Lincoln, Rutland, and Stamford Mercury
Printer / Publisher: C. Peat, and R. Newcomb
Volume Number: LXII
Issue Number: 3256
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Lincoln, Rutland, and Stamford Mercury
Date of Article: 02/08/1793
Printer / Publisher: C. Peat, and R. Newcomb
Address: High-Street, Stamford
Volume Number: LXII
Issue Number: 3256
No Pages: 4
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The lincoln. Rutland Mercury VOL. LXII. printed at Stamford, by and for C. peat and R. Newcomb. no3256. FRIDAY, Aug. 2, 1793.] f Circulated thro' every Town and populous Village in tire Counties of Lincoln, Rutland, Leicester, J I Isle of Ely, Northampton, Nottingham; Part of Cambridge, Huntingdon, Norfolk,, and York. J {^ Price Three- pence Halfpenny. Sunday and Tuesday's posts. FROM THE London Gazette extraordinary, MONDAY, July 29, 1793- Whitehall, July 29. YESTERDAY morning a messenger ar- rived at the office of the Right Honor- able Lord Grenville, his Majesty's prin- cipal Secretary of Slate for foreign af fairs, with dispatches from the earl of Yarmouth, dated at the camp before Mayence. July 23, 1793, containing an account of the surrender of that city to his Prussian Majesty on the preceding day, with the articles of capitulation, of which the following is a translation. ARTICLES of CAPITULATION offered by Briga- dier General D'Oyree, Commander in Chief at Mayence, Cassel, and the places which are de- Article 1 The French army shall deliver up to his Majesty the King of Prussia the city of Mayence and Cassel, together with their fortifi. cations and all the posts which belong to them, in their present state ; also the artillery,
both French and foreign, warlike stores and provi- sions, those matters only excepted, which are mentioned in the following articles. Answer. Accepted. Article 11. The garrison shall march out with all the honors of war. carrying away their arms, baggage and other effects, the private property of the individuals of the garrison. Answer. Granted, on condition that the gar- rison shall not serve, during the space of a year, against the armies of the allied powers; and that if they carry away any covered waggons, his Prussian Majesty reserves the right of searching them, in case he should think proper. Article III. The garrison shall be
allowed to carry away with them their field pieces with their carriages. Answer. Refused. Article IV. The general ofheers, private per- sons, the commissaries of war, all the directors, and those employed under them, in the different departments of the army, and, in general, all individuals, French subjects, belonging to the garrison, shall carry away their horses, carriages and effects. Answer. Granted. Article V. The garrison shall remain in the place forty- eight hours after the signature of the present capitulation, and, if that time should not be sufficient for the last divisions, a further delay of twenty- four hours shall be granted to
them. Answer. Granted. . Article VI. The Commanders in Chief shall be permitted to send one or more agents, fur- nished with passports by his Prussian Majesty, to endeavour to procure the money necessary for the payment of the debts contracted by the army; and the French garrison desires, that, until the said debts shall be discharged, or until an ar- rangement shall be made for their liquidation, permission may be granted them to leave hosta- ges who may rely on his Majesty's protection. Answer. Granted. Article VII. The garrison of Mayence and its dependencies, Immediately after their evacuation, shall begin their march
towards France In several columns, and shall set out at different times. Each column shall be furnished with a Prussian escort for their safety to the frontier. General D'Oyree shall have the liberty of sending in ad- vance the stafF officers and the commissaries of war, in order to provide for the subsistence and ac- Commodation of the French troops. Answer. Granted. Article VIII. In case the horses and carriages belonging to the French army should not be suf- ficient for the transport of the camp equipage and other effects mentioned in the preceding ar- ticles, they shall be furnished with others in the country, upon paying for
them. Answer. Granted. Article IX. As the removal of the sick, and especially of the wounded, cannot be done by land carriage without endangering their lives, a sufficient number of boats shall be furnished, at the expence of the French nation, for conveying them by water to Thionville and Metz, taking the nccessary precautions for the subsistence of those honorable victims of the war. Answer. Granted. Article X. Until the entire evacuation of the French army, none of the inhabitants who are now out of Mayence, shall be permitted to re- turn thither. Answer. Granted. Article XI. Immediately after the signature ot the present
capitulation, the troops of the be- sieging army may take possession of the follow- ing posts, viz. fort Charles; fort Welsch; fort Elizabth; fort St. Philip ; the double Tenail; fort Linsenberg; fort Haupstein ; fort Mars ; the island of St. Peter, and the two gates of Cassel leading to Francfort and to Wisbaden. They may moreover occupy, conjointly with the French - troops, the gate of Newthon, and the extremity of the bridge of the Rhine adjacent to the right bank of that river. Answer. Accepted. Article XII. Colonel Douay, director of the arsenal, Lieutenant- Colonel Riboissieri, sub di- rector, and Lieutenant- Colonel Varine, chief officer
of engineers, shall deliver over, with as little delay as possible, to the principal officers of artillery and engineers of the Prussian army, the arms, ammunition, plans, & c. relative to the duties with which they shall be respectively charged. Answer. Accepted. Article XIII. A commissary at war shall in like manner be appointed to receive the maga- zines and effects which they contain. Answer. Accepted. Article XIV. Additional article. The deser- ters from the combined armies shall be strictly delivered up. Done at Marienborn the 22d of July. 1793. FOREIGN NEWS. Warsaw ( Poland), July 6. The diet has or- dered the Chancellor of
the Crown, and the Vice- Chancellor of Lithunia, to deliver to the Rus- sian Ambassador their answer to his note of June 19. In their answer delivered on the 23d ultimo, they say, that the dismemberment of Poland, is by no means looked upon by the States, as being an irrevokable alienation of the territory of the Republic; that the expressions contained in the above note, might be the result of some subaltern orders, but could not be the sentiments of the supreme will of the Empress; that the demand of a delegation for the purpose of authorizing and confirming the seizure of a part of the do- mains of the Republic cannot be
considered but as a mere proposal; that it is far beyond the power of the diet, to act in diametrical opposi- tion to the solemn oath taken by it, to preserve the unity of all the possessions of the Republic,' ensured by treaties as well as the guarantee of the neighbouring powers; that determined not to accede to any agreement whatever on this sub- ject, the diet appeals to the magnanimity of her Imperial Majesty, as well as to that of the other neighbouring powers, not to insist on any pro. posals for a division ; that supposing the possibi- lity of the Republic consenting to any acts, con- trary to the above solemn oath, it should be ob served, that there exists no power whatever in the whole State, sufficient to authorize the least diminution of the domains of the Republic, and of course every tranfaction tending to such a di- minution, would bear the most striking character of illegality. On the same day, the two Chancellors commu- nicated to the Prussian Minister the same answer, which was prefaced by a remark— that the Prus- sian troops having entered the Polish territory on account of apprehensions which existed no longer, the diet trusted that his Prussian Majesty would order his troops to withdraw from such domini- ons of the Republic as they had
occupied. The above answers were the same day com- municated in the name of the King and the States, to all the foreign Ministers. The majority of the diet having opposed the new Marshal Bielinsky's taking the oath pre- scribed by the Russian party, all the Members composing that majority have been put and kept under arrest in their own houses, till the new Marshal had taken that oath in the presence of a few disgraceful Members, disposed to con- sent to it. The King himself is not beyond the reach of constraint and punishmcnt. His treasurer has been ordered not to pay to this unfortunate Mo- narch any part of the
revenues of the Crown, till further orders. The estates of the two Counts Miniszeck and Tysz- Kiewiez, Marshals of the Crown, and of Lithunia, are also sequestered by the Russians, because these two noblemen, charged to maintain good order in the diet, refused to comply with the intentions of the Ruffian Ambassador. This Ambassador has given it to be understood, that in case the opposition should persist in their refusal to satisfy the two Courts, the remaining provinces of Poland would likewise be occupied by their troops. There is even a report in circu- lation, that the Russian Generals have already re- ceived orders to
enter the two palatinates of Cracow and Sendomir ; that corresponding or - ders have been sent to the Prussian General Mol- lendorff; and that the execution of those orders is only suspended till the arrival of another letter from Count Sievers. Constantinople, June 12. The late partition of Poland, as well as the Russians having taken pos- session of the important fortress of Kamienick, gives the Sublime Porte a deal of uneasiness, and these two events are here looked upon as signals of an impending rupture between our Court and that of Petersburg. M. de Vroslow, Charge d'Affaires from this Court, has not been able to
obtain from the Divan a free passage for a Russian frigate of 34 guns, which, under the appearance of a merchantman, had passed from the White into the Black sea. The arrival of four French frigates in the bay of Smyrna, has caused the High Admiral to or- der a line of battle ship and two frigates to put immediately to sea, while a fleet is getting ready to make the neutrality adopted by the Grand Signior respected in the Archipelago. M. Descorches, Envoy ol the new French Republic, has obtained permission to stay here only in the quality of a merchant, and under the express condition that he is to abstain from all di- plomatic
functions. His conduct is carefully watched by the Divan, and even his landlord is made answerable for all the disturBances, which may result from his stay in this capital. LONDON. View of politics for last week.— We feel a singu- lar satisfaction in being able to announce to the public, the surrender of Mentz, which took place 0n the 22d of this month. A garrison of 12,000 men, intrenched with strong fortifications, and with plenty of provisions and military stores, consented on that day, to march out with the honours of war, under an engagement not to serve for a year against any of the combined pow- ers. Important as this event
is in itself, it be- comes doubly fo when we consider it as bearing upon the future operations of the campaign. The allied armies, amounting to at least 150,000 men, are now at liberty to act either jointly or seperately against the eastern frontier of France. After the short period shall have elapsed which it may be found necessary to allow for the refresh- ment of the combined armies, we doubt not that the operations of the Prussians and Austrians will be active and decisive. Combined with those of the forces now acting on the side of Valencien- nes, with the Spaniards and Sardinians— with the fleets in the Mediterranean and on
the wes- tern coalls of France— and, above all, with the armies under the Generals Gaston and Wimpfen, who so successfully oppose the forces sent against them by the reigning faction at Paris; it appears extremely improbable that the events of the pre- sent campaign should not very considerably de- cide upon the war. We, therefore, look forward with confidence and satisfaction; and we hope ere long to congratulate our countrymen on the successful and honourable termination of a con- test into which we have been driven by the en- thusiastic madness of our opponents. From Valenciennes the accounts continue to be
favourable ; and there is every reason to suppose that the siege of that fortress will speedily be con- cluded. The death of Marat, an event insignificant and contemptible in itself, has become of impor- tance from the superior eminence in villainy to which that demagogue had contrived to raise himself. The dagger of a zealot has removed from the French nation one of the wretches who disgraced its national character. We sincerely wish that many others of the same description did not yet remain. We do not apprehend be- ing charged with credulity or superstition, when we avow our persuasion that these persons will also, in
their turns, suffer for their enormous crimes. The justice of Heaven has already reached many of them ; and it were impiety to suppose that a milder fate awaits those other wretches who have dared to shed the blood of their anointed King, to destroy the constitution of their country, and to deny the existence of their maker. It does not seem probable, that the death of Marat alone is sufficient to put an end to the enormities in France, The female whole hand has been used, manifestly as a tool for his extir pation, has already suffercd ; and decrees of ar rest and accusation are issued against Duperret and Fauchet, as her
instigators. Oil the trial Of Marie Anne Charlotte Corde the assassin of Marat, she exhibited the greatest firmness. She denied having had any accomplice. " No one," said she, " instigated me to this good action ; and if all that preceded and all that followed the death of Marat be carefully examined, it will be clear that a soul truly re publican, like mine, could be actuated only by the genuine impulse of delivering my country from it's most dangerous enemy." Fauchet was examined, and the embarrassed air of the priest formed a striking contrast to the serenity of the prisoner. She denied that Fau- chet had ever introduced her into
the gallery of the Convention. " I respect him too little," said she, " to act a favor of him; I knew him at Caen, as one knows a man that one meets In the streets." She delivered two letters to the Judges, which she requested might be forwarded as directed. One of them was addressed to Barbaroux, the other to her father. In the letter to Barbaroux, she gave an account of her journey to Paris, and the assassination of Marat; in the letter to her father, she requested him not to mourn or shed a tear for her death, which was an honor to him and all her family. It concludcd with this verse: Guilt makes shame, and not the scaffold. On
the scaffold, she displayed the same firm- ness as on her trial, and refused the ministration of a confessor. Perhaps in no one historical period of any country there ever was such an unanimous coa- lition of sentiment as now prevails throughput Great Britain, against the present sacrilegious, murdering, and despotic Government of France — a Government that seeks the destruction of every man, woman, and child, who acknowledge a God, a supremacy to a King, and approve morality; and of every parent who possesses the feelings of nature for the offspring of their own loins— Here the fond mother, than the beasts more
wild, From her disnatured breast shall tear her child j Flesh of her flesh, and of her bone the bone, And dash the smiling babe against a stone. Friday afternoon Mr. Mason, one of the King's messengers, arrived at Whitehall, with letters and dispatches from the head- quarters of his Royal Highness the Duke of York, dated the 23d instant. A battery of t6 guns in the third parallel, under the direction of Major Congreve, has done great execution in the town. In that part of it adjoining the horn- work, not a house is left standing ; nor have the besieged the smal- lest shelter, In a day or two after the departure of the messenger, the
mines were to be sprung, from which a practicable breach was expected to ensue, and the town, it was supposed, was in consequence to be stormed. Madame Metiour's trumpeter, who came out with a flag of truce from Valenciennes, required the Prince of Cobourg's permission, not only for the lady to go to Paris, but also demanded that her carriage shouid have the privilege of passing unsearched: The latter being denied to her, she refused to accept of retiring from Valenciennes. Many of the officers of the combined army, taking advantage of the short cessation of firing, when Madame Metiour's of truce came out, jumped
oven the parapet of the the French officers very handsomely ward to meet them on the glacis, and even in- vited some of the British officers into the covert- way : Lieutenant- Colonel Gascoyne, of the Coldstream, who was commanding officer of the covering party in the combined trenches, ac- cepted the invitation, and remained there until the trumpeter returned into the town, when he retired, on being told by the French officers that it would be unsafe for him to remain there any longer. At the above interview between the besiegers and the besieged, the French officers expressed great satisfaction at having the opportunity of
speaking and shaking hands with the British offi- cers, and warmly expressed their hopes, that when the town surrendered, it would be put into the hands of the English. One of Custine's Aid- de- Camps had come over as a deserter with twenty men. When the Prussians entered Mayence, they found that the garrison had been for a consider- able time destitute of necessaries; and 1b much so of medicines, for the sick and wounded, that much the greater part of the latter, had died for want of proper care. For several days previous to the capitulation the carnage on both sides had been dreadful, the besiegers and the besieged
being in many points within pistol shot, and the latter making constant and desperate sallies. The King of Prussia, it is now supposed, will divide his army into two bodies, the one under his own command, and the other under that of the Duke ot Brunswick, with a view of pene- trating into Alsace and Lorraine at the same time. A few hours after the surrender, the Prussian and the French soldiers were seen mingled in groups and dances in the most friendly and fami- liar manner. On the 18th the French assembled 40,000 men not far from Landau, thinking to relieve Mayence, by penetrating the Austrian and Prus- sian lines,
which they attacked in three places, and at first gained some advantage over the Imperialists; but being at length brought be- tween two fires, by the manouvres of the Prus- sians, they were driven back with great loss. This probably hastened the capitulation of May- ence. The following Portuguese men of war arrived at Portsmouth on Wednesday last;— The Con- cesias of 82 gnns, Admiral Tentegat; Vascoda Gama, Raijn Eade Portugal, of 74 each ; Maria Premeria of 70; Ulysses 46; Tenis 48 ; Voader, Serpente, 24 guns each. intelligence has been received at Amsterdam from Java, in the East- Indies, that the Dutch
Governor, M. Overstraaten, hearing of the ill- ness of Haming Coeboeang the first, King of the north coast of the island, prepared to go to his capital, with a body of troops, during which he was informed that the Sultan was really dead. However, continuing his route to the city of Jokja Carta, he was received with great ceremo- ny ; and having represented the death of the late King as a loss t0 the Company, and their attach- ment to his Government, on account of his fide- lity and attention to their affairs, he was witness to the nomination of his eldest son as his succes- sor and Sultan of the Mattarin kingdom, under the title of
Haming Coebocana the IId. His father has left upwatds of 200 children and ne- phews behind him, and had been at peace with the Hollanders upwards of 35 years, Nepapatnam, taken from the Dutch in the last war, is to be exchanged, in consequence of a recent agreement, for Cochin, a settlement on the Malabar coast, neat Tellicherry. Several vessels, just arrived at Copenhagen from the East- Indies, have brought considerable quantities of sugar of the East- India culture. The last fleet of Dutch East- Indiamen is the richest which arrived in Holland for these 14 years. It is valued at upwards of 20 millions of florins. The
commissioners, to relieve commerce by Exchequer bills, have issued no more than 2,075,0001. although it was originally said that the five millions appointed for that purpose, would be insufficient. It is observable, that at the last meeting 6o, oool. which had been received on application, were repaid. It is not believed that any further applications will be made to the Commissioners. Friday morning a man was apprehended by some of the Police officers belonging to the Pub- lic- office in Bow- street, on suspicion of being concerned with others in stealing five numbers out of one of the lottery- wheels, during the drawing of the last
Irish lottery. He was com- mitted to Tothill- fields, Bridewill, till an order is received from the Secretary of State, for his removal to Ireland. Much has lately been said about spring garters — but a cause is now on the eve of coming into Doctor's Commons , respecting a pair of summer garters, which a noble Lord lately tied on, where the property belonged to a certain Baronet, well known in the fashionable world. Thursday Mr Crocket's grey mare trotted 100 miles in 12 hours, for a bet of 100 guineas to 30. She set off with her rider at four o'clock in the morning, and had 20 minutes to spare. The person that rode was so fatigued,
from the intense heat, that for the last ten miles he was obliged to be held by two men on the saddle. the same day the great brewer of Hampton rode 100 miles in 12 hours. The bets were 30 guineas to 20, that he did not sit up besides all night, and drink three bottles of wine, which he performed with ease witiiin feven minutes of the time allotted. Friday morning, about five o'clock, as Mr Frampton, a superintendant of contract rope- makers at Portsmouth, was going down the Common Hand to a boat, he was met by his son- m- law, Mr. Edward Powel, master oar- maker, who demanded his wife, from whom he had been for
some time separated, on account of domestic strife, and on being answered that he ( the father) knew not where she was, he fired a pistol at him, the ball of which entered his coat and penetrated through a New Testament, which fortunately was in his side pocket, when it dropt without doing Mr. Frampton any injury; finding the first shot, however ineffectual, he fired ano- ther, and the ball entered the poor man's body on the left side, a little below his hip. Mr. Framp- ton was immediately carried home, and is now under the care of Mr. Johnson, and other gen - tlemen of the faculty, with very small hopes of recovery. Powell, who
had before shewn symp- toms of insanity, was secured by the peace offi- cers, and lodged in gaol. Mr. Frampton is since dead, and the Coro- ner's jury have returned their verdict against Powell, " Wilful murder, with malice aforethought!' OAKHAM NAVIGATION. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, SEVERAL BRICK- MAKERS for this Un- dertaking.— Application may he made to Mr. RO- BERT HAWLEY, of Oakham; or Mr. C. STAVELEY, of Leicester. WANTED IMMEDIATELY,' TWO JOURNEYMEN CARPENTERS, and TWO JOURNEYMEN BLACKSMITHS. Apply to M. METTAM, Joiner, Swineshead. None but good Hands need
apply.— Wages according to Merit. SwineSHead, Lincolnshire, July 16th, 1793. APPRENTICE. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, A Steady well- disposed YOUTH, as an APPRENTICE to a SURGEON and APOTHE- CARY, in full Practice. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. SAMUEL TURNER, Surgeon. CAISTOR, 10th July, 1793. TRENT PORT WHARF. GAINSBOROUGH, 1st July, 1793. CALEB MAULLIN begs Leave to return Thanks to his numerous Friends, for the Favors Conferred on him during the many Years he has resided at this Place ; and to acquaint them, and the Public, that he has disposed of his PREMISES,
WHARFS, WAREHOUSES, and VESSELS, and has resigned his Business, as a WHARFINGER, to Messrs. SORESBY, TURNER, MOORE, and BRIGHTMORE, who have this Day taken Possession of the same. TRENT PORT WHARF. GAINSBOROUGH, 1st July, 1793. WE take the Liberty of informing the Pub- lic, of our having entered on this WHARF, and that we have formed a PARTNERSHIP, under the Firm of the GAINSBOROUGH BOAT COMPANY, for conducting the Business of WHARFINGERS, and for carrying Goods between HULL, GAINSBOROUGH, SHARDLOw, HorNiNgLOW, and the intermediate Places.
JAMES SORESBY. RALPH TURNER. HUMPHRY MOORE. WM. BRIGHTMORE. Ralph TURNER, Manager at Hull. WM. BRIGHTMORI, at Gainsborough. HUMPHRY MOORE, at Shardlow & Horninglow. Where Goods will be exchanged with HUGH HEN- SHALL & Co. and other Carriers, on the Canal Navi- gations. WATER CONVEYANCE, By RIVER and CANAL NAVIGATIONS between the Ports of HULL and LIVERPOOL, the Towns of GAINSBOROUGH, NEWARK, NOTTINGHAM, DER- BY, COVENTRY, BIRMINGHAM, WOLVERHAMP- TON, MANCHESTER, Sec. and the STAFFORDSHIRE POTTErIES. THE Public
are respectfully informed, that a Connexion has been form'd for carrying GOODS with Safety and Expedition to and from the Places above- mentioned, by Means whereof Goods will be carried to the several Wharfs adjacent, to most of the Towns and Villages in DERBYsHIRE, STAFFORDSHIRE, WOR- CESTERSHIRE, SHROPSHIRE,. WARWICKSHIRE, CHE- SHIRE, and LANCASHIRE. Further Particulars may be known by applying to RALPH TURNER, Hull. WILLM. BRIGHTMORE, Gainsborough. HUMPHRY MOORE, or JAMES SORESBY, Shardlow, near Derby. OR HUGH HENSHALL & Co. Stone, Staffordshire. Most
Ancient and Honourable SOCIEYT of free and accepted Masons, AGRAND FEAST of the PROVINCIAL GRAND OFFICERS and BRETHREN of this MASONIC SOCIETY, will be held at. the GEORGE INN. BARTON, on MONDAY the 12th of AUGUST, 1793- The Brethren are requeded to assemble at the George Inn by Eleven o'Clock in the Morning, to proceed to Church, where a SERMON will be preached, on the Principles of Masonry, viz- Universal Charity, Brotherly Love, and Peace. Dinner to be on the Table at Two o'Clock precisely. The Company of every Brother will be esteemed a Favor. • Those who Dine, are
requested to send their Names to the Bar of the George Inn, Two Days, at least previ- ous to the Meeting, that Dinner may be provided ac- cordingly. By Command of the Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master for the County of Lincoln, COOPER, . Provincial Grand Secretary for the County of Lincoln. TURNPIKE MEETING For the STAMFORD and GRANTFIAM SOUTH DISTRICT of ROADS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the GENERAL ANNUAL MEET- ING of the COMMISSIONERS of the said ROAD, will he held at the BULL INN, in STAM- FORD, OOTHURSDAY the Fifteenth Day of AUGUST next, at Ten o'Clock
in the Forenoon, to past the Trea- surer's Accounts, and tranfact other necessary Business relative to the said Roads. THOMAS BOTT, Clerk. N. B. The Surveyors are ordered to attend. STAMFORD, 16th July, 1793. WRaGBY, JuLy 22d, 1793. WRAGBY TURNPIKE ROAD. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT, at a MEETING of the TRUS- TEES for the Management of this ROAD to be holden at the House of Mr. JOHN CONEY, the WHITE LION INN, in WRAGBY aforesaid, on THURSDAY the Twenty- ninth Day of AUGUST next, between the Hours of Twelve and Two in the Afternoon, The TOLLS arising at the several Gates
upon the said Road, will be LET BY AUCTION, to the best Bidder, for the Term of either One or Three Years, from the X5th Day of October next, in the Manner directed by an Ail of Par- liament for regulating the Turnpike Roads; which Tolls produced, the lad Year, the Sums as under- mentioned, clear of the Expences of collecting them, and wdl be put • up separately at those respective Sums. Whoever happens to be the Purchaser, must at the same Time give Security, with proper Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Road, for Pay- ment of the Purchase- Money, and at such Times as they shall direct. s. J.
WRAGBY BAR, — EDLINgTON, —- lANgWORTH, E. MOODY, Clerk. GRANTHAM CANAL NAVIGATION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the COMMITTEE have confirmed the Call of 31. IOS. per Cent, lately requested to be paid by the Proprietors of this Undertaking, and required such of them who have not paid their Calls, to pay the same on or before the 7th Day of AugUST next, into the Hands of the TREASURER, JOSEPH LAW- RENCE, Esq. By Order of the Committee, Wm. OSTLER, Clerk to the Company. GRANTHAM, 2d July, 1793. AR. B. For the Convenience of the Proprietors, Mr. LAWRENCE has
appointed Messrs. SMITH to receive of those who reside in and about NOTTINGHAM; and Messrs. BENtLey and BUXTON, of those who reside in and about LEICESTER. SOUTH HOLLAND DRAINAGE. THE COMMISSIONERS appointed for draining, preserving, and improving certain Lands lying In the several Parishes of Spalding ( including the Hamlets of Cowbit and Peakill), Weston, Moulton, Whapload, Holbeach, Fleet, Gedney, Sutton Saint Mary, and Sutton Saint Nicholas, otherwise Lutton, all in South Holland, in the County of Lincoln, Do hereby five NOTICE, That tliey will meet at tbe Chequer iNn, in HOLBEACH, in
the said County, on MONDaY the 23d Day of SEPTEMBER next, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, for the Purpose of receiving Petitions from such of the Owners and Proprietors of Lands as wish to be included in the said Drainage, not being within the Li- mits and Boundaries of the Lands defenbed by the Aft of Parliament, and therein directed to be drained ; which Petitions mud be in Writing, and signed by Two- third Parts, in Value, of the Proprietors of the Lands com- prized within the said Petitions; and unless such Petitions are so signed and delivered at the Time and Place afore- said, the Proprietors will be excluded the Benefit
of the said Act. Dated the 10th Day of July, 1793. GEO. MAXWELL. EDWd. HARE. 1 JNo. WALKER. NOTICE to CREDITORS. ALL Persons to whom WILLIAM FREEKS, Taylor and Draper, of Thorney, in the Isle 0f Ely, stands indebted, are desired to send an Account of their respective Demands immediately to Mr. JOHN GROUND, or Mr. THOMAS SOUTHAM, of Thor- ney. And all Persons indebted to the said WILLIAM FReEKS, arc desired to pay their respective Debts to the said JOHN GROUND, or Mr. THOMAS SOUTHAM, who are duly authorized to receive the same. July 16, 1793. AT a GENERAL MEETING of the
SUB - SCRIBERS to an INTENDED CANAL from WISBECH, in the Isle of Ely, to OUTWELL, in the County of Norfolk, holden at the Rose and Crown Inn, in Wisbech, on Friday the 19th Day of July, 1793, in Pursuance of public Notice given in the Cambridge And other Newspapers, ( The Honourable and Reverend CHARLES LINDSAY in the Chair], The Report of the Committee appointed at the last Central Meeting, with the Appendix thereto, having been read and approved, Resolved, That a Call of FIVE POUNDS per Share be made upon the Subscribers in Part of their Subscrip- tions, exclusive of the One Guinea before
advanced; and that the same be paid to Mr. JONATHAN PECK- OVER, the Treasurer, at the Bank of Messrs. Gurney, BirkbeCK, TAYLOR, and PecKoveR, at Wisbech, on or before the First Day of September next; and that the Subscribers making Default in such Payment, do forfeit their Shares ; and that such Shaces so forfeited, shall de- volve to the remaining Subscribers; and that Circular Letters be sent to the several Subscribers, acquainting them with this Resolution. That the following Gentlemen, viz. The Honourable and Reverend Charles Lindsay; John Heigham, Esq.; John Hollis Pigott, and Oglethorpe Wainman,
Doctors of Physic; Messrs. William Rayner, James Bentley, Robert Hardwicke, John Parker, Jonathan Peckover, Thomas Whieldom, Joseph Howell, Francis Agard, Thomas Barker, Henry Haynes, Paul Webster, john Edes, Smith Mitton; John Marshall, Esq,: the Rev. Thomas Sheepshanks; Thomas Grounds, esq. Josiah King Life, William Skrimshire, Isaac Meers, John May- er, John Johnson, of Whittlesey, and Ralph Donkin, or any Five of them, be appointed a Committee, for preparing a Bill to be presented to Parliamsnt, and con- ducting the future Proceedings in this Business; and that they be empowered to add such
other Names to the Committee as they may think proper. That the Committee have full Power to treat with the Honorable Corporation of Bedford Level, the Commis- sioners of the Nene Navigation, and any other public Bodies, or private Persons, and to make such Agree- ments with them as they may think proper for carrying the proposed Plan into Execution. That these Resolutions be published in the General Evening Post, and in the Cambridge, Stamford, Derby, and Leicester Newspapers. CHARLES LINDSAY, Chairman.
Wednesday & Thursday's Posts. LONDON: Le Sans- Pareille East- Indiaman, prize to the Brilliant privateer, of Weymouth, is totally lost on the rocks off the Lizard; a small part of the The King of Prussia has written word to the Prince of Conde, " that the project of pene- trating into France, and marching to Paris, was now on the point of being executed ; and that his Majesty was happy in the opportunity that would be soon afforded him, of restoring that Prince to the possession of all his rights and pro- perty." Sunday Mr. Breton, the messenger, arrived in town from Ireland, with several bills which passed the Irish Parliament, for
the purpose of receiving the Royal assent. He also brought dis- patches respecting the late outrages in that coun- try. The peasantry meditate the destruction of Bray, a romantic village near Dublin, they have set fire to the town of Charleville between Cork and Limerick and threaten a descent on the town of Wicklow. Government have ordered a number of trans ports to be got ready, and sheathed in the greatest haste, which shews they are meant for foreign serVice. It is supposed they are intended to carry out more troops to the West- Indies, where our Government probably looks for the indemnifica tion of their charge in this
war, by laying hold of and appropriating to this country, the chief settlements which belong to France in that part of the World. The capture of Mentz will now leave the King of Prussia and the Duke ot Brunswick at full liberty to take other measures for distressing the common enemy ; and with so fine an army under them, hardened by the operations of the siege, and amounting to near an hundred and fifty thousand men, what may not be expected ? The capture of Mentz also dispossesses the French of a strong hold, of most material con- cern to their designs upon the empire ; and as by their repulse at Willemstadt, they were
driven out of Holland, their expulsion now again from Mentz, will fairly rid Germany of those ma- rauders. Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia has been wounded by grape shot in the hip. His Royal Highness was immediately conveyed from the neighbourhood of Mayence, where this accident happened, to Manheim, where he is to remain until his recovery. Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia had a hair breadth escape, a few minutes before he was wounded a Frenchman levelled his musket at him so near, and with so good an aim that the cargo saved. The French East Indiaman San Jean de Leon, prize to the Surprize privateer,
is safe arrived at moorings off Deptford yard. Her cargo is rated at 410,0001. sterling, of which goods to the amount of 85,000l are claimed by Messrs. Con- stable and co. of New- York, in America, and one of fhe partners of whose house was on board her when captured ; also goods to the amount of 15,000l. are claimed by a house at Genera. The rest will be the property of the captors. Extract of a letter from an officer in ihe navy, to a friend in Glocestershire. " DEAR S. " The following anecdote I think deserves to be recorded, let it belong to enemy or friend, and for the truth of which I can vouch : " Capt. Moulon, who
commanded the Cleo- patra, fought the Nymphe with the greatest bra. very; and though with the vanity of an English- man, I have no doubt she would have been taken at all events; yet certainly the wheel of her tiller, and mizen- mast being shot away, accelerated it much. Her brave commander, no doubt, was determined never to surrender; for in his coat- pocket he kept the private signals of the whole French coast, which of all others an enemy wishes to get possession of and which, during the whole of the late war, the French ships threw over- board when coming to action. This Captain Moulon would not do; but kept them
about him in case of accidents.— He was by a large shot cut almost in two, and in the midst of the agonizing torture of his wounds he took from his pocket a paper, which he thought was the private signals, and died, tearing it in pieces with his teeth.— What astonishing resolution and recollection ( with his back torn half off), to remember how great might be the disadvantage to his country, should the enemy be in possession of their private coast regiment. He Is supposed to have laboured under a mental derangement, brought on by those twe formidable foes, pride and poverty.-. Thursday, of a wound which he received in his
arm, in a late engagement with a French privateer, Capt. Chiminent, of the Achilles, pri- vateer, of Weymouth. BANKRUPTS. Francis Oakley, of the city of Hereford, woolstapler, fellmonger, dealer and chapman.— Hector M'Lean, late of the ship Middlesex, in the service of the Honourable 1 nited east- India Company, but now of the New Road, in the county of Middlesex, surgeon, apothecary, dealer and chapman. — Roger Teschemaker and Robert Bakewell, both late of the town and county ot the town of Nottingham, hosiers and late copartners, dealers and chapmen. George Hamnett Sturmy, of leadenhall- street, london.
stationer, dealer and chapman.— Richard Simons, late of High Hol- born, in the county of Middlesex, victualler, dealer and chapman, but now of the parish of St. George, in the county of Surry, tallow- chandler, dealer and chapman.— Jonathan Nash, of the city of Bristol, hooper, dealer, and chapman — Lancelot Smith, of the city of Carlisle, in the county oi Cumberland, stationer and bookseller, dealer and chapman.— Jeremiah Owen, late of Ludlow, in the county of Salop, stationer, dealer and chapman.— William Neale, of Audlem, in the county of Chester, hosier, dealer and chapman.— Robert Haxell, of Gravesend, in the
county of Kent, miller, corn- factor, dealer and chapman.— John Roberts, of Tiverton, in the county of Devon, mercer, grocers dealer and chapman. Certificate to be granted. Aug ' 20. David Cobb, of the town of Kingston- upon- Hull, in the county of the same town, corn factor, dealer and chapman. WANTED iMmediatELY, TWo JOURNEYMEN FELL- MONG RS.— One of the above must have been used to the buying of Skins, and must bring a good Character May hear of a Situation by applying. Letters post paid) to Mr. THOMAS MAYDENS, Gosberton, Lin- colnshire. To be LET, And entered upon IMMEDIATELY, THE
GEORGE PUBLIC- HOUSE at EARITH, in the County of Huntingdon, tor Particulars enquire of Mr. ROBERT, Brewer, Huntingdon. A', h. Letters ( Post paid) will he duly answered.' OUT- PENSIONERS of CHELSEA HOSPITAL. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, THREE or FOUR steady Pensioners, to be SERJEANTS in an INDEPENDENT COM- PANY, just completed in Privates.— They will be at- tached to an old Regimtnt, receive their full Pay, and his Majesty's Royal Bounty of THREE GUINEAS and a CROWN, to furnish them with proper Necessaries. Apply to Mr. BROOKE, Bookseller, Lincoln. signals " This was the case ; for
he mistook his com- mission for the private signals. Captain M. was a subaltern officer in the old French navy; but I hope for my own sake they have not many such." We are happy in being able to announce from unquestionable authority, that the gallant Ser- jeant- Major Darley is living, and likely to re- cover from his wounds. He is some where in the neighbourhood of Paris. On Tuesday evening last, about seven o'clock, flash of the powder scorched his face, and the ball grazed his forehead The Empress of Russia has published an ordi- nance in all the new- acquired Polish provinces, to terminate all law- suits within a
twelvemonth from the date of her declaration ; and to present a list of all the attorneys, of whom there is an immense number. The colours of the Emigrant regiments were consecrated on the 21st. The ceremony was thus: the 37th regiment was drawn up by their Colonel Sir C. Ross. The Emigrant corps then marched in, and were addressed by their Colonel, M. de la Chatre. The colours were then brought; they were sprinkled with holy water, and after a short speech from the Aumonier of the regiment, and the Colonel, they were re- viewed by General Ainslie. The two corps then, as usual divided the town duty. The colours are
those of England; the uni- form, the pay, & c. the same as the 37th regi- ment. Charrier, one of the chiefs of the Royalists, 0n the eve of suffering death by the guillotine, promised to discover the cause of the troubles which agitate the southern departments, and to make known the key of the correspondence which Monsieur and the Count d'Artois still carry on in France, by means of numerical figures. He also offered to print out the only remedy now left to be taken to save that country. He offered to do all this 0n condition that life be granted him. The ground occupied by Custine, between Bouehain and Cambray, includes the
whole of Caesar's camp in that neighbourhood, which is in greater preservation, considering its extent, than any other which he has left. The ditches, in some places, were so perfect two years since, that, in the opinion of military men, a thou- sand men might completely restore them in three days. At the conclusion of the last campaign, this post was surveyed by M. Dumourier, who pro- nounced it camp impregnable. General Custine is a prisoner in the Abbaye prison at Paris. The immortal Sir Philip Sidney was once elected King of Poland, but refused that crown, which may be literally said to be a crown of thorns Nothing
astonishes the Austrian officers, used to all the stiffness of their Court, more than the Duke of York's free and easy manner of acting and conversing with the gentlemen who have the honour of serving under his Royal Highness.— An Austrian subaltern said the other day, as he saw the Duke walking arm in arm with a young officer of a marching regiment—" All the English are Lords, or the King's son would keep them at a distance." The Austrians are very unpolite, ex- cept those who have been within the precincts of the Court; as for those who have, their polite- ness is truly ridiculous— there is nothing more usual than to see
them bent for two minutes, while in less than two seconds the most courtly bow can be made. The Prince does not seem pleased when he sees Irish officers in the Austrian service— he always speaks German to them ! General Dalton, how- ever, is an exception to the rule; his Royal Highness pays him very great attention. These are letters in town brought by the last ships from India, of a very serious import. They state, that Tippoo Saib had made fresh objections to complying with the obligations of the treaty, and peremptorily refused to make the last pay- ment. In consequence it was generally under- stood, that Lord
Cornwallis's departure from India would be delayed, under the apprehension that hostilities might be renewed. Scindiah has come to Poonahy and demanded of Tippoo part of the money, which by the treaty of peace he was to pay to the Mahrattas. In consequence of this demand Tippoo alledges, that he cannot pay any more, till it be ascertained to whom it is that he ought to pay. This is un- doubtedly a very specious pretext; but it is ap- prehended that there may he a private under standing on the business between Tippoo and Scindiah The Britannia, Simpson, from the south seas to London, is taken by a French privateer,-
and carried into France. The number of British and Irish vessels de- tained at Oporto, in expectation of a convoy home, are seventy. The militias of the United States ot America comprize upwards of 220,000 men. The mili- tia of the State of New Jersey, agreeable to the late returns amount to 19.077, between the ages ot 18 and 45; the companies in uniform, in- cluded in this number, are 14 of artillery, 21 of fe, 11 of grenadiers, and 26 of iniantry. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, AN APPRENTICE to a LINEN and WOOLLEN- DRAPER. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. JAMES COOK Grantham. N. B. Any Youth of good
Character, having served Part of his Time, will be treated with for the Remainder WILLIAM HOLT, Junior, GROCER and SOAP- MAKER, NEWARK, BeGS Leave to inform his Friends, and the Public, that the Commission of Bankruptcy which, was issued against him, is superceded; and the business is Carrying on as usual, Thankful for Favors received, he humbly solicits a Continuance of that Support he has so liberally expe- rienced ; to merit which he will exert his utmost En- deavors. a large bark, supposed to be the Alcove, of Lon- don, William Fothergill master, and bound for Archangel, brought up at the distance of about
a quarter, of a mile from Tynemouth light- house. Soon after she fired two guns from the quarter- deck, both shhtted. The first ball struck the water several times, and then lodged in the cliff; but the second gun being more elevated, the ball came over the ancient priory and castle of Tyne- mouth, above the whole of that delightful village, and fell in the garden of Mrs. Baker, at the well end of the village, and was taken up by her gar- dener within 40 yards of the south front of the residence of that lady. It is a six- pounder, and now in her possession. The danger arising from the firing of guns on ship- board, when near the shore, or
in harbour, has bean often pointed out, yet the practice continues, from the carelessness of masters and commanders of ships; and in the present instance, it is very fortunate no one was hurt, as at that time several people were walking within the precincts of the old castle, and in the streets of Tynemouth. A cause was last week determined in the Court of Common Pleas, of importance to traders.— It was against a person for giving a false character in behalf of another, who by that means ob tained credit for goods, which he otherwise could not have done. The jury found a verdict for the plaintiff, and the Judge observed, if a
man wil- fully gave a tradesman a false character, he was liable to action for damages. Case of a legatee.— A testatrix in her last will left a legacy of 500l. to John the eldest son. At the death of the testratrix, and when the will began to operate, John the eldest son was dead. There- had been a second son of the name of George, who was also dead, and there was a third son of the name of John, and who was the only surviving son.— The Lord Chancellor held, that John was entitled to the legacy, being the eldest son living. When a legacy was left to a person OF a particular description, whoever answered to that description
was entitled to the legacy. A distinguished neighbouring lady, married to the heir of a Dukedom, is said to have eloped on Wednesday last from Grey's, the jewellers, in Bond- street, with the Hon. Mr. B. son of Lord L. of the kingdom of Ireland, for whom she entertained a penchant before her matrimonial alliance.— Articles of separation between the parties were in great forwardness previous to the above event. Tuesday morning a dangerous and alarming accident occurred in the shop of Mr. John Law- son, grocer, in Dumfries. A young man having gone into the shop to purchase some gunpowder, thoughtlessly snapped a
pistol over a drawer, containing about six pounds of that article, and which the shop apprentice was then shewing him. The powder in it instantly took fire, and blew up with a terrible explosion : By which cir- cumstance the glass in the windows was shat- tered to pieces, the floor of the lodging above raised some inches, the front door shut to, and the back one forced open. The two young men were dreadfully burnt. Several articles of earth- enware in the adjoining houses were broken by the shock. The frequency of accidents occa- sioned by gunpowder, ought to make people particularly cautious how they use that article; for, by
the most trifling neglect, very fataj con- sequences may ensue. On Wednesday evening, Thomas Johnson, the bruiser, was detected picking a gentleman's pocket of a 30I. note, on the Chelmsford race- ground. He was conveyed to Chelmsford in a cart, examined, and committed to gaol to take his trial at the next assizes, Tuesday a man, for a wager of a guinea, fixed himself by his hands and knees to the hind wheel of an hackney coach, and in that situation was' driven round Covent- garden, the horses moving something faster than a walk. He performed the task, and won the wager; but his face was black, and he appeared
exceedingly distressed.— The novelty of the scene drew together an im- mense concourse of people. Dublin, July 23. Last night we hear that an express arrived from Limerick with the following intelligence— that late on Saturday night, a mob' of 7 or 8000 attacked that city, and attempted to burn it— that the army, militia, and the citi- zens, were obliged to join to repel these daring offenders, and to bring the artillery into the streets, and that after a severe and obstinate resist- ance, the insurgents were dispersed with the loss of 140 killed, and several wounded. DIED.] The Rev. J. C. Knowles, Rector of Fiteham, and Vicar of
Effingham.— At Morning- side, near Edin- burgh, at the advanced age of 73 years, Lord Garden- stone.— At Kensington, the Hon. Mrs. Jadis, daughter to the Right. Hon. Lady Delavel.— In a field near Chester, by discharging a pistol into his mouth, a young gentle- man who called himself Lieutenant Ward, of the 19th NEWARK, AUGUST, 1793, HAVING experienced the most faithful ser- vices from Mr. RICHARD FISHER, during his Apprenticeship with me, I have let him my HOUSE and SHOP, and sold him all my STOCK of LINEN and WOOLEN- DRAPERY.— I take this Opportunity of returning my best thanks to all my
Friends for the Fa- vours- conferred on me for many Years, and at the same Time solicit the continuance of them to the said Mr. RICHARD FISHER. SAMUEL BROOKSBY. RICHARD FISHER, LINEN AND WOOLEN- DRAPER, MARKET- PLACE, NEWARK, RESPECTFULLY informs his Friends and the Public, that he has entered upon the Shop and Stock in Trade Of Messrs. SAMUEL BROOKSBY and SON, and having in Addition to their Stock purchased a fresh Assortment of Drapery Goods, he flatters himself from that, and frcm the Knowledge he has acquired in the Trade, from his Residence in London since his Ap prenticeship, he is enabled to serve all there who an pleased to favour him with their Commands on the most advantageous Terms. He most humbly solicits the Continuance of Mr. BROOKSBY'S Friends, and begs leave to assure them, that no Pains whatever shall be spared to merit their Favours. BRICKLAYER's ARMS, CITY of LINCOLN. GEORGE JACKSON, ( Servant to the late Dr. GORDON) BEGS Leave , to inform his Friends, and the Public, that he has entered upon the above INN situate near the STONE- BOW, and late in the Occu. pation of Mr. BENSON. Those who please to oblige him with their Favors, may
depend on strict Attention to their Commands, and that no Expence will be spared for the good Entertainment of Company, Wines and Spirituous Liquors of the best Quality. Good Stabling. Surrender of Valenciennes. KING's ARMS INN, CITYr OF LINCOLN. JOHN BENSON, R( From the BRICKLAYER'S ARMS ) ETURNS grateful Thanks for Favors re- ceived; and respectfully acquaints his Friends, and the Public, that he has entered upon the above INN, late in the Occupation of Mr. MALTBY. Having laid in a Stock of Wines and Liquors, of the best Quality, and being determined to make the Accommodations of the Premises
complete, he humbly hopes for Encourage- ment. Strict Attention will be paid to Gentlemen Tra- vellers, & c. The Nottingham, Newark, and Lincoln Coach, arrives at the said Inn Three Times a Week. August 1, 1793. CAISTOR CANAL NAVIGATION. THE several SUBSCRIBERS to this NAVI GATION are requested to pay the SecoNd CALL. of TEN POUNDS per Cent. of their respective shares, towards defraying the Expences of carrying 0n the Works of the said Navigation, to Mr. TURNER, at Caistor, on or before the 24th Day of August next. JOHN TURNER, Treasurer and Clerk to the Company. CAISTOR, 24th July, 1793
The MANOR of CROYLAND, in the ; County of LINCOLN. WHEREAS the GAME within this Manor has of late Years been greatly destroyed by unqualified Persons; NOTICE therefore is hereby given, That if any unqualified Person or persons shall take, shoot, or destroy nny GAME within the said Manor ; or if any Person or Persons shall FISH in any of the Rivers or Drains within the said Manor, he or they will he pro- secuted for the some: And a Reward of FIVE GUI- NEAS is hereby offered to any person who will give Information to Mr. SANDERSON, of Spalding, in tlie said County, of such Person, or Persons so destroying
Game, or Fishing as aforesaid; to be paid on the Con- viCtion of the Person or Persons so offending. And it is requested that all qualified Persons will desist in sporting within the said Manor, as the Game is in- tended to be preserved. By Order of JOHN PARDON, Esq. Receiver, F. SANDERSON. The MANOR of BURTON PEDWARDINE, in the County of LINCOLN. WHeReAS the GAME within the said Manor has of late Years been greatly destroyed by unqualified Perfons ; NOTICE therefore is hereby given, that if any unqualified Person or Persons shall take, shoot, or destroy any GAME within the said Manor, he or they will
be prosecuted for the same : And a Reward of FIVE GUINEAS is hereby offered to any Person who will give Information to Mr. SANDERSON, of Spalding, in the said County,' of such Person or Persons fo destroying Game as aforesaid ; to be paid on the Con- viction of the Person or persons so offending. AND it is requested that all qualified Persons will desist in sporting within the said Manor, as the Game is in- tended to be preserved. By Order of JOHN PARDON, Esq. Receiver, F. SANDERSON'. SPALDinG, 30th July, 1793. SCYTHES, HAY and CHAFF KNIVES. THE MANUFACTURERS of the above GOODS in
SHEFFIELD, and its Neighbourhood, from the great Advance in Raw Materials, Workmen's Wages, & c. respectfully acquaint the Public, that on the 24th of June last, they were under the Necessity of laying on a considerable Advance in Price upon every Article of their Manufactory.— Lists of Particulars have been, or will be sent to every Wholesale and Retail Trader in the Kingdom. July 25, 1793. FROM THE london gazette extraordinary, THURSDAY, August 1, 1793. Whitehall, July 31. Captain Calvert, of the Coldstream regiment of guards, aid de camp to his Royal Highness the Duke of York, arrived his morning with
dispatches from Colonel Sir James Murray, Bart. Adjutant General to the forces under his Royal Highness's command, to the Right Honourable Henry Dundas, one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, of which the following are copies. Estreux, July 26, 1793 SIR, I am happy to have the honour of informing you, that last night not only the attacks of the covered way of the horn- work, and of the ad- vanced fleche by St. Sauve, were attended with success, but that possession has been obtained of the horn- work itself in which the troops now completely established. Three attacks were formed; one upon the sali- ant
angle of the raveline of the horn- work, one upon the saliant angle of the half bastion upon the right, and one upon the fleche. Nine hun- dred men were destined for each attack. In each of the two first an advanced guard was formed of 150 men, followed by 300, with the necessary Workmen and miners, supported by the rest of the column. The troops employed 0n attack upon the right were divided into thre parts, one of which turned the fleche to the right, another to the left, and the third advanced in front. The column destined for the attack of the saliant angle of the ravelin was composed of British, Hanoverian and Hessian
troops, the other two of Austrians. One hundred and fifty men of the brigade of guards, under the com mand of Colonel Leigh, formed the advanced party. - They were followed by 150 men of the brigade of the line, with an equal number of Hanoverians, commanded by Lieutenant- Colo- nel Doyle; 150 Hanoverians and 300 Hessians composed the rest of the column. Colonel Lan- gerke of the Hessians, and Lieutenant- Colonel Offney of the Hanoverians, commanded these troops. A detachment of the company of artifi. cers, under Captain Sutherland, accompanied this column, and performed the duty allotted to them with
great activity and resolution. This attack was commanded by Major- General Aber- cromby. The Austrian Lieutenant- General Erbach commanded the whole. The springing of the globes of compression was the signal for the attack. Of these they were three; one towards the saliant angle of the ravelin ; one towards that of the half bastion upon the right s and one betwixt these two, They were sprung at short intervals from one Another; the first at nine o'clock. The two columns upon the left advanced with the utmost alacrity, rush- ing out from the sap, which had been carried the preceding nights to within a very small distance of
the crest of the Glacis. The enemy were al- most instantaneously diiven from the covered way. They abandoned the horn- work, and, as' it afterwards appeared, all the out- works of the place. The miners descended into the ditch, and got possession of those of the enemy's mines which had escaped the effects of the globes de compression. These were found loaded, and several of the miners were taken. One fougas- was sprung, bur happily without occasioning any loss. The horn- work was entered by the gorge. The probability of this had been foreseen ; but it was reckoned useless to attempt a lodgment, for want of proper
communications ; and indeed nearly impossible to effect it. The original orders given in this case were, therefore, to spike the guns, and retire. A passage being however dis- covered, which went under ground from the ditch into the work, and no enemy appearing in the counter- garde, which immediately overlooks it, to interrupt the workmen, it was determined by his Royal Highness to take the advantage of the moment. The lodgment was made before day light, and the troops are now, I apprehend, in perfect security. This is of the greater con- sequence as the horn- work is found to be strongly mined, and it must, therefore, in
the common line of operations, have required a considerable time, and occasioned loss of men in course, to have gained possession of it. Measures are tak- ing, with all possible expedition, to profit of this success, by erecting a battery, for the purpose of battering in breach the counter- garde, which is between the horn- work and the body of the place.' His Royal Highness has expressed himself to be highly pleased with the gallantry and good conduct of Major- General Abercromby, Colonel Leigh, and. Lieutenant- Colonel Doyle, as well as with that which was shewn by Colonel Lan- gerke and' Lieutenant- Colonel Offney. The
conduct of the other officers, and that of the troops in general, as well in regard to their dis- cipline, and the order which they preserved as to the gallantry of their behaviour, merits every commendation. Lieutenant- Colonel Count Di- etrickstein, Captains Count Offandini and Thi- angie, of the Austrian corps of engineers, were attached to the left column, and their conduct is spoken of by Major General Abercromby in terms of the strongest approbation. The attack of the fleche upon the right was carried on with equal vigour and success: Seve ral of the enemy were killed, and twelve taken in the work. Small parties made their
way into the main ditch. The Croatz, upon the side of Mont Anzin and St. Sauve, carried several. detached works killed about 50 of the enemy, and took 30 priso- ners. Major de Drieberg, Commandant of the fe cond battalion of Hanoverian grenadiers, ad vanced with a detachment from Briquet to the crest of the glacis upon that side, where he re mained till day- break, kept up a fire upon the works, and made a useful diversion. The totai loss of the combined troops upon this important occasion does not exceed 150 men and officers killed and wounded inclose the return of the British. The Hanoverians had one man killed and
six wounded ; the Hessians nine. His Royal Highness regrets the loss of brave officer in ensign Tollemache, who was killed by a shell in the third parallel. I inclose the copies of the summons sent by his Royal Highness this morning, to the town with the letters which have afterwards passed These give a reasonable ground for hope, that the siege will not be of much longer continuance Ja. Murry, Adjutant General. [ Here come the summons and letters between the Duke of York and General Ferrand, com- mander of Valenciennes, and the municipality ot that, place, with their answers; and also the articles of capitulation, by
which the garrison are allowed ta march out with the hononrs of war, engaging not to serve during the whole course of the present war against the armies of his Majesty the Emperor, and of his allies, with- out having been exchanged conformably to the cartels, under pain of military punishment — The personal property of the officers, soldiers, and inhabitants, are permitted to remain in the possession of the besieged, and may be conveyed away at their expence; but all artillery, warlike stores, provisions, & c. are to become the pro- perty of the captors. The governor requested that the currency of assignats might continue,
which was refused. Estreux, July 2, 1793. SIR, It is with the utmost satisfaction that I have the honor of acquainting you with the surrender of the town and citadel of Valenciennes to the combined army under the command of his Royal Highness the Duke of York. The successful attack of the 25th, and the lodgement in the horn- work, seem to have made a strong impression upon the enemy, and to have disposed them to receive in a favorable manner the summons which was sent by his Royal Highness to the General and inhabitants upon the following day The alacrity with which the troops have under- gone the hardships and
severe duty of the siege, as well as the resolution which they displayed in situations of danger, deserve the highest praise. Batteries Were allotted at different times to be worked by the Royal artillery, and every com- mendation is due to Major Congreve, and to the officers find men of that corps, who have upon this occasion, fully supported the reputation which they have so long enjoyed. Though Colonel Moncrieff was not charged with the direction of the siege, the greatest ad- vantages have been derived from his professional knowledge, activity, and zeal, particularly in taking and keeping possession of the horn- work. I
inclose a return of the loss of the British and Hanoverian troops during the whole of the siege, by which it appears that the number of the killed and wounded of the former, as it stands at this moment, amounts to 90, including all ranks.— Supposing the latter to have had slight wounds in the same proportion, the loss at present will be about 150. » The most dangerous, as well as the most labo- rious parts of the siege, fell to the lot of the Im- perial forces. They have had about 1300 officers and men killed and wounded ; from which, how- ever, the same deduction may be made. Any further particulars, which yor may be desirous
to be informed of, will be explained by Captain Calvert, Aide de Camp to his Royal Highness, who was employed in carrying 0n the intercourse relative to the capitulation of the town, and whose zeal and intelligence upon this, as well as upon many former occasions, have been highly approved of by his Royal Highness. I have the honor to be, See. J. A. MURRAY. Return of killed and wounded of the British troops, under the command of his Royal Highness the Duke of York, at the siege of Valenciennes. Total, British 1 Ensign, i serjeant, 17 rank and file. 3 second gunners, 1 labourer, killed Captain, 1 Lieu- tenants, 6 serjeants,
n j rank and file. 1 bombardier, r first gunner, 2 second gunners, wounded.— RS rank u>' d file dead of their wounds;— 1 Captain, 1 Lieutenant, ± serjeants, 53 rank and file, j bombardier, cured— I Lieutenants, 2 sergeants, ., z rank and file, 1 first gunner, a second gunners, Brigade of foot guards, 1st Battalion 1st regiment. Ensign Tollemache killed ; Capt. Warde wounded ( un- der cure.)— Ditto, 1st battalion Coldstream regiment Lieut. Col. the Earl of Cavan wounded ( cured.)— Brigade of infantry of the line, Lieut. Sterling, of the flank bat- talion, slightly wounded ( cured.)— Ditto, Lieur. Duer of the 14th regiment, wounded (
under cure.) * Total, Hanoverians, 1 non- commissioned officer, drummers, 30 privates, killed;— 3 officers, 6 non- com missioned officers, 2 drummers, 199 privates, wounded" At one o'clock the Tower guns were fired in consequence of this event." The Duke of York, as it was confidently re- ported yesterday morning, very narrowly escaped being blown up by the springing of the mines. The immediate consequence of the capture of Valenciennes, will be the siege of Cambray. The only towns of importance between Va- lenciennes and Paris ( a distance of about 14O miles), are Cambray, Peronne, and Senlis; all strong places:
Before, however, the combined armies can reach the last place, they must cross the river Oise. The French fleet, to the amount of 17 sail of the line, we learn, from the best advices, to be in Quiberon bay.— Lord Howe's object doubtless will be to intercept their getting into Brest, and to attack them wherever he may find them. It was currently reported at Lloyd's yesterday that Guadaloupe was taken. No official account of this kind had reached, the Admiralty office, By the Sophia, . Smith, arrived at Greenock in 37 days from Anguilla, we learn that the fleet had sailed three days before that vessel. The master reports, that certain
advices had been re- ceived, that the island of Martinique had wholly surrendered to Admiral Gardner, fort Bourbon only excepted. Fort Bourbon, which serves as a kind citadel to Port Royal and commands the harbour can not, it is said, be taken before the winter sets in Our fleet must therefore, during the monsoon months, go to Antigua, while the fort is block- aded by land ; so that the garrison may not make any attacks on the inhabitants of- the island. General Kellerman is appointed Commander in Chief of the armies in the north and the Ar- dennes. Kellerman was lately a prisoner at Paris — so that him and Custine have
literally changed situations.
reigners for our woollens.- He said his situation as commissioner for the office of Exchequer bills, ave him an opportunity of knowing, and he mentioned it with great pleasure, that the diffi- culties in respect to money transactions, were diminishing very much daily, and he flattered himself that in a short time they would in a great measure cease, and he had no doubt that a brisk trade would soon take place, and consequently all articles find their due value. On Saturday afternoon, a most audacious rob- bery was committed in St. Bartholomew- street, in Birmingham. About four o'clock, a man opened the street door of the house of
Mr. Lowe, exciseman, and before Mrs. Lowe, who was sit- ting with her back to the door, could turn round, he seized her, covered her face with a handker- chief, and then carried her up stairs, where, upon her screaming out, he gagged her, and blindfolding her with her apron, tied her to the bed post, and threatened to murder her if she was not pcrfectly quiet. The villain was soon joined by three or four accomplices, one of whom, by her voice, appeared to Mrs. Lowe to be a woman ; they broke open the boxes, and took from one of them 40I. in cash ; turned Mrs. Lowe's pockets inside out, took what money was in them, and
endeavoured, but in vain, to draw the ring off her finger — they afterwards rifled every room, and carried off various articles of wearing apparel, linen, silver spoons, & c. Upon leaving the house, they had contrived to fasten both the front and back doors ; and Mr. Lowe upon coming from his office about six o'clock, was obliged to get in at the cellar window, when he released his poor wife, who was almost dead with fright.— This most singular and daring robbery was Committed at a time of day, and in a street along which persons are perpetually pas- sing, many of the neighbours must have been at their doors, and the shops
opposite the house were filled with workmen ; and yet it does not appear the villains were either noticed, or in any way alarmed. The 40I. we are sorry to add, was the property of Mr. Lowe's aged father, who about a week ago had come from Bristol, with this sole and hard earned saving of a laborious life, to end his days with his son. SUMMER ASSIZES. ' At Buckingham, a verdict of 1ool, was given against. a grazier, for speaking maliciously of the credit and character of a butcher. At Exeter, William Robert, of North- Bovey for speaking treasonable and seditious words, is sentenced to be imprisoncd in the common gaol for
one year, during which time he is to stand in the pillory at Moretonhampstead thrice ; and at the expiration of his imprisonment, to find secu- rity for his good behaviour for two years, him- self in 5ol. and two sureties in 25I. each. The Rev. Mr. Winterbottom has been tried at Exeter, and found guilty; he was indicted for preaching a seditious sermon 011 the 6th of last November, reflecting on his Majesty, and the Government of this country. The trial lasted 11 hours. At Leicester, Thos. Thorman, charged with sheep stealing, was found guilty, and received sentence of death ; Edward Linnet, for stealing some yarn, the property of
Mr. Shepherd, of Harborough, was sentenced to be imprisoned three months, and fined is.— Thos. Crane, was convicted of stealing a quantity of wheat flour and ordered to be confined to hard labour in tiie house of correction for six months. For the borough of Leicester, came on the trial of Joseph Bland and John Edgson, for wan tonly and maliciously destroying the trees pLanted on a new walk near the town of Leicester.— The prosecutors, from motives of humanity, de clined giving evidence, the Judge having stated the offence to be capital under the black act. Mr Baron Hotham, after informing the prisoners of the atrocious
nature of the offence, and the se vere punishment which they must have suffered had the prosecutors proceeded upon their indict ment, advised them to enter into his Majesty's service, and informed them that the indict ment upon the black act would still hang over their heads, as a security for their future good behaviour. At Thetford, two prisoners were capitally convicted and received sentence of death, viz Wm. Spark, for robbing Sarah and Richard Spalding, on the highway between Scole and Billingford ; and Wm. Frost, for stealing a box containing a quantity of lace, & c. from Mrs Edwards, of St. Martin's at Palace; but
before the Judges left the city they were both reprieved _ Leath versus Buck, clerk, for a trespass, in cut- ting flag, and inclosing a small part of Fransham Common, which he annexed to his garden.— Verdict for the plaintiff 1s. damages. The business for the gentlemen of the long robe has this year been much less than it has been during many preceding years; and it is a plea- sure to observe, that the number of criminal causes is so very materially reduced. HUNTINGDON RACES. Tuesday, july 30, 50I. for 3, 4, and 5 yr olds WISBECH SHIP NEWS, to the 31st July, 1793. COASTERS INWARD. Friendship, Green, from
London, with goods. Wis- bech Packet, Guy, and Hope, Best, both from Hull, with goods, tiles, and flag stones, Success, Jackson; john's En- deavor, Nixon; Sisters, batley; Attempt, Brown; Two Brothers, Allison; Endeavor, Todd, Isabella Kinnier, Trial, Barker; John and Margaret, Horsburgh; and Ad- venture, Slaniland, from Sunderland; Flora, Mead, from Blyth; and Russell, Harrison, from Newcastle, all with coals. ' COASTERS OUTWARD. Abraham and Moses, Jackling; John, Stevens; and Active, Stow, all for Lon- don, with corn, & c. Expedition, Girdam; Success, Bown; Two Brothers, Thomson; and Boston, Burn, all for
Lynn, with corn. 7 ships i. i ballast for Sunderland & Newcastle. LYNN, July 30. ARRIVED. floating Abel, Abel, with deals, & c.; and Oleaner, Olsen, with deals, both from Christiana. He- lena, Dixter, with four fish; and Expe- riment, Bell, with six fish, both from Greenland. Tryal, Boardman, from Boston, with goods. Unity, Nurse, from Rotterdam, with goods, Alexander, Spalding, with iron and deals; and Agenoria, Simpson, with goods, both from Hull. SAILED. Peggy, Allen, for Hull, with corn. Lively, Forbes, for London, with corn. 10 ships in ballast. Monday se'nnight was married at Mansfield the Rev. John Parsons of Mansfield
Woodhouse to Miss Lindly. On the 21st instant died, at the houfe of Dr. Johnston, of Mansfield, Francis Douglas, Esq on his return from Matlock, where he had been on account of the declining state of his health. On Wednesday evening a great number of per sons assembled in the market- place, Nottingham excited by a general murmur, occasioned by the meeting of several people in the fields, and there exercising themselves in military manoeuvres when, after parading the town with many loyal huzzas, and intimitations of their disapprobation of such proceedings, proceeded to acts of vio lence. The windows of several who
were deemed disaffected to Government were entirely demolished, especielly the Mayor's, from whence some shots were fired, and we are sorry to add, five were wounded, one of whom died the next morning, and another lies without hopes of re covery.— A meeting was held at the Change hall, and proper methods were adopted for the re- establishment of order and tranquillity, which had the desired effect. An addiional number oi constables were made, aud perfect harmony now exists throughout the town. The coroner's in quest have sat on the body of the unfortunate person above- mentioned.— Verdict, justifiable ho
micide. Positively the LAST NIGHT this SEASON. BENEFIT of Mr and Mrs. PERO. TheAtRe StamfORd' This present FRIDAY eVENiNG, Aug. 2 1792 Will be presented, the last New coMEDY, call'd, the LONDON HERMIT;. Or, RAMBLES into DORSETSHIRE. • ( Now performing at the Theatre- Royal Haymarket, London ) SINGING : between the Acts. To which will be added, the last NEW ENTERTAIN- MENT in Two ACTS, call'd, THE PAD, ( At lately performed at the Theatre- Royal, Covent- Garden, with universal applause. The Characters of each Piece, and other Particulars, are expressed in the Bills. " HULL, July 29.
COASTERS ARRIVED. Richard, Cladenboll, from Sandwich. James, Ty- rie, from Liverpool. Young Wakefield, Dean; Thirsk, Moody; Mary, Meggitt; Industry, Mason; Daking, Antonie; Four Brothers, Saul; and Harmony, Brown, all from Lon- don. Thorne, Meal, from Wisbech. Lincoln, Jewison; Adventure, Meggitt; and Lincoln, Jewison, all from Sun- derland. Peggy, Allen; Violet, Holliday; and Halifax, Adam, all from Lynn. Lady Kinnaird, Drummond, from Dundee-. Robert and Margaret, Grey, from Alemouth. Hope, Ebster, from Poole. Favourite, Day, from Yar- mouth. Countess of Errol, Hogg, from Aberdeen. Jo- seph and
Samuel, Furnish, from Newcastle. Elizabeth, Aire, from Whitby. COASTERS SAILED. William and John, Hunter, for Leith. Merlin, Ecken, for Boston. Hawk, Whitton; Hopewell, Harrison; Venus, Lister; Friends Goodwill, Swift; Bay Packet, Turnbull; and Unity, Dean, all for Whitby. Wisbech Packet, Guy, and Hope, Best, both for Wisbech. Good Intent, Lee; for Yarmouth. Provi- dence, Alsop, for Wainfleet. Leicester, Brooke; Neptune, Popplewell; Halifax, Staniland; Ripon, Davies; and Deborah, Staniland, all for London. Agenoria, Simpson, for Lynn. To the Printers of the Stamford, Mercury. SIRS, THRO' the medium of your paper I
wish to inform Mr. John Ullett, that the author of the paragraph he so strenuously contradicts will, in mercy, forbear to make him any reply. I am, gents, your's, & c. LINCOLN, 31st July, 1793. H. E ANY Young- Gentleman who is desirous to purchase an ENSIGNCY in an INDEPENDENT. COMPANY, which will shortly be attached to an old Regiment, is desired to apply to Mr. BROOKE, Book- seller, Lincoln. 22d July 1793.. These are to give NOTICE, THAT the GENERAL ANNUAL, MeeT- ING of the COMMISSIONERS 1 a i. td in a cer- tain Act of Parliament made and passed in the Twenty- seventh Year of the Reign of his late
Majesty, entitled, An Act for Improving and Preserving the NAVIGA- TION from Salter's- Load Sluice in the County of Norfolk, to Standground Sluice, in tile County of Huntingdon; and from Flood's Ferry; in the lsle of Ely, in the County of Cambridge, to Ramsey High Load, in the said County of Huntingdon: And also the NAVIGATION from Old Bedford Sluice, in the said County of Norfolk, to the River Nene, in the Parish of Ramsey, in the said County of Hunting- " don will be held at the House of Daniel Barley called the WHITE HART INN, in the Town of MARCH, in the said Isle of Ely, upon THURSDAY the fifteenth Day of
AUGUST next, at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon. HEN. BELL. PARTNERSHIP DISSOLved NOTICE IS Hereby GivEN, THAT the Partnership subsisting between MILDRED and ANN MOUNSEY, Milliners, of the City of Lincoln, was 0n this Day mutually DIS- SOLVED.— Witness our Hands, MILDRED MOUNSEY, ANN MOUNSEY. LINCOLN., JULY 3D, 1793 All Persons who have any Claim or Demand on the said Partnership, are requested to send an Account thereof TO MILDRED MOUNSEY, of the City of lincoln, - And all personS who stand indebted to the said part- nership, are hereby requested to pay their
respective Debts immediately to the aforesaid MILDRED MOUN- SEY, of the City of Lincoln; who is duly authorised to receive the same. CAMBRIDGE, JULY ' 31. Friday the Rev. Wm. Davy was instituted to the rectory of Stainfield, Norfolk, on the pre- sentation of John Davy, Esq. On Monday se'nnight the Rev. J. Cooke, A. M. second Master at the free schcol at Bristol ( and formerly Curate of St. Martin's in Birmingham) was elected by the Governors of King Edwards free grammar school in Birmingham, second Master of the said school. THE Creditors who have proved their Debts under a Commission of bankrupt awarded
and issued forth against THOMAS HOBSON, late of Spilsby, in the County of Lincoln, Shop- keeper, are desired to meet the Assignees of the said bankrupt's Estate and Effects, on the Seventh Day of August Instant, at Six o'Clock in the Evening, at the KING'S HEAD TAVERN, in the PoulTry, LONDON, in Or- der to assent to, or dissent from the said Assignees com- mencing, prosecuting, or defending any suit or Suits at Law, or in Equity, concerning the said Bankrupt's Estate or EfFects; or to the compounding submitting to Arbitration, or otherwise agreeing any Matter or Thing relative thereto ; and on other special Affairs. Sir
F. Standilh's b. c. Diomede," 4 y. old Ld Clermont's bay mare, Heroine, 4 y. old Mr. Ladbroke's ch, c. Neapolitan, 3 y. old Mr. Notage's b. c. Glancer, 4 y. old — Mr. Prince's b. h. Moses, 4y. old — D. of Queensberry's grey colt, 3 years old Duke of Grafton's cli. f. Garland, 3 y. old Mr. Vernon's bay filly, 3 y. old — Mr. Girdler's br. h. Balsam, 5 y. old — Wednesday, 50I. weight for age. D. of Grafton's b. m. Prunella, 4 y. old — 11 D. of Queensberry's ch. h. Bustler, aged a 2 Mr. Ladbroke's b. c. Pillbox, 4 y. old — 33 BRIGHTON RACES. Friday, July 26, the Prince's stakes of 50 gs. each, h. It. for 3 y. olds ( five subscribers), was won
by the P. of Wales's colt, Cymbeline, by Anvil, beating Sir C. Bunbury's filly, by Diomed, out of Giantess.— Great odds in favour of the winner. Same day, 50I. weight for age. Mr. O'Kelly's bay horse, Cardock — 1 1 Sir C. Bunbury's Amelia — — z r 6 and 7 to 4 on Cardock ; after tile fir ft heat, even betting oil the id ; but 2 to 1 the horse won the plate. On Saturday, Ld Egremont's fc- by Woodpecker, walked over the course for the Orleans stakes of 50 gs. each, 40 gs. ft. for 2 y. olds.— Five subscribers paid. Same day, 5- I. fo. 3, 4", and 5 y. olds. Ld Egremont's grey horse, Trentham — II Mr. O'Hara's bay colt, Cymbeline — 2 dr
5 to 2 and 2 ,0 1 on the winner. TETBURY RACES. Thursday, July 25, the 50I. foi all ages was won by Mr. Jones's Brandy Nan, beating Mr. Snell's Delta, and Mr. Band's Orange Squeezer. Same day, a sweepstakes of logs, each, for 3 y. old colt , was won by Mr. Ladbroke's Snipe, beating Lord C. H. Somerset's Slim, and Mr. Lyne's Borringdon. Friday's plate of 50I. for 3 and 4 y. olds, was won at three heats by Mr. Jones's Brandy Nan, beating Mr. Dilly's Hyder Alley, Mr. Sheppard's Owen Tudor, and Mr. Frogley's Puss the first heat was warmly con- tested by Hyder Alley and Owen Tudor, and was won by the former.— 2 to 1
against Brandy Nail at starting— 3 to 1 ill favour of her the second beat. Same day, a sweepstakes of 5 gs. each, for hunters, was easily won by Ld Belfast's Merry Bachelor, beating Mr. Lade's Cardinal Puff .— 2 to 1 in favour of Cardinal Puff before starting. GAINSBRO'. Coasters arrived and sailed. ARRIVED. Supply, Martin; Active, Poppelwell; Ann, Wharam; London, Baker; . Richard, Cladingball; Nancy, Wilkinson; and Hannah, Penney, all from London. Exchange, Johnson, from Newcastle. Isis, Panten, from Blakney. ' SAILED. Leicester, Brooks; Polly, Dunting; Gains- bro', Harrison; and Nottingham, Wilkinson, all for Lon don, Nancy, Dry, for Leith. LINCOLN, AUG. 1. Capt. Richard Gardiner, on the half- pay of the late independent companies, is appointed to be Adjutant of the Royal North Lincolnshire regiment of militia, vice James Bromhead, Esq who resigns. A few days ago died at Beverley, in the 62d year of his age, George Motherby, M. D, late of Highgate, near London. Lately died, Mr. Edward Parson, of Great Warford, near Knutsford, in Cheshire, at the very advanced age of 93 years. He retained his faculties to the last. He was twice married His first wife lived with him 60 years, and at the age of 80 he married a young woman of 21,
who died in child bed of her third child at the age of 31. At fifteen his life was inserted in the lease of a large farm, which he held by that tenure until his death, being 78 years. A lady died lately in Westmorland, after painful and complicated illness of six years,- whole extreme sufferings were only aleviated by bleeding; an operation which was performed upon her 208 times. The market for fat stock was held here yester- day, for the first time, and a fine shew ot beasts and sheep was offered for sale. The buyers were fo numerous, that nearly all the cattle brought to market were sold in a few hours, at good prices.— This market
bids fair to be of great pub- lic utility. A family party.-— A. widow lady, her son, and three daughters, of Macclesfield, in the Course of a week, entered the holy state. There are at this time in Lancaster castle, not less than 123 prisoners for debt; of whom 105 are married persons, having 411 children born in wedlock. On Saturday se'nnight, Benjamin Booth, one of the New Patriotic Society, was tried at Man- chester quarter sessions, upon an indictment for seditious words, viz. " for damning the King, " and saying " I would guillotine him if I " could." After a long and patient trial of five hours he was found guilty, and sentenced to
be imprisoned twelve months in Lancaster gaol. An explosion happened in a coal- pit near Wigan, in Lancashire, on Monday se'nnight, from foul air being fired by a candle. We are sorry to add, that five men fell victims to the ac- cident, and a sixth is scarcely expected to recover. The want of proper precaution, was, we believe, the cause of this melancholy event; as there are simple methods to prevent those fatal effects, ' tis a pity they are not, on every occasion, strictly at- tended to. The vessels belonging to Hull and other ports, which sailed with convoy from Spithead the 22d May, for the Mediterranean, were expected to sail
from Gibraltar the 26th ult. under convoy of a division of Lord Hood's fleet. His Majesty's sloop of war, the Lord Mul- grave, commanded by Capt. Maxwell, arrived in Hull roads last week ; where she is to be stationed some time. On Tuesday se'nnight arrived at Hull from the Greenland seas, the Ranger, Newham with 155 butts oil and blubber, the produce of 3 whales and 14 seals; on Friday, the Diana, Jubb, with 170 butts oil and blubber, 3 tons whale fins and 19 seal skins, being the produce of 4 whales and 19 seals; on Saturday, the Truelove, Wil- son, with 150 butts oil and blubber, 3 tons whale fins, 5 seal skins, being the
produce of 3 whales and five seals; the Samuel, Mugg, with 80 butts oil and blubber, if. tons whale fins, being the produce of 2 whales, and 26 seals; the Enterprize, Rose, with 156 butts oil and blub- ber, two tons whale fins, and 16 seal skins, be- ing the produce of 3 whales and 16 seals ; the Gibraltar, Wray, with 105 butts oil and blubber, if tons whale fins and 5 seal skins, being the produce of 4 whales and 5 seals; the Fanny, The Rev. C. Blackham, chief Master of the grammar school at Walsall, was lately presented by J. Gough, Esq. to the living ot Wednesfield, vacant by the death of the Rev. Mr. Jones, of Bushbury. ,
Friday last Mr. J. R. Scarse, of Lynn, was married to Miss Brooks, daughter of Mr. Brooks, wheelwright, of the same place. A few days since a genteel well dressed young man, with a lady, attended by a black servant, arrived at the Norfolk arms inn, Arundel, where he soon found means so far to ingratiate himself with a gentleman of that town, as to procure the loan of 25o pounds, with which he shortly after decamped, and has not since been heard of. He assumed the title of Earl of Rutlandshire! After six hours examination on Monday last at Bristol, Mess. John and Samuel Ford, of Bath, machine- makers, bankrupts, were
committed to Newgate by the commissioners, for not giving a satisfactory account of their property. A swarm of bees a few days since stung to death a cow and a young calf, in the neighbour, hood of Southall. The cries of the poor animals produced the assistance of some boys, one of whom endeavouring to relieve them, was stung in a dreadful manner. On the 15th instant a bullock, belonging to Mr. Chinery of Welnetham, which was bitten by a mad dog about eighteen months ago ( at the same time with those of Mr. Green, of Brad- field), died in the most raving state of the hydro- phobia. On Saturday morning last, between
seven and eight o clock, a dreadful accident took place at Costessey mills, near Norwich, which occasioned the immediate death of Isaac Tubby, of the same place, an honest, industrious man, who, we are sorry to add, has left a disconsolate widow and five small children to lament his loss — We are requested to relate the following particular ot this melancholy event, earnestly wishing they may serve as a caution to the thoughtless, or ob- stinate, who are engaged in similar situations.— The deceased was employed on the lower floor of the mill, in sending wheat to the top, by means of the sack tackle, and had just sent the
last sack up, when he imprudently went under RUN AWAY. ON Wednesday, July 31, 1793, THOMAS BRAVENDER, an Apprentice to WILLIAM BRANSTON, of Exton, Rutland. He is about Eighteen Years of Age;— had on, when he went away, a dark Coat, drab Waistcoat, a Pair of Leather Breeches, and round Hat. Also at the same Time RUN AWAY, JOHN BRA- ' VENDER, Brother to the above, an Apprentice to ROBERT TYLER, Farmer, of the fame Parish. is about Fourteen Years of Age; had on, when he went away, a Cotton Drab Frock and Waistcoat, a Pair of Thickset Breeches;— has a scald Head. Whoever
harbours or employs the said Appren- tices, will be prosecuted. BINBROOK, near LOUTH, LINCOLNSHIRE. HOUNDS to be SOLD. Eleven Couple of steady Harriers, For Particulars enquire of Mr. HARNEIS, of Haw- erby ; or at the KENNEL NEW CURRAnTs. FOR SALE, a Quantity of NeW CUR- RANTS, of the best Quality, imported in the CAMILLA, Captain WILLIAM LEE, from ZAnTE Samples of which may be seen at RICHARD MOXON and SONS, HULL, Angust, 1793. to be SOLD by AUCTION At the Blackmoor's- Head, in Gainsborough, in the County of Lincoln, on FriDAy the 27th Day of August between the Hours of
Four and Six in the Afternoon, unless pre- viously disposed of by private Contract, of which Notice will be given; AFREEHOLD DWELLING - HOUSE, with the Stable, Garden, and Appurtenances, and Five Acres cf LAND, in SPRINGTHORPE, in the Parish of CoRriniGhAM, with Rights of Common on Springthorpe Commons, in Tenure of John Berks. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. R. W. JOHN- STON, Attorney at Law, Lincoln. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By E. WOODHEAD. ( By Order of the Assignees under a Commission of Bankrupt, against CHRISTOPHER DEIGHTON, of Gainsburgh in the County of Lincoln,
Druggist and Brandy Merchant, at the black- moor's head Inn, in Gainsburgh aforesaid, on THURSdAy the 29th Day of August next, between the Hours of Four and Six of the Clock in the afternoon ( sub- ject to such Conditions of Sale at shall be then and there produced Taylor e v , with 1 30 butts oi) and blubber, tons the well- hole, before the man at the top had struck it out, to tell him it was all — Unfortunately the first endeavour to strike the sack did not succeed, and before a second effort could be made for that purpose, it was carricd with such force against the sack- pulley at the top, that the chain broke, and the sack fell
from the height of more than 30 feet upon the poor man below, at the very in stant he had uttered the words, " that's all." A man who was just by, hearing the sack fall, turned about to lift it up, and to his utter sur- prize and terror discovcred the deceased beneath it, without the least sign of life, in a situation truly shocking to behold.— It is remarkable that he had never experienced an hours illness of any kind.— He had been repeatedly cautioned by his fellow servants of the danger of the situation in which he met his awful fate.— He had been even dragged from it, not unfrequently, by force; but all was to no purpose.— If such a
dreadful example does not deter others from thus ventur- ing 0n the verge of destruction, without the least occasion to do so, it is to be feared nothing will, and they must take the consequences of their own temerity. Oxford, July 27 On Thursday came on the election at Magdalen college, when George Smith Gibbs, A. B. of Exeter; John Stanton A. B. of Magdalen; and the Rev. John Corby Cockle, A. B. ( both Demies of the samc college) were chosen Fellows. And on Wednesday, Mr. Charles Bridger, of University college; Mr. Thomas Pardo Mat- thews, of Jesus; Mr. Edward Henry Hasledin, of Lincoln ; Mr. John
Goldesborough, of Baliol; Mr. Marmaduke Hervey Matthews, of Braze- nose; with Mr. Philip le Geyt, of Canterbury, were chosen Demies; and Mr. Horseman was put upon the Octave. On Tuesday last Mr. Charles Powell, Com- moner of Jesus college, was elected Scholar of that society. A few days since died, the Rev. Mr. Morris, Rector of Clayton cum Keymer, in the county of Sussex, and formerly Fellow of Brazenose college. The living is in the gift of the Princi pal and Scholars of that society. Stamford, Friday, August 2. Extract of a letter from an officer to his correspondent in this place. . The camp before Valenciennes,
friday, July 26, 1793. " At nine o'clock three of our mine's were sprung which had a tremendous effect upon the enemy's works, and blew up a great number of their men; immediately a strong detachment sallied from our trenches, and took possession of the enemy's batteries' for a considerable extent to the right of the tower, driving the. French before them from all their posts, and killing numbers of them.— The detachment . for this purpose frOm the guards and the 53d regiment, were under the command of Gen. Abercrombie, besides Au- strians, & c.. and I am happy to say the whole Was effected with a trifling loss on our
part.— Thus, we have gained their strongest post that fac'd our trenches and we are in great hopes a surrender will be the immediate consequence, as the Duke of York sent a fresh summons this morning into Valenciennes for the last time, and General Ferrand ( the Governor) requested time to consult with the Municipality about it, and Capt. Calvert ( the Duke's Aide de Camp) is gone to Valenciennes to know their final deter- mination, so that before this letter is sent off, I may be able to tell you what the answer is for we have not the least doubt but they will capitu- late rather than through a blind obstinacy, suffer their town to
be entirely ruined, exclusive of all the other consequences; and what may still farther induce them to surrender, are the two circumstances of Mayence being taken, which is a place of consequence ; and Custine being denounc'd and thrown into prison by the National Convention ; therefore no assistance can be expected from that army to relieve this garri- son :— In short, the sun of French Democracy is setting very fast, and I may venture to prO- nounce never to rise again— In the business of last night the enemy lost a considerable quantity of cannon; and, fortunately for us, one of their - mines was discovered ready charg'd,
and lighted matches near the fuze, which would have blown up a sixteen gun battery of our's, and have done infinite mischief.— Thank God it is now render- ed useless to the enemy. " I rather think the Commissioners from the National Assembly, that are now in Valencien- nes, are puzzled to know what to do; as they have a confounded practice in France, of hang- ing up or imprisoning unsuccessful commanders, tho' in common justice to the garrison of Valen; ciennes, they have behav'd well, notwithstand- ing the rascality of their cause, which they will daily have more and more reason to repent of; and it is not all the violent
determinations they can came to that can in the end either save the town or themselves, as they have nothing but their citadel to retire to, and that cannot make a long stand. If any thing material happens in our fa- vour betwixt this and Tuesday, his Royal High- ness will immediately send an express to England, and I most sincerely hope he will have occasion to send the agreeable news before the next regu- lar packet day, in which case, you will have it in the Gazette extraordinary before you can get another letter from me ; what joyful news will it be, as the conquest will be of the utmost im- portance. I have just been reading
orders, and the Duke of York returns his thanks to Major General Abercrombie, the field officers, officers, and soldiers, for their gallant behaviour." We have infinite pleasure in fulfilling the pro- phecy of the above able officer, in presenting the Gazette Extraordinary to our readers. It is highly honourable to the British nation that the garrison would not surrender but to their arms, a fact We are well warranted in delivering. The bells at the churches in this place, rang yesterday in honour of the victory, and we doubt not but every true englishman, will rejoice in reading the account of a conquest so very important to their country. '
Another private letter we have been favoured with the contents of says, " that the inhabitants of Valenciennes were so pleafed to see their con- querors, that they sent a note to the Duke of York, saying they believed there were a sufficient number of performers left alive in the place to represent a play, and begged his Royal highness would bespeak one ; he did, Richard Couer de Lion, and Attended with the officers, & c. forming a crowded audience. The garrison at the commence- ment of the siege consisted of near 10,000 men; they were reduced by sickness and war, to 4060, near 1030 of which were killed when the place
was stormed. Tuesday died at Gainsborough, Mr. Robert Twelve, aged upwards of 80 years. He for- merly kept the White- Hart inn, in that town. The Rutlandshire militia are marched into Dover, in the room of the Wiltshire, who are gone to Folkstone, Hythe, Romney, Dungeness, and Winchilsea. , Tuesday last, Ann, the wife of William Bil- ling, of Langtoft, in this county, hanged her- self.— Verdict, lunacy. At the general quarter sessions at Lynn, on Monday last, Wm. Bone, for attempting to ravish his daughter in law, was sentenced to stand tw in the pillory, and to be imprisoned 12 months. At the general quarter sessions of
the pcace holden at Kirton in Lindsey, in the first week after the translation of Saint Th'omas the martyr, one person for felony, against whom the grand Jury found no bill; and two persons, one for an assault and the other for a breach of the peace, against neither of whom any person appeared to prosecute, were delivered by proclamation.— One vagrant was ordered to be re- committed to the bridewell at Kirton ' til next sessions, and pub- licly whipt the next market day there; and two were ordered to be passed to the places of their respective settlements. Arrivals at Skegness. The Rev. Mr. Finch; and James Linton, Esq.;
besides Other good company. Notwithstanding the wool fair in Lewes, was more numeroufly attended last Friday than on any former occasion, yet there was no business done. The buyers talked of very low prices, and the sellers reasonably expect better times.— Lord Egremont, Lord Sheffield, Sir Joseph Banks, several other gentlemen, and all the prin- cipal yeomanry, dined at the Bear inn. Every room in the house was full Lord Sheffield, who was in the chair, explained after dinner, the cause ot the present embarrassments in trade. He said the state of France, of Flanders, of the countries on the Rhine, and not long since of
Holland, especially of the first, had produced great convulsions, great interruptions of com- merce, and great bankruptcies. In his opinion, the present check to trade does not arise so much. from the want of a demand, as from the want of confidence, and from paper money, the usual medium by which business had been carried on, having been thrown out of circulation. He ob- served, that the demand for woollens for home consumption. which was the greatest market, was not diminished, and that the war and confusion which spread over a considerable part of the ma- nufacturing countries, of Europe, could not lessen,
eventually encrease the demand from fo- ALL that FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or DWELLING- HOUSE, situate, standing and ing in the Lord- Street, of Gainsburgh aforesaid ( lately occupied by the said Bankrupt) consisting of a good and commodious SHOP, and Dining Room fronting the Street; Drawing Room, and Chambers, on the Second Story ; Three Chambers on the Third Story, and Garrets over the same; Kitchen, Back Kitchen, and Brewhouse backwards; Stable, and other convenient Offices, in the Yard thereto belonging. Also, a TOFT or COMMON GATE on the Common of Gainsburgh aforesaid, belonging the same.
Also, Two TENEMENTS or DWELLING- HOUSES, situate, standing, and being in the Great Church- Lane of GAINSBURGH aforesaid, and adjoin- ing the said Messuage, now in the possession of Mr. Makins, Whitesmith, and Widow Smith. N. B. The above Premises are situated in a centrical part of the Town, facing the Market- Place, and adjoin- ing the White- Hart Inn . and the purchaser may be acr commodated with the Stock in Trade of the said Bank- rupt, which is very much reduced, at a fair Valuation. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. DUCKLE, Attorney, in Gainsburgh aforesaid, or E. WOODHEAD, of the same
place., the Auctioneer. RATS and MICE EfFectually destroyed by P. HEERY, At the PACK- HORSE, NEWARK. NO CuRe, no PAy. THIS Remedy, which ne- ver failed where a sufficient quantity has been used, is in hard Pills, about the size cf a Nut, and one is sufficient to kill the largest rat and broken in pieces, will kill six mice, at so small a price as one half- penny the Pill, which they will eat in preference to all kinds of food, and never cease eating whilst a single rat or Mouse exists; yet no Cat will touch them, unless starved with hunger; and as the Vermin neither eat, drink, or puke after taking the Pills, they may be used with
satety in Larders, Dairies, Granaries, Corn- stacks, & c. r: .. The Advertiser will attend any gentleman who will please to send his commands directed as above; and en- gage to clear any place whatever of those noxious Ver- min in a few nights, taking only one halfpenny for every one of his pills that is used and payment for attendance exclusive.— Those who chuse to cure their own places may have the Pills ready packed up with proper direc- tions, 24 Pills, is.— 60 ditto, is . 6d.— 12c, 5s— and < to in proportion for any quantity required. Sola by Mr. Newcomb, Stamlord ; by all the Agent and Newsmen; also at one shop only,
in every market town in most parts of England. . A'. B. If Rats 0r Mice are found living, after they give over eating the Pills, bought of any of the Venders thereof, the Proprietor hereby engages to attend person- ally, and kill them Gratis. whale fins, 79 seal skins, being the produce of 4 whales and seals ; ' the Carolina, Wilson, with 121 butts oil and blubber, tons whale fins, and 23 seal skins, being the produce of 7 whales and 23' seals and on Sunday, the Selby, Wood, with 73 butts oil and blubber, ton bone, and 10 seal skins, being the prOduce of 2 fish and 10 seals. The Selby, is the last ship on that fishery belonging to Hull.
On Monday arrived from Davis Straits the Sarah and Elizabeth, with one fish this vessel gives the following account of the other ships belonging to Hull— Elizabeth, one ; Minerva, clean ; Brother', ditto ; Alliance, ditto.
by 4. 1 3 "> r 1 1 2 2 3 rlr 4 fell bankrupt S.* . George Smith and John Curre, of Chepstow, in county of Monmouth. bankers and co- partners thomas Greatrex of Birmingham. in the county of Warwick, dealer and chapman-- William Gardiner, of the parish of Old Swinford. in the county of Worcester, nail ironmon- ger. dealer and chapman. William Smith, of the town and county of Newcastle- upon- Tyne, tobacconist, dealer and chapman.— Benjamin Lapworth, of Coventry, in the county of Warwick. ribbon- weaver. Annesley Shee St James's place, St. James's- street, in the county of Mid- dlesex, wine- mcrchant. - James
Robinson the younger, late ' of Mile end Road, in the county of Middlesex, insurance. broker, dealer and chapman.- Walter Tyler, of Iron- monger lane, Cheapside. London, laceman, dealer and Chapman Thomas Triquet of Bread street, london, warehouse man, dealer and chapman.- William Maslin , of the city of Bristol, mariner, dealer and chapman.- Joshua Blakeway, of the town of Shrewsbury, in the county ot Salop, woollen- draper, dealer and chapman. SPORTING INTELLIGENCE. CHELMSFORD RACES Monday, July 22, her Majesty's plate of 100g y. old fillies.. Ld Clermont's bay mare, Heroine — 3 Sir F. Poole's bay
mare, Kennhappuch Ld Grosvenor's bay mare, by Highflyer Heroine the favorite before starting;— after the first heat, 2 to < in favour of Heroine;— and 10 to 1 after the second heat. Tuesday, a plate of 50I. weight forage. Ld Clermont's bay mare, Peggy, 5 years old Hon. J. Smith Barry's b. f. Maria, by Highflyer Mr. Esdaile's bay mare, 4 years old ' ~ Mr. Galwey's bay mar*, Ann, 4 years old Peggy the favourite before starting after the heat, 10 to in favour of Peggy. Wednesday, the town plate of SoI. for 4 y. olds. Mr. Corties .4r- 7 borfe, 4 years old — ' ' Mr Esdaile's bay mare — — , . Sir John Dalling's br. h. Diomed, 4 . 3 3 Mr.
Corties's h. the favourite belore starting ,— after the heat, 1o to 1 in his ravcur. PRESTON RACES. Tuesday, July a;, ioc. 1. weight for age. Ld A. Hamilton's Restless, by Pheamomenon, 5 >'• o. Mr. Clifton's br. h. Abba Thulle, aged — Wednesday, 50!. for 3 and 4 yr olds. Mr Clifton's b- c. Chariot, 4 y. old — 4 3 Ms. Crompton's f. Drowsy, 3 y. old — 1 - Ld Derby's b. c. Kidney, d. lto — * ' Sir H. williamson's b. f. Treecreeper, 4 y. 0. s Ld A. Hamilton's br. f. by Rockingham 3 Mr. Hutchinson's br. c. Constitution, 4 y. o. b 6 to 4 on the field ; after the first heat, the same ; after the second heat, 2 and 3 to 1 on Charlot; after the third
heat, the same. , , Thursday, sol. weight for age. Mr. Crompton's b. f. Skypeeper, 4 y. old I - ' Mr. Hutchinson's br. c. Constitution, ditto 3 1 2 Mr. Clifton's br. b. Abba Thull , aged 2 3 dr 2' P 1 011 Abba Thulle; after the ill heat, even betting he won i after the id heat, 4 and 5 to 1 on Constitution, who bolted. LAMBERTON RACES. Tuesday, July 23, 50I. by 3 and 4 y. olds. Mr. Gregson's Archer — — 1 ' Duke of Hamilton's bay filly _ — — 11 Wednesday, 50!. for all ages. Mr. Baird's bav mare, Magdalena — Mr. Leighton's Shepherdess — — 2 2 An excellent race. Thursday, 50l. for all ages Mr. Baird's Sans Culot- tes, and Mr.
Leighton's Shepherdess, entered, but there was no race. Same day, the hunters' stake* of 10gs. each. Mr. Mason's bay horse Sir H. Williamson's mare 4 In dr dr MR. GUTHRIE'S BANKRUPTCY. THE Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt awarded and issued forth against JAMES Guthrie, of Newark upon Trent. in the County of Nottingham, Banker, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet on the Nineteenth, Twentieth, Twenty- first, Twenty- third, and Twenty- fourth Days of August next at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon on each of those Days, it the RuTlAND ArMS, in NewArk upon treNT aforesaid, in Order to receive
further proof of Debts under the faid Commission. ' July 18 1793- LINCOLN RACES, 1793. ON WEDNESDAY, the 11th of September, will be run for, over the Course, near the City of lincoln, His MAJESTY'S PURSE of 1oogs. by Four or FiVe- ycar old Mares; Four- year olds to carry 7st. , ill,, and Five- year olds, 8 ft, 71b. The best of Three Two- mile Heats. Any Five- vear old Mare having won a Royal Plate at Four Years old, and not started since, to carry 41b. extra; but if started this Year, and not won One Plate of the Value of sol. to carry 110 extra Weight; and any Four or Five- year old mare having Won One Royal Plate
this Year, to carry 4lb. extra; if Two, 71b. extra; and any Mare, either Four t. r Five Years old, that has not won any Plate this Year, of the Value of sol. but has started, and been once beat, to be allowed ilb.; but if twice beat, to be allowed sib. If any Disputes arise, the fame to be determined by his Grace the Duke of Ancaster, or whom he shall appoint, according to such his Majesty's Orders and rules as shall be prodUced. To be entered by B. Hunnings, Clerk of the Course, 0f his Deputy, at the Rein Deer Inn, in the City of Lincoln, on Monday the 9th of September next. On THURSDAY., the 12th, a PURSE of 50I. given by the
City of Lincoln, for all Ages ; the best of Three Four- mile Heats. Three- year olds to carry a Feather; Four year olds, 7st.; Five- year olds, 8st; Six- year olds, Jt>. ?! b.; and Aged, 8st. 10lb. A Winner of One Plate this Year to carry 3lb i of Two, 5lb.; and of Three or more, 7lb. extra. A Winner of a King s Plate this year at Lincoln, Newmarket, York, or Nottingham, and not having won Three, or more Plates this Year, to carry 7lh, extra ; but, if having won Three or more Plates t' is Year, with either of the above Royal Plates, then to carry 9lb. extra. Any Horse, Mare, or Gelding, hav- ii 15 started for a Plate this Year, and not won, to
be al- lowed 3lb. if two or more, 51b. Mares and geldings to be allowed 2lb. If any Disputes arise relative to the plate, the same to be determined by the Stewards of the Race. On FRIDAY th » 13th, the NOBLEMEN and GEN- TLEMEN'S SUBSCRIPTION PURSE of 70gs, for all Ages; the best of Three Two- mile Heats; Three- year carrying 6st. 6lb., Four- year olds, 8st.; Five- year olds, 8st. 9lb. Six- year olds, 9st.; and Aged, 9st. 2lb. Maiden Horses to be allowed 3st).; and the Winner of a King's Plate this Year to carry 4lb. extra. To pay three Guineas Entrance, which is to go to the owner of the Second- best Horse; and if any
Disputes arise relative to this Plate, the same to be determined by the Stewards of the Race. To enter for Thursday and fridays Plates, at the above- mentioned Place, with the aforesaid Clerk of the Course, or his Deputy, on Monday the 9th of Septem- ber next, between the Hours of three and Seven in the Afternoon, paying for the City Plate 5s. Entrance, ur double at the Post. . Certificates of the Age and Qualifications of each Horse, & c. must be produced at the time of entering and to prevent Disputes concerning Bets, the Horse that wins the First and Second Heats, shall have the Plate, and the Horse that is Second the
Second Heat ( if only Two Heats), shall be deemed the Second- best Horse. The Subscription Purse, and the Purse given by the City, are to be run for, according to lus Majesty's Arti- cles i and no less than Two reputed Running Horses to start for the City Plate ; nor will any Horse, & c. which shall appear to he hired to qualify, be alleged to start; and if only One Horse enter for the City Plate, the Ow- ner to receive 20 gs. Lord WILLIAM BEAUCLERK, stewards. ROBERT HERON, Esq. The Course will be ound in exceeding good Order, and open for the Horses to take their Exercise; and a Rubbing House is provided, where the
Horses take their No Gaming Tables of any Kind will be allowed, dur- ing the Races. . Ordinaries, Assemblies, Plays, apd Cocking, as usual. And to prevent the Ladies, Noblemen, and Gentle- men, waiting so long at the Assembly- Room Door, they earnestly requeued to send to the Lobby, to enter their Names, and receive their Tickets, where a Person will attend each Day, to deliver the same. VENISON. WRIGHT, of ChArINg- CROSS, most respectfully begs Leave to acquaint the Public, that he has no Connection or Concern whatever with any Venison- Shop which may be opened in HIS Name, ex- cepting at his OLD and
ESTABLISHed WAREHOUSE, as above, which has been in that Line of Business for Thirty YEARS; during which Period Opportunity has offered for the Selection of the choicest old PARK, CHASE, and FOREST VENISON, highly approved by Gentlemen of distinguished Palates, for its EXCEL- LENCE of FLAVOR.— It will be sent ( warranted SWEET and good) to the most distant Parts of the Kingdom. All Orders, either for Town or Country, will be punctually attended to. BOSTON, July 22d, 1793. To be LET, And entered upon IMMEDIATEly, AMESSUAGE or TENEMENT, and SHOP, eligibly situated in the MARKET PLACE, in BOSTON aforesaid, late in the Tenure or Occupa- tion of Mr. JOHN GIBBONS, Mercer, Draper, and Upholsterer, deceased. The Deceased's Stock in Trade may be taken with the above Premises, at a fair Valuation. All Persons who have any Claim and Demands on the Estate and Effects of the said JOHN GIbBONS, are desi- red forthwith to send an Account of their respective Claims to Mr. JOHN ROWLAND and Mr. JOHN BARTON, the Trustees and Executors under his Will; or to Mr. SAMUEL TUNNARD, Attorney at Law, Boston. And all Persons who stood indebted to the said JOHN GIBBONS, at the Time of
his decease, are desired to pay their respective Debts to the said JOHN ROWLAND and JOHN BARTON, or they will be sued for the same without further Notice. LONG SUTTON, July 9th, 1793 To be SOLD or LET, And entered on directly, or at Michaelmas next, AGood DWELLING - HOUSE, and CAR- PENTER'S SHOP, in full Trade, and the Out- buildings, all in good Repair, with Yard and Garden thereto belonging, situate in SUTTON aforesaid. For further Particulars enquire of JAMES HILLAM, Carpenter, of Long Sutton, who is going to retire from Business. N. B. The Stock in Trade to be taken at a fair Ap praisement. To
be SOLD, ANeat Town- built SINGLE - HORSE CHAISE, almost new, and very substantial. enquire of THOMAS SLIGHT, Auctioneer, Alford, Lincolnshire. COOPER'S Monthly Repository, FOR THE SALe of HORSES, & C. By AUCTION. COOPER'S HORSE REPOSITORY, will commence on SATURDAY the Third of August, 1793, at the SWAN INN, GRANTHAM. Gentlemen and others who please to favor the Auctioneer with their Horses, & c. are requested to send them Two Days before Sale, preparatory to their being viewed, and Catalogues printed. To be SOLD by AUCTION, ( By THOMAS HACKETT) At the Peacock
Inn, in Boston, in the County of Lincoln, on WEDNESDAY the 7th Day if August next, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon ( unless disposed of in the mean Time by private Contract ADESIRABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, in the following Lots :— LOT ill. A very valuable FARM, TYTHE FREE, called SUTTERTON FARM, situate at Sutter- ton Dowdike, in the Parish of SUTTERTON, in the County of Lincoln; consisting of a large FARM- HOUSE, with Gardens, Yards, and all necessary and convenient Barns, Stables, Out- houses, and Offices adjoining, and about One Hundred and Ten Acres of exceeding rich old- inclosed MEADOW
and PASTURE LAND, divided into Thirteen convenient Closes, lying together, and adjoining to the said Farm- House, and held therewith; as the same were late in the Occupation of Mr. John Towns, deceased. Lot 2d. A FARM- HOUSE, with a Barn, Waggon- Hovel, Stables, and proper Offices adjoining, situate in Sutterton Fen, in the Parish of SUTTERTON aforesaid, near the Forty Feet Bank, together with about Fifty- one Acres of new- inclosed AR ABLE, MEADOW, and' PASTURE LAND, in the said Fen, divided into several convenient Closes, lying together, and adjoining to the said Farm- House, and now in the
Occupation of Mrs. Mary Lawson. For farther Particulars enquire of Mr. CHEALES, Attorney at Law, at Sleaford. OAT CROPPING. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On FRIDAY the 9th Day of August next, on the Premises', ABOUT 230 Acres of OATS ( in sundry Lots), now growing on a Farm called TORTRIS HALL FARM, situate in BY ALL FEN, near Mepal Bridge, in the Isle of Ely, and County of Cambridge. Six Months Credit will be given, on approved Security. The Sale to begin at Nine o'Clock in the Forenoon. Also to be LET, at the same Time, Either together, or in Parcels, The aforesaid FARM and LANDS, consist- ing of
about 400 Acres ( Tithe free), and to be entered upon at Lady- Day next, or sooner if desired. For the better Conveniency of this Farm, there will be another good Barn erected thereon ill a proper Situa- tion this Summer. Particulars, respecting the letting of this Farm, may be had of Mr. SHEATH, of Boston. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the Angel Inn, in Bourn, Lincolnshire, on SATURDAY the Tenth Day of August next, between the Hours of Five and Seven in the Evening, unless sooner disposed of by private Contract; ACOPYHOLD COTTAGE or TENE- MENT, with the Yard and Garden thereto be- longing, eontaining, in the
Whole, One Rood ( more or less), situate and being in the Northgate of BOURN, now in the Tenure or Occupation of William Smith, Cordwainer. Further Particulars may be had of MAJOR HART, Attorney at Law, at Bourn aforesaid. zzd July, 1793 To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the House of Mrs. Wilson, the Sign of the Crown, in Retford, Nottinghamshire, on THURSDAY the Fifteenth Day of August next, the Sale to begin at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon', ( situate at TRESWELL, in Nottingham- shire, about six Miles from Retford, Six from Gainsbo- rough, and Ten from Tuxford), An undivided THIRD PART of a FREE- HOLD
ESTATE; consisting of a FARM- HOUSE, Barn, Stable, and other necessary Out- build- ings, Garden, and Orchard thereunto adjoining and belonging, and 70 Acres ( more or less) of inclosed MEADOW or PASTURE GROUND. And 6z Acres of LAND ( more or less) lying dispersedly in the several Town- Fields and Marshes of TRESSWELL aforesaid, with Common Right, and several Beast and sheep Gates appurtenant thereto. Joseph Chambers, the Tenant, or William Chambers, his Son, will shew the Premises ; and for other Particu- lars, in the mean Time, inquire of Messrs. LAMB and ROWNTREE, or Mr. JAMESON,
Attornies, in York To be SOLD by AUCTION, At Belvoir Inn, near Belvoir Castle, in the County of Lei- cester, on FRIDAY the Sixteenth Day cf August, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon ( unless disposed of in the mean Time by private Contract , ONE undivided MOIETY ( or HALF PART) of a FREEHOLD ESTATE; consisting of a HOUSE, with a Barn, and Croft, containing oA. 1 R. 14 P. or thereabouts ; a CLOSE of old- Inclosed PAS- TURE or MEADOW LAND, nearly adjoining the above, containing 1 A. 3R. 18P. or thereabouts; a CLOSE of new- inclosed ARABLE LAND, containing 17 A. oR. 37 P. or thereabouts; situate at
BARK- STONE, in the County of Leicester, and in the Occu- pation of Mrs. Musson. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. JAMSON, Attorney at Law, Nottingham. To be SOLD by AUCTION, ( IN LOTS) At the Rose and Crown Inn, in Wisbech, on SATURDAY the 31st Day of August, 1793, between the Hours of Five and Eight in the Evening, subject to such Conditions as will be then produced; SEVERAL FREEHOLD and COPYHOLD ESTATES, in the Parishes of WALSOKEN and WEST WALTON, in the County of Norfolk; TYDD ST. MARY, and SUTTON ST. JAMES, in the County of Lincoln; and TYDD ST. GILES, in the
County of Cambridge. Printed Particulars may be had of THOMAS RO- BERT GATES, Esquire, Spalding; Mr. HANDLEY, Attorney at Law, Sleaford; Mr. MAXWELL, Fletton, near Peterborough ; and at the principal Inns at Spald- ing, Long Sutton, Wilbech, Crowland, and Peterboro'; the Tenants ; Mrs. MOSS, at Walsoken ; Mr. WIL- LIAM NEWLAND, at West Walton; and Mr. WIL- LIAM KERCHEVALL, at Tydd St. Mary, will shew the Premises. To be SOLD by AUCTION At the Marquis of Granby's Head, in Crowland, in the County of Lincoln, on MONDAY the 2d Day of Sep tember, 1793, between the. Hours of Three and Six in
the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions as will be then pro- duced ; ACOPYHOLD MESSUAGE, in CROW- LAND, in a certain Place called the South- Street, together with Four Acres of LAND in the Alderlands, called a Lot; and Four Acres in the Fodder Lots, with RIGHT of COMMON in CROWLAND COMMON, as the same are in Tenure of Robert Henson. Also a COPYHOLD MESSUAGE, in CROWLAND, in a certain place called the West- Street, together with the like Quantity of LAND in the Alder- lands, and in the Fodder Lots, and RICHT of COMMON in CROWLAND COMMON, as the same are in Tenure of James
Eakins. For further Particulars enquire of THOMAS RO- BERT GATES, Esq. Spalding; Mr. HANDLEY, Attorney at Law, Sleaford ; or Mr. MAXWELL, Flet- ton, near Peterborough. To be SOLD by AUCTION, ( IN LOTS) At the White Hart Inn, at Spalding, on TUESDAY the Third Day of September, 1793, between the Hours of Four and Eight in the Evening, subject to such Conditions as will be then produced; SEVERAL FREEHOLD and COPYHOLD ESTATES, in the Parishes of PEAKHILL, WES- TON, SWINESHEAD, DEEPING SAINT JAMES, and GEDNEY, in the County of Lincoln. Printed Particulars may be had of
THOMAS RO- BERT GATES, Esquire, Spalding; Mr. HANDLEY, Attorney at Law, Sleaford ; Mr. MAXWELL, Fletton, near Peterborough; and at the principal Inns at Wis- bech, Long Sutton, Spalding, Crowland, and Peterboro' The Tenants, William Gedney and Edward Pavy, at Peakhill; Mr. John Overton, at Weston; Mrs. Mary Smith, at Swineshead; Austin Gann, at Deeping St. James; William Kerchevall, at Tydd Saint Mary ( who rents Part of the Land in Gedney and Terrington Gaunt); Edward Hart, Samuel Hunter, and William Kirton, at Gedney; will shew the Premises. By his MAJESTY'S ROYAL LETTERS PATENT,
Bearing Date the 15 lb if May, 1792. THE celebrated WORM MEDICINE, in the form of Gingerbread Nuts, prepared by RO- BERT MASON, Surgeon, Sodbury, Gloucestershire. late ASSIsTANT and SuccesSOR to DOCTOR WAITE, deceased, whose house and business, in SURGERY and PHYSIC, he now occupies, which was assigned to him in the life- time of DOCTOR WAITE. These Nuts break the knot in the gut next the sto- mach, pass through the smallest passages in the body, and purge away those ropy and slimy humours which cause those vermin; they are like wise the best for gross- bodied children, who are apt
to breed Worms, and have large bellies, stinking breaths, and fevers ; they cleanse the bowels of all stiff and clammy humours, which stop the paths, and prevent the juices from being conveyed to the liver. This remedy far excels most purges in the world for restoring the sick ; there is no Medicine more wanting in all families, and it is the best physic yet known where purging is required, such as the Measles, Small- pox, Hard- drinking, and Surfeits ; it also pre- vents Reaching and Vomiting in the morning, and gives eafe in a short time in the molt violent and racking pains of the Cholic. Thefe Nuts likewise act as a most excel lent diuretic, bringing away the Gravel by urine; and also cleanse, purify, and cause a free Circulation of the Blood, when in a manner stagnated. For Children there cannot be a speedy core without a good Worm Medicine, and as a preparative for Inocu- lation ; and for persons of any age when the Small- Pox is in the neighbourhood, there is no medicine so safe and certain. These valuable Nuts are sold genuine in Boxes only, containing thirteen Nuts, Price is. by Mr. New- comb, Stamford; Mr. John Drury, Lincoln; Mr. Wil- cockson, Spalding; Mr. Phillips, Leicester; Mr. Pal- mer, and Mr. Grounds, Wisbech ; Mr. Hodson, Cam bridge; Mrs. Brass, Hull; Mr. Sheardown, Louth; and Messrs. Burbage and Stretton, Nottingham ; and Whole- sale by JOHN SCoTT, No. 417, Strand, London, sole General Agent for this Medicine, to whom all Orders from Country Venders mult be addressed. GENERAL CAUTION. The Nuts sold by J. Evans, of Long- Lane, London, and W. Howard, of Reading, wrapt in Bills, are not the Genuine Worm Medicine, in the form of Gingerbread Nuts, as prepared by the King's Letters Patent, by Robert Mason, Surgeon, in Sodbury, successor to Mr. J. Waite, but an imitation. Be careful and observe, the genuine are in boxes, labeled
with the name of the Patentee, and ask for Mr. MASON'S PATENT WORM NUTS. LEAKE's PATENT PILLS. To THOMAS TAYlOr, Surgeon, No. 9, New Bridge- Street, London. SIR, Dublin, March 10, 1793. IThink it is but doing Justice to the Memory of Mr. LEAKE, to communicate the following very extraordinary Cure performed by his PILULA SALU- TARIA. A Man who has lived with me for some Years, in the Capacity of a Gardener, was about a Twelve- month ago infected with the Venereal Disease, the Consequence of which was a virulent Gonorrhoea ; upon this he imme- diately applied to One of those, who, without any
real Knowledge of the Disease, promised an immediate Cure: The improper Treatment of this Man brought on a Gleet, Buboes in the Groin, and at length, what was at first a slight Clap, degenerated into a confirmed Lues; corroding Ulcers gradually began to cover his Body, and had crept to the Cartilage of his Nose, which they were destroying very fast, when the poor Fellow, finding Dis- guise no longer possible, with Tears in his Eyes, con- fided to me the whole Affair. As he had been to me a most valuable Servant, I procured him all the Assistance 1 was able. After a Week's Attendance, the Faculty declared his Case
desperate. i had heard much of your PiluLA SALUTARIA; in this Case I knew their Effects might be beneficial, and could not be dangerous.— I therefore sent for some,— and it is no less true than surprising, that they actually, in less than a Month, effected a perfect Cure. 1 write this at the Indication of JOHN GORDON ( that is the Man's Name), whose Gratitude is unbounded.— As a Friend of mine is coming to London, I desired him to leave this at your House. I remain, Sir, your humble Servant, THOMAS BISHOP. P. S. If, through the Medium of the public Prints, you chuse to communieate this Instance of the Efficacy ol
LEAKE'S PILLS, you are at Liberty to do so. The above Medicine is prepared and sold by the sole Proprietor, THOMAS TAYLOR, Member of the Corpo- ration of Surgeons, London, at his House, No. 9, New Bridge- street; where he will give Advice, without a Fee, to Person. taking these Pills; and will answer Pa- tients' Letters ( if Post paid) on the same Terms, observ- ing in all Cases the most inviolable Secresy. They are also sold, by his Appointment, for the Con- venience of those living at a Distance, by Mr. NEW- COMB, Bookseller, and Mr. Howgrave, Stamford ; Mr. Quanbrough, Grantham; Messrs. Allin and Ridge,
Newark; Mr. Brooke, and Mr. Drury, Lincoln; Mrs. Worley, Boston ; Mr. Marsh, Louth ; Mr. Jacob, Peter- borough; Mrs. Jenkinson, Huntingdon; and by One Person in every considerable Town in England, in Boxes of only 2S. 9d. each, sealed up with full and plain Direc- tions, whereby Persons, of either Sex, may cure them- selves with Ease and Secrecy. WIND- MILL, ALFORD. To be L E T, And entered upon at MicHAELMAs next, THAT old- established and well- accustomed INN, known by the Sign of the WINDMILL, now and for several Years past in Tenure of Mr. J. GrIFFITHS; with or without Eighty Acres of good
ARABLE, MEADOW, and PASTURE LAND. For Particulars apply to Mr. MAT. GRAHAM, Well- Vale, near Alford, Lincolnshire. CHEAP POCKET NOVELS, OR ENTERTAINING SUMMER'S COMPANION. Printed on so convenient a Size that a Volume may be carried in each Pocket without the least Incumbrance; it therefore forms an agreeable Travelling Companion, affording Amusement in the Garden, the Field, or the shady Bower. This day is published, Price only Sixpence, containing 120 Pages of Letter- Press, neatly printed 0n a fine Wove Paper, and new Tvpe, cast on purpose for the Work. No. I. OF COOKE's
SELECT NOVELS. Commencing with the History of TOM JONES; The First Number is embellished with, 1. A beautiful engraved Vignette Title page. 2. An engraved Dedication to the Prince of Wales, with his Portrait, and elegant Devices. 3. Representation cf an interesting Scene in the above much esteemed Novel. The following Numbers to be published in Weekly Succession, of COOKE's SELECT NOVELS; Or, Novelist's Pocket Library. Being a valuable Collection of NOVELS and TALES written by the most esteemed Authors. PLAN AND CONDITIONS OF THE WORK. I. That these Select Novels shall he printed on a
super- fine Wove Paper, and on a beautiful new Type cast on purpose for the Work. II. That most of the Numbers will contain 108 Pages, and some of them 120. III. That each Number. Price only Sixpence, shall be embellished with one elegant Engraving, and some of them with two, executed by Artists high in estimation, and strikingly picturesque of the most material Incidents that occur in the respective Novels. IV. That in order to accommodate the Curious, a few Impressions will be struck off on superfine Wire- Wove Vellum Paper, hot- pressed, and sewed in a superior manner. From the united Expences attendant on these
extra embellishments will be affixed the additional Charge of only 6d. each Number. V. That to. render the fine Edition as elegant as possi- ble, with every Volume of the same will be given an elegant engraved Vignette Title Page, beside the Engrav- ing which accompanies every Number. The Vignettes will vary in their Devices in every different Novel, in or- der to render them properly allusive to the respective Novels they embellish. VI. That the superior Edition, Price One Shilling, which will contain the Vignette Titles to every Volume, will he also additionally embellished by the first impressi- ons of the plates Printed for C.
COOKE, PATER- NOSTER- ROW ; sold by R. Newcomb, Stamford; JOHN DRuRY, Lincoln; and by all the BOOKSELLERS and Newsmen in Great Britain. %* Each Novel shall be printed detached from the rest, so that either of the Novels may be purchased seperate from the general Collection, by which means those who are already in possession of any of the Novels enumerated tn the List, will not be subjected to the charge of re- purchasing the same, but may confine their Choice to as few ai thay think proper, or ex- tend their Collection to the whole that are printed, which will comprise only those highly approved Novels
which have been stamped with universal Approbation. Price of the Novels already published. Novels. Author,. Quantity. Tom Jones Fielding 9 Numbers 046 o 90 Vicar of Wakefield Goldsmith 2 Numbers o 1 o 020 Joseph andrews Fielding 4Numbers o 2 o o 40 ROderic random smollet 5 Numbers 0 a 6 05 o Tristram Shandy } Sterne Robinson Crusoe De Foe 030 060 Arrangement and Price of the Novels preparing lor the Press. Humphrey Smollet Clinker Amelia Gil Bias Fielding Le Sage Pompey the | coventry | Smollet 4 Numbers 020 o 40 6 Numbers 030 0 60 8 Numbers 040 o 80 2 Numbers 010 o 20 10 Numbers 050 o 10
o 3 Numbers 016 o 30 7 Numbers 036 o 70 a Numbers 010 o 20 4 Numbers 020 o 40 11 Numbers 056 0 II o 1 Number 006 o 1 o 1 Number 006 o 1 o 4 Numbers 020 o 40 Peregrine Pickle Devil upon two sTicks Le Sage Adventures of a Guinea Launcelot .. Greaves Smollet The Sisters Dodd Don Quixote Cervantes Rasselas Johnson Zadig Voltaire C° unt Pa- | Smollet thom Almoran and hametHawkesworth Number o o 6 o 10 S° lyman and Almena Langhorne Tales of theGenii Morrell 5 Numbers o 2 6 o 5 0 Moral Tales Marmontel 5 Numbers o z 6 o 50 F° ol of quality Brookes 8 Numbers 040 o So Arabian Nights
Entertainments Galland 12 Numbers 060 0 12 o Pamela Richardson 11 Numbers 0 j 6 o 11 0 Clarissa Harlowe Richardson 19 Numbers o 9 6 0190 Sir Charles Grandison Richardson numbers o 8 6 0170 For the Accommodation of those Persons who may wish to have the different Works sewed or bound, the Pub- lisher undertakes to get them done at the following Prices -. 1. s. 1). Sewed in marble paper, at per vol. — 002 Neatly bound in sheep, with the backs letter- ed, at per vol. — — — 006 Elegantly bound in calf, with the backs gilt and lettered, at per vol. — — 010 * 4* Every Number of this Elegant Work will contain a
Three Shilling Volume in quantity, and sometimes considerably more; printed on a superfine Wove paper, and on a beautiful Type, cast on purpose for the Work : So that this complete collection of the most esteemed Novels may be purchased at less than half the price of the most cheap and unadorned Editions. FoR THE ITCH. By the King's Authority is Sold. DR. WHEATLEY's Remedies for the ITCH, which cures in Four Hours, is of an agree- able Smell, does not contain the least Particle of Mer- cury, or any pernicious Ingredient whatever, so that In- fants at the Breast may be cured without the least Danger. The great
Demand for this Ointment sufficiently shews its Efficacy, as well as the ( frequent tho') fruitless At- tempts to imitate it; there is no Medicine of the Kind which cures in so short a Time but as many Persons may dislike the use of an Ointment, the Doctor prepared a Liquid as perfectly safe, and as certain in its effects ; it has no smell, nor does it in the least soil the Linen ( a Circumstance which renders it highly valuable) and to some People much superior to any Ointment. Sold retail by R. NEWCOMB, Stamford ; Wm. Brooke, and John Drury, Lincoln; Thomas Ball, Sleaford ; W. Mitton, and W. Allen, Grantham; Messrs. Allin and
Ridge, Newark; J. Jenkinson, Huntingdon; and may be had of any of the Agents and Men that circulate this Paper ; at 2V. 9d. the Bottle, and is. 9d. the Box, Duty included : And sold wholesale only by JOHN WYE ( late Partner with Dicey and Co.) at his Medicinal Warehouse, No. 59, Coleman- Street, London; where may be had, Dr. Bateman's original Pectoral Drops; true Daffy's Elixir; Anderson's, or the true Scot's Pills : Dr. Hooper's Pills; Squire's and Radcliff's Elixirs, and every other genuine Medicine, either Wholesale or Retail DAWSON's ELIXIR, and LITHONTRIP- TIC LIQUOR. To Mr. MARRIOTT. SIR, IN Justice to my
Conscience, and in Gratitude to your invaluable Medicine, 1 send you the follow- ing authentic and efficacious Production of Mr. DAW- SON's ELIXIR, and his LITHONTRIPTIC LIQUOR as now solely prepared by you— For Six or Seven Years last past, I have been, by Intervals, much afflicted with a Windy Cholic, and Gravelly Substance in the Kidnies. which oft Times obstructed the Urinary Passage, and caused excruciating Pains, with a sickly Lowness of Habit.— Hearing strong Recommendations of DAWSON'S DROPS, prepared by Mr. EDWARD MARRIOTT, of Barrowden, in the County of Rutland, about Eleven Months
ago, I applied for a Bottle of each Sort, and f immediately took a Quantity of Drops of each, which had the desired effect, and entirely removed the Pains- and when 1 perceived any Relapse, by having Recourse to the above Medicines, it speedily vanished — That others in the same Situation may know where to apply for Relief, I send you this Information, and am, with due Respect, Your humble Servant, JOHN FLETCHER. HARRINGWORTH, June 25th, 1793. The above are sold in Bottles at 2s. 9d. and es. 6t!. each, by Mr. NEWCOMB, Stamford; and Mr. John Grummit, of Stainfield, in Lincolnshire. Extract from the Leeds
Intelligencer. Monday, 29th July. Dr. BRODUM, PHYSICIAN and OCULIST, From No.. 9, ALBION- STREET, BLACKfrIARS BRIDGE, LONDON. ATO THE PUBLIC. Still greater Proof of the Efficacy of Dr Brodum'S NERVOUS CORDIAL, which is re- commenced by the most eminent Physicians. George Whitaker, of Dewsbury- Bank, near Wake- field, was afflicted for many Years with a dangerous Nervous Disorder and Bilious Complaint, a Complication of Disorders that caused a great Weakness in his Head, which almost deprived him of Sight at Times ; likewise Medicines, all to no Purpose, till fortunately hearing of Dr. Bro dum's famous Nervous Cordial, by taking Five Bottles, was perfectly cured. GEORGE WHITAKER. , Daniel Brook, Clothier, Dewsbury- Bank. Witnesses.- Robert Harrison, Merchant, Hunslett- Lane. Leeds. ' July the 25th, 1793. In Gratitude to you, and for the Good of my Fellow Creatures, I do hereby testify, that my Daughter, Eliza- beth Wood, of Barwick- in- Elmet, near Leeds, was in a Decline, and her Legs were swelled in an extraordi- nary Manner;— by taking Five Bottles of Dr. Brodum's Nervous Cordial, was perfectly cured, and is now as hearty as ever she was in her Life.- As witness my Hand. July 21, 1793.
ELIZABETH WOOD, Sen. Witness, Theop. Stead, of the Old Swan, Call- Lane, Leeds. This admirable Medicine which is to be had at WiLli- AM BroduM'S, M. D. No. 9, Albion- street, near the Leve- rian Museum, Blackfriars- Bridge; at Bacon's Patent Warehouse, No. 150, Oxford- strcet; Mr. NEWCOMB, Stamford; Mr. Cook, Uppingham; Mrs. Worley. Bos- ton; Mr. Quanborough, Grantham; Mr. John Drury and Mrs. Drummond, Lincoln; Mrs. S. Drury, Grocer. Newark; Mr. Weir, Horncastle; Mr. Sheardown, and Mr. Marsh, Louth ; Mr. White, and Mr. Ground, Wis- bech j Mr. Albin, Spalding; Mr. Allen, Sleaford; at every Patent
Medicinal Warehouse within the circuit of this Paper; and of the Newsmen ; with proper direc- tions, 111 bottles, price 5d. ns. 6d. and ij. 2% duty included. Likewise a list of remarkable cases, in which the most extraordinary Curcs have been affected by means f of this Medicine, which may be seen in the bills of di- rection. Where may be had, the BOTANICAL Syrup for Can- cers, and many desperate Cases of Evil, Scurvy, and Leprosy, as well as in removing pimpled Faces, sore Legs, or other disagreeable Eruptions and counteracting the Progress of a seeret lnfection, and the bad effefts of taking Mercury, and drinking to
Excess, and of former injudicious Treatments— with a List of different Cures in York, Sec. ( cc. Price 5s. 5d. lis. 6d. » nd ll. u. a Bottle, Duty included. Letters, addressed as above, will be duly an. swered. N. B. As there is a Person who calls himself a DOctor, entitles himself a Physician, and imitates my Writings, and advertises a Medicine in Name similar to mine;—- I therefore, for the Good of the unguarded Public, cau- tion them to pay Attention to the following;— that on the Seal of my Medicines is the Name of Dr. Brodum and in each Direction Bill is my Degree, authenticated by the College of Physicians as a regular- bred
Man. The Doctor may be conxulted every Monday, from Nine in the Morning till Five in the Evening, at Mr. Peart's, Market- Piace, Thirxk; and every Wednesday from Nine in the Morning till Five in the Evening, at Mr. Allison's, Cabinet- Maker, Market- Place, Knares- bro'; and every Thursday, from Nine in the Morning till Five in the Evening, af Mr. Bunett's, Coach- Maker. Market- Place, Ripon. BETTON's ONLY TRUE BRITISH OIL. THE Limits of an Advertisement will not admit an Enumeration of Half the Complaints to which this Oil is applicable, and gives certain Relief: but it has no Equal for the Cure of internal or external
Bruises, Lameness, Swellings, Contusions, green and other Wounds, Burns, Scalds, Contraction of the Nerves, Consumptions, Phthsic, Coughs, Inflamma- tions, St. Anthony's Fire, scorbutic, rheumatic, and le- prous Disorders. In the above Complaints Hundreds have experienced its wonderful Efficacy, many of whole Names and Residences are annexed to the Bill of Direc- tions, given with each Bottle. No Betton's British Oil is genuine but that which has Dicey and Co. No. 10, Bow Church Yard, London," printed on the Label, which, by Act of Parliament, must be pasted on each Phial to denote the Duty, to imitate Which is a
capital offence. Betton's British Oil is also found to be an infallible Cure for the following Disorders, to which Cattle and Sheep are very subject:— Staking Blood, and Surfeit, Hardness and Stoppage in the Maw, and the Maggot or Mange, The Bottles are sealed with Betton's Arms, round which is inscribed. BETTON'S TRUE and GeNuINE BRITISH Oil. It is only sold Wholesale by Dicey and Co. and retail by them and their Appointment, at One or more Shops in every Market Town and considerable Village in the Kingdom. Price One Shilling and Three Half- pence per Bottle, Duty included. N. B. At the above Warehouse may
also be had, the following genuine and truly prepared Medicines, with the Name of Dicey and Co. on each, viz. Dr. Story's Worm Cakes. Bathing Spirits. Fine Turned Orange Peas. Lady's Court Plaister. Beaume de Vie. Cephalic Snuff. , Dr. Bateman's Pectoral Drops. Dr. J. Hooper's Female Pills. Dr. Bostock's Purging elixir. Squire's Grand Elixir. Godfrey's General Cordial. Fryar's Balsam. Dr. Anderson's, or the True Scots Pills. Dr. Fraunces's Strengthening Elixir. Dr. Stoughton's Stomachic Elixir. The True Daffy's Elixir, Half Pint Bottles. A small Size, Six Ounces. Pike's Ointment, for Itch, and Cutaneous Eruptions. Bateman's
Golden and Plain Spirits of Scurvy Grass. The different Medicines prepared by Messrs. DICEy and Co. are vended by R. NEWCOMB; T. Howgrave, and W. Harrod, Stam- ford ; W. Brooke, John Drury, and R. Drummond, Lin- coln; J. Quanborough, and W. Allen, Grantham; J. Tomlinson, Newark; T. Ball, Sleaford; W. Ward, Falkingham ; M. Casswell, Rippingale ; W. Thorpe, Bourn; H. Butler, Deeping; J. Horden, and J. R. Jacob, Peterborough ; W. Read, Whittlesea; W. Gib- son, Oakham; M. Worley, Boston; j. Finch, Kirton in Holland; W. Hanley, Swineshead W. Hunt, Don- ington ; G. Medcalf, and T. Hawkes, Spalding; J. Pal mer, and D. Wright, Wainfleet; R. Gresswell, Burgh ; M. Worley, Alford ; J. Gibson, Coningsby ; J. Simpson, ' and J. Tayton, Tattershall; Bromley and Keal, and W. Ellis, Horncastle; R. Booth, Caistor; R. Sheardown, Louth; T. Bradley, Brigg; J. Tayler, Gainsboro'; . Ellis, Horbling; J. Baines, Bawtry; D. Boys, and W. Sheardown, Doncaster; R. Pearson, Melton- Mowbray ; W. Robinson, Winteringham and Winterton ; J. Tay- lor, Retford ; and at most of the principal Shops through, out England. STAMFORD: Printed by C. PEAT and R. NEWCOMB, at their Office in the High- street; where Letter- press and Copper- plate PRINTING
is executed with accuracy, elegance, and expedition, on the most reasonable terms ADVERTISEMENTS, ARTICLES of IN TELLIGENCE, & c, are taken in by the following Persons Miss Worley Mr. Preston. Mr. Wilbar. Mrs. Swallow, Mr. Whatmuff. Mrs. Baines, Mr. Cowper. Mr. Booth. Mr. Rowley. Mr. Lambert. Mr. Hunt Doncaster, B0ys & Sheardown. Gainfboro', Grantham, Horncaltle, Hull, Mr. Wressels Mr. Wright. Miss Whaley. Mr. Allen. Mr. Weir. Mr. Brown. Holbeach, Mr. Dixon. Huntingdon, Mr. Jenkinson. Heckington, Mr. R. Taylor. Long Sutton, Mr. Gregg. Leicester, M . Gregory. Lynn, Mr Marshall. Mr. Brooke. Mr. John
Drury, LINCOLN, . Mr, Gray, Mr. Marsh, LoUth and Mr. Sheardown i; of whom this Paper, and Books and Medicines advertifed therein, may be regularly had : , and Newark, Allin and Ridge. Retford, Mr. Taylor. | Thorney, Mr. Ground. Also by Mr. KIRKMAN, at No. 1, . Nottingham. Mr. Burbage. East Harding Street fetter lane Mr. TAYLEr, Warwick- Court, Melton, Market Raisen, Mr. Bright. Mr. Cooper. Nottingham, Northampton, Oundle, Oakham, Peterborough, Mr. Burbage. Mr, Sutton. Mr. Ellis. Mrs. Hicks. Mr. Harden. Spalding, Sleaford, Stilton, Spilsby, Mr. Albin. Mr. Fawcitt. Mr. Allen. Mrs. King. Mr. Hoff Tuxford, Tattersall,
Uppingham, Wainfleet, Wisbech, Mr. B. Clarke. Mr. Gibbons. Mr. Cook,. Mr. Wright. Mr. White.