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The Sun
Date of Article: 23/10/1793
Printer / Publisher: B. Millan
Address: Sold at No 112, in the Strand, opposite Exeter Change, London
Volume Number: Issue Number: 333
No Pages: 4
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/ - Ctr < > I / c? M m m * v x NUMBER n o 1 000 ] W E D N E S D A Y , O C T O B E R 23, 1793. [ P R I C E FOUR- PENCE. S A N S S O U C 1. M T . D I B D I N ' S S I X T H N I G H T. BY TH E AUTHORITY OF THE RIGHT HON. THE LORD C H A M B E R L A I N, TO- MORROW EVENING, THURSDAY, October 24, r- 93, and on every T U E S D A Y , THURSD A Y , and S A T U RWDILAL YB, E PRESENTED, A T SANS SOUCI. IN'THE STRAND, An entirely new EntertainmfMit, called CASTLES IN THE AIR. Tl. e extcr. t and variety of this Subject preclude all possibility of particularly enumerating thuCe ObjeCts which it
embraces. Among an incredible number of others, Patriotism, Faction, Envy, Candour, Reasonable Pieasurp, Philanthropy, Fame, Matrimony, Constancy, Glory, I'tiffing, Credulity, Singularity, Music, Hunting, OEciousness, Simplicity, Truth, Frugality, Popularity, and Loyalty, will be occasionally touched upon. The SONGS will come in the following succession : Part I, Castles in the Air, Nappy, The Tear of Sensibility, No Good without an Exception, Taffy and tbe Birds, Tack and Half Tack, andThe Village Wedding. . Part II. The Token, The Soldier's Funeral, The Whistling Ploughman, The Merry Archers, T om Tackle, Tbe Jolly
Ringers, and The Power of Mifsic. Parr III. Jack's Fide ity, Tbe Watchman, The Hare Hunt, 751 her and Mother and Stlke, The Auctioneer, and The Finale. The whole is wrirfen and composed, and will be spoken, sung and accompanied by MR. DIBDIN, Tender whose diteClions several striking and novel efTeCls are introducjiJ into his celebrated Instrument, made by Mr. HANCOCK. / Colonade agd Bowers, js. Area, 3s. Gallery, 2s. The Doors ro be opened at Seven o'Cloek, and the Performance to begin prcciscly at Eight. places to be taken at Mr. Dm DIN'S Warehouse, No. 411, Strand, Where may be had all his Works,
particdlaily the Seoon, I Edition o f ' T H E Y O U N G E R BROTHER, a Novel, in 3 Vols, dedicated to the Most Noble the Marquis of S A L I S B CRY. SANS Souc^ Jaas undergone many alterations, both as to bsauty and accommodation. An Awning will be placed over tbe Passage, and every other attention paid to the convenience of the Public. HOTEL, BIRMINGHAM. This Elegant, well- known, Large and Commodious I* N N and T A V E R N j is immediately to be L E T T . The Building has not been ereClcd' ® ore than T' r c i i r y Years ; the Rooms are lofty and spacious, the House is resorted to by the first Families in the
Country, and Sr. ast always command a very considerable portion of the Pajting Business. For Particulars, apply to William Dickenson, Esq. Banker, Birmingham. . , W A N T E D TO HIRE, i n ike Ncighbdcrirood- of any Town within a few Miles of London, SMALL HOUSE; if Furnished, the more ___ agreeable.' For Particulars, apply at the Bar of " the Spring Gardens* Coffee- House. A This Dav was published, price 7s. boun< J, ' THE UNIVERSAL GAZETTEER; or, MODERN G E O G R A P H I C A L INDEX: Containing a concise Description. of the Empires, Kingdoms, Cities, Towns, Seas-, Rivers; &' c. & c. in the known
World; the Government, Manners,, and Religion, of the Inhabitants; with the ExteYit," Boundaries, Produce, Re- • venue, Trade, Manafia& ut'es, & c> of- the different Count rfes : including a full Account of the Counties, Cities, Towns, Villages, & c. of England and Scotland: Illustrated with wis elegant Maps. Bv JOHN W A T S O N , A . M. Printed, for C. and G. Kearsley, No. 46, fleet- street. I he Editor of this Gazetteer has corre. Aed. many Errors in former Works of a similar Nature, arid materially enlarged, the more important Articles,, by sedulously consulting the various Books of Voyages and Travels that have . W a lately
published. FREAKE's T I N C T U R E OF BARK. •^ TPHIS Preparation, which is similar to the J L EXTRACT of P E R U V I A N B A R K w i t h the R E S I N , p r e - scribed by the Royal College of Physicians, in their new jDispensa. torv, has- been k » ng acknowledged to be one- of the most powerful ati< fefficacious ' Preparations of that valuable Drug, ft is prepared with the utmost carc,. from the finest picked Bark; and . as it contains all its. adlivc properties, it ViJI produce the best cfteils, in half the qnantity usually prescribed of Dr. Hoxham's or other Tindlures; and it has repeatedly succceded when the Bark in all other
forms has . Jailed. Prepared foy A. Freake, Apothecary, and. $ f » ld by him at 3, Tottenham- court- road, and by F. ^ ewberv, at tiie * nly Warehouse for Dr. JAMES'S POWDER, NO. 45, " St. Raid's Cfrilrch- yard, London, in Bottles, price 3s. 6d. carh, or Six for i8s. Where also may be had, prepared b y A . Freak'c, with equal attention to the Process) and to the- Choice of the Materials, in # ottks, prices*, each, or Six for 10s. 6d. I> r. HUXHAM's T I N C T U R E of B A R K . Fc A SUBSCRIPTION OR the RELIEF of the WIVES and CHILDREN of the NON- COMMISSIONED OFFICERS and SOLDIERS embarked on the E X P E
D I T I O N under Sir C H A R L E S G R E Y and Sir JOHN JERVIS. Subscriptions will be received at the Banking- House of Messrs. Griffiths, Chaldecott, and Co. Portsmouth ; Messrs. Drummonds, —• Messrs. Hoares, Messrs Boldero, Adey, Lushington, and Co, SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED. Sir John Jervis - - Lieutenant- General West Hyde Lieutenant- Colonel Don Captain Charles Thompson, Ro al Navy • London. £ 5 0 0 20 o 2 2 • 2 2 This Day v. as published, price is. 6d. / OBJECTIONS to the WAR EXAMINED and REFUTED. By a F R I E N D to PEACE. Printed for J. Debrett, Piccadilly; and T. W . Longman, No. 39,
Pater- noster- Row. r - p j BENZOINE FLUID. THE Perfeftion to which the Science of Chemistry has been recently brooght, has - been productive of many very useful discoveries ; and, perhaps, ame* ng these, there is noone of more immediate and essential importance to Society, than the one now offered to the Public, under the title of - - THE BENZOfNE FLUID. Tbe Preparer of this Fluid has spent some years on tbe Continent, where he has been assisted bv tbe most eminent Chymists, in analyzing the various Cosmetics, Wasbts, and Bcautifiers in use. Tt is therefore, with a confidence founded on an ascertained conviction
of its utility, as Well. as on a practical experience, established by many trials to which he h « s subjected it, that he offers to the Public" the fruit of his researches, namely, a COSMETIC WASH, which possesses every beneficial quality that can he looked for, without being liable to any one objection. THE BENZOINE FLUID Frees tbe skip of every impurity, without checking the . passage of the perspirable matter;' on the other band, it assists the flow of this evacuation, so essential to health, as well as to beauty, and in this way not only removes freckles, sallowijess of the skin, scurfiness from scorbutic and other causes, as well
as the many other effects of gross, impure, and obstructed humours, but also prevents them, by an occasional use, from recurring in future.. It giv « s to the skin a beauti ful smoothness which it long preserves; ( presents it from chapping in winter, and preserves ft from being tanned when exposed in Summer to a . sultry heat r keeps off those early an d premature * rinklcs to which a thin and dePcate skin is particularly liable.; and effectually answers the purpose of a veil, by defending- it from the attacks of the Sun, and piercing winds. Sold by appointment of ihe Inventor an! Proprietor, in bottles at 10s. 6d. each, by Mr.
Swinney, No. 20, Hall- Mall. * * * Any ; reparation vended elsewhcfc under this title, is spurious and oouaterfciC This Day was published, Price T w o Shillings and Sixpence, bound, A New Edition, corrected, being the Fourth, Of AKEY to the NEW TESTAMENT; giving an Account of the several Books, their Contents, their Authors, and the times, places, and occasions, on which tlicy wcre respectively written. Printed for?, and C. Rivington, No. C2, St. Paul's Churchyard; and W. Richardson, under the Royal Exchange: Of whom may be bad, The Scripture Lexicon ; or, a Dictionary of above Four Thousand proper Names of
Persons and Places mentio - ed in the Bible; divided into Syllables with their proper Accents, with the Description of the greatest part of them. Also, the Explanation of manv Word's and Things in the Bible, which arc not- generrdly u ' derstood By 1' etei Oliver, L. L . D . late His Majesty's Chief Justice of Massachusetts Bay, New England. The Third Edition with Additions. Price, in Boards, js. MONMOUTH, DURHAM, and SUFFOLK. T O BE S O L D B Y A U C T I O N, By Mr. CHRISTIE, At his Great Room in Pail- Mall, Some time in NOVEMBER next, By Order of the ASSIGNEES, HE following C A P I T A L and VALUABLE
FREEHOLD and I M P R O V A B L E E S T A T E of Messrs. GEORGE SMITH and | OHN CURE, Of Chepstow, in the County of Monmouth, B A N K R U P T S , situated in the COUNTIES of MONMOUTH, DURHAM, and S U F F O L K ; consisting of that Universally admired E S T A T E called PIERCEFIELD, Comprising the C A P I T A L MANSION ( lately creeled, but not quite finished), suitable OFFICES, excellent G A R - DENS, with extensive W A L K S , romantic WOODS, PLEASURE- GROUND, & c. seated on an EMINENCE in a B E A U T I F U L PARK,/ embellished bv the RIVER WYE, with full command of M A G
N I F I C E N T VIEWS over the R I V E R SEVERN, & c. together with about T WO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED ACRES of RICH AND, immediately encircling the same, and lying in the veral Parishes of ST. A l l V A N S , CHEPSTOW, NEW C H U R C H , a n d P E N T E R R Y , in the C O U N T Y of MONMOUTH, producing the Annnal Rent of T W O T H O U S A N D POUNDS. Also, the LIFE INTEREST of the said CEORGF. SMITH, Esq. in and to a V A L U A B L E E S T A T E called R U R N H A L L , consisting of a C A P I T A L MANSIONHOUSE called B U R N H A L l . - H O U S E , now in the occupation of
UTRICK REAY, Esquire, with suitable OFFICES, PLEASURE- GROUND, & c. together with SUNDRY FARMS, ?,- r. known by the the Names of HADHGUSE, F A R E W E L L - H A L L , and MOORHOUSE, situated in the Parish of ST. OSWALD' S DURHAM, in the County of D U R H A M , in the several occupations of Josi PH RICHMOND, JOHN HORNSBY, W I L L I A M LISLE, and EDWARD GASCOIQNF, at several yearly Rents, amounting to FOUR HUNDRED AND TWENTY POUNDS PER ANNUM, A N D UPWARDS. Also, the several ESTATES called N E W T O N HANDS A R D and P O P L E R R O W , consisting
of THREE MESSUAGES, FARMS, LANDS, & c. situated in the Parish of EL- WICK, in the, COUNTY of DURHAM, now lett t o W I L L I A M B R A D L E Y , A N T H O N Y DOBSON, and THOMAS NEWTON, at several yearly Rents, . amounting in the whole to THREE HUNDRED AND * i R T Y POUNDS, AND UPWARDS, PER ANNUM. Also, the L I F E INTEREST of GEORGE SMITH, Esq. in und to all those MESSUAGES, FARMS, WINDM I L L S , L A N D S , and the M O I E T Y of sundry FARMS, situated at SWESI. ING, in ihe C O U N T Y of SUFFOLK, in the o c c u p a t i o n of JAMES G R O U T , JOSEPH COOK,
JOHN CAPON, J O N A T H A N SEAMAN, and THOMAS N E W B Y , at several yearly Rents, amounting in the whole to FOUR HUNDRED A N D T E N POUNDS PER A N N U M , A N D UPWARDS. Printed Particulars will be forthwith ready, and may be shortly had of Messrs. Jenkins, James and Abbott, New Inn, London ; of Mr. Williams, Attorney at Law, Chipstow ; Mr. R. Kirton, Attorney at Law, at his Olfiee, Exchequer, Durham ; and the Piercefield, Burnhnl], and Newton. Handsard Estates. May be viewed by applying to the Stewards, Mr, Rice, of faint Aryans, near Pierccficld ; Mr. Wbifc, of Durham; or Mr. Snowden, o f
Quarrington, Durham. A THE LONDON GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. . W H I T E H A L L , OCT. 2 3 . THE Dispatches, of which the following are Estra& and Copies, were received, on Sundaylast, at the Office of- the Right Hon. Henry Dumlas, His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department. Toulon, Sept. 26, 1793. On the morning of the 18th of this month the Enemy opened two inasqned Batteries, one of three, the cither of tw> o guns, at the head Harbour, at la Petite Garenne fire was kept up during the day between the Batteries of'the Gun- boat and French ' Frigate of the Inner An incessant whole the
Enemy tejp a T O BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. BOND, At the Three Cups Inn, in Lyme Regis, On the 15th Day of October, 1793, precisely at Four o'clock in the Afternoon, in One L it, VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate at U P L Y ME, in the County of D E V O N , and - within Haifa Mile of Lyme Regis aforesaid : comprising W A R E F A R M ; a commodious Stone- built Dwelling House, • with all suitable Offices, Granary, and Ouc- bliildings; and LOWER WARF. C O T T A G E ; containing 26; Acres and # Poles,-( more or less) of exceeding g ioj Meadow, Pasture, and Arable Land, lying compnCt anJ well fenced,
together with an unlimited Right of Co union for Pasturageann Turbary upon U. plyme Mills and Ware Cliff. The whole ( except the Cottage, an! about 65 of Meadow Grou id) lett at Lease to an unexceptionable Tenant for an unexpired Term of Eleven Years from Lady- Day next, at near 200I per Annum, but capable of considerable Improvement. The Cottage is truly ' picturesque, commanding the most beautiful Land and Sea ProspeCts from the Bay of Charmouth to the Island of Portland, and contains Two excellent- Parlours, one 20 feet by iS ( exclusive or a commodious Recess.) aad 11 feet high -. the other Parlour 16 feet
bv 15 ; Six RHRooms, China Closet, Kitchsn, Back Kitchen, Pantry, Coalhouse, a Thrcc- staU- id Stable, a Shed easily made capable of holding Two or Thiec Carriages, Kitchen- Garden. Walk, and Shrubbery, and about Six Acres of Meadcsw Ground1, as above mentioned. Printed pa- ticulars will be forthwith rcadv, and may be had- on application to M.- ssrs Blake and Norris, Solicitors, Essex- street, Stran London ; to Mr Palmer, Attornec, Lyme Regis, who has a Map of the Premises ; or to Mr. Bond, Lau J and Timber Surveyor, Axmintter. manned by English Seamen, which had been placed near the Potidriere for the
defence of the Head of the Harbour, and to cover the Fort of Malbonsquet towards the water; that Fort fired occasionally at the Enemy's Batteries with some effeft, although they were covered on that side by a grove of pine trees. On the 19th the Enemy opened a fresh Battery, to the left of the others, at Les Gaux, and His Majesty's Ship St. George, with a second Gun- Boat being brought into the Petite Rade, a cannonade continued during the whole day, and towards evening the Batteries of the Enemy were silenced ; but one of the Gun- Boats . had suffered so much that, she was towed off, and she sunk the next morning, the
Officers and men having been taken out of her. It became necessary tocolleft a Force to occupy La Grasse ; I took, therefore, fifty men from Fort Dela Malgue, the strongest and least exposed of our Post?, and, by leaving but one relief for the duties of Toulon, we were enabled to colled 350 Spaniards and 150 British, exclusive of Officers and Non- commissioned Officers, the Spanish under the Command of Colonel Don Rafael Echavtmi, and the British Troops under the command of Captain Brereton of the 30th Regiment. The Detachment embarked from Toulon on the 20th, at twelve o'clock at night, Admiral Grav. ina and
myself, with all tlie Spanish Colonels of the garrison, and some French Engineers, attending, to place theTroops. ia the post they were to occupy. We proceeded acr. oss the Harbour, and landed, at about two o'clock in the morning of the 21st, at Fort Balaguier, and marched immediately forward to reconnoitre the Fleights De La Grasse, which consist of a ridge, divided at the top by three distinft knolls, covered with wood, with small dips or vallies betn- een each, the whole rising very considerably inland, the ridge terminating with a rapid descent at the Western Extremity, which commands a complete view of the whole extent of
the Enemy's position to the Westward of Toulon. It was determined to take post on the lowest and Easternmost Knoll, which is about five hundred yards from the landing- place. Having distributed theTroops into the best position the post would adnHt of, Admiral Gravina returned with me before noon to Toulon, to order the necessary siippli'.- i for the Troops, and some guns for the defence of the Post. Col. Don Rafael Chavuru remaining with the Command of the Post, and Capt. Brereton with the Command of the British Troops under him. At about five o'clock in the afternoon the Enemy advanced along the Upper Knolls of the
Hauteur de Grasse, to the number, as we have since learnt, of about seven hundred men ; and, having driven in the Piquets, began an Attack under cover of the Woods, forming themselves upon a steep ascent, in front of the Post, in three lines, so as to have the advantage of a triple fire; from which our Troops were, in some degree, proiefled by. trunks of trees, which had been felled, and placed to serve as a Breast- work. The- firing continued for an hour, when theEnemv were repulsed, with the loss, on the part of the British, of one rank and fits killed, one Captain and three rank and file wounded, ( lam happy to . say none of
them dangerously) and of the Spaniards one rank and file killed, and seven wour. dsd. The Enemy, by accounts we have'srnce received frorri Deserters, lost twelve kifled, and one Colonel and twfenty- three wounded. This attempt of the Enemyserved to convince theSpanish and French Officers of the necessity of occupying the Advanced Position at the western extremity of La Hauteur de Grassa ; a Spanish Colohel'was sent i t day- break to take possession of it. r . vetVt with Lord Hood and Admiral Gravina to trace out the Line of Entrenchments, and to place a Battery of three twenty- four pounders 011 a spot which
commands every • point- within their range. This Post coinpleatly covers the ontward Roadsted ; the two Kii > ils in the rear of it being occupied by small Detachments, to communicate with the landing- place at Fort Balaguier. A reinforcement of one hundred Spaniards from the ships, and of eighty/ British Marines, ( who had been posted ;, t s Sablettes to cover the Naval Hospital, wh'tctf" is protefh- d now by the occupation of th£ Hauteur de Grasse) reiukrthat post sufficiently strong to resist any future attempts the Enemy can make on that side. It is" owing to the aftive zeal and' great exertions of Cr. pt. Tyler and Lieutenants
Serecold and Brisba'ne, of the Navy, with the Seamen under their command, that heavy cannon have been dragged, with infinite labour and extraordinary expedition, up a very steep ascent; and that this most important post has been pur, in a short time, into a state of defence. For the more regular and convenient conduft of the service, I found it necessary to divide the small Detachments of different British Corps under my command into two Battalions. I have put the first Battalion under the orders of Captain Moncrief, of the n t h Regiment, the second under Captain Brereton, of the 30th Regiment, the two eldest Captains on
this service; I cannot do sufficient justice to the zeal, intelligence, and n& ivity of those Officers, from whose exertions I have found thj greatest assistance, in the constant attention which I am obliged to give to Posts, occupkd by very inadequate numbers, and at distances which render my daily attendance at each of them utterly impossible. Any mark of Kis Majesty's favour shewn to tho- etwo old and deserving Officers, I can venture to assure you, will not be bestowed en persons deficient either in zeal or ability : Indeed I shoti'd not render the justice which I owe to the small body of British Troops under my command, if I did not
represent the chearfnlness'and alacrity with which they suffer incesgant fatigue in Posts in which they must be considered as being constantly on duty,. and every hour liiible to attack; lean, however, venture to repeat my former assurance, that ( unless sickness should be the consequence of this fatigue} our present state of defence is such as may. give reasonable grounds to be confident of the security of the place. The constant fire kept up by the Enemy for the'last four days, has wounded one Lieutenant of the Navy, one Seaman, and four rank., and file. I have to regret that Lieutenant Newnham, of the Navy, who
commanded'iu Fort Pomet, and wltose vigilance, aflivity, and resources, supplied almost every local deleft of his Posts, is necessarily removed for a time from the command, on account of the wound which he yesterday received in the thigh. Lieut. Tupper of His Majesty's Ship Windsor Castle, is sent to take the Command. Return'if British Killed and IV'Mnded on Sept. 21, 1793. 30th Regiment— X Rank. and File killed; 1 Rank. and File wounded. 25th Regiment— 1 Captain wounded. 65th Regiment— 2 Rank and File wounded. I N F0E. T POMET. Royal Navy— 1 Lieutenant, 1 Seaman, wounded. 6.9th Regiment— 2 Rapk anu
FUc wounded. Marines— 2 Rank and File wounded. Total— r Rank and File killed ; 2 Officers, 1 feamali, ? Rank ana File, woli'nded. Captain Smith of the 25th Regiment, and Lieutenant Newnham of the Royal Navy, wo'unded. M U L G R A V E , ACliiig' Brigadier- General. v Y - is - ( V \ \ << \ X > < . r V V t II Toulon, Sept. 27, 1793. S I R , Since I closed mv dispa" c'n to you this day, the first Division of the Neapolitan - Troops- cam* SKK? V . VV/ V G'J?.'' y
the Harbour, consisting of aoea men, all in perteCt health, convoyed by two Ships of .74 g u t s each, two Frigates and two Sloops: they have been itven days on their passage : 3000 nio;' e Troops we, r, e to sail in three days after that of their departure, and a third Division a^ so of j- obo men were , to sail in twenty days from the day on whicli the firft Division sailed. After the *£> nfideiit maitner in which I have ventured to assure you that on impression was Likely to be made on our Posts, inadequately garrisoned as they wc; e by o, ur original small body, I need hardly express the comfortable c& c. v. i ity I feel . with our last
reinforcements. I have the honour to be, With great res p e f t , SIR, ' Your most pbedieBt, And most ijumble$ er. vant, r. lULGR AVE. Toulon, September 30, 17,9 J. T H E Squadron UTWFER Admiral Gell paving been delayed by contrary winds, J. have the opportunity of informing you, in addkjan t* my last Dispatches, that on the 28th instant, the l it Division of the Neapolitan Troops disembarked under the command of Brtgadipr- Gene. raji telli. The Troops are in perfcCI health, and are a very fine body of men, and weJJ appoint 4; The Detachment of . the King pf Sardinia's • Troops, consists entirely of Grenadiers and Ch » - ^
eurs, and are of th^ best of His . Sardinian Ma,- jesty's Troops. X have great confidence in the zeal and willingness expressed, both by the p f - ficers and Soldiers of this Corps. It is with extreme concern that I have to inform you of the loss which the service has sustained, by the death of Lieutenant Newnham of the Navy ; to whose private and professional merits the sincere and marked regret of the Spanish as'well as English Officers, who were witn e s s e s of his able and aftivc conduit, bears the most honourable testimony. His wound, wliicil was not at first judged to be dangerous, took an unfavourable turn, which proved
fatal in a very short period. I have the honour to be, with great respeCI, . « ' . SIR, Your most obedient. - - - • , , ' and most humble Servant, ' • MULGRAVE: • - A ' i t i n g Brijjgdier- General The Army lias been fourteen hours under arms, almost continually engaged in a very aftive pursuit, and ofteil exposed to a- most tremendous fire. We have as yet no c. Tstinft Account of the Operations of the Duke of- Brunswick's Army esterday in the Mountain, but a very great cannonade was heard on that side during- the whole day. Right Hon. Lord Grtirville. Whitehall, Op? J> er 13. Last night the Right Honourable Lord George Conway
arrived at the Office of the Right, Hojjourabie Lewd Gr. etjvijle, His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, with a Dispatch from the £ arl of Yarmouth, of which the following is an Ejctraft. IVtiiscmhuig, OSifar 14,1793 Austrian Head Quarters. Yesterday pnorning, at three o'clock, General Wurniser made his pjoje& ed attack upon fhe Lines of the Lautj- e, on various points at the same time. I have the satisfaction to say that he is in possession of every part of them, Lauterbourg surreniered, without any conditions, between three and four in the evening, after being evacuated ' by the Enemy, who, from the
prodigious uutribe, r of Redoubts of which they were In possession,' and the natural strength of the position, might havp held out a Siege of several < 3ays. 1 This Town resisted spme t i m ? longer. It is surrounded by a large ditch, and was defended by Redoubts, from which the French cannonaded the Austrians forsevera^ hours. It is also connected with the Geilsberg, a Mountain which so entirely commands the place, that if the French had determined on derivlngevej- y advantage from their situation, the Austrians cOuld not have entered into possession o f it, without further successes in Jhe Mountains. Apart of the Town
was burnt In the course of the struggle; and the French, before they retreated, set fire to their magazines, both here and at Alstadt. In other parts of this Very complicated operation, in which six different CCIUJJWW had distinct Plans to execute, great sue « ess attended the Austrians. They successively carried by Assault all the different redoubts which ' had been constructed in thp front of the French Campr, of which the principalone fell ing) their hands, with all their tents standing, several CMSsons, nine standards, and twenty- six cannons of very great calibre. As these different Aftions ire'' b-. it just over, and the Austriaji
Cprp* are very remote from each other, it is impassible for ^ - t I. !', ' ' i !'• ' :!. r. I , , a • ' ' ' T ' • • V yae to transmit to your Lordship any account cf iWt killed, Wou'iided, or taken on cither side theatrical register. COVENT- GARDEN. This Evening—{ By Royal Command)— LOVERS' - QUARRELS; with HART# ORD- BRIDGE ; am) HARLEQUIN'S - CHARLET. . HAY- MARKET. This Evening— THE MOUNTAINEERS; v. ith THE 6 H I L - DREN I » T THE WOOD, Whitehall, Oflobtr a*. A Letter from Sir James Murray, Adjutant General to the Forces under the Command of His Royal Highness the Duke of York, was received this
evening by the Right Honourable Henry Dundas, His Majesty's I'rincipalSecretary of State for the Home Department, of which jthe following is a copy. Engtl Fontaine, Odclnit, 1793 I had the honour of informing yofl, in- oiy last Dispatch, that His Royal Highnesss, at the earnest request of the Prince of Cobourg, had marched, with j part of the Troops under his command, for this place. They arrived here upon the j6th. The Prince, being acquainted with Royal Highneps's Intention, had been enabled to draw from thence four Battalions, to l e n g t h en his other Posts ; a fifth Battalion followed those upon His Royal Highnes?' s
arrival. The Enemy, having collefted in extraordinary numbers, attacked theCorps underthe Command of General Clairfatt, which was posted with its right near Birlemont, and its left near the Village of Wattigwies, upon the t j t h a n d 16th. Upon the former day the left wing of the Enemy was entirely defeated: Having advanced into the Plain which lay upon that side between the tyvo Armies, they were charged by the Imperial. Cavalry, and driven back, with great slaughter, and the loss of twelve pieces of Cannon. The Attack which- they made upon the left of* the Austrians, wasmore obstinately supported ; they were, however,
finally repulsed. Upon the » 6th, the Enemy having drawn the greatest part of their force to the right, again attacked the left of General ClairfaiiVCorps, and the Village of Wattigwies. 4 ' They could upon this side- approach within cannon shot pf the Austrians, under cover of an immense wood called tlie Hctye d'jfaesnes; which when they were repulsed, secured their retreat. The. y brought - a great quantity of heavy Artillery to the edge of this wood, under the protection of. which th^ y attacked the village. The utmost firmness and bravery, were displayed, by the Austrian Troops upon this Occasion. The Etfeniv were several times
repulsed with great toss; they were repeatedly driven from the village after they hail carried i t ; but being enabled, by great superiority of numbers, to bring continually fresh Troops to the point of attack, they at last succeeded in maintaining the possession of that Post. The communication between General Clairfait's corps and that of General LaTotir, which observed the intrenched Camp near Maubeuge, bei^ g by tjiis means " j u t off, it was judged necessary by the Prince of Cobourg, to abandon the position which had been taken for the purpose of investing Maubeuge; the Army repassed the Sambre in the night without the
smallest loss. Lieut. G « n. Benzowsky, who commanded a detached Corps upon the left of the Army, defeated a Corps which was opposed to him, killed a great number of the Enemy, took four hundred prisoners and eleven pieces o f cannon. Count Haddick, who was detached by General Latour, likewise gained a considerable advantagy penetrated to Sorbc Chateau, and took three pieces of cannon. In the two engagements, the Austrians took twenty- four pieces of cannon and two howitzers, without the loss of one upon their part. They have had about two thousand men killed and wounded. There can be no doubt that the
loss o f t h e enemy has been much more considerable The Austrians now occupy the left Bank of the Sambre. No certain accounts have been yet received of the further motions of the Enemy, I am, & c. ( Signed) JAMES MURRAY. *** In our Paper of la- morrow ive shall give A PLAN Of the LINES of WE1SSEM80URG. T H E S U N. SOLEM < Y)! S C I C E R E E A L 6 V M A U D E A T? l'KICE OF STOCK'S. VF. S VERTLA Y. Bank Stock 170^ 171 India Stock 3 per Cent, rid. shut - f ,$ $ 5 3 j* i Cc. t. i>. i: .-. i. 71$ V j } 3 j> er Cent. 1726 4 JICT Cent. / Urn. 9pJ J $ . • , 5 per Cent. S i t t o ! D6i i Soitih Sea Stock Cid A n t e ...
New ditto ^ pcr Ccof. I75J LONDON,, OCTOBER aj, 1793. 1 — —.. ', -•>.— L A S T night Three Messengers arrived at Whitehall, with Dispatches from the Continent, viz. Mr. BV. OOKS, from Vienna J and Messrs. D ' I T R Y and D E L F , from the Army of His Royal Highness the D U K E of YORK. It is with sincere satisfaction we have to announce, that the account in circulation for these two days, respecting the operations in the neighbourhood of MavhiUge, is only in part confirmed. It is so far true, that the Siege of Maubeuge is raispd. The French under JOURDA. V had taken por, session of the neighbouring Woodsy from
which they considerably harrassed the Allied Army ; and as these Woods are eighteen leagues in extent, it was found impossible to dislodge them. T H E P R I N C U of SAXS- COBOURG, desirous to. bring the Main Army of the French to a general and decisive ACtiort, made a feint of raising the Siege of Maubeuge, and directed General CLAIRFAIT to repass the. Sombre. For three dav contiriual Engagements had taken place bctweer the Advanced Corps ofthe Austrians and French, in which the litter had several Hundred Men killed arid taken prisoners, and lost T H I R T Y . F I VE PIECES o f C ^ N S O N , j-' r , J . • . V <
On Friday morning, when the Messenger left the Army, His Royal Highness the D U K S of YORK had formed 3- junction wit. h the PRINCE of SASE- CoBotJRG, an'd a general Aftion was quickly expected- to take place. The E/ UTISH had not been at all e^ jage4 when the Messenger left the Camp, J i I U R D U R O* " ( T H E Q l f E E N O F F R A N C E , YESTERDAY we stated in our Letter from Dover, that infornflhtlon hacf^-* been received" there from a. Freuch Gentleman who had made his escape from Havre- d:- Grace in a Hamburgh Vessel, of the melancholy event of t h e EXECUTION o f t h e Q U E E N o f
FRANCS. By subsequent and well- authenticated accounts, this afSi& ing intelligence is too certainly confirmed. Our advices do not enter into a particular detail; but they contain enough to freeze every heart with horror that is not become callous to all emotions of humanity. On the morning of the 15th, this ili- fatei Q H E E N was put upon her Trial before the Revolutionary Tribunal. The charges made against her are alike an outrage to decency and common sense. Without a shadow of proof, she was condemned, and Sentence of Death was pronounced against her, Whe « the Sentence of the. National Convention was read to
the Widow of C A F E T , she cast down her eyes, and did not again lift them up. " Have ^ ou nothing to reply upon the determination of the Law ?" said the President to her. " Nothing," she replied, " And you, . officious defenders ?" " Our mission is fulfilled with respeCt to the Widow C A P E T , ' ' said they. At eleven o'clock In the forenoon of Wedncsnesday she was brought out from. the Copciergerb to the Place 4e la Revolution, with her hands tied ' behind her back ; and at twenty minutes after, the fatal axe of the guillotine severed her head from her body. - , We consider ourselves fortunate in being able to lay before the
Public a part of the Interroga. • tory of the unfortunate Q U E E N . Shocked as her soul must have been at some of the Articles of her Accusation, yet she will be found to hayp' preserved an unshaken fortitude of mkid, and a dignity and composure, becoming at once her elevated Birth, aijd her c. onscioustwss of InaqT; cence. Ditto Ann. jy. tto. Bonds' 18s. 17s.. pr. K i v y & V i a Bills;% 1 dis. Bafife I. ong Ann. 2: 3- 16 ^ Ditto Short 0 9- i6i \ ILxchctftier Bills - Scrip L o t t . T i c k . 14) ics 9? < d Irish D ^ to O N Monday morning ttts MAJESTY, uccompanied by PRINCE ADOLPIIUS, with their usual Attendance, went- to
Maidenhead Thicket,- where they hunted . with the '- Harriers.— lo the evening FIER MAJESTY had a Concert and Card- party. * Yesterday moyning Hts MAJESTY and PRINCESS AUGUSI- A, attended liy Lady MARY HOWE, Colonels GOI. USWOR. TUY and G R E V U X E , and Major PRICE, went to Prayers in & t. George's Chapel, Windsor. At ten o'clock His MAJESTY and PRINCE A D O L - PHUS, attended by Lords WALSINCHAM and C A I H - CART, the above Colonels, and Count MUNSTER, rode to the New Lodge, where a Stag was turned out, which, after a hard run of near twtfhours, was taken at Binfield. ' .. . H
E R MAJESTY and the PRINCESSES took an airing to Frogmore. The ROYAL FAMILY this flay came' to Town from Windsor. At noon His MAJESTY held a Levee at St. Jamev ' i ; and in the evening THEIR MAJESTIES, with PRINCES AUGUSTUS- a nd ADOLPHUS-, and ttie PRINCESSES, will honour Covent- Garden Theatre with their presence. General RAJNSFORD, Lieutenant Governor of Gibraltar, takes his departure from Portsmouth in the Inconstant frigate, Captain MONTGOMERY. The 65th regiment landed at Barbadoes from Halifax, 011 the 4th of August. His MAJESTY has presented Bagshot- Park to PRINCE W
I L L I A M of GLOUCESTER lor his future residence. The Lieutenant Governorship of Berwick, which has been so worthily conferred upon Geral L A K E , produces. about 300I. per annum. -. The plan adopted by Sir JOHN JERVIS and Si/*. CIIAKLES GREY, of raising a fund for the relief and support of the Wives and Children of the Soldiers going upon the Expedition under their command, must'endear them much to the men; and by adding the sentiments of gratitude to those of duty, must render their Army invincible. Intelligence was yesterday received from Torbay, that on Sunday morning early,' the Fleet underthe
command of Lckd Howe sailed out of port ; but after being six hours at sea, it returned into port, . in consequence of a dispatch forwarded to the Admiral. . A very singular circumstance, and which causes much speculation, is, tjiat orders had been given through the Fleet, that in case any. of His MAJESTY'S ships, should ' meet w'ith the Orient, Aqnthrt, Patriote, or Entreprenant, French men of war of 74 guns, but now armed eijfiute, ' and reported in the debates of the National CQDventiou of the 9th instant, as being about to sail from Toulon, tkat those ships should not be rrloi; lested, but be suffered tQ pass without any
detection. ' •'"..'""• just learn, that the Crescent Frigate has brought, into"' Portsmouth,' a French Frigate; wf£ sh she tofijt after an adion of two hours. REVOLUTIONARY 1 RIB UN A I r PARIS, OCT, 15. M a ^ e AtltoiNETTp is, this moment I am writing, seated on the Criminal Chair since nine p'clock this morning; the following is an exm£ t frotn the Aft of Accusation, which shall be given in full length hereafter ; - f ST OF ACCUSATION, ok, INDICTMENT. MA R I E ANTOINETTC stands charged, tst, W i t h having dilapidated and lavished the Finances of the Nation, in concert with the execrable C A I O N N E , by causing td* be
transmitted to the EMPEROR several Millions, which still serve to carry on. the \ y a r against France. sdly, With having, in" imitation of P R U N E . - HACD and D E ME. DJ- CJS, who also ' called them, selves' Queens of Frar. ee, conspired against the Li » berty of the French Nation. 3dly,. With having sought to star. vc » he Peor plf in 1789. .,:„'•• 4thly, With having excited - the Murdsrs of October 5 and Jthly, With having, in concert with B. HLLY and L A FAYETTE, caused the Patriots to be but- • c. hered in the Champ de Mars. 6thly, With having prevailed upon the SWis? to fire on the People on the 10th Of August. 7thly,
With having, like another AGRIPPINA, forgotten that she was a Mother, in order to conimit Incest with her Son, & c. $ cc.. MA R I E ANTOINETTE heard the reading of the Art of Accusation, without seeming to be in the least moved. [ Here the " Interrogatory began.] President— f What is your name?"' Q T T E E N — " MARIE ANTOINETTE, pf Lorraine, and Austria." President—" Your quality ?" Q U E E N — 1 I am the Widow of Louis CAI- ET, King of the French." ( Here the Witnesses were called in.] L A U R E N T LECOINTRE, the first Witness, formerly Chief of Division of the National Guard of ysrspilles, and at present a
Member of the National Convention, related the historical occurrences of the jth and 6th of Oelober; and from his relation it appeared, that the ci- devant Gardes dsi Corps, or Life- Guards, were the first aggressors. LECOINTKE spoke also, though not as an ocular Witness, of the nofturnal Riot which was occasioned O f t . ist, at Versailles, by the late ICINO'S Life- Guards in the Hall of t ic Opera. " MA R I ^ ANTOINETTE," said he, " r e - paired to that banquet;— she applauded the coar
duCt of the Guilds s she also visited the Regiment of Nassau' and the Chasseurs bf Trois Evcches, who were quartered in the Orangtrit bf the Gardehs of Versailles." ' f Q U E E N — " I repaired, I must own, with my Husband and his Children to the Hall of the Opera- house; but I did not see that the National Cockade Wis trod under foot. It is false that I ever spoke to the Soldiers of the Regiment of Nassau, tit to the Chasseurs of Trois Eveeies." President—" What did you say to the Life- Guards when you appeared at that orgy ?" Q U I : E N — " I applauded that banqiiet, because it was to have produeed the union of the Life-
Guards with the National Guards." Public Accuser—" Have you not holdeu secret Councils at the house of the ci- devant Dutchess of Pox. i< 3 » .\ c— Councils at which the ci- devant French Princes assisted, and in which, after ha^ hg discussed the fate of the Empire, you gave yourself up to the iufanious pleasures of Debauchery ?" Q U E E N - I - " Ail the State Affairs witre discussed in Council, and no where else. I have no knowledge of the rest of this assertion." Public Accuser—" Are not THOU RET, BARENTIN, and D'EshtEMEwr., the authors of the tArticlcs of the Declaration of June 23?" Q U E E * — " The Ministers in
place alone compotaU the Council at that time." Judge—" Did not your Husband communicate his designs to you, when he invested the Hall of the Representatives of the People with Troops?" Q U E E N — " My Husband reposed his confidence in mc; he communicated to me the Speech which he was to have made oil that occasion. He had, in other respects, no bad intentions." Judge—" Why did Troops of the Line invest Paris and Versailles f" QUEEN—" For the sake of general safety." Judge—" What use have you made of the immense sums which you have been entrusted with r Q U A E N — " No immense sum has been
entrusted to me.; the accompts of my Household will prove what use has been made of all 1 have received." Judge—" How did the Family of the POLIOVACS, who were so poor at first, grow so rich?" Q U E E N — " That Family held Offices at Court which were very lucrative." [ The concluding jiart of the Interrogatory has not yet eome to hand. We hope to be able in a Jay or two to give it to thtPublie. J PARIS-, OCT, t6. ^ E Environs r> f this Capital are full of robbers, especially about it. t) cnis, where they att » < k the passengers 8 « b travellers, strip, and assassinate them. A Volunteer and a Citizen were both murdered op the
13th, and the Mayor of <? a » « jj « " narro » ly escaped with his life. T h e 3rrests at Distant, in Britasmy, are very numerous, and 40 women, were apprehended inA thrown into prison on the 10th. The numfcer of prisoners confined in the different gaols of Paris amount to 1804. NATIONAL CONVENTION. SATURDAY, OCT. TL.— CONCLUDED. 1. r o t a . BACKER^ in the name of the Committee of • public Welfare : " Citizens, the Troops of the fctptibfic have in triumph entered Lyons on the » 9th day of the first month, ( OCtober 10). You invited your Committee of Public Welfare to take farther measures on this account. They
have been taken, and I am charged to explain them to you. Your Committee was sensible of Iheimportance of the reduction of Lyons, as you will see from its Correspondence since the 24th of Jast September. He read this Correspondence. The first Let ftr, dated SepL 14, was addressed to the Repre sentatives of the People with the Army be for* Lyons. The Committee invited them in this Letter to make an example of this T o w n and its guilty Inhabitants, and testified to them its eoncern'for the slowness or insufficiency of the means employed for the reduction of this place. " Begin the bombardment," wrote the Committee, mild
measures will not do with the Royalists. Let domestic traitors, as well as foreign Enemies, tremble at the sight of the fate of Lyons. With flaming torches and fixed bayonets you must enter it." In the second Letter, addressed to the same, and dated OCT. 1, the Committee said: " Is the Siege of Lyons never to be ended ? The Convention is astonished at the slowness of its progress, and we are afraid of reading your Bulletins to'lbe Assembly. Employ more energy and vigour; do not forget, that ou the reduction of Lyons depends the tranquillity of the South, Push <* rt the Siege, and above all, make ytyirselvi's masters of the Post
of St. Fdix, ihd of the gate of St. Just, the Weakest parts of thfe Town, & c. In a Letter, written the same day to Cotnuot:; in answer to one bf his, the Committee told him amohg otheV things^-" We leave it to your own sagacity to chodse the means necessary for the complete reduction of Lyons, we shall neglect nothing to support you." In another Letter, addressed to the Representatives of the People, dated the 3d of October, the Committee said : — " We count upon the reduction of Lyon's, which, no doubt, will be in your possession at the delivery of this Letter. In this cast, you mitst Unite all your forces, and march to succour
the brave Republicans who are before Toulon. But should the reduction of Lyons not yet be accomplished, then you must fall upon the banditti with all your might, and blot them from the earth." " On the6th of OCtober," continued BARKERE, " astonished at the weakness of the Citizens, GAUTHIER and DUBOIS CRANCE, irritated by the mildness of the means employed, and amazed at the eternal contradiction of their reports, their measures, and even their hopes, it wrote word to Citizen CHATEAUNEUF RANDON and his Colleagues, that it had thought proper to recall GAUTHIER. and DUBOIS CRANCE, charging the same
to signify it to them, as well as to collect the necessary prpofs of their conduCt; and lastly, to communicate to the 11 Battalions of the Alps, serving before Lyons, the Decree which declares that they have deserved well of their Country. In answer to COUTHON, the Committee on e 8th of OClober testified to him ir$ full satisfaction on account of the energy he displayed in his measures. — DOPPET, the Republican DOPPET, and yourself wrote him—" Your Committee will console your Country for all the misfortunes caused by the Banditti, by retarding the march of the Troops to the Frontiers. You will save the Republic. They
have not disappointed your hope, Citizens," continued BARRERE; " this was the state of the Correspondence of your Committee to the Epoch of the 8th ; you will perceive, that it was not beneath your expectation." " No, no," exclaimed the Assembly, " the Convention is satisfied."— General applauses. BARRERE now read a Letter from CHATEAUNEUF RANDON, dated Head- Quarters at Lyons, OCtober 9, which ran as follows : ' Citizens Colleagues, the ACtions of the 25th and 29th of September, have been closely followed by prodigies of valour, and to- night the Troops of the Republic have entered Lyons.— The Chiefs of
the Rebels, 2000 in number, have made an attempt to save themselves by flight; but they ire pursued on all sides, and cannot possibly escape the ardour not only of our Troops, but also that of the People of Lynns, enraged at their havmg- ijeen deceived by them, I previously informed my Colleagues of our entrance into Lyons. General DOPPET is going by an Extraordinary Courier to Send a detailed rex> rt of his Military Operations. COUTHON, VIAIGHET, LAPOKTE, DUBOIS CRANCE, and BASSAI., who we had joined at St. Foix, are 011 the int repairing hither, and will be eager to orm you of all our operations. My
Colleagues wish to keep me here; I expeCt the orders of the National Convention. ( Signed) " CHATEAUNEUF RANDON." " The Convention, then passed tlie following Decree: The National'Convention, after having heard the Report of the Committee of Public Welfare, decrees: ART. I. " TVere shall be named by the Nation~. l Convention, upon the presentation of the Committee of Public Welfare, an extraordinary Commission composed of Five Members in order to punish the Revolutionist* of Lyons according to Military Law, and without delay. ART. II. " AH the Inhabitants of Lyons ahull be disarmed ; their arms shall be
immediately distributed among the Defenders of the Republic. A part shall he restored to the Patriots of Lyons who have been oppressed by the Rich and the Counter- revolutionists. ART. I I I . " The City of Lyons shall be destroyed. What ever was inhabited by a rich man, shall be demolished. The poor- hoase, the dwellings of slaughtered and proscribed patriots, the edifices specially employed to industry, and the monuments consecrated to humanity and public instruction, shall alone remain. ART. i y . T h e name of Lyons shall be effaced from the List of the Towns of the Republic. The re- union of houses proserved, shall
henceforth bear the' name of Villt AjfrancKie. ART. V . AColumnshall be raised upon'the ruins of Lynns. to attest to posterity the crimes and the punishm^ it of tiie Royalist^ of that C i t y , with this irscriptiop: " Lyons waned against Liberty ; •". Lyons is no more. " The 18th day of the ist month, " Second year of the French Republic, " One and Indivisible." " The Inhabitants of sJ/ cj, left to fight for thediselvesj ft- ithout any Other assistance but that bf 600 of their brothers of the Isle. bf Rite, levelled with the dtist several hundred Banditti tinder the very walls of their T o w n ; we have ^ already signified the importance of that place,
surrounded by four rebellious Departments, disposed to favour the entrance of Foreign Foes 111 to the Territory of the Republic, and for this very reason, the objeCt of the ambitious wishes of the. Banditti, who have twice attacked it. But were thfe fobbers to triumph over Sables, they would find nought there but hi ins and corpses. " Hfere vve meet you with plans and projects of defence. Our Constitueifts think of great importance the success of the reflections which we offer to you respecting the War of La Vendee, a name which Overwhelms with shame, Republicans who courageously defendfed the District thus denominated
— a denomination which will never agree with History and Geography. The first manbfnCftires of the Rebellious Arms were established at Clissou, in the Department of Lozuer Loire;— the first commotions and assemblages took place in the Marshes of the, same Department. There exist the ancient Barriers which long ago separated our Provinces in the same manner as- they ate- separated from the Regions of our Enemies; there the ancient Government settled the fd which P'ourdeaux is reduced, and demand relief.— Order of the Day. LS'VASSEU « ; Representative of, the People sit Beauiiais, announced, that tranquillity
was restored to that Town, and that the troubles which had lately taken place there, were owing to tlie manoeuvres of some Aristottats not yet discovered. ART. V I . " The Representatives of the People shall immediately nominate Commissioners to make a list of all the property which belonged to the rich and the Counter- Revolutionists of Lyons, that the Resolutions of the Convention may be immediately carried into execution." SUNDAY, OCT. 13. A Deputation of the Popular Society of Sables was admitted to the Bar, and the Speaker made the following harangue -. " Citizens Representatives, the Sans- Culottes of Sables
deputed us to meet you, to bring you their wishes and requests : they have invested us with- their powers; they have honoured us with their confidence; but they laid such an important stress on their first wish, that they wanted to be themselves the authors and subscribers of the expressions whrch manifest it; we are now going to lay it before you. whole crowds of Clerks of the Customs; Army of the Stipul ators, the Smugglers, by the side gf the Ex- royal Wood- Rangers, Troops eq jjjy discontented on the side of Freedom ; - full as clever as the Jyr'olians;— quite as much disposed to tyrannise over the Peasant, who in his panic
willed, as if it were in his last agonies, every tiling the Priests chose to pronounce; hehce sprang those hordes of robbers, who committed at Machecoul, likewise in the Departnii't of Lower Loire, horrors only fit to cut a figure in the bloody annals of Priesthood.— Those Priests they are, and their withy Satellites, who, by force of arms, hurried away the Pensants of La Vendee into rebellious excesses., " We sum tip our discourse by demanding, ist, Tlytt you rest 011 your prist till peace; ad, That volt txeord us orders and means to raise works absolutely necessary for preserving the Town of Sables to the Republic ; jdlv, That the
War of La Vendee he called- the War of the West, or rather the War of St. Philibcrt; 4thly, That our Department receive ^- different name ; Jthly, That L A I N II and DELANOK, formerly Naval Officers of the Republic, now Soldiers iu the Army of CARTJSAUX, be promoted in the Navy, to a rank suitable to their courage; and we think that we cannot make a better conclusion, than by repeating with our Fellow- Citizens, in their name, the oath of maintaining the Republic One and indivisible ; never to bend to the yoke of tyrants ; to die rather than acknowledge any other Master but the Laws, or any other Laws but those issued by
the Representatives of the Sovereign People." The Council- General who regenerated the Commonalty of Bourg, the Capital of the Department of' L'Aine, requested the Convention to remain on their post; they sent an extract of the Minutes attending the arrest of a Fanatical Priest, whemin over the fields with his cibories, his holy ointments, his Communion- cloaths, a girdle containing 16 knis d'ors in specie, some assignats, and several perfidious and villainous Letters. He was apprehended by Citizen MASON, Quarter- master of the Hussars of the First Regiment.— Honourable mention. The Members composing the
Commission of Monuments, wrote from St. Denis, that if the Tombs of the Kings had not yet disappeared in the Church of St. Denis, it was on accountbf the necessity of saving the Public Finances; that they' thought proper to make - out an estimate of the most indispensable expences for preserving the Worksrfif Art which those Tombs Contain ; that all the tools had arrived at St. Denis, and that to-- morrow the Hammer of Destruction would de. stroy the remains of Royalty. On the motion of a Member of the Convention, decreed, I. " That the Committee 6f General Snfetv shall be charged to cause to be arrested, all suspicious
persons of the Commonalty of St. l'hltibai, in the D i s t r i a of Mactscaul, who contributed towards the War i f Lu Vcndc'i, and to deliver them up to the Revolutionary Tribunal. II. " The Administration of the Department of Lo-. vtr Loire shall, without delay, transmit to the Public Accuser the charges T^ id against them." On the motion of another Member, the Convention decreed—" That the Sections of Paris shall assemble the ; th and 10th of each Decade of the New Division of the Month lately decreed. After a Report made by the Committee of Public Instruction, the following Decree was passed : ART. I. All public and private A&
S may be passed and recorded every day of the year. ART. II The Administrators, the Tribunals, the Agents or Public Functionaries, shall not take vacation or rest, except on the ioth, zath, and 30th of each month, or on the last day of each Decade. ART. III. Thellpusanirh of the Monies of the Republic, as likewise that o f the Medal consecrated to perpetuate the remejiihranc'e of the Constitutional A f t , shall be conformable to the New Calendar deei- eed on the 14th of the present moftth. ART. IV. The Committee of Legislation is charged to make the Cohstitutivnal Epochs agree with the New Calendar. EXPEDITION TO
MsJRTlNICO, Citizen LACROSSE, Captain of a Frigate, admitted to the Bar; he gave the particulars of his Expedition to Mcirtmfeo, " Haviiig sailed from France with only one Frigate, after having received the exiled Patriots of Dominica, he fell hi with a Ship of the Line and the three Frigates, which secured the swa^ of BEHAGNE at Martinico. He used every means to open the eyes of the inhabitants of that Island. Soori after, BEHAGNE was deserted, and obliged to take flight, carrying with him a great number of the Royalists of that Island. ROCHAMBEAU arrived, and took the command of Martinico, whence he has been
driven with a considerable force. 41 The English" did not share a better fate than the Counter- Revolutionists; they in vain blockaded for two months that Island with two shipsof the line ; they in vain landed 2000 Troops ; their design miscarried. The assemblages of the planters were dispersed, and the property they left behind is valued at 200 millions.— Honourable mention decreed of the conduCt of Citizen LACROSSE, and of the Island, which persevered in their Allegiance to the Republic. ENTRANCE OF THE FRENCH INTO SP. IIN. CAPTURE OF CAMPREDON. BARRERE read a Letter from General DABOBERT, who
announced, that the Troops of the Republic had entered Spain, and captured the Town of C. dmpreJon. During the time granted to xhc Alcade Major, or Governor, to answer the Summons, the Spaniards fired upon the French Trumpeter who brought the Simmons ; they also continued to fire upon the Troops of ths Republic; the Town was ultimately taken by storm, and the Enemy pursued to a great distance ; it was impossible to levy Contributions, as all the Inhabitants had taken flight, and the Soldiers of the Republic, upon searching the houses, found wherewithal to make themselves breeches and ivitiiicoat. s. The
Representatives of the People, in a Letter from B'agnole, dated 0£ L 8, stated, that the Victory of Aigeles produced an immense booty of all kind of eftl- Cts. T'i e Garrison of Collioure is now endtmped on the Heights; the Spaniards picked out the flower of their Cavalry to attack them, but to no purpose ; the Enemy had 300 men killed arid 15 taken prisoners, two of whom are Lieutenant- Colonels ; ' the Tropps cf the Republic had: only 60 men either killed or wounded. They found at'i'/. Genie: a Spanish Hospital, fitted up and' rtady for between anil 8oo patients; . the Spanish Army is said to be in the saddest condition, and dare
not even venture to retreat. FAMINE AT BOURVEAVX. Deputies of the twenty- eight Sections of Bour deaux declared. their adherence to the events of May 31 and June 2; they invited the Conven tion to remain on their Post, and to deliver up to the Sword of the Law all Traitors and Conspirators ; they depicted the state of want and distress PURSUIT OF TIIE ROYALISTS ON THEIR RETREAT FROM LYONS. The Representatives of the People at Lyons, in a Letter . dated Oitobcr 9,. announce, that the Patriots are in pursuit of the Rebels who evacuated that City by the Gate of Vaise; 1500 of them have been cut in pieces, and
300 were made prisoners. Among the latter is VIRJEUX, one of their Chiefs. The Republicans entered Lyons in the greatest order. Previous to their entry, they swore to respeCt persons and property, and they now share their allowance of bread with the distressed inhabitants. DEFEAT OF W E ROY.' ILISTS IN L. 4 VENDEE. The Commissioners of the Convention with the Army on the Coast of Rochelle, stated in a^ Diipatch dated from the Head- quarters of the Weed' of Moulin, OCt. 9, eleven a'clock at night— that the Armies of Niort and Saumur had just given a bloody battle to the Rebels, who were compiateiv' rputcd ; they
were pursued in all directions, and' their Army, upwards of 20,000 strong, dispersed to a distance o, f more than ten. leagties. A division of the Corps of General WESTERMA, NN entered - CJiatillon, where they found two'small pieces of cannoh, and the Printing- office and )?} ess ' of the Royalists; they liberated upwards o f ico. captive Patriots. " The end of this W a r , ' say thi Commissioners, " draws near; every vniere we use fire and sword. We have lost some brave San- Culottes, amongst others some of the Grena « diers of the Convention, and General CH- AMSON." The Convention, by 4 Decree, enaCted, that
the sum of 30,000,000 be put at the disposal of the Minister of Marine for a secret and important measure. PRIEUR and H E N T Z , being, returned from La Vendee, reported that the measures taken by the • Committee of Public Welfare were the only ones proper to be adopted. General L'EC. HELLE was arrived, and had taken upon him his command. The same Commissioners assured the Convention, that it was a good aftion to have cashiered the Generals suspedted of incivism, who paralyzed the Army, and obtained successes by halves, * iu order to. mask their treachery. The Convention charged the Committee of Public
Welfare to make a report respeftinj the different points of information received by PRIEUR a n d H E N T Z. It was farther decreed, that C A R R I E R , BOIJRBTTTE, FRANCASTEL, P I N E T , and T U R R E A U , shall forthwith be the only Representatives of the People in La Vendee. Port Bourbon, in Is'tc de Frcrnte, to . those of Part of the Mountain and Port of Fraternity. The Commonalty of Vire brought several sacred Vases fallen from the Churches. LECOINTRE PUYKAVEAU, in the name of the Military Cotwni. tee, read the plan of a Decree tending to make forthwith one body of the Military Engineers and tlioscof Bridges
and Causeways. The Convention ordered this plan to be printed. LEBON, Representative- of the People, having been impeached by D E SAINTES, his Colleague,, owing to charges alledged against him by the suspended Administrators of the Town of Beaume, the Committee of General Safety made a report on this affair. The Convention having heard this report, passed to the Order of the Day, considering those charges as calumnious. MON D A Y , OCT. 14. This Sitting opened with the reading of the Minutes and Correspondence. ROMME;' charged conjointly with DAVID, to search. for objeds which might be serviceable to
r? re Arts, and to Public Instruction, announced, that he found in a private house, 4,2 volumes of the Correspondence of Marshal BELISLE, containing precious Treatises upon the Navy, and the Military Art. You will find in them ( adds HOMME) that Marshal BELISLE had calculated in his closet long before MONTALEMBERT, what the latter pretends to have discovered since." The Convention charged the Committee of Public Instruction to cause those volumes to be removed to the proper Otnces. ' A Letter from General CHALBOT was read, eonSrming the fresh Viftory gained in La Vendee, announced in yesterday's Sitting. '
The Commissioners of the Convention in the Royal Palace of Rambou'dlet, announced, that the furniture which that Palace contained, had been sold at an excellent price. The amount of the Sale is as high as 590,000 livres. Upwards of « ; O , O Q O pounds of iron have been put by in a store- house,' part of which is to be employed in manufacturing the iron- gates of the National Palace; 3o, ooo pounds have already been sent off for tliat purpose ; theCommissioners also kept ' in store some pieces of tapestry of La Savonnerie, some pier- glasses, 800 matrasses fit for hospitals, blankets, and linen counterpanes. They also
separated from the sale, the objefts contained in the Minutes of the Commission of Monuments, to be removed to the National Mutetim'% and 169 pounds of gold and silver lace, 80 pounds of fringe, and other" gold and silver ornaments, and 12 marks of silver plate, have also been sequestrated. The Commissioners found in the Farm of T. ambouillet, a flock of Spanish sheep, which may be distributed in a manner proper to ameliorate the Franch wool. The same Commissioners regenerated the Commonalty of Rambouilkt, in which the fire of Patriotism was extinguished, and apprehended au Englishman who travelled in the
disguise of a soldier of the 27th Regiment of Cavalry, with a false route, pretended to be assigned to him by the Minister at War. The Representative of the People in the Department of La Mnnche sated, that the best spirit of patriotism animated that Country; he attempted- to cause bread to be made of Ihe flour of potatoes; this bread was extremely substantial, and oi the best qjjality ; he gave instruction for the planting of potatoes. All the inhabitants of that. Department feel very happy in the discovery of such a resource. The Convention charged the Committee of Agriculture to enquire, whether or not it would be useful to
encourage the cultivation of potatoes throughout the Republic. D A V I D announced, that he had finished the Painting of M A R A T exhaling his last breath : lie requested permission to bring it to his own Section, that of the Museum, on the day. of the inauguration of . the Busts of Lt PELLETIER and MARAT, befcie it should be presented t> the Convention. The Convention • not only granted DAVID'S request, but authorized him to expose the Pictures ef M A R A T and L E . PEU, S T ; E& during a fortnight at his own lipase. At t'fif t^ quf't of a Colonial Deputy, the Convention'changed the names oi Pott Louis and TUESDAY,
OCT. 1 $. BARRERE read a Letter from COUTHON and M A I S N E L S , dated Lyons, Oft. 1 1 . They announce, that they have re- established the Patriotic Municipalities in their functions ; tie Popular Society is reinstated ; a Military Commission has entered upon its office, and it consecrates its first time to the Trial of four Aides de- tatrip', who are to be executed on the 12th. The disarming is begun, and a Committee of Vigilance has been created. The Rebels being' pursued, are reduced to 300, who fled into a woo. d, around which the tocsin has re- united 6000 men, u ho will do. justice to them. It is said that several of the
Chiefs, conscious of the impossibility of their being saved, have shot themselves; and it is thought that PRESSY is of the number. DUBOIS C R A N C E and G A U T H I B * are intriguing in ; he City, in order that the report of the Decree which recalls them may be demanded.— Emissaries are running about the streets, apologizing for them. BARRERE announced, that the Committee has-. sent orders to put them under arrest. ' -. BARRERE afterwards read a. Letter from the Commissioners in La Vendee, dated Jiressi/ ire, Oct. 11. " Yesterday," say: they, " the Banditti attacked us at Chaiiikn. The General was beaten, and the
Soldiers hastening to repair to their Posts, occasioned so much'confuaioh, that we were about to make our retreat in disorder, when the Army, rallying,.- charged tlie Enemy, pursued them, and retoos. all our Artillery and Baggage, which had been taken from u s " The. Enemy haying- n^ ircd- to- thei* former position, it was. not judged necessary, to foil aw them, as we expected a rrcth Attack on> th" e fill-' lowing morning. ,, :_<:,) j,-|! f.'" 5 l; 3IIO Ql w w t i . t ni 1 . VS- EDNE^ DAY, 0 # } S i ) i 6 , . : ij A very thick fog prbvailad in the morning,-: and, so soon - as. it cleared fiway, the Enemy were observed to advance 011 the saijie
points as an the evening , t » efore ; but. rekUor. cett with different lines, of fresh Troops, ve. ty tiftmerons, , vvho' advanced by; the centre and, left wing. The lire of the ftftiilery. qn. both sicl. es, for. the whole. day, was terrible, and was seconded, by a - fire_ of musquetry not less brisk ; our centre and* right wing stood their ground perfectly, but our left wing was broken. This occasioned a . Retrograde motion, which it executed, slowly, in which it took from the Enemy nine pieces of cannon ; but the raising of the Siege of Maubeuge. was « prudential measure, which necessarily - resulted from . it, to avoid the consequences
which might fallow, a \ livision of our forces. This was executed between the evenings of the 16th and 17th, in the best orcjer, and without any loss. The Besieging Army passed the Satr. bre, near to llcutemont and Requignifs, and that of Observation passed it near Boussieres and de Pent. We now occupy the - left side of that River. The bravery of the Troops cannot be adequately expressed, having been under arms forty- eight hours, withoutrany refreshment, and having had to contend with a very superior force of the Enemy ; they shewed an intrepidity which may be said to be unexampled. Our loss during the 15th and i6tb,
in killed, wounded, and missing,: may amount to about 3000 men, among whom were many Officers. The Enemy lost at least 60O0 men, Besides this affair, which took place in the Grand Army, Lieutenant- General < 1- ISKNJOWSXI, who commanded a Detachment at Beaumont, was attacked by an Army of 6000 men. The Lieut] General, informed of the march of this Column, sent on . the night of the 15th, a division of Spleny's Infantry, and a division of Light- horse of Latour, under the command of Major Btss- LER, to, meet the- Enemy. This body, united with the Advartced- po^ ts, attacked • the Enemy " with" such firmness,
that it took two pieces of cannon, and obliged them to retreat. On the iftth, the Enemy again" appeared in the same quarter, and Major B E S S I E * having, again received a. reinforcement of two Divisions of Spleny, with two pieces of cannon, attacked the Ensmv again. Captain EOKOW;- KY. com- j mantling a Battalion of Spleny, charged them SUPPLEMENT E X T R A O R D I N A RY BRUSSELS GAZETTE, OCT. 18. BULLETIN OF THE GRAND AR MY— HEAD- QUAKTERS DE PONT, lath AND 13TH OCTOBER J / 9 3 - • N O T H I N G new has taken place in the Army ; the Enemy only made a large reconnoitre on the
evening of the : 3th, without however annoying our Advanced- posts. MONDAY, OCT. 14.. The Enemy approached, with their, whole force our Army of Observation stationed between the forest of Mormal and Beaumont, and took post there. There were; however, only some, skirmishes between the Advanced.- posts, in which the loss was not considerable on either part; our Advanced- posts generally kepi thenposition. TUESDAY, OCT. J J . At dav- break the Enemy shewed themselves in strong Columns, provided with more Cavalry than formerly ; they inarched from every quarter, and drove in our Advanced- posts. The
woods and the ravines which the Enemy had in their front and rear, prevented us from charging them, and hindered their making much use of their numerous artillery. A brisk cannonade ensued, in which the Enemy's artillery exceeded ours in number; however we stopt the Enemy from advancing"; we even forced their right and left wing- to ' retire. * The. ground was but little favourable to Cavalry, and they could not lend such prompt succours as usual. We took twelve pieces of cannon, and took and killed some hundreds. But the left wing was in some measure obliged to fall back, and coulll not retake its former position, " till
after having lost a great number of men. ' The efforts of the gallant Major deS. TEIN NEISSLINGER, contributed greatly to enable us to regain our former situation. M. jor General Count de B^ LLEGARPE rendered the greatest services on the right wing, and shewed, as also the tvhole body, the greatest intrepidity; as also Lietitenant- Coionel Button de ROUVROY, vrho direCtecl the- artillery, and had a horse killed under him. Colonel SCHMIDT of the Staff, also greatly distinguished himself i » the different positions which were taken. The General of Artillery, Count de C L A I R F A I T , who was in the centre of the Army of
Observation, shewed himself by his talents and his intrepidity an excellent General. Lieutenant- General T K R Z Y , who commanded the left wing, praised greatly the Battalion of Stein, and its Commander, already well known, Major NEISSLITIGER. In general, it is impossible to express the intrepidity and sangfroid with which our Troops supported reiterated attacks for eight, hours. with the bayonet, and the Enemy was completely defeated. We took ten pieces of cannon, two howitzers, eleven ammunition waggons, six waggons with' grenades,' one loaded with three tons of powder, two baggage waggons, and a stand of
Colours. We made prisoners, one Officer, one Surgeon, and twenty- five men. . ! The squadron of Latcur's Light Horse shewed their usual bravery, and put to the sword about, 400 of the Enemy. Our loss was 1 man killed,' and 50 wounded. " Lieutenant General Baron de WENCKHEIM, detached" towards . EnglefyiUaine, caused to be made near Landrecy a small diversion, which succeeded perfectly; insomuch, that the tiulans, under- the co'nduCt of Lieutenant Colonel PRINCE de SCHWARZENBEBG penetrated into the Suburbs of Landrecy, and there cut to pieces a whole post of the Enemy, and also took some prisoners.
Besides the Generals and Officers already mentioned, L eutenant- General Baron de TE'RZY, Colonel Count . de_ TIADDIC, of tbe Hussars o. Blankenstein, Major BAYER, of Klebcci, Major NES^ LINGER, anil Captain CARACCIO. LI, of Stein, Major BARCO, of the Hussars ol Bareo, as also the Regiments of Klebeck, Stein, liohenlohe, and Bre• • fhahruille, and the Cuirassiers ot Kavannji, who suffered most, distinguished themselves very particularly. The Artillery also distinguished itst- L ou all these occasions; and First Lieuieiia t KISES, of the Dragoons of the . Arch- Duke Joseph, Adjutant to General BELLEGAKDE, h ndtred the most important services by ' his valour and activity.. Lieutenant- Colonel Prince D ' A N H A L T KOTHEN, s a i d t o h a v e b e e n k i l l e d , h a s o n l y b e en W o u n d e d by c a s e - s h o t , a n d if m i s s i n g . It is s u p p o s e d t h a t h e is a p r i s o n e r . The following advice has been received from Fi ankfort: OCT. 15, HALF- AFTER ONE O'CLOCK. " We have just received intelligence, that General W U R M S E R forced the Lines of IVeisscmbourg - on the 13th, without much loss: the Artillery, the Redoubts, and the Camp, are in the hands of the Austrians ; the French fled on all sides; the pursuit - is yet
continued." i The Frankfort Gazette had already announced tlicse important advantages. J t^ fc, R « g « nen. t. ef. Eoot, . WjUiajn Pordon. M'Gregor, Cent ' t o bc- Lnsigtv, wittiMitpurctfaKyvlte'Heron, promoted. 13th Regiment of. Footj. ljIicjxb. rc G o r d o n , H o s p i t a l a t ' Jamaica, to be Surgeon, vice jobson, tjppointcd Apo\ he - . cary. to. the. Borcfcs V1U& the icottufefid- o f Sir ( starlet Grey. , » v h Regiment of Foot, tirtrjir'WiHia'tii Stuart to t c ' x i e u - tenant, without purcjiase, yit;?, Bowqr, promoted i f t h e i „ . dependent Companies. "' yoluritter Magra to be, Ent isign, vice Stuart. ' ' .1 ; 5tli Regiment of Foot, Envgn Robert
Manners to be XJeu- • tenant, without - purchase, vice L'ethcrlar. d, pronwtftl in the Independent Companies. John, M'Donald, Gent, to - bVEn'sign,- vice Manners.' 21st Regiment uf Fm> t, . Second L( ieutehant< Fjcld Uppleby to _ be First Lieutenant," without' purchasi," vice Saqdby, dc- ' ceased. J a i e s Dowing; itieut^ to bo Second Lieutenant vice Upplcby. . a j t h Regiment trf f o o t , JEpsign Iianry- Stanford, of tlic East Devon Militia, to b'e Ensign, without purchase, vice Eaiiton, removed to the 59th Regiment. 26th Regiment of Foot, Ensign Thomas Ratt to be- Licu'tenant, without purchase, vice- Jones, promoted in rhe
Independent Companies. Hugh Maurice Scott, Gent, to be linsign^ vice Batt. 28th Regiment of Foot, Hospital MaMEtskine TeuoSh t © be Surgeon, without purchase, vice Henderson, deceased. 29th Regiment of- Foot, Ensign' Pit rick Henderson, f r om t l* 59th Foot, to be Ensign,. i ice Bertrand, promoted. 37th Regiment of Foot, Volunteer Marks, from th « 3d Foot Guards,. to be Ensign, vice Wiglcy.. 45th Regiment of Foot, Barry Drew, Ge'nt.' to" be Ensign* vice Bayly, promoted. in the 78th Foot. Richard Cu. mor, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Lord . Craven, promoted 111 the Independent Companies. - V. 50th
Regiment of Foot, William Augustus Gordon, G^ nt, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Lew in', { promoted Thomas £ Howe, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Haslewojd, promoted. 53d Regiment of Foot, Volunteer- Reeves to he Ensign, without purchase, vice Elwin, promoted in the Independent Companies. Volunteer — : llobson to be Ensig n, without purchase, vice Clifton, removed to the ist Foot Guards. 54th Regiment of Foot, Ensign Charles Iiayntim to le Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Hail, who re. ires.' Serjeant Major Denis Lahiti" to be, Adjutant, f i c c Hail, v » l. s » resigns. - ' - ' .•*.' '' 59th Regiment of Foot,
Captain Spencer Thomas V a s s a l, from an Independent Company, to be Captain of a Compaavj vice peacoclte, who c'- tchaages.' J0R11 Alexander Jo es, Gent, to be Eiisign, without purcUase,. vjce Henderson, removed to-. thc29th Foot. - . 60th Rsgimei. t of Foot, Thomao Wright, Hospital Mate ift- Canada, to be Surgeon, vice J. Wright,' appointed Apothecary to. lhc Forces under the Command of Sir Charles Grey. 63th Regiment of Foot, Murdoch Mackenzie, Gent. to. he Ensign, without purchase, vice Sparrow, promoted iu U12 Independent Companies. ,67th P^ egiment of Foot, John Wall Downing, Gent, to he Ensign,
without purchase, vice Dobbs, promoted. ' W i l - liam Bennett Mountain, Gent, . to be Ensign,. witliou3 purchase, vice Kitson, deceased. Sutherland Regiment of Fencible Men, Ensign William. Sutherland to be Lieutenant, vice William M;: ckay, \\ h » resigns. Adam Sutherland, Gent, to be EnsigiV, \ ic » William Sutheiland. William Wemys Frate>,. Go: it. tea be Ensign, vice Mackay, who resigns. INDEPENDENT COMPANIES. Lieutenant the Hon. Jrthn Kennedy, from Captain Hunter's Independent Company, to be Captain of an Independent . Company of Foot. Lieutenant William Gammell, from Captain Nason's Independent
Company, to be Captain of an Independent Company of Foot. Ensign Francis Tod, from Captain Robinson's Independent Company, tc, be Lieutenant. Ensign the Hon. Augustus Barry, from Captain Colmari's Independent . Company, to be Lieutenant in Captaiu Independent Company of F » ot. From the LONDON GJZETIE, OCT. Z2. War- Ojjk£+ CBober 22. Royal Regiment of Horse Guards,, Cor net.. Gibbs Crawford to"- be Liciitenahtj .^- ithotit- purtb'asc, vi'ee Board, deceased, t i t h Regiment of Light Dragoons, Cornet Rowley Lasceiles. from the 8th Dragoons, to be Lieutenant, vice Hoglvton, promoted in. the Independent
Companies, ist Regimerit of Foot Guards, Ensign William Henry " Rains> ford, from'the 18th Foot, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Tollemache, deceased; 3d Regitlient of Foot, Ensign Oliver Nicolls Wheeler to be. Lieutenant, without purchase, vice Watson, promoted in the ladepencleat Companies. Robert: Jacks& n, from half^ pay, tp. be . Surgeon^ vice Bv^ den, appoi . ted ^ ^ e o n to the Forced under the comrpand of £ ir Cnarles t! rey. 9th Regiment of Foot, John Gibbons. Hospital Mate at Dominica, to be Surgeon, vice Henning, appointed Apothecary to the said Forces. Godlcv's Indep! Captain Marmaduke Warren
Veacocke, from the 59th Foot, to be Captain of an Independent Company of Foot, \\ ice Vassall, who exchanges. Captain Arthur Wolfe, of an Independent Company, to be Captain of an Independent Company of Foot,- vice Stuart, • who exchanges. . Captain John S. Stuart, of an Independent Company, to be Captain of an Independent Company of Foot, vice Wolfe, who exchanges. Ensign Thomas Percy Lippyeatt, from the 16th" Foot, to be Lieutenant in Captain WiI! cock.' s Independent Company o£ Foot,, vice Jones, who^ ctirw. Lieutenant Donald Cameron, from the' Half- pay of the late 95th Foot, to be Lieutenafu. in
Captain Kason's Indepea-^ dent Company of Foot, vice Gammdl, prom'Oted. Johi) Hall, Gent, to be. Ensign in Captain Balder's Independent Compa- rcv of Foot, vice- Lord Cochrane,, promoted in the 78th Foot. D. Campbell, of_ the Argy : shire Fencibles, to be Ensign ia Captain Robert Half's Independent Company of Foot, vicq Peters, promoted in Captain William J. Hall's lndepcn- • dent Company. *. ' . ' . . . '. Archibald Campbell, Gent, to be Ensign in " Captain Pigot'j In- dependent. Go'mpany of" Koot, vice Munro, promoted in Captain- Grovei's iadependent Company'. . GARRISONS: • Major. Ccnctjil Gerard Lake to be
Lieuteiiant- Governor of tlic Town and Garrison of Berwick, vice Hilf, deceased. Colonel James Henry Craig, of the 16th Foot, to' be Lieutenant- Governor o'f the Island oi Guernsey, vice. Dundas, ithoTesignf. .' '•*" f STAFF. Colonel James Henry Craig to be Commandant of the Fotccs iivGuernsey during'the abscnce of'Jhe- Goi- trnof of ttii said Island. Major- General Alettaftder Elrl of Bajcarres to be Commandant of the Forces in Jersey during. | he ab » ; ue; of the GoveVnor of the- taid Island. M E D I C A L STAFF. Sui^; on John Gunning to be Surgeon- General of His Majesty's Forces, A- icc Hunter, deceased. Surgeon
Thomas Keate to be Inspector of the Regimental Hospitals, vice, Hunter, deceased: BREVET. Lieutenant- Colonel Robert Douglas, nf the 47th Foot, to bo Colonel in the Army in Arfierica only. Ctmmiuicm in the East Essex Militia, lignfd by the Lerd Lieu, tenant. Captain- Lieutenant Richard Marriott to be Captain. Dat « 4 Q i t . I l , 1793. • •• Thomas Bcvan Bedward, Gent, to be Lieutenant. Dated as above. ... Richard Marydn, Gent, to be Ensign. Dated as atov. e. ' BANKRUPTS. Margaret Hunter, ' Henry Hunter, and ' Robert Hunter, of Bristol, merchants, to surrender Nov. 6, 12, and Dcc. 3, at eleven, at the liiifh Tavern^ Bristol.
Attornev, Mr. George Adams, Old Jewry, London. William Stevetison, of Threadneedle- strect, London, hatter, to ' surrender, OdV' 26, ' Nt> V. bft. i' Dec. 3, at ten, at Guildhall.- Attorney, Mr. Symonds, HOUSMn- tourt, Grav's- inn. - - ' ViriD- ENPS. • - Nov. i i . D. aniel Dale, now or late of Bristol, mariner, at one, at Guildhall, London. Nov. 12. Richard, B > wcn, late ( of Hand- court, Holborn, Middlesex, viftualler, at one, at Guildhall, London. ' N o v . 12. Daniel Reading,' of Barnct, Hertfardshire, in » - liolder, at six, at Guildhall, London. Nov. 4. Jnmts Hallows, of Goldsmith- street, London, ribbon- weaver, at five, at Guildhall. - Nov.
30. William Rowlandson, of Ricemond, Yorkshire, hosier, at ten, at Guildhall, London. . - Nov. 19. Joseph Lockwood, of Huddersfield, Yorkshire, clo. thier, at ten, at Guildhall, London. Nov. 16. Richard Bruce, of Green Lettice- lanc, London, insurance- broker, at twelve, at Guildhall. CERTIFICATES. James Cogswell, Bathwick, Somersetshire, car- Francis Oaklev, of Hereford, woolstapler. Abraham Brandjnj of Castle- street, Tabernacle- Nov. 8.' penter. Nov. r3. Nov. 12. Nov, walk, Middlesex, mustard- manufacturer. 12. Daniel Dale, now or late of Bristol,, 1 LUNi/ OiN : fritiietl by B. M1LLAN, and > oid at No. u s , in the Stroud,
rpposite Exettr. Change'-, where ': AartcTtiitm* ir, i f t j e i f o t ' Jh<? Litters for the Editor, &. c. will be r. ceivs