The Edinbugh Evening Courant
Printer / Publisher: David Ramsey
Volume Number: Issue Number: 28/11/1931 00:00
No Pages: 4
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The Edinbugh Evening Courant
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The Edinbugh Evening Courant
Date of Article: 29/01/1793
Printer / Publisher: David Ramsey
Address: Old Fish-market Close
Volume Number: Issue Number: 28/11/1931 00:00
No Pages: 4
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COUNTY OF FIFE. By the Sheriff and Convener of the Commissioners of Supply. ANUMBER of RESPECTABLE GENTLE- MEN of this County, desirous to promote the speedy MANNING of his MAJESTY'S NAVY, have proposed that a Fund should be raised for offering a Bounty to Seamen belonging to the County who shall voluntarily enter within a limited time on board his Majesly's ships of war. They have requested that a MEETING of the COUNTY should be called to take this proposal into consideration, and, if adopted, the proper mode of raising a fund for the above purpose, either by an Assessment on the Valued
Rent, or by Subscription. We therefore request the Noblemen, Freeholders, and Commissioners of Supply, to meet at Cupar on Monday the 4th of February next, at twelve o'clock. Cupar, Jan. 28.1793. CLAUD BOSWELL, Sheriff PATRICK RIGG, Convener BOUNTY TO SEAMEN. By the Right Hon. the Lord Provost, Magstrates, and Council of the City of Edinburgh. , WHEREAS his MAJESTY'S SERVICE re- quires a supply of SEAMEN to man the FLEET, a Reward is hereby offered of TWO GUINEAS. over and above his Majesty's Bounty, to every Able Seaman and ONE GUINEA to every Ordinary Seaman, not under
Twenty nor above Fifty Years of Age, who shall, during the continuance of his Majesty's Bounty, appear in the Council Chamber, and voluntarily enter himself to serve in the Royal Navy. To be immediately paid by the City Chamberlain, on such able or ordinary seamen respectively being approved by the Regulating Officer here as fit for service, and residing in or belonging to the City, Leith, Newhaven, or other Liberties o Edinburgh. Given at Edinburgh this 19th December 1792. GOD SAVE. THE KING ! THO. ElDEr, Provost By the Righ Hon. THE LORD PROVOST AND MAGISTRATES OF THE CITY OF EDINBURGH.
Speedily will be Published, BY PETER HILL, EDINr. And T. CADELL, London in One Volume Octavo, AN ADDRESS to the lately form d SOCIETY OF FRIENDS OF ThE PEOPLE. BY JOHN WILDE, Esq. ADVOCATE, Fellow of the Royal Society, and Professor of Civil Law in the University of Edinr. HEREAS, notwithstanding the Order of the Magistrates, proclaimed, by tuck of drum on Wed- nesday last, requiring ALL OWNERS of DOGS to CON- FINE them for the space of 20 days, and certifying such as failed that they would be fined for contempt of authority— YET little regard has been paid thereto, and instances of that
fatal disease, as well as the danger to the inhabitants, having now most evidently appeared, aud been certified by Gentle- men of the Royal College of Surgeons attending on the Roy- al Infirmary, the MAGISTRATES, in order effectually to guard the Inhabitants and the Public from further danger, do hereby strictly require and enjoin all persons within their ju- risdiction immediately to secure, and keep in close confine- ment, every DOG belonging to them, for the foresaid space of TWENTY DAYS; and in case they shall permit them to stray and range abroad contrary to this injunction, autho- rity and warrant is hereby given to
Town Officers, Town ; Guard Soldiers, Running Stationers, Chair Bearers, Street Porters, to kill all such dogs that shall be found straying or at large during the foresaid period ; and a REWARD will be paid to any perfon who will give information against the Owners of such Dogs, that are thus found. Given at Edinburgh this 28th January, 1793, ( Signed) JAMES JACKSON, B, > N This Day is Published, BY PETER HILL ( price 6d.) ' A Short SYSTEM of ENGLISH GRAMMAR ; WITH EXAMPLES OF Improper and Inelegant Construction, and Scotticisms.— To which are added, Exercises in English Pronunciation and
Orthography. BY WILLIAM SCOTT. Also Published by Peter Hill, price is. Beauties of Eminent Writers, designed for the Use of Schools j and Private Classes— by the same Author. * THE SUBSCRIPTION for Morison' s EDITION OF THOMSON'S SEASONS Finally closes on Thursday Jan. 31. 1793 After which Day the Price will invariably be advanced from ONE GUINEA to ThIRTy SHILLingS. The first; Number is now published, and delivered to subsr bers only at 5s. 3d. The two plates for No 2. are expect- ed from Lon' early in February. One of those intend ed for No. 3. Vi - ' s Country Fire- side on a Winter Evening, from
the pencil of Mr Corbould,' is esteemed a first rate painting, and has been already above four months in the Engraver's hands. In addition to the Two Engravings in- tended for No. 4. the Publishers are happy to announce, they have procured the Original Drawing of the Monu- ment by Mrs Hicky, under the eye of the late Sir Joshua Reynolds; so that the embellishments of this Work will be Nine in all. The first number to be had of, and subscriptions received by Messrs A. Guthrie, South Bridge, Edinburgh— Wm. Coke, Leith— Brash and Reid, Glasgow— A. Brown, Aberdeen— and R. Morison and Son, Perth, the Publishers.
WANTED, For an Independent Company, ALIEUTENAT and ENSIGN, who will raise their respective proportions of men. Enquire of Mr John Young, writer to the signet, On Thursday 31st inst, will be Published, NO. 1. ( PRICE 6D.) OF CONDILLAC'S ANCIENT HISTORY, TO ROAD CONTRACTORS. INTIMATION is hereby made, That that Part of the NEW GLASGOW ROAD betwixt Bathgate and New Liston Bridge, is to be made a TURNPIKE ROAD. Persons wiling to contract for forming and metalling that part of the said road betwixt the Coal Engine near Bathgate, and the east side of the Bridge at Houston, and for
making a temporary repair upon that part of the line of road betwixt Houston and New Liston Bridge, are. requested to give in their proposals and estimates for the same, to Alexander Dal- las, clerk to the trustees on the said road, No. 36, Queen's Street, to whom also application may be made for furth particulars. TEA AND SUGAR WAREHOUSE, Opposite Adam's Square, South Bridge- street, Edinburgh. RANDOLPH, ARROL, and CO. take the li- berty of informing their Friends and the Public, that they have got to hand from the East India Company's last December sales, a LARGE QUANTITY of EXCEEDING FINE TEAS,
which they are selling on the very lowest terms. R. A. & Co. will warrant the Teas now offered for sale by them to be equal in quality, if not superior, to any yet fold in this country. SUGARS of all kinds on the most moderate terms. PERFUMERY. WILLIAM RAEBURN, No. 13. NOrTH BRIDGE- STREET, Edinburgh, and GLASGOW, most respectfully informs his Friends und the Public, That he has received an ELEGANT ASSORTMENT of PER- FUMERY, which he is selling at the very lowest prices, for ready money. Best Mareschal, per lb. 10s. 6d.— Ditto per oz Common ditto, at 6s— 4s.— 2s. 6d.— 2s. per lb. Best French
Plain Powder, 8s. 6d. per doz.— Plain do. 8s.— ditto, 7s.— Scented with Violet., ios. per doz.— Ditto scented with Mareschal, 10s. per doz.— Pearl Powder, 2s. 6d. per oz. French Pomatums, 2s. 94. per pot.— Ditto per roll, is. 9d — Patent Violet Soap, Ditto Cream of ditto— Almond Wash,— Milk of Roses, Bloom of ditto— Liquid Rouge, Cold Cream, Lip Salve; and every innocent Cosmetic in repute— Essences and Scented Waters of every kind— Riga Balsam— Liquid Blue, Wash Balls ditto— A great variety of Ladies and Gentleraens Dressing Boxes, Purses, Pocket- books, Smel- ling Bottles, Toothpick Cases, & c.—
Scissars, Penknives, Sto- dart's Razors and Straps, Composition for ditto. W. R. it determined that none in the trade shall undersell him— the Public may depend upon being served on the most N. B, The Families who are pleased to honour him with commands, will be particular in sending their orders to No. 13 to prevent mistakes, which often happen. KINCARDINE. aT a numerous and Respectable MEETING of the NOBLEMEN, FREEHOLDERS, JUSTICES of the PEACE HERITORS of the County of Kincar- dine, assembled at stonehaven on the 19th day of January 1793, in consequence of an advertisement from the
Sheriff- depute and Convener of said county, the Right Hon. LORD IMVERURY being called to the Chair, when the FOLLOW- ING RESOLUTIONS were moved by Alexander Burnet, Esq. of Strachan, Sheriff- depute, and leconded by Francis Russell, Esq. of Blackhall, and were UNANIMOUSLY a. greed to. 1. That, at this alarming crisis, when we hear that wick- ed and defsgning men are endeavouring, with great assiduity, to propagate in this island wild and levelling notions, sub- versive of all good government, and even of society itself, and which have given rise to such dreadful calamities in a neigh- bouring state— we feel
it a duty incumbent upon us to exprefs in this public manner our firm attachment to the constitution of our country, and our sincere loyalty to our Sovereign. 2. Being fully sensible that the increasing prosperity of this country, and the blessings which we enjoy of just and equal laws, so mildly administered under our present Govern- ment, can only be maintained while good order and due sub- ordination prevail, we will to the utmost of our power assist the Magistrate to repress every appearance of turbulence; and will exert ourselves in our feveral capacities to prevent all seditious publications and discourses, and to bring their
authors to examplary punishment. 3. That we highly disapprove of all associations or clubs which are set on foot under the specious pretext of obtaining for the lower ranks and labouring people greater advantages than what they at present possess, but which in reality tend only to instill into their mind, sentiments of disaffection to Go- vernment, and of discontent with their own situation, more favourable than that of any people on earth, and which Of course tend- to damp and depress that true spirit of industry and sobriety which can alone procure for them comfort and happiness;— and we will therefore discourage and
discounte- nance, as far as lies in our power, all those in our different neighbourhoods who promote and frequent such affociations. 4- That the thanks of this Meeting are justly due to the Preses, for his proper conduct in the Chair, and to the She-. riff- depute and Convener, for having given them this oppor- tunity of expressing their sentiments. ( Signed) INVERURY, Preses. N. B. A copy of the subscribers names will appear in a sub sequent paper. . Tickets and Shares registered at 6d. each, and the earliest intelligence sent of their success. Country Correspondents may have Tickets & Shares fent them, by remitting good bills
at sight or at a short date. Money for prizes as soon as jo, 000 Tickets, 500000!. 1 drawn. The Tickets and Legal Stamped Shares thereof, are now selling,, in an extenfive Variety of Numbers, by THOMAS WILKIE, Stockbroker, at his FOUR Licensed State Lottery Offices— viz. No. 71, St Pauls' Church- yard, London, At the House of Mr Billings, Printer, Liverpool, Mr Beatnisse, Bookseller, Norwich— and Messrs Trewman and Son, Booksellers, Exeter. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES bought and sold by com- mission. N. B. Agreeable to Act of Parliament, no business can be transacted before Eight o'clock in the Morning, or
after Eight o'clock in the Evening. The following are the Capital Prizes sold by T. Wilkie in the last English Lottery No. 4,556 a Prize of X,. 20,000. — 36,459 — — — 1'° 00- — 23,799 — — — 1,000. — 21,380 — — — 5°°- SALE OF WOOD IN FIFE. . To be SOLD by public roup, at Bambreich and Dunbog, and at Newton, ALarge Quantity of ASH, ELM, and PLANE, with fome OAKS aud ALLERS. Bambreich is upon the banks of the Tay, and Dunbog and Newton are only about a mile from it. The sale of the Woods at the two first placcs will be at Dunbog upon Tues- day the 26th of February, and at the last, at Newton, upon
Thursday the 28th of the same month. At/ both places the roup to begin at eleven o'clock each day. The forester at Fliskwood will show the Woods at Bam- breich and Dunbog, and the tenant of Newton will point out the wood there. N. B. Credit will be given until Lammas, upon proper ecurity. , ,„ TO BE And THAT HOUSE above Mr Sommers's Tavern in the NEW TOWN, consisting of seven rooms and kitchen, with other conveniencies. Apply to Mr Wm. Dumbreck, St Andrew's Square, who will shew the house and give information as to other parti- culars. STARCH.' To be SOLD hy public roup, within the weighouse of Leith,
upon . Friday the ill of February next, at eleven o'clock forendon, FIFTEEN HOGSHEADS FINE POLAND STARCH, and two ditto. HAIR POWDER. Articles of sale in the hands of William Grinly, broker. N. B. As these goods must positively be sold, great bargains may be expected. LEITH, Jan. 28.1793. SHOP AND HOUSES FOR SALE. . To be SOLD by Private Bargain, together or separate and entered to at Whitsunday next, THE SHOP lying at the HEAD of the WEST BOW, and East Side thereof, with the Cellar under the same, presently possessed by John Andrew, grocer- Rent That small DWELLING- HOUSE, being the
third story from the said shop, part of the tenement in which it is situated, entering from the turnpike stair, head of the Lawnmarket, nearly opposite to the east door of the Weigh- house, and occupied by Miss Graham— Rent — The GARRET STORY of the said Tenement, possessed hy Rondald M'Donald— Rent — And the DWELLING- HOUSE at the head of the West Bow, and West Side thereof, entering by a stone stair from the street, presently possessed by James Strachan grocer, and immediately above the shop possessed by him— Rent — io o OLD ABERDEEN, Jan. 10. 1793. RodeRiCK MACLEoD Esq. Provost, in
the Chair. THE PROVOST and MAGISTRATES of the City of Old Aberdeen, having called the members of the Town Council, and requested the attendance of the Prin- cipal and Professors ofthe College, the Ministers, and Inha- bitants, in the Town- House this day, for the purpofe of gi- ving their sentiments on the PRESENT STATE of PUBLIC AFFAIRS, did unanimously agree to exprefs, in this public manner, their fincere attachment to the Conftitution of this country established at the Revolution, which under the go- vernment of King, Lords; and Commons, has excited the admiration and envy of surrounding nations; and
which has not only fecured the liberty and property of individuals, but has promoted to an amazing degree the general profperity of tilt kingdom; and they are perfectly satisfied that, besides all the other advantages which this constitution enjoys, it has this peculiar excellence above all other forms of government, containing the principles by which any decay or corruption that may have crept into it, and to which every human in- stitution must be liable, can be repaired and corrected by lawful and constitutional means. It is therefore with sorrow that they see opinions propa- gated, and books circulated, which tend to make people
dis- satisfied with and disaffected to our excellent Constitution, and to raise a spirit of equality and levelling, destructive of all order, security, and peace; and which however plausible in theory, are totally repugnant to the nature of man, and can never be reduced to practice in any well- regulated society.— under this conviction, they refolve to do every thing in their power to prevent such pernicious opinions from being pro- 3- For further particulars apply to Edward Bruce, clerk to the signet. Not to be repeated. SALE OF BONHILL PRINTFIELD. To be SOLD within the Tontine Tavern of Glasgow, upon Saturday the 2d of February
next, between the hours, of one and three afternoon, THE PRINTFIELD of BONHILL, and whole BUILDINGS and LANDS connected with the Field, the Lands extending to above 50 Acres. ^ ALSO, The whole MACHINERY, UTENSILS, & c. for PRINT- ING, at the Field, with the BENEFIT of fbe SERVICE of the INDENTED SERVANTS to the WORK. Entry to the premifes within fourteen days after the sale excepting the Dwelling- house and Garden possessed by the manager, which are to be entered to- at Whitsunday next. ANd, Upon Thursday the 14th of February next, will be sold in Lots, at the Field, The whole
UNFINISHED GOODS, with the BLEACH- ING and DYEING STUFFS, & c. belonging to the PRINT FIELD. For particulars apply to John Black and Co. St Andrew's Square. GLASGOW, Jan. 22. 1793. ^ TO BE SOLD OR LET, HAT HOUSE built upon the ground at Bathfield, ing between Newhaven and Leith, consisting of six rooms and a kitchen, with closets. This house is in a de- lightful situation, very agreeable for a family who wiih to be by themselves, and convenient for sea bathing, as it has a large plot of ground all inclosed within itself . For particulars apply to Mr Alexander Reid, the proprie- tor, Rose Street, New Town,
who has also several Houses in the New Town to sell or let, \ To be SOLD by public roup, within Gibb's Coffeehouse, on the Shore of Leith, on Tuefday the 5th February 1793, at 6 o'clock afternoon, THE BRIGAntiNE THE. MARGARET Of leiTH, Measuring 107 66- 94ths Tons per Register.— The Margaret is remarkably well sound, and in every respect a most complete vessel. She was was built here by Mr Syme in September 1790, of the best materials, sails fast, shifts light, is well con- structed for the Foreign or Coasting Trade, and may be sent to sea without any expence. The vessel, inventory, and conditions of sale, to he
seen by applying to James Sommervail or David Ogilvy, Merchants in Leith, trustees for the creditors of James MacIntyre, SHIP FOR SALE AT KIRKCALDY. To he SOLD, within the houfe of John Wilson, vintner in Kirkcaldy, on Thursday the 14th of February. 1793 - twixt thehours of eleven and twelve forenoon, THE bRIGANTINE THOMAS KIRKCALDY, British Plantation built, burden per register 185 Tons, with her Float Boats and all o- ther Appurtenances, as she now prefently lies in the harbour of Kirkcaldy. The said vessel is sheathed, sails fast, shifts light, and is well calculated for Foreign or any other Trade where burden
and an easy draught of water are required. For further particulars apply to John Miller, Ship Master at Kirkcaly. " KIBKCALdY, Jan. 26- 1793 pagated among the people, and will, in their several capa- cities, be ready to assist; the civil Magistrate in suppressing any riot or tumult that may arise, and use every exertion to preserve peace and order. The Meeting then returned thanks to the Provost and Magistrates for calling them together on this occasion, and , to the Provost for his conduct in the chair; and requested he would subscribe the proceedings, and have them published. ( Signed) RODK. MACLEOD, P. deceased
WILLIAM FULLARTON, Tenant at Cookston, are requested to meet within the house of William Monro, vintner in Forfar, on Monday the 4th day of February next, at twelve o'clock mid- day, to fix the allowance to be made to the factors, tru- stees, and their agent, for their trouble and to give orders for paying the defunct's proportion of John Marshall's bond, & c. now awarded by the Court of Session. 26th JANuARY 1793. A SALE OF MAHOGANY AT LEITH To be SOLD by auction, within Mr Thomson's Timber Yard, near the foot of Leith Walk, upon Friday the 8th I of February, at twelve o'clock noon, ONE HUNDRED LOGS
and PLANKS of HONDURAS and JAMAICA MAHOGANY, many of a very large size, and excellent quality. The attention of the trade it particularly requested. be- ing a superior parcel of wood to any that has been offered to sale for a long time past. For particulars apply to John Walker, Leith. TO BE LET, And entered to at Whitsunday next, THAT LODGING in NAIRN called VOCK's HOUSE with the Offices, two Gardens, and Grass Inclosure as now occupied by Capt. John Frarer. The house is fit to accommodate a large family, and extremely well calculated for a Bathing Quarter— The Gardens and Park are inclosed with high
stone walls, and afford excellent grass for cows; and the tenant may be accommodated with what land he may find necessary, adjoining to the house. For particulars apply to Mr Carmichael at Geddes, the proprietor, or Alexander Hay, writer'in Nairn.— Not to be repeated. COUNTRY HOUSE AND FARM TO LET. To LET, Furnished, or unfurnished, and entered into at' Candlemas next, THE HOUSE of KERSIE- BANK, three miles. east of Falkirk, lying in a good neighbourhood, with the Offices, Garden, Orchards, Pigeon- house, & c.—; About 60 acres of Land, partly inclosed, or any lesser quantity will be let adjoining the
house.— Kersie- bank is well known to be commodiously situated, and most agreeably retired. The house, which is partly ( and shall, if required, be com- pletely) furnished, has many conveniencies, and is recently and substantially finished in the modern stile.— The orchards contain about two acres, well provided with fruit trees.— The pigeon- house has been newly stocked, and the ground about the house is well laid out. Henry Hardie at Polmont- kirk will show the house and ground.— Further enquiry may be made at John Eiston, So- licitor at Law, Edinburgh. INN AT DUNDEE TO LET. To be Let for such a number of years
as can be agreed on, and entered to immediately, THAT Large and Commodious INN, called the - NEW INN, fronting the High Street in the town of Dun- dee, with the Stables, Chaise- house, and other offices ad- Joining, as lately possessed by James Stewart vintner. The house consists of six parlours, twenty bed- rooms, ma- ny of which are large, and hold two beds, and elegant Ball- room, a, large kitchen, with two rooms off the same, besides other conveniencies. There are several Cellars belonging to the house, many of which are vaulted, and fitted up with catacombs. The Stables are properly divided and well air- ed, will
hold sixty horses, and are equal to the stables of any inn in Scotland. Above the Stables there is a Loft which holds from 4 to 5000 stones of hay, and the access from the high street is large and easy. The chaise- house will hold eight carriages, and above there is a Loft for victual, and a house for an hostler. This Inn is situated in the principal street of the town of Dundee, and has been fitted up in a substantial and elegant manner, at a considerable expence. There is only another Inn in Dundee, and from the largenefs and thriving situa tion of the Town, the New Inn is worthy of the attention of any person inclining to embark in
that line of business. v For further particulars, application may be made to Wil- liam Wilson, merchant in Dundee, the proprietor. CRAWFURD, Jan 21. 1793. A T a MEETING of the residing HERITORS, MINISTER, and INHABITANTS of the Parish of CRAWFURD DOUGLAS, county of Lanark, in conse- quence ot former intimation thereof— The Meeting unanimously made choice of ARCHIBALD STIRLING, Esq. Leadhills, to be their Prefes, and TAMES M'QUEEN of Bellfield to be their Clerk— And the Meeting- having taken into consideration the prefent POLITICAL STATE of the COUNTRY, was happy to find, notwith standing the many seditious publications circulated by fac- tious and designing persons in that as well as in every other part of the united kingdom, that the greatest unanimity still prevails in that part of the country in which they reside, in sentiments ot loyalty to their King and Constitution as settled at the Revolution 1688, which defines, harmonizes, and thereby secures on the most solid foundation the rights of all ranks and denominations of men— It shelters the weak from the violence ot the strong; it delivers the poor from the op. pression ot the rich; and it protects the private individual from the injustice of the man in power.
By this means it comes to pass, that the rich enjoy their property undisturbed, the poor the earnings of their labour unmolested, and all the rational exercise of their judgment undismayed. Thus are happily removed those groundlefs animosities which in some countries subsist between the different orders of society. It also opens a way to the exaltation of merit in every branch of business. The Nobleman possesses no eminence" to which the lowest of the people may not arrive; the son of the cot- tager may become Prime Minister to the Sovereign. Thus are the different ranks of life reconciled and cemented, and That grudge and
envy arising from the obstacles which some Governments throw in the way of merit prevented. More- over, it secures the exercise of the established religion, and at the same time grants full toleration to all who dissent from the established religion to worship God according to their conscience. The members of said Meeting, being penetrated with a sense of these blessings, which they fhare in conjunction with their fellow subjects, and considering the whole as enforced The mild but steady Government of his present Majesty, think it their duty at this time to express their attachment to his royal person and government, and their
determination to uphold, as far as in their power, that glorious Constitution which diffuses so much happiness. Thefe their sentiments they appoint to be signed by their Preses in their name, to whom the thanks of the Meeting are due for his attention during the course of the business, and the same to be published in the Edinburgh Evening Cou- rant, Mercury, Adverser, Herald, and Gazetteer. ( Signed) ARCH STIRLING, Preses
CUPAR ANGUS, Jan. 11. 1793 AGREAT and respectable number Of the GENTLEMEN and FARMERS of the COUNTIES of PERTH and ANGUS having met here this day, did, with great unanimity and cordiality, express their firm and unalterable attachment to his MAJESTY and to the prefent happy CONSTUTION of Great Britain, consisting of King, Lords, and Commons— and resolved to exert their utmost en- deavours to maintain and promote that spint of loyalty and affeCtion to his Majesty, and of peace and good order in so- ciety, which has hitherto prevailed in this- part of the coun- try. Also appointed these their
sentiments to be signed by Mun- go Murray, Esq. of Lintrose, their Preses, and published in the Edinburgh newspapers. The thanks of the Meeting were then given to Mr Mur- ray, their Preses, for calling them together, and for his con- stant attention to the interests of this part of the country. MUNGO MURRAY, Preses GLASGOW CONSTITUTIONAL ASSOCIATION Jan. 1792. / // AT a MEETING of the SUBSCRIBERS to the GLASGOW CONSTITUTIONAL ASSOCIA- TION, held this play in the Tontine Tavern, in conswquence of advertisements in the Newspapers, GILBERT HAMILTON, Esq. in the Chair, - The Chairman
having stated, That as the intention of this Association was to check that unwarrantable spirit of LE VELLING REPUBLICANISM which had been indus- triously fomented in the country, by the distribution of many publications tending to raise a spirit of discontent among the people, and of disaffection to our present excellent Constitu- tion, it was necessary to form such rules and regulations as should appear to the Meeting best calculated to promote the design of the Society, and thereby to secure that peace and good order so necessary to the welfare of the community; and to appoint a Committee to carry thefe regulations into
effect. The MEETING, therefore, UNANIMOUSLY agreed, That a Committee ihould be appointed of 24 Members, five of whom to be a quorum, who shall meet in the Ton- tine, so long as shall be found necessary, every Thursday e- vening at six o'clock, where all communications tending to promote the views of the Association will be thankfully re- ceived, and where such measures will be resolved on as may appear expedient for that, purpose. That the Committee shall appoint two of. their number in rotation, to procure the subscriptions of those who may approve of this Association and its views. That it be recommended to
the Committee to be industri ous in distributing among the inhabitants of this city and neighbourhood all publications which may confirm them in _ their attachment to our present happy Constitution, and which may point out to those who have imbibed different senti- ments, the fallacy of the arguments used by seditious writers. With the view of perverting the unenlightened judgment of well- meaning men. That every exertion should be used, both by the Commit- tee and the individual Members, to prevent the further disse- mination of all writings tending to alienate the minds of the people from the present Government, and to
show the dan. ger arising from the propagation of such pcrnicious doc trines. That, in order to carry these resolutions into effeCt, each Member shall pay into the Treasurer to be appointed such sum as he shall add to his subscription, in order to defray the expence of such publications as it may be thought proper to circulate, and such other charges as may necessarily attend this Association. That the Treasurer shall keep a distinct account of such sums as may be received, and of the charges paid out by him, to be laid before the Society; and that the Committee be empowered to call a General Meeting when they see proper.
That the following persons be appointed Members of the • Committee. KINGSBARNS, Jan. 16. 1793. AVERY full and respectable MEETING of the GENTLEMEN, FARMERS, and other INHABI- TANTS of the Parish of Kingsbarns, was held here this day; and judging it their duty to declare their fentiments with respect to the PRESENT CONSTITUTION, under which they enjoy fo many invaluable blessings, at a time when the most wicked attempts have been made to mislead the unwary, by propagating levelling, dangerous, and repu- blican doctrines, UNANIMOUSLY came to the FOLLOW- ING RESOLUTIONS. That the
Constitution of Great Britain is founded on most equitable principles, and supported by the most salutary laws.— That the Life, Liberty, and Property of every sub- jeCt is thereby protected; and the individual,- in whatever rank he is born, may, by virtue and talents, not only arrive to opulence, but fill the most honourable stations with pro- priety and respect. As loyal subjects, sensible of such privileges, we do here- by declare our firm and unalterable resolution to support the present Conditution, so happily established in King, Lords, and Commons at the Revolution ; and we pledge ourselves to support and assist, to the utmost of
our power, the Civil Magistrate in maintaining peace and good order, and in op- posing any inflammatory or seditious writings that may have a tendency to interrupt the harmony of the community, be- ing assured that by so doing, we attend to the true interest of our Country, and are the Real Friends of the People. That the thanks of this Meeting be given to the Preses, the Rev. James Beatson, and Methven Erskine of Cambo, Efqrs. for their particular attention to this important bufinefs. DAVID ERSKINE, Preses. JAMES BEATSON, Minifter. And in name of the whole Parish / JAMES THOMSON, Clerk, The London Gazette.
SATURDAY, January 26. The : Mess. Gilbert. Hamilton — John Dunlop — James M'Lehose — James Ritchie — Cun. Corbett — John Alston — Robert Findlay " — Robt. Scott Moncrieff — John Brown -— William Smith — William Wardlaw — Henry Monteith And that Mr Maxwell of Dargavell be appointed Secre- tary, and Mr James Black Treasurer to the Association. Resolved, That the thanks of the Meeting be given to the Chairman for his conduct on this occasion, GILBERT HAMILTON, chairman. Mess. John Tennent — Henry Riddell — John Maxwell — John Orr — James M'Ilquham — William Clark — John Love —
John Paul — William Craig — James Black — John Buchanan — Thomas Shedden _ DUNBAR. THE MAGISTRATES and TOWN CIL of DUNBAR having met on the 16th January 1793, for the purpose of declaring their sentimeuts respect- ing our PRESENT GOVERNMENT, they came to the FOLLOWING RESOLUTIONS. Resolved, That we feel it a duty wc owe to ourselves, and to our Country at this crisis, thus publicly to declare our loyalty to the person of our most gracious Sovereign, and our firm and sincere attachment to the Constitution of these kingdoms, consisting of King, Lords, and Commons, as established at the
glorious period of the Revolution in 1688. Resolved, That our Constitution is well calculated in its ^ - nuine principles, to insure happiness, security, and civil liberty to the inhabitants of this realm, as under its benign and fa- vourable influence the subjects of these kingdoms have at- tained the highest distinction in Commerce, Navigation, A- griculture, Manufactures, and Wealth. Resolved, That as the peace and prosperity of these king- dom's depend upon a strict obedience to the laws from all ranks of men, wc declare that we will use our utmost en- deavours to support every conftitutional authority, and to discourage and
suppress all seditious publications, tending to disturb the peace of society, and to introduce Republican and levelling principles respecting Government, which must lead to anarchy with all its evils. Resolved, That upon a regular and constitutional applica- tion being made, we trust that the cautious hand of a pru- dent Legislature will be ever ready to redress and amend any real grievances, and to use the proper means of removing any blemish which may have crept into the original frame of our most excellent Constitution. Resolved, That these resolutions be left in the Council- house, that the whole inhabitants of the town and
neighbourhood may have an opportunity of declaring their loyalty and attach- ment to the King and the Constitution by signing the same ; and that they afterwards be published in the Edinburgh Cou- rant, Mercury, and Advertiser, and also in the London Chronicle and Evening Post. Extrailcd by ( Signed PAT. HALYBURTON Queens House, January 24. THE KING was this day pleased, by his Majesty's order in Council, to direct, that M. CHAUVeLIN, late Minister Plenipotentiary from the Most CHRISTIAN KING, should depart this realm, 0n or before the 1st day of February next. Lord Chamberlain's Office, Jan. 25 Orders for the
Court going into mourning on Sunday next the 27th inst. for his late Most CHRISTIAN MAJE. STY, viz. The Ladies to wear black silk, fringed or plain linen white gloves, necklaces, and ear- rings, black or white shoes, fans and tippets. Undress— White or grey lustrings, tabbies, or damasks The Gentlemen to wear black, full trimmed, fringed or plain linen, black swords and buckles. Undress— Grey frocks. The Court to change the mourning on Sunday the 3d of February next. The Ladies to wear black silk or velvet, coloured rib bons, fans, and tippets, or plain white, or white and gold, or white and silver stuffs, with black ribbons.
The Gentlemen to wear black coats, and black or plain white, or white and gold, or white and silver stuff waist- coats, full trimmed, coloured swords and buckles. And on Thursday the 7th of February next, the Court to go out of mourning. Whitehall, Jan. 26. The KING has been pleased to order and direCt the Lord Lieutenant of the county palatine of Lancaster to embody the whole of the Militia Forces of the said coun- ty palatine. Crown 0ffice, Jan. 26. MEMBER RETURNED TO ThE PRESENT PARLIAMENT. Borough of Grantham SIMON YORKE, Esq. in room of Philip Yorke, Esq. who hath accepted the office of Stew- ard of
his Majesty's Manor of East Hundred, in the county of Berks. Office of Ordnance, Jan. 23. Lieut. Colonel Robert Pringle, of the Royal Engineers, is appointed to be ( in America only) Colonel in the Army, from the 18th of November 1790. [ The remainder of the Promotions on Thursday . [ This Gazette contains an order for all the Out Pensioners of Chelsea Hospital, residing within 25 miles of London, to appear at the said Hospital on or before the 5th day of Fe- bruary next —— AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN, IOR INGLAND AND WALES— WEEK ENDED JAN, Wheat. 5 46 10 [ The first line is the average per bushel- L E I T H,
1793 AT a'MeeTiNG of the CONVENERY of the TRADES of LEITH held here this day, it ap- peared that the several Societies belonging thereto, who had met to consider the PRESENT STATE of the COUNTRY, had agreed to the following DECLARATION, and appoint- ed the same to be signed by their Convener in their name, and extracts thereof to be given out, and published in the Edinburgh Courant and Caledonian Mercury. WE, the Members of the United Trades of Leith, feel ourselves called upon in the present situation of public affairs, to declare our firm and inviolable fidelity and attachment to our Sovereign and the
present happy Constitution, vested in King, Lords, and Commons, as settled at the Revolution in 1688, and that we will stand by, support, and defend the same to the utmost of our power, against all attempts what- sover to subvert it— trusting in the wisdom and virtue of Parliament, that any real grievances which may require re- dress will be removed when application is made for that ef- fect in a constitutional manner. ( Signed) ALEX. CAIRNS, Convener. Extracted by / WILL. STRACHAN, Clk, LAST WILL and TESTAMENT of Louis, as found in the Temple, and delivered by the Commissioners to the COMMUNE of PARIS. [
The substance of the Will of Louis was given in our lad; the following is a fuller and more accurate translation, which, although in some measure a repetition, will doubtless be ac- ceptable to our readers. J In the name of the Holy Trinity, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost : This day, the 21st day of Dec. 1792, I, Louis the XVI. of that name, King of France, having been for more than four months shut up with my family in the Tower of the Temple at Paris, by those who were my subjects, and de- prived of every kind of communication with my Fa- mily since the 11th of this month ; and being more- over involved in a trial, of which,
from the passions of mankind, it is impossible to foresee the event, and for which neither pretext nor precedent can be found in any existing law; having no witness of my thoughts but GOD, and no one but him to whom I can address myself, I here declare, in his presence, my last will and sentiments. I leave my soul to GOD, my Creator : I implore him to receive it in his mercy, and not to judge it according to its merits, but according to those of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, who offered himself as a sacrifice to GOD, his Father, for us men, unworthy as we were, and especially myself. I die in the Communion of our Catholic,
Apostolic, and Roman Mother Church, which holds its powers by an un- interrupted succession from ST PETER, to whom JE- SUS CHRIST had entrusted them. I firmly believe, and I confess, all that is contained in the Com- mandments of GOD and the church— in the sacra- ments and mysteries which the church teaches, and has always taught. I have never presumed to make myself a judge as to the different manners of explain- ing the doCtrines which divide the church of JESUS CHRIST ; but I have always referred myself, and shall always refer myself, if GOD shall grant me life, to the decisions which the superior
ecclesiastics united to the holy Catholic Church give, and shall give, conformably to the discipline of the church, follow- ed since JESUS CHRIST. I lament with my whole heart our brethren who may be in error: But I do not presume to judge them ; and I do not the less love them all in JESUS CHRIST, agreeably to what Christian charity teaches us. I implore GOD to pardon me all my sins. I have endeavoured scrupulously to know them, to detest them, and to humble myself in his presence. Not having it in my power to avail myself of the ministry of a Catholic priest, I implore God to re- ceive the confession which I have made to
him; and, above all, my profound repentance for having put my name ( although it was contrary to my will) to those acts which may be contrary to the discip- line and the belief of the Catholic church, to which I have always remained sincerely united in my heart " implore GOD to receive the firm refoiution I en- tertain, fhould he grant me life, to avail myself, as soon as it shall be in my power, of the ministry of Catholic priest, to accuse myself of all my sins, and to receive the sacrament of penitence. I beseech all those whom by inadvertence I may have offended ( for I do not recolleCt ever knowing- ly to have committed an
offence against any one), or those to whom I may have given a bad example, or occasion for scandal, to pardon me the evil which they think I may have done them. I beseech all those who have charity, to unite their prayers to my own, to obtain from GOD the pardon of my sins. I pardon, with my whole heart, those who have made themselves my enemies, without my having given them any cause ; and I pray to GOD, that he will pardon them, as well as those who, by a false zeal, or by a zeal ill understood, have done me much evil. I recommend to GOD, my wife, my children, my sister, my aunts, my brothers, and all those
who are attached to me by the ties of blood, or in any other manner whatsoever. I especially implore GOD to cast the eyes of his mercy upon my wife, my children, and my sister, who have for so long a time suffered with me— to support them by his grace,- should they happen to lose me, so long as they shall remain in this perish- able world. I recommend my children to my wife; I have never doubted of her maternal tenderness for them. I recommend to her to make them good Christians, and honest ; to induce them to consider the gran deurs of this world should they be condemned to make trial of them) as no other than
dangerous and perishable possessions; and to turn their view to the only solid and durable glory of eternity. I beseech my sister to be pleased to continue her tenderness to my children, and to supply to them the place of mother, should they have the misfor- tune to lose their own. I beseech my wife to forgive me all those evils which she suffers for me, and the uneasinesses which I may have given her in the course of our union ; as she may be assured, that I retain nothing in my mind respecting her, should she imagine that she has any reason to reproach herself with respect to me. I earnestly recommend to my children, after
what they owe to God, which they ought to consi- der as prior to every thing else, to remain always united among themselves, submissive and obedient to their mother, and grateful to her for all the pains she takes for them, and in memory of me. I beseech them to consider my sister as a second mother. I recommend to my son, should he have the misfortune to become a King, to refleCt that he owes himself entirely to the happiness of his fel- low- citizens ; that he ought to forget all hatred and resentment, and especially all which has a reference to the misfortune and miseries which I experience that he cannot effect the
happiness of his people, but by reigning according to the laws; but that, at the same time, a King cannot make those respcCt ed, or do the good which is in his heart, unless he possess the necessary authority ; and that otherwise being confined in his operations, and commanding no respeCt, he is more hurtful than useful. I recommend to my son to take care of all those persons who have been attached to me, as far as the circumstances in which he may find himself shall give him an opportunity ; to refleCt that this is a sacred debt which I have contracted towards the children or relations of those who have perished for my
sake, and towards those who have become miserable on my account. I know there are several persons in the number of those who were attached to me, who have not behaved towards me as they ought to have done, and who have even shewn ingratitude towards me : But I forgive them ( for, in the moments of trouble and effervescence, one is not always master of one's self); and I beseech my son, should he find an op- portunity, to refleCt only on their misfortunes. I wish I could here testify my thankfulness to those who have manifested towards me a true and disin- terested attachment.-— On the one hand, if I have been
sensibly affected by the ingratitude and disloyal- ty of those to whom I have never acted but with kindness, as well to themselves as to their relations and friends ; on the other, I have had the consola- tion to see the voluntary attachment and interest which many persons have shewn me. I beseech them to receive all my thanks for this : In the situ ation in which things yet are, I should fear to com- mit them, were I to speak more explicitly ; but I especially recommend to my son, to seek opportu- nities of being able to acknowledge them. I should, however, conceive, that I calumniated the sentiments of the Nation, were I not
openly to recommend to my son M. M. de CHAMILLY and HUE, whose sincere attachment to me has induced then to shut themselves up with me in this sorrowful a— bode, and who have been in danger of becoming the unhappy victims of that attachment. I also re- commend to him CLERY, with whose attention I have every reason to be satisfied since he has been with me, as he is the person who has remained with me to the end. I beseech M. de la Commune to deliver to him my EffeCts, my Books, my Watch, and the other little articles of my Property, which have beea deposited with the Conseil de Commune. I moreover
fully pardon those who have guarded me— the ill- treatments and harshness which they have thought it their duty to use towards me. I have found some feeling and compassionate souls : May these enjoy in their hearts that tranquillity to which their mode of thinking should entitle them ! I beseech M. M. de MALESHERBES, TRONCHET, and DESEZE, to receive here my utmost thanks, and the expression of my sensibility, for all the pains and trouble they have been at on my account. I conclude by declaring, before GOD, and being ready to appear before him, that I do not reproach myself with any of those crimes which have
been charged against me. Duplicates of this instrument made at the Tower of the Temple, the 21st Dec. 1792. ( Signed) LOUIS. Inscribed) BAUDRAIS, Municipal Office'. SATURDAY. Sir WILLIAM FAWCETT sent off letters last night to the Colonels Commanders of the different regi- ments of cavalry, to get their troops ready for im- mediate service. Should Government accept the offer of the DUKE of GORDON to raife a regiment of Highlanders, the command will most probably be given to the MAR- QUIS of HUNTLY. The Princess Royal of France, it is very posi- tively said, died. at eleven o'clock on Monday even- ing ;
murdered by an inattention to her situation the most inhuman. She was just turned of fourteen. As our Court has ordered an etiquette mourning for Louis XVI. there can be little doubt that the people will, as one man, clothe themselves in a garb expressive of their detestation of his murderer:. The KING'S will is a most eloquent and affecting composition; and is no less honourable to the ta- lents than the virtues of the unfortunate testator. If the hundredth part of the precautions had been taken on the 2d of September, which were used on the fatal day of the butchery of the KinG, the prisons of Paris would never have been
drench- ed with blood. The shops were shut during the greatest part of the day. Few carriages were seen, and few women went out of their houses. The streets, filled with armed men, recalled each mo- ment to remembrance the idea of the dangers of the country. The mode in which LA FAYETTE is treated in his confinement, is said to originate in the assurance that he acted with double hypocrisy on the occasion of the escape of the late KING of FRANCE and QueEN — first, in permitting them to depart, and then in betraying their flight, and procuring them to be stopped when they began to think themselves se- cure. If this is
the case, and of this it is said the QUEEN of France is satisfied, he deserves every pu. nishment he has suffered, and more. Monday, Jan. 21. 1782, the Parisians gave to Louis a superb feast at the Place de Greve ; the place resounded with the cries, Vive le Roi, bien aime, or " Long live our beloved Monarch!" On Monday, January 21, 1793, the same Louis XVI. mounted the Scaffold, and cries for his death descended with him to the grave. Letters from Calvi, in Corsica, give details of the wreck of French ships lately mentioned as ha- ving happened in the Mediterranean. The tempest was on the 21 st of December, several
ships were da- maged, but only one frigate, the Pearl, lost. She failed from Toulon on the 18th, with 180 passen- gers, who, with the crew, were saved. Advices from Naples state that the French fleet in the Mediterranean, commanded by M. LA- TOUCHE TREVILLE, has been almost destroyed by a dreadful tempest. Two ships of the line are said to be lost, and the LANGUEDOC of 90 guns, the flag ship, dismasted, and in a most shattered condition, has been obliged to take shelter in the port of Naples. It is not known what is become of the rest. The Genevese protest against French liberty, and look to England, " that great,
good, and generous people," as they stile them, to proteCt and preserve them from the " cruel misfortune" of becoming French Citizens. In most parts of France, Assignats are at forty per cent. discount; and every other article, both ne- cessaries and luxuries, are increased in value. The frost in Germany has been so intense, that the Rhine and Maeze have for some time been fro- zen over. FRANCE. NATIONAL CONVENTION. WEDNESDAY, Jan. 23. At one o'clock, it was decreed that the Funeral of De- puty MICHAEL PELLETIER should be celebrated at the expence of the nation. That the National Convention, the
Executive Council, arid the Administrative and Judiciary Bodies, should as- sist at this ceremony. That the last words of PELLETIER should be engraved upon his tomb :—" I am content to shed my blood for my country— I hope it will serve to establish Liberty and Equality, and make known its enemies." Thursday was fixed upon for the day of the Funeral. LETTER, of M. AURSDENESTE, respecting the condemna- tion of Louis XVI. The following letter was sent to all the Paris Journals on the day of the condemnation of the butchered MO- NARCH, and inserted in the greater part of them : " TO ALL THE JOURNALISTS. "
Penetrated with horror, I declare as a simple French citizen, that, according to my opinion, the sentence of the National Convention, which condemns to Death the ci- devant King, Louis XVI. is both infamous and iniquitous. I conceive that the public will is sufficient to absolve me from the oath which attached me to our Constitution; but a retroactive effeCt, contrary to my oaths, can be no other than a perjury. I protest against the impunity of the massacres committed in the month of September. " This is what my conscience imposes on me as a duty to publish ' Tis what I wish to transmit to my contem- poraries, and from
generation to generation, to the latest posterity. FRANCOIS AURSDENESTE. Paris, Thursday Night, " ( Of the Island of Rhe.)" Jan. 17, 1793.
COPT of a LETTER from LORD GRENVILLE to M. CHAuVELIN. Whitehall, Jan. 24.1793. . I am charged to notify to you, Sir, that the Character with which you had been inverted at this Court, and the Functions of which have been so long suspended, being now entirely terminated, by the fatal Death of His late MOST CHRISTIAN MAJESTY, you have no more any Pu- blic Character here. The KING can no longer, after such an event, permit your residcnce here. His MAJESTY has thought fit to order, that you should retire from this Kingdom within the term of eight days; and I herewith transmit to you a Copy of the Order which
His MAJESTY, in His Privy Council, has given to this effect. I send you a Passport for yourself and your Suite; and I shall not fail to take all the other neCessary steps, in or- der that you may return to France, with all the atten- tions which are due to the character of Minister Pleni- potentiary from His MOST CHRISTIAN MAJESTY, which you have exercised at this Court. I have the honour to be, & c. ( Signed) GRENVILLE. THE STAFF OF GREAT BRITAIN. The following is the appointment of the Staff of Great Britain. GENERALS. Lord Amherst, Duke of Richmond. Marquis of Townshend, LIEUTENANT GENERALS. James
Johnstone, Lord George I. enox, Sir William Pitt, His Royal Highness the Duke Sir William Howe, of York. MAJOR GENERALS Tonyn, Sir W. Medows, Harcourt, Bruce, Hyde, Ainslie, Lascelles, Edward Smith. PLYMOUTH- DOCK— Jan. 23. This day orders were received at the dock- yard to get the following ships ready for commission im- mediately, viz. Gibraltar - 80 Guns. Colossus - 74 Diadem - 64 The ships already commissioned, and those that were ordered before are in a great state of forward- ness. The following ships will sail for Spithead in a few days : 98 Guns. Capt. Sir T. Boyd 74 Capt. Hicks 74 Capt. Sir T. Rich
31 Capt. Wolsely 16 The St George Powerful Culloden Lowestoffe Nautilus PORTSMOUTH— Jan. 24. The following ships are now at Spithead, viz. Ships. Guns. Commanders. Admiral Lord HOOD 100 Capt. Knight Com. Sir HYDE PARKER Capt. Sir A. S. Hammond, Bt Com. GARDNER Capt. Hutt Victory Duke Queen Alcide Hannibal Alfred Hector Brunswick Bedford Orion Edgar Assistance Phaeton Juno Circe Lizard Ships. Britannia Royal William L'Nymphe Thalia Regulus Ulysses Chichester Woolwich Pluto Vulture slop- sloop 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 50 38 3* 28 28 FITTING in the Guns. 84 36 36 44 44 44 44 16 Linzee
Colpoys Bazeley' Montague Sir Roger Curtis Mann Duckworth Bertie Smith Sir A. S. Douglas Hood Williams HARBOUR. Commanders. Vice- Admiral HOTIIAM Capt. John Holloway Gayton Pellew Grindall Hewett Morris Bank Stock 169— Conf. 73 EVENING COURANT. manners. It may be truly said of them, " that they were lovely in, their lives, and in their deaths they have not been divided." A private letter from London, received by this day's post, mentions, that an express arrived there on Friday afternoon, with an account, that the Duke of ORLEANS, and twenty others, members of the Convention, who voted for the
KING'S death, were massacred. A formidable band of honest men in the metro- polis of France, had bound themselves by a most solemn engagement, at the peril of their own certain destruction, to exterminate from the face of the earth ORLEANS, and the other heads of the faction of Re- gicides. What must be the complexion of character of the prefent French Notional Convention, when, amongst its Members, we behold THOMAS PAINE compara tively acting the part of a moderate man ? Last night, about eleven o'clock, an old gentle man was attacked by two fellows dressed in dark coloured cloaths, in the road leading from
Cross causeway to Nicolson's Street, and robbed of a metal watch. They had the savage barbarity to strike the gentleman with a stick or a stone so severely, that there is apprehension for his life. On Sunday last died, Mrs JEAN ARMSTRONG, wife of Mr. Robert Kerr, Merchant in Edinburgh. " Died at Anderstoun, 24th curt. Mrs ISABELLa TURNBuLL, relict of the late Capt. Paul Niedrick, of the artillery. Died at Glasgow, Mrs JANET M'LEAN, wife to James Lumsden, Engraver. ' Died at Glasgow, on the 18th inst. in the 13th year of his age, Mr JAMES FORBES WILliamSon, son of Mr James Williamson Professor of Mathe maticks in that University, and brother of the young gentleman who died on the 4th inst. equally distin- guished by every mark of rising abilities, and equal- ly beloved for his good dispositions and engaging The William, Thomson, from London was well in Yarmouth Roads on Tuesday WILMINGTON ( N. Carolina), Dec. T 1791. We have had several severe- gales of wind here of late, which have done confiderable damage to the shipping and wharfs. Several vesssels have been drove on shore, some of which will never be got off; the Fortune of Greenock is amongst the latter number, . Our crops have fallen so much short here,
that not the one half of the produce can be brought to market as has been in former years. An early frost has almost totally destroyed the tobacco, and the wheat in the same propor- tion ; of course dry goods are become a mere drug here, and will not bring a profit. CHARACTERS FROM SHAKESPEARE. THE MURDERED KING OF FRANCE. OVER thy wounds now do I prophesy, A curse shall light upon the limbs of men. Domestic fury and fierce civil strife Shall cumber all the parts of France. — All pity chok'd with custom of fell deeds, And Caesar's spirit, ranging for revenge, Shall in those confines, with a Monarch's voice,
Cry Havock, and let slip the dogs of war ; That this foul deed shall smell above the earth With carrion men groaning for burial. ORLEANS. the merciless, Worthy to be a rebel, for to that, The multiplying villainies of Nature Do swarm upon him. FRANCE. O nation miserable, With an untitled tyrant bloody- scepter'd ! When shalt thou see thy wholesome days again ? FRENCH CONVENTION. Had we power, we should Pour the sweet milk of concord into hell, Uproar the universal peace— confound All unity on earth. MARAT. Not in the legions Of horrid Hell can come a devil more damn'd In evils to top Marat. PAINE. I am one
Whom the vile blows and buffets of the world Have so incens'd, that I am reckless what I do to spite the world. ROBERSPieRRE. And I another So weary with disasters, tugg'd with fortune, That I would set my life on any chance To mend it, or be rid on't. MALCONTENTS OF ENGLAND. You have conspir'd against our Royal Person, Join'd with an enemy, and from his coffers Receiv'd the golden earnest of our death ; Wherein you would have sold your KING to slaughter His Princes and his Peers to servitude, His subjects to oppression and contempt, And his whole kingdom unto desolation! KING OF ENGLAND. ( As dreaded
by the French.) In his Royalty of Nature Reigns that that would be fear'd And to the dauntless temper of his mind He hath a Wisdom that doth guide his Valour To act in safety.— There is none but he Whose being I do fear. tended and imaginary grievances; that they have not made them dream of abuses that are only to be found in such books; and that they have not led them to call that new which is almost as old as the hills, and to give bad names to things that do not deserve them. J . The third reason they assign for expressing their love for our Constitution is, that they very much disapprove of war.—- They surely do not
speak of war in general, of which I and every man must disapprove, and wish to avoid if possible. Nor do they allude to a war carried on fifty or a hundred Years ago? or to one- that may take place a century hence, they must refer to that war which, I see from your Cou- rant, we are preparing for, in case the French should force us to enter into it. Now, Sir, I have read in your newspaper the State Papers, as they are called, delivered to and by the British Secretary, relative to the circumstances which may pro- ducc this war. It is to me as clear as sunshine, that the French, whilst they profess the contrary, are violating the . rights
of Holland— are invading her territory, and through that terri- tory sailing up a river with armed ships, in spite of her de- clarations against their doing so. They are violating treaties to which Britain is a party; whilst they are at the same time conquering country after country, and reducing them to be provinces, or, as they call them, Departments of France. If they go. on in that way, they will soon be all- powerful and irresistible; and when by the conquest of Holland the Dutch fleet is joined to theirs, and their dominions rendered exten- sive and immense, they may invade and abuse us at their pleasure. They are indeed now taking
upon them to dic- tate to all Europe, and are' using our allies and us in such a domineering way, that I would not submit to the like from one of my best cuftomers. I therefore agree with the Forfar people ( if that is their meaning), that, unless the French act in a different manner from that in which they have been and are now acting, they will render a War with Britain " unavoidably necessary;" and I agree with the people of Montrofc, that we must in these circumstances take up arms in self- defence, and because the safety and interest of this nation are at stake." Indeed, Sir, it has always been a sacred rule of mine to adhere
strictly to bargains or agreements, or as kingdoms and states call them— treaties; and this is always for one's interest in the long run. Besides, at present we can- not be safe, if the French go on in the way they are now doing. In the same newspaper I also observe an advertisement from Dundee; which gives me the satisfactory intelligence that there has not been any insurrection or riot in that town. But before I know perfectly what to think about this— as I have been of late much bewildered by strange meanings put upon words— I should wish to know if there was n0 mob there, no breaking of windows, nor any attempt by a
mob to introduce or express approbation of French practices, which from small beginnings get to a great height, and which have produced so much murder and so many other crimes in that unhappy country. If these things did not happen in Dundee ( on the report of which I was told the dragoons went there from this neighbourhood), then I shall be satisfied there was not any insurrection or riot about political matters in that place. Before sending away this letter, I shewed it to a student who came into my shop, and who made some change upon the wording of some parts of it. I am, Sir, Your humble servant, Luckenbooths, Jan.
23. 1793. A GLOVER. P. S. If you or any of your readers want gloves, I can sup- ply you and them 0n moderate terms. I do not pretend to be able to make or mend Constitutions, but I may safely say I can make gloves, which will fit and wear well; and I have been told it is a good quality in a constitution, as it is in a glove, that it should fit the wearer, and wear well. V. EdinburGH EvENING Courant To th; PRINTER of the SlR, FROM tbe attention I am obliged to give to my oWn bu siness, I have not time to read newspapers carefully. In yours, which is almost the only one I ever see, there are now often advertisements about
supporting the British Constitu- tion, which, from the great noise that has lately been made by some meetings in this place, I feel myself inclined to look at when I have leisure to do so. In your Monday's Courant I observed two such advertisements, the one from Forfar, and the other from Montrose; and I should be glad you or any of your readers would help me- out of a difficulty I am in, as I do not understand the meaning, which is probably owing to my own dullness and want of comprehension. The persons at these meetings- declare their zealous and sincere attachment to our Constitution ; and, as far as I can Observe or
understand their meaning, they assign three rea- sons for this attachment. The first is, that our Constitution abounds with abuses, is productive of grievances, and that dangerous innovations have crept into it, which call aloud for a reform. The second reason is, that the late writings on government ( which I have heard were very wicked) give in these places no real cause for alarm. The third reason for expressing their attachment to our Constitution seems to be that they do not approve of a war, into which we are likely. in defence of that Constitution, to be forced by a nation which has declared itself the enemy of our
Constitution, and of all Governments at the head of which there is a King. As to the first of these three observations, I cannot disco- ver why it should have been brought in as a reason for meeting of such a kind expressing their attachment to the British Constitution ; nor, even if it had been mentioned on a different occasion, would I have been able to understand its meaning without fome explanation. General declarations about grievances are easily put into Writing; but before any person can know whether the grievances referred to are real or fanciful, the particulars complained of must be mentioned, On asking a gentleman
who came into my shop yesterday what such words meant ( without telling him I had seen the Resolutions from Montrose and Forfar, for fear he should think me too idle if I took up my head with such advertise- ments), he said they might have an hundred different mean- ings : That one of the meanings lately put on the word reform was the same as that of the word revolution: That there were people who thought it a grievance not to be able to get quit of our national debt by the ruin of our honest creditors ; That it was sometimes thought an abuse, that every man who had a head on his shoulders had not, as in France, a right to
vote in elections; where that fine scheme had produced, was still producing, and would continue to produce much anarchy and bloodshed— And he added, that, by dangerous innovations, some meant useful customs esta- blished at leaft for a century. For my own part, Sir, 1 do not understand these matters; but as I am sure such was not the meaning of the people of Montrose and Forfar, I only wish they may; have understood exactly what they meant themselves; and I also wish that they had expressed their Re solutions so as to have made their meaning clear to their fel- low subjects. The second circumstance made
mention of is, that the late writings 0n Government give no real cause for alarm in that part of the country. This I am heartily glad to hear; for customer of mine, when trying on a pair of gloves not long ago. told me, that though the bulk of the people there were sound yet there were more persons discontented and tainted with these new doctrines in that quarter than in any other in Scot- land. But I am happy to learn that it is not so, and that the writings of Paine, which ( as you know, Sir) are full of false- hood, nonsense, end impiety, have ( if read there) been con demned and reprobated as they ought certainly to be by every
good man who has common sense. I am glad these and such like writings have not, in that part of the country, rendered people discontented, who, if prosperrty can give content, have all the reason in the world to be contented ;— that they have not filled their heads with vagaries about pre- CARD. JOHN KELTIE Perfumer, Edinburgh, respectfully informs the Public he has received another large box of MR. SpiLS BURY'S PATENT ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, of Soho- square, London, in the new- moulded bottles of 5s. each also large bot- tles of ll. 2s. each; on which are blown the wprds, By the Kings Patent, with folio sheet
bills of directions, and near sixty cures noted therein ; to which he can add his humble testimony of the quick salutary effects of the celebrated Me- dicine, experienced in cases of the Scurvy, Rheumatism, Gout, Indigestion, and other irritating vexatious Complaints, for which this preparation is administered with unparalleled suc- cess;— also can oblige persons with a perusal of Mr Spils- bury's Treatise on Scurvy, Gout, Diet, Remedy, 7th edition, with above too cures at large. JAN. 1793. NEW JEWELLERY, SILVER PLATE, WATCHES, & c PETER FORRESTER & COMPANY Acquaint the Public that they have just received
large supply VERY NEW & FASHIONABLE ARTICLE in the above Branches— and also a very large Assort ment of TEA and COFFEE BIGGIN URNS ROMAN, and VASE URNS. As usual have on hand ( to which they are Daily receiving Additions) a Complete Assortment of WATCHES, viz. GOLd ENAMEL'D WATCHES, SET ROuND WITH FINE PEARLS AT 36 AND 40 GUINEAS. FOR LADIES. E Plain GOLD I.. 8 8 o Do. — Do. — Do. — Do. — Do. — Do. — Do. Capt and Jewel'd Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 9 9 lo 10 12 O 14 14 l6 16 18 18 • 20 O Do. — Do. Do. with Seconds Do. — Do. Do. — Do. Elegant GILT Watches
with Seconds 25 3° 3J 40 5 5° Do. — Do. — Do. Do. SILVER Watch- es, with Se- conds From 5 1. 5s. to iol. GOLD Watches of the most mel'dPatterns L. ia 0 0 Do. — Do. 13 I. i 0 Do. — Do. 14 0 0 Do. — Do. 15 * 5 0 Do. — Do. 16 16 0 Do. — Do. 17 17 0 Do. — Do. 18 18 0 Do. — Do. 21 0 0 Enamel'd, from ail. to • 30 0 0 Elegant GILT 5 Enamel'd, 5 0 Do. — Do. 5 15 6 Do. — Do. 6 6 0 Do. — Do. 7 7 0 Do. — Do. 8 8 0 Elegant Gilt " Watches for LA- ] 3 10 0 DIES, Engrav'd,' Do. — Do. 4 4 0 Do. — Do. 5 5 0 Plain Gilt, from t 8 Q 31. to 8 O 0 Plain Silver Watches — from al. as. to jl. .5s. Silver Watches, cap'd & jewel'd— jl. to
81.8s. All these Watches warranted to go well. P. F. AND CO. being appointed Agents to an eminent Watch- manufacturing Company in London, are enabled to supply the Public on uncommon moderate terms. The HIGHEST PRICES for Gold, Silver, and Lace— and Old Watches taken in exchange for New ones. , An Elegant Variety of PLATED CANDLESTICKS.*^ lying in the 6d Scots LANDS IN AYRSHIRE. To be SOLD by public roup, within the house of John Sim- son, vintner at the Bridgend of Ayr, upon Friday tl^ LSth February 1793, betwixt the hours- of I and 2 afternoon, ALL and HAILL the LANDS of MEiKLE and
LITTLE HEATETHS, and HILLend Parish of Sorn and shire of Ayr, consisting of, acres fine arable & meadow- land, all inclosed with full grown hedges, in the most complete order, and/ partly subdivided There are Coal and Lime on the lands, and plenty of both in the neighbourhood. The high roadyfrom Kilmarnock by Mauchline to Cumnock runs along the west side of the farms, and the road from Galllon by Sorn to Cumnock on the east side. The lands which are mostly out of lease, may be set to good tenants for 19 years at L. I jo Sterling, and will be ex- pofed to fate at 25 years purchal'e of that rent. The articles of roup, with
a plan of the lands, will be feen in the hands of Gavin Hamilton, writer, in Mauchline; to whom, or to Horatius Cannan, writer to the signet, applica- tion may be made for further information. No. 93, under the Royal Exchange, London, and no where else on their account. Prizes, a a 3 5 10 15 3° 50 IQO 14,150 of Value. L. 30,000 20,000 10, COO 5,000 2, qoo 1,000 500 100 50 20 14,367 Prizes. Firft drawn Ticket Lafl drawn Ticket 35,633 Blanks. Total. L. 60,000 40,000 30,000 25,000 10,000 15,000 15', 000 5,000 5,000 - 283,000 L. 498,000 1,000 r, oco 50,000 Tickets. Begins drawing February PRICES OF SHARES. Half
Quarter Eighth Sixteenth S o 5 o 3 o a o CorrecSl Numeri- cal and Regifter Books are kept, and Tickets and Shares registered at Six- pence per number. L. 5 00,000 18. 1793- All Shares fold at this Office will be damped agree- able'to ail of Parliament, and alfo with the Crown, - and _ round it, Hazard and Co.' s Lottery Office. _ Money lor prizes will be paid at this Office as foon as drawn. Letters ( post paid) duly anfwered, and Schemes grati . N. B. Agreeable to ail of Parliament, no bufinefs in the Lottery translated before Eight o'clock in the morning, nor alter Eight o'clock in the evening. B- mk, India, and South Sea Stocks,
with their feveral Annuities, India Bonds, Navy and Victualling Bills, and all kind of Government Securities, bought and sold by com- COUNTY OF ROSS. TAIN, Jan. 23. 1793. ESCAPED from ; justice, HUGH MAC- KENZIE alias BRECK, and JOHN AIRD, both convicted at the laft Circuit Court at InVerness, of instiga- ting the Country to Tumult and Riot, and who were senten- ced to be transported, having* effected their escape from the Jail of InVerness, and being still skulklng in this Country.— The Freeholders and Justices of Peace of the County who met here this day, hereby offer a REWARD of TWENTY GUINEAS to any
perfon or persons who may apprehend ei- ther of the saids Hugh Breck Mackenzie or John Aird, and lodge their persons in any of the County Jails; and a fur- ther REWARD of FIFTEEN GUINEAS for apprehending and securing these felons, is also hereby offered, by the She- riff- depute of the County— And aS if is reported that DO- NALD MUNRO alias ROY, and ALEXANDER MAC- KAY, son to Donald Mackay in Langwall, who were also convicted at faid Circuit Court; and ordained to banish them- selves furth of Scotland for life, after the end of October last, do still remain within this jurisdiction, in' contempt of said
sentence. The Freeholders and Justices of Peace offer a REWARD of TEN GUINEAS to any perfon or persons who may apprehend either of the saids Donald Munro alias Roy, and Alexander Mackay, and lodge their persons in any of the County Jails— And the Sheriff- depute offers a further REWARD of FIVE GUINEAS for apprehending and securing the persons of the faids Donald Munro and Roy and Alexander Mackay. The- rewards offered by the County will be immcdiately paid as the parties are secured, by the Collector of the C< ft for the County, and thefe offered by the Sheriff by Mr John Barclay, Sheriff- substitute.,
DESCRIPTIONS. ' Hugh Breck Mackenzie is about 35 years of age, 5 feet S inches high, short bushy black, hair, dark eyes, a [' mart look, and much pitted with the small- pox, served some time in the Royal Navy, and speaks the English language toler- ably well. - ." ° John, Aird is about 42 years of age, thick made, smooth _ face, and good features, about J feet 6 inches high, dark eyes, and an expressive countenance, speaks no language but the Gaelic with any fluency; black bushy hair. ° Donald Munro alias Roy, about 30 years of age, ffeet 8 inches high or thereby, tight and well made man, speaks no language but Gaelic.
Alexander Mackay, a young man, about 22 years of age, black- hair, and sharp black eyes, low sized, about 5 feet j inches high, but well proportioned, and good looks, speaks no other language than Gaelic. - / By Order of the Meeting, THO. SUTER, Clk - HADDINGTON / Jan. 11. 1793. AT a MEETING of the COMMITTEE of FARMERS of the County of EAST LOTHIAN, held here this day, after electing . Mr ROBERT BROWN of MARTLE, Chairman, __ The Meeting took into consideration the report made by phe Committee of Landed; Gentlemen to the General Meet- ing of the County, upon the plan drawn by the Tenants for
the future management of the BYE ROADS, and after ma- ture deliberation, the following RESOLUTIONS were adop- ted, and ordered to be published in the Edinburgh newspapers-. Resolved, tma That the Sub- Committee of Tenants have been treated in a very improper manner by the Committee of Landed Gentlemen, and that a refusal to hear them in defence of their plan, after previous appointment for their attendance had been made in their Minutes, was disrespect- ful to the whole Tenants of this County, and reflects disho- nour upon the Gentlemen themselves. 2do, That the Tenants, by their plan for the management
of the bye roads, wanted to throw no part of the burden off themselves; they wanted only the Gentlemen to contribute in a proportionible manner for their horses and carriages, to the support of the roads they get benefit by, and that the claim made by the Tenants for a share of the management proceeded entirely from their knowledge of the former mis- application of the Statute work, and a conviction it will ne- ver be better guided under the present system. 3tio, That the Meeting will persevere in their endeavours to have the Statute work put under better regulation, than what it is at present, and as the standing order of the
House of Commons deprive them of an opportunity of redress this Session of Parliament, that the Committee do meet upon the second Tuesday of July, to consider the propriety of applying to Parliament, for leave to bring in a bill to amend and ex- plain the Statute Labour Act. 4to That James Wilkie, Esq. in particular, Richard Som- ner, Esq. and Doctor George Barclay, have shewn themselves to be the Friends of the Tenants, and that the Thanks of this Committee be given to these three Gentlemen. That, as the Road Bill formed by the Gentlemen of this County, is to go before Parliament, with the additional Toll Bars
included, the meeting will, agreeable to the pow- ers given them by the General Meeting of Tenants, oppose It in all its stages, and that the necessary means be immedi- ately used for rendering this opposition strong and effectual. 6tn, That, as it is inconvenient for the Committee to meet To often as this opposition would require, a Subcommittee of nine members be appointed, five of whom to be a quorum, and that the sub- committee, consist of the following persons, viz. Messrs. Robert Brown, Martle ; George Renny, Fanta- cy ; William Hunter, Knolls; John Sheriff Captainhead; Andrew Pringle, Ballencrieff Mains; William
Mackee, Or- miston; John Brodie, Whittingham; Alexander Sawers,' Hall- hill; and George Mylne, Lochill. 7to That the Sub- committee shall have the immediate di- rection of the opposition to the Road Bill, and shall convene the' General Committee as often as any matters of import- ance require it. Lastly, That to account of defraying the expence of this opposition, the sum of five shiliings per plough be paid as soon as possible by all the tenants, who subscribed the reso- lutions of 16th November last, and that the Clerk do forth- with make up a scheme of the respective sums each tenant has to pay, which he is hereby
authorised to receive. ROBERT BROWN. Preses. / PETER DIDDEP; Clerk. X STATE LOTTERY, ; THE TICKETS Are fold and divided into , Halves, Quarters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, BY HAZARD, BURNE, AND CO.~ sTOCK- BROKERS' AT THEIR STATE I. OTTERY OFFICE,
W A M P H R A Y, Dec. 1792. WE, the' HERITORS and INHABITANTS of the PARISH of WAMPHRAY, in the shire oF Dumfries— alarmed at the spirit of innova- tion which appears to have seized a number of unthinking persons in the kingdom, and the uncommon industry with which seditious writings have been circulated, with a view to inflame the minds of the people of Great Britain against lawful authority, to deceive them out of their invaluable li- berties, and to shake their fidelity to the best of Sovereigns, and the most perfect human System of Government that ever existed in the world— think it our indispensable duty to
DE- CLARE, That we are resolved to contribute our best en- deavours to support our present happy Constitution, to pre- serve peace and good order, and to the utmost of our power to oppose every attempt that may be made by the enemies of our peace and of our country to overturn or disturb the esta- blished Government. SUBSCRIPTION PAPERS are left at the School- house of Wamphray, to give an opportunity to people who were necessarily absent to subscribe. BURGH OF WICK, Jan 4, IN a MEETING of MERCHANTS, FISHING ADVENTURERS, BURGESSES, and other Inhabi- tants of the Burgh of Wick, called by
the Magistrates, for the purpose of expressing their sentiments on the PRESENT STATE of the COUNTRY; when Mr WILLIAM MAC- LEAY, Chief residing Magistrate, in absence of the Provost, being unanimoully called to the Chair, the following DE- CLARATIONS and RESOEUTIONS were entered into— That being sensible of the blessings and privileges we enjoy under our present happy Constitution and mild Govern- ment, the best that human wisdom ever devised, it is with indignation we hear that there are Associations in different parts of the kingdom, under the fallacious appellation of " The Friends of the People," who,
by their wicked and seditious writings and publications, endeavour to spread doctrines of the most dangerous tendency, with a view to excite discon- tents, tumults, and disorders, in this realm. ido, That though little or none of that seditious spirit has crept so far North as the place of our residence ( unless a- mongst two or three individuals), yet we cannot but express our abhorrence at any attempt to disseminatc principles ini- mical to the Constitution as presently established in King, Lords, and Commons; and we declare, that we will not on- ly collectively, but individually, support the Civil Magistrate in suppressing all seditious
writings that may appear amongst us, and in bringing the authors or venders thereof to a due sense of their error; and we pledge ourselves, that we will suppress and discountenance all unlawful meetings and assem- blies, whether public or private, which may meet for the purpose ofsfubverting a Constitution so beneficial to the com- munity, and which has stood the test of ages. ( Signed) WILL. MACLEAY, Chairman, And by all the other Merchants, & c. of the Burgh, with the exception of Two. > y Mr David M'Pherson, brewer there Mr Caarles Jameson, goldsmith there Mr Thomas Fraser, baker there Mr John Lymons, mason
there Mr John Nicol, cartwright there Mr Keith Hay, shoemaker there. . Extracted from the record, by KOB. CAMPBELL, Clerk of Supply, nd FARMERS of the CF. S of the COUNTRY, UNANIMOUSLY concurred in the FOLLOWING DECLARATION, which they appoint- ed to be publilhed in the Edinburgh Evening Courant and Advertifer. WE, the Magistrates and Town- Council of the burgh of Newburgh, feel ourselves called upon at this juncture, pu- blicly to expreft our loyalty to the King, our attachment to the Constitution, and our reverence for the Laws of the Bri- tish Empire. From our early years, we have been accustomed
to admire the form of our Government, esteeming it the immediate cause of our continued security and growing prosperity as a nation; and notwithstanding the late insinuations of discon- tented men, and novel theories of speculative writers, we still consider the Legislative Authority, vested by it, in King, Lords, and Commons, adequate to all the purposes for which men unite in civil society. Holding these principles, we cannot but deem thofs per- sons enemies to the happiness of the inhabitants of Great . Britain and its dependencies, who endeavour by any means to lessen the value of this Constitution in the estimation of the
people; and we will exert ourselves in our several spheres, to the utmost of our abilities, in counteracting the effects of their political misrepresentations, and in promoting due sub- mission to the laws. Although prevented by our situations from becoming ver- sant in matters of state, we yet find ourfelves at no loss in distinguishing between the insidious attempts of some despa- _ rate men who seek the ruin of their country, and the virtu- ous efforts of many judicious patriots who employ their in- fluence in advancing its prosperity and glory. Our attention is fixed on the great Council of the Nation ; and we rejoice in the repeated
proofs which it has already given of unanimity in its important deliberations. While the Three Estates of Parliament continue firm and united, we trust, that we shall have nothing to fear from the attacks of domestic or foreign enemies. But should we be disappointed in our expectations, and « _ any circumstances arise to render our most strenuous interpo- lation for the protection of our Constitution, as settled at the Revolution necessary; we are not insensible to the worth of our privileges, and we will be ready to defend them at the hazard of our properties and lives. Signed by the Bailies in name and presence, and by ap
pointment of the Council, DAVID SPENCE, JAMES ADAMSON. Extracted from the Burgh records by me john brown, clk. , were not prefent at the Meeting, defired that their names might be added to the- foregoing minutes and refolutions,' v i z. Mr William Cuming, merchant in Inverness Mr Charles Jameson, merchant, Inverness Captain Alpin Grant of Borlumbeg Mr Alexander Wilson, merchant in Inverness Lewis M'Donell, Esq. The Rev. Mr George Watson, Inverness Dr Andrew Murray there Mr Forrester, Excise- officer there Mr William Welsh, merchant there Mr James Sutor, merchant there Mr Simon Fraser, writer there Mr
James Cuming, writer there Mr Simon Fraser, wright there Mr Thomas McGregor, wright there Mr John Slorach, wright there Mr William M'Bean, merchant there Mr Hugh Chisholm, merchant there Mr William Chisholm, merchant there Mr Alexander Chisholm, merchant there Mr John Bailie, wright there Mr William Fraser, merchant there Mr Alexander Fraser, sen. merchant there Mr Alexander Fraser, jun. merchant there Mr James Fraser, glaxier there Mr Alexander Bremner, glazier there Mr John Dallas, merchant there Mr John Ettles, vintner there Mr Andrew Fraser, merchant there Mr John Hay, vintner there Mr Alexander
Davidson, Ensign and Quartermaster of the Royals Mr George Urquhart, upholsterer there Mr Duncan Monro, cooper there Mr David Dean, merchant there Mr William Grant, dyer there Mr John Keith, vintner there Mr Donald M'Bean, merchant there Mr Lachlan Dallas, skinner there Mr Alexander Clark, merchant there Mr Simon Fraser, merchant there Mr James M'Donald, wheelwright there Mr Robert Steel, coppersmith there Mr Patrick M'Donald, watchmaker there Mr Alexander M'Gillivray, copperfmith there Mr William Vass, coppersmith there Mr Young Mr Willis of the Academy there M Crisp PRESENT, ALexander Low,
tenant in Woodend Joseph Tod, tenant in Whitelaw George Aitchison, tenant in Blackhouse Thomas Fraser, tenant in Wedderly James Hewat, tenant in Flass, for himself, for Peter Purves, tenant in Rawburn, and Peter Mack, tenant in Hurdlaw George Gregson, tenant in Kersfield Mains John Wilson of Peelwalls John Wilson jun. tenant in Preston William Tait, steward to Mr Jeffrey of Sunwick John Hogarth, tenant in Hilton, for himself, for Mr Robert Hogarth, Carfrae, Mr George Hogarth, Tofts, Mr David Hogarth, Lennelhill, Mr Kerr of Broadmeadows, and Mr Bell of Todrig David Renton of Greystonlees Richard Werge, tenant in
Lintlaws James Herriot, tenant in Kelto Joseph Home of Ninewells, for himself, for Captain Johnston of Huttonhall, Mr Lumsdain of Blanern, Mr Renton of Lamberton, and Mr Buchan of Kelto John Idington, tenant in Westruther William Herriot, steward to Capt. Home of Longfor- macus, for himself and Archibald Fair, tenant in Red- path William Veitch, tenant in Mersington David Herriot tenant in Stewartslaw Patrick Johnston younger of Templehall Abraham Logan, tenant in East Reston Charles Wilson, tenant in Cheeklaw Alexander Campbell, steward to Mr Home of Wed- derburn John Darling, tenant in Chalkielaw James
Thomson, tenant in Little Swinton, for himself, — for Mr Stuart, tenant in Fogorig, and Mr Stuart, te- nant in Ryfelaw James Fairbairn, tenant in Halliburton Alexander Brown, tenant in Winfield John Thomson, tenant in Whiterigg George Wilson younger of Peelwalls William Hog tenant in Mains George Grant, tenant in Middlestots, for himself, and . Mr Mason, tenant in Nfsbethill John Logan of Newton Edrom Adam Johnston, tenant in Crossrigg William Dudgeon, tenant in Primrosehill, for himself and Mr Ainslie of Darnchester Thomas Murray, tenant in Simprin Robert Roberts, tenant in Cockburn James Cockburn, tenant in
Swinton Quarter James Cockburn, tenant in Aytonlaw The Rev. Dr Bowmaker, for himself, for Mr Hay of Drummelzier, the Rev. Mr Home, Polwarth, and __ Mr Sligh, tenant in Crumstain Thomas Hope, tenant in Grueldykes John Blackadder, tenant in Blanern Eastmains Rohert Trotter, tenant in Sisterpath William Ainslie, brewer, Clockmill Joshua Tait of Laegrigg Peser Thomson, tenant in Kersfield James Dickson of Antonshill for himself, for the Right Hon. the Earl of Home, Mr Marjoribanks of Eccles, Mr Waitt of Castlelaw, and Mr Anderson, tenant Lumsdain James Mall of Reedyloch Thomas Harrigade of Nabton William
Robertson of Ladykirk Adam Weir, tenant in Marygold James Thomson, tenant in Bogend Peter Johnston, tenant in Kimmergham Mains Robert Johnston, tenant in Whitefield Peter Johnston, tenant in Simprin, for himself and Mr Hunter, tenant in Swintonhill George Johnston, tenant in Whitfom Newton Paul Darling of Bogangreen James Thomson, tenant in Hillend Peter Trotter, tenant in Broomdykes, for himself and Mr James Bell, tenant in Printmanhill George Hog, tenant in Sisterpathmill James Herriot, tenant in Springwell William Clark, tenant in Greenhead, for himself and Adam Clerk, tenant in Pittlefeugh Alexander
Happer, tenant in Whitehill _ George Forsyth, writer in Bellfield Adam Landells, tenant in Briaryhill Ralph Smith, tenant in Ninewellmains James Murray, tenant in Barabank Patrick Fair, tenant in Fairny Castle George Logan of Edrom George Logan junior, ot Edrom John Herriet, tenant in Ladypart George White, tenant in Greenlaw Castlemill. The Meeting having unanimoully made choice of Mr Low for their Preses, proceeded to take into their considera- tion the purpose of their being called together. They resolved unanimously, that the Hynds, Herds, and Lotmen in this county are not in general entitled to a great advance of
wages, as their gains being in kind rise with the prices of every thing; but as the wages of work people are rising, they agree to give their Hynds an advance of their gains in money by an addition of sheep money, and this ad- vance to be made at the discretion of the master to diligent and industrious servants. They further unanimously resolved not to hire any Hynds in the public markets in Dunse or Kelso till the first market days ot March next, and thereafter in March yearly; and that they will not hire any servants without a character from the masters they last served, and that they will not let any cot- houses till the hiring days
are over. The Meeting unanimously resolved to embrace this oppor- tunity of expressing their entire disapprobation of the late ri- ots occasioned by the erecting of Tolls in the county, and declare that they will, at all times give the Civil Magistrate every assistance in their power to cheek all tumults or riots that may tend to set at defiance the laws or disturb the peace of this country. They appoint these Resolutions to be inserted ir. the Edin- burgh and Kelso newspapers, and likewise circulated thro' the country as expeditiously as possible ; and request that such heritors and farmers as have not had an opportunity of attend- ing
this meeting will signify their adherence to the forego- ing resolutions by letters addressed to Mr Bell, clerk to the" Meeting. ( Signed) ALEX. LOW, Prese; AREA TO BE FEUED FOR BUILDING. To be exposed to Public Roup, within the Old Exchange Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, upon Wednesday the 13th day of February 1793, between the hours of six and seVen af- ternoon, THAT GARDEN or AREA of GROUND, lying upon the South Side of the CROSSCAUSE- WAY STREET, and almost immediately adjoining to the fouth end of NICOLSON'S STREET, consisting of a quar- ter of an acre and six falls of ground Scots measure
or there- by, with the dwelling- house thereon, as the same was some time possessed by Mrs Spottiswoode and afterwards by Mr M'Dowal. From the increase ot buildings on the south side of the town, this area merits the attention of builders ; and it is worthy of notice that a great part of it may be built up- on without incommoding the poffefiion of the prefent houfe. Application may be made to David Spottiswoode, writer in Edinburgh, who will show the conditions of roup. February 1793, at one o clock afternoon, THAT TENEMENT of LAND, lying in the 1 BROAD WYND of LEITH, consisting of three sto- ries, containing three
dwelling- houses a shop and vault, with back court, a byre, pump- well, and cellars as presently possessed by Mr Thomas Anderson, surgeon in Leith, and his tenants. / These subjects are insured in the Edinburgh Friendly fn- furance Office at 3000I. Scots ( which besides other benefits, yields an annual dividend of il. 13s. Sterling), and will be fet up at 5lol. Sterling. ALSO, That TENEMENT, lying in the TOLBOOTH QUAR- TER of the Town of LEITH, near the Draw- bridge, con- fifting of three dwelling- houses and a cellar, lately repaired, and possessed by David Sheriff, Mrs Gairdner, and Mrs Kay, at the rent of 22I. Sterling,
together with two victual lofts adjoining thereto, to be fet up at 270I. Sterling. The progress of writs and conditions of roup may be seen in the hands of David Spottiswoode, writer in Edinburgh ; and persons wishing to purchase the whole, or any part of the subjects by private bargain, may apply to Mr William Keith, accountant in Edinburgh. HOUSE IN NEW STREET. J To be SOLD by public roup, upon Moday the 4th of Febru- ary 1793, at one clock afternoon, within the Exchange Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, THAT large and commodious HOUSE in NEW STREET, Canongate, belonging to and possessed by the late William
Tytler, Esq. of Woodhouselee, consisting 0f twelve fire rooms, besides kitchen, garrets, pantry scullery, cellars and all other conveniencies. for the accommodatioa of a large family. The drawing- room on the second flat is 2J feet in length by 18 in breadth; the dining- room 19 by £ 8. There are two large wine cellars fitted up with catacombs, a small beer cellar, and a coal cellar— a liable— with an extensive garden plot behind the house. The conditions of sale and title- deeds are to be seen in the hands of Richard Hotchkis, writer to the signet, who will give information as to all particulars: and Mr Tod, uphol- sterer in New Street,
will show the premises. SHOP AND HOUSES FOR SALE. To be SOLD by public roup, within John's Coffeehouse, E- dinburgh, on Friday the 1st day of February next, at six o'clock afternoon, THE westmost SHOP in BUCHANANS's LAND on the South Side of ^ I. awnmarket, Edin- burgh, being the third to the west of the Old Bank Close, prefently poffeffed by Mr Sommervell merchant, rented at 15I. ALSO, a TENEMENT of HOUSES, consisting of four ftories and garrets, with tofal cellar, yard, and piece of contiguous ground, and fome Houses in the Lang Close, all" lying on the east side of the Pleasance of Edinburgh, nearly
opposite to the termination of the road by the city wall, called Drummond Street, occupied by William Paterson and William Straton smiths, Mr Vaughan, Mr Morison, Mr M'Queen, and several other tenants. The rents amount to 33I. 5s. and the property shall be either sold together or in lots, as pur- chasers incline. ALSO, a HOUSE in the Turnpike Stair, near the middle of the Fountain Close, west side, with two cellars, lately oc- cupied by Mr Stark— rent 7I. The articles of roup and progrefs of writs to be feen in the hands of Bain Whyt, writer to the signet, No. 50, South Bridge Street, who has powers to conclude a private-'
bargain betwixt and the day of sale. j HOUSES FOR SALE. To be SOLD by public roup, within John's Coffeehoufe, - dinburgh, on Friday the ift day of February next, be- twixt the hours of five and six afternooi}^ / THAT HOUSE on the west side 0f BARRIN- GER's CLOSE, having an entry by itself from that Close, and another from the Scale Stair in Paisley Close, being a first storey, consisting of four rooms kitchen, and cellar, lately occupied by Mr James Mackenzie— rent lob- ALSO, that HOUSE on the east side of forrester's Wynd, near the middle of it, and garret above the same, being the fourth storey of the tenement
opposite to the passage betwixt Forrester's Wynd and Libberton's Wynd, lately occupied by Mrs Beattie— rent 81. The articles of roup and progrefs of writs to be feen in the hands of Bain Whyt, writer to the signet, No. jo. South Bridge Street, who has powers to conclude a private bargain betwixt and the day of fale. MILL AND LANDS AT ST ANDREW'S , TO LET. To be leT by public roup, within the Town Hall of St An- Drew's, upon Monday the 4th day of March 1793, for a term not under Nine nor exceeding Nineteen Years, THE FLOUR MILL, KILN, and MILL- LANDS, belonging thereto, to be entered to at the term of
Whitsunday first— Also the COMMON MILLS belonging to this Town, consisting of the Saw Mill and Kiln, Mill Lands, Multures and Sequels thereto belonging — And alfo the NEW MILL and MILL LANDS belong- ing thereto, with the Shore or Malt Mill, and whole Mul- tures and Malt Thirlage thereof, to be entered to at the term of Martinmas first. There is at the fame time to be LET, 43 ACRES of A- RABLE LAND, lying in the North Haugh, belonging to the Town, to be entered to at the said term of Martinmas. For further particulars apply to Stuart Grace, town- clerk of St Andrew's. T0 BE SOLD, By Private Bargain, THE LANDS
of BLAIRCUSHNEY, other- wise called EASTER BLAIR, lying in the parish of Ballingry and shire of Fife, containing 240 acres or thereby, moftly inclofed, of which 160 acres are bank and partly hill ground, 80 acres carse and meadow ground. Great part of the estate has been in grass forsfeveral years. Besides 47 acres of the Hill of Bannerty falling to the estate on the division thereof, the proprietor has acquired right to 66 acres thereof which belonged to the owner of Navity, and 104 acres thereof which belonged to the owner of Ballingry, mending in whole to 417 acres or thereby, and lying conti- guous, fine rich pasture, and
completely inclosed. There is a very valuable field of coal in the lands of Easter Blair, which has not been wrought for several years. Easter Blair holds blench of the Crown, and is rated in the cess books at 240I. 13s. 4d. of valued rent. This estate will be shewn by the tenant, who' possesses without tack. For farther particulars apply to Mr Beveridge, No. 24, Prince's Street. EDINBURGH Printed by DAVID RAMSAY, Old Fish- market Close, where Advertisements, Orders for the Paper, are taken in. Published every MONDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY Price, a single Paper, 3d 2l. 6s. Yearly when called for— 2/. 9s.
delivered in Edinburgh or Leith— and 2/, 14/, sent by Post, ST O W, 4. 1793 AT a MEETING of the residing HERITORS, TENANTS, and HEADS of FAMILIES in the Pa- rish of Stow, and County of Mid- Lothian, JAMES PRINGIE, Esq. of TORWOODLIE chosen Preses, ROBERT BLACKIE, Schoolmaster of Stow, Clerk. The Meeting having considered the PRESENT STATE of the COUNTRY, when some inflammatory and seditious writings are dispersed by evil disposed persons; and being gratefully sensible of the blessings that they and their ances- tors have enjoyed for more than a century under the Con- stitution
established at the Glorious Revolution in 1688— a Constitution which opens the road to opulence and rank to every man of integrity and abilities, while it securcs the pro- perty of individuals. At same time that they are sensible, that no human insti- tutions can attain to complete perfection, are yet of opinion, That whatever amendments and reforms may be thought be- neficial and necessary in the Constitution, such as a Reform i' 11 the Representation, and a Reduction of Public Burdens, should be brought forward only by peaceful, loyal, and con- stitutional measures; UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVE, 1/ 7, That they will to the
utmost of their power support the present happy Constitution, and do every thing to sup- press the circulation of seditious writings. Id, That they will assist the Civil Magistrate in quelling all riots and tumultuous assemblies. 3d, The Meeting order these their resolutions to be insert- ed in the Edinburgh newspapers. ,„. JAMES PRINGLE, Preses. ( Signed) ROBERT BLAIKIE, Clerk. The above was signed by the whole residing Heritors, and- respectable number of tire Tenants and Heads of Fami-, lies. NEWBURGH IN FIFE, Jan. 14. 1793. THE MAGISTRATES and TOWN COUN- CIL of the Burgh of Newburgh having convened
within the Council- house of Newbrugh, and having taken into their consideration the PRESENT CIRCUMSTAN-, COUNTY OF INVERNESS. Inverness, January 4.1793, N a General Meeting of the Commissioners of Supply Justices of the Peace, and Heritors within the County Inverness, and also of the Magistrates and Inhabitants of le Royal Burgh of Inverness, met in consequence of a cal om William Macintosh, Esq. Provost of Inverness, theil onvener., PRESENT, Aeneas Mackintosh, Esq. of Mackintosh ' r- Arthur Forbes, Esq. of Culloden James Fraser, Esq. of Culduthel I Edward Satchwell Fraser, Esq. of Reelig John
Baillie, Esq. of Dunean Thomas Warrand, Esq of Lentran William Frafer, Esq. of Kilbokie David Davidson, Esq. of Cantray — William Mackintosh, Esq. Provost of Inverness James Fraser, Esq. of Belladrum Simon Fraser, Esq. of Farraline, Sheriff- depute 1 Duncan Grant, Esq. of Bught Phineas Mackintosh, Esq. of Drummond Farquhar M'Gillivray, Esq. of Dalcromby William Mackintosh, Esq. of Aberarder, advocate Captain Alexander M'Kenzie, of the 71st regiment Baillie William Inglis of Inverness Baillie Alexander Mackintosh of Inverness _ James Grant, Esq. younger of Bught Thomas Gibzean, Esq. Sheriff- substitute of
Inverness William Fraser, Esq. Commissary of Inverness Baillie John Mackintosh of Inverness Baillie Thomas Young of Inverness Major George Munro, late of the 68th regiment James Macpherson, Esq. factor of Calder Doctor William Chisholm of Buntait Baillie Robert Warrand of Inverness The Reverend Alexander Fraser, minister of Kirkhill j William Sharp, Postmaster of Inverness Simon Fraser of Boblainy Alexander Davidson, bookseller in Inverness Duncan Macintosh of Castleleathers Baillie James Clark of Inverness Baillie James Shaw of Inverness Alexander Macdonell, writer in Inverness Campbell Mackintosh, writer
there Mr Alexander Robertson, Collector of Excise there Mr Farquhar M'Donald, Surveyor of the Customs there Captain Thomas Walcoat of the late 12th regiment Alexander Fraser, Esq. of Torbreack Mr Robert Campbell, Sheriff Clerk of Inverness Angus Mackintosh, Esq. of Holm Mr William Wilson, merchant in Inverness Mr John M'Kenzie, merchant there Captain Thomas Fraser of Newton Mr Alexander M'Leod, Convener of the Trades of Inverness The Rev, Mr Alexander Gordon, minister of Daviot The Right Rev. Andrew M'Farlane, Episcopal Bishop at Inverness Mr Donald Smith, merchant in Inverness Mr Thomas Munro,
merchant there The Meeting made choice of the said - Aeneas Macintosh, Esq. of Macintosh, to be their Preses. RESOLVED, That the convulsed state of Europe, and the alarming appearances of a disposition in designing men to excite un- easiness in the minds of the subjects of this free and happy realm, call lor every good man's instant appearance to de- clare his support of the present Constitution and Govern- ment of this country, as established of King, Lords, and Commons; and his abhorrence of every attempt to inno- vate upon it. That, therefore, with our lives and fortunes we will main- tain that Government and
Constitution. That in this Country there is at present every appearance of attachment to Government and to our happy Constitu- I tion ; yet should any attempt be made to alienate the affec- tions of his Majesty's loyal subjects by incendiary and sedi- tious writings, we will, to the utmost of our power, not on- ly prevent the circulation of such writings, but endeavour to bring such persons as may dare to publish them to legal pu- nishment. That if there exist any imperfection in our excellent Con- stitution, or if any slight deviations from its original prin- ciples may be discovered, which might require the wisdom of Parliament to be
applied for their amendment, we confi- dently rely on the application of that wisdom in proper sea- son, and in such manner as the united branches of the Con- stitution shall judge expedient. That the public and private character of our excellent King, ( whom GOD long preserve) has been great, good, and exemplary ; and in a particular manner, commands our gratitude and thanks from the heart. That a loyal address to the Throne be framed, expressive of thefe sentiments, and that it be signed by the Presses of the Meeting. That it be transmitted to the Right Hon. Henry Dundas, one of his Majesty's Secretaries of State, in a
letter from the Preses, to be by Mr Dundas laid before the King. IThat the thanks of this Meeting be given to the Preses and Convener for their attention to the business of the Meet- ing. That these resolutions, with the names of the persons composing this meeting, be published in the Edinburgh and London news- papers. Signed in name and by appointment of the Meeting, by their said Preses, AENEAS MACKINTOSH Preses. Thereafter, the following Gentlemen and Burgesses who SALE. /• THE PROPERTY on SOUTH BRIDGE STREET, which was formerly exposed to Public Roup is now to be Sold by Private Bargain. IN
THE FIFTH TENEMENT From the Tron Church, West Side South Bridge Street, I.— The HOUSE, & c. possessed by Mr Thomas Wood sur- geon. / . II.— The LARGE WARE ROOM, & c possessed by Mr Yates, and the WARE- ROOM, & c. possessed by Messrs Proven and Co. and Mr Wood. / III.— The HOUSE immediately below the Shops, possessed by Mr Mullo. IV.— The SHOP, & c. possessed by Mr Lawson, seedsman- S the WORK SHOP possessed by Mr Wight, and the VAULT; Isfc. possessed by Mess. Oliphant and Co. IN THE SECOND TENEMENT From the Tron Church, East Side Blair Street. V.— The SHOP,
& c. possessed by the Leith Wine Com- pany. There is no feu- duty on these subjects; the rents of the whole are well established, and the tenants are mostly bound to keep them in repair. For further particulars apply to Archibald Lundie, writer to the signet.' SALE OF SUBJECTS IN LEITH. To be SOLO by public roup, within the Old Exchange, Cof- feehouse, Edinburgh, upon Wednefday the 6th day of