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The Edinbugh Evening Courant


Printer / Publisher: David Ramsey 
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 14/02/1932 00:00
No Pages: 4
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The Edinbugh Evening Courant
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The Edinbugh Evening Courant

Date of Article: 25/07/1793
Printer / Publisher: David Ramsey 
Address: Old Fish-market Close
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 14/02/1932 00:00
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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no. 11,. 733 THURSDAY,, 25. 1793 [ PRICE 3d). Theatre, Dundee. MR . WILSON, MR. PALMER, MR R. PALMER, & MR LEE LEWES, COMEDIANS, Most respectfully inform the Public, tHAT they will OPEN the above THEATRE for TWELVE NIGHTS.— It does not become them to boast of the opportunity that has offered them to unite their respecive talents; but they hope to claim the merit of not resting solely on their own performances, by paying that dutiful attention to the general Call of the Plays, to as com- binedly, to render it a singular instance in Scotland of Dra- The day of opening will be announced in future advertise^ ments. This Day are Published, BY BELL & BRADFUTE, EDIN. And R. Morison & Son, Perth— Vol. II. price 6s. in Boards, OBSERVATIONS Made in a Journey thro' THE WESTERN COUNTIES OK SCOTLAND, IN THE AUTUMN OT 1791; Relating to the Scenery, Antiquities, Customs, Manners, Population, Agriculture, Manufactures, Com- merce, Political Condition, & Lite- rature of these Parts. Sed neque Medorum sylvx, ditissima terra— Nec pulcher Ganges, atque turbidus Hermus, Laudibus Italia; certent : — O fortunatos nimium, sua si bona norint!" VirG. BY ROBERT HERON. Where also may he had, lately published, VOL. I. price 6s. in boards, ^ and the NEW BANKRUPT ACT, price Is. ^ THIS DAY IS PUBLISHER, BY WILLIAM CREECH, ( Price 1s. ) THE USEFULNESS & NECESSITY LIBERAL EDUCATION for CLERGYMEN, A Sermon, From Matt. v. 14.— preached in the Tron Church of Edinburgh, before the Society for the Benefit of the Sons of the Clergy, on the 28th of May 1793, BY ALEXANDER CARLYLE, d. D. F. R. S. E. Published by Desire of the Society. To which is added, AN ACCOUNT OF THE OBJECTS AND CONSTI- TUTION OF THE SOCIETY. In Edinburgh, A FIVE POUND BANK NOTE— Apply to Mr. A Ramsay, John's Coffeehouse LORD BREADALBANE being resolved PRESERVE tbe GAME upon his estates in Perthshire and Argyleshire, including the Islands that belong to him on the West Coast, hopes no Gentleman will shoot or kill Game there without liberty ; and all poachers or persons that have rot a written. permission from his Lordship will be prosecuted NOTICE IS hereby'given, That a GENERAL MEETING of the PERTHSHIRE AGRICULTU- RAL SOCIETY is to be held at Crieff upon Monday the 29th July, 1793- JAMES PATON, Sec T E A S, Reduced in Price Sixpence per Pound. SHEPPARD, South Bridge Street, is inform the Public, That,- from a very advantageous chafe he made at the India- House, last Sale, and which are just arrived by the way of Berwick, be has commenced the SALE of TEAS at the following REDUCED , 3Si 6d. that Fine 1 Fine Hyson Superfine Hyson 7s. 6d. / Congo Leaf 2s. 3d. Best Bohea. Superfine Pekoe Souchong js. 6< 1 Superfine Congo. was 4s. Fine Congo, 3s. ditto 3s. 6d. Good Congo, 2s. 6d. ditto 3s. Fine Souchong, 4s. that was 4s. 6d. Superfine Souchong, 6d. ditto 5s. Superfine Campoi ,5 s. do. 5 s. 6d. DEALERS served in Chests, or Money, on as low terms as by any wholesale tea sbop in London. If thirteen pounds or upwards are bought, Trett will be allowed, the fame as is given by the India Company. SOLD by appointment of Anna Fry and Son, Patent Cho- colate and Cocoa— Cocoa Nuts and Shell— Ground Cocoa, Is per pound— Best Coffee Beans, is.— Roasted, 3s.— Best Ground Coffee, 3s.— Ground Coffee, 25. Finest Currie Powder and Cayenne Pepper") in bottles, r „ L , Ycry China Cinnamon, Japan Soy and Confecft- I Cheap, ed Ginger. J FINE CLAYED SUGAR, with all other Sugars, at Colt to Tea Customers. NEW HEATHER HONEY, 4s. the Pint ^ ' GOOD & CHEAP GREEN & BLACK TEA. WILLIAM THORBURN has much pleasure in acquainting his Customers, that a part of the CHEAP TEAS, bought by him at the India Company's last sale, is arrived ; and assures them, that they shall have tbe fullest benefit that tbe cheapness of the sale and the large quantity he bought will admit of. Families in Edinburgh, will please send their orders to his ROOM, Fifth Land above the TRON CHURCH, which will be carefully answered from his Warehouse in I. eith. Retailers will not only have every allowance given by the India Company, but have the advantage of feeing tbe teas before purchasing them. Dealers in the Country may have samples sent by the carriers. N. B. The BLACK TEA at 3s. 8d. and 4 « - and the HY- SON- GREEN TFAS at 6s. 7s. 8s. per lb. are the cheapest ever sold in this Country. AT LEITH, FOR NEW YORK The AMERICAN SHIP PROVIDE JAMES MARTIN Master, Is taking in goo. ds, and will be clear to sail the 15th of August 1793- This vessel sails remarkably fast, and has good accommo- dation for passengers. For freight or passage apply to Robert Brunton merchant, I. eith, or the Master. STAVES AND ASHES. To be SOLD by public roup, on Thursday the 8th of at eleven o'clock forenoon, at the Yard of William Grinly Broker, Leith, 14,700 PIPE STAVES | 200 HEADING 1 too HOGSHEAD DO. | 152 PINE PLANKS 11,500 BARREL DITTO | 86 OAK BOAT BOARDS And the same Day, at one o'' clock afternoon, at the Warehouse of Robert Brunton, Leith, 118 Barrels AMERICAN PEARL ASHES, First Sort It Do. DO. DO. 2d Sort 13 Do. DO. POTASHES, 1st Sort i Do. DO. DO. 2d Sort JULY 25. 1793. AMErICAN TAR. For SALE, CARGO of an EXCELLENT QUALITY received by the Mally, Capt. Maxwell, just arrived from Wilmington in North Carolina. Apply to Robert Anderson and Co. Edinburgh, or at their Warehouse in Leith— who have also for sale about 5o Hogs- heads TOBACCO, and a few Tierces of RICE, received by same vessel. A' DESERTED, From the 1st or Grant Fencible Regiment, at Foot JAMES SMITH, by trade a nailer, born in the parish and county of Aberdeen, aged 30 years of there- by, 5 feet 4 inches high, fair complexion, yellow tpir, blue eyes, stout made— had on when he deserted a ^ Jr a brown duffle short coat, with plain yellow metal buttons, a blue cloth waistcoat with metal buttons, corduroy breeches a good deal wore, and blue stockings, with yellow his shoes. He wrought about twelve month ago with Mr James Davie, nail- maker in Perth, and is married to Janet Birnie, a native of Montrose. JOSHUA BAILLIE, by trade a mason, or marble- cut- ter, born in the parish of Dungannon, and county of Tyrone, in the kingdom of Ireland, aged 25 years or thereby, 5 feet "" inches high, fresh complexion, brown hair, grey eyes, stout made—- had on when he deserted, a tartan bonnet, red jacket with green facings and plain metal buttons, a white waistcoat and tartan, kilt, red and white tartan hose, and new shoes. It is thought both these deserters arc gone fouth, to inlist with some of the Independent Companies recruiting parties. THOMAS DUNCAN, aged about 20 years, 5 feet inches high, fair complexion, fair hair, blue eyes, born in the parish of Forres and county of Moray.— The said Tho- mas Duncan is a vary handsome young man, neatly dressed, and has for fome time followed the business of a travelling chapman, but failed lately.— He absconded upon the 14th in- stant, and is suppofed to have gone to some sea- port in order to get to London. A reward of TWO GUINEAS will be paid for apprehend- ing each of said Deserters, and lodging them in any of his Majesty's gaols within Great Britain, over and above the Twenty Shillings, allowed by Government, on applying to Isaac Grant, Esq. writer to the signet, Edinburgh, Hugh Hutcheon, Esq. advocate, Aberdeen; or to the Commanding Officer at Forres. SIEGE OF MENTZ. JOURNAL OF THE OPERATIONS. July 8.— Yesterday an order was given to pre- pare for dislodging the French garrison from Cost- heim. The attack was made at ten at night, and the cannonade was the heaviest heard since the com- mencement of the siege. A shower of shells and grenades was discharged against the chapel of Cost- heim, and the redoubts. During this time the Ger- mans surrounded the place, and cut the advanced posts in pieces. The combat continued till two o' clock this morning, when the French betook them- selves to flight. Between three and four hundred men, several of whom had concealed themselves in the cellars, were made prisoners. The streets of Costheim were strewed with dead bodies. The loss of the Germans, who took possession also of two re- doubts near Costheim, is unknown. The French still occupied those at the point of the Rhine ; the Ger- mans, however, having attacked them this day, these were also abandoned. July 9.— This day the French prisoners taken at Costheim were sent to Frankfort; they were in num ber about 138, five of whom are officers. July 10.— This day the wounded prisoners were also conveyed to Frankfort— they were conveyed by water. A valet de chambre, named Schul, who conducted the Imperialists to Costheim, received a reward of ten caroluses. Our troops, in that at- tack, took eight pieces of cannon, with some cais- sons of powder and draught horses. BRUSSELS GAZETTE. EXTRAORDINARY, JULY 12. & 15. OFFICIAL ACCOUNT OF THE OPERATIONS OF THE COMBINED ARMY beFORe VALENCIENNES. Head Quarters General at Herin, July II. This day the town of Conde surrendered by ca- pitulation. A part of the corps who blockaded this place, under the command of his Serene High- ness the Prince of WURTEmBURG, took possession of the out- works, advanced forts, and redoubts, and even of the draw- bridge of the gate which leads towards Tournay. Agreeable to the capitulation, the 4009 men who composed the garrison, are to go out from Conde on the morning of the 13th with the honours of war, but when they come to the glacis, they are to lay down their arms and remain prisoners. The siege of Valenciennes is still carried on with vigour, and notwithstanding the efforts made by the garrison to oppose it, we lose very few men, as we are not obliged to hurry our works and at- tacks; it is impossible for the armies of the enemy to relieve the place, which gives us time to spare our people. The night between the 8th and 9th was employ- ed in completing the batteries of the third parallel, in establishing two new ones, and to form the com- munications. In the day- time the workmen conti- nued to enlarge the excavations. The violent fir- ing which the enemy continually kept up during the night with their cannon and mortars, as well as with their musquetry, killed 5 of our men, and wounded 14 ; among the latter is Count HENDI, Captain of artillery, who received a contusion in the foot. The night between the 9th and the 10th was employed with so much ardour in extending and completing the preceding works, that two dis- mounting batteries of the third parallel, and one in the second, were completely finished, and the com- munications enlarged to the requisite breadth. In the afternoon of the 9th, the enemy made an extraordinary effort from the curtain, near the gate of Mons, by means of a very brisk fire of can- non, mortars, and howitzers, directed against our batteries and communications; but it was at length silenced by that from our dismounting batteries. Towards next morning they renewed their at- tempt, but with as little success. The last twenty- four hours we had 5 men killed and 25 wounded — Among the latter is Sub- Lieutenant HELFENSTEIN of the bombardiers. July 12.— Yesterday we received intelligence of two advantages gained by our troops over the ene- my, between the Sambre and the Meuse, in French Flanders. According to the first report, General Count de LATOUR states, that the French having collected all the troops they could, came between ten and eleven at n'ght, to attack with five columns at once the line of his advanced posts. Their first column advanced against a post near Hantes, which we occupy only in the day time.— As there were consequently no troops there, they took possession of it without any attack ; but they were driven from it at day- break by Major Count de HADDIC of the regiment of Cobourg. The se- cond column of the enemy, consisting of 600 in- fantry and 200 cavalry, marched towards the farm of Salmagne. The third, consisting of 1200 in- fantry and 80 cavalry, with three pieces of can- non, made a sudden and unexpected attack on an advanced post, which was unable to resist such a su- perior force. This being reported to the brave Major NesliNGER of the regiment of Stein, who was on a piquet guard, he hastened to the relief of the redoubt at the head of a company, and falling upon the enemy's column with incredible bravery, killed 51 of them, took 85 prisoners, and obliged them to fly with precipitation. The fourth column, consisting of chasseurs, ad- vanced against our centre, and the fifth, consisting of some battalions of infantry, reinforced by caval- ry, attacked our right near Donzies and Lamotte, but Major Count KEGLEVIES of the regiment of Blankenstein, at the head of his hussars, attacked them, killed their commandant, with another offi- cer, and thirty soldiers, and put the rest to flight. The enemy left in the whole above 100 dead on the field of battle, among whom are the command- ant of one of the columns, and two other officers. We took prisoners one Colonel, one Captain, and 107 privates. Our loss consists in 11 killed, 25 wounded, and 36 prisoners surprized by the enemy The secend report of Lieutenant- Colonel de GOMETZ, of the Staff, announces, that Major UTZ, of the regiment of Blankenstein, wishing to free our advanced posts from the frequent attacks made against them by a body of the enemy, consisting of 8oo men, who were entrenched at Oost- Capelle, between Bergues and Roueil- Brugge, near our fron- tiers, he resolved to dislodge them. He therefore set out from the latter place on the 7th of this month, at the head of a detachment, consisting of Tyrolian chasseurs, with a party of the regiment of Laudon- verd and the hussars of Blankenstein, while Captain STANGER, with a detachment of the regi- ment of Laudon- verd, and a company of that of Orange- Gueldre, advanced by Beverin to support him. They made their, attack with so much suc- cess, that the enemy were driven from their en treachments, leaving 100 dead on the spot, while we had only eight killed and 11 wounded of the Austrians, and one killed and one wounded of the Dutch. On the night between the 10th and 11th, the works before Valenciennes were carried on with the utmost possible ardour. Great advances were made in the batteries, and the principal part of the artil lery were placed on them. The communications of the third parallel were completely finished, as well as the banquettes of defence and sortie, and bags of sand were placed on the parapets between the bat- teries. Our dismounting batteries of mortars and howitzers did great damage to the enemy's works in several places, and silenced the fire from the town ; while our grenades and pedereroes several times drove the workmen from the covered- way, so that the enemy's fire of musquetry was very faint during this night. We had 7 men killed and 22 wounded. On the night between the 11th and 12th the pa- rapet of the second parallel was raised at the left wing, to cover the new dismounting batteries which have been established there. The works at the batteries of the third parallel were continued.— They were mounted with artillery, and bags of sand were placed on the parapets between them.— All the supplies necessary for the siege were convey- ed to the right wing. In the afternoon of the nth, the enemy kept up a most violent fire, by means of which one of our mortar batteries was greatly da- maged ; but it was repaired in the night time.— The fire from our batteries was never discontinued ; during the course of the night we, above all, threw a great number of howitzers and bombs into the covered way, to prevent the enemy's fire of mus- quetry. These last 24 hours cost us four killed and 30 wounded. Lieut. PROHASKA, of the regiment of Michel Wallis, and Ensign WANEREMONDERE, of that of Wurtemberg, are among the latter. PROCLAMATION. FREDERICK JOSIAS, Duke of SAXE COBOURG, CLEVES, JULIERS, ENGEREN, and WESTPHALIA, Grand Cross of the Military Order of MARIA THERESA, Mareschal Commandant in Chief of the armies of his Majesty the EMPEROR and KING, and of the Empire, & c. & c. The town, fortress, and district of Conde having been subjected to the power of the EMPEROR and KING, by the valorous troops which I have the ho- nour to command, I declare by the present Procla- mation, that I take possession of it in the name of his IMPERIAL and ROYAL MAJESTY ; and that I grant to all the peaceful inhabitants of the conquered country every safety and protection. I declare, moreover, that I shall employ the authority which f exercise in virtue of the right of conqued, only to preserve public order, and to secure persons and pro- perty ; and wishing to pursue the first measures ne- cessary for accomplishing these important objects, I declare also, that it is my desire that all Clubs and all Assemblies, not authorised, whatever they may be, may immediately cease ; being firmly' resolved to dissolve and suppress them by every means in my power, and to inflict severe, military, and ex- emplary punishment on all those who shall hold such Clubs or Assemblies at their houses— or those who shall convene them or assist at them— or those who by actions or words shall insult or injure any person whatever— and in short, on all those who' in any manner shall disturb the public order and tranquil- Done at my Head Quarters General, at Herin, July 13. 1793. ( Signed) P. R. COBOURG, F. M. BRITISH HEAD QUARTERS. ESTREUX, July 16. On the 13th, agreeable to articles of surrender, the garrifon of Conde marched out of the town, and laid down their arms. It consisted of 4009 men, among whom were three regiments of the line, a- mounting to 2700: The rest were national guards, the strongest battalions of whom confided of 440 men. The troops of the line in general, and a few of the national guards, looked well; but the rest cut a miserable figure. They had been living for some time on eleven ounces of bread, and two of horse- flesh, and some rice, per diem. A considerable quantity of rice was still remaining, but bread had very much failed. They carried out with them about one hun- dred horses in good condition. One hundred and three pieces of ordnance were found in the place, but the quantity of ammunition was inconsiderable. The firing from Valenciennes ceased on a sudden this morning, and a flag of truce came out from the town. It was the general conjecture and ex- pectation, that the French were at length going to surrender.— The occasion was, however, to conduct a lady, a Madame METIOUR, to our camp, who wished to leave the place, and wanted to go to Pa- ris. She was readily received, but the latter part of her request cannot at present be complied with. She has her choice of Mons, Conde, or Brussels, for her present place of residence. The present operations of the siege are very much confined to mining, from which the greatest advantages are expected. The suspension of hosti- lities gave the Captain of the mines an opportuni- ty of walking to the covered way, and ascertaining the progrefs, length, and depth of his mine. During the truce, likewise, several of our officers had an op- portunity of conversing with some of those of the Troupes de Ligne, who came without the garrison. They expressed their wishes to furrender, and in- deed to come over entirely to t'ne KING'S party; but they were deterred by the consideration of their wives and families, who were in Valenciennes, and would be at the mercy of the Governor. There are frequent skirmishes between our ad- vanced posts and those of the enemy, in all of which we are successful— The French attacked, four days ago, an Austrian post, near Maubeuge, in which affair they had 103 taken prisoners, and a much greater number killed and wounded. The Austri- ans had only between 20 and 30 killed and wound- ed. Since the 10th, only one British has been kill- ed, and seven have been wounded, in the trenches. The loss of the Austrians, Hanoverians, and Hessians has been somewhat proportionably greater, particularly last night, when near fifty were killed and wounded. A very heavy cannonade is at pre- sent carrying on on both sides. WantED TO PURCHASE, LIEUTENANCY in the ARMY.— Apply to Kenneth M'Allum merchant, Glasgow, or to Hugh M'Lean, writer in Edinburgh, at Mr Campbell's, No. 37, Queen Street, Edinburgh. JULY 25. 1793. Not to be repeated. - DESERTED, From his Majesty's 4t! l ( or Queen's 0wn) Regiment Dragoons, JOHN GREEN, 29 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high fair complexion, grey eyes, dark brown hair, by trade a blacksmith, born at Pankridge, in the county of Staf- ford. ROBERT BRYARS, 22 years of age, 5 feet 9 inches high, fair complexion, grey eyes, brown hair, by trade a weaver, born at Girvan, in the county of Ayr. THOMAS WILSON, 19 years ef age, 5 feet 8 inches high, dark complexion, black eyes, black hair, by trade a weaver, born in the parilh of Smithwells, in the county of Lancaster. Whoever will apprehend and secure the above deserters, ( hall receive TWENTY SHILLINGS Reward for each of them, above the allowance by aft of Parliament, on apply- ing to the Commanding Officer of the 4th Dragoons at Mus- selburgh, or to Mess. Cox and Greenwood, Agents, Craig's Court, London. DESCRIPTIONS OF THE FOLLOWING DESERTERS OF HIS MAJESEY's 57th REGT. OF FOOT Edinburgh Castle, July 25.1793. _ v ALEXANDER M'DOUGAL, AGED 32 YEARS,' 5 feet 95 inches high, dark complexion, long vifage, brown eyes, and brown hair, born in the parish of Glincow, Argyllshire, North Britain, and by trade a labourer. LAWRENCE STURGEON, aged 22 years, 5 feet 7 inches high, fwarthy complexion, long visage, grey eyes, brown hair, born in Belfast, Ireland, and by trade a. weaver. JOHN SCOTT, alias JOHN HAMILTON, formerly belonging to the 16th regiment of foot, aged 22 years, 5 feet 6 J inches high fair complexion, round visage, grey eyes, fair hair, born in Glasgow, North Britain, and by trade a weaver Any person apprehending any of the above deserters, will receive ONE GUINEA, above his Majesty's Reward, for each, on application to th e Commanding Officer in Edin- burgh Castle. The London Gazette. SATURDAY— JULY 20. Whitehall, July 20, ARTICLES of CAPITULATION proposed by General CHAN- CEL, Commander in Chief at CONDE. ART. I. The garrison shall surrender themselves prisoners of war ; shall march out with the honours cf war ; shall transport their cannon to the Hamlet of Cocq, where they shall lay down their arms, bat- talion by battalion, as well as their colours.— Answer. Granted. 2. The Staff Officers, the Commissaries of War, and the Officers of every rank, shall retain their swords, their portmanteaux and trunks, with their carriages and horses ; and, if his Serene Highness should desire it, they shall give their parole of ho- nour that whatever they carry away is their own pri- vate property.— Answer. Granted. 3. The garrison shall remain in the place until the 12th instant, from whence it shall depart, in two columns, 24 hours interval being given for their be- ing conducted to the place.— A. Granted till the 12th ; on the 13th the garrison shall march out at the hour which shall be agreed on. They shall have 24 hours previous notice of the place to which they shall be conducted. 4. Each battalion shall carry away its covered waggon, drawn by four horses ; and it shall, more- over, be furnished with all the carriages necessary for the garrison.— A. The horses belonging to the French nation may be used for drawing the baggage to the place where the troops shall be detained pri- soners of war; and, if a greater number of waggons shall be necessary, they shall be furnifhed ( or boats) ; but covered waggons are refufed. 5. The French Commissaries of War shall remain in the place, to attend to the support and the police of the hospitals. Provisions and medicines shall be furnished, by his Serene Highness's orders, to the military of all ranks who shall be actually in the said hospitals, and to the sick Officers in their own apart ments, at the expence of the French nation, until their entire recovery ; and as often as a certain number of convalescents shall be in a situation to bear being removed, a sufficient number of carriages shall be furnished, with an escort, to conduct them with safety to the town appointed by his Serene Highness.— A. Granted ; provided that the number of Commissaries who may remain shall he limited by the Commander of the Imperial garrison, and shall be subject to his directions. 6. The General, the Staff Officers, and the prin- cipal Officers of all the corps of the garrison, shall carry away with them ( as being responsible) all the papers which may be necessary either for their justi- fication, or to enable them to give an account of their personal conduct, to such as have a right to require it, since the blockade of the place.— A. Granted ; after the said papers shall have been examined, in order to certify that they contain objects only rela- tive to their responsibility, and not to the archives of the place. 7. The Commanding Officers of Artillery, and of Engineers, shall remain in the place the necessary time for delivering into the hands of his Imperial Majesty's Commissaries, appointed for this purpose, the different effects with which they are respective- ly entrusted, and in order to put their accounts in a state of due order and validity.— A. The Chief Of- ficer of Engineers in the place shall deliver to that of his Imperial Majesty, who shall be appointed for that purpose, all the plans, memorials, measure- ments, drawings, and other papers, which shall be found in the depot of the fortifications, and belong- ing to the place; and he shall explain to the said Officer the method of managing the sluices, the wa- ter courses, the countermines, as well old as new, the barracks, millitary buildings, and other things under his charge. In the same manner, the Chief Officer of Artillery, the keepers of the magazines, the Commissaries of War, of victualling, and of fo- rage, & c. & c. who are the keepers and administra- tors of the buildings and effects belonging to the French nation, shall deliver up the papers, books, plans, ammunition, and other effects with which they may be charged, according to an inventory, which shall be legally verified by an Officer of the forces of his Imperial Majesty. 8. All the women and children of the military of whatever rank their husbands or fathers may be, as well as the citizens, shall be allowed a month to re- tire with their effects, goods, and property, into such French town as they shall chuse. For this pur- pose the necessary passports shall be delivered to them. The General or Superior Officer, whom his Serene Highness shall leave to command in the place, fhall' take care that no one fhall be diilurbed 011 account of his opinion, nor for what he might have done previously to the present capitulation.— A. The same regard shall be shewn to them which is due to all the inhabitants of the country, and to the good citizens of the town. 9. The national guard of citizens of Conde, the artillery men excepted, having been employed du- ring the blockade only in the protection of proper- ty and in the police of the town, shall not be re- garded as prisoners of war, but may remain peace- ably in their houses. The company of cannoneers and the national guard of Conde, having been ma- ny months in the pay of the nation, and having in that quality performed active service in the same manner as the cannoneers of the line, shall be made prisoners of war ; they shall be first: exchanged or ransomed, and shall have for their prison the town of Conde, the place of their dwelling.— A. His Ma- jelly the Emperor and King does not make war up- on the peaceable citizens and inhabitants; all fuch, being sure of his protection, shall remain in their own houses, without being disturbed. Those who have worn uniforms and borne arms shall be decla- red subjedt to the laws of war, and, as such, shall be deemed and made prisoners. As to the place of their detention, they shall have twenty- four hours notice previously to their departure from the place. 10. The curate of the town of Conde, as well as all the priests, who have taken the oath requi- red by the civil constitution of the clergy, shall have eight days notice, and shall be provided with pass- ports to retire where they please with their effects and baggage. They shall not, any more than the other citizens, be disturbed on account of their o- pinions.— A. The object, not being of a military nature, shall be referred to his Majesty the Emperor; and, in the mean time, they shall remain in the town, under the protection granted to the inhabi- tants, but without being permitted to perform any duty; those who wish to depart sooner shall have passports. 11. The General places under the safeguard of the Austrian government the persons and property of all citizens, of whatever description they may be, as well as all those who may chuse to retire from the place.— A. The Austrian troops, on entering into the place, shall observe the most exact police, fo that no insult shall be offered to individuals, nor attack made upon property. 12. The effects which may have been deposited in this place by different military individuals, who shall not have been themselves in the town, nor in the corps, and do not form a part of the garrison; shall be faithfully delivered up to their owners, upon requisition.— A. This article is granted of course. 13. General' Chancel recommends the Austrian deserters, who may be found in the place, to the clemency of his Serene Highness and that of his Im- perial Majesty.— A. All the deserters of his Im- perial Majesty shall be delivered up, and the neces- sary researches for discovering them shall be made. 14. The contractors for military subsistence, ser- vants attached to the military drivers, not having any military duty to perform, cannot be looked up- on as making part of the garrison, and shall have liberty to return to their homes ; and for this pur- pose they shall be furnished with passports and the necessary carriages.— A. This Article shall be per- formed according to the cartel established between the two armies. 15. Measures having been taken to ensure the payment of the debts which the garrison may have contracted during the blockade, the orders given to this effect shall be communicated to his Serene High- ness, if he should desire it.— A. The well- founded pretensions and claims of the inhabitants of the town of Conde upon the French troops, or upon the na- tion, shall be liquidated by them, to the satisfaction of the parties. 16. The Commissary at War, Pigeon, employed in the army of the Ardennes, and discharging the duties of Inspector of the place, having caused to be paid to the Austrian prisoners under his care the fame allowance which they had in his Imperial Ma- jesty's army, the same allowance shall also be paid to the garrison of Conde, which is attached to each individual according to his rank.— A. The same rule shall be observed, in this respect, as has been settled by the cartel for the prisoners of war. Done at the Council of War, the roth of July, in the Second Year of the French Republic. ChANCEL, Brigadier- General, com- manding in Chief at Conde. Barrere, Couthon, Gasparin, Guyton, Cambaceres, Cambon, Camille, Breard, Billaud, St Andre, St Just, Thuriot. Bentabole, Chabot, Legeudre, Delmas, Gregoire. ADDITIONAL ARTICLES, proposed by his Serene Highness Prince FERDINAND of WIRTEMBERG, Lieutenant General of the Imperial and Royal armies. 1. At ten o'clock of the evening of this day, the 10th of July 1793, General Chancel shall deliver up to the troops of his Majesty the Emperor and King, the fort or redoubt of Thivencelles, Jar, Ma- cou, and Masy ; and the Imperial troops shall take immediate possession of them. The redoubt of the Moulin de Fresnes, as well as of the battery called Chancel, shall remain neuter. 2. At the same time there shall be delivered up to the Austrian troops the outer draw- bridge of the gate of Conde, called the gate of Tournai ; and the interior bridge towards the square shall be oc- cupied by the French troops. 3. The fortifications, outworks, redoubts, in trenchments, forts, sluices, countermines, galleries, subterraneous places, casemates, arsenals, maga- zines, barracks, pavillions, and, in short, all the public edifices, civil and military, shall be delivered up to the Commissaries of his Imperial Majesty, ap- pointed for this purpose, in statu quo, without any alteration whatever being made in the said works, See. & c. 4. All the artillery of the place, serving for the defence, as well as that attached to the battalions, after the latter shall have laid down their arms, shall be delivered up in its actual state, without any da- mage being done to the said artillery, its equi- page, carriages, & c. In like manner the arms of every kind, as well as ammunition, such as powder, bombs, obuses, bullets, balls, cartridges, Sec. to- gether with all other moveable property belonging to the French nation, and which are equally included in the present article, such as camp equipage, artillery, and other horses, other than thofe proper for the officers, comprised in the zd article. St James's, July 17. This day M. le Baron de Nolcken, Envoy Ex- traordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from the King of Sweden, had his audience of leave of his Majesty. Foreign intelligence. FRANCE. NATIONAL CONVENTION. Tuesday, July 9. The Minister of the Interior came to give an ac- count of the official transmission of the Constitution to all parts of the Republic. This, he said, would be finished to- morrow. Letters acknowledging its reception had given him to understand, that the city of Lisle, and many other Communities of the North, had received this work of the Representa- tives of the People with that enthusiasm with which the love of liberty and the laws inspire the French. The Minister added, that a letter from Landan, which expressed the same enthusiasm, announced, that in the exchange of prisoners, the King of Prus- sia had acknowledged the Republic. The cartel was in these words : " The King of Prussia to the French Republic." Wednesday, July 10. GASPARIN gave the contents of a letter from two Commissioners of the Convention with the army on the confines of La Rochelle.— This letter announced, that the rapid successes which Westermann had gained over the Rebels, had been followed by a considerable check in the very city itself which they had taken. Gen. Westermann, master of Cha tillen, had been surprised in it by the Rebels. The Commissioners accused him with having allowed him- self to be surprised, and not having known the ap- proach of the enemy until his soldiers were put to the bayonet in all quarters. The defeat was com- plete, and Westermann retired to Parthenay, where lie rallied the wreck of his little army. The Com- missioners loaded him with accusations. They ac- cused him of having spoken disrespectfully of the battalions of volunteers, whom he detested— of ha- ving continually favoured his own legion, as he considered the command of it, having all the ap- pointments, as a good speculation. They demand- ed his dismission, the reduction of his legion, and that it should be incorporated into the light troops, both cavalry and infantry.— They finished their let- ter, by- giving information, that General Chalbos made his troops fall back on Saint Maixent and Niort :—" We have lost," said they, " nine pieces of cannon, and a great number of people, without doubt; and this loss is the more severely felt, as the two battalions from Bourdeaux have gone home." Many members demanded instantly, that Gen. Westermann should be brought to the bar. BILLAUD VERENNES supported the motion for bringing General Westermann before the Revolu- tionary Tribunal ; and the Convention, on the pro- position of LACROIX, decreed,- that General Wester- mann should be brought to the bar, to give an ac- count of his conduct. GASPARIN- read a private letter, stating, that the army of the Eastern Pyrenees had beat the Spa- niards, made sixty prisoners, including two Officers, and taken two pieces of cannon and a stone mortar. Evening Sitting. ' This sitting was wholly consecrated to the election of the Members of the renewed Committee of Public Safety, which was reduced to nine Members. The result of the nominal call offered the follow- ing Deputies as MEMBERS OF THE RENEWED COMMITTEE OF PUBLIC SAFETY. Heraut Sechelles, Thomas Lindet, Prieur, of Marne, RIVAL CANDIDATES. Robespierre, Collot d'Herbois, Danton, Marat, Panis, Lacroix, THURSDAY, July 11. The Commissioners of the Convention confirmed the particulars of the defeat of the Spaniards, an- nounced by a letter read by GASPARIN in the fitting of yesterday. The loss of the Spaniards was stated by them at 160 men. A . Secretary read a letter from the Commander in Chief of the army of the Rhine, relative to the flate of the fortress and garrifon of Mentz. It was dated Freckenfield, July 8. and stated as follows: " The courage which distinguishes the soldiers of the Republic in every part has its full energy in that besieged city, where so many good Frenchmen are seen to submit to wants cheerfully, and with that confidence of valour which defends the cause of freedom— where even the victims of the first at- tacks are now feen running through the streets with their wooden legs, and exclaiming, without repining at their loss, Long live the Republic! " If those brave defenders of that city did but know that the wish of the French is now accom- plished by their having obtained a free constitution, they would repeat with all the army, with all the patriots, Long live the Constitution " ST ANDRE, in the name of the Committee of Pu- blic Safety, made a report, upon which the Con- vention decreed, " That General Biron, who car- ries on the war with such supineness in La Vendee, be recalled, and that the Minister of War do present another General in the course of this evening." CAMBON, in name of the Committee of Public Safety, gave in the following report on the present state of the Republic : " The army of the North," said he, " was in the utmoft confusion by the the treachery of Dumourier ; our strong- holds were hardly defended by 2,500 gar- rison soldiers. Dumourier had delivered up im- mense magazines to the enemy : He reserved, at a considerable expence, 20,000 musquets, and 25,000 suits of regimentals, to the Austrians; while he ne- ver ceased to write to the Assembly, that the troops were in. want of forage and arms, but, above all, destitute of cloathing. " The armies of the Rhine and the Moselle pre- sented the most formidable state, and left nothing to be wished for. Those of the Alps and Italy were without a Chief, and without discipline. " The Decrees of the Convention stated, that there should be an army in the Pyrennees; but al- though war had been declared against Spain, yet there was not a single soldier on the frontiers. A counter- revolutionary ferment has manifested itself in La Vendee : It was thought at first, that some efforts on the part of the inhabitants would be suffi- cient to suppress it; but their carelessnefs had suf- fered the flames of discord to spread so far as to threaten to communicate itself to all the rest of the Republic ; the coasts were left entirely destitute.— This was the military state of France when the Committee of Public Safety was created to extri- cate her from this abyss. " Soon matters wore a different aspect. All the armies were cloathed, and supplied with provisions; and the recruiting was accelerated by sending Com- missioners. This measure has been severely censur- ed by persons who compared those Commissioners with Dictators, Proconsuls, Sec. but, without inquir- ing if the fervency of their zeal has brought upon them some deserved reproach, it is mere justice to say, that they have operated the greatest good, not- withstanding the disgrace which had got the start of them in the Departments, where they were repre- sented as Maratists. " The army of the North presents now a most en- couraging sight. It was disorganized after the un- fortunate battle of Famars, partly through want of discipline among the soldiers, partly through want of vigilance on the part of the Officers. The camp was rather surprised than carried. The soldiers fought like lions on that occasion ; but discipline ap- peared to them an insupportable yoke. This is no more the case. Now that army is completely re- organized, and restored to peace and order. The infantry manoeuvre twice a- day, and the cavalry go through their evolutions thrice a week ; and the lat- ter are full as good as those of the enemy. The whole army is pleased with its present state, which it attributes to Custine. Mean- while the conduct of this General is impeached from some quarters, and posterity will judge him. The enemy appear to be superior in point of number ; but they will soon be diminished by our strong holds. It will doubtless be matter of astonishment, and posterity will perhaps disbelieve the fact, that Conde, that little place, has resisted, for upwards of three months, all the powers of the North ; whereas, in the accounts transmitted to us, we are assured that the place had no more provisions than would last five weeks. " Valenciennes follows so fine an example; and its resistance is crowned with the most brilliant suc- cesses. " The armies of the Rhine and the Moselle are now able to act offensively. Their van has already made a movement to throw relief into Mentz, the garrison of which is justly entitled to the greatest encomiums. * " The presence of the two Commissioners of the Convention contributes much towards this fine de- fence. They cause the most vigorous sallies to be made, which depress the enemy. They will per- haps be obliged to employ the whole of this cam- paign to take a city which could not hold out two days against Custine. " The army of the Alps is divided in several di- rections, to defend the passage over the mountains ; it is strong enough to act offensively. That of Italy is always acting upon the offensive ; and if it should be so fortunate as to carry the important post of Sa- orgio, that part of the Republic will be secured to us for ever. A Spanish and British fleet, consisting of 34 sail, is cruizing off Nice and Villefranche, which it seems to threaten ; but these two places can be vigorously defended by the army in Italy. _ " The Eastern Pyrenees are invaded by the Spa- niards. Our reliance has been placed upon the in- habitants of the fouth ; but their courage has been shackled by the spirit of egotism, which has frustra- ted all the hopes of the Committee of Public Safety. — The supplies have been slow and tardy, as they could not arrive but after a long passage. Befides the garrison of Perpignan, there are between 8000 and 10,000 men, who could not oppose the taking of Belleoarde. .0 " Since the 6th inftant, they were to have been reinforced by 4000 veteran troops, and 4000 men lately raised. Those 8000 men are arrived at their posts, with an additional supply of twelve pieces of cannon, and a company of cannoneers. This army will also be reinforced by a considerable corps of cavalry. " The army of La Vendee consists at least of 60,000 men; and the troubles in that department would long ago have been quelled, had not every one too much consulted his own interest. These troops are divided into three principal points; and, to accelerate their successes, 18,000 men more have been demanded, and will be speedily and easily le- vied. Versailles, Auxerre, Troyes, and other places, have manifested their zeal in a most conspi- cuous manner. This army will doubtless be weak- ened by the desertion of two battalions of Gironde. It ought to be observed, that their departure is not owing to any sentiments of a political nature, but to the expiration of their limited term of engagement. The troops of the rebels are unknown ; not a man of them appears in the day- time; at night they ring the bells, and immediately on all sides armed men are seen ; and they fight neither for the King nor for the Nobility— no, they combat for the sake of JESUS CHRIST, for the purpose of getting into Paradise. The check which Westermann has recei- ved may be easily repaired. The army of the coasts was on the point of being formed, owing to the care of the Commissioners; but since the 2d of June, their efforts have proved ineffectual. It is thus the administrators, under the pretence of restoring order, and making the Con- vention respected, furnish means to the English to penetrate into our territories. Do they then think that the English will, also come to enforce the re- spect due to the representatives of the nation ? Let us be united, and we shall be invincible ; but this union still remains an illusion. " The whole Republic is in a state of commo- tion. By the most unheard- of prodigy, we fee CAL- VIN united with the POPE in the South, to fanaticize the minds of the people. The new assignats are discredited, and go at 5 per cent, less than those bearing the bull of Louis XVI. The public money is stopped; but the Genius which watches over France, has forefeen the evils which might have resulted. The supplies ot provisions have been sent; and the expences of the present month will be 125 millions less than the last. These expences are no doubt enormous; but surprize will cease, if we consider that one hundred and seventy- stx strong holds required to be supplied, eleven armies organiz- ed, a navy created, & c. & c. In other respects a list of these expences shall be presented to all the Re- public. " There is an act of impeachment left with the Committee, which proves that the 17th of July- was the day fixed on to reltore the Monarch ; the son of Louis Capet was to have been proclaimed King, by the name of Louis XVII; and Maria Antoinette Regent during the minority of the new- King. The alarm gun was to have been fired in the morning ; and this was to be the signal for dis- solving the National Convention. " Those who signed the act of impeachment have been summoned to the Committee, where they recapitulated the particulars of the written charge. " Upon this the Committee has ordered Dillon to be put under arrest. The answers of this Ge- neral, on his examination, coincide with the infor- mation exhibited respecting this plot. Dillon con- fessed his intention of putting himself at the head of an armed force, to crush anarchy, and to re- establifh good order. We laid hold of the right sense of these words. " The Committee, urged by these circumstances, thought proper to ordain that young Capet be se- parated from his mother. From this source we ought to trace the calumnies spread against the Committee. It was reported to have conceived a design of proclaiming King Louis XVII. whereas we were all the while exerting our efforts to sup- press this liberticide plot. I conclude with propo ling to you, that Dillon be delivered up to the Re - volutionary Tribunal." CAMILLE DESMOULINS combated this proposition. The Convention, amidst the loudest bursts of ap- plause, decreed, " That General Dillon be delivered up for trial to the Revolutionary Tribunal." EVENING SITTING. COuTHON, in the name of the Committee of Pu- ' blic Safety, communicated the following letter from' Lyons: " Biroteau has provoked an insurrection at Ly- ons, where the department holds a congress, which has resolved to march a confiderable force against Paris. This resolution has been most pompously proclaimed. The whole city was illuminated ; the party of the Mountain of the Convention was decla- red to be outlawed, and all the provisions destined for the armies have been intercepted. A courier sent to the army by Dubois Crance has also been stopped. " Chasse is at Lyons, which threatens to invade all those neighbouring cities which do not partici- pate in its opinion : 600 men are ready to march hence, and the inhabitants are every where in a rage." On the motion of COUTHON, the Convention pas- sed the foflowing decree : I. Biroteau is declared a traitor to his country, and outlaw- ed ; and likewise all the members of the Congress of Rhone and Loire. a. The Executive Council shall order troops to march a- gainst Lyons. 3. The property of the persons outlawed by this present decree, shall be sequestrated, and put under seal. 4. The payment of the state creditors resident at Lyons shall be suspended. 5. All persons domiciliated at Lyons shall be bound to quit that city on the reception of this present decree, under pain cf having their property sequestrated ; and the Commission- ers of the Convention in the army of the Alps are charged with the execution of this decree. Friday, July 12. MIRANDA, under house arrest by order of the Po- lice, begged to be brought to the bar, where he wished to reveal faCts of the greatest importance to the safety of the Republic. The Convention decreed that Miranda be heard to- morrow. WARSAW July 3. In consequence of the measures which the Court of Petersburgh had taken for the election of the De- puties of the Diet of Grodno, it was expeCted that the accomplishment of its views, relatively to the the partition of Poland, would not have met with any obstacle ; and the passive state of the King since the triumph of the famous confederation of Targo- witz, gave no reason to suppose that that Prince would or could oppose it.— The event has, how- ever, proved otherwise : If the too great modera- tion, or, as others say, the weakness of STANISLAUS AUGUSTUS, in acceding to that confederation, has been complained of with reason, he now repairs, as much as is in his power, the effeCts of that forced accession ; and the friends of justice, and the true honour of Sovereigns, may hope to see a system of politics, so generally deprecated by all Europe, counter- aCted by the resistance of the Poles, and the unexpected energy of their lawful Sovereign. " If I acceded," said STANISLAUS AUGUSTUS, in answer to the note delivered to the Diet of Grodno, by the Russian and Prussian Ministers, on the 19th nit. " if I acceded to the confederation of Targo witz, it was under the persuasion that, in consequence of the solemn engagement of that same confedera tion, under the auspices of her Majesty the Empress of RUSSIA, the possessions of the Republic would be preserved entire: I expeCted that the confederates of Targowitz, authorised by that Sovereign, would not have made a public profession of not suffering any attack to be made on the rights and property of their country, unless they have been allured, that such were the intentions of her Imperial Ma- jesty ; I thought that the only end for which the confederation had been formed, was the re- establish- ment of public tranquillity and harmony, and 1 hoped that the welfare of the Republic would be the fruit of the sacrifices I made. " My hopes and expectation have been decei- ved : The major part of the Republic is occupied by the troops of two neighbouring powers; Under these circumftances, I have no other counsel to give my countrymen than to urge, by well- founded, pressing, but moderate and friendly remonstrances, the Courts of Petersburgh and Berlin, to adopt other measures, and to renounce their projeCt of dismem- bering our unhappy country ; a dismemberment, to which, at least I protest that I shall never consent." The King's discourse was highly applauded by the Diet, who decreed that solemn thanks be made him ; and his Majesty's counsel was not only follow- ed, but the spirit of it formed the basis of the reso- lutions paired in the following sittings. EXTRAORDINARY DIET AT GRODNO. June 24. The notes from the Ministers of the Courts of Petersburgh and Berlin, urging the appointment of a delegation to discuss the proposed partition of the Republic, being read, The KING, supported by a majority of the Diet, including all the Deputies from Lithuania, opposed the appointment of a delegation, and contended, with equal warmth and preserverance, that the only proper course was to send Ministers to the foreign Courts in correspendence with Poland, to make known the critical situation of the Republic, and to request their mediation with the Empress and the King of Prussia. The MARSHAL, on the contrary, was for the ap- pointment of a delegation, and, the question being called for, adjourned the Diet. June 25. The debate was renewed with an increased ma- jority in favour of the proposition supported by the King. A kind of middle course was proposed by the Bishop of Kossakowski, of which the King, in a speech, shewed the inconsistency. r June 26. The MARSHALL insisted, that the demands of the Courts of Petersburgh and Berlin,' with respect to the delegation, should be finally decided on. The Ma- jority insisted, that the other proposition should be first put to the vote, and the Diet resolved— " That the Chancellors shall be enjoined to send, with all possible dispatch, to the Ministers at Charges d'Affaires of the Republic at Foreign Courts, instructions to repre- sent to those Courts the critical situation of Poland, to remind them of the relations subsisting between them and the Republic, and to claim their mediation with the Courts of Petersburgh and Berlin, in order to induce these Courts to restore to the Republic the Provinces they have seized upon, and also to withdraw their troops from the territories of the Republic." Poland having no Minister at Vienna since the recal of M. WOYNA, his former title and powers were stored to him. The Marshal again pressed the appointment of a delegation. The majority insisted on first deciding, with whom, in what manner, and to what extent the delegation should be authorised to treat. This mo- dification gave rise to a second—*' That the delega- tion should be authorised to treat only with the Court of Petersburgh."— The majority adopted this se- cond modification, and the question being put on the two following propositions— Shall the delegation treat with the Imperial Court exclusively— or— Shall it enter into negotiations with the two Courts conjointly ? The first was carried by 107 against 24. LonDon, July 22. The Dutch mail, which arrived this morning, brought accounts from Warsaw, through Holland, by which it appears certain that the KING of PO- LAND, and a very great majority of the Diet of Grodno, protest against the dismemberment of that unhappy country. & c the article Warsaw. The GRAND DUKE of TUSCANY, still persisting in his intention to preserve a strict neutrality during the present shock of Europe, LORD HERVEY the British Minister at the Court of Florence has ad- dressed a letter to him, strongly remonstrating a gainst such a conduCt, and a second paper, on the same subjeCt, to all the Foreign Ministers resident at Florence. : Captain BOULTON, late commander of the Albe- marle East Indiaman, captured by the French, ar- rived in town on Saturday from St Maloes, which place he left on the 15th instant. He brings intel- ligence of the French Royalists having again attack- ed Nantes r and that the last news from thence was, that they were firing red- hot balls into the town, which it was thought would surrender. The cap- ture of this place is the more important at this juncture, as we have reason to believe that it would greately facilitate the operations of LORD HOWE, which, it is generally supposed, are directed to that quarter. That fleet, however, it will be seen, is yet scarcely out of sight of the British shore. Wednesday afternoon a messenger arrived with dis- patches from the Duke of YORK, dated Camp before Valenciennes, July 16. They contain nothing of importance with respect to the siege;— a phrase, by which is meant, that no material progress has been made in it fince the former dispatches were sent off. The besiegers have not yet been able to find out the enemy's mines, which they must do before they can approach near enough to batter in breach. In the mean time a constant fire is kept up on the town, the demolition of which, within the range of our cannon and mortars, is nearly completed. A Cabinet Council was held on Saturday even- ing. It is rumoured in some well informed circles, that his Royal Highness the Duke of YORK, in his last dispatches, stated, that Valenciennes, if attack- ed by storm, might be carried in two days, but if the regular approaches were followed out, it might stand another month. The determination of the Council on this business remains a perfect secrct. About 1500 bombs are thrown every night into the town ot Valenciennes, which cost about 3I. per bomb at the Dutch market. The garrison of Valenciennes is in the same want of bark and other medicines as that of Conde was. They have consequently no remedy for putrid dis- orders. The Duke of MANCHESTER, Mr WYNDHAM, the Member, Col. TARLETON, and Mr MENDEZ, were in the British camp, before Valenciennes, on the* 16th inst. By a letter from Bern, in Switzerland, we trace four of the lately proscribed Members of the French Convention on their way to Italy.— They passed through Bern on the 28th ult. and appeared to travel with desperate dispatch. RespeCting the progress of the different sieges carrying on upon the Continent, we receive by the mail no further official accounts than those which appear in the first page of this paper ; however, it should seem, by the universal complexion of in- telligence, as it is scattered through the foreign Ga- zettes, speaking of Mentz, that there is now great probability of its falling before Valenciennes. The besieged are driven to so great a strait for powder, & c. that they are obliged to unload their mines. Terms of honourable surrender have been again of- fered by the garrison, and again rejected. Wimpsen marching to Paris, as he declares, to restore the indepency of the Convention, and crush anarchy, is suspected by them of harbouring a de sign to forward the cause of the Royalists, as his army has been chiefly collected from quarters fa- vourable to that cause. It is confirmed, by way of Copenhagen, that a part of the Russian fleet have been obliged to re- en- ter the port of Revel, to repair the damages they have sustained by a severe storm ; the particulars of it are not given. On Saturday intelligence was received from Ad miral GARDNER, dated the 30th of May, which an nounccd the reduction of Pigeon Island. The Ad- miral was then with his fleet at anchor before Mar- tinico, preparing for a siege, which the capture of Pigeon Island would facilitate. The 1st, 21st, and 65th regiments of foot are or- dered to embark from Nova Scotia for the West Indies. The following anecdote ought not to pass unno ticed : A French privateer was taken and carried into Ostend, within a few hours after her sailing from Dunkirk. The Captain was killed in the en gagement, and his son, a boy of twelve years of age was among the number of the prisoners. As soon as Sir WILLIAM ERSKINE heard of these circum stances, he fent a trumpet with the boy to the near, est French post, in order that he might be convey ed to his mother at Dunkirk. ASSASSINATION OF MARAT. Advices have been received in town this morning from Paris of the murder of this extraordinary per- son, by the hand of a woman. It took place on Sunday the 14th instant. The particulars are near- ly as follow— On the Thursday preceding his death a woman of a respectable appearance arrived at Paris from Caen in Normandy. On the two following days she was busied, it should seem, in making enquiries respecting the various crimes imputed to her destined viCtim, and having satisfied herself as to the truth, on the Sunday she obtained an interview with MA- RAT. She continued in conversation with him for some ne, asking his opinion of several persons whom she named ; and on his averring them to be Counter- Revolutionists, she instantly stabbed him, declaring that she was then convinced that every thing she had heard of him was true. On her being seized and interrogated, she justi- fied her conduct by declaring her conviction that MARAT had been the cause of all the evils with which France had lately been afflicted ; she seemed to glory in- her aCt, and declared, that she had not been instigated by any person, and that no one was privy to it. ' Thus perished a man, who has been a principal aCtor, if not the instigator, of more important events within the last twelve months, than perhaps any other person in a similar period of time. His assassinator was a native of Caen, and a wo- man in a respectable situation of life. PLYMOUTH— July 10. Arrived the William and Ann, Aurora, Brenshale, and Eliza, transports, with the 58th and 63d regi- ments of foot, from Ireland. The Bellerophon is ar- rived from Earl HOWE'S fleet, with her bowsprit, figure head, foremast, and main- topmast carried a-, way. This accident happened by her running foul of the Majestic in the night. Lord HOWE'S fleet has been cruising off this place all day; they passed, close to Penlee Point, and are now standing to the Westward with a fine northerly gale. At the Maidstone assizes, two of the fellows who robbed Colonel Dundas were tried, found guilty, and ordered for execution. A Swedish ship of war, which was at anchor in the port of Carlscrona, was lately blown up, and every soul on board perished. DIED, On Monday last, after a few hours illnefs, in the Camp of Cisoin, the Hon. C. ROBERT SOUTHWELL of the 3d Dragoon Guards, only brother to the Right Hon. the Lord de CLIF- FORD. At Sharrow, near Sheffield, MRS MACKENZIE, wife of the Rev. Alex. Mackenzie, Minister of St Paul's Church of that town. EVENING COURANT. THURSDAY— JULY 25. Mrs STEWART Nicholson was safely delivered of a son at Carnock, on Wednesday the 24th inst GEORGE OGILVIE- was safely delivered of a son Married on Tuesday the 23rd current John THOMSON, Naval Officer, Leith, to Miss JANET MIDDLETON, daughter of George Middleton, Esq. Comptroller of the Customs there. Married at Crieff the 18th curt, the Rev. Dr SAMUEL GILFILLAN in Comrie, to Miss RACHEL BARLASS, eldest daughter of the Rev. Mr James Barkis in Crieff. Died at Morningside on Monday the 22d cur- rent, the Hon. Lord GARDENSTON.— His Lordship was raised to the Bench in 1764. His professional character derived its first lustre from his exertions in the Douglas cause, in which he was opposed by the present Lord Chancellor, then Mr Wedderburn, before the Parliament of Paris, where his Lordship's legal knowledge, and fluent elocution in the French language, procured him universal admiration from all who were present. His Lordship was distin- guished for his genius, taste, wit, and humour. Among the public works which do him honour, are the Village of Laurencekirk, planned by his Lord- ship, and St Bernard's Well, near Edinburgh, built after the model of a temple at Tivoli, in Italy-. There are now two vacancies in the Bench of the Court of Session. On Tuesday the 16th inst. died at Elgin, Miss CHRISTINA TERESA grant, daughter of Sir James Grant of Grant, Bart. W2 DUBLIN— July 10. By accounts received from Limerick, we learn that the rioters who burnt down the village of Ad- fry, being again pursued by the Magistrates and mili - tary, retreated to the village called Bruff, where they made a stand, and fired on their pursuers from the windows of the houses ; but they were attacked with spirit, about one hundred and thirty killed and wounded, several taken prisoners, and the rest escap- ed by flight. - One militia- man was killed in this conflict, and several of the army and militia were wounded. CONSUL FENWICK at Elsineur has received official accounts from Christiania,. dated the 6th instant, that the French privateer Sanspareil was then crui- zing off the Naze, and was manning, boats for the purpose of intercepting ships off the coast. It was likewise reported there, that three British vessels, corn- loaded, were taken and carried into Fahrsund, We hear from Montrose, that on Wednesday last a copy of the act of last session of Parliament,' re- pealing the duty coals carried coaStwise, having been transmitted to the Magistrates by the Member for the , the bells were immediately set a ringing, and the colours belonging to the town, the different Corporations, and ships in the harbour, displayed, under a general discharge of the guns of the battery ; and in the evening, the Magistrates gave an entertainment to the gentlemen of the Cu- stoms, and some other of the inhabitants, when the healths of the Right Hon. HENRY DUNDAS, Mr SCOTT of Dunninauld, Mr ALLARDyCE of Dunottar, Mr BARCLAY of Ury, and others who have contri- buted to the repeal, were drunk, amidst the grate- ful acknowledgments of the company, for their un- wearied and successful endeavours in support of a measure so much calculated for the relief of the poor, the benefit of agriculture, and the encourage- ment of the manufactures of that part of the coun- try. The last Newmarket meeting was the most thinly attended of any within the annals of the turf;— a few sharks but no gudgeons ;— plenty of knowing ones, but not one flat of any consequence. An Irishman of the Artillery has, for repeated offences, been flogged at Fort Monkton. During the operation Patrick exclaimed " Oh ! Captain, by J s, do you think you're flogging a Bullock." To the drummer he said also, " O, thunder and ounds, Mr Drummer, do you think you're striking your own dear noisy drum- head." Anecdote of a Juryman.— It was remarked of a citizen of Dublin, that with the most inflexible ho- nesty of opinion, he had a set of such singular opi- nions, that whenever called upon as a juror in questions about the excise laws, libel, or other public trials, he constantly entertained notions of the law and justice of the case, different from those laid down by the Judge, and taken up by his bro- ther jurymen ; but he as constantly persevered in his notions, until he brought them all over. One of the judges asked him one day how he came to be so forward, and to give the Court so much trouble : " My Lord," said he, with the utmost gravity, " it has been always my misfortune to be on a jury with eleven obstinate men." The Duchess of Buccleugh, Brown, and the o- ther ships, arrived this day in Leith Roads, from London, under convoy. The Mally, Maxwell, from Wilmington, North Carolina, with goods, is arrived at Leith. The Dundee, Lauder, is arrived at Dundee, from Greenland, with 183 butts blubber, 16 butts cring, and 4 ton bone, the produce of four large whales. SHIP NEWS. ELSINEUR— JULY 9. 1793. SAILED OUTWARD,- 7. Peggie, Adamson, from Anstruther, Memel, ballast Eon Adventure, Paterson, from Stavanger, Petersburg, do. Juno, Gardner, from Liverpool, do. do. James and Mary, Gowana, from London, Baltic, do. 8. Concord, Faichney, from Leith, Narva, do. The Betsey, Hogg, of Leith, from Pillau for Shiedam, with a cargo of rye, arrived here yesterday, and remains, with some others, wind- bound. The Southampton, Black, for Montrose, and Elizabeth, Preston, for Leith, are put up here by contrary winds. Winds.— July 7. and 8. N. W. y. Northerly. ELSINEUR— JULY 13. 1793. SAILED DOWNWARD, 12. John and Thomas, Mercer, from Kioge, London, oats 13. John, Adamson, from Pillau, Hamburg, wheat Two Sisters, Allanshaw, from Dantzic, Newcastle, rye Friendship, Reid, from Memol, Ayr, balks, Happy Janet, Bird, from Narva, Leith, ditto Bazil, White, from Memel, Airth, ditto Tyro, Wilson, from Memel, Fisher- row ditto The Royal Recovery, Wood, Duchess of Buccleugh, Morrison, and Willie and Annie, Wilfon, sailed from Corsoir for Britain, with grain. The homeward bound ships sailed 011 Thursday, amongst which was the Mary, Hay. Winds— July 10. jl. 12. N. 13. S. REMAIN AT STROMNESS, July 16. Maggie Lauder, , from Anstruther, for the herring fish- ing— Diligence, Laing, from Dundee, for ditto— Venus, Campbell, from Dronthelm, for Belfast, deals— Lady Ann, Logan, from Ulver- ston, for Newcastle, states. ARRIVED AT LEITH, ' July 22. Jean, Bruce, from Aberdeen, oats, & c.—" Elizabeth, Woolfe, from Chichester, goods— 23. Betsey, Robertson, from Alemouth, oats— Hope, Norberg, from Easterezer, wood— 25, Some coalters. SAILED, • Ann, Sibbald, for Newcastle, goods— Lerwick, Dalzell, for Lerwick, ditto— Endeavour, Gunn, for Thurso, ditto— Sundry coasters. ' SALE OF A HOUSE AND GARDEN IN DUNFERMLINE. To be SOLD by public roup, within the house of John Wil- son, vintner in Dunfermline, upon Thursday the 15th day of August 1793, at twelve o'clock- noon, THAT HOUSE and LARGE GARDEN, lying on the South Side of the populous Manufacturing Town of DUNFERMLINE, and shire of Fife, as possessed by the late Mr David Wardlaw, Merchant and Manufacturer, The House commands a most extensive and beautiful view of the Forth, and the country at a great distancc, and con sists of a large dining room, five other rooms, closets, kitchen, scullery, ceilars, and other conveniences, besides two parlours on the ground story converted into ware- rooms— There is al- so an additional ware- room built to the east end, which con- tains a stable below.— The subjects are, in general, in good repair, and capable, at a small expence, to accommodate a genteel family. The Garden is neatly laid out, and well stocked with small fruit and fruit trees of the best kinds, which are well trained up, both upon the walls and for espaliers. The subjects may be seen on Mondays and Fridays, be- twixt twelve and two o'clock— And for other particulars ap- ply to James Dalgliesh, writer in Edinburgh, No. 34, North Bridge Street, who will show the title deeds and articles of roup. ' On Saturday the 20th curt. died at the Manse of Falkirk, the Rev. John MuiR, much and justly re- gretted Died on Friday last, Mrs helen SMITH, spouse to Mr John Annand, merchant in Aberdeen. JAMES JACKSON, Esq. is appointed Treasurer of Herriot's Hospital, in the room of Mr George Les- lie, who has resigned. The Court of Directors have appointed JOHN BRUCE, Esq. to be successor to Mr ORME, as Histo- riographer to the Hon. the East- India Company. The story told by the National Convention, of the garrison having made a sortie at Valenciennes, and destroyed all the works of the besiegers, turns out to be nothing more or less than a bold down- right falsehood. The American Constitution is as different from that of France, as the British is from that of Russia. The laws of Congress, and their Courts of Judica- ture, are modelled from ours ; and they differ very little from us in any point, except that we have a King, and they a General, who- has even more power than our Monarch. In a debate some time since in the American Con- gress, on the subject of purchasing watches in Eng- land, one of the Members said, he should not be surprised it all Europe laughed at them for sending 3000 miles—" to know what o'clock it was." BOARDING & EDUCATION FOR YOTING LADIES, BLAIR- street, / Third Stair from Hunter's Square. MISS HERON begs- leave to acquaint her Friends and the Public, that she has lately begun, and continues to BOARD and EDUCATE YOUNG LADIES, who are taught all kinds of Fancy and Needle Work and at- tended by the most approved Masters for instructing them in English, French, Writing, Geography, Drawing, Music, and Dancing. She likewise proposes taking a few YOUNG LADIES as DAY SCHOLARS, who may, if agreeable, dine or drink tea, and have an opportunity of attending the Teachers along with the other Boarders. As there is no other Day School in this part of the town, where Young Ladies have those Teachers, and as Blair street is an airy excellent situation, Miss Heron flatters herself she shall meet with the patronage of the public, which she will endeavour to merit by the most unremitting attention. LINENS SHEETINGS FORRESTERS & CO. at the RUSSIA WARE- HOUSE, Head of the Old Fishmarket Close, Edinburgh, acquaint their Friends and the Public, That they are just now selling off, for money only, their WHOLE STOCK of LINEN DRAPERY, & c. at very Reduced Prices.— Their present Assortment consists of the following, viz. BLEACHED RUSSIA SHEET- BROWN And bleached Hucka- iNGS & RAVENDUCKS, dis- back ferent breadths Brown Sheetings and Orna- Scots and Irish Sheetings burgs Scots and Russia Linens Variety of Wine Rubbers A Large Assortment of IRISH Manchester Counterpanes LINENS, at all prices Printed Cotton Bed Covers French, Scots, & Irish Cam- Bed TycKs and Crankies brics, and Long Lawns India Nankeens Table Napery in great variety Cotton and Linen Handker- Russia, Scots, & Irish Diapers chiefs Brown and Bleached Russia Dressing Gowns Tweels Russia Smoked Tongues, & c- N. B.— F.' s and Co. particularly recommend their assort- ment of RUSSIA SHEETINGS and IRISH LINENS as well worth the attention of the Public; and as the whole must be sold off without reserve, great bargains will be given. v P. & F. FORRESTER & CO. have on hand, at thei Cellars in Leith, a Quantity of excellent MADEIRA WINES at 24s. per dozen, bottles included FIFE & LINLITHGOW SHIRES AMEETING of the JUSTICES Of PEACE and COMMISSIONERS of SUPPLY of Fife and Linlithgow Shires is to be held in Bambrough's Inn, South Queensferry, upon the 29th current, at noon. As business of importance to both bounties will then he brought for- ward, it is hoped as many as possibIy can will make it con- venient to attend, N. B. Dinner at a Quartet before Fonr o'Clock. Town Clerk's Office Inverkething, July 2o 1793 POST ROAD. The TRUSTEES of the POST ROAD DI- - STRUCT of the COUNTY of EDINBURGH, are requested to meet at the Royal Exchange Coffeehouse here,. on Monday next the 19th instant, at twelve o'clock noon NOTICE TO THE TRUSTEES ON THE BATHGATE & AIRDRIE ROAD, AND TO CONTRACTORS. AN ADJOURNED MEETING of the TRUS- TEES on the Bathgate and Airdrie Road to be held upon Saturday the 3d of August at 12 o'clock noon, in the house of George Jarvey, vintner in Bathgate. Persons wishing to CONTRACT for repairing that part of the said ROAD betwixt the Bridge east of Newton. and Newliston Bridge, are requested to give in their proposals to Alexander Dallas, clerk to the said trustees, No. 36, Queen- street, against the said- 3d day of August inst, to be then laid before the trustees. NOTICE TO THE HERITORS OF THE PARISH OF SHOTTS; in the Shire of Lanark. TN the PROCESS of LOCALITY of the MINISTER'S STIPEND of that Parish, the Lord An- kerville, Ordinary, by interlocutor of date the 10th July 1793, appointed John Meek signet common agent, to conduct the said Process of Locality ; and ordain- ed the Heritors to produce their titles to their Teinds in the clerk's hands against the 1st day of October next— Of which intimation is hereby given ; certifying those who shall fail to comply with the above order, that at the said period, a scheme of Locality will be prepared, on the footing that they have no titles to produce. NOTICE TO CHEMISTS, DRUGGISTS, PERFUMERS, AND ALL PERSONS USING OR MAKING STILLS Excise Office, Edinburgh, July 18. 1793. BY the ACT passed in the last Session of Parlia- ment, called the LICENCE DISTILLERY ACT, it is enaCted, That no person shall use any Still or Stills either in carrying on the trade of a Chemist, Druggist or Perfumer, ' or any other trade or business, or in making any Private Che- mical experiments— or shall make or manufacture any Still or Stills in Scotland— without first taking out a Licence for that purpose. AND WHEREAS the Licences granted for the purposes above mentioned, under the former aCt, have all expired upon the 5th day of July instant, NOTICE is hereby given to all concerned, to make immediate application at the Chief Of- fice of Excise in Edinburgh, for having the same renewed for the current year, under the pain of incurring the penalties : imposed by the said act By Order of the Commissioners, JOHN THOMSON, j\ ADAM PEARSON Secretaries^ EXCISE OFFICE, EDINR. July 17. 1793. 1 1 By Order of / | THE HON. COMMISSIONERS OF EXCISE There will be exposed to SALE by Public Auction at the J Excise Warehouse in LEITH, on Friday the 2d or August I 1793, at one o'clock afternoon, FIVE THOUSAND SIX HUNDred AND TWENTY- FIVE lbs. weight of UNMANUFACTU- RED TOBACCO, / 86 lbs. weight of DITTO, a Little Damaged, 2662 lbs. weight of ROLL TOBACCO/ 90 lbs. weight of SHAG TOBACCO, 89 lbs. weight of TOBACCO RETURNS, 986 lbs. weight of BRITISH RAPPEE SNUFF, 228 lbs. weight of SCOTCH SNUFF, 2089 lbs. weight of TOBACCO ASHES, Together with such quantities of Tobacco and Snuff as may arrive from the Country before the day of fale. The goods and conditions of sale' to be seen at the Excise Warehous'e in Leith, on the day before and morning of the day of sale. By Order of the HON. COMMISSIONERS OF THE CUSTOMS. To be exposed to Public SALE, in the Customhouses of_ the Ports, and upon the respeCtive days after mentioned twelve o'clock noon, / /, I j THE following GOODS and VESSELS have been condemned in his Majesty's Court of Ex- chequer, viz. j u L y. PRESTONPANS, FRIDAY, 26. 3 H. 1 Q 7 O. Deals. BORROWSTOUNNESS, SATURDAY,. 115 Spars, 7 H. o Q 20 O. Oak Spokes, 4 FS'o Q^ o O. Freenails, I H. 1 O. Deals, 4 Deal End^ 19 Hand- I spikes, 6 Oars, and I Mast. —^ DUNDEE, MONDAY, 29. 76-| gals. Geneva, and 9 gals. Brandy below, and 9 gals. Geneva, 27 gals. Rum, and 7 gals. Brandy, not below the strength of I in 6 under hydrometer proof; 25 Oak Boards, and 31 Skoops of Wood. *' ABERDEEN, WEDNESDAY, 31. 119 gals. Geneva, and 8 gals. Brandy, below the strength of 1 in 6 under hydrometer proof. I H. 1 0_ 9 O. Deals, 117 Toy Looking Glasses, 8 Boxes t Spectacles, 44 Toy Snuff Boxes, and the Elizabeth of Port- soy burden 27 tons, with Float Boat, Furniture, and Ap- purtenances, to be sold entire. PORT- GLASGOW, TUESDAY, 30. 12 ^ gals. Geneva, 8 gals. Rum, and 6 gals. Cordial Wa- J ters below, and 12 gals. Geneva not below the strength of I 1 in 6 under hydrometer proof. 8 gals. Red and 3 gals. White Portugal Wine, 6 I- 5th I gals. White. Madeira Wine, 6 Venison Hams, 4 Bacon Hams, I 52 Rulh Mats, 47 Slabs, and 2 Fir Deals. • GREENOCK, WEDNESDAY, 31. 3J gals. Cordial Waters, below the ftrength of I in 6, and 27 gals. Aquavitse, below 1 in 8 under hydrometer proof, 311 dried Ling Fifh, weight 12 cwt. I qr. 4 lb. OBAN, SATURDAY, AUG. 3. 14 H. 2 Q^ I O. Deals, 7 Broken Deals, 11 Slabs, 13 Small Logs, 2 Small Spars, 2 Barrels Tar, 212 libs. Brown Sugar, and a Skiff and 2 Paddles. N. B.— Purchasers will take notice, that no distiller or dis- tillers, maker or makers, rectifier or rectifiers, compounder or compounders of spirits, or any dealer or dealers in spirits, can sell or send out any Foreign Spirits of a lower degree of strength than that of I in 6 under hydrometer proof; nor have in his, her, or their custody or possession, any quantity * of foreign spirits, or British and foreign spirits mixed toge- f ther ( except shrub, cherry, or raspberry brandy) of a lower degree of strength than as aforesaid, upon pain of all such spirits being forfeited and lost, together with the packages containing the same. Likewise, if any British Rectified Spirits, or any mixture , of British and Foreign Spirits ( hall be found in the custody of any Dealer or Dealers in Spirits, not being a Rectified or | Compounder of British Spirits, exceeding the strength of in 8 under hydrometer proof, the same, together with the casks and vessels containing the same, shall be forfeited and lost. Purchasers will also take notice, that 25 per cent, of the purchase money is to be deposited, which is to be forfeited, and the purchase to be' void, unless the remainder of the price offered be paid within the time to be limited by the conditions of sale. FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE. AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN, PER QUARTER, FOR ENGLAND AND WALES WEEK ENDED JULY Wheat. I Rye. I Barl. I Oats. I Beans. I Pease. I - Oatmeal per boll of I40 lbs. Avoirdupois, 43s. 6d. AVERAGE PRICE OF SUGAR, Computed from the Returns in the week ending the 17th July I793 is 60s. 3 per civt. exclusive oj the Importation Duty. BANKRUPTS. Ann Mortimer and Henry Mortimer of Marlborough, linen- drapers. Ascanius Bono of Hart- street, Loudon, merchant and factor. Hugh Hamill of Cateaton- street, London, linen- factor. Abraham Ergas of Mile End, Middlesex, merchant. Thomas Adshead of Stackport, Chester, shopkeer. George Shepheard, late of Guildford, Surrey, coal- merchant. Rob. Thornton of Church Clough, Lancashire, shallon- maker. Edward Hersey of Slinfold, Sussex, miller. Elizabeth Gill, parish of Hartlebury, Worcester, baiter. Tho. Watson and John Rutherford of Soho, cabinetmakers. John Simpson, late of Framsden, Suffolk, farrier, Josh. Beaumont, Crossbank, Lancashire, cotton- manufacturer. Robert Sharman of Redenhall, Norfolk, sadler. John Clarabut Gillbee of Moorfields, corn- factor. Ralph Barber of Manchester, fustian- manufacturer. George Owen of St Helen Auckland, Durham, dealer and chapman. Simon Reynolds of Dockhead, Surrey, brewer. Tho. Cooper of Henley upon Thames, money- scrivener. SEQUESTRATIONS, & c. July 19. Peter Rutherford, merchant in Brechin— Credi- tors to meet in William Skene's, vintner there, 7th August next, at 12 o'clock noon, to name an interim factor; and to meet at same place and hour, 11th September next, to chuse a trustee. 23. John Marshall, change- keeper and horse- dealer, Glas- gow Creditors to meet in Alex. Strathern's, vintner there, 30th instant, at 12 o'clock noon, to name an interim factor; and to meet at same place and hour, 3d September next, to chuse a trustee. 23. Wilson, Moodie, and Co. merchants, Glasgow— Cre- ditors to meet in Robert Proven's, vintner there, 30th inst. at 12 o'clock noon, to name an interim factor; and to meet at fame place and hour, 3d September next, to chuse 3 trustee. The World will judge of the infamy of HALL'S attempted Imposition, when his Mother comes forward salsisy by Affidavit, every syllable he asserts. Affidavit oj the Mother oj J. B. Hall In compliance with strict justice, and in consequence of the present contest between Mr Gordon, the Patentee for the Violet Soap and Cream of Violets, and my son J. B. HALL ; I feel myself called upon to declare upon oath in the most solemn manner, That Mr Gordon was the first person, so far as I know, who introduced the Violet Soap, first public- ly brought forward by him 0n the nth of February 1791, after having obtained a Patent for his invention from the King, dated the 23d of January 1786 ; that my late Hus- band, and Father to my Son, J. B. HaLl., was, at the time of his death, a Bookbinder, and never concerned himself in any way in the Manufacturing of Soap; and that, as my Son, J. B. HALL, professes his knowledge of Soap- making is derived from a knowledge acquired in his Father's life- time, from Soap made by me, I do declare, that such Soap is what I sold for many years at Eighteen- pence a Pounds and called Purified Windsor Soap. Z^ 1 Signed by the Mother of J. B. HALL. ' Sworn before me the 5th day of December 1792. JAMES SANDERSON, Mayor, The Nobility and Gentry are respectfully informed, that Mr GORDON'S VIOLET SoAp and CREAM OF VIOLETS, are to be had genuine of J. BAXTER, Italian Warehouse, South Bridge, W. RAEBURN and A. SMITH, North Bridge, T. KELTIE, of Andrew's Street, / / And no where else in Edinburgh. TO THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY. Notwithstanding the industrious pains taken by WALteR GORDON of Bank- Buildings to depreciate the Violey Soap Cream of Violets, and Turkish Wash of J. B. HAlL, the Son and Heir of the original proprietor, and the only- person of whom those elegant articles can be had in genuine purity. And although the said Gordon is making life of e- very deception to obtrude a vile drug of his own in their room, so well established is the reputation both of the real proprietor, J. B. HALL, as well as of his articles, that he has " been under the necessity, in consequnce of the increasing demand for them, to open an office for the better accommo- dation of the Public, at No. 3, Beaufort- Buildings, Strand, within two . doors of which they were originally sold by his late Father, in which neighbourhood the proprietor has the satisfaction of being able to give the most respectable re- ferences; among others, particularly to. Mr J. Burgess, Ita- lian Merchant, No. 107, corner of Savoy Steps, Strand, as being more intimately acquainted with his family and him- self, from his infancy. Sold, wholesale and retail, hy J. B. Hall, No. 3, Beaufort- Buildings, Strand where a discount will he allowed. The Violet Soap at 2s. 6d. per square— Cream of Violets at 4s. 6d. per bottle— and Turkish Wash at 3s. 6d. per box, duty included, retailed in Edinburgh By Mess, OLIPHANT & CO. only. N B. The attestations procured by Gordon, signed by four persons from Edinburgh, will soon be the subject of a trial ALL Persons indebted to the ESTATE of AR- CHIBALD M'AUSLAND, Merchant in Greenock, are requested, betwixt and the 15th of August next to make payment- to Mr Francis Garden, merchant in Greenock, the trustee., to prevent prosecutions. Greenock, July 15 1793 TO the CREDITORS of ANDREW HUM- TER and Co. Merchants in Leith, and of ANDREW HUNTER and ALEXANDER M'PHALL, Partners of said Company. At the request of the factor of their sequestrated estate, the Sheriff of Edinburgh has appointed Tuesday next, the 30th curt, at 10 o'clock forenoon, for the further examina- tion of the bankrupts or others acquainted with their bufi- nefs. The creditors are reminded that their meeting for electing a truftee is fixed for Wednesday the 31st current, at one o'clock, in the old Exchange Coffeehouse, Edinburgh— Of which this notice is given to all concerned. ' N o t i c e TO the CREDITORS of JOHN M'GREGOR Vintner in Brechan- . William Black and Alexander Ritchie, writers in Brechin, trustees appointed over the sequestrated estates real and per- sonal of the said John M'Gregor, and whose appointment has been confirmed by tbe Court of Session, hereby require all his creditors to lodge with them their claims and vouch- ers or grounds of debt, with their oaths for proving the fame, as direited by the ftatute 23d Geo. III. cap. 18, and that be- twixt and the 13th day of February next; and they certify those creditors who neglect to comply with this requisition, that they shall not be entitled to any share in the first distri- bution of Mr M'Gregor's estates. To the creditors of ARCH. ponton, Baker in Edinburgh At a meeting of the creditors of the said Archibald Pon- ton, held in John's Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, the 19th June last, William Balleney, merchant in Leith, was chosen tru- stee upon his sequestrated estate, and the trustee's appoint- ment is since confirmed by the Court; and in respect of the said Archibald Ponton having failed to execute and deliver a disposition and conveyance of his whole estate real and per- sonal, in terms of an order from the Court of Session, the Lord Abercromby officiating as Lord Ordinary on the Bills, adjudged, decerned, and declared the whole estate real and personal belonging to the said Archibald Ponton to belong to the said William Balleney as trustee for the creditors, to the end that the same may be sold, and the price divided a- mong the creditors, in terms of the statute.— The trustee now requests that the whole creditors will lodge their grounds of debt, with oaths of verity thereon with him, before the 8th day of February next, when the nine kalendar months fiom the date of the sequestration expire; with certification to those who fail to do so, that they will not be entitled to any share in the first distribution of the bankrupt's estate; 2nd it is also requested, that all those who stand indebted to the said Archibald Ponton, will immediately order payment to the said trustee, betwixt and the 1st day of September next, otherwise they will be prosecuted. by ADJOURNMENT. SALE OF A VILLA NEAR EDINBURGH, WITH HOUSES IN EDINBURGH, & c./ To be SOLD by public auction, within the Royal Exchange Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, 0n Friday the 9th August 1793, at one o'clock afternoon, in lots, as follows— / I. THE VILLA of REDBRAES on the North Side of the Road from Edinburgh to Leith by Bon- ington, lately the property of and possessed by Sir Hew Crawfurd, Bart. / The ground consists of about eight acres, part of which is in tillage, and part is laid out in shrubbery, gardens, strawberry banks, and grafs ground. There is some valuable wood on the grounds, and a piece of water plentifully supplied with springs. — There is a commodious dwelling- house 0n the premises, besides which a pavilion has been very conveniently fitted up j and possessed as a summer residence. The offices were erect- ed only a few years ago, and consist of a coach- house for three carriages, and stabling for ten horses. This villa, in point of situation, possesses many advantages— Towards the north it runs along the banks of the Water of Leith, and it commands a beautiful and extensive prospect of the Frith of Forth and the adjacent country. The premises hold of a subject superior for payment of a feu duty of 5I. 7s. 6d. Sterling, and the entry is taxed.— This lot will be exposed at L. 2000 Sterling. The gardener at the south gate will show the grounds. II>. That HOUSE on the East Side of SOUTH BRIDGE STREET, being the second storey of No. 23, consisting of dining- room, drawing- room, three bed- chambers, kitchen, and cellars. The rent is at present 26I. it was formerly 30I. — This lot will be exposed at L. 270. ill. That LAIGH HOUSE, also part of No. 23, East Side SOUTH BRIDGE STREET, and having an entry from Niddry Street, consisting of two rooms, kitchen, and bed- clofet. Rent 4l. 10s.— This lot will be exposed at L. 3C. IV. SIX SMALL HOUSES in the Upper Stories of EASTON's LANDS, foot of the Cowgate, possessed by dif- ferent tenants at 151.10s. or thereby. This lot is insured in the Edinburgh Friendly Insurance Office on the old plan, and, along with the bc- nefit of the infurance, it will be expo- sed at L. 90 For further particulars application may be made to Charles Selkrig, accountant in Edinburgh ; or William Anderson, writer to the signet. FARMS IN ROXBURGHSHIRE. TB be LET for the term of Nineteen Years, and entered to at Whitsunday 1794, THE FARM of MAINSIDE, with the HOUSES . and PERTINENTS, lying in the parish of Hownam and shire of Roxburgh. This farm borders with Northum-. berland, is very extensive, and reputed one of the best Sheep Farms in the South of Scotland. Proposals in writing will be received by James Home, clerk to the signet, Merchant Street, Edinburgh, betwixt and the term of Martinmas next; and such as are not ac- cepted, will be kept secret if desired. LEAD MINES IN PERTHSHIRE. To be LET, and entered 0n immediately, THE LEAD MINES of TYNDROM, belong- ing to the Earl of Breadalbane, together with a FARM, on which there is proper accommodation for the people em- ployed in the works; and the SMELTING MILL and UTENSILS which belonged to the former Lessees, will be given over on appraisement. Tyndrom is situated in Perthshire, ten miles from the head of Loch Lomond, from whence the lead has been ge- nerally carried by water to the Low- Country— There are al- io very promising appearances of lead at Drishaig, upon the side of Loch Awe, ten miles iveft from Tyndrom ; and as a communication is proposed to- be made between this lake and thc Crinan Canal by a collateral cut, the lead will thus be transported to the Western Coast. The Mines of Tyndrom have already been wrought up- wards of fity years; and, besides the great saving which will now rise from the duty being, taken off Coals carried coast- wise in Scotland, other very considerable advantages will be derived from the new lease, which will prove highly bene- ficial to the Lessee. The works will be shown by John M'Nicol, Overseer at Tyndrom ; and proposals for a lease may be given in to Mr Jonn Campbell writer to the signet, Edinburgh, or to Mr Alexander Ross, jun. merchant, London, who will shew plans, and inform as to other particulars. EDINBURGH : Printed by DAVID RAMSAT, Old Fish- market Close, where Advertisements, Orders for the Paper, & c. are taken in. Published every MONDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY Price, a single Paper, 3\ d.— zl. 6s. Yearly when called for— 2/. gs. delivered in Edinburgh or Leith—. and 2l. 14s. sent by Post. TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC ROUP, , In the Old Exchange Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, upon Wednes- day 31st July instant, betwixt the hours of six and seven afternoon, THESE TWO CELLARS LYING UNDER THE SHOPS lately possessed by Mr David Skae Grocer, and Mr James M'Lean Ironmonger, with the SMALL SHOP adjoining, lying at the head of Fortune's Close. Apply to Mr Robert Walker writer to the signet, who has . power to conclude a private bargain. TO BE SOLD, THAT LODGING or DWELLING- HOUSE in WEIR's LAND, CANONGATE, opposite to Young's Street, being the third storey from the street, consisting of five rooms, kitchen, and two closets, with cellar belonging thereto, presently possessed by Mr David Hutchieson writer. The premises may be seen every lawful day, and for the accommodation of intending purchasers, the present tenant will give immediate possession. / - Apply to Hugh Smyth Mercer, writer to the fignet, Hay's - Street. SUBJECTS AT LAURIESTON ( By Adjournment, and at desire of intending Offerers. To be SOLD, together or in different lots, by public roup, within the Old Exchange Coffeehouse, Edinburgh on Fri- day the 2d day of August 1793, at one o'clock afternoon, THE PROPERTY at LAUIESTON belong- ing to Mr JAMES RAMSAY, as formerly advertised, RAMSAY LODGE, with its Offices and Pertinents. That other LODGING in the ADJOINING FlELD pre- sently possessed by Mr Ramsay, with Offices and Pertinents FOUR HOUSES in LADY LAWSON's WYND. All as particularly described in a former advertisement, and occupying in whole a space of about 3 Scots acres. If the subjects are not sold in one lot, they will be divied- ed in the same manner, and subject to the same feu duties and conditions as formerly mentioned, or in such other man- ner as may be more agreeable to purchasers. The premises may be seen every day betwixt 12 and 2 o'clock ; and full information may be had by applying to David Thomson, clerk to the signet, No. 24, South Frederick Street. HOUSE, GARDEN, & PIGEON HOUSE AT FISHERROW. To be SOLD by public roup, within John's Coffeehouse dinburgh, upon Wednesday the 28th of August; 1793, at two o'clock afternoon, THAT HOUSE at the East End, and on the - L South Side of the VILLAGE of FISHERROW, con- sisting of seven rooms, garrets, kitchen, and other conveni-" encies, with Garden, Pigeon- house, and Offices, all as late- ly possessed by Professor George Stuart. _ The garden is well stocked with fruit trees of the best kinds.— The summer- house is pleasantly situated for a study, and commands a beautiful and extensive prospect of the Frith of Forth and River Esk, which last passes close under it, and the pigeon- house is well stocked. The situation of the house renders it convenient for sea bathing. The titles, articles of roup, and further particulars will be had by applying to Mr George Duncan, Comptroller of his Majesty's Stamp Duties at Edinburgh, or to Charles Steuart, writer to the signet. LANDS AND HOUSES IN FIFE TO BE SOLD & LET. ; To be SOLD by Private Bargain, / ABOUT SEVENtY ACRES of LAnD, cal- led BALCARRAS WARD, belonging William Jack, in Cupar, lying in the parish of Kilconquhar, about five miles south of Cupar, and three miles of the sea port of Largo. These lands ( on which is a Steading of Houses), have a pleasant south exposure, lie on the turnpike road from Cupar to the south coast of Fife, and the immediate vicinity of coal and lime ; are all arable, 1 good soil and mostly inclosed with stone dikes, ditch, and hedge, all in good order. If not sold betwixt and Michaelmas first, these lands will then be LET in TACK for 19 yeArs, after Martinmas first. , ALSO TO BE LET, That New well- finished HOUSE of HILTON, with the Garden and Office- houses, and from 20 to 30 Acres of Land. The house lies in a good neighbourhood, and about a short mile from the town of Cupar, and is capable to accommodate a genteel family, and as a complete let of Furniture, present- ly in the house. is soon to be sold, the tenant will have it in his power to provide himself with what he pleases on rea- sonable terms.— The entry to the premises at Martinmas first. For particulars apply to' the said William Jack, or Henry Walker, writer in Cupar— Andrew Bell at Hilton will show the house. SALE OF LANDS IN THE COUNTY OF, KINCARDINE. To be SOLD by Public Roup, ' THE LANDS and ESTATE of ARNHALL lying in the parifh of Fettercairn and shire of Kincardine. This estate is pleasantly situated on the banks of the river Northesk— The present gross rent is near 600I. and a very considerable rise may be expeCted at the expiration of the leases, which have only a few years to run.— Besides the ar- able lands, there are near a thousand acres of mosses, muirs, and young plantation, the greatest part of which ( particular- ly the mosses) may be improved to advantage, and are not under lease. The house, garden, and lands about the house are likewise out of lease. The time and place of sale will be advertised hereafter; and those who wish for more particular information, may apply to Thomas Renny, writer to the signet North St Da- vid's Street, or to Mr Charles Greenhill, at Boleshan, near Arbroath. , The gardener at Arnhall will show the grounds. : LANDS IN STIRLINGSHIRE. To be SOLD by public roup, within John's Coffeehouse, Edin- burgh, upon Wednesday the 31st day of July 1793, between the hours of 6 and 7 in the evening, THE LANDS ° F POLMONT PARK, in the Parish of Polmont, and Shire of Stirling. These Lands are situated 21 miles west from Edinburgh, upon the road leading to Stirling by Linlithgow and Falkirk from which last: they are only 3 miles distant. They contain between sixty and seventy acres of very rich ground, dividers into eight different inclosures, completely fenced by excellent: hedges and stripes of planting ( in which there is a consider- able quantity of valuable Oak Trees fit for cutting), and are all well laid down, and in the highest order. e There is a genteel house upon the premises, commanding an extensive view of the Carse of Falkirk, the Frith of Forth, - and rich country on both sides— together with an excellent set of offices, a good garden and orchard, and a well- stocked pigeon- house. The title- deeds, and a plan of the lands, may be seen by applying to Archibald Gibson, writer to the signet, who will is give such further information respecting them as may be de- sired. COAL TO BE LET IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF EDINBURGH. ' ~ To be LET for such a number of years as can be agrecd upon, ' THE COAL on the LANDS of KIRKHILL and UPHALL, within 10 measured miles of Edin- burgh, and lying along the sides of the new intended road from Edinburgh to Glasgow by Bathgate. Several of the seams have been wrought at different times, and there is e- Very reason to believe that others of greater extent and supe- rior quality will be found in the lands which may be wrought in at an easy expence. The lands lie also in the vicinity of the new intended Canal, which ever of the lines now under sur- 0_ vey may be ultimately adopted; and if the northern line shall be preferred, the coal of those lands will have the fullest benefit of that cheap and easy conveyance to Edinburgh. For further particulars apply to William Inglis, clerk to the signet, who will receive proposals.
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