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The Edinbugh Evening Courant


Printer / Publisher: David Ramsey 
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 27/11/1931 00:00
No Pages: 4
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The Edinbugh Evening Courant
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The Edinbugh Evening Courant

Date of Article: 28/01/1793
Printer / Publisher: David Ramsey 
Address: Old Fish-market Close
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 27/11/1931 00:00
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Theatre Royal. On WEDNESDAY Evening, JAN. 30, will be presented, The CoMEDY of THE SCHOOL FOR WIVES. General Savage — — — Mr' WILSON, Captain Savage— Mr BAKER, Torrington— Mr NuNnS, Conolly Mr WHITLOCK, Leeson— Mr EGAN, Spruce— Mr LAMASH, And Belville — Mr CHALMERS; Miss Walsingham— Mrs NunNS, Lady Rachel Mildew— Mrs JACKSON, Miss Leeson— Miss FONTENELLE, And Mrs Belville Mrs WHITLOCK. To which will be added, THE PADLOCK. Don Diego— Mr WARREll, Leander Mr MEADOWS, And Mungo Mr SCRiVEN; Ursula— Mrs CHARTERIS, And Leonora— Mrs WARRELL. MAGICAL THEATRE. TPETHER, F. S. A. from LONDON, . fully informs the Public, and those in particular who delight in the Fine Arts, that he will, on Tuesday Ja- nuary 29. OPEN his EXHIBITION in a large, neat, and - commodious room on the first turnpike at the head of Jack- son's Close, Edinburgh wherein he will, every even- ing, during the course of one month, exhibit the entire work of his own hands, consisting of a large variety of PAINT- INGS on GLASS, and Curous Perforations— Secondly, A number of new- invented VERTICAL WHEELS, which will display many beautiful Forms, among which is a Type of the SUN in its MERIDIAN SPLENDOR, the body of which will remain stationary, while from its orbicular surface it will in continued and rapid motion call forth its radiant beams— Lastly, His METAMORPHOSIS, a most simple and Angular deception, that will shew the various Animated Forms, Motions, Magnitudes, and quick Transitions of the Animalcules in Liquids. The whole will be optically displayed. Tickets Two Shillings and One Shilling each. To begin at Half past Seven. Private parties may any lawful day see the above, between the hours of one o'clock and three, by giving two hours pre- vious notice to T. Pether, at his lodging, No. 11. Role street, New Town, Edinburgh. Improved MAGIC LAN'I'HORNS, PAINTINGS, and a set of his new- invented Apparatus complete, may be had, price Ten Guineas— Also his much approved SOLAR MICROSCOPES, for the usual small price of One Pound Two Shillings each— and an Hundred Natural Objects ready mounted for One Guinea extra. PERFUMERY. XJ WILLIAM RAEBURN, No. 13. NORTH BrIDgE- STREET, Edinburgh, and GLASGOW, aioft respectfully informs his Friends and the Public, That - he has received an ELEGANT ASSORTMENT of PER- FUMERY, which he is selling at the very lowest prices, for ready money. Best Mareschal, per lb. 10S. 6d.— Ditto per oz. 10d. Common ditto, at 6s— 4s.— as. 6d.— 2s. per lb. Bed French Plain Powder, 8s. 6d. per doz.— Plain do. 8 ditto, 7s.— Tainted with Violet, 10s. per doz.— Ditto scented with Mareschal, 10s. per doz.— Pearl Powder, 2s. 6d. per oz. French Pomatums, as. 9d. per pot.— Ditto per roll, Is. 9d.— Patent Violet SOap, Ditto Cream of ditto— Almond Wash,— Milk of Roses, Bloom of ditto— Liquid Rouge, Cold Cream, Lip Salve, and every innocent Cosmetic in repute Essenees and Scented Waters of every kind— Riga Balsam— Liquid Blue, Wash Balls ditto— A great variety of Ladies and Gentlemens Dressing Boxes, Purses, Pocket- books, Smel ling Bottles, Toothpick Cases, & c.— Scissars, Penknives, Sto- dart's Razors and Straps, Composition for ditto. W. R. is determined that none in the trade shall undersell him— the Public may depend upon being served on the most honourable terms. N. B. The Families who pleased to honour him with their commands, will be particular in sending their orders to No. I to prevent mistakes, which often happen. V A SALE OF LINEN DRAPERY AND HABERDASHERY GOODS. ALEXANDER BARCLAY takes the liberty informing the Public, that he is now Selling Ready Money, at his Wareroom, No. 41, being Stair above the Entry to the Flesh Market, NORTH BRIDGE STREET, Edinburgh, variety of Printed Calicoes, Demit- ties, and Muslinetts ; Linens and Cambrics; Plain, Striped Check'd and- Flowered Muslins; Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Shawls and Plaids; variety of Ribbons, Modes, Lace and Edgings; Nankeens, Corduroys and Vest Pieces; Silk Cot- ton, and Worsted Stockings, & c- The above Goods being a Bankrupt's whole stock ( lately purchased), A. B. is enabled to sell them 2o per cent, under the usual shop prices. N. B. Country Dealers, and Purchasers to the amount of Five Pounds and upwards, will be allowed 5 per cent ,- TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION. / In the Tontine Tavern, GLASGOW, on Friday the 1st day of February, at one o'clock prec SIX HUNDRED and FOUR HOGSheAdS of JAMES RIVER TOBACCO, in Lots, belonging to the sequestrated Estate of James and John Wardrop and Co. late Merchants in Glasgow. Samples of the tobacco may be seen in the Counting- house of Walter Ewing Maclae, Charlotte street, GLASGOW, JAn. 14, 1793. SWEDISH BAR IRON, ON CONSIGNMENT. To be SolD by Public Roup, at the Warehouse of ROBERT BRUNTON, merchant, LEItH, on Friday the 15th Febru. ary, at 12 . o'clock noon, FIFTY- SIX TONS SWEDISH BAR IRON consisting of the following size, viz. Squares, 3- 4th to 2 inches, I Coulter, 2 to 3 inches, Flats, I 3- 4ths to 3 inches, | Slabs, 4 and 6 inches. The Iron may be seen any time between and the day of fale. ALSO FOR SALE, A Quantity of the best AMERICAN FLAX SEED of the last year's growth,—- and a quantity of American Pearl Ashes, first sort. EXCHEQUER CHAMBER, Edinburgh Jan. 13, 1793. BY ORDER of the BARONS, Intimation is here by given, That JEAN CAMERON relict of John Ed- mondon, merchant in Glasgow— KATHARINE CAME- RON relict of John Elair, merchant there — JANET CA- MERON, daughter of the deceased John Cameron of Carn- tyne— JANET CAMERON, spouse of Robert Graeme, She- riff Substitute of Glasgow, have applied to the Barons for a Gift of ultimus baeres of the means and estate of CATHARINE MALTMAN deceased,. residenter in Borrowstouness. On WEDNESDAY Evening, Jan. 30. will be presented INKLE AND YARICO. Inkle — Mr WOODS, Sir Christopher Curry— Mr KEMble ( his first appearance this season), Campley— Mr CLArK, Medium— Mr BELL, Trudge Mr Fox, Mate— Mr HILL, Yarico Mrs kEMBLE, Wowskie— Mrs EDWIN. After the Opera, THE LITTLE FARTHING RUSH- LIGHT," a Comic Song, by Mr EDWIN. To which will be added, a Farce ( in 3 acts), Called WAYS AND MEANS, OR A TRIP TO DOVER. Sir David Dunder Mr LEE LEWES. Random — Mr SIDdONS, Scruple Mr C. KEMBLE, Tiptoe— Mr ARCHER; Lady Dunder— Mrs WALCOT Harriet— Miss Ross, Kitty— Miss SATCHELL, On Thursday the Comedy of THE FUGITIVE,— an in- terlude called OLD WOMEN WEATHER WISE, and THE SCHEMING LIEUTENANT. And 0n Saturday a new Comedy, called JUST IN TIME ST CECILIA'S HALL. MR MAHON respectfully informs his Friends and the Public, that by desire of the Governor and Directors of the Musical Society, his BENEFIT is FIXED for TUESDAY the 12th of February. *„* Mr MAHON takes the liberty of informing the Pu- blic, that he is now composing ONE ENTIRE ACT of VO- CAL and INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC for the above even- ing. Tickets, 3s. each, to he had at all the Music Shops, and of Mr Mahon, at Mrs Whitehills, Gossford's Close, first turn- . pike, right hand. This Day is Published, Printed For A. STRAHAN & T. CADeLL, London, and HAM CREECH, Edinburgh— elegantly printed in 4to, price xi. 16s. in boards, PRINCIPLES MORAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCE; Being chiefly a Retrospect of Lectures deliver- ed in the College of Edinburgh, BY ADAM FERGUSSON, LL. D. & F. R. S. E.— late Professor of Moral Philosophy. " Huc enim pertinet, animal hoc providum, sagax, multi- " plex, acutum, mcmor, plenum rationis et consilii- quem " vocamus hminem, prae. lara quadam conditione, gene-. " ratum esse a summo Deo. CICERO. Also this Day is Published In Quarto, illustrated with fine Engravings, price 10s. 6d. ' The SECOND PART of VOLUME FIRST of the ANI- MAL KINGDOM, or ZOOLOGICAL SYSTEM of the " celebrated Sir CHARLES LINNAEUS, by ROBERT KERR, F. R. & A. s. s. E. Member of the Royal College of Sur- geons. GOODS STOLEN. there was stolen from a Carrier's cart, lot of the Candle- maker- row, containing Eighty- four Yards of SERGE, and Twenty- one Yards GREEN LINEN. Any person who will give such information respecting the goods, so that they may be recovered, shall receive HALF A GUINEA reward, by applying to Alexander Scott, stabler foot of the Candlemaker- row. " SHOP BREAKING & THEFT. On the Night of Wednesday the 9th of January curt,_ . SOME evil disposed PERSON or PERSONS broke into the Shop of JAMES HAY, Watchmaker on the East Street of the Burgh of INVERNESS, and stole and carried off from thence, the FOLLOWING WATCHES, viz. ' A Silver Watch— name— H. Butt. WANTED TO BORROW, At 4 per Cent, on unquestionable Heritable Security THE Sum of THREE THOUSAND POUNDS The money is wanted immediately.— Apply to John Campbell tertius, writer to the signet, No. 10. George- street WANTED, ASTEADY SOBER MAN fit to assist in the Management, of a BLEACHFIELD, and to take an active part in carrying 0n the Work. Any person answering to this character will find good en- couragement, with the prospect of constant employment for many years, by applying to Alexander Morison and Co. mer- chants, Dundee. DUNDEE, Dec. 25. 1792 AN ENGLISH SCHOOLMASTER FOR THE TOWN OF JEDBURGH WANTED. THE MAGISTRATES and COUNCIL have .... appointed the 20th day of February 1793 for electing 8229. 4,389- 1701. 1815. 4.588. " One do. ditto— B. Hoskin, London, No, One do. ditto- T. Parsons, London, No, One do. ditto—- Geo. Clark, London, No. One do. ditto-- J. Grafton, London, No. One do. ditto- J. Thomson, London, No. 15,303. One do. ditto— K. M'Lennon, Lond. No. 129. One do. ditto— Geo. Clark, London, No. 12,744. One do. ditto— Tho. Sykes, London, No. 9006. One large do. of the old kind, Mich. Johnson, no number. One Silver Watch cap'd, Benj. Taylor, London, No. 1109. One ditto in picces, that lay in a spale box, with the varge broke; as also the Cases and Steel Chain belonging to said Watch.— And A small Gold Watch, Box and Case in one, with a small Cord and Key, and no number thereon.— Besides a variety of Tools, used in making and repairing of Watches. AND, ON THE SAME NIGHT, The Shop of JOHN M'PHERSON, Merchant on the High Street of the said Burgh of Inverness, was also broke . into, and the FOLLOWING ARTICLES stolen therefrom, MUSEUM, Jan. 28,1793. AMEETING of the SOCIETY of ANTI- QUARIES of SCOTLAND is to be held on Wed- nesday the 10th day of January, at one o'clock, with a view to regulate their general affairs, and- particularly to elect a SECRETARY in the room of Mr CUMMYNG, lately de- ceased. By appointment of a meeting of Council held on the 24th of January curt. WILLIAM SMEELIE interim Sec. FOR COUGHS, HOARSENESSES, & c. = 5S R GREENOUGH'S LOZENGES of TO- LU, which are the pleasantest and most effectual re- medy of the kind in all Coughs, Hoarsenesses, Sore Throats,' and Defluxions on the Lungs, healing the Rawness and SoreT ness of the Bread, and affording great relief in Shortness of Breath, and in Asthmatic and Consumptive Complaints;— they do not cloy the stomach, but create an appetite. But as the great benefit to be. derived from them can only be secured by having them Genuine, the Public are request- ed to observe that R. Hayward, No. 10, Ludgate- Hill, is print- ed on the stamp— all others are counterfeits. These Lozenges are prepared and sold by R. HAYWARd ( successor to T. Greenough, the inventor), No. 10, Ludgate- Hill, London, and sold by HUSBAND, ELDER, AND CO." and John Baxter, Edinburgh, price 1s; 1d. the box. Where also may be had, by authority of his Majesty's' Royal Letters Patent, in bottles at 2s. 9d. SAMARITAN WATER; the most certain, safe, and speedy remedy for Chelblains, Wounds, Bruises, Scalds, and Burns; Inflamed or Sore Eyes, and every species of External Inflammation ever yet / a proper person into this office. Those who intend offering themselves candidates, must be qualified to teach Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, and Mathematics, and are desired to lodge with the Town- clerk certificates of their character and abilities before the day of election. The salary is considerable, and a good teacher may depend upon great encouragement. To MASONS AND BRIDGE CONTRACTORS. PERSONS willing to CONTRACT for Impro- ving, Widening, or Rebuilding the NEW LISTON BRIDGE, over the Water of Almond, on the confines of the Counties of Edinburgh and Linlithgow, are requested to give in their proposals and estimates therefor, to Alexander Dallas, clerk to the trustees on the Bathgate and Airdrie road, No. 36. Queen Street, to whom also application may be ma as to further particulars. I TO ROAD CONTRACTORS. INTIMATION is hereby made, That that Part of the NEW GLASGOW ROAD betwixt Bathgate and New Liston Bridge, is to be made a TURNPIKE ROAD. Persons wiling to contract for forming and metalling that part of the said road betwixt the Coal Engine near Bathgate, and the east side of the Bridge at Houston, and for making a temporary repair upon that part of the line of road betwixt Houston and New Liston Bridge, are requested to give in' their proposals and estimates for the same, to Alexander Dal- las, clerk to the trustees on the said road, No. 36, Queen's Street, to whom also application may be made for further particulars. TO BE SOLD, / APAIR of BAY CARRIAGE HORSES, the property of a Gentleman, and have been four Years in his possession. If not sold on Wednesday morning/ they will be again taken into the country. / To be seen at Mr Drysdale's Stables, price Sixty Guineas JEDBURGH HORSE MARKET. IT having been often suggested, That, MARKET in the TOWN of JEDBURGH SPRING, would be of ufe to the Public—' The and Council have resolved to establish such Markets held yearly upon the last Tuesday of February first Tuesdays of March. For the encouragement of Dealers, no custom will be manded for this and the two following years. A- fine Gold Seal. One common ditto. . A pair Silver Buckles,' A Gold Ring. A Pocket Book, with a Steel Lock thereon. A Smelling Bottle. A pair Plated Buckles. A second- handed double barrel Gun— And Ten Shillings of Silver taken out of the till of said shop. It is entreated that, if any of the above articles are eXposed to sale, that the same will be stopped, and information sent to Simon Fraser, procurator fiscal of the Sheriff- court of In- verness, who hereby engages to pay TEN GUINEAS to any one that apprehends the person or persons concerned in said Shop Breaking and Theft, upon their conviction. INVERNESS, SIMON FRASER, P. F. Jan. 15. 1793. T O BE L E T, In the County of Mid- Lothian, and Parish of Inveresk, THE MANSION HOUSE of WALYFORD with suitable Offices, Orchard, Garden, Pigeon- house, and Two Inclosures in Grass, including in whole about twenty- one acres of ground, and all as presently possessed by the Hon. Mrs Colt — The House is pleasantly situated, com- manding an extensive prospect of the Frith of Forth, East and Mid- Lothian, and stands between Musselburgh and Pres- tonpans, both good market towns, and at the distance of se- ven miles from Edinburgh.— The entry to the inclosures to commence and to the house at Whitsunday Morning. ALSO TO BE LET, The EAST and WEST FARMS of WALYFORD, con- junctly, in lease for nineteen years. The soil of these lands is of a rich, quality ; they are enclo- sed and subdivided by sufficient fences ; and from their vici- nity to the above- mentioned market towns, must command many advantages.— The entry to the house and offices upon the farms, and to the ground, at the term of Martinmas 1793 - The servants at Walyford will shew the Mansion- house, & c. upon Tuesdays and Fridays, and the tenants their respec- tive farms. For further particulars apply to Mr Robert Finlay South Frederick Street, New Town, Edinburgh, or Mr Harie Guth- rie, jun. writer, Argyle's Square. To be Sold, The HOUSE, OFFICES, and GARDEN of SOUTH COATS, pleasantly situated on the road leading to Linlith- gow, about half a mile west of the New Town of Edinburgh, presently possessed by Lady Maxwell.— The house to be seen on Wednesdays and Saturdays, from 12 to 2 o'clock. Apply as above FARM IN MID- LOTHIAN TO LET. To be LET for such number of years as can be agreed upon and entered to at Martinmas next, THAT FARM, being part of the Barony of Libberton, called the BREWERY FARM, with the Steading, as presently possessed by Warrock Smith, consisting of 25 acres rich arable land. This piece of ground is well water- ed, surrounded with a fence of hedge and ditch, and subdi- vided into different inclosures. From its vicinity to the town of Edinburgh, as well as many other local advantages, this farm will be found particularly deserving the attention of such as intend to carry on the coal and lime trade. Proposals in writing may be given betwixt and the 1st. of March next, to Robert Little, writer to the signet. • J A HORSE STOLEN OR STRAYED. Edinburgh, Jan. 23. 1793 That, upon the Evening of Saturday last the 19th current, or upon the Morning of Sunday the 20th instant, there was stolen from the Parks of BArNBOUGLE CASTLE, ADARK BAY HORSE, rising nine years of age, of the cart- breed, about fourteen hand a half high, with a star in his forehead a little white on the off hind- foot, and a short. bushy tail. ,. There is also taken from the stables there, between four and eight, o'clock in the same evening, ( i. e. Saturday last), a SERVANT's SADDLE, and Double- Rein'd BRIDLE, with Steel Bit. s. A REWARD of TEN GUINEAS is hereby offered to any person who shall, within three months from this date, give such information to William Scott procurator fiscal for the County of Edinburgh, as will lead to a discovery of these thefts, to be paid upon conviction of the offender or offen- ders— and a REWARD of ONE GUINEA, will be given to any perlon who will give such information at Barnbougle Castle, or the Procurater Fiscal, as may lead to a knowledge of the thief, although not sufficient evidence to conviCt. N. B. Such informers may depend upon their names being concealed. A HOUSE IN EDINBURGH TO SELL. , To be SOLD by Private Bargain, ADWELLING- HOUSE in GAVINLOCH's LAND, upon the West Side, and near the north end of Forrester's Wynd, Edinburgh, Being the second storey a- bove the passage, consisting of four rooms, a kitchen, a cel- lar, a garret, closets, and other conveniencies, as. present- ly possessed by Mr. James Robertson, The premises are insured in the Edinburgh Friendly In- surance Office against losses by fire, upon the old or original plan, and the premium paid up. The house will be shown upon calling there any day be- tween the hours of eleven in the forenoon and three in the afternoon ; and the title- deeds thereof are in the hands of George Andrew, writer in Edinburgh, who is em powered to conclude a bargain, and to whom intending purchasers are desired to apply. COALIERIES IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF EDINBURGH. To be LET for fuch number of years as mav be agreed upon, THE COAL in the Barony of SHERIFF HALL, in the parish of Newton; AND In the Farms of EASTER and WESTER COWDEN, LANGSIDE, and LANGSIDEHEAD, in the parish of Dal- keith. Proposals in writing for cither of these Coalieries may be lodged with John Davidson, writer to the signet, or Hugh Warrender, writer in Edinburgh,— or with Mr Alves at Dalkeith,' or application to whom the grounds will be shewn.. LODGING IN NICOLSON's STREET. AT LEITH FOR NEWCASTLE DIRECT, THE BRIG HANNAH, MATHEW AIKENHEAD, Master, Will take in goods 0n Wednesday first, and _ sail on Thursday Jan. 31st For Freight or passage apply to Mr Aikenhead on board the vessel AT LEITH, FOR NEW YORK, THE SHIP . PROVIDENCE, AMERICAN BOTTOM, JAMES MARTiN, Master Will be ready to take in goods the 10th- inst. and will sail the 15th February 1793 - This vessel sails remarkably fast, and has good accommodation for passengers. For freight or passage apply to Robert Brunton merchant, Leith, or the Master. To be SOLD, THAT LODGING on the East Side of NI- COLSON's STREET, being the Two Uppermost Sto- ries of that Great Stone Tenement immediately to the fouth of the Royal Academy, consisting of a genteel dining- room and drawing- room, seven bed- chambers, a light bed- clofet, besides sundry other closets, a kitchen, with a good cellar in the under storey of the tenement, and piece of ground be- hind the same, inclosed with a stone- wall, as presently pos- sessed by Mr Ker surgeon. The foresaid lodging maybe either occupied as it present- ly is, or divided into two separate lodgings at a few shillings of expence; in which case, the under floor will consist of four rooms, a light bed. closet, and a kitchen, and the upper floor of four bed- rooms and a kitchen. Apply to Robert Renton writer in Edinburgh. HOUSE IN NEW STREET. To be SOLD by public roup, upon Moday the 4th o( J? ebru- ary 1793, at one o'clock afternoon, within the Exchange Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, THAT large and commodious HOUSE in NEW STREET, Canongate, belonging to and possessed by the late William Tytler, Esq. of Woodhouselee, consisting of twelve fire rooms, besides kitchen, garrets, pantry, scullery, cellars and all other conveniencies for the accommodation of a large family. The drawing- room on the second Hi is 27 feet in length by 18 in breadth; the dining- room 191 hy 18. There are two large wine cellars fitted up with cacacombs, a small beer cellar, and a coal cellar— a stable with an extensive garden plot behind the house. The conditions of sale and title- deeds are to seen in the hands of Richard Hotchkis, writer to the who will give information as to all particulars: and Mr. Tod, uphol- sterer in New Street, will shew the premises. AT GREENOCK FOR KINGSTON, THE SHIP BETSEY & BROTHERS, J. DUNNET Master, Is ready to receive goods on board, and will be clear to sail by the 15th February. For Freight or paffage apply to Messfrs. Archibald and John Mackinlay, Edinburgh.— M'Neil, Stewart, and Co. Glas- gow— John Holmes or the Captain at Greenock. N. B. Passengers landed at Antigua. ' FOR PRIVATE SALE, BRIG MORNING STAR, RICHARD YULE Master, Lying in Leith harbour, 65 tons per register measure, well sound, and can he put to sea at a small expence. She is a good sailing vessel, and well calcu- ted for the Gottenburg, Hamburg, or Holland trade. Apply to William Sibbald and Co. Leith, or the Master, who will shew the inventory, and give any other information wanted. N. B. She will be sold reasonable, on account of the Ma- ster's getting a new vessel. BY ADJOURNMENT. SALE OF A SHIP. To be positively SOLd by public roup, within the house of Mrs Burt, vintner in Perth, on Tuesday 5th Feb. 1793, at twelve o'clock, \ THE BRIGANTINE THE BREADALBANE of PERTH. She was built at Perth about five years ago, measures 229 tons as per register, is full built and completely rigged, being fitted out for the Memel Trade, but is well adapted for the Wed India, Mediterranean, or Petersburgh Trade.— She is a prime sailor, with two Boats and all the necessary Furniture. This brig is just now in the harbour of Dundee, where in- tending offerers may see her—' They will also have an oppor- tunity of seeing an inventory in the hands of John Camp- bell, merchant in Perth; Peter Duff, merchant there; or Andrew Davidson, writer there. The articles of roup will be seen in the hands of the said Andrew Davidson. This ship was formerly advertised 259 tons by mis- take. JANUARY 28. 1793. THE SUBSCRIPTION for Morisons EDITION OF THOMSON'S SEASOn Finally closes on Thursday Jan. 31. 1793 After which Day the Price will invariably be advanced from ONE GUINEA to THIRTY The first Number is now published, and delivered to Subscri- bers only at 5s. 3d. The two plates for Mo. 2. are expect- ed from London early in February. One of those intend ed for No. 3. viz. The Country Fire- side in a Winter Evening, from the pencil of Mr Corbould, is esteemed a first rate painting, and has been already above four months in the Engraver's hands. In addition to the Two Engravings in- tended for No. 4. the Publishers are happy to announce, they have procured the Original Drawing of the Monu- ment by Mrs Hicky, under the eye of the late Sir Joshua Reynolds; so that the embellishments of this Work will be Nine in all. The first number to be had of, and subscriptions received by Messrs A Guthrie, South Bridge, Edinburgh— Wm. Coke, Leith— Brash and Reid, Glasgow— A. Brown, Aberdeen— and R. Morison and Son, Perth, the Publishers. Lloyd's Marine List. FRIDAY, January 25. THE Jume Etiema, Camden, from Bourdeaux to St Do- mingo, is lost in the harbour of the Cape. The Valiant, Davidson, from Petersburg to London, that was sunk on the coast of Norfolk, has since floated on shore at Saltfleet, near Boston, in Lincolnshire. The Henry, Bigland, from Petersburg to Liverpool, is on shore in the Orkneys, and most of the cargo is damaged. The Twee Gebroeders, Valk, from Embden to London, is supposed to be lost near the Long Sand, off Margate. The Bois de Soris, , from Charlestown to Marseilles, has been seen near Alicant in want of provisions and water, which place she intended to put into for refreshment. Winds at Deal— Jan. 22. W. 23. W. S. W. 24. W. N. W. Yesterday arrived a mail from France. Holland and Flanders due. of my fatally, and permit them to retire freely, wherever it May think proper. I recommend to the nation all the persons who were attached to me. There are many of them who have expended all their fortunes to purchase places under the new government, and who, having now lost their sole dependance, must be in circumstances of want. Among my pensioners, were many aged and indigent persons who had no other means of support except the pension which I gave them. ( Signed) Louis." Done at the Temple, January 20, 1793. COUNTY OF SUTHERLAND SeVERAL GENTLEMEN of said COUNTY having applied to the Sheriff and Convener to call a Meeting of the County, to take under consideration the pro- priety of expressing at this time their LOYALTY to the KING, and ATTACHMENT to the BRITISH CONSTI- TUTION — The Gentlemen, Freeholders, Justices of the Peace, and Commissioners of Supply of said County, are hereby requested to meet for that purpose at Dornoch on Friday the 15th day of February 1793, at noon. C A R D. JOHN WALKER, LEITH, returns grateful Thanks to his Friends and the Public for past favours, and respect- fully informs them, that he has just received a few firkins of best Aberdeen Pickled Pork, a quantity of mild and good English Porter in hogsheads, a smal parcel of superior Dant- zic Black Beer in kegs— And that he has always on hand best Oils of Vitriol, Lintseed, and Turpentine — American Pearl and Pot Ashes of first sorts, Riga Crown Pearl ditto, Coal Tar Pitch, Varnish and Rosin, Newcastle Copperas, Soft Soap, and a complete assortment of Spring- made Caudles of the finest colour and quality — That he continues to buy and sell all kinds of Merchandise on commission— Receives and forwards Goods on the lowest terms — And acts as a Ship- broker and Auctioneer, Those who are pleased to favour him with their orders in these branches may depend upon having their business. done with fidelity and attention. COALS. THE Right Hon. the LORD PROVOST GISTRATES, and COUNCIL of the CITY of BURGH, finding that the premium of 1s. per ton such coals imported into Leith, as should 11s. per deal, had not the desired effedc of furnishing Coals: a reasonable price to the inhabitants— they have Coals and freighted a great number of Vessels for Leith, some of which are arrived, and, for the accommodation of the in- habitants, are to be sold at the ship side, the Great Coal for 14s. and the Chow Coal for TWELVE SHILLINGS per DEAL, instead of 16s. the present selling . price. And in re- gard the premium offered, as above mentioned, has not pro- duced the purpose intended, the same having only been paid for inconsiderable quantities of Chow or Small Coals ; there- fore they resolve that no premium is to be paid for Coals im- ported into Leith after this date. COUNCIL CHAMBER, Jan. 21. 1793. BOUNTY TO SEAMEN. By the Right Hon. the Lord Provost, Magistrates, and Council of the City of Edinburgh. WHERE AS his MAJESTY'S SERVI quires a supply of SEAMEN to man the FLEET, a Reward is hereby offered of TWO GUINEAS over and above his Majesty's Bounty, to every Able Seaman and ONE GUINEA to every Ordinary Seaman, not under Twenty nor above Fifty Years of Age, who shall, during the continuance, of his Majesty's Bounty, appear in the Council Chamber. Voluntarily enter himself to serve in the Royal Navy. To be immediately paid by the City Chamberlain, on such able or ordinary seamen respectively being approved by the Regulating Officer here as fit for service, and residing in or belonging to the City, Leith, Newhaven, or other Liberties of Edinburgh. Given at Edinburgh this 19th December 1792. GOD SAVE THE KING ! THO. ELDER, Provost SANDERSON, MAYOR. A COMMON COUNCIL, holden in the Chamber of the Guild- hall of the City of LONdON, on Thurfday the 10th day January 1793, Resolved Unanimously, THAT the SUM of FORTY SHILLINGS for every Able Seaman, and TWENTY SHILLINGS for every Ordinary Seaman, over and above the Bounty granted by his Majesty, be given by and during the pleasure of this Court, and not exceeding one month from this day to every such Seaman as shall enter at the Guildhall of this City into the service of his Majesty's Resolved Unanimouslyt. That the Remembrancer do immediately wait on the Right Hon. the Earl of Chatham, First Lord Commiffioner of the Admiralty, with a copy of the said resolution, fairly transcribed and signed by the Town- Clerk ; and signify the request of this Court that his Lordship, will lay the same before his Majesty, as an humble testimony of their zeal and affection for his Most Sacred Person and Government, and of their unshaken attachment to the glorious Constitution of these Kingdoms. Whereupon this Court doth nominate and appoint the Right Hon. Sir James Sanderson, Lord Mayor— the Right Hon. Thomas Harley— John Sawbridge, Esq— Sir Watkin Lewes, Knt.— Nathaniel Newnham, Richard Clark, Wil- liam Pickett, John Boydell, Brook Watson, Paul Le Mesu- rier, William Curtis, Esqrs— Sir Benjamin Hammet, Knt— John William Anderson, Harvey Christian Combe, Esqrs— and Sir Richard Carr Glyn, Knt. Aldermen.— Mr Thomas Loveland, of the Ward of Aldersgate Within— Mr John Rowlatt, of the Ward of Aldersgate Without— Mr Samuel Throp, of the Ward of Aldgate— Mr Deputy Gabriel Leekey, of the Ward of Bassishaw— Mr James Renat Syms, of the Ward of Billingsgate— Mr Deputy John Merry, of the Ward of Bishopsgate Within— Mr Deputy Robert Bullock, of the Ward of Bishopsgate Without— Mr Deputy William Hallier, , of the Ward of Breadstreet— Mr Deputy Jacob Wrench, of the Ward of Bridge— Mr John Upward of the Ward of Broadstreet— Mr Joseph Welch, of the Ward of Candle- wick— Mr James Griffiths, of the Ward of Castlebay- nard— Mr William Ellis, of the Ward of Cheap— Mr Deputy William Chapman, of the Ward of Colemanstreet— Mr De- puty Lake Young, of the Ward of Cordwainer— Mr Deputy Samuel Birch, of the Ward of Cornhill— Mr Deputy Henry White, of the Ward of Cripplegate Within— Mr Deputy William Stains, of Cripplegate Without— Mr William Gates, of the Ward of Dowgate— Mr William Powell, of the Ward of Farringdon Within— Mr Joseph Boucock, of the North Side, and Mr Deputy John Nichols, of the South Side of the Ward of Farringdon Without— Mr Peter Pope, of the Ward of Langborn—- Mr Jacob Boak, of the Ward of Limestreet— Mr Benjamin Curtis, of tht Ward of Portsoken— Mr Depu- ty William Humfrys, of the Ward of Queenhithe — Mr John Hewetson, of the Ward of Tower — Mr Deputy Godfrey Wilson, of the Ward of Viutry— and Mr Nath. Sergeant, of the Ward of Walbrook, Commoners, or any one of the said Aldermen, and two of the said Commoners, to be a Commit- tee for carrying the said Resolution into execution. Resolved Unanimously, That these Relolutions be signed by the Town Clerk, and published in the London Gazette, and all the papers of the United Kingdoms. Foreign Intelligence. FRANCE. NATIONAL CONVENTION. SUNDAY, Jan. 20. JEAN DE BRIE proposed to inform the people by an address, of the motives that directed the Con- vention, respecting their conduct towards Louis ; and to make a decree to banish from the galleries, every expression that may create animosity among them. M. RABAUD supported the former speaker, and conjured the Members of the Assembly to lay aside every passion not tending to the good of the public M. CAMBON made a vehement denunciation of M. KERSAINT. This deputy, since the commence- ment of the Convention, had opposed the sangui- nary members, whom he affirmed to be his associates. Alarmed at their influence, and the advantages they might have over good men, when he could no long- er be but a weak adversary, he gave in his resigna tion by the following letter— " That his health did not permit him to continue in such a boisterous Assembly ; but that it was still more impossible for him to sit among those that thirsted for blood, when their advice, preceded by terror, overawes the good— when MARAT has more influence than PETION. If the love of my country has made me encounter the mis- fortune of being the colleague of the panegyrists and pro- moters of the murders of the 2d of September, I would at least save my memory from the reproach of being ac- counted their accomplice. I have not a moment to lose — to- morrow will be too late. I return to the bosom of the people; I no longer retain the inviolability with which they clothed me ; I am ready to give them an ac-. count of all my actions; and without fear or reproach, I give in my resignation." M. CAMBON considered the above letter as an outrageous calumny on the majority of the Assem bly ; a kind of protest against the judgment they had pronounced ; a criminal intention to bring in to contempt the representatives of the people, whom he included collectively under the denomina tion of Assassins. Several Members supported CAMBON. BARBAROUX and GENSONNE defended KERSAINT. M. CHOUDIEU demanded a decree of accusation a gainst him, and that he should be brought to the Bar, which was adopted. GENSONNE. I move that the Minister of Justice may be charged to prosecute the authors and insti gators of the robberies and assassinations of the month of September." Adopted TALLIEN proposed as an additional clause, that the Minister of Justice should be charged also to prose- cute those who were at the Castle of the Thuilleries on the 10th of August. Decreed. The Minister of Justice informed the Conven tion that the Executive Council had been summoned and assembled early this morning, for the execution of the decree relative to Louis Capet, a decree of which two copies had been transmitted to the hotel of the Minister of Justice. The Council had cal- led to its assistance the Department, the Mayor, the the Commandant General, and Public Accuser of the Public Tribunal. After having concerted, a long with these, the measure of execution, the Mi- nifter of Justice, President of the Executive Coun- cil, a Member of Council, the Secretary and two Members of the Department, went together to the Temple. At two o'clock, they were brought to Louis, to whom the Minister of Justice, President of the Exe- cutive Council, said, " Louis, the Executive Coun- cil has been charged to notify to you the extract of the minutes of the National Convention, dated the 15th, 17th, and 19th of this month, which the Secretary will now read to you."— The Secretary of the Executive Council proceeded to read these three extracts. Louis answered by reading a written paper sign- ed with his own hand. After having heard this paper, I answered, continued the Minister of Ju- stice, that we should deliberate on the object of his demands. We retired, and as we were of opi- nion that we could not decide alone on the con- duct proper to be adopted, we returned to the Coun- cil, which decreed, that we should submit to you the writing delivered by Louis to the Deputation, of which I shall now read you a copy. CAMBACETES—" Louis Capet has only made those demands which you have now heard to the Deputation of the Executive Council, because they did not inform him of the decree passed yesterday on my proposition, in which the greater part of his requests are anticipated. I demand on that ground that we shall pass to the order of the day. The Assembly passed to the order of the day. LACROIX—" I demand that we pass to the or- der of the day, on the demand of a respite of three days. To grant that delay would be to revoke the delay decreed in the preceding sitting."— Adopted. The Assembly then passed to the order of the day on the demand of Louis to be freed from the per- petual inspection of the Council General. The Minister of Justice observed, that the Com- missioners of Inspection always remained in an a- partment contiguous to that of Louis. A Deputation announced, that the Citizen LE PELLETIER SAINT FERGEAU, dining in the ci- devant Palais- Royal, had been assassinated with the stroke of a poignard. The wound was three inches deep PROCLAMATION of the PROVISIONAL COUNCIL. EXECUTIVE January 20, Second year of the Republic. The Provisional Executive Council, deliberating the measures to be taken for the execution of the decree of the National Convention of the 15th, 17th, 19th, and 20th of January 1793, enacts the following regulations: I. The execution of the sentence of Louis CAPET shall take place to morrow ( Monday, Jan. 21.) II. The place of execution shall be La Place de Revolu- tion, ci- devant Louis XV. between the Pedestal and the Champs- Elisees. III. Louis CAPET shall set out from the Temple at eight o'clock in the morning, so that the execution shall take place at noon. IV. The Commissioners of the department of Paris, the Commissioners of the Municipality, and Members of the Criminal Tribunal, shall assist at the execution, the Secretary- Register of the Tribunal shall draw up tbe mi- nutes, and the said Commissioners, and Members of the Tribunal, as soon as the execution is over, shall come to give an account to the Council, who shall continue in a state of permanent sitting during the whole day. By the Provisional Executive Council, ROLLAND, CLAVIERE, MOUGE, LE BRUN, GARAT, PACHE. THE LAST REQUESTS OF LOUIS. " I demand a delay of three days, in order to make the necessary preparations to appear in the pre- sence of God ;— I demand for that purpose to send for and to see freely the person whom I shall men- tion.— The person whom I demand is M. Eschevaux de Fermont— he lodges at No. 483, Rue de Bacq. " I demand that his person be secured from all disturbance, from all apprehension on account of the last offices of charity which he shall render me. " I demand to be freed from that perpetual in- spection, which the Council General has established over me for some months. " I demand in this interval, to be able to see my family as often as I shall request, and without wit- ness. " I would request, that the National Convention would immediately proceed to deliberate on the fate MONDAY, Jan. 21. The execution of the judgment of Louis had en- gaged the Convention to assemble at nine in the morning.— This sitting, the epoch of which will ever be memorable, was opened by the reading of the following letter, addressed to the President. " BENVIT LOUIS LE Duc, solicits of the National Convention permission to pay to Louis CAPET the funeral honours which it is becoming the dignity of the nation to allow. " He, in consequence, hopes the Convention will order that the body of Louis CAPET shall be de- livered to him, to be transferred to Sens, and de- posited near his father. ( Signed) B. L. LE Duc." The Assembly deliberated on this letter, and then passed to the order of the day, on the observation of CHABOT, that Louis should be interred like other citizens, in the common burial place of the parish in which he resided. The attention of the Assembly was now diverted to the assault made the day before on the person of PELLETIER de SAINT FARGEAU. The following de- tails on this head were stated by De FAURE : PELLETIER. dined yesterday, as he had been ac- cumstomed to do, at the Palais I'Egalite, ci- devant Royal. Scarcely had he begun dinner, when six persons, among whom, we are assured, was PARIS, a Royal Garde du Corps, approached him, observing " This is PELLETIER." " That is my name," he replied—" Have you not voted," added PARIS, " for the KING'S Death ?" " Yes, I have ; and, in so doing, have obeyed the dictates of my con- science."— On pronouncing these words, the recei- ved from the hand of PARIS a sabre- wound in the ab- domen ; the assailant made his escape. PELLETIER was carried to his father's house, and expired at one this morning. His last words were, that he had not injured the assassin, and died satisfied with having Served his country, convinced that his death would be of public utility. Grief was blended with indignation at the recital of this atrocious deed. The Convention, on the motion of THURIOT, decreed, " That the Executive Council shall give an ac- count of the circumstances which accompanied the assassination of PELLETIER, and of the measures which have been taken, both to apprehend the murderers and to affix seals on their papers." There followed a conversation, in which several of the members declared they had been threatened with a fate similar to that of PeLLETIER. It was decreed that the Convention should attend his fune ral, and that his body should be deposited in the French Pantheon. The Executive Provisional Council sent the As- sembly the report of the Commissioners appointed to be present at the execution of the decrees of the 15th, 16th, 17th, and 19th of this month against Louis. BANCAL was proceeding to read this report, but several voices objected to it. LA MARQUE said, the tyrant is no more, let us think of the public affairs, and forget the tyrant. I demand the order of the day. The Convention passed to the order of the day, and did not suffer the report to be read. Execution OF Louis the Sixteenth, REPORT made to tbe COMMUNE of PARIS of particular; attending the EXECUTION of Louis XVI. The proclamation of the Provisional Executive Council relative to his execution, had hardly been notified to Louis, before he requested permission to confer with his family. The Commissioners testify- ing their embarrassment at this request, proposed to him that his family should be brought into his apart- ment ; to which he agreed. His wife, his children, and his sister accordingly came to him ; and they conferred together in the room, in which he was accustomed to dine. This interview lasted two hours and a half; their conversation was very ear- nest. After his family had retired, Louis told the Commissioners, that he had been obliged to use strong language to his wife. His Family had asked, whether they might not see him again in the morning. To this he made no answer, and Madame ELIZABETH saw him no more. Louis cried out in his chamber. " Oh, the mur- derers !, the murderers !" Addressing herself to the son, MARIE ANTOINNNETTE said, " Learn by the misfortunes of your father not to avenge his death." The morning of his execution, Louis asked for scissars to cut his hair ; they were refused him. When they took away his knife, he exclaimed, " Do they think me base enough to destroy myself?" The Commandant General and the Commission- ers of the Commune ascended, at half past eight o'clock in the morning, to the apartment of Louis, and signified to him the order which they had re- ceived, to conduct him to the place of execution. Louis required three minutes to speak with his con- fessor, which were readily granted. Immediately after, Louis presented a packet to one of the Com- missioners, with an entreaty to convey it to the Council General of the Commune. JACQUES Roux, the citizen to whom Louis ad - dressed himself, answered, that he could not take charge of it, because his mission was only to conduct him to execution ; but he engaged one of his col- leagues, who was on duty, in the Temple, to do what Louis desired ; with which he was satisfied. Louis then told the Commandant- General, that he was ready ; and in going out of his apartment, he begged the Municipal Officers to recommend to the Commune, the persons who had been in his ser- vice, and to beg, that they would give his Valet- de Chambre Clery, a situation under the QUEEN correcting himself, he said, " under my wife." They answered Louis, that an account would be given of what he required to the Commune. Louis crossed on foot the first court; in the second he mounted into a carriage, in which were his Con- fessor and two Officers of the Gensdarmerie. The Executioner awaited him at the Place de la Revo- lution. The whole train moved along the Boule- vards to the place of execution, where Louis arrived at ten minutes after ten o'clock. He undressed himself, mounted the scaffold with firmness and cou- rage, and shewed an inclination to harangue the people; but the Executioner of Criminal Justice, by the order of General SANTERRE, and by sound of drum, gave him notice that he was only to re- ceive his sentence. _ The head of Louis was then struck off; and be- ing exhibited, a thousand cries were heard of Vive LA NATION, VIVE LA REPUBLIQuE FRANCOISE. Some volunteers dipt their pikes, others their handker- chiefs, in the blood of the tyrant. The body was immediately conveyed to the Church DE LA MAG- DELAINE, where it was buried among the persons who perished on the day of his marriage, and the Swiss who were massacred on the 10th of August. The grave, in which the body was deposited, was fourteen feet deep, and seven in width. FURTHER PARTICULARS. His Majesty wore a great coat of the fashion of those which are commonly worn without other coats by the French, of a dark colour, black silk breeches and stockings, altogether neat, and his hair was dressed. Every account dates, that he advanced towards the awful apparatus with a calmness which astonished every one.— He looked round upon the multitude, as if desirous to address them— this multitude were composed of the creatures of the day, the hired in- struments of democratic vengeance ; the mass of the people, that people to whom he before had in vain expressed a wish to appeal, were kept at a distance, too great in general for them to hear any thing he might have to say. When he prepared to speak, all was for a mo- ment silent; the military music stopped, till order- ed again to proceed by the savage directors of the sacrifice, and the voice of the dying King was drowned in clamour: However, he was heard di- stinctly to pronounce, " I die innocent— I for- give—" The Council had so given instructions, that the execution might be over at noon ; yet, such was the haste of immediate conductors, as if thirsting to luxuriate in the blood of the victim, that near two hours before noon all was over ! We wish at least to believe that Egalite was not present at this shocking sacrifice, but more than one account declare that he was. The shops were shut all day on Monday.— The streets were illuminated at night, and ordered to be so again : This, however, is not to be confidered as a mark of festivity, but as tending to prevent dark assassinations. The King is said to have declared with his last breath to those immediately about him, that he sin- cerely accepted the Constitution. After the execution his mortal part was carried to the burying- ground of La Madaliene. To ac- celerate the dissolution of his body, lime was thrown into his grave. Guards were placed to prevent his being taken away in the night. Louis was born the 23d of Augud 1754. He began his reign on the 10th of May 1774; was driven from the Thuilleries the 10th of August 1792 ; thrown into prison the 14th, and dethroned the 22d of September following. Hs has reigned eighteen years and three months. Of his unhappy family nothing has been said. « 1 The people of Paris are spoken of as in a sullen stu- por: The most horrid proceedings are expected hourly to commence. On Friday morning the DAUPHIN stole down stairs the sentry at the door asked him where he was going " Into the street, replied the infant PRINCE, through all Paris, to beg of the people not to kill my dear Papa." One of the guards carried him to the King ; when he heard what the child had said, he burst into tears, and pressed him to his bosom. Within the King's desk in the Temple has been found a parcel, inclosing a sum in specie of about four thousand livres, directed by himself to M. Malesherbes— it was all his riches in the world, which, however, has not been given to the Counsel, agreeable to the grateful bequest of the deceased ! In a conversation which he had with this Advocate on Friday morning last, the latter announced to him the fatal sentence of death—" So much the better," said the King, " it eases me of longer suspence." For the moment he became thoughtful, walking a- cross the room ; by noon he was calm ; and in the evening had recovered his usual cheerfulness. Louis assured M. Malesherbes, that his wife and sisters thought as calmly on this subject as himself, " which," said he, " tends much to increase my happiness ; all my agitation of mind is for my son." It is supposed that the Convention will imme- diately proceed to determine respecting this forlorn family. Thus has Louis the Sixteenth, we will not yet say, in the enthusiastic phrase of his persecutors, the Last King of France, to their eternal dishonour, ended his individually virtuous life ; a life, by all that we can collect from cool observation, chiefly devoted to the good of his people. Considering that he was pronounced inviolable by the Constitution, and that no punishment could be inflicted upon him, but forfeiture of his Crown- considering that he was not tried according to the determined forms of the criminal code— considering that a part of the adduced evidence, such as it was, was with- held— considering that the offices of Judge and jury cannot be united ; and that the appeal to the people, whose sovereignty was pronounced the sole authority by which Monarchy had been abolished, and the Monarch brought to judgment, was set aside— we can but conclusively consider that Louis the Sixteenth has died a Martyr, ANd BE HIS BLOOD UPON THE HEADS OF HIS MURDERERS DIED, 1 A few days ago, MRS KENNEDY, the celebrated singer. London, January 25 EVENING COURANT. FRIDAY. Government yesterday received regular intelli- gence of the execution of the unfortunate Louis, early in the day ; their dispatch, we are given to understand, contains simple mention of the fact, with but few particulars. M. CHAUVeLIN is about to take his departure.- He has not received any letters of recal, but notice, under one of the clauses of the alien act, that he must leave England within a week. Lord GRENVILLE had a levee yesterday, at his office, at Whitehall, which was attended by all the Foreign Ministers. A general condolence took place on the death of Louis the XVI. By a letter received from Vienna, on Thursday last, addressed to a gentleman in this town, of high political connections, we are informed that a plot has lately been discovered in that city, wherein no less than ten thousand persons ( most of them French emissaries) were to be employed, for the horrid pur- poses of setting fire to the Palace, as well as to the city in four different parts. The above plot was very near being put in execution, and was discovered by mere accident. By the exertions of the Magistrates of that capital, however, several of the principals are taken, and they were preparing to bring them to an immediate trial. Letters from Bayonne announce, that hostilities have been commenced on the frontiers of Spain— a Spanish and French Patrole came to blows. Many - have been killed on both sides. An attack by the Spanish troops is expected daily, who receive fresh reinforcements from Fontarabia to Saint- Lutz. The purport of the communication from the Spa- nish Envoy, which the French Convention refused to hear, before pronouncing sentence on the late King, was to entreat the Convention to suspend the judgment of Louis ; and to offer, if the Envoy were allowed time to send a courier to Madrid, to obtain a promise from the King of Spain of beco- ming a mediator between France and her enemies; and to engage them to disarm and acknowledge the Republic ; on condition that the life of the head of the House of Bourbon should be saved. The Duke of GORDON has made an offer to Government, to raise a regiment of Highlanders for the protection of the King and Constitution. Colonel THOMAS DUNDAS is appointed Governor of Guernsey. Earl HOWE is to hoist his flag on board the Royal Charlotte. The number of additional seamen to be moved for on Monday next., is 30. ooo men. We do not know what is to be the additional number of land forces. His MAJESTY was on Wednesday night to have honoured Covent Garden Theatre with his presence; . but with that affection which has ever distinguished his public and private life, as soon as he was in- formed of the calamitous issue of the late exccrable machinations at Paris, he sent the Vice- Chamber- lain to the Manager, to acquaint him that he should not attend the Theatre that evening. In several of the boxes where the unfortunate French Monarch was mentioned, every female eye seemed compassionately humid— every manly face pourtrayed horror and consternation ! The audience at the Haymarket Theatre on the same night, prevented the announcing of a play for next evening, and would not permit the farce to be performed. The intelligence of the French King's fate had this effect upon the House in gene- ral. At the other Theatre God save the King was sung three times with reiterated acclamations. At the Haymarket Theatre the indignant virtue cf the people broke forth at the sight of the French banner introduced at Cymon. They hissed from the stage the ensign of a country polluted by sacrilegi- ous fury and regal massacre. The PRINTER of the COURANT findIng it Will be im- poSSible, in the ordinary courSe of publication, to over- take the preSent uncommon preSs of important intelli- gence, conSTitutional reSOLUtions, & c. reSpeCTfully in- forms his SubSCribers and the public, that he means, TOMORROW, the 29th inSTant, to publiSh an EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT Extraordinary, for which, he trusts, the peculiar circumstances of the times will be a sufficient apology. The Paper will be delivered to the subscribers at the Usual hour. PARIS, TUESDAY, Jan. 22. one o'clock P. M. " This city is in a state of tranquillity, not unmixed with grief. The people particularly feel for the fate of Louis's son, who is now in the custody of the Mayor, till his doom shall be decided. The QUEEN is at the Conciergerie ( a common pri- son) It is said, that orders have been given for her im- mediate trial. It was this morning reported, that the daughter of Louis XVI. died last night; but the report is not yet con- firmed. The Convention this morning named Commission- ers, to go with proper instructions to the several ports." LAST WILL and TESTAMENT of Louis, as found in the Temple, and delivered by the Commissioners to the COMMUNE of PARIS. In the name of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son, & c. This 25th of December, 1792, I, Louis Six- teenth of the name King of France, imprisoned in the Temple for more than four months, by those who were my subjects, involved in a trial, of which the issue cannot be known, from the passions of men, in the presence of God, declare my sentiments. I leave my soul to God, my creator, praying him not to judge it according to my merits, but those of Jesus Christ. I acknowledge what is contained in the symbol of the sacraments, and the doctrines of the church. I refer to the church for an explanation of its dog- mas, and do not pretend to judge those who are in error. I pray God to forgive me for having put my name to acts which may be contrary to the dogmas of the Catholic church, although I did it on com- pulsion. I pray those, whom I may have offended by dis- regard, to pardon the ill I have done them. I pardon those who have become my enemies, and I pray God to pardon them in the same manner. I commend to God my wife, my children, and my sister ; I recommend my children to my wife, and intreat her to watch over their education ; I pray my sister to continue her tenderness to my chil dren ; I entreat my wife to pardon me for what she has suffered on my account ; and I recommend to my children to obey their mother, and always to have God before their eyes. I recommend to my son, if ever he becomes King, to think only of the happiness of his fellow- citizens, and to be mindful that he never can be happy, but by ruling according to the laws. I recommend to my son the persons who have been attached to me. I recommend to my son M. M. CHAMILLY and HUE ; I beg M. M. of the Commune to deliver to CLERY ( his valet) my cloaths, my watch, and the trifles that were taken to the Commune. I beg M. M. MALESHERBES, TRONCHET, and DE- SEZE, to receive my tender acknowledgment. I protest that I am not guilty of any of the crimes with which I am reproached. This will was sent by the Commune to the Exe- cutive Power. There will be a Court mourning for the unfor tunate French King ; which will probably be fol lowed up by a general one, to point out, at once the pity of the British nation for him, and their de- testation of his murderers. The answer of the unfortunate Louis to the de putation, read in the Convention, is written in the most simple language, and with the utmost self- pos- session. It displays the true pathos; and among the many other proofs which, on the present occasion the Convention has given of cruelty and inhumanity it is not the least that they were able to hear it read without emotion, and pass with indifference to the order of the day. Let it be remarked, that what he asks for himfelf, he demands- what he requests for his family, he intreats— his last request is for his friends— when he mentions the poor and the aged whom he had supported by his bounty, he considers the bare mention of their helpless condition as the most powerful plea that could be offered in their behalf. We have been accustomed to hear Louis repre sented as a weak monarch, and had he known only prosperity, the imputation might still have remain ed.— It is, however, completely refuted by his con duct on the present occasion— a conduct which qually does him honour as a man and a Christian- a conduct which must: reflect eternal honour on his memory, and consecrate his fate to the pity and ad miration of every succeeding age, while those who have condemned him shall be regarded as objects of detestation and abhorrence. . HIGH COURT OF JUSTICIARY.- This day Ja. Robertson and Walter Berry, indicted at the instance of his Majesty's Advocate, for printing and pur blishing a seditous pamphlet, entitled, " The Political Progress of Great Britain," were brought to the bar.— James Thomson Callender, who had been included in the same libel, as the author of the pamphlet, having left the country, was outlawed. Upon reading the sentence of outlawry, the Lord Advocate informed the Court, that, as Callender, who was undoubtedly the principal offen- der, had made his escape, he would move their Lordships to adjourn the diet against the pannels till Monday the 11th of February, by which time he hoped he would have it in his power to bring Callender to the bar. The trial was accordingly adjourned; and Mess. Robertson and Berry found bail for their appearance. EARL Of CASSILLIS. A correspondent observes, that he was surprised to find in the Caledonian Mercury of Thursday last ( 24th January) a paragraph, dating, That the heir apparent of the family and honours of Cassilis was Mr Samuel Pater- son, a clerk in the Sun Fire Office, in right of his mother, who was sister of the late Lieutenant Kennedy of the Royal Navy. The titles and honours of this family were established to be unquestionably vested in heirs- male, by the judgment of the House of Lords, 27th January 1762, in the, following words : " Upon report from the I. ords Committee for Privileges, appointed to consider of the petition of William Earl of March and Ruglen, claiming he titles and honours of Earl of Cassillis aud Lord Ken- nedy, as heir of line, and also the petition of Sir Thomas Kennedy, Bart, claiming the said title and honours, as heir- male of this family, with his Majesty's reference thereof to this House— It is resolved and adjudged, That Sir Thomas Kennedy has a right and title to the honour and dignity of Earl of Cassillis, as heir- male of the body of David the first Earl of Cassillis; aud that he hath also a right and title to the honours and dignity of Lord Ken- nedy, as heir- male of the body of Gilbert the first Lord Kennedy."— Captain Archibald Kennedy of the Royal Navy, now Earl of Cassillis, has therefore the undoubted right to the title and honours of Cassillis and Lord Ken- nedy, as being the general heir- male of the family. But even supposing that the honours of this family descendcd to heirs- female, Mr Paterson could have no claim in right of his mother, as the sisters of the last Earl left issue. On Friday last, Mrs ROBERTSON of LAdYKIRK was safely delivered of a daughter at Ladykirk. Mrs MaRGARET MURRAY, relict of the Robert Graham of Fintry, Esq died at Brigton on Thursday last. - Died at Glasgow, on the 20th inst. Miss MARGA- RET hardiE, daughter of the deceased Mr John Hardie, surgeon in that city On Saturday last Mr THOMAS MUIR younger of Hunters Hill, advocate, was served with an indict ment to stand trial before the High Court of Judi- ciary at Edinburgh upon Monday the nth Febru- ary next, for seditious practices. On the 16th inst. the Rev. NIEL DOUGLAS, late minister of the gospel, Cupar Fife, was admitted to the charge of the vacant Relief Congregation in Dundee. Melancholy accidents are still happening from mad dogs. See advertisements in next column. Friday arrived in Leith Roads, the American ship Mary, Capt. Joseph Campbell, from the state of Massachusetts, laden with various kinds of timber, staves, & c. NEW ASSEMBLY ROOMS, GEORGE- STREET. The Second SUBSCRIPTION ASSEMBLY will be on Thursday the 31st inst. and, to continue weekly.— Non Subscribers 5s. Ireland. Extract of a letter from a gentleman at Kells, county of Meath, dated Tuesday evening, Jan. 12. " This morning a desperate engagement happened be- tween those deluded people styling themselves Defenders, and a part of the army under the command of the Rev. Mr Young, and other justices. The action happened be- tween Bailiborough and King's Court, when eighteen of these people were killed 0n the spot, and five badly wound- ed. The army at Kells, three troops of horse and one company of foot, being sent for, arrived after the party were dispersed ; that a number have been- taken prison- ers, and about 30 lodged in Cavan gaol. The army throughout, behaved in the most gallant and spirited man- ner, and continue still scouring the country." By accounts from Drogheda, we learn that a number of armed men attacked the house of a farmer named Lad- ley, at Donore, in the county of Meath, despoling, and carrying away all the fire- arms in his possession. But 0n hearing he had obtained a fresh supply of new arms, to the value of 50l. they on Sunday night last, again broke open his house, and carried them away, after drinking half a hogshead of geneva. The same desperate mob attacked the mansion house at Ball's Grove, and in like manner carried away quan- tities of arms. It was this day reported that an attack was made on the Castle of Malahide, by several of the De- fenders, and that they were repulsed with loss. In the vicinity of Swords, singular outrages are com- mitting with impunity. ARRIVED AT LEITH, Jan. 26. Henrietta, Doxter, from Lynn, barley— 28. Eliza, Sampson. and Thetis, Anderson, from London, goods— Newcastle, Brown, from Newcastle, do.— Providence, Gillon, from Glasgow, do.— May, M'Farlane, from Greenock, do.— Sundry coasters. SAILED, James, Anderson, for Inverness, goods— Some coasters. By the Right Hon. THE LORD PROVOST AND MAGISTRATES OF THE CITY OF EDINBURGH WHEREAS, notwithstanding the Order of the Magistrates, proclaimed by tuck of drum on Wed- nefday last, requiring ALL OWNERS of DOGS to CON- FINE them for the space of 20 days, and Certifying such as failed that they would be fined for contempt of authority— YET little regard has been paid thereto, and instances of that fatal disease, as well as the danger to the inhabitants, having now most evidently appeared, and been certified by Gentle men of the Royal College of Surgeons attending on the Roy- al Infirmary, the MAGISTRATES, in order effactually to guard the Inhabitants and the Public from further danger, do hereby strictly. require and enjoin ail persons within their ju- risdiction immediately to secure, and keep in close confine- ment, every Dog belonging to them, for the foresaid space of TWENTY DAYS; and in case they shall permit them to stray and range abroad contrary to this injuction, autho- rity and warrant is hereby given to Town Officers, Town Guard Soldiers, Running Stationers, Chair Bearers, Street Porters, to kill all such dogs that shall be found straying or at large during- the foresaid- period ; and a REWARD will be paid to any person who will give information against the Owners of such Dogs that are thus found. Given at Edinburgh this 28th January, 1793'-, ( Signed) JAMES JACKSON, B. BY ORDER OF JOHN PRINGLE, ESQ - Sheriff Depute of the Shire of Edinburgh WHEREAS little or no Attention has been paid to the intimation and requisition from me of the 23d instant, ordering ALL DOGS within the COUN- TY to be CONFINED for the space of Three Weeks from that date, notwithstanding that farther reccnt instances have Occurred of the direful consequenccs of Mad Dogs in differ- ent parts of the County- - This FARTHER NOTICE is therefore given, that besides FINING those who neglect or refuse to confine- their Dogs, the Officers of Court, aud 6- ther proper persons, are to be immediately employed, and authorised to KILL all DOGS strolling or found abroad with- in this County, on any pretence whatever.. Edinburgh' Jan. 28. 1793. . JOHN PRINGLE N O T I C E TO THE CREDITORS of JAMES SCOTT, Merchant in Edinburgh. That the application of a creditor of the said James Scott to the extent required by law, the Lords of Council and Session, Upon the 26th of January current, sequestrated real and personal- estates of the said James Scott, wherever situated ; and appointed his creditors to meet with- in the Old Exchange Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, upon Tuesday the 5th day of February next, at twelve o'clock noon, for the purpose of chusing an interim factor upon the said sequestra- ted estate. Of all which intimation is hereby given in terms of the statute. BACON AND MUTTON HAMS, & c. A. CAVERHILL GROCER, Second SHOP from Merchant- street, Candlemaker- row, has this day got to hand a quantity of Small SMOKED BACON HAMS. A. C. has also on hand fine Pickled Tongues, some Flitches of Bacon, and Mutton Hams— Black and Green Teas, Spirits, & c.— All which he is determined to sell on the most reasonable terms. ^ NOTICE TO the CREDITORS of NISBET and CO- NACHAR, Engineers and Millwrights in Edin- burgh. The said creditors are requested by the trustees to meet within the Old Exchange Coffeehouse, on Wednesday the 6th of February 1793 at one o'clock, to consider of an offer made by Mr Conachar at last meeting. this offer has been agreed to by all the creditors, to when it has yet been Communicated and as it would bring matters to an imme- diate close, it is hoped that the meeting will be a full one. NOTICE TO the CREDITORS of the dcceafed Sir ALEX. GRANT of Dalvey, Bart. William Keith, accountant in Edinburgh, the trustee, ha- ving ordered an interim dividend among the said creditors, they are required to apply to Mr Isaac Grant writer to the signet, for payment thereof, against the 1st Day of March next, or any lawful day thereafter.— But as many of the cre- ditors have failed to comply with the terms' of a former ad- vertisement, requiring them to produce to the trustee, their grounds of debt, and oaths of verity thereon, specifying e- very payment, received from the proceeds of the Jamaica estates or otherwise, and every security they hold for their debts; they are expressly required to do so betwixt and the said 1st day of March next, otherwise they cannot receive payment of their dividends. House AND GRASS PARKS In BERWICK- SHIRE TO LET. To be LET by Public Roup, on Tuesday the 19th Febrary, THE GRASS PARKS of LONGFORMACUS, consisting of 580 acres, 200 of which are old grass, mostly 70 years— Also the Mansion- house and Garden, and a genteel House in the village.— The mansion- houfe and of fices in Complete repair, and fit to accommodate any Noble- man or Gentleman's family, and in a fine sporting country. COALIERY TO LET To be LET for such a number of years as can be agreed- on, THE SAUCHIE COAL, with a Large FIRE ENGINE, Horse- Gins, upwards of 50 Coalliers Houses, all inhabited, Overseer's Houses, Stables, Granaries, and all other necessaries for carrying on so extensive a coalliery. This coalliery is situated on the north side of the great road from Alloa to the Yetts of Muckart, within two and a half miles of Alloa, the shipping port on the Frith of Forth, eight miles of Stirling, and open to all the great roads leading to the West Highlands of Scotland. The following seams of this coal are at present working, viz.— one of 6 feet thick, considered to be one of the best plint coals in the Frith— one of 3 feet— and another of 4 feet— the two last being mostly a cherry coal of the best qua- lity.— At 15 fathoms below the six- feet coal is a seam of 9 lfeet, which has been wrought to the crop, and allowed to be one of the best splint coals in Scotland. By the present engine there may be wrought near 1oo acres of the 6 feet seam, and better than 200 acres of each of the 3 and 4 feet seams; and by sinking the present engine- pit 15 fathom, more than 200 acres of the 9 feet seam may- be wrought, and the same quantity of the 4 feet seam. Besides an extensive land sale, and a constant demand for the coasting trade from Alloa, a large Iron Manufactory, con- sisting of several blast furnaces, is now erecting by an opu- lent company at or near the pit mouths, who have contracted with the proprietor to take this coal in preference to any 0- ther for a supply of their works. Grass parks, Prop Wood, and other Wood necessary for the Coalliery, can be had 0n the proprietor's estate. There is also a thriving Village in the neighbourhood, where Carters, Labourers, and others, may have ground to feu for houses and yards. Such persons as may with to lease so extensive and valuable a coaliiery are required to obtain every necessary informa-. tion, by immediately applying to Mr William Moor, at Sauchie, present manager of the said- coalliery, that they may be enabled to give in their proposals before the 1st of April next to Thomas Smith writer, Argyle- square, Edin- burgh. . SALE OF LANDS IN THE PARISH OF ANCRUM AND SHIRE OF ROXBRUGH. To be SOLD by public sale, within the Council- house of Jed- burgh, upon Tuesday the 12th day of February 1793, at four o'clock afternoon, THE LANDS of ANCRUM CRAIG, consist- ing of 70 Acres all arable, well adapted to the Turnip Husbandry, and capable of every improvement subdivided into two general inclosures, with three acres of thriving plantation. The lands adjoin the estate of Chesters and farm of Hobton, having a southern exposure, and are situated in that beautiful tract of country so much admired, command- ing a view above and below Ancrum Bridge— Distant four miles from Jedburgh, and seven from Hawick, both good market towm. The lands hold of the Crown, and may be useful in completing a freehold qualification. There is a steading of houses upon the farm, fit for the accommodation of a tenant. William Turnbull, the present tenant, will show the lands. The conditions of sale and inventory of writs may be seen any time before the day of sale, in the hands of Andrew Reid, writer in Jedburgh, to whom, or to John Thomson, Muirhouselaw, intending purchasers by private bargain may give in their offers, which will be transmitted to the pro- prietor at London. SALE OF DEBTS. To be SOLD by public roup, within the Royal Exchange Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, upon Monday the 11th day of February next, betwixt the hours of five and six o'Clock afternoon, SUNDRY DEBTS due to the Estate of the deceased Mr James Donald, druggist in Edinburgh, amounting to upwards of 10001. Sterling, of principal sums due by ac- compts, bills, and promissory notes. Process have been raised, and decreets obtained at the instance of the factor on Mr Donald's estate, against several of the debtors, which, with the whole vouchers, will be conveyed to the purcha- ser ; and, for the encouragement of offerers, the Debts will be exposed at the upset price of Sixpence. A lift of the debts, with the vouchers thereof, and arti- cles of roup, may be seen in the hands of Alexander Young, writer to the signet. SALE OF WOOD IN INVERNESS- SHIRE. On Friday the 15th of February 1793 ( being the Friday e, L the Candlemas Market at Invernefs), there will be SoLD by public voluntary roup, within the New Inn or Mason Lodge of Inverness, at 12 o'clock mid- day, THE FOLLOWING WOODS on the ESTATE of LOVAT. , The Fir woods of Glenstrathfarar.— 2. The whole- woods cn the Island of Aigas, consisting principally of thown Oaks and Birch.— 3. Those on the Lands of Daltulich. N. B. Those in Glenstrathfarar and Aigas, be contiguous to the rivers Beauly and Farar; and those of Daltulich to the river Nairn ; and as to further particulars application may be made to William Fraser at Kirkton, the factor. AS ALSO, 1. The Birch and Hazel woods of Portclairs.— a. The woods of Murlaggan, both situated on the bank of Lochness, and contiguous to Fort- Augustus; those of Murlaggan con- tain a variety of grown Ashes, very fit for every species of carpenters work. AND LASTLY, The Birch woods of Corrngavie, well adapted to every purpose of Husbandry.— Thomas Fraser at Knocky, near Fort Augustus, factor on those last mentioned parts of the estate, will inform as to particulars concerning the woods in that district.— In all these woods certain standards must be left, as will be inserted in the articles of roup. GRASS PARKS TO LET, AND / WOOD TO BE SOLD. ^ THE PARKS of BLAIR, five miles South of Kinross, upon the great road leading to Queensferry— on Friday the 8th day of February. The parks are all remarkably well sheltered and watered, and conveniently situated for traders, being in the neighbour- hood of good markets for the sale of cattle, and are adapted both for feeding and breeding. ALSO TO BE SOLD BY Rone, A QUANTITY of SMALL WOOD, fit for all forts of Country Uses. The wood is all cut down, and remarkably * good in quality, and will be exposed in small lots. The roup of wood to begin by ten o'clock forenoon, and/ the parks immediately thereafter. V SALE OF BONHILL PRINTFIELD. To be SOLD within the Tontine Tavern of Glasgow, upon Saturday the 2d of February next, between the hours of one and three afternoon, THE PRINTFIELD of BONHILL, and whole BUILDINGS and LANDS connected with the Field, the Lands extending to above 5o Acres. AlSO, The whole MACHINERY, UTENSILS, & c. for PRlNT- ING, at the Field, with the BENEFIT of the SERVICE of the INDENTED SERVANTS to the WORK Entry to the premises within fourteen days after the sale, excepting the Dwelling- house and Garden possessed by the manager, which are to be entered to at Whitsunday next. AND, Upon Thurfday the 14th of February next, will be sold in Lots, at the Field, The whole UNFINISHED GOODS, with the BLEACH- ING and DYEING STUFFS, & c. belonging to the PRINT- YIELD. For particulars apply to John Black and Co. St Andrew's Square. GLASGOW, Jan. 22. 1793. AVON PRINTFIELD. To be exposed to SALE by public roup, in the Tontine Cof- feehouse, Glasgow, on Thursday the 31st January instant, between one and two o'clock, Upset Price Reduced to I.. 1.1 AVONPRINTF1ELD with INGS, MACHINERY, and UTENSI longing, fituated within a mile. of the town and three of the Port of Borrowstounness. The Lands are of a light dry soil, with great abundance of fine spring water; they contain about 20 acres, which are held in feu, and about the same number of acrcs held in tack, whereof 32 years are to run from Martinmas 1791.— The field is bounded 0n the west by the water of Avon, the whole of which, when necessary, can be commanded for the use of Machinery, and a copious fpring of fine soft water is conducted by pipes through the whole of the works, sufficient for every purpose of dying, rinsing and finishing. The premises are almost new, and in complete repair, and will be continued in use till the day of sale. The situation, is in a plentiful, cheap, and populous country, no other manu- factories near it; and plenty of fine coal in the neighbour- hood. OR WILL BE Sold SEPARATELY, The BENEFIT of the TACK of the Mills, Lands, Mill Dams, Water Courses, Houses, Water Wheels, Wash Stocks, Pumps and Pipes eroded thereon, at the expence of I.. 1300, all in excellent order; upset price L. joo. ; rt~' Should the Benefit of the Lease be sold by itself, the PRINTING UTENSILS, HORSES, & c. will be sold publi- cly 0n a future day to be advertised. The conditions of roup, titles, and inventory of the uten- sils, may be seen by applying to John Lang writer, who, or Thomas Forster, Glafgow, will inform as to farther particu- lars; and Robert Miller at the field will show the premises SALE OF FORTUNE'S TAVERN. To he SOLD by public roup, within the Royal Exchange Coffeehoufe, upon Wednefday the 6th of February next, at two o'clock afternoon, THAT HOUSE, Cellars, and Offices, presently posses- sed by Mrs Fortune vintner, commonly known by the name of FORTUNE'S, or THE SHIP TAVERN. The centrical situation, and other advantage? of this well- frequented Tavern, are sufficiently known to the Public. ' The title- deeds are in the hands of John Wauchope, wri- ter to the signet. A BREWERY FOR SALE. To be SOLD hy public roup, within John's Coffeehouse E- dinburgh, on Wednesday the 6th February next, betwixt the hours of six and seven o'clock afternoon, THAT BREWERY, near the head of the Canongate, south side, having a court entry from the High Street of Canongate, by the Old Play- house Close, and another en- try from fouth back of the Canongate, as presently possessed by the proprietor. This subject consists of a neat Dwelling- house of five rooms, kitchen, arid garret; a Brew- house and Malt barn, about 99 feet, in length by 18 feet in breadth, and having two flats of lofts above it; a Kiln, an excellent Pump Well, and every other convenience. The premisses are in whole about 219 feet in length from north'to fouth, and the medium breadth is about feet; and for the encou- ragement of persons intending to carry on the brewing busi- ness, the whole Brewing Utensils, agreeable to inventory, may be sold alongst with the premisses, This subject will answer equally well either for a brewery or distillery, or might easily be fitted up for a manufactory or a stabling ; it will be sold reasonable, and may be entered to at Whitsunday next, or sooner if wanted. For particulars enquire of the proprietor at the house, or of James Kettle, writer iu Edinburgh. NOTICE TO BUILDERS. . . To be SOLD hy public roup, within John's Coffeehouse on Wednefday the 6th of February 1793, at one o'clock afternoon, THAT AREA of GROUND on the South East End of NICOLSON's STREET, with the House and Offices thereon, presently possessed by Mrs Moir The ground, from its situation, is excellent for being- built upon. It extends along Nicolson's Street 121 feet, and along the Crosscauseway 74 feet; and, from trials Lately made, af- fords good stone for buildings. The house is well adapted for a family, Having been fitted up for that purpose; and great part of the ground can be built upon without hurting the house. The title- deeds, articles of roup, and a sketch of the ground, are to be feen in the hand of Robert Moir, at Mr Balfour's, writer to the fignet, Hanover Street. J V SALE OF HOUSES IN EDINBURGH AND CANONGATE. To be SOLD by public voluntary roup, within John's Coffee- house, Edinburgh, on Wednelday the 30th of January 1793, betwixt the hours of twelve n0on and two after- noon, ' N- THE SUBJECTS AFTERMENTIONED— A viz. LOT I. \ A TENEMENT, consisting of Two Genteel Lodgings, eafi end of College Street, or head of High School Wynd, Edinburgh, either together or separately as purchasers may incline, and if separately in two lots, viz. lot I. first storey, consisting of dining- room, five bed- rooms, laundry, kitchen, cellars, &. C. possessed by Mrs Russel LOT II. UPPER STOREY, consisting of dining room, drawing- room, three bed- rooms, bed- closets, kitchen, cellars, & c. lately possessed by Capt. Dewar — 30l with water- pipe and a handsome grass- plot, measuring nearly an eight part of an English acre, which goes along with the property, and to the use of which both lodgings will be equally entitled if sold separately— To be seen from eleven forenoon till after- noon. ALSO, A well finished HOUSE, BORTHWICK's CLOSE, E- dinburgh, 1st scale stair, right hand, from the High Street, 4th door, consisting of five rooms, kitchen, closets, & c. pos- sessed by Mr Reid baker, and set to him free from repairs for three years from Whitsunday 1792, at the very low rent of 9!.— To be seen from ten till one o'clock. A CELLAR, long in the practice of business, in the FISHMARKET CLOSE, Edinburgh, possessed by Mrs M'Leish, at the very low rent of 1l. 5s. A PAINTING SHOP, Middle Common Close, CANON- GATE, possessed by Mr Cameron painter, set to him at the rent of four Guineas, free from repairs for five years from Whitsunday 1792, and deviseable into a dwelling- house at the expence of the present tenant upon his removal, with an area behind the fame, if purchafers require it, fubjeCl to a servitude of not being built upon. A HOUSE of three rooms, kitchen, garrets, & c. in Rae's Land, CANONGATE, possessed by Mrs Simpson, at the very low rent of 5I. The proregss of writs, articles of roup, and conditions of sale, are to be feen in the hands of Robert Jamieson, writer to the signet, who will treat with any persons wishing to make a private bargain for any of the above subjects before the day of sale. HOUSES ON SOUTH BRIDGE, To be Sold by public auction, within the Royal Exchange Coffeehoufe, Edinburgh, upon Wednesday the 30th of Ja- nuary inst at six o'clock afternoon, THESE PARTS of the TENEMENT No. 8. on the east side of South Bridge Street, in the following lots: LOT I. The DWELLING- HOUSE first door down stairs, below Mess. Ranken, Grigory, and Thomson, consist- ing of five rooms and kitchen, with large vaults below the plain stones, as possessed by Mr Reid. LOT II. The FIRST FLAT, lately occupied by Mr Weir for his museum, being two large warehouses, which may be kept divided or turned into one ; are very proper for lawyers chambers, or many other purposes. Lor 111. The DWELLING- HOUSE above, consisting ot nine rooms and kitchen, possessd by Misses Stirling and Allan, milliners. The title deeds and articles of sale may be feen in the hands of Robert Dick, writer in Edinburgh, to whom any person may apply for { irther particulars. TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC ROUP, , Within John's Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, 011 Wednesday the 6th of February 1793, at six o'clock afternoon, LOT 1. THE DWELLING HOUSE, being the Easter Half of the First Story of the Stone Land an the South Side of the MEALMARKET of Edinburgh, consisting of five fire rooms and a kitchen, with closets and other conve- niencies. Lot II. The DWELLING HOUSE, being the Fourth Story of the Stone Land on the Well Side of the MEALMARKET, entering from the head of the New Stairs, consisting of five fire rooms, a kitchen, garret, closets, and other convenien- cies.— Both lots are infured in the Sun Fire Office. Lot First may be entered to immediately, and Lot Second at Whitsunday first. For farther particulars apply to George Sandy writer, at Mr Anthony Barclay's, writer to the signet, who will shew the title deeds and conditions of sale. HOUSES TO SELL. To be SOLD by public roup, within John's Coffeehouse, on Wednesday the 30th January, betwixt five and six after- noon, I. npHAT DWELLING- HOUSE, being the A Fourth Story of Callender's Land adjoining to Mer- chant- street, entering from the CANDLEMAKER ROW, consisting of 5 rooms, kitchen, closets, a good cellar ther conveniences, with the benefit of a water- pipe at the foot of the stair. The house is pleasantly situated, at present unpossessed, but formerly rented at L. 10 yearly. II. That TENEMENT of Small DWELLING- HOUSES about the middle of DICKSON's CLOSE, and entering from that and also from Niddry- street, possessed by John M'Laren and others.— Rent 11l. 16s. III. That LAIGH DWELLING- HOUSE betwixt the Middle and the Foot of BLACKFRIAR's WYND, on the West Side, possessed by John Dewar.— Rent 2I. 6s. IV. That LAIGH DWELLING- HOUSE about the Middle of HALKERSTON's WYND, on the Eaft Side, possessed by Thomas Self — Rent 2l. The title- deeds to be seen in the hands of Alexander Kin- caid Tate writer, Old Post- Office Close, who will inform as to every necessary particular. HOUSE IN GEORGE STREET. To he SOLD by public roup, within the Royal Exchange Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, upon Friday the 8th February 1793, betwixt the hours of six and seven afternoon, THAT HOUSE in GEORGE STREET, be, ing the Fourth East from Castle street on the North Side, consisting of three stories.— The first being the sunk storey, contains a kitchen, laundry, servants rooms, and many other convenient apartments for a genteel family.— The second contains an excellent dining- room, a small par- lour, and large bed- room.— And the third contains an ele- gant drawing- room the whole length of the house, with two excellent bed- rooms, besides a great many closets, presses,- & c. ' There are two good wine cellars within the house, be- sides two under the pavement in front, and a small area be- hind, with the privilege of an entry to the back lane. The houfe, which is remarkably neat and clear., may be feen at any time. For particulars apply to James Hay jun. and Thomas Man- ners, writers to the signet, who have powers to dispose thereof by private bargain previous to the day of fale. SALE OF HOUSES, & c. To be SOLD by public roup, within the Old Exchange Cof- feehouse, Edinburgh, upon Wednefday the 30th iiy of January current, betwixt the hours of 5 and 6 afternoon, in one or more lots as may be agreed- upon, THAT DWELLING HOUSE in TROT- TERS CLOSE, Well Bow, presently possessed by William Trotter, Merchant in Edinburgh, of two floors, the first consisting of a good dining- room, a small bed roomWith closets adjoining, both well lighted from the south, two other bed- rooms, kitchen, and pantry. On the second floor there is a good tea- room, a bed- chamber, with a closet, all well lighted; and having an extensive prospect to the south and west, two other bed- rooms, a laundry, store- room, and a large light closet; and under the kitchen there is a ccllar with catacombs and other conveniencies. II. That DWELLING HOUSE immediately UNDER the above, consisting of a kitchen, dining- room, and three bed- rooms, having a cellar with a vent belonging to it. III. A CELLAR in FAIRHOLM's CLOSE, West Bow, of two apartments, one of them light, the other with a vent. It. is insured in the Edinburgh Friendly Insurance Office upou the old plan, and entitles the proprietor to a proportional di- vidend, also to a vote in the society. The Houses, & c. may be seen every lawful day from IS to 3 o'clock, and for further particulars application may be mads to William Hall merchant, or James Marshall writer, Edin- burgh, with the latter of whom may be seen the title- deeds of the subjects, and the conditions of sale. ; eds. rpi- BY ADJOURNMENT, And Upset Price Reduced. / To be Sold by public roup, in John's Coffeehouse, Edin- burgh, on Tuesday the 29th day of January 1793, at six o'clock afternoon, THE FIRST STOREY above the SHOPS of the Tenement of Land on the North Side of the HIGH STREET, Edinburgh, opposite to where the Guard formerly stood, consisting of a large Wareroom to the street, with four fire rooms, kitchen, and closets backwards; and also a Cellar, presently possessed by Mr Baillie upholsterer, and formerly by the late Mr Donald druggist, and afterwards by Mr Whytt druggist, under a tack, which expired at Whit- sunday last, at 40I, Sterling of yearly rent. The premises are let for the current year till Whitsunday next, at only 20I. of rent, after which the whole tenement must be taken down by order of the Guild Court. The situation being fo centrical for a wareroom and dwelling- house, makes this an eligible purchase for builders and others.— Upset price. L200 Sterling. The title- deeds and articles of roup are in the hands of James Knox and William Ellis, writers in Edinburgh, who will give information as to other particulars. rp SALE OF HOUSES IN EDINBURGH, A NX) SUPERIORITIES IN THECOUNTIES OF EDINBURGH AND HADDINGTON. j To be SOLD by Public Roup, within the Old Exchange Coffee- house, upou Friday the lft February, at one clock afternoon, I. THAT LODGING in NEW STREET of CA- NONGATE, lately possessed by the deceased LORD HAILES, consisting of an excellent dining- roon and draw- ing- room, a business- room, several good bed- chambers, with closets, a kitchen behind the houle, cellars, and many other conveniencies; also a coach- house and liable for four horses, with the Area immediately to the west of the said lodging. If agreeable to the purchaser, he may get the FURNITURE in the House at a reasonable valuation. The servant in the house will shew the premises. 11.— The DWELLING- HOUSE in the OLD BANK CLOSE of EDINBURGH, prefently poffeffed by Mr Gard- ner Jewellar, and consisting of dining- room, drawing- room, four bed- rooms, kitchen, cellars, ami other conveniencies.— This house may be seen every Tuesday, Thursday and Sa- turday, between the hours of twelve and two. ' There are also to be SOLD some FEU- DUTIES payable out of LANDS lying in the parifh of KIRKNEWTON and county of Edinburgh, and in the parish of PRESTON, in East Lothian, with the Rights of Superiority of the said Lands, the particulars whereof will be afterwards advertised. The writings and conditions of fale will be feen in the hands of James Walker writer to the' signee, to whom any person who may incline to conclude a bargain previous to^ the day of the roup may apply. • ys. HOUSES AND SHOPS IN CHESSELS's COURT, CANONGATE. To be SOLD by public roup, within John's Coffeehouse on Thursday the 31st January current, at six o'clock after- noon, THAT LARGE and ELEGANT HOUSE on the East Side of CHESSELS's COURT, consisting of 16 fire rooms, with closets, & c. large kitchen and servants apartments, three water- pipes, and several other convenien- cies in the sunk storey, with a small garden annexed to the house, That LARGE HOUSE on the West side of SAID COURT, consisting of 10 fire rooms, kitchen, four cellars, water- pipe, and small garden— Both these houses- have every useful convenience to accommodate large families, and arc handsomely fitted up. The TWO LARGE TENEMENTS fronting the HIGH STREET, in flats, as they are presently let.— The Two first Flats of the eastmost tenement consist each of six fire rooms, kitchen, and cellars, with a garret room in the attic storey.— ' The Third Flat and Attic Storey consist of nine fire rooms, kitchen, and garrets.— The Three first Flats of the westmost tenement consist each of three fire rooms, kitchen, and cel- lars— The Fourth and Attic Storey consist of five fire rooms, kitchen, garret, and cellars. The SHOP, lying 0n the East of the ENTRY to the COURT, possessed by Mrs Gordon, consisting of two other rooms and kitchen, with the Sunk Storey, consisting of two rooms, kitchen, and cellars. ' The SHOP, lying on the Wed of SAID ENTRY, pos- sessed by Mr Hutcheon, consisting of two other rooms, with sunk Storey, consisting of a large kitchen, back room, and cellars. The SHOP, lying to the West of that last described, and possessed by Mr Mason, consisting of two other rooms, bo- sides the shop and three cellars. The whole premides are to be entered to at Whitsunday next; and the two large houses, if not sold, are to be let. For particulars enquire at Archibald Swinton, writer to the signet, No. 2, Queen's Street, who will fhow the pro-, gress of writs and articles of roup. T AITCHISON's LAND— PORTSBURGH. To be Sold by public roup, within John's Coffeehouse, Edin- burgh, on Thursday the 31st January instant, between the hours of six and seven afternoon, THE following PARTS of ATCHISON's LAND, situated near the Middle of the WEST PORT of Edinburgh, on the south side of the street, and lately fi- nished, in the following lots. LOT I.— That SHOP, with a Kitchen and the same, and Cellar in the back area, as [ by George Johnstone. ' II.— That HOUSE, confiding of two Ro. chen, immediately above the foresaid shop the stair, possessed by Alexander Boak currier. III— That HOUSE, being the Second Storey above Mr Boak's, consisting of two Rooms and a Kitchen, and a Cel- lar in the area behind the tenement. IV.— These FOUR ROOMS, situated on the East End of the Tenement, with one light, and sundry dark closets, and entering by the easter stair of said tenement, being the first storey above the shops. V.— A LODGING of the same dimensions with the for- mer, lying immediately above the same, being the second storey above the shops. VI.— That other LODGING of the same dimensions and conveniencies with the two former, being the third storey a- bove the shops. The upset prices will be very moderate. For particulars apply to Robert Renton, writer in Edin- burgh, SALE OF SHOP AND HOUSE IN JAMES's STREET. To be SOLD, within the Old Exchange Coffee- house on Thursday tbe 31st of January current, at 6 o'clock after- noon, HAT LODGING or DWELLING HOUSE, and SHOP, being the Firft: Flat and Ground Storey of the Tenement, No. 5. James's Street, commonly Called BUN- KERS HILL. The Upper Floor confifts of an exCellent shop, entering from the pavement, and three rooms: the Ground Flat of two rooms, and kitchen, a garret, cellars, and many other conveniences, with the privilege of tire back ground, pump well, & c. in common with the other proprietors.— The Upper Floor has alfo a feparate entry from the common passage, which communicates with the Ground Story. There is likewise an entry to the ground floor from the bottom of the common stair, which might therefore be possessed sepa- rately. The premises are well lighted, and free of any town's burdens. The title- deeds and articles of sale may be seen in the hands of Archibald Lundie writer to the signet, who will treat with any who wish to purchase by private bargain.— The key to be found at Mr Bruce's, first door within : he entry, whose servant will shew the house. If'not sold, the Premises will be LET. LODGINGS IN CANONGATE FOR SALE; ( BY ADJOURNMENT) To be SOLD, within John's Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, or Fri- day the 8th day of February 1793, at six o'clock in the evening, I. THE LODGING, with the Coach- house and Stable thereto belonging, lying in HADDING- TON's CLOSE in the South Back of the Canongate, for- merly possessed by Mrs Hay of Mountblairy, afterwards by Mr Lauder of Carrolside, and at present by Mrs M'Dougal. — This house consists of a large dining- room and drawing- room, six bed- chambers, kitchen, cellar, closets, and various other conveniences, and will be seen on Tuesdays and Fri- days, betwixt the hours of II and X. 11. The LODGING lying- in the SAME CLOSE, with the Coach- house and Stable thereto belonging. This houfe consists also of a large dining- room and drawing- room, four bed- rooms, kitchen, clofets, and other conveniences, as for- merly possessed by Mr Rait of Raithall, and last by Mrs Campbell of Duntroon ; together with asfmall house adjoin- ing to the above lodging, consisting of five apartments, with a large cellar below, formerly employed as a mangling- house. The laft mentioned lodging and small house, if not sold, will be let, and may be entered to immediately. The keys are in the shop of Mr G. Haig at the close head ; and for further particulars apply to John Tawse, writer, St James's Square. TO BE SOLD, By public voluntary roup, within John's Coffeehouse, Edin- burgh, upon Monday the 11th day of February 1793, be- twixt the hours of 1 and 2 afternoon. THE LANDS, HOUSE, OFFICES, and DISTILLERY of KILBAGIE, beautifully situated in the County of Clackmannan, and within a nilk of the River Forth, to which there is access by a navigable canal. The Distillery is plentifully supplied with wideband the lands abound with coal, lime- stone, and free- stone, there are mills for threshing of corn and grinding all sorts of grain, a complete malting, and houses of various kinds and dimension and there is hardly any manufacturing purpose to which these extensive works may not be converted at no great expence. The house and offices are substantially built, and elegantly finished, and fit to accommodate a large family. There are two large gardens well stocked with fruit trees of the best kinds, and about 30 acres of land, most of it rich Kerse ground. AS ALSO, To be sold at the same time, the SURPLUS RENT pay able for FARMS iu PERTHSHIRE, for 17 years, viz. L. 150 for the first 12 years, commencing at Martinmas next, aud L. I 10 Sterling for the remaining 5 years. For further particulars apply to Messrs Francis and John Anderson, or to Joseph Cauvin, writers to the signet. R VILLA TO BE SOLD, By Roup. HE VILLA of OLIVEBANK, in the Neigh- bourhood of MUSSELBURGH, will again be exposed to SALE, by public voluntary roup, within John's Coffee- houfe, Edinburgh, upon Friday the 8th of February 1793', between one and two in the afternoon. The house is substantial, and commands an extensive pro- spect. it contains nine fire rooms, besides apartments for servants, and is accommodated with stables for six horfes, room for a coach and chariot, and other suitable offices. Besides two gardens in good order there are three inclo- sures round the house, each of which is well supplied with water. The days on which the premises may be viewed are Mon- day, Wednesday, and Friday, between one and three after- noon ; and further particulars may be learned by applying to Charles Bremner, writer to the signet. N. B, If not sold at the time above specified, the Subjects will be LET for a year or such other space as may be agreed on. LANDS IN DUMFRIES- SHIRE. Sale Adjourned, UPSET PRICE REDUCED. To be SOLD, by public voluntary roup, within the Old Exchange Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, upon Wednesday the 30th day of January 1793, at 6 o'clock afternoon, THE LANDS of ROBGILL and BROADLIE, lying within the parish of Dornock and sheriffdom of Dumfries. These lands consist of 307 Scots Acres, of which 190 are arable, 9! woodland, and the remainder, being 1071 acres, is unbroke pasture, including a few acres of moss.— They are in the immediate vicinity of the limestone quar- ries of Bonshaw and Braes, and therefore may be improven at a very moderate expence, particularly the pasture ground, as the moss within the farms is of an excellent quality for burning lime. The wood, composed chiefly of oak, is at present about 18 years old, and in a very thriving condition. 1 The lands are delightfully situated upon the banks of the water of Kirtle, about five miles from Annan, and the like diftance from Ecclefechan, both good market towns, and where thriving manufactories have been lately established. There are three substantial farm- steadings uppn the pre- mises, all in good repair, being mostly new; and there is a small mansion- house, pleasantly situated, fo as to command a view of the river and adjacent country. The great turnpike road leading from Edinburgh and Glaigow to Carlisle, by way of Moffat, passes at about a quarter of a mile distance. The lands are wholly out of lease, and, owing to the ad- vantages of their situation, a considerable rise above the for- mer rent may be expected. They hold of a subject superior and the teinds are valued " and- exhausted. The upset price is to be only L. 3,600 Sterling. For further particulars apply to James Dundas and Hugh Robertson, clerks to the signet; or to John Johnstone at Charlesfield, by Annan. TO BE SOLD, THE LANDS of EASTER and WESTER GREENSIDE, lying in the parish of Abernethy and county of Perth. They consist of about 93 acres arable ground, most completely inclosed and all at present in grass; there is besides a large' and extensive commonty - in which they have an interest. They could almost answer any purpose whatever. Their fituation is remarkably pleafant; they have a beautiful pro- spect of Strathern, the Carse of Gowrie, and the rivers Tay and Earn ; they are within a mile of the Port of Newburgh, a quarter of a mile from Abernethy, and about 6 miles from Perth ; and as there is a barn which runs through them with, an excellent fall, they could answer very well for a Distillery. Bleachfield, & c. & c. William Coventry, upon the spot, will shew the grounds j and Arthur Colvill merchant, Perth, will treat with intend- ing purchalers any time betwixt and the 23d of February, 1793- EDINBURGH : Printed by DAVID RAMSAY, Old Fish- market Close, where Advertisements, Orders for the Paper, are taken in. Published every MOnDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY Price, a single Paper, 3d.—- 2l. 6s. Yearly when called for— 2l. 9s. delivered in Edinburgh or Leith— and 2l. 14s, sent by Post.
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