The Edinburgh Evening Courant
Printer / Publisher: David Ramsay
Volume Number: Issue Number: 23/02/1932 00:00
No Pages: 4
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The Edinburgh Evening Courant
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The Edinburgh Evening Courant
Date of Article: 15/08/1793
Printer / Publisher: David Ramsay
Address: Old Fish Market Close, Edinburgh
Volume Number: Issue Number: 23/02/1932 00:00
No Pages: 4
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LANGUAGES AND EDUCATION. ABBE TOURNER, a Native of Rome of British Parents, continues to give INSTRUCTIONS in the ITALIAN, FRENCH, SPANISH, and LATIN LAN- GUAGES. His method is analogous to the natural order in attaining one's Native Language; and therefore his pupils will have the Satisfaction to find it the most easy, the most pleasant, and in a short time the most effectual. A Small number of Young Gentlemen from the Country attending their studies in Town, between Nine and Fifteen Years of Age ( the younger the more acceptable), may be genteely and conveniently accommodated with him as
BOAR- DERS. He takes the charge of attending striCtly to their Morals, Manners, and Application to their reSpective schools. * § • As Mr TOURNER has enjoyed the benefits of a very liberal education, and has hitherto spent the whole of his time in the study of polite literature and the fine arts, his Young Guests, besides the advantages reSulting from conver- sation, and the opportunity of easily becoming acquainted with the above- mentioned languages, FRENCH and ITA- LIAN being particularly Spoken in the family, may have likewise that of acquiring an elementary knowledge in Seve- ral other branches of education. • For
Particulars apply to the Abbe himself, Leith Ter- race, No. 14. • R. KERR, SURGEON, RETURNS very grateful THANKS to his FRIENDS for the honour of their past confidence and employ- ment. As he leaves Edinburgh immediately,, to take charge of a concern in the country, which will occupy his whole future attention, he is obliged to use this public mode of address. BARKER & CHRISTIE, LEITH, Have now got to hand part ofthe TEA purchased for them at LAST SALE, which, with other Articles in tbe GROCERY LINE, they will sell on terms equally low with any in the trade. An APPRENTICE wanted. ___ DUMBARTON
WINDOW GLASS. ALEXR. WILLIAMSON, at his FLINT GLASS WAREHOUSE, No. 43, South Bridge- street, Edinburgh, respeCtfully informs the Public, That, in conse- quence of his being appointed AGENT for the DUMBAR- TON Glass- work Company here, he has got to hand a Large Assortment of all the different qualities of WINDOW GLASS, which he sells Wholesale, at the lowest manufactory prices, free of carriage to Edinburgh. The Company, in order to accommodate their Friends, have resolved to sell the Inferior quality of their CROWN GLASS at the same price of the Common or Broad Glass; the great Superiority
of which to the Common, in point of Co- lour and strength is well known. *„• The Dumbarton Glasswork Company were the first who attempted the manufacture of Window Glass in Scot- land ; and, from their long experience, have brought it to such perfection, as to be equal, if not superior in quality and colour, to any hitherto manufactured in the kingdom. Squares for Hot- houses, Sec. of all dimensions, furnished on the shortest notice. A. WILLIAMSON has on hand his usual variety of the most FASHIONABLE PLAIN and CUT FLINT GLASS, which he sells wholesale and retail 0n the lowest terms. HEIRS WANTED. THE
HEIRS at LAW of GEORGE WAL- KER, Mariner in Leith, who was the son of Isobel Simson, one of the three daughters and heirs portioners of George Simson, merchant taylor in Leith, will hear of some- thing to their advantage, by applying personally to Mr George Robertson, writer in Leith, or John M'Ritchie, wri- ter in Edinburgh.— No application by letters will be answer- ed. AUGUST 14 1793, MONEY WANTED. Wanted to Borrow just now, or at Martinmas next, FROM FIFTEEN HUNDRED, TO Two THOUSAND FOUNDS STERLING, on a Landed estate, yielding upwards of L20o a year. Apply to John Dillon writer,
Edinburgh, or Archibald Smith writer, Hutchison's Street, Glasgow. WANTED, For a Sack Manufactory, AMAN that is MASTER of that BUSINESS, and who could undertake the management of such a work. Any person Inclining to engage, upon applying to Mr John Wright woollon draper, High Street Edinburgh, and bringing a certificate of his character, will receive very ad- vantageous terms. A GARDENER Wants Employment; ASINGLE MAN, just from ENGLAND.— He is perfectly acquainted with the most modern taste in Forcing, & c.— Wishes to communicate the art of heating hot- houses by steam— has laid out and
planted new gardens and hot- houses, aud other improvements, for Gentle- men in England, Ireland, and Scotland— is acquainted with the cultivation and improvement of land— has n0 objeCtion to serve as Gardener and Grieve. His CharaCter will stand the striCtest Scrutiny— Letters post paid, direded to M'Q n, at the Printing Office, will be duly answered. SALE OF BROAD CLOTHS AND HABERDASHERY GOODS, DUNDEE. Upon Tuesday the 20th of August current, there will be SOLD, within the Trades Hall, Dundee, THE WHOLE SHOP GOODS belonging to the sequestrated estate of WILLIAM BURNESS, Merchant
in Dundee, and which consist of Broad and Nar- row Cloths, Thicksetts, Corduroys, Sesrge and Stuffs, Black Modes, Muslins, Printed Callicoes, Ribbons, Black lace, Dimmities, Shawls, Policats, and several other articles. The roup to begin at 10 o'clock forenoon, and to continue till all be sold off DUNDEE. Aug. 10. 1793- SALE OF HORSES, & c. IN FIFE. Upon Friday the 23d of August current, there will be SOLD by AuCtion at EASTHALL, in the Parish of Moniemaill, TWENTY DRAUGHT AND SADDLE HORSES, the property of Mr Collier.— There is a re- markable fine HUNTER, fir for any weight, and a number of pond
MARES and FOALS. The sale to begin at II o'clock forenoon, and nine months credit will be given. SALE OF HORSES, & c. AT LESLIE HOUSE. Upon Monday the 19th of August curt, there will be SOLD by public roup at leslie house, Fife, THE whole STOCKING of HORSES belong- ing to Major Aytoun, consisting of five Black Mares, two of which were got by the famous horse Blaze, the other three by a son of his, all covered this Season.— a beautiful Elack Mare, four years old, got by Zanga, now breaking— a Black Horse, four years old, unbroke, fit for a charger or coach- horse— a Black Horse, seven years old, a
remarkable fall trotter— likewife, five Milch Cows; twenty- one Queys, from one ta three years old; Sixty fat Wedders; forty Ewes, ten of which are of Bakewell's breed; and sixteen Lambs, five of which are Tups. Credit will be given till Whitsunday.—' The sale to begin at eleven o'clock forenoon. DESERTED, From a Party of the 34th Regiment, recruiting at Aberdeen, JOHN M'GREGOR, a stout well made man, aged 22 years, 5 feet 8 inches high, fair complexion, light hair, large grey eyes, rather a long vifage, and much marked with the fmall pox, a native of Perth, aiid by trade a weaver.— He had on, when he went off, a long blue coat, green swandown waistcoat, thickset britches, and a new round hat. Any person who will apprehend the above deserter, and lodge him in auy of bis Majesty's gaols in Great Britain or Ireland, will receive TWO GUINEAS, over and above what is allowed by act of Parliament, by applying to Capt. E. Fra- ser, 34th regiment, Aberdeen. STIRLING Aug. 12. 1793. THE SHERIFF- CLERK of STERLING- SHIRE intimates to all concerned, That the MI- CHAELMAS HEAD COURT this year falls to be held on Tuesday the rft day of OCtober next, twelve o'clock noon; and that there are CLAIMS lodged with him for INROL- LING
the GENTLEMEN afternamed, viz. . * Sir Alexander Campbell of Ardkinlass, Bart. Right Hon. Henry Dundas of Melville. Robert Dundas, ESq. younger of Melville. William Ferguson, ESq. of Raith, as liferenter Robert Ferguson, younger of Raith, Advocate, as fiar. James M'Donald, Esq. of Largie. John Eiston, Esq. of Kersiebank, as liferenter ; Lieut. James Eiston of the 70th regiment of foot, as fiar— And James Graham of Airth, esq. There are also OBJECTIONS lodged against the fol- lowing FREEHOLDERS standing longer upon the Roll, as being divested of the lands upon which they were inrolled. Sir Alexander Campbell of
ArdkinlaSs, Bart.— And Ilay Ferrier, Esq. ALEX. DOW. COUNTY OF FORFAR MEETING OF FREEHOLDERS, & c. IN consequence of the BENEFIT derived to this and all the NORTHERN COUNTIES of SCOT- LAND, by the late REPEAL of the DUTY on COAL, a Meeting of the Freeholders, Justices of the Peace, and Com- missioners of Supply of the County of Forfar, is desired, and will be held on Friday the 16th of August inst. Forfar, Aug. 6. 1793. JOHN RAIT, Convener. NOTICE TO THE HERITORS OF THE PARISH OF MONKTON. IN the PROCESS of LOCALITY of the STI- PEND of the above Parish, Lord Ankerville
Ordinary, has appointed the Heritors to produce, in the Clerk's hands, auy rights they may have to their teinds betwixt and the ift ot OCtober next; of which this intimation is given to all concerned. INTIMATION TO THE HERITORS, And others claiming Right in the Commonty of GAL- LOWHILL, near Kinross. thE COMMISSIONERS for dividing said COMMONTY are to meet Kinross on TueSday the 20th of August current, for the purpose of examining the title- deeds of the parties claiming right in it, and taking the proof relative to their possessions, & c. It is therefore request- ed, that all persons claiming any right or interest in
Said Commonly, do produce their titles, 111 virtue of which they make such claim, before the Commissioners at Kinross 011 the said day.— Not to be repeated. TURNPIKE MEETING AT KINROSS. AMEETING of the TRUSTEES upon the TURNPIKE ROAD betwixt NORTH QUEENS- FERRY and PERTH, called by Sir Charles Preston of Val- leyfield, David Smyth, Esq. of Methven, and Claud Bos- well, Efq. of Balmuto, three of the said Trustees, is to be- held at Kinross upon Tuesday the 3d of September next, at twelve mid- day, for the purpose of taking under consider- ation the DRAUGHT of an ACT for Repairing the Road
from North Queensferry through the towns of Inverkeithing and Kinross to the town of Perth, which will then be laid before the Meeting; when it is expeCted the Trustees from the different Counties will attend. ' The Trustees will be furnished with Printed Copies of the Draught of this ACt, by calling at Mr Patrick Miller, town- clerk of Perth ; Mr Gillespie, clerk of Inverkeithing ; or George Peat, clerk to the Trustees, at Kinross. Not to be repeated. COUNTY OF FORFAR. NOTICE is hereby given, That an APPLICA- TION is intended to be made to PARLIAMENT next session for an AC'T to make certain Alterations and A- mendments
on the ACt of Parliament passed in 1789, entitled, u An act for Repairing the Roads in the county of Forfar, and for regulating the Statute Labour within the same, aud for raising and augmenting the Tolls granted by that aCt; as also for making Turnpike, and supporting the following Roads, viz. The road from Forfar to Arbroath by Dunichen, passing through the parishes of Forfar, Dunichen. Kirkden, Carmylie, St Vigeans, Inverkeilor, Arbirlot, and Arbroath, to be added as a branch to the present road from Forfar to Arbroath— The roads from the. Dundee and Arbroath road leading to the landing places of Monyfieth and East and
West Havens, passing through the parishes of Monyfieth, Monikie, Barry, and Panbride, to be added as branches to the Dundee and Arbroath road ; and that the road from Dundee towards Perth to the borders of the county of Forfar, passing through the parishes of Dundee and Liff, be added to the line of road betwixt Dundee and Ferryden— The road from Forfar to Brechin, passing through the parishes of Forfar, Rescobie, Cathlaw, Tannadice, Carreston, and Brechin, and to be added as a branch to the road from Meigle to the bridge over the Northesk by Brechin— Tbe road from Brechin to Arbroath by Bolshan and Hatton
Mill, passing through the parishes of Brechin, Farnwell and Kinnaird, Kinnel, Inverkeilor, St Vi- geans, and Arbroath— The roads from the Dundee and For- far road by Wedderburn and Duntrune ; and from said road by Strathmartin to the foot of Sidlahills, passing throngh the parishes of Dundee, Mains, Strathmartin, Tealine, and Auch- terhouse, and to be added as branches to the said Dundee and Forfar road— The road from Forfar to the New Bridge at Montrose by the north side of Rescobie Loch, and by Car- cary, passing through the parishes of Forfar, Rescobie, Aber- lemno, Guthrie, Kinnel, Farnwell and Kinnaird,
Brechin, Maryton, Craig, and Montrose.— Of which this public inti- mation is given to all concerned GAME TAX. INTIMATION is hereby made, That every Per- son who shall use any Dog, Gun, Net, or other Engine for TAKING or DESTRUCTION of GAME, without being possessed of a CERTIFICATE in terms of law, will, immediately on discovery, be prosecutcd for payment of the statutory- penalty. Information will be received by the Solicitor of the Stamp Duties at Edinburgh, aud by the Distributors of Stamps in the country. The informers names will be concealed, and they will be entitled to a suitable REWARD 011 the convic tion and recovery of the fines of delinquents. ALEX. MENZIES, Head Collector, Stamp- Office, Edinburgh, North- Britain Aug. 1. 1793. Foreign Intelligence. VIENNA— July 16. Tha Baron de ROLE, whom Count d'Antois sent to Petersburgh, presented a memorial to our Court, on the part of MONSIEUR de PROVENCE, as Regent of France, in which that Prince requests his IMPERIAL MAJESTY to be introduced into Valenciennes, as soon as that fortress shall have surrendered to our troops, in order to give to Our conquests a proper form, as on the part of the only lawful power in France. A verbal answer has been returned to
this memorial; but the verbal reply was at first very unfavourable. The Prince of SAxE CoBouRg sent to General FERRAND, the Commandant of Valenciennes, a copy of a moniteur, which states, that the garrison of that fortress had, in several sallies spiked a great num- ber of cannon, and killed between 5000 and 6000 men. The Princes adds, that he sends that journal to convince him how impudently the people of Paris were deluded with stories of that kind. The official letter of CUSTINE to the Convention, in which he announces the arrival of 12,000 Rus sians at Quiavrain, has afforded great merriment to our Court.
BRUSSELS— August r. A few days ago, some police- officers went to the house of M. LASONDE, the intimate friend of the Ex- General DUMOURIER, and there seized all the papers which that unfortunate and celebrated man had left. DuMouriER himself had set off about two hours be- fore this occurrence. At the same time a similar visit was made to a country house occupied by General MARASSE, Com- mandant of Antwerp during the French invasion of Brabant and Holland. the police officers also re- paired to the houses of two eminent burghers of Brussels, known for their attachment to the Jacobin party, where some
French officers had left papers, which were carried ofF likewise. it is presumed that there are some strong suspicions of the proceedings of those ancient French officers, whose turbulent and restless spirit of intrigue and cabal, congenial to their fellow countrymen, could not be suppressed. The day before yesterday. this city was full of in cendiary hand- bills, in which the French Emigrant- were invited to take up arms, to prevent, as the bill expresses, the dismemberment of their unhappy coun- try, ready to be effected, like that of hapless Poland, by the Confederate Powers.— The bills were at first torn off, as we are sensible of
the injury which the partition of Poland, and the treatment of the Polish Diet at Grodno, operates against the cause of all Sovereign's. WARSAW— July 24. The project of a treaty of alliance between Rus- sia and Poland, laid before the Diet by the Dele- gates, appointed to treat with the Russian Ambassa- dor Count SIEVERS, consists of the following ar- ticles : ART. I. A lasting peace and friendship shall be established between Russia and Poland. 11. ' The Republic is formally to cede to the Empress of Russia, the provinces occupied by the Russian troops HI. The Republic is also to renounce all claims whatever on these
provinces, and to guarantee all the Russian poS- sessions in Europe. IV. Russia shall renounce all claims upon any other part of the territory of the Republic, aud guarantee the integrity of Poland in its present state. V. Mutual commercial advantages shall be granted to the inhabitants of Russia and Poland. VI. The Roman Catholic inhabitants in the provinces ceded to Russia shall enjoy a free exercise of their religion. VII. Poland shall be allowed to chuse such a form of Government as the King and the States shall think most con- venient. VIII. All the other points which shall be agreed upon by the Russian Ambassador and the
Delegates, shall be compre- hended in a separate treaty. IX. The necessary ratifications shall be exchanged within the next six weeks. The new Constitution is said to resemble that of 1775, and to consist chiefly of the following ar- ticles : ART: I. The King is to be eleCted, not by the nation, but by an Extraordinary Diet, consisting of three times the num- ber of Deputies who compose the present Diet. II. The Diet shall be convened, not every second, but every fourth year ; and during the interval, the Govern- ment shall rest with the King and a permanent Council. III. The civil list shall consist of 6,000,000 of Polish flo- rins, out of
which 3,000,000 shall be yearly employed to pay the debts of the King. On the 20th inst. the Prussian Ambassador, Baron BUCHOLTZ, addressed a note to the Diet, wherein he demanded, that the Delegates should treat with him, as well as with the Russian Ambassador, but has as yet received no answer. DIET AT GRODNO, July ,5. After reading the report of the conferences of the Delegation with the Prussian Ambassador ; the treaty of alliance with Russia, presented by the Ambassador, of which the partition of Poland is the basis, and with respect to which neither modi- fication nor representation could be received ; and
the note presented by the Ambassador the same day, containing new threats in case the Delegation should not instantly be empowered to sign the treaty; it was proposed that the Chancellors should give in a re port on the present state of Europe, from their cor respondence with the Ministers of the Republic at foreign Courts. July 16. The Marshal communicated a second note from the Russian Ambassador, threatening military exe- cution on all the property of the Members of the Diet, who should make further opposition to his demands on the Royal domains and personal pro- perty of the KING, and on the revenues of the Re public. Several Members proposed, that the Chancellors should declare to the Ambassador, that the Diet acting under the bond of the confederation of Tar- gowitz, and bound by the same oath, could not > consent to the cession of any provinces ; which the majority of the Diet seemed dispofed to adopt. The proposition for granting unlimited powers to the Delegation was again brought forward and rejected. Several Nuncios proposed communicating the last note from the Ruffian Ambassador, and the proposed treaty of alliance, to all the foreign Ministers. This was opposed by M. MiAczyNsKi and several Nun- cios from
Wolhynia. M. MLODZIANOWSKI of Rozansk, proposed that the representation to be made by the Delegation to the Ambassador, on the reasons which prevented tha Diet from consenting to the cession of any provinces, should signed by each of the Members and sent to Petersburgh, to be there presented to the eM PRESS. The same Members, who opposed the for- mer proposition, opposed this also, and with diffi- culty consented that it should be taken into further consideration. On the 17th it was proposed in the Diet to give full powers to the Delegation to sign the proposed treaty. LIST of FORTIFIED TOWNS IN FRANCE.
Amiens Mount Louis Neus Brisach Abbeville Ville franche Schelespat. Montruil fort de belgarde Strasbourg Boulogne Bouchain Fort Louis Calais Valenciennes landau Ardres Conde Haguenaua DoWflens Maubeuge Auxonne Perronne Collisure Chateau de Joux Ham perpignan Salina St Quintin Solees BeSancon Guile Narbonne Belfort Bapaume le Quesnoy Hunninghen L'Isle O'Oleron Landrecy Mont Dauphin Brouage Avelne Briancon Blaye Phillipville Grenoble For de Medoc L'Isle de Brescou Fort Barroux Arras Port de Cette Fort de 1' Eclipse Hesdir Montpelier Fort de l'ecluSe Bethune Aigus Mottes Chalons sur- Soane St
Venant Charlemont St tropez Bourdeaux Rocroy # Isle St Marguerite Dax Meziers Antibes Bayonne Sedan Monau Fort de Socoa Nesmes Entrevaux Aire Pont St Esprit Embrun St Omer Marseille Rochefort Gravelines Toulon la Rochelle Dunkerque Bouillon L'Isle de Re . - Andaye Montmedy Nantes St Jean Pied de- Port Longwy Belle Isle Navarrieus Thionville Port louis Oieron Phalsbourg Brest Bergues Saarlouis St Malo Lille Marsal Cherbourg Douay Toul Caen Cambray Verdun Havre de Grace Lourde Metz Dieppe. The above is a list of fortified places in France, which supposing one should be taken every month, it would
be ten years before the whole could be taken. FREDERIC TRENCK. The following are the chief of the additional particu- lars which this extraordinary man has just given to the world, relative to his own life :— In August 1787, he procured a pension of 1200 dollars ( about 22- 1.) from the present KING of PrusSIA, but could not recover his confisicated estates, for the Surrender of them would have been an impeachment of the justice of the GREAT FREDERIC. About this period he assisted or believes that he did in bringing about an alliance between the Cabinets of Vienna and Berlin. After being received at Frankfort and at
Strasbourg, almost with the honours of a triumph, he reached Paris in the year 1789, and published an edition of his life, three days before the Revolution. Upon leaving the city, he had occasion to ask a passport from M DE LA FAYETTE, who requested that he would travel without a Sword. " General ( Said TRENCK), I am an officer in the Service of a foreign power, and whoever demands my Sword shall die by its point " The Baron relates this anecdote of himSelf, without any apology for Such unprovoked turbu- lence; but his readers will allow it to a man, who has been injured like him in the beginning of life, to step
somewhat beyond the bounds of common conduct in its conclusion. When the late Emperor, LEOPOLD, ascended the throne, TRENCK obtained an audience, in which he was treated with kindness and condescension ; and shortly after he was sent into Hungary, where a curious, interruption was given to his literary efforts in behalf of the House of Austria. A military tribunal, not understanding the objeCt of his writings, and thinking it moreover unsuitable, that an of- ficer should write, obliged him to Sign a paper, by which he bound himself " to renounce every branch of author- ship " confessed that to increase his income by
means of publications was " unworthy the charaCter of an officer ;'' and promised " to deliver up to his Excellency, Count VON TIGE, General of Cavalry, all his essays, memorandums, and papers." Though the EMPEROR disavowed the knowledge of this proceeding, the Baron was arrested soon after, by order of the Prince DE COBOURG, upon which occasion he resigned his commiffion in disgust ; but his IMPERIAL MAJESTY- augmented his pension from 900 to 1300 florins, and restor- ed to him his bond. TRENCK calls this " a down- right - German narrative," and then concludes, in his way, announcing that literature Is
now his hobby horse, " on which the Belisarius of Austria and Prussia may probably prance throughout Europe, except where fire and faggots threaten him." His works are now prohibited in the Austrian as well as the Prussian dominions; but he promises to publish in Denmark, where the Prince he says, has confirmed the O. freedom of the press. Ml
Cije lohOon ( 0a? ette. SATURDAY— AUGUST 1O. At the Court at St James's, Aug. 7. 1793 PRESENT, The KING'S Most Excellent Majesty in Council. HIS MAJEsty in Council Was this day pleased to order, That the Parliament, which stands prorogued to Tuesday the 13th day of this instant August, should be further prorogued to Tuesday the 29th day of October next. War Office, August 10. 3d Dragoon Guards.— Cornet John Moore to be Lieute- nant, without purchase, vice Southwell, deceased. Coldstream Guards.— ensign Sir John Shelly, Bart, to be Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Gregory, who retires. id Battalion of the
Royals — Brevet Major John Cochran to be Major, by purchase, vice Sayer, who retires. Lieut. James Finney to be Captain of a company, vice Cochran. En- sign John Campbell to be Lieutenant, vice Finney. Francis Charteris Moncrieffe, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Campbell. Lieut. Patrick Mackenzie to be Adjutant, without purchase, vice Finney, promoted. 3d Foot.— — Elford, Gent, to be Ensign, without pur- chase, vice Hawkins, promoted Cha. Rob. Fead, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Ford, promoted in the In- dependent Companies. 4th Foot — Ensign Edmund Faunce to be Lieutenant, with- out purchase, vice
Davis, promoted in the Independent Com- panies. Law, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Faunce.- 16th Foot.— Richard Eustace, Gent to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Wolfe, promoted in the 38th foot. 18th Foot.— Frederick Pennyman, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Woodcock, promoted. aift Foot.— First Lieut. Donald Grant to be Captain of a company, by purchase, vice Cox, who retires. Second lieut. William Neate to be First Lieutenant, vice Grant. William Henry Horseburgh, Gent, to be Second Lieutenant, vice Neate. Second Lieut. Samuel Knollis to be First Lieutenant, without purchase, vice Ramsay, promoted in
the Independent Companies. J. S. Colepeper, Gent, to be Second Lieutenant, vice Knollis. 30th Foot.— Lieut. Thomas Brudenell, from the half- pay of the late 104th foot, to be Lieutenant, vice Sargeant, who exchanges. 45th Foot—- Ensign Geo. Purdon Drew to be lieutenant, without purchase, vice Nicolls, deceased. George Bayley, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Drew. 47th Foot— Guy Hughes, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Holmes, promoted in the Independent Com- panies. 48th Foot.— James Dougan, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Wilson, deceased. 68th Foot.— Wm. John Erskine, Gent, to be
Ensign, by purchase, vice Snell, promoted. INDEPENDENT. COMPANIES. Capt. E. John Alex. Woodford, from the 17th foot, to be Captain of a company, vice Tingling, who exchanges. . Lieut. John Podmore, from the 47th, to be Captain of a com- pany. BANKRUPTS. James Page of Liverpool, liquor merchant. James Page and Rob. Bennett of Liverpool, liquor merchants. Thomas Peel of louth, Lincoln, stuff manufacturer. Robert Dodge of Stockport, joiner and carpenter. John Woodward parish of Scawby, Lincoln, leather- dresser. john Blore, Wm. Blore, and Rowland Blore, of Park lane, Piccadilly, builders. Richard Akers of
Wigmore- street, Middlesex, tailor. John Hartley ot Lothbury, London, merchant. Benjamin Stroud of Southwark, liquor merchant. William l'Anson of Pontefract, brandy merchant. Wm. Crosbie and John Greenwood of Liverpool, merchants. Samuel Bishop of Westminster, stationer. Thomas Leigh of Manchester, butcher. London, august 12. ' • 1 . Government received advices on Saturday morn- ing from Paris, brought to them by the way of St Maloes. By these we learn, that on the intelli- gence having reached the National Convention of the surrender of Valenciennes, with an account of barbarities said to have been committed
by the Au- strians, it immediately resolved, That MARIE ANTONIETTE, the ci- devant Queen of France, should be delivered over to the Revolu- tionary Tribunal. v In consequence of which she Underwent, on the 2d instant, her first interrogatory. Her demeanour was majestic and composed, and her answers were dignified and shrewd.— After her examination, she wished to be sent back to the Temple, but this was peremptorily refused, and she was conducted by a strong guard to the prison of the Conciergerie. As soon as the Revolutionary Tribunal has made a report of the first examination to the Convention, this unfortunate
lady is to Undergo another interro- gatory, The QUEEN has not been furnished with the questions that are to be asked, previous to her examination. This indulgence, granted to the KING, to her has been denied. The following resolutions have also been made by the Convention : 1. That all the BOURBON family shall immediate- ly be banished France, except the two children. 2. That a very numerous army shall immediate- ly be encamped between Valenciennes and Paris. That France shall be declared in a state of danger. 4. That every man capable of bearing arms, shall immediately arm for the defence of the Republic-. 5.
That a cordon of troops shall be formed on the Frontiers, to act against the common enemy.. 6. that the natives of all nations at war with France, shall be immediately arrested. [ An excep- tion will, we suppose, be made to those who have resided in France for the last 12 months, which constitutes their naturalisation.] 7. That an appeal shall be immediately made- to the People of Great Britain; which appeal is to contain animadversions on the conduct of the Bri- tish Administration in provoking the war ; the ob- ject of the war; loss that has been, and will be sus- tained by Great Britain; the pledge which the British Administration
is alleged to have given to Austria and Prussia, relative to the dismemberment of France and finally, an energetic statement of the total ruin in which the cause of Liberty will be involved, should the intentions of the Combined Powers be sufFered to be carried into execution'. CusTiNE was sentenced to death, and was ac- cordingly guillotined. It is said that such was the fury of the mob— they cut his body into five pieces ! BARRERE made a report to the Convention, in which he gravely stated, that an Englishman had been arrested at St Omer's, in whose pocket a let- ter, in the hand writing of Mr PITT, was found containing
instructions in what way the money with which he was entrusted should be distributed to ex- cite insurrections in France, and particularly di- recting him to appropriate three millions of livres to promote tumults and massacres at Lyons. It was said also that the Duke of LIANCoURT had yesterday received a letter, stating, that the late unfortunate QUEEN had been torn to pieces by a mob. Similar causes have revived the ferocity which disgraced the French nation twelve months ago; and till those causes cease to operate, no out- rage on humanity can be considered as incredible. Advice is said to be just received, that the pre sent ruling Government of France had been en- tirely overthrown. DANTON, the President of the Convention, had obtained that the Sovereign ; Authority should be veiled in the Committee of Public Safety, to whose disposal, for some secret and very important pur- pose, the sum of twelve hundred millions of livres was Immediately to be applied. The Executive Council was to be suppressed, and DANTON, as President of the Committee of Public Safety, was invested with the powers of a Dictator. < The army of the Royalists, after the defeat of the Republican troops, has again besieged Nantz, and taken several of the out posts near that city. General WIMPFEN'S army is disbanded. PARIS— August 2. Everything is yet tranquil.— The decree relative to the unfortunate QuEEN of FRANCE and her first interrogatory, excited no convulsive emotions in the public mind. The people even beheld her removal from the Temple to the Conciergerie without in- dulging those sentiments of anger which her presence was wont to excite. Accounts have been received here from all parts of France of the plenty of the harvest. In the southern Departments the crop is cut down, and the harvest has commenced in the northern ; of course, there is no scarcity of
bread, or indeed of other pro visions at Paris. The father of Madame CORDE, though a man of unblemished character, has been arrested, and is now in prison. THOMAS PAINE is very unpopular, on account of his attachment to BRISSOT, PETIOn, CONDORCET, VERGNIAUD, and GENSONNE.— He means to retire to America in September PHILIP EGALITE has been tried and acquitted at Marseilles. His character is however stained with such strong marks of suspicion, that he is still kept confined, from fear, lest he might go to Paris, and excite new commotions. M. DE CONTI and Madame dE Bourbon set at liberty. They
must all quit France speedily in obedience to the decree of the National Convention relative to the Bourbon family. The Department of Calvados has released the Commissioners of the Convention, who were arrested at the beginning of the insurrection.— But PETION and BARbAROUX possess still a very powerful influ- ence over the Department. M. BEAUVALLET presented on the ' 26th ult, the bust of MARAT to the Commune of Paris. Mrs WOlSTONCROFT ( author of the Rights of Wo- men) is here, and is busily employed in writing a History of the French Revolution. Great preparations are making for the celebra- tion of
the Civic Festival that is to take place on Saturday the 10th of August. EXECUTION Of CUSTINE. Intelligence received this morning, confirms the account of the execution of CUSTINE. The follow- ing is the substance of the charges that were ad- duced against him :— First, That at the first fight of the enemy he re mained inactive with a view of penetrating into the interior of France, and replunging the nation into slavery, as soon as the insurrection in the depart- ments should become general. That he placed none but suspicious characters at the head of the different corps under his orders, that he might be able to imitate
Dumourier, if he had remained in his post. . That he made papillots of the decrees of the Con- vention, and arrested the National Commissioner CELLIOT, for having distributed among the troops the journal of the Mountain. That, whenever he pleased, he disarmed such of his troops as did not embrace his views, to arm those who espoused his cause, and exercised the power of life and death over his soldiers. That he abandoned Mentz to its fate, though he had offered with his head to answer for its safety, and weakened the army destined for its relief, un- der pretence of raising the siege of Conde, which he sufFered to be
taken, and of Valenciennes, for the succour of which he did not make the least effort. That he was at Paris and held conferences, with BOURNONVILLE, while DuMOURIER was consummating the most infamous piece of treachery. That he offered to become the Dictator of France, and adopted the tone and style of BUZOT, VERgNIAud, BRISSOT, and others, against the anarchists, disorgani- zers, clubs, MARAT, and the Mountain. That on his own authority, and without a trial, he ordered three volunteers to be shot, under pre- tence of their having committed robbery. That he lavished praises upon the despot of Ber- lin, who
is still daily shedding streams of French blood ; and informed the enemy of the plans of the Republican army, before they were executed. That he encouraged all the aristocrats, and dis gusted all the patriots, supported every ill- disposed person, and molested the sans culottes, persecuted the Minister BOUCHOTTE as DUMOURIER did PACHE, be- cause BOUCHOTTE follows the footsteps of PACHE ; and endeavoured to displace General HOUCHARD. That he falsely announced the capture of Conde, with a view to favour the insurrection which was intended to be raised on the 14th of July by the conspirators against the
members of the Mountain. And that he wrote a billet to the Commandant at Mentz to surrender. By a courier arrived this morning from Ply- mouth we are informed, that on the evening of the 31st July, Lord HOWE fell in with the French fleet off the island of Bellille. The French reti- ring behind the island of Grovais, it was impossible to follow them, on account of the very difficult na- vigation between that island and the rocks of the Saines. On Saturday last, at three o'clock in the morn ing, Lord HOWE with the fleet put back into Tor- bay. The French fleet, consisting of 18 sail of the line and 3 frigates, have retired into Brest. It was
deemed adviseable not to attack them on account Of their superiority, the Englifh fleet amounting only to 17 sail. The Glory, the Atlas, and the Blen- heim, are ordered into commission, for the purpose of reinforcing Lord HOWE. Captain COLE of the Eurydice, and Captain CARPENTER, of the Intrepid, arrived at Torbay on the evening of the 9th, and set off immediately for London with the above intelligence. Another account states, that the French fleet has put into L'Orient, having first had a frigate chaced on shore by Lord HOWE'S squadron. These advices agree in the superiority of num- bers on the part of the French, and
further add, that it was much suspected, that as soon as our fleet was out of sight, a detachment of the enemy was to proceed to the West Indies. It is somewhat extraordinary, that the Dutch fleet should keep out of sight, when their assistance to co- operate with Lord HOWE would give so de- cided a superiority to the Britifh force now at sea. There appears something mysterious in this conduct, more than can be attributed to the natural slowness of their High Mightinesses. It is said, that the reason why the Dutch continue in a state of backwardness to arm, arises from the poverty of the government in that country. By the last
accounts from Admiral GARDNER it appears, that it was his intention to dispatch a con- siderable part of his fleet to Jamaica, after his ha- ving left Martinique on the 15th of June. As this squadron might reach Jamaica in five or six days, the convoy would no doubt be enabled to sail at the time appointed, in the most perfect security. We learn, that, on the 3d of June, the French naval force at St Domingo consisted of the following ships: At the Cape, L'Eole of 80 guns, Le Sur- veillante of 36, with about 200 sail of merchant- men ; at Port au Prince, L'Amerique of 74 guns; cruizing off Donna Maria, Le Jupiter of' 80 guns, La Fine
of 36, L'Astree of 40, La Concorde of 40, and seven sloops of war— In all, three sail of the line, five frigates, and seven sloops. A letter received at Plymouth on Wednesday last, from one of the Officers, dated the 16th of June 1793, dates, that " the Hyaena, on her return to Port Royal from a cruize on the 27th of May last, was captured by the Concord, a French frigate, mounting 48 guns ; and that they were carried into Cape Francois, where they are now all prisoners of war, but expected to be exchanged soon." Yesterday dispatches were received at the Secre- tary of State's Office from the Governors of the Leeward Islands,
which were brought over in his Majesty's packet the Carteret, arrived at Fal- mouth. They contain an account of the safe ar- rival of several merchant ships from London, Bris- tol, Liverpool, and Ireland; and that the second fleet of merchant ships were then lading, which were to sail under convoy, the beginning of August, from St Kitts. By our last letters from Valenciennes, we under- stand, that it was intended to make an attack upon the French camp near Maubeuge. From the strength of the allied army, there is very little doubt of the success of this attack. Immediately upon the surrender of Valenciennes, General ClAiRfAiT
moved farther towards France with a body of 20,000 men, chiefly cavalry. * On Monday last the Hanoverians struck their tents, and on Tuesday the British were to do the same. The Irish priest who had deserted from the 14th regiment a few days previous to the surrender of Valenciennes, had been tried by a Court Martial, and sentenced to suffer death. He was to be exe- cuted on Tuesday morning, at the head of his regi- ment, immediately previous to its march. The crops of grain, both in Austrian and French Flanders, have been very great. The richest corn fields in the world surrounded the camps of the al- lied armies during
the whole siege of Valenciennes. the corn is now all got in, and in the best possible state. The Austrians are filling up the trenches all round Valenciennes; and it is a very general opinion there that the fortifications, will be razed. On Saturday last, when the DuKE of YORK. and. Sir JAMES MURRAY were retiring from head quar- ters to the British camp in a one horse chaise, the horse fell, and both were thrown out with great vio- lence. The Duke was severely hurt in the arm, so as to cause considerable apprehensions lest some of the bones may have been fractured. Sir James was cut in the forehead by the fall. A rumour
prevails that the garrison of Valen- ciennes have broken their parole, and have joined, the army which is behind Bouchain— there are let- ters in town mentioning the circumstance, though we do not pledge ourselves for the truth of it. It is reported, that DuMOURIER. is arrested at Aix- la- Chapelle. The French, with some reason, apply themselves to the disengaging Great Britain from the war. Without the spirited contributions of money and stores, by which this country distinguiihes itself it is certain, that hostilities against them could be pro- secuted with very little effect. A plan is now said to be on foot, the acceptance and
execution of which will it is faid, be the only condition on which peace will be accorded to France. This plan is to contain an ameliorated and new Con- stitution for France, which will be first sent to the French Princes, and the most unprejudiced Chiefs of the Counter- revolution, that they may make their remarks upon it. It will then be communicated to the Neutral Powers, which are to be previously in- vited to guarantee it. After these preliminary steps, it is to be proclaimed to the French nation in a ma- nifesto, in which it will be declared, that the Com- bined Powers propose, as the fundamental condition of negociations for
peace, the acceptance of the said plan, without which they will never acknowledge France as an Independent State. In case of a re- fusal, the whole French nation is to be considered as the enemy of all civilized nations, and treated at such. France, in case of non- acceptance, is threat- ened with total dismemberment, to pay the expences of the war. A gentleman who is arrived from the neighbour- hood of Brest relates, that twelve days ago, a fleet of 17 sail of the line were at sea, from that and the neighbouring ports; that in one day they launched a ship of 130 guns, and two others of 74, and were making great preparations
for others. Nine Russian ships of the line, with their frigate', are to sail immediately to the Mediterranean, There are eight of them three- deckers, carrying 100 guns each. They meditate an attack on Toulon, and have onboard 12,000 troops. This is the army that was to have landed in France in November to assist the Allied Powers. If the assistance of the mild and amiable Catharine was equal to her boasts, instead of being an useless, she would have been a most for- midable ally. The Portuguese are said to be not well pleased with the arrival of several English officers, to take command in the squadron fitting out at Lisbon ;
and Martin de Mello, who is thought to favour the war more than the other Ministers, is, from this cir- cumstance, become somewhat unpopular. Two Por- tuguese Captains have given in their resignations. The Argo of 44 guns is preparing to convoy to the West Indies a detachment of troops. Eight regiments of infantry are ordered to pre- pare immediately for foreign service. Two hundred of the Horse Guards are to be dis- mounted, and to take the Windsor duty. His MAJESTY has been pleased to settle pensions of 60I. per annum each on the six children of the late Dr HALIFAX, Bishop of Gloucester. The Duchess of GORDON
and Sir JOHN MACPHER- SON, with several Nobility, & c. set off for Brigh- ton to- day, to pay their respects to the PRINCE of WALES, it being his Royal Highness's birth- day. Last Saturday evening the Marquis and Mar- chioness of ABERCORN, and suite, arrived in the bay of Dublin, in the Dorset yacht, Sir ALEXANDER SCHOMBERG, from Holyhead ; and on Sundav morn- ing, they set off for his Lordship's seat at Baron's- court, near Strabane. The Rozalie, from Bengal, arrived at Flekewe, in Norway, on the 2d of August, and proceeded for Copenhagen ; she left St Helena the 29th of May, when the Rose, Burbridge, and
Valentine were waiting the arrival of other ships from India, and a convoy then expected from Europe. The plants from the Cape de Verd islands, and also the Otaheitan and other exotics, were yederday landed in a very healthy state at Kew Gardens!— Though, in consequence of the war, these plants were on their passage three months longer than the intended time, they are, at present, in a state of vi- gour that will astonish the whole Botanical world. A native of Otaheite has reached England in the Providence; he is a well made, handsome fellow, very good humoured, intelligent, and affable. Two of the natives came away ;
but one remained at Ja- maica, to assist in the culture of the bread- fruit. A young Irishman, who had envinced great bra- very at the siege of Valenciennes, concludes one of his letters to his friends thusi "' If an officer's finger is scratched, it is called a wound ; if my head was shot off, it would only be the same ; but if I survived I should contradict them."
MAdAmE COrDE, InTErESTInG PARTICULARS OF THE TRIAl AND EXECUTION OF THIS HeROIC WOMAN. None but spectators of this afflicting scene can con- ceive the majestic picture of the immortal COrDE, who from a perfect sense of rectitude and independent spirit, deliberately sacrificed her life for what she conceived would be the redemption of her country, and enlighten the seduced minds of those wretches who adhered to the seditions doctrines of Marat. Her appearance at the Revolutionary Tribunal struck each person with respectful awe, and the idea of her as an assassin was removed from every mind. The
Accusateur Public having asked her, for what reafon she had committed this resolute act of murder ? She re- plied with a stoick calmness—" I came to Paris to glori- fy myself by this deed ; to deliver my country from a conspiring monster, and to stop the wound his atrocious hands had opened." Accusateur Public— Are you not ashamed to become a common criminal for assassination ? Mad. Corde — It is a crime to have committed murder, but no disgrace to ascend the scaffold for this act. Accusateur Public— Do you recognize this sanguinary dagger ? Mad Corde I bought that myself in the Palais Royal, and remember it
Well; it is the same I plunged into his heart— and am satisfied. This unhappy Lady had two counsellors, one of whom was Mr Stone, an Englishman, who during the last two hours of her trial incessantly felt her pulse, to distinguish if there were any symptoms of burning fever or timidi- ty. He declared they were the same as those of a person contented in their mind. She did not manifest the least irresolution but in one interval, when Mr Stone was so struck with her firmness and answers, that he was quite dismayed, and at that instant her undaunted courage fell, and tears of sweet fallibility declared her gratitude for his pleading
for her. She was condemned at three o'clock in the afternoon, after a trial of six hours, to be behead- ed at eight o'clock the same evening on the Place de la Re- volution. She requested this gentleman, as a last favour, which, said she " will make me die contented, to defray all the little debts she had contracted in the prison of the Con- ciergerie, as the property she had brought with her to Paris was confiscated Mr Stone promised and executed her request. The scene which her execution presented was magnifi- cently awful. The place was thronged with multitudes ; and the most feeling minds were excited to behold the A mazonian courage of this unfortunate lady in her last moments. It was with much difficulty she arrived at the scaffold. The fish women and others, belonging so the markets, were near tearing her to pieces, with oaths and impre- cations the most horrid. The gens d'armes and horse of the Republic prevented this horrid act, by galloping up with lifted sabres. Madame CORDE ascended the scafFold with intrepidi- ty. She appeared serene and reconciled to death. She pulled off her bonnet and neckerchief herself, but re- coiled when the executioner went to bind her legs, and fsid, Are you so bad as to expose me here ?" He an swered, " No, it is to bind you." " Do it then," she replied with firmness. The inhuman monster, when shewing her head to the people after her execution, slapped her twice on the cheek! This was considered as such an atrocious act, that the very Tribunal who had condemned her to death, sentenced her executioner to twelve years imprisonment in irons. The corpse of Madame CORDE was buried in the church- yard of St Magdelaine, near the grave of Louis XVI. she having been executed in the same section with that unfortunate Monarch. THUNDER STORM. A young man named Hutchins, who lived in Houghton street,
Clare- market, sitting with his father and a few friends at a public- house in Oxford- street, near an open window, during the thunder storm on Wednesday even- ing, was struck dead by the lightning. No other person in the company suffered the smallest injury. s At Wickham, the house of A. Atherley, Esq. was en- tered by the lightning, and a bed and fome other articles were set fire to and consumed. Various accounts are received of other losses sustained by this storm, which was truly tremendous and striking- ly awful. The storm was also severely felt at Portsmouth, and in the neighbourhood. Several wherries were overset,
but providentially no lives lost. The west wall of the Jews burying- ground was blown down; an ox, the property of Mr WAY, was killed ; a tree on the ramparts was much damaged, & c. MARgATE, AUG. 8. Yesterday between seven and eight o'clock in the even- ing there happened the most violent gale of wind ever re- membered in this place; the shutters of one of the shops near the parade were blown into the middle of the street, several people were thrown off their legs, the swifts of a windmill near Westbrook were torn off, a stack of hay was blown down near the same place, one of the bathing machines that stood near the
Rope ground was blown over, as was a waggon loaded with wheat; the awning over one of the bathing- houses was entirely torn off. It was suc- ceeded by the most tremendous thunder, lightning, and rain, which lasted many hours. HARWICH, AUg. 8. Last night we experienced the most awful scene we ever witnessed. About seven o'clock the sky to the south- west was covered with black clouds, and the rain descended in large drops, the wind at this time being S. S. E. blowing strong. Soon after the rain increased, and the whole hoii zon appeared to open with tremendous peals of thunder and violent flashes of lightning,
which continued for some time; at the close of which an electrical fluid, or ball of fire, seemed to burst, which tore down one side of a chim- ney belonging to the house of Mr Philip Fennings, made its passage through the roof, and passed through some closets adjoining to the chimney. Providentially no other accident happened. Every room was filled with smoke of a sulphureous smell. We also learn, that two thatched cottages at Felistone were eet on fire by the lightning, and burnt down. WEST INDIES. " His Majesty's Ship Hector, Garlisle Bay, Barbados, June 11. 1793. " We have been cruizing for some time off the island of
Martinique. The royal and opposite party there are nearly equal, and we are here for the pur- pose of conveying a body of troops to assist the for- mer, and, as we hope, to take possession of the island. " The 21st regiment, 32d, and flank companies of the line, form our little army ; and this day an order has been issued by the Admiral, to disembark the marines of the fleet, to form a battalion for that attack, to be under the command of Capt. RAM- SAY of that corps. " We are to attack the town of St Pierre's, which is full of all sorts of stores and shipping ; but Fort Bourbon there is very strong, and with a garrison commanded by
M. ROCHAMBEAU, appears at least sufficient for our present force." The books of the several funds, the dividends on which become due on the 10th of October, will shut and open as follow, viz. three per cent, re- duced shut Aug. 28. open Oct. 24.; four per cent, ( hut Sept. 30. open Oct. 29 ; long ann. shut Sept. 7., open Oct. 29.; short ann. shut Sept. 9. open Oct. 23. The great electrical battery, at Haerlem, which contains 550 square feet of coated surface, is found to have an instantaneous effect in destroying life, by depriving the animal system of all irritability. Se- veral animals, which can scarcely be immediately killed by
any other means, have died the moment the shock was applied to them. An evening or two ago the Commanding Officer of one of the regiments at Ashdown damned a Sub- altern for being a little too late on Parade the o- ther immediately delivered up his sword, and told the superior that he had another at home at his ser- vice. The consequence of which spirited conduct has been, that an apology was made the next day. Ludicrous Mistake.— An order was lately issued by the proper officer at Portsmouth, to prevent the landing at the Sally Port of any of the Princesses of the Point, from the men of war lying off there.— An old
soldiers on duty, charged with the restriction, taking Lady R , and the wife of a Naval Cap- tain, who attempted to land, to be, as he said, " of the sorts" took charge of them, and had them some time in his custody ; but he was shortly after convinced of his want of distinction, by being him- self close confined. The following notice has passed through three or four Dublin papers, in an advertisement of the En- niskillen races.—" N. B. A main of cocks to be fought during the meeting, and all horses to qua- lify on oath, if required. A person who affected to pass for a great scholar, was asked by a friend, what was meant by posthu mous works ? Works, said he, that a man writes after he's dead. DIED, On the 5th inst. at Staindrop, in the 61st year of his age John Lee, Esq. Member of Parliament for Higham Ferrars EVENING COURANT. THURSDAY— AUGUST IJ. Our readers will find the interesting intelligence from Paris fully stated in the preceding page. The infatuated and execrable party which prevails in the Convention are about to add to their multiplied crimes, the murder of the unfortunate Queen ; who, under every accumulated insult and affliction, sup- ports herself with the magnanimity that has con- stantly distinguished her. It is impossible to
account for this intended outrage on humanity, which will not only increase the horror that prevails against the Convention in other countries, but probably di- rect the hatred of the Parisian populace, which hi- therto has been artfully attached to the Queen, to- wards themselves. On Monday evening was married here, Dr Wil- LIAM FARQUHArSON, to Miss MARGARET CAMPbELL, daughter of the Rev. Mr William Campbell, mini- ster in Lillie's Leaf. Colonel PRINGLE, of the corps of engineers, died lately at St Vincent's. Died on Saturday last, Mr JAMES WYLLIE, silver- smith in Glasgow. Mr GEORGE BATHGATE, surgeon in
Grenada, died there the 18th June last. Died, on Sunday last, at the Manse of Dalton, the Rev. Dr BRYDEN, minister of that parish. Died, on Wednesday last, Mr JOHN DICKSON of Upper Locherwoods. Friday last, died Mr KENNETH M'CALLuM, mer- chant in Glasgow, in consequence of a fall from his horse. Died at Stonehaven, on the 28th ult. the Rev. ALEX. GREIG, Presbyter of the Episcopal Church of Scotland, in the 82d year of his age, and 50th of his ministry. Letters received this day from Lisbon, dated the zoth ult. say, that the Flora frigate had arrived there, and was to sail the day following, and to call for the Oporto
ships. On Monday arrived in Leith Roads his Majesty's armed ship Queen, Capt. RAMSAY, from the Nore. Monday afternoon, the trade for London and the southward, sailed from Leith roads, under convoy of the Echo sloop of war, Capt. HALKET. The convoy from the Nore is appointed to sail the 20th inst. with the trade to the Frith of Forth. This morning arrived in Leith Roads eight trans- ports, under convoy of the Diomede of 44 guns, Captain SMITh. They are intended to convey the 57th and SEAFORTH'S regiments to Portsmouth. The Jane, TAYLOR, from Petersburgh, is arrived" in Leith Roads, in twelve days from the
Sound.— She came with a large fleet for England, under con- voy of the Ceres frigate HIGH COURT OF JUSTICIARY. Tuesday James M'Kay, found guilty by the verdict of a Jury on Saturday, was brought to the bar to receive sentence; before pronouncing which, Lord Henderland, Prefident, addressed him in a very pathetic speech. He is to be executed on Wednesday the 18th September next. Thereafter came on the trial of John Gibb, late gentleman's servant, ind George Bearhope, or Birup, or Bearup, late- gardener, indicted for entering the shop of Andrew Lawson grocer in the Lawnmarket, upon the evening of the 15th or
16th of January last, and carrying off a drawer, containing three guinea notes, some silver, a French crown piece, marked J. Mc C. seven. silver tea spoons, and a pair of sugar tongs, marked Mc.-— And upon the evening of the 18th of the said month, having met with Walter Forbes, grocer in Canongate, at the Netherbow, they jostled him, and took from him a silver watch. And, upon some evening in the month of February last, the panncls having followed John Saunder- son, Dunsyre carrier, into Brown's Close, Luckenbooths, they stole his pocket- book, containing three guineas, with a promissory note of 36I. and other
papers. The pan- nels severally pled guilty. The Lord Advocate, from some favourable circum. stances in their case, restricted the libel. The Jury being sworn, they inclosed in the robing- room. While the Jury were inclosed, Mr Muir was brought to the bar; and his petition being again read, the Lord Advocate consented to the Court's recalling the outlawry. Mr Muir being asked if he had any thing to say, he bowed, and addressed the Court in a short firm speech, in which he observed, that so far from hurting his coun- try, he believed he had done it essential service; that he wished for nothing more than a trial, in which he was
per- suaded his innocence would appear; and so confident was he of this, if the forms of Court, or the law permit- ted it, he Would wish a Jury to be impannellcd upon him at that very moment. The outlawry was recalled.— After which the Lord Advocate presented a petition, praying that he might be recommitted, and said that he proposed bringing 0n the trial about the 29th or 30th of the present month. Mr Muir petitioned the Court to be admitted to bail. The petition bore in substance, that, in a crowded jail, and in a room open to all sorts of company, he had not an op- portunity of preparing his defence. He was admitted to bail—
the penalty 2000 merks Scots. A petition and complaint was read from William Skir- ving, prisoner in the tolbooth, accused of publishing se- ditions papers, complaining of wrongous imprisonment, and praying that it might be served on tbe Sheriff- depute and Procurator fiscal of the shire of Edinburgh ; and that he might be set at liberty. The Lord Advocate, as coun- sel for the Procurator fiscal, stated, that he was well ac- quainted with the business, and that the Fiscal had acted in consequence of directions from him; that other peo- ple had been apprehended on suspicion of being concern- ed in these publications, and that
some of them had been admitted to bail. If Mr Skirving thought proper, he might apply to the Magistrate who committed him, or their Lordships, and he had no doubt he would be suc- cessful. This was the only legal method ; and if he was oppressed, or imprisoned without just cause, he might bring an action in the civil court for damages. The Court, after delivering their opinions, dismissed the peti- tion as incompetent. The Jury on Gibb and Bearhope gave in their verdict, all in one voice finding the pannels guilty, in consequcnce of their judicial declaration. They were transported Be- yond seas for life; and to suffer death if
found afterwards Great Britain. Lord Henderland gave them a very suit- able exhortation before they were taken from the bar. On Saturday night last, Captain MORTON, of the Resolution, arrived in Clyde. He left Quebec the 7th July. On the 16th, near the island of Beek, in the river St Laurence, he spoke the Eweretta, Capt. Featonby, in the night, who informed him that the London fleet, consisting of six ships for Montreal, and three for Quebec, were all well in the river; and on the 18th, in the afternoon, he was on board the Lillias, Capt. Davies, who gave him the same information. The following Ladies and Gentlemen came
passengers: Lieut. Cowan, royal navy ; Capt. Lithbridge, 60th regiment ; Captain William Erskine, 37th regiment; Captain Walker, Royal Fuzileers ; Mrs Walker; Miss Walker Miss Maria Gray ; Mr Hunter, merchant, Quebec ; Mrs Bunyan ; and Mr Edwards. On Monday the 5th August, in consequence of a royal presentation, Mr HUGH M'PHERSON was ad- mitted to the office of Professor of Oriental Lan- guages in the University and King's College of A- berdeen, in the room of Mr Alex. Bell, deceased. The North Fencible regiment, who were embo- died at Aberdeen, are ordered to march for Perth. Monday, a serjeant of the
Royals dropt down in the street, and expired instantly. The sitting Magistrate has sentenced Janet White, an old offender, to be drummed through the High Street and Cowgate, on Wednesday the 21st inst. and afterwards banished the city and liberties. She was convicted of stealing cloaths from a bleaching- green. PHILADELPHIA— June 30. The Government of this country observes a strict neutrality, and imprisons any of their own subjects who attempt to fit out, or go on board any French privateers. ,' We have some violent spirits who would wish to embroil us in a war, but the good sense of the public in general are
decidedly against it. There is a French frigate, L'Ambuscade, which brought out their Ambassador, Citizen GENET, which has infested our coast for some time past, and has taken many prizes; the ship William, of Glas- gow, is still here, in the clutches of the captor : It is surprising that Britain has never sent a ship of war to protect their trade on the American coast, which has suffered very severely since the commence- ment of hostilities. DUMFRIES— August 13.' Saturday night last, the Hon. Capt. ADAM GOR- DON, and Capt. MONRO of the Fencibles, in crossing the river Ken in a carriage, about nine o'clock, at a ford
opposite to New Galloway, were forced down the stream by the sudden swell of the current — perceiving however their danger, from the water getting in at the carriage doors, they immediately jumped into the river, almost to the chin, and with difficulty regained the bank. The driver, by a dexterous turn of the horses and carriage, happily preserved both, and got safe to land. The sudden inundations of this river, the frequent alterations of the fords, joined to the many fatal ac- cidents they have occasioned during late years, ought to warn strangers 0n the one hand to he cau- tious in crossing it, and on the other, demonstrate the
very great necessity of a bridge over it. The Committee appointed by the General Meet- ing of the Managers of the Charity Work- house of Edinburgh, at their last meeting on the 7th of Au- gust instant, to inquire as to the debts owing by the house, request in those who, are creditors to the house, on or before the 31st day of August instant, to transmit to RICHARD RICHARdSON, the Treasurer, their respective claims and accounts,, specifying their debts, and the particular articles and dates of furnishing, with, depositions 0n the verity thereof, to be considered and reported by the Committee.— Such as neglect to comply with
this notice, will have themselves to blame if their claims or accounts shall be considered as not owing. At the request of the Society in Scotland for pro- mpting Religious Knowledge among the Poor, a ser- mon is to be preached next Sabbath in the, Tron Church, at six o'clock in the evening— The collec- tion 0n that occasion to be applied towards the pur- chasing of books for the poor, and the other objects of that institution. A correspondent, who signs himself " A friend to Oeconomy," wishes to inform those families who are so unfortunate as to have sour ale or beer, that a small quantity of salt of tartar, or salt of worm- wood,
put into the liquor, and well stirred about immediately before it is drank, makes it pleasant and wholesome. The person who recommends this saved the whole brewing of a quarter of malt from being thrown away by the above means. De VIRO CLARo ATQUE ERUDITO GEORGIO STUART, L. L. D. LITERARUM hUMANIORUM IN ACADEMIA EDINeNsi pro- FESSORE, NUPER DEFUNCTO. Doleant Musae Corruit ingens columna lingua Latinae; Occidit vir magnus in republica literarum : Quo quis flebilior ? feu consilium respicias, Sive scientiam, sive amicitiam, ' Sive lepores atque facetias, Sive animum liberum arque
rectum, * Multa multis benefecit, praecipue juventuti Studiosae atque egenae ; quorum multos Gratuito erudivit, atque ad vitae conditionem Haud poenitendam evexit. Mores hominum acriter inspexit, Et feliciter depinxit. Quid magis elegans, quid veritati magis consentaneum, Quam quas exprimere solebat imagines virorum clarorum? Quis auctores Latinos animosius digniusve explicavit? Quis antiquitates Romanas clarius illustravit' Quis elegantias felicius elicuit, Ant difficultates discussit ? Opus contexuit magni laboris atque pretii, Supplementum scilicet atque additamentum Thesauri viri clarissimi Roberti Ainsworth, Quod,
summo cum literarum detritmento, Cautione et timiditate bibliopolarum, cheu! est interiturum, Modicas industria atque cura comparavit opes;- Quibus in villa sua prope Musselburgum," Viginti fere annos, nec turpem nec injucundam transegit Senectutem. Novem supersuit liberis; in eis filio, Insigni literarum ornamento: Nec non amantissimae uxori, Quicum annos 51 conjunCtissime vixerat. - Decessit tandem decimo quarto kalendas Julias, 1793 ; Anno aetatis suae octogesimo, Omnes animi dotes integerrime retinens, Magnumque sui desiderium apud omnes suos Relinquens. SEQUESTRATIONS, & c. Aug. ro. William Arnot,
merchant in Perth— Creditors to meet in Mrs Burt's, vintner there, 26th, curt, at 12 noon, to name an interim factor— and to meet at same place and hour, 30th September next, to chuse a trustee — II. John Muirhead, skinner in Pollockshaws— Credi- tors to meet in the Tontine Tavern, Glasgow, 20th current, at IZ noon, to name an interim factor— and to meet at same place and hour, 17th September next, to chuse a trustee. - Creditors of William Young, late distiller at Hattonburr, to object to an application made by him, with concourse 10 more thin four- fifths of his creditors in number and value, to be discharged of all his
debts contracted by him prior to 8th May 1786, otherwise the Court of Session will determine thereupon with or without objections. ARRIVED AT LEITH, Aug. 13. Ceres, M'Intosh, from London, goods— success, Findlay, from Dundee, wheat—- Endeavour, Moss, from Kirkwall, kelp— Pol- ly Marsh, from Berwick, ashes— 15. Jean, Napier, from Glasgow, goods— A number sea coasters. ' SAILED, "- "* ' Andrew and Kattie, Marshall. and Providence, Ferrier, for GlasgOw, wheat— Dispatch, M'Culloch, Berwick, goods Lady Janet Trail, Galloway, for Thurso, ditto— Some coasters. Wind Westerly— a light breeze. TEA LICENCES.
Excise- Office, Edinr. July 23. 1793. BY ACTS of PARLIAMENT, passed in the 20th, 21st, and 22d of the reign of his present Ma- jesty, every person who, after the 3th July 1780, doth trade in, sell, or vend any COFFEE, TEA, or CHOCOLATE, is required to take out a LICENCE for that purpose, paying for the same the sum of Five Shillings and Sixpence; and c- very sfuch person is, by the said first mentioned act, required to take out a fresh Licence ten days at least before the expi- ration of twelve kalendar months after taking out the first Licence, before he or she do presume to trade in, sell, or vend any Coffee, Tea, or
Chocolate; and, in the same manner, to renew such Licence from year to year, paying down the like sum of Five Shillings and Sixpence for each and every new or renewed Licence, under the penalty of Twenty Pounds for each offence. In pursuance of these acts of Parliament, the COMMIS- SIONERS of Excise do hereby give notice. That attendance is given at the Chief Office of Excise in Edinburgh for the li- mits of the city of Edinburgh, and by the several Collectors of excise on their collections for the other parts of Scot- land, so as any person who continues to trade in, vend, or sell any Coffee, Tea, or Chocolate, may
renew his or her Licence within ten days at least before the expiration of twelve kalendar months after taking out their last Licencs; and It is expected that all concerned will, by compliance with the law, prevent any prosecution against them for the penal- ty incurred by neglect of this notice. By Order of the Commissioners, JOHN THOMSON, ADAM PEARSON,
GAME. COUNTY OF EDINBURGH. THE NOBLEMEN and GENTLEMEN of the ASSOCIATION for the PRESERVATION of GAME, and prosecution of poachers, within this County, viz. The Duke of Buccleugh, The Marquis of Lothian, The Earl of Dalhousie, The Earl of Lauderdale, The Earl of Wemyss, Lord Sommerville, Lord Henderland, Sir Archibald Hope of Pinkie, Bart. Sir William Augustus Cunningham of Livingston, Bart. Sir John Clark of Pennycuik, Bart. Sir John Inglis of Cramond, Bart. Sir William Dick of Prestonfield, Bart. Henry Dundas, Esq. of Melville, Robert Dundas, Esq. of Arniston, Lord Advocate, Robert
Hepburn, Esq. of Clerkington, William Ramsay, Esq. of Barnton, John Trotter, Esq. of Mortonhall, John Wauchope, Esq. of Edmonston, Andrew Wauchope, esq. of Niddery, Walter Brown, Esq. of Currie, James Dewar, Esq. of Vogrie, James Rochead, Esq. of Inverleith, John Scott, Esq. of Malleny, Alexander Christie, Esq. of Baberton, Samuel Mitchelson, Esq. of Clermiston, Colonel Dalrymple of Fordale, Charles Watson, Esq. of Sauchton, William Davidson, Esq. of Muirhouse, John Davie, Esq. of Gavieside, Alexander Keith, Efq. of Ravelston, Gilbert Innes, Esq. of Stow, Major Ramsay of Whitchill, Robert Baird, Esq. of
Newbyth, James Gillespie, Esq. of Spylaw, Dr Alexander Munro of Craiglockhart, James Newbigging, Esq of Whitehouse, John Inglis, Esq. of Redhall, Robert Trotter, Esq. of Castlelaw, William Charles Little Gilmour, Esq. of Libberton and Craigmillar Thomas Craig, Esq. of Riccarton, John Davidson, Esq. of Ravelrigg, William Caddell, esq. of Greenlaw, William Fowlis of Woodhall, Esq. Alexander Fraser Tytler, Esq. of Woodhouselee, Alexander Boswell, Esq. of Blackadder, John Callender, Esq. of Crichton, Having considered that several unqualified persons, by taking out stamped certificates to kill Game, have, under that pre tence, hunted on different grounds, without the permission of the proprietors; the Association therefore impower William Scot, procurator- fiscal of this county, to prosecute all such perrons who have so trespassed in time past, or who may do it in time coming. And whereas an improper use has been made of indulgen- cies given by the members of this Association to unqualified persons and others, to hunt on their grounds, these are there- fore intimating, That all indigencies, whether verbal or in writing, granted previous hereto, are hereby recalled; and that if any person whatever shall presume, in time coming, to hunt on their
grounds, without first applying for and ob- taining an order in writing from the proprietor, every per- son so transgressing will be prosecuted according to law. As also, the said Association, considering that the stealing of dogs of sport has been very frequent of late, and that sundry persons are in the practice of shooting, or otherwise destroying pigeons, it is therefore resolved, That all trans- gressors, in either of these particulars, shall likewise be pro- secuted with the utmost rigour of law, at the expence of the Association. Whoever will give such information to the Procurator- fis- cal, as shall lead to a discovery of offenders in the
premises, will receive from him a REWARD of TWO GUINEAS upon conviCtion of each offender, and the informer's name, if required, shall be concealed. N. B. The sums which have been contributed by those who have or may join this Association, are not to be consi- dered as an annual assessment; and no new subscription will be required, until the sums subscribed are exhausted on neces- sary charges attending the prosecution of delinquents, & c. of which an account is to be kept by the Procurator fiscal, sub- ject to the approbation and controul of a Committee of Sub- scribers. PRESERVATION OF GAME. THE DUKE of
ROXBURGH being desirous to preserve the GAME on his Estates in the counties of Roxburgh, Berwick, and East Lothian, hopes no Gentle- man will shoot thereon. All unqualified persons will be prosecuted as the law di- reCts. PRESERVATION OF GAME. EARL of MORTON being defirous to PRESERVATION OF GAME. SIR JOHN MENZIES, Bart, being desirous to PRESERVE the GAME on his estates in in Perthshire, hopes that no Gentleman will shoot upon his Muirs without permission from him in writing. A CAUTION. CHARLES CAMPBELL, Merchant in GLAS- ' now, interim factor appointed by the General Meet- ing
of the CREDITORS of RODERICK FRASER, Spirit Dealer in Glasgow, duly called for that purpose, hereby in- forms all those indebted to the said Roderick Fraser, That as his estate was duly sequestrated upon the 23d of July last, any payments made to him, or any other by his order, since, that time, will be again eXaCted from them by the said fac- tor, or trustee to be appointed, to whom alone payments can be with safety made. AND WHEREAS the said RODERICK FRASER has ABSCONDED, and refuses to come and account to the fac- tor for his estate— this is to advertise him, That unless he im- mediately returns, and
gives proper satisfaCtion to the said factor, in terms of the bankrupt act, he will be held as a fraudulent bankrupt, and proceeded against accordingly. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. JOHN HYSLOP, Tanner in Haddington, having executed a trust deed of his heritable and moveable estate in favour of Hay Smith, writer in Haddington, as trustee for his creditors,— the trustee hereby desires a meeting of the said John Hyslop's creditors, in the house of Robert Roughead, vintner in Haddington, upon Thursday the 22d of August current, at twelve o'clock noon, at which all the creditors, or their doers properly authorised, are requested to
attend. PRESERVATION OF GAME. MR CARMICHAEL of SKIRLING wishes to PRESERVE the GAME upon his estates in the parishes of Kirkcurd, Stirling, Linton, and Glenholm, in th county of Peebles, and in the pariih of Collington. and coun- ty of Edinburgh, he hopes no Gentleman will hunt thereup- on without his permission. The Gamekeepers have orders; to prevent every person. not allowed and poachers will be, prosecuted with the utmost rigour. SAILS WITHOUT CONVOY. At Leith for London, THE CERES ARMED BRIG, JAMES M'INTOSH Master; Now on the Birth in Leith harbour taking on board goods for
London, and will sail 26th August. This vessel sails fast, and has good accommodation for passengers, who may depend on the best usage. For freight or passage please apply to Captain M'Intosh on board the ship, or at the Exchange Coffeehouse, change hours and to Charles Cowan and Co, merchants,, Leith. "" FOR JAMAICA THE SHIP SATISFACTION, JOHN SYMONds Commander, Lately in Goverment serVice, armed With 20 guns, with a suitable compliment of men, is now ready to take in goods at Greenock, and will be clear to sail from the 15th to the 20th september.— Besides the advantages which shippers may
derive from the force of this ship, she is fitted up in the most commodious manner for passengers. Apply to Hamilton, Garden, and Co. Greenock, or to George Hamilton, Glasgow. ' 1 ' /..'<;. i:. - FOr kingston JAMAICA THE SHIP BRiTANnIA, , DANIEL MARTIN Master, . ; Now lying at Greenock— is ready to receive goods on board, and will be clear to sail by 7th September. For freight ot passage apply to Messrs A. & J. Mackinlay, Edinburgh ; M'Niell, Stewart, & Co. Glasgow ; John Holmes, or the Captain, at Greenock. The Britannia is a remarkable fast sailer, and has good ac- commodation for passengers. NOTICE TO the
CREDITORS of JAMES ROBERT- SON, Jun. Merchant in Leith. William Allan, Merchant in Leith, trustee on the seques- trated estate of the said James Robertson, jun. hereby, in terms of the statute, requires the whole creditors to lodge with him notes of their debts, with oaths Of verity thereon, betwixt and the 22d day of March next, being nine months from the date of the sequestration.; with certification, that failing their doing so, they will draw no part of the first di- vidend. NOTICE to the CREDITORS of CHA. WATSON, Merchant in Alloa. A general meeting of the creditors of the said Charles Watson is to be held within the
house of Mrs Wyse, vint- ner in Falkirk, upon Friday the 23d day of August current, in order to give, directions to the trustee as to several mat- ters respecting Watson's bankrupt estate remaining unsettled, in order that a final dividend may be made, and the trust estate wound up and ended. NOTICE TO JOHN KERR'S CREDITORS. — JOHN KERR, merchant in Dunbar, having executed trust- deed of his heritable and moveable estate in favour of John Tait, writer in Dunbar, and Hay Smith, writer in Hadding- ton, as trustees for his creditors : The trustees hereby desire a meeting of the whole of the said John Kerr's credtors, in
the house of John Lorimer, vintner in Dunbar, upon Tuesday the 20th of August current, at 12 o'clock noon, at which all the creditors or their doers, properly authorised, are earnestly requested to attend, as matters of importance are then to be laid before them. T NOTICE t0 the CREDITORS of JAMES JOHN- STON, Inkeeper in Dumfries. At a General Meeting of the creditors of the said James Johnston, held at Dumfries upon the 9th of August current, John Armstrong, writer in Dumfries, was chosen trustee, and his appointment having since been confirmed by the Right Hon. Lord Dunfinnan officiating as Lord Ordinary on the
bills— he hereby requires the whole of the creditors of the said James Johnston, to lodge with him their claims and vouchers and grounds of debt, with oaths of verity on the same, as direCted by the statute, betwixt and the 18th day of March next, being nine kalendar months from the date of the sequestration ; with certification to such creditors as fail so to do, that they shall not be entitled to any share 111 the first distribution of the bankrupt's estate. NOTICE TO the CREDITORS of JAMES LYLE, mer- chant in Kilmarnock. At a general meeting of the creditors of the said James Lyle, held at Kilmarnock upon the 24th day of
July last, Hew Darby, writer in Kilmarnock, was chosen trustee upon his real and personal estate ; and his appointment having since been confirmed by the Lord Ordinary officiating on the bills, he hereby requires the whole of the said James Lyle's credi- tors to lodge with him their claims and vouchers or grounds of debt, with oaths on the verity thereof, as directed by the statute, betwixt and the 25th day of February next, being nine kalendar months from the date of the sequestration ;— certifying those creditors who shall not comply with this re- quisition, that they will not be entitled to any share in the first distribution of the
bankrupt's estate. NOTICE TO the CREDITORS of WILLIAM KER and COMPANY, late Merchants in Leith, and WIL- LIAM KER and CHARLES HENRY KER, Partners of said Company. Alexander Nairne, accountant in Edinburgh, trustee upon the sequestrated eftates of the said William Ker and Co. Wil- liam Ker, and Charles Henry Ker, hereby gives notice, that he has, in terms of the statute, made up a fourth and final state of the bankrupts effeCts that have been converted into money, and of the debts that have been proved and lodge,! with him, with a scheme dividing tbe free produce of the money recovered among the
creditors; which state and scheme will lie open in the trustee's hands, for the inspeCtion of the creditors or their agents, until Wednesday the 9th Oc- tober next; on which day a general meeting of the creditors is to be held within the Royal Exchange Coffeehouse, at one o'clock afternoon, when a state of the management, as ap- proved of by the Committee, will be laid before them for their approbation, and the creditors will receive their divi- dends— Of which this notice is given to all concerned. T WOODEND, NEAR STIRLING. To be LeT for such a term as may be agreed on from Martinmas next, THE HOUSE and OFFICES
of WOODEND, with a Garden, Lawn, and fome Land adjoining. The House is well situated, dry, sheltered, free from smoke, and at the distance of only three miles from Stirling. It com- mands an extensive and beautiful prospeCt; and contains a cellar below ground, two parlours, kitchen, milk- hoUse, with other conveniencies in tho ift floor— a large drawing- room, with three good bed- rooms in the 2d floor, and if more ac- commodation be required, two comfortable bed- rooms can be fitted up in the attic story. ' For further particulars, application may be made to Mr Keith Milnes, at Mr Robinson's, clerk to the signet, Queen street. TO BE SOLD, By public roup, within the Old Exchange Coffeehouse, Edin- burgh, or. Wednesday the 13th day of November next, at at six o'clock afternoon, THAT DWELLING- HOUSE, and GARDEN at the back thereof, with the Stable, Cellar, See. situ- ated in the LINKS of LEITH, and presently possessed by Mr Peter Forrester. The house consists of two stories, with excellent garrets. In the first story there are four good rooms, with kitchen, laundry, & c.; in the seCond there is an excellent large dining room and drawing- room, with three good bed rooms; and in the garret story there are three good bed rooms. The
garden is well stocked with fruit trees; the cellar is fit- ted up with catacombs; and the stabe will hold three horses. There are besides a byre for one cow, a washing- house, pump- well, and many other conveniences. F0r further particulars application may be made to Tho- mas Adair, clerk to the signet. SALE OF A HOUSE, & c. IN DUNDEE. To be SOLD by public roup, within the Trade's Hall of Dun- dee, upon Tuesday the joth September next, betwixt the hours of 1 j noon and one afternoon, THAT INNER TENEMENT of LAND, or A LODGING, with the Area or Close in front, and the Garden, Pigeon- house, and Offices, lying
on the north side of the Ovcrgate of Dundee, lately belonging to and possessed by the deceased Robert Speid, Esq. of Ardovie. As also an ANNUAL- RENT or GROUND- ANNUAL, of 4 Merks Scots, upliftable forth of a Tenement lying 011 the west side of the Vault Street. The articles of roup and progress of writs to be seen in the hands of Wiiliam Scott, jun. writer in Dundee, to whom or to Robert Speid, writer to the signet, intending purchasers may apply. NOTICE tO the CREDITORS of SIMON SIMSON, late Distiller at Cuning park. That upon the application of the said Simon Simson, and of the trustee upon his sequestrated
estate, and four- fifths in number and value of his creditors, to be freed and dischar- ged of his debts in terms of the 43d seCtion of the 23d of his present Majesty, entitled, " An aCt for rendering the pay- ment of creditors more equal and expeditious in that part 06 Great Britain called Scotland"— The Lords of Council and Session, upon the 1oth day of July 1793, appointed the said application to be notified to all concerned, by public adver- tisements, to be inserted three different times, at the distance of pne month, in each of the two Edinburgh newspapers called the Edinburgh Evening Courant and Caledonian Mer- cury, that
all parties having interest may object thereto if they think fit • A CORN, FLOUR, BARLEY MILL, TO LET, COUNTY of LINLITHGOW.. To be LET for such number of years as can be agreed upon, and entered to immediately, THE MILL of LIVINGSTONE, and MILL- LANDS, consisting of about 18 acres of excellent qua- lity, and divided into four inclosures. This mill is situated upon the Water of Almond, fifteen miles west from Edinburgh, and within 200 yards of the turn- pike road to Glasgow by Livingstone; is the westmost mill upon that river which has a complete and constant supply of water, and is peculiarly well adapted for
the carrying 0n the manufacturing and sale of grain betwixt the East and West of Scotland. She has just now been rebuiit, and fitted up upon a new construCtion for grinding oats and peaSe, and making barley, and with the view of adding a Flour Mill to be drove by the same wheel, which will be ereCted on reasonable terms if the tenant shall require. Alexander Bell_ at the mill will shew the premises, and ap- plication may be made to Mr John M'Kellar, Mid Calder, or James Gray writer, Buccleugh Place, Edinburgh. AREAS TOR BUILDING. To be SOLD by public roup, within Cameron's Tavern ( for- medy Balfour's
Coffeehouse), upon Wednesday the 18th day of August curt, at one o'clock afternoon, THE FOLLOWING AREAS for BUILD- ING 0n the NORTH SIDE of the HIGH STREET of EDINBURGH, nearly opposite to the old City Guard, viz. the Top Storey and Garrets, with the Cellar belonging there- to, of that House presently taking down at the Head of For- tune's Clsfe, formerly called Blackcastle's Land— as also the Four Stories above the Shops, with the Garrets, of the Tim- ber Land immediately to the Westward of the same. The said top storey and garrets, with the cellar of Blackcaftie's Land, are insured in the Friendly
Insurance Office on the old plan for the sum of L 1440 Scots, and thc premium paid up, and yielding an annual dividend of 16s. Sterling. The pro- prietor of the areas before mentioned is likewise possessed of ail insurance in the Friendly Insurance Office, on the old plan, for the sum of L. 2000 Scots, on a subjeCt formerly his property, but which was some time ago taken down, the ca- pital premium of which insurance was likewise paid up, and yielding an annual dividend of L. I, 2s. 2- Jd. Sterling. The purchaser of said areas may either have the benefit of the said insurance of the subjects in Blackcastle's Land, or not, as he
pleases; and he may likewise have the benefit of the o- ther insurance before mentioned, of which the proprietor will procure a transferance in his favour, to be placed over any of the subjeCts before mentioned which the purchaser may incline. The title- deeds, articles of roup, with a plan and measure- ment of the old tenements, to be seen in the hands of Frede- rick Fothringham, writer to the signet, to whom application may . be made for further particulars, and who has power to conclude a private bargain any time before the sale. The Upper Stories and Garrets of both Tenements may be joined together, and will thereby
afford an area for a large and spacious house. SALE laNDS aNd HOUses. THE whole HERITABLE PROPERTY which belonged to WILLIAM LAWSON, Merchant in Dum- fries, will be SOLD by Public Roup at Dumfries, some time in the month of October next, in different lots, which, as well as the particular day of sale, will be mentioned 11 future- advertisements. The Property consists of the LANDS of GIRTHEAD and GATESIDE, lying in the parish of Wamphray and shire of Dumfries— The LANDS of CASTLEHILL, in the pa- rish of Troqueer and stewartry of Kirkcudbright— The large DWELLING HOUSE, WAREHOUSE,
and CELLARS, in the Town of Dumfries, occupied by Mr Lawson-— and a. NEW HOUSE and TIMBER YARD at the head of the Dock of Dumfries. SALS OF LANDS IN LANARKSHIRE* AND OF A HOUSE & GARDEN IN GLASGOW. To be SOLD by public roup, on Wednesday the 6th Novem- ber. 1793, between the hours of one and three afternoon, within the Tontine Tavern, Glasgow, THE following LANDS, being part of the ESTATE which belonged to JAMES DUNLOP of Garn- kirk, viz. ' I'he Lands of Garnkirk, Bedlay, Davidston, Gaitferry, Auchinloch, Johnston, Shankramuir, Drumtavil, Roberton- hall, Garnqueen,
Chyrston, Gartcosh, Gartloch, Craigend- muir, Gartsheugh, Cardowanmuir, and others, lying in the parish of Cadder, and barony parish of Glasgow. The Lands of Ryding, Gartmillan, Kipps, Blacklands, Gunny, and others, lying in the parish of East Monkland. AND, The one half, pro indiviso, of the Lands of Barrowfield, lying partly in the Barony parish aforesaid, and partly with- IN the burgh of Glasgow. On the lands of Garnkirk there is a large and excellent new built mansion- house and 0n the lands of Bedlay and Gartferry, there are good old mansion- hoUses and offices. In the lands of Bedlay there is plenty of lime, which is
now working, and the lands in East Monkland are reckoned to be full of coal, which is also working at present. There is a great deal of old timber on the estates, and the young plantations, which are numerous and extensive, are in a very thriving condition The present rental of the lands is about 3C100U per annum; they hold of the Crown, and are valued in the Cess books at Z834I. 9s. 8d. Scots, or there- by. ' The new road from Glasgow to Edinburgh, by Cumber- nauld, interseCts tbe lands in a very advantageous manner ; and the mansion- house of Garnkirk is situated about six miles from Glasgow, and thirty- eight miles
from Edinburgh. The lands will be exposed to sale in lots, as will be expres- sed in a future advertisement. ALSO, To be SOLD by public roup, on Wednesday the 16th Octo- ber 1793, in the Tontine Tavern, Glasgow, between the hours of one and three afternoon, The HOUSE, OFFICES, GARDEN, and VACANT GROUND, lying at the head of Virginia Street in Glasgow, lately possessed by Mr Dunlop. If wanted, 3000I. of the price may remain in the hands of the purchaser. For farther particulars application may be made to Gil- bert Hamilton, merchant in Glasgow, John Dunlop of Rose- bank, merchant in Glasgow, trustee
upon the estate, or to Robert Grahams, writer in Glafgow, who will show the title- deeds and conditions of sale. FARMS IN ROXBURGHSHIRE. To be LET for the term of Nineteen Years, and entered to at Whitsunday 1794, THE FARMof MAINSIDE, with the HOUSES and PERTINENTS, lying in the parish of Hownam and shire of Roxburgh. This farm borders with Northum- berland, is very extensive, and reputed one of the best. Sheep Farms in the South of Scotland. Proposals in writing will be received by James Home, clerk to the signet, Merchant Street, Edinburgh, betwixt a ' d the term of Martinmas next; and such as are
not ac- cepted, will be kept secret if desired. A FARM TO LET IN FIFE. To be LET for such a number of years as can be agreed on, and entered to at Martinmas 1793, THE FARM of SPITTLE, lying in the Parith of Auchterderran. Apply to Mr Beatson, at Lochgelly. A FARM IN FIFE. To be LET, and entered to at Martinmas next, for Nineteen Years, ' THE FARM of BALLON, presently possessed by Alexander Tod, in the parish of St Andrew's, con- sisting of 122- Scots acres or thereby all good arable land, of which 66 acres 2 roods or thereby are inclosed with a stone wall, and subdivided with hedge and ditch. On the premises
is a very good Farm- house of two stories, with a court of of- fices.— This farm is situated within about a mile of St An- drew's, eight of Cupar and Dundee Water- side, and within about a mile of the turnpike road from Dundee Water- side: to the south coast of Fife. By its vicinity to St Andrew's, it may have the advantage of procuring dung from that town, as well as coal and lime, water- borne, besides being near thef. last articles up the country.— The gardener at Mount Mel- ville will shew the farm, and Inform as to other particulars. offers are requested to be given in as soon as possible to Mr Whyte of Bennochy, North
Frederick- street, Edinburgh, and an answer will be positively given in the first week of September next to the one which shall be accepted. FARMS IN STIRLINGSHIRE, i To be LET for 19 years from Martinmas 1794, tHE FOLLOWING PARTS of the BARONY of DUNIPACE, in the Parish of Dunipace and Coun- ty of Stirling. 1. The Lands called HOUSEHILL and DUTCHMANS LAND, consisting of nine different Inclosures, containing ' ICO acres, Scots measure, or thereby, all arable, as presently possessed by John Wardrop. I!. These EIGHT INCL0SURES lying on the north side of the estate of Dunipace, containing 90 acres
Scots mea- fure or thereby, which have for several years past been in grass, and are at present in the proprietor's natural posses- sion. Both these farms arc well inclosed and sheltered, and are very conveniently situated for the disposal of their produce being in the immediate neighbourhood of Stenhouse Muir, where three great Cattle Markets are held every year, with- in two miles of the Great Canal and Carron- works, eight of Stirling, and seventeen of Glasgow. There is a good dwelling- house and farm offices upon the Lands nf Househill, and likewise a Malt- barn, Kiln, Brew- house, and other houses fitted up for carrying
on a Distillery, in which way they were used for many years, and for which the situation is well adapted, there being a great command of excellent spring water. Offers in writing for either of these farms may be given in to DAVID SpOTTISWOOD, writer to the signet, betwixt and the 1st of November 1793, and such as are not accepted of will be kept private.— Robert Bell at Dunipace will shew the farms. SALE OF COWDEN. To be SOLD by public voluntary roup, within the Royal Ex- change Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, upon Monday the 2d day of September 1793, between the hours of six and seven in the evening, THE LANDS of
COWDEN, lying in the West End of the parish of Muckart, in the County of Perth, where it joins Clackmannanshire. These Lands form a neat compaCt property of 141 acres; they have, besides, right to 120 acres of an adjoining common, not yet divided. ' The peculiar advantages of these lands were enumerated in a former advertisement. They hold, feu of the Duke of Argyle. The articles of roup, title- deeds, & c. are in the hands of William Hamilton, clerk to the signet, Tiviot Row, Edin- burgh ; who will inform as to further particulars. LANDS TO BE SOLD OR LET. To be SOLD by public roup, in the Royal Exchange Coffee houfe, Edinburgh, on Wednesday the 11th September 1793, at six o'clock in the evening, THE LANDS and ESTATE of HOWDEN, lying thirteen miles west of Edinburgh, on the great road to Glasgow by Whitburn, in the neighbourhood of the market towns of Mid- Calder, Bathgate, West Calder, and Linlithgow, and in the line of the intended canal. There is a good mansion- house, garden, and offices, in a very fine natural situation; and the lands consist of about 180 Scots acres, of which there are about 20 in a variety of thriving plantations, some of them of a great age. The upset price will be low, and the whole purchase money will be allowed to remain for years in the hands of the purchaser, if he desires it. If the lands are not sold, they will be let in tack. Apply to William Wilson, writer, No. 5. South Frederick Street, Edinburgh, who has power to conclude a private bar- gain, and who will shew a plan of the lands, and give in- formation as to other particulars. CARDARROCII FOR SALE, BY PUBLIC ROUP. There will be Sold by public roup, on Thursday the 19th of September, at five o'clock afternoon, within the Royal Exchange Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, THE Lands and Estate of CARDARROCh, lying about five miles north from Glasgow, which
contain about 400 acres of ground, 91 acres of which arc croft ground, 176 acres of infield, 167 of outfield, and 62 of plant- ing, pasture, and moss. ' There is a mansion- house on the lands, and about 78 acres contiguous to it out of lease. The present rent of the lands in tack is— Silver rent, . . L. 162 o o Meal and Beer, 20 bolls, converted at 165. per boll, . . 16 o o Poultry, 30, at Is. each, . 2 10 o Cardarroch House and Garden are set for . . I.. 6 o o The ground about the house is set this year for pasture at . . 31 15 o The cot- houses and some acres of land are set to the cottars on the lands for . II 4 6 L. 180 10 68 J9 6 L. 312 9
9 The lands hold of the Crown, and are valued in the cess books of the shire at 312I. I js. Scots. All the tacks expire in the 1806, by which time a consi- derable rise of rent may be expeCted. Lime may be wrought in the ground. A plan of the estate, and a survey and valuation of the same, and the articles of roup and title- deeds, may be seen in the hands of Harry Davidson , writer to the signet. The said Harry Davidson, or James Hill, writer in Glasgow, has power to treat with any person who may be inclined to purchase privately; and John Allan, cottar iu. Cardyke, will show the lands. EdinBurGh : Printed by DAVID RAMSAY,
Old Fish market Close, where advertisements, Orders for the Paper, & c. are taKen in Published every MONDAY, THursDAY, and SATURDAY—- Price, a single Paper, 3\ l.— zl. 6/.' Yearly when called for— 2/. < y. delivered in Edinburgh or Leith— and 2.'. 14/. sent by Post.