisting of a choice of several hundreds of the most fashionable kinds of MUFFS and TIPPETS, of which the following are a part: Red, Grey and Brown Fox Racoon, plain and stripped Fine Angola Goats Beard Wolf, different sorts Beautiful Brown ditto Bear and Woolverin Russian white & Fancy Hare French Martin, & c. & c. Stone Martin and Linx With a variety of Childrens Muffs and Bosom Friends , He has also now an hand, for sale, upwards of ONE HUNDRED FOX SKINS, London dressed, and ready for making into Muffs. TRAVELLING and BOYS CAPS, both plain and furred, a large assortment. And at his Manufactory, same place, a large and comp- plete assortment of Silk, Linen, and Lawn UMERELLAS, HAT COVERS, OIL'D SILK, & c. *,* Commissions for the above articles carefully attend- ed to. THE SOCIETY IN SCOTLAND FOR PROPAGATING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE. AFEW BURSARIES for STUDENTS of THEOLOGY, having the Gaelic Language in the Gift of the Society, are VACANT, and to be disposed of on Thursday the 14th of November next. Students disposed to offer themselves candidates will take notice, That they must on that day appear at the Society- hall, Warriston's Close, at 12 o'clock, in order to undergo an examination of their knowledge of Greek, Latin, and Moral Philosophy. They must produce certificates from the Profes- sors under whom they studied of their having finished a re- gular course of Philosophy, and from their Parish Ministers of their moral character. CHURCH TO BE BUILT AT ST ANDREW'S. ANY PERSON willing to CONTRACT for BUILDING a CHURCH for the Parish of St An- drew's that will accommodate 2500 persons, is desired to give in to the Town Clerk's Office, on or before the 14th day of November next, Plans and Estimates sealed up, which are to be opened on the 15th, in presence of a Committee appoint- ed by the last General Meeting of those having an interest in the Church, and to be reported by them to another General Meeting upon Monday the 18th of November next. It is necessary for any person who undertakes this work to form a judgement of the value of the Materials of the present Church, and to attend to the situation of a Monument which is to be reserved. If further information is wanted, it may be had by apply- ing to any of the Magistrates, or to Dr George Hill. A TEACHER OF ENGLISH WANTED, FOR HERIOT'S HOSPITAL, AT THE term OF Martinmas next. . Those who intend to offer themselves as candidates for the said office are desired to lodge certificates of their moral cha- racter with Mr James Jackson, Treasurer of the Hospital betwixt and the first day of November next and attend at. the Hospital on Monday the 4th day of November next, to stand a comparative trial. NOT A— Those applying must be qualified to instruct the children in the Principles of Religion. ESTIMATES WANTED, FOR PAVING THE COURT OF HERIOT'S HOSPITAL. It is proposed - to pave the Court of the Hospital with Broached Craigleith Stone not under four inches thick and eighteen inches wide, well jointed. Those who are willing, to execute the work are desired to give in sealed estimates to' Mr James Jackson, Treasurer of Heriot's Hospital, betwixt and the first day of November next, to include laying the stones, digging, and carrying off rubbish, and every other expence. The causeway stones, when raised, are to remain the pro- perty of the Hospital, and to be removed from the court and laid down where the Overseer shall direct, the place where they are to be laid down being at no greater distance from the gate of the Hospital than 500 yards, at the expence pt the undertaker. The estimates will be kept sealed till opened altogether by the Committee. V' IN THE PRESS, And soon will be Published, printed on a fine demy 12mo, price 2s. Hitched, THE POST ROADS OF FRANCE, From the Original, published by Royal Authority, under the Direction of M. RIGOLEY, BAROn d'oGnY, Superintendant- General of the Couriers and Posts of the Realm of France. This work will be enriche'd with Two Maps of France— The first is divided during the Monarchy of that Kingdom, and the last as decreed by the National Convention. The utility of a publication of this nature at so interesting a period is highly necessary, in order to understand the Di- stances, connected with the different Situations and various Movements occasionally given of the ARMIES now em- ployed on the Continent. SEVENTY- EIGHTH REGIMENT OF FOOT Deserted on Siuiday night the 29th October 1793, from his Fort George, ROBERT DUNLOP, aged 22 years, 5 feet 2 inches high ( an Irishman), by trade a weaver, fair hair, grey eyes, ruddy complexion; had on when he want away, a short grey jacket, whittish stripped vest, corduroy breeches, with a feathered bonnet. JOHN ROBERTSON or ROBINSON, aged 22 years, 5 feet 4 inches high, born in the parish of Tranent, East Lothian, by trade a labourer, dark brown hair, grey eyes, dark complexion ; had on when he went away, a Kilmar- nock bonnet, red scarlet jacket, somewhat worn, green kilt, and scarlet hose. Whoever shall apprehend any of the above deserters, and lodge them in any of his Majesty's jails, shall receive for each ONE GUINEA, over and above his Majesty's allowance for apprehending deserters, by applying to Mess. Alexander and Colin M'Kenzies, writers to the signet, Edinburgh, or the Pay- master of the regiment at Fort- George. Stamp Office, Edinr, OCT. 23. 1793. WHEREAS the Time now approaches for ta- king out STAMPED LICENCES, for RETAIL- ING ALE, BEER, or other EXCISEABLE LIQUORS, within the ROYAL BURGHS, SHIRES, ANd STEWAR- TRIES :— These are therefore intimating to all such persons, who are Retailers aforesaid, That if they do not make out their licences within the respective days appointed by the acts of Parliament, they will be prosecuted as the law directs for the several penalties enacted in the statutes in that case made and provided. The Clerks of the Peace and the Clerks of Royal Burghs are also reqaired to transmit to the Collector of Stamp- duties at Edinburgh, on or before the 1st day of December next, cer- tified lists of the persons licensed in terms of law ; and such as neglect to do so will be prosecuted for the statutery penal- ty of 10l. Sterling. The statute 32d of his present Majesty, cap. lix. enacts, " That, from and after the 10th October 1795, it shall not be lawful for any person or persons whatever, by virtue of any licence or licences granted or to he granted, by any of the Commissioners or Officers of Excise, for the sale of Foreign Wines or British- made Wines or Sweets, by retail, to sell the same by retail, to be drunk in his, her, or their house or houses, or place thereto adjoining or belonging, except such person and persons only to whom a licence shall have been granted by Justices of the Peace or other Officers to sell Ale, Beer, and other Liquors, in the same house or houses respec- tively." GEORGE BUCHAN, Solictor. ALE LICENCES— COUNTY OF MID- LOTHIAN IF any PERSON has OBJECTIONS against RENEWING LICENCES granted to persons residing without the Royalty of the City of Edinburgh, to retail Exciseable Liquors last year, they are requested to lodge the same with William Lockhart, at the justice of Peace Clerks Office, Brodie's Close, I. awnmarket, on or before the 30th October inst.— And NEW DEALERS will take care to lodge a proper certificate of their characters on or before said day, otherwise no Licences can be granted to them. *,* The JUSTICES of the PEACE are to meet in the High Judiciary Court- room, upon the 1st day of November next, at twelve o'clock noon, for the purpose of considering any objection that may be lodged EdiNr. Oct. 25. 1793 FOR KINGSTON, JAMAICA, , THE SHIP ROSELLE ROBERT LIDDLE, Master, Will be ready to take in goods the 1st of No- vember, and will sail the 1st of December next. For freight or passage apply to William Sibbadd and Co. merchants in Leith, or the Master. A few JOINERS, HOUSE- CARPENTERS, MILL- WRIGHTS, MASONS, BRICKLAYERS, and BLACK- SMITHS, who can be well recommended, will find good en couragement to go to Jamaica by applying as above. FOR THE PORTS OF MANCHANEAL & KINGSTON' Jamaica, THE C° MMERCE Now lying at Greenock,- and will be to the 10th of November. For paffage apply to Messrs Archibald and John Mackinlay, Edinburgh— M'Niell, Stewart, and Co. Glasgow— or John Holmes at Greenock. FOR ANTIGUA. THE SHIP MERCURY, Letter of Marque, Mounting Twelve- Guns, JAMES ANDERSON, Commander, Is now ready to take in goods at Greenock, and will be clear to sail by the 10th of No- vember. For freight or passage apply to Messrs Allan Kerr, and Co. Greenock, or Henry Hardie, Glasgow. The Mer- cury is a known fast sailer, and has excellent accommodation for passengers. WANTED as OVERSEERS, to go to Antigua, a Num- ber of YOUNG MEN, who will meet with good encourage- ment on their applying as above. Henry Hardie, Glasgow, has for Sale, a Quantity of An- tigua Rum— and for Exportation 90 Casks of French Prize Sugars. Glasgow, Oct. 16. 1793 TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, In Mrs Blackhalls Coffee- room, Leith, on Friday the 1st November, at six'o'clock in the evening, THREE FOURTHS Of the Brigantine DUCHESS OF HAMILTON, Burden 131 Tons per Register. This vessel is particularly well calculated for the Wine Trade, stowing easily 280 pipes. Apply to David Steuart and Co LEITH, Oct. 25. On Tuesday the 29th of October curt, will be SOLD by Auc- tion to the Trade, in the house of Mrs Martin vintner, Covenant Close, Edinburgh, THE ENTIRE STOCK of BOOKS, bound and in sheets, of WILLIAM COKE, Bookseller in Leith, for the Benefit of his Creditors. As the stock is extensive, and must be peremptorily sold off, this opportunity should not be neglected by country booksellers. Commissions from such as cannot attend may be trans- mitted to Mr Thomas Duncan bookseller, South Bridge - street, clerk to the sale. Dinner to be on the table at Three o'clock, and the sale to commence immediately after dinner. f L E I T H, oct. 25. 1793. DAVID STEUART & CO being determind to wind up their present CONCERN in TRADE immediately, most respectfully inform the Public, That, notwithstanding the very great demand they have had for WINES and SPIRITS since they advertised in June last, yet there still remains OF WINES, THE FOLLOWING, Mountain, some of which 19 years old, 135 Dozen— London particular Madeira, a very supe- rior Wine, 240 Doze n consisting of Old Hock, Cote Rotu Red Paxarete, Vin de Gout, and White, Sirges, Viu de Tavel, Barsac, Tent. Hermitage Red Cornas, and White, Calcalvelha, OF SPIRITS, 1200 Gallons Dutch Geneva, of the best quality, 1200 Ditto . Brandy. 450 Ditto Ditto Coniac. 3000 Ditto, four year old Jamaica Rum. VINEGAR, 30 Dozen fine Red Burgundy. Besides the above Wines, all of which will stand the most severe test, there may be had at the Cellars of David Steuart and Co. PORT WINE in PIPES, of the last importation,, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, Within the Timber Bush, Leith, on Friday the 8th Novem- ber, at eleven o'clock, UPWARDS of 15,000 FEET of FIR TIM- BER, besides a quantity of MASTS and SPARS of various dimensions,, together with a great many DISTIL- LERY UTENSILS. The whole will be sold without reserve; and a reasonable time will be givea for payment. LEITH, OCT 25. 1793. EMPTY PUNCHEONS, HOGSHEADS, To be SOLD by public roup, at a Yard in the Timber Bush of Leith, on Friday the 1st November, at twelve o'clock, APARCELS of EMPTY SPIRIT PUN- CHEONS, HOGSHEADS and HALF HOGS- HEADS— also about 100 BARM CASKS — which may be seen any day before the sale by applying to Gilbert Grier- son or William Rankin, Leith. NESS FISHING. To be let byPublic ROUP, THE FISHING of the RIVER NESS, on Thursday the 28th of November first, within the Ma- son Lodge of Inverness, at 12 o'clock noon. The articles and conditions of roup will be shown by James Grant, Commisary Clerk of Inverness. INN AT DUNDEE TO LET. To be LET, and entered to any time against Martinmas next, THAT LARGE and COMMODIOUS INN, called the NEW INN, situated in the High, Street- of the Town, with the Stables, Coach- house, and other Offices adjoining. The house consists of six parlours, about twenty bed- rooms, an elegant ball- room, a large kitchen with two rooms off the same, besides other conveniences. There are several cellars belonging to the house, some of which are vaulted and fitted up with catacombs. The stables are pro- perly divided, well aired, will hold 60 horses, and are acknow- ledged to be equal, if not superior to the, stables of any Inn in Scotland. Above the stables there is a loft, which contains about 5000 stones of hay. The coach- house will hold eight carriages, and above, there is a loft for victual, and a house for the hostler. The proprietor having other subjects ad- joining, the premises may be enlarged to any extent. This Inn was built three years ago in a substantial and ele- gant manner, and is inferior to few, if any in Scotland. There is only another Inn in Dundee, and from the great extent and thriving condition of the place, the New Inn is worthy the particular attention of any person in that line, as the com- pleteness of the premises, the bridge prefently building at Montrose, and other circumstances, afford to those qualified for the business, considerable advantages, and such as are sel- dom to be met with. For further particulars application may be made to Alexan- der Thomson, writer in Edinburgh, or William Wilson, mer- chant in Dundee, the proprietor, who will give every encou- ragement to a proper tenant. HOUSE IN GEORGE'S STREET. To be Let and entered to immediately THE HOUSE in GEORGE'S STREET, late- ly possess'd by Mrs Campbell of Duntroon, first stair east from the Physician's Hall, consisting of eight rooms and kitchen, with every conveniency. The house is in complete order.— Rent L. 34. Enquire at Mr Campbell; St James's Square. STABLE AND COACH- HOUSE. To be LET, and entered to- immediately, THE STABLE, with Three Stalls, and COACH- HOUSE in the MEUSE of QlIEEN's STREET, be- longing to No. 18. Enquire at the house. FARMS IN FIFE To LET, And to be entered to at Martinmas first, or a Martinmas 1794, for 23 years from Martinmas first. THE FARM of EASTER NEWTON, and part of the adjoining LANDS of . KINCAPLE, con- sisting in whole of about 160 Scots acres or thereby— Also another FARM adjoining, of about 107 Scots acres, of the lands of Kincaple, all lying in the parish of St. Andrew's, and within four miles of Cupar, the county town. The above lands will be let in one or two farms, as may be most agreeable to tacksmen.— They are of the best soil for raising of beans, wheat, & c.— There is sown, and to be sown this year, about 38 bolls of wheat, all in the best or- der. They are within three English miles of lime, and ad- joining to the water of Eden, where lime is brought in by sea, which must turn out a great improvement, as little of the lands have yet been limed. John and David Stein at Kincaple, will show the lands and proposals for a lease may be given in to them, or Mr Henry West of Foxton, at Craigfoodie, who will settle with a tacksman for one or both farms, betwixt and the first of November, if entered to at Martinmas first; and if not then let, offers to be taken in, and an anwer given against the first of April next, for entering to them at Martinmas 1794. Offers will be kept private if desired. A YOUNG LAD that has been accustomed to Hawks for one year or more, who can be well re- commended for sobriety and attention, and who wishes to improve himself in that line, or in other sorts of Hawking. He may apply by letter, specifying his terms, addressed to George M'Lean, bower and fishing- rod maker, North Bridge street, Edinburgh, who will inform as to a place. N. B. Letters ( post paid) will be duly answered.— Not to be repeated. , ^^ Wanted immediately, TWO HUNDRED POUNDS, upon Personal Security, and FOUR HUNDRED POUNDS at Mar- tinmas next, also 0n Personal Security; but Heritable; Secu- rity will be given, if more agreeable to the Lender. Letters directed to A B. at the Printing Office, will be attended to. MONEY WANTED. Wanted to Borrow at Martinmas, FIVE THOUSAND POUNDS, in One or Sums— also L. 2500, upon undoubted Heritable Securi- Apply to Archibald Tod, writer to the signet, George's Square. WANTED TO BORROW, THE SUM of EIGHT HUNDRED POUNDS Sterling, on unexceptionable Personal Security. Also the SUM of THREE HUNDRED POUNDS. ,. ' Apply to James Rose, writer in Edinburgh. At Martinmas, SIX THOUSAND POUNDS, on Heritable Se- curity. For particulars apply to James Marshall, writer to the sig- net, Milne's Square. OF WOOLLEN DRAPERY. THE whole STOCK of GOODS belonging to Mr MARSHALL, Woollen Draper ( sold for the be- hoof of his Creditors), will begin on Monday the 28th in- stant, and will be sold greatly below prime cost— Consisting of a variety of real best Superfine Cloth, fashionable colours— - Ladies Cloth— Livery ditto— Forest and Hunters ditto— Duffles striped and plain— Corduroys and Thicksets— Cassi- meres printed and plain— Silk Florentines, & c.— with a large and fashionable assortment of Veils and Breeches Stuffs of all sorts. The public are requested to observe, that there has not been a sale of this kind in town for some years past, which renders it worthy of attention.— For conveniency of sale, the goods are removed to North Bridge Street, third shop from the High Street, east side. MAD DOGS. MR HILL's ORMSKIRK MEDICINE.— The Medicine prepared by Mess. HILL and BERRY, for the CURE of the BITE of a MAD DOG, is sold at Mr BERRY'S NO. 95, Mount- street, Berkley's Square, and at Mr FRANCIS NEWBERRY'S, NO. 45, St Paul's Church Yard, near Cheapside, and no where else in London. Messrs HILL and BERRY think it a duty incumbent npon them to apprise the Public of attempts being daily made to counterfeit their Medicine by various persons in different parts of the kingdom; and beg leave to observe, That as the accident for which this Medicine is administered is of the most alarming nature, and serious in its consequences, the im- portance of obtaining it authentic, must be obvious ; and therefore every person having occasion for this remedy is re- quested to he particular in observing, that each dose is sealed with Mr Hill's Coat of Arms, and signed by J. Berry, as the surest means to avoid being imposed on by spurious prepara- tions. Sold also, by appointment, by Mess. HUSBAND, ELDER AND CO. and R. SCOT T, in Edinburgh. London Gazette Extraordinary WEDNESDAY— Oct Whitehall, October 23. THE dispatches, of which the following are ex- tract and copies, were received on Sunday last at alacrity with which they suffer incessant fatigue in posts in which they mult be considered as being con- stantly on duty, and every hour liable to attack ; 1 can, however, venture to repeat my former assu- rance, that ( unless sickness should be the conse- quence of this fatigue) our present state of defence is fuch as may give reasonable grounds to be confi- dent of the seCurity of this place. the Office of the Right Honourable HENRY DUNDAS, his Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department. Toulon, September 26. 1793. " On the morning of the 18th of this month the enemy opened two masqued batteries, one of three, the other of two guns, at the head of the inner harbour, at la Petite Garenne. An incessant fire was kept up during the whole of the day between the batteries of the enemy and a gun- boat and French frigate manned by British seamen, which had been placed near the Poudriere for the defence of the head of the harbour, and to cover the fort of Mal- bousquet towards the water ; that fort fired occa- sionally at the enemy's batteries with some effect, although they were covered on that side by a grove of pine trees. On the 19th the enemy opened fresh battery, to the left of the others, at LeS Gaux, and his Majesty's ship St George, with a second gun- boat, being brought into the Petite Rade, cannonade continued during the whole day, and to- wards evening the batteries of the enemy were si- lenced ; but one of the gun- boats had suffered so much, that she was towed off, and she sunk the next morning, the officers and men having been taken out of her. It became necessary to colleCt a force to occupy La Grasse; I took, therefore, fifty men from Fort De la Malgue, the strongest and least exposed of on posts, and, by leaving but one relief for the duties of Toulon, we were enabled to collect 350 Spaniards and 150 British, exclusive of officers and non- com missioned officers, the Spanish under the command of Colonel Don Rafael Echavuru, and the British troops under the command of Captain Brereton of the 30th regiment. The detachment embarked from Toulon on the 20th, at twelve o'clock at night, Admiral Gravina and myself, with all the Spanish Colonels of the garrison, and some French engineers, attending, to place the troops in the post they were to occupy. We proceeded across the har bour, and landed, at about two o'clock in the morn ing of the 21st, at Fort Balaguier, and marched im mediately forward to reconnoitre the heights De la Grasse, which consist of a ridge, divided at the top by three distinct knolls, covered with wood, with small dips or vallies between each, the whole rising very considerably inland, the ridge terminating with a rapid descent at the western extremity, which commands a complete view of the whole extent of the enemy's position to the westward of Toulon. It was determined to take post on the lowest and eastermost knoll, which is about five hundred yards from the landing place. Having distributed the troops into the best position the post would admit of, Admiral Gravina returned with me before noon to Toulon, to order the necessary supplies for the troops, and some guns for the defence of the post. Colo- nel Don Rafael Chavuru remaining with the com- mand of the post, and Captain Brereton with the command of the British. troops, under him. At a- bout five o'clock in the afternoon the enemy ad- vanced along the upper knolls of the Hauteur de Grasse, to the number, as we have since learnt, of about 700 men ; and, having driven in the picquets, began an attack under cover of the woods, forming themselves upon a deep ascent, in front of the post, an three lines, so as to have the advantage of a triple fire ; from which our troops were, in some de- gree, protected by trunks of trees, which had been felled, and placed to serve as a breast- work. The firing continued for an hour, when the enemy were repulsed, with the loss, on the part of the British, of one rank and file killed, one Captain and three rank and file wounded ( I am happy to say none of them dangerously) ; and of the Spaniards one rank and file killed, and seven wounded. The enemy, by accounts We have fince received from deserters, lost twelve killed, and one Colonel and twenty- three wounded. This attempt of the enemy served to convince the Spanish and French officers of the ne- Cessity of occupying the advanced position at the western extremity of La Hauteur de Grasse ; a Spa- nish Colonel was sent, at day- break, to take posses- sion of it. I went with Lord Hood and Admiral Gravina to trace out the line of entrenchments, and to place battery of three twenty- four pounders on a spot which commands every point within their range.— This post completely covers the outward roadstead ; the two knolls in the rear of it being occupied by small detachments, to communicate with the land- ing place at Fort Balaguier. A reinforcement of one hundred Spaniards from the ships, and of eighty British marines ( who had been posted at Les Sab- lettes to cover the naval hospital, which is protected now by the occupation of the Hauteur de Grasse), render that post Sufficiently strong to resist any future attempts the enemy can make on that side. It is owing to the aCtive zeal and great exertions of Captain Tyler and Lieutenants Serecold and Bris- bane, of the navy, with the seamen under their com- mand, that heavy cannon have been dragged, with infinite labour and extraordinary expedition,. up a very deep ascent, and that this most important post has been put, in a short time, into a date of defence For the more regular and convenient conduit of the service, I found it necessary to divide the small detachments of different British corps under my command into two battalions. I have put the first battalion under the orders of Captain Moncrief, of the 11th regiment, the fecond under Captain Bere- ton, of the 30th regiment, the two oldest Captains on this service. I cannot do sufficient justice to the zeal, intelligence, and activity of those officers, from whose exertions I have found the greatest assistance, in the constant attention which I am obliged to give to posts, occupied by very inadequate numbers, and at distances which render my daily attendance at each of them utterly impossible. Any mark of his Majesty's favour shewn to those two old and de- serving officers, I can venture to assure you, will not be bestowed on persons deficient either in zeal or a- bility : Indeed I should not render the justice which I owe to the small body of British troops under my command, if I did not represent the cheerfulness and The constant fire kept up by the enemy for the last four days, has wounded one Lieutenant of the navy, one seaman, and four rank and file. I have to regret that Lieut. Newnham, of the navy, who commanded in Fort Pomet, and whole vigilance, activity, and resources, supplied almost every local defect of his posts, is necessarily removed for a time from the command, on account of the wound which he yesterday received in the thigh. Lieut. Tupper, of his Majesty's ship Windsor Caftle, the command. is sent to take Return of British killed and wounded, on Sept. 21. 30th regiment— 1 rank and file killed, 1 rank and file Wounded. 25th regiment—- 1 Captain wounded. 69th regiment— 2 rank and file wounded. IN FORT POMET. Royal Navy— I Lieutenant, seaman, wounded. 69th regiment— 2 rank and file wounded. Marines— 2 rank and file wounded. Total— 1 rank aud file killed ; a officers,* seaman,* 7 rank and file wounded. Capt. Smith of the 25 th regiment, and Lieutenant Newn- ham of tile Royal Navy, wounded. MUlGrAVe, Acting Brigadier- Gen. SIR, Toulon, Sept. 27.1793. Since I closed my dispatch to you this day, the first division of Neapolitan troops came into the har- bour, consisting of two thousand men, all in perfeCt health, convoyed by two ships of seventy- four guns each, two frigates, and two sloops: They have been eleven days on their passage. Two- thousand more troops were to sail in three days after that of their departure, and a third division, also of 2000 men, were to sail in twenty days from the day on which the first division sailed. After the confident man- , ner in which I have ventured to assure you that no impression was likely to be made on our posts, ina- dequately garrisoned as they were by our original small body, I need hardly express the comfortable security I feel with our last reinforcements. I have the honour to be, & c. MULGRAVE. SIR, Toulon. Sept. 30. 1793. The squadron under Admiral Gell having been delayed by contrary winds, I have the opportunity of informing you, in addition to my last dispatches, that, on the 28th inst. the first division of the Nea- politan troops disembarked under the command of Brigadier- General Pignatelli. The troops are in perfeCt health, and are a very fine body of men, and well appointed. The detachment of the King of Sardinia's troops consists entirely of grenadiers and chasseurs, and are of the best of his Sardinian Majesty's troops. I have great confidence in the zeal and willingness ex- pressed both by the officers and soldiers of this corps. It is with extreme concern that f have to inform you of the loss which the service has sustained, by the death of Lieut. Newnham of the navy ; to whose private and professional merits the sincere and marked regret of the Spanish as well as the English officers, who were witnesses of his able and aCtive conduct, bears the most honourable testimony. His wound, which was not at first judged to be dangerous, took an unfavourable turn, which proved fatal in a very short period. I- have the honour to be, & c. MULGRAVE, ACting Brigadier General. Right Hon. Henry Dundas, . Whitehall Oct. 24. A letter from Sir JAMES MURRAY, Adjutant Ge- neral to the forces under the command of his Royal Highness the Duke of YORK, was received this e vening by the Right Hon. HENRY DUNDAS, his Ma- jesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department, of which the following is a copy. S I R, Engel Fontaine, 0ct. l8. 1793. I had the honour of informing you, in my last dispatch, that his Royal Highness, at the earned requed of the Prince of Cobourg, had marched with a part of the troops under his command, for this place. They arrived here upon the 16th. The Prince, being acquainted with his Royal Highness's intention, had been enabled to draw from thence four battalions, to strengthen his other posts ; a fifth battalion followed those upon his Royal High- ness's arrival. The enemy, having collected in extraordinary numbers, attacked the corps under the command of General Clairfayt, which was posted with its right near Birlemont, and its left near the village of Wattigwies, upon the 15th and 16th. Upon the former day the left wing of the enemy was en- tirely defeated : Having advanced into the plain which lay upon that side between the two armies, they were charged by the Imperial cavalry, and driven back with great slaughter and the loss of twelve pieces of cannon. The attack which they made upon the left of the Austrians was more obsti- nately Supported; they were, however, finally pulsed. Upon the 16th the enemy having drawn the great- est part of their force to the right, again attacked the left of General Clairfayt's corps, and the vil- lage of Wattigwies. They could upon this side approach within can- non shot of the Austrians, under cover of an im- mense wood called the Haye d'Avesnes ; which, when they were repulsed, secured their retreat. They brought a great quantity of heavy artillery to the edge of this wood, under the protection of which they attacked the village. The utmost firm- ness and bravery were displayed by the Austrian troops upon this occasion. The enemy were several times repulsed with great loss; they were repeated- ly driven from the village after they had carried it; but being enabled, by great superiority of numbers, to bring contiuually fresh troops to the point of at- tack, they at last succeeded in maintaining the pos- session of that post. The communication between General Clairfayt's corps and that of General La Tour, which obser- ved the entrenched~ camp near Maubeuge, being by this means cut off, it was judged necessary by the Prince of Cobourg to abandon the position which had been taken for the purpose of investing Mau- beuge : The army repassed the Sambre in the night without the smallest loss. Lieutenant- General Ben- zowsky, who commanded a detached corps upon the left of of the army, defeated a corps which was opposed to him, killed a great number of the ene- my, took four hundred prisoners and eleven pieces of cannon. Count Haddick, who was detached by General La Tour, likewise gained a considerable • advantage, penetrated to Sorbe Chateau, and took three pieces of cannon. In the two engagements, the Austrians took twenty- four pieces of cannon and two howitzers^ Without the loss of one upon their part. They have had about two thousand men killed and wounded. There can be no doubt that the loss of the enemy has been much more considerable. The Austrians now occupy the left bank of the Sambre. No cer- tain accounts have been yet received of the further motions of the enemy. I am, & c. ( Signed) JAMES MURRAY. Whitehall, OSiober 22. Last night the Right Hon. Lord GEORGE CON- WAY arrived at the office of the Right Hon. Lord GRANVILLE, his Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, with a dispatch from the I Earl of YARMOUTH, of which the following is an ex- tract. Wissembourg, October 14. 1793. Austrian Head Quarters. Yesterday morning, at three o'clock, General Wurmser made his projected attack upon the lines; of the Lautre, on various points at the same time. I have the satisfaction to say that he is in possession of every part of them. Lautrebourg surrendered, without any conditions, between three and four in the evening, after being evacuated by the enemy, who, from the prodigious number of redoubts of which they were in possession, and the natural strength of the position, might have held out a siege of seve- ral days. This town resisted some time longer. It is sur- rounded by a large ditch, and was defended by re- doubts, from which the French cannonaded the Au- strians for several hours. It is also connected with the Geilsberg, a mountain which so entirely com- mands the place, that if the French had determin- ed on deriving every advantage from their situation, the Austrians could not have entered into possession of it without further successes in the mountains. A part of the town was burnt in the course of the struggle ; and the French, before they retreated, set I fire to their magazines, both here and at Alstadt. In other parts of this very complicated operation, in which six different colums had distinct plans to execute, great success attended the Austrians. They successively carried by assault all the different re- doubts which had been construCted in the front of the French camps, of which the principal one fell into their hands, with all their tents standing, se- veral Coissons, nine standards, and twenty- six can- nons of very great calibre. As these different ac- tions are but just over, and the Austrian corps are very remote from each other, it is impossible for me to transmit to your Lordship any account of the killed, wounded, or taken on either side. The ar- my has been fourteen hours under arms, almost con tinually engaged in a very aCtive pursuit, and often exposed to a most tremendous fire. We have as yet no distinct account of the ope- rations of the Duke of Brunswick's army yederday in the mountain, but a very great cannonade was heard on that side during the whole day. Right Hon. Lord Granville. Foreign Intelligence. FRANCE. CONVENTION. - Concluded. NATIONAL Saturday, Oct. 12.- LYONS, BARRERE, in the, name of the Committee of Pu- blic Welfare: " Citizens, the troops of the Repu blic have in triumph entered Lyons on the 19th day of the 1st month ( October 10). You invited your Committee of Public Welfare to take farther mea sures on this account. They have been taken, and I am charged to explain them to you. Your Com mittee was sensible of the importance of the reduc- tion of Lyons, as you will see from its correspon- dence since the 24th of last September. He then read this correspondence. " After which the Convention passed the follow- ing decree : The National Convention, after having heard the report of the Committee of Public Welfare, de crees: * I. " There shall be named by the National Convention, upon the presentation of the Committee of Public Welfare, an Extraordinary Commission, composed of five members, in order to punish the. revolutionists of Lyons, according to military law, and without delay. II. " All the inhabitants of Lyons shall be disarmed ; their arms shall be immediately distributed among the defenders of the Republic. A part shall be restored to the patriots of Lyons who have been oppressed by the rich and the counter- revolutionists. . III. The city of Lyons shall be destroyed. Whatever was inhabited by a rich man, shall be demolished. The poor house, the dwellings of slaughtered and proscribed patriots, the edifices specially employed to industry, and the monu- ments consecrated to humanity and public instruction, shall alone remain. IV. The name of Lyons shall be effaced from the list of the towns of the Republic. The re- union of houses pre- served, shall henceforth bear the name of Ville Affranchie. V. " A column shall be raised upon the ruins of Lyons,' to attest to posterity the crimes and the punishment of the Royalists of that city, with this inscription : " Lyons warred against Liberty; " Lyons is no more. " The 18th day of the 1st month, " Second year of the French Republic, " One and Indivisible." VI. " The Representatives of the People shall immiediate- ly nominate Commissioners to make a list of all the property which belonged to the rich and the counter- revolutionists of Lyons, that the resolutions of the Convention may be imme- diately carried into execution." BARReRE proposed, and the Assembly adopted the two following addresses:— ADDRESS TO THE ARMY OF THE WEST. Republicans ! The rebellious city of Lyons captured. The Republican army has entered it in triumph.— At this moment they are destroying all the traitors.— Not one of these vile and cruel sa- tellites of despotism will be suffered to escape.— And you, brave soldiers ! you also will be victo- rious. Too long has La Vendee harrassed the Republic. March— strike— and end your labours— all our ene- mies. must at once be vanquished— all our armies are, about to be victorious— will you suffer yourselves to be the last in gathering laurels ? Let the glory of having exterminated the rebels, and saving the country, be yours— Courage will soon overcome treason. Rush upon these senseless and ferocious banditti— crush them instantly— let each of you this day say, " they shall be annihilated," and La Vendee will be yours. ADDRESS TO THE ARMY OF THE NORTH, AT PERONNE, The Republican army has just made its triumphal entry into Lyons.— The traitors and rebels are de- stroyed. The banners of liberty now ornament its - walls— These are the presages of future conquests victory will ever be the reward of courage— you possess it— strike— and exterminate these fatellites of the tyrants. Wretches! who, unable to conquer by their valour, have constantly been the purchasers of treason. They are covered with your blood, and with that of your wives and children— strike then; and let not one of them escape your just vengeance. — The country looks up to you— your noble and ge- nerous efforts are seconded by the Convention. In a few days the tyrants will be no more, and the Re- public will owe to you its glory and its happiness. Vive la Republique. MAUBEUGE. The President received the following letter, dated the 7th of October, from the temporary Comman- dant of Avesnes. " Inform the Convention inform the nation at large, that the heroic Frenchmen— the courage- ous Republicans, who defend the walls and the camp of Maubeuge, having been attacked in their in- trenchments three separate times in three successive days, by the satellites of despotism, at the redoubt of Houp, have gained three complete victories over them, and killed an immense number of these de- tedable wretches ! Tell the Convention— tell the people, what they will hear with equal satisfaction and astonish- ment, that Cobourg's regiment of dragoons has been totally defeated ! Such is the account brought to me this morn- ing by six Austrian deserters— who are come to dwell in the land of liberty, and whom I have parti- cularly questioned respecting the dreadful cannonade and firing of musquetry, which I heard on Sunday and Monday last. ( Signed) ROChETTE." Sitting of the 13th. A letter was read from General Verdelin, dated Salanches, the 1st instant, in which he informed the Convention, that the army under his command had gained an important victory at the post of Mirebelle, over the Piedmontese army. ANDRE DUMONT acquainted the Convention, that he had purified the town of Peronne, which had been tainted with aristocracy. LYONS. A letter from Dubois Crance was read, in which he affirmed, that the 4000 rebels which had escaped, with their artillery and treasure, from Lyons, by Vaise, had been pursued, 1500 cut to pieces, and the rest routed in such a manner, that it was impos- sible they could reach the frontiers. DECREE AGAINST BRITISH SUBJECTS. PONS DE VERDUN suggested some observations on - the decree againd British subjects.— This decree, he dated, would be productive of the most injurious consequences. The people of Great- Britain had been very ill disposed towards the French on account of the death of the King. But they were rapidly returning from that enmity, into which their er- roneous attachment to monarchial prejudices had in- volved them. He observed, that the Republic should aCt with great caution, and not change the war which they waged againd the English Government into a war against the English nation. He conclu- ded by moving, that the decree should either be im- mediately reported, or that it should be extended to all the subjeCts of all the other powers with which the Republic was at war. The motion was sent to the Committee of Public Safety. A deputation from the Popular Society of Sables, presented an address relative to the war in La Ven- dee. The National Convention passed a decree relative to the new kalendar. The decree dates, that the money, shall bear the impression of the alteration oc- casioned by this kalendar, and the constitutional epochs shall be made to accord with it. SITUATION OF MARTINICO. Larosse, Captain of a frigate, delivered a detail of his expedition to Martinico. Leaving France with a single frigate, he prepared, after having ta- ken at Dominique the exiled patriots, to oppose the force which Behague had at Martinico. Having used every means to open the eyes of the inhabitants to the traitorous design of Behague, he at length succeeded, and forced him to fly with the greatest part of the Royalists of the island. Rochambeau arrived and resumed the command of the island, whence he had before been driven with considerable loss. The English were no more successful than the counter- revolutionists. They blocked up the ports, and landed 2000 men, with- out producing any beneficial effects. The force of the planters was also dispersed, and the confiscation of their property produced to the Republic the sum of 200 millions. ( Honourable mention of the con- duct of Larosse.) VICTORY IN SPAIN. BARRERE read a letter from General Dagobert, who informed the Convention, that the army under his command had entered Spain and taken the city of Campredon. During the period granted to the Alcalde Major of the city to reply to the summons to surrender, the Spanish troops fired upon the messenger who carried the summons, and continued also their fire upon the troops of the Republic. It was therefore resolved to storm the city, which was effected with success. The inhabitants fled with great precipitation, and were pursued to a great diftance. It was not possible to lay the city under contribution, for the houses were entirely destitute of inhabitants.- The Commissioners of the Convention wrote from Bagnols, October 8, that the victory at Argeles had produced an immense booty— and had reduced the, Spanish army to a most deplorable condition. LYONS. The Commissioners at Lyons, in a letter dated on the evening of the 9th instant, informed the Con- vention, that the pursuit of the rebellious enemy had been1 continued with great success. , That 1500 had been killed, and 300 taken prisoners, among whom was the leader Virieux. The Republican army en- tered Lyons in the greatest order. Before they en- tered, the soldiers, of their own accord, took an oath to respect both the persons and the property of the inhabitants. An hour after their entrance each sol- dier divided his loaf with one of the inhabitants, whose looks and meagre forms sufficiently disclosed the miseries they had endured. VICTORY OVER THE ROYALISTS. A letter from the Commissioners of the Conven- tion with the army on the coast of Rochelle, inform- ed the Convention, that the armies of Niort and Sau mur had had a most bloody battle with the rebels, who had been completely routed. Their force, amount- ing to above 20,000 men, had been dispersed over an extent of country of more than 30 miles.— A party of Westermann's detachment had entered Cha- tillon, and liberated 100 prisoners. The opposition of the rebels, the Commissioners affirm, was nearly at an end. In the. battle several Republicans were killed, among the rest the brave General Chambon. A SECRET EXPEDITION. The Committee of Public Safety presented a short report, which contained only these words—" That thirty millions were necessary for a secret and most important expedition." The National Convention, without any debate, passed a decree, ordering the sum required to be de- livered to the Committee. LA VENDEE. PRIEUR and hENTZ, National Commissioners, ar- rived from La Vendee, assured the Convention, that the measures adopted by the Committee of Public Safety were the only measures which could be taken — General L'Echalle had taken possession of the command of the Republican army— The removal „ of several Generals, who had been suspected of inci- vism, had produced the most beneficial conse- quences. The Convention decreed, that CARRIER, BOuR- BOTTE, FrANCASTEL, PINET, and TURREAU, should be the only Commissioners with the army of La Vendee. . Sitting of 0ctober 14. A letter, confirming the account of the victory in La Vendee, was read from General Chalbos. RAMBOUILLET. The Commissioners at Rambouillet informed the Convention, that the furniture of this castle had been sold for 590,000 livres— Two hundred and fifty thousand pounds weight of iron had been sent to the National Magazine— also 800 beds, 169 pounds of. lace, 39 pounds of silk stuff, 80 pounds of gold and silver ornaments, besides plate. All these articles had not been included in the sale. In the farm belonging to the Cattle, a flock of Spanish sheep had been found. On the motion of one of the Deputies from the Colonies, the Convention changed the names of Port Louis and Port Bourbon in the Isle of France, to those of Port Mountain and Port Fraternity. Sitting of October 15. BARRERE read a letter from Couthon and Maig- nels, dated Lyons, Oct. 11. They announce, that they have re- established the Patriotic Municipalities n their functions; the Popular Society is reinstated; a Military Commission has entered upon its office, and it consecrates its first time to the trial of four Aides- de- Camp, who are to be executed on the 12th. The disarming is begun, and a Committee of Vigi lance has been created. The rebels being pursued, are reduced to 300, who fled into a wood, around which the tocin has re- united 6000 men, who will do justice to them. It is said that several of the chiefs, conscious of the impossibility of their being saved, have shot themselves; and it is thought that Pressy is of the number. Dubois Crance and Gauthier are intriguing in the city, in order that the report of the decree which recalls them may be demanded. London, October 23. CONDEMNATION AND EXECUTION OF THE QUEEN OF FRANCE. We are extremely concerned to announce this most distressing event, which, however, from the sanguinary disposition of the present ruling faction in France, must have been long anticipated by the public. The decree of the Convention, ordering that her trial should come on within eight days, was impli- citly obeyed by the Revolutionary Tribunal. The trial took place on the 15th inst. The following is an extract of part of the pro- ceedings : ACT OF ACCUSATION, OR INDICTMENT. MARIE ANTONIETTE stands charged, 1st, With having dilapidated and lavished the fi- nances of the nation, in concert with the execrable CALONNE, by causing to be transmitted to the EM- PEROR several millions, which still serve to carry on the war with France. 2dly, With having, in imitation of BRUNEHAUD, and DE MEDECIS, who also called themselves Queens of France, conspired against the liberty of the French nation. 3dly, With having sought to starve the people in 1789. 4thly, With having excited the murders of Octo- ber 5. and 6. 5thly, With having, in concert with BAILLY and LA FAYETTE, caused the patriots to be butchered in the Champ de Mars. 6thly, With having prevailed upon the Swiss to fire on the people on the 10th of August. 7thly, With having, like another AGRIPPInA., for- gotten that she was a mother, In order to commit incest with her son. MARIE ANTONIETTE heard the reading of the act of accusation, without seeming to be in the least moved. [ Here the interrogatory began.] President—" What is your name ?" QUEEN—*' MARIE ANTONIETTE, of Lorrain and Austria." " President—" Your quality ?" QUEEN—" I am the Widow of Louis CAPET, King of the French." [ Here the witnesses were called in.] LAURENT LECOINTRE, the first witness, formerly chief of division of the national guard of Versailles, and at present a Member of the National Convention, related the historical occurrences of the 5th and 6th of October; and from his relation it appeared, that the ci- devant guardes du corps, or life- guards, were the first aggressors. LECOINTRE spoke also, though not as an ocular witness, of the nocturnal riot which was Occasioned Oct. 1. at Versailles, by the late King's life- guards in the hall of the Opera. " MA- RIE ANTONIETTE," said he, " repaired to that ban- quet ;— she applauded the conduct of the guards ; she also visited the regiment of Nassau and the chas- seurs of Trots Eveches, who were quartered in the Orangerie of the Gardens of Versailles." QUEEN—" I repaired, I must own, with my hus- band and his children to the hall of the Opera- house; but I did not see that the national cockade was trod under foot. It is false that I ever spoke to the sol- diers of the regiment of Nassau, or to the chasseurs of Trois Eveches.," President—" What did you say to the life guards when you appeared at that orgy ?" QUEEN—" I applauded that banquet, because it was to have produced the union of the life guards with the national guards. Public Accuser—" Have you not held secret Coun- cils at the house of the ci- devant Duchess of POLIG- NAC— Councils at which the ci- devant French Princes assisted, and in which, after having discussed the fate of the empire, you gave yourself up to the infamous pleasures of debauchery i" QUEEN—' All the state affairs were discussed in Council, and no where else. I have no knowledge of the rest of this assertion." Public Accuser—" Are not THOURET, BARENTIN, and DE ESPREMENIL, the authors of the articles of the declaration of June 23 ?" QUEEN— The Ministers in place alone composed the Council at that time." Judge—" Did not your husband communicate his designs to you, when he invested the hall of the Re- presentatives of the People with troops?" QUEEN—" My husband reposed his confidence in me ; he communicatcd to me the speech which he was to have made on that occasion. He had, in other respects, no bad intentions." Judge—" Why did troops of the line invest Paris and Versailles ?" QUEEN—" For the sake of general safety." Judge—" What use have you made of the im- mense sums which you have been entrusted with ?" QUEEN—" No enormous sum has been entrusted to me ; the accounts of my household will prove what use has been made of all I have received." Judge—" How did the family of the POLIGNACS, who were so poor at first, grow so rich ?" QUEEN—" That family held Offices at Court which were very lucrative." [ The concluding part of the interrogatory has not yet come to hand.] When the mock forms of justice were gone thro', the Tribunal declared the widow CAPET guilty of having been accessory to and having co- operated in dif- ferent manoeuvres against the liberty of France ; of ha- ving entertained a correspondence with the enemies of the Republic ; of having participated in a plot tending to kindle civil war in the interior of the Republic, by arming citizens against each other. When the sentence was read to the QUEEN, she cast down her eyes, and did not again lift them up. " Have you nothing to reply upon the determina- tion of the law ?'! said the President to her. " No- thing," she replied. " And you, officious defend- ers?" " Our mission is fulfilled with respect to the widow Capet," said they. Sentence of death was then passed upon her, and the next day, viz. Wednesday last, the 16th instant, she was guillotined, at half past 11 o'clock in the forenoon. The whole armed force in Paris was on foot, from the Place of Justice to the Place de la Revo- lution. The streets were lined by two very close rows of armed citizens. As soon as the ci- devant Queen left the Conciergerie, to ascend the scaffold, the multitude which was assembled in the courts and the streets, cried out Bravo, in the midst of plaudits. She had on a white loose dress, and her hands were tied behind her back. She looked firmly round her on all sides. She was accompanied by the ci- devant Curate of St Landry, a constitutional priest, and on the scaffold preserved her natural dignity of mind. When laid hold of by the executioner, she was observed to faintly smile, and submitted to her exe- cution in the most passive manner : but at the mo- ment, not a shout or murmur was heard among the immense multitude that surrounded. Three young persons who dipped their handker- chiefs in her blood, were immediately arrested, FRONSON de Coudray and CHAVEAU de la Gards, the pleaders for MARIE ANTONIETTE, were, by or- der of the Committee of General Safety, put in a state of arrest, before sentence was pronounced.— The order says, that this is a measure of general safety ; that the arrest shall last only 24 hours, and that every attention shall be paid to these prisoners. Some accounts state, that the QUEEN was acquit- ted by the Tribunal, but that a sanguinary mob seized upon the unhappy QUEEN and murdered her ! We merely state this rumour, though we do not think it well authenticated; but in fact, the execu- tion of an unjust sentence by regular forms is as re- pugnant to humanity as the most savage outrages of a lawless mob. However shocked the mind must be at this in stance of savage brutality, death was perhaps the greatest mercy which the QUEEN could receive from the hands of her relentless persecutors. Her suffer- ings, a thousand times worse than death, must have long rendered the conclusion of her existence the most desirable of all events! Yesterday three messengers arrived at the Secre- : tary of State's Office— BROOKS, from Vienna ; DUFF, ; from Brussels ) and DAKEY, from the Duke of YORK'S army. Few particulars' that can be depended on have transpired, befides those already detailed in the Ga- zette Extraordinary. The battle between the Austrians and French con- tinued during the whole days of the 15th, 16th, and 17th inst. On the day after the engagement the Prince of SAXE COBOURG abandoned two of his principal posts, in hopes of drawing the French out of their entrench- ments, and that flushed with success, they would follow him across the Sambre; but they did not take the bait. .. In the different engagements on the three days that those actions continued, the French are said to have lost 8000 or 10,000 men ; and the Austrians about one third of the number. On Friday morning, when the messenger left the army, his Royal Highness the Duke of YORK had formed a junction with the Prince of SAXE- CObOURG, and a general action was quickly expected to take place. The British had not been at all engaged when the messenger left the camp. Mr MACLANE, a messenger, was yesterday morn- ing early sent from the Foreign Office, with dif- patches to the Duke of YORK, and to the centre allied army wherever it is stationed. This messen- ger is directed to return as speedily as possible. On Saturday morning arrived at Ostend from London, Sir GILBERT ELLIOT, who departed the same night for Toulon. The four regiments embarked at Ostend on Sa- turday, but the wind being unfavourable had not got under way. A part of Lord HOOD'S squadron has taken, off Genoa, the Modeste, a French frigate, which had sail- ed out of that port for the purpose of making prizes. Intelligence was yesterday received from Torbay, that on Sunday morning early, the fleet under the command of Lord HOWE sailed out of port; but af- ter being six hours at sea, it returned into port, in conference of a dispatch forwarded to the Admiral. A very singular circumltance, and which causes much speculation, is, that orders had been given through the fleet, that in case any of his Majesty's ships should meet with the Orient, Aquilon, Pa- triote; or Entreprenant, French men of war of 74 guns, but now armed en flute, and reported in the debates of the National Convention of the 9th in- stant, as being about to sail from Toulon, that those ships should not be molested, but be suffered to pass without any detention, Yesterday the Crescent, of 32 guns, brought in- to Spithead a French frigate, which she took on Sunday off Cherbourg, after an action of two hours. The Frenchman had more than 18 killed and wounded, the Crescent only one seaman slightly wounded. They fought so close to the shore, that the people of the town were looking on during the engagement. The French frigate was called the Re- union, of 36 guns. Sir CHARLES GREY, and Sir JOHN JERVIS, are expected to sail, on their important expedition, on or before the 4th of November. All officers, ha- ving appointments in it, are ordered to be on board their respective ships before Tuesday next. The 65th regiment landed at Barbadoes from Halifax 0n the 4th of August. Orders are sent to Plymouth to put the citadel in the best possible state of defence. It is to be inspected by engineers, and the upper battery to be complete- ly mounted with cannon. BRITISH SUBJECTS IN FRANCE. The late decree of the National Convention, for the arrest of all the subjects of the King of Great Britain, and the confiscation of their whole property, must make the public anxious to know who are subjected to this harsh and indiscriminate punishment. This severe decree passed the Convention on the 19th day of the first month, and was dispatched to all the departments by extraordinary couriers, with orders for its immediate execution all over the Re- public. Seals have been put upon the papers of all who have been thus arrested. The number of British subjects, who are liable to suffer by this decree, is estimated at no less than ten or eleven thousand, besides a vast number of merchants and manufacturers, not resident in France, who will suffer in their property ! The towns most inhabited by English, after the capital, are, Dunkirk Cambray Toulouse Havre- de- Grace St Omer's Bourdeaux Rouen Lisle Marseilles Abbeville Brest Montpellier Amiens Nantes Nice Boulogne Orleans and Calais Tours Lyons Douay Montauban In PARIS were, Sir Robert and Lady Smith Mrs Wolstoncroft Mrs Williams Rev. Mr Jackson Miss Helen Maria Williams Dr Johnson and sisters Mr Chopin Mr and Mrs Christie Mr and Mrs Churchill Miss Fitzgerald Mr Humphries Mr and Mrs Taylor Mr M'Pherson Capt. Bingham and family, Mrs and Miss King at St Germains Miss Thomas Nicholas Joyce, Esq. Miss Sweetman Mr and Mrs Stone Three Miss O'Keeffes Mr and Mrs Gamble Mrs Reyner Mrs Dido Mr Coclough Mr, Mrs, and Miss White, Mr Hartley Mr Quartermain Mr Smith Col. Newton Mr and Mrs Marshal Mr Maud Mr and Mrs Brown Robert Raymont, Esq. Mr and Mrs Sykes Mr, Mrs, and Miss Milne, Mr O'Foley at Passy Mr Carney To the above we may add, all the Professors and Students of the Irish and Scotch Colleges, the Prior and all the English and Irish Benedictine Monks, Rue St Jacques. The Blue Nuns of the Convent in the Faux- bourg St Antoine. The Convents of the English Blue Nuns and Be- nedictine Monks are by this decree abolished, not- withstanding they were excepted in the late gene- ral one for the suppression of the religious houses. The Minister of Justice has written to all the Cantons of the Republic, to have an exact return of all the English.— It is to be hoped, that a little time and reflection will induce the Convention to mitigate the severity of this decree. - The whole power of the French Government is now vested in the. COMMITTEE of PUBLIC SAFETY, The decree for this purpole passed on the 11th the following is the substance of it: " The Provisionarv Government of the Republic is Revolutionary until peace is concluded. The Ex- ecutive Council, the Generals, and, in short, all the Constituted Authorities, are placed under the or- ders of the Committee of Public Safety. No mea- sure whatever can be undertaken without, their aur thority. The revolutionary, laws shall be execut- ed without any delay. On the 1st of March next., Paris shall be provisioned for one year. The revolutio- nary army shall be immediately placed in a state of activity, under the orders of this Committee. In every town where insurrection is visible,. a garrison shall be sent into it at the expence of the town, until peace is concluded. " A Tribunal of Inspection shall be formed, to examine the accounts of those who have had any share in the affairs of the Republic since 1789." On Friday evening died, at Kendal, in Westmor7 land, the Hon. Sir JOHN WILSON, Knt. one of his Majesty's Justices of the Court of Common Pleas. EVENING COURANT, SATURDAY— OCTOBER 16. A letter from a gentleman in an official situation in London to the Right Hon. the LORD PROVOST, dated Wednesday afternoon, announces, that Go- vernment had just received information that the combined army under PRiNCE COBOURG had obtain- ed a most decisive victory over the French on Sa- turday last. Another letter from a well- informed quarter to a gentleman here, is as follows: LONDON,' Oct. 23.— Half past five Evening.' " I have great pleasure in informing you, that accounts have this moment been received, of the most complete defeat of the French army by the PRINCE of COBOURG, on the Saturday evening and Sunday morning— 15,000 killed, and as many pr- soners. I am, in haste," & c. The unfortunate ANTONIETTE is at last relieved from all her miseries. The Convention have acted confidently with that horrid policy, according to which they appear to proportion their cruelties to their fears, that the infatuated people of France may- be seduced for a moment, into a forgetfulness of their own sufferings, by contemplating those of per- sonages, against whom their resentment has been artfully excited. The lines of Weissembourg have always been fa- mous in the wars of Europe, and have more than once been the scene of very important actions. The 3d of July 1705, M. de Villars forced the lines, which the enemies occupied at Weissembourg. In 1744, Prince Charles, of Lorraine, General of the troops of the Queen of Hungary, took possession of these lines. They were retaken by the French General Marshal de Coigny, but he being not able to defend them, abandoned them to the Austrians, who having again entered, filled them up, and de- stroyed the works of Lauterbourg. Died at Craigdarroch, on the 23d ' October, Mrs FERGUSSON of Craigdarroch, . Died at Stirling, on the 12th current, in the 81st year of her age, Mrs JANET COwAN, relict of the Rev. Mr Tho. Turner, late minister of the gospel there. Yesterday being the anniversary of his Majesty's accession to the throne, the great guns were fired, as usual, on the occasion, and the public offices shut. We have authority to state, that: no Excise Li- cence will be granted, either this year or afterwards, to grocers, chandlers, or shopkeepers, for retailing foreign spirits-, and that if less than, two English gal- lons of foreign spirits is wanted by any private person or family, that quantity can only be had le- gally from a person who keeps a tavern, victualling- house, inn, coffeehoufe, or ale- house, duly licensed by the Magistrates or Justices, and by the Commis- sioners or proper Officers of Excise, to retail such spirits, agreeably to law.— Grocers, & c. however, may fell two gallons or upwards of foreign fpirits, upon taking out licences as wholesale spirit dealers, and paying 5I. per annum of duty for the same. We are happy to hear the herring fishery is ex- pected to be more successful this year than It has been for many years. The reports some weeks ago were, that about eighty bushes were full, which might be true on an average, as there were a great number of bushes from Greenock, Campbeltown, and Rothsay, many of which were filled, and some half full. By latest advices, those not filled were gone northward and still getting more fish. The herrings of this year's fishery, which have already arrived at Greenock, are large and of a remarkable good quality, The Ceres, M'Intosh, from London, is arrived at Leith. KELSO RACES. On Wednesday his Majesty's purse of 100 guineas, given to the Caledonian Hunt, for actual hunters of last season, was run for, and won by Mr Wray's Grog, — 2131 Mr Robertson's Tickle Toby, 3111 Mr Adams' Gustavus, 1323 On Thursday a purse of 50 guineas, given by the- Ca- ledonian Hunt, for Scots bred horses, was run for. Sir Archibald Hope's Arniston, - 11 Mr Dawson's Ann, - - % 3 ARRIVED AT LEITH, Oct. 54. Swift, Sutherland, from Feversham, fruit— is. Betsey, Ro- bertson, from Alemouth, oats and wheat—. 26. Ceres, M'Intosh, from London, goods— The Nicholas and Jane are in the roads from St Pe - tersburg.— Three sloops with coals. A Number of Advertisements are delayed. J taken by Le Sans Culottes privateer, and carried into Mar- tinico. A ship loaded with deals, from Archangel, is said to be lost, supposed to be the Britannia. The Mary, Youd, which was drove from St Kitt's in the late hurricane, is taken. The schooner, Amity, of Barbadoes, is cut out of that place by some French prisoners. The Lydia, Crow, from Liverpool to Barbadoes, is taken by a French frigate, and carried into Brest. The Roebuck packer, in 30 days from the Leeward islands, is arrived at Falmouth. Winds at Deal— Oct. 18. W. N. W. 19. W. 20. W. 21. N. W. ' LANDS IN AMERICA TO BE SOLD. TWO THOUSAND ACRES OF VALUABLE WOOD LAND, upon the Bank of the north east branch of Susquehannah River, iu the State of Pensylvania, in America. , There is a Ferry with a landing, and a road that goes through a part of the land; with one or more Streams ca- pable of turning Grist or Saw Mills, as will it seen by a Map of the Land afterwards referred to. The Waters of the Susquehannah, opposite the land, is sufficiently deep for large vessels, and as the land is stocked with Timber for Plack, Staves, and Shingles, & c. in constant demand, the sale of them will amply pay for the clearing of the ground. The low land on the River side is as good for wheat or meadow as any in the State; and the uplands for corn or pasturage. There is now cutting Navigation Canals front the Susqueahnnah to the Delaware : and from that River to Schullkill, nigh Philadelphia, which will increase the value of the back land. The taxes on land and the necessaries of life are so light as not to be felt by the poorest in the State. It is necessary for the purchaser to know, that ( an alien) cannot hold lands of a non- resident; but the hour be or she arrives in America, by the law of the State of Pennsylvania, they are enabled to hold land on their own right, which is not the case in the State of New York and other States ; as they must reside two years to make them citizens. For price, terms of payment, and other particulars, appli- cation may he made to Mr Patrick Robertson, writer in Glasgow, or Harie Guthrie, junior, writer in Edinburgh, io whose hands a Map of the Tract of Land advertised will be seen. The London Gazette SEGUESTRATI0NS,. Oil. 22. John Moffat, merchant in Muirkirk— Creditors to meet in John Weir's, vintner there, 4th November, at 12 noon, to name a faCtor; and to meet at same place and hour, 3d December next, to chuse a trustee. — 24. John M'Leod, grocer in Glasgow— Creditors to meet in Henry Hemming's, vintner there, 5th November, at 12 noon, to name a factor ; and to meet at same place and hour, 3d December next, to chuse a trustee. — 24. Coll M'Gregor, tacksman of Kirkton of Balquhid- der, farmer and dealer in cattle— Creditors to meet in Dun- can M'Gregor's, innkeeper there, 8th November, at 12 noon, to name a factor ; and to meet at same placc and hour, 6th December next, to chuse a trustee. Creditors of Cornelius Elliot, bookseller in Edinburgh, to meet in in John Stewart's, vintner in the Exchange, 21st No- vember, at 12 noon, to give instructions to David Spottis- woode, writer to the signet, the trustee; and claims to be lodged betwixt and 12th July 1794. Creditors of William Arnot, merchant in Perth, to meet in Mrs Burt's, vintner there, 25th November, to give instruc- tions to William Rankine, merchant in Perth, the trustee, and to consider of an offer for a composition ; and claims to be lodged betwixt and 10th June 1794. Creditors of William Fleming and James Bachop, distillers in Paisley, as a company, and as individuals, to meet in Nis- bet Sinclair's, vintner there, 21st November, at 12 noon, to give instructions to James Hervey, brewer in Paisley, the trustee ; and claims to be lodged betwixt and 31ft May 1794. Errat. In Farm of Corsehope, & c. to Let ( last paper)— for " Three" read Five Years, in line second. LANDS IN THE COUNTY OF FORFAR. To be SOLd by public roup, within the Exchange Coffee- house, Edinburgh, upon Wednefday the 30th OCtober 1793, at six o'clock afternoon, t THE FOLLOWING LANDS, together or in 1 parcels, as purchasers shall incline, viz. The LANDS of KILNHILL. BENTS REISK, GAR- LOWBANK, LONGBANK, and part of the LANDS of SHIELLHILL, lying within the parish of Kirriemuir, all holding blench of the Crown ; and the LANDS of DRUMS, DRUMHEAD, DRUMCLUNE, BOGWILKIE, and FOR- RESTERSEAT, lying within the parishes of Kirriemuir and Oathlaw, holding of a subject partly feu and partly blench. These lands, including 620 acres of muir and pasture ground, consist of 1338 acres Scots measure. They lie about a mile to the eastward of Kirriemuir, and between two and three miles from Forfar, and are in the immediate vicinity of marle. The present neat rent, exclusive of 340 acres of the muir not rentalled, is above 410I. Sterling, and all the leases expire at Michaelmas 1795. The valued rent of the lands holding of the Crown is 590I. 8s. 2d. and of the lands holding of a subject 142I. 16s. Scots. Plans and rentals of the lands will be shewn by Mr Proc- tor at Glammis Castle, and further particulars may be had from James Dundas and Hugh Robertson, clerks to the sig- net, who are empowered to fell the lands in whole or in lots, by private bargain, previous to the day of sale. N. B. The Lands of Cardean and Brydiestoun, formerly ad- vertised, have been sold privately. . TO the CREDITORS of the Rev. Mr ALEX- ANDER CAMPBELL. The creditors of Mr Alexander Campbell, minister of the gospel at Kilcalmonel in Kintyre, are requested to meet 011 Wednesday the 20th day of November next, at 12 o'clock noon, in the house of Mrs M'Kechnie, innkeeper in Green- ock, when it is hoped they will either attend by themselves or their doers, as matters of importance arc to be laid before them. Not to be repeated. SALE OF MORNINGSIDE. To be Sold by public roup, within the Old Exchange Cof- feehouse, on Monday the 14th January next,~ betwixt the hours of six and seven in the afternoon. THE LANDS of WESTER MORNINGSIDE, with the House, Garden, and Offices, as lately possessed by Lord Gardenston. These Lands are situated on the west side of the high road from Edinburgh to Linton, about a mile and a half front the city of Edinburgh. They consist of near 20 acres land, ex- clusive of the feus ; and of these about seven. acres are the natural possession of the proprietor. The remainder are let upon a lease of which 16 years are to run after Whitsun- day next. The house consists of seven good rooms, besides garrets, kitchen, servants' hall, cellars, and other conveniencies ; and there is a let of excellent offices, built upon the premisses within these four years. The rent of these lands, exclusive of the house, garden, and park, in the possession of the proprietor, is, L. 39 4 6 Feu- duties, . . . . 32 9 2 TO the DEBTORS and CREDITORS of WILLIAM COKE, Bookseller in Leith. Mr William Coke, Bookseller in Leith, having executed a trust- right in favours of certain persons, for the general be- hoof of His creditors, it is requested, that all persons who are indebted to his estate will order immediate payment to be made to Robert Cameron writer, James's Court, Edinburgh, one of the trustees, who alone has powers to receive and discharge the same, as prosecutions will be raised for all debts that are unsettled upon the 1st of November next. It is also requested, that all those to whom Mr Coke is in- debted, will transmit exact states of their claims, with oaths of verity thereon, to the said Robert Cameron'; and those who are at a distance will please authorise some person in E- dinburgh to sign for them the deed of accession, relative to the said trust. EdINT. Sept. 5. 1793. A NOTICE TO the DEBTORS of EDWARD INNES, Con- fectioner in Edinburgh. Hamilton Bell, writer to the signet, trustee on the sequc- strated estate of the said Edward Innes, requests that all out- standing accounts may be immediately paid, otherwise the trustee has received orders to raise prosecutions without fur- ther intimation. The creditors will please lodge their claims and oaths of verity thereon, with the trustee, 011 or before the 25th of, April next. X Gross rent, L. 71 13 8 Deduct the public burdens, . . 17 16 o Free rent, exclusive of house, park, and garden, L. 53 17 8 The property lands may be feued out to great advantage ; and for this purpose the tenant is bound by his lease ' to give up such part as the proprietor shall think proper to set off in that manner. The premisses may be viewed at any time before the sale, by applying at the house; and for further particulars appli- cation may be made to Maxwell Gordon, or John Mor- rison, writers to the signet. FARMS TO BE LET IN ANNANDALE THE FARMS of REDKIRK- PARKS, as now marched out, lying in the united parishes of Graitney and Red- kirk, and shire of Dumfries. These Farms are proposed to be let either together or se- parately as offerers may occur. If let together, the farm will consist of about 380 Scots or 477 English acres, or thereby. If separately, it will be let in the following Divisions : The WEST DIVISION will consist of about 100 Scots or 125 English acres, or thereby. The MIDDLE DIVISION will consist of 230 Scots or 289 English acres, or thereby.— And the EAST DIVISION, lying 0n the east side of the River Kertle, will consist of 50 Scots or. 63 English acres, or thereby. The Middle Division is accommodated with the most sub- stantial offices of barn, stable, and byres, inferior to none io the country. A dwelling- house will be built on the premis- ses such as shall be agreed 0n. The entry to he at Whitsunday next, or as agreed on.— Offers will be received by James Laidlaw, clerk to the sig- net, sole Commissioner to the Earl of Mansfield ; or by Ro- bert Henderson of Cleugheads, his Lordship's factor, at Com- largan; and no offers for these farms will be received after Candlemas next. EDINBURGH, Oct. 24. 1793. SALE OF INVERNETTIE IN ABERDEENSHIRE. THE North Division or House Lot of the Lands and Estate of INVERNETTIE, lying in the parish of Pierhead, and county of Aberdeen, including. tlie Mansion- house, Of- fices, and Gardens, with the mill, asricted multures, teinds, aud pertinents, will be exposed to sale by public voluntary roup, within the Old Exchange Coffeehouse of Edinburgh, upon Wednesday the 20th of November next, between the hours of six and seven o'clock in the evening not previous- ly sold by private bargain. These lands are situated immediately contiguous to the town of Peterhead, being only about a mile distant there- from, stretching on the south side of it along a considerable part of the sea coast, which furnishes both land and kelp ware, and thence running from the south east to the north west part of the estate, where the mansion- house is most pleasant- ly situated, commanding a full view of the coast, the town of Peterhead, and an extensive tract of the adjacent country. The lands hold blench of the crown, and contain about 350 acres of arable and good pasture land, ( whereof near 100 are out of lease) and above 200 acres of moss and hill ground, a considerable part of which is also adapted for pasture; and the garden, containing about an acre, is well stocked with fruit trees, aud surrounded with a good deal of barren timber. The soil of a considerable part of the lands is extremely good, and they are at present very moderately rented, being no higher than lands around many of the inland villages in other parts of the county of Aberdeen, at the distance of 20 miles from any sea port. The harbour of Peterhead is now one of the best and safest in the north of Scotland. The town is very flourishing and populous, containing about 3000 inhabitants, and has increa- sed nearly one third within these last ten years. The whole of the lands are capable of great improvement., and several parts of them afford excellent and commodous si tuations for manufactures, which have not yet been carried to auy considerable extent— so that by proper attention to all these favourable and beneficial circumstauces, the rents of the estate may reasonably be expected to be nearly doubled upon the expiry of the present leases, which are not of long endu- rance. Persons intending to purchase may apply to Mr Thomas Gordon, writer to the signet, who is empowered to sell by private bargain ; and in whole hands the progress of writs, with a rental and plan of the estate may seen. Application may also be made to Mr Carnegie, town- clerk of Aberdeen, who is possessed of an inventory of the progress and rental of the lands, and is authorised to treat with in- tending offerers. Mr Mackie, at Invernettie, will show the boundaries and situation of the lands and different farms, to such persons as may be desirous to view them. FARMS IN STIRLINGSHIRE TO LET. THE following FARMS in the COUNTY of STIRLING, belonging to Sir THOMAS DUNdaS of KERSE, Bart, are to be LET for 19 Years from and after Martinmas 1793. 1st, The LANDS of CASTLECARRIE, on the South and North side of the Canal, as presently possessed by John Stirling, John Aiken, and Agnes Wallace, consisting of 76 acres or thereby, in one farm. / 2d, The LANDS of BANDOMINIE, BENTYATE, and WARDS, as prefently possessed by James Hay, and James Wasten, and consisting of 159 acres or thereby, in one farm. 3d, The LANDS of RUSHBUSH, SCARMUIR, PEATS LODGE, and MIDFAUCHENSHILLRIGG, consisting of 95 acres or thereby, in one farm. N. B. Part of Peatslodge and Midfauchenshillrig proposed to be planted. 4th, The LANDS of MOSSEND and DYKEHEAD, as presently possessed by William Henderson, and the other LANDS of SEABEGS, possessed by James Newlands and Charles Grindlay; in all 230 acres or thereby, in one or two farms. N. B. The entry to that part of the above lands possessed by Charles Grindlay ( 51 acres) will not commence till Martinmas 1800. ' Proposals in writing for leases of the above farms may he given in to Charles Innes, writer to the signet— or to An- drew Longmoor, the factor, at Kerse. LloyD's Marine List TUESDAY—-- OCTOBER 22. HIS Majesty's cutter Seaflower, Lieut. J. Webber, arri- ved in Carlisle Bay, Barbadoes, 30th August, had captured on the coast of Africa, and carried in there, La Victoria, from India; and had left the Mercury 0n the coast. The ship Roy D'Angole, Le Mousse, of 20 guns, with War, coffee, cotton, & c. is taken by the Nautilus sloop of war, and carried into Antigua. La Jenny, a letter of marque, from Guadaloupe to Ba- yone, loaded with sugar, coffee, cotton, & c. is taken by the Rattlesnake sloop of war, and carried into St Kitt's. The Hazard, Barnave, of Havre- de- Grace; Gabriel Che- rie, of Bourdeaux ; and Petit Amedee, Andonard, of Hon- fleur, are captured on the coast of Africa, by the Brothers, Williams, of Bristol. L'Augustine, from Guadaloupe to Havre- de- Grace, is taken by the Mary, Price, and arrived at Liverpool. The Liberty, Miller; Aurora, Burns; and Sally, M'Dou- gal, drove from, St Kitt's, were safe at St Thomas's. The Torbay, Foulkes, from Africa to the Wed Indies, is EDINBURGH : Printed by DAVID RAMSAY, Old Fish- market Close, where Advertisements, Orders for the Paper, & c. are taken in Published every MONDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY Price, a single Paper, 3d.— 2l. 6s. Yearly when called for— 2/. 9;. delivered in Edinburgh or Leich— and Royal Horse Guards— Cornet Gibbs Crawford to be Lieu- tenant, without purchase, vice Board, deceased. 11th Light Dragoons— Cornet Rowley Lascelles, from the 8th dragoons, to be Lieutenant, without purchase, vice Hogh- ton, promoted in the independent companies. 1st Foot Guards— Ensign Will. Henry Rainsford, from the 18th foot, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Tollemache, deceased. - 3d Foot— Ensign Oliver Nicolls Wheeler to be Lieute- nant, without purchase, vice Watson, promoted in the inde- pendent companies. Robert Jackson, from half- pay, to be Surgeon, vice Dryden, appointed Surgeon to the forces un- - der the command of Sir Charles Grey. 9th Foot— John Gibbons, Hospital Mate at Dominica, to be Surgeon, vice Henning, appointed Apothecary to the said forces. 11th Foot— Will. Gordon M'Gregor, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Heron, promoted. 13th Foot— Theodore Gordon, Hospital Mate at Jamaica, to be Surgeon, vice Jobson, appointed Apothecary to the forces under the command of Sir Charles Grey. 14th Foot— Ensign Will. Stuart to be Lieutenant, without purchase, vice Bower, promoted in the independent compa- nies. Volunteer Magra to be Ensign, vice Stuart. 15th Foot— Ensign Rob. Manners to be Lieutenant, with- out purchase, vice Letherland, promoted in the independent companies. John M'Donald, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Manners 21st Foot— Second Lieutenant Field Uppleby to be First Lieutenant, without purchase, vice Sandby, deceased. James Downing, Gent, to be Second Lieutenant, vice Uppleby. 25th Foot— Ensign Henry Stanford, of the East Devon Militia, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Panton, re- moved to the 59th foot. 26th Foot— Ensign Tho. Batt to be Lieutenant, without ; purchase, vice Jones, promoted in the independent compa- j nies. Hugh Maurice Scott, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Batt. 28th Foot— Hospital Mate Erskine Tennoch to be Sur- , geon, without purchase, vice Henderson, deceased. 29th Foot— Ensign Patrick Henderson, from the 59th foot, to be Ensign, vice Bertrand, promoted. 37th Foot— Volunteer Marks, from the 3d Foot Guards, to be Ensign, vice Wigley. 45th Foot— Barry Drew, Gent, to b Ensign, vice Bayly, promoted in the 78th foot. Rich. Connor, Gent, to be En- sign, without purchase, vice Lord Craven, promoted in the independent companies.. 5oth Foot— William Augustus Gordon, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Lewin, promoted, Tho. Snowe, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Haslewood, promoted. 53d Foot— Volunteer Reeves to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Elwin, promoted in the independent compa- nies. Volunteer Hobson to be Ensign, without pur- chase, vice Clifton, removed to the 1st foot guards. 54th Foot— Ensign Charles Bayntun to be Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Hall, who retires. Serjeant- Major Dennis Lahiff to be Adjutant, vice Hall, who resigns. 59th Foot— Captain Spencer Tho Vassall, from an inde- pendent company, to be Captain of a Company, vice Peacocke, who exchanges. John Alex. Jones, Gent, to be Ensign, with- out purchase, vice Henderson. removed to the 29th foot. 6oth Foot— Tho. Wright, Hospital Mate in Canada, to be Surgeon, vice J. Wright, appointed Apothecary to the forces under the command of Sir Charles Grey. 65th Foot— Murdoch Mackenzie, Gent, to be Ensign, with out purchase, vice Sparrow, promoted in independ. companies. 67th Foot— John Wall Downing, Gent, to be Ensign, with- out purchase, vice Dobbs, promoted. Will. Bennet Mountain, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Kitson, deceased. Sutherland Fencible Men — Ensign Will. Sutherland to be Lieutenant, vice Will. Mackay, who resigns. Adam Suther- land, Gent, to be Ensign, vice W. Sutherland. Will. Wemyss Fraser, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Mackay, who resigns. INDEPENDENT COMPANIES. I. ieut. the Hon. John Kennedy, from Captain Hunter's com- pany, to be Captain of a Company. Lieut. William Gammell, from Captain Nason's company, to be Captain of a Company. Ensign Francis Tod, from Captain Robinson's company, to be Lieutenant. Ensign the Hon. Augustus Barry, from Captain Colman's company, to be Lieutenant in Capt. Godley's company. Captain Marmaduke Warren Peacocke, from the 59th foot, to be Captain of a Company, vice Vassall, who exchanges. Captain Arthur Wolfe, of an independent company, to be Captain of a Company, vice Stuart, who exchanges. Captain John S. Stuart, of an indepedent company, to be Cap- tain of a Company of foot, vice Wolfe, who exchanges. Ensign Thomas Percy Lippyeatt, from the 1oth foot, to be Lieutenant in Captain Willock's company, vice Jones, who retires. Lieutenant Donald Cameron, from the half pay of the late 93th foot, to be Lieutenant in Captain Nason's company, vice Gammell, promoted. John Hall, Gent, to be Ensign in Captain Balders's company, vice Lord Cochrane, promoted in the 78th foot. D. Campbell, of the Argyllshire fencibles, to be Ensign in Captain Robert Hall's company, vice Peters, promoted in Captain' William J. Hall's company. Archibald Campbell, Gent, to be Ensign in Captain Pigot's company of foot, vice Munro, promoted in Capt. Groves's company. GARRISONS. Major- General Gerard Lake to be Lieutenant- Governor of of the town and garrison of Berwick, vice Hill, deceased. Colonel Ja. Hen. Craig, of 16th foot, to be Lieutenant- Go- vernor of the island of Guernsey, vice Dundas, who resigns. STAFF. Col. Ja. H. Craig to be Commandant of the forces in Guern- sey during the absence of the Governor of the said island. Major- General Alex. Earl of Balcarres to be Commandant of the forces in Jersey during the absence of the Governor of the said Island. MEDICAL STAFF. Surgeon John Gunning to be Surgeon- General of his Ma- jesty's forces, vice Hunter, deceased. Surgeon Thomas Keate to be Inspector of the Regimental Hospitals, vice Hunter, deceased. BREVET. Lieutenant Colonel Robert Douglas, of the 47th foot, to be Colonel in the Army in America only. BANKRUPTS. Margaret Hunter, Henry Hunter, and Robert Hunter, 0f Bristol, merchants. William Stevenson of Threadneedle- street, London, hatter. SALE OF LANDS IN ARGYLESHIRE. To be SOLD by public voluntary roup, within the Royal Exchange Coffeehoufe, Edinburgh, in the month of March next ( the. particular time to be aftewards mentioned), THE LANDS of AUCHRANISH & OTHERS lying in the parilh of Morven, and county of Argylet the property of CHARLES M'LEAN, Esq. of Kinlochaline. These lands are set to substantial tenants at 544I, 163. Stef. ling of yearly rent.— Upon the expiry of the present leases, there is every reason to believe that the farms will give a very considerable rise of rent, and most of these leases ex- pire in the course of three years The estate lies compactly on an arm of the sea, called Lochaline, in the Sound of Mull; it is about five computed miles in length by four in breadth.— There is appearance of lead mines the estate. Several valuable seams of coal have been discovered from which the common labourers of the country have wrought many tons; and there are inexhaustible quarries of lime, stone, as well as free- stone— all these are upon the shore ; and the harbour of Lochaline is not only one of the safest and most commodious upon the west coast of Scotland, but it is in the course of the voyage from the west of England, the wed of Scotland, and from Ireland to the Baltic', and within three hours sail of the Crinan Canal. There is also a valuable wood upon the estate ; it consists - principally of oak and ash, lying alongst the shores of Loch- aline, and the banks of the water of Ulladle. This wood has been lately inclosed ; no part of it is more than two miles from the sea, and there is a carriage road through it to he harbour. The thinnings of this wood will produce a consi- derable yearly profit. With these advantages, in point of situation, the produce of the estate may be disposed of with the greatest facility. There is every encouragement for the ereCtion of salt and of lime works; and the coal or mineral which the estate con- tains, may be exported at a trifling expence.— The leases contain reserved powers to the proprietor to carry on any o£ these works which he may think proper to set on foot. There is no part of the Highlands of Scotland that can boast of more picturesque beauties than those which are to be found in the scenes on the shore; of Lochaline. The country around affords game in great plenty ; and there i » very fine fishing both in the loch and in the river of Ulladie ; indeed, the fishing upon the coast might be made an objeCt of very great emolument. There is no' mansion- house upon the estate, but there are many fine situations for building. This estate will be disposed of altogether, or in lots, as purchasers shall incline. The public burdens do not exceed 15I. Sterling. The articles of roup and title- deeds will be communicated to any person applying to Robert Bell, or to John Campbell, clerks to the signet. SALE OF LANDS IN THE COUNTY OF DUMFRIES AND STEWARTRY OF KIRKCUDBRIGHT, AND HOUSES IN THE TOWN OF DUMFRIES. To be SOLD by public roup, within the King's Arms Inn, Dumfries, upon the 28th November 1793, between the hours of three and six afternoon, THE whole HERITABLE PROPERTY. which ' belonged to WILLIAM LAWSON, Merchant ' Ji Dum- fries ; to be exposed in the following lots, viz. LOT I. The LANDS of GATEsidE, with the houses and Pertinents, lying in the parish of Wamphray, and shire of Dumfries, at the upset- price of I.. 850 Sterling The lands consists cf 74 acres, all arable and meadow ground, and there is some thriving oak and ash wood thereon. The present rent is L. 30 Sterling, but the the tenant has no regular tack, only a missive letter for 15 years after whitsunday 1789, which, it is supposed, neither party can avail themselves of, and if the letter is set aside, a considerable rise of rent may be expected. 1 , II. The LANDS of GIRTHHEAD MAINS, with the Houses and Pertinents, lying in the said parish and county, . at I,. 3,550 Sterling. These lands consist of 240 acres, of which 75 are holm and meadow, and the rest arable— there is a good dwelling house two stories high, and a good set of office- houfes upon the premises, all covered with slate. As the tenant has irritated his lease, a procels of irritancy and removing has been raised against him, and it is very probable he will be obliged to remove at Whitsunday first. The lands have been valued by proper judges, and. the rent fixed upon them is L. 130 Sterling, exclusive of the value of the wood; A sum equal to answer an annuity of L. 80 Sterling per an- nam, will be allowed to remain in the purchaser's hands.— The lands have been lately inclosed, and the dykes and hedges are in good condition, and hedge rows of trees plant- ed around the whole inclosures. Both lots hold of the Earl of Hopetoun for payment of a small feu- duty, and the public burdens are very trifling. The proprietor has right to the tiends. The lands are pleasantly situated on the banks of the river Annan and the turnpike road leading to Carlisle runs through the same. They are centrical for market towns, being in tile near neighbourhood of Moffat, Lockerby, Ec- m clefechan, and Dumfries. There is an inexhaustible fund of marle belonging to the estate, and the soil of the lands is good, and they are capable of high improvement. There is a considerable deal of Valuable oak and ash wood, and a new garden and orchard were lately laid out, planted, and inclosed by the proprietor, at a considerable expence. There is a pi- geon- cot upon the lands, well stored with pigeons. III. The LANDS of CASTLEHILL, Houses and Perti- nents, lying in the parish of Troqueer, and Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, at the upset- price of L. 2,875 Sterling. These lands consist of 120 acres, are completely inclosed and subdi- 1 vided with stone dykes, and there is a large quantity of marle upon the lands, which is easily come at. A part of the lands is in lease, current for 9 years after Whitsunday 1788, at the rent of L. 78 Sterling, exclusive of public burdens, and an inclosure at L. 7 Sterling. The Mansion- house, which is commodious and well fitted up, and the garden and orchard and parks lying contiguous thereto, are liferented by Mrs Lawson, sen. and the lands will be sold with the burden of her life rent. The lands hold of a subject superior; the pu- blic burdens are very trifling ; the tiends are valued very low; and the proprietor has a lease thereof, current for 19 years after Whitsunday 1789. There is a complete onstead of houses Upon the west side of the farm, fit for a tenant, all covered with flate, and a good deal of beautiful thriving young planting on the premises, which are pleasantly situated within three miles of the town of Dumfries, and command a most extensive view of the vale of Nith and the Solway Frith. There is a pigeon- cot upon the lands, well stored wjth pigeons. IV. The New- arched CELLAR, the STORY above ir, the SHADE, with the WAREHOUSE and COURT before at the end of the Warehouse, lying in the town of DUMFRIES, lately occupied by Mr Lawson, at the upset- price of L. 450 Sterling. These subjects are commodiously Situated, and well fitted up for carrying on any sort of mer- cantile business, and particularly the wine and iron trade. That large DWELLING- HOUSE in DUMFRIES, Possessed by Mr Lawson, consisting of three stories and com- pete Cellars warehouse, laundry above it, and large cellar below the warehouse, at the upset- price of L. 800 Sterling, The house was lately built, and is conveniently planned for the accommodation of a large family, VI. The New DWELLING- HOUSE at the Head of the Dock of DUMFRIES, nearly finished, and the ground be- hind the same to the Barnraws, to run on the south- east side, by a straight line from the stone wall through to the Barn- raws, at the upset- price of L. 300 Sterling. And VII. The remaining PART of the foresaid SUBJECTS, being that piece of ground with the old houses thereon, ly- ing upon the fouth- east side of the last lot, at I.. 140 Sterling, For further particulars application may be made to Mr by John Lawson of Whitstonhill, at Dumfries, trustee upon the said William Lawson's sequestrated estate ; and the title- deeds, plans and measurements of the estates, and articles of sale may be seen in the hands of Thomas Williamson and Wil- liam Laidlaw, writers in Dumfries. The TRUSTEE, in obedience to the appointment of last General Meeting, requests a General Meeting of the Creditors of the said William Lawson, in the said King's as as Arms Inn, Dumfries, on the said 28th November next, at 4 o'clock afternoon, to give instructions respecting the further ' management of the bankrupt's affairs.
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