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Nottingham Journal
Date of Article: 21/09/1793
Printer / Publisher: Burgage and Stretton
Address: On the Long Row, Nottingham
Volume Number: XIIX
Issue Number: 6244
No Pages: 4
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OR, NEWARK, GAINSBOROUGH, RETFORD, WORKSOP, GENERAL MANSFIELD, CHESTERFIELD, GRANTHAM, AND SHEFFIELD ADVERTISER. Vol. xlix. ( Price 3id. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1793. [ READY MONEY FOR ADVERTISING.] No. 6244 NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. PURSUANT to an Act of Parliament passed in the 26th year of the reign of his present Majesty, For to continue and render more . effectual an Act paffed in the 21st year of his Majesty's reign, for the Encouragement of the Growth of HEMP and FLAX in that part of Great- Britain called England; I DO, By order of his Majesty's Justices of the
Peace for the said county of Nottingham, HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, That the several persons following, have, since Michaelmas 1792, claimed the Boun- ties in the said Act named, for the several quantities of FLAX hereafter- mentioned, to the end that the said Justices may, at the next Michaelmas Sessions, to be held at the Shire Hall, in Nottingham, in and for the said county, be able to ascertain the truth of the said Claims, and finally allow the same. ( To wit.) Names and place of abode ^ Quant, of Where grown. In what of Claimants. Flax in Stones. Year. Joseph Housely, of Mansfield ) „ Mansfield- Woodhouse Woodhouse :
. - and Mansfield \ 1790 Ditto --..--. Mansfield- Woodhouse 1791 Thomas Howitt, of Harby - 190 Harby - William Kelsey of West Stockwith West- Stockwith . - 1792 John Horberry, of Gunthorpe, 95 Misterton - 1792 John Darrand, of Haxey, - 390 Misterton 1792 Thomas Chesman, of Epworth 17 7^ West- Stockwith - - 1792 John Hawksley, of Warsop 303 Teversall ... Names cf the Justices before whom Amt of sum the Certificate was exhibited, claimed. L. S. D. John Lindley, Esq. - • - 300 William Sherbrooke, Esq. - 3 3 8 George Nevile, Esq. - - - 3 3 4 George Mason, Esq. - - - 2 15 6 A. Emerson, Esq. - - - 1 ir 8 A. Emerson, Esq.
- - - 6 10 o A. Emerson, Esq - - - 2 19 2 George Mason, Esq. ... 5 j 0 1693 A8 4 4 JOB BROUGH, Clerk of the Peace. REPORT of the COMMITTEE RESPECTING A Chartered BANK in GLASGOW. THE Committee appointed by the General Meeting of the Merchants, Manufacturers, and Traders of Glasgow, to consider the Propriety and Means of establishing a CHARTeReD BANK, REPORT, That, having been at fom: pains to collect infor- mation, and, after sevcral Meetings, they were of opini0n the subject might be shortly discussed under the three following hcads :— The benefit the public may derive from a Char- tered
bank ; The probable success and emolument to be ex pected by parties willing to subscribe to the Bank | And, lastly, the mode of carrying the Plan iuto execution. It appears to the Committee, that a Chartered Bank-, although it may not be brought forward to meet the exigency of the present moment, mull be productive of great and lasting public benefit. That, on account of its permanency, such an in- stitution is preferable to private Banking. Individuals may be induced to abandon Banking for mere flattcring prospects, and at a period when Trade Is most dependent upon accommodation, the death of Partners may draw off a
large portion of the capital of private Bankers; but the capital of a Chartered Bank, must remain for the public servicc at all times, and in all circumstances. Upon the second head, the Committee were of opinion, that a Chartered Bank, if well regulated, promises fair advantages to the subscribers, and they think themselves warranted in this opinion by ihe prosperous nate of all the Chartered Banks in the kingdom : more particularly of the Chartered Banks established in Scotland In illustration of which it may be proper for the Committee to give a view of the progress of these last, beginning with the Bank of Scotland, constituted
by Act of Parliament, Ann. Dom. 1695. The original capital of that Bank was 1oo, oool. divided into flares of loool. Scots, or 83I, 6s. 8d. stcrling In the year 1773. they were allowed, by Act of Parliament, to increase their capital to 200, oool.— In the year 1784, they w re allowed a farther in- creafc of 100,000l.; and last year ( 1792) they ob- tained an Act, allowing them to double their Ca- pital, making it in all 600,000l. At each of these enlargements, rhe Stock- hold- trs had the privilege cf subscribing at par, their proportion of he encreased capital. The Bank of Scotland divides 8 per ccnt. annually upon their fubferibed Stock ; and
the current price of a. share ( 831. 6s. Sd ) before the late enlarge- ment of Capital in 1792, with the privilege of sub- scribing an equal fum iuto the increased Slock, was 250I. The Royal Bank has run nearly the same course, and differing only in the immediate appropriation of profits— Their mode has been, to apply a certain proportion of their profits to an annual dividend, and to let the remainder run up to accumulated Stock. This Bank was incorporated by Royal Charter in 1727, upon a Capital of 111, oool subscribed from the stock, and by the Partners of the equiva- lent Company- They have since had several renewals of
their Charter, with additional powers and privileges. In the year 1783, they were allowed to increase their capital to 300, oool. and they completed that sum, from their accumulated fund, without ma- king any call upon the proprietors Upon the last renewal, in 1788, they were em- powered to increase their Capital to 600, oool. and, towards that enlargement, the accumulated fund was already able to afford 1oo, oool.; the remain- der of the subscription was made up by the partners. The annual dividend upon the subscribed Stock of the Royal Bank is now ,5$ per cent ; and the price of a share ( of 100I ) from 2,( 81. to 243I. It
occurred to the Committee, that it might be a farther inducement to individuals to engage largely in the proposed Bank, if some declaration was made of the principles upon which it was meant to be founded and conducted ; showing it to be calcu- lated equally for public accommodation, and for the security of the parties to be interested. With some few alterations and modifications, the Committee would therefore beg leave to recommend, as a model, the Constitution and Practice of the Bank of England — Perhaps, in the proposed plan, the business might be conducted with more energy, and equal public confidence, if the
Board of Direc- tion was made smaller, and a seperate Board was ap poined, annually, to inspect and audit the accounts. The balance to be doqueted by this Board, and an Abstract of it printed, and delivered to each pro- prietor. The Committee would suggest, that the Capital ought not be very large, nor very final. A small capital might be unequal to the public wants; and, at this particular period, it might be difficult to procure a very large subscription, without drain- ing funds from others necessary channels. An enlargement of the capital can be afterwards procured; and, as the increasing commerce of this Country may he likely
soon to call for such a mea- sure, it holds out a prospect of advantage to the first subscribers. If the General Meeting should be of ' opinion that what has been stated, furnishes sufficient grounds to ; r induce them to proceed in this business, the Commit- tee would then submit to their consideration the fol- lowing resolution ;— That the Bank shall be constituted under the Authority of an Act of Parliament, and be founded and conducted in the following manner: The capital to be 300,000!, divided into shares of a hundred pounds. The shares to be transferable, and no person bound for more than his subscribed stock. The
business to be under the Direction of a Go- vernor, Deputy Governor, and Ten Directors 5 five of these to be a Quorum. The Governor, Deputy Governor, and Directors, to be chosen by a ballot of subscribers holding at least 300I. ftock. Two votes to be allowed to a per- son holding 600I. stock; three to 1200l; and four votes to 2oool; and no proprietor, however great the amount of his stock, to have more than four votes. Proxies, properly authenticated," to be ad- mitted. The Governor, Deputy Governor, and Directors, must each be possessed of 1000I. stock, and continue to hold that amount while they remain in office; and no
partner of a private bank to be elected to the office of Governor, Deputy Governor, or Director. The cashier, clerks, & c. to be appointed by the Court of Directors ; and the cashier and clerks are not to be engaged, directly or indirectly, in com- merce or manufactures, or hold any other office or employment. A committee of three to be chosen annually, to in- spect and audit the accounts of the former year. This committee, with the concurrence of the Direc- tors, to declare the dividends. And an abstract of the yearly balance, doqueted by them, to be printed, and a copy of it delivered to each proprietor. The members of this
committee to be stock- holders to the amount of a 1000I. and to be chosen at the same time, and in the same manner, as the Directors. The Bank may keep deposite accounts for the ac- commodation of those wishing to do business with them, " but to open no credit accounts, using their funds for the discount of bills only. The court of proprietors to have a power of mak- ing bye laws. That the merchants, manufacturers, and traders adjourn the meeting to the twenty- eighth day oi August, when subscription books may be opened. No person to be- allowed to subscribe more than five thousand pounds till after the passing of the
act of parliament; and the stock paid up by the follow- ing installments ; Five per cent, on the third day of December next; and, if an act of parliament is not obtained, this de- posite to be returned, deducting expences. But, if after obtaining an act of parliament, the remaining payments should not be made good, the first pay- ment to be forfeited. Ten per cent, one month after the act passes; Twenty per cent, in three monrhs; Twenty per cent in five months; Twenty per cent, in seven months; And the remaining twenty- five per cent, in nine months ; with power to the Directors, if they shall judge it proper, to postpone the terms of
the calls. Glasgow, 17 h July, 1793. At a numerous meeting of the merchants,, manu- facturers, and traders in this city and neighbourhood, held this day, to receive the report of the Committee, appointed on the 12th of June last, to consider the propriety and means of establishing a Chartered Bank in this City, ( GILBERT HAMILTON, Esq. Lord Provost, in the Chair), The Report of the Committee was produced, read over, and approved of. Resolved, That the report be pubished in the Newspapers, and that printed copies thereof be trans- mitted to the Conveners of the Counties of Wigton, Ayr, Renfrew, Bute, Dumbarton, Argyll,
Stirling, and Lanark, and that the Conveners be requested to lay the same before a general meeting of their rerpec- tive counties; and also, that copies of the report be transmitted to the magistrates of each of the royal burghs in these counties. Resolved, That the Committee named on the 12th of June last, with the addition of Messrs. George Hamil- ion and Kirkman Finlay, be appointed and authori- zed on the 28th of August next, to Open a subscrip- tion book, and receive subscriptions for shares in the proposed Bank, in terms of the aforesaid report. The said Committee was requested to draw up the heads of a bill to be
brought into Parliament, and to lay the draft before a General Meeting to be called by them for that purpose Resolved, That a General Meeting of the subscribers to the Bank be held on the 2d. December next, to appoint a Committee to collect the subscription money. JOHN MAXWELL, of Dargavell, writer in Glas gow, was appointed clerk. ( Signed) GILBERT HAMILTON. Glasgow, 22d. August, 1793. The Subfcription for Shares in the Bank proposed to be established in Glafgow by Aft of Parliament, is to be opened on the 28th day of August instant Subscription Papers will be lodged in the Offices of i the different lnsurance brokers in Glasgow, and ' with John Maxwell of Dargavell, writer there. Gentlemen, at a distance, who incline to become Proprietors, may give their directions to any of their correspondents in Glasgow, or to Mr. Maxwell, to subscibe for them. 22d August, 1793. London Gazettes Extraordinary ! WHITEHALL, September 12. The following despatch from Colonel Sir James Murray, Adjutant- General to the forces under the command of his Royal Highness the Duke of York, was this even- ing received express at the office of the Right Hon. Henry Dundas, his Majesty's principal Secretary of Siate for the home department. S 1 R,
Furnes, Sept. 10, 1793. I have the honour to inform you, that in consequence of information received this morning from Ypres, Rating that that im- portant place was attacked, and that it stood in need of immediate assistance, his Royal Highness determined to go to its relief. The troops were already marched, when intelli- gence was received of the enemy having fallen back to Bailleul. This retreat seems to have been occasioned by a successful at- tack, which was made upon ihe 8th by Ge- neral Beaulieu, upon their posts near Lisle. In consequence of this, the troops have returned to their former camp. I have the honour to
be, with the greatest respect, Sir, Your most obedient, humble servt. JA. MURRAY. Right Hon. Henry Dundas, The SURRENDER OF TOULON to LORD HOOD. WHITEHALL, September 13. BY advices from Vice- Admiral Lord Hood, Commander in Chief of his Majesty's ships and vessels employed in the Mediterranean, received this evening, dated Victory, off the Islands of H eres, the 25th of August, 1793 it appears that an intercourse had taken place betwecn his Lordship and Commissioners from Toulon and Merseilles: That Lord Hood had published a Preliminary Declara- tion and Proclamation, and received a paper in
answer, of which copies are subjoined. And by subsequent accounts from Captain Nelson, Commander of his Majesty's ship Agamemnon, dated August 31, off Oneglia, to Mr. Trevor, his Majesty's Minister at the Court of Turin, it appears that a treaty re- lative to Toulon was brought to a conclusion ; and that on the 28th Lord Hood's fleet land- ed 1500 men, and took possession of the batteries at the mouth of the harbour. The French fleet hauled into the inner Road, and on the 29th the British Fleet, and the fleet of Spain, which joined on the same day, anchored in the outer Road of Toulon. It is added, that Marseilles has been
taken by the Republican troops, under General Carteau. PRELIMINARY DECLARATION. If a candid and explicit declaration in fa- vour of Monarchy is made at Toulon and Marseilles, and the Standard of Royalty hoisted, the ships in the Harbour dismantled, and the Port and Forts provisionally at my disposition, so as to allow of the Egress and Regrels with safety, the people of Provence shall have all the assistance and support His Britannick Majesty's fleet under my com- mand can give; and not an atom of private property of any individual shall be touched, but protected ; having no other view than that of restoring peace so a
nation upon just, liberal and honourable terms: This must be the ground- work of the treaty. And whenever peace takes place, which I hope and trust will be soon, the Port, with all the ships in the Harbour, and Forts of Toulon, shall be restored to France, with the stores of every kind, agreeable to the Schedule that may be delivered. Given on board his Britannick Majesty's ship Victory, off Toulon, this 23d of August, 1793. ( Signed) HOOD. PROCLAMATION, By the Right Honourable Samuel Lord Hood, Vice- Admiral of the Red, and Commander in Chief of his Britannic Majesty's squadron in the Mediterranean, & e. & c. To the
Inhabitants in the Towns and Provin- ces in the South of France. DURING Four Years you have been in- volved in a Revolution, which has plunged you in Anarchy, and rendered you a Prey to factious leaders. After having destroyed your Government, trampled under foot the Laws, assassinated the Virtuous, and autho- rized the commission of crimes, they have endeavoured to propagate throughout Eu- rope their destructive system of every social order. They have constantly held forth to you the Idea of Liberty, while they have been robbing you of it. Every where they have preachcd respect to persons and proper- ty, and
every where in their name it has been violated ; they have amased you with the Sovereignty of the people, which they have constantly usurped ; they have declaimed against the abuses of Royalty, in order to establish their tyranny upon the fragments of a Throne still reeking with ths blood of your legitimate Sovereign. Frenchmen you groan under the pressure of want, and the privation of all specie ; your commerce and your industry are annihilated, your agricul- ture is checked, and the want of provisions threatens you with a horrible famine. Be- hold, then, the faithful picture of your wretch, ed condition ; a situation so dreadful
sensibly afflicts the coalesced powers; they see no other remedy but the re- establishment of the French Monarchy. It is for this, and the acts of aggression committed by the Execu- tive Power of France, that we have armed in conjunction with the other Coalesced Powers. After mature reflection upon these leading objects, I come to offer you the force with wh ch I am entrusted by my Sovereign, in order to spare the further effusion of human blood, to crush with promptitude the factious, to re- establish a regular Government in France, and thereby maintain peace and tranquility in Europe. Decide, therefore, definitively, and with
precision. Trust your hopes to the genero- sity of a loyal and free nation. In it's name I have just given an unequivocal testimony to the well- disposed inhabitants of Marseilles, by granting to the commissioners sent on board the fleet under my command a pass- port for procuring a quantity of grain, of which this great town now stands so much in j need. Be explicit, and I fly to your succour, in order to break the chain which surrounds you, and to be the instrument of making many years of happiness succeed to four years of misery and anarchy, in which your deluded Country has been involved. Given on board his Britannick
Majesty's ship Victory, off Toulon, the 23d day of August, 1793. ( Signed) HOOD. By command of the Admiral, ( Signed) Jn. M' Arthur. Declaration made to Admiral Lord Hood. The General Committee of the Sections of Toulon, having read the Proclamation of Ad- miral Lord Hood, Commander in Chief of his Britannic Majesty's Squadron, together with a Preliminary Declaration ; and, after having communicated these two Papers to all the Citizens of the Town of Toulon, united in Sections; Considering that France is torn by Anar- chy, and that it is impossible to' exist longer a prey to the Factions with which the Country is
agitated, without its total destruction ; Considering that the Southern Depart- ments, after having made long efforts to re- fill the oppression of a party of factious men, who have conspired to resist them, find them- selves drained and deprived of all resources to annihilate this Coalition of the evil- disposed ; Considering, in short, that determined not to submit to the tyranny of a Convention that has sworn to ruin the Nation, the people of Toulon, and those of Marseilles, would ra- ther have recoorfe to the generosity of a loyal people, who has manifested the desire of pro- tecting the true Frenchmen against the Anar- chists who wiih
to ruin them ; Declare to Admiral Lord Hood, I. That the unanimous wish of the inhabi- tants of Toulon is to reject a Constitution which does not promote their happiness, to adopt a Monarchic Government, such as it was originally by the Constituent Assembly cf 1789; and, in consequence, they have pro claimed Louis XVII. SOn of Louis XVX. KING, and have sworn to acknowledge him, and no longer suffer the despotism of the Tyrants which at this time govern France. , 2. That the White Flag Shall be hoisted the instant the English Squadron anchors in the Road of Toulon, and it will there meet the most friendly reception. 3.
That the Ships 0f War now in the Road will be disarmed, according to Adm. Hood's wishes. 4. That the Citadel and the Forts of the Coast shall be provisionally at the disposal of the said Admiral: but, for the better esta- blishing the Union which ought to exist be- tween the two people, it is requested that the garisson shall be composed of an equal num- ber of French and English, and that never- theless the Command shall devolve to the English. 5. The people of Toulon trust the English ' Nation will furnish speedily a Force sufficient to assist in repelling the attacks with which they are at this moment threatened by the ar- my of
Italy, which marches towards Toulon, and by that of General Carteau, who directs his Forces against Marseilles. 6 That the people of Toulon, full of con- fidence in the generous offers of Admiral Hood, trust that all those who held Civil and Military employments shall be continued in i their places, and shall not be annoyed in their respective occupations. 7. That the subsistence and succours of every kind, of which Toulon stands so much in need, will be assured to the inhabitants by the Combined Fleet of the Powers coalesced. 8. That when Peace will have been re- established in France, the ships and Forts which will be put
into the hands of the Eng- lish shall be restored to the French Nation, in the same state they were in when the In ventory was delivered. It is according to this Declaration, if ap- proved by Admiral Hood, that the Tou- lonese will regard themselves, with good heart and will, as belonging to the English and the other Powers Coalesced, and by whose succour will be brought about that Peace after which they have panted so long. ( Signed) Beaudeal, President. Reboul, Vice- Presi- dent. Reynard, Secretary. La- Poype Vertrieux, Deydier Cadel. Andrew, Via- lis. Barthelemy, Commissary of the De- partment. Possel Fournier. Grival.
Bte. Devant. Antonie Gabert. Porte. Jeffre, Commissary of the Municipality. L. Ca- diere, Commissary of the Municipality. C. Garibow. Boullement. Ferrand. Claus- segros, Commandant of arms. Burgues. Richaud, Commissary of the Municipality. Meifrund, President of the Municipality. Bertrand. Sicard. ADMIRALTY OFFICE, Sept. 15. Lord Hugh Conway, Captain of his Ma- jesty's ship the Leviathan, arrived here this day with a dispatch from Vice Admiral Lord Hood, Commander in Chief of his Majesty's ships & vessels in the Mediterranean, to Phi- lip Stephens, Esq. of which the following is a Copy: Victory, in the outer Road
of Toulon, August 29, 1793. SiR, In my Letter of the 25th ( of which I here- with send a Duplicate, and also of its inclo- sures), I had the honour to acquaint you, for the information of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, of the situation of things at Toulon and Marseilles; since that several messages have passed between me and the Sections of Toulon ; and, having assurances that they had proclaimed Louis XVII. King, and had sworn to acknowledge him, and no longer suffer the despotism of the tyrants which at this time govern France, and that they would be zealous in their endeavours ts restore peace to their
distracted and calami- tous Country, I came to the resolution of landing 2530 men, and take possession of the Fortifications which command the ships in the Road. St. Julien, a turbulent hot head- ed Democrat ( to whom the seamen had given the command of the fleet in the room of Pro- goff ) had the command of the Forts on the left of the harbour, and declared resistance. [ Here follows an account of Lord Hood's landing 1500 and of the Spaniards preparing to land 1000 men, in order to co- operate, which was all done in the most orderly man- ner] 1 herewith transmit a copy of Don Lan- gara's letter, in answer to mine of the
25th. The corps of Cartau has been at Marseil- les, and committed all manner of enormities, and is now on its march to Toulon, expecting to join the army near at hand from Italy. The former consists of 10,000 men ; the num- ber of the latter is not ascertained, but, be it more or less, I trust the whole will make no impression even upon the town of Toulon ; upon the Fort of Malgue, I am pretty con- fident they cannot do it. Information has just been sent me, that Cartau has planned to send away from Mar- seilles all the money as well as merchandize, in the town : The former is said to consist of four millions of livres ; but I have
planned to prevent him, by having sent off Marseilles two ships of the Line with orders not to suffer any vessel to sail ; and I am now sending two frigates, which I could not spare before, After having taken possession of Toulon and the Forts, 1 judged it expedient to issue another Proclamation, which Captain El- phiastone tells me has had a very happy effect; a copy of which I also inclose. The knowledge of this event to the King and his Majelly's Ministers appears to me of that magnitude, that I think it expedient to adopt two modes of conveyance, one by the way of Barcelona, and the other Genoa. Lord Hugh Conway has the
charge of one dispatch, and the Honourable Captain Walde- grave the other, who will be able to inform His Majesty's Ministers, at those places they may pass, of the Allied Powers. I have the honour to be, SIR, Your most obedient humble Servant. ( Signed) HOOD. Philip Stephens, Esq. [ Here follows another Proclamation from Lord Hood to the French Nation, and in which he declares, he only takes possession of Toulon in the name of Louis XVlI. and un- til peace shall be established again in France Most Excellent Lord, I have received your excellency's much, esteemed letter, with the intelligence there mentioned, and
incloslng a copy of your Proclamation. In consequence, I cannot resist taking the greatest interest in the com mon cause ; and, considering ihe effects might result from my not taking advantage of s0 favourable an opportunity, I have termincd to proceed immediately, in view your squadron; and, at the same time
Continuation of London Gazettes Extra. dispatched an express to the commander in chief of the army in Rosellon, desiring that he would embark in four ships, which I left,' for that purpose, two or three thousand of the best troops, to be employed as your Ex- cellency wishes in the operations you have pointed out. May God preserve you a thousand years. Most Excellent Lord, I kiss your Lordship's hands. Your most obedient and faithful humble Servant, [ Signed] Juan de Langara & Huarte. On board of the Mexicano, off the coast of Rosellon, the 26th of August, 1793. Admiral Lord Hood. ...... WHITEHALL, Sept. 14, Extract of a
letter from the Earl of Elgin, his Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary at the Court of Brussels, to the Right Honourable Lord Grenville, dated Bermerain, Sept. 11.1793. My- Lord, I Have the satisfaction of informing your Lordship, that this morning La Quesnoy has surrendered to the troops of His Imperial Majesty. At midnight the town ceased firing, - and an officer came out with the terms on which the garrison proposed to capitulate. These terms were rejected, in so far as they deviated from the point which General Clair- fait had resolved to insist upon, namely that the garrison should be prisoners of war. This condition, though
combated, did not appear unexpected ; and the officer, on quitting " General Clairfait, gave assurances that the stipulations he had consented to would be ac- cepted. At the moment of dispatching my messen- ger, the capitulation is not actually signed; but as Prince Cobourg, General Clairfait, and Count Mercy have severally confirmed to me the surrender,, and authorised me to communicate it to your Lordship, I hope my doing so will not appear hasty. { Here ends the Extra. Gazettes.) Whitehall, September 16. Captain Robinson, of the Brilliant frigate, arrived yesterday evening at the office of the ' Right Honourable Henry
Dundas, His Ma. testy's principal Secretary of State for the home department, with the following dispatch from Colonel Sir James Murray, Adjutant- General to the forces under the command of His Royal Highness the Duke of York. Dixmude, Sept. 14, 1793. SIR., I take the opportunity of Captain Robin- son, of the Brilliant frigate, going to Eng land, to inform you, that the Dutch posts upon the Lys were forced by the enemy upon the 12th. In conference of this the troops of the Republic have abandoned Menin, and have fallen back upon Bruges and Ghent. His Royal Highness means to march this day to Thouroute. Accounts
were received this morning, that an engagement had taken place at Villers en Couchee, near Quesnoy, in which the French were defeated with the loss of 3000 men, and eleven pieces of cannon. I have the honour to be, & c. JAMES MURRAY. Right Hon. Henry Dundas, See. Sec. Sec. FOREIGN NEWS. SAVOY, August 23. THE Piedmontese have retaken Savoy, and even in less time than the French last year made themselves masters of that Duchy. The Column of Piedmontese troops, confining of one battalion of the Swiss regi- ment of Rochmond, one battalion of Savoy infantry, and three squadrons of Savoy horse, met
the French on the 15th, Who had seven pieces of cannon with them. The enemy, relying upon their superiority, made the attack, but were repulsed, and obliged to quit the field of battle with great loss. The commander of the Piedmontese was the Mar- quis de Salles. On the 21st the column received a re- in- forcement of 3000 men, and attacked the French at Salenche, beat them, took all their artillery, and drove them out of Faussigny, to within two hours march of Geneva, where they passed 48 hours without tents or provisi. ons. After this, the Piedmontese marched into the territory of Geneva, without waiting for the enemy,
who on the 23d were posted at the gates of Geneva. Two other columns of Piedmontese marched by St. Bernard and Mount Cenis; the first, under the Duke de Montserrat, drove the French on the 15th from their entrenchments in the Tarantese Mountains; the second overthrew the enemy's entrenchments at Ter- mignon and its neighbourhood. The French fled with great precipitation, and left their artillery and magazines behind them. The French Tree of Liberty has been uni- versally thrown down, and the Royal cockade mounted; the whole country rose against the French, and pursued them ; at Cluse, Bonne- ville, Moutier,
and other places, they fired from the doors and windows of the houses upon them. When the corps of French under General Muy, which was posted at Chablois, saw their retreat was cut off, they endea- voured to pass the lake to Bugoy. Nieuport, Sept. 10. The left wing of our army which extended from Bergues St. Winox to Cassel, after having been forced to retreat by the superiority of the enemy, received a re- inforcement, and, seconded by the rest cf the army, beat and repulsed the French near Rexpoede ; after which our troops took such a position between Gyfelde and Zuyd- cote as to enable them to make head
against any efforts the French can make on that side ; in consequence of which messengers were dispatched to order every thing to be sent back to the army which ( for security) had been removed from it. Carcassonne, Jug. 28. The Spaniards have taken a very advantageous post at Quillan, a district in the department of l'Aude ; they have taken 350 men and five pieces of can- non. Our position is not very favourable towards that part; towards Perpignan the army is better supported : But should the enemy cut' off the communication between Narbonne and Perpignan, it wou'd be obliged to surrender, and the latter city could
not hold out 24 hours. Brussels, Sept. 11. General Otto, at the head of 12 squadrons of horse, seven battali- ons of infantry, and 12 cannon, marched on the 7th inst. to St. Quintin, where he did not meet with the least resistance. He took a large convoy on its way to Cambray, which consisted of 200 waggons with flour, 200 bullocks, 500 cows, 7,00 horfes, 10 casks of brandy, six waggons with Maroles cheese ( Maroles is a place fituated in Champagne,) and 14 waggons of ammunition, ten of which laden with balls. He dismissed the train of artillery which came from La Ferne, in Champagne. On their return from this ex pedition, the Austrians brought back with them a whole Municipality of Sans Culottes. Perpignan, August 12. The Spaniards have got possession of Ville- Franche, and are marching towards Mont- Louis. Ville Fran- che surrendered the 8th instant. The gar- rison, which was very small, was made pri- soners of war. Ostend, Sept. 14. The transports, with the 19th and 57th Regiments, and three companies of the 42d regiment of Highlan- ders, landed this morning in good health, and marched immediately to join the army. The whole Garrison of Quesnoy have sur- rendered themselves prisoners of war, and to be conveyed to any
part of the Emperor's Dominions, whose troops took possession the 12th instant. The town has suffered greatly by the siege. A body of ten thousand French troops were marching to relieve Quesnoy, but on the 12th in the morning were intercepted by the Aus- trians, whom Prince Cobourg had ordered to march in the night, and a very serious engagement took place, in which the French were, completely defeated, leaving nearly half their number either Killed, wounded, or prisoners OFFICIAL BULLETIN Of the operations of the army under General Count Wurmser. August 22. This day a most severe battle was fought between
the Austrian army, commanded by the Prince of Waldeck, and the French army, which was fought with great bravery on both sides, in which the enemy's loss amounted to 900 men killed and wounded, 22 made pri- soners, and one eight pounder taken. On our part we had 18 men killed, in- cluding the second Lieutenant Sehmalzer of Kaiser Infantry, and one horse ; and 71 men, including Lieutenant Denayer and Ensign Koschek, both of Kaiser Infantry, besides two horses wounded. On the next day, several skirmishes took place, in which the French had upwards of 500 men killed and wounded. On our part, we had 65 men
killed, inclu- ding Lieutenant Jersowitsch ; 51 men inclu- ning Lieutenants Venda and Vogel of Latter- main, besides 2 horses wounded ; and eleven men missing. The Enemy advanced against Scheid, but they were repulsed by the canno- nade of General Mezaros. August 25, In the night General Count Wolkenstein, whom I charged to make some manoeuvres on the right bank of the Rhine, undertook some false attacks near Helmlin- gen, Stollhofen, and Fort Louis, and made the Free Battalion of Count Giulay pass the Rhine near Graeffern, to attack an hostile Redoubt. The Count performed this expe- dition with so much
success, that the Enemy were driven from their Redoubt with the loss of 40 men and 2 eight pounders, one of which was brought to quarters, and the other spiked and thrown into the Rhine. In the morning an hostile Patrole of about 500 men came from Lauterbourg into the Bienenwald, be- yond the abbatis, but they were repulsed by the Servian Piquets, with the loss of 23. men killed, and many others wounded. We had only one man Killed, and four men and one horse wounded. August 27. This day a most bloody, battle was fought to the left of Scheid, towards Steinfeld, between the Austrians commanded by Prince Waldeck
and a party of the French. Many deserters and fugitive peasants assure us, that the Enemy lost upwards of 700 men, and one of the hostile ammunition waggons was also blown up by one of our howitzer grenades. On our part, we only had 46 men killed, including Capt. Kelians, of the Walluchian Battalion ; and 134 wounded, in- cluding Colonel Kemye, ana captains Be- chart and Hoelble, of Giulay. We also had 12 horfes killed, and 15 wounded; and 15 men and two horses missing. Yesterday the 3d regiment of foot, or the Buffs, embarked at GreenWich, in order to join the army commanded by the Duke of York. The officers
and men appeared in high spirits, and gave three cheers when they got into the boats, which put them on board of three transports that were to convey them to the continent, Lord Newark has taken, great paths to discipline this regiment, which is composed of fine young recruits. Lord Hugh Conway came over land with Lord Hood's dispatches through Italy. The Hon. Captain Waldegrave is bringing dupli- cates by the way of Corunna. When Lord Hugh Conway left Toulon, three ships of the line of Ld. Hood's squadron were moored with springs upon their cables in the inner harbour. These command all., the passes leading to
the town. The very seasonable relief given to the Allies, by the defeat of the French near Ypres, and General Beaulieu's having since joined the Duke of York, with a reinforce- ment of twelve or fifteen thousand men, is a strong additional presumption, that the siege will be resumed. What the French will do to repair their late repeated defeats, remains to be seen. A few days since they appeared to fight like men that were desperate ; but so many successive checks, will probably tend at once to pull down their barbarism and cour- age. The French troops have experienced a se- vere check in Palanche and Cluse. On the 24th ult.
a column of Piedmontese and Au- strians attacked them ; put the Republican forces to the rout ; killed six hundred ; drove many into the river Ance, and pursued the surviving fugitives many miles. The city of Geneva, above twenty- two miles S. E. of this place, dreading the con- sequences of the French Mania, have shut up their gates against the Republicans, fortified their towns, and pointed their cannon. The Spanish army in the province of Rous- sellen, after the capture of Ville Franche, detached a considerable force to besiege Mont Louis. .- TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, . ON THE PREMISSES By J. T A Y L O R; On
Monday September 30th; 1793. At Welham) near East- Retford, Nottinghamshire APair of capital Brown coach Horses. six and seven years old ; a remarkable handsome un- broke Chesnut Galloway ; a very large fine shaped Chesnut Filly, one year old ; three exceeding good Milch Cows, and a Calf; one stack, and pare of ano- ther of very good hay.; thirty one acres of Grass, from Michaelmas to Lady Day ; Thirty three dozen of excellent strong beer. *„* The Sale to begin at Eleven o'clock In the Forenoon. For Particulars apply to J. Taylor, Printer, Retford. WANTED, a HOUSE with fome LAND in a dry Part of the Country, for
a Gentleman's Family. Ap- ply as above. WANTED, ACOOK in a fmall Family, where an under Maid and Footman are kept — Enquire of the Printers of this Paper ; or ot Messrs, Allen & Ridge Newark. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY W. CROW, At the House of Mrs'. ELIZABETH PASCHOUD, the Rutlands' Arms Inn, in Newark upon Trent, in the County of Nottingham, on Thursday th. e 17th Day of October next, between the Hours of Three and Six o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject . to fuch Conditions as shall be then produced, un- less disposed of by private Contract, of which no- tice will be given, AN EXCEEDING GOOD
FREE- HOLD BRICK HOUSEt situate in tile Mar- ket- Place, Newark, with the Chandle House, Stable and Garden thereto belonging, in the Tenure of Mr. Thos. Heppenstall, also a Tenement in the Yard adjoining, in the Tenure of Thomas Depper. Mr. Frederick Heppenstall will shew the Premises, and further Particulars may be had by applying to Charles Snart, Attorney, in Newark. LONDON, September 17. On Thursday night Prince Adolphus arri- ved INCOG, at the Hanoverian Office, Bury- street, St. James's, from the British Camp before Dunkirk. His Highness slept at Mr. Best's, in Thatched Court ; and yesterday morning
set off to see his Royal parents at Kew palace. His Royal Highness reached Deal on Thursday morning in the Brilliant. He came up with the helmet on through which he was cut. One of his eyes is hurt by a blow he received in the engagement. His coat also bears the marks of the sabre. Yesterday the Prince of Wales went to Kew palace to see his brother, and brought with him from thence the Coat and Helmet in which he was wounded. He deposited them at Carleton- house, and great numbers of his friends flocked to see them. *** No particular Foreign Advices have arrived by this Mail, LONDON, September 1 8. Yesterday
Lieutenant Bogar, of the Navy, arrived at the Admiralty- Office from Valen- ciennes, Esq-. which place he has brought the colours which his Royal Highness the Duke of York took at that place from the French. The states of Holland and West Friesland have agreed to raise a loan of twelve millions of florins by way of lottery, for better car- rying on the war. We find that the French loss in the last action, was understated ; subsequent accounts make it amount to 4000 men killed and wounded. They were driven from Villers en Couchee, the scene of action, as far as Maubeuge. The French were nearly all either killed or made
prisoners. Saturday afternoon the Park and Tower guns were fired by order of Government to celebrate the news from Toulon, See. In the session of the French Convention on the 3d, Saint Andre called the attention of the Convention to St. Domingo, which is in the most deplorable situation. The magni- ficent city of Cape Francois is only a heap of ashes. ft has been consumed by a most ter- rible conflagration, which lasted from the 19th of June till the 23d. All the whites have been massacred, and all the merchant ships which were in the road have gone to take re- fuge in America. Polverel and Santhonax, who had been sent
to St. Domingo to main- tain order and peace, have ruined every thing ; it appears that they wished to make themselves masters of the colony, and then to give it up to the English. The last accounts of the sittings of the French Convention, which are of the 4th, contain the important intelligence of the de- claration of Toulon in favour of Monarchy, and the delivery of the forts and towns to the English fleet under the command of Lord Hood. The accounts added, that so deter- mined were the people to give the latter pos- session of it, that at Fort la Marche they heated furnaces, and threatened to fire red- hot shot on the French
fleet if they opposed the entrance of the English. The account concluded by stating, that eight English ships of war had actually entered tae port of Tou- lon. Letters are reported to be in town, which mention, that General Gallon has gained a complete victory over the Republican armies in La Vendee, and that Santerre who com- manded it was taken prisoner, and has since been quartered— by which we understand he was drawn to pieces, by four horses. By the same advices, it is reported that the siege of Lyons is raised. BANKRUPTS. George Pitt, of Oxford street, Middlesex, haberdas- her, to surrender Sept. 21, 28, and
Oct. 26, at the at Guildhall, London. James Matthews, late of Leadenhall- street; tea- dealer, to surrender Sept. 24, Oft. 5, and 16, at ten, at Guildhall, London. Tho. Smith, of St. John's- street, Middlesex, brush- maker, to surrendcr Sept. 21, 2. S, and Oct. 26, at ten, at Guildhall, London, Thomas Martin, late of Leo- minster, Herefordshire, innkeeper, to surrender Sept. 21, 23, and Oct. 26, at twelve, at the Beaufort Arms Inn, in Chepstow. William Illidge, of Wolverhamp- ton, Staffordshire, rope- maker, to surrender Sept. 27, 28, and Oct. 26, at eleven, at the New- Angel- Inn, in Wolverhampton. Joseph Kent, of Norwich, Linen diaper, to surrenier Sept. 25, Oct. 1, and 26, at White swan, in Norwich. Elizabeth Fussey, ot Ely, Cambridgeshire, widow, carrier, to surrender Sept. 23, and 24, at ten, and Oft. 26, at four, at tbe- Lamb inn, in Ely. Stanley Brennard, of Oldham, Lancashire, cotton manufacturer. To appear Oct. 7, 8, and 29, at the Globe Tavern, Liverpool. Rob. Brickdale Morgan, of Birmingham, button- maker. To appear Oct. 4, 5, and 29, at the Shakespear Ta- vern, Birmingham. Robert Tanner, of Lyncombe, in Somersetshire, victualler. To appear Oct. 3, 4, and 29, at the Full Moon, in Bath. Richard Peer- ing, of Dartmouth, in Devonshire,
shipwright. To appear Oct. 9, 10, and 29, at the Castle Inn, in Dart- mouth. John Viel, late of Bathwick, in Somerset- shire, cabinet- maker. To appear Sept. 28, 3c, and Oct 29, at the White Hart Inn, in Bath. ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. ( Eltablithed by Royal Charter in the reign of King - George the Firft) For Assuring Houses, Buildings, Goods, Corn, Hay, and also for the Assurance of Lives. THE CORPORATION of the Royal Exchange Assurance, have appointed the following per sons to be their several Agents for the several places hereafter mentioned. JOSEPH GALES, SHEFFIELD. JOHN HUDDLESTONE,
NEWARK. ROBERT KIRKBY, NOTTINGHAM. JAMES TAYLOR, RETFORD. ROBERT TOPLIS, MANSFIElD. Farmers and others are hereby informed, that this Corporation have authorifed their respective Agents to accept Proposals fcr the Assurance of Farming- Stock and Buildings, in all situations, opon as mode- rate terms as any other office whatever ; and that the Company's Agents may be enabled to reduce the pre- mium on Policies already issued, all perfons are re- uested to bring their Policies as the annual pay- ments respecively fall due. Persons assuce by this Corporation do not dedend upon an uncertain fund or
contribution, nor are they subject to any covenants or calls to make good losses which may happen to themselves or others the capital stock of this corporation being an unques- tionable security to in secured, in case of loss or da- mage by fire. And ein case of dispute the allured have a more ready and effectual method of recovery than can be had against any societies who do not under a common leal. Printed proposal may be had by applying to the said Agents. This Corporation will, in cases of fire allow all reasonable charges attending the removal of good and pay the sufferer's loss, whether the goods are d stroyed, lost, or
damaged by such removal. And as an encouragement to pensions assuring, all cities and great towns, may receive assistance for purchasing en gines and proper implements, to present the progress of fires, in proportion to the number of aifuiancits made in such place. N. B. All payments for losses or damages by fire, are not made by this corporation without deduction NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. 16th SEPt 1793. BY command of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace, I HEREBY GIVE. NOTICE, That the MichAElMAS Quarter Sessions- of the-, Peace for the said county of Nottingham, wilt be held at he several places and on the
several days following, ( to wit J NOTTINGHAM, Monday the 7th, NEWARK, Wednesday the 9th, and - EAST- RETFORD, Friday the 11th day of Octo- ber next; of which all persons who are bound by Recognisance to appear, or have any business to transact at the said respective Sessions arc required to take notice: and all persons who have Bills of Indictment to prefer at the said Sessions, are re- quelled to call upon the Clerk " of t c Peace for the laid county, the evening before, or rarly 111 the morning of each Sessionss y3 to give him instruc- tions for drawing the said Bills, that they may be drawn befote the Court sits.
JOB BROUGH, Clerk of the Peace. RAMS, Of the New Leicestershire Breed. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. BOOTT, At the Crowns Inn, in Leicester, on. Saturday, th « 28th day of September, 1793, at 10 o'clock, ABOUT THIRTY RAMS, of different ages, the properly of a GENTLEMAN, who is de- clining Ram Breeding. *** A few Ewes selected from the same stock will ' also be sold on the above day. When ii is said that these Sheep are descendents of Rams hiredfrorm Mr PAgIT, Mr STONE, Mr, BrEEdON, Mr. STUbbins and Mr Walker, the public must have a proper idea of their value. The Sheep may be viewed in the
Pens two hours preceding the sale ; and Catalogues will then be delivered. - NAVIGATION SHARES. RATS AND MICE Effectually destroyed by P. HEERY, at the PACK HORSE, NEWARK. . NO Cure no Pay. THIS remedy never failed where a sufficient quantity had been uftd : It is in Pills, about the size of a Nut, and one is sufficient to kill the largeft Rat, Mice in proportion, at Co fmall a price as one halfpenny the Pill, which they will eat in pre- ference to all kind of food, and continue to eat while one exists ; yet no Cat will touch them, unless starved with hunger; they may be ufed with safety in larders, dairies, granaries, malt.
kilns, & c. as the vermin neither eat, drink, or puke after eating, and the Pi Is being hard, they cannot infest any thing.-— The Advertiser will attend any Gentleman much in- fested, and engage, in a few nights, to clear any place whatever, taking only one halfpenny for every Pill that is used, and payment for attendance exclu- sive. Any person may cure his own place with the Pills, following the directions inclosed in each Packet; they will bear carrying by sea or land, and keep good several years. To be had of Burbage and Stretton, Ncttingham ; Drury, Derby ; Barnes, Surton ; and Gregory, Leiceiter; and of the other Agents and
Newsmen of this Paper ; also at one shop in every market- town in most parts of England, ready pack'd up, 24 Pills is ; 60 ditto, 2s. 6d ; 120 ditto, 5s. and foon in proportion for any quantity required. N. B. If Rats or Mice are found living after they give over eating the Pills, bought of any of the ven- ders thereof, the Proprieto. r hereby engages to attend personally, and kill them gratis. . TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. BOOTT, ( In Lots), at the White Lion Inn in . Nottingham, on Thursday the ' third Day of October, 1793, at three o'clock ; subject to such Conditions as will be then produced EIGHT shares in the River Trent
Navigation. One Share in the Leicester Navigation. " One share in the Erewash Canal Two Shares in the Nottingham Canal. Three Shares in the Derby Canal, Three Shares in the Grantham Canal. One Share in the Cromford Canal. And Three Shares in the Ellsemere Canal. ROT IN SHEEP. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. BOOTT. At the White Lion Inn, in Nottingham, in a short time, ABOUT Twenty TWILLED and KNOTTED STOCKING- FRAMES, part of which are now in employ. Particulars will appear in the next week's paper. * All persons who have any claim or demand upon the Partnership account of Mr. John
Wright, of Lond v, deceased, and Mr. William Wilkinson, of Nottingham, ( carrying on Trade under the firm of Wright and Wilkinson) are hereby requested to send their accounts to the said Mr Wm Wilkinson, on wholec account only the business has been ( since Mr. Wright's dccease) and is now continued. THIS dreadful complaint, which hath been fatal to so many thousands of that useful animal within the last nine months, hath been attributed, by able writers, to prcceeed from INSECTS, which, in wet seasons, have been found in great numbers in the livers of those affected by the disease :— these in. sects resemble very
much the flat fish, commonly called the Plaise, and if not removed in time, become io numerous as to destroy the sheep they are preying upon. JOHN NEEDHAM, of WHESTONE, Licestershire, Grazier. Having discovered a COMPOSITION, which on appli- cation, hath been found to destroy the above Insects, fasten the liver, and ( if taken in time) restore the affected Sheep to its ptoper health and vigour; prc- poses to explain the SECRET of his DiscovERY, to those persons who shall chuse to pay him the sum of ONE GUINEA each, to be deposited in the hands of the undermentioned Bankers, who will be authorised to return
the same to them on the 12th. day of No- vember, next, or at any time thereafter, in case a reasonable number of applications shall not be previ- ously made for the proposed remedy. We whose names are hereunto subscribed, do here- by certify to the public, that the above named JOHN NEEDHAM hath preserved to us the lives of many sheep which had the Rot the last season, and which without the application of his invaluable medicine, we verily believe would have been lost. 10th. June, 1793. Thomas Davies, Rob. Knight, Jun. Joseph, Knight, Walgrave, Northamptonshire ; John Davis, Lodding- ton, Northamptonshire; T.
Cooper, Wigston- Magna, Leicestershire; William Hubbard, Ashby- Magna, Ditto. SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN IN BY Messrs Boultbee, Mansfield & Boultbee, Leicester ; Messrs, Manners and Mansfield, Grantham; Mr. Lucas, Northampton ; Messrs. Bosworth and Inker- sole, Market Harborough ; Mr. Bellairs, Stamford The above John Needham has also a prepara - tion for stopping the Black Scour in sheep, which he can assure the public will effect the same in 24 horns after taken ; the secret of which he will be ready to communicate with the above. The mate- rials for preparing these valuable medicines may b; procured at little
expence in any market- town. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. BOOTT, ON THE PREMISES, On Monday the 7th day of October, 1793, at ten o'clock, ALL the valuable Stock of SHEEP, NEAT CATTLE, CART HORSES, BROOD- MARES, CAPITAL STALLION, YoUN'G HORSES, and Implements of Husbandry, belong- ing to CHARLES CARTWRIGHT, Esq. at his Farm at Skegby, in the Parish of Marnham, near Tuxford, in the County of Nottingham The sheep are of the true Lincolnshire Breed, and a e descended from Rams bred by Charles Chaplin, Esq. and Mr. John Bartholomew. The Neat Cattle are of the bed sort cf
the Shortr horned Breed. Particulars will be advertised in a future paper. Capital Breeding Stock, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. BOOTT. ( ON THE PREMISES) Sometime in the month of November, 179J, THE truly VALUABLE BREEDING STOCK, BELONGING TO THOMAS PAGET, Esq. Of Ibstock, in the county of Leicester. The character of this stock is so sufficiently known that it need not be enlarged upon. ( f3~ Particulars and Catalogues will appear in time Sheep of the New Leicestershire Breed. To be Sold by Auction, by Mr. BOOTT, On the Premises, on Wednesday the 9th day of October, 1793, at eleven
o'clock, APart of the capital - tock. of SHEEP belong- ing to Mr. EDWARD BOYER, of Hath near Loughbrough. Confusing of Light two shear Rams, Ten shear- ling Rams, Twenty breeding Ewes, and Twenty- Theaves Part of the Ewes are by Rams bred by Mr. Bake- WELL; the Theavcs and shearling Ram, are by a Sheep bred by Mr. BUCKLEY, son of the DISH- LEY H H ' and the two Shear Rams are by two Sheep bred by Mr. BREEDON, ( Sons of the DIShLEy C A M brils) * » * A Cart stallion, 6 years old ; a black Stal- lion Colt; and several other Horses will be sold on the fame day. Catalogues will be had on Monday the
got'i of September, ( from which time the - Sheep may be viewed) on the Premises, and of Mr. Boott, in Loughbrough i i
To be Sold by Auction, by Mr. Gill On Monday & Tuesday, September 23 and 24 inst. . on the Premises. at Mr. Jerrom's, Sinker- maker, in Broad- lane, Nottingham, ALL the Houshold Furniture, consisting of Beds, Bedsteads, Mahogany Tables, Wardrobe, and Bureau ; good Elm Chairs, a very good Clock, and a variety of other articles, to be inferred in the Ca- talogues, which may be had of the Auctioneer-, No 2, Pepper- street, on Saturday preceding the sale, which will begin at ten o'clock each day. *! w FAMILIES WANTED. ANTED, three or four steady Families of . . Children, for a Mill in the neighbourhood of Nottingham,
where they may be accommodated with a good house and Garden, and where the Fathers of the Families may have constant employ. Enquire of the Printers. One Guinea Reward. By Mr. GILL, On Thursday and Friday next, the 26 and 27 In- stant on the Premises, at Mrs. Bakewells in Stoney Street, Nottingham, CONSISTING of Feather beds, Bolsters, and Pillows, Bedsteads, Mahogany Chairs, Tables, Pier Glasses, a large Quantity of China and Glasses, and a Variety of other Articles, which will be speci- iied in the Catalogues which may be had ot the Auctioneer, No. 2. Pepper Street, on Wednesday preceding the Sale. 4
After the above is over, the remaining Fixtures of the will be sold N B. The Goods may he viewed on Wednesday prcceeding the Sale which will begin each Day at 10 o'clock. L O S T, On Monday- night, the 16th of September, from the Blackmoor's Head Inn, Nottingham, and supposed to have strayed far from the town,— ASmall Black and Pale Tan- coloured TERRIER BITCH, with cropp'd Ears, and much White about the mouth, breast, and under part of the tail j had on a Collar, engraved ( t E. B. LONG, Esquire," and answers to the name of Quiz. Whoever will bring her safely to Mr. Wm. Mar- riott, Hosier, High Street,
Nottingham, shall receive the above mentioned ' reward of ONE GUINEA, and a reasonable compensation for the trouble of bringing her from any distance. she will not be advertized again, nor will any greater reward be offered ; and any person detaining her after this public notice will be prosecuted. SETEMBER 17th, I793. Central Hospital, near Nottingham. TO BE SOLD BT AUCTION, BY MR. CANNER, < | If not disposed of in the mean Time by Private ' Contract On Friday next the 27th of Sept. Instant, at Ten o'clock, at the House of John Fellows ( the Bulls Head) in Chilwell, _ ANEW erected Corn Wind- mill, standing in
Beeston Field; also a house and Bakehouse, is Beeston . , , For further Particulars apply to Mr. John Smith, Miller., in Beeston aforesaid. "" TOWN of NOTTINGHAM. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, TWO new- erected MESSUAGES or TENE- MENTS, situate on the North side of Castle- gate in the town of Nottingham, and now in the te- nure's of Mr. Bridger and Mr Joseph Merrey And also, Two other new- erected MESSUAGES er TENEMENTS thereto adjoining, situate in the Yard belonging the same, and now in the tenures of James Holmes and Thomas Stokes. For further particulars apply to Mr. Bigsby, Attorney
at Law, Nottingham. Nottingham, 18th September, 1793. Kingston's Arms Association for PROSECUTING FELONS. Liberal Rewards are paid by the Treasurer of this Association, on the conviction of any per- son or persons committing depredations on the per- son or property of any subscriber. The following is a LIST of the MEMBERS : Baker, George Blythe, John Booth, Robert Clarke, Thomas Gascoine, Thomas Hardy, George, Belfield Hedderley, George Hill, John Lees, John Lees, James Lees, Philip Lowe, Mark Maltby, John Maltby and Hickling Nixon, John Osborn, Charles Osborn, Joseph Torr, Thomas West, John W
rsdall, John FOREIGN CHINA, JUST ARRIVED FROM LONDON, The entire Privilege and Clearing Stores of Capt HODgES, Commander of the MIDDLESEX East Indianman, consigned to, and to be sold by Auction by Mr. GASKILL, At the THURlAND HALL, NOTTINGHAM On WEDNESDAY next; thes 25th Day of SEPTeMbeR, j 1793, and the two following Days-, COMPRISING LARGE and valuable Assemblage of useful and ornamental CHINA, with the Addition of a Select Assortment of rich French Porcelain of the newest Patterns, in Tea Equipages Caudle Cups, Cabinet Cups, & c and will be sold without the least
Reserve, as under : - Rich blue Nankeen Table Services, compleat. Rich Enamelled Ditto, Elegant Nankeen Tea and Coffee Service s, with burnish'd gold borders Elegant enamelled Ditto Long Dishes and Plates, in suits Tureens and Dishes, Fine Nankeen and enamelled Breakfast Cups and Saucers, Fine Nankeen and enamelled Tea Cups and Saucers, Fine Bowls and Basons of all Sizes, Nankeen and Enamelled Mugs, in Sets, Elegant Jars and Beakers, very richly painted, Mother of Pearl Fish- and Counters, Matadores and Fans Cane Table Mats, and many other East India Articles Also a large Assortment of Cut and
Plain Glass- Ware, such a Girandoles, Candlesticks, Decan ters, Wine Glasses, Tumblers, & c. ; The Sale to begin each Day precisely at Eleven in the Morning, Three in the Afternoon, ar d Seven in th Evening. %* The Goods to be viewed 0n Tuesday pre- ceding the Sale, and any Lots purchased will be carefully packed for Carriage, W. T OWLE LINEN and WOOLLEN DRAPER, HABER- DASHER, & C. BEGS leave, to inform the Public, that he has en- tered upon the Stock in Trade of Mr. Lewis ALSOP which he purposes to sell off at very reduced Prices He has also in addition laid in a large and elegant assortment of
Prints, Muslins, and every other article in the above Branches, which he intends shewing on the 20th Instant ; and hope; by a stu- dious attention to merita continuance of Mr Alsop's Friend , and the Patronage of the Public in general. Nottingham, Sept. 19, 1793 T the ANNIVERSARY MEETING held THIS dAy, P R E S E N T, GEORGE DE LIGNe GREGORY, ESQ. THe RESiDeNT, IN THE CHAIR. His Grace the Duke of Portland,. The Most Hon. the Marquis of Titchfield, M. P. The Rt. Hon. Fred, Montagu AND Thomas Webb Edge, Esq. The Mayor and Corporation, And a respectable . Number of the Governors and Friends to
the Charity,— It was Resolved, That the Thanks of the Meeting be given to her Grade the DucHeSS of PORTLAND, the Right Honourable Ladies Mid- DleTON and EDWARD BENTiNCK, and Mrs. PIERRepoNT, for the Honour done the Charity by their attendance as Lady Patronesses. Resolved, That the Thanks of the Meeting be given to the PRESIDENT and STEWARDS, for their great Attention to the Charity. Resolved, That the Thanks of the Meeting be given to the Reverend Mr. ASHPINSHAW, for his excellent sermon preached at St. Mary's Church, be- fore the President, Stewards, and Governors. Resolved, That the
Thanks of the Meeting be given' to Mr. WISE, and the GENTLEMEN who assisted gratis « t the Church Music. oRdERED, That the Collections which shall be made alter the Sermons preached for the Benefit of the Hospital, or for the Intended Lunatic Asylum, shall he received for the Use of each Charity for which such Sermons were preached respectively. OrDERED, That the above be inserted in the Nottingham Journal and Derby Mercury, Mr. Pearson. which was delivered in the most pathetic manner, and in which he set forth the many calamities incident to human nature, and particularly those falling upon the lower class of
our specie, whereby they were dis- ablcd from following their respective em- ployments for the support of themselves and families; he pointed out, in the highest de- gree of excellence, these hoUses of mercy, where such numbers have been restored to health and rendered useful to society ; and, finally, recommended to his honorable audi- ence a chearful and liberal contribution to this laudaBle institution, so congenial to the spirit of the Christian Religion, and the ex- ample and direction of the Great Author and Finisher of our Faith. The following Sums - were received on the Anniviersary of the Infirmary on Tuesday last, viz.
Admission into the Church £-. 14 11 6 Ditto at the Rehearsal. - 180 £. 1.6 o 6 Collected at Doors going out - 79 19 Surplus at Dinner - « o 13 6 Received at the Assembly- Rooms . 14 2 6 Total Receipt, 120 16 2 Paid Performers at Church - - — 5180 Ringers, and other Ex- pences ditto ..- 270 Expences at Assembly- Rooms 6 3 6 14 8 6 Mr. Storer, Auditors. . FOREIGN LANGUAGES. T Mr. D'OLIVIER, A NATIVE OF PARIS, AND TEACHER OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE AT THE ACAdEMy iN THIS TOWN, AK. ES this method of publicly thanking thofe Friends who have hitherto employed him in the translating of FOREIGN
LETTERS ; and he flat ters himself, that his accuracy and faithful adhe- rence to Secrecy, will merit a continuance of their favours. The Languages which Mr. D'Oliver undertakes to translate are, The FRENCH, SPANISH,' GERMAN ASD PORTUGUESE, ITALIAN. Mr. D'Oliver also begs leave to inform the Public, that he. continues to instruct Private Pupils, at his Lodgings in Fletchergate,, three times a week, on the | usual terms, viz.— A Guinea Entrance, ar. d a Guinea and Half per Quarter. N. B. Mr. D O. will be happy to instruct any Gentlemen in the ART of FENCING. Nottingham, Sept. 20,1793. B* The terms of admission
into this Association are seven shillings and sixpence for the first year, and two shillings and sixpence every succeeding year; to be paid in advance to the Treasurer, at the Kingston's Arms, in Parliament street, on or before the 22d day of September in each year. The Articles are left with the Secretary, for the inspection of those who may be desirous of entering into this Association. GEO. B. HARDY, SECRETARY to the said ASsOCIATION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT an application is intended to be made to Parliament ; u the next Session, for leave to bring in a BILL for altering and amending an Act of Parliament
passed in the twenty- third year of the reign of his present Majesty, intitled " An Act for improving the Navigation of the River Trent, « from a place called Wilden Ferry, in the counties " of Derby and Leicester, or one of them, to Gains- " borough, in the county of Lincoln, and for im- powering persons navigating Vessels thereon to " hale the same with Horses," and for improving the Navigation of the said River, and for enlarging and improving the Haling- Pat'rs and making other Haling Paths upon the Banks thereof, which said River or Haling- Paths are situate in the several pa- rishes or townships following, viz.— Castle- Doning
ten, Lockington, and Lemmington, in the county of Leicester, Wilden, Aston, Shardlow, Sawley, and Long- Eaten, in the county of Derby ; Toton, At- tenburrow, Chilwell, Beeston, and Lenton, in the County of Nottingham ; the parish of Saint Mary, in the town and county of the town of Nottingham; Sneinton, Colwick, Stoke Bardolph, Burton, Bul- cote, Gunthorpe, Hoveringham, Bleasby, Eslfrton, Rolleston, Staythorpe, verham, Kelham, South- Muskham, North- Muskham, Cromwell, Carlton upon Trent, Sutton upon Trent, Normanton, Grastthorpe, Marnham, Fledborough, Ragnall, Dunham, Lane- ham, Rampton, Triswell, South
Leverton, Cotham, Coats, North- Leverton, Hablesthorpe, Littleboro', Sturton, Fenton, West Burton, Bole, Saundby, Beckingham, Thrumpton, Barton, Clifton, Wilford, West- Bridgford, Adoolton, Bassingfield, Colwick, ' Holmepierrepont, Ratcliffe upon- Trent, Shelford, East Bridgford, Kneighton. Flintham, Syerston, Elston, Eaststoke, Thorpe, Farndon, Newark- upon Trent, Win thorpe, Holme, Langford, South. Collingham, North- Collingham, Belthorpe, Meering, Girton, South Clif- ton, and North- Clifton, in the county of Nottingham ; Newton, Laughtertop, Fenton, Torksey, Brampton, Martin, Gate Burten, Knaith, Lea, and Gainsbo rough, in the county of Lincoln ; and also for mak- ing and maintaining a Navigable Cut or Canal, to communicate with the said River Trent from the Nottingham Canal, in the parish of Lenton, in the county of Nottingham, through the parishes of Lenton and Beeston, in the county of Notting- ham, westwards to the said River Trent in Beeston Meadow ; and for making and maintaining a Navigable Side- Cut or Canal, in the township of Long Eaton, in the county of Derby, from a little below the Trent Lock to or near to a place call'd Juggler's Holt; and for making and maintaining one other Navigable Side- Cut or Canal, through
certain Inclosures call'd " The Holmes," situate in the townships of Adbolton and Bassingfield, in the county of Nottingham ; and also for main- taining a Navigable Cut or Canal ( already made) to communicate with the said River Trent in Hem- mington Pasture, in the townships of Hemmington and Lockington, in the parish of Lockington, in the county of Leicester. JOB BROUGH, SOLiCITOr. E. STENSON, LINEN DRAPER and HABERDASHER, ( Successor to Raynor) BRIDlESMiTH- GATE, RESPECTFULLY informs her Friends and the Public, that she has entered upon the Shop and Stock in Trade, of Mr. John Raynor, which
Stock is now Selling off at reduced Prices ; and also begs leave to inform them that she has recently laid in a Variety 01 Fashionable Drapery Goods. Those that please to Favour her with their com- mands, may depend upon having every Article of the best Quality, and most Reasonable Terms ; and all Favours gratefully acknowledged. N. ii. Grocery Goods sold as usual, Nottingham, 19/ fe Sep. 1793. ARNOLD FEAST. WHEREAS an advertisement was inserted in the Nottingham journal on the 10th of August last, falsly asserting that not more than twenty of the inhabitants kept the Feast in the Not- tingham Race Week. It was
observed by a much greater number, tho' not by all who had previously assented to the alteration, and confirmed it by their signature.— it was also with much difficulty that any person could be found to sign the advertisement, and there is good preemptive proof, that nothing but a Bribe effected the business at last, and given by a few interested persons, and persons who want only to destroy the peace of the village. Notice is hereby given, that a Majority of the respectable inhabitants do intend continuing to hold the Feast at the newly appointed time, namely, on the Sunday preceding Nottingham Races. RICHARD HOUSLEY.
Arnold, 18th Sept. I793. Teschemaker and Bakewell's BANKRUPTCY. THE Creditors, who have proved their debts under a Commission of Bankrupt, awarded and issued against Roger Teschemaker and Robert Bake- well, both late of the Town and County of the Town of Nottingham, Hosiers and late Copartners, Dealers and Chapmen, are desired to meet the Assig- nees of the said Bankrupt's Estate, on Thursday the first Day of October next, at it o'clock in the fore- noon, at the Blackmoors- Head- Inn, Nottingham, in order to assent to, or to dissent from, the said Assignees commencing, profccuting, or defending any suit, or
suits at law, or in equity, for recovery of any part of the said Bankrupt's Estates, and Effects, and also to their compounding, submitting to arbi- tration, or otherwise agreeing, any matter, or thing, relating thereto, and on other special affairs. Nottingham, SEPTEMBER 21. PATIENTS admitted and discharged at the GENE- RAL HOSPITAL. since our last: In- patients discharged, I Out- patients discharged cured, - J| cured 20 Do. relieved - 0JD0 for non- attendance 2 : Do. made out- patients 2' ln- patients. admitted 7 Do. incurable - ol Accident 1 Do. dead - zlOut- patientsadmitted 4 Do. for irregulatity - ' oiRemain in the hospital 53
Do. without relief - o'Remain out- patients 239 House VISITORS, Mr. Stanford and Mr. Topott. Mrs. Sylvester, owner of the Wax- work Exhibition, has been pleased to give two guineas for the use of the above Charity. BY PERMISSION OF The Right Worshipful the MAYOR. Mrs. SYLVESTER returns her sincere thanks to the Public for the liberal Encouragement she has received, and, to gratify the Public in general, She has fix'd the Price of Admission at 6d- each Person, for THE EXHIBITION OF Her Cabinet of Royal Wax Work At Mr. Pearson's, Fishmonger, Long- Row. [ The Exhibition positively will close the 28th of this
instant.] THE principal characters are, the Royal Families- of England, all the crowned Heads in Europe, fam- ous Generals, Ministers of England, and illustrious Personages ; in Number 41 Figures, as large as Life. The real likeness of the celebrated Baron de Trenck— A most beautiful Sleeping Venus full Length, on a Bed, being the exactest Imitations of Nature ever seen. N. B. The Foreign crowned Heads, are all dressed in their Court Dresses, the Admirals and Generals in their Uniforms. It is requested that no Person will touch the Figures— No Admittance a second Time without Payment.— To be seen from Ten in the
Morning till Nine at Night. *(,* No Dogs to be admitted. Clear Benefit to the Charity, £ 106 7 8 j At three o'clock the noble perfonages above- mentioned, and other gentlemen of the town and neighbourhood, to the num- ber of about eighty, dined at the Thurland- hall, which consisted of every rarity the season could produce ; after dinner the fol- lowing toasts were drank, viz. Th King and Royal Family. The Lady Patronesses. Mr. Sherwin then gave ' The President and stewards.' The Duke of Portland. The Duke of Newcastle, Lord Middleton. Mr. Ashpinshaw, and Thanks for his excellent Sermon. The Members for the County.
The Members for the Town, Mrs Bainbridge and Mrs. Key. Mr. Morris, and Thanks for his past Services, by Mr. Pocklington. Success to the Charity, . On Sunday last died at Sheffield, after a long illness, John Hill a celebrated change- ringer of that town During the procession to the church, the bells were chim'd with the clappers muffled. After the funeral service w s ended, the society of ringers rung a true and complete abstract ( containing 420 changes) of the peal call'd Sheffield Tripples, which was proceeded by a complete abstract of 518 changes of Grandsire Tripples, which did credit to the performers, and added greatly
to the solemnity of this mournful oc- casion. Gainsbrough Ship News. Arrived.— Manchester, Tankersly; Notting- ham. Wilkinson ; Gainsbrough, Harrison; and Favourite, Musgrave, from London. SAILED— bella, Donking, and Providence, Watson, for London, Bishop Blaze, scholding, for - Ipswich ; Perseverance, Capes, for Newcastle, and Sally, Eastee, for Colchester. *#* We are unavoidably obliged to postpone the inser- tion of the Thorne Law Society, until next week. LITCHFIELD RACES. Nimes, Aug. 21. The National Guards of the two first classes have been summoned to active service, to oppose the progress of the
Spaniards but, misled by some factious per- sons, whom we shall find means to bring to condign punishment, they have refused to march. The hospitals of the neighbour- ing towns above all those of Monpelier, are quite full of sick and wounded soldiers. The excessive heat, and want of water, chiefly occasion these disorders; and a glass of water with a single drop of vinegar in it, instead of syrup, is sold at 10 fous, or 5d. sterling Ypres, Sept 8. The day before yesterday, at three o'clock in the morning, a corps of French troops to the number of 16,000 at- tacked the small village of Poperingen, two leagues from hence. Though
attacked on three sides at the same time, 700 Hanove- rians, who were there in cantonments, fought with extraordirary valour for five hours ; but were at last obliged to retreat from the place, with the loss of no men, killed, wounded, or missing After the enemy entered the town, they committed the greatest excesses in many houses. Whilst this was passing at Poperingen, a French detachment of 900 men attacked the village of Reinegels, defended by a piquet of 30 men. The enemy, masters of the vil- lage, pillaged several houses, and set fire to . its fine castle, which was soon reduced to ashes. After this expedition, the
French retreated behind the neighbouring villages," and establithed a camp upon the mountains. Two regiments of infantry, and two of cavalry, having left our camp, took post on this side of Poperingen ; and as the enemy occupied the opposite side, their patroles and ours frequently met, and fired on each other. Yesterday six Hessian dragoons at- tacked with such, success thirty French Hus- sars, that they cut five to pieces, made an, officer and two Hussars prisoners with their horses, and dispersed the rest. The greater part of the inhabitants of Poperingen, leaving left their houses, retired hither ; they affirm, that in the last
attack, the enemy lost 70o men. On Tuesday se'nnight was married at Oakham, Rutland, Mr. E. S. Godfrey, an eminent Attorney at Newark, to Miss E. Bullivant, of the former place. On Monday was married at Seamer, near Scarborongh, Sir Robert Lawley, Bart, of Catwell in Warwickshire, to Miss Maria Denison, daughter of Joseph Denison, Esq. of Offington, in this county. Tuesday was married at St. Peter's. Mr. John Taylor, to Mrs Wells, relict of Mr. J. Wells, hosier and hatter under the New Change. Sunday last, as soon as the evening service was over, the bells at our churches were set a ringing, on account of the News
received by the Extraordinary Gazette of Lord Hood taking Possession of Toulon. - The same were renewed on Mondayr and in the even- ing bonfires blazed in different parts of the town. The late Francis Sitwell, Esq. in addition to the 500I originally subscribed by him to the Sheffield General Infirmary, has be- queathed 500I. more for the use of the said Institution. Tuesday last, being the 12th anniverary meeting of the Governors of our General Hospital, the same was ushered in by the ringing of bells at both marches.— At ten o'clock the Governors met in the commit- tee room, George de Ligne Gregory, Esq. President, in the
Chair, attended with his Grace the Duke of Portland, the Rt. Hon. Lord Middleton, Marquis of Titchfield, M. P Lord Edward Bentinck, M. P the Hon. R. L. Savile, high- sheriff; Rt. Hon. F. Mon- tagu, John Sherwin, Esq. Roger Pockling- ton, Esq. the Mayor, Aldermen, and others of the corporation. The procession began from thence to St. Mary's, about 11 o'clock they entered the church, when a voluntary was played on the organ, immediately after which divine service began, and several pieces of music were performed.— The ser- mon was preached Tuesday, Sept. 10, King's Plate for 100 guineas. Lord Egremont's horse, Grey
Trentham - 12 Lord Darlington's ch- ho se, Comet - 2 1 The same day a Stakes of 200 gs for 3 years old. Mr. Edwards's b. filly, Hybla - Mr. Anson's horse, Maskerillo - Marquis of Donegall's br. colt - Mr. Ladbrooke's colt Snipe - Lord Courtenay's bay colt, Slira Marquis of Donnegall's chesnut colt Lord Belfast's chesnut filly i. Mr. Gorwood's brown colt - - Also a Match for 160 guineas. Lord Belfast's Thalia - - Lord Sackville's oEacus Another Match for 1oo guineas. . Mr. Salmon's Caroline Mr. Unwin's Harriot - c Wednesday a Purse of 50/. Lord Donegall's Joe Andrews . - 1 Mr. Annesley's Omnium Gatherum - s Same Day the
Hunter's Stakes, 140 guineas. Mr. Lockley's mare, Ruby - . Mr. Glossop's b. h. by Euryalus Lord Belfast's Maiden ... Same Day a Stakes of 70 guineas, by Ponies. Mr, Richarson's grey poney - - 2 Mr. Heron's Robin Hood - 1 Mr. Wardle's filly, by Tommy - - 2 dr. Thursday Sept 12, the City Purse of 50/. Lord Darlington's Halbert - - 1 1 Marquis of Donegall's Gillyflower a dr. The same Day a Stakes of 1 50 guineas. Marquis of Donegall's Joe Andrews 1 Lord Belfast's Thalia . . - 2 Mr. Anson's Maskerillo . . 3 Mr. Ladbroke's Pill Box . 4 Mr, Swinfen's Tellescope • .5 A Match for 50 guineas. Lord Sackville's Caecus - 1 Lord Belfast's
Hawk . 2 FRIDAY'S EXPRESS, SEPT. 20. FOREIGN NEWS. Paris, Sept. 8. The last accounts from Lyons state, that that city still makes the most vigorous- resistance. The committee of public welfare has sent orders to Dubois Crance and General Kellermann, to take Lyons by storm, that the troops employed in its siege may be sent against Toulon Advice has been received from Toulouse. that great troubles have likewise broke Out in the department of the Upper Garonne, where the inhabitants are bordering on a state of famine. A dreaful storm is likewise threatening to burst down upen this capital, chiefly arising from the
same cause. Yesterday, at eight o'clock in the evening, the drums beat the alarm in several Sections, upon which a great crowd of people assembled before the Hotel de Ville, or town house. They com- plained that they could obtain no bread, and were obliged to wait almost the whole day bsfore the bakers shops LONDON. It appears, by accounts received at Lloyd's coffee house, that the fleet in the Channel which was supposed to be French ! turns out to be a Dutch fleet of merchantmen, under convoy of a few men of war bound to Hol- land, probably from some of the West- India settlements. By Paris papers of the 7th, 8th,
and 9th inst. it appears that the tocsin has been found- ed at Marseilles, and that the troops and inhabitants a marching in a body to Toulon. By the last accounts from the army of his Royal Highness the Duke of York, we are informed. that; he had made a movement from Thoroure towards Courtray, where General Beaulieu was ; and that was expect- ed they were immediately in conjunction to make an attack upon the enemy at Menin. from which place the French were drive and it was token possession of by the combin- ed army. The capture of Toulon is the most impor- tant event of this campaign, since it has cost not a drop
of blood, destroys all the naval force of the French in the Mediterran; and and, in consequence, enables Great Britain to recall the greatest part of her fleet in that sea, to increase not only that in the channel, and give it the most decided superiority, but also to reinforce our fleet in the West- Indies; debars the Republican garrisons at Calvi, Bastia, and St. Florenzo, in Corsica, from all continental assistance, without which, a few frigates crossing off the coast of Bastia are sufficient to starve them soon into a sur- render at discretion and deprives Marseilles and all Province, where the harvest never yields more than three months'
subsistence, of their only resource, to receive corn from the Levant, which has always been the gra- nary of the Southern Provinces of France. This want of corn will be the more severely felt, as the army which the Republicans will be obliged to maintain in Provence, in order to watch the movements of the allies, must greatly increase the consumption in that Pro- vince. The siege of Dunkirk, by its important consequences, will demand the immediate attention of Parliament, on the first meeting in November. The subject will no doubt be amply scurutinized. The truth will be sifted to the bottom by both parties ; and the names of
thofe who deserve censure or praise in the transaction will be communicatcd to the pub- lic, that their merits or demerits may be pro nounccd by the world at large.. We have every reason to believe, that the zeal and vigilance of the two noblemen, whom the ignorant or malicious have been too ready to blame, will challenge and command that res- pect which has hitherto accompanied their endeavours. When Captain Garnier, of the 14th re- giment, was wounded n the breast by a mus- quetball, on the 7th, near Dunkirk, he was caught in the arms of a serjeant belonging to his company. In a few minutes after, he had the
mortification of seeing his trusty and gallant supporter cut in two by a cannon ball. The serjeant has left a wife and several chil- dren. Oliver Cromwell, who ( excepting the re- bels that have now seised upon the Govern- ment ot France) was the greatest and most detestable Republican tyrant that ever dis- graced human nature ! thus wrote to Car- dinal Mazarine: " Deliver up the keys of Dunkirk into the hands of my friend and counsellor, who is the bearer of this, or by G— d I will come and hang thee at the Gates of Paris, before thy master's face!" The Keys were immediately delivered up. mon was preached by the Rev. Mr.
ASH- PInSHAW, from 29th chap Job. v. 15 & 16, " I was eyes to the blind, feet to the lame," & c.
Nottinghamshire Game Duty. SE P T E M B E R, 1793- A LIST of CERTIFICATES, Issued in the County aforesaid, with Respect to the said Duty, for the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety- Three. Antill Thomas, of Stapleford Abbott Samuel, of Lowdham Allen James Humberstone, of Lynby Ashpinshaw Rev. John, of Warsop Allison Joseph, of Bilby Ashwell Moses, of Caddington Andrews John, of Newark Allen Samuel, of ditto Allsop George, gamekeeper for Teversal Bilbo Booth Rev. George, of East- Retford Burgin Alpheous, of Kinolton Bainbridge Francis, of Flintham Bettison Samuel, gamekeeper for Askhan
Burnell Peter Pegge, Esq. of Winkourn Brettle John, of Thurgarton | Buckles Edward, gamekeeper for Rufford Bilsthorpe, Eakring, Ompton, Wellow, Ol- lerton, Brighton, Walesby, Kirton, and Egmanton Blagg John, of Mansfield , Boaler Joseph, gamekeeper for Welbeck. Sloswicks, Carburton, Norton, Budby Gleadthorpi, and Clipston Baynes John, ditto, for Strelley- rough, Lowdham, and Gunthorpe Booth William, of Annesley Beaumont Rev. Thos of East Bridgford Bingham Rev. James, of Calverton Bristowe Samuel, jun. gamekeeper foi Beesthorpe, Earlshaw, and a Moiety ol the Manor of Willoughby Bromley Sir George, Bart,
of East Stoke Brock Jeffery, Esq. of Mansfield Brocksopp Ralph, of ditto Billyard Nathan, gnmekeep. for Woodcoates Bowler Charles, ditto, for Offington and Sutton - upon- Trent Barlowe James, ditto, for Kirklington and Hockerton Bradley James, ditto, for Cromwell Bate John, of East- Retford Blades Rev. Thomas, of Holme Blagg Thomas, of Carcolston Bennitt Anthony B. of Serlby Hall,. Esq Brettle John, of Hoveringham Burden Richard, of Nether Langwith, Efq Brockton William, of Farndon Brown Thomas, of Newark Brough Job Charlton, Esq. of ditto Brough Francis John, of ditto Booth William, Esq. of Edwinstowe Brumley
Martin, of East Retford Barker John, of ditto Brown Edward, gamekeep, for Clayworth, Ballard William, for Stapleford and Toton Ballard John, ditto, for Colwick and West Bridgford Bailey Wm. do. for Papplewick & Lynby Bettison Jonas, Esq. or Holmepierrepont Buckley Michael, of Normanton- upon- Soar Baumgartner Jacob Julian, of Newark Brown Gilbert, Esq. of Greaves Lane Barlow Robert, gamekeep. for Tollerton Butcher William, ditto, for Cuckney and Scarcliffe Bryans Thomas, of Willougby Barlow Robert, of Kinolton Brown William, of North Collingham Blount John, of Rempston Barker Thomas, of Retford Clifton Sir
Gervas, Bart. of Clifton Hall Clifton Arthur, Esq. of ditto Chowler Charles, gamekeep. for Wollaton. Trowell, Cossall, Broxtowe, & West Leake Cooke George, ditto, for Oxton Ditto — for Sansom cum Sat- Dore John, Efq. of Bilby Denison John, Esq. of Ossington Durham John, gamekeep. for Shire Oaks Dashwood Chs. Vere, Esq. of Stanford Hill Dashwood Samuel Francis, Esq. of ditto Doe James, gamekeeper for Missen Deverill Samuel, of Clifton Dawson William,. of Mattersey Thorpe Dams William, gamekeep. for Basford Downes Rev. William, of Harworth Davenport Rev. John, of Ratcliffe- upon- Trent Eyre Anthony
Hardolph, Esq. of Grove Eyre Rev. Charles, of ditto Emmerton John Wescomb Emmerton Esq. of Thrumpton Edge Thomas Webb, Esq. of Strelley Eadoe Thomas, of Worksop Esam Richard, gamekeeper for Norwich and Willoughby Esam John, ditto, for Sutton, Weston, and Moorehouse Fillingham George, of Syerston Fellows Elihu Samuel, of Mansfield Frost Thomas, Esq. of Holme Flint Thomas, gamekeeper for Brinsley, otherwife Brunsley Fisher John, of Cottam Giles Thomas, gamekeeper for Whatton Granger Robert, ditto, for Eastwood Gordon Rev. Charles, of Edwinstowe Green Henry, of East Bridgford Gladwin John,
Esq. of Mansfield Griffin Robert, gamekeep for Stanford Ditto for Rempston Gill Joseph, of Southwell Goosetree William, of Mattersea Giles John, gamekeeper for Carcolston Galland Rev. Archibald, of East- Drayton Green John, of Flintham Mason William, Esq, of Palethorpe Mansell William, gamekeeper for Gamston, East Markham, West Markham, Milseton, West Drayton, Houghton, Bevercotes, Bot tomsall, Elksley, Clumber, Martin, and Egmanton March George, ditto, for Grove, Rampton, Treswell, and Heador cum Upton Marshall William, of Cropwell Bishop Mason George, Esq. of Eaton Mellish Charles, Esq of Blythe
Mann Stephen, gamekeeper for Hickling Mann William, gamekeeper for Elton Molyneux Sir Francis, Bart, of Wellow Milnes Wm. Efq. of Colston Bassett Maltby John, gatnekeep. for Hoveringham. Maltby Samuel, Esq. of Shelton Maltby Brough, gamekeeper for Shelton Marriott John, ditto for Tithby Marriott Joseph, jun. of Wiverton Milward John, of Hockerton Martin William, Esq. of Newark Milnes John, Esq. of ditto Milnes Robert Shore, Esq. of Edwinslow, Medley B. of East Retford Milbourn Thomas, gamekeep. for Work- sop and the Priory of Worksop Musters John, Esq. of Colwick Moss Paul, of South Collingham Mounsey,
The Rev. John. of Staunton Morris John, of North Collingham Mann George, of Hickling Miller John, gamekeeper for Serlby cum Torworth Meakin Gervas, of Mansfield Woodhouse Marriott John, of Cropwell Butler Milnes Robert, of South Collingham Rolleston Lancelot, Esq. of Watnall Rastall William Dickinson, Esquire, of North Muskham Raddish Rev. Thomas, of Thurgarton' Rastall Rev. William, of Newark Read John, of Stoke Rose Henry, of Kilvington Another strikng illustration of the superior virtues of HAYMAN's MAREDANT's DROPS. Hodgson Joseph, gamekeeper for Carlton- in- Lindrick Heathcote Rev. Ralph, of East
Bridgford Hutchinson Richard, gamekeeper for Morton Grange Ditto, for Babworth and Tilne Hill John, gamekeep. for West Retford Holland Rev, William, of Missen Hemsley John, gamekeep. for Thrumpton Hornbuckle William, of West Bridgford Hodgkinson George, of Annesley Holmes Henry, gamekeeper for Beeston Holt Rev. George, of Boughton Hurt Rev. Thomas, of Mansfield Hutton Geo. Wm. of Carlton upon Trent Hunt Thomas, gamekeeper' for North- Clifton, South Clifton, & South Scarle Hoyte Samuel, dit. for Granby & Sutton Hodges Rev. Wm. Vicar of Mattersey Hatfield Robert, of Newark Hind James, gamekeep.
for Gonalston Hodgkinson Thos. of Mattersey, tanner Handley William, Esq. of Newark Holden Robert, Esq. of ditto Hopkinson Robert, gamekeep. for Nuttall Ditto for Huck- Neep William, gamekeeper for Overhall and Netherhall, in the parish of East Stoke, and also of Gallhall, in the pa rish of Elston Newcastle, His Grace the Duke of, Clumber Park Nevile George Nevile, Esq. gamekeeper for Thorney Nevile Edward, Esq. ditto for Harby Need John, Esq. of Arnold Naylor Thomas, Esq. of Mansfield . Newton Christ. Esq. of Bulwell House Morton Richard, of Newark Norton William, jun. of ditto Naylor George, of Mansfield Nixon
Thomas, of Nuttall Needham Rev. Thomas Henry Hastings of East Leake Nelson William, of Barnby Moor Neale Pendock, Esq. of Tollerton Neale Rev. Thomas, of ditto Neale Rev. Pendock, of ditto Nicholson William, of North Collingham Nixon Rev. Charles, of Nuttall Nixon John, of ditto Naylor John, of Mansfield Sleight John, gamek. for Lenton & Radford Simpson John, Esq. of Babworth Stuart Henry, gamek. for North Muskham Siddon Samuel, of Pleasley Hill Sutton Robert, Esq of Scofton Stanley Robert, gamekeep. for Winkburn Savile, The Hon Richard Lumley Smith Daft, of Sneinton Swymmer Thomas Holworthy,
Esquire, of Mansfield Sharpe John, Esq. of Elksley Strey Richard, Esq. gamekeeper for Gun- thorpe, Caythorpe, and Lowdbam Sherbrooke William, Esq. of Arnold Shelton Gervase, gamekeeper for Gries- thorpe and Normanton upon Trent Simpson Rev. Joseph, ditto, for the Pre- bend of South Scarle and Girton Stanton George, of Mansfield Stanser Rev. Robert, gamek. for Bulwell Slater Samuel, ditto for Watnall & Cha- worth Sanders John, Esq. of Basford Sutton Thos. Manners, Esq. of Newark shepherdson William, gamekeeper for Rufford, Bilsthorpe, Eakring, Ompton, Wellow, Ollerton, Boughton, Walesby, Kir. ton, and
Egmanton Sudbury Francis, dit. for Holmepierrepont, Bassingfield, Gamston, Adbolton, Cotgrave, Clipston, and Ratcliffe Sanday William, jun. for Cromwell But- ler, otherwise Little Cropwell Simpson John, of East Retford Spencer Robert, jun. of Hodsack Sutton Evelyn, Efq of Screveton Skynner William, of Worksop Smelt Rev. William, of Gedling Savage George, gamek. for Thorney Wood- Chace Stokes John, dit for Kingston- upon- Soar Sandys Rev, Samuel, of Bellmoor Sketchley Samuel, Efq. of Newark Smith Henry, gamekeep. for Mansfield Snart Charles, of Newark Wm. Truslove, aged 15 years, had the Scrofula, or
King's Evil to a degree difficult of defcription. Tile ulcers in his legs and feet perforated to the bones, particularly on his inftcps and round his ancles, which became stiff, and prevented lii. s walk- ing ; but what- was- most extraordinary,, the thumb of his left hand enlarged to an incredible size; the joints thereof likewise became inflexible, and full of deep ulcers of the most alarming hue, 011 which the slightest touch- gave- excruciating torture, and eminetly exhibited the terrible havock this wretch- ed disease is capable of producing.— He had been five weeks in St. Thomas's Hospital, and discharg- ed incurable ; he was then five
weeks more an out- patient to the London Infirmary, but left it because he would not consent to the amputation of the thumb, Which Mr. Blizard, surgeon of that institu- advised ; indeed, so extraordinary was the of his hand, that another gentleman of the faculty, to whom | iis father had rccourse, took its impression in wax, which, besides giving him some trifling medicine and lotion, was'all he did for him when recommended to Mr. Hayman, who deprecated the idea of amputation, and put him under an immediate course of his Drops j those soon retarded the progress of his disorder; part- of the carious bone exfoliated j the thumb
at length reduced to nearly its natural size ;" the viru- lent sores gradually healed up; his joints became more and more flexible : he now walk's with plea- sure ; has left off, after years usuage, all kind of bandage from his thumb ; has the free use thereof, and his parents have the satisfactory prospect of his administering to his own support, which before he took Mr. Hayman's Drops they had nearly de- spaired of. Mr. HAYMAN, London, 27th Aug, 1793. As I consider it no less due to the afflicted than to yourself, I think it right that you should add the above state of my son's case to your public Lift of Cures— and as a fight of your
patient ( the havock his disorder made being to very apparent) may be still more satisfatory, you may refer to him at my house, No. 1, Crown Court, Seething Lane ; or to me, at Mr. Brooks's gun manufactory, George Street, Tower Hill, who knows the affliction my son was in, and 111 whose employ I have been these seventeen years. I am, Sir, your humble servant, WM. TRUSLOVE,- gun- smith. Sir, As it is my duty, 1 add my acknowledgments to my father's, for the great benefit I have obtained by your Drops. WM. TRUSLOVE, Junr. *** As the words" J. Hayman, Golden Square," are engraved in, and form a real part of the
stamp each bottle of these celebrated Drops, no TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, , BY R. MEDLEY At the house of Mrs. ANN MARK, known by the sign of ' The White Hart,'.. in East Retford, in the county of Nottingham, on Wednesday the 25th day of September instant, at four o'clock in th « afternoon, unless in the mean- time disposed ot hy —. Private. Contract) subject to such Conditions a » will be then and tljere produced — THE FOLLOWING - FREEHOLD ESTATE. j CONSIsTING OF LL that Message or Tenement, situate in Moor- A1 nall Torkard Hole Joseph, of Little Carlton, in the pa rish of Soutb Muskham Holmes Rev,
Wm. of Normanton- upon Soar Hardy John, of East Leake Handley James, gamekeeper for Thorney Wood Chace Harvey John, sen. of Balderton Hutchinson John, gamekeep. for Aslacton Harpham John, ditto, for Tuxford and East Markham Hingley William, dit. for Lowdham and Gunthorpe Hume Rev. Francis H. of Carlton- in Lindrick Harrison Richard Churchill, of Shelford Owtram Francis, gamekeper for Rayton Ordoyno Jacob, of Newark Oakes John, Esq of Edwinstowe Otter John, of Clayworth Ordoyno Garrett, jun. of Newark Oldacres Rev. Samuel, gamekeeper fo Woodborough Thompson William of Newark Turner
Thomas, gamekeeper for Langford Thoroton Thomas, Esq. of Screveton Thoroton Charles Roos, Esq- gamekeeper for Screveton, Kirton Hall, Flintham, and Aslackton Turner William, of Kneighton Tomlinson William, of Newark Titchfield, The Most Honourable the Marquis of, Welbeck Timm William, of Normanton- on- the- Woulds Taylor John, Esq. of Ratcliffe upon- Trent Thompson Rev. Wm. of West Bridgford Taylor Henry, of Mansfield, butcher Turnell Joseph, of Stoakham Upton Thomas, of Aslackton UP . perfon who examines it can have a spurious sort unwarily obtruded upon them. They continue to be prepared and sold
at Mr. Hayman's house. in Golden Square, London, at cs — 11s. 6d and 11. is. per bottle, and may be had also of ihe ven- ders of medicine throughout England, Scotland- and Ireland. The following are fome of thofe, particularly appoined in th= rcfpe& ive Towns where this Paper circulates, viz. Messs. Burbage and Stretton, Nottingham ; Dewes, Ashby ; Dods- worth, Burton; Sturtevant, Brigg: Calow, Ches terfield ; Drewry, Derby; Taylor, Gainsborough ; Gregory, Leicster ; Swinfen, ditto ; Adams, Lough- borough ; Shepphard, Mansfield ; Ascroft, ditto ; Tomlinson, Newark; Allen and Ridge, ditto; Medley, Workfop, & c. —— —
By the KING's PATENT, Dated the 4th of February, 1792. Homestead or Bleaching- Ground adjoining, extend- ing from Moorgate to the River Idle ; with a new- built Warehouse, Stables, Dye- House, and all the other Outbuildings late in the occupation of Charles Chapman, deceased ; alfo, Right of Common upon the unstinted Common of Moorgate, and a Carr Gate in Moorgate Carr. All the above premises are in excellent repair, and well calculated for the business of a Dyer, Tanner, or Fellmonger ; and, for further particulars. apply to Mr. Bate, Attorney at Law, in Eaft- Retford. Young Men, Boys, Ladies of Weak Nerves, and
People who travel into warm Climates, tire particularly recom* mended to an impartial Trial of DR. HODSON's Persian restorative Drops, So generally efteemed in the Cure of Wiaknefles* Debilities, Relaxations, Nervous Affecik- ns, tee. AN Attempt to enumerate all the Virtues of this excellent Preparation would beendlefs. Dr. HODSON has the fatisfartion of informing the afflicted, that even when the Mind has been deranged from debility of tiie Nervous System, this Restora- tive has been adminstered with the most happy effects. In Nervous Heart- Achs it hath been found to be molt wonderfully efficacious. In Weekness of
Nature, whether occasioned by ex- csfs, bad habits, or a natural defect : In Gleets, Ulcers, and other complaints in the Kid- ni-. s, Bladder, and Urinary Passage: In Decays, Relaxation, Low Spirits, and all Nervous Disordrrs wha ever 7 in Pains, Sprains, or Weakness of the Back & Loins, Trembling, Loss of Memory, intolerable Sinkings, Coldness, Debilities, ice. Two Ladies who laboured under a derangement of their faculties, were amazingly restored by the sole use of these Drops. A Gentleman who had been a long time afflicted with a Nervous Head Ach, was cured by 3 bottles of these Drops. A young Gentleman who had
been twelve months troubled with an Incontinence of Urine, was cured in a very short time. A Gentleman who complained of a Relaxation owing to heat of climate, writes to the Proprietor, You are at liberty to let the Public know, that fe- ven bottles ef your Drops have perfectly strengthened my constitution, and given me better spirits than i have ever enyoyed before in my life. Letters for advice, inclosing Half- a- Guinea, will be answered; but, 0n a personal consultation, the usual compliment is expected. Tbe Persian Dicps are fold in bctr'ca ot ios. 6d. each, by tbe only Proprietor, Dr. Hodson, No. 29, Hatton- Garden j and by
Burbage and Stret- ton, Printers of this Paper; also by the following persons in the country : terford Ditto — for Calverton Chester Thomas, ditto, for Blythe, Barnby Moor, Hodsack, ( part of Carlon adjoining Hodsack) Styrrup, and Oldcoates Cox James, of Wilford Charlton Thomas, Esq. of Chilwell Cartwright Geo. Esq. of North Collingham Cliff John, gamekeep. for Gunthorpe and Bulcote Colishaw Jos. jun. ditto, for Oldcoates Crossland Jonathan, ditto, for Fiskerton and Moreton Clarke Thomas, ditto, for Kinolton Clay Rev. John Hall, of Southwell Clark John Darcy, of Bamby Moor Cocks Thomas, gamekeep. for Lambley Calvert
Wm. John, gamekeep. for Darlton Clark John, of Kinolton Cartwright Charles, Esq, of Marnham Clarke James, of North Muskham Clifton Robert, Esq. of Clifton Hall Collishaw John, gamekeeper for Hickling and the Royalty of Broughton Sulney,| Kippax George, jun otherwife Over Broughton Crabtree Thomas, ditto, for Colston Basset Charlton Thomas, jun. of Chilwell, Esq. Chettle Tho. gamek. for Bulby & Willoughby Clark George, dit. for Kelham, Averham, and Rolleston Cuckson Samuel, dit. for West Burton Caunt Joseph, of East Bridgford Cross William, of Broughton Sulney Clarke Rev. Thomas, of Marnham Johnson
Robert, of Elksley Jowitt John, of Toton Jenken Samuel Esq. of Mansfield . Jackson Samuel, gamekeep. for Warsop Johnson William, Esq. of Rainworth Jamson John, of Gunthorpe Jessop Josias, of Newark Jackson Joseph, of Markham Moor Kirkby John, gamekeep. for Cowstroppe alias Crostlethorpe and Disemoor Kerchevall John, of Balderten Hitchen John, gamekeep. for Gedling. Carlton, and Stoke of Moorgate Davis John, gamek. for Clifton & Wilford Douglas Thomas, ditto, for Ordsall Thrumpton, Whitthouses, & Little Gringley Dyson John, of Newington Dinsdale Rev. Owen, of Wilford Deakin John, of Newark Lumley,
The Honorable Frederick Laythorpe William, gamekeeper fo Staunton, Alverton and Flawborough Litchfield John, Esq of Mansfield Lowe Robert, Esq. of Oxton Lincoln, The Right Honorable Thomas, Earl of Leevers John, of Widmerpool Liptrott Isaac, Efq. of Bullwell House Lock Rev. Robert, of Newark Lesiter Charles, of North Collingham Lacy Samuel, of Newark Langlois Benjamin, Esq. of Worksop Middleton, The Right Honorable Henry Lord, of Wollaton Parker Darker, Esq. of East Retford Parkyns Sir Thos. Bart, of Bunny Park Parkyns Frederick Cressey, Esq. of Sutton Bennington Parkyns Rev. Sampson, of Bunny Park
Parkyns Richard, Esq. of ditto Paine Thomas, gamekeeper for Bunny, Bradmore, Ruddington, Keyworth, Wysall. Willoughby, Cortlingstock, East Leake, Sut • ton Bennington, and Thorpe Glebis, other wise Thorpe in the Clots Padley William, the younger, ditto, for Gamston, East Markham, West Markham. and Milseton ; West Drayton, Houghton. Bevercotee, Bottomsall, Elksley, Clumber Martin, and Egmanton Palmer Philip, Esq. of Thurgarton Priory Pucklington Roger, jun. of Winthorpe Parker Rev. Robert, of Hawton Pocklington Roger, Esq. gamekeeper for Winthorpe Partridge John Musters, Esq. of Basford Parkyns
Augustus, Esq. of Newark Parson Rev. Wm. of Mansfield Woodhouse Pevett Thomas, gamekeeper for Kelham Averham, and Rolleston ; ditto for South Muskham and Little Carlton Parsons William, ditto for Kirkby Pearson Paul, ditto for Caunton Parker John, Esq. of East Retford Padley Robert, Esq. of Burton Joice Parnell John, of Newark Prince William, of ditto Parr Jonath. gamek. for Annesley & Felley Vessey John, of North Leys Vickers Francis, of Mansfield Vessey William, of Gateford Ramsden Rbt. Esq. of Carlton- in- Lindrick Riffington John, gamekeep. for Dunham. Ragnall, East Markham, East Drayton Thorpe,
Headon, and Upton Rippon William, of Farndon Robinson Rev. John, gamek, for Weston Rogers Jonathan, ditto for Skegby Redgate William, of Calverton Rose Thomas, of Farndon Robinson Joseph, gamekeeper for Selston. and Beauvale Wakefield, The Rev. Thos. of East Stoke Wild Joseph, gamekeeper for Owthorpe Waterhouse Thos. Esq of Buckingham Walter Rev. John, of Bingham Wood Rev. William, of Newark Walker Rev. William, of Arnold Wright Samuel, Esq. of Ratcliffe- upon- Trent Welby William Earle, Esquire, of Carlton- upon. Trent Wilson Thomas, of Mansfield Waddington Rev. George, of Tuxford Warren
William, gamekeep. for Thoresby Palethorpe, Ollerton, Laxton, Kneesal, and Eakring White Taylor, Esq. of Wallingwells White Thomas Wollaston, Esq. of ditto Worsley James, Esq. of Wigthorpe Weightman Robert, gamekeep. for Far- worth and Harworth Wright John, of Nevark Welby Richard, of North Muskham Wilcock William, of Worksop Wheelwright David, of East- Retford Woodroffe John, of Costock Wainwright William, of Ruddington Williams William Gregory, Esquire, of Serlby Hall Wood John of Hockerwood Welch John, gamekeeper for Lang, and Barnston Wilson William, of Besthorpe Walker Rev. Edward, of Norwell
Wylde William, the elder, of West Leake Ward Rev. Edward, of South Scarle Whitshead James B. Esq. of Langwith Although the persevering and unwearied endeavours of the late Mr SPILSBURY, in the improvement of his invaluable AN- TISCOSBUTIC DROPS. were never pass ed unnoticed by a discerning Public : yet his motive in soliciting the the Royal Pa- tronage so long as thirty Years after he first prepared them, was not only to secure the property to his Wife and HER Family, but as a just ground for an increased confidence to the Patient that the Preparation is GE- NUINE; an impression which should ever accompany
Medicines calculated for an ex- tenfive circulation : and that the lame con- fidence should be preserved after his decease, he expressly mentions in his Will, that he fully instructed his Wife, and her only, in every minute part of the preparation :— Mrs. SPILSBURY, therefore, most respect fully informs the Public, that the business is carried on by ny HER, at Soho Square, the lame as ulual, SHE having, in reality, been the preparer ot the Antiscorbutic Drops, for several years part. N. B. A gentleman of the faculty attends every Tuesday and Thursday, from eleven in the morning till three in the afternoon, to anfwer letters, and give
advicc. Mansfield, Mrs. Oscroft; Newark, Allen & Ridge; Manchester, Harrop; Derby, Pritchard; Lincoln, Drummond Leicester, Phillips. Young Alexander, gamekeeper for Wise ton cum Woodhouse and Mattersey Young John, ditto for Martin — , ditto for Scaftwortb —' —, ditto for Scrooby The Names of such Persons who shall hereafter take out Certificates, will be published in a future Paper. JOB BROUGH, CLERK OF Leicester Navigation. THE Proprietors of this Undertaking are hereby required to pay a further Call of Ten Pounds per Centum upon their respective Shares, within two calendar months from the date hereof, to
the Trea. furers, Messrs. Boultbee and Mansfield ; or Meflrs. Bentley and Buxton, Bankers, in Leicester-, which, with prior Calls, will make Ninety Pounds per Cen- tum in the whole : And all persons in arrear upon the former Calls, are hereby required forthwith to pay such arrears to the Treasurers, otherwise proper measures will be taken to enforce the payment thereof according to the Act of Parliamcnt.—- Dated the nth day of September, 1793. By Order of the Committee, J. E. CARTER,— J. HEYRICK, jun. Clerks to the Company of- Proprietors. LOST or STOLEN, Either on the 7th 01 8 h of julv, out of the Wag- gon
belonging to W. BRIGHT, of Bafloxii, be- tween J. ROVLE'S Warehoufe, Mansfield, and Bajlotv— ALARGE LEATHER TRUNK, containing Linen, directed for SIR OR I, A N D O BRIDGE- MAN, Bart, at Stohc- llall, Drrbyjkjre. Whoever has found the faid Trunk, wirr its contents, and will bring it to any one ol the . under- mentioned perfons, ( hull receive FIVE GUINEAS Reward. W. BRIGHT, Baflow. , J. ROVLE, Man if eld. R. HOGG, 1Nottingham. TO BE LET, AND IKTIIID UION AT MICHAEIMAS NEXT, 0. S. A CAPITAL MESSUAGE, With Garden, Orchard, Stabling, and other Conve- niences to tlie fame ; Situate near the
Turnpike- Road leadirg from Loughborough to Nottingham, and in the centre of Mr. Meynell's Hunt. Any quantity of LAND, from ten to or. e hundred and forty acres, may be had with the houfe. For further particulars apply to Mr. DAVYS, Loughbro*. - WILLIAM YOUNG, SURGEON, At PRESTON in HOLDERNESS, IN THE COUNTY OF YORK, HAVING discovered a simple and effectual Re- medy for the ROT in SHEeP, proposes publish- ing, by Subscription, a Treatise on the Nature, Cause, anil Cure of that destructive Disorder, with the re sults of a variety of experiments made in his neigh- bourhood last spring. That the
public may be satis- fied of the efficacy, of the Remedy he intends to pub- lifh, he has a certificate, signed by the following gen- tlemen farmers, all of them proprietors of stock, on which the experiments were made— James Shutt of Humbleton, Esqr. Mr. John Robinson, South- Park ; Mr. Edward Matchan, Bilton ; Mr. David Ground- rill, Ryehill; and Mr. John Wade, farmer to Edward Constable, of Burton- Constable, Esq. to all, or any of them, he refers such as are doubtful. Subscriptions, at One Guinea each, will be recei ved by S. SMITH, Esq. and Co. Bankers, Notting- ham. Tbe Treatise will be delivered to the Subscribers by
the first of November next, provided the number be sufficient to defray expenses, and compensate in a small degree for the trouble he has been at, and tbe great benefit the public may receive from his disco- very. If the Subscription by that time be thought not sufficient, tbe different Bankers will return til money to those who may have subscribed. September, 1793. LEAKE's PATENT PILLS. To Thomas Taylor, Surgeon, • No. 9, New Biidge. Street, Londou. S I R, THINK it is but doing juftice to the memory of Mr. LeAKE, TO communicate the following very extraordinary Cure pciform d by his PILuLA SALUTARIA. A Man who
has lived with me for some Years, in the capacity of a Gardener, was about a twelve- month ago insested with the Venereal Disease, tbe conseqnence of which was a virulent Gonorrhoea ; upon this he immediately applied to one if thofe, who without any real knowledge of the disease, promised an immediate cure ; the improper treat- ment of this man brought on a gleet,. buboes the _ groin, and at length, what was at first a slight Clap, degenerated into a confirmed Lues; corroding ul- cers gradually began to cover his body, and had crept to the cartilage cf his 11 fe, which they were destroying very last, when the poor fellow,
finding disguise 110 longer possible, with tears in his eyes, confesscd to me tbe whole affair. As he had been to me a most valuable servant, I procured him all the assistance I was able. After a week's attendance the Faculty pronounced his'Case desperate. I had heard much of your PILulA SALUTArIA in this case I knew their effects might be benefial , and could not be dangerous— I therefore sent for fome,— and it is no less true than surprizing, that they actually in less than a month elicited a perfect Cure -. I write this at the instigation of JOHN GORDON ( that is the man's name) whole gratitude is un bounded. As a friend of
mine is coming to Lon- don, I defircd him to leave this at your houlc. Your humble fervaut, THOMAS B1SHOP. P S. If through the medium of the public Prints you chofe to communicate this inflame of the effi- cacy of LEAKE's PILLS, yen are at liberty to do so. The above medicine is recommended to all persons who are in any doubt of their being entirely free of every Venereal Affection, as it will certainly eradicate every taint of that nature -. for Scorbutic and Cntaneo& s Complaints it is alfo recommended. Prepared and fold by the sole proprietor, THOMAS TAYLOR, Member of the Corporation of Surgeons, London, at his
houfe, No. 9, New Bridge- streetj where he will give advice, without a fee, to persons taking these Pills, and will answer patients' letters, if post- paid, on tbe same terms, observing in all cases the most inviolable secrecy. They are also sold', by his appointment, for the con- venience of those living at a distance, by G. Burbage, printer of this paper; Mr. Gregory, Leicester Tom- linson, Newark and Retford-, Curtis, Worksop-, Os- croft, Mansfield-, White, Chesterf. eld-, Hodgkins, druggist, Sheffield-, Drewry, Derby ; Adams, Lough- bro' j" Bright, Melton ; Meggitt, Wakefield, and Allen, Grantham, and by one perion in every
considerabie town in England, in boxes of only as. 9d. each, seal- ed up with full and plain directions, whereby- per- sons, of either sex, may cure themselves, with ease and secrecy. • NOTTINGHAM: Printed and fold by BURBAGE AND STRETTON, on the LONG- ROW. To whom ADVERTISEMENTS, ARTICLES of INTELLIGENCE, & C. intended for thin Paper, are requeued to be direfted. — ADVERTISEMENTS are inferted at FIVE SHILLINGS One Penny forevery line above sixteen.—— ADVERTISEMENTS aifo taken in at the following places : Messrs SCATCHERD and WHITAKeR, NO. 12, Avc- mary lane and at the
London, Chapter, and Fountain Coffee- Houfcs. LONDON : where it may be seen every week foRTH, Bakewell.- WHite, BRADLEY, and CALOW, Chesterfield.~ PLUMMER. BAiNeS, Bawtry.- TURNer. Ollerton MedLEy, and Newark.— ALlEN, BAXTER, Bingham_ GREgORy, Leicester.- oSCROFT, LOCkWOoD, and SWANK, Mansfield.- PURDIE, Alfreton.- T. PIERSON; DRuRy of " this Paper, ( though it contains the most material occurrences of. Friday's post is at a very great expence publifced in jBt^ Aaw, Grantham, Sleaford, Boston, Newark. Gainsborough Mansfield, Alfreton, Chesterfield, Bawtry, Kegworth, Loughbourgh.
Melton, Ashby- dc- la Zonrh, Sheffield, ic. the lame day ; t arrives at the Cities of LINCOLN and YORK the dav following and ? Coffee- houses in LONDON and capital Towns in lo that the advantages in adverting M a Newljpapcr io extensive in its circulation must appear obvious to every candid person.